Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

17.10.2013 22:25:31
B. S. Sacramenti Guide
For International Ragnarok Online
By Skygor
Players: Skygor Priest lvl 88 full support, BSS Bomber on Loki
Skygor II Bard lvl 76 Mental Sense, Classical Pluck bard on Loki
Lapu Merchant lvl 47 battle merchant on Loki

"Ora et Labora"
--monastic and seminarian motto

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
A. Purpose
A. Jargon
2. Basic Stuff
A. What It Does
B. How to Get It
3. How to Perform
A. Basic Rules
B. Line up Examples
C. Flinching
4. Defensive Use
A. Analysis
B. Elemental Attacks
C. Basic Elemental Attacks
D. Status Conditions
E. Grand Cross Kickback
5. Offensive Use
A. Basics
B. Advantages
6. Player Vs. Player
7. BSS Parties
8. Conclusion
9. Version History
10. Legal Junk

1. Introduction -- 1.A Purpose
Benedictio Sanctissimi Sacramenti, i.e. benediction of the most Blessed
Sacrament) is the least known and most complex to perform skill in Ragnarok
Online. Every player should read the "What it Does" part and every acolyte and
priest should read the "How to Perform" part, also if possible READ THE ENTIRE
GUIDE. It makes a good resource on elemental attacks and their mechanics. Be
forewarned that B.S. Sacramenti is a skill most likely designed for large
parties and cooperative excursions. Those who like to solo or small parties
may be disappointed. If you still don't like what you're hearing keep reading
so at least you have something to make fun of latter.

1.B Jargon
Here is some basic jargon used in this guide.

Jargon: special vocabulary for a given field
BSS: Benedictio Sanctissimi Sacramenti
BSSer: a priest who casts B.S. Sacramenti
ME: Magnus Exorcismus
MEer: a priest who can cast Magnus Exorcismus
FS: full support (priest)
iRO: International Ragnarok Online
PvP: player versus player situations (includes War of the Emperium)
HP: hit points
SP: skill/spell points
Bomb: refers to force casting a spell, e.g. Healing, on a monster to damage it
Rank: proper character arrangement for BSS (See How to Perform.)
Shadow is also called Dark.
Ghost is also called Sense or Spirit(ual).
Ghost is _not_ the same as No Form.
For simplicity I will use a male gender when referring to classes.

2. Basic Stuff -- 2.A What It Does


SP Consumption: 40SP total = 20(BSSer) + 10(Helper) + 10(Helper)
Target: Ground
Duration: skill_level * 40 seconds
Damage: (base_level + (int/8))*(skill_lvl*8+4) / 2
Description: The ground of the cell targeted and the nine adjacent cells
around it are infused with a holy property. Any players in that area have
their armors enchanted with the holy property; while monsters of the Undead
element, Demon race, and Ghost element monsters receive damage in a splashing

X: where BSS is cast.
O: cells that are also affected.
.: unaffected cells.


2.B How to Get It
Only a priest may get BSS, and here is the skill outline leading up to it. The
fractions by the skill names indication the level required to move up the tree
over the maximum skill level for it.

B.S. Sacramenti (1/5)
Aspersio (5/5)
Aqua Benidicta* (1/1)
Imposito Manus (3/5)
Gloria (3/5)
Magnificat (3/5)
Kyrie Eleison (4/10)
Angelus* (2/10)
Divine Protection* (3/10)

*Acolyte Skills

At a quick glance against the entire acolyte and priest tree, a BSSer is better
suited with a FS priest instead of a MEer. Since it is challenging to perform
BSS, getting BSS is an all or none situation to maximize duration and damage.
Either get level five or skip it entirely. Finally if you have *reliable* and
*competent* priest friends in share range getting it quickly will allow for
more fun early on. (See Offensive Use.)

