Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

16.10.2013 04:58:46
Weggy's Ragnarok Online FAQ
Version 4.2

Table Of Contents

I. Version History
II. Introduction
III. About Ragnarok Online
IV. The 10 Commandments of RO (Game Conduct)
V. Getting Started
VI. Interface
VII. Stat Information
VIII. Controls
IX. Commands
X. Novice
XI. Swordsman/Knight
XII. Thief/Assasin
XIII. Archer/Hunter
XIV. Magician/Wizard
XV. Acolyte/Priest
XVI. Merchant/Blacksmith
XVII. World Map Overview
XVIII. Dungeons
XIX. About Ghast Heim
XX. Understanding the RO Economy
XXI. Item List - Usable Items
XXII. How to Forge
XXIII. Upgrades
XXIV. Item Creation
XXV. Forging Indredients
XXVI. Item List - Weapons
XXVII Item List - Armor
XXVIII. Item List - ETC
XXIX. Cards Price List
XXX. Weapons Penalties
XXXI. Monster List
XXXII. Elemental Chart
XXXIII. Useful Links
XXXV. Contact/About Me
XXXVI. Thanks
XXXVII. Un-legal

Version History

Version 4.0 - RO Update 1 - 12/10/02~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I once again cleared out the version history, though its kind of strange since
that makes this update smaller than the last one ^_^

Well, aside from a few account problems and some lag spikes, RO is going well.
I slightly modified the 10 commandments of RO, because one has been a problem
I've been noticing a lot. I think I was under the influence of some sort of
mind altering drug as well as lack of sleep when I did the recommended monster
levels. Some of them are waaay off. Its not all my fault though, the monsters
have changed since the old Beta 2. This is like... Beta 2.1.

On the subject of monsters, you've probably noticed a few new ones, most
notable being the Green/Red/Blue/Yellow/Shining Plants, and the Mushrooms.
Those will be addressed in a later update, this one was for correcting the
monster levels as well as omitting the "Which Healing Item is Right for Me?"
section. Why you ask? Because Carrots are the best healing item, nuff said.
I made a note of it under Carrots and the beginning of the Usable Items

But the "Which Healing Item is Right for Me" section's death is not in vain.
A new section was added, "Price Misconceptions", under "Understanding the RO
Economy". This section basically shows off the idiocy of a few members of RO.
Just look at it and you'll understand.

I also added some new stat and skill builds.

Things left to correct/update:

Add/Remove some Monsters
Correct Monster Locations (Gravity moved them on me! >_<)
Synchronize Monster DB with Item DB

Version 4.1 - RO Update 2 - 12/11/02~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I feel really dumb. I forgot to add the "Price Misconceptions" section. XD
So, I added that, as well as using my FAQ leverage to request an item, which
you of course saw at the top there.

Version 4.2 - RO Update 3 - 12/11/02~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'll get to the new stuff eventually... In this update, I removed the Savage
Babe card announcement, though if you ran out and bought one anyway, I can hook
you up with a buyer I know - message Vinni in game. I'm enjoying my +6 Double
Stun Ring Pommel Saber, thank you very much.

All the other work was done on the item creation section. I've corrected a
pretty major error with the Phantom of the Opera mask - I'm not sure if it
requires Steel on other versions of RO, or the site I got that from had a typo,
but the Phantom of the Opera mask requires IRON, not Steel. I also updated the
directions for a few of the item creation NPCs, since I did a little bit of
town exploring recently.

This is the last update for a few weeks... really this time.


Hi, welcome to Weggy's Ragnarok Online FAQ. I've been with this beautiful game
since it's Alpha stages, and have enjoyed almost every minute of it. If your a
complete newbie, please, please, PLEASE read the 10 commandments of RO. You
would not believe how many jerks there are. Anyway, I hope you find all the
information you need contained herein somewhere. If you spot any mistakes, or
have suggestions for things to add, please E-Mail me at michael@spamsucks.com.
Except replace spamsucks.com with satcen.com. Damn those spambots... Anyway,

About Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer RPG) made by Korean company
Gravity based on the Ragnarok Manga by Lee-Myon Jin. It is a rather lengthy
download for dial-up users, but should not be too long for Broadband users.
Ragnarok Online (referred from here on as RO) uses 2d anime-style sprites with
vivid 3d backgrounds to make a very unique game. It heavily emphasis player
interaction, though going solo is always an option if you prefer that style.
I've played many MMORPGs, and I can safely say this is the best. Dark Age of
Camelot, Everquest, nothing can hold a candle to this game. Honestly, I don't
know why... it's a hack and slash like all the others. Maybe its the charm of
the characters, or how the game plays, but it is a very enjoyable game that
has consumed quite a bit of my life - not to mention my computer's life, as I
made another PC to vend items 24/7 ^_^ I highly recommend you give it a try,
unless you want to have a social life. Then stay away, because once you come
in, you'll never be able to leave.

The 10 Commandments of RO

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It shames me that I need to make a section like this. In fact, I'm sure most
of you could skip right over it and be fine. I still hope everyone will read
this section though, if anything else.

1) Thou Shalt Not Be a Jerk

Remember that behind that graphic, there is a living and breathing person.
Like you, he/she has feelings, and deserves proper respect.

2) Thou Shalt Not Taketh Away Ones Honor... and EXP

Do NOT kill steal. Kill stealing is attacking a monster another has already
begun to attack. Please find your own monster, as the attacker only gets 1/2
of the normal experience. This is also referred to as helping or jamming.

Due to Gravity's servers being hosted on a 14.4 modem, sometimes you'll see
players follow an enemy, but always be a few seconds behind them. You'll see
yourself doing it. This is because of lag. LEAVE THEIR ENEMY ALONE! This
is just as bad as kill stealing, IMO.

Cooralary to Commandment 3: It is okay to Kill Steal if someone asks for help,
or there is a huge mob surrounding them. I consider a mob 3+ enemies. Some
people may not agree with me on the 2nd part, but its your choice. Also note
many times people lag, so be cautious before calling someone a jammer.

3) Thou Shalt Not Taketh Ones Crap

Do NOT loot. Looting is taking the items from a monster that you did not
kill. If, after a guy kills something, and walks off without picking up the
stuff, by all means take it. You'll find very often people leave Jellopies
and other less valuable things lying around, so if your a newbie, go ahead
and take them. Always give them back if they ask for them though.

4) Thou Shalt Not Lag Down Servers with their "Jackass-ness"

Do NOT bot. There is a program(s), somewhere out there on the net, that
will level your character automatically for you. All it does is loot and kill
steal from honest players, and take up bandwidth for real users. You are also
violating Gravity's TOS by using one.

5) Thou Shalt Not be a l33t h4x0rz

Do NOT hack. This includes doing crazy stuff like duplicating items or zeny.
All you are doing is hurting the economy, so in the end you are hurting
yourself. Not to mention Gravity likes to Rollback the servers when people do
dumb stuff like that.

6) Thou Shalt Respect the Services of Merchants

Before speaking with a discount merchant, please check to make sure you have
enough zeny for the item you intend to purchase. Most offer 20 or 15 percent
off, so the math is not difficult. Also, if you don't have the money, don't
ask the merchant to sell you the item at a considerably lower price. Discount
merchants dont make that much of a profit, and none of them are willing to pay
for some of your item out of their own pocket. Also, after you have agreed
to purchase the item, you are bound by a verbal contract to buy it. Don't try
to worm your way out.

About overcharge Merchants as well - Don't bother to give them anything that
sells for 6z or less, because you won't get any extra zeny that way. So just
sell it yourself.

7) Thou Shalt Not screw other Merchants over

When you changed class, the NPC said something about a 20% rule, meaning you
should DC everything for 20% and keep the 4%. FOLLOW IT. I constantly see
some people DCing for 22% where other Merchants around them have been DCing for
20%. That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Whats going to happen
when you offer 22%? Other Merchants are going to offer 22% as well, and then
your back to square one. Your not going to get any more business than usual,
people are just looking for Reds or Armor - nobody is going to travel from say,
Izlude to Prontera for your fantastic 2% extra DC. Then your both going to get
in a price war and wind up getting nothing. In the perfect RO world, 15% DC
would be the standard price, but methinks the public wouldn't take too kindly
to that. But then again, most don't know how little 4% is.

This also means Reds are 40z. Not 39z, 40z. Of course, if your an educated RO
user, you know Carrots are better anyway, so its irrelevent. ^_^

8) Thou Shalt Not Beg Mercenaries of God for his forgiveness

Acolytes are not your personal, walking red potion. Most will give you a
heal if you ask nicely though. Asking nicely would be "If it's not too much
trouble, could I have a heal?" or "Can you please heal me?". "HEAL PLZ" and
"HEAL NOW" will not do. As I always tell people, if your too lazy to even
write out "please", you don't deserve a heal. If the Acolyte does heal you,
be sure and say thanks. Everyone that doesn't tell me thanks is greeted with
a nice AGI down spell. Also, feel free to tip them. About 20z for every 100
HP is good.

9) Thou Shalt Not be a Lazy Bum

Please don't beg for money. We all know novices are poor, and you will be
until around level 20. We all had to go through exactly what you did. So just
be patient.

10) Thou Shalt Not Attempt to Steal from their Fellow Players

Don't scam, and don't fall for scams. The less people that fall for them,
the less scammers will do them! Popular scams are offering to "upgrade" your
weapon for you, which you can just go yourself. Or, selling items for 1 digit
more than usual. So a 100z item would become a 1100z item, hoping nobody would
notice. Unfortunantly, people are dumb enough too. Just remember, caveat
emptor, and if something sounds way too good to be true, it probably is.

And Weggy sayeth, "Let there be order in RO!" Then the crowds respondeth,
"**** off you little ***** ******!" Then Weggy wept...

Getting Started

The first thing you'll need for Ragnarok Online, is well, a computer. The
minimum systems specs according to Gravity are as follows:

-Pentium II 400 MHz or higher
-Direct Sound Compatible/Support 3D sound Effects
-Must have 3d graphic capabilites onboard, with 8MB of Video Ram or more.
Supported kinds are:
NVidia RIVA TNT series, GeForce 1, 2 series
Matrox G200, G400 series
3dfx Voodoo 3 2000 or above
S3 Savage 3D, Savage 4, Savage 2000 competable series
ATI Radeon or above
-Microsoft DirectX 8.0, Windows 95/98/ME/2000

I recommend though...

-Pentium III 600 MHz or higher
-128+ MB RAM
-Creative Sound Blaster Live!
-Geforce 2, Voodoo4/5, or ATI Radeon with 16MB of VRAM or more
-Microsoft DirectX 8.0, Windows 2000/XP
-A good set of speakers, with a good subwoofer
-Logitech iTouch Cordless Keyboard, Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse
-19 inch monitor or larger
-A nice, comfy recliner
-Assloads of Pringles

Now, you'll need to make an account and download the client. First, go to
http://www.ragnarokonline.com, and click on "English". Hover your mouse over
"Account", and click on "regist". Yes, its one of millions of the standard
internet forms. You will need to input your correct Email though, as they
will send you a confirmation letter. Also, HP stands for Home Phone ^_^.
While your filling it out though, you can laugh at the pretty shoddy English.
Its not every day you can say your a "schoolchild" or that you have a "favour
game". You best get used to it, this type of Engrish is throughout the
entire game. You'd think they would pay someone who speaks English to sit
down for an hour and westernize everything.

Now go back to the Ragnarok Online Website (the form should of opened in a
new window) and hover over "Download". Then click on "RO Client". Select
one of the clients there. You can also get the client at sites like
http://ro.pak0.com. Install it, and you'll be set!

Now open your favorite E-mail client and hit "Check Mail" every 3 seconds.
Eventually you'll get that E-mail from Gravity. Confirm your registration,
fire up your client, and get in the game!

First thing that will show up is a window, and it will be "reciving patch"
^_^. You'll need to wait for every one of these to finish. Don't worry,
you'll only need to do it once, and there will be a quick download every time
they release a new patch. Once it's done, read the message, and click OK.
Now your finally in the client itself. Click OK, then enter your user name
and password you created. Now, you'll see 2 options - Chaos, or Loki. These
are the 2 servers you can play on. Make up your mind now, because you will
not be able to transfer anything from one to the other, and that includes
characters. Both servers are identical. Now you'll be at a screen with
3 slots. Click on whatever one you want, and select your name and hair
style. As far as stat selection, check the Novice section of this guide.


| ___________________ _________ |
|| A C | | | | |
|| B D | R S | | | |
|| | T U | | I | |
|| E | V W | | | |
|| F | X Y | |_________| |
|| | | |
||_G____H___|________| |
| |
| |
| |
| J |
| |
| K |
| L |
| |
| |
| |
| ________________________________________ |
|| M | |
||________________________________________| |
||_N_|_O______________________________|P_Q| |

A - This is your characters name
B - This is your characters class
C - This is your current HP. If it drops below 0, you die
D - This is your characters SP. Many skills use up this SP. If it reaches 0,
you will not be able to use active skills until it refills
E - This is your base EXP. When it reaches 100%, you will recieve status
points. Asign these into your stats to make you stronger in that area
F - This is your job EXP. When it reaches 100%, you will recieve one skill
point, which you may put into the skill of your choice
G - This is your weight. When it is above 50%, this number will turn red and
you will not automatically recover HP and SP any more. When it is above 90%,
you will no longer be able to attack or use skills.
I - This is the map of the current area you are in. Click on the + and - to
zoom in and out.
J - This is your character. Dashing fellow, isn't he?
K - This green bar is your HP
L - This blue bar is your SP
M - Past messages are here. You can use the scroll bar on the right to move
up and down through the list
N - When you type a characters name here, anything you type in O will be sent
to him/her as a private message.
O - This is where you input text to broadcast to whoever you want.
P - Clicking this button will set the mode to either send everything you type
to just your party, or everyone on the screen.
Q - This adjusts the size of the chat window.
R - This opens your status window. If your a newbie, these numbers mean
nothing to you. Check out the stat information section for details. The
second tab, alignment, is not enabled yet.
S - This opens your options window. You can adjust the BGM and sound volume
here. You can also select skins if you have them installed. You can also
set your mouse cursor to "lock on" when attacking, using skills, or picking
up items.
T - This opens your items window. The 3 tabs seperate your usable items,
like herbs to heal HP, equipable items, like a knife, and ETC items, which
you usually sell. If you click on hold onto an item, you can move it, most
likely into a deal window. Do not drag it outside the window and let go
though, as you will drop it. Anyone could easily come up and steal it then.
U - This opens your equipment window. Simply drag and drop equipment from your
item window into here to equip it. If you have a pushcart, you can de-equip
it and check out its contents from here.
V - The opens your skills window. You can view all your skills from here, as
well as assign points to them. Highlight any one and click "use" to activate
it, if possible. You can right click on each one for more information as well.
W - Clicking this button will toggle your map from opaque, to transparent, to
X - This will let you create a chat window. Enter in the chat room name, as
well as the maximum number of people. If you make it a private chat room,
enter the password in the lower right corner.
Y - This opens up your friends window, which will let you see which one of
your friends is online. Click on the party button to see the members of your
current party.

Stat Information

You can view your stat window my clicking on the button, or pressing ALT+A.
The number next to the stat is your current amount, and the number to the right
of the arrow is how many status points needed to raise it by 1.

Note: Even though I mentioned his name in the credits, I'd like to thank Node_
here up front for the status bonuses. Check out his Thief FAQ here on

The stats are the following...

STR (Strength)_________________________________________________________________

Recommended for: Thief, Swordsman, Acolyte, Merchant

This stat determines how hard you hit. Each point will give you 1 extra ATK.
The bonuses are as follows:

STR Min/Max Damage
10 +1
20 +4
30 +5
40 +8
50 +10
60 +12
70 +13
80 +15
90 +17
100 +19

AGI (Agility)__________________________________________________________________

Recommended for: Thief, Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant

This stat increases how often you will dodge an enemy attack, by increasing
Flee by 1. It will also increase your attack speed. There are no bonuses for
this stat.

VIT (Vitality)_________________________________________________________________

Recommended for: Swordsman, Acolyte

Each point in this stat increases your Defence by 1, which means you take 1
point less damage from every attack. It will also increase your maximum HP,
and your HP recovery speed. There are no bonuses for this stat.

INT (Intelligence)_____________________________________________________________

Recommended for: Magician, Acolyte

This stat increases your Magic Attack, which is how powerful your spells are.
Each point in this stat also increases your Magic Defence by 1, but since no
enemies use magic yet, that is useless. It also increases your sP recovery
time, and maximum SP. Every 5 points in INT, you recieve a maximum damage
boost, and for every 7 points, you recieve a minimum damage boost. So you
would recieve a max boost at values like 5, 10, and 15, and a min boost at
values like 7, 14, and 21. Hopefully in the future I'll have the exact values.

DEX (Dexterity)________________________________________________________________

Recommended for: Archer, Swordsman, Thief, Acolyte, Merchant

Each point in this stat will increase your hit by 1, which is how often you
do not miss an enemy. For Archers, this stat determines their damage, like STR
for a melee fighter. For Mages, it determines your casting rate. It will also
increase miniumum damage. The bonuses are as follows:

DEX Min/Max Damage
20 +3
30 +4
40 +5
50 +6
60 +8
70 +10
80 +12
90 +13
100 +14

LUK (Luck)_____________________________________________________________________

Recommended for: Archer, Merchant, Thief

LUK has become a bit more useful now. In Beta 1, 100 LUK would give you a 10%
chance to critical, however, now you get 3 criticals per 10 LUK - hence, a 30%
chance to critical. It's really only good for an Assassin or somebody with a
lot of Soldier Skeleton/Caramal Cards to really get high percentages.

All the following stats are those you cannot increase directly.

ATK (Attack)___________________________________________________________________

This is your physical attack with a weapon. The first number is the attack of
your weapon, plus your STR. The second number is how much ATK your upgraded
weapon adds, which ignores DEF.

MATK (Magic Attack)____________________________________________________________

This is the attack of your magic. This will only be useful to Acolytes and
Mages. The 2 numbers are the range of your Magic Damage. This is effected
by INT and Wands, as they increase the attack by 15%. This stat is
counteracted by MDEF.


This number is a represenation of how often you hit an enemy. It increases 1
point every level, and each point in DEX increases it by 1 point as well. This
is counteracted by Flee.


This number increases by 1 for every 10 LUK you have. Think of this number
as the percentage of a chance of a critical hit or Lucky dodge. So when the
game starts, you have a 1% chance of both.

DEF (Defense)__________________________________________________________________

This is your physical defense against enemies. The damage you take is the
enemies ATK minus your total defense. There is a bit of a range though, so
this is on average. The first number is the total defense of all your armor,
while the second is your VIT.

MDEF (Magic Defense)___________________________________________________________

This is your defense against magical attacks. Since no enemies use magic, and
PKing is not enabled, this stat is useless. The first number is the total
magical defense of all your armor, while the second is your INT.


This number is a representaion of how often you dodge an enemy. It increases 1
point every level, and each point in AGI increases it by 1 point as well. Your
flee drops greatly between enemies as they attack you, as it is split amongst
them. This is counteracted by Hit.

ASPD (Attack Speed)____________________________________________________________

This is your attack speed, which has finally been enabled. 200 is the fastest
attack speed, 100 the slowest.

Status Point___________________________________________________________________

This number is simply the number of status points you currently have spare.


Your guild name and icon goes here.


Left Mouse Click - You'll be using this one for 90% of the game. Clicking on
the ground will move you to that spot, if possible. Clicking on an item will
pick it up off the ground. Clicking on a monster will attack it once. And of
course, clicking will allow you to use the interface.

Left Mouse Click (Hold) - Holding the button down is an alternative to clicking
every 5 seconds to control where you want to walk. Learn to use this, and give
your finger a rest.

Shift+Left Mouse Click - This will allow you to attack players. PK (Player
Killing) is not enabled yet though.

CTRL+Left Mouse Click - A very useful combination. Using CTRL+Click on a
monster will cause you to auto-attack it until it dies. (or you die)

Right Mouse Click + Move - This will adjust the camera around you character.
Useful when something is blocking your view.

Shift+Right Mouse Click+Move - This will adjust the pitch of the camera.

CTRL+Right Mouse Click+Move - This will adjust the zoom of the camera.

Right Mouse Double-click - This will return the camera to its default
position around your character.

Shift+Right Mouse Double-Click - This will return the camera's pitch to it's
default position.

CTRL+Right Mouse Double-Click - This will return the camera's zoom to it's
default position.

Mouse Wheel - This will also adjust the zoom of the camera.

Mouse Wheel (Secondary) - While a skill cursor is up, you can adjust the level
of the skill easily by using the mouse wheel. Thanks to Aethereal for
pointing this out to me.

TAB - This will toggle between the field to input text, and the field to
specifiy a name for a private message.

Alt+End - This will remove the 2 bars below your character showing your HP and

Alt+Home - This turns the ground cursor on and off.

Insert - This will cause you to sit down, doubling your HP and SP recovery

ESC - This will bring up the end game menu. When this is up, you can press
ENTER for a quick getaway from a mob of monsters.

F12 - This will open the hotkey menu, and is the ONLY way to open the hotkey
menu. The boxes represent the F1 through F9 keys. You can drag items,
equipment, and even skills from the skill menu here for easy access. Always
have emergency potions on one of the buttons. Also have your most used
in these areas. On some, you can specify levels by using the arrow underneath
the skill. For example, you can have a level 4 firebolt bound to F1, and a
level 2 firebolt to F2. Equipment put here will automatically equip when you
press the button. This can be useful to switch from a wand to a knife, for

ALT+1 - Will use the exclamation point emotion (for surprise)

ALT+2 - Will use the question mark emotion (for confusion)

ALT+3 - Will use the singing emotion (for boredom)

ALT+4 - Will use the heart emotion (to show love... awww)

ALT+5 - Will use the teardrop emotion (for an awkward situation)

ALT+6 - Will use the lightbulb emotion (for a good idea)

ALT+7 - Will use the pulsating vein emotion (for anger)

ALT+8 - Will use the storm cloud emotion (for extreme anger)

ALT+9 - Will use the dollar sign emotion (for getting money/good item)

ALT+0 - Will use the elipse emotion (for not having anything to say)

CTRL+- - Will use the peace sign emotion (for scissors in Paper/Rock/Scissors,
or anything else you'd use the peace sign for)

CTRL+= - Will use the fist sign emotion (for rock in Paper/Rock/Scissors,
or to be threatening)

CTRL+\ - Will use the open hand emotion (for paper in Paper/Rock/Scissors,
or waving)

ALT+Q - Hotkey for the equipment menu.

CTRL+Q - Hotkey to minimize the equipment menu.

ALT+W - Hotkey for the pushcart menu.

CTRL+W - Hotkey to minimize the pushcart menu.

ALT+E - Hotkey for the item menu.

CTRL+E - Hotkey to minimize the item menu.

ALT+I - Opens the friend setup menu.

ALT+O - Hotkey for the option menu.

CTRL+O - Hotkey to minimize the option menu.

ALT+A - Hotkey for the status menu.

CTRL+A - Hotkey to minimize the status menu.

ALT+S - Hotkey for the skills menu.

ALT+D - Hotkey for the detail menu.

ALT+H - Hotkey for the friends menu.

ALT+Z - Hotkey for the party menu.

ALT+X - Hotkey for the end game menu.

ALT+C - Hotkey for the chat room menu.

ALT+V - Hotkey to minimize and maximize the basic info menu.


/h or /help - Displays a list of commands and controls in the chat window.

/w or /who - Displays number of players online.

/tip - Displays the tip of the day.

/bgm - Toggles background music on and off.

/sound - Toggles sound effects on and off.

/effect - Toggles effects on and off (like exit gates, and mage spells).

/where - Displays your current location (map name and XY coordinates).

/skip - Toggles frame skip on and off. If this is on, RO will drop frames to
keep your game smooth, should your computer not have the power. The bad thing
though, is that the game would look choppy.

/v (0-127) - Adjusts the sound effect volume.

/bv (0-127) - Adjusts the BGM volume.

/ex - Displays a list of all the characters you have ignored.

/ex (Character name) - Ignores the specified character.

/exall - Ignores all characters.

/in (Character name) - Un-ignores the specified character.

/inall - Un-ignores all characters.

/organize "Your name here" - This will allow you to create a party. You can
invite people into it by right clicking on them, and selecting the "invite to
party" option.

/leave - Leaves your current party.

/expel (Character name) - Will remove a character from the party, if you are
the party leader.

/sit - Same as insert, makes your character sit.

/stand - Same as insert, makes your character stand up.

/chat - Opens the create chatroom dialogue box.

/q - Leaves a chat room.

/memo - Memorizes a warp point.

/snap - Snaps the battle cursor on or off.

/skillsnap - Snaps the skill cursor on or off.

/itemsnap - Snaps your cursor to pick up items on or off.

/savechat - Saves your entire message log into a text file. It is located
in the folder "Chat", in your RO directory.

/camera - Toggles camera zooming on and off.

/miss - Toggles miss notification on and off.

/!, /?, /delight, /heart, /sweat, /aha, /fret, /anger, /money, /..., /gawi,
/bawi, /bo - All of these are simply the emotion icons, which are much more
easily performed by ALT or CTRL plus the number or character.


Ahhh, the Novice Class. When you do create your character in one of the slots,
you should consider what final class you should be. That way, you can adjust
your starting stats accordingly. Read up on each of the final class sections
to determine what one suits you best. Though I highly recommend you do not
pick an Archer or Merchant as your first class. After you've picked a name,
hair color, and skill points, it's time to dive in.

You'll start in the Novice training ground. Cross the bridge to your right
and you will come upon a castle. Inside is the Novice Training Ground.
Follow the instructions from the NPCs inside. Nothing in here is very
complicated, so I won't bother with a walkthru. One of the NPCs will ask you
some trivia questions though, it'd be a good idea to answer all of those - Not
just for the knowledge you gain about RO, but to also pick up some extra items
you can sell. After completing the training grounds, you should have 100 zeny,
or 200 zeny if the final few NPCs guessed your class correctly. If they did,
simply go to the town they recommend. If they guessed incorrectly, choose
from one of the following towns, based on what class you would like to become:

Alberta - Merchant
Geffen - Mage
Izlude - Swordsman
Morroc - Thief
Payon - Archer
Prontera - Acolyte

Then by some freaky magic, you'll be whisked away to the town you chose.

You can wander around town if you'd like, but I'm sure you want to start
fighting. So for now, exit town. Fighting enemies is very simple, you just
left-click on them until they die. An easier way though, is CTRL+Click. This
will auto-attack the enemy until he dies. Then, pick up what he drops. Start
with the pink blobs, Porings. If your in the desert, fight the tan blobs,
Drops. After fighting 2 of those, you level up. Click on the arrow that
appears in the corner and assign stats depending on what your job will be.
You will also soon get a job level, designated by an arrow in the other corner.
Novices only have 1 skill, so guess where your points go? ^_^ Anyway, you want
to keep fighting monsters and picking up what they drop. After Porings, move
on to Fabres or Pickys. After them, ChonChons or Lunatics. Finally, Willows
if they are in your area. When you have collected quite a bit of loot, go back
into town and sell it at a shop. Most players will point Novices in the
direction of the shop, but please ask nicely. Your first piece of equipment
should be a Guard, unless your going to become an Archer. After a Guard, it
would be wise to buy a Cutter, unless your going to become an Archer. After
those two, buy a Leather Jacket. Finally, some cheap headgear. That would be
a Bireta or Bandana. If you still have money before changing class, buy
Sandals. Archers should avoid all this extra armor, and save all of their
money to buy a better bow after they change jobs.

After a seemingly endless period of hack and slash, you will have reached job
level 10, and have 9 points in your basic skill. Its time to head for the
appropriate town to change class. Read up on each class individually for
more information. Congratulations - you are no longer a newbie.

Skill Point Distribution

You only have 1 skill as a Novice

Basic Skill____________________________________________________________________

Level 1 : Can now initiate a trade with another character
Level 2 : Can now use emotions
Level 3 : Can now sit to double HP and SP regen rate
Level 4 : Can now create a chat room
Level 5 : Can now join a party
Level 6 : Can now use Kapra Storage
Level 7 : Can now form a party
Level 8 : Can now enable PK (Player Killing). PKing is not enabled yet.
Level 9 : Can now change class
Level 10: ---


The Swordsman is the bread-and-butter, hit-anything-that-moves with a big ass
sword kinda class. You'll be spending all your time in melee combat, taking
little damage but dishing quite a bit out.

Becoming a Swordsman

Swordsman are one of the easiest class to work with as a Novice, since you are
both Melee fighters. So follow the standard Guard-Cutter-Jacket-Helm-Shoes
combo I stated. Once you have reached Job Level 10, you need to go to the
Swordsman guild in Izlude. Assuming you started in Prontera, just go South,
and then East from the Town. Cross the bridge, and head north into the town
square. Make a left, and across that bridge as well. Enter the building with
the Sword and Shield on it. Talk to the man behind the counter. You'll be
whisked away to pass a little trial, you'll have to move carefully along a
1-square wide bridge. If you fall off, you'll end up in a room of aggressive
Fabres - nothing you can't handle. Find the portal and try again. If your
having trouble, you can just take it 1 square at a time. Make it to the end
to become a Swordsman... or Swordswoman.

Becoming a Knight

Becoming a Knight is just about as easy as becoming a Swordsman. You'll first
need to be Job Level 40. This is the case with every second class. Go to
Prontera, then head to the Culvert Registration building in the Northwest part
of town. Talk to the Knight there, and he will let you become a Knight for
2500 zeny. You can also rent PecoPecos here for a small fee - talk to the man
outside for those.

Stat Point Builds

VIT/STR Swordie________________________________________________________________

This Swordsman is designed mostly to fight in aggressive areas. They have very
high HP, and can regenerate it quick. However, they are very boring, as you'll
hack, slash, rest, rinse, repeat, for the rest of your RO career. The
preffered build if you like dungeons. Start with 9 STR, 1 AGI, 5 VIT, 1 INT,
5 DEX, and 9 LUK. Then build stats as follows:

10 STR
10 LUK
15 VIT
10 DEX
30 VIT
20 DEX
20 STR
60 VIT
30 STR
70 VIT
30 DEX
40 STR
80 VIT
50 STR
90 VIT
90 STR
92 VIT

AGI/STR Swordie________________________________________________________________

This Swordsman prefers to stay out of mobs. He attacks quickly, and uses less
potions at first, but later when your forced to level in aggressive areas you
will have a harder time. Start with 9 STR, 9 AGI, 1 VIT, 1 INT, 9 DEX, and 1
LUK. Then build stats as follows:

10 STR
10 DEX
30 AGI
20 DEX
45 AGI
20 STR
50 AGI
60 AGI
30 STR
70 AGI
30 DEX
40 STR
90 AGI
90 STR
40 DEX

Hybrid Swordie_________________________________________________________________

Those that use this type claim they are the best, and I agree with them. These
types of Swordies are useful both in and out of aggressive areas. Also, since
the stats are split along 2 defensive types, you are going to be the ultimate
tank. If anything does hit you, it won't hurt all that much either. My
recommended build. Still try to stay clear of mobs. Start with 9 STR, 9 AGI,
5 VIT, 1 INT, 5 DEX, 1 LUK. Then build stats as follows:

10 STR
10 VIT
10 DEX
25 VIT
25 AGI
20 DEX
30 VIT
30 AGI
20 STR
40 VIT
40 AGI
30 DEX
50 VIT
50 AGI
60 VIT
60 AGI
70 VIT
70 AGI
40 STR
80 VIT
80 AGI

STR Swordie____________________________________________________________________

This may not be the ideal build for Swordies, but it still works pretty well.
Starting stats are 9 STR, 1 AGI, 1 VIT, 1 INT, 9 DEX, 9 LUK.

10 LUK
10 STR
10 DEX
10 VIT
30 STR
20 DEX
20 VIT
50 STR
30 VIT
60 STR
40 VIT
30 DEX
90 STR
60 VIT

From here, its pretty much up to you... want more INT for Bash? More LUK for

Fixed (Job Bonus) Stats


At Job Level 50: STR +7, AGI +2, VIT +4, INT +0, DEX +3, LUK +3

Job Level 2 : +1 STR
Job Level 6 : +1 VIT
Job Level 10: +1 DEX
Job Level 14: +1 STR
Job Level 18: +1 VIT
Job Level 22: +1 DEX
Job Level 26: +1 LUK
Job Level 30: +1 AGI
Job Level 33: +1 STR
Job Level 36: +1 DEX
Job Level 40: +1 STR
Job Level 42: +1 VIT
Job Level 44: +1 LUK
Job Level 46: +1 AGI
Job Level 47: +1 STR
Job Level 49: +1 STR
Job Level 50: +1 STR


At Job Level 50: STR +8, AGI +2, VIT +10, INT +0, DEX +6, LUK +4

Job Level 1 : +1 VIT
Job Level 3 : +1 VIT
Job Level 4 : +1 STR
Job Level 5 : +1 LUK
Job Level 8 : +1 VIT
Job Level 10: +1 STR
Job Level 11: +1 DEX
Job Level 12: +1 VIT
Job Level 13: +1 AGI
Job Level 15: +1 STR
Job Level 17: +1 VIT
Job Level 18: +1 VIT
Job Level 19: +1 DEX
Job Level 20: +1 LUK
Job Level 21: +1 STR
Job Level 23: +1 VIT
Job Level 27: +1 STR
Job Level 28: +1 LUK
Job Level 29: +1 VIT
Job Level 31: +1 DEX
Job Level 33: +1 STR
Job Level 36: +1 VIT
Job Level 37: +1 LUK
Job Level 38: +1 AGI
Job Level 40: +1 DEX
Job Level 43: +1 VIT
Job Level 46: +1 STR
Job Level 47: +1 STR
Job Level 48: +1 DEX
Job Level 49: +1 DEX

Swordsman Skills

Swordsman have a fair amount of skills. 3 are essential, 3 are quite good, and
2 are so so.

One-Handed Sword Mastery_______________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : ATK +5
Level 2 : ATK +10
Level 3 : ATK +15
Level 4 : ATK +20
Level 5 : ATK +25
Level 6 : ATK +30
Level 7 : ATK +35
Level 8 : ATK +40
Level 9 : ATK +45
Level 10: ATK +50

Comments: Essential for any Swordsman, to level 5 at least to get Two-Handed
Sword Mastery. Note that this attack bonus ONLY works with One-Handed Swords.

Two-Handed Sword Mastery_______________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 1 One-Handed Sword Mastery
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : ATK +5
Level 2 : ATK +10
Level 3 : ATK +15
Level 4 : ATK +20
Level 5 : ATK +25
Level 6 : ATK +30
Level 7 : ATK +35
Level 8 : ATK +40
Level 9 : ATK +45
Level 10: ATK +50

Comments: If your going to use a Two-Handed Sword, you'll want to invest in
this. If you'd rather stick with the Tsurugi-Shield combo, don't bother with

Fast HP Recovery_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : 5 + (Max HP/500) HP every 10 seconds, extra 10% from healing items
Level 2 : 10 + (Max HP/450) HP every 10 seconds, extra 20% from healing items
Level 3 : 15 + (Max HP/400) HP every 10 seconds, extra 30% from healing items
Level 4 : 20 + (Max HP/350) HP every 10 seconds, extra 40% from healing items
Level 5 : 25 + (Max HP/300) HP every 10 seconds, extra 50% from healing items
Level 6 : 30 + (Max HP/250) HP every 10 seconds, extra 60% from healing items
Level 7 : 35 + (Max HP/200) HP every 10 seconds, extra 70% from healing items
Level 8 : 40 + (Max HP/150) HP every 10 seconds, extra 80% from healing items
Level 9 : 45 + (Max HP/100) HP every 10 seconds, extra 90% from healing items
Level 10: 50 + (Max HP/50) HP every 10 seconds, extra 100% from healing items

Comments: This is a fantastic skill, since it really reduces your reliance on
potions. Also note, you get the HP bonus only while standing still or sitting.


Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 8 SP up until level 5, 15 SP from 6 up

Level 1 : 133% Damage
Level 2 : 166% Damage
Level 3 : 199% Damage
Level 4 : 232% Damage
Level 5 : 265% Damage
Level 6 : 298% Damage
Level 7 : 331% Damage
Level 8 : 364% Damage
Level 9 : 397% Damage
Level 10: 430% Damage

Comments: A very very good skill, you should lead off every attack with this
skill if you have the SP. Leave it at level 5 though, until you get a higher
max SP.

Magnum Break___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 5 Bash
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15 SP

Level 1 : 20 Hp used, 115% Damage
Level 2 : 20 Hp used, 130% Damage
Level 3 : 19 Hp used, 145% Damage
Level 4 : 19 Hp used, 160% Damage
Level 5 : 18 Hp used, 175% Damage
Level 6 : 18 Hp used, 190% Damage
Level 7 : 17 Hp used, 205% Damage
Level 8 : 17 Hp used, 220% Damage
Level 9 : 16 Hp used, 235% Damage
Level 10: 16 Hp used, 250% Damage

Note: Thanks to JBKMDX and his Swordsman FAQ for the damage boost on Magnum

Comments: Magnum Break has the fire attribute, so against some enemies it will
hurt more, while others less. It also has the ability to push enemies back, so
is handy when you are getting mobbed.


Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 10 SP

Level 1 : ATK +2%, DEF -6%
Level 2 : ATK +4%, DEF -12%
Level 3 : ATK +6%, DEF -18%
Level 4 : ATK +8%, DEF -24%
Level 5 : ATK +10%, DEF -30%
Level 6 : ATK +12%, DEF -36%
Level 7 : ATK +14%, DEF -42%
Level 8 : ATK +16%, DEF -48%
Level 9 : ATK +18%, DEF -54%
Level 10: ATK +20%, DEF -60%

Comments: Not very useful. Though it does reduce the defense of an enemy a
good amount at higher levels, and works on percentages, it also increases
attack. This SP is better used in Bash or Magnum Break.


Pre-requisites: Level 5 Provoke
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15 SP

Level 1 : 10 Seconds
Level 2 : 10 Seconds
Level 3 : 15 Seconds
Level 4 : 15 Seconds
Level 5 : 20 Seconds
Level 6 : 20 Seconds
Level 7 : 25 Seconds
Level 8 : 25 Seconds
Level 9 : 30 Seconds
Level 10: 30 Seconds

Comments: A somewhat useful skill, it prevents you from flinching when hit. It
can be nice for fast hitting enemies, but it's high pre-requisite and much
better make it skills make it worth waiting for.

Knight Skills

Spear Mastery__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active of Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : ATK +4 (+5 When Riding PecoPeco)
Level 2 : ATK +8 (+10 When Riding PecoPeco)
Level 3 : ATK +12 (+15 When Riding PecoPeco)
Level 4 : ATK +16 (+20 When Riding PecoPeco)
Level 5 : ATK +20 (+25 When Riding PecoPeco)
Level 6 : ATK +24 (+30 When Riding PecoPeco)
Level 7 : ATK +28 (+35 When Riding PecoPeco)
Level 8 : ATK +32 (+40 When Riding PecoPeco)
Level 9 : ATK +36 (+45 When Riding PecoPeco)
Level 10: ATK +40 (+50 When Riding PecoPeco)

Note: Only works with Spears

Comments: Well... if you wanna use a Spear, this is a good skill to get.
Otherwise, skip it.


Pre-requisites: Level 1 Spear Mastery
Active of Passive?: Active
SP Use: 7

Level 1 : 110% Damage
Level 2 : 120% Damage
Level 3 : 130% Damage
Level 4 : 140% Damage
Level 5 : 150% Damage
Level 6 : 160% Damage
Level 7 : 170% Damage
Level 8 : 180% Damage
Level 9 : 190% Damage
Level 10: 200% Damage

Note: This will hit Small monsters once, Medium twice, and Large 3 times

Note 2: Only works with Spears

Comments: Not all that useful. Unless your fighting large monsters, good ol
Bash is better.

Spear Stab_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 5 Pierce
Active of Passive?: Active
SP Use: 9

Level 1 : 115% Damage
Level 2 : 130% Damage
Level 3 : 145% Damage
Level 4 : 160% Damage
Level 5 : 175% Damage
Level 6 : 190% Damage
Level 7 : 205% Damage
Level 8 : 220% Damage
Level 9 : 235% Damage
Level 10: 250% Damage

Note: Only works with Spears

Comments: This skill will impale the enemy, and push him back (like Magnum
Break) Its low damage doesn't make it that useful though...

