Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

15.10.2013 20:25:17
SoulEclipse's Ragnarok Skills Guide

I have updated this in order to stop mail bots from spamming my inbox. I am
truly sorry if you may encounter outdated or missing info as I am unable to
keep up with the pace of the updates due to my very busy schedules. However, I
may still keep updating if I find some time. Thank you for understanding.


I. Table of Contents

I. Table of Contents
II. Version History
III. Introduction
IV. Notes and Terminologies
V. Novice Class
A. Novice
B. Super Novice
VI. Swordsman Class
VII. Magician Class
VIII. Archer Class
IX. Merchant Class
X. Thief Class
XI. Acolyte Class
XII. Transcedent Classes
XIII. Extended Classes
XIV. Guild Skills
XV. Monster Skills
XVI. Item Skills
A. Equipment
B. Cards
C. Usable Items
XVII. Miscellaneous Skills
A. Family Skills
1. Marriage System
2. Child Adoption System
B. Hocus Pocus
C. Disabled Skills
XVIII. Status Ailments
XIX. Future Updates
XX. Frequently Asked Questions
XXI. Special Thanks
XXII. Contact
XXIII. Legal

II. Version History

Version 4.0 - 2.25.05__________________________________________________________

Added New Card Skills (Not Implemented in iRO)
Merged Bard and Dancer Skills
Merged Clown and Gypsy Skills
Merged Future Updates Skills
Revised most Skill Trees and comments
Revised and corrected some skill data
Removed 'Previous Skill Data' and 'Rumors' Section
Removed Version 1-3 parts of Version History
Removed blank or unknown data

Version 4.1 - 4.3.05___________________________________________________________

Louyang Update

Added info in the following:
Meteor Storm
Lord of Vermillion
Traps (located below the Hunter skill tree)
Hilt Binding
Improve Dodge
Guilottine Fist

Changed info in the following:
Counter Attack

Removed some info in Future Updates section

Version 4.2 - 4.15.05__________________________________________________________

Changed Introduction Speech
Added New Advanced 2nd Job Class Skills:
High Wizard - Ganbantein
High Wizard - Gravitation Field
Whitesmith - Cart Termination
Whitesmith - Max Overthrust
High Priest - Mana Recharge
Paladin - Shield Chain
Professor - Double Casting
Clown/Gypsie - Longing for Freedom
Clown/Gypsie - Wand of Hermod
Clown/Gypsie - Tarot Card of Fate
Creator - Acid Demonstration
Creator - Plant Cultivation

Version 4.2.5 - 5.06.05________________________________________________________

Added new card skills
Added a few info in Monster Skills

Version 4.3 - 6.06.05__________________________________________________________

Added Joint Beat Ailment Listing
Added Coma in Status Ailments
Added a few info in Monster Skills
Fixed some descriptions and spelling

Version 4.4 - 6.30.05__________________________________________________________

Added Homunculus under Future Updates Section
Changed Advanced 2nd Classes (Transcedent Class) into iRO names
Old names of the Transcedent Class are placed under the new ones

III. Introduction

Hi there! My name is SoulEclipse and you could call me Khaine if you like.
This is my Skills Guide and this is my first FAQ ever! How it got to be, well
I was all about the skills of RO. I always love the fact that I am one of the
first to inform my group of friends about certain stuff in the game. Soon, I
gathered all information about whatever I liked until finally, it grew and
evolved into what it is now. Actually, I even revised the whole FAQ from
scratch ever since iRO changed their web layout. :P

So anyway, this is my creation, the skill listing of everything in RO. Feel
free to browse in. If you need me for help or you find any errors, please,
you can contact me and I will gladly help you. The contact details are at the
bottom of the FAQ.

Note that this is purely a skill listing. I may try and create skill builds
soon but stat builds are up to you.

IV. Notes and Terminologies

In this guide, I used the iRO skill names in order not to confuse new players
around (even though I still prefer the kRO and pRO names).

Sometimes, I put shortened words in the information I placed. While most can
understand them, I've still put a list of them:

STR Strength
INT Intelligence
VIT Vitality
DEX Dexterity
AGI Agility
LUK Luck
HP Health Points
SP Spiritual Points/Mana
MHP Maximum Health Points
MSP Maximum Spiritual Points
ATK Attack Damage
DEF Defensive Points
MATK Magical Attack Damage
MDEF Magical Defensive Points
HIT Accuracy Rate
Flee Dodge Rate
MSPD Movement Speed
ASPD Attack Speed
Lv Level
BsLv Base Level
JbLv Job Level
SkLv Skill Level
EXP Experience Points (Base)
JEXP Job Experience Points

Player Modes:
PvM Player versus monster (Normal Mode)
PvP Player versus player
WoE The War of Emperium (Guild Siege Mode)
MVP Most Valuable Player (Player vs. Boss Monsters)
PK Player Kill

Economy and such:
B> Buying
S> Selling
T> Trading
A> Auctioning
PC> Price Check
R> Requiring/Recruiting
N> Need/s
W> Warp to
S/T> Selling and/or Trading

AoE Area of Effect (Spells)
Buffs Magical effects upon a player

Note: Some of the terms above aren't found in the info below. Some are
obviously found only in the game.

One thing I always liked about this FAQ is the presence of ASCII art
particularly with Skill Trees. I'll add a simple example below to demonstrate.
I will also add a legend.

(prerequisite skill) Normal Skill(__)<------------------
| \ |
|Lv_ |Lv_ |Lv_
/ Lv_ | Lv_ |
Normal Skill(__)-------------->Normal Skill(__)-----======>Normal Skill(__)
Lv_ Lv_ |
Normal Skill(__)-------------->Normal Skill(__)------ --Quest Skill--
Quest Skill

> Arrow Head (pointing right)
< Arrow Head (pointing left)
\ Arrow Head (pointing up)
/ Arrow Head (pointing down)
- Horizontal Line Connection
| Vertical Line Connection
= Multiple Horizontal Line Connection
Lv_ Number of Skill Levels Required
(__) Maximum Level of the skill

For all skills that has a casting time and targets an enemy are sensed by
Cast-Sensor Monsters. Those include Fire Bolt, Increase AGI, etc. Cast-Sensor
Monsters cannot sense area-effect skills.

For all Weapon Masteries, the ATK added by the skills pierces defense.

V. Novice Class

Novice - Have boundless potentialities...

Basic Skills___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables the basic interface skills.

Level 1 : Enables trading with other characters
Level 2 : Enables expression of emoticons
Level 3 : Enables character to sit
Level 4 : Enables the creation of a chatroom
Level 5 : Enables to join a party
Level 6 : Enables the usage of the Kafra Storage
Level 7 : Enables to organize a party
Level 8 : *Completely Useless*
Level 9 : Enables to transform into the 1st Job Class

Comments: I'd say you're insane to go without these skills. That or I'm very
impressed to take a challenge I couldn't handle...much.

--Quest Skill--

First Aid______________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive/Recovery
Target: Self
SP Required: 3

Turns 3 SP into 5 HP. Applicable to all jobs.

Required Job Level: 5
Quest Items: 3 Red Herbs, 3 Clovers, 1 Sterilized Bandage
NPC Location: Inside Prontera, Prontera Castle (Nurse Officer)

Comments: A useful, if not essential, skill if you have lots of SP and have no
zeny to spare for an apple or two. Heal and items work much better though.

Play Dead______________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 7

Allows to Play Dead to avoid danger. Cannot be used after changing jobs
including the Super Novice.

Required Job Level: 7 Novice with First Aid
Quest Items: 1 Newbie Tag
NPC Location: Prontera Chivalry, Prontera Castle (Nurse Officer)

Comments: A pretty useful skill, as useful as the Hiding skill of the thief:
it keeps you to avoid trouble.

Hints and Tips:

Other players could be annoying if they kill steal from you. If you
know that they are defenseless against a certain monster you are fighting with
and they kill steal from you, you could Play Dead so the monster will actually
change target.
Some Perma-Novices use Play Dead to fight. Instead of doing a hit-run
or hit-red potion tactics, you could do a hit-play dead trick. It drains SP
quickly though you could easily recover it even with 10 INT.

Super Novice

Okay! They are the advanced Novice class who has almost every skill the First
Job Class have. Just look at the First Job Class section below to find out
what the skills are.

There are some skills the Super Novice cannot use:

1. Two-Handed Sword Mastery
2. Double Strafe
3. Arrow Shower
4. Character Quest Skills (except First Aid)

Why can't they use them? Well, a Super Novice cannot equip Two-handed Swords
or Bows. Neither do they have a class specialization to acquire Quest Skills
of other classes.

Advantages of the Super Novice:

1. Their Job Level is up to 70 (more skill points)
2. They are more versatile than any other class
3. The 5 Secrets of the Super Novice

Disadvantages of the Super Novices:

1. They will still have the HP/SP amount, equipment limitations, and ASPD of a
2. Unlike the Novice, Super Novices revive with 1 HP when fainted.
3. They will get a -1% EXP penalty when they faint.
4. They cannot learn the Play Dead. If they previously learned that skill, it
will disappear.

The Secret Lore of Rune-Midgard:

These are secrets that Super Novices were supposed to have.

1. Super Novice has its own level up Angel. When leveling-up, this Guardian
Angel is different from those of the other classes. She may cast a random
skill including, Kyrie Eleison, Magnificat, Gloria, Suffragium or Impositio
Manus on the Super Novice.

2. [/doridori] command restores SP twice as fast. A super novice insists that
head-shaking supposedly speeds up his SP restoration.

3. Guardian Angel casts Mental Strength on Super Novices. According to
hearsay, when a Super Novice`s HP reaches 0, their Guardian Angel may appear
to refill his HP. She may also cast Mental Strength

4. When the Super Novice`s EXP reaches increments of 10% such as, at 10.0%,
20.0% - 80.0%, 90.0%, the Super Novice has been rumored to summon his
Guardian Angel for help.

How to summon the Angel's Fury:

5. If a Super Novice can manage to avoid even a single death...something
special will be given to the Novice. However, nobody has accomplished this
amazing feat.

I'm guessing the Super Novice will be rewarded Bonus Stats but I can't be
too sure.

VI. Swordsman Class

Swordsman - Defend the right...

Sword Mastery(10)-------------->Two-Handed Sword Mastery(10)

Increase HP Recovery(10)
Bash(10)----------------------->Magnum Break(10) --Quest Skill--
Lv5 Fatal Blow
Provoke(10)-------------------->Endure(10) HP Recovery while Moving

Sword Mastery__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases One-Handed Sword Damage.

Level 1 : ATK +4
Level 2 : ATK +8
Level 3 : ATK +12
Level 4 : ATK +16
Level 5 : ATK +20
Level 6 : ATK +24
Level 7 : ATK +28
Level 8 : ATK +32
Level 9 : ATK +36
Level 10: ATK +40

Comments: Simply essential. Either get this, or two-handed swords but it could
never hurt (except your skill points) to get both. Best used for Shield

Two-Handed Sword Mastery_______________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Sword Mastery
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Two-Handed Sword Damage.

Level 1 : ATK +4
Level 2 : ATK +8
Level 3 : ATK +12
Level 4 : ATK +16
Level 5 : ATK +20
Level 6 : ATK +24
Level 7 : ATK +28
Level 8 : ATK +32
Level 9 : ATK +36
Level 10: ATK +40

Comments: Simply essential. Either get this, or one-handed swords but it could
never hurt (except your skill points) to get both. Good for Knights especially

Increase HP Recovery___________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Speeds up the recovery of HP when resting. Also Increases the value of healing

Level 1 : 5 + (MHP*0.2%) HP/10 Seconds, +10% Additional HP from Healing Items
Level 2 : 10 + (MHP*0.4%) HP/10 Seconds, +20% Additional HP from Healing Items
Level 3 : 15 + (MHP*0.6%) HP/10 Seconds, +30% Additional HP from Healing Items
Level 4 : 20 + (MHP*0.8%) HP/10 Seconds, +40% Additional HP from Healing Items
Level 5 : 25 + (MHP*1.0%) HP/10 Seconds, +50% Additional HP from Healing Items
Level 6 : 30 + (MHP*1.2%) HP/10 Seconds, +60% Additional HP from Healing Items
Level 7 : 35 + (MHP*1.4%) HP/10 Seconds, +70% Additional HP from Healing Items
Level 8 : 40 + (MHP*1.6%) HP/10 Seconds, +80% Additional HP from Healing Items
Level 9 : 45 + (MHP*1.8%) HP/10 Seconds, +90% Additional HP from Healing Items
Level 10: 50 + (MHP*2.0%) HP/10 Seconds, +100% Additional HP from Healing Items

Comments: Absolutely essential. This is one recommended skill to grab if you
really hate to lose time just waiting for someone to heal you. Also, it gives
you more boost from healing items which is always good.


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Attack target with a powerful blow. Accuracy boost is only applicable when the
skill is in use.

Level 1 : 130% ATK, 105% HIT Probability, 8 SP
Level 2 : 160% ATK, 110% HIT Probability, 8 SP
Level 3 : 190% ATK, 115% HIT Probability, 8 SP
Level 4 : 220% ATK, 120% HIT Probability, 8 SP
Level 5 : 250% ATK, 125% HIT Probability, 8 SP
Level 6 : 280% ATK, 130% HIT Probability, 15 SP
Level 7 : 310% ATK, 135% HIT Probability, 15 SP
Level 8 : 340% ATK, 140% HIT Probability, 15 SP
Level 9 : 370% ATK, 145% HIT Probability, 15 SP
Level 10: 400% ATK, 150% HIT Probability, 15 SP

Comments: A good skill everybody should get. Remember, Fatal Blow would also
give some chances of stunning the enemy making it more deadly.

Hints and Tips:

As a low-leveled Swordsman, Get Bash only up to Level 5. When you have
enough SP to handle such, you can now max your Bash up to Level 10.

Magnum Break___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Bash
Skill Form: Offensive - Fire Property
Target: Self + 3x3 Area
SP Required: 30

Blasts enemies with the fire property in a 3x3 range and pushes them back 1
cell. Some HP is used.

Level 1 : 20 HP used, 120% ATK, 110% HIT Probability
Level 2 : 20 HP used, 140% ATK, 120% HIT Probability
Level 3 : 19 HP used, 160% ATK, 130% HIT Probability
Level 4 : 19 HP used, 180% ATK, 140% HIT Probability
Level 5 : 18 HP used, 200% ATK, 150% HIT Probability
Level 6 : 18 HP used, 220% ATK, 160% HIT Probability
Level 7 : 17 HP used, 240% ATK, 170% HIT Probability
Level 8 : 17 HP used, 260% ATK, 180% HIT Probability
Level 9 : 16 HP used, 280% ATK, 190% HIT Probability
Level 10: 16 HP used, 300% ATK, 200% HIT Probability

Comments: Handy if you are being mobbed unless against the fire, water, and
holy property monsters since they are fire resistant or even immune. Best
taken in later levels when you have enough SP.

Hints and Tips:

Some experienced players train mobs (for their personal use) and use
Magnum Break to finish them off. Useful when hunting items and/or for EXP.


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Provokes enemies that decreases their defense but increases their attack. Does
not work on the undead. Monsters affected will turn hostile to you. Provoke
lasts for 30 seconds.

Level 1 : ATK +5% , DEF -10%, 53% Success Rate, 4 SP
Level 2 : ATK +8% , DEF -15%, 56% Success Rate, 5 SP
Level 3 : ATK +11%, DEF -20%, 59% Success Rate, 6 SP
Level 4 : ATK +14%, DEF -25%, 62% Success Rate, 7 SP
Level 5 : ATK +17%, DEF -30%, 65% Success Rate, 8 SP
Level 6 : ATK +20%, DEF -35%, 68% Success Rate, 9 SP
Level 7 : ATK +23%, DEF -40%, 71% Success Rate, 10 SP
Level 8 : ATK +26%, DEF -45%, 74% Success Rate, 11 SP
Level 9 : ATK +29%, DEF -50%, 77% Success Rate, 12 SP
Level 10: ATK +32%, DEF -55%, 80% Success Rate, 13 SP

Comments: It can be useful depending on your stats and/or equipments. Still,
there are even better skills than this. Also, it has an unknown duration time
so watch out for your damage against your enemies or their damage against you.


Pre-requisites: 5 Provoke
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 10

Does not allow the player to flinch when hit in a duration of time. Also
increases the MATK of the player. Will work only up to 7 hits and cannot be
used again 10 seconds after the duration.

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration Time, MDEF +1
Level 2 : 13 Second Duration Time, MDEF +2
Level 3 : 16 Second Duration Time, MDEF +3
Level 4 : 19 Second Duration Time, MDEF +4
Level 5 : 22 Second Duration Time, MDEF +5
Level 6 : 25 Second Duration Time, MDEF +6
Level 7 : 28 Second Duration Time, MDEF +7
Level 8 : 31 Second Duration Time, MDEF +8
Level 9 : 34 Second Duration Time, MDEF +9
Level 10: 37 Second Duration Time, MDEF +10

Comments: The less you flinch when hit, the more time you save from attacking.
This is especially useful for ranged attackers and fast hitters. While it is a
good skill, there are better skills waiting.

--Quest Skill--


Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

When HP is less than 25%, it automatically uses Level 10 Provoke on the
character, increasing attack but reducing defense. It automatically cancels
once the HP is over 25%.

Required Job Level: 30
Quest Items: 35 Powder of Butterfly, 10 Honey, 10 Horrendous Mouth, 10 Decayed
NPC Location: Inside Prontera

Comments: While most people don't think it is, it is useful for AGI-types since
all they can do is dodge instead of getting hit with a lowered defense. Of
course, you could get this skill later or just skip it.

Fatal Blow_____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables Stun on Level 6-10 Bash.

Required Job Level: 30
Quest Items: 30 Tentacles, 10 Fire Arrows, 10 Silver Arrows, 10 Banana Juice,
5 Royal Jelly
NPC Location: Prontera Chivalry

Bash Level 6 : 6% Chance
Bash Level 7 : 12% Chance
Bash Level 8 : 18% Chance
Bash Level 9 : 24% Chance
Bash Level 10: 30% Chance

Comments: Stun is a pretty useful status ailment if you wield it. It allows
you to hit your enemies no matter how many. However, it is better if you could
hit them really fast or strong since stun doesn't last very long. Recommended
if you have the time.

HP Recovery while Moving_______________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Recovers 25% of the standard recovery when moving. It is not affected by the
skill Increase HP Recovery.

Required Job Level: 35
Quest Items: 200 Empty Bottles, 1 Moth Wing, 1 Armor (any)
NPC Location: Inside Izlude

Note: The NPC will return the armor back.

Comments: Useful. While its cousin is a lot better, this one's to recover HP
for yourself while escaping, etc...

Knight - A Spirit of Chivalry...

Lv1 Lv3
Spear Mastery(10)------------->Pierce(10)-------------->Spear Boomerang(10)
| Lv5
-------------------->Spear Stab(10)
Lv1 Lv1 /
(Endure)---------------------->Riding(1)--------------->Brandish Spear(10)
| Lv1
-------------------->Cavalier Mastery(5)

Lv1 Lv5
(Two-Handed Sword Mastery)---->Counter Attack(5)-----------------
| |
| Lv1 Lv10 /
|----------------->Two-Hand Quicken(10)---->Bowling Bash(10)
| \
| Lv5 |
Lv10 |
Lv3 |
(Magnum Break)---------------------------------------------------

Spear Mastery__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Spear Damage. Works better while riding on a PecoPeco.

Level 1 : ATK +4 , +5 on PecoPeco
Level 2 : ATK +8 , +10 on PecoPeco
Level 3 : ATK +12, +15 on PecoPeco
Level 4 : ATK +16, +20 on PecoPeco
Level 5 : ATK +20, +25 on PecoPeco
Level 6 : ATK +24, +30 on PecoPeco
Level 7 : ATK +28, +35 on PecoPeco
Level 8 : ATK +32, +40 on PecoPeco
Level 9 : ATK +36, +45 on PecoPeco
Level 10: ATK +40, +50 on PecoPeco

Comments: Simply essential. Either go on this route or the Two-handed Swords
route. It becomes more effective once you are riding a PecoPeco. Best for VIT


Pre-requisites: 1 Spear Mastery
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 7

Attack a target with a spear. Attacks small monsters 1x, medium monsters 2x,
and large monsters 3x.

i.e. With a Level 10 Pierce, you can deal 200% damage to small monsters, 400%
to medium monsters, and 600% to large monsters.

Level 1 : 110% ATK, HIT Probability +5%
Level 2 : 120% ATK, HIT Probability +10%
Level 3 : 130% ATK, HIT Probability +15%
Level 4 : 140% ATK, HIT Probability +20%
Level 5 : 150% ATK, HIT Probability +25%
Level 6 : 160% ATK, HIT Probability +30%
Level 7 : 170% ATK, HIT Probability +35%
Level 8 : 180% ATK, HIT Probability +40%
Level 9 : 190% ATK, HIT Probability +45%
Level 10: 200% ATK, HIT Probability +50%

Comments: Well, it has a small SP cost and is useful against medium and large
monsters. To small monsters, however, it is better to use Bash instead.

Note: Players in PvP are considered as medium-sized.

Hints and Tips:

Against medium monsters, if you want to save SP, use this. Otherwise,
if you want them to get stunned, use Bash.

Spear Stab_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Pierce
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 9

Damage and pushback target away by six cells.

Level 1 : 120% ATK
Level 2 : 140% ATK
Level 3 : 160% ATK
Level 4 : 180% ATK
Level 5 : 200% ATK
Level 6 : 220% ATK
Level 7 : 240% ATK
Level 8 : 260% ATK
Level 9 : 280% ATK
Level 10: 300% ATK

Comments: Useful if you or your friend needs escape somewhere. Still, there
are better skills.

Hints and Tips:

Push back Marine Spheres and use them to damage other enemies nearby.
Use with Spear Boomerang to have a nice damage on a target.

Spear Boomerang________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Pierce
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 10

Throws a spear at a target and return to the owner. The element of the spear
affects the element of the skill.

Level 1 : 150% ATK, 3 Cell Range
Level 2 : 200% ATK, 5 Cell Range
Level 3 : 250% ATK, 7 Cell Range
Level 4 : 300% ATK, 9 Cell Range
Level 5 : 350% ATK, 11 Cell Range

Comments: Pretty long range at level 5. Not to mention, the skill is the
strongest among the spear skills.

Hints and Tips:

Use with any push back skill such as Spear Stab to have a nice damage
on a target.


Pre-requisites: 1 Endure (Swordsman)
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Allows knight to ride a PecoPeco for faster movement but decreases the ASPD by
50%. The normal ASPD can be restored with Cavalier Mastery.

Level 1 : Enables Riding

Comments: You should be able to rent a PecoPeco outside the Prontera Chivalry
for 1000z once you have the skill. It makes spears stronger and deal perfect
damage to meduim-sized monsters making it great for lancers. You should get
Cavalier Mastery, however, if you don't want your attack speed to suffer. Note
that PecoPecos will have to be fed in later patches.

Cavalier Mastery_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Riding
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Restores the normal ASPD of the player while on a PecoPeco.

Level 1 : 60% ASPD Increment
Level 2 : 70% ASPD Increment
Level 3 : 80% ASPD Increment
Level 4 : 90% ASPD Increment
Level 5 : 100% ASPD Increment

Comments: Get this once you already have a PecoPeco. Having one returns you
back to full power.

Brandish Spear_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Riding, 3 Spear Stab
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy + Spread Range
SP Required: 12

Brandish a spear that damages monsters in front of the Knight and pushes them
back 1 cell. The closer the enemy is to the player, the more powerful the
skill is. Has a 1 second delay time. Range of the skill varies on the Skill
Level. Only works with spears and while on PecoPeco.

Affected Areas:
4 4 4 Legend:
3 3 3 3 3 X-Knight
2 2 2 2 2 #-Spread Range
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 X 1 1

Level 1 : 120% , 0% , 0% , 0% ATK, 1 Spread Range
Level 2 : 140% , 0% , 0% , 0% ATK, 1 Spread Range
Level 3 : 160% , 0% , 0% , 0% ATK, 1 Spread Range
Level 4 : [2]+90% , 180% , 0% , 0% ATK, 1,2 Spread Range
Level 5 : [2]+100%, 200% , 0% , 0% ATK, 1,2 Spread Range
Level 6 : [2]+110%, 220% , 0% , 0% ATK, 1,2 Spread Range
Level 7 : [2]+60% , [3]+120%, 240% , 0% ATK, 1,2,3 Spread Range
Level 8 : [2]+65% , [3]+130%, 260% , 0% ATK, 1,2,3 Spread Range
Level 9 : [2]+70% , [3]+140%, 280% , 0% ATK, 1,2,3 Spread Range
Level 10: [2]+37% , [3]+75% , [4]+150%, 300% ATK, 1,2,3,4 Spread Range

Comments: Okay. This data needs some serious explaining. The numbers you
see is the damage of the spread range, the first being Spread Range [1] and so
on. [#]+# means the damage of the next spread range plus an additional damage.
If you understand it, you will also understand how powerful the skill is.

Hints and Tips:

Gather the mob by moving around. When all the enemies have gathered
up, use Brandish Spear.

Counter Attack_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Two-Handed Sword Mastery (Swordsman)
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Self
SP Required: 3

Counters a one-time attack with a critical hit when attacked while in the
duration. However, it only affects the target the knight is facing while in
duration. Damage is determined by both ATK and MATK. The player cannot move
while active.

Level 1 : 0.4 Second Duration
Level 2 : 0.8 Second Duration
Level 3 : 1.2 Second Duration
Level 4 : 1.6 Second Duration
Level 5 : 2.0 Second Duration

Comments: One of the most favored one-on-one fighting skill since it won't hurt
you and hurts the opponent real bad. It works better on slow monsters since it
is really easier to counter them one hit at a time than fast, consecutive ones.

Hints and Tips:

Study the target. Practice the timing if you have to. To practice,
start with a slow-hitting monster and gradually increase it to a high hitting

Two-Hand Quicken_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Two-Handed Sword Mastery (Swordsman)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Increases ASPD when using Two-Handed Swords for a duration of time. The skill
is cancelled by Decrease AGI or upon entering Quagmire. Also note that it
affects everyone including party or guild members.

Level 1 : 30 Second Duration, 14 SP
Level 2 : 60 Second Duration, 18 SP
Level 3 : 120 Second Duration, 26 SP
Level 4 : 140 Second Duration, 28 SP
Level 5 : 150 Second Duration, 30 SP
Level 6 : 180 Second Duration, 34 SP
Level 7 : 210 Second Duration, 38 SP
Level 8 : 240 Second Duration, 42 SP
Level 9 : 270 Second Duration, 46 SP
Level 10: 300 Second Duration, 50 SP

Comments: Pretty good skill. Imagine yourself as an AGI-type, this skill
active, buffed with Increase AGI and a Berserk Potion ready to kill enemies
with fast-paced damages.

Bowling Bash___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 Two-Hand Quicken, 5 Counter Attack, 5 Two-Handed Sword
Mastery (Swordsman), 10 Bash (Swordsman), 3 Magnum Break
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy + 5x5 Area
SP Required: Varied

Inflict damage to a target opponent and other enemies around and pushes them
at random directions. Has a 0.7 Second Casting Time. Always hits twice
regardless of skill level.

Level 1 : 140% ATK, 1 Cell Pushback, 13 SP
Level 2 : 180% ATK, 1 Cell Pushback, 14 SP
Level 3 : 220% ATK, 2 Cell Pushback, 15 SP
Level 4 : 260% ATK, 2 Cell Pushback, 16 SP
Level 5 : 300% ATK, 3 Cell Pushback, 17 SP
Level 6 : 340% ATK, 3 Cell Pushback, 18 SP
Level 7 : 380% ATK, 4 Cell Pushback, 19 SP
Level 8 : 420% ATK, 4 Cell Pushback, 20 SP
Level 9 : 460% ATK, 5 Cell Pushback, 21 SP
Level 10: 500% ATK, 5 Cell Pushback, 22 SP

Comments: Best used when your opponents are in one large group; they get more
damage than the usual. It is one of the most powerful skills the Knight could

Hints and Tips:

Collect a large number of opponents then use this skill to create a
more powerful damage

Crusader - One preparing for the Holy War...


Lv5 Lv1 Lv5
Faith(10)----->Cure(1)---------->Divine Protection(10)------>Resistant Souls(5)
| | \
| |Lv3 |Lv5
| / Lv5 |
| Demon Bane(10)------------->Heal(10)
| \
| Lv10 |
| Lv7 Lv6 Lv4
|--------->Holy Cross(10)-------->Grand Cross(10)----------->Sacrifice(5)
| \ \
| Lv10 | |
----------------------------------------- |Lv5
Lv5 Lv3 Lv3 |
Guard(10)---->Smite(10)------------->Shield Boomerang(5)----->Shield Reflect(5)
Lv10 |Lv1
Spear Mastery(10)----->Spear Quicken(10) ---------------->Defending Aura(5)

Lv1 Lv1
(Endure)----->Riding(1)------------->Cavalier Mastery(5)


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Maximum HP and Holy resistances of the character.

Level 1 : MHP +200 , +5% Holy Resistance
Level 2 : MHP +400 , +10% Holy Resistance
Level 3 : MHP +600 , +15% Holy Resistance
Level 4 : MHP +800 , +20% Holy Resistance
Level 5 : MHP +1000, +25% Holy Resistance
Level 6 : MHP +1200, +30% Holy Resistance
Level 7 : MHP +1400, +35% Holy Resistance
Level 8 : MHP +1600, +40% Holy Resistance
Level 9 : MHP +1800, +45% Holy Resistance
Level 10: MHP +2000, +50% Holy Resistance

Comments: Absolutely essential! A must have especially those who wants to be
tough or who wants Heal and/or Grand Cross. Besides, with this skill, you'll
be the second character with the most HP (first are still VIT Knights).


Pre-requisites: 5 Faith
Skill Form: Recovery - Holy Property
Target: Target Character, Enemy (with Shift)
SP Required: 15

Cures Chaos, Blind, Silence, and Cursed Status. Causes Chaos against the
undead [Not Implemented Yet]. Always has a 1 second delay after use.

Level 1 : Enables Cure

Comments: Same as the acolyte's skill. You should get this to get heal.

Divine Protection______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Cure
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increase defense against Undead and Demon monsters. Base level also increases
defense rating.

Level 1 : DEF +3
Level 2 : DEF +6
Level 3 : DEF +9
Level 4 : DEF +12
Level 5 : DEF +15
Level 6 : DEF +18
Level 7 : DEF +21
Level 8 : DEF +24
Level 9 : DEF +27
Level 10: DEF +30

Comments: Not really too useful as a Crusader as you should have an extremely
high defense rate to withstand even the undead.

Demon Bane_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Divine Protection
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increase attack against Undead and Demon monsters. Base level also increases
attack rating.

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: While it is a better skill than Divine Protection, the Crusader has
other skills to deal damage against undead such as Holy Cross, Grand Cross, or
even Heal.


Pre-requisites: 5 Demon Bane, 10 Faith
Skill Form: Recovery - Holy Property
Target: Target Character, Enemy (with Shift)
SP Required: Varied

Recovers some HP of the target. Damages the undead. INT, BsLv, and SkLv
affects the value of Heal. Has a 1 second delay after use.

Level 1 : 13 SP
Level 2 : 16 SP
Level 3 : 19 SP
Level 4 : 22 SP
Level 5 : 25 SP
Level 6 : 28 SP
Level 7 : 31 SP
Level 8 : 34 SP
Level 9 : 37 SP
Level 10: 40 SP

Comments: Same as the acolyte and a must get for those who can though most
shouldn't bother unless you go support.

Resistant Souls________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Divine Protection, 5 Heal
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 30

Increases resistances against the Holy and Dark Property.

Level 1 : +5% Holy Resistance and Dark Resistance
Level 2 : +10% Holy Resistance and Dark Resistance
Level 3 : +15% Holy Resistance and Dark Resistance
Level 4 : +20% Holy Resistance and Dark Resistance
Level 5 : +25% Holy Resistance and Dark Resistance

Comments: Some people might have second thoughts about this skill but it is
still useful against the many monsters with Dark Property and against other
Crusaders, Acolytes and/or Priests.

Holy Cross_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 7 Faith
Skill Form: Offensive - Holy Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Summon a holy cross that inflicts holy damages 2 times on a target. It can
blind the target by a low chance.

Level 1 : 135% Damage, 3% Chance, 11 SP
Level 2 : 170% Damage, 6% Chance, 12 SP
Level 3 : 205% Damage, 9% Chance, 13 SP
Level 4 : 240% Damage, 12% Chance, 14 SP
Level 5 : 275% Damage, 15% Chance, 15 SP
Level 6 : 310% Damage, 18% Chance, 16 SP
Level 7 : 345% Damage, 21% Chance, 17 SP
Level 8 : 380% Damage, 24% Chance, 18 SP
Level 9 : 415% Damage, 27% Chance, 19 SP
Level 10: 450% Damage, 30% Chance, 20 SP

Note: I'm not sure if the damage is still based from ATK and MATK.

Comments: Weaker than Grand Cross but it isn't half bad either. The skill
damage enemies twice so it is still powerful. Also, the blind chance affects
all. An okay skill to have.

Grand Cross____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 6 Holy Cross, 10 Faith
Skill Form: Offensive - Holy Property
Target: Self + 9x9 Cross-shaped Area
SP Required: Varied

Summon a grand cross for 0.9 seconds that damages enemies 3 times with a holy
property attack. It has a 3 second casting time that cannot be interrupted but
reduces the caster's armor defense by 2/3. Blinds undead and demon monsters.
The caster also takes half of the damage taken by the enemies.

Skill Range:
* Legend
* X - Target Affected
* * * * - Area Affected
* * * * *
* * * * X * * * *
* * * * *
* * *

Level 1 : 140% Damage, 37 SP
Level 2 : 180% Damage, 44 SP
Level 3 : 220% Damage, 51 SP
Level 4 : 260% Damage, 58 SP
Level 5 : 300% Damage, 65 SP
Level 6 : 340% Damage, 72 SP
Level 7 : 380% Damage, 79 SP
Level 8 : 420% Damage, 86 SP
Level 9 : 460% Damage, 93 SP
Level 10: 500% Damage, 100 SP

Note: I'm not sure if the damage is still based from ATK and MATK.

Comments: A large damage. A large area. A large SP cost. A large drawback. A
large prerequisite. What else is large? You need considerable amounts of HP
or healing items/heal to use this skill multiple times. Possibly among the
most damaging spells ever created.


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self, Party affected by Sacrifice
SP Required: Varied

Automatically blocks an attack by chance. When blocked, the caster cannot move
for a duration depending on skill level. Lasts for 300 seconds.
Only works with shields. Can be used while using Sacrifice.

Level 1 : 5% Chance, 0.3 Second Block Duration, 12 SP
Level 2 : 10% Chance, 0.3 Second Block Duration, 14 SP
Level 3 : 14% Chance, 0.3 Second Block Duration, 16 SP
Level 4 : 18% Chance, 0.3 Second Block Duration, 18 SP
Level 5 : 21% Chance, 0.3 Second Block Duration, 20 SP
Level 6 : 24% Chance, 0.2 Second Block Duration, 22 SP
Level 7 : 26% Chance, 0.2 Second Block Duration, 24 SP
Level 8 : 28% Chance, 0.2 Second Block Duration, 26 SP
Level 9 : 29% Chance, 0.2 Second Block Duration, 28 SP
Level 10: 30% Chance, 0.1 Second Block Duration, 30 SP

Comments: A decent skill though it's okay not to max the skill. Also, this is
one skill that could counter even the most damaging skill, the Monk's
Guillotine Fist.


Pre-requisites: 5 Guard
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 10

Charge an enemy with a shield. Has a 3 cell range. Pushes the target and
stuns them by chance.

Level 1 : 120% ATK, 20% Chance, Pushes back 5 Cells
Level 2 : 140% ATK, 25% Chance, Pushes back 6 Cells
Level 3 : 160% ATK, 30% Chance, Pushes back 7 Cells
Level 4 : 180% ATK, 35% Chance, Pushes back 8 Cells
Level 5 : 200% ATK, 40% Chance, Pushes back 9 Cells

Comments: Not too damaging but it can push back and stun the enemy.

Shield Boomerang_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Smite
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 12

Throw your shield to damage the target. Weight and upgrades determines the ATK
of the shield. Only works with shields.

Level 1 : 130% ATK, 3 Cell Range
Level 2 : 160% ATK, 5 Cell Range
Level 3 : 190% ATK, 7 Cell Range
Level 4 : 220% ATK, 9 Cell Range
Level 5 : 250% ATK, 11 Cell Range

Comments: Pretty much like Spear Boomerang but weaker. Still, it is a nice
skill to have.

Shield Reflect_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Shield Boomerang
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Reflect a percentage of the damage taken by the Crusader. Lasts for 300
seconds. Only works with shields.

Level 1 : 13% Reflect Damage, 35 SP
Level 2 : 16% Reflect Damage, 40 SP
Level 3 : 19% Reflect Damage, 45 SP
Level 4 : 22% Reflect Damage, 50 SP
Level 5 : 25% Reflect Damage, 55 SP
Level 6 : 28% Reflect Damage, 60 SP
Level 7 : 31% Reflect Damage, 65 SP
Level 8 : 34% Reflect Damage, 70 SP
Level 9 : 37% Reflect Damage, 75 SP
Level 10: 40% Reflect Damage, 80 SP

Comments: A great skill to have. Max this if you can afford to do so.


Pre-requisites: 4 Grand Cross, 5 Shield Reflect
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Party within range
SP Required: 25

Takes the full damage of party members receive in combat. The members must be
within range and level difference must be less than 10 in order to take effect.
The damage taken is affected by the member's DEF. If the caster is in the
Guard or Defending Aura status, the members affected would also be protected by
the same status. Cannot be used on other Crusaders. Has a 3 second casting

Level 1 : 7 Cell Radius, 30 Second Duration, 1 Player
Level 2 : 8 Cell Radius, 45 Second Duration, 2 Players
Level 3 : 9 Cell Radius, 60 Second Duration, 3 Players
Level 4 : 10 Cell Radius, 75 Second Duration, 4 Players
Level 5 : 11 Cell Radius, 90 Second Duration, 5 Players

Comments: It's a nice skill to have but it has a pretty high prerequisite. It
lengthens the life of your target. It is especially useful for key players
such as Priests, Bards and Dancers.

Defending Aura_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Shield boomerang
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self, Party affected by Sacrifice
SP Required: 30

Reduce damage taken by ranged attackers but also reduces movement speed. Works
only with shields.

Level 1 : Range ATK -20%
Level 2 : Range ATK -35%
Level 3 : Range ATK -50%
Level 4 : Range ATK -65%
Level 5 : Range ATK -80%

Comments: A decent skill against ranged attacks though the Acolyte's Pneuma is
a bit better. Use with Horn Card to get additional reduction to ranged

Spear Mastery__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Spear Damage. Works better while riding on a PecoPeco.

Level 1 : ATK +4 , +5 on PecoPeco
Level 2 : ATK +8 , +10 on PecoPeco
Level 3 : ATK +12, +15 on PecoPeco
Level 4 : ATK +16, +20 on PecoPeco
Level 5 : ATK +20, +25 on PecoPeco
Level 6 : ATK +24, +30 on PecoPeco
Level 7 : ATK +28, +35 on PecoPeco
Level 8 : ATK +32, +40 on PecoPeco
Level 9 : ATK +36, +45 on PecoPeco
Level 10: ATK +40, +50 on PecoPeco

Comments: Not too essential for the Crusaders as they will most likely use
swords than spears. Still, not a bad idea if you decide to invest on spears.

Spear Quicken__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 Spear Mastery
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Increases ASPD when using spears for a duration of time.

Level 1 : 30 Second Duration, +21% ASPD, 24 SP
Level 2 : 60 Second Duration, +22% ASPD, 28 SP
Level 3 : 90 Second Duration, +23% ASPD, 32 SP
Level 4 : 120 Second Duration, +24% ASPD, 36 SP
Level 5 : 150 Second Duration, +25% ASPD, 40 SP
Level 6 : 180 Second Duration, +26% ASPD, 44 SP
Level 7 : 210 Second Duration, +27% ASPD, 48 SP
Level 8 : 240 Second Duration, +28% ASPD, 52 SP
Level 9 : 270 Second Duration, +29% ASPD, 56 SP
Level 10: 300 Second Duration, +30% ASPD, 60 SP

Comments: A great skill to have if you want to use spears instead.


Pre-requisites: 1 Endure (Swordsman)
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Allows Crusaders to ride a PecoPeco for faster movement but decreases the ASPD
by 50%. The normal ASPD can be restored with Cavalier Mastery.

Level 1 : Enables Riding

Comments: You should be able to rent a PecoPeco outside the Prontera Chivalry
for 1000z once you have the skill. It makes spears stronger and deal perfect
damage to meduim-sized monsters making it great for lancers. You should get
Cavalier Mastery, however, if you don't want your attack speed to suffer. Note
that PecoPecos will have to be fed in later patches.

