Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

17.10.2013 10:21:33
Ragnarok Online Sage Guide
For PC (DOS/Windows)
FAQs/Guide created by ReiCA Zinra
Copyright 2004 by ReiCA Zinra
Created: May 2, 2004 (5.02.03)

This Guide is dedicated to all my other friends and classmates
both players and non-players of RO.
(III-St. Dominic S.Y. 2003-2004 Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila School)

Please join our yahoo groups! It's open to everybody!


| If you're looking for other 2-2 job guides, you may want to take a look|
| on the other guides that we made (Me and the contributors), namely |
| pre 2-2 non-melee job guide and pre 2-2 melee job guide, both found |
| here in gamefaqs and other sites that posted our guide. ^_^ |

- Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------

1. Version History
2. Introduction
3. Ragnarok Online
4. Sage: Brains and Brawns
5. Essential Stats for (Battle) Mage - Sages
6. How to get there
7. Mage Skills
8. Sage Skills
9. Skill Builds
10. Stat Builds
11. Possible Equipments
12. MVP'ing as a Sage (Coming Soon, help from you guys would be great!)
13. WoE Sage (Coming Soon, help from you guys would be great!)
14. Card Collection
15. Leveling Spots
16. Flee Chart
17 FAQ's
18. Contact Me
19. Thank You to all
10. Unlegal

- I. Version History -----------------------------------------------------

Version 1.0 May 05, 2004 (05/05/04)
This is the very first version of my new guide.
This is as well the prototype, expect lots of typos.
This guide is dedicated to the Sage and those who are willing to be
a Battle-Mage. (I'll be rooting for you!)
The Battle Sage Part is still in development.

Version 1.1 May 12, 2004 (05/12/04)
Battle-Sage part is still pending due to the skill's description.
In our private server, Sages can enchant themselves but since private
servers has lots of bugs... maybe this is just a bug. And there will
be no actual Battle-Sages T_T.
I added some info regarding Abracadabra but I don't know if the data is
true. It's just a submission.

Version 1.2 May 15, 2004 (05/14/04)
Added the BSa parts and modified the guide to to over margin.

Version 1.3 May 25, 2004 (05/25/04)
Corrected the monocell ability.
Thanks to "Hiroshi ..."

Version 1.4 May 27, 2004 (05/27/04)
Added a BSa Submission by "Martin Cheng"
Thanx man.

- II. Introduction -------------------------------------------------------

The following information found in this guide is mostly based on my
experience in playing in pRO (Philippines) version of Ragnarok Online,
playing in private servers (ya, I know it's illegal and all..)
and reading other FAQs/guides on gamefaqs and some of my theories &

This guide is accurate in stats build but not in the skill builds
due to the changes that may occur in the not so near future.
My goal is to provide you some ideas on skill builds and stats build
for the different 2-2 jobs.

- III. Ragnarok Online ---------------------------------------------------

Ragnarok Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
made by Gravity and was inspired by Lee-Myoungin's Manhwa "Ragnarok".
The game is highly addictive due to its many factors (too many to mention)
and lets you interact with many other players in your country or
all over the world.

People would say, "Once you come in.. You'll never get out"
Well that's how addictive RO is. (For us gamers)

- IV. Sage: Brains and Brawns --------------------------------------------

As we all know Mages are not frontline fighters and also NOT a MELEE
fighter. This may sound crazy but Sages CAN be frontline fighters
and Battle-Mages CAN be born. IMO, Sages are like priest but not as
great as priest (Battle-Priests in particular). maybe you're saying that
this idea is crazy (same as all people said when the BP idea was just
fresh). I agree that this is crazy IF you'll level like Battle-Acos
but NO! you will level like just any other mages and yes, you can be
just any wizards (DEX & INT build). But by special request I'll make
a Battle-Sage.

Rowr! >_< I'm Crazy or What!...
Gyl.. I need you here.. help me oh master!....

Sages are made as a Elemental Support to us.
Priest are the best Support made for us.
Bard & Dancer are Battle Support made for us.

Only the Priest and Sages IMO can live the challenge of "Solo-Hunting"
but Priest still have the upper hand.

iRO Introduction:

Physically trained as well as in Magic disciplines, they show a great
amount of strength even in brute battles.
Wizards' specialties are to cast strong spells freely using the 4
elements. Sages, on the otherhand, rely on knowledge and use various
techniques and combinations to get the best out of the elements.

Wizards cast spells with their high level magic while Sages apply
the magic to others so that they can support them.
Eventually, they develop Enchanted spells.

One day, after reading King Tristan III's notice recruiting
adventurers, the organization decides to send sages to help
King Tristan III, a great financial supporter that never seeks
to hold back.

As a result,he/she is sent to join the group of adventurers.

- V. Stats essential for Mages -------------------------------------------

This part shows the different stats in Ragnarok. There are 6 stats that
affect the Sage in big ways. Be careful in fixing your stats since
once you put them they are already unchangeable.

Strength (STR)============================================================
One of the most important stat for the BM (Battle-Mage) and BSa
(Battle-Sage) since it affects how much damage you can dish out.
It affects your minimum and maximum damage too.
It also affects your weight capacity so you can carry all that
equipments (Support equips, battle equips and some rations too.)

10 STR: +1 Min/Max Damage
20 STR: +4 Min/Max Damage
30 STR: +5 Min/Max Damage
40 STR: +8 Min/Max Damage
50 STR: +10 Min/Max Damage
60 STR: +12 Min/Max Damage
70 STR: +13 Min/Max Damage
80 STR: +15 Min/Max Damage
90 STR: +17 Min/Max Damage
100 STR: +19 Min/Max Damage

The bonus add up in such a way that once you reach that certain amount of
strength the pluses add to your Min/Max damage. It means that when you
have 60 STR you have a +41 Min/Max damage bonus.

This is how it works (STR + Weapon Attack + Bonus + Weapon upgrade)

I recommend that you put STR on the latter part of you stat build if you
plan to be a BSa.

Vitality (VIT)============================================================
If you're planning to join WoE have VIT instead of AGI, but this will
some how make your leveling days hard. VIT can be good because if you have
elite equips like Phen cards this will some how affect your leveling
because Sages can cast while walking plus with the help of Phen Cards
even if you're hit your spell wil still continue to be cast.

Agility (AGI)=============================================================
The partner of Vitality in making a defensive character.
But Agility is more than that, 1 Agi is equivalent to +1 Flee and
also adds to your ASPD. Higher ASPD means Faster Killing time.
Agility is very vital to Battle-Mages (BM from here on) if you want power
leveling. Agility will also help you in melee battles in case that
your opponent survived the onslaught of your spells.

Dexterity (DEX)===========================================================
This stat raises your accuracy and your maximum/minimum damage.
+1 Dex means +1 Hit same as the Agi-Flee but this stat
counteracts that. The standard DEX is 40.
Dex also has an influence in ASPD.

DEX Min/Max Damage
20 +3
30 +4
40 +5
50 +6
60 +8
70 +10
80 +12
90 +13
100 +14

Dex will not be much in help for BM-BSa's, maybe if your a BSa...
Because you can run and evade the enemy since you can run around the
screen while casting your spell. but still it's upto you.

Intelligence (INT)========================================================
BM-BSa need a minimum of 50 INT to support their spells and their
SP recovery and regenaration.

Here is the MATK table taken from PSO Raven's Guide
Be sure to thank him!

Min/Max Matk Table

Int - Min - Max
1 - 1 - 1
2 - 2 - 2
3 - 3 - 3
4 - 4 - 4
5 - 5 - 6
6 - 6 - 7
7 - 8 - 8
8 - 9 - 9
9 - 10 - 10
10 - 11 - 14
11 - 12 - 15
12 - 13 - 16
13 - 14 - 17
14 - 18 - 18
15 - 19 - 24
16 - 20 - 25
17 - 21 - 26
18 - 22 - 27
19 - 23 - 28
20 - 24 - 36
21 - 30 - 37
22 - 31 - 38
23 - 32 - 39
24 - 33 - 40
25 - 34 - 50
26 - 35 - 51
27 - 36 - 52
28 - 44 - 53
29 - 45 - 54
30 - 46 - 66
31 - 47 - 67
32 - 48 - 68
33 - 49 - 69
34 - 50 - 70
35 - 60 - 84
36 - 61 - 85
37 - 62 - 86
38 - 63 - 87
39 - 64 - 88
40 - 65 - 104
41 - 66 - 105
42 - 78 - 106
43 - 79 - 107
44 - 80 - 108
45 - 81 - 126
46 - 82 - 127
47 - 83 - 128
48 - 84 - 129
49 - 98 - 130
50 - 99 - 150
51 - 100 - 151
52 - 101 - 152
53 - 102 - 153
54 - 103 - 154
55 - 104 - 176
56 - 120 - 177
57 - 121 - 178
58 - 122 - 179
59 - 123 - 180
60 - 124 - 204
61 - 125 - 205
62 - 126 - 206
63 - 144 - 207
64 - 145 - 208
65 - 146 - 234
66 - 147 - 235
67 - 148 - 236
68 - 149 - 237
69 - 150 - 238
70 - 170 - 266
71 - 171 - 267
72 - 172 - 268
73 - 173 - 269
74 - 174 - 270
75 - 175 - 300
76 - 176 - 301
77 - 198 - 302
78 - 199 - 303
79 - 200 - 304
80 - 201 - 336
81 - 202 - 337
82 - 203 - 338
83 - 204 - 339
84 - 228 - 340
85 - 229 - 374
86 - 230 - 375
87 - 231 - 376
88 - 232 - 377
89 - 233 - 378
90 - 234 - 414
91 - 260 - 415
92 - 261 - 416
93 - 262 - 417
94 - 263 - 418
95 - 264 - 456
96 - 265 - 457
97 - 266 - 458
98 - 294 - 459
99 - 295 - 460
100 - 296 - 500
101 - 297 - 501
102 - 298 - 502
103 - 299 - 503
104 - 300 - 504
105 - 330 - 546
106 - 331 - 547
107 - 332 - 548
108 - 333 - 549
109 - 334 - 550
110 - 335 - 594
111 - 336 - 595
112 - 368 - 596
113 - 369 - 597
114 - 370 - 598
115 - 371 - 644
116 - 372 - 645
117 - 373 - 646
118 - 374 - 647
119 - 408 - 648
120 - 409 - 696
121 - 410 - 697
122 - 411 - 698
123 - 412 - 699
124 - 413 - 700
125 - 414 - 750
126 - 450 - 751
127 - 451 - 752
128 - 452 - 753
129 - 453 - 754
130 - 454 - 806
131 - 455 - 807
132 - 456 - 808
133 - 494 - 809
134 - 495 - 810
135 - 496 - 864
136 - 497 - 865
137 - 498 - 866
138 - 499 - 867
139 - 500 - 868
140 - 540 - 924

Luck (LUK)================================================================
This stat is very useful for those who are going for the Crit.
Luck affects your avatar by:
Crit Chance: every 3 LUK = +1 Critical
Perfect Dodge: Every 10 LUK = +1 Dodge (that's the +x in your flee.)
If you want a real Crit Character, I recommend that you raise your
LUK to 60+ and equip a Triple Crit Book...
But really.. Crits are only for assassin because Katar Class weapons
have double Crit rating. As for Sages.. umm I don't know...

