Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

16.10.2013 03:16:03
Ragnarok Online Pre 2-2 Non-Melee Job Guide
For PC (DOS/Windows)
FAQs/Guide created by ReiCA Zinra
Copyright 2003 by ReiCA Zinra
Created: November 17, 2003 (11.17.03)

I dedicate this frickin' great guide to Jezarene.
Ito nalamang ang mabibigay ko sa iyo, this is the last thing
I will do for you.

This Guide is also dedicated to all my other friends and classmates
both players and non-players of RO.
(III-St. Dominic S.Y. 2003-2004)


Please join our yahoo groups! It's open to everybodY!

Version: 1.7--------------------------------------------------------------
*-The following information found in this guide is mostly based on my
pRO (Philippines) version of Ragnarok Online and reading other FAQs/guides
on gamefaqs and some of my theories & observations.
This guide is not 100% effective due to the character changes that
the patches will bring to the World of Middle Earth.

Disclaimer: (Copied with permission from Mad Monarch Gyl)
This FAQ/Walkthrough is created for personal use only, meaning it
should not be used for anything that gains any money.
Magazines, Game Guides, Websites in particular should not have this
guide with out my permission. Ripping off part(s) of this
FAQ/Walkthrough and putting it as your own results you to be guilty
of the crime "Plagiarism".

Plagiarism is an act of stealing, ripping off, copying ideas or words
of another person and taking it as your own without
crediting the real source the just way that he/she should have been
thanked. To simply put it,
Plagiarism is bad.

Also, you could never ever use this FAQ/Walkthrough to make your own
FAQ/Walkthrough, you must do everything yourself or if you do somehow
use this or any other guide you should give proper credit to the author.
Also, you could have this FAQ/Walkthrough on your website provided that
You will first ask my permission before you do something with this guide.
If you didn't have my permission then you have
crossed the lines of the copyrights law. By the way, you could print
the whole thing/parts of the FAQ/Walkthrough though.

------- [CONTENTS:] ------------------------------------------------------

I. Introduction

II. Version History

III. Contacts Policy

IV. Pre Alt 2nd job Skill & Stats Build
(The Guide Proper)

4.1 Stats Introduction

4.2 Mage Introduction
4.2.1 Mage-Sage Stats & Skill Build Updated Mage Skills Leveling Guide
4.2.2 Sage Introduction
4.2.3 Sage Skill Builds
4.2.4 Sage Skill List

4.3 Archer Introduction
4.3.1 Archer-Bard Stats & Skill Builds Updated Archer Skills Leveling Guide
4.3.2 Bard Introduction
4.3.3 Bard Skill Builds
4.3.4 Bard Skill List

4.4 Archer Introduction
4.4.1 Archer-Dancer Stats & Skill Builds Updated Archer Skills Leveling Guide
4.4.2 Dancer Introduction
4.4.3 Dancer Skill Builds
4.4.4 Dancer Skill List

5 Ensemble Skills/Combo Skills
(Bard & Dancer)

VI. Credits

VII. Legal Stuff

-------[ II.VERSION HISTORY ]---------------------------------------------

Ver. 1.0- November 17, 2003 (11.17.03)
Created the guide. (the basic parts of the guide)

Ver. 1.1- November 30, 2003 (11.30.03)
Done with the Sage part...
Watch out for the Bard section...(under construction)
I'll add the section as soon as I can.

Ver. 1.2- December 7, 2003 (12.07.03)
December... Added some of the Archer-Bard Section.
Finished the whole guide.

Ver. 1.3- December 14, 2003 (12.14.03)
It's been 4 days since Comodo patch was launched in the Philippines.
Corrected errors on the quest skills.

Ver. 1.4- December 19, 2003 (12.19.03)
Minor Update

Ver. 1.5- January 18, 2004 (01.18.04)
Added "How to be..." parts of the guide.

Ver. 1.6- February 20, 2004 (02.20.04)
Re-formatted the section breakers.
No Questions e-mailed to me... I wonder why...

Ver. 1.7- March 30, 2004 (03.29.04)
Minor changes.

-------[ III.CONTACT POLICY ]---------------------------------------------

I Accept emails especially if you want to contribute to this guide.

* E-Mail/Contacts Policy -
Why'd I suddenly summon a E-Mail/Contacts Policy section? Simply to
categorize every mail that I've been receiving from those that are possibly
either a Virus or something bad. I would suggest you follow the following
things below so as to quickly get a reply off the day or two after you
mailed me. Yes! I'm that quick on replying mails as I don't want my Inbox
to be so filled and to make my browser go faster when checking things out.
Anyway here are the list of Do's and Don'ts doing something that is on
either the Do's/Don'ts list will seriously affect the odds of you getting
a reply so I suggest you follow them as simple rules are applied.

*- E-Mails -*

Do’s and Don’ts
1. Only send me questions that can't be found on my guide. I will be more
happy to help you in this case.

2. Try to be specific in defining something or when stating what had
So I won't be e-mailing you back for some questions that'll simply consume
our precious time.

3. I won't be accepting or be opening any mails that has attachments.

4. Check the latest version of the guide before sending in any questions,
chances are that your question might be answered in the newest version of
the guide.

5. If I happen to not reply after three or so days than e-mail me again
nicely and I'll reply ASAP.

6. You must label your mail with the game title whether a submission or a
question (E.I. pRO melee or just pRO
for questions or inquiries).

7. Don't be persistent, don't e-mail me the very same question that I've
already answered.

8. Don't send me nonsense e-mails like "How much is..." "Can you buy me

9. Be nice! Don't use bad words in your mail.

10. No Chain Mails!
Doing anything that isn't allowed will automatically make your address be
blocked from any future mail you might possibly send.

------- [IV. Pre Alt 2nd job Skill & Stats Build] ------------------------

4.1/\[Introduction to the stats system]/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

[Stat Information]========================================================

You can view your stat window my clicking on the button, or pressing ALT+A.
The number next to the stat is your current amount,
and the number to the right of the arrow is how many status points
needed to raise it by 1.

The stats are the following...

STR (Strength)
This stat determines how hard you hit.
Each point will give you 1 extra ATK.
The bonuses are as follows:

STR Min/Max Damage
10 +1
20 +4
30 +5
40 +8
50 +10
60 +12
70 +13
80 +15
90 +17
100 +19

AGI (Agility)
This stat increases how often you will dodge an enemy attack, by increasing
Flee by 1. It will also increase your attack speed.
There are no bonuses for this stat.

VIT (Vitality)
Each point in this stat increases your Defense by 1, which means you take 1
point less damage from every attack (RDM-Reduce Damage).
It will also increase your maximum HP,and your HP recovery speed.
There are no bonuses for this stat.

INT (Intelligence) (From PSO Raven's Guide)
This is the most important stat for any mage, as it detemines how much damage
your spells will do, and as your spells are your main form of attack, this is
very important.

Int effects the stat Matk, which is a measure of how much damage your spells
do, below is a table compairing Int to Matk. You will notice that Matk has 2
values, a minimum, and a maximum, your spell damage will always fall between
these two numbers (that is before it is modified by the monster's resistance or
weakness to the particular spell).

Min/Max Matk Table

Int - Min - Max
1 - 1 - 1
2 - 2 - 2
3 - 3 - 3
4 - 4 - 4
5 - 5 - 6
6 - 6 - 7
7 - 8 - 8
8 - 9 - 9
9 - 10 - 10
10 - 11 - 14
11 - 12 - 15
12 - 13 - 16
13 - 14 - 17
14 - 18 - 18
15 - 19 - 24
16 - 20 - 25
17 - 21 - 26
18 - 22 - 27
19 - 23 - 28
20 - 24 - 36
21 - 30 - 37
22 - 31 - 38
23 - 32 - 39
24 - 33 - 40
25 - 34 - 50
26 - 35 - 51
27 - 36 - 52
28 - 44 - 53
29 - 45 - 54
30 - 46 - 66
31 - 47 - 67
32 - 48 - 68
33 - 49 - 69
34 - 50 - 70
35 - 60 - 84
36 - 61 - 85
37 - 62 - 86
38 - 63 - 87
39 - 64 - 88
40 - 65 - 104
41 - 66 - 105
42 - 78 - 106
43 - 79 - 107
44 - 80 - 108
45 - 81 - 126
46 - 82 - 127
47 - 83 - 128
48 - 84 - 129
49 - 98 - 130
50 - 99 - 150
51 - 100 - 151
52 - 101 - 152
53 - 102 - 153
54 - 103 - 154
55 - 104 - 176
56 - 120 - 177
57 - 121 - 178
58 - 122 - 179
59 - 123 - 180
60 - 124 - 204
61 - 125 - 205
62 - 126 - 206
63 - 144 - 207
64 - 145 - 208
65 - 146 - 234
66 - 147 - 235
67 - 148 - 236
68 - 149 - 237
69 - 150 - 238
70 - 170 - 266
71 - 171 - 267
72 - 172 - 268
73 - 173 - 269
74 - 174 - 270
75 - 175 - 300
76 - 176 - 301
77 - 198 - 302
78 - 199 - 303
79 - 200 - 304
80 - 201 - 336
81 - 202 - 337
82 - 203 - 338
83 - 204 - 339
84 - 228 - 340
85 - 229 - 374
86 - 230 - 375
87 - 231 - 376
88 - 232 - 377
89 - 233 - 378
90 - 234 - 414
91 - 260 - 415
92 - 261 - 416
93 - 262 - 417
94 - 263 - 418
95 - 264 - 456
96 - 265 - 457
97 - 266 - 458
98 - 294 - 459
99 - 295 - 460
100 - 296 - 500
101 - 297 - 501
102 - 298 - 502
103 - 299 - 503
104 - 300 - 504
105 - 330 - 546
106 - 331 - 547
107 - 332 - 548
108 - 333 - 549
109 - 334 - 550
110 - 335 - 594
111 - 336 - 595
112 - 368 - 596
113 - 369 - 597
114 - 370 - 598
115 - 371 - 644
116 - 372 - 645
117 - 373 - 646
118 - 374 - 647
119 - 408 - 648
120 - 409 - 696
121 - 410 - 697
122 - 411 - 698
123 - 412 - 699
124 - 413 - 700
125 - 414 - 750
126 - 450 - 751
127 - 451 - 752
128 - 452 - 753
129 - 453 - 754
130 - 454 - 806
131 - 455 - 807
132 - 456 - 808
133 - 494 - 809
134 - 495 - 810
135 - 496 - 864
136 - 497 - 865
137 - 498 - 866
138 - 499 - 867
139 - 500 - 868
140 - 540 - 924

DEX (Dexterity)
Each point in this stat will increase your hit by 1, which is how often you
do not miss an enemy. For Archers, this stat determines their damage, like STR
for a melee fighter. For Mages, it determines your casting rate. It will also
increase minimum damage. The bonuses are as follows:

DEX Min/Max Damage
20 +3
30 +4
40 +5
50 +6
60 +8
70 +10
80 +12
90 +13
100 +14

The following table shows
how Dex changes your cast time.
(From PSO Raven's Guide)

DEX Cast time

0 1.0
20 0.87
40 0.73
60 0.6
75 0.5
80 0.47
100 0.33
120 0.2

LUK (Luck)
LUK has become a bit more useful now. In Beta 1, 100 LUK would give you a 10%
chance to critical, however, now you get 3 criticals per 10 LUK - hence, a 30%
chance to critical. It's really only good for an Assassin or somebody with a
lot of Soldier Skeleton/Caramel Cards to really get high percentages.

