Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

16.10.2013 20:10:03
Ragnarok Online (PC)
Full Support Acolyte/ Priest FAQ
Written by: admira
version 3.1

Version History:
v 1.0: Major FAQ. This is my first FAQ I ever made. There might be some
errors, if you ever find some, I hope you can inform me.
v 1.1: Fix a lot of errors!! I don't believe I ever write "Beware of
Drainliar in Payon dungeon lv1". I guess, I was too sleepy while
I was writing this FAQ. Add Duet Strategy as promise. Also Frequently
Asked Questions.
V 1.2: Add alternate build in Acolyte/Priest build section, still fix some
errors. Add duet hunting with Falcon Hunter and AGI Hunter which is
2 of 3 of my favourite classes when it comes to duet hunt. Add new
section in Tips, Tricks and Strategy. It will about large group
V 1.3: Add a lot of things. Three persons have helped me a lot. AnthonyStefan
with gramar fixing, Artaniel with a lot more information regarding
skills (make sure you check it out!) and Elmdor with Wizard's duet
strategy. Give credits to you guys and thanx to help me ^^.
end of 1st version
V 2.0: Add new builds. Actually a weird one, but an unique one and very
original as well.
V 2.1: Safe build is gone! for good. Sanctuary at lvl 2-3 is not worth in
higher lvl. Rather than put skills on that you should put more points on
other skills that will benefit you. Also fixing some error in Safety
wall build. Add tricks on using safety wall. Add duet strategy. Moved
Offense support build to replace safe build and add cure on it. Offense
support build's name is now "Popular build" because it is the most
popular build nowadays. Change cure recommended into 1. It is different
from the Status Recovery. Check the skills explaination and the Popular
build explaination for explaination regarding of the skill. Add
Epistimology. Thanx to AnjingBalap for providing me with that. He is the
one in Gamefaqs who make the DualDagger assasin build and a nice one
V2.1a: Fixing error regarding Cure and Status Recovery. Add Q&A section
regarding the error I made. Add a new build with Decrease AGI on the
disposal. Thanx to my Brother A-Conx who is alredy 99 Support Priest on
Iris server of idRO and the one who admit my guide as the best of all ^^
Add Q&A *again* this time about Underated Character. Fixing some grammar
V2.1b: AGI type has gone for good. It is not worth to build. Rather than that,
you should build VIT type with Phen. OR build a battle Priest for AGI.
Add tips from Neil Gaurino.
V3.0 : OK! as promised, add the best equipment for Priest. This equipment
is effective if it is worn by VIT Priest or Popular Priest build. TU
Priest make an appearance. Moved the previous TU Priest part, Remake it
so, it is a part of worthed builds.
V3.1 : Add prelude to battle Priest section. Reformatting the alternative build
My deep gratitude to people who appriciate my work. Thanx guys. And for
you, I have added the Duet strategies, this time includes the 2nd alt
class. Adds the battlemode to replace Minimized skill window trick.

Retired note: For now, I am off from the world of Midgard. Due to my busy daily
schedule and well I think the game is worth to play and very
addicted though. I know there will be High Priest the next stage
of Priest but I am getting too tired with the game and decided to
retired the game for now. Maybe in the future when I miss the
game I will make my comeback. Who knows?

I. Intorduction
- Final Note
- Version 2 Introduction
II. Why Acolyte?
III. Acolyte/Priest Basics
IV. Skills
V. Acolyte/Priest Build
VI. Tips, Tricks and Strategy
- Solo Strategy
- Duet Strategy
*Full Critical Assasin
*Trap Hunter
*AGI Knight
*VIT Lancer Knight
*Dual Dagger Assasin
*Falcon Hunter
*Fire Wall Wizzard
*Frost Diver + Jupitel Thunder Wizzard
*Fire Wall Wizzard
*Storm Gust Wizzard
*Grand Cross Crusader
*Battle Rogue (Backstaber and Hybrid Backstaber + Striper)
*Bow Rogue (Usually goes for Striper Rogue)
*Support Sage
- Large Group Hunting Strategy
*Battle Mode Trick
*Pneuma Allocation Trick
VII. Recommended Equipment
VIII. Possible Effect and build of alternate class
IX. Alternative Priest Build
- Turn Undead, reason and build
* Prelude to Turn Undead Build
* Pure TU Build
* Hybrid TU Build
- Why Magnus Exorcism is not recommended?
- How about Battle Priest?
* Prelude to Battle Priest
* Battle Priest Build and Tips
X. Epistimology
XI. Frequently Asked Question
XII. Legal Stuff, Credits and Contact Information


I. Introduction

OK! first thing to say, this is my first and only faqs for this time. I hope
I can be of some help to those who wish to choose Acolyte as their main char.
Secondly I hope for your support by sending me if there are any error in my
faqs and please don't flame me because of that.

I myself choose this class as my main class. First because of personality
test, they recommend me to play as an Acolyte. Second because of challange,
Being an Acolyte doesn't only require skill on playing it, but also a high
patience. Why? Let me tell you, the first time you hear "heal plz" you will
feel great and love to heal but after about 10000 times you will know what
I mean. Seriously! they prefer to use "heal plz!!!" rather than more proper
words such as "if you don't mind please heal me" without "!"

There are 4 points you should remember when playing as an Acolyte. This is
based on my experience playing idRO (Indonesian RO):
1. You will be harrased. It is true! if you don't believe me, go to idRO
forum, you will find many flame topics toward acolyte and priest in the
second place after GM (although you will have to understand Indonesian
2. You will always hear combination word "heal" "plz" thousands! I really
mean it! Along my journey as An acolyte (now I have alredy been a Priest)
maybe I have heard more than 10000 of that kind of word. Trust me if you
don't feel like it, delete your character and start another one.
3. Your grup will depend on you. So, the life of your group is in your hand.
Don't ever use teleport when your group is in a bad situation, instead
you should always keep your eye in your party's health bar.
4. You will have a depressed time of leveling. This is due to your
inability to solo hunt. Yes, you can always solo at GH Graveyard. But I
will not recommend it until you reach 57.

Got that? if you can accept all of the conditions, go forward

Final note

Final alredy? I'm affraid, I have to say 'yes'. Yeah yeah I know, there
are still many things will be added at RO, but I have my own life and for
this reason I have to finalize this FAQ. I know there are still alternate
classes, even there have been alredy a rumor about 3rd class and new
patches. In fact, I have alredy stopped playing RO for almost 3 weeks.
Actually I want to make prediction on 2-2 class (especially in Duet strategy
section) but, no one able to give me enough information regarding skills,
stats and builds of alternate classes.

Last word, in online games such as Ragnarok Online, you may have your own
personal build of your characters and your own opinion of your builds so,
this FAQ is actually just a reference so you know exactly what you are
doing. I always said this to everyone that mailed me about their builds:
"You may have your own opinion and remember! This FAQ is only a reference.
Don't expect it to be the most-uber-ultimate perfect build." Why I said that?
because in my opinion, there is no word such as "Perfect Build" in games like
RO. So, have fun! Make your character as comfortable as you can for your own
to use.

Version 2 introduction

Well this is for people who follow my faq's update. You maybe realize that in
previous update, I have finalized this FAQ. The only reason why I Finalized
this FAQ that time is my departurement which will result to my retirement in
RO world. But for some reasons, my departurement is pended and I am really
bored. But then hey! I have my own a precious Priest Guide at gamefaqs. So I
decided to spend some of my precious time and develop this FAQ a little more.


II. Why Acolyte?

My first answer will be the chance for you to make friend. Acolyte/Priest
is maybe the only class that allow you to make party with a lot of people.
I enjoy the game as I enjoy chatting and finding more friends. Everyone
loves acolyte. Second because there are various way to play. For priest,
different class means different set of skill. You need to prepare another
formation of shortcuts when you go with another class.


III. Acolyte/Priest Basics

Full support Acolyte/Priest depend mainly on int. Basically, I find there
are 3 builds for full support acolyte/priest with pure int:

1. Tanker: Can receive a nice ammount of damage. Try to combine it with
kyrie eleison lv 10 and angelus lv 10, for better result.
This type of Priest will max out vit after int 99.
-It give you perfect block on 1 person depending on their MHP. For example:
1000 HP gives perfect barrier for 300 damage at lv 10. So in this case,
bigger HP means bigger barrier
-Combine with proper equipment, you will be a great tanker.
-Low casting time.
-Got hit 100% (except for low level enemies)

2. Fast Caster: Can cast anything fast, although you will not learn ME as
full Support but it can save you many times. For soloing, try to combine
it with Kyrie Eleison and Holy Light.
This type of Priest will max out dex after int 99.
-You can save a lot of time casting magnificat. In critical situation,
You can cast Kyrie as fast as Mage's Soul Strike. Avoid delay is good.
- You will receive a lot of damage. Seriously! in higher lv it will be
very hurt.

Basically go with 99 int, the rest if you choose tanker then the rest of
points to vit. If you choose Fast Caster, than 99 int and go the rest with
dex. Why? One answer, as Acolyte you will need a large ammount of SP due to
their lack of SP recovery skill. Even after you become a Priest, you still need
it for pump up your healing ability and other spells.

Start with 9 int, 9 luk/agi (it doesn't matter), 9 vit
99 int
max vit

Fast Caster:
Start with 9 int, 9 dex, 9 agi/luk (it doesn't matter)
99 int
max dex

Please remember there are two types of SP regeneration. The first one is the
natural one. For this kind, every class posses it. It is natural SP
regeneration, also known as "SP regeneration". The second one is a skill.
Once you are a priest, you will be able to learn this. This kind of SP
regeneration is called "SP recovery". SP recovery recovers SP every 10
seconds and it is simbolized by a blue number that appear every 10 seconds
above your head. The number, of course represents your SP addition. Both are
affected by your INT. For the formula of SP recovery skill, check out the
Priest's skill section. For SP regeneration, Artaniel has found the formula
and here it is:
There, good news, I've found natural SP recovery ^^ points!

If you have 119 INT or less: 1+(INT/6)+(SP/100) as posted
which means: (100 int, 1500SP ok?)
1 + 100/6 + 1500/100 = 32 SP
this means you will add 32 SP every 4 sec (while sitting) or every 8 sec
(while standing)

If you have 120 INT or more: 1+(INT/6)+(SP/100)+{(INT-20)/2}+4
which means: (140 int, 1800SP ok?)
1 + 140/6 + 1800/100 + ( 140 - 120 ) / 2 + 4 = 55 SP
this means you will add 55 SP every 4 sec (while sitting) or every 8 sec
(while standing)

*PS: Magnificat will half your SP regenration time, so it will be 4 sec
while standing and 2 sec while sitting with the same addition.

