Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

16.10.2013 07:20:23
Ragnarok Online : Perma-Novice Guide
for PC (DOS/Windows)
Ragnarok Online:Perma-Novice Guide created by Mad Monarch Gyl
Mad Monarch Gyl (gylisgod@yahoo.com)
Copyright 2004 by Mad Monarch Gyl
Created: April 30, 2004 (04.30.04)
Version 2.6
Update: May 16,2004 (05.16.04)

*-The following information found in this guide is mostly based on my pRO
(Philippines) version of Ragnarok Online. Though most are still appropriate
to most server. So with that in mind let's continue!

*-I strictly advise you to read the E-Mail Policy before emailing me

This FAQ/Walkthrough is created for personal use only, meaning it should not
be used for anything that gains any money. Magazines, Game Guides, Websites
in particular should not have this guide with out my permission. Ripping off
part(s) of this FAQ/Walkthrough and putting it as your own results you to be
guilty of the crime "Plagiarism".

Plagiarism is an act of stealing, ripping off, copying ideas or words of
another person and taking it as your own without a crediting the real source
the just way that he/she should have been thanked. To simply put it,
Plagiarism is bad.

Also, you could never ever use this FAQ/Walkthrough to make your own
FAQ/Walkthrough, you must do everything yourself or if you do somehow use this
or any other guide you should give proper credit to the author. Also, you
could have this FAQ/Walkthrough on your website provided that not a single
character has been altered and you must have my permission before you could
do so. If you didn't have my permission then you have crossed the lines of the
copyrights law. By the way, you could print the whole thing/parts of
the FAQ/Walkthrough though.

"Walang nakawan pare..." (Please don't steal =P)

The guide could originally be seen at:

I. Introduction
II. Revisions
III. E-Mail/Contacts Policy
IV. Game Basics
A. Introduction to Perma-Novice
B. Perma-Novice Basics
C. Why follow be Perma-Novice?
D. Basic Stat Points
E. Equipments
F. Changes after Juno-Patch
V. Stats/Skill Builds
A. Build Suggestions
B. Leveling Suggestions
C. Equipments Suggestions
VIII. The Ways of a Perma-Novice
A. Earning Money
B. Party to choose
C. Monster Flee Chart
IX. Card Lists
X. Level Up Guide
A. Leveling Areas FAQs
B. Specific Leveling FAQs
XI. Credits

* Introduction -
Greetings! Gyl Here! After another year of being quiet and non-active with my
FAQ writing hobby i certainly feel the urge of writing one up after a year of
nothingness. I love Xenosaga and I felt like sharing a bit of my knowledge,
which i think isn't that new to some, yet i kinda feel like i still have some
people out there that i could lend a helping hand. I kinda feel like tired of
making a FAQs/Walkthrough, well for atleas the time of, so i'll try my best
to bring out a nice Perma Novice Guide here. I love helping people and i
love sharing my ideas with all of you guys. BTW, to clear things up I've only
been playing in the pRO[Philippine Ragnarok Online] servers and Iris to be
exact. I've cared less about the name but since i've been receiving mails,
erm... bad mails to be exact about my character[in-game] scamming somebody.
To clarify things there's only one Mad Monarch Gyl and the l isn't a capital
"i", he's a knight and is only in the Iris Server of pRO. If anyone has tried
anything funny using my name[i just hate those hate mail and stuffs being sent
to my email address, been spammed so i hafta change my mailing address] it
isn't me. Erm... okish.. I think that would clear things up.

Anyway, I've been fond of Novices since the very beginning but ended up
changing them to 1st job classes when i feel like they're tad tough to level
up. There aren't any bonuses or rewards upon getting an impressive-leveled
perma novice other than uh.. i dunno. Perma-Novice is far different from
what they call Super Novice. It's quite simple but i'll explain it in the
guide. Anyway, enough blabbers here and there and let's get on with the show.

By the way, contributions are pretty much accepted. If you do contribute I'll
be certain to add you on the credit lists. And oh, I've changed my mailing
address now as the old account was completely trashed by some junkie virus
so there from my old [evil_tyrant_gyl@hotmail.com] it's now

Let's roll...

* Revisions *

April 30, 2004 (04.30.04) Version 1
- It's basically what the FAQ is composed of. Started most of what a basic
FAQs and Guides should hold.

May 5,2004 (05.05.04) Version 2
- Just changed the Card Hunting Leveling Guide to a simple card list. It's
all up to the player's experience/preference to decide where and what
to do. It all boils down to how you play and what you need to do. Anyhow,
I added the Leveling Areas FAQs to make up for it. It's simply much of a
collection of my experience leveling in the specific area, simply to put it
it's a leveling guide that focuses and talks about each and every leveling
places in the game. Also, Ive updated the Card List with the most recent.

May 7,2004 (05.07.04) Version 2.1
- I've completed Prontera and Morroc Fields. And if you like your own comment
to be posted as well[about the certain map fields] send them in in the
same format like what i've done though i would generally would want it from
those who had experienced leveling with novices.

May 11,2004 (05.11.04) Version 2.4
- Done Geffe, and Payon Fields. Next up are Dungeon maps and Mjolnir maps.

May 13,2004 (05.13.04) Version 2.5
- I kinda feel bored with the maps so i kinda added a new section on the
Perma-Novice Game Basics or was it alot >_<

May 16,2004 (05.16.04) Version 2.6
- I made a Level Up Guide Section comprised of a Leveling Areas FAQs and
a Specific Leveling FAQs. Leveling Areas FAQs are made up of list of maps
in Ragnarok Online that suggests a specific level and perhaps a comparison
between another, along with the sugested levels the area could be tackled
and certain comments as well. Specific Leveling Areas FAQs are written
straight from my personal experience and others that i've talked to. They
suggests areas to level and for certain builds as well.

* E-Mail/Contacts Policy -
Why'd I suddenly summon a E-Mail/Contacts Policy section? Simply to
categorize every mail that I've been recieving from those that are possibly
either a Virus or something bad. I would suggest you follow the following
things below so as to quickly get a reply off the day or two after you
mailed me. Yes! I'm that quick on replying mails as I don't want my Inbox
to be so filled and to make my browser go faster when checking things out.
Anyway here are the list of Do's and Don'ts doing something that is on
either the Do's/Don'ts list will seriously affect the odds of you getting
a reply so I suggest you follow them as simple rules are applied.

*- E-Mails -*

Do’s and Dont's
1. Only send me questions that can't be found on my guide. I will be more
happy to help you in this case.
2. Try to be specific in defining something or when stating what had happened.
So I won't be e-mailing you back for some questions that'll simply consume
our precious time.
3. I won't be accepting or be opening any mails that has attachments.
4. Check the latest version of the guide before sending in any questions,
chances are that your question might be answered in the newest version of
the guide.
5. If I happen to not reply after three or so days than e-mail me again
nicely and I'll reply ASAP.
6. You must label your mail with the game title whether a submission or a
question (E.I. FFX-2 or just
FFX-2 for questions or inquiries).
7. Don't be persistent, don't e-mail me the very same question that I've
already answered.
8. Don't send me nonsense e-mails like "How much is..." "Can you buy me this?"
9. Be nice! Don't use bad words in your mail.
10. No Chain Mails!
Doing anything that isn't allowed will automatically make your address be
blocked from any future mail you might possibly send. Sorry I gotta be strict
on this as I've had two of my last 3 mails trashed with some spam mails and

* Game Basics *

"If the student does not wish to gain strength,
he cannot become truly strong."
-- Hiko Seijuro, Rurouni Kenshin

=- Introduction to Perma-Novice =-
Perma-Novice = A Perma-Novice really isn't designed to battle tougher
enemies/monsters but a lot has persevered and has been victorious though
surely the path they took is as tough as anyone could ever imagine. There
are a lot of different kinds of Perma-Novices. Some would persevere to be as
good as thieves and some would want to show off with flashy magical spells
and some aimed and designed themselves for battle. Though Perma-Novices
aren't that famous, most job classes underestimate them and take them too
lightly. Equipped with almost all basic weapons, Novices could fancy anyone
with flashy styles and amazing capabilities. Cheap Armlets[after the Novice
Armlet Patch] now offers more versatility to Novices that'll change what
other people think and look down befor them.

Perma-Novice or Permanent Novice they are but the fewest number of player
type in the game. You can call them a job yet as they're novices opting for
a job/class. Permanent Novices received no stat bonuses, skills, whatsoever,
the reason people take such path is either the challenge, fame, mere boredom,
or simply wanna be different. The reasons of taking the path of a
Perma-Novice differs from every person's perspective but what ever you do
you'll still be the frail novice they're always was. Novices are step downs
of perhaps swordsmen as I see. Swordsmen without skills and job stat-bonus to
be exact. They are able to weild limited number of equipments, armors, weapons
etc... They are swordsmen without HP/SP bonuses. Perma-Novices could best get
to level 55 and from there they might croak away and wither or be forced to
changed job. Really, a path that offers nothing but challenge and a test of
how long could you fund him. Haaahaha.. honestly, novices do really rely on
items as much as any jobs would. Mostly they're made as secondary characters
of people who just wanna show up or something. Anyway, There are difference
between Super-Novice and Perma-Novice. First off, Perma-Novice receive nothing
whatsoever compared to a Super-Novice[who'll be out in the Juno patch, as they
say they would] possesses almost all 1st job-class skills, 69 points to
distribute in total. They're far different from Novices relying on Skill-cards
socketed on Novice Armlets[that came with the comodo patch, i think] or from
special weapons like Ice Blade etc... To put it Perma-Novice is by far the
toughest path to take.

-= Perma-Novice Basics -=

Novices, Untouched Souls.

