Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

16.10.2013 06:05:18
Guild FAQ for Ragnarok Online V2.50
by Anthwerp and Heiko-Jiro
Philippine Ragnarok Online
Copyright 2004

Version History:
v2.50 - (Dec 29,2004)
A lot has Happened these past few months! Sorry I haven't been updating
this FAQ (because it IS in serious need of updating.) I've been busy
on my Thesis. Anyway to start off, I added a LOT of new sections to
this FAQ concerning War of Emperium, 2-2 Jobs and the Juno patch. I
couldn't add more than this because of limited time though, but as soon
as I can I will finish these sections. I have just recently read the
Juno guide book they are still currently selling in major magazine
shops and Filbars. It costs P195 by the way (ouch!). Too overpriced if
you ask me though. I learned a lot and I suggest that you go out and
buy a copy because it's really informative (if you don't mind the
price). Even though you've been playing RO for about as long as I have,
you'll still learn a few neat things. I am now still in the Chaos
server, I'm with Insurrection now, and I'm happy and GAY, (not
literally of course *wink*) That's it for me! I also added the dates
when I finish updating so that I'll be able to keep track of the time
gaps. Enjoy!

v2.00 - (June 14,2004)
Okay, several months have passed and I've only found the time to look
at this FAQ just now. So much has happened... Sad to say, our guild
Blue Steel Dragons no longer exist (awwwwww....) and Heiko-Jiro has
eventually forsaken the Chaos server for the Iris server. Heiko-Jiro
has formed a guild there while Anthwerp is no longer a Guild Master.
Comodo has already come out and so has War of Emperium, so this guide
needed a MAJOR overhaul, which includes adding a new segment and
completely removing another. Anyway, let's get to the guide, shall we?

V1.12 - Deleted a section of the Introduction and corrected more more more
spelling mistakes! I also added a little something for the readers in
the acknowlegement section! Also added some more info on Emperium drops
and where the monsters are located. Next update, I promise I'll do the
section on the Guild Skills ok? Thanks!

V1.11 - Yet again fixed some spelling errors! I seem to have been veeery sleepy
on version 1.0! I also updated the Legal stuff section and the Managing
Your Guild Section. I also added some other stuff here and there so
keep readin'! I added some stuff about the Guild Taxes too!

V1.10 - Added the Guild Master's Management Etiquette Guide and also fixed some
grave spelling mistakes. Also elaborated some important parts of the

V1.05 - Corrected Some Spelling Errors and Fixed the Characters per line

V1.0 - Created this FAQ! This is my first FAQ (also Heiko-Jiro's First) so
please bear with us! There are some sections lacking including the Guild
Skills and the Guild Master's Management Etiqutte Guide. We hope to be
able to add this later on. Enjoy~~!

I. Introduction

II. Creating (and Destroying) A Guild

III. Managing Your Guild: Essensials and Advice

IV. Guidelines in Selecting Guild Members

V. Guidelines in joining a Guild

VI. Guild Master's Management Etiquette

VII. Guild Member's Etiquette

VIII. War of Emperium Need-to-knows

IX. War of Emperium Character Role Discussions

X. War of Emperium Strategies and Tactics

XI. Legal Stuff, Credits and Contact Information


I. Introduction:

The Guild system in Ragnarok Online is a very interesting and unique way
to build your skills and make new friends in the process. Basically, a
guild is an extended party of sorts. This "party" transcends lag,
disconnection, and rollbacks (well, maybe not rollbacks). More often
than not, your guild lasts for as long as you are playing RO (Or as long as
the GM is still active anyway) Other than that, having a guild is very cool,
in the most shallow sense. Not only do you get to see who of your guild is
online without PM'ing (Private Messaging) them, and as an added bonus, people
get to see your guild name, your party name and a very cool (well, it depends)
emblem when they point their mouse on you!

Nowadays, I get to see many people online who sport the cool emblems of
their guild. But quite frankly, I don't think they realize the true
importance of a guild. The Guild system was created to foster teamwork
and comraderie among the players, as well as a way to be able to have
better relationships with other people online. Sad to say, the guild
system has been reduced to nothing more than a status symbol. Most
guilds don't realize the true essense of a guild, thinking of it as only
a way to look cool ("Ooooh, I have 1M zeny and I bought my emperium to make
myself look cool!", or "Ooooh, I'm so lucky! The requiem I fought dropped
an emperium! People will like me now!"). Seriously, now is the time to
realize the true meaning of a guild.

Nowadays, because of the WoE (War of the Emperium) There are a lot of guilds
who sport the same emblems and the same (or closely similar) guild names. These
are called "Guild Extensions" and they are essentially the same guild, but the
members can't all fit in one guild. There has been a lot of changes in
perception with relation to guilds when the War of EMperium started, and those
changes are being felt even today. This guide will take you on a tour of these
perceptions as well as give you, the player, strategies and insights in WoE.


