

17.10.2013 07:55:12
Strategie FAQ
Xenogears Strategy Guide/FAQ
For the Sony PlayStation (North American Version)
Created By: Layzie Liu
FAQ Version 1.0

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can in no way be reproduced
in anyway and if placed on a web site, may not be altered in anyway as well.
Permission must also be asked before it is used in anyway on a web site.
This disclaimer and copyright notice must appear in full as well. It also
cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes in magazines, books,
guides, etc. This FAQ was created and owned by me, Layzie Liu
so please respect that.

Copyright by Layzie Liu ©1999-2001


This is the first version of my Xenogears FAQ/Strategy Guide so you can expect
there to be a lot of mistakes in grammar and spelling. As future updates and
versions come out, you can expect there to be corrections to any mistakes and
problems. There will also always be new information as it comes available.
However, there is currently a new factor that will prevent me from doing this.
Please read the "Conclusion" and "Feedback" sections for more information
about this.

UPDATES (Ver. 1.0):
6/3/99 Updated "Contributors" section.
NOTE: Will be realigning Material (Gear, Accessories, Items) sections soon.

I. Introduction
II. Disc One Walkthrough
1. Lahan
2. Citan's House
3. Battle At Lahan
4. Blackmoon Forest
5. Desert Town Dazil
6. Through the Desert
7. Desert Attack
8. Stalactite Cave
9. The Yggdrasil
10. Bart's Hideout
11. Surprise Attack
12. Aveh
13. Rescuing Margie
14. Nisan
15. Recapturing Aveh
16. D Block Of Nortune
17. Nortune's Sewers
18. Finals Of The Battling Tournament
19. The New Champ
20. Nortune's Gear Hanger
21. Attack On Nortune
22. Stealing The Goliath
23. The Yggdrasil II
24. Return To The Thames
25. Sabotage
26. Ethos Headquarters And The Orphanage
27. Missing Ethos Transport
28. Back To The Ethos Headquarters
29. Attack On The Thames
30. Ethos Excavation Site
31. Babel Tower
II. Disc Two Walkthrough
III. Conclusion
IV. Feedback
V. Contributions
VI. Contributors


This strategy guide/FAQ first starts off with a detailed walkthrough of the
entire game. This walkthrough is not just any type as it not only tells you
what you need to do to complete the game. It also contains information about
what is going on in the game as well such as explanations of animation
sequences and the many other scenes throughout the game that just unfolds the
story and involves no player control. So as you can imagine, this will be a
very long strategy guide, however, that is what makes it good as well. The
walkthrough then follows with miscellaneous information about contributions,
secrets and tips for the game, and a lot more of other information that is
worth reading. I hope that it helps you as much as possible and I hope that
you enjoy this strategy guide/FAQ!

Feel free to use it on your own site so long as the disclaimer and copyright
notice remain intact. Also, please e-mail me
telling me that you are using my strategy guide along with a link to your site
so that I know just who is using my strategy guide/FAQ and so that I can keep
a record.

Also if you want to, feel free to drop me a line if
you have any questions retaining to the North American version of Xenogears.
Although I will prefer it if you completely look through the strategy
guide/FAQ first. If the answer to your question is an obvious one, then I
will not reply (unless I am bored and have nothing else to do). If, however,
the answer is buried in the heaps of information and is hard to find, then I
most likely will. But please, look through the strategy guide/FAQ first!

Lastly, if you know of any mistakes that I make in this strategy guide/FAQ,
please email them to me along with the necessary
corrections that I should make. If you have anything to contribute, please
notify me as well. Anything from more information about items or enemies to
helpful tips and secrets. No matter how insignificant it may seem, who cares,
and just send it in if you want to. As a reward for ANYTHING contributed to
this strategy guide/FAQ, you will receive the necessary credit in the
"Contributions Section" of this strategy guide/FAQ.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: My levels throughout the game in this strategy guide/FAQ
were always higher than the usual level that beginning players have as they go
through the game; as I take the time to build up. I recommend this to all
players because it will make the game less frustrating. Trust me I know!
With this knowledge, the information and tips I give for the bosses throughout
the game are for people who take the time to build up to around the level that
I happen to build up to. There is however, also other information (though not
very detailed) for people who are not at the current level that I was at for
that particular boss. I will also state the level that I was on for the
particular boss so that you are aware of that; as the level you are on could
greatly affect the difficulty of the boss you fight. So in other words, the
more you build up, the better!


The game first opens with a brilliantly created animation sequence. It begins
by showing a magnificent ship slowly gliding through space. All of a sudden,
alarms ring out as the crew struggles to figure out what is wrong. The ship
slowly begins to be taken over by some unknown force. All the while, the crew
is trying desperately to stop this unknown force from spreading. They do
their best but fail and the captain then orders the ship to be evacuated.
The people evacuate but all of a sudden the ships own weapons systems activate
and begin to destroy the escape pods as they launch. The ship begins to tear
apart as the computer systems are taken over one by one. The captain then
initiates the self-destruction sequence as he realizes that resistance is
futile. He stares at his beautiful wife and daughter as the destruct sequence
initiates. All of a sudden the ship disappears in a flash of explosions and
the remains of it slowly descend to a lowly planet lying right under it
floating through the vastness of space. Emerging from the wreckage, a
mysterious female arises and slowly walks towards the great sea that glimmers
before her. She stares into the dark horizon and watches as pieces of the
former magnificent ship burn up like small meteors in the atmosphere. Thus
the story begins.


You begin the game with some dialog for an introduction to what's happening in
the troubled world at this time. After the introduction you witness a few
short scenes in the small village of Lahan. There a battle is raging and in
the midst of this battle are a group of Gears. You'll notice that one of the
pilots is named Fei. Another man named Citan is also in the act trying to
stop Fei from fighting. However, Fei does not listen and continues to fight.

The burning fires then turn into a painting that Fei is working on and you now
have control of what is going on. Go into the room close by and talk to the
Maid. You will then learn of how Fei was brought to the village. Once you
are done with that, go upstairs and talk to Timothy who's in the circle of men
who seem to be chatting about the upcoming marriage between Timothy and Alice.
Timothy asks you to go and check on Alice and you agree. Go around the room
and talk to the other men as well to find out more about what is going on.
When you attempt to exit out of the door, a boy named Dan will stop you from
exiting and talk with you. He says that he wants to talk to you about
something and wants you to meet him outside; so go outside. You might as
well talk to the other people as it shouldn't hurt to do so.

Go find Dan who is waiting right outside next to the door to the Chief's
house. Talk to him and you'll find out that Dan prefers you to be his
brother-in-law instead of Timothy and that he wants you to steal Alice from
him! You will then have a choice to make. Either choice you make will not
affect anything but if you select "Let's do it!!" then Dan will really look up
to you so you might as well select that option.

After you are done with that head over to Alice's house which lies south and
right next to the Chief's house. Talk to the lady who is blocking the doorway
and she'll let you in. Go in, talk to Alice's Aunt, and go upstairs. You'll
talk with Alice and find out that she wanted Dan to borrow a camera and lights
from Doctor Uzuki (Citan) who lives up on the mountain peak. You then offer
to do the errand. When the conversations over, exit the house and you also
might want to buy a few things from the General Store before heading up the
mountain peak as it will get pretty rough.

ITEMS: Aquasol……….20 Omegasol……….50
Rosesol……….100 Survival Tent……150

Once you are ready and equipped, take the path north out of the village which
takes you to the beginning of a long path up the mountain that leads to
Citan's home. Follow the path northward until you reach the Save Point and
the sign close by. Save and read the sign which states that the right path
leads to Citan's house. So take the right path and follow the it until Fei
stops and the map begins to shift. Fei will point out the direction of
Citan's house so follow the path a short way up and you'll run into a boy who
says that the bridge is gone. The solution to this is simple as all you have
to do is make a running jump across the gap. The boy will teach you how to do
so if you don't know how.

Once you clear the jump head across the near by bridge. While you are
crossing the bridge, you should notice a treasure chest below. Cross the
bridge and turn west to go down the slope, under the bridge, and pick up the
Aquasol waiting inside the treasure chest. Go back up and had east a little
bit until your reach another sign. It will simply point out that Citan's
house is up ahead so go on up the path.


Enter in through the front door and you will find Citan's wife Yui and his
daughter Midori in the kitchen. When you talk to Yui she'll say that Citan is
busy in the storeroom in the backyard so go out the door right besides you and
head behind the house to the storeroom.

Right outside of the storeroom there will be a large explosion. Everything is
fine though and Citan will tell you to enter the storeroom to go and see
something that he found. Do so and you will see some sort of audio device
that will activate when you walk up to it. Citan soon enters and tells you to
go ahead on into the house and eat dinner.

After you are done eating it is dark and you leave Citan's house. The path is
darker now but it still shouldn't be too hard to navigate through. Head on
down the same way that you came. However, when you reach the bridge you will
notice several Gears fly by overhead. Citan will soon come running up to you
and you will learn that the Gears appear to be from the neighboring country of
Kislev. You also notice that they are heading for Lahan! Follow Citan down
the path to where you originally began. Be sure to save before exiting off
the screen


Once you enter, you will see that Lahan has already been attacked and is
currently in flames. The Kislev Gears are still there and appear to just be
standing there. You will run into Alice and Timothy who say that they can't
find Dan. Fei then tells both of them to get out of the village while he and
Citan looks for Dan and any other survivors.

While looking around, Fei will find what appears to be an empty Gear.
However, Fei is blown away right in front it by the gunfire of an attacking
Kislev Gear. An animation sequence then starts showing what a appears to be a
young boy grinning at Fei from the cockpit of Gear. Is Fei hallucinating? In
any case, Fei will then board the abandoned Gear. Citan will try to stop him
but fails to do so.

Fei starts the Gear and then begins to initiate combat with the other
attacking Gears. This will be the first Gear fight. It is actually very easy
and you should be able to get by this with not problems. Just keep hitting
the Gears with X button attacks and you should be all right. In fact, two
hits with the X button attack is all that you need to destroy each enemy Gear.
After the battle more Kislev Gears arrive and begin to attack Fei. In the
mean time, Dan joins Citan in watching the battle. Timothy soon joins them
too, however is attacked by another Kislev Gear. Fei tries to help but
cannot. Another animation sequence then begins showing Timothy's death as
well as a few other surprising scenes. It shows how Fei then losses it (goes
crazy) and all of a sudden a powerful blast engulfs the devastated Lahan.
Everything is destroyed; the Gears, the town, and all who are in it.


Fei later wakes up on the outskirts of what was once Lahan. There the
remaining townspeople are gathered. Fei learns what he has done and Dan puts
all the blame on him for what happened. The people then get restless and even
begin to fear Fei. Citan then asks Fei to leave whatever is left of Lahan in
case reinforcements come; and, due to the fact that the people who once loved
and trusted him, now hate and fear him. Citan suggests that Fei goes through
the Blackmoon Forest and into Aveh so that the Kislev forces cannot track him
down. Fei agrees and leaves with a few last glimpses at the monster that
destroyed his village.

You will now find yourself on the World Map. The Blackmoon Forest is clearly
visible to the west of Lahan. Save on the World Map and then enter the
Blackmoon Forest.

NOTE: It is actually kind of dark but that depends on the color of your
screen. You can easily adjust the screen so that the forest is easier to
navigate through. Well, nevermind, I'm just stating this because this was a
problem for me at first.

Follow the path southward and the forest will suddenly be laid out in front of
you. Head west through the pathways and turn southwest between the two huge
tree trunks that are lying on the ground. Follow that pathway through the
tress and you will soon notice a path heading upward guarded by what appears
to be a Hobgob. Once you approach it, the Hobgob will jump up the path and
run away from you. Chase it and when it stops at the top of the path near the
tree, attack it. Once you defeat it head on over to the Save Point and save.
Head north along the upper pathway and follow it until another Hobgob comes
into view right in front of a boulder. Attack it and once you win, the
boulder that was behind of the Hobgob will begin to roll down the tree trunk
that you are currently on. Jump out of way back onto the ground an let the
boulder roll away. Don't let it touch you or you'll get hurt for 5 HP every
time it touches you! Once the boulder is gone backtrack east then head south
to where you will notice a huge stone lying on the ground that appears to form
steps. Jump on each of them, using them as stepping stones to jump onto the
tree trunk. Head down the tree trunk and when you are half way across you
will notice another tree trunk right under the current one you are standing
on. You should also notice an Item bag lying at the edge of the tree trunk
under you. So carefully jump off onto the tree trunk below you and get the
item which is an Aquasol. Get off the tree trunk a follow the same path up to
the Save Point. Then go back to the location where the boulder originally
was. Head up the new path that was created when the boulder rolled away to
exit the area.

However, as you exit the area, an animation sequence will start and a
mysterious woman will be shouting at you in an unknown language with a gun
pointing at your head. After a few seconds, she will then tell you not to
move and to drop down your weapon. She will then state something about you
being a surface dweller and a -Lamb- then asks you if you know a way of
getting out of the forest. So as it turns out, she is lost as well. The
mysterious woman will suddenly get attacked by a group of Forest Elves and
will be knocked out. All of a sudden Fei yells out to the Forest Elves not
touch Elly. Hmm…..it appears that he knows her name. How? A battle then
ensues. It should be an easy one at that too. Once you defeat the Forest
Elves Fei will take the mysterious woman and tend to her wounds. When she
wakes up, you then once again learn her name as being Elhaym or Elly for
short. You two decide to wait until after dark before you continue to look
for a way out.

Another animation sequence starts up again. It may seem kind of confusing but
at this point in the game, it should be for any new players. The little boy,
as you will notice, is most likely Fei as a young boy. Looks like he is being
abandoned in a desert and who the heck is that lady who helps him? Just keep
what happens in mind and continue on. You will then continue with your
journey through Blackmoon Forest. Now head south from your current position
until you come to a sign. It will state that the path up the cliffs are to
the east and right next to you. So head on up the path near by until you come
to another sign which states that Lahan Village is to the north and the
country of Aveh is to the south. Head southward and just in front of you will
be three groups of Hobgobs. You might as well attack them as the experience
you get from them will come in handy. They are also easy and this will give
you a chance to get some Hob-Jerky! The only problem is that when you
approach each separate group of Hobgobs, they will all jump off the cliff and
onto their own separate ledges. If you head west to the cliffs where the two
Hobgob groups jumped off you will notice a treasure chest on one of the cliffs
opposite of you and an item bag on the ground below the cliffs. Jump to the
ledge to where the treasure chest is and attack the Hobgob group. Then pick
up the Arcane Rod that lies in the treasure chest. Equip it to Elly and then
jump off the cliff to the bottom. Get the Aquasol that lies in the item bag
right in front of you and then head northeast to get back to the first sign
that leads you up the cliff paths. Go back to where you were before you
jumped off to get the treasure chest but this time jump to the cliff where the
second Hobgob group is waiting and attack it. Once you are finished with
that, follow the path as it wraps around the cliffs and you will soon see
another group of Hobgobs. As you approach it, it will jump down to another
cliff fight below. Follow it and once again, attack it. Just up ahead you
will see what appears to be some sort of bridge across a gap in the cliffs.
Elly and Fei will engage in a little conversation before you can go on and
will talk about why they are both in the forest. Fei will then blame himself
for everything that went wrong in Lahan and tells Elly what had happened.
Elly will then begin to think about what happened (meaning that there will be
a flashback) and you will learn that Elly had a part to do with the
destruction of Lahan by landing right in the middle of it while trying to
escape the Kislev Gears and then retreating out of her Gear and running away!
Fei will then blame the Kislev Gears for what happened and Elly will call him
a coward. Elly will then walk away and exit into the next area alone. As she
walks away, a new confusing animation sequence will begin with Elly in a
hallway with blood everywhere. Her own words that she had used against Fei
about him being a coward begins to echo in her as the scene expands to show
dead bodies and blood all around Elly. So it appears that she now feels
guilty for what she said to Fei! Oh well.

When it is through, she will continue to walk through the area however will be
immediately assaulted by a huge monster. Fei then hears her screen of horror
and gets up. However, before you go and rush into the next area, take a moment
to head across that bridge next to you to get a Survival Tent in the treasure
chest and to the save your game at the Save Point next to it. Now take Fei to
the next area and you will see Elly in the clutches of the huge monster known
as a Rankar Dragon.

HP: 480

The Rankar Dragon drops Elly and she lays there unconscious. You must now
fight that huge beast with your bare hands! As you can see, you can barely
hurt the Rankar Dragon (1-3 HP of damage with your normal attacks) and it
begins to beat you down. However, do not worry because after a few rounds,
Citan will appear in his Crab Walker (please e-mail me
if you know the real name for Citan's flying
machine) and will drop off a familiar device to help you out. The Gear that
had destroyed Lahan! At first, Fei is a little skeptical about getting into
the Gear that had destroyed Lahan but is easily convinced to get in and fight
when the Rankar Dragon turns its attention to Elly and begins to attack her.
Now you will stand a chance against the Rankar Dragon and this battle should
now be very easy to take care of. Simply use X button attacks and take it
down! Just don't use the Guided Shot Chi skill as it is useless against the
Rankar Dragon.

When you defeat it, Citan will come down and you find out that the Gear has a
name known as Weltall. Fei at first does not want the Gear but Citan
convinces him otherwise as he will need the strength since he is now a
fugitive from the Kislev Army. Elly soon regains conscious and Citan explains
to her what had just happened. So it appears that Elly now owes Fei double
time! Anyway, the three of them decide to make camp as it is getting dark and
Weltall now needs repairs due to the last fight. After Citan inspects
Weltall, it turns out that two crucial parts, the knee actuator and the bypass
circuit, are both ruined. Elly is also having problems sleeping so Citan has
a little chat with her. In the conversation, Elly finds out that Citan knows
of what happened between her and the Gear fight at Lahan. Citan then asks
Elly for a favor. That favor is for Elly to leave the forest and go her own
way immediately while Fei is asleep. The reason for this is so Elly does not
get entangled in the situation with Fei and so she can go back to her own
family. He assures Elly that Fei will not learn of her true identity in the
military and about what happened in Lahan. However Elly still does not really
want to go due to the fact that she wants to apologize to Fei for what she
said about him being a coward when in fact she was actually the coward. They
then go on to talk once more about surface dwellers, or -Lambs- and other
aspects that may seem a little confusing to new players. Afterwards Elly
agrees to go, and leaves. However, in the morning to Citan's surprise, he
finds out that Fei had overheard half of their conversation. Fei then once
again goes on to blame himself, but Citan is able to lift part of the guilt.
Will it be enough though?

Next you are told by Citan that you should head out of the Blackmoon Forest
and head out across the desert to the town called Dazil. Citan says that
there you should be able to learn about what Aveh and Kislev are up to and
get some needed parts for Weltall as well. So now just head a little way up
west to find the path which exits from the Blackmoon Forest. As you leave you
will notice a huge airship fly by overhead. Citan assumes that it's the
aerial battleship from Aveh. You then learn from Citan that it was lent to
Aveh by the Gebler Forces which, as you read in the introduction to the game,
was currently helping Aveh in its fight against Kislev. You also learn that
Gebler is the special forces of the Sacred Empire known as Solaris. Once the
conversation is over head on out to the World Map.


As you look around on the World Map, you will notice Dazil in the desert just
southward of your current position. So, head on over to Dazil!

When you enter Dazil the screen will begin to shift revealing the entire town
of Dazil to you. You find out some information from Citan that it is the
center of Aveh's excavations and that it is heavily guarded. Citan also says
that you should be able to gather the things that you need to repair Weltall
and find out what's happening between Aveh and Kislev as well. Citan then
states that there is an Ethos workshop in the southern part of the town so
head on over to the Ethos workshop.

On your way to the Ethos workshop take sometime to talk to the soldiers and
people scattered throughout the town to get some information. As you explore
the town, you should also take the time to rest, stock up on supplies, and

ITEMS: Aquasol……….20 Mentsol……….20
Rosesol……….100 Survival Tent….150

ACCESSORIES: Martial Wear……….50 WEAPONS: Magical Rod……….50
Fencing Wear………80
Arcane Rod………..100
Martial Cap………...30
Leather Whip………60
Fencing Cap………..40
Power Ring………...200
Stamina Ring……….150

When you get to the Ethos workshop talk to the man closest to you whose
dressed in blue. You will find out that the part that you need is only used
on the latest military Gear models and as a result, is not kept in stock at
the Ethos workshop and that you can only get those parts by placing orders at
the Ethos headquarters. Well, it looks like you can't get the parts you need
from the Ethos workshop so leave. As you exit out of the workshop, Fei will
say that he needs to talk to Citan. Fei asks Citan if it is all right if they
don't even bother repairing Weltall due to the fact that they can't get the
proper parts. It seems that Fei is really worried about using Weltall. He
thinks that they can make it on their own without it. However, Citan changes
Fei's mind by telling him that they should move Weltall as far away from Lahan
as possible. This is because Citan suspects that the incident that occurred
that evening was because the Gebler Special Forces had stolen a Kislev
Military Gear, which in turn, was Elly's group. He goes on to suspect that it
involved some sort of new technology since the Kislev fought so fiercely to
get the stolen Gear back. He guesses that it is some sort of new experimental
Gear. The reason why Citan wants to get Weltall as far away as possible is
because he believes that the Kislev military will be investigating the Lahan
area to reclaim Weltall since he is pretty sure that news of the Gebler
Special Forces failure to steal it has reached the Kislev High Command. He
also states that the Aveh/Gebler forces will also be searching the area for
Weltall so there will probably be an inevitable conflict between the
Aveh/Gebler forces and the Kislev forces. So if they find Weltall where it
currently is, which is unfortunately right next to Lahan, there will probably
be more problems involving the people of Lahan.

Fortunately, that convinces Fei to continue to find a way to fix Weltall.
Citan then states that they are in the center of an excavation site so there
must be some information on where they can find the necessary parts. Well,
what to do now. Head back north to where you originally entered into Dazil.
Notice anything new? Well you should notice that a buggy is now parked in
front of the rental shop. Walk up to the buggy and Citan will say that he
has an idea and that they need the to rent the buggy. Go into the rental shop
and talk to the man sitting down to go ahead and rent the buggy for Citan.
Citan will say that he is going to go out into the desert to search for the
parts for Weltall and that he wants Fei to stay back and kill some time at the
bar. The rental owner then butts in and asks Fei if he is really going to let
Citan go out all alone. He goes on to say that there are lots of fights
breaking out in the desert, that it's a really dangerous place, and that you
shouldn't let him go out on his own. That should be a hint to you to head on
out of Dazil and chase after Citan. Do just that and exit out of Dazil.


Well, now you have to find Citan so start heading on out into the desert. The
World Map will eventually change and you will suddenly see two Gears jump over
Fei and head out into the endless desert. Follow those Gears and head out
into the desert too. First head west and exit the area. Then in the next
area, head north and exit the area. When Fei reaches the next area he will
suddenly see what appears to be a huge flying saucer of some sort fly overhead
in the sky. He ignores it and continues on into the next area. There you
will see those two Gears again heading off. Follow them northward and exit
the area. In the next area once again head north and exit the area (getting
tired of hearing "exit the area?" I sure am tired of writing it but oh
well!). Now when you reach the next area, it appears that the sun is setting
and it will be dark soon. All of a sudden Fei will see several motorcycles
zoom by. What's going on! First Gears then a flying saucer and now
motorcycles!? Well, anyway, Fei will immediately stop the next on coming
motorcycle and force it to crash into the sand. He will then steal it and
ride off leaving the driver behind. Well, at least he said sorry! You'll see
Fei driving over the sand dune tops just as dark settles in. But then
suddenly he will be wiped off his motorcycle by a huge gust of wind! You will
then see that the two Gears that you were following have now surrounded you .
But just as they are about to attack you they are suddenly knocked down by
some unknown force. As you turn around you see that it's Weltall along with
Citan in it! Just as Citan exits Weltall the two other Gears get up and Fei
hurries on into Weltall. Time for another Gear battle!

This battle should be very easy. However, once you destroy the two annoying
Gears you will be greeted by a mysterious man on top of a Gear which is
standing at the top of a nearby mountain peak. A new animation scene then
starts and Fei then begins to remember memories from the past. It turns out
that he somehow knows this strange figure from when he was a child. Also,
remember this Gear? The one from Lahan that ordered the other Gears to kill
Timothy? Well it is the same one and it turns out that the strange man in
black is called Grahf, the seeker of power. Grahf begins to bring up about
how much power Fei had at Lahan and then states that he sent those Gears into
Lahan deliberately to "awaken the power within him……To make contact with him."
Or so he says. So in other words, Grahf attacked Lahan to make Fei get into
the Gear and fight. Grahf also seems to not care about the life of the
villagers. It refers to them as wretched vermin and doesn't care how many of
them have died. He then goes on to say that Fei is actually the one who
destroys Lahan and not him. This does it and Fei begins to doubt himself.
The guilt then begins to resurface as he tries desperately to take the guilt
and blame off of his shoulders and back onto Grahf. But it is no good as
Grahf says the same thing that Elly said before. That Fei is now trying to
put the blame on others. However, Fei manages to change the subject by asking
Grahf about what he meant by needing his power. The reply that Grahf gives
him is to destroy mother god. What the heck does that mean? Don't worry, I
was confused about that at first too but just keep on going through the
conversation and then Grahf will begin to talk about Fei's father. Grahf then
goes on to hint that Fei's father is dead and then says that Fei's power is
still not ready to serve his purposes. All of a sudden, the conversation is
interrupted as a huge monster surfaces from the desert. Grahf uses this
opportunity to see Fei's power one more time and flies away.

HP: 200

This fight is very easy. You should use booster so that you keep a faster
pace than the Wyrm. If you have level one combos, then use them! If you have
not attained that level yet, the just keep using X button attacks. If you
notice, the normal attacks won't work and the Wyrm will continuously annoy you
by sucking out your fuel. It doesn't take that much, only 60 units of fuel.
It's normal attack also only hits you for about 130 HP so it isn't that bad.
Using Fei's Guided Shot Chi skill should do the trick it hurting the Wyrm a
bit. In fact, if your levels are high enough, say around level 18, you should
be able to kill the Wyrm with two shots of the Guided Shot Chi skill. So, you
actually don't have to worry about normal attacks or anything like that. If
your levels are not that high, then just keep on hitting the Wyrm with the
Guided Shot Chi skill. Don't worry, It'll go down.
After the battle Fei will get out of Weltall and say that it is broken once
again. And right after you fix it! But not to worry as the repairs were only
temporary and can't be expected to survive a battle like that. Then out of no
where, two more Gears of the Aveh Military will jump you and you will be
forced to surrender as there is no way that you can make it back into Weltall
in time to fight them.

You will next find yourself on an Aveh transport ship of some sort. Fei will
be sleeping and another animation sequence will start. This time Grahf is in
it along with two other men. A red hair man along with another older man with
black hair who states to Grahf that he will protect Fei even if it kills him.
How peculiar. Well, in any case, Fei will wake up and Citan will talk to him
about Grahf. Fei is worried about what Grahf said about his so called power
and why Grahf made him get into Weltall. After that, you will then have
control over Fei. So go over to the Save Point and save. Then talk to Citan
and he tells Fei to rest as there is nothing that they can do now.

After you choose to get some rest, Citan will mumble something about that will
sound confusing. Then the screen will shift to a strange room with what looks
like all sorts of pictures flying all over the place. The background is black
with a few bright blue lights shimmering in the black abyss. There Citan will
be talking to some unknown figure called the Emperor. The Emperor will begin
to talk about weird subjects like eternal paradise, god's resting place, -
Time- of the -Gospel- , the Gazel, and -Fate-. All of this may seem confusing
but don't worry, it will all come together in time. It's as if Citan
connected telepathically to this Emperor. But that doesn't matter now because
another problem is at hand.


It seems like someone is tailing the Aveh transport and is also after Weltall.
It looks like a someone is following the transport and is about to attack it!
Just as the unknown man is about to attack, it seems that two of his crew
members try to stop him but he continues on with the attack. They refer to
him as young master. Citan and Fei watch as the unknown vessel surfaces and
Citan confirms it to be a sand cruiser operated by desert pirates!