Cavalier Mastery_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Riding
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Restores the normal ASPD of the player while on a PecoPeco.

Level 1 : 60% ASPD Increment
Level 2 : 70% ASPD Increment
Level 3 : 80% ASPD Increment
Level 4 : 90% ASPD Increment
Level 5 : 100% ASPD Increment

Comments: Get this once you already have a PecoPeco. Having one returns you
back to full power.

VII. Magician Class

Magician - The Force of Nature...


Increase SP Recovery(10) Sight(1)
Lv4 |
Napalm Beat(10)---------------->Soul Strike(10) |
| | |
| |Lv5 |Lv1
| Lv7 / |
------------------------->Safety Wall(10) |
Lv4 Lv5 /
Fire Bolt(10)------------------>Fire Ball(10)---------->Fire Wall(10)

Cold Bolt(10)------------------>Frost Diver(10)

Lv4 --Quest Skill--
Lightning Bolt(10)------------->Thunder Storm(10) Energy Coat

Stone Curse(10)

Increase SP Recovery___________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Speeds up the recovery of SP while resting.

Level 1 : 3 + (MSP*0.2%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 2 : 6 + (MSP*0.4%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 3 : 9 + (MSP*0.6%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 4 : 12 + (MSP*0.8%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 5 : 15 + (MSP*1.0%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 6 : 18 + (MSP*1.2%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 7 : 21 + (MSP*1.4%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 8 : 24 + (MSP*1.6%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 9 : 27 + (MSP*1.8%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 10: 30 + (MSP*2.0%) SP/10 Seconds

Comments: Useful but not really as essential lately. Still, it is a skill
worth getting even just up to the lower levels.


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive - Fire Property
Target: Self
SP Required: 10

Allows to see hidden enemies in a 7x7 area around the caster.

Level 1 : Enables Sight

Note: Monsters and players cannot hide once the skill is active.

Comments: Smokies, hodes and thieves hiding could be really annoying so they
have this one. However, that's it. Get this only as a prerequisite of Fire
Wall and against those hidden enemies.

Napalm Beat____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Offensive - Sense Property
Target: Enemy + 3x3 Area
SP Required: Varied

Uses psychokinetic force to damage target and enemies within the 3x3 radius.
Damage is equally distributed to the affected targets. Has a 1 second Casting

Level 1 : 0.8 MATK, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 9 SP
Level 2 : 0.9 MATK, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 9 SP
Level 3 : 1.0 MATK, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 9 SP
Level 4 : 1.1 MATK, 0.9 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 5 : 1.2 MATK, 0.9 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 6 : 1.3 MATK, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 7 : 1.4 MATK, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 15 SP
Level 8 : 1.5 MATK, 0.7 Second Delay Time, 15 SP
Level 9 : 1.6 MATK, 0.6 Second Delay Time, 15 SP
Level 10: 1.7 MATK, 0.5 Second Delay Time, 18 SP

Comments: Only a bit stronger than Fire Ball but it distributes damage and in
such a smaller radius. Then again, its casting time is quite fast and has a
low SP cost.

Soul Strike____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 4 Napalm Beat
Skill Form: Offensive - Sense Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Summons raging holy ghosts to damage the target. Has a 0.5 Second Casting

Level 1 : 1 Spirit , 1.2 Second Delay Time, 105% MATK, 18 SP
Level 2 : 1 Spirit , 1.0 Second Delay Time, 110% MATK, 14 SP
Level 3 : 2 Spirits, 1.4 Second Delay Time, 115% MATK, 24 SP
Level 4 : 2 Spirits, 1.2 Second Delay Time, 120% MATK, 20 SP
Level 5 : 3 Spirits, 1.6 Second Delay Time, 125% MATK, 30 SP
Level 6 : 3 Spirits, 1.4 Second Delay Time, 130% MATK, 26 SP
Level 7 : 4 Spirits, 1.8 Second Delay Time, 135% MATK, 36 SP
Level 8 : 4 Spirits, 1.6 Second Delay Time, 140% MATK, 32 SP
Level 9 : 5 Spirits, 2.0 Second Delay Time, 145% MATK, 42 SP
Level 10: 5 Spirits, 1.8 Second Delay Time, 150% MATK, 38 SP


Safety Wall____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 7 Napalm Beat, 5 Soul Strike
Skill Form: Supportive - Sense Property
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: Varied, 1 Blue Gemstone

Creates a wall in 1 cell that blocks enemy hits.

Level 1 : 2 Hits, 5 Duration Time, 4.0 Second Casting Time, 30 SP
Level 2 : 3 Hits, 10 Duration Time, 3.5 Second Casting Time, 30 SP
Level 3 : 4 Hits, 15 Duration Time, 3.0 Second Casting Time, 30 SP
Level 4 : 5 Hits, 20 Duration Time, 2.5 Second Casting Time, 35 SP
Level 5 : 6 Hits, 25 Duration Time, 2.0 Second Casting Time, 35 SP
Level 6 : 7 Hits, 30 Duration Time, 1.5 Second Casting Time, 35 SP
Level 7 : 8 Hits, 35 Duration Time, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 40 SP
Level 8 : 9 Hits, 40 Duration Time, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 40 SP
Level 9 : 10 Hits, 45 Duration Time, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 40 SP
Level 10: 11 Hits, 50 Duration Time, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 40 SP

Comments: Blue Gemstones and a high prerequisite makes this skill very costly.
Still, it makes a handy supportive skill in combat, especially to Battle Sages
and for tanking MVPs.

Hints and Tips:

When you know the wall is going to disperse soon, place another wall
beside it and walk towards it.

Fire Bolt______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Offensive - Fire Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Summons bolts of fire from the sky.

Level 1 : 1 Bolt , 0.7 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 1.4 Second Casting Time, 1.2 Second Delay Time, 14 SP
Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 2.1 Second Casting Time, 1.4 Second Delay Time, 16 SP
Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 2.8 Second Casting Time, 1.6 Second Delay Time, 18 SP
Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 3.5 Second Casting Time, 1.8 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 4.2 Second Casting Time, 2.0 Second Delay Time, 22 SP
Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 4.9 Second Casting Time, 2.2 Second Delay Time, 24 SP
Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 5.6 Second Casting Time, 2.4 Second Delay Time, 26 SP
Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 6.3 Second Casting Time, 2.6 Second Delay Time, 28 SP
Level 10: 10 Bolts, 7.0 Second Casting Time, 2.8 Second Delay Time, 30 SP

Comments: Bolts are essential for the early levels. This one is best because
there are so many monsters out there that are weak against fire.

Fire Ball______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 4 Fire Bolt
Skill Form: Offensive - Fire Property
Target: Enemy + 5x5 Area
SP Required: 25

Throws a ball of fire towards the target and nearby enemies in a 5x5 radius.
Damage is not distributed but rather equal from the target's own damage.

Level 1 : 80% MATK, 1.5 Second Casting Time, 1.5 Second Delay Time
Level 2 : 90% MATK, 1.5 Second Casting Time, 1.5 Second Delay Time
Level 3 : 100% MATK, 1.5 Second Casting Time, 1.5 Second Delay Time
Level 4 : 110% MATK, 1.5 Second Casting Time, 1.5 Second Delay Time
Level 5 : 120% MATK, 1.5 Second Casting Time, 1.5 Second Delay Time
Level 6 : 130% MATK, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time
Level 7 : 140% MATK, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time
Level 8 : 150% MATK, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time
Level 9 : 160% MATK, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time
Level 10: 170% MATK, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time

Comments: Not really powerful but it is best used against mobs since it deals
an equal damage to the target and has a large radius. Then again, there are
better skills...a lot better.

Fire Wall______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Fire Ball, 1 Sight
Skill Form: Supportive - Fire Property
Target: Ground - 1x3 Area
SP Required: 40

Creates a wall of fire that damages enemies and pushes them back 1 cell. The
wall disappears after the duration or until it has reached the knockback
limits. Alignment of the wall is dependent on the position where the mage is
facing. Cannot be casted if 3 walls are already in place. Always deal 50%
MATK per hit.

Level 1 : Knockback 3 times, 4 Second Duration, 2.00 Second Casting Time
Level 2 : Knockback 4 times, 8 Second Duration, 1.85 Second Casting Time
Level 3 : Knockback 5 times, 12 Second Duration, 1.70 Second Casting Time
Level 4 : Knockback 6 times, 16 Second Duration, 1.55 Second Casting Time
Level 5 : Knockback 7 times, 20 Second Duration, 1.40 Second Casting Time
Level 6 : Knockback 8 times, 24 Second Duration, 1.25 Second Casting Time
Level 7 : Knockback 9 times, 28 Second Duration, 1.10 Second Casting Time
Level 8 : Knockback 10 times, 32 Second Duration, 0.95 Second Casting Time
Level 9 : Knockback 11 times, 36 Second Duration, 0.80 Second Casting Time
Level 10: Knockback 12 times, 40 Second Duration, 0.65 Second Casting Time

Note: Monsters immune to fire passes through the wall.

Note 2: The Undead takes high damage but passes through the wall very quickly.

Comments: A must get for those who can afford this skill. With this skill,
almost any monster can become your experience points. Note that monsters
immune to fire passes through the wall.

Hints and Tips:

Try using "Vertical Fire Wall": a technique where a monster will line
up on the thick part of the Fire Wall and get damaged by it.

Cold Bolt______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Offensive - Water Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Summons bolts of ice from the sky.

Level 1 : 1 Bolt , 0.7 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 1.4 Second Casting Time, 1.2 Second Delay Time, 14 SP
Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 2.1 Second Casting Time, 1.4 Second Delay Time, 16 SP
Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 2.8 Second Casting Time, 1.6 Second Delay Time, 18 SP
Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 3.5 Second Casting Time, 1.8 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 4.2 Second Casting Time, 2.0 Second Delay Time, 22 SP
Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 4.9 Second Casting Time, 2.2 Second Delay Time, 24 SP
Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 5.6 Second Casting Time, 2.4 Second Delay Time, 26 SP
Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 6.3 Second Casting Time, 2.6 Second Delay Time, 28 SP
Level 10: 10 Bolts, 7.0 Second Casting Time, 2.8 Second Delay Time, 30 SP

Comments: Bolts are essential for the early levels. For this skill, you want
to get this against the fire property and for getting one of the coolest skills
you should get.

Frost Diver____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Cold Bolt
Skill Form: Offensive - Water Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Damages target with water property and freezes it by chance. Freezing time is
affected by the skill level. Has a 0.8 second casting time

Level 1 : 110% MATK, 38% Success Rate, 3 Second Freezing Time, 25 SP
Level 2 : 120% MATK, 41% Success Rate, 6 Second Freezing Time, 24 SP
Level 3 : 130% MATK, 44% Success Rate, 9 Second Freezing Time, 23 SP
Level 4 : 140% MATK, 47% Success Rate, 12 Second Freezing Time, 22 SP
Level 5 : 150% MATK, 50% Success Rate, 15 Second Freezing Time, 21 SP
Level 6 : 160% MATK, 53% Success Rate, 18 Second Freezing Time, 20 SP
Level 7 : 170% MATK, 56% Success Rate, 21 Second Freezing Time, 19 SP
Level 8 : 180% MATK, 59% Success Rate, 24 Second Freezing Time, 18 SP
Level 9 : 190% MATK, 62% Success Rate, 27 Second Freezing Time, 17 SP
Level 10: 200% MATK, 65% Success Rate, 30 Second Freezing Time, 16 SP

Comments: Freezing enemies is useful so long as they are not immune to it. The
skill can be used as an offensive skill, as a supportive skill, or as an
escape skill.

Hints and Tips:

Since frozen monsters are of the Water Attribute, using Wind Property
spells could take them rather easily.

Lightning Bolt_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Offensive - Wind Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Summons bolts of lightning from the sky.

Level 1 : 1 Bolt , 0.7 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 1.4 Second Casting Time, 1.2 Second Delay Time, 14 SP
Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 2.1 Second Casting Time, 1.4 Second Delay Time, 16 SP
Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 2.8 Second Casting Time, 1.6 Second Delay Time, 18 SP
Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 3.5 Second Casting Time, 1.8 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 4.2 Second Casting Time, 2.0 Second Delay Time, 22 SP
Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 4.9 Second Casting Time, 2.2 Second Delay Time, 24 SP
Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 5.6 Second Casting Time, 2.4 Second Delay Time, 26 SP
Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 6.3 Second Casting Time, 2.6 Second Delay Time, 28 SP
Level 10: 10 Bolts, 7.0 Second Casting Time, 2.8 Second Delay Time, 30 SP

Comments: Bolts are essential for early levels. This one's pretty powerful in
Byalan, especially. I don't know why though but most of the wizard skills has
at least this or Thunder Storm as a requirement, so it's a must get for to be

Thunder Storm__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 4 Lightning Bolt
Skill Form: Offensive - Wind Property
Target: Ground - 5x5 Area
SP Required: Varied

Summons a strong bolt of lightning from the sky, affecting the 5x5 target area.
Damage per bolt is 80% of MATK. Has a 2 Second Delay Time.

Level 1 : 1 Bolt , 1 Second Casting Time, 29 SP
Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 2 Second Casting Time, 34 SP
Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 3 Second Casting Time, 39 SP
Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 4 Second Casting Time, 44 SP
Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 5 Second Casting Time, 49 SP
Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 6 Second Casting Time, 54 SP
Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 7 Second Casting Time, 59 SP
Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 8 Second Casting Time, 64 SP
Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 9 Second Casting Time, 69 SP
Level 10: 10 Bolts, 10 Second Casting Time, 74 SP

Comments: Thunder Storm is an uber powerful skill with a drawback of having an
uber large SP cost. If you're gonna be a Wizard though, you may want to have
Lord of Vermillion instead.

Stone Curse____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Curse - Earth Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied, 1 Red Gemstone

Curses a target monster to become stone. Once cursed, the target's HP will be
decreased by 1% every 5 seconds for a duration or until the HP becomes 1.
Also, the target's armor will become of the Earth Property for the skill's
duration. The level and LUK of the target affects the skill duration. Cannot
be used against Undead and Boss monsters.

Level 1 : 24% Success Rate, 25 SP
Level 2 : 28% Success Rate, 24 SP
Level 3 : 32% Success Rate, 23 SP
Level 4 : 36% Success Rate, 22 SP
Level 5 : 40% Success Rate, 21 SP
Level 6 : 44% Success Rate, 20 SP
Level 7 : 48% Success Rate, 19 SP
Level 8 : 52% Success Rate, 18 SP
Level 9 : 56% Success Rate, 17 SP
Level 10: 60% Success Rate, 16 SP

Comments: With so many drawbacks, people get it usually only as a prerequisite
to other spells of the Wizard or Sage. If you still insist on it, make sure it
isn't the first skill on your list since it's pretty hard to pull it off.

Hints and Tips:

Use on enemies with low LUK. Try using Curse along with this skill.
Since Stone Cursed enemies are of the Earth Property, finish them off
with your fire spells. Maybe the Swordsman's Magnum Break and/or the Thief's
Envenom could help as well.

--Quest Skill--

Energy Coat____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 30

Uses SP to reduce the physical damage taken by the mage. If hit, a percentage
of the SP is reduced. The percentage of the remaining SP affects the
percentage of SP reduction and Damage reduction. Lasts for 5 minutes or until
the SP is drained.

Required Job Level: 35
Quest Items: 5 Shells, 1 Solid Shell, 3 Glass Beads, 1 1-Carat Diamond
NPC Location: Geffen Mage Guild

1-20% SP: 6% Damage Reduction, 1.0% SP Drain/Hit
21-40% SP: 12% Damage Reduction, 1.5% SP Drain/Hit
41-60% SP: 18% Damage Reduction, 2.0% SP Drain/Hit
61-80% SP: 24% Damage Reduction, 2.5% SP Drain/Hit
81-100% SP: 30% Damage Reduction, 3.0% SP Drain/Hit

Comments: Ooh! This skill is a handy skill most especially if you have more
means to reduce damages or dodge them. VIT-types would benefit from this even

Hints and Tips:

For best results, wear high defensive gears such as Immune Muffler and
Cranial Guard.

Wizard - The Spirit of Nature...

Lv1 Lv3 Lv1
(Stone Curse)------>Earth Spike(5)--------->Heaven's Drive(5)--->Quagmire(5)
| Lv1 Lv1
------------->Ice Wall(10)----------->Frost Nova(10) Storm Gust(10)
\ \
|Lv1 Lv1|
(Frost Diver)============-----------------------------------------------|
Lv1 |
(Lightning Bolt)----------- |
| |
Lv1 / Lv2 |
(Sight)------------>Sightrasher(10)-------->Meteor Storm(10) |
\ |
Lv1| |
(Thunder Storm)====================================| |
Lv1| |
Lv1 Lv5 / |
(Napalm Beat)------>Jupitel Thunder(10)---->Lord of Vermillion(10) |
\ | |
Lv1| | Lv3 |
(Lightning Bolt)----------| --------------------------------------------
Lv1 /
(Cold Bolt)-------->Water Ball(5) Sense(1)

(Fire Wall)-------->Fire Pillar(10)

Earth Spike____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Stone Curse
Skill Form: Offensive - Earth Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Summon spikes from the earth to damage a target enemy. Has a 1 second delay.

Level 1 : 1 Hit , 0.7 Second Casting Time, 12 SP
Level 2 : 2 Hits, 1.4 Second Casting Time, 14 SP
Level 3 : 3 Hits, 2.1 Second Casting Time, 16 SP
Level 4 : 4 Hits, 2.8 Second Casting Time, 18 SP
Level 5 : 5 Hits, 3.5 Second Casting Time, 20 SP

Comments: A decent earth skill although the Heaven's Drive could be better with
its area-affecting damage.

Heaven's Drive_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Earth Spike
Skill Form: Offensive - Earth Property
Target: Ground - 5x5 Area
SP Required: Varied

Summon spikes from the earth to damage enemies in a 5x5 area.

Level 1 : 1 Hit , 1 Second Casting Time, 28 SP
Level 2 : 2 Hits, 2 Second Casting Time, 32 SP
Level 3 : 3 Hits, 3 Second Casting Time, 36 SP
Level 4 : 4 Hits, 4 Second Casting Time, 40 SP
Level 5 : 5 Hits, 5 Second Casting Time, 44 SP

Comments: A decent earth skill. While Earth Spike damages a target enemy, this
one could damage all enemies in the area affected. Also, this is the one and
only AoE skill that damages hidden enemies.


Pre-requisites: 1 Heaven's Drive
Skill Form: Supportive - Earth Property
Target: Ground - 5x5 Area
SP Required: 15

Forms a swamp in a 5x5 area that decreases MSPD, AGI and DEX depending on skill
level. The skill will not reduce AGI or DEX beyond 50 points. The skill
affects everyone including the caster in PvP. MSPD decrease does not work
against Boss Monsters.

Level 1 : 5 Second Duration
Level 2 : 10 Second Duration
Level 3 : 15 Second Duration
Level 4 : 20 Second Duration
Level 5 : 25 Second Duration

Comments: A decent earth skill that works better than Decrease Agility of the
acolyte and an archer/thief's worst nightmare. It works in a much faster
duration, though.

Hints and Tips:

You could use this most of the time especially when you plan to escape
from something.

Ice Wall_______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Frost Diver, 1 Stone Curse
Skill Form: Supportive - Water Property
Target: Ground - 5 Cells
SP Required: 20

Summon a wall of ice that shields 5 cells in front of the Wizard. The wall
consumes 50 wall durability per second. Wall durability is also decreased when
it has taken damage. The wall disappears when durability is reduced to 0.

Level 1 : 400 Wall Durability
Level 2 : 600 Wall Durability
Level 3 : 800 Wall Durability
Level 4 : 1000 Wall Durability
Level 5 : 1200 Wall Durability
Level 6 : 1400 Wall Durability
Level 7 : 1600 Wall Durability
Level 8 : 1800 Wall Durability
Level 9 : 2000 Wall Durability
Level 10: 2200 Wall Durability

Comments: A very good spell which is also actually the cheapest. Lock a target
in its place then summon a large, damaging spell to kill off the target/s.
That is probably the reason why it is not allowed in Guild Siege modes.

Frost Nova_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Ice Wall
Skill Form: Offensive - Water Property
Target: Self + 5x5 Area
SP Required: Varied

Damage and freeze enemies by chance around the caster. Already frozen monsters
will not receive any further damage. Cannot freeze Undead or Boss Monsters.

Level 1 : 5.0 Second Casting Time, 45 SP
Level 2 : 4.7 Second Casting Time, 43 SP
Level 3 : 4.4 Second Casting Time, 41 SP
Level 4 : 4.1 Second Casting Time, 39 SP
Level 5 : 3.8 Second Casting Time, 37 SP
Level 6 : 3.5 Second Casting Time, 35 SP
Level 7 : 3.2 Second Casting Time, 33 SP
Level 8 : 2.9 Second Casting Time, 31 SP
Level 9 : 2.7 Second Casting Time, 29 SP
Level 10: 2.5 Second Casting Time, 27 SP

Comments: Darn nerf... The skill was great until they changed it! *sob* Though
it still has its uses, it's not really much right now. You could use it in
tandem with Thunder Storm and Safety Wall though.

Storm Gust_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Frost Diver, 3 Jupitel Thunder
Skill Form: Offensive - Water Property
Target: Ground - 7x7 Area
SP Required: 78

Summon a large blizzard that pushes enemies at random directions. The blizzard
hits at a maximum of 10 hits. 3 hits on an enemy results in freezing. It is
impossible to freeze undead and Boss monsters.

Level 1 : 140% MATK, 6 Second Casting Time
Level 2 : 180% MATK, 7 Second Casting Time
Level 3 : 220% MATK, 8 Second Casting Time
Level 4 : 260% MATK, 9 Second Casting Time
Level 5 : 300% MATK, 10 Second Casting Time
Level 6 : 340% MATK, 11 Second Casting Time
Level 7 : 380% MATK, 12 Second Casting Time
Level 8 : 420% MATK, 13 Second Casting Time
Level 9 : 460% MATK, 14 Second Casting Time
Level 10: 500% MATK, 15 Second Casting Time

Comments: About the undead and boss monsters, they may not freeze but they get
all 10 hits of the blizzard as opposed to those who froze on the 3rd hit. Once
frozen, you cannot be damaged by the blizzard anymore (but you're still dead).

Hints and Tips:

When tanking on a Boss monster, do not use this skill. Pushback will
only result in changing its target.


Pre-requisites: 1 Sight (Mage)
Skill Form: Offensive - Fire Property
Target: Self + Skill Range (up to 7 Cells)
SP Required: Varied, Sight

Spreads sight in 8 directions around the wizard to damage enemies nearby. It
can reach up to 7 cells. It has a 0.5 second casting time and a 2 second delay

Skill Range:
* * * Legend:
* * * X - Wizard
* * * * - Sightrasher
* * * X * * *
* * *
* * *
* * *

Level 1 : 120% MATK, 35 SP
Level 2 : 140% MATK, 37 SP
Level 3 : 160% MATK, 39 SP
Level 4 : 180% MATK, 41 SP
Level 5 : 200% MATK, 43 SP
Level 6 : 220% MATK, 45 SP
Level 7 : 240% MATK, 47 SP
Level 8 : 260% MATK, 49 SP
Level 9 : 280% MATK, 51 SP
Level 10: 300% MATK, 53 SP

Comments: Pretty good skill against those who hide. It doesn't have a power
boost that could kill multiple enemies at once, though. Also, you should be
careful if you are surrounded by passive but strong monsters as they might mob
you. It also seems to have a bug in the moment.

Hints and Tips:

You could use this to "snipe" on areas where Sightrasher could spread

Meteor Storm___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Sightrasher, 1 Thunder Storm
Skill Form: Offensive - Fire Property
Target: Ground - Spell: 7x7 Area, Meteors: 3x3 Area
SP Required: Varied

Summons meteors to fall in an area and damage enemies nearby. Meteors fall
randomly in the area. Skill Level affects the number of meteors and the number
of hits per meteor. The damage is the same as your MATK and has a chance to
stun enemies. It has a 15 second casting time regardless of the Skill Level.
The skill now has a chance to stun.

Level 1 : 2 Meteors, 1 Hit /Meteor, 2.5 Second Delay Time, 3% Chance, 20 SP
Level 2 : 3 Meteors, 1 Hit /Meteor, 3.0 Second Delay Time, 6% Chance, 24 SP
Level 3 : 3 Meteors, 2 Hits/Meteor, 3.5 Second Delay Time, 9% Chance, 30 SP
Level 4 : 4 Meteors, 2 Hits/Meteor, 4.0 Second Delay Time, 12% Chance, 34 SP
Level 5 : 4 Meteors, 3 Hits/Meteor, 4.5 Second Delay Time, 15% Chance, 40 SP
Level 6 : 5 Meteors, 3 Hits/Meteor, 5.0 Second Delay Time, 18% Chance, 44 SP
Level 7 : 5 Meteors, 4 Hits/Meteor, 5.5 Second Delay Time, 21% Chance, 50 SP
Level 8 : 6 Meteors, 4 Hits/Meteor, 6.0 Second Delay Time, 24% Chance, 54 SP
Level 9 : 6 Meteors, 5 Hits/Meteor, 6.5 Second Delay Time, 27% Chance, 60 SP
Level 10: 7 Meteors, 5 Hits/Meteor, 7.0 Second Delay Time, 30% Chance, 64 SP

Comments: It really is best used when a lot of monsters appear in one spot.
Too bad the meteors fall randomly that could result in completely missing a
target. Even a measly Fire Bolt can outcast this...

Jupitel Thunder________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Lightning Bolt, 1 Napalm Beat
Skill Form: Offensive - Wind Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Summon a ball of lightning that deals a number of hits and pushes them back at
the same time.

Level 1 : 3 Cell Pushback and Hits, 2.5 Second Casting Time, 20 SP
Level 2 : 4 Cell Pushback and Hits, 3.0 Second Casting Time, 23 SP
Level 3 : 5 Cell Pushback and Hits, 3.5 Second Casting Time, 26 SP
Level 4 : 6 Cell Pushback and Hits, 4.0 Second Casting Time, 29 SP
Level 5 : 7 Cell Pushback and Hits, 4.5 Second Casting Time, 32 SP
Level 6 : 8 Cell Pushback and Hits, 5.0 Second Casting Time, 35 SP
Level 7 : 9 Cell Pushback and Hits, 5.5 Second Casting Time, 38 SP
Level 8 : 10 Cell Pushback and Hits, 6.0 Second Casting Time, 41 SP
Level 9 : 11 Cell Pushback and Hits, 6.5 Second Casting Time, 44 SP
Level 10: 12 Cell Pushback and Hits, 7.0 Second Casting Time, 47 SP

Comments: This is among the more powerful skills. Use this to give massive
damages on a target while at the same time, push them back to keep you from
hitting you.

Hints and Tips:

Use with Frost Diver since frozen enemies becomes of the water property
and water is weak against wind. Also, since this particular skill has a very
short delay time, it is possible to cast Frost Diver just afterwards.

Lord of Vermillion_____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Jupitel Thunder
Skill Form: Offensive - Wind Property
Target: Ground - 9x9 Cells
SP Required: Varied

Summon a grand explosion from the sky that deals 4 waves of 10 hits for 4
seconds. For every wave, there is a chance of causing Blind on the enemy.

Level 1 : 100% MATK, 15.0 Second Casting Time, 4% Chance, 60 SP
Level 2 : 120% MATK, 14.5 Second Casting Time, 8% Chance, 64 SP
Level 3 : 140% MATK, 14.0 Second Casting Time, 12% Chance, 68 SP
Level 4 : 160% MATK, 13.5 Second Casting Time, 16% Chance, 72 SP
Level 5 : 180% MATK, 13.0 Second Casting Time, 20% Chance, 76 SP
Level 6 : 200% MATK, 12.5 Second Casting Time, 24% Chance, 80 SP
Level 7 : 220% MATK, 12.0 Second Casting Time, 28% Chance, 84 SP
Level 8 : 240% MATK, 11.5 Second Casting Time, 32% Chance, 88 SP
Level 9 : 260% MATK, 11.0 Second Casting Time, 36% Chance, 92 SP
Level 10: 280% MATK, 10.5 Second Casting Time, 40% Chance, 96 SP

Comments: To make the long description short, it deals a total of 40 hits. Not
bad but not too good either. Thunder Storm, however it might look like, is
actually a better skill. However, it could still be useful when causing
blindness to enemies.

Fire Pillar____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Fire Wall (Mage)
Skill Form: Offensive - Fire Property
Target: Ground - 1 Cell + 3x3 Area Effect
SP Required: 25

Creates a trap of fire. Explodes once stepped by an enemy and deals damage in
a 3x3 radius. It cannot be casted on a spot where it is already occupied by
enemies, traps or another Fire Pillar. The trap lasts for 30 seconds.

Damage Formula: [(MATK/5)+50] x [Number of Hits]

Level 1 : 3 Hits, 3.0 Second Casting Time
Level 2 : 4 Hits, 2.7 Second Casting Time
Level 3 : 5 Hits, 2.4 Second Casting Time
Level 4 : 6 Hits, 2.1 Second Casting Time
Level 5 : 7 Hits, 1.8 Second Casting Time
Level 6 : 8 Hits, 1.5 Second Casting Time, Requires 1 Blue Gemstone
Level 7 : 9 Hits, 1.2 Second Casting Time, Requires 1 Blue Gemstone
Level 8 : 10 Hits, 0.9 Second Casting Time, Requires 1 Blue Gemstone
Level 9 : 11 Hits, 0.6 Second Casting Time, Requires 1 Blue Gemstone
Level 10: 12 Hits, 0.3 Second Casting Time, Requires 1 Blue Gemstone



Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 10

Display a target's information including HP and SP. If the wizard is in a
party, other party members will see the same information of the target.

Level 1 : Enables Sense

Comments: You forgot the info about some monsters you saw at a website or FAQ?
Use this. Not a bad idea to get it but not a very good idea either.

Water Ball_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Cold Bolt (Mage), 1 Lightning Bolt (Mage)
Skill Form: Offensive - Water Property
Target: Enemy + Skill Radius
SP Required: Varied

Summon a powerful ball of water. Must be near or on water to use Water Ball.
Cell range determines the area around the caster where the water is used. The
more water it uses, the more powerful the skill is.

Level 1 : 1 Cell , 130% MATK, 1 Second Casting Time, 5 SP
Level 2 : 9 Cells, 160% MATK, 2 Second Casting Time, 10 SP
Level 3 : 9 Cells, 190% MATK, 3 Second Casting Time, 15 SP
Level 4 : 25 Cells, 220% MATK, 4 Second Casting Time, 20 SP
Level 5 : 25 Cells, 250% MATK, 5 Second Casting Time, 25 SP

Comments: This is among the stronger spells with a fast cast rate but has a
little drawback; you must be on water to use. The Sage's Deluge can be used to
summon the Water Ball if no body of water is present. A Wizard's favorite.

Hints and Tips:

Use on key areas during Guild Sieges. Get a Sage with Deluge if
necessary. This skill is so powerful, it can be one of the key points in
winning a Guild Castle or defending it.

Sage - One who pursues eternity...

Lv2 Lv1 Lv5 Lv5
Study(10)----------->Cast Cancel(5)---->Free Cast(10)----->Hindsight(10)-------
| |
Lv9|Lv4 Lv1 Lv3 Lv1|
Dragonology(5)<--|-->Magic Rod(5)------>Spell Breaker(5)-->Dispel(5)----------|
| |
Lv1|Lv5 Lv2 Lv3 |
(Fire Bolt)------===>Endow Blaze(5)---->Volcano(5)------ Hocus Pocus(1)<====|
| | |
Lv1|Lv5 Lv2 Lv3| Lv1|
(Cold Bolt)------===>Endow Tsunami(5)-->Deluge(5)------===>Magnetic Earth(5)---
| |
Lv1|Lv5 Lv2 Lv3|
(Lightning Bolt)-===>Endow Tornado(5)-->Whirlwind(5)---- Sense(1)
Lv1|Lv5 Lv1 Lv1
(Stone Curse)----===>Endow Quake(5)---->Earth Spike(5)---->Heaven's Drive(5)


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increase Book-class weapon damage and attack speed.

Level 1 : ATK +3 , ASPD +0.5%
Level 2 : ATK +6 , ASPD +1.0%
Level 3 : ATK +9 , ASPD +1.5%
Level 4 : ATK +12, ASPD +2.0%
Level 5 : ATK +15, ASPD +2.5%
Level 6 : ATK +18, ASPD +3.0%
Level 7 : ATK +21, ASPD +3.5%
Level 8 : ATK +24, ASPD +4.0%
Level 9 : ATK +27, ASPD +4.5%
Level 10: ATK +30, ASPD +5.0%

Comments: Books, though unexpectedly, are quite strong. It's not a waste to
put some points here especially when it is required by most sage skills.

Cast Cancel____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Study
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 2

Cancels the spell currently being casted. A percentage of the SP of the skill
previously used is returned to the caster.

Level 1 : 10% SP Regain
Level 2 : 30% SP Regain
Level 3 : 50% SP Regain
Level 4 : 70% SP Regain
Level 5 : 90% SP Regain

Comments: If you made a mistake in casting something, take it back and let it
not waste your SP. A handy skill to have.

Free Cast______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Cast Cancel
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Allows the sage to move and attack while casting. Movement and attack speed
are reduced.

Level 1 : 30% Movement Speed, 55% Attack Speed
Level 2 : 35% Movement Speed, 60% Attack Speed
Level 3 : 40% Movement Speed, 65% Attack Speed
Level 4 : 45% Movement Speed, 70% Attack Speed
Level 5 : 50% Movement Speed, 75% Attack Speed
Level 6 : 55% Movement Speed, 80% Attack Speed
Level 7 : 60% Movement Speed, 85% Attack Speed
Level 8 : 65% Movement Speed, 90% Attack Speed
Level 9 : 70% Movement Speed, 95% Attack Speed
Level 10: 75% Movement Speed, 100% Attack Speed

Comments: Simply a most marvelous skill to have. Max if you can afford to do

Hints and Tips:

Conduct hit-and-run tactics by casting spells then run away. Nice if
supported by skills that increase movement speed or if the enemy moves slow or
slower than usual.


Pre-requisites: 4 Free Cast
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 35

Automatically cast a spell on an enemy you are attacking. Spells casted will
consume 2/3 more SP than usual. The skill level of the spells used are
randomly determined. There is a 50% chance to use a level 1 skill, 35% for
level 2, and 15% for level 3. Spells available for usage are Napalm Beat, Soul
Strike, Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Fire Ball (up to level 2), and
Frost Diver (up to level 1) provided you have learned these skills previously.

Level 1 : 7% Chance, 120 Second Duration
Level 2 : 8% Chance, 150 Second Duration
Level 3 : 9% Chance, 180 Second Duration
Level 4 : 10% Chance, 210 Second Duration
Level 5 : 11% Chance, 240 Second Duration
Level 6 : 12% Chance, 270 Second Duration
Level 7 : 13% Chance, 300 Second Duration
Level 8 : 14% Chance, 330 Second Duration
Level 9 : 15% Chance, 360 Second Duration
Level 10: 16% Chance, 390 Second Duration

Comments: A decent skill for those who doesn't want to cast spells manually.
Even though it is decent, never EVER rely on this skill too much.

Magic Rod______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 4 Study
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 2

Absorb a percentage of SP used for the spell used against you. Counters Spell
Breaker. Does not work on ground spells.

Level 1 : 0.4 Second Duration, 20% SP Consumption
Level 2 : 0.6 Second Duration, 40% SP Consumption
Level 3 : 0.8 Second Duration, 60% SP Consumption
Level 4 : 1.0 Second Duration, 80% SP Consumption
Level 5 : 1.2 Second Duration, 100% SP Consumption

Comments: A decent skill. Mages and wizards (and sometimes monks and priests)
would hate you. Also, it provides a counter against Spell Breaker.

Hints and Tips:

Time the spell being casted upon you. Use the skill if the casting
time is about to end.

Spell Breaker__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Magic Rod
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Casting Enemy
SP Required: 2

Interrupt a spell being casted by a target and steal a percentage of SP. It
ignores the effect of the Phen Card. If this is used to break Magic Rod you
will get a 20% damage to your SP.

Level 1 : 0% SP Consumption
Level 2 : 25% SP Consumption
Level 3 : 50% SP Consumption
Level 4 : 75% SP Consumption
Level 5 : 100% SP Consumption

Comments: Fun! Every spellcaster would want to kill you.


Pre-requisites: 3 Spell Breaker
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Anyone
SP Required: 1 Yellow Gemstone, 1 Red Gemstone

Removes all magical buffs on the target by chance.

Level 1 : 60% Chance
Level 2 : 70% Chance
Level 3 : 80% Chance
Level 4 : 90% Chance
Level 5 : 100% Chance

Comments: A gemstone-using skill without any SP used. It would remove any
harmful buffs you got but be careful. You would also remove good buffs you've
got as well.

Endow Blaze____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Study, 1 Fire Bolt (Magician)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 40, 1 Red Blood

Enchant a party member's weapon with the Fire Property for by chance. Skill
failure would result in breaking the weapon.

Level 1 : 70% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 2 : 80% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 3 : 90% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 4 : 100% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 5 : 100% Chance, 30 Minute Duration

Comments: Fire is pretty useful against the numerous monsters weak against it.
Also useful to create a massive attack boost when using Volcano.

Endow Tsunami__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Study, 1 Cold Bolt (Magician)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 40, 1 Crystal Blue

Enchant a party member's weapon with the Water Property for by chance. Skill
failure would result in breaking the weapon.

Level 1 : 70% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 2 : 80% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 3 : 90% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 4 : 100% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 5 : 100% Chance, 30 Minute Duration

Comments: Water is useful against fire property monsters. As the skill Deluge
is a pretty useful skill, get it.

Endow Tornado__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Study, 1 Lightning Bolt (Magician)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 40, 1 Wind of Verdure

Enchant a party member's weapon with the Wind Property by chance. Skill
failure would result in breaking the weapon.

Level 1 : 70% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 2 : 80% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 3 : 90% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 4 : 100% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 5 : 100% Chance, 30 Minute Duration

Comments: Not really as useful as most elements but when that comes around, it
is handy. Best to get for leveling in Byalan and for the skill, Whirlwind.

Endow Quake____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Study, 1 Stone Curse
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 40, 1 Green Live

Enchant a party member's weapon with the Earth Property for by chance. Skill
failure would result in breaking the weapon.

Level 1 : 70% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 2 : 80% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 3 : 90% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 4 : 100% Chance, 20 Minute Duration
Level 5 : 100% Chance, 30 Minute Duration

Comments: Earth isn't a half bad property to get. Why not?


Pre-requisites: 2 Endow Blaze
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - Skill Radius
SP Required: Varied

Enhance the attack rating of Fire Property weapons in an area. Also, enhances
the attack rating of players with Fire Property armors. Ice Wall can't be
casted on the area the skill affects. Other ground skills can't be doubled in
the area.

This skill can be recasted without a yellow gemstone when another of the same
skill is active. It will, however, not reset the first skill and when using
a different land enchantment skill, the former will be cancelled.

Level 1 : Weapon ATK +10%, Player ATK +10, 48 SP
Level 2 : Weapon ATK +14%, Player ATK +20, 46 SP
Level 3 : Weapon ATK +17%, Player ATK +30, 44 SP
Level 4 : Weapon ATK +19%, Player ATK +40, 42 SP
Level 5 : Weapon ATK +20%, Player ATK +50, 40 SP

Comments: Absolutely essential for the fire property. People with fire
property armors or the Pasana Card would also find themselves stronger. A must
skill for people who likes giving high damages (like Knights).

Hints and Tips:

Especially in key areas where enemies are weak to fire, enchant party
member's items into the fire attribute while they themselves are wearing Fire
Property armor. This allows you and your party to give a very large ATK boost.


Pre-requisites: 2 Endow Tsunami
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - Skill Radius
SP Required: Varied

Enhance the attack rating of Water Property weapons in an area. Also, enhances
the maximum HP of players with Water Property armors. Ice Wall can't be casted
on the area the skill affects. Also, skills requiring water to cast are
enabled in this skill. Other ground skills can't be doubled in the area.
Finally, if the Professor's Wall of Fog was placed before this skill, its
duration will be doubled

This skill can be recasted without a yellow gemstone when another of the same
skill is active. It will, however, not reset the first skill and when using
a different land enchantment skill, the former will be cancelled.

Level 1 : Weapon ATK +10%, MHP +5% , 48 SP
Level 2 : Weapon ATK +14%, MHP +9% , 46 SP
Level 3 : Weapon ATK +17%, MHP +12%, 44 SP
Level 4 : Weapon ATK +19%, MHP +14%, 42 SP
Level 5 : Weapon ATK +20%, MHP +15%, 40 SP

Comments: Absolutely essential for the water property. People with water
property armors or the Swordfish Card would find themselves with higher HP.
Also, it reduces the reliance on key points for Water Ball and Aqua Benedicta
users. A must skill for people who prizes high HP (like Crusaders).

Hints and Tips:

If your party consists ow Wizards with Water Ball, set Deluge on a key
area and let them use Water Ball all the way. Nice for Guild Sieges.