Brandish Spear_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 3 Spear Stab, Level 1 Riding
Active of Passive?: Active
SP Use: 12

Level 1 : 120% Damage, 1 Spread Range
Level 2 : 140% Damage, 1 Spread Range
Level 3 : 160% Damage, 1 Spread Range
Level 4 : 180% Damage, 2 Spread Range
Level 5 : 200% Damage, 2 Spread Range
Level 6 : 220% Damage, 2 Spread Range
Level 7 : 240% Damage, 3 Spread Range
Level 8 : 260% Damage, 3 Spread Range
Level 9 : 280% Damage, 3 Spread Range
Level 10: 300% Damage, 4 Spread Range

Note: Only works with Spears

Comments: A very interesting skill, you swing your spear. It has a very wide
arc of attack at higher levels, not to mention a decent damage boost. It might
not be bad in high spawn rate aggressive areas (like Geffen 1, for example),
but virtually useless on passive monsters.

Spear Boomerang________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 3 Pierce
Active of Passive?: Active
SP Use: 8

Level 1 : 150% Damage, 3 square range
Level 2 : 200% Damage, 5 square range
Level 3 : 250% Damage, 7 square range
Level 4 : 300% Damage, 9 square range
Level 5 : 350% Damage, 11 Square range

Note: Only works with Spears

Comments: Only having 5 levels is a big plus. This skill throws your spear
straight out, damage the enemy, and then returns to you to hit the enemy again
on the way back. Nifty. If your going with a Spear, a very good skill to

Two-Hand Quicken_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 1 2-handed Sword Mastery
Active of Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20

Level 1 : 15 Second Duration
Level 2 : 20 Second Duration
Level 3 : 25 Second Duration
Level 4 : 30 Second Duration
Level 5 : 35 Second Duration
Level 6 : 40 Second Duration
Level 7 : 45 Second Duration
Level 8 : 50 Second Duration
Level 9 : 55 Second Duration
Level 10: 60 Second Duration

Note: Only works with 2-handed Swords

Comments: Pretty much exactly like the Blacksmith's Adrenaline Rush, this
skill doubles your attack speed for a fixed period of time. A must have for
any 2-handed Sword Knight.


Pre-requisites: Level 5 2-handed Sword Mastery
Active of Passive?: Active
SP Use: 2 SP per counter

Level 1 : 0.3 Second Duration
Level 2 : 0.6 Second Duration
Level 3 : 0.9 Second Duration
Level 4 : 1.2 Second Duration
Level 5 : 1.5 Second Duration

Note: Only works with 2-handed Swords

Comments: Only having 5 levels is a big plus. When used, any enemy that hits
you during its duration will immediatly be countered by a critical hit. With
a low SP cost, this is a great skill, and should be maxed like 2-hand quicken.

Bowling Bash___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 5 2-handed Sword Mastery, Level 10 2-hand Quicken, Level
5 Auto-counter, Level 10 Bash, Level 3 Magnum Break
Active of Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15

Level 1 : 150% Damage
Level 2 : 200% Damage
Level 3 : 250% Damage
Level 4 : 300% Damage
Level 5 : 350% Damage
Level 6 : 400% Damage
Level 7 : 450% Damage
Level 8 : 500% Damage
Level 9 : 550% Damage
Level 10: 600% Damage

Note: Only works with 2-handed Swords

Comments: The way this thing works is by first hitting an enemy with a Bash-
like attack, which knocks away the enemy, followed up by a Magnum Break-like
one to throw away all the other enemies. Since a maxed Bash is pretty much the
same thing minus the Magnum Break, you shouldn't bother with it unless you'll
be in aggro areas.


Pre-requisites: Level 1 Endure
Active of Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Allows you to ride a PecoPeco

Comments: Having a PecoPeco is kind of nice for getting you somewhere fast,
but unless you also increase Cavalier mastery it actually makes you weaker.
Rent a PecoPeco from a NPC right outside of the Culvert Registration building,
where you became a Knight.

Cavalier Mastery_______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 1 Riding
Active of Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : 60% Attack Speed
Level 2 : 70% Attack Speed
Level 3 : 80% Attack Speed
Level 4 : 90% Attack Speed
Level 5 : 100% Attack Speed

Comments: Essential if you want a PecoPeco, otherwise your weaker than without

Skill Point Builds

The PecoPeco is optional. Though you can travel places faster, and it makes
your spear mastery slightly stronger, you'll need to spend 6 skill points.
I'd really only recommend having one if you like spears (yay spears!)

1-handed Sword Swordsman_______________________________________________________

A good build, but shouldn't be used right now unless you want to wait for the
Crusader class (uses 1-handed Weapons with Holy Attribute)

5 Bash
10 HP Regen
10 1-handed Sword Mastery
5 Magnum Break
10 Bash
10 Magnum Break
5 Provoke
4 Endure

Another variation of this is:

10 HP Regen
5 Bash
10 1-handed Sword Mastery
5 Provoke
1 Endure
10 Bash
8 Magnum Break

2-handed Sword Swordsman_______________________________________________________

The best one nowadays, since you can buy powerful 2-handed Swords in shops.
That, and the Knight can only used 2-handed things.

5 Bash
10 HP Regen
1 1-handed Sword Mastery
10 2-handed Sword Mastery
5 Magnum Break
10 Bash
9 Magnum Break
5 Provoke
1 Endure

1 Magnum Break
1 Riding
5 Cavalier Mastery
10 2-handed Quicken
5 Auto-counter
5 Bowling Bash
9 Endure


If you like Spears (like me) you'll want to use something like this:

5 Bash
10 HP Regen
10 Magnum Break
5 Bash
5 Provoke
10 Endure

1 Riding
5 Cavalier Mastery
10 Spear Mastery
1 Pierce
5 Spear Boomerang
5 Spear Stab
10 Brandish Spear
5 Spear Stab
8 Pierce

Equipment Guide

Weapon: +7 Blade - +6 Ring Pommel Saber
+7 Blade - +6 Bastard Sword - Two Handed Sword - Claymore
+7 Spear - +6 Partizan - Lance
Shield: Guard - Shield
Armor : Leather Jacket - Adventure Suit - Plate Mail
Helmet: Hat - Helm - Purple Glasses - Iron Chain
Robe : Hood - Manteau
Shoes : Sandals - Boots

Accessories: 2 Necklaces (Avg 280k zeny on the street)


The Thief is a class designed to hit fast, and not be hit. Though his max
damage may not be that high, and low defense REALLY hurts when you get hit,
his high agility is designed to make up for it.

Becoming a Thief

Hopefully as a Thief, you began in Moroc. You have a bit of an advantage over
other classes here. The Pickys in the desert have good drops, and can even
drop Yellow Gemstones worth 500z each! When you finally get to Job
level 10, you'll need to go to the Thieves guild. It won't be a walk in the
park like the Swordsman's though. You'll need to go into the Pyramid. From
the town of Moroc, take the upper-left hand exit. Head to the upper-left of
that map, and enter the Pyramid. Your goal is to get into the center of it,
where you will see some stairs. Watch out for the bats - they are strong, and
will attack you unprovoked! If one is chasing you, the easiest way to escape
is to run - they're slower than you. Once you find the stairs, enter them.
Take the right hand exit where the path forks, and talk to the NPC. You'll
then be sent to the Thieves guild dungeon. In here, you'll need to gather 3
Mushrooms which you can get from killing the mushroom enemies. Give them to
the NPC to become a Thief. Be careful, monsters in here will are aggressive,
meaning they will attack you even if you don't hit them first.

Becoming an Assasin

To become an Assasin, you'll need to go the guild after job level 40. It is
located south, south, east, east of Morroc. Inside, pay the guildmaster 666
zeny. Thats all there is to it!

Stat Point Builds

Agility Thief__________________________________________________________________

The most common and best Thief Build. I highly recommend you use this one.
Starting stats are 9 STR, 9 AGI, 1 VIT, 1 INT, 9 DEX, and 1 LUK.

10 STR
10 DEX
30 AGI
20 STR
45 AGI
20 DEX
50 AGI
30 STR
30 DEX
60 AGI
40 STR
70 AGI
40 LUK
50 STR

Vitality Thief_________________________________________________________________

If you want to pump VIT, go with a Swordie. But if you insist, you can make a
VIT Thief. Starting stats are 9 STR, 9 AGI, 5 VIT, 1 INT, 5 DEX, and 1 LUK.

10 STR
10 DEX
25 VIT
15 DEX
35 VIT
20 STR
20 DEX
60 VIT
30 STR
80 VIT
25 DEX
40 STR
100 VIT
40 DEX
100 STR

Dexterity Thief________________________________________________________________

Another build im not fond of, but this Thief uses a bow. So he's built pretty
much like an Archer. Sure he can dodge better, but what does that matter if
you have piss poor range? Starting stats are 9 STR, 9 AGI, 1 VIT, 1 INT, 9
DEX, and 1 LUK.

39 DEX
20 AGI
48 DEX
30 AGI
58 DEX
40 AGI
80 DEX
70 AGI
90 DEX
98 DEX
99 AGI
10 LUK

Fixed (Job Bonus) Stats


At Job Level 50: +4 STR, +4 AGI, +2 VIT, +1 INT, +4 DEX, +3 LUK

Job Level 2 : +1 AGI
Job Level 6 : +1 STR
Job Level 10: +1 DEX
Job Level 14: +1 VIT
Job Level 18: +1 INT
Job Level 22: +1 DEX
Job Level 26: +1 LUK
Job Level 30: +1 STR
Job Level 33: +1 AGI
Job Level 36: +1 AGI
Job Level 38: +1 STR
Job Level 40: +1 LUK
Job Level 42: +1 DEX
Job Level 44: +1 VIT
Job Level 46: +1 LUK
Job Level 47: +1 STR
Job Level 49: +1 DEX
Job Level 50: +1 AGI


At Job Level 50: +6 STR, +10 AGI, +2 VIT, +4 INT, +8 DEX, +0 LUK

Job Level 1 : +1 AGI
Job Level 2 : +1 AGI
Job Level 3 : +1 AGI
Job Level 4 : +1 INT
Job Level 6 : +1 VIT
Job Level 8 : +1 VIT
Job Level 9 : +1 DEX
Job Level 11: +1 STR
Job Level 14: +1 INT
Job Level 15: +1 AGI
Job Level 16: +1 AGI
Job Level 17: +1 AGI
Job Level 18: +1 AGI
Job Level 19: +1 AGI
Job Level 20: +1 AGI
Job Level 21: +1 AGI
Job Level 24: +1 DEX
Job Level 25: +1 STR
Job Level 27: +1 STR
Job Level 30: +1 DEX
Job Level 31: +1 DEX
Job Level 32: +1 STR
Job Level 38: +1 INT
Job Level 40: +1 DEX
Job Level 41: +1 DEX
Job Level 42: +1 INT
Job Level 45: +1 STR
Job Level 46: +1 DEX
Job Level 48: +1 STR
Job Level 50: +1 DEX

Thief Skills

The Thief has 2 essential skills. Then, like the Swordsman, there are 2 paths
to take. The Steal/Hide Route, or the Envenom route.

Double Attack__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : 5% to double attack
Level 2 : 10% to double attack
Level 3 : 15% to double attack
Level 4 : 20% to double attack
Level 5 : 25% to double attack
Level 6 : 30% to double attack
Level 7 : 35% to double attack
Level 8 : 40% to double attack
Level 9 : 45% to double attack
Level 10: 50% to double attack

Comments: This skill only works with a Knife weapon. It is a fantastic skill,
as you do double damage as well as stunning the enemy longer - which means
less time for them to attack you! Maxing this should be the first skill on
your list.

Increase Dodge________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Flee increased by 3%
Level 2 : Flee increased by 6%
Level 3 : Flee increased by 9%
Level 4 : Flee increased by 12%
Level 5 : Flee increased by 15%
Level 6 : Flee increased by 18%
Level 7 : Flee increased by 21%
Level 8 : Flee increased by 24%
Level 9 : Flee increased by 27%
Level 10: Flee increased by 30%

Comments: A very useful skill, since your flee is how often you dodge. You
should get the skill after double attack though, since it works on


Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15 SP

Level 1 : 115% Damage, 20 HP Drained per use
Level 2 : 130% Damage, 20 HP Drained per use
Level 3 : 145% Damage, 19 HP Drained per use
Level 4 : 160% Damage, 19 HP Drained per use
Level 5 : 175% Damage, 18 HP Drained per use
Level 6 : 190% Damage, 18 HP Drained per use
Level 7 : 205% Damage, 17 HP Drained per use
Level 8 : 220% Damage, 17 HP Drained per use
Level 9 : 235% Damage, 16 HP Drained per use
Level 10: 250% Damage, 16 HP Drained per use

Comments: This skill is basically the Thief's bash. It seems a bit weaker,
but has more range than Bash. It also uses the poison attribute, so it may
be more effective or less effective against certain enemies.


Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20 SP

Each level increases your chance to steal, but the exact amount is unknown

Comments: If you don't go with Envenom, you can use your SP to get some extra
items by stealing them. Steal also works better if the enemy is standing
still. finally, Steal does not effect the monster's drops. It is just a
randomly selected item the enemy could drop that you get. Enemies also do not
get angry when you steal from them.


Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 10 to Hide, SP drained while hiding - less is drained based on Hide Lvl

Level 1 : 30 seconds
Level 2 : 60 seconds
Level 3 : 90 seconds
Level 4 : 120 seconds
Level 5 : 150 seconds
Level 6 : 180 seconds
Level 7 : 210 seconds
Level 8 : 240 seconds
Level 9 : 270 seconds
Level 10: 300 seconds

Note: Again I must thank Node for this info. Oi, I'm starting to become a
broken record.

Comments: This can be used for 2 reasons: Escape from a mob of angry
aggressives. This is great for a Thief since AGI does NOT do well against
many enemies at once. It also has a nasty secondary use - if a under-leveled
character is trying to kill steal from you, hide. All of a sudden, they're
the tank for the enemy they have no business in hitting. Do it, come back,
and laugh at them. Serves the jerks right...


Pre-requisites: Level 3 Envenom
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: ???

Level 1 : Cures poison

Comments: Pretty much useless, since you could easily carry a few Green Herbs.
That, and status changes don't work yet.

Assassin Skills

Katar Mastery__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: Gonna be an Assassin? Then your probably going to use a Katar. So
max this skill ^_^

Left Hand Mastery______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 2 Right Hand Mastery
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : 35% Damage
Level 2 : 40% Damage
Level 3 : 45% Damage
Level 4 : 50% Damage
Level 5 : 55% Damage
Level 6 : 60% Damage
Level 7 : 65% Damage
Level 8 : 70% Damage
Level 9 : 75% Damage
Level 10: 80% Damage

Comments: If your going with a Dual Dagger Assassin, you'll want to max this.

Right Hand Mastery_____________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : 55% Damage
Level 2 : 60% Damage
Level 3 : 65% Damage
Level 4 : 70% Damage
Level 5 : 75% Damage
Level 6 : 80% Damage
Level 7 : 85% Damage
Level 8 : 90% Damage
Level 9 : 95% Damage
Level 10: 100% Damage

Comments: Max this before Left Hand, since it has a higher damage ratio.


Pre-requisites: Level 2 Hiding
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15 SP

Level 1 : 4 second duration
Level 2 : 5 second duration
Level 3 : 6 second duration
Level 4 : 7 second duration
Level 5 : 8 second duration

Comments: This will allow you to move around invisible, as long as you stay
near the walls. You can use skills like Grim Tooth like invisible.

Sonic Blow_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 4 Qatar Mastery
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 12

Level 1 : 125% Damage
Level 2 : 150% Damage
Level 3 : 175% Damage
Level 4 : 200% Damage
Level 5 : 225% Damage
Level 6 : 250% Damage
Level 7 : 275% Damage
Level 8 : 300% Damage
Level 9 : 325% Damage
Level 10: 350% Damage

Note: Thanks to VGMaster88 for correcting me on the damage Sonic Blow does

Comments: This skill allows you to attack 8 times, very quickly with a Katar.
It's really the only good Thief/Assassin active skill, so it's a good idea to
master it.

Grim Tooth_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 2 Cloaking, Level 5 Sonic Blow
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 2

Level 1 : 1 Square Range
Level 2 : 2 Square Range
Level 3 : 3 Square Range
Level 4 : 4 Square Range
Level 5 : 5 Square Range

Comments: This skill allows you to attack enemies while cloaked. Remember, you
cannot move off the wall else you become visible again.

Enchant Poison_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 1 Envenom
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration
Level 2 : 20 Second Duration
Level 3 : 30 Second Duration
Level 4 : 40 Second Duration
Level 5 : 50 Second Duration
Level 6 : 60 Second Duration
Level 7 : 70 Second Duration
Level 8 : 80 Second Duration
Level 9 : 90 Second Duration
Level 10: 100 Second Duration

Comments: This will give the target weapon a Poison Attribute for a period of
time. Hey, it can be fun...

Poison React___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 3 Enchant Poison
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 40 SP per use, 30 second duration
Level 2 : 35 SP per use, 30 second duration
Level 3 : 30 SP per use, 30 second duration
Level 4 : 25 SP per use, 30 second duration
Level 5 : 20 SP per use, 30 second duration

Comments: This skill is a lot more useful than I thought it was. When attacked
during the activation period, you have a 50% chance to return the damage as a
poison based attack. The spell is terminated then. It's high SP cost makes
it so so though.

Venom Dust_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 5 Enchant Poison
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20, 1 Red Gemstone

Level 1 : 5 Second Duration
Level 2 : 10 Second Duration
Level 3 : 15 Second Duration
Level 4 : 20 Second Duration
Level 5 : 25 Second Duration
Level 6 : 30 Second Duration
Level 7 : 35 Second Duration
Level 8 : 40 Second Duration
Level 9 : 45 Second Duration
Level 10: 50 Second Duration

Comments: Allows you to spread poison gas over a 3x3 area. Any enemy coming in
contact with the cloud will be poison. Useless until status ailments are

Venom Splasher_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 5 Poison React, Level 5 Venom Dust
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: ???

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :
Level 8 :
Level 9 :
Level 10:

Note: I haven't found ANY data on the stats of this skill...

Comments: Allows Poison to be spread to enemies, assuming when they near each
other. It only works when they have over 1/3rd HP though.

Skill Point Builds

Double Slash/Dodge Thief_______________________________________________________

The best build for AGI and VIT Thieves. You should follow it to the letter.
Envenom isn't all that great yet since no enemies are weak to poison.

10 Double Attack
10 Increase Dodge
5 Steal
1 Hide
1 Envenom
10 Steal
8 Hide

1 Sonic Blow
10 Katar Mastery
9 Sonic Blow
5 Poison React
5 Cloaking
5 Grim Tooth
10 Enchant Poison
4 Venom Splasher

If you'd prefer to use 2 daggers as an Assassin, you can try this:

10 Right Hand Mastery
10 Left Hand Mastery
10 Enchant Poison
5 Poison React
5 Venom Dust
9 Venom Splasher

Bow Thief______________________________________________________________________

If your a Bow Thief, you'll want to try this:

10 Increase Dodge
5 Steal
10 Hide
10 Envenom
5 Steal
1 Detoxify

Equipment Guide

Weapon: +7 Main Gauche - +6 Stilleto - +6 Jur
Shield: Guard - Buckler
Armor : Leather Jacket - Thieves Cloak - Ninja Suit
Helmet: Hat - Cap - Sakkat - Binoculars
Robe : Hood - Manteau
Shoes : Sandals - Boots

Accessories: 2 Brooch (Avg 1.7 million zeny on the street!)


The Archer is a class designed to deliver high damage at long range. The idea
is to kill the enemy before they even get near you to attack. Because of this,
your defense is very very low. With little AGI and no VIT to support you,
you'll be in trouble if an enemy gets in melee range. The Archer however, is
designed to kick ass with the correct gear. But using up arrows greatly
hinders the money making process, so you definently want to make this a second

Becoming an Archer

Your quest as a Novice Archer will not be very easy. You are not designed to
be a melee fighter, though the Novice forces you to be. You probably want to
stick to Porings exclusively. Which isn't a bad thing, since they give 2 Job
Points. There is one thing you should pass on as a Novice that you would get
otherwise - a Guard. Though it has a nice +2 DEF for only 500z, you will not
be able to use it as an Archer. In fact, you may not want to buy a single
thing until you become an Archer, for reasons I will explain in a minute.

Now, you may be happy leveling on Porings until Job Level 10, but you
unfortunantly need 3 logs. You can get these logs from Willows walking around
the forest. They're not dropped all that often though, so you want to kill
quite a few of them. You can start hunting Willows at about level 7, and a
bit earlier if you have healing items like Apples and Red Herbs to back you up.
They'll also give you more EXP than Porings. You should get a log for about
every 8 Willows you kill.

Unfortunantly, there are 4 types of logs. Unfortunantly, there isn't any way
to tell them apart aside from price. Go to a NPC, and select sell. You need
3 logs that sell for 1 zeny each. If you see any logs that are 30 zeny, you
can go ahead and sell those for money. Take your 3, 1 zeny logs (which can be
of different types), to the class change NPC. Go into Payon, and exit via the
upper right exit. Make your way to the building in the upper right corner of
the map, and speak to the man behind the counter. He'll give you a bow and
some arrows. Equip these immediatly, and start hunting!

Becoming a Hunter

After you become job level 40, head to Payon. Then go South, East, East.
You'll need to find the NPC in this map, and you'll need 2500z. It's just that

Stat Point Builds

For starting stats, 9 DEX is a MUST for a fledgling archer. You have a
choice between AGI over LUK, and STR over INT though.

If you go with AGI over LUK, you will have an easier time dodging enemies at
the beginning of the game. AGI is a stat you will have to raise later, when
DEX gets very expensive.

If you go with LUK, your goal for the game is to get it to 10. I suppose when
your REALLY high leveled, around level 50 or so, you can mess with it some
more, but thats out of the question right now. LUK early on will allow you to
deal out critical hits early on, but you won't dodge as much. If you really
can't decide, leave them both at 5 ^_^

For STR over INT, you get increased carrying capacity. STR does not effect
your attack, unless your using a knife (I do recommend you carry one, but you
won't use it often). Thats really the only upside.

For INT over STR, you will have more SP and slightly, slightly faster SP regen.
Archers should not invest in INT, so the few points difference between 1 and 9
will make virtually no difference in terms of SP regen. The main thing here
is the max SP. I went with 1 INT, because I didn't think I needed the SP. My
reasoning was that I use the 15 SP for double strafing as soon as I get it, so
the max SP will only benefit me when I'm first entering a dungeon. Anyway, I
hoped you could follow my twisted logic ^_^.

When you get into the game, put 1 point into LUK if you began with 9. If your
close to it, around 7, that should be your first priority. After that though,
its DEX DEX DEX DEX! You need to get this high, and ASAP. No other stats
matter right now. 30 is a good goal for this stat. After you get DEX to 30,
get LUK to 10 if it isn't already. If it is, work on AGI. 15 is a good goal
for that, for the time being. Then go back to DEX. I'd say for every 2.5 or 3
points in DEX, put 1 in AGI.

Alright, enough on starting stats. Here is a pretty good build for you to
follow, despite which stats you go with:

10 LUK (if you began with 9 LUK)
30 DEX
20 AGI
50 DEX
30 AGI
70 DEX
60 AGI
40 INT
40 LUK

LUK and INT is great later, since your Falcon will attack a lot.

Fixed (Job Bonus) Stats


At Job Level 50: +3 STR, +3 AGI, +1 VIT, +2 INT, +7 DEX, +2 LUK

Job Level 3 : +1 DEX
Job Level 6 : +1 STR
Job Level 10: +1 INT
Job Level 14: +1 DEX
Job Level 18: +1 DEX
Job Level 22: +1 LUK
Job Level 26: +1 AGI
Job Level 30: +1 DEX
Job Level 33: +1 AGI
Job Level 36: +1 DEX
Job Level 38: +1 STR
Job Level 40: +1 STR
Job Level 42: +1 DEX
Job Level 44: +1 LUK
Job Level 46: +1 VIT
Job Level 47: +1 INT
Job Level 49: +1 AGI
Job Level 50: +1 DEX


At Job Level 50: +4 STR, +6 AGI, +2 VIT, +4 INT, +10 DEX, +4 LUK

Job Level 1 : +1 DEX
Job Level 3 : +1 INT
Job Level 4 : +1 DEX
Job Level 5 : +1 STR
Job Level 7 : +1 LUK
Job Level 8 : +1 DEX
Job Level 10: +1 STR
Job Level 11: +1 STR
Job Level 12: +1 AGI
Job Level 14: +1 DEX
Job Level 15: +1 LUK
Job Level 17: +1 VIT
Job Level 19: +1 AGI
Job Level 20: +1 AGI
Job Level 21: +1 DEX
Job Level 23: +1 VIT
Job Level 27: +1 DEX
Job Level 29: +1 LUK
Job Level 31: +1 AGI
Job Level 33: +1 DEX
Job Level 34: +1 INT
Job Level 38: +1 DEX
Job Level 39: +1 AGI
Job Level 41: +1 INT
Job Level 42: +1 LUK
Job Level 43: +1 DEX
Job Level 44: +1 STR
Job Level 46: +1 INT
Job Level 47: +1 AGI
Job Level 49: +1 DEX

Archer Skills

Archers really don't have a lot of skills. That makes for an easy decision in
terms of point distribution ^_^. 2 are absolutely essential, you'd be nuts
to be without them. 1 is definetly a good investment, and the other 2 are so

Owl's Eye______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : DEX +1
Level 2 : DEX +2
Level 3 : DEX +3
Level 4 : DEX +4
Level 5 : DEX +5
Level 6 : DEX +6
Level 7 : DEX +7
Level 8 : DEX +8
Level 9 : DEX +9
Level 10: DEX +10

Comments: The only skill in RO that actually improves a STAT. It definently
should be on your list to get, but it can wait until after much better skills.

Vulture's Eye__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 3 Owl's Eye
Active of Passive? Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Range +1
Level 2 : Range +2
Level 3 : Range +3
Level 4 : Range +4
Level 5 : Range +5
Level 6 : Range +6
Level 7 : Range +7
Level 8 : Range +8
Level 9 : Range +9
Level 10: Range +10

Comments: This skill increases your range. More range = more time to fire
arrows = the less damage to you! This is your first skill to invest majorly
in. The ammount of points you put into this depends on the resolution you play
RO in. I play on 800x600, windowed, and I could hit pretty much everything at
level 7. I raised it to 8 though, as occasionally I had to walk. If your
playing at 1024x768, you probably want to max it. Just use your own judgement.
If you have to walk to attack an enemy, raise it more. Absolutely essential.

Double Strafing________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active,
SP Use: 15 SP

Each level increases the damage or the skill, but the exact amount in unknown.

Comments: This skill allows you to fire 2 arrows at once. It is NOT effected
by Vulture's Eye, but at higher levels it begins to deal outstanding damage.
I recommend your first skill point be in double strafing, for when enemies are
close and you have Vulture's Eye up to a respectable level. You do not use up
arrows with the skill.

Arrow Shower___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Double Strafing Level 5
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15 SP

Just like Double Strafing, Each level increases the damage or the skill, but
the exact amount in unknown.

Comments: Not a very useful skill. It fires multiple arrows in front of the
archer at various enemies. The more enemies you attack though, the more
enemies that will attack you. And archers are not made to take hits. This
would be great for weak enemies, but if your seriously leveling, you probably
should not use it. Like Double Strafing, it also does not use up arrows.

Attention Concentrate__________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Vulture's Eye
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP use

Level 1 : DEX and AGI up 12%, lasts 40 sec. 25 SP per use.
Level 2 : DEX and AGI up 14%, lasts 50 sec. 30 SP per use.
Level 3 : DEX and AGI up 16%, lasts 60 sec. 35 SP per use.
Level 4 : DEX and AGI up 18%, lasts 70 sec. 40 SP per use.
Level 5 : DEX and AGI up 20%, lasts 80 sec. 45 SP per use.
Level 6 : DEX and AGI up 22%, lasts 90 sec. 50 SP per use.
Level 7 : DEX and AGI up 24%, lasts 100 sec. 55 SP per use.
Level 8 : DEX and AGI up 26%, lasts 110 sec. 60 SP per use.
Level 9 : DEX and AGI up 28%, lasts 120 sec. 65 SP per use.
Level 10: DEX and AGI up 30%, lasts 130 sec. 70 SP per use.

Comments: This Skill works on percentages, which is nice, since it never
outdated. The extremely high SP cost prevents this from being a very useful
skill though. That SP is best used in Double Strafing.

Hunter Skills

Personally, I don't find traps very useful. If you like traps, get just 1.
That way, after you can shoot an enemy, you can lay one down in front of you
before it gets close. Other than that, ignore them, and go with the other

Note: All traps require at least 1 trap item to use! You can buy these from
any kit shop.

Skid Trap______________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 5

Level 1 : 1 Cell, 3 Second set up time
Level 2 : 2 Cells, 2.4 Second set up time
Level 3 : 3 Cells, 1.8 Second set up time
Level 4 : 4 Cells, 1.2 Second set up time
Level 5 : 5 Cells, 0.6 Second set up time

Comments: When the enemy hits this trap, it slides in the direction it was
running when it hit it. Think of it as the banana peel of RO. Unfortunantly,
it sucks.


Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20

Level 1 : 50% Damage
Level 2 : 75% Damage
Level 3 : 100% Damage
Level 4 : 125% Damage
Level 5 : 150% Damage

Comments: The damage is based on your ATK. A decent trap, but there are

Ankles Snare___________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Skid Trap
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15

Level 1 : 2.5 Second set up time, 5 Second duration
Level 2 : 2.0 Second set up time, 10 Second duration
Level 3 : 1.5 Second set up time, 15 Second duration
Level 4 : 1.0 Second set up time, 20 Second duration
Level 5 : 0.5 Second set up time, 25 Second duration

Comments: One of the better traps, it snares thier enemies preventing them from
moving. Which lets you shoot him like the helpless jerk he is ^_^


Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Skid Trap
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20

Level 1 : 1.5 Second set up time
Level 2 : 1.2 Second set up time
Level 3 : 9 Second set up time
Level 4 : 6 Second set up time
Level 5 : 3 Second set up time

Comments: Flash your opponents! ^_^ Anyway, this trap causes dark status, but
not to bosses and plant monsters. It doesn't really matter, since status
changes are not implemented yet. It also uses 2 trap items to set up. Skip


Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Ankles Snare
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 45

Level 1 : 20% SP Drained
Level 2 : 35% SP Drained
Level 3 : 50% SP Drained
Level 4 : 65% SP Drained
Level 5 : 80% SP Drained

Comments: When an enemy steps on this, its SP is drained and given to you.
Since no monsters use magic, I'm not even sure if enemies have SP. You'll
become the worst enemy of Mages in the arena though. This skill also uses 2
trap items.


Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Flasher
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 25

Level 1 : 1.5 Second set up time
Level 2 : 1.2 Second set up time
Level 3 : 9 Second set up time
Level 4 : 6 Second set up time
Level 5 : 3 Second set up time

Comments: This trap should put enemies to sleep, but since status changes
aren't working yet, skip it. This skill also uses 2 trap items.


Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Flasher
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20

Level 1 : 1.5 Second set up time
Level 2 : 1.2 Second set up time
Level 3 : 9 Second set up time
Level 4 : 6 Second set up time
Level 5 : 3 Second set up time

Comments: Freezes enemies, which does work (Frost Diver). Not bad, but the
ice breaks after 1 hit. Maybe you can use it to run away. This skill uses 2
trap items.

Blast Mine_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Sandman, Level 1 Freezing, Level 1 Landmine
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 10

Level 1 : 8 Second Duration
Level 2 : 6 Second Duration
Level 3 : 4 Second Duration
Level 4 : 2 Second Duration
Level 5 : 2 Second Duration

Comments: A more powerful landmine, but I unfortunantly do not know what the
damage ratio is. It also uses the fire element, so it will be more or less
effective depending on your target.


Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Shock Wave
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15

Level 1 : 1.0 Second set up time
Level 2 : 0.8 Second set up time
Level 3 : 0.6 Second set up time
Level 4 : 0.4 Second set up time
Level 5 : 0.2 Second set up time

Comments: A more powerful landmine, it causes quite a bit of damage to a 3x3
area. Even though this skill uses 2 traps, its one of the best. Level 1
should be sufficient.

Remove Trap____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Landmine Level 1
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Remove Trap

Comments: Removes a trap, so you can get your item back. They're cheap, I'd
save the skill point unless your very poor.

Spring Trap____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Remove Trap, Level 1 Falcon Mastery
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 10

Level 1 : 4 Range
Level 2 : 5 Range
Level 3 : 6 Range
Level 4 : 7 Range
Level 5 : 8 Range

Comments: Uses your Falcon to spring a trap. A pretty dumb idea IMO, you might
as well just leave it.

Talkie Box_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Remove Trap, Level 1 Shockwave
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 1

Level 1 : 600 Second Duration, 6 second set up time

Comments: A fun little trap, when placed any player that walks over it will
recieve a message you set. Cool.

Beast Bane_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : +3 ATK
Level 2 : +6 ATK
Level 3 : +9 ATK
Level 4 : +12 ATK
Level 5 : +15 ATK
Level 6 : +18 ATK
Level 7 : +21 ATK
Level 8 : +24 ATK
Level 9 : +27 ATK
Level 10: +30 ATK

Comments: Will add extra damage to beast/animal type enemies. A decent
skill, but better ones make it worth waiting for.

Falcon Mastery_________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Beast Bane
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Can rent Falcon

Comments: This allows you to rent a Falcon from the Hunter's Guild. Unlike
the PecoPeco, there is no reason to not have one. So pick one up. Attack
power of the Falcon is based on DEX and INT.

Blitz Beat_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Falcon Mastery
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 hit, 10 SP Use
Level 2 : 2 hits, 13 SP Use
Level 3 : 3 hits, 16 SP Use
Level 4 : 4 hits, 19 SP Use
Level 5 : 5 hits, 22 SP Use

Comments: This attack will cause the Falcon to attack repeatedly. Range of the
attack is based on Vultures Eye. A very good skill.

Steel Crow_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 5 Blitz Beat
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: Increases the damage of the Falcon. So, ummm... cool.


Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Remove Trap, Level 1 Falcon Mastery
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: 8

Level 1 : 3 Range
Level 2 : 5 Range
Level 3 : 7 Range
Level 4 : 9 Range

Comments: Lets you detect hidden monsters and traps with the Falcon. A waste
of time, I think.

Skill Point Guide

There really is only 1 build for Archers - so I'd highly suggest following
this one. As for Vulture's Eye, pump it until you can hit any enemy on the
screen. The actual amount will vary depending on your screen resolution.

1 Double Strafing
3 Owl's Eye
6-10 Vulture's Eye
9 Double Strafing
7 Owl's Eye
10 Arrow Shower
9-10 Attention Concentrate

1 Beast Bane
1 Falcon Mastery
10 steel Crow
5 Blitz Beat
10 Beast Bane
1 Skid Trap
5 Ankle Snare
1 Sandman
1 Freezing
1 Flasher
1 Blast Mine
5 Claymore
5 Shockwave
1 Remove Trap
1 Talkie Box

Equipment Guide

Weapon: +7 Composite Bow - +6 Cross Bow - Hunter's Bow
Shield: None
Armor : Leather Jacket - Adventure Suit - Tights
Helmet: Birreta/Bandana - Cap - Binoculars - Sakkat
Robe : Hood - Muffler
Shoes : Sandals - Boots

Accessories: 2 Gloves (Avg 130k zeny on the street)


The Magician of course, uses magic to attack enemies. Their magic is very
strong, and will usually kill an enemy with one spell. However, the spell can
take a bit of time to cast, and a bit of time to recover the SP. So if you
want a class with a lot of action, it probably isn't for you.

Becoming a Magician

This is another class where you'll probably want to stick with Porings
only, even for a bit after you become a Mage. After you do hit level 10 job
though, you'll want to head to Geffen. If you started in Prontera, Geffen is
a long walk to the north. When you do get to Geffen, head into the upper-left
building and talk to the Sorcoress there. She'll give you a list of one of 4
different solutions. Gather the ingredients and talk to her again to become a
Mage. If you need help obtaining those items, check out the ETC and Usable
Items section. Now, go out and fight more Porings. You want to get some

Becoming a Wizard

Go to the top of Geffen tower (which is no short walk, btw), and talk to the
Wizard there. Easy enough...

Stat Point Builds

Alright, I'm open to ideas now. DEX is now what affects casting speed, but I
still think AGI will be important to dodge hits. If anybody has a good idea
for a Mage Build, send it along to me.

Fixed (Job Bonus) Stats


At Job Level 50: +0 STR, +4 AGI, +0 VIT, +8 INT, +3 DEX, +3 LUK

Job Level 2 : +1 INT
Job Level 6 : +1 DEX
Job Level 10: +1 DEX
Job Level 14: +1 INT
Job Level 18: +1 AGI
Job Level 22: +1 INT
Job Level 26: +1 AGI
Job Level 30: +1 LUK
Job Level 33: +1 INT
Job Level 36: +1 DEX
Job Level 38: +1 INT
Job Level 40: +1 AGI
Job Level 42: +1 LUK
Job Level 44: +1 INT
Job Level 46: +1 INT
Job Level 47: +1 AGI
Job Level 49: +1 LUK
Job Level 50: +1 INT


At Job Level 50: +1 STR, +8 AGI, +1 VIT, +12 INT, +6 DEX, +2 LUK

Job Level 1 : +1 DEX
Job Level 3 : +1 INT
Job Level 4 : +1 AGI
Job Level 5 : +1 DEX
Job Level 8 : +1 INT
Job Level 10: +1 AGI
Job Level 11: +1 STR
Job Level 12: +1 DEX
Job Level 14: +1 LUK
Job Level 17: +1 INT
Job Level 18: +1 INT
Job Level 22: +1 INT
Job Level 23: +1 AGI
Job Level 25: +1 DEX
Job Level 29: +1 INT
Job Level 31: +1 INT
Job Level 32: +1 DEX
Job Level 33: +1 INT
Job Level 34: +1 AGI
Job Level 36: +1 LUK
Job Level 38: +1 VIT
Job Level 39: +1 DEX
Job Level 40: +1 INT
Job Level 41: +1 AGI
Job Level 43: +1 AGI
Job Level 44: +1 INT
Job Level 46: +1 AGI
Job Level 47: +1 AGI
Job Level 49: +1 INT
Job Level 50: +1 INT

Magician Skills

Magicians live on Skills. Without their spells, they are nothing. Also,
choosing skills is now a complicated process. An elemental system can limit
and enhance your elementals against certain enemies. Before starting a Mage,
you should decide where you will level. That way, you can plan out what
elements you would like to use. Check out the Maps and Monsters section for
this info.

SP Recovery____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Additional 3 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 2 : Additional 6 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 3 : Additional 9 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 4 : Additional 12 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 5 : Additional 15 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 6 : Additional 18 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 7 : Additional 21 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 8 : Additional 24 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 9 : Additional 27 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 10: Additional 30 SP per every 10 seconds

Comments: An essential spell for any Mage. Without it, you'll be waiting a
LOOOONG time inbetween casts to regain SP.


Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 10 SP

Level 1 : Allows you to use Sight

Comments: Pretty much a useless spell. All it can do at this point is allow
you to see hidden Thieves. Yippee...

Napalm Beat____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 9 SP

Level 1 : 80% Damage
Level 2 : 90% Damage
Level 3 : 100% Damage
Level 4 : 110% Damage
Level 5 : 120% Damage
Level 6 : 130% Damage
Level 7 : 140% Damage
Level 8 : 150% Damage
Level 9 : 160% Damage
Level 10: 170% Damage

Comments: This is a pretty handy spell. It has a near instantaneous cast time,
which is always good. Also, at higher levels, you will be doing insane damage
for a measly 9 SP. It also can hit other enemies if they are nearby.
Definently worth getting later, even if you specialize in bolts.

Soul Strike____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 4 Napalm Beat
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Spirits, 15 SP, 1 Second Cast Time
Level 2 : 1 Spirits, 18 SP, 1/2 Second Cast Time
Level 3 : 2 Spirits, 21 SP, 1 Second Cast Time
Level 4 : 2 Spirits, 24 SP, 1/2 Second Cast Time
Level 5 : 3 Spirits, 27 SP, 1 Second Cast Time
Level 6 : 3 Spirits, 30 SP, 1/2 Second Cast Time
Level 7 : 4 Spirits, 33 SP, 1 Second Cast Time
Level 8 : 4 Spirits, 36 SP, 1/2 Second Cast Time
Level 9 : 5 Spirits, 39 SP, 1 Second Cast Time
Level 10: 5 Spirits, 42 SP, 1/2 Second Cast Time

Comments: The only advantage to this spell over bolts is its very fast casting
time. It has a very high SP consumption though, so if you go with Soul Strike,
be ready for some downtime.

