Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

17.10.2013 04:05:20
Trinity.Lancer's Lancer Guide v0.98e
For Ragnarok Online

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction
II. Updates
III. Swordsman Stats (yeah yeah, swordsgurls too)
IV. Swordsman Skills
V. Lancer Skills
VI. Pre-Lancer Skill builds
VII. Lancer Skill Builds
VIII. Where To Level
IX. Equipment
X. Semi-Newb questions
XI. Tanking
XII. Review Section
XIII. Credits
XIV. Contact
XV. Legal

I. Introduction

"Lancers suck!"
'No they don't!'
"Lancer's suck! All the guides say so!"
'We-he-hell, we'll just see about that'
-Prelude to Lancer's Lancer Guide

Lancer (lan-ser). Noun
One who lances; one who carries a lance; especially, a member of a
mounted body of men armed with lances, attached to the cavalry service
of some nations.
-Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

Synonyms: Chasseur, cuirassier, dragoon
-Source Roget's Interactive Thesaurus, First Edition

Welcome to my Lancer guide. I would be Trinity.Dragoon, but I don't
have that cool looking FinalFantasy helmet... Moving on. This guide
will teach you to respect the power of the spear ((phear the spear!!)).
Most people say they are slow. Most people say they are weak. Most
people say they suck. None of this is true... except maybe the spears
are slow part. The way of the spear is not recommended for complete
novices. Please at least know what the difference between a RO Lance,
Pike, and mighty staff before you try anything in this guide.

"Some have family, some have friends, some have love. I have my
sword" -Unknown

To stay alive, Lancers depend on their wits, their skills, their
PecoPecos, and most importantly, their lances.

Well, I'd better start the guide sometime soon...

II. Updates
V099.03/29/04 - Got bored. Added somethin' for Crusaders. I forgot how
to format again.
V099.08/30/03 - Added Comodo skills and quests
V098.08/30/03 - No, I guess I didn't figure out how to format. Figured
out how to really format!!
V097.08/12/03 - Figured out how to... format.
V095.08/02/03 - Wish list so far: Get some time to put in to fill in the
rest of the skills to make the guide more newbie-friendly.

III. Swordsman Stats

"He who is unskilled... is not my first choice for my dodgeball team" -
My Dodgeball captain
There are really two types of builds for all Knights:

Vitality build (recommended):
Start with 9 STR, 9 VIT, 9 AGI
20 STR
20 DEX
50 VIT
30 STR
25 DEX
60 VIT
50 STR
70 VIT
60 STR
34 DEX
71base VIT
80 STR
34base DEX
then do whatever

Analysis: I recommend vitality because spears are extremely slow.
That's really all there is to say. You can be slow, take the hits, and
dish damage right back at 'em.
Variation: 50 vit, 60 vit, 70 vit. At least get 60 by lvl 70. But 60-70
is personal preference.

Agility build:
No, Don't do it, just don't.
Edit: Fine, I'll make you one.
20 STR
20 DEX
30 STR
25 DEX
60 AGI
50 STR
70 AGI
60 STR
34 DEX
80 STR
34base DEX
then do whatever

Analysis: If you want to go Agility, go Swords, you anti-spear-ist. The
reason Spearknights don't agi-luck is that because naturally spears are
slow, and Spearknights don't have 2ed quicken. Without the ASPD boost,
you aren't taking full advantage of criticals. If you want Agiluck that
bad, use a 2ed sword. But then again, you could be using this build as
a Renegade Crusader. If you are, welcome to the club. ^_^.
Variation: 21 luk, then agi/strength doesn't sound half bad.

Strength-Intelligence build:
Start with 9 STR, 9 VIT, 9 AGI
20 STR
20 DEX
60 STR
31base INT
40 DEX
71base STR
then do whatever

Analysis: Intelligence isn't too bad if you don't mind slugging reds
down faster than Hungry Hungry Hippos. Or... you could level with an
acolyte, which would be much cooler. But of course, you'll still
probably grow addicted to Red Potions and have to go to those Red
Potions Anonymous meetings. I gotta say though, you will piss off many
a knight because you will do more damage than them. This build relys on
A.Swordsman's slvl10 Bash and B. healing from reds or a priest. and
later on C. COUNTER, the cheapest skill in the world. This is a For Fun
build. You might be able to start this way very fun, but it'll drag you
down later.