Perma-Novices are on of the few most challenging paths to take in Ragnarok
Online. As most of the time you'll see other Perma-Novice there are as little
as 25% chance that they'll push on till an average of 60-70 of level. At an
average, Most Novices will have to rely on a primary character that they will
on to fund their journey. It all comes down to how much zennies you could
dish out to fund the character and pump him up with it. Novices comes down
to the wire with the following facts:

Stat Wise: HP
- Novices got the lowest HP in game.
Level 99 Novice, 1 Vit = 535HP
Level 99 Novice, 99 Vit = 1054HP
Level 99 Novice, 99 Vit+HP boosting Equipments = 1458HP
R-Arm= 4 slot weapons + [4 Fabre Cards]
L-Arm= Guard + [Ant Egg Card]
Head = Corsair
Head = S.SunGlasses + [Orc Hero Card]
Body = Adv.Suit + [PecoPeco Card]
FGear= Sandals + [Matyr Card]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Spore Card]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Spore Card]

Stat Wise: SP
- Novices got the lowest SP in game too.
Level 99 Novice, 1 Int = 535HP
Level 99 Novice, 99 Int = 197HP
Level 99 Novice, 99 Int+SP boosting Equipments = 318SP
R-Arm= Assassin's Dagger
Head = S.HeadGear + [Willow Card]
Head = S.SunGlasses + [Willow Card]
Body = Adv.Suit + [Desertwolf Puppy Card]
FGear= Sandals + [Sohee Card]

Stat Wise: DEF
- Novices could fairly match Mages and Assassin's Defence Rate but not
quite well.
Level 99 Novice, 1 Vit = 1 DEF
Level 99 Novice, 99 Vit = 99 DEF
Level 99 Novice, 99 Vit+Vit/Def boosting Equipments = 30.33+111 DEF
*-set at a minimum armor upgrade of +4 [Safety Level]
R-Arm= 4 slot weapons + [4 Fabre Cards]
L-Arm= [+4]Guard + [Ambernite Card]
Head = [+4]Corsair
Head = S.SunGlasses + [Orc Hero Card]
Body = [+4]Adv.Suit + [SteelChon Chon Card]
FGear= [+4]Sandals
Grmnt= [+4]Hood
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Spore Card]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Spore Card]

Level 99 Novice, 99 Vit+Vit/Def boosting Equipments = 40.33+111 DEF
*-set at an average armor upgrade of +7
R-Arm= 4 slot weapons + [4 Fabre Cards]
L-Arm= [+7]Guard + [Ambernite Card]
Head = [+7]Corsair
Head = S.SunGlasses + [Orc Hero Card]
Body = [+7]Adv.Suit + [SteelChon Chon Card]
FGear= [+7]Sandals
Grmnt= [+7]Hood
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Spore Card]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Spore Card]

Level 99 Novice, 99 Vit+Vit/Def boosting Equipments = 50.33+111 DEF
*-set at an average armor upgrade of +10
R-Arm= 4 slot weapons + [4 Fabre Cards]
L-Arm= [+7]Guard + [Ambernite Card]
Head = [+7]Corsair
Head = S.SunGlasses + [Orc Hero Card]
Body = [+7]Adv.Suit + [SteelChon Chon Card]
FGear= [+7]Sandals
Grmnt= [+7]Hood
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Spore Card]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Spore Card]

Stat Wise: Flee/Perfect Dodge
Level 99 Novice, 1 AGI = 100 Flee
Level 99 Novice, 99 AGI = 198 Flee
Level 99 Novice, 99 AGI+AGI/Flee boosting Equipments = 241 Flee
R-Arm= 4 slot weapons + [4 Female Thief Bug Cards]
Head = Ghost Bandana
Body = Adv.Suit + [Thief Bug Card]
FGear= Sandals + [Male Thief Bug Card]
Grmnt= Hood + [Whisper Card]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Kukre Card]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Kukre Card]

Level 99 Novice, 1 LUK = 1% P.Dodge
Level 99 Novice, 99 LUK = 10.9% P.Dodge
Level 99 Novice, 99 LUK+LUK/P.D. boosting Equipments = 41.6% P.Dodge
R-Arm= Fortune Sword
Head = Bunny Band
Body = Adv.Suit + [PoringCard]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Yoyo Card]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Yoyo Card]

Level 99 Novice, 1 LUK, 1 AGI = 100+1 Flee
Level 99 Novice, 99 LUK, 99 AGI = 198+11 Flee
Level 99 Novice, 99 LUK, 99 AGI+Equipments = 225+40.9% Flee
R-Arm= Fortune Sword
Head = Ghost Bandana
Body = Adv.Suit + [Thief Bug Card]
FGear= Sandals + [Male Thief Bug Card]
Grmnt= Hood + [Whisper Card]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Kukre Card]
Acc = Novice Armlet + [Kukre Card]

Im not 100% sure if the datas are all 100% accurate but im quite sure they're
close to those numbers. Anyway there are a couple more facts about novices"
- The equipments they could use is by far limited.
- They possess no magic/skill whatsoever but they could get one for themselves
through equipments such as [Skill Cards] on Armlets or Weapons with skills.
- They have no stat bonus whatsoever.
- They get the lowest ASPD number in line along other melee job/class.
- The 50% Overweight isn't a problem to them as their Regen is by far the
crappiest and would only gain lost HP back faster is through sitting.
- Novices rely so much on equipments.
- They can only equip melee weapons. [Up to this time they could still equip
level 3 weapons e.i.Tsurugi etc...]
- They're by far easy-normal leveling to base 50-60.
- They waste no time as after they die half of the HP is filled.
- The only way they could earn money is by selling rares, loots are hard
to come by so it's all up to lady luck to bless you with a rare find.
- They are the easiest to play but one of the toughest to level.

=- Why follow be Perma-Novice? =-

"To be human is to know the fear of death, yet keep on fighting."
-- Gau Ban, Shadow Skill.

Simply to put it: "It's fun", "You'll be original", and "You'll prove people
that Perma-Novices aren't just frail little pixels!"

Permanent Novices aren't boring. Unlike the most commonly seen Assassins or
Knights, you'll simply be moving around people noticing how you take on
monsters Novices can't normally do. Though you may suck with the Stats heck,
why are you in the path/career anyway? I think Perma-Novice is just a way to
give yourself a challenge and to pick up a couple of friends along the way.
At first boredom bit me into making one and on my way i met a couple of
Novices like my character that aims to impress people and show-off a bit.
Sure you can't MVP Baphomet or Doppelganger but seeing a Novice hacking his
way, leveling in Sphinx or like taking on Sohees or Fighting your way through
Byalan 4. It's a fun way to play the game perhaps. Though i say you shouldn't
really force yourself into making one, you should have like a goal so it could
make you work on not getting annoyed with your performance. Through my
experience, Novices received free buffs especially when you're in an area that
no Novice has ever dared to venture. Perma-Novices are cool too, or show off
if you really have that much zenny with Spells after another. The reason is
all up to you to decide and hang on to it and make your way to achieve it.

=- Basic Stats Points =-

"I have found her weakness! She is still unused to the lovely
eye-patch, which obstructs her view from the left!"
-- Koinosuke, Jubei-chan

STR - Strenght
AGI - Agility
VIT - Vitality
DEX - Dexterity
INT - Intelligence
LUK - Luck

STR - You gotta Have a lot of this. Since you won't be getting any weapon
mastery whatsoever you'll need as much STR as to deal as much damage to a
monster as possible. This is a must if you'll be meleeing your way around.
It not only increases your Damage output it also allows you to carry more
weight so you could venture for a longer time without back-tracking for more
healing items.

AGI - is deeply involved with the nibleness of character. AGI increases
flee rate of character and attack speed of weapons. This is a very helpful
stat specially when you'll be trying to score off the level 50-60 mark. It'll
really help you level on tougher monsters and increases your Flee so you
could spare a couple of healing items when you have to.

VIT - affects on the defence/health of character. VIT increases the defence
of character so it enables the character to deal with less damage taken from
enemies.And it increases the maximum amount of HP and the speed of HP
recovery. All Novices could use a little to a lot of Vit. Vit builds are by
far easier to start and level till 40+ against AGI build and they'll be
using less Healing Items than the contrasting build. This'll give you a lot
of HP and DEF rate to level with.

DEX - affects on character's accuracy rate when attack or the use of weapon.
It increases average attack strength of weapons, especially the attack
strength of bows get more affected by DEX.Besides it reduces miss when attack,
also does the magical skill casting time. Dex should be pumped up to. What use
is a very high STR if you couldn't Hit your target anyway? Also this helps to
maintain a not-so-flactuating damage dealing during your leveling time. DEX
helps to not flactuate in damage when hacking away monsters. This also helps
if you decide to level the Spell Caster's way.

INT - is deeply involved with the magical ability of character. INT
increases Magical attack strength/defence and regist against magics. If you
won't be casting or leveling with Spells then skip this. Yes! SKIP it. You'll
be needing less SP as you imagine and since you'll only get so little SP
even on high numbers on this stat or your level you'll be wasting points if
you pump this for nothing. But if you'll be leveling like a spell caster/mage
then pump INT away.

LUK - It means the fortune of character, affects on various situations.
Besides, the rate of critical attack and perfect dodge are both affected by
LUK. I don't really advise you to be a crit Novice but to those who are
persistent and would boot for the "Being original thing" only pump this if
you'll be a Crit Novice otherwise forget about it and put the point to other
stats then.

=- Equipments =-

Most people if not everybody do underestimate novices. Some players will say
that the only reason a novice is strong is because novices relies on his
equipments. Well, actually all melee jobs do. Don't try and argue everybody
do need good equipments.

I can't really say that Perma-Novices excel in this area, infact they don't
really excel in any area other than being unique and cute. But since we're
talking about novices we do need good equips to show off who could be better.

Cards 101:
There are three types of damage increasing cards. Race, Property, and Size
cards giving 20%, 20% and 15% respectively. So most of the time we'll be
relying on Race or Property cards as much as possible, mainly for the bigger
damage modifier it offers. However there are monsters that don't have a
specific race or property, examples are the undead. There comes the
advantage of size cards.

Formula for card damage is (1.2*no. of race cards)*(1.2*no. of property
cards)*(1.15*no. of size cards).

This means that in order deal the highest possible damage, you need to use
both race and property cards. A good example would be a Trip Saharic Bloody
Blade will deal 1.8 times more damage while a Double Bloody Double Hallowed
Axe will deal 1.96 times more damage on an Abysmal Knights[?]. The only problem
would be the limited number of monsters you could where you could use the
weapon to attain its maximum efficiency would be little.

What card should be prioritized? Saharic, Clamorous and Hydras are great
cards to invest on. Remember that when Juno comes you'll be stucked with
stiletto as your primary weapon so i would suggest you socket the card on
sabers or tsurugi or anything that you can resell when the time comes.
Saharics are great weapon on Byalan and could last you till 80's or 90's
even. Clamorous gives you a wide range of monsters to level on as almost
half[or less] of the enemy monster population are brute tyoe. Hydras are
hands down an easy set to be sold and opens the possibility of leveling
on orcs like a smith or a knight could do.

Skeleton Worker are also good cards to invest on. These are size cards so
you won't get as much damage sa bloody weapons. However there are only 3
sizes of monsters and a lot of them are medium-sized. In effect, you give
away some damage for more versatility. Remember that a lot of monsters that
you will level on are medium-sized and at higher levels it is possible for
you to level in GH.