Safety Wall____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 7 Napalm Beat, Level 5 Soul Strike
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : Protection for 5 seconds, or 2 attacks, 30 SP
Level 2 : Protection for 10 seconds, or 3 attacks, 30 SP
Level 3 : Protection for 15 seconds, or 4 attacks, 30 SP
Level 4 : Protection for 20 seconds, or 5 attacks, 35 SP
Level 5 : Protection for 25 seconds, or 6 attacks, 35 SP
Level 6 : Protection for 30 seconds, or 7 attacks, 35 SP
Level 7 : Protection for 35 seconds, or 8 attacks, 40 SP
Level 8 : Protection for 40 seconds, or 9 attacks, 40 SP
Level 9 : Protection for 45 seconds, or 10 attacks, 40 SP
Level 10: Protection for 50 seconds, or 11 attacks, 40 SP

Comments: I don't recommend you get this spell. Although it can make you
invulnerable, it requires a Blue Gemstone each cast. They sell for 1000z
in Geffen! Also, your only invulnerable in the area you create, so if you
step out of it, you'll be in danger.

Cold Bolt______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Bolts, 12 SP
Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 14 SP
Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 16 SP
Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 18 SP
Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 20 SP
Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 22 SP
Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 24 SP
Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 26 SP
Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 28 SP
Level 10: 10 Bolts, 30 SP

Comments: I don't recommend Ice currently, as few enemies are few against it.
Each additional bolt adds to the spell's cast time. Damage per bolt depends
on INT.

Frost Diver____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 5 Cold Bolt
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 3 Second Duration, 30 SP
Level 2 : 6 Second Duration, 29 SP
Level 3 : 9 Second Duration, 28 SP
Level 4 : 12 Second Duration, 27 SP
Level 5 : 15 Second Duration, 26 SP
Level 6 : 18 Second Duration, 25 SP
Level 7 : 21 Second Duration, 24 SP
Level 8 : 24 Second Duration, 23 SP
Level 9 : 27 Second Duration, 22 SP
Level 10: 30 Second Duration, 21 SP

Comments: This damages the enemy, as well as freezing them. While frozen, they
become weak against Wind. They also do not move, obviously. After freezing
them, you can cast a Lightning spell for some pretty amazing damage.

Lightning Bolt_________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Bolts, 12 SP
Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 14 SP
Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 16 SP
Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 18 SP
Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 20 SP
Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 22 SP
Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 24 SP
Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 26 SP
Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 28 SP
Level 10: 10 Bolts, 30 SP

Comments: If you're going to level in Bibalan, get this spell. Each additional
bolt adds to the spell's cast time. Damage per bolt depends on INT.

Thunder Storm__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 4 Lightning Bolt
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Bolts, 29 SP per use
Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 34 SP per use
Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 39 SP per use
Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 44 SP per use
Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 49 SP per use
Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 54 SP per use
Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 59 SP per use
Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 64 SP per use
Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 69 SP per use
Level 10: 10 Bolts, 74 SP per use

Comments: A pretty good spell. It can effect many enemies at once, since it
targets a 3x3 section of tiles. Once an enemy enters the sphere of influence,
they cannot leave until all the bolts are done. Then again, if they are able
leave, it will be after you. Also, you can cast this spell anytime you want,
so it creates quite a light show in towns.


Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Bolts, 12 SP
Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 14 SP
Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 16 SP
Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 18 SP
Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 20 SP
Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 22 SP
Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 24 SP
Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 26 SP
Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 28 SP
Level 10: 10 Bolts, 30 SP

Comments: Probably the best bolt, since more enemies are weak against fire than
the other elements. Each additional bolt adds to the spell's cast time.
Damage per bolt depends on INT.

Fire Ball______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 4 Fire Bolt
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 25 SP

Level 1 : 100% Damage
Level 2 : 105% Damage
Level 3 : 110% Damage
Level 4 : 115% Damage
Level 5 : 120% Damage
Level 6 : 125% Damage
Level 7 : 130% Damage
Level 8 : 135% Damage
Level 9 : 140% Damage
Level 10: 145% Damage

Comments: This spell is much like Napalm Beat. It also can hit more than one
enemy with it's splash damage, and the damage increases with each skill point.
Not a very good skill though, due to its low damage.

Fire Wall______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: Level 5 Fire Ball, Level 1 Sight
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration, 20 SP per use
Level 2 : 15 Second Duration, 24 SP per use
Level 3 : 20 Second Duration, 28 SP per use
Level 4 : 25 Second Duration, 32 SP per use
Level 5 : 30 Second Duration, 36 SP per use
Level 6 : 35 Second Duration, 40 SP per use
Level 7 : 40 Second Duration, 44 SP per use
Level 8 : 45 Second Duration, 48 SP per use
Level 9 : 50 Second Duration, 52 SP per use
Level 10: 55 Second Duration, 56 SP per use

Comments: A very high damage fire spell. Since you really do create a wall of
fire, you can damage multiple enemies. Not a bad skill, but make sure you want
it - theres a 10 Skill Point price to pay in Pre-requisites.

Stone Curse____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 25 SP per cast
Level 2 : 24 SP per cast
Level 3 : 23 SP per cast
Level 4 : 22 SP per cast
Level 5 : 21 SP per cast
Level 6 : 20 SP per cast
Level 7 : 19 SP per cast
Level 8 : 18 SP per cast
Level 9 : 17 SP per cast
Level 10: 16 SP per cast

Comments: All this does is turn your enemy to stone. When you do uncuse them
by casting the spell again, they're supposed to have only 1 HP, but Mages
report this is not the case. It also requires 1 Red Gemstone per cast, which
cannot be bought in any store. So its high cost makes it pretty useless.

Wizard Skills

Alright, so you're probably thinking, "Casting little bolts are nice... but
damnit, I wanna summon nuclear bombs and blow stuff up!" Well, then the Wizard
is for you. A good portion of these skills are full-screen.


Pre-requisities: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 10

Level 1 : Shows the stats of a monster

Comments: The FAQ writer's skill ^_^. I have no idea if this is even enabled

Fire Ivy_______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisities: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use:

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :
Level 8 :
Level 9 :
Level 10:

Comments: No info for this skill, unfortuantly

Fire Pillar____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisities: Level 1 Fire Wall
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 30 SP

Level 1 : 5 Second Duration
Level 2 : 7 Second Duration
Level 3 : 9 Second Duration
Level 4 : 11 Second Duration
Level 5 : 13 Second Duration
Level 6 : 15 Second Duration
Level 7 : 17 Second Duration
Level 8 : 19 Second Duration
Level 9 : 21 Second Duration
Level 10: 23 Second Duration

Comments: Fire Wall's big brother. If you got Fire Wall as a Magician, this is
a good skill to get. If not, skip it.


Pre-requisities: Level 1 Sight, Level 1 Lightning Bolt
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 120% ATK, +1 Distance, 35 SP per use
Level 2 : 140% ATK, +1 Distance, 37 SP per use
Level 3 : 160% ATK, +2 Distance, 39 SP per use
Level 4 : 180% ATK, +2 Distance, 41 SP per use
Level 5 : 200% ATK, +3 Distance, 43 SP per use
Level 6 : 220% ATK, +3 Distance, 45 SP per use
Level 7 : 240% ATK, +4 Distance, 47 SP per use
Level 8 : 260% ATK, +4 Distance, 49 SP per use
Level 9 : 280% ATK, +5 Distance, 51 SP per use
Level 10: 300% ATK, +5 Distance, 53 SP per use

Comments: Whee, this is a fun looking spell. At least it finally gives Sight a
use. This spell sends out those fireballs generated by Sight in all kinds of
directions. This is all fine and dandy, but also remember every enemy you hit
without a target it going to come after you. And it doesn't really have the
power to kill many enemies in 1 cast like Lord of Vermilion. Its a nice
anti-mob spell, but so is a Wing of Fly.

Meteor Storm___________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisities: Thunder Storm Level 1, Sightrasher Level 2
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : Summons 1 Meteor, 30 SP per use
Level 2 : Summons 1 Meteor, 34 SP per use
Level 3 : Summons 2 Meteors, 40 SP per use
Level 4 : Summons 2 Meteors, 44 SP per use
Level 5 : Summons 3 Meteors, 50 SP per use
Level 6 : Summons 3 Meteors, 54 SP per use
Level 7 : Summons 4 Meteors, 60 SP per use
Level 8 : Summons 4 Meteors, 64 SP per use
Level 9 : Summons 5 Meteors, 70 SP per use
Level 10: Summons 5 Meteors, 74 SP per use

Comments: IMO, this is the most visually impressive spell in the game. It
causes MASSIVE fire damage, and pretty much kills everything on the screen.
It takes a good deal of time to cast though, so have some cover. Still, a
fantastic spell, one worth getting.

Jupitel Thunder________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisities: Napalam Beat Level 1, Thunder Bolt Level 1
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 3 Strikes, 20 SP per use
Level 2 : 4 Strikes, 23 SP per use
Level 3 : 5 Strikes, 26 SP per use
Level 4 : 6 Strikes, 29 SP per use
Level 5 : 7 Strikes, 32 SP per use
Level 6 : 8 Strikes, 35 SP per use
Level 7 : 9 Strikes, 38 SP per use
Level 8 : 10 Strikes, 41 SP per use
Level 9 : 11 Strikes, 44 SP per use
Level 10: 12 Strikes, 47 SP per use

Comments: Lightning Bolt on steroids. The long cast time and over-kill at
higher levels makes this a skill best taken up to level 5 or so. Still, a
great lightning skill to have.

Lord of Vermilion______________________________________________________________

Pre-requisities: Thunder Storm Level 1, Jupitel Thunder Level 5
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 15 Second Cast time, 60 SP per use
Level 2 : 14.5 Second Cast time, 64 SP per use
Level 3 : 14 Second Cast time, 68 SP per use
Level 4 : 13.5 Second Cast time, 72 SP per use
Level 5 : 13 Second Cast time, 76 SP per use
Level 6 : 12.5 Second Cast time, 80 SP per use
Level 7 : 12 Second Cast time, 84 SP per use
Level 8 : 11.5 Second Cast time, 88 SP per use
Level 9 : 11 Second Cast time, 92 SP per use
Level 10: 10.5 Second Cast time, 96 SP per use

Comments: The small reduction in cast time isn't really worth the SP cost and
skill points, so I'd leave it at 1. A fantastic spell though.

Ice Wall_______________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisities: Level 1 Frost Diver, Level 1 Stone Curse
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration
Level 2 : 20 Second Duration
Level 3 : 30 Second Duration
Level 4 : 40 Second Duration
Level 5 : 50 Second Duration
Level 6 : 60 Second Duration
Level 7 : 70 Second Duration
Level 8 : 80 Second Duration
Level 9 : 90 Second Duration
Level 10: 100 Second Duration

Comments: This is a really cool skill. It creates a wall of ice, like Fire
Wall, that nothing can pass through. Find a wall or corner, cast 2 or 3 of
these to box yourself in, and you can now safely let off big spells like Lord
of Vermilion. A very good investment.

Frost Nova_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisities: Level 1 Frost Diver, Level 1 Ice Wall
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 5 Second Duration, 45 SP per use
Level 2 : 4.7 Second Duration, 43 SP per use
Level 3 : 4.4 Second Duration, 41 SP per use
Level 4 : 4.1 Second Duration, 39 SP per use
Level 5 : 3.8 Second Duration, 37 SP per use
Level 6 : 3.5 Second Duration, 35 SP per use
Level 7 : 3.2 Second Duration, 33 SP per use
Level 8 : 2.9 Second Duration, 31 SP per use
Level 9 : 2.7 Second Duration, 29 SP per use
Level 10: 2.5 Second Duration, 27 SP per use

Comments: Its Diablo II all over again! 1 point in this skill is a good idea,
to get you out of a sticky situation.

Storm Gust_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisities: Level 1 Frost Diver, Level 3 Jupitel Thunder
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 78 SP

Level 1 : 15 Second Cast Time
Level 2 : 14.5 Second Cast Time
Level 3 : 14 Second Cast Time
Level 4 : 13.5 Second Cast Time
Level 5 : 13 Second Cast Time
Level 6 : 12.5 Second Cast Time
Level 7 : 12 Second Cast Time
Level 8 : 11.5 Second Cast Time
Level 9 : 11 Second Cast Time
Level 10: 10.5 Second Cast Time

Comments: It's the full screen spell for Ice. So if you like Ice, then this is
your spell.


Pre-requisities: Level 1 Cold Bolt, Level 1 Lightning Bolt
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Second Cast Time, 15 SP per use
Level 2 : 2 Second Cast Time, 20 SP per use
Level 3 : 3 Second Cast Time, 20 SP per use
Level 4 : 4 Second Cast Time, 25 SP per use
Level 5 : 5 Second Cast Time, 25 SP per use

Note: This skill requires water to be present, like the Acolyte's Aqua

Comments: What's a place with water? Bibilan. Are enemies in Bibilan weak to
Ice? Nope. So skip it.

Earth Spike____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisities: Level 1 Stone Curse
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Second Cast Time, 12 SP per use
Level 2 : 2 Second Cast Time, 14 SP per use
Level 3 : 3 Second Cast Time, 18 SP per use
Level 4 : 4 Second Cast Time, 20 SP per use
Level 5 : 5 Second Cast Time, 22 SP per use

Comments: Hey! An Earth spell thats actually useful! A decent Earth attack,
if you decide to invest in that element.

Heaven's Dive__________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisities: Level 3 Earth Spike
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Attacks, 1 Second Cast Time, 24 SP per use
Level 2 : 2 Attacks, 2 Second Cast Time, 28 SP per use
Level 3 : 3 Attacks, 3 Second Cast Time, 32 SP per use
Level 4 : 4 Attacks, 4 Second Cast Time, 36 SP per use
Level 5 : 5 Attacks, 5 Second Cast Time, 40 SP per use

Comments: The best Earth spell in terms of attacking, so it's essential if you
go that route.


Pre-requisities: Level 1 Cold Bolt, Level 1 Heaven's Dive
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15 SP

Level 1 : 5 Second Duration
Level 2 : 10 Second Duration
Level 3 : 15 Second Duration
Level 4 : 20 Second Duration
Level 5 : 25 Second Duration
Level 6 : 30 Second Duration
Level 7 : 35 Second Duration
Level 8 : 40 Second Duration
Level 9 : 45 Second Duration
Level 10: 50 Second Duration

Comments: A pretty cool spell, this creates a swamp that reduces the DEX, AGI,
and moving speed of everything in the area. Unfortunantly, it wouldn't be too
useful on anything except bosses and large mobs.

Skill Point Builds

The Wizard opens up more options here. It's best to stick with 1 or 2
elements, and Soul Strike. These are simply suggestions - mix and match your
favorite element. I'm not very good with Mages, so I suggest you check out
another FAQ in addition to mine.


1 Fire Bolt
1 SP Regen
4 Fire Bolt
10 SP Regen
4 Napalm Beat
10 Soul Strike
10 Napalm Beat
5 Lightning Bolt
5 Cold Bolt
5 Fire Bolt

5 Jupitel Thunder
1 Lord of Vermilion
10 Ice Wall
1 Frost Nova
1 Sight
2 Sightrasher
9 Meteor Storm
1 Frost Diver
10 Storm Gust
1 Stone Curse
3 Earth Spike
5 Heaven's Dive
1 Earth Spike


1 Lightning Bolt
1 SP Regen
4 Lightning Bolt
10 SP Regen
4 Napalm Beat
10 Soul Strike
10 Thunderstorm
10 Napalm Beat
5 Fire Bolt

5 Jupitel Thunder
1 Lord of Vermilion
10 Ice Wall
1 Stone Curse
5 Earth Spike
5 Heaven's Dive
1 Sight
2 Sightrasher
9 Meteor Storm
8 Sightrasher
3 Storm Gust

Equipment Guide

Weapon: Wand - Arc Wand
Shield: Guard
Armor : Leather Jacket - Adventure Suit - Mink Coat
Helmet: Bandana - Cap - Tiara/Crown or Wizard Hat
Robe : Hood - Muffler
Shoes : Sandals - Shoes

Accessory: 2 Earrings (About 280k on the street for these)


The Acolyte is a warrior of the Church. His main strengths are fighting
against undead. And quite frankly, he kicks ass against them. However,
against normal enemies, Acolytes are so so. They are also severly limited in
thier Weapon selection.

Becoming an Acolyte

The Acolyte's quest is one of the harder ones, but by no means extremely
difficult. As a Novice, you'll want to build yourself a little differently.
Buy a Guard for sure, but don't upgrade your knife. Acolytes use Maces, so
if you want to upgrade your weapon, do so at the Prontera Church. It's found
in the upper right corner of town. Talk to the cleric inside, and he'll tell
you to make a pilgrimage of sorts. Follow his directions and talk to the NPC,
then report back to the cleric. He'll then make you an Acoltye.

Becoming a Priest

Another easy change here, simply go to the church in Prontera. A priest in the
antechamber to the left will promote you to a Priest yourself - provided you're
Job Level 40, of course.

Stat Point Builds

Theres currently 3 types of Acolyte out there, and they all vary in terms of
stats. The undead killers are the most common, but probably not as fun. Read
up, and choose the one you would like to be.

Undead Killer__________________________________________________________________

This Acolyte is designed to whack the living (or dead) crap out of the undead,
and take little damage doing it. An undead killing Acolyte should focus
primarily on VIT and STR. A little bit of DEX, as with any fighter, certainly
can't hurt. You should also put a few points in INT to enhance your heal
spell. Starting stats are 5 STR, 9 AGI, 5 VIT, 5 INT, 5 DEX, 1 LUK.

10 STR
10 DEX
35 VIT
21 DEX
50 VIT
10 INT
30 STR
60 VIT
90 STR
78 AGI

Support Acolyte________________________________________________________________

If you have an active party, this is the way to go. Turn on EXP sharing, and
go tackle some really high level enemies. Use heal to keep the tanker alive,
and some stat boosting spells to help out your allies. You can also join in
and whack the enemy a bit. Support Acos should focus on VIT and STR as well,
but with many more points in INT. Try to balance all 3. You won't do well at
all solo though, so be sure if you do go this route, your party will help you.
Starting stats are 5 STR, 9 AGI, 5 VIT, 5 INT, 5 DEX, and 1 LUK.

10 STR
10 DEX
30 VIT
15 DEX
30 INT
20 DEX
50 VIT
40 INT
30 STR
60 VIT
60 INT
50 STR
90 INT
Rest in STR


This build is under testing by Acos. It may turn out to be the best Aco build,
or the worst. I don't recommend picking this one, unless your a trailblazer or
looking for something new. A puncholyte uses high AGI and no weapon. The main
reason for this is that the Mighty Staff, the Acolytes best friend, now causes
5 SP drain per swing. With no SP regen, this makes it very hard on Acos. And
their second best weapon, the Swordmace, kind of sucks. So hence, the
puncholyte. You should focus on high AGI and high STR, so you punch fast. And
boy, do you punch fast. You'll hurt like crap, but you'll be dealing out the
fists of doom. This build probably will REALLY suck early on, but later in the
game, all acos will probably want to ditch their weapon for fists. Starting
stats are 5 STR, 9 AGI, 1 VIT, 5 INT, 9 DEX, and 1 LUK.

10 STR
10 DEX
35 AGI
21 DEX
50 AGI
10 INT
30 STR
90 AGI
90 STR
Rest in VIT

Fixed (Job Bonus) Stats


At Job Level 50: +3 STR, +2 AGI, +3 VIT, +3 INT, +3 DEX, +4 LUK

Job Level 2 : +1 LUK
Job Level 6 : +1 VIT
Job Level 10: +1 INT
Job Level 14: +1 DEX
Job Level 18: +1 LUK
Job Level 22: +1 AGI
Job Level 26: +1 STR
Job Level 30: +1 VIT
Job Level 33: +1 INT
Job Level 36: +1 DEX
Job Level 38: +1 LUK
Job Level 40: +1 AGI
Job Level 42: +1 STR
Job Level 44: +1 VIT
Job Level 46: +1 INT
Job Level 47: +1 DEX
Job Level 49: +1 STR
Job Level 50: +1 LUK


At Job Level 50: +5 STR, +4 AGI, +5 VIT, +5 INT, +4 DEX, +7 LUK

Job Level 1 : +1 LUK
Job Level 3 : +1 LUK
Job Level 4 : +1 STR
Job Level 6 : +1 AGI
Job Level 7 : +1 VIT
Job Level 8 : +1 INT
Job Level 9 : +1 INT
Job Level 10: +1 LUK
Job Level 11: +1 STR
Job Level 14: +1 VIT
Job Level 16: +1 DEX
Job Level 17: +1 STR
Job Level 20: +1 DEX
Job Level 21: +1 LUK
Job Level 22: +1 INT
Job Level 25: +1 DEX
Job Level 27: +1 STR
Job Level 29: +1 AGI
Job Level 31: +1 LUK
Job Level 33: +1 DEX
Job Level 34: +1 VIT
Job Level 35: +1 STR
Job Level 36: +1 VIT
Job Level 37: +1 AGI
Job Level 39: +1 LUK
Job Level 42: +1 INT
Job Level 43: +1 INT
Job Level 46: +1 VIT
Job Level 48: +1 AGI
Job Level 50: +1 LUK

Acolyte Skills

Acos skills vary widely depending on what build they are, but Heal is always a
fantastic spell. Divine Protection is very good as well. Also, most of their
active skills like Blessing has a duration attached to them. It is usually 1
minute, making the high SP ones less than useful.


Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 13 SP
Level 2 : 16 SP
Level 3 : 19 SP
Level 4 : 22 SP
Level 5 : 25 SP
Level 6 : 28 SP
Level 7 : 31 SP
Level 8 : 34 SP
Level 9 : 37 SP
Level 10: 40 SP

The higher the skill level, the more powerful the heal is.

Comments: A fantastic spell, as this pretty much eliminates your need for
potions. All Aco's should have this. People know this, an Aco's tend to be
pestered for heals from other players. If your nice, go ahead and give them
one. If the other players are rude, be a jerk to them and don't. Heal can
also damage undead, though your better off using it on yourself. If your
feeling REALLY nasty, you can also heal the monster that the guy that just
looted from you is fighting. That tends to get people angry, but it serves
'em right...


Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : DEF +3
Level 2 : DEF +6
Level 3 : DEF +9
Level 4 : DEF +12
Level 5 : DEF +15
Level 6 : DEF +18
Level 7 : DEF +21
Level 8 : DEF +24
Level 9 : DEF +28
Level 10: DEF +30

Comments: This skill gives you a defensive bonus against the undead only. It
is really a fantastic skill, since at level 10, thats like 30 VIT added on to
your stats! A must have for any undead killing Aco, and a good investment for
all the others too.


Pre-Requisites: Level 3 Divine Protection
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +28
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: Like it's brother Divine Protection, this skill only works against
the undead. ATK generally isn't as useful in RO as DEF, since armors tend to
have DEF ratings of 0-9, while weapons for 17-155. This is a nice skill to get
later if you are an undead killing Acolyte, but if your not, pass it.


Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 10 SP

Level 1 : Lets you use Ruwach

Comments: This is exactly like the Mage's Sight. The only useful thing it does
is allow you to see hidden Thieves. Skip it.

Signum Crucis__________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 3 Demon Bane
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 35

Level 1 : -3 DEF to every undead enemy you see
Level 2 : -6 DEF to every undead enemy you see
Level 3 : -9 DEF to every undead enemy you see
Level 4 : -12 DEF to every undead enemy you see
Level 5 : -15 DEF to every undead enemy you see
Level 6 : -18 DEF to every undead enemy you see
Level 7 : -21 DEF to every undead enemy you see
Level 8 : -24 DEF to every undead enemy you see
Level 9 : -27 DEF to every undead enemy you see
Level 10: -30 DEF to every undead enemy you see

Note: The defense readings are purely guesses by me. I just would assume they
are mutliples of 3, since all but 1 Acolyte spell follows that pattern. Also,
its pretty much the exact opposite of Angelus, which adds +3 to DEF.

Comments: The skill drops the defense of all undead enemies on your screen.
This is a very good skill for an undead killing Acolyte. Also, this skill
looks really cool when it is used. ^_^


Pre-Requisites: Level 3 Divine Protection
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 40 SP

Level 1 : 115% VIT to you and your party, 20 Second Duration
Level 2 : 120% VIT to you and your party, 30 Second Duration
Level 3 : 125% VIT to you and your party, 40 Second Duration
Level 4 : 130% VIT to you and your party, 50 Second Duration
Level 5 : 135% VIT to you and your party, 60 Second Duration
Level 6 : 140% VIT to you and your party, 70 Second Duration
Level 7 : 145% VIT to you and your party, 80 Second Duration
Level 8 : 150% VIT to you and your party, 90 Second Duration
Level 9 : 155% VIT to you and your party, 100 Second Duration
Level 10: 160% VIT to you and your party, 110 Second Duration

Comments: If your going to be a support Acolyte, this is THE spell to get.
Your party will love you for it. Also, the DEF bonus is not limited against
the undead, as far as I know. It's also not a bad skill to use on your own.
The exact range of the spell is unknown, but it should work if your all on
the same screen.


Pre-Requisites: Level 5 Divine Protection
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP use

Level 1 : STR, INT, and DEX +1, 28 SP per use, 60 Second Duration
Level 2 : STR, INT, and DEX +2, 31 SP per use, 60 Second Duration
Level 3 : STR, INT, and DEX +3, 34 SP per use, 60 Second Duration
Level 4 : STR, INT, and DEX +4, 37 SP per use, 60 Second Duration
Level 5 : STR, INT, and DEX +5, 40 SP per use, 60 Second Duration
Level 6 : STR, INT, and DEX +6, 43 SP per use, 90 Second Duration
Level 7 : STR, INT, and DEX +7, 46 SP per use, 90 Second Duration
Level 8 : STR, INT, and DEX +8, 49 SP per use, 90 Second Duration
Level 9 : STR, INT, and DEX +9, 52 SP per use, 90 Second Duration
Level 10: STR, INT, and DEX +10, 55 SP per use, 120 Second Duration

Comments: A pretty good support Acolyte spell, though not everyone needs all 3
of these stats. A Magician would only find INT useful, for example. It can
also curse undead, people say. I guess it subtracts stats instead of adding
them. If you know how to use this properly, such as casting a level 4 Bless
when you have 26 STR, making it an even 30, it can be a pretty good spell.
Its SP cost is still a bit too high though.

Speed Up_______________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Heal
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : AGI +3, 18 SP per use, 65 Second Duration
Level 2 : AGI +4, 21 SP per use, 80 Second Duration
Level 3 : AGI +5, 24 SP per use, 95 Second Duration
Level 4 : AGI +6, 27 SP per use, 110 Second Duration
Level 5 : AGI +7, 30 SP per use, 125 Second Duration
Level 6 : AGI +8, 33 SP per use, 140 Second Duration
Level 7 : AGI +9, 36 SP per use, 155 Second Duration
Level 8 : AGI +10, 39 SP per use, 170 Second Duration
Level 9 : AGI +11, 42 SP per use, 185 Second Duration
Level 10: AGI +12, 45 SP per use, 200 Second Duration

Comments: If your party consists mostly of Thieves, this would be a decent
skill to get. Your better off with Blessing though if you party with any other

Speed Down_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Speed Up
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : AGI -3, 18 SP per use, 65 Second Duration
Level 2 : AGI -4, 21 SP per use, 80 Second Duration
Level 3 : AGI -5, 24 SP per use, 95 Second Duration
Level 4 : AGI -6, 27 SP per use, 110 Second Duration
Level 5 : AGI -7, 30 SP per use, 125 Second Duration
Level 6 : AGI -8, 33 SP per use, 140 Second Duration
Level 7 : AGI -9, 36 SP per use, 155 Second Duration
Level 8 : AGI -10, 39 SP per use, 170 Second Duration
Level 9 : AGI -11, 42 SP per use, 185 Second Duration
Level 10: AGI -12, 45 SP per use, 200 Second Duration

Comments: A worthless skill for anything except bosses. Do you really want to
bother to reduce the AGI of an enemy your going to kill in 10 seconds? Most
enemies aren't very Agile in the first place either.

Aqua Benedicta_________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Heal, Level 3 Divine Protection
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: ???

Level 1 : Can create Holy Water
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :
Level 8 :
Level 9 :
Level 10:

Note: This skill requires water to be present

Comments: This skill lets you create Holy Water out of an Empty Bottle, which
can heal all status abnormalities. I'm not sure if its currently implemented.


Pre-Requisites: Ruwach Level 5
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: ???

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :
Level 8 :
Level 9 :
Level 10:

Comments: Renders all projectiles in the area useless. This would make
Acolytes kick the crap out of Archers in the arena, but this skill is not
implemented yet.


Pre-Requisites: Level 2 Heal
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: ???

Level 1 :
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :
Level 8 :
Level 9 :
Level 10:

Comments: Heals status abnormalities, which are not implemented yet.


Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Ruwach
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 9 SP

Level 1 : Warps to random position on map
Level 2 : Warps to Save Point

Comments: Not very useful, since you could easily just use a Wing of Fly or
Butterfly. Required for Warp Portal though.

Warp Portal____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 2 Teleportation
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : Creates Warp Portal to Save Point, 30 SP per use
Level 2 : Creates Warp Portal, 1 memo point allowed, 28 SP per use
Level 3 : Creates Warp Portal, 2 memo points allowed, 26 SP per use
Level 4 : Creates Warp Portal, 3 memo points allowed, 24 SP per use

Comments: Let me explain the memo thing... when your at a place you want to
save, use the /memo command, and it will save it. You can warp there later.
I don't really recommend this skill though, since you need to get it to level
8 to actually do something. Not only that, it costs 1 blue gem per cast,
which you can buy in Geffen for 1000z. Since the NPC teleportation system got
nerfed, you can make some decent money this way now.

Priest Skills

SP Recovery____________________________________________________________________

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Additional 3 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 2 : Additional 6 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 3 : Additional 9 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 4 : Additional 12 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 5 : Additional 15 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 6 : Additional 18 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 7 : Additional 21 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 8 : Additional 24 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 9 : Additional 27 SP per every 10 seconds
Level 10: Additional 30 SP per every 10 seconds

Comments: Finally Priests get this skill! A great one to have, you should
probably max it.


Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 60 SP

Level 1 : Revive with 1 HP
Level 2 : Revive with 15% HP
Level 3 : Revive with 30% HP
Level 4 : Revive with 50% HP

Comments: This is a fast way to make friends! Reviving someone will be greatly
appreciated, especially by your party. I think leaving it at level 1 would be
best though, as you can simply let them heal themselves or follow it up with a
few heal spells.


Pre-Requisites: Level 3 Impositio Manus and Level 1 Aqua Benedicta
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 12 SP per use, 5 second duration
Level 2 : 14 SP per use, 8 second duration
Level 3 : 16 SP per use, 11 second duration
Level 4 : 18 SP per use, 14 second duration
Level 5 : 20 SP per use, 17 second duration

Comments: Gives the target's weapon a Holy Attribute. This would be really
awesome for an undead killer to have, but its short duration doesn't make it as
useful as it should.

Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament___________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 3 Gloria, Level 5 Asperiso
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20 SP

Level 1 : 40 Second Duration
Level 2 : 80 Second Duration
Level 3 : 120 Second Duration
Level 4 : 160 Second Duration
Level 5 : 200 Second Duration

Comments: This skill will allow a Priest to add a Holy Element to all party
members in the area. Other Acolytes and Priests can join in, to create a
larger sphere of influence... somehow.

Impositio Manus________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 8 SP

Level 1 : ATK +2, 40 second duration
Level 2 : ATK +4, 40 second duration
Level 3 : ATK +6, 40 second duration
Level 4 : ATK +8, 40 second duration
Level 5 : ATK +10, 40 second duration

Comments: Not sure what to think about this one... 40 seconds is a decent
duration, but the ATK boost is less than diserable. It costs very little SP


Pre-Requisites: Level 2 Impositio Manus
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use:

Level 1 : 15% Reduced Casting time, 30 Second Duration
Level 2 : 30% Reduced Casting time, 20 Second Duration
Level 3 : 45% Reduced Casting time, 10 Second Duration

Comments: Nice if you have Mages in your party, a well-timed Level 3 spell will
allow Wizards to fire off Lord of Vermillions and Meteor Storms at a very fast
rate. Useful if you have good communication.

Mace Mastery___________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : ATK +3
Level 2 : ATK +6
Level 3 : ATK +9
Level 4 : ATK +12
Level 5 : ATK +15
Level 6 : ATK +18
Level 7 : ATK +21
Level 8 : ATK +24
Level 9 : ATK +27
Level 10: ATK +30

Comments: Hey, finally we get a Mace Mastery! Too bad by the time you become
a Priest, you'll probably want to use your fists.


Pre-Requisites: Level 3 Magnificat, Level 4 Kyrie Eleison
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20 SP

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration
Level 2 : 15 Second Duration
Level 3 : 20 Second Duration
Level 4 : 25 Second Duration
Level 5 : 30 Second Duration

Comments: Increases a players LUK by 30. The short duration doesn't make it
so useful though.

Kyrie Eleison__________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 2 Angelus
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use:

Level 1 : Blocks 1 hit, 10 second duration
Level 2 : Blocks 1 hit, 20 second duration
Level 3 : Blocks 1 hit, 30 second duration
Level 4 : Blocks 1 hit, 40 second duration
Level 5 : Blocks 1 hit, 50 second duration
Level 6 : Blocks 2 hit, 60 second duration
Level 7 : Blocks 2 hit, 70 second duration
Level 8 : Blocks 2 hit, 80 second duration
Level 9 : Blocks 2 hit, 90 second duration
Level 10: Blocks 3 hit, 100 second duration

Comments: Safety Wall on steroids. This creates a large barrier to block all
hits in the area.


Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 40 SP

Level 1 : 20 Second Duration
Level 2 : 40 Second Duration
Level 3 : 60 Second Duration
Level 4 : 80 Second Duration
Level 5 : 100 Second Duration

Comments: This makes the target player recover HP and SP twice as fast as
normal. I think a couple of Heal spells would be more useful for the SP.


Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Heal
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use, Blue Gem

Level 1 : Heals 100 HP 4 times, 4 Second Duration, 15 SP per use
Level 2 : Heals 200 HP 5 times, 7 Second Duration, 18 SP per use
Level 3 : Heals 300 HP 6 times, 10 Second Duration, 21 SP per use
Level 4 : Heals 400 HP 7 times, 13 Second Duration, 24 SP per use
Level 5 : Heals 500 HP 8 times, 16 Second Duration, 27 SP per use
Level 6 : Heals 600 HP 9 times, 19 Second Duration, 30 SP per use
Level 7 : Heals 777 HP 10 times, 22 Second Duration, 33 SP per use
Level 8 : Heals 777 HP 11 times, 25 Second Duration, 36 SP per use
Level 9 : Heals 777 HP 12 times, 28 Second Duration, 39 SP per use
Level 10: Heals 777 HP 13 times, 31 Second Duration, 42 SP per use

Comments: This skill makes tiles glow on the ground, and whenever you step on
one, you'll receive LOTS of healing. I mean, LOTS. It requires a Blue Gem,
but if you want to heal everybody in your party fast, theres no better way.

Slow Poison____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Status Recovery
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration, 6 SP per use
Level 2 : 20 Second Duration, 8 SP per use
Level 3 : 30 Second Duration, 10 SP per use
Level 4 : 40 Second Duration, 12 SP per use

Comments: This skill slows the effects of poison for a period of time...
useless, in my opinion. You have Cure, Holy Water, Status Recovery, AND Green
Herbs to completely cure it instead.

Status Recovery________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 5 SP

Level 1 : Heals status

Comments: Completely eliminates status ailments, including the more advanced
ones Cure can't like Undead, Frozen, Cursed, and Stoned. It will also give
undead Darkness, whatever that is. Useless until status ailments are working.

Turn Undead____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Ressurection and Level 3 Lex Divina
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20 SP

Level 1 : Eliminates Undead
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :
Level 8 :
Level 9 :
Level 10:

Comments: From my understanding, this is a 1-hit kill against undead enemies.
Expect the SP cost to be high.

Lex Aeterna____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 5 Lex Divina
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 10 SP, Blue Gemstone

Level 1 : Causes target to receive double damage
Level 2 :
Level 3 :
Level 4 :
Level 5 :
Level 6 :
Level 7 :
Level 8 :
Level 9 :
Level 10:

Comments: May be useful for bosses, but because it uses a Blue Gem, it wouldn't
be very good against regular enemies - unless your rich, that is.

Lex Divina_____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Ruwach
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 30 Second Duration, 20 SP per use
Level 2 : 35 Second Duration, 20 SP per use
Level 3 : 40 Second Duration, 20 SP per use
Level 4 : 45 Second Duration, 20 SP per use
Level 5 : 50 Second Duration, 20 SP per use
Level 6 : 55 Second Duration, 18 SP per use
Level 7 : 60 Second Duration, 16 SP per use
Level 8 : 60 Second Duration, 14 SP per use
Level 9 : 60 Second Duration, 12 SP per use
Level 10: 60 Second Duration, 10 SP per use

Comments: Status Ailments aren't implemented yet, so this is another useless
skill, isn't it?

Magnus Exorcismus______________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Safety Wall, Level 3 Lex Aeterna, Level 3 Turn Undead
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use, Blue Gemstone

Level 1 : 1 Hit, 10 Second Duration, 40 SP per use
Level 2 : 2 Hits, 11 Second Duration, 42 SP per use
Level 3 : 3 Hits, 12 Second Duration, 44 SP per use
Level 4 : 4 Hits, 13 Second Duration, 46 SP per use
Level 5 : 5 Hits, 14 Second Duration, 48 SP per use
Level 6 : 6 Hits, 15 Second Duration, 50 SP per use
Level 7 : 7 Hits, 16 Second Duration, 52 SP per use
Level 8 : 8 Hits, 17 Second Duration, 54 SP per use
Level 9 : 9 Hits, 18 Second Duration, 56 SP per use
Level 10: 10 Hits, 20 Second Duration, 58 SP per use

Comments: Uses a Cross to seriously hurt, and most likely kill, all undead
enemies on the screen. The cost of a Blue Gemstone, though, makes this a skill
to use only if theres a whole lot of them.

Skill Point Guide

Undead Killing/Puncholyte______________________________________________________

2 Heal
5 Divine Protection
4 Heal
10 Divine Protection
1 Speed Up (makes traveling easy!)
10 DemonsBane
5 Heal
10 Angelus
1 Ruwach
1 Speed Down (Punish those Kill Stealers!)
10 Heal
6 Blessing

1 Ressurection
10 SP Recovery
10 Mace Mastery
1 Ruwach
3 Lex Divina
10 Turn Undead
5 Imposito Manus
10 Magnus Exorcismus


5-10 Heal (Depends on how much HP your party members have)
10 Angelus
10 Divine Protection
10 Blessing
9-10 Signum Crucis
4 Speed Up (If available)

10 SP Recovery
4 Ressurection
10 Sanctuary
3 Suffragium
10 Turn Undead
10 Magnificat
2 Gloria


1 Ruwach
2 Teleport
4 Warp Portal

Equipment Guide

Weapon: +7 Mace - +6 Chain - Fists
Shield: Guard - Buckler
Armor : Leather Jacket - Adventure Suit - Saint Robe
Helmet: Birreta/Bandana - Cap - Tiara/Crown (20 million zeny + for these!)
Robe : Hood - Muffler
Shoes : Sandals - Shoes

Accessories: 2 Necklaces for Undead Killing Aco, or Support Aco
2 Earrings (Alternative to Necklaces for Support Aco)
2 Brooch for Puncholyte (1.7 Million zeny each for these!)


Merchants are not good warriors. But they have skills that allow them to buy
stuff from NPCs cheaper, and sell it for more. They also can set up REAL

Becoming a Merchant

You'll have a bit of an easier time as a Novice Merchant than other class. In
fact, you should design him much like a Swordsman, in terms of equipment.
Unfortunantly, you need 1000 zeny to change to a Merchant. The amount of money
you make as a Novice will vary depending on where you are, so its best just to
earn 1000 zeny before spending any of it (And never let your zeny drop below
1000, of course). A Guard should be first on your shopping list, but I'd save
for a Blade after that and upgrade it. Once your job level 10, go to Alberta
if you aren't already. Go into the building on the lower left part of town,
and talk to the NPC there. He will charge you 1000 zeny, and give you a task
- to deliver a box to a fellow guildsmen. He will give you the box and
directions, so go deliver it and return here. You will be made a Merchant

Becoming a Blacksmith

Just as all the other 2nd classes, actually becoming a Blacksmith is a walk in
the park - building up to Job Level 40 as a weak Merchant however, is not. Few
have the patience and determination to do so. If you can overcome this, you'll
instantly become a very respected RO player.