All the following stats are those you cannot increase directly.

ATK (Attack)
This is your physical attack with a weapon. The first number is the attack of
your weapon, plus your STR. The second number is how much ATK your upgraded
weapon adds, which ignores DEF.

MATK (Magic Attack)
This is the attack of your magic. This will only be useful to Acolytes and
Mages. The 2 numbers are the range of your Magic Damage. This is effected
by INT and Wands, as they increase the attack by 15%. This stat is
counteracted by MDEF.

This number is a representation of how often you hit an enemy. It increases 1
point every level, and each point in DEX increases it by 1 point as well. This
is counteracted by Flee.

This number increases by 1 for every 3 LUK you have. Think of this number
as the percentage of a chance of a critical hit or Lucky dodge.

DEF (Defense)
This is your physical defense against enemies. The damage you take is the
enemies ATK minus your total defense. There are a few things to consider
though - armor works on percentages, so 10 armor will reduce all attacks in the
game by 10%. VIT works on points, so 10 VIT will reduce all damage done to you
by 10. Confused? Well, it doesn't matter, DEF is a good thing to have.

MDEF (Magic Defense)
This is your defense against magical attacks.
magical defense of all your armor, while the second is your INT.

This number is a representation of how often you dodge an enemy. It increases 1
point every level, and each point in AGI increases it by 1 point as well. Your
flee drops greatly between enemies as they attack you, as it is split amongst
them. This is counteracted by Hit.

ASPD (Attack Speed)
This is your attack speed, which has finally been enabled. 200 is the fastest
attack speed, 100 the slowest.



Mage is the most flexible character in the game, due to their vast
skill types. Their skill is also elemental, this makes them more powerful
to some types or certain types of monsters or element types. The Mage job
has the most widest variety of skill builds. If you want more detailed
mage guide you better check no.. I RECOMMEND that you take a look
at or much better if you download PSO Raven's Mage-Wizard guide.
He's got all the answer for your Mage questions.
He's guide also have the most reliable skill builds for mages.

4.2.1=-[STATS & SKILL BUILD UP]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


This is the recommended starting stats for a Mage.
Luck 1

(Exception for Vitality Build)

[PSO Raven's Build]-------------------------------------------------------
All you want to increase is INT, increase INT all the time until you get it to
around 80. After this you want to raise AGI and DEX until you have about 30 agi
and 40 dex, after this raise INT to 99, and finally finish off by getting AGI
to 61 and DEX to 69.

[Final Stats]
(No Pluses or bonuses from job/equips)
Str 1
Agi 61
Vit 1
Int 99
Dex 69
Luk 1

This is also the most widely used build of all. Most wizards I see uses
this kind of build.

[Vitality Mage Build]------------------------------------------------------
This one's kinda unusual for a Mage-Sage/Wizard, but I don't know
If there someone out there that follow this kind of Stats Build.
It's kind of crazy...

Starting Stats:

Same as PSO Raven's, start pumping your INT until it reaches about 80.
And then start pumping your VIT and DEx until you have about 30 VIT and
40 DEX and then max your INT to 99. And finish off with a 70 DEX and
75 VIT.

[Final Stats]
(No Pluses or bonuses from job/equips)
VIT 60
INT 99
DEX 70

[Skill Build]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

There are two choices here for you to choose.
A) Counter Force Elem Weakness
B) Your Own Way

Pro's and Con's

A) Pro's
This Build allows you counter act the Sage's greatest weakness
and that is Fire type elemental. Why? because Sage's
Primary magic element is Earth (Earth Spike and Heaven's Drive)
this build recommends you to follow a ice/wind type Mage.

Stick to Ice type spells. (Soul Strike included as always)

B) Pro's
You can whatever build you want to follow.
I recommend that you choose a build that has Frost Driver.

You may not be able to neutralize the Earth element's
greatest weakness.

The choice is up to you. It's all about how you use your powers man...
have some confidence in your character!

I'll only put some build here because of PSO Raven's guide
has all the great mage skill build of all time! You better check his guide out!



[The Common Build]--------------------------------------------------------


Lightning Bolt Lv.4
Napalm Lv.4
Soul Strike Lv.10
Sp Regen Lv.10
Thunderstorm Lv.5
Cold Bolt Lv.5
Frost Diver Lv.10

This Is the most common build due to its balanced ands useful skills.
This build also contains the 2nd most important offensive skill of a mage and that
is Frost Driver.(It also serve as a defensive skill, it freezes your opponent)

[The Fire Build]----------------------------------------------------------

Soul Strike/Fire Bolt/Fire Wall

Fire Bolt Lv.4
Napalm Lv.4
Sp Regen Lv.10
Fire Ball Lv.5
Soul Strike Lv.10
Fire Wall Lv.10

*MAx you Fire Bolt if you want.

This build is the one that I use myself. Quite effective because of the
aid of Fire Wall to stop agressive opponents and Soul Strike like a mad
Mage possessed or just rain them with your 10-Hit Firebolt.[Updated Mage Skills]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

~ ~

[SP Recovery]=============================================================


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +3 SP every 10 seconds None
2 +6 SP every 10 seconds None
3 +9 SP every 10 seconds None
4 +12 SP every 10 seconds None
5 +15 SP every 10 seconds None
6 +18 SP every 10 seconds None
7 +21 SP every 10 seconds None
8 +24 SP every 10 seconds None
9 +27 SP every 10 seconds None
10 +30 SP every 10 seconds None

This is the skill that makes the Mage type so limitless.(In SP)
Get this skill! make sure you'll max this one out!

[Napalm Beat]=============================================================


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 MATK 80% 9
2 MATK 90% 9
3 MATK 100% 9
4 MATK 110% 9
5 MATK 120% 9
6 MATK 130% 9
7 MATK 140% 9
8 MATK 150% 9
9 MATK 160% 9
10 MATK 170% 9

Take this skill only as a pre-requisite and as a emergency weapon
due to its fastest casting time. Take only four of this to get a more
powerful and useful skill... Soul Strike

[Soul Strike]=============================================================


Requires: Level 4 Napalm Beat

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hit 15
2 1 Hit 18
3 2 Hits 21
4 2 Hits 24
5 3 Hits 27
6 3 Hits 30
7 4 Hits 33
8 4 Hits 36
9 5 Hits 39
10 5 Hits 42

This skill is the neutralizer of the slow-casting spells of a Mage.
the casting time is fast and the damage inflicted is so high due to
it's Elem. Its your MATK X (X=Hit). A must have for every build.

[Safety Wall]=============================================================


Requires: Level 7 Napalm Beat, Level 5 Soul Strike and a Blue Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [HP-SP]
1 Avoid 2 attacks 5 seconds 20 30
2 Avoid 3 attacks 10 seconds 20 30
3 Avoid 4 attacks 15 seconds 19 30
4 Avoid 5 attacks 20 seconds 19 35
5 Avoid 6 attacks 25 seconds 18 35
6 Avoid 7 attacks 30 seconds 18 35
7 Avoid 8 attacks 35 seconds 17 40
8 Avoid 9 attacks 40 seconds 17 40
9 Avoid 10 attacks 45 seconds 16 40
10 Avoid 11 attacks 50 seconds 16 40

Safety wall is the only pure defensive skill of the Mage class.
Very helpful in avoiding attacks. but it is limited to only a number of attacks.

[Cold Bolt]===============================================================
Summons a number of Icicle from the sky to attack your target.


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hit 12
2 2 Hits 14
3 3 Hits 16
4 4 Hits 18
5 5 Hits 20
6 6 Hits 22
7 7 Hits 24
8 8 Hits 26
9 9 Hits 28
10 10 Hits 30

The starting skill of the Water/Ice Elem tree.
Slow casting time, Cheap SP but high in Damage.

[Frost Diver]=============================================================
A crawling ice/water based attack to damage your target.
Can cause freeze.


Requires: Level 5 Cold Bolt

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 110% MATK and +38% chance to Freeze for 3 seconds 25
2 120% MATK and +41% chance to Freeze for 6 seconds 24
3 130% MATK and +44% chance to Freeze for 9 seconds 23
4 140% MATK and +47% chance to Freeze for 12 seconds 22
5 150% MATK and +50% chance to Freeze for 15 seconds 21
6 160% MATK and +53% chance to Freeze for 18 seconds 20
7 170% MATK and +56% chance to Freeze for 21 seconds 19
8 180% MATK and +59% chance to Freeze for 24 seconds 18
9 190% MATK and +62% chance to Freeze for 27 seconds 17
10 200% MATK and +65% chance to Freeze for 30 seconds 16

The feared Frost Diver... This skill is very important and very
reliable. use this to stop your opponent closing in to you.
Or freeze your opponent and cast a High-damaging Attack on him/her.

[Lightning Bolt]==========================================================
Summons a number of lightning bolt from the sky.


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hits 12
2 2 Hits 14
3 3 Hits 16
4 4 Hits 18
5 5 Hits 20
6 6 Hits 22
7 7 Hits 24
8 8 Hits 26
9 9 Hits 28
10 10 Hits 30

This one is a bit similar to the Cold bolt, but more powerful with
Frost Diver.Freezing the enemy with Frost Driver first will increase the damage

[Thunder Storm]===========================================================
A small time Lord of Vermillion.


Requires: Level 4 Lightning Bolt

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 HIT ALL 29
2 2 HIT ALL 32
3 3 HIT ALL 35
4 4 HIT ALL 38
5 5 HIT ALL 41
6 6 HIT ALL 44
7 7 HIT ALL 47
8 8 HIT ALL 50
9 9 HIT ALL 53
10 10 HIT ALL 56

A small time Lord of Vermillion. Offset by its slow casting time.
Useful to clear out a number of opponent in one casting.
Make sure that they won't touch until you can cast the spell.

[Fire Bolt]===============================================================


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hit 12
2 2 Hits 14
3 3 Hits 16
4 4 Hits 18
5 5 Hits 20
6 6 Hits 22
7 7 Hits 24
8 8 Hits 26
9 9 Hits 28
10 10 Hits 30

This Skill starts the Fire Elem Skill tree.
Low casting cost, long casting time but does heavy damage.

[Fire Ball]===============================================================


Requires: Level 4 Fire Bolt

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 MATK 100% 30
2 MATK 105% 29
3 MATK 110% 28
4 MATK 115% 27
5 MATK 120% 26
6 MATK 125% 25
7 MATK 130% 24
8 MATK 135% 23
9 MATK 140% 22
10 MATK 145% 21

Be wary of using this skill, because this skill does splash damage
an as we all know splash damages can cause mobs.

Reveals invisible monster and players


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 10 seconds 10

Allows you to see hidden enemies.
If your going to be a Sage... Don't bother to get this skill.