II. Creating A Guild (and Possibly Destroying a Guild)

Ok here's the Deal, I've seen many people online ask me about how the
guild works, what's with the emblem stuff and how did i put those spaces
on the GUild name and etc etc. Well Here's a practical step by step solution
on how to create your guild!

1. First off, you need an Emperium (YES! AN EMPERIUM!) Nowadays they cost
anywhere from 300K to 500K. If you're lucky enough to be able to pick up
an emperium, good for you!

Emperiums are dropped by: Shining Plants, Orc Zombies and Requiems.
They look like Gold Oridecons or Gold Mystic Frozens.

Shining Plants are located in Poring Haven (Izlude-->WEST-->SOUTH-->EAST)
Orc Zombies can be found in Orc Village (Izlude-->WEST 5X)
Requiems can be found in Morroc Sphynx (Morroc-->WEST)

2. When you finally have your Emperium, give it to the future GM because he
will be the one to form the guild.

3. While the emperium is in your items, type: /guild "" This will
create the guild with the specified name on it. You will see a confirmation
afterwards, then you're all set!

Note: BE CAREFUL! You can only set the Guild Name once. Once you've set the
name the only way to change it is break the old guild and make a new guild.

4. Next, create the emblem. An emblem must be 24X24 pixels. Otherwise it
won't load. Use an image editor to enchance or create your image or just
to shrink it down. Windows Bitmap format is preferred (the one with the
.BMP extension).

5. Go to your Ragnarok online folder
(Ususally found in c:\Program Files\Gravity\RagnarokOnline\)

6. Create a new folder named Emblem and place the image in that folder.

7. Log-on to your account press ALT+G for the guild menu. You will then see a
screen that shows the guild Information. At your upper righthand side, you
will notice a word that reads "Emblem:" with a blue square beside it. There
is also a button beside that with the word "Edit". Click on that.

8. A dropdown menu will show you the contents of the Emblem folder, simply
select the file name of the 24X24 image you put in there.

9. Log off then log back on to see your emblem and guild name under your
character! Congratulations Guild Master!

Now you have a guild. In the event that you grow tired of your guild and want
to get rid of it, all you have to do is type the command: /break ""
and there you go. Simple right? Actually there is one condition before you
can do this. You guild must be empty except for the Guild Master before this
will work. You may ask "What if the remaining members of the guild are deleted
characters? They still remain there, right?" Actually, in the case that they
ARE still there, all you have to do is expel everyone then you can break the
guild. Be warned that you have to prepare to say goodbye to your money and
your Emperium, not to mention your Guild experience. The Guild experience is a
painful thing to waste, so think about it before breaking guild.


III. Managing Your Guild: Essentials and Advice

First I'll discuss two important things, accessing the Guild Chat and accessing
the Guild menu.

The Guild menu is accessed by the GM or any guildsman by pressing the ALT+G
key. A new menu would then be shown and this will be discussed later on.

The Guild chat in RO is simple! Simply type the sentence you want to send to
the guild, then press ALT+ENTER to send this message to the Guild. All the
Guildsmen will be able to view it. It is marked by a light green color in the
message box.

Now that you understand all these, let's take a look at that ALT+G menu:

1st Tab: Guild Info

The First menu is the Starting point of every guild. It contains the summary
of the Guild including some important information like the Guild Emblem. the
Guild Level, the Average level of Guildsmen, the Alignment, the Alliances and
the Enemies. This also displays the Guild Alignment and the number of
Guildsmen Online at the moment. This is basically just a summary page of the
entire Guild.

Alliances and Enemies will be discussed later in this guide.

2nd Tab: Guildsmen Info

The second tab is very useful for finding out which person in the guild is
online at the moment. Online members appear with their faces beside their
names and Green highlights on their information bar. The level of the
Guildsman is also displayed here as well as the position (Which can be changed
by the Guild Master)

Beside the position of the Guildsman, the GM may notice a down arrow that
appears. This will allow the GM to change the position of the Guild member.
Note that a drop down menu will appear when this down arrow is clicked, from
there the GM can choose a new position for the GUildsman. These positions are
IN ORDER. So the First position that you choose will be the First Guildsman
that will appear on the Guildsmen Information Tab. The positions are
determined in the Third Tab: Position.