To transform into a Blacksmith, you'll have to travel to Geffen. In the lower
right corner of town is a Blacksmith's shop. Simply talk to the man inside to

What kind of Merchant are you?

There are essentially 3 kinds of Merchants - Vending, Overcharge, and Discount.
They all have thier advantages and disadvantages. If you intend to spend a LOT
of time on your Merchant, you can do all 3, but it's easier to make just 1 or

Vending - This Merchant uses the Vending skill to sell stuff to players out and
about. I recommend everyone has one of these to sell the various rare items
you pick up in the game. Access to a discount Merchant is nice as well so you
can sell Red Potions for 16 or 17z. Everyone eats these up. The money for
vending merchants can be slow at times, but you don't need to do much work to
get it.

Overcharge - Good with math? Than go with an overcharge Merchant. They pay
for people's items and sell them back to NPCs for more. They make pretty good
money due to the fact very few Merchants overcharge than 10%. Which means you
get 14% of the pie. However, you need to be fast to add up ALL those items
people give you as well as figuring out the return rate for each item.
Calculator required.

Discount - You sit in weapon shops selling armor/weapons to people at around
15 to 20%. Basically, if everyone in the shop is giving a 15% discount, give
yours for 15% as well. If everyone is giving 20%, you give 20%. You can make
some good money this way, but it can be dull so have a TV next to your PC so
you can kill time waiting for customers ^_^. You also have to deal with a lot
of jerks, just like any other retail store. Combine both Discount with
Overcharge to be the uber merchant. ^_^

So pick what one you want to be, the earlier the better.

Stat Point Builds

There are basically 2 kinds of Merchants. The STR/VIT Merchants, and the VIT/
AGI Merchants.


STR/VIT Merchants are made to just take the damage, but reduce it as much as
possible. This is the bread and butter build, but expect long rests or burning
lots of Red Potions. So your starting stats should probably be 9 STR, 1 AGI, 7
VIT, 1 INT 3 DEX, and 9 LUK.

10 STR
10 LUK
20 VIT
10 DEX
40 VIT
20 DEX
20 STR
70 VIT
50 STR
30 DEX
90 VIT
90 STR
20 LUK
Rest in VIT


Actually, I think this build is even better than the VIT type. You'll save
money on potions for sure, I know I've used about 1/3rd the amount I have for
my first Merchant. Since Merchants rarely go in aggressive areas, the AGI
helps out a lot. I highly recommend this build. The starting stats would be
9 STR, 9 AGI, 9 VIT, 1 INT, 1 DEX, and 1 LUK. You'll want to start putting
points into DEX ASAP. You'll have a very easy time as a Novice though, due to
your fantastic Defensive stats. 13 DEX is a good goal, since few level their
Merchant higher than level 30 or so. Other than that, just put points in
VIT/AGI equally.

10 STR
10 DEX
20 VIT
20 AGI
30 VIT
20 DEX
30 AGI
40 VIT
40 AGI
50 VIT
50 AGI
60 VIT
60 AGI
70 VIT
70 AGI
30 DEX
80 VIT
80 AGI
Rest in STR


After testing this build, I love it! I've got a build thats working pretty
good, so I'm going to recommend it. Start with 9 STR, 1 AGI, 1 VIT, 1 INT, 9

10 LUK
10 DEX
10 STR
10 VIT
30 STR
20 DEX
20 VIT
50 STR
30 VIT
60 STR
30 DEX
40 VIT
90 STR
40 DEX

After that, its your choice. LUK helps slightly with forging and has
criticals, AGI lets you dodge better, or go with VIT more.

Fixed (Job Bonus) Stats


At Job Level 50: +5 STR, +1 AGI, +4 VIT, +1 INT, +5 DEX, +2 LUK

Job Level 2 : +1 VIT
Job Level 6 : +1 DEX
Job Level 10: +1 STR
Job Level 14: +1 DEX
Job Level 18: +1 VIT
Job Level 22: +1 STR
Job Level 26: +1 INT
Job Level 30: +1 VIT
Job Level 33: +1 AGI
Job Level 36: +1 LUK
Job Level 38: +1 DEX
Job Level 40: +1 STR
Job Level 42: +1 LUK
Job Level 44: +1 STR
Job Level 46: +1 DEX
Job Level 47: +1 VIT
Job Level 49: +1 STR
Job Level 50: +1 DEX


At Job Level 50: +6 STR, +2 AGI, +6 VIT, +2 INT, +12 DEX, +2 LUK

Job Level 1 : +1 DEX
Job Level 3 : +1 STR
Job Level 4 : +1 DEX
Job Level 5 : +1 DEX
Job Level 7 : +1 VIT
Job Level 8 : +1 STR
Job Level 9 : +1 DEX
Job Level 11: +1 LUK
Job Level 12: +1 DEX
Job Level 13: +1 VIT
Job Level 16: +1 STR
Job Level 19: +1 DEX
Job Level 20: +1 VIT
Job Level 21: +1 INT
Job Level 23: +1 STR
Job Level 26: +1 DEX
Job Level 28: +1 DEX
Job Level 29: +1 AGI
Job Level 31: +1 STR
Job Level 32: +1 VIT
Job Level 34: +1 INT
Job Level 36: +1 DEX
Job Level 37: +1 VIT
Job Level 38: +1 AGI
Job Level 39: +1 DEX
Job Level 41: +1 DEX
Job Level 44: +1 STR
Job Level 46: +1 LUK
Job Level 47: +1 DEX
Job Level 49: +1 VIT

Merchant Skills

The skills your Merchant invests in all depends on what type of Merchant you
want to be.

Increase Weight Limit__________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : +100
Level 2 : +200
Level 3 : +300
Level 4 : +400
Level 5 : +500
Level 6 : +600
Level 7 : +700
Level 8 : +800
Level 9 : +900
Level 10: +1000

Comments: Not a very useful skill, as you rarely go over your weight limit
unless your rich enough to power level. If you do, thats what pushcarts and
storage are for.


Pre-Requisites: Increase Weight Limit Level 5
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : 55% Walking Speed
Level 2 : 60% Walking Speed
Level 3 : 65% Walking Speed
Level 4 : 70% Walking Speed
Level 5 : 75% Walking Speed
Level 6 : 80% Walking Speed
Level 7 : 85% Walking Speed
Level 8 : 90% Walking Speed
Level 9 : 95% Walking Speed
Level 10: 100% Walking Speed

Comments: Essential for vending, as you can't make a shop without it. It does
lower your walking speed, but greatly increases your weight limit, so keep that
in mind. Buy a Pushcart from a pushcart merchant for these prices.

Geffen : 1100z
Moroc : 900z
Prontera: 800z - Make the trip to Izlude, save 200z.
Izlude : 600z
Payon : 500z
Alberta : 300z

Item Appraisal_________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15 SP

Level 1 : Identifies Items

Comments: A decent skill, only for the reason there aren't many better Merchant


Pre-Requisites: Increase Weight Limit Level 3
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : 7% Discount
Level 2 : 9% Discount
Level 3 : 11% Discount
Level 4 : 13% Discount
Level 5 : 15% Discount
Level 6 : 17% Discount
Level 7 : 19% Discount
Level 8 : 21% Discount
Level 9 : 23% Discount
Level 10: 24% Discount (Why didn't they just make it 25%?)

Comments: Obviously Essential for a Discount Merchant, as it allows you to buy
items cheaper.

When discounting, you can easily look up the prices using a chart at
merchantguild.net. The exact URL is


Pre-Requisites: Discount Level 3
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : 7% Overcharge
Level 2 : 9% Overcharge
Level 3 : 11% Overcharge
Level 4 : 13% Overcharge
Level 5 : 15% Overcharge
Level 6 : 17% Overcharge
Level 7 : 19% Overcharge
Level 8 : 21% Overcharge
Level 9 : 23% Overcharge
Level 10: 24% Overcharge

Comments: The same as Discount, but now you can sell items to NPCs for greater
prices. Obviously essential for an Overcharge Merchant.

When overcharging, you can easily look up the prices using a chart at
merchantguild.net. The exact URL is


Pre-Requisites: Pushcart Level 3
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 30 SP

Level 1 : Can sell 3 items at a time
Level 2 : Can sell 4 items at a time
Level 3 : Can sell 5 items at a time
Level 4 : Can sell 6 items at a time
Level 5 : Can sell 7 items at a time
Level 6 : Can sell 8 items at a time
Level 7 : Can sell 9 items at a time
Level 8 : Can sell 10 items at a time
Level 9 : Can sell 11 items at a time
Level 10: Can sell 12 items at a time

Comments: The Vending Merchant's skill. Most people will be fine with Level
1. When it says 3 items at a time, that means 3 different items. So you
could sell 10 red potions, 10 animal blood, and 10 aloes if you wanted.
Pushcart is needed to open a store. -The Game- also pointed out to me that
each piece of equipment is seperate, so you could only sell 3 Hats with level
1 vending.


Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 5 SP

Level 1 : 150% Damage, 100z per use
Level 2 : 200% Damage, 200z per use
Level 3 : 250% Damage, 300z per use
Level 4 : 300% Damage, 400z per use
Level 5 : 350% Damage, 500z per use
Level 6 : 400% Damage, 600z per use
Level 7 : 450% Damage, 700z per use
Level 8 : 500% Damage, 800z per use
Level 9 : 550% Damage, 900z per use
Level 10: 600% Damage, 1000z per use

Comments: If your freakin rich, you can use this skill. It's very cheap SP
wise, and hurts a hell of a lot. In fact, if you have a ton of money, this
could make you better than a Swordsman. Most shouldn't bother with it though,
unless you intend to take your Merchant all the way.

Blacksmith Skills

I'd highly recommend you don't build your Blacksmith up much, if it all, since
weapon forging doesn't work. And who knows when Gravity will fix it. Right
now, being a Blacksmith is a huge status symbol, that you actually built up a
Merchant to that high of a level.

Also, a good change to the Merchant class is if you want to make an all-battle
Blacksmith, you'll do alright! They have some great fighting skills, though
regenerating SP may be a problem.


Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 10 SP

Level 1 : 14% Chance to stun enemies
Level 2 : 18% Chance to stun enemies
Level 3 : 22% Chance to stun enemies
Level 4 : 26% Chance to stun enemies
Level 5 : 30% Chance to stun enemies

Comments: This skill causes a Hammer to fall from the sky, stunning all enemies
in a 3x3 area. Its low chance makes it not so good though.

Adrenaline Rush________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Adrenaline Rush
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration, 27 SP per use
Level 2 : 20 Second Duration, 24 SP per use
Level 3 : 30 Second Duration, 21 SP per use
Level 4 : 40 Second Duration, 18 SP per use
Level 5 : 50 Second Duration, 15 SP per use

Comments: WHOAH! Simply an awesome skill, this should be your first to get.
This skill DOUBLES your attack speed, basically DOUBLING your damage. So that
200 ATK you had? Now 400! One drawback though... it only works with Axes and
Maces. If you go with weapon perfection as well (and you should), get a
2-handed Axe or a Brood Axe if you can afford one.

But wait! Theres another reason why this skill kicks ass! It will also
increase the attack speed of your party members by 125%, with no weapon

Weapon Perfection______________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 2 Adrenaline Rush, Level 2 Weaponry Research
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 10 Second Duration, 18 SP per use
Level 2 : 20 Second Duration, 16 SP per use
Level 3 : 30 Second Duration, 14 SP per use
Level 4 : 40 Second Duration, 12 SP per use
Level 5 : 50 Second Duration, 10 SP per use

Comments: This skill lets you do 100% damage on all types of monsters, no
matter what weapon your using. Grab a strong Axe and start kicking some ass.

Maximize Power_________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 3 Weapon Perfection and Level 2 Power Thrust
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Verying SP Use

Level 1 : Consumes 1 SP per second
Level 2 : Consumes 1 SP per 2 seconds
Level 3 : Consumes 1 SP per 3 seconds
Level 4 : Consumes 1 SP per 4 seconds
Level 5 : Consumes 1 SP per 5 seconds

Comments: This skill works like Hide, you toggle the skill on and off, and it
constantly consumes SP. It raises your minimum damage to your maximum, so
you'll do quite a bit of damage.

Power Thrust___________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 3 Adrenaline Rush
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : ATK +5%, +0.2% chance to break wpn, 20 Sec Duration, 18 SP per use
Level 2 : ATK +10%, +0.4% chance to break wpn, 40 Sec Duration, 16 SP per use
Level 3 : ATK +15%, +0.6% chance to break wpn, 50 Sec Duration, 14 SP per use
Level 4 : ATK +20%, +0.8% chance to break wpn, 60 Sec Duration, 12 SP per use
Level 5 : ATK +25%, +1.0% chance to break wpn, 100 Sec Duration, 10 SP per use

Comments: Not a very good skill. The attack bonus is pretty small, and you
have a chance to break your weapon. This wasn't enabled at the end of Beta 2,
but maybe in the future it will be.

Repair Weapon__________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Weaponry Research
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 5

Level 1 : Repairs Weapons

Comments: Lets you repair a weapon, if it breaks. If weapon breaking is
enabled, and happens often enough, you could probably make some pretty good
money repairing players' weapons for a small fee. You'll need some materials
from Geffen, like a hammer, to do this though.

Ore Discovery__________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Level 1 Hilt Binding, Level 1 Steel Tempering
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Increases chance to find ore

Comments: This skill increases your chance to find Ore off monsters. A
Blacksmith should much of his time in town though, making money. I think
these skill points would be better spent elsewhere, and buying Ore from
players. It's common enough to not sell for a very high price.

Hilt Binding___________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Prevents you from dropping your weapon

Comments: Kind of cool... this prevents you from dropping your weapon if you so
happen to die in a dungeon. If you have a lot of negative points and are
dropping your weapon a lot, it may be a good investment. Though if you have a
lot of negative points, you deserve much more than dropping your weapon.

Skin Tempering_________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Fire Defense +5%
Level 2 : Fire Defense +10%
Level 3 : Fire Defense +15%
Level 4 : Fire Defense +20%
Level 5 : Fire Defense +25%

Comments: Useless. It's not worth the skill points for a little bit of extra
defense for a handful of enemies. Skip it.

Iron Tempering_________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Bad chance to refine
Level 2 : Below average chance to refine
Level 3 : Average chance to refine
Level 4 : Good chance to refine
Level 5 : Very good chance to refine

Comments: Lets you turn iron ore into iron. The higher the skill level, the
better the chance. Iron is cheap, i'd leave it at 1 since skill points will
be MUCH more valuable.

Steel Tempering________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Bad chance to refine
Level 2 : Below average chance to refine
Level 3 : Average chance to refine
Level 4 : Good chance to refine
Level 5 : Very good chance to refine

Comments: Lets you turn 5 iron and 1 coal into steel. Steel is required for
forging the more advanced weapons, and it's fairly rare from monsters.
Depending on how much Iron is around, and how much its selling for will decide
how many points you want to put into this.

Weaponry Research______________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Hilt Binding Level 1
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : +1% chance to forge
Level 2 : +2% chance to forge
Level 3 : +3% chance to forge
Level 4 : +4% chance to forge
Level 5 : +5% chance to forge
Level 6 : +6% chance to forge
Level 7 : +7% chance to forge
Level 8 : +8% chance to forge
Level 9 : +9% chance to forge
Level 10: +10% chance to forge

Comments: This skill increases your chances of forging weapons. It's probably
a good one to put at least some points in to.

Research Oridecon______________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Bad chance to refine
Level 2 : Below average chance to refine
Level 3 : Average chance to refine
Level 4 : Good chance to refine
Level 5 : Very good chance to refine

Comments: This skill lets you use and refine Oridecon to make weapons. Since
almost all Level 3 weapons require Oridecon, its a good skill to have.

Enchanted Stone Craft__________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Bad chance to forge
Level 2 : Below average chance to forge
Level 3 : Average chance to forge
Level 4 : Good chance to forge
Level 5 : Very good chance to forge

Comments: Woohoo! A great skill, this lets you make weapons elemental from
all those stones you pick up (Blue Frozen, Blood Red, etc). Which, if used
wisely, can kick some major ass. It requires 10 stones to make 1 stone strong
enough to forge. You can only forge it with a weapon you make as well. Still,
this is an awesome skill to have. I should also point out you need this skill
to use Star Dust's, which rumors say up the attack of a weapon.

Smith Dagger___________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Bad chance to forge
Level 2 : Average chance to forge
Level 3 : Good chance to forge

Comments: Lets you forge daggers. A pretty good decision of a weapon to forge,
as many classes can use them.

Smith 1-handed Sword___________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Forge Dagger Level 1
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Bad chance to forge
Level 2 : Average chance to forge
Level 3 : Good chance to forge

Comments: Lets you forge 1-handed swords. Great for Swordsmen, and Crusaders,
when we get them. Another good choice.

Smith 2-handed Sword___________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Forge 1-handed Sword Level 1
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Bad chance to forge
Level 2 : Average chance to forge
Level 3 : Good chance to forge

Comments: Lets you forge 2-handed Swords. With all the Knights running around,
this is a good skill to have.

Smith Spear____________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Forge Brass Knuckle Level 1
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Bad chance to forge
Level 2 : Average chance to forge
Level 3 : Good chance to forge

Comments: Lets you forge Spears. Unfortunantly, many Knights don't use Spears,
so this might not be the best choice.

Smith Axe______________________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Forge 1-handed Sword Level 2
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Bad chance to forge
Level 2 : Average chance to forge
Level 3 : Good chance to forge

Comments: Lets you forge Axes. A good one to have, since a Blacksmith using
an upgraded elemental Axe, with Adrenaline Rush, is going to do about 500%
damage with every hit o_O

Smith Brass Knuckle____________________________________________________________

Pre-Requisites: Forge Dagger Level 1
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Bad chance to forge
Level 2 : Average chance to forge
Level 3 : Good chance to forge

Comments: I don't think Brass Knuckles even exist yet, since the Monk class
will use them. So, for now, ignore it.

Skill Point Guide

Oo, so many choices. Basically, as a Merchant, theres 4 skills you may want to
master - Discount, Overcharge, Pushcart, and Vending. Unfortunantly, you have
5 points necessary in Increase Weight Limit, so you'll have to sacrifice some
points in one. If you don't intend to Vend a large variety of things, try

3 Increase Weight Limit
10 Discount
5 Increase Weight Limit
3 Pushcart
1 Vending
10 Pushcart
10 Overcharge
5 Vending

Or if you don't think OC is necessary...

3 Increase Weight Limit
10 Discount
5 Increase Weight Limit
3 Pushcart
1 Vending
10 Pushcart
10 Vending
1 Item ID
8 Increase Weight Limit

Once you become a Blacksmith, there are sooo many options: first things first,
decide on what battle skills you want. Adrenaline Rush is a must, but choose
between Weapon Perfection and Maximize Power. After that, id recommend
stopping until forging works, and just decide on what types of weapons you'd
like to forge.

Equipment Guide

Weapon: +7 Blade - +6 Ring Pommel Saber - 2-handed Axe - Brood Axe
Shield: Guard - Buckler
Armor : Leather Jacket - Adventure Suit - Chain Mail
Helmet: Hat - Goggles
Robe : Hood - Manteau
Shoes : Sandals - Boots

Accessories: 2 Necklaces, Gloves, Rings

World Map Overview

Map of RO______________________________________________________________________


G = Geffen
P = Prontera
I = Izlude
Y = Payon
A = Alberta
M = Moroc
D = Al De Baren
E = Ghast Heim
N = Ant Hell
L = Coal Mine
K = Monestary*
O = Orc Dungeon
S = Sunken Ship
X = Sphynx
T = Assasin Temple
H = Hidden Temple
B = Bibalan
U = Payon Cave
R = Pyramid
C = Culvert

| | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | |
| |
| | | | |
33--34--35-36--37--38 U
| /\ /\ / |
R 39--40--41 42N 43 Y--44--45
| | | | | /\ | | |
X---M---46--47--48-49 50---51--52--53
| | | | \ |
54--55--56N-57 58-59--60--A--S
| | | | |
61--62--63T 64--65

* This map is the remains of a, well, monestary. There are no enemies here.
It may be used in the future, most likely for an Acolyte job change.

Map 1_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 40
Enemies: Rocker, Poporing, Amberite, Mantis
Number of Enemies: Medium

Right outside of Al De Baren, which is convenient if you die. This place
really isn't good for anyone though. Its designed for level 20 people, but
the agressive Mantiss (Mantii?) keep this area clear. Theres not enough of
them to hunt either.

Map 2_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Hornet, Mandragora, Creamy
Number of Enemies: Medium

A decent place to level up for your early 20s, just watch out so you don't get
mobbed by Mandragoras. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, since they don't

Map 3_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 45
Enemies: Pupa, Fabre, Creamy, Dustiness
Number of Enemies: Medium

Not a very good place to level. The Dustinesses are sort of rare, and there
aren't enough Creamys to support the lower leveled types.

Map 4_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 45
Enemies: Poporing, Dustiness, Caramel, Bigfoot
Number of Enemies: Medium

A decent place to level, all the enemies are for mid to high 40s. Theres also
no agressives. If you can hold your own here, you'll do alright.

Map 5_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Poporing, Bigfoot, Flora, Argos
Number of Enemies: Medium

Argoses are evil little things, you'll want to be a higher level before coming

Map 6_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 70
Enemies: Hornet, Mantis, Arigope, Mistress
Number of Enemies: Medium-Low

You'll want to be a high level for this place, to stand up to the Arigopes and
Mistress. So if you want to hunt her, this is your place.

Map 7_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 75
Enemies: Poporing, Stainer, Earth Petit, Sky Petit
Number of Enemies: Medium

Home of the Earth Petit and Sky Petit, the only dragons in the game. These
guys are really, really hard, and you shouldn't be going around here unless
you're very strong. Travel in a party for protection.

Of course, this is the path to Ghast Heim, so you have to travel through here
to get to there.

Map 8_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-15
Enemies: Poring, Fabre, ChonChon, Roda Frog, Savage Babe, Willow, Rocker
Number of Enemies: High

A very good place for the newbies to level, theres a lot of low leveled
enemies here.

Map 9_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: Pupa, Poring, Fabre, ChonChon, Roda Frog, Willow
Number of Enemies: High

Another great place for Newbies. The only complaint I have is the scenery.
Almost the entire map is a repetative, boring bridge :-/

Map 10_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 25
Enemies: ChonChon, Big Theif Bug, Coco, Ambernite
Number of Enemies: Medium

A great place for Mages. Ambernites have very strong physical defense, so
other classes will stay out of your hair. Cocos are weak against fire as

Map 11_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 30
Enemies: Lunatic, Poporing, Horn, Coco
Number of Enemies: Medium-Low

Ehh, not your best place to level. The Horns and Cocos just aren't quite
common enough.

Map 12_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 30
Enemies: Poporing, Stainer, Horn
Number of Enemies: Medium

A decent place, Horns and Stainers are good enemies for peeps around level 30.
Theres not as many of them as I would like, though.

Map 13_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 70
Enemies: Poporing, Argos, Arigope
Number of Enemies: Medium-Low

Very strong enemies here. There are better places to level for higher leveled
players, but hey, you'll have the place to yourself.

Map 14_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 35-40
Enemies: Ant Egg, Rocker, Andre, Stainer, Horn
Number of Enemies: Medium

A pretty good map, theres a wide range of enemies here to keep you busy.

Map 15_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Creamy, Stainer, Kobolds
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

A bad map to level in. Kobolds are aggressive, and will mob you very quickly.

Map 16_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: Pupa, Poring, Fabre, ChonChon, Roda Frog, Willow
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Is Geffen great for newbies or what? Another good area for Novices to level

Map 17_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: Pupa, Poring, Fabre, Lunatic, ChonChon, Roda Frog, Willow
Number of Enemies: High

Yet another great area for Novices to level. It may be a bit more crowded
than most though, since it was a great spot in Beta 1, and its high enemy

Map 18_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: Pupa, Poring, Fabre, Lunatic, ChonChon, Roda Frog, Creamy
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Pretty much exactly like 17, with a little lower spawn rate. This map really
sucked in Beta 1 though, so you may have the place to yourself.

Map 19_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 25
Enemies: ChonChon, Rocker, Thief Bug (L), Stainer, Wolf
Number of Enemies: Medium

Not a very good map... wolves give good EXP, but they're somewhat rare - and
theres better places to find Rockers and similiar enemies.

Map 20_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-15
Enemies: Pupa, Thief Bug Egg, Poring, Fabre, Lunatic, Roda Frog, Thief Bug
Number of Enemies: Medium

If your a Novice, and went to level near Prontera, this is a good place to
level. Geffen's a bit better though.

Map 21_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 25
Enemies: Pupa, Poring, Lunatic, Thief Bug, Thief Bug (L), Mandragora, Eclipse
Number of Enemies: Medium

An awful map. The aggressives Mandragoras and the Eclipse will keep Novices
from leveling off the low leveled monsters here, and theres not enough
Mandragoras to go around for the higher leveled types. The Eclipse is the
easiest Mini-boss in the game though, so if you want to fight one, this is
your place. You should be able to handle him with no problem in the high 20s.

Map 22_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 45
Enemies: Thief Bug Egg, Fabre, Lunatic, Creamy, Poporing, Yoyo
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

The once proud Yoyoland now, well, sucks. Yoyos now are mobbing enemies, and
are fairly common, so that pretty much ruins everything for all but the high
leveled players - and they can get better EXP elsewhere.

Map 23_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Poring, Amberite, Hornet
Number of Enemies: Medium-Low

A good map for Mages. Start with Hornets, and then work yourself up to
Amberites when your ready. Theres better places though.

Map 24_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 40
Enemies: Poring, Hornet, Toad
Number of Enemies: Low

Not a really good map. There are few Hornets, but the real draw here is the
Toad. This mini-boss drops Alcohol, which is needed for dyes.

Map 25_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Poring, Fabre, Lunatic, Roda Frog, Hornet, Rocker
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Theres a decent number of Hornets and Rockers here, which are good for the
late teen and early 20 players. A fairly good map.

Map 26_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: Pupa, Poring, Fabre, Lunatic, Roda Frog
Number of Enemies: Medium-Low

Theres only low leveled monsters here, but the low enemy count makes this map
a bad place to level.

Map 27_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-15
Enemies: Pupa, Thief Bug Egg, Poring, Fabre, Lunatic, Roda Frog, Thief Bug
Number of Enemies: Medium

Exactly the same as Map 20, so treat it as such.

Map 28_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 45
Enemies: Orc Warrior, Orc Hero
Number of Enemies: Low

I'm not too fond of Orcs for leveling, unless your a Mage. Just be sure not to
get mobbed. The low enemy count should help with that. Beware of the Orc Hero
though - he's got a posse of Orcs that follow him, and will make short work of
all but the most powerful players.

Map 29_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 45
Enemies: Poporing, Coco, Orc Warrior
Number of Enemies: Medium-Low

If you want to hunt Orcs, this is your place. They're common enough you don't
have to travel far to find one, yet not so common you get mobbed all the time.

Map 30_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 55
Enemies: Coco, Goblins, Orc Warrior
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

The 5 types of Golbins here, and the aggressive Orcs will mob you... a lot.
AGI based characters should stay away at all costs, and VIT types should bring
a lot of pots.

Map 31_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Poring, Fabre, Roda Frog, Rocker, Creamy, Vocal Rocker
Number of Enemies: Medium

A good place to hunt for low 20s. After leveling a bit, you can hunt the
Creamies as well. The Vocal Rocker mini-boss has a Rocker posse with him, and
isn't too difficult. Low 30 characters should handle him pretty easily.

Map 32_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: Pupa, Poring, Fabre, Lunatic, ChonChon, Roda Frog
Number of Enemies: Medium

This map gets a lot of traffic, so its not the best place for a Novice to
level. Go with maps 27 and 20 instead.

Map 33_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Poporing, Coco, Goblins
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Theres a lot of Goblins here, which can be good and bad. You'll get mobbed
often, but if you can handle it, this is a decent place to level.

Map 34_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 45
Enemies: Lunatic, Savage Babe, Poporing, Coco, Savage
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

This is a pretty good map. Savages hurt like the dickens, but if your an AGI
based character, this is a fairly good place to be in your high 40s.

Map 35_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 35
Enemies: Lunatic, Savage Babe, Creamy, Poporing, Elder Willow
Number of Enemies: Medium

Elder Willows are pretty good enemies to level up on, because of their low
defense. This map doesn't have any other enemies worth hunting though.

Map 36_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: PecoPeco Egg, Drops, Picky, Super Picky, ChonChon, Condor, Desert Wolf
Number of Enemies: Normal

Not a bad place to level for Novices. I still prefer Geffen, but you might as
well check it out if your looking for an un-crowded place to level. It's in
the middle of nowhere.

Map 37_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: PecoPeco Egg, Drops, Picky, Super Picky, ChonChon, Condor, Desert Wolf
Number of Enemies: Normal

Identitcal to Map 36.

Map 38_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Poring, Drops, Poporing, Angeling, Ghostring
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

I wouldn't recommend coming here to level off the Porings and Drops. This area
gets a LOT of traffic, since everybody and their mother wants to kill a
Angeling to get an Emperium and other rares. The Ghostring is also hostile,
and will really hurt with his ghost posse.

Map 39_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: PecoPeco Egg, Drops, Picky, Super Picky, ChonChon
Number of Enemies: Medium

Start your Novice journey from Morroc either here, or map 55. Your standard
newbie area.

Map 40_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: PecoPeco Egg, Drops, Picky, Super Picky, ChonChon, Condor, Desert Wolf
Puppy, Muka, Dragonfly
Number of Enemies: High

Whew! Lots of enemies here. Not a bad place for a Novice to level up, but
watch out for the Dragonfly.

Map 41_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: PecoPeco Egg, Drops, Picky, Super Picky, ChonChon, Condor, Wolf, Steel
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

These Novice areas are getting really old... Unfortunantly, the Steel ChonChons
aren't common enough to hunt exclusively.

Map 42_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-30
Enemies: PecoPeco Egg, Drops, Picky, Super Picky, ChonChon, Condor, Wolf,
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

There really isn't much here. You could level off the lower leveled guys as
a Novice, but there aren't all that many. The Wolves and PecoPecos aren't
common enough either.

Map 43_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: PecoPeco Egg, Picky, Super Picky, Savage Babe, Condor
Number of Enemies: Medium

(sigh) Another Novice area. Blah blah.

Map 44_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 35
Enemies: Willow, Poporing, Poison Spore, Smokie, Bigfoot
Number of Enemies: Medium

Finally a non-novice area. Theres enough Poison Spores and Smokies here to
hunt if you like, just try not to get mobbed. Avoid the Bigfoots, unless your
feeling confident.

Map 45_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 40
Enemies: Poporing, Poison Spore, Eggrya, Bigfoot, Sohee
Number of Enemies: Medium

the Eggryas are really cool, as they give lots of job EXP. They're rare
though. Mages will love them for their high physical defense and low magic
defense. Just watch out for Poison Spores.

Map 46_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: PecoPeco Egg, Picky, Super Picky, Condor, PecoPeco
Number of Enemies: Medium

A novice map gone wrong. Condors and PecoPecos mob, and there aren't enough
low leveled enemies to go around.

Map 47_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 10
Enemies: PecoPeco Egg, Picky, Super Picky, Desert Wolf Puppy, Condor, Muka
Number of Enemies: Medium

This map would be alright for new jobees. Mukas can give good EXP if your able
to take them.

Map 48_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 45
Enemies: Desert Wolf Puppy, Metaller, Scorpion, Golem
Number of Enemies: Medium

Golems were made for magic users. If your one of those, this map would be a
pretty good place to go to level up.

Map 49_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: PecoPeco Egg, Picky, Super Picky, Condor, PecoPeco, Snake
Number of Enemies: Medium

Snakes are pretty good enemies to level up on, especially if your an AGI type.
Just watch out for PecoPecos, as they will mob you.

Map 50_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-20
Enemies: Poring, Lunatic, Willow, Roda Frog, Snake, Mastering
Number of Enemies: Medium

Snakes are good for leveling in the early 20s, but this is really made for the
newbies with all the weak enemies. Mastering is a very easy mini-boss to kill,
but hes somewhat rare.

Map 51_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: Pupa, Poring, Fabre, Willow
Number of Enemies: Medium

The only area around Payon thats good for Novices to level up. Theres too many
of these maps though!

Map 52_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Poison Spore, Eggrya, Dokebi, Bigfoot
Number of Enemies: Medium-Low

Dokebis and Bigfoots are tough monsters, but sort of rare. Eggryas are always
good for job EXP, just watch the Poison Spore mobs.

Map 53_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Poison Spore, Eggrya, Horong, Eddga
Number of Enemies: Medium

Home to 2 enemies unique to this map, Horongs and the Eddga mini-boss. Horongs
have some good drops, but are pretty tough. The Eddga is very strong, so you
should run unless your high leveled.

Map 54_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: Ant Egg, Drops, Picky, Super Picky, ChonChon
Number of Enemies: Normal

An alternate, and probably better, Novice leveling area for those in Morroc.

Map 55_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-20
Enemies: Ant Egg, Drops, Picky, Super Picky, ChonChon, Andre
Number of Enemies: Medium

A Novice area, except for the Andres. These are a bit harder than you can
handle, and should be avoided.

Map 56_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Ant Egg, Andre
Number of Enemies: Low

Theres ummm... nothing here. So why are you?

Map 57_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 55
Enemies: Desert Wolf Puppy, Metaller, Scorpion, Desert Wolf
Number of Enemies: Medium

So this is where all those cursed Desert Wolf Puppies are coming from. Watch
out for their parents, they are aggressive, and pretty vicious.

Map 58_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 40
Enemies: Pupa, Fabre, Stainer, Wormtail, Dustiness
Number of Enemies: Medium

Wormtails are very rare, unique only to this map, and have a card Archers will
love. This is a so so place to level otherwise.

Map 59_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 10
Enemies: Poring, Fabre, Lunatic, Thief Bug, Willow, Wolf, Wandering Wolf
Number of Enemies: Medium

Watch out for the mini boss here. His Wolf posse likes to eat Novices ^_^. He
has a very valuable hat though, as you can look like a pimp with it.

Map 60_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-10
Enemies: Pupa, Poring, Fabre, Lunatic, Willow
Number of Enemies: Medium

Alberta's Novice leveling area. Like we haven't seen enough of these.

Map 61_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Drops, ChonChon, Anacondaq, Hode
Number of Enemies: Medium

The only really common enemy here is a Hode. If you want to hunt those though,
there are better places.

Map 62_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Drops, Andre, Hode, Frilladora
Number of Enemies: Medium

Again, Hodes are the only really common enemies here. Frilladaros are rare,
but they have one of, if not the best card in RO. If you can find a buyer,
you'll be a rich man.

Map 63_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Hode
Number of Enemies: Medium

All Hodes, all the time. If you like these... unusually (snicker) shaped
monsters, this is your place. This map is also home to the Assassin temple,
where you can change to your 2nd job.

Map 64_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 40
Enemies: Poring, Spore, Poison Spore
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Theres lots of Poison Spores here, which make a pretty good area to level in
for the low 40 players. Just watch out for mobs, especially if your an AGI

Map 65_________________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 1-15
Enemies: Pupa, Fabre, Lunatic, Roda Frog, Willow, Spore
Number of Enemies: Medium

An alternate Novice leveling area for Alberta. This map however, caters to
enemies a bit more difficult, so you may want to come here for levels 7-10.


This section may have some errors, as some of the monsters listed may not be in
Beta 2 yet. If anybody has been to these dungeons and have verified what
monsters live there, please E-mail me.

Ant Hell Level 1_______________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Ant Egg, Andre, Deniro, Pierre
Number of Enemies: High

Lots and lots of ants. They're fairly weak, but watch out for the ones
that assist.

Ant Hell Level 2_______________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Ant Egg, Andre, Deniro, Pierre, Phreeoni
Number of Enemies: High

Exactly like Ant Hell 1, except for the Boss, Phreeoni. If you see him, run
like hell (ba-dum cha!)

Bibilan Island Level 1_________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 15-35
Enemies: Plankton, Kukre, Hydra, Vadon, Marina
Number of Enemies: Medium

There really is nothing good here. The Planktons and Kukres aren't numerous
enough to support low leveled players, and the Marinas and Vadons aren't
numerous enough for the high level ones.

Bibilan Island Level 2_________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 35
Enemies: Plankton, Kukre, Hydra, Vadon, Marina, Thera Frog
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Now we're getting somewhere! This is a pretty good area to level in. Go after
Thera Frogs and Marinas, as well as Vadons if your a Mage. They give good EXP,
but they have pretty bad drops. Just watch out for Hydra mobs, they get very
annoying. While I was down there, everybody seemed to watch each others backs,
since nobody was going after Hydras to level. So if you see some guy smacking
a Thera Frog and a Hydra spawns on him, go ahead and kill the Hydra. He may
return the favor later.

Bibilan Island Level 3_________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Hydra, Thera Frog, Cornutus, Marc, Obeaune, Marse
Number of Enemies: Medium

Like level 4, with a few less aggressives. An average place to level.

Bibilan Island Level 4_________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 55
Enemies: Marine Sphere, Hydra, Phen, Marc, Obeaune, Sword Fish, Marse
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

I don't really like this place. Theres just too many aggressives for my
tastes. Obeaunes still do have the rare and very coveted Brooches though,
which are still overpriced beyond belief.

Bibilan Island Level 5_________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 70
Enemies: Masre, Obeaune, Strouf, Deviace
Number of Enemies: Medium

I don't believe the Deviace exists in Beta 2, but when he does, this is where
he'll be ^_^

Coal Mine Level 1______________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Farmiliar, Tarou, Martin, Drainliar
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

This can be a good place to level for the early 20s, just watch out for

Coal Mine Level 2______________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 55
Enemies: Drianliar, Martin, Skel Worker, Myst
Number of Enemies: Medium

The Mysts really unbalance this area. They're vicious little things, so I'd
stay away.

Coal Mine Level 3______________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 55
Enemies: Skel Worker, Myst, Evil Druid
Number of Enemies: Medium

When the Evil Druid is put in Beta 2, this will be his home. There really
isn't much down here now though.

Culvert Level 1________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Thief Bug Egg, Thief Bug, Farmiliar, Spore, Tarou
Number of Enemies: Medium

Ahh, Culvert has hardly changed. Theres enough enemies here that its now an
option to level in Level 1. Just watch out for Farmiliars and assisting Thief

Culvert Level 2________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Thief Bug Egg, Thief Bug, Farmiliar, Plankton, Spore, Thief Bug (L),
Number of Enemies: High

Culvert Level 2 hasn't changed much either. Theres still a lot of enemies
here, if you can handle them. Just be sure not to hit a Thief Bug when theres
20 around you, since they assist.

Culvert Level 3________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 20
Enemies: Thief Bug Egg, Plankton, Thief Bug, Tarou, Thief Bug (L), Hydra
Number of Enemies: High

Culvert Level 3 is just like I left it, except for all these furry little mice
running around. Hydras are very rare, so they shouldn't give you much trouble.
I'd bet theres only 2 or 3 on the map at once.

Culvert Level 4________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 25-40
Enemies: Thief Bug Egg, Thief Bug, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G), Gold Thief Bug
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Culvert 4 is exactly like it was in Beta 1 - more geared to VIT types. Of
course, Goldie is still here, alive and kicking. Be sure to put a stop to

Geffen Dungeon Level 1_________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 35-50
Enemies: Farmiliar, Poison Spore, Dustiness
Number of Enemies: High

You can come here at high 30 levels, but be sure to bring a friend. Theres
lots and lots of Poison Spores and Farmiliars, so be very very careful to avoid

Geffen Dungeon Level 2_________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 65
Enemies: Poison Spore, Dustiness, Whisper, Argos, Jakk
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

A lot of aggressives here as well, so try to avoid being mobbed.

Geffen Dungeon Level 3_________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 70
Enemies: Marionette, Argos, Whisper, Bathoroy, Myst, Jakk, Nightmare,
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Very vicious enemies here. Use caution, and watch your back for Dopple.

Orc Dungeon Level 1____________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Orc Skeleton, Orc Zombie
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Another high spawn, aggressive dungeon. It's always best to travel with a

Orc Dungeon Level 2____________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Orc Skeleton, Orc Zombie
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Exactly like Level 1, from what I hear.

