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Xenogears Battling (Battle Arena) FAQ Version 1.2
Xenogears for the PSX (c) 1998

By Dan (not "Gadouken" Dan) GC (Guardian Cloud)

When Made: Friday, January 22, 1999
Last Updated: Friday, April 16, 1999 06:47 PM PT
Document Information: 55 K (55, 151) bytes
Designed for, at least, IE 3 or NN 3 at 640x480
Resolution and Courier New font enabled
55, 151 characters (letters, numbers, etc.)

Xenogears was...
Created by: Square
Licensed by: Square
Published by: Square EA (Square Electronic Arts)
Released: November (or was it December?) 1998 in America

Okay, if you have any comments, questions, corrections, or any other
things you can add to this, E-mail them to
Table of Contents
1. What's Battling? (General Details about Battling in Xenogears)
2. Legend
3. Special Mode 1 Stuff
4. Basic Moves
5. Move Lists
6. Difficulty Settings
7. Secrets
8. Strategies and Tips
9. Frequently Asked Questions
10. What I've done in the Battle Arena
11. Updates
12. Special Thanks
13. Author Information

Copyright Disclaimer:

Unpublished Work Copyright (c) 1999 Dan GC

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It may only be
reproduced electronically, and if placed on a Web Page or Site, may be
altered as long as this Disclaimer and the above Copyright Notice
appears in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional
purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides,
book, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way without
Full Authorization from me and any cohorts I may have.
Xenogears is copyright (c) Squaresoft, and Square EA. Xenogears,
Squaresoft, and Square EA are trademarks of Square, Co., Ltd. 1998
This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Danny Duong
All Copyrights and Trademarks are acknowledged that are not
specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due.

If you would like to print these document, save it as a Text Document
on your Hard Drive first, then open WordPad (if you have it), then
change the font to a more suitable one, such as Times New Roman with the
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This FAQ can be found at:
GameFAQs www.gamefaqs.com
Dan GC's Xenogears Page i.am/dan_gc
Available later in the future
Part 1: What's Battling (General Details about Battling in Xenogears)
Battling is the sport of fighting one-on-one with Gears and monsters
and is held at the Imperial Capital's Arena in Kislev. The format of the
sport is simple - fight until one or the other breaks down. In other
words, just bash your rival to pieces! But you don't have to fight 'til
you trash your Gear. You are allowed to give up during a match...so if
you know you can't win...you know! Finally, the armor values of Gears
during the battling bouts are made uniform, so that competitors can
fight on equal terms. In other words, competitors must rely fully on the
fundamental properties of the Gear they pilot or of the monster they are
The next thing to do is to gain experience by actually battling. The
key is to get used to the controls. But perhaps jumping straight into an
actual battle is too much for you? Well then, why not try out the
"Practice Mode" for help with the controls? This is a simulation where
you can practice the basic control methods. It is recommended beginners
train there first. Also, there is a "Tutorial Mode" that provides easy
lessons, from the basic controls to an explanation of the screen layout
in an actual bout.
Part 2: Legend
A: Square
B: X
R: Right
L: Left
Heat Gauge: the Engine
infinite: see Basic Moves Infinite Types 1, 2, 3, and 4
( ): something with a word that represents a number, the attack can hit
however many times it is listed
( ): a number is between it, it means that that is that sequence's
Part 3: Special Mode 1
Here's the Screen Layout after access of Special Mode 1:



Bonus Battling See below for explanation of Bonus Battling
Practice A simulation where you can practice controls and
other things against the AI, or a second player
Tutorial Provides easy lessons from the basic controls to an
explanation of the screen layout in an actual battle
Exit Stop Battling

Bonus Battling:
Here is the Screen Layout when you choose Bonus Battling after you
access Special Mode 1:



Player1 Vs. Com Begin Player Vs. Computer Bout
Player1 Vs. Player 2 Begin Player 1 Vs. Player 2 Bout
Com Vs. Com Begin Demo Mode
Number of Matches Set Number of Matches (Infinite, 1, 2, or 3)
Computer Level Computer Enemy's Strength (Easy, Normal, or Hard)
Rubber Band Rubber Band Mode Setting (Off or On)

Rubber Band Mode Setting:
This Mode just increases the difficulty of fighting by there not being
the chance of running far from your opponent. The two characters are
linked together by unbreakable rubber bands, which prevents the two from
getting far from the other. There are many things that happen if you do
a certain movement. If you jump, you get launched to the other side of
your opponent. You can also drag your opponent. There are many things
that I can not currently explain. It's not perfectly fit with the laws
of physics, but it's okay. I don't really care because I don't play with
this mode on often.
Part 4: Basic Moves (most available to most characters)
Run: Hold any direction
Back Dash: Push back when close to and facing your opponent
Run at Double Speed (Dash): Hold the O (Circle) button and hold a
Jump: /\ (Triangle) Button
Straight Jump: Jump when not moving
Little Movement Jump: Hold a direction and jump button right when
a direction is pushed
Moving Jump: Hold a direction and jump whenever you'd like to
Long Jump: Hold O (Circle) and when going down a hill, jump
Back Dash Jump: When back dashing down a hill, jump while back dashing
Move in Air Jump: Hold O (Circle) and when at the peak of a hill, jump.
If you did it correctly, your character's legs will be
moving, but if they don't have any, then push some
attack buttons and they will be executed in the air
(so there really are air attacks, heh heh :) )
Block: Hold the L1 button (only lose half power of the attack)
Ether Shot: Push the R1 button (some characters don't have it)
Attack button A: [] (Square) button
Attack button B: X button
Start Button: Can "Continue Bout" or "Give Up"
Cancel: Acts as a "stopper" of a combo, that is, if it isn't finished.
It stops the combo and you aren't moved (unlike a jump) and
doesn't leave you vulnerable. To do this, push the O (circle)
button after a button push and then the combo is stopped, so if
you push another button, it won't be part of the combo that was
being executed. For example, do any part of a combo, say, BB
when the combo is BBB, so push BB, then O, and then the combo
is stopped, and you could do the same thing, then push O, and it
would be stopped. So O (circle) is also a "canceler" of combos.
That's what O does for some of the infinites.
Infinite Type 1: This infinite is an attack in which you keep doing the
same thing, for example, with Silverstar, you can do
one with B, just push B, wait long enough so he doesn't
continue it with a combo if you push B again, then push
B to hit your opponent again. You must do it fast
enough so you can hit your opponent, but not too fast
that will initiate a combo, and not too slow that your
opponent can escape. Only some characters can do it.
Infinite Type 2: Infinite Type 2 is an easier type of infinite which is
easier to execute than the original Infinite. To do
this type of Infinite, just push an attack, then O
(circle), then push that same attack, then O, etc. So,
for example, you can push B, O, B, O, B, O, over and
over. It's faster, and most of the Gears can do this
type of Infinite.
Infinite Type 3: It is similar to Infinite Type 2, but you don't use the
same type of attack, you variate between the attacks.
Another example is A, O, B, O, A, O, B, O, over and
over. Now, only some Gears can do this type of
infinite, but it can be damaging.
Infinite Type 4: You use two button combinations then push O. Such as,
BB, O, BB, O, it would be easier to do this type of
infinite for Gears that have two button infinites. Just
another type of infintie.
Part 5: Move Lists
Well, this is the most time consuming section out of this whole FAQ.
Contains the move lists a person may ask for about a character. There
are a total of 49 characters, yes, 49, not 47 or 48. To obtain the 13th
and 49th Gears, you, well, just look at the "Secrets" section. But if
you can't get it, too bad for you.
The strength is how powerful it is, but you can make your opponent
lose either more or less depending on the position you or your opponent
is in or what they or you do. Some Gears can attack twice for one
sequence, each hit is worth the strength, such as Xenogears, when you
push AAA, the third button push allows him to hit twice. Each hit of
the third sequence has a strength of 15, so if it hits your opponent
with both hits, it is equal to 30.