3. How to Perform It -- 3.A Basic Rules


In order to perform BSS the BSSer needs help from two other acolytes or
priests, no monks. All they have to do is line up with these stipulations:

1. They are _directly_ adjacent to the BSSer, no cell spaces in
2. They form a horizontal (left-right) line with the BSSer when the
camera angle is normal--double right click.
3. The BSSer is in the middle.
4. The both helpers have at least 10 SP.

These are factors that DO NOT matter when performing BSS:

Party Association: The helpers do not have to be in the same party
as the BSSer regardless of the in game description.

Target Party Associations: BSS like Sanctuary and Safety Wall target
the ground. Any player who is in the nine cell splash area will
receive its effects.

Unity of Helper Class: Any combination of acolytes or priests may
aid in casting BSS.

Resting Of the Helpers: It does not matter if the helper is sitting
or standing to aid in BSS.

Consciousness of the Helpers: Even if the helpers have zero HP they
can assist with BSS, so long as they can form a valid
positioning and have SP.

Skills of the Helpers: The helper acolytes or priests do not have to
know BSS or any other skill to aid in its performance.

3.B Line Up Examples
Even though the previous section is a thorough description here are some
diagrams of proper and improper line-ups for BSS with comments. Several cases
are given so that the BSSer and helpers had a clear idea of what is required.
(From now on for simplicity's sake a proper BSS line up will be called a rank.)

X: B.S. Sacramenti Priest
A: an acolyte
P: a priest
O: any other class
: empty space/tile/cell

Line Up | Type |Comments and Corrections (if needed)
| |The BSSer is in the middle and the other priests are
PXP | Good |right next to the BSSer horizontally.
| |
| |The BSSer is in the middle and the other acolytes are
AXA | Good |right next to the BSSer horizontally.
| |
| |The BSSer is in the middle and the helpers are adjacent
AXP | Good |and horizontal. It does not matter that the helpers are
| |mixed classes.
| |Basically this is the reverse of the previous line up.
PXA | Good |
| |
| |The BSSer is in the middle, but the right helper is one
PX P | Bad |cell too far. If he moves over to the left one cell it
| |will be a good line up.
| |Although the priests are lined up the BSSer is not in the
PPX | Bad |middle. If the left most priest moves to the BSSer's
| |right side it will be a good line up.
P | |Although the priests are in a row with the BSSer in the
X | Bad |middle, it is a vertical line. The helpers should move
P | |to the BSSer's right and left side for a good line up.
P | |This is like the previous case up on a diagonal. BSS
X | Bad |only works with a horizontal line. The other priests
P | |should move up and down respectively.
| |In this case another class is blocking the priest line
PXOP | Bad |up The other class should move away and the left priest
| |should close the gap.

3.C Flinching
The only issue to worry about when a proper rank is formed is flinching.
Flinching occurs when a monster successfully attacks the BSSer or a helper. In
that situation the flinch "moves" the priest out of square and therefore rank
is broke. Therefore if that happens, "break" and form rank quickly again.

4. Defensive Use -- 4.A Analysis
The main use of BSS is for Holy armor. Like all other elemental aspects Holy
armor can increase or decrease the effect of another attack. Since the
player's armor is Holy, they in a sense act like a monster of a Holy property.
Here is a chart that displays only attacks on holy monsters derived from charts
on the official iRO website.

1 | 100 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 0 | 125 | 75 | 100
2 | 100 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 |-25 | 150 | 50 | 125
3 | 100 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 |-50 | 175 | 25 | 150
4 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |-100| 200 | 0 | 175

Now on examination of the chart in general the Holy property does four things.
It does nothing with Normal attacks. It grants perfect blocks or healing from
Holy attacks. It increases damages from Shadow and Undead attacks, and some
protection from everything else. Now the question is how do players receive
elemental attacks.

4.B Elemental Skills
The first source of elemental attacks which everyone should know already are
from skills that players and monsters. For simplification and reference here
is a list of skills with elemental associations.