- VI. How to get there ---------------------------------------------------

You start out as a Novice (of course!) I require you to go through the test
in the Midgard Academy and take the hell out of those annoying Fabres.
In the Fabre Forest take the time to level. Level up there until you are
satisfied of your Blvl, then take the exam. Much better if they will
recommend the Mage for you . There's a little plus in this,
but I prefer that they require you the swordie job so you can get yourself
a red potion for free.

As you step in the world of Midgard try to level up as soon as you can.
Much better if someone will tank you. After you reached the Jlvl 10 of
Novice. Proceed to the Mage Guild, it's in the 10 o'clock position.
Go inside and talk to the Mage Guildsman. She will give a test.
The is about collecting and mixing things.

Here are the diffrent solutions and how to make them.
They are mixed in the Mixing Machine in the center of the guild.

_Solution No. 1<==========================================================

_Ingredients list_________________________________________________________

2 Jellopy (Poring)
3 Fluff (Fabre)
1 Milk (Bought from NPC or save from the Academy test)

_Solvent Agent____________________________________________________________

Payon Solution (Some merchies sell this stuff in Geffen if you're lucky.)
Found in Archer Village, Payon it is a small pond with a NPC.

_Chemical Ingredients_____________________________________________________

8472 (Enter this value)

_The Catalyst_____________________________________________________________

Yellow Gemstone (The Mixing Machine will provide this for you.)

_Solution No. 2<==========================================================

_Ingredients list_________________________________________________________
3 Jellopy (Poring)
1 Fluff (Fabre)
1 Milk (Bought from NPCs or save from the Academy test)

_Solvent Agent____________________________________________________________

No solvent is needed

_Chemical ingredients_____________________________________________________

3735 (Enter this value)


Red Gemstone (The Mixing Machine will provide this for you.)

_Solution No. 3<===============+==========================================

_Ingredients list_________________________________________________________
6 Jellopy (Poring)
1 Fluff (Fabre)

_Solvent Agent____________________________________________________________

Payon Solution (Some merchies sell this stuff in Geffen if you're lucky.)
Found in Archer Village, Payon it is a small pond with a NPC.

_Chemical ingredients_____________________________________________________

2750 (Enter this value)


Blue Gemstone (The Mixing machine will provide this for you.)

Solution No. 4<===========================================================

_Ingredients list_________________________________________________________
2 Jellopy (Poring)
3 Fluff (Fabre)

_Solvent Agent____________________________________________________________

Morroc Solution (Some merchies sell this stuff n Geffen if you're lucky.)
Found in Morroc Ruins, it the pond in the center with a NPC.

_Chemical ingredients_____________________________________________________

5429 (Enter this value)


1 carat Diamond (The Mixing Machine will provide this for you.)

After doing the Solution assigned to you, go talk with the Mage Guildsman
and give the solution, if it is correct then you're now a MAGE! yay!

These do not add up like min/max damage. It works like this. Once you reach
that job level that is how much stat bonuses you get. If you are at job
level 42 you get +4 Vitality not all of the other job bonuses added up.

MAGE JOB BONUSES:=========================================================
Job Level 2 : +1 INT
Job Level 6 : +1 DEX
Job Level 10: +2 DEX
Job Level 14: +2 INT
Job Level 18: +1 AGI
Job Level 22: +3 INT
Job Level 26: +2 AGI
Job Level 30: +1 LUK
Job Level 33: +4 INT
Job Level 36: +3 DEX
Job Level 38: +5 INT
Job Level 40: +3 AGI
Job Level 42: +2 LUK
Job Level 44: +6 INT
Job Level 46: +7 INT
Job Level 47: +4 AGI
Job Level 49: +3 LUK
Job Level 50: +8 INT

In the not so near future, in order to change your job you will need to go
in to a quest. Unfortunately, little is known on how to be a Sage as of
now (making of this guide's part). But I know a little of it.
But it lacks detail. I'm very sorry, but I will update this once I know
how to change job into a Sage.

How to change into a Sage: (www.ragnarokonline.com)

The job change test for Sages is available in the Magic City of Juno.
Apply to the administrator inside the Academy, located in the 1 o'clock
direction of the town. Go to the each examination site administrator
in order and take the tests. There are several memorization tests as
well as item collecting quests. In some cases, the items may be hard to
obtain without others' help. Once you successfully complete the tests
and finish the essay, you will be able to change jobs at the Sage Castle.
You must be Job Lv 40 or higher to apply.

These do not add up like min/max damage. It works like this. Once you reach
that job level that is how much stat bonuses you get. If you are at job
level 42 you get +4 Vitality not all of the other job bonuses added up.

SAGE JOB BONUSES:=========================================================
Job level 1: +1 INT
Job level 3: +1 AGI
Job level 4: +1 VIT
Job level 6: +2 AGI
Job level 8: +2 INT
Job level 11: +2 VIT
Job level 13: +3 AGI
Job level 15: +3 INT
Job level 17: +1 LUK
Job level 18: +3 VIT
Job level 20: +1 DEX
Job level 22: +4 AGI
Job level 24: +4 INT
Job level 25: +2 DEX
Job level 27: +3 DEX
Job level 30: +5 INT
Job level 32: +4 DEX
Job level 31: +5 LUK
Job level 32: +4 DEX
Job level 33: +5 AGI
Job level 35: +2 LUK
Job level 37: +6 INT
Job level 39: +5 DEX
Job level 40: +3 LUK
Job level 42: +1 STR
Job level 44: +2 STR
Job level 45: +7 INT
Job level 46: +3 STR
Job level 47: +4 STR
Job level 48: +5 STR
Job level 50: +8 INT

- VII. Mage Skills -------------------------------------------------------

The Mage's Skills are all out offensive. (Except for Safety Wall).

~ ~

[SP Recovery]=============================================================


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +3 SP every 10 seconds None
2 +6 SP every 10 seconds None
3 +9 SP every 10 seconds None
4 +12 SP every 10 seconds None
5 +15 SP every 10 seconds None
6 +18 SP every 10 seconds None
7 +21 SP every 10 seconds None
8 +24 SP every 10 seconds None
9 +27 SP every 10 seconds None
10 +30 SP every 10 seconds None

This is the skill that makes the Mage type so limitless.(In SP)
Get this skill! make sure you'll max this one out!

[Napalm Beat]=============================================================

Ghost Element

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 MATK 80% 9
2 MATK 90% 9
3 MATK 100% 9
4 MATK 110% 9
5 MATK 120% 9
6 MATK 130% 9
7 MATK 140% 9
8 MATK 150% 9
9 MATK 160% 9
10 MATK 170% 9

Take this skill only as a pre-requisite and as a emergency weapon
due to its fastest casting time. Take only four of this to get a more
powerful and useful skill... Soul Strike

[Soul Strike]=============================================================

Ghost Elemental

Requires: Level 4 Napalm Beat

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hit 15
2 1 Hit 18
3 2 Hits 21
4 2 Hits 24
5 3 Hits 27
6 3 Hits 30
7 4 Hits 33
8 4 Hits 36
9 5 Hits 39
10 5 Hits 42

This skill is the neutralizer of the slow-casting spells of a Mage.
the casting time is fast and the damage inflicted is so high due to
it's Elem. Its your MATK * X (X=Hits). A must have for every build.

[Safety Wall]=============================================================

Ghost Elemental

Requires: Level 7 Napalm Beat, Level 5 Soul Strike and a Blue Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [HP-SP]
1 Avoid 2 attacks 5 seconds 20 30
2 Avoid 3 attacks 10 seconds 20 30
3 Avoid 4 attacks 15 seconds 19 30
4 Avoid 5 attacks 20 seconds 19 35
5 Avoid 6 attacks 25 seconds 18 35
6 Avoid 7 attacks 30 seconds 18 35
7 Avoid 8 attacks 35 seconds 17 40
8 Avoid 9 attacks 40 seconds 17 40
9 Avoid 10 attacks 45 seconds 16 40
10 Avoid 11 attacks 50 seconds 16 40

Safety wall is the only pure defensive skill of the Mage class.
Very helpful in avoiding attacks. But it is limited to only a number
of attacks.

[Cold Bolt]===============================================================
Summons a number of Icicle from the sky to attack your target.

Water Elemental

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hit 12
2 2 Hits 14
3 3 Hits 16
4 4 Hits 18
5 5 Hits 20
6 6 Hits 22
7 7 Hits 24
8 8 Hits 26
9 9 Hits 28
10 10 Hits 30

The starting skill of the Water/Ice Elem tree. Slow casting time,
Cheap SP but high in Damage.

[Frost Diver]=============================================================
A crawling ice/water based attack to damage your target.
Can cause freeze.

Water Elemental

Requires: Level 5 Cold Bolt

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 110% MATK and +38% chance to Freeze for 3 seconds 25
2 120% MATK and +41% chance to Freeze for 6 seconds 24
3 130% MATK and +44% chance to Freeze for 9 seconds 23
4 140% MATK and +47% chance to Freeze for 12 seconds 22
5 150% MATK and +50% chance to Freeze for 15 seconds 21
6 160% MATK and +53% chance to Freeze for 18 seconds 20
7 170% MATK and +56% chance to Freeze for 21 seconds 19
8 180% MATK and +59% chance to Freeze for 24 seconds 18
9 190% MATK and +62% chance to Freeze for 27 seconds 17
10 200% MATK and +65% chance to Freeze for 30 seconds 16

The feared Frost Diver... This skill is very important and very
reliable. use this to stop your opponent closing in to you.
Or freeze your opponent and cast a High-damaging Attack on him/her.

[Lightning Bolt]==========================================================
Summons a number of lightning bolt from the sky.