Pre-requisites: 2 Endow Tornado
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - 7x7 Area
SP Required: Varied

Enhance the attack rating of Wind Property weapons in an area. Also, enhances
the Flee rates of players with Wind Property armors. Ice Wall can't be casted
on the area the skill affects. Other ground skills can't be doubled in the
area. Finally, if Fire Wall was placed before the skill, its duration will be

This skill can be recasted without a yellow gemstone when another of the same
skill is active. It will, however, not reset the first skill and when using
a different land enchantment skill, the former will be cancelled.

Level 1 : Weapon ATK +10%, Flee +3 , 1 Minute Duration, 48 SP
Level 2 : Weapon ATK +14%, Flee +6 , 2 Minute Duration, 46 SP
Level 3 : Weapon ATK +17%, Flee +9 , 3 Minute Duration, 44 SP
Level 4 : Weapon ATK +19%, Flee +12, 4 Minute Duration, 42 SP
Level 5 : Weapon ATK +20%, Flee +15, 5 Minute Duration, 40 SP

Comments: Absolutely essential for the wind property. People with wind
property armors or the Dokkaebi Card would find themselves quicker and harder
to hit. A must skill for people who likes to dodge rather than get hit (like
archers, monks, and thieves).

Hints and Tips:

You could use this to enhance your own Fire Wall especially when using
the Vertical Fire Wall strategy (see Fire Wall).
If party members are using Wind Property armors, give them boost with
this skill along with the Acolyte's Increase AGI and the Bard's Perfect

Magnetic Earth_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Volcano, 3 Deluge, 3 Whirlwind
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - Skill Radius
SP Required: Varied, 1 Yellow Gemstone, 1 Blue Gemstone

Cast on an area to protect it from ground spells for a duration of time.
Grounf spells already in effect will be cancelled by this skill. Cannot be
double casted and also cannot be double casted with other ground skills except
certain skills (Volcano, Deluge, Whirlwind, Magnetic Earth) that is casted
before this skill is casted.

Level 1 : 7 Cell Radius, 120 Second Duration, 66 SP
Level 2 : 7 Cell Radius, 165 Second Duration, 62 SP
Level 3 : 9 Cell Radius, 210 Second Duration, 58 SP
Level 4 : 9 Cell Radius, 255 Second Duration, 54 SP
Level 5 : 11 Cell Radius, 300 Second Duration, 50 SP

Comments: A pretty good skill that most wizards with area-effect spells (or
any other class that affects area of effect skills) would hate. Useful for
keeping Baphomet and Stormy Knight from using Lord Of Vermillion and Storm Gust

Hints and Tips:

When attacking Guild Castles, cast this skill in entrances to ensure
safety from AoE spells.

Earth Spike____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Endow Quake
Skill Form: Offensive - Earth Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Summon spikes from the earth to damage a target enemy. Has a 1 second delay.

Level 1 : 1 Hit , 0.7 Second Casting Time, 12 SP
Level 2 : 2 Hits, 1.4 Second Casting Time, 14 SP
Level 3 : 3 Hits, 2.1 Second Casting Time, 16 SP
Level 4 : 4 Hits, 2.8 Second Casting Time, 18 SP
Level 5 : 5 Hits, 3.5 Second Casting Time, 20 SP

Comments: A decent earth skill although the Heaven's Drive could be better with
its area-affecting damage.

Heaven's Drive_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Earth Spike
Skill Form: Offensive - Earth Property
Target: Ground - 5x5 Area
SP Required: Varied

Summon spikes from the earth to damage enemies in a 5x5 area.

Level 1 : 1 Hit , 1 Second Casting Time, 28 SP
Level 2 : 2 Hits, 2 Second Casting Time, 32 SP
Level 3 : 3 Hits, 3 Second Casting Time, 36 SP
Level 4 : 4 Hits, 4 Second Casting Time, 40 SP
Level 5 : 5 Hits, 5 Second Casting Time, 44 SP

Comments: A decent earth skill. While Earth Spike damages a target enemy, this
one could damage all enemies in the area affected. This is also the one and
only skill that could damage hidden enemies.

Hocus Pocus____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Hindsight, 1 Dispel, 1 Magnetic Earth
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 50, 1 Yellow Gemstone

Casts a random skill. Skill level affects the number of skills that can be
casted. Will always use 1 Yellow Gemstone even with Mistress Card or under
the effect of Power Cord.

Note: Unknown data

Comments: This needs explaining. With this skill, you could cast any active
spell or skill. When I say any, I meant ANY (except passive skills). That
includes skills or "skills" only attainable from this skill.

Thanks Weggy for the explanation.


Pre-requisites: 9 Study
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increase damage and resistance against dragon-type monsters.

Level 1 : +4% ATK and Resistance, INT +1
Level 2 : +8% ATK and Resistance, INT +1
Level 3 : +12% ATK and Resistance, INT +2
Level 4 : +16% ATK and Resistance, INT +2
Level 5 : +20% ATK and Resistance, INT +3

Comments: Decent but dragons are pretty rare. Get some or, as most people
would, skip it. Additional INT is always nice, though.

Hints and Tips:

Use with Earth and Sky Petite Cards for a more powerful effect.


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 10

Display a target's information including HP and SP. If the sage is in a party,
other party members will see the same information of the target.

Level 1 : Enables Sense

Comments: You forgot the info about some monsters you saw at a website or FAQ?
Use this. Not a bad idea to get it but not a very good idea either.

VIII. Archer Class

Archer - Penetrated the Evil...

Lv3 Lv1
Owl's Eye(10)---------->Vulture's Eye(10)------>Improve Concentration(10)

Lv5 --Quest Skill--
Double Strafe(10)------>Arrow Shower(10) Arrow Repel
Arrow Crafting

Owl's Eye______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases the dexterity of the archer.

Level 1 : DEX +1
Level 2 : DEX +2
Level 3 : DEX +3
Level 4 : DEX +4
Level 5 : DEX +5
Level 6 : DEX +6
Level 7 : DEX +7
Level 8 : DEX +8
Level 9 : DEX +9
Level 10: DEX +10

Comments: Essential if you want to be more powerful. I guess this is also
handy if you are trying to get the other stats rather than just DEX.

Vulture's Eye__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Owl's Eye
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases the accuracy and bow range of the archer.

Level 1 : HIT and Cell Range +1
Level 2 : HIT and Cell Range +2
Level 3 : HIT and Cell Range +3
Level 4 : HIT and Cell Range +4
Level 5 : HIT and Cell Range +5
Level 6 : HIT and Cell Range +6
Level 7 : HIT and Cell Range +7
Level 8 : HIT and Cell Range +8
Level 9 : HIT and Cell Range +9
Level 10: HIT and Cell Range +10

Comments: A must get. You should level this up early to increase your
survival. Also essential for cliff-sniping.

Improve Concentration__________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Vulture's Eye
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Increases the agility and dexterity of the archer for a duration of time. Also
reveals hidden characters within 9 cells around the caster.

Level 1 : AGI and DEX +3% , 60 Second Duration, 25 SP
Level 2 : AGI and DEX +4% , 80 Second Duration, 30 SP
Level 3 : AGI and DEX +5% , 100 Second Duration, 35 SP
Level 4 : AGI and DEX +6% , 120 Second Duration, 40 SP
Level 5 : AGI and DEX +7% , 140 Second Duration, 45 SP
Level 6 : AGI and DEX +8% , 160 Second Duration, 50 SP
Level 7 : AGI and DEX +9% , 180 Second Duration, 55 SP
Level 8 : AGI and DEX +10%, 200 Second Duration, 60 SP
Level 9 : AGI and DEX +11%, 220 Second Duration, 65 SP
Level 10: AGI and DEX +12%, 240 Second Duration, 70 SP

Comments: It's really useful. However, the SP cost and percentage ratings
makes it rather expensive although its duration makes it up to it.

Hints and Tips:

Try to use this as often as you can before engaging in combat to boost
your attack, speed, and dodge rates.

Double Strafe__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 12, Arrow

Hit a target twice. Does not actually use an arrow. The element of the arrow
affects the element of the skill.

Level 1 : 100% ATK x2
Level 2 : 110% ATK x2
Level 3 : 120% ATK x2
Level 4 : 130% ATK x2
Level 5 : 140% ATK x2
Level 6 : 150% ATK x2
Level 7 : 160% ATK x2
Level 8 : 170% ATK x2
Level 9 : 180% ATK x2
Level 10: 190% ATK x2

Comments: A most powerful skill of the archer. A must have for archers.

Arrow Shower___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Double Strafe
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: 3x3 Area
SP Required: 15, Arrow

Hits a target and nearby enemies in a 3x3 cell radius and pushes them back 1
cell. Up to 9 targets are allowed. Does not actually use an arrow. The
arrow affects the element of the skill.

Level 1 : 80% ATK
Level 2 : 85% ATK
Level 3 : 90% ATK
Level 4 : 95% ATK
Level 5 : 100% ATK
Level 6 : 105% ATK
Level 7 : 110% ATK
Level 8 : 115% ATK
Level 9 : 120% ATK
Level 10: 125% ATK

Comments: Weak at early levels but its pushback makes it up to it. Best used
when helping (a) party or guild member(s) from large mobs.

--Quest Skill--

Arrow Repel____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 15, Arrow

Hits a target with 150% Damage and pushes back 6 cells. Has a 1.5 second
casting time that cannot be interrupted.

Required Job Level: 30
Quest Items: 36 Banana Juice, 10 Tentacles, 10 Bill of Bird, 3 Yoyo Tail, 2
Emerald, 1 Crossbow
NPC Location: Payon, somewhere in the southwest

Comments: A fun skill. You could push annoying monsters back while taking on
another one or save a party/guild member's skin. Too bad you can't use its
pushback effect in guild sieges.

Hints and Tips:

Use the skill to push powerful monsters away when they get too near.
Also, you could counter a Marine Sphere and send it back to its creator, the

Arrow Crafting_________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 10

Crafts arrows out of other items. Number and type of arrows is affected by the
item used. See list below. Skill is disabled when weight is over 50%.

Required Job Level: 35
Quest Items: 41 Pointed Scales, 20 Resin, 13 Trunks, 7 Mushroom Spore, 1 Red
NPC Location: Morroc

Comments: Tired of losing arrows and pieces of junk? Turn that junk into a
useful set of quivers. The element and number of the arrow crafted depends on
the item used. See the list below:

Arrow Creation List:

Note: Some items are for emergencies only.
i.e. Jellopy can be sold to NPCs for 3z to buy 3 arrows.

Note 2: Some of the arrows have stats that aren't implemented yet.

Amulet = 40 Cursed Arrows
Ball 'n Chain = 700 Iron Arrows & 50 Steel Arrows
Barren Trunk = 20 Arrows
Bee Sting = 1 Rusty Arrow
Blade Lost in Darkness = 600 Sharp Arrows & 200 Arrows of Shadow
Blue Gemstone = 10 Crystal Arrows & 1 Freezing Arrow
Cactus Needle = 50 Arrows
Claw of Rat = 50 Iron Arrows & 2 Stone Arrows
Coal = 8 Arrow of Shadow
Cracked Diamond = 50 Sharp Arrows
Crystal Blue = 50 Crystal Arrows
Cursed Ruby = 50 Cursed Arrows & 10 Sleep Arrows
Dead Branch = 40 Mute Arrows
Decayed Nail = 1 Rusty Arrow & 1 Arrow of Shadow
Dragon Fang = 1 Oridecon Arrow & 50 Iron Arrows
Elunium = 1000 Steel Arrows & 50 Stun Arrows
Emperium = 600 Oridecon Arrow & 600 Immaterial Arrows &
600 Mute Arrows
Empty Bottle = 2 Iron Arrows
Emvertacon = 200 Iron Arrows & 40 Silver Arrows
Evil Horn = 20 Arrows of Shadow & 10 Flash Arrows & 5 Stun
Fang of Hatii = 100 Crystal Arrows
Fin = 2 Sharp Arrows & 40 Silver Arrows
Fin Helm = 200 Crystal Arrows & 200 Steel Arrows
Fine-grained Trunk = 20 Arrows
Flame Heart = 600 Fire Arrows & 5 Mute Arrows
Foolishness of the Blind = 200 Flash Arrows
Garlet = 12 Iron Arrows
Gold = 50 Flash Arrows & 50 Oridecon Arrows
Great Nature = 150 Stone Arrows & 5 Flash
Green Live = 50 Stone Arrows
Heroic Emblem = 1 Oridecon Arrow & 5 Stun Arrows
Horn = 35 Iron Arrows
Horrendous Mouth = 5 Arrows of Shadow
Iron = 100 Iron Arrows
Iron Ore = 50 Iron Arrows
Jellopy = 3 Arrows
Key of Clock Tower = 100 Arrow of Shadow
Key of Underground = 50 Arrow of Shadow
Lantern = 80 Iron Arrows
Little Evil Horn = 2 Cursed Arrows & 50 Iron Arrows
Manacles = 50 Steel Arrows
Mantis Scythe = 1 Sharp Arrow
Matchstick = 1000 Fire Arrows
Matyr's Leash = 100 Steel Arrows & 50 Arrow of Wind
& 10 Sharp Arrows
Mr. Scream = 300 Steel Arrows & 200 Sharp Arrows
Mystic Frozen = 150 Crystal Arrows & 5 Freezing Arrows
Needle of Alarm = 100 Arrows & 5 Sleep Arrows
Old Blue Box = 50 Sharp Arrows & 50 Sleep Arrows
Old Portrait = 1000 Arrow of Shadow
Opera Masque = 200 Steel Arrows & 40 Silence Arrows
Orc Claw = 10 Steel Arrows
Orcish Voucher = 1 Oridecon Arrow & 5 Stun Arrows
Oridecon = 250 Oridecon Arrows
Phracon = 50 Iron Arrows
Pointed Scale = 50 Iron Arrows & 5 Crystal Arrows
Porcupine Quill = 70 Arrows & 1 Stone Arrow
Red Blood = 50 Fire Arrows
Red Gemstone = 10 Rusty Arrows & 1 Poison Arrow & 1 Cursed Arrow
Reins = 50 Steel Arrows & 100 Iron Arrows
Rough Elunium = 200 Steel Arrows & 5 Stun Arrows
Rough Oridecon = 50 Oridecon Arrows
Rough Wind = 150 Arrow of Winds & 5 Sleep Arrows
Scell = 8 Steel Arrows
Scorpion Tail = 3 Rusty Arrows
Sharp Scale = 20 Rusty Arrows & 10 Crystal Arrows
Silver Robe = 600 Silver Arrows
Silver Robe [1] = 1000 Silver Arrows & 10 Immaterial Arrows
Snake Scale = 1 Poison Arrow
Snow Horn = 1000 Silver Arrows
Solid Trunk = 20 Arrows
Star Crumb = 30 Flash Arrows
Star Dust = 10 Flash Arrows
Steel = 100 Steel Arrows
Tooth of Bat = 1 Arrow of Shadow
Tree Root = 7 Arrows
Trunk = 40 Arrows
Venom Canine = 1 Poison Arrow
Welding Mask = 200 Steel Arrows & 40 Stun Arrows
Wind of Verdure = 50 Arrow of Wind
Wolf Claw = 15 Iron Arrows
Wooden Mail = 700 Arrows & 500 Iron Arrows
Wooden Mail [1] = 1000 Arrows & 700 Iron Arrows
Yellow Gemstone = 10 Stone Arrows & 1 Sleep Arrow
Zargon = 50 Silver Arrows
Zenorc's Fang = 5 Rusty Arrows

Hunter - A Guardian of Nature...

Lv1 Lv1
----------------->Freezing Trap(5)------------
| |
Lv1 | Lv1 Lv1 /
Skid Trap(5)--------->Flasher(5)----------->Sandman(5)---------->Blast Mine(5)
| | \
|Lv1 | |
/ Lv1 Lv1 Lv1 | |
Ankle Snare(5)------->Shockwave Trap(5)---->Claymore Trap(5)<---------- |Lv1
| |
|Lv1 |
/ Lv1 Lv1 |
Talkie Box(1)<--------Remove Trap(1)<------Land Mine(5)
Lv1 Lv1 /
Beast Bane(10)------->Falcon Mastery(1)----->Spring Trap(5)
| Lv1 Lv5
|--------------->Blitz Beat(5)------>Steel Crow(10)
(Improve Lv1 | Lv1

Note about Traps:
Traps during Guild Sieges last twice as long. Also, it will affect you, your
party members, and your guild members in PvP/WoE.

Skid Trap______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Invisible Supportive Trap
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 10, 1 Trap

Install a trap that makes enemies slide in a target direction. Skill affects
the range and trap duration.

Level 1 : Slide 6 Cells, 300 Second Trap Duration
Level 2 : Slide 7 Cells, 240 Second Trap Duration
Level 3 : Slide 8 Cells, 180 Second Trap Duration
Level 4 : Slide 9 Cells, 120 Second Trap Duration
Level 5 : Slide 10 Cells, 60 Second Trap Duration

Comments: Not really that useful. Still, take 1 to get better trap skills.

Hints and Tips:

Redirect enemies to other traps especially the visible ones which they
can easily avoid stepping on.

Land Mine______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Invisible Offensive Trap - Earth Property
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 10, 1 Trap

Install a trap that deals earth property damage to enemies that activates it.
It has a small chance to stun target. DEX, INT and Skill Level affects the

Level 1 : 50% ATK, 200 Second Trap Duration
Level 2 : 75% ATK, 160 Second Trap Duration
Level 3 : 100% ATK, 120 Second Trap Duration
Level 4 : 125% ATK, 80 Second Trap Duration
Level 5 : 150% ATK, 40 Second Trap Duration

Comments: Not bad. Earth is a decent property and we all know that Hunters
usually have high DEX and INT. Still, there are better traps.


Pre-requisites: 1 Skid Trap
Skill Form: Invisible Supportive Trap
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 12, 1 Trap

Install a trap that blinds enemies once activated.

Level 1 : 150 Second Trap Duration
Level 2 : 120 Second Trap Duration
Level 3 : 90 Second Trap Duration
Level 4 : 60 Second Trap Duration
Level 5 : 30 Second Trap Duration

Comments: Blind decreases Flee and HIT rates and is rather annoying too. Not a
bad idea putting some here.

Freezing Trap__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Flasher
Skill Form: Invisible Supportive Trap
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 10, 1 Trap

Install a trap that freezes enemies once activated. MDEF affects the chance of
freezing the target. Cannot be used against Boss monsters.

Level 1 : 150 Second Trap Duration
Level 2 : 120 Second Trap Duration
Level 3 : 90 Second Trap Duration
Level 4 : 60 Second Trap Duration
Level 5 : 30 Second Trap Duration

Comments: It could be partially useful. However, it's better if you use a card
rather than waste 100z per installment to freeze an enemy. This is also rather
a waste of time if your enemies are undead since they don't freeze.


Pre-requisites: 1 Flasher
Skill Form: Invisible Supportive Trap
Target: Ground - 1 Cell + 5x5 Area Effect
SP Required: 10, 1 Trap

Install a trap that makes targets sleep. Sleeping monsters are only awaken
when hit or until a duration of time. Cannot be used against Boss monsters.

Level 1 : 150 Second Trap Duration
Level 2 : 120 Second Trap Duration
Level 3 : 90 Second Trap Duration
Level 4 : 60 Second Trap Duration
Level 5 : 30 Second Trap Duration

Comments: Same comment as the freezing trap except the fact it can cover up
a 5x5 range, making it hit more than 1 enemy. Useful against mobs.

Hints and Tips:

You could gather a mob by walking away then install the trap when they
all gather so that they will all be affected by the trap.

Blast Mine_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Freezing Trap, 1 Sandman, 1 Landmine
Skill Form: Visible Offensie Trap - Fire Property
Target: Ground - 1 Cell + 3x3 Area Effect
SP Required: 10, 1 Trap

Install a trap that explodes 9 cells around it. Since it takes some time to
explode, it is possible to move the trap and activate it by attacking it. The
damage is affected by DEX, INT, and Skill Level.

Level 1 : 25 Second Trap Duration
Level 2 : 20 Second Trap Duration
Level 3 : 15 Second Trap Duration
Level 4 : 10 Second Trap Duration
Level 5 : 5 Second Trap Duration

Comments: A sort of a time bomb. Attack it to move it around. In PvP, you
might get damaged by your own trap so be careful.

Ankle Snare____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Skid Trap
Skill Form: Invisible Supportive Trap
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 12, 1 Trap

Install a trap that immobilizes enemies that step into it. Targets trapped can
only attack. Boss monsters have shortened immobility duration.

Level 1 : 250 Second Trap Duration, 4 Second Immobility Duration
Level 2 : 200 Second Trap Duration, 8 Second Immobility Duration
Level 3 : 150 Second Trap Duration, 12 Second Immobility Duration
Level 4 : 100 Second Trap Duration, 16 Second Immobility Duration
Level 5 : 50 Second Trap Duration, 20 Second Immobility Duration

Comments: A pretty decent skill and most probably the best trap there is. You
could either run from an enemy trapped in it or you'll most likely attack it.

Shockwave Trap_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Ankle Snare
Skill Form: Invisible Supportive Trap
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 45, 1 Trap

Install a trap that drains target's SP.

Level 1 : 20% SP Drain, 200 Second Trap Duration
Level 2 : 35% SP Drain, 160 Second Trap Duration
Level 3 : 50% SP Drain, 120 Second Trap Duration
Level 4 : 65% SP Drain, 80 Second Trap Duration
Level 5 : 80% SP Drain, 40 Second Trap Duration

Comments: While deadly against most enemies, it's deadlier to Mage Class and
the Cleric Class. Just don't bother using it against Critical Assassins or the
like (Passive Skill users) or to monsters which is quite useless.

Claymore Trap__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Shockwave Trap, 1 Blast Mine
Skill Form: Visible Offensive Trap - Fire Property
Target: Ground - 1 Cell + 5x5 Area Effect
SP Required: 15, 1 Trap

Install a trap that explodes in a 5x5 area once activated. DEX, INT, and Skill
Level affects the damage.

Level 1 : 20 Second Duration
Level 2 : 40 Second Duration
Level 3 : 60 Second Duration
Level 4 : 80 Second Duration
Level 5 : 100 Second Duration

Comments: The Land Mine's fiery big brother. You should get this if you still
have points to afford one. Also notice that this is the only trap that has an
increase of duration per skill level rather than a decrease of it.

Remove Trap____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Landmine
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Trap
SP Required: 5

Removes a targeted trap.

Level 1 : Enables Remove Trap

Comments: If your eager to remove a trap without waiting, made a mistake on
putting a trap, or if you'd rather steal a trap from enemy hunters, get this.

Talkie Box_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Shockwave, 1 Remove Trap
Skill Form: Trap
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 10, 1 Trap

Install a trap that contains your message. Trap lasts for 600 seconds.

Level 1 : Enables Talkie Box

Comments: An optional skill. If you're trying to have fun, then this could be
the trap for you. Of course, it costs you 100z per trap. Then again, I don't
think the trap item would disappear even when activated.

Beast Bane_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases attack against Insect and Brute type monsters.

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: It can be useful knowing that there are a handful of Insect and Brute
type monsters. You're a hunter after all.

Falcon Mastery_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Beast Bane
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Allows the rental of a falcon.

Level 1 : Enables Falcon Mastery

Comments: Falcons are worth it. They could kill even without you using any
skill (see Blitz Beat).

Spring Trap____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Falcon Mastery, 1 Remove Trap
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Trap
SP Required: 10

Destroys a targeted trap with a falcon.

Level 1 : 4 Cell Range
Level 2 : 5 Cell Range
Level 3 : 6 Cell Range
Level 4 : 7 Cell Range
Level 5 : 8 Cell Range

Comments: Most shouldn't bother as they would rather have to remove a trap and
get an extra trap item.


Pre-requisites: 1 Falcon Mastery, 1 Improve Concentration (Archer)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground + Skill Range
SP Required: 8

Reveals hidden enemies and traps in an area with a falcon.

Level 1 : 3 Cell Range
Level 2 : 5 Cell Range
Level 3 : 7 Cell Range
Level 4 : 9 Cell Range

Comments: Useful. Very useful. Use it against enemy traps, your traps (if you
stepped out of the screen in PvP), or against hidden enemies.

Blitz Beat_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Falcon Mastery
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Target + 3x3 Area
SP Required: Varied

Damage a target and enemies around it with a falcon. INT increases damage of
the falcon. The falcon may also use the skill randomly depending on your LUK.
The job level affects the skill level used by the falcon when Auto-Blitzing.
If the Falcon Auto-Blitzes, no SP is used.

Level 1 : 1 Hit , 10 SP
Level 2 : 2 Hits, 13 SP
Level 3 : 3 Hits, 16 SP
Level 4 : 4 Hits, 19 SP
Level 5 : 5 Hits, 21 SP

Note: The chart below is for Auto-Blitz

Job Level 1-10 : Blitz Beat Level 1
Job Level 11-20: Blitz Beat Level 2
Job Level 21-30: Blitz Beat Level 3
Job Level 31-40: Blitz Beat Level 4
Job Level 41-50: Blitz Beat Level 5

Comments: Best use in smaller mobs. If not, Arrow Shower's better. It seems
that the more concentrated a skill is in an area, the more powerful it is. A
favorite for mob control.

Steel Crow_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Blitz Beat
Skill Form: Passive
Target: Falcon
SP Required: None

Increases falcon damage.

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: A must get for All-Out Falconers.

Bard and Dancer

Since it's taking up a large space, I've merged the Bard and Dancer to reduce
the size. The Bard and Dancer section is separated into three parts: 1) Bard
Only Skills, 2) Dancer Only Skills, and 3) Ensemble Skills.

About Musical Skills:
Musical skills only affect party members within range unless stated otherwise.
Once the Bard performs this skill, he cannot attack except through the skill
Melody Strike and moves at a greatly reduced speed. Also, when one Musical
Skill overlaps another, it becomes similar to Level 1 Unchained Seranade which
can disappear only when one of them stops. Musical Skills can be stopped by
getting hit, after the skill's duration, when SP drops to 0, or when Amp is
used. Musical skills can be overlapped with Dancing skills without a worry.

Musical Effects will last for 15 seconds when the Bard moves away from those

About Dancing Skills:
See above.

About Ensemble Skills:
These skills require the cooperation of both the Bard and the Dancer. Also,
both the Bard and the Dancer must know the skill in order for it to be enabled.
The level of the Ensemble skill is the sum of both the Bard and Dancer's skill
divided into 2 and rounded off to the nearest ones. Both casters cannot move
once the skill is active

Bard has level 4 Battle Theme while the Dancer has 3.
4 + 3 = 7 / 2 = 3.5
Rounding it off will make it level 4 and so, level 4 Battle Theme is used.

Bard - The Wind's Musical Poet


Lv1 Lv1 Unbarring
Unchained Lv3 Perfect Lv10 Lv1
Seranade(5)--------->Tablature(10)----->Lullaby(1)----->Power Cord(1)
\ |
|Lv1 |Lv3 Impressive Lv10 Classical Lv1
| |---->Riff(10)---------->Pluck(1)------->Down Tempo(1)
Music |
Lessons(10) |Lv3 Magic Lv10 Acoustic Lv3
| |---->Strings(10)------->Rhythm(5)------>Mental Sensing(5)
|Lv3 |
/ |Lv3 Song of Lv10 Battle Lv3
Melody ----->Lutie(10)--------->Theme(5)------->Harmonic Lick(5)


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 1

Cancels the last Musical used.

Level 1 : Enables Amp

Comments: Made a mistake in using a Musical or you feel like you're in imminent
danger, this is the skill for you. Essential for most skills.


Pre-requisites: 1 Amp
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 1

Repeats the last Musical Skill used with only 1/2 SP cost. Cannot be used when
Amp was last used.

Level 1 : Enables Encore

Comments: A fantastic skill and a must have.

Unbarring Octave_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Encore
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self + Full Screen
SP Required: Varied

Freezes all characters on screen by chance. Has a 3 second casting time.

Level 1 : 20% Chance, 12 SP
Level 2 : 25% Chance, 14 SP
Level 3 : 30% Chance, 16 SP
Level 4 : 35% Chance, 18 SP
Level 5 : 40% Chance, 20 SP

Comments: It could be useful though people might hate you when they get frozen.
At the moment, though, it is still buggy.

Music Lessons__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Musical Instrument-class weapon damage and Musical Skill values.
Also increases movement speed when using Musical Skills.

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: Simply essential. A skill worth getting to improve the effectiveness
of attacks and some Musical skills.

Melody Strike__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Musical Lessons
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 8, Arrow

Shoot an arrow using a Musical Instument. Can be used while performing. Has a
1.5 casting time.

Level 1 : 150% ATK
Level 2 : 175% ATK
Level 3 : 200% ATK
Level 4 : 225% ATK
Level 5 : 250% ATK

Comments: Pretty useful. It can save your life while playing a Musical skill.
Why not put some?

Hints and Tips:

While supporting party members with Music Skills, use this for an
offensive strike against already busy enemies.

Unchained Serenade_____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Amp, 1 Musical Lessons
Skill Form: Musical - Neutral Property
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: Varied

Inflicts damage on enemies within a 9x9 area around the caster. Damage pierces
defense and dodge rates. It deals an initial damage upon activation of the
skill and continues every 3 seconds. Lasts for 30 seconds and continually
consumes 1 SP per 3 seconds.

When one Musical skill overlaps another Musical skill, the area affected would
be the same as Level 1 Unchained Seranade. Unlike the real skill, the
overlapping effect does not have a Duration and its SP usage still remains the
same from the Musical skill currently being used. Instead, the skill effect is
cancelled when the Musical skill is not overlapped anymore.

Level 1 : 40 Damage, 18 SP
Level 2 : 50 Damage, 21 SP
Level 3 : 60 Damage, 24 SP
Level 4 : 70 Damage, 27 SP
Level 5 : 80 Damage, 30 SP

Comments: Not too useful. It is required by most Musical skills though.

Perfect Tablature______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Unchained Serenade
Skill Form: Musical
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: Varied

Increases Dodge and Perfect Dodge rates of party members within the 9x9 area
around the caster. AGI of the Bard increases the dodge rate and LUK increases
the Perfect Dodge rate. The skill is also affected by the skill level of Music
Lessons. The skill lasts for 60 seconds and continually consumes 1 SP per 5

Level 1 : Flee +1% , Perfect Dodge +1%
Level 2 : Flee +2% , Perfect Dodge +1%
Level 3 : Flee +3% , Perfect Dodge +2%
Level 4 : Flee +4% , Perfect Dodge +2%
Level 5 : Flee +5% , Perfect Dodge +3%
Level 6 : Flee +6% , Perfect Dodge +3%
Level 7 : Flee +7% , Perfect Dodge +4%
Level 8 : Flee +8% , Perfect Dodge +4%
Level 9 : Flee +9% , Perfect Dodge +5%
Level 10: Flee +10%, Perfect Dodge +5%

Comments: A skill worth getting for. Not only would AGI-Types benefit from
this skill but with an additional Perfect Dodge rates, many people would
benefit from this as well.

Impressive Riff________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Unchained Serenade
Skill Form: Musical
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: Varied

Increases the Attack Speed of party members within a 9x9 area around the
caster. The attack speed increased by the skill is the same as one of Two-Hand
Quicken and Adrenaline Rush. However, it does not work on players already with
those skills. The amount of attack speed is affected by the skill level of
Music Lessons and the AGI of the caster. The skill lasts for 120 seconds and
continually consumes 1 SP per 3 seconds.

Level 1 : Additional ATK +11%, 38 SP
Level 2 : Additional ATK +12%, 41 SP
Level 3 : Additional ATK +13%, 44 SP
Level 4 : Additional ATK +14%, 47 SP
Level 5 : Additional ATK +15%, 50 SP
Level 6 : Additional ATK +16%, 53 SP
Level 7 : Additional ATK +17%, 56 SP
Level 8 : Additional ATK +18%, 59 SP
Level 9 : Additional ATK +19%, 62 SP
Level 10: Additional ATK +20%, 65 SP

Note: The info was taken from iRO. I don't know but it might be wrong. The
additional ATK might be ASPD.

Comments: Another great skill as many people would want to hit faster.

Magic Strings__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Unchained Serenade
Skill Form: Musical
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: Varied

Decreases the Casting and Delay time of skills of party members within the 9x9
area around the caster. The Bard's DEX improves the casting time reduction
while INT improves the delay time reduction. The skill is also improved by the
skill level of Music Lessons. The skill lasts for 180 seconds and continually
consumes 1 SP per 5 seconds.

Level 1 : -3% Casting Time, -3% Delay Time, 40 SP
Level 2 : -6% Casting Time, -6% Delay Time, 45 SP
Level 3 : -9% Casting Time, -9% Delay Time, 50 SP
Level 4 : -12% Casting Time, -12% Delay Time, 55 SP
Level 5 : -15% Casting Time, -15% Delay Time, 60 SP
Level 6 : -18% Casting Time, -18% Delay Time, 65 SP
Level 7 : -21% Casting Time, -21% Delay Time, 70 SP
Level 8 : -24% Casting Time, -24% Delay Time, 75 SP
Level 9 : -27% Casting Time, -27% Delay Time, 80 SP
Level 10: -30% Casting Time, -50% Delay Time, 85 SP

Comments: Not too useful as less casting time affects only a few people. Less
delay time is a different matter as most people have delay times. However,
most people should already have enough amounts of Dexterity already to provide
them a fast casting and delay time.

Song of Lutie__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Unchained Serenade
Skill Form: Musical
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: Varied

Increases the Maximum HP of party members and recovers HP every 6 seconds to
all characters within the 9x9 area around the caster. The skill level of Music
Lessons and the VIT of the Bard increases the Max HP bonus and the amount of
HP recovery. The skill lasts for 180 seconds and continually consumed 1 SP per
6 seconds.

Level 1 : MHP +7% , 35 HP Recovery, 40 SP
Level 2 : MHP +9% , 40 HP Recovery, 45 SP
Level 3 : MHP +11%, 45 HP Recovery, 50 SP
Level 4 : MHP +13%, 50 HP Recovery, 55 SP
Level 5 : MHP +15%, 55 HP Recovery, 60 SP
Level 6 : MHP +17%, 60 HP Recovery, 65 SP
Level 7 : MHP +19%, 65 HP Recovery, 70 SP
Level 8 : MHP +21%, 70 HP Recovery, 75 SP
Level 9 : MHP +23%, 75 HP Recovery, 80 SP
Level 10: MHP +25%, 80 HP Recovery, 85 SP

Comments: It could be useful. However, most people do not really need to have
a high HP and some HP recovery to kill off enemies. Still, it's a decent skill
to have.

Hints and Tips:

Try using this with Deluge where Players with Water Element armors
would increase their HP a bit further.

Dancer - Passionate prima donna...

Lv1 Lv1
Hip Lv3 Focus Lv10 Lv1
Shaker(5)----------->Ballet(10)-------->Lullaby(1)----->Power Cord(1)
\ |
|Lv1 |Lv3 Slow Lv10 Classical Lv1
| |---->Grace(10)--------->Pluck(1)------->Down Tempo(1)
Dance |
Lessons(10) |Lv3 Lady Lv10 Acoustic Lv3
| |---->Luck(10)---------->Rhythm(5)------>Mental Sensing(5)
|Lv3 |
/ |Lv3 Gypsy's Lv10 Battle Lv3
Slinging ----->Kiss(10)---------->Theme(5)------->Harmonic Lick(5)


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 1

Cancels the last dance used.

Level 1 : Enables Amp

Comments: Made a mistake in using a dance or you feel like you're in imminent
danger, this is the skill for you. Essential for most skills.


Pre-requisites: 1 Amp
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 1

Repeats the last dance used with only 1/2 SP cost. Cannot be used when Amp was

Level 1 : Enables Encore

Comments: A fantastic skill and a must have.


Pre-requisites: 1 Encore
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self + Full Screen
SP Required: Varied

Stuns monsters and players on screen by chance. Has a 3 second casting time.

Level 1 : 30% Chance, 12 SP
Level 2 : 35% Chance, 14 SP
Level 3 : 40% Chance, 16 SP
Level 4 : 45% Chance, 18 SP
Level 5 : 50% Chance, 20 SP

Comments: It has a higher chance than it's freezing cousin but stun lasts
quicker. Also, people will still hate you if they become stunned.

Dance Lessons__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Whip-class weapon damage and Dance Skill values. Also increases
movement speed when using Dancing Skills.

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: Simply essential. A skill worth getting to improve the effectiveness
of attacks and other skills.

Slinging Arrow_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Dancing Lessons
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 8

Shoot an arrow using a whip. Can be used while performing. Has a 1.5 second
delay time.

Level 1 : 150% ATK
Level 2 : 175% ATK
Level 3 : 200% ATK
Level 4 : 225% ATK
Level 5 : 250% ATK

Comments: It can be useful. It could save your life while dancing.

Hints and Tips:

While supporting party members with Music Skills, use this for an
offensive strike against already busy enemies.

Hip Shaker_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Amp, 1 Dancing Lessons
Skill Form: Dance
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: Varied

Damage a certain amount of SP to enemies in a 9x9 area around the caster.
Lasts for 30 seconds. Consumes 1 SP per 3 seconds. The activation of the
skill immediately damages SP and continues every 3 seconds.

When one dance skill overlaps another dance skill, the area affected would be
the same as Level 1 Hip Shaker. Unlike the real skill, the overlapping effect
does not have a Duration and its SP usage still remains the same from the dance
skill currently being used. Instead, the skill effect is cancelled when the
dance skill is not overlapped anymore.

Level 1 : 10 SP Damage, 23 SP
Level 2 : 20 SP Damage, 26 SP
Level 3 : 30 SP Damage, 29 SP
Level 4 : 40 SP Damage, 32 SP
Level 5 : 50 SP Damage, 35 SP

Comments: Not too useful against monsters. Actually, I don't think it works
against them. Against players, it could be devastating.

Focus Ballet___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Hip Shaker
Skill Form: Dance
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: Varied

Increases the accuracy rate of party members in a 9x9 area around the caster.
DEX of the Dancer and the skill level of Dance Lessons increases the accuracy
rates. The skill lasts for 60 seconds and continually consumes 1 SP per 5

Level 1 : HIT +2 , 22 SP
Level 2 : HIT +4 , 24 SP
Level 3 : HIT +6 , 26 SP
Level 4 : HIT +8 , 28 SP
Level 5 : HIT +10, 30 SP
Level 6 : HIT +12, 32 SP
Level 7 : HIT +14, 34 SP
Level 8 : HIT +16, 36 SP
Level 9 : HIT +18, 38 SP
Level 10: HIT +20, 40 SP

Comments: Though it might be handy at some point, Lady Luck might seem a bit
more useful than others. Then again, there are also a lot of players with low

Slow Grace_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Hip Shaker
Skill Form: Dance
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: Varied

Decreases the Attack and Moving Speed of enemies in a 9x9 area around the
caster. This skill cancels skills and buffs that already increases the
movement or attack speed of the enemy. STR of the dancer inproves the Movement
Speed reduction while AGI improves Movement Speed reduction. Also, both are
affected by the skill level of Dance Lessons. The skill lasts for 180 seconds
and continually consumes 1 SP per 10 seconds.

Level 1 : ASPD -3% , Moving Speed -2 , 28 SP
Level 2 : ASPD -6% , Moving Speed -4 , 31 SP
Level 3 : ASPD -9% , Moving Speed -6 , 34 SP
Level 4 : ASPD -12%, Moving Speed -8 , 37 SP
Level 5 : ASPD -15%, Moving Speed -10, 40 SP
Level 6 : ASPD -18%, Moving Speed -12, 43 SP
Level 7 : ASPD -21%, Moving Speed -14, 46 SP
Level 8 : ASPD -24%, Moving Speed -16, 49 SP
Level 9 : ASPD -27%, Moving Speed -18, 52 SP
Level 10: ASPD -30%, Moving Speed -20, 55 SP

Comments: Although it's not as useful as the bard skill, the rating of this
skill is still high. Handy against opponents with high AGI. Not to mention,
it is SP wise.

Lady Luck______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Hip Shaker
Skill Form: Dance
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: Varied

Increases the Critical Rates of party members in a 9x9 area around the caster.
The LUK of the dancer and the skill level of Dance Lessons increases the
Critical rating. The skill lasts for 120 seconds and consumes 1 SP per 4

Level 1 : +1% Critical Rating, 43 SP
Level 2 : +2% Critical Rating, 46 SP
Level 3 : +3% Critical Rating, 49 SP
Level 4 : +4% Critical Rating, 52 SP
Level 5 : +5% Critical Rating, 55 SP
Level 6 : +6% Critical Rating, 58 SP
Level 7 : +7% Critical Rating, 61 SP
Level 8 : +8% Critical Rating, 64 SP
Level 9 : +9% Critical Rating, 67 SP
Level 10: +10% Critical Rating, 70 SP

Comments: Everybody likes criticals. It's a must get for people in your party
who does. Very much appreciated by Assassins and such.