Personally though, since both Skel Worker and Hydra cards are expensive, its
up to you which you prefer. You don't neccesarily need to have both since
both these cards have a wide variety of monsters to level on.

Elemental Weapons
Generally, there is one rule in elemental weapons and that is "The bigger,
the better". Since in Pre-Juno patch you won't be able to equip level 3
weapons you should use that advantage and over use an elemental saber or
something. I really don't have to explain something here other than pointing
out [what you might have forgotten] that some monsters do only receive as
low as 125% to as high as 200% damage from elementals thus making you
reconsider carded weapons. Anyway, since most servers are usually have the
surplus on elemental weapons as opposed to the little demand on them they're
generally 30-40% cheaper than carded weapons. However elemental modifiers
are affected Elemental levels [e.i. a Thara frog is a level 2 Water type
and Wind weapons deals 175%].

Triple Bloody Saber [Carded] VS. Ice Saber[Elemental. This is pretty basic
but for the sake of it. Elementals by far deals better damage compared to
carded weapons. But the reason why carded weapons are choosen over elemental
weapons is that at times it becomes limited and really annoying. Let's take
the High Orcs area in Clock Tower 3. High Orc are generally weak against Ice
and is also a Demi-Human type. Equiped with a Trip Bloody Saber you'll do
160% of damage to it compared to an Ice Saber which will deal 175% damage.
But when an Orc Archer runs in, it'll be trouble some to switch to another
elemental weapon to deal with it compared to a carded which will last you
depending on the place you level. Which to use depends on you but always
remember that Elementals deals better damage than carded[even better against
MVP monsters]

Novices have the crappiest total/maximum HP and SP. They aren't either
offensive oriented class since we are only allowed to equip weak armors and
limited defense headgears we generally do need HP Boosting Equipments. And
socketed on armors, are hands down should be HP Booster. Pecopecos should be
the choice before the patch and switch to Pupa[+700MHP] after the patch.

But this has come to my attention whether to go for damage-reducing cards or
hp boosting cards on a shield, guard to that matter. So I've run some tests
whether which would be which and would we benefit for the long run. Okay,
I've taken a 50 Vit Novice with just a Guard as an Equip and tested Thiefbug
Egg and Bigfoot card on a Mantis [done with the Juno Patch]. The mantis who
has an initial attack of 118-149 tremendously decreased to just 52-73
compared to a 74-104 damage without the Bigfoot Card. So I equiped a Novice
with 50 str and 20 dex and a +7 stiletto. With flee rate right below 15%,
it would take an average damage of 115-125 from the novice in 19-21 hit
turns to kill the 2472 HPed Mantis while in return taking 70-90 approx.
damage taking the Mantis 8-10 attack turn to eat up all of the novice's
850 total HP. Now taking into consideration the Bigfoot card instead of the
Theifbug Egg card. The Mantis will now be dealing an average damage of 55-65
every attack turn and thus dealing of with the novice with 11-15 attack turn
to finish off the 850 total HP. The difference of the average 9 from 13 is
quite big for a novice already. That's almost 200-250 damage differential
between damage modifiers from Total HP booster. It's up to you though but
I would suggest those who uses vit for their primary defensive stat to go
with Damage Modifiers than HP boosters as to the AGI-types I would go with
HP Boosters as you're not intended to get hit and just gain HP from potions.

Depending on the situation, you should have a versatile card on a Hood.
Whispers are a bit Versatile and so are Raydrics but the price difference
between the two would make you go with a Mocking Hood. The +20 Flee should
be a great help off the rack. With your current level +20 Flee rate you
could benefit from it in the long run. Raydrics are great investments for
VIT Novices and Whispers are a must for AGI build. You shouldn't really
think of elemental/type card immunitizer[e.i. Zakk card, Marc etc...]
monsters that deals that thing do come in rare and the most common which
is poison could easily be countered by green potions.

Hands down on Shoes-Equipment, Matyrs should be picked or a Male Thiefbug
Card would be a good replacement for AGI types and as for VIT HP regen type
of card would be nice or you could stick with a Matyr.

Common Builds
Note: There has been a general tendency away from pure builds (Ex. getting
VIT without getting AGI or vice-versa) So a STR/VIT build doesn't mean it
doesn't have AGI, etc. Also, they are generalized ideas and is different from
my suggested builds found below.

A balance of things, this build tries to balance the durability of VIT-types
and the speed of AGI-types. A pretty good build to work up to 50-60 base
level and could last till 70 like the pure AGI build. The balance of the two
defensive stats will give you great versatility however you won't be as good
as any other builds in their specialization as you've picked two but still
you're not far from a good competition with them.

>STR Junkie
Since Perma-Novices don't have Sword Masteries yet! A High amount of STR is
great anytime. You'll be dealing much better damage than thieves and not
croak up against swordsmen however you'll be distracted to a low amount on
your defensive side and would be forced to side one defensive stat over the
other. But this won't be a problem as a High STR means more weight and more
potz to carry. STR Junkies aren't that famous but they're starting to make
their presence felt.

An PVPer, Tanker and a fast leveler till up to around its 50's. A good mix
of STR and VIT covers up for its so-so ASPD but with the DEX mixing in a
competetive amount of dished out damage while standing your ground would be
it's next best thing. You'll be leveling like a swordsman in your early days
but windows will start to close and options will decrease when you start
leveling higher. It's generally like a VIT-SpearKnight wanna-bee build that
like them sucks on thier ASPD.

The famous and most common build of all, fast leveler, doesn't uses much
potions and are show-offs. A good mix of STR and DEX and greatly allocates
AGI. They could out level its VIT counterpart but do fall short on its early
years. They're much like AGI 2-H Knights wanna-bee and has the same Flee
rate and since the lack of sword mastery again a tolerable amount of STR
should be compensated for it.

A build that walks after a sin's crit build. Though naturally it can't
function, this is perhaps the most expensive build of all. It would need
crit gears for it to maximize its function or Flee gears if it is a natural
one. Since Weapon Mastery isn't present and the low ASPD a novice could get
crits are a great way to deal off damage while benefitting from dodges and
perfect dodges. They take a long time to level but do pays off later on.

=- Changes after Juno-Patch =-
This section is made solely for the purpose of informations that has
something to do with Novices/Perma-Novices or Super-Novices.

> Weapons
Now are restricted with the use of level 3 weapons. Novices now use weapons
like a 3s.Stiletto, 3s.Rapier and 4s.Blade... as their primary weapons.
Those that were novice-friendly [like Fireblen etc..] are still of Novice
use along wiht the others. Now that those weapons do only have a very low
attack strenght they will still give novices better ASPD.

> Equipments/Armors
The same things are still applied however Novice Breastplates are now
present and since, s.Novice Breastplates are obviously considered [since
it is far better than the conventional s.Adventurer suit] to be a primary
armor for novices as well. On a side note, a lot of "Every Job" classified
head gears are now cut down for 1st-job class' use. Examples are Apple O'
Archer, Phantom Mask etc...

> Cards
Check my card listings. Mostly, they've made the useless cards to bit a
bit more useful. Some nerfed as well.

> Changing to Super Novice
You must be a Base Level 45 Novice. Head to Al de Baran and in the south
part in a water mill. Enter the building and to the room to the left. The
NPC would job change you to a Super Novice. I'm still quite unsure but they
say that there are some things you have to collect to complete the job
change. Afterwards you'll be given with something better than you're old
Cotton Shirt/Knife default equip combo with a Pantie.

> Novice Cart
They are far better than the Merchant's Carts! Heh! Anyway, you'll have a
little poring thing on the back of the cart that looks like the 2nd level
of a Merchant/BS' cart. Anyway, to get one you should have the pushcart
ability. Now, just talk to a Kapra near the Kapra Building in Alde aswell.
I'm not sure with the prize of the cart yet.

> [Less]Significant changes from Novice > Super Novice
There aren't any actually. You'll still have the crappy total HP and SP
as well as a blown-out regen rate. No job stat point bonus whatsoever.
And upon changing to a S.Novice, you won't be allowed to get any job or
anything. You cannot use the "Play Dead" Skill anymore but you could use
the First-Aid skill. You would also start losing 1% if you happen to die
and your HP bar won't be half filled when you respawn. Totally, much like
a 1st-job. And you can not use Berserk potions anymore.

> Super Novice Skills
Basically everything a 1st job[from swordsman to a merchant] skill have.
Double Strafe, Pnuema, Soul Strike, Improve Dodge etc... but pretty much
like a normal job you still have to work your way up the skill tree. [e.i
5 Enlarge Weight to open up Pushcart skill]. Though you could get the
Double Strafe skill, you won't be able to use them anyway since you still
can't equip Bows[as well as 2-hand etc...]


* Stats/Skill Builds -

"If you want to defeat me, you must practice with your life!"
-- Akira Sendo, Slam Dunk

I've simulated upto level 70 only as a level 99 is for me too much. It could
either be achieved by a really religious playing of RO or by leeching from
party members which i really don't wanna suggest you too. Anyway the build
are simple so let me just give a self-titled build and the build itself. I
will throw in the suggested equipments as well. The leveling areas are mere
suggestions and are based on self-experience. I know there are a lot of places
to go for leveling so you're free to use your own preference. The Equipment
suggestion part are mere suggestions of an equipment path. You're free to
make variation or what card to socket on a sloted equipment.

