Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

17.10.2013 15:28:40
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by Wiseman of the Granaboard guild

© Wiseman 2004. Feel free to use, share, and P2P. This is free stuff.
Official version found in GameFAQs or Granaboard.


0. Index
1. What's new
2. Introduction
1.1. Viewing
1.2. What is this guide?
1.3. Why is it good?
1.4. How should I use it?
1.5. FAQs
3. iRO Chaos Market prices
4. Lawyer stuff



1.2/2004\10\29 - I'm actually surprised somebody recognized me in the
game because of this guide. I'm so proud ^_^. Because of
this, I've decided to dedicate more time to it, bringing
faster updates and more items, at least for the moment.
- 30 new items.
- More observations on some items.
- Updated some prices.
- Minor changes.

1.1/2004\10\25 - Updated prices, some of them dramatically.
- Many more items, now covering 200 items.
- Removed most hints as they take more time (which means
less updates). This is a price list so it shouldn't
matter, you should know what to do with your items.
- Slightly modified FAQs.
- This section.


1.1. Viewing

You should view this guide with a fixed-spacing font. Chances are that you
are using your browser (Mozilla recommended) and you have that ugly
Courier New font; it'll be enough. Notepad works too (recommended default
Windows font: Lucida Console 14pt). If you have anything else suitable to
view this file, you'll know you can use it.

This is 78 characters wide, Windows-1252 text. If you don't know what is
this, don't worry.

To check you are using a fixed-spacing font, look at the bars, which
should match:

|Testing your font...|¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡|

To look up items in the list, just use your search feature (typically
Control+F, F3 to repeat). If you're using a good browser (like Mozilla or
FireFox, and no, MSIE is NOT a good browser) or a good file manager (like
FAR), depending on your options you can just type the item name to search.

1.2. What is this guide?

This is a price list for iRO Chaos. If you don't know what's iRO, you
don't need this list yet, but be sure to check www.ragnarokonline.com .

1.3. Why is it good?

1. This list contains prices (NOT averages) according to 4 different
Ragnarok Online Empire Market Place
Ragnarok Online Pricewatch iRO Chaos
iRO Chaos Street Market Pricelist
(GameFAQs Lucky Me's guide)
My own price watch
(iRO Chaos)

Therefore, this list is more reliable than any of these four sources

2. This list covers ALL items. Well, not nearly all the existing items,
but it covers all the common items most other lists don't.

3. With this list, and since it covers all items, you can know whether you
should sell any particular item to NPCs or sell in the market because
it's required for a quest.

Some items that sell cheap to NPCs but can't be bought from them, are
valuable quest items you should KEEP to sell to somebody, instead of
selling to your nearest NPC. With this list, you can know what's worth
what, no matter how cheap.

1.4. How should I use it?

When buying anything:

Check this list for the desired item. If you can't find it, you're out
of luck. If you can,

· If you're trying to buy an item from a NPC:
Market price in my list? —NO (NPC price only)—> Buy from NPC.
Is it lower than the NPC price(*)? —NO—> Buy from NPC.
Buy it in the market.

(*): Remember that you'll have to pay twice my price if you're going
to buy it from a NPC.

· If you're trying to buy an item in the market, just check my list
and see if you're being charged more or less of what it's worth,
then decide if you want to buy it or not.

When selling anything:

Check this list for the desired item. If you can't find it, you're out
of luck. If you can,

Market price in my list? —NO (NPC price only)—> Sell to NPC.
Decide if it'll be worth selling in the market
with the difference you're making and demand. —NO—> Sell to NPC.
Sell it in the market.

1.5. FAQs

Q: Who are you?
A: Wiseman. Miguel_ in iRO Chaos.

Q: Where's your guild from?
A: Granaboard, an underground gaming/anime/general community (not iRO
oriented, but some of us play iRO). Feel free to visit our site at
http://granaboard.cjb.net . We're a friendly bunch.

Q: A/S/L?
A: 23/M/Spain.

Q: Can I contact you to suggest new items or different prices?
A: Thanks for your interest. Try doing so via PMs. If I don't reply, I'm
AFK. Keep in mind I may not have enough time to maintain this too
regularly and include everyone's items, but I'll try my best.

