

17.10.2013 08:57:54
Boss Strategy FAQ
Xenogears Boss Strategy FAQ
Version 1.8 - Modified on January 18, 1999 at 6:20 PM PST
By LightRanma@aol.com
Copyright 1998


Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Version History
III. Legend
IV. Boss Walkthrough
V. Conclusion
VI. Thanks


I. Introduction

Hi, and thanks for checking out my Xenogears Boss Strategy FAQ! Like my other
Xenogears FAQ, this is not intended to be a game walkthrough of any sort - just
a boss walkthrough to get you through some of the tougher areas of the game.
This is also a COMPLETE Boss Walkthrough - I've gotten to the end of the game,
and fought all of the bosses, so you can trust what's in this FAQ. And, as
always, please E-mail me before you use this FAQ on your own website or
whatever.. you don't have permission to use it unless you E-mail me! Thanks!


II. Version History

Version 1.0 - The original version of this FAQ.
Version 1.5 - Added "What's New" Section, added "Thanks" Section, updated
Opiomorph strategy, revised Harlute, Marlute, Metatron, Sundel, Deus, and
Urobolus strategies
Version 1.7 - Added Grahf & Executioner EXP
Version 1.8 - Removed that damn Yggdrasil IV reference..


III. Legend

This is an example of what the Boss report will look like:

Boss Name (If there is a number next to the name, that means there are that many
of the enemy.)
Boss Location
Boss HP
Boss EXP
Boss Gold
Boss Treasure(s)
Boss Attacks
Recommended Level

Boss Strategies


IV. Boss Walkthrough

-DISC 1-

Boss Fight #1: Rankar Dragon
Location: Blackmoon Forest
HP: 480
EXP: 348
Gold: 0
Treasures: Scales
Attacks: Tail Sweep, Slow, Tail Thump
Recommended Level: 9

Fei encounters the Rankar Dragon when he rushes to Elly's aid in the Blackmoon
Forest. At first, Fei won't be able to make a dent in this Boss (1-2 HP of
damage per hit), but tough it out and heal yourself when you need to. Soon,
Citan will fly in with Weltall. After that, this fight is a piece of cake.
Just pound on the Boss with 30 Fuel attacks and he'll go down.

Boss Fight #2: Wyrm
Location: Aveh Desert
HP: 200
EXP: 1044
Gold: 0
Treasures: Eyeball
Attacks: Counter Slurp (Absorbs 60 Fuel)
Recommended Level: 12

Fei fights this battle in Weltall. Wyrm has high Agility, making his attack
turns more frequent than yours. He is basically invincible against normal
attacks, and defends well against special attacks. There are two ways to win
this battle - use your 10 Fuel attacks (to conserve Fuel) until Weltall reaches
Attack Level 1 and unleash a combo, or use Fei's Guided Shot Ability about three
times on Wyrm. Either way, he'll go down pretty quickly.

Boss Fight #3: Pirate (Bart)
Location: Aveh Desert
HP: 800
EXP: 1600
Gold: 500
Treasures: None
Attacks: Wild Smile (Accuracy and Evade down), Chain Whip
Recommended Level: 12

This is an easy battle. Just use 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos
until Bart goes down. Don't worry about his Wild Smile attack - the battle
should be over quickly enough to where you don't need to worry about the

Boss Fight #4: Calamity
Location: Stalactite Cave
HP: 2500
EXP: 8642
Gold: 2000
Treasures: None
Attacks: Flying Hand, Rocket Punch
Recommended Level: 20-22

This can be a very hard fight if Fei and Bart are not strong enough. Before
fighting Calamity, make sure Weltall and Brigandier are equipped with the best
Frames, Engines, and Armor available. If they aren't, go back and fight enemies
to earn Gold until they are. At the start of the battle, have Bart use Wild
Smile several times to lower Calamity's Accuracy. Then, use 30 Fuel attacks
with both characters and Attack Level 1 combos when they come around. You might
want to use Booster if you have enough Fuel available. I can't stress enough
the importance of having the best equipment for your Gears, because Calamity's
missile attack hits for about 500 HP of damage on one character, and he uses it
almost every turn close to his death.

Boss Fight #5: Swordknight
Location: Yggdrasil
HP: 700
EXP: 1500
Gold: 300
Treasures: Extra Ar +2
Attacks: Various sword attacks
Recommended Level: 22

You'll fight the easy Swordknight with Bart and two pirates. Just use your 30
Fuel attacks and Brigandier's Attack Level 1 combos when they are available.
Remember, with all of Brigandier's upgrades, it has almost three times the HP of
the Boss.

Boss Fight #6: Aegisknight
Location: Yggdrasil
HP: 700
EXP: 1500
Gold: 300
Treasures: Extra Ar +2
Attacks: Pile Driver (Defense Power down)
Recommended Level: 22

You'll fight the easy Aegisknight with Citan alone. As before, use your 30 Fuel
attacks and Heimdal's Attack Level 1 combos when they become available. Two
combos will bring it down.

Boss Fight #7: Wandknight (2)
Location: Yggdrasil
HP: 620
EXP: 1500
Gold: 400
Treasures: Extra Ar +2
Attacks: Beam Gun, Power Beam attacks
Recommended Level: 22

You'll fight the Wandknights with Bart and Citan. Follow the usual procedure
until these enemies go down. It's an easy fight. As before, two Attack Level 1
combos will do it.

Boss Fight #8: Clawknight
Location: Yggdrasil
HP: 600
EXP: 1500
Gold: 300
Treasures: Extra Ar +2
Attacks: Various claw attacks, Disc attack
Recommended Level: 22

Fei fights the Clawknight alone. Follow the usual procedure again, and it'll go
down after a couple Attack Level 1 combos.

Boss Fight #9: Schpariel
Location: Yggdrasil
HP: 5963
EXP: 17,889
Gold: 1700
Treasures: Beam Coat
Attacks: Ground Breaker, Missile, Electric
Recommended Level: 22

This fight is a bit tougher than the previous four, but it's still pretty easy.
Start off the battle with Bart's Wild Smile Ability. Then, use everyone's 30
Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos, and he'll eventually go down. Just
watch out for the Ground Breaker attack; it can cause as much as 250-300 HP of
damage. The Electric attack will decrease your Defense Power. The Missile
attack is nothing to worry about.

Boss FIght #10: Gonzalez
Location: Aveh Tournament
HP: 400
EXP: 500
Gold: 0
Treasures: Survival Tent
Attacks: Club Hit, Berserk
Recommended Level: 25

All of the tournament fights, including this one, are a bit hard because you're
using only Fei. Even so, you shouldn't have too much trouble; the only attack
to worry about is Berserk, which causes around 60 HP of damage. Gonzalez only
uses this attack if Fei uses a DeathBlow. If Fei's HP gets dangerously low, use
Inner Healing.

Boss Fight #11: Big Joe
Location: Aveh Tournament
HP: 777 (LOL! ^_^)
EXP: 1 (LOL again!)
Gold: 1
Treasures: Metal Vest
Attacks: Weak normal attacks
Recommended Level: 25

Big Joe's attack are weak, causing 1-2 HP of damage per hit. But, because of
the crowd, he can be difficult. The crowd can heal Big Joe, and they can throw
cans at Fei for 60-70 HP of damage (what are they using, glass bottles?!?).
Just charge up your AP Meter to 28 AP and defeat Big Joe in one fell swoop.

Boss Fight #12: Scud
Location: Aveh Tournament
HP: 300
EXP: 500
Gold: 0
Treasures: Samson's Hair
Attacks: Strange Pill, Defense Power down, Poison, Defense Power up, Happy Pill,
Knife, Beam
Recommended Level: 25

There are two ways to win this easy battle: unleash a 28 AP combo on Scud or use
three Guided Shot Abilities to put him down. Scud will heal himself for 200 HP,
though, so be careful. Otherwise, his attacks are weak. If you have a Poison
Guard equipped, Fei can't be poisoned by Scud.