[Fire Wall]===============================================================


Requires: Level 5 Fire Ball and Level 1 Sight

LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 MATK 100% 40
2 MATK 105% 40
3 MATK 110% 40
4 MATK 115% 40
5 MATK 120% 40
6 MATK 125% 40
7 MATK 130% 40
8 MATK 135% 40
9 MATK 140% 40
10 MATK 145% 40

Creates a wall made of fire for a limited time.
Damage causes Knockback. Useful for both Def. & Off. purposes.

[Stone Curse Earth]=======================================================
Requires: Red Gemstone
LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 - 25
2 - 24
3 - 23
4 - 22
5 - 21
6 - 20
7 - 19
8 - 18
9 - 17
10 - 16

Not very useful skill due to chance. You can Stone/Freeze an enemy
only by chance. Take this skill as a pre-requisite.

[Energy Coat]=============================================================
Creates a magic barrier to decrease damage you take from enemy attacks
Last for 5 minutes, but will disappear as soon as you get to 0 SP
Only affects physical attacks

Can be acquired after job 35

Quest: In the place you change to a mage (Mage Guild).
There will be a NPC named "Powerful/Great Wizard",
talk to him and give him all the items and then he will gteach you how to use magic coat.

Quest Items:
1 Crystal Jewel/1 Carat Diamond (Can be bought form the jewel store in morroc)
5 Shells
1 Solid Shell
3 Glass Beads (Sold in Prontera for 1,500z)

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 SP% 1-20: Damage decreased by 6% (Uses 1% SP)
SP% 21-40: Damage decreased by 12% (Uses 1.5% SP)
SP% 41-60: Damage decreased by 18% (Uses 2% SP)
SP% 61-80: Damage decreased by 24% (Uses 2.5% SP)
SP% 81-100: Damage decreased by 30% (Uses 3% SP)