Payon Dungeon Level 1__________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 15-25
Enemies: Farmiliar, Spore, Zombie
Number of Enemies: High

At lower levels, watch for Zombies. Like many dungeons, this is a high spawn
one, so travel in groups.

Payon Dungeon Level 2__________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Farmiliar, Magnolia, Eggrya, Soldier Skeleton
Number of Enemies: Medium

A pretty good place to level for early 50s. Eggryas give lots of job points,
Magnolias are pretty easy, and theres very few Soldier Skeletons.

Payon Dungeon Level 3__________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 55-60 (40 or so for Acolytes)
Enemies: Farmiliar, Magnolia, Soldier Skeleton, Archer Skeleton, Munak
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Fairly close to the old Payon 3. It's still an Aco haven.

Payon Dungeon Level 4__________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 55-60
Enemies: Soldier Skeleton, Archer Skeleton, Sohee, Horong
Number of Enemies: Medium

Horongs are pretty tough, so low leveled Acos want to stay away. A fairly good
place to level for high 50s though.

Payon Dungeon Level 5__________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 65
Enemies: Soldier Skeleton, Archer Skeleton, Sohee, Horong, Nine Tails,
Zombie Dragon?
Number of Enemies: Medium

The Nine Tails sort of upset this area from making it a good hunting place.
The boss of Payon is supposed to be the massive Zombie Dragon, but as far as I
know he isn't in Beta 2 yet.

Pyramid Level 1________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 15
Enemies: Farmiliar, Spore, Poporing
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Identical to the old Pyramid 1, minus the Porings. Not a bad place to level
for the teens, as long as you avoid Farmiliar mobs.

Pyramid Level 2________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Poporing, Drainliar, Soldier Skeleton, Archer Skeleton
Number of Enemies: Medium

Quite a jump from level 1, eh? An average place to be in the mid to late 50s.

Pyramid Level 3________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 55 (30+ for Archers)
Enemies: Archer Skeleton, Soldier Skeleton, Mummy
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

The old Archer sniping area. The Archer Skeletons don't have the range to
shoot back over the chasm, as far as I know.

Pyramid Level 4________________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 60
Enemies: Ghoul, Verit, Mummy, Isis
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Exactly to the old 'mids 4, minus Osiris.

Pyramid Basement 1_____________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 60
Enemies: Ghoul, Mummy, Isis
Number of Enemies: Medium

You can get to the basement through the Thieves guild. I can just imagine the
look of Level 10 Novices looking to change jobs when they come across this
place ^_^

Pyramid Basement 2_____________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 60
Enemies: Ghoul, Verit, Mummy, Isis, Osiris
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

So this is where Osi ran away too... Almost identical to the 'Mids 4.

Sunken Ship Level 1____________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 55
Enemies: Plankton, Kukre, Hydra, Poison Spore, Pirate Skeleton, Drake?
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

A bad place to level. The Pirate Skels aren't enough to level up on, and if
you try to fight the lower leveled enemies, they'll kick your ass. Theres
supposed to be a Drake boss here, I don't think he exists yet.

Sunken Ship Level 2____________________________________________________________

Recommended Level: 50
Enemies: Hydra, Megalodon, Pirate Skeleton
Number of Enemies: Medium-High

Hmm, this could be a good place to level. Watch out for annoying Hydras, and
you should do alright.

Hidden Temple Info

You probably didn't notice, but I removed the Hidden Temple from the Dungeon.
Simply because its so complex, I couldn't list it as I did the other dungeons.

You see, the way the new Hidden Temple works is like this - theres a whole lot
of small sub-maps. In each of these maps, theres 1 type enemy (or in few
cases, 2). Because the room is so small, the spawn rate is fairly high.
Sounds great, right? Well, there's two caveats. The first being, you often
have to pass through small maps of evil, aggressive monsters with high spawn
rates. Also, every once in a while, a Hunter Fly or Sidewinder will spawn in
that room as well. Ouch. Since there will be no high level players patrolling
say, the Rocker area, that enemy will stay there until the server is shut down.
So basically, by going there, you have a great chance to level, IF you can
make it through the aggressive areas and avoid the high level monster. So...
are you feeling lucky punk? Are you?

Unfortunantly, this Hidden Temple defies the normal rules of RO. There are
some strange things these maps do, like walking off the left side of a screen
will send you back to the right side 2 screens back, an infinite loop through
time and space... or something. It would be simply beyond my ASCII skills to
draw a map, and it would be very confusing anyway. Instead, I'm going to
recommend you check out the graphical maps at
http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-Cupertino/9230/ In particular, these
are the direct links to maps 1, 2, and 3:




Note: In case these pictures go down, please tell me and I'll mirror them.

There you have it. Now go press your luck at the chance of easy EXP ^_^

About Ghast Heim

This is truly an interesting puzzle. On Map 8, in the Northwest corner, there
is what appears to be the wall of a town. In fact, theres an opening in said
wall, but no portal. Very strange... Kudos to whoever had the guts to go to
this place, Earth and Sky Petites are not pushovers. This town looks faily
normal from the outside, but once you get inside, it's true identity is

Somehow, most likely through a hack, an Acolyte gained access to said town.
The results, were, less than pretty. A dark cloud loomed over the area,
casting it in darkness. Buildings were half destroyed, and monsters roamed the
area. Horongs and Poison Spores live here in MASS quantities. You really have
to be high leveled to even survive.

This is definently an interesting puzzle... why is this town here? Why is
there no entrance? Why monsters? It's most likely going to be implimented
sometime in the future, but why even burden the servers with generating
monsters in the area? This is truly an interesting puzzle.

You may see an Acolyte offering a warp to this place. See, the pioneer memoed
Ghast Heim, and now whenever another Acolyte is sent there, they can memo it as
well. If you do see a warp to it, be warned - theres only one way out of town,
which is, you guessed it - respawning, via death or a Wing of Butterfly. Dying
will probably happen first though, theres tons of enemies there.

There was at one point, somebody who went on a tour of Ghast Heim along with
a few high leveled body-guards ^_^. They took quite a few pictures, and was
quite entertaining to say the least. The post was originally over at Ixga,
but seems to be gone now due to the re-designed site. If anybody still has
those pictures, i'd appreciate it if you could send them to me.

(Stops X-Files music)

Understanding the RO Economy

First of all, you must know one thing about the RO Economy - very few of the
people in RO know the concept of Supply and Demand. Only Supply.

Put simply, these are the 2 key factors in how much something sells for. How
abundent said object is, and how much people want it. So for the maximum
value, youd want an item that is in extremely short supply, but in extremely
high demand.

So lets compare the 2 most opposite ends of the spectrum - Jellopys and Safety
Rings. Jellopies are EVERYWHERE. And nobody wants them. Hence why you can't
sell them.

But then look at Safety Rings. Theres very very few, and EVERYBODY wants to
get their hands on one. So you better be ready to pay millions for it, since
id bet theres less than 10 safety rings existing in RO.

The main reason I bring this up is because of Blacksmithing items. There were
about 4 Blacksmiths on Chaos right now. Thats it. Now, theres none (but I'll
be the first! ^_^) Yet people still sell metals and elemental stones for very
high prices. Though these items are rare, there is virtually no demand. So
they should be dirt cheap. About 50z per ore, 500z per elemental stone. I'm
not just using this as an excuse because I happen to be a Merchant. You can
go anywhere and read up on the concept of supply and demand.

Anyway, enough of that. Lets skip ahead to dealing with Merchants. If you
need more help, I strongly suggest you check out ArtemisFur's FAQ, since
it goes into much more detail then I'm about to.

Navigating the Town Square

You'll see lots of little bubbles atop people's heads in RO. These can be 1
of 3 things:

Open Chat Room: This is represented by an open door. You can freely come
inside and chat, as long as the chat is not full.

Locked Chat Room: Represented by a door with a lock on it. You cannot enter
unless you know the password.

Vending Window: Represented by a money bag. Double click on it to see whats
for sale.

Chat rooms, however, are not usually made for chatting anymore. People use
them to buy and sell things.

B> = Buy
S> = Sell
T> = Trade
A> = Auction

So if you were selling, say, 10 Feathers, you would put up a chat room saying:

"S> Feathers 10EA - 1000z"

That means your selling 10 feathers for 1000 zeny. 100 zeny per feather. DO
NOT confuse that with this message:

"S> Feathers 1000z - 10EA"

That means your selling each Feather for 1000z, and you have 10 to sell. So if
for some strange reason someone wanted to buy feathers for such a high price,
you would pocket 10000z.

Of course, you can figure out what the others do. Its also not uncommon to
see 1 or more of those symbols blended together, like "S/T>" This means
the person would like to either sell said item, or trade it for another.

The Merchant Connection

About half of the sellers will be Merchants, and they most likely have the
money bag bubble above their heads. This works just like a NPC run shop.
Double click it, and drag and drop the item, specify the quantity, and buy.

Also, DO NOT DEAL THEM. Merchants most likely are not there. THIS IS NOT HOW
YOU BUY THE ITEMS. You'd think it would be obvious that the vending window
looks exactly the NPC shop, but remember - we aren't dealing with normal,
intelligent people here. This is extremely annoying, and is a fast way to get
Merchants to hate you.

People have better things to do

About 3/4s of the people in the market square are AFK. AFK meaning "Away from
Keyboard". They may be playing another game, went to see a movie, or
whatever, but they will not respond to you. They are not there. So no, they
wont buy your feathers. Unless of course, they are selling something that
requires constant restocking, like red potions.

Many people also leave in their chat room title how they are AFK. It will look
something like

B>4-leaf clover, afk leave name

So if you want to sell a 4-leaf clover, you would enter, leave your
characters' names, and I also like to ask for and leave my E-mail address.
After all, its luck if both of you are playing at the same time.

We don't want your crap

Merchants constantly get heckled, asking if they would like to buy something.
I can speak for almost all Merchants right now, and tell you the answer is no
unless you are selling it unbelievably cheap. Because all we want it for is to
sell again.

Also remember most likely, that Merchant is AFK.

So thats it for my rant/economy wrap up. Hope you can get on the good sides
of Merchants now.

The 20% DC and 10% OC rule is a good one - follow it

I touched upon in this in the 10 commandments of RO, but it deserves being
mentioned again. For all you Merchants out there, DC your stuff at 20% and OC
at 10%. In fact, the Merchant Guild NPC mentions that you should DC at 20%.
That means, and I quote, No 39z Red Potions! Thats 22% DC, your hurting
yourself and all the other Merchants in the area. People are still going to
buy your pots if they're 40z. As long as they're not very overpriced, people
will buy them. But wait Weggy, if I lower my price to 39z, I'll get more
customers! Perhaps.. but then what happens? Every other Merchant in the area
lowers to 39z to compete, and your back to square one. All of you are losing
money then, and your still getting the same amount of customers.

So sell your pots at 40z damnit! I always ask anyone who is selling at 39z to
raise their prices, even if I'm not vending pots. And if they don't, they get
to see where I use all my points.

15% OC is tolerable, but not right now - its still early stages of Beta 2.1,
so wait off a bit until people get more expensive items.

Price Misconceptions

Alright, when your wandering in the town square, you'll probably notice a few
stupid things:

1) People trying to sell dolls that can be bought by the doll NPC for much much
cheaper than they're selling. Just ignore these people and walk on, and let
them suffer from their idiocy. Almost every one I've talked to doesn't
believe theres a Doll Shop, and won't walk with me to it in Prontera.

2) This same rule applies for Pharcon/Emveratarcon and Gift items (Black
Ladle, China). Those are also sold by a NPC, usually for a much cheaper

3) Some Jewels are sold in Morroc, and even the ones that aren't have
virtually no purpose. A small number are used for Forging, but with that
not enabled and no Blacksmiths in sight, it really doesn't make any sense
to sell those. Nobody wants your jewels (except the Pearl for the Bunny
HB), so sell those to the NPC.

4) Yellow Gemstones have no spell attached to them. They are useless. Why
are you trying to sell them?

5) Refer back to the previous section where I talk about supply and demand.
I don't care how rare this card was, +2 MHP doesn't make it worth 100k.

6) Socketed stuff sells for slightly more, unless its the best piece of Armor
or the best Weapon for a class - then it sells for a LOT more. But nobody
is going to pay 10000z for your Adventure Suit with 1 slot.

This section will be updated as I see fit.

How to Forge

Okay, theres a lot of confusion on this subject, so I decided to clear things

First off, I'd like to point out Forging did NOT work in Beta 2 at the time of
the shutdown, and I doubt it will when it comes back up. There really isn't
much of a reason to be a Blacksmith right now, unless you want to show off.

Anyway, the whole process usually begins with a simple, Iron Ore. You probably
picked up at least a few pieces of this if you played Beta 2 for any length of
time. Well, using the Iron Tempering skill, and a Mini-furnace you can buy
from the Blacksmith NPC in southeast Geffen, you can turn 1 Iron Ore into 1
Iron. Of course, there isn't a 100% chance this will work, it depends on your
skill level, DEX, INT, base level, and job level. Failing at this will destroy
both your mini-furnace and the Iron.

Now, you can go and make some cheap weapons that use Iron, but to get anything
decent you'll have to use some Steel. Steel is dropped pretty rarely, but you
can also make it. Once you have the Steel Tempering skill, take 5 pieces of
Iron (not Iron Ore) and 1 piece of Coal. Buy another mini-furnace, put the
ingredients in, and if you were successfull, you'll have 1 piece of Steel.
The same success-failure rules apply to Steel.

Okay, now we can make some pretty good stuff. But for the best weapons in a
class, you'll need a Gem and Oridecon. Some Gems can be bought in Morroc,
others you can get from monsters. Oridecon is made from 5 pieces of Rough
Oridecon, which are dropped by monsters. You'll need another mini-furnace
to complete the process, and yes you can fail, and yes all your Oridecon will
be destroyed if you do. If you don't feel confident in your skill in forging
any of these items, you can have the Blacksmith NPC do it. I have no idea how
good at it he is though.

Okay, we finally have all the ingredients to make something cool! Well, to
make a weapon, you'll need 2 other ingredients: a hammer and anvil. There
is 1 rare hammer and 1 rare anvil, but we'll assume your using the buyable
ones from the Blacksmith. The hammers will be used up after 1 use, but
sources say anvils will not. Which is good, because the best costs a little
under 100k.

Okay, now forge! What happens if you were successful? You'll have a nice
weapon with 3 or 4 card slots (Which is chosen randomly), as well as your
name on the actual weapon. Yes, so if your Blacksmith's name was
SteveTheSmith, your new weapon would be "SteveTheSmith's Damascus", for
example. But if you fail, guess what - you get nothing, and ALL those
ingredients are gone. Damn.

But wait Weggy, what about these Elemental thingies, like Blue Frozen and Red
Blood? Well, this is the coolest thing about forging weapons. After gathering
10 of those stones, and putting them in a mini-furnace, you'll get an elemental
stone if you were successful. At the time of forging, you can add these
stones. You cannot, I repeat, cannot just take a store-bought weapon and add
an elemental to it. You have to make it elemental during the forging process.
Pulling this off will be fantastic, because now you have a weapon that can do
some SERIOUS damage if you know when to use it. Theres 2 dissadvantages
though. The first one is that elemental weapons have no card slots. Not 1.
Nada. The second is that it will affect how hard it is to pull off a
successful forging. If you screw up, you guessed it! All gone.

Theres also one last item, the Star Crumb. Star Crumbs can be put into weapons
just as elemental stones are. Each Star Crumb will take up 1 card slot, but
they add +10 ATK and some other bonus I haven't heard anything solid on. A
bonus to HIT maybe? Anyway, you can have up to 3 of these per weapon, but like
other elemental stones they make a forging harder to pull off. Star Crumbs
can exist with elemental stones though, so you can have a +30 ATK Elemental
Weapon. You won't have any card slots, but that weapon will be god-like.

Now, I want to forge weapons as much as everyone in RO wants to get their hands
on one. Well, it all comes down to this - ingredients have to be sold to
Blacksmiths cheap. The price of ingredients will directly relate to how
expensive these weapons are. If you consider the average Blacksmith has a 25%
chance to forge something, he or she will only be able to use 1 steel out of 4.

So keep those ingredients cheap - dirt cheap! You'll be happy since you can
have that Fire Tsurugi, and we'll be happy that we don't have to risk 1 million
zeny per try on that Sword. ^_^


Finally, upgrades are no longer a scam! However, you don't need a player to
do them, you can do them yourself.


First off, you cannot upgrade a weapon made by a Blacksmith. Sorry.

Upgrading a weapon will all depend on what level it is. You can look at the
weapon level by right clicking on it, or looking it up in my Weapons section.
There are 4 levels, 1 through 4. Level 1 weapons will use Pharcon, 2s
Emveratarcon, and 3s Oridecon. You cannot upgrade level 4 weapons, though
rumor has it Emperium will perform this function.

You most likely have picked up a few pieces of Pharcon or Emveratarcon, but
that doesn't really matter. You can buy Pharcons for 200z and Emveratarcons
for 1000z. Oridecon of course, must be found. or refined from Rough Oridecon
(The Blacksmith in Geffen can do this) You'll need 1 piece for each upgrade.
How many times to upgrade you ask? Well, you can technically go as high as you
want, but after a certain point, it gets very risky. Don't worry though, if
you fail you'll lose your ingredient, and the weapon will return to normal. It
will not be destroyed however. How many times to upgrade though? Well, refer
to this chart. The number listed is the maximum safe zone, or as high you can
go without any significant risk.

Level 1 - 7
Level 2 - 6
Level 3 - 3

If you wanted to make your Level 1 +7 weapon to +8, you'd have about a 50/50
chance of doing so. +8 to +9 would be much less. So if you have the money,
+8 would be a good idea. If your loaded, +9. Most should stick with +7

Now, what do all those plusses mean? Well, each + adds 3 ATK to your weapon.
But, it's not a normal 3 ATK - It ignores defense. So if you had a +5 Ring
Pommel Saber, it's damage would be 15-115 instead of 1-100. Get it? Now,
where to go do this? Well, look around the towns. The building in the lower
right corner of Prontera square (under the weapon shop) sells the Ingredients
and will charge 50z per upgrade. I believe the Blacksmith in Geffen will as
well. Theres also a upgrade NPC in Payon, in the same building as the weapon
shop. I'm not sure if there are any more, I haven't had much time to explore
the towns.


Thankfully, upgrading Armor is much easier. However, it's also more expensive.
Armor can only be upgraded through Elunium, which is forged from Rough Elunium.
I suppose upgrading armor is a rare thing to do, because I haven't heard what
the advantages are, or how high the safe zone is. I guess each upgrade will
add +1 to the DEF of the armor, but I can't say for sure until I or somebody

Item Creation

One of the coolest things about Beta 2 is the ability to gather ingredients and
create your own items. The only item you could do that with in Beta 1 was the
Bunny Band, which was stopped due to the disappearance of Mandragoras, and thus
no more 4 leaf clover.

The name in the parenthesis next to every ingredient is where you can get said
ingredient, be it a monster name, or a town.

I also realize my directions are pretty vague, they usually just indicate the
name of the town. After Beta 2 comes up, and I have time to explore said towns
and find the NPCs, I'll give more detailed directions.


Red Potion_____________________________________________________________________

Ingredients: 2 Red Herbs (Drainliar, Fabre, Farmiliar, Mastering, PecoPeco,
Picky, Poring, Spore, Thief Bug, Skeleton, Willow)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
3 zeny

Created At : Alberta, bottom right room of Merchant Guild

Orange Potion__________________________________________________________________

Ingredients: 1 Red Herb (Drainliar, Fabre, Farmiliar, Mastering, PecoPeco,
Picky, Poring, Spore, Thief Bug, Skeleton, Willow)
1 Yellow Herb (Anacondaq, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G), PecoPeco,
Poison Spore, Wormtail)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
5 zeny

Created At : Alberta, bottom right room of Merchant Guild

Yellow Potion__________________________________________________________________

Ingredients: 2 Yellow Herbs (Anacondaq, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G),
PecoPeco, Poison Spore, Wormtail)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
10 zeny

Created At : Alberta, bottom right room of Merchant Guild

White Potion___________________________________________________________________

Ingredients: 2 White Herbs (Ghoul, Marc, Thera Frog)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
20 zeny

Created At : Alberta, bottom right room of Merchant Guild

Green Potion___________________________________________________________________

Ingredients: 2 Green Herbs (Fabre, Mandragora, Poporing, Snake, Spore)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
3 zeny

Created At : Alberta, bottom right room of Merchant Guild

Blue Potion____________________________________________________________________

Ingredients: 2 Blue Herbs (Megalodon, Poison Spore, Spore)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)

Created At : Alberta, bottom right room of Merchant Guild


Note: To make any juice, you need to do the Juice Quest. You will need to do
this for each character you want to make juice with. Honestly, juice isn't
all that great, it only heals a little bit more. Plus it takes time and a
little bit of extra money, so I wouldn't bother, with the exception of Grape
Juice - Grapes are rare, so it's best to get the most out of them. Bottles
are rare in the sense that they're not sold anyway, so you're better off
making potions with your bottles as well:

To start the quest, go to Prontera. Get a piece of meat, either from a monster
or simply buying one from the Prontera butcher. once you have said piece of
meat, go to Prontera square, and go to the east side of it. Above the path
leading eastward away from the square, you'll see a balcony. This balcony
connects 2 buildings, one on the north side of the path and one on the south
side. walk around to the south side of the south building, and go inside.
Now go upstairs. You'll see a mother and son at the end of the room. Talk to
the mother who mentions something about her son only eating meat. Talk to the
boy, and show him the meat - do not give it to him when he asks for it though.
Now, talk to the mother again. She'll mention there is a person in Payon who
can make fruit juices. Head to Payon, and enter a house on the east side of
town. You'll see a NPC inside that will mix your juices! Finally... Thanks
to Yoten for this info.

Carrot Juice___________________________________________________________________

Ingredients: 1 Carrot (Farmiliar, Lunatic, Izlude, Prontera)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)

Created At : Payon, house on east side of town

Apple Juice____________________________________________________________________

Ingredients: 1 Apple (Poring, Willow, Izlude, Prontera)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)

Created At : Payon, house on east side of town

Banana Juice___________________________________________________________________

Ingredients: 1 Banana (Yoyo, Izlude, Prontera)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)

Created At : Payon, house on east side of town

Grape Juice____________________________________________________________________

Ingredients: 1 Grape (Farmiliar, Poporing)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)

Created At : Payon, house on east side of town



Indredients : 1 Detrimindexta (Hydra)
1 Alcohol (Horong, Plankton, Toad)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)

Created At : See end of Mixture section


Indredients : 1 Karvodailnirol (Pirate Skeleton, Poison Spore)
1 Alcohol (Horong, Plankton, Toad)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)

Created At : Geffen

Note: There is a quest attached to both of these. You first must go talk to
the man in the large house in Alberta. They will say something about your dye,
assuming you have it with you (and you have to to complete the quest). Then,
you'll need to go to Geffen. Talk to the man by the East gate, he looks like
one of the old teleport NPCs, for you who remember Beta 1. If your a recent
convert, he has purple hair. Then go to the Blacksmith in the lower left hand
corner, go upstairs, and talk to the scientist in the back room. He'll finally
convert your ingredients to a Counteragent and/or Mixture. You must do this
with every character you plan on mixing with.

Black Dye______________________________________________________________________

Indredients : 30 Red Herbs (Drainliar, Fabre, Farmiliar, Mastering,
PecoPeco, Picky, Poring, Spore, Thief Bug,
Skeleton, Willow)
30 Yellow Herbs (Anacondaq, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G),
PecoPeco, Poison Spore, Wormtail)
30 Green Herbs (Fabre, Mandragora, Poporing, Snake, Spore)
5 Blue Herbs (Megalodon, Poison Spore, Spore)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
1 Counteragent (Item Creation)
1 Mixture (Item Creation)

Created At : Morroc, upper right hand corner building

Blue Dye_______________________________________________________________________

Indredients : 20 Blue Herbs (Megalodon, Poison Spore, Spore)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
1 Counteragent (Item Creation)

Created At : Morroc, upper right hand corner building

Green Dye______________________________________________________________________

Indredients : 20 Red Herbs (Drainliar, Fabre, Farmiliar, Mastering,
PecoPeco, Picky, Poring,
Spore, Thief Bug,
Skeleton, Willow)
20 Yellow Herbs (Anacondaq, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G),
PecoPeco, Poison Spore, Wormtail)
5 Blue Herbs (Megalodon, Poison Spore, Spore)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
1 Counteragent (Item Creation)
1 Mixture (Item Creation)

Created At : Morroc, upper right hand corner building

Orange Dye_____________________________________________________________________

Indredients : 20 Red Herbs (Drainliar, Fabre, Farmiliar, Mastering,
PecoPeco, Picky, Poring, Spore, Thief Bug,
Skeleton, Willow)
20 Yellow Herbs (Anacondaq, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G),
PecoPeco, Poison Spore, Wormtail)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
1 Counteragent (Item Creation)
1 Mixture (Item Creation)

Created At : Morroc, upper right hand corner building

Scarlet Dye____________________________________________________________________

Indredients : 30 Red Herbs (Drainliar, Fabre, Farmiliar, Mastering, PecoPeco,
Picky, Poring, Spore, Thief Bug, Skeleton,
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
1 Counteragent (Item Creation)

Created At : Morroc, upper right hand corner building

Violet Dye_____________________________________________________________________

Indredients : 30 Red Herbs (Drainliar, Fabre, Farmiliar, Mastering, PecoPeco,
Picky, Poring, Spore, Thief Bug, Skeleton,
10 Blue Herbs (Megalodon, Poison Spore, Spore)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
1 Counteragent (Item Creation)
1 Mixture (Item Creation)

Created At : Morroc, upper right hand corner building

White Dye______________________________________________________________________

Indredients : 30 White Herbs (Ghoul, Marc, Thera Frog)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
1 Counteragent (Item Creation)

Created At : Morroc, upper right hand corner building

Yellow Dye_____________________________________________________________________

Indredients : 30 Yellow Herbs (Anacondaq, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G),
PecoPeco, Poison Spore, Wormtail)
1 Empty Bottle (Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring)
1 Counteragent (Item Creation)

Created At : Morroc, upper right hand corner building



Ingredients : 20 Evil Horns (Baphomet)

Created At : Alberta, upstairs of the large house


Ingredients : 1 Geek Glasses (Alberta)
100 Steel (Refining Iron, Golem, Orc Warrior, Orc Hero)

Created At : Morroc

Boy's Cap______________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 10 Tiger's Footskins (Eddga)

Created At : Alberta

Bunny Band_____________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 1 Kitty Band (Smokie)
100 Feathers (Fabre, Lunatic, Picky, Savage Babe, Super Picky,
1 Pearl (Hornet, Mistress (MVP))
1 4 Leaf Clover (Mandragora)

Created At : Every Town, look for blonde haired man near Kafra

Doctor Band____________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 1 Red Bandana (Goblin)
50 Iron (Refining Iron, Golem, Orc Warrior, Orc Hero)
1 Cracked Diamond (Isis)

Created At : Al De Baren, lower right hand corner building

Ear Muffs______________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 1 Headset (Item Creation)
200 Feathers (Fabre, Lunatic, Picky, Savage Babe, Super Picky,
1 Cursed Ruby (Golem, Zombie)

Created At : Payon

Feather Bonnet_________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 1 Romantic Gent (Vocal Rocker)
300 Feather of Bird (Condor, PecoPeco, Picky, Super Picky)

Created At : Al De Baren, lower right hand corner building


Ingredients : 40 Steel (Refining Iron, Golem, Orc Warrior, Orc Hero)
1 Coal (Giearth)
1 Alcohol (Horong, Plankton, Toad)
1 Oridecon (Refining Rough Oridecon)

Created At : Geffen, left antechamber of the house in the upper right hand

Oxygen Mask____________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 5 Ora Ora (Golden Thief Bug)

Created At : Payon, Archer Villiage

Ph.D Hat_______________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 1 Hinalle (Rocker)
1 Aloe (Mandragora, Metaller)
1 Ment (Mandragora)
1 Illusion Flower (Mistress (MVP))

Created At : ???

Phantom of the Opera___________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 1 Singing Plant (Metaller, Thief Bug (G))
20 Iron (Horn, Orc Warrior, Steel ChonChon)

Created At : Al De Baren, lower right corner building

Pretend Murder_________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 4 Skirt of Virgin (Sohee)

Created At : Payon


Ingredients : 120 30z Trunks (Elder Willow, Willow)

Created At : Al De Baren, lower right hand corner building

Stop Post______________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 50 30z Trunks (Elder Willow, Willow)
1 Black Dye (Item Creation)

Created At : Morroc, upper right hand corner building

Welding Mask___________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 50 Steel (Refining Iron, Golem, Orc Warrior, Orc Hero)

Created At : Geffen, upstairs from Blacksmith



Ingredients : 1 Iron Ore (Ambernite, Fabre, Picky, Poring, Stainer,
Super Picky, Thief Bug)

Created At/By: Blacksmith Player


Ingredients : 5 Iron (Item Creation, Horn, Orc Warrior)
1 Coal (Giearth)

Created At/By: Blacksmith Player


Ingredients : 5 Rough Elunium (Bigfoot, Golem, Hode, Nightmare, Pirate
Skeleton, Poporing, Scorpion, Steel Chonchon,
Thera Frog)

Created At/By: Geffen Blacksmith, lower right corner of town or by a Blacksmith


Ingredients : 5 Rough Oridecon (Anacondaq, Munak, Nightmare, Obeaune, Orc
Warrior, Skeleton Archer, Soldier Skeleton,
Mistress (MVP))

Created At/By: Geffen Blacksmith, lower right corner of town or by a Blacksmith

Star Crumb_____________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 10 Star Dust (Dustiness, Hode)

Created At/By: Alberta Merchant Guild NPC, upper left room of Merchant Guild

Flame Heart____________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 10 Red Bloods (Elder Willow)

Created At/By: Alberta Merchant Guild NPC, upper left room of Merchant Guild

Great Nature___________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 10 Yellow Lives (Hode, Horn, Mandragora, Muka, Wormtail)

Created At/By: Alberta Merchant Guild NPC, upper left room of Merchant Guild

Mystic Frozen__________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 10 Crystal Blues (Marina, Kukre)

Created At/By: Alberta Merchant Guild NPC, upper left room of Merchant Guild

Rough Wind_____________________________________________________________________

Ingredients : 10 Wind of Verdues (Horn)

Created At/By: Alberta Merchant Guild NPC, upper left room of Merchant Guild

Forging Indredients

This section is a checklist of sorts, to let you know what inredients you need
to forge certain weapons. They'll usually involve either Iron, Steel, or
Oridecon, but occasionally you'll need a Jewel or item of some kind. If you
need more information on where to get those, look at the ETC Items section.
I'm afraid I can't answer the question as to why in the hell you need things
like Decayed Nails to forge Slayers.

1-Handed Swords

Sword : 2 Iron
Falchion : 30 Iron
Blade : 45 Iron, 25 Tooth of Bat
Rapier : 20 Steel
Scimiter : 35 Steel
Ring Pommel Saber : 40 Steel, 50 Wolf Claw
Haedonggum : 10 Steel, 2 Oridecon, 1 Topaz
Tsurugi : 15 Steel, 2 Oridecon, 1 Garnet
Flamberge : 4 Oridecon, 1 Ruby

2-Handed Swords

Katana : 35 Steel, 15 Horrendous Mouth
Slayer : 25 Steel, 20 Decayed Nail
Bastard Sword : 45 Steel
Two Handed Sword : 10 Steel, 3 Oridecon
Broad Sword : 20 Steel, 3 Oridecon
Claymore : 20 Steel, 4 Oridecon, 1 2 Carat Diamond


Knife : 1 Iron, 10 Jellopy
Cutter : 25 Iron
Main-Gauche : 50 Iron
Dirk : 17 Steel
Dagger : 30 Steel
Stilleto : 40 Steel
Gladius : 40 Steel, 1 Oridecon, 1 Sapphire
Damascus : 60 Steel, 1 Oridecon, 1 Zircon


Club : 3 Iron
Mace : 30 Iron
Smasher : 20 Steel
Flail : 33 Steel
Chain : 45 Steel
Morning Star : 85 Steel, 1 2 Carat Diamond
Sword Mace : 100 Steel, 20 Sharp Scale
Stunner : 120 Steel, 1 Orcish Voucher - Is this in Beta 2 yet?


Axe : 10 Iron
Battle Axe : 110 Iron
War Hammer : 30 Steel
Buster : 20 Steel, 1 Oridecon, 30 Orc's Fang
Two Handed Axe : 10 Steel, 2 Oridecon, 1 Amethyst


Javelin : 3 Iron
Spear : 35 Iron
Pike : 70 Iron
Guisarme : 25 Steel
Glaive : 40 Steel
Partizan : 55 Steel
Trident : 10 Steel, 2 Oridecon, 5 Aquamarine
Halbred : 10 Steel, 3 Oridecon
Lance : 3 Oridecon, 3 Ruby, 2 Evil Horn

Brass Knuckles

Note: Before you get all excited thinking you can create unique weapons, stop.
The only class that can use these is the Monk, who is not in the game yet.
Since forging doesn't even work, this isn't an issue, but it would be
interesting to try to forge this type of weapon when forging works again.

Hora : 65 Iron
Waghnak : 160 Steel, 1 Pearl
Knuckle Duster : 50 Steel
Fist : 1 Oridecon, 10 Ruby
Finger : 1 Oridecon, 10 Opal
Claw : 2 Oridecon, 10 Topaz

Item List - Usable Items

Note: In beta 2, VIT is a factor in how much stuff heals you. The numbers
here are simply a rough estimate, the actual amount of HP will depend on how
much VIT you have.

Note 2: Carrots are the best healing item per zeny. They increase their
healing the most per point of VIT. At lower levels it doesn't really matter,
but when you have 60+ VIT, try a Carrot and see the amazing difference.

Red Potion_____________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 60 HP when used
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : PecoPeco Egg, Skeleton Soldier, Verit
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 50z
Selling Price: 25z
Street Price : 40z
Rare? : No

Orange Potion__________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 120 HP when used
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 13
Buying Price : 200z
Selling Price: 100z
Street Price : 160z
Rare? : No

Yellow Potion__________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 180 HP when used
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 16
Buying Price : 550z
Selling Price: 275z
Street Price : 704z
Rare? : No

White Potion___________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 240 HP when used
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Doppleganger
Weight : 20
Buying Price : 1200z
Selling Price: 600z
Street Price : 960z
Rare? : No

Red Herb_______________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 15 HP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Drainliar, Fabre, Farmiliar, Mastering, PecoPeco, Picky, Poring,
Spore, Thief Bug, Skeleton, Willow
Weight : 5
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 9z
Street Price : 15z
Rare? : No

Yellow Herb____________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 30 HP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Anacondaq, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G), PecoPeco, Poison Spore,
Weight : 5
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : ???
Rare? : No

White Herb_____________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 60 HP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ghoul, Marc, Thera Frog
Weight : 5
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : ???
Rare? : No

Sweet Potato___________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 10 HP when used
Bought From : Izlude, Prontera
Dropped From : Coco, Elder Willow, Smokie, Willow
Weight : 1
Buying Price : 15z
Selling Price: 8z
Street Price : 12z
Rare? : No


Description : Restores about 10 HP when used
Bought From : Izlude, Prontera
Dropped From : Farmiliar, Lunatic
Weight : 1
Buying Price : 15z
Selling Price: 8z
Street Price : 12z
Rare? : No

Note: This is the best healing item in terms of zeny per HP. If you don't
believe me, try it yourself. With about 20 VIT, I get 25 HP per Carrot, as
opposed to Reds 65 HP. Still, look at the prices - thats 2.6 Carrots for the
same healing power, which is 31 zeny as opposed to 40. A 25% increase in
healing power per zeny is nothing to shrug off.

Carrot Juice___________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 12 HP when used
Bought From : See Item Creation section
Dropped From : Eclipse
Weight : 6
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50z
Rare? : No


Description : Restores about 10 HP when used
Bought From : Izlude, Morroc, Prontera
Dropped From : Yoyo
Weight : 1
Buying Price : 15z
Selling Price: 8z
Street Price : 12z
Rare? : No

Banana Juice___________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 12 HP when used
Bought From : See Item Creation section
Dropped From : Vocal Rocker
Weight : 6
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50z
Rare? : No


Description : Restores about 10 HP when used
Bought From : Izlude, Prontera
Dropped From : Black Mushroom, Poring, Willow
Weight : 1
Buying Price : 15z
Selling Price: 8z
Street Price : 12z
Rare? : No

Apple Juice____________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 12 HP when used
Bought From : See Item Creation section
Dropped From : Mastering
Weight : 6
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 12z
Rare? : No


Description : Restores about 10 HP when used
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 3
Buying Price : 15z
Selling Price: 8z
Street Price : 12z
Rare? : No


Description : Restores about 30 HP when used
Bought From : Izlude, Prontera
Dropped From : Eclipse, PecoPeco Egg, Picky
Weight : 5
Buying Price : 25z
Selling Price: 13z
Street Price : 20z
Rare? : No

Monsters Feed__________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 10 HP when used
Bought From : Izlude, Morroc, Prontera
Dropped From : Tarou, Wolf
Weight : 5
Buying Price : 60z
Selling Price: 35z
Street Price : 48z
Rare? : No


Description : Restores about 100 HP when used
Bought From : Izlude, Morroc, Prontera
Dropped From : Condor, Hydra, Wandering Wolf, Wolf
Weight : 20
Buying Price : 55z
Selling Price: 28z
Street Price : 44z
Rare? : No

Leaf of Hinalle________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 100 HP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Metaller, Rocker
Weight : 1
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 350z
Rare? : Yes

Leaf of Aloe___________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 100 HP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mandragora, Metaller, Wormtail
Weight : 1
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes


Description : Restores about 30 HP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Santa Poring
Weight : 2
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 5z
Street Price : Does not exist yet
Rare? : Yes

Candy Striper__________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 50 HP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Santa Poring
Weight : 3
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 10z
Street Price : Does not exist yet
Rare? : Yes

Blue Potion____________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 60 SP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Doppleganger
Weight : 15
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 5000z
Rare? : Yes

Blue Herb______________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 15 SP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Megalodon, Poison Spore, Spore
Weight : 5
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1000z
Rare? : Yes


Description : Restores about 10 SP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Farmiliar, Poporing
Weight : 1
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 200z
Rare? : Yes

Grape Juice____________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 12 SP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Dragonfly
Weight : 1
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : ???
Rare? : Yes

Green Herb_____________________________________________________________________

Description : Cures Poison when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Fabre, Mandragora, Poporing, Snake, Spore
Weight : 5
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : ???
Rare? : No

Green Potion___________________________________________________________________

Description : Cures Poison, Silence, Darkness, and Chaos when used
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Ghoul, Verit
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 40z
Selling Price: 20z
Street Price : 32z
Rare? : No

Holy Water_____________________________________________________________________

Description : Cures Cursed Status
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 100z
Rare? : No


Description : Cures every status ailment when used
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Hydra, Thief Bug (L)
Weight : 20
Buying Price : 500z
Selling Price: 250z
Street Price : 350z
Rare? : No


Description : Restores about 50 HP and 10 SP when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Creamy, Hornet, Mistress, Toad, Vitata
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes

Royal Jelly____________________________________________________________________

Description : Restores about 250 HP and every status ailment when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mistress
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes

Wing of Fly____________________________________________________________________

Description : Teleports to a random spot on the map when used
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : ChonChon, Hornet, Steel Chonchon
Weight : 1
Buying Price : 100z
Selling Price: 50z
Street Price : 80z
Rare? : No

Wing of Butterfly______________________________________________________________

Description : Teleports back to your save point when used
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Creamy
Weight : 1
Buying Price : 500z
Selling Price: 250z
Street Price : 400z
Rare? : No


Description : Brings a character back from the dead when used, but gives
him/her cursed status
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Munak
Weight : 1
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1000z
Rare? : Yes


Description : Has effects of Endure for ??? seconds
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Cornutus, Savage, Snake
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 5000z
Rare? : Yes

Branch of Dead Tree____________________________________________________________

Description : Spawns a random monster when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Elder Willow, Willow
Weight : 1
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 10000z
Rare? : Yes

Leaf of Yggdrasill_____________________________________________________________

Description : Brings a character back from the dead when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Elder Willow, Mistress, Smokie
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 2000z
Rare? : Yes

Mystic Blue Box________________________________________________________________

Description : Spawns a random rare item when used
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Pirate Skeleton, Poison Spore, Spore, Zombie
Weight : 20
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 75000z
Rare? : Yes


Description : Needed to use Hunter's trap skills
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 5
Buying Price : 100z
Selling Price: 50z
Street Price : 80z
Rare? : No


Description : Used to Identify Items
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 5
Buying Price : 40z
Selling Price: 20z
Chaos Price : 32z
Loki Price : 32z
Rare? : No

Which Healing Item is Right for Me?