Several of the hatches to the sand cruiser then open and unleash a salvo of
attacks at the transport. Meanwhile, back inside the sand cruiser on the
bridge, the two crewmen are still trying to caution the young master but he
still refuses to listen and continues with his assault.

The transport is hit several times in the hull and begins to turn over and
sink. It turns out that you only have a few minutes to escape but the door is
still locked. However, that is fixed when another shot hits the transport and
the door is unlocked. Now you must scramble to get out of the transport
before it sinks! Quickly head out of the room and east down the corridor.
Citan will say that you can lock the sand barrier door but to be careful as
once you do so you can't open it again. Don't close it yet as there is an
item for you to get on the other side! Head east through the door and then
into the next door that you see to get an item (please e-mail me
if you happen to know what this item is as I am
unable to find out). After that, backtrack and close the sand barrier. Then
head west and when Fei gets to the next door, go through it and open the
treasure chest in the room to get a Rosesol. Exit the room and head west once
again down the corridor to the ladder at the end. Go down and Fei will be in
what appears to be the engine room. Head east and Fei will eventually come to
some stairs. Climb the stairs and follow the walkway. Fei will also come
across a treasure chest which contains a Leather Vest. Equip it and continue
to follow the walkway. At this point the walkway should be falling apart. At
your current position, if there is a hole in the walkway, then fall through it
to get to the treasure chest that contains an Eyeball . If there isn't one
then just wait until there is one. Once you get the item simply head back
east and climb the ladder over the generator and climb the second ladder down
to where you started at the beginning of the stairs which leads to the
walkway. Follow the walkway all the way to the end this time and climb up the
ladder to the next level. On the next level you should see the Save Point
right in front of you so go ahead and save. After you are done with that
continue on north past the Save Point and when Fei gets to the wall on the
other side turn west then south and follow the corridor until Fei gets to the
next ladder which will take him up to the deck of the transport.

When Fei gets there Citan will move the crane, which is right in front of you,
towards Weltall's cockpit so that Fei can get to it and escape. Once the
crane has moved, jump onto it and head up it to reach Weltall. Be sure to be
careful so that you don't fall off. Don't worry, you won't literally fall off
as Fei will catch himself and pull himself up. This, however, wastes precious
time. As a side note and warning, if you take too long to get to Weltall, it
will be sucked under the sand and you will have to start over again so be
quick about it! When Fei makes it to Weltall, he climbs down the crane wires
and jumps into the cockpit. Once Weltall's up, Fei quickly grabs Citan and
flies away. Once a safe distance away, Fei lands Weltall and drops off Citan
who appears to be a little air sick from the last flight. Once you converse a
little, it is rudely interrupted by the pirate whom you remember as being
called young mater and his group of Gears. A battle then ensues with the
pirates thinking that Fei and Citan are Aveh soldiers who fled the transport.
Fei tries to convince them otherwise, however, the pirates just don't listen.
Fei constantly tries to talk the pirate out of it and convince them that he is
not a pirate however it still doesn't work.

HP: 800

This isn't a fight that you shouldn't be too concerned about. The pirate will
most likely cast Wild Smile on Fei's Gear which lowers the ACC/EV of it but
that's all. The rest will be brawled out. Just keep hitting Brigandier with
X button attacks and level one combos if you have them at this point in the
After awhile, the ground will begin to shake violently triggering quicksand
and both Fei and the pirate will be swallowed up by the desert sand.


As a result of being swallowed by the quicksand, the two men disembark their
Gears and the pirate finally learns that Fei is truly not a soldier. He
apologizes and says that his name is Bart. After the introduction you learn
that Bart and Fei have fallen into the stratum underneath the desert which
consists of igneous rock. Now the two of them must find a way out so both Fei
and Bart call off the fight and agree to cooperate with each other for the
time being. Meanwhile on the surface, you learn that the majority of the
people from the sunken Aveh transport ship have been rescued by the pirate's
sand cruiser. A little humor is introduced involving the nurse of the sand
cruiser before you see Citan with one of the previous crew members who tried
to stop Bart from attacking the Aveh transport. You learn that the man's name
is Sigurd and they seem to be talking about Fei and Bart. A Gear then drops
by and says that the last of the people and supplies have been almost
completely collected. However, the group still cannot locate Bart or Fei and
it is suspected that they are currently near an old excavation site. It is
stated that if they can't find both Bart and Fei, then the sand cruiser will
move on and meet them at a specified meeting point. You also learn that
Sigurd appears to know Citan.

Back down in the Stalactite Caves, you must now find a way to get Fei and Bart
out. Save at the near by Save Point and then head in a southwestern direction
to the end of the cave. You should see a boulder sticking out of the rock
walls and when you approach it, Bart will state that his sensors detect
another cavern on the other side, however, he also states that it appears that
the boulder is too heavy for them to move. Actually, who cares and once more
go up to the rock and attempt to move it. Fei will attempt to push the huge
boulder down and Bart helps out. It turns out that they successfully move it
and it falls down into the cavern on the other side. This is not without
getting damaged in return as Bart's Gear faces a little problem due to the
stress involved with the movement of the huge boulder. Drop down into the
cavern and continue southwest until you see a greenish color doorway. To the
east of it, along the cliff edge, you will find a treasure chest which
contains a Gold Nugget. Enter the doorway and you will have to follow a very
long corridor of rocks. When you get to the end of it you will now be in a
new cavern with waterfalls scattered throughout it. Follow the bridge like
path southwestward and you will come to an Aveh Excavation Gear. When you
talk to it, it will tell you a little information about the surrounding area.
You will learn, for example, that the sand sensors have detected abnormal sand
activity and have been activated along with the information that the sand
barrier has been closed as a result of this. What the heck does that mean?
Well you'll know when you move on. After you're done talking to the Aveh
Excavation Gear, follow the path past it and head on south into the next area.
In the next area will see a Save Point along with what looks like a house!
Well, looks like someone lives here! It isn't that hard to navigate this area
and reach the house. Just follow the path and jump up onto the green stained
ground. Head in a southwestern motion and will come down to the house a
little bit down ahead. Save at the Save Point and go on into the house.

When you go inside you will see a strange old man who seems to know a lot
about Gears. You find out that his name is Balthazar also known as Ol' man
Bal. It appears that he is some sort of collector who collects things from
the nearby excavation site as well as anything in the Stalactite Caves. You
will learn a little about human fossils and about the point when humans first
appeared. You also learn about a myth which explains the existence of humans.
A myth that also contradicts the Ethos teachings of human evolution. In that
myth it is said that humans and god once lived together in a paradise in the
sky. With gods protection there was no need to fear of death and other
natural disasters. However, one day, the humans ate the so called forbidden
fruit which gave them incredible knowledge and wisdom. God then drove mankind
from the paradise for their sins. Then, humans used their wisdom and
knowledge to create giant monsters which they planned to use to challenge god.
But before they could, god unleashed his wrath upon them and all who defied
him were destroyed. Even though god was successful, he himself didn't escape
unharmed. Taking the paradise with him, the wounded god buried himself deep
beneath the ocean to sleep for eons. However, before going to sleep, god used
his remaining power to create "right-hearted humans" to live on the planet.
And these people are said to be the ancestors of everyone today.

Anyway, after he is done talking, talk to him once again and Fei will ask Ol'
Man Bal if there is an exit to the Stalactite Caves. He replies that there is
one just past the excavation site beyond the sand barrier however, the sand
barrier is closed. When Fei asks just how to open it, Ol' Man Bal will state
that he can't break it down by simply using a Gear and will go on to say that
Fei can only open it by deactivating the sand sensors. He then makes a deal
with Fei and Bart by saying that if they go on and turn off the sand sensors,
he will go and open the door as he needs to leave once and a while too. The
sand sensors are little structures with flashing red lights on them. There
are only two and they are pretty hard to miss if you simply explore the
caverns. Ol' Man Bal will also share some Gear parts, fuel, and items with
you so all you have to do is ask him. It's actually kind of like a mini
store. It is here that you can actually equip your Gear parts or tune up for
the first time. It's not like it's that hard to understand so I'll skip it.
You can ask him for some valuable information too. You can ask him where the
sensors are and he will simply say that one is located on the rocky ledge
above the Great Hall, and the other one is located on the road from which you
can see the waterfalls. I'll explain more later about what the solutions to
these are. You can also ask him (if you are a new player) about Gear
functions. Here is how Ol' man Bal explains it as. "A Gear's strength
changes with the parts equipped and how the pilot handles it. First, let's
talk about the Engine. With a good Engine, your Attack Power and fuel
capacity go up. HP depends on the Frame and Defense Ability on the Armor
equipped." He also goes on to explain how to use the charge and booster
skills but they aren't complicating to understand. Well, anyway, get the
necessary things that you need from Ol' Man Bal and get ready to turn off
those dang sand sensors.

ITEMS: Aquasol……….20 Omegasol……….50
Rosesol……….100 Survival Tent…....150

ENGINES: G6-1200……….1200 ARMOR: MS 6……….500

FRAMES: WELT-02100……….400 BRIG-02200………...500
WELT-02500……….800 BRIG-02700………...900

So now for those sand sensors! One of them is located back in the area where
the waterfalls are so head back the same way you came from to reach the area
where that Aveh Excavation Gear is located. Once you reach the Gear take the
northwest pathway and follow it northward. When you reach the end of the path
you should see a ledge with the sand sensor right on it. Right behind you is
another small cliff that you can jump on and use as a stepping stone to get to
the next level. Jump onto it and then from there jump onto the ledge with the
sand sensor. Once you turn it off you should notice a treasure chest on
another ledge directly west and next to you. Go on and open it to get an Iron
GWhip which you should equip to Bart's Brigandier. Now go on back to the
previous area where Ol' Man Bal lives. You will need to access the area from
there to get to the second and final sand sensor. From the Save Point, head
northwestward and you will come to another path on a higher level which will
take you to the final sand sensor. Follow that path to the next area in which
you will have to cross a bridge which hangs over the waterfall area. The next
area will look like the same long corridor that you went through earlier but
it actually leads to a different area. Follow it until the exit and you will
be in what appears to be the exact same area as before when you first pushed
over the huge boulder. Don't worry as it isn't so just go north and then turn
west onto the ledge which, as you will find out, is directly above the same
cavern that you started off in. The sand sensor is right up ahead so turn it
off and return to Ol' Man Bal.

When you talk to Ol' Man Bal he'll open the sand barrier. Before they go,
Bart asks if Ol' Man Bal knows anything about a Gear that is far superior to
others call the god Gear. You learn that the real name of it is the Omnigear
and that it is more powerful than a thousand ordinary Gears. However, Ol' Man
Bal just says that it is only a legend and doesn't really exist. He will then
do you the favor of taking a look at your Gears to see if he can make any
repairs or anything like that. Fei and Bart then engage in a little
conversation about the Omnigear and about the past of the Gears and how they
originated. That is truly a mystery that is only kept in the records of the
Ethos. Your conversation is then interrupted by Ol' Man Bal who seems a
little shocked. When asked what is wrong he states that Weltall is the host
for the spirit of slayer of god and seems in a way, kind of frightened and
shocked. After that he becomes very unfriendly and asks Fei and Bart to leave
as they have no more business in his home anymore. Well, that's about all Ol'
Man Bal will do anymore so you might as well leave the Stalactite Caves.

Go through the sand barrier and exit the area. Follow the current path south
to the ledge of the cliff. To the west of you there is a elevator and to the
east of you there a gondola. Walk up to the gondola and it will ask you if
you want to get on it. Select yes and you will get out of your Gears and ride
the gondola to the other side where you will see another tower-like structure
right ahead of you. Activate the red light that is visible from that
structure to activate the Aveh execution site generator. This enable you to
head down the elevator so head back across and down the elevator. When you
get to the bottom level head down into that ditch in front of you. Head east
along the ditch until you get to the other side. Once you do get there, climb
or rather jump up the steps to the next level. Then head west and use the
next step to jump to the other side. You should also have noticed a Save
Point. Go ahead and save. Once you're done with that take the elevator
right next to the Save Point down to the next area. Once you get there you
will notice a huge Gear flying around over Fei and Bart. Jump down to the
next level and prepare for another fight as the Gear engages you.

HP: 2500
Bart: 20

My advice is to use booster in this fight so that you can use your speed to
your advantage. You should also use your level one combos as soon as they
become available. If you still do not have the combos then continuous X
button attacks will have to do. You can also use Bart's Wild Smile Ether skill
to lower Calamity's ACC/EV. Fei's Guided Shot Chi skill works as well but
doesn't do that much damage. I would just stick to normal fuel attacks.
Calamity has three types of attacks. One of them causes around 130 HP of
damage while the other one is more powerful and can cause around 500 HP of
damage. The last one is a weak one that does roughly 50 HP of damage. The
amount of damage also depends on your current level (I think) and your defense
statistics. Overall, it shouldn't be that hard of a battle.

Once you defeat Calamity, it will fall to the ground. Bart will begin to talk
big and then says that he exit is very close to them. But as they are about
to exit the cavern, Calamity gets up! Oh no! Well, looks like more fighting!
However, not that you can control! Fei suddenly tells Bart to get out of the
way. Fei then unleashes a combo of massive attacks on Calamity that
completely annihilates it! Bart is impressed but Fei doesn't seem to know how
he even did it! Oh well. Now you must exit the cavern which isn't that hard.
The exit is directly south of your current position in the form of an opening
in the wall. However, to get there you have to head east around the nearby
gap in the ground then use the ledges of the elevated ground as stepping
stones to reach the top.

When Fei and Bart exit they will be close by to the city of Bledavik, the
capital of Aveh where the Fatima Castle is located. Bart says that it is his
old home town and then says that the rendezvous with the Yggdrasil is very
close to their current position.


Once the Yggdrasil picks Fei and Bart up, you will be shifted to the Gear
hangers of the Yggdrasil in front of Weltall. There Citan will greet Fei and
they will be joined by one of the crew members who apologizes for the earlier
incident and whose name is Maison. As soon as that is said, Bart will join
you and you are formally introduced to the sand pirates leader Bartholomew
which is in fact Bart! Yet again, you are joined by another crew member
except it is the same one that seems to know Citan as you have previously
seen. His name is Sigurd (if you didn't notice from before) and he is the
First Mate of the sand cruiser Yggdrasil. The three of them walk away with
Sigurd pulling Bart's ear. Citan suggests that they go on to their cabin to
wait but something seems to be bothering Fei. Fei doesn't admit anything
though and you now have the freedom to move around and explore the sand
cruiser Yggdrasil!

It may seem a little hard to navigate around since you are unfamiliar with it
but in due time, you'll know the ship like the back of your hand! Look around
and talk to everyone. Visit the Gear shop to upgrade your parts. You should
also consider buying a few items or supplies from Maison in the Gun Room.

ITEMS: Aquasol……….20 Brown Star……….500
Aquasol S…….100 Red Star………….500
Rosesol……….100 Blue Star…………500
Rosesol S……..300 Hard Star………...800
Zetasol………..100 Speed Star……….1000
Physisol……….10 Omegasol………..50
Mentsol……….20 Survival Tent…...150
White Star…….500

ACCESSORIES: Power Ring……….200 Speed Ring………1200
Stamina Ring……..150 Guardian Ring……2000

ENGINES: Z9-1500……….1800 ARMOR: MS 9……….1500

FRAMES: WELT-03000……….1400

PARTS: Resp Circuit……….2500 Engine Guard……….5000
Def Circuit………...2500 Tank Guard…………3000
C Circuit…………..250 Ar Repairer………….4000
Magnetic Coat…….4000 Motion Guard……….4000
Lens Cover………..2500

WEAPONS: Iron GWhip………..1600
Snapper GWhip…….2000

When you're done looking around the Yggdrasil, talk to Sigurd who is at the
helm in the bridge and he will state that the ship is almost at the hideout;
which you will stop by to re supply at. The screen will then switch to the
World Map and you will see the Yggdrasil moving through the desert.
Unfortunately you can't control it, yet. Don't worry, you will soon enough.


When you finally get the hideout you will see the Yggdrasil dock. Everyone
will disembark and will be greeted by several soldiers and children of the
base. Bart will then state that he is going to go and tune up his Gear. He
asks Maison to take Fei and Citan to have a cup of tea. The computer will
guide you up the elevator and through the base to the dining hall where you
all sit down and have some tea. All of them will also engage in a
conversation about several important facts and information. You will learn
that Bart is the last remainder of the once proud Fatima Dynasty before it was
destroyed by Shakhan's forces. It was said that Bart died from an illness 12
years ago however that was just a cover up for Maison and the others had saved
Bart from being captured by Shakhan. The reason why Bart has to resort to
piracy is because Maison and the others are planning to restore him to the
throne which require resorting to piracy. Now the reason for this is because
a revolution would be futile as Shakhan can easily suppress it. Instead, they
resort to scouting the excavation sites for anything that would help. But
since excavation takes a tremendous amount of time and power, the best that
the Yggdrasil could to was find small items. The reason for the piracy is
because it is far more effective and logical to attack from the shadows as
pirates than to excavate from the sites themselves. That way, Kislev and Aveh
can do most of the work while the they steal the Gears that the countries dig
up. They then go on to talk about the reason why they haven't gone on to
execute their plan. The reason for this is because Shakhan appears to have a
prisoner named Margie. She seems so important that the pirates dare not
attack. It turns out that this Margie is Nisan's Great Mother as well as
Bart's cousin. It also turns out that the reason why they took her captive
was for the Fatima Jasper. It is said that the Fatima Jasper will show the
location of the great treasure which is also rumored to be strong enough to
save the kingdom of Aveh. Margie, however, only has half of the Fatima Jasper
while Bart has the other half. Bart then shows up and explains that the great
treasure could be a Gear. He also states that he has picture scrolls to prove
it. He'll gladly show you the picture scroll so follow him to the planning

In the planning room Bart will show you a special file on the screen (which
is actually the floor itself). You will find out that the picture scroll that
you are viewing is around 500 years old. Bart then goes on to explain what
the scroll represents. He says that the small person in the picture is King
Fatima I making a blood oath with giants who are cloaked in flames. He then
used that strength to create Aveh. After Aveh was established, King Fatima I
forced the giants into slumber to protect the people of Aveh. It is said that
one of the giants is called the Great Fatima Treasure. As for the Jasper, it
would seem that the Jasper is the key to finding the location of the Great
Fatima Treasure. It turns out that Gebler is also looking for it as well.
Bart then asks Fei and Citan for a favor. That favor is to help him and his
crew rescue Margie, or Marguerite as that is her actual name. It is actually
mutually beneficial since both the Aveh and Kislev Military are after them so
Citan agrees. Fei, however, has a different answer. He goes crazy (not
literally) with his words and then leaves the room. Next thing you know it,
Fei is outside and you have control of him. You will see two children saying
that they are going to service the Gears. That should be the hint to you to
go down the elevator to the lower levels. However, before you do so, head on
to Bart's room which is the room with the sign saying "My Room: Enter and
Die." When you go inside, open the treasure chest to get an Iron Whip. When
you are about to leave, Bart comes in so Fei hides. Bart will then start to
talk about Fei. He will say some stuff and then go to say that he doesn't
want to force Fei to help him. He will also say that he will ask later again
and that he'll wait under the elevator. Now head on down the elevator to the
lower level.

When you get down, head over to the hatch of the Yggdrasil and Bart will pop
out. He'll as you if you want to talk so agree to do so. He will then say
that Citan has told him all that has happened and that it sounded very rough.
He apologizes for a being a jerk previously and as he is about to ask Fei
something, Fei yells no as if he already knows the question that Bart was
going to ask him. He then goes on to say that he only fights because he has
to and that Bart can have the Gear if he wants it. Bart responds by saying to
Fei that he himself doesn't like to fight and does so only because he has to
too due to his own reasons. Fei states that he has no reason to do so and
just wants to live in peace and quiet. Bart simply replies by saying that Fei
has very good skills but Fei says that he doesn't like hurting people and that
he hates it. Well, by now Bart goes on to say that he knows how Fei feels.
About how he too wants to run away from reality. But he also asks Fei if the
children back at Lahan would understand that. Once again, Fei hears (this
time from Bart) on how it wasn't his fault and how getting into the Gear was
the best decision to make. However, he mentions something that hasn't been
mentioned to Fei before. He states that war, or more the people who start
wars are the people to blame. He then goes to say that unless these people
who start the wars are stopped, it will continue to be that way. That appears
to be his overall reasons for fighting. To close his very convincing lecture,
Bart says that Fei doesn't have fight to if he doesn't want to, but if he does
then everything that he fights for could come to an end much quicker. As he
leaves, he says that the mechanic wanted to see Fei about his Gear so go on to
the mechanic who is located on the other side of the elevator.

Follow the walkway and take the elevator at the end down to the Gear hanger.
Once you get down, Weltall will be to the immediate east of you. Head south
and then east until you get to the walkway that surrounds Weltall. Jump onto
it and you will see the mechanic on the eastern side. Talk to him and he will
ask you if he knows what certain parts on the Gear do as he cannot dismantle
them. Fei simply replies with a no. Citan and Sigurd then show up and would
like to talk with Fei. All of them will ride up the elevator and then head
on to the middle of the walkway. Sigurd will then point out Bart to Fei who
is standing on the deck of the Yggdrasil talking to what appears to be his
father. He says something like how he knows Fei is like him by looking into
his eyes. He then puts himself down by saying that he has no confidence and
that he can't even carry out his father's will or even rescue Margie. Bart
also says that he told Fei that he was running away from things when it was he
himself who was really running away. Well, Bart actually seems noble eh!
Sigurd then states that Bart wanted him to apologize to Fei. He says that
inside, Bart is actually pretty lonely and is always searching for a friend.
He also says that the crew of the Yggdrasil or anyone else can't really be
that because Bart just wouldn't see them like that even if he wanted to. This
due, as Sigurd says, to the burden that Bart bears. The burden of being so
young and carrying such a heavy responsibility. The reason why everyone
sticks with him is because he really tries. Not because it has anything to do
with him being the prince or anything like that. Sigurd, as wise as he is,
also senses a heavy burden on Fei. He then requests that Fei helps Bart out.
He states that he is not asking Fei to put the burden of Bart's problems or
responsibilities on himself, but more to help each other and become friends.
It looks like Fei is beginning to understand though not fully because he
requests time to think about it. Sigurd agrees and then says that either way,
the Yggdrasil will be departing the next day as it is just about done
resupplying. He then says that Fei and Citan can use the bedroom in the back
at the residential area to rest until then. In the mean time, Citan wishes to
speak with Sigurd so he tells Fei to go on and rest. Well, there's nothing
much to do but to visit a few shops. Be sure to talk to everyone as well!
Talk to Sigurd who is with Citan in the planning room to learn more about
Margie, Shakhan, the country of Nisan, and the Fatima Jasper.

ITEMS: Aquasol……….20 Brown Star……….500
Aquasol S…….100 Red Star………….500
Rosesol……….100 Blue Star…………500
Rosesol S……..300 Hard Star………...800
Zetasol………..100 Speed Star……….1000
Physisol……….10 Omegasol………..50
Mentsol……….20 Survival Tent…...150
White Star…….500

ACCESSORIES: Power Ring……….200 Speed Ring………1200
Stamina Ring……..150 Guardian Ring……2000

ENGINES: G6-1200……….1200 ARMOR: MS 7.5……….1000

FRAMES: WELT-02500……….800

PARTS: Resp Circuit……….2500 Engine Guard……….5000
Def Circuit………...2500 Tank Guard…………3000
C Circuit…………..250 Ar Repairer………….4000
Magnetic Coat…….4000 Motion Guard……….4000
Lens Cover………..2500

WEAPONS: Iron GWhip………..1600

After you are done with that head to the bedroom which is located along the
north wall of the residential area. In it, you can save at the Save Point and
when you are done with everything, talk to the man dressed in brown who is
directly east of the door and talk to him. He will ask you if you are ready
to for tomorrow. Select yes if you are and go to sleep.


Something is happening in the middle of the night! It appears that some
unknown invaders have found their way into Bart's hideout! You should notice
that one of the invaders referred to Bart and the others as surface dwelling -
Lambs-. So it would appear that these men are from Gebler! Damn! Doesn't
that suck! Anyway, the Gebler forces make themselves at home and begin to
look around the docks. It appears that they are up to something! They will
then make their way to the Gear hanger where they will first find several
Deurmods, or pirate Gears. Then after that, they launch the attack from within
the hangers!

There is a loud explosion and everyone wakes up. A voice comes on over the
speakers and indicates that five Gebler special force Gears and one single
large unidentified Gear have attacked. It is then stated that all pilots head
to the Gear hangers. Be sure to save at the Save Point and then head on down
to the dock where the Yggdrasil is.

When you get down to the dock, Fei will head toward the top of the Yggdrasil
and then will be called upon by Citan who is standing across on the walkway
that leads to the Gear hanger. Citan yells for Fei to quickly get Weltall
however it appears that Fei still doesn't really want to fight. Citan then
yells out that Bart and the others are already out and fighting. As Citan
gets no answer from Fei, he will simply leave. Once he does so, Fei will ask
himself a very difficult and complicating question. "What am I?" He then
once again brings up what Ol' Man Bal brought up. The slayer of god. He then
says that he doesn't want that power and just stands there.

The screen then breaks apart indicating that a battle is imminent You then
see Bart along with two of his officers in their Gears. You find out that
there are at least four or five enemy Gears left and that their performance is
much better than anything else that they have faced. All of sudden, one of
the Gears approach and you must now fight.

HP: 700

This fight is pretty simple and straight forward. Use booster for Bart and
pound the Swordknight with X button attacks. Use normal fuel attacks for
Bart's officers (as that is all that you can use anyway) and use level one
combos (if you have them of course) for Bart. The attacks by the Swordknight
are relatively weak also. One of them hits twice but only does around 70 HP
damage. Another one hits twice also, however is much more powerful than the
other one as it does a total of around 400 HP damage. Once you over power it,
it will retreat.

The screen will then shift to Citan and Maison who are standing in front of
Heimdal, another Gear found along with Bart's Brigandier. Citan asks Maison
if it works and Maison replies by saying that it does however it is still
under maintenance. Citan doesn't listen and rushes into Heimdal. Maison
tries to stop Citan but Sigurd suddenly pops out of nowhere and states that is
all right and that he should let him go. Sigurd also states something
interesting. "I don't think that it'll be enough for him." Hmm……so Citan
knows how to use a Gear! But how? Don't worry, you'll find out in due time
once again. In the next battle Citan will now be forced to fight Aegisknight.

HP: 700

Once again, use booster and level one combo attacks. Aegiskinght's attacks
aren't that bad either. One of them simply lowers the Gear defense. Another
one hits for what appears to be only a few HP of damage!

As soon as you defeat it, the Aegisknight flies away and you will even hear
Citan say, "That's it?" Anyway, after that Citan will wonder why the Gear did
not fall down at all. He then states that they must be using "that stuff."
What is he talking about? Well, Citan will then meet up with Bart and will
say that the enemy Gears are using a battle enhancement drug known as Drive.
It appears that normal attacks won't hurt on them! You are then attacked,
once again by two more Gears!

HP: 620
Bart: 24

Well, this battle isn't that tough too but the Wandknights can be a pain.
Simply use the usual stuff, booster and level one attack combos for both Citan
and Bart. It is best to concentrate both Citan and Bart's attacks at one
Wandknight at a time to make the battle quicker and less difficult. The
Wandknights both have a weak attack that deals about 30 HP damage with each
hit. They also have an attack called Power Beam which is a beam type of
attack. It deals about a dozen or so HP of damage!

Well, once you defeat them, you will see several children running away in the
Gear hanger. They will be attacked by another Gear but is instantly stopped
by Fei! Well, it looks like Fei finally has decided to fight!

HP: 600

In this battle, use booster and level one attack combos as usual. The
Clawknight was a piece of cake for me as he never got a chance to attack
thanks to booster! With that, I can't say what type of attacks Clawknight
has. I didn't expect to defeat it that fast after all!

Now Fei joins Citan and Bart and are then attacked by the final, large Gear.

