Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

16.10.2013 21:29:13
White Mage
Artifact Guide
By: Cyril/Stephanie Nutter
Character: Lightbearer 62/31 White Mage/Summoner
Server: Garuda

What is this guide?

This guide is a walkthrough for the White Mage Artifact armor. Artifact armor
is armor that each class has, that is RARE/EX. The stats, and locations in
which you get the armor changes from class to class, but most of the time you
do 3 quests, and open 2-3 Coffers in each location.

Note: From here on, Artifact Armor will be abreviated by its in-game term, AF.

Table of Contents

Section 1: FAQ
Section 2: Equipment stats
Section 3: AF Quests
Section 4: Coffers
Section 5: Miscellaneous

Section 1: FAQ

FAQ stands for Frequently asked questions. These are just questions I have
found asked quite often in FFXI about Artifact Armor (AF).

What is AF?

AF used to be termed as 'end-game' armor, until the AF2/Relic set came out.
This guide will not go over obtaining those, but rather the AF1 set, or the
normal AF. AF is basically armor that looks like older FF games' characters.
Dark Knight AF would look like FFIV's main character, Cecil. Dragoon AF would
look like FFIV's Kains armor. White Mage AF appears closer to Final Fantasy
V's White Mage armor.

How do I get AF?

That is what this guide is for. But note a few things before even trying.
There are 6 pieces of AF, and you can not get any of them until you have
fulfilled special prequisits.

All AF1 is not armor, rather, the AF weapon. For a White Mage, this is their
Club. You can only start the White Mage AF 1 quest once your White Mage (no
other class) has reached level 40.

The rest of the AF, AF2-6 (or AF set 1, 2-6)is not obtainable until you have
done AF1. Also, you can not start these quests until your White Mage class
has reached level 50.

Unless you have done those prequisits, you will not be able to obtain AF.

How good is AF, really?

Some pieces of White Mage AF are very useful, and others people replace. I
often see people (namely Humes) replacing their Pantaloons (AF6) with RSE
pants because of the MP boost. While I would not do this, some people just
need that extra MP.

The White Mage AF top is probably the worst piece of the bunch, because
eventually you will want to -try- (*cringe*) to save up for some better
armor. Namely, a Vermillion Cloak or some armor that gives mass MP boost. The
Wind defense is very nice though, giving you extra resistence versus Silence.
And Silence is the White Mages worst enemy.

Personally, I would suggest keeping all your full AF set as each part has its
uses. The boots have to be my favorite part though, Spell Inturruption down
is extremely useful.

Personally, I wear all my AF except my Club which I have other weapons (3,
actually) to replace. I much suggest getting a Dark Staff, Light Staff, and a
damage dealing club (Arcana Breaker, Darksteel Maul) to replace the AF weapon.

How hard is getting AF?

Well, that depends. At level 50 it is very difficult. But by 60 it becomes
quite a bit easier. When you probably do all of your coffers the mobs will be
Incredibly Tough, but by the time you hit 60 they will all con at Tough or

White Mage AF3 is known to be one of the hardest AFs, and is personally one of
the hardest I've done. WHM AF1 and AF2 are simple though, compared to others.

What is AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4, AF5, and AF6?

Each piece of AF armor is numbered. And each set of armor (set, meaning
class) has different numbers on each. Note that the number does NOT pertain
to the level of which you can wear the armor. Some people assume AF1 is 40,
AF2 is 52, AF3 is 54, etc. That is NOT true, if you are shouting for help in
jeuno JP and other NA will be secretly snickering behind your back because you
are calling for help with the wrong AF.

So then, what IS the right order?

AF1: Weapon, lvl 41
AF2: Boots, lvl 52
AF3: Body, lvl 58
AF4: Gloves, lvl 60
AF5: Hat, lvl 54
AF6: Pants, lvl 56

AF1, AF2, and AF3 are all quested pieces, while AF5 and 6 are coffere pieces.
AF4 is the same for all classes, and is done in the same manner, and the same
NM for each. The only thing that varies is the item for each class.

Section 2: Equipment Stats

This section will go over the stats of each piece of White Mage AF. Remember,
the stats change with each class, so if you are looking for Paladin, or Dark
Knight AF stats it would NOT be found here -_-.

