

18.10.2013 08:35:30
Xenogears Walkthrough Version 2.4

May 5, 2000
For the Sony PlayStation (U.S. Version)
Written by Scott Lee
E-mail me with anything you can tell me about the game
that isn't included in this walkthrough, I will add you to
the credit. However, please read the guide first, I will
always welcome inputs from everyone, but due to the fact
that the heavy load of email I get each day, please don't
send me something that is already been stated here.

Unpublished work Copyright 1999-2000 Scott Lee

Version History

Version 2.4 The code for the detector in the Solaris factory
has just been decoded, thanks to "Alex Belosic"
for sending it in.

Version 2.3 Added new info, most are from a friend who
wish to be known as "The One", he wish to remain nameless,
at least for now.

Version 2.2 I got my disk 2 back from a friend, haven't
played Xenogears in so long that I'm having trouble with
all the buttons. I just added some new info here, not
much info, I doubt you will notice the changes.

Version 2.1 finally, I'm about to finish, I still need a
few more things here and there. Overall, the guide is a
success for me.

Version 2.0 added a lot of things this time, but there
still needs a little more correction here and there. But
this is almost completely finished, it still need quite a
few gear skills/deathblows and stuff. But I'm pretty
closed to finishing the entire document.

Version 1.1 I've added monster's stats to the walkthrough,
they aren't 100% correct, but they are close enough to the
word perfect, so it should be good enough for everyone.

Version 1.0 added character's guide.

Version 0.6 corrections, and typos.

Version 0.5 added more info on the game. A lot of info,
this is a .5 added.

Version 0.1 Finally got started after beating the game a
few times and writing the FAQ on Boss Strategy, it's still
not published yet.



This is my second time writing a walkthrough (even though
during this FAQ I already finished 2 other ones), so if
you got any problems or questions, e-mail me, I will help
anyway I can. Xenogears is a semi-difficult game, but
people can get stuck on something and take years just to
get past one little part. Don't be shy, I can help, I
already beat the game, level up to max, got a lot of
drives, have almost all the items, still missing the Life
Stone, darn… and I am also missing the Long Dark Coat,
forgot to take on Big Joe! But hey, I am still considered
to good at this game.

Any contribution is always welcomed, so if you got
something good and want to share it with the rest of us,
please do so. But please no hate mails, mail bombs, etc,
I don't need those, and thank god I haven't gotten any of
those yet so far. I'm purely writing for fun, some
information here are my opinion, please repect that, I'm
sure you have a different view point than me, let's just
leave it at that.

Also E-mail me with any of your comments (both positive or
negative, again, as long as it is helpful input towards me
or my work), or if you got something I didn't include
here, I will add you to the credit for it, it doesn't
matter how small it is. But again, please, no hate mail,
no mail bombs, you can take those to America Online or
something where people would open those mail. Here is my
email if you do wish to contact me for any reason,

There might be some difference in the game if you have to
imported JP version, from I've found out, the two versions
have very little or none differences. So if you got the
import version, and get stuck, ask for help, the story
line and game play are still basically the same, and I
believe the odds are that I can help out.

One thing to note here is this FAQS is written by me,
Scott, aka CrazeD. If you want to use some information
that is included here, just ask, I will let you. But
don't take this guide, change the name and claim it yours,
don't, that is just wrong, you are a disgrace to your
family if you do this. Taking other people's hard work
and saying it's yours. I know even if you do, you
probably won't get caught, even if you do get caught, and
the odds of me sueing you is slim, but for the little
voice in your head, don't do it.

This FAQS/Walkthrough was never intended to be in any
magazines, books, or walkthroughs that cost money. It is
purely for players who want to get through the game, or
need some hints from another player. This shouldn't be
sold to anyone, I don't care how much, but if anyone do
pay for this, I better get the money! Since I'm the one
who spent their time and effort into this guide, and I
give thanks to those who also helped out here, I couldn't
have done it without them.


Part one: Character Guide, Deathblow, Gear Skills, Ether
Part two: Walkthrough
Part three: FAQs
Part four: Credit

New sections that will eventually come: Items and Gear

Sorry, but these sections will be delayed for quite
sometime, since I'm extremely busy with my schoolwork for
quite a while.

This FAQ/Walkthrough can be viewed with Microsoft Words or
Word Pad, I'm sure there are probably other word
processers that can view this, but I only tried out on
those two.

There are some bad news, the team that brough us Xenogears
is no longer with Square Soft, they have moved on to
Namco, so the next Xenogears would not be around for at
least a while. The odds of Xenogears 2 (the sequal or the
prequel) coming out on PSX are also very slim, but expect
it to be on PSX 2. If Square Soft appoint a new team to
work on Xenogears, it will still take a while, Square Soft
is fully planned for quite sometime, we can expect games
like Secret of Mana, FF9, FF10, Crono Cross (U.S.), etc to
be out way before the release of Xenogears 2.

The team for Xenogears with Namco is also considering the
sequal to this great RPG, however, Square Soft have the
full copyright of the Xenogears name. There are rumors
around saying they will make the new game but with a
different name, something Robot Gods, or Gods of Gears.
None have been confirmed yet, but I think

Part one: Character Guide, Deathblows, Gear Skills, Ether

Fei Fong Wong
Birthplace: Possibly Shevat?
Height: 5'11
Age: 17
Weight: 147 lb
Style: Martial Arts/Kung Foo
Gear: Weltell, Weltell 2, Xenogears
Gender: Male
Interest: Painting, Elly, Alice?

Attack: A
Defense: A
Speed: B
Deathblows: A+
Ether: C
Ether Defense: B
Spell: C
Overall: B

Fei always has good attack, he starts out strong and later
on he has the best set of 7ap deathblows, his Yamikei do
up to 4500 damage, even though it requires level 80, but
his Kokei only require level 70 and it do as much as 3000
damage. Fei is not the best character in the game but he
is very well rounded, his spells are not so great but as a
fighter, he doesn't really need all those spells. Fei is
forced upon you for most of the game, so its best to level
him up as much as you can so you can get his Yamikei
deathblow which requiring level 80, and his last spell Big
Bang (require level 72). When you can get drives from Big
Joe, remember to boost his attack as much as possible, he
doesn't have a good Ether ability so forget about his Chi
spells, and focus mainly on his regular attacks. Besides,
his deathblows deal far more damage than his magic ever
will do.

Gear: Weltell, Weltell 2, Xenogears
Attack: A
Defense: A
Speed: B
Skills: A
Spell: C
Ether Defense: B
Overall: A

Weltell is Fei's first gear, it isn't the best but its
very well rounded and if you fully upgrades it every
chance you get, it should be one of your best gears.
Weltell 2 is the best gear in the game compare to the
other gears you can have access to then, System Id is just
unstoppable. Just forget about all the attacks and
skills, level infinity moves can cause around 6000 damage
at level 60, 3 turns of that can kill off just about
anything, when fighting against bosses 2 System Id should
kill off any of them. Then there is the super powerful
Xenogears, (it has to be the best, the game is named after
it) 99 percent of level infinity, 4 turns and start to
raise hell. And think Xenogears with Holy Pendent, 10
turns and 6 of them are level infinity. Xenogears is best
in the game, no other gear can compare with it, heck
nothing can even get close to it. However, you can get it
only almost when the game ends, the game will be too easy
if you get it too early.


T=triangle, weak attack
X=cross, medium attack
S=square, strong attack

Name AP Buttons Elemental
Raijin 4 ap tx
Senretsu 5 ap ttx
Hagan 5 ap sx
Hoten 6 ap ttx
Tenbu 6 ap tsx
Ryujin 6 ap stx
Koho 6 ap xx
Fukei 7 ap ttttx Wind
Chikei 7 ap ttsx Earth
Kakei 7 ap tstx Fire
Suikei 7 ap sttx Water
Kokei 7 ap ssx Light
Yamikei 7 ap xtx Darkness

Gear Skills
*Deathblower Gear Part Required

Name Button Fuel Level
Raigeki tt 10+10 1
Reppu ts 10+20 1
Raigo* tx 10+30 1
Hasan st 20+10 2
Ryuten ss 20+20 2
Jyuju* sx 20+30 2
Raimai xt 30+10 3
Ryumai xs 30+20 3
Shinrai* xx 30+30 3
Kosho X t 10 Infinity
Goten X s 20 Infinity
Kishin x 30 Infinity

Special Gear Option

Weltell 2
System Id 1000 Fuel Level infinity
Thor Wave 600 Fuel Super Powered up Guided Shot
Flaming Hell 1000 Fuel Fire based attack

(Chi) Ep Affect
Guided Shot 2 Single Ball of Chi
Inner Healing 2 Single Restores HP
Iron Valor 3 Single (Self)Attack up
Counter Force 4 Single (Self)CounterAttacks
Yang Power 5 Single (Self) Def down, atk down
Yin Power 5 Single (Self) Atk up, def down
Radiance 10 Single Strong Chi attack
Big Bang 20 All Strongest Chi attack, casts

Elhaym(Elly) Van Houten
Birthplace: Solaris
Height: 5'6
Age: 18
Weight: 101 lb
Style: Rods
Gear: Veirge
Gender: Female
Interest: Fei (love), they did it(!) right before she
turned to evil. Lol, a little too much for little kids,
don't think you.

Attack: D
Defense: B
Speed: D
Deathblows: C
Ether: A
Ether Defense: B
Spell: C
Overall: C

Elly is a magic user, but in Xenogears, magic isn't that
useful other than healing and power boosting, so her
specially is just about worthless as her attack. Elly's
attack is awful, her rods miss a lot, she is slow, her
deathblows causes half of damage as other characters, and
her defense is just pitiful (some enemy causes 1 damage to
Fei, and can do up to 80 damage to Elly). She leaves you
party later on at almost the end of the game, and she is
the only one who don't get a omnigear. And the most sad
part about Elly is that her strong point is her Ether
attacks, but almost all her spell does lesser damage then
her deathblows. Overall she is quite useless, and I would
just recommend after Disk one, you don't use her ever

Gear: Vierge
Attack: C
Defense: B
Speed: A
Skills: B
Spell: C
Ether Defense: B
Overall: B

Elly is a complete disappointment as a character, but her
gear is much better. Vierge got a good decent attack, and
it also packs a cool move call Aerods, for a small price
of 400 fuels, it damages all the enemy for a good 500 plus
damage. And its very useful in Bibel Tower against
Dominia and Kelvena, 2 Aerods can knock off Kelvena, and
another skill or two can finish off Dominia. One thing
bad about Elly is when your gears are at their best, she
leaves your party to go join evil, and another thing is
she don't get a Omnigear like everyone else. That is the
only thing you can find wrong with Vierge, overall Vierge
is a good gear, but it has a bad owner, Elly is just
pretty much bad all around. Elly gets an Omnigear, she
uses it during a scene, but you never get to control her
Omnigear other in Battling in Kislev. And because she
leaves you later on, you shouldn't waste too much money to
upgrading her gear other the times when you use her to


Screamer 4 ap tx
Cyclone Kick 5 ap ttx
Breakthrough 5 ap sx
Double Shock 6 ap tttx
Sky Attack 6 ap tsx
Bright Spark 6 ap stx
Stink Kick 6 ap xx
Anemo Zap 7 ap ttttx Wind Elemental
Terra Charge 7 ap tstx Earth Elemental
Thermo Thump 7 ap ttsxx Fire Elemental
Aqua Frost 7 ap sttx Water Elemental

Gear Skills

Double Impact tt 1
Hard Smash ts 1
Beat Storm* tx 1
Sonic Drive st 2
Heart Strike ss 2
Mega Impact* sx 2
Flash Drive xt 3
High Diva xs 3
Blaze Dance* xx 3
Flash Flail t infinity
Blue Blast s infinity
Dark Diva x infinity

Gear Option

Areods 400 fuel Ether attacks all enemy

Name EP Affect

Anemo Bolt 2 Single Wind attack
Terrace Lance 2 Single Earth attack
Thermo Cube 2 Single Fire attack
Aqua Ice 2 Single Water attack
Anemo Burn 6 Area Wind attack
Terra Storm 6 Area Earth attack
Thermo Dragon 6 Area Fire attack
Aqua Mist 6 Area Water attack
Anemo Wave 10 All Wind attack
Terra Ghost 10 All Earth attack
Thermo Largo 10 All Fire attack
Aqua Lord 10 All Water attack

Citan Uzuki

Birthplace: Solaris
Height: 6'1
Age: 29
Weight: 150 lb
Style: Martial Arts/Swords
Gear: Heimdal, Fenrir
Gender: Male
Interest: Tinkering with junks, reading and exploring.

Attack: A
Defense: C
Speed: A
Deathblows: B
Ether: B
Ether Defense: B
Spell: B
Overall: A

Citan without any question is the best character in the
game when he gets his katana, he is already one of the
best character in the game when he fights bare handed,
once the sword comes in the game, his attack power goes
up, almost doubling the damage he deals. His Crystal
Water is one of the game's best deathblows, and it looks
really good, like an air combo in Marvel vs Capcom. His
speed is faster than everyone including most enemies, he
get almost get in two hits for Bart, and Bart has above
average speed. Another thing to include here is his
defense, his defense isn't very good, and defense is a big
important aspect of the game, he suffers almost triple the
damage Fei suffers. His spells are okay, not very useful
other than his Senkei, it doubles a character's speed, but
when you can use this spells, you would probably already
have Speed Shoes which doubles your speed already. But
overall Citan is the best character in the game, and the
best thing about him is he learns his deathblows fast, and
all you really need to do is level him up.

Gear: Hemidal, Fenrir
Attack: B
Defense: C
Speed: A
Skills: B
Spell: C
Ether Defense: C
Overall: B

Citan's gear is pretty average, not that great, but its
alright. Hemidal is just an average gear, it seems pretty
fast, but has bad defense, but I care about the speed
more. Fenrir on the other hand has better defense but I
still considered it has bad defense. Hemidal's attack is
not very good, his skills can do only 75% damage of
Weltell's. But Citan is forced upon you most of the first
disk so fully upgrade Hemidal and make the best of it.
When the second disk begins, Citan gets his Omnigear
Fenrir, which comes with better defense, a sword, and of
course level infinity. I would consider Fenrir one of the
best gear next to Weltell 2, Xenogears and Siebzehn, but I
would rather use Fenrir than Siebzehn because of the
speed. Citan's spells are only average when in character,
so his gear spells are pretty much usless, but since
Xenogears is a game that doesn't really require magic, so
Fenrir is still considered as a good gear. Fenrir's only
major problem is defense, but with a good piece of gear
armor, you won't have to worry about it than.

Deathblows (hand)

Ukigumo 4ap tx
Mufu 5ap ttx
Jinrai 5ap sx
Shinrai 6ap tttx
Renken 6ap tsx
Hakai 6ap stx
Ougi 6ap xx
Willow Wind 7ap ttttx wind elemental
Rare Earth 7ap ttsx earth
Hell Fire 7ap tstx fire elemental
Tsunami Ice 7ap sttx water

Deathblow (sword)

Amaoto 4ap tx
Engetsu 5ap ttx
Amagumo 5ap sx
Himatsu 6ap tttx
Yako 6ap tsx
Zanretsu 6ap stx
Myogetsu 6ap xx
Festive Wind 7ap tttx wind elemental
Rumble Earth 7ap ttsx earth
Haze of Fire 7ap tstx fire elemental
Crystal Water 7ap sttx water

Gear Skills

Kentsui tt 1
Reppu ts 1
Ryuei* tx 1
Shinari st 2
Fujin ss 2
Ryuga* sx 2
Hakai xt 3
Kenjin xs 3
Tensho* xx 3
Ochiba t infinity
Zanretsu s infinity
Enken x infinity

Gear Option



Name EP Affect
Sazanami 2 Single Restore HP
Renki 2 Self Next Ether affect all
Koga 2 Self Def up, attack down
Yamiga 2 Self Attack up, def down
Ryokusho 3 Single Heal physical status
Reisho 3 Single Heal mental status
Fuuseii 4 Single Block Earth attack
Chiseii 4 Single Block Wind attack
Kaseii 4 Single Block Water attack
Suiseii 4 Single Block Fire attack
Senkei 6 Single Haste

Barthlomei Fatima (Bart)
Birthplace: Aveh
Height: 6'1
Age: 18
Weight: 158 lb
Style: Whips
Gear: Brigandier, Andvari
Gender: Male
Interest: His Bart Missle, Yggdrasil, and Margie

Attack: B
Defense: B
Speed: B
Deathblows: B
Ether: B
Ether Defense: B
Spell: B
Overall: B

Bart is an average character, his attack is pretty good,
so is his defense and just about everything else. Bart is
my favorite character because he is kind of crazy and he
doesn't really think. For some reason my favorite
character is always a prince or a king, (my favorite
character in FF3 U.S. is Edgar, and in FF2 (US) is the
Ninja guy, Shadow or something, no that's FF3 (US), I
forget his name, its really old so shut up. Hold on it's
Edge, but Edge is in Rival Schools, I am just confused,
someone email me with his name, I am too lazy to play FF2
again, I don't know where my SNES is at anyway). Bart has
some good spells, but none of the spells in Xenogears
really matter. His cologne spells are all useful, but
since he isn't that fast so there is no point of actually
using them, unless you have to make him super strong for
some battle that last a long time. His deathblows are
average, all of his 7ap deathblows are elemental, just
like Citan, but his Tornado doesn't deal as much damage as
Crystal Water deathblow. Also another thing to note here
is that Bart misses (or get blocked) a lot of his square
and cross hits, so try to stay away from them. His gear
is good, but later on everyone gets better gears and his
don't really stand out anymore. Bart gets a head start
because he is the first one to get his Omnigear, Andvari
is your best gear early on, and Bart gets it during the
first disk. Since Bart is pretty good character, go level
him up and he should able to stand out to be your third
best character, or at least during the first disk.

Gear: Brigandier, Andvari
Attack: B
Defense: B
Speed: B
Skills: B
Spell: C
Ether Defense: B
Overall: B

Bart is the lucky one with the gear, his gear gets to use
a weapon early on, and that is very important when
fighting against some bosses. Like Calamity, Weltell can
only do around 60 damage, but Brigandier deals over 100.
Bart's gear's skills are pretty good too, and his level
infinity looks cool, especially his Meteor Falls, and he
is the only one that can do level infinity attacks on disk
one other than Maria. (The other people can do it, but
you need to wait like 30 or so turns, sometimes even more,
I have wait 56 turns for Vierge to do Dark Diva one time,
since I never seen it). His gear Andvari is good, having
already a good attack as a normal gear, and that means
Bart's Omnigear can do tons of damage. The gear's defense
is pretty good too, so that way you can save fuel on using
Frame HPs. But later on your other character's gear come
into the game like Xenogears and El Steir, everyone
catches on with Andvari, then Bart doesn't seem so special
anymore. But I still use Andvari as much as possible, its
my second most used gear next to Xenogears (Xenogears has
to be the best gear, the game is named after it).


Head Hunter 4ap tx
Twin Sonic 5ap ttx
Rhythm Shock 5ap sx
Dynamic 6ap tttx
Astral 6ap tsx
Bracer 6ap stx
Justice 6ap xx
Angel 7ap tttx Wind elemental
Land Break 7ap ttsx Earth elemental
Prominence 7ap tstx Fire elemental
Tornado 7ap sttx Water elemental

Gear Skills

Name Button Level
Chain Whip tt 1
Beat Serpent ts 1
Spark Wave* tx 1
Blood Snake st 2
Hit Storm ss 2
Dead Cannon* sx 2
Dance Wave xt 3
Twin Snake xs 3
Sky Drive* xx 3
Meteor Fall t infinity
Dead Dance s infinity
Soul End x infinity

Gear Option

Ygg D. Charge 600 fuel Missile ether attack all enemy


Name EP Affect
Wild Smile 2 Single Accuracy and evade
Heaven Cent 2 Single Ether attack
White Lure 3 Single Enemy attack caster
Red Cologne 4 Single Attack up
Blue Cologne 6 Single Accuracy and evade up
White Cologne 6 Single Counter attack
Wind Mode 4 Single Add wind to attack
Earth Mode 4 Single Add earth to attack
Fire Mode 4 Single Add fire to attack
Water Mode 4 Single Add water to attack

Billy Lee Black
Birthplace: Aquavy Islands
Height: 5'7
Age: 16
Weight: 130 lb
Style: Guns
Gear: Renmazuo
Gender: Male
Interest: Helping out unfortunate kids without a place to
live and without any parents. He created Kid's Town, a
place for orphan kids.

Attack: B
Defense: B
Speed: B
Deathblows: A
Ether: B
Ether Defense: B
Spell: A
Overall: B

Billy is probably the second best when in character in
Xenogears next to Citan, I would considered him to be
fourth because I like Fei and Bart better than him, also
since the game forces you to use Fei most of the time.
Billy's attack is good, and since there are only four
different guns he can use and all of them either come with
Billy when he joins you or you can find it somewhere
during the game, and that saves you money. But then his
bullets for the guns are quite expensive, every single
time you upgrade his gun, and you have to pay big time for
new more powerful bullets. Also once 7ap deathblows are
available to you, you will waste a lot of bullets trying
to learn Billy's 7ap deathblows. His ether gun is
unlimited but they are expensive and if you fight against
enemies like the Elements then he is pretty useless,
instead of dealing damage, he heals them. Billy's
deathblows are awesome, they look totally cool, his Dear
Friend deathblow make the game seem like a shooting game
almost like Area 51. And all of his 7ap deathblows will
always deal damage, and they can do around 1500 with the
God-father gun and some good ammo. The best thing about
Billy is he almost never miss his hits, all of his attack
connects, they don't even get blocked, and that can make a
big difference in the game, but if he fights against
enemies with good defense, his hit do only 1 damage.
Billy has regular speed, not fast but not slow. Then
comes magic, Billy has the best magic in the game, his
spells are all healing and effects, but they are so good.
His Holy Light heals everyone for a whooping 500, and
Goddess Wake is the only reviving spell, Chu-Chu got one
too, but Chu-Chu won't get a chance to use it. And when
you fight someone outside your gear like Id in Etho's Dig
Site, I don't think anyone can win without using Billy.
But since his ammo are limited so try to use his ether gun
more often so you can conserve bullets and money.

Gear: Renmazuo, El Renmazuo
Attack: B
Defense: B
Speed: B
Skills: A
Spell: B
Ether Defense: B
Overall: B

Billy's gear Renmazuo is a good gear, but uses bullets
that cost big bucks, so I don't use him a lot. Billy
joins your party late, and you really don't get a chance
to use his gear much, since Weltell is forced upon you all
the time, and you would rather take Siebzehn, Vierge or
Andvari. The second disk Billy get his Omnigear, and
upgraded Renmazuo, it looks better than before but is
still not that good in battle compare to your other super
power gears. Renmazuo is pretty much like its owner, even
thought its good, it don't get used a lot. Renmazuo is
actually one of the best gear in the game next to
Xenogears, but since it don't look as cool as the other
gear, it don't get as much attention as them, and like
it's owner, it never miss any attacks. Renmazuo's level
infinity can hit up to 9000, while Fenrir's can only do
around 7000-8000 damage. Renmazuo is truly underrated,
but it doesn't really matter that much, I never used Billy
in the second disk and I still beat the game, oh well.


Adams Apple 4ap tx
Gunholic 5ap ttx
Hell Blast 5ap sx
Nut Crack 6ap tttx
Sky Walker 6ap tsx
Devil Blast 6ap stx
Banfrau 6ap xx
True Dream 7ap tttx
Holy Gate 7ap ttsx
Dear Friend 7ap tstx

Gear Skills

Name Button Level
Double Snap tt 1
Hard Snap ts 1
Hard Gun* tx 1
Gun Blaze st 2
Impact Gun ss 2
Holy Fist* sx 2
Blaze Shot xt 3
Hard Gatling xs 3
Sky Gatling* xx 3
Thousand t infinity
Holy Climb s infinity
Holy Soul x infinity

Gear Option

Jessie Cannon 500 fuel Non elemental attack
Jessie Blasta 1000 fuel Non elemental attack


Name EP Target Effect
Purity Light 2 single Restore Status
Healing Light 2 single Restore HP
Holy Light 2 all Restore HP
Goddess Call 2 single Haste
Goddess Eyes 2 single Defense Up
Wind Shield 4 single Block Wind Elemental
Earth Shield 4 single Block Earth Elemental
Fire Shield 4 single Block Fire Elemental
Water Shield 4 single Block Water Elemental
Goddess Wake 8 single Revive a character

Rico (Richardo) Banderas
Birthplace: Kislev
Height: 7'0
Age: 30
Weight: 330 lb
Style: Wrestling
Gear: Steir
Gender: Male
Interest: Battle in Kislev, being Battling Champion, and
his Bapitism Ceremony

Attack: A
Defense: A
Speed: F
Deathblows: B
Ether: C
Ether Defense: B
Spell: B
Overall: B

Rico is a fighter, he is considered to be stupid, slow and
strong. But in this game the only thing is true about
that is his speed, he is quiet possible the slowest
character in the game, Citan can get in 3-4 attack for his
one. Rico has awesome attack power, super defense, and a
quiet good set of spells. His deathblows are also quiet
good, and he is the only one who gets an elemental attack
before the 7ap deathblows. And one bad thing about Rico
is that his 7ap deathblow are either elemental or it can't
hit gear sized enemy, (Duneman Isle's dragon!!!, he is
useless against the most important fights in the game) and
that's why I don't use him in character that much, another
bad thing about Rico is he misses a lot, he almost never
connect his cross attack. He gets a decent set of spells,
even though he shouldn't use any of them since he is so
slow, by the time he actually cast all the spells, the
fight is already over. Rico is good, but because he is so
slow, he is practically useless in character size.

Gear: Stier, El Stier
Attack: A
Defense: A
Speed: D
Skills: B
Spell: C
Ether Defense: B
Overall: B

Stier is much like its owner, very slow. Even with speed
shoes Stier is still slow, and because I think Stier looks
kind of ugly so I never use it in disk one at all. Rico
gets his Omnigear, an upgraded Stier later on in disk two,
since it looks a lot more cooler, and I just start using
it. El Stier is still slow but it has good HP, defense,
and really good attack. It might be one of the most
powerful gear in the game, I equip 3 GR50 on El Steir and
I got an output of 2000. Just think of that with Big
Joe's Omenga 1000 out put engine that is some attack power
3000, and Yggdrasil 4 super gear only has the output of
1000. El Steir's only weakness is his speed, if it has
Fenrir's speed, El Steir will be better than Xenogears,
another bad thing about Rico's gear is it tends to miss a
lot, it gets better when its in Omnigear, but Steir don't
always connect his hits. The skills of Stier looks cool,
but El Steir's hyper mode only has 10% when it is at full
HP, so it takes very long for it to get level infinity.
But El Steir doesn't need level infinity, just his regular
level 1 combos hit for well over 4000 against enemies with
good defense. And always remember to equip speed shoes on
Rico, it doubles his speed, he needs it more than anyone
else in the game!