Gypsy's Kiss___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Hip Shaker
Skill Form: Dance
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required:

Increases Maximum SP and reduces SP consumption of skills of party members in a
9x9 area around the caster. DEX of the Dancer and the skill level of Dance
Lessons increases the Max SP bonus. The skill lasts for 180 seconds and
continually consumes 1 SP per 5 seconds.

Level 1 : MSP +11%, SP Consumption -13%, 40 SP
Level 2 : MSP +12%, SP Consumption -16%, 45 SP
Level 3 : MSP +13%, SP Consumption -19%, 50 SP
Level 4 : MSP +14%, SP Consumption -22%, 55 SP
Level 5 : MSP +15%, SP Consumption -25%, 60 SP
Level 6 : MSP +16%, SP Consumption -28%, 65 SP
Level 7 : MSP +17%, SP Consumption -31%, 70 SP
Level 8 : MSP +18%, SP Consumption -34%, 75 SP
Level 9 : MSP +19%, SP Consumption -37%, 80 SP
Level 10: MSP +20%, SP Consumption -40%, 85 SP

Comments: A decent skill with a drawback of having a high SP cost. Still, many
people who uses skills a lot will definitely like having their SP cost reduced.

Hints and Tips:

Before letting anyone in your party to use any skill, activate this.

Ensemble (Bard and Dancer) Skills


Pre-requisites: 10 Perfect Tablature/Focus Ballet
Skill Form: Ensemble
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: 20

Increase the Flee and Perfect Dodge rate of characters in a 9x9 area around the
casters. A sleeping curse is immediately used upon activation of the skill and
will continue every 6 seconds. Sleeping chance is affected by the INT of the
casters. Lasts for 60 seconds. Consumes 1 SP per 4 seconds.

Level 1 : Enables Lullaby

Comments: Wow. They slightly improve it by adding a dodge and perfect dodge
rate with this skill and as a 1-point skill only saves a lot. Sleep is also
annoying though it isn't really that useful.

Power Cord_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Lullaby
Skill Form: Ensemble
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: 10

Enables party members within the 9x9 area around the casters to use any skills
without their required items. Lasts for 60 seconds. Consumes 1 SP per 5

Level 1 : Enables Power Cord

Comments: A handy skill. It totally takes out your reliance on gemstones and
the Mistress Card just to use certain spells.

Hints and Tips:

In Guild Castles, let allied Hunters put as many traps as possible with
this skill. Also, Assassins may join in to put as many Venom Dusts in the
areas as well as Wizard's Fire Pillar and Sages skills, etc.

Classical Pluck________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 Impressive Riff/Slow Grace
Skill Form: Ensemble
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: 60

Disables the usage of all skills of all characters in the 9x9 area around the
casters. Cannot be used against Boss Monsters. The skill lasts for 60
seconds. Consumes 1 SP per 4 seconds.

Level 1 : Enables Classical Pluck

Comments: The Bard and Dancer's way of silencing: everybody but them is
affected. It could be useful for some but it has a really high SP cost. Not
too many players would benifit from this.

Down Tempo_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Classical Pluck
Skill Form: Ensemble
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: 30

Reduce the defense of enemies in the 9x9 area around the casters to 0. Lasts
for 60 seconds. Consumes 1 SP per 4 seconds.

Level 1 : Enables Down Tempo

Comments: Devastating to Knights, Priests, and other VIT-type Characters out
there. Also useful in areas with high-DEF monsters.

Acoustic Rhythm________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 Magic Strings/Lady Luck
Skill Form: Ensemble
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: 10

Increases resistances against the Water and Fire Property of party/guild
members within the 9x9 area around the casters. The skill lasts for 60
seconds. Consumes 1 SP per 3 seconds.

Level 1 : 40% Resistance
Level 2 : 50% Resistance
Level 3 : 60% Resistance
Level 4 : 70% Resistance
Level 5 : 80% Resistance

Comments: Though it might be useful against mages and such, it's not really a
good skill to have.

Mental Sensing_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Acoustic Rhythm
Skill Form: Ensemble
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: 30

Increases EXP rates the party/guild members receive in a 9x9 area around the
casters. Consumes 1 SP per 3 seconds.

Level 1 : +136% EXP
Level 2 : +147% EXP
Level 3 : +158% EXP
Level 4 : +169% EXP
Level 5 : +180% EXP

Comments: I wouldn't recommend it much though you could still get it. This
skill is definitely better off when tanking someone in an "Each Take" party.

Battle Theme___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 The Song of Lutie/Gypsy's Kiss
Skill Form: Ensemble
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: Varied

Increases ATK and DEF of party/guild members in a 9x9 area around the casters.
The skill lasts for 60 seconds. Consumes 1 SP per 3 seconds.

Level 1 : ATK +50 , DEF +4 , 40 SP
Level 2 : ATK +75 , DEF +6 , 45 SP
Level 3 : ATK +100, DEF +8 , 50 SP
Level 4 : ATK +125, DEF +10, 55 SP
Level 5 : ATK +150, DEF +12, 60 SP

Comments: A decent skill and a must have for big supporters of their party
and/or guild. It has a high SP cost and quite low DEF bonuses but everybody in
the front line would benefit from this.

Harmonic Lick__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Battle Theme
Skill Form: Ensemble
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: ??

Increases the Attack Damage of Level 4 weapons of party/guild members in a 9x9
area around the casters. Lasts for 60 seconds. Consumes 1 SP per 3 seconds.

Level 1 : ATK +150
Level 2 : ATK +200
Level 3 : ATK +250
Level 4 : ATK +300
Level 5 : ATK +350

Comments: Big boost here and there but only some people use level 4 weapons.
If they do, their as powerful as hell.

IX. Merchant Class

Merchant - Deal with a Hope...

Lv3 Lv3
Enlarge Weight Limit(10)------->Discount(10)-------->Overcharge(10)
Item Appraisal(1) | Lv5 Lv3
--Quest Skill--
Crazy Uproar
Change Cart
Cart Revolution

Enlarge Weight Limit___________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases the Weight Limit to carry more items.

Level 1 : Maximum Weight Capacity +200
Level 2 : Maximum Weight Capacity +400
Level 3 : Maximum Weight Capacity +600
Level 4 : Maximum Weight Capacity +800
Level 5 : Maximum Weight Capacity +1000
Level 6 : Maximum Weight Capacity +1200
Level 7 : Maximum Weight Capacity +1400
Level 8 : Maximum Weight Capacity +1600
Level 9 : Maximum Weight Capacity +1800
Level 10: Maximum Weight Capacity +2000

Comments: Increases the capacity of carrying items and decreases your reliance
on STR for weight limits. Although good for DC/OC merchants, the pushcart and
Kafra Storage can reduce your reliance on this skill. Required for most
skills, though.


Pre-requisites: 3 Enlarge Weight Limit
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Decreases NPC shop item prices when buying.

Level 1 : 7% Discount
Level 2 : 9% Discount
Level 3 : 11% Discount
Level 4 : 13% Discount
Level 5 : 15% Discount
Level 6 : 17% Discount
Level 7 : 19% Discount
Level 8 : 21% Discount
Level 9 : 23% Discount
Level 10: 24% Discount

Comments: A pretty decent skill for shopping and selling. Sell less to players
and buy for even lesser in NPC shops. A decent business and a pretty common


Pre-requisites: 3 Discount
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases selling prices when selling from the NPCs.

Level 1 : 7% Overcharge
Level 2 : 9% Overcharge
Level 3 : 11% Overcharge
Level 4 : 13% Overcharge
Level 5 : 15% Overcharge
Level 6 : 17% Overcharge
Level 7 : 19% Overcharge
Level 8 : 21% Overcharge
Level 9 : 23% Overcharge
Level 10: 24% Overcharge

Comments: Sell useless junk for more than the usual. A decent business but
rarer than DC. When using the OC business, calculators are recommended. Best
for battle merchants who has no time for vending their items.


Pre-requisites: 5 Enlarge Weight Limit
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables merchants to rent a cart from a Kafra. Carts can store items up to the
8000 weight. Skill affects the moving speed of the merchant.

Level 1 : 55% Moving Speed
Level 2 : 60% Moving Speed
Level 3 : 65% Moving Speed
Level 4 : 70% Moving Speed
Level 5 : 75% Moving Speed
Level 6 : 80% Moving Speed
Level 7 : 85% Moving Speed
Level 8 : 90% Moving Speed
Level 9 : 95% Moving Speed
Level 10: 100% Moving Speed

Comments: A decent skill. Just make sure you don't get a cart when the skill
level is 1 or 2 or you'll end up cursing towards your destination. Carts can
be taken away in the equipment menu.


Pre-requisites: 3 Pushcart
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 30

Enables the player to open a shop. Skill level affects the number of items
that can be put inside the shop. Only items from the cart can be sold. When
the skill is used, you will automatically be notified in the chatbox what you
are currently selling and how much for safety precautions. You will also be
notified what and how many was bought and when all the items are sold out.
The maximum price for items is 99,990,000 Zeny.

Level 1 : Up to 3 Items
Level 2 : Up to 4 Items
Level 3 : Up to 5 Items
Level 4 : Up to 6 Items
Level 5 : Up to 7 Items
Level 6 : Up to 8 Items
Level 7 : Up to 9 Items
Level 8 : Up to 10 Items
Level 9 : Up to 11 Items
Level 10: Up to 12 Items

Comments: You can open a shop like NPCs have when you buy from them. It has no
skill duration so you could sell all night if you want. Even if you die from
an aggressive monster, you'd still be selling items until all are sold out.
The quantity of items is not affected so you could sell them as many as you
want except for equipments which is always separate.

i.e. In Level 1 Vending, you can sell even up to 500 Red Potions, 90 Fly Wings,
and 20 Butterfly Wings but for equipments, you could only sell 1 Hat, 1 Hat and
1 Hat, a total of 3 hats in each of the 3 slots.

Hints and Tips:

Be careful of what you have written in your shop. To make sure that
your prices will be of the correct amount, use commas to separate the numbers.
In need of a quick money? Try getting Level 1 Discount and Level 1
Vending, buy Silver Arrows from the NPC and sell them in key areas like the
Pyramids or Glast Heim.
Try to find for key areas where most people will likely buy from you.

Item Appraisal_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 10

Identifies and appraises unknown equipments.

Level 1 : Enables Item Appraisal

Comments: A decent skill though it would have been a good business if there
weren't for those numerous scammers who might appraise the item, take it and
leave the vicinity before they can ever get caught. Well, it still does reduce
your reliance to magnifiers.


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 5, Varied number of Zeny

Uses the weapon and zeny to deliver a mighty blow.

Level 1 : 150% ATK, 100 Zenies
Level 2 : 200% ATK, 200 Zenies
Level 3 : 250% ATK, 300 Zenies
Level 4 : 300% ATK, 400 Zenies
Level 5 : 350% ATK, 500 Zenies
Level 6 : 400% ATK, 600 Zenies
Level 7 : 450% ATK, 700 Zenies
Level 8 : 500% ATK, 800 Zenies
Level 9 : 550% ATK, 900 Zenies
Level 10: 600% ATK, 1000 Zenies

Comments: Expensive but it proves people that this is even stronger than Bash
itself and is almost amazingly as powerful as Bowling Bash is. Best used for
battling and you have lots of zeny to spare.

--Quest Skill--

Crazy Uproar___________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 8

Increases your Strength by 4 for 5 minutes.

Required Job Level: 15
Quest Items: 50 Mushroom Spores, 7 Pearls, 1 Banana Juice
NPC Location: Alberta, somewhere in the middle below the Kit Shop

Comments: Essential and a must get. While you could save for later, this rather
increases your chances of survival during combat.

Change Cart____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 40

Changes the appearance of your cart. The number of cart appearances depends on
your Base level.

Required Job Level: 30
Quest Items: 50 Trunk, 20 Animal Skin, 10 Iron
NPC Location: Alberta, somewhere northwest

Comments: A fun skill for those who have time to get it. You could skip it for

Cart Revolution________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy + 3x3 Area
SP Required: 12

Uses the cart to damage a target and enemies nearby in a 3x3 radius. Pushes
them back 1 cell. The damage formula is 150% + (the weight of the cart) ATK.

Required Job Level: 35
Quest Items: 30 Iron, 30 Sticky Mucus, 20 Fly Wing, 5 Tentacle, 2 Grape Juice
NPC Location: Alberta, near the Port. Get a Banana Juice to grab his attention.
Banana Juice is not needed if you already have the other items
with you.

Comments: It looks similar to Magnum Break except it's not fire property, and
hurts a hell lot more when the cart has a lot of items in it. Whether PvM, PvP,
MVP, or WoE, this is a skill worth getting.

Blacksmith - Power of Craftsmanship...

Lv1 Lv1
Smith Dagger(3)------>Smith Sword(3)----------->Smith Two-Handed Sword(3)
| |
| | Lv2
| ------------------->Smith Axe(3)
| Lv1 Lv1
|------------>Smith Knucklebrace(3)---->Smith Mace(3)
| Lv2
------------->Smith Spear(3)

Lv1 Lv1
Iron Tempering(5)----->Enchanted Stone Craft(5)---->Research Oridecon(5)
/ Lv1
Steel Tempering(5)---------------- Skin Tempering(5)
Lv1 /
Hilt Binding(1)------->Ore Discovery(1)
| Lv1 Lv1
---------------->Weaponry Research(10)---->Repair Weapon(1)
Hammer Fall(5) |
| |Lv2
|Lv2 |
/ Lv2 / Lv3
Adrenaline Rush(5)---->Weapon Perfection(5)----->Maximize Power(5)
| \
| Lv3 Lv2 |
-------------->Power Thrust(5)-------------

Note: To forge weapons, you must need an anvil and a hammer. The more powerful
(in this case, expensive) the anvil is, the higher chances of forging. Also,
you must have the required items to create the weapon.

Note 2: Different typesof hammers forge different types of weapon levels.

Note 3: To refine ores, a mini-furnace is required.

Note 4: Just by becoming a Blacksmith, you can refine 10 Star Dust into Star
Crumbs. It is also impossible to fail refining Star Crumbs.

Smith Dagger___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables forging of dagger-class weapons.

Level 1 : 10% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 20% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 30% Base Success Rate

Knife = 1 Iron, 10 Jellopy
Cutter = 25 Iron
Main Gauche = 50 Iron
Dirk = 17 Steel
Dagger = 30 Steel
Stiletto = 40 Steel
Gladius = 40 Steel, 4 Oridecon, 1 Sapphire
Damascus = 60 Steel, 4 Oridecon, 1 Zircon

Comments: Daggers are nice. Every job except the acolyte class can weild it.
I'm sure you can find a buyer of these especially the thief class.

Smith Sword____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Smith Dagger
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables forging of one-handed sword-class weapons.

Level 1 : 10% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 20% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 30% Base Success Rate

Sword = 2 Iron
Falchion = 30 Iron
Blade = 45 Iron, 25 Tooth of Bat
Rapier = 20 Steel
Scimitar = 35 Steel
Ring Pommel Saber = 40 Steel, 50 Wolf Claw
Saber = 5 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 1 Opal
Haedonggum = 10 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 1 Topaz
Tsurugi = 15 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 1 Garnet
Flamberge = 4 Oridecon, 1 Ruby

Comments: Many people use swords. Why not get one?

Smith Two-Handed Sword_________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Smith Sword
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables forging of two-handed sword-class weapons.

Level 1 : 10% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 20% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 30% Base Success Rate

Katana = 35 Iron, 15 Horrendous Mouth
Slayer = 25 Steel, 20 Decayed Nail
Bastard Sword = 45 Steel
Two-Handed Sword = 10 Steel, 12 Oridecon
Broad Sword = 20 Steel, 12 Oridecon
Claymore = 20 Steel, 16 Oridecon, 1 Cracked Diamond

Comments: Two-handed Swords are powerful and Knights use them. Why not?

Smith Axe______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Smith Sword
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables forging of axe-class weapons.

Level 1 : 10% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 20% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 30% Base Success Rate

Axe = 10 Iron
Battle Axe = 110 Iron
War Hammer = 30 Steel
Buster = 20 Steel, 4 Oridecon, 30 Orc's Fang
Two-Handed Axe = 10 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 1 Amethyst

Comments: You could either get these or the mace class as your battle gear.
Alchemists and, rarely, knights also use them.

Smith Knucklebrace_____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Smith Dagger
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables forging of knuckle-class weapons.

Level 1 : 10% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 20% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 30% Base Success Rate

Hora = 65 Iron
Knuckle Duster = 50 Steel
Waghnak = 160 Steel, 1 Pearl
Fist = 4 Oridecon, 10 Ruby
Finger = 4 Oridecon, 10 Opal
Claw = 8 Oridecon, 10 Topaz

Comments: While Priests can also use these, they could always use staves, books
or maces. So basically, only monks and a rarity of priests buy these things.

Smith Mace_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Smith Knucklebrace
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables forging of mace-class weapons.

Level 1 : 10% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 20% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 30% Base Success Rate

Club = 3 Iron
Mace = 30 Iron
Smasher = 20 Steel
Flail = 33 Steel
Chain = 45 Steel
Morning Star = 85 Steel, 1 2-Carat Diamond
Sword Mace = 100 Steel, 20 Sharp Scale
Stunner = 120 Steel, 1 Orcish Voucher

Comments: Get this for your cleric class friends, for your merchant class
rivals, or for yourself. Well, it's either this or Axes.

Smith Spear____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Smith Dagger
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables forging of spear-class weapons.

Level 1 : 10% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 20% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 30% Base Success Rate

Javelin = 3 Iron
Spear = 35 Iron
Pike = 70 Iron
Guisarme = 25 Steel
Glaive = 40 Steel
Partizan = 55 Steel
Trident = 10 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 5 Aquamarine
Halberd = 10 Steel, 12 Oridecon
Lance = 12 Oridecon, 3 Ruby, 2 Evil Horn

Comments: Spears are powerful and many knights use them. Get either this or
Two-handed Swords.

Iron Tempering_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Refines 1 Iron Ore into Iron.

Level 1 : 26% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 32% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 38% Base Success Rate
Level 4 : 44% Base Success Rate
Level 5 : 50% Base Success Rate

Comments: Without iron, how would you forge. Iron Ores are pretty common and
cheap. Then again, so is Iron.

Enchanted Stone Craft__________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Iron Tempering
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Refines of Enchanted Ores.

Level 1 : 15% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 20% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 25% Base Success Rate
Level 4 : 30% Base Success Rate
Level 5 : 35% Base Success Rate

Flame Heart = 10 Red Blood
Mystic Frozen = 10 Crystal Blue
Rough Wind = 10 Wind of Verdure
Great Nature = 10 Green Live

Comments: Essential for elemental forging.

Research Oridecon______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Enchanted Stone Craft
Skill Form: Passive
SP Required: None

Enables forging of level 3 weapons. Skill level increases success rate of
forging weapons.

Level 1 : 10% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 20% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 30% Base Success Rate
Level 4 : 40% Base Success Rate
Level 5 : 50% Base Success Rate

Note: Some people claimed it not even implemented yet. Get it just in case.

Comments: A must have to increase your success in forging. Also, many people
go for powerful elemental weapons.

Steel Tempering________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Iron Tempering
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Refines 5 iron and 1 coal into steel.

Level 1 : 15% Base Success Rate
Level 2 : 20% Base Success Rate
Level 3 : 25% Base Success Rate
Level 4 : 30% Base Success Rate
Level 5 : 35% Base Success Rate

Comments: With steel being uncommon, it's not a bad idea to get this.

Hilt Binding___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Prevents dropping your equipped weapon when fainted. Also protects your
weapon from getting divested and increases STR by 1.

Level 1 : Enables Hilt Binding

Comments: Well, people rarely drop their weapons in dungeons but if they do,
better have this skill ready.

Ore Discovery__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Hilt Binding, 1 Steel Tempering
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases chances of finding ores and metals.

Level 1 : Enables Ore Discovery

Comments: Kinda cool. This increases your findings of metals for forging thus
making you richer. Well that takes care of the ever rare ores problem.

Weaponry Research______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Hilt Binding
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases forging rates, accuracy and attack damage.

Level 1 : HIT and ATK +2 , Base Crafting Rate +1%
Level 2 : HIT and ATK +4 , Base Crafting Rate +2%
Level 3 : HIT and ATK +6 , Base Crafting Rate +3%
Level 4 : HIT and ATK +8 , Base Crafting Rate +4%
Level 5 : HIT and ATK +10, Base Crafting Rate +5%
Level 6 : HIT and ATK +12, Base Crafting Rate +6%
Level 7 : HIT and ATK +14, Base Crafting Rate +7%
Level 8 : HIT and ATK +16, Base Crafting Rate +8%
Level 9 : HIT and ATK +18, Base Crafting Rate +9%
Level 10: HIT and ATK +20, Base Crafting Rate +10%

Comments: Essential not just for crafting but for battling as well. Unlike
weapon masteries, the ATK bonus increases directly to your stats and it doesn't
ignore target's defense.

Repair Weapon__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Weaponry Research
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 5, 1 Steel

Repairs damaged weapons with 1 bar of Steel, an anvil and a hammer.

Level 1 : Enables Repair Weapon

Comments: The skill speaks for itself. Useful when Repair NPCs aren't around.
While weapon breaking isn't implemented yet, it's not a bad idea to be safe.

Hammer Fall____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Ground - 5x5 Area
SP Required: 10

Stuns enemies in a target area. Only works with Mace and Axe class weapons.

Level 1 : 30% Success Rate
Level 2 : 40% Success Rate
Level 3 : 50% Success Rate
Level 4 : 60% Success Rate
Level 5 : 70% Success Rate

Comments: Move quick as stun really doesn't last long. Still, a useful skill
to support players around. Best used against AGI-types.

Hints and Tips:

Stun enemies to disable them from attacking. Use Mammonite after the
Hammer Fall impact.

Adrenaline Rush________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Hammer Fall
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self/Party (with Mace and/or Axe Class only)
SP Required: Varied

Increases Attack Speed of the caster by 30% and party members by 25%. Only
works on players equipped with Maces/Axes.

Level 1 : 30 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 2 : 60 Second Duration, 23 SP
Level 3 : 90 Second Duration, 26 SP
Level 4 : 120 Second Duration, 29 SP
Level 5 : 150 Second Duration, 32 SP

Comments: Cool and very handy, aside from the drawback that only mace and axe
equipped players are allowed to join in.

Hints and Tips:

Use before you engage in combat.

Power Thrust___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Adrenaline Rush
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self/Party
SP Required: Varied

Increases attack damage but has a rate of damaging the weapon.

Level 1 : 20 Second Duration, ATK +105%, 0.1% Weapon Damage, 18 SP
Level 2 : 40 Second Duration, ATK +110%, 0.1% Weapon Damage, 16 SP
Level 3 : 60 Second Duration, ATK +115%, 0.1% Weapon Damage, 14 SP
Level 4 : 80 Second Duration, ATK +120%, 0.1% Weapon Damage, 12 SP
Level 5 : 100 Second Duration, ATK +125%, 0.1% Weapon Damage, 10 SP

Comments: Decent especially against tough monsters. I don't know if weapons
can be damaged yet but you should have Repair Weapon with you just in case.

Hints and Tips:

Use before you engage in combat.

Weapon Perfection______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Adrenaline Rush, 2 Weaponry Research
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self/Party
SP Required: Varied

Allows the weapons to deal perfect damage on any-sized monsters.

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration, 18 SP
Level 2 : 20 Second Duration, 16 SP
Level 3 : 30 Second Duration, 14 SP
Level 4 : 40 Second Duration, 12 SP
Level 5 : 50 Second Duration, 10 SP

Note: What is perfect damage? It is the ability of the weapon to damage any
sizes of enemies without a size damage penalty.

i.e. Originally, a dagger-class weapon would deal 50% to Large, 75% to Medium,
and 100% to Small Monsters. This skill removes the penalty thus the dagger now
deals a full 100% against any monster.

Comments: A must skill to have especially for PvM.

Hints and Tips:

Use before you engage in combat.

Maximize Power_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Power Thrust, 3 Weapon Perfection
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 10

Always deal the maximum damage done.

Level 1 : 1 SP/1 Second
Level 2 : 1 SP/2 Seconds
Level 3 : 1 SP/3 Seconds
Level 4 : 1 SP/4 Seconds
Level 5 : 1 SP/5 Seconds

Comments: If you have more STR than DEX, this skill is very handy since it does
not allow you to deal anything lower than your maximum attack. That means that
you can do quite some more damage than your usual. Too bad it has high

Hints and Tips:

Use before you engage in combat.

Skin Tempering_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases resistances to the fire property.

Level 1 : 5% Fire Resistance
Level 2 : 10% Fire Resistance
Level 3 : 15% Fire Resistance
Level 4 : 20% Fire Resistance
Level 5 : 25% Fire Resistance

Comments: Not too useful though it is handy against the many fire mages in PvP
or the WoE.

Alchemist - One who invaded God's territory...

Lv2 Summon
---->Marine Sphere(5)
Axe Mastery(10) |--->Aid Potion(5)
Potion Research(10) |Lv4
| |--->Bomb(5)
|Lv5 |
/ |Lv5
Prepare Potion(10)------|--->Acid Terror(5) Alchemical
| Weapon(5)
|Lv6 \
|--->Summon Flora(5) |Lv3
| |
|Lv2 Biochemical Lv3 Synthesized Lv3 Synthetic

Axe Mastery____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Axe-Class Weapon Damage

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: Essential for Axe users. Of course, you don't have to get it if you
don't use them and rather have a sword, a mace, or an Azoth.

Potion Research________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Potion Creation Rates and Healing Item values.

Level 1 : +5% Potion Creation Rate & Healing Item Value
Level 2 : +10% Potion Creation Rate & Healing Item Value
Level 3 : +15% Potion Creation Rate & Healing Item Value
Level 4 : +20% Potion Creation Rate & Healing Item Value
Level 5 : +25% Potion Creation Rate & Healing Item Value
Level 6 : +30% Potion Creation Rate & Healing Item Value
Level 7 : +35% Potion Creation Rate & Healing Item Value
Level 8 : +40% Potion Creation Rate & Healing Item Value
Level 9 : +45% Potion Creation Rate & Healing Item Value
Level 10: +50% Potion Creation Rate & Healing Item Value

Comments: Absolutely an essential skill. It also affects the Aid Potion skill
and the potions you create. A must get.

Prepare Potion_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Potion Research
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 5, 1 Medicine Bowl, 1 "Specific" Creation Guide

Enables the creation of potions. Skill level increases the chance of
successful creation of potions. Only specific guides can create specific
potions. Creation Guides can be bought in the Alchemist Union in Al de Baran.

Note: Skill levels only increase success rates.

Red Potion = 1 Red Herb, 1 Empty Potion Bottle
Yellow Potion = 1 Yellow Herb, 1 Empty Potion Bottle
White Potion = 1 White Herb, 1 Empty Potion Bottle
Blue Potion = 1 Blue Herb, 1 Scell, 1 Empty Potion Bottle
Condensed Red Potion = 1 Red Herb, 1 Cactus Needle, 1 Empty Test Tube
Condensed Yellow Potion = 1 Yellow Herb, 1 Mole Whiskers, 1 Empty Test Tube
Condensed White Potion = 1 White Herb, 1 Witch Starsand, 1 Empty Test Tube
Anodyne = 1 Ment, 1 Alcohol, 1 Empty Bottle
Aloevera = 1 Aloe, 1 Honey, 1 Empty Bottle
Alcohol = 5 Stem, 5 Mushroom Spore, 1 Empty Bottle
Bottle Grenade = 1 Fabric, 1 Alcohol, 1 Empty Bottle
Acid Bottle = 1 Immortal Heart, 1 Empty Bottle
Plant Bottle = 2 Maneater Blossom, 1 Empty Bottle
Marine Sphere Bottle = 1 Tendon, 1 Detonator, 1 Empty Bottle
Glistening Coat = 1 Alcohol, 1 Mermaid Heart, 1 Zenorc Fang,
1 Empty Bottle
Embryo = 1 Seed of Life, 1 Yggdrassil Dew, 1 Glass Beaker
Fire Resistance Potion =
Water Resistance Potion =
Wind Resistance Potion =
Earth Resistance Potion =

Comments: Another essential skill. Without it, what are alchemists for? It
finally puts the Empty Potion Bottle some uses as well. I'm not sure if you
can buy Potion Bottles in the Alchemist Union but you can buy it at the Mage
Guild in Geffen. Also, finding the items is tough but worth it.

Summon Marine Sphere___________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Prepare Potion
Skill Form: Supportive/Offensive - Fire Property
Target: Ground - 1 Cell, Marine Sphere's Explosion - 5x5 Area
SP Required: 10, 1 Mine Bottle (aka Marine Sphere Bottle)

Summon up to 3 Marine Spheres in a given area. Marine Spheres randomly move
and cast self-destruct enemies nearby. The Marine Sphere can move and cast at
the same time. Self-destruct has a 5 second casting time. As time goes by,
the Marine Sphere can move faster. The HP of the Marine Spheres are determined
by the Skill Level.

Note: Unknown Data

Comments: It's fun to see enemies getting blown up by round fishes. A decent
skill to have though there is one thing you should think about. Their damage
is determined by their HP so if they have less HP, they give less damage.

Hints and Tips:

Use in areas such as choke points where enemies tend to gather up.

Aid Potion_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Prepare Potion
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: 10, 1 Potion

Throws a potion to recover a target's HP or SP. Skill Level affects the potion
the caster can use.

Level 1 : 110% Potion Value, Allows Red Potions
Level 2 : 120% Potion Value, Allows Orange Potions
Level 3 : 130% Potion Value, Allows Yellow Potions
Level 4 : 140% Potion Value, Allows White Potions
Level 5 : 150% Potion Value, Allows Blue Potions

Comments: A very useful support skill. Not only can it heal, it can regenerate
SP. Also, having maxed up the Potion Research, this skill can heal like hell!!
Even more, healing value is increased by Increase HP Recovery making this the
number 1 healing skill for Swordsmen.

Hints and Tips:

Leave the healing of players to the Alchemists while Priests should
focus on supporting by other means.


Pre-requisites: 4 Prepare Potion
Skill Form: Offensive - Fire Property
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 10, 1 Bottle Grenade

Engulf an area with flames that damages enemies per second but does not push
them back. Has a small chance to damage weapons. The skill Alchemical Weapon
and the Golem Card counter-acts weapon damage.

Level 1 : 120% ATK, 1% Weapon Damage Chance
Level 2 : 140% ATK, 2% Weapon Damage Chance
Level 3 : 160% ATK, 3% Weapon Damage Chance
Level 4 : 180% ATK, 4% Weapon Damage Chance
Level 5 : 200% ATK, 5% Weapon Damage Chance

Note: If the chances works on monsters instead, their ATK will be reduced for a
short duration of time.

Comments: Man! This skill makes flames last longer than I thought it would. It
is also highly damaging though Acid Terror is better.

Hints and Tips:

Use in areas such as choke points where enemies tend to gather up.

Acid Terror____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Prepare Potion
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 15, 1 Acid Bottle

Throw a bottle of acid at a target. Has a small chance to damage armors and
cause External Bleeding status ailment. Targets with their armors damaged will
automatically use the /omg emoticon. The skill Synthetic Armor and the
Cornutus Card counter-acts armor damage.

Level 1 : 140% ATK, 3% Armor Damage Chance, 3% Bleeding Chance
Level 2 : 180% ATK, 7% Armor Damage Chance, 6% Bleeding Chance
Level 3 : 220% ATK, 10% Armor Damage Chance, 9% Bleeding Chance
Level 4 : 260% ATK, 12% Armor Damage Chance, 12% Bleeding Chance
Level 5 : 300% ATK, 13% Armor Damage Chance, 15% Bleeding Chance

Note: If the chances works on monsters instead, their DEF will be reduced for a
short duration of time.

Comments: Another decent skill but with a higher percentage chance to damage
armors badly. No armor equals less points to defense.

Summon Flora___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 6 Prepare Potion
Skill Form: Supportive/Offensive - (Earth Property)
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 15, 1 Plant Bottle

Summon attacking plants at a given area. The plants randomly attack nearby
enemies. Skill Level determines the type of plant, number of plants available
for summoning, HP and the duration of the plant.

Summon up to 3 Floras at a given area. Floras randomly attack nearby enemies.
Skill Level determines the HP of the Flora.

Level 1 : 5 Mandragoras
Level 2 : 4 Hydras
Level 3 : 3 Floras
Level 4 : 2 Parasites
Level 5 : 1 Geographer

Comments: Not really that good to invest in but hey! At least it gives you
time to distract the opponents and run off for yourself...

Hints and Tips:

You could summon these to distract opponents while you attack them by
other means such as summoning a Marine Sphere.

Biochemical Helm_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Prepare Potion
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: 30, 1 Glistening Coat

Coat a player's helm with chemicals to protect it from damage for a duration.
Counter-acts the Rogue skill, Divest Helm.

Level 1 : 60 Second Duration
Level 2 : 120 Second Duration
Level 3 : 180 Second Duration
Level 4 : 240 Second Duration
Level 5 : 300 Second Duration

Comments: Not too handy as helms rarely get damaged. Of course, that depends
if suddenly a group of Divest Rogues come in your way. No need to max it

Synthesized Shield_____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Biochemical Helm
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: 30, 1 Glistening Coat

Coat a player's shield with chemicals to protect it from damage for a duration.
Counter-acts the Rogue skill, Divest Shield.

Level 1 : 60 Second Duration
Level 2 : 120 Second Duration
Level 3 : 180 Second Duration
Level 4 : 240 Second Duration
Level 5 : 300 Second Duration

Comments: Probably handy to Crusaders against Divest Rogues. No need to max it

Synthetic Armor________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Synthesized Shield
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: 30, 1 Glistening Coat

Coat a player's armor with chemicals to protect it from damage for a duration.
Counter-acts the Rogue skill, Divest Armor.

Level 1 : 60 Second Duration
Level 2 : 120 Second Duration
Level 3 : 180 Second Duration
Level 4 : 240 Second Duration
Level 5 : 300 Second Duration

Comments: Now useful since there are many things that allows armor to get
damaged such as Acid Terror. Once again, it counters Divest Rogues. No need
to max it though.

Alchemical Weapon______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Synthetic Armor
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: 30, 1 Glistening Coat

Coat a player's weapon with chemicals to protect it from damage for a duration.
Counter-acts the Rogue skill, Divest Weapon.

Level 1 : 60 Second Duration
Level 2 : 120 Second Duration
Level 3 : 180 Second Duration
Level 4 : 240 Second Duration
Level 5 : 300 Second Duration

Comments: The most useful Chemical Protection skill as there are obviously lots
of things that can damage weapons such as Power Thrust and Bomb. Finally, it
counters Divest Rogues. No need to max it though.

Hints and Tips:

You could use this skill before using Power Thrust or such so that you
will have no chances of breaking your weapon.

X. Thief Class

Thief - A benevolent picaroon...


Double Attack(10)

Improve Dodge(10)

Lv5 --Quest Skill--
Steal(10)-------------->Hiding(10) Stone Fling
Pick Stone
Lv3 Sand Attack
Envenom(10)------------>Detoxify(1) Back Slide

Double Attack__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Damage an enemy twice in one hit by chance using Dagger Class weapons. Weapons
compounded with Sidewinder Card will also be affected by this skill.

Level 1 : 5% Success Rate, HIT Probability +1
Level 2 : 10% Success Rate, HIT Probability +2
Level 3 : 15% Success Rate, HIT Probability +3
Level 4 : 20% Success Rate, HIT Probability +4
Level 5 : 25% Success Rate, HIT Probability +5
Level 6 : 30% Success Rate, HIT Probability +6
Level 7 : 35% Success Rate, HIT Probability +7
Level 8 : 40% Success Rate, HIT Probability +8
Level 9 : 45% Success Rate, HIT Probability +9
Level 10: 50% Success Rate, HIT Probability +10

Comments: Essential. It is usually the first skill taken by players. Deal
double damage and hit faster with a dagger dealing less time to get hit.

Improve Dodge__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increase dodge rates.

Level 1 : Flee +3 , +4 when Assassin/Rogue, Assassin MSPD +1%
Level 2 : Flee +6 , +8 when Assassin/Rogue, Assassin MSPD +2%
Level 3 : Flee +9 , +12 when Assassin/Rogue, Assassin MSPD +3%
Level 4 : Flee +12, +16 when Assassin/Rogue, Assassin MSPD +4%
Level 5 : Flee +15, +20 when Assassin/Rogue, Assassin MSPD +5%
Level 6 : Flee +18, +24 when Assassin/Rogue, Assassin MSPD +6%
Level 7 : Flee +21, +28 when Assassin/Rogue, Assassin MSPD +7%
Level 8 : Flee +24, +32 when Assassin/Rogue, Assassin MSPD +8%
Level 9 : Flee +27, +36 when Assassin/Rogue, Assassin MSPD +9%
Level 10: Flee +30, +40 when Assassin/Rogue, Assassin MSPD +10%

Comments: Like all percentages do to stats, the higher the number you have on
your Flee rate, the higher addition this does to you. Usually taken after
Double Attack meaning it is essential.


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Monster
SP Required: 10

Steal items from monsters by chance. Items that can be obtained are items that
should be obtained from the monster's "common" drops. DEX and LUK affects the
success rate.

Level 1 : 10% Success Rate
Level 2 : 16% Success Rate
Level 3 : 22% Success Rate
Level 4 : 28% Success Rate
Level 5 : 34% Success Rate
Level 6 : 40% Success Rate
Level 7 : 46% Success Rate
Level 8 : 52% Success Rate
Level 9 : 58% Success Rate
Level 10: 64% Success Rate

Comments: If in need of money and items, this skill proves to be a friend for
the needy. You can have twice the item making you richer! Useful but there
are other skills.

Hints and Tips:

If you know you can succeed, steal from a monster before finishing it.


Pre-requisites: 5 Steal
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 10

Hide from monsters or players to avoid danger. Does not affect Insect, Demon,
and Boss monsters. Automatically becomes disabled once spotted by detection
skills or gets hit during hiding.

Level 1 : 30 second duration, 1 SP/5 seconds
Level 2 : 60 second duration, 1 SP/6 seconds
Level 3 : 90 second duration, 1 SP/7 seconds
Level 4 : 120 second duration, 1 SP/8 seconds
Level 5 : 150 second duration, 1 SP/9 seconds
Level 6 : 180 second duration, 1 SP/10 seconds
Level 7 : 210 second duration, 1 SP/11 seconds
Level 8 : 240 second duration, 1 SP/12 seconds
Level 9 : 270 second duration, 1 SP/13 seconds
Level 10: 300 second duration, 1 SP/14 seconds

Comments: A nice skill when in danger but certain monsters and skills detects
you and cancels the skill. Also handy when a kill-stealing player is around.

Hints and Tips:

Other players could be annoying if they kill steal from you. If you
know that they are defenseless against a certain monster you are fighting with
and they kill steal from you, you could Hide so the monster will actually
change target.


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Offensive - Poison Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 12

Attacks enemies with poison. Poisons enemy by chance.

Level 1 : ATK 115%, 14% Poison Success Rate
Level 2 : ATK 130%, 18% Poison Success Rate
Level 3 : ATK 145%, 22% Poison Success Rate
Level 4 : ATK 160%, 26% Poison Success Rate
Level 5 : ATK 175%, 30% Poison Success Rate
Level 6 : ATK 190%, 34% Poison Success Rate
Level 7 : ATK 205%, 38% Poison Success Rate
Level 8 : ATK 220%, 42% Poison Success Rate
Level 9 : ATK 235%, 46% Poison Success Rate
Level 10: ATK 250%, 50% Poison Success Rate

Comments: As a friend would call it, it is a nerfed Bash with a chance to
poison an enemy and it does its job rather well. Poison is a decent ailment
as it reduces DEF and drains some HP per second. Max this or Steal/Hiding.

Hints and Tips:

Weaken your enemies first. Use this skill to boost your attack and
poison them so that their defenses will be weaker then attack normally.


Pre-requisites: 3 Envenom
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: 10

Cures poison on the target.

Level 1 : Enables Detoxify

Comments: While it is optional, it is handy nonetheless.

--Quest Skill--

Stone Fling____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 2, 1 Stone

Throws a stone to a target that pierces defense and deals 30 neutral damage.
Has a 5% chance to stun the target. Its range is up to 7 cells.

Required Job Level: 15
Quest Items: 2 Garlet, 2 Scell
NPC Location: Thieves Guild (Opposite Room)

Comments: Although you might be hitting from afar, it sucks being an offensive
skill. But, if you want a monster to attack you, this is the skill you should
have. At least they took off the casting time in Juno...

Hints and Tips:

You can use this to get a monster's attention. You could even tank
someone with this. Just don't let the person attack when the monster gets
stunned or the monster will end up attacking him instead.

Find Stone_____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 2

Creates a stone for Stone Fling. Cannot be used when weight reaches over 50%.

Required Job Level: 20
Quest Items: 1 Zargon, 1 Bear's Footskin, 5 Spawn
NPC Location: Thieves Guild (Opposite Room)

Comments: Although stones can be obtained from monsters, they rarely do. This
skill is essential if you plan on getting Stone Fling.