Wind Elemental

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hits 12
2 2 Hits 14
3 3 Hits 16
4 4 Hits 18
5 5 Hits 20
6 6 Hits 22
7 7 Hits 24
8 8 Hits 26
9 9 Hits 28
10 10 Hits 30

This one is a bit similar to the Cold bolt, but more powerful with
Frost Diver. Freezing the enemy with Frost Driver first will
increase the damage .

[Thunder Storm]===========================================================
A small time Lord of Vermillion.

Wind Elemental

Requires: Level 4 Lightning Bolt

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 HIT ALL 29
2 2 HIT ALL 32
3 3 HIT ALL 35
4 4 HIT ALL 38
5 5 HIT ALL 41
6 6 HIT ALL 44
7 7 HIT ALL 47
8 8 HIT ALL 50
9 9 HIT ALL 53
10 10 HIT ALL 56

A small time Lord of Vermillion. Offset by its slow casting time.
Useful to clear out a number of opponent in one casting.
Make sure that they won't touch until you can cast the spell.

[Fire Bolt]===============================================================

Fire Elemental

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hit 12
2 2 Hits 14
3 3 Hits 16
4 4 Hits 18
5 5 Hits 20
6 6 Hits 22
7 7 Hits 24
8 8 Hits 26
9 9 Hits 28
10 10 Hits 30

This Skill starts the Fire Elem Skill tree.
Low casting cost, long casting time but does heavy damage.
Especially on Demi-Humans (PvP)

[Fire Ball]===============================================================

Fire Elemental

Requires: Level 4 Fire Bolt

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 MATK 100% 30
2 MATK 105% 29
3 MATK 110% 28
4 MATK 115% 27
5 MATK 120% 26
6 MATK 125% 25
7 MATK 130% 24
8 MATK 135% 23
9 MATK 140% 22
10 MATK 145% 21

Be wary of using this skill, because this skill does splash damage
an as we all know splash damages can cause mobs.

Reveals invisible monster and players

Fire Elemental

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 10 seconds 10

Allows you to see hidden enemies. Good for WoE and PvP.

[Fire Wall]===============================================================

Fire Elemental

Requires: Level 5 Fire Ball and Level 1 Sight

LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 MATK 100% 40
2 MATK 105% 40
3 MATK 110% 40
4 MATK 115% 40
5 MATK 120% 40
6 MATK 125% 40
7 MATK 130% 40
8 MATK 135% 40
9 MATK 140% 40
10 MATK 145% 40

Creates a wall made of fire for a limited time.
Damage causes Knockback. Useful for both Def. & Off. purposes.
Good for fending enemies away from you.

[Stone Curse Earth]=======================================================
Requires: Red Gemstone
LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 - 25
2 - 24
3 - 23
4 - 22
5 - 21
6 - 20
7 - 19
8 - 18
9 - 17
10 - 16

Not very useful skill due to chance. You can Stone/Freeze an enemy
only by chance. Take this skill as a pre-requisite.

[Energy Coat]=============================================================
Creates a magic barrier to decrease damage you take from enemy attacks
Last for 5 minutes, but will disappear as soon as you get to 0 SP
Only affects physical attacks

Can be acquired after job 35

Quest: In the place you change to a mage (Mage Guild).
There will be a NPC named "Powerful/Great Wizard",
talk to him and give him all the items and then he will
teach you how to use magic coat.

Quest Items:
1 Crystal Jewel/1 Carat Diamond (Can be bought in Morroc)
5 Shells
1 Solid Shell
3 Glass Beads (Sold in Prontera for 1,500z)

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 SP% 1-20: Damage decreased by 6% (Uses 1% SP)
SP% 21-40: Damage decreased by 12% (Uses 1.5% SP)
SP% 41-60: Damage decreased by 18% (Uses 2% SP)
SP% 61-80: Damage decreased by 24% (Uses 2.5% SP)
SP% 81-100: Damage decreased by 30% (Uses 3% SP)

This is quite useful, because Mages usually have Low VIT and RDM
(Reduce Damage)This helps a lot on areas with aggressive monsters.
Good with VIT wizards that are made for GvG's. Will also help a lot
for BSa's.

- VIII. Sage Skills ------------------------------------------------------

[Advanced Book/Study]=====================================================
Increase Book class weapon damage


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 ATK +3 -
2 ATK +6 -
3 ATK +9 -
4 ATK +12 -
5 ATK +15 -
6 ATK +18 -
7 ATK +21 -
8 ATK +24 -
9 ATK +27 -
10 ATK +30 -

Same as the other mastery skills. We'll use this as a
pre-requisite to the other skills.
But if you're aiming to be a BSa. Then go and max this out.

Increases attack and resistance to Dragons


Requires: Level 9 Advanced Book

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +4 Resistance and +4 ATK -
2 +8 Resistance and +8 ATK -
3 +12 Resistance and +12 ATK -
4 +16 Resistance and +16 ATK -
5 +20 Resistance and +20 ATK -

Same as the other masteries... Don't bother on getting
this skill since there are only a few dragon type monsters.

[Free Cast]===============================================================
Allows its user to move and attack while casting magic spells.
Skill level affects on the moving and attack speed.


Requires: Level 1 Cast Cancel

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 30% Walking Speed and 55% ASPD -
2 35% Walking Speed and 60% ASPD -
3 40% Walking Speed and 65% ASPD -
4 45% Walking Speed and 70% ASPD -
5 50% Walking Speed and 75% ASPD -
6 55% Walking Speed and 80% ASPD -
7 60% Walking Speed and 85% ASPD -
8 65% Walking Speed and 90% ASPD -
9 70% Walking Speed and 95% ASPD -
10 75% Walking Speed and 100% ASPD -

This is the trademark skill of the Sages.
A very useful skill that also enables you to escape from
approaching opponents that will attemp to stop you from casting
your spell. Also goo for BSa's this will assist you in your melee

[Auto Spell/Hindsight]====================================================
Allows casting of a spell while physically attacking an enemy.
Spells consume 2/3 the amount of the required SP.
However the caster cannot choose skills that have never been learned.
If a chosen skill's level is 3, this skill casts the skill within
the level from 1 to 3 randomly.
Also this skill has a chance to cast skill by 50 % at lvl 1,
35 % at lvl 2 and 15 % at lvl 3.

Requires: Level 4 Free Cast

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 7% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 120 seonds 35
2 8% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 150 seonds 35
3 9% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 180 seonds 35
4 10% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 210 seonds 35
5 11% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 240 seonds 35
6 12% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 270 seonds 35
7 13% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 300 seonds 35
8 14% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 330 seonds 35
9 15% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 360 seonds 35
10 16% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 390 seonds 35

Almost like the Auto Blitz (LUK 99, well almost ^_^).
The skill is great if it will be like Auto-Blitz. I mean
The chance is determined for every attack. Of course like all
skills that are determined by chance, the chance of casting is affected
by your DEX.

Other DATA from RO-Universe.

Description:Enables random spell to be casted while attacking.
Requirement: Level 4 Freedom Of Casting
Note: SP used for the randomly casted spell is only 2/3 of normal rate.
Spell Duration: 90 Seconds + (Skill Level x 30)
Skills not learnt by caster cannot be activated by auto casting.

Level Effect % Chance SP Required
1 Lv 3 Napalm Beat 7 35
2 Lv1 Elemental Bolts 9 35
3 Lv2 Elemental Bolts 11 35
4 Lv3 Elemental Bolts 13 35
5 Lv. 1 Soul Strike 15 35
6 Lv. 2 Soul Strike 17 35
7 Lv. 3 Soul Strike 19 35
8 Lv. 1 Fireball 21 35
9 Lv. 2 Fireball 23 35
10 Lv. 1 Frost Driver 25 35

The user can set the level of the spell that he wants to be auto casted.
The percentage chance of activating a spell is based on the spell's level.
Higher level spell means lower chance.

Lv1 :50%
Lv2: 35%
Lv3: 15%

Note: The element bolts here refer to lightning, fire and ice bolt.

[Cast Cancel]=============================================================
Only usable while casting a magic spell.
Allows its user to cancel a magic spell while casting. When canceled,
still the magic spell consumes the required SP,
however skill level reduces the required SP for canceled magic spell.
Consumes 2 SP regardless of the skill level

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 90% of skill's SP is used 2
2 70% of skill's SP is used 2
3 50% of skill's SP is used 2
4 30% of skill's SP is used 2
5 10% of skill's SP is used 2

Cast Cancel can stop those skill with a casting time.
But good only for yourself.

[Magic Rod]===============================================================
Allows its caster to receive the SP amount for a skill used by an
enemy uses for magic spells(except ground target skills)
instead of physical damage.
Consumes 2 SP for a skill use.
If the enemy uses Spell Breaker and the caster counters
the Spell Breaker using Magic Rod,
the target will receive 20% damage on the SP amount.

Requires: Level 4 Advanced Book/Study

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Absorb 20% SP 0.4 seconds 2
2 Absorb 40% SP 0.6 seconds 2
3 Absorb 60% SP 0.8 seconds 2
4 Absorb 80% SP 1.0 seconds 2
5 Absorb 100% SP 1.2 seconds 2

This skill is great for Support and Battle BSa's since monsters skills are
now implemented. This also "Perfect Dodges" the spell and absorbs the SP.
The 20% damage on the SP amount acts like the Sorceres's Mana Shield in
D2:LoD. It means that your SP gets the recoil of the cast cancel.
(I'm getting cofused >_<.)

[Spell Breaker]===========================================================
Canceles a magic spell an enemy is casting, and receives the SP amount
required for the spell.
This skill pierces the ability of Phen card
that spells cannot be interrupted while casting it.
If the enemy uses Spell Breaker and the caster counters the Spell Breaker
using Magic Rod, the target will receive 20 % damage on the SP amount.
Consumes 2 SP regardless of the skill level.

Requires: Level 1 Magic Rod

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Aborb 0% SP
(Casting time 0.7 seconds) 2
2 Absorb 25% SP
(Casting time 0.7 seconds) 2
3 Absorb 50% SP
(Casting time 0.7 seconds) 2
4 Absorb 75% SP
(Casting time 0.7 seconds) 2
5 Absorb 100% SP
(Casting time 0.7 seconds) 2

This is the other version of Cast Cancel and somewhat the same with
the Monk's Absorb Spirits. Use this skill to counter those
Wizards, Priest and Bard/Dancer from casting those Support and Offensive
spells and absorb their SP that they used for cxasting it.
Because you do not have Lex Devina, this is your way of
"Silencing" them/monsters.

