Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

17.10.2013 16:42:09
Master Diwa's Spear Knight FAQ
Version 1.2

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Swordman Skills
III. Knight Skills
IV: Skills build order
V. Stats build
VI. Equipment
VII: Maximizing Stats With Equipment
VIII. Levelling up
XII. Acknowledegments

02/04/04 - My 1st time ever to create a FAQ. Hope you like it.
02/08/04 - Corrected some information. Reformatted paragraph indentation.
02/09/04 - Added MVP and PVP section. Corrected some layout formats.

I. Introduction

Why spear knight?
Spear Knights are balanced in both the offensive and the defensive path.
They possess high amounts of HP, a deadly close ranged attack, a powerful
mob killing skill, and a long ranged attack.

In short, you have a ONE MAN ARMY.

Knights are the frontliners of any party whether in dungeons, PVP or WoE.
They are usually the first wave of offense and the first to receive damage.
And with high HP and good armors, they can receive TONS of punishment
giving way for the wizards and other classes to launch their deadly spells.

IMPORTANT: Just a tip though, I do not recommend that you make your first
character a spear knight as you need to invest in lots of stuff to really make a
good spear knight. Instead make an agi knight/blacksmith/mage as your first char
as they are the ones who can make you rich fast.

II. Swordman Skills

I did not include the detailed info about each skill as you can find them
already in numerous other FAQs and websites. Some skills have varied skill
point recommendation as some players choose to change to knight beyond job
level 40.


Increase HP Recovery

Greatly speeds up your HP's natural recovery.

Type: Passive
Requirements: None
Skill points to invest: 10
Comment: Always max this first. This skill alone is what gives knights an edge
in melee combat. It also increases the potency of healing items such as potions.


Sword Mastery

Increases damage power of one handed swords.

Type: Passive
Requirements: None
Skill points to invest: 8-10
Comment: During your swordman days, you'll still be using swords. It is
recommended that you go one hand because of the fact that you'll always get
hit and you need a shield to greatly reduce the damage you receive.


Two Handed Sword Mastery

Increases damage power of two handed swords.

Type: Passive
Requirements: 1 Sword Mastery
Skill points to invest: 1
Comment: It is not recommended for vit types to use two hand swords because
you can't equip a shield. You'll be receiving larger damage as opposed to a
shielded swordie. However, you need ONE point in two hand mastery for
Counter Attack to appear in your skills when turn knight. Contrary to what
other FAQs and websites say, you don't need 5 points in this skill for Counter
Attack. Only ONE POINT! I have 1 point in my Two Hand Mastery and I have
Counter. Try it before you argue with me.



A powerful attack.

Type: Active
Requirements: None
Skill points to invest: 6-10
Comment: A really powerful move that deals great damage to your enemy. And
with the new Comodo skills update, level 6-10 bash has a chance of stunning
an opponent. I recommend that you max it.


Magnum Break

A wide ranged splash attack with fire property.

Type: Active
Requirements: 5 Bash
Skill points to invest: 0
Comment: A total waste of skill points. I will never use it as a knight anyway
as you will have Brandish Spear which is leagues more powerful and consumes
less sp. If you really want to use Magnum Break as a swordie buy a Blast Clip/Belt



Summons a nearby enemy and decreases its defense significantly but also increases
its attack for a short duration.

Type: Active
Requirements: None
Skill points to invest: 5-10
Comment: A great skill if used properly. Vit knights must remember that flee is
almost none existent for them. You will almost always get hit by opponents and using
provoke will increase the damage you receive from them. Take note that this only
applies to physical damage so using level 10 provoke on a VIT INT priest or wizard
in PVP wont increase their damage towards you as they use magic. But this will weaken
their already low defense thus making it even faster to kill them. Use it sparingly.



Prevents flinching and allows you to move freely while receiving damage from enemies.

Type: Active
Requirements: 5 Provoke
Skill points to invest: 1-10
Comment: One word: MOBS! So you wanna kill a mob of 20-30 aggressive monsters but
you must gather them all in front of your character for Brandish to kill 'em all.
Remember that you stop in your tracks if an enemy hits you making it a pain to move.
Cast Endure. This will allow you to move freely while collecting your mob before
finishing them off with your Brandish Spear.

III. Knight Skills

I will focus this section on the spear skills because that's all you need.

Spear Mastery

Increases damage of spear class weapons

Type: Passive
Requirements: Knight class
Skill points to invest: 10
Comment: MAX this skill. Period.