So, if you have 120++ INT, boost will be given (see formula below!)
natural SP recovery=4sec while sitting, 8 sec while standing/walking
joy! ^^ magnificat now will doubles your regeneration rate instead of 175%
regen time, which means, we got 25% more regen boost after patch (thank you
Comodo ^^)

Thats all, I've found this source at: www.ro-world.com
(divine intervention -> Acos and priests)

One last note about this, Magnificat won't effect to SP recovery skill. But
it has great effect on your SP regeneration. Thanx Artaniel! your
information is amazing and wow! for a boy at your age, your english
astonishes me ^^


IV. Skills

Here comes the big one! Acolyte and Priest skills are one of the most
difficult ones to learn. Especially as full support, there are many
decissions that have to be made. I try to make it easy.

Acolyte skills

Effect: Heal a certain amount of HP. Effect increases per skill level and
int. Damages Undead.
Comments: The intial skill for Acolyte. Max this out! As full support, you
will want this skill as your main attacker. IMHO this skill is even
better than Turn Undead.
Restores HP by following formula: Int+BaseLv/8*(4+SkillLvOfHeal*8)
ex: Lv50, Int 30, using Lv7 heal = 50+30/8*(4+7*8)
= 10*60 = 600 HP will be
Thanx to Artaniel to remind me this, this refer to FAQ by HOBGOBLIN
Recommended: 10

Divine Protection(10)
Effect: Reduces damage taken from undead. Passive. Max this to lvl 10 as one
prerequisite for Monk job.
Comments: You are full support! you will not benefit from this one, spend the
point on other skills. Btw you should take 5 points of it in order
to learn blessing.
Recommended: 5

Requires: Lvl 3 Divine Protection
Effect: Increases physical damage to undead. Passive. Required for Monk to
max this to lv 10 in order to learn any skill.
Comments: Not that useful. Except you are planning on building a Monk or a
Battle Priest.
Recommended: 0

Signum Crucis(10)
Requires: Lvl 3 Demonbane
Effect: Decreases defense of evil enemies within line of sight. It also has
chance to success. Not too good though.
Comments: Most undead/demon/ghost opponents have low defense anyway. If you
are a battle priest, maybe you want to spend few points on this
especially Solo Battle Priest.
Recommended: 0

Requires: Lvl 3 Divine Protection
Effect: Increases party's VIT by percentages for a duration. Additional
points increase duration and effect. It gives nice ammount of def.
At lv 10, it provides 60% more def on your party.
Comments: Vit Knight will love this one, if you have a VIT-based partner, I
recommend to max this out.
"I don`t know, but based on my experience, angelus only adds extra 50%
DefByVit at Lv10, NOT 60%, check this too.
source = own experience" ~Artaniel~
Recommended: 2/5/10

Requires: Lvl 5 Divine Protection
Effect: Increases target's STR, INT and DEX for a duration. Curses undead.
Comments: It gives you +10 to INT, STR and DEX at lv 10, imagine how many
lv ups to gain those points of stat. If you use it to Undead, the
result will be reserved, it lowers INT, DEX and STR by 10.
*Note (correction, Thanx to Artaniel):
"Decreases demon/undead family`s DEX and INT by 1/2, regardless on level, the
effect would be same (it means, even thought u use Lv1 Bless, its still
decreases INT and DEX by 50%), so it is not -10 DEX / INT." ~Artaniel~
Recommended: 10

Increase Agility(10)
Requires: Lvl 3 Heal
Effect: Increases target's Agility and walking speed for a duration.
Comment: A nice spell especially when you always group with Thief or
Assasin. It provides them with more "perfect" dodge.
Recommended: 10

Decrease Agility(10)
Requires: Lvl 1 Increase Agility
Effect: Decreases target's Agility and walking speed for a duration. Skill
can fail.
Comment: A good one too, especially when facing high AGI enemies such as:
Wanderers, Jokers and Bosses.
Recommended: 3/5

Requires: Lvl 2 Heal
Effect: Heals certain status ailments. Causes Chaos on undead.
Comments: Recover ally from status aliment based on physic. Status recovery
recover status aliment based on magic. Worth to learn. It can cure
Stun effect.
Recommended: 1

Effect: Reveals hidden opponents. It also needed to learn Pneuma (which is
IMHO the best spell to counter range attack).
Comments: Useful for detecting hidden thieves in PvP. Get it as a pre-
Recommended: 1

Requires: Lvl 1 Ruwach
Effect: Teleports to random area(Lvl 1) or to save point(Lvl 2).
Comments: Very useful to run away especially if you are soloing. You will
want this skill for easy traveling too.
Recommended: 2

Warp Portal(4)
Requires: Level 2 Teleport
Effect: Opens a portal to save point or memo point. Memo points are
made by typing /memo in the chat window to save the current
position. Uses 1 Blue Gemstone.
Comments: A nice one, especially in non-save point location such as GH. I
recommend to max it in order to take pneuma.
Recommended: 4

Requires: Lvl 4 Warp Portal
Effect: Creates a barrier which neutralizes all ranged attacks.
Comments: A nice one, this one will be very useful in higher lvl. Raydric
Archer, Gargoyle, Penomena enough reason. Take it!
Recommended: 1

Aqua Benedicta(1)
Effect: Creates 1 Holy Water from an empty bottle. Holy Water cures Curse
status. Need to stand in water for skill to work.
Comments: Aspersio is an awesome spell (although it use 1 holy water), you
will want this one.
Recommended: 1

Priest Skills

Whew! Finally! Here comes the big one.

SP Recovery(10)
Effect: Increase SP Recovery while sitting down or standing. Same as Mage's
skill. Passive.
Comments: There are many pros and contras about this skill, but I try to be
simple, You don't need to max this. But in some situations, there
is a possibility that you will run out of SP especially in a high
mob area.
* Note:
Restores SP by following formula: SkillLevelOfSpRecovery*(MaxSP/500+3)
ex: 1050 SP, Lv6 SP recovery = 6*(1050/500+3)
= 6*(2.1+3)
= 6*5.1 = 30.6 = 30 SP will be
restored every 10s
Thanx again to Artaniel to help me with this formula.
Recommended: 6/10

Mace Mastery(10)
Effect: Increase damage dealt with Mace class weapons. Passive.
Comments: Unless you are a battle priest, forget about this. You won't need
Recommended: 0

Impositio Manus(5)
Effect: Increases target's ATK for 40 seconds.
Comments: It works well with every classes except Mage/Wizard. Max it.
*Note (this change happen in one of the patch and artaniel, your spelling is
not wrong ^^):
"Impositio Manus<-- Did I spell it correctly?
Duration becomes higher, 40s -> 1 min(60s), because of patch, ATK boost given
from this skills is added to base ATK, not extra (+2), which means, ATK can
still reduced by by enemy`s DEF and VIT" ~Artaniel~
Recommended: 5

Requires: Lvl 2 Impositio Manus
Effect: Reduces Casting Duration for target.
Comments: You can't use it for yourself, but combine it with Wizard for
Storm Gust or Jupitel Thunder for high and fast damage.
Recommended: 3 if you plan to party with Wizard.

Requires: Lvl 3 Impositio Manus
Effect: Changes target's weapon to Holy attribute. Damages Undead. Uses
1 holy water.
Comments: Max this if you plan to group with Assasin, Knight or BS in GH
and many other "Demonic" Dungeon. It won't work with Archer and
Hunter since they have alredy had Silver Arrow.
Recommended: 5

Requires: Lvl 1 Heal
Effect: Creates an area which heals people in it. Caster cannot move for
spell's duration. Damages and knocks back undead. Uses 1 Blue
Comments: You can use it as either mini-ME or Emergency Healing. It requires
only a small ammount of SP, nice if you run out of SP in the
middle of dungeon and your party need healing.
Recommended: 2 or maybe 3 can't decide well.

Status Recovery(1)
Effect: Cures more status ailments than Cure. Turns monster passive, or
changes its target.
Comments: It have many useful effects. If you use it on Undead, it will go
blind (not agresive) unless anyone stand beside it. If you use it
on agresive monster, it will switch target. If you use it on
attacking-non-agresive monster, it will stop attacking.
Recommended: 1

Slow Poison(4)
Requires: Lvl 1 Status Recovery
Effect: Slows the effects of poison.
Comments: Not so sure about its usefulness, I skip it.
Recommended: 0

Requires: Lvl 4 SP Recovery, Lvl 1 Status Recovery
Effect: Raises dead player or monster back to life. Uses 1 Blue Gemstone.
Comments: Very Important. Actually, I recommend to take it only 1 point,
combine it with heal.
*Note (there is a new patch in kRO and it is alredy patched on idRO regarding
of this skill, and as usual thanx to artaniel for confirmation of this
new patch's information):
"Later, res will have casting time (source = iRO)
Lv1, 10% HP restored, 6sec cast, 0sec delay
Lv2, 30% HP restored, 3sec cast, 1sec delay
Lv3, 50% HP restored, 1sec cast, 2sec delay
Lv4, 80% HP restored, 0sec cast, 3sec delay
so, its up to u..., DEX priest would be happy enough.. I guess..." ~Ataniel~
Recommended: 1 (since the patch you will want to take 4 points of it)

Safety Wall(10)
Requires: Lvl 4 Aspersio, Lvl 3 Sanctuary. Uses 1 Blue Gemstone
lv 1: Block 2 Hits for 5 Seconds SP: 30
lv 2: Block 3 Hits for 10 Seconds SP: 30
lv 3: Block 4 Hits for 15 Seconds SP: 30
lv 4: Block 5 Hits for 20 Seconds SP: 35
lv 5: Block 6 Hits for 25 Seconds SP: 35
lv 6: Block 7 Hits for 30 Seconds SP: 35
lv 7: Block 8 Hits for 35 Seconds SP: 40
lv 8: Block 9 Hits for 40 Seconds SP: 40
lv 9: Block 10 Hits for 45 Seconds SP: 40
lv 10: Block 11 Hits for 50 Seconds SP: 40
Comments: Critcal skill for Defense Support Build.
Recommended: 0/10

Kyrie Eleison(10)
Requires: Lvl 2 Angelus
Effect: Protects target from attacks for a certain duration and amount of
Comments: Very nice skill, it will block several ammount of damage. At lvl
10 it will block 30% of max HP. Combine it with VIT Knight for
an awesome result. VIT Knight = Unlimited Barrier. Nuff said. It is
also useful for other non-Knight members in higher lv which will
gain a nice ammount of HP.
"At Lv10 will tank 11 times, then barrier will be reset (even though the
barrier still have Hit Points) ----> Check this please, because my kyrie
always reset after 11 hits (yes, from idiot enemy, Poring)
Casting time is 2 sec
source = own experience" ~Artaniel~
again, another input from Artaniel. Gosh! he helped me a lot this time.
Thanx a lot anyway. You have been a great help.
Recommended: 10

Effect: Doubles HP and SP recovery rate for all party members.
Comments: Very useful, for greater result, combine it with lvl 10 blessing.
Recommneded: 3 Needed for Gloria.

Requires: Lvl 4 Kyrie Eleison, Lvl 3 Magnificat
Effect: Raises party's LUK stat by 30 points.
Comments: Add 30 LUK, nuff said! A nice spell, higher slvl only adds more
duration, I put 2 for this one.
Recommended: 2

B.S. Sacramenti(5)
Requires: Lvl 5 Aspersio, Lvl 3 Gloria
Effect: Imbues Holy Property to all party member's armor.
Comments: Nice for PVP reason, need 2 more Acolyte or Priest near the
caster. Use it, once your party has been imbued with holy
property, Use Aspersio on you opponents and they will never hit
you and your party.
Recommended: 0, I don't like PVP so I don't participate much on it.