Sand Attack____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Offensive - Earth Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 9

Deals a 125% earth property damage and blinds the target by 15%. Has a 1 cell

Required Job Level: 25
Quest Items: 5 Fine Grit
1 Cobweb, 1 Cactus Needle, 1 Earthworm Peeling
NPC Location: Thieves Guild (Opposite Room), Payon Town

Note: Get the 5 Fine Grit first and bring it to the guy in the opposite room of
the thieves guild. Then, get the other set of items and give it to a guy in
Payon. He will then give you a Leather Bag of Infinity. Bring the bag to the
NPC in Morroc and he will finally teach you this skill.

Comments: Fine Grits may be a pain in the arse trying to find one of them but
the skills ability to blind others is a nice addition to defeating an enemy.

Hints and Tips:

Like Envenom, you could use this for your own advantage. You could use
this to blind the enemies first then attack normally as you would with Envenom.

Back Slide_____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 7

Slide back 5 cells opposite to where you're facing. Does not work in Guild

Required Job Level: 35
Quest Items: 20 Grasshopper's Legs
NPC Location: Thieves Guild (Opposite Room)

Comments: This skill provides a thief with an alternative getaway other than
hide. So, why hide if you can run? Also, if you have lots of SP, this skill
is also a fast way to travel.

Hints and Tips:

This skill for escaping is also useful for running away from spells
locked on to you by sliding away from the caster's screen range. Also, if you
run into Quagmire, instead of running, you could slide away.

Assassin - The Shadow of Death...

Righthand Mastery(5)----->Lefthand Mastery(5)

Lv4 Lv5
Katar Mastery(5)------->Sonic Blow(10)------->Grimtooth(5)
Lv2 Lv2 |

Lv1 Lv3 Lv5
(Envenom)----->Enchant Poison(10)----->Poison React(10)----->Venom Splasher(10)
| \
| Lv5 |Lv5
---------------->Venom Dust(10)----------------

Righthand Mastery______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Restores Right-hand Damage when dual-wielding.

Level 1 : 60% ATK
Level 2 : 70% ATK
Level 3 : 80% ATK
Level 4 : 90% ATK
Level 5 : 100% ATK

Comment: Essential to any dual-wielding assassins to gain the upper hand.

Note: See Lefthand Mastery.

Lefthand Mastery_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Righthand Mastery
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Left-hand Damage when using dual-wielding.

Level 1 : 40% ATK
Level 2 : 50% ATK
Level 3 : 60% ATK
Level 4 : 70% ATK
Level 5 : 80% ATK

Comments: The left-hand is weaker but at least it gives you more damage than

Note: When using two weapons at once, both the left-hand and right-hand weapons
get a penalty thus decreasing the damage of both hands. The decreased
percentage is 50% + 30% making only 80% damage to a target - it gives you less
damage than when you are wielding one weapon. Take the masteries to give out
full potential damages.

Katar Mastery__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Katar-class weapon damage.

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: Simply essential. Get this if you intend to use katars especially
for their doubled critical rates. Besides, it's easier to use Katars than
Dual-Weapon Weilding.

Sonic Blow_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 4 Katar Mastery
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Attack eight times with katar weapons. Has a small chance to stun target.

Level 1 : 440% ATK, 12% Chance, 16 SP
Level 2 : 480% ATK, 14% Chance, 18 SP
Level 3 : 520% ATK, 16% Chance, 20 SP
Level 4 : 560% ATK, 18% Chance, 22 SP
Level 5 : 600% ATK, 20% Chance, 24 SP
Level 6 : 640% ATK, 22% Chance, 26 SP
Level 7 : 680% ATK, 24% Chance, 28 SP
Level 8 : 720% ATK, 26% Chance, 30 SP
Level 9 : 760% ATK, 28% Chance, 32 SP
Level 10: 800% ATK, 30% Chance, 34 SP

Comments: Another favored skill though it is better when the build has more DEX
than LUK since criticals does not work on skills. Therefore, if you have low
accuracy, you won't be able to hit. Still, a powerful skill to have.


Pre-requisites: 2 Hiding
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 15

Enable to move stealthily when adjacent to walls. The skill is cancelled when
the caster moves away from the wall.

Level 1 : 100% MSPD on wall, N/A MSPD off wall, 1 SP/0.5 Second
Level 2 : 103% MSPD on wall, N/A MSPD off wall, 1 SP/1 Second
Level 3 : 106% MSPD on wall, 79% MSPD off wall, 1 SP/2 Seconds
Level 4 : 109% MSPD on wall, 82% MSPD off wall, 1 SP/3 Seconds
Level 5 : 112% MSPD on wall, 85% MSPD off wall, 1 SP/4 Seconds
Level 6 : 115% MSPD on wall, 88% MSPD off wall, 1 SP/5 Seconds
Level 7 : 118% MSPD on wall, 91% MSPD off wall, 1 SP/6 Seconds
Level 8 : 121% MSPD on wall, 94% MSPD off wall, 1 SP/7 Seconds
Level 9 : 124% MSPD on wall, 97% MSPD off wall, 1 SP/8 Seconds
Level 10: 125% MSPD on wall, 100% MSPD off wall, 1 SP/9 Seconds

Comments: A handy skill that allows you to escape certain enemies, or sneak up
on them from where they least expect it.


Pre-requisites: 5 Sonic Blow, 2 Cloaking
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy + Linear Area Range
SP Required: 3

Attack enemies with a katar while hiding. Slightly decreases the MSPD of
targets affected by Grimtooth.

Level 1 : 120% ATK, 2 Cell Range
Level 2 : 140% ATK, 3 Cell Range
Level 3 : 160% ATK, 4 Cell Range
Level 4 : 180% ATK, 5 Cell Range
Level 5 : 200% ATK, 6 Cell Range

Note: Despite how it looks, it only affects enemies within the skill's range.

Comments: Cool. This skill affects mobs that goes in a line so it is useful in
choke points with lots of enemies.

Enchant Poison_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Envenom
Skill Form: Supportive - Poison Property
Target: Self, Party Members
SP Required: 20

Enchant weapons with the poison property for a duration of time. Has a small
chance to poison enemies.

Level 1 : 30 Second Duration, 3.0% Chance
Level 2 : 45 Second Duration, 3.5% Chance
Level 3 : 60 Second Duration, 4.0% Chance
Level 4 : 75 Second Duration, 4.5% Chance
Level 5 : 90 Second Duration, 5.0% Chance
Level 6 : 105 Second Duration, 5.5% Chance
Level 7 : 120 Second Duration, 6.0% Chance
Level 8 : 135 Second Duration, 6.5% Chance
Level 9 : 150 Second Duration, 7.0% Chance
Level 10: 165 Second Duration, 7.5% Chance

Comments: It could be useful. Also, it has a suitable chance to poison enemies
which is pretty handy.

Hints and Tips:

Use before engaging in a battle to enemies weak to poison.

Poison React___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Enchant Poison
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: Varied

Counters a poison property attack with your own attack or auto-cast Envenom
by chance to a non-poison property attack. The skill is cancelled when you
counter a poison property attack, auto-cast Envenom after a number of times, or
until the skill's duration.

Level 1 : 1 Envenom Counters, 20 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 2 : 1 Envenom Counters, 25 Second Duration, 25 SP
Level 3 : 2 Envenom Counters, 30 Second Duration, 30 SP
Level 4 : 2 Envenom Counters, 35 Second Duration, 35 SP
Level 5 : 3 Envenom Counters, 40 Second Duration, 40 SP
Level 6 : 3 Envenom Counters, 45 Second Duration, 45 SP
Level 7 : 4 Envenom Counters, 50 Second Duration, 50 SP
Level 8 : 4 Envenom Counters, 55 Second Duration, 55 SP
Level 9 : 5 Envenom Counters, 60 Second Duration, 60 SP
Level 10: 6 Envenom Counters, 60 Second Duration, 45 SP

Note: The element of the counter attack is still dependent on your weapon(s).

Comments: A semi-useful skill. It does counters a poison property attack but
it counters it only once. It also is costly in terms of SP if you try to use
it consecutively. Used passively, it makes a Venom Splasher deadlier.

Venom Dust_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Enchant Poison
Skill Form: Supportive - Poison Property
Target: Ground - 3x3 Area
SP Required: 20, 1 Red Gemstone

Spreads dust in a 3x3 area that poisons enemies inside the area for a duration.
Already poisoned enemies will not reset the time of being poisoned once they
enter Venom Dust.

Level 1 : 5 Second Duration
Level 2 : 10 Second Duration
Level 3 : 15 Second Duration
Level 4 : 20 Second Duration
Level 5 : 25 Second Duration
Level 6 : 30 Second Duration
Level 7 : 35 Second Duration
Level 8 : 40 Second Duration
Level 9 : 45 Second Duration
Level 10: 50 Second Duration

Comments: It has a red gemstone requirement that makes it a bit more expensive.
However, it is a useful skill to have especially when mobbed.

Hints and Tips:

Keep VIT and/or LUK-based characters inside the Venom Dust to keep them

Venom Splasher_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Poison React, 5 Venom Dust
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy + 3x3 Area
SP Required: Varied, 1 Red Gemstone

Plant a "Venom Seed" your enemies once their HP reaches 2/3 of their Max HP.
The seed will then explode after a few seconds, dealing damage and poisoning
enemies by chance. There are some conditions that affect the skill:

1. Character's ATK, weapon, and ATK-increasing cards affect the skill damage
2. Damage-enhancing factors (i.e. Hydra Card) does not affect the skill
3. The skill property is the same as the character's weapon element
4. Enemies within 3x3 area will receive damage and be poisoned by chance
5. Splash damage will be divided to each monster around the splash radius
6. Always has a 1 Second Casting Time that can be interrupted and is affected
by DEX

Level 1 : 550% ATK, 11 Second Explosion Time, 7.5 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 2 : 600% ATK, 10 Second Explosion Time, 8.0 Second Delay Time, 14 SP
Level 3 : 650% ATK, 9 Second Explosion Time, 8.5 Second Delay Time, 16 SP
Level 4 : 700% ATK, 8 Second Explosion Time, 9.0 Second Delay Time, 18 SP
Level 5 : 750% ATK, 7 Second Explosion Time, 9.5 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 6 : 800% ATK, 6 Second Explosion Time, 10.0 Second Delay Time, 22 SP
Level 7 : 850% ATK, 5 Second Explosion Time, 10.5 Second Delay Time, 24 SP
Level 8 : 900% ATK, 4 Second Explosion Time, 11.0 Second Delay Time, 26 SP
Level 9 : 950% ATK, 3 Second Explosion Time, 11.5 Second Delay Time, 28 SP
Level 10: 1000% ATK, 2 Second Explosion Time, 12.0 Second Delay Time, 30 SP

Comments: Another buffed skill. Previously, this skill required the enemy to
be poisoned and cancels when someone hits the seeded target. Now, you could
seed them and attack them afterwards.

Rogue - The Night's Fallen Angel...

Sword Mastery(10)

(Steal) (Hiding) Intimidate(10)
| | \
| |Lv1 |
| / Lv2 Lv5 |
|Lv1 Stalk(5)------------->Sightless Mind(5)------- |Lv5
| | |
/ Lv4 Lv4 Lv4 / |
Gank(10)----------->Mug(10)-------------->Back Stab(10)------->Snatch(5)
Lv4 |
Divest Helm(5)<---------
| Lv5 Lv5 Lv5
---------------->Divest Shield(5)----->Divest Armor(5)----->Divest Weapon(5)
Vutlure's Eye(10) |Lv4
| / Lv1 Lv1
|Lv10 Slyness(1)-------->Remover(1)--------->Piece(5)
/ | |
Double Strafe(10) |Lv1 |Lv5
| / /
|Lv5 Haggle(5) Scribble(1)
Remove Trap(1)

Sword Mastery__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Sword-class and Dagger-class Weapon damage.

Level 1 : ATK +4
Level 2 : ATK +8
Level 3 : ATK +12
Level 4 : ATK +16
Level 5 : ATK +20
Level 6 : ATK +24
Level 7 : ATK +28
Level 8 : ATK +32
Level 9 : ATK +36
Level 10: ATK +40

Comments: Whoa! Not only can you inflict double damage but powerful ones as
well. A must get for those who can afford it.


Pre-requisites: 1 Steal (Thief)
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Automatically steals from a monster while attacking. DEX, and the Skill Level
of Steal and Gank improves the chance of stealing.

Level 1 : 7% Chance
Level 2 : 8% Chance
Level 3 : 10% Chance
Level 4 : 11% Chance
Level 5 : 13% Chance
Level 6 : 14% Chance
Level 7 : 16% Chance
Level 8 : 17% Chance
Level 9 : 19% Chance
Level 10: 20% Chance

Note: Only works on monsters.

Comments: Steal's big brother. It is a decent skill but other skills are


Pre-requisites: 4 Gank
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Monsters
SP Required: 15

Extorts zeny from monsters by chance. The monster's level affects the number
of zeny extorted. A monster that has already been mugged cannot be mugged
again. Do note that the skill provokes the monster.

Level 1 : 1% Chance
Level 2 : 2% Chance
Level 3 : 3% Chance
Level 4 : 4% Chance
Level 5 : 5% Chance
Level 6 : 6% Chance
Level 7 : 7% Chance
Level 8 : 8% Chance
Level 9 : 9% Chance
Level 10: 10% Chance

Note: Only works on monsters.

Comments: A very small chance of being able to extort is its drawback. If you
could pull out this skill to a high leveled monster however, consider yourself
lucky. Still, there are other skills to fry.

Hints and Tips:

If you know you can succeed, steal first before trying to fight.

Back Stab______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 4 Mug
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 16

Stab enemies at the back. The target cannot dodge the attack. Can be used
while hiding. Can also be used while using a Bow but will deal half damages.
Enemies hit by this skill will now automatically face the player.

Level 1 : 340% ATK
Level 2 : 380% ATK
Level 3 : 420% ATK
Level 4 : 460% ATK
Level 5 : 500% ATK
Level 6 : 540% ATK
Level 7 : 580% ATK
Level 8 : 620% ATK
Level 9 : 660% ATK
Level 10: 700% ATK

Comments: Get your own never miss attack with this skill. A handy and powerful
but cowardly tool of death. A must get!

Hints and Tips:

Aside from using hide, move around, and stab the enemy to death, you
could also just pass the enemy going behind him and use back stab. It works
well with people with rather predictable attacks.


Pre-requisites: 1 Hiding (Thief)
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Enables to move at a greatly reduced speed while hiding. Skill Level affects
the moving speed.

Note: No data here!

Comments: Not much of a good idea but it could help. Useful in running away
without getting seen.

Sightless Mind_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Stalk, 2 Back Stab
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy + 3x3 Area
SP Required: 20

Attack while hiding. This skill also affects a 3x3 area around the target.
Has a small chance to blind and stun enemies at the same time.

Level 1 : 140% ATK, 13% Chance
Level 2 : 180% ATK, 16% Chance
Level 3 : 220% ATK, 19% Chance
Level 4 : 260% ATK, 22% Chance
Level 5 : 300% ATK, 25% Chance

Comments: Not too powerful but the skill provides a decent attack against mobs.
Also, stun and blind can prove to be among the more useful ailments when you
have it.


Pre-requisites: 4 Back Stab, 5 Sightless Mind
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Attack a target and teleport with it to a random area by chance. The level
difference of the caster and the target affects the chance of the skill.
Cannot be used on Boss Monsters or during PvP or guild siege modes.

Level 1 : 130% ATK, 13 SP
Level 2 : 160% ATK, 16 SP
Level 3 : 190% ATK, 19 SP
Level 4 : 220% ATK, 21 SP
Level 5 : 250% ATK, 24 SP

Comments: With such a low attack boost, it's not a recommended skill to have.
It is still handy when being mobbed - escape.

Hints and Tips:

If you were mobbed by an MVP, go use this on its minion to escape.


Pre-requisites: 5 Snatch
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A, Enemy
SP Required: None

Copy a skill used against you and enables you to use it against them for an
additional 2/3 SP cost. The skill level used will vary on this skill and their

You have a Level 10 Intimidate but your enemy used a Level 5 Bash. You would
use a Level 5 Bash instead.

You have a Level 5 Intimidate. Your enemy however uses a Level 10 Bash. You
would be doing a Level 5 Bash instead.

Level 1 : Enables to copy Level 1 skills
Level 2 : Enables to copy Level 2 skills
Level 3 : Enables to copy Level 3 skills
Level 4 : Enables to copy Level 4 skills
Level 5 : Enables to copy Level 5 skills
Level 6 : Enables to copy Level 6 skills
Level 7 : Enables to copy Level 7 skills
Level 8 : Enables to copy Level 8 skills
Level 9 : Enables to copy Level 9 skills
Level 10: Enables to copy Level 10 skills

Note: Works only on players.

Comments: Self-explanatory. It could be great but you might also use your own
skills instead.

Divest Helm____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 4 Mug
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Removes the helm of a target and disallow them to use if for a duration. If
used on a monster, it reduces its DEF by 10% for a duration. Works by chance.
DEX difference of the user and the target affects the success rate.
Biochemical Helm ignores the effect of the skill.

Level 1 : 7% Chance, 17 SP
Level 2 : 9% Chance, 19 SP
Level 3 : 11% Chance, 21 SP
Level 4 : 13% Chance, 23 SP
Level 5 : 15% Chance, 25 SP

Comments: Very useful in PvP, WoE, and MVP. With up to three different helms
available to use, removing them would also remove their special properties with

Hints and Tips:

Use this to support other players such as taking off their helms
compounded with useful cards such as the Orc Hero, Marduk, etc...

Divest Shield__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Divest Helm
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Removes the shield of a target and disallow them to use if for a duration. If
used on a monster, it reduces its DEF by 10% for a duration. Works by chance.
DEX difference of the user and the target affects the success rate.
Synthesized Shield ignores the effect of the skill.

Level 1 : 7% Chance, 17 SP
Level 2 : 9% Chance, 19 SP
Level 3 : 11% Chance, 21 SP
Level 4 : 13% Chance, 23 SP
Level 5 : 15% Chance, 25 SP

Comments: Very useful in PvP, WoE, and MVP. Devastating especially against
Shield Crusaders.

Hints and Tips:

Use this to support other players such as taking off their shields
compounded with useful cards such as the Golden Thief Bug, Thara Frog, etc...

Divest Armor___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Divest Shield
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Removes the armor of a target and disallow them to use if for a duration. If
used on a monster, it reduces its DEF by 10% for a duration. Works by chance.
DEX difference of the user and the target affects the success rate. Synthetic
Armor ignores the effect of the skill.

Level 1 : 7% Chance, 17 SP
Level 2 : 9% Chance, 19 SP
Level 3 : 11% Chance, 21 SP
Level 4 : 13% Chance, 23 SP
Level 5 : 15% Chance, 25 SP

Comments: Very useful in PvP, WoE, and MVP. Armors provide the best defense to
a player. Without one means trouble.

Hints and Tips:

Use this to support other players such as taking off their armor
compounded with useful cards such as the Orc Lord, Marc, etc...

Divest Weapon__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Divest Armor
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Removes the weapon of a target and disallow them to use if for a duration. If
used on a monster, it reduces its ATK by 10% for a duration. Works by chance.
DEX difference of the user and the target affects the success rate. Alchemical
Weapon and Hilt Binding ignores the effect of the skill.

Level 1 : 7% Chance, 17 SP
Level 2 : 9% Chance, 19 SP
Level 3 : 11% Chance, 21 SP
Level 4 : 13% Chance, 23 SP
Level 5 : 15% Chance, 25 SP

Comments: Very useful in PvP, WoE, and MVP. The best one in fact. Taking out
the weapon of a target means lower damages. It is, however, a bad idea to use
it against monks. Then again, it's devastating against the Archer Class.

Hints and Tips:

Use this to support other players such as taking off their weapons
compounded with useful cards such as the Baphomet, Hydra, etc...
Keep the Bards and Dancers silent by taking off their Whips and Musical


Pre-requisites: 3 Divest Shield
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Monsters do not approach when sitting with a Rogue with the same skill. Does
not work against Boss monsters.

Level 1 : Enables Slyness

Comments: A cool skill. It is a skill handy for recovering HP or when out to
do something somewhere. However, if an aggressive demon, insect, MVP, or
ranged monsters hit you while a bunch of monsters are idly waiting for you to
get up, you're screwed.


Pre-requisites: 1 Slyness
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 5, 1 Wet Dester

Removes the scribble on the guild flag.

Level 1 : Enables Remover

Comments: Does not work yet. If it does, then there's nothing to use it on as
Piece does not work yet.


Pre-requisites: 1 Remover
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Unknown
SP Required: ??, 1 Paint Brush (Not Implemented Yet)

Scribble on the guild flag.

Note: No data here nor in iRO.

Comments: Doesn't work yet. If it does, I don't know if it works on your guild
flag only or affects others as well.


Pre-requisites: 5 Piece
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - 5x5 Area
SP Required: 15, 1 Big Paint Brush (Not Implemented Yet)

Write on a chosen 5x5 area on the map. The skill is limited to 20 characters.
Lasts for 30 seconds.

Level 1 : Enables Scribble

Comments: Write something everybody can see. Just please, anything but vulgar
words, phrases, or sentences.


Pre-requisites: 1 Slyness
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Decreases NPC shop item prices when buying. When mastered, it is more
effective than the merchant's Discount skill.

Level 1 : 9% Discount
Level 2 : 13% Discount
Level 3 : 17% Discount
Level 4 : 21% Discount
Level 5 : 25% Discount

Comments: Another cool skill. Too bad it has high prerequisites.

Vulture's Eye__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases the accuracy and bow range of the archer.

Level 1 : HIT and Cell Range +1
Level 2 : HIT and Cell Range +2
Level 3 : HIT and Cell Range +3
Level 4 : HIT and Cell Range +4
Level 5 : HIT and Cell Range +5
Level 6 : HIT and Cell Range +6
Level 7 : HIT and Cell Range +7
Level 8 : HIT and Cell Range +8
Level 9 : HIT and Cell Range +9
Level 10: HIT and Cell Range +10

Comments: Basically the same as the archer's. Essential for Bow Rogues.

Double Strafe__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 Vulture's Eye
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 12

Hit a target twice. Does not actually use an arrow. The element of the arrow
affects the element of the skill.

Level 1 : 100% ATK x2
Level 2 : 110% ATK x2
Level 3 : 120% ATK x2
Level 4 : 130% ATK x2
Level 5 : 140% ATK x2
Level 6 : 150% ATK x2
Level 7 : 160% ATK x2
Level 8 : 170% ATK x2
Level 9 : 180% ATK x2
Level 10: 190% ATK x2

Comments: Basically the same as the archer's. Too bad it has a lot of

Remove Trap____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Double Strafe
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Trap
SP Required: 5

Removes a targeted trap.

Level 1 : Enables Remove Trap

Comments: Thieves and Rogues steal some items. If you can afford to do so, why
not steal traps as well? /gg

Hints and Tips:

Get a Clairvoyant Clip (Horong) and use Sight first before even trying
to remove traps in PvP.

XI. Acolyte Class

Acolyte - As divine grace...

Lv3 Lv3
---------------->Demon Bane(10)---------->Signum Crucis(10)
| Lv3
Divine Protection(10)----->Angelus(10)
| Lv5

| Lv3 Lv1
----------------------->Increase Agility(1)----->Decrease Agility(10)

Lv1 Lv2
Ruwach(1)----------------->Teleport(2)------------->Warp Portal(4)
Lv1 | --Quest Skill--
Aqua Benedicta(1) Pneuma(1)<-------------------- Holy Light

Divine Protection______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increase defense against Undead and Demon monsters. Also, the bonus increases
as the character's level goes higher.

Level 1 : DEF +3
Level 2 : DEF +6
Level 3 : DEF +9
Level 4 : DEF +12
Level 5 : DEF +15
Level 6 : DEF +18
Level 7 : DEF +21
Level 8 : DEF +24
Level 9 : DEF +27
Level 10: DEF +30

Comments: Useful if you intend to fight the undead at an early level.
Essential for monks - there's no way out of that.

Demon Bane_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Divine Protection
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increase attack against Undead and Demon monsters. Also, the bonus increases
as the character's level goes higher.

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: Not really as useful as Divine Protection but it gives you an extra
boost against the undead if you intend to fight melee. Essential for monks -
there's no way out of that.

Signum Crucis__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Demon Bane
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self + Full Screen
SP Required: 35

Decreases defense of Undead and Demon monsters on screen by chance. The skill
lasts until the target is killed. The higer level difference between the
caster and the target, the higher the success rate. It has a 0.5 second
casting time and a 2 second delay time.

Level 1 : DEF -14%, 27% Success Rate
Level 2 : DEF -18%, 31% Success Rate
Level 3 : DEF -22%, 35% Success Rate
Level 4 : DEF -26%, 39% Success Rate
Level 5 : DEF -30%, 43% Success Rate
Level 6 : DEF -34%, 47% Success Rate
Level 7 : DEF -38%, 51% Success Rate
Level 8 : DEF -42%, 55% Success Rate
Level 9 : DEF -46%, 59% Success Rate
Level 10: DEF -50%, 63% Success Rate

Comments: While it is a good skill to have, you should get it later since low
leveled undead monsters already has no defense and there are no low leveled
demon monsters around.


Pre-requisites: 3 Divine Protection
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self + Party on screen
SP Required: Varied

Increases the VIT Defense of party members on screen for a duration. Has a 0.5
second casting time and a 3.5 second delay time.

Level 1 : 105% DEF, 30 Second Duration, 23 SP
Level 2 : 110% DEF, 60 Second Duration, 26 SP
Level 3 : 115% DEF, 90 Second Duration, 29 SP
Level 4 : 120% DEF, 120 Second Duration, 32 SP
Level 5 : 125% DEF, 150 Second Duration, 35 SP
Level 6 : 130% DEF, 180 Second Duration, 38 SP
Level 7 : 135% DEF, 210 Second Duration, 41 SP
Level 8 : 140% DEF, 240 Second Duration, 44 SP
Level 9 : 145% DEF, 270 Second Duration, 47 SP
Level 10: 150% DEF, 300 Second Duration, 50 SP

Comments: Since this works on percentage, it may or may not be as useful for
other players. The lower VIT the character have, the less addition you get.
The good thing about this is that it has a higher duration at later levels and
it affects all players in your party. Still, there are better skills.


Pre-requisites: 5 Divine Protection
Skill Form: Supportive - Holy Property
Target: Target Character, Enemy (with Shift)
SP Required: Varied

Increases STR, INT, and DEX of target for a duration. Cures the Cursed status
and Stone Curse status. The skill deals an inverted effect when used against
Undead and Demon monsters.

Level 1 : STR, INT and DEX +1 , 60 Second Duration, 28 SP
Level 2 : STR, INT and DEX +2 , 80 Second Duration, 32 SP
Level 3 : STR, INT and DEX +3 , 100 Second Duration, 36 SP
Level 4 : STR, INT and DEX +4 , 120 Second Duration, 40 SP
Level 5 : STR, INT and DEX +5 , 140 Second Duration, 44 SP
Level 6 : STR, INT and DEX +6 , 160 Second Duration, 48 SP
Level 7 : STR, INT and DEX +7 , 180 Second Duration, 52 SP
Level 8 : STR, INT and DEX +8 , 200 Second Duration, 56 SP
Level 9 : STR, INT and DEX +9 , 220 Second Duration, 60 SP
Level 10: STR, INT and DEX +10, 240 Second Duration, 64 SP

Note: When you "curse" the undead with this skill, you only reverse the effect
of the skill rather than actually cause the Status Ailment Curse. This is
called Offensive Blessing.

Comments: A must have skill for big supporters of their party/guild even if
they don't need all its stat boosts. Everyone benefits from it so it's a good
skill to max.

Hints and Tips:

Every support Acolyte should use this to party members. Also, it is
more effective if you used this before you start fighting.
This skill doesn't actually curses the undead but rather gives the
opposite of Blessing, it reduces their stats. Useful if you do not intend to
Heal them to death (ooh! Irony).


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Recovery - Holy Property
Target: Target Character, Enemy (with Shift)
SP Required: Varied

Recovers some HP of the target. Damages the undead. INT, BsLv, and SkLv
affects the value of Heal. Has a 1 second delay after use.

Level 1 : 13 SP
Level 2 : 16 SP
Level 3 : 19 SP
Level 4 : 22 SP
Level 5 : 25 SP
Level 6 : 28 SP
Level 7 : 31 SP
Level 8 : 34 SP
Level 9 : 37 SP
Level 10: 40 SP

Comments: Everybody's most sought skill in the entire gameplay. Not only can
it make you richer (if you decide to open up a healing service), it can make
your level higher just by killing the undead. If you can, please do me a favor
and don't heal those who are scammers, kill-stealing players, and/or flooders,
being jerks they really are!


Pre-requisites: 2 Heal
Skill Form: Recovery - Holy Property
Target: Target Character, Enemy (with Shift)
SP Required: 15

Cures Chaos, Blind, Silence, and Cursed Status. Causes Chaos against the
undead [Not Implemented Yet]. Always has a 1 second delay after use.

Level 1 : Enables Cure

Comments: Handy since both players and monsters are now able to inflict status
ailments. Offensive Cure is not yet implemented as Chaos does not work on
monsters at the moment.

Increase Agility_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Heal
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: Varied, 15 HP

Increases target's AGI and doubles the moving speed for a duration. Has a 1
second delay after use. If the caster has HP lower than the amount the skill
needs, it would not work.

Level 1 : AGI +3 , 60 Second Duration, 18 SP
Level 2 : AGI +4 , 80 Second Duration, 21 SP
Level 3 : AGI +5 , 100 Second Duration, 24 SP
Level 4 : AGI +6 , 120 Second Duration, 27 SP
Level 5 : AGI +7 , 140 Second Duration, 30 SP
Level 6 : AGI +8 , 160 Second Duration, 33 SP
Level 7 : AGI +9 , 180 Second Duration, 36 SP
Level 8 : AGI +10, 200 Second Duration, 39 SP
Level 9 : AGI +11, 220 Second Duration, 42 SP
Level 10: AGI +12, 240 Second Duration, 45 SP

Comments: A decent skill to have. It increases your attack speed, and dodge
rate. Also, your moving speed gets noticibly faster. Nice skill for thieves
and archers or for traveling faster though everybody could still benefit from

Hints and Tips:

It is a fast way to travel if you rather have to use this than teleport
to get to a place. Also, speed party members up to keep up with you.

Decrease Agility_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Increase Agility
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Decreases target's AGI and halves the movement speed, ASPD and FLEE rates for
for a duration by chance. Players only receive half of the duration but it
cancels any buffs that increases AGI, Flee, or ASPD. Has a 1 second casting
and delay time.

Level 1 : AGI -3 , 30 Second Duration, 42% Success Rate, 27 SP
Level 2 : AGI -4 , 40 Second Duration, 44% Success Rate, 29 SP
Level 3 : AGI -5 , 50 Second Duration, 46% Success Rate, 31 SP
Level 4 : AGI -6 , 60 Second Duration, 48% Success Rate, 33 SP
Level 5 : AGI -7 , 70 Second Duration, 50% Success Rate, 35 SP
Level 6 : AGI -8 , 80 Second Duration, 52% Success Rate, 37 SP
Level 7 : AGI -9 , 90 Second Duration, 54% Success Rate, 39 SP
Level 8 : AGI -10, 100 Second Duration, 56% Success Rate, 41 SP
Level 9 : AGI -11, 110 Second Duration, 58% Success Rate, 43 SP
Level 10: AGI -12, 120 Second Duration, 60% Success Rate, 45 SP

Comments: Not really as useful as its brother as it works in percentage and
has a quicker duration. Only effective against a target with high AGI/Flee.

Hints and Tips:

For better effects, use with Quagmire, Slow Grace, or both.

Aqua Benedicta_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 10, 1 Empty Bottle

Creates Holy Water. Must be on water to use the skill. Holy water cures the
Cursed status. Has a 1 second casting time and a 0.5 second delay.

Level 1 : Enables Aqua Benedicta

Note: You need to stand on water/Deluge in order for this to work.

Comments: Pretty cool. It's either you could use Holy Water or you could sell
them to NPCs for more zeny.


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive - Holy Property
Target: Self
SP Required: 10

Reveals and attacks hidden characters in a 5x5 around the caster. Deals 145%
MATK to hidden enemies.

Level 1 : Enables Ruwach

Note: Monsters and players cannot hide once the skill is active.

Comments: Unlike sight, when something's hidden, it also damages them. Needed
for the Exorcism skills of the Priest.

Hints and Tips:

Unlike Sight, instead of using it before the enemy hides, use it after
it hides. It weakens the hidden target more effectively that way.


Pre-requisites: 1 Ruwach
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Teleport to a random place in the map or to your last save point.

Level 1 : Teleport to Random Area, 10 SP
Level 2 : Teleport to Kafra Point, 9 SP

Comments: So you can't run and you can't hide but we sure can do teleport away.
Just be quick to your reflexes though since you might teleport 1 cell behind or
another area with danger imminent.

Warp Portal____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Teleport
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: Varied

Open a portal to warp 8 people into warp points or to your last save point.
Has a 1 second casting time.

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration, Warp to Last Saved Kafra Point , 35 SP
Level 2 : 15 Second Duration, Warp to Kafra and 1 Warp Point , 32 SP
Level 3 : 20 Second Duration, Warp to Kafra and 2 Warp Points, 29 SP
Level 4 : 25 Second Duration, Warp to Kafra and 3 Warp Points, 26 SP

Note: Skill is canceled when the caster enters the portal.

Comments: To save warp points, use the command '/memo' in the map where you
want to save the warp point. It's the acolytes, priests and monks' way to grab
some zeny.

Hints and Tips:

Open services. Warp them to key places for exchange of zeny or 2 Blue
Gemstones. You could also conduct free heals and buffs. Just don't scam them
by running/teleporting away or sending to a wrong area.
Before successfully closing a deal with Acolytes/Priests/Monks, use
Print Screen and if they scam, get their name and report it to the Game Masters
to bring justice in the gameworld.


Pre-requisites: 4 Warp Portal
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - 3x3 Area
SP Required: 10

Creates a barrier in a 3x3 area that protects characters from ranged attacks.
Cannot be overlapped in the same area.

Level 1 : Enables Pneuma

Comments: Don't get fooled by the animation effect that seemingly covers only 1
cell when in fact it covers 9 cells. It renders all ranged atackers useless
but its duration is very quick.

Hints and Tips:

You could also use this to keep kill-stealing archers away. Just be
careful and you might block party members as well.

--Quest Skill--

Holy Light_____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Offensive - Holy Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 15

Deals a target with 125% holy property damage. Has a 2 second casting time.

Required Job Level: 35
Quest Items: 1 Crystal Blue, 1 Rosary, 1 Opal
NPC Location: Prontera Sanctuary

Comments: Unlike heal, this skill has a casting time and less power damage but
it affects every property monster, not just the undead. It won't work on holy
property because of the skill's property.

Priest - Believe in God...


Mace Mastery(10) Increase SP Recovery(10)
Slow Poison(4)<---------Status Recovery(1) |Lv4
| |
| Lv1 /
Lv1 Lv3 / Lv3
(Ruwach)--------------->Lex Divina(10)------>Turn Undead(10)---------
| |
| Lv5 Lv1 /
------->Lex Aeterna(1)------>Magnus Exorcismus(10)
Lv2 Lv4 |
(Angelus)-------------->Kyrie Eleison(10)----------- |
| |
Lv3 / |
Magnificat(5)---------->Gloria(5)-------- |
| |
Lv2 | |
Impositio Manus(5)----->Suffraguim(3) | |Lv1
| |Lv3 |
|Lv3 | |
Lv1 / Lv5 | |
(Aqua Benedicta)------->Aspersio(5)------->B.S.Sacramenti(5)<---- |
| |
(Heal) | |
| |Lv4 |
|Lv1 | |
/ Lv1 / Lv1 |
Sanctuary(10)---------->Safety Wall------------------------------------

Mace Mastery___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Mace-class weapon damage.

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: While most shouldn't bother, this skill can save lives, most likely
your own.

Increase SP Recovery___________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Level 1 : 3 + (MSP*0.2%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 2 : 6 + (MSP*0.4%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 3 : 9 + (MSP*0.6%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 4 : 12 + (MSP*0.8%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 5 : 15 + (MSP*1.0%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 6 : 18 + (MSP*1.2%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 7 : 21 + (MSP*1.4%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 8 : 24 + (MSP*1.6%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 9 : 27 + (MSP*1.8%) SP/10 Seconds
Level 10: 30 + (MSP*2.0%) SP/10 Seconds

Comments: Like the Mage Skill, it still isn't as essential but it still is good
to have some as their skills rather depends on really large amounts of SP.

Status Recovery________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character, Enemy (whith Shift)
SP Required: 5

Cures status ailments. Makes a provoked monster passive and an aggressive
monster change a target. Blinds the undead.

Level 1 : Enables Status Recovery

Comments: Well I said it all in the descript. Handy when in times of need.

Hints and Tips:

Against the undead, you could blind them with this skill. After you
have blinded them, conduct hit-and-run tactics with Heal.

Slow Poison____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Status Recovery
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: Varied

Stops the effect of poison for a duration of time.

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration, 6 SP
Level 2 : 20 Second Duration, 8 SP
Level 3 : 30 Second Duration, 10 SP
Level 4 : 40 Second Duration, 12 SP

Comments: Most people would say not to get that for obvious reasons. I say get
that at your own risk. Those people are right after all.


Pre-requisites: 4 Increase SP Recovery, 1 Status Recovery
Skill Form: Supportive - Holy Property
Target: Target Character, Enemy (with Shift)
SP Required: 60, 1 Blue Gemstone

Revive a fainted player with a percentage of HP recovered. Damages the undead.
Has a small chance to kill the undead instantly.

Level 1 : 10% HP, 6 Second Casting Time, 0 Second Delay Time
Level 2 : 30% HP, 4 Second Casting Time, 1 Second Delay Time
Level 3 : 50% HP, 2 Second Casting Time, 2 Second Delay Time
Level 4 : 80% HP, 0 Second Casting Time, 3 Second Delay Time

Comments: Everybody's other best friend (aside from heal and bless). I also
used this (actually an Yggdrasil Leaf) and was able to kill off some undead
monsters and works like Turn Undead.

Lex Divina_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Ruwach (Acolyte)
Skill Form: Exorcism - Holy Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Silences a target. If the target is already silenced, it cures it. Cannot be
used against Boss Monsters.

Level 1 : 30 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 2 : 35 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 3 : 40 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 4 : 45 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 5 : 50 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 6 : 55 Second Duration, 18 SP
Level 7 : 60 Second Duration, 16 SP
Level 8 : 65 Second Duration, 14 SP
Level 9 : 70 Second Duration, 12 SP
Level 10: 75 Second Duration, 10 SP

Comments: Self-explanatory. Get as many as you like though level 5 should be
enough to get Lex Aeterna. Deadly against mages and other priests in PvP.

Lex Aeterna____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Lex Divina
Skill Form: Exorcism - Holy Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 10

Target receives double damage from a one-time hit. Cannot be used against
characters that are frozen or stone cursed.

Level 1 : Enables Lex Aeterna

Comments: Self-explanatory. Lex Aeterna is a must skill for those who follow
its route (Exorcism). Also a great support if they don't.

Hints and Tips:

Use the skill every once in a while to boost damage onto a target.

Turn Undead____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Resurrection, 3 Lex Divina
Skill Form: Exorcism - Holy Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 20

Instantly kills an undead monster by chance. If the chance failed, it will
greatly damage the target instead. Undead Boss Monsters can't be killed
instantly but takes the great deal of damage.

Instant Kill Formula: [(SkLv x 20) + LUK + INT + BsLv + (1-HP/MHP) x 200]/1000

Note 1: Works on percentage.

Holy Attack Formula: BsLv + INT + (SkLv x 10)

Note 2: No data here! Leveling the skill is just a means of increasing the
chances of killing or increasing the damages.

Comments: A great skill if you intend on killing the undead only though the
chances of instantly killing one are slim...unless you decided to max out the

Hints and Tips:

It is important to keep your HP full while using this skill in order to
get the full effect of killing the target instantly.

Magnus Exorcismus______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Turn Undead, 1 Lex Aeterna, 1 Safety Wall
Skill Form: Exorcism - Holy Property
Target: Ground - 8x8 Cross-shaped Area
SP Required: Varied, 1 Blue Gemstone

Summon a grand cross that damages Undead and Shadow Property monsters.

Area Effect:
* * * *
* * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * *
* * * *

Level 1 : 1 Hit , 42 SP
Level 2 : 2 Hits, 44 SP
Level 3 : 3 Hits, 46 SP
Level 4 : 4 Hits, 48 SP
Level 5 : 5 Hits, 50 SP
Level 6 : 6 Hits, 52 SP
Level 7 : 7 Hits, 54 SP
Level 8 : 8 Hits, 56 SP
Level 9 : 9 Hits, 58 SP
Level 10: 10 Hits, 60 SP

Note: Some says it affects demon monsters.

Comments: This is a powerful skill to have for MVPing. It's either this or
Turn Undead. This one, however, can affect more than just the undead.