Rico Rocket tx
Death Drive ttx
Banderas sx
Dragon Fist tttx
Fire Bomb tsx
Pile Crusher stx
Spin Strike xx
Death Roll tttx
Flame Lariat ttsx fire elemental
Hell Splash tstx earth elemental

Gear Skills

Drill War tt
Bomber Head ts
Drill Driver* tx
Grand Slam st
Twister ss
Hammer G* sx
Mega Body xt
Sky Driver xs
Scrap* xx
Drill Kaiser t
Driver Kaiser s
Iron Kaiser x


Name EP Target Effect
Steel Fist 2 self attack up
Steel Body 2 self defense up
Steel Spirit 2 self ether defense up
Steel Mettle 4 single spirit attack

Maria Balthasar

Birthplace: Solaris
Height: 4'8
Age: 9
Weight: 90 lb
Style: Hitting opponents with her toys.
Gear: Siebzehn
Gender: Female
Interest: Her gear Siebzehn, the only thing her father
left her.

Attack: F
Defense: D
Speed: D
Deathblows: F
Ether: B
Ether Defense: C
Spell: B
Overall: D

Maria is a useless character, she can't do anything right
without her gear. Her attacks are really bad, and I mean
at level 80 she can only do around 100 damage to one
enemy, and if she don't miss any of her hits or gets
blocked by the enemy. She can't fight, her spells are not
that good, she is slow, she got terrible defense, she
don't have deathblows, and now we can just face the fact
that she is absolutely useless in every single way when in
character. She does however possess a good gear,
Siebzehn. The only time you should use her is when the
game forces you to, you should never ever use her for fun
or something, since she can get your party killed.

Gear: Siebzehn
Attack: A
Defense: A
Speed: C
Skills: A
Spell: C
Ether Defense: A
Overall: A

Siezehn is one of the most powerful gear in the game, it's
attack, defense, HP, Ether defense are among the best in
the game. Siebzehn is however not really fast, it has
below average speed, but its power makes up for its speed.
The only thing to say about Siebzehn is that use every
chance you get, level up, upgrade, do everything you can
to power Siebzehn up, it is the best gear in the game
until you can get Xenogears. And remember to equip some
speed equipment for Maria, that way it also speeds up
Siebzehn. Siebzehn's gear option isn't that special, try
to stick with it's level 1 skill, since Siebzehn's level 1
skill deals much more damage than the 1000 fuel gear
option. Speed Shoes are put to good use here, Siebzehn
benefits a lot from it.



Gear Skills

Mega Hammer tt
Dyna Flight ts
Gravity Fist* tx
Dyna Rush st
Head Dive ss
Gravity Press* sx
Meteor Press xt
Iron Break xs
Iron Storm* xx
Fire Drive t
Magneto s
Maria Beat x

Gear Option

Missile Pod 400 Fuels Non-elemental damage
Gravity Cannon 1000 Fuels Non-elemental damage


Name EP Target Effect
Robo Beam 2 single Non-elemental damage
Robo Missile 4 single Non-elemental damage
Robo Punch 5 area Non-elemental damage
Robo Kick 8 area Non-elemental damage
Graviton Gun 30 all Non-elemental damage


Birthplace: Zeboim
Height: 4'4 and 5'5
Age: 4000 plus
Weight: 70 lb and 110 lb
Style: Body attack
Gear: Crescens
Gender: Female
Interest: Kim, Fei's ancestor, Kim created Emeralda

Attack: B
Defense: C
Speed: A
Deathblows: A
Ether: A
Ether Defense: B
Spell: A
Overall: B

Emeralda is a good character, she has great speed, her
attacks are good, and she has an awesome set of spells.
One thing to note here is her low HP, and her below
average defense. Her low HP and defense makes her easy to
kill by enemies, and so level her up or use the drives on
her. That way she is more powerful and has better
defense, and hopefully not get killed that easily. Her
attack looks cool, she uses her body part to fight, she
can change her hair in a mace, or her foot into a blade
(it reminded me of Darkstalkers 3, Morrigan fights the
same way). Her speed is also good, she is possible to be
the fastest character in the game next to Citan. Her
spells are what Elly's supposed to be, they all look cool
and actually deals damage, unlike Elly's. Her deathblows
is another good thing about her, her Dark Beast deathblow
is the only darkness elemental attack other then Fei's
Yamikei, but Yamikei requires level 80, and you can learn
Emeralda's Dark Beast as soon as you can use her.
Emeralda is a good character but it is not wise to use her
unless her HP is rather high from level ups or drives, she
gets killed too fast by powerful enemies.

Gear: Crescens
Attack: B
Defense: C
Speed: A
Skills: B
Spell: A
Ether Defense: B
Overall: B

Crescens has the same problem like her owner, low HP and
her. Crescens' highest possible HP is only 20800, when
Rico and Maria's gear can go up to as many as 38000. The
low HP waste fuel to heal every time and her low defense
make it even more fatal. Crescens has a good set of
spells, but since Xenogears doesn't really need magic like
Final Fantasy 7, it doesn't really make much of a
difference. But Crescens is still a good gear, use it
sometimes, it might surprise you how good it really is.
Crescens' attack is also quite good, so if you are using
all fast moving gears, you should able to finish off all
your opponents before they have their turn.


Leg Cutter tx
Wave Cutter ttx
Leg Spin sx
Hammerhead tttx
Grand Arm tsx
Divider stx
Flying Arm xx
Tornado Arm ttttx wind elemental
Recount ttsx
Dark Beast tstx darkness elemental

Gear Skills

Arm Bash tx
Air Bash ts
Dance Bash* tx
Devil Hand st
Devil Hold ss
Devil Bird* sx
Dead Spin xt
Dead Drive xs
Dead Melody* xx
Dark Wave t
Dark Force s
Dark Wave x


Name EP Target Effect
Anemo Dharm 3 single wind attack
Terra Feist 3 single earth attack
Thermo Gord 3 single fire attack
Aqua Aroum 3 single water attack
Anemo Omega 6 all wind attack
Terra Holtz 6 all earth attack
Thermo Giest 6 all fire attack
Aqua Dham 6 all water attack


Birthplace: Unknown, possible Shevat
Height: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Style: Animal style fighting, various from scratching,
head butting, and a foot in the face
Gear: Enlarged Self
Gender: Female
Interest: Fei, she has crush on him, and other Chu-Chus.
She also likes to eat spiders.

Attack: F
Defense: C
Speed: D
Deathblows: F
Ether: B
Ether Defense: C
Spell: B
Overall: F (I'm not kidding)

Chu-Chu is a cute character, never ever use her unless the
game forces you to, she is slow, she got no deathblows,
her HP is low, her defense is lower than everyone else,
and she just not good to use in any situation. She does
have a healing spell that cures gears, but it can only
heal around 1000 when Frame HP 10 and 800 fuel can heal
3000. She proves to be worthless, her attack is weaker
than Maria, and she don't have a gear. People told me
that she can be very powerful when you upgrade with
drives, I use some drives on her, didn't see any big
difference at all, so I recommend that you don't waste
expensive drives on her. Now I borrowed a friend's
GameShark, and gotten her to max stats with drives, she is
still pretty crappy compare to my other characters. The
only time you should use her is to check out her spells,
just for the heck of it. Her spells looks quite good, but
other than that, she is pretty useless.


See above for Chu-Chu's character

Chu-Chu's gear is her enlarged self, and all her stats are
the equivalent to her normal self. Which means the higher
the HP she has as character, the higher her gear HP will
be. That also goes for everything else. So meaning she
is also useless in gear as in character. However, Chu-Chu
can have a very high stats as a gear, but because she
doesn't have any gear skills, she is quite uesless in
attacks. Her healing spell is decent, but you never will
really need that.



Gear Skills



Name EP Target Effect
Forest Dance 2 single Restore HP
Culen Prayer 2 single Restore Physical Status
Myrm Prayer 2 single Restore Mental Status
Play Dead 2 single Enemy don't attack Chu-Chu
Forest Wind 4 single Wind Attack
Earth Gnome 6 area Earth Attack
Maiden Kiss 8 single Life
Ancient Myth 10 all Non-elemental attack

Part Two: Walkthrough

Note-Major spoilers included in the walkthrough, if you wish
to discover the story on your own, try not to read the
walkthrough until you are stuck on a certain part. Also, be
sure to read only the part you got stuck on, other wise, the
good story of Xenogears will be spoiled completely.


Monsters stats
Monster name, exp, item

Lahan Village

Aquasol (x5),
Power Ring,
Aquasol S,
Mermaid Tear,
RPS Badge

Lil' Kobold, 3, Fencing Cap
Hobgob, 2, Hob-Jerky
Hopper, 8, Fencing Wear

The game starts off with Fei painting, you can get a
close-up on the painting but there isn't much of anything
else. First go to Fei's bed for his saved up money,
200Gs, then go around and you will see a maid in the other
room, talk to her for a scene about how you got here in
Lahan. The two barrows in the small room contains a
Aquasol each, so be sure to get them, now rotate your
camera to see a spider web, just jump up and get it, and
it will be useful later on. Then walk down and meet up
with everyone, you could talk to Timothy for a scene,
after speaking to everyone, go to the door and meet Dan.
This scene will further explain Fei's relationship with
Alice, Timothy and Dan, after the long scene, you can now
walk out the door and explore the town. Talk to Dan for
another funny scene, it doesn't make a difference which
choice you make so just make any. Time to collect some
items before going any further, start by talking to the
old man behind the door in the field twice for 2 Aquasols.
Next go talk to the women in sitting near the cow for
another Aquasol. Then go to each house and explore, one
house has a guy standing in the corner, he will play you a
rock-paper-scissors game, everytime you win you get 50Gs,
and of course everytime you lose you lose 50Gs. If you
manage to beat him 5 times in a row (not that hard), you
get a RPS Badge, which is useful later on. Downstairs in
this house has an old lady, talk to the old lady answer
the question to your best knowledge and you will get some
more money, and then just exit that house, don't go to
Alice's house yet, instead go to the bar further down. In
the bar there is a man in blue standing near the steps,
talk to him and answer drinking won't solve any problems,
and he will give you a Mermaid Tears, very useful later
on, a must get, and this is your only chance. Then go the
house with the save point, you could talk to Lucca from
Chrono Trigger for tips on the Save Point, but it cost
money, so don't unless you really don't know, talk to the
man teaching about battling and he will give you some
money when he's done. When you get outside go to the
center and there is a well, jump in three times to get a
Power Ring, Aquasol S, and an Eyeball. Then go to Alice's
house, (she loves Fei instead of Timothy, so sad…), talk
to Alice upstairs, then just exit and go to the mountains.
I would however encourage you to go to the world map and
fight a little bit, get use to the battle system, try to
get to level 3 before entering the mountains, also see if
you could pick a couple of Fencing Wear and Fencing Cap
from battle. Also get the Mermaid Tear and RPS Badge
before leaving, and this is your only chance. RPS Badge
might prove hard to get, don't think about leaving, save,
and try again, the count resets every time you leave that
house. Try to look for a pattern in that guy's choices,
you will get the hang of it eventually and get the hard
earned badge.

Lahan Mountains

Aquasol (2),
Bird Egg,

Jackal, 3
Hob-job, 2, Hob Jerky

The mountain has a save point and two different path, take
the one going straight, and get the Aquasol, then just
fight a little on the way, maybe you can get your first
deathblow by now. Whenever your HP gets too low, use
Inner Healing or go back into town to heal up, save up
every item. Follow the path back to the save point and
there is a little dome with a tree on top, and there is a
light color path next to it, walk up that path (a bit hard
to see, just stumble around to find it if you haven't
already). Once you are on the dome, jump up and find a
bird nest, you could get the Bird Egg. However the Mama
Bird will keep attacking you until you give it back, and
the egg will add 20 pounds to your body weight if you
choose to keep it, so it's really up to you. The heavier
you are, the higher your attack will be, but your speed
will decrease, and vice versa, so just keep your regular
body weight. Jump across the gorge and cross the bridge,
and one of the tree there will have a spider when you jump
next to it, take it by pressing X. The spider is useful
later on the game when Chu-Chu joins you. There is
another Aquasol down the bridge, get it and exit the
mountains to the Doctor's house. The mountain will
hopefully bring you some more money and items, the Hob-Gob
will drop Hob Jerky sometimes when they are killed, use
those instead of Aquasols, but rely more on Inner Healing
since it's free.

Doctor's House

Midori's Ring,
120 G.

Monsters: none

First go into the house and talk to Yui, she is by the
tables near the kitchen, and she will tell you that Citan
is still outside tinkering with the gear. Exit the house
through the side door, and when you get outside, there is
a row of flowers, jump inside the flowers next to the
house, and press X next to the flowers, and you get
Midori's Ring. It become very, very useful later on, you
can get one of the game best items with that. Now you can
go up the stairs, in the middle there are two doors; one
door lead to a bedroom, the one across from it holds an
Aquasol and a chicken. Now keep walking up and go into
Citan's bedroom, walk up the stairs inside the room and
you will get on top next to a Telescope, carefully jump to
the chimney pipe and get 120Gs. I didn't want the money,
I am not sinking that low, taking money from a friend, you
can take it if you want to, it doesn't really have any
major impacts on the game other the money. Go to the back
yard and Citan will appear, go inside the little shack and
see a scene, after the scene Yui will cook and if you got
the Bird Egg, Yui will cook it and you will gain weight.
Get the bird egg if you want to gain 20 pounds, that will
increase your attack, but you will lose some speed. After
your comments on Yui's good cooking, you will get the
camera equipments, now just go back to Lahan village.

Head back toward Lahan, you will have to walk through the
mountain again.

Lahan Town

Treasure: none

Monster: none

The mountain is dark, but there aren't any enemies, so you
don't have to worry about anything. When you get past the
bridge, you will lose control of Fei, Citan will come
catching up to you, a loud noise flys over your heads as
some gears passes by. Citan said he heard something
heading for Lahan and tell you to go back fast, he will
leave you and head for the village, just follow him, save
at the save point near the mountain entrance.

When you get to Lahan, you will see that the village is
burning in fire. You will get into some scenes, and meet
up with Alice and Timothy. They will tell you that Dan is
missing, but there isn't anything you can do. Just watch
the scene. You and Citan will split up and look for
survivors, Dan will turn up eventually, and he is here to
save Alice's Wedding Dress. Fei sees a empty black gear,
he decide to get into the gear and try to fight off the

After the long scenes you will get into your first gear
battle, Weltell is strong compared to the other gears,
just hammer away and you will win. And some sad scenes
follow; I am not going to spiol it for you, you just have
to see for yourself, but this is really a sad scene. And
this is your first Anime scene, so enjoy it. Dan looks
really funny in the scene, he got such a big head for a
little boy.

Fei will wake up the next day, and Dan is really mad about
what happened and wants to kill Fei. Fei have to leave
just to keep peace, Citan tell him to head for Blackmoon
Forest, and said that he will follow later when the town
people are settled down. Blackmoon forest is right next
to the burned down Lahan, it is the only forest around,
the entrance to the forest is to the north west side of
the forest.

Blackmoon Forest

Survival Tent,
Arcane Rod,
Aquasol (2)

Forest Elf, 21, Zetasol
Armor Grub, 35, Bizfruit
Hobgob, 2, Hob-Jerky, Hob-Steak
Jackal, 3

Just go through and get into some fights, try to get your
Raijin deathblow right here, none of the fights here are
too tough, just use Inner Healing when your HP get too
low. Keep going and there will be a big round rock, press
X and jump back, if you get in the way you will lose HP,
after it passes go through for a scene and a friend. Elly
appears for the first time, she is fairly weak now but she
is actually quite useful here for some good money flow.
Whenever you see a Hog-gob, fight it and kill it with
Elly's fire ether attack, that leaves behind Hob-Steak, it
cures for 500, and sells for 150Gs, you should rack up
around 8-10 of them here. Keep going and pick up the
Survival Tent and Aquasol, and when you see a white color
rock used for a bridge, unequip all of Elly's things, her
Pilot Uniform will sell for 2500Gs. Now go into battle
against two DiveBomber and two Forest Elves, don't worry
if Elly gets killed, she will leave you after this battle.
The fight isn't too tough, just use Fei's best deathblow
and knock out the Forest Elf first, use Inner Healing if
your HP goes low. After the battle Elly will yell at you
and leave, and she gets attack by a Dragon or dino like
thing. That thing is gear size, but Fei will try to take
the Dragon on with his fists.

Fei to the rescue, but first get the Arcane Rod, then head
SouthWest for fight Ranker. During this time, you won't
fight any enemies. You can't win this fight, so just
attack a few times, and Citan will come to your rescue
with Weltell. Weltell should make slime of Ranker in no
time, take this time and check out your Weltell, mess
around with the buttons and effects to find out more about
gear usage and gear battles.

Boss#1: Ranker
HP: 800
Exp: 348
Specialty: Tail Whip
Treasure: Scales

The first boss is a T. Rex like dragon, just do 30 fuel
and your best level one attack, you should win, no big
deal. The Ranker has 800 HP, use booster to speed things
up a little bit. This boss is easy, use anything you
want, check around and just win whenever you want.

And then after a long talk by a campfire between Elly and
Citan, Elly leaves you and Citan joins, read the scenes to
know more about Elly's past and why is she here. Citan is
so much more useful than Elly, since Elly is one of your
worst characters! And Citan is your best.

*NOTE---Level up Citan, this is probably your only chance
for a long time, level up in the desert before going in
Dazil. The fights aren't too hard, both Citan and Fei
have a healing spell that can provide a lot of experience
and money. Try to get some deathblows for both of these


Treasures: none

Sand Shark, 121
Sand Man, 60

The town is small compared to what is facing you ahead,
just shop if you want, don't waste any money, just sell of
the things that you won't need like Hob-Steak and Elly's
equipment. You should able to get around 8000-9000Gs by
now, if you got any lesser, just remember to fight and
level up later on in the desert before going for the Sand
Cruiser, this way both Fei and Citan will level up. First
go to the South end of the city and go into the Gear shop,
after the scenes with the mechanics, exit and there will
be another scene as Citan talks to Fei. After that scene,
go back north and you will see a Jeep like car, go inside
to the house next to it and talk to the guy behind the
desk inside. Citan will than leave you and you won't wait
for him, so you have to go look for him. In the Inn here
you will meet Big Joe, he will be everywhere you go from
now on, (he is really weird, and he has to be a stalker
cause he follows you everywhere. I am just kidding, Big
Joe later has the best gear shop you can find, so who
cares if he follows you around). Big Joe will get into an
argument, Fei watches on, but nothing really happens, so
just leave afterwards. Go towards the desert when you get
to the world map and enter the desert to the south west of
the town.


Treasure: none

Monster: see above for Dazil

The endless desert, first you will see two Gear after you
entered a new screen, just follow them off the screen.
Fight in here, the enemies are easy, and try leveling up
to around 14 or 15. Then there will be big flying thing,
(Shevat) at the next screen and you can just follow that,
and it will get kind of dark. Keep going to the next
screen has two similar looking gear from screen one,
follow those two. Then Fei gets rough, as he steals a
dirt bike and gets busted by two sand trooper gears.
Again Citan go the rescue, Weltell should scrap these two
gears fast, however, try to get full fuel by charging
before he finish off the two Gears, don't worry about HP,
but don't use your EP though, it will be important in the
next fight. This is only a battle that will try to weaken
you, the real boss battle is still up ahead.

Grahf, the guy with the cool looking gear comes out, he
will be your biggest enemy in Disk one, but he won't fight
you just yet, so he summons a worm monster to fight you.
Trust me, Grahf will kick your butt even if he don't use
his gear, you don't want to take him now. Grahf is one of
the game strongest enemies, since he is the only one who
can deal 29997 damage to one gear in one attack. You will
personally get to know that attack on the second disk.
The worm monster comes out of the ground and just wiggle
around, Grahf will order it to attack, he sees this as a
test to see your true skills.

Boss#2: Wyrm
HP: 200
Exp: 1044
Specialty: Slurp, drain fuel
Treasure: Eyeball

This is can get tricky, since you just got your Weltell
and didn't really get a chance to upgrade it at all, this
battle can take a long time for you to win. But here is a
easy way out, just hit Wyrm with your 10 fuel attack and
your best level one skill. When you run out of fuel,
which you eventually will, just do a couple of Guided
Shot, and you win, or you can just do Guided Shot from the
start and win faster, you just need enough EP, its totally
up to you how you want to do it. Wyrm is a very tough
customer, it is very fast, it's defense is beyond belief,
most 10, 20, 30 fuel attacks will deal 0-5 damage, so just
use 10 fuel to conserve fuel. Level 1 skills don't deal
high damage either, however, it is the only thing you can
use as of now, so stick with it if you don't have enough

The worm monster is a piece of cake if you saved your EP,
after a couple of Guided Shot, it will be probably ready
to die, if you run out of EP, just hit him with your 10
fuel and level one attack. After the battle, Weltell gets
really weak due to low fuel and Aveh Soldiers arrest both
Fei and Citan, along with Weltell. That isn't fair, my
Weltell can make scrap out of those two sand troopers, but
this is how the story goes so jusst stick with it.

Transport Ship

Extra AR +1,
Leather Vest,
Survival Tent,

Aveh Soldier, 75, Rosesol
Aveh Corporal, 75, Leather Hat

Fei wakes up in a prison cell, now just talk to Citan, he
doesn't really have anything interesting to say, so just
choose to rest. When you get into some rest, you will see
a priate, Bart, get to know him since he will be your next
character. Bart will attack the Aveh ship trying to take
Weltell, after the long scenes you will be free from your
room as the priate ship fires on the Transport. The cell
door will be opened, it's time to make your escape. Sand
will slowly rise, when it's over head, you will die. Head
out and go down to get the treasures, don't worry about
the sand kills you, you just start again from the room,
some how you keep the treasures you already got, so be
sure to get the treasures at least. Keep going and you
will be in an engine room, get the two treasure and watch
out, sometimes during battle the floor will blow up hurt
both you and your enemy, that attack will hurt you more
than it will the enemies, so watch out. Don't waste too
much time in this room, the battles can hurt your party
bad, mostly the blowing up during battle part, it always
go in favorite of the enemies. After getting the
treasures, just keep going and you will be in a room with
a lot of boxes, save and go outside, run from battles if
you want to, use Citan's healing spell to keep your HP up
when it gets low. When you get oustdie, there will be a
big crane, so just walk through the crane and you will get
to your Weltell, if you fall down too much time, you will
have to start all over again from the cell room. As you
get into Weltell and flys off, a boss battle will arrive.

Boss #3: Brigandier
HP: 800
Exp: 0
Specialty: Chain Whip, Wild Smile "cause camera damage"
Treasure: none

Bart is a hot head, and he gets mad at you for some
reason, so he attacks you. He isn't that hard, just turn
on your booster, use 30 fuel attacks and your best level
one skill. You'll win, just don't do anything stupid,
stick with the 30 fuel and level one skill, and don't do
Guided Shot, it don't cause any damage. After the battle,
the both of you will both sink underground. This is a
easy battle, when the battle ends, you will finally get to
keep your gears and use them as you please.

Underground Cave

Gold Nugget,
IronG Whip

Medusoid, 689
Tin Robo, 680, Extra Ar+1
May Fly, 1410, Extra Ar+1
Nomad Fix Bot, 420 (he heals you, so don't kill him early)

A brief scene with Citan talking to Yggdrasil's first mate
Siguard, they seem to know each other, they will talk a
little and the scene will switch to Bart and Fei in a
underground cave.

Say hi to your new friend, he promises not to kill you,
yet. Bart is an average character, but use him anyway,
you really can't choose from anthing else yet anyway.
Bart got the best gear in the game until Siezbehn, but he
gets his Omnigear just a half hour or so after that, so
stick with him for disk 1.

Save and jump down from that platform, walk around and
fight a few times, I would recommend you to level up to at
least level 19 before you get anywhere. Most battles here
are quite easy, if this is your first time playing this
game, take this chance to fully understand the usage of
the gears and gear skills. Walk around the place, you
will find an exit, but a giant rock is in the way. Go
near it, Bart will comment on the exit, he will tell you
want to do. Anyway, you start by pushing the big rock out
of the way, get the treasure other the other side and keep
going. After the long path, there will be a water fall
and a Gear, talk to the gear for information (not that
important unless this is your first time playing). Go
west for IronG Whip, and you should see a red light,
ignore it for now but remember where it is, now head back
to the gear and go south, after jumping on the rocks, you
should see a little cave. Get out of your gears and go
into that cave and you will meet Old Man Bal, talk to him
and after the long scenes about the cave, the Omnigears,
etc. Afterwards you should buy new gear stuff from him,
get a new engine, new frame, but not new Armor, there is
no need for that. Sell the extra thing you got from
battles like your Extra Ar, and Bart's old whip, you
should able to have around 12000Gs at least now after
upgrading. If not, go out and battle some more, when your
Gear HP falls too low, go back to Old Man Bal and repair,
try to get Bart's deathblows here by letting him walking
around on foot and Fei in gear. Now it's time to shut off
the two sensors, one of the sensors is the place where you
get the IronG Whip, go back and press X next to it. The
other sensor is quite far away, first go back to Bal's
Cave, go along the east side and there is another exit,
follow it to a long path, keep going and you will be at
the second sensor, shut it off and return to Old Man Bal's
cave. After more scene you will able to go through the
sand door, you should be around level 24, if not, level up
a little, try to get some money in this dungeon before you
leave. This dungeon gives you the most money until you
get your water ship Yggdrasil. I would say Calamity is
one of the harder bosses in Disk one, so get your level as
high as possible, and it would be good to take Bart on
foot and Fei in gear, get Bart's other deathblow, that
lets him use his T S combo. People say that leveling up
doesn't affect your gear, that isn't true, the higher your
level is, the better your evade and speed, you also get
more confidence when fighting, so level up, enemies here
gives out good experience. After you are ready, refuel at
Old Man Bal's cave and go past the sand barrier, you are
going to fight Calamity soon, but remember to save before
going down the second elevator. You will see Calamity
putting up an air show before he actually attacks you, in
any case, enjoy the battle.