Tank Build [VIT Build]
Starting Stat Points:9 STR, 9 AGI, 9 VIT, 1 INT, 1 DEX, 1 LUK
Level 70 | 9 Dex
--------- 10 STR
40 VIT
20 STR
20 DEX
60 VIT
50 STR
30 DEX
70 VIT
60 STR
Level 99 | 80 VIT
--------- 70 STR
40 DEX
90 VIT
80 sTR
99 VIT
86 STR
Comments: Basically the point of the build is to get Vit to the
maximum and keep pumping STR and a little of DEX to sustain damaging
monsters along the way. It's tough to level the build till 99 and
you'll mainly be dealing with orc for as long as you'll remember.
I haven't got mine pass level 60 though and turned him to a
swordsman before i could even get him up to 70. But he does well
during the early levels and is out leveling most builds. But i
feel it start croaking on its stats during its 60's.
Leveling Areas
1-16 | I'd say almost anywhere that's [Novice-friendly]. Stay
| there till you're confident enough to take on Rockers or
| Thief Bugs.
16-50 | [Culvert Areas]. Just keep on upgrading your Armors and
| equipments here. You can earn as much as 20k[woah that's
| a lot during those time and your condition] and if you're
| lucky enough you can earn Spore or Tarou Cards for yourself
| here. Just keep going down the levels if you think you
| can handle them now. PecoPecos and Ants are good too.
50-60+ | I've made a living on [Elder Willows]. They're good till around
| 60+ or if you have enough equipments to stay on [Byalan 1 or 2]
| They have fine drops too.
60-70+ | I haven't reached level 60-70 with a vit novice but im guessing
| based on self-experience would be Hodes, Savages,Drainliars,
| Orcs and Goblins will be a nice source of experience.
Equipment Suggestions
Weapon: +7 Blade > +6 Ring Pommel Saber > +5 Tsurugi
+7 Main Gauche > +5 Gladius > +4 Damascus
Shield: Guard > [VIT/HP Boosting Cards] or [Damage Reducing Cards]
Armor : Adventurer Suit > [VIT/HP Boosting Cards]
Helmet: Hat > [Any Particular head gear preference]
Robe : Hood > [Damage Reducing Cards] > Immune Hood
Shoes : Sandals > [HP Boosting Card] or [Regen Card]
Accessories: Novice Armlets > Tarou Cards[str] or Spore Cards[vit]

High Leveler Build [AGI Build]
Starting Stat Points:9 STR, 9 AGI, 1 VIT, 1 INT, 9 DEX, 1 LUK
Level 70 | 10 Dex
--------- 10 STR
10 AGI
40 AGI
20 STR
20 DEX
70 AGI
50 STR
80 AGI
29 DEX
Level 99 | 30 DEX
--------- 90 AGI
80 STR
99 AGI
90 STR
36 DEX
Comments: This is much like a thief/assassin build wihtout the skills
and bonuses. You'll be dodging your way to high levels but your early
days won't be a happy one. You'll still get hit after a couple of
while but the Healing items you'll be needing after getting much
agi will be minimal. You could level High leveled, Low Hit Rate
Monsters and perhaps start hunting or something. They're great on
higher levels but still, good equipments must come into play.
Leveling Areas
1-16 | I'd say almost anywhere that's [Novice-friendly]. Stay
| there till you're confident enough to take on Rockers,Porings
| Thief Bugs,Pickies etc...
16-50 | [Culvert Areas]. Just keep on upgrading your Armors and
| equipments here. You can earn as much as 20k[woah that's
| a lot during those time and your condition] and if you're
| lucky enough you can earn Spore or Tarou Cards for yourself
| here. Just keep going down the levels if you think you
| can handle them now. PecoPecos and Ants are good too.
50-60+ | I've made a living on [Elder Willows]. They're good till around
| 60+ or if you have enough equipments to stay on [Byalan 1 or 2]
| They have fine drops too. [Drainliars] in [Coal Mine 1] are nice
| as they normally give more Base EXP. [Sphinx 1] is a choice if
| you could dodge Zeroms and Fly away from Requiem. Hodes are a
60-70+ | possibility as well as savages and marse on [Byalan]. Drainliars
| and Golems are still good too.
Equipment Suggestions
Weapon: +7 Blade > +6 Ring Pommel Saber > +5 Tsurugi
+7 Main Gauche > +5 Gladius > +4 Damascus
Shield: Guard > [HP Boosting Cards] or [Damage Reducing Cards]
Armor : Adventurer Suit > [HP Boosting Cards]
Helmet: Hat > [Any Particular head gear preference]
Robe : Hood > Mocking Hood
Shoes : Sandals > Light Sandals > Green Sandals
Accessories: Novice Armlets > Armlets of Flash[Yoyo Card]

Show-Off Build [Crit Build]
Starting Stat Points:9 STR, 9 AGI, 1 VIT, 1 INT, 9 DEX, 1 LUK
Level 70 | 10 Dex
--------- 10 STR
10 AGI
40 AGI
20 STR
60 AGI
30 LUK
30 STR
70 AGI
60 LUK
Level 99 | 80 AGI
--------- 40 STR
99 AGI
50 STR
80 LUK
Comments: I've seen one before and it was quite a flashy show. It
bested on leveling with Kobolds. The build requires a lot of zennies
to begin with. The build is much like the High-Leveler build but it
differs only on the Crit percentage. This one relies as much on
equipments more than any other and is really a frail build till you
can start dealing critical hits. I've tried the build out on a
private server and run some tests. It was a very nice build but is
lacking and mediocre early on. The real wonder of it would appear
only with complete Crit Gears and High ASPD.
Leveling Areas
1-16 | I'd say almost anywhere that's [Novice-friendly]. Stay
| there till you're confident enough to take on Rockers,Porings
| Thief Bugs,Pickies etc...
16-50 | [Culvert Areas]. Just keep on upgrading your Armors and
| equipments here. You can earn as much as 20k[woah that's
| a lot during those time and your condition] and if you're
| lucky enough you can earn Spore or Tarou Cards for yourself
| here. Just keep going down the levels if you think you
| can handle them now. PecoPecos and Ants are good too.
50-60+ | I've made a living on [Elder Willows]. They're good till around
| 60+ or if you have enough equipments to stay on [Byalan 1 or 2]
| They have fine drops too. [Drainliars] in [Coal Mine 1] are nice
| as they normally give more Base EXP. [Sphinx 1] is a choice if
| you could dodge Zeroms and Fly away from Requiem. Hodes are a
60-70+ | possibility as well as savages and marse on [Byalan]. Drainliars
| and Golems are still good too. [Kobolds] or great source too.
Equipment Suggestions
Weapon: +7 Main Gauche > +5 Gladius > [Damage Modifier Card Set]
e.i. [+5]Triple Saharic Gladius / [+4]Double Bloody Damascus
Shield: Guard > [Damage Reducing Cards]
Armor : Adventurer Suit > [HP Boosting Cards]
Helmet: Hat > [Pref. Head Gears with AGI Bonus]
Robe : Hood > Mocking Hood
Shoes : Sandals > Light Sandals > Green Sandals
Accessories: Novice Armlets > Armlets of Counter[Kobold Card]

Spell Caster Build #1 [INT Build]
Starting Stat Points:1 STR, 9 AGI, 1 VIT, 9 INT, 9 DEX, 1 LUK
Level 70 | 20 INT
--------- 20 DEX
99 INT
25 DEX
Level 99 | 99 DEX
Comments: I don't even know if this is possible but I've seen
screen shots from iRO with a lvel 79 Novice with max INT and
switching Skill-embeded Armlets and Skilled Weapons after another.
I haven't seen one yet in pRO[and If you would please send me one
if you're one >D] Anyway, Im not sure how to comment on this. I've
tried this ones in a private server again and 99int merely deals
200 damage as an average. Maybe this is a nice reserve early on
while waiting for either the Sage or the actual Super Novice job.
Leveling Areas
Really im not sure with this. I just saw a screen shot of a
Perma-Novice with such style and so i opted to post it up. I'm
guessing with the following leveling area or he could possibly be
leeched or tanked to be able to equip the weapons[Fireblend,Ice
Falchion,Cutlas etc...] Anyway I'll still be putting a 1-70 level
uh.. suggestions Xp. I'll just site the possiblities.
| I'd say almost anywhere that's [Novice-friendly]. Stay
| there till you're confident enough to take on Rockers,Porings
| Thief Bugs,Pickies etc...
| [Culvert Areas]. Since Bugs are weak with Fire or he could have
| sniped his way on [Elder Willow] map with Cold Bolt or
| Heal Bombed him up in [Payon Cave] or [Glast Heim].
Equipment Suggestions
Weapon: +7 Main Gauche > +5 Gladius > [Cards with DEX Bonus]
Shield: Guard > [Damage Reducing Cards]
Armor : Adventurer Suit > [HP Boosting Cards]
Helmet: Hat > [Pref. Head Gears with SP Bonus]
Robe : Hood > Mocking Hood
Shoes : Sandals > [SP Regen cards]
Accessories: Novice Armlets > [Skill Cards]

Battle Caster Build [Hybrid Build]
Starting Stat Points:9 STR, 9 AGI, 9 VIT, 1 INT, 1 DEX, 1 LUK
Level 70 | 9 Dex
--------- 10 STR
40 AGI
20 STR
20 DEX
60 AGI
50 STR
49 INT
Level 99 | 90 AGI
--------- 80 INT
33 DEX
Comments: The Build is designed to be a nice variation from the
Spell Caster Build that looks nearly impossible to go soloing.
If you forgot about that Perma-Novice should be very very rich
then it should be down to the wire in this build. This build will
really require you to get a lot of equipments to make it work well.
Now as an explanation. The Level 70 build gives you a good dodging
skill at the same time meleeing. Leveling with level 1 elemental
bolts isn't a good idea but the SP you're building for is for a
must have Healing[Vitata] Armlet. Level 1 Heal drains 13 SP and it
could heal for as much as 200HP+ per shot. By then you should be
having 550+ HP[you could variate by removing vit so you could allocate
more points though]. That will greatly take your dependency on
Healing Items for as much as your little HP can hold. By the time
you run out of SP[which i think wouldn't be long] you should by then
start hack slashing with healing items then.
Leveling Areas
1-16 | I'd say almost anywhere that's [Novice-friendly]. Stay
| there till you're confident enough to take on Rockers,Porings
| Thief Bugs,Pickies etc...
16-50 | [Culvert Areas]. Just keep on upgrading your Armors and
| equipments here. You can earn as much as 20k[woah that's
| a lot during those time and your condition] and if you're
| lucky enough you can earn Spore or Tarou Cards for yourself
| here. Just keep going down the levels if you think you
| can handle them now. PecoPecos and Ants are good too.
50-60+ | I've made a living on [Elder Willows]. They're good till around
| 60+ or if you have enough equipments to stay on [Byalan 1 or 2]
| They have fine drops too. [Drainliars] in [Coal Mine 1] are nice
| as they normally give more Base EXP. [Sphinx 1] is a choice if
| you could dodge Zeroms and Fly away from Requiem. Hodes are a
60-70+ | possibility as well as savages and marse on [Byalan]. Drainliars
| and Golems are still good too.
Equipment Suggestions
Weapon: +7 Main Gauche > +5 Gladius > [Damage Modifier Card Set]
to weapons > [with magical attributes]
Shield: Guard > [Damage Reducing Cards]
Armor : Adventurer Suit > [HP Boosting Cards]
Helmet: Hat > [Pref. Head Gears with SP Bonus]
Robe : Hood > Mocking Hood
Shoes : Sandals > [SP Regen cards]
Accessories: Novice Armlets > [Skill Cards]

* The Ways of a Permanovice *

*- -*
*- Earning Money -*
*- -*
I dun have any other ways of getting cash other than hunting for rares.
And um... since only other Novices could use carded armlets it's no use
to sell them. I'd say you just wait for luck to drop you a rare and sell it
or them loots [though they're i mean they could be very minimal but a little
is better than nothing, ne?]. Also, you better be sure if you'll use the card
to socket it in an armlet. Look at it with different perspective and look at
their use in the long run. Saving money is as good as earning so there!
Save! Save! Save! Also, it would be good to have a merchant 24% discounting
you from anything then overcharge the loot. I dunno.. that's the best i could
think of.