IV. Swordsman skills
Brief review of skills. Of course, you know this stuff.

HP Recovery:
Recommend: 10
Explanation: Makes your HP go up every 10 seconds and boots the power
of healing items (passive)
Analysis: Max it. If you don't want to max it, exit this guide right
now and delete every single Swordsman/Knight you have.
Rating: 10

1 ED Sword Mastery:
Recommend: 1(2ed swordmastery) or 10
Explanation: +5 to attack power per slvl (passive)
Analysis: See Pre-Lancer builds
Rating: 10
Comodo: +4 per slvl

2 ED Sword Mastery: (Need sLVL1 1Ed Sword Mastery)
Recommend: 5(AutoCounter) or 10
Explanation: +5 to attack power per slvl (passive)
Analysis: See Pre-Lancer builds
Rating: 10
Comodo: +4 per slvl

Recommend: 5(great damage) or 10(damage that attracts women)
Explanation: Damaging hit
sLVL 5 is 266% dmg for 8 sP
sLvL 10 is 433% dmg for 15 sp
Analysis: higher damage at slvl 5 for less sp, but really, the faster a
monster dies, the less you get hurt. above slvl 5, the sp cost is 15.
Max it if you have str/int or extra points. Bash works a little better
in pvp because of it's chance to stun and its +Hit.
Rating: 7 at slvl 5, 9 at slvl 10 (pierce beats it)
Works in conjunction with: Fatal Blow/Attack Weak Point

Magnum Break:
Recommend: 0 (please)
Explanation: Light yourself on fire. Cause fire damage in a radius.
sLvL 10 250% fire damage, slight radius, 15 sp
Analysis: This skill sucks. I hate it. Buy a fireweapon. But I guess it
has its uses... The only reason people use this is as a crutch to lvl
to Knight at Geffen 1. They train a bunch of poison spores, risk being
banned, then blow them mushrooms all to kingdom come.
Rating: 2 (Maybe)
Works in conjunction with: no, it doesn't get any better

Recommend: 5(Endure) or 10(If you really have no other points o.O)
Explanation: Make an enemy come to you. Lowers defense a bit
slvl1: enemy +2%atk. -6%def. 10 sp
slvl5: enemy +10%atk. -30%def. 10 sp
slvl10: enemy +20%atk. -60%def. 10 sp
Analysis: It's a prerequisite. But... if you get this early on, you
will be tempted to tank! Don't be a nice person, it just makes the path
to Knight longer XD. Especially you Swordsgurls! I swear! I'm single,
PM me sometime. At any rate, free points go to either here, to help
slightly in tanking, or in endure.
Rating: 5 (provoke some savages for some thieves, they'll love you.
Having this skill increases the chance that you will tank)
Comodo: slvl1 4 sp. slvl5 9 sp. slvl10 15 sp

Endure: (Need 5 in provoke)
Recommend: 1 (PecoRiding is essential)
Prevents you from flinching when being hit... to run away. You sissy.
slvl1: Lasts 10 secs. 15 sp
slvl2: lasts 10 secs. 15 sp
slvl3: lasts 15 secs. 15 sp
slvl5: lasts 20 secs. 15 sp
slvl7: lasts 25 secs. 15 sp
slvl9: lasts 30 secs. 15 sp
Analysis: Only get 1 point. 10 seconds is long enough. Flinching doesnt
make you attack slower, it just lets u be able to run away. Still, for
any swordsmen, when Vagabond wolf is coming at you while 3 hunter flies
are in the same room... you want endure. After level 1, it takes 2 more
points in the skill to raise the endure time. This skill is also
disabled during guild wars. You would think you'd want to max it for
that =). Take the hits.
Rating: 5