Q: How can I contact you for anything else?
A: PM Miguel_ in iRO Chaos, I'm online a couple hours a day in average, or
sign up at the message board of my site ( http://granaboard.cjb.net )
and PM me (-Wiseman-). If I don't reply, I'm AFK (or getting mobbed by
Petites ^_^).

Q: Can I join your guild?
A: Sign up at the Granaboard message board first
( http://granaboard.cjb.net ), see if you like us, and if you're nice
you'll be welcome.

Q: I don't agree with some of your prices.
A: No problem; sell at yours, and consider yourself lucky if you can buy
much lower or sell much higher. However, I would suggest not to
overprice and cause prices to inflate; this makes the game much harder
for new people (need to buy but don't have anything to sell), but just
equally as hard for old people (items to buy and to sell). And no,
Super Novices aren't an excuse to higher your prices.

Q: Is there a Spanish version of this list?
A: I could write one, but if you are playing iRO (and reading this
question), then you don't need it. Therefore I won't write one.
Languages are a means, not an end. If you can understand language X,
it's worthless asking for a language Y version.

Q: Why does the logo suck?
A: Because I don't have too much free time :) .



[x] Number of slots
? Not sure about this price
NW Generally not worth selling in the market
IMO (low demand, easy get, or low profit)
TBA To be added, but it does exist