Name | Element
Aspersio+ |Holy*
B.S. Sacramenti |Holy**
Blast Mine |Fire
Claymore Trap |Fire
Cold Bolt |Water
Earth Spike |Earth
Enchant Poison+ |Poison
Envenom |Poison
Fire Ball |Fire
Fire Bolt |Fire
Fire Wall |Fire
Fire Pillar |Fire
Freezing Trap |Water
Frost Driver |Water
Frost Nova |Water
Grand Cross |Holy
Heaven's Drive |Earth
Holy Cross |Holy
Holy Light |Holy*
Jupiter Thunder |Wind
Land Mine |Earth
Lightning Bolt |Wind
Lord of Vermillion |Wind
Magnum Break |Fire
Meteor Storm |Fire
Napalm Beat |Ghost
Poison React |Poison
Ruwach (?) |Holy*
Sightrasher |Fire
Sand Attack |Earth
Soul Strike |Ghost
Stone Curse |Earth
Storm Gust |Water
Thunder Storm |Wind
Venom Dust |Poison
Venom Splasher |Poison
Water Ball |Water

+ enchants weapon with element
* Attacks that do Holy damage but require casting only on Undead/Demon
monsters have been excluded to simplify things.
** BSS has been included since it is possible for a player to become Ghost.

(List might be missing some of the elemental 2-2 skills, please inform me if
what skill is missing and what element it is.)

4.C Basic Elemental Attacks
The other main source of elemental attacks is from basic physical attacks from
players _and_ monsters. Getting an elemental attack from a player is simple.
Have a specially forged weapon with an enchanted stone or have a weapon with a
specific elemental association. E.g. Lapu's Fire Claymore or the cursed Shadow
dagger Grimtooth.

Monster do not carry weapons so their basic attacks are of a Normal attribute
ATTRIBUTE_. (The only excpetion are Undead.) These basic elemental attacks are
displayed by a little graphic and special sound effect when they connect it
with a player. Here is a chart of each graphic:

Attack |Color |Resembles |Skill That Shows It
Water |light blue |puff of mist |Frost Driver
Earth |yellow-green |puff of dust |NA
Fire |red-orange |explosion fire |Fire Bolt
Wind |white |splash of lighting |Lighting Bolt
Poison |blue-violet |splash of liquid |NA
Holy |white |Latin cross |Holy Light
Shadow |black |comets |NA
Ghost |dark violet |a player's shape |NA

These attacks deal more damage than normal ones, but thankfully are not
performed often. Even so 25% off from their attacks that are usually double
normal damage is a blessing. When confronted with Shadow or Undead monsters it
is better to use BSS offensively to kill them before they get a chance to use
their more damaging basic elemental attack. See "Offensive Use".

Seeing how the graphics of basic elemental attacks are short, they are
difficult to see if you are not looking. The best way to show them is to have
a high vitality low flee character mob the monsters on themselves. By the law
of averages a lot more monsters attacking will more likely show that elemental
attack often enough so that it becomes clear. If this is still to difficult go
to www.geocities.com/dpgorski/element.html for screen shots of them.

4.D Status Conditions
One final observation for defensive BSS usage is it grants protection from some
status conditions. It has been observed in combat with characters that are
always frozen by Frost Driver, whether hunting for Freezers or PvP'ing, will
never freeze up when enchanted by BSS. It just appears to work that way and
until Gravity let's in on the possible game mechanic we will never know.

It is speculated that BSS prevents freezing from Frost Driver since it reduces
the damage from it. Since the chance of a target being frozen is reduced by
its magical defense, and if that is indirectly measured by damage received from
the Frost Driver. Then BSS protects against freezing because it at least
reduces water damage by 25%, which could be enough to reduce the success rate
of freezing to a minimum chance.