Boss Fight #13: Dan
Location: Aveh Tournament
HP: 450
EXP: 500
Gold: 5
Treasures: None
Attacks: Normal attacks, SuperBeam
Recommended Level: 25

Geez, how did Dan get more HP than Fei? ^_^ This is a pretty easy fight. Just
use DeathBlows to pound Dan into the ground. But watch out for the SuperBeam
attack - it causes between 80-90 HP of damage per hit. If Fei is hit with this,
use Inner Healing immediately. Fortunately, this attack is hardly ever used.
Otherwise, Dan is easy.

Boss Fight #14: Wiseman
Location: Aveh Tournament
EXP: 0
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: N/A
Recommended Level: 25

Fei cannot win this battle (he always misses), but he can't lose it either
(Wiseman never attacks). After a few rounds of battle, Wiseman will disappear
and Fei will win the tournament.

NOTE: Fei can lose to any of the tournament opponents and not die. After all,
this IS a tournament. However, if you do lose, you don't get the EXP, Gold, or
treasures left behind by the opponents, and it will make Bart's mission harder
(there will be more guards at Fatima Castle).

Boss FIght #15: Ramsus and Miang
Location: Fatima Castle
HP: 400
EXP: 7000
Gold: 500
Treasures: None
Attacks: Mirror Stance, Multiple Sword Thrust
Recommended Level: 27

This fight is pretty easy. The only thing to watch out for (and WATCH OUT for
it!) is Ramsus' Mirror Stance. If you attack him while he's in that stance, you
can expect to be counterattacked for about 150 HP of damage (ouch!), so just
Defend or heal yourself until Ramsus comes out of the stance. Both Margie and
Miang heal their respective comrades (boyfriends...? ^_^) for 40 HP. The
easiest way to win this battle is to unleash a 28 AP combo on him.

Boss Fight #16: Ramsus and Miang
Location: Fatima Castle
HP: 800
EXP: 7000
Gold: 500
Treasures: None
Attacks: Mirror Stance, Multiple Sword Thrust
Recommended Level: 27

This fight is even easier than the last one, because you have Fei with you.
Miang heals Ramsus for 100 HP fairly frequently, but this doesn't matter because
you can eliminate Ramsus with a 28 AP combo from Fei and Bart each. Remember,
don't attack while Ramsus is in his Mirror Stance!

NOTE: Ramsus is a major opponent throughout the game. You can expect to fight
him many more times, and every time you do, you can expect it to be a tough
fight. You'll eventually put him down for good, though..

Boss Fight #17: Wandknights (2)
Location: Mountain Peak
HP: 620
EXP: 1500
Gold: 200
Treasures: None
Attacks: Rifle, Power Beam
Recommended Level: 30

This is the first of three tough fights, particularly because Fei is alone.
Start with a 30 Fuel attack on the first one, and then bury the second one with
an Attack Level 2 combo. Finally, finish off the first one with a couple more
30 Fuel attacks. The Power Beam hits Weltall for around 300 HP of damage each

Boss Fight #18: Clawknight (Yellow Gear), Swordknight (Red Gear), Aegisknight
(Blue Gear)
Location: Mountain Peak
HP: 700, 1500, 300
EXP: 800, 1500, 300
Gold: 300, 300, 300
Treasures: Extra Ar +2
Attacks: Pile Driver (lowers Defense Power), various normal attacks
Recommended Level: 30

This is a HARD battle (at least it was for me). You can definitely expect to
get beaten up quite a bit by these three. One way to defeat these guys is to
take out the Aegisknight first, as it has amazing Defense Power. Personally,
though, I recommend taking out the Swordknight first, as it can hurt Weltall
with ridiculously strong attacks. Then, you can take out the Aegisknight next
and the Clawknight last. Use the normal procedure; 30 Fuel attacks followed by
Attack Level 2 combos.

Boss Fight #19: Vierge
Location: Mountain Peak
HP: 2400
EXP: 11,046
Gold: 300
Treasures: None
Attacks: Aerods, various normal attacks
Recommended Level: 30

This can be a very tough fight if you're low on HP and Fuel from the last two
battles, because you really need them here. Elly's Aerods attack inflict about
300 HP of damage, and she uses the attack frequently. The 30 Fuel attack is a
bit risky, as it often misses. The 20 Fuel attack hits more, but it does half
the amount of damage that the 30 Fuel attack does. You choose. Use the Attack
Level 1 or 2 combos as SOON as you get them. You want to take Vierge out as
soon as you can, so that she doesn't take Weltall out. You don't want to fight
those last two boss fights again, do you? ^_^

Boss Fight #20: Main Gun
Location: Aveh Desert
HP: 1800
EXP: 7000
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Big Cannonball
Recommended Level: 32

Hope you tuned Weltall up before this fight.. it's not that it's hard; in fact,
it's quite an easy fight, but you need full HP and Fuel, because this is the
start of two continuous boss battles. Don't worry about the side cannons;
they're weak. Just use 30 Fuel attacks and unleash an Attack Level 2 (or 3,
preferably, if you've gotten there) on the Main Gun, and it'll go down.

Boss Fight #21: Dora
Location: Aveh Desert
HP: 3000
EXP: 13,393
Gold: 2000
Treasures: Extra Ar +3
Attacks: Claw Attack, various normal attacks
Recommended Level: 32

This is a fairly hard fight. For this battle, you have Fei and two normal
companions; trust me, these companions help. I definitely recommend that you
use Booster to increase your Gear's speed. First off, use 30 Fuel Attacks and
Attack Level 2 or 3 combos with Weltall. Then, once Dora's Head Cover is blown
off, you can finally damage it with your companions. Just keep using 30 Fuel
attacks and combos once this happens. Dora will probably eliminate one or both
of your companions by trapping them in his claws. If this happens, just attack
Dora with your best combos until he releases them.

Boss Fight #22: Leonardo
Location: Nortune
HP: 500
EXP: 300
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Low power normal combos
Recommended Level: 32

This fight is easy, but the next three are pretty hard, since you only have Fei.
Just use DeathBlows, or power up your AP Bar and let Leonardo have it. Use
Inner Healing if you need to.

Boss Fight #23: Heinrich
Location: Nortune
HP: 500
EXP: 300
Gold: 150
Treasures: None
Attacks: 50 Point Wrestling Throw
Recommended Level: 32

This fight is about the same as the last one, except it's against a stronger
opponent. Charge up your AP Bar and let Heinrich have it. It'll finish him

Boss Fight #24: Vargas
Location: Nortune
HP: 500
EXP: 300
Gold: 150
Treasures: Metal Jacket
Attacks: Various normal attacks
Recommended Level: 32

Hmm.. same Vargas from FFVI, maybe? ^_^ This fight is a little tricky if you
don't know what to do. Basically, what you should do is use only weak attacks
against him to build your AP Bar. The stronger your attack is, the stronger
Vargas' counterattack is. Once you've built up your AP Bar, let him have it.

Boss Fight #25: Suzarn
Location: Nortune
HP: 800
EXP: 500
Gold: 0
Treasures: Metal Jacket
Attacks: Various Sickle attacks
Recommended Level: 32

This is a hard fight, since Suzarn is so strong. Her first attack can cause
around 100 HP of damage to Fei. Her second attack drains all of his EP. A
third attack halves Fei's HP. Her fourth attack, her melee attack, is nothing
to worry about, as it causes very little damage. If Fei gets close to 100 HP,
use Rosesols to restore your EP and then use InnerHealing. An alternative is to
use healing items such as Aquasols. Slowly but surely charge up your AP Bar
(while keeping yourself alive) and let Suzarn have it with a 28 AP combo.
You'll win if you're patient.