There is also a Devotion Field that appears on the IOnformation of each
Guildsman. Every new Guildsman (and also the GM) will start at 0% meaning he
or she has contributed 0% to the total Guild Experience. The Guild experince
will be discussed later on. There is also a field called Tax Points. This is
the total amount of taxed experience that a member has contributed to the

You can also use this menu to expel Guild members (Providing you are of
course the GM) Simply right-click on the member you wish to expel, A menu will
appear with the option. Choose expel. There will be a window asking you for
the reason of expulsion, put the reason down or simply leave it blank and the
member will be expelled.

3rd Tab: Position

Here, the GUild Master can set the names of the positions of the Guildsmen.
The position title can be edited by the GM. Next to the tax points, There is a
field called Invitiation Authority. If the GM checks this box, all members
with the corresponding positions (chosen at the Guildsmen Info Tab) have the
authority to invite new members to the Guild. After that there is the
Punishment Authority Field. If this is also checked, all Guildsmen with the
position have the authority to change the Tax of a specific position and expel
any guild member.

The Tax field is the amount of Base experience a member with the position will
be taxed or will be forced to contribute every time he or she kills a monster.
For example, A guildmember has a position that has a tax of 10%. If that
person kills a monster that gives a BaseExp value of 1000, then only 900 of
that will go to the player. The rest will go to the guild experience. A
maximum of 50% tax can be assigned to every position, even the GM position.

Advice to the GM's:

Arrange your members in ascending or decending order according to their levels
so that you will easily be able to see who has the highest level in the guild
and who will need extra attention. This also fosters competition amongst the
guild members for good old fasioned level racing. This would mean that they
would be leveling up as fast as they can, and that would be a great benefit to
the Guild.

4Th Tab: Guild Skills

The Guild Skills Tab consists of four primary skills:

1. Guild Approval(1)

Guild Approval allows your guild to participate in any guild siege by enabling
you to attack the opposing guild emperiums. If you plan on building your
guild's name in WoE, then this skill is the first to get on your list.

2. Kafra Contract(1)

Kafra Contract allows the guild to hire kafra personnel for their territory.
What this basically means is that you can save, warp and use the storage for
free when you're in your guild's territory. Now normally you would think this
is a good thing, but then again I'd just rather save this for later.

3. Guardian Research(5)

Guardian research allows you to hire Guardians for your territory during a
siege. These Guardians are big lumbering oxes about as smart as a rock, so
they don't really pose a threat to most people. Besides, they attack anyone
not in your guild, which includes all allies. I'd skip it for later, if ever
I'd get it in the first place.

4. Guild Extension(10)

This skill increases the maximum capacity of guildsmen in your guild. Now,
this is what I'm talking about. If there's one thing I've learned in Orc
Dungeon, Byalan 4 and CT Basement is that there is strength in numbers.
WoE is no exception. Each level increases maximum capacity by 2. After
getting Approval you should probably max this one immediately.

There is another skill available for guilds according to sites like Ragnamart
but I'm not too sure if pRO already has it

5. Charisma(??)

Apparently this skill provides guildmembers additional flee and defense during
a siege. Some people I've talked to say that this skill does not exist yet in
pRO, or that they are not sure of its pre-requisites at the very least. If
this was really implemented, I'd get it and max it immediately.

The maximum level a guild can reach is level 50, I don't know where the extra
status points go, But I'll be sure to update this FAQ as soon as I get this

5th Tab: Expulsions History Tab

This only keeps track of the members expelled from the Guild and their
reasons for being expelled.

6th Tab: Guild Notices

This tab can be edited by the GM only, This is where the GM places the stuff
like announcements to the whole guild. It will be viewed immediatley after
the GM edits and sends the message. Simply type in the message the click on
the send button on the bottom right corner of the guild menu and the message
will be sent to the Guild. This can be seen in the message box.


IV. Guidelines in Selecting Guildmembers:

Ok, so now you have made yourself a guild. Now as a GM you have the power
to hand-pick your members, but wait a sec. Just because you can invite
people doesn't mean you should right-click at every character you see.
Selecting your members is a very delicate task that could either make or
break your Guild.

1. Never Recruit Flooders, Kill-Stealers and Looters

I can't express enough how important this is. A good guild is dependent on
how well-behaved their members are.

There was one time while I was still in my low levels when an archer was
KS'ing me, not only once, but repeatedly. I asked him nicely not to do
that. Instead of obliging, he just cursed me. Also, it was not just me he
was KS'ing, but also everyone in the area. Weeks later, he became a hunter,
and he now had a guild. Most of the people who he KS'ed saw that guild
as being full of jerks, looters and KS'ers, and refused to deal with any of
their members. Mind you, these people who refused to deal with the guild
are Priests, Merchants and Blacksmiths - the worse people to pick a fight
with IMHO.

This is why it is very important that guild members behave, because
the guild suffers for their misbehavior. The guild name could be ruined
and NO GM wants that! GMs have the right to reprimand their Guild Members,
remember that.