A deadly move that deals larger damage the larger an enemy is.
Small - hit once
Medium - hit twice (human players are meduim)
Large - hit thrice

Type: Active
Requirements: 1 Spear Mastery
Skill points to invest: 10
Comment: This works like bash but consumes less SP. This is our bread and butter
skill as spear knights. This is great for levelling, PVP and especially in MVP.
Since almost all MVPs are large sized you'll be dealing a great deal of


Spear Boomerang

A long ranged spear attack.

Type: Active
Requirements: 3 Pierce
Skill points to invest: 5 (maxed)
Comment: This skill serves two purposes: in dungeons, you can use this as an
alternative to Provoke. Since you can't always use Provoke 'cause it increases
the damage you receive, use Spear Boomerang to lure monsters instead. Secondly,
this is an essential skill in PVP. Use it to kill hit and run players, hunters,
wizards etc. If you love PVP max this asap.


Spear Stab

Skill that knocks back an enemy and causes splash damage.

Type: Active
Requirements: 5 Pierce
Skill points to invest: 3-5
Comment: I can see no other usefulness for skill except for PVP. Use this
skill to disorient the opposing team's formation. Also during guildwar matches,
keep Spear Stabbing those pesky support priests far away from their allies so they
can't be healed while your other team mates now attack the unsupported enemies.
Use it properly and your party/guild will have a big chance to win the match.


Brandish Spear

The most powerful mob killer a spear knight can have.

Type: Active
Requirements: 3 Spear Stab
Skill points to invest: 10 of course!
Comment: I can't express in words how GREAT this skill is. This skill alone will
earn you lots of fans in Midgard. And by using a +9/10 quad carded pike, you'll
be dealing 2k+ damage to the right enemy. MAX it asap. This skill is way way
better than Bowling Bash. Bowling Bash tends to malfunction and hit only one
enemy even if you casting it a 10 enemies. Brandish Spear always works.


Counter Attack

A defensive skill that prevents the knight from receiving damage while dealing
damage at the same time.

Type: Active
Requirements: 1 Two Hand Mastery
Skill points to invest: 3-5
Comment: Its just a choice between Counter or Spear Stab. Counter has its uses too.
If you get lucky and encounter an MVP without its minions and you're all alone, use
Counter attack until other MVP hunters join in the fray and that's when you use pierce.
When you're hunting really powerful monsters such as Reydrics and you can't stand
the damage no matter how good your armors are, use counter. And contrary to popular
belief, ASPD deosn't affect countering speed. It's in how fast you press the hotkey.


Peco Ride

Allows the knight to ride a tamed Pecopeco.

Type: Passive
Requirements: 1 Endure
Skill points to invest: 1
Comment: Allows you to travel faster on foot and increases the attack damage of Spear
class weapons only. While on a Peco, your attack speed is decreased but can easily be
regained by investing in Cavalier Mastery. I can't see any reason not to get it.


Cavalier Mastery

Regains your normal attack speed while on a Pecopeco.
Requirements: 1 Peco Ride
Skill points to invest: 5
Comment: Just max it. Trust me.


Other Knight Skills (Which You Don't Need)

Two Hand Quicken - Increases ASPD of Two Hand Sword Class for a certain duration
Bowling Bash - Mob control skill that knock backs enemies

IV: Skills Build Order.

I recommend job 50 swordie so you can max out lots of skills


Job 40 Swordman

10 Hp Recovery
10 Swordmastery
5 Bash
5 Provoke
10 Bash
3 Endure
1 Two Hand Mastery
*Change to Knight*
1 Peco Ride
5 Cavalier Mastery
10 Spear Mastery
5 Pierce
3 Spear Stab
10 Brandish Spear
10 Pierce
5 Spear Boomerang
5 Counter Attack


Job 50 Swordman (Highly Recommended)

10 HP Recovery
10 Swordmastery
5 Bash
5 Provoke
10 Bash
10 Endure
8 Provoke
1 Two Hand Mastery
*Change to Knight*
1 Peco Ride
5 Cavalier Mastery
10 Spear Mastery
5 Pierce
3 Spear Stab
10 Brandish Spear
10 Pierce
5 Spear Boomerang
5 Counter Attack

V. Stats Build

This is the fun part. This is where it all matters. You must always plan out your
character as it is very rewarding to have perfect stats. Take note that these stats
do not include equipment bonuses. Only base stats and job level bonuses.


Knight Job Bonuses

Str +8
Vit +10
Agi +2
Int +0
Dex +6
Luk +4


Str/Vit Build

This is the powerhouse build. You have tons of HP (around 16k-17k with Green Boots),
you deal huge damage and you almost never rely on potions or healing. With this build,
you can rock in PVP at early levels and later on you'll devastate mobs of enemies with your
Brandish Spear. The only downside about this build is the slow aspd but ASPD pots
speed up things a bit. Still, you kill fast because of your high damage. And at
higher levels (75+) you will outdo agi knights in the monster killing department.
They still flywing away from mobs of 20-30 while you just Endure, collect them, and
Brandish away with a only a scratch of damage to your HP.