NOTE: You can lose any of these fights and not die. But, if you do lose, you
won't get as much "respect" from Rico and his comrades. Also, you won't get the
extra EXP.

Boss Fight #26: Rico
Location: Nortune
EXP: 0
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Steel Body (Defense Power up), Steel Fist (Attack Power up)
Recommended Level: 32

Fei can't win this fight - Rico will defeat him instantly. Just do whatever you
want - it doesn't matter.

Boss Fight #27: Redrum (Murder backwards)
Location: Kislev Sewers
HP: 4242
EXP: 52,425
Gold: 500
Treasures: None
Attacks: Gel (Confusion), Bloody Rain (Fire Elemental damage on all, heals
Redrum), Murder (Steal all HP), Poison
Recommended Level: 35 or higher! You can never be too high a level for this

This is an almost-impossible fight. You better be ready for Redrum, as he is
POWERFUL. First of all, his Bloody Rain attack hits everyone for 100 HP of
damage, while healing Redrum. Second of all, Murder kills one of your
characters instantly, and he uses it often. Use a Zetasol to revive anyone hit
with this attack immediately. Gel confuses everyone, so equip Cool Shades on
your characters to protect against this. Poison is always bad, but it's his
least lethal attack. I recommend charging EVERYONE to 28 AP, and then pounding
on him with your strongest combos. You might need to charge up one character
twice, as he has a staggering 4242 HP. Good luck!

Boss Fight #28: Wiseman
Location: Nortune
HP: ???
EXP: 0
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Normal attacks
Recommended Level: 35

This can be a hard fight, and it doesn't matter if Fei wins or loses, though he
CAN win. To win, use a 28 AP combo on Wiseman while keeping yourself alive.

Boss Fight #29: Rankar Dragon R
Location: Kislev
HP: 800
EXP: 946
Gold: 0
Treasures: Scales
Attacks: Tail Sweep, Slow, Tail Thump
Recommended Level: 37

This is one of the easiest battles in the game - just use30 Fuel attacks and
Attack Level 1 combos. He'll go down in no time.

Boss Fight #30: Aegisknight R
Location: Kislev
HP: 1600
EXP: 5570
Gold: 2000
Treasures: None
Attacks: Pile Driver (Defense Power down)
Recommended Level: 37

Bet you're getting tired of these guys, eh? ^_^ Just use 30 Fuel attacks and
Attack Level 1 combos, and he'll die soon enough.

Boss Fight #31: Swordknight R
Location: Kislev
HP: 1800
EXP: 5570
Gold: 2000
Treasures: None
Attacks: Various Sword attacks
Recommended Level: 37

This fight isn't hard, but this enemy can cause serious damage to Weltall, so
take him out quickly. Use 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos to put this
guy down. I also recommend using Booster and a Frame HP10 if Weltall's HP gets
too low.

Boss Fight #32: Clawknight R
Location: Kislev
HP: 1700
EXP: 5570
Gold: 2000
Treasures: Beam Coat
Attacks: Various Claw attacks
Recommended Level: 37

You're probably running low on HP by now, so this may be hard. Clawknight R can
cause pretty heavy damage on Weltall, so use Booster, and then use 30 Fuel
attacks and Attack Level 1 combos when they become available. Use a Frame HP10
if necessary, but try to conserve Fuel.

Boss Fight #33: Wandknight R (2)
Location: Kislev
HP: 1800
EXP: 5570
Gold: 2000
Treasures: None
Attacks: Multiple Beam Gun, Power Beam attacks
Recommended Level: 37

This fight is easy because Rico joins you. Just use 30 Fuel attacks and Attack
Level 1 combos to put these guys down. As you'll soon learn, Stier (Rico's
Gear) is quite strong.

Boss Fight #34: Dominia
Location: Kislev
HP: 7500
EXP: 48,106
EXP: 2000
Treasures: HP Drive
Attacks: Aerods, Super Aerod
Recommended Level: 37

This woman is NUTS. I hated her throughout the whole game, and trust me, you'll
be seeing more of her. Anyway, this fight isn't very hard - her Aerods cause
400 HP of damage to Weltall and a measly 100 HP of damage to Stier. But, there
IS one thing to watch out for - the Super Aerod attack. When the Hecht (the
ship) mounts a large cannon in front of Dominia, do anything and everything you
can to defeat her. If you don't, you'll soon feel the impact of 1000-1500 HP of
damage on both Gears. Overall, this isn't much of a threat, but if she uses it
a lot, you'll need to use a Frame HP to heal your Gears. You shouldn't have to
worry about that, though - numerous 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1, 2, or 3
combos will put her down quickly.

Boss Fight #35: Fis-6
Location: Goliath Factory
HP: 6800
EXP: 67,284
Gold: 15,000
Treasures: Ground
Attacks: Shift Up (Increases Fis-6's Attack Power, Defense Power and Speed),
Recommended Level: 38

Fis-6 is fairly easy, but it might give you some trouble if you don't know what
to do. First off, use Booster on everyone. Then, use 30 Fuel attacks and
Attack Level 3 combos. Hopefully, you've built Elly up by now, so that she can
do something in the battle. If you haven't, she's not strong enough to cause
any damage, and her Attack Level stays at 0. Fis-6 uses "Shift Up" regularly,
which increases his Attack, Defense, and Speed. This doesn't matter if you have
Booster active, though. Sometime in the battle, Fis-6 will overheat, and
Mechanics will appear to repair it (in other words, restore 500 HP to it very
frequently). If that happens, kill the Mechanics immediately. They can also
throw wrenches at your party for 100 HP of damage to a single Gear. One attack
to watch out for ftom Fis-6 is an attack that does around 550 HP of damage.
Otherwise, you'll be able to beat him easily.

Boss Fight #36: Dominia (Haishao)
Location: Thames (Underwater)
HP: 5000
EXP: 0
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Electric Arm
Recommended Level: 40

I told you she'd be back.. anyway, she's a bit harder this time. She can hit
the entire party with a Water Elemental attack that does around 1000 HP of
damage. After you cause enough damage to her, the Yggdrasil II will appear and
drop depth charges on her, ending the battle for now.

Boss Fight #37: Dominia (Bladegash)
Location: Thames
HP: 3000
EXP: 22,428
Gold: 3000
Treasures: STR Drive
Attacks: Wind Sword, Earth Sword, Fire Sword, Water Sword
Recommended Level: 40

Heh, yep, again. This time she's buffed up, and she can put a major hurt on
your party if you don't kill her quickly. Use 10 Fuel attacks (30 Fuel attacks
don't do much damage to her) and Attack Level 1 combos, and she'll go down
quickly. Weltall's Reppu and Brigandier's Beat Serpent combos should do around
800 HP of damage to her. Booster is a must in this battle, as she is VERY
agile. All of her Elemental attacks will do around 500 HP of damage to once

Boss Fight #38: Ramsus (Haishao) and Miang (Miang's Gear)
Location: Thames (Underwater)
HP: 4500
EXP: 19,500
Gold: 15,000
Treasures: None
Attacks: Electric Arm, Nereid Cyclone, Mirror Predict
Recommended Level: 40

Oh NO, not Ramsus again! Yep, and this time, he's much harder! Unfortaunately,
you can't hit Miang, who heals Ramsus for around 750 HP frequently. His
Electric Arm attack causes around 1500 HP of damage spread between your party,
and his Nereid Cyclone attack causes close to 1200 HP of damage to the whole
party. To stop Ramsus from using this attack, DON'T attack him when the screen
says "Mirror Predict/Counter" - just Charge or use Frame HPs. Once Ramsus uses
Nereid Cyclone unprovoked, you can attack him again. Use Booster, 30 Fuel
attacks and Attack Level 1 combos.