HP: 6000
Citan: 24
Bart: 23

Use the usual booster and level one attack combos and pound on Schpariel.
Schpariel has several powerful spinning attacks. One does approximately 150
HP of damage and the other one misses half the time but does very little, like
around 20 HP of damage. Schpariel also has one all Gear attack that deals
around 140 HP of damage to everyone. The last one simply lowers your Gear

Once you destroy it Bart will thank Fei for his help and walk away. Sigurd
thanks you as well and Fei then begins to really think about whether he should
help Bart out. He comes to the conclusion that he'll cooperate if Bart wishes
and also says that he'll find his own path as he helps others such as Bart

Well, you now meet at the hatch to the Yggdrasil. Your new mission is to
infiltrate Aveh and rescue Margie! It looks like Gebler has found the base so
everyone will be forced evacuate the base. The Yggdrasil was lucky enough to
escape damage so you can disembark immediately. So whenever you are ready,
you can leave.

12. AVEH

When you get to the Yggdrasil, head to the bridge. Speak to Sigurd and he
will state that it is finally time to make raid Aveh. First off, your party
should inspect and work out a plan. Yeah! You at last can control the
Yggdrasil! Depart from the hideout and head to Aveh which is northeast of the
hideout in the middle of the dessert. Also feel free to test drive the
Yggdrasil as random battles will not occur while you are moving around in the

When you reach Aveh, the World Map will turn into s smaller map of the
different sections of Aveh. You are forced to first enter the location but as
soon as you do so, the map will shift revealing a battleship landing at a dock
just behind Aveh's Fatima Castle. You will now see the huge airship as it
lands in the dock. Inside the great ship you will see the bridge along with
the great Commander Ramsus who is in command of it. His assistant Miang
states that General Vanderkaum and the Prime Minister are here to greet him.
Ramsus doesn't seem to like the welcome however, disembarks and meets with his
"dismal" welcome outside. Shakhan greets Ramsus and begins to "compliment"
him on his many successes on the front. Ramsus doesn't care though and just
can't believe how Shakhan was defeated by such a small force previously. He
also states to Vanderkaum that he already embarrassed and that he has only
token over his post a few days ago. Vanderkaum apologizes and tries to make
up excuses but Ramsus excepts nothing and tells Vanderkaum that he failed
because he tries to solve everything by force. Ramsus then walks away and is
quickly followed by Shakhan who tells Ramsus that the next day is the 500th
anniversary of Aveh. He wants Ramsus to attend the dedication ceremony and
tournament but Ramsus doesn't seem to care. Instead, he asks Shakhan about
some sort of incident report. Shakhan asks if he is talking about the report
about the 500 year-old weapon that was excavated but instead, Ramsus says that
he is talking about the Fatima Jasper. Well, Shakhan has obtained half of it
(obviously with the capture of Margie) but is still looking for the other
half. It appears that Ramsus also has a soft spot as he will not allow
Shakhan or anyone for that matter to harm her. Ramsus goes on to talk to
Miang about some sort of -Relic- that appears to be in the vicinity (what ever
that means). After that, Ramsus goes to Margie to speak to her.

Ramsus enters the room where Margie is being held and speaks with her. He is
actually very nice to her. Very nice in fact. Margie seems like a cute girl.
In fact, she is. It would also appear that she doesn't know what is going on
or why she is even where she is. Ramsus asks Margie if she knows where the
other half of the Fatima Jasper is but Margie simply states that she doesn't
know. Margie then asks Ramsus if he could bring some Chiffon Nisan the next
time he visits her. Ramsus agrees to try to find her some and then asks if
Margie would also like anything else. She says that she does want to go back
to Nisan but Ramsus just responds by saying that she will have to just be
patient and wait a little longer. In the mean time, this is all be watched by
Shakhan from a TV monitor outside of the room. Well, I guess that you could
say that Ramsus has a way with women. But in any case Shakhan seems to be
worried about something as well. He's worried about something about the
leaking of information about the Fatima Jasper. It seems that he has a few
plans (that doesn't involve Gebler) of his own that could be ruined.
Hmm……wonder what he is planning?

After that you will then see Fei, Bart, and Citan walk into outskirts of South
Bledavik. The screen will make a small shift to quickly show you how the area
looks like. It is very busy and looks like you'll be around here for awhile!
Be sure to talk to everyone you can and shop around.

You will be greeted by a man at the entrance and you will find out that there
is a celebration going on and that there's a martial arts tournament as well.
He will then ask you if you have a hotel to stay at. Answer "Not yet" and he
will say that you'd better get a room before they are all taken. He also says
that he knows a good hotel and the screen then shifts to show you the location
of the hotel. To finish up the man says to mention his name at the front desk
and they'll give you a good deal.

ITEMS: Aquasol……….20 Mentsol……….20
Rosesol……….100 Omegasol……..50
Zetasol………..100 Survival Tent…150

WEAPONS: Magical Rod……….50 Iron Whip……….120
Arcane Rod………..100 Whippa Snappa…280

ARMOR: Leather Vest……….150 Power Ring……….200
Leather Hat………...80 Speed Ring……….1200

ENGINES: G6-1200……….1200 ARMOR: MS 7.5……….1000

FRAMES: WELT-02500……….800

PARTS: Resp Circuit……….2500 Engine Guard……….5000
Def Circuit………...2500 Tank Guard…………3000
C Circuit…………..250 Ar Repairer………….4000
Magnetic Coat…….4000 Motion Guard……….4000
Lens Cover………..2500

WEAPONS: Iron GWhip………..1600

When you are done talking to everyone and done shopping head over to the hotel
that the man you met before previously pointed out. Once you get inside a
woman will come running up to you and ask if Bart us Prince Bartholomew. Bart
asks who this person is and the lady responds by saying that she was sent to
Bledavik by the Nisan Sect to check on Mother Marguerite (Margie). The lady
says that she'll be in her room and that you should go and rest. She'll show
you the location of her room before waking away. Go up to the counter to get
a room. The man at the counter says that all the rooms are full for the day,
but he can get you one by the evening. He states that it is a whopping 50 G
per person but remember what the man outside said about bringing up his name?
Say that "I have a recommendation" and who will now have to pick who sent you.
Well if you recall, the man did not even give his name so select "I don't
know." Looks like you're right as that person never gives his name to anyone.
The man at the counter then brings it down to 40 G per person. Not that much
but hey, at least it's something. Once you are done resting up head to the
ladies room and speak to her. Bart introduces her to Fei and Citan and they
then talk about how to rescue Margie. It appears that the only information
that she has gotten so far about Margie is her location which is currently in
the Citadel. So now, how do you get into the castle. Looks like it's up to
you to find a way in. As you've already searched all of Bledavik for
information, it's time to search other areas.

Head north to South Shakhan Square and talk to all of the weird people there.
Still nothing so continue north to head out of Shakhan Square. However, Bart
stops you as you're about to leave. It looks like the castle's up ahead and
Bart goes, it'll start something so he decides to wait right where he is. Go
on ahead and head up the hill to Fatima Castle. You will immediately be
greeted by a strange fellow that says to pick the champion. He seems to be
talking about the champion of the martial arts tournament that everyone's been
talking about. The man then goes on to tell you more about the tournament.
Once he is done talking Citan seems to have an idea. He states that they can
use tournament to their advantage. He says that if Fei can stir up something
at the tournament, the guards will be busy watching him instead of watching
their posts. That will make it easy for Bart to sneak into the castle. Fei
agrees so go ahead and sign up for the tournament at the booth to the east of
your position. Hmm……you can now choose name for yourself as you can't enter
your real name, so feel free to be creative. Once that is done head back to
the lady in the hotel to tell her of your plan as the tournament doesn't start
until tomorrow.

When you talk to her Citan will inform her of the plan that he has come up
with. But now there's one more problem. With guards distracted how will Bart
even get into the castle? Looks like you'll need more information again so
head on out. Talk to the lady one more time before you leave and Bart will
say that he remembers spring water that rises up from under the castle and
flows to the town by way of underground waterways. He says that they can
sneak into the castle by going through these underground waterways via the
towns well. Then there is yet another problem as the well is locked so you
will need to get a key. Head over to the very eastern side of Bledavik to
where the well is. Talk to the man in brown sitting down and he will ask you
want you want with the key. It doesn't matter which answer you select as they
will result in the man giving you the key for the well. With that done head
back to the lady in the hotel once again and talk to her. Looks like
preparations for the plan are now finally complete and all that is left to do
is rest up for the tournament. Talk to Citan and choose to sleep.


When you get up it is time to execute the plan. So to sum it up, when the
tournament starts Bart will enter the waterway through the well and head to
the castle. However, Bart must against the current to reach the castle so
that will make it a little harder. While Citan and Fei stir something up at
the tournament, Bart must quickly rescue Margie. If you still don't get it,
then Citan is willing to explain it one more time. If you got it, then head
on out to Fatima Castle.

Talk to the guard standing next to the booth to enter into the arena area.
Make your way through the crowd (while talking to them if you want to) and
head north to where the guard is standing. Well, from here on out Citan will
have to stay in the crowd. Head into the tent at the western end to talk to a
few of the competitors. Then head over to the eastern tent to visit some more
of them. However, once get there, you will be in for a big surprise! As soon
as you enter talk to everyone. When you talk to the boy in the corner you
find out that it is Dan! Dan still seems mad at you but this time he seems
very, very mad as he threatens to kill Fei. All of a sudden a soldier comes
in and tells everyone to gather outside by the arena as the tournament will
begin. Dan says that he is going to kick Fei's butt and then marches outside.
When everyone leaves Fei will be greeted by a mysterious man in a cloak who
asks if Fei si from Lahan. He then states that it seems that Fei and Dan seem
to have something to settle. Fei then yells out for him to mind his own
business and the mysterious man just laughs. He then says that it is nothing
and as he leaves, he says "I am looking forward to the fight, Fei.' How does
that man know Fei when he didn't even enter his real name?

Well, that doesn't matter as it is now Bart's turn. Bart has a last minute
conversation with the lady telling her to leave Aveh as well before he leaves
for the well. I know recommend that you save your game at the Save Point in
the hotel before going on. Now go over to the northwestern side of Bledavik
to where the Weapons Shop is. You should see some sort of well in the corner
near the Weapon Shop. Go up to it and use the key to open it up. Jump on in.
As soon as Bart jumps on the screen will shift back to the tournament and you
will see Shakhan who gives a very short, touching speech (yeah right). Ramsus
and Miang then shows up but Ramsus has no intent in staying. He simply
dropped by to say farewell as he must leave. He says that he finds all of
this stuff boring but Miang interrupts him by saying that Shakhan is just
trying to show some hospitality and gladly stays to watch. Ramsus, on the
other hand, does not care at all about anything to do with the founding of the
country and leaves. The tournament starts with the sound of gong and the
first match begins.

NOTE: Fei can lose to any of the matches (except the last one). If he does he
will not die. If he does lose during any of the matches, he will simply not
gain any experience, treasure, or gold that he would normally get if he wins.
It will also make Bart's job harder at Fatima Castle as there will be more
guards to deal with.

HP: 400

Well this is the first fight of the tournament and the easiest one at that.
All you have to do is continuously pound on Gonzalez with your deathblow
skills. Gonzalez has several attacks. One of them is long combo in which he
utilizes his club to hit Fei multiple times to cause around 60 HP of damage.
This is only used, however, immediately after Fei executes a deathblow move.
His other attack simply does about 30 HP of damage and is nothing to worry
about. Just be sure to use Fei's Inner Healing skill when he is low on HP.

Once that fight is over, you will have a chance to heal Fei and re equip him.
Once you are done with that it is now Bart's turn. Climb down the ladder and
start to swim northward. You will most likely have to hold down the Circle
button to keep up and be overpowered by the current. Follow the waterway and
turn east into the next one. When you get to the end you will see that it is
blocked off so turn around. Once you do so, another fight will begin and you
will be shifted back to Fei for another round.

HP: 800

Big Joe's attack very weak (cause 1-2 HP of damage) but he can become annoying
with the help of crowd which can attack Fei by throwing things at him. This
causes about 60 HP of damage to Fei. The cheering of the crowd can also heal
Big Joe and heal him for 140 HP. But all in all, it isn't a hard fight at all

Well, once that is over you will once again have the chance to do whatever you
want to Fei. I recommend that you equip the Metal Vest onto him and heal him
as necessary. Now it's Barts turn again. Head back out to the main waterway
and continue north. Don't worry if you get pushed back by a strong current
because it'll calm down soon and you can once again continue on. Head east
once again to the next waterway to pick up a Rosesol S. Once again head back
out to the main waterway and head on north again. At about this time, Fei
should be initiating into another battle.

HP: 300

Scud unleashes several attacks. One of which is called Strange Pill that
casts negative affects on Fei. At his current level however, Fei was able to
defeat her in two quick deathblow attacks. Scud also is able to heal herself
for 200 HP but that isn't much of a concern.

Do whatever is necessary to Fei once more and continue on with Bart. Head
north and then turn east into the next waterway. Continue to follow it north
and soon yet another battle will begin. The only thing special about it is
that it is the tournament's semi-finals. The bad thing about it is that it is
Dan! Fei and Dan have a little lively conversation before they fight and Fei
will ask Dan why his is here at the tournament. Dan says that he escaped from
Yui's place and is here to avenge his sister's death. Fei begs Dan to stop
but Dan doesn't listen and says that he will never forgive Fei. He then calls
Fei a murderer and the battle begins.

HP: 450

Dan is actually very easy. The only attack that that is worth mentioning is a
Super Beam attack that causes around 90 HP of damage. Other than that, Dan
can only cause a few HP of damage to Fei. Once he is defeated, Dan refers to
Fei as a bastard and that is that.

Heal Fei as necessary and continue on with Bart. Continue through the
waterways and in a matter of moments the final battle begins in the


If you notice, Fei will miss with all of his attacks. Wiseman will refer to
Fei as a wimp so try and attack him again. He misses yet again! After
several misses the crowd will begin to boo at the fight and tells them to
fight properly. Wiseman then speaks up and asks Fei where he learned his
techniques. Fei doesn't answer him and just says to fight. Wiseman still
does not and asks Fei why he does fight. As Fei questions that, Wiseman will
state that there has to be a reason for someone to fight. Wiseman guesses
that Fei is fighting for no reason at all and all Fei has to say is that he is
in the middle of finding that purpose. Wiseman then says to forget as there
is no way Fei can find such a reason. Wiseman also seems to know a lot of why
Fei has his problems. He states this, "I know…by exchanging blows with you, I
can tell a great deal…" Fei then tries to attack Wiseman but misses as usual.
Wiseman simply says that Fei is weak and then one again mentions Fei's name.
Fei asks how he knows his name. Wiseman suddenly kneels down and says that he
must go. He jumps off of the arena and disappears.

You then see the spectators grumbling and the referee announces that Fei is
the winner by default. Well, it is again Barts turn as the screen shifts to
the waterways. Just remember this. Always head northward and against the
current. When you are against the current, that means that you are on the
right path. At this point it gets complicating and if you get lost feel free
to e-mail me for help if you need it.

You will eventually come to a red floodgate. Just wait around it until it
begins to move upward indicating that it is preparing to release water.
Immediately swim up to it and swim through it when it is big enough to do so.
When you get to the other side a man will see you in the water and tells you
to get out of there immediately. Climb up the ladder to the east and then
talk to the man. He seems to remember Bart as he appears to have told him to
play around in the reservoir many times in the past. The old man then is then
hinted that Bart is the former prince. But he still finds it hard to believe
since he thought that Bart died a long time ago and is left to think about it.
Save at the Save Point and climb up the ladder to the court yard. There will
be guards roaming around and once they find you, it will be impossible to run
away from them and you will be forced to fight them. Well, it's not like they
are tough to beat though. Head north into the hallway of the palace. Turn
east and around the corner you will be engaged by several guards.

NOTE: The following that I tell you to do are optional as you will explore the
palace rooms and fight with many guards. You should consider going this as it
will raise your experience and gold. You can, however not read it and explore
on your own but this is the fastest way to explore the area.

Once you fight through the first two groups head into the first door next to
you to engage with another group of soldiers in the room. Once you defeat
them head out to the hallway and slowly walk into the next door. There's
nothing in this room so head outside where you will be attacked by more
guards. Now continue down the hallway and you will be attacked by the final
group of visible guards. Now head on into the next door and go to the end of
the room to where the bed is. You will see a treasure chest so go on and open
it to get a Cobra Cracka. Equip it to Bart and return to the hallway. As you
enter back out in the hallway you must once again fight. When you are done
with that turn west. You will see two more guards standing outside of the
hallway so you might as well attack them. Once they are taken care of go past
the large door and continue down the hallway. Round the corner and you will
be engaged by more guards. Follow the hallway north and enter the first door
that you come across. Looks like this is a kitchen. Talk to the cooks and
one of them will bring up the Wandering Boxers name. Well, anyway, head into
the door along the north wall and go into the next room. There you will see
more groups of guards sitting down but don't worry, they will not attack
though you can listen to there conversations. Once you are done, enter anyone
of the two doors along the east wall to exit out into the hallway.

Now that's about all you can do outside so head back to the door you
preciously skipped along the northern wall of the hallway and go inside. Take
the stairs up to the next level and take care of the guards. Once you are
through with that head into the door right in front of you and you will now be
on the second level of the palace. Follow the hallway and enter the three
doors as you come across them. The first one leads to a library where you can
learn more about the building of Bledavik. The second one will take you to a
huge room. Go across the room and exit out of the door which makes up the
third and final door for that hallway. Once you dispose of the guards turn
east around the corner and fight the guards that appear to be guarding a door.
When you defeat the guards enter the door you will be in another room of
staircases. Take anyone of the staircases up to the next level. When you get
to the next level fight the guards that are guarding the huge door along the
northern wall. Then fight the guard who is guarding the door to the east
behind the staircase. Enter the door the next area should look very familiar.
Remember previously when Ramsus, Miang, and Shakhan went to see Margie? Well
this is the same area and the door to get Margie is to the north. Take care
of the guard and then go inside to get Margie.

When you get inside Bart and Margie exchange greetings as they are glad to see
each other. Bart tells Margie to hurry up as they must leave. Margie agrees
but first goes to et what appears to be a pick stuffed animal. Head to the
Save Point and save. You should also take the time to heal before leaving the
room. When you exit the room immediately head back to the door that you came
from. However, as you approach it, Ramsus and Miang will emerge from it!
Ramsus demands that Bart hands over Margie but of course Bart will not allow
that to happen. Ramsus draws out his sword and it's time to fight.

HP: 400

Before the fighting begins, Miang tells Bart that it would be better if he
just surrendered. It also appears that she knows who he is as she refers to
him as Prince Bartholomew. Miang then states that if he surrenders to them,
they will be sure that the punishment will not be as bad as what Shakhan will
give to him. Bart (I think) then yells out jerk and turns down the offer.
The fight then begins.

First off, Margie and Miang will be in this fight as well however you can't
hurt Miang and Ramsus can't hurt Margie (not like he would anyway). The only
thing that Miang will do is heal Ramsus for 40 HP and can remove any negative
status affects such as Bart's Wild Smile ether skill. Margie can heal Bart
for a few HP but that misses most of the time.

All you should do is hit Ramsus with deathblow moves however Ramsus has a few
powerful attacks of his own. One of them is a three hit combo with this sword
that deals about 5 Hp of damage. However, what you must really be careful for
is his Mirror Stance. If he is attacked while in this stance he will
counterattack you for about 150 HP of damage. So just heal and defend until
he drops the stance. Once he does, pound him!

After awhile Ramsus will collapse and a familiar voice will call to Bart.
Then all of a sudden Fei will jump down and hit Ramsus real hard with his
Raijin deathblow skill. Fei seems to remind Ramsus of someone in the past.
He then has a flashback of an evil looking red hair man who destroys a group
of Gears. Hmm…….what is going on? Well that doesn't matter now because
Ramsus will once again attack.

HP: 800
Bart: 29

This battle is basically the same as the last but know you have Fei on your
side! Pound on Ramsus with your deathblow skills and he'll go down in no
time. Just watch out for his Mirror Stance. Miang also can heal Ramsus for
100 HP but that's no big deal.

As Ramsus falls to the ground he once again mentions about how familiar Fei's
technique was and begins to remember his name as a child's name. Well, that
doesn't matter know becuae Fei attacks one more time to finish off Ramsus
using Raijin. Margie then does something that allows them to escape.

They then run out into the nearby elevator as it opens and push the man out of
the way. Ramsus then begins to talk more about Fei. He says something like
if Fei is the "One" then he is a worthless reject.

As they make their the elevator Bart asks Fei if he knows where it goes but
Fei doesn't know so you're going to have to find out for yourself! Head east
along the corridor into the next door. You will enter another familiar room.
It is the same docking bay where the huge Gebler battleship rests. You then
see tones of men pour out of the ship and chase after you. Bart, Fei and
Margie run into a nearby door and the screen then shifts to a familiar person;
Elly. She hears the alarm about the intruders so she goes outside. She then
suddenly runs into those intruders and asks what he is doing here. The guards
suddenly come through the door and Elly tells them to follow her into her
room. As you wait in her room you here the soldiers walk by in search of Fei
and the others. When they are gone Bart demands to know what is going one
with Fei and Elly. Elly then fully explains what happened to her when she
crash-landed in Lahan. Fei then admits that he overheard Elly's conversation
with Citan and that it wasn't her fault. Fei then explains to Elly why he is
here with Bart and Elly then helps you by saying that you can leave through
the Gear launch door. Bart however, doesn't trust Elly (do you blame him?)
and says that it is probably a trap. Margie then tells Bart to trust her but
Bart lashes out on her and says that she trusts people too much. Fei, however
believes her and so Bart has no choice. Elly first quickly checks the
corridor and then leads them to the Gear hanger. She gives them a Gear that
they can use to escape but as they are about leave, Fei asks Elly an absurd
question. He asks her to go with them! He says that she is not the type to
person that should be in her current position. Elly's refuses the offer as
she says that her duties are as a Solaris officer and that she belongs here.
She leaves Fei with these words, "Fei, next time we meet…we'll be enemies."
They all then get in the Gear and launch out of the hanger.

Meanwhile, Ramsus has gathered his officers together and finds out that the
intruders has escaped.

Back at the Yggdrasil Sigurd asks Margie a question. Why did she go up
against the enemy by herself. She said that she heard a rumor in town that
the Sect's sisters who wee captured in Aveh were still alive. Sigurd then
says that it was obviously a rumor started by the Gebler to lure her there.
Maison then defends her by saying not to be so harsh on her. But Bart calls
her stupid and Margie gets hurt. She says that her mother and grandmother
were both executed. How sad! But at least Margie is not hurt and Maison
takes her to her room. Sigurd then leaves by telling Bart that he should be
more kind to Margie.


Now head back down into the Yggdrasil and you will see the same pink stuffed
animal that Margie took with her from Fatima Castle blocking the entrance to
the bridge. When you attempt to go in, Bart will say that Margie should not
leave her strange stuffed animals lying around. You suddenly hear a strange
noise that appears to have come from the stuffed animal. Bart thinks that it
is Fei who did that but proves otherwise. Well, anyway take the elevator down
and head to the room next to the door that leads to the Gear hanger.

Margie will be inside so go up to her and talk to her. Bart will tell Margie
to move the strange stuffed animal that is blocking the entrance to the
bridge. However Margie says that it isn't a strange stuffed animal and has a
name. You can then name it whatever you want. I named mine "Pika." She says
that she left it here in the room a it was here just a moment ago. All of a
sudden the strange stuffed animal walks in! It's not a stuffed animal at all!
It's a real animal! Pika introduces itself and then goes on to say that it
fell in love with Fei when it first saw him in Bledavik. It then says that it
will now follow Fei wherever he goes! Now that's pretty funny. Bart then
goes on to tease Fei a little and then states that he doesn't want to
interrupt Fei and Pika so he goes outside. Margie then speaks with Fei. She
thanks him and tells Fei about how Bart always brags about the two of them
being buddies. She then says that Bart has many scars on his back due to
protecting her from getting beaten by Shakhan. She says how she wishes that
for once, she could help Bart. When the conversations over head outside and
back to the bridge. Talk to Sigurd and he will say that the man that they
encountered was Kahran Ramsus of the Holy Solaris Empire's Agency of Foreign
Affairs (or the commander in chief of Gebler). He goes on to say that Gebler
isn't just after the excavation sites around Aveh and that if that were
Gebler's only goal, then it wouldn't send and important man like Ramsus. You
should also notice that Citan is no longer with you. Sigurd says that he will
rejoin them soon. Talk to Sigurd one more time and her will say that they
will need to enter into Nisan through the secret road. It appears that the
secret road is a lone tree in the desert. That shouldn't be too hard to find.
Simply head northwest to you get to the coast. Follow it and a lone tree
should come in site. Go to it and it will say "Road to Nisan." Enter it and
you will now be in Nisan.

When you go through the underground passage you will then see Sigurd and Citan
talking. They seem to be talking about Ramsus the reason why he came down.
Citan then says something very interesting. He mentions that both Sigurd and
him were once called Elements and once went to the commander's school called
Jugend. So what does that mean? Well, Citan then brings up the woman who was
with Ramsus. It appears that both of them know her from the past. Sigurd
refers to Citan as Hyuga and it appears that Miang frightens Sigurd for some
reason. The conversations might get a little confusing to follow but don't
worry. Sigurd also asks Citan if he obtained any information while he was
gone and Citan says that he didn't really find anything out. Meanwhile, it
looks like Fei and Bart are spying on them and now knows that they know each
other. Hmm…….sounds fishy (or something like that).

Anyway, the Yggdrasil will dock and everyone will disembark. They are then
met by a few citizens of Nisan who greet Bart. They begin to have a
conversation about what's been going on with the people and how they feel
towards Shakhan. Bart then turns Margie over to them and you will then see
the entire country of Nisan on the map laid out before you.

Head into Nisan itself and when you enter the city you will be greeted by
Margie and Maison. Margie will run off and Citan says that they should
accompany Margie to meet the sisters. Maison also appears to be crying! Ha,
never thought that he would cry over something like this! Anyway, you can now
explore Nisan. Be sure to talk to everyone and explore every house. Shop
around and rest as necessary as well.

When you are finished exploring the town, head north to the lower area of the
town. There Margie will standing with a group of other townspeople. Talk to
the man standing in front of the exit and he will tell you to take Margie up
to the monastery as soon as possible. Margie will then run on ahead so follow
her out of the area. From the map head right up to the monastery and you will
see the beauty of it inside. You will also see the sisters run up to Margie
and give her a warm welcome. Sister Agnes also greets her and brings up the
death of Margie's mother and grandmother. How tragic! But in anyway, after
the warm welcome Margie asks if she may go upstairs. The sisters will then go
back to singing their hymn and Margie will offer to show Citan and Fei around
the cathedral. She'll run off and Citan and Bart will take a moment to give
Margie a little praise for her strength. Head northeast and you will see
Margie standing in front of a doorway. Talk to her and then follow her
upstairs. When you reach the next level, you will see the view of the
ceiling. Citan will also comment on how magnificent it is. Margie will upset
Bart a little and then walk off. Follow her and then talk to her once again.
You can now see the cathedral from the best view possible. You will see the
magnificent decorations hanging from the roof and two angels that appear to
float around in the back. The light that shines through the roof also makes
it brilliant. Citan comments on all of these and is quite amazed. Margie
points out that those two angels in the back only each have one wing. She
explains that in a legend, god could have created humans perfectly. But if he
did so, humans would not have helped each other. So that is what the two
angels symbolize. In order for them to fly, they must help one another and
so, are dependent on each other. Not bad if you ask me. Citan also points
out that one of the angels appear to be more masculine and the other more
feminine. Citan, as curious as he always is, begins to question those
features and he goes to wonder if the space between the two angels is like,
some sort of advent to god or perhaps some sort of path leading to god.
Thankfully, Citan is interrupted by Margie. Bart then goes on to contradict
the meaning and says that it would just be better if the two angels could just
fly on there own. Margie appears to scold Bart and says that she too wants to
help others like how it is depicted with the angels.