Str 92+8 = 100
Vit 90+10 = 100
Agi 9+2 = 11
Int 1+0 = 1
Dex 44+6 = 50
Luk 1+4 = 5

HP: 15956
SP: 299
Flee 110+1
Weight Limit: 5560


Str/Vit/Agi Build

This build brings in the best of both worlds in the Vit and Agi knights respectively.
You sacrifice some strength for more defensive stats. So in the end, you're the type
of knight who deals decent damage, has relatively fast ASPD and can have a max HP of
14k-16k with Green Boots. Not bad. Though I really haven't tested this build myself, my
friends who did, told me it's also great to use. With your high flee, an opposing Vit knight
in PVP will be forced to let go of his quad bloody pike in favor of a double ancient double
bloody pike or any other mummy combo just to hit you. And one less hydra card from him
means significantly lesser damage to you.

Str 72+8 = 80
Vit 70+10 = 80
Agi 78+2 = 80
Int 1+0 = 1
Dex 44+6 = 50
Luk 1+4 = 5

HP: 14360
SP: 299
Flee 179+1
Weight Limit: 4960


Str/Vit/Int Build

So you wanna use lots of skills but you keep running out of sp. This is the build
for you. Another downside about knights is the small SP. Unlike agi knights, spear
knights rely more on skills. So if you're the type who wants to spam Pierce a lot,
invest in some int. Int also speeds up natural SP recovery, what more do you want?

Str 92+8 = 100
Vit 80+10 = 90
Agi 9+2 = 11
Int 36+0 = 36
Dex 44+6 = 50
Luk 1+4 = 5

HP: 15956
SP: 403
Flee 110+1
Weight Limit: 5560

VI. Equipment



One Hand Spear

+9/10 4 Slot Pike
Weapon Level: 1
Atk: 60
Strongest slotted one hand spear. Compound size or 20% damage cards for greater damage.

+7/8 Very Very Strong Elemental Pike
Weapon Level: 1
Atk: 60
Get a complete set of very very strong elementals.


Defence Equipment




+6/7 Bone Helm
Base def: 7
Headgear with the highest base defense.

+6/7/8 Helm
Base def: 6
Easy to over upgrade since its readily available from the Izlude Armor NPC.


Fin Helm
Base def: 2
Level required: 65
Only swordsmen/knights can equip this.


Iron Cain
Base def:
Level required: 50
Iron cain is the only lower headgear in the game with defense.



+6/7 Slotted Shield
Base Def: 6
Compound -30% damage card for greater defense.

+6/7 Slotted Mirror Shield
Base Def: 4
Mdef: 5
Good for PVP since you have MDEF. Add in a Thara card to reduce 30% damage
from player characters.


Body Armor

+6/7 Full Plate
Base def: 10
Easy to over upgrade since its readily available from the Izlude Armor NPC.

+5/6 Slotted Full Plate of Heman (Steel Chonchon card)
Base def: 10
Slotted full plate is a rare item but if you get lucky in overupgrading it, compound
a Steel Chonchon card.

+6/7/8 Slotted Chain Mail of Heman (Steel Chonchon card)
Base def: 8
This one is easier to acquire than the slotted full plate.



+6/7 Immune Manteau (Reydric Card)
Base def: 4
Reydric card reduces all physical damage by 15%.

+6/7 Mocking Manteau (Whisper Card)
Base def: 4
An option for the Str/Vit/Agi Knight build.



+6/7 Green Boots (Matyr Card)
Base def: 4
Matyr card boosts your HP by 12% and add 1 agi.

+6/7 Fledged Boots (Verit Card)
Base def: 4
Verit card increases your max HP and SP by 8%.



Safety Ring
+3 Def, +3 Mdef
Level required : 40

Clip of Mustle (Mantis card)
+3 Str, +10 SP

Ring of Mustle (Mantis card)
+4 Str
Level required: 90

Clip or Spore (Spore card)
+2 Vit, +10 SP

Celebrant's Mittens
+1 Def, +1 Int

(Other options for Str/Vit/Agi)