Will be finished as soon as I can experiment with Beta 2's healing items

Item List - Equipment

This section is organized by weapon type, and order of increasing strength
within that type.

1-handed Swords


Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 25 ATK
Level Req : 2
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Alberta, Geffen, Izlude, Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 50
Buying Price : 100z
Selling Price: 50z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 39 ATK
Level Req : 2
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Alberta, Izlude, Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : Pirate Skeleton, Pupa, Thief Bug Egg
Weight : 60
Buying Price : 1500z
Selling Price: 750z
Street Price : 350z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 53 ATK
Level Req : 2
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Alberta, Izlude, Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 70
Buying Price : 2900z
Selling Price: 1450z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 70 ATK
Level Req : 14
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 40
Buying Price : 10000z
Selling Price: 5000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 85 ATK
Level Req : 14
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 50
Buying Price : 17000z
Selling Price: 8500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Orcish Sword___________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 90 ATK
Level Req : 1
Weapon Level : 4
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Orc Hero (MVP)
Weight : 80
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 22000z
Rare? : Yes

Ring Pommel Saber______________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 100 ATK
Level Req : 14
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : Pirate Skeleton
Weight : 90
Buying Price : 24500z
Selling Price: 12250z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 115 ATK
Level Req : 27
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 100
Buying Price : 49000z
Selling Price: 24500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : Yes


Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 120 ATK, +3 INT
Level Req : 27
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 90
Buying Price : 50000z
Selling Price: 25000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 130 ATK
Level Req : 27
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 120
Buying Price : 51000z
Selling Price: 25500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 1-handed Sword
Equippable by: Knight
Stats : 150 ATK
Level Req : 27
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 150
Buying Price : 60000z
Selling Price: 30000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

2-handed Swords


Weapon Type : 2-handed Sword
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 60 ATK
Level Req : 4
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Izlude, Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 80
Buying Price : 2000z
Selling Price: 1000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 2-handed Sword
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 90 ATK
Level Req : 2
Weapon Level : 18
Bought From : Izlude, Prontera
Dropped From : Thief Bug (G)
Weight : 100
Buying Price : 15000z
Selling Price: 7500z
Street Price : 11400z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 2-handed Sword
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 115 ATK
Level Req : 2
Weapon Level : 18
Bought From : Izlude
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 150
Buying Price : 22500z
Selling Price: 11250z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Broad Sword____________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 2-handed Sword
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 140 ATK, +5 DEF
Level Req : 3
Weapon Level : 33
Bought From : Izlude
Dropped From : Doppleganger (MVP)
Weight : 200
Buying Price : 65000z
Selling Price: 32500z
Street Price : 49400z
Rare? : No

Two Handed Sword_______________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 2-handed Sword
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 160 ATK
Level Req : 3
Weapon Level : 33
Bought From : Izlude
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 250
Buying Price : 60000z
Selling Price: 30000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 2-handed Sword
Equippable by: Knight
Stats : 180 ATK
Level Req : 3
Weapon Level : 33
Bought From : Izlude
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 250
Buying Price : 74000z
Selling Price: 37000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Balmung (Thunder Sword)________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 2-handed Sword
Equippable by: Gravity Employees Only
Stats : 250 ATk, +20 INT, +20 LUK
Level Req : Your guess is as good as mine
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 100
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: N/A
Chaos Price : Priceless
Loki Price : Priceless
Rare? : YES



Weapon Type : Knife
Equippable by: All except Acolyte/Priest
Stats : 17 ATK
Level Req : 1
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 40
Buying Price : 50z
Selling Price: 25z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Knife
Equippable by: All except Acolyte/Priest
Stats : 30 ATK
Level Req : 1
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Roda Frog
Weight : 50
Buying Price : 1250z
Selling Price: 625z
Street Price : 950z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Knife
Equippable by: All except Acolyte/Priest
Stats : 43 ATK
Level Req : 1
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 60
Buying Price : 2400z
Selling Price: 1200z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Knife
Equippable by: All except Acolyte/Priest
Stats : 59 ATK
Level Req : 12
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Al De Baren, Geffen, Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 50
Buying Price : 8500z
Selling Price: 4250z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Knife
Equippable by: All except Acolyte/Priest
Stats : 73 ATK
Level Req : 12
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Al De Baren, Geffen, Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 60
Buying Price : 14000z
Selling Price: 7000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Knife
Equippable by: All except Acolyte/Priest
Stats : 87 ATK
Level Req : 12
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Al De Baren, Geffen, Morroc
Dropped From : Skeleton Soldier
Weight : 70
Buying Price : 19500z
Selling Price: 9750z
Street Price : 14820z
Rare? : No

Fortune Sword__________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : Knife
Equippable by: All except Acolyte/Priest
Stats : 90 ATK, +5 LUK, Perfect Dodge +20
Level Req : 36
Weapon Level : 4
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Skeleton Soldier
Weight : 50
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes


Weapon Type : Knife
Equippable by: All except Acolyte/Priest
Stats : 105 ATK
Level Req : 24
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Al De Baren, Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 70
Buying Price : 43000z
Selling Price: 21500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Knife
Equippable by: All except Acolyte/Priest
Stats : 118 ATK
Level Req : 24
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Al De Baren, Morroc
Dropped From : Mistress
Weight : 80
Buying Price : 49000z
Selling Price: 24500z
Street Price : 37240z
Rare? : No


A quick note about Katars, they all double your chance of a critical attack.
Hence the reason why Assassins should really invest in getting criticals.


Weapon Type : Katar
Equippable by: Assassin
Stats : 125 ATK
Level Req : 18
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 80
Buying Price : 19500z
Selling Price: 9750z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Katar
Equippable by: Assassin
Stats : 148 ATK, +1 DEX
Level Req : 33
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 120
Buying Price : 41000z
Selling Price: 20500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Katar
Equippable by: Assassin
Stats : 165 ATK
Level Req : 33
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 150
Buying Price : 37200z
Selling Price: 18600z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

1-handed Spears


Weapon Type : 1-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 28 ATK
Level Req : 4
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 70
Buying Price : 150z
Selling Price: 75z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 1-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 44 ATK
Level Req : 4
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : Rocker
Weight : 85
Buying Price : 1700z
Selling Price: 850z
Street Price : 1300z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 1-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 95 ATK, Hit +20
Level Req : 4
Weapon Level : 4
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Baphomet (MVP)
Weight : 50
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes

2-handed Spears


Weapon Type : 2-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 60 ATK
Level Req : 4
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 100
Buying Price : 3450z
Selling Price: 1725z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 2-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 84 ATK
Level Req : 18
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 100
Buying Price : 13000z
Selling Price: 6500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 2-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 104 ATK
Level Req : 18
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : Anacondaq
Weight : 120
Buying Price : 20000z
Selling Price: 10000z
Street Price : 15200z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 2-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 124 ATK
Level Req : 18
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 200
Buying Price : 27000z
Selling Price: 13500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 2-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 150 ATK
Level Req : 33
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 120
Buying Price : 51000z
Selling Price: 25500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Crescent Scythe________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 2-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 150 ATK, Critical +20
Level Req : 48
Weapon Level : 4
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Baphoment (MVP)
Weight : 250
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 2000000z
Rare? : Yes


Weapon Type : 2-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 165 ATK
Level Req : 33
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 250
Buying Price : 64000z
Selling Price: 32000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 2-handed Spear
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 185 ATK
Level Req : 33
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : Wormtail
Weight : 250
Buying Price : 60000z
Selling Price: 30000z
Street Price : 45600z
Rare? : No



Weapon Type : Wand
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Mage, Priest, Wizard
Stats : 15 ATK, +15% MATK
Level Req : 0
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Alberta, Geffen, Izlude, Morroc, Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : Drops
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 50z
Selling Price: 25z
Chaos Price : 38z
Loki Price : 38z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Wand
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Mage, Priest, Wizard
Stats : 25 ATK, +1 INT, +15% MATK
Level Req : 12
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : PecoPeco, Wolf
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 2500z
Selling Price: 1250z
Street Price : 1900z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Wand
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Mage, Priest, Wizard
Stats : 40 ATK, +2 INT, +15% MATK
Level Req : 12
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 20
Buying Price : 9500z
Selling Price: 4750z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Arc Wand_______________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : Wand
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Mage, Priest, Wizard
Stats : 60 ATK, +3 INT, +15% MATK
Level Req : 24
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : Snake
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 45000z
Selling Price: 22500z
Street Price : 34200z
Rare? : No

Mighty Staff___________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : Wand
Equippable by: Acolyte, Mage, Priest, Wizard
Stats : 130 ATK, +10 STR, +15% MATK, -5 SP per swing
Level Req : 24
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Elder Willow
Weight : 50
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 80000z
Rare? : Yes

1-handed Axes


Weapon Type : 1-handed Axe
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith
Stats : 35 ATK
Level Req : 3
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Alberta, Izlude, Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 120
Buying Price : 500z
Selling Price: 250z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Orcish Axe_____________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 1-handed Axe
Equippable by: Novice, Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith
Stats : 50 ATK
Level Req : 3
Weapon Level : 4
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Orc Warrior
Weight : 200
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 2000z
Rare? : Yes

2-handed Axes

Battle Axe_____________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 2-handed Axe
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith
Stats : 75 ATK
Level Req : 3
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Alberta
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 180
Buying Price : 5400z
Selling Price: 2700z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

War Hammer_____________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 2-handed Axe
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith
Stats : 115 ATK
Level Req : 16
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Alberta
Dropped From : Orc Warrior
Weight : 230
Buying Price : 15500z
Selling Price: 7525z
Street Price : 11800z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : 2-handed Axe
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith
Stats : 140 ATK
Level Req : 30
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Alberta, Izlude, Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 250
Buying Price : 34000z
Selling Price: 17000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Two Handed Axe_________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 2-handed Axe
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith
Stats : 170 ATK
Level Req : 30
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Alberta
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 300
Buying Price : 55000z
Selling Price: 27500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Brood Axe______________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : 2-handed Axe
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith
Stats : 160 ATK, +10 STR, Improves walking speed
Level Req : 44
Weapon Level : 4
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Orc Hero (MVP)
Weight : 400
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 400000z
Rare? : Yes

This is the best axe, since STR adds to minimum and maximum damage. Walking
faster is nice too. This axe was supposed to ignore enemies' defense, but
Gravity's website says otherwise.



Weapon Type : Mace
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight, Priest
Stats : 23 ATK
Level Req : 2
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Prontera Church
Dropped From : Fabre, Willow
Weight : 70
Buying Price : 120z
Selling Price: 60z
Street Price : 90z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Mace
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight, Priest
Stats : 37 ATK
Level Req : 2
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Prontera Church
Dropped From : Skeleton
Weight : 80
Buying Price : 1600z
Selling Price: 800z
Street Price : 1200z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Mace
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight, Priest
Stats : 54 ATK
Level Req : 14
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Prontera Church
Dropped From : Zombie
Weight : 100
Buying Price : 9000z
Selling Price: 4500z
Street Price : 6840z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Mace
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight, Priest
Stats : 69 ATK
Level Req : 14
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Prontera Church
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 90
Buying Price : 16000z
Selling Price: 8000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Mace
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight, Priest
Stats : 84 ATK
Level Req : 14
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Prontera Church
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 80
Buying Price : 23000z
Selling Price: 11500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Morning Star___________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : Mace
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight, Priest
Stats : 110 ATK
Level Req : 3
Weapon Level : 27
Bought From : Prontera Church
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 150
Buying Price : 41000z
Selling Price: 20500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Sword Mace_____________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : Mace
Equippable by: Novice, Acolyte, Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight, Priest
Stats : 130 ATK
Level Req : 3
Weapon Level : 27
Bought From : Morroc Street Merchant
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 120
Buying Price : 50000z
Selling Price: 25000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


All bows require arrows to use.


Weapon Type : Bow
Equippable by: Archer, Thief, Hunter
Stats : 15 ATK
Level Req : 4
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 50
Buying Price : 1000z
Selling Price: 500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Composite Bow__________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : Bow
Equippable by: Archer, Thief, Hunter
Stats : 29 ATK
Level Req : 4
Weapon Level : 1
Bought From : Payon
Dropped From : Skeleton Archer
Weight : 60
Buying Price : 2500z
Selling Price: 1250z
Street Price : 1900z
Rare? : No

Great Bow______________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : Bow
Equippable by: Archer, Thief, Hunter
Stats : 50 ATK
Level Req : 18
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Payon
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 100
Buying Price : 10000z
Selling Price: 5000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Bow
Equippable by: Archer, Thief, Hunter
Stats : 65 ATK
Level Req : 18
Weapon Level : 2
Bought From : Payon
Dropped From : Skeleton Archer
Weight : 90
Buying Price : 17000z
Selling Price: 8500z
Street Price : 13000z
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Bow
Equippable by: Archer, Thief, Hunter
Stats : 90 ATK, +2 DEX (also has an additional 2 squares range)
Level Req : 33
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Payon
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 100
Buying Price : 48000z
Selling Price: 24000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Weapon Type : Bow
Equippable by: Archer, Thief, Hunter
Stats : 100 ATK
Level Req : 33
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Payon
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 110
Buying Price : 42000z
Selling Price: 21000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Hunter Bow_____________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : Bow
Equippable by: Hunter
Stats : 125 ATK
Level Req : 33
Weapon Level : 3
Bought From : Payon
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 110
Buying Price : 64000z
Selling Price: 32000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Arrows show up in the ETC Category, for some odd reason. If you only carry one
type, you will automatically use those. You can toggle what arrows you wish to
use but dragging and dropping them into your equipment screen, or pressing a
hotkey you assign them to. If you do not equip any, you will first use normal
arrows, then silvers, then fires.


Weapon Type : Arrow
Equippable by: Archer, Thief, Hunter
Stats : 25 ATK
Level Req : N/A
Weapon Level : N/A
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Condor
Weight : 0
Buying Price : 1z
Selling Price: 0z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Silver Arrow___________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : Arrow
Equippable by: Archer, Thief, Hunter
Stats : 30 ATK
Level Req : N/A
Weapon Level : N/A
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 0
Buying Price : 2z
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Fire Arrow_____________________________________________________________________

Weapon Type : Arrow
Equippable by: Archer, Thief, Hunter
Stats : 30 ATK, has fire attribute
Level Req : N/A
Weapon Level : N/A
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Archer Skeleton
Weight : 0
Buying Price : 2z
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : Yes

Item List - Armor

All armor is listed in order of increasing defense. If 2 or more pieces have
the same defense, they are listed in otder of price, with rares coming last.

Body Armor

Wedding Dress__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: All classes (should be females only, but men can wear it too)
Stats : 0 DEF, 20 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Prontera Wedding Shop
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 50
Buying Price : 45000z
Selling Price: 22500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Cotton Shirt___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 10z
Selling Price: 5z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Leather Jacket_________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Thief Bug
Weight : 20
Buying Price : 200z
Selling Price: 100z
Street Price : 152z
Rare? : No

Adventure Suit_________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Archer, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Assassin, Blacksmith,
Hunter, Kinght
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Desert Wolf Puppy
Weight : 30
Buying Price : 1000z
Selling Price: 500z
Street Price : 760z
Rare? : No

Silk Robe______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Acolyte, Magician, Priest, Wizard
Stats : 3 DEF, 10 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Alberta, Geffen, Morroc, Payon
Dropped From : Creamy
Weight : 40
Buying Price : 8000z
Selling Price: 4000z
Street Price : 6080z
Rare? : No

Wooden Mail____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 4 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Hydra, Willow
Weight : 100
Buying Price : 5500z
Selling Price: 2750z
Street Price : 4180z
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Acolyte, Priest
Stats : 4 DEF, 2 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Prontera Church
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 40
Buying Price : 6500z
Selling Price: 3250z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Silver Robe____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Magician, Wizard
Stats : 4 DEF, 2 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Alberta, Geffen, Morroc, Payon
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 70
Buying Price : 7000z
Selling Price: 3500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Archer, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Assassin, Blacksmith,
Knight, Wizard
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Alberta, Izlude, Morroc, Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 120
Buying Price : 22000z
Selling Price: 11000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Formal Suit____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 25000z
Rare? : No

Magic Coat_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Mage, Wizard
Stats : 5 DEF,5 MDEF, +1 INT
Level Req : 50
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 60
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 120000z
Rare? : No

Mink Coat______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 6 DEF
Level Req : 30
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Yoyo
Weight : 230
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 45000z
Rare? : Yes

Saint Robe_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Acolyte, Priest
Stats : 6 DEF, 5 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Prontera Church
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 60
Buying Price : 54000z
Selling Price: 27000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Thieves Clothes________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Thief, Assassin
Stats : 6 DEF, +1 AGI
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 74000z
Selling Price: 37000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Archer, Hunter
Stats : 6 DEF, +1 DEX
Level Req : 45
Bought From : Payon
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 50
Buying Price : 71000z
Selling Price: 35500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Padded Armor___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Assassin, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 7 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Alberta, Izlude, Morroc, Prontera
Dropped From : Cornutus, Steel Chonchon
Weight : 280
Buying Price : 48000z
Selling Price: 24000z
Chaos Price : 36500z
Loki Price : 36500z
Rare? : No

Chain Mail_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 8 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Alberta, Izlude, Morroc, Prontera
Dropped From : Hunter Fly
Weight : 330
Buying Price : 65000z
Selling Price: 32500z
Street Price : 49500z
Rare? : No

Lords Cloth____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Merchant, Blacksmith
Stats : 8 DEF, 5 MDEF, +1 INT
Level Req : 70
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 250
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : No

Glittering Jacket______________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Merchant, Blacksmith
Stats : 7 DEF, 5 MDEF
Level Req : 60
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 250
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 60000z
Rare? : No

Holy Robe______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Acolyte
Stats : 7 DEF, 5 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Baphomet (MVP)
Weight : 170
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 2000000z
Rare? : Yes

Ninja Suit_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Thief
Stats : 7 DEF, +2 AGI
Level Req : 50
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Munak
Weight : 150
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 150000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Body Armor
Equippable by: Swordsman
Stats : 10 DEF
Level Req : 40
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 450
Buying Price : 80000z
Selling Price: 40000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No



Armor Type : Shield
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Pupa
Weight : 30
Buying Price : 500z
Selling Price: 250z
Street Price : 380z
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Shield
Equippable by: Acolyte, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Assassin, Blacksmith,
Knight, Priest
Stats : 4 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Thief Bug (L), Golden Thief Bug
Weight : 60
Buying Price : 14000z
Selling Price: 7000z
Street Price : 10640z
Rare? : No

Mirror Shield__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Shield
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 4 DEF, 3 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 100
Buying Price : 60000z
Selling Price: 30000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Shield
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 6 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 130
Buying Price : 56000z
Selling Price: 28000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Because this section is so incredibly massive, I split up the helmets into
what slot they go into - lower, middle, or upper. Note that some helmets are
isted twice, because they occupy more than 1 slot. The Goblin Mask, for
example, will occupy both the lower and middle slots. They are then sorted in
order of increasing defense. If 2 or more items are of equal defense, they
are listed alphabetically.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Giearth, Orc Warrior, Orc Hero
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 120000z
Rare? : Yes

Flu Mask_______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower
Bought From : Morroc, Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 300z
Selling Price: 150z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Gangster Mask__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Zerom
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 10000z
Rare? : Yes

Grampa Beard___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower
Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 6000z
Selling Price: 3000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Oxygen Mask____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 20
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes

Pierrot Nose___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Eclipse
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 25000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Eddga, Drake
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 200000z
Rare? : Yes

Gas Mask_______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Myst
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 45000z
Rare? : Yes

Goblin Mask____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Goblin
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes

Iron Chain_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 50
Slot : Lower
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 500000z
Rare? : Yes

Mr. Scream_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Goblin
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes

Mr. Smile______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Goblin
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes

Phantom of the Opera___________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 20
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 900000z
Rare? : Yes

Welding Mask___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Merchant, Blacksmith
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 50
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 600000z
Rare? : Yes

Munak Turban___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower, Middle, and Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Munak
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 800000z
Rare? : Yes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 10000z
Rare? : Yes

Diver's Goggles________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : Alberta
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 3500z
Selling Price: 1750z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Elvin Ears_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 70
Slot : Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : Alberta
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 4000z
Selling Price: 2000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Single Glass___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 10000z
Selling Price: 5000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : Alberta
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 5000z
Selling Price: 2500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Zoro Masque____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Goblin
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 45000z
Rare? : Yes

Eagle Eyes_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Savage
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes

Eye Patch______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : Payon
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 1000z
Selling Price: 500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Gas Mask_______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Myst
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 45000z
Rare? : Yes

Geek Glasses___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : Alberta
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 20000z
Selling Price: 10000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Goblin Mask____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Goblin
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes

Machoman's Glasses_____________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes

Mini Glasses___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Hunter Fly
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1000000z
Rare? : Yes

Mr. Scream_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Goblin
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes

Mr. Smile______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Goblin
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Marionette
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 200000z
Rare? : Yes

Purple Glasses_________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle
Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 21000z
Selling Price: 10500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Archer, Hunter
Stats : 1 DEF, +1 DEX
Level Req : 50
Slot : Middle
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 200000z
Rare? : Yes

Fin Helm_______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Swordsman, Knight
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 65
Slot : Middle
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Obeaune
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 600000z
Rare? : Yes

Phantom of the Opera___________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 20
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 900000z
Rare? : Yes

Welding Mask___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Merchant, Blacksmith
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 50
Slot : Lower and Middle
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 600000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle and Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Martin
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 60000z
Rare? : No

Munak Turban___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower, Middle, and Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Munak
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 800000z
Rare? : Yes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fancy Flower___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Creamy
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 250z
Street Price : 45000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Angeling, Whisper
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1000000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Dustiness
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 20000z
Rare? : Yes

Poo Poo Hat____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Bigfoot
Weight : 70
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 130000z
Rare? : Yes

Puppy Love_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes

Romantic Flower________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes

Romantic Leaf__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF, 3 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : Payon
Dropped From : Farmiliar
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 800z
Selling Price: 400z
Street Price : 610z
Rare? : No

Wedding Veil___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes (should be females only, but men can too)
Stats : 0 DEF, 5 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : Prontera Weapon Shop
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 5
Buying Price : 23000z
Selling Price: 11500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Ghost Bandana__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF, +2 AGI
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ghostring
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 2000000z
Rare? : Yes

Apple O' Archer________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF, +3 DEX
Level Req : 30
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Archer Skeleton
Weight : 20
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 200000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : Payon
Dropped From : Pirate Skeleton
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 400z
Selling Price: 200z
Street Price : 305z
Rare? : Yes

Bomb Wick______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 20000z
Rare? : Yes

Cat Hairband___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Smokie
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 5000z
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes

Cutie Band_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Eclipse
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 30000z
Rare? : Yes

Doctor Band____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 80000z
Rare? : Yes

Flower Hairband________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Verit
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 4000z
Street Price : 40000z
Rare? : Yes

Funeral Hat____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes

Hair Band______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 12000z
Rare? : Yes

Jack a Dandy___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : ???
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 45000z
Selling Price: 22500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Mini Propeller_________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 150000z
Rare? : Yes

Nurse Cap______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Acolyte, Priest
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Sohee
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 750000z
Rare? : Yes

Pretend Murder_________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 150000z
Rare? : Yes

Stop Post______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 40
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 200000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Flora
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes

Joker Jester___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF, 5 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Joker
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1500000z
Rare? : Yes

Pirate Bandana_________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF, +1 STR
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Pirate Skeleton
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes

Santa Hat______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF, 5 MDEF, +1 LUK
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Santa Poring (appears on Christmas)
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 2500z
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes

Bunny Band_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF, +5 LUK
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 7500z
Street Price : 500000z
Rare? : Yes

Boys Cap_______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1000000z
Rare? : Yes

Green Feeler___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Rocker
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Spore
Weight : 20
Buying Price : 1000z
Selling Price: 500z
Street Price : 760z
Rare? : No

Red Bandana____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Goblin
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 65000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 30
Buying Price : 4500z
Selling Price: 2250z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Unicorn Helm___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mastering
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes

Queen Ribbon___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF, 3 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Toad
Weight : 20
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 80000z
Rare? : Yes

Angel Band_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 2 DEF, 3 MDEF, +1 AGI, +1 LUK
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Angeling
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 500000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Deviace
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Giearth
Weight : 40
Buying Price : 12000z
Selling Price: 6000z
Street Price : 9120z
Rare? : No

Ear Muffs______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 20
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 150000z
Rare? : Yes

Egg Shell______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Eggrya, Super Picky
Weight : 20
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 50000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 20
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 150000z
Rare? : Yes

Indian Fillet__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes

Ph.D Hat_______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 200000z
Rare? : Yes

Romantic Gent__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Vocal Rocker
Weight : 40
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 45000z
Rare? : Yes

Sweet Gent_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Dragonfly
Weight : 40
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 75000z
Rare? : Yes

Western Grace__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Wandering Wolf
Weight : 40
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 150000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Acolyte, Magician, Merchant
Stats : 3 DEF, 3 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : Geffen - back of item shop
Dropped From : Isis
Weight : 20
Buying Price : 7500z
Selling Price: 3750z
Street Price : 5700z
Rare? : No

Safety Helmet__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF, 3 MDEF, Unbreakable
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Martin
Weight : 50
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 75000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF, +1 AGI
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 150000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF, +1 INT
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Isis
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 500000z
Rare? : Yes

Evil Band______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF, 2 MDEF, +1 STR
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ghostring
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1000000z
Rare? : Yes

Grand Circlet__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 3 DEF, 4 MDEF, +1 STR, +1 INT, +1 LUK
Level Req : 55
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 20
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1000000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 4 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 50
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 10000000z
Rare? : YES

Army Cap_______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Archer, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Assassin, Blacksmith,
Hunter, Knight
Stats : 4 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 40
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : ???
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 4 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : Prontera Church
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 9000z
Selling Price: 4500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Gemmed Salet___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Thief
Stats : 4 DEF, 3 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 50
Buying Price : 50000z
Selling Price: 25000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : Yes

Wizard Hat_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Mage, Wizard
Stats : 4 DEF, +100 Maximum SP
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ghoul
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1500000z
Rare? : Yes

Feather Bonnet_________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Archer, Hunter
Stats : 4 DEF, +1 AGI
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 150000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Swordsman, Merchant (should be men only, but females can too)
Stats : 4 DEF, +3 INT
Level Req : 45
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Osiris (MVP)
Weight : 40
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 1500000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Acolyte, Magician (should be females only, but men can too)
Stats : 4 DEF, +3 INT
Level Req : 45
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mistress (MVP)
Weight : 40
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Street Price : 1500000z
Rare? : Yes

Gemmed Crown___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 4 DEF, 3 MDEF, +2 INT, +1 LUK
Level Req : 60
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 60
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 800000z
Rare? : Yes

Golden Gear____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 40
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Golden Thief Bug
Weight : 90
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Middle and Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Martin
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 60000z
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Thief
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : Scorpion
Weight : 60
Buying Price : 44000z
Selling Price: 22000z
Street Price : 33440z
Rare? : No

Monk Hat_______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Acolyte, Priest
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Marc
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 500000z
Rare? : Yes

Munak Turban___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Lower, Middle, and Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Munak
Weight : 30
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 800000z
Rare? : Yes

Viking Helm____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Assassin, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 5 DEF
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Orc Warrior
Weight : 50
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes

Majestic Goat__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 5 DEF, +1 STR
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Baphomet (MVP)
Weight : 80
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 3000000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 5 DEF, +1 VIT
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Drake
Weight : 50
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 600000z
Rare? : Yes

Lord Kaho's Horn_______________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 5 DEF, 10 MDEF, +5 STR, +10 AGI, +10 VIT, +5 INT, +20 LUK
Level Req : 0
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : Priceless
Rare? : YES

Spiky Band_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 6 DEF
Level Req : 50
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 100
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 300000z
Rare? : Yes

Bone Helm______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Helmet
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 7 DEF
Level Req : 70
Slot : Upper
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 80
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1500000z
Rare? : Yes



Armor Type : Robe
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Pupa
Weight : 20
Buying Price : 1000z
Selling Price: 500z
Street Price : 760z
Rare? : No

Ragamuffin Manteau_____________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Robe
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 1 DEF, 10 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 50
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 2000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Robe
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 40
Buying Price : 5000z
Selling Price: 2500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Robe
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Assassin, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Alberta, Izlude, Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 60
Buying Price : 32000z
Selling Price: 16000z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Cape of Old Marquess___________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Robe
Equippable by: Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Assassin, Blacksmith, Knight
Stats : 3 DEF, +1 AGI
Level Req : 40
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Dracula
Weight : 60
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 70000z
Rare? : Yes


Crystal Pumps__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Shoe
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 0 DEF, 5 MDEF, +10 LUK
Level Req : 0
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mastering
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 120000z
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Shoe
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 1 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : Pupa
Weight : 20
Buying Price : 400z
Selling Price: 200z
Street Price : 5000z (Card slots are somewhat rare for shoes)
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Shoe
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 2 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Every Town
Dropped From : PecoPeco
Weight : 40
Buying Price : 3500z
Selling Price: 1750z
Street Price : 7500z (Card slots are somewhat rare for shoes)
Rare? : No

High Heels_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Shoe
Equippable by: Archer, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Assassin, Blacksmith,
Hunter, Knight
Stats : 2 DEF, 5 MDEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Bathory
Weight : 60
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 7500z
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Shoe
Equippable by: Archer, Merchant, Swordsman, Thief, Assassin, Blacksmith,
Hunter, Knight
Stats : 3 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 30
Buying Price : 18000z
Selling Price: 9000z
Street Price : 50000z (Card slots are somewhat rare for shoes)
Rare? : No


Since most people don't worry about defense when it comes with accessories,
these are listed in alphabetical order.

Bow Thimble____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: Archer, Hunter
Stats : Increases Bow Damage - exact amount unknown
Level Req : 65
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : ???
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : +2 AGI
Level Req : 20
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Obeaune
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 15000z
Street Price : 1500000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : Is only accessory with card slot
Level Req : 0
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Earth Petit, Sky Petit
Weight : 5
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 1000000z
Rare? : Yes

Critical Ring__________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : CRIT +5
Level Req : 40
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 5
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 700000z
Rare? : Yes

Diamond Ring___________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF - used as a wedding gift, or to propose marriage
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Morroc Street Merchant
Dropped From : N/A
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 45000z
Selling Price: 22500z
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : +2 INT
Level Req : 20
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Isis, Munak
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 15000z
Street Price : 200000z
Rare? : Yes

Eye of Dullahan________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : Prevents Status Ailments (Not implimented yet)
Bought From : N/A
Level Req : 50
Dropped From : Osiris (MVP)
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes

Flower Ring____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF - used as a wedding gift, or to propose marriage
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Morroc Street Merchant
Dropped From : Verit
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 1500z
Selling Price: 750z
Street Price : 900z
Rare? : No


Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : +2 DEX
Level Req : 20
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mummy
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 15000z
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes

Gold Ring______________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF - used as a wedding gift, or to propose marriage
Level Req : 0
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Gold Thief Bug (MVP), Marc
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 15000z
Street Price : 20000z
Rare? : Yes

Matyre's Leash_________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : DEF 1, AGI +1
Level Req : 0
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Matyre
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : +2 VIT
Level Req : 20
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Isis
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 15000z
Street Price : 200000z
Rare? : Yes

Presbyter's Mitten_____________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : DEF 1, +1 INT
Level Req : 35
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 120000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : +2 STR
Level Req : 20
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Marc, Wandering Wolf
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 200000z
Rare? : Yes

Rogue's Treasure_______________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: Thief, Assassin
Stats : Increase chance of Steal - exact amount unknown
Level Req : 70
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes


Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 5 MDEF, +2 LUK
Level Req : 20
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Nightmare
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 7500z
Street Price : 100000z
Rare? : Yes

Safety Ring____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All except Novice
Stats : 5 DEF, 3 MDEF
Level Req : 40
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Doppleganger (MVP)
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 37500z
Chaos Price : Priceless
Loki Price : Priceless
Rare? : YES

Silver Ring____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF - used as a wedding gift, or to propose marriage
Level Req : 0
Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mummy
Weight : 10
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 10000z
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes

Skull Ring_____________________________________________________________________

Armor Type : Accessory
Equippable by: All Classes
Stats : 0 DEF
Level Req : 0
Bought From : Morroc Street Merchant
Dropped From : Ghoul, Skeleton
Weight : 10
Buying Price : 10000z
Selling Price: 5000z
Street Price : 7500z
Rare? : No

Items List - ETC

These are sorted in Alphabetical Order so you can easily look up the item you
are inquiring about.

Note: As with all my sections, theres likely to be a few errors, since I
usually get the data off non-english websites and by word of mouth. I
eliminated a few items where I was positive they didn't exist in our version of
RO, but others may remain.

1 Carat Diamond________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Isis
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 5000z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes

2 Carat Diamond________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Isis
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 12500z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging, Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 40000z
Rare? : Yes

3 Carat Diamond________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Isis
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 25000z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 55000z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Coco
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 49z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Horong, Plankton, Toad
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 50z
Weight : 3
Function : Dye Creation, Trading
Street Price : 9000z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mandragora, Metaller
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Gift, Item Creation, Trading
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Anacondaq, Pirate Skeleton, Snake, Dragonfly
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging, Gift, Trading
Street Price : 6500z
Rare? : Yes

Ancient Lips___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Deviace
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 274z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Ancient Tooth__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Deviace
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 274z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Animal Gore____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Condor
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 10
Function : Trading
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes

Animal Skin____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Bigfoot, Savage Babe, Smokie, Tarou, Wolf, Yoyo
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 18z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Ant Jaw________________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Andre, Deniro, Piere
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 116z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 30000z
Selling Price: 15000z
Weight : 50
Function : Forging
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Marc, Obeaune
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging, Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 6500z
Rare? : Yes

Baphomet Doll__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Baphomet
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 3000z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Trading
Street Price : Priceless
Rare? : Yes

Bat's Wing_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Drainliar
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Bear's Footskin________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Bigfoot
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 92z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Hornet
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 16z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Bill of Birds__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : PecoPeco
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 32z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Black Dye______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 15
Function : Dying, Trading
Street Price : 70000z
Rare? : Yes

Black Hair_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Sohee
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 146z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Black Ladle____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : Thief Bug Egg
Buying Price : 500z
Selling Price: 250z
Weight : 5
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 380z
Rare? : No

Blue Dye_______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 15
Function : Dying, Trading
Street Price : 34000z
Rare? : Yes

Blue Gemstone__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : Cornutus, Golem, Megalodon, Vadon
Buying Price : 600z
Selling Price: 300z
Weight : 3
Function : Spells, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 455z
Rare? : No

Blue Hair______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Kobold
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 146z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 2000z
Selling Price: 1000z
Weight : 5
Function : Gift, Wedding
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mandragora
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Trading
Street Price : 100z
Rare? : No

Bug Leg________________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Argos
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 215z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Cactus Needle__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Muka
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 41z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : PecoPeco Egg
Buying Price : 1000z
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 30
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 760z
Rare? : No

ChonChon Doll__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : ChonChon, Dragonfly
Buying Price : 1800z
Selling Price: 900z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 1370z
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Pupa, Thief Bug, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 4z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Chung Jah______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 5000z
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 50
Function : Gift, Trading
Street Price : 3800z
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Lunatic, Mandragora
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 5z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Giearth
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Forging, Item Creation
Street Price : 100z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Argos
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 92z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Cornutus
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 79z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 100z
Weight : 7
Function : Dye Creation, Trading
Street Price : 23000z
Rare? : Yes

Cracked Diamond________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Isis
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 5z
Weight : 10
Function : Item Creation, Selling
Street Price : 3000z
Rare? : Yes

Crystal Blue___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Marina, Kukre
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 5
Function : Forging
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes

Crystal Mirror_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 30000z
Selling Price: 15000z
Weight : 5
Function : Gift, Trading
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Cultish Masque_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Marduk
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 206z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Cursed Ruby____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Golem, Zombie
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging, Item Creation, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 6500z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Munak
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 125z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Dead Medusa____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Medusa
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 274z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Decayed Nail___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ghoul, Zombie
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 41z
Weight : 1
Function : Forging, Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

DEL Box________________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Used for Merchant Quest
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Merchant Quest
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

DEL Message____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Used for Merchant Quest
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Merchant Quest
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Hydra
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 50z
Weight : 3
Function : Dye Creation, Trading
Street Price : 8000z
Rare? : Yes

Dokkaebi Horn__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Dokkaebi
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 146z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Dragon Canine__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Earth Petit, Sky Petit
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 242z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Dragon Scale___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Earth Petit, Sky Petit
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 250z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Dragon Tail____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Earth Petit, Sky Petit
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 600z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Earthworm Peeing_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Hode
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 98z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Elder Pixies's Mustache________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Giearth
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 116z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 20
Function : Upgrades, Trading
Street Price : 10000z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : Fabre, Roda Frog, Wormtail, Toad, Vocal Rocker
Buying Price : 5000z
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 3800z
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Angeling, Ghostring, Orc Zombie
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 50z
Weight : 1
Function : Guild Formation, Trading
Street Price : 800000z
Rare? : Yes

Emperium Anvil_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Weight : 100
Function : Forging
Street Price : 550000z
Rare? : Yes

Empty Bottle___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Plankton, Poring
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 3z
Weight : 1
Function : Potion Creation, Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Empty Cylinder_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Used for Mage Quest
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Mage Quest
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Empty Potion___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Used for Mage Quest
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Mage Quest
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Alberta, Geffen, Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : Drainliar, Horn, Hydra
Buying Price : 1000z
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 20
Function : Upgrading
Street Price : 760z
Rare? : No

Evil Horn______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Baphomet (MVP)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 510z
Weight : 1
Function : Forging, Trading
Street Price : 15000z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ghostring
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 153z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Fabre, Lunatic, Picky, Savage Babe, Super Picky, Tarou
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 10z
Weight : 1
Function : Item Creation, Selling
Street Price : 100z
Rare? : Yes

Feather of Bird________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Condor, PecoPeco, Picky, Super Picky
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 5z
Weight : 1
Function : Item Creation, Selling
Street Price : 8z
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Marc, Obeaune
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 206z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Fish Tail______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Swordfish
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 98z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Flame Heart____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 30
Function : Forging
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : Creamy
Buying Price : 2z
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Gift, Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Fabre
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 4z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Four Leaf Clover_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mandragora
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Gift, Item Creation
Street Price : 12500z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Frilldora
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 125z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Frozen Rose____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : ???
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : ???
Selling Price: 17500z
Weight : 1
Function : Gift
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : Familiar, Green Thief Bug, Hydra, Metaller, Megalodon, Posion
Spore, Rocker, Steel Chonchon, Thief Bug(L), Vadon, Wormtail
Buying Price : 40z
Selling Price: 20z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : Cornutus, Golem
Buying Price : 5000z
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging, Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 3800z
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Marc
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 171z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Glass Bead_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : Eclipse
Buying Price : 1500z
Selling Price: 750z
Weight : 5
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 1140z
Rare? : No

Golden Anvil___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 120000z
Selling Price: 60000z
Weight : 90
Function : Forging
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Golden Hammer__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 3000z
Selling Price: 1500z
Weight : 30
Function : Forging
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Grasshopper's Leg______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Metaller, Rocker, Vocal Rocker
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 18z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Great Nature___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 30
Function : Forging
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes

Green Dye______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 15
Function : Dying, Trading
Street Price : 42000z
Rare? : Yes

Hammer of Blacksmith___________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : ???
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 40
Function : Forging
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : Yes

Heart of Mermaid_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Obeaune
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 10z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Heroic Emblem__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Orc Hero (MVP)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1500z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling, Trading
Street Price : 5000z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Rocker
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Gift, Item Creation, Trading
Street Price : 100z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Horn
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 53z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Horrendous Hair________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Medusa
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 400z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Horrendous Mouth_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ghoul, Zombie
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 195z
Weight : 1
Function : Forging, Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Nightmare
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 294z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Illusion Flower________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mistress (MVP)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Gift, Item Creation, Trading
Street Price : 2000z
Rare? : Yes

Immortal Heart_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Verit
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 337z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Insect Feeler__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Creamy, Thief Bug, Thief Bug (L)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 57z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : Horn, Orc Warrior, Steel ChonChon
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 15
Function : Forging
Street Price : 150z
Rare? : Yes

Iron Hammer____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 1000z
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 20
Function : Forging
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Iron Ore_______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ambernite, Fabre, Picky, Poring, Super Picky, Thief Bug
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 30
Function : Forging
Street Price : 50z
Rare? : Yes

Jack 'o' Pumpkin_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Jakk
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 182z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Alberta, Geffen, Morroc, Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : ChonChon, Lunatic, Poporing, Poring, Pupa, Roda Frog, Skeleton,
Thief Bug, Willow
Buying Price : 6z
Selling Price: 3z
Weight : 1
Function : Forging, Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Kapra's Pass___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Al De Baren
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 1500z
Selling Price: 750z
Weight : 1
Function : Transportation, Trading
Street Price : 1800z
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Pirate Skeleton, Poison Spore
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 50z
Weight : 3
Function : Dye Creation, Trading
Street Price : 8000z
Rare? : Yes

Little Evil Horn_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Deviruchi
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 264z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Little Evil Wing_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Deviruchi
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1000z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Savage
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 98z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Maneater Blossom_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Flora
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 98z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Maneater Root__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Flora
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 104z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Mantis Scythe__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mantis
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 98z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mandragora
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Item Creation, Trading
Street Price : 100z
Rare? : No

Mole Claw______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Martin
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 105z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Mole Whiskers__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Martin
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 53z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ghoul, Mummy, Soldier Skeleton, Verit
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 150z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Mini Furnace___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 1000z
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 20
Function : Forging
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 100z
Weight : 7
Function : Dye Creation, Trading
Street Price : 23000z
Rare? : Yes

Morroc Solution________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Used for Mage Quest
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Mage Quest
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Moth Dust______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Dustiness
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 69z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Moth Wings_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Dustiness
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 30z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Mushroom Spore_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Poison Spore, Spore
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 18z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Mystic Frozen__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 30
Function : Forging
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes

Nine Tails_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Nine Tail
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: ???
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Vadon
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 57z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Bigfoot, Eclipse
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging, Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 6500z
Rare? : Yes

Orange Dye_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 15
Function : Dying, Trading
Street Price : 39000z
Rare? : Yes

Orange Mushroom________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mushroom (Enemies in Thief Quest Dungeon)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Thief Quest
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 20
Function : Forging, Trading, Upgrades
Street Price : 10000z
Rare? : Yes

Oridecon Anvil_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 300000z
Selling Price: 150000z
Weight : 70
Function : Forging
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Oridecon Hammer________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 5000z
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 40
Function : Forging
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Orc Claw_______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Orc Warrior
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 84z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Orc's Fang_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Orc Warrior
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 110z
Weight : 1
Function : Forging, Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Orcish Voucher_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Orcish Voucher
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 84z
Weight : 1
Function : Forging, Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Ora Ora________________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Golden Thief Bug
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 20
Function : Item Creation, Trading
Street Price : 5000z
Rare? : Yes

Osiris Doll____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Osiris (MVP)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 3000z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Trading
Street Price : Priceless
Rare? : Yes

Payon Solution_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Used for Mage Quest
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Mage Quest
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Hornet, Mistress (MVP)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging, Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 6500z
Rare? : Yes

Pencil Case____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : ???
Dropped From : ???
Buying Price : ???
Selling Price: 150z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : ???
Rare? : ???