This is quite useful, because Mages usually have Low VIT and RDM (Reduce Damage)
This helps a lot on areas with aggressive monsters.[Leveling Guide]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

~~~~~~~~UNDER CONSTRUCTION~~~~~~~~

4.2.2=-[Sage Introduction]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Do you notice something? That all the 2-2 Jobs are almost the exact
opposite of that character's fighting style? (Fighting - Support).

Wizard is a full offense type of character and it's alternative job is
a Sage which is a somewhat a support type.
If you'll observe Sage's skill you can see that its kida too much
supportive. (Enchanting and etc..) Some people just want to be a Sage because of
their ability "Free Cast" which allows you to cast magic while walking.
But the only offensive skill of Sage is the Earth types of the Wizard's.
You'll depend much on your Mage skills. So be sure to choose wisely.
Since the Sage's skills only need Lv1 Cold, Lightning, Fire Bolt and Stone curse
to start each Elem's skill tree.

[HOW TO BE A SAGE]--------------------------------------------------------

You can change to Sage in Juno. To access Juno, you need to go North, North, and West.
At the far left of this map, there are 3 warps you can take. Take either the left or
right one to arrive to the map right before Juno. Go north from this map to reach Juno...

If you're curious where center warp leads you to, it leads you to Nog Road dungeon entrance,
where very powerful monsters live... so do not go there alone if you value your EXP.

When you're in Juno, go to a northwest buliding, and talk to the Academy Administrator
(or something similar to that) to sign up and to take test to become a Sage.

Sadly, I cannot tell you answers to the test questions they will give,
because most likely, iRO will have different questions from that of kRO.
If iRO has same questions as kRO, I will post up answers here.

If you are successful in answering the questions, you become a Sage.

4.2.3=-[Sage Skill Builds]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[Full Support]------------------------------------------------------------
This three builds focuses on only one kind of element, but of course you
can make hybrids of these skill builds and it will be far more effective.

(Fire Enchanter)
Needs Lv.1 firebolt

Adv. Book Lv.5
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.10
Magic Rod Lv.1
Spell Breaker Lv.3
Dispel Lv.5
Flame Launcher Lv.5
Volcano Lv.5

* 14 free skills (put them to any skill that you want)

(Water/Ice Enchanter)
Needs Lv.1 Cold Bolt

Adv. Book Lv.5
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.10
Magic Rod Lv.1
Spell Breaker Lv.3
Dispel Lv.5
Frost Weapon Lv.5
Deluge Lv.5

* 14 free skills (put them to any skill that you want)

Needs Lv.1 Lightning Bolt

Adv. Book Lv.5
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.10
Magic Rod Lv.1
Spell Breaker Lv.3
Dispel Lv.5
Lightning Loader Lv.5
Violent Gale Lv.5

* 14 free skills (put them to any skill that you want)

[Elemental Support Master]------------------------------------------------
This build is the one with all the support spells, but there is one major
draw back... your free cast skill level will be much lower compared to
the other skill builds.

Needs Lv.1 Fire, Ice and Lightning Bolt

Adv. Book Lv.5
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.8
Lightning Loader Lv.5
Violent Gale Lv.5
Frost Weapon Lv.5
Deluge Lv.5
Flame Launcher Lv.5
Volcano Lv.5
Land Protector Lv.5

This build focuses on the offensive part of Sages. With this
you can have a character somewhat similar to Wizards but the diffrence is
that you only have one type of element and that is Earth.

Needs Lv.1 Stone Curse

Adv. Book Lv.5
Cast Cancel Lv.1
Free Cast Lv.10
Magic Rod Lv.1
Spell Breaker Lv.3
Dispel Lv.5
Seismic Weapon Lv.5
Earth Spike Lv.5
Heaven's Drive Lv.5

4.2.4=-[Sage Skill List]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[Advanced Book]=============================================================
Increase Book class weapon damage


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 ATK +3 -
2 ATK +6 -
3 ATK +9 -
4 ATK +12 -
5 ATK +15 -
6 ATK +18 -
7 ATK +21 -
8 ATK +24 -
9 ATK +27 -
10 ATK +30 -

Same as the other mastery skills. We'll use this as a
pre-requisite to the other skills.

Increases attack and resistance to Dragons


Requires: Level 9 Advanced Book

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +4 Resistance and +4 ATK -
2 +8 Resistance and +8 ATK -
3 +12 Resistance and +12 ATK -
4 +16 Resistance and +16 ATK -
5 +20 Resistance and +20 ATK -

Same as the other masteries... Don't bother on getting
this skill since there are only a few dragon type monsters.

[Free Cast]===============================================================
Enables the caster to move and attack while casting spells
Moving speed and attack speed are affected by skill level


Requires: Level 1 Cast Cancel

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 30% Walking Speed and 55% ASPD -
2 35% Walking Speed and 60% ASPD -
3 40% Walking Speed and 65% ASPD -
4 45% Walking Speed and 70% ASPD -
5 50% Walking Speed and 75% ASPD -
6 55% Walking Speed and 80% ASPD -
7 60% Walking Speed and 85% ASPD -
8 65% Walking Speed and 90% ASPD -
9 70% Walking Speed and 95% ASPD -
10 75% Walking Speed and 100% ASPD -

This is the trademark skill of the Sages.
A very useful skill that also enables you to escape from
approaching opponents that will attemp to stop you from casting
your spell.

[Auto Spell]==============================================================
Caster can use the skill without casting while physically attacking enemies
Consumes 2/3 SP of normal casting consumption

Requires: Level 4 Free Cast

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 7% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 120 seonds 35
2 9% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 150 seonds 35
3 11% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 180 seonds 35
4 13% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 210 seonds 35
5 15% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 240 seonds 35
6 17% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 270 seonds 35
7 19% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 300 seonds 35
8 21% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 330 seonds 35
9 23% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 360 seonds 35
10 25% Chance
(Casting time 3 seconds)
Duration: 390 seonds 35

Very helpful at skill level 10 but pretty much useless at lv1-lv7
This skill is somewhat like the Auto-Blitz of the Hunter's.

[Cast Cancel]=============================================================
Immediately cancel a skill while in the middle of casting it
A cancelled skill still uses SP normally, but the amount that
it uses is reduced based on skill level

Requires: Level 2 Advanced Book

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 90% of skill's SP is used 2
2 70% of skill's SP is used 2
3 50% of skill's SP is used 2
4 30% of skill's SP is used 2
5 10% of skill's SP is used 2

Cast Cancel can stop those skill with a casting time.

[Magic Rod]===============================================================
Perfect Dodge a spell cast on you and absorb the SP of the skill cast on you
The amount of SP you restored is based on skill level
Area of Effect skills such as Lord of Vermillion
are not applicable to Magic Rod's effects

Requires: Level 4 Advanced Book

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Absorb 20% SP 0.4 seconds 2
2 Absorb 40% SP 0.6 seconds 2
3 Absorb 60% SP 0.8 seconds 2
4 Absorb 80% SP 1.0 seconds 2
5 Absorb 100% SP 1.2 seconds 2

This is useful in those 1on1 Casting battles against Wizards.
Drain their SP in spells like Jupiter Thunder.

[Spell Breaker]===========================================================
Cancel a target from casting a spell
Spell Breaker restores SP the same way Magic Rod does based on skill level
Spell Breaker ignores the effects of Phen Cards

Requires: Level 1 Magic Rod

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Aborb 0% SP
(Casting time 0.7 seconds) -
2 Absorb 25% SP
(Casting time 0.7 seconds) -
3 Absorb 50% SP
(Casting time 0.7 seconds) -
4 Absorb 75% SP
(Casting time 0.7 seconds) -
5 Absorb 100% SP
(Casting time 0.7 seconds) -

This is the other version of Cast Cancel and somewhat the same with
the Monk's Absorb Spirits. Use this skill to counter those
Wizards, Priest and Bard/Dancer from casting those Support and Offensive

Cancel all magic buffs on a target by chance
Target's MDEF can lower the chance

Requires: Level 3 Spell Breaker and a Yellow Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 60% Chance to Dispell -
2 70% Chance to Dispell -
3 80% Chance to Dispell -
4 90% Chance to Dispell -
5 100% Chance to Dispell -

This will make you unable to be targeted by spells but the information here
is insufficient. This is only my observation. I think there's a Duration in this.
Very useful in Juno patch.

[Land Protector]==========================================================
Enchant an area of land that will block all magic spells
This skill will remove any other ground based skills when cast on top of them

Requires: Level 3 Volcano, Level 3 Deluge, Level 3 Violent Gale,
a Blue Gemstone and a Yellow Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) Duration: 15 seconds 74
2 7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) Duration: 30 seconds 78
3 9x9 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) Duration: 45 seconds 82
4 9x9 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) Duration: 60 seconds 86
5 11x11 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) Duration: 75 seconds 90

This is the Big time version of safety wall. Very useful in guild wars
and soon in MVP hunting (As a Party/Guild). But be careful in casting this
because it can cancel skills like mentioned above. Sanctuary will be blocked.

[Flame Launcher]==========================================================
Enchants a weapon with Fire property
If the skill fails the weapon is destroyed

Requires: Level 1 Fire Bolt , Level 5 Advanced Book and a Red Blood

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 80% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
2 85% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
3 90% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
4 95% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
5 100% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40

Sounds Risky... very risky.. Useful on those places where there a certain
element is dominant. Mistress card is your bestfriend here.

[Frost Weapon]============================================================
Enchants a weapon with Water property
If the skill fails the weapon is destroyed

Requires: Level 1 Cold Bolt, Level 5 Advanced Book and a Crystal Blue

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 80% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
2 85% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
3 90% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
4 95% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
5 100% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40

Sounds Risky... very risky.. Useful on those places where there a certain
element is dominant. Mistress card is your bestfriend here.

[Lightning Loader]========================================================
Enchants a weapon with Wind property
If the skill fails the weapon is destroyed

Requires: Level 1 Lightning Bolt, Level 5 Advanced Book and a Wind of Verdure

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 80% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
2 85% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
3 90% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
4 95% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
5 100% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40

Sounds Risky... very risky.. Useful on those places where there a certain
element is dominant. Mistress card is your bestfriend here.

[Seismic Weapon]==========================================================
Enchants a weapon with Earth property
If the skill fails the weapon is destroyed

Requires: Level 1 Stone Curse, Level 5 Advanced Book and a Green Live

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 80% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
2 85% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
3 90% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
4 95% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40
5 100% Chance of success (Casting time 3 seconds) 40

Sounds Risky... very risky.. Useful on those places where there a certain
element is dominant. Mistress card is your bestfriend here.

Enchant an area of land that increases the attack of Fire property weapons
Within the area of effect, all characters of the Fire property will have increased ATK power
Skill cannot be stacked on or combined with other ground based skills

Requires: Level 2 Flame Launcher and a Yellow Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +10% ATK to Fire property weapons and
+10 ATK to Fire property characters
5x5 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 52

2 +14% ATK to Fire property weapons and
+20 ATK to Fire property characters
5x5 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 54

3 +17% ATK to Fire property weapons and
+30 ATK to Fire property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 56

4 +19% ATK to Fire property weapons and
+40 ATK to Fire property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 58

5 +20% ATK to Fire property weapons and
+50 ATK to Fire property characters
9x9 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 60

What do you mean by _____ property characters?
Its your armor's affinity and weapon's affinity.
The skill desc. speaks for itself...

Enchant an area of land that increases the attack of water property weapons
Within the area of effect, all characters of the water property will have increased Max HP
Skill cannot be stacked on or combined with other ground based skills

Requires: Level 2 Frost Weapon and a Yellow Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +10% ATK to Water property weapons and
+5% Max HP to Water property characters
5x5 cell radius(Casting time 5 seconds) 52

2 +14% ATK to Water property weapons and
+9% Max HP to Water property characters
5x5 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 54

3 +17% ATK to Water property weapons and
+12% Max HP to Water property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 56

4 +19% ATK to Water property weapons and
+14% Max HP to Water property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 58

5 +20% ATK to Water property weapons and
+15% Max HP to Water property characters
9x9 cell radius(Casting time 5 seconds) 60

What do you mean by _____ property characters?
Its your armor's affinity and weapon's affinity.
The skill desc. speaks for itself...

[Violent Gale]============================================================
Enchant an area of land that increases the attack of Wind property weapons
Within the area of effect, all characters of the Wind property will have
an increased Flee Rating
Skill cannot be stacked on or combined with other ground based skills

Requires: Level 2 Lightning Loader and a Yellow Gemstone

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +10% ATK to Wind property weapons and
+3 Flee to Wind property characters
5x5 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 52

2 +14% ATK to Wind property weapons and
+6 Flee to Wind property characters
5x5 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 54

3 +17% ATK to Wind property weapons and
+9 Flee to Wind property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 56

4 +19% ATK to Wind property weapons and
+12 Flee to Wind property characters
7x7 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 58

5 +20% ATK to Wind property weapons and
+15 Flee to Wind property characters
9x9 cell radius (Casting time 5 seconds) 60

What do you mean by _____ property characters?
Its your armor's affinity and weapon's affinity.
The skill desc. speaks for itself...

Requires: Level Auto Spell, Level 1 Dispell, Level 1 Land Protector and a 2 Yellow Gemstones
Level 1:
Activates a random skill of the caster
Skill level of the activated skill is effected by how many skills the caster has to cast 50

[Earth Spike]=============================================================

Requires: Level 1 Seismic Weapon

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hit(Casting time 1.0 seconds) 12
2 2 Hits (Casting time 2.0 seconds) 14
3 3 Hits (Casting time 3.0 seconds) 16
4 4 Hits (Casting time 4.0 seconds) 18
5 5 Hits (Casting time 5.0 seconds) 20

[Heaven's Drive]==========================================================

Requires: Level 1 Earth Spike

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1 Hit (Casting time 1.0 seconds) 24
2 2 Hits (Casting time 2.0 seconds) 28
3 3 Hits (Casting time 3.0 seconds) 32
4 4 Hits (Casting time 4.0 seconds) 36
5 5 Hits (Casting time 5.0 seconds) 40


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 See a monster's stats ?


Archers are known for their full offense skills and so the Hunter is also.
Archers depends on their long range attacks (Bow & Arrow). Some people say
that Archers are the easiest character to build because the basic build
of an archer is usually Dex & Luk/Agi. But since the Bard & Dancer doesn't
have any Skills that depends on Luk like the Hunter's Auto-Blitz, therefore
Their build will be Dex & Agi.(w/ a little INT)
For now let's focus on the bard part. There are some restrictions for
the archer skills when you change into a bard. These are:

Again Thanks to Ragnafilia for these Information. You guys ROCK!!!


* The Bard's attack power is based upon DEX, just like Archers and Hunters.

* You can still use Double Strafing with your Whip/Musical Instrument,
but there is a penalty to the range.

* You cannot use Arrow Shower unless you equip a Bow.

[Single Skill]------------------------------------------------------------

There are 2 types of skills ~ Musical Skills (Bards) or Dancing Skills (Dancers).

* Skills of same type (Musical, or Dancing skill) cannot be used in
conjunction of each other. This means, if a Bard is playing something
and another Bard comes up and does his own thing nearby,
then in those areas where skills of the two are combined will do same effect
as Dissonance (Ugly Dance for the Dancers).
However, you can have a Musical and a Dancing skill near each other without any penalty.

* During the period where you are using a skill, you cannot use any other skills
except skills such as Adaptation and Musical Strike.

* While using a skill alone, you can move at a 1/4th of speed you normally move at.

* 5 seconds right after skill's start and right before skill's end,
you can't stop it via Adaptation.

* Even if you take damage while using a skill, the skill will not cancel out.
But, if you receive a single blow that's greater than 1/4 of your MaxHP,
then the skill will stop.

* You can only use skills while equipping a Musical Instrument/Whips,
and cannot equip any other weapons while using a skill.

* If you get status ailment (such as Frozen, Stoned, Stunned)
while using a skill, the skill will cancel.

Now we know how their skill will work.
See the Combination/Ensemble skills part for the rules in using Ensemble skills.

4.3.1=-[STATS & SKILL BUILD UP]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


This is the recommended starting stats for a Archer.
Luck 1

(Sometimes Luk is maxed out as 9)

[Basic Build]-------------------------------------------------------------

The most basic build for Archer-Bard/Dancer is the DEX-AGI Build.
DEX is where the damage of bows are based on and AGi for increased Dodging rate.

Stats Distribution:
DEX to 39
AGI to 20
DEX to 48
AGI to 30
DEX to 58
AGI to 40
DEX to 80
AGI to 70
DEX to 98
AGI to 99

[Basic Build Final Stats]
(Bonus based on Lv50 Job Bard)
STR 1 +2
AGI 99 +7
VIT 1 +3
INT 9 +5
DEX 99 +8
LUK 1 +4

[Support Build]-----------------------------------------------------------

This build is the basic build for Bard/Dancer goers.

Stats Distribution:
DEX to 39
AGI to 20
DEX to 48
AGI to 30
DEX to 58
AGI to 40
INT to ??
DEX to 80
AGI to 70
INT to ??
DEX to 90
AGI to 90

[Basic Build Final Stats]
(Bonus based on Lv50 Job Bard)
STR 1 +2
AGI 90 +7
VIT 1 +3
INT 52 +5
DEX 90 +8
LUK 1 +4

4.3.3=-[Archer Skill Builds]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Since there is only one build for Archers, let's follow that one.

Owl's Eye Lv.10
Vulture's Eye Lv.10
Double Strafing Lv.10
Attention Con. Lv.10
------------------------Job Lv.41

*Arrow Shower Lv.9

*Optional Skill.[Updated Archer Skills]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

~ ~

[Owl's Eye]----------------------------------------------------------------
Increase dexterity


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 DEX +1 -
2 DEX +2 -
3 DEX +3 -
4 DEX +4 -
5 DEX +5 -
6 DEX +6 -
7 DEX +7 -
8 DEX +8 -
9 DEX +9 -
10 DEX +10 -

This is one of the most useful skills in the game because DEX serves
two purpose for archers.One for their accuracy and two for Bow damage.
Be sure to max this skill before any skills.

[Vulture's Eye]-----------------------------------------------------------
Increases Range and Hit


Requires: Level 3 Owl's Eye

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Range and HIT +1 -
2 Range and HIT +2 -
3 Range and HIT +3 -
4 Range and HIT +4 -
5 Range and HIT +5 -
6 Range and HIT +6 -
7 Range and HIT +7 -
8 Range and HIT +8 -
9 Range and HIT +9 -
10 Range and HIT +10 -

This is the skill that makes Archers so deadly in long range battles.
At max levels they can hit opponents as far as the edge of the screen.
Also raises your accuracy.

[Improve Concentration]---------------------------------------------------
Raisess agility and dexterity

Requires: Level 1 Vulture's Eye

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +3% AGI and DEX for 40 seconds 25
2 +4% AGI and DEX for 50 seconds 30
3 +5% AGI and DEX for 60 seconds 35
4 +6% AGI and DEX for 70 seconds 40
5 +7% AGI and DEX for 80 seconds 45
6 +8% AGI and DEX for 90 seconds 50
7 +9% AGI and DEX for 100 seconds 55
8 +10% AGI and DEX for 110 seconds 60
9 +11% AGI and DEX for 120 seconds 65
10 +12% AGI and DEX for 130 seconds 70

This is the only support skill of archers, but still it's a
offensive type of support skill due it raises Agi & Dex.
Max this out after maxing Owl, Vulture and Double Strafing.

[Double Strafing]---------------------------------------------------------

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1-10 Double Attack and Damage x2 15

Very useful skill, doubles your damage but only using one arrow at a time.

[Arrow Shower]------------------------------------------------------------
Requires: Level 5 Double Strafing

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1-10 Shoots 9 arrows 15

A ranged Magnum Break, be careful in using this because it can cause mobs.
This is an optional skill, if you're in a hurry don't bother on getting this skill.

[Charge Arrow]------------------------------------------------------------
Non attribute attack that pushes an enemy back 4 cells

Can be acquired after job 35

Acquire these items :
1 Cross Bow (You'll get it back after you have done the quest)
10 Tentacles
3 Yoyo Tails
2 Emeralds
36 Banana Juices
Talk with the NPC named "Gaeho", in the South West area of Payon and
he will give you the skill.

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Attack power 150% of normal attack
(Casting time 1.5 seconds) 15

See above description.

[Arrow Creation]----------------------------------------------------------

Can be acquired after job 35

Quest: Go talk to the NPC named "Kyulnari", in morroc,
near the water and he will give you the skill.

Quest Items: 41 Tough Scale-like Stem, 1 Red Potion, 13 Trunk, 7 Mushroom Spore, 20 Resin

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Use items you have to create arrows 10

The items you use determine what arrows you make

Arrows you can made out of:

Amulet =40 Curse Arrows
Ball 'n' Chain =700 Iron Arrows & 50 Steel Arrows
Barren Trunk =20 Arrows
Bee Sting = 1 Rusty Arrow
Blade Lost in Darkness - 600 Sharp Arrows & 200 Arrows of Shadow
Blue Gemstone = 10 Crystal Arrows & 1 Freezing Arrow
Cactus Needle = 50 Arrows
Claw of Rat = 50 Iron Arrows & 2 Stone Arrows
Coal = 8 Arrow of Shadow
Cracked Diamond = 50 Sharp Arrows
Crystal Blue = 50 Crystal Arrows
Cursed Ruby = 50 Cursed Arrows & 10 Sleep Arrows
Dead Branch = 40 Mute Arrows
Decayed Nail = 1 Rusty Arrow & 1 Arrow of Shadow
Dragon Fang = 1 Oridecon Arrow & 50 Iron Arrows
Elunium = 1000 Steel Arrows & 50 Stun Arrows
Emperium = 600 Oridecon Arrow & 600 Immaterial Arrows & 600 Mute Arrow
Empty Bottle = 2 Iron Arrows
Emvertacon = 200 Iron Arrows & 40 Silver Arrows
Evil Horn = 20 Arrows of Shadow & 10 Flash Arrows & 5 Stun Arrows
Fang of Garm = 100 Crystal Arrows
Fin = 2 Sharp Arrows & 40 Silver Arrows
Fin Helm = 200 Crystal Arrows & 200 Steel Arrows
Fine-grained Trunk = 20 Arrows
Flame Heart = 600 Fire Arrows & 5 Mute Arrows
Foolishness of the Blind = 200 Flash Arrows
Garlet = 12 Iron Arrows
Gold = 50 Flash Arrows & 50 Oridecon Arrows
Great Nature = 150 Stone Arrows & 5 Flash
Green Live = 50 Stone Arrows
Heroic Emblem = 1 Oridecon Arrow & 5 Stun Arrows
Horn = 35 Iron Arrows
Horrendous Mouth = 5 Arrows of Shadow
Iron = 100 Iron Arrows
Iron Ore = 50 Iron Arrows
Jellopy = 3 Arrows
Key of Clock Tower = 100 Arrow of Shadow
Key of Underground = 50 Arrow of Shadow
Lantern = 80 Iron Arrows
Little Evil Horn = 2 Curse Arrows & 50 Iron Arrows
Manacles = 50 Steel Arrows
Mantis Scythe = 1 Sharp Arrow
Matchstick = 1000 Fire Arrows
Matyr's Leash = 100 Steel Arrows & 50 Arrow of Wind & 10 Sharp Arrows
Mr. Scream = 300 Steel Arrows & 200 Sharp Arrows
Mystic Frozen = 150 Crystal Arrows & 5 Freezing Arrows
Needle of Alarm = 100 Arrows & 5 Sleep Arrows
Old Blue Box = 50 Sharp Arrows & 50 Sleep Arrows
Old Portrait = 1000 Arrow of Shadow
Opera Masque = 200 Steel Arrows & 40 Silence Arrows
Orc Claw = 10 Steel Arrows
Orcish Voucher = 1 Oridecon Arrow & 5 Stun Arrows
Oridecon = 250 Oridecon Arrows
Phracon = 50 Iron Arrows
Pointed Scale = 50 Iron Arrows & 5 Crystal Arrows
Porcupine Quill = 70 Arrows & 1 Stone Arrow
Red Blood = 50 Fire Arrows
Red Gemstone = 10 Rusty Arrows & 1 Poison Arrow & 1 Cursed Arrow
Reins = 50 Steel Arrows & 100 Iron Arrows
Rough Elunium = 200 Steel Arrows & 5 Stun Arrows
Rough Oridecon = 50 Oridecon Arrows
Rough Wind = 150 Arrow of Winds & 5 Sleep Arrows
Scale of Snakes = 1 Poison Arrow
Scell = 8 Steel Arrows
Scorpion Tail = 3 Rusty Arrows
Sharp Scale = 20 Rusty Arrows & 10 Crystal Arrows
Silver Robe = 600 Silver Arrows
Silver Robe(1 Slot) = 1000 Silver Arrows & 10 Immaterial Arrows
Snow Horn = 1000 Silver Arrows
Solid Trunk = 20 Arrows
Star Crumb = 30 Flash Arrows
Star Dust = 10 Flash Arrows
Steel = 100 Steel Arrows
Tooth of Bat = 1 Arrow of Shadow
Tree Root = 7 Arrows
Trunk = 40 Arrows
Venom Canine = 1 Poison Arrow
Welding Mask = 200 Steel Arrows & 40 Stun Arrows
Wind of Verdure = 50 Arrow of Wind
Wolf Claw = 15 Iron Arrows
Wooden Mail = 700 Arrows & 500 Iron Arrows
Wooden Mail(1 Slot) = 1000 Arrows & 700 Iron Arrows
Yellow Gemstone = 10 Stone Arrows & 1 Sleep Arrow
Zargon = 50 Silver Arrows
Zenorc's Fang = 5 Rusty Arrows

With this skill you can save a lot of Money! one of the vital skills
of an Archer. Now you don't need to buy those expensive Arrow of Wind
with a price of 30K ea! (Based on the overpriced economy of pRO)[Leveling Guide]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