Matyr's Leash
+1 Def, +1 Agi

Clip of Flash (Yoyo card)
+1 Agi, +5 Lucky Dodge, +10 SP

Brooch of Flash (Yoyo card)
+2 Agi, +5 Lucky Dodge
Level required: 90

VII. Maximizing Your Stats (Coming soon)

VIII. Levelling Up

1-10 - Porings
11-15 - Rockers
15-30 - Culvert Dungeon
30-40 - Horns/ Byalan Dungeon 2(wind weapon)/ Geffen Dungeon 1 (bring blast clip)
40-50 - Geffen Dungeon 1/ Orc Village(weapon with hydra cards)/
Orc Dungeon 1(fire weapon)/ Sphynx 1(hydra cards, ice weapon)/
Pyramids 2(fire weapon)
50-60 - Sphynx 2/3 (hydra cards, elemental)/ Orc Dungeon 2 (hydra cards/fire weapon)
60-70 - Sphynx 2/3/ Orc Dungeon 2
70-80 - Sphynx 2/3/ Orc Dungeon 2/ Clock Tower Underground (hydra cards/ice weapon)/
GH Barracks 2 (with party/priest)
80-90 - Sphynx 2/3/ Orc Dungeon 2/ Clock Tower Underground/
GH Barracks 2/ MVP bosses
90-99 -Clock Tower Underground/ GH Barracks 2/ MVP bosses/ Wherever you want

•A Guide on How Spear Knights can MVP

Before Comodo Update came, it was so easy for anyone to be the MVP. Yes, even agi
knights had it easy just by spamming Counter Attack. But then, Comodo Patch came.
The max HP of all MVPs were given a humongous boost that MVPing became more
challenging now.

Back then it was just a contest of who lands the 1st attack or receive damage. Now
it is more a contest of party mechanics and clever use of one's skills. Although landing
the 1st hit or receiving the first damage is still a big factor on who becomes the MVP,
it is now lessened. Still, partying is really necessary because its very diffcult now
to solo MVP. Not impossible as i have done it, just difficult.


How does one become MVP?

Two ways:

1) Dealing the most damage
Hunters and Wizards shine in this.

2) Receiving the most damage
Now this is where VIT knights shine. Sorry for the agi knights, everything's much harder
for you now.

Ideal Party Combination

Str Vit Knight
Deals and receive damage. Your +10 Quadruple Ancient Pike and damage reduction
shield are your friends.

2 Vit Int Support Priests
Constantly heals the knight and casting supportive spells i.e Kyrie, Impositio, Aspersio etc.

1 Wizard/Hunter
Deals damage from the backrow. Provides support damage for the knight.


The MVPs One by One (Coming soon)

• A Basic Guide for Winning against other classes in PVP


One of the easiest to beat in PVP. Just equip +9/10 Triple Ancient Bloody Pike or +9/10
Quadruple Ancient Pike depending on your dex (40-60total) and just Peirce them. And with
their low HP, they'll be dead in a matter of seconds.



Agi Dex Type –
Same strategy with assasins only this time use Spear Boomerang as they tend to use
hit and run tactics. Use Endure so you can approach him without flinching. As soon
as you get in close range he's dead meat. Also avoid any Ankle Snares which he could
lay on the ground.

Dex Luk Type –
Easy, easy target. With almost no flee your +9/10 Quadruple Bloody Pike will kill him
instantly. No problems for this type just avoid his traps.



One of our nemesis, it takes some real life luck in beating one. A wizard has two main
killer moves in PVP:

Frost Diver+Jupitel Thunder Combo –
Maxed Frost Diver has 65% chance of freezing you. While frozen you become Water element
which increases Jupitel's damage on you by a lot. It can render instant death. However,
an armor compounded with Marc card makes you unfreezable.

Level 10 Jupitel Thunder –
Wizards with super high dex can cast level 10 Jupitel Thunder in mere seconds. This move
can take away a lot from your HP. Reduce Jupitel's damage by wearing an armor
compounded with Dokebi card. This will make you wind element.

To kill them, use Spear Boomerang as much as possible and steer clear of their casting
range. It's just a matter of who deals the most damage first.



Its just a matter of who deals the most damage first, better equipment and higher level.
Just give everything you have. Use use a combination of Hydra and Mummy cards 'cause
Blacksmiths are usually hybrid. Use Peirce and Stun Bash when you can.



Agi Knights –
Refer to the assasin section

Vit Knights –
Just give everything you have. This will be a battle of level, stats and equipment. Use all
your skills to defeat him.



A pain to kill. One on one matches usually end in stalemate. They almost have unlimited
life because of their heal. Vit Int Pure Support priests are one of the toughest class to beat
in PVP. Your only chance is to Stun Bash them and hope you Pierce them fast enough
before they can recover from their Stunned state and heal themselves again.

XI. FAQs (Coming soon)

XII. Acknowledgements

Thanks to the Seekers of Destiny guild in pRO Chaos! Thanks to my friends in pRO
dancing^queen and Melbu Frahma II! Thanks to Gravity for creating this great game!
Thanks to you all! You can contact me at diwadeleon@yahoo.com if you some questions,
comments, suggestions and whatever.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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