Lex Divina(10)
Requires: Lvl 1 Ruwach
Effect: Causes Silence on target for a duration.
Comments: Useful for PvP. Other use for this one is in one patch after
Comodo when all monsters will gain skill. It prevents them from
using it.
Recommended: 5

Turn Undead(10)
Requires: Lvl 1 Resurrection, Lvl 3 Lex Divina
Effect: Chance for One-Hit kill on target. Deals Holy damage if failed.
Undead targets only.
Comments: Not recommend it. You are a full support, you won't need this one.
Recommended: 0

Lex Aeterna(1)
Requires: Lvl 5 Lex Divina
Effect: Doubles damage dealt to target for one hit.
Comments: Very useful, For better result combine it with Wizard's spell or
Sonic Blow or Double Strafe anybody O_o?
Recommended: 1

Magnus Exorcism(10)
Requires: Lvl 1 Safety Wall, Lvl 3 Turn Undead, Lvl 1 Lex Aeterna
Effect: Deals a large amount ammount of damage on Demon, Undead and Ghost.
Even larger than any Wizard's spells.
Comments: mmm again, you will be a support Priest so forget about it.
Recommended: 0


V. Acolyte/Priest Build

Choosing skill will be your main idea on building a Full Support Priest. I
recommend that you go past over job 40 and take the max job 50 as an Acolyte.
It is the best, especially because you will want to become a good support
Priest with ability to support any class, anywhere, any situation.

Popular Priest Skill's build:

Acolyte Skill Build

10 Heal
5 Divine Protection
10 Blessing
10 Increase Agi
1 Ruwach
2 Teleport
4 Warp Portal
1 Pneuma
2 Angelus
1 Aqua Benedicta
1 Cure

With this build, you have total 47 Skill Points spent. There are still left 2
skill points to spend. I recommend go the rest with angelus. So you will get
lvl 4 angelus, some goes for Decrease Agi. Either way is fine.

Popular Support Build
4 SP recovery (reason? see my explaination below)
1 Ressurection (or 4 it is up to you. You will want 4 if you are not fast
1 Status Recovery
5 Impostio Manus
3 Suffragium
5 Aspersio
10 Kyrie Eleison
3 Magnificat
2 Gloria
5 Lex Divina
1 Lex Aeterna
(6 more Angelus)

With this build you will have total 46 skill points spent. You still have
3 skill points to spend. You may want to spend 3 points on Resurection
because in one patch, resurection will have casting time and delay (please
refer to Priest's Skill section regarding of this). The last point is free.
But if you want maybe you can use it on B.S Sacaramenti or Gloria or another
SP recovery. This is a natural build to kill the enemy. With this build, you
can hunt anywhere with any class (Duet is recommended).

Many people call me "Insane" not to take lvl 10 sp Recovery, but actually
there are many reasons for it. First, after Comodo, SP regeneration is
faster. Second, After Comodo, SP Recovery is based on INT so, with 99 int +
Blessing lvl 10 + Magnificat + INT boosted (after your job reach 50) you
will not run out of SP. Believe me! It only takes me 15 seconds to fill my
SP from 0 to full 1050. Remember! You are now playing Full Support Priest
which means you need to max out INT. I don't max out Gloria, because in my
opinion, Gloria only longer the duration. So, I only spend 2 points on it.
Aspersio is different case, I max it out because you don't want to run out
Holy Water faster than it should be. I Try to max out Angelus for its 60%
more def on your party (combine it with Kyrie, Shield with card Def to Race
or Elements where you go hunting for better result). Btw I delete my previous
build and remake it so it looks like this one. This looks exactly like my
previous Offense support build. The difference is, I add Cure on it. Cure and
Status Recovery are different. Cure recover you from Physic status disorder
(Poison, Stun, etc). While Status Recovery recover you from Magic status
disorder (frozen, Decrease AGI, etc). So it is very critical for you to learn
both of them especially in WoE. And YES! I delete Sanctuary here because it is
not worth to learn. It can heal Emperium but in lvl 1, it is rather useless.
If you want to learn sanctuary then make it to lvl 10. But you will lost a lot
of skill points.

Ver 2.0 build:
Basically, I want to add a little addition on Priest build. My previous
build above will be called "Safe Build". The next one is my opinion so, you
decide it. There are 2 builds here. The first one I call "Offense Support
Build", the second one I call "Defense Support". In the term of Acolyte's
skills and build please refer to acolyte's build above ^^ I don't want to
retype it, it is a waste of time and I still recommend you to take lvl 5
Angelus at the rest points of your job points.

Defense Support Build (Thanx to S H 3 for providing me with this info)
4 SP recovery
3 Impositio Manus
4 Aspersio
3 Sanctuary
10 Safety Wall
1 Status Recovery
1 Resurection
10 Kyrie Eleison
3 Magnificat
2 Gloria
5 Lex Divina
1 Lex Aeterna

OK! things are really different here. This build is formerly known as MVP
killer build. Well, yes, that is not change. This build basically is
support for MVP hunting. lvl 10 Safety Wall is the main support here.
Safety Wall at lvl 10 provides 11 free hits (ignoring the damage). So, you
will have 11 hits free of damage on one member only. So, even if a Baphomet
with his JRs attack your assasin with 4000++ damage (Bapho damage) and 700++
damage (Bapho Jr damage) with total 1 Bapho + 4 Bapho Jr = 6800 damage. It
is still counted as 5 hits. So your assasin will be safe for the next round
with the same 5 hits. Just make sure you alredy cast another wall in the
second round so you will reset the wall into 11 hits barrier. I recommend
a fast caster build for safety wall's casting time reason. Once your lvl
reach 80++, you will be a great MVP killer along with your partner (of couse
). The drawback. With this build, you only have 5 points free points with
non-max offense support such as suffragium at 0, Impositio at 3, aspersio at
4. The rest 2 free points are yours to decide. Either max you angelus, max
the rest aspersio and impositio, add more gloria, add 3 points on suffragium,
or learn another skill you find benefit. One benefit point for this skill is
skill monsters. Bapho for example, if he uses bash than it will count as 1
hit and you will not worry about it too much with safety wall with you. But
it will be different story if you fight a Dark Lord with Meteor Storm.
Meteor Storm is multiple hits, so your wall will lost few hits with only
1 skill.

A little fixed up:
- Safety Wall doesn't block any magic attack!
- Add Magnificat on it ^^ sorry guys! this is what happen if someone send me
his/her build without me rechecking it.

Trick on using it:
1. Cast a Safety Wall on you. While the MVP start to attack you, count it.
2. After 8-9 attack, cast another Safety Wall beside you current one.
3. Move to the new Safety Wall after the old one worn out.

Popular Support Build part 2 (A-Conx's build)
4 SP recovery (reason? see my explaination below)
1 Ressurection (or 4 it is up to you. You will want 4 if you are not fast
1 Status Recovery
5 Impostio Manus
3 Suffragium
5 Aspersio
10 Kyrie Eleison
3 Magnificat
2 Gloria
5 Lex Divina
1 Lex Aeterna
1/2 Decrease AGI
(6 more Angelus)

See this build? well he add only Decrease AGI and thus left you with 1-2 Skill
point left. Here is my brother A-Conx comment:
"Decrease Agi is an awesome skill. Not because of the AGI reduction but because
the side effects of it. The first side effect is slow movement. This can kill
even the fastest walking speed Knight using Peco2 by blocking them from
running away. For Hunter, this is a nightmare to be not able to run away from
you. The second side effect is Ability block. By using this skill, you will
cancel any Knight's Two Hand Quicken (confirmed and tested) and prevent them
to use any Two Hand Quicken until the skill duration run out. Some even says
it can cancel Hunter's Improve Concentration (not confirmed yet). And bro ^^
thanx for the build, I like it so much"


VI. Tips, Tricks and Strategy

Solo Strategy

As full Support, maybe you will rarely go solo hunting. But it will be a
good strategy. You know, without any shared exp, you will gain exp points
faster. First, when you go solo hunts, you have to see your level, solo in
a place that is too difficult is not a good idea. Here some places based on
lv that I recommend:

Lv 1-14 : Poring, Fabre, Lunatic, your best enemy will be Roda Frog until
you have some good skills to support you in solo hunting. Area
around Prontera.
Lv 21-30: Payon dungeon Floor 1. Here you can go heal bomb at Zombie. But
watch out for Familiar. I suggest you have at least lv 1
Lv 31-40: Orc Dungeon, but beware of the Drainliar. It can give you a
difficult time. If you ever encounter one, just teleport.
Lv 41-50: You can try Payon dungeon Floor 3. Heal bomb on Munak and Bongun.
Here, I advise that you do the "Hit and Run", otherwise, in this
lv, you will be dead meat in only 3-4 hits. Watch out for mobbing
Lv 60++ : Glast Heim Graveyard. This is the best place for you, even in
higher lv. Heal bomb on Ghoul, Zombie Prisoner, Skeleton Prisoner,
Wraith. In Base Lv 60, it will give you a sweet exp, but watch out
for Hunter Fly and Mimic. Many Acolytes around 40++ alredy solo
hunt in this place, but I don't really recommend it. It is a way
too dificult.
*NOTE: if you still find out that GH is too difficult for you at 60, try to
solo hunt at Pyramid. Heal Bomb on Mummies (the place is right before
the floor where Osiris is). It still give you sweet EXP points.

Next, you have to prepare a shortcut. Shortcut is very important in Solo
hunting. Your life depends on it. I recommend this shortcut:

As Acolyte:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F5 : Teleport
F8 : Increase Agi
F9 : Blessing
This is how my shortcut looks like. Well, as an Acolyte, always do Blessing
(hopefully lv 10), because it will add both damage of your heal bomb and
Sp regeneration. Always cast Increase Agi as well, because it will make
"Hit & Run" easier.

As Priest:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Lex Aeterna (if you have it)
F4 : Magnificat (a must)
F5 : Teleport
F6 : Status Recovery
F7 : Kyrie Eleison (hopefully at lv 10)
F8 : Increase Agi
F9 : Blessing (A must at lv 10)
It is the same as Acolyte's set up, but it is more complex, by adding skills
from Priest's disposal. Lex Aeterna, you should only cast it once, at the
beginning when the Undeads are off-guard. After that, just use plain Heal.
Lex Aeterna will give you delay to cast the next spell which will not be
effective if you use it too often. Magnificat is for doubling your SP
regeneration which will be very critical in solo hunting. Status Recovery
will come in handy in a situation where there are too many Undeads
surrounding you. Use it so the Undeads will likely ignore you. The effect of
Status Recovery is to blind the Undead monster so it will like an non-
agressive monster unless there is anyone standing beside it. Kyrie will give
you more chance especially in lagging situation.