HP Recovery While Moving:
Recommended: 1
While moving, recovers 25% of normal natural HP recovery. The HP
recovery skill does not affect this skill. (passive) (jlvl35+)
Analysis: Sure, why not?
Quest: East island of Izlude. Takes you 1 Rocker Doll, 500 empty
bottles, and a padded armor.
Rating: 5... I think it helps! I'm really not sure, though

Fatal Blow/Attack Weak Point:
Recommended: 1
Puts a stun on bash slvl6-10. (passive) (jlvl30+, Bash slvl5+)
slvl6: 5% stun
slvl7: 10%
slvl8: 15%
slvl9: 20%
slvl10: 25%
Analysis: If you have bash, get it!
Quest: Prontera's Knight Guild. 10 Fire Arrows, 10 Silver Arrows, 1
Banana Juice, 30 Insect Feelers, 5 Royal Jelly.
Rating: 9.5! High damage and stun! But I like pierce better...

Auto Berserk:
Recommended: 1
When your HP is 25% or below, you're hit by a backwards slvl10 provoke.
(passive) slvl1 +60%atk. -20%def.
Analysis: Whether you're a vitality or an agility character this has
its ups and downs. You lose a little bit of defense % but you gain a
lot of attack power. It's just a preference, really. If you like to
make things interesting, get this. This has got to be one of the best
"makes sense" skills in the game. You get hurt a lot, you get pissed
off and throw ki balls and stuff... Yeah.
Quest: 35 Powder of Butterfly, 10 Honey, 10 Horrendous Mouth, 10
Decayed Nail
Rating: 8

V. Lancer Skills

AutoCounter: (Need 5 in 2ed swords)
Recommend: This is personal preference. Some people hate counter, some
love it. Some are more confident with their countering abilities than
Explanation: Take no damage from an enemy attack and auto-hit it with a
slvl1: 0.3 secs 2 sp
slvl2: 0.6 secs 2 sp
slvl3: 0.9 secs 2 sp
slvl4: 1.2 secs 2 sp
slvl5: 1.5 secs 2 sp
Analysis: Don't ask me how to use it, just practice on Obeaunes or
something. You get a duration bar, makes you stand still while using it
with a cool looking pose, and gives it a.. stupid ding and mvp-looking
thing when you succeed. I have to say, it makes me feel better, but
still... much more of a wuss using it...
Rating: 1 (cuz i feel guilty using this cheapass skill, hahaha. 'it's
just a leveling tool' i keep telling myself)
Works in conjunction with: If you're fighting a slow monster, counter-

Peco Riding:
Recommended: 1
Explanation: Lets you ride a Chocobo, i mean... a PecoPeco. I swear, I
always get those two mixed up. When on a Peco you do 100% damage to
medium armor with spears, up from 75%
Analysis: Get it. If you don't know why, scroll down 2 skills
Rating: 10

Cavalier Mastery: (need 1 in riding)
Recommended: 5
Explanation: Riding a Peco makes your attack lower by 50%, each slvl
brings ur attack speed on a Peco go up 10%
Analysis: You like 100% attack speed, trust me
Rating: 10

Spear Mastery:
Recommended: 10
Explanation: +4 to attack power per level. +1 more per level if riding
a PecoPeco (passive).
Anaylsis: Get it
Rating: 10

Pierce: (need 1 in spear mastery)
Recommended: 10
Explanation: Pierce a small enemy once, medium enemy twice, and a large
enemy three times
slvl1: 110% sp 7
slvl2: 120% sp 7
slvl10: 200% sp 7
Analysis: It beats bash slvl5 in sp by slvl3. Sure, why not? The end
result is a whole lot of damage on things.
Rating: 10

Spear Stab: (need 3 in pierce)
Recommended: 3 (for brandish)
Explanation: Pushes enemy back... pitiful damage. sp 9
Analysis: It actually has a really cool use... to get monsters a hella
way from the wizards in your party.
Rating: 1 (i mean... it does get those hostiles off 'em wizards, but
then they laugh at your pitiful damage. Bah, who likes wizards anyway?)