Thus far freezing from Frost Driver is the only observed status condition
(indirectly) protected by BSS. Following the same logic BSS might also grant
some protection from Stone Curse, but this has yet to be observed let alone
tested. As for Storm Gust it does not grant protection for being hit by it
three times seems to be a special case of directly modifying a character's

4.E Grand Cross Kickback
When using the Grand Cross a crusader receives the kick back damage. Most
crusader's know that having Holy Armor via an Angelring card is *extremely*
useful. Isn't it funny how BSS is a lot cheaper if a bit more difficult to

5. Offensive Use -- 5.A Basics ***FINAL*REAL*FORMULA***
Now for the fun stuff! Like most priest skills BSS can be used offensively on
Undead monsters. However BSS goes a bit further because it is effective on
monsters of the Demon race and Ghost element also. If any of those types of
monsters are within the splash area of where BSS is cast, they will be damaged.

(Demon *race* confirmed since it works on Sohees who are Demon/Water 1. Ghost
*element* is confirmed since it works on Eggra that are Normal/Ghost 2, and
Undead *element* has been confirmed since it does not work on Injustice which
is Undead/Shadow 2.)

Conveniently the damage done by a BSS Bomb is half of a Heal Bomb of the same
level. There are two other factors that may (and has) lead to confusion of
damage. First BSS does holy damage, so the final result is multiplied by the
appropriate elemental modifier. Second since BSS is a "bomb" like Heal and the
damage is directly applied, so there is no messing around with magic defense.

BSS_Bomb = Heal / 2
BSS_Bomb = (base_lvl + (int/8))*(bss_lvl*8+4)/2

Elemental Modifiers for Holy Attacks
1 |1.25|1.00 | 1.50
2 |1.50|1.00 | 1.75
3 |1.75|1.00 | 2.00
4 |2.00|1.00 | 2.00

Final_Damage = BSS_Bomb * Element_Bonus

5.B Advantages
It is difficult to see the advantages of offensive BSS when compared with other
skills such as Healing and ME--though no skill really compares with ME's
damage. However with a good team, BSS can be just as or even more effective
than either.

It's Cheap
The total SP consumption for BSS is forty, which is the same as a level ten
Healing. However the SP use is distributed over the helpers. Therefore
instead of wasting all one's individual SP on a few Heal bombs, the BSSer's can
cast four times as many BSS for the same SP.

It's Fast
There are three basic ways BSS is superior speed wise. First the cast time is
instant regardless of dexterity, no green countdown bar to worry about. Second
the cast delay, i.e. time after the spell is cast before another one can be
done, is also instant so it can be blasted immediately after. Finally since
BSS targets the ground there is no messy Shift holding or "/noshift" commands
to do a force cast. It just works automatically. With these traits a good BSS
team can form rank and start blasting away, while others are waiting for ME to
load up, having those annoying half-second delays between Heal Bombs, or
accidentally healing other monsters.

It's Splashy
BSS splashes the area in which is its cast upon, so whatever susceptible
monsters are in that nine cell space will get burned. This is how BSS
outperforms Heal Bombs if you are dealing with a full support priest team.
Although BSS will take twice as much SP as a Heal Bomb, it can deal that much
damage on several monsters for the same amount.

E.g. Let's say there's a priest at base level 67 with 104 int, his heal bombs
will then be 924 and 1753 at level 5 and 10 respectively. Now let's say he's
confronted by a mob of zombie prisoners (11280 MHP) and only has two acolytes
nearby. Now he can use 11280/1753 = 6.43 --> 7 Heal Bombs for 280 SP per
zombie prisoner, or he team up with the acolytes and do 11280 / 924 = 12.20 -->
12 BBS Bombs on the entire mob (if clumped) for 480 divided amongst the helpers.

It Saves Your Behind
In emergencies BSS is good mob control if there are no Wizards or MEer's in the
area. If other priests know of BSS or how to make a line up, a BSSer can
eliminate the threat quickly by means of the aforementioned qualities.

It's Fun!
There's nothing quite as fun or humorous as seeing three or four full support
priests tearing through Glast Hiem prison killing all the Undead with pretty
angels and Holy Lighting all the bugs. Keep in mind that this works with an
entire full support party, since MEer tend to want to ME and often get
themselves killed doing so since they commonly lack vitality.