*- -*
*- Party to choose -*
*- -*

"I dodged it... Ack! Sword and sheath..."
-- Udo Jinee, Rurouni Kenshin

Swordsman - Another Swordsman wouldn't be that bad unless you find the
enemies in the area too hard. Sharing XP with another Swordsman would
defintely depend on where or how powerful the monsters are. If you'll
be teaming up with a fellow swordsman be sure to take advantage of this
and level up on tougher monsters.

Thief - Same us the swordie but mostly thieves won't party with
swordsman. Though in my opinion it's good to have the two jobs than
2 very same jobs. Thieves could keep monsters/aggressive ones away
while you recovery then let him rest as you do your job. It's just a
two way deal. Thieves also could benefit from a tough meat shield as
they deal strong blows in succession.

Acolyte - Preferably a support one. Any party should have at least one
'nuff said.

Mages - I suggest only having one though if you'll be leveling somewhere
like GH or let say you'll be trying Whispers then you should be getting
one they are ultimate offensive weapons though they should always have a
meat shield to protect them that's why with a swordsman around you should
power level while you can.

Archers - Archers are as good as mages though I constantly find having
one around isn't that helpful I would always prefer other classes than
them though they're the best support unit if you can't find any mages
around but considering their elemental arrows you should choose between
it, mages or both.

Merchants - Merchants, I only party with those who really work their ass
off with you. Merchants are nice if they reach the Blacksmith class so
you better be nice to them as they'll own us when they do reach that

*- -*
*- Monster Flee Chart -*
*- -*

"The Saotome Ougi is based on three principles: Speed, Seperation,
and Strategy. In other words, run away until you think of
something better."
-- Saotome Genma, Ranma Nibunnoichi

The number on the left is the number of Flee Rate you need to dodge/flee
monster with ease. I couldn't find any other flee rate as near/accurate
as this one.

87 Poring
89 Fabre
91 Lunatic
93 Picky
93 Willow
95 Drops
95 Roda Frog
95 Santa Poring
96 ChonChon
97 Condor
97 Eclipse (Miniboss)
99 Savage Babe
99 Mastering (Miniboss)
100 Toada (Miniboss)
103 Rocker
103 Spore
105 Hornet
105 Plankton
105 Dragonfly (Miniboss)
107 Kukre
110 Desert Wolf Puppy
110 Zombie
111 Ambermite
112 Creamy
113 Martin
113 Poporing
115 Muka
115 Marin
115 Tarou
116 Familiar
120 Steel Chonchon
121 Coco
122 Wolf
123 Andre
123 Deniro
123 Pecopeco
123 Poison Spore
124 Smokie
125 Bigfoot
125 Golem
125 Pierre
126 Stainer
128 Mandragora
128 Goblin (Axe)
128 Orc Zombie
130 Boa
130 Megalodon
130 Pirate Skeleton
131 Yoyo
134 Goblin (Mace)
134 Hydra
135 Vadon
136 Eggyra
136 Thara Frog
137 Argos
137 Marina
138 Elder Willow
138 Orc Skeleton
138 Orc Warrior
139 Anacondaq
139 Dustiness
139 Goblin (Hammer)
140 Vitata
140 Wormtail
141 Caramel
143 Giearth
143 Goblin (Knife)
143 Santa Goblin
143 Savage
145 Horn
145 Magnolia
145 Zerom
147 Kobold (Hammer)
148 Kaho
148 Skeleton Worker
149 Flora
149 Soldier Skeleton
150 Vocal (Miniboss)
151 Mantis
151 Metaller
152 Bongun
152 Ghoul
152 Swordfish
154 Vagabond Wolf (Miniboss)
155 Hode
156 Munak
156 Scorpion
156 Verit
160 Cornutus
160 Cookie
160 Sasquatch
161 Sohee
163 Desert Wolf
163 Frilldora
163 Marse
163 Strouf
166 Angeling (Miniboss)
168 Kobold (Axe)
170 Goblin (Chain)
170 Myst Case
170 Ghostring (Miniboss)
171 Mist
172 Marc
173 Horong
174 Whisper
175 Matyr
175 Requiem
176 Brilight
177 Argiope
181 Hunter Fly
182 Drainliar
182 Dokkaebi
185 Obeaune
185 Golden Thief Bug (MVP)
188 Choco (Miniboss)
188 Punk
189 Deviace
190 Marionette
190 Sandman
192 Mummy
192 Edgga (MVP)
193 Jakk
193 Nightmare
194 Phen
194 Skeleton Prisoner
195 Isis
195 Zenorc
196 Reydric
198 Sky Petit
198 Marduk
198 Minorous
200 Cruiser
201 Cramp
203 Earth Petit
205 Chepet
205 Zombie Prisoner
206 Evil Druid
206 Khalitzburg
206 Mimic
206 Moonlight Flower (MVP)
207 Pasana
208 Bathory
208 Iron Fist
209 Kobold (Mace)
210 Stemworm
211 Wraith
214 Arclouse
214 High Orc
215 Maya (MVP)
220 Ninetails
221 Dark Priest
221 Mistress (MVP)
223 Alarm
223 Baphomet Jr.
223 Deviruchi
225 Orc Hero (MVP)
230 Anubis
232 Joker
234 Sidewinder
236 Archer Skeleton
240 Anolian
250 Executioner
256 Sting
263 Baphomet (MVP)
265 Orc Archer
270 Drake (MVP)
270 Osiris (MVP)
273 Penomena
283 Wanderman
284 Rideword
285 Orc Lord (MVP)
286 Abyss Knight
305 Doppleganger (MVP)
317 Mysteltainn
322 Phreeoni (MVP)

* Cards List -
Let's begin with the Card List first so you won't have to do the trouble
using other guides for just the reason to view which card you should try to
get. The format goes like this Name of Card/Type/Ability.

Bonus - Means an additional stat gain/stat bonus
Enchant - Means to earn a skill/spell from
Bless - Has something to do with Armor Property
Resist - Resistance from certain things
Harm - Deal better damage on certain monsters
Curse - Influce abnormalities

*-Note that card skills/effects here is based on the most recent Card
Database of RO. It might differ from what your RO servers have now.

| Accessory |
Card Name | Card Type | Ability
Cobold | Bonus | Critical +4%, STR +1
Creamy | Enchant | Teleport Level 1
Horong | Enchant | Sight Level 1
Joker | Enchant | Steal Level 1
Kukre | Bonus | AGI +2
Mantis | Bonus | STR +3
Marine Sphere | Enchant | Magnum Break Level 3
Muka | Bonus | HP Recovery +10%
Obeaune | Enchant | Cure Level 1
Phen | Bonus | Uninterruptible casting, but
| | increases delay time 10%
Pirate Skel | Enchant | Discount Level 5
Poison Spore | Enchant | Envenom Level 1
PoPoring | Enchant | Detoxify Level 1
Smokie | Enchant | Hiding Level 1
Spore | Bonus | VIT +2
Tarou | Bonus | STR +2
Vitata | Enchant | Heal Level 1
Wormtail | Bonus | DEX +2
Yoyo | Bonus | Perfect Dodge +5, AGI +1
Zerom | Bonus | DEX +3

| Armor |
Card Name | Card Type | Ability
Angelring | Bless | Gives armor Holy Property.
Argiope | Bless | Gives armor Poison Property.
| | Poison does 5% less damage, DEF +1.
Baby DesertWolf | Bonus | INT +1
Bathory | Bless | Gives armor Shadow Property
Cornutus | Bless | Makes Armor Indestructible, DEF +1.
Dokkaebi | Bless | Gives armor Wind Property, DEF +1.
Evil Druid | Bless | Gives Armor Undead Property, INT +1, Def +1
Ghostring | Bless | Gives armor Ghost Property.
| | HP Recovery -25% [NotYetImplemented].
Marc | Immune | Immune to Freeze affect.
| | Water does 5% less damage.
Pasana | Bless | Gives armor Fire Property, DEF +1.
PecoPeco | Bonus | Maximum HP +10%
Picky | Bonus | STR +1, Atk +10
Picky Egg | Bonus | VIT +1, Max HP +100
Poring | Bonus | LUK +2, Perfect Dodge +1
Pupa | Bonus | Maximum HP +700
Rocker | Bonus | DEX +1
Roda Frog | Bonus | Maximum HP +400, Maximum SP+50
Sandman | Bless | Gives Armor Earth Property, DEF +1.
Savage | Bonus | VIT +3
Steel ChonChon | Bonus | DEF +2,-20% Resistance to Wind
Swordfish | Bless | Gives armor Water Property, DEF +1.
Thief Bug | Bonus | AGI +1

| Foot Gear |
Card Name | Card Type | Ability
ChonChon | Bonus | AGI +2, Flee +2
Eddga | Enchant | Permanent Endure [NotYetImplemented]
| | Max HP -25%
Male Thief Bug | Bonus | AGI +2
Matyr | Bonus | Max HP +10%, AGI +1
Moonlight Flower| Enchant | +25% Walking Speed
Sohee | Bonus | Maximum SP +15%, SP Recover +3%
Verit | Bonus | Maximum HP/SP +8%
Zombie | Bonus | HP Recovery +20%

| Garment |
Card Name | Card Type | Ability
Bapho Jr. | Bonus | AGI +3, Critical +1%
Condor | Bonus | Flee +10
Dustiness | Resist | 30% Resistance to Wind, Flee +5
Frilldora | Enchant | Cloaking Level 1
Hode | Resist | 30% Resistance to Earth, Flee +5
Isis | Resist | 30% Resistance to Shadow, Flee +5
Marionette | Resist | 30% Resistance to Ghost, Flee +5
Mars | Resist | 30% Resistance to Water, Flee +5
Mist | Resist | 30% Resistance to Poison, Flee +5
Orc Zombie | Resist | 30% Resistance to Undead, Flee +5
Raydric | Resist | 15% Resistance to Neutral, Flee +5
Whisper | Bonus | Flee +20
| | 5% more damage from Ghost Property attacks.
Zakk | Resist | 30% Resistance to Fire, Flee +5