Spear Boomerang: (need 5 in pierce)
Recommended: 5
slvl5: 350% damage, 11 square range, sp 8, Sense type
Explanation: Throws your spear. It comes back.
Analysis: Rips apart 2 things. A.mages and B.hunters. It scares the
heckz out of them if you manage to snipe em with these!!! hehehehehe!
Rating: 9 (just because Lance-throwing really makes no sense)

Brandish Spear: (need 3 spearstab)
Recommended: 10
Looks really cool. Hits things around you. Pushes them back slightly.
slvl3: 160% dmg, 1 spread range sp 12
slvl6: 220% dmg, 2 spread range sp 12
slvl9: 280% dmg, 3 spread range sp 12
slvl10: 300% dmg, 4 spread range sp 12
Analysis: You don't have to line up enemies like bowling bash, so you
can just get in there and make teh monsters eat spear! xD. But there's
some sort of... 1 second cast delay... not so bad. Oh and while you're
casting, you have 2/3 defense. Meh, if you went vit like I told you,
you have the vit to take it. I gotta feel sorry for the agi bowlingbash
knights, though. Teehee.
Rating: 10

VI. Pre-Lancer Skill Builds

It's kind of hard to make a Lancer. Some people are confused because...
there's no sort of character called a Spearman. They're SWORDSmen for
crying out loud. After I got yelled at for awhile, it did make sense.
Lances are knight weapons, therefore one shouldn't feel guilty for
using swords.

1ed Skill Build:
10 hp reco
10 1ed sword
10 bash
5 provoke
1 endure
...3 free skill points

Analysis: I've seen one or two sword/spear knights before. Since 1ed
swordsmen don't really use any Knight skills, they decide to carry a
sword/shield and a Lance with them. Upon hitting knight, they neglect
AutoCounter and max the peco and spear skills, then get
SpearBoomerang... pretty much for pvp reasons. Heh.

2ed Skill Build:
10 hp reco
1 1ed sword
10 2ed sword
10 bash
5 provoke
1 endure
...2 free skill points

Analysis: Since you need 5 points in 2ed mastery for AutoCounter, you
might as well pump it. Using this build, you might be tempted to
convert to 2ed skills. Don't join the Dark Side! Stay with me, darn

Magnum Break build:
10 hp reco
1 1ed sword
5 2ed sword
5 bash
10 Light yourself on Fire
5 provoke
1 endure
...2 free skill points

Analysis: Maybe it'll help you in Geffen1. I haven't tried it, I don't
like it, but others do. The main weakness in this build is that neither
of the sword masteries are maxed, making it a realy pain to level.
Still, you're a bit stronger than a merchant, so it's not impossible.

VII. Lancer Skill Builds

Here we go. Now for the good stuff. ^_^

Brandisher Build:
1 riding
5 cavalier
1 spear mastery
3 pierce
3 spearstab
10 brandish
10 spear mastery
10 pierce
5 spear boom
then whatever

Analysis: Helps you level. Good. Leveling good. Your home will be
Sphinx 3.

Autocounter Build:
1 riding
5 cavalier
(2-3 autocounter)
1 spear mastery
10 pierce
10 brandish
10 spear mastery
5 spear boom
then whatever

Analysis: Autocounter. Great for 1v1ing monsters and not losing a lot
of hp. Kind of slow, though.