1. Weltall:
The Gear I used most of the time whenever playing in the Battle Arena
when Special Mode 1 was enabled. Also what I used to get the 49th Gear,
Argento. This Gear is pretty quick, but most of his attacks either hit
high or mid-high. So if you fight a small-sized character, always be at
a lower level so you have a better chance of him are the following: ABA,
ABB, and BBB.
The strength of the first hit for each of his combos is 10; the second
hit is 20; and the third one is 25. His Ether Shot has a strength of 20.

AAA: L Palm Press, L Elbow, R Shoulder Level Punch
AAB: L Palm Press, L Elbow, L in-and-out Crescent Kick
ABA: L Palm Press, Spinning L Elbow, Jumping Double Front Kick
ABB: L Palm Press, Spinning L Elbow, Jumping Spin R Uppercut
BBB: R Whip Kick, R Forward Punch, R Whip Kick
BBA: R Whip Kick, R Forward Punch, R Shoulder Ram
BAB: R Whip Kick, Left Open Hand Uppercut, Two-Hand Punch
BAA: R Whip Kick, Left Open Hand Uppercut, R Punch

2. Vierge:
A pretty quick Gear. Has an attack that Xenogears got from her. It's a
spinning attack. This Gear is pretty quick, if you know how to use her.
The attacks I mostly use whenever I use her are: ABA, ABB, BBA, BAB, and
The strength of the first hit for each of her combos is 10; the second
hit is 20; and the third hit is 25. Her Ether Shot has a strength of 20.

AAA: R Punch, R Reverse Hook Punch, Step-Up R Punch
AAB: R Punch, R Reverse Hook Punch, R Over-Head Smash
ABA: R Punch, R Hook Punch, Step-Up Rising Uppercut
ABB: R Punch, R Hook Punch, Booty Bust
BBB: R Punch, R Reverse Hook Punch, R Kick to shin
BBA: R Punch, R Reverse Hook Punch, Spinning Glory
BAB: R Punch, R Kick to shin, Aerods (hits twice)
BAA: R Punch, R Kick to shin, R Reverse Spinning Axe Kick

3. Heimdal:
A quick Gear. Most of his attacks are fast. A Gear that should be used
many times. The atttacks I mostly use are, well, all of the attacks are
good and quick.
The strength of the first hit for each of his combos is 10; the second
hit is 20; and the third hit is 25. His Ether Shot has a strength of 20.

AAA: L Palm Press, R Spear Hand, R in-and-out Palm-down Chop
AAB: L Palm Press, R Spear Hand, R Spinning Trip
ABA: L Palm Press, R Palm Press, L Knee into R Spinning Hook Kick
ABB: L Palm Press, R Palm Press, L Spinning Hook Kick
BBB: R Palm Press, L Palm Press, R Spinning Hook Kick
BBA: R Palm Press, L Palm Press, L Shoulder Ram
BAB: R Palm Press, R Spinning in-and-out Palm-down Chop, R Palm Press
BAA: R Palm Press, R Spinning in-and-out Palm-down Chop, Two-Hand Punch

4. Brigandier:
A slow, but impressive Gear. Use with caution. Also, this Gear's Heat
Gauge cools down more quickly in the desert. The attacks I use most of
the time are: AAB, BBA, ABA, and BAA.
The strength of the first hit for each of his combos is 10; the second
hit is 20; and the third hit is 25. His Ether Shot has a strength of 20.

AAA: L Overhead Whip, R Spinning Whip, R Low Firewhip
AAB: L Overhead Whip, R Spinning Whip, R before L Double Whip (twice)
ABA: L Overhead Whip, Double Whip, R Spinning Whip
ABB: L Overhead Whip, Double Whip, Jumping Whip
BBB: L Shoulder Ram, R in-and-out Whip, L Low-High Whip
BBA: L Shoulder Ram, R in-and-out Whip, R before L Double Whip (twice)
BAB: L Shoulder Ram, Jumping Rush Down L Sidekick, Double Whip (30)
BAA: L Shoulder Ram, Jumping Rush Down L Sidekick, Double Whip

5. Renmazuo:
Undoubtedly a difficult Gear to use at first, but once it is used many
times, it can become a pretty good Gear to use. You can do an infinite
with A, but it doesn't stun them long enough, so you can do it just to
cause an opponent that blocks or doesn't move a lot to lose quite a lot
of power. The best physical attacks are: all of them. The projectiles
ones are also good.
The strength of the first hit for each of his physical combos (starts
with B) is 10; the second hit is 20; and the third hit is 25. The strength
of the first hit for each of his gun combos (starts with A) is 6; the
second is 0; and the last hit varies. His Ether Shot has a strength of 20.