| Head Gear |
Card Name | Card Type | Ability
Coco | Resist | Sleep 20%, DEF +1
Deviruchi | Immune | Immune to Blind, STR +1
Elder Willow | Bonus | INT +2
Ghoul | Resist | 20% Resistance from Poison Attack, DEF +1
Giearth | Immune | Chaos, 15% Resistance from Poison
Marduk | Bonus | Immune to Silence.
| | Reduce casting time by 5%
Martin | Resist | 20% Resistance from Blind, DEF +1
Mistress | Enchant | Cast spells that require gemstones
| | without using one, +25% SP consumption
| | with all skills
Orc Hero | Immune | Immune to Stun, Vit +1
Stainer | Resist | Silence 20%, Def +1
Willow | Bonus | Maximum SP +80

| Shield |
Card Name | Card Type | Ability
Ambernite | Bonus | DEF +2
Andre Egg | Bonus | Maximum HP +5%
Argos | Resist | 20% Resistance from Stone Curse, DEF +1
Bigfoot | Resist | Insects do 30% less damage
Golden Thief Bug| Enchant | Block All Magic Spells cast at user,
| | 2x SP consumption with all skills
Horn | Resist | Ranged attacks do 20% less damage
Khalitzburg | Resist | 30% resistance from Demon Monsters
Maya | Enchant | 30% chance to Reflect Magic
Megalodon | Resist | Resist Frozen by 20%, DEF +1
Munak | Resist | Resist Stone Curse by 15%
| | 5% Resistance to Earth, DEF +1
Orc Warrier | Resist | Brutes do 30% less damage
Refflesia | Resist | Fish do 30% less damage
Petite (Sky) | Resist | Dragons do 30% less damage
Thara Frog | Resist | Demi-Humans do 30% less damage
Thief Bug Egg | Bonus | Maximum HP +30

Card Name | Card Type | Ability
Anacondaq | Harm | 20% more damage vs Poison
Andre | Bonus | ATK +20
Andre Larva | Bonus | INT+1,Maximum SP +10
Archer Skeleton | Harm | 10% more damage vs Flying monsters
Baphomet | Harm | Each attack does 3x3 splash damage
Caramel | Harm | 20% more damage on Insects
Desert Wolf | Harm | 15% more damage vs Small monsters
Deviace | Harm | 7% more damage vs Demi Human, Brute
| | Plant, and Insect Monsters
Doppelganger | Enchant | Fast-Attack Speed [NotYetImplemented]
Drainliar | Harm | 20% more damage vs Water
Drake | Enchant | 100% Size Modifier against All Size monsters
Drops | Bonus | DEX +1
Fabre | Bonus | VIT +1, Maximum HP +100
Farmiliar | Curse | 5% chance of Blind each attack, ATK+5
Female Thief Bug | Bonus | AGI +1, Flee +1
Flora | Harm | 20% more damage on Amphibians
Goblin | Harm | 20% more damage on Brutes
Golem | Bless | Makes Weapon Indestructible, ATK+5
Hornet | Bonus | STR+1,ATK+3
Hunter Fly | Bonus | 3% chance of Heal 15% of damage done
| | each attack
Hydra | Harm | 20% more damage on Demi-Humans
Kaho | Harm | 20% more damage on Earth Property
Lunatic | Bonus | LUK +1, Critical +1, Perfect Dodge +1
Magnolia | Curse | 5% chance of Curse each attack, ATK+5
Mandragora | Harm | 20% more damage vs Wind
Marina | Curse | 5% chance of 'Frostbite' each attack, ATK+5
Metaller | Curse | 5% chance of Silence each attack ATK+5
Minorous | Harm | 15% more damage vs Large Size Monster, ATK+5
Mummy | Bonus | Hit +20
Orc Skeleton | Harm | 20% more damage vs Holy
PecoPeco Egg | Harm | 20% more damage on Formless
Phreeoni | Bonus | Hit +100
Petite (Ground) | Harm | 20% more damage on Dragon monsters
Plankton | Curse | 5% chance of Curse each attack, ATK +5
Requiem | Curse | 5% chance of Chaos each attack[NYI]
Santa Poring | Harm | 20% more damage vs Shadow
Savage Bebe | Curse | 5% chance of Stun each attack, ATK+5
Scorpion | Harm | 20% more damage on Plants
Sidewinder | Enchant | Double Attack Level 1
Skel Worker | Bonus | 15% more damage vs Medium monsters, ATK+5
Snake/Boa | Curse | 1% chance of Toxication each attack
Soldier Skeleton | Bonus | Critical +9%
Strouf | Harm | 20% more damage vs Demon
Vadon | Harm | 20% more damage vs Fire
Wolf | Bonus | ATK +15, Critical +1
Zenorc | Curse | 4% chance of Poison each attack, ATK+10

* Level Up Guide *

= Leveling Areas FAQs =

* - Taken from a Perma Novice Point of view.

Prontera Fields

Direction: [2 East] from Geffen
[2 West 1 North] from Prontera
Monsters: Creamy, Fabre, Green Plant, Hornet, Lunatic, Poring, Pupa
Roda Frog, Shining Plant
Recommended Level: 1-10 [till 20 for hornets and creamy]

Pretty much a good leveling map if you don't like much company. The place
rarely gets visitors so you may like it here though Creamies and Hornets
from time to time might outnumber easy monsters like Lunatics, Poring and
the like. You may want to consider leveling on other maps though.

Direction: [1 North] from Prontera
Monsters: Blue Plant, Fabre, Green Plant, Lunatic, Poring, Pupa, Roda Frog
Thiefbug Egg
Recommended Level: 1-15

A good novice area. It isn't crowded much and serves its purpose well though
its positioning isn't a good thing for most people as they have to make
quite a trek back and forth.

Direction: [1 North 1 East] from Prontera
Monsters: Eclipse, Fabre, Lunatic, Mandragora, Poring, Pupa, Shining Plant
Recommended Level: 25-40

A nice area to level on when stepping at around 25-30. Mandragoras drop nice
loots and has a pretty average spawn rate. You could stay here till 35 or so
as they're mediocre replacement for Elder Willow Leveling. Eclipses could be
a nice catch here.

Direction: [1 North 2 East] from Prontera
[1 West] from prt_monk
Monsters: Blue Plant, Choco, Creamy, Fabre, Green Plant, Lunatic, Poporing
Pupa, Pupa, Thiefbug Egg, Yoyo
Recommended Level: 45-50

A fair area to level when nearing 50's. Though you should watch out for the
Choco mini-boss as it could pack a mean punch. Yoyos could be hunted for
both EXP and a rare Yoyo Card that could sell for a nice amount of zennies.
There are easy monsters here that you can kill while you go search for more
Yoyos or Creamies, just watch out for mobs though.

Direction: [2 West] from Prontera
Monsters: Green Plant, Hornet, Lunatic, Poring, Rocker, Roda Frog
Recommended Level: 20-30

A good amount of Hornets and Rockers around here that could last you till
your late 20's to early 30's. Roda Frogs could give you decent exp during
that time.

Direction: [1 West] from Prontera
Monsters: Blue Plant, Fabre, Green Plant, Lunatic, Poring, Pupa, Roda Frog
Recommended Level: 1-20

A Good Novice Area and is near the culverts Tool Keeper and Kafra too. It has
an Above Average spawn rate and since it's near the Culvert's Kafra you could
keep on killing and not to worry when you die as you'll be spawning in the
same map anyway.

Direction: [1 East] from Prontera
Monsters: Fabre, Green Plant, Lunatic, Poring, Pupa, Roda Frog,Thiefbug/Egg
Recommended Level: 1-20

Same as the other Novice Hunting Ground and since it is just a step from
Prontera it has been flocked by novices to train. It should serve its purpose
too. You can keep on killing Thief Bugs that are minimal in number here if
you can, they should give a decent amount of EXP.

Direction: [1 West 1 South] from Prontera
Monsters: Black Mushroom,Creamy,Fabre,Lunatic,Poring,Rocker,RodaFrog,Vocal
Recommended Level: 15-30 [or 40's even]

A good replacement for leveling on Culverts. Rockers should be giving almost
the exact same EXP rate Theif Bugs could give the only good thing here is
that they don't mob or help out. They could last you till 40's and you could
hunt the Vocal Mini Boss if you can aswell.

Direction: [1 South] from Prontera
[1 West] from Izlude
Monsters: ChonChon, Fabre, Lunatic, Poring, Pupa, Roda Frog
Recommended Level: 1-20

Perhaps one of the best Novice Hunting Grounds there is. It is near two
cities and you could respawn in the same map too. Monsters could rack you up
till 20 if you're still not ready for Rockers or other monsters. They give
a very little drop but the spawn rate here is crazy and that makes up for

Direction: [1 West 2 South] from Prontera
[1 North] from AntHell Area
Monsters: Chonchon, Condor, Desert Wolf Pup, Drops, Muka, PecoPeco Egg, Picky
Super Picky, Steel Chonchon, Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 15-30

A pretty average map for an average leveled novice. Muka cards are really
helpful too as well as condors and steel chonchon if you manage to get one.

Direction: [2 West 2 South] from Prontera
Monsters: Creamy, Elder Willow, Lunatic, Poporing, Red mushroom, Savage Bebe
Shining Plant, Willow
Recommended Level: 30-60+

With an average flee or def rate elder willows could rack you good EXP till
about 60+ You could sideline for Dead Branches and Trunks too. Creamies are
running around here so you may want to chance upon them too.

Direction: [3 West 2 South] from Prontera
Monsters: Coco, Elder Willow, Lunatic, Poporing, Red mushroom, Savage
Savage Bebe, Yoyo
Recommended Level: 50-70+

Savages. Nuff said. You may chance up on a yoyo card too.

Morroc Fields

Direction: [2 South] from Prontera
Monsters: Condor, Drops, PecoPeco, PecoPeco Egg, Picky, Super Picky,Y.Plant
Recommended Level: 7-25

An average leveling spot that has a good number of novice-friendly to perma-
novice-friendly monsters to level up on. Plus, PecoPeco Cards are really
really useful before the Yuno/Juno patch. Monsters around here are pretty
decent and has nice drops [Condor/PecoPeco/PecoPeco Egg Cards] and they could
even drop an Egg Shell that has a nice def. rate early in the game. Pecos
also drops those slotted sandals that will be very handy ones foot gear
cards are at your hands.

Direction: [3 South] from Prontera [Right portal from moc_fild01]
Monsters: Condor, Green Plant, PecoPeco Egg, Picky, Super Picky, Savage Bebe
Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 1-15

Not really a good hunting ground for novices but since they have savage bebe
they could give a good amount of EXP till late in your novice leveling days.