2. Recruit while they are still in their 1st job

This is probably the most difficult thing to live with as a GM. Characters
still in their first job don't contribute much (well, except for merchants)
since they are still relatively weak. Waiting for him/her to level up will
be no problem, since your guild can tank for him/her. The guild might
suffer now, but trust me, it's worth it. Besides, most people of 2nd job
already have guilds, and the few who are guild-less probably don't really
care about having one.

3. If possible, recruit only those who you know personally

Knowing your guildmembers personally has several advantages. First, you
can be sure of the quality of the "merchandise". This means that you have
first-hand knowledge of the worth of that character, and what he/she can
contribute to the guild. Next, you can be sure of what kind of person
he/she is behind the character sprite. This way, you can avoid your guild's
name being trashed like old underwear because of the actions of your guild

4. If you can, make a background check on the member before you recruit

If you don't know this person personally, at least perform a background
check. This means that you have to first see him fight. See if his skills
in battle would be an asset to your guild. Next, be observant. Before you
considered him to be a potential member, did he flood a lot? Is he known to
be a kill-stealer or a looter? These are questions you have to consider if
your guild's name matters to you.

5. Don't expect that everyone you offer accepts your invitation

Don't think of your guild too highly. Just because you have the cool
emblem and your guild member's average level is in the 80's doesn't mean
people will give an arm and a leg to be part of your guild. Ask people
nicely if they want to be in your guild or not. If they refuse, don't
take it against them. They must have a good reason why they don't want to
be in your guild. Maybe the character already has a pending membership in
another guild, or maybe they just don't want to be a part of a guild. Either
way, don't make a fuss about it.

6. Select guildsmen whom you think will be loyal

Helping guildsmen is all well and good, but if that person decides to leave
your guild for no apparent reason after you've raised and helped him is very
bad. Select guildsmen who'll stick with your guild through thick and thin.
Loyalty after all, makes a guild stronger.


V. Guidelines in Joining A Guild:

So maybe you're not lucky enough to be able to pick up emperium, or earn
enough to buy one for yourself. So what do you do now? Why not consider
being a guild member rather than a guild master? Lots of people find that
more appealing than spending hours in orc dungeon for the chance to get
emperium from orc zombies. As with everything, here are some guidelines.

1. Do not Flood, Kill-Steal or Loot

I seem to repeat myself these days. The really decent guilds are composed of
people who play by the rules. Which means, if you don't, do not expect any
guild to want to recruit you. 'Nuff Said.

2. Set your horizons straight

Let's face it. No matter how strong you are, guilds don't really care. Some
examples of such guilds are Shadow Circle, Steel Wolves and pRO Blacksmith's
Guild in Chaos Server and Ninja, Judges 1:2 and KissBone in Iris server. Their
membership is strictly by invitation, so don't get your hopes up. A more
realistic guild to aim for are those who are still trying to build their name,
which means regardless of who you are and what character you play, they will
take you as who you are. Who knows, these people might become the next "in"
guild. Besides, at least no one can say that you're hitching a free ride on
the guild's success.

3. Be wary of those guilds with a recruitment fee

Let me clarify this one. I'm not saying that guilds should never have a
guild membership fee. I know I paid to be a part of my guild (well,
indirectly paid). Just be careful because they can expel you at any moment
the choose. Or even worse, these recruiters could be scammers.

4. Stick to those you know personally

People who know you personally would think twice before expeling you from
the guild when the time comes that they need space for members. They would
also understand whatever reason you have for not being able to contribute to
the guild. Maybe you're poor, or just unlucky, people you know don't care
about shortcomings and are more trustworthy in the end.

5. Do not pester the GM: Just wait to be invited

There is nothing that can change a guildmaster's mind about recruiting you
more than pestering him to recruit you. Let's face it, no one wants someone
who is so desperate to get something that they will annoy people to get
it. Annoying the GM is a bad thing, and would usually shoot your chances
of a guild membership down the drain.


VI. Guild Master's Management Etiquette

So you are now the Guild Master of a very new guild! You currently have only
one member (which is YOU by the way) and thats about it. Well when you do have
Guildsmen already, here's some guidelines:

1. Do NOT fill up the Guild Notices with useless information

The memo appears EVERY TIME a character Exits and enters a map. Seeing the
same long annoying boring message over and over again is really annoying to
your Guildsmen.

2. DO NOT put up very high taxes

Your Guildsmen will have a hard time levelling and this may cause some of them
to leave the guild. Of course as GM, we don't want any of that now do we? Give
50% taxes to those in level 99, that way, They can help the guild in levelling
and not just wasting experience when killing monsters.