A little tips, in Solo Hunting, always use "/noshift". It will enable you
to heal bomb without having to press 'shift' button when clicking. It will
work like an ordinary heal. But when you go with group, please don't
forget to write it again to disable it. Because if you don't do it, it can
heal non-undead monster accidentally.

Duet Strategy

Duet, many people choose to go for Duet Hunting because it shares less exp
and thus, lv-ing will be faster. I agree with that, in fact, I prefer to go
duet hunting than hunting with larger group. But, the drawback is that you
have to micro manage of your skills and timing. It is will be very difficult
if you don't know with who, where to hunt and what skills to use.

Ok, back to a real problem. First, in Duet Hunting, always know who is your
partner. Different class means different way of support. These are some
classes that I experienced along my journey on idRO:

Full Critical Assassin (usually with full dodging equipment)
What I want to say, this is maybe the easiest to micro manage. Critical
doesn't count dex, once it goes for Critical attack than it will likely hit
the enemy. But beware, in high mob area, you have to prepare your healing.
In high mob area, I usually do 2 healing lv 10 every one second. This may
cause you to run out of SP, that is why, Sanctuary comes in handy. It
requires very little ammount of SP although it require 1 blue gem but it is
better than dying and lost 1% exp.
Here is My setup when duet hunting with Crit Assasin:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Gloria (very useful, more luk means more critical hits)
F4 : Magnificat (You need it for yourself)
F5 : Teleport (When the situation is bad, tell your partner to teleport
using fly wing, then teleport yourself. It is risky but better
than die and lost 1% exp)
F6 : Impositio Manus (To do more damage, but I will replace it with Aspersio
if the place is GH graveyard, Raydric and GH Prison)
F7 : Kyrie Eleison (Just an insurance in case of lagging)
F8 : Increase Agi (not too sure, but in area with range attacker, I rather
replace it with Pneuma)
F9 : Blessing (on Lv 10, it will help you a lot as well as the assasin.
Always cast it in case it worn out. + 10 str for the assasin,
+ 10 int for yourself. Always cast it on both of you)

Trap Hunter (goes for LUK, DEX, INT hybrid)
In Duetting with Trap Hunter, you have to learn where to place yourself.
Wrong place, the enemy will chase you rather than trapped. Trap Hunters
depend a lot on their Trap. Many people aren't sure if it is a good build,
but I myself have many experiences with this type of Hunter and it goes well.
They are great. Placing trap, arrow repeling and self-placement in one
combination. Once you used to it, you will know they are as great as other
class build. One point you should always remember is "always place your char
right behind the trap". The word "Behind" means you must see where trapped
monster will go in case it not dead in the current trap. The Hunter him/her
self usually will warn you if you wrongfully place your char. Btw forget to
mention, in mobbing situation, Trap Hunters will use their Claymore trap
which can clean up a number of monsters with high damage. Claymore's damage
comes from INT, so don't forget to use blessing at them. I ever heard that
they can take out Mistress with only 3 Claymore traps.
My setup on grouping with this type of Hunter:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Gloria (They need it for auto-blitz and damage)
F4 : Magnificat (always)
F5 : Teleport (in case of bad situation, but sometimes I replace it with
Pneuma in area with range attacker. Because with skilled Trap
Hunter, you will be rarely mobbed and overpowered by the
F6 : Impositio Manus (You don't need Aspersio, Hunters alredy have silver
arrow for holy element attacks)
F7 : Kyrie Eleison (They absolutely need this, Trap Hunters are easily hit
and this will make them last a little longer if they
ever got hit)
F8 : Increase Agi (When it is necessary, this will help them with "Hit
using Double Strafe & Run" Tactic)
F9 : Blessing lv 10 (Hunters' damage comes from DEX and lv 10 blessing give
10 points on it, no doubt, a must)

Agility Knight (usually goes with VIT hybrid)
AGI Knights right now are around 80% of all existing Knights in idRO. I don't
really understand why people choose this type over other types such as: VIT
Lancer Knight. Theoritically, maybe because VIT Knights have difficult times
finding a Priest as their partner. This speculation maybe true, because in
episodes before Comodo, Priests always run out of SP to heal VIT Knight. But
I guess, they don't pump up Kyrie Eleison. Anyway, back to real problem. AGI
Knights depend not only with their dodging ability (which has a significant
effect when they alredy have Wishper Card equipment) but also in their aspd
(which is very awesome! combine it with awakening potion and Two Hand Quicken
to turn them into a killing machine). Your best support for this type of
Knights is Kyrie (reason: Knights still gain immense ammount of HP in higher
lvl), Increase Agi (more AGI means more aspd and more Dodging ability) and
Impositio Manus or Aspersio (in "Demonic" places).
Here is my setup with this type of Knight:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Gloria (not so sure, but LUK add ATK power every 5 points. But in
Range Attacker Area, I will prefer to put Pneuma)
F4 : Magnificat (More SP means more Heal (in your side) and more Two Hand
Quicken (in your partner's side))
F5 : Teleport (Just in case. But remember to tell your partner to use fly
wing as well)
F6 : Impositio Manus (more ATK is good, or replace it with Aspersio in
"Demonic" Places)
F7 : Kyrie Eleison (Essential to keep Knight's HP at steady state and keep
you from uneeded healing)
F8 : Increase AGI (As I told in the intro)
F9 : Blessing lv 10 (More ATK & DEX: nuff word! Always cast it once it wear
out on your Partner and yourself)

VIT Lancer Knight
This type of Knight depends a lot with their spear to pierce the enemy down.
What I try to say, VIT Lancer Knight depends a lot on their skills.
Therefore, they will need a lot of help on SP regeneration. Thus, Magnificat
and Blessing lv 10 come in handy. Skilled Lancer Knight always knows how to
manage their skill so they will not run out of SP in emergency situation and
with your help, they will become a barbaric killing machine. VIT based Knight
will not be very friendly if you depend initally on your healing. In hunting
with VIT Knight, Kyrie will be some kind of "replacement" of healing. Use it
on them periodically. You can tell that the Kyrie run out when the Knight
receives any damage. One note: Always cast Kyrie, anytime you can, it is
more helpful than depending on your healing ability.

Neil Gaulino's Tip:
"hello,this is for a duet with a vit lancer knight,i play pRO.
bring a vit knight with you in aldebaran (make sure he has brandish spear)
where the high orcs are, (i have a hide clip) tell the knight to wait in one
place,(he/she is a vit type.wnt die easily) cast kyrie,increase agi to him/her
and you.then run around,collect all d HO and lead em back to d knight,hide,then
tell the knight to brandish his nasty looking spear and voila! no HO left.
i hope this was useful."

aulino's Tip~

Surely friend ^^ it is very useful ^^
My setup for This type of Knight:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Angelus (hopefully at lv 10)
F4 : Magnificat (For both of you)
F5 : Teleport (Just in case, but I rather replace it with Pneuma, VIT Knight
doesn't get too much difficult time in mobbing situation.
Moreover, skilled Knight always alredy has immense of Def
from their equipment. Lancer has Brandish Spear which is great
in handling mobbing)
F6 : Impositio/Aspersio (you choose which place you go)
F7 : Kyrie (Essential! if needed, always cast it periodically. Let's say
every 20 seconds will be enough)
F8 : Lex Aeterna (Use it to double their piercing damage)
F9 : Blessing lv 10 (additional ATK, DEX and INT needed by them)

Dual Dagger Assassin
As basic, you should know that Dual Dagger Assassin depends a lot on high
damage. They usually goes for DEX (which Full Critical Assassin doesn't
need). In addition, they usually have 2 weapon (usually daggers) with
additional Element or Slotted Cards (Races advantage or Elemental advantage).
Dual Dagger Assassins usually decide themselves where to hunt. In fact, they
are the one who know their weapons' advantages. Skilled Dual Dagger Assassins
know when and where to use each weapons. To support them is not difficult.
It is the same as Critical Assassins. Impositio Manus/aspersio will effect
them more. They rely on high damage of their weapons, Impositio give a lot of
advantages for this. So this will be your essential skill.
My setup for this type of Assassin:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Gloria (It adds a little significant damage)
F4 : Magnificat
F5 : Teleport (I rather replace it with Pneuma when it comes to place with
range attacker)
F6 : Impositio/Aspersio (Essential! if possible, replace Gloria with
one of this so you can combine Impositio + Aspersio
for high damage in "Demonic" places)
F7 : Kyrie Eleison (Same reason as others)
F8 : Increase Agi (hopefully at 10, it will help them with dodging ability &
aspd. Dual Dagger have lower aspd than Katar)
F9 : Blessing lv 10 (+10 to STR and DEX, enough reason! Don't forget to
cast it when it runs out)

Falcon Hunter (Previously known as "PowerHouse Hunter")
Hunter type that depends a lot from their falcon and auto-blitz. This type of
Hunter is maybe the most destructive and elusive among others. They can deal
a large ammount of damage with free SP from auto-blitz. Blitz Beat is also
good at handling mob. They sometimes use Ankle Snare too. Different from
previous Trap Hunter, When mobbed, they prefer to trap the enemies and finish
them with auto-blitz (at higher Base Lv) or Blitz Beat (at lower Base Lv).
Gloria here will effect a lot. It will make the falcon attack like there is
no tomorrow. Skilled Falcon Hunter will know when to use Blitz Beat, Double
Strafe and "Hit & Run" tactic. Impositio will give them even more damage.
Because Falcon Hunters usually goes for DEX & LUK Hybrid and they usually
do critical damage too (which will be very high if you combine it with
Impositio Manus). One weak point of Falcon Hunters is that they are really
vulnerable to an attack, so Healing and Kyrie will be your best skills here.
They usually go for "Hit & Run" tactic for non-mob situation.
My setup for this type of Hunter:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Gloria (Important! Always cast it if it wear out)
F4 : Magnificat (They need it for Blitz Beat, Arrow Repel and Double Strafe)
F5 : Teleport (Rather replace it with Pneuma in area with range attacker)
F6 : Impositio Manus (Even more damage 0_o! I love it when they combine it
with Double Strafe and Lex Aeterna)
F7 : Kyrie Eleison (Very important! Don't forget to always cast it again once
it wear out)
F8 : Increase Agi (Very good, especially because you will do "Hit & Run" a
F9 : Blessing lv 10 (Don't need to explain, it adds both DEX and INT)
*NOTE: If you play in area with no range attacker, try to use my tactic.
Replace your Teleport with Lex Aeterna. Here, you must have a good
communication & timing. I myself tell my partner to do Double Strafe
every 5 hits. So count it, once it reaches 5, cast Lex Aeterna and
you will see the result yourself. It requires good timing, practice
it and you will love it.