~~~~~~~~UNDER CONSTRUCTION~~~~~~~~

4.3.2=-[Bard Introduction]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

When the Bard Job is released maybe the Priest demand will be affected greatly.
Because there is now a more Support type of character And that is Bard and Dancer.
Enough talk let's proceed to the most difficult part of the guide and that
is formulating the right skill build.

[HOW TO BE A BARD]--------------------------------------------------------

First, you need to talk to 'Wandering Bard' in Comodo to apply for Bard test.
This guy stands a little to the right of Comodo Kafra (which we all find really hot)

You will need to collect a flower-type item (no normal flowers such as Hinalle or Aloe),
Chinese Ink, and Sticky Mucus. You can also collect 60 Trunks and receive a
complimentary weapon when you become a Bard, but Trunks are not necessary to change first.

Now, go to 'Snownow' in Lutie (it's that talking snowman). T
alk to him, then go to Christmas Girl (in a building one o'clock),
then talk to Poze (Christmas Guy?... he's located around 11 o'clock).
Return to Snownow and talk to him again.

Go to an old man located in two o'clock (you need the Chinese Ink and Sticky Mucus here)
and talk to him, then talk to the rich woman (located in the building left of the
central Christmas tree) and she will give you an item.

Take the item and talk to Snownow again, then talk again to the rich woman.
Proceed to talk to the Clown (that ball juggle guy in front of the central Chrismas Tree),
and finally talk to the 2 little kids located in 3 o'clock to receive an item.

Return to Comodo, and talk to the Wandering Bard. He'll then tell you to sing after him.

Now you're done! You're now a Bard. If you have brought the Trunks I have mentioned earlier,
then he will make you a musical instrument (Bard's weapon).

4.3.3=-[BARD Skill Builds]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[Solo Support]------------------------------------------------------------

This build focuses only on a Solo Bard support.

Lv.3 Musical Lesson
Lv.5 Musical Strike
Lv.1 Adaptation
Lv.3 Dissonance
Lv.9 Assassin Cross of Sunset
Lv.10 Apple of Idun
Lv.9 Whistle
Lv.9 Poem of Bragi

[Ensemble Support]--------------------------------------------------------

This build is mainly for Ensemble/Combination with a Dancer.
This Buildonly focuses on The offensive part of the comb/Ensemble skills.
It's purpose is to power lvl, reduce casting time and casting cost,
Cast silence and take the upper hand by the use of Eter. Chaos
in a martyr's way.(Cast in the middle of enemy Mob to reduce their def.
an then cast the sound of battle drum.)

Lv.1 Musical Lesson
Lv.1 Adaptation
Lv.1 Encore
Lv.3 Dissonance
Lv.10 Apple of Idun
Lv.5 The Sound of a Drum on the Battlefield
Lv.10 Assassin Cross of Sunset
Lv.1 Loki's Wail/ Cry of Loki
Lv.1 Eternal Chaos
Lv.10 Whistle
Lv.1 Lullably
Lv.1 Into The Abyss

4.3.4=-[Bard Skill List]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[Musical Lesson]----------------------------------------------------------
Increases physical damage of Musical Instrument class weapons
and the value of Playing skills


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 ATK +3 -
2 ATK +6 -
3 ATK +9 -
4 ATK +12 -
5 ATK +15 -
6 ATK +18 -
7 ATK +21 -
8 ATK +24 -
9 ATK +27 -
10 ATK +30 -

if you're going to be a full support Bard, don't bother on getting
this skill. Unless if you're a Solo Bard.

[Musical Strike]----------------------------------------------------------
Use a Musical Instrument to shoot arrows with might
Attack property is affected by the type of arrows used
Works only with Musical Instrument class weapons

Requires: Level 3 Musical Lesson

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 150% Attack (Casting time 1.5 seconds) 8
2 175% Attack (Casting time 1.5 seconds) 8
3 200% Attack (Casting time 1.5 seconds) 8
4 225% Attack (Casting time 1.5 seconds) 8
5 250% Attack (Casting time 1.5 seconds) 8

Quite handy skill as you can sort of defend yourself while doing a musical skill
because Double Strafing won't work with musical skills.
It is up to you if you wish to master it or not.

Causes certain set amount of damage after certain amount of time has
passed to all enemies within area.
The skill will cause damage 11 times
(3 seconds will pass between each damage) in all.
Lasting time : 30 seconds, use 1 SP per 3 seconds.
Pierces defense


Requires: Level 1 Musical Lesson and Level 1 Adaptation to Circumstances

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 40 Damage Duration: 30 seconds 18
2 50 Damage Duration: 30 seconds 21
3 60 Damage Duration: 30 seconds 24
4 70 Damage Duration: 30 seconds 27
5 80 Damage Duration: 30 seconds 30

For the Dissonance that happens due to a Bard overlapping another
Bard's musical skill area, it does not disappear until one of them
finishes skill he was using. In this case, skill level of Dissonance will be LV 1,
and cause only 40 damage. For Dissonance skill itself, damage will depend
on the skill level and Musical Lesson level.
Note : This skill is non elemental and pierces enemies' defense.

[Frost Joke]--------------------------------------------------------------
All monsters and players within certain area may get frozen randomly.
In normal maps, only monsters are affected but in PvP zones,
players could also get frozen.
There is no damage done, and the freezing will kick in after 3 seconds since skill starts.

Requires: Level 1 Encore

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 20% Chance to freeze 12
2 25% Chance to freeze 14
3 30% Chance to freeze 16
4 35% Chance to freeze 18
5 40% Chance to freeze 20

Whether this skill is effective or not I'll leave it up to you.
This skill does not cause any damage; it just attempts to freeze all enemies
within the range of this skill. Pretty much useless, except if you want
to prevent anyone from closing up on you before you cast spells.