3. Assist all your guildsmen whenever possible

If your Guildsman is looking for a whisper card and you happen to find one
lying around (highly impossible.) AND you don't really need it, just give it
to your guildsman. It is your responsibility to take care of your Guild. One of
the real downsides of being the GM.

4. Don't fool around with the Position Names

Guildsmen generally want you to put some name that THEY request. IMO, just give
it to them, let them have that satisfaction since it's only a name and that it
doesn't really mean anything.

5. Please advise your guild beforehand with anything

It's not good to just shock your guildsmen with astronomically high taxes or
new guild policies that they themselves did not find out about at least a day
before. I personally believe that democracy is still the way to go, so be
sure not to be a dictator and have a concensus on everyting you plan to do.


VII. Guild Member's Ettiquette:

Congratulations! You are now a part of a guild. Now you have the really
cool emblem and are now associated with the likes of Tomoe Hotaru, kelvs and
Crescens (ok, so they're all blacksmiths, but they are just examples).
You might think that it all stops here, right? Wrong. You still have to
live up to the name of the guild who recruited you. Here are the two most
important things you have to remember as a guild member.

1. Do not flood, kill-steal or loot

And for the upteenth time, I repeat myself. This is THE commandment for
all guild members. Learn to behave, or you might ruin the name of the
people who were kind enough to take you in when you were still a lowly
mage, or whatever your job was. More importantly, they are more likely to
expel you from the guild if you don't play nice.

2. Help each other out, for crying out loud!

As a part of the guild, you have just signed a binding contract that ob-
ligates you to help your guildmates out. Regardless of how high your level
is compared to the other guild members, you should oblige when one of them
asks for your help. Whether they ask you to tank them, or asks if he can
borrow your +6 very very strong wind bastard sword when you're not using it,
help him/her out to the best of your abilities. Believe me. It's much
better for a guild to have a guild average of 75 rather than having only one
member in his 90's, while the guild's average is only 60+. After all, there's
no "I" in "Team", is there?

3. Show some loyalty

Guild loyalty is very important, especially in the coming of WoE. Some of the
secrets of a guild like in defesive and offensive strategies may be taught to
guildsmen. It won't really hurt to show some loyalty to your guild. After all,
they are your family now as well as your friends. Don't be a traitor.


VIII. War of Emperium Need-to-Knows

Now you're ready to prove your guild to all of rune-midgard. What better place
to do so than in the Guild Siege! Here you use all your guild's strength and
wits in order to acquire a castle, or agit, to call your own. Now before you
rush head-on to the various guild castles in rune midgard, there are some
things you have to know that will be indispensible to your success in the

1. In order to participate in WoE, you need to get the first guild skill Guild
Approval. This enables your guild to attack other guild agits and attack
their emperiums.

2. When you attack and destroy an Emperium, the defending guild DOES NOT get
destroyed, meaning they can come back and attack.

3. After attacking and successfully taking an agit, all guildmates stay in the
agit. All other people get respawned or "flushed" as it is called, to their
respective spawning points, so save near the AGIT you're attacking.

4. The emperium of an agit is not affected by spells. This includes area of
effect spells like Lord of Vermillion, Storm Gust, etc. The emperium is
also immune to skills. The only spell that can be cast on an emperium is
sanctuary. It is the only way to heal an emperium.

5. Also, an emperium cannot be targeted by ranged skills and weapons, so
hunters are definitely out (unless they start punching the Emperium).

6. The emperium is an earth element insect, (don't ask me why) meaning
Insecticide (Caramel Card) works very very well against it, and so can Fire
elemental weapons. So be creative, go make a +10 quad insecticide pike, +7
Fire Swordmace or something. Word has it that Gravity might change it into a
Holy element type so I would stock up on anti-holy cards if I were you.

7. There are certain skills that are disabled in WoE, also, there are some
aspects of the game that have changed. This includes the following:

# Knights: Endure skill fails in agits.
# Hunters: Half damage to all attacks and skills
# Wizards: Half damage to all skills
# Priests: Teleport skill fails, no resurrection, Warp Portal is disabled
# Novices: Play Dead cannot be cast on a doorway, else the character gets
# All knock-back effects are disabled. (No knock-back from brandish, arrow
repel, etc)
# Phen Card is also disabled in WoE.
# Gold Thief Bug card was disabled by Gravity.

8. Once a guild is in posession of an agit while the period of WoE has not
expired, any member of the guild in possession can teleport to the agit
spawn point (the room immediately before the emperium room) by talking to
the Flag outside the agit.

9. A player can attack another player during the time set for WoE, after this,
PvP in agits is disabled, also, the emperium disappears and the people in
possession of the agit when the time expires is considered the new(old)
owners of the agit.