AGI Hunter (I ever see one of them and they title him 'AK-47' in the guild)
AK-47? yes! They are fast shooter and very nimble too. This type of hunter
depends a lot on their ability to do fast attack! Yes, at max lvl, they shoot
like there is no tomorrow. They usually equip themselves with dodging and
agi up equipment (such as Wishper card and Yoyo card). Combine it with
Awakening Potion and increase AGI (your skill) and there! you have your own
a Machine Gun (AK-47? LOL). This type of Hunter depends a lot from their
fast attacking, they can do high damage using double strafe (like Falcon
Hunter) but they don't depend a lot from Auto-Blitz. But, it will be still
very useful if you cast Gloria, it will give significant possibility for the
falcon to attack. They depend on trap too. But it is only Ankle Snare not the
high explosive Claymore. Usually they will do "Hit & Run" tactic so, your
Increase AGI will play a lot here. Impositio just to make their damage even
higher. Btw, even if they are nimble, but you can always count on your Kyrie
to make them last longer.
My setup for this type of Hunter:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Gloria (not as usefull as used on Falcon Hunter, but.. it still works
F4 : Magnificat
F5 : Teleport (replace it with Pneuma in area with range attacker or with
Lex Aeterna with the same reason as the Falcon Hunter)
F6 : Impositio Manus (more damage)
F7 : Kyrie Eleison (Insurance and still very useful)
F8 : Increase AGI (your best bet in playing with all type of Hunters for
"Hit & Run" tactic and with this type of Hunter for their
aspd addition. Hopefully you have this at lv 10)
F9 : Blessing lv 10 (All type of char need this one)

Frost Diver + Jupitel Thunder Wizard
This type of Wizards are my favourite amongs other Wizard type. How does it
works? First, they cast Frost Diver on the enemy so the enemy will be frozen.
The frozen enemy will likely change their attribute to water. After that,
they will finish it with Jupitel Thunder which will throw the enemy and give
a beautiful damage. Because Jupitel Thunder does 2x damage to water
attribute. Your best support skills are: Blessing lv 10, Magnificat,
Sufragium (hopefully at 3) and Lex Aeterna. Blessing will add damage
(from +10 INT) and reduce casting time (from +10 DEX). Magnificat will give
them unlimitted ammount of SPs for the Wizard. Sufragium will reduce even
more significant time for casting all spells. But beware, because both You
and Wizard are very vulnerable to an attack. This is where your Kyrie will
play a lot. Just hope that your partner have alredy had phen card equipment.
Even if not, you can always count on your Kyrie although I really recommend
you build a fast caster Priest for this reason.

Strategy from Elmdor (A priest who always duets with Wizard):
1. Tanker and Nimble type of priest can both goes well, the problem only on
the number of monsters that can be tanked by the priest.
2. For non-water, Lex Aterna will be useless because once the monster is
frozen, the effect of Lex Aeterna wears out as well. But for water
element mosters, Lex Aeterna is a must. Water element + LA + JT = instant
death ^^
For anolian with 18k HP, LA+JT=almost always instant death. For tanker
priest, you can tank up to 5-6 anolian at lv 90++. Lower than 90 you can tank
up 2-3 anolian. Without LA (Lex Aeterna), 1 anolian need 2 JT (Jupitel


My comment: Nice ^^ thanx, he believes me for the shortcut so here we go!
My Setup for this type of Wizard:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Lex Aeterna
F4 : Magnificat
F5 : Teleport/Pneuma (I prefer to Pneuma, because with skilled Wizard, you
will never be overpowered)
F6 : Sufragium lv 3
F7 : Kyrie Eleison
F8 : Increase Agi (In case enemy spawns right behind you or the Wizard, they
can easily run from it)
F9 : Blessing lv 10 (More damage, reduced casting time and more SP regen. Nuff
word! Always have this at your shortcut)
*Note: To cast Lex Aeterna with Wizard as your partner is easier than Hunter,
because they have casting time. But still, you need to practice the

Fire Wall Wizard
Never have experience with this kind of wizard. They actually always go for
solo hunting. So, maybe you will rarely meet them too as partner >.<
Anyway elmdor told me that in lower lv, they can be a good partner and they
need us. Especially for job 1 (Acolyte and Magician).

Here is the strategy from Elmdor:
1. Nimble Priest works well here because the priest will be a bait rather
than a tank.
2. Lex Aeterna is not important because Fire Wall is Multiple Hits
3. Just for low levelers. (At higher lv, they prefer to go for solo hunting)
My experience with Fire Wall Wizard is when I was still an aco with my brother
at Argiope map. For mage, believe it or not, grouping with Acolyte as bait
(of course with the help of Increase AGI) is faster on gaining lv than
soloing. Maybe about 150-200% faster because the bait (Me as Acolyte) can
take them (the monsters) to the middle of the wall (which is very effective).
At higher lv, I start to feel uncomfortable with FW (Fire Wall) Wizard because
I can't use LA. For Clock Tower 2nd floor, I prefer to tank->LA->JT or
tank->SG rather than FW. FW is skill for solo hunting. At higher lv Wizzie
that is duetting with priest won't use FW even if the enemy's weekness is
fire. If even there is duet hunting for high lv wiz and priest using FW, than
it will not go well for the Wizzie.


My comment: That is all, I guess I will add shortcut for Aco only.
My setup based on Elmdor's strategy as an Acolyte:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Heal lv 4
F5 : Teleport
F8 : Increase AGI (for baiting the enemy to the middle of the wall)
F9 : Blessing lv 10
*Note: I guess this will be a good way to lv-up, I mean Argiope gives
immense amount of exp points at lower lv.

Storm Gust Wizard
Well, I have my own version of this duet strategy. But I guess elmdor's
strategy a nice one too. Check out both, you will not sorry ^^

My strategy:
My strategy with this type of Wizards, they use combo of ice wall and Storm
Gust. So, prepare yourself, because you will be the bait (yeah! running away
and sometimes it is scary but it is fun ^^). Use Increase AGI on yourself,
run away like there is no tomorrow. Collect monsters and go to the Wizard. If
the timing is right, the enemy will be trapped at the Ice Wall and you are
safe ^^ or else, but if in some situation you are trapped too, then prepare
to always use heal on you while they (your wizzard partners) are casting SG.
Suffragium works well here. I want to recommend Elmdor's strategy and
actually want to try it. I think it is better than mine.

Elmdor's strategy with SG Wizzard:
1. Tanker Priest are recommended here
2. Suffragium is more important here than LA (Lex Aeterna). Suffragium has
delay on casting the next spell (the same exactly like LA but its delay is
longer). Just make sure you are not dead meat because you can't cast heal
after sufragium.
3. If in any case the enemies are still alive after SG, than likely they will
be frozen. Usually it will be over with only 2 or 3 JT each monster.
My experience with this Wizard. My priest always goes to orc CT (in
uderground lvl). The trick is simple, but high VIT is needed.
1. Tank 5-6 high Orc, more will be OK (but make sure you know what you are
2. Wizzie cast SG
3. non stop Heal
4. SG casted, cash in your exp & loot ^^
Why VIT? because the power of SG is to kick a lot of monsters' ass in one
round of SG. So, it means mob tanking (which will not work well on AGI type
char such as Assassin and nimble Priest of course ^^). Mob tanking is not
friendly for AGI chars.


My comment: nice ^^ wonder why I never think about this.
Well, based on both strategy (mine and elmdors) I recommend this setup:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Lex Aeterna
F4 : Magnificat
F5 : Teleport/Pneuma
F6 : Suffragium
F7 : Kyrie Eleison (insurance! Wizards are really vulnerable to an attack)
F8 : Increase AGI (nice to collect monsters)
F9 : Blessing lv 10

This is the one I rarely met. But finally I got a chance to group with one of
them (fortunately a good one). Well, they depend on high STR and their
speciality is high support, good mob control and nice selection of weapon. Btw,
amongs all the melee class, they have the most DEX. thanx to their Weapon
Reaserch skill which add DEX like the Hunter's Owl Eye Skill. Although they
somtimes have Light Epsilon (Holy Elemental Axe). But when grouping with us,
they prefer to use Two Hand Axe with Cards. Because it gives more damage than
they do while using Light Epsilon. So guys still bring some Holy Water with
you. They usually only bring Light Epsilon in Solo Hunting. Battle Priest with
Maces will love to group with them because they can cover and benefit each
other. Priest's Mace can benefit from: Adrenaline Rush, Power Thurst.
My setup on this class:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Gloria/Angelus (Gloria for AGI type BS or Angelus for VIT type BS)
F4 : Magnificat (BattleSmith's Skills consume a LOT of SP so this skill will
cover that)
F5 : Teleport
F6 : Impositio/Aspersio
F7 : Kyrie Eleison lv 10
F8 : Increase AGI lv 10
F9 : Blessing lv 10

Grand Cross Crusader
Grand Cross build rely on high INT. Ones rarely met but from time to time
become more and more popular. The reason of Grand Cross-er Crusader rarity in
the past because of the difficulties of high INT Swordman phrase. But it is not
ours to concern ^^ In fact, this is a Priest FAQ. So back to topic, Grand Cross
Crusaders are really powerful in Dark element monsters dungeon. After Amatsu and
monster's replacement, GH Barrack becomes an awesome Hunting place for us
(Priest and Grand Cross-er). In the past it was filled with Joker and Raydrics.
Now there are Raydrics of all types with higher spawn rate and Khalitzburg not
to mention the Dino sized Abyssmal. IF the Crusader has 99 INT then it will be
one hit dead to Raydrics. The only thing you need to do is bring a mob of
Raydrics to the crusader, non-stop heal and VIOLA! dead Raydrics and
Khalitzburg, loot your items and EXP ^^ repeat.
My setup for this class:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Angelus lv 10 (A must, Crusader has lower HP than Knight but awesome DEF
thus the effect of this skill is awesome)
F4 : Magnificat (Crusader need SP to execute Grand Cross Thus this skill is
F5 : Teleport (Just in case)
F6 : Impositio Manus (to add ATK in case not all monsters die in one hit just
hit with normal attack supported by this)
F7 : Kyrie Eleison lv 10 (Make it easier for you to mob train the monsters)
F8 : Increase AGI lv 10 (One skill to support you in mob train)
F9 : Blessing lv 10 (Priest's most essential skill. No doubt about it)
Addition note: They have a skill called Devotion. So you should not worry too
much about making a mob train once you are near them.

Battle Rogue (Backstaber type + Hybrid Backstaber and Striper)
What is so amazing about this class is because they have almost none of
forbidden hunting area. High Flee monster as high as Wanderer can be defeated
using backstab. They have nice aspd and flee rate. Better defense than those of
Assasin, thanx to allowance of wearing shield (Buckler). Their only forbidden
place is high DEF monster Dungeon. Not much to say about this char though but
they are powerful in many ways.
My setup for this class:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Gloria lv 3 or Aspersio (For obvious reason)
F4 : Magnificat (for the need of SPs for back stabing)
F5 : Teleport
F6 : Impositio Manus (More attack is good)
F7 : Kyrie Eleison (can I say because now the animation is cooler hehehe JK)
F8 : Increase AGI lv 10 (Dodging purposes)
F9 : Blessing lv 10

Bow Rogue (Usually goes for Striper type)
Bow Rogue has high DEX and high damage (not as high as Hunter though), has
lower aspd than hunter though but higher Flee than hunter's. They have simpler
build. So you just need to use setup of DEX AGI Hunter. They are very resembles
only that Rogue don't have access to Falcon.
My setup for this class:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Gloria lv 3 (add a little ATK)
F4 : Magnificat (For Double Strafing)
F5 : Teleport
F6 : Impositio Manus (Add ATK)
F7 : Kyrie Eleison
F8 : Increase AGI
F9 : Blessing
Note: Their strip skill rarely used in hunting. Except I met some Rogues using
skill and they works well although it is not as effective as it does in
PvP or WoE.