6. Player Vs. Player
Now for what could be the most practical BSS usage. For all the given
advantages from the Defensive section, everyone in the BSSer's party should
have it on. There are no adverse side effects from having Holy armor that
people specifically plan for. 25% off practically every easily accessible
element is a good thing, considering that wizards _elemental_ spells are the
most common means of wiping out people. In addition to basic defense there are
a couple tricks that make BSS very useful in these situations.

Perfect Block Trick
Remember from the elemental damage chart that a Holy attack on a Holy creature
results in a perfect block. Also in a BSSer's repertoire is a level five
Aspersio, which will make weapons Holy for three minutes. Putting the two
skills together by casting BSS on your friends and Aspersio on your enemies
results in perfect blocks from physical attacks for as long as BSS lasts.

Of course this trick can be fixed by changing a weapon, but this uses precious
seconds for others to remove and reequip their weapons, allowing your back to
come in a kick their behinds. Depending on the circumstance Aspersio can be
cast again to set up the perfect blocks again and possibly just convince the
character to remain bare fisted. This technique really hurts archers/hunters
in particular since changing arrows won't help--more seconds wasted--and that
cannot go bare fisted effectively since they have little strength. Sadly this
trick cannot work outside PvP since monsters do not carry weapons.

Be Evil Trick
If there is one thing that people remember about BSS is the flaw of receiving
more damage from Shadow and Undead attacks with Holy armor. So why not use
that to your advantage? With this trick cast BSS on the enemy and then let
backup players use Shadow and Undead to deal an extra 25% damage. With lower
level characters the damage from this trick can deal more than a normal WOE
weapon. Keep in mind though that BSS is splashy so that if you target one
character another may receive it also by accident. In that case use the
defensive loophole.

With the exception of super rare items Shadow and Undead weapons are relatively
cheap since they are useful only on two year long monsters, Cookies and
Angelrings. Here is a list of Shadow and Undead weapons and were to get them
if you cannot afford to get them:

Name |Type |Element| Location
Assassin Dagger* |Dagger |Shadow |Osirus
Bone Wand |Wand |Undead |Dark Lord, Evil Druid, Wind Ghost
Book of Revelations |Book |Shadow |Rideword
Executioner |2h Sword |Shadow |Quest
Mysteltan |Sword |Shadow |Quest
Longinus's Spear* |2h Spear |Shadow |?
Sabbath* |2h Axe |Shadow |?
Arrow of Shadow |Arrow |Shadow |Wild Rose, Arrow Crafting**
Legbone of Ghoul |Katar |Undead |Ghoul, Zombie Master
Talefing* |Sword |Shadow |Quest

* These weapons are _thought_ to not be implemented, though they just
might be very rare.

For simplicity here is a chart on Shadow Arrow crafting.

Item |Qnt |#/z|Extra Arrows
Blade Lost in Darkness | 200|NA |600 Sharp Arrows
Coal | 8|NA |
Decayed Nail | 1|41 |1 Rusty Arrow
Dokkebi Horn | 2|73 |
Evil Horn | 20|30 |10 Flash Arrows, 5 Stun Arrows
Horrendous Mouth | 5|39 |
Key of Clock Tower | 100|NA |
Key of Underground | 50|NA |
Loki's Whisper |1000|NA |
Old Portrait |1000|NA |
Tooth of Bat | 1|17 |

The most powerful combination weapon for this is a quadrupled damned (Orc
Skeleton Card) bow with shadow arrows. This will do 225% the normal damage of
the attacker. Of course the only protection against this combo trick is for
the enemy to use the prefect block trick, but who's going to remember to bring
Holy Waters and hot key Aspersio in WOE for this rare situation?

Armor Nerf
BSS being an enchanting modifier overrides equipment modifications and such.
Therefore any useful elemental armor, e.g. Dobeki, can changed into a less
useful BSS Holy armor for the time being. This applies for both offensive and
defensive uses.