10.Once an agit is in the possession of a guild, there is a special room that
only the GM can go into. There is a guild treasure that can be retrieved
everyday, this treasure is a rare item that is generated in random and
accoring to where the agit is and is also dependent upon the guild economy.
The Guild Economy can be upgraded only by the Gm of the Guild. This also
requires shelling out some cash to advance the economy.

11.Between guild sieges, owners of agits have special access to dungeons full
of beefed-up versions of monsters found in Rune Midgard. Examples of such
monsters include Zombie Masters, Ancient Mummies, and such. The monsters
found in such dungeons vary based on the castle occupied by the guild.


IX. War of Emperium Character Role Discussions

With the release of the alternate second jobs in Ragnarok Online, several new
strategies have been made. Because of this, a new factor also has to be
considered when recruiting guild members, their character classes. A brief
discussion of the roles of a character are as follows:

#Knights - Knights have a reputation as being the Master Meat Shields and/or
tankers in RO. They are capable of taking incredible punishment and are still
able to live after it. In RO, The Brandish spear skill and Bash skill is often
used by spear knights. Contrary to popular notion, A Vit Knight can be an
excellent emperium breaker not because of their attack speed, but because they
are mostly the few who ever actually GET to the emperium, plus a +10 Quadrouple
Insecticide Pike packs one heck of a punch against an emperium. This is of
course not considering that most Vit Knights have PecoPecos which get them to
the emperium faster.

#Wizards - Are the backbone of most defensive strategies in WoE. Known for
spamming multiple killer/stopper spells, these guildsmen are essential
to an offensive and defensive force. Storm Gust, Quagmire, Lord of
Vermillion and Jupitel Thunder are some common spells that these
character classes employ.

#Priests - Most priests that enter an Agit in WoE are VIT builds. These
characters are incredibly difficult to take out because of their high defense
and their Heal skill. These characters are necessary in the protection of
Wizards, Archers and other low defense character classes.

#Hunters - Because of their nerfed damage potentials inside an agit, Hunters
are usually used as trappers. Most hunters I know are not very aware of this
fact and just soon as shoot a Double Strafe (which is actually dumb IMO) than
just slow an enemy down or support a teammate. Some of the smarter hunters I
know are equipped with Quadrouple cursing (Magnolia) cards that are capable of
slowing down any character class they come across. Using Arrow Shower with a
Quadrouple Status Modifying Weapon makes the Hunters very dangerous enemies
(if people get around to actually doing this anyway.)

#Asassins - Are usually the ones who break the emperium due to their
exceptional attack speed and stealth. These character classes are also perfect
for killing or delaying enemies that they come across because of their fast
attack speed and high damage potential. Any good Offensive force should have
asassins in their lines and every defense force needs an asassin near the

#Blacksmiths - These characters often use mammonite as their primary skill
when killing off opponents. This has very high damage potential and this
character is also capable of taking loads of damage because of white potions
stashed in the cart. I once saw a Blacksmith take out an entire gate defense
force by himself, and with a handicap of using a Quardrouple Clamorous
instread of a Quadrouple Bloody.
(Kudos to Nigel of the Insurrection Cavalry Force)

#Crusaders - Crusaders also have a way in taking a lot of punishment, Unlike
knights though, they also specialize in supporting and protectingh guildmates,
thus they are very imprtant in the support as well as the offensive strategy.
Crusaders in WoE are very versatile as they can deal a lot of damage
(by Grand Cross) or support weaker party members (By Devotion). Depending on
the build, a Crusader may be used as both an offensive, or supportive
character class.

#Sages - With skills such as Land Protect, Sages have been employed as a great
offensive force. They are capable of breaking through enemy defense with the
use of Land Protect, they can also stop enemies with Stone Curse. These skills
alone can make sages very powerful in WoE. They can also cast a multitude of
other spells than can disable an enemy. Sages are very importent in an
offensive force.

#Monks - Monks are the epiphany of a tremendous offense of defense. The skills
such as Throw Spirits, Infiltration and Extemity Fist make this character a
very deadly foe. Using these skills would enable the monk to take down any
character class and most builds that it can come across. A Monk is a MUST for
every guild. This is beside the point that they can also provide healing and
angelus to other party members.

#Rogues - These characters are very useful in an emperium defense because of
their Strip abilities. The use of Strip abilities can beef up any defensive
force there is by removing the defense of any opponent against status
effects, and also reducing that character's defense. This character class
is primarily used against Vit Knights and Blacksmiths who are key emperium

#Bard/Dancer - Primarily support characters, these classes are often used in
defensive setups. The most common skills used are Bragi's Song and War Drums.
These characters are also a tremendous help to heal/warp stations and gate

#Alchemists - These characters are less seen in WoE because they are primarily
used as potion makers. Recently, due to the large impact of the Stripping
skills of the Rogue character class, Chemical Protect is being used as a means
of countering the defensive strategy. Potion pitcher is also used somewhat
during WoE as a means of supporting Knights and Monks.