You then must go on to the room of Sophia. Sophia is the founding mother of
Nisan and also the founder of the Nisan Religion. The room of Sophia has a
portrait of Sophia in it and Citan seems to definitely want to see it as well.
Follow Margie once more and go into the door in which she stops in front of.
Follow her up the stairs and enter the room of Sophia. When you enter it you
will see light shining through a carved hole in the wall which forms a cross.
Citan inspects the portrait and says that it looks rather familiar. Fei then
says that he agrees and that it looks like Elly! Citan agrees but says that
that wasn't what he was talking about. He says that he meant that the brush
techniques and overall styles of the painting was similar to Fei's! The
screen then shifts so that you can see the portrait and it really does look
like Elly! Citan will go ahead and explain what he thinks about the portrait
and will eventually state that the portrait isn't completely finished. H is
right as the lower portion of it is clearly incomplete. Margie has no idea
and guesses that her grandmother might have known but it's too late for that.
She says to go ask Agnes. Go up and talk to Margie and she will say that
she'll be with Sister Agnes. Bart says to go back to town however Citan makes
a request to go and see Sister Agnes. Margie will exit and you must now find
Sister Agnes.

As Fei exits, he will turn around and look at the portrait. All of a sudden
the screen will change and you will see Sophia and a man with what appears to
be Fei painting her portrait. Sophia, however, refers to the man as Lacan.
The screen will then change back and Citan asks about what happened. Fei
doesn't seem to know either so just continue on.

Sister Agnes is in the library so head back out into the hallway and head
south. Enter the next door to enter into the library. Sister Agnes is the
back sitting at her desk with Margie so go and see her. Sister Agnes will say
that Sophia's portrait could have been painted around 500 years ago. Citan
asks if Sister Agnes currently has any historical records from that era,
however, Sister Agnes says that all records concerning Sophia have been lost.
All that she can tell you about Sophia is that she sacrificed her life for the
people and is now with god.

Well now you must head back to the town. When you get back head to the
southern part of town and you will be greeted by Maison. Talk to him and he
will say that the people of Nisan have allowed them to rent the house that he
standing in front of. He also says that Sigurd wants to talk with Bart
regarding the next move. Sigurd is in the house so step inside. Sigurd
states that he wants to work out a plan from the current situation. Before
that however, Bart asks Sigurd what's going on between him and the Gebler
forces. Or why he knows so much about them. Citan enters and gives Sigurd a
nod indicating that he should tell Bart something. So begins a long story.

It turns out that Sigurd and Citan used to live in Solaris. It appears that
Solaris refers to foreigners as -Lambs- which they use for manual labor.
Sigurd and Citan had worked for the Solaris government for a little while,
however, disliked it and escaped. Well, Bart isn't angry or anything but he
does wish that Sigurd had told him sooner. Sigurd assures Bart that he and
Citan left for their own reasons and on their own at that so they can't just
let Solaris run things the way they are now. You will then have a chance to
ask Sigurd and Citan more about Solaris, -Lambs-, who Ramsus really is, and
why Citan and Sigurd left. I don't need to elaborate on any of this as all
you have to do is ask them. After all that is through with, Bart will ask
Maison if he can go and reserve the town hall for them so that hey can finish
their discussion. Bart then steps outside to get some fresh air. Follow him
and go outside head north and you'll see Bart standing on the bridge
overlooking Nisan. Talk to him and Citan will try to help Bart to coup with
all that he as just heard. You will soon learn why Citan wanted to escape as
well. Citan says that he realized that Ramsus's way of thinking really wasn't
that much of a difference for the older system, and that it was no different
from what Solaris was actually doing at the time. So in other words, "He had
no intentions of bringing everyone a better way of life." Bart asks Citan if
he thinks that he can defeat Gebler since they are cooperating with Shakhan.
According to Citan, it is possible to defeat the Gebler forces in Aveh however
there is still Solaris to deal with. Bart guesses that the best thing to do
at this point is to take the throne back then deal with the rest of Gebler.
Now head to the town hall where Sigurd and Maison are waiting for you.

It is now time to think of a plan but before that, Bart reaches a little into
his past and begins to talk about how he always like to play navy on the lake
around the cathedral. Well in any case, it is time for the plan. The first
big problem is Gebler. Citan concludes that they need to find a weak point to
attack. Bart decides to first take out Shakhan before concentrating on
Gebler. It appears that Bart has the strength to deal with the Royal Guards,
however, the problem is what to do when Shakhan requests help from Gebler.
Citan will take a look at the map that Sigurd has and states that their
primary goal is to get Gebler away until Bledavik is taken back. On the map
there are three locations of Gebler forces in Aveh; the western guards, the
Royal Capital defense force, and the units along the front-line near the
borders of Kislev. It appears that only the Royal Capital's defense force and
the Kislev border units are strong while the Western Guards are of no threat.
Sigurd says that in order to get Bledavik, they will need to draw out the
defense forces away from the city. Citan offers that they use some captured
Kislev Gears to make a raid on the western guards which will make it look like
Kislev is invading Aveh. The only problem is if it will convince Gebler that
Kislev is really attacking. The solution to that is to make Nisan appear to
be allying with Kislev. However Bart and Fei don't like that idea but it
looks like that is the only thing that will work. So first, Bledavik must be
infiltrated, and Bart must meet up with his agents in the city. But before
anything else goes on, the Kislev border units must be dealt with. Citan says
that the main strength of Aveh's fleet lies in the powerful battleship
Kefeinzel and that it is currently with the border unit. But that isn't a
problem as the former Aveh supreme commander, Vanderkaum, was demoted there.
It would appear that Vanderkaum has not adapted to the change I tactics of
warfare following the introduction of Gears. He is a man that depends on
large naval guns which makes him only care about size and power. Bart refers
to him as the perfect target for pirates. As a little good news, the amount
of Gears assigned to the fleet have been greatly reduced which should make it
easier. To sum it up, they must prevent the fleet from returning to the
capital so another unit will be sent to hold them up. Citan recommends that
Fei leads that group and Fei agrees. It turns out that tomorrow is when the
plan will be put into action. In the early morning of the next day, everyone
will be up and Margie will drop by. She seems to annoy Bart a little at first
but it calms down. Bart then says that he'll be waiting and wants you to go
ahead and make the preparations. Use this time to shop around if you hadn't
from before. Once you're done speak with Bart and say that you're ready to


Back at the dock Sigurd says that the Yggdrasil will be waiting for the right
time to hit Bledavik once Nisan hit the western guards. Bart cautions to
avoid any unnecessary deaths especially with Gebler and Aveh troops. Before
he leaves, Bart and Margie then get into a friendly argument and exchange the
best of luck. As the Yggdrasil departs, Sister Agnes will says to Margie that
she is looking forward to the day when Margie will take her place on the
throne as Bart's wife! Margie doesn't like that idea. As she walks away,
Sister Agnes states that soon, Bart will no longer be able to ignore Margie!
That's actually kind of funny.

Back in the Gear hangers of the Yggdrasil, Fei will be with the squadron Gear
pilots who will be helping him. As Fei walks off, Bart will say to be careful
and a cool scene will be shown showing Weltall taking off from the Yggdrasil.
The scene will then switch to showing the Yggdrasil trudging through the night
desert on it's way to Bledavik.

Citan will then enter the Gun room and Maison will ask from the counter if he
is going to get any sleep. Go up and talk to him. As you talk to him, Maison
will begin to talk about Bart and his life. He begins to blame himself for
putting too much of a burden on Bart but Citan disagrees and says that Bart is
now far capable of handling any burdens or pressure. Once you are done
talking to good ol' Maison, head to the top of the Yggdrasil. There Sigurd
and Bart will be talking outside under the blood red moon as the Yggdrasil
trudges through the sand. There they talk about the events of the next day
and how it will feel to get the palace back. Through that conversation, Bart
doubts himself and seems to not want to be king. Sigurd contradicts Bart by
saying that it is not regaining the kingdom that is his goal, but regaining
his home. A little humor is then added but you can find that out for
yourself. All the while, Citan is listening to their conversation and he
seems to really admire Sigurd by what he says. The same blood red moon
appears but as it zooms outward, you now see a room which should look familiar
from the palace in Bledavik. Anyway, you then see Ramsus and Miang sleeping
and it appears that Ramsus is having a dream. And a bad one at that.
Remember this scene from where he was fighting Fei? Well it is expanded now
to show more of what happened. As the figure knocks down the Gears, Ramsus is
there along with Grahf! A red Gear suddenly drops down and the unknown figure
enters it. It smashed through the remaining Gears and turns on Ramsus as he
screams. All of a sudden Ramsus awakens along with Miang. It seems that it
isn't the first that Ramsus has had this dream. Ramsus walks away out of the
room and Miang begins to talk to someone. You then find out that it is Grahf!
It appears that Grahf and Miang are up to something that involves Fei. But

Well you won't find out now and the screen then shifts to the bridge of the
Yggdrasil where everyone is gathered. It seems that Franz might have picked
up something on the sonar but Bart just wards it off as nothing. However,
Franz states that it's not from the surface and from under the sand! It seems
that something has happened because the crew begins to catch all sorts of
military movement on the surface. Looks like the defense fleet is departing
so the plan was successful! Bart and the others depart for the capital and
the screen then once again shifts.

You see Elly walking through the Aveh Gear hanger and she is then joined by a
few men. It seems that these men and Elly don't get a long well. In any
case, the men begin to comment on Veirge, Elly's Gear, when they see it. They
leave and you are brought to Fei and his men. You are told to deploy to the
mountain peak so go on ahead into that cave that was shown to you previously.
It is actually hard to explain but a good tip is to follow the other Gears.
If you do so, then you should have no problem navigating up the cliffs.

When you reach inside of the cave head west and follow the cliff path jumping
up on the ridges when necessary. You should just know that the hardest thing
about the cave is not navigating through it, but making it over the long jumps
because if you miss them, then you will have to start over and that can be
frustrating. But don't worry, it isn't that hard to do.

There is a Repair Bot along with a Save Point next to it. When you talk to
the Repair Bot, it will say that is saw several strong-looking Gears fly by.
It must be your force so continue on. Be sure to make repairs and save
though! If, however, you select "I can't trust you" you will enter into a
fight with the Repair Bot and you must destroy it! You can't escape so don't
fight it!

When you are done, exit the cave and head outside. When you get outside, you
will encounter Gebler units. You tell the others go on ahead and you'll
handle it. Hmm……well, looks like it's Elly's force. Ah man, those annoying
Drive Gears are back! And this time, you're going to have to deal with all of
them by yourself! It also looks like all of them are anxious to get back at
Fei as well. Elly tries to stop them but is unsuccessful.

HP: Total-1240

I recommend you just use X button attacks on one of the Wandknights and when
one is gone, use attack level 2 combos to get rid of the other. Booster does
come extremely in handy as well. The Wandknights have the same attacks as
last time except, they are stronger this time. The weaker attack deals
anywhere from 20-40 HP of damage while the Power Beam hits for around 300 HP
of damage.

You will then be immediately be forced into the next battle.

HP: Total-2500

Simple use booster to gain an advantage over the knights then crush each of
them with attack level one combos and the X button attacks. Each knight has
its own special attack. Aegisknight will definitely execute the Pile driver
which weakens your armor. The Clawknight has two attacks ; one that deals
about 30 HP of damage, and the other that deals around 100 HP of damage. The
Swordknight has one double hit attack that deals around 200 HP of damage if
the Pile Driver has been executed on you. If not, then the damage will be
significantly less. It also has another two hit attack but for some reason,
is seemed to always miss for me. The Aegisknight has one more attack other
than the Pile driver. I has a simple attack that deals around 50 HP of
damage. Here is the order that I take them on in: Swordknight, Clawknight,
and finally Aegisknight.

Once you defeat the enemy Gears, they will seem pretty beaten up and will
withdraw. Elly doesn't seem to want to fight Fei and sees herself running
down a long corridor where voice seem to be haunting her. It actually pretty
interesting. As if one side is saying to while the other is resisting and
doesn't want to. After running through three of those long corridors, Elly
will see herself along with a few other people talking to her or about her.
It's as if they are cutting her down and saying that she is weak. I too had
hard time understanding this at first but it's actually not that hard to
understand. All of a sudden the screen changes to a scene that should look
familiar. The blood stained room with Elly in the middle of it. It then
disappears as Renk tries to convince Vance to stop taking the drug. To stop
them from fighting, Elly will take the Drive and fight Fei!


The battle opens up with Fei who can't believe that Elly is fighting him!
Vierge attacks but misses and Fei then realizes that Elly took the Drive.
Vierge then launches the Aerod Attack which really amazes the other men as the
Aerod Attack can only be used from a handful of people called Elements. Well,
that just makes things a little harder. Oh well, just fight the battle as
usual using X button attacks and level one attack combos. If you have enough
fuel for booster, then you should definitely use it! If not, then you're
going to have do without it, though it would be a great help. Throughout the
fight Fei will be constantly trying to snap Elly out of it but to no avail.
Vierge has a number of different attacks that deals anywhere between 30-300 HP
of damage. The one is the one to look out for, the Aerod Attack. It deals
about 300 HP of damage.

After you deal a certain amount of damage, Weltall will kneel down and Vierge
will take advantage of it. However, before Vierge can do anything, something
goes wrong with Elly as she screams in pain. Fei will then take Weltall and
pin Vierge down on the ground. It appears that Elly is trying to fight the
Drive or something like that. Either that or Drive is wearing off. Vierge
will then suddenly get up and will short circuit and fall to the ground. Fei
will then run out to Vierge to get Elly. It appears that she is all right and
Fei tries to talk Elly out of fighting. However, Elly says that she is a
Solaris officer and can't turn her back on her duty. Elly goes on to explain
why she had no choice to use the Drive and then goes on to say that they are
very similar. Since Elly won't change her mind, Fei will simply leave and
continue on after his other friends.

You will then be in another cave with a save point nearby. Save at the Save
Point and then continue on through the cave. Head up the twisting cliffs and
jump from ridge to ridge until you reach the top level. Once there, exit out
through the opening in the cave and the screen will shift to Maison in the Gun
room. Maison will drop Bart's cup. Uh oh, does this mean that something bad
is going to happen to Bart?

Well, you will then see Bart, Sigurd, Citan, and a group of men in the
reservoir of the Fatima Castle. They will all split up into two groups with
different assignments with the ultimate one being to capture Shakhan. You
will then have a chance to equip Citan and Bart and then you can save at the
Save Point. When you are done with that head up the latter. Once you get up
to the courtyard, the team will run into Shakhan and Miang. Bart thinks that
he has got him but it isn't that easy. It appears that Shakhan has been
expecting them and is ready for them. Miang also says that Ramsus is
currently taking care of the divided forces out at Nisan right now. So,
Ramsus easily saw through your plan eh? Damn, doesn't that suck! Well,
Sigurd tries to convince Miang that her organization doesn't really care about
who is king, as long as they have someone to control as their puppet. This
convinces Miang and she leaves saying that Shakhan is now on his own. Shakhan
then orders his men to fire but before they can Citan's flying crab comes
flying over the palace roof and Maison appears. He also has the devices
gatling gun pointed right at Shakhan's head. Bart and the others board the
flying crab and begin to take off. But just as the flying crab is about take
off, the propeller breaks off and flies away! Shakhan takes it as a joke and
as he is about to order his men to fire. Maison says that he has a plan and so
everyone ducks. Maison then activates the flying crab and it makes a
brilliant acrobatic display as it jumps up over the palace walls and escapes.
Shakhan is left standing there speechless and the screen changes to back to
the Gun room onboard where Bart thanks Maison for helping. Sigurd soon comes
in and says that the Royal Capital's armies are returning so they must escape.
Head toward the door ad once you exit, you will be back in the desert where
Fei and the others are. You will then see the border fleet roaming below you
on the desert floor. Fei is then asked how he wants to slow the fleet down.
As a response, Fei jumps off the cliff and attacks the fleet. The others
follow and let the battle begin!

Back on board the Kefeinzel, alarms sound as the officers prepare to engage.
The Aviation Officer to Vanderkaum orders all anti-gear guns to open fire
however Vanderkaum changes that order and orders the fleet to bait the
attackers into entering the Kefeinzel's main gun's firing arc. The Aviation
Officer disagrees and says that the main guns can't hit the fast moving Gears.
Vanderkaum doesn't listen and proceeds with preparing the main guns.
Vanderkaum makes yet more mistakes when he orders the anti-gears gunners back
and telling his captain to slow down so that the Gears can catch up. You are
now in control so have fun!

Head westward as advised by Falkon and engage the first of the enemy defenses.
Once you get past the defenses in that area, proceed to the next one. In the
meantime, Vanderkaum is getting very irritated and looses the faith of his
Aviation Officer who tries to warn him that his strategy is no good. In this
area Falkon states that just past the row of destroyers is the Kefeinzel.
Head right between the row of destroyers and head on to the Kefeinzel. By
this point Vanderkaum is really getting irritated as his forces are getting
torn apart. He then is attacked by Weltall and now Fei must destroy the main

HP: 1800

For this battle simply concentrate on the main gun and ignore the small guns
as they aren't really a problem. Simply charge up and use level one attack
combos and X button attacks. Booster should help as well through this battle.
You will have approximately six turns to destroy the main gun before it fully
charges and fires. If it does fire, it'll cause about 400 HP of damage.
That's all. So this battle is basically very easy.

After you destroy the main gun, you will see that everyone on board must
evacuate. Vanderkaum, however, stays behind and mumbles about something that
he stills has. You will then see the wreckage of the burning fleet in the
background. Well, it looks like you've won but you can't seem to reach Bart
and the others. All of a sudden you see the Kefeinzel explode and something
huge will emerge from the wreckage. Looks like it's Vanderkaum and he's
pissed! Looks like another boss fight!

HP: 3000

First off, hit Dora with X button attacks and keep pounding him with your
attack level one or even level two combos as they become available. I
definitely think that you should use booster as well for this battle. It
turns out that you can't hurt the Dora with your two companions. Or at least
not at this time. As for Dora's attacks, they are actually pretty strong.
One of them deals about 200 HP of damage to everyone. Another attack isn't
much of an attack but can be very annoying. Dora uses its claws to grab one
of your companions which immobilizes that person until Dora drops him. While
your companions are in the clutches of Dora, it can hit them against Weltall
to cause up to 400 HP of damage to it! Once Weltall successfully destroys the
head cover of Dora, it's defense drops immensely and now your companions can
hurt it. Once that is done, the rest of the battle should be pretty easy.

Once Dora is defeated, Vanderkaum seems speechless. All of a sudden, a
mysterious voice calls out to Vanderkaum asking him if he wants the power.
All of a sudden, a Gear swoops down to the Dora. Looks like it Grahf again!
Grahf asks if Vanderkaum wants the power. What does that mean? Well
Vanderkaum seems a little confused too but wants it anyway. Grahf then sticks
out the arm of his Gear and recites some mysterious words. Grahf then shoots
a powerful red beam of light at Dora and it lights up as well.

Next thing you know, you are back on the bridge of the Yggdrasil. Bart says
to go back to Nisan. Sigurd appears from behind of him and says that it is
useless to do anything now. Maison also comes up and agrees with Sigurd.
Bart then realizes about Fei and his other men for they too have not had any
contact since their attack on the border fleet. All of a sudden Bart yells
out that something is approaching from behind. So it appears that another
sand cruiser has been following them and has been hiding behind some baffles!
Looks like it's Ramsus. All of sudden, Franz shouts out that he has detected
several torpedoes which have been launched at the Yggdrasil! Battle stations
are activated and the engine is stopped. It turns out to be futile as the
torpedo strikes home. You will then see Ramsus and Miang standing in the
bridge of their sand cruiser. An officer then states that the torpedoes hit
home and that the Yggdrasil is now floating to the surface. Ramsus then asks
Miang what he should do with the Yggdrasil. Miang then asks why Ramsus why he
is acting like he is lost. Ramsus's response is that he promised an old
friend that he would take it easy. What does that mean? Well, Ramsus then
has a flashback and it turns out that this old friend is none other than
Sigurd! The flashback shows Ramsus running out to Sigurd asking him why he is
abandoning his country. Sigurd says that he is not abandoning it and that
there is someone waiting for him on the surface. As Sigurd leaves, all Ramsus
can do is yell and call him a traitor. After that flashback, Ramsus asks the
Comm Officer to use his name and urge the Yggdrasil to surrender if they
desire Nisan to be left unharmed. He also orders his units to cease fire but
remain on alert. You will see the crippled Yggdrasil trudging through the
sand and the then be brought back to Fei and his companions

They are still standing in front of the Dora which is sitting there
lifelessly. All of a sudden, one of Fei's companions report that he has just
received word that Bart is in trouble! Just as they are about to leave, the
Dora reactivates and looks more powerful than before. Vanderkaum is up again
and Maitreya orders Fei to go and return back to Bart to help him. He says
that he and his unit will remain behind to try and buy sometime for Fei. With
that Maitreya and the rest of his units head to their doom. Fei watches as
his companions are torn apart and killed. Something happens to Fei and all of
a sudden you set back at the Yggdrasil.

There Bart is on top of the deck trying his best to monitor and assist with
the repairs. Bart finds out that the Yggdrasil will be unable to have its
maximum power but Bart doesn't care and plans to attempt to break through.
After a brief, yet touching speech, Bart gets the Yggdrasil to increase speed
and attempt to break through. Back with Ramsus and Miang, the attack is
ordered to be resumed but just as they are about to fire, explosions are
detected along the perimeter of the fleet. It appears that the fleet is under
attack by some unknown Gear!

You then see a very powerful red Gear assaulting the fleet shooting deadly
beams of energy at whatever is moving. In n the meantime, Bart is watching
all that is happening from the Yggdrasil. He then notices that the unknown
Gear is heading directly towards them! All of a sudden, you are back with
Ramsus who tells Miang that it is definitely, what he calls it to be, the
Demon of Elru. He and Miang then leave and you are brought back to Bart who
is now confronting the so called Demon of Elru. The Gear asks Bart if he is
strong and when Bart asks who he is, the Gear attacks Bart. The Gear
continues to ask if he is strong then Ramsus and Miang suddenly fly up.
Ramsus asks Bart if he knows who the unknown Gear is and then goes on to bring
up Fei. Ramsus seems to definitely know that Gear as he prepares to engage
him. Ramsus attacks however is easily taken down by the opposing Gear. Bart
hen come up and stands in the Gear's way. Miang then quickly picks up what is
left of Ramsus's Gear and flees. Ramsus still seems to want to fight however,
Miang still pulls out and leaves it up to Bart to take care of this monster.

There they stand and face each other. Finally Bart agrees to the fight and it
begins! This fight is actually impossible to win as you will see for
everything Bart does seems to be futile. Sure Bart can damage the enemy Gear
but after awhile, the opposing Gear will just hit Bart once for 19,998 HP of
damage! Damn! Well, Bart is knocked cold and you are now brought to the
bridge of the Yggdrasil once more. Sigurd orders the engines to be turned on
to full speed for it appears that he has a plan. Sigurd uses the Yggdrasil to
leap out of the sand and land right on the enemy Gear! Bart moves out of the
way just in time as well. However, there is now a huge problem. The
Yggdrasil is suddenly lifted out of the sand by the same enemy Gear! It's not
even touching the damn ship! The Yggdrasil then begins to fall apart and the
enemy Gears throws the Yggdrasil at Bart and havoc suddenly sweeps the
Yggdrasil. Sigurd says to seal every part of the ship off and get everyone to
the bridge as the ship sinks beneath the sand. Sigurd then tells Citan to
follow Maison to an escape pod. Citan doesn't like the idea of leaving
however Sigurd insists that he leaves as he has no business in the current
situation. Citan the leaves and the escape pod is launched with Citan in it.


In the escape pod, Citan is carried by the wind to the border of Kislev and
Aveh. He then notices the burning wreckage of the Dora! Damn, what happened
to it! Could Fei have done that? You then have the option of saving your
current data so do so. Continue the game and you will then be in another room
with a man playing the piano (or something like that). A man then enters and
refers to the man playing the piano as the Kaiser. It turns out to be Kaiser
Sigmund to be exact. The associate states that the recent explosion at the
southern border has been investigated. He says that the explosion was
probably due to the overload of a battleship generator however, the cause is
unknown. It looks like over two-thirds of the Aveh/Gebler forces were
destroyed and those that are left are currently regrouping. The associate
goes on to say that they have found what appears to be some Gear that was
stolen by the Gebler units in Aveh. They have also recovered the unconscious
pilot and transported him and the Gear to the capital. It must be Fei! They
then go on to talk more in depth about the captured Gear. The associate then
asks if they should begin an assault Aveh. Sigmund says that it would be easy
to take down Aveh at this point, however, it would exhaust their power and
resources as well. That would leave them open to attack from Solaris or even
Nisan. So there is nothing to be gained from doing so. Well said if you ask

Another man then enters the room and tells Sigmund something to him. He then
says that "they" have arrived. You will then see a strange, huge ship flying
up to what appears to be a dock. Two Gears are seen unloading some sort of
cargo and you then see a group of strange people walking up to Sigmund. The
strange masked women says that with what she has, Sigmund can pass through the
"barrier" and go wherever he wants. Sigmund then brings up Grahf and asks if
he is around. The masked woman replies that he is busy and that she is
representing him. Sigmund then asks her why she is helping him and she
replies that she is simply wants to observe what is in store for the world.
In return for their help, the masked lady whispers something to Sigmund and
then walks away. Sigmund says that the masked woman requested that they
transfer the Gear and pilot they captured to D Block. Sigmund does so and you
will then see Fei running through a dark abyss with some sort of pendant
waving back and forth next to him. A light begins to emerge from the pendant
and all of a sudden, a bright flash from it reveals some sort of house to you.
You will then see a lady and a boy playing together with a ball and then the
screen will go black. You will once again see the same scene in a black and
white type view. It will then zoom outward and you will see Fei standing
there watching it. A small light then appears in front of him revealing a
young boy sitting down. Fei turns around and then sees someone else behind
him who says that he shouldn't be there. Everything then disappears wakes up
in a room with a lady in it.

The lady says that he has been unconscious for four days that she was worried
if he would wake up. The lady says that she is a doctor and that Fei is
currently in Nortune, the capital of Kislev. It turns out that Fei is in the
detention area for criminals commonly known as D Block. The conversation is
then interrupted as a group of men enter the room and say that Fei has to go
with them. The doctor says that he has just woken up and that they shouldn't
do the Baptismal Ceremony. The men don't seem to care and say that he must do
it as it is the rule. Fei will agree and the men say that the Champ is
waiting for him. Fei will then be lead to a room where the Champ is waiting.
He asks Fei what his name is and says his name Rico. He says that he needs to
see how string Fei is and tells his men to take Fei outside. When Fei get
outside he will be in a corner with all the men surrounding him. Rico then
explains that each criminal is given rank and that deciding a rank is simple.
Fei will get his rank by fighting Rico's four battlers one on one. It turns
out that if you defeat the four battlers you will be promised a certain amount
of freedom. Fei will then be shown some compassion and will be given sometime
to prepare for the fight. With that be sure to save at the Save Point next to
you and get ready. Once you are done go on up to anyone of the battlers and
say if you are ready to fight.

NOTE: Don't worry if you lose any of the fights as you won't die however, if
you do, then you won't get the respect of Rico and the others and you won't
get the needed experience!

HP: 500

This is the easiest of the four fights as all you have to do is use Fei's
deathblows and Inner Healing Chi skill when necessary. The Iron Valor and
Counter Force Chi skills are also helpful but you should save them for the
later fights. Leonardo has a three hit attack that can deal around 20 HP of
damage if all three hit Fei but that is all.

HP: 500

This battle is basically the same as the last one against Leonardo except that
is definitely a little tougher. Use the same strategy as against Leonardo and
he'll go down in no time. Heinrich's are different from Leonardo's though as
his attack slams Fei to the ground to cause about 40 HP of damage.

HP: 500

This fight is a little different as the stronger you attack Vargas for, the
stronger his counterattacks will be. Simply use Fei's Iron Valor and Counter
Force Chi skills to hold out until you can gain enough AP points to knock
Vargas out for good. It is best to simply use Triangle button attacks until

HP: 800

This battle is the hardest as Suzarn can hit you pretty hard. Simply use the
Iron Valor and Counter Force Chi skills as usual and the Inner Healing Chi
skill when you have to. Simply hold out until you can build enough AP points
to unleash a massive combo on Suzarn to finish him off once and for all. One
of Suzarn's attacks doesn't cause any damage, however take away about 40 EP
points from Fei. The other attack can cause around 130 HP of damage so that
is something to watch out for. Others can do less like around 70 HP of

When you defeat all of them, Rico says that he will be your next opponent.
This is a futile fight as Rico will defeat Fei instantly so just do whatever
you want til then. After Fei is knocked out, Rico will give him Rank A and
will take him back to his quarters.