Boss#4: Calamity
HP: 2500
Exp: 0
Specialty: Rockets, 500 damage
Treasure: none

One of the harder bosses in Disk One, Calamity has a
whooping 2500 HP, his Rockets attack do around 500 damage
to one of your gear, and you can't heal yourself yet.
First upgrade everything especially on Brigandier, and let
Bart out of his gear and fight enough for him to get his
triangle square gear skill, and try to level up a bit
more. Then go fight Calamity, don't battle on the way,
keep your full strength, just run away or go around on
foot and then run away, keep your gear perfectly healthy,
you are going to need it (one time I won with Weltell with
16 HP left and Brigandier dead). First cast Wild Smile on
Calamity as soon as the battle starts, that way his
regular hit can't hit you, remember Wild Smile wears off
after a few turns, so do it again every 4-5 turns to make
sure it stays in effect. Then hit Calamity with your 10
fuels attacks and T S skills, and hope that he doesn't do
his rocket attack that much. Don't forget to turn on
booster. When you run out of fuel, just charge a few
turns and go back to attacking, booster will automatically
turn off when you are out of fuel. Also, your fuel charge
amount changes when you are at a higher level, if you are
at level 0, you charge 30 fuel, if you are at level 1, you
charge 20 more fuel, which is 50, the higher the level,
more the fuel. This is a tough battle, so it might take a
few tries before you succeed. When you do beat Calamity,
Bart and Fei will have a scene, then Calamity will get up
again and attack Bart (god, you have to fight him again
with him at full strength!!! Just kidding). Anyway Bart
will get hit and Fei do his level infinity Kishin to save
him(you don't get Kishin until end of Disk one at least),
Kishin is Fei best attack so enjoy it and dream about
getting it. (too bad, you don't get it right now, sad…
You must really want it, hey you can get it when you level
up to level 70 and 7ap attacks, it is going to take around
40 or so hours, but you will get it, eventually.)


Treasure: none

Monster: none

After the long fight without any kind of reward, not even
any money, you will be at the Yggdrasil, try to get use to
the rooms in the ship, you will be in here for a lot of
times. Check the gear shop, but don't buy anything, don't
refuel, when you are done wondering around, just go to the
room in the hallway and choose to rest.

Bart's Hideout

Treasure: Iron Whip

See above for Dazil and Desert

This is just a place for you to rest, just go through the
scenes with Bart and Maison and then just go to sleep in
the other room. But when you have a chance to wonder
around by yourself, go to Bart's room, it's the one with
white paper on the door telling you not to enter (enter
and die), get the Iron Whip inside. You could also go
outside to level up a little, but it's not worth the time.
The scenes with Bart contains some information that is
quite helpful if you want to understand more about Bart
and Bart's past.

During that night, you will wake up due to an attack by
the Gebler forces, just save and exit the room. First
Bart will get into a battle with two Sword Knight, Bart
has two red gears helping him, just use your best attack,
don't bother with booster, the Sword Knight are easy, they
should go down fast. Don't worry about how the Red Gears
are doing, this is the only battle they will be in.

The next battle is with Citan, he gets a green and white
gear named Hemidal from the gear hanger, just attack and
take out the Aegis Knight. Use the same way like above
with Bart, 30 fuel and level one should finish this Knight
off in a few turns, don't bother with booster to conserve

After a little more scenes, another battle takes place,
Citan and Bart will have to fight two Wand Knights. These
two knights are harder compare with the other ones, their
beam attack will do some serious damage to your gears, but
since they have low HP, they shouldn't be much of a
problem. Just don't waste a lot of fuel for this fight,
there is more up ahead, but turn on booster to speed up
the fight, remember HP is more important since you can't
heal your gears yet.

Then Fei gets mad at the Claw Knight for attacking 2
little kids, so he fights him with Weltell. This is an
easy battle, and two level one Reppu should take him out.
Fei now joins the battle along with Bart and Citan. The
last gear of the Gebler forces will arrive and a battle

Boss #5: Schpariel
HP: 4649
Exp: 17890
Specialty: Pile Driver, "armor damage"
Treasure: Beam Coat

He is easy, but you have already wasted some of your HP
and fuel on earlier fights with his knights, you might
have to waste some time killing him. But don't worry,
Citan's new gear do huge amount of damage to Schpariel,
just use whatever skill you got right now and you'll win
after a few rounds, remember to turn on booster to speed
things up. The Beam Coat he left behind is quite useful,
so equip it once you have won. Don't worry much about
Pile Driver too much, just use Inner Healing to heal your
armor when they drop under 50%. Follow the basic 30 fuel,
best level 1 skill to get a easy battle and a few level

Once the battle is over, Bart will ask Fei and Citan to go
on a raid on Bledavik to save Bart's cousin Margie. Once
the scene is over, you will now control the Yggdrasil,
head for Bledavik, it's to the south of you. If you got
some time to burn, you can go around in your gears to
battle, so you can get some easy experience and money.


Treasure: H&S Badge

See above for Dazil (desert)
See above for Lahan (green land)

This is a fun town, whenever you walk around near the
merchants; they will try to sell you stuff, buy it if you
want, you could also sell your Eyeballs, Scales, and Fangs
here, they offer the best price for now. Now your money
should be over 25000Gs, however I recommend you not to
waste a lot of money, you are going to need it later. The
task here is to rescue Margie, so walk around and get some
information. There is an old lady near the town gate, she
will talk to you when you enter, and you could then sleep
in the Inn for 120Gs per person, but don't since there is
no need. Go to the Inn and talk to the owner if you want
to rest, and answer she didn't tell her name to rest
there. There is a sister who is also here to rescue
Margie, talk to her to get some instruction on where to go
and what to do. First go around, remember not to buy any
equipments here, you get better ones very shortly, you
should see a boy asking you for help to find his hiding
friend, say yes to get in the game for a prize. On your
information collecting's way, go to the well in the corner
of the town, and you will see a old man, he will tell you
some information about the little hiding boy, now you can
go find the boy.

The kid is first hiding near the Inn, go past the market
part and you will see a little path between two shops, go
up and he should be hiding right there behind some walls.
The second place he is hiding is near the north gate,
rotate the camera to see him. The third place he is
hiding is at south of the Inn, near some barrows, by now
you should get the key from him if you already talk to the
old man near the water gate. The fourth place he is
hiding is near the restaurant; he is hiding next to the
door, remember to rotate your camera angel to get a better
view. The last time he will be hiding near the north
gate, go west and there should be a little crack at the
end of the wall, just walk in and press X to talk to him.
Note that you won't able to see him at all, talk to him
and he will give up and hand you the H&S Badge.

You can get some cheap things here by hangling with the
merchants, whenever you walk by a merchant, and the
merchant will try to sell you something. You can stand
there and after a few seconds, the merchant will lower his
price, but after a few price decreases, the merchant will
tell you to leave, they have to make a living after all.
After you are done fooling around here, go to South
Bledavik to the south.

The south Bledavik has some fun thing to do, the game tent
isn't open yet so just walk around you could buy different
cakes to increase or decrease your weight, you could also
buy beer, learn fire breathing and find a fortune teller.
None of them affect the outcome of the game, but play
around if you want to. But just go buy the mini gear and
give it to the kid next to the shop, he will then tell you
about the gold nugget in the restaurant, you don't have to
buy the gear, but you just need to know where the gold
nugget is located. Then you should go further south and
leave Bart behind for now. Once you and Citan are in
there, Citan will say something and tell you that you
should just join the tournament, pick whatever name you
want, it won't make any difference. Now go back to South
Bledavik to pick up Bart, then head for the Inn, the
sister will let you rest and get ready for rescuing

You have to get the Key from the hiding boy and enter the
tournament before the sister lets you rest.

Operation Rescue Margie/Palace

Iron Mails (x4),
Metal Vest,
Wedding Dress,
Cobra Cracka,
Hob-Jerky (x2),
Gold Nugget,
Survival Tent,
Rosesol S,
Aquasol S (x2)

Aveh Guard, 242, Aquasol
Aveh Guard 2, 242, Aquasol

First Fei and Citan will leave for the tournament, just go
there and the scene will switch back to Bart, take Bart to
where the well is (the old man that told you about the
key). Now have him jump in and the scene will switch back
to Fei for his first battle.

Boss#6: Gondalez
HP: 400
Exp: 500
Specialty: Can't take it anymore, counter attack on
deathblow for 80 damage
Treasure: Survival Tent

He is easy, you can waste turns to help Bart, but it
doesn't really matter. Just hit him with your triangle
attack, then cancel it, waits until your 28ap bar fills up
and let him have it. During this fight don't do any
deathblows unless you are sure that one is going to kill
him, every time you attack with a deathblow, he counter
attacks for 80 or so damage. That's his special attack,
"I can't take it anymore", he only use it when hit by a
deathblow, so just charge your AP bar to full and kill him
off with one hit.

After the fight, the scene will switch back to Bart, just
go against the current and you should get by at least half
way before Fei have to fight again.

The second fight is against Big Joe, this is actually
quite fun and this is very easy to waste time.

*Note, the longer the fights lasts, the lesser guards will
be at the castle. So defend and waste time, overall, it
makes little to no differences.

Boss#7: Big Joe
HP: 912
Exp: 1
Specialty: Big Joe's Fan Support, heal for 160, Big Joe's
Fans Attack, people throw things at you for 100 up damage.
Treasure: Metal Vest

Big Joe have some rather sad attacks, he can only deal 2
damage at most, but however, he does have 800 HP and the
crowd heals him quite often. Also the crowd will
sometimes hit you for 100 damage by throwing cans and
bottles at you. Just remember not to attack often, just
charge your AP to full, and then just defend. Big Joe
can't hurt you with his attacks, and the crowd won't
attack unless you attack Big Joe. You could waste at
least 50 turns before killing Big Joe. Keep in mind that
Big Joe has 800 HP, so a 28ap combo is not going to finish
him, just use your best deathblow 2 times than you attack
with your charged combos. Remember to equip the Metal
Vest that Big Joe leaves behind after the fight on Fei,
unless you already got the Iron Mails with Bart.

Bart should able to get to the floodgate at least before
your next fight, pick up the treasures on the way, if you
got the hint on the gold nugget, you can get that, too.

Fei will then fight against Scud, Scud will use pills to
power himself up, or weaken you. Don't worry much about
it, poison can make your battle hard, but just charge your
AP, and use your best combo, don't stall or anything, you
will be wasting your EP for healing, and also waste items
to cure the poison.

Boss#8: Scud
HP: 350
Exp: 500
Specialty: Pills having different effect, from poison,
agility, attack up, recover 200 HP, etc.
Treasure: Samson's Hair

Just charge your AP and then attack. He is easy, but
remember to heal yourself if you are poisoned, and cure
when you are below 100 HP. A 20 or so AP bar is enough to
knock Scud down, don't wasting too much time on this

Bart then should cross the floodgate and into the castle
by now, don't forget to save before going in.

The castle has a lot of guards around, I recommend you to
learn some of Bart's deathblows in here, the guards are
easy since they have only 90 or so HP, and they can barely
deal any damage to Bart anyway. I recommend you to go to
every single room, some are useless but they have people
you can talk to, and some contains treasure, especially
the room in the second floor balcony with the Cobra
Cracka. On the first floor, they is a room with a guy
writing, don't talk to him, but instead go near the door
and there will be four armor, press X to get the four Iron
Mails, equip them and leave. The one of the room on the
second floor has a Cobra Cracka, this is a must get, so
look around if you haven't gotten it yet. Another room
that look like a kitchen has some Hob-jerky and Hob-meat,
they are hanging from the ceiling, don't forget them, you
get them by jumping up. That is about all you can do
here, keep going until you are in a big room with a big
bed, look around and you'll find the camera, look in the
east tower and find Margie with her back turned. Leave
and head east, you will find Margie there after passing
some stairs. There is another room with a Rosesol, it's
somewhere in the first or second floor, it's not that
important and I just forgot where it is. Sorry about

Scene Switch is happening during Bart running around in
the castle, the time is quite random, so I can't really
say anything about it.

Fei will then get into two meaningless fights, one is with
Dan, just defend at all times, Inner Healing when HP get
below 100. Dan will use attacks named after the people of
Lahan, he will do attacks like, "this is for my sister",
then "this is for all of Lahan", after awhile, he will use
his best attack, "You Scum", that will deal around 90
damage. After all that, he will leave and give you
Alice's Wedding Dress, amazingly men can equip the Wedding
Dress (it is best not to think what will they look like in
a Wedding Dress, it's really sick).

Boss #9: Dan
HP: 450
Exp: 500
Specialty: You Scum, fireball attack for 90 damage.
Treasure: Wedding Dress

When you fight Dan at the tournament, never ever hit him.
All you have to do is defense, and maybe Inner Healing
sometimes. After a few rounds, Dan will do his You Scum
(Ryu Fireball) attack, it deals around 90 or so damage.
Just heal and in 1 or 2 rounds, Dan will say something and
then he will give you Alice's Wedding Dress and leave.
Remember to equip the Iron Mails after the battle.

The next fight is against Wiseman.

Boss#10: Wiseman
HP: 9999
Exp: 0
Specialty: none
Treasure: none

You can't win this battle, don't even try, you will always
miss, the only way to get a hit on Wiseman is to charge
your ap to around 20, then do your combo, hopefully one of
them will connect. And here is a nice fun tip for you,
Wiseman is really Fei's dad, how can a son beat up his old

Wiseman just stands there while Fei tries again and again
to hit him (it's rather sad when you think about it).
After around 5 turns, Wiseman will say some things and he
will leave. Fei is now the Champion, and he gets booed
and cheered by the angry crowd, at least the crowd didn't
throw anything at him this time.

The Scene then switches to Bart for the final time, and
won't switch back to Fei anymore after the battle with

Bart will meet up with Margie, they are about the leave
the room and Margie will pick up her stuff animal or doll.
When you get outside, Ramsus and Miang will come out and
fight against Bart and Margie.

Boss#11: Ramsus & Miang
HP: 400
Exp: 0
Specialty: Mirror Stance, Heal 40, Remove status
Treasure: none

Ramsus and Miang, you will see their faces again and again
and again. I counted, you have to fight Ramsus total of 7
times, and Miang 5 times, they gets stronger every single
time. This is the first time, Ramsus' regular attack do
around 50 or so damage to Bart, and Miang just stand there
and heal him. And the bad thing is you can't attack
Miang. Remember to equip Bart's Cobra Cracka, it poisons
Ramsus, and Miang will have to waste her turn removing
that. After awhile, Ramsus will do Mirror Stance, and if
he is in the stance and you attack him, he will counter
attack for 170 plus damage, so don't attack him. And if
he is in the stance attack him with your Heaven Cent, but
Miang keeps healing him, you just have to wait until
Ramsus attack you again. You can just charge you're AP
and kill Ramsus in one shot when he gets out the stance,
don't charge when he in the stance, he still counters.
When Ramsus is in the stance, all hits from you will miss
other than ether attacks, so just defend when Ramsus is in
his stance.

Cobra Cracka is great since Miang will have to waste her
turns removing the poison rather then healing. Margie is
similar, she can heal up to 40, but mostly she misses her
heal or heals only 20, meaning don't rely on Margie to
heal, use a Aquasol when you need it. Just charge your AP
bar and a 20 plus bar can knock off Ramsus.

Boss#12: Ramsus & Miang
HP: 800
Exp: 0
Specialty: Mirror Stance, Heal 100, Remove Status
Treasure: none

Same thing all over again, except this time Fei is there
fighting along side Bart, Ramsus have now 800 HP instead
of his 400, Miang can heal for 100 now, but overall, this
is much easier since now it is 2 against 1. Charge your
AP bar like last fight, around 40 AP should kill off
Ramsus. The party will then flee and meet Elly on the
way, Elly helps everyone escape and you will be back in
the Yggdrasil. Cobra Crack is still useful here, since
the posion will force Miang to waste her turns again.


Ether Veiler

See above for Lahan grassland

The way to the bridge is blocked by the stuff animal
Margie brought along, go talk to Margie and she will tell
you that the stuff animal is really Chu-Chu, a living
breathing animal. Chu-Chu will then enter the room and
tell Fei that she loves him, if you got the Spider in
Lahan Mountain, you can trade her for a Ether Veiler.
Then go to the bridge, Siguard will tell you where to go,
follow his instructions and you will be at Nisan. Enter
Nisan and take Margie to the church and Margie will then
show you some art stuff upstairs of Sophia, Sophia is the
founder of the Nisan sect. Fei will than have a brief
scene of the looks of Sophia, and how she looks just like
Elly. After the scenes, you can follow Margie around for
different scenes, after the long scenes go back to the
town and Maison will tell you to go to the inside one of
the house. Do so and Siguard will tell Bart it is time to
strike and retake Aveh, everyone will listen and form a
strategy. Afterwards save the game then tell Siguard you
are ready. Before you leave, check your money, you should
have around 28000Gs by now. If not sell off your extra
things like the Gold Nuggets and Elly's Pilot Uniform, go
to the store and buy a Life Stone and a Holy Pendent, if
you have enough money left over buy a Magnetic Coat for
your gear if you want. The Holy Pendent is only found
here in Nisan, but however it won't be here later when you
get your flying Yggdrasil, so you can either get it now,
or you can't get it at all later on, that also go for
Ether Doubler. If you are short on money, just go outside
and fight for some money in your gears.

The Holy Pendent is a good piece of equipment, later Billy
will come with one, and unless you buy another here, you
can only get one in the entire game. The Life Stone
however, can be retained later on in Battling in Kislev,
but the heavy price of 50,000 BP isn't cheap, and it will
take you a long time to get it. Ether Doubler is found on
Disk 2 in treasure chest, and that is the only one unless
you buy more here.

Kislev Mountains

Magnetic Coat,
Gold Nugget,
Extra Ar+2,
Rosesol S

Edelweiss, 880, Fang
Medusoid, 689
May Fly, 1410, Extra Ar+1
Nomad Repair Bot, 420

Fei will then be all by himself now, keep going up, ignore
the red gears, stop by to get the treasure on the way, the
Magnetic Coat is a must get, cause later it can't be found
anywhere. Get all the treasures here, since this is your
only chance to stay here. The cave is to the Northwest,
go inside the cave and just climb up, eventually you will
be at a Fix Bot, refuel, shop and upgrade, save to get
ready for a serious of fights. A new gear engine, new
gear frame is pretty useful if you can afford them, I hope
you do, otherwise your futures will be tough. I would
recommend you to level up to level 30, since the fights
are easy and the enemies can't really deal any damage to
you, most enemies give out around 1500 experience per
fight, so fight and level up before you go on. Before you
exit the cave, equip a Beam Coat to make your life easier
in next few fights.

First you fight two Wand Knights, these gun people are
taking you on again, they are very easy but they are only
here to waste your fuel and HP for upcoming battles.
Forget about booster, just use two 10 fuel and two level
one attacks to finish these to off, their Beam Attack can
deal around 300 damage, but you got a Beam Coat to reduce
half of the damage.

Next you take on a Sword Knight, Claw Knight, and an Aegis
Knight, they are also easy but they are making your next
battle very tough. Turn on booster and kill off the Sword
Knight first, it is the purple one, it deals the most
damage, one 30 fuel and a level one attack should finish
him, if not, add in another 30 fuel attack. Then take out
the Claw Knight with the same method, save the Aegis
Knight for last since it don't attack that much, all it do
is reduce your armor.

After you kill off the Gebler forces, you will fight a
crazy Elly, she is using drives and she is serious about
killing Fei. Vierge has some powerful attacks, but since
it don't use booster and has below average defense, the
battle shouldn't be too hard. Turn on booster and use
your 30 fuel and level skills to finish off Vierge, the
battle pauses from time to time for scenes about Elly's

Boss#13: Vierge (Elly)
HP: 2400
Exp: 11406
Specialty: Aerods, Ether attack
Treasure: none

You have fight Elly this time, because Elly is nuts on
drives. Her Areods do 400 damage, but don't worry, hang
in there and you will win, just do your 30 fuel attack and
level one skill, you probably took a beating from the
previous battles, but don't worry, Elly is weak and the
fight stops from time to time for scenes. The scenes will
be more clear to you later on, near the end of disk one.
Booster is a must, this will be Weltell's last fight, you
will able to heal Weltell after this fight.

After you win, you will then be back in the cave where the
Fix Bot is at, refuel and climb up until you reach a
bright yellow spot, walk up to it and press X, the scene
will shift to Bart and Citan. There will be a scene now
on Bart and Siguard.

Bart and Siguard will try to retake Aveh Castle, but
Shahken is ready for them, so they were ambushed by the
guards there. But Maison rescued them using the Land
Crab, and they returned to Yggdrasil, eventually.

Then Yggdrasil is attacked by the Gebler forces lead by
Ramsus, and Ramsus is beating the hell out of the Sand
Cruiser. Ramsus seems to know Citan and Siguard, you will
know about them and their past later on.

The scene will then eventually come back to Fei, Fei jumps
down to attack, you get to control him when he lands. Now
just keep going straight. You have to dodge the mines (-
15HP) and cannons from the ships (-1HP). After crossing
two screens you will take on the famous Kefeinzel Gun.

Boss#14: Kefeinzel Gun
HP: 1800
Exp: 700
Specialty: Firing Kefeinzel Gun, 400 damage
Treasure: Gold Nugget

Kefeninzel Gun is probably the easiest boss in the game
(also probably the stupidest, it takes 7 turns to fire,
and during the turns it does some funny things, like clear
the dock, readying Kefeinzel Gun, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and
finally fire). Don't turn on booster, just ignore the
little guns and attack with your 30 fuel and Reppu on the
big gun. You should able to finish him before the count
goes to 0, even if it did fire, don't worry, it only deals
around 400 damage anyway. I waited for the Gun to fire, I
was expecting 1000 plus damage, but I got totally
disappointed at the cheap yet really famous Cannon. If
you don't feel safe enough about taking the 400 damage,
turn on booster and that should ensure an easy victory.

You have now knocked out the all famous Kefeninzel Gun,
but there is more, now you have to fight Dora after a lot
of scenes with Dora coming out of the beaten fleet.

Boss#14: Dora
HP: 3000
Exp: 13393
Specialty: "I kill you", counter attack, for 300 damage
with every soldier in his claw.
Treasure: Extra Ar+3

Dora is much harder compared to Kefeninzel Gun, and those
of you who are low on fuel and HP will have a lot of
trouble with him. Dora have a head gear, and when it is
on, the two red gears can't deal any damage to it, just
keep attack with your 10 fuel first, after about 8 hits,
the head gear will blow and the red gears can now deal
damage. Fei should turn on booster now and keep attack
Dora, also Dora's attack is quite weak if you have Beam
Coat equipped. Don't attack Dora when it has soldiers in
it's claws, it can counter for big damage and you can't
heal your gears yet. The two red gears will help you
abosrb some damage and deal some decent damage, just
remember to use their 30 fuel attack, rather than 20 or 10

After Dora goes down, Grahf will come and give him power,
you will see Grahf's speech about do you want the power
for almost every human boss you fight from now on, it gets
really annoying. Dora will then kill the two red gears
and Fei goes nuts again like he did in Lahan, destroying
everything near him. A bright flash blinds the screen and
the scene switches.

The scene is now at Bart, Yggdrasil is under attack by
Ramsus, Bart surface the ship and is confronted by a red
gear. Ramsus gets really mad at the red gear for some
reasons and attacks it, but he failed pitifully, got
killed in a single hit. The red gear then turn to Bart,
(the red gear is really Weltell, the pilot is Fei) Bart is
facing the impossible task of taking her on.

Boss#15: Id (red Weltell)
HP: 99999
Exp: 0
Specialty: "Kishin X", 19998 damage
Treasure: none

You can't win this fight no matter what, because the red
gear can kill you with its looks alone. It has unlimted
HP, it got Kishin X dealing 19998 damage to Bart, and it
is really Xenogears (the strongest gear in the game, since
the game name is Xenogears) in red. You will get it at
the end of the game in white color. Don't bother trying,
by the third turn, he will kill you.

You will have a chance to save after Id destroys the ship
and as Citan flees to safety. It's funny when Id says
dropping a warship on me is cheating, take it back, and
she throws Yggdrasil at Bart. Everything seems lost now,
let's continue on with the story.

Nortune D Block, Kislev

Treasures: Dog Food

Fei will wake up in prison, talk about luck, one little
snooze and he's in the slammer. He just recover but he
still have to go through some tough fights ahead, you will
first be taken to the champ's room, after some talk with
the champ Rico you will be taken outside for your fights.
Rico is pretty cool, he is rude and strong, and he got
some pretty rude things to say later (everything I look
for in a game in is bad language).

Remember that how you fight will actually have some impact
in the future, the better you do the more freedom and
privilege will be given to you, it's just a real life
prison. So fight well, you get a good treasure later if
you win all the fights that you can. Don't forget to save
before you go mindlessly into battle with these people.
They aren't weak, since they can seriously hurt you if
they want to!

Your future rank depends on how times you win, each battle
counts so get ready and start off on Leonardo.

Boss#16: Leonardo
HP: 500
Exp: 300
Specialty: none
Treasure: none

Your first fight is against Leonardo, he is quite easy,
his 500 HP should go down in 4 turns with your Hoten. Use
your Inner Healing if your HP gets low, I doubt you will
have to use Inner Healing this battle.

Boss#17: Heinrich
HP: 500
Exp: 300
Specialty: Power Bomb, 50 damage throw
Treasure: none

The second fight is against Heinrich, he is just like
Leonardo, except he deal 25 damage instead of 20. Don't
waste too much time or effort on him, your Hoten should do
well over 170 damage to him, so finish him off and get
ready for the next fight. Heal whenever you feel you need
to, Heinrich's Power Bomb is quite rare, his regular
attack shouldn't be a problem at all, so just finish him
off fast.

Boss#18: Vargas
HP: 500
Exp: 300
Specialty: counter attack
Treasure: none

The third fight is with Vargas, he is easy as the Vargas
in FF3 (one hit from Sabin killed Vargas in that game).
So this fight is another easy one, first thing to remember
that everytime you attack Vargas, he will counter attack
depending on how you attacked him. For example you use
Raijin, he will counter for two hits, one weak and one
strong. If you hit him with a Hoten, then he will counter
for four hits, three weak, and one strong. So just attack
once with your triangle and then cancel, charge your AP
bar and let Vargas have it, he should die with a 20 AP
combo, so don't waste to much time charging. And before
you do the combo, use Inner Healing until you have full
HP, use all the EP you want right now, this is your only
chance. The next fight will take away all your EP, so
don't bother saving them up.

Boss#19: Surzan
HP: 800
Exp: 500
Specialty: Sickle, lose half HP, or lose all EP
Treasure: Metal Jacket

The fourth fight is against Surzan, she will drain all of
your EP at the start of the game, and then she will keep
cutting your HP in half, or she attacks with her 2 damage
slice. Just keep your HP above 3, if it ever get that low
use your Aquasol, don't worry about the next battle, but
you should win this fight, if you don't you don't get the
Metal Jacket and you lose the best rank you could get,
rank s. Surzan's attack is better in theory than in real
life, since Fei should have at least 200 HP going into the
fight, which means it will take Surzan a total of 9 turns
to kill Fei adding the turn she needs to drain Fei's EP.
That should leave you more than enough time to kill her.

Boss#20: Rico
HP: 9999
Exp: 0
Specialty: Steel Body, defense up, Steel Fist, attack up
Treasure: none

You can't win this fight, Rico will do Steel Fist and
Steel Body and unleash a 1200 damage combo on you. The
bad thing is when Rico joins you, he deals lesser damage,
I wonder why?

Fei will wake up again later in pain back at the D-block,
just rest and save.