AAA: R Two Bullets, Nothing, R Three Bullets (10)
AAB: R Two Bullets, Nothing, R Low Three Bullets (10)
ABA: R Two Bullets, Nothing, Blue Homing Big Bullet (25)
ABB: R Two Bullets, Nothing, L and R 6 Bullets (three each hand) (8)
BBB: R Reverse Hook Punch, L Shoulder Ram, R Punch
BBA: R Reverse Hook Punch, L Shoulder Ram, R Front Kick
BAB: R Reverse Hook Punch, R Punch, R Roundhouse
BAA: R Reverse Hook Punch, R Punch, Jumping Rush Down Double-Foot Smash
Infinite: A (6)

6. Stier:
A VERY slow Gear. His strength is higher than many other Gears, but he
is just too slow in attacking. His attacks can be interruped easily by
an opponent. But one good thing is he can do an infinite with A. The
Drill attacks are the best, and maybe the half lariat one.
The strength of the first hit for all of his combos is 15; the second
hit is 25; and the third one is 30. His Ether Shot strength is 20.

AAA: R Punch, Drill, R Uppercut
AAB: R Punch, Drill, Spinning Half Lariat
ABA: R Punch, Drill, R Punch
ABB: R Punch, Drill, Headbutt
BBB: Drill, Headbutt, Hook Drill
BBA: Drill, Headbutt, R Punch
BAB: Drill, Drill, Grinding Drill
BAA: Drill, Drill, R Axe Kick
Infinite: A (15)

7. Bladegash:
A somewhat quick Gear at using her sword. She has some good attacks,
some cool looking attacks, and others. The best attacks...are...all of
The first hit strength is 10; the second hit strength is 20; and the
third hit is 25. Her Ether Shot strength is 20.

AAA: Stab, Overhead Slash, Up-Slash
AAB: Stab, Overhead Slash, in-and-out Slash
ABA: Stab, Electric Stab, Jumping Impale
ABB: Stab, Electric Stab, Electric Stab
BBB: R Low Roundhouse, R High Roundhouse, L High Kick
BBA: R Low Roundhouse, R High Roundhouse, Air Back Sidekick
BAB: R Low Roundhouse, L Shoulder Ram, Jumping Two-Hand Slash
BAA: R Low Roundhouse, L Shoulder Ram, Stab

8. Siebzehn:
A very strong, but SLOW, Gear. Use with GREAT caution. You can do an
attack that can kill your opponent if your timing is correct. Knock down
your opponent and keep some distance and push B, which does the Ultra
Explosive Area Laser Cannon. You can keep doing that over and over and
if you time it correctly, you can kill your opponent quickly and
The first hit strength for each of the physical hits (starts with A)
is 20; the second is 24; and the third hit is 28. The Ultra Explosive
Area Laser Cannon's strength is 42. The Ether Shot strength is 20.

AAA: R Reverse Hook Punch, R Punch, Two-Hand Overhead Smash
AAB: R Reverse Hook Punch, R Punch, R before L Hook (hits twice)
ABA: R Reverse Hook Punch, L Punch, R Shoulder Ram
ABB: R Reverse Hook Punch, L Punch, R Front Kick
B: Ultra Explosive Area Laser Cannon

9. Crescens:
Is quite a good Gear. Can be good if you know how to use her. All of
her attacks are quick, except for a few, so use all of them.
The strength for the first hit of each of the combos is 10; the second
is 20; the third is 25. The Ether Shot strength is 20.

AAA: L Overhead Wing Smash, R Low-High Wing, L Low Wing
AAB: L Overhead Wing Smash, R Low-High Wing, Spinning Wings
ABA: L Overhead Wing Smash, Headbutt, L Wing Overhead Smash
ABB: L Overhead Wing Smash, Headbutt, L High-Low Wing Attack
BBB: R Knee, Double Overhead Wing Smash, R Flicking Feather of Wing
BBA: R Knee, Double Overhead Wing Smash, Wing Side Smash
BAB: R Knee, Jumping Rush Down Sidekick, Upside Down Right Wing Smash
BAA: R Knee, Jumping Rush Down Sidekick, Double Wing Overhead Smash

10. Chu-Chu:
Strong, but attacks are too close-ranged. Have to be literally
touching the opponent to attack them with this. And the attacks take too
long to do, so they are very escapable. Best attacks? I don't know. Too
The first hit strength is 20; the second hit is 30; the third one is
35. The Ether Shot strength 30.

AAA: R Hook Punch, Booty Bust, R Hook Punch
AAB: R Hook Punch, Booty Bust, R Hook Punch
ABA: R Hook Punch, R Low Roundhouse, Two-Hand Smash
ABB: R Hook Punch, R Low Roundhouse, Booty Bust
BBB: R Low Roundhouse, Backflip and Smash (twice), Two-Hand Smash
BBA: R Low Roundhouse, Backflip and Smash, Backflip and Smash
BAB: R Low Roundhouse, Two-Hand Smash, Two-Hand Smash
BAA: R Low Roundhouse, Two-Hand Smash, R Low Roundhouse

11. Weltall 2:
Same as Weltall, except somewhat faster, seriously. Also bigger.

12. Xenogears:
Undoubtedly one of the best Gears ever in Xenogears. Has one move he
adapted from the Vierge. Slow at some of his combos, but quick at some.
A Gear that almost anyone can use pretty well the first time they use
it. The best attacks (my opinion) are: AAA, ABA, ABB, and all of the
projectiles. ABA is good if your opponent is running around. It has an
infinite with B, but it doesn't stun long enough, but it has a nice
effect if you do it correctly.
All of the hit strengths vary with each combo, which makes this Gear
cool. His Ether Shot has a strength of 20.

AAA: L Hook Punch, R Shoulder Ram, Booster Wings (twice) (10, 20, 15)
AAB: L Hook Punch, R Shoulder Ram, Jumping Headbutt (10, 20, 25)
ABA: L Hook Punch, R High Kick, Spinning Wings of Glory (10, 20, 30)
ABB: L Hook Punch, R High Kick, Drilling Feet (10, 20, 30)
BBB: Homing Laser, Homing Laser, Two Homing Missiles (two) (10, 10, 15)
BBA: Homing Laser, Homing Laser, 7 Homing Missiles (seven) (10, 10, 10)
BA: Homing Laser, 4 Tracking Laser Cannons (four) (10, 7)
Infinite: B (10)

13. El-Regrs:
Whoo Hoo! It's Elly's Omnigear, that is, if you got to use it. Regrs
is an awesome Gear. If you have it, try it out. If not, then get it. The
best attack is: ABA. If they block it, they lose a lot of power. The
rest of the attacks are quick and are worth using.
The strength for the first hit is 10; the second is 20; the third is 25.
The Ether Shot strength is 20.