[A Whistle]---------------------------------------------------------------
Increases all players who are within your range's FLEE and Lucky Dodge.
Total FLEE bonus given will depend on Musical Lesson and your AGI,
and total Lucky Dodge bonus given will depend on Musical Lesson and your LUK.


Requires: Level 3 Dissonance
All Level Skill Duration: 60 Seconds

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 1% Flee and 1% Perfect Dodge 24
2 2% Flee and 1% Perfect Dodge 28
3 3% Flee and 2% Perfect Dodge 32
4 4% Flee and 2% Perfect Dodge 36
5 5% Flee and 3% Perfect Dodge 40
6 6% Flee and 3% Perfect Dodge 44
7 7% Flee and 4% Perfect Dodge 48
8 8% Flee and 4% Perfect Dodge 52
9 9% Flee and 5% Perfect Dodge 56
10 10% Flee and 5% Perfect Dodge 60

Very excellent skill! Can be abused even further with AGI Up/Down and Quagmire.
It is strongly recommended to master this skill. Since its in % form
it's bonus depends on your based stat

[Assassin Cross of Sunset]------------------------------------------------
Increases attack speed of players in a range
Cannot be used on players who are already using Two-hand Quicken or Adrenaline Rush


Requires: Level 3 Dissonance

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 11% ASPD Duration: 120 seconds 38
2 12% ASPD Duration: 120 second 41
3 13% ASPD Duration: 120 second 44
4 14% ASPD Duration: 120 second 47
5 15% ASPD Duration: 120 second 50
6 16% ASPD Duration: 120 second 53
7 17% ASPD Duration: 120 second 56
8 18% ASPD Duration: 120 second 59
9 19% ASPD Duration: 120 second 62
10 20% ASPD Duration: 120 second 65

Very useful because some of the other jobs doesn't have a skill
which improves their attack speed like assassins, Hunters and the likes.

[A Poem of Bragi]---------------------------------------------------------
Reduces casting time and the delay of those skills
It also adds casting time reduction to Suffragium
Area: 9x9.


Requires: Level 3 Dissonance

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Casting time -3% and Delay time -3% Duration: 180 seconds 40
2 Casting time -6% and Delay time -6% Duration: 180 seconds 45
3 Casting time -9% and Delay time -9% Duration: 180 seconds 50
4 Casting time -12% and Delay time -12% Duration: 180 seconds 55
5 Casting time -15% and Delay time -15% Duration: 180 seconds 60
6 Casting time -18% and Delay time -18% Duration: 180 seconds 65
7 Casting time -21% and Delay time -21% Duration: 180 seconds 70
8 Casting time -24% and Delay time -24% Duration: 180 seconds 75
9 Casting time -27% and Delay time -27% Duration: 180 seconds 80
10 Casting time -30% and Delay time -50% Duration: 180 seconds 85

For players who received Suffragium from Priests will have their
casting time further cut. Kickass support skill you must get if you hang
around Priests/Sages/and Wizards a lot. But if you hang around mostly
melee classes, this skill will then help absolutely nothing. Uses 1 SP every 5 seconds.

[The Apple of Idun]-------------------------------------------------------
Increases max HP of all party/guildsman in a range
Also restores a certain amount of HP per 6 seconds Playing
Area: 9x9 square. Uses 1 SP every 6 seconds.

Requires: Level 3 Dissonance

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +7% Max HP and +20 HP every 6 seconds Duration: 180 seconds 40
2 +9% Max HP and +40 HP every 6 seconds Duration: 180 seconds 45
3 +11% Max HP and +60 HP every 6 seconds Duration: 180 seconds 50
4 +13% Max HP and +80 HP every 6 seconds Duration: 180 seconds 55
5 +15% Max HP and +100 HP every 6 seconds Duration: 180 seconds 60
6 +17% Max HP and +120 HP every 6 seconds Duration: 180 seconds 65
7 +19% Max HP and +140 HP every 6 seconds Duration: 180 seconds 70
8 +21% Max HP and +160 HP every 6 seconds Duration: 180 seconds 75
9 +23% Max HP and +180 HP every 6 seconds Duration: 180 seconds 80
10 +25% Max HP and +200 HP every 6 seconds Duration: 180 seconds 85

Another very useful skill of a Bard. This grants every character the
swordsman skill HP Regen. Useful for those characters w/o HP regen skills
like Assassins, Rogues, Hunters and Bards.


Archers are known for their full offense skills and so the Hunter is also.
Archers depends on their long range attacks (Bow & Arrow). Some people say
that Archers are the most easiest character to build because the basic build
of an archer is usually Dex & Luk/Agi. But since the Bard & Dancer doesn't
have any Skills that depends on Luk like the Hunter's Auto-Blitz, therefore
Their build will be Dex & Agi.
Now let's focus on the Dancer part. There are some restrictions for
the archer skills when you change into a Dancer. These are:

Again Thanks to Ragnafilia for these Information. You guys ROCKS!!!




* The Dancer's attack power is based upon DEX, just like Archers and Hunters.

* You can still use Double Strafing with your Whip/Musical Instrument,
but there is a penalty to the range.

* You cannot use Arrow Shower unless you equip a Bow.

[Single Skill]------------------------------------------------------------

There are 2 types of skills ~ Musical Skills (Bards) or Dancing Skills (Dancers).

* Skills of same type (Musical, or Dancing skill) cannot be used in
conjunction of each other. This means, if a Bard is playing something
and another Bard comes up and does his own thing nearby,
then in those areas where skills of the two are combined will do same effect
as Dissonance (Ugly Dance for the Dancers).
However, you can have a Musical and a Dancing skill near each other without any penalty.

* During the period where you are using a skill, you cannot use any other skills
except skills such as Adaptation and Musical Strike.

* While using a skill alone, you can move at a 1/4th of speed you normally move at.

* 5 seconds right after skill's start and right before skill's end,
you can't stop it via Adaptation.

* Even if you take damage while using a skill, the skill will not cancel out.
But, if you receive a single blow that's greater than 1/4 of your MaxHP,
then the skill will stop.

* You can only use skills while equipping a Musical Instrument/Whips,
and cannot equip any other weapons while using a skill.

* If you get status ailment (such as Frozen, Stoned, Stunned)
while using a skill, the skill will cancel.

Now we know how their skill will work.
See the Combination/Ensamble skills part for the rules in using Ensemble skills.

4.4.1=-[STATS & SKILL BUILD UP]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


This is the recommended starting stats for a Archer.
Luck 1

(Sometimes Luk is maxed out as 9)

[Basic Build]-------------------------------------------------------------

The most basic build for Archer-Bard/Dancer is the DEX-AGI Build.
DEX is where the damage of bows are based on and AGi for increased Dodging rate.

Stats Distribution:
DEX to 39
AGI to 20
DEX to 48
AGI to 30
DEX to 58
AGI to 40
DEX to 80
AGI to 70
DEX to 98
AGI to 99

[Basic Build Final Stats]
(Bonus based on Lv50 Job Dancer)
STR 1 +2
AGI 99 +7
VIT 1 +3
INT 9 +5
DEX 99 +4
LUK 1 +8

[Support Build]-----------------------------------------------------------

This build is the basic build for Bard/Dancer goers.

Stats Distribution:
DEX to 39
AGI to 20
DEX to 48
AGI to 30
DEX to 58
AGI to 40
INT to ??
DEX to 80
AGI to 70
INT to ??
DEX to 90
AGI to 90

[Basic Build Final Stats]
(Bonus based on Lv50 Job Bard)
STR 1 +2
AGI 90 +7
VIT 1 +3
INT 52 +5
DEX 90 +8
LUK 1 +4

4.4.3=-[Archer Skill Builds]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Since there is only one build for Archers, let's follow that one.

Owl's Eye Lv.10
Vulture's Eye Lv.10
Double Strafing Lv.10
Attention Con. Lv.10
------------------------Job Lv.41

*Arrow Shower Lv.9

*Optional Skill.[Updated Archer Skills]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

~ ~

[Owl's Eye]---------------------------------------------------------------
Increase dexterity


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 DEX +1 -
2 DEX +2 -
3 DEX +3 -
4 DEX +4 -
5 DEX +5 -
6 DEX +6 -
7 DEX +7 -
8 DEX +8 -
9 DEX +9 -
10 DEX +10 -

This is one of the most useful skills in the game because DEX serves
two purpose for archers.One for their accuracy and two for Bow damage.
Be sure to max this skill before any skills.

[Vulture's Eye]-----------------------------------------------------------
Increases Range and Hit


Requires: Level 3 Owl's Eye

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Range and HIT +1 -
2 Range and HIT +2 -
3 Range and HIT +3 -
4 Range and HIT +4 -
5 Range and HIT +5 -
6 Range and HIT +6 -
7 Range and HIT +7 -
8 Range and HIT +8 -
9 Range and HIT +9 -
10 Range and HIT +10 -

This is the skill that makes Archers so deadly in long range battles.
At max levels they can hit opponents as far as the edge of the screen.
Also raises your accuracy.

[Improve Concentration]---------------------------------------------------
Raisess agility and dexterity

Requires: Level 1 Vulture's Eye

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +3% AGI and DEX for 40 seconds 25
2 +4% AGI and DEX for 50 seconds 30
3 +5% AGI and DEX for 60 seconds 35
4 +6% AGI and DEX for 70 seconds 40
5 +7% AGI and DEX for 80 seconds 45
6 +8% AGI and DEX for 90 seconds 50
7 +9% AGI and DEX for 100 seconds 55
8 +10% AGI and DEX for 110 seconds 60
9 +11% AGI and DEX for 120 seconds 65
10 +12% AGI and DEX for 130 seconds 70

This is the only support skill of archers, but still it's a
offensive type of support skill due it raises Agi & Dex.
Max this out after maxing Owl, Vulture and Double Strafing.

[Double Strafing]---------------------------------------------------------

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1-10 Double Attack and Damage x2 15

Very useful skill, doubles your damage but only using one arrow at a time.

[Arrow Shower]------------------------------------------------------------
Requires: Level 5 Double Strafing

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1-10 Shoots 9 arrows 15

A ranged Magnum Break, be careful in using this because it can cause mobs.
This is an optional skill, if you're in a hurry don't bother on getting this skill.

[Charge Arrow]------------------------------------------------------------
Non attribute attack that pushes an enemy back 4 cells

Can be acquired after job 25

Quest: Talk to Jason in Payon, collect the items them take them back to him
Quest Items: 2 Emerald, 36 Banana Juice, 10 Bill of Birds, 10 Tentacle, 3 Yoyo Tail

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Attack power 150% of normal attack
(Casting time 1.5 seconds) 15

See above description.

[Arrow Creation]----------------------------------------------------------

Can be acquired after job 35

Acquire these items :
1 Cross Bow (You'll get it back after you have done the quest)
10 Tentacles
3 Yoyo Tails
2 Emeralds
36 Banana Juices
Talk with the NPC named "Gaeho", in the South West area of Payon and
he will give you the skill.

Quest Items: 41 Tough Scale-like Stem, 1 Red Potion, 13 Trunk, 7 Mushroom Spore, 20 Resin

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Use items you have to create arrows 10

The items you use determine what arrows you make

Arrows you can made out of:

Amulet =40 Curse Arrows
Ball 'n' Chain =700 Iron Arrows & 50 Steel Arrows
Barren Trunk =20 Arrows
Bee Sting = 1 Rusty Arrow
Blade Lost in Darkness - 600 Sharp Arrows & 200 Arrows of Shadow
Blue Gemstone = 10 Crystal Arrows & 1 Freezing Arrow
Cactus Needle = 50 Arrows
Claw of Rat = 50 Iron Arrows & 2 Stone Arrows
Coal = 8 Arrow of Shadow
Cracked Diamond = 50 Sharp Arrows
Crystal Blue = 50 Crystal Arrows
Cursed Ruby = 50 Cursed Arrows & 10 Sleep Arrows
Dead Branch = 40 Mute Arrows
Decayed Nail = 1 Rusty Arrow & 1 Arrow of Shadow
Dragon Fang = 1 Oridecon Arrow & 50 Iron Arrows
Elunium = 1000 Steel Arrows & 50 Stun Arrows
Emperium = 600 Oridecon Arrow & 600 Immaterial Arrows & 600 Mute Arrow
Empty Bottle = 2 Iron Arrows
Emvertacon = 200 Iron Arrows & 40 Silver Arrows
Evil Horn = 20 Arrows of Shadow & 10 Flash Arrows & 5 Stun Arrows
Fang of Garm = 100 Crystal Arrows
Fin = 2 Sharp Arrows & 40 Silver Arrows
Fin Helm = 200 Crystal Arrows & 200 Steel Arrows
Fine-grained Trunk = 20 Arrows
Flame Heart = 600 Fire Arrows & 5 Mute Arrows
Foolishness of the Blind = 200 Flash Arrows
Garlet = 12 Iron Arrows
Gold = 50 Flash Arrows & 50 Oridecon Arrows
Great Nature = 150 Stone Arrows & 5 Flash
Green Live = 50 Stone Arrows
Heroic Emblem = 1 Oridecon Arrow & 5 Stun Arrows
Horn = 35 Iron Arrows
Horrendous Mouth = 5 Arrows of Shadow
Iron = 100 Iron Arrows
Iron Ore = 50 Iron Arrows
Jellopy = 3 Arrows
Key of Clock Tower = 100 Arrow of Shadow
Key of Underground = 50 Arrow of Shadow
Lantern = 80 Iron Arrows
Little Evil Horn = 2 Curse Arrows & 50 Iron Arrows
Manacles = 50 Steel Arrows
Mantis Scythe = 1 Sharp Arrow
Matchstick = 1000 Fire Arrows
Matyr's Leash = 100 Steel Arrows & 50 Arrow of Wind & 10 Sharp Arrows
Mr. Scream = 300 Steel Arrows & 200 Sharp Arrows
Mystic Frozen = 150 Crystal Arrows & 5 Freezing Arrows
Needle of Alarm = 100 Arrows & 5 Sleep Arrows
Old Blue Box = 50 Sharp Arrows & 50 Sleep Arrows
Old Portrait = 1000 Arrow of Shadow
Opera Masque = 200 Steel Arrows & 40 Silence Arrows
Orc Claw = 10 Steel Arrows
Orcish Voucher = 1 Oridecon Arrow & 5 Stun Arrows
Oridecon = 250 Oridecon Arrows
Phracon = 50 Iron Arrows
Pointed Scale = 50 Iron Arrows & 5 Crystal Arrows
Porcupine Quill = 70 Arrows & 1 Stone Arrow
Red Blood = 50 Fire Arrows
Red Gemstone = 10 Rusty Arrows & 1 Poison Arrow & 1 Cursed Arrow
Reins = 50 Steel Arrows & 100 Iron Arrows
Rough Elunium = 200 Steel Arrows & 5 Stun Arrows
Rough Oridecon = 50 Oridecon Arrows
Rough Wind = 150 Arrow of Winds & 5 Sleep Arrows
Scale of Snakes = 1 Poison Arrow
Scell = 8 Steel Arrows
Scorpion Tail = 3 Rusty Arrows
Sharp Scale = 20 Rusty Arrows & 10 Crystal Arrows
Silver Robe = 600 Silver Arrows
Silver Robe(1 Slot) = 1000 Silver Arrows & 10 Immaterial Arrows
Snow Horn = 1000 Silver Arrows
Solid Trunk = 20 Arrows
Star Crumb = 30 Flash Arrows
Star Dust = 10 Flash Arrows
Steel = 100 Steel Arrows
Tooth of Bat = 1 Arrow of Shadow
Tree Root = 7 Arrows
Trunk = 40 Arrows
Venom Canine = 1 Poison Arrow
Welding Mask = 200 Steel Arrows & 40 Stun Arrows
Wind of Verdure = 50 Arrow of Wind
Wolf Claw = 15 Iron Arrows
Wooden Mail = 700 Arrows & 500 Iron Arrows
Wooden Mail(1 Slot) = 1000 Arrows & 700 Iron Arrows
Yellow Gemstone = 10 Stone Arrows & 1 Sleep Arrow
Zargon = 50 Silver Arrows
Zenorc's Fang = 5 Rusty Arrows