Support Sage (high DEX INT build)
To be honest, I recommend you go for Three members group which included another
Wizard on it. It works awesome for 3 people Group with Sage, Priest and Wizard
in the party. VIT Priest can do Angelus and do the Mob train while the sage use
his/her support and Wizard finish all of them in a few rounds. Anyway if you got
chance to met one with Duet, you may imagine a mage with higher damage ^^ and
cooler looking ^^ (gotta love the sprite of Sage).
My setup here:
F1 : Heal lv 10
F2 : Heal lv 6
F3 : Angelus lv 10(This is used by you, yes! you as tanker)
F4 : Magnificat
F5 : Teleport
F6 : Suffragium
F7 : Kyrie Eleison
F8 : Increase AGI lv 10
F9 : Blessing lv 10

Overall comment
My comment: You don't need to follow all the strategy on duetting but they
all are based on my experience. You may have your own strategy.

Elmdor's Comment (regarding duet with Wizzie):
"For almost all type of Wizzie, tanker build is highly recommended because the
priest will be a bait, a tank and in the same time a support. Another reason
for this because Priest and Wizzie are 2 of the weakest characters in RO for
both equipment's def and HP. If not a tanker Priest, than it will be a ruin if
in any case there is a situation of high mobbing. LA will be the main support
for all type of Wizzie except FW. Suffragium, not as good as it is because the
delay after casting that is really brrrrrrr....
So in general, it is the same with Trio Wizzie/Priest/Knight but the function
of Knight and Priest are combined in one (you as priest)"


Large Group Hunting Strategy
This is Tricky, I will not discuss all possible combinations that in large
group. Rather you decide it yourself based on Duet strategy, you must have
learn something. Here, I will add some strategies which may help you in large

Battle Mode
In Juno Patch, my country RO got some system called Battle Mode (activated
using /bm on the chat screen). There are 3 bars in the next patches of RO. The
first one symbolized with '1' that can be seen near lower left border of
shortcuts. The second one symbolized with '2' and the last one with '3' in the
same place. It can be switched using F12 key. If you use /bm or battle mode,
you can access the skills put in the 2nd and 3rd bar while still accessing the
1st bar. /bm will enable the alphabet in Keyboard as a shortcut key with this
2nd bar Related Key(in /bm)
F1 'q'
F2 'w'
F3 'e'
F4 'r'
F5 't'
F6 'y'
F7 'u'
F8 'i'
F9 'o'

3rd bar Related Key(in /bm)
F1 'a'
F2 's'
F3 'd'
F4 'f'
F5 'g'
F6 'h'
F7 'j'
F8 'k'
F9 'l'

So, for example, if you put Lex Aeterna on F3 Slot in the 2nd Bar then in
battle mode, you can access to this skill by pressing 'e' key on the keyboard.
I admit, this is the biggest addition especially for Priest consider the many
useful skill need to be put in the shortcuts and the shorcuts bar only got 9
skill to be accessed. With this mode, you may access 9x3 = 27 skills using
shortcuts. Be creative when making the shortcut in battle mode. For example,
Put Lex Aeterna in 3rd Bar -> F1 Key will result you use 'a' in the battle mode
and it is esier to remember. By putting Lex Divina in 'd' key, it is a lot
easier to remember, isn't it? and it is fun as well. Happy shortcutting ^^

Pneuma Allocation Trick
First, you should know the basic of Pneuma. Pneuma will neutralize all range
attack in area around it. Here is the basic knowledge of it.

o = area around Pneuma that is still affected from Pneuma, thus standing on
this point will be not affected by range attack
P = the Pneuma itself.


Second, Pneuma only lasts for 10 second so be prepared if it is run out. But
usually in large group, you will have only 1-2 round(s) of Pneuma to finish
off all the enemies.

Third you can't cast another Pneuma right beside it. You can only cast
another 2 square from it.


P = Pneuma
o = Area that is still affected by Pneuma, forbidden to cast another Pneuma
a = Area that is still forbidden to cast another Pneuma
b = Area that is available for another Pneuma

Now, let's go with the fun things on using this skill. First of all, you have
to decide where to place your Pneuma. If your partner is a range attacker
such as: Wizards and Hunters then place Pneuma right under their feet. If your
attacker is melee such as: Knight and Assasins, then place Pneuma right under
their feet then cast it one more time right under the range enemies feet.
Reason? so after your melee attacker finishes with the enemy he currently
taken care, than he can charge the range enemies without having to worry
getting hit. Why if your attacker is range you don't need to cast another
pneuma under enemy feet? because they are range as well and they don't have
to move to other place to hit the enemy. It is that simple, but it requires
practice because Pneuma only lasts for 10 second. You have to manage your
timing so the ranged enemy damage will be minimum.


VII. Recommended Equipment

Head : Birreta 1 slot (Elder Willow Card: +2 INT)
Armor : Saint Robe 1 slot (Baby Desert Wolf Card: +1 INT)
Robe : For Nimble Healer, can use Muffler slot 1 (Wisper Card: +20% flee)
Weapon: Arc Wand, Bone Wand (Both wands Give more INT)
Shield: Buckler 1 slot (Card with Def of Elements/Races)
Shoes : Shoes 1 slot (Sohee Card: + 20% MSP or Eggyra card: + 15% SP regen)

Thanx to Artaniel again, to remind me about eggyra card. You can choose
between using Sohee or Eggyra card both have their own advantage).

Elmdor's Equipment
This is recommended for VIT Priest, but goes well with other types
Head : slot bireta (elder willow), monk hat
Armor : saint robe (steel chonchon)
Robe : muffler (raydric)
Weapon : staff (triple fabre), arc wand(dual fabre)
Shield : buckler (ambernite)
Shoes : shoes (matyr)

Well, Elmdor is my main reference for duetting with Wizzard.

God Equipment of VIT Priest and Popular Build Priest:
Head : Spiky Band
Armor : saint robe (steel chonchon)
Robe : muffler (raydric)
Weapon : staff (triple fabre), arc wand(dual fabre)
Shield : Various Buckler With Race advantages Card of course along with the
highest Upgrade avaiable with your wallet ^^
Buckler 1: Thara Frog (Cut damage of Demi-Human including player)
Buckler 2: Orc Warrior (Cut damage of Brutal Monster)
Buckler 3; Khalitzburg (Cut damage of Undead and Demon Monster)
Those three are the ones you should have immediately.
Shoes : shoes (matyr)
Acc 1 : Safety Ring (Dropped by Maya)
Acc 2 : Safety Ring

The Head gear and the Acc are dropped by monster so it will be very difficult
to obtain one of them. But this is the best Equipment so far. Dunno in the
future with new updates coming.

VIII. Possible Effect and build of alternate class

Alternate class. It is maybe the biggest addition in the world of Ragnarok
Online. Maybe you will think that this new classes are another version of the
original 2nd class. I have done some research on this class and to be honest,
these alternate classes are really different and IMO, these alternate classes
are very advance as well. For example, Crusader which is the alternate class
of Knight is not "another Knight" with different weapon. Alternate classes are
very different and unique. Many people say that some alternate classes will
have a possibility to replace priest. Well, so far, the only support character
is priest and it is true that some alternate classes actually are support
characters. But I only say this once! Those alternate classes will not be able
to replace even 1 priest and IMHO the best support character will be still us
(Priests and Priestess). This statement espceially for those who worry that
Priest will be replaceable. Well, for me, those alternate classes actually
only other variations and 'colors' in RO world and I believe that Knights,
Assasins, Wizards and Hunters are not replaceable and they are unique. Why
I am telling you this? because I think people judge altrenate classes too far.

OK now, let's begin with our disscussion about these classes.

Name: Crusader
Alternate of: Knight
Description: In the legend, Crusaders are known as "Holy Warrior". They are
Knight with the power of White Magic. In RO, they almost resemble
this legend. Crusader's Offensive Skills mostly using Shield.
They also have a skill that raise their Hit Points (HP) a lot!!
I heard they even have more natural HP addition each lvl. They
also have some skills that may take a lot of damage. They can
also receive your party member's damage. Some think they are
support character that can manipulate damage with VIT build. They
also have healing spell (the one exactly the same as priest).
They also have Spear Quicken ability that add 30 aspd which is
awesome consider that Dopplegangger card add 33 aspd. With this
skill, some people even preparing an AGI Crusader.
Effect: This one will NEVER replace Priest. Their natural SP growth is not as
good as priest. Even with Healing spell, they don't have high Natural
SP regeneration and they don't have Magnificat spell which effect the
SP regeneration a lot. Even with INT build I don't think it help much
as support character becuase they don't have any other support spells
and most importantly, if they build an INT crusader then they will
suffer their Swordman Phrase. As fighter I will say they are great.
Kyrie will effect a lot and even with AGI build they have a vast
ammount of HP and DEF.

Name: Rogue
Alternate of: Assasin
Description: Rogues are another offense class in RO and with their Ankle
Snare, Vulture Eye and Double Strafe with the availbility to Bow
Class weapon some people build a Bow Rogue type. Using Dagger,
they are another great character and unique too. Their backstab
can do 700% damage and 100% Hit. But it require a lot of SP and
it have to be done from behind the enemy.
Effect: Don't worry, they are another fighter class and they don't have any
support skills.

Name: Alchemist
Alternate of: Blacksmith
Description: Alchemist is summoner type class. Not much known about this
class. Even in the Korea RO itself, the strongest summon
called Homonculus is still not available to summon. So not much
to say about this class.
Effect: none. For today

Name: Monk
Alternate of: Acolyte
Description: The "Hottest" Alternate Class of all. Many people are amazed by
the number of damage they can deliver. Yes!! They are strong
but I will only tell you once, they are absolutely depend on
Priest. Why? many reason for this. First, Combo needs SP and
with Monks lack of INT It will be bullshit!! They need Magnificat
and Bless (they may have this but they will rather spend the SPs
for Combo purpose).
Effect: One of the offense class. Don't worry.

Name: Bard/Dancer
Alternate of: Archer (Male for Bard and Female for Dancer)
Description: Now now now. This ones are what many support priests/priestess
worry about. OK! They have amazing unbelievable ultimate support.
Better than those of Priests/Priestess IMHO. But I see one weak
point of why this class can't support as good as priest. Why?
Two answer: "SP regeneration" & "Heal". They don't have those
two most important category. They are very lack of SP recovery
not to consider that their Skills consume a lot of SPs. They
absolutely need priest for Magnificat (which I want to say is the
best Priest's Spell at this time).
Effect: Well, as I told you, this one need you. So it is a possibility that
you wil go trio or kwartet a lot with them (just in case you haven't
known this, they can combine their skills ^^)

Name: Sage
Alternate of: Mage
Description: So far, this is my favourite class. Why? because they can
manipulate so many things. Their speciality is Element
manipulation. For me, they are half-support. They can be very
useful in the battlefield and WoE. Even in WoE, if you have a
nice build, they can play an important role there.
Effect: They don't have heal (OK! they can use Vitata but *sigh* How long
you will have to wait until they can fully replenish your HP).