AAA: Reverse Hook Rod, Curving Rod, Reverse Hook Rod
AAB: Reverse Hook Rod, Curving Rod, High Kick
ABA: Reverse Hook Rod, L Punch, Multi-Hit Rod Attack (25 for one hit)
ABB: Reverse Hook Rod, L Punch, Rising Rod Upper
BBB: R Knee, Rising Rod Upper, Rod Smash
BBA: R Knee, Rising Rod Upper, Reverse Hook Fire Rod
BAB: R Knee, Ether-Powered Attack, Forward Flip Step
BAA: R Knee, Ether-Powered Attack, Booty Bust

14. El-Fenrir:
A quick Gear, a very quick one. Most of his sword attacks are quick,
and usually won't miss if you hit your opponent with an earlier hit in
accordance with the sequence you are doing. All of the attacks are quick
and good, so don't worry. The best attacks are all of them.
First hit strength is 10; second is 20; third is 25. Ether Shot strength
is 20.

AAA: High Slash, Hook Slash, High Slash
AAB: High Slash, Hook Slash, Reverse Hook Slash
ABA: High Slash, R Spinning Trip, In-and-out Slash into High Slash (two)
ABB: High Slash, R Spinning Trip, Spinning in-and-out Slash (28)
BBB: Stab, Stab, Stab
BBA: Stab, Stab, Jumping Slash
BAB: Stab, Spin into High Slash, Low Hook Slash
BAA: Stab, Spin into High Slash, Rising Slash
Infinite: BB (10, 20)

15. El-Andvari:
A quicker Gear than the old Brigandier, but it is still kind of slow,
but if you use this Gear correctly and cautiously, you can win easily.
Also, this Gear's Heat Gauge cools down quicker in the desert area. The
best attacks are: BAA, ABB, BBB, and AAA.
The first hit strength is 10; the second is 20; the third is 25. Ether
Shot strength is now only 12.

AAA: R Rising Whip, Double Whip, R Spinning Whip
AAB: R Rising Whip, Double Whip, Jumping Whip
ABA: R Rising Whip, Double Whip, Jumping Whip
ABB: R Rising Whip, Double Whip, R before L Whip (twice) (20)
BBB: L Shoulder Ram, R mid-high Roundhouse, R Axe Kick
BBA: L Shoulder Ram, R mid-high Roundhouse, Jump Rush Down Fire Sidekick
BAB: L Shoulder Ram, R Swinging Whip, Double Whip (30)
BAA: L Shoulder Ram, R Swinging Whip, R before L Whip (twice) (20)

16. El-Renmazuo:
A big improvement over the old Renmazuo. This one is much quicker, and
has higher strength than before. The physical attacks are VERY quick.
BAB seems to be the best physical attack, but so is BAA. Whatever, all
the physical attacks are great. They best projectile attacks are: all of
First hit strength for physical attacks is 10; second is 22; third is
25. The first hit for the shooting attacks is 8; the second is 0; the
third varies. The Ether Shot strength is 20.

AAA: L Hand Two Gunshots, nothing, L Hand Three Gunshots (10)
AAB: L Hand Two Gunshots, nothing, L Hand Low Three Gunshots (10)
ABA: L Hand Two Gunshots, nothing, R Hand Homing Missile (25)
ABB: L Hand Two Gunshots, nothing, L and R 7 Shots (L: 3, R: 4) (10)
BBB: R Reverse Hook Punch, L Shoulder Ram, R Punch
BBA: R Reverse Hook Punch, L Shoulder Ram, R Front Kick
BAB: R Reverse Hook Punch, R Punch, Electric Forearm (multiple hits)
BAA: R Reverse Hook Punch, R Punch, Jumping Rush Down Double-Foot Smash
Infinite: A (8)

17. El-Stier:
Also a great improvement over the original Gear, although this is
still somewhat slow, but his attacks have improved and strengthened. The
best attacks are the ones with Drills.
First hit strength is 15; second is 25; third is 30. Ether Shot
strength is 20.

AAA: R Punch, Headbutt, Rising Drill
AAB: R Punch, Headbutt, Jumping Headbutt
ABA: R Punch, R Punch, Drill
ABB: R Punch, R Punch, R Spinning Half Lariat
BBB: R Punch, Drill, R Uppercut
BBA: R Punch, Drill, R Punch
BAB: R Punch, R shin Kick, Underground Rising Drill Upper
BAA: R Punch, R shin Kick, Grinding Drill
Infinite: A (15)

18. Ganador:
Trashy Gear. Not a lot of moves, pretty slow, and cheap. That's why
it's the first Gear you ever fight the first time you are in Nortune,
too easy, even on Hard. I don't know what the best attacks are, they all
Strength for first hit is 10; second 20; third is 25. Ether Shot
strength is 20.

AA: High Slash, Stab
ABA: High Slash, in-and-out Slash, Stab
ABB: High Slash, in-and-out Slash, out-and-in Low Slash
BB: in-and-out Slash, out-and-in Low Slash
BA: in-and-out Slash, Stab

19. Titan:
Wack Gear. The best attacks are: the ones starting with A, and BB.
First hit strength is 10; second 20; third 25. Ether Shot strength 20,
but he shoots two Ether Shots when you push it once.

AAA: L grab into Hammer (two hits), Hook Hammer, Spinning Hammer
ABA: L Grab into Hammer (two hits), L Scratch Upper, Spinning Hammer
ABB: L Grab into Hammer (two hits), Multiple Bites
BB: L Scratch Upper, Multiple Bites
BA: L Scratch Upper, Head Smashing Hammer

20. W-Shaver (Wind Shaver):
An alright Gear. An Average Gear. The Laser Shot ones could be the
best. The grabs are okay.
Hit one is 10; hit two is 20; hit three is 25. Ether Shot is 20.

AAA: L Grab, Headbutt, L Claw
AAB: L Grab, Headbutt, Laser Shot
ABA: L Grab, L Claw, Headbutt
ABB: L Claw, L Claw, L Claw
BBB: Laser Shot, Headbutt, Laser Shot
BBA: Laser Shot, Headbutt, L Claw
BAB: Laser Shot, Laser Shot, Headbutt
BAA: Laser Shot, Laser Shot, Laser Shot

21. Firewheel:
A pretty good Gear, but some of his attacks are slow, so use the ones
you'd like to. The best attack is the ABB. The other ones are also good,
but be careful.
First hit 10; second hit 20; third hit 25. Ether Shot strength 20.