Boss Fight #39: Bloody
Location: Reaper's Ship
HP: 4242
EXP: 25, 701
Gold: 3000
Treasures: None
Attacks: Bloody Rain, Murder
Recommended Level: 44

Oh, you're going to LOVE your opponent this time; a reincarnation of Redrum!
Seriously, though, Bloody is much easier than Redrum. He doesn't use Murder
NEARLY as much, and Bloody Rain does around 1 HP of damage to everyone (although
it still heals the boss). If Bloody does use Murder on a character, use a
Zetasol immediately to revive him/her. Just charge up your characters' AP Bar
to 28 and let Bloody have it, especially with Billy. ^_^

Boss Fight #40: Giant Wels
Location: Yggdrasil II
HP: 7000
EXP: 77,103
Gold: 28,000
Treasures: G-M686 Gun
Attacks: Steal Fuel
Recommended Level: 44

This Boss is strong, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's hard. It also
has high defense; the only normal attack that seems to hurt it is Billy's 20
Fuel attack. Use that and use Attack Level 1, 2, or 3 combos to put this guy
down. If you have Elly in your party, you can have her cast Ether spells on
Giant Wels, but be careful -every time you DO hit him with an Ether spell,
he'll grow, increasing his Attack Power dramatically. The good thing about this
is that it decreases his Defense Power. After about four hits, this Boss will
be weakened enough to the point where you can hit him with normal attacks much
more effectively.

Boss Fight #41: Tolone (Wind) and Seraphita (Fire) - Elements
Location: Ethos Dig Site
HP: 2500/2000
EXP: 31,184/31,184 (!!!)
Gold: 5000/5000 (!!! again!)
Treasures: ETH Drive, VIT Drive
Attacks: Positron Beam, Dive Bomb
Recommended Level: 49

I strongly recommend that you bring Billy with you for this fight, if only for
his Holy Light Ability. This is the first of many encounters with the women
known as the "Elements" - namely Dominia (Earth), Kelvena (Water), Tolone
(Wind), and Seraphita (Fire). You have fought Dominia before, but she wasn't
really known as an Element then. These girls are tough. I recommend taking
Tolone out first, as she can hit the party harder. But, you may want to
eliminate Seraphita first, since she has fewer HP - you choose. Building up to
28 AP is too risky, so just stick with normal DeathBlows. Use Billy's Holy
Light Ability to heal the party often, and Rosesols to restore his EP. The main
key to winning this battle is to survive the first attacks from the girls. If
you don't, you may end up healing your party the whole battle, and eventually

Boss Fight #42: Id
Location: Ethos Dig Site
HP: 3000
EXP: 90,534
Gold: 5
Treasures: None
Attacks: Various DeathBlows, Black Cloud
Recommended Level: 49

Recognize the fighting technique this guy uses? Well, I won't ruin it for you,
but you should recognize it. Anyhow, this is a HARD fight, and you MUST have
Billy in this battle, so you can use Holy Light. Have Billy heal every turn,
unless you REALLY don't need it. If Billy gets killed, revive him immediately
with a Zetasol! Id's melee attack causes around 70 HP of damage to one member,
and his DeathBlows cause around 200 HP of damage spread between characters, or
to a single character :). Use regular DeathBlows for this battle. If he starts
dodging consistently, mix your DeathBlows up a bit. Good luck. He's a
persistent little.. um, jerk ^_^.

Boss Fight #43: Alkanshel
Location: Yggdrasil II
HP: 10,500
EXP: 132,549
Gold: 30,000
Treasures: E Circuit
Attacks: Seal, Mass Limit, Power Loss, Slow
Recommended Level: 52

This is another hard fight (I almost died, and I hardly ever die..). It's hard
to have enough Fuel for the whole battle, but you'll manage (I did). For the
first few rounds of battle, Alkanshel will be invincible, so Charge or do
anything you can to not waste Fuel. After Jessie breaks Alkanshel's barrier,
you can start pounding on it. Use 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1,2, or 3
combos (Renmazuo's Hard Snap and Stier's Bomber Head do over 1000 HP of damage
to Alkanshel. Frame HPs are a good idea for this battle, although you have
limited Fuel. Mass Limit halves all the Gears' HP, and Seal can cause upwards
of 3000 HP of damage to a single Gear. Just keep pounding and healing, and
he'll go down. And, I know Fuel will get terribly low (I had like 100 Fuel left
at the end of the battle) but you can win this battle without running out of
Fuel completely.

Boss Fight #44: Ramsus and Miang
Location: Babel Tower
HP: 5000
EXP: 23,652
Gold: 3000
Treasures: Scales (???)
Attacks: Wyvern
Recommended Level: 54

This battle is, surprisingly, a piece of cake. Even though Miang heals Ramsus
for around 1200 HP of damage, it won't matter since you're going to pound him
with three Attack Level 2 (Elly) or 3 (Fei and everyone else) combos in a row.
At least, you're going to if you want to win ^_^. If this doesn't finish him
off, then just hit him with a few Attack Level 1 combos and he'll flee. Ramsus'
Wyvern attack hits one character for around 1500 HP of damage. If you've been
upgrading your Gears with the best stuff available (like you always should),
this should be but a minor dent. Congrats - you've just defeated Ramsus once

Boss Fight #45: Seibzehn
Location: Babel Tower
HP: 5500
EXP: 60,000
Gold: 10,000
Treasures: Alloy
Attacks: Missile Pod, Frame HP
Recommended Level: 54

Seibzehn is one tough Gear when he's on your side, but compared to your three
powerful Gears, he's nothing. Do whatever you want; Seibzehn's attacks can only
cause around 1200 HP of damage to a single character. Once you've hit it hard
enough, it'll start using a Frame HP that heals for 400 HP every other turn
(ooh!). Just finish it off with some Attack Level 1 combos once this happens.
Use Booster to speed things up. If you really a want a walkthrough for this
battle, then just use 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos. Don't worry
about healing.

Boss Fight #46: Solaris Guards (6) and Littlefoot Gears (2)
Location: Shevat
HP: 200 (x6), 600 (x2)
EXP: 2400 (x6), 300 (x2)
Gold: 500 (x6)
Treasures: Silver Ar, Rosesol
Attacks: Short Beam
Recommended Level: 56

This is the first of some VERY hard battles. Strangely enough, the miniscule
Solaris Guards can cause 250-300 HP of damage to your Gear. Whatever. Anyway,
use Vierge for this battle. Clean up the Solaris Guards with the Aerods attack,
and then use 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos on the Littlefoot Gears.

Boss Fight #47: White Knights (x3)
Location: Shevat
HP: 290 (x3)
EXP: 2800 (x3)
Gold: 500 (x3)
Treasures: Lite Ar +1
Attacks: Various Sword attacks
Recommended Level: 56

The White Knights are a joke! They do like 1 HP of damage per hit, and miss
half the time! Just wipe these guys out with a few 30 Fuel attacks and Attack
Level 1 combos. Considering who you need to use for the other battles, you
should use Brigandier for this one.

NOTE: By all means, equip the Silver Ar on your chosen Gear for this battle.
It's a must!

Boss Fight #48: White Knights (x2) and Citadel
Location: Shevat
HP: 290 (x2), 6000
EXP: 2800 (x2), 4400
Gold: 500 (x2), 10,000
Treasures: Gold Plate
Attacks: Sonic Boom, Machine Gun, Gel Breath
Recommended Level: 56

This is a hard battle, particularly because of Citadel's ultra-strong attacks.
I recommend using Stier for this battle. If you've equipped Silver Ar, then you
don't need to worry about the Gel Breath attack that much, but you DO need to
worry about the Sonic Boom attack, which causes around 3500 HP of damage per
hit. Use Booster during this battle. Ignore the White Knights at first, and
focus your 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos on Citadel, and then, once
he's down and out, take the White Knights out. Be warned: this is an extremely
tough battle, and may take a few tries to win.