Final Word: Just to remind you, "ALTERNATE CLASS IS NOT THE ULTIMATE CLASS!!!


IX. Alternative Priest Build

This section is for those who don't really enjoy the path of "support" rather
than that, they choose to make an alternate build but sometimes, people have
the wrong perception about this alternate class and the worst part, they got
the wrong idea about it. These builds are not bad but if you make it because
of a wrong reason, I am affraid you will regret it. So, here we go!

Turn Undead Priest

- Choose this build if you:
1. You have a castle. To be specific, the Britoniah (Geffen) ones.
2. Know the risk of unmaxed Priest's Supporting skill. But it is a good
way to lvl anyway. Because you can take this build in order to gain
faster lvl gaining. Espcially if you are want to lvl your Priest into
High Priest stage fast enough.

- Don't choose this build if you:
1. Got a lot of times to play a Support Priest, I think Support Priest
with a solid Group and a nice castle will lvl up faster (Recommended:
Luina Castle in group lvl-ing)
2. Don't have a castle at all. Still it is highly recommended the
Britoniah Castles since they are filled with Undead and a little
non-Undead wich should be no prob for a Hybrid Priest.
3. Think that you can turn the non-Undead monsters become Undead. So you
will be able to heal bomb them.

Prelude to Turn Undead Priest

OK! why would you choose Turn Undead Priest? Well because the build will
provide you with fast exp in higher lvl especially in the Britoniah Castle.
The guild dungeon in Britoniah. Specifically, in Geffen guild dungeon you
should meet these: Wraith Dead, Zombie Master, Mini Demon, Ghostring and Dark
Lord (Spawn rarely here). So the Wraith Dead and Zombie Master here will give
you a very sweet exp points. If you ever run into Mini Demon and Ghostring just
tele yourself. You got everything to do solo hunting in this place.

nd of Prelude~

Now let's move into the build. There are 2 types of build here. The one is the
Pure TU Build. While the other one Hybrid TU Build.

Pure TU build

Pure TU Build advantages:
- With high lvl of TU and high stat of DEX and LUK, you are master of Undead
- Faster EXP (Of course), in fact that Undead has high HP but dead in almost
less than 5 hit with this build thanx to your high LUK and it is very fast
casting thanx to your high DEX.

Pure TU Build disadvantages:
- With your weird build (high DEX and LUK), you will be likely kicked from your
guild. If not than this build is great. But if yes (you got kicked), your
best bets are GH Prison and GH Church (a.k.a after monster replacement in
Amatsu Patch). In these dungeons, your exp gain is average. It is equal as
other solo classes.
- You will rarely met someone who is willing to do a group hunting with you.
- Only effective in higher lvl.
- Phen Card is a must.

Pure TU Acolyte Build (job 50 still highly recommended)
10 Heal
5 Divine Protection
10 Blessing
10 Increase AGI
1 Ruwach
2 Teleport
4 Warp Portal
1 Pneuma
1 Aqua Benedicta
1 Cure
(4 Angelus)

The major build is actually the same as the Support ones but with free 4
angelus points. You won't be able to maxed it anyway. The use of Increase AGI
is for your hit and run tactic. So it is fixed with this build.

Pure TU Priest Build
4 SP Recovery
5 Impositio Manus
3 Suffragium
3 Aspersio
1 Status Recovery
4 Resurection
10 Kyrie Eleison
3 Gloria
3 Lex Divina
10 Turn Undead
3 Magnificat

This is the major build of the Pure TU build. Well, rearange it in your own
creativity. Just see this as one of the examples. The real build can be
variated in many ways. But the lvl 10 TU is a must.

Stat Build
Begin with 9 INT, 9 DEX, 9 LUK
INT 40
DEX 40
LUK 20
INT 80
DEX 75
LUK 60
VIT 26
INT 85
LUK 69

Final Stat:
VIT 26
INT 85
DEX 75
LUK 69

This is my order you may try your own or made your own stat build. The 2 AGI
means nothing, it is just several points left that can't be spend anywhere ^^
OK! So your lack of INT can be covered with Magnificat, that's why it is on
your skills list. Gloria effect your TU greatly so, use it eventually. The best
equip can get is:
R Hand : Rod[4] (attach all slots with Lunatic Cards)
L Hand : Buckler[1] (there are 2 main cards that will benefit you greatly:
Thara Frog Card for WoE purpose and Khalitzburg Card for
Hunting down your Undead purpose)
U Head : Apple o' Archer (+3 Dex is nice)
M Head : Opera Masque (Armor DEF + 1 surely will help)
L Head : Alredy used by Opera Masque
Armor : Saint Robe[1] (with Steel Chonchon card for +2 DEF)
Robe : Muffler[1] (Raydric, cut damage from almost everything, it will cover
your lack of DEF by VIT)
Shoe : Shoes[1] (Eggyra Card will help your SP regen aside your magnificat)
Acc1 : Glove[1] (Zerom for +4 DEX surely will help)
Acc2 : Glove[1] (Zerom for the same reason above)

Hybrid TU build

Hybrid TU Build advantages:
- You still use the cheapness of TU while gain some Support skills.
- With Support Skill and hybrid stat, you will rarely got kicked from the guild
and gain more chance in gaining Castle which hopefully the Britoniah one.
Even if it is not in Britoniah you still have the ability to become a Support
Priest and gain the advantages of high Group EXP gaining.

Hybrid TU Build disadvantages:
- Not as fast as the pure one, surely.
- Low TU lvl is all about.
- Only effective in even higher lvl than the Pure TU one.
- Phen Card is a must.

Hybrid TU Acolyte Build (Again, job 50 is a must)
10 Heal
5 Divine Protection
10 Blessing
(? Increase AGI)
1 Ruwach
2 Teleport
4 Warp Portal
1 Pneuma
1 Aqua Benedicta
1 Cure
(? Angelus)

Here, you need to reareange the the Increase AGI and Angelus yourself. Maxed
one of it and spend the rest of your points into the rest. See the ones who
will serve you well depend on your stat build. If your build got more DEX then
maxed out Increase AGI for hit and run purpose. If your build got more VIT then
maxed out the Angelus for defensive purpose and Increase AGI for Hit and Run

Hybrid TU Priest Build
4 SP Recovery
5 Impositio Manus
3 Suffragium
5 Aspersio
1 Status Recovery
4 Resurection
10 Kyrie Eleison
3 Gloria
5 Lex Divina
1 Lex Aeterna
3 Magnificat
5 Turn Undead

This is the basic build. You may rearrange it yourself. By lowering some skills
and add it to the another skill. But the lvl 5 of TU is the minimum.

Stat Build
Begin with 9 DEX, 9 INT and 9 LUK
INT 60
DEX 40
LUK 30
VIT 60
INT 80
VIT 83
DEX 56
LUK 42

I choose VIT priority build. For many great reasons of my own. For this
build, I will go for 10 angelus and the rest to Increase AGI. Gloria will
surely come in handy in your lack of luck.
For the equipment of Hybrid I use exactly the same as the Pure one:
R Hand : Rod[4] (attach all slots with Lunatic Cards)
L Hand : Buckler[1] (there are 2 main cards that will benefit you greatly:
Thara Frog Card for WoE purpose and Khalitzburg Card for
Hunting down your Undead purpose)
U Head : Apple o' Archer (+3 Dex is nice)
M Head : Opera Masque (Armor DEF + 1 surely will help)
L Head : Alredy used by Opera Masque
Armor : Saint Robe[1] (with Steel Chonchon card for +2 DEF)
Robe : Muffler[1] (Raydric, cut damage from almost everything, it will cover
your lack of DEF by VIT)
Shoe : Shoes[1] (Eggyra Card will help your SP regen aside your magnificat)
Acc1 : Glove[1] (Zerom for +4 DEX surely will help)
Acc2 : Glove[1] (Zerom for the same reason above)

Q: Why Magnus Exorcism is not recommended?
A: Well it is a little difficult to answer this. Yes it has better selection
of monster to take care but it have weak points. First, it need one blue
gem every time you cast it. Second, the loooooong casting time. ME need 15
seconds in order to complete. Higher DEX means lower casting time but then
it is the last weak point of ME: Only effective at higher lvl. Actually in
the patches before Comodo, ME priest is the fastest character in Solo hunt.
They can Solo at GH prison. I heard, they can gain 2% in 1 hours at lvl 97.
But after Comodo, Gravity put Hunter Fly inside the prison with quite a
high spawn rate so ME priest loose their hunting spot. But they moved to
Pyramid 2 with Mummy (Undead), Minorus (Demon) & Verit (Undead). But in
turtle patch, Minorus' race is changed into Brute (which can't be effected
by ME). So? I heard many ME priests delete their character and restart a
new one as either Battle Priest or Support Priest. Well, they can still do
ME, but still, you need group. When saying about group, it means share EXP
which is not different with Support Priest. When you saying about kick a
lot of asses in one round, then playing with SG Wizard do the same and
it even more effective because they don't need gems and they can kick
all monsters (when you are grouping with another support Priest to do ME,
you still have to run away from the Hunter Fly).

- Choose this build if you:
1. Really like a chalange so you maybe the first person that discover how
to use this skill effectively once more.
2. Alredy at high lvl with this build (80++).

- Don't choose this build if you:
1. think you can beat people in WoE or PVP using this skill.
2. like the "5 digit damage" but you are not sure how to use this skill
(this rule goes the same for people who will make a Monk).

Battle Priest Guide
Prelude to Battle Priest
Battle Priest is the most self dependence char in RO world for many great
reasons. One of the best power in Battle Priest is his supporting ability and
his relatively high SP regen. Not to mention that Maces has high ATK. With the
right build, Battle Pirest is no doubt the best solo character in RO

nd of Prelude~

Q: How about Battle Priest?
A: This build is absolutely the unique one. They don't need partner. They can
do all the work themselves. Battle Priest is the greatest character in term
of solo hunting. They can do all the work by themselves. In PVP, They can
participate well. So far the best solo character is Battle Priest. Why?
To have unlimited HP, Priest have healing ability. To have unlimited SP,
Priest have Magnificat + Blessing and SP recovery (Based on INT). To fight
the monster they may use Maces which is one of the highest damages among
weapon classes. To do support they have Impositio Manus (cheap SP for
relatively high ATK addition). To fight Demon/Undead (which give you nice
amount of EXP in higher lvl), they have aspersio. To have a high walking
speed, they have Increase AGI. To have better Dodging ability, They have
Increase AGI (for higher effect, use Mocking Muffler).

- Choose this build if you:
1. Live up to the challange of "Solo Hunting".
2. Sick of seeing your partner loot all the items for him/her self.