7. BSS Parties
A BSS party is just a normal party except that is will intentional use BSS as
part of its techniques. Although it is not typical for areas that are
difficult but easy to master, e.g. Glast Hiem, a BSS party can present a
different advantage in those and newer areas and situations, e.g. War of the
Emperium, which actually requires a large party.

The hardest thing in a BSS party--besides explaining what BSS is, though this
guide might have helped by now--is actually forming it. It seems that people
cannot understand the concept of a priest needing another priest for a party.
The easiest way is just to have other priest friends to help you along.
However if this is not the case--since most priests avoid each other like the
plague when partying--the best course is to have (several) friend(s) of another
class search for a priest. The usual methods involve going to a place full of
people, e.g. Prontera, and opening a chat room with the title describing the
desire. It is desirable to have two other priests in the party, but depending
on the area, a BSS party can be formed with only one other priest.

After getting the other priests there must be a discussion on how to form ranks
for BSS. Before going to any area go over several times on _how_ BSS is
performed, and what method will be used to _form_ that rank.

Come to Me Method
This is a simple method to from rank in which the BSSer holds a spot and then
helper priests go to the BSSer. Other pre-defined signs and methods can be
used to help coordinate the casting.

Chain Me Method
This method to form rank is a play on Follow-the-Leader. Basically an order is
given to the priests with the BSSer always as number two. When rank is called
priest number one goes to a spot. Priest number two, the BSSer, goes next to
the priest number one. Finally priest number three goes to priest number two.
The idea is to simply forming rank by only worrying about lining up with one
other priest. This is ideal with a battle priest, for the other two can just
follow him as he fights.

Use the Kiss Emoticon
The /kis and /kis2 are the most useful signs for coordinating rank formation.
Not only does it show the placement of a character but a specific direction.
It best utilized with the Come to Me Method in which the BSSer makes a kiss on
the side they want another priest to stand on.

Use the Ground Cursor
The ground cursor is little green box that displays the current cell location
of the mouse. To turn is on and off push Alt+Home. Keep this on so that BSS
can be properly aimed--especialy with mobs--since it may be difficult to know
exactly where it was aimed by the graphics.

This is a technique of sliding a BSS line up to the left or right while still
holding rank. First with a proper rank the BSSer moves to the open side of a
helper priest. This is then followed immediately by the helper priest not
currently adjacent to the BSSer moving to form rank again. If needed repeat
this process and with several iterations to slide the lineup left and right as
needed. Here is of a line up sliding right twice with priest 1, 3, and 2 where
2 is the BSSer:

.123..... becomes

.1.32.... becomes

...321... becomes

...3.12.. becomes


There are two main reasons to do this. First is to move the line up for the
simple reason of moving it without breaking rank. Second is to gather the
undead monsters to one side of the rank. That way they are all clumped
together and not waste BSS splash area.

Use the Sit/Stand Command
Remember when performing BSS it does not matter if a helper is standing or
sitting. Take advantage of the fact that a sitting player cannot move. By
sitting down, the rank formation is strong since there are less people to walk
of and break it. Get into place then sit to signify that if will be held.

Like in any melee style army battle--watch Braveheart--holding rank is the key,
especially with offensive mob control BSS. Break rank and there will not be
any BSS and the zombies eat your remains. Any fighter helper class in the
party should already know to remove non-Undead/Demon/Ghost monsters (like
Hunter Flies), and there are at least _two other priests_ in the party that can
still support members. No one should have to die. Just because they have to
stand still doesn't mean they have to forget how to support. In fact it should
simplify things since they have only one perspective to aim. They either can
or cannot.

Rotate the Camera
Yes, standing side by side does make the HP bars of the priests run together
and hard to distinguish their individual levels. To fix this just rotate the
camera a little after rank is formed. Just right click and drag a bit so they
all can be seen. Since the helper priests aren't going anywhere that angle of
the camera should not matter. When the battle is over, just double right click
quickly to return it to normal.