AAA: R Wheel, L Wheel, Rolling Wheel
AAB: R Wheel, L Wheel, R before L Wheel (can hit twice) (20)
ABA: R Wheel, L Yo-Yo Wheel, R Low Yo-Yo Wheel
ABB: R Wheel, L Yo-Yo Wheel, 6 Gunshots (6)
BBB: L Wheel, R Around-the-World Yo-Yo Wheel x2
BBA: L Wheel, R Around-the-World Yo-Yo Wheel, R Yo-Yo Wheel
BAB: L Wheel, R Low Yo-Yo Wheel, Double Yo-Yo Wheels
BAA: L Wheel, R Low Yo-Yo Wheel, Spinning Yo-Yo Wheels

22. Silverstar:
A quick Gear, a cool Gear, and nice coat of color. The best attack is
the infinite. The other attacks are also good and have good speed.
Strength for first hit is 10; second is 20; third is 25. Strength for
Ether Shot is 20.

AAA: L High-Low Hook Claw, R Reverse Hook Claw, R Rising Claw
AAB: L High-Low Hook Claw, R Reverse Hook Claw, Pounce Backflip
ABA: L High-Low Hook Claw, Deep Front Kick, Double Claw Squeeze
ABB: L High-Low Hook Claw, Deep Front Kick, L Hook Claw
BBB: R Low Roundhouse, L Low Spin Kick, L High Spinning Back Kick
BBA: R Low Roundhouse, L Low Spin Kick, Jump Spinning Lariat (two)
BAB: R Low Roundhouse, L Claw, R Electric Claw
BAA: R Low Roundhouse, L Claw, Half Spinning Lariat
Infinite: B (10)

23. Musha:
Even more crap. Projectile attacks are its best.
Ether Shot strength is 20.

A: R Low Spinning Roundhouse (10)
BB: 1 Gunshot (10), 5 Gunshots (8)
BA: 1 Gunshot (10), 1 Gunshot in kneeling position (10)

24. Hatamoto:
Now, now, this Gear is a good one. The best attacks are the ones with
Spear Twirls, which can be used to hit a character on the ground.
Strength for first hit is 10; second is 20; third is 25. Ether Shot
is 20.

AAA: Stab, in-and-out Slice, High Slash
AAB: Stab, in-and-out Slice, Mid-High Slash
ABA: Stab, Spear Twirl, Mid-High Slash
ABB: Stab, Spear Twirl, Spear Twirl
BBB: Mid-High Slash, Spear Twirl, Spear Twirl
BBA: Mid-High Slash, Spear Twirl, in-and-out Slice
BAB: Mid-High Slash, in-and-out Slice, Stab
BAA: Mid-High Slash, in-and-out Slice, High Slash
Infinite: BB (10, 20)

25. Backfirer:
Whoa, how crappy can a character be? I guess the best one is B.
No Ether Shot.

A: Big Shot (20)
B: 3 Gunshots (1 shot to the side) (8)

26. Shinobi:
Only has two-hit combos. I don't know what's good, but it all sucks.
The First hit for each of his combos is 15; the second hit is 30.
The Ether Shot is 23.

AA: L Claw, L Claw Upper
AB: L Claw, Air Double Claw
BA: R Reverse Half Spinning Claw Lariat, Tracing Missile shot to L

27. Wyrm:
"You're funny. But keep it up and you'll just piss me off." - Fei
Cools down faster in desert. The best attacks are the ones starting with
First hit strength is 10; second is 20; third is 25. Ether Shot strength
is 20.

AAA: Double Peck (two), Bite, Hook Head Swing
ABA: Double Peck (two), Smashing Head, Double Smashing Head (twice)
ABB: Double Peck (two), Smashing Head, Hook Head Swing
BBB: Bite, L before R Swinging Head (twice), Hook Head Swing
BAB: Bite, Smashing Head, Double Smashing Head (twice)
BAA: Bite, Smashing Head, Hook Head Swing

28. Tin Robo:
Also funny (looking...heh). Heat Gauge cools down faster in desert.
The best attacks are: BBB and BA. The funniest is AAA. The victory pose
is even better.
Strength for first his is 10; second 20; third 25. Ether Shot is 20.

AAA: R Hook, Grab and Fall, L Hook Swing
ABB: R Hook, Grab, Pounce (twice)
BBB: L Hook Claw, R shin Kick, Spinning Claw Lariat (twice)
BA: L Hook Claw, Forward Spinning Arms (twice)

29. Rankar:
Slow, yet useful. Don't just do sequences out of nowhere. All of the
attacks are about the same speed, so use what you want.
10, 20, 25 (first, second, and third hits). 20 for Ether Shot.

AAA: Bite, Rising Head, Clockwise Tail Trip
AAB: Bite, Rising Head, Tail Smash
ABA: Bite, Head Ram, Clockwise Tail Trip
ABB: Bite, Head Ram, Tail Smash
BBB: Head Ram, Rising Head, Fire Breath (Ether Attack, heh)
BBA: Head Ram, Rising Head, Clockwise Tail Trip
BAB: Head Ram, Bite, Tail Smash
BAA: Head Ram, Bite, Clockwise Tail Trip

30. Etone 1:
Cheap, weak, stupid, okay. The B attack is a circular rod slice, so
you can do this attack if your opponent is running around you. Very
10, 20 (first, second). Ether: 20.

AB: High Impale Rod, Circular Rod Slice
BA: Circular Rod Slice, High Impale Rod

31. Etone 2:
Same as Etone 2, 'cept better. Has a projectile. Use the projectile to
hit frequently moving but close enough opponents. The best attacks are:
AB, and the infinite.
First and second hits: 10, 20. Ether: 20.

AB: Little Movement Chalice, Tracing Missile
BA: Shocking Hands, Fire Chalice
Infinite: B (10)

32. Golem:
What a weird snow monster. Pretty good though. Has two infinites which
I have found. The strongest attack is AAA, and you can do that to trick
your opponent. You do AAA, and when he lifts up the snow boulder, some
people think they can attack (and they can) and they might not use an
Ether Shot, so they run in and push a button, but you already hit them
with the snow boulder, and then they lose a lot of power. The best
attacks are the infinites.
First, second, third hits: 10, 20, 25. Ether: 20.