Kyrie Eleison__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Angelus (Acolyte)
Skill Form: Eulogy - Holy Property
Target: Target Character
SP Required: Varied

Creates a barrier around a character. Damage is blocked by the barrier for a
certain number of times. Also, the barrier is affected by the MHP of the
target. Flee or perfect dodge does not affect the barrier. The barrier is
destroyed if an enemy deals more damage than the barrier's defense and deals
the remaining damage to the user. Lasts for 120 seconds.

Level 1 : 5 Blocks, 20 SP
Level 2 : 6 Blocks, 20 SP
Level 3 : 6 Blocks, 20 SP
Level 4 : 7 Blocks, 25 SP
Level 5 : 7 Blocks, 25 SP
Level 6 : 8 Blocks, 25 SP
Level 7 : 8 Blocks, 30 SP
Level 8 : 9 Blocks, 30 SP
Level 9 : 9 Blocks, 30 SP
Level 10: 10 Blocks, 40 SP

Comments: This is a pretty decent spell to have. The drawback is its reliance
towards VIT. The lower VIT you have, the faster the barrier gets cancelled.


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Eulogy
Target: Self/Party
SP Required: 40

Double the SP recovery of the caster and party members for a duration.

Level 1 : 30 Second Duration
Level 2 : 45 Second Duration
Level 3 : 60 Second Duration
Level 4 : 75 Second Duration
Level 5 : 90 Second Duration

Note: There were some claims that Level 5 increases both HP/SP Recovery.

Comments: You'd get this, SP Recovery or both. This is better in parties and
is very popular too. You could also use this as a tool for leeching EXP or
for zeny.


Pre-requisites: 4 Kyrie Eleison, 3 Magnificat
Skill Form: Eulogy
Target: Self/Party
SP Required: 20

Increases party members' LUK by 30 for a duration.

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration
Level 2 : 15 Second Duration
Level 3 : 20 Second Duration
Level 4 : 25 Second Duration
Level 5 : 30 Second Duration

Comments: +30 LUK is pretty high and is extremely useful. Everybody would like
this skill even though the lower levels is enough.

Hints and Tips:

Party with Blacksmiths for forging, Hunters for Auto-Blitz, Assassins
for and anybody else for criticals and Lucky Dodge. You could also use this
for Turn Undead.

Impositio Manus________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Blessing - Holy Property
Target: Target Character
SP Required: Varied

Increases the ATK of a target for a 1-minute duration.

Level 1 : ATK +5 , 13 SP
Level 2 : ATK +10, 16 SP
Level 3 : ATK +15, 19 SP
Level 4 : ATK +20, 22 SP
Level 5 : ATK +25, 25 SP

Comments: ATK boost is useful and this one gives a decent number. Though there
are better skills, it is still that useful.


Pre-requisites: 2 Impositio Manus
Skill Form: Blessing
Target: Target Character except Self
SP Required: 8

Decreases casting time for a duration of time. Cannot be used on the caster.

Level 1 : Casting Time -15%, 30 Second Duration
Level 2 : Casting Time -30%, 20 Second Duration
Level 3 : Casting Time -45%, 10 Second Duration

Comments: Great for mages but its duration is quite fast. You could skip it if
you're not relying on spell-casters much.


Pre-requisites: 3 Impositio Manus, 1 Aqua Benedicta (Acolyte)
Skill Form: Blessing - Holy Property
Target: Target Character, Enemy (with Shift)
SP Required: Varied, 1 Holy Water

Enchant weapons with the holy property. Damages the Undead.

Level 1 : 60 Second Duration, 12 SP
Level 2 : 90 Second Duration, 14 SP
Level 3 : 120 Second Duration, 16 SP
Level 4 : 150 Second Duration, 18 SP
Level 5 : 180 Second Duration, 20 SP

Comments: Great for the numerous Dark Property monsters.

Hints and Tips:

Use this before fighting off monsters weak against the Holy Property.

Benedictio Sanctissimi Sacramenti______________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Aspersio, 3 Gloria
Skill Form: Blessing - Holy Property
Target: Self + 9x9 Area
SP Required: 20 (Priest), 10 (Acolyte)

Enchant armors with the Holy Property. Damages the undead/demons within range.
The damage dealt deals holy damages in a 3x3 area including the target.
Requires 2 more Cleric-class members to be able to use the skill.

Cleric Placement:
o X o X - Caster
o - Other Cleric Class

Level 1 : 40 Second Duration
Level 2 : 80 Second Duration
Level 3 : 120 Second Duration
Level 4 : 160 Second Duration
Level 5 : 200 Second Duration

Comments: Don't use this when fighting Dark Property monsters as the Holy
property are weak against such elements. Best used against fighting elemental
users. You know, this reminds me of the Bard & Dancer Ensemble skills.

Hints and Tips:

Use B.B.Sacramenti to affect allies on screen. Afterwards, use Aspersio
on enemies. Use this tactic to render enemies useless until the skills'


Pre-requisites: 1 Heal (Acolyte)
Skill Form: Supportive - Holy Property
Target: Ground - 5x5 Cross-shaped Area
SP Required: Varied, 1 Blue Gemstone

Summon a holy light within a 5x5 area that heals people for a duration of time.
Damages and pushes back Undead monsters. Number of heals and/or damage depends
on skill level.

Number of Heals: 8-26 times
Number of Hits: 4-13 times

Area Effect:
* * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * *

Level 1 : 4 Second Duration, 4 People, 100 HP/1 Second, 15 SP
Level 2 : 7 Second Duration, 5 People, 200 HP/1 Second, 18 SP
Level 3 : 10 Second Duration, 6 People, 300 HP/1 Second, 21 SP
Level 4 : 13 Second Duration, 7 People, 400 HP/1 Second, 24 SP
Level 5 : 16 Second Duration, 8 People, 500 HP/1 Second, 27 SP
Level 6 : 19 Second Duration, 9 People, 600 HP/1 Second, 30 SP
Level 7 : 22 Second Duration, 10 People, 777 HP/1 Second, 33 SP
Level 8 : 25 Second Duration, 11 People, 777 HP/1 Second, 36 SP
Level 9 : 28 Second Duration, 12 People, 777 HP/1 Second, 39 SP
Level 10: 31 Second Duration, 13 People, 777 HP/1 Second, 42 SP

Note: The number people means the maximum number of people that can be healed
at a time. People with full HP cannot be healed anymore.

Comments: Kinda like the little brother of Magnus Exorcismus except it can heal
people. If heal isn't enough, then this is the skill for you.

Safety Wall____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 4 Aspersio, 3 Sanctuary
Skill Form: Supportive - Sense Property
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: Varied, 1 Blue Gemstone

Creates a wall in 1 cell that blocks melee enemy hits.

Level 1 : 2 Hits, 5 Duration Time, 4.0 Second Casting Time, 30 SP
Level 2 : 3 Hits, 10 Duration Time, 3.5 Second Casting Time, 30 SP
Level 3 : 4 Hits, 15 Duration Time, 3.0 Second Casting Time, 30 SP
Level 4 : 5 Hits, 20 Duration Time, 2.5 Second Casting Time, 35 SP
Level 5 : 6 Hits, 25 Duration Time, 2.0 Second Casting Time, 35 SP
Level 6 : 7 Hits, 30 Duration Time, 1.5 Second Casting Time, 35 SP
Level 7 : 8 Hits, 35 Duration Time, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 40 SP
Level 8 : 9 Hits, 40 Duration Time, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 40 SP
Level 9 : 10 Hits, 45 Duration Time, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 40 SP
Level 10: 11 Hits, 50 Duration Time, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 40 SP

Comments: The only non-holy property spell of the Priest. Pretty much the same
like the mage skill. This or Kyrie Eleison - your choice. This, however, can
make priests tank even MVP monsters.

Hints and Tips:

When you know the wall is going to disperse soon, place another wall
beside it and walk towards it.

Monk - Lonely Ascetic...


(Divine Protection) (Demon Bane)
| |
Lv10| |Lv10
/ Lv2 Call Lv5 Spiritual Sphere Lv1
Iron Fists(10)---->Spirit Spheres(5)----->Absorption(1)---------->Fury(5)
| | |
Lv5| Lv5 | |
|------------------|Lv5 |
| / Lv3 Throw Lv3 |Lv3
| Occult Impaction(5)------->Spirit Sphere(5)-------|
| |
/ Lv5 Lv2 /
Flee(10)----------->Root(5)------>Spiritual Cadence(5) Guillotine Fist(5)
| | |
|Lv5 | |Lv3
/ | Lv2 /
Raging Trifecta Lv5 Raging ------------------->Snap(5)
Blow(10)---------->Quadruple Blow(5) \
| |
|Lv3 |Lv3
/ Lv3 |
Raging Thrust(5)------------------>Mental Strength(5)

Iron Fists_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 Divine Protection (Acolyte), 10 Demon Bane (Acolyte)
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Knuckle-class weapon and Fist damage.

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: The proof that no monk skill has no prerequisites. This is the first
skill and you've already got a very tight prerequisite. As for the skill, it
is as essential as any weapon mastery. This one in particular also works with
bare fists if you stick to that.

Summon Spirit Sphere___________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Iron Fists
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 8

Summon Spirit Spheres needed by certain skills. Also, grants an additional 3
damage per spirit sphere that also ignores the target's flee rates. One sphere
lasts for 10 minutes. Has a 1 second casting time that cannot be interrupted.

Level 1 : 1 Spirit Sphere
Level 2 : 2 Spirit Sphere
Level 3 : 3 Spirit Sphere
Level 4 : 4 Spirit Sphere
Level 5 : 5 Spirit Sphere

Comments: A must get because 1) you have to, and 2) for the additional damage.

Spiritual Sphere Absorption____________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Summon Spirit Sphere
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 5

Absorb a sphere to replenish 7 SP. When fighting against other monks, you may
use this to steal their spirit spheres. Has a 2 second casting time. Can be
used against monsters.

Level 1 : Enables Spiritual Sphere Absorption

Comments: Only useful as a prerequisite, against other monks, and for


Pre-requisites: 1 Spiritual Sphere Absorption
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 15, 5 Spirit Spheres

Increases critical ratings for 3 minutes. During the skill duration, SP cannot
be restored except through the Spiritual Cadence skill.

Level 1 : +10 Critical
Level 2 : +12.5 Critical
Level 3 : +15 Critical
Level 4 : +17.5 Critical
Level 5 : +20 Critical

Note: You still cannot regenerate SP by logging in or out after using this

Comments: It may not be the best skill to have but is pretty useful. You need
to be under this status in order to use Guillotine Fist.

Occult Impaction_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Summon Spirit Sphere
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied, 1 Spirit Sphere

Use a spirit sphere to inflict damage on a target. The more DEF the target
has, the more damage it deals. Has a 0.5 second delay after use.

Level 1 : 175% ATK, 10 SP
Level 2 : 250% ATK, 14 SP
Level 3 : 325% ATK, 17 SP
Level 4 : 400% ATK, 19 SP
Level 5 : 475% ATK, 20 SP

Comments: A decent skill devastating enough to inflict massive damage against a
high defensive enemy (like a Crusader).

Hints and Tips:

Rather than using something that ignores defense, use this 5 times

Throw Spirit Sphere____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Occult Impaction
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 20, Number of Spirit Spheres

Use Spirit Spheres to damage enemies from afar. Skill Level affects the number
of Spheres used. The casting time is [Number of Spirit Spheres] + 1 Second.
Has a 0.5 second delay after use.

Level 1 : 150% ATK, 1 Spirit Spheres
Level 2 : 175% ATK, 2 Spirit Spheres
Level 3 : 200% ATK, 3 Spirit Spheres
Level 4 : 225% ATK, 4 Spirit Spheres
Level 5 : 250% ATK, 5 Spirit Spheres

Comments: Think of it as a slow casting but more powerful Soul Strike. Don't
be fooled by its attack boost. That is only the attack boost of 1 spirit
sphere. More spirit spheres equals more damage. 5 Spirit Spheres equals 1250%
damage, a very powerful attack.

Guillotine Fist________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Fury, 3 Throw Spirit Sphere
Skill Form: Offensive - Neutral Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: All remaining SP, 5 Spirit Spheres

Deliver a powerful all-out attack on a target while in the Fury status. The
amount of SP used affects the damage of the skill. The skill ignores the
target's defense, flee rate, and size. It is of the neutral property which is
not affected by the weapon property. Fury is cancelled upon use and the caster
cannot recover SP for 5 minutes. Casting can be interrupted.

This skill can be used after Raging Thrust or during Root without any casting.
Fury status and 4 Spirit Spheres are required, however.

Level 1 : 400% ATK, 4.0 Second Casting Time, 3.0 Second Delay Time
Level 2 : 550% ATK, 3.5 Second Casting Time, 2.5 Second Delay Time
Level 3 : 700% ATK, 3.0 Second Casting Time, 2.0 Second Delay Time
Level 4 : 850% ATK, 2.5 Second Casting Time, 1.5 Second Delay Time
Level 5 : 1000% ATK, 2.0 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time

Note: You still cannot regenerate SP by logging in or out after using this

Comments: The single most damaging non-spell skill in the game. Be careful
though as it would make you suffer for SP. It was meant to be a finishing
move. Bring lots of Blue Potions or hire an Alchemist to go on.

Hints and Tips:

Unless you are sure you can pull this off without any help, use Level 5
Snap instead or use it after the Raging Thrust skill.


Pre-requisites: 5 Iron Fists, 5 Summon Spirit Sphere
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Flee rates.

Level 1 : +1
Level 2 : +3
Level 3 : +4
Level 4 : +6
Level 5 : +7
Level 6 : +9
Level 7 : +10
Level 8 : +12
Level 9 : +13
Level 10: +15

Comments: Not as effective as Improve Dodge but useful, nonetheless. Still,
there are better skills to get.


Pre-requisites: 5 Flee
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 1 Spirit Sphere

Stops both the caster and the target into place for a duration. Skill is
cancelled when either one dies. Higher skill level allows the use of skills.
Cannot be used on Boss monsters.

When using Guillotine Fist, you must still have the Fury Status and 4 Spirit

Level 1 : 0.5 Second Casting Time, 20 Second Duration
Level 2 : 0.7 Second Casting Time, 30 Second Duration, Throw Spirit Sphere
Level 3 : 0.9 Second Casting Time, 40 Second Duration, Occult Impaction
Level 4 : 1.1 Second Casting Time, 50 Second Duration, Raging Quadruple Blow
Level 5 : 1.3 Second Casting Time, 60 Second Duration, Guillotine Fist

Comments: Nice when outnumbering a single opponent or disabling a key player.
Also, if you are able to use the skills (especially Raging Quadruple Blow), you
could even kill the enemy yourself.

Hints and Tips:

You could use Level 4 Root and use Raging Quadruple Blow over and over

Spiritual Cadence______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Root
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Recover HP and SP per 10 seconds while sitting. If weight is over 50%, it
recovers by 20 seconds. Restoration of HP and SP is affected by MHP and MSP.

Level 1 : +4 HP, +2 SP
Level 2 : +8 HP, +4 SP
Level 3 : +12 HP, +6 SP
Level 4 : +16 HP, +8 SP
Level 5 : +20 HP, +10 SP

Comments: Decent. I'd say get this if you have Fury. Still, there are other
skills better than this.

Raging Trifecta Blow___________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Flee
Skill Form: Passive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: None

Deliver 3 blows at a target by chance. After the skill usage, the caster
experience a delay time. AGI and DEX affects the delay time.

Level 1 : 120% ATK, 29% Chance
Level 2 : 140% ATK, 28% Chance
Level 3 : 160% ATK, 27% Chance
Level 4 : 180% ATK, 26% Chance
Level 5 : 200% ATK, 25% Chance
Level 6 : 220% ATK, 24% Chance
Level 7 : 240% ATK, 23% Chance
Level 8 : 260% ATK, 22% Chance
Level 9 : 280% ATK, 21% Chance
Level 10: 300% ATK, 20% Chance

Comments: The monk's signature skill. It's a pretty useful skill even with its
chance lowered per skill level.

Raging Quadruple Blow__________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Raging Trifecta Blow
Skill Form: Offensive Follow-up
Target: Self
SP Required: None

Deliver 4 blows at a target. This skill can only be used during the delay time
of Raging Trifecta Blow or during Root. After the skill usage, the caster
experience a delay time. AGI and DEX affects the delay time.

Level 1 : 200% ATK
Level 2 : 250% ATK
Level 3 : 300% ATK
Level 4 : 350% ATK
Level 5 : 400% ATK

Comments: A fine addition to the combo skill. Of course, it is useful as well
as essential.

Raging Thrust__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Raging Quadruple Blow
Skill Form: Offensive Follow-up
Target: Self
SP Required: 1 Spirit Sphere

Deliver a final blow that damages and pushes back the target 5 cells. The
skill can be only used during the delay time of Raging Quadruple Blow. After
the skill usage, the caster experience a delay time. AGI and DEX affects the
delay time.

Also, if the caster is in Fury status and has 4 spirit spheres, the caster may
use Guillotine Fist during the delay without casting.

Level 1 : 300% ATK
Level 2 : 360% ATK
Level 3 : 420% ATK
Level 4 : 480% ATK
Level 5 : 520% ATK

Comments: Final combo follow-up unless you used Fury before and followed-up
Guillotine Fist after this skill. So the combos are:

Simple Combo:
Trifecta Blow--->Quadruple Blow--->Raging Thrust

Super Combo Finish (can't get enough of Marvel Vs. Capcom):
Fury-->Trifecta Blow-->Quadruple Blow-->Raging Thrust-->Guillotine Fist

Mental Strength________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Raging Thrust
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 200, 5 Spirit Sphere

Fixes the caster's DEF and MDEF at 90 for a duration. Also, active skills are
disabled and attack and movement speed are reduced by 25%. It has a 5 second
casting time that cannot be interrupted.

Level 1 : 30 Second Duration
Level 2 : 60 Second Duration
Level 3 : 90 Second Duration
Level 4 : 120 Second Duration
Level 5 : 150 Second Duration

Comments: A skill better off at lower levels. This skill makes you a living
tank but it will leave you feel a bit vulnerable than expected. Too bad it
does not work on Guillotine Fist and critical hits, and makes you highly
vulnerable to an enemy monk's Occult Impaction.


Pre-requisites: 3 Guillotine Fist, 2 Spiritual Cadence, 3 Mental Strength
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 14, 1 Spirit Sphere

Instantly move to a random location provided that there are no obstacles along
the way. If the character is under Fury status, the skill will no longer use
spirit spheres but does not allow to use Guillotine Fist for 2 seconds.

Level 1 : Enables Snap

Comments: Pretty useful in some points. Maybe useful in getting to key points
faster such as a support player. However, its high prerequisites is a drawback
as you would be in a minimum job level 48 when you reach this skill.

Hints and Tips:

Use this skill to escape or to take out key players efficiently.

XII. Transcedent Classes

Lord Knight

Aura Blade_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Magnum Break (Swordsman), 5 Two-Handed Sword Mastery
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Create an aura that surrounds your weapon. Deals additional damage to enemies.
Additional damage ignores the target's defense.

Level 1 : ATK +20 , 40 Second Duration, 18 SP
Level 2 : ATK +40 , 60 Second Duration, 26 SP
Level 3 : ATK +60 , 80 Second Duration, 34 SP
Level 4 : ATK +80 , 100 Second Duration, 42 SP
Level 5 : ATK +100, 120 Second Duration, 50 SP

Comments: Coolness. Like if the Masteries aren't enough, this increase in the
ATK would make you among the strongest there is.


Pre-requisites: 3 Two-Hand Quicken, 10 Two-Handed Sword Mastery (Swordsman),
5 Provoke (Swordsman)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 50

Block incoming attacks with a Two-Handed Sword by chance.

Level 1 : 23% Chance, 15 Second Duration
Level 2 : 26% Chance, 20 Second Duration
Level 3 : 29% Chance, 25 Second Duration
Level 4 : 32% Chance, 30 Second Duration
Level 5 : 35% Chance, 35 Second Duration
Level 6 : 38% Chance, 40 Second Duration
Level 7 : 41% Chance, 45 Second Duration
Level 8 : 44% Chance, 50 Second Duration
Level 9 : 47% Chance, 55 Second Duration
Level 10: 50% Chance, 60 Second Duration

Comments: It's like the "Guard" of the Crusader. Getting it or not, it's your
choice. I say it's a decent skill to have since Knights lack some defense.
Nice skill for AGI-types.

Spear Dynamo___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Spear Mastery, 1 Riding, 1 Increase HP Recovery (Swordsman)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Increase some Accuracy and Damage but decreases defense for a duration. Endure
is automatically activated while in the skill's duration. Works with any
weapon type.

Level 1 : HIT +10%, ATK +5% , DEF -5% , 25 Second Duration, 14 SP
Level 2 : HIT +20%, ATK +10%, DEF -10%, 30 Second Duration, 18 SP
Level 3 : HIT +30%, ATK +15%, DEF -15%, 35 Second Duration, 22 SP
Level 4 : HIT +40%, ATK +20%, DEF -20%, 40 Second Duration, 26 SP
Level 5 : HIT +50%, ATK +25%, DEF -25%, 45 Second Duration, 30 SP

Note: They changed the HIT rates but I don't know the intervals.

Comments: Kinda like Berserk (the Quest Skill) but with added Accuracy bonus.
Nice against hard-to-hit characters. Oh and can those iRO names get any worse?

(Tension Relax)

Pre-requisites: 3 Endure (Swordsman), 10 Increase HP Recovery (Swordsman)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 15

Relaxes tension from muscles and doubles HP recovery rate while sitting. The
skill is cancelled when the character gets attacked, stands up, or uses an

Level 1 : Enables Relax

Comments: If there's no Priest or Support Alchemist in sight, this could be


Pre-requisites: Job Level 50
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: All remaining SP

Gives more power to the Lord Knight for a high cost. Can be used in guild

Level 1 : Enables Frenzy

While in Frenzy mode, you will recieve the following:
- Additional x3 MHP with fully recovered HP
- 5% HP is reduced every 10 seconds
- ATK + 200%
- ASPD + 30%
- Movement Speed is increased
- DEF = 0
- Halves Flee rate
- Endure is activated
- Cannot Chat
- Cannot use items
- Cannot change equipments
- Cannot recieve Heals
- Skill is cancelled when HP is below 100
- Cannot recover HP/SP for 5 minutes after the skill

Comments: Not to be confused with the Quest Skill Berserk, this skill gives
Knights a name worthy of being feared, not to mention, one of the most
powerful classes in the game ever. It is an ultimate skill for all you
power-hungry, bloodthirsty players out there!

Hints and Tips:

Use when near death. It gives you another chance to keep yourself
Before using, equip your best weapons and armor that might give you a
little advantage in the area. You don't really have to mind DEF items much,

Clashing Spiral________________________________________________________________
(Spiral Pierce)

Pre-requisites: 10 Spear Mastery, 5 Spear Stab, 1 Riding
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Extend your spear, and spin it in a spiral fashion to increase overall damage
and ability to pierce. It attacks 5 times regardless of target size. The
heavier your weapon is, the better your damage will be, and will leave target
stunned for 3 seconds. However, they CAN attack if you are in range of their
attack, or if they use ranged skills.

Level 1 : 150% ATK, 0.3 Second Casting Time, 1.2 Second Delay Time, 13 SP
Level 2 : 200% ATK, 0.5 Second Casting Time, 1.4 Second Delay Time, 15 SP
Level 3 : 250% ATK, 0.7 Second Casting Time, 1.6 Second Delay Time, 17 SP
Level 4 : 300% ATK, 0.9 Second Casting Time, 1.8 Second Delay Time, 19 SP
Level 5 : 350% ATK, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 2.0 Second Delay Time, 20 SP

Note: At the moment, it ignores the target's defense.

Comments: At least, as of this moment, it ignores defense. Because it allows
the Lord Knight to attack 5 times, this is a decent skill to have.

Traumatic Blow_________________________________________________________________
(Head Crush)

Pre-requisites: 9 Spear Mastery, 1 Riding
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 23

Create a massive damage onto an enemy and cause external bleeding by 50%
chance. When they bleed, they will lose HP periodically. It has a delay time
of 0.5 seconds.

Level 1 : 140% ATK
Level 2 : 180% ATK
Level 3 : 220% ATK
Level 4 : 260% ATK
Level 5 : 300% ATK

Comments: Massive! This is another skill others would fear. External Bleeding
is such a serious ailment, even if you're pure VIT, you could easily lose HP at
a large amount.

Hints and Tips:

Use as much as possible to have an advantage against the opponent.

Vital Strike___________________________________________________________________
(Joint Beat)

Pre-requisites: 3 Cavalier Mastery, 3 Traumatic Blow
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Strike an enemy's joints using a spear and cause various ailments by chance.
The Lord Knight will randomly choose a joint and cause various effects.

Ailment Listing:

Ankle Break : MSPD -50%
Wrist Break : ASPD -25%
Knee Break : MSPD -30%, ASPD -10%
Shoulder Break : DEF -50%
Waist Break : DEF -25%, ATK -25%
Neck Break : Lord Knight's ATK x2, Critical Effect, External Bleeding

Level 1 : 60% ATK, 10% Chance, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 2 : 70% ATK, 15% Chance, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 3 : 80% ATK, 20% Chance, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 14 SP
Level 4 : 90% ATK, 25% Chance, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 14 SP
Level 5 : 100% ATK, 30% Chance, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 16 SP
Level 6 : 110% ATK, 35% Chance, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 16 SP
Level 7 : 120% ATK, 40% Chance, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 18 SP
Level 8 : 130% ATK, 45% Chance, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 18 SP
Level 9 : 140% ATK, 50% Chance, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 10: 150% ATK, 55% Chance, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 20 SP

Comments: It's fun to see other characters having all sorts of ailments and you
could use it for your own advantage.

Hints and Tips:

You could use this to gain an advantage over an opponent.

High Wizard

Soul Drain_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Increase SP Recovery (Magician), 7 Soul Strike (Magician)
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Regain SP everytime you kill an enemy using a target spell. SP gained is
affected by the level of the target. Will not regain or drain more SP when it
reaches the limit. Also, it increases MSP.

Level 1 : 110% SP Bonus, MSP +2%
Level 2 : 125% SP Bonus, MSP +4%
Level 3 : 140% SP Bonus, MSP +6%
Level 4 : 155% SP Bonus, MSP +8%
Level 5 : 170% SP Bonus, MSP +10%
Level 6 : 185% SP Bonus, MSP +12%
Level 7 : 200% SP Bonus, MSP +14%
Level 8 : 215% SP Bonus, MSP +16%
Level 9 : 230% SP Bonus, MSP +18%
Level 10: 245% SP Bonus, MSP +20%

Note: Does not work on Area of Effect Spells (i.e. Storm Gust)

Comments: Useful when lacking SP. Insted of draining the last few SP by
casting Area of Effect spells, you could use target spells to replenish them,
if you were able to kill them.

Stave Crasher__________________________________________________________________
(Magic Crasher)

Pre-requisites: 1 Increase SP Recovery (Magician)
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 12

Inflict melee damage using your MATK. The damage is reduced by the target's
DEF. Will also miss depending on DEX. Has a 0.3 second casting time and a 0.3
second delay time.

Level 1 : Enables Magic Crasher

Comments: A powerful and handy skill when someone gets too near. You should
also note that damage is also affected by cards and the enemy size (which is
not a problem with the rod-class weapons). Imagine yourself with maxed INT,
weilding a Bone Wand, and beating the hell out of Angelring.

Mystical Amplification_________________________________________________________
(Amplify Magic)

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Increases Magical Attack Bonuses on the spells' first hit. Last for 30

Level 1 : MATK +5% , 14 SP
Level 2 : MATK +10%, 18 SP
Level 3 : MATK +15%, 22 SP
Level 4 : MATK +20%, 26 SP
Level 5 : MATK +25%, 30 SP
Level 6 : MATK +30%, 34 SP
Level 7 : MATK +35%, 38 SP
Level 8 : MATK +40%, 42 SP
Level 9 : MATK +45%, 46 SP
Level 10: MATK +50%, 50 SP

Comments: They made it work on AoE spells now. Not too worthless any more,
isn't it?

Side Comment: I'd also like to call it Amplify Magic...

Napalm Vulcan__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Napalm Beat (Mage)
Skill Form: Offensive - Sense Property
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Use telekinitic powers to cause multiple hits on an enemy. Causes Curse by
chance. Has a 1 second Delay time

Level 1 : 1 Hits, 5% Chance, 10 SP
Level 2 : 2 Hits, 10% Chance, 25 SP
Level 3 : 3 Hits, 15% Chance, 40 SP
Level 4 : 4 Hits, 20% Chance, 55 SP
Level 5 : 5 Hits, 25% Chance, 70 SP

Comments: Kinda nice, and fun too. It's rare to find Cursing spells around.

Hints and Tips:

You could curse enemies first then you could follow it up with Stone
Curse to get its full effect.


Pre-requisites: 1 Sense, 1 Ice Wall
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: 3x3 Area
SP Required: 40, 1 Blue Gemstone, 1 Yellow Gemstone

Cancels AoE effects on the target area. When used on Magnetic Earth, it will
cancel the area affected but the other areas will still be in effect. Will use
gemstones regardless of Mistress Card or Power Cord. Has an 80% success rate
and a 5 second delay time.

Level 1 : Enables Ganbantein


Gravitation Field______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Stave Crasher, 10 Mystical Amplification, 1 Quagmire
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: 5x5 Area
SP Required: Varied, 1 Blue Gemstone

Increases the effect of gravity in an area dealing DEF-ignoring damages over
time and decreases attack speed against enemies (speed decrease not affected by
Boss monsters). However, because it is a high-leveled spell, the High Wizard
will channel the spell for the rest of the duration and will not be able to do
anything while channelling the spell. Also, if the caster is hit, the spell is
cancelled. Has a 5 second casting time and a 2 second delay time.

Level 1 : 400 Damage/1 Second, ASPD -5% , 5 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 2 : 600 Damage/1 Second, ASPD -10%, 6 Second Duration, 40 SP
Level 3 : 800 Damage/1 Second, ASPD -15%, 7 Second Duration, 60 SP
Level 4 : 1000 Damage/1 Second, ASPD -20%, 8 Second Duration, 80 SP
Level 5 : 1200 Damage/1 Second, ASPD -25%, 9 Second Duration, 100 SP



Falcon Eyes____________________________________________________________________
(True Sight)

Pre-requisites: 1 Falcon Mastery, 10 Owl's Eye (Archer), 10 Vulture's Eye
(Archer), 10 Improve Concentration (Archer)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Increases damage, accuracy, dodge rate, and critical rate. Also increases all
stats by 5. Lasts for a 30 second duration. Can be used with Improve

Level 1 : HIT +3% , ATK +2% , Critical +1 , 20 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 2 : HIT +6% , ATK +4% , Critical +2 , 20 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 3 : HIT +9% , ATK +6% , Critical +3 , 25 Second Duration, 25 SP
Level 4 : HIT +12%, ATK +8% , Critical +4 , 25 Second Duration, 25 SP
Level 5 : HIT +15%, ATK +10%, Critical +5 , 30 Second Duration, 30 SP
Level 6 : HIT +18%, ATK +12%, Critical +6 , 30 Second Duration, 30 SP
Level 7 : HIT +21%, ATK +14%, Critical +7 , 35 Second Duration, 35 SP
Level 8 : HIT +24%, ATK +16%, Critical +8 , 35 Second Duration, 35 SP
Level 9 : HIT +27%, ATK +18%, Critical +9 , 40 Second Duration, 40 SP
Level 10: HIT +30%, ATK +20%, Critical +10, 40 Second Duration, 40 SP

Comments: Whoa! So many bonuses that this would make a very nice skill to

Hints and Tips:

Use Improve Concentration first before using this skill so that the
duration wouldn't be wasted much.

Falcon Assault_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Falcon Mastery, 3 Steel Crow, 5 Vulture's Eye (Archer)
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Inflict massive damage on a target. Does not have a splash damage like Blitz
Beat has. Bonus ATK is added to the Blitz Beat Damage of the same level. Has
a 1 Second Casting Time and a 1.2 Second Delay Time.

Level 1 : 100% ATK, 30 SP
Level 2 : 150% ATK, 34 SP
Level 3 : 200% ATK, 38 SP
Level 4 : 250% ATK, 42 SP
Level 5 : 300% ATK, 46 SP

Comments: Use this to take on a target which annoyingly has a powerful defense.

Focused Arrow Strike___________________________________________________________
(Sharp Shooting)

Pre-requisites: 5 Double Strafe (Archer), 10 Improve Concentration (Archer)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - 1 Cell + Linear Splash Damage
SP Required: Varied

Increase Critical rating on an Area by 20. Max Range is 14 cells. Has a 2
Second Casting Time and a 0.5 Delay Time.

Level 1 : 150% ATK, 18 SP
Level 2 : 200% ATK, 21 SP
Level 3 : 250% ATK, 24 SP
Level 4 : 300% ATK, 27 SP
Level 5 : 350% ATK, 30 SP

Comments: ...or this one against those with powerful defense. Gawd...iRO skill
named gets cornier by them minute.

Wind Walker____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 9 Improve Concentration (Archer)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self/Party
SP Required:

Increases the player and party members' movement speed and Flee rate. If the
party members or yourself already has a speed and Flee upgrade, the skill will
ignore them. Also, the skill is cancelled when you receive the same effects of
items and skills. Quagmire will also cancel the skill. Has a 2 Second Delay

Level 1 : MSPD +2% , Flee +1%, 2.0s Casting Time, 130 Second Duration, 46 SP
Level 2 : MSPD +4% , Flee +1%, 2.4s Casting Time, 160 Second Duration, 52 SP
Level 3 : MSPD +6% , Flee +2%, 2.8s Casting Time, 190 Second Duration, 58 SP
Level 4 : MSPD +8% , Flee +2%, 3.2s Casting Time, 220 Second Duration, 64 SP
Level 5 : MSPD +10%, Flee +3%, 3.6s Casting Time, 250 Second Duration, 70 SP
Level 6 : MSPD +12%, Flee +3%, 4.0s Casting Time, 280 Second Duration, 76 SP
Level 7 : MSPD +14%, Flee +4%, 4.4s Casting Time, 310 Second Duration, 82 SP
Level 8 : MSPD +16%, Flee +4%, 4.8s Casting Time, 340 Second Duration, 88 SP
Level 9 : MSPD +18%, Flee +5%, 5.2s Casting Time, 370 Second Duration, 94 SP
Level 10: MSPD +20%, Flee +5%, 5.6s Casting Time, 400 Second Duration, 100 SP

Comments: For short, this is a skill that has a low priority against the other
skills. Best used when a Priest or any other supportive casters are around, so
long as they do not support you with the same effects.

Mastersmith (Whitesmith)

Shattering Strike______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Skin Tempering, 1 Hilt Binding, 5 Weaponry Research,
3 Power Thrust
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Heat up your weapon to create two effects. If the enemy is a player, the
player's equipment burns and melts down. The equipments in the target's
inventory will also get damaged one at a time. Damaged equipments can still be
repaired. Against monsters, this decreases the target's ATK and DEF by 25% for
5 seconds. Does not work against boss monsters.

Level 1 : 1% Wpn Break, 0.7% Amr Break, 5s Cast Time, 15s Duration, 50 SP
Level 2 : 2% Wpn Break, 1.4% Amr Break, 5s Cast Time, 20s Duration, 50 SP
Level 3 : 3% Wpn Break, 2.1% Amr Break, 6s Cast Time, 25s Duration, 60 SP
Level 4 : 4% Wpn Break, 2.8% Amr Break, 6s Cast Time, 30s Duration, 60 SP
Level 5 : 5% Wpn Break, 3.5% Amr Break, 7s Cast Time, 35s Duration, 70 SP
Level 6 : 6% Wpn Break, 4.2% Amr Break, 7s Cast Time, 40s Duration, 70 SP
Level 7 : 7% Wpn Break, 4.9% Amr Break, 8s Cast Time, 45s Duration, 80 SP
Level 8 : 8% Wpn Break, 5.6% Amr Break, 8s Cast Time, 50s Duration, 80 SP
Level 9 : 9% Wpn Break, 6.3% Amr Break, 9s Cast Time, 55s Duration, 90 SP
Level 10: 10% Wpn Break, 7.0% Amr Break, 10s Cast Time, 60s Duration, 90 SP

Comments: A cool skill that severely disables a target enemy. Probably can be
counteracted by the Alchemist's Chemical Protection skills though. Also, the
SP consumption is quite nasty for a Whitesmith

Cart Boost_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Hilt Binding, 5 Pushcart (Merchant), 1 Cart Change (Quest
Skill), 1 Cart Revolution (Quest Skill)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 20

Increases movement speed by 20% for 60 seconds. The skill is cancelled when
cursed or you receive the Decrease Agility skill. Only works when using carts.

Level 1 : Enables Cart Boost

Comments: A decent non-battle skill. It allows you to move quickly when you
are in need of it. It doesn't affect any other stats, however.

Hints and Tips:

You could use this to escape from something.

Upgrade Weapon_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 Weaponry Research
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 30

Enables Whitesmith to upgrade weapons.

Level 1 : Maximum Possible Upgrade +1
Level 2 : Maximum Possible Upgrade +2
Level 3 : Maximum Possible Upgrade +3
Level 4 : Maximum Possible Upgrade +4
Level 5 : Maximum Possible Upgrade +5
Level 6 : Maximum Possible Upgrade +6
Level 7 : Maximum Possible Upgrade +7
Level 8 : Maximum Possible Upgrade +8
Level 9 : Maximum Possible Upgrade +9
Level 10: Maximum Possible Upgrade +10

Comments: Still need more info about this skill.

Cart Termination_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Cart Boost, 5 Hammer Fall, 10 Mammonite (Merchant)
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 15, Zeny

Using both the power of zeny and the weight of the cart, strike the enemy using
your own cart. It uses zeny and has a chance to stun target. Damage is weight
dependent. Can only be used while in Cart Boost state.

Level 1 : Weight/15 ATK, 600 Zeny, 5% Chance
Level 2 : Weight/14 ATK, 700 Zeny, 10% Chance
Level 3 : Weight/13 ATK, 800 Zeny, 15% Chance
Level 4 : Weight/12 ATK, 900 Zeny, 20% Chance
Level 5 : Weight/11 ATK, 1000 Zeny, 25% Chance
Level 6 : Weight/10 ATK, 1100 Zeny, 30% Chance
Level 7 : Weight/9 ATK, 1200 Zeny, 35% Chance
Level 8 : Weight/8 ATK, 1300 Zeny, 40% Chance
Level 9 : Weight/7 ATK, 1400 Zeny, 45% Chance
Level 10: Weight/6 ATK, 1500 Zeny, 50% Chance


Max Overthrust_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Power Thrust
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 15, Zeny

Using the power of zeny, increase your weapon damage greatly. Unlike the
normal Power Thrust, this skill only affects yourself. Has a 0.1% chance to
break the weapon every hit. Lasts for 180 seconds.

Level 1 : ATK +120%, 3000 Zeny
Level 2 : ATK +140%, 3500 Zeny
Level 3 : ATK +160%, 4000 Zeny
Level 4 : ATK +180%, 4500 Zeny
Level 5 : ATK +200%, 5000 Zeny


Assassin Cross

Advanced Katar Mastery_________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 7 Katar Mastery, 5 Double Attack (Thief)
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Katar-Class Weapon damage further.

Level 1 : ATK +12%
Level 2 : ATK +14%
Level 3 : ATK +16%
Level 4 : ATK +18%
Level 5 : ATK +20%

Comments: A must for all Katar Assassins.

Soul Destroyer_________________________________________________________________
(Soul Breaker)

Pre-requisites: 6 Enchant Poison, 3 Cloaking, 5 Double Attack (Thief),
5 Envenom (Thief)
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Inflict physical and magical damage to the target. The skill pierces Flee
rates and will ignore damage enhancing factors but will use the element being
used by the assassin.

Damage Calculations:
1) Damage 1 = (Physical Total Damage + Specific Cards (it counts ATK cards such
as Andre Card)) * 5
2) Damage 2 = {(Skill LV * Player's INT) * 5} + Random Damage (500-1000)
3) Soul Breaker Base Damage = Damage 1 + Damage 2
4) For DEF/MDEF Decrease Calc (Damage 3) = Soul Breaker Base Damage / 2
5) Final Damage = Damage 3 / Enemy DEF + Damage 3 / Enemy MDEF

Level 1 : 1.0 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 2 : 1.2 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 3 : 1.4 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 4 : 1.6 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 5 : 1.8 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 6 : 2.0 Second Delay Time, 30 SP
Level 7 : 2.2 Second Delay Time, 30 SP
Level 8 : 2.4 Second Delay Time, 30 SP
Level 9 : 2.6 Second Delay Time, 30 SP
Level 10: 2.8 Second Delay Time, 30 SP

Comments: This deals quite a large damage especially if the target has both low
DEF and MDEF. To protect yourself from the final damage calculation, you must
have high DEF and MDEF.

