

16.10.2013 11:54:59

A Guide to the RPS Badge

by Kuro Madoushi
Version 1.1
Completed 5/20/01


for use with the Sony Playstation

LEGAL NOTICE - This document was written by me, Ian Eddington. It is protected
by the U.S. Copyright Law. It is for private, personal use ONLY.
It may not be reproduced in any way, shape, or form, be it part
of the document or the whole document itself. This document is
free of price, and it may not be involved in any sort of commer-
cial transaction without permission from the author, me. It may
not be used in any way other than its original intent without
the author's (me) permission. All copyrights and trademarks not
mentioned are acknowledged, respected, and in effect. Copyright
2001 by Ian Eddington.

Xenogears is (c) Squaresoft and Sony Entertainment of America.

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I. Introduction
II. Preparing to face the RPS Guy
-How to raise money in Lahan
-The game Rock, Paper, Scissors
III. Facing the RPS Guy
IV. Other Badges
-The Hide-and-Seek Badge
-The Tag Badge
V. Version History
VI. The End & Credits

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You're at the beginning of the game, Xenogears, still in the first village.
There's a man in the small house called the RPS Guy. He's devoted his life
so much to the game Rock, Paper, Scissors that even his wife is depressed
over the matter. You talk to him. He says that defeating him 5 times in a
row will yield a special prize.

The prize is the RPS Badge, a prize that will later get you some nifty
items. However, it's extremely difficult to beat him 5 times in a row.
I'd rather fight Redrum, Id, and Deus all at once. Most people play for
a while, then give up. Rarely will they devote the time to win the RPS

You can get the other two badges, but it is useless. The only way to
get the items later in the game is for you to present all three badges.
The items aren't even all that great, but if you're a completist, you'll be
driving your skull into the wall over this matter.

And no one else has accurately explained it with much detail. So here I
present to you a guide to beating the RPS Guy and achieving the RPS Badge.
Enjoy it.

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!!!How to Raise Money in Lahan!!!

So I didn't mention one thing. Each attempt at a round of RPS forces you to
make a bet of 50 G. If you win a round, he complains and gives you 50 G. If
you lose a round, you give him 50 G. Don't fear, however. There are plenty of
ways to get LOTS of G in Lahan. Let's go over them.

1 - There is 200 G in Fei's bed. When you gain control of him, examine the
bed for the money.

2 - In the Village Consultant's house (the big one with the little girl in
front of it) there is a bald man talking about fighting techniques. Talk
with him a bit to earn 80 G.

3 - Jump in the well in the center of town to get an Eyeball (described as a
"weird item"), an Aquasol S, and a Power Ring. Go to the item shop (lady
with green hair standing in front of it) and sell the Eyeball and the
Aquasol S. Trust me, you won't need them. Also, if you want, you could
sell the Power Ring, but I never do.

4 - Finally, in the RPS House itself, go downstairs and tell the old lady
that you like Lahan to receive 120 G.

At this point, you should have quite a bit of cash. Go outside of town and
SAVE THE GAME. Now you're ready. If you know how to play RPS, skip to the
section titled "Facing the RPS Guy". If not, read on.

!!!The Game Rock, Paper, Scissors!!!

Know how to play? Well, if you followed instructions, then you should be
ahead at the next section if you do. So if you're here, you don't know how
the game runs. I'll explain it.

On the count of three, two players each throw their hands out at the same
time, in a fist shape for Rock, and a horizontal "peace" symbol for
Scissors, and a flat palm for Paper. Rock smashes Scissors, so if you throw
Rock and your opponent throws Scissors, you win that round. Scissors cut up
Paper, so you'd win if you did Scissors and the opponent did Paper. Finally,
Paper wraps around Rock, so you'd win if you used Paper and opponent used

If you both do the same symbol, it is a tie, and you re-do that round. Now,

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This is it. A simple note before we begin. The RPS Guy has many, many,
patterns. Only one has been certified, and it will be the one presented
in this FAQ. When you play this game, you WILL lose a few times to him
while using this strategy. If you run out of money, just load the save
file. Eventually, he will start the first round using this strategy, so
just keep using it and you'll EVENTUALLY get this pattern. Even then the
strategy isn't 100% effective. However, it is the best way.

ROUND ONE - The first round is completely random, but you shouldn't fear
much. You'll beat him in quick time and you'll move to the
second round.

ROUND TWO - In this round, he will not use the option he lost with in the
first round. So let us say that you used Rock and he used
Scissors on Round One. In Round Two, he will NOT use Scissors
because he lost with it. Therefore, he will either use Paper
or Rock. So you use the option that wins or ties. In this
case, Paper. If you tie, he'll still only have two moves,
so stick with Paper and you'll move on to Round Three.

ROUND THREE - The easiest win of all. At this point, he will only have one
option because he's lost with two. In the aforementioned
scenario, he'll have the option of Paper, so you use Scissors
for a simple victory. Just use the option that will beat his
remaining option to proceed to...

ROUND FOUR - The most difficult of all. Here, the pattern starts over,
and it is random again. If you lose this one, you are sent
sprawling back to the beginning. Cross your fingers and
select an option. If you get it, it's...

ROUND FIVE - The final round! Win this one and the RPS Badge is yours!
The pattern applies here. It's the same as Round Two. Take
the option that either ties or beats his two remaining
choices and stick with it.

If you got this far, congratulations! You've got the RPS Badge and now
you've made the man more determined! Well, at least it worked out for
you. You probably have a lot of steam to blow off, so send flames/thanks
to kuromadoushi@aol.com. Now see the section on how to get the other

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!!!The Hide-and-Seek Badge!!!

This one is pretty easy, but takes a while. When you arrive in Bledavik,
after registering for the tournament and reporting to the nun, go to the
north-western part of town in a secluded room. There's a boy there in a
yellow shirt that is willing to play hide and seek with you. Tell him to
play and find him at these five locations:

1 - On platform supporting one of the large arch gates
2 - Near the entrance that you used entering, where walls meet into a point
3 - Near Ethos workshop, behind the barrels outside
4 - Through a small-arch doorway, hiding in the side, obscured by the door
5 - Near well in south-western part of town.

!!!The Tag Badge!!!

The easiest badge to get. At the orphanage, talk to the chicken keeper and
agree to round up the chickens. They're around the orphanage. Press [X]
to get it to follow you and WALK into the chicken pen. Round 'em up to get
the final badge.

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1.1 - MOST RECENT - Fixed inconsistencies

1.0 - First version released

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Well, you have all of the badges. Much later in the game, you get the items,
so don't worry about it.

It's been fun! Now I'd like to give credit where it is due.

-CJayC, for hopefully posting this FAQ, and for giving us the Great World of

-BloodBane, for instructing me of the RPS method and basically making the
whole guide possible.

-No one, for already writing a FAQ on this subject (^_^;)

-Kao Megura, for existing and inspiring me among hundreds of other aspiring
FAQ writers

-Special thanks to MMusashi5Rings for informing me of inconsistencies.

That's all I can think of. I would also like to thank all of my friends on
the boards, the old GameFAQs chat, and the new Veggie's server. Especially
PandemoniaChick, Bloodbane, Aye (can anyone actually consider him a
friend?), Eyedol, and maybe Raggert. Thanks, everyone!

C'MON PEOPLE! Send in your theories/methods/patterns! There's a lot of 'em
and surely this isn't the only one known! I don't want a two-line version

Remember, if you find some guy bragging about how much he can whip everyone
at RPS, don't challenge him, just beat the bahjeezus outta him.

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