Boss Fight #49: White Knights (x2) and Avalanche
Location: Shevat
HP: 290 (x2), 5000
EXP: 2800 (x2), 4800
Gold: 500 (x2), 20,000
Treasures: Noise Filter, Ether Ar
Attacks: Avalanche Drill (Defense Power down), Sonic
Recommended Level: 56

This is probably the hardest battle of all. You should use Weltall for this
battle. Immediately use Booster, and then use 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level
1 combos on Avalanche. After it's down, eliminate the two White Knights. Use a
Frame HP if Weltall's HP gets too low. The one attack to look out for is the
Sonic attack. It's very powerful. Due to the Defense Down attack, you might
have some trouble with the White Knights (around 100 HP of damage per attack).
Normally, this isn't much, but after you're through with Avalanche, you'll have
almost no Fuel and/or HPs. I finished this one with less than 1000 HP
remaining, and almost no Fuel.

Boss Fight #50: Achtzehn
Location: Shevat
HP: 12,000
EXP: 50,000
Gold: 10,000
Treasures: Wizardry Ring
Attacks: Electric
Recommended Level: 56

This is an easy fight, and thank God, because, if you lost, you'd have to do the
Generator battles ALL over again. :) First, with Chu-Chu, use 30 Fuel attacks.
Once Achtzehn goes down, Maria will enter the battle with Seibzehn, which starts
another battle with Achtzehn. For this battle, just use 30 Fuel attacks and
Attack Level 1 combos, and it'll go down soon enough. It has strong attacks,
but it won't survive long enough to put any major hurt on Seibzehn.

NOTE: At this point, I spent a lot of time (many hours) building up all of my
character's levels and DeathBlows before continuing the game. You might want to
do the same, as this is when you get a maximum of 7 AP, and you can learn those
Elemental DeathBlows now! If you want to know the exact combinations to push
for learning the DeathBlows, refer to my Xenogears DeathBlow/Ability FAQ. Just
as a reference, I learned up to the following DeathBlows: Suikei (Fei), Hellfire
(Citan), Land Break (Bart), Thermo Thump (Elly), and Holy Gate (Billy). I never
did use/like Rico. His Gear is good, but not Rico himself (in my opinion).

Boss Fight #51: Neo Etones (x2)
Location: Mausoleum
HP: 3300 (x2)
EXP: 30,500
Gold: 10,000
Treasures: Seal Barrier
Attacks: Seal
Recommended Level: 58

This is a nice break after the hard Generator battles. These guys can use Seal,
which causes between 2500-3000 HP of damage to a single Gear. Big deal. Just
use 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos, and they'll go down as easily as
regular enemies.

NOTE: As a reference, Bart gets his Omnigear Andvari for good after this battle!
YES! ^_^ (Doesn't it kick ass?!)

Boss Fight #52: Shakhan
Location: Ignas Gate Cave
HP: 18,000
EXP: 218,343
Gold: 30,000
Treasures: Ether Ar +1
Attacks: Ignas Storm (Fire Elemental damage on all Gears), Seal Punch
Recommended Level: 58

Yep, you're up against the big guy himself now. Everyone says this is an
incredibly hard battle, but I had almost no trouble with it. Just make sure to
bring Andvari and Seibzehn with you into the battle (they're incredibly strong).
First off, use Booster, and don't attack Shakhan while he's attached to the Gate
Generator. He'll heal himself for 1000 HP every time you do, and use Ignas
Storm, which hits everyone in your party for 1500-3000 HP of damage. Wait until
he detaches, and then pummel him with 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 or 2
combos. When he reattaches to the Gate Generator, Charge your Fuel. Keep
repeating this until he goes down for the final time. Oh, and as a side note,
don't worry about him hitting you with melee attacks from the Generator - he'll
try a lot but the screen will say "Can't reach!" and you'll get to see a very
funny animation. You'll probably have to use Frame HPs at least once in this

NOTE: Before the next Boss battle, make sure you found the Flare Rod weapon for
Vierge in the Babel Tower (Vierge, not Elly!). If you haven't, I'd definitely
go back and get it.

Boss Fight #53: Dominia (Bladegash) and Kelvena (Marinebasher) - Elements
Location: Babel Tower
HP: 4000, 5000
EXP: 26,000, 26,000
Gold: 5000 (x2)
Treasures: EP Drive
Attacks: Fire Sword, Water Sword, Wind Sword, Earth Sword (Bladegash), Water
Bubble, Tidal Wave (Marinebasher)
Recommended Level: 59

This is a hard fight, but only if Vierge doesn't have the Flare Rod equipped.
There really is no way to win this battle easily otherwise. I'm going to assume
you do have the Flare Rod equipped. At the start of the battle, use Booster.
Then, use 30 Fuel attacks on Marinebasher. A couple of attacks will put her
down; don't waste your time with combos. All the while, Fei should be pounding
on Bladegash with 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos. After Marinebasher
is out, let Vierge join in the fun, and Bladegash will go down in no time. Its
Elemental Sword attacks cause around 500 HP of damage to a single member, and
Marinebasher's Tidal Wave damages both Weltall and Vierge for various thousands
of HP of damage (around 2000-4000), so that's why you want to eliminate it

Boss Fight #54: Tolone (Skyghene) and Seraphita (Grandgrowl) - Elements
Location: Ft. Jasper
HP: 5000, 5000
EXP: 26,000, 26,000
Gold: 5000 (x2)
Treasures: VIT Drive, ETH Drive
Attacks: Triple Aerial Attack (Skyghene), Fire Breath (Grandgrowl)
Recommended Level: 59

This fight is a cakewalk compared to the last fight, mainly because you get to
use Andvari and Seibzehn (don't use Chu-Chu). Take Skyghene out first using 30
Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos, as it can inflict a lot of damage spread
between both members. After Skyghene is out, pound on Grandgrowl with the usual
30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos. You should make it out of this
battle with much less damage than you did the battle with Bladegash and
Marinebasher. Use Booster to speed things up.

Boss Fight #55: Dominia (Bladegash) and Kelvena (Marinebasher) - Elements
Location: Babel Tower
HP: 4000, 5000
EXP: 26,000, 26,000
Gold: 5000 (x2)
Treasures: EP Drive, ETHDEF Drive
Attacks: Fire Sword, Water Sword, Wind Sword, Earth Sword (Bladegash), Water
Bubble, Tidal Wave (Marinebasher)
Recommended Level: 59

No, it isn't a misprint - you have to fight all of the annoying women again!
This battle can be extremely difficult, but only on two conditions: one, you
don't have the Flare Rod equipped on Vierge, and two, you have absolutely no
Fuel left for a Frame HP, because you'll probably need it. Otherwise, this
battle is simple - just do the same thing you did as before with the Flare Rod
and the combos. Feel free to use a Frame HP; this is Weltall and Vierge's last
battle for now. As always, use Booster.

Boss Fight #56: Tolone (Skyghene) and Seraphita (Grandgrowl) - Elements
Location: Ft. Jasper
HP: 5000, 5000
EXP: 26,000, 26,000
Gold: 5000 (x2)
Treasures: VIT Drive, ETH Drive
Attacks: Triple Aerial Attack (Skyghene), Fire Breath (Grandgrowl)
Recommended Level: 59

This fight is exactly the same as the last one with these girls, so do the same
thing you did for the last fight with them. You MIGHT need to use a Frame HP to
restore HP, but it doesn't matter, since this is Andvari and Seibzehn's last
battle for now. Use Booster to speed things up a bit.