Don't worry much, just walk around when you wake up the
next day, talk to people, when you finish go to the bar at
the end of the town. When you get there, you will be
greeted by Hammar, just talk to him, you don't get to make
any choice about what you going to do, so after the long
scenes, leave the bar, and head toward the exit. A guard
will stop you and tell you about the battling committee,
go back to the bar and you will meet them. After some
more long boring scenes, go back to where you waked up,
and Hammar will catch up with you. Hammar will then talk
about the new doctor, and guess who the new doctor is?
It's Citan.

After the talk, Citan will offer to remove your collar,
the game forces you to keep it on, it doesn't matter what
choice you make. Hammar will then tell you more about the
battling committee, and how to get rid of the collar,
enter the battles. (There really isn't not much choice
here, so just pick whatever.)

Anyway, you can go up the roof and you will see a dog,
talk to the dog, then talk to the guy further down, he
will sell you some Dog Food, which you can give to the
dog. However, you can keep the Dog Food and not feed the
dog if you want to. This doesn't seem to have impact on
the game.

Get some rest and you will be off to battles for the first

Nortune C Block, Battling Committee

The battling arena is right next to the D Block, get in
and Rohoe will greet you and tell you about the battling
and your gear. Hammar is also there to sell gear stuff,
but you can't buy anything from him yet. You will tell
her that you don't have a gear, but she will provide you
with Weltell.

The first battle is against Ganador, you can't win this
battle. About a few seconds into the battle, Vargas will
blow Weltell by overheating it, and you will black out.

D Block

You will wake up back in D Block, Citan will tell you what
happen to your gear, and let you rest. Fei goes back to
sleep, and nothing happens.

C Block

Fei will wake up, you will enter the battles again, this
time buy some new thing from Hammar, and equip the Extra
Ar+3 you got from Dora, this won't really affect you do in
battling, but it won't hurt you. You could also practice
in practice mode to help you get better, but I serious
doubt that you will lost against any of the fights here,
until you fight Rico much later on.

Tin Robo

He is quiet slow, his combo has long slow recoveries, take
advantage of that, wait until he do a combo and rush in to
knock him off his feet. The prize money changes depending
you will you did in the battle, if you win perfect, you
get more money, if you win barely, you get lesser money.
Don't worry if you lost the fight, you just have to fight
that battle over again until you wins.

After you win against Tin Robo, go on ahead to the next


He is just like Tin Robo, just beat him with your Ether
Bullets. Ether Bullets cause a lot of damage, and cpu
almost never blocks them, just run around shot them, don't
over heat yourself. If you over heat yourself, you will
start to lose HP, so just walk around to cool down.

This is the last battle for today, go back to D Block and
rest. You win then see a scene with Vargas and Leonardo,
and guess who did it? This is a pretty cool scene,
however you will have to fight the monster later on. I
would say they deserve it for overheating your Weltell.

D Block

Rico will come see about the recent murders that has been
going on in the sewer, he will tell you about it and you
and Citan will join him to investigate. Buy some
equipment from Hammar, and remember to upgrade Rico's gear
equipment from Hammar in C Block. Equip a Speed Ring on
Rico, he is quiet slow and hopefully that will make a
difference in the battles ahead.

Underground Sewer

Cool Shades,
Knight Helm,
Bell Amulet,
Ether Veiler,
Sewer Map,
Rosesol S,
Aquasol S,

Armor Wasp, 77, eyeball
Acid Frog, 120/150, Mentsol
Hob-gob, 90, Hob-jerky, hob-meat
Rotten Sod, 650, Zetasol
Moffet, 416, Aquasol, Aquasol S.
Batrat, 150, Aquasol, Fang

The creatures here is the sewer is the perfect place for
leveling up, the boss here is very difficult, and you
can't use your gears. (If you are like me, who don't
spend time leveling up until the end of the game, you
should try to get some decent level up in here, or at
least some new deathblows before moving ahead). The boss
in this dungeon is very hard, possible to be one of the
hardest boss in the game. Your Citan never really got a
chance to level up, Rico just joined you, Fei is really
your only good fighter right now. But here are some
important things, Citan is better than Fei right now, even
though he is at lower level, his HP is a lot more higher
than Fei, almost 100 more. Don't worry much about Rico,
this is the only place where you have to use him, just
level him up a little, don't worry about the deathblow
either, Rico's Firebomb heals the boss. Citan learns a
lot more faster than Fei, it only take a few fights for
him to learn his deathblows, and since he is very fast, he
will probably finish learning everything he right now in
this dungeon. Fei on the other hand is just you hardest
hitter, equip him with Rico's Power Ring S to boost him
attack even more, (Fei will be doing most of the damage
right now.)

This dungeon is not that hard, there are a lot of items,
so look around and explore a little, you get a map early
and you will know where you are going. Fight in this
dungeon, don't run away unless you are dieing, use Citan
and Fei to heal, you need everyone to contribute to win
against the boss. Even the slow, near blind Rico who
always miss, you should notice how Rico misses all his X
attack, and 60% of his S attacks, he is almost pitiful in
character. I never liked Rico, he is very slow, and he
misses a lot, I rather use Bart or Elly, they even look
better than Rico. Rico is still important, he gets better
later on, but I still don't use him that much.

Anyway, you can just walk around the place, the sewer has
three different separate maps, get to know the ways around
the place. The running pipes will deal you 3 damage if
you run into the water, so jump over the pipe, the rotor
will deal 5 damage to you so try to avoid getting hit in
the sewer. Redrum will appear here and there during every
murder spot you see, but you can't fight him yet. And
whenever you see a piece of the floor and has mushy color,
walk there for a scene, Rico will tell you something about
the murder, none of it is really important. When you are
going through the sewer pick up the map first, its near
Redrum where he is hiding after you first come down.
There are treasures here and there, don't worry if you
didn't get any of them. None of the treasures are really
important. Rico will tell you about the sewer once you
get in, and you will later see a green frog guy, he will
tell you about the place and give you some hints. He
gives you the hint about the broken rat sweeper, follow
the hint to the broken machine and check it, you will find
the key. Then go to the door to the north, Redrum is
inside but you can't fight him yet. After you get in, get
the Bell Amulet, and the Ether Veiler further up the
pipes. Equip the Ether Veiler if you want. Then Citan
will have the idea of getting the monster to come to you,
as he explains about how murders always come back to the
scene of the crime. Then you have to find a pipe with
slime all over it, but there isn't a murder near that
place. It is to the north-east of the place, go there and
ring the bell next to the pipe. Redrum comes out and
fight you. Remember to heal before going to the pipe,
Redrum isn't some pushover and you will need all the HP
you can get.

Boss#21: Redrum (Murder backward)
HP: 4242
Exp: 52425
Specialty: Murder, kill one character and drain max HP,
Blood Rain, fire attack on all, heal Redrum for 100 HP,
Gel, confuse and poison two of your character.
Treasure: none

Redrum is possible to be the hardest boss in Disk one, his
Murder attack kills one of your character and drain all of
his max HP, his fire attack do around 30-100 damage to all
of your character and heal him for 100. And for Rico your
best deathblow is probably Fire Bomb, but it heals him, so
you can only do your weaker deathblows on him. Before
this fight, level up to 33 at least, higher the better,
and equip your best things on Fei, Fei will be doing most
of the damage in this fight. When the fight start, cast
Citan's Renki, then next turn cast Suiikei, that way it
protects you against Redrum's Bloody Rain, then just
charge your ap, and unleash it all, hopefully you can kill
Redrum before Murder and Bloody Rain heals him. And also
remember to buy a lot Zetosol back in D Block from Hammar,
and revive who ever gets murdered. Don't charge your ap
for Rico he is too slow to charge, just have him attack
with his best deathblow, other than Fire Bomb. Have Citan
cast Renki and use that to heal faster, but if you think
you can do without it and just use both Citan and Fei to
heal, go right ahead, but just remember to revive anyone
who dies. This is a hard fight, it might take you a few
tries, so don't forget to save ahead of time.

After the long hard battle, Rico will then leave your
team. So before the battle begins, and check his gear
equipments. There is only one more chance in the future
before another boss battle. Don't take Rico's Frame HP50,
he is going to need it, if you could, give Rico a Beam
Coat, but if you only got one than keep it on your Weltell

Rico is hurt from battle, but he ignores Fei and leaves
the sewer. Citan gave Redrum some kind of burial and then
he and Fei both leave the sewer.

Go outside and rest. Get ready to battle against Rico
soon in the Battle Arena.

C Block

After you wake up, head for the Battle Arena.


Hatamoto will be your next battle, and he isn't too hard.
Just run around shoot your Ether Bullets until he dies.
If he do his combo, block and counter against him.


Firewheel is similar to Hatamoto, it got just a better
speed. Just run up do a combo, cancel and do the combo
again. Or you can just use your Ether Bullets to finish
him off, none of these fights are hard.

Silver Star

Sliver Star is the third and last battle you will have to
fight, he is very defensive so use your Ether Bullets to
take him out, even if he blocks he still takes a bit of
damage. If you know how to do it, use the combo cancel
combo cancel repeat to win.

After you finish with the battles, go back to D Block to
rest up for tomorrow.

D Block

You just rest and wait for the battle against Rico
tomorrow. You are almost done here in the slammer here.
Just catch some shut eyes for now.

C Block

After you wakes up, head for C Block and battle the champ.

Stier (Rico)

Stier is the hardest gear to beat, he didn't give me that
much trouble, but he can really kill. Stier is very
strong, have a beyond evil combo and can easily kill you.
I just run up do 2 hits from my combo, cancel and do the
combo again. Stier blocked most of my hits, but he ended
up getting cheesed. I would suggest to those who find the
battle hard to practice a bit, or learn how to do the
combo cancel repeat to win.

If you win (which you must if you plan to beating the
game), you will see long boring scenes with a lot of
people. Your collar will be removed, now you can roam
around freely in Kislev. Kasier Sigmund wants to see you,
but first you will get your own champ room. Rico is no
where to be found, so Fei gets his room.

A Block

Treasure: Insulated AR, Power Magic, Knight Mail, Momento

A Block is the pink building in the middle of the town
map. Now you can wonder around the whole city, go the B
Block if you want, there isn't much there. When you leave
the Inn, a lady will tell you that Hammar is waiting for
you at the Wild Cats Bar. Go to B Block, right next the
Bar is Big Joe, he will tell you to give him 5000Gs to see
something. (it's a giant rip off!!!) Give him the money
and he will run away. Come back later after getting Elly,
Big Joe will give you the M Disk for the 5000Gs you have
paid in advance.

Anyways, go to A Block, the guards will let you in. Rico
is right behind you after you go in. First go to the
right hand side. There is a guy with his puppy, and a
door next to him. Go inside the door and you will see a
lot of chicken running around, the door down the hall
contains the Insulated Ar. Go all the way down in that
room, rotate the camera angel and you will see another
treasure box. Go back near the door and there is a switch
next to a guy, the switch operates the crane. Turn on the
switch and move the crane right and left, avoid contact
until the wall blocking your treasure box. Use the crane
as a stepping stone and get your Power Magic that's
blocked away by the boxes. If you mess up the crane, just
exit the room and enter again. The guy will reset the
crane only after you have left the room.

After all that exploring, go back and enter the elevator,
it will take you up to Kaiser Sigmund. The Kaiser's room
is to the left and when you get in, the scene will switch
to Rico. Rico fall down the vent, he have to run away.
He went in to the Kaiser's bedroom, and there will be some
scene about Rico's past as he enters. You will regain
control after the scenes, go to the mirror and check for a
Momento Ring. And when you try to exit Fei and Citan will
enter the room. The three of you will then exit the room,
but Rico gets taken away by guards. During the
conversation you will know that Rico is really the
Kaiser's son or have similar DNA which happens around once
in every pair of 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people,
in another word, yes, Rico is the Kaiser's son.

Someone emailed me about a mini game in the Kaiser's room,
involving the piano or the pipe thing, or something about
the clock, I haven't check it yet, if you are near that
part of the game, check it out to find out what it might
be about. You are suppose to get prizes from playing the
mini game, I have no idea on what you can get or anything
about it for that matter.

Fei will then leave A Block, go to B Block and you will
meet Hammar, he will tell you about Weltell and Rico.
Then go back to D Block, two battlers and an amazon will
talk to you about rescuing Rico. One of them will give
2000Gs when he leaves your room. Hammar will tell you
about the supply train and how to get back your Weltell.
You will try to escape later that night.

Gear Dock Raid

Mini Gear,
Evasion Ring,
Aquasol S,
Frame HP30,
Survial Tent,

Swordman, 140, Rosesol, Aquasol
Mechanic, 333
Hob-Gob, see above
Batrat, see above

Fei and Citan will get some rest, save and exit the
building. Go up the stairs near where you go down the
sewer, head back toward the Inn and go up the watchtower.
Wait for the train to arrive and jump as you see the
train. If you mess up, then you have to start all over
again from when you first woke up back in the Inn.

The train gets detaches soon after Fei and Citan gets on.
Jump forward to get to the next part of the train. That
part get detached too, jump forward again to safety. The
train finally arrives at the Gear Dock, the party jumps
off and get into the Dock. This might seem too good to be
true, any one who jumped off a running train will have to
suffer some kind of injury, but both Citan and Fei don't
even have a scratch.

When you get into the dungeon you are really actually near
the end, except the door is locked and you have to look
for the key.

This room has two doors and an air duct, but both doors
are locked so use the air duct. Climb up and wonder
around. Go up and follow the passage, ignore the first
intersection, but at the second one, head south and go
into that air duct.

The room is similar to the first room you where in, but
there is a long gap between the boxes. Jump over the gap
and go inside that air duct. You will be back in the
passage again, and some intersection leads to holes on the
ground where you can see below. One of the holes let you
see Weltell getting transferred to another dock, the other
holes doesn't show you much of anything.

Follow the passage and you will be at a door, when you try
to enter a scene will trigger with some guards. After the
scene the guards will leave and you can enter the room.
The guard left the key in the cabinet. You should know
what to do, get the key and Citan will tell you to get the
Frame HP30 that is also in the cabinet. Now you can heal
your gears using that gear part.

*Note, Frame HP30 is possibly the best Frame HP you can
get. Frame HP 90 and Frame HP70 is just a waste of fuel,
Frame HP50 is okay, but Frame HP30 is more than enough.
Frame HP10 is useless, it only heal for a few hundred
right now for you, so it's useless. Also when you still
got Rico back in the sewer, you can check out his gear and
take off the Frame HP50 he got equipped for his Stier, but
I suggest you leave it on him and if you got a extra Beam
Coat, put it on his gear, too.

Go on ahead to the next room, this room will have two
chairs. Check between the chairs for a Mini Gear, and you
now have to fight 4 Sword Guards for the Mini Gear. They
are just regular enemies, and a few deathblows can finish
them off. You don't have to fight them, but the fight
reward you with the Evasion Ring so be sure to fight here.
Before the fight, one guard will come back to get his Mini
Gear, and he will say a bunch of funny words about his
Mini Gear. It's really funny so don't forget to read it.
That part is quite long, but it is one of the funniest
things I've ever heard.

The next room has a bunch of panels, check them, and one
of them will give you 100Gs. Keep going once you got the

And now you should be in a hallway, the two rooms down the
hall are the two you already visited. Save if you want,
you get another chance later. Go down the stairs and pick
up the Survival Tent next to the stairs at the end. Go
down and you will be in a roomful of gears. Go to the
middle part where a few gears are just standing, push the
panel next to it to get Weltell. There are three
different panels, sometimes it takes awhile for Weltell to
appear. Get in Weltell and go to the green bot in the
corner, refuel and upgrade if you want to, but I suggest
you do. Save and go to the other side of the panels, step
into any of the elevator type things and you will transfer
out of there. Don't forget to equip a Beam Coat, you will
need it. Also equip your Frame HP30 for future battles,
keep this Frame HP on Weltell.

The scene switch to Rico, he is battling against a gear
sized Rankar R, with his bare fist. Weltell come to his

Boss#22: Rankar Dragon R
HP: 800
Exp: 946
Specialty: Tail Sweep, Slow
Treasure: Scale

Just use 30 fuel and level one attack, you win after 2
turns, but remember not to use booster, you just waste
fuel and time. The Rankar is just like before, he dies
and the Gelbers attacks Kislev.

Fei will get into some easy battles with some old friends.

Aegis Knight R will be your first battle, and he is easy
as before. He got the same old moves, the same weird
looking gear, and you should scrap him in a few turns.

The second battle is against Sword Knight R, kill him fast
because he deals a lot of damage and you don't want to use
your Frame HP just yet. Turn on booster to speed things
up, 30 fuel and level attack should kill him in a few

Then you fight Claw Knight R, and he is just like before,
again. This time he got a new attack that deals around
300 damage, but you should again scrap him before he can
abuse it. He leaves behind a Beam Coat, equip it later
when you have the chance, unless you already have it for
both Weltell and Stier.

Now Rico joins the battle against two Wand Knight R, their
Beam attack deals some good damage. It would be a hard
fight alone, but Rico is also in the battle, now you find
out even though Rico is rather sad in character, however
his gear is really strong. His 30 fuel attacks deals 3
times more damage than Fei.

Anyway, after 4 long easy pointless battles, you now fight
Elly again. Correction here, since there is now 5 long
pointless battles.

She just stands there and talks with you. Long scenes
during this no hitting friendly battle.

After the battle with Elly you will be given a chance to
save. Do so and equip the Beam Coat unless you already
have one equipped for both Weltell and Stier.

Get ready to take on Dominia, like Ramsus you will see her
a lot from now on. Even though she got a women's name,
she acts a bit like a man, she also looks like a man.

Boss#23: Hecht (Dominia)
HP: 7500
Exp: 48106
Specialty: Areods, counter on attack, Super Areods, 2000
damage beam attack
Treasure: HP Drive

This can be hard, but remember to equip Rico and Weltell
with your Beam Coats, and just turn on booster and use
your best level one skill, and if she throws out a Super
Areods, just ignore it and stay with Dominia, Super Areods
only do around 2000 damage anyway. This is should only
take around 12 turns, if longer, you are going to run out
of fuel. You won't even need to heal unless you took a
beating from the battles before. Weltell is weak against
Hecht, but Stier deals some really high damages to it.
Rico's level 1 skill can deal around 1500 damage. Hecht
should be toasted in a few turns with boosters on.

*Note, always use the Drives when you get it. There is no
point in saving them up, and you can always buy them later
from Big Joe if you want to keep it for fun. Don't use
any Drives on Elly, since she later leaves you. (Yep, she
leaves everyone and she shots Fei, but she will come back
later, but the game ends at the same time.)

Secret Weapon Factory

M-Disc (make sure you get this, or else you have to win
it at the very end and it's very time consuming),
02 Cylinder,
Extra Ar+3,
Gold Nugget


Pecking Duck, 200
Rhino, 550, Eyeball
Rain Frog, 80/150, Aquasol, Aquasol S

Forest Elf, 180
Dwarf, 450

HarkebusMk10, 400/550
NeoMushaMk10, 360
Hatamoto MK3, 640/800, Mica
Mechanic, see above at Gear Dock Raid
Shinboi, 960

Everyone will be in B Block after the long scenes are
over. Hammar will be there and tell you some useless

When you leave B Block Rico will join you, he beat up some
guards and now you leave B Block together.

When you are at the city map, you will see that some parts
of the town are blocked by guards, and you will see Big
Joe near B Block entrance. Talk to him and he will tell
you that he is sorry to take your money and give you the
hint about where to get a secret item. Go back into B
Block, head where he took your money (near the Wild Cat
Bar). In that ally where he told you to look, go all the
way off screen and press X, you will get the M Disk. Get
it now, or it won't be there. This is the only way to get
it, if you don't get it now, you have to battle for it
later. And I tell you the battles are hard and long,
(took me almost 1 hour to get enough BPs to get the M
Disk) so for 5000Gs it's well worth it.

Now you can listen to the M Disk in the Wild Cat Bar. The
juke box is near the counter.

First head toward the forest, and get out of your gears to
get past the forest part. The enemies in the forest part
can actually wipe out your entire party unless you run
away or you are at high levels. The enemies in there
deals a lot of damage but leaves very little experience
and Gs. Don't fight in the forest unless you have to,
fight on the grassland instead, the fights are easy since
you can use your gears.

When you first enter the factory, you will see Hammar. He
will let you buy stuff and change your party. Take Rico
along since he has a much stronger gear than Elly or
Citan. Purchase anything you want, but don't waste too
much money.

Then keep on going, in pick up the treasure on the way.
The Gold Nugget is kind of hidden since you can't rotate
your camera angle, it's in one of those pipe like things
where the enemy gear can pop out. There will be some
enemies on the way, and once awhile you will encounter an
enemy gear with 4 mechanics. Kill off the gear and let
the mechanics hit you. Every once awhile they will heal
your gear, you can just charge fuel while waiting. If you
get hit by them that no big deal, since they only deal 1
damage only. Save on the way if you want to.

The enemies aren't too hard, so don't waste too much time
on them. Keep going and than you will be at a sliding
thing that takes you to another room. The sliding thing
on the other end is going the wrong direction so you have
to get off the slide and punch some switches. There is a
treasure chest with an Extra Ar+3 at the back wall, you
will have to get out off your gears to access it. There
are two switches, one of them drop a treasure down, I
think the treasure is random (the first time I got a Mica,
next time I got a Extra Ar+2, then I got a Gold Nugget, so
I don't know what you going to get). The other switch
changes the direction of the slide. Get on the slide and
it will take you to another room. Get the O2 Cylinder
near the opposite wall and head for the boss fight. Save
if you want in the next room, but the boss isn't really
that hard.

The Goliath is open, right before you get in the boss
comes out and you fight him.

Boss#24: Fis-6
HP: 6800
Exp: 67284
Specialty: Shift Up, increase Fis-6's abilities
Treasure: Ground

This fight isn't that hard, just turn on booster, use 30
fuel and level one skill to kill him, the fight shouldn't
take too long, and don't forget to upgrade your gear when
you see Hammar when the dungeon starts. Fis-6 use Shift
Up after taking certain amount of damage, just ignore the
ability, and keep hitting him, he dies fast. After awhile
there will be mechanics out to repair Fis-6, ignore them
and keep hitting Fis-6 since the mechanics won't heal that
much, or you can take out the mechanics with a 10 fuel
attacks each then focus on Fis-6, it's totally up to you.
The fight is very easy for you if you turn on your booster
early and bring Rico along.

After the fight you will all board the Goliath, it's a
pretty big air plane.

There will be some scenes with all your party members and
you have to talk to everyone than talk to Citan to fly the
plane. As the plane lift off, you see Grahf. A fight
breaks out with Fei, Elly, Rico against Grahf without his

Your three ultra strong gears can't take Grahf without his
gear. Grahf is pretty strong, but he is destined to lose
since he doesn't hit Elly, just turn on booster and hit
him with 30 fuel attacks. No matter how the battle ends,
Goliath will just fly away, a funny scene where Hammar has
to fire a machine gun at Grahf but Hammar is too scared.
Some more boring scenes follows after that, just watch
them if you want to.

Boom, Goliath gets blow up by Bart and his Bart Missiles
(corny name). Everyone except Fei and Elly is rescued!

Then the scene switch back to Fei and Elly are on a raft
of some kind. You will first control Elly and take her
across the pit and near the little door. Fei will pop out
and a lot more scenes follows.

Fei will have some funny scenes where he tries to catch a
fish. Elly just sits there looking over Fei like a
girlfriend (you should already know that they like each
other by now). There will be a very sweet scene where
Elly shares some rations with Fei (so cute, so sweet, yet
the ration tastes so bitter, this is funny. I know that
I'm a bit immature about this, but I can't help laughing
myself crazy).

The scene will switch to Bart and the Yggdrasil, Bart just
found out that the Goliath is actually controlled by Fei
and Citan. (He gets beat up by Rico for that, lol!!!) He
is mad at himself, after a few scenes, you will be able to
control Bart, look around for Citan in the Gear Dock Shop.
Citan will forgive Bart and tell Bart to say sorry to
Rico. Rico is at his gear at the other side of the room.
Just go there and an automatic scene will trigger. Rico
is amazed that Bart can actually tune his gear, Rico
thinks he and Fei is the only one, but now there is Bart.
And then the scene will switch back to Fei and Elly. They
meet up with a big ship named Thames.


Super Goggles,
Permier Shoes,
Long Dark Coat,
Deathblower 1 (x2),
Deathblower 2,
Deathblower 3,
Lunar Rod,
SerpantG Whip,

The Thames is a big wondering ship, they look for sunken
treasures from deep under the ocean. You should know that
this ship contains some very valuable treasures just
because of they dig up so treasures. Many of them are
found here and no where else!

First you will be at the Port, and you can buy different
things from merchants. Buy the new equipment from the
armor shop, new weapons are there also, buy them if you
can afford them. There will be a new kind of weapon,
Ammos. Don't buy them, you won't need it yet. Buy it
later on when you get Billy. Buy other thing if you want
to, get around 30 Zetasols. You will need it in future
battles (trust me on this, it will cost you a lot of
money, but you will thank me when its saving your life).

The gear shop is the at the supply entrance, upgrade
everything, some tough battles ahead, really tough battles
(I lost in one of those battles, and I am a really good
Rpg player). There are four treasure chests in plain
view, but there is different ways to get it. The Mica is
on top of a crane thing that keeps on moving, go under it
and jump. Your head should bump the crane and the Mica
chest will drop down, you got your first treasure. The
SerpantG Whip is at a fence, jump on top of a box next to
it. Use the box as a stepping stone, you will get the
whip for Bart's gear. The D circuit is near the steps,
and you can get it by going inside the door near the
crossing section. The last one is the Lunar Rod, it is
located across the gun, the big knife, and last get on top
of the crane. The Lunar Rod causes the enemy to sleep, so
it is quite useful sometimes.

The Long Dark Coat is another great item, one of the best
in the game. It add 10 to your attack and 10 to your
defense, (you can actually make a difference with this
equipped). You can get this from Big Joe, Big Joe will
challenge you to a mini-game very much like Speed, you win
then you will get the Long Dark Coat. If you lose, just
play him again. Big Joe is located on the Thames map,
there are a few gears around the place, you should able to
find him once you've looked around.

Funny thing, if you talk to all the gears there, one of
them will eventually jump off the ship and kill himself.

*Easy Win for Card Game

The card game is actually important in this game, later it
can get you many secret and useful items. Like the Dolls
for one, Deathblower items, and many more.

I won all the possible games, so I got a lot of good

I am not good in speed, my friends beat before I can drop
half of my cards. But it is very different in here, just
hold run and keep pushing L1 and R1. That's how I win,
sometimes it might not work, but just try a few times.
(Every character says something different when they win or
lose. Bart says Jerk when he lose, Citan says That's a
good move there, that last one. They are all funny, so
try playing with different characters, and see what they
have to say.)