White Mage AF1

Name: Blessed Hammer
Slot: Weapon
Level: 41
Damage: 27
Delay: 324
Stats: MND +2, MP +10

White Mage AF2

Name: Healers Duckbills
Slot: Feet
Level: 52
Defense: 12
Stats: MP+10, AGI+3
Spell Inturruption Rate Down 20%

White Mage AF3

Name: Healers Briault
Slot: Body
Level: 58
Defense: 40
Stats: MP: +15, Wind Defense +10, Enfeebling Magic Skill +10
Enmity -4

White Mage AF4

Name: Healers Mitts
Slot: Hands
Level: 60
Defense: 14
Stats: MP+10, Healing Skill +15, STR+5
Enmity -4

White Mage AF5

Name: Healers Cap
Slot: Head
Level: 54
Defense: 21
Stats: MP+13, MND+4, Dark Defense+15
Enmity -1

White Mage AF6

Name: Healers Pantaloons
Slot: Legs
Level: 56
Defense: 28
Stats: MP+15, VIT+3, Divine Magic Skill+15
Enmity -1

Section 3: AF Quests

White Mage AF1: Messenger from Beyond

You can start this quest ONLY once your White Mage class has reached level
40. To start, you need to go to the Chapel in Northern San d'oria (to the
right of the Chateau). Once in the Chapel, go up the stairs to the right, and
keep going up. At the top there will be an Elvaan NPC in partial White Mage
AF. His name will be Narcheral. Talk to him, and the quest, Messenger From
Beyond (or, White Mage AF1) will be started.

White Mage AF1 is actually one of the easiest AF1's I've done, of course, I
had two nice JP helping me at the time (at level 40 you so have NO contacts -_-
). Head to Valkurm Dunes, and head to what people call 'Secret Beach'. From
Selbina Zone, go all the way northwest, into the top, hidden corner of the
map. There will be a ??? somewhat near the Gustav Tunnel zone, at B-8.
This ??? only appears at night, as the mob you will fight is undead.

Please cast Stoneskin or Blink before touching the ???, for your own

When you click on the ???, a NM named Marchelute will POP. Like most other
White Mage mobs, and all Shadow mobs, he uses an abilty frequently called DD.
DD stands for Dimensional Death. Luckily, the DD on this mob isnt exactly too
strong, but to a level 40 character it can cause serious havok. I would
suggest a tank at least at level 50. When I did it, I had a level 65 Paladin
Tank, I had to use Cure III on him once, the mob hit him for practrically
nothing at all. I would suggest 2 60's for this, or at least 4 50's. The
mobs is quite fast and he always hits you first.

When Marchelute dies, he drops an item called a Tavnazia Pass. This RARE/EX
item is what you need to bring back to the White Mage in San d'oria. After
lotting and receiving this item, head back to San d'oria and Narcheal will
hand you your White Mage AF1, the Blessed Hammer.

White Mage AF2: Prelude of Black and White

To get this quest, you must have finished White Mage AF1, and have a White
Mage of level 50 or higher.

This quest is started with the same NPC that started the first White Mage AF
quest, Narcheal. He is once again found in the Cathedral in San d'oria. Talk
to him, and he will want some Yagudo Holy Water, and some Moccasins.

Yagudo Holy Water is aquired from Castle Oztroja. Castle Oztroja is on the
far eastern side of Meritaphaud Mountains, which are north of Tahrangoi
Canyon, and South of Sauromuge Champaign. Castle Oztroja is the Yagudo
beastmens stronghold. Because you will probably be helping other people with
AF in the future, you need to find, and mark this location.

The mobs you get the Yagudo Holy Water off are called Yagudo Abbots. Yagudo
Abbots are found past the second door in the castle. The first door is found
by taking a left at the entrance and following the path. The second door will
have 4 switches to the right of it. This is a rather long path and you will
probably need Invisible for it. Note that I find this door easier to get to
then the rank 5 area though, though it is not in that same direction.

For killing the Yagudo Abbots, I suggest a balanced part of at least level
52's. I was able to kill 1 of them with a level 47-50 party with less trouble
then I did an EXP mob, but they all wimped out and didn't want to kill
anymore. The Yagudo Abbots con Very Tough at level 50. Note that the other
mobs in that area will con Incredibly Tough, and the Yagudo Abbots, which are
WHitge Mage class, are easy compared to them.

The Yagudo Holy Water will drop very quickly. It took me 3 kills to get
mine. I hear others got it on their first kill. The next item is Moccasins,
these are crafted, so I suggest they be bought at the AH. I also hear a mob
in Castle Zhavl drop them, I have yet to see this though.

NOTE: There are a few (one or 2) Yagudo Abbot mobs in Castle Vhazl Keep.
These may be the mobs that drop the Moccasins, but I can not be positive. I
also do not know if they drop the Holy Water or not. I do know that they are
a few levels higher then the normal abbots, and a hell of a lot harder to get
to. So unless you are there for another reason, Dont bother with these. Any
information on these might be handy.

After you have the Holy Water and the Moccasins (I bought mine for 6 k) head
back to Narcheal in San d'oria and you will get your AF2 item, or the Healers
Duckbills. These are very nice items, and I know many level 75 White Mage who
wear them.