X. War Of Emperium Strategies and Tactics

With the advent of the 2-2 jobs, the rules have changed a bit as new strategies
are made by some guilds in order to defend or to successfully take an agit.
This section takes you into an in-depth look at some of the well-known
strategies employed by several guilds. This part will be divideds into two
sections with each detailing offensive or defensive strategy.

A) Offensive Strategies

1. Preparation
As much as possible, the characters that go in first should have at least a
Marc card in their armor. There are a lot of instances wherein most guildsmen
become frozen and get killed even before they can attack. A Marc card is
relatively cheap now and is very important in killing off a spellcaster. A lot
of white potions or Yggdrassil seeds/berries is also recommended before trying
to crash through any gate or claim an agit.Without whites, no one's gonna
survive, even if you ARE with a priest.

2. Breaking through a defensive position
This happens when there are a lot of enemies on the other side of the portal
spamming all sorts of skills like Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, Quagmire,
etc. Mostly, only area of effect skills are used because they can inflict
status on a lot of people at one time. Keep in mind that you are invunerable
for about 3 seconds when you enter a portal to change a room. While most guilds
prefer the "Army of China" Method (wherein all the guildsmen just storm into
a portal at the same time in the hopes of overwhelming the defenders with their
numbers), Some strategies have been developedin order to counteract the
standard gate defense. These include the following:

-Having a high DEX Sage go in first to cast land protect and give the
signal for the troops to enter. This way, all possible spells that are
cast near the portal simply vanish and there will be no other spells
cast in that area for a duration. This way, your troops can storm in
without fear of being frozen, slowed and/or killed by spells.
-Having all VIT build Blacksmiths and Knights enter first. This way,
the focus is on them while the softer characters can go in later on
and cast area of effect spells to kill off defenders.
-Choking off a defensive position. This is a way in which attackers
kill of enemies one by one and then exit the portal. This way, there
can be no more reinforcements that can enter and their numbers would
be reduced.

Bottom Line? There are much more efficient methods to kill off a defensive
position than just by the Army of China method. In Quality vs. Quantity,
Quality is always a better option.

3. Controlling the Emperium
There are basically two ways to control the emperium and this is dependent on
the situation of the agit you are currently attacking. It's either a controlled
agit, or an FFA agit.

-In a controlled agit, where there is only one defender and one
aggressor, a typical "Hostage" method is done. The hostage method is
executed by first, breaking through all the defense, and at the same
time, setting up defenses of your own. This includes leaving some
guildsmen or divisions to lock certain areas of an agit so other
reinforcements or other people can't get through. The front liners
then try to kill off everyone in the Emperium room taking care NOT to
break the enemy's emperium. This way, the defensive positions have
already been established and an agit will come under the aggressor's
control. The emperium is broken ONLY one or two minutes before time
runs out. This way, all enemies and allies are flushed and the time
-In a typical FFA or free-for-all agit, where there are multiple
aggressors and multiple owners, the hostage method is also sometimes
used if one big guild is making a push to control the emperium. If
there are multiple small guilds though, it becomes harder. First of
all, make sure that all breakers have anti-earth/Insect weapons with
them. This makes the damage go higher and your guild has a better
chance to control the emperium. Next, bring in the Agi Knights and
give them a quick agi up. This way they get to the emperium faster and
they can hit it faster to increaser the chance of getting it. Another
thing is to wait 5 seconds after a flush to enter. This way, all of
your opponents are flushed out of the agit and you have a better
chance of getting there first. If the aggressor is a small guild, an
attack shouldn't be made until the last 5 to 10 minutes of the siege
since that guild wouldn't be able to defend it anyway. Since the
Emperium is not affected by spells (except for sanctuary), wizards
are encouraged to use Storm gust on the emperium as this will freeze
the other guildsmen and won't really affect your ally. Quagmire is
also helpful. Hunters can also use arrow shower with Quad-Cursing
weapons to slow down enemies. Blacksmiths are advised to use Hammer
Fall to stun the enemies while breaking the emperium.

*There is a BUG in pRO wherein 3-4 seconds after a guild gains control of an
agit, a character can enter a portal and go to the next room when everyone
else is being flushed out. This way, that character doesn't get flushed out.
a guild called S I N always uses this tactic and I have also tried it at a
point. Needless to say, it's cheating, but it's very effective.