Boss Fight #57: Crescens
Location: Underwater Tunnel
HP: 14,800
EXP: 255,000
Gold: 10,000
Treasures: None
Attacks: Backflip, Cloud Shower, Falling Rocks
Recommended Level: 61

Yet another easy fight - Much like Seibzehn, Crescens is a powerful Gear in
itself, but it's no match for three ultra-powerful Gears like yours. At the
start of the battle, use Booster, and then pound on Crescens with 10 Fuel
attacks (30 Fuel attacks rarely hit) and Attack Level 1 combos. Crescens'
attacks cause around 2000 HP of damage to one Gear, and one of her attacks
causes around 2000 HP of damage to the whole party. No problem. Use Frame HPs
if you need to, but I doubt you will.

WARNING: Save a copy of your game to a different block than the one you are
using before you take off for Solaris. This is the LAST time you will ever see
the World Map as it currently appears. Upgrade your characters and Gears to
their best now! Once you're in Solaris, keep saving onto that different block
as if it were your main game, because it should be now. The other one is a
back-up file to get you back to the World Map in case you forget to do anything.

WARNING: At a certain point in Solaris, you will run into REGULAR ENEMIES known
as the Bloody Bros. These guys are reincarnations of Redrum and Bloody (they
never leave you alone, do they?!). They have a lot of HP, and come in pairs of
two. If you don't want to get annhilated, employ your most powerful DeathBlows
immediately, and hope you have lots of Zetasols! They DO have the Murder
attack. Fortunately, these enemies are quite rare, and they don't use Murder
very often.

Boss Fight #58: Grahf and the Executioner
Location: Solaris
HP: 6666 (Heh!), 4444
EXP: 92,805
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Karate Combo, Aerial Stomp, Aerial Fireball Attack
Recommended Level: 66

This is another battle that everyone says is incredibly hard, but it was easy
for me. Eliminate the Executioner with DeathBlows first, as she can put a major
hurt on your party if you let her live too long. Specifically, she has a strong
all-party attack and a "Murder" like attack ^_^. Grahf, on the other hand, can
only hurt one character at a time with strong, but weaker, attacks. With the
Executioner unable to fight, you can use your strongest DeathBlows on Grahf to
easily kill him. (For me, Citan's Crystal Water DeathBlow did upwards of 1000
HP of damage, as did Fei's Suikei DeathBlow).

Congratulations! You've beaten all of Disc 1's Bosses!

-DISC 2-

Boss Fight #59: Ramsus (Vendetta)
Location: Taura's House
HP: 12,000
EXP: 32,397
Gold: 50,000
Treasures: None
Attacks: Blaze Pose, Nanoflare
Recommended Level: 67

Yep - Disc 2 starts out with Ramsus (groan). But, with Fei's new Omnigear
Weltall-2, he should be a piece o' cake. Start out using System Id and hit
Ramsus with three of your strongest Attack Level Infinity combos. If he's still
alive after that, finish him off with a few 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1
combos. Every few turns, Ramsus will go into a Blaze Pose and then hit Weltall-
2 for about 3000 HP of damage. This is no threat, though, because Weltall-2 has
a lot of HP.

NOTE: Celebrate! Fei has his new Omnigear Weltall-2 and Citan has his new
Omnigear Fenrir!

Boss Fight #60: Ft. Hurricane
Location: Nisan
HP: 15,000
EXP: 32,367
Gold: 50,000
Treasures: None
Attacks: Blue Star
Recommended Level: 68

If you need a walkthrough for this one, then you really don't know how to play
the game. (I'm kidding.) No one needs a walkthrough for this Boss - the Super
Dimensional Gear "Yggdrasil IV" has 99,999 HP, 9900 Fuel and a truckload of high
attributes behind it. Enable Booster right away to just speed the battle up,
and hit it with 30 Fuel attacks to destroy it the fastest way possible. But,
personally, it was kinda fun seeing what the 10 and 20 Fuel attacks look like,
as you only get to use this Gear once in the game (too bad, huh?). Also, be
sure to check out the Special Options Menu..

Boss Fight #61: Sufal Mass and Four Sufals
Location: N/A
HP: 4800
EXP: 97,191
Gold: 30,000
Treasures: Pilot Shield, Gold Nugget, Gold Bullion
Attacks: Sufal Mass
Recommended Level: 68

If there is one thing that you do in this battle, do NOT kill more than three
Sufals. If you kill all four, you'll know what it feels like to get hit by a
devastating attack that will probably kill most, or all, of your party. The key
here is speed. The Sufals are weak, so don't worry about them - just kill three
of them off. Then, go after Sufal Mass with your strongest NON-ELEMENTAL
DeathBlows. I know, it sucks, but Elemental DeathBlows heal Sufal Mass. I
can't stress enough the importance of killing Sufal Mass quickly. If you don't,
Sufal Mass will automatically kill off the other Sufal and use the attack on you
anyway, and which case you've probably lost. Otherwise, this isn't a hard
fight. Just kill, kill, kill!

Boss Fight #62: Dominia, Kelvena, Tolone, and Seraphita - Elements
Location: Anima Dungeon #1
HP: 2500, 4000, 2000, 2000
EXP: 30,000
Gold: 10,000
Treasures: STR Drive, ETH Drive, VIT Drive, ETHDEF Drive
Attacks: Steal All EP, Wind Storm, Positron Beam
Recommended Level: 70

Don't worry - you're almost done with these girls! I recommend taking the three
characters that know the most Elemental DeathBlows into this battle (probably
Fei, Citan, Elly, and/or Bart). Go after Kelvena (the Water Elemental girl in
blue) first, since she's the only one that can heal her allies. Use Kakei, Haze
of Fire, Thermo Thump, and/or Prominence on her. She'll be down and out in no
time. Next, take Seraphita out (the red-haired Fire Elemental girl), because
she can steal all of a character's EP. Use Suikei, Crystal Water, Aqua Frost,
and/or Tornado on her. She has half the HP that Kelvena did, so she'll go down
even quicker. Next, eliminate Tolone (the Wind Elemental girl in green),
because the game forces you to save Dominia for last. Use Chikei, Rumble Earth,
Terra Charge, and/or Land Break on Tolone. Having the same amount of HP as
Seraphita, she'll go down quickly. Finally, knock Dominia out with Fukei,
Festive Wind, Anemo Zap, and/or Angel. Be warned, though, because Dominia gets
very strong when she's fighting alone. She can do hundreds of HP of damage to
one character with one of her sword attacks. Overall, though, this fight is a

Boss Fight #63: G Elements (Bladegash, Marinebasher, Skyghene, and Grandgrowl)
Location: Anima Dungeon #1
HP: 45,000
EXP: 319,068
Gold: 30,000
Treasures: Kishin Sword
Attacks: Kishin Sword, Light Ray
Recommended Level: 70

"Go, go, Power Rangers!" is what you'll be thinking after watching the women
from Hell transform into the "Gear Elements". Fortaunately, these girls are
about as smart and as hard as the Power Rangers. First, activate Booster. Go
after the huge Gear with 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos, but with
Weltall-2, use System Id, and use your strongest Attack Level Infinity combos on
them. They have a lot of HP, but have patience, as they WILL die eventually.
Their attacks typically cause around 2000 HP of damage to one Gear, but
sometimes they can hit for as much as 5000 HP. One thing to watch out for is
the Kishin Sword attack, which they will use near their death. This attack
causes around 6500 HP of damage to all three of your Gears, so MAKE SURE you
keep your Gears' HP over 7000. You DO want everyone getting all those
Experience Poins, now don't you? ^_^

Congratulations - You've just beaten the Elements for good!

Billy obtains his new Omnigear (an upgraded Renmazuo) after this battle.