White Mage AF3: Pieuje's Decision

To obtain this quest, You must be a level 50 White Mage, and have completed
your White Mage AF1 and AF2. A warning before you start this quest though:
this is a very difficult NM, and I know some people who refuse to fight it
because they have died too often to it. When you fight it, make sure to warn
everyone of the risk of death that comes.

This AF quest is not started by Narcheal, but rather by the mage Prince,
Pieuje. Pieuje is the younger prince of San d'oria, and is located in the
Cheateau d'Oraguille. Take the left path and follow the left wall, eventually
you will find the prince Regents room. Examine the door, and a cut scene will
play, and you will recieve this quest.

Before you can go to Fei'Yin like the quest implies, you need to get a
Tavnazia Bell. Tavnazia Bells are dropped off Dark Stalker mobs in the
Eldieme Necropolis. At level 55 or so, the Dark Stalkers con Very Tough.
There are two main locations that Dark Stalkers pop, one is at the far end of
the Necropolis, and the other is on the lower level, near the 'Hume Bones'.
The Hume Bones is my preferred camp. This drop is rather random, as I've seen
two drop within a half hour, and the third took another 3 hours to drop. The
bell is EX, not RARE, so you can hold as many as you want. If you arent
confident you can beat the NM in Fei'Yin, I suggest getting two bells.

After you get your Tavnazia Bell, head to Fei'Yin. Fei'Yin is located at the
far north end of Beaucidine Glacier, which is to the southeast of the Teleport
Vhazl crystal. Once in Fei'Yin, you want to head to the upper level, and find
the ???. My party wandered around for a half hour before the 65 White Mage
actually remembered where it was -_-.

You will have to kill the NM for each White Mage in the party who wants the

Before you start the battle, clear the room out of all mobs, and make sure you
are fully healed. Some people like to get 300% TP on all melee before taking
this bad boy on. I don't actually reccomend that, because the tank will have
a hard time keeping hate. And the second the tank looses hate, people start
dying. Literally.

Also note that I much suggest a Ninja Tank for this battle. When I did mine,
I did it with a 67 Galka Paladin tank. His HP went from 1,700 to 300 in
seconds from the Dimensional Death. We also had two other Paladins 'just in
case' we needed them. A Ninja tank wont take damge from the DD spam (which he
does very often) and so less MP is used, and as long as he doesnt lose hate,
less deaths.

When ready, trade the Tavnazia Bell to the ???. Cast Stoneskin and Blink on
yourself first.

The first thing the Tank should do is do everything in his power to keep as
much hate as possible. But if its a Paladin, he should NOT use Invincible
immediately. Instead he should wait until about halfway through the battle.
Also, if you have a Paladin tank, your White Mage should have a Macro set up
exclusively for him. Lets say his name was 'Ghrast' I would set up a Cure III
spam macro for him, even when he is at 100% HP.

/ma "Cure III" Ghrast

That ensures that if he IS hit with DD that you can cure him very quickly.
Note though that He can spam DD 5-6 times in a row, so even at full HP, 2-3
people can die if he decided to. Ive seen a full HP SAM go from full HP to
death in seconds because no one cured her fast enough (or rather, the DD was
too fast). I've also seen a DRG about lvl 64 go from 1,300 HP to 20 in
seconds. And I've even seen people dead before you can even cure them or see
their HP go down.

Basically, with a paladin tank, this battle is very, very dangerous. yes,
they keep hate better, but there is a large chance they will die.

Ideally, you will want an alliance of at least 15 people, and have at least a
level 60 ninja tanking the battle for you. You want 3 White Mage at least,
and please, PLEASE tell your mele to be nice to the mob, there is too damage
to have the Paladin lose hate at a critical time.

You dont want the White Mage tanking this battle -_-. It IS possible to steal
hate from an entire alliance, which I have done, even with -11 enmity. So just
stick with Cure III spam on the main tank, and keep the rest of your PT (try
not to worry about the rest of the alliance, unless the other Parties don't
have a White Mage) because you never know when the main Tank will be brought
down to 300 HP.

After the Shadow is dead, lot of the Tavnazia Mask, and then bring it back to
Narcheal (NOT the prince) in San d'oria Cathedral and you will recieve your
Healers Briault.

While I have made a big deal of this battle, is IS extremely dangerous, if not
hard. When I got mine, I did it 6 separate times, with someone (mainly the
Dark Knights HINT HINT) dying each time, except for the one time the Paladin
used Invincible.