The Long Dark Coat is gotten from Big Joe. The Premier
Shoes is gotten from a girl who stands in the corner at
the place where everyone is eating, I think it's called
the Dining Hall or something. The Super Goggles is gotten
from the boy standing in the corner in the Supply
Entrance. After you have beaten the girl and boy, you can
go challenge the gangster like girl in the Armor Ground,
and she will give you a Deathblower item each time you
beat her. Someone told me that you can get a GR20 from
her if you beat her 3 times in a row without saving. That
hasn't been confirmed, and I wouldn't waste time checking
it out. Since you can buy it later, or get much more
powerful GR50.

After you finished exploring the Thames, go to the screw
elevator and go up to the bridge. Talk to the Captain and
he will lead you to a lot of scenes.

Then the Yggdrasil appeared next to Thames, Dominia and
Kelvena are attacking them from underwater. Fei and Elly
get in their gears to come to the rescue, Bart joins them
and the battle starts underwater.

Boss#25: Haishao
HP: 5000
Exp: 0
Specialty: Electric Arm, high damage electric attack
Treasure: none

This fight is hard, but since Haishao only have 5000 HP,
try to kill her quickly. Before the fight, equip anti-
electric parts for your gears, like Mica or Insulated Ar,
it should make the battle easier for you. This fight is
like all the other boss fights, just do your 30 fuel and
level one skills, and you should win. After the fight,
Dominia grabs Elly and then she leaves with Kelvena.

Now Elly is gone from your party, you will see scenes
about what happens to her. But Bart and Citan are back
into your party. Now go talk to the Captain again, he and
Bart will start their Captain to Captain conversation.
The captain will also talk a lot about the man of the sea,
and it's really funny.

Elly will then comes back, she seems a bit weird, but
she's back. Elly says she's tired and want some rest, and
she goes back to the Yggdrasil.

Then some scenes will start and you will only be able to
control Fei. Siguard will ask Fei to go to Thames and get
Bart back to the ship. When you go up, Bart and Captain
will be drunk and crazy. After a few scenes go back to
Yggdrail's engine room, it's located downstairs from
Maison's item shop, just keep going from the wall with the
two doors. Elly is there, she is nuts again, and she
badly damages the newly fixed ship engines. Looks like
you will be stuck on Yggdrail and Thames a bit while
longer. A lot more scene will follow, when you get
control of Fei again, go to the doctor room and talk to
Elly. Then someone attack you, Ramsus and Miang are here

But first you will have to fight Dominia, she is in her
own gear and is ready to break you in half.

Boss#26: Bladegash
HP: 3000
Exp: 22428
Specialty: Elemental Sword
Treasure: STR Drive

This is shouldn't be too hard, since she's here just to
weaken you for the fight ahead, so don't waste too many
fuel. Bladegash is very fast, so don't play around, her
elemental sword deals around 500 damage to one of your
gear, so kill her fast. Use 10 fuel attack and level one
skills to kill her, it won't take that long, and booster
is a must to keep up with her. Bladegash will leave after
it takes some damage, but Ramsus and Miang will try to
finish you off.

Then Ramsus and Miang come down and get in a fight with
your party. You don't get a chance to save or heal.

Boss#27: Haishao
HP: 4500
Exp: 19500
Specialty: Electric Arm, Nereid Cyclone, Mirror Predict
Treasure: none

Ramsus is out to kill Fei, he almost kills him (very
close). Remember to equip anti-electric parts, and just
do your 30 fuel and level one skill, you should win, this
fight isn't that hard if you are prepared, Miang just
stands there to cure Ramsus, you can't do anything about
it, so just hit fast and hard. Remember not to attack
when Haishao is in Mirror Predict, he counters for huge
amount of damage. This can be a very difficult fight, but
since Haishao's moves are electric based, equipping anti-
electric gear parts like Mica or Insulated Ar will give
you the upper hand. After the fighting, Ramsus is ready
to finish Fei off once and for all, and he uses an
Electric Arm to attack Fei. Fei will suffer too much
damage and he faints, Elly go nuts yet again, and fry
Ramsus with Areods. (This is one good reason not to mess
with a girl's boyfriend, just look at Elly, she's crazy,

Fei is badly hurt and no one can cure him (this really
make Zetasol seem useless, so are Aquasols). The captain
tells Elly about the best hospital in the world, the Ethos
HQ, but only Ethos are allowed in the HQ. Pick your team,
and go to the supply ground in Thames and a scene will
trigger. Elly will rescue a little girl from some
kidnappers, but the girl's father thinks Elly is trying to
hurt his daughter, but everything eventually will get
explained. You will meet Billy, Jesse, and Primera.
Billy is a priest in Ethos and he agrees to help out Fei.
Jesse is an old friend of Citan and Siguard back in the
Solaris days, and they will talk and a lot more scenes
follow. Primera is Jesse's daughter, and she won't say
anything until much later on.

Now Fei won't be in the sick bay anymore, he is in the
doctor's room in Yggdrasil, you visit him if you want to,
he will stay in his coma.

Leave Yggdrasil and head for the Ethos HQ, it's marked on
your map with a yellow spot. I would level up a bit here
if I were you, since you can automatically heal by just
pushing square on the world map. Another thing is the
enemies here give out good experience and treasure. Rapid
Fire will usually leave behind 3 Resp Circuit, those are
almost as good as Magentic Coat, and those also sells for
some easy fast cash and you will get some decent
experience along the way.

If you haven't gotten the Ether Doubler, Life Stone, Holy
Pendent back in Nisan, pick up some money right now and go
buy them. You will have to go a long way, but soon those
great items will no longer be there.

Ethos Head Quarter

Treasure: none


Griffon, 4000
Breaker, 500, Extra Ar+4
Death Scythe, 1250, Scales
Air Walk, 400
Rapid Fire, 270, Resp Circuit, Extra Ar+4

Ripper, 1000
Planter, 300, Bizfruit
Lil'Allemange, 400, Eyeball
Wels, 200

Etone, 900, Ether Ar
Mammoth, 2500
Wels, see above

Once you arrived at the Ethos HQ, follow Billy through the
place until you see Fei in the basement. Elly will leave
your party now to stay with Fei, and your two other
characters will get to wonder around in the place. Go
upstairs and talk to everyone, don't worry, there aren't
that many people. Once you finish, go downstairs and Elly
will rejoin you near some stairs. Now go back down to
where Fei is for another scene. Fei will be fine now, he
is still sleeping, you will just have to let him rest some

After that you will be back in Yggdrasil, now go to the
yellow spot near Ethos HQ (where Billy lives). Elly and
friends wants to thank Billy, so be on your way.

Kid's Town

Tag Badge,
Book 1,
Book 2,
Book 3,
Dirty Surprise (not exactly a treasure)


Ocean-see above

Grassland-see above

Wasteland-see above

Kid's Town is full of kids, so talk to all the kids. One
boy in the pen will ask you to get all chicken into the
pen for him. Just talk to the chicken and it will follow
you, get all three chickens into the pen and he will give
you the Tag Badge. Then go into the house and you will
meet Billy. There will be some conversation and then you
will able to go around freely, Billy will tell you about
himself and his past, and you will agree to take him to
the Reaper's Ship with Yggdrasil. Use the ladder and find
a kid hiding on top, talk to him to get Book 1. The next
room has three different doors, one leads to the bathroom,
try entering and a kid will walk by and give you another
book to read. The door next to it has Billy's sister and
one more other kid, talk to the other kid with Rico in
your party and you will trade your Bell Amulet for Book 3.
Rico has the duty to tell some sad news to the kid about
what happen to his old man. Now you can go into Billy's
room, check the bookshelf and he comes out, he won't let
you do anything, so just leave for now. Before you leave,
you will meet Bishop Stone, he will talk about the
Reaper's Ship, Billy will have to go there, you will go
along with Billy tomorrow.

Once you leave the town you will automatically be in
Yggdrasil, go down to Maison's shop and Jesse will be
there drinking with Citan and Siguard. Jesse had a weird
funny thought, he wants Citan and Siguard to dance with
their shirt off and funny faces on their belly.

Siguard will get drunk and you have to wait until tomorrow
to get Billy in your team. Jesse goes back to the house
and Billy gets mad at him for being back so late, Jesse is
waking up the sleeping kids. Jesse will leave after Billy
yells at him, Jesse looks like his feeling got hurt,
anyway, that will be all for now.

When the mourning comes, the scene will switch back to the
dining room in Yggdrasil, Billy will be waiting near the
end of the table, talk to him and he will join you. Billy
will explain about how his weapons are operated and used,
then you are off into Reaper's Ship. You got a few extra
Gs, buy some bullets for Billy, just enough for a couple
of fight. However, if you can, get all the Ether Bullets
for Billy now, Ether Bullets have unlimited use, so favor
those over the handgun and shotgun bullets.

After you are done getting Billy suit up, you will be off
the Reaper's Ship, and Yggdrasil will take you there
automactially, you don't have to drive.

Reaper's Ship

Penguin Coat,
B&JM10S Ammo,
Cabin Key,
Silver Beret,
ShotG60 Ammo

Wels, see above
Abandon, 150, B&JM10S Ammos

You can enter the dungeon from the ladder outside of the
Bridge. When you first enter the place will be dark and
hard to see. You can turn the lights on, the light switch
in the small red mark near the middle of the room, you
should able to see the red color spark. After you've turn
on the lights, you can see much better now, so start
looksing around. Rotate your camera angle and you can see
treasure chests hidden from view by crate boxes, just jump
on the crate boxes to knock them down, most of the boxes
can be knocked down, so try all of it. After the switch
been turned on, you can only enter A-Doors, all the B-
Doors are still locked, and the B switch is much further
down. Get into the first door and get your treasure and
use the ladder and get on top of the ship. Stop by the
little pipe and jump down to get more treasures and open
up the B-Doors, there are a lot of meats hanging from the
ceiling in that room. Go across the doors and you see a
lot of doors, most of them have a treasure inside, but not
all. One of the doors has a shower that sprays out blood
(but it's actually rust water). The door at the end is
locked by you can knock it down by keep running into it
until it falls apart, keep in mind that it takes a few
tries. After the door in a small ladder, climb that to
get back on to the top of the ship.

Keep going until the save point all the way at the end,
you should save and then jump down the pipe next to it for
your boss fight.

Boss#28: Bloody
HP: 4242
Exp: 25701
Specialty: (see Redrum) Murder, Fire Rain, Gel
Treasure: none

This fight is just like Redrum since Bloody has all of
Redrum's abilities and also Redrum's HP, but he is a lot
easier since you are on a higher level now. You can just
charge your ap, then hammer away, use Billy's Holy Light
if low on HP to win this battle. This fight is so much
easier compare to what you have been through with Redrum,
you will able to deal a lot more damage and take lesser
punishment in return. You could use Wild Smile if Bart is
in your team, don't worry about his Bloody Rain, it only
do around 1-10 damage, but watch out for his Murder, it
can seriously mess up this fight if you allow him to kill
off your characters and not reviving them. So bring some
Zeotsols and revive anyone who dies right away, especially
Billy since he will be doing all the healing for the
battle. Never keep your character at full HP, Bloody uses
Murder on who ever have full HP, so just keep it above 200
and you will be fine.

This fight is easy and once you finish you get to see a
lot of scenes with the Kids back in Kid's Town. A gear
size monster attacks, and you will need Billy's gear to
fight back. You will finally get to see Billy's gear, and
how it is launched back from Kid's Town. It's funny when
the kids says today's launch is only so-so.

Another boss fight starts, but this time it's a gear

Boss#29: Giant Wels
HP: 7000
Exp: 77103
Specialty: Drain Fuel
Treasure: G-M686 Gun

This battle is fun, first hit him with all of your regular
10 fuel attacks, get to your highest attack level then hit
him with ether attack, meaning either use Billy's ether
gun or Gear Option Ether attack from Bart or Elly. After
about four ether attack, you should unleash all of your
level attack to Giant Wels (he has to grow at least 4
times!). Giant Wels can only be hurt with ether or unless
he grows four times, then you can hurt him with your
regular attacks. Use booster if you want, it don't really
make much of a difference. Don't worry much about Giant
Wel's attacks, he can drain your fuel but you will have
more than enough for this fight if you upgraded your
engines like you always should. Keep in mind, all regular
attack will deal 0 damage against Giant Wels until he've
grown 4 times.

After the boss battles, you will be back at Yggdrasil. Do
whatever you needs to do then take the ship back to Kid's

Ethos HQ (revisited)

B&J M686 Gun,
Gold Nugget,
Aquasol DX,
Seal Ar

Assassins, 280
Assassins (Priest), 260, Aquasol
Wels, see above

First you go back to Kid's town, and get all three books
if you haven't done so already. Then go to Billy's room
and put the books in the shelf and go inside to get the
B&J M686 Gun in the secret room. Then go to the bathroom
and get the toilet, you will get a dirty surprise, dirty
surprise isn't really an item, but you do get it.

When you are done head for Ethos HQ.

The Ethos HQ has been under attack by some Wels while you
were away, and almost everyone you find will be dead or
dieing. Go down to where Fei got his treatment, and the
door that was locked before will be open now. You will
encounter few enemies on the way, then you get to see them
killing the priest in that place.

Check all the doors, since some leads to rooms upstairs
with treasures, some treasure are in white color bags, so
be sure to pick those up. The doors down the hall have
people that you can rescue, you will save a woman in a
trenchcoat, and Big Joe is next door. Big Joe thinks you
came all the way just to save him, you don't have to
rescue him unless you want to. The woman will be in
shock, so just talk to her twice and she will leave the
place, and she will head for the Yggdrasil.

As you keep going, you will get to a door and you will see
a long scene. All your characters will be down there, and
you can learn more about Solaris, and how Solaris is
connected to the Ethos. When you exit the room, you will
see two assassins and Bishop Stone. Bishop Stone ordered
the killing of the Ethos HQ, and he is really from
Solaris. Jesse will then come out and more scenes will
follow, then Stone will leave and you have to fight the
assassins blocking your way. After you beat up the
assassins, you will then follow Bishop Stone and you see
him get away in his gear (Alkanshel).

Bishop Stone is heading for the Ethos Dig Site, you will
have to go after him, but you don't know where the place
is, so head for Thames to get directions.

Go to Thames and talk to the Captain and he will tell you
where it is, the spot will be marked on your map now.

I would now suggest you to level up a few times to before
going ahead, two very tough boss battles up ahead. And I
would also recommend you to stock up on Zetasols, get
around like 30 or more, you should have plenty of money
stacked up, use your extra money on gear upgrades, new
weapons and armor, etc. And I would really suggest you
bring Citan, Billy, and Bart or Elly. Billy and Citan are
musts, since their abilities will make your goals much
easier to accomplish. Don't bring Rico since he will be
very useless in this dungeon, as speed is everything.
Also use all the Drives you had from before, there is no
point of saving them. You can buy more later on, the
prices are high, but saving money is much easier then.

Ethos Dig Site

B&JM686A Ammo,
Sleep Guard,
Black Snake,


Gebler Guard, 160
Hammerhead, 180, Eyeball
Shellbelle680, 680
Carrier, 420, Fang, Zetasol
Phobia, 50, must be killed with a heal spell cast on her

Once you get to the Dig Site, take the elevator down and
you will see a lot of Solaris guards around the place, if
you get in to their line of sight, they will fight you,
unlike the part in Aveh castle, you can't run away here.

This place is really like a maze, after you cross the
bridge and the save you will be in a really big place.
Some doors can't be opened and are there just to confuse
you, doors you can open usually contains something, check
everything including computer panals, as one of those will
open a locked door. There is a locked door in your way by
the stairs, to unlock it just go back upstairs one level
and go to the door nearest to that stairway (where you get
Black Snake), check the computer panel to open up the
locked door. Just keep going down and you will be at a
grayish room with two doors in front of you. Just go to
the on the right hand side, examine the door and try the
room next door since this one will notopen. The computer
panel next door will open up the door in the first room
and you now can get inside to the tube inside the first
room. You will see a naked girl and then Bishop Stone
comes out and takes her away from you. Then get ready for
a tough boss battle with two other elements (you already
took on the two other ones, Dominia and Kelvena, there are
four of them total). Remember to save before going into
the room with the tube and the naked girl.

Boss#30: Tolone and Seraphita
HP: 2500/2000
Exp: 62368
Specialty: EP Drain, Positron Beam, Dive Bomb, I'll Get
Treasure: ETH Drive, VIT Drive

This fight is hard if you are not on high level or you
didn't bring Billy, so bring Billy and level up in your
gears outside in the water. Then when you fight, equip
the Ether Veiler on Billy and have him heal every turn
unless you really don't need it. Most people recommend
taking out Seraphita first to single out on Tolone, but
don't, cause if Tolone is alone, she start doing Dive
Bomb, it deals around 700 damage, meaning killing whom
ever she hits. So here is what you do, have someone
charge up their ap bar, then kill off Seraphita with
normal deathblows while one of your supporting characters
spends one or two turns hitting Tolone before Seraphita
dies. And when Seraphita dies, immediately hit Tolone
with the 28 ap combos, if she don't die, just use your
best deathblow to finish her off, don't give Tolone a
chance to abuse her Dive Bomb like how she abuse her
friend Seraphita. Tolone does have 2500 HP, so after the
28 ap, she should still have around 400 HP, so 2 or 3
deathblows should do able to do her in, and remember once
she is alone, she becomes faster and her normal attack
deals more damage. But overall this isn't really that
difficult, if you die, just fight them again, but try not
to lose this fight. If you do lose, you will have a very
bad chance of winning your next boss fight against Id.

Bishop Stone took the little girl away, the elements are
keeping your busy, but you must get her back and quick.
You are off to catch up with Stone now and you finally do
at the bridge part near the start of the dungeon.

*Note! For your own sake, save at the save point before
the bridge in the storage like place. There is a very
difficult battle ahead.

Once you get to the bridge you will see Stone and the
girl, Stone and you will exchange a few words and then
someone you've seen before comes out. Id, the red gear
that ripped through Bart and the Yggdrasil single-handedly
comes out and fights you. This time you will get a chance
against her since she will be in character and you have a
three against one advantage. Her gear will squish you
like a bug, and trust me on that. Xenogears (her gear) is
powerful enough to kill you alone with it's 6 energy wings

Boss#31: Id (Fei)
HP: 3000
Exp: 90534
Specialty: All of Fei's current deathblows and attacks,
Black Cloud, ether attack the whole party
Treasure: none

Id is Fei, (you probably guessed it from the attacks and
deathblows) she can be very fast and very strong, and that
makes the battle very difficult for you. Her deathblows
can cause around 200 damage to one character, and she will
some times do a 2-3 deathblow ap combo, that is going to
kill at least one of your character. Here is what you do,
keep Billy on healing your party, and just attack with
your other characters, sometimes heal with your other
characters too, when needed. And remember to bring a lot
of Zetosols, you are going to need it. Don't bother
charging your ap, Id don't heal herself, just keeping
healing and attacking with your best deathblows. It helps
if you use the drives you already got, and if your
deathblows are not connecting or getting blocked, just
switch it around, Id some time dodge your X or S button
attacks. Don't bring Rico, he is too slow and he become
very useless, you have to waste other character's turns to
cure him during the important battles. If you have Bart
in your team, have him use Wild Smile, Id won't dodge that
much anymore, and you can sometimes escape her attacks.
Don't bother with any ether abilities other then Wild
Smile and healing spells, you would just waste your turn
doing it. This is a tough battle, but you will eventually
win if you keep your healing up.

Well now you have finally get through one of the game's
toughest boss. Calamity, Redrum, Hashiao (Ramsus &
Miang), Id, Bladegash & Marinebasher, Grahf, Hammar, and
Amphysvena with Opiomorph are the hardest bosses in the
game. Now you go have gone through all the hard bosses in
disk one other than Bladegash & Marinebasher. And mostly
the rest of disk one should be easy until end of disk one
where you fight against Grahf.

Now you have finished kicking butt, Id gets in her gear
(oh no, not Kishin X again, 19998 damage!) and then
Wiseman comes out and fights Id (he don't got a chance
against her as you will see much later on). There will be
a lot of scenes following this. This gets very boring,
but for those of you who is playing the game for the first
time and wants to know about to story, read the text.
Xenogears have one of the best story in Square Soft
history, but if you are just playing to beat the game, you
will be very bored now and for quite a while.

After the long scenes you will be back in Yggdrasil, you
will see Stone in his gear (again). This time you fight
him, and get ready to beat him and his ugly mutated face

Boss#32: Alkanshel
HP: 10500
Exp: 132,549
Specialty: Seal, Mass Limit, halves your HP, Slow
Treasure: E-circuit

Alkanshel has a shield formed by Grahf, so don't waste
fuel attacking, just charge for a few turns, and then
Billy's father will do a move that destroys the shield,
then start attacking. The move is pretty cool looking,
it's very much like the orginal Transformer's Megatron
transformation into a giant cannon, be sure to catch this,
you can still see it again with a price of 1000 fuel later

Make the fight fast, because his Seal and Mass Limit can
put a major pain in your party, he do his Seal attack
often, so equip something like Seal Ar if you have it. If
you don't have it don't worry, just follow your regular
attacking method, 30 fuel and level one. Alkanshel have
powerful attacks, his Seal deals around 3000 damage, and
his Mass Limit half your HP, so equip a Frame HP 30 or
Frame HP 50, you are going to need it, and don't waste
fuel. You might run out before the fight is over. Then
you have to waste turns charging your fuel, but keep
booster on to make the fight faster. Your will win if you
hang in there, Alkanshel have a final attack when he dies,
so keep someone on decent HP when you think he is about to
die, you don't want to start all over again now, do you?
The final attack deals around 1000 damage, just that you
know, keep at one gear over 1500 HP to be on the safe

Now you are back in the Yggdrasil, and Billy's father is
not dead. And Billy's sister Primera finally talked.
When you visit the doctor room, Fei won't be there! Fei
is in the gear hanger in front of Weltell. Talk to him
and he will be back in your party. Now check out
Yggdrasil's gear shop, they got some new parts in, I would
recommend you to upgrade everything possible. If you
really are short on cash, upgrade the following gears,
Weltell, Vierge, and one more other gear you like to use,
probably Heimdal.

Take this time to get some level ups and some money, if
you haven't gotten the Holy Pendent, Life Stone, and Ether
Doubler, get them now, this is your last possible chance.
Go into the next dungeon and level up there, it's the best
place in disk 1, the battles are quite hard for you right
now, so heal often, you can exit to your Yggdrasil to
refuel through the way you go in.

Once you are in control of Yggdrasil, take the ship to
Bible Tower, it is located east of where you are, it is
marked on the map for you.

Bible Tower

Ether Ar (x2),
EarthVeil Ar,
Lite Ar+1,
Beam Jammer,
Gold Nugget (x3),
Old Circuit,
02 Cylinder,
E Circuit,
WaterVeil Ar,
G-GG060 Ammo,
Gold Buillion,
G-M686A Ammo,
WindVeil Ar,
Veil Doubler,
Fire Veil Ar


Traffic Jam (A), 345, Ether Ar
Traffic Jam (B), 1250, Ether Ar
Conjurer, 880, Ether Ar
Gun Drone, 400, Lite Ar+1
Fuel Tank, 1200

As you can see Bible Tower has a load of good stuff for
you to get, so spend some time here and get all the things
possible. And another thing, Bible Tower is the place to
level up in disk one, enemies usually gives out around
5000 exp per battle to each of your character. This place
is really more like a level in Super Mario Brothers, you
have to jump from place to place, avoiding traps and pit
falls (you won't die, you just have to start all over
again, and trust me that you will fall down a lot of

This is really a fun place to play at, every where you
look you see a treasure chest (must get, for all you
greedy people out there). All the treasures are in plain
view, the only one that's hard to get in the one at the
end of the jump in dungeon part one.

When you first get in the Tower go around and collect all
the treasures, you have to jump down into the water at
least once, you will probably fall down before you have to
intentionally jump down. Follow the path and jump around
until you get to a line hanging in front of you. The
opposite side is too far to jump to, so you will have to
jump on the line and swing yourself to the other side.
The line is like a tire swing, you swing around until you
get enough height to land yourself on the other side, this
is pretty hard, the swing took me a few tries before I got
it. After that part you keep going until you get to a
part where the crane will fall once you step on it, here
is what you do, jump on it and jump right back to the edge
of the place. Then when the crane pops back up, jump on
it and get to the other side. The treasure on top is
gotten the same way, jump in, jump back, wait, and jump on
again, and jump up to get the treasure. It takes awhile
to do, so don't give up, just keep trying.

Then you will be near another line, this time you jump on
it, and it will automatically carry you up to the next
part of Bible Tower. Once you are there, you have to get
out of your gear to get inside a little door near you to
the northeast. Inside you can grab the Gold Nugget and
then you have to examine everything, and I mean
everything, all the panels and chairs and the screen
everything. Then you will hear a sound, and you will be
told that the elevator is now operational. Get out the
room and you will see the subway cart like thing coming up
and park next to you, your ride has arrived.

Once you get in the subway cart like thing, you will keep
climbing stairs and you will grab a few treasures on the
way. The top part of the subway will allow you to ride
it, just examine everything and the subway will
automatically start and take you to the top of Bible

Ramsus and Miang just don't give up, and yes, you will
have fight Ramsus again. The subway is attack by Ramsus'
battle cruiser, and Ramsus get in his gear and attacks
your party. Wyvern is a cool looking gear, but sadly to
say it's owner is just plain pathetic.

Boss#33: Wyvern
HP: 5000
Exp: 23,652
Specialty: Triple Attack, 3 hit combo
Treasure: Scale?

Ramsus again, this is the fourth time you are fighting
him, and doesn't this get on your nerves. I just want to
kill him permanently but he always lives, darn. This
fight is easy, just use your 30 fuel and level one skill
to attack him, and he will run away in a few turns. His
regular attack deals around 800 or so damage, and he got a
3 hit combo attack can do around 1500 damage to one of
your gear, but don't worry about this, the fight shouldn't
last more than 4 turns, just keep on hitting and you will
win. Booster is optional, you could use it if you want,
it won't make much of a difference, and you get to refuel
very soon anyways. After taking 5000 damage, Ramsus will
run away, you can now proceed with your journey.

Once Ramsus runs away, you will get to the Bible Tower
from the door near the save point. There is a pit near
the front of the dungeon, you get in by getting out of
your gear, the door is small, and you have to rotate your
camera until you see it. Get the treasures from the room
and push all the panels in the room, one of them switches
will activate the door lock further down. Once you get
out, you can keep going further down now. The next part
has another pit, jump down again and you will fall to a
lower section, once you are down there, you can grab the
treasure sitting behind you. Go through the place until
you to a circular like grayish room with a bar or rail in
a quarter circle, get the treasure by jumping up. The
next room you will be at is the outer part of Bible Tower,
and there is a repair bot near the front and treasures
along the way. Be sure to repair now, this is the only
place you are able to replenish your gear HP/fuel in this

The place seems to be a dead end, but wait, you see a
traffic jam on the side of the ledge. Jump on top of it
and it will take you to the next level (you have jump from
the higher ramp above). You will enter a battle against 3
traffic jams each time you jump on, the battles aren't
hard, but enough of them will force you to waste large
amounts of fuel and HP, so try to make the battles as fast
as possible. Continue through the place by jumping on
traffic jams, then you will be in a place near the save.
Save and keep going, boss fight ahead. At any time you
fall down from a traffic jam or missed a jump, you will
fall until you hit ground level, and you just have to
proceed through everything again. Once you've reached the
top level, a big blue gear comes out, and you have to
fight it.