Cancel all magical effects on the caster by a low chance.
Target's MDEF can lower the chance

Requires: Level 3 Spell Breaker
1 Yellow Gemstone
1 Red Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 60% Chance to Dispell -
2 70% Chance to Dispell -
3 80% Chance to Dispell -
4 90% Chance to Dispell -
5 100% Chance to Dispell -

This will remove all those support spells of support priest.
All supportive spells like Adrenaline Rush that the target has
will be also canceled.

[Land Protector/Magnetic Earth]===========================================
Create an area on the ground that blocks all magic spells in which targets
the ground. This cancels previous ground magic already casted within the
targeted area. Other ground skills can not be doubled within the area.
Cannot be double cast, also cannot be double cast with other
ground skills except certain skill
(i.e - Volcano, Deluge, Magnetic Earth, Whirlwind)
that is cast right before this skill casted.

Requires: Level 3 Volcano, Level 3 Deluge, Level 3 Violent Gale/Whirlwind,
a Blue Gemstone and a Yellow Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) Duration: 15 seconds 74
2 7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) Duration: 30 seconds 78
3 9x9 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) Duration: 45 seconds 82
4 9x9 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) Duration: 60 seconds 86
5 11x11 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) Duration: 75 seconds 90

This is the Big time version of safety wall. Very useful in guild wars
and in MVP hunting (As a Party/Guild). But be careful in casting this
because it can cancel skills like mentioned above. Sanctuary will be blocked.
Great against spawn camping in GvG. (Those spawn camping are for gays!)
(Ang bading ng Judges guild! No mets! haha!!! Spawn Camping lang alam!)

[Flame Launcher/Endow Blaze]===============================================
Endows the Fire property on a weapon of a party member.
Skill level affects skill failure chance, weapon is destroyed on failure.
Consumes 40 SP regardless of the skill level, lasts 20 minutes.

Requires: Level 1 Fire Bolt , Level 5 Advanced Book and a Red Blood

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 80% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
2 85% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
3 90% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
4 95% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
5 100% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40

Sounds Risky... very risky.. Useful on those places where there a certain
element is dominant. Mistress card is your bestfriend here.
Since you cannot cast this on yourself (Need to confirm this pls. let me
know if this is true.) Don't get this if you are planning to ba BSa.
This skill is good againts Ghostring Cards.

[Frost Weapon/Endow Tsunami]==============================================
Endows the Water property on a weapon of a party member.
Skill level affects skill failure chance, weapon is destroyed on failure.
Consumes 40 SP regardless of the skill level, lasts 20 minutes.

Requires: Level 1 Cold Bolt, Level 5 Advanced Book and a Crystal Blue

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 80% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
2 85% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
3 90% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
4 95% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
5 100% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40

Sounds Risky... very risky.. Useful on those places where there a certain
element is dominant. Mistress card is your bestfriend here.
Since you cannot cast this on yourself (Need to confirm this. pls let me
know if this is true.) Don't get this if you are planning to ba BSa.

[Lightning Loader/Endow Tornado]==========================================
Endows the Wind property on a weapon of a party member.
Skill level affects skill failure chance, weapon is destroyed on failure.
Consumes 40 SP regardless of the skill level, lasts 20 minutes.

Requires: Level 1 Lightning Bolt, Level 5 Advanced Book and
a Wind of Verdure

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 80% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
2 85% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
3 90% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
4 95% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
5 100% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40

Sounds Risky... very risky.. Useful on those places where there a certain
element is dominant. Mistress card is your bestfriend here.
Since you cannot cast this on yourself (Need to confirm this. pls let me
know if this is true.) Don't get this if you are planning to ba BSa.

[Seismic Weapon/Endow Quake]==============================================
Requires Stone Curse lvl 1, Study lvl 5 and is mastered at lvl 5.
Endows the Earth property on a weapon of a party member.
Skill level affects skill failure chance, weapon is destroyed on failure.
Consumes 40 SP regardless of the skill level, lasts 20 minutes.

Requires: Level 1 Stone Curse, Level 5 Advanced Book and a Green Live

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 80% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
2 85% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
3 90% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
4 95% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
5 100% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40

Sounds Risky... very risky.. Useful on those places where there a certain
element is dominant. Mistress card is your bestfriend here.
Since you cannot cast this on yourself (Need to confirm this. pls let me
know if this is true.) Don't get this if you are planning to ba BSa.

Requires Endow Blaze lvl 2, and is mastered at lvl 5.
Create an area on the ground which magnetically amplifies all fire attacks
and the attacks of characters whose attribute is the fire property.
Lasts 3 minutes, requires 1 Yellow Gemstone for a skill use.
Cannot be double casted, also cannot be double casted with other
ground skills except certain skill
(i.e - Volcano, Deluge, Magnetic Earth, Whirlwind)that is
casted right before this skill casted.
Ice Wall cannot be casted in this area, ground skills can not be
double casted within the area.

Requires: Level 2 Flame Launcher/Endow Blaze and a Yellow Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +10% ATK to Fire property weapons and
+10 ATK to Fire property characters
5x5 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 52

2 +14% ATK to Fire property weapons and
+20 ATK to Fire property characters
5x5 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 54

3 +17% ATK to Fire property weapons and
+30 ATK to Fire property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 56

4 +19% ATK to Fire property weapons and
+40 ATK to Fire property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 58

5 +20% ATK to Fire property weapons and
+50 ATK to Fire property characters
9x9 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 60

You can use this solo if you have Mistress card or enough supply of
stones. Your property depends on your Armor's propert, example
Aqua [Swordfish] Padded Armor will make you a Water element character.

Requires Endow Tsunami lvl 2 and is mastered at lvl 5.
Create an area on the ground which magnetically amplifies all the water
attacks and increases the maximum HP of water attribute characters.
Allows use of Water Ball and Aqua Benedicta.
Other ground skills can not be doubled within the area.
Lasts 3 minutes, requires 1 Yellow Gemstone.
Cannot be double casted, also cannot be double casted with other
ground skills except certain skill(
i.e - Volcano, Deluge, Magnetic Earth, Whirlwind) that is cast right
before this skill casted.
Ice Wall can not be casted in this area,
ground skills can not be double casted within the area.

Requires: Level 2 Frost Weapon/Endow Tsunami and a Yellow Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +10% ATK to Water property weapons and
+5% Max HP to Water property characters
5x5 cell radius(Casting time 5 seconds) 52

2 +14% ATK to Water property weapons and
+9% Max HP to Water property characters
5x5 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 54

3 +17% ATK to Water property weapons and
+12% Max HP to Water property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 56

4 +19% ATK to Water property weapons and
+14% Max HP to Water property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 58

5 +20% ATK to Water property weapons and
+15% Max HP to Water property characters
9x9 cell radius(Casting time 5 seconds) 60

You can use this solo if you have Mistress card or enough supply of
stones.Your property depends on your Armor's propert, example
Aqua [Swordfish] Padded Armor will make you a Water element character.

[Violent Gale/Whirlwind]==================================================
Requires Endow Tornado lvl 2 and is mastered at lvl 5.
Create an area on the ground which magnetically amplifies all the
wind attacks and increases the flee rate of wind attribute characters.
Fire Wall lasts 1.5 times longer within this area.
Lasts 3 minutes, Requires 1 Yellow Gemstone for a use.
Cannot be double casted, also cannot be double casted with other
ground skills except certain skill(
i.e - Volcano, Deluge, Magnetic Earth, Whirlwind)
that is casted right before this skill casted.
Ice Wall can not be cast in this area, ground skills can not be
double casted within the area

Requires: Level 2 Lightning Loader/Endow Tornado and a Yellow Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +10% ATK to Wind property weapons and
+3 Flee to Wind property characters
5x5 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 52

2 +14% ATK to Wind property weapons and
+6 Flee to Wind property characters
5x5 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 54

3 +17% ATK to Wind property weapons and
+9 Flee to Wind property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 56

4 +19% ATK to Wind property weapons and
+12 Flee to Wind property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 58

5 +20% ATK to Wind property weapons and
+15 Flee to Wind property characters
9x9 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 60

You can use this solo if you have Mistress card or enough supply of
stones.Your property depends on your Armor's propert, example
Aqua [Swordfish] Padded Armor will make you a Water element character.

[Abracadabra/Hocus Pocus]==================================================
Cast a random skill. Skill level affects the number of skills that
can be casted.
Consumes 50 SP regardless of the skill level.

Requires: Level 5 Auto Spell/Hindsight
Level 1 Dispell
Level 1 Land Protector/Magnetic Earth
2 Yellow Gemstones

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 ------------------ 50
2 ------------------ 50
3 ------------------ 50
4 ------------------ 50
5 ------------------ 50
6 ------------------ 50
7 ------------------ 50
8 ------------------ 50
9 ------------------ 50
10 ------------------ 50

No data as of now about how the skill works. But this may help you.
It's from Martin Cheng .

Here it goes...

It randomly uses a skill of ANY class, with 13 special Abracadabra only
skills. The available level of the skills is dependant upon skill lvl
of abracadabra, and an Abracadabra's skill is activated upon each
level, with an initial of 3 skills at lvl 0
(But you can't use em since you cant use abracadabra anyways).

The ones that I remember are of the following:

Level Up - Instantly levels you up, great skill when your lvl 98

Class Change- Changes a normal monster you select to turn into a MVP.
Instant MVP party!

Reverse Orcish - Changes your head into an orc head. Go into town and get
bombarded with "WTF IZ Y00R HAT OMGOMGOMG"

Instant_Death - Instant death on monster, however, you dont recieve any
exp for damage dealt with this skill.

Death - PWNZ0RZ yourself, and lose 1% exp. OUCH

Summon - Same as Dead Branch

Fortune - Recieves money depending on monster level, works like
Steal Coin except gets you much more money.

Monocell - Transforms a monster into a poring
(Thanks to "Hiroshi ..." )

Full Recovery - Recovers hp and sp to FULL for one person

Coma - Sends target into a stunned state

?Question? - Useless skill, makes monster use /? emote

Gravity - Forgot what this does

Taming Monster - Brings up a taming slotmachine game to tame a target

[Earth Spike]=============================================================

Earth Property

Requires: Level 1 Seismic Weapon

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hit(Casting time 1.0 seconds) 12
2 2 Hits (Casting time 2.0 seconds) 14
3 3 Hits (Casting time 3.0 seconds) 16
4 4 Hits (Casting time 4.0 seconds) 18
5 5 Hits (Casting time 5.0 seconds) 20

Your offensive skill. Get this if you want some offensive spell.