Meteor Assault_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Katar Mastery, 3 Righthand Mastery, 5 Sonic Blow,
1 Soul Destroyer
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Self + 5x5 Area
SP Required: Varied

Cause mass damage within an area around you. Enemies hit would suffer Stun,
Blind, or External Bleeding ailments by chance. Has a 0.5 second casting and
delay time.

Level 1 : 80% ATK, 10% Chance, 10 SP
Level 2 : 120% ATK, 15% Chance, 12 SP
Level 3 : 160% ATK, 20% Chance, 14 SP
Level 4 : 200% ATK, 25% Chance, 16 SP
Level 5 : 240% ATK, 30% Chance, 18 SP
Level 6 : 280% ATK, 35% Chance, 20 SP
Level 7 : 320% ATK, 40% Chance, 22 SP
Level 8 : 360% ATK, 45% Chance, 24 SP
Level 9 : 400% ATK, 50% Chance, 26 SP
Level 10: 440% ATK, 55% Chance, 28 SP

Comments: Here's the skill Loki used in the comic. Pretty cool and External
Bleeding is a nice status ailment to have since it makes others lose a lot of
HP really bad.

Create Deadly Poison___________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Enchant Poison, 10 Envenon (Thief), 1 Detoxify (Thief)
Skill Form: Supportive - Poison Property
Target: Self
SP Required: 50

Combine Poison Needle, Cactus Needle, Bee Sting, Poison Spore, Karvodailnirol,
Berserk Potion and an Empty Bottle to create deadly poison. Has a 5 second
delay time. DEX and LUK increases chances of creating the item. If the
creation fails, HP is reduced by 20% your MHP.

When used, the Assassin Cross will be poisoned but their ASPD will be increased
by 25% for 30 Seconds. Other characters would die on the spot if they used it.

Creation Rate: Base + [(Base * DEX/50) + (Base + LUK/100)]

Level 1 : Enables Create Deadly Poison

Comments: 25% is a large percentage! You should have a Support Priest to back
you up with this or you'll end up killing yourself just trying to make 4. On
the other hand, you'll be among the fastest characters if you use this.

Enchant Deadly Poison__________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Create Deadly Poison
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied, 1 Deadly Poison

Use a Deadly Poison and enchant your weapons with it. Chances of poisoning an
enemy is similar to Enchant Poison but the ailment is very different. It will
reduce HP by % rates and will continue to kill the enemy at a very fast rate.
Does not work against Boss monsters but works on Siege Mode. Has a 2 second
delay time.

Damage Calculation: Base Damage % Upgrade + 25% poison property max damage

Level 1 : 200% ATK, 40 Second Duration, 60 SP
Level 2 : 250% ATK, 45 Second Duration, 70 SP
Level 3 : 300% ATK, 50 Second Duration, 80 SP
Level 4 : 350% ATK, 55 Second Duration, 90 SP
Level 5 : 400% ATK, 60 Second Duration, 100 SP

Comments: If you can't do External Bleeding, this ailment is a good substitute.
Poison is very dangerous and will prove that it can help you all throughout the

Hints and Tips:

Enchant as often as possible to take down really hard to kill enemies,
of course except boss monsters.

High Priest


Pre-requisites: 3 Impositio Manus, 3 Increase SP Recovery, 1 Angelus (Acolyte)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self + Area
SP Required: Varied

You and the party receive 1/3 damage enemies usually inflict for a duration.
The skill is cancelled if Kyrie Eleison was used on the same target. Cannot be
used in WoE.

Level 1: 1.0 Second Cast Time, 1.1 Second Delay Time, 20 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 2: 1.5 Second Cast Time, 1.2 Second Delay Time, 30 Second Duration, 25 SP
Level 3: 2.0 Second Cast Time, 1.3 Second Delay Time, 40 Second Duration, 30 SP
Level 4: 2.5 Second Cast Time, 1.4 Second Delay Time, 50 Second Duration, 35 SP
Level 5: 3.0 Second Cast Time, 1.5 Second Delay Time, 60 Second Duration, 40 SP

Comments: Best used for players with low HP which disallow them to be satisfied
much by Kyrie Eleison.


Pre-requisites: 1 Increase SP Recovery, 2 Gloria
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self + 5x5 Area
SP Required: Varied, 1 Yellow, Blue, and Red Gemstones, 1 Holy Water

Create a 5x5 area around the caster that blocks every attack (including spells)
from harming characters within the zone. Characters inside cannot attack as
well. The skill is cancelled after the skill's duration or when the caster
moves or uses another spell or the same spell. Does not work against Boss
Monsters and in Siege Mode.

Level 1 : 5 Second Cast Time, 2 Second Delay Time, 20 Second Duration, 80 SP
Level 2 : 6 Second Cast Time, 3 Second Delay Time, 25 Second Duration, 90 SP
Level 3 : 7 Second Cast Time, 4 Second Delay Time, 30 Second Duration, 100 SP
Level 4 : 8 Second Cast Time, 5 Second Delay Time, 35 Second Duration, 110 SP
Level 5 : 9 Second Cast Time, 6 Second Delay Time, 40 Second Duration, 120 SP

Comments: The ultimate defense zone. Possible counters are the Sages' Magnetic
Earth spell and the Bard and Dancer Classical Pluck skill.


Pre-requisites: 5 Increase SP Recovery, 5 Lex Divina, 3 Aspersio
Skill Form: Passive
Target: N/A
SP Required: None

Increases Max SP, SP Recovery, and Heal rate.

Level 1 : SP Recovery +3% , MSP +1% , Heal +2%
Level 2 : SP Recovery +6% , MSP +2% , Heal +4%
Level 3 : SP Recovery +9% , MSP +3% , Heal +6%
Level 4 : SP Recovery +12%, MSP +4% , Heal +8%
Level 5 : SP Recovery +15%, MSP +5% , Heal +10%
Level 6 : SP Recovery +18%, MSP +6% , Heal +12%
Level 7 : SP Recovery +21%, MSP +7% , Heal +14%
Level 8 : SP Recovery +24%, MSP +8% , Heal +16%
Level 9 : SP Recovery +27%, MSP +9% , Heal +18%
Level 10: SP Recovery +30%, MSP +10%, Heal +20%

Comments: With the Heal Bonus, it is a must skill to have.

Mana Recharge__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 Mace Mastery, 10 Demon Bane (Acolyte)
Skill Form: Passive
Target: Self
SP Required: None

Decreases SP usage of active skills.

Level 1: 4% SP Usage Reduction
Level 2: 8% SP Usage Reduction
Level 3: 12% SP Usage Reduction
Level 4: 16% SP Usage Reduction
Level 5: 20% SP Usage Reduction



Gloria Domini__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Faith, 2 Smite, 5 Endure (Swordsman)
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy + Area
SP Required: Varied

Call out to God and summon a gigantic cross that crushes his enemies. Target
will either be stunned or have their HP sapped out for a bit. The skill
ignores defense and flee rates and will always succeed.

Level 1 : 800 ATK, 20% SP Damage, 2.0 Second Casting Time, 30 SP
Level 2 : 1100 ATK, 25% SP Damage, 2.5 Second Casting Time, 35 SP
Level 3 : 1400 ATK, 30% SP Damage, 3.0 Second Casting Time, 40 SP
Level 4 : 1700 ATK, 35% SP Damage, 3.5 Second Casting Time, 45 SP
Level 5 : 2000 ATK, 40% SP Damage, 4.0 Second Casting Time, 50 SP

Note: Formerly doesn't work against boss monsters. I don't know if they
changed it.

Comments: Get targetted and you're doomed. Also one of the better iRO skill

Martyr's Reckoning_____________________________________________________________
(Paladin's Sacrifice)

Pre-requisites: 3 Sacrifice, 1 Endure (Swordsman)
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 32

Sacrifices 9% of your max HP to damage your enemy. You can die from this skill
if you have less than the amount of HP sacrificed.

Level 1 : 100% ATK
Level 2 : 110% ATK
Level 3 : 120% ATK
Level 4 : 130% ATK
Level 5 : 140% ATK

Comments: Not to be confused with the Crusader's Sacrifice skill, this is a
really powerful attack especially if you have a really high HP.

Battle Chant___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 8 Faith, 3 Divine Protection, 5 Demon Bane
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self + 7x7 Area
SP Required: Varied

Create an area in a 7x7 area around the caster that gives party members special
attribute bonuses and damages enemies at the same time. Party members affected
by this skill can't use healing items but can still be healed.

It is impossible to overlap this skill with other Crusader skills. If Gospel
is used while other skills on the Paladin are in effect, those skills will be
cancelled. Also, it cancels both positive and negative buffs from the Paladin.
This skill is cancelled if the Paladin is silenced. Continually drains HP and

Level 1 : 55% Chance, 30 HP/10 Seconds, 20 SP/10 Seconds, 80 SP
Level 2 : 60% Chance, 30 HP/10 Seconds, 20 SP/10 Seconds, 80 SP
Level 3 : 65% Chance, 30 HP/10 Seconds, 20 SP/10 Seconds, 80 SP
Level 4 : 70% Chance, 30 HP/10 Seconds, 20 SP/10 Seconds, 80 SP
Level 5 : 75% Chance, 30 HP/10 Seconds, 20 SP/10 Seconds, 80 SP
Level 6 : 80% Chance, 45 HP/10 Seconds, 35 SP/10 Seconds, 100 SP
Level 7 : 85% Chance, 45 HP/10 Seconds, 35 SP/10 Seconds, 100 SP
Level 8 : 90% Chance, 45 HP/10 Seconds, 35 SP/10 Seconds, 100 SP
Level 9 : 95% Chance, 45 HP/10 Seconds, 35 SP/10 Seconds, 100 SP
Level 10: 100% Chance, 45 HP/10 Seconds, 35 SP/10 Seconds, 100 SP

Note: That's the chance of getting the special bonuses.

Comments: A supportive spell which makes use of surprise. Obviously, if the
Paladin is silenced, he can't use spells.

Side Comment: The skill didn't hurt me but I'm sure the skill description sure
did a mortifying damage against me.

Shield Chain___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Shield Boomerang
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Deal 5 repeated attacks using a shield. The damage is increased by the weight
and the refinement of the shield. It can be used 4 cells away from the caster
and will give HIT +20 when used.

Level 1 : 130% ATK, 28 SP
Level 2 : 160% ATK, 31 SP
Level 3 : 190% ATK, 34 SP
Level 4 : 220% ATK, 37 SP
Level 5 : 250% ATK, 40 SP


Scholar (Professor)

(HP Conversion)

Pre-requisites: 1 Magic Rod, 1 Increase SP Recovery (Magician)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Convert 10% of your HP into SP. SP gained is affected by the skill level.

Level 1 : 10% HP into SP, 2.0 Second Delay Time, 1 SP
Level 2 : 20% HP into SP, 2.5 Second Delay Time, 2 SP
Level 3 : 30% HP into SP, 3.0 Second Delay Time, 3 SP
Level 4 : 40% HP into SP, 3.5 Second Delay Time, 4 SP
Level 5 : 50% HP into SP, 4.0 Second Delay Time, 5 SP

Comments: If you are in need of SP and there aren't SP recovering items around,
this is a skill to have. There are better skills, though.

Soul Exhale____________________________________________________________________
(Soul Change)

Pre-requisites: 3 Magic Rod, 2 Spell Breaker
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: 5

Exchange your SP for the target party member's SP. Anyone can be targeted in
PvP, however. If targeted on a monster, you will regain 3% of your SP. The
skill can't be used on the same monster twice. The skill has a 3 second
casting time and a 5 second delay time. If the SP is higher than the Maximum
SP, the extra SP will be lost.

Level 1 : Enables Soul Exhale

Comments: It has this annoying casting and delay time which disallows the abuse
of its usage. But then, if you stepped on a Shockwave Trap, change SP with the
Hunter and let's see who's boss.

Soul Siphon____________________________________________________________________
(Soul Burn)

Pre-requisites: 5 Cast Cancel, 3 Magic Rod, 3 Spell Breaker
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Drain a targets SP to 0. At level 5, it will also deal damage. This skill
works by chance. The MDEF of the target decreases the chance. If the skill
fails, you will get the same effect instead. Only works against players.

Level 5 Damage Calculation: (Amount of SP Drained) * 2

Level 1 : 30% Chance, 10 Second Delay Time, 80 SP
Level 2 : 40% Chance, 10 Second Delay Time, 90 SP
Level 3 : 50% Chance, 10 Second Delay Time, 100 SP
Level 4 : 60% Chance, 10 Second Delay Time, 110 SP
Level 5 : 60% Chance, 15 Second Delay Time, 120 SP

Comments: Most deadly against Wizards. Don't fret if you fail since Professors
have less SP anyway and can simply gain SP by using other skills such as Spell

Hints and Tips:

Use Mind Breaker first before using the skill to decrease their MDEF.

Mind Breaker___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Soul Burn, 3 Increase SP Recovery (Magician)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Cause mental breakdown to enemies and decreases their MDEF but increases their
MATK. Passive monsters affected will turn hostile to you.

Level 1 : MATK +2 , MDEF -6 , 60% Success Rate, 12 SP
Level 2 : MATK +4 , MDEF -12, 65% Success Rate, 15 SP
Level 3 : MATK +6 , MDEF -18, 70% Success Rate, 18 SP
Level 4 : MATK +8 , MDEF -24, 75% Success Rate, 21 SP
Level 5 : MATK +10, MDEF -30, 80% Success Rate, 24 SP

Note: They changed the info but I can't get the exact intervals.

Comments: Provoke of the mages. You wan't more damage, get this one. Very
practical too since there are only a few monsters that actually have spells.


Pre-requisites: 5 Study, 1 Hindsight
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 1

Memorize a skill and cut its casting time by half. The effect lasts until you
have used the skill for 5 times. The effect will be canceled when you faint.
Has an 5 second casting time regardless of DEX. Does not work on Memorize.
Using the skill again will only reset the memorized skill up to 5 times.

Level 1 : Enables Foresight

Comments: A cool spell and a must have for those who can afford it.

Blinding Mist__________________________________________________________________
(Wall of Fog)

Pre-requisites: 2 Whirlwind, 2 Deluge
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - 3x5 Area
SP Required: 25

Cause the Blind status ailments to enemies within the area affected for more
than 30 seconds. The ailment is decreased depending on the stats of the
target. Magical and ranged attacks of the targets affected would have a chance
to miss. Alignment of the wall is dependent on the position where the mage is
facing. Only up to 1 wall can be used at a time. Cannot be casted upon other
Sage AoE spells except Deluge. Lasts for 20 Seconds.

On the Deluge and Blinding Mist combination, the wall lasts for 40 seconds and
can cure the Blind status if they already have the ailment.

The exact values of the effects are as follows:
- Ranged attacks receive a 75% damage penalty and a -50 accuracy penalty
- Target magic spells has a 75% chance of missing
- There is no penalty for physical melee attack
- Same penalty applies to characters and monsters that try to attack players
or enemies within the fog

Level 1 : Enables Blinding Mist

Comments: Blind is a pretty annoying spell. Also, with other effects regarding
this spell, it is rather annoying as a whole skill as well. Counters are AoE
Spells since it doesn't miss (unless it's Meteor Storm). If your party was
blinded, use Deluge with this one and you're all done.

Fiber Lock_____________________________________________________________________
(Spider Web)

Pre-requisites: 4 Dragonology
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy + 3x3 Area
SP Required: 50, 1 Spider Web

Summon a green web on a target to make them immobile for 8 seconds. Anyone
caught within the web will recieve a 50% penalty to Flee. However, targets can
still attack or use a skill.

If the web is caught by the Alchemist's Bomb, the web will burn but everyone
within the web will get 2.5 additional damage of the Bomb. If the targets were
hit by a fire property attack, they will receive twice the normal damage and
the web will disappear. Only up to 2 Webs can be used at a time. Last for 4
seconds in PvP and WoE modes.

Level 1 : Enables Spider Web

Comments: Well that gave Dragonology some use.

Hints and Tips:

If an you are with an Alchemist, you could devastate enemies trapped
inside the web with the Bomb skill. Just be careful not to step on it as well.

Double Casting_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Hindsight
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Automatically casts the same bolt skill by chance. Has a 2 second casting
time that is not affected by DEX. Lasts for 90 seconds.

Level 1 : 40% Chance, 40 SP
Level 2 : 50% Chance, 45 SP
Level 3 : 60% Chance, 50 SP
Level 4 : 70% Chance, 55 SP
Level 5 : 80% Chance, 60 SP

Comments: This causes your enemies to writhe in pain getting 20 hits
immediately. A great skill to have if you are a bolter.

Minstrel (Clown) and Gypsy

Arrow Vulcan___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied, 1 Arrow

Shoot 9 arrows on a single target. Only works with Musical Instruments or

Level 1 : 300% ATK, 2.2 Second Casting Time, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 2 : 400% ATK, 2.2 Second Casting Time, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 14 SP
Level 3 : 500% ATK, 2.4 Second Casting Time, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 16 SP
Level 4 : 600% ATK, 2.6 Second Casting Time, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 18 SP
Level 5 : 700% ATK, 2.8 Second Casting Time, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 6 : 800% ATK, 3.0 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 22 SP
Level 7 : 900% ATK, 3.2 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 24 SP
Level 8 : 1000% ATK, 3.4 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 26 SP
Level 9 : 1100% ATK, 3.6 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 28 SP
Level 10: 1200% ATK, 3.8 Second Casting Time, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 30 SP

Comments: Remember the pre-Comodo state of the Arrow Shower skill? This is it,
except all 9 arrows shoot 1 target. A strong skill and a must have for battle.

Sheltering Bliss_______________________________________________________________
(A Moonlit Windmill, A Falling Petal)

Pre-requisites: 5 Music/Dance Lessons, 5 Improve Concentration (Archer)
Skill Form: Ensemble
Target: Self + 3x3 Area
SP Required: Varied

Disallow characters to pass through a 7x7 area around the casters. However,
spells and ranged attacks can still be used against them. Lasts for a
duration. The skill can't be used when enemies are within a 7x7 area. Not
usable in WoE.

Level 1 : 20 Second Duration, 30 SP, 4 SP/10 Seconds
Level 2 : 25 Second Duration, 40 SP, 8 SP/10 Seconds
Level 3 : 30 Second Duration, 50 SP, 12 SP/10 Seconds
Level 4 : 35 Second Duration, 60 SP, 16 SP/10 Seconds
Level 5 : 40 Second Duration, 70 SP, 20 SP/10 Seconds

Comments: Rather annoying as well. With it's tendency to be abused in WoE, it
was disabled there. Good if you don't want any trouble.

Marionette Control_____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Music/Dance Lessons, 10 Improve Concentration (Archer)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Party Character
SP Required: 100

Gives half of all your stats to a target party member while rendering you
immobile. The caster can't use items or skills except this skill while the
skill is active. Only works when a player is within a 7x7 area around the
caster. The stats will not be added if the target's stat goes beyond 99.
Also, the player's level difference from the caster must be 5 or below. The
skill is cancelled whan the target goes beyond range or when using the same
skill again.

Level 1 : Enables Marionette Control

Comments: Very nice skill, handy for supporting low-leveled characters or those
who needs it badly (forgers and brewers).

Hints and Tips:

Use it when tanking.

Longing for Freedom____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 1 Marrionette Control, 10 Music/Dance Lessons, 3 Unchained
Serenade/Hip Shaker
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 15

Enables the caster to move when using Ensemble skills. Movement speed is
affected by skill level. When the skill is used, the caster will drain 3 SP
per second instead of the normal 1 SP. Also, if the caster moves out of the
ensemble skill effect or dies, the ensemble being played will be cancelled.
Also, it will not allow the caster to cast Music/Dance or another ensemble
skills. This skill will not work for Sheltering Bliss.

Level 1 : 60% Movement Speed
Level 2 : 70% Movement Speed
Level 3 : 80% Movement Speed
Level 4 : 90% Movement Speed
Level 5 : 100% Movement Speed

Comments: Could be useful if your target just went out of your range.

Wand of Hermod_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 Music/Dance Lessons, 10 Improve Concentration (Archer)
Skill Form: Music/Dance
Target: Self + 7x7 Area
SP Required: Varied

All friendly units within the skill will have all their buffs dispelled
(except the Lord Knight's Berserk) and will become invulnerable to magic. Also,
it disables the usage of other skills inside the area affected. Can only be
used during WoE and a map portal inside the area affected. Drains 5 SP for
every 5 seconds.

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration, 20 SP
Level 2 : 15 Second Duration, 30 SP
Level 3 : 20 Second Duration, 40 SP
Level 4 : 25 Second Duration, 50 SP
Level 5 : 30 Second Duration, 60 SP

Note: Caster is unaffected by this skill.

Comments: Another of Gravity's attempt to save people from camping Wizards
and other players. Not really a skill worth getting unless you're going to
annoy WoE campers around.

Tarot Card of Fate_____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Unchained Serenade/Hip Shaker, 10 Improve Concentration
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 40

Decide the fate of the enemy by chance. If successful, it will randomly choose
either 1 of 14 tarot cards which have different effects. Has a 1 second
casting time and a 3 second delay time that is unaffected regardless of DEX.

Level 1 : 8% Chance
Level 2 : 16% Chance
Level 3 : 24% Chance
Level 4 : 32% Chance
Level 5 : 40% Chance

The Cards:

The Fool: Sickness of the mind, start from zero.
- Renders enemy's SP to 0. Right Side.

The Magician: Overworked, start of the trouble.
- Reduces enemy's MATK by half for 30 seconds. Opposite Side.

The High Priestess - Breaking of the knowledge, understand in your own way.
- Removes all buffs. Opposite Side.

The Chariot - Bad luck, desperation, destruction, and unintended accident.
- Deals DEF-ignoring 1000 damage. Randomly destroys one armor equipment.
Opposite Side.

Strength - Strength in the wrong way, lose confidence, destruction of nation.
- Reduces enemy's ATK by half for 30 seconds. Opposite Side.

The Lovers - Farewell, be discovered while cheating on someone.
- Randomly teleports you to somewhere and give a 2000 HP Heal. Teleport will
not work in places that disables teleportation. Opposite Side.

Wheel of Fortune - Unexpected bad fortune, broken promise, lost goal,
- Randomly causes effect of 2 other Tarot cards. Opposite Side.

The Hanged Man - Precursor of agony, giving up, stop.
- Either Stop, Frozen, or Stone will happen regardless of any reasons.
Opposite Side.

Death - Bad luck, unexpected catastrophe, difficult situation, danger of
sickness, lose your job.
- Will receive Curse, Coma, and Poison all in single set. Right Side.

Temperance - Impossible to control, tiredness, stubborn, and vanity.
- Causes Chaos ailment for next 30 seconds. Opposite Side.

The Devil - Demons interfere with you, danger of sickness, and unescapable
- Deals DEF-ignoring 6666 damage, 30 seconds of halved ATK and MATK, and Curse
status ailment. Right Side.

The Tower - Accidents, losing command, failure, sudden changes, bankrupcy.
- Deals DEF-ignoring 4444 damage. Right Side.

The Star - Destruction of hope, sad future, chaos, and lose judgment.
- Causes 5 second Stun. Opposite Side.

The Sun - Destruction of country, unsatisfied, chaos, losing of knowledge.
- For 30 seconds, ATK, MATK, HIT, FLEE, and DEF will be reduced by 20%.
Opposite Side.

Comments: Gamble and love yourself away. This is a good skill to have.


Aid Condensed Potion___________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Aid Potion
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: 7x7 Area
SP Required: , 1 Condensed Potion

Heals party members using a slim potion within a 7x7 area around the target

Level 1 : 105% Potion Value, Condensed Red Potion
Level 2 : 110% Potion Value, Condensed Red Potion
Level 3 : 115% Potion Value, Condensed Red Potion
Level 4 : 120% Potion Value, Condensed Red Potion
Level 5 : 125% Potion Value, Condensed Red Potion
Level 6 : 130% Potion Value, Condensed Red/Yellow Potion
Level 7 : 135% Potion Value, Condensed Red/Yellow Potion
Level 8 : 140% Potion Value, Condensed Red/Yellow Potion
Level 9 : 145% Potion Value, Condensed Red/Yellow Potion
Level 10: 150% Potion Value, Condensed Red/Yellow/White Potion

Comments: Oh my gosh!! This is an absolutely, positively great mass healing
skill! Now if only white condensed potions weren't that hard to make...

Full Chemical Protection_______________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Biochemical Helm, 5 Sythesized Shield, 5 Synthetic Armor,
5 Alchemical Weapon
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Target Character
SP Required: 40, Coating Wax

Level 1 : 120 Second Duration
Level 2 : 240 Second Duration
Level 3 : 360 Second Duration
Level 4 : 480 Second Duration
Level 5 : 600 Second Duration

Protects target's Helm, Shield, Armor, and Weapon from damage or the Rogue or
Stalker's Divest skills.

Comments: Kinda like a waste of points, IMO. Then again, it saves a lot of
Coating Wax and SP.

Acid Demonstration_____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Bomb, 5 Acid Terror
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 30, 1 Bottle Grenade, 1 Acid Bottle

Uses both Fire and Acid to cause an explosion. If used against a player, it
would deal only 50% of overall damage but has a chance to break their armor and
weapon. INT increases damage as well as the enemy's VIT. Has a 1 second
casting time and 1 second delay time.

Level 1 : 1 Hit , 1% Chance
Level 2 : 2 Hits, 2% Chance
Level 3 : 3 Hits, 3% Chance
Level 4 : 4 Hits, 4% Chance
Level 5 : 5 Hits, 5% Chance
Level 6 : 6 Hits, 6% Chance
Level 7 : 7 Hits, 7% Chance
Level 8 : 8 Hits, 8% Chance
Level 9 : 9 Hits, 9% Chance
Level 10: 10 Hits, 10% Chance

Comments: While the bottles are a pain in the neck, at least you have a
devastating skill to use it for, especially when it has the ability to destroy

Plant Cultivation______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required: 10, 1 Mushroom Spore/Stem

Summons a plant or mushroom on a target cell. Has a 50% success rate. Cannot
be used while in Guild Sieges.

Level 1 : (Mushroom Spore) Red or Black Mushroom
Level 2 : (Stem) Green, Red, Yellow, White, Blue, or Shining Plant

Comments: Ran out of herbs and other items? This is a good skill for those in
quick need of those items. It can also be used for Azoth. /gg


(Chase Walk)

Pre-requisites: 3 Stalk, 5 Hiding (Thief)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required:

Move normally while hiding perfectly. Detect skills such as Sight and Ruwach
will not be able to detect the Stalker. However, the stalker cannot attack
while in the skills duration. Also, the stalker can still take damage from
area spells like Thunder Storm. The skill is cancelled when SP drops to 0.
The Stalker can also cancel the skill himself. 10 SP will continue to drain
per second. During guild sieges, it uses 5x the normal SP cost.

When you walk with Chase Walk for about 10 seconds, you will gain a STR bonus
depending on the skill level for the next 30 seconds.

Level 1 : 70% Moving Speed
Level 2 : 75% Moving Speed
Level 3 : 80% Moving Speed
Level 4 : 85% Moving Speed
Level 5 : 90% Moving Speed

Note: If you look closely enough, you would see some faint shoeprints on the

Note 2: They changed SP cost and added a casting time though I am unsure of the

Comments: Perfect Hide! Sneak up to someone or run away from danger. Beware
of AoE spells, though.

Counter Instinct_______________________________________________________________
(Sword Reject)

Pre-requisites: 1 Divest Weapon
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Against players, this reduces swords, two-handed swords, and dagger class
weapon damages by half for 3 hits. Against monsters, this reduces their damage
by half for 3 hits. Reflects 1/2 of the damage by chance.

Level 1 : 15% Chance, 10 SP
Level 2 : 30% Chance, 15 SP
Level 3 : 45% Chance, 20 SP
Level 4 : 60% Chance, 25 SP
Level 5 : 75% Chance, 30 SP

Comments: With a chance of reflecting, this is a handy skill to have.


Pre-requisites: 10 Intimidate
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required:

Preserves the last skill copied by the Plaigiarism skill.

Comments: If you finally found a good skill you want to keep, here's the handy
skill for you.

Full Strip_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Divest Weapon
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: 30

Removes the target's Helm, Shield, Armor, and Weapon. Does not affect
equipments that are protected by Chemical Protection or Hilt Binding. Has a 1
Second Delay Time.

Comments: Make it easier for you to weaken your enemy with this. A great skill
but has a high requirement.


Raging Palm Strike_____________________________________________________________
(Palm Push Strike)

Pre-requisites: 7 Iron Fists, 5 Summon Spirit Sphere
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Required: Varied

Use your palm push enemies back 3 cells. Damage will be inflicted after 1.5
seconds. Has a 0.3 second delay time. Only works when under the Fury status.

Level 1 : 300% ATK, 2 SP
Level 2 : 400% ATK, 4 SP
Level 3 : 500% ATK, 6 SP
Level 4 : 600% ATK, 8 SP
Level 5 : 700% ATK, 10 SP

Comments: An alternative to the "Ashura" Strike. If you don't want to kill him
instantly, push him back! Well, either that or you ran out of Spirit Spheres
to use.

Glacier Fist___________________________________________________________________
(Tiger Knuckle Fist)

Pre-requisites: 5 Iron Fists, 5 Raging Trifecta Blow, 5 Raging Quadruple Blow,
3 Raging Thrust
Skill Form: Offensive Follow-up
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied, 1 Spirit Sphere

Run towards the enemy and hit them while they get stunned by chance for a
while. It has a delay time that is affected by AGI and DEX. This skill only
works during the delay of Raging Thrust.

Level 1 : 140% ATK, 20% Chance, 4 SP
Level 2 : 240% ATK, 30% Chance, 6 SP
Level 3 : 340% ATK, 40% Chance, 8 SP
Level 4 : 440% ATK, 50% Chance, 10 SP
Level 5 : 540% ATK, 60% Chance, 12 SP

Comments: Essential for any combo monk. The more hits, the more powerful the
combo is.

Chain Crush Combo______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Tiger Knuckle Fist, 5 Iron Fists, 5 Summon Spirit Sphere
Skill Form: Offensive Follow-up
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied, 2 Spirit Spheres

Continue with more attacks and combos. The number of hits and the damage dealt
is affected by the skill level. The skill only works during the delay of Tiger
Knuckle Fist. It has a delay time that is affected by AGI and DEX. Guillotine
Fist can still be used after this skill as long as you have Fury.

Level 1 : 1 Hit , 500% ATK, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 4 SP
Level 2 : 1 Hit , 600% ATK, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 6 SP
Level 3 : 2 Hits, 700% ATK, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 8 SP
Level 4 : 2 Hits, 800% ATK, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 10 SP
Level 5 : 3 Hits, 900% ATK, 0.8 Second Delay Time, 12 SP
Level 6 : 3 Hits, 1000% ATK, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 14 SP
Level 7 : 4 Hits, 1100% ATK, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 16 SP
Level 8 : 4 Hits, 1200% ATK, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 18 SP
Level 9 : 5 Hits, 1300% ATK, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 20 SP
Level 10: 5 Hits, 1400% ATK, 1.0 Second Delay Time, 22 SP

Note: That's the total ATK power, not ATK per hit.

Comments: Essential for any combo monk. The more hits, the more powerful the
combo is. Also, with Guillotine Fist usable after this skill, there is no
denying that the Champion can take on even the toughest opponent around.

(Dangerous Soul Collect)

Pre-requisites: 5 Fury
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: 20 SP

Attempts to summon all 5 Spirit Spheres at once. Has a 2 second casting time
that can be cancelled.

Level 1 : Enables Zen

Comments: AKA the Hyper Spirit Sphere. Useful when in quick need of Spheres.
Nice until the penalty is implemented.

XIII. Extended Classes

Taekwon Boy/Girl


Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

The character runs straight forward when used. When running, the character
will not be able to change direction. Running stops when you run into a wall,
use another skill, or use the same skill again. Buffs the character with 10
STR when toggled quickly for as long as the skill level is 7 or higher and
when the character has nothing equipped in his hands.

Level 1 : 6 Second Casting Time, 100 SP
Level 2 : 5 Second Casting Time, 90 SP
Level 3 : 4 Second Casting Time, 80 SP
Level 4 : 3 Second Casting Time, 70 SP
Level 5 : 2 Second Casting Time, 60 SP
Level 6 : 1 Second Casting Time, 50 SP
Level 7 : 0 Second Casting Time, 40 SP
Level 8 : 0 Second Casting Time, 30 SP
Level 9 : 0 Second Casting Time, 20 SP
Level 10: 0 Second Casting Time, 10 SP


High Jump______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :


Prepare Whirlwind Kick_________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :


Whirlwind Kick_________________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :


Prepare Axe Kick_______________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :


Axe Kick_______________________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :


Prepare Round Kick_____________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :


Round Kick_____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :


Prepare Counter Kick___________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :


Counter Kick___________________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :


Flying Side Kick_______________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :


Break Fall_____________________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :


Peaceful Rest__________________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :
Level 8 :
Level 9 :
Level 10:


Enjoyable Rest_________________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :
Level 8 :
Level 9 :
Level 10:


Fighting Chant_________________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :


Warm Wind______________________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :


Taekwon Mission________________________________________________________________

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :


Star Knight

Skill Form:
SP Required:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :
Level 8 :
Level 9 :
Level 10:


Soul Linker

Because the Soul Linker has so many skills, I decided to split the skills into
7thirds, each having their own special descriptions and notes.

Soul Skills

All Soul Skills have the same Level Effects regardless of what skill it is:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :

Soul Skills for the Second Job Class are usable on Transcedent Classes.

Soul of the Super Novice_______________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Super Novice
SP Required:


Soul of the Crusader___________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Crusader, Paladin
SP Required:

Imbue the Crusader with the Soul of the Crusader. Once imbued, Crusaders will
have a 100% ATK increase from Shield Boomerang and will never miss.


Soul of the Knight_____________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Knight, Lord Knight
SP Required:

Imbue the Knight with the Soul of the Knight. Once imbued, Knights will gain
a skill called One-Hand Quicken as long as they have Level 10 Two-Hand Quicken.

One-Hand Quicken works similarly like Level 10 Two-Hand Quicken.


Soul of the Sage_______________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Sage, Scholar
SP Required:

Imbue the Sage with the Soul of the Sage. Once imbued, Sages' Hindsight
will always cast Level 10 Bolt Spells as long as they have Level 10 to at least
one of the Bolt Spells.


Soul of the Wizard_____________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Wizard, High Wizard
SP Required:

Imbue the Wizard with the Soul of the Wizard. Once imbued, all spells that
ordinarily requires a gemstone can be cast without the gemstone.


Soul of the Bard and Dancer____________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Bard, Dancer, Minstrel, Gypsy
SP Required:

Imbue the Bard or Dancer with the Soul of the Bard and Dancer. Once imbued,
they will receive the following bonuses:

1. The Singing and Dancing skills can now affect the casters
2. MSPD while singing or dancing is increased
3. Perfect Tablature and Focus Ballet are linked
4. Impressive Riff and Slow Grace are linked
5. Magic Strings and Lady Luck are linked
6. Song of Lutie and Gypsy's Kiss are linked

Note: Linked means when the Bard/Dancer uses the skill, the effects of both
skills are used.


Soul of the Hunter_____________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Hunter, Sniper
SP Required:

Imbue the Hunter with the Soul of the Hunter. Once imbued, the Hunter's Beast
Bane skill is increased depending on the Hunter's STR. Also, when Double
Strafing a Brute-type monster, the hunter may use Beast Strafing afterwards.

Note: Beast Strafing is similar to Double Strafe but STR-based.


Soul of the Alchemist__________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Alchemist, Biochemist
SP Required:

Imbue the Alchemist with the Soul of the Alchemist. Once imbued, Alchemists
will receive the following bonuses:

1. Allows usage of Berserk Potion Pitcher
2. Allows usage of Twilight Pharmacy [1]
3. Allows usage of Twilight Pharmacy [2] when partied with a Super Novice
4. Allows usage of Twilight Pharmacy [3] when partied with a Taekwon Boy/Girl

All Twilight Pharmacy skills have success rates similar to Prepare Potion.
The Alchemist must have at least the required number of ingredients or else the
skill would fail.

Twilight Pharmacy [1] creates 200 Red Potions
Twilight Pharmacy [2] creates 200 Condensed Red Potions
Twilight Pharmacy [3] creates


Soul of the Blacksmith_________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Blacksmith, Mastersmith
SP Required:

Imbue the Blacksmith with the Soul of the Blacksmith. Once imbued, Blacksmiths
would gain the Full Adrenaline Rush skill.

Full Adrenaline Rush works like Adrenaline Rush but works with every weapon.


Soul of the Assassin___________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Assassin, Assassin Cross
SP Required:

Imbue the Assassin with the Soul of the Assassin. Once imbued, the assassin's
Sonic Blow would have a 100% ATK increase and a reduced Delay Time.


Soul of the Rogue______________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Rogue, Stalker
SP Required:

Imbue the Rogue with the Soul of the Rogue. Once imbued, Rogues'


Soul of the Priest_____________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Priest, High Priest
SP Required:

Imbue the Priest with the Soul of the Priest. Once imbued, Priests' Holy
Light quest skill will have its SP Cost and MATK increased by x5.


Soul of the Monk_______________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Monk, Champion
SP Required:

Imbue the Monk with the Soul of the Monk. Once imbued, Monks would gain the
following bonuses:

1. SP Regeneration will work normally under Fury status
2. The Raging Thrust skill has now a 5x5 splash damage


Soul of the High First Classes_________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: High First Classes (Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief, Acolyte
with Base Levels lower than 61)
SP Required:

Imbue the High First Classes with the Soul of the High First Classes. Once
imbued, High First Classes will have their stat bonuses fixed to the highest
stat bonus with a maximum of 50. Cannot be used to players with a Base Level
of 61 or higher.


Soul of the Star Knight________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Star Knight
SP Required:

Imbue the Star Knight with the Soul of the Star Knight. Once imbued, Star
Knights can now use the skill, Union of the Sun, Moon and Stars (see Star
Knight section).


Soul of the Soul Linker________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Soul Linker (other than yourself)
SP Required:

Imbue the Soul Linker with the Soul of the Soul Linker. Once imbued, Soul
Linkers' "Ka" skills can now be cast upon any player.


"Ka" Skills

These are skills that are only usable to yourself, your spouse or your child.
If used on another player without the Soul of the Soul Linker, nothing will
happen on the target and the caster will be stunned.

"Es" Skills

These are skills that are only usable against monsters. If used on another
target, nothing will happen to the target and the caster will be stunned.

XIV. Guild Skills

Official Guild Approval________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive

Receive a certification as an official guild of the Rune-Midgard Kingdom.
Members in the official guild are authorized to attack an emperium of another
guild, who owns a guild territory.

Monks in guilds with Guild Approval are now able to use Raging Trifecta Blow
against the emperium.

Comments: If you want to have a guild castle, of course this skill is simply

The Glory of Guild_____________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive

Enables the usage of guild emblems.

Comments: I don't know why they added a skill for emblems (kinda stupid if you
ask me) but if you want your emblem to be recognized, this is the skill to
have. Also, it has nice skills following.

Great Leadership_______________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive
Requirement: The Glory of Guild

All members within 5x5 cells of the guild master receives 5 STR bonus.

Comments: Who wouldn't want to have an additional STR bonus? A must skill for
attackers and defenders alike.

Wounds of Glory________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive
Requirement: The Glory of Guild

All members within 5x5 cells of the guild master receives 5 VIT bonus.

Comments: Even though the VIT boost isn't really that high, it is a good skill
to slightly increase the life of guild members especially key players such as
Priests, Bards, and Dancers.

Battle Orders__________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive

All members within the screen of the guild master will receive a faster HP/SP
regeneration for 1 minute.

Comments: A useful skill if the guild members are defending the castle while
there are skill no enemies on screen.


Skill Form: Supportive
Requirements: Battle Orders

All members within the screen of the guild master will have their HP/SP
restored up to 90% of their maximum HP/SP.

Comments: A great skill especially prolonging the life of attackers and support
players when in need.

Emergency Call_________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Supportive
Requirments: Restore

All members of the guild will be teleported immediately to the guild master's
location. Has a 5 minute cooldown before the skill can be used again.

Comments: A very good skill if the guild master is in need of reinforcements or
they are preparing to storm the castle.

Contact With Kafra_____________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive

Sign a contract with the Kafra Headquarters, Al de Baran. Through the
contract, the guild can hire a Kafra employee for their territory.

Comments: You know what Kafras can do. Saving your position or just using the
storage would be useful for any encounter.

Guardian Research______________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive

Study the technology of a Guardian. Through the research, the guild can hire
Guardians for their territory.

Comments: Guardians are the other defenders of the guild castles who are immune
to any kind of status ailments (*pfft*). They are also adequately strong so
it is a good idea to have it.

Build Up The Guardian__________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive

Strengthens the guardian by increasing their MHP, ATK, and ASPD.

Comments: For those wanting to keep their castle for the rest of the siege
would want this. Anyone would want to be stronger anyway.