Fei will wake up back in the doctor's quarters and the doctor will explain
about the rank that was given to Fei. It turns out that Rank A is a very high
rank and that it is amazing that Fei even stood up to the Champ! You should
also notice that something is around Fei's neck. The nurse explains that it
is a bomb! It will explode the moment Fei leaves the vicinity of the Imperial
capital. It looks like Fei will be stuck in Nortune for now and so he gets
more rest. When Fei wakes up go ahead and talk to the doctor in the next
room. She says that you can rest in the next room from where you woke anytime
you want. With that advice in mind, it's time to check out D Block!

When you are done exploring around, head over to the Bar located in the
southeastern part of D Block. When you get towards the end of the bar speak
to the Beastoid Man called Hammer who is also known as the Supplier. It looks
like word of how powerful Fei is has spread around as everyone knows about.
Hammer also gets cuaght up in always calling Fei bro. It looks like you'll
have to get all the items and equipment from Hammer at this time as well!

ITEMS: Aquasol……….20 Mentsol……….20
Rosesol……….100 Omegasol……..50
Zetasol………..100 Survival Tent…150

ACCESSORIES: Metal Jacket……….550 Sleep Guard……….1500
Metal Helmet……...200 Brain Guard……….1500
Poison Guard……...1500 Guardian Ring…….2000

When you are done with Hammer, head to the exit of D Block and the guard will
stop you. He will also say that the Imperial Committee is looking for you.
Head back to the bar and you will be greeted by a mysterious woman. You find
out that her name is Rue Cohen and is with the Imperial Battling Committee.
It appears that the Committee wants Fei to participate in the Battling
Tournament. She will explain to you that Battling is a type of recreational
sport where Gears fight against other Gears or monsters. It looks like the
incident with the Champ has caught the eye of the Committee and they now want
Fei to be a Battler instead of a prisoner. Fei, however, turns them down
saying that he doesn't like Gears and that he doesn't even have one. Ms.
Cohen simply says that the Gear he requires will be given to him by the
Committee but Fei still doesn't agree to it. Ms. Cohen then says that she
will give Fei a little more time to think it over. She says that she'll be
waiting for a positive answer and then leaves. Soon after Hammer comes in and
asks why Fei turned the Committee down. Hammer tries to convince Fei too, but
isn't successful as Fei once again says that he hates Gears. Fei will then
leave the bar and you will have control once again.

Head back to Fei's quarters and you will be greeted by Hammer who says that he
has some news. He says that a new doctor was appointed and has arrived. It
turns out that the previous doctor was transferred to work in the civilian
sector and that a new doctor is good business for him as it will expand his
connections in the black market treatment routes. Fei will go with Hammer
downstairs but when they arrive, no one is there! Hmm……guess the new doctor
hasn't arrived yet. Just then a door opens and Citan appears! Looks like
Citan was monitoring the Kislev radio communications and heard that they had
recovered a Gear that fit the description of Weltall! He says that he heard
that they transported it to Nortune so he came here hoping that it was Fei.
Luckily, he was right! Well, Citan then asks Fei if he has taken any action
yet but Fei doesn't seem to know what Citan means. Citan brings up the
promise that Fei made to Bart about Margie and then tells Fei about what
happened to the Yggdrasil. Fei then explains to Citan about what happened to
him and says that after Vanderkaum killed all of his companions, his memory
went blank and he awoke in Nortune's D Block. Fei begins to believe that he
was the one who destroyed the enemy squadron and Vanderkaum but Citan tries
his best to convince Fei that it might not have been him. Fei agrees to carry
out his promise to Bart. Hammer then explains about the explosive collars to
Citan and Citan then asks if he may take a look at it. After taking a look at
the collars, Citan says that there is a possibility that they can about it.
Hammer says that other mechanical engineers gave up a long time ago due to the
frustration it caused them. You will have a choice to make of whether Citan
will attempt to take off the collar or not. Either way, Fei will not go
through with it and Hammer brings up the Imperial Committee's offer again. It
turns out that Fei will have to win the Imperial Battling Tournament in order
to be granted a pardon but the only problem is that in order for him to win
it, he will have to defeat Rico! If Rico wins this tournament he will be the
reigning champion for three years in a row! You also find out that Rico is a
prisoner too and that he turned down the pardon so that he could continue to
fight. Fei doesn't care and agrees to go ahead and try. Hammer will then run
off to register Fei. Citan then asks Fei if he wants to go through with it as
he knows Fei's strong hatred of Gears. Fei, however, is willing to do it and
Citan will then say to get some rest.

The screen will darken and you will then see some kind of machine spinning
around in a pitch black room. There, several men will speak about Fei. They
talk about events that happened in the past but what does that all mean? They
also talk about something called the Anima Relics and the Gaetia Key. They
then talk about using the third fleet stationed at Bledavik to purge Nortune!
It appears that they plan to hit a reactor in Nortune that will wipe out the
entire city! There main goal however, appears to be to destroy Fei. Well,
that's bad!

You will next be brought back to Fei who is standing back at his quarters.
Head up the stairs and you will be greeted by Hammer who says that he finished
signing Fei up. It looks like Rue Cohen, whom you met before, has helped Fei
a little and eased the registration process. Fei asks Hammer why he has been
so happy recently but Hammer says that it is nothing. Hammer then says that
he has a lot to do and runs out. He soon runs back in and tells Fei where the
Battling Arena is. You might as well head on there and begin the fight! As
Fei is about to leave, Citan will appear and say that he wishes to join Fei to
the Battling Arena. Head back to the exit of D Block and the guard will stop
you once again. He then realizes who you are and lets you pass. However, he
does warn you to stay away from the off limits areas to avoid the collars from
blowing up.

When you get to the Battling Arena, you will be greeted by Rue Cohens who asks
what made Fei change his mind. Fei says that there are a lot of factors that
made him change his mind and that one of them is the damn collar which is very
irritating. After explaining a little about the Battling Arena, Citan will
ask if they can have a little time to prepare for the fight. Rue agrees and
you now can go ahead and save at the nearby Save Point. You can also buy some
items from Hammer though you can't buy Gear parts from yet because you don't
even have a Gear yet.

When you're all done with that go ahead and talk to Rue who will ask if you
are ready. Say yes and Hammer will join you to the Gear paddock to see your
Gear. It turns out that Fei's Gear will be Weltall! Well, what a
coincidence! Citan says that the committee most likely did give Fei Weltall
so that they could collect some sort of data. Citan does assure Fei though,
that it has something to do with the incident back in Aveh. The good thing
though, is that at least Fei gets the Gear that he is most used and it will
also increase the probability of escaping. You will then have a chance to
learn more about the Battling Arena controls for your Gear. You can also give
it a try in practice mode. When you are ready for the actual thing select
"Begin Battle" and confirm that you are ready. You're first battle will be
against Ganador. Soon after the battle begins, Ganador will stop and say that
Fei is pretty good. All of a sudden, Fei's Gear will begin to give off steam
and will suddenly explode. You will then see Fei lying in the infirmary again
and then you will see Leonardo and Heinrich in the sewers. So it looks like
they were responsible for what happened to Fei! Well, looks like Rico had
nothing to do with it as they say that he would kill them if he found out.
They then split up and it looks like Leonardo is a bit scared, or at least has
a bad feeling about something. Anyway, you then see Heinrich walking along
when he suddenly hears something. He thinks that it's just his imagination
and continues on walking up. Suddenly you see that something is following
Heinrich! Some sort of monster! Heinrich turns around just as the monster
attacks him and screams. Leonardo hears the scream and runs to where Heinrich
was. He too then sees the monster who immediately converges on him. Leonardo
runs away in fear but doesn't make it and is attacked.

You now see Fei still sleeping. He soon wakes up and Citan and Hammer come
in. It looks like if the explosion had occurred while Fei was in any Gear
other than Weltall, he would have definitely died. Fei's injuries were
relatively minor so he was only out for a day. Fei then urges Citan that he
wants to compete in the Battling Tournament so that he can get the explosive
collar off of him but Citan is more worried about Fei's health. Citan agrees
with Fei and then tells him to get a little more rest. Next thing you know
it, Fei will be up again and now you must win that Battling Tournament! So
head over to the Battling Arena.

When you get there, talk to Hammer to buy some Gear parts if you want to.

ENGINE: V10-2000……….2000 ARMOR: MS 12……….2500
V12-2000………2600 MS 15……….3500

FRAMES: WELT-03600……….2200

PARTS: Extra Ar +1……….50
Extra Ar +2……….75

When you're with that report to the receptionists who says that due to sudden
mechanical trouble, Fei's competitor Leonardo has dropped out. The same also
goes for Heinrich so Fei wins the first days bout and can proceed. If you win
the two battle of the day, then you can move on to the third day bouts so go
ahead and enter.

When you are successful with the second days bout, head back to your quarters
a sleep. When Fei wakes up, head back to the Battling Arena to participate in
the third day bout. When you are successful completing that, head back once
again and get some sleep. When Fei wakes up he will be visited by Rico!
Looks like Rico didn't come here to fight Fei and that's good. Citan comes
out to see what is going on and asks why Rico is there. Rico says that he
came in regards to Fei's accident a few days ago. Rico says that he must
apologize for it because the accident was caused by his subordinates. It
looks as if his men didn't really appreciate Fei after his Baptismal Ceremony
so they made it look like Fei had an accident during the fight. Rico says
that his subordinates are no longer with him due to the fact that they are
dead. It turns out that several skilled Battlers have been murdered one by
one in the sewers and all of them were Rico's subordinates! Must by that
unknown monster! Rico appears to think that Fei committed the crime because
those subordinates of Rico were the very same who set him up! Rico, however
doesn't think that Fei did it but he doesn't think that Fei didn't either.
Rico says that there is a rumor going around that there is a strong monster
down in the sewers that is able to take down five Battlers. To make sure,
Rico is planning to go down to the sewers himself and Fei and Citan also
request to go with him. Fei wants to prove himself innocent and Rico doesn't
care. He says that Fei and Citan will have to watch out for themselves and
that he takes no responsibility for them. So now you must head for the


When you get to the entrance of the sewers the man standing guard will
recognize Rico as the Champ. Rico says that he's going down and asks him not
to let anyone down into the sewers. Down in the sewers you will hear the same
weird noise that the monster gives off and you will then see the same view
from what appears to be the monsters point of view. When Fei and the others
get down, Rico will say to go and look for something and that he will explain
more as they go along. Citan will then tell them to be quiet and you will
once again see the monster looking at Citan from the corner and then run away.
It's time to look around.

I cannot go into the exact detail that is necessary to navigate around the
sewers as it is too complicating and time consuming. I will make a brief
attempt to navigate you through the sewers. To make it simple, roam around the
sewers until you find two locations where the Battlers bodies are marked. It
will also make it much easier when you find the map of the sewers somewhere on
this level. Once you find it, it should be a piece of cake! To get it head
across the bridge right in front of you and head west. You will eventually
see a treasure chest up ahead which contains the map. Head across to the
other side and climb down the ladder to reach the next area of the sewers. Be
careful not to touch the rushing water that comes out of the pipes as if you
do, the will damage everyone in the party. Also be sure to explore the area
as there are some good items that you shouldn't miss scattered throughout the

Down in the next area you will once again see through the eyes (or whatever)
and will once again run away. When the get down, Citan will say that he heard
some sort of tinkling sound. Rico then says that there is a rumor going on
that there is a rumor of a strange ringing sound down in the sewers. Explore
this area and you will find a Save Point in the southwestern corner of the
area and a Poison Guard in the southeastern corner. In the northwestern
corner, you will come by a mouse sweeper that appears to be broken. Upon
inspecting it, you will see that Vargas's keys were stuck in it. It turns out
that the keys are for the Sewage Treatment Plant. Also be on the look out for
the one body in this area. When you are done exploring this area, head to the
northeast corner and into the door. You should also find one location where a
dead Battler's body is marked.

The next area is fairly complicated. Be sure to save at the Save Point before
continuing on. Also be sure to not miss the Gallant Belt from the northern
section of the area. When you get to the middle of the area, you will see a
tiny green monster standing around. Talk to it and it appears that Rico knows
it and that it is called Gramps. Well, anyway, Rico will chat with Gramps a
little and Gramps will bring up the monster that committed the murders saying
that it is his neighbor! Gramps also asks that you get rid of him and offers
any information that he has available. Talk to him one more time and he will
explain that you can use the keys to get into the room beside the waterfall
which must be the Sewage Treatment Plant! Continue exploring the area and you
should find one more marked location showing yet another Battler's body. You
should get the Gold Nugget from the nearby treasure chest as well. Don't miss
the Mentsol or the Zetasol DX lying in the southern corners of the area. When
you are done exploring this area, head to the Sewage Treatment Plant located
in the northeastern corner of the area.

As you are about to enter the Sewage Treatment Plant, Fei seems to have a
little problem with finding ht right key to unlock it. Meanwhile, you are
then shifted back to same view of the monster who then slips into the drain
near the door. Fei soon finds the right key and they all enter. Looks like
the monster gave them the slip once again! Head over to the treasure chest
right in front of you and open it to get a Bell Amulet. Rico then says that
you can lure the monster with the bell! Citan then says that they should sum
everything they know up first. Oh well, before you leave, navigate up the
pipes to get an Ether Veiler. Head on out and soon Fei will stop in front of
a sewage pipe covered with the slim. Citan says that that must the sewage pipe
that the monster uses to come and go from. Fei then says that they can use
the bell to lure the monster out. But how? Well head back to Gramps who will
say that there is always slime around the drains that he uses and that the
monster never returns back to the same sit twice. So in other words, you need
to find a sewage drain with no murder site next to it. With that in mind, go
back to where you originally came from (the door in the northern section of
the area) and you will see another pipe covered with slim Walk up to it and
Fei will say that he is sure that this is the right drain. He will then ring
the bell and you will see through the eyes of the monster (as usual)
navigating through the sewers following the ringing of the bell. It will soon
find its way to Fei and the others and now it is time to rumble!

HP: 4300
Citan: 39
Rico: 38

Throughout the battle, simply stay alive and use your strongest deathblows and
combos as they come available. Redrum will begin the battle by most likely
casting gel (confusion) on two of your characters. You can use a Mentsol to
easily counter this effect It can also hit for around 50-100 HP of damage
with its normal attacks. Try not to heal any off your characters completely
as the Redrum will most likely use Murder (Instant Death) to anyone character
that has full HP. This can still occur though the probability of Redrum using
it would be much higher for a character with full strength. Use a Zetasol if
this happens, which might occur several times. Redrum also has a Bloody Rain
attack that hits everyone for anywhere from 1-30 HP of damage and heals Redrum
for about 100 HP. It can also cast poison but you can simply use Physisol to
combat that.

With that done Rico asks what that monster even was. Fei also wonders why it
even had a bell. Citan goes on to say that it had a normal human intellect
and that it is actually kind of sad. The next thing you know it, the three of
them are at the exit and Rico says that he will be waiting at Fei's dorm. As
he climbs the ladder however, he clinches his arm in pain. So it looks like
the Champ is injured! Fei realizes this and asks if it's all right. Rico
says that it's nothing and heads up the ladder. Citan notices the extent of
the injury as well and the screen will fade into nothing. You will then see
the same room you saw earlier containing Citan and that Emperor fellow. The
Emperor asks if "he" has awoken and Citan says that "he" has done so three
times. They then go on to talk about the Elders and they continue to talk
about "him." What are they talking about is what you may be thinking of (for
the beginning players).

Well, you will then be shifted back to Aveh with Elly and her squadron. There
an officer is explaining about the attack on Nortune and says that Elly's job
is to provide escort for the Hecht which appears to be the weapon being used
to destroy Nortune! Elly asks what the main objective is and the officer says
that it is classified and that she will be notified during the mission. The
officer then states that the mission is a purge and that they have direct
control over the -Lambs- before walking away. In any case, while Elly and her
squadron leave and the others make some wise comments at Elly. Elly and the
others will then wait in a room and discuss about what the target will most
likely be. In the process Elly seems to show some sympathy for the -Lambs- in
front of her comrades and she is then deeply criticized for her feelings
towards the -Lambs- due to her high rank.

After that you will now be in control of Fei so head back to your dorms.
There you will meet Rico who will complain that you are late. Fei says that
Citan wanted to bury the monster so that is why they are late. Rico then says
that the next time he and Fei meets, they will be enemies. As he walks out,
Fei will ask about Rico's wounds. Rico simply says that Fei should worry
about himself and says that if he doesn't do his best, then he's going to die.
Now Fei must continue on with the Battling Tournament.


It's time to head back to the Battling Arena for the semi-finals! In it you
must now win three bouts in order to proceed to the Finals League. It still
isn't hard to beat and once you win the semi-finals Hammer will run up to Fei
and say that all he has to do now is win the finals tomorrow and he'll be
free. Fei starts to tell about his doubts to Hammer about winning against
Rico. He begins to doubt himself once again but Hammer manages to give Fei
the fighting spirit and Fei begins to have a positive attitude about things
for once! Afterwards, Hammer will recommend that they go and service and
customize Weltall as the Finals League will be very tough. Fei then says that
they should go and get Citan to help them. As Fei leaves Hammer says that he
should save at the Memory Cube. That should be a hint so go on and do it.
When you are done with that talk to Hammer to buy some Gear parts or items
then exit the Battling Arena when you are through.

Once you exit the Battling Arena, you will then see Fei, Citan, and Hammer
servicing Weltall in the Gear hangers. It looks like they are done servicing
Weltall and that it can no longer be upgraded. It also looks like Rico's Gear
is was provided and is serviced by the Committee so his Gear has all of the
best parts! Well, that's another let down. In any case they are soon
interrupted by a mysterious voice who criticizes Fei about not learning
anything yet. You find out that it is Wiseman, the man from the tournament in
Aveh! You see him standing high above on a platform above Weltall. Wiseman
says that no matter how high quality Fei's Gear is, he will still never be
able to defeat Rico. He then disappears and the next thing you know it, you
see him on the ground in front of Fei. Wiseman tells Fei that he will show
him to make him understand and you enter into a battle!


This is a very tough fight but the good news is that it doesn't matter if Fei
loses or wins. But know that Fei CAN win. The simplest way to do so is to
use a 28 AP combo on Wiseman while keeping yourself alive. That's all I can
say for it is the easiest way. Wiseman has basically one attack which does
about 35 HP of damage to Fei. However, Wiseman also has one other more
powerful attack that causes around 70 HP of damage. When he executes this
attack, he will say "What a wimp."

If you successfully unleash that 28 AP combo, Wiseman will then hit Fei with a
familiar technique. It appears to be Fei's Raijin deathblow skill! The
battle ends and Wiseman speaks more to Fei about how using brute strength with
brute strength is what fools do. He goes on to say that with Fei's lighter
body, there is no way that he could win in a head on attack and that he was
shown this with the previous battle that just occurred. So it looks like he
is saying that the outcome will undoubtedly be the same when Fei fights Rico.
Wiseman says that the same goes for the Gears. Even if Weltall were to have
equivalent equipment to Rico, there is still that difference in the mass of
the two Gears. Wiseman then gives Fei a huge hint by saying this, "To make up
for this, one must commit to a single final strike that thrusts at the
opponent's fissure." He then says that it is up to Fei to understand the hint
and begins to walk away. Before Wiseman can leave, Fei stops him and asks why
he has the same fighting style as himself and how he knows his name. Wiseman
agrees and begins his story. He states that three years ago he was the one
who took Fei to the village of Lahan at this father's request. Fei asks about
what Wiseman's relation is to his father and Wiseman says that he was a
student with his father (also known as Khan). Wiseman then learns that Fei's
injuries from the past has made him lose part of his memory so Wiseman
explains more. He states that he and Khan studied martial arts together and
says that Khan later became an officer of a certain country where he met Fei's
mother known as Karen. It turned out that Karen an Khan married and Wiseman
went out on a journey to strengthen himself and his powers. Wiseman then says
that according to Khan, Fei's mother past away when Fei was still a child. He
says that as time past, he received a letter from Khan stating that his son
was taken away by some man. He also says that according to Khan, Fei had
special powers and that they were taken away by that man who stole him. It
turns out that the man is Grahf! To Wiseman's surprise, Fei has already met
Grahf several times and Wiseman says that it is amazing that Fei is still
alive. As Wiseman goes on to explain more about the letter, he says that Khan
wanted Wiseman to help him find his son so Wiseman agreed began to search for
Fei. He says that on a stormy night three years ago, he was notified by Khan
that he had located his son. Wiseman headed to that location and found Khan
and Fei wounded badly. He goes on to say that Grahf was also gone and Khan
went on to pursue after Grahf leaving Fei in Wiseman's care. So Wiseman took
Fei to Lahan where he left him so that he could go after Khan. When asked by
Fei why Khan went after Grahf, Wiseman could only say that Khan according to
Khan, Grahf had to be disposed of not only for his son, but for the sake of
the world. He also left Wiseman by saying that should anything happen to him,
he wants Wiseman to take care of it but Wiseman hasn't heard from him since.
Fei adds that Grahf said that Khan was dead and Wiseman says that if he has
been visiting Fei, then that is a possibility. Wiseman asks if Fei remembers
anything about his fighting skills and Fei says that the has no recollection.
Wiseman then says that it was probably from his father as both Khan and
Wiseman studied under the same master. After all that, Wiseman says that he
must go and when asked where, he simply says that must go and find Grahf to
find out what he is up to. Fei asks Wiseman one more question and that is
what country his father was from. Wiseman replies with these words, "The
floating land which tries to hide behind a wall, protected, as if to conceal
their failure. That is Shevat." So that is Fei's father's country; Shevat.
Wiseman then disappears and Citan asks if Fei has met him before. During this
conversation, Hammer tries desperately to understand what is going one but he
is ignored. Fei says that he may understand what Wiseman means and goes on to
say that he might be able to do something about winning the final battle.
Citan urges Fei to not get so over confident as simply grasping the concept
doesn't mean that he can understand it fully. They then head back to their
dorms to get rest.

You will then be back at the dorms. Head to the Battling Arena and get ready
for the Finals League! In the Finals League you must defeat Rico in his Gear
called Stier so sign up and win! When you start the battle, you should notice
that it is actually pretty easy and shouldn't be hard to lose. And you
thought that it was going to be hard! Ha! Oh, and if you are pathetic enough
to lose (just joking!), then don't worry as after three rounds, Rico will
simply force you to fight him again as he thinks that you are not using your
full potential. Once you win the three rounds however, you will be back at
the Battling Arena reception area standing in front of Rico and his henchmen.
The Henchmen then accuse Fei of rigging his Gear and threatens to tell the
Committee. But Rico stops them and tells them to shut up. Fei mentions
Rico's wound on his arm again and says that it was because of that wound that
he lost. However, Rico keeps his pride and says that there are no excuses for
losing. He then walks off with his Henchmen trying to follow him; failing to
do so. The scene then shifts to the Gear hangers where Rico tells his Gear
Stier, that it is over, or something like that. The screen fades and it
sounds like the Gear is activated. Hmm………another curious thing. Oh well, the
screen will shift once again and you will be back with Elly and her squadron.
As they walk on, they are joined by a woman named Dominia who also appears to
be one of the famous Elements. It also looks like Elly and her know each
other, but not really like each other as they get kind of into an argument.
But the important thing about the conversation is that you learn the objective
of the attack. Dominia tells Elly and the others that the electric generator
in the eastern sector of Nortune will be the target as if the reactor is
destroyed, then so will Nortune. Elly objects this plan and asks why they are
executing it. Dominia simply says that the reason is to purge the -Lambs-.
She also goes on to say that the -Lambs- are trying to destroy some sort of
gatekeeper. Well, that doesn't matter now as arguing with Dominia is useless.
Dominia then says that she will show Elly what she means about the -Lambs- and
you will then see the fleet launch from Aveh and head towards Nortune!


Meanwhile, you will be brought back to Fei who is now welcomed as the new
Champ. When Fei asks about Rico, the other men don't seem to care about him
anymore. You find out that Rico's Gear went out of control and crashed into
the Kaiser's box seat where it was damaged. You then find out that Rico
vanished after that incident. Oh well, at least the explosive collar has been
removed and you find out that you can now roam around A Block civilian area of
Nortune. Rue then says that the room is now Fei's to use and also has been
given the special S Rank privileges. Before Rue leaves, she tells Fei that
Kaiser Sigmund wanted to meet him and asks that Fei stops by the Central
Administrative District. She then leaves and Citan says that there is still
one more thing that they have to do before they leave and that is to get
Weltall. Citan then asks Hammer if he can help in locating Weltall. Hammer
agrees and Fei says that Citan will help. But Hammer, being as stubborn as he
is, says that he works alone and runs off. You will then have control over
Fei so head over to explore A Block. When you get to the first level of the
bar, you will be stopped by Latina as you attempt to leave. Latina will say
that Hammer left a message saying that he wants Fei to meet him at the Wildcat
bar in the civilian part of the city once you've taken care of everything that
you have to do. With that in mind, head over to A Block!

In A Block, talk to everyone and explore every part of the area.

ACCESSORIES: Metal Jacket……….550 Sleep Guard……….1500
Metal Helmet……...200 Brain Guard……….1500
Poison Ring……….1500 Guardian Ring…….2000

ITEMS: Aquasol……….20 Mentsol……….20
Rosesol……….100 Omegasol……..50
Zetasol………..100 Survival Tent…150

When you're done looking around A Block, go to the Central District. Once
there talk to the two guards who will guide you to the Kaiser. When they all
are gone, Rico appears behind them! Looks like he's up to something as he is
trying to sneak in. He successfully do so though, by climbing air duct to
the upper level. Anyway, when you are back with Fei and Citan, the guards
will say that the Kaiser's room is up the elevator and up the west wing
stairs. But don't head over there yet. You should take the time to explore
around the Central District and talk to everyone you can. When you are
through with that, head to the Kaiser's room. There Kaiser will be playing
his some old music from before. But once you enter his room, he will stop
immediately and welcomes Fei and Citan. Sigmund introduces himself and asks
Fei if he will join them against fighting Aveh and Gebler. All of a sudden
Rico falls flat on the ground! He gets up and runs away while Sigmund calls
for security. You will then see Rico running away trying to hide. He'll
eventually get to the Kaiser's wife's room where he will fool the guards into
thinking that the Kaiser wants to speak with them.

Rico goes in and then says something about the smell of the room being
familiar. All if a sudden a flashback occurs showing a boy and his mother.
Could that be Rico when he was a child? Probably so but in any case, the boy
constantly asks about his father. His mother says that his father was a great
man and that someday he will follow in his father's footsteps. It also looks
like his mother is ill too. The topic then switches to the boy thinking that
he is not human and will become a demi-human when he grows up. The sad part
comes now as the child stands close by his mother as she dies on her bed.
Rico then appears in place and you now know for sure that it was Rico as a
kid! The flashback ends and there is a knocking at the door. Looks like it's
Fei and Citan calling from outside. They enter and ask why Rico broke into
the Central District. You will have control again so exit the room. There
Sigmund and his guards will block you and asks how Rico got in the building.
Sigmund orders Rico to be arrested and says that the Battling Committee is
after him for violating his contract. They take him away and Rico leaves Fei
and Citan saying that he'll see them around. Sigmund then says that Rico is
suspected of trying to assassinate him. Sigmund will then say that he has
some matters to attend to and asks Fei to think about his offer. Before
leaving the Central District, be sure to head back to the Kaiser's room and
pick up Knight Mail in the treasure chest. As you leave the main gate to the
Central District, Citan will say that Hammer should have gotten the
information about Weltall by now. So you should now go check out the Wildcat.