- Don't choose this build if you:
1. Think you need to raise INT more than 20 points
2. didn't know much about Priest's skill that will benefit you.
3. Think that you will make your battle aco become a Monk which is in
your perception, Monk is better at "Solo Hunting".

Battle Priest Build and Tips

I will not explain you the detail. BP (Battle Priest) is variated in many
ways. So I will only explain you some build and you decide yourself.

To keep in mind, BP may have 1 point of INT but they can't go more than 20
points of INT because you will need the stat points to be spent on other.

STR: Try to max this. If you plan to play with element (You can make
elemental maces. Try to find a blacksmith). Even if you are not planning
to play element, I suggest that you have at least 70 points of this.

DEX: Another important status for BP. Try to make it at least 15 points. But
don't go over 30 points. You actually can cover the lack of this using
Blessing or you may find a slotted Chain and slot it with Mummy card.

INT: As I said, you may have only 1 point of this. The lack of SP and SP
regeneration can be covered by using Magnificat, Blessing and SP recovery
skill. Believe me! with only 3 skills I mentioned, You will rarely run
out of SP.

LUK: Raise this if you want to play Critical. If not just leave it.

VIT: Raise this if you want to play as "Dino Priest" but don't raise this
along with AGI. You have to choose between VIT or AGI.

AGI: For hunting, you may want to choose this over VIT. Because this skill
will add both ASPD and Flee. But if you plan to participate in PVP or
WoE, you maybe want to choose VIT over AGI.

Possible build:

Dino Priest: Focus on VIT as the main defense.
AGI Priest: Focus on AGI as the main defense.
Critical Priest: Spend some of the points into LUK, you may want to take
gloria as your skill to max the Critical hits possibility.

Skills build:

5 Divine Protection (Varied you may even max this)
10 Blessing
10 Increase AGI
1 Ruwach
2 Teleport
4 Warp Portal
1 Pneuma
10 Heal (Varied you may take 6 points of it because you only need it for
1 Aqua Benedicta (for aspersio)
2 Angelus (for Kyrie)
? Demon Bane (Varied not sure how much you should spend on it. But one thing
for sure, this skill benefit BP much)

4 SP recovery (Varied you may take 10 points of it due to your lack of INT)
5 Impositio Manus
5 Aspersio
5 Lex Divina
10 Mace Mastery
3 Magnificat
10 Kyrie Eleison
? Gloria (Varied, it can benefit you but the highest effect is that if you
play Critical type)

Useless skill for battle priest:
1. Ressurect: You will not ressurect anyone. Hey! you are solo expert. You
don't even need a partner.
2. Suffragium: First reason you don't have a partner, second reason you can't
cast it on yourself.
3. Sanctuary: Mmmm... huh?
4. Turn Undead: Your mace has answered all.
5. Magnus Exorcism: Same with TU.
6. B.S.S: ....... solo.... right?
7. Lex Aeterna: any idea?

Battle Priest Tips
1. You must have a vast knowledge about elements and elemental maces (Elemetal
Stunner is a good idea)in your disposal.
2. Always know where you are hunting, bring the related element that may
benefit you in your hunting area.
3. Always cast magnificat on yourself.
4. If you are fighting a demon or undead type, try to bless them with lvl 1
blessing to cut their DEX and INT by 1/2. AGI type will benefit a lot from
this trick.
5. You can use buckler in the same time. Mace is a one handed weapon. So, try
to find as many slotted buckler as you can and upgrade it as high as you
can then try to find a card that can cut the enemy damage (Either races
based or element based).
6. If you are fighting a monster with Holy element weakness, bring holy water
and aspersio yourself.
X. Epistimology

Well this is only for knowledge. Only that I think it is cool. Priest's
Skills have a deep meaning on it. Thanx to AnjingBalap to provide me with the

Acolyte's Skill
Aqua Benedicta: Blessed Water (latin)
Angelus: Angel (latin)
Pneuma: Soul/Spirit (yunani/greek)
Ruwach: Mind/Spirit/Wind (hebrew)
Signum Crucis: The Sign of the Cross (Latin)

Priest's Skill
Aspersio: Sprinkle (percikan (Indonesia), Latin)
Benedictio Sanctissimi Sacramenti: Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament (latin)
Gloria: Glory (latin)
Impositio Manus: Has two meaning: A laying on of hands or Upgraded Man
Kylie Eleison: Lord, have mercy (Greek), A Phrase from Kylie Elei Eson
Lex Aeterna: Eternal Law (latin)
Lex Divina: Divine Law (latin)
Magnificat: Magnifies (latin)
Magnus Exorcismus: Great Exorcism (latin)
Suffragium: Praying (on behalf of someone else)(latin)


XI. Frequently Asked Question

Q : What is lancer Knight you mention earlier?
A : It is a build of Knight with Spear and Lance as their main weapon. Are
they different? well yes! Since they don't use Sword you will not find
Two Hand Quicken or Spear Quicken. Usually these type of Knight goes for
Hybrid of VIT and STR. For better reference on this type go to
TrinityUser FAQ in gamefaqs about Lancer.

Q : Duet with (put name of class here of course except Priest) suck!
A : No! As full support priest, never say those words. Every class is equal,
You just need to know which skill will be effective and how to manage
your skill. That's why, I try to cover all classes and what skills are

Q : You refer a lot about SP regeneration. Yet there is SP recovery. Are they
A : Yes, SP regeneration is your SP regeneration (which every class posses)
The more INT you have, the faster the SP regenerate. SP recovery is a
skill. It will add your SP supply every 10 second. After Comodo it is
based on INT too.

Q : What is aspd?
A : aspd goes to Attack Speed. You can see your aspd by pressing alt-A button.
It is located in lower right on Status Window. aspd, depends on type of
weapon. Katar is the fastest and Spear is the Lowest. AGI also adds more
aspd in spite of what kind of weapon, the higher the AGI, the more aspd
you will gain.

Q : What class has the most aspd?
A : With two hand quicken and AGI build, Knight is the fastest.

Q : What is the most underpowered Class in your opinion?
A : I think the most underpowerd Class is Assasin. Just my opinion though.
Why? because Assasin is a boring class. There are only 2 builds for
Assasin. The first one is Critical assasin. The second one is the double
dagger assasin. Don't ever hope that you will find a venomous Assasin.
Because Assasin's poison skills are not well developed. Don't even try to
build a Sonic Blow Assasin, because the damage is not too great, you will
gain more damage by using critical and double damage. Assasins also don't
have a great mob control. Grimtooth is sucks!!! I really mean it!! Don't
ever think that Grimtooth can finish Mob as fast as Bowling Bash, Magnum
Break, Arrow Shower, Storm Gust or BlitzBeat. I think Gravity need to
develop more on Thief, especially Assasin's skills so they will be worth
to be used.

Q : What is the most overpowered Class in your opinion?
A : I think the most overpowered Class is Hunter. You can build any builds in
your mind and they will go as good as you think. Falcon's AutoBlitz and
BlitzBeat great at controling mob and they ignore defense as well. The
other reason is damage. While Hunter have access to at least 2 elements:
Fire and Silver Arrows, they can add even more damage using card. So they
can use both Element and card benefit in the same time for ultimate Vast
damage, while other classes loose access to card when they decide to use
element weapon because element weapon can only be built by BlackSmith and
there will be no slot for that. Despite their ultimate skills, Hunters may
deliver damage more than any other class. Because, Hunter's damage comes
from DEX. While other melee classes have to raise up DEX (for Hit rate)
and STR (for Damage), Hunters only have to raise DEX for both damages and
Hit rate.

Q : How to balance those classes?
A : Well, I am not that great player to make this opinion but I will tell few
things in my mind. First, Gravity need to develop Poison Skills A LOT!
I really mean it! Poison skills are sucks. Gravity also need to give more
bonus damage on STR stat especially in melee classes' STR Bonus. At least,
Melee classes' damage can compete with Hunter and Wizard. So, the value of
Melee classes are higher than their value now.

Q : What is the error of Cure and Status Recovery?
A : Well it doesn't work as I implied that Cure recover Physical status
aliment and Status Recovery recover Magical status aliment. Well, they are
not working like that. First, Poison can only be cured using Detoxify
(Assasin's Skill). Second, Cure recover status aliment that is can't be
recovered using Status Recovery. This works the same as the Status
Recovery. So far I found that status recovery may recover you from: Stun,
Frozen. I will let you know after I ensure all and will be updated in the
main page ^^ so far you may only find the error here.

Q : I am an Assasin and as you said we are weak. Pleaseee tell me that we are
not weak!!!
A : WHoa! calm down guys. I said about underated but not talking about
weakness. Well here is my opinion. Assasin is a great character. With
highest dodge. In hunting they perform really great. Critical Assasin may
deliver damage that ignore the armor DEF and Assasin is the only character
(so far) that may deliver 100% Critical and that is great + awesome. Dual
Dagger Assasin, with the right build and armory may deliver 2000++ damage
for free (in term of SP) *For better reference regarding Dual Dagger
Assasin please contact the FAQ by AnjingBalap here at gamefaqs it is the
best DD Sin FAQ IMHO and the most updated* so, I don't say about weak.
Assasins are underated because their lack of WoE skill. But it doesn't
prevent them to be my partner in hunting. Overall, Assasins are great. They
are the same as other classes are my respected partner.

Q : I don't like Assasin!! My friends say they are really suck!
A : Don't make me have to stick my swordmace on you! As Priest you should be
ashamed to say that!! I hate people that deserted other class.


XII. Legal Stuff, Credits and Contact Information

This FAQ was submitted on www.gamefaqs.com and you can always find this there,
every updated version will likewise also be posted there first. Please don't
use this faqs for making profit. Other than that you can freely use it. This
is my first FAQ, so I'm sure there are a lot of mistakes and Gramatical
error. If you happen to find one, please inform me.

This FAQ can also be found on http://neoseeker.com and http://dlh.net which
is the Germany gaming web site. I want to give them my gratitude for giving
me chance to share this FAQ.

Persons with a lot of help in 1.3 update: Artaniel (Yes, I resurect you at
GH Graveyard that day ^^), AnthonyStefan (Hard worker isn't he? checking
errors and gramar. Thanx a lot) and Elmdor (whoa! that's a nice piece of
strategy. Thanx for the big help anyway).

Thanks to Azuya, Jovanca, DevilAngel, Curaga, ininoly from idRO for being my
friend and choosing Acolyte as their main Character ^_^.

Thanks to my Guild Aurora, for providing me with decent equipment and a vast
amount of blue gems periodically ^_^.

Thanks to Shiny_Kun from idRO Forum for providing me with a lot of information
regarding Acolyte and Priest Skill.

Thanks to Gamefaqs for storing my FAQ.

Thanks to IGN for storing my FAQ.

Thanks to Gravity and PT.Lyto for giving me chance to play this game.

For contact regarding my FAQ, please send it to: sung_4n@hotmail.com.
Make sure you write something connected to my FAQ as the subject, otherwise
I will soon delete it without reading it first.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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