Boss#34: Siebzehn
HP: 5500
Exp: 60000
Specialty: Missile Pod, Frame HP
Treasure: none

Siebzehn is a good gear, but it is nothing against three
of your gears, just turn on booster and hit away. After
awhile (I think once Siebzehn's HP falls under 1000),
Siebzehn just heals himself for a few hundred each turn,
you will deal more damage than he heals, so don't worry,
you'll win (on a side note here, doesn't Siebzehn really
look like Calamity in blue. It does, and you will find
out more later on, Xenogears got some deep story, huh?)

Now that you have defeated Siebzehn, you now will head to
the flying city Shevat. Siebzehn is the Shevat's guard,
and it's entire army for that matter.


Dusk Stone,
Dawn Stone,
Dark Stone,
Aquasol S,
Aquasol DX,
Power Crisis,
Chu-Chu Doll,
Samson's Hair,
Yamoto Belt,
Hard Star,
Speed Star,
ETH Drive,
VIT Drive,
STR Drive,
HP Drive,
EP Drive,
Heavy Alloy

Monsters: none

This is a very special place, and since Shevat contains
some of the best equipments that you can find no where
else, be sure to pick up everthing. You will get control
of your party in the gear dock area, and you will see
Maria out of her gear. After a short scene with Maria you
will get to move your party freely around this flying

You need to first get to the city map, you will see a
statue of a women, and two other points on the map. Go to
the statue but instead of entering, look at the statue and
see where it's facing. Go across where the statue is
facing and cross the bridge like ledges, examine it once
you've crossed, and you will get the Dawn Stone.

Then go to the Old Capital Shevat's Alpha Aura, once you
enter you will see an old man near you, talk to him and he
will teach you how to use the stone. The stone is used
like elevators. Then you can just walk around, and
examine the place. One room in here is full of Chu-Chus,
they sell you different items, and the Chu-Chu upstairs
will sell you some gear parts. The Chu-Chu that's sitting
on top of the lamp will tell you a secert, but the only
way you can reach him is jumping on top of another Chu-
Chu's head, and jump again from there. He will give you
hints on where to find the three stones that will unlock
the secret. One of the Chu-Chu will trade your Badges for
a A-Charger and a Heavy Alloy, I am not sure about what he
really gives you, I got the A-Charger and Heavy Alloy, but
my friend got something different, I don't know why and
how that is. The gray Chu-Chu on the first floor will
give you some items if you tell him the correct answer,
you will tell him that's not necessarily.

Now take the elevator down to the lower room, it has a big
pool like thing, and a fountain sticking out the middle.
If you got the spider web from back in Lahan, you can fish
there for the Dark Stone. If you don't got it, just buy
it from the old man right outside the door. I don't
really know how you suppose to catch the fish, I got it in
2 tries, I just pull every time the option came up. I am
not sure if you are suppose to wait or not, if the line
breaks just buy more, since they are really cheap.

You have two Stones now, there is only one more. Exit the
Chu-Chu room and keep going until you get to a Stepping
Stone, and it will lead you to a house. Once inside you
will see a table with a doll on it, examine it to get the
Dusk Stone from the doll's hands. The room next to it has
a wooden horse, examine it and Maria will appear and you
will see a scene. Then Maria will leave and tell you to
go to the palace. Examine the closet in the room and you
will get a Child's Dream, except you can't take it. (I
still don't get what the Child's Dream really is, is it
Maria's dream? Or Her childhood?)

Now you go back outside, keep going until you reach the
white dog, go south until you reach a Stepping Stone, it
will lead you to the best character equipment in the game,
Power Crisis. This is the secret room, examine
everything, the desk on the bottom contains Chu-Chu's
Idol, the other desk contains a lot of other valuable
items including drives. Now you have taken everything
from this place, you can leave and head for the palace.

*Note- Power Crisis is used when you have low HP, which
means if you are at around 50 HP left out of your max, you
will deal 3000 damage with a decent deathblow. However
Power Crisis doesn't have a big impact unless your HP is
100 lesser than your max. So out of 500 max, you have
480, it won't make a difference, but 500 max, you have
100, it boosts your attack by a lot.

The palace is quite big and quite confusing, but I can
tell you that there is nothing interesting in all the side
doors. Just go straight and talk to the queen, talk to
her twice and there will be a scene where you have to
rescue Shevat from Solaris invasion. And Maria joins your
party, and you will have to leave a party member behind.
Maria is probably the weakest character in the entire
game, since she is even more useless than a low level Chu-

Shevat Emergency Shaft

Shevat Map,
Queen's Rod,
Battle Apron,
Ruby Helm,
Aquasol DX,
Rosesol DX,


Gimmick, 6, very defense, use triangle attacks
Forbidden, 510, Gold Nugget if beaten before hatching
Tears, 600, Lite Ar, Extra Ar+5

This place is quite confusing, you will spend a few turns
running around in circles if you don't have the map. The
dungeon starts with two paths, one leads to an elevator,
the other leads the Shevat Map. Grab the map, and
continue until you get to a place where there are greenish
blocks like thing attached to a fan thing that keeps
moving. Examine the crystal next to it to change the
direction the green things are moving. They are used as
stepping stones, but don't stand too close to the inside
cause it might knock you down. Then you can use your map,
press select to use it. You will also find Big Joe here,
(I still don't have any idea on how in the world did he
get up here?) the different color on the map indicates the
level you are in. The rest of the dungeon is easy to get
by since now you have the map. Pick up treasures on the
way and eventually you will be out of the dungeon. On
your way, fight a little to get some money, and enemies
here sometimes leave behind Gold Nuggets! This is the
only place in the game where Gold Nuggets can be found
from fighting enemies. Once you are out of the dungeon,
you will get into a scene with Dominia and Jessie (Jessie
is really funny, he says Dominia is all gossip). Then you
will automatically be back in the palace of Shevat.

The city of Shevat is under attack by 5 group of
attackers, 4 are heading for the power generators, and one
big gear is staying behind. You will have to divide your
party to fight each group individually. Citan will tell
you about how each fight is and give you hints on how to
pick your team.

Generator 1: Solaris Soldiers (6), Little Foots (2)

Generator 2: White Knights (3)

Generator 3: Citadel, White Knight (2)

Generator 4: Avalanche, White Knight (2)

Here are the four generators and what enemies you will be
fighting, generator 3 and 4 are really difficult battles,
so use your two best characters for those two fights. I
hope you have upgraded all your gears in Shevat,
especially for two of your best character that are
fighting on Generator 3 and 4.

Boss#35: Solaris Guards (6) and Littlefoot Gears (2)
HP: 200/600
Exp: 15000
Specialty: Short Beam
Treasure: Silver Ar, Rosesol

This fight is the easiest out of the four, just choose
Vierge, and use her Areods to knock off the Solaris
Guards, then kill of the Littlefoots with your regular
attack. The fight can be hard if you don't use Vierge,
the guards are fast and they can hit up to 200-300 damage,
that might be a major problem if you don't get rid of them
all fast. So use Vierge, and don't use Booster, there is
no need, and you have to waste the first turn turning on
booster, and that means, the soldiers will deal another
2000 damage to you before you get to do anything at all.
Overall, it's still an easy battle, if you don't use
Vierge and use a different gear, you might be forced to
heal once or twice.

Boss#36: White Knights (3)
HP: 290
Exp: 8400
Specialty: none
Treasure: Lite Ar+1

This is another easy fight, use Billy for this one, just
turn on Booster, use your 20 fuel ether gun attack. You
win after 3 hits, one for each White Knight, and if you
want to use Billy for another fight, just use anyone for
this one, 30 fuel and level one attacks can kill these
White Knights quite fast. Be sure to turn on booster,
these White Knights have pretty good speed.

Boss#37: Citadel, White Knights (2)
HP: 6000/290
Exp: 11600
Specialty: Gel Breath, Sonic Boom
Treasure: Gold Plate

This is not a stroll through the park, but this isn't that
hard, you could get killed if you mess around. First of
all, pick either Fei or Bart for this fight, then equip a
Silver Ar gotten on Generator 1. Turn on booster and kill
off the White Knights with a 30 fuel attack and save the
level one and just use another 30 fuel attack to kill off
the other White Knight. Then focus all your attack power
on the Citadel, 30 fuel and level one, it got 6000 HP and
you are all by yourself so it might take awhile, you might
need to cure once or twice. Watch out for Gel Breathe and
Sonic Boom, those deal very high damage to your gear, so
cure right away if your HP falls under 3000.

Boss#38: Avalanche, White Knights(2)
HP: 5000/290
Exp: 10400
Specialty: Gel Breathe, Sonic Boom, Avalanche Drill (lower
defense by 20%-40%)
Treasure: Noise Filter, Ether Ar

This fight is hard, first turn on booster, kill off the
White Knights and follow the same thing you did on the
last fight. You must first equip the Gold Plate you got
from the fight on Generator 3. Start the battle by kill
off the White Knights, they can do around 300 damage if
you get Drilled a few times by the Avalanche, so finish
off on the White Knights fast, then start hitting on the
Avalanche. If you are using Fei for this one, you can do
Inner Healing to recover your lost armor.

Now the serious fights are over, you will get a funny
fight now. The all mighty Chu-Chu vs. Achtzehn, one of
the coolest looking gears in the game. (Xenogears in
white and Xenogears in red during level infinity,
Achtzehn, and Calamity are the cool looking gears in the
game, but that's only my opinion, check those out and you
will see that I have good taste, just kidding).

Boss#39: Achtzehn
HP: 12000
Exp: 50000
Specialty: Electric
Treasure: Wizardry Ring

This fight is easy, just do X attack and you win. And
when Maria comes in, you can just do a couple of 30 fuel
and level one attacks, then watch the scene about Maria's
father. (Personally I like the Achtzehn better than
Siebzehn, it looks much cooler and it got a cannon on its
arm, even Calamity look better than Siebzehn, why can't
Square Soft let you get those two gears instead?)

Now you get your Square Soft Air Ship of the game,
Yggdrasil can now fly! And you are going to Nisan's rescue
against the bald man Shakhan (I hate Shakhan, he is really
dumb looking, but I have to say, Square Soft makes the
best villains in RPGs).

Nisan Revisited

Desert Worm,
Deathblower 1

Monsters: see above for Blediveck Castle
!The rest of monster stats will updated further, it's hard
to actually find out all these things. I'll try to put up
as much as possible, sorry for now.!

Nisan is under attack of Shakhan, everyone is worried
especially Margie. Once you enter Nisan you will fight
some guards, there will be around total of 6 fights. Once
you win all the battles, you will automatically see a
scene and it tells you to go the back of the Cathedral.
You can also buy things from the shop, but there isn't
anything special or useful.

You will form a party with Bart included, I would pick
Billy, but anyone will be just fine since it's not that
hard. Also Margie is in your party too, she is there to
heal and attack your enemies, just like she did when you
first fought Ramsus and Miang. But don't count on her for
anything, her attack deals 1 damage, her heal is always on
the wrong person and she heals for 40 only anyway.

Margie will be waiting for you there, you will have to
follow her through few staircases and then she will ask
Bart about where is the switch. Bart doesn't know where
it is, Margie will then tell you where it is if you choose
to ask her. In case you want to let Bart have his
dignity, the switch is located on the right side of the
locked gate.

Once you enter you will encounter some more guards, after
you beat them the citizen of Nisan will leave. Take the
elevator to the next level, explore a little and grab the
treasure in the little room. Check all the panels and
continue on. The elevator further down will take you to
the next level of the dungeon.

The part of the dungeon has like spiral hallway, the third
door contains a treasure, and the last door will lead you
to the Fatima Treasure. The Fatima treasure is located in
the big room, you have to go to the runway type thing and
you will see the powerful Omnigear. This is Bart's
ancestor's gear, so check it out, then go between the
gear's leg (it's not what you are thinking) and examine,
it will lead to a scene. Now go back to the place where
you got your Desert Worm and examine the panels and
chairs, Shakhan will then come and take the Fatima
Treasure. His guards will also flooded the place, you
will have to work your way back to the Omnigear. The
spiral hallway is flooded with guards, I think the third
or last door leads to the Omnigear this time, you will
know because Shakhan will come out after the battle. After
the battle, you have to go through the door, but this time
the door is locked and Margie has ran down to get the
Omnigear by herself. Siguard and Citan appear and Siguard
and Bart will use the Fatima Jasper to open up the door
and you will automatically see another scene after
entering the door and getting to the gear.

After the long scenes and Bart getting into his Omnigear
Andvari, you will get into a boss fight.

Boss#40: Neo Etones (2)
HP: 3300
Exp: 30500
Specialty: Seal
Treasure: Seal Barrier

This is another easy fight, you get to use your first
Omnigear, and it kicks some serious behind. I waited for
29 turns to get level infinity for Andvari the first time
I played, and it was worth it, even though Meteor Falls
only did 3000 damage. This isn't even a boss fight
according to most people, you will fight these again when
you get to the world map later on. Neo Etones' Seal can
deal some damage, but don't worry, because you can scrap
them under a minute.

Shakhan runs away and you will have to track him down and
kick his baldhead around. He is hiding in the cave west
of Nisan. The town is back to normal, and you can buy
things from the store if you want, again, there isn't
anything good in the store. After you done messing
around, pick your best gear team and go for the bald man.

The cave is small, and there is nothing in here, only one
path. There will be a battle during your way there, but
it's really easy. When you get to Shakhan, Grahf will pop
out again and give his lousy speech again. And after the
boring talks and things, you are ready to kick Shakhan's
shiny spotless head.

Boss#41: Shakhan
HP: 18000
Exp: 218343
Specialty: Seal Punch, Ignas Storm, Heal
Treasure: Ether Ar+1

This is a hard fight, and again Grahf is there doing his
stupid "do you want the power" speech. For this fight,
first bring Weltell, Andvari and Siezbehn, and hit Shakhan
with your regular attack, charge to level 3 and wait for
level infinity. And when you are at level three, just
charge and wait for level infinity during that time.
Don't worry about him hitting you a few times, cure when
needed, and also equip anti-seal parts like Seal Ar or
Seal Barrier. The gate cures Shakhan for 1000 every time
you attack him, but your level infinity will do around
4000 damage so he will die in a few hit, and also equip
the Holy Pendent if you have it, it doubles the turn you
spent in level infinity. That should help you get a easy
win when level infinity comes, and one more thing, level
infinity takes a long time for you to get right now, so be
patient, however low HP increase the chance of you getting
level infinity. After your character attacked Shahken
with his/her level infinity, don't attack for level
charges until Shahken disconnects himself from the gate,
since you don't want him to heal now, do you?

Now you will see some really long scenes with Bart and
Siguard. Bart now declares the country free so Aveh now
is Aveh Republic, and he ditches the throne, he will talk
with Siguard about the Fatima Jasper and some more scenes
will follow (you should know that Siguard is really Bart's
brother by now).

Once the scenes finishes you will have to go to Bible
Tower again and face some tough fights. In fact, all boss
battles. Vierge and Weltell will be facing two battles,
and two of your other gears will face the other two (for
those two fights bring along Siezbehn and Andvari for some
easy wins.)

I hope you have fully upgraded your gears, cause these
fights are not a walk in the park. If you haven't used
Elly yet, try to level her up, and learn some if not all
of her 7AP Deathblows before going to Bible Tower.

Bible Tower (Revisited)

Treasures: none

Monsters: none

Bible Tower again (you don't have to go through anything
here, so be cool, it's almost completely automatic), you
enter from the same place you fought Ramsus. After you
enter through the door, you will be at the pit again (the
little door there that you need to get out of your gear to
enter), get in the door and just watch the scene. Citan
will then leave your party and fix the mirror, than Fei
and Elly will have to defend the pit against Dominia and
Kelvena. This is a fair fight, two against two, (ha, you
can't be cheap and go 3 on 1 anymore) however since all
boss battles are not suppose to be fair including this
one, you can win easily.

Boss#42: Marinebasher and Bladegash
HP: 4000/5000
Exp: 52000
Specialty: Elemental Sword, Water Bubble, Tidal Wave
Treasure: EP Drive

Equip your Ether Veiler, and your anit-ether parts, have
Elly equip the Flare Rod, and then go fight. First do
Areods and let Fei hit Marinebasher once, next turn on
booster for Elly, and let Fei hit Marinebasher another
time with TS skill, Marinebasher should die, if she don't
have Elly hit her again with her 30 fuel attack. Then the
hard part begins, don't use booster for Fei, let him hit
with 10 fuel and level one skill, 30 fuel usually misses
or gets blocked. When ever Dominia do a Elemental Sword,
have Elly do the opposite Ether attack, like if Dominia do
Earth Sword, do a Wind attack, if she do Fire Sword, do a
Water attack, that make Dominia lost her Sword and she
have to waste a turn getting it back. Remember
Fire=Water, Water=Fire, Earth=Wind, Wind=Earth, or
something like that. During this time Fei should be
dealing damage, and hopefully you will win before wasting
too much fuel (another fight coming up).

While Fei and Elly is kicking butt here, another boss
battle rages on with Billy and friends. I hoped you
brought along Andvari and Siezbehn, or the fight is going
to be tough, or maybe not.

Boss#43: Skyghene and Grandhowl
HP: 5000/5000
Exp: 52000
Specialty: Triple Air Attack, Fire Howl
Treasure: VIT Drive, ETH Drive

This is easy compare to the last one, just have Andvari
and Siezbehn use their 30 fuel and level one and you win,
booster don't make much of a difference in this fight.
But don't waste too much fuel, focus all your attack on
Skyghene first, then go after Grandhowl (there is another
fight coming up after this one).

Now this is over (in your dreams), you will have to go
through a bit more of torture. Billy's shot missed, it
blows right by the mirror, so you will have to defend the
pit again.

Boss#44: Marinebasher and Bladegash
HP: 4000/5000
Exp: 52000
Specialty: Elemental Sword, Water Bubble, Tidal Wave
Treasure: EP Drive, ETHDEF Drive

You have to fight these freaky girls all over again, and
this is the same fight like last time, no difference
except you don't have full fuel and HP. Just follow the
same strategy like last time, kill of Marinebasher fast
and then go after Bladegash, Bladegash seem a little more
faster to me, but don't worry, this is the last fight for
Fei and Elly. Hey, look on the bright side, you get 2
more drives and 52000 experience for this fight.

Yes, you probably guessed, your two other gears will have
to go through the same fight again.

Boss#45: Skyghene and Grandhowl
HP: 5000/5000
Exp: 52000
Specialty: Triple Air Attack, Fire Howl
Treasure: VIT Drive, ETH Drive

This is still an easy fight like last time, and you
shouldn't try getting level infinity for Bart, his Meteor
Fall is probably your only infinite attack, but it cures
both Skyghene and Grandhowl. So just turn on your
booster, and kill the two colorful gears, just follow the
same method you used last time, maybe you need to cure
once. I personally like Grandhowl and Seraphita, she is
so funny, stupid and her gear looks pretty good, but she
have to be wiped out by you, and later you will find out
that more about the elements and their gears, I am not
going to spoil anything for you yet. Let's just say, Go,
Go, Power Ranger! You might not understand this yet, but
later you will know what I'm talking about.

Now you have destroyed the gateway under the Ethos HQ, and
there is only one more left on the face of this planet.
After some long scenes you will gain control of Fei and
you get to talk to everyone before moving on. Talk to
Rico, he got some funny things to say during this. The
third gate is under water, and when you go to Thames. The
captain will equip some water equipments on your gear, and
now you can swim with your gear. Yggdrasil will
automatically take you to the underwater cave.

Underwater Cavern

Treasure: Deathblower 2

The place is fun and is a good place to level up, you can
fight around here and find a Scavenger gear, and it will
leave behind the item it found during the fight, if you
kill it and not let it blow up by itself.

The cave is small, and there will be a few intersections.
It doesn't matter which one you take, and eventually you
will be at a two path intersection that one side will keep
pushing you back. Take the other side and you will be out
of the water and there will be two treasure chests, grab
both and a trigger will cause the wave that keep pushing
you back to disappear. Now you can enter through that
side, and you will be a plant filled tunnel. After that
part you will be at the third gate and you will fight a

Boss#46: Crescens
HP: 14800
Exp: 255000
Specialty: Back Flip, Cloud Shower, Falling Rocks
Treasure: A new character, Emerlda

This is another easy fight, even if Crescens is a strong
gear, but its no match for your three ultra strong gears.
Just do your 30 fuel and level one skill attacks, and
boosters are needed to speed up the fight. Crescens have
some good attacks, but she don't use them much, her
regular attack can do around 1000 damage, but you
shouldn't needed to heal if your boosters are on and you
bring along Bart and Maria. Crescens' owner is the naked
girl in Ethos Dig Site, you should recognize her since she
will join your party and become one of your most powerful

When all this is over, you will be at Shevat and you are
ready to go to Solaris.

I would suggest you to do whatever you want to do before
going to Solaris, since once you get there, you won't come
back until near the end of disk 2.

You can go Battling in Kislev, and just like FF7, you get
points that can be traded in for various items. If you
got time to waste, get a GR50 for your gear, if you just
want to finish the game and play battle later, just go to
Shevat and talk to Queen Zephar.

*Note, I suggest you making a copy of your game on your
memory card right now, just in case you forgot something
and need to come back. Once you go to Solaris, everything
will change here.

Another important thing, you must have Power Crisis before
you go to Solaris, without it you will find yourself in a
big pile of tough fights that you will eventually lose.
Power Crisis increase your attack as your HP drop (you
might say that all those attack or defense improve spell
don't work or work so little it won't matter. Power
Crisis will double your attack if you lose 150 HP. For
example Fei's 7ap deathblow normally deal around 1200
damage, with Power Crisis and not full HP, and lets say
Fei is at 200 HP with a 450 max. Fei's 7 AP deathblow can
deal around 3000-4000 damage, so get Power Crisis, it's
the one of the best equipment you will find in Xenogears.


Extra Ar-6,
Extra Ar DX,
Ether Ar+2,
Aquasol DX
Feather Cap,

Solaris is a complicated place, as you can see as you
arrive. The whole place is upside down, and I bet you are
getting dizzy like me. Go further in and you will see a
subway like box thing, go near it and Fei will get into it
and separated from the rest of the party. You are no
longer upside down, and you will get control Fei only when
you get out of the Subway like thing. Take the elevator
thing down and explore, check out all the elevators and
one of them you will find Elly (it's to the left, the
second to last door I think). After you get Elly, check
the elevator to the right, and one of those door has a man
that look like Timothy from Lahan (Alice's Husband to be,
Dan's Brother in-law, the first town you saw), he is
Samson. He isn't Timothy, but he will help you get into
Solaris. He will hand you the worker permit and he will

Go to the Door outside with a guard in front, talk to the
guard and you will go inside. Samson will go inside the
check point and you will follow him. Go through the place
and pick up the treasure further back, you will see
security cubes around, and if you get into their line of
sight you will have to start all over again. It's almost
like Metal Gear Solid, just avoid the cubes and you will
be fine.

After the cubes you will see Samson using a fake ID and he
get killed by the check point. Elly helps out and you are
now in Solaris. Wonder where is Citan?

Anyway you can now wonder around and talk to everyone and
check everything out. Big Joe is here too (how in the
world did he get up here). Check out the stores, you can
get some new armor and weapons here, get it for Fei and
Elly. From walking around you probably picked up some
info on the big broadcast with emperor and others, but
since you don't got a ticket to get pass the black armor
knight, you're stuck.

Check out the building to the other end of the stores, and
a lady on the second floor will give you the tickets. On
a side note, the room with the flying plane, take a look
at the end of the bed, and yes, you guessed it, Tifa from
FF7. (I wonder why people like Tifa so much, personally I
think Tifa looked pretty crappy in FF7, the only part she
actually looks decent is during the short scenes through
out the game).

Now take your ticket and go see the show.

And a lot of boring scenes follows.

Fei and Elly is fugitives from the law, they are running
away in the sewer. Here is what you do, don't run, just
walk, the Cubes won't attack you unless you run or jump.

Pick up the treasures along the way, even if you run and
fight the Cubes, don't worry. Their 200 or so HP will
drop fast against your 7 ap elemental combos. Power
Crisis is a must in here.

And when you get out of the sewer you will be at Elly's
house (god damn, that's some big house).

Elly will bring you to her room and she will take a shower
(for those of you sick people out there, you don't get to
see anything, too bad). Elly will force Fei to take a
shower too (again, you don't see anything, this is a Rpg
game, what do you expect). (However, the Japanese version
of the game does show some sick scenes).

When you are all done fooling around, save and go
downstairs, check the first door and Elly's mom will yell
at you (parents, always have to yell). Check the door
next to the stairs for an old maid, she will give Elly a
Psycho Rod. Now go to Elly's mom's room and Elly's mom
will go shopping.

No one is in the house except Elly and Fei now, so it's
time to go check out Elly's dad's room. Right after some
pretty easy and unrealistic password hacking (Elly hacked
into the Solaris system in less than 30 seconds, I doubt
that's possible in real life), you will know where your
friends are being held. Then Elly's old man comes in and
show Fei who's the man of the house. After some boring
scenes, Fei will leave and be back in the city. Elly is
now gone from your party again.

Go back to the place where you first came in, the guard
will drag you in the security checkpoint and reveal his
true idenity, Citan. He will take you back to level three
and you two will try the garbage disposal. Elly's house
will have another scene, and Elly rejoins you again. You
have to check the little spot to the right of the garbage
hole, and you will all get sucked inside. Go through the
place and pick up all the treasures, I can't keep track of
them all, so sorry. And all the treasures here you can
get later on with money anyway. The rotor part requires
you to push the piece of metal into the rotor, jump inside
but stay close to the edge, there is a small door where
you go through.

The next part of the dungeon is like a factory, just go
through and there will be some scenes. Fei and Elly will
eat some raw human flesh and start puking, and Citan will
explain to them what the fleshes are made out of. The
check point won't let you go through unless you change the
code in the small room. I can't get the direction on how
to really do the code, I just try random number and I got
pass it. You can also pick up a Gold Bullion if you enter
the correct code, there is also a Gold Nugget. The next
part of the dungeon is like a blue factory with cages.
Remember to save whenever you see a save point.

The cage building will have monsters inside each cage, and
each cage will have a treasure chest, but if you open the
cage you will have to fight the monster. I opened every
single cage and only one monster proves to be a problem.
One of the cage is really big and there are like 10 or so
monster inside, you should open this one since the
treasure is good and there is only one hard monster out of
the 10, it's the one that gives you problems.