Direction: [1 South 1 West] from Payon
Monsters: Boa, Green Plant, Lunatic, Poring, Roda Frog, Willow, Wolf
Recommended Level: 15-30

Boas are great source of EXP till level 30. Roda Frogs and Willows are enough
to support your leveling while looking for Boas. Below Average loot here but
EXP off the Boas and Wolves are good.

Direction: [3 South] from Prontera [Left portal from moc_fild01]
Monsters: Chonchon, Condor, Drops, PecoPeco, PecoPeco Egg, Picky, S.Picky
Wolf, Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 7-30

A good leveling place as it combines a lot of mosters that are novice
friendly. Pretty much the same as all other Morroc Fields

Direction: [1 West] from AntHell Area
Monsters: Chonchon, Condor, Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Picky, Super Picky, Wolf
Steel Chonchon, Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 10-30

Similar to moc_fild04 map

Direction: [1 North 1 East] from Morroc
Monsters: Chonchon, Condor, Desert Wolf Pup, Dragon Fly, Drops, Muka
PecoPeco Egg, Picky, S.Picky, Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 10-30

Similar to moc_fild04 map

Direction: [1 North] from Morroc
Monsters: Chonchon, Drops, PecoPeco Egg, Picky, S.Picky, Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 10-20

A very good Novice Hunting Ground. Being adjacent to Morroc Town makes it
similar to prt_fild08. The bountyful amount of monsters here are ample to
level you till 20 without relying too much on potions or equipments.

Direction: [1 South] from AntHell Area
Monsters: Desert Wolf Pup, Golem, Metaller, Scorpion
Recommended Level: 50-70

A nice map for novice with agi and/or luck/crit based build. Golems are a
really really nice way to earn big sum of EXP but at a low level each of its
attack will really hurt. Metallers and Scorpions are so-so enemies which
should be easy ones attaining a higher level. Loots should be awesome here.

Direction: [1 North 1 East] from Morroc
Monsters: Condor, Desert Wolf Pup, Muka, PecoPeco Egg, Picky, S.Picky,
Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 15-25

Mukas and Deser Wolf Pups are the only reason to hunt in this map. Muka cards
are nice early on and so would PecoPeco Egg cards would be to you.

Direction: [1 East] from Morroc
Monsters: Condor, Green Plant, PecoPeco, PecoPeco Egg, Picky, S.Picky
Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 10-30

Similar to moc_fild04 map

Direction: [1 South 1 East] from Morroc
Monsters: Andre, Ant Egg, Chonchon, Deniro, Drops, Picky, S.Picky, Piere
Shining Plant
Recommended Level: 10-30

Similar to moc_fild04 map but it boasts on Andre and Ant Eggs that are very
useful to novices if they got their cards.

Direction: [1 South] from Morroc
Monsters: Ant Egg, Chonchon, Drops, Picky, S.Picky, Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 10-20

Similar to moc_fild07. A nice novice hunting ground too.

Direction: [1 South 2 West] from Payon
Monsters: Boa, Condor, PecoPeco, PecoPeco Egg, Picky, S. Picky, R.Mushroom
Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 15-30

Boas are great source of EXP till level 30 and so does Peco Pecos. Loots are
above average and the EXP is pretty nice ones you could take on Peco Pecos
or Boas.

Direction: [1 South 3 East] from Morroc
Monsters: Deser Wolf, Deser Wolf Pup, Hode, Metaller, Scorpion, Shining Plant
Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 60-75/80

Desert Wolves, Hodes and Metallers are good monsters to farm experience
during these late stages. They could drop rares that could be converted to
Red Potions to keep on leveling here again.

Direction: [1 South 2 East] from Morroc
Monsters: Andre, Ant Egg, Deniro, Piere, Scorpion, yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 20-30

A good replacement instead of heading for ant hell.

Direction: [2 South 2 East] from Morroc
Monsters: Hode, Metaller, Muka, Sandman
Recommended Level: 70-80

Sandmen makes the map tough for Novices. I'd suggest you come back here
during your later levels if you can handle[or your Flee that is] 2 or 3
Sandmen mob.

Direction: [1 South 3 West] from Morroc
Monsters: Andre, Blue Plat, Drops, Frilldora, Piere, Hode, Metaller, Sandman
Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 70-80

With a few sandmen, hodes and frilldora in number you can visit here to kill
or hunt for sandmen without the worry of getting mobbed. Frilldora only
spawns here too and their card are tad a rare find.

Direction: [2 South] from Morroc
Monsters: Anacondaq, Chonchon, Drops, Hode, Steel Chonchon, Yellow Plant
Recommended Level: 50-80

A very good middle game leveling place. Just bring along better weapons
to make the kill faster. A good replacement for Savages too.

Geffen Fields

Direction: [1 East] from Geffen
Monsters: Blue Plant, Chonchon, Willow, Fabre, Green Plant, Marting, Poring
Pupa, Roda Frog
Recommended Level: 1-20

Perhaps one of the best Novice Hunting Grounds there is. It is near two
cities and you could respawn in the same map too. Monsters could rack you up
till 20 if you're still not ready for Rockers or other monsters. They give
a very little drop but the spawn rate here is crazy and that makes up for

Direction: [1 East 1 South] from Geffen
Monsters: Green Plant, Hornet, Poring, Roda Frog, Thara Frog, Toad
Recommended Level: 20-25

Not the best place to hunt Tharas or Hornets and the Toad mini boss isn't
that all great. Spawn rate are awful too.

Direction: [2 East] from Orc Ville Area
Monsters: Blue Plant, Goblin [1-5], Goblin Archer, Goblin Leader, Green Plant
Poporing, Red Mushroom, Shining Plant, Steam Goblin
Recommended Level: 60-75

Aside from watching out for the Steam Goblin and Goblin Leader, the place is
a good hunting ground as well as a leveling place. Goblin Cards are good
cards to be used by novices and some of the Goblins have awful dex too[for
agi people ^_^] and they don't hit hard that much.

Direction: [1 East] from Orc Ville Area
Monsters: Coco, Green Plant, Poporing, Smokie
Recommended Level: 30-40

Not the best place to hunt for Smokies but the little population of people
hunting here makes it a nice peaceful place to play.

Direction: [1 North] from Geffen
Monsters: Ambernite, Chonchon, Fabre, Green Plant, Poring Pupa, Roda Frog
Recommended Level: 10-24

Another good novice hunting ground. The spawn rate here is crazy too.

Direction: [1 West 1 North] from Geffen
Monsters: Chonchon, Deserwolf Pup, Fabre, Poring, Pupa, Red Plant, Rocker
Roda Frog, Savage Bebe, Willow
Recommended Level: 10-24

Another good novice hunting ground. Spawn rate is good and the little
competition from other players here makes it nice too.

Direction: [2 West 1 North] from Geffen
[1 East] From Glast Heim
Monsters: Creamy, Sky Petite, Earth Petite, Poporing, Shining Plant, Stainer
Recommended Level: 80-90

Petites/Dragon Types aren't novice friendly. They have a good agi and a high
str/atk power that compensate for their so-so dex. You may wanna think twice
to level here though you'll be pretty famous if you could pawn petite mobs.

Direction: [1 West] from Geffen
Monsters: Blue Plant, Chonchon, Creamy, Fabre, Green Plant, Poring, Pupa
Roda Frog, Shining Plant, Stainer, Willow
Recommended Level: 1-24

Spaw Rate is Crazy and the monsters just love novices. Another great novice
hunting ground.

Direction: [2 West] from Geffen
Monsters: Blue Plant, Creamy, Kobold[1-5], Poporing, Stainer
Recommended Level: 60-90

Get a Bloody Weapon mixed with Demi-Human damage reducing equips and you're
all set. Cobold Cards are sold at a nice price as well as their loots and
leveling in here could get you good to 80+

Direction: [1 North] from Orc Ville Area
Monsters: Ambernite, Blue Plant, Hornet, Poring, Red Mushroom
Recommended Level: 20-25

Not a very wise decision to level on. Crappy Spawn Rate and not much loots
to look out for. Not just a good idea to hunt for ambernites. Otherwise,
the place is good as it has not much to no people at all.

Direction: Orc Ville Area
Monsters: Blue Plant, Green Plant, Horn, Orc Lady, Orc Warrior, Poporing,
Recommended Level: 50-70

Get a Fire Weapon Instead of Bloody Weapons as it'll benefit you on most
monsters and take advantage of their elemental weakness. Orc Warriors have
a terrible HIT rate and could barely keep up if you're fast enough. Vit could
also level up here pretty well.

Direction: [1 South] from Orc Ville Area
Monsters: Black Mushroom, Coco, Goblin[1-5], Panzer Goblin, Poporing, Smokie
Recommended Level: 50-70

Much like gef_fild10 but watch out for Panzer Goblins. Goblins are like a
stepped-down orcs XD

Direction: [2 West 1 South] from Geffen
Monsters: Kobold[1-5], Kobold Archer, Kobold Leader, Poporing, Stainer
Recommended Level: 70-90

A not-so-wise decision to level up on since the map features Kobold Archers
that can ruin you any time. I'd suggest you just try gef_fild08 if you can't
take Kobold Archers no more.

Direction: [1 West 1 South] from Geffen
[1 West 1 North] from Orc Ville Area
Monsters: Ambernite, Creamy, Poporing
Recommended Level: 20-30

A so-so area. Just consider other places other than this. Only a hand full of
people would be seen here >D

Direction: [1 West] from Orc Ville Area
Monsters: High Orc, Orc Archer, Orc Hero, Orc Lady, Orc Warrior
Recommended Level: 70-90

High Orcs if you could kill them but those Orc Archers will just piss you
off. Overall a nice place to level just watch out for the Archer and Hero.

Payon Fields

Direction: [1 South] from Payon
Monsters: Black Mushroom, Fabre, Green Plant, Lunatic Poring, Pupa, Willow
Recommended Level: 1-24

A very good novice hunting ground. Spawn Rate is high but the population or
competition here are great. There are a lot of peopel leveling here too.
Overall this is a very nice spot to level on.

Direction: [2 South] from Payon
Monsters: Boa, Fabre, Green Plant, Lunatic Poring, Pupa, Red Mushroom,
Thief bug, Willow, Wolf
Recommended Level: 20-40

Boas and Wolves are great source of exp. The average spawn rate here is just
enough for the little population/competition in the area.