AAA: L Scratch, L Low Scratch, Snow Boulder Smash (80)
AAB: L Scratch, L Low Scratch, R Low Scratch
ABA: L Scratch, R Low Scratch, Two-Hand Swing
ABB: L Scratch, R Low Scratch, R Spinning Half Scratch Lariat
BBB: R Shin Kick, L Shin Kick, L High Scratch
BA: R Shin Kick, Double High Scratch
Infinite 1: BB (10, 20)
Infinite 2: BA (10, 20)

33. Fixbot:
A Repair-Robo? If it had a healing ability...this Gear would be
better. All of the attacks are about the same speeed, so use all of them.
First, second, and third hits: 10, 20, 25. Ether: 20.

AAB: L Claw, Two-Hand Shock, R Shock
ABA: L Claw, R Shock, L Claw
BBA: R Shock, R Shock, Two-Hand Shock
BAB: R Shock, L Claw, L Claw

34. Worker:
The attack strengths vary on this little Gear. You can do an infinite
with B, although it won't stun your opponent long enough to hit them
again, but if they block it, they can lose quite a lot of power. Best
attacks: AB, B.
Ether Shot Strength: 20

AA: Headbutt (twice), Head Ram Towards then Head Ram Away (Two) (15, 30)
AB: Headbutt (twice), 6 Gunshots (3 from each gun) (15, 20)
B: 6 Gunshots (3 from each gun) (10)
Infinite: B (10)

35. Dozer:
Attacks are higher than some other characters. Best attacks: all of
One, Two, and Three: 15, 25, 28. Ether: 30.

AAA: R Punch, L Hook Punch, Spinning Lariat (Twice)
B: Powerful Gunshot

36. Death (Scythe):
This can dash underwater. This monster's slow, but is strong. It can
also dash underwater. It is pretty slow, so all of the attacks are its
Ether Shot Strength: 20.

AA: Counter Clockwise then Clockwise Swings (twice), Swan Dive (30, 28)
AB: Counter Clockwise then Clockwise Swings (twice), Fire Breath (30, 28)
B: Counter Clockwise then Clockwise Swings (twice) (28)

37. Merman:
Shoots twice for one Ether Shot. This Gear can also dash underwater.
The best attacks are: all of them.
Ether Shot Strength: 20.

AAA: L Reverse Hook Punch, Clockwise Swing, Rising Upper (10, 20, 25)
ABB: L Reverse Hook Punch, Spear Slice, 6 Tracking Missiles (10, 20, 12)
B: Tracking Missiles (8)

38. Salvager:
A pretty good Gear you can cheap with. This Gear can dash underwater.
You can do BBB and hit your opponent when they are on the ground. The
best attack is BBB. You can do that when they are on the ground and hit
The first and second hits of all of the combos are: 10, 20.
Ether Shot Strength: 20.

AAA: L Claw, Forward Jump, 180 Degree Spin then Forward Jump (25)
AAB: L Claw, Forward Jump, Spinning Claw Lariat (just stuns) (0)
AB: L Claw, Spinning Claw Lariat
BBB: Spinning Claw Lariat x3 (25)

39. Trooper:
Trashed-up Gear. Dumb, stupid, slow, cheap. Heat Gauge cools down
quicker in desert. But...why would you even use this Gear?
Doesn't have an Ether Shot.

AAA: R Punch, R Punch, L Punch (30, 40, 50)
AAB: R Punch, R Punch, 4 Gunshots (2 from each gun) (30, 40, 10)
AB: R Punch, 4 Gunshots (2 from each gun) (30, 10)
B: 4 Gunshots (2 from each gun) (10)

40. Twinburner:
You can cheap with this Gear. Just do the AA combo when your opponent
is on the ground, then when your opponent is knocked way far away, dash
towards him/her and do it again before (s)he gets back up. All of the
attacks are great, so use them all. I tend to do BA, which knocks them
down, then do it before they get up, so they get hit again, then do it
again. I just do that over and over. Also, you can do AA, which knocks
them down, then Dash to them, then do it again when they are on the
ground (must be on the same or lower elevation level) so they'll get hit
on the ground and get launched far into the air. Just keep doing that
over and over.
Ether: 20.

AA: R Smash, Spinning Claw Lariat (twice) (10, 20)
AB: R Smash, 2 Tracking Missiles (10, 15)
BA: Shocking Arms (Twice), Multiple Cannon Shots (18, 20)

41. S-Trooper (Spear Trooper):
Better than the standard Trooper, yet, it is still crappy. As the name
implies, it has a spear. Heat Gauge cools down faster in desert. Just
sucks. I don't know why'd you even use it in the first place.
No Ether Shot.

AAA: Stab, Thrusting Shield, High Slash (20, 20, 30)
AAB: Stab, Thrusting Shield, Stab (20, 20, 30)
AB: Stab, Gunshot (20, 20)
B: Gunshot (35)

42. S-Tripper (Sand Tripper):
This Gear is also...crappy. Cools down faster in desert. Projectile
one is the best.
No Ether Shot.

AA: R Overhead Smash, 5 Gunshots (15, 10)
AB: R Overhead Smash, R Half Spinning Lariat (15, 20)
BA: R Half Spinning Lariat, R Overhead Smash (20, 20)

43. Sufal:
It's the...organic human turned a type of Wels, the Sufal, and that
human made into a man-machine Gear, the Sufal. Well, the best attacks
are the projectile ones.
The Ether Shot Strength is 20.

AA: R Reverse Hook Punch, Clockwise Tail Whip (15, 20)
AB: R Reverse Hook Punch, Tracking Missile (15, 20)
BA: Front Flip then Tail Whip, Backflip then Tracking Missile (10, 20)

44. EG-Gunner (Eagle Gunner):
This Gear is okay. But I wonder...how did the person piloting this
Gear get it? These Gears are in Deus, so how did the person actually
survive and steal one of these Gears? Or, if they are no pilots, then,
why would this man-machine Gear or just a no-pilot Gear come to the
Battle Arena? The world may never know...
Okay, the strength hits are: 30, 30. The Ether Shot is 20.

AA: R Low Roundhouse, R Low Roundhouse
AB: R Low Roundhouse, Big Gunshot
BB: Gunshot, Gunshot
BA: Big Gunshot, R Low Roundhouse

45. EG-Armor (Eagle Armor):
A good Gear. It's best attack is probably BAB, which does...well..
you'll find out. But I wonder...how did the person piloting this Gear
get it? These Gears are in Deus, so how did the person actually survive
and steal one of these Gears? Or, if they are no pilots, then, why would
this man-machine Gear or just a no-pilot Gear come to the Battle Arena?
The world may never know...it also has an infinite. The best attacks
are: the infinite and the projectile combos.
Ether: 20.