White Mage AF4: Bhorgertz's Healing Hands

All classes have the same quest for their AF hand items. To start this quest,
talk to the NPC Guslam in the weapon shop in Upper Jeuno while as your White

After you have done this, head to Beadeaux. head up to the highest level, and
then fall down in the northeast. You will now be hunting mobs for a Beadeaux
Coffer key. This item can be very easy, or very annoying as a drop item. I've
sen one key drop in six hours, and one key drop in 2 hours. The fastest I've
seen one drop was an hour, which was considered by all who helped as very
lucky. After you have the key, open the coffer chest, and you will recieve a
key item: Pair of Old Gauntlets.

Once you have the key item, head down into Port Jeuno and examine the ??? near
the Auction House and Jeuno: Duty Free. Then, head up into the Tenshodo
Headquarters in Lower Jeuno, and talk to the Mithra in there. When she asks
for 1,000 gil, pay her (you have to do this to continue the quest). Head back
down to port Jeuno and examine the ??? again, and another cut scene will

Now, you need to head to Castle Vhazl. if you dont have Teleport-Vhazl (Shame
on you!) walk from Rangeumont Pass to Beaucedine Glacier to Xarcabard. And in
Xarcabard go to the far west, and you will reach Castle Zhavl Baileys. Once
in the Castle, sneak and invis everyone up, and head straight. Eventually,
you will reach an intersection. At the intersection, head completely straight
until you reach an iron gate door. At this point, STAY IN THE CENTER!
Uninvis, and kill all the Demons around. But stay in the center, else many
will link on you. After all the Deoms are dead, have someone examine the Third
Flame from the left (second on the right) and a NM, the Dark Spark will

This is a bomb type NM, so keep Barifra up at all times incase he decides he
wants to explode. I suggest a party of level 55 or so to kill this mob,
though its very possible to kill it with only 1 75 melee and you. I did it
with no problem with me (56 at the time), a 55 Black Mage, 54 Summoner, 75
Warrior, and a 67 White Mage (Hexa Strike <3).

After the NM is dead, examine the torch again (you only need to kill him once)
and you will recieve the Shadow Flame. Now head back to Jeuno, and examine
the ??? again. You will recieve your AF4 Healers Mitts.

White Mage AF5: Garliage Citadel Coffer

There are two main hell holes in Final Fantasy XI. Eldieme Necropolis, and
Garliage Citadel. To get this coffer key, you need to kill the weapons, and
undead on the lower level of the citadel. The Beetles and bats you EXP off do
NOT work. Killing undead only, my party took 6 hours to get 3 keys. I hear
killing the weapons is faster drops, but I havent done that yet.

After you have your coffer key, MAKE SURE you have started the Bhorgertz's
Healing Hands, or have completed it. Now, you need to get past some Banishing
Gates. There are three Banishing Gates in Garliage Citadel. Each gate
requires 4 people to open, and there are mobs that agro everything in there.
Undead agro sound, a well as weakness/low HP, Beetles agro sight, and Arcana
(the magic Pots) agro magic. You may want to bring some Prism Powder and
Silent Oil with you when you do this. While your party can open both doors to
try and find the coffer, what I suggest doing is actually camping behind one
of the doors. I suggest Banishing gate 2, because there is a zone in case you
get into trouble.

Note that the doors here are very dangerous. I've seen a 75 Beastmaster get
killed behind these. It also took me 4 attempts to actually get this coffer,
with at least 6 deaths, and 5 other people getting killed for me. Very
dangerous, though possible if you are careful.

The coffer contains your AF4 hat, which I like to call your condom hat. I
hate how this thing looks ><

White Mage AF6: Crawlers' Nest Coffer

This has to be the easiest coffer key to obtain. Most likely, you will get
this key while EXP'ing at lvls 49-53. The Rumble Crawlers, Knight Crawlers,
and Helm Beetles drop it. Once you have the key, the problem is finding the
coffer. The coffer spawns on completely different sides of the nest, but once
you have it, and open it, you recieve your Healers Pantaloons.

A few things to note, Bees here agro sight, Lizards agro sound, and the Flies
agro as well. While these types of mobs do not usually agro, CN is an
exclusion, so keep everything up at all times. And also you may want a warp
scroll if your sub isn't BLM.

Section 4: Misc.

Legalities: This is all my personal work, from memory, and from hard work
doing these quests myself. If you copy this guide without my permission
(Please EMail me at fallenangelcyril@aol.com) then I can take legal action.
Plagiarism is NOT your friend damnit!

If you want to add something to my guide, find mistakes (...or your server
just might play differently...) or all around comment on my guide, feel free
to Email me at fallenangelcyril@aol.com as well.


TMF: Its been a while since I've really AF'd a lot with you (like...months)
but hey, what the hell, thanks for the help. I owe Ku especially because she
helped with my AF2 and 3.

JB: You know why.

Everyone on Garuda: Because I can. And because Garuda>all servers

Copyright 2004 Stephanie Nutter
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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