Direction: [1 West] from Alberta
Monsters: Creamy, Fabre, Green Plant, Lunatic Poring, Pupa, Red Mushroom,
Willow, Worm Tail
Recommended Level: 1-24

Another great novice hunting ground. Just don't try out Worm Tails and
Creamies as they'll be too strong at a very low point of your novice career.
Spawn Rate are high too and competition is average.

Direction: [2 South 1 West] from Prontera
Monsters: Angeling, Drops, Ghostring, Green Plant, Poporing, Poring ,
Shining Plant
Recommended Level: 1-30

The Poring Land. Just watch out for the bosses and eat them porings!

Direction: [3 South] from Payon
Monsters: Boa, Green Plant, Poison Spore, Poporing, Spore
Recommended Level: 20-30

Boas and Poison Spore are the main menu here. Spawn rate are low and so is
the competition. You could level quietly here too.

Direction: [1 West 1 South] from Alberta
Monsters: Fabre, Green plant, Lunatic, Poring, Pupa, Red Mushroom, Roda Frog
Shining Plant, Spore, Willow
Recommended Level: 1-30

This place has more Roda Frogs than any other monsters. They could last till
your early 30's too. They're very novice friendly and there's enough for

Direction: [1 South 1 West] from Payon
Monsters: Bigfoot, Caramel, Dokebi, Eggyra, Green Plant, Poison Spore,
Recommended Level: 60-80

If it weren't for Dokebis. Dokebis are good source of EXP when you reach
the early 60's till your late 70's complimented with Caramels and Bigfoots
as well as Poison Spore to last you till 80. Eggyras are good too but they're
tough to kill without the proprer tool.

Direction: [1 East] from Payon
Monsters: Bigfoot, Elder Willow, Green Plant, Poporing, Shining Plant,Smokie
Recommended Level: 30-50

Elder Willows and Bigfoots are great source of EXP. Though some ranged
players would go here. Competition would be high and since there aren't
any aggresives here and the average spawn rate it offers it is a nice place
to level considering that it's near the town too.

Direction: [2 East] from Payon
Monsters: Bigfoot, Eggyra, Greatest General, Green Plant, Poporing,
Shining Plant, Sohee, Wanderer
Recommended Level: 60-80

A so-so place to level. If you could Dodge Greatest Generals then this is
a great place for you. Sohees are good too just watchout for that Wander Man.

Direction: [1 South 2 East] from Payon
Monsters: Bigfoot, Blue Plant, Eddga, Eggyra, Green Plant, Horong, Munak
Poison Spore
Recommended Level: 60-80

Much like pay_fild09 just watch out for Horongs if you can't take on them
as well as munaks and the boss Eddga. Don't Worry though as most 2nd job
would be camping here so you could run around for help if ever.

Direction: [2 South 1 West] from Payon
[3 West] from Alberta
Monsters: Brilight, Dustiness, Fabre, Horn, Pupa, Red Mushroom, Stainer,
Stem Worm, Worm Tail
Recommended Level: 70-90

Brilights and Stem Worms are early 80's type of monsters. They're aggresive
and annoying. Below Average Spawn rate and the low leveled monsters it
features makes it a bad place to level, that is if you can't take on
Briligths and Stem Worms.

= Specific Leveling FAQs =
This section is intended to point out most builds on where to Hunt to Level
on. I've included a tanking method along with it yet they're not to be taken
seriously as your personal preference would always be better than mine.
Just think of them as suggestions.

-----------------------Novice lvl. 1 to lvl 14-----------------------

Hunt some Fabres, Porings, Lunatics and Chonchon till about level 7 or 8.
By then you should be able to take on Rockers or some theif bugs. If you're
to choose on either to pump STR or DEX early on I would suggest you pump
DEX [remember DEX raises/affects the minimum amount of damage you inflict as
well as boosting your HIT/Accuracy up]. Also, you don't have to go into a
hybrid build right now. Just keep on focusing on which defensive stat you're
going to invest on, be it AGI or VIT. Anyway, Rockers or Thief bugs could
level you till 14 allowing you to equip better Weapons [Like a Ring Pommel].

TANK - Start with rockers or thief bugs, boas are good tank-able monsters
too. Poporings and Savage Babe are great tank-able monsters too.

-----------------------Novice lvl. 13 to lvl 25-----------------------

Vit - Culverts level 1 and 2 should be great by now. You should be taking
little damage from thief bugs and farmiliars and at the same time be using
little to less healing potions. Tarous would be great source of EXP too. I
wouldn't suggest Byalan at the moment since there are less novice-friendly
monsters there [kukres, planktons, and hydra compared to culvert that almost
gives as much EXP]. Peco Pecos and Boas would be nice choices too.

Agi - I would still say Culverts 1 and 2. They give pretty decent EXP till
the desired level and at the same time you wouldn't need much flee for thief
bugs. Depending on your Flee rate and equips, you could try other places
though but i strongly suggest Culverts then switching to Peco Pecos or Boas

Tanked - Elder Willows till flat level 40 and you could still keep going
till 45 until you have a decent flee rate to start leveling on your own.

-----------------------Novice lvl. 26 to lvl 40-----------------------

Vit - Culverts are still good till level 40. Just stick to a leveling place
where you'll be taking 10 or less damage per hit. With quality equipments you
could try out Byalan 1, Payon 2, Elder Willows, Yoyos, Culvert 4, and Geffen
level 1. Geffen level 1 would be good when you reach and ample amount of
defensive stat and could last you till level 50+.

Agi - Culverts are still a nice choice, Elder Willows and Payon 2 are good
too. Monsters there requires only a low flee rate. It might not be fast
but it still serves its purpose well. Geffen 1 would be fast if you have an
elemental weapon for it and an acolyte to support you.

Tanked - If you're still been tanked, hodes and anacondaqs are great source
of EXP by then and so are Savages, or a little bit stepped down, Smokies
and Cocos are nice too. If you're being tanked, you should opt for
elementals so you could kill faster. Byalan 2 are a good tanking place too.

-----------------------Novice lvl. 41 to lvl 50-----------------------

Vit - At this point, your Defense should be able to handle good amount of mob
so head for ant hell or geffen dungeon 1. With a good wind weapon, Byalan 2
would be great. Payon Dungeon 2 are still a good source of Exp. If you're
that patient Culverts 4 could last you till level 50. Anywhere you want just
consider that monsters should be damaging you for 20 or less damage per hit
would be a great idea to level on.

Agi - With a good flee rate and a carded or elemental weapon of choice.
Geffen dungeon 1 would be a great leveling area same as to Byalan 2. You
could still level on Male theif bugs in Culvert 4 or Elder Willows if you're
really patient. Anacondaqs are great source of EXP too and so are Hodes.
Zeroms in Sphinx 1 are nice source of EXP too but they're a bit dexterous and
could hit you every now and then.

Tanked - Stay where you're tanked from 26 - 40.

Don't go hybrid till yet. Focus on shifting adding points on your desired
stat and str/dex.

-----------------------Novice lvl. 51 to lvl 60-----------------------

Vit - Pyramid 2 are now open for you. With a nice Fire weapon you should be
making fun of the monsters here, just watch out for Archer Skeletons. Geffen
dungeon 1 are still till your level 55's. You could also extend leveling
there till 60 as their damage would be tolerable. Hodes, Savages and
Anacondaqs are good monsters to hunt also. Orc Warriors would be a nice
idea and so are Sohee's if you could take on them. Drainliars in Coal Mines
are great great source of EXP and the damage is tolerable.

Agi - Hodes, Anacondaqs, Drainliars, Savages, and Golems are nice choices.
They could last till 60+ also, if you like things to be fast, get a strong
fire weapon and with ample flee you should level up on sandmen while you
spam potions.

-----------------------Novice lvl. 61 to lvl 70-----------------------

Vit - Now it varies with what equipment you have. With, quality equipments
Kobolds should be great source of EXP[Bloody Weapob], Sandmen[Fire Weapon],
Sphinx 2 [Bloody Weapon on Requims], Geffen 2 [Ice Weapon on Jakk], Zenorc
[Bloody Weapon], Sohees [Wind Weapon], Byalan 3[Wid Weapon], Goblins[Bloody
Weapon]. Basically things will be up to your equipments now. If your equips
would permit it level there.

Agi - Pretty much like where a Vit should be. I personally would choose to
level on Sandmen with a good fire weapon. You'll be spamming less potions
and be earning as much for your potions. Savages would still be good till
your early 70's and so are hodes.

-----------------------Novice lvl. 71 to lvl 80-----------------------

Vit - Now it varies with what equipment you have. With, quality equipments
Kobolds should be great source of EXP[Bloody Weapob], Sandmen[Fire Weapon],
Sphinx 2 [Bloody Weapon on Requims], Geffen 2 [Ice Weapon on Jakk], Zenorc
[Bloody Weapon], Sohees [Wind Weapon], Byalan 3[Wid Weapon], Goblins[Bloody
Weapon]. Pretty much like where you would level on 61-70. They would still
be giving enough EXP for you.

Agi - Same thing as a vit build would be levleing.

-----------------------Novice lvl. 81 to lvl 99-----------------------

Vit/Agi - Now it's up to your personal choice/[preference on where to
level up. If you could take on Kobolds[Bloody Weapob], Sandmen[Fire Weapon],
Sphinx 2 [Bloody Weapon on Requims], Geffen 2 [Ice Weapon on Jakk], Zenorc
[Bloody Weapon], Sohees [Wind Weapon], Byalan 3[Wid Weapon], Goblins[Bloody
Weapon], Minos [Ice Weapon], Evil Druid [Fire Weapon], High Orcs[Bloody
Weapon]. Basically this is where things are down to the wire. Level up where
you think you could last till you could make a re-route trip back.

* Credits *

I would like to thank the following:
Gravity - For creating the game.
http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~magnusrk/calc/calc.php - The Stat Point Calculator
I've been using to formulate ideas and builds.
www.rodatazone.com - Where I borrowed the card listings.
Level-Up - I'm not sure why? but they brought Ragnarok Online to the
Soujiro's Perma-novice Guide - His is greatly
benefitial. He was the only one to have a perma-novice guide. I was inspired
and viola! here it was! Thanks man.
GameFaqs - The best FAQ site in the world nuff' said.
YOU - This won't be called a guide with out anyone being guided. Thank you.
kirtap - he was like the new info guru something something. He has been a big
help... most of the time. j00 ro> Iris Guild - I didn't had any when i started playing, I though it was just
another show-off thing but my Iris Guild isn't just any other. The Council
of Iris™. Keep on Cheezin! PISH AWTSH!

If I ever missed someone e-mail me.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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