Boss FIght #64: Hammer
Location: Anima Dungeon #2
HP: 48,000
EXP: 348,174
Gold: 0
Treasures: Trader Card/None (if you escape)
Attacks: Gel Breath, Self Modification, Tail Sting (Defense Power down)
Recommended Level: 71

I liked Hammer! Why'd he have to go and help Krelian..? This is a sad fight,
because you have to kill Hammer, who was once so cool.. Hammer can pack a
powerful punch, but he's no match for Weltall-2, Fenrir, and Andvari. Use
Booster immediately, and start "hammering" Hammer with 30 Fuel attacks and
Attack Level 1 combos with Fenrir and Andvari, but, as always, use System Id
with Weltall-2. Self-Modification can cause around 5000 HP of damage to one
Gear, but if you've been upgrading your Gears like you alway should, this is no
biggie. You can equip armor that protects against Gel attacks, such as Silver
Ar, to protect against Hammer's Gel Breath attack, but it's not really worth it,
since it's not very threatening anyway. Once you've caused enough of damage to
Hammer, he'll turn red, and one of your characters will say that he/she "has a
bad feeling". It's time to Escape immediately! The only downside to escaping
is the fact that you won't get the Trader Card for winning, and it's a kickass
Accessory. After Hammer turns red, each of your Gears will usually have one
more turn. Don't consider defeating Hammer yourself unless Weltall-2 is
currently in System Id Mode, and both of your other Gears can hit Hammer with
Attack Level 3 combos. If they can't, just escape; when Hammer blows up, he'll
take your party with him if you don't.

Rico obtains his new Omnigear (an upgraded Stier) after this battle.

Boss Fight #65: Deus
Location: Mahanon
HP: 40,000
EXP: 363,345
Gold: 30,000
Treasures: None
Attacks: Halve All HP
Recommended Level: 73

This battle requires patience, and nothing more. Deus, and only Deus, can hurt
itself. As it hurts your Gears with its all Gear attacks, it'll also hurt
itself. The reason that you can't attack Deus is because every time you do,
it'll heal itself for 16,000 HP. So, at the beginning of the battle, have each
of your Gears hit Deus with a 10 Fuel attack. Yes, it'll heal itself, but it
doesn't matter since its HP is already full. This will get your Gears ready for
an Attack Level 1 combo. As Deus kills itself, use Frame HPs to heal yourself
and Charge just to pass the turns. Once Deus' HP drops to around 5000, Weltall-
2 can finish it off with a strong Attack Level Infinity combo. If you're not
ready to do that, just wait until its HP drops to around 1250, and finish it off
with the Attack Level 1 combo you've been saving up for so long now.

Boss Fight #66: Ramsus (Amphysvena)
Location: Merkava Central Core
HP: 28,000
EXP: 190,000
Gold: 50,000
Treasures: Golden Vest
Attacks: Wave #3 Demiser, Blaze Pose, Terra Flare
Recommended Level: 74

This is the final battle with Ramsus. Unfortunately, it's also not only the
hardest one, it's one of the hardest battles in the game. Ramsus will always
get the first turn, and he'll always cast Wave #3 Demiser, which reduces all of
your Gears' HP to 1. Immediately use a Frame HP30 or 50 to restore your HP, and
then use Booster. Have Fei use System Id, and have everyone else use 10 or 30
Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos. The key to this battle is to defeat
Ramsus before he can cast Wave #3 Demiser again. If he does, just reset and try
again, because you have another battle just ahead of you, and you won't get a
chance to heal. Ramsus hits for around 2000 HP with his normal attack. Of
course, that's no big deal at all.

Boss Fight #67: Miang (Opiomorph)
Location: Merkava Central Core
HP: 22,000
EXP: 190,000
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Wave #4 Devastator
Recommended Level: 74

This is possibly the hardest battle in the game. Miang's Wave #4 Devastator
damages your whole party according to how much damage she's recieved from your
party - this can be between 0 and 5000 HP. Hopefully, Weltall-2 still has at
least 1000 Fuel and your other members have at least 3000. You'll probably have
to use Frame HPs, but try to use Weltall-2's remaining Fuel for System Id. If
you're able to use this and connect with all three hits without dying or
missing, then you have the best chance you're going to get of winning. Have
everyone else use 10 or 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos. What makes
Miang hard is that fact that every time she's hit, she raises her Defense and
Ether power. The good part to this is that once she uses Wave #4 Devastator,
her stats go back to normal. Hit her fast and hard and you'll beat her. And,
one thing I learned on this battle is to NEVER GIVE UP. For me, I had Weltall-
2, Fenrir, and Andvari. Weltall-2 ad Fenrir were down, and Andvari had around
500 HP left and like 800 Fuel, not enough for a Frame HP. I figured I'd just
attack and let her kill me and start again, but then, I remembered one of the
most obscure attacks in the game: the Ygg D. Charge attack. I used it, and
guess what? The 600 HP it damaged her for was just enough to kill her! So,
like I said, never give up!

Dorrin84@aol.com has an alternate strategy for beating Opiomorph, and I think
it's a good one. This is what he/she says:

"I have an alternate strategy for beating Opiomorph that I find works better
than yours. First of all, equip everyone with two Ether Armor+3 armors, since
physical defense doesn't matter for this battle, but that will raise their ether
defense by a lot. On Weltall-2's first turn, use System Id. Have him attack once
with it, then charge fuel on his next two turns. Have the other two characters
just charge. Since you've only attacked once, Miang's Wave#4 Devastator will
only do about 600 damage to everyone. Next, have Weltall-2 use System Id again
(he has to have started the battle with at least 1620 fuel) and attack all three
turns this time, while the others charge. Miang's spell will probably do about
2000-2500 damage this time. Heal if necessary, then finish her off (she's down
to about 5000 HP by now) with 30 fuel attacks and combos from all 3 characters.
That was how I finally beat her after losing twice."

Boss Fight #68: Id
Location: N/A
HP: 30,000
EXP: 200,000
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Flying Blaze
Recommended Level: 75

Time for a break! Id is a sinch. He can cause 2000 HP of damage to a single
Gear, which is nothing compared to the attacks you just faced from Miang and
Ramsus. Just use Booster and pound on Id with 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level
1 combos. He'll go down quickly. Unfortunately, you're reduced to using your
normal Gears for this battle, as Deus sucked up your Omnigears. But, that's not
much of a problem: for some reason, Brigandier is very strong and Heimdal can
use swords. Cool.

Boss Fight #69: Grahf (True Weltall)
Location: N/A
HP: 15,000
EXP: 198,000
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Fireball, normal attacks
Recommended Level: 75

This battle is also easy, since Fei now gets to use the all-powerful Gear
Xenogears. On the good side, Xenogears has 30,400 HP (more than two times the
HP of True Weltall) and 7000 Fuel. On the bad side, System Id is gone. Yeah,
it was great, but you don't need it, since Xenogears always has a 99% chance of
getting to Attack Level Infinity after Attack Level 3. And, it doesn't cost
1000 Fuel to do it. Anyway, just trash Grahf with 30 Fuel attacks and Attack
Level 1 combos, or just use three Attack Level Infinity combos. Either way,
Grahf doesn't have much of a chance. His normal attacks can cause 2000 HP of
damage, and a special attack of his can cause up to 3000 HP of damage. You'll
come close to 10,000 HP, but you'll beat him.

NOTE: This is the last Boss fight before the final battles. Do whatever you
need to to make your Gears as strong as possible, and then go for it.

This is quite an interesting final Boss fight. It's also hard. The main Boss,
Deus, is surrounded by four supports: Harlute, Marlute, Metatron, and Sundel.
Each support, basically a Sub-Boss, has one special ability: Harlute has
Heavenly Annointment, which causes multiple Status Effects on all of your Gears.
Marlute has Fuel Drain, which obviously drains Fuel from your Gears. Metatron
has an incredibly powerful all-Gear attack. Sundel has a healing Ability. Deus
can use all of these abilities, and has a whopping 75,000 HP. But, for every
Sub-Boss that you defeat, Deus' maximum HP is lowered, and he loses that
particular Ability. If you can eliminate all four Sub-Bosses, Deus will be
limited to a measly 40,000 HP (you've faced 48,000) and none of the dangerous
special abilities. I recommend that you eliminate as many of the Sub-Bosses as
you can. If you don't, your efforts may be futile, as you may be up against too
much. To kill all of the Sub-Bosses, use all of your strongest characters that
you don't plan on taking into the final fight. At the end of the fight, replace
any characters who are dangerously low on HP and/or Fuel.

nym408@hotmail.com has found a way to choose which Sub-Boss you want to fight.
While you're looking at the Sub-Bosses floating around Deus, take a look at the
color light they are giving off. Here's the key:

Harlute - Blue
Marlute - Yellow
Metatron - Gray
Sundel - Pink

This way, you can decide who you want to fight when.