[Heaven's Drive]==========================================================

Requires: Level 1 Earth Spike

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hit (Casting time 1.0 seconds) 24
2 2 Hits (Casting time 2.0 seconds) 28
3 3 Hits (Casting time 3.0 seconds) 32
4 4 Hits (Casting time 4.0 seconds) 36
5 5 Hits (Casting time 5.0 seconds) 40

Your offensive skill. Get this if you want some offensive spell.


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 See a monster's stats ?

Lets you know about the stats of your enemy.

- IX. Skill Builds -------------------------------------------------------

[Mage Skill Builds]=======================================================

[The Common Build]--------------------------------------------------------


Lightning Bolt Lv.4
Napalm Lv.4
Soul Strike Lv.10
SP Recovery Lv.10
Thunderstorm Lv.5
Cold Bolt Lv.5
Frost Diver Lv.10

This Is the most common build due to its balanced ands useful skills.
This build also contains the 2nd most important offensive skill of a mage
and that is Frost Driver.
(It also serve as a defensive skill, it freezes your opponent)

[The Fire Build]----------------------------------------------------------

Soul Strike/Fire Bolt/Fire Wall

Fire Bolt Lv.4
Napalm Lv.4
SP Recovery Lv.10
Fire Ball Lv.5
Soul Strike Lv.10
Fire Wall Lv.10

*Max you Fire Bolt if you want.

This build is the one that I use myself. Quite effective because of the
aid of Fire Wall to stop agressive opponents and Soul Strike like a mad
Mage possessed or just rain them with your 10-Hit Firebolt.

[The Ice Build]-----------------------------------------------------------

Cold Bolt Lv.5
Frost Driver Lv.10
SP Recovery Lv.10
Napalm Beat Lv.4
Soul Strike Lv.10

Good for ICE support Sage.

[The Lightning Build]-----------------------------------------------------

Lightning Bolt Lv.5/10
Thunderstorm Lv.5/10
SP Recovery Lv.10
Napalm Beat Lv.4
Soulstrike Lv.10

Good for LIGHTNING support Sage.

[Elemental Master]--------------------------------------------------------

Lightning Bolt Lv.5
Cold Bolt Lv.5
Fire Bolt Lv.5
Stone Curse Lv.1
SP Recovery Lv.10
Napalm Beat Lv.4
Soul Strike Lv.10

Just add some skills if you like.
I recommend a build like this if you want to be a BSa or a SSa (Support Sage).

Sage Skill Builds=========================================================

[Full Support]------------------------------------------------------------
This three builds focuses on only one kind of element, but of course you
can make hybrids of these skill builds and it will be far more effective.

(Fire Enchanter)
Needs Lv.1 firebolt

Adv. Book/Study Lv.5
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.10
Magic Rod Lv.1
Spell Breaker Lv.3
Dispell Lv.5
Flame Launcher/Endow Blaze Lv.5
Volcano Lv.5

* 14 free skills (put them to any skill that you want)

(Water/Ice Enchanter)
Needs Lv.1 Cold Bolt

Adv. Book/Study Lv.5
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.10
Magic Rod Lv.1
Spell Breaker Lv.3
Dispel Lv.5
Frost Weapon/Endow Tsunami Lv.5
Deluge Lv.5

* 14 free skills (put them to any skill that you want)

Needs Lv.1 Lightning Bolt

Adv. Book/Study Lv.5
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.10
Magic Rod Lv.1
Spell Breaker Lv.3
Dispel Lv.5
Lightning Loader/Endow Tornado Lv.5
Violent Gale/Whirlwind Lv.5

* 14 free skills (put them to any skill that you want)

[Elemental Support Master]------------------------------------------------

Needs Lv.1 Fire, Ice and Lightning Bolt

Adv. Book/Study Lv.5
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.8
Lightning Loader/Endow Tornado Lv.5
Violent Gale/Whirlwind Lv.5
Frost Weapon/Endow Tsunami Lv.5
Deluge Lv.5
Flame Launcher/Endow Blaze Lv.5
Volcano Lv.5
Land Protector/Magnetic Earth Lv.5

This build is the one with all the support spells, but there is one major
draw back... your free cast skill level will be much lower compared to
the other skill builds.


Needs Lv.1 Stone Curse

Adv. Book/Study Lv.5
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.10
Magic Rod Lv.1
Spell Breaker Lv.3
Dispell Lv.5
Seismic Weapon/Endow Quake Lv.5
Earth Spike Lv.5
Heaven's Drive Lv.5

This build focuses on the offensive part of Sages. With this
you can have a character somewhat similar to Wizards but the diffrence is
that you only have one type of element and that is Earth.


I'll only put the essential skills for a Battle-Sage and then the rest is
up to you. You can add any skill that you want to add to this build.

Advanced Book/Study Lv.10
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.10
Spell Breaker Lv.5
Magic Rod Lv.5
Auto Spell/Hindsight Lv.10

After having these skills you may want to have a Endow skill.
There are only 8 skill points remaining. Use them wisely.
This is just a prototype build and probably in the future
a new and far more superior skill build will be formulated.

[Battle-Sage V1.2]--------------------------------------------------------
"Martin Cheng"

Ver,1 build is flawed, because there are WAY too many unneeded skill points.

5 Advanced Book/Study
1 cast cancel
10 free cast
3 spell breaker
1 magic rod
10 autospell
1 dispell

And youll have, instead of 8 points left over, 18(!) points left over.
With those points, you can add in either almost all the elemental imbue
spells, or an elemental spell of your choice to boost your stats when you use
certain armor(like violent gale/whirlwind+wind armor=15 flee and stuff).

[Abracadabra/Hocus Pocus]-------------------------------------------------
"Martin Cheng"

This is a fun build to try. All you need is a ton of Yellow Gems and enough
int to have enough SP to cover the huge cost.

I don't care what you get for mage skills, just get 1 Fire Bolt,
1 Ice Bolt, 1 Lightning Bolt, 1 Stone Curse

5 Advanced Book
1 Cast Cancel
4 Free Cast
5 Auto Cast
1 Magic Rod
3 Spell Breaker
1 Dispell
2 Flame Launcher/Endow Blaze
2 Frost Weapon/Endow Tsunami
2 Lightning Loader/Endow Tornado
3 Violent gale/Whirlwind
3 Volcano
3 Deluge
1 Land protector/Magnetic earth

and the grand finale...

10 Abracadabra!

With 3 points left over!

I dont care WHAT equipments you get, because this randomness is used in
a huge party for fun mvp hunting, or for lvling yourself up after tons of
abracadabras. Its all up to you how you want to use this ungodly cheap

Contributer's Note:
Lv.5 Advanced Book/Study doesn't add a whole lot to your attack. You will
mostly rely on your autocast and spell-in-progress because of low

The more Magic Rod you use, the more sp you drain, and the more skill
points you waste. You don't need the SP drained, all you need is know how to
time so you can spend as little skill points as possible. Trust me, 1 is better
than Lv.5 unless your reflexes are horrible.

Lv.3 Spell breaker is only for disspell

Lv.1 Dispell is there to allow you to have a chance at taking down enemy
buffs. If you are going to participate in WoE, nobody will expect this coming.
You can give them a double surprise by first dispelling their buffs, then
smashing their faces in with your lethal book of ultimate doom.

- X. Stat Builds ---------------------------------------------------------

As I mentioned before, I formulated this builds on a calculator. So these
builds are 100% possible/ This builds serve only as a reference for you
guys out there.

[THE Starting stats]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Like any other melee characters you can start with these:


(Exception for Vitality Build)

[PSO Raven's Build]-------------------------------------------------------

How to Distribute:
All you want to increase is INT, increase INT all the time until you get it to
around 80. After this you want to raise AGI and DEX until you have about 30 agi
and 40 dex, after this raise INT to 99, and finally finish off by getting AGI
to 61 and DEX to 69.

[Final Stats]
(No Pluses or bonuses from job/equips)
Str 1
Agi 61
Vit 1
Int 99
Dex 69
Luk 1

This is also the most widely used build of all. Most wizards I see uses
this kind of build.

~Suggested Equipments~
DEX Equips

Weapon R: Triple Dextrous Staff
Weapon L: +4 Guard + Card
U. Head: Apple o' Archer
M. Head: ???
L. Head: ???
Garment: Mocking Muffler
Armor: Skillful Silver Robe
Footwear: ???
Accessories: Nimble [Zerom] Clip x2, Phen Clip/Heal Clip, ???

INT Equips

Weapon R: Double Smart Arc Wand
Weapon L: +4 Guard + Card
U. Head: Crown/Tiara/Hat of Magic Instructor/
M. Head: ???
L. Head: ???
Garment: Mocking Muffler
Armor: Silver Robe of Desert
Footwear: ???
Accessories: Nimble [Zerom] Clip x2, Phen Clip/Heal Clip, ???

[Vitality Mage Build]------------------------------------------------------

Starting Stats:

Same as PSO Raven's, start pumping your INT until it reaches about 80.
And then start pumping your VIT and DEx until you have about 30 VIT and
40 DEX and then max your INT to 99. And finish off with a 70 DEX and
75 VIT.

[Final Stats]
(No Pluses or bonuses from job/equips)
VIT 60
INT 99
DEX 70

This Build is now in demand here in pRO because of WoE.
Most support type uses this.

VIT Equips

Weapon R: Quad Vital Wand
Weapon L: +4 Guard + Card
U. Head: +4 Corsair
M. Head: ???
L. Head: ???
Garment: +4 Immune Muffler
Armor: +4 Silver Robe of Recovery
Footwear: +4 ???
Accessories: Phen Clip/Heal Clip, ???


Starting Stats:

Well of course you will start out as a normal mage. Get your INT to
50 then raise your dex to 20 and then to AGI. When you're satisfied with
your AGI you can now start pumping your STR for a while and you shoild end up
in something like this final stat.

[Final Stats]
(No Pluses or bonuses from job/equips)
STR 60
AGI 90
INT 50
DEX 40

This is just a prototype build meanin that there will be a far more
superior build than this in the near future.

- XI. Possible Equipments ------------------------------------------------

Here are the equipments that can be used by Mage and Sage.