AAA: L Punch, L Punch, R Shin Kick (15, 20, 25)
AAB: L Punch, L Punch, Head Smash w/ Gun (15, 20, 25)
ABA: L Punch, Head Smash w/ Gun, 4 Gunshots from L to R (15, 20, 18)
ABB: L Punch, Head Smash w/ Gun, L Charging Punch (15, 20, 25)
BBB: 1 Gunshot, 3 Semi-Auto Gunfire, 3 Semi-Auto Gunfire (10, 20, 18)
BBA: 1 Gunshot, 3 Semi-Auto Gunfire, 1 Big Gunshot (10, 20, 25)
BAB: 1 Gunshot, 4 Gunshots L to R, Many Tracking Missiles (10, 20, 18)
BAA: 1 Gunshot, 4 Gunshots L to R, 1 Big Gunshot (10, 20, 25)
Infinite: A (15)

46. Pedestal:
Seems and looks good at first, but is it? You be the judge. All of the
attacks are about the same speed, but the projectile ones are the best,
the other ones are okay.
Ether: 20.

AAA: L Hook Wing, L Wing Upper, L Wing Smash (12, 22, 25)
AAB: L Hook Wing, L Wing Upper, 5 Semi-Auto Gunfire (12, 22, 18)
ABA: L Hook Wing, R Wing Upper, Double Wing Squeeze (12, 22, 25)
ABB: L Hook Wing, R Wing Upper, in-and-out Double Wing (12, 22, 25)
BBB: L Wing Upper, R Wing Upper, L Wing Upper (20, 20, 20)
BBA: L Wing Upper, R Wing Upper, L Wing Smash (20, 20, 25)
BAB: L Wing Upper, L Wing Hook, 2 Tracking Missiles (20, 22, 25)
BAA: L Wing Upper, L Wing Hook, Double Wing Squeeze (20, 22, 25)

47. Edin:
A Gear which you can fight in Deus. Has an attack called Magic Space,
the motion of it could be the second hit of ABA. It's pretty cool, its
attacks are pretty quick, if they hit your opponent, that is. When you
hit your opponent with an attack, the attack, sometimes, seems to speed
up. So, all of the attacks are good.
First, second, and third hits: 10, 20, 25. Ether: 20.

AAA: Rod Smash, R High Kick, Rod Smash
AAB: Rod Smash, R High Kick, Double Wing Squeeze
ABA: Rod Smash, Magic Space Circular Motion, Magic Space Rod Smash
ABB: Rod Smash, Magic Space Circular Motion, Magic Space Rod Smash
BBB: Mid-Low Rod Hook, Low Rod Thrust, Mid-High Thrust
BBA: Mid-Low Rod Hook, Low Rod Thrust, Rod Smash
BAB: Deep / Motion, /\ Motion, Deep \ Motion then - Motion
(This attack forms a star)
BAA: / Motion (but deeper), /\ Motion, Rod Thrust

48. EG-Blade (Eagle Blade):
Pretty slow, but it is okay. But I wonder...how did the person
piloting this Gear get it? These Gears are in Deus, so how did the
person actually survive and steal one of these Gears? Or, if they are no
pilots, then, why would this man-machine Gear or just a no-pilot Gear
come to the Battle Arena? The world may never know... This Gear has an
infinite. The attacks I use are: ABA, BB, and the infinite.
The attacks that start with A are the following strengths: 18, 20, 25.
Ether: 20.

AAB: Half Spinning Impale, Spinning Low Slice, Thrust
ABA: Half Spinning Impale, Forward Flip Slash, Homing Missile
BB: Thrust, Thrust (10, 20)
BA: Thrust, Spinning Low Slice (10, 20)
Infinite: B (10)

49. Argento:
This is the 49th Gear. To obtain it, well, just see the "Secrets"
section. This Gear's left hand, is a claw, the right hand, is a hand.
This Gear's attacks and Ether attacks are above average. It also has an
infinite, but it is difficult to execute because you have to have the
correct timing. It seems the second hit of most of his combos knock the
opponent back, but that makes sense, since this Gear is so strong. All
of the attacks are quick, so I recommend none, but recommend all.
First, second, and third hits: 18, 26, 28. Ether Shot Strength: 24.

AAA: R Punch, R Punch, L Claw Upper
AAB: R Punch, R Punch, R Low Spinning Roundhouse
ABA: R Punch, L Claw Hook Slash, Somersault
ABB: R Punch, L Claw Hook Slash, L Claw High Slash
BBB: L Claw Hook Slash, R Punch, R Low Roundhouse
BBA: L Claw Hook Slash, R Punch, L Shoulder Ram
BAB: L Claw Hook Slash, R Uppercut, R Spinning Hook Kick into L Low
Roundhouse (twice)
BAA: L Claw Hook Slash, R Uppercut, R Spinning Axe Kick
Infinite: B (18)

And that's the end of the list. Hope it helped you (and probably did).
Part 6: Difficulty Settings
The real difficulty is what Gear you fight, and not the setting. But
the difficulty settings, it depends on what combos they would use, like
slow, cheap ones that would make them very open, or quick ones that
would break your combos. Here's some differences:

Computer tends to do slow, breakable combos. Dashes when it is not
neccesary, but doesn't use Ether Shots a lot, but sometimes it does,
which makes it overheat and loses a large amount of HP. Tends to be
annoying sometimes, by the repeated Ether Shots. Just stands around,
and that is because it is cooling down. Also, it shoots when there is a
mountain or something that would cancel one of their projectiles in
front or near it for no reason. In the water, sometimes, it shoots
projectiles or Ether Shots, and rarely jumps to shoot and Ether Shot,
but it happens. But it is not difficult to beat, very easy, but the
problem is, can you beat the AI at this setting?

The AI does medium speed, breakable combos. Dashes less often but used
Ether Shots even more. Has more brains and actually jumps to shoot Ether
Shots when in the water more often than in Easy. Although, it still
shoots underwater and when near mountains that would cancel out their
projectiles quite often. Still not hard to beat, but can you beat it?