The following strategies are my personal thoughts on the fights. Please note
that I DID beat the final bosses the first time I tried, so these same
strategies might work for you. The order in which the Sub-Boss fights are
listed are not necessarily the order I fought them in.

Boss Fight #70: Harlute
Location: Deus
HP: 45,000
EXP: 1
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Heavenly Annointment
Recommended Level: Anything above 75 is great. The higher the better!

Harlute looks like a vortex. Use 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1 combos on
it. It'll take awhile, but it'll go down. Harlute casts "Heavenly
Annointment", which causes multiple Status Effects on all of your Gears, such as
Accuracy Down, Evade Down, Slow, Attack Power down, etc., and it also does
around 6000 HP of damage. That's bad. That's why you definitely want to make
it a point to take this ability away from Deus. Every few turns, Harlute will
freeze two of your characters. The unfrozen character is the only one who will
be able to attack. Use Booster for this battle. I fought Harlute second.

Boss Fight #71: Marlute
Location: Deus
HP: 54,000
EXP: 1
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Fuel Drain, Explosion Attack
Recommended Level: Anything above 75 is great. The higher the better!

Marlute, thankfully, is pretty easy, but only if you have the following
accessories equipped on your Gears: Tank Guards, Z Chargers, and Frame HPs. I
didn't, and this battle was VERY hard. I figured it wasn't necessary, but it
IS, so get the Tank Guards! It looks like a flat, golden Phoenix on the floor.
Marlute mainly drains Fuel from your Gears (400 Fuel each time). Equip Tank
Guards, however, and he won't be able to do this. Use this battle to heal and
recharge. With Z Chargers, you can easily use all the Frame HPs you need to to
get ready for the remaining battles. If you wait and build all your Gears to
Attack Level Infinity before Charging, you can get the 10X effect on the Charge
and fill your Fuel tanks with 5000 Fuel each Charge. As a side note, Attack
Level combos are not allowed in this battle, so just pound on Marlute with 30
Fuel attacks. This battle takes much patience. Just so you know, Marlute has
one all-Gear attack that does about 6000 HP of damage. Thankfully, he doesn't
use it often at all. I fought Marlute fourth.

Boss Fight #72: Metatron
Location: Deus
HP: 45,000
EXP: 1
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Earthly Annointment, Multiple-Target Bombshell
Recommended Level: Anything above 75 is great. The higher the better!

Metatron is, in a nutshell, strong. It looks like a giant robot. It has strong
all-Gear attacks and an ultra-strong special attack. You may need two of your
tip-top characters for this fight (probably Seibzehn and Renmazuo, since you
want to use Xenogears, Fenrir, and Andvari for the final battle). Use Booster
immediately, and then trash Metatron with 30 Fuel attacks and Attack Level 1
combos. I fought Metatron first. Good luck!

Boss Fight #73: Sundel
Location: Deus
HP: 54,000
EXP: 1
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Healing, Counter
Recommended Level: Anything above 75 is great. The higher the better!

Sundel looks like a bunch of spinning red diamonds. At the start of the battle,
it'll choose one Gear of yours to counterattack. Every time you attack Sundel,
Sundel will counterattack that particular Gear. If that Gear attacks Sundel,
the whole party will be hit with an attack that causes around 6000 HP of damage.
So, in other words, you want that Gear to STAY PUT. Charge, heal, whatever -
just don't attack Sundel with that Gear. Sundel can heal itself, and it can be
very, VERY cheap with this healing ability (8000 HP of recovery every other
turn). If it IS cheap, there's nothing you can do about it - just keep pounding
away until she decides to stop it. I fought Sundel third.

Boss Fight #74: Deus
Location: Deus
HP: With 0 Sub-Bosses destroyed, 75,000; 1-3 Sub-Bosses, 52,000; 4 Sub Bosses,
EXP: ???
Gold: 0
Treasures: None
Attacks: Starry Night, Halve HP, Ultimate Break, Cosmic Crush
Recommended Level: Anything above 75 is great. The higher the better!

This is a pretty hard fight, but it REALLY helps if you've destroyed all four
Sub-Bosses. Trust me! Use your very best characters for this battle - probably
Fei, Citan, and Bart. Equip all of your Gears with Z Chargers, Frame HPs, and
Anti-Angel Systems. Doing so will nullify Deus' most powerful attack. Deus has
several all-Gear attacks that can put a major hurt on the party, so kill Deus
fast. Finger-crossing also works well! If you have Z Chargers on all your
Gears, you'll have a better chance of winning, since you can use Frame HPs and
be able to Charge quickly. One of Deus' special all-Gear attacks causes around
13,000 HP of damage to all Gears. BE CAREFUL! If you've come this far, you can
do this. Overall, this is the hardest of all the last Boss fights.

Final Boss Fight: Urobolus
Location: Deus
HP: 50,000
EXP: ???
Gold: ???
Treasures: None
Attacks: Fist Attack, Serpent's Tail
Recommended Level: Anything above 75 is great. The higher the better!

This is it! The final Boss! Fei will fight this battle alone, in Xenogears.
Fortunately, his HP and Fuel are fully restored from the fight with Deus, so you
have a good chance against Urobolus. Its/her strongest attack can cause up to
around 7000 HP of damage, so keep your HP above that amount. If you don't, you
may be killed by that attack. You can either use 30 Fuel attacks and Attack
Level 1 combos, or you can repeatedly build Xenogears' Attack Level to Infinity
and let loose with some X Button Infinity combos. For me, my Attack Level 1
combos were doing around 6000 HP of damage to her each turn, so I figured that
it was quicker to kill her that way. I recommend you do that as well. She
isn't nearly as hard as Deus was. Urobolus can kill you, but it's highly
unlikely if you attack and heal at the right times. If you use Booster, you'll
have two turns to her one. Cool, huh? I didn't need to heal during this
battle, so Fuel probably won't be a problem. But, one thing to remember is that
each person's game differs: if you think you need to heal, HEAL. Just because I
didn't need to doesn't mean that you don't need to - and you don't want to die.
Because if you do, well.. do you really want to fight Deus again?

That's it! You've beaten Xenogears! Now, sit back and enjoy the ending Anime.

Now, what're you waiting for? Get busy on Brave Fencer Musashi and Zelda 64!


V. Conclusion

Hope this guide helped you through Xenogears! If you have any corrections,
questions, or comments on this or any of my other FAQs, please feel free to E-
mail me at [LightRanma@aol.com]. I'll usually get back to you within one or two
days, or sometimes, the same day. See ya!


VI. Thanks

"Nym ^.^" - nym408@hotmail.com - He provided the strategy on the colors of the
Deus Sub-Bosses before anyone else. Thanks!
Name Unknown - Dorrin84@aol.com - He provided another strategy for defeating
Opiomorph. Thanks!
Kevin Cheah - kevin_cheah@pacific.net.sg - He submitted the EXP for the Grahf
and Executioner fight. Thanks!


Check out my other FAQs at GameFAQs! -

- Xenogears DeathBlow/Ability FAQ
- Banjo-Kazooie Top Secrets FAQ
- Zelda 64 Piece of Heart/Gold Skulltula FAQ

And my Reviews!:

- Xenogears
- Mega Man Legends
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

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