PvPer Build:
1 riding
5 cavalier (see a pattern?)
1 spear mastery
5 spearboom
10 pierce
10 spear mastery
10 brandish
then whatever

Analysis: Hehehehe! "What the crap!? Spear boomerang?! Blarg! I am

Crusader Build:
1 riding
5 cavalier
10 spearmastery (yeah u need it as a prereq)
10 spear quicken
10 trust
10 holy cross
then whatever

Analysis: Go spears! /no1

VIII. Where To Level

blvl 13-20 - rockers -> culvert
blvl 21-30 - culvert -> payon 2 or Elder Willows
blvl 31-40 - Elders, AntHell, byalan2, geffen1

blvl 41-Knight -
Geffen1 - party up wit 1 person to avoid mobs. share exp only if you're
on comodo where you get 25% more per person in your party. ^_^
Coalmines - Kill everything if you're confident. Main exp: Ants and
Byalan2 (wind weapon) - I think Vadons waste your time, there's enough
enemies to skip those. Main exp: Thara and Marina
Hodes/Savages (fire weapon) - Hodes take more damage to fire weapons,
but Hode maps are always packed. Savages are a just as good
Toyfactory (higher level) - Cruisers and mystcases

blvl 60-70
firewpn - pyramids2, orcdungeon2, hode/sandmen, geffen2
windwpn - byalan4, payon4, geffen2
not sure what u need - sphinx 2, kobolds
counter - argiopes, hunterfly in HT

blvl 71-80 - GH graveyard, kobolds, gef2-3, sphinx 3-4
blvl 81+ - sphinx 3-5, GH prison 1-2, Alarms, Reydrics

Note: If confused... ask a few high levels. My theory is if 3 high
level players tell you to go to the same place, go to that place, and
don't complain.

IX. Equipment
"Oh my God! I'm naked!" -Myself when I first turned swordsman

HG1 - Helm - Bone Helm
HG2 - Purple Sunglasses - Opera Masque - FinHelm
HG3 - Iron Cain
ARM - FullPlate - FullPlate of HeMan (s.chonchon card)
ROB - Manteau - Immune Manteau (reydric card)
FG - Boots - Green Boots (matyr card) or Boots of Witch (eggyra card)
ACC - Rosary2x - MatyrLeash2x
WPN - Lance or Ele.Pike
SHLD - Shield of Athena (ambernite card) or (thara) or (orc warrior) or
(bigfoot) or (khalitzburg)

HG1 - I guess you can be stylish here. I change my helms in town. =)
HG2 - FinHelm doesn't look bad with most hats.. and it's 2 defense, so
it's nice
HG3 - Well, this is entirely optional, it's ugly as hell. I take my
cain off in town. xD
ARM - Defense is nice.
ROB - Reydric... -15% to pretty much everything. It's nice. Reydric
card applies after natural defense and vit defense, so it's best for
mobs, so you don't lose much if you get mobbed by a zillion thingies.
ACC - Matyr Leashes are +1 def. I'd say get celebrant mittens... but
that's a waste of money.. and +1 agi is pretty cool too.
WPN - I dunno, pick one
SHLD - If you use a shield, get some sexy cards

X. Semi-Newb Questions (FAQ!!!)

Q: Lances suck?!
A: Don't make me stick one up your nose.

Q: Why don't I stick with spears as a swordsman?
A: You don't have spear mastery as a swordsman. It would be a little
bit harder, but do as you will.

Q: What's with 1ed spears? Why do they suck so much?
A: A lot of people use 1ed spears. 1. Because you can stick up to 4
cards in pikes, and 2. forging a pike only requires iron. At any rate,
you can use a shield with them, which, IMO, really helps, especially
because I told you to be a vitaknight. Heh.

Q: Can I use an elemental sword, even though I maxed spear mastery?
A: Spears are for skills. If you're not piercing something, a sword
will be fine.

Q: Chocobos are a waste of skill points!
A: At slvl10 spear mastery, spear attk goes up +40. With a Chocobo...
With a PecoPeco, spear attk goes up +50 instead of +40. They also make
you do 100% damage to medium monsters, which most monsters are, anyway.
And anyway, they make you go faster than most other people, haha. They
are not a waste of skill points. BTW, just for fun, get an AGI up from
a Priest. I did that a few times and I just ran around Prontera yelling

Q: I have a Crescent Scythe! Why shouldn't I go agi/luck?
A: Spears are slow. Very slow. Agi/Luk Spearknights would be pretty
stupid. Spears are used mainly for their skills, not their ASPD, like
Murasamas and Triple Critical Bastard Swords are for, with 2hand
quicken. If you want to use your Bapho-drop, be a Crusader. Or better
yet, sell it and buy some new cards.