Now back at A Block you will immediately meet up with Hammer who comes running
up to you. He says that he's found Weltall but Fei interrupts him and says
that they should talk somewhere else. When they all get to a safe place to
talk , Hammer says that Weltall has been moved to another dispatchment dock.
Hammer says that it is located in and underground dock directly under D Block.
Hammer then says that there are two possible routes to sneak in. One requires
Fei and Citan to enter via the Battling Arena grounds while the other way is
through the supply duct's tunnels. The only problem with that way is that
Hammer couldn't find out the ducts tunnel layers. Fei asks Hammer if he could
find out the dates and times that the supply train operates on. Hammer leaves
and Citan suggests that they return to D Block. When you get to D Block you
will soon be greeted by a two Battlers and an Amazoness who ask that you
follow them. Fei and Citan will do so and you will see that they are now in
the Champ's room. The Amazoness then says that Rico needs Fei and Citan's
help. It turns out that Rico was found guilty of attempting to assassinate
the Kaiser as well as breaking another law. So as punishment, Rico will be
executed in the Battling Arena! When asked why he was convicted, the
Amazoness says that Rico probably somehow got in the way of the Battling
Committee as it is made up of mostly people from the Ethos. In short, Rico is
being manipulated by the Committee . Before long, Hammer appears and says
that the next supply train's operating date is tonight! But before Hammer can
say anything else, Fei will say that they move tonight as Rico is scheduled to
be executed tonight as well. Now instead of using the supply train to leave
Nortune, it looks as if Fei plans to go through the Battle Arena! By doing
so, they can probably save Rico as well. As a sign of their appreciation, one
of the Battlers will give you 2000 G! Fei will then ask Hammer to hide
himself until the time is right to escape. Since there is still time until
the train comes by, so Citan says that they should rest a bit. After a short

When Fei is done with this nap, it will be dark already. When they get
outside, Citan will show Fei the tower that they need to get too. When you
get up to the tower talk to the Amazoness who wishes Fei and Citan luck in
their escape. You will then hear the train and wit will soon pop up below the
tower. You must now jump down onto it and head on to get Weltall! In the
tunnel Fei will chat with Citan a little but before they can settle down, the
connector of the car that they are on begins to break. You must quickly jump
off to the next one. Once that is done the second car begins to break as
well so you must now jump to the front car. Fei and Citan will soon jump off
into the ventilation shaft that leads to the Gear hanger. Now take a moment
to save at the nearby Save Point and prepare for a pretty rough, long journey
to the Gear hanger.


You should first find out that the door along the eastern wall is locked and
that you have no key to open it. Now walk up to the door along the southern
wall and attempt to open it. When you do, Citan will say that someone is
coming and that they should hide. Fei and Citan will hide behind the
ventilation shaft just as two men enter the from the door. The two men will
then talk about Rico to some extent and then walk out of the room using a key
to enter the locked door along the eastern wall. Now if you attempt to enter
the same door that the two men originally came in from, Citan will say that
they shouldn't enter it as there seem to be people on the other side. That
means that you're going to have to climb up into the ventilation shafts. So
first jump onto the huge box in front of the shaft and then jump on into the
shaft itself. Once inside, follow the ventilation shaft is winds around until
you get to a door. When you go through it, you will be in another room with
stacks of huge boxes. Across from you on the western wall, you will see
another door which is your ticket out of this area. To get to it, simply
execute running jump, but you should first start from the wall as you will
need a lot of running space. Once inside the door, you will once again be in
the ventilation shaft. Navigate through it like the previous one and you will
get to another door.

Once in the next room, Fei and Citan will be behind a closed door. Three men
then enter from the other side. One of them tells the other to put the Master
Key away behind the shelf. Follow the man with your eyes as he goes into the
next room and puts the key away. That's the key that you need to get through
the locked doors! The three men will then talk about the Rico and something
about him fighting the beast. It looks like the fight is going to start very
soon so you should hurry as well. They will leave and now you must go and get
that key. When you do get it, Citan will say that he found a part that allows
a Gear to recover 30% of its HP. This will be the first part that you can use
to heal your Gear's HP! But Citan will go on to explain that the drawback is
that it requires fuel to use. Citan will then take the part saying that they
should take it anyway just in case. Now head into the same door that the
three men came from and you will now be in a dark hallway. Follow it eastward
a little bite and you will then turn north and enter the door there. The next
room has nothing in it so continue on east into the door. You will now be in
the same kind of hallway as before. Like before, follow it west until the
end. Along the southern wall you should then see a door. Ignore it and
contnue to follow the hallway which then turns northward. At the end of it
you'll see another door which is the one you should enter. In it head west to
the next room and then turn east into the next one. At the end of the room
you can pick up a Minigear. Once you pick it up, a guard will come in and say
that you are a thief. A battle will then ensue. After you win it head out
through the door along the northern wall of the room where the guards came out

This room should look familiar as it is the room that you started off in.
Save at the Save Point and then use the Master Key to enter the locked door
that you couldn't enter when you first got here. Now the next area will be
the same type of hallway that you've encountered twice before. Simply follow
it as it turns east then north and finally westward down the stairs. At the
bottom of the stairs, look behind the stairs to find a Survival Tent hidden in
a treasure chest. After you pick it up, follow the hallway a little way up
westward and enter the door there. The next area will finally be the Gear
hanger. If you head to the southern wall where the group of Gears are docked,
you will see Gear that is moving. There you can service Weltall.

ENGINE: V10-2000……….2000 ARMOR: MS 12……….2500
V12-2000……….2600 MS 15……….3500

FRAMES: WELT-04300……….3200 HEIM-05400……….4600
WELT-05100………4400 HEIM-06400……….4900
VIER-04000………..2900 STIE-06900………..5600

PARTS: Extra Ar +1……….50 Resp Circuit……….2500
Extra Ar +2……….75 Def Circuit………...2500
Extra Ar +3……….100 Frame HP10……….250

WEAPONS: Hot RodG……….4200

When you are done equipping Weltall, you must now find it. Head to the other
side of the hanger from where the automated Gear shop is. Across from the
northern wall you should see three Gears docked inside of the wall. You
should also see three colorful flashing lights next to each of these. Go up
to the eastern one and activate it. The Gear in the bay next to the flashing
light should move and another one should come down in its place. Activate the
flashing light one more time and Weltall should then come down! Go on inside
of Weltall and head west where you can save at the Save Point. From the Save
Point move to the southern wall once again. Across from it, you should see
three elevators. Chose whichever one you want and head up.

The screen will then switch to Rico who is wandering around a huge desert that
appears to be the Battling Arena. He will feel a little shaking but wards if
off as his imagination. He soon feels it one more time realizes that it is
not his imagination. Rico still continues to wander around suddenly the
vibrations worsen. Rico says that it can't be a Gear and all of a sudden is
attack by a Rankar! Just as the Rankar is about to attack Rico, Weltall will
land and hit the Rankar to the side. Now it is time to fight!

HP: 800

This has got to be one of the easiest boss battles in the game. If you can't
win, then you suck. That's all I have to say. Nah, you don't literally suck
if you can't win, but c'mon!

After defeating the Rankar Dragon, Fei will disembark from Weltall. Rico asks
why Fei saved him and Fei just says that he came to get Weltall and that he
happened to see Rico get attacked by the Rankar Dragon as he was trying to
escape. Rico doesn't seem to believe that story but no matter as Fei offers
Rico to come with him so that they can escape. Rico however, doesn't have any
intention of trying to escape and says to leave him behind. They are
interrupted, however, when the ground begins to shake very rapidly. Rico says
that it is not coming from the ground and says that it is from the sky.


You will then be switched to a view of Nortune from the sky where you should
notice that the Gebler forces from Aveh have arrived and are attacking!
Nortune's defenses will light up the sky as they try with all there might to
bring down the attacking Gebler ships. They a little successful as they bring
down one ship which crashes and explodes in the middle of the city. Another
soon crashes as well and makes a hole in the Battling Arena exposing an
attacking ship passing overhead. Citan tells Fei that Gebler is attacking and
that the ship above of them is heading to the nuclear reactor. He says that
if the ship is successful in destroying it, the whole city will be destroyed.
Fei asks if it is possible to change the ships course away from the reactor to
stop it and Citan says that it should be possible. Fei then takes off in
Weltall to stop the ship and Citan hurries away to help the civilians. Rico
then appears and looks up through the hole in the Battling Arena saying

You will then see Elly and her squadron on their escort mission. They will
see Fei approaching and Elly becomes very startled. The rest of her
companions are just as startled but in any case, they are happy as well due to
the fact that they can now settle the score they have with Fei. They leave
Elly behind and go on to engage Fei. Looks like this is going to be the third
time you're going to have to fight them!

HP: 1600

Simply use X button attacks and level one attack combos. Booster will help as
well but you should conserve your fuel. The attacks are basically the same
but of course, more powerful. For example, the Aegisknight's attacks can do
around 150-200 HP of damage after if has used the Power Drive which weakens
Weltall's defense. Overall though, this should be an easy fight.

HP: 1800

This isn't a hard fight as well but the Swordknight can do some damage to
Weltall if you are not careful. Use the same attack strategy as usual.
Swordknight's attacks usually do anywhere from 200-250 HP of damage. It also
has two three hit attacks that deals around 350 HP of damage.

After that battle, you will then see Citan down in A Block trying to direct
everyone to escape. Hammer soon joins him and says that they can't possibly
get everyone out. Citan tells Hammer not to give up as Fei is trying to stop
the Gebler forces. Rico then appears and says that he doesn't care what
happens to the town. He then remember what Fei said to him before the attack
and runs off. You will then be shifted to Fei once again who is still

HP: 1700

This battle can be hard if you're levels aren't high enough as Fei's HP and
fuel probably are all low. If that is the case, all I can say is, "I told you
to build up!" But that's ok if you haven't it is still possible to win. Once
again, use the same attack strategy and booster if you can spare the fuel.
Also use Frame HP10 if you have to but try to conserve fuel. Clawknight will
most likely attack Weltall first for around 180 HP of damage. Clawknight's
normal attacks do about 100-200 HP of damage but that's all.

HP: 1800 (Each)
Rico: 39

Well, looks like these are the last of the opposition but at this point,
Weltall is pretty beat up. But not to worry as Rico suddenly pops up and
joins the battle! With Rico in the with you, this battle should be
considerably easy. With the same attack strategy of course. The Wandknight's
Beam Gun attack can do around 350 HP of damage at the max which isn't much to
worry about unless Weltall is low on HP.

With that taken care of, Fei must now find a way to change the ship's course.
However, he still has one more Gear to go through; Elly. Fei tells Rico to go
on ahead and Rico does so. Hmm……..looks like you might have to fight Elly
again! Fei asks Elly if she knows what she is doing and tells her that she
shouldn't be in the military once again. Elly says that she really wishes
that she could change but she can't because she doesn't have the freedom like
Fei does. The freedom to choose your own path in other words. She says that
she doesn't have a place to go to so that is why she must remain where she
currently stands but Fei also says that he doesn't have a place to as Bart and
the rest of his crew are all missing. When asked why he still fighting now,
Fei says that it is to save the people of Nortune. He then tells Elly to go
with him and he grabs her. Fei takes her to the middle of the burning D Block
where they both disembark from their Gears. Fei shows Elly all of the people
who are now dead or homeless and tells Elly to look at what she and Gebler has
done. Fei says that Elly shouldn't have to force it just to have a place to
belong and that she should make her own decisions, not force them. After a
noble speech (if you can call it one) Fei then says that he is going. Elly
tries to stop his by saying that he doesn't stand a chance against Dominia.
But Fei doesn't care as he must help Rico. He leaves Elly standing on the
rooftop. You will then be able to save your data and then you can resume with
the game.

HP: 7500
Rico: 39

Fei will then join Rico atop the Hecht where they will face Dominia. Luckily,
Fei and Rico are now back to full strength as this can be a tough fight if
you're levels are not high enough. This is the same strategy as usual with
booster with level two and one attack combos this time. Dominia has an Aerod
Beam attack that deals about 250 HP of damage or less to Weltall and about 50
HP of damage to Stier. The only thing to watch out for is when the Hecht
mounts a huge canon in front of Dominia. Once that happens, you must
continuously pound on Dominia because if you don't, then you will feel the
impact of 1000-15000 HP of damage on both Weltall and Stier. Sure it's not
that much but if you are hit with multiple times, then that is something to
worry about in which you must use Frame HP.

Once Dominia is defeated, she will escape and Rico and Fei will attempt to
change the course of the Hecht. Meanwhile, Elly is still standing on the
rooftop of D Block watching as Fei and Rico try desperately to change the
Hecht's course. She then suddenly runs off and mans her Gear. You are
returned back to Fei who says that there is too much mass to move. All of
sudden, Elly jumps in and helps! It looks like it worked as the Hecht is
steered away from the reactor. Rico says that it is done and that they should
bail out. But Fei says that the ship is now heading for the residential
district! Elly says that they have to bring it down somewhere where it won't
do much damage. But according to Rico, it is impossible as they can no longer
change the course. Soon, Rico's engine begins to overheat and Rico and Fei
bail out. But Elly doesn't follow and continues to hold up the Hecht! She
says that her Gear is all right as it is from Solaris and that she is going to
hold it up it will reduce the damage done. Looks like she is committing
suicide! Elly's Gear soon gives out and begins to fall to the ground. You
will then suddenly see a bright light flash in the background of the night sky
behind the falling Hecht and then the screen will shift to Citan and Hammer.
The see some sort of Gear fly overhead and then the Hecht crashes in a flash
of explosions. You will the see Elly who appears to still be alive! In front
of her will be a mysterious Gear that flies away not answering Elly's question
of why he saved her.

Fei will soon find Elly and you will see Weltall holding Vierge. Fei will
tell Elly that she was stupid and foolish. It also looks like Fei is crying!
Woah! Well, anyway, Fei and Elly will then take off and head back to join
Citan. Throughout their flight, will continue to wonder who that person was
that saved her. You should be wondering too! Well, you will then be back
with Citan who says that they cannot make a move since security is tight.
Looks like the Kislev forces is now after them again! They are soon joined by
Hammer who says that he has some key information that will help them get out
of the capital. He says that they can use the Kislev's new super airship the
Goliath. Hammer says that it is beyond big as a Gear would look like a pea
next to the Goliath. It is also rumored that the Goliath can decimate
Bledavik all by itself! Hammer goes on to say that it is located in any
underground dock at some military facility. Elly bumps in and says asks if he
means the military facility north of Nortune. She says that she knows that
facility as it is the same one that she infiltrated in past. Luckily Elly
still remembers how she infiltrated the base so it looks like you'll be
heading north to the military facility. As you leave, Hammer says that Rico
said that he can help them through their escape. That is good so head out to
the streets of A Block. But Hammer once again interrupts the leave and says
that there is something that he must tell Elly. They walk off and then return
in a flash.

Head out once again and head to the front gate. There you will be confronted
by several guards recognizes Fei as a wanted man. It looks like the guards
have heard about Fei's reputation as the ex-Battling Champ so they decide to
act as though they haven't seen him. Once of the guards, however, burst out
and say that Fei is wanted. You will then have the choice of fighting them or
running away. If you choose to not fight, Fei and the others will run a short
distance away and you will then have control over him again. However, you
will have to fight them in order to get past them so do so! Just as they are
about to fight each other, Rico comes running up and beats the hell out of the
three guards in a flash! Rico then says that he has decided to leave Nortune
for awhile and will give Fei a hand in seizing the Goliath. Rico says that he
will help them up to the city limits, however, he has no intention of becoming
friends with Fei or anyone else. Rico will walk off and the rest will follow
him. Outside at the map of Nortune, you should see Big Joe standing around.
Talk to him and he will tell you that you can stop by the Wildcat bar to
change your party members. Do so if you wish to. When you are finished with
everything in Nortune, go ahead and exit to the World Map.


At the World Map there will be a river immediately north of you so you can't
head north that way. You're going to have to go around the river so head east
until you reach the mountains. From there turn north into the forest. From
there just follow the mountains northward until you come to a gap between the
mountains. Head east through this gap and wrap around the mountains. From
there, the military facility should be visible to the north so head over to

Once inside, head up and make the first turn northward. Follow the long,
twisting corridor and you will soon see a standing in the middle of it. Talk
to it and you'll find out that it is Hammer. Hammer says that he has already
taken the liberty to open up the locks for you so be grateful. He also says
to not worry about how he got the Gear and that it is also very odd that there
aren't any enemies around. That is strange but in any case, you must go on.
Before you do, however, you should take some time to change your party as
needed and service your Gears.

ENGINE: V10-2000……….2000 ARMOR: MS 12……….2500
V12-2000……….2600 MS 15……….3500

FRAMES: WELT-04300……….3200 HEIM-05400……….4600
WELT-05100………4400 HEIM-06400……….4900
VIER-04000………..2900 STIE-06900………..5600

PARTS: Extra Ar +1……….50 Resp Circuit……….2500
Extra Ar +2……….75 Def Circuit………...2500
Extra Ar +3……….100 Frame HP10……….250

WEAPONS: Hot RodG……….4200

When you are through with that, enter the huge door immediately to the rear of
Hammer's Gear and proceed through the Kislev facility. In the next area, all
you have to do is keep on heading north navigating through the cargo boxes
lying on the ground. However, you will be constantly be attacked by the
security forces of the base. They aren't that tough but be careful as you
will encounter a lot of them. When you reach the end of the area, enter the
door and you will then proceed to another corridor. Simply follow it until
you reach a fork in the corridor. If you turn south, you will come to a Save
Point in which you know what to do. After saving, head back out to the main
corridor and continue to follow it. When the corridor ends and splits into
two opposite directions, head east to pick up a 02 Cylinder. After picking
that up, head west and follow the corridor a little more and you will soon
come to yet another door. Go through it and you will now be in what appears
to be the same area as the first one in which you must simply head north to
reach the door. Navigate through the area and when you get to the end, you
should notice two elevators on the ground. Walk on anyone of them and it will
automatically take you to the next level a little way up. Once that is done,
you will then be placed on a conveyor belt that will automatically take you to
the next area as well.

Finally, looks like you are now in a different area! Well before you leave
this area, get off the conveyor belt and head to the eastern wall. There,
turn north and head under the conveyor belt. You should now see a treasure
chest however to get it, you must disembark off of your Gears and quickly head
through to get an Extra Ar +3. After that head back to the eastern wall where
you should see some sort of control panel. Activate it to change the
direction of the conveyor belt. What does that do? Well activate the
elevator to head back up to the conveyor belt and walk on it back to the
previous area. You can now walk the opposite way and enter another new area!
This area is that different from the other previous ones but it's not that
hard to figure out either. First you should notice a two more conveyor belts
to the north each heading in the opposite direction, however, both leading to
the exit. But it is impossible for you to head up to that exit due to the
fact that the conveyor belts are going the wrong way. The answer is simple.
Get of the conveyor belt that you are currently on and you should also have
noticed a control panel similar to the previous one that you've seen against
the northern wall. Activate it and one of the conveyor belts will switch
directions. Then move south past the two elevators and you should see a
second control panel. Activate and the last conveyor belt will switch
direction allowing you to access the exit. The conveyor belt will take you
over a familiar area which I you have previously passed by. Do not jump down
as if you do, then you will have to go through the same conveyor belt ordeal

In the next area, there is nothing all that different (as usual). The only
thing good about it is that there is a Save Point and it is the last conveyor
belt room that you will ever step in!. First, save if you want to and then
you should notice another control panel right next to the Save Point.
Activate it and then head back to the conveyor belt that you came from and
head into it. You will now be on a long stretch of the conveyor belt and will
be brought to one of the loading docks to the Goliath. Search around the
small area and you will then be assaulted by a huge Gear.

HP: 6800
Citan: 47
Elly: 44

There is nothing to really worry about this battle as it is fairly easy. But
if you don't know what to do, then it can get challenging. To battle the Fis-
6, simply use booster and pound it with X button attacks and any level combos
that you want. Fis-6 can normally cause anywhere between 300-500 HP of damage
with his normal attack. Fis-6 also uses Shift Up frequently which raises its
Defense, Attack, and Speed. But don't worry as after a while, Fis-6 might
overheat and will be paralyzed for quite some time. As soon as that happens,
four mechanics will appear and begin to repair Fis-6 for 500 HP per mechanic.
If they feel like it, the mechanics can also throw wrenches at you for around
100 HP of damage. Kill them immediately when they appear and then hit Fis-6
once again.

After that battle head on west through the opening that Fis-6 came out from.
You will then see everyone in the bridge of the Goliath. Citan (being the
genius that he is) attempts to operate it. Go on and save at the Save Point
before talking to Citan at the controls. When you do, Citan will ask if you
are ready to go so go on and say "Yeah, let's go." Everyone will be seated
and Citan will activate the Goliath. You will see the Goliath's huge engines
begin to start and it will then begin to move through the hanger and will then
emerge outside in the sky. Looks pretty cool flying through the sky doesn't
it. Well anyway, back in the bridge, looks like everything is running
smoothly. However, Fei and the others suddenly see a mysterious Gear hovering
right in front of their path and it turns out that it is Grahf again! Fei
then begins to run off and says that he is going out with Weltall. Rico
follows along with Elly a little after. Looks like they are all going to
confront him and him, meaning not his Gear! Is Grahf actually that powerful?
Well you'll find out when you battle him. He will use is his Super Guided
Shot but they do around 2550 HP of damage! Plus Grahf is very fast which
allows him to use that technique twice before you get even your first turn!
Grahf also has a fist combo attack that deals around 1200 HP of damage as
well! A little while into the battle, you should also notice that Grahf
doesn't even touch Elly. Why? It doesn't matter because after awhile, Grahf
will state that it looks like you have gotten even more powerful. It looks
like he is about to do something about it as well but before he can do
anything, Citan successfully shakes Grahf and his Gear off of Goliath's wing.
It doesn't matter though, because before you know it, Grahf will be up again.
Citan tells Hammer to man the trigger for what appears to be a weapon. The
reason for this is due to the fact that Grahf is now heading at full speed
towards the Goliath and he looks pretty angry! Citan tells Hammer to
concentrate and aim as he begins to panic. Hammer does so and firs blowing
Grahf away! But that's not the last you'll see of him so don't get too
comforted yet.

Hammer will begin to talk big and will be knocked on the head by Rico for
doing so. Save once again if you want to and go to talk to Citan once more.
Fei will say that he is getting a bad feeling and Citan says that he also has
the same type of feeling as if getting a terrible feeling of deja vu and that
they are being watched. Well, looks like they are both right as it appears
that something is watching them from below! You will shortly find out that
the person who is watching them is none other than Bart and the rest of the
crew from the Yggdrasil! By the looks of it, it also appears that they are
onboard the Yggdrasil too! Bart then orders the gunner to prepare the Bart
Missile. Hmm…….must be pretty powerful if it is lauched against the Goliath.
Anyway, as Bart is about to attack, Maison and Sigurd will show up and ask
what is going on. Bart will ignore them for now and will order the ship to
surface. You will then see the Yggdrasil surfaced and then the Bart Missiles
will pop out. They fire off from the ship's deck and head to the Goliath.
Meanwhile back onboard, Elly asks if it is all right since they are flying
such a huge ship. Citan says that it is all right as he has plot a course
over the ocean.

Suddenly, the ship shakes and alarms go off. Citan then says that there is
not way that they can avoid descending from the damage so it looks like
everyone will have to bail out. Damn, and just when you thought that you
would be able to keep that awesome ship! No matter since they don't have the
skill nor the man power to maintain the ship. Everyone except Citan leaves
who then notices that the ship that attacked them looks like the Yggdrasil and
realizes that it is the Yggdrasil! Back on the surface, you will see Bart
watch in triumph as the Goliath burns in the sky. He begins to talk big and
then notices that the Goliath is approaching them! It crashes into the ocean
and skids for a little while right over the Yggdrasil before exploding in a
ball of light. Then, all is calm.

You will then see Ramsus and Miang standing in the bridge of one of their
aerial battleship. They have found something that appears to interest Ramsus.
Looks like they are talking about the destruction of the Goliath but what's
this about a Gatekeeper again? Well in any case, Grahf soon joins Ramsus and
Miang on the bridge and says that the person who caused Ramsus so much pain
and sadness is currently on the ship that they are tracking. He then says
that it is heading for Aquvy before disappearing. At that point, Ramsus will
order to pursue and attack the ship that they are currently tracking. Miang
says that they shouldn't as they haven't had orders from the capital. Ramsus
doesn't listen and goes on with his plan. Miang then leaves the bridge and as
she walks through the corridor outside of the bridge, she is greeted by Grahf
again who says that her tricks are no good. Miang says that "he" is the
existence to Kahr. Could this "he" be Fei? The battleship will then depart
from Bledavik and Ramsus says that the shortest way to Aquvy is between gates
1 and 2, whatever that means. It is then stated that Dominia has left in the
Haishao to pursue the aerial battleship.

The screen then switches to the same computerized sphere that you have seen
before. The figures in it complain that Ramsus has disobeyed them as his
original orders were to excavate the Anima Relics in Ignas. What are the
Anima Relics? As I have said before, you will find out in due time. They
also talk refer to "him" and say that Ramsus is most likely after "him" and
goes on to talk in more technical terms about the M Project. They also take
it a step further by referring "him" to being called -Sufradi-. If you
understand this a little the first time around, then good for you. But don't
worry as it will all fit together as you near the conclusion of this game.
The figures will say that the transfer point Aquvy is near the Thames and that
if it is, then Krelian is headed there as well for they have found Zeboim's
legacy. Ok, not that easy to understand but bear with me. The Emperor (the
one whom you've seen Citan talking to in the past) will then interrupt their
conversation and will state something about molecular engineering or
nanotechnology. You will also learn that this Emperor's name is Cain. Read
through their conversation and you will then be brought to Elly who is lying
on a structure in the middle of the ocean. She will get up. Head east across
the gap and you will see what appears to be a door on the ground. Open it and
Fei will jump out saying that there is only two days worth of food in the
cargo area. Fei decides to catch some fish but Elly seems more concerned
about the others. Fei says that he knows that they are all right and he seems
pretty sure too.


Looks like Fei is right as you will then be brought to Rico, Hammer, and Citan
who appear to be onboard the Yggdrasil. So, Bart rescued them after he shot
them down eh. Well, it looks like Rico now wants to meet Bart but it also
looks like Hammer is being a chicken and decides to stay in the room. Head to
the bridge and talk to Bart who will immediately apologize for his attack on
them. Rico introduces himself and then learns that Bart and his crew were the
ones who shot them down. Bart begins to talk about how great his Bart
Missiles are and Rico suddenly jumps on him in anger. Well, Bart had it
coming to him!

You will then be brought back to Elly and Fei still stuck on that structure in
the middle of nowhere. Fei will be jumping back and forth trying to catch
some fish while Elly tries to talk to him. It appears that the structure they
are on is whatever is left of the Goliath. Elly begins to talk about how
their Gears are stuck bellow. Fei, however, seems to be more into the fish
and seems to not hear Elly. Elly soon pops out from the entrance and asks Fei
what he is doing. Elly thinks that Fei is joking and says that if he eats the
fish then he is going to get sick. Fei goes under to see if he can get
anything to cook it with. Elly suddenly calls out to Fei who immediately
jumps back up thinking that the fish got away. But the fish is still there.
Fei and Elly look up into the sky and you will see that same flying structure
you did while in the desert so long ago! Elly says that it is Shevat. Isn't
that he country that Fei's father worked for? Elly says that it is outside
the reach of Solaris and that Shevat uses the same type of barrier that
Solaris uses so you can't reach it by any conventional means. Elly goes on to
say that Shevat usually hovers over the area known as the Aquvy Islands and
that when Fei say it, it probably was on a special mission which explains why
it was so low.