Bought From : Alberta, Geffen, Payon, Prontera
Dropped From : ???
Buying Price : 200z
Selling Price: 100z
Weight : 20
Function : Trading, Upgrades
Street Price : 150z
Rare? : No

Pointed Scale__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Wormtail
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 35z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Porcupine Quill________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Caramel
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 274z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Poring Doll____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : Poring, Mastering
Buying Price : 1000z
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 760z
Rare? : No

Powder of Butterfly____________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Creamy
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 45z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : Bigfoot
Buying Price : 3000z
Selling Price: 1500z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 2280z
Rare? : No

Raccoon Doll___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Smokie
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 3500z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 8000z
Rare? : Yes

Raccoon Leaf___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Smokie
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 294z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Rainbow Shell__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Stainer
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 45z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Rat Tail_______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Tarou
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 26z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Red Blood______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Elder Willow
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 5
Function : Forging
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes

Red Gemstone___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Hornet, Pupa, Thief Bug Egg, Thief Bug, Thief Bug (L), Thief
Bug (G)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 350z
Weight : 3
Function : Spells, Selling
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes

Red Frame______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 3000z
Selling Price: 1500z
Weight : 20
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Reptile's Tounge_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Frilldora
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 25z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Elder Willow, Willow
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 64z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Rocker Doll____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Rocker, Vocal Rocker
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 2000z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 5000z
Rare? : Yes

Rotten Bandage_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mummy, Verit
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 179z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : ???
Dropped From : ???
Buying Price : ???
Selling Price: 5000z
Weight : 1
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : ???
Rare? : ???

Rough Elunium__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Bigfoot, Golem, Hode, Nightmare, Pirate Skeleton, Poporing,
Scorpion, Steel Chonchon, Thera Frog
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 20
Function : Item Creation, Trading
Street Price : 1000z
Rare? : Yes

Rough Oridecon_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Anacondaq, Munak, Nightmare, Obeaune, Orc Warrior, Skeleton
Archer, Soldier Skeleton, Mistress (MVP)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 20
Function : Item Creation, Trading, Gift to Weggy, your favorite Blacksmith
Street Price : 1500z
Rare? : Yes

Rough Wind_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 30
Function : Forging
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Golem, Zombie
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging, Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 6500z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : Wolf
Buying Price : 5000z
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging, Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 3800z
Rare? : No


Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : Drainliar, Orc Hero, Thera Frog, Zombie
Buying Price : 5000z
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Selling, Gift, Trading
Street Price : 3800z
Rare? : No

Scale of Snakes________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Anacondaq, Isis, Sidewinder, Snake
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 41z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Scale Shell____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Anacondaq, Isis, Sidewinder, Snake
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 41z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Scarlet Dye____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 15
Function : Dying, Trading
Street Price : 23000z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : Argos, Chonchon, Eggyra, Hornet, Pupa, Roda Frog, Skeleton,
Thief Bug
Buying Price : 160z
Selling Price: 80z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Scorpion Nipper________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Scorpion
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 307z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Scorpion Tail__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Scorpion
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 84z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Chonchon, Hunter Fly, Pupa, Scorpion, Steel Chonchon, Vadon
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 6z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Shining Scale__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Isis, Sidewinder
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 92z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Mandragora
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Trading
Street Price : 100z
Rare? : No

Singing Plant__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Metaller, Thief Bug (G)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Item Creation, Trading
Street Price : 10000z
Rare? : Yes

Single Cell____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Marina, Plankton
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 23z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Skel Bone______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Megalodon, Pirate Skeleton, Skeleton, Skeleton Archer, Skeleton
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 162z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Skirt of Virgin________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Sohee
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 750z
Weight : 1
Function : Item Creation, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 3000z
Rare? : Yes

Snail's Shell__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ambernite
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 32z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Roda Frog, Thera Frog
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 74z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Spore Doll_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Spore
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 6000z
Rare? : Yes

Solid Shell____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Ambernite, Cornutus, Hunter Fly, Scorpion, Steel Chonchon, Vadon
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 224z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Squid Ink______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Marse
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 132z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Star Crumb_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : Hode
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging
Street Price : 2000z
Rare? : Yes

Star Dust______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Dustiness, Hode
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Forging
Street Price : 1000z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : Golem, Orc Warrior, Orc Hero
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 40
Function : Forging
Street Price : 250z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Elder Willow, Mandragora
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 29z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Sticky Mucus___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Eggrya, Hydra, Poporing, Poring, Pupa
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 35z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Sticky Webfoot_________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Obeaune, Roda Frog, Thera Frog
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 10z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Stinky Scale___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Megalodon
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 84z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Stone Heart____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Golem
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 92z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Condor, PecoPeco, Picky
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 10z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Hydra
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 35z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Tiger's Footskin_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Eddga
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 750z
Weight : 1
Function : Item Creation, Selling
Street Price : 3000z
Rare? : Yes

Tiger Skin_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Eddga
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 274z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Phreeoni
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 264z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Tooth of Bat___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Drainliar, Farmiliar
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 16z
Weight : 1
Function : Forging, Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : Mandragora, Poporing, Thief Bug, Thief Bug(L), Thief Bug (G)
Buying Price : 5000z
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Forging, Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 3800z
Rare? : No

Tree Root______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Elder Willow, Willow
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 6z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Elder Willow, Willow
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Archer Quest, Item Creation, Selling
Street Price : 100z
Rare? : No

Note: There are in fact 3 types of these, but I didn't see the reason to list
the same exact thing 3 times.


Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Elder Willow, Willow
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 30z
Weight : 1
Function : Item Creation, Selling
Street Price : 100z
Rare? : Yes

Unknown Cylinder_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : Used for Mage Quest
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Mage Quest
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Venom Canine___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Anacondaq, Sidewinder, Snake
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 79z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Violet Dye_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 15
Function : Dying, Trading
Street Price : 40000z
Rare? : Yes


Bought From : Used for Merchant Quest
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 1
Function : Merchant Quest
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Wedding Bouquet________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Prontera
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 10000z
Selling Price: 5000z
Weight : 5
Function : Gift, Wedding
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

White Dye______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 15
Function : Dying, Trading
Street Price : 28000z
Rare? : Yes

Wind of Verdure________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Horn
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 5
Function : Forging
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes

Witched Starsand_______________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Bathory
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 125z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Witherless Rose________________________________________________________________

Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : 50000z
Selling Price: 25000z
Weight : 1
Function : Gift
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Wolf Claw______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Wolf, Wandering Wolf
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 29z
Weight : 1
Function : Forging, Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Worm Peeling___________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Thief Bug, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G)
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 26z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Yellow Dye_____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : See Item Creation Section
Dropped From : N/A
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 500z
Weight : 15
Function : Dying, Trading
Street Price : 24000z
Rare? : Yes

Yellow Live____________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Hode, Horn, Mandragora, Muka, Wormtail
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 1z
Weight : 5
Function : Forging
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes

Yellow Gemstone________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Condor, Frilldora, Golem, Hode, PecoPeco Egg, Picky
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 300z
Weight : 3
Function : Selling
Street Price : 500z
Rare? : Yes

Yoyo Doll______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Yoyo
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 3500z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 8000z
Rare? : Yes

Yoyo Tail______________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Yoyo
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 57z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Geffen
Dropped From : Frilldora, Hunter Fly, Munak, Nightmare, Orc Warrior, Thera
Frog, Thera Frog
Buying Price : 500z
Selling Price: 250z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No


Bought From : Morroc
Dropped From : Mandragora, Poporing, Thief Bug, Thief Bug (L), Thief Bug (G)
Buying Price : 5000z
Selling Price: 2500z
Weight : 10
Function : Gift, Selling, Trading
Street Price : 3800z
Rare? : No

Zenorc's Fang__________________________________________________________________

Bought From : N/A
Dropped From : Zenorc
Buying Price : N/A
Selling Price: 132z
Weight : 1
Function : Selling
Street Price : N/A
Rare? : No

Card Price List

All cards sell for 1z to NPCs. The purpose of cards is to put them into
sockets on your weapons/armor to enhance their abilities. Weapons/Armor
carried over from Beta 1 have no sockets. Weapons/Armor bought from NPCs have
1 socket each, and Weapons/Armor dropped from Monsters have 2+ sockets each.
Finally, Weapons forged by Blacksmiths have 3/4 Sockets.

Note: Until the economy stablizes and cards are put back into circulation, I
can't offer street prices. Its pretty easy to tell which cards will sell for
tons. The Fridolla for example, could be fought at around level 55, yet its
card will make you rich beyond belief. The lowly Spore also has a card that
Knights will love. Its no longer dependent of how hard the monster is. So
what I did do, is under street price, you'll find a scale ranging from 1-10
on what I think the price will be. 1 being a piece of crap your lucky to get
1000z for, to 10 making you the Donald Trump of RO. I wouldn't take my
predictions as canon though. I can't predict the future of normal humans,
let alone the RO community. Need I remind everyone of the Fancy Flower

Note 2: I'm not entirely sure of the accuracy of this section. Some monsters
may be in other servers, like Sakray, or simply dont exist (yet). I'll be
removing the ones that are inaccurate as soon as people start exploring beta 2
and validating them.

Note 3: All your base are belong to us


Put Into : Shield
Effect : DEF +2
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : ATK +10
Street Price: 6

Andre Larva____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : INT +1
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 25% additional damage to poison type monsters
Street Price: 3


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Changes atrribute of Armor to Holy
Street Price: 7

Andre Egg Card_________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Shield
Effect : Maxiumum HP +5%
Street Price: 6

Anubis Card____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Shield
Effect : -50% Damage from Holy Type Monsters
Street Price: 2


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Changes attribute of Armor to Poison
Street Price: 3

Archer Skeleton________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% damage to flying monsters
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Stone Resistance +50%
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : All attacks are mass (like Magnum Break) attacks
Street Price: 10

Baphomet Jr____________________________________________________________________

Yes... Bapho Jr. You can see this card at
http://www.dreamwater.net/art/poochie/cards/baphometjrcard.jpg Just like dad..

Put Into : Accessory
Effect : AGI +3
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Changes attribute of armor to Dark
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Casting Time reduced by 1/2
Street Price: 9


Put Into : Shield
Effect : -50% Damage from Insect type monsters
Street Price: 5

Big Thief Bug__________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : AGI +1
Street Price: 3


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Insect Type Monsters
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Shoes
Effect : AGI +1
Street Price: 3


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Sleep Resistance 50%
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : Evasion Ratio +5%
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Armor is unbreakable
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Teleport Lvl 2
Street Price: 6

Desert Wolf____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Small Type Monsters
Street Price: 6

Desert Wolf Puppy______________________________________________________________

Put Into : Armor
Effect : INT +1
Street Price: 3


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : Changes attribute of Weapon to Water
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Complete Dark Resistance
Street Price: 9 - Go hunt Nightmares and take no damage o_O


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Changes attribute of Armor to Wind
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : Unlimited Attack Acceleration (sounds badass, whatever it is)
Street Price: 10


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 25% chance to absorb 10% of damage which is turned into SP
Street Price: 10


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Water Type Monsters
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 100% Damage to all size monsters
Street Price: 10


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : DEX +1
Street Price: 2


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : -50% Damage from Wind Type Monsters
Street Price: 5

Earth Petit____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Dragon type monsters
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Shoes
Effect : Unlimited Endure (Never Flinch)
Street Price: 9


Put Into : Shoes
Effect : SP Recovery Speed +25%
Street Price: 9

Elder Willow___________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Helmet
Effect : INT +2
Street Price: 7

Evil Druid_____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Armor
Effect : Changes attribute of Armor to Undead
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : VIT +1
Street Price: 2


Put Into : Farmiliar
Effect : 1% chance of Inflicting Dark damage when attacking
Street Price: 1 - oddly enough, that 1% is the same chance you have to sell
this card


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Fish Type monsters
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : Attack not recieved from active monsters
Street Price: 11

Does this mean aggros wont attack you, or just never do any damage? Either
way, this will be one of the most valuable cards in RO.


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Changes attribute of Armor to sense
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Poison resistance +50%
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Complete Confusion Resistance
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Animal Type monsters
Street Price: 3

Gold Thief Bug_________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Shield
Effect : Protects against all Magic Attacks
Street Price: 7 - once Arena opens, 10


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : Weapon is Unbreakable
Street Price: 7

Green Thief Bug________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Shoes
Effect : AGI +2
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : -50% Damage from Earth Element Monsters
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Shield
Effect : Arrow Damage reduced 50% (like from Archer Skeleton)
Street Price: 3


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : STR +1
Street Price: 2


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Sight Lvl 1
Street Price: 2

Hunter Fly_____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 25% Chance to absorb 50% of damage which turns into HP
Street Price: 11

Another card that will be extremely valuable. Too bad hunter flys are harder
than some bosses...


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Human Type Monsters
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : -50% Damage from Dark Type Monsters
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : -50% Damage from Fire Type Monsters
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Steal Lvl 1
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Earth Type Monsters
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Shield
Effect : -50% Damage from Demon Type Monsters
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : CRIT +10%
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : AGI +2
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : LUK +1
Street Price: 1


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 1% chance of inflicting curse when attacking
Street Price: 1


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Wind Type Monsters
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : STR +3
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Complete Freeze Resistance
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Complete Silence Resistance
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 1% Chance of inflicting freeze when attacking
Street Price: 1

Marine Sphere__________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Magnum Break Lvl 1 - How will this work with Archers? It will
look like your firing explosives :-)~
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : -50% Damage from Holy Type Monsters
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : -50% Damage from Water Type Monsters
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Dark Resistance +50%
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : Maximum HP +25%
Street Price: 9


Put Into : Shield
Effect : 50% chance of reflecting magic attacks
Street Price: 5 - when arena opens, 9


Put Into : Shield
Effect : Complete Stone Resistance
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Freeze Resistance +50%
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 1% Chance of inflicting Silence when attacking
Street Price: 1


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Large Type Monsters
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Stops consumption of Gemstones on spells that use them
Street Price: 9

Moonlight Flower_______________________________________________________________

Put Into : Shoes
Effect : Unlimited Movement Acceleration (sounds cool!)
Street Price: 9


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : HP Recovery speed +25%
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +20% Chance to hit
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Shield
Effect : Stone Resistance +50%
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : -50% Damage from Poison Type Monsters
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Complete Sleep Resistance
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Cure Lvl 1
Street Price: 3 - When stat changes work, 7

Orc Hero_______________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Complete Evasion from Stun and Critical
Street Price: 7

Orc Lord_______________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Armor
Effect : 50% of all Physical Attacks are reflected
Street Price: 10

Orc Skeleton___________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Holy type Monsters
Street Price: 4

Orc Warrior____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Shield
Effect : -50% Damage from Animal Type Monsters
Street Price: 6

Orc Zombie_____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Mantle
Effect : -50% Damage from Undead Type Monsters
Street Price: 9


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : HP/SP are restored completely upon reviving
Street Price: 9 - Only because its from Osiris


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Changes attribute of Armor to Fire
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Maximum HP +150
Street Price: 6

PecoPeco Egg___________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to non-element type monsters
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Reduces SP Cost for spells by 50%
Street Price: 10


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Spells no longer interrupted on hit
Street Price: 11 - Mages will have almost no reason to pump AGI!


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : Monster cannot counter-attack while you are striking?
Street Price: 10 - If I understand this right, as long as your hitting a
monster he can't hit back... Which means if you want, as a
Novice, go fight some monster like a Savage, go see a movie, and
have about 10 levels upon coming back. If someone doesn't kill
steal that is. Still, an interesting card, im just kind of
unsure what it does.


Put Into : Armor
Effect : STR +1
Street Price: 1

Pirate Skeleton________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Discount Lvl 1
Street Price: 1 - Why have 7% when theres 20% Mercs everywhere? Unless it
adds, which Merchants will go nuts for. 31% DC? 38% DC?! :-)~


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 1% chance of inflicting sleep damage when attacking
Street Price: 1

Poison Spore___________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Envenom Lvl 1
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Identify Lvl 1
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Armor
Effect : LUK +1
Street Price: 1


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Maximum HP +50
Street Price: 2


Put Into : Shield
Effect : -50% Damage from Fish Type Monsters
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : -50% Damage from non-element Type Monsters
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 1% Chance of influcting confusion when attacking
Street Price: 1


Put Into : Armor
Effect : DEX +1
Street Price: 3

Roda Frog______________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Armor
Effect : Maximum HP +100
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Armor
Effect : Changes Attribute of Armor to Earth
Street Price: 4

Santa Poring___________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Dark Type Monsters
Street Price: 9 - Simply for rarity of Santa Poring


Put Into : Armor
Effect : VIT +3
Street Price: 8

Savage Babe____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 1% Chance of Inflicting Stun Damage when attacking
Street Price: 1


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Plant Type Monsters
Street Price: 4

Scorpion King__________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Undead Type Monsters
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 25% Chance for double attack
Street Price: 9


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : ATK +2
Street Price: 2

Skel Worker____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Medium Type Monsters
Street Price: 7

Sky Petit______________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Shield
Effect : -50% Damage from Dragon Type Monsters
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Hiding Lvl 1
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 1% Chance of Inflicting Poison when attacking
Street Price: 1


Put Into : Shoes
Effect : Maximum SP +25%
Street Price: 8

Soldier Andre__________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Shield
Effect : -50% Damage from Plant Type Monsters
Street Price: 6

Soldier Skeleton_______________________________________________________________

Put Into : Weapon
Effect : CRIT +10%
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : VIT +2
Street Price: 7


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Silence Resistance 50%
Street Price: 5

Steel ChonChon_________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Armor
Effect : DEF +2
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Demon Type Monsters
Street Price: 6

Super Picky____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Armor
Effect : VIT +1
Street Price: 3

Sword Fish_____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Armor
Effect : Changes Attribute of Armor to Water
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : STR +2
Street Price: 4

Thera Frog_____________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Shield
Effect : -50% Damage from Human Type Monsters
Street Price: 4

Thief Bug______________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Armor
Effect : AGI +1
Street Price: 3

Thief Bug Egg__________________________________________________________________

Put Into : Shield
Effect : Maximum HP +30
Street Price: 2


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : +25% Damage to Fire Type Monsters
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Shoes
Effect : LUK +3
Street Price: 4


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Heal Lvl 1
Street Price: 9


Put Into : Mantle
Effect : Evasion Ratio +20%
Street Price: 10


Put Into : Helmet
Effect : Maximum SP +30
Street Price: 3


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : ATK +5
Street Price: 3


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : DEX +2
Street Price: 6


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : Perfect Dodge +10
Street Price: 5


Put Into : Weapon
Effect : 1% Chance of Inflicting Sleep when attacking
Street Price: 1


Put Into : Accessory
Effect : DEX +3
Street Price: 8


Put Into : Shoes
Effect : HP Recovery Speed +25%
Street Price: 8

Weapons Penalties

Some weapons have penalties against different sizes of monsters. Refer to the
chart below for what weapon you use, and to the monsters section for what sizes
monsters are.

Enemy Type - 1h Swd - 2h Swd - Knife - Spear - Wand - Axe - Mace - Bow - Katar

Small 75% 75% 100% 75% 100% 50% 75% 100% 75%

Medium 100% 75% 75% 75% 100% 75% 100% 100% 100%

Large 75% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 75%

Monster List

The recommended level for monsters is a rough estimate. Your exact level will
vary depending on your gear, and class, stats, etc. Acolytes for example, will
have no problems with Zombies at level 15 or so - whereas a Swordsman would.

Also, a big thanks to RagnaMART for this info... I looked all around the net,
and couldn't find a listing any better than they one they have. This section
is not complete though - I'm still missing some enemy drops, so if you've
fought these enemies and know what they drop, or know of another website with
data on it, please E-mail me!


HP : 430
Base EXP : 52
Job EXP : 36
ATK : 39-46
DEF : 45
MDEF : 6
Element : Wind 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Ambernite Card, Crystal Blue, Iron Ore, Rough Eluminum,
Snail's Shell, Shell, Solid Shell
Location : Maps 1, 10, 23
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 25


HP : 1026
Base EXP : 300
Job EXP : 149
ATK : 164-197
DEF : 8
MDEF : 8
Element : Poison 1
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Drops : Amethyst, Anacondaq Card, Emveretarcon, Guisarme, Rough
Oridecon, Scale of Snakes, Scale Shell, Venom Canine, Yellow
Location : Map 61
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 40


HP : 674
Base EXP : 109
Job EXP : 71
ATK : 60-71
DEF : 12
MDEF : 6
Element : Earth 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Andre Card, Garlet, Star Dust, Sticky Mucus, Yellow Live
Location : Maps 55, 56, 62, Ant Hell Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 40


HP : 300
Base EXP : 5
Job EXP : 4
ATK : 0
DEF : 60
MDEF : 30
Element : Normal 3
Size : Small
Species : None
Drops : Ant Egg Card, Jellopy, Shell
Location : Maps 54, 55, 56, Ant Hell Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 1


HP : 4296
Base EXP : 1633
Job EXP : 829
ATK : 507-607
DEF : 32
MDEF : 16
Element : Poison 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Argiope Card, Boots, Bug Leg, Green Herb, Rough Elunium,
Location : Maps 6, 13, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 80


HP : 1176
Base EXP : 353
Job EXP : 171
ATK : 178-211
DEF : 10
MDEF : 10
Element : Poison 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Argos Card, Bug Leg, Cobweb, Scell, Yellow Herb
Location : Maps 5, 13, Geffen Dungeon Level 2, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 60

Baphomet Jr.___________________________________________________________________

HP : 6354
Base EXP : 3281
Job EXP : 1346
ATK : 570-673
DEF : 50
MDEF : 50
Element : Dark 1
Size : Small
Species : Demon
Drops : ???
Location : Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 85


HP : 4512
Base EXP : 2288
Job EXP : 940
ATK : 453-537
DEF : 20
MDEF : 80
Element : Dark 1
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Arc Wand, Bathory Card, Earring, High Heels, Witched Starsand,
Wizard Hat
Location : Geffen Dungeon Level 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 75


HP : 1471
Base EXP : 282
Job EXP : 171
ATK : 236-258
DEF : 20
MDEF : 10
Element : Earth 1
Size : Large
Species : Animal
Drops : Animal Feed, Bear's Footskin, Bigfoot Card, Puppet, Poo Poo
Hat, Rough Elunium, Sweet Potato, Tsurugi,
Location : Maps 4, 44, 45, 52, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 45


HP : 1282
Base EXP : 240
Job EXP : 149
ATK : 109-131
DEF : 16
MDEF : 8
Element : Earth 1
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Drops : Caramel Card, Glaive, Porcupine Quill, Spear
Location : Map 4, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 45


HP : 75
Base EXP : 5
Job EXP : 5
ATK : 10-13
DEF : 4
MDEF : 3
Element : Wind 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Chonchon Card, Chonchon Doll, Jellopy, Scell, Shell, Wing of
Location : Maps 8, 9, 16, 17, 32, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 54, 55, 61
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 5


HP : 729
Base EXP : 109
Job EXP : 71
ATK : 56-67
DEF : 34
MDEF : 18
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Acorn, Animal Skin, Coco Card, Fluff, Hood, Sweet Potato
Location : Maps 10, 11, 29, 30, 33, 34, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 40


HP : 90
Base EXP : 6
Job EXP : 5
ATK : 11-14
DEF : 2
MDEF : 2
Element : Wind 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Arrow, Animal Gore, Condor Card, Feather of Birds, Fluff,
Sandals, Talon, Yellow Gemstone
Location : Maps 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 10


HP : 1620
Base EXP : 240
Job EXP : 149
ATK : 106-131
DEF : 30
MDEF : 12
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Drops : Anodyne, Blue Gemstone, Conch, Cornutus Card, Garnet, Padded
Armor, Solid Shell
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 3
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55


HP : 561
Base EXP : 96
Job EXP : 64
ATK : 53-64
DEF : 6
MDEF : 30
Element : Wind 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Creamy Card, Emveretarcon, Honey, Insect Feeler, Powder of
Butterfly, Wing of Butterfly
Fancy Flower, Flower, Silk Robe
Location : Maps 2, 3, 7, 15, 18, 22, 31, 35
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 20


HP : 784
Base EXP : 135
Job EXP : 85
ATK : 68-79
DEF : 12
MDEF : 6
Element : Earth 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : ???
Location : Ant Hell Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 40

Desert Wolf____________________________________________________________________

HP : 1560
Base EXP : 388
Job EXP : 242
ATK : 189-228
DEF : 10
MDEF : 10
Element : Fire 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : ???
Location : Map 57
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55

Desert Wolf Puppy______________________________________________________________

HP : 160
Base EXP : 20
Job EXP : 16
ATK : 30-36
DEF : 2
MDEF : 2
Element : Earth 1
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Drops : ???
Location : Maps 36, 40, 47, 48, 57
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 10


HP : 5661
Base EXP : 2681
Job EXP : 1162
ATK : 525-628
DEF : 40
MDEF : 27
Element : Dark 1
Size : Medium
Species : Demon
Drops : Deviruchi Card, Little Evil Horn, Little Evil Wing, Partizan,
Location : ???
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 75


HP : 2345
Base EXP : 1008
Job EXP : 414
ATK : 268-320
DEF : 15
MDEF : 22
Element : Dark 1
Size : Medium
Species : Demon
Drops : Club, Dokkaebi Card, Dokkaebi Horn, Mace, Mighty Staff,
Indian Fillet, Rough Elunium, Swordmace
Location : Map 52
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 60


HP : 1056
Base EXP : 392
Job EXP : 160
ATK : 74-84
DEF : 10
MDEF : 12
Element : Dark 1
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Drops : Bat Wing, Drainliar Card, Emveretarcon, Sardonyx
Location : Coal Mines Level 1, Level 2, Pyramids Level 2
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 60


HP : 55
Base EXP : 4
Job EXP : 3
ATK : 10-13
DEF : 3
MDEF : 2
Element : Fire 1
Size : Small
Species : Plant
Drops : Apple, Drops Card, Empty Bottle, Jellopy, Rod
Location : Maps 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 54, 61, 62
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 1


HP : 966
Base EXP : 198
Job EXP : 127
ATK : 100-122
DEF : 8
MDEF : 8
Element : Wind 2
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Drops : Dustiness Card, Masquerade, Moth Dust, Moth Wings
Location : Maps 3, 4, Geffen Dungeon Level 1, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50

Earth Petit____________________________________________________________________

HP : 5640
Base EXP : 1525
Job EXP : 940
ATK : 362-349
DEF : 52
MDEF : 16
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Dragon
Drops : Earth Petit Card, Clip, Dragon Canine, Dragon Scale,
Dragon Tail, Flail, White Herb
Location : Map 7
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 80


HP : 792
Base EXP : 196
Job EXP : 200
ATK : 114-136
DEF : 24
MDEF : 13
Element : Sense 2
Size : Medium
Species : None
Drops : Eggyra Card, Scell, Sticky Mucus
Location : Maps 45, 52, 53, Payon Dungeon Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50

Elder Willow___________________________________________________________________

HP : 708
Base EXP : 148
Job EXP : 92
ATK : 74-86
DEF : 8
MDEF : 8
Element : Fire 2
Size : Medium
Species : Plant
Drops : Branch of the Dead Tree, Elder Willow Card, Mighty Staff, Red
Blood, Resin, Sweet Potato, Tree Root, Trunk, Yggdrasil Leaf
Location : Map 35
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 40


HP : 63
Base EXP : 3
Job EXP : 2
ATK : 8-11
DEF : 4
MDEF : 3
Element : Earth 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Clover, Club, Fabre Card, Emerald, Feather, Fluff, Green Herb,
Red Herb
Location : Maps 3, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 51, 58,
59, 60, 65
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 1


HP : 150
Base EXP : 26
Job EXP : 14
ATK : 23-29
DEF : 3
MDEF : 3
Element : Dark 1
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Drops : Familiar Card, Garlet, Grape, Red Herb, Ribbon, Tooth of Bat,
Wing of Fly
Location : Coal Mine Level 1, Level 2, Culvert Level 1, Level 2, Payon
Dungeon Level 1, Level 2, Pyramind Level 1
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 15


HP : 1901
Base EXP : 357
Job EXP : 226
ATK : 292-323
DEF : 20
MDEF : 10
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Plant
Drops : Flora Card, Maneater Blossom, Maneater Root, Ment, Sunflower
Location : Map 5
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55


HP : 1806
Base EXP : 481
Job EXP : 290
ATK : 210-249
DEF : 12
MDEF : 12
Element : Fire 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Frilldora Card, Frill, Red Potion, Reptile's Tounge, Yellow
Location : Map 62
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55


HP : 2047
Base EXP : 450
Job EXP : 274
ATK : 162-193
DEF : 20
MDEF : 45
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Demon
Drops : Cigar, Coal, Elder Pixie's Mustache, Elven Ears, Giearth Card
Location : Ant Hell Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 60


HP : 5017
Base EXP : 802
Job EXP : 492
ATK : 430-510
DEF : 7
MDEF : 14
Element : Undead 2
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Decayed Nail, Ghoul Card, Green Potion, Horrendous Mouth,
Memento, Skull Ring, White Herb, Wizard Hat
Location : Pyramind Level 3, Basement 1, Basement 2
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 65

Goblin Brother 1 (Evil)________________________________________________________

HP : 1176
Base EXP : 282
Job EXP : 171
ATK : 118-140
DEF : 10
MDEF : 10
Element : Wind 1
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Buckler, Dirk, Goblin Card, Goblini Mask, Iron, Iron Ore, Red
Potion, Rough Elunium, Scell
Location : Maps 30, 33
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55

Goblin Brother 2 (Happy)_______________________________________________________

HP : 1056
Base EXP : 261
Job EXP : 160
ATK : 78-90
DEF : 8
MDEF : 8
Element : Fire 1
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Buckler, Goblin Card, Flail, Iron, Iron Ore, Mr. Smile, Red
Potion, Scell
Location : Maps 30, 33
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55

Goblin Brother 3 (Surprised)___________________________________________________

HP : 1056
Base EXP : 327
Job EXP : 160
ATK : 171-204
DEF : 8
MDEF : 8
Element : Poison 1
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Buckler, Goblin Card, Iron, Iron Ore, Mr. Scream, Red Potion,
Location : Maps 30, 33
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55

Goblin Brother 4 (Content? His face looks like ~_~)___________________________

HP : 1282
Base EXP : 240
Job EXP : 149
ATK : 109-131
DEF : 8
MDEF : 12
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Buckler, Goblin Card, Iron, Iron Ore, Red Potion, Scell
Location : Maps 30, 33
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55

Goblin Brother 5 (Sad)_________________________________________________________

HP : 1992
Base EXP : 219
Job EXP : 138
ATK : 105-127
DEF : 8
MDEF : 12
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Buckler, Goblin Card, Iron, Iron Ore, Red Potion, Scell
Location : Maps 30, 33
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55


HP : 3250
Base EXP : 428
Job EXP : 86
ATK : 190-198
DEF : 60
MDEF : 10
Element : Normal 3
Size : Large
Species : None
Drops : Blue Gemstone, Garnet, Golem Card, Padded Armor, Red Gemstone,
Rough Elunium, Ruby, Stone Heart, Yellow Gemstone
Location : Map 48
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50


HP : 1901
Base EXP : 357
Job EXP : 226
ATK : 146-177
DEF : 20
MDEF : 10
Element : Earth 2
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Hode Card, Rough Elunium, Star Crumb, Star Dust, Sticky Mucus,
Yellow Gemstone, Yellow Live
Location : Maps 60, 61, 62
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50


HP : 646
Base EXP : 122
Job EXP : 78
ATK : 63-74
DEF : 12
MDEF : 6
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Drops : Emvertarcon, Horn, Horn Card, Shell, Solid Shell, Wind of
Location : Map 12, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 40


HP : 175
Base EXP : 17
Job EXP : 14
ATK : 22-27
DEF : 2
MDEF : 2
Element : Wind 1
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Drops : Bee's Sting, Green Herb, Hornet Card, Honey, Pearl, Red
Gemstone, Scell
Location : Maps 18, 23, 24, 25
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 10


HP : 2394
Base EXP : 715
Job EXP : 436
ATK : 275-327
DEF : 80
MDEF : 65
Element : Fire 4
Size : Medium
Species : None
Drops : Alcohol, Fire Arrow, Horong Card, Stone Heart, Yellow Live
Location : Map 53, Payon Dungeon Level 4, Level 5
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 60

Hunter Fly_____________________________________________________________________

HP : 4368
Base EXP : 1379
Job EXP : 866
ATK : 346-413
DEF : 45
MDEF : 16
Element : Wind 2
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Damascus, Chain Mail, Hunter Fly Card, Mini Propeller Shell,
Rough Oridecon, Solid Shell, Wind of Verdure, Zargon
Location : Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 85


HP : 660
Base EXP : 59
Job EXP : 40
ATK : 25-30
DEF : 14
MDEF : 8
Element : Water 2
Size : Medium
Species : Plant
Drops : Emveretarcon, Detrimindexta, Hydra Card, Meat, Garlet,
Sticky Mucus, Tentacle, Wooden Mail
Location : Culvert Level 2, Level 3, Bibilan Dungeon Level 1, Level 2,
Level 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 30


HP : 4440
Base EXP : 2178
Job EXP : 903
ATK : 443-527
DEF : 30
MDEF : 24
Element : Dark 1
Size : Large
Species : Demon
Drops : Circlet, Coronet, Diamond, Earring, Isis Card, Necklace,
Scale of Snakes, Scale Shell, Shining Scale
Location : Pyramid Level 3, Basement 2, Basement 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 75


HP : 3285
Base EXP : 1012
Job EXP : 626
ATK : 350-417
DEF : 14
MDEF : 65
Element : Fire 2
Size : Medium
Species : None
Drops : Jakk Card, Jack 'o' Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Rough Elunium, Tights,
Location : Geffen Dungeon Level 2, Level 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 70


HP : 9291
Base EXP : 3369
Job EXP : 2147
ATK : 621-738
DEF : 44
MDEF : 45
Element : Wind 4
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : ???
Location : ???
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 80

Kobold 1 (With an Axe)_________________________________________________________

HP : 3165
Base EXP : 898
Job EXP : 569
ATK : 265-318
DEF : 38
MDEF : 14
Element : Wind 2
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Blue Hair, Buckler, Kobold Card, Orange Potion, Rough Elunium,
Steel, Zargon
Location : Map 15
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 65

Kobold 2 (With a War Hammer)___________________________________________________

HP : 2247
Base EXP : 733
Job EXP : 370
ATK : 302-364
DEF : 12
MDEF : 12
Element : Poison 2
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Blue Hair, Buckler, Kobold Card, Orange Potion, Rough Elunium,
Steel, Zargon
Location : Map 15
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 65

Kobold 3 (With a Mace)_________________________________________________________

HP : 2247
Base EXP : 586
Job EXP : 370
ATK : 155-185
DEF : 12
MDEF : 12
Element : Fire 2
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Blue Hair, Buckler, Kobold Card, Orange Potion, Rough Elunium,
Steel, Zargon
Location : Map 15
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 65


HP : 570
Base EXP : 38
Job EXP : 28
ATK : 28-37
DEF : 4
MDEF : 6
Element : Water 1
Size : Small
Species : Fish
Drops : Cutter, Crystal Blue, Insect Feeler, Kukre Card, Monster Feed,
Red Herb, Worm Peeling
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 1, Level 2, Sunken Ship Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 25


HP : 60
Base EXP : 6
Job EXP : 2
ATK : 9-12
DEF : 3
MDEF : 2
Element : Normal 3
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Drops : Apple, Carrot, Feather, Fluff, Lunatic Card
Location : Maps 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 32, 34, 35, 50, 59, 60, 65
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 5


HP : 3042
Base EXP : 357
Job EXP : 226
ATK : 146-177
DEF : 10
MDEF : 15
Element : Water 1
Size : Small
Species : Demon
Drops : Magnolia Card, ???
Location : Payon Dungeon Level 2, Level 3
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 50


HP : 375
Base EXP : 45
Job EXP : 32
ATK : 26-35
DEF : 8
MDEF : 4
Element : Earth 3
Size : Medium
Species : Plant
Drops : Bud, Four-Leaf Clover, Green Herb, Mandragora Card, Ment,
Shoot, Stem, Zircon
Location : Maps 2, 21
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 20


HP : 1901
Base EXP : 357
Job EXP : 226
ATK : 146-177
DEF : 40
MDEF : 10
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Drops : ???
Location : Map 1, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55


HP : 6330
Base EXP : 898
Job EXP : 568
ATK : 265-318
DEF : 14
MDEF : 21
Element : Water 2
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Drops : Aquamarine, Fin, Gold Ring, Gill, Marc Card, Mystic Frozen,
Ring, Rough Elunium, White Herb
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 3, Level 4
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 65


HP : 1932
Base EXP : 198
Job EXP : 127
ATK : 100-122
DEF : 8
MDEF : 12
Element : Water 2
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Drops : Crystal Blue, Marina Card, Single Cell, Sticky Mucus
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 45

Marine Sphere__________________________________________________________________

HP : 3198
Base EXP : 419
Job EXP : 258
ATK : 157-188
DEF : 10
MDEF : 15
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Plant
Drops : Blue Gemstone, Chain, Crystal Blue, Marine Sphere Card, Mystic
Frozen, Sticky Muscus, Single Cell, Tendon
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 4
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55


HP : 3222
Base EXP : 980
Job EXP : 1037
ATK : 338-405
DEF : 41
MDEF : 21
Element : Sense 3
Size : Medium
Species : Demon
Drops : Brooch, Golden Hair, Marionette Card, Star Dust
Location : Geffen Dungeon Level 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 75