Q: Counter sucks with Comodo!!
A: No it doesn't. In Comodo, instead of auto-hit-critical, Counter will
do 2x damage and has an added hit rate. Of course, this will make
counter do more damage. Of course, it may seem like you won't be able
to hit anything, but in Comodo all the monster evade rates will go
down. ((But there are going to be more wind monsters, which naturally
have high evade. But still, Counter's not really getting nerfed)). Oh
and you have no idea how much the duration bar helps.

Q: What did the Comodo patch do?
A: Swordsmen will get some Berserker skill that makes them go +60%
attack and -20% defense when they have low hp. They will also get a
passive skill from bash slvl5-10 that stuns enemies. Oh, and 1ed and
2ed swordmastery will get +4 attk per slvl while Spear mastery will
still get the +4 per slvl with the +1 per slvl with the peco.
2handquicken gets slowed down and its sp cost goes up like crazy. And
of course, there's a 1 second delay on brandish spear and bowling bash.
*shrug* Makes spearknights shine.

Q: Isn't Trinity a girl name?
A: I had some Singaporean homies who showed me the truth, the way, and
the light. I adopted Trinity as a way of showing my pride, while
changing the naming styles to fit my own needs of radical ambitions.
There could have been a Trinity.Knight, but I am Trinity.Lancer. And no
it is not a girl name. I had a friend of a friend who knew a guy named
Trinity. Kemiko doesn't complain. ~_~

Q: I don't like you. How do I flame you?
A: Scroll down for my contacts

Q: I love you. Tell me how can I reach you?
A: Sorry, that was really my question. I just wanted to boost my self-
esteem after that last question

XI. Tanking
The purpose of a knight in a party is to generally take damage. Knights
are good at this. When knight, if possible, stand in front of any
ranged character. This is being a good "meat shield" Also, Knights are
the 2ndbest only to Crusaders at powerleveling novices to a decent
level. This is simply called "tanking"

Provoke is a special skill. Normally, if an assassin would hit a
monster, that assassin would take partial experience, however little.
But with provoke, no damage comes to the monster at all, and your
tankee can beat the lowered-defense monster to a pulp.

Some things about meatshielding/tanking

A ranged monster will not change sights unless his target is
unreachable. (If a Skel.Archer spawns on a Sin, attack the Archer, and
make sure the Sin goes out of range, so the Archer attacks you)

A monster than can see you, but cannot reach you will stay still
(Argiopes will head up the ramp if they cannot see the archer, but feel
the arrows... unless of course, there is no ramp)

You cannot tank agressives or mobbers for melee characters. If a
monster can see two things, it will generally try to hit whatever is
hitting them. (i learned this from ants in ant hell)

If your main purpose is to absorb damage rather than do damage, wear a

XII. Review Section
A. Damage calculations:
Every point of armor you have decreases damage by a percent. Every
point of vitality you have decreases damage by 1 after that percent.
Every point of elunium you have added to your armor is counted as 2/3,
but this shoes in your status screen as 1. So if you want to know your
'true defense', you'll have to calculate it.
If your true defense is 25+50 and a monster with 100 attack power hits
you, you take

A - B = X
[ 100 x (0.75) ] - 50
[ 75 ] - 50
X = 25 damage

B. Mob penalties:
With agi characters, once your character is mobbed by more than two
monsters, evade is split amongst them. This means you get hit twice as
much as normal... but since you're getting hit by threeish monsters, it
kinda gets to four-six times more than normal... or something like
that. In Comodo, if more than two monsters hit a vita character, your
vitality drops 5% for each additional monster until you hit 12. This
means if you theoretically have 25+50 defense and you are swarmed by 7
monsters each with 100 attack power the formula is

[ A ] - (B - C) = X
[ A ] - < 50 - [ (50 x 0.05) x (7 - 2) ] >
[ A ] - < 50 - [ (2.5) x 5 ] >
[ A ] - < 50 - [ 12.5 ] >
[ A ] - < 37.5 >
[ 75 ] - < 37.5 >
X = 37.5 damage

Don't get swarmed by too many monsters.