It looks like Bart is staring at Shevat as well from the deck of the Yggdrasil
II. It also looks like he is still a little swore from his encounter with
Rico! Pretty funny eh! Well anyway, he begins to wonder about Fei and Elly
and then says that he must go and apologize to Citan and Rico. Head down to
the Gun room and talk to Maison. After a very confusing chatter, Maison will
say that Citan and Rico were both on their way to the Gear hanger. When you
get to the Gear hanger, head over to Rico's Gear Stier and you will find Rico
there servicing his Gear. Bart says that he came to apologize but Rico seems
to still hold a grudge against Bart. He then says that he cares more about
the Gears and how Bart and his crew were able to tune all of the Gears up so
well. A piece of good news is then shared with you as Rico says that he we
going to move on but has decided to join you! Cool isn't it. Talk to Rico
once more and he will say that Citan is in the Gear shop. Once you get there
talk to Citan and Bart will once more apologize to Citan. Citan says that it
is all right but Bart should learn to judge more carefully. Bart then tells
Citan that the Yggdrasil II is the same type as the Yggdrasil. He says that
years ago, his father told him that the ship was scrapped because the peace
talks with Kislev made progress at that time. That's how Bart knew of its
existence. Bart then says that t also appears that the symbol on the ship
isn't the same as the Royal Crest. Citan then says that it looks like
Shevat's Crest! It looks like the Yggdrasil II might not have been made by
Bart's father and that Bart's father simply sealed it away due to the fear of
its power. Citan will bring up Fei and Elly and Bart will blame himself once

It will then be night and you will be brought back to Fei and Elly who are
chatting. The conversation isn't that interesting as it has nothing to do
with the story development. They simply talk about such things as their
problems and how they fell about such things as war and how they currently
live. The main topic of discussion, however, seems to be about belonging to a
place, or being needed, as it was talked about by Fei and Elly before. In the
morning Fei will tell Elly to wake up. When Elly comes up to the deck, Fei
will point out a huge ship to Elly. They are saved! The ship picks up the
entire structure that Fei and Elly are on and brings them up. Welcome to the


When you are greeted, you are asked to go and thank the captain for helping
you out. It turns out that the Thames is a city on the sea! First sky and
now sea. That's pretty cool. You are also told that the captain is actually
kind of odd but at least he is nice. When asked about the Gears, you are told
that they are currently inside of the Thames and are now being fixed. Once
again, all by the captain's orders. You are invited to look around the ship
and then head to the bridge to meet the captain.

Well there are some stuff you can do in the current area that you are in.
Mainly shopping though.

ITEMS: Aquasol………20 Brown Star……….500
Aquasol S……100 Red Star………….500
Rosesol………20 Blue Star…………500
Rosesol S…….300 Hard Star………...800
Zetasol……….100 Speed Star……….1000
Physisol………10 Igissol……………2000
Mentsol………20 Aegissol…………2000
Physimentsol…50 Omegasol………..50
White Star……500 Survival Tent……150

ACCESSORIES: Penguin Coat……….1000 Earth Ring………..5000
Dervish Dress………1400 Fire Ring…………5000
Wind Ring………….5000 Water Ring……….5000

WEAPONS: Marshal Rod……….1000 B&JM10A Ammo……….20
Serpent Sting………1200 ShotG50 Ammo…………30

Once done with this area, head out of it and to the navigation map of the
Thames. Head directly south to the Supply Area and head down the stairs.
Move all the way to the eastern side and turn south to immediately come to
some more stairs. Head down the stairs and talk to the girl standing there.
She says that there are four items in the area and asks if you can get them
all. Well, here's how. Head back up the stairs and head west back to the
where you came from. As you are moving along, you should come to a door
immediately before the stairs that you came down from. Head into the room and
head to the south end of it where you can fall down onto the crates below.
Now simply head a little northwards to fall into a space between the group of
crates where one of the treasure chests are. In it, you'll find a D Circuit.
Once done with that, jump up and out of the crates and head back up the
stairs. Head back west once again and continue back up the stairs. From
there, turn around eastward and you will see a huge gun acting as a bridge to
the other side. Head over the gun and jump down on the east side of the
crate. From there move across the wooden board and across the huge knife.
After crossing that, you should see another treasure chest on the second
platform in front of you. Simply jump across the first one then onto the
second one to get a Lunar Rod for Elly. Now jump off and turn west. As you
walk by the fence, you should notice yet another treasure chest on the other
side of it to the north of you. Continue on past it and turn north up the
ramp. Right next to you there should be a crate that you can jump on. From
there, jump over the fence and open the treasure chest to get a SerpentG Whip
for Bart's Brigandier. On the other side of the fence should be a barrel that
you can use to jump over the fence with. Also take the time now to service
your Gears from the man currently standing close to you.

ENGINES: V15-2000……….3000 ARMOR: Z Alloy20/5……….5000
V18-2000……….4000 XMS 25…………..6500

FRAMES: WELT-05100……….4400 HEIM-06400……….4900
WELT-06100………4700 BRIG-05400………..4600
VIER-04800………..3900 BRIG-06400……….4800
VIER-05800………..4100 RENM-07200……...6000

PARTS: Extra Ar +4………..150 Beam Jammer………..1000
Lite Ar +1………….150 Ground…………….…1250
A Circuit…………...250 Frame HP10…………250
D Circuit…………...250 Frame HP30………….750
E Circuit…………...250 Frame HP50………….1250

WEAPONS: G-M10A Ammo……….100
G-M686A Ammo……...200
G-GG040 Ammo……...100

Now that you are done with that, it's time for the last item. But how about
you try a little game first? Head off the ramp and head west yet again. Move
north up the same ramp as you had moved over previously and talk to the boy
standing in the corner. He will ask you if you are sure about something and
select yes. He'll ask you one more time and you'll enter into the game. It
will all be explained and good luck in beating it! After you beat him in the
game, he'll give you Super Goggles!

As for the last item, you should notice it on one of the moving platforms
around the area. To get it simply stand besides the cats on the crates, jump
up, and hit the moving platform to knock the crate down (thanks go out to Khoi
Vo, {see "Contributors" section}).

After talking to everyone as well, it is time to head to the bridge. Head
back to the same entrance that you took to enter the Supply Area to get to the
navigation map of the Thames. From your current position, head east and enter
the Screw Elevator. From there you can explore the other parts of the ship
such as the Sick Bay and the Beer Hall. At the Sick Bay, all you can do is
rest. At the Beer Hall, however, if you won the boy at the card game previous
in the Supply Area, talk to the guy in the very southern corner to play yet
another game. When you beat him you'll receive Premier Shoes. Continue to
walk around and talk to everyone. Head to the northern wall and climb up the
ladder, carefully head across the pipe, and jump onto the machine. Talk to
the boy standing on it and he'll give you a Mentsol. Now, head on to the
bridge. Inside, you should notice the fellow who greeted you when you first
got to the Thames. Talk to him and he'll introduce himself as Hans, the ships
first mate. Kind of looks like Franz doesn't he!

Well, anyway, talk to the fellow dressed in red (who is the captain) and Elly
will thank him. The captain will then say that he will return their Gears as
soon as possible and all fixed up. When questioned about why he is being so
kind, the captain simply replies, "I am a man of the sea!" Well, you were
warned that he is kind of strange. The captain will then go fetch some food
for Fei and Elly and you will regain control. Head back to the Beer Hall and
head south to find the captain. Talk to him and he says that it'll take a
little while longer to get everything ready. He goes on to explain the glory
of Thames's Beer Hall. The captain will also say that they are salvagers and
have recently been given a big job. It appears that this big job is from the
Ethos who want them to search for some buried treasure. Dinner will then be
ready and everyone will go off to eat.

You are then switched to a female who appears to be in a Gear underwater.
Looks like Dominia is with her! It looks like they have found the Yggdrasil
II as well! Dominia will then head over to the Yggdrasil to sink it. When
warned by the other female that it is against Ramsus's orders, Dominia will
not care and continue on. You also learn that the other females name is

Now you are brought back to Fei and the others who have just finished their
meal; and the captain seems very impressed at how much they can eat! He will
then go off into another spin like before. There will suddenly be a quick
vibration on the ground and Fei wards it off as nothing. However, when it
occurs again, someone will come down and inform the captain that the first
mate wants to see him. After he leaves, Fei will look out and say that he
sees water sprouts. Elly will say that it looks like a battle is currently
going on so follow the captain back to the bridge. Once you get there you
will see the captain watching the battle occurring and asks if he can fire the
"big gun." Hans questions the captain's request as to why he wishes to get
the Thames involved. Fei and Elly will then show up and will be told that it
looks like some sort of submarine is under attack. Fei will take a look
through the captain's telescope and you will see the Yggdrasil surfaced and
under attack from something underneath it. Fei seems a little happy at the
thought of Bart alive and he says that they should help them. Elly reminds
him of the Gears and the captains then contacts the dock and tells the crewmen
there to speed up the repairs to two minutes. He then tells Fei and Elly that
the Gears will be at the Supply Entrance. Hans once again questions the
captain's actions by saying that they could get caught up in the middle of the
fight. However, the captain says that if they don't help them, then they will
loose their pride (or something like that). Fei and Elly will then enter the
Screw Elevator; so from there, head to the Supply Entrance. From there head
out of the Supply Area and you will see Vierge be slowly raised out of the
deck. Before you leave visit the Armor Ground once more and talk to the lady
standing on the boxes to play the card game on last time. This is, however a
very hard opponent. When you win you will receive a Death Blower 1. You can
also continue to play her to get other items.

When you're all done with that, save at the Save Point and do any last minute
shopping that you need. Exit out of the Armor Ground and board your Gears.
Once you do so the Gears will head to the side of the Thames and will fly off
to join the battle. Meanwhile, back at the Yggdrasil, you will see Citan and
Rico in their Gears complaining about how they just saved. They soon be
joined by Fei and Elly who ask where Bart is. Citan says that he is currently
fighting below and said that he was going to hold off the attack until the
depth charges could be readied. Citan says that they are trying to at this
time and that both Fei and Elly should help Bart out. They will then both
jump into the water and you will see Bart standing in front of Gear that
Dominia and Kelvena were in. He looks shocked as well when Fei and Elly show
up to help him. The Gear will suddenly grab Elly's Gear and Dominia will
argue with Elly about the differences between -Lambs and -Abels-. Fei will
jump in and Dominia will accuse of Elly joining the -Lambs- for a man.
Dominia will call Elly a traitor and Elly welcomes the challenge.

HP: 5000
Elly: 44
Bart: 46

This battle shouldn't be that hard. Simply use booster throughout the battle
to gain the advantage in agility and then hit Haishao with everything you got
such as X button attacks and any level combos you choose. Haishao's main
attack is Nereid Cyclone which deals about 900 HP of damage to everyone. Its
other attack, Electric Arm, deals around 60 HP of damage to one character.
After taking a certain dealing a certain amount of damage to Haishao, Sigurd
will contact the team and will say that the depth charges will be dropped soon
and for everyone to stay clear. You will then see the Yggdrasil flying
through the clouds (what the!) and it will launch its depth charges. They
will hit Haishao and it will collapse.

It will soon get up and it appears that Dominia is still ready for some more!
But before she can do anything, Kelvena says that it is enough and that they
have to retreat. Dominia acknowledges her warning but doesn't leave empty-
handed. She suddenly unleashes two powerful attacks against Elly who then
screams and falls to the ground.


Weltall and Brigandier will then resurface and Citan will ask where Elly is.
Fei replies that she was taken away by the enemy! Bart and Fei begin to
bicker a little but Citan breaks them up and says that they have to find a
place to finish repairing the Yggdrasil. Fei will bring say that the Thames
can help them out. You will see the Yggdrasil approach the Thames and then
head into the docking bay. Once docked, a ramp will connect to the Yggdrasil
and Fei, Bart, and Citan get out. Bart will apologize to Fei for what he said
earlier and Fei accepts it. Bart brings up what happened with the Red Gear
awhile ago and tells Fei what happened. It turns out that they sank into a
huge cave and there in front of them was a ship that looked exactly like the
Yggdrasil. Citan says that the weapons from the ship are most likely from
Shevat. It is now time to meet the captain once again so head up to the
bridge. When you get to Screw Elevator, Bart says that he didn't want to get
Margie involved and Fei says that he is sorry that he didn't keep his promise.
Bart says that it is all right and that it is a good time to sneak into Nisan
since everything is all screwed up. It looks like Margie is back in Nisan too
helping her people.

Anyway, you will then meet the captain and Bart will explain to him about what
happened. Suddenly, the door behind them opens and Margie will appear! Bart
begins to get kind of embarrassed from Margie and tells her to go back to the
ship. Margie will bring up at how Bart recklessly shot the Goliath down and
Bart tells her to shut up. But is too late as Fei knows already. Fei gets
disgusted at Bart. Meanwhile, the captain is laughing at all that is
happening and asks Bart if he is some sort of pirate. Bart then says, "Oh
yeah. A man of the sea! I was a man of the desert but…" At that point, the
captain already likes Bart for being a man of the sea and will go on to show
Bart the Beer Hall. Margie asks Fei if he is mad at Bart and Fei says that he
is not mad and is more mad about what happened to Elly. She tells Fei to go
and rescue her and then the screen shifts to the great Gebler aerial
battleship flying through the sky. In it, Dominia will slap Elly and will say
to shut up about her naïve beliefs. She draws her sword on Elly and as she is
about to beat Elly, someone tells her to stop it. Looks like it is Miang who
asks Elly if she is all right and helps her out. When Dominia questions her,
Miang simply says that such acts like Dominia is doing will not be tolerated
onboard Ramsus's command. She goes to say that from the records of the
previous battle, it was Dominia who attacked and that Elly had no choice but
to defend herself. It is also Dominia who disobeyed orders and worst of all,
disobeying Kelvena's orders. Furthermore, she is not to prosecute anyone for
treason without proper authority. Woah, that's giving it to her! Looks like
Miang is placing Elly under her supervision. Dominia will oppose that move
and close in on Miang, however, something happens and Dominia back away.
Miang then takes Elly into he next room and gives her the same glare that she
gave to Dominia. She says something about her eyes leaves. She will join the
commander and tells him of the report between the engagement of the Haishao
and the other Gears. Ramsus becomes aware that Fei was one of the opposing
Gears and Miang says that the ship is currently at the Thames. Ramsus orders
a course change towards the Thames. Miang stops him and says that it would
futile to attack since the Yggdrasil II has the ability to submerge and
escape any attack. She then says that it would be best to eliminate that
function first. She goes on to say that she has already mad the "proper
arrangements." Ramsus agrees and you are brought back to the exterior of the
aerial battleship where you will see Vierge depart from it! What's going on?
Isn't that Elly's Gear! Oh well, you'll see what happens.

You will the be shifted back to the bridge of the Yggdrasil II where Sigurd
asks Fei to find Bart. He's probably with the captain so head up the Beer
Hall. There, you will find Bart telling one of his heroic stories to the
captain. Fei tells Bart that Sigurd has asked to see him but Bart ignores him
for awhile and continues his conversation with the captain. They'll act crazy
for a little while longer (probably from too much drinking) and a crewman will
interrupt them telling the captain that the first mate is calling him. It
seems that Elly has returned and everyone heads to the bridge. They enter the
bridge and Elly soon enters after them. She says that she is ok and asks
about the Yggdrasil. She asks if she can rest for awhile then leaves. Didn't
something seem weird? Oh well, in any case Bart has the same feeling. With
that, head back to the Yggdrasil and talk to Sigurd.

Sigurd will ask about the supplies needed for the Yggdrasil. Bart says to
order 16 torpedoes and that's it.


Head down to the infirmary of the Yggdrasil and talk to the nurse. She will
say that Elly was previously here lying down and that she is no longer here.
Now go to the Gun Room and you will see the Engine Room crew taking a break.
Talk to them and one will say that the repairs are finally complete and the
other one will say that you should go down and take a look. With that in
mind, head down to stairs to the Engine Room.

In the Engine Room you will see Elly walking up and around to the controls.
The dog, Martle, will bark at Elly but the chief engineer will simple tell him
to not bark at her. Elly then says that the first mate wants to see the chief
engineer so he walks away and leaves. What the heck is Elly up to! She will
then walk up to the controls and do something that causes the engines to screw
up and by the looks of it, overheat or something like that. After doing that,
Elly will scream and fall to the ground unconscious. Fei will come running up
with Bart following him. Bart will then try to fix the damage and says that he
has no idea of what to do. They are then joined by Citan who uses his great
wisdom and knowledge to reverse the damage done. The engines shut down and
everything is all right! After doing that, Citan tends to Elly and after
being talked to by Fei, says that she was given some very strong hypnosis.
According to Citan, it is a special hypnotism that makes a person behave in a
pre-programmed way. He says that Elly looked strange when coming out of the
medical room so he followed her. But unfortunately, he was unable to stop her
because doing so forcibly would destroy her mind. They are soon joined by the
chief engineer who asks what is going on. Talk to Citan again and he will say
that she will be all right and that no mental scars are apparent.

You will then be back in the Gun Room. Head to the infirmary and you will see
that Elly has awakened. Talk to the others and then to Elly who will seem a
little confused at why she is now in the Yggdrasil. Before anything else can
be said, Sigurd will come into the room and report that the radar has picked
up a huge Gear heading towards them! Bart decides to launch the Yggdrasil as
to not endanger the Thames and says that they must immediately depart in their
Gears. Sigurd will leave and Bart asks Citan and Fei to go. Elly will
interrupt however, and will ask if she may go as it is all her fault that they
are in this situation. Bart seems a little harsh on Elly but Citan says that
she may go. However, he leaves her with the words, "Elly, if you try anything
suspicious, I will be the one to shoot you." Well, good deal if you ask me.
Elly agrees to it and they head on out to defend the Yggdrasil. Before
heading out, re-equip your Gears so that they can stand underwater fighting.

After that, you will now see that it is Dominia who is attacking! Hmm……..she
seems to really hate Elly for the incident between her and Miang. In fact,
she seems very pissed! Being brought back to Fei, Elly, and Bart, who are
standing on the deck of the Yggdrasil, they will then enter the fight against

HP: 3000
Elly: 44
Bart: 45

This isn't that hard of a battle at all but the only problem with it is that
you will have another harder one immediately after this one! It is best to
use Triangle Button attacks this time along with level one attack combos.
Bladegash has many elemental attacks however, it takes Dominia, one active
turn to keep on switching between them so it'll give you a speed advantage if
you use booster. Bladegash isn't an opponent to really worry about as it's
attacks only do around 500 HP of damage. But don't exhaust yourself yet!
Once you win, Dominia will fly away.

With that done, there will suddenly be explosions from underwater! Looks like
you're going to have to check it out as well! Everyone will head below so get
ready for another battle!

HP: 4500
Elly: 44
Bart: 45

This battle shouldn't be that hard if you are at the higher levels. If you
are not at high levels, then good luck! You'll know what I mean because in
the past, I had to fight this battle at level 30 and it took me forever to
beat it! You'll once again see the benefits of taking the time to build up if
you still don't think so.

Anyway, the battle will open up with Ramsus calling Fei his "Arch rival."
Woah, has it gone that bad that Ramsus is now obsessed with defeating Fei? In
any case, Ramsus will ask Fei about what happened to his "Other Gear" and that
he now has a different one. Is he crazy? What is he talking about? Oh well,
nevermind that as you must now concentrate on the fight.

As usual, you can't hit Miang, and she can be very annoying throughout this
battle. Simply use booster and hit Ramsus with everything you can muster!
You could uses Bart's Wild Smile Ether skill but Miang will most likely cure
Ramsus of all ailments as soon as possible. She can also heal Ramsus for 750
HP! Ramsus's main attack is the Electric Arm attack. He will launch both of
Haishao's arms and they will hit a single character multiple times for 300-
1000 HP of damage (depending on who it hits and how many times it hits a
specific character). The main thing to watch for again is Ramsus's Mirror
Predict/Counter stance. Don't attack him while he is in this stance! If you
do, then he will counter attack with the Nereid Cyclone that will deal around
1200 HP of damage to everyone!

Once defeated, Ramsus will still seem to want to fight! Ramsus will then
launch the same attack that Dominia did in the past to Elly. This time, it
will be on Fei! Weltall will be knocked down and you will see a message
saying that water is flooding into the cockpit and that Fei's vital signs are
decreasing! Just as Ramsus is about to finish off Fei, Elly will suddenly
launch her Aerods which is enough to blow Ramsus's main tack forcing him to


With that, you will next be brought to the infirmary of the Thames where
everyone will be gathered around Fei. The doctor will say that Fei is
currently on life support and that he can't guarantee that Fei will be all
right. The doctor will then say that Fei's only hope is at the infirmary of
the Ethos headquarters. Elly will run out and ask if he will be saved if
brought to the Ethos headquarters. However, it turns out that ordinary
citizens are not allowed into the Ethos headquarters without being introduced
by someone from the Ethos or being a monk. It looks like there is some hope
though as the doctor says that the Etone, -atoners of sin-, will be coming to
the Thames from the Ethos headquarters to do some type of investigation. When
asked what Etones are, the doctor says that they are religious people from the
Ethos who clear away the Reapers or -Wels- that appear in Aquvy. Looks like
the doctor will ask the Etone however, he is unsure of whether they will help
or not. Citan says that he will go with Fei and the life support systems to
the Yggdrasil while Elly and the others search for the Etone.

Now you must search for the Etone but where do you start? Well ask the
captain of course! The captain will say that the Etone were there on the
bridge earlier and left saying that they had to investigate something on the
deck near the Supply Entrance. Hmm……..near the Supply Entrance eh? The Armor
Ground! Once you reach the Armor Ground, you will see Margie asking someone
about the Etone. Looks like she's trying to help you out! Suddenly you will
see two men harassing a young girl. Elly and Bart will rush to help her.
Just as a fight is about to ensue, you hear what appears to be a gunshot.
The girl runs to Elly and you will see an old man with a gun standing close
by. The men seem to know him and run away. The man's name is Jesiah but it
looks like he isn't done yet. He walks up to Elly and put his gun against her
head saying that Elly is a dog of Solaris. Citan suddenly comes rushing up
telling Jesiah to wait. Looks like they know each other! Dang, Citan knows
everyone doesn't he. Well you also find out that the girls name is Primera.
Jesiah apologizes to Elly and says that Primera is his daughter. He also says
that you can call him Jessie instead of Jesiah. It looks like Primera can't
speak as well due to some tragic incident in the past.

You learn that Primera is Jessie's second child and his other one 16 years
old. His wife is also dead and when asked about what he is doing on the
Thames, Jessie says that his son has some business on the Thames. A man then
comes along and says that the Etone has just arrived at the Armor Ground. You
see him walking along towards you with the doctor who explains the reason why
they need his help. Jessie suddenly tells him to just help them out and to
your surprise, Jessie is the Etone's father and Primera his sister! You find
out that his name is Billy and it looks like Jessie is in a little trouble
with the Ethos according to Billy. Jessie then explains about what happened
with Primera and tell Billy to once again help out. After Elly asks about it
one more time, Billy says that he will contact the medical department at the
Ethos headquarters and then says that he must leave because he has other
matters to attend to. Billy agrees to introduce them and says that they can
head to the Ethos headquarters after he is done with his business. It turns
out that both Margie and Billy seem interested in each others religions and
agree to have a little chat in the future. Bart and Billy get into a argument
as Billy calls Bart " a little impolite fellow." Bart doesn't seem to take
that much interest into Billy either but it is still quite funny. Billy then
says that they should stop by the Ethos headquarters when they are done with
business on the Thames. Jessie says that he has his own business to attend to
and asks Billy to take Primera back with him. Jessie shortly leaves and Citan
says that Sigurd will be done with the repairs soon. It is now time to head
back to the Yggdrasil and depart for the Ethos headquarters! Before you
depart, Sigurd will say that Margie wanted to talk to you about something so
head to Margie's room where you will learn that you can exchange your party
members with her.


From the Thames, take the Yggdrasil and head directly north past Babel Tower.
Once there, Billy will greet you at the entrance of the practice hall and says
that he has received permission to treat Fei as long as it is in the practice
hall infirmary. Fei will then be handed over to the care of the Ethos and you
will be allowed to see him. Billy sill show you the way down to Fei so simply
follow him. On the way down, Billy will meet with on of his colleagues named
Verlaine. Verlaine will start to talk about Billy's father and also begins to
talk a little bad about him as well.. He will soon walk away and you may
resume following Billy to the infirmary.

Down in the infirmary, the doctor will say that Fei should be all right,
however, more tests must be conducted. Fei is currently unconscious due to
physical exhaustion and that it'll probably take a few more days for him to
wake up. Bart will suggest that they all take a little walk but Elly wishes
to remain with Fei. Head out of the infirmary and back up to the stairs and
into the hallway. Feel free to now explore this area of the Ethos
headquarters and talk to some interesting people. After searching around a
few rooms, including the library (which is cool to check out), Elly will
appear in the hallway and says that it looks as if Fei will be all right.
Bart will suggest that you go back down to the infirmary. Once down there
again, the doctor will say that treatment is finished, but Fei has not
regained conscious yet. The good news is that he will eventually regain
conscious and you can now take him back to the Yggdrasil. Looks like Elly
wishes to thank Billy and so the doctor tells you that he has gone back to his
orphanage. You definitely must thank Billy for his help everyone decides to
head over to the orphanage.

You will be brought back to the infirmary of the Yggdrasil where Fei is. From
the Ethos headquarters, head southeast past Babel Tower and you will come to
the orphanage. Once there, feel free to talk to all of the kids. You can
also help a kid get his chickens back in the coop. If you do he'll give you a
Tag Badge. You will find Billy inside the house. Talk to him and Elly once
again thanks him. She also asks him if this is his orphanage. Billy replies
with a yes and says that he opened it so that kids with no homes had a place
to go to due to the fact that neither he nor Primera had parents. Sigurd will
enter soon after and will say that the radar has picked up a huge ship. Could
it be Gebler? As they are about to leave, Jessie enters and it looks like he
also knows Sigurd! Was he once in Solaris too? Billy also refers to Sigurd
as Siggy! Well, anyway, Bart doesn't seem to like all of this but it's
actually kind of funny. Looks like Jessie was in Solaris and even was
Sigurd's senior in Jugend. Jessie then suggests that everyone goes and to
have a drink onboard the Yggdrasil. Citan and Sigurd then leave after Jessie
and Billy will say that he has other things to do before walking off into the
other room.

Rico will then take the place of Citan. Now you might as well find Billy
again so head into the same room that he went into. It will turn out to be a
bedroom so go ahead and explore around the room if you wish. You will find
one interesting thing by doing so but I'll let you find out for yourself.
Once you are done, head into the northern door and you will be in an empty
room. Or maybe you could be wrong. Check out the bookcase nearby to reveal a
secret room which Billy will emerge out from. Billy will then say that he has
to go and meet someone and will leave. You will then be brought outside and
see a man enter the orphanage. One of the kids call him Uncle Stone. Anyway,
Billy will soon come out and greet him. Bishop Stone will say that the
missing Ethos transport that was missing has now turned up however, there is
no replies to any messages that are sent. Bishop Stone suggests that it could
be Reapers who are responsible for the incident however asks Billy if he can
check it out. But the only problem is that there are fast sea currents so he
suggests that Billy goes in a big ship. That's when Bart comes in and says
that he can take Billy in the Yggdrasil. It's the least they can do to repay
Billy for helping them out. Billy seems a little skeptical about going with
them as he doesn't wish to get any of them involved. Bishop Stone butts in
and says that Billy should take there help. Billy finally agrees and Bishop
Stone will leave saying to report to headquarters after he is done with the
job. Billy will say that he will join you onboard when he is finished with
his work so head back to the Yggdrasil. After you exit the Orphanage, you
will automatically be brought back to the Yggdrasil. You should also realize
that the Yggdrasil can't depart without Sigurd who is probably drunk with
Citan and Jessie. Head down to the Gun Room and you will find Citan, Jessie,
and Sigurd chatting. Talk to Sigurd and Jessie will be on his way. All of a
sudden Sigurd will collapse! Not to worry as all Sigurd is is drunk. Looks
like you'll have to wait until tomorrow to leave.

After that, you will see Jessie enter the house back at the orphanage drunk as
usual. Billy will enter and tell him to keep it down as the children are
asleep. They will then begin to bicker about many things. From why Billy
shouldn't be a priest to how Jessie was never a good father. Jessie will
leave after that is done with and you will be brought back to the Yggdrasil
barracks in the morning. Talk to Sigurd and he will say that Billy is
waiting for them in the Gun Room. Ha, it also looks like Sigurd has a
hangover! Oh well, in the Gun Room you will find Citan with Billy. Go ahead
and talk to Billy who will begin to talk about the Etone's basic equipment.
This happens to be a gun. He will go on to explain to you an how to use his
guns and will explain about his three types of guns. Once Billy is done with
that (and if you understand it of course), Billy will explain why he became
an Etone at the request of Elly. Later, you can go to Margie's room where
Primera will be. Talk to her and you will be able to read a note that will
explain how to use Billy's guns. You will now learn about Billy's background
and history.