HP : 4494
Base EXP : 586
Job EXP : 370
ATK : 201-242
DEF : 12
MDEF : 18
Element : Water 2
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Drops : Aquamarine, Marse Card, Mystic Frozen, Squid Ink, Tentacle
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 3, Level 4, Level 5
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 70


HP : 990
Base EXP : 122
Job EXP : 78
ATK : 48-59
DEF : 12
MDEF : 6
Element : Earth 2
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Googles, Jur, Martin Card, Mole Claw, Mole Whiskers, Saftey
Location : Coal Mine Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 35


HP : 1548
Base EXP : 196
Job EXP : 120
ATK : 171-204
DEF : 4
MDEF : 8
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Blue Herb, Blue Gemstone, Megalodon Card, Skel Bone, Stinky
Location : Sunken Ship Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50


HP : 996
Base EXP : 219
Job EXP : 138
ATK : 131-159
DEF : 8
MDEF : 8
Element : Fire 1
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Drops : Aloe, Aloe Leaflet, Garlet, Grasshopper's Leg, Metaller Card,
Singing Plant, Topaz
Location : Map 48
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 50


HP : 532
Base EXP : 66
Job EXP : 44
ATK : 43-52
DEF : 12
MDEF : 6
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Plant
Drops : Cactus Needle, Muka Card, Yellow Live
Location : Map 47
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 30


HP : 4837
Base EXP : 717
Job EXP : 448
ATK : 328-383
DEF : 7
MDEF : 14
Element : Undead 2
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Glove, Green Potion, Memento, Mummy Card, Rough Oridecon,
Rotten Bandage, Silver Ring
Location : Pyramid Level 3, Level 4, Basement 2, Basement 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 75


HP : 2709
Base EXP : 361
Job EXP : 218
ATK : 252-298
DEF : 6
MDEF : 12
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Amulet, Daenggie, Earring, Munak Card, Ninja Suit, Rough
Oridecon, Zargon
Location : Payon Dungeon Level 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 60


HP : 3285
Base EXP : 1265
Job EXP : 626
ATK : 419-499
DEF : 14
MDEF : 30
Element : Dark 1
Size : Medium
Species : Demon
Drops : Gas Mask, Myst Card
Location : Coal Mine Level 2, Level 3, Geffen Dungeon Level 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 75


HP : 4437
Base EXP : 1572
Job EXP : 1625
ATK : 447-529
DEF : 52
MDEF : 25
Element : Dark 3
Size : Large
Species : Demon
Drops : Horseshoe, Nightmare Card, Rosary, Rough Elunium, Rough
Oridecon, Zargon
Location : Geffen Dungeon Level 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 80

Nine Tails_____________________________________________________________________

HP : 7281
Base EXP : 1500
Job EXP : 550
ATK : 639-763
DEF : 40
MDEF : 10
Element : Fire 3
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Nine Tails, Nine Tail Card
Location : ???
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 75


HP : 3528
Base EXP : 586
Job EXP : 370
ATK : 141-165
DEF : 12
MDEF : 36
Element : Water 2
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Drops : Aquamarine, Brooch, Fin, Heart of Mermaid, Obeaune Card,
Sticky Webfoot, Rough Oridecon, Saint Robe
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 3, Level 4, Level 5
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 70

Orc Skeleton___________________________________________________________________

HP : 2398
Base EXP : 280
Job EXP : 170
ATK : 235-281
DEF : 5
MDEF : 10
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Orc Skeleton Card, Skel Bone
Location : Orc Dungeon Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50

Orc Warrior____________________________________________________________________

HP : 1420
Base EXP : 261
Job EXP : 160
ATK : 114-136
DEF : 16
MDEF : 8
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Cigar, Iron, Orcish Axe, Orcish Voucher, Orc's Fang, Orc
Warrior Card, War Hammer, Zargon
Location : Maps 28, 29, 30
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 45

Orc Zombie_____________________________________________________________________

HP : 1584
Base EXP : 196
Job EXP : 120
ATK : 174-204
DEF : 4
MDEF : 8
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Emperium, Orc Zombie Card
Location : Orc Dungeon Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50


HP : 510
Base EXP : 85
Job EXP : 36
ATK : 35-46
DEF : 4
MDEF : 4
Element : Fire 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Bill of Birds, Feather of Birds, Pecopeco Card, Red Herb,
Shoes, Talon, Wand, Yellow Herb
Location : Maps 42, 49
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 30

PecoPeco Egg___________________________________________________________________

HP : 300
Base EXP : 4
Job EXP : 4
ATK : 0
DEF : 60
MDEF : 1
Element : Normal 3
Size : Small
Species : None
Drops : China, Empty Bottle, Guard, Milk, Shell, Pecopeco Egg Card,
Red Potion, Yellow Gemstone
Location : Maps 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 1


HP : 2480
Base EXP : 357
Job EXP : 226
ATK : 108-120
DEF : 10
MDEF : 15
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Drops : Phen Card
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 4
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55


HP : 80
Base EXP : 4
Job EXP : 3
ATK : 9-12
DEF : 3
MDEF : 2
Element : Fire 1
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Drops : Cotton Shirt, Feather of Birds, Fluff, Milk, Picky Card, Red
Herb, Talon, Yellow Gemstone
Location : Maps 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 54, 55
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 1


HP : 756
Base EXP : 122
Job EXP : 78
ATK : 64-75
DEF : 12
MDEF : 6
Element : Earth 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Ant Jaw, Pierre Card
Location : Ant Hell Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 40

Pirate Skeleton________________________________________________________________

HP : 1555
Base EXP : 212
Job EXP : 129
ATK : 178-211
DEF : 5
MDEF : 10
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Amethyst, Bandana, Falchion, Karvodailnirol, Mystic Blue Box,
Pirate Skeleton Card, Ring Pommel Saber, Rough Elunium, Skel
Location : Sunken Ship Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50


HP : 340
Base EXP : 23
Job EXP : 18
ATK : 26-31
DEF : 4
MDEF : 6
Element : Water 1
Size : Small
Species : Plant
Drops : Alcohol, Empty Bottle, Plankton Card, Single Cell, Sticky
Location : Bibalan Dungeon Level 1, Level 2, Culvert Level 1, Level 2,
Level 3, Sunken Ship Level 1
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 15

Poison Spore___________________________________________________________________

HP : 627
Base EXP : 169
Job EXP : 85
ATK : 89-101
DEF : 6
MDEF : 6
Element : Poison 1
Size : Medium
Species : Plant
Drops : Blue Herb, Garlet, Green Herb, Karvodailnirol, Mushroom Spore,
Mystic Blue Box, Posion Spore Card, Yellow Herb
Location : Map 44, 45, 53, 64, Geffen Dungeon Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 40


HP : 330
Base EXP : 74
Job EXP : 40
ATK : 59-72
DEF : 4
MDEF : 4
Element : Poison 1
Size : Small
Species : Plant
Drops : Garlet, Grape, Jellopy, Poporing Card, Rough Elunium, Sticky
Mucus, Zircon
Location : Maps 1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 22, 29, 33, 34, 35, 38, 44, 45, Pyramind
Level 1, Level 2, Payon Dungeon Level 1
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 35


HP : 50
Base EXP : 1
Job EXP : 2
ATK : 7-10
DEF : 1
MDEF : 1
Element : Water 1
Size : Small
Species : Plant
Drops : Apple, Empty Bottle, Knife, Jellopy, Poring Card, Poring Doll,
Red Herb, Sticky Mucus
Location : Maps 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32,
38, 51, 58, 59, 60, 65
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 1

Poring (Santa)_________________________________________________________________

HP : 69
Base EXP : 1
Job EXP : 2
ATK : 12-16
DEF : 1
MDEF : 1
Element : Holy 1
Size : Small
Species : Plant
Drops : Apple, Candy, Candy Striper, Empty Bottle, Knife, Jellopy,
Poring Card, Poring Doll, Santa Hat, Red Herb, Sticky Mucus
Location : Maps 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32,
38, 51, 58, 59, 60, 65 (During Christmas time)
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 1


HP : 450
Base EXP : 2
Job EXP : 4
ATK : 0
DEF : 1
MDEF : 1
Element : Earth 1
Size : Small
Species : Plant
Drops : Chrysalis, Falchion, Guard, Hood, Pupa Card, Red Gemstone,
Sandals, Shell, Sticky Mucus
Location : Maps 3, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26, 27, 32, 51, 60, 65
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 1


HP : 7380
Base EXP : 3860
Job EXP : 1632
ATK : 1302-1426
DEF : 75
MDEF : 30
Element : Dark 2
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Chainmail, Elunium, Iron Chain, Raydric Card, Slayer
Location : ???
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 85


HP : 200
Base EXP : 20
Job EXP : 16
ATK : 24-29
DEF : 4
MDEF : 2
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Drops : Butterfly Wing, Garlet, Grasshopper Doll, Grasshopper's Leg,
Hinalle Leaflet, Rocker Card, Spear
Location : Maps 1, 8, 14, 25, 31
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 15

Roda Frog______________________________________________________________________

HP : 130
Base EXP : 3
Job EXP : 6
ATK : 11-14
DEF : 2
MDEF : 2
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Drops : Cutter, Emerald, Jellopy, Roda Frog Card, Scell, Sticky
Webfoot, Spawn
Location : Maps 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 20, 26, 27, 31, 32, 65, Bibilan Level 1
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 5


HP : 1901
Base EXP : 357
Job EXP : 226
ATK : 146-177
DEF : 20
MDEF : 10
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Eagle Eyes, Mane, Savage Card
Location : Map 34, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50

Savage Babe____________________________________________________________________

HP : 175
Base EXP : 14
Job EXP : 12
ATK : 20-25
DEF : 4
MDEF : 2
Element : Earth 1
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Drops : Animal Skin, Arrow, Axe, Feather, Savage Babe Card
Location : Maps 8, 34, 35, 43
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 10


HP : 1056
Base EXP : 261
Job EXP : 160
ATK : 143-171
DEF : 35
MDEF : 8
Element : Fire 1
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Drops : Helm, Rough Elunium, Scorpion Card, Scorpion Nipper, Scorpion
Tail, Shell, Solid Shell
Location : Map 48
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50


HP : 4400
Base EXP : 1815
Job EXP : 903
ATK : 258-300
DEF : 16
MDEF : 16
Element : Poison 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Scale of Snakes, Scale Shell, Sidewinder Card, Shining Scale,
Venom Canine
Location : Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 80


HP : 255
Base EXP : 16
Job EXP : 11
ATK : 31-35
DEF : 5
MDEF : 5
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Jellopy, Mace, Red Herb, Skel Bone, Skeleton Card, Skull Ring
Location : Payon Dungeon Level 1
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 10

Skeleton Archer________________________________________________________________

HP : 2867
Base EXP : 440
Job EXP : 278
ATK : 149-173
DEF : 6
MDEF : 12
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Apple 'o' Archer, Archer Skeleton Card, Composite Bow,
Crossbow, Fire Arrow, Rough Oridecon, Skel Bone
Location : Payon Dungeon Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Pyramid Level 2,
Level 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55

Skeleton Soldier_______________________________________________________________

HP : 2457
Base EXP : 338
Job EXP : 206
ATK : 231-255
DEF : 5
MDEF : 10
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Fortune Sword, Memento, Red Potion, Rough Oridecon, Skel Bone,
Soldier Skeleton Card, Stiletto
Location : Payon Dungeon Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Pyramid
Level 2, Level 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 50

Sky Petit______________________________________________________________________

HP : 4870
Base EXP : 1598
Job EXP : 977
ATK : 370-457
DEF : 38
MDEF : 18
Element : Wind 1
Size : Medium
Species : Dragon
Drops : Clip, Dragon Canine, Dragon Scale, Dragon Tail, Sky Petit Card
Location : Map 7
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 80


HP : 572
Base EXP : 122
Job EXP : 78
ATK : 61-72
DEF : 36
MDEF : 19
Element : Earth 2
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Animal Skin, Kitty Band, Raccoon Leaf, Smokie Card, Smokie
Doll, Sweet Potato, Yggdrasil Leaf
Location : Map 44
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 35


HP : 420
Base EXP : 66
Job EXP : 44
ATK : 46-55
DEF : 12
MDEF : 6
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Amethyst, Anodyne, Arc Wand, Green Herb, Panacea, Scale Of
Snakes, Snake Card, Venom Canine
Location : Maps 50, 51
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 30


HP : 4690
Base EXP : 672
Job EXP : 414
ATK : 214-255
DEF : 20
MDEF : 35
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Demon
Drops : Black Hair, Nurse Cap, Muffler, Skirt of Virgin, Sohee Card,
Location : Map 44, Payon Dungeon Level 4, Level 5
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55


HP : 320
Base EXP : 20
Job EXP : 16
ATK : 24-29
DEF : 2
MDEF : 3
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Plant
Drops : Blue Herb, Green Herb, Hat, Mushroom Spore, Mystic Blue Box,
Red Herb, Spore Card, Spore Doll
Location : Maps 64, 65, Culvert Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 15


HP : 561
Base EXP : 96
Job EXP : 64
ATK : 53-64
DEF : 6
MDEF : 6
Element : Earth 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Emveretarcon, Garlet, Jellopy, Rainbow Shell, Shell, Stainer
Card, Wind of Verdure
Location : Maps 12, 14, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 35

Steel ChonChon_________________________________________________________________

HP : 583
Base EXP : 109
Job EXP : 71
ATK : 54-65
DEF : 6
MDEF : 6
Element : Wind 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Rough Elunium, Sardonyx, Spawn, Steel Chonchon Card, Sticky
Webfoot, White Herb, Zargon
Location : Map 41
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 40

Sword Fish_____________________________________________________________________

HP : 3517
Base EXP : 481
Job EXP : 290
ATK : 168-199
DEF : 24
MDEF : 25
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Drops : Fish Tail, Sword Fish Card
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 4
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55

Super Picky____________________________________________________________________

HP : 75
Base EXP : 5
Job EXP : 4
ATK : 8-11
DEF : 3
MDEF : 2
Element : Fire 1
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Drops : Cotton Shirt, Egg Shell, Feather of Birds, Fluff, Milk, Picky
Card, Red Herb, Talon, Yellow Gemstone
Location : Maps 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 54, 55
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 5


HP : 270
Base EXP : 57
Job EXP : 28
ATK : 34-45
DEF : 5
MDEF : 6
Element : Dark 1
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Drops : Animal Skin, Feather, Monster Feed, Ora Ora, Rat Tail, Tarou
Location : Coal Mine Level 1, Culvert Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 20

Thera Frog_____________________________________________________________________

HP : 1992
Base EXP : 219
Job EXP : 138
ATK : 105-127
DEF : 8
MDEF : 12
Element : Water 2
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Drops : Rough Elunium, Sardonyx, Sticky Webfoot, Spawn, Thera Frog
Card, White Herb, Zargon
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 2, Level 3
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 40

Thief Bug (S)__________________________________________________________________

HP : 130
Base EXP : 17
Job EXP : 5
ATK : 18-24
DEF : 2
MDEF : 2
Element : Dark 1
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Knife, Jellopy, Leather Jacket, Red Herb, Scell, Thief Bug
Card, Worm Peeling, Zircon
Location : Maps 20, 21, 27, Culvert Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 10

Thief Bug (L)__________________________________________________________________

HP : 170
Base EXP : 35
Job EXP : 18
ATK : 33-40
DEF : 5
MDEF : 6
Element : Dark 1
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Drops : Big Thief Bug Card, Buckler, Emveretarcon, Garlet, Insect
Feeler, Singing Plant, Worm Peeling, Zircon
Location : Culvert Level 2, Level 3, Level 4
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 15

Thief Bug (G)__________________________________________________________________

HP : 627
Base EXP : 203
Job EXP : 85
ATK : 76-88
DEF : 8
MDEF : 9
Element : Dark 1
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Drops : Chrysalis, Garlet, Green Thief Bug Card, Inscet Feeler, Red
Gemstone, Singing Plant, Slayer, Worm Peelng, Yellow Herb,
Location : Culvert Level 4
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 20

Thief Bug Egg__________________________________________________________________

HP : 60
Base EXP : 8
Job EXP : 4
ATK : 0
DEF : 4
MDEF : 3
Element : Normal 3
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Drops : Black Ladle, Chrysalis, Falchion, Guard, Red Gemstone, Shell,
Thief Bug Egg Card
Location : Maps 20, 22, 27, Culvert Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 1


HP : 924
Base EXP : 135
Job EXP : 85
ATK : 74-85
DEF : 30
MDEF : 9
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Drops : Blue Gemstone, Garlet, Nipper, Shell, Solid Shell, Vadon Card
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 1, Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 35


HP : 4927
Base EXP : 759
Job EXP : 470
ATK : 419-499
DEF : 7
MDEF : 14
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Flower Ring, Green Potion, Kapra Band, Immortal Heart,
Memento, Red Potion, Rotten Bandage, Verit Card
Location : Pyramid Level 3, Basement 3
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 60


HP : 885
Base EXP : 148
Job EXP : 92
ATK : 69-80
DEF : 16
MDEF : 8
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Drops : Honey, Vitata Card
Location : Ant Hell Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 45


HP : 1796
Base EXP : 537
Job EXP : 545
ATK : 220-261
DEF : 34
MDEF : 18
Element : Sense 3
Size : Medium
Species : Demon
Drops : Silver Robe, Whisper Card,
Location : Geffen Dungeon Level 2, Level 3, with Ghostring on Map 38
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55

Note: Whispers are immune to physical attacks >_<


HP : 100
Base EXP : 5
Job EXP : 4
ATK : 9-12
DEF : 8
MDEF : 5
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Plant
Drops : Apple, Club, Dead Branch, Jellopy, Leather, Red Herb, Resin,
Sweet Potato, Tree Root, Trunk, Willow Card
Location : Maps 8, 9, 16, 17, 44, 50, 51, 59, 60, 65
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 5


HP : 375
Base EXP : 45
Job EXP : 32
ATK : 37-46
DEF : 8
MDEF : 4
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Animal Skin, Emveretarcon, Mantle, Meat, Monster Feed,
Sapphire, Wand, Wolf Card, Wolf Claw
Location : Maps 19, 59
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 30


HP : 413
Base EXP : 59
Job EXP : 40
ATK : 42-51
DEF : 8
MDEF : 4
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Plant
Drops : Aloe, Aloebera, Aloe Leaflet, Emerald, Lance, Garlet, Scale,
Wormtail Card, Yellow Herb, Yellow Live
Location : Map 58
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : Yes
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 35


HP : 784
Base EXP : 122
Job EXP : 85
ATK : 81-72
DEF : 12
MDEF : 6
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Drops : Animal Skin, Banana, Mink Coat, Yoyo Doll, Yoyo Card, Yoyo
Location : Map 22
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : Yes
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 40


HP : 2247
Base EXP : 879
Job EXP : 370
ATK : 168-188
DEF : 15
MDEF : 18
Element : Dark 1
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Drops : Zenorc Card, Zenorc's Fang
Location : Orc Dungeon Level 2
Aggressive? : No
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 55


HP : 518
Base EXP : 50
Job EXP : 33
ATK : 67-79
DEF : 3
MDEF : 6
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Drops : Cursed Ruby, Decayed Nail, Horrendous Mouth, Memento, Ruby,
Sardonyx, Smasher, Zombie Card
Location : Payon Dungeon Level 1
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 15

Mini-Boss Monsters

New to Beta 2 are Mini-Bosses. These are usually souped up versions of common
enemies in that area. Fortunantly, Mini-Bosses are much weaker than full
fledged bosses, and are easy enough to handle alone. All these enemies spawn
instantly, but there is only 1 on the map at any period of time. Some also
have mobs of monsters that follow them around, see that section for more info.


HP : 10738
Base EXP : 148
Job EXP : 138
ATK : 108-168
DEF : 30
MDEF : 75
Element : Holy 4
Size : Small
Species : Angel
Base Monster : Poring
Assist Monster : None
Drops : Angel Band, Angeling Card, Emperium, Halo, Holy Robe, Poring
Doll, Scapulare, White Potion, Yggdrasil Leaf
Location : Map 38, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 50


HP : 2000
Base EXP : 80
Job EXP : 40
ATK : 22-27
DEF : 60
MDEF : 2
Element : Wind 3
Size : Small
Species : Insect
Base Monster : ChonChon
Assist Monster : ChonChon
Drops : Amethyst, Chonchon Doll, Grape Juice, Sweet Gent
Location : Map 40, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 30


HP : 1500
Base EXP : 55
Job EXP : 50
ATK : 20-26
DEF : 20
MDEF : 45
Element : Normal 3
Size : Small
Species : Animal
Base Monster : Lunatic
Assist Monster : Lunatic
Drops : Carrot Juice, Crystal Blue, Cutie Band, Glass Bead, Milk,
Opal, Pierrot Nose
Location : Map 21, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 20


HP : 9413
Base EXP : 92
Job EXP : 98
ATK : 54-94
DEF : 18
MDEF : 10
Element : Sense 4
Size : Small
Species : Demon
Base Monster : Poring
Assist Monster : Whisper
Drops : Emperium, Evil Band, Ghost Bandana, Ghostring Card, Fabric
Location : Map 38, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 55

Note: Ghostrings are immune to all physical attacks >_<


HP : 2100
Base EXP : 30
Job EXP : 10
ATK : 18-24
DEF : 15
MDEF : 30
Element : Water 1
Size : Small
Species : Plant
Base Monster : Poring
Assist Monster : None
Drops : Apple, Apple Juice, Crystal Pumps, Pearl, Poring Doll, Red
Herb, Unicorn Horn,
Location : Map 50, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : Yes
Recommended Lvl: 20


HP : 4870
Base EXP : 100
Job EXP : 50
ATK : 26-32
DEF : 4
MDEF : 6
Element : Water 1
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Base Monster : Roda Frog
Assist Monster : Roda Frog
Drops : Alcohol, Emerald, Honey, Queen Ribbon
Location : Map 24, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 25

Wandering Wolf_________________________________________________________________

HP : 10200
Base EXP : 225
Job EXP : 160
ATK : 135-159
DEF : 30
MDEF : 8
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Animal
Base Monster : Wolf
Assist Monster : Wolf
Drops : Meat, Ring, Topaz, Western Grace, Wolf Claw
Location : Map 59, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 40

Vocal Rocker___________________________________________________________________

HP : 2956
Base EXP : 100
Job EXP : 80
ATK : 71-82
DEF : 12
MDEF : 6
Element : Earth 1
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Base Monster : Rocker
Assist Monster : Rocker
Drops : Banana Juice, Emerald, Grasshopper Doll, Grasshopper's Leg,
Romantic Gent, Zargon,
Location : Map 31, Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 30

Boss Monsters

Of course, no version of RO would be complete without the evil, vicious boss
monsters that will kill most players in 1 hit. Heres the data on them -
tremble in fear. Spawn times on these guys is usually 1 hour.

Note: You will not always get the MVP reward if your the MVP - you'll sometimes
get extra experience, which is usually very frustrating >_<


HP : 17500
Base EXP : 26000
Job EXP : 6800
ATK : 1750-2070
DEF : 50
MDEF : 40
Element : Dark 3
Size : Large
Species : Demon
Normal Drops : Baphomet Card, Baphomet Doll, Evil Horn, Yggdrasill Berry
MVP Rewards : Crescent Scythe, Gungnir, Holy Robe, Magestic Goat
Location : Hidden Temple
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 99 - Bring at least 5 very high leveled players with you


HP : 11942
Base EXP : 1914
Job EXP : 1208
ATK : 731-891
DEF : 77
MDEF : 27
Element : Water 4
Size : Medium
Species : Fish
Normal Drops : Aerial, Ancient Lips, Ancient Tooth, Deviace Card
MVP Rewards : ???
Location : Bibilan Dungeon Level 5
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 75


HP : 12000
Base EXP : 10680
Job EXP : 3872
ATK : 1250-1433
DEF : 85
MDEF : 50
Element : Dark 3
Size : Medium
Species : Demon
Normal Drops : Doppleganger Card, Spiky Band, White Potion
MVP Rewards : Broad Sword, Plate Mail, Saftey Ring
Location : Geffen Dungeon Level 2
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 99 - Bring at least 4 very high leveled players with you


HP : 28920
Base EXP : 8600
Job EXP : 2500
ATK : 1380-1707
DEF : 40
MDEF : 22
Element : Undead 1
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Normal Drops : Corsair, Drake Card, Elunium, Oridecon, Pipe, White Potion
MVP Rewards : ???
Location : Sunken Ship Level 1
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 99 - Bring at least 4 very high leveled players with you


HP : 14500
Base EXP : 6800
Job EXP : 1208
ATK : 1190-1318
DEF : 45
MDEF : 30
Element : Fire 1
Size : Large
Species : Animal
Normal Drops : Candy, Eddga Card, Iron Chain, Pipe, Tiger's Footskin, Tiger
MVP Rewards : ???
Location : Map 53
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 99 - Bring at least 2 very high leveled players with you

Gold Thief Bug_________________________________________________________________

HP : 8500
Base EXP : 50
Job EXP : 50
ATK : 680-800
DEF : 90
MDEF : 45
Element : Fire 2
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Normal Drops : Blue Herb, Elumium, Golden Bug Card, Mystic Blue Box, Rough
Oridecon, Zircon,
MVP Rewards : Gold, Golden Gear, Gold Ring, Ora Ora
Location : Culvert Level 4
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 55


HP : 13500
Base EXP : 2569
Job EXP : 1632
ATK : 890-1062
DEF : 60
MDEF : 70
Element : Wind 4
Size : Medium
Species : Insect
Normal Drops : Bee's Sting, Coronet, Honey, Mistress Card, Pearl, Rough
Elunium, Rough Oridecon, Rough Wind, Royal Jelly, White
Potion, Yggdrasil Leaf
MVP Rewards : Coronet, Damascus
Location : Map 13
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 65

Moonlight Flower_______________________________________________________________

HP : 9000
Base EXP : 5000
Job EXP : 1000
ATK : 540-637
DEF : 50
MDEF : 65
Element : Fire 4
Size : Medium
Species : Human
Normal Drops : Moonlight Flower Card, Puppy Love, Rough Elunium, Rough
Oridecon, White Potion
MVP Rewards : ???
Location : Payon Dungeon Level 5
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 75 - Simply because you'll need to survive in Payon 5

Orc Hero_______________________________________________________________________

HP : 19540
Base EXP : 9000
Job EXP : 2000
ATK : 1800-2250
DEF : 48
MDEF : 24
Element : Earth 2
Size : Large
Species : Human
Normal Drops : Mystic Blue Box, Orc's Fang, Orc Hero Card, Rough Elumium,
Rough Oridecon, Sardonyx, Zargon
MVP Rewards : Blood Axe, Heroic Emblem, Orcish Sword
Location : Map 28
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 90 - Still a good idea to bring a friend or two


HP : 30670
Base EXP : 15420
Job EXP : 6600
ATK : 1320-2000
DEF : 24
MDEF : 45
Element : Undead 4
Size : Medium
Species : Undead
Normal Drops : Rotten Bandage, Osiris Card, Osiris Doll, Yggdrasil Seed
MVP Rewards : Crown, Dullahan's Eye
Location : Pyramid Basement 3
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 90 - Bring at least 1 high leveled player with you


HP : 18000
Base EXP : 5400
Job EXP : 1000
ATK : 667-817
DEF : 30
MDEF : 45
Element : Normal 3
Size : Large
Species : Animal
Normal Drops : 1 Carat Diamond, Fortune Sword, Iron Chain, Phreeoni Card,
Rough Elunium, Rough Oridecon
MVP Rewards : ???
Location : Ant Hell Level 2
Aggressive? : Yes
Mobber? : No
Magic Sense? : No
Looter? : No
Recommended Lvl: 60

Elemental Chart

The left column is the spell your casting, whereas the top row is the element
you are casting against.


N = Normal
T = Water
E = Earth
F = Fire
W = Wind
P = Poison
H = Holy
D = Dark
S = Spiritual
U = Undead

Level 1
---- N ---- T ---- E ---- F ---- W ---- P ---- H ---- D ---- S ---- U ----
N 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 25% 100%

T 25% 100% 100% 150% 50% 100% 75% 100% 100% 100%

E 100% 100% 100% 50% 150% 100% 75% 100% 100% 100%

F 100% 50% 150% 25% 100% 100% 75% 100% 100% 125%

W 100% 200% 50% 100% 25% 100% 75% 100% 100% 100%

P 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 75% 50% 25% 0%

H 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 125% 100% 200%

D 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 125% 0% 100% -25%

S 25% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 75% 100% 100%

U 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 0% 100% 0%

Level 2
---- N ---- T ---- E ---- F ---- W ---- P ---- H ---- D ---- S ---- U ----
N 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 25% 100%

T 100% 0% 100% 175% 25% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%

E 100% 100% 50% 25% 175% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%

F 100% 25% 175% 0% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 125%

W 100% 200% 25% 100% 0% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%

P 100% 75% 75% 75% 75% -25% 50% 25% 0% -25%

H 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% -25% 150% 100% 200%

D 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 25% 125% -25% 100% -50%

S 0% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 50% 50% 150% 125%

U 100% 75% 75% 75% 75% 25% 125% 0% 100% 0%

Level 3
---- N ---- T ---- E ---- F ---- W ---- P ---- H ---- D ---- S ---- U ----
N 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100%

T 100% -25% 100% 200% 0% 100% 25% 50% 100% 125%

E 100% 100% 0% 0% 200% 100% 25% 50% 100% 75%

F 100% 0% 200% -25% 100% 100% 25% 50% 100% 175%

W 100% 200% 0% 100% -25% 100% 25% 50% 100% 100%

P 100% 50% 50% 50% 50% -50% 25% 0% 0% -50%

H 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 125% -50% 175% 100% 200%

D 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 175% -50% 100% -75%

S 0% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 25% 25% 175% 150%

U 100% 50% 50% 50% 50% 0% 150% 0% 100% 0%

Level 4
---- N ---- T ---- E ---- F ---- W ---- P ---- H ---- D ---- S ---- U ----
N 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100%

T 25% -50% 100% 200% 0% 75% 0% 25% 100% 150%

E 100% 100% -25% 0% 200% 75% 0% 25% 100% 50%

F 100% 0% 200% -50% 100% 75% 0% 25% 100% 200%

W 100% 200% 0% 100% -50% 75% 0% 25% 100% 100%

P 100% 25% 25% 25% 25% -100% 0% -25% 0% -75%

H 100% 75% 75% 75% 75% 125% -100% 200% 100% 200%

D 100% 75% 75% 75% 75% -25% 200% -100% 100% -100%

S 0% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 0% 0% 200% 175%

U 100% 25% 25% 25% 25% -25% 175% 0% 100% 0%

Useful Links

http://rosv.zive.net/ - The new "home" of RO SV info, a site that used to tell
everybody when Gravity's servers were up or down. It isn't much to look at
right now, but when Beta 2 returns we'll probably see our servers listed there.

http://members.shaw.ca/ninjitsuworm/ragnarok/calc/forge.htm - Another must
bookmark site, especially for Blacksmiths. This is basically everything
you need to forge an item and more. It will calculate your success rate,
cost of ingredients, market cost, and much, much more.

http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-Cupertino/9230/ - The Ragnarok
Online character generator. This will let you look at your character
dressed up in different hats. Neat.

http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/12848.html - GameFAQs RO FAQs
section, where youll find my FAQ along with a lot more useful ones...

http://cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/gentopic.asp?board=12848 - The GameFAQs
Ragnarok Online message board, where you can post a topic if your selling
something, looking for a party, etc.

http://rohaven.host.sk - RO Haven, a fan site I've become a bit attached to,
so I regular their forums. Just remember, we have admin powers, and we're
not afriad to use them. N00bs beware...

http://www.dreamwater.net/art/poochie/Main.html - RagnaMART has tons of data,
which you should probably check out.

http://ro.pak0.com - A great RO fansite, they have lots of information. Their
forums are widely known about in RO.

http://www.merchantguild.net - A great volume of information for Merchants,
including pricing charts and other great info.

http://www.ixga.com - have some RO info, since one of Gravity's employees hangs
out on the forums.

http://www.ragnaroksource.com - another fansite with some cool stuff

http://www.libraryofprontera.com - A neat site, home of the Ragnarok Online
comic that was translated from Korean to English - very funny.

http://www.ro-world.com - One of the better fan sites, IMO. They have some
great info.


Q: Where can I get this game?
A: Register and download the client at http://www.ragnarokonline.com. The
English version is currently down though, and there is no word when it will

Q: Is it free?
A: Yes, it is completely free as long as it is in beta.

Q: Where should I level? Im a Level __/__ ____________.
A: I get this question a lot. There is no general place to level. Your best
spot will vary greatly depending on your class, skills, stat points, gear,
money, and patience. So please, stop E-mailing me this question, as it will
be ignored. I have a recommended level for each map in RO, try the ones you

Q: I E-mailed you once, but I don't get a response anymore!
A: Most likely you are on my ignore list. I've put a lot of people on that
lately, because you have a virus your dumb enough not to patch. If you want
to get in contact with me, try Instant Messenger or the Message Boards. If
you have patched your computer, I will take you off.

Q: After you change to your second class, do the fixed stat bonuses from your
first class carry over?
A: No, they don't. All your fixed stat bonuses are reset.

Q: Can I save skill points from my first class and use them on second class
A: Unfortunantly no. Your skill points are reset to zero upon changing jobs,
so you'd best use them before hand.

Q: Why don't you recommend the Eye Bandage as a first helm?
A: Being 500z, its much better just to get a bit more for a Hat.

Q: Why don't you recommend a Turban over a Hat - it is cheaper.
A: Lots and lots of people fight Spores, and they drop Hats at a decent rate.
Since theres so many, people sell them on the street for about 800z.

Q: Why do you capitalize the second part of Chonchon and Pecopeco?
A: Because I can.

Q: What good is MDEF?
A: Have you ever seen an enemy use magic? I haven't. So absolutely nothing -

Q: What do "Aggressive", "Mobber", "Magic Sense", and "Looter" mean?
A: Aggressive means the monster will attack you unprovoked - so be very
careful near these. Mobbers will help their friends - say you attack a
Yoyo, all the normally peaceful Yoyos on the screen will come to help.
Magic sense is only useful for Mages. Some enemies detect when a spell is
being cast upon them (indicated by the spinning emblem), and will attack
immediatly, before the spell is cast completely. Looters, like Porings,
will try to pick up items on the ground.

Q: How do I get married?
A: Getting married officially may be in RO's future. Right now, it is
completely unofficial. Its customary to propose with a Diamond Ring, along
with a Flower, Silver, or Gold Ring. The Skull Ring supposedly has the
words "'Til Death do us part" or something on it, but who wants to wear an
old skull? Get an Acolyte friend to perform the ceremony, and buy your
honey a wedding dress, veil and boquet. Invite all your friends, and get
married! You can even have a flower girl dropping 1z flowers. You can ask
your guests to bring gifts as well - your imagination is the limit.

Q: Is there an accessory for STR? There is one for every other Stat.
A: I don't think so. In the Japanese and Korean versions of RO, Marcs drop
accessorys called Rings which add +2 to STR. I have not heard of or seen
anybody with a Ring, and nobody else has either. So most likely, they
don't drop them. Then again, not a lot of people hunt in lower Bibalan,
(hence the high cost of Brooches), so they might just be very very VERY

Q: Some evil Acolyte opened a warp portal on me and got me stuck in a black
hole - help!
A: First off, it probably was not the Acolyte's fault. There is a way to memo
black holes, but very few do it. Unfortunantly, until Gravity fixes
warping, your going to get stuck about 50% of the time. So always carry
Wings when you warp, you never know what can happen. If your dumb enough
to not carry them, well, you deserve what you got. But E-mail Gravity and
they'll get you out sooner or later.

Q: Can I put this FAQ on my Website/Print it out/etc.
A: Absolutely! I ask that you E-mail me if your going to take it, just so I
can see your site. I only have 2 conditions: You will not sell this FAQ for
money, and will not put it on any site condoning bots, hacks, scams, etc.

Q: Whats your favorite class?
A: Thats really a tough one. If your talking overall favorite, I'd have to say
Merchant. But they're so boring to level. 2nd overall favorite, or
favorite for battle, would be Archers. Give them some good gear and they
will kick the living crap out of anything. 3rd would be Acolytes, they are
very very strong as long as you don't mind only having 1 real good place to
level (Payon). After the Acolyte I'd say Thief, they're not bad. Then it
would be a Swordie, they are very very boring. My worst class, and the one
I absolutely hate to play, is a Mage. They just plain suck in my opinion.

(Is struck simultaneously by Fire Bolts and Soul Strikes)

Contact/About Me

If you wish to Email me, do so at michael@spamsucks.com. Simply replace
spamsucks.com with satcen.com. Messaging Weggy in RO is always an option, but
keep in mind that I may be vending, and thus AFK.

Yeah... about me outside RO. I'm 18 years old, and live in Northern Kentucky
about 10 miles south of Cincinnati Ohio. If anyone from that area knows where
Taylor Mill is, thats where I am. I attend Northern Kentucky University, and
work at a local Satellite TV Company. If I'm not playing RO, I'm doing
something geeky like building a computer, browsing RO forums, or playing
Counter Strike. Even though I kinda suck. If you really have no life and
would like to see what I really look like, you can do so at
http://www.geocities.com/sesquad/weggy.jpg. I wrote this FAQ both out of a
love for RO, as well to get some experience - I really enjoy writing FAQs, and
hope to do this for a living... so if you're interested in hiring me to write
for you, please E-mail me! ^_^


-Thanks to myself for writing the guide. You rock Weggy. Yes, I know.
-Thanks to CJayC for hosting the best damn site on the net.
-Thanks to Gravity of course, for making this outstanding game.
-Thanks to all the members of the RO message board, for their support.
-Thanks to node, for the stat bonuses, as well as some data on Envenom and
Hide. Check out his Thief FAQ here on gamefaqs.
-Thanks to Zephyr, AKA Chibi, for letting me borrow a bit of data from his/her
Beta 2 Skill FAQ
-Thanks to JBKDMX for some Swordie Info. He also has a FAQ on GameFAQs.
-Thanks to Drunk Eskimo, for pointing out that Weapon Forging Calculator to me.
You rock man.
-Thanks to Aethereal for pointing out another use for the mouse wheel.
-Thanks to Kevin W. for pointing out I forgot Geffen Dungeon
-Thanks to iweird, for pointing out 2 errors I had with my stats section.
-Thanks to zidane100, for pointing out an error with Cavalier Mastery.
-Thanks to Xerain, for pointing out a few errors concerning skills.
-Thanks to Gowcaiza, for verifying the Swordie's HP Recovery info
-Thanks to Yoten, for telling me how to make juices.
-A big thanks to RO World, I used some of their skill info.
-A really big thanks to RagnaMART, who has always seemed to know whats on the
horizon for RO. Check them out at:
-A huge thanks to Joe the Dude, and his absolutely fantastic site, Eroite.
Sadly Eroite is no longer around, but I thank him for his work for RO.
-A big thanks to www.merchantguild.net as well, they inspired me ^_^
-Another big thanks to ro.pak0, I got the elemental chart, some monster info,
and some info on skills from them.
-Thanks to http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-Cupertino/9230/, I got
some info about the Hidden Temple from them.
-Thanks to http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Queen/7085/, I used their stat
calculator to figure out fixed stat bonuses.
-Thanks to my ISP for not pulling the plug on me during those all-night
Vending sessions. Thanks Insight. ^_^
-Thanks to all of you who are reading this guide. I hope you liked it.

-Thanks to... your name here! If you have something to add, or spot any typos,
E-mail me at michael@spamsucks.com. You can replace spamsucks.com with
satcen.com though.


This FAQ was originated on www.gamefaqs.com. You will always find the most
up-to-date version there. As with all my FAQs, I believe it to be public
domain. Please post this on your website, edit, alter, or do what you will
with it. Crediting me is entirely optional. Although it isn't neccessary to
Email me, I would like to check out your site if your going to put it there
^_^. I only have 2 conditions: You do not sell this FAQ for personal profit,
or post it on websites condoning or providing RO hacks, bots, scams, or
anything else evil in the world. I would think it was obvious due to how vocal
I am about bots and such, but the people (and I use that term very loosely)
over at Apez Bot decided to post a few of my FAQs without my permission.

This FAQ is dedicated to Bosco, a member of the Pak0 team who passed away not
so long ago. Though not a regular visitor to Pak0 myself, I know that the RO
community will miss you. Rest in peace.


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