Boss#47: Blood Bros
HP: 4242/4242
Exp: 51200
Specialty: Murder, steal all HP of one character, Fire
Rain, fire damage, Gel, confuse and poison two of your
Treasure: none

Blood Bros isn't really a boss fight, you will run into
them after you pass the jail part of Solorais, they are
Redrum and Bloody, and comes together. They use Murder on
their first turn, and you can't really kill off both of
them on the first turn, and that means at least one of
your character in going to die. So have someone like Fei
equip Power Crisis, and let Fei be a low HP, then Fei can
kill off one of the Blood Bro, and you hope that Citan
gets two turns before Bloody Bros gets theirs. Blood Bros
aren't really bosses, but they certainly are harder than
most boss fights like Kefenizel Gun or Rankar R. But on
the plus side you get a lot of experience points, which is

Going through Solaris should level up your character by
quite a few, your Fei should be at around level 65, if
not, chances are you won't get to see Fei's Kishin level
infinity attack. The Security Cubes are excellent targets
for deathblow training, all your attacks will only deal 1
damage, so after the Cubes take some beating, finish the
Cube off with a 7ap deathblow from any character. The
Cube's will only deal 10 or 20 damage at most, and they
take a long time to kill if they protect themselves with
their ability.

Eventually you will pass the caged building, now you will
be in an office building with a lot of doors. On the
forked road, one side will lead you to a Tent, Dark Armor
and Dark Helm, the other side is locked by a door, the
correct code to pass the door is Up, Down, Up, Left,
Right. After the door opens, you will continue through
and down the hall is another door and you will see a
scene. Lights will be off and you will just stumble
around, when the faint light kicks in, just go to your
nearest door which should be right down the hallway. You
will now see a whole bunch of scenes with Fei, Elly,
Ramsus, Citan and a lot of other characters.

After about 10 minutes of scenes, you will meet up with
Billy and Bart, and Citan will have a sword starting now
(it will make Citan the most powerful attacker). Go
through the door and up the stairs, keep going and Billy
will open the exit when you get there. Elly is inside and
you will now meet up with the rest of your party members.

Elly's parents, Jesse, and Hammar are all here, talk to
them for some scenes. Hammar will let you buy some stuff
from him, he is calling it the going away sales, upgrade
all your character equipment if you haven't done so
already. Be sure to get new bullets for Billy. The
Yellow Crystal will let you save, and the Blue Crystal
will let you change party members. Get who ever you want
and continue on with the game.

This part of the dungeon is very confusing, the best way
to get through is remember the direction you came in from
and proceed toward the opposite direction, if you came in
from the east, then you go west, and vice versa. All the
doors you see are mostly fakes, on each wall there should
be only one door you can open. You know you are going the
right way when the blue background changes colors. Also,
each and every door you can enter will have 1 treasure
chest in them, however, none of the treasures are very
good or a must get, so it's okay to miss a few, nothing
can be perfect.

The next part is just like the last part, remember the
direction and you know if you are going the right way when
the background changes color again. In these two parts of
the dungeon, you will meet up with the Blood Brothers
again from time to time, but they are really quite rare,
they pack a punch, so be careful. Other than that, most
enemies are Security Cubes with Solaris Guards or some
Wels, and none of them are too hard. Be sure to train
your characters for their 7AP Deathblows on the Security
Cubes, you should able to get quite a few of your
characters on all Deathblows before the end of the

The third and final part is pretty straight forward, you
head straight to get pass, and all forked roads will lead
to a treasure of some kind, one will lead to a save point,
and eventually you will be out of there. You can't really
get lost since there is only 1 straight way, Blood Bros
seems to have a higher encounter rate here for me, but
they are still quite rare.

After you exit the last door you will be with all your
party members again. Select your team of Fei, Citan, and
Billy, and equip Power Crisis on Fei or Citan, who ever
has the Power Crisis should go back into the last dungeon
part and take some damage, keep his/her HP around 200 and
give them the best equipments you've gotten so far. Have
Billy heal your team and Fei or Citan attack for the end
of disk 1 boss fight.

Before the fight can start, some sad scenes will happen
first. Elly's dad has just left to get transportation to
get out of Solaris for everyone. Just before he came back
for everyone, Hammar grabs Elly and threatens to shot her
unless Elly will come back to Krelian's lab with him.
Elly's mom will get Elly to safety but Hammar shots her
after Elly's mom pull Elly away from him. Hammar runs
away as Elly's dad comes back, Elly's mom dies from the
shot, and everyone is surprised by Hammar's actions.
Grahf and Miang popped up just as this happened, not
exactly the best time. You should now get ready for the
last boss on Disk one, and it's pretty obvious that this
is going to be a hard fight.

Boss#48: Grahf and Executioner
HP: 6666/4444
Exp: 92805
Specialty: Deathblows, Super Guided Shot, Dark Hole
Treasure: none

Grahf and the Executioner, they are the last boss of disk
one. They are very hard to beat, and they are very strong
in attacks, Grahf's attacks do around 250 damage, and the
Executioner deals around 350 each hit. So bring Billy,
and pretend you are fighting against Id, have Billy heal
every turn, kill off the Executioner first and then focus
your attack on Grahf. Also equip your Power Crisis on
Citan or Fei, and charge his AP, once they are full and
let him take some damage, then Grahf will die in one hit.
Fei and Citan is main fighter, Billy should only heal, he
shouldn't attack unless you are sure that Grahf doesn't
kill you. Fei's Kokei with Power Crisis or Citan's
Crystal Water with Power Crisis can kill Executioner in a
single hit or 2 hits tops, Grahf gets easier once he's
alone. Grahf is a real push over once he is alone, his
attacks can't kill you unless that character have low HP,
all 3 of your character have a healing spell that heal for
300, so anyone of them can keep your party healthy. Let
your character with Power Crisis charge his AP, keep him
at full HP until the AP bar has been filled. Once the bar
is filled, let Grahf hit that person once or twice, then
release the charge AP combo, easily win. The only hard
part for this fight is letting Executioner abuse her high
power attacks, Executioner's attacks usually targets the
entire party, so it's a much bigger pain than Grahf's
single target attacks.

After the fight, Miang will kill Elly's father, and she
will use her power to make everyone scream for some
reason. Fei will now get crazy again and become Id. You
will see the ending of Disk one, and there are some pretty
cool scenes with Id's red gear (the part where Weltell
transforms is really neat, almost like Transformers or
something). After about half a hour of disk one ending
scenes finishing up with Ramsus kicking your Weltell's
butt, you will be finally finished with Disk one. These
scenes here are quite important, it's quite sad on how the
people are willing to put Fei away just because the Id
personality within him.

End of Disk One. Insert Disk Two.

Walkthrough Disk Two

Again, large amounts of spoilers are included, please be
careful about what you read. Due to the fact that Xenogears
have a deep story, so it's quite hard to write a Walkthrough
and not reveal it's secrets. I've already tried to hide away
some of the spoilers, but there are still quite a few around,
I suggest you not to read them unless you are sure about the

Disk 2 starts with you waking up in Tora's house, and you
and Elly are healthy again. Tora is an old friend of
Citan, he is probably from Solaris, and I think he is just
one of those really smart people who wants to be left
alone. Maybe Tora is a loner, he is pretty funny, he tell
you to stop staring at the naked Elly as you two walk out
the room, lol. You will just go through a lot of boring
scenes, and Fei gets a new gear, Weltell 2. Personally I
think Weltell 2 can be better than Xenogears if you can
upgrade it with Xenogears's parts and engines, too bad you

You will enter a series of scenes following by series of
boss battles after each scene, none of the boss battles
are really difficult, but it's really difficult to keep
your eyes on reading the scenes over and over again.
However if this is your first time going through the game,
be sure to read the story scenes, you will be amazed with
the deep emtions involved with this game. Each scene will
be around 20-30 minutes long, they are quite long, but
they do explain most of the story and history of the past
generations of Fei and friends.

After the first set of scenes, you begin your first Battle
against Ramsus with your new upgraded Weltell, but Ramsus
also have his new Omnigear, Vendetta.

Boss#49: Vendetta
HP: 12000
Exp: 32397
Specialty: Blaze Pose, Nanoflare
Treasure: none

This fight is battle number 5 with Ramsus, this time he
get his Omnigear, so what, Fei get his too. Weltell 2 is
probably the best gear in the game next to Xenogears, for
1000 fuel, it puts you on level infinity. If you are over
level 70, then you get Kishin attack, but you are not at a
high level, don't worry, just use what ever you have right
now. The fight starts with Fei going into System Id, you
just use your best combo, then if Ramsus don't die, use
System Id and finish him off. Don't turn on booster until
your Id power runs out. This is a piece of cake since now
it's a cheap 1000 fuel, level infinity all day.

*Note-System Id doesn't work with Holy Pendent, if it
does, forget waiting 4 turns with Xenogears, I rather
spend 1000 fuel and use Weltell 2 on level infinity right

After easy fight with Ramsus, get ready for an even easier
boss fight. Yggdrasil will combine with Kislev's A Block
to form Super Dimension Gear Yggdrasil 4. And now you
fight another boss that is super sized just for the
battle. More scenes are in between, read them if you want

Boss#50: Ft. Hurricane
HP: 15000
Exp: 50000
Specialty: Blue Star
Treasure: none

You have your the Super Dimensional Gear Yggdrasil IV,
Yggdrasil have 99900 HP, 9900 fuel, 1000 output, and super
attack Yggdrasil Cannon, 9000 fuel for 9999 damage. This
is a fun fight, use your Yggdrasil Cannon and then use
your 30 fuel attack, then you win, don't worry about
damage, 99900 HP is going to last a very long time against
Ft. Hurricane's 500 damage attacks. Don't forget to check
out Yggdrasil Cannon if you haven't done so already, since
this is the only chance you will get to use this gear.
It's a real pity that this is the only chance you get to
use this gear, I really liked it.

After another half an hour of scenes, you will get into a
battle outside your gears.

Boss#51: Sufal Mass, Sufals (4)
HP: 4800/1100
Exp: 97191
Specialty: Sufal Mass, high damage attack
Treasure: Pilot Shield, Gold Nugget, Gold Bullion

This fight is quite easy if you know what to do, however
the Sufal Mass can't be hurt by Elemental based attacks
which includes most of your 7ap Deathblows. First have
someone equip with a Power Crisis, best on Fei if he has
his Kokei deathblow, or on Citan if Fei doesn't have
Kokei. First have everyone kill off three of the Sufals,
then focus all your attack on Sufal Mass, remember not to
kill off the last Sufal, if you do, just forget about
healing and just hit Sufal Mass with everything you got.
When the last Sufal gets killed, Sufal Mass will do a 400
plus damage attack every turn, so don't kill of the last
Sufal, or you will understand what it means to be killed
in every single turn. Make the fight fast, if you don't
Sufal Mass will kill off the last Sufal himself and start
doing his attacks on you.

After the fight, you get to see a long waited Anime with
Elly and Sufal Mass. A lot more scenes will follow and in
about half an hour, you get will control of the game
again. Now you are about to enter Anima Dungeon 1, for
Anima Relic which makes a normal gear into an Omnigear.
Your party is on the track of getting all the possible
Omnigears in the world.

Anima Dungeon 1

Wizardry Ring,
Kings Helm,
Gold Bullion,
Zetasol DX (x2),
Survival Tent

When you begin in the dungeon, you can save, change party
members, and buy new equipments from the Merchant Johnny.
Merchant Johnny will now be in all the dungeons you will
face in Disk two. Upgrade your gears and buy some new
items from Merchant Johnny, when you are done, grab the
treasures near the dungeon entrance before entering the

Note-Take characters with elemental 7ap deathblows,
meaning Fei, Citan, Bart, and Elly are your choices. Fei
is forced upon you, and Citan is your best character right
now, so Bart will be a good third choice since Elly will
soon leave you forever. You are free to use other
characters if you wish, but Bart will be a good choice
right now.

This place is pretty good for leveling up, all enemies are
quite easy to fight against and they give out around
10,000 experience per fight. If you haven't gotten Fei to
level 70 or higher, try to do so here. Citan should
already have all of his 7AP deathblows, Bart should be
done with his soon, just get all three character's
Deathblows here now in this dungeon.

Enter the dungeon, turn right on the forked road, keep
going until you find a room with a red spark in the
corner, Fei will say something when you enter. Go down to
the room further down and search the box inside, one of
the box contains the item you need to fix the red spark.
Go back to the spark room and go to the spark, Citan will
fix the spark plug and now you can open all the A doors.
The A door in that room leads you to another room, search
the computer panel and it will ask for a password, the
correct password is 0, 3, 2, and 0.

Once you enter the code you can open all the B doors now.
Go back to the circular formation and try all the doors,
one of them leads to the beginning of the dungeon, the
other is a small room which will activate the elevator.
Go into that room and turn the elevator on, go back
outside, save if you want, and then use the elevator in
the middle of the room to go down. Once you get below,
there are 4 computer panels, each requires a code, and the
codes are:


After you enter the code, go next to the control panel,
activate it, and now you can go down to the Anima Relic
using the same elevator that brought you down. After
crossing a long hallway, you will be in a big room with a
big floating gold thing, and Billy will come into the
room, even if he isn't currently in your party.

Billy's gear will now be upgraded into an Omnigear.

When you try to leave the place, you fight the crazy women
again, the Elements are here for the Anima Relic to
upgrade their gears into Omnigears. Before going into
battle, have Fei or Citan equip with Power Crisis, the
character with Power Crisis will be the main fighter for
the next boss fight.

Boss#52: Dominia, Kelvena, Tolone, and Seraphita
HP: 4000, 2500, 2500, 2000
Exp: 15000
Specialty: Tidal Wave, Heal, EP Drain, Wind Storm,
Positron Beam, Elemental Sword, Dive Bomb
Treasure: STR Drive, ETH Drive, VIT Drive, ETHDEF Drive

The fight is overall very easy, since all the elements
still have their old HP and abilities. You fought Tolone
and Seraphita when you are at level 35, now you are at
level 70 with better equipment and weapons, so this is a
breeze. First take out Seraphita with 2 7 AP water
elemental attack, or kill of Kelvena with 2 7 AP fire
elemental attack since Seraphita drains your EP and
Kelvena heals her friends. Then it gets a little tricky
here, since the game forces you to save Dominia for last,
and every time you attack her, she heals for a lot more,
so here is what you do. Charge all three character's AP
bar to full, then use one of them to kill of Tolone, and
then unleash both 28 AP combo to kill off Dominia. Just
remember that when Dominia gets alone, she turns a lot
more agile, and she has a new powerful attack that she
uses it often. But still, the elements are rather weak
since you took them on 30 level ago and won, also this is
the last time you have to fight these girls in character,
that's a really good thing right there.

The elements gets killed in character, they want to battle
in gear. I say show no mercy, let's scrap some metal.
Let's get ready to rumble!

Boss#53: G Element
HP: 45000
Exp: 319068
Specialty: Tidal Wave, Kishin Sword, Light Ray
Treasure: Kishin Sword

This is the fun, it reminded me of the Mighty Morphin
Power Rangers, and you get to see these women's junky gear
combine into one bigger piece of junk. The fun part about
the fight is at the start of the game, they call upon
their sword, just like the Power Rangers, their gears
combine, just like the Power Rangers, and their best
attack is their sword, just like the Power Rangers. The G
Element is as hard as the Power Rangers, they can do
around 9000 damage with their Kishin Sword, but they won't
use it until they are about to die. Their normal attacks
do around 200 damage at most, so finishing them fast is
the motive here. To make the fight easy and fast, just
turn on booster attack with your 30 fuel and level one,
have Weltell 2 use System Id and Kishin, if they don't die
after the first System Id, use System Id again to finish
them off, no challenge here. One thing to remember is
when the G Elements start doing Kishin Sword, kill them
fast, if you don't they can kill you in 6 turns even if
you are at full HP. Their Kishin Sword can do around 9000
damage to one of your gear, and they use it every turn
once their HP falls into critical stage.

Now there is only one more piece of Anima Relic left in
this world, and Rico still got his crappy looking gear.
Now you head for Anima Dungeon 2 for the final piece of
Relic in this world.

Anima Dungeon 2

Ether Doubler,
Aqualsol DS (x2),
Rose Tabard,
Beastly Robe,
King's Helm

This is a even better place to level up than Anima Dungeon
1, all enemies here gives you 10,000 plus experience each
fight, and you can just spend a few hundred bucks and
repair your gears when you are about to die or low on
fuel. First you see a big gorge in front, and unless your
gears can fly which they should but can't, you won't able
to get pass. Well, now go to the big round rock near
Johnny the Merchant, push it out the way and go inside the
little door in character. Once you get in, check all the
pillars and then the writings on the wall, and just follow
the instructions. And 3 differnt rocks will fall down,
and you can push them into the 3 holes in the back. The
first rock will fall if you read the writing on the wall,
South 4 steps, West 10 Steps, do it and you should be
facing the wall on the opposite end. Press X and a rock
will fall. The other rock will fall if you check the back
of the pillars, use that rock as a stepping stone to get
on top of the middle pillar, jump up from there and
another rock will fall down and all you have to do is push
them into the hole. That will trigger the rocks outside,
and the rocks will form a stepping stone for you to get
across the gorge.

Note-you must read all the notes on the wall in order to
let the rock fall. Each time you something important, Fei
will say something to you.

Continue going, and you will be in at a lake, and the
ledge is small and your gears are fat, so get out of your
gear to get pass. You will enter a room and there is trap
door around, I forgot where the first two is, but they are
located in the middle section, so just stay on the side
and you will be fine, jump to get across for the treasures
along the way. After grabbing the treasure along the way,
you will eventually be at a dead, stay in the middle
section and walk back, and you will fall into a trap door
(you must fall). As soon as you start falling hold the
direction button towards east, hold on to it and you will
get into a small secret passage (it's not that secret, if
you don't find it, you can't keep going). Keep going and
you will be at some kind of platform or something. When
you get on the platform, spikes will fall from the
ceiling. Stay in the middle of platform, and you will be
fine. When the spikes stop falling, jump on top and it
will take you to another room. The next room requires you
do a little math (oh no), the water level can be different
from level 0 to level 10. Right now the water level is at
10, the two switches on the floor let you change the
amount of water to be poured in, or poured out. It can be
7 or 3, and the two switches on the wall let you pour in
and pour out water. You are trying to get water level to

For those of you who are lazy, or who are mathematically
challenged, here is what you do to get pass the math

Drop the water level by 7, now the water level is 3.

Add 3 to it, now it's at level 6.

Add 3 to it again, now it's at level 9.

Drop the level by 7 again, it's now at level 2.

Added 3 to it and you get 5.

This will drain the lake and you can get to the Relic room
further down. Save on the way, since there is always a
boss fight after something good happenes to you. Don't
forget to grab the Ether Doubler in the lake, it's a must
get even if you already have gotten one back in Nisan. On
the way back in the tunnel, get the treasure in there too.
the ledge to the relic room is tiny again, so get out of
your gears to get across.

Rico gets his new gear, and someone attacks you (duh, what
you expecting? Getting a fun party for your new gear? Of
course there will be a boss fight). And guess who is
attacking you, your old friend Hammar. Hammar has finally
gotten true power, he is showing you a thing or two now,
so be careful this time.

Boss#53: Hammar
HP: 48000
Exp: 348174
Specialty: Gel Breath, Self Modification, Tail Sting
Treasure: Trader's Card (if killed)

Your old friend Hammar is back, he looks different, in
fact he is no longer weak, he can wipe out your whole
party. Hammar isn't that hard, but if you want the
Trader's Card, you have to beat him. You can just escape,
but Trader's Card can be found only by beating Hammar. So
here is what you do, have Fei level up to level 70 in the
dungeon before you solve the puzzle, which mean Fei have
Kokei deathblow, that allows him to use Kishin skill at
level infinity, then pick two fast character, Citan and
Emeralda are good choices. Then equip Holy Pendent on
both of them if you have two, if you only got one, you can
just equip on any of them. First turn on booster and have
Fei do System Id, and hit Hammar with Kishin 3 times, that
should do around 20000 damage while your other character
turn on booster and charging to attack level 3. Then just
keep hitting Hammar a few more times, when he gets hit for
30000 damage he will grow red. That will then leave you
around 2 turns for Fei, and 3 turns for Citan and Emeralda
to kill Hammar, you should have at least Citan or Emeralda
at level infinity, and booster on for everyone. Then
quickly attack Hammar with the level infinity character,
and let Fei use System Id, Fei should get in 1 or 2 hits,
while your level infinity character should get in at least
2, that means around 13000 damage, that leaves another
5000 HP for Hammar. Your last character that didn't get
level infinity should use his or her level 3 attack, that
should do over 5000 damage and hopefully you killed Hammar
before he blows up. Remember to save, if you die, just
start all over again, and with Holy Pendent equipped,
level infinity lasts for 6 turns, and that should help you
win this fight. Another thing is when you get the
Trader's Card, equip it, it will give you treasures to
almost all fights from now on.

*Note, the Trader's Card is probably the most important
item in the game. Correction, Trader's Card is the most
important item in the game. Because not only it is a
great piece of item, you'll need this to get other very
important items.

After the fight, Hammar fades into the darkness, I really
feel sad for Hammar, why he got to be evil. Get ready now
for some more scenes, quite a few, around after half an
hour or so, you will face another boss. Select your gears
and start the fight.

Boss#54: Deus
HP: 40000
Exp: 363345
Specialty: HP Cut, halves all HP
Treasure: none

This battle is very easy, remember don't attack Deus, if
you do, he heals for a whooping 160000. First equip
something like a Frame HP30 before the battle, and then
just charge your fuel during the fight. Deus will
sometimes do a special move that halves everyone's HP,
including his own. His normal attacks do around 1000 to
3000 damage, don't worry about that, just keep your HP
above 6000 and keep charging your fuel. When Deus gets to
5000 HP, meaning he used HP Cut 3 times, attack with your
Weltell 2's System Id, and Kishin, that should kill him,
if you don't want to risk that (meaning your Weltell don't
deal over 5000 damage), just wait another time then
attack. This battle requires a lot of patience, it helps
if you bring Chu-Chu along, equip her with the Ether
Doubler and Life Stone, and she can heal your gears with
her spell for 5000 or so, that's more than enough for this
fight. I truly believe this is the only time where Chu-
Chu is even a bit useful. Overall, not a hard fight if
you are patient enough.

Anyway, there will be more scenes and Elly will get
kidnapped by Ramsus. Guess what, Fei to the rescue. On
the way, the elements came along, and since you both are
going for the same thing, you decide to help each other.
Once you picked your team you will fall into the Merkerva.
Now get ready for the hardest battle in the game against
Ramsus and Miang for the final time.

The door to the right will lead to Johnny the Merchant,
upgrade everything on your gears (a must) and get anything
else you want, save and go ahead for the fight. Unlike
FF7 when you can level up as much as you want before
taking on Ruby Weapon or Emerald Weapon, you will be
facing Amphysvena and Opiomorph at a rather low level (you
should be at level 60 or higher). However, Amphysvena and
Opiomorph have reasonable HP, when Ruby and Emerald each
have over 1 million, not to mention the both of them can
hit you every turn for an unreasonable 9999 damage.

Boss#55: Amphysvena
HP: 28000
Exp: 190000
Specialty: Wave #3 Demiser, Blaze Pose, Terra Flare
Treasure: Golden Vest

Ramsus again, this is the last time you have to fight him,
and he is ready to take you out. This fight is extremely
hard, first go east to upgrade your gears and equip Frame
HP30 and 2 Ether Ar+3 for all three of your gears, then go
fight Ramsus. When the fight starts, Ramsus will reduce
everyone HP to 1, and he usually gets the first turn, just
heal and start killing before he use Wave #3 Demiser
again. Fei should do System Id and attack with Kishin and
your other character use 30 fuel and level 1 attacks.
Don't use booster, you have another fight coming up, just
keep hitting, after Id Power is gone, just use 30 fuel and
level one attacks with Fei. You need to kill him before
he uses Wave #3 Demiser again. And if he does use Wave #3
Demiser again, don't heal on your supporting characters,
just heal Fei. Even if the two characters dies, they will
be revived again next fight with a few thousand HP.

You think this is a hard fight, wait for 2 minutes and see
what's coming for you. You know that Ramsus is always
with Miang, and yes, Miang will be your next boss.

Boss#56: Opiomorph
HP: 25000
Exp: 190000
Specialty: Wave#4 Devastator
Treasure: Executioner's Gown

Miang is the hardest boss in the game, after your tough
fight with Ramsus, you are low on both fuel and HP. All
of your character should be around 5000 HP, and 3000+
fuel. This fight is very tricky, first use System Id and
hit Miang once, then attack with one of your other
character, which ever one has the higher level infinity
percentage. And then just charge your Weltell 2 and other
gears. After Miang do her Devastator, go attack again
with your supporting characters but not with Fei, they
should only attack once. After Miang do her Devastator
again, just charge fuel and attack again with your
supporting characters. One of them should be now at level
3, the other one at level two, during this turn on System
Id for Fei. After Miang do her Devastator, attack once
with Fei and once with your character that have only 2
attack levels. Then just let Fei charge again, Fei should
have at least 1500 fuel left since you charge with System
Id on. Then if you have the chance turn on your booster
for everyone, if you don't, just forget about it, also
turn on System Id again for Fei. Now at least 1 of your
character should be in level infinity, if not, just attack
with level 3. Fei should able to get in at least 1
Kishin, and your supporting character each with a level 3
or level infinity. That should kill off Miang, if that
don't kill her, her Devastator will do over 9999 damage to
all of your gears. If you are at 7000 HP when your start
the fight, you can use 3 hit between Miang's Devastators,
if not, only attack her twice during your turn. The more
you attack her, the stronger her attack is to you, and if
you take too long, she will start doing her Wave#4
Devastator every turn, so don't wait too long. It's okay
you die, it took me 2 tries the first time I played, this
is the hardest boss in the game. Think this as Ruby
Weapon in FF7, maybe not, since Ruby is much more harder
and also Ruby Weapon seems just a bit too powerful. (You
realize that Ruby got 1,000,000 HP and he counter against
everything with Ultima. I have to use Knight of the Round
link with MP Turbo 12 times to kill him. There is a half
hour alone with the casting time for Knight of the Round.
Also most regular attack will only deal 1/10 of the
regular damage against Ruby.)

After the fight there will be a long scene, again.
However, Elly will leave your party from here and she will
not return. I am not going to spoil anything for you, so
just watch the scenes. After about almost half a hour,
you will be given the chance to save and get ready for
your new gear and another boss fight.

You remember when Bart was killed by Id back in Disk one,
you are about to fight Id's gear and get your revenge.

Boss#57: Id
HP: 20000
Exp: 300000
Specialty: Blaze Rush
Treasure: none

Id is piece of cake compare to you have gone through with
Ramsus and Miang. Just turn on booster and use 30 fuel
and level one attack, Id will die pretty fast (what happen
to Kishin, she use that move on Bart, what happen to it
now). This fight, you can't use your Omnigear, you have
to use your Hemidal and Brigandier, etc, surprisingly they
all have level infinity, they look weird, but it might be
worth it to see Hemidal doing level infinity with a sword.