Use Slotted Hoods
Many of the robe cards grant 20% protection against some element. Combine
these with the normal BSS 25% off for a total of 48% elemental protection of
your choice. (This is based the statistics on iRO Multicalc, another excellent
site. Thanks again!) This is a more robust and cheaper way to boost defensives
instead of buying an expensive "change armor to element" card.

E.g. Let's say a player needs good Wind defense. Going the normal route he
would need a Dobeki card to make armor Wind type and a Silver Robe to put it in
for general usage. Currently Dobeki cards are 1Mz or more and slotted Silver
Robes are 10k (underestimate) totaling to 1.01Mz. The BSS way would require a
Dustiness card at 150kz and a slotted Hood at 50kz (overestimate) totaling
200kz. Now with Wind armor 75% of Wind attacks are blocked and with BSS and a
hood 48% are blocked. This is not as good but is useful nonetheless
considering the price paid, 13466z versus 3125z per percent blocked. A BSS
priest can get equipment to block 48% of five different elements or people for
the same price of block 75% of one element for one person! Also they get the
other 25% off most elements bonuses and no additional weaknesses to commonly
used elements.

BSSer == Wizard or MEer
In general and especially when rank is formed the BSSer is to be considered as
an offensive wizard or MEer. If he dies then party dies because all
Undead/Demon/Ghost monsters will mob. He is to be protected and kept alive as
any other mob controller. (Although as a mob controlled he may be subjected to
death several times.)

Leeching BSS
Since party association does not matter in casting BSS, it is possible to leech
it from other priests. In such cases it is best to use the Chain Method to
form rank, with the leeched priest as number one. Of course common courtesy
requires that you ask before leeching.

(Yet I cannot help but remember that _no body_ knows about this skill. I can
see its uses in emergencies with uncontrolled mobs, and also in proselytizing
about BSS. E.g. Stranger: What the hell was that? BSSer: That was BSS.
Stranger: What does that do? BSSer: It's a very useful skill. First it etc.)

8. Conclusion
Didn't think so much could be written on one skill? Hopefully by reading this
you understand BSS and its advantages better. Although BSS will still likely
remain an uncommon skill because of its complexity, at least you can be one of
the persons to make it successful for them. Hopefully with new updates to iRO
players will realize that more priests are needed in parties to support and
therefore more chances to use BSS. Until then spread the word!

9. Version History
Most Recent Patch: 5 Slots

1.00 02/03/04
First version of the guide.

1.01 03/22/04
Removed Higher level basic elemental attack, modified status protection
sections, corrected hood protection statistics.

1.02 06/29/04
Added 2-2 pertinent stuff and touch ups on techniques.

1.03 07/11/04
Totally correct formula in place, adjusted How to Get It, How To Perform, Grand
Cross Kickback, proof reading touchups.

1.04 07/24/04
Formating touch ups, added Shadow Arrow Crafting chart, added Ground Cursor tip.

1.05 08//04
Minor grammer corrections, updated Shadow Arrow Crafting chart, added Undead

10. Legal Junk
This Guide is COPYRIGHT 2003, 2004 David Paul Gorski a.k.a. Skygor. It may be
distributed and posted on web sites as long as the following are held: it
remains unchanged, I receive credit for the guide, it is not sold for profit,
it is not posted on sites that condone iRO hacks, bots, etc., it not is not
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Soul Linker FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Card Combo Guide
Engl Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
True Alchemist FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Card Database
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Skills Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Oktober 2013
Perma Novice Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Champion Character Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Monk Character Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Chaos Street Market Pricelist
Engl Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Combo Monk Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Quest Skills FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Rogue Character Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Battle-Acolyte/Priest Character Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Trap Hunter Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Guild FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Double Dagger Poison Assassin
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Chaos Street Market Pricelist
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Full Support Acolyte/ Priest FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Swordman's Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Monk FAQ
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Mixing Item Quest
Engl. Hinweise

16.Oktober 2013
Bard FAQ
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Forging Merchant/Blacksmith's Guide
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
White Mage Artifact Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
B. S. Sacramenti Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
MVP Boss Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Damage Calculation Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Lancer Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
True Acolyte Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
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