[11.1 Daggers]============================================================

Attack: 17
Cost: 50z
Required Lvl: 1
Weapon Lvl: 1

Default weapon and can last until you're a thief and then buy a new one

Attack : 30
Cost: 1,250z
Required Lvl: 1
Weapon Lvl: 1

I don't recommend you to buy this weapon, you rather buy Main Gauche than

[Main Gauche]-------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 43
Cost: 2,400z
Required Lvl: 1
Weapon Lvl: 1

This is the best level 1 weapon for you. try to +7 this as soon as possible
then try to buy a Stilleto.

Attack: 59
Cost: 8,500z
Required Lvl: 12
Weapon Lvl: 2

Don't buy this... Daggers are cheap anyway...

Attack: 73
Cost: 14,000z
Required Lvl: 12
Weapon Lvl: 2

Buy this if can't afford Stiletto.

Attack: 87
Cost: 19,500z
Required Lvl: 12
Weapon Lvl: 2

The best lv2 Weapon, try to have this. this weapon can serve you until
you change your Job.

NOTE: a Lv2 Weapon at is max safety level is much stronger compared
to a lv3 weapon that hasn't received any upgrade. It may not be
so obvious but compare the damages, both Min/Max but pay more
attention on Minimum damage.

Attack: 102
Cost: 43,000z
Required Lvl: 24
Weapon Lvl: 3

The best dagger to be use with cards. Triple Bloody Gladius is much
stronger than Quad. Bloody Main G.

Attack: 118
Cost: 49,000z
Required Lvl: 27
Weapon Lvl: 3

The strongest Dagger that you can buy in a NPC Shop. The best thing that
you can have easily. (No need to hunt except for the 2 slotted one)

[11.1.1 Exceptional Daggers]==============================================

[Zeny Knife]--------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 64
Bonus: Get Zeny when you kill monsters (???)
Cost: ---
Required Lvl: 40
Weapon Lvl: 3

I have not seen this weapon nor have tried it in ROF.

[Poison Knife]------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 64
Bonus: Poisons Monsters
Cost: --- Dropped by Mobster
Required Lvl: 65
Weapon Lvl: 3

Nice Bonus, it poisons your enemy for you. No need for Envenom.

[Fortune Sword]-----------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 90
Bonus: Lucky Dodge +20, LUK +5
Cost: --- Dropped by Phreooni
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 43

The hottest dagger in the market because of it's Whisper Card like

[Sword Breaker]-----------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 40
Bonus: Weapon Destruction
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

Never tried one, but can be useful in PVP.
(SO WHAT if you have a XXXX weapon? I'll break that for you! ha-ha!)

[Mail Breaker]------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 40
Bonus: Armor Destruction
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

Great only in PVP where you can make Havoc by breaking the opponent's

Attack: 50
Bonus: Regain a small amount of SP when attacking, -30% Hit.
Cost: --- Dropped by Moonlight Flower
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

I find it useless.. Just sit some Rogues and rest..

[Cursed Dagger]-----------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 55
Bonus: Chance of causing Curse status to target
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 85
Weapon Lvl: 4

This weapon brings havoc like all the Magnolia Cards in the market.

Attack: 70
Bonus: Fire Property, +15% MATK
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

Nice, because of Fire Elem, but much better for Battle-Wiz, if there's

[Mama's Knife]------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 75
Bonus: Crit +30%, 50% chance of finding Meat when you kill a monster
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

Great for Crit Rogues and also helps you save money on buying reds and the

[Counter Dagger]----------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 75
Bonus: Crit rate up.
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 55
Weapon Lvl: 4

Maybe the Crit Rate up means Double Crit like Assassins do.

[Weeder Knife]------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 80
Bonus: Pierces defense of Veggie type monsters
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

Pretty much useless..

[Combat Knife]------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 80
Bonus: Pierces defense of Human Type Monsters
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

A trying hard Bloody weapon, good only to Sins not Rogues.

[House Auger]-------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 80
Bonus: It's formula of damage amount is
Attack Strength + (Attack Strength*Defense of the Target / 100)
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4


[Princess Knife]----------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 84
Bonus: +1 to all stats
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 1
Weapon Lvl: 4

Pretty much useless...

Attack: 90
Bonus: Pierces defense of Demon Type Monsters
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

Good weapon to have if you decided to level in GH.

Attack: 110
Bonus: Small percentage to transform target into a different monster
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

This can make your leveling a living hell...
(the Khalitz you battling and is near death when suddenly it changes to a..
PORING Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh...........)

[Assassin Dagger]---------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 125
Bonus: SP+30 Shadow Attribute
Cost: --- Dropped by Osiris
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

Quite good. but has elem so you can't use it just anywhere you like.

Attack: 140
Bonus: Unbreakable
Cost: ???
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

A decent Dagger, cannot be destroyed by Sword Breaker.

Attack: 150
Bonus: can cause darkness to it's user
Cost: --- Dropped By Dark Lord
Required Lvl: 36
Weapon Lvl: 4

Just a normal weapon as of now, great for it's high damage.

[11.2 Wands]==============================================================

Attack: 15
Bonus: MATK + 15%
Cost: 50z
Required Lvl: 1
Weapon Lvl: 1

The basic wand.

Attack: 25
Bonus: MATK +15%, INT +1
Cost: 2,500z
Required Lvl: 12
Weapon Lvl: 2

Almost the same with the Rod. (useless)

Attack: 40
Bonus: MATK +15%, INT +2
Cost: 9,500z
Required Lvl: 12
Weapon Lvl: 2

This is the only affordable Wand that can help you in many ways.
Better having this than nothing.

[Bone Wa,d]---------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 40
Bonus: MATK +15%, INT +4
Cost: --- Dropped By Dark Lord, Dark Illusion, Evil Druid, Wind Ghost
Required Lvl: 24
Weapon Lvl: 3

Well one of the most in-demand wands out there.
This wand is great to have.

[Arc Wand]----------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 60
Bonus: MATK +15%, INT +3
Cost: 45,000
Required Lvl: 24
Weapon Lvl: 3

The best accesible wand in town! If you do not have the elite wands
well, you'll end up using this.

[Wand of Occult]----------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 75
Bonus: MATK +15%, INT +3
Cost: --- Dropped by Marduk
Required Lvl: 24
Weapon Lvl: 3

Well it is almost the same with the Arc Wand.
But Arc Wand is much better because it has slots.

[Mighty Staff]------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 130
Bonus: MATK +15%, STR +15
Cost: --- Dropped by Marduk
Required Lvl: 24
Weapon Lvl: 3

[11.2.1 Exceptional Wands]================================================

[Staff of Soul]-----------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 25 (Two Handed)
Bonus: MATK +20%, AGI +2, INT +5
Cost: ??? Dropped by Elder, Owl Baron, Succubus
Required Lvl: 73
Weapon Lvl: 3

Once this thing is out, this will be hottest weapon for
the Sage Class.

[Wizardry Staff]----------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 120 (Two Handed)
Bonus: MATK +15%, DEX +2 and INT +6
Cost: ??? Dropped by Elder
Required Lvl: 90
Weapon Lvl: 4

Well the Best thing ou there for the Sage Class.

[11.3 Books]==============================================================

Attack: 100
Cost: --- Drpped by Creamy Fear (3 Slots) & Sageworm (3 Slots)
Required Lvl: 14
Weapon Lvl: 2

Best weapon out there (for Sages) if you want some cards to be compunded
on your weapon.

[Book of Blazing Sun]-----------------------------------------------------
Attack: 90
Bonus: Fire Element
Cost: --- Dropped by Rideword
Required Lvl: 27
Weapon Lvl: 3

[Book of Billows]---------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 90
Bonus: Water Element
Cost: --- Dropped by Rideword
Required Lvl: 27
Weapon Lvl: 3

[Book of Gust of Wind]----------------------------------------------------
Attack: 90
Bonus: Wind Element
Cost: --- Dropped by Rideword
Required Lvl: 27
Weapon Lvl: 3

[Book of Mother Earth]----------------------------------------------------
Attack: 90
Bonus: Wind Element
Cost: --- Dropped by Rideword
Required Lvl: 27
Weapon Lvl: 3

Attack: 139
Bonus: INT +2
Cost: --- Drpped by evil Druid (2 Slots)
Required Lvl: 27
Weapon Lvl: 3

Best book for support types.

Attack: 151
Cost: --- Dropped by Pharaoh
Required Lvl: 27
Weapon Lvl: 3

Has the highest book damage.

[Girl's Diary]------------------------------------------------------------
Attack: 60
Bonus: 150% ATK vs Bongun
Cost: --- Dropped by Munak
Required Lvl: 40
Weapon Lvl: 4

Not useful...

[Book of Revelations]-----------------------------------------------------
Attack: 120
Bonus: Shadow Element
+7% ATK vs Wind, Water, Fire and Earth monsters
Damage increased by 5% from Holy monsters
Cost: --- Dropped by Dark Priest
Required Lvl: 40
Weapon Lvl: 4

A great weapon to have if you're going to be a BSa.

- XII. MVP'ing as a Sage -------------------------------------------------

- XIII. WoE Sage ---------------------------------------------------------

Basically you need to be ready in using Magnetic Earth and sometimes in
offense because most of the time the first target are wizs.
This is all about keeping your guildmates alive and stay much longer from
those camp-spells (i.e. Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion etc.)

Keep your Magnetic Earth Hotkey ready.
- XIV. Card Collection ---------------------------------------------------

Here are the cards that Sages will find useful. They are classified
by their placement. I have removed those "Banned" Cards or the cards
that Gravity has removed from the game, but those who have already have it
are lucky because monsters won't be dropping them anymore. ^_^
Thank you for www.merchantguild.net for this card placement info.