C. Elements:
I recommend Fire and Wind weapons. You could probably use Ice later,
but eh, you'd probably have a party by then. Wind for byalan. Fire for
Hodes or Savages and Undead things. Remember, if you ever get an
elemental Lance, use it instead of your normal Lance because elemental
weapons always do 100% damage minus the monsters mdef percentage.

D. Weapon Penalties
1 ed swords do 75/100/75.
2ed swords do 75/75/100.
spears do 75/75/100.
Mounted spearmen spears do 75/100/100.

E. Time to Knight
if you're a starting pre-knight leveling at byalan2, coalmines, or
at job level 38 expect 2-3 hours to jlvl
at job level 39 expect 7+ hours to jlvl
Sorry to all the people who understand that, but some people just whine
way too much. Mages have it easy XD

XIII. Credits
Gravity for making it illegal to say "Gr.avity sucks"
VGmaster88 for commenting on pikes. He's not wrong, he's just misinformed ^_^
Weggy for most of the damage percentages on the skills and ultimately
sparking my interest in Lancers ^_^
roWORLD's CelticMist who I stole the "where to level" ideas from
iRO Sakray's Ran>_< for making me suffer in the coalmines
to all the people i stole stuff from on accident without telling you

sHoUtOuTz 2
Armlet's Iscariot Organization and her buddies including Mark, Cheza,
Short, and Izra. My old iRO-Sakray buddies Tsutecki, ADOBO, and Mark

Other reading
RSXXX's Spear Knight Guide


XIV. Contact
EMAIL: Glovesrx@ikoblue.net
SAKRAY NAMES: Trinity.Caster, Trinity.Shopkeep, Trinity.Lancer

Bio: Trinity.Lancer was a proud knight of iRO Sakray. He was in the
guild DyNaMic sTyLz lead by Trinity.Shopkeep. He is currently renting a
boarding house in Prontera, but his heart lies in his hometown of
Izlude. His favorite place to visit is Payon Town because he likes to
scope out the "Archer babes" His favorite line for taking warps to
Payon is "Archer babes here I come". His favorite update with the
Comodo patch always comes up in conversations, "Damn, Assassins blow
even harder now"

EMAIL: TrinityLancer@msn.com
AIM: TrinityLancer
SAKRAY NAMES: Trinity.Lancer, Trinity.Knives
Bio: Knives took control of Lancer for awhile, but soon moved on. She
continued her journey in eRO where she now is a very influential figure
in the Iscariot Organization and deemed herself 'smartass' of the

XV. Legal
Anything said here is probably owned by something else. I don't really
own anything except my own name. You're not allowed to sue me by
reading this FAQ. Have a nice day. This FAQ is mine. It can be posted
on GameFAQS. You can post it somewhere else, but with my permission.
Don't support illegal programming like botting. And while you're at it,
don't drink and drive.

Copyright 2003-2004. Boi "Gloved Lancer" Ortonio and
Kemiko "Armlet" Casino
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Soul Linker FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Card Combo Guide
Engl Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
True Alchemist FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Card Database
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Skills Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Oktober 2013
Perma Novice Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Champion Character Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Monk Character Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Chaos Street Market Pricelist
Engl Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Combo Monk Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Quest Skills FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Rogue Character Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Battle-Acolyte/Priest Character Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Trap Hunter Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Guild FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Double Dagger Poison Assassin
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Chaos Street Market Pricelist
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Full Support Acolyte/ Priest FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Swordman's Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Monk FAQ
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Mixing Item Quest
Engl. Hinweise

16.Oktober 2013
Bard FAQ
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Forging Merchant/Blacksmith's Guide
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
White Mage Artifact Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
B. S. Sacramenti Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
MVP Boss Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Damage Calculation Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Lancer Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
True Acolyte Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
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