After you kicked butt, Fei will be back in your party with
a new killer gear, Xenogears. The Disk one final boss
Grahf or whatever he really is right now will fight in you
in his gear, and True Weltell is piece of junky metal
compared to Alpha Weltell a few hours earlier.

Boss#58: True Weltell
HP: 15000
Exp: 198000
Specialty: Super Guided Shot
Treasure: none

This is another easy fight, Xenogears can get level
infinity in four turns, so get it and see your new moves.
True Weltell is weak so don't worry about it, 2 level
infinity can do him in, his attack will deal less than
1000 damage to you.

Snow Field Hideout

Speed Shoes,
Hercules Ring (x2),
Kijin Sword,
Vivid Turban,
Wizardary Ring,
Yamato Belt,
Mermaid Ring,
Hero Costume,
Emerlda Jr Doll

After the scene, get ready for some FMV, and lot more
boring scenes. After the long scenes you will finally get
to go back on the world map again, however before you
leave, pick up some things first. I hope I saved your
money, because you are going to need it. First go to the
gear shop and upgrade everything except everyone's gear
armor, and Maria plus Rico's gear Frame, there are better
ones later. Just the 8000 fuel engine can make you go
bankrupt, so if you don't got enough money, just come back
later. You will see a guy stand right next to a bunch of
birds, talk to him and he will sell you the birds.
However the birds fly away as soon as you buy them, you
been ripped off. Now that the birds are gone, you can
take the elevator they occupied and get the treasures.
Down the elevator is the old Chu-Chu room, and there will
have a lot of treasures, check each desk for all the
treasures. Now you go back up and take the narrow door
near the gear shop, it will take you to the gear hangar.
The man at the end will upgrade your Kishin Sword to Kijin
Sword, but first you have to unequip it. After you are
done go explore, in one room you will see Midori and Dan,
talk to Midori and if you got Midori Ring from back in
Disk one, she will give you a Hercules Ring. In another
hallway, you will meet a man, he will take the Mermaid
Tear you got and make it into a Mermaid Ring. In a dirt
or rock tunnel you will meet a man, he will dig for you if
you pay him with a Gold Nugget, then come back later and
he will ask for a Gold Bullion. Eventually he will find
the music juke box and now you can play music for 100Gs
everytime. Another room has Hans, the first mate of
Thames, talk to him and you will get to see a scene, the
Captain of Thames will come out and do his Man of the Sea
and he will tell you about the secret of Duneman's Isle.
The little girl in pink cloth will play you a card game
like the ones you've played back on Thames, and if you win
you will get Emerlda Jr Doll. I have been emailed with
information about getting Elly Jr Doll from her by beating
her twice in a row without leaving the room. I beat her 6
times in a row and I've only gotten one Doll, so I don't
know if the information is correct or not. In the snow
hallway, go up the stairs in the hallway near the man, you
will see Queen Zephar, she will be standing alone in the
snow and you will see a very disturbing scene with Ramsus.
Damn… I really believed that Ramsus will join you from
that scene.

Now that you are done with everything, go outside and get
in your Yggdrasil.

Tora's House

Goddess Robe,
Manly Mantle

Tora's house is located in the forest to the north/east of
Snowfield Hideout, go in and talk to Tora and he will give
you two good piece of armor. In that forest you can find
a creature look like a white snail or white shaggy dog,
these monster will leave behind Speed Shoes with Trader's
Card equipped, however they are quite rare.

Light House

Deathblower 1,
Deathblower 2,
Deathblower 3,
G-God Father,
Survival Tent,

The lighthouse is located in the middle of the map, it
won't show on the map but you can see the lighthouse if
you fly low. Remember to bring Emerlda with you since
this concerns her. After you go down, Fei will say
something everytime you can go into a house. Almost every
house contains some kind of treasure, in one room you will
see Big Joe and he will have a gear and item shop, buy
from him. The four treasure chests in the room will be
filled again once you exit the room, get in and get out to
get all the money you need by selling the items. Further
down the town and Fei will say something when you get near
a big opening, get out your gear and enter the underground
subway. Once you get in, keep going down until you see a
subway cart, inside is a Z-Charger, get that and go
upstairs. Once you get up, Emerlda will grow to a grown
woman from a child (her stats improves more, too,
everytime she levels up). That is about all you can do
here, after getting all the treasures here, leave for
Duneman's Isle.

Duneman's Isle

Yamato Sword,
Kingly Armor,

Duneman's Isle is located near Bart's Hideout, you will
see a big island with small patches of grass. You can
only land on the grass, go in and you will asked to leave.
Answer no and you will fight some Duneman, kill them and
you will able to wonder around. It seems to be just blank
desert in all directions, but it's not. First go four
screens to the east and you will be in a big desert
opening, go north two screens and you will see some fish,
don't follow the fish, but go another screen north, you
will see a big skeleton. Climb up the skeleton to get
Yamato Sword, go back south and head west and you will be
at a sand fall. There are two treasure chests, grab one
this time and follow the directions to get the second one
after you fall. After you fall, you will fight against
Wurm, the boss that Grahf left behind when you first
gotten Weltell. Since regular attack don't work against
Wurm, use your Ether attack. Guided Shot, Heavenly Cent,
etc all works.

However before you go, walk around and you will eventually
run into a random fight against Dragon.

Boss#59: Dragon
HP: 20000
Exp: 105000
Specialty: Dragon Breathe
Blessed Helm,
Blessed Habit,
Death Adder,
Mumyo Sword,
Kasier Helm,
Slayer's Robe

The dragon isn't really a boss, but I put him here because
he is first of all very hard, second of all he gives out
the best equipment in the game, and third a lot of
experience points. This Dragon can be only found in
Duneman's Isle, west of Bart's old hideout. Walk around
and you will eventually get to fight Dragon. The Dragon's
Dragon Breathe deals around 600 plus damage to your
characters, and that will probably wipe out your whole
party. There is two way to win this fight, one is buy
some HP Drives and use it on someone to get their HP over
700, so they can survive the Breathe. The other way is
get 3 Speed Shoes, have Fei get killed and just get his HP
above 50 with a Hob Jerky, equip Power Crisis on Fei and
have Fei do his Kokei or Yamikei on the Dragon. Use
Citan's XX combo, and your other character's XX combo, the
Elemental deathblows heals dragon so don't use it. Have
your least useful character equip the Trader's Card, so
you can get something after the battle. You get the
following items from the Dragon. Mumyo Sword is the best
sword in the game for Citan. Death Adder is the best Whip
for Bart. Blessed Helm and Blessed Habit is the best
equipment for your girls, and Kasier Helm is the Helmet,
and Slayer Robe is one of the best armor for your male
characters. Emerlda and Billy's 7ap deathblows works
here, but Billy's Ether gun will heal the Dragon and
Emerlda's Dark Beast won't hit the Dragon, so use Recount

After this, there isn't much of anything left to do. You
can go battling in Kislev for Prizes, and the two Anima
Dungeons are still around. So get money, level up,
upgrade your gears, and buy anything you want then get
ready for the final dungeon.

I suggest to have the following items:

GR50 (x6)
Z-Charger (x2)
Speed Shoe (x3)
Holy Pendent
Frame HP30 (x3)

All gear upgrades, 8000 Fuel Engines, best Gear Frames, your
choice of Armor.


Merkerva has some of the toughest enemies around, when
going around have all your gears equiped with either Anti-
Angel System or Angel Ar+1, Halo and other Angel attack
will deal 9999 damage, and with only a Angel Ar, you will
still suffer 8000 or so damage.

The Merkerva allows an auto map, push select to use it.

The Merkerva is located in the middle of the map, you bump
into it with your Yggdrasil, you see a big silver thing
sticking out the ground.

The first part is like a bee hive, you are trying to get
to the top right corner. The different color stands for
the height of the ground. It's easy to get there, just
follow the map. A save point is near the exit.

The next part is your gears falling down, and you have to
avoid beams. I just left my controller alone, meaning I
didn't move at all, I just let the gears fall, and I
didn't get hit by any of the beams, talk about luck.

The next part is quite hard, your goal is to jump down the
center hole. The map shows a light color shaded white
line, it means you can move the rail. Most of the
elevator has something on top, if you push it you can
change the direction of the rail. The whole point is to
connect the rails to lead you to the middle. The two main
connection has a green beam on top of the elevator, one is
located north/west of the center, the other one is a bit
further south/east.

Eventually you will pass this part (sorry, but this part
is extremely hard to explain), and you will jump down the
center. Time to dodge to the beams again, and sorry, this
time you have to move to dodge the beams. I just left the
gears alone, since you will get to save and heal once this
parts ends anyway.

Now you are back at where you took on Ramsus and Miang,
Johnny the Merchant is still there, allowing you to leave
and heal. Don't leave, meaning if you leave you will have
to start all over again from the start of the dungeon.

Once you got everything prepared go for the final boss,
don't forget to save.

Final Boss

There are actually 6 different bosses, 2 of them you can't
avoid, the other four you can skip but they each hold a
ability for Deus when you fight him. For example you beat
all four sub bosses and Deus can only have 48000 HP, and
barely any special moves, if you just go straight to Deus,
he will have 84000 HP, and four very powerful moves. So
just reserve 3 of your best characters and fight with the
rest of your party. The whole point is kill off as many
sub bosses as you can before going to Deus.

Harlute - Blue
Marlute - Yellow
Metatron - Gray
Sundel - Pink

Each sub boss is like a ball of light, they gives off
different color, then you can choose which one to fight,
the order you want to battle them and so on. A Blue
crystal is there to allow you to change characters
whenever you want to.

Boss#60: Harlute
HP: 45000
Exp: 1
Specialty: Heavenly Annointment
Treasure: none

Harlute is one of the harder sub bosses, his special move
is Heavenly Annointment, it cause different effects on
your gears, but don't worry much about it. He only has
45000 HP, so have your gears equiped with Speed Shoes and
GR50, and just hit him with your 30 fuel and level 1
attack, it should only take a couple of turns, and you
should still have most of your HP, and over 7000 fuel.
Every few turns, Harlute will freeze two of your
characters, then you would only able to attack with one,
just hit him with 30 fuel attacks and wait for level

Boss#61: Marlute
HP: 54000
Exp: 1
Specialty: Fuel Drain
Treasure: none

Marlute is another hard boss, and it is like a piece of
rug on the ground. You can only use regular attack, you
can't hit him with your gear skills, but you can still
deal a lot of damage, like 30 fuel attacks deals around
4000 damage with a GR50 equiped. One thing bad about this
battle is he drains your fuel, you probably want to fight
him last, or if you are in bad shape not to fight him at
all. If you go in with 5000 fuel, you can come out with
as low as 2000 fuel left after the battle. Another way to
deal with Marlute is use Omega100 engine, and a Z-Charger,
you charge twice, you have full fuel. Overall Marlute is
easy, try to fight him last, or just have Chu-Chu in your
team, Chu-Chu can deal almost 4000 damage with her X
button attack. Marlute has a super attack that deal 7000
damage to all your gears, so watch out for that, keep your
character's HP above 8000 and you will be fine.

Boss#62: Metatron
HP: 45000
Exp: 1
Specialty: Earthly Annointment
Treasure: none

Metatron is a rather hard boss (probably the hardest out
of all), but this is a simple battle, he hit you, you hit
him, whoever last longer wins. Metatron has some powerful
attacks but you shouldn't give him the chance to abuse it.
Just have GR50, Speed Shoes, and hit him hard with your 30
fuel and level one skills, if one of your character is at
10000 HP, have that gear saves its level for level
infinity. I would recommend you to fight Metatron either
first or second, cause the most he can do is just damage,
Chu-Chu can heal your gears with EP next battle.

Boss#63: Sundel
HP: 54000
Exp: 1
Specialty: Heal, Counter
Treasure: none

Sundel is the probably the hardest out of the four bosses,
at the start of the battle it will choose one of your
gear, whenever that gear attacks, Sundel will counter for
6000 damage to all your gears, and Sundel will sometime
heal for 10000. So basically all you do is have the two
other gears attack and wait for level infinity, when you
get level infinity, attack it. It helps if you equip a
Holy Pendent for this battle, Speed Shoes and GR50 are
also useful for this fight. This is fight takes a lot of
patience, but I recommend you to take out this bosses, it
allows Deus to heal if you don't kill it, and Deus really
abuse his Healing a lot, and Deus heals for a whooping
20000 almost once every 3 turns.

Before going to Deus, I really think you should at least
take out Sundel, Marlute, and Harlute. Sundel and Harlute
is the two harder one, Marlute is rather easy so at least
take out Marlute and either Sundel and Harlute.

Boss#64: Deus
HP: Depends on how many sub bosses you killed. Differs
from 84000-48000
Exp: 0
Specialty: Starry Night, Halve HP, Ultimate Break, Cosmic
Treasure: none

This is actually an easy battle, even if Deus have 84000
HP, and he can heal himself. Remember to equip like this,
Fei (Xenogears) Speed Shoes, Holy Pendent, GR50X2, and
Frame HP30, the other two characters (best with Siezbehn,
Fenrir, or El Stier) should each have Speed Shoes, GR50s
and Frame HP30 or 50. Just let your two supporting
character attack with 30 fuel and level one skills, have
Xenogears save up for level infinity. With Holy Pendent
equiped, Xenogears have 6 level infinity turns, take
advantage of that. 6 Kishin should take away a large
portion of Deus's HP, your supporting characters should do
Deus in with their attacks. Don't worry much about
healing, Xenogears, and most of your other Omnigears have
pretty high HP, they should last long enough to kill Deus,
if not just heal once. Deus packs quite a few strong
attacks, Starry Night, Comic Crush, and Ultimate Break are
all cool looking moves that deals quite some damage. At
the beginning of the battle, Deus' hands will fly off,
they will counter attack all attacks that connected
against Deus. Don't worry too much about this, the damage
they deal isn't high, as long as you have Speed Shoes on,
the battle should be done before Deus can break out any
more than 2 of his super powered attacks.

After the long fight with a pretty decent looking boss
with some cook moves, you will be shown some scenes. Then
everyone's gear is not responding, and only Xenogears is
still under Fei's control. Then Fei goes off fighting
against the last final boss.

(Same thing is FF7, Cloud going up against Sephroith one
vs one. Finishing Sep off with Omni-Slash, a beyond evil
20 Slash combo each dealing up to 9000 damage for me with
Ultimate Weapon and 9999 HP!)

After reaching the outer space Deus and finding Elly, Fei gets
in his gear and prepare for the final battle.

Boss#65: Urobolus
HP: 50000
Exp: 0
Specialty: Serpent Tail
Treasure: none

You fight this battle one-on-one with Xenogears. Urobolus
is easy since you have full HP and fuel when you fight
her. I serious doubt that you will lose here, Urobolus'
regluar attack only deals around 1000 damage, so nothing
to worry about there. You on the other hand have the
world strongest gear, or you can say after 4 turns, hell
turn lose with your level infinity, the fight should end
after a few level infinity attacks. Then the funny part
comes, how come Xenogears fly that high? And why is
everyone naked? The battle is in gears so too bad for all
of you sick people out there, just charge your attack
level and use Kishin. Urobolus is easy, but her strongest
attack can do around 8000 damage, so keep your HP above
10000 just in case.

After the fight, sit back and enjoy the 30 minute anime
ending, the voice-over are terrible, Citan looks kind of
weird, and Bart have a really funny voice, Chu-Chu looks
really funny, and yes, Elly is back. So enjoy…

I've heard about a possible Xenogears 2 on Playstation 2
when it comes out year 2001, really hope and want to check
this sequel or prequel to Xenogears.

Part Five: FAQs

How do you learn deathblows?

The best way to learn deathblows is not to use deathblows
in battles, but sometimes when the bar is in 99% and it
isn't moving at all, doing a deathblow might actually
trigger something and you can learn the deathblow. So
whatever you do, just don't keep doing the same move over
and over again, switch around, play with the buttons, and
than you can learn to deathblows you want to. E.g. you
trying to learn deathblow T,T,S,X, fight against enemy by
doing this pattern as if it's a deathblow, if the
deathblow bar is stuck or not increasing after a few
fights (usually it's probably at 95+ %), try using
deathblows you already learned.

How do you get more skills for your gears?

Get more deathblows, play with your character outside
their gear. The more deathblows you have, the more skills
your Gears have.

Where is the best place to level up?

The last dungeon where you fought Ramsus and Miang in
their gears (the last time you have to fight them). Going
through the place will hopefully level up all three of
your character from as many as 5-6 levels each. But you
can't save in the dungeon other than all the way at the
end, take your time in the lower circular place. Remember
to put on your Hercules Ring, and look for the Power
Serph, they give 75,000 experience per battle to one
character with Hercules Ring, 50,000 without the Ring.

Also the Dragon in Duneman's Isle is also a good choice,
since it's easier to save and you can also get some good

How do I get a lot of money at the end of the game? I
don't have enough for GR50s from Big Joe.

Equip your Trader's Card, and get any three characters
with just average gear part. Go to the Anima Dungeon 2,
the place where you fight Hammar. The Cloaker Tribe there
will leave 6 scales with beaten. 6 scales=12,000Gs, you
have to sell it at the blue crystal in Kislev. This is
one way to get money, probably the best way, since you get
both heavy money, and semi high experience. There is also
other ways to get money, like battling the Kislev. Get
BPs and get the Dolls, they sell for 50,000Gs each. And
you also get money when you beat the computer each time,
it differs from 250Gs, to 1000Gs depending on how well you
did during the battle. Another way to get money is going
to the Snowfield Hideout (crashed Shevat). Equip your
Trader's Card and fight in the snowfield. You will find
Neo Tears and Neo Gimmick, they leave Gold equipments,
they sell for a good few thousand Gs each. But sometimes
you won't find them at all, you just fight boring Golems
all the time.

What is the best character team and gear team?

The best character team in my opinion is Fei, Citan and
Emerlda. Fei is forced upon you, so no choice there.
Citan gets some cool moves once he gets his sword, his
Crystal Water do as much damage as Fei's Kokei. Citan
also have very good speed, he can three turn for Fei's
two. The last slot is used for Emerlda, one of the reason
is because her Magic, she is the only one in the game
other than Elly that have useful attacking magic. Her
speed is also very good, almost as fast as Citan. She
also has a Darkness Elemental Deathblow, Dark Beast is a
pretty good move. Also other people might think about
using Bart and Billy, they can be good, but Emerlda is
faster and more useful, just remember to get drives to
boost her defense. You can also use Billy to replace
Emerlda, if your Billy is at a higher level then you
Emerlda. Billy is good for fighting character size
bosses, since he got an entire team's healing spell and a
reviving spell.

The best gear party is Xenogears, Fenrir and Siezbehn,
however, El Steir can be used to replce Siezbehn if you
like it better.

How do I get good equipment for my team?

Go through the game, the second disk contains all the best
equipment of the game, other than Power Crisis, Long Dark
Coat, Life Stone, Holy Pendent, Ecomether and Chu-Chu
Doll. Everything else is pretty worthless from Disk one.

The other things you must pick up are Trader's Card from
Hammar, Kishin Sword from the G Elements, traded in for a
Kijin Sword (Citan's best gear sword).

Once you can roam around freely in disk two, go to the
small desert-island next to Bart's Old Hideout. You can
only land in the small green part on the tip of the
island, after you go in you will fight some sandman, beat
them then you can go around the place. There is a very
good enemy to fight here, Dragon (gear size). The Dragon
leaves behind some of the best equipment in the game,
especially for the female party members. I once got a
Slayer's Robe from him, but that might be just a glitch in
my game (no one else got the Slayer's Robe from him except
me? Why? Is it because of something I did early on in the
game?) Duneman's Isle also has the best armor for your
guys which is Kingly Armor and Billy's God Father gun.
The Dragon is also found in the Light Tower, but he only
leaves behind Dervish Dress.

Tora also give you two good piece of armor, find him at
his house.

The best gear equipments are gotten from the Gear Shop in
Snowfield Hideout and Big Joe's Gear Shop in the
underground Lighthouse. Big Joe's shop contains the best
gear part GR50, because it adds 300-400 or even more
output to your gear. It also contains the Z-Charger, I
found it useful, but my friends said it worthless, oh
well. So basically all you need is 2 GR50s, and a Frame
HP30. Frame HP50, Frame HP70 and Frame HP90 are all
useless since you won't need to heal that much, and it
wastes a lot of fuel.

One of the best equipments in the game is Speed Shoes,
they double your speed in character, and automatically
puts your gear in booster for free. So get three pairs of
these, one is found in old Chu-Chu's room in Snowfield
Hideout (check walkthrough). You must get the two other
from a monster you fight in the forest where Tora lives
(Trader's Card is required for this). The monster is like
a white shaggy dog type of thing, they are seen more often
in disk one, but they are now quite rare in disk two. But
if you fight in the forest long enough, you will
eventually bump into them. The fights are extremely easy,
and the enemy is just plain rare.

Who is the best character in the game?

This depends a lot on who you like and what kind of team
you are building. Most people think Citan is the best
character, he probably is until level 80 and above. But
then it won't really matter anymore. Also Chu-Chu can be
very strong from Drives, I spent at least 20 of each drive
on her. And yes, my Chu-Chu can kill your Chu-Chu. But
this is just a waste of time, I would really recommend
just using the drives on someone else who needs it more,
like Emerlda for Defense, Billy for HP, and Rico for
Speed. I used a friend's Game Shark to boost my Chu-Chu
by getting free Drives, so basically it's just a cheat,
not recommended.

How do I get the Trader's Card from Hammar? He always
blows up before I can finish him?

First thing you do is equip a Holy Pendent (obtained from
Billy when he joined, or brought from Nisan the first time
you visited it), and save up your level 3 for level
infinity. First have Fei do his System Id, and use all
three turns on hitting Hammar. Then waits for another
character to get level infinity, have booster turned on
from start of the game. Once one of your characters gets
level infinity, have both him and Fei attack with level
infinity until Hammar turns red. By then all three
characters should have level infinity, if not just do your
most powerful attack. This should kill Hammar, if not,
then reset and just try again. Holy Pendent allows your
character to spend double time in level infinity, but it
doesn't work for System Id. Now you finish off Hammar,
you get Trader's Card. I note here that the Trader's Card
leads to almost 50% of the best items possible to you.
(Check the walkthrough for more information on beating

How do I beat Ramsus (Amphysvena) and Miang (Opiomorph) in

First upgrade everything you can in the shop to the right
of the save crystal. Then equip all three characters with
Frame HP30s, and two Ether Ar+3. Ramsus will reduce your
HP to 1, just heal right away, turn on booster and beat
the hell out of him before he use the Wave 3 Demiser
again. Fei's System Id should be used, three level
infinity and hits from your other character should able to
kill Ramsus, if not, just hit him with everything you got
(booster is very important for the battle). After the
fight you should have at least 2000 plus fuel left for
everyone. Don't worry about your HP, as long as it's
above 2000. Miang's attack power will change depending on
how much you attacked her, so only attack her twice (maybe
three times, but it might deal some damage to you) during
each of her attack. Fei will turn on System Id, and hit
Opiomorph once, then Fei should spend the next two turns
charging fuel. Opiomorph's Wave #4 Devastator will damage
from 0 to as many as 11000 (I attack her 7 times in a row,
she hit me back for 11000), so never ever keep attacking
her non-stop. Unless you are sure you can kill her 25,000
HP before she use her Wave #4 Devastator). One character
should be equipped with Holy Pendent, have him attack and
have your other character just charge fuel. Don't turn on
booster because you will run out of fuel. If you have
more than 2000 plus fuel for Fei after he use his first
System Id, heal once, so Fei should at around 7000 HP (he
can than stand Miang's attack for at least one turn).
Have your character with Holy Pendent attack until he or
she gets level infinity (that shouldn't take long since
they should be at low HP, that gives a better chance of
getting level infinity). When he or she gets it, wait for
Miang to attack you once. And when she finish attacking,
have all your character attack, including the character
that wasn't attacking at first. Fei with two System Id
Kishin should deal around 10,000 damage, your supporting
character with level infinity should also deal almost that
much. That should kill off Opiomorph with your last
character dealing 2000 or so damage. This is the hardest
battle in the whole game, so don't feel down when you die,
just try again. Also don't take too long charging, after
about 10 turns or so, Miang will attack every single turn
and her attack and ether power won't go down.

*Note have someone equip with Trader's Card, you get a
Golden Vest from Ramsus when you win. Although you can
get the Golden Vest later on if you equip the Trader's
Card from fighting against Neo Tears in the Snow Field
(random encounter).

How do I beat Calamity? And Redrum?

Everyone found Calamity hard to beat, he gave me barely
any trouble. I beat him with Fei at level 16, and Bart at
level 15. I just turn on booster and keep hitting him
with T, S combos. And I cast Wild Smile on him once every
5 turns. Calamity isn't too hard unless you are totally
new to the game (check out walkthrough for more info on
beating Calamity and other boss).

Redrum however is much harder, but I never lost fighting
against him. Just bring along a lot of Zetosols, two 28
ap combos should kill him. He shouldn't give you too much
trouble, just keep everyone alive and never waste turns,
always deal some kind of damage against him. Remember to
do the 28 AP combo at the same time so Murder and Fire
Rain don't heal him first.

I have some deathblows at 100, how come I can't learn it

Most high level Deathblows requires a certain level before
you can learn it. Just level up and you will be able to
use it. Like Fei's last deathblows Yamaiki needs level 80
before you can learn it. Only some Deathblows have a
level requirement, those are mostly on 7AP, most lower
levels ones don't.

What is the point of Big Joe's gear engines (with 1000

The engine has a high output, it means you have high
attack power. However you can't heal with this engine,
other than Frame HP10. But you only heal for 2000 with
Emerlda, which is pretty useless, however with Z-Charger,
you can heal once every 3 turns. The only use of the
Omega100 Engine is equip 2 GR50 and a Deathblower 1, every
2 turns, you deal 9999 damage.

My friend said you can heal with this engine (with Frame
HP30 or Frame HP50)?

Your friend is tripping, I though you could at first too,
but I checked it out later and you can't. It will be too
good if you can, think 2 GR50 with a Omega 1000 engine
means almost 2000 plus output, it's the double the output
of Yggdrasil IX Super Dimension Gear.

How is the stat boost after each battle determined when you
level up?

I think the stat boost during level ups are random, I tried
out various ways to level up my character, and so far, I
haven't seen any patterns yet. So, it's safe for me to say
that it's totally random. However, once the character reaches
max level, the stats will reach the max for level ups.
Further stat boost can still be achieved through Drives.

Part 4: Credits

First off I thank SquareSoft for making this game. I had
some fun with it. Well at least for the first two times I
played it, I just got a very short attention span.

Secondly, I want to thank GameFAQs.com for posting up my
guide. CjayC, thanks a lot, you are providing one heck of a
game site for everyone.

Next I really had to thank my good friend
Evilman90@hotmail.com, he told me a lