

14.10.2013 16:48:54
Perfect Works FAQ and Guide
Xenogears Perfect Works FAQ and Guide
Version 1.4
Last Updated on 2/26/2002
Translated and Transcribed by Sheamon
email: bshea@mybluelight.com

Table of Contents


I. Introduction

II. Translation
A. History
B. Social Structure
C. Geography
D. Monster
E. Science
F. Gear
G. Character
H. Drama
I. Gallery
J. Other

III. Discussion
A. History
B. Social Structure
C. Geography
D. Monster
E. Science
F. Gear
G. Character
H. Drama
I. Gallery
J. Other

IV. FAQ and Notes

V. Disclaimers and Thanks


I. Introduction


Xenogears is a game for the Sony Playstation first released in Japan in January of 1998 and in
America in October of that same year. With its unique gameplay, innovative 3D environment,
stunning musical score, and enthralling story, Xenogears has become known as one of the best non
Final Fantasy RPGs ever made.

Xenogears Perfect Works is a roughly 300 page book put out by the producers of Xenogears. It
contains everything from design sketches, to fiction. However, the heart of the book and the
favorite is the vast amount of information on the storyline of the game, information that
reinforces and helps better interpret the game's vast and sometimes confusing storyline.

Unfortunately for english speaking fans Perfect Works is written entirely in Japanese and has
no official translation. Thats where I come in. Ever since Xenogears Perfect Works started
being imported into this country a few years ago from various fans of the game, translation
projects have been attempted to translate the vast book. None of ever ended successfully with
a full translation of the book. I myself have attempted many failed translation projects. With
the coming of this FAQ/Guide, I hope to finally put out the web's first full translation of this
book into english. Its a large project, but one I'm putting quite a lot of heart and effort
into. After all, the game Xenogears has interested me like no other. So, sit back and enjoy.

This FAQ contains 4 more sections. They are as follows:

Translation of the book. Those who have a copy will find it easy to follow the diagrams and
descriptions. Those without will find it considerably more difficult.
(This section is specifically for those with the book)

Discussion of the concepts/information brought up from the translation. Those who do not have
the book will find this section much more useful.
(This section is specifically for those without the book)

FAQ and Notes
Frequently asked questions dealing with Perfect Work/Xenogears.

Disclaimers and Thanks
Self explanatory.

A web page version of this guide with full color pictures and the pages reproduced in english
can be found at my website, located at: http://xenoquarters.xenogears.org

Latest Updates:

2/26/02: More translations up, including the character bios for the Elements, General
Vanderkaum, and the Gebler Special Forces that Elly is in charge of in the game.

2/13/02: Pages 174 and 175 have been completely translated and put up in both the translation
and discussion section. These are the pages on Emperor Cain and the Gazel Ministry, which also
includes a full list of the Anima Relics and who they are aligned with. Some more minor
technical issues have been edited, including the addition of the pages with nothing notable
to translate in the Gear and Gallery sections.

2/8/02: There's been a change of plan. I'm no longer going to be updating this FAQ with full
sections, but with individual pages. I found that doing it by section became quite a chore.
I will enjoy the process much more this way. Anyway, I've got both the translation and
discussion parts up for page 191 of the book. This covers Jessie and Bishop Stone. With the
change of my policy, updates should hopefully be more frequent, although the content of each
update will be smaller. I've also added to the disclaimer, if anyone cares. Please read it
before using any information in this FAQ for your own purposes.
I'm also wondering if anyone wants to scan pages of Perfect Works for me. I'm in desperate need
of them for my web page version, but have no scanner.

1/30/02: The entire monster section has been translated and put up in both the translation
and discussion section. Sorry, but I have still not translated the leftover stuff from the
Science Section that I have not done yet(the huge boring paragraph on page 72, and the comics).
They are rather low on my priority list at this time but I will try to translate them soon
since I have every other part of that section translated. The next section I am working on will
be the Social Structure section, I have no idea when that will be done since it will have
been the longest of the sections I've done thus far.

1/18/02: The first edition of this FAQ is up on the web! You can find this FAQ either at
www.gamefaqs.com, or at my Xenogears site, http://xenoquarters.xenogears.org. This first
edition contains a full translation/discussion of the Science Section. The next section that
will be translated is the Monster section. With luck, expect it next week.


II. Translation


These translations are not exact. The explanation is simple. The book is in another language.
Kanji/kana doesn't exactly make sense when translated literally over to english. Thus, I've
paraphrased everything, rewriting them in my own words. And obviously keep in mind that mistakes
are always possible. If you know Kanji/kana and spot any, feel free to email me and let me know.

A. History
B. Social Structure
C. Geography
D. Monster

Page 54

Consider the modes of life of the various monsters encountered in the world.
While travelling, you occasionally come across monsters. They are usually atrocious and
threaten you as a player. However, in the larger view these are living creatures in the
background that coexist with humans on the planet.


Page 55

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Figure 55-1:

This enormous sand earthworm inhabits the desert zone. Usually its in the sand due to its
special skin, but sometimes it goes astray to attack. It inhales the bodily fluids of the pray
where the water is scarse. It is able to reach its point with its sharp bill.

Figure 55-2:

The mushroom of the Basidiomycetes[the hammer] unites with an astroid structure through
evolution to form this creature. The tube foot of the astroid part enables it to move, and
absorb bodily fluids of its prey. It inhabits the dark habitat of the forest and when
captured is used for food.


Page 56

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Figure 56-1:

Modes of life of the monsters in various environments

Figure 56-2:

Source of all lives
The protozoan which was the first creature and the ancestor(founder) of all living things,
the unicellular animal, was born in the sea. In the shallow water with considerable speed it
evolved into a mammal, forming the present ecosystem. The oceanic monster designates plankton
as the base organism. As it considerably accelerated as a result of the evolution, the
oceanic creature became larger and several times more powerful. Furthermore, the creation of
artificial creatures eventually came into being.
As for the ocean developing in comparison to the land, the number of extinct species due to
marine pollution and rebellion is not very high. But, as humans continue to invade this area,
the problems and risks will increase.

Figure 56-3:

Land of vivid green
The forest/prairie zone that occupies approximately half the land mass in the world has warm
air and an abundant water source, giving good results to the flora and fauna that exist there,
including humans. The people benefit from the fertile land, which supplies a lot of the world's
agriculture. But as those areas develop, and scientific rebellions increase, the risks of
monsters existing in this environment increases. The monsters in this environment become
fierce due to these changes. Breeding and gene manipulation has influenced the environment and
the life that exists there.

Figure 56-4:
<--- Natural Kind Artificial Kind --->
|O Kragen(Strong) Griffon Deathscythe |
|C Deathscythe |
|E |
|A |
|N |
|D ???????? Sand Shark Shadey Planter Puchiariman Ures? |
|E Sand Shark Mimi |
|S (Strong) Ripper |
|E Dragon |
|R |
|T |
|F Croaker Tribe Aiman Rav? Edelweiss Kobold Forbidden |
|O Armored Bug Dwarf Forest Elf (Strong) |
|R Jackal Forest Elf Golem |
|E Rankar (Strong) TearsPair |
|S Beneck |
|T Rain Frog |
|O Croaker Tribe Aiman Rav Griffon Batrat Hammerhead Aita? Abandon Gimick Shell Ures? |
|T (Strong) (Strong) (Strong) Kragen Carrier CarrierDorothyOrphan |
|H Acid Frog Armored Bug ForbiddenShell Fear Blood |
|E (Red) Tears Rotton Bros |
|R Jackal Redrum |


Page 57

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Figure 57-1:

Natural Kind
Before mankind was born on the planet, living beings were present. Over long years evolution
has produced a variety of different subspecies due to natural selection. As for the natural
monsters, they usually appeared with features similar to the original flora and fauna existing
in that environment.

Figure 57-2:

Artificial Kind
The result of twisting evolution with artificial gene manipulation is the creation of many
living creatures. The burdens on their brains and bodies is high. Differential reasons of
abilities between individuals remain. Also, the case where the operated monster thrusts the
natural into extinction is rare.

Figure 57-3:

The dried up desert
The large area of the Ignas continent - where the sun beats on the large desert of sand. The
maximum air temperature of Japan and China rarely exceeds 50 degrees Celsius, but the earth
temperature is 70 degrees here. The amount of rainfall each year is little, causing many of
the oasis's that depend on the weather to dissappear. The struggle for existence here is
harsh and extreme because of the small amount of water, which makes this the severest
environment. In addition, droughts are rapid. The desert air makes this area a roughly
forged area, like the Aquvy Region.
The monsters that inhabit the desert absorb the bodily fluids of their prey. They have hard
skin and require less water by adapting through various body mutations, which lets the entire
body overcome the heat.

Figure 57-4:

Monster Hideout
The special environments classified here, the oceanic desert (roughly forged) points to the
environment that does not belong to the forest/prairie. There are the artificially made
environments, like the underground aqueduct, excavation site of the city, which becomes
the habitat of many monsters classified by one.
Those are formed where there is no interaction of most outside worlds that the microcosm due
to the monster and animal COD is formed. Predation is dense, here where the beautiful tree
of the ecosystem is formed, the object of gene manipulation. Thinking of that compatability
has improved. A regrettable thing is that there is risk involved while researching these
monsters in special environments. In the future, it is at the point where formation of larger
scale counterintelligence corps is desired.


Page 58

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| Figure 58-2 Ocean |
| Figure 58-3 |
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| Figure 58-6 |
| Figure 58-5 |
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Figure 58-1:

Habitat classified by environment | Monster Theory Figure

Figure 58-2:

The sketches here explain the typical monsters in each environment. They are drawn in detail.
The creature's framework, organs and features in order to adapt to the environment are

Figure 58-3:

7/10's of the planet is the wide ocean, but there is little life there. The habitat is
limited to the deep sea.

Figure 58-4:

It has 2 enormous tentacles on the left and right. By absorbing ions in the water, it is
able to generate electricity and discharge it in attacks. The other tentacles are used when
eating, to get food into the mouth.

Figure 58-5:

This creature dwells in the small orphan island of the sea deep within the rocks. Its good
vision enables it to view threats from kilometers away. It also has super speed, up to 1000
kilometers per hour.

Figure 58-6:

These flying fish like creatures are from the deep sea. Its empty head in the body of the
primitive Pisces is similar to a human's.


Page 59

| Desert|
| See Figure 59-1 |
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| Figure 59-2 Figure 59-3 |
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| Figure 59-4 Figure 59-5 |
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| Figure 59-6 |
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Figure 59-2:

This plant like monster seeks water. The nutrients from the water enable its movements. It
usually can use the supply of water it consumes for up to half a year.

Figure 59-3:

Sand Shark
The origin of this Chondrichthyes like creature is a creature who lived on the earth and
gained the ability to dive through the sand with its sharp, hard head which lets it shovel
through the sand. It has a heart-lung function and degenerate eyes.

Figure 59-4:

This kind of insectibrous plant evolved and reached the point where it can move. Its digestion
is secreted with strong acidity.

Figure 59-5:

This small race of women fighters appear in the Aquvy area. When left alone, they do not seem
so strong, but they are professional hunters.

Figure 59-6:

These fossil like creatures leave their ancient form and live. There were times when it could
fly, but its wings have degenerated into a forelimb. With the hind leg's departure, walking
upright has become possible.


Page 60

|Forest/Prairie |
| See Figure 60-1 |
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| Figure 60-2 Figure 60-3 |
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| Figure 60-6 |
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Figure 60-1:

The monsters multiplying here is a result of the forest and grassy plain's flora and fauna
being damaged by humans. There has been a higher tendency of them here.

Figure 60-2:

This high sight seeing creature takes time to let you show yourself. It understands the mind
and conduct of humans. It might have originated this from its time as a domesticated pet.

Figure 60-3:

[Suitable name for someone who leaps] It moves gently due to the jumping ability enabled by
its 2 long, strong legs. A gentle, cowardly creature, it eats grass and shrubs.

Figure 60-4:

This monster is a subspecies of the wolf. Its a mammilian type with raw motion in large
groups. Its heel legs provide a strong weapon.

Figure 60-5:

Forest Elf
The sub-race that inhabits the forest. It lives in the woods, moving freely on the branches.
Its grappling skills become clear even when attacking.

Figure 60-6:

Rankar Dragon
Its prey is defeated with its strong tail. This creature is the strongest of the remaining
meat eating dinosaurs. It has power in this environment, but verges to the crisis of


Page 61

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| Figure 61-1 Figure 61-2 |
| Figure 61-3 |
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| Figure 61-7 |
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Figure 61-1:

This race of little people hunt proudly with a bow and arrow. It has the ability to jump high
due to its legs, and can hide easier due to its small size.

Figure 61-2:

Swinging a primitive club, this creature is acustomed to attacking with it. Its intelligence
isn't very good, but it imitates humans proudly.

Figure 61-3:

This experimental creature of Solaris appears in the snowfields after Deus teraforms. Its
structure and intelligence is low, along with its degenerated eyes and mouth.

Figure 61-4:

Croaker Tribe
A subspecies of Tokage, this is a reptilian monster. Its highly evolved, with an
individualized culture and clothes draped from its member's bodies.

Figure 61-5:

This mammal of a vegetarian diet has a sharp tusk. Its entire body is covered with a hard
skin, giving it high defensive ability. There is a relationship of interest between it and
the bird on its back.

Figure 61-6:

This is an alpine plant of the Chrysanthemum which grew enormous in the rocky mountains.
It started eating meat and changed into a monster, but when it lacks proper nutrition it can
still use photosynthesis.

Figure 61-7:

Sufal Person
[The form of the person from Merkava] transfigured. Its molecular changes is a burden to its
life, resulting in a short lifespan. They seek the blood of healthy people.


Page 62

| Others |
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| Figure 62-2 Figure 62-3 |
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| Figure 62-4 Figure 62-5 |
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| Figure 62-6 Figure 62-7 |
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Figure 62-1:

There are many monsters which are administered artificial gene manipulation and inhabit
special environments. They have powerful attack power and don't associate with common animals
because of their special condition.

Figure 62-2:

The head absorbs ether with the tentacles in its hair, restored by your own energy. The lower
half of the body has a cartilaginous like thorned back

Figure 62-3:

It has a hard husk similar to the Oumugai. Its lungs are in its head, which is structured
similar to a human's. It possesses a poison storing organ in its tail.

Figure 62-4:

Rotten(Rotten Sod)
This kind of creature was produced by stopping the growth of it while still an embryo in its
parent's womb. The physical strength of its prey is absorbed by holding through a presumption
of its parent.

Figure 62-5:

A excellently powerful rat. It is active in the darkness, which can cause confusion. It can
also shoot out an ultra-wave.

Figure 62-6:

Armored Bugs
It is covered by a hard husk since it was a larvae. By the time of pupua, it emerges in this
structure. It attacks be secreting acid through its mouth.

Figure 62-7:

This creature, a subspecies of the alligator which had its genes manipulated, attacks with its
tough tail. Its forelimbs and eyes are degenerated, but it has nimble movement.


Page 63

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| Figure 63-4 Figure 63-5 |
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Figure 63-1:

This subspecies of Chondrichthyes adapt to the non-water environment. They usually hide, but
possess a tail which can absorb the ether power of its prey.

Figure 63-2:

True to its name, this creature designates the eticate of the person as its energy source. This
mechanism enables the creature to lack the typical predictable habits. They live in the Shevat
shafts due to the protection.

Figure 63-3:

At one time, these monsters were frozen in carbonite in Shevat. Its ability to convert
grudge enables it to break out of its restrained state with its tough power.

Figure 63-4:

A homicidal maniac who inhabits the Kislev Sewers. It used to be human, but it was operated/
mutated into this appearance. The name reminds of its time as a human.

Figure 63-5:

This fearful kind of monster is similar to a Gimick and inhabits the shafts of Shevat with its
homicidal behavior. It always takes 2 bodies to act cooperatively.


Page 64

|Unknown Monsters |
|Figure 64-1 |
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Figure 64-1:

So far, the monsters from 4 different habitats have been classified. There still exists many
monsters which a detailed knowledge of doesn't exist. Hypothesis's are hard to raise even
with these sketches.


Page 65

-nothing worthy of note to translate-

E. Science

Page 66

When understanding the world, the important and difficult scientific issues need an easy to
understand explanation.

The many incomprehensible keywords that come up in various scenes, which there are many of, come
from a unique super scientific world view. As the story advances and more puzzles arise, several
of these are explained, mostly on disc 2. The intended secure puzzles eventually become known.
What is the true purpose of the Deus System? Here is the story's largest puzzle (focusing on the
elucidation of the Deus System). The keyword explanations regarding science are explained here.


Page 67

The system which grants all desires [Zohar]

You think, and someone desires that thought. People hope to be able to move the world in their
own way. And what circumstances are brought up through this? When people pray, it is elevated
with a certain expectation. And who is prayed to? [God] It is the creative aspect of all people.
[Communication with God] But if the world is where it is due to science, whom do you pray to?


Page 68

| Intention of the Advanced Weapon |
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| See Figure |
| 68-1 |
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| Figure | | |
| 68-2 | | |
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Figure 68-1:

As for the start of the original incident, the 7th generation electric brain Razael was hacked
into while traveling between stars. The start up of the weapon system (Deus) on the ship was
requested by the hack. The Deus System was wrapped in a puzzle, but Deus was able to break free.
The incident ended with Deus crashing on an unmanned planet. There, a new mankind was born.
Individual civilization and science became the basis of this new world. Here is the beginning
of the story, the story that the Deus System is the nucleaus of (in scientific terms)

Figure 68-2:

Strategic Integrated Weapon System [Deus System]
In order to be transported through space, the Deus System is split into 4 regions. Due to this,
indepent operation is possible.
First, the Phenomenon Conversion System Zohar, whose intention/intelligence produces the drive
energy of all systems present. The energy is supplied when specified.
Next, the main attack unit of the biological weapon system Deus, a single unit produced to
utilize the energy of Zohar to obtain maximum power. The link to Zohar is 100% from the start.
The system's conduct, and the control computer that controls the two is the biological electric
brain Kadamony. This itself is divided into 2, the organism element, and the 8th generation
computer that makes integrated calculations.
Finally is the dense, super enormous mothership Merkava. Merkava's function is to transport the
whole system, and is defended by the Seraphs, who are formed when its used for the first time.

Figure 68-3:

With the hacking of the biological weapon Deus, the machines inside of the spaceship assimilated
with the creature and attacked the passengers.

Figure 68-4:

| Control Structure of Deus System |
| Section rank is formed in some kind of function as figure shows|
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| ==================== =================== |
| | |<-------------------------| | |
| | | rule | | |
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|c| | =============== | | |
|o| See | | | | See | |
|n| (A) | | See |<------| (C) | |
|t| | | (B) |control| | |
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Deus's substantial attack conduct

When a physical obstacle is in place, the anti-whole management system, who's main purpose is to
remove the obstacle, is executed. Due to the state of Kadamony and Deus's completion state, it
determines which type of conduct to use in its own defense. The Seraphs' movements are
controlled independently by Kadamony.


The comprehensive energy generator, the phenomenon conversion system Zohar
The semi-perpetual mobile creates drive energy according to the gazing shaping of section rank.
The phenomenon conversion system in operation gives the drive energy to the attack system and
defense shield.


The biological electric brain Kadamony which generalizes the whole system.

The energy of Zohar controls the entire artifical intelligence system. In order to decide the
best conduct, the biological element's indefinite operation and the logical element's operation
are done simultaneously. There is no times when it is controlled by a third party [brain] when
roles are carried out.


Page 69

| ===================== ======== |
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| | See | | SF6 | |
| | Figure | | ei9 | |
| | 69-1 | | eg| | |
| | | | u2 | |
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| | | | e | |
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| Figure ======== |
| 69-3 |
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Figure 69-1:

| Conduct of Each Part | |
| ======================== | (B) |
| | Kadamony(Project AI) | | |
| | conduct intention which| | |
| | parallels transmission | | |
| ======================== | |
| rule / control | / | |
| / | / | |
| / | / | |
| / Zohar | |
| / / \ | |
| / / (A) \ | |
| / / \ | |
| / / \ | |
| / / \ | |
| =================== ===================== | |
|| Deus |------->| Seraphs | | |
||Independent Conduct| | Not Independent | | |
|| is possible | control| | | |
| =================== ===================== | |
| | |

(A): By demand drive energy restoration


All Centers - Zohar
The phenomenon conversion system offers the drive energy from Zohar. Zohar's intended
to continue supplying the energy while the other system demands it. On one hand, the Deus
System has 2 independent systems with independent conduct. The electronic biological brain
Kadamony gets its energy supply from the main part of Zohar, which enables its operation. In
other words, the power of margin and Zohar gives power to the appropriate parts of the Deus

Figure 69-2:


Navigation Starship
A spaceship which can move intergalacticly from star to star and travel to various solar

An illegal invasion(hack) is the behavior done when lots of data is obtained through a computer,
with the databank being destroyed when the hack is done.

Electronic Brain Central Kadamony
The computer Database which has control of the Malakh Angel. This mythical knowledge base is
actually artifical intelligence.

Phenomenon Conversion
The change of time is called the converting phenomenon. This is the unique ability that Zohar
has that allows it to contact other dimensions.

Controlled by Deus itself, these angel's true purpose is to defend Deus. The general term for
the group that is used with Merkava to defend Deus. The fuselage outputs 7 different attributes
including water, wind, earth, fire, etc...

Logical performing region
The system in the central computer that answers all arithmatic expressions. There is no time
when answering is led by all means.

Biological Element
The part of the computer that is actually a living being. The indespensible element is mentioned
above [indefinite operation].

Figure 69-3:

(from top to bottom)

Strategic subjugation mother ship Merkava
This enormous 80km mothership is the outside husk of the Deus System. The Seraphs are on the
outsideused for defense. The name of the ship means 'the chariot to heaven'.

Organism weapon Deus (main body)
It is not the inorganic machine, but the organism part of Deus that forms this special feature.
It has a self recovery system and can even change its own structure if it sees fit.

Phenomenon Conversion System Zohar
The main part of Zohar is the eye itself. Its an artificial form clearly; the puzzling device
appears to have existed since the creation of the universe. This device's existence is a key
point of the story and the world's background.

Biological Electric Brain Kadamony
Packed in the inner part of the pupil of Zohar is the control computer. The technology that
enabled this to be made is unclear.


Page 70

| |
| Growth of the Weapon Deus |
| |
| =========== ============== |
| | see | | see | |
| | figure | | figure | |
| | 70-1 | | 70-2 | |
| =========== | | |
| ============== |
| |
| ================================= |
| | | |
| | | |
| | See | |
| | figure | |
| | 70-3 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ================================= |
| |

Figure 70-1:

The extreme weapon grows unlimited destructive power.

The biological weapon Deus, which has the ability of growth and self-recovery, can take charge
of the strategic integrated weapon system that its a part of(Deus System) and destroy any
target. Deus get its nutrition from absorbing mass amounts of life forms. This function is
controlled by a mechanical part of the organism.
In its initial condition, Deus can destroy a planet by simply absorbing all of its living things.
This would make the planet a dead planet. When the planet is destroyed, Deus stops its current
conduct. As for Deus's drive energy, the Deus System gets it from the phenomenon conversion
system Zohar, which also supplies the power that enables it to move through outer space on
Merkava. The strategic warship Merkava is designated as Deus's mother ship. The attack from
Merkava has Zohar providing the appropriate drive energy. Once the planet is destroyed, Merkava
goes to another planet and repeats its growth. This unlimited potential of growth makes it the
ultimate weapon.

Figure 70-2:

=The Seraph Group that=============
| Protects Merkava |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ================
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Sky Seraph |
============================| |

Terminal Interface Weapons of Deus
Deus is protected by the Seraphs, which are produced from the unlimited organic parts absorbed
into Merkava. The Seraphs to Merkava as leucocytes are to the blood in the human body.
Inside Merkava, it circulates, and creates those which exterminate all threats outside.

Figure 70-3:

| Biological Weapon Deus's Evolution Process |
| =========== ============= |
| | | See | | |
| | | (A) | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| =========== ============= |
| |
| See (C) See (B) |
| |
| |
| |
| ================ =========== |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | ================== |
| | | | | | |
| | | ======| | |
| ================ | | |
| | | |
| See (D) ================== |
| |
| |
| |
| |


Omega 1

This form appears when Deus begins to go astray from the reactor. Its size was approximately
20-30 meters. At this stage, it already had the strength to attack a planet.


1rst Grade Period

In the depth of the sea, where the Eldridge lay, Deus remained in this form for 10000 years.
After the truth is known, and it is destroyed by Fei and the others, this phase of its
development is over and it goes to the 2nd phase.


2nd Grade Period

Destroyed in Merkava, this portable form is Deus immediately before evolving into its adult
phase. The substance is hidden in the whirling looking shell.


Teraforming Body

Once this structure reached its final stage, it unified with the planet through teraforming.
Inside, Deus evolved into its adult or final stage.


Page 71

| |
| |
| ========= See |
| See | See | Figure |
| Figure | Figure | 71-3 |
| 71-1 | 71-2 | |
| | | |
| ========= |
| ================================= |
| | | |
| | | |
| | See | |
| | Figure | |
| | 71-4 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ================================= |
| ======================= |
| | See Figure 71-5 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ======================= |

Figure 71-1:

The universal biological performing system
Multiple structures have been packed into the biological electric brain Kadamony. Zohar was
developed to control System Deus, and is presumed to be close to it. The [access window] of
Zohar functionally controls the Deus System. It supplies Deus with its drive energy, which
is its main role and intention. When problems arise, logical performance inside are
performed. The internal element is divided into to main parts, the organism elelment and the
logical element. It decides itself which element will resolve and answer problems.

Figure 71-2:

| Internal Side Structure of Kadamony |
| |
| |
| Problem |
| Occurence |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| Logical Indefinite |
| Operation Operation |
| Bio. Element Bio. Element |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| It outputs the value which is the |
| result of calculating the 2 elements|
| ----------------------------------- |
| It receives the same calculation |
| simultaneously and discusses the |
| outputted answer, if different. |
| |

Figure 71-3:

The organism maintenence parent exists in the central part of Kadamony.

Figure 71-4:

| ================= |
| |After the | |
| |Eldridge crash | |
| | | |
| (A) | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | (G) | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ================== ====================== | | |
| | Before Connection| |Right before Eldridge | | | |
| | | |crash | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | (E) | | (F) | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| ================== ====================== ================= |
| (B) (C) (D) |


The biological element inside Kadamony divides into 3 regions, called the Persona, the Anima,
and the Animus. These devices do many things, including control of the Deus system, fulfillment
of orders, anaylsis weapon control of the subjugationobject, and power control for the entire
system. The biological element (persona, anima, animus) becomes independent and changes into
a 2 chamber logical operation element. The persona is biological, and human in form.
Construction was done by the basic program [Elehaym] and it has the personality of a human.
When Kadamony had a soft landing, Deus(Zohar) started the basic program of the central persona
element, namely, [Elehaym] and [System Hawwa].

(B): Kadamony starts the maintenece of other parts.

(C): Kadamony makes basic program [System Hawwa] start.

(D): Biological element maintenence program Kadamony[System Hawwa] is born.

|F | Kadamony |
|o | ======================== |
|rE| | biological element | |
|el| | ================== | |
|ie| | | parent | | |
|gm| | | A A | | |
|ne| | | n n | | |
| n| | | i i | | |
| t| | | m m | | |
| | | | a u | | |
| | | | s | | |
| | | ================== | |
| | ======================== |

|F | Kadamony |
|o | ======================== |
|rE| | biological element | |
|el| | ================== | |
|ie| | | parent | | |
|gm| | | A A PS | | |
|ne| | | n n rt | | |
| n| | | i i oa | | |
| t| | | m m gr | | |
| | | | a u rt | | |
| | | | s ai | | |
| | | | mn | | |
| | | | g | | |
| | | ================== | |
| | ======================== |


Figure 71-5:


Omega 1
The mainframe of Kadamony, or the main element -persona- [named Alpha 1] is Deus itself, which
was divided and transported, connecting in an accident and started to experiment. Omega 1
is the codename.

To make the Earth(Terra) change somehow. The biological weapon Deus teraforms until the
planet is embodied with itself. It makes the planet itself change and become a section of
its body. After Merkava was destroyed, Deus chooses another planet to teraform with.

Navigation Ship Eldridge
The Space Enterprise built this large size emigration ship. During experimentation the
military divides the reckless Deus System and puts it on this ship. The ship is divided into
the passenger section and the control section. All travel is controlled by the artificial
electric brain Razael.


Page 72

| |
| |
| ========= |
| | See | See Figure |
| | Figure | 72-3 |
| | 72-1 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ========= |
| |
| ========= |
| | See | |
| | Figure | |
| | 72-2 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ========= |
| ================================= |
| | | |
| | See Figure 72-4 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ================================= |

Figure 72-1:

| 1 You consider phenomenon as surface|
| |
| > |
| / |
| (A) / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| / Time Base |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| (B)\ |
| \ |
| > |
| The time base and phenomenon mix |
| vertically[point] is [present] |

(A): Physical shift of energy to higher rank

(B): Energy Phase distribution

Figure 72-2:

| 2 Possibility Phenomenon Model |
| |
| |
| > |
| / |
| / |
| / |
| / |
| / |
| / Time |
| / |
| / |
| / |
| / |
| |
| |
| The possibility phenomenon increases|

Figure 72-3:

//Not translated yet. Coming soon.

Figure 72-4:

//comic not translated yet


Page 73

| |
| |
| =========== ======= |
| | See | | | |
| | Figure | |See | |
| | 73-1 | |Figure | |
| | | |73-3 | |
| | | | | |
| =========== | | |
| | | |
| ======================= | | |
| | || | |
| | See Figure 73-2 || | |
| | || | |
| | || | |
| | || | |
| ======================= ======= |
| ================================= |
| | | |
| | See Figure 73-4 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ================================= |

Figure 73-1:

| 3 Tilting the Time Base | Entire Possibility (=1) |
| Possibility Sum Total (=1) | |
| ^ ====================== | / \ |
| | | | | / \ \ |
| | | | | Time / \ \ |
| |T| | | / \/ |
| |i| | | / / |
| |m| | | / / |
| |e| | | / / |
| | | | | / / Absolute |
| |----------------------| | / / Objective Space|
| | | | | / / ----------------|
| | | | | \ / Absolute |
| | | | | \ \ / Objective Time |
| | | \ / |
| | \ / |
| | \ |
| | |
| | |
| The convenient phenomenon | |
| | It can tilt the possibilty aspect |

Figure 73-2:

Figure 73-3:


Energy Potential Displacement
Difference of energy level which changes at front and back of a certain displayed

Physical Energy Shifter Level 2
Among all masses of outer space, about which one has converted to energy? With the ratio which
is displayed.

Energy Phase Distribution
The energy (and the substance) has been distributed to which part of outer space? With the
deviation said is displayed.

As for the speed of light, its physicist Einstein's(1879-1955) important theory of physics
which is defined. Constant velocity motion and all physical laws must be displayed in the
same way.

Big Bang
The space beginning theory which assumes that outer space was born by a large explosion which
the scientist Gamofu lectured in 1954. It happened approx. 15 billion years ago.

Active Subject
When circumstances change, the person who is displayed to the person who is performing their

Thermodynamics 2nd law. The entropy of greek(change) is derived. Sense with respect to the
theory of heat which Claudius designates. The entropy, the heat that is displayed to a
certain extent, increases. Being expanded is used with information theories on life.

Zohar's Big Bang
When Zohar selects the phenomenon of probability, the possibility phenomenon is 0, which
continues to tilt the time base parallel, but...? The active time subject contains both
the beginning and the end of time, and if we assume that the possibility phenomenon is 0,
mass is created. This is the start of the 'Big Bang'.

Figure 73-4:

//comic not translated yet.


Page 74

| Intention of the Advanced Weapon |
| ================================= |
| | | |
| | | |
| | See | |
| | Figure | |
| | 74-1 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ================================= |
| ======================== |
| | | |
| See | See Figure | |
| Figure | 74-3 | |
| 74-2 | | |
| | | |
| ======================== |
| =============== |
| | See | |
| | Figure | |
| | 74-4 | |
| =============== |

Figure 74-1:

| Nature of the Slave Generator |
| |
| ============== ================= |
| | |---------------->| | |
| | See | request | See | |
| | (A) | | (B) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| ============== ================= |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| response |
| <---------------- |
| |
| |
| Slave /Built in Slave Generator Master/Zohar |
| |


The machine with the Slave Generator built in
When the energy decreases, the master(Zohar)is requested appropriate energy dynamically


Unlimited energy generator Zohar
The master of the slave, provides energy in the generator when the request is made.

Figure 74-2:

Energy information[reception] of the Slave Generator
Various energy output occurs from the phenomenon conversion system Zohar. The device that
receives this drive energy is the Slave Generator. Zohar is displayed here as the master, with
the Slave Generator as the slave.
The Slave Generator's energy tank capacity and charge resources are derived from Zohar. The
Slave Generator receives the appropriate energy from its requests to the master. The master then
provides the slave with the energy.
The notion thats important here is the energy rating appropriated. The master verifies the slave
through this. There are naturally no times where it would overload.
Being within a certain setting in the Slave Generator, the system that the drive is in (Gear)
cannot have an energy potential above its set rating. The functional upper limit has been
decided. However, with the addition of a semi-permanent drive, an additional energy rating is

Figure 74-3:

| Reaction value of the slave generator is changed |
| | |
| See | See |
| (A) | (B) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Normal Gear | Anima Relic + Gear |
| | |
| The expedient | The expedient The expedient |
| which interferes \ | which interferes which interferes|
| Slave Generator \ response | Slave Generator Anima Relic |
| \ \ | \ \ request/ / |
| request \ \ | response\ \ / / response |
| \ | \ \ / / |
| Zohar | \ \ / / |
| Rule | Zohar |
| | |


The Anima Relic is actualized as a single unit inside the domain of the Gear's connection
with Zohar. This bears the role of the Animus, which is seperated by the self recovery
program of the domain, adjusting to molten as a core of the movement terminal of Zohar.


By adapting by fusing, it is possible to gain more powerful access to Zohar. The rated
capacity of the Slave Generator, which is an internal organ of the Gear, and the Gear itself
sees a raise in its abilities.

Figure 74-4:


Decides the ability level rating of the Slave Generator, set by Zohar. Regular Government
officials are unable to effect this. In the game, Grahf is the only official able to raise the
ability of his Gear.

The theory that the physicist Haygens had back in 1678, on the basis of the wave theory of light.
The existence of this was later denied in 1905. Einstein, on the basis of relativity used the
chemical compound R-O-R where the hydrocarbon radical abbreviation 2 of the compound ethyl ether
connects with the oxygen atom... The notion that it may not exist is disregarding in the RPG
world of the game.


Page 75

| See See |
| Figure Figure |
| 75-1 75-2 |
| |
| |
| |
| ========= SF7 |
| See See | |ei5 |
| Figure Figure | |eg| |
| 75-3 75-4 | | u5 |
| | | r |
| | | e |
| ========= |
| ================================= |
| | | |
| | See | |
| | Figure | |
| | 75-6 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ================================= |

Figure 75-1:

Normal Gear
Because its a production model, the slave generator's capacity is low. The potential is low
compared to an Omnigear.

Figure 75-2:

It materializes and converts the energy [ether]
A similar relationship to the Zohar-S.Gene is the ability of a person to use ether. Similar
to the slave generator of a Gear, it allows a person to get abilities through direct
communication with Zohar. Its strictly during the phenomenon conversion from Zohar to the Slave
Generator that the energy occurs. Ether is drawn from Zohar's ability to convert the remote
image of that person. Hawwa does not have a limitation in her ether potential rating. Fei,
Grahf, etc... and Id, who can destroy a Gear with his bare hands, don't have a limit either.
But outside of these produced from Kadamony(Animus) ether potential in a person is always low.

Figure 75-3:

As for the Anima Relic [False Zohar], its an assistant basis of the unstable Zohar, which was
designed for use before -persona- loads. As for the Animus, if anything other than the Anima,
is the weapon control element. Originally there was no emission function(use) of the Zohar-like
Anima. However, the Animus has started to appear through generations.

Figure 75-4:

The Anima and the Animus(person) form on one side of Kadamony. They form the core of the
anti-business terminal of Deus and detach when in function. The Anima are false Zohars that
when combined with the Animus makes the normal Gear much more powerful.

Figure 75-5:

Even within the raw human body, mighty power can be obtained from Zohar.

Figure 75-6:

//the comic here has not been translated yet. Coming soon.


Page 76

| |
| The power that opposes Deus |
| Nanotechnology |
| ============== |
| | | ---------- |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | see | | weltall2 | |
| | figure 76-1 | | pic | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | ---------- |
| | | / |
| ============== / |
| ======== |
| | figure | |
| | 76-2 | |
| ========== ======== |
| | | |
| | see | |
| | figure 76-3 | |
| | | |
| ============= |

Figure 76-1:

10,000,000,000 portion of a substance/infitedecimal stage technology

Applying the skill on an extended line of micromachines creates robots of microsize. With
'magic hands', people can make devices smaller and smaller. After this distance is worked out
and a satisfactory product is returned, the production of a device that handles minute substances
is possible. The small robot assembly has begun. Therefore, the advantage of making the robot
through this program becomes clear. This advanced theory was put forth by government officials
who applyed the phenomenon on layers of proteins made through robots.
The idea of the nanomachine was first brought up by K.Eric Dureksura, a student at MIT. The
nanomachine was created for use in the human body which could dissassemble bacteria for example,
due to its highly advanced program. In addition, the program allows the nanomachines to
dissassemble themselves and be absorbed by the body when their function is finished.
Nanomachines are used in this way for restorative purposes. We may not know for sure if a human
itself is nothing more than a collection of nanomachine colonies.
At the size of 10,000,000,000 of a portion, nanomachines can be used for rearranging molecules,
essentially making their creator a God. Nanotechnology is a superskill that can eliminate all
physical problems.

Figure 76-2:

Weltall 2

Nanotechnology produced this unique state of Weltall. System Id(the gear's special ability) is
a hidden function, designed in such a way that it magnifies the Gear's power.

Figure 76-3:

| A Nanometer's connection to which items? |
| |
| Reduction |
| -----------------------------------------------------------------> |
| |
| |
| P |
| E C |
| R \ H CB |
| S \ I \ OA |
| O \ S \ LC \ s |
| N \ E \ OI \ m |
| \ L \ NL \ a |
| a \ \ L \ l |
| p \ a \ U \ l |
| p \ p \ S \ e |
| r p \ \ s |
| o r a \ t |
| x o p |
| . x p e |
| . r x |
| o t |
| x e |
| . n |
| t |
| |


Page 77

| ======== |
| See | See | |
| Figure | Figure | |
| 77-1 | 77-3 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| See | | |
| Figure | | |
| 77-2 | | |
| ======== |
| |
| |
| |
| See |
| Figure |
| 77-4 |
| |
| ================================= |
| | | |
| | See Figure 77-5 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ================================= |

Figure 77-1:

Nanoassemblers and Nanodissassemblers

As for the organic weapon Deus, it can recover itself with help from its interal nanomachines.
Because of this, damage done in battle can be recovered instantaneously. Nanomachines used for
self recovery are called nanoassemblers, which create new substances by rearranging the atom, or
the part of the body that is damaged. This enabled complete recovery. Assuming the atom was
lost temporarily, a nanoassembler can recover it. The opposing factor is the nanodissassembler.
This is used to destroy the assembler, out of fear that the nanomachines could become reckless
without a task. The dissassembler is able to destroy the assembler in purpose. In the case
of using the nanodissassemblers on the nanoassemblers in Deus, the self recovery function can
be negated, which will allow actual damage to be done to Deus.

Figure 77-2:

The life support system that parented Emeralda was made for the purpose of repairing the human
body at the molecular level.

Figure 77-3:


Path of Sephirot
The phenomenon conversion system Zohar selects the probability phenomenon and the 0 possibility
phenomonon, and tilts space halfway, making the time base half parallel. This allows a link
with an existence from a higher dimension. At that time, the contact point between the boundary
of existence in our space, and the higher order space is called the Path of Sephirot. This is
where God is contacted and appears with the image of water (for example, when Fei makes contact
with the Wave Existence).

Soylent System
The biological weapon Deus uses the organisms produced through this to restore its body. It
dissassembles the device in order to reuse the materials. The materials created from this are
also used for constructing the Seraphs of Merkava.

Figure 77-4:

The girl produced by nanomachines, all organs formed by them at the molecular level.
Metamorphosis is enabled to produce the girl's final form.

Figure 77-5:

The Danger of considering Nanotechnology
The human body is comprised of DNA which administers hereditary information. DNA exists in the
nuclear acid of the nucleus. The gene itself remembers the organism's info. It is duplicated
during cell division. As for the mechanism of hereditary of the living thing, it is fixed by
base arrangement in the phosphoric acid and deoxyribase sugar. Well, if the nanomachine can be
active within the atomic structure of the DNA, can a fearful possiblity come to be? Like the
scientist Kim of Zeboim found, you can obtain the individual cell of a person with mutual
compensation. This enables the creation of nanocolonies. Through this concept, the first
artificial lifeform, Emeralda, was created. What will become of a person in the case that
the military used nanomachines to install the lack of rebellion at the hereditary level? The
control of the endogeneous forming substance in teh brain can be made to depend on nanomachines.
Solaris had a program that administered the limiter through hereditary on terrestrial people.
Furthermore, faithfullness becomes complete, making people into puppets. People lose their
individuality due to this. This has been a fear of the subject from the beginning. If we assume
the nanomachine limiter is administered to offspring artificially, instinct and shackles in the
mind are installed.

F. Gear

Page 143

-nothing to translate-


Page 144

| |
| Xenogears |
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G. Character

Page 174

| |
| See |
| Figure |
| 174-1 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| The original crime - Emperor's |
| Intentions |
| |
| |
| See See See |
| Figure Figure Figure |
| 174-2 174-3 171-4 |
| |
| |
| |
| Present See See |
| Figure Figure |
| 174-5 174-6 |
| |
| |
| |

Figure 174-1:

The highest leader of Solaris. Along with the Gazel Ministry, he is born from Kadamony and is
one of the original 13 humans still alive today. The skull-like face is a mask. In the game
he doesn't appear without it until his death. He and the Ministry are able to sway public
opinion towards him and create relief. In order to ascertain Fei's power as the contact, Cain
sent Citan to watch him.

Figure 174-2:

100 years ago (beginning)

Figure 174-3:

"Founder" of Beginning Age
13 people are born from Miang including Cain and the organic Animus prompt (Gazel Ministry).
The population increased rapidly through propogation.
The original 12 and Cain managed and controlled the people. Eventually, Cain spread the word
of a 'God' in order to control the people more easily. (The Mother) Miang, supports this.
Cain manages the people, transmitting Miang's fabrication. (From this, the legend of God first

Figure 174-4:

Opposition of Abel
Cain's false beliefs are spread to the people, who consciously believe it. Abel eventually rises
in opposition to it. Details of the opposition are not clear, but 'free will' was evident in
Abel, who does not want to revive Deus like Cain. In addition, Abel was united with Elehaym,
who was similar to the High Nisan Priest Sophia. Because of this, Cain plans to kill Abel. Cain
is forced to eliminate Elly to accomplish his plan. Elehaym dies as a result. Elehaym was part
of the original 'Mother'. Cain's views on humanity are forever changed likely due to this

Figure 174-5:

Immortal Flesh
Cain was destined to have absolute power along with the Animus until the revival of Deus.
However, this power is weakening due to his age and bodily harm. Cain's immortal existence
eventually becomes an obstacle to Krelian and the Gazel. Cain offers his suffering body to
research processes, bringing his flesh to the limit. Krelian is able to prolong his life
and increases his power because of it.

Figure 174-6:

The Emperor as a normal person
600 years after Solaris was founded, Cain was still viewed as an absolute monarch. But behind
the scenes, Cain's anxiety enables him to be easily manipulated by the Gazel Ministry and
Cain's power in country matters are transferred to the Gazel and Krelian. This shows how Cain
can be politically restrained by many people. His power and elongation of life do nothing to
assist him in this aspect. This is because his crime greatly influenced his character.


Page 175

| Aspiration of person - |
| Expectation of "Anonelbe"|
| |
| See See |
| Figure Figure |
| 175-1 175-2 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| See |
| Figure |
| 175-3 |
| |
| Gazel Ministry |
| See See See |
| Figure Figure Figure |
| 175-4 175-5 175-6 |
| |
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| |

Figure 175-1:

Anonelbe is the person born in this world who will lead all to God's paradise. Cain interprets
this to mean that the contact Fei, who has powers of both relief and destruction, is the
The person who is released from the spell of the Deus System, the contact, is Anonelbe. But
will he bring relief or destruction? Cain tried to ascertain the power of the contact. This
causes relief, and he entrusts things to him. If destruction comes, the existence will be
freed and people will fall in ruin. Cain would accept this as punishment for his crimes.

Figure 175-2:

Life of Citan
For Cain to ascertain Fei's ability as the contact, the Guardian Angel Hyuga(Citan) watches
over him. Id is sealed, but since there's a possibility that he can awaken, Hyuga is sent to
the surface. Citan often reports the state of Fei to Cain. Citans information brings relief to
Cain, who thinks Fei is Anonelbe. He decides that everything will be entrusted to the contact.

Figure 175-3:

It is the Animus, the 12 member senate that rules Solaris. Four of them died in the great war
500 years ago. The rest died soon after in the "Days of Destruction" but were revived by Krelian
as memory data on a computer. Their ambition is to revive Deus and expand their authority to
other planets. It order to regain their "fleshly bodies", the people who can align with the
Anima Relics are searched for.

Figure 175-4:

Time of the Gospel
The Gazel Ministry have anticipated the Time of the Gospel as the time when Deus enters its
final recovery program stage. The Gaetia Key(which was held by the Ministry) is activated in
order to mutate the people and hasten Deus's recovery. This is blocked by Cain, but his murder
enables the Ministry to activate it. The Time of the Gospel is at hand and enables Deus to get
the material that will help him revive.

Figure 175-5:

-Names of the Ministers-
Presently, 8 of the named Ministry members remain. Correspondence with their personality is


Figure 175-6:

-Anima Relics-

Dan - It aligns with a land dweller
Joseph - It aligns with a land dweller
Gad - It aligns with a land dweller
Asher - It aligns with Hyuga
Zebulun - It aligns with Ramsus
Judah - 500 years ago, it aligned with Krelian
Dinah - 500 years ago, it aligned with Sophia
Reuben - 500 years ago, it aligned with a Ministry member
Simeon - 500 years ago, it aligned with a Ministry member
Levi - 500 years ago, it aligned with a Ministry member
Issacher - 500 years ago, it aligned with a Ministry member
Naphtali - 500 years ago, it aligned with Grahf


Page 177

| |
| See See See |
| Figure Figure Figure |
| 177-1 177-2 177-3 |
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| See See |
| Figure Figure |
| 177-4 177-5 |
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| ================================= |
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| | See | |
| | Figure | |
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| ================================= |
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Figure 177-1:
Figure 177-2:

She has earth abilities. She excels and does what Elly does not try. She has envious feelings
and is irritated with Elly. She holds the strongest feelings for Ramsus.

Figure 177-3:

She has water abilities. She is calm and composed as she carries out her missions. Her ether
ability is so high that she has to keep her eyes closed. She was Elly's roommate in Jugend.

Figure 177-4:

She has wind abilities. She has been converted to 90% cyborg, and various weapons are
equipped on her due to this. The reason and purpose for this is unclear.

Figure 177-5:

She has fire abilities. She was a member of a sub-race that was destroyed and put in the
Soylent System. Ramsus rescued her, along with the other 3, and was entrusted as their leader.

Figure 177-6:

|Gebler Special Forces |
| |
| (A) (C) (D) (E) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| (F) (G) |
| |
| (B) |
| |
| (H) ---- Vanderkaum's Fleet --------- |
| |
| (I) |
| |
| ------------------------ In addition ------------------------------ |
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| (J) |
| |
| |
| |



He fights with pride as captain of the Special Forces Unit. He pilots Wandknight.


He is a light, cold hearted companion who trusts few. He is an expert at the art of shooting.
He pilots Swordknight.


He is calm and composed, superior in the appreciation of his ability. He pilots Wandknight.


Despite his giant figure and marvelous strength he actually has a gentle personality. But when
he gets excited, this distinction dissappears. He pilots Aegisknight.


There is a tendency with the youngest member to be a narcissist. He pilots Clawknight.


Originally the commander in Aveh, he is demoted to border guard. His obsession with large
naval guns eventually results in his demise.


Koksa - He's on the aeronautical staff of the Kefeinzel. Vanderkaum throws him out for
Hochi - A member of the Kefeinzel's gunnery staff.
Von Hipper - The secondary admiral who leads the 2nd fleet.


Samson - The youth who looks a lot like Timothy. He helps Fei escape from the 3rd class level,
but dies.
Kenlen - Assistant of Krelian who is fused with a gear. He has a foul politeness.
DK1200 - Assistant of Krelian who is fused with a gear. He has little character.
Carlin Becker - The boy who lived in the 2nd class section of Solaris and was murdered by
Ramsus, who took his body.


Page 191

| |
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| ======== --------------------- |
| | See | See Figure 191-2 |
| |Figure | |
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| ======== |
| See See --------- |
| Figure Figure See |
| 191-3 191-4 Figure |
| 191-5 |
| ---------- |
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| See Figure |
| 191-6 |
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Figure 191-1:

34 Years Ago: Jessie is born in Solaris. His parents are Abraham and Maria Blanche.
21 Years Ago (13 Years Old): Jessie enters the Jugend school.
16 Years Ago (18 Years Old): Racquel is pregnant. Billy is born later that year.
9 Years Ago (25 Years Old): Jessie is given command of Gebler, but leaves Solaris. He settles
in a quiet area, an island where the Orphanage stands today.
7 Years Ago (27 Years Old): Gaspar and Jessie meet in the 3rd level of Shevat and plan their
strategy. Jessie participates with Shevat's ground troops. Gebler starts posting bases on the
surface. Jessie gets a Buntline Gear.
6 Years Ago (28 Years Old): Jessie permamently leaves his home.
5 Years Ago (29 Years Old): Jessie works with Joshua Black in Shevat. After his death, Jessie
has his face surgically altered to look like him.
2 Years Ago (32 Years Old): Jessie comes back to the surface and stays in what becomes the
Present (34 Years Old): Jessie continues to contact Shevat while living on the surface.

Figure 191-2:

Jessie Black (Jesiah Blanche)
The father of Billy is a man with terrible burns on both cheeks. His trenchcoat hides his body
and the holster where his Godfather-class weapon is held. Since returning to Billy about a
year ago in his fraudulent condition, he often gets Billy in trouble.
The real name of Billy's father is Jesiah Blanche. He graduated in Solaris, where Billy was
born to his wife. He entered the Jugend, and had a good record, which caused rumors of him
becoming the next leader of Gebler to surface. But Jesiah was defiant and started having doubts
about Solaris. During the Jugend period, Jesiah married Racquel and Billy was born. After
this he started investigating the truth about the 'M Plan'. When the truth became clear, he
fled Solaris with his family.

Figure 191-3:

Solaris Age
Jessie encountered Ramsus in Jugend, who also disliked the way things were run in Solaris.
They start the Elements Group soon after and join with Hyuga & Sigurd, who had similar feelings
about Solaris's discrimanatory policies. They had hoped to deviate from the methods of
discrimination. After learning about the M Plan, he leaves Solaris. This formed the basis
of his investigations into Solaris, and the search for Maria & Seibzehn on the ground.

Figure 191-4:

Jessie's Real Intentions
The dissappearance of Jesiah, which was actually a last minute arrangement with Racquel, is an
abrubt occurence for Billy. Jesiah supports Gaspar in leading Shevat's 3rd invasion terrestrial
guerilla forces. They are able to capture the Buntline Gear from the terrestrial Gebler base,
enraging them but not resulting in any action taken against Shevat. Jesiah fears an attack
from Solaris and is on the run for the next year, causing him to be seperated from his family.
He keeps contact with Shevat every place he goes.

Figure 191-5:

Jesiah before the Surgery
Jessie meets the Shevat agent Joshua Black and they work together. Joshua tries to find the
real intention of Jesiah, but dies in Shevat during a Solaris attack. After this, Jesiah
takes on Joshua's appearance through surgery, even down to his fingerprints, and receives
considerable benefits from his false identity. Three years later he returns to his son Billy,
who has trouble remembering his father who looks so different.

Figure 191-6:

Church - Orphanage

Bishop Stone
Autonym of Stone[Bishop of the 'Ethos'] who is a kind priest in public. He was in Jugend at the
same time as Jessie and desired Racquel as well. Jessie's marriage to her created a grudge,
which eventually caused Stone to murder her.
Verlaine -- An etone, who is actually a member of Solaris's assasination unit.
Pontiff -- The head of the 'Ethos'. Shakhan held this position at one time.
Davy -- The boy who likes the flying saucer
Bubi -- The boy running around outside the fence.

H. Drama
I. Gallery

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J. Other


III. Discussion



D. Monster Section


This section is basically a study of most of the non-human monsters you battle during the game
(it does not include the Solaris Soldiers, Aveh Soldiers, tournament fighters, etc...). The
monsters are split into 4 main sections: Ocean, Desert, Forest/Prairie, and other. Here are
the small bios on the creatures, split up into the appropriate environments.


It has 2 enormous tentacles on the left and right. By absorbing ions in the water, it is
able to generate electricity and discharge it in attacks. The other tentacles are used when
eating, to get food into the mouth.

This creature dwells in the small orphan island of the sea deep within the rocks. Its good
vision enables it to view threats from kilometers away. It also has super speed, up to 1000
kilometers per hour.

These flying fish like creatures are from the deep sea. Its empty head in the body of the
primitive Pisces is similar to a human's.


This plant like monster seeks water. The nutrients from the water enable its movements. It
usually can use the supply of water it consumes for up to half a year.

Sand Shark
The origin of this Chondrichthyes like creature is a creature who lived on the earth and
gained the ability to dive through the sand with its sharp, hard head which lets it shovel
through the sand. It has a heart-lung function and degenerate eyes.

This kind of insectibrous plant evolved and reached the point where it can move. Its digestion
is secreted with strong acidity.

This small race of women fighters appear in the Aquvy area. When left alone, they do not seem
so strong, but they are professional hunters.

These fossil like creatures leave their ancient form and live. There were times when it could
fly, but its wings have degenerated into a forelimb. With the hind leg's departure, walking
upright has become possible.


This high sight seeing creature takes time to let you show yourself. It understands the mind
and conduct of humans. It might have originated this from its time as a domesticated pet.

[Suitable name for someone who leaps] It moves gently due to the jumping ability enabled by
its 2 long, strong legs. A gentle, cowardly creature, it eats grass and shrubs.

This monster is a subspecies of the wolf. Its a mammilian type with raw motion in large
groups. Its heel legs provide a strong weapon.

Forest Elf
The sub-race that inhabits the forest. It lives in the woods, moving freely on the branches.
Its grappling skills become clear even when attacking.

Rankar Dragon
Its prey is defeated with its strong tail. This creature is the strongest of the remaining
meat eating dinosaurs. It has power in this environment, but verges to the crisis of

This race of little people hunt proudly with a bow and arrow. It has the ability to jump high
due to its legs, and can hide easier due to its small size.

Swinging a primitive club, this creature is acustomed to attacking with it. Its intelligence
isn't very good, but it imitates humans proudly.

This experimental creature of Solaris appears in the snowfields after Deus teraforms. Its
structure and intelligence is low, along with its degenerated eyes and mouth.

Croaker Tribe
A subspecies of Tokage, this is a reptilian monster. Its highly evolved, with an
individualized culture and clothes draped from its member's bodies.

This mammal of a vegetarian diet has a sharp tusk. Its entire body is covered with a hard
skin, giving it high defensive ability. There is a relationship of interest between it and
the bird on its back.

This is an alpine plant of the Chrysanthemum which grew enormous in the rocky mountains.
It started eating meat and changed into a monster, but when it lacks proper nutrition it can
still use photosynthesis.

Sufal Person
[The form of the person from Merkava] transfigured. Its molecular changes is a burden to its
life, resulting in a short lifespan. They seek the blood of healthy people.


This enormous sand earthworm inhabits the desert zone. Usually its in the sand due to its
special skin, but sometimes it goes astray to attack. It inhales the bodily fluids of the pray
where the water is scarse. It is able to reach its point with its sharp bill.

The mushroom of the Basidiomycetes[the hammer] unites with an astroid structure through
evolution to form this creature. The tube foot of the astroid part enables it to move, and
absorb bodily fluids of its prey. It inhabits the dark habitat of the forest and when
captured is used for food.

The head absorbs ether with the tentacles in its hair, restored by your own energy. The lower
half of the body has a cartilaginous like thorned back

It has a hard husk similar to the Oumugai. Its lungs are in its head, which is structured
similar to a human's. It possesses a poison storing organ in its tail.

Rotten(Rotten Sod)
This kind of creature was produced by stopping the growth of it while still an embryo in its
parent's womb. The physical strength of its prey is absorbed by holding through a presumption
of its parent.

A excellently powerful rat. It is active in the darkness, which can cause confusion. It can
also shoot out an ultra-wave.

(Armored Bugs)
It is covered by a hard husk since it was a larvae. By the time of pupua, it emerges in this
structure. It attacks be secreting acid through its mouth.

This creature, a subspecies of the alligator which had its genes manipulated, attacks with its
tough tail. Its forelimbs and eyes are degenerated, but it has nimble movement.

This subspecies of Chondrichthyes adapt to the non-water environment. They usually hide, but
possess a tail which can absorb the ether power of its prey.

True to its name, this creature designates the eticate of the person as its energy source. This
mechanism enables the creature to lack the typical predictable habits. They live in the Shevat
shafts due to the protection.

At one time, these monsters were frozen in carbonite in Shevat. Its ability to convert
grudge enables it to break out of its restrained state with its tough power.

A homicidal maniac who inhabits the Kislev Sewers. It used to be human, but it was operated/
mutated into this appearance. The name reminds of its time as a human.

This fearful kind of monster is similar to a Gimick and inhabits the shafts of Shevat with its
homicidal behavior. It always takes 2 bodies to act cooperatively.


E. Science Section



Deus is split into 4 basic regions: The main attack body (the turtle like thing you fight in
Mahanon); Zohar, the power source; Kadamony, the brain; and Merkava, the transport.

The main body of Deus had 3 seperate evolution stages. The first was when it appeared on the
Eldridge 10000 years ago. This form remained when Fei and the others arrived at Mahanon and
it was destroyed. The second stage of its evolution appeared in Merkava as a white, multi-eyed
being when Fei and the others arrived. This form too was soon destroyed. When Merkava went
down, a bizarre structure rose from the wreckage. Deep inside, Deus evolved to its final form,
the form you fight at the end of the game. Deus is able to tap into 100% of the power that
Zohar has, and has restorative abilities due to its ingrained nanomachines.

Zohar is the power source of the entire Deus System, providing appropriate drive energy not
only to Deus and Merkava when requested, but also to Gears and even people. The energy goes
to the slave generators in the gears, which enable the Gear's operation. When a person wants
to use his ether power (although only the Animus have adequate ether ability) Zohar provides
the appropriate energy immediately.

Kadamony is essentially the brain of the entire system. It is split into 2 parts, the logical
or computer part, and the biological part. The biological part includes person (aka the
original Elly/Miang), the Anima and the Animus. When Deus crashed on the planet, Kadamony
had a soft landing and was able to continue to activate effectively (outside of the seperated
Anima). -System Hawwa- was started, which produced the woman you see in the intro movie.
Eventually the Animus were spawned as well.

Merkava is used for transporting the rest of the Deus System. It is protected by an army
of Seraphs, angelic creatures with immense power. The Seraphs are actually created out of
living creatures absorbed into Merkava.

The entire system together is called the Deus System (Yabeh in the american release).


Nanomachines are tiny robots that are at the 1/10 billionth size scale. Because they're so
small, they're able to work at the molecular level and are able to reconstruct living matter
at the smallest level. The nanomachines that do this are called nanoassemblers. Among other
things, these assemblers enable Deus to recover all damage done to it immediately. Another
type of nanomachine is the dissassemblers, which are used to cancel out the effect of the
nanoassemblers. These, installed in the Gears late in the game, cancel out Deus's instantaneous
healing power.

Nanomachines can also be used to install certain thoughts into people. Solaris used these
nanomachines to create the -limiters- installed in all the terrestrial humans. Among other
things, these prevented people from having rebellious thoughts against Solaris. This is one
of the dangers of nanomachine technology because it can be used to control people's thoughts
to a certain extent.

Various other things nanomachines were used for include the creation of Emeralda, and the
upgrade of Weltall into Weltall 2, which enabled it to use the special 'System Id' mode.


Navigation Starship
A spaceship which can move intergalacticly from star to star and travel to various solar

An illegal invasion(hack) is the behavior done when lots of data is obtained through a computer,
with the databank being destroyed when the hack is done.

Electronic Brain Central Kadamony
The computer Database which has control of the Malakh Angel. This mythical knowledge base is
actually artifical intelligence.

Phenomenon Conversion
The change of time is called the converting phenomenon. This is the unique ability that Zohar
has that allows it to contact other dimensions.

Controlled by Deus itself, these angel's true purpose is to defend Deus. The general term for
the group that is used with Merkava to defend Deus. The fuselage outputs 7 different attributes
including water, wind, earth, fire, etc...

Logical performing region
The system in the central computer that answers all arithmatic expressions. There is no time
when answering is led by all means.

Biological Element
The part of the computer that is actually a living being. The indespensible element is mentioned
above [indefinite operation].

Omega 1
The mainframe of Kadamony, or the main element -persona- [named Alpha 1] is Deus itself, which
was divided and transported, connecting in an accident and started to experiment. Omega 1
is the codename.

To make the Earth(Terra) change somehow. The biological weapon Deus teraforms until the
planet is embodied with itself. It makes the planet itself change and become a section of
its body. After Merkava was destroyed, Deus chooses another planet to teraform with.

Navigation Ship Eldridge
The Space Enterprise built this large size emigration ship. During experimentation the
military divides the reckless Deus System and puts it on this ship. The ship is divided into
the passenger section and the control section. All travel is controlled by the artificial
electric brain Razael.

Energy Potential Displacement
Difference of energy level which changes at front and back of a certain displayed

Physical Energy Shifter Level 2
Among all masses of outer space, about which one has converted to energy? With the ratio which
is displayed.

Energy Phase Distribution
The energy (and the substance) has been distributed to which part of outer space? With the
deviation said is displayed.

As for the speed of light, its physicist Einstein's(1879-1955) important theory of physics
which is defined. Constant velocity motion and all physical laws must be displayed in the
same way.

Big Bang
The space beginning theory which assumes that outer space was born by a large explosion which
the scientist Gamofu lectured in 1954. It happened approx. 15 billion years ago.

Active Subject
When circumstances change, the person who is displayed to the person who is performing their

Thermodynamics 2nd law. The entropy of greek(change) is derived. Sense with respect to the
theory of heat which Claudius designates. The entropy, the heat that is displayed to a
certain extent, increases. Being expanded is used with information theories on life.

Zohar's Big Bang
When Zohar selects the phenomenon of probability, the possibility phenomenon is 0, which
continues to tilt the time base parallel, but...? The active time subject contains both
the beginning and the end of time, and if we assume that the possibility phenomenon is 0,
mass is created. This is the start of the 'Big Bang'.

Decides the ability level rating of the Slave Generator, set by Zohar. Regular Government
officials are unable to effect this. In the game, Grahf is the only official able to raise the
ability of his Gear.

The theory that the physicist Haygens had back in 1678, on the basis of the wave theory of light.
The existence of this was later denied in 1905. Einstein, on the basis of relativity used the
chemical compound R-O-R where the hydrocarbon radical abbreviation 2 of the compound ethyl ether
connects with the oxygen atom... The notion that it may not exist is disregarding in the RPG
world of the game.

Path of Sephirot
The phenomenon conversion system Zohar selects the probability phenomenon and the 0 possibility
phenomonon, and tilts space halfway, making the time base half parallel. This allows a link
with an existence from a higher dimension. At that time, the contact point between the boundary
of existence in our space, and the higher order space is called the Path of Sephirot. This is
where God is contacted and appears with the image of water (for example, when Fei makes contact
with the Wave Existence).

Soylent System
The biological weapon Deus uses the organisms produced through this to restore its body. It
dissassembles the device in order to reuse the materials. The materials created from this are
also used for constructing the Seraphs of Merkava.


G. Character Section


This section is composed of biographies of all the characters in the game, even down to the
minor characters. They are in the order that they appear in the book.

Table of Contents(Character Section)
Emperor Cain
Gazel Ministry
- Anima Relic Information
Elements: Dominia
Gebler Special Forces
Mini Bios - Vanderkaum's Unit
Mini Bios - Solaris Citizens
Jessie Black
Bishop Stone
Mini Bios - 'Ethos'
Mini Bios - Orphanage

Emperor Cain

The highest leader of Solaris. Along with the Gazel Ministry, he is born from Kadamony and is
one of the original 13 humans still alive today. The skull-like face is a mask. In the game
he doesn't appear without it until his death. He and the Ministry are able to sway public
opinion towards him and create relief. In order to ascertain Fei's power as the contact, Cain
sent Citan to watch him.

"Founder" of Beginning Age
13 people are born from Miang including Cain and the organic Animus prompt (Gazel Ministry).
The population increased rapidly through propogation.
The original 12 and Cain managed and controlled the people. Eventually, Cain spread the word
of a 'God' in order to control the people more easily. (The Mother) Miang, supports this.
Cain manages the people, transmitting Miang's fabrication. (From this, the legend of God first

The Opposition of Abel
Cain's false beliefs are spread to the people, who consciously believe it. Abel eventually rises
in opposition to it. Details of the opposition are not clear, but 'free will' was evident in
Abel, who does not want to revive Deus like Cain. In addition, Abel was united with Elehaym,
who was similar to the High Nisan Priest Sophia. Because of this, Cain plans to kill Abel. Cain
is forced to eliminate Elly to accomplish his plan. Elehaym dies as a result. Elehaym was part
of the original 'Mother'. Cain's views on humanity are forever changed likely due to this

Immortal Flesh
Cain was destined to have absolute power along with the Animus until the revival of Deus.
However, this power is weakening due to his age and bodily harm. Cain's immortal existence
eventually becomes an obstacle to Krelian and the Gazel. Cain offers his suffering body to
research processes, bringing his flesh to the limit. Krelian is able to prolong his life
and increases his power because of it.

Present Political Power
600 years after Solaris was founded, Cain was still viewed as an absolute monarch. But behind
the scenes, Cain's anxiety enables him to be easily manipulated by the Gazel Ministry and
Cain's power in country matters are transferred to the Gazel and Krelian. This shows how Cain
can be politically restrained by many people. His power and elongation of life do nothing to
assist him in this aspect. This is because his crime greatly influenced his character.

Anonelbe is the person born in this world who will lead all to God's paradise. Cain interprets
this to mean that the contact Fei, who has powers of both relief and destruction, is the

The person who is released from the spell of the Deus System, the contact, is Anonelbe. But
will he bring relief or destruction? Cain tried to ascertain the power of the contact. This
causes relief, and he entrusts things to him. If destruction comes, the existence will be
freed and people will fall in ruin. Cain would accept this as punishment for his crimes.

For Cain to ascertain Fei's ability as the contact, the Guardian Angel Hyuga(Citan) watches
over him. Id is sealed, but since there's a possibility that he can awaken, Hyuga is sent to
the surface. Citan often reports the state of Fei to Cain. Citans information brings relief to
Cain, who thinks Fei is Anonelbe. He decides that everything will be entrusted to the contact.

The Gazel Ministry

It is the Animus, the 12 member senate that rules Solaris. Four of them died in the great war
500 years ago. The rest died soon after in the "Days of Destruction" but were revived by Krelian
as memory data on a computer. Their ambition is to revive Deus and expand their authority to
other planets. It order to regain their "fleshly bodies", the people who can align with the
Anima Relics are searched for.

Time of the Gospel
The Gazel Ministry have anticipated the Time of the Gospel as the time when Deus enters its
final recovery program stage. The Gaetia Key(which was held by the Ministry) is activated in
order to mutate the people and hasten Deus's recovery. This is blocked by Cain, but his murder
enables the Ministry to activate it. The Time of the Gospel is at hand and enables Deus to get
the material that will help him revive.

Names of the Ministers
Presently, 8 of the named Ministry members remain. Correspondence with their personality is


Anima Relics

Dan - It aligns with a land dweller
Joseph - It aligns with a land dweller
Gad - It aligns with a land dweller
Asher - It aligns with Hyuga
Zebulun - It aligns with Ramsus
Judah - 500 years ago, it aligned with Krelian
Dinah - 500 years ago, it aligned with Sophia
Reuben - 500 years ago, it aligned with a Ministry member
Simeon - 500 years ago, it aligned with a Ministry member
Levi - 500 years ago, it aligned with a Ministry member
Issacher - 500 years ago, it aligned with a Ministry member
Naphtali - 500 years ago, it aligned with Grahf


Unfortunately there's very little information about the Elements, atleast in the character
section. Not even a full paragraph for each, just little blurbs.

She has earth abilities. She excels and does what Elly does not try. She has envious feelings
and is irritated with Elly. She holds the strongest feelings for Ramsus.

She has water abilities. She is calm and composed as she carries out her missions. Her ether
ability is so high that she has to keep her eyes closed. She was Elly's roommate in Jugend.

She has wind abilities. She has been converted to 90% cyborg, and various weapons are
equipped on her due to this. The reason and purpose for this is unclear.

She has fire abilities. She was a member of a sub-race that was destroyed and put in the
Soylent System. Ramsus rescued her, along with the other 3, and was entrusted as their leader.

Gebler Special Forces

He fights with pride as captain of the Special Forces Unit. He pilots Wandknight.

He is a light, cold hearted companion who trusts few. He is an expert at the art of shooting.
He pilots Swordknight.

He is calm and composed, superior in the appreciation of his ability. He pilots Wandknight.

Despite his giant figure and marvelous strength he actually has a gentle personality. But when
he gets excited, this distinction dissappears. He pilots Aegisknight.

There is a tendency with the youngest member to be a narcissist. He pilots Clawknight.


Originally the commander in Aveh, he is demoted to border guard. His obsession with large
naval guns eventually results in his demise.

mini bios for Vanderkaum's Unit

Koksa - He's on the aeronautical staff of the Kefeinzel. Vanderkaum throws him out for
Hochi - A member of the Kefeinzel's gunnery staff.
Von Hipper - The secondary admiral who leads the 2nd fleet.


mini bios for Solaris citizens:

Samson - The youth who looks a lot like Timothy. He helps Fei escape from the 3rd class level,
but dies.
Kenlen - Assistant of Krelian who is fused with a gear. He has a foul politeness.
DK1200 - Assistant of Krelian who is fused with a gear. He has little character.
Carlin Becker - The boy who lived in the 2nd class section of Solaris and was murdered by
Ramsus, who took his body.


Jessie Black (Jesiah Blanche)
The father of Billy is a man with terrible burns on both cheeks. His trenchcoat hides his body
and the holster where his Godfather-class weapon is held. Since returning to Billy about a
year ago in his fraudulent condition, he often gets Billy in trouble.
The real name of Billy's father is Jesiah Blanche. He graduated in Solaris, where Billy was
born to his wife. He entered the Jugend, and had a good record, which caused rumors of him
becoming the next leader of Gebler to surface. But Jesiah was defiant and started having doubts
about Solaris. During the Jugend period, Jesiah married Racquel and Billy was born. After
this he started investigating the truth about the 'M Plan'. When the truth became clear, he
fled Solaris with his family.

-Solaris Age
Jessie encountered Ramsus in Jugend, who also disliked the way things were run in Solaris.
They start the Elements Group soon after and join with Hyuga & Sigurd, who had similar feelings
about Solaris's discrimanatory policies. They had hoped to deviate from the methods of
discrimination. After learning about the M Plan, he leaves Solaris. This formed the basis
of his investigations into Solaris, and the search for Maria & Seibzehn on the ground.

-Jessie's Real Intentions
The dissappearance of Jesiah, which was actually a last minute arrangement with Racquel, is an
abrubt occurence for Billy. Jesiah supports Gaspar in leading Shevat's 3rd invasion terrestrial
guerilla forces. They are able to capture the Buntline Gear from the terrestrial Gebler base,
enraging them but not resulting in any action taken against Shevat. Jesiah fears an attack
from Solaris and is on the run for the next year, causing him to be seperated from his family.
He keeps contact with Shevat every place he goes.

-Jesiah before the Surgery
Jessie meets the Shevat agent Joshua Black and they work together. Joshua tries to find the
real intention of Jesiah, but dies in Shevat during a Solaris attack. After this, Jesiah
takes on Joshua's appearance through surgery, even down to his fingerprints, and receives
considerable benefits from his false identity. Three years later he returns to his son Billy,
who has trouble remembering his father who looks so different.

-Jessie's Character Timeline
34 Years Ago: Jessie is born in Solaris. His parents are Abraham and Maria Blanche.
21 Years Ago (13 Years Old): Jessie enters the Jugend school.
16 Years Ago (18 Years Old): Racquel is pregnant. Billy is born later that year.
9 Years Ago (25 Years Old): Jessie is given command of Gebler, but leaves Solaris. He settles
in a quiet area, an island where the Orphanage stands today.
7 Years Ago (27 Years Old): Gaspar and Jessie meet in the 3rd level of Shevat and plan their
strategy. Jessie participates with Shevat's ground troops. Gebler starts posting bases on the
surface. Jessie gets a Buntline Gear.
6 Years Ago (28 Years Old): Jessie permamently leaves his home.
5 Years Ago (29 Years Old): Jessie works with Joshua Black in Shevat. After his death, Jessie
has his face surgically altered to look like him.
2 Years Ago (32 Years Old): Jessie comes back to the surface and stays in what becomes the
Present (34 Years Old): Jessie continues to contact Shevat while living on the surface.

Bishop Stone
Autonym of Stone[Bishop of the 'Ethos'] who is a kind priest in public. He was in Jugend at the
same time as Jessie and desired Racquel as well. Jessie's marriage to her created a grudge,
which eventually caused Stone to murder her.

=mini bios for 'Ethos' members=
An etone, who is actually a member of Solaris's assasination unit.
The head of the 'Ethos'. Shakhan held this position at one time.

=mini bios for Orphanage children=

The boy who likes the flying saucer
The boy running around outside the fence.



IV. FAQ and Notes


Can I email you suggestions/corrections/comments?

Sure! All comments are welcome. Email me at bshea@mybluelight.com

Why isn't _____ section translated yet?

I simply haven't done that section yet. I'm working on sections one at a time, in an order at
my discretion. There's no set timetable for when a specific section will be translated, when
I'm finished, it'll go up, as simple as that.

Where can I get Perfect Works?

Try various japanese book distributers online. I got the book nearly 2 years ago, and the place
I got it from no longer supplies them, so I'm not of much help here.

How rare exactly is this book?

A few years ago, before the book became really well known, it was quite rare. Very few had it,
it took me months just to find a place that I could import it from. Since then Digicube has
gone back and done a reprinting. Not only is it much easier to find now (well atleast compared
to a few years ago) but it also is a lot cheaper. I spent over a hundred dollars getting mine,
don't be surprised if you can find it for only fifty dollars today.

How did you translate the book?

Using my own knowledge of Kanji/Kana, and the assistance of various online programs/translators
I was able to translate the book.

Will you teach me Japanese?



V. Disclaimers and Thanks


The copyright for Xenogears: Perfect Works belongs to Squaresoft and Digicube. Nothing illegal
was intended when making this FAQ.
These translations are done to the best of my knowledge, but THE POSSIBILITY THAT THERE ARE
Feel free to use any information here, but I'd appreciate it if you rewrote it in your own
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Perfect Works FAQ and Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Item FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Strategie FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Letzter Boss.

16.Oktober 2013
The Complete Script Part 2

17.Oktober 2013
Bosses FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Boss Strategy FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Deathblow FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

18.Oktober 2013
Debug Guide FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Caminata FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ 2
04.Mai 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +9 Trainer für die US Version

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008
FAQ und Lösung
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020