With this skill you can save a lot of Money! one of the vital skills
of an Archer. Now you don't need to buy those expensive Arrow of Wind
with a price of 30K ea! (Based on the overpriced economy of pRO)[Leveling Guide]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

~~~~~~~~UNDER CONSTRUCTION~~~~~~~~

4.4.2=-[Dancer Introduction]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Dancers are some sort of opposite of the Bard in giving support spells.
Some of their skills are offensive in terms of lowering your opponent's stats
for instance Don't Forget me is the exact opposite of Assassin Cross of Sunset.
But this will make you gain the upper hand. THAT'S WHAT I CALL TEAMWORK!
OH BABY! YEAH! And sometimes it's the variation of their skills, for example
Frost Joke is somewhat similar to Scream. For now let's see their Skill Builds.

[HOW TO BE A DANCER]------------------------------------------------------

Go to the Comodo small theather, and talk to Aier (weird name -_-) to get Dancer lessons.

Of course, before changing to a Dancer, you are required to get some items XD;
The NPC will ask you to bring about 2 to 3 different items and a shoe.
When you have fulfilled this, Aier will tell you who you now need to talk to.

Talk to an NPC named Bourwajue, then you will receive a simple 10 question test.
Even if you are not correct on all of them, you will pass anyway.

Then you actually take the dance testing hall. This test is very similar to DDR... -_-;
except you control with a mouse instead of your feet.

There is a chat room over the NPC, and in order the NPC will send you to the test.
The test requires you to be on the right step with the arrow (just like DDR).
You need to move quickly, because there is a small time alloted before you flunk
the test by not stepping on the right plate in time.

During the test, it asks you to use Increase Concentration and Double Strafing,
but you are not required to use these skills.

When you pass this test, you can talk to the NPC to change job to Dancer.

You will receive 2 different items as gift - You can receive something as normal job change,
and probably receive something far better when you job change at 50.

4.4.3=-[Dancer Skill Builds]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[Solo Support]------------------------------------------------------------

This build focuses only on a Solo Dancer support.

Lv.3 Dancing Lesson
Lv.5 Throw Arrow
Lv.1 Adaptation
Lv.3 Ugly Dance
Lv.9 Please Don't Forget Me
Lv.10 Service For You
Lv.9 Humming
Lv.9 Fortune's Kiss

[Ensemble Support]--------------------------------------------------------

This build is mainly for Ensemble/Combination with a Dancer.
This Buildonly focuses on The offensive part of the comb/Ensemble skills.
It's purpose is to power lvl, reduce casting time and casting cost,
Cast silence and take the upper hand by the use of Eter. Chaos
in a martyr's way.(Cast in the middle of enemy Mob to reduce their def.
an then cast the sound of battle drum.)

Lv.1 Dancing Lesson
Lv.1 Adaptation
Lv.1 Encore
Lv.3 Ugly Dance
Lv.10 Service For You
Lv.5 The Sound of a Drum on the Battlefield
Lv.10 Please Don't Forget Me
Lv.1 Loki's Wail/ Cry of Loki
Lv.1 Eternal Chaos
Lv.10 Humming
Lv.1 Lullably
Lv.1 Into The Abyss

4.3.4=-[Bard Skill List]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[Dancing Lesson]----------------------------------------------------------
Increases physical damage of Whip class weapons and the value of Dancing skills


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 ATK +3 -
2 ATK +6 -
3 ATK +9 -
4 ATK +12 -
5 ATK +15 -
6 ATK +18 -
7 ATK +21 -
8 ATK +24 -
9 ATK +27 -
10 ATK +30 -

if you're going to be a full support Dancer, don't bother on getting
this skill. Unless if you're a Solo Dancer.

[Throw Arrow]-------------------------------------------------------------
Use a Whip to shoot arrows with might
Attack property is affected by the type of arrows used
Works only with Whip class weapons

Requires: Level 3 Dancing Lesson

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 150% Attack (Casting time 1.5 seconds) 8
2 175% Attack (Casting time 1.5 seconds) 8
3 200% Attack (Casting time 1.5 seconds) 8
4 225% Attack (Casting time 1.5 seconds) 8
5 250% Attack (Casting time 1.5 seconds) 8

Quite handy skill as you can sort of defend yourself while doing a musical skill
because Double Strafing won't work with musical skills.
It is up to you if you wish to master it or not.

[Ugly Dance]--------------------------------------------------------------
Does regular damage into the SP of targets in a range Dancing
Duration: 30 Seconds

Requires: Level 1 Dancing Lesson and Level 1 Adaptation to Circumstances

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 10 SP every 3 seconds 23
2 15 SP every 3 seconds 26
3 20 SP every 3 seconds 29
4 25 SP every 3 seconds 32
5 30 SP every 3 seconds 35

For the Ugly Dance that happens due to a Dancer overlapping another
Dancer's dancing skill area, it does not disappear until one of them finishes skill
she was using. In this case, skill level of Ugly Dance will be LV 1,
and cause only 10 damage. For Ugly Dance skill itself, damage will depend on the
skill level and Dancing Lesson level.

Stuns all characters including players and monsters in a range
Area: 9x9 cells.

Requires: Level 1 Encore

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 30% Chance to stun 12
2 35% Chance to stun 14
3 40% Chance to stun 16
4 45% Chance to stun 18
5 50% Chance to stun 20

All attack/movement speed upgrade skills, will be all canceled out.
This skill will probably work well with high level monsters that move fast and attack fast.

Increases Accuracy of party/guildsman in a range Dancing
Area: 9x9 square Uses 1 SP every 5 seconds.

Requires: Level 3 Ugly Dance

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +2% Hit Rating Duration: 60 seconds 22
2 +4% Hit Rating Duration: 60 seconds 24
3 +6% Hit Rating Duration: 60 seconds 26
4 +8% Hit Rating Duration: 60 seconds 28
5 +10% Hit Rating Duration: 60 seconds 30
6 +12% Hit Rating Duration: 60 seconds 32
7 +14% Hit Rating Duration: 60 seconds 34
8 +16% Hit Rating Duration: 60 seconds 36
9 +18% Hit Rating Duration: 60 seconds 38
10 +20% Hit Rating Duration: 60 seconds 40

Not as useful as Whistling of Bards... it could however, help a low level character
to hit a high AGI monsters (or high level characters to hit a high AGI monster
or a Boss-type monsters who usually have ridiculous FLEE =P).

[Please Don't Forget Me]--------------------------------------------------
Decreases moving speed and attack speed of enemies in a range
All blessing skills will be cancelled by this skill Dancing
Area: 9x9 cells.

Requires: Level 3 Ugly Dance

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 -3% Moving Speed and -2% ASPD Duration: 180 seconds 28
2 -6% Moving Speed and -4% ASPD Duration: 180 seconds 31
3 -9% Moving Speed and -6% ASPD Duration: 180 seconds 34
4 -12% Moving Speed and -8% ASPD Duration: 180 seconds 37
5 -15% Moving Speed and -10% ASPD Duration: 180 seconds 40
6 -18% Moving Speed and -12% ASPD Duration: 180 seconds 43
7 -21% Moving Speed and -14% ASPD Duration: 180 seconds 46
8 -24% Moving Speed and -16% ASPD Duration: 180 seconds 49
9 -27% Moving Speed and -18% ASPD Duration: 180 seconds 52
10 -30% Moving Speed and -20% ASPD Duration: 180 seconds 55

Also, if they had any attack/movement speed upgrade skills, they will all cancel out.
This skill will probably work well with high level monsters that move fast and attack fast.

[Fortune's Kiss]----------------------------------------------------------
Increases Critical Rate of party/guildsman in a range Dancing
Area: 9x9 square

Requires: Level 10 Ugly Dance

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +1% Critical Rating Duration: 120 seconds 43
2 +2% Critical Rating Duration: 120 seconds 46
3 +3% Critical Rating Duration: 120 seconds 49
4 +4% Critical Rating Duration: 120 seconds 52
5 +5% Critical Rating Duration: 120 seconds 55
6 +6% Critical Rating Duration: 120 seconds 58
7 +7% Critical Rating Duration: 120 seconds 61
8 +8% Critical Rating Duration: 120 seconds 64
9 +9% Critical Rating Duration: 120 seconds 67
10 +10% Critical Rating Duration: 120 seconds 70

Uses 1 SP every 4 seconds. This skill will work very good with those who
live and dream CRIT as their life (like CRIT Sin, LUK Hunter (although it got nerfed),
and crazy AGI-LUK knights). Even so, it may help melee characters without LUK still.

[Service For You]------------------------------------------------------------
Increases max amount of SP of party/guildsman in a range for a short time
Also reduces the amount of SP consumption of skills Dancing
Area: 9x9 cells. Uses 1 SP every 5 seconds.

Requires: Level 10 Ugly Dance

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +11% Max SP and Reduces 13% SP consumption Duration: 180 seconds 35
2 +12% Max SP and Reduces 16% SP consumption Duration: 180 seconds 40
3 +13% Max SP and Reduces 19% SP consumption Duration: 180 seconds 45
4 +14% Max SP and Reduces 22% SP consumption Duration: 180 seconds 50
5 +15% Max SP and Reduces 25% SP consumption Duration: 180 seconds 55
6 +16% Max SP and Reduces 28% SP consumption Duration: 180 seconds 60
7 +17% Max SP and Reduces 31% SP consumption Duration: 180 seconds 65
8 +18% Max SP and Reduces 34% SP consumption Duration: 180 seconds 70
9 +19% Max SP and Reduces 37% SP consumption Duration: 180 seconds 75
10 +20% Max SP and Reduces 40% SP consumption Duration: 180 seconds 80

This skill will work like a wonder to Priests/Sages/and Wizards in conjunction
with A Poem of Bragi. But just like A Poem of Bragi, it has low use for
melee-based characters, albeit slightly better since this works directly
with MaxSP and SP usage instead of delay.

5./\[Ensemble/Combination Skills]/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

*These combination skills require a Bard and a Dancer standing next to each other to work.

*To use those combination skills, both the Bard and Dancer has to know at least level 1
of the combination skill you wish to use.

*Actual combination skill level used will be
(Bard's Combination Skill LV + Dancer's Combination Skill LV) / 2.

*When a Bard and a Dancer is side-by-side and one of them starts the combination skill,
both of them will not be able to move around until the end of the combination skill.

Adaptation to Circumstances
Level Skill SP
1 Cancels a Song/Dance skill -


[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Allows you to do the musical/dancing skill you used 1
again for only half the normal SP usage.

Very useful to those who wants to cut those high cost spells.

Monsters around you in a 9x9 cell radius are put to sleep
Boss monsters are not affected

Requires: Level 10 A Whistle (Bard) and Level 10 Humming (Dancer)

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 (1 SP every 4 seconds) 20
Duration: 60 seconds

Nice Skill for escaping Mobs and silencing MVP pawns.

[Mr Kim a Rich Man]-------------------------------------------------------
Increases the EXP rate for all players within a 9x9 cell radius of the caster

Requires: Level 3 Invulnerable Siegfried (Bard/Dancer)

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 150% EXP
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 20

2 175% EXP
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 20

3 200% EXP
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 20

4 225% EXP
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 20

5 250% EXP
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 20

This skill helps in tanking a lot and makes leveling much easier.

[Eternal Chaos]-----------------------------------------------------------
Reduces all players and monsters (including party/guildsman) defense to 0 in a
9x9 cell radius around the caster

Requires: Level 1 Loki's Wail

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 (1 SP every 4 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 30

This can be risky if use this abilility w/o Planning.
Maybe this can help Monks in their enemies, Cast this skill then let those
Monks use their Steel Body Skill to pump up their Def. and that is advantage,

[The Sound of a Drum on the Battlefield]----------------------------------
Increases ATK and DEF of all players in a 9x9 cell radius around the caster
Requires: Level 10 Apple of Idun (Bard) and Level 10 Service For You (Dancer)

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +50 ATK and +4 DEF
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 40

2 +75 ATK and +6 DEF
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 45

3 +100 ATK and +8 DEF
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 50

4 +125 ATK and +10 DEF
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 55

5 +150 ATK and +12 DEF
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 60

This skill helps in MVP battle a lot. But can cause difficulties in PVP.
because "All Players in 9x9 cell radius" is affected, this means that
even those players out of your party/Guild is still affected.

[The Ring of Nibelungen]--------------------------------------------------
Increases ATK power of Level 4 Weapons of all characters in a 9x9 cell radius of the caster

Requires: Level 3 The Sound of a Drum on the Battlefield (Bard/Dancer)

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 +150 ATK
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 40

2 +200 ATK
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 45

3 +250 ATK
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 50

4 +300 ATK
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 55

5 +350 ATK
(1 SP every 3 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 60

This skill is Filthy useful for those players with lv4 Weapons.
same consequences as [The Sound of a Drum on the Battlefield] Skill

[Loki's Wai]--------------------------------------------------------------
Block all skills including magic spells of monsters and players in a 9x9 cell
radius around the caster
Boss monsters are not affected

Requires: Level 10 Assassin Cross of Sunset (Bard) and
Level 10 Please Don't Forget Me (Dancer)

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 (1 SP every 4 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 15

Great in cancelling those massive damage spells.

[Into The Abyss]----------------------------------------------------------
Enables all party/guildsman the use of skills without items they require
Such as Gemstones, Traps, etc

Requires: Level 1 Lullaby (Bard/Dancer)

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 (1 SP every 5 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 10

This skill helps priests and sages a lot. Since the two are dependants
to gemstones.

[Invulnerable Siegfried]--------------------------------------------------
Increase resistance to the Fire and Water property for all players in a 9x9 cell
radius around the caster

Requires: Level 10 A Poem of Bragi (Bard) and Level 10 Fortune's Kiss (Dancer)

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 + 40 Resistance
(1 SP every 5 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 20

2 + 50 Resistance
(1 SP every 5 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 20

3 + 60 Resistance
(1 SP every 5 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 20

4 + 70 Resistance
(1 SP every 5 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 20

5 + 80 Resistance
(1 SP every 5 seconds)
Duration: 60 seconds 20

This skill is useful in some specific place.

Randomly do some of the most powerful skills in the game.
All the random skills activated are area-based, and it will damage/heal everything,
allies or enemies alike. It will do random skills 31 times in total before stopping.

[LV] [Skill Level Effect] [SP]
1 Ragnarok 100

Duration: 60 seconds. Area: Screen.
This skill cannot be stopped no matter what, and even if Bard/Dancer
who used this skill dies in process, the skill goes on until 60 seconds of it is finished.

Spells that can be randomly cast:
Lord of Vermilion
Storm Gust
Meteor Storm
Heaven's Drive
Fire Wall
Magnus Exorcismus
Safety Wall
Poison Dust
Grand Cross
Land Protector

This skill is currently disabled by Gravity, due to its potentiality of being abused.

Great skill but unfortunately we cannot see the skill work anymore.

-------[ VI.SPECIAL THANKS & CREDITS ]-----------------------------------

6.1=-[Special Thanks]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Jezarene- I made this guide for you.
I don't care what will happen to us in the future.
Whatever happens between us, this will remain as it is.


GIGA BAHAMUT- His Archer Guide is so far the best.
Too bad he won't update his guide anymore.

PSO RAVEN- He's got the most useful Mage-Wizard guide out there.

-Thank You for helping us (RO Players) by the means of your
ever great FAQ/Guide. Maybe I should call you "The Oracle".

Level Up (http://www.level-up-games.com)
-For getting the game into the Philippines.

-For developing and making the game.

Lee Myoung-Jin
-Because of his Manga, Ragnarok Online was born.
His great manga its very amusing to read and the drawings are sooo
great! How I wish I have all the Volumes...

Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com)
-For hosting this guide and all the other guides also.
This site is my primary source of gaming knowledge.

-For Running that AWESOME site the world calls "Gamefaqs".

-For all the Alt. 2nd Job skill list
-Thanks for all the wonderful things we can see in your
wonderful site!!!

-I got the additional Infos for the 2-2 Jobs here.
-One of the updated RO fansites in the world.

-------[ VII.UNLEGAL]-----------------------------------------------------

This FAQ was originated on www.gamefaqs.com. You will always find the most
up-to-date version there. As with all my FAQs, I believe it to be public
domain. Please post this on your website, edit, alter, or do what you will
with it. Crediting me is entirely optional. Although it isn't neccessary to
Email me, I would like to check out your site if your going to put it there
^_^. I only have 2 conditions: You do not sell this FAQ for personal profit,
or post it on websites condoning or providing RO hacks, bots, scams, or
anything else evil in the world.

Thank you for reading my FAQ/GUIDE.
This won't be called a guide with out anyone being guided.
Thank you.

-Calx Zinra/GlimmerVoid

Online Conrtact:

Battle Maiden Jezarene (Pre-Crusader Swordswoman)
Battle-Maiden Jezarene (2H Knight)
Battle-Maiden Reginleif (Forger/Battlesmith)

ALL IN IRIS SERVER pRO (Philippine Ragnarok Online)

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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