NPC Price Market Price Notes
Item Name (sell to) (no price=>NPC)
Arrow 0 1 Don't pick up unless archr
Payon Solution 0 55 NW, but...
Stone 0 1 Don't pick up
Arrow of Shadow 1
Barren Trunk 1 50? NW?
Fine-grained Trunk 1 50? NW?
Fire Arrow 1 3
Flower 1 Useful for wedding pics :)
Rough Oridecon 1 6600
Solid Trunk 1 50? NW?
Stone Arrow 1 3
Elunium 2 83500
Oridecon 2 32000
Steel Arrow 2 4
Empty Bottle 3 100 Useful for a lot of things
Jellopy 3 Can exchange in Alberta
Silver Arrow 3 4
Chrysalis 4
Fluff 4
Candy 5 500
Clover 5
Dew Laden Moss 5 7000
Feather of Birds 5
Green Herb 5 100?
Poison Arrow 5 7?
Tree Root 6
Apple 7 15
Banana 7 15
Carrot 7 15
Potato 7 15
Shell 7
Shoot 8 400
Red Herb 9 100?
Apple Juice 10 400
Archer Skeleton Card 10 37000
Banana Juice 10 350
Battered Pot 10 10000
Candy Cane 10 1000
Carrot Juice 10 200
Drainliar Card 10 100000
Egg Shell [0] 10 2700?
Emperium 10 290000
Feather 10 155
Female Thiefbug Card 10 70000
Halo [0] 10 25000
Hode Card 10 60000
Hydra Card 10 1100000
Lunatic Card 10 9900
Orcish Axe [0] 10 11500
Picky Card 10 30000
PoPoring Card 10 7000
Poring Card 10 2000
Pupa Card 10 200000
Raw Fish 10
Rocker Card 10 4500
Sakkat [0] 10 65000
Stainer Card 10 16000
Sticky Webfoot 10
Talon 10
Thief Bug Card 10 4900
Zenorc Card 10 2000000?
Zombie Card 10 85000
Milk 12 25
Bee Sting 16
Tooth of Bat 17 500
Animal Skin 18
Grasshopper's Leg 18
Mushroom Spore 18
Garlet 20
Green Potion 20 35 NW
Magnifier 20 35
Yellow Herb 20 400?
Single Cell 23
Stem 23
Solid Shell 24 500
Dead Branch 25 14000 He he he...
Iron Ore 25 300
Meat 25 45 Great health recovery item
Red Potion 25 42 Good, but meats are better
Rod [4] 25 3000?
Rat Tail 26
Worm Peeling 26
Clam Shell 28
Wolf Claw 29 500
Blue Herb 30 2750
Fly Wing 30 50
Monster's Feed 30 50
Trunk 30 450
Bill of Birds 32
Snail's Shell 32
Pointed Scale 34
Sticky Mucus 35
Tentacle 35 400
Cactus Needle 41
Decayed Nail 41 400?
Snake Scale 41
Crab Shell 45
Powder of Butterfly 45 100
Rainbow Shell 45
Acorn 49
Clock Tower Key 50 30000?
Iron 50 680
Trap 50 83
Raccoon Leaf 53
Insect Feeler 57
Nipper 57
Poison Spore 57
Yoyo Tail 57
Horn 58
Fine Grit 60 15000?
Resin 60
White Herb 60 700
Scorpion Tail 62
Moth Dust 69 500?
Reptile Tongue 70 5500
Spawn 70 100
Orcish Voucher 71 600
Venom Canine 74
Hinalle Leaflet 75
Clam Flesh 79
Conch 79
Porcupine Quill 79
Scell 80
Wing of Red Bat 84 500
Bear's Footskin 87
Cobweb 92
Stone Heart 92
Earthworm Peeling 98
Fish Tail 98
Mane 98
Maneater Blossom 98 500
Mantis Scythe 98
Old Frying Pan 98
Grape 100 600
Moth Wings 100 3000
Orange Potion 100 164
Phracon 100
Rusty Iron 100 7000
Claw of Desert Wolf 104 200?
Orc's Fang 110
Tendon 110
Elder Pixie's Moustache 116 2500
Skel-Bone 116
Frill 125
Grape Juice 125 1200
Sharp Scale 125 500
Daenggie 130 400?
Heart of Mermaid 132
Squid Ink 132
Short Daenggie 139 400?
Black Hair 146
Dokebi Horn 146
Butterfly Wing 150 252
Fabric 153 400
Grit 153
Blue Hair 171
Gill 171
Jack o' Pumpkin 187
Alcohol 200 8000 Don't drink IRL though
Karvodailnirol 200 300 NW
Novice Armlet of Spore 200 5000
Fin 206
Tough Scalelike Stem 206 1400
Bug Leg 215
Zargon 240 2400
Dragon Canine 242
Coal 250 3700
Honey 250 1800
Panacea 250 600? What's the point of it?
Yellow Potion 275 470
Nose Ring 284
Blue Gemstone 300 480
Red Gemstone 300 650
Yellow Gemstone 300 1000
Nine Tails 325 40000?
Rough Elunium 325 16900
Manacles 329 2500?
Brigan 373
Claw of Rat 374
Cyfar 386 1200 NW probably
Concentration Potion 400 625
Ribbon [1] 400 2000
Worn Out Page 474
Bow [4] 500 40000
Crystal Blue 500 1500
Emveretarcon 500 1000 NW
Green Live 500 1800
Hood [0] 500
Hood [1] 500 25000?
Red Blood 500 2000
Steel 500 7500
Unripe Apple 500 5000
Well-baked Cookie 500 800
Wind of Verdure 500 2000
White Potion 600 928
Glass Bead 700 800 NW
Awakening Potion 750 1200
Orange Juice 750 5000
Star Crumb 750 10000
Star Dust 750 1250
Skirt of Virgin 850 4000
Katana [3] 1000 2000
Rotten Fish 1250 10000
Flame Heart 1500 28500
Great Nature 1500 9000?
Mystic Frozen 1500 17000
Orange Juice 1500 3000
Pet Incubator 1500 2200
Piece of Cake 1500 1800
Rough Wind 1500 30000
Blue Potion 2500 9000
Rainbow Carrot 2500 15500
Wooden Mail [1] 2750 7000
Aquamarine 3000 4500
Opal 3000 4000
Pearl 3000 6000
Royal Jelly 3500 7000
Smasher [3] 4500 200000
Goggles [0] 5000 15000
Goggles [1] 5000 25000
Cap [0] 6000
Guisarme [3] 6500 29000
Slayer [3] 7500 70000
Silk Robe [1] 8000 65000
Old Blue Box 10000 280000
Well-Dried Bone 10000 250000?
Jamadhar [1] 18600 100000
Cake Hat TBA 180000?
Iron Cain TBA 125000



1. Copyright © Wiseman 2004.
2. Windows, Ragnarok Online, and everything I mentioned is a registered
trademark or copyright of somebody who is not me.
3. #include . Don't sue me.
4. Do whatever you want with this document (like I'd care).
5. Thanks to Xellos and the websites mentioned in 1.3.


“In those dreams, I loved one woman... No matter the day, no matter the era...
That did not change... Nor did her name...” (From the best game ever)
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Chaos Street Market Pricelist
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