[14.1 Weapons]============================================================

[Creature]---------[Benefit Type]--------[Adjective]-------[Effect]
Hornet Stat Increase Martyr STR +1
Female Thief Bug Stat Increase Shrewd AGI +1
Fabre Stat Increase Vital VIT +1
Andre Larva Stat Increase Smart INT +1
Drops Stat Increase Dexterous DEX +1
Lunatic Stat Increase Lucky LUK +1
Skeleton Stat Increase Keen ATK +3
Wolf Stat Increase Wolverine ATK +5
Andre Stat Increase Hurricane ATK +10
Soldier Skeleton Stat Increase Critical Critical + 9%
Santa Poring Bonus vs. Element Hallowed 20% Additional Damage
on Shadow Property
Peco Peco Egg Bonus vs. Element Beholder 20% Additional Damage
on Formless Property
Mandragora Bonus vs. Element Windy 20% Additional Damage
on the Wind Property
Vadon Bonus vs. Element Flammable 20% Additional Damage
on the Fire Property
Drainliar Bonus vs. Element Saharic 25% Additional Damage
on the Water Property
Orc Skeleton Bonus vs. Element Darned 20% Additional Damage
on the Holy Property
Anacondaq Bonus vs. Element Envenom 20% Additional Damage
on the Poison Property
Kaho Bonus vs. Element Underneath 20% Additional Damage
on the Earth Property
Desert Wolf Bonus vs. Size Gigantic 25% Additional Damage
on Small Size Monsters
Skel Worker Bonus vs. Size Bound 15% Additional Damage
on Medium Size Monsters
Minorous Bonus vs. Size Titan 15% Additional Damage
on Great Size Monsters
Hydra Bonus vs. Race Bloody 25% Additional Damage
on the Demi-Human
Goblin Bonus vs. Race Clamorous 20% Additional Damage
on the Brute
Scorpion Bonus vs. Race Chemical 20% Additional Damage
on Plant Race
Flora Bonus vs. Race Fisher 20% Additional Damage
on the Fish Race
Archer Skeleton Bonus vs. Race Kingbird 10% Additional Damage
on the Flying Monsters
(Not implemented yet)
Strouf Bonus vs. Race Decussate 25% Additional Damage
on the Demon Race
Earth Petite Bonus vs. Race Dragoon 25% Additional Damage
on the Dragon Race
Scorpion King Bonus vs. Race Divine 20% Additional Damage
on the Undead
Abysmal Knight Bonus vs. Race Liberation 25% Additional Damage
on the Boss Type
Caramel Bonus vs. Race Insecticide 25% Additional Damage
on the Insect Race
Deviace Bonus vs. Races Aqua 5% Additional Damage
on the Demi-Human,
the Brute, the Plant
and the Insect.
Savage Bebe Status Ailment Stun Stun Enemies when
attacking by 5% Chance.
Familiar Status Ailment Blink Blind Enemies when
attacking by 5% Chance.
Snake Status Ailment Untouchable Poison Enemies when
attacking by 5% Chance.
Zenorc Status Ailment Venomer's Poison Enemies when
attacking by 5% Chance
Marina Status Ailment Ice Freeze Enemies when
attacking by 5% Chance
Metaller Status Ailment Silence Silence Enemies when
attacking by 5%Chance
Magnolia Status Ailment Cursing Curse Enemies when
attacking by 5% Chance
Plankton Status Ailment Drowsy Curse `Sleep' when
attacking by 5% Chance.
Requiem Status Ailment Chaos Curse Chaos when
attacking by 5% Chance
(Not implemented yet)
Drake Attack Upgrade of Infinity Do 100% damage on all
sized mosnters
Golem Indestructible Solid Make Weapon
Hunter Fly Yoinking Malicious Regain 15% of the
damage Done on Enemies
as HP(Success Chance 3%)
Dracula Yoinking Spiritual Regain 5% of the
damage done on Enemies
as SP by 25% Chance
Side Winder Skill Upgrade Hybrid Enable to use
[Double Attack Lv1]
Mummy Stat Increase Ancient Accuracy Rate + 20%

[14.2 Armor]==============================================================

[Creature]---------[Benefit Type]--------[Adjective]-------[Effect]
Picky Stat Increase Extra STR +1
Thief Bug Stat Increase Speedy AGI +1
Shell Picky Stat Increase Dynamic VIT +1
Savage Stat Increase of Recovery VIT +3
Baby Desert Wolf Stat Increase of Desert INT +1
Rocker Stat Increase Skillful DEX +1
Poring Stat Increase Lucky LUK +1
Pupa Stat Increase Hard MHP +50
Roda Frog Stat Increase of Champion MHP +100
Peco Peco Stat Increase of Ares MHP +150
Steel Chonchon Stat Increase of Heman DEF +2
Marc Aliment Def Unfrozen Never be Frozen
Ghostring Elemental Ghost Enchant armors with
the Ghost Property
(Not implemented yet)
Angelring Elemental Holy Enchant Armors with
the Holy Property
Swordfish Elemental Aqua Enchant Armors with
the Water Property
Dokkaebi Elemental of Zephyrus Enchant Armors with
the Wind Property
Pasana Elemental of Ifirit Enchant Armors with
the Fire Property
Sandman Elemental of Gnome Enchant Armors with
the Earth Property
Argiope Elemental Poisoned Enchant Armors with
the Poison Property
Bathory Elemental Evil Enchant Armors with
the Shadow Property
Evil Druid Elemental Deadly Enchant Armors with
the Undead Property
Cornutus Indestructible Immortal Make Armors
Orc Lord Reflect Mirror Reflect 25% of Every
Physical Attack

[14.3 Garment]============================================================

[Creature]---------[Benefit Type]--------[Adjective]-------[Effect]
Condor Stat Increase Quick Dodge +5
Whisper Stats Increase Mocking Dodge + 20,
5% Additional Damage
taken from Ghost.
Bapho Jr. Stats Increase of Rogue AGI +3 Critical + 3%
Frilldora Gain Skill Guard Enable to use
Lv1 [Cloaking]

[14.4 Shoes]==============================================================

[Creature]---------[Benefit Type]--------[Adjective]-------[Effect]
Chon Chon Stat Increase Light AGI +1
Male Thief Bug Stat Increase of Hermes AGI +2
Sohee Stat Increase Soul Enchanted MSP + 20%
Zombie Stat Increase of Health HP regeneration +15%
Eggyra Stat Increase of Witch SP Generation +15%
Matyr Stats Increase Green MHP + 12% AGI + 1
Verit Stats Increase Fledged Maximum HP/SP + 8%

[14.5 Headgear]===========================================================

[Creature]---------[Benefit Type]--------[Adjective]-------[Effect]
Elder Willow Stat Increase Erudite INT +2
Willow Stat Increase Wise MSP +30
Stainer Def. Vs. Status of Aristotle Form 20% Regist
against Silence
Marduk Def. Vs. Status Peerless Never be Cursed
by Silence.
Delay time reduced by 5%
Giearth Def. Vs. Status Order Never be Cursed by Chaos
Deviruchi Def. Vs. Status Adurate Never go Blind
Orc Hero Def. Vs. Status Neutral Never be `Stunned'.
VIT + 3
Pharaoh Skill Upgrade of Kirin Enable to use
Every Skill with 1/2 SP

[14.5 Shield]=============================================================

[Creature]---------[Benefit Type]--------[Adjective]-------[Effect]
Ambernite Stat Increase of Athena DEF +2
Thara Frog Def. Vs. Race Cranial Reduce 50% of Damage
taken from the Demi-Human
Horn Def. Vs. Damage Type Heavy Block 20% of Damage
taken from Arrow Attack
Maya Reflect Reflect Reflect Magic Damage
by 30% Chance

[14.6 Accessory]==========================================================

[Creature]---------[Benefit Type]--------[Adjective]-------[Effect]
Tarou Stat Increase Double-Forced STR +2
Mantis Stat Increase of Mustle STR +3
Kukre Stat Increase Athletic AGI +2
Muka Stat Increase Lobust HP regeneration +10%
Cobold Stat Increase of Counter Critical + 5%
Yoyo Stats Increase of Flash Perfect Dodge +5
AGI + 1
Smokie Gain Skill Hiding Enable to Use
Lv1 [Hiding]
Horong Gain Skill Clairvoyant Enable to Use
Lv1 [Sight]
Osiris GODLINESS (misc) of Eternity Revive with
Full HP/SP all the time

- XV. Leveling Spots -----------------------------------------------------

- XVI. Flee Chart --------------------------------------------------------

The New Flee Chart By Kula:
The new and updated flee chart! As with the previous one, I did NOT make this!
The number is how much flee you need to dodge 95% of the time (the maximum).