The hardest setting you can set it to. The AI breaks your combos and
does good combos for the character they are using a lot. Jumps more
often, dashes only to run away or catch up and shoots Ether Shots quite
a lot, so it tends to overheat sometimes, although it doesn't for some
characters. Sometimes, the AI can be really hard, and sometimes it isn't
when it is at this setting. Rarely shoots an Ether Shot when on the
other side of the mountain. Never shoots an Ether Shot in the water, but
jumps and shoots. Stays in one place to cool down the engine much more
quickly. Has some good strategy. But still, you are capable of beating
the AI at this setting, right?
Part 7: Secrets
Get Elly's Omnigear, Regrs, in the Battle Arena:
I found out the true way to get this Gear. Okay, here goes, you should
have at least 50 hours (of course your probably would, anyway, right?)
and go inside Deus, then leave after going down. After you jump down, I
mean right after you jump down, get out (if you don't know, push X where
the light is coming from and accept to leave) then go to the Battle
Arena and choose Special Mode 1. You should now have it.

Get Argento, a secret Gear:
Set the Number of Matches to 3, the Difficulty to Hard. Choose
Player Vs. Com. Choose any Gear (YOU are going to use A Gear, right?),
and use that same Gear, and fight against all of the other characters.
You cannot lose a match, but you can lose rounds, otherwise, you will
have to start all over. After you have beaten all of the other opponents
with the Gear you used, then choose Xenogears and fight the Gear you
used. If you used Xenogears to beat all of the opponents, then you must
do the Same Character Select Trick.

Same Character Select:
It is possible to use the same character as your opponent is. You can
highlight a character that is already highlighted, and can choose that
character. To do so, hold L2 and R2 and move to the already highlighted
character and you can choose that character, too. So when you control
who the 2P side will use, choose the character you are using for 1P,
push X to accept, then hold L2 and R2, move to the same character, and
push X. Now both 1P and 2P have the same characters. But when 2P is a
human player, the 2P controller, the L2 and R2 buttons must be held and
you can choose the same character as 1P, and vice versa.
Part 8: Basic Strategies and Tips
Well, there are a lot of different strategies people use. And there's
a certain strategy for every character. Environments also play a role in
battles. A Gear which you normally fight in the desert, well, their
engines cool down more quickly in the desert areas, even if they keep
moving, the engine cools down very quickly, but it cools down even
quicker if you don't move. Gears which you normally fight in the water
cool down even quicker than any other Gear while in water. They can
also Dash underwater. If you attack a Gear from behind, sometimes, they
lose double power. The power loss of an attack is based on how strong it
is, and how you hit your opponent with it. The position, when it is
done, etc. If your opponent tends to use a lot of Ether Shots, and you
don't want them to use it as often, then run into the water, where
projectiles dissipate, but they can still hit you with a projectile if
it is homing and they jump for an Ether Shot, or a homing projectile
that shoots up then follows. Ether Shots disappear when they hit
something, like a mountain, the ground, water, or whatever. So if an
Ether Shot is after you, you can run away pretty easily, that is, if you
know what to do. Dashing is an option. Running to a side of a mountain
or running down a hill is an option. Running into the water is another
one. There are many things you can do, and I can't list them all.
I have quite a few personal tactics. I usually don't push a three
sequence close-ranged combo for no reason. But sometimes I do because
sometimes the opponent runs into your attacks (just happens) and they
get hurt. I also use an Ether Shot to stun my opponent then run up and
do a combo, that is, if they get stunned, and if they blocked it, I go
up anyway, and do an attack so they lose power. If you find an attack
you like and it is very good, by all means, use it as much as possible.
It's your opponents fault for not stopping you from doing it. Also, if
they say you are a "scrub" like some people in newsgroups say about
others because they use the same moves and tactics over and over, well,
it's their fault they don't know how to stop you. But if they complain,
that's another thing, at least they aren't making fun of you. If you
have about at least half power, your opponent has maybe about one-third
or less, your opponent runs around frequently, your character has Ether
Shots and no other projectiles, then shoot Ether Shots, a lot of them,
if your opponent gets hit by them, you'll lose power by overheating, but
if you think you need to use it, then use it. You have to do (almost)
anything to win, right? Then do it.
I personally don't use Ether Shots, unless my opponent does. If my
opponent does use Ether Shots, then I do a basic strategy, "Ether Shot,
run up, combo" and I keep doing that over and over and over. I like
matches where you and your opponent use the same Gear (or character) and
don't use Ether Shots, which makes it seem much fairer.
Some Gears have attacks which shoot a lot of projectiles one after
another, and the first hit could knock the opponent back, but it all
depends on what position you and your opponent are. So you can do what
you want, when you want. Well, that's all for this section.
Part 9: Frequently Asked Questions
What is the correct pronunciation of Xenogears?
It is the following: zeh-noh-gears
The "e" in the "zeh" part is a short e, pronounced like in the word
"red" and the "noh" part is pronounced exactly like the word "noh".
"gears" is pronounced, of course, gears. So that's it, Xenogears.
Part 10: What I have ever accomplished in the Battle Arena
- Used old Weltall and beat computer Hatamoto at difficulty setting
Normal in 16" 82 (16 seconds and 82 hundredths).
- Got Regrs, Elly's Omnigear, the 13th Gear on the list (playable).
- Got Argento, the 49th Gear (playable).
- Got most of the items for exchange.
- This doesn't have to do with the BA, but I got this game December 14,
then beat it January 13, without any Walkthroughs
Part 11: Updates
Version 1.2:
Made a little change

Version 1.17:
Made some more changes

Version 1.15:
Made some changes

Version 1.11:
Changed some more stuff (secrets section), and you may have noticed,
the layout.

Version 1.1:
Changed some stuff (secrets section)

Version 1:
Started sometime December '98. Finished Friday, January 22, 1999.
Part 12: Special Thanks
Square EA:
For Producing Xenogears for the US

The Development Team that made this game:
For Making Xenogears

Square USA:

Being such a great industrial company

My Cloud FAQ for Ehrgeiz:
got the basic layout of this FAQ from it

Jonathon Barone :
"Strategy and Tips" section, got some ideas from his Battling FAQ, the
section titled "Tactics"

Steve Commisso :
corrected the "Getting Argento" secret in the "Secrets" section.
Part 13: Author Information
Name: Dan GC
E-mail: LB Dan GC@aol.com
Web page: http://i.am/dan_gc
Under Construction
ICQ: None

"You're funny. But keep it up and you'll just piss me off." ~ Fei

Don't plaigarize! It's bad! And always give credit where it's due!
Unpublished Work Copyright (c) 1999 Dan GC

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