These are only some of the Offensive strategies that are implemented, There are
quite a bit more that I know, but that's all a big guild secret (/gg)
FYI: I am one of the emperium breakers in my division :)

B) Defensive Strategies

A good defense is a good offense, That's true if you're fighting only one or
two people, but in this case..? You'd be dead wrong. Defensive strategies are
necessary because mainly of the agit economy. A guild who can get a very high
economy guild house and keep it that way is probably a strong guild. Cheap
smaller guilds who just happen to get the last break every time don't get any
respect because they just get lucky, OR they use the BUG in pRO to cheat,
nevertheless, getting an agit every time doesn't make you strong, but keeping
that agit without anyone breaking through your defense? That's strong. Here are
a few defensive tactics that are commonly used by the strong guilds in order
to secure their emperium.

1. Gate Defense
Defending a gate is a huge responsibility, especially when you have to defend
the front gate. Typically, what most guilds do is that they use 3-4 Wizards in
a gate to cast Quagmire, Storm Gust and LoV near the gate entrance. Traps are
also used in choke points so that the enemies that eventually break through
are stopped and can be easily killed.

A typical defense force would have blacksmiths and Knights near the portal,
Wizards beside the priests in the back and asassins and hunters in the rear.
What the Knights do is typically use Brandish spear or Bash (Pierce can also be
used) whenever an enemy comes in. Blacksmiths use Hammerfall and Mammonite to
stunb and kill of low VIT enemies. The Wizards use area of effect spells to
disable or kill enemies and the priests would be on standby to heal them or to
cast Suffragium (to shorten casting delay) The bard and Dancers can also be
used here to aid the meelee or the front line troops. The hunters would be
using Ankle Snare and Arrow shower to trap and/or curse incoming enemies while
the asassins kill of the remaining forces that get thorugh. Refer to the
Character Role discussions on the uses of each specific class. This is of
course NOT the only way to defend a gate,there are a lot more that you should
try out for yourself.

2. Emperium Defense
Defending an Emperium is probably one of the hardest things to do. It is very
different from defending a gate in the sense that it isthe last line of defense
against an opposing guild. If that defense falls, It's all over. Say goodbye to
20 points of your agit's economy. The 2-2 Jobs are very important near the
emperium as they can do a lot to help the survival of your emperium.

An emperium defense also fuctions the same way as a gate defense. The
difference is that there are priests near the emperium and there are Monks and
Rogues in the room. Although there can also be rogues near the other gates, If
the guild has a small pool of 2-2 jobs, they should be concentrated near the
emperium. Monks should stay near the emperium and so should some priests. The
Extremety Fist is often used them some enemies get too close and the Strip
Weapon/Armor skill should also be used by the rogues. In places where there
is water in the emperium room, or there are sages there, the Water Ball spell
is very strong against enemies (Unless they are wearing anti-water element

The Defense of an Agit can be straightforward, and in a lot of times a person
can just say that "The more people, the better" But that's not necessarily
true in this case. Specifics like the character class, the distribution of
guildsmen, friendly fire and skill use must also be taken into account.


IX. Legal Stuff, Credits and some other stuff you might not read anyway

This FAQ was submitted on www.gamefaqs.com and you can always find this there,
every updated version will likewise also be posted there first. IGN has also
requested to host this FAQ. While it's OK to post this FAQ anywhere else, I
advise that you credit the original authors on this FAQ as with the other
reference materials that you may have possibly used and please tell us before
doing so. There is also the thing I hate, please do not sell this FAQ for
personal profit OR post it in those websites that have those BOTS and HACKS
and the other stuff that just makes the game SO unfair. Please also tell us
if you plan to post this FAQ, we would appreciate it very much! Any infraction
of the afore-mentioned stuff will prompt us to pursue legal action (blah blah).

^_^. Thanks for reading this FAQ by the way! We'd appreciate any comments you
would give us! Really! I've gotten a lot of email about updating this FAQ and
it really motivates us to do more, so please keep sending them in ok? Thanks!

A big thank you to RagnaMart for the info on guild skills. RagnaMart can be
found on http://www.merchantguild.net/~ragnamart

A Big big thank You to gameFAQs for accepting and posting this FAQ! Mwah! Lab u
all fafa Gamefaqs! Ahahhaaaaayyyy!

ALSO: Thanks for all the feedback! We appreciate your kind comments! Just
keep em' comin ayt?! (^_^)/

You can contact Anthwerp: anthwerp@pldtdsl.net
or Heiko-Jiro: i_am_johnsay@yahoo.com

**From the Author**
A big shoutout to my guildmates in Insurrection. You can visit us at the website
http://www.insurrectionweb.com/ (if ever our Great GM updates it). If you
have any complaints about the guild, you can post it at our message boards in
http://s7.invisionfree.com/insurrectionweb/ and we'll be more than happy to kick
out the offending guild member (subject to investigation of course *wink*)

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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