078 - Turtle
080 - Fabre(Fabre Forest)
082 - Hugeling
082 - Poring
084 - Fabre
086 - Lunatic
088 - Picky
088 - Raptice
088 - Willow
090 - Drops
090 - Super Picky
090 - Roda Frog
090 - Santa Poring
091 - Chon Chon
092 - Eclipse
092 - Thief Bug
093 - Condor
094 - Mastering
094 - Savage Babe
095 - Toad
097 - Skeleton
098 - Rocker
098 - Spore
100 - Dragon Fly
100 - Hornet
100 - Plankton
102 - Kukre
105 - Desert Wolf Baby
105 - Zombie
106 - Ambernite
107 - Creamy
108 - Martin
108 - Poporing
108 - Thief Bug Female
110 - Muka
110 - Tarou
111 - Farmiliar
115 - Golem
115 - Peco Peco
116 - Coco
117 - Wolf
118 - Andre
118 - Poison Spore
119 - Smokie
120 - Big Foot
120 - Pierre
121 - Stainer
122 - Shellfish
123 - Goblin (Axe)
123 - Mandragora
123 - Orc Zombie
125 - Marin
125 - Megalodon
125 - Pirate Skeleton
125 - Steel Chon Chon
126 - Yoyo
127 - Aster
129 - Goblin (Morning Star)
129 - Hydra
130 - Thief Bug Male
130 - Vadon
131 - Crab
131 - Eggyra
131 - Thara Frog
132 - Argos
132 - Marina
133 - Elder Willow
133 - Orc Skeleton
133 - Orc Warrior
133 - Smoking Orc
134 - Anacondaq
134 - Cornutus
134 - Dustiness
134 - Goblin (Mace)
135 - Raggler
135 - Vitata
135 - Worm Tail
136 - Caramel
136 - Marine Sphere
136 - Soldier Pierre
137 - Cookie
137 - Deniro
137 - Soldier Andre
138 - Goblin (Dagger)
138 - Goblin Xmas
138 - Savage
139 - Sasquatch
140 - Horn
140 - Magnolia
140 - Zerom
143 - Kaho
144 - Antique Firelock
144 - Flora
144 - Soldier Skeleton
146 - Mantis
146 - Metaller
146 - Vocal
147 - Ghoul
147 - Skeleton Worker
148 - Cookie Xmas
149 - Vagabond Wolf
150 - Hode
150 - Kobold 5
150 - Shinobi
151 - Munak
151 - Scorpion
151 - Verit
152 - Kobold 2(Mace)
155 - Bongun
155 - Kobold 4
155 - Miyabi Ningyo
155 - Rotar Zairo
158 - Desert Wolf
158 - Frilldora
158 - Marse
158 - Soldier Deniro
158 - Strouf
159 - Horong
161 - Myst Case
163 - Angeling
163 - Kobold (Axe)
165 - Ghostring
165 - Goblin (Flail)
166 - Myst
166 - Sohee
167 - Marc
167 - Requiem
167 - Swordfish
168 - Giearth
169 - Sandman
169 - Whisper
169 - Whisper(Giant)
169 - Whisper Boss
170 - Matyr
171 - Brilight
172 - Argiope
174 - Tri Joint
175 - Boa
175 - G Mummy
175 - Goblin Archer
175 - Mummy
175 - Orc Lady
177 - Dokebi
177 - Drainliar
178 - Rafflesia
178 - Wild Rose
179 - Minorous
179 - Nereid
180 - Obeaune
182 - Chepet
182 - Zenorc
183 - Choco
183 - Punk
184 - Bathory
184 - Deviance
185 - Antonio
185 - Karakasa
185 - Marionette
185 - Mutant Dragon
185 - Steam Goblin
187 - Blazzer
187 - Driller
187 - Explosion
188 - Jakk
188 - Jakk Xmas
188 - Nightmare
189 - Hunter Fly
189 - Phen
190 - Isis
193 - Marduk
193 - Petit(Sky)
194 - Demon Pungus
194 - Gig
194 - Kobold (Morning Star)
194 - Stem Worm
195 - Pest
196 - Archer Skeleton
196 - Cramp
196 - Reydric
197 - Greatest General
197 - Injustice
197 - Kapha
197 - Laib Olmai
197 - Sageworm
198 - Petit(Earth)
199 - Alligator
199 - Geographer
200 - Archangeling
200 - Cruiser
200 - Zombie Prisoner
201 - Evil Druid
201 - Fake Angel
201 - Mimic
202 - Galapago
202 - Giant Hornet
202 - The Paper
203 - Dragon Tail
203 - Giant Spider
203 - Iron Fist
203 - Skeleton Prisoner
204 - Grand Peco
205 - Creamy Fear
205 - Pasana
206 - Killer Mantis
206 - Zombie Dragon
207 - Apocalips
207 - Fur Seal
207 - Gullinbursti
207 - Permeter
208 - Caterpillar
208 - Deviruchi
208 - Goblin Leader
208 - Kobold Archer
208 - Scorpion King
209 - Arclouse
209 - Filamentous
209 - High Orc
210 - Spring Rabbit
210 - Stalactic Golem
211 - Carat
211 - Elder
211 - Goat
211 - Khalitzburg
211 - Tengu
211 - Wind Ghost
212 - Deleter(Earth)
212 - Mobster
213 - Clock Tower Manager
213 - Deleter(Sky)
213 - Diabolic
213 - Gajomart
213 - Grizzly
213 - Merman
214 - Freezer
214 - Heater
214 - Zombie Master
215 - Megalith
215 - Nine Tail
215 - Panzer Goblin
216 - Dark Priest
216 - Sea Otter
217 - Kobold Leader
217 - Sleeper
218 - Alarm
218 - Baphomet Jr.
219 - Am Mut
219 - Dark Frame
219 - Harpy
219 - Mistress
219 - Solider
220 - Chimera
222 - Ancient Mummy
223 - Ancient Worm
223 - Rybio
223 - Wraith
224 - Drake
224 - Golden Thief Bug
225 - Anubis
225 - Clock
225 - Phendark
225 - Skeleton General
226 - Majoruros
228 - Executioner
228 - Lava Golem
229 - Owl Duke
230 - Eddga
230 - Joker
230 - Nightmare Terror
231 - Medusa
232 - Mini Demon
233 - Sidewinder
234 - Soldier Guardian
235 - Anolian
237 - Alice
237 - Cat O Nine Tail
237 - Moonlight
238 - Maya
239 - Incubus
239 - Osiris
243 - Garm
245 - Dracula
245 - Owl Baron
246 - Assaulter
246 - Maya Puple
249 - Dark Illusion
249 - Gargoyle
249 - Orc Archer
249 - Succubus
251 - Violy
254 - Dark Lord
254 - Riding Word
256 - Sting
257 - Orc Hero
257 - Pharaoh
259 - Orc Lord
262 - Gryphon
263 - Zherlthsh
264 - Wraith Dead
268 - Penomena
269 - Lord of Death
272 - Doppelganger
272 - Reydric Archer
274 - Phreeoni
276 - Baphomet
276 - Wanderer
277 - Turtle General
278 - Tirfing
279 - G Assaulter
282 - Bloody Knight
282 - Stormy Knight/Knight of Windstorm
286 - Knight Guardian
289 - Abysmal Knight
290 - Werewolf
310 - Mysteltainn
314 - Archer Guardian

- XVII. FAQ's ------------------------------------------------------------

- XVIII. Contact Me ------------------------------------------------------

I Accept emails especially if you want to contribute to this guide.

If you happen to be online in pRO you can whisper me.
I'm in the Iris Server my character names are:

Battle-Maiden Jezarene (VIT/AGI 2H Knight)
Battle-Maiden Reginleif (Merchant)
Xcelsion (Battle-Acolyte)

I will be glad to answer your questions.
Basta hindi ako busy...

I will not:
Tank you
Give you items/money
Join your party
Entertain people who want to leech EXP.

I will:
Build up an alliance
Invite you to our party (dpat pde tyo mg even)

* E-Mail/Contacts Policy -
Why'd I suddenly summon a E-Mail/Contacts Policy section? Simply to
categorize every mail that I've been receiving from those that are possibly
either a Virus or something bad. I would suggest you follow the following
things below so as to quickly get a reply off the day or two after you
mailed me. Yes! I'm that quick on replying mails as I don't want my Inbox
to be so filled and to make my browser go faster when checking things out.
Anyway here are the list of Do's and Don'ts doing something that is on
either the Do's/Don'ts list will seriously affect the odds of you getting
a reply so I suggest you follow them as simple rules are applied.

*- E-Mails -*

Do’s and Don’ts
1. Only send me questions that can't be found on my guide. I will be more
happy to help you in this case.

2. Try to be specific in defining something or when stating what had
So I won't be e-mailing you back for some questions that'll simply
consume our precious time.

3. I won't be accepting or be opening any mails that have attachments.

4. Check the latest version of the guide before sending in any questions,
chances are that your question might be answered in the newest version of
the guide.

5. If I happen to not reply after three or so days than e-mail me again
nicely and I'll reply ASAP.

6. You must label your mail with the game title whether a submission or a
question (E.I. FFX-2 or just FFX-2
for questions or inquiries).

7. Don't be persistent, don't e-mail me the very same question that I've
already answered.

8. Don't send me nonsense e-mails like "How much is..." "Can you buy me

9. Be nice! Don't use bad words in your mail.

10. No Chain Mails!
Doing anything that isn't allowed will automatically make your address be
blocked from any future mail you might possibly send.

- XVII. Thank You to all -------------------------------------------------

My Classmates
III - St. Dominic

Thanks Guys!!! Without your efforts I won't be able to
formulate the best stats & skill builds for the NextGen characters.

Xcelsion (Acolyte)
My final hope for a Battle-Acolyte to Monk.
I dedicate this to my ever-loving Bez! Rei!
I don't know why the name Battle-Maiden Reica doesn't register...

Another character made by the same person who made
SOULBLIGHTER. 2H Knight leveling bud of my Battle-Maiden.

itchipider (Thief, CHAOS)
Our most successful thief to rogue player.
He's also the 2nd richest character in pRO in our room.

Friends4 (apat kasi kami)
22ong kaibigan. (Chowking tayo!!!)

Thank you for your endless support to me in making this guide.

----------- FRIENDSSSSS ONLINE ----------------

Sammy (Merchant?, IRIS)
The only merchant we trust.

Pass!v3 (AGI Hunter, Sarah)
My Bestfriend, too bad he's in Sarah Server

<> (VIT Knight, Sarah)
One of my friends, also in Sarah

----------- SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION -------------

"Martin Cheng"
The Abracadabra/Hocus Pocus Build

------------------------- SPECIAL THANKS ---------------------------------

Mad Monarch Gyl (gylisgod@yahoo.com)
I love this guy! He's soooo great!

*Edge (icesanmig@yahoo.com)
-For letting me copy and use his format for my guide.
Thanx! a Lotz!

For having his most updated Flee chart.

-Thank You for helping us (RO Players) by the means of your
ever great FAQ/Guide. Maybe I should call you "The Oracle".

Level Up (http://www.level-up-games.com)
-For getting the game into the Philippines.

-For developing and making the game.

Lee Myoung-Jin
-Because of her Manga, Ragnarok Online was born.
Lee's manhwa is very amusing to read and the drawings are sooo
great! How I wish I have all the Volumes...

Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com)
-For hosting this guide and all the other guides also.
This site is my primary source of gaming knowledge.

-For Running that AWESOME site the world calls "Gamefaqs".

-For all the Alt. 2nd Job skill list
-Thanks for all the wonderful things we can see in your
wonderful site!!!
-Ya I know Ricky.. WE LOVE YOUR SITE!

-I got the additional Infos for the 2-2 Jobs here.
-One of the updated RO fansites in the world.

All the Skill Description is owned by the following.
Gravity Interactive LLC.
Gravity Corp.& Lee Myoungjin.

For the additional skill infos and descriptions.

Martin Cheng
For submitting data about Abracadanra/Hocus Pocus

"Hiroshi ..."
For correcting the Monocell ability.

- XVII. Unlegal ----------------------------------------------------------

This FAQ was originated on www.gamefaqs.com. You will always find the most
up-to-date version there. As with all my FAQs, I believe it to be public
domain. Please post this on your website, edit, alter, or do what you will
with it. Crediting me is entirely optional. Although it isn't necessary to
Email me, I would like to check out your site if your going to put it there
^_^. I only have 2 conditions: You do not sell this FAQ for personal profit,
or post it on websites condoning or providing RO hacks, bots, scams, or
anything else evil in the world.

Thank you for reading my FAQ/GUIDE.
This won't be called a guide with out anyone being guided.
Thank you.

-ReiCA Zinra

Online Contact:

Xcelsion (My Final pre-Monk Acolyte)
Battle-Maiden Jezarene (2H Knight)
Battle-Maiden Reginleif (Byalan & Geffen Super Merch. Shop "PRESYONG NOBIS™")

ALL IN IRIS SERVER pRO (Philippine Ragnarok Online)

(Too many characters, so little time.)
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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