You will brought to his house (which is what he turned into the orphanage).
According to Billy, Jessie taught him how to use a gun when he was eight or
nine. You will see Jessie leave the house and Billy will say that one day,
his father just disappeared. It turns out that he just ran out on his
children and wife and never came back. As time went on, and while Billy was
12, his mother was attacked by Reapers and was killed. It turns out that they
were looking for Jessie but Billy's mother never talked. After killing his
mother, Bishop Stone barged in and saved them. As a side note, you learn that
Reapers can talk and can even be smarter than humans. Anyway, you also learn
that after that incident, Primera never talked again. Billy then followed
Bishop Stone and began training at the Ethos so that he could help others from
being like him and Primera. As the years passed, Billy returned from his
training and became an Etone. Soon after he returned back to Primera, he
opened the orphanage and an unexpected visitor arrived; Jessie. Even then, he
was changed and some sort of accident had changed his personality as well as
looks. Hmm……so that's why Billy can never consider him as his father. In any
case, Primera still became attached to him and that is about all. After his
story ends, it looks as if Billy and Bart still don't take nicely to each
other. Oh well, you will now see the Yggdrasil trudging through the rough
sea currents northeastward and the screen will soon fade. So, looks like
they've made it to the ship. After re-organizing and re-equipping your party,
head up to the deck of the Yggdrasil.


Climb the ladder to the top and head into the door. Once inside Billy will
say that on the room's middle wall is a red switch that will turn on the
lights. Open the door up ahead and you should see the red switch. Once
activated, the lights will go one and it will say that Door A has been
unlocked. Head up and knock down the stack of boxes in front of you. Go
ahead and open the treasure chest to get a Penguin Coat as well. There is no
need to climb up the ladder yet so head the door along the northern portion of
the wall. You will be in a section with a saved point in it and another door
will be in front of you. However, the only problem is that it the door
(labeled Door B) is locked. Save if you wish at the Save Point and head back
into the previous room. Now head up the ladder. At the top, head north and
down through the hatch at the end. Once at the bottom, you will be in a room
full of cocoon like structures swaying back and forth. Get a B&JM10S Ammo
from the visible treasure chest and then head south through all of the
cocoon's to the next treasure chest. There you can get a Survival Tent. The
room on the other side should look familiar as well as it is the same one with
the Save Point in it. Along the eastern wall, you should also notice another
red switch. Activate it to open Door B so that you can now access the Save
Point if you want to.

Now head back north and enter the door along the northern wall. Once through
it, you will be in a thin hallway with rooms on both sides of the walls and
one at the very end. In the first room on the eastern wall, you can turn on
the pipes but instead of seeing water, you will see what appears to be blood!
But not to worry as it turns out to only be water with rust in it. In the
first room on the western wall you can pick up the Cabin Key. The second room
along the western room will have nothing in it however you can pick up a
Silver Beret in the second room along the eastern wall. Now in the third room
along the eastern wall, you can get a ShotG60 Ammo and that's about it as
there is nothing in the final room along the western wall. Was that
complicated enough? With the Cabin Key enter the door at the end of the
hallway however it turns out that the door is rusted shut. Looks like you
will have to run into it! Do so and the door will eventually bust open. Head
to the end and it looks like the door up ahead is locked. Try the door along
the eastern portion of the wall and it turns out that it won't budge as well.
Your only option is to head up the ladder so do so.

At the top head north all the way to the front end of the ship. As you pass
by, you should notice a hatch open up t the west of you as well. Save at the
Save Point and then head to that open hatch. Jump in it and you will
suddenly be attacked by a familiar looking monster!

HP: 4242
Citan: 54
Bart: 52

Well, this is a very similar reincarnation of Redrum! But trust me, it's much
more easier this time; especially at or around my current levels. His attacks
are almost the same as Redrum's but the only difference is that it doesn't
nearly use Murder as much as Redrum! Well first off, the quickest way to end
this fight is to simply survive Bloody's attacks and build up your AP. Then
simply unleash a 28 AP combo on Bloody to easily win. Use Billy to heal as
necessary though if you are at lower levels, it will most likely take a lot
longer. But just as long as you are past level 40 it should be all right.
Aside from Murder, which as I said before, Bloody hardly uses, it also has the
same old Bloody Rain which only deals 1-5 HP of damage to all characters.
However, it still does heal Bloody too! Bloody's normal attacks do about 30
HP of damage as well. Also, don't forget to use Billy's Ether skills such as
Goddess Call or Goddess Eye to help you out. Trust me, if your levels are
low, they definitely will help out.

Once that is done with, walk up to the door behind you and you will be back at
the orphanage where one of the kids appears to see Billy (or more his
"signal") and rings the bell. The girl on the windmill will then give some
complicated coordinates something will emerge from the ground in front of the
orphanage. Looks like Billy's Gear! The Gear will then launch upward and fly
off. Back at the ship, Billy and the others will emerge onto a rope way under
the ship. You will also notice something in the background emerging from the
sea. Billy will say that the ship is infested and he must report it to Bishop
Stone. Citan will notice that thing in the back of them and Billy will say
that it is a Giant Wels. He says that they wouldn't stand much of a chance
against it by themselves but not to worry as it is pretty slow. The Giant
Wels will suddenly pop out of the sea and Billy will say that it got there
faster than he had anticipated. As the Giant Wels is about to attack, Billy's
Gear suddenly swoops by and picks them up. The Giant Wels will just stupidly
stand there wondering what happened and suddenly, the Yggdrasil will emerge
from underwater right behind it. Billy's Gear will land on top of it and it
is now time to fight with your Gears!

HP: 7000
Citan: 54
Bart: 52

This guy is actually kind of strong but not necessarily tough. The only
problem with this guy is that his defense is pretty high so you'll definitely
have to use your highest attack level combos. Another problem is that Booster
doesn't work for this fight! The Giant Wels will almost always get the first
attack, most of which will be aimed at Billy. Not to worry though as it
should miss. His normal attacks like that should cause around 200 HP of
damage. If you have Elly in your party, you can use her Aerods Ether skill to
hit the Giant Wels pretty hard. However, if you hit the Giant Wels with Ether
based attacks, it will grow increasing its attack power. The only good thing
about it is that its defense goes down as well. You'll probably have to hit
it a few times with Ether based attacks anyway until you are able to hit it
with normal attacks. It also has one thing that you should look out for. The
Giant Wels can hit everyone in your party for up to 1000+ HP of damage if its
attack level is high enough so be careful.

After that little battle you will be brought back to the Yggdrasil's bridge
where Billy will thank everyone for their help. Billy also admits that the
job was a little too dangerous for him to undertake on his own. Looks like
Billy now must report back to the Ethos headquarters and so Bart offers the
ride. Looks like Bart and Billy are finally getting along! As a sign of his
gratitude, Billy says that he has something at the Ethos headquarters to give.
Now take control of the Yggdrasil and head back south to the Ethos


You're in for a big surprise when you return to the Ethos headquarters. When
you enter you will notice that everyone is dead! One of the men close by will
still be alive and will attempt to talk to Billy. He will say that he heard a
gunshot and then will die. Billy will recognize that the bullet shells lying
around are from his father's gun! Head up and enter back into the same door
that you entered before in order to get to the infirmary. Once in the
hallway, you will see one of the Ethos members be killed by a small, little
creature. Your party will then be attacked and you will find out that they
are assassins! Once you finish them off, you'll find out that they are real
pro killers. Search around the rooms in the hallway now and prepare to fight
more assassins. Don't forget to explore thoroughly as there are two items to
get, an Aquasol DX and a Seal Ar. There is also some interesting information
you can get as well.

There are two possible ways to continue on with the game but either way,
you'll end up seeing the Pontiff being murdered. Your party will then be
attacked by the assassins. Once through with that, head east into the next
door behind the spot where the Pontiff was murdered and turn north to where
the three doors are. In the second door you will find a man who is severely
hurt. Billy will call the Yggdrasil to help him out however you will also
learn that he is from Shevat. The third room will contain Big Joe who will
thank you for saving him. He will leave and you can continue back to where
you came from and continue to follow the hallway eastward and until you reach
the next area.

The next area will be an elevator that you need to use to get down to the next
level. Down on the next level, head out the door and enter the next area.
Once again follow the hallway and enter the first room that you come to. In
it Billy will say that this is right under the cathedral. You find out that
it is the Ethos data bank and everyone will be joined together in the room.
Elly then says that all the equipment in the room is from Solaris! It turns
out that Billy knows nothing about this as well and Rico will suggest that
they investigate it. Upon investigating the data bank, the team will soon
come across some transmission records. Citan suggests that they check it out
and you will find out that Shakhan is a bishop with the Ethos! It also turns
out that all the resources collected are being sent to Solaris! Bart will
soon discover some encoded Solarian language that Elly will attempt to
translate. From it you will learn that the Ethos is really a subsidiary
organization created by Solaris! What a surprise eh!? Well, anyway, Elly
will summarize the entire situation up for Bart (and you). After she is
through, Citan will show a recent record stating that the majority of the
people who were sent to Solaris were those seeking help form the Ethos. Billy
doesn't seem to want to believe all that is happening and asks why the Ethos
members are being assassinated. Citan finds the answer for Billy by showing
him a plan established by the Ethos that is not linked to Solaris called
Salvage Plan 44. Hey, isn't that the same plan that the Thames was working
on! The record will be displayed and you will find out that a very ancient
civilization currently lies under Aquvy. It appears that he Ethos has been
undertaking several excavations to dig up powerful weapons with the intent of
breaking away from Solaris. However, with Solaris finding out of this plan,
it is easy for them to stop the Ethos by attacking it. Citan will then
suggest that they move on so that more information could be collected.

Head back out to the hallway. Once outside, Billy will still continue to not
believe what is happening with the Ethos.. They are soon interrupted by
Verlaine. Verlaine will attempt to try to make a brief attempt to convince
Billy to stay with the Ethos, however, Billy puts down that offer. Verlaine's
henchman will soon be killed by some gunshots and Jessie will appear! He will
say that he has just been using stun bullets and that people like Verlaine
weren't actually from the Ethos but in fact agents of Solaris. He will then
say that all of the Ethos have already been killed except for the ones on the
salvage mission. He also mentions that Bishop Stone is in charge of the
agents! Verlaine will go into technical religious BS but Billy won't buy it.
Verlaine will then be shot by Bishop Stone! He once again explains why
Solaris destroyed the Ethos. It also turns out that Etones not only killed -
Wels- but also had other duties such as Verlaine. There responsibility was to
observe and destroy any corrupt people within the Ethos. The reason why Stone
didn't tell Billy of it was due to the fact that he has another role planned
for him. Stone will then tell Billy of the other role that he had planned for
him. According to Stone, the -Wels- were just another control system put in
place on the earth by Solaris! Before anything else can be said Jessie
interrupts Stone and says that it is all nonsense. Jessie will then call
Stone Stein! So they know each other! Stone will then say that he has other
matters that he must attend to and leaves you with his two henchmen.

Once the battle is over, Stone will be gone and Jessie will run after him.
Follow him out the door and you'll be in a control room of some sort where
Jessie will say that he has escaped. It looks like he is using the mobile
Gear of Solaris! Quite huge isn't it. It also looks like the Thames fleet is
in danger due to the fact that Solaris is eliminating all forces involved with
the Ethos plan. They will all then depart for the Yggdrasil to help out the
Thames. Back on the bridge of the Yggdrasil, Sigurd will order full speed to
reach the Thames fleet. However, the radar will soon pick up an enormous
object right above the Thames fleet. The problem is that it is not Stone but
much bigger than his Gear!


You will then see the Thames fleet trudging through the sea when it is
suddenly attacked from above. You will see that same UFO type of ship from
before which will continue to fly above the fleet. After that, you are
brought to the same computerized people that you've seen before. They will
appear to be talking about the Ethos and how it is of no use to them no
longer. They will bring up a man named Krelian as well. After the brief
conversation, you will be brought to the flying ship's bridge where you will
see Krelian. He will tell his men to use the -Wels- to clean up the area!
Hmm…….interesting. Well, in any case it looks like they have found the
ancient city of Zeboim too!

Following that, you are now brought to the bridge of the Thames where the
captain learns that -Wels- have begun to attack the ship. The captain will
then order the defense Gears to be deployed and the big gun to be prepared.
The Thame's two main guns will then began to fire up at the incoming -Wels-.
Back at the Yggdrasil, the crew will pick up the distress signal from the
Thames and will speed up to the rescue. After changing party members and re-
equipping, you will then have to take the Yggdrasil and head south to the

Once at the Thames, the Yggdrasil will dock and everyhting will seem to be
normal. Head up to the bridge and speak with the captain. So it appears that
the Thames is all right, however, is experiencing many injuries. The captain
will ask about the flying UFO (or what he describes it as a fishbowl). He
will say that it attacked them, dropped of -Wels-, and then headed towards an
obscure excavation site. You will find out that Stone was guiding the huge
"fishbowl" ship towards the excavations site so it appears that there is
definitely something there. To help you out, the captain says that you can
ask Hans anything you like about the excavation site. Talk to Hans who will
say that the "fishbowl" ship headed northwards to the northern edge of the
close by island. That's all he seems to give though, so depart from the
Thames and head north. You will soon see the excavation site so disembark at
the beach and head into the excavation site.


Take the elevator down into the excavation. Once on the next level, head into
the hole in the wall and you will immediately encounter several Gebler Guards.
After dealing with them, head into the door to the north of you. The screen
will fade and you will see Grahf's Gear iunderwater. He will be contacted by
Miang who will say something about "his" Gear awakening and so forth. She
then tells Grahf that "his" friends are heading for Zeboim and that she wants
Grahf to take care of them. Grahf's Gear will then take off and you will be
brought back to the party who are heading downwards in an elevator.

When it stops, exit the elevator and you will be in a small with three doors
in it. However, it doesn't matter as you can only enter into the door along
the eastern part of the room. On the other side, you will be in a long
corridor over what appears to be a city! Move through the bridge and after
awhile, the party stops for a brief moment while Rico ponders at what is below
them. Continue and exit on the other side. In the next area, follow the
stairs upward and enter the door at the top. The next area is straightforward
as well as all you have to do is follow the corridor northward until you reach
the end. At the end will be a Save Point. After saving, exit through the
nearby door and you will be in another corridor. You cannot enter most of the
doors so follow the hallway eastward and you should run into another group of
Gebler Guards. After dispatching them, enter the door immediately next to
where the Gebler Guards were guarding. It turns out to be yet another
elevator. At the bottom, head through the short, red lighted hallway. On the
other side, you will notice a treasure chest to the west of you and yet
another group of Gebler Guards to the east. First open the treasure chest to
get B&J686A Ammo then deal with the Gebler Guards. Now follow the hallway
eastward a little more and enter the through the doorway that is visible.
Once inside, Rico will say that the room looks like the Central District of
Nortune. Citan will also say that it is scanning equipment that is actually
well preserved. Well, no matter, simply exit the room on the other side and
you will be in another hallway. Follow it to encounter more Gebler Guards
again. When you're done with that, continue down the hallway,. You will soon
see more Gebler Guards in front of you blocking the path. However, before
fighting them, head into the door right in front of the unit and take the
stairs down into the next area. The next area will be a red lighted corridor
as you have seen before. Once through it, follow the new hallway west and
enter the door at the end of it. It will yet again be one of those scanner
rooms and once through it, Rico will complain a little on how confusing the
place is. Citan will also add that Labyrinths are not usually built to
against enemies and are usual made to seal up something inside.

Well, anyway, enter the fist door along the western portion of the hallway.
Inside open the treasure chest in front of you to get a Black Snake then go
and check out the computers and they will say that access to the main
laboratory database is denied due to the isolation of the central reactor.
With that in mind, head out of the room and continue eastward down the
hallway. You will now come to another group of Gebler Guards that you should
go on ahead and fight. Once done dealing with them, head into the room ahead
of you that they were blocking. In it, you will find another Save Point and a
treasure chest containing a Panalphasol in the next room. After saving go on
and exit the room. Now backtrack a little and head into the first door along
the northern portion of the hallway. You will be in another stairwell and
once at the bottom, the door will activate saying that you should execute a
manual scan to prevent nano contamination. After asking for confirmation, you
will be asked to reset the emergency level at the nearest terminal. After
executing the command, you will be asked to reset at the nearest terminal so
head back up the stairs to the hallway. Looks like you'll have to go all the
way back to where you came from originally!

Knowing that, backtrack through the previous hallways and back up the
staircase. From there head west into the open door. Open the treasure chest
to get a Sleep Guard and then check the computers which will allow you to
reset the safety system. With that finished, head back to where you were (the
staircase with the contamination door) and enter the door. In the next area,
the computers will decrease the pressure so that you can enter. Once in the
next area, you will be in another small room with two doors. Enter the one on
the right and activate the computers. Citan will say that in the gaps of the
data in front of you there appears to be some sort of message conveying an
organism. You will then be shifted to another room where a person will
suddenly appear in a tank! Citan and the others will automatically enter the
area. head through the green glass door and into the next room. Walk up to
the tank and Citan says that the girl in the tank is some sort of artificial
life form created from the reactor. Stone soon interrupts and says that she
was constructed by machines on the molecular level often known as
nanomachines. He enters the room with his men and says that he will now take
her. Stone's men will empty the tank and take the girl. There will then be a
shot conversation between Billy (if he's in your party) and Stone.
Afterwards, Stone and his men will begin to leave. Stone will then ask the
two ladies behind him to take care of the party. Looks like you'll have to
fight Elements now! The Elements will enter the room and a brief verbal fight
will occur before the big fight. You should also notice that these two
Elements are actually kind of dumb. Well, anyway, the fight will break out.

HP: 2500/2000
Billy: 54
Rico: 55

First off, if you brought Billy along, it will make this fight much easier due
to his healing abilities. But if not, then good luck! Anyway, you most
likely will want to concentrate you attacks on Tolone first as she is tougher
and can hit your party the hardest. Don't waste time building up your AP and
just hit the Elements with your deathblows. Billy's Goddess Call Ether skill
could help as well. Seraphita can hit the entire party with a fire based
attack that hits everyone for about 200 HP of damage (she also has another
attack just like this that deal around 100 HP of damage to one character) and
can steal about 12 EP points from one character. Tolone has a wind based
attack that can do 100 damage to every character. Tolone's Positron Beam
which is also a wind based attack, can do around 50 HP of damage to one
character as well. The thing to really watch out for when facing Tolone is
her head dive attack that can deal 800 HP of damage to one character. The
only thing to watch out for when attacking is if you have Billy as his Ether
Gun attack will heal the Elements.

Once finished with the Elements, they will pull out and you must now chase
after them. Heal as necessary and exit the area. As you exit the
contamination room, you will be brought to Fei onboard the Yggdrasil. He is
still unconscious however, he is also dreaming. You will see all sorts of
scenes that will not look familiar to you but that's ok. After that, you will
see the medallion swinging around the screen and Fei will appear as well.
Anyway, you will see the nurse in the infirmary but Fei is gone! Back to
Citan and the team, do as I said before and completely backtrack to the
entrance of the excavations site. When you reach the bridge overlooking the
city, the team will catch Stone as he is retreating. He seems a little
disappointed at the Elements but is soon interrupted by a mysterious voice who
says to "Give it back." Suddenly a Gear swoops down. Does it look familiar?
A mysterious red man will then teleport onto the bridge and will begin to
laugh. He then turns to Stone and tell him to give "it" back. Rico asks for
the mans name and he will say that his name doesn't matter. However, he gives
it to you anyway and his name is Id. You will have to fight him!

HP: 3000
Billy: 56
Rico: 56

Well, hope you really have Billy in your party or else this will be a very
hard fight! Don't bother to charge up your AP for this fight either and just
use a mix of deathblow skills. Use Billy as the main healer with his Holy
Light Ether skill. His Goddess Call can also help out as well. Id several
powerful attacks. One of them is a series of combos that deal between 50-100
HP of damage. Another is a second series of combos that can deal around 200
HP of damage! Do his techniques look familiar because they should. Anyway,
Id also has a special attack in which the screen turns dark. This attack
deals damage to everyone and the total amount of damage can equal around 120
HP of damage.

After taking out Id, another Gear will suddenly enter the fight and grab Id.
Stone will take this opportunity and run away with the girl. As for the Gear,
it turns out to be Wiseman and Id seems to know him! Wiseman tells the others
to go after Stone and everyone does so. Id will then escape from Wiseman's
grasp and you will be brought back to the team on the other side. The team
will hear the fighting outside but you must case after Stone! Exit out
through the hole and head up the elevator. Once outside, you will see the
"fishbowl" ship flying away. You are too late! Rico will ask what exactly
nanomachines are and Citan says that they are robots that are smaller than
human cells that are used to cure diseases or injuries in Solaris. He also
says that the girl could be a colony of nanomachines created by the ancient
civilization. Citan still seems worried at what Stone said but that doesn't
matter now.

Head into the Yggdrasil and report to Sigurd who says that Fei is missing but
still must be onboard. First go down to the Gear hanger and check out
Weltall. You should see smoke coming out of Weltall and Fei will be standing
right next to it! It seems that he feels better but the problem is that he
doesn't know why he is here! Alarms will suddenly sound saying that Alkanshel
(Stone's Gear) is approaching. Seeing it from the bridge, Sigurd says that it
looks like they are watching them. Shifting back to the Gear hanger, Fei will
want to go and fight however, Citan doesn't allow it. Billy comes by and says
that it is time to "settle the score." Citan will take Fei back to the
infirmary and asks Billy to take care of it. After switching party members,
you will see Stone outside watching the Yggdrasil. His appearance has also
changed! Anyway, Grahf will suddenly dive in front of him (just like in the
past for Vanderkaum!) and ask if Stone wants the power. Grahf will gives
Stone the power! Now you must fight!

HP: 10,500
Bart: 59
Rico: 57

Begin the battle with booster. Alkanshel's Seal attack deals around 1400 HP of
damage so watch out! You should notice that your attacks are always
nullified! So what do you do? Well after the first two rounds, the team
realizes that it is hopeless.

Citan says that there is some sort of negative feeling in the form of hatred
that is creating an Ether barrier. Citan says that if you can somehow change
your own force into Ether and hit Alkanshel with it, then the barrier should
be destroyed. It looks like the hatred is towards Jessie due to the fact that
he stole Stone's position if Gebler that he loved so much. You will see a
quick flashback of Billy's mother's death and learn that Stone was the one
that unleashed the -Wels- on Billy's mother. Stone will then let you in on a
secret saying that the -Wels- are actually all people! Jessie will suddenly
dive towards the Yggdrasil in a Buntline. According to Citan, it is a Ether
gun Gear where the pilot rides directly in the bullet. Looks lie with that,
you can break through the barrier! But before Citan cans say something, the
battle continues. Citan screams at Billy to stop Jessie however it is not
heard and Jessie will give a lecture to Billy about faith and God. You will
also learn a little more about the -Wels-. Jessie says that the reason why
the -Wels- attack people is to satisfy their need for blood which stops the
pain that they go through. Jessie will then land on the Yggdrasil and
transform into a gun that lands on Billy's shoulder. It fires an Ether bullet
into the Alkanshel and the barrier is destroyed. The only bad thing about
this is that Citan finally gets through and says that the weapon used the
pilot as its warhead!

Alkanshel starts by halving everyone's HP! Unleash your combos on it as they
become available and you should take it down. Don't forget about booster!
Alkanshel can hit one member for Power loss but that isn't that much of a
problem. It can also continue to halve everyone's HP as much as it wants so
watch out. When you get low, simply use a Frame HP. Alkanshel's Seal can
also do about 1500 HP of damage to one character as well so be careful of
that. Be sure that your HP is about 700 as well because when Alkanshel is
defeated, it will blow up right in front of you causing around 650 HP of
damage to everyone!

After Stone is defeated, Billy will mourn over the loss of Jessie. However,
before anything can be said, Jessie will suddenly appear! Looks like he
improved the Buntline so that it doesn't use the pilot as its warhead!
Primera will run up to Jessie and do something amazing! She will call him
papa! She will say it once more but when asked to say Billy's name, she
doesn't seem to want to.

Back at the bridge, Citan asks Jessie if he will tell Billy the truth about
the past. Jessie agrees and says that they should all go to the Gun Room to
get a drink. In the Gun Room, Jessie will say that when he was in Solaris, he
found a secret plan called the M Plan. It was under the command of Krelian.
But in order for it to proceed, it required the use of -Lambs- to be gathered
by the Ethos and turned into -Wels-. Jessie was disgusted and investigated
further to find out that the main scientist central to the M Plan moved the
true facts about it into a test-Gear. With that, he let the test-Gear escape
with his daughter so that the truth would not be discovered. As a result, he
hid on the surface and ever since then, has been searching for the unknown
Gear and the girl. He then tells you that the scientist's daughter and the
Gear may now be in Shevat. The problem now is how to get up there. Fei and
the Shevat agent that you rescued earlier soon come in and the agent asks if
the girls name happened to be Maria. It turns out that her fathers name was
Nikolai but there have been rumors about a girl and a Gear so it is possible
that it is the same one Jessie is talking about. When asked how to get up,
the agent says that she is unable to contact Shevat, however, it might be
possible to get up via Babel Tower. Looks like you have to head to Babel
Tower now.

After switching party members you will be brought back to the computerized
sphere with the men in it once again. Krelian will be there and says that he
has obtained a colony of nanomachines. They continue to talk about the M Plan
and about why the men are now in a computerized data bank. Looks like they
gave up there bodies for eternal life! Back in the Yggdrasil, speak with
Sigurd and head southeast to Babel Tower.


(End Of FAQ/Strategy Guide At This Time, Please Read Other Sections listed




I hope that this FAQ/strategy guide of mine has helped you out as much as
possible. The reason for all the "unnecessary" description and dialog was due
to the fact that I wanted to try something different. By doing this, I'm
hoping that the player can easily follow what is happening throughout the
game's story line (as it can get quite confusing at times). Kind of like
interacting with the game, if you put it that way.

In any case, I do not plan on expanding this FAQ/strategy guide anymore. I
plan to leave it as it as it is and have no further plans on updating it. A
lot of information has been given and I'm hoping that it does help in the
certain aspects of the game that it does cover. I will at most try to finish
the rest of disk one but that is highly doubtful.

There is one way that I could finish this FAQ/strategy guide and that way is
if people really want me to finish it up. If you want me to then please drop
me a line telling me so. However, I highly doubt this will ever happen.


This is an important section for those of you who want to send comments or
suggestions regarding this FAQ/strategy guide. This would be greatly
appreciated as this is my first attempt at making this type of FAQ/strategy

Please send any comments, questions, or suggestions to:


I also promise to respond within a day to any e-mails sent regarding this
matter. Please, anything is greatly appreciated. If you think that this is
dumb, then tell me but please give reasons why it is so if you think that. If
you think that it is great, then that's good as well but please tell me why


There is also another special thing about this FAQ/strategy guide. If you at
all find that you want to contribute to this FAQ/strategy guide, then please
feel free to contact me. If you want to contribute information, cheats, tips,
Game Shark codes, etc. then just send them to me. Also, if you find ANY
mistakes, contact me as well. The only good thing about doing this is that
you'll award recognition in my "Contributors" section. Now I know that it's
not that great but it's better than nothing.

If you give any helpful feedback or comments concerning this FAQ/strategy
guide, then you will be added to the "Contributors" section as well. After
all, I always give credit to where it is due!

Once again, you can send anything to:



1. Khoi Vo ..........Contributing on how to knock down
one of the crates on the moving platform in the Thames.

Thanks for reading my FAQ/strategy guide and please send in any comments,
questions, or suggestions! Also come back again when you have to!

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Perfect Works FAQ and Guide

14.Oktober 2013
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16.Oktober 2013
Strategie FAQ

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