Skill Form: Passive

Guild master gains charisma through this skill. Master of Charisma can
increase the accuracy and flee rate of members within their range.

Comments: Another useful skill though not as useful as Great Leadership.

Guild Extension________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive

Increase the maximum capacity of guildsmen.

Level 1 : +2 People
Level 2 : +4 People
Level 3 : +6 People
Level 4 : +8 People
Level 5 : +10 People
Level 6 : +12 People
Level 7 : +14 People
Level 8 : +16 People
Level 9 : +18 People
Level 10: +20 People

Comments: That makes guild sieges so lively: more people.

Extended Guild_________________________________________________________________

Skill Form: Passive

XV. Monster Skills

Monster skills are divided into three groups.

Player skills used by monsters

Bash = Mysteltainn, Pirate Skel
Pierce = Gryphon, Sidewinder
Magnum Break = Raydric, Steam Goblin, Mutant Dragonoid
Provoke = Carat, Yoyo, High Orc, Zealotus, Rybio
Spear Boomerang = Executioner
Endure = Bigfoot, Golem, Stalactic Golem, Savage, Sasquatch
Napalm Beat = Sky Petite, Earth Petite, Cookie, Elder Willow,
Soul Strike = Ghostring
Frost Driver = Strouf, Obeaune, Christmas Goblin
Sight = Horong
Meteor Storm = Blood Knight
Heaven's Drive = Chimera, Minorous, Evil Druid
Quagmire = Sting, Strouf
Earth Spike = Wraith, Greatest General
Cold Bolt = Sage Worm
Fire Bolt = Kaho, Sage Worm, Marduk, Elder Willow, Jakk
Fire Ball = Mutant Dragonoid, Kaho, Marduk
Lightning Bolt = Sage Worm, Strouf, Wind Ghost, Christmas Goblin
Jupitel Thunder = Deviruchi, Joker, Wind Ghost
Water Ball = Sword Fish, Strouf, Deviace
Fire Wall = Kaho, Marionette, Chepet, Marduk
Safety Wall = Angelring, Sage Worm
Adrenaline Rush = Verit, Desert Wolf, Baby Desert Wolf, Dokebi,
Axe Goblin, Axe Kobold, Condor
Mammonite = Dokebi
Hammer Fall = Minorous
Double Strafe = Archer Skeleton, Goblin Archer, Kobold Archer
Arrow Shower = Orc Archer
Heal = Angelring, Alice, Chepet, Carat, Vitata, Cookie,
Lude, Geographer
Teleport = Creamy, Ghostring, Clock Tower Keeper, Carat,
Megalith, Antonio
Lex Divina = Bathory, Metaller, Vocal, Obeaune
Lex Aeterna = Baphomet Jr., Christmas Cookie
Status Recovery = Bathory, Sage Worm, Alice
Detoxify = Obeaune
*Hiding = Smokie, Martin, Sting
Cloaking = Frilldora, Ghostring, Whisper, Hode, Sandman,
Driller, Sleeper
Envenom = Anacondaq, Argiope, Cramp, Myst, Pest, Scorpion
Sonic Blow = Zealotus, Injustice, Matyr, Wild Rose, PecoPeco
Venom Dust = Argiope
Holy Light = Angelring
Stone Fling = Yoyo, Choco
Arrow Repel = Raydric Archer, Gargoyle
Sand Attack = Sandman, Martin, Giearth
Counter Attack = Wanderer, Executioner, Mimic
Brandish Spear = Blood Knight, Abysmal Knight
Maximize Power = Khalitzburg, Abysmal Knight, Raydric, Mysteltainn,
= Executioner, Tirfing
Increase Agility = Isis, Alarm, Baphomet Jr., Orc Lady, Marc, Nightmare,
Sky Petite, Savage
Decrease Agility = Khalitzburg, Evil Druid, Ghostring, Joker, Wraith,
Earth Petite, Clock
Pneuma = Ninetails, Carat
Grimtooth = Khalitzburg
Skid Trap = Choco
Sandman = Giearth
Claymore Trap = Clock Tower Keeper
Freezing Trap = Marionette
Ankle Snare = Orc Archer
Shockwave Trap = Wind Ghost
Back Slide = Bongun, Sage Worm
Flasher = Magnolia
Stone Curse = Punk, Evil Druid, Quve
Mind Breaker = Myst, Bathory, Nightmare, Clock
Double Attack = Soldier Skeleton, Mantis, Sidewinder
Kyrie Eleison = Eggyra, Mimic

*Monsters while hiding can heal themselves, attack, or use any other skill.

Original Monster Skills

Change to
Random Attribute Frilldora, Joker, Ninetails, Dokebi

Change to
Fire Attribute Blood Knight, Matyr

Change to
Water Attribute Sasquatch, Muka, Sting

Change to
Sense Attribute Myst, Angelring

Change to
Shadow Attribute Carat

Silence Attack
Monsters silences their target and prevent them from using skills.
Has a chance to succeed. Lasts for a few minutes.

Monsters: Deviruchi, Stainer, Steel ChonChon, Dragonfly

Sleep Attack
Monsters makes their target sleep that makes them vulnerable for 1 hit.
Has a chance to succeed. Lasts for a few minutes.

Monsters: Creamy, Dustiness, Spore

Stun Attack
Monsters will stun their target allowing them to be vulnerable to a few
attacks. Has a chance to succeed. Lasts for a few seconds.

Monsters: Bigfoot, Golem, Goblin (Hammer), Kobold (Hammer), Requiem,
Savage, Stalactic Golem, Anolian, Munak, Orc Warrior, Vadon
Blind Attack
Monsters will be able to darken the sight of their target. Can be
cured using a green potion/panacea, skills, or after the duration.

Monsters: Familiar, Drainliar, Clock Tower Keeper, Dark Frame,
Male Thief Bug, Marse, Eggyra, Evil Druid, Parasite, Greatest
The Sohee sacrifices herself if she feels in danger. This allows her
not to give EXP and items to the players.

Monsters: Sohee

The Marine Sphere's ability to self-destruct kills itself but also
deals a fire property damage to its surroundings. If there are other
Marine Spheres around that get hit by this skill, they will explode
without casting time. The damage is based on their remaning HP.

Monsters: Marine Sphere

Consecutive Attack
Monsters will attack fast and consecutively dealing a small chance for
their target to attack or regenerate.

Monsters: Frilldora, Horong, Hunter Fly, Mantis, Mummy, Soldier
Skeleton, Vagabond Wolf, Vocal, Pest, Raggler, Cruiser,
Penomena, Goblin (Dagger)
Critical Slash
Similar to the critical hits of players, the attack ignores the
target's defense and never misses.

Monsters: Goblin (Morning Star), Kobold (Morning Star), Marina, Orc
Skeleton, Orc Zombie
Guided Attack
A powerful, never-miss attack.

Monsters: Zealotus, Stem Worm, Eclipse, Isis, Mysteltainn

Splash Attack
Monsters are able to damage the target and other enemies around it.

Monsters: Khalitzburg, Abysmal Knight, Wanderer, Alarm, Skel Prisoner,
Chimera, Mutant Dragonoid
Magical Attack
(No known info has been acquired from this skill...for me, at least.)

Monsters: Clock Tower Keeper, Marduk, Wind Ghost

Piercing Attack
Monsters attack that ignores the target's defense.

Monsters: Horn, Caramel, Hornet, Rideword, Muka, Tirfing, Desert
Wolf, Arclouse

Monster's Venom Dust
A poison-property attack that has a chance to poison.

Monsters: Poporing, Zenorc, Anacondaq, Snake, Sidewinder, Argos, Verit,
Poison Spore, Zombie, Zombie Prisoner, Ghoul, Tarou, Argiope
Blood Drain
Some monsters have the ability to gain life by draining it from its
target. Affected by the amount of damage they dealt.

Monsters: Drainliar, Flora, Geographer, Mimic

Energy Drain
On the other hand, some monsters have the ability to take out some of
their target's SP and turn them into HP.

Monsters: Evil Druid, Wraith

"Use Healing Items"
Some monsters heal themselves randomly while not being under attack.

Monsters: Lunatic, Steel ChonChon, Yoyo, Wooden Golem

Monsters toughen up and increase their defense rather significantly.
However, they will not move or attack for the next duration.

Monsters: Stainer, Cornutus, Gargoyle, Beetle

Some monsters can change into (a) different monster/s.

Fabre > Pupa > Creamy
Thief Bug Egg > 5 Thief Bugs
PecoPeco Egg > Picky/Super Picky
Lude > Quve
Quve > Lude
Disguise > Lude & Quve

Lay Egg
PecoPeco's can lay eggs. (That gave me the conclusion that all of them
were female and can self-reproduce. lol!)

Monsters: PecoPeco

Causes the target to see random numbers instead of the real damage of
the attack. This attack can interrupt casting even with Safety Wall on
(but not with Phen or Bloody Butterfly [not implemented yet] cards).
Also distorts the screen but can be taken off by [/effect] command for
lag purposes.

Monsters: Horong, Mystcase

Summon Minions
Summons new recruits of minions to aid them in battle.

Monsters: All Boss and Mini-Boss with minions

Curses target. Certain Boss Monsters have this skill. Can be cured
with the Blessing Skill, Holy Water and other certain items.

Monsters: Parasite, Wraith, Evil Druid

Most, if not all, monsters can use emoticons. /pif

Attribute Attacks
All monsters will randomly attack with their elemental attribute.

i.e. Deviace is a water property monster and can randomly use a water
property attack where as a Lunatic is a neutral property monster
and will always do a neutral property attack.

Some have exceptions though, like being able to do a fire attack even
if its original property is undead (Archer Skeleton), etc...

Boss Monster Skills

Amon Ra =
Banana Tree Lady =
Baphomet = Lord of Vermillion, Curse, Brandish Spear, Maximize
Power, Teleport
Dark Lord = Meteor Storm, Fire Wall, Magical Attack, Curse
Detale =
Doppleganger = Heal, Pierce, Frost Driver, Blind, Maximize Power,
Endure, Counter Attack, Teleport
Dracula =
Drake = Endure, Spear Boomerang, Water Ball, Maximize Power
Eddga = Fire Ball, Magnum Break, Spear Stab, Endure
Evil Snake Lord =
Golden Thief Bug = Mammonite, Magnum Break, Fire Bolt, Fire Wall
Hatii = Endure, Adrenaline Rush, Decrease Agility, Frost
Incantation Samurai =
Lord of the Dead =
Maya = Pierce, Heal, Safety Wall, Heaven's Drive, Brandish
Mistress = Jupitel Thunder, Heal, Lex Divina, Consecutive
Attack, Pneuma
Moonlight Flower = Mammonite, Heal, Earth Spike, Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt,
Lightning Bolt
Orc Lord = Provoke, Spear Stab, Lex Divina, Fire Bolt, Cold
Bolt, Endure
Orc Hero = Thunder Storm, Adrenaline Rush, Maximize Power,
Osiris = Quagmire, Venom Dust, Earth Spike, Bash, Curse
Pharaoh =
Phreeoni = Stone Curse, Mind Breaker, Heaven's Drive, Earth
Spike, Brandish Spear
Stormy Knight = Storm Gust, Lightning Bolt, Safety Wall, Maximize
Power, Teleport
Tao Gunka =
Thanatos =
Turtle General = Water Ball, Brandish Spear, Maximize Power


1. All boss monsters will use Two-Hand Quicken, Increase Agility, Guided
Attack, and Piercing Attack depending on the probability.
2. All boss monsters will Teleport if they are attacked from beyond their
attacking range.
3. All boss monsters summon minions.
4. When a monster teleports, it and all its minions will follow and teleport
with it.
5. The content above is not finalized. More will continuously be added or
remove. You may add additional information. See contacts below.

XVI. Item Skills

Some items grant any player (who can wield them) skills. The acquired skills
can be found on the skill window. Some equipments just automatically casts the
skill under a certain condition such as fighting against an enemy. Finally,
some equipments grant the skills and cast them by chance. Those skills will be
marked with an asterisk (*).

Item Name: Item Skills:


Grand Cross (Mace) = Level 3 Turn Undead*
Fireblend = Level 3 Fire Bolt*
Hellfire = Level 3 Fire Ball*
Ice Falchion (Level 4 Weapon) = Level 3 Cold Bolt*
Schweizersabel = Level 3 Lightning Bolt*
Zephyrus = Level 3 Thunder Storm*
Brionac = Level 5 Heal
Level 3 Soul Strike
Rudra's Bow = Level 1 Cure
Cutlus = Level 5 Bash
Tomahawk = Level 1 Tomahawk Throwing
Light Epsilon = Level 3 Heal
Mysteltainn = 1% Autocast Stone Curse
Electric Guitar [Not Implemented] = Autocast Level 1-3 Jupitel Thunder

About Tomahawk Throwing:
- Basically the same damage as melee attack, only considered ranged.


Marine Sphere = Level 1 Magnum Break
Horong = Level 1 Sight
Pirate Skel = Level 1 Discount
Sidewinder = Level 1 Double Attack on any weapon
Joker = Level 1 Steal
Smokie = Level 1 Hiding
Poison Spore = Level 1 Envenom
Poporing = Level 1 Detoxify
Vitata = Level 1 Heal
Obeaune = Level 1 Cure
Creamy = Level 1 Teleport
Frilldora = Level 1 Cloaking
Bongun = Autocast Level 1 Bash
Turtle General (Swordsman Only) = Autocast Level 10 Magnum Break
Lude (Novice Only) = Autocast Level 1 Endure
Alarm = Autocast Level 1 Sight
Mutant Dragonoid = Autocast Level 3 Fire Ball
Level 10 if player has the same level
Hatii Babe = Autocast Level 3 Frost Diver
Pest = 10% Autocast Stone Curse
Anolian = Autocast Level 1 Improve Concentration
Level 10 if player has the same level
Poisonus Toad = 2% Autocast Level 1 Envenom
Ancient Mummy = Autocast Level 5 Signum Crusis
(With Mummy Card) 20% Autocast Guided Attack
Geographer = Autocast Level 2 Blessing
Level 10 if player has the same level
Live Tree = Autocast Level 1 Heal on self
Level 10 if player has the same level
Loliruri = 5% Autocast Level 3 Heal on self
Chepet = 5% Autocast Level 5 Heal on enemy
Quve (Novice Only) = Autocast Level 1 Increase Agility
Antonio = Autocast Level 1 Teleport
Gryphon (Swordsman Only) = 1% Autocast Level 5 Bowling Bash
Stormy Knight = 2% Autocast Level 1 Storm Gust
Bloody Knight = 2% Autocast Level 1 Meteor Storm
Dark Lord = Autocast Level 5 Meteor Storm
Wind Ghost = Autocast Level 3 Jupitel Thunder
Level 10 if player has the same level
Punk = Autocast Level 1 Quagmire
Level 5 if player has the same level
Injustice = Autocast Level 1 Sonic Blow
Shinobi = Autocast Level 5 Cloaking
Amon Ra = Autocast Level 10 Kyrie Eleison
Grand Peco = Autocast Level 1 Gloria
Owl Duke = Autocast Level 3 Impositio Manus
(With Owl Baron Card) Autocast Level 5 Lightning Bolt
Owl Baron = Autocast Level 1 Lex Aeterna
Clock = Autocast Level 3 Guard
Level 10 if player has the same level
Violy = Autocast Level 1 Frost Joke
Level 5 if player has the same level
Wanderer = Autocast Level 1 Snatch
Loses its ability on a set
Eddga = Unlimited Endure

Set Cards

Assaulter, Permeter, Solider, Freezer, Heater
= Autocast Level 1 Weapon Perfection

Cruiser, Anolian, Alligator, Merman, Dragontail
= 20% Autocast Guided Attack

Usable Items:

Anodyne = Level 1 Endure
Aloevera = Level 1 Provoke
Magnifier = Level 1 Item Appraisal
Yggdrasil Leaf = Level 1 Resurrection
Fly Wing = Level 1 Teleport
Butterfly Wing = Level 2 Teleport
Magical Scrolls
Earth Spike = Level 3/Level 5
Cold Bolt = Level 3/Level 5
Fire Bolt = Level 3/Level 5
Lightning Bolt = Level 3/Level 5
Soul Strike = Level 3/Level 5
Fire Ball = Level 1/Level 5
Fire Wall = Level 1/Level 5
Frost Diver = Level 1/Level 5
Heal = Level 3/Level 5

XVII. Miscellaneous Skills

Marriage and Adoption Skills

Skills when you get married and after you get married. Life in RO gets really
more complicated than it used to be. It's still fun though.

Following the iRO translation is a LOT better now is it?

Marriage System

Bride's Wedding Ring___________________________________________________________

Undying Love
- Restore SP to your partner
- Consumes 15% of your SP

Romantic Rendezvous
- Summon your partner to your current postition
- Both of must wear their wedding rings
- Consumes 150 SP
- Casting time is 20 Seconds
- There is no delay time after using the skill

Groom's Wedding Ring___________________________________________________________

Loving Tough
- Restore HP to your married partner
- Consumes 15% of your HP

Romantic Rendezvous
- Summon your partner to your current postition
- Both of must wear their wedding rings
- Consumes 150 SP
- Casting time is 20 Seconds
- There is no delay time after using the skill

Child Adoption System

Parent Skills__________________________________________________________________

Baby, come here.
- Uses 1 SP
- Summons the adoptee

Child Skills___________________________________________________________________

Mom, Dad I love you!
- Uses 10% of MSP
- Parents won't have an EXP penalty on death
- Lasts for 2 minutes

Mom, Dad I miss you!
- Uses 10 SP
- Summons the parents

Hocus Pocus

As told above, Hocus Pocus can summon skills even the ones that cannot be
acquired by both players or monsters. Such hidden skills are listed below.

- Effects
= Comments

Level Up (Disabled)
- Allows to level up instantly.
= Disabled due to the unbalance of the game.
Class Change
- Changes the monster into a random monster
= Fun! It might be a Poring. It might be Lord of the Dead!!
Reverse Orcish
- Change a target's head into an orcish head
= Weird.
Summon Monster
- Summons monsters (like Dead Branch)
= Fun! It is the most sought skill by Hocus Pocus Sages ever.
Instant Death
- Instantly kills a target
= Cheap!!
- Instantly kills yourself
= Bummer!
- Steal more zeny from a target monster than of the Rogue's skill.
= Get rich with this one!
- Changes a target monster into a poring
= Goodbye old, hard-to-kill, monsters.
Full Recovery
- Instantly recovers HP and SP
= Cool! Give me more life!!
- ???
= ???
- Makes target monster use /?
= Useless...
- Makes an icon float on top of your head. Rumored to be Gravity's logo
= Useless... You might be accused of having a guild during sieges as well.
- Tame a monster (A Slot Machine will appear)
= Does it work on others as well?!

Disabled Skills


Fire Ivy_______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisite: Unknown
Skill Form: Offensive - Fire Property
SP Required: Unknown

Target the ground to summon a trap. Wraps a cord of flames to enemies nearby.

Comments: Disabled due to the numerous fire spells the Wizard already has.
Well, that or they decided to compensate it with Fire Pillat instead.

Bard and Dancer


Pre-requisites: ??
Skill Form: Ensemble
SP Required: 100

Casts a random ground spell that affects everything in the area. It
immediately casts a random spell during the activation and continues to cast
spells for every 2 seconds. The skill is unstoppable once active even if the
bard and dancer dies in the process. Lasts for 60 seconds.

Random spells that can be casted:
- Grand Cross
- Magnus Exorcismus
- Sanctuary
- Magnetic Earth
- Pneuma
- Safety Wall
- Fire Wall
- Meteor Storm
- Lord of Vermillion
- Storm Gust
- Heaven's Drive
- Venom Dust

Level 1 : Enables Ragnarok

Comments: A cheesy spell with a potential of being abused. No wonder it was
removed by Gravity.

Lord Knight


Pre-requisites: 6 Bowling Bash, 10 Two-Handed Sword Mastery (Swordsman),
6 Increase HP Recovery (Swordsman)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: All remaining SP

See Lord Knight's Berserk.

Level 1 : Enables Fury

Comments: Basically the same with Berserk but they changed it and decided to
make Berserk both for Two-handed Swords and Spears instead, to lessen the
confusion, at least.


Coin Create____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Iron Tempering, 5 Steel Tempering, 3 Enchanted Stone Craft,
2 Research Oridecon
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: , 1 Nugget

Creates a coin or a money pouch from a nugget by chance. Coins gives off a
certain amount of zeny when used.

Comments: A cheap skill. Currently doesn't work.

Nugget Create__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 3 Research Oridecon, 1 Ore Discovery, 5 Weaponry Research
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required:

Create a gold piece from Iron Ores, Gold Ores or Silver Ores then combines it
to create a gold nugget. The nugget is used for forging, selling, or to create
coins. Also increases forging chances.

Comments: The accomplice of the cheap skill. Currently doesn't work.

Auto Attack System Create______________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 10 Weaponry Research, 3 Weapon Perfection
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Ground - 1 Cell
SP Required:

Install a tower that automatically attacks nearby enemies. The tower also
detects hidden enemies nearby. It does 100 - 300 piercing damage. Up to 5
towers can be installed at a time. The towers last for a duration.

Level 1 : Enambles Auto Attack System Create

Comments: Once again, another cheap skill. It is, however, useful in guild
sieges but was disabled because it currently doesn't work.

Assassin Cross

Hallucination Walk_____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Cloaking, 5 Improve Dodge (Thief)
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required: Varied

Create mirror images while enables the player to cloak freely without walls.
Hallucinations has twice your MHP and would last for a duration or your HP is
gone. When the image disappears, you will be uncloaked. You can be detected
via Detection skills as well.

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration, 1.4 Second Casting Time, 45 SP
Level 2 : 12 Second Duration, 1.2 Second Casting Time, 50 SP
Level 3 : 14 Second Duration, 1.0 Second Casting Time, 55 SP
Level 4 : 16 Second Duration, 0.8 Second Casting Time, 60 SP
Level 5 : 18 Second Duration, 0.6 Second Casting Time, 65 SP
Level 6 : 20 Second Duration, 0.4 Second Casting Time, 70 SP
Level 7 : 22 Second Duration, 0.2 Second Casting Time, 75 SP
Level 8 : 24 Second Duration, 0.2 Second Casting Time, 80 SP
Level 9 : 26 Second Duration, 0.2 Second Casting Time, 85 SP
Level 10: 28 Second Duration, 0.2 Second Casting Time, 90 SP

Comments: Coolness! This skill would make monsters fight against your mirror
images as you freely move and kill them when vulnerable (or just flee). Too
bad it was disabled. Probably it was buggy.

Advanced Enchant Poison________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 5 Enchant Poison, 5 Envenom (Thief)
Skill Form: Supportive - Poison Property
Target: Target Character
SP Required:

An improved Enchant Poison.

Comments: Not like we would want it much. Instead, they gave us Create Deadly
Poison and Enchant Deadly Poison.



Pre-requisites: 5 Prepare Potion
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required:

Enables creation of Bottles, Potion Bottles, and Test Tubes used for brewing.

Comments: Handy if you lost all bottles somewhere. Unfortunately it was

Potion Synthesis_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: 2 Alchemy, 6 Prepare Potion
Skill Form: Supportive
Target: Self
SP Required:

Mix potions to brew better potions. Potions may weigh less to give the same
effect or may weigh more but deals more effects. Summoning potions are
affected by giving a better attack rate or obtain new skills. Has a low
success chance.

Comments: Now this is the real alchemy! Mix, mix, mix until you get what you
want. Rather fun to experiment, no? Too bad it was disabled.

XVIII. Status Ailments

Why is this here, you ask? You're right. These are not skills but rather the
effects of certain skills and cards. Putting some info here might help you on
how to use and counter them!


Players' screen darkens and becomes pitch black. Only the center of the screen
will remain normal.

For monsters, they will become passive when their target is outside their 3x3
sight radius. When hit by a ranged/magic attack, they will go to the site
where their enemy was last when they used the attack.

Blind's overall effect is the reduction of Flee rates and HIT rates.

Usage: Annoying for all players as well as useful against AGI-types. Also
great for hit-and-run tactics against monsters.

Obtained from: Blind Attack, Sand Attack, Flasher, Status Recovery, Sightless
Mind, Holy Cross, Grand Cross (Skill), Wrench, Katar of Dusty
Thornbush, Flash Arrows, Familiar Card

Counters: VIT, Green Potion, Panacea, Royal Jelly, Cure, Sunglasses, Blinker,
Martin Card, Deviruchi Card, Evil Snake Lord Card


For players, they would not be able to move where they would want to move. For
monsters, they would now move randomly. When hit, the ailment will disappear.

Usage: Good for Acolytes vs. the undead. Cure them first then heal bomb them
without worrying much on. Also handy for archers.

Obtained from: Cure, Requiem Card

Counters: Green Potion, Panacea, Royal Jelly, Cure, Giearth Card



Usage: ???

Obtained from: Hocus Pocus, Pressure(?), Lord of Death Card

Counters: ???


Targets affected will be engulfed in red and a Grim Reaper will appear behind.
Reduces the ATK of the target and drains their LUK to 0. Also reduces moving

Usage: Best against powerful enemies and LUK-based players.

Obtained from: Curse, Napalm Vulcan, Cursed Arrows, Magnolia Card

Counters: VIT, LUK, Holy Water, Panacea, Royal Jelly, Blessing, Status
Recovery, Wootan Shooter Card, Evil Snake Lord Card

Deadly Poison__________________________________________________________________

Targets will be engulfed in purple and have their HPs reduced by percentages
for a duration of time. It will also reduce target's DEF.

Usage: Use on any enemy especially those with high DEF.

Obtained from: Enchant Deadly Poison

Counters: High VIT & LUK, Green Herb, Green Potion, Panacea, Royal Jelly,
Detoxify, Slow Poison, Argiope Card, Ghoul Card

External Bleeding______________________________________________________________

Targets affected will lose HP very quickly. Maximum duration is 90 seconds.
VIT and LUK decreases

Usage: Use to severly damage VIT-types. When enemy has high LUK, curse the
target first.

Obtained from: Acid Terror, Head Crusher, Meteor Assault

Counters: VIT, LUK, Wootan Fighter Card


A target will freeze and their armor will become of the water attribute. All
enemies affected will have their Flee rates dropped. When hit, freeze will
disappear. When frozen, Lex Aeterna cannot be used against them.

Usage: A favorite of mages everywhere. When a target freezes, immediately use
a weapon that is of the wind property or is compounded with Drainliar
cards, or a wind property spell.

Obtained from: Ice Cream, Frost Diver, Frost Nova, Storm Gust, Freezing Trap,
Unbarring Octave, Wrench, Katar of Cold Icicle, Freezing Arrows,
Marina Card

Counters: MDEF, Status Recovery, Megalodon Card, Marc Card, Evil Druid Card


Targets will be engulfed in purple and have their HPs reduced by for a duration
of time. It will also reduce target's DEF. VIT and LUK reduces the poison

Usage: Use on any enemy especially those with high DEF.

Obtained from: Venom Dust (Monster), Envenom, Enchant Poison, Poison React,
Venom Dust (Player), Venom Splasher, Wrench, Poison Arrow,
Snake Card, Zenorc Card

Counters: VIT, LUK, Green Herb, Green Potion, Panacea, Royal Jelly, Detoxify,
Slow Poison, Argiope Card, Ghoul Card, Myst Card


Make targets sleep. Sleeping enemies have their Flee rates dropped. INT
reduces the sleep duration. Hitting a sleeping target makes wakes them up.

Usage: Use on any enemy with low INT and has an annoying Flee rate.

Obtained from: Sleep Attack, Sandman Trap, Lullaby, Katar of Piercing Wind,
Plankton Card

Counters: INT, Status Recovery, Coco Card, Nightmare Card


Targets silenced cannot use any skill for a duration of time. Silenced enemies
will use the /... emoticon until it stops. Does not affect passive skills.

Usage: Best used against priests, mages, or any other class who relies on
skills heavily.

Obtained from: Silence Attack, Lex Divina, Katar of Blazing Rage, Metaller Card

Counters: INT, Green Potion, Panacea, Royal Jelly, Cure, Lex Divina, Flu Mask,
Gangster Mask, Stainer Card, Marduk Card

Stone Curse____________________________________________________________________

Stage 1: A target affected will have its sprite darken into pitch black. Also,
their moving speed will decrease gradually and cannot attack or use
skills. Players may use items, however.

Stage 2: The target will be rendered immobile. Their armor will be of the
earth property until the skills duration. In this stage, 1% of their
HP will be drained every 5 seconds. If hit, they will be cured of the
ailment. LUK decreases the duration.

Usage: Targets with high HP but low LUK will be very useful. Also, like
freeze, when in the second stage, use anti-earth attacks to bring in a
powerful effect. When the target has high LUK, curse the target first.

Obtained from: Stone Curse, Mysteltainn (Sword)

Counters: MDEF, LUK, Status Panacea, Recovery, Blessing, Argos Card, Munak
Card, Medusa Card, Evil Druid Card


Stuns opponents and drop their Flee rates to 0 for a short duration. Stun will
never disappear during the duration even if how many hits were inflicted. VIT
decreases Stun duration.

Usage: Best used against all opponents. Make sure you hit fast or highly
damaging since it's really a short duration.

Obtained from: Stun Attack, Bash (with Fatal Blow), Sonic Blow, Smite,
Sightless Mind, Stunner, Wrench, Stun Arrows, Savage Babe Card

Counters: VIT, LUK, Orc Hero Card

XIX. Future Updates


New Quest Skill:

- Charge at the enemy to deal damage
- The further away the enemy is, the more damage but casting time is increased


New Quest Skill:
Sight Blaster
- Summons a ball of fire similar to Sight


New Quest Skill:
Phantasmic Arrow
- Attack an enemy without using any arrows
- Deals 140% damage
- Pushes enemies back by 3 cells


New Quest Skills:
Unfair Trick
- Reduces Mammonite zeny cost by 10%

- Obtain all items in an area around the character
- Does not obtain items with character priority


New Quest Skill:
- Sacrifice yourself (and EXP) to revive all fainted party members
- The more party members you resurrect, the less EXP you sacrifice
- Uses 400 SP


New Quest Skill:
- Pushes back enemies by chance when blocked by the skill, Guard
- Pushback chances are dependent on Guard's Skill Level


New Quest Skills:
Create Converter
- Creates an elemental converter
- Converters are used for the Elemental Change skill
- You can choose only one of the four elements for usage:

Elemental Change
- Change the element of an enemy to the element of your converter
- Uses an elemental converter


New Quest Skill:

- Causes Chaos Status Ailment to a target character


New Quest Skill:

- Targeted Demi-Human, Demon, or Monsters will stop attacking for 3 seconds
- Does not work on Boss Monsters
- If used on a player instead, it will cause Chaos Status Ailment


New Player Ability:
- If the class quest was finished, you will be rewarded a book
- The Book will allow the Alchemist to create Elemental Resistance Potions
- Elements include Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire only
- Potions last for minutes

- Will be implemented soon
- Skills include the following:

Basis of Life
- Obtainable only via a quest
- Opens the skill tree for Homunculi
Call Homunculus
- Summon a homunculus from an Embryo Item*, or
- Recall a homunculus under Peaceful Rest state
Peaceful Rest
- Allows current homunculus to take a break
- Homunculi under this state will be recalled via Call Homunculus
Resurrect Homunculus
- Revive a fallen homunculus fallen from battle

*Embryo can be created via Prepare Potion Skill

- Homunculus can be healed via Aid Potion Skill
- Homunculus can be controlled under commands (right-click on homunculus):

- Shows the current status of the Homunculus
Move (Hotkey: Alt + Right-click)
- Order current homunculus to move on target
Attack (Hotkey: Alt + Right-click 2x)
- Order current homunculus to attack target
- Order current homunculus to cancel all commands
- Homunculi on Stay command will become idle and stay near the player
- Feed current homunculus using items
- Each type of homunculi has their own type of feed:

Lif - Pet Food
Armister - Zargon
Filir - Garlet
Vanilmirt - Scell

- Unfed homunculi will disappear

Change Name
- Change the name of a newly created homunculus
- Can be changed only once
- Delete the current homunculus


Yes! Like each type of homunculus has their own feed, they also have their own
set of skills. Pretty cool, no?


Healing Touch
- Basically a heal that only has 5 levels
- Based on the caster's level and INT

Level 1 : 13 SP
Level 2 : 16 SP
Level 3 : 19 SP
Level 4 : 22 SP
Level 5 : 25 SP

Emergency Evasion
- Temporarily increases Movement Speed

Level 1 : MSPD +110%, 40 Second Duration
Level 2 : MSPD +120%, 35 Second Duration
Level 3 : MSPD +130%, 30 Second Duration
Level 4 : MSPD +140%, 25 Second Duration
Level 5 : MSPD +150%, 20 Second Duration

Brain Surgery
- Permanently increases the Homunculus' MSP and SP Recovery
- Increases Healing Touch's heal rates

Level 1 : MSP +1%, SP Recovery +3% , Healing Touch +2%
Level 2 : MSP +2%, SP Recovery +6% , Healing Touch +4%
Level 3 : MSP +3%, SP Recovery +9% , Healing Touch +6%
Level 4 : MSP +4%, SP Recovery +12%, Healing Touch +8%
Level 5 : MSP +5%, SP Recovery +15%, Healing Touch +10%


- Switches places between the master and itself by chance
- Enemies attacking the master will attack the homunculus instead

Level 1 : 20% Chance
Level 2 : 40% Chance
Level 3 : 60% Chance
Level 4 : 80% Chance
Level 5 : 100% Chance

- Temporarily increases the homunculus' DEF

Level 1 : DEF +2 , 40 Second Duration
Level 2 : DEF +4 , 35 Second Duration
Level 3 : DEF +6 , 30 Second Duration
Level 4 : DEF +8 , 25 Second Duration
Level 5 : DEF +10, 20 Second Duration

Adamantium Skin
- Permanently increases MHP, HP Recovery, and DEF of the homunculus

Level 1 : MHP +2% , HP Recovery +5% , DEF +4
Level 2 : MHP +4% , HP Recovery +10%, DEF +8
Level 3 : MHP +6% , HP Recovery +15%, DEF +12
Level 4 : MHP +8% , HP Recovery +20%, DEF +16
Level 5 : MHP +10%, HP Recovery +25%, DEF +20


- Attack a target with its beak

Level 1 : 1 Hit , ATK +220%
Level 2 : 2 Hits, ATK +330%
Level 3 : 2 Hits, ATK +440%
Level 4 : 2 Hits, ATK +550%
Level 5 : 3 Hits, ATK +660%

Fleeting Move
- Temporarily increases the homunculus' ASPD and ATK

Level 1 : ASPD +3 , ATK +110%, 60 Second Duration, 60 Second Delay Time
Level 2 : ASPD +6 , ATK +115%, 55 Second Duration, 70 Second Delay Time
Level 3 : ASPD +9 , ATK +120%, 50 Second Duration, 80 Second Delay Time
Level 4 : ASPD +12, ATK +125%, 45 Second Duration, 90 Second Delay Time
Level 5 : ASPD +15, ATK +130%, 40 Second Duration, 120 Second Delay Time

Over Speed
- Temporarily increases the homunculus' Flee rate

Level 1 : Flee +20, 60 Second Duration, 60 Second Delay Time
Level 2 : Flee +30, 55 Second Duration, 70 Second Delay Time
Level 3 : Flee +40, 50 Second Duration, 80 Second Delay Time
Level 4 : Flee +50, 45 Second Duration, 90 Second Delay Time
Level 5 : Flee +60, 40 Second Duration, 120 Second Delay Time


- Basically a bolt spell that only has 5 levels
- Bolt element casted is random

Level 1 : Level 1 Bolt
Level 2 : Level 2 Bolt
Level 3 : Level 3 Bolt
Level 4 : Level 4 Bolt
Level 5 : Level 5 Bolt

Benediction of Chaos
- Basically a heal that only has 5 levels
- Instead of healing a target, it heals the master, an enemy, or itself at
- Level of the heal skill used is random but depends on the skill level

Level 1 : Level 1 Heal, 50% Enemy, 20% Homunculus, 30% Player
Level 2 : Level 1~2 Heal, 40% Enemy, 50% Homunculus, 10% Player
Level 3 : Level 1~3 Heal, 25% Enemy, 25% Homunculus, 50% Player
Level 4 : Level 1~4 Heal, 36% Enemy, 60% Homunculus, 4% Player
Level 5 : Level 1~5 Heal, 33% Enemy, 34% Homunculus, 33% Player

Change Instruction
- Permanently increases homunculus' STR and INT

Level 1 : INT +1, STR +1
Level 2 : INT +2, STR +2
Level 3 : INT +3, STR +3
Level 4 : INT +4, STR +4
Level 5 : INT +5, STR +4


Occult Impaction
- Changed damage

XX. Frequently Asked Questions

As of now, there are only a few questions so please bear with me.
*a Bigfoot yawned, a Sasquatch roared, a Grizzly slashed, and a Leib Olmai
killed me*

Q: Do you still keep all your former skills while in the Rebirth System?
A: Unfortunately, only your Quest Skills and the Novice's Basic Skills.
However, the Quest skills will only reappear once you reached the
Job Level requirements.

Q: What about their equipments?
A: They stay in your inventory. If you have lots of equipments and/or items,
prepare to get overweight so better put most of them in the Kafra Storage
before signing up again.

Q: Isn't the Super Novice the class you go into when you enter the Rebirth
A: No. That's the high novice. It is no different from the normal Novice
except its appearance is very similar to the one the Super Novice has.

Q: What are the positive effects done by the Gospel skill of the Paladin?
A: Unknown as of this moment. I am, however, thinking that it might depend on
what class is affected.

XXI. Special Thanks

I would like to thank...

Lee Myoung-Jin
- For creating Ragnarok: Into the Abyss and entertain me at times

- For creating Ragnarok Online, the first MMORPG in the Philippines

Level Up! Games aka LUG
- For hosting RO servers in the Philippines

- For his very thorough FAQ and layout

- From ragnainfo.net for the info of new kRO updates

- For other various stuff and info especially about the mage

Calx Zinra aka ReiCA Zinra aka GlimmerVoid
- For more info

- For the info of BSS and the Chaos Status Ailment

The guy who first created the Arrow Crafting list
- ...uh...for the list

Korean Ragnarok Website (http://www.ragnarok.co.kr)
- For the basis of my work and research

International Ragnarok Website (http://iro.ragnarokonline.com)
- For more the english version of the information in kRO

Japanese Ragnarok Website (http://www.ragnarokonline.jp)
- For the intriguing Japanese names of certain skills and more info

Philippine Ragnarok Website (http://www.ragnarokonline.ph)
- For other info such as Research Oridecon

RagnaInfo (http://www.ragnainfo.net)
RagnarokHQ (http://www.ragnarokhq.com)
RagnaMart (http://www.merchantguild.net/~ragnamart)
RO Cards (http://www.rocards.de)
- Being the websites and forums I checked for additional info among skills

Google (http://www.google.com)
- For translating www.rocards.de

Altavista (http://www.altavista.com)
- For alternative translations especially if Google didn't work out well

Some friends for fewer info
The calculator for calculating
Microsoft Excel for allowing me to create my skill distribution calc
Microsoft Word Thesaurus and the dictionary for certain words I need to correct
Boredom and the lack of things to do for making me create this FAQ
Soujiro (and his band of Super Novices) for his FAQ and his website
Me for being able to write this FAQ
You for reading this FAQ

Finally to Chris MacDonald aka KaoMegura for inspiring me to write this FAQ (as
well as the other KoF FAQs he wrote). May he rest in peace.

XXII. Contact

Yeah, I can be contacted. But make sure you don't send spams in my e-mail.
I've already have other e-mails full of spam so I will block you if you send

...and I *hate* spam... *evil glare*

souleclipse gmail com
cross-edge hotmail com
necro_affair16 hotmail com

Also, I can be contacted through Philippine Ragnarok Online. Good luck finding
me there.

pRO Sakray: Khaine - 7x/4x Assassin
pRO Odin: Daikichi - 3x/2x Acolyte
pRO Odin: Daikyou - 4x/3x Acolyte
pRO Odin: Cyran - 4x/4x Acolyte

Again, I could be found in certain mailing groups and forums:

- Meijin Setsukou
- SoulEclipse
- Schelzwich
- SoulEclipse
- kinju_hotane

XXIII. Legal

This written document is protected by the Copyright Law. The use of this
document is for private use only. Saving and editing this FAQ is allowed so
long it is only for your own usage. Any use, reproduction, redistribution or
selling of the FAQ without any permission with the owner is strictly prohibited
by the law and by the owner. This FAQ was created by Benji Barraquias. It can
only be found exclusively in GameFAQs.com, and pRO Players

Ragnarok: Into The Abyss is Copyright © Lee Myoungjin
Ragnarok Online is Copyright © Gravity Corporation and Lee Myoungjin
Philippine Ragnarok Online is Copyright © Level-Up Games! Incorporated
All Rights Reserved

All other copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not
specifically mentioned herein.

Once again, thank you for reading this FAQ.

Copyright © 2004-2005 Benji Barraquias. All Rights Reserved

I'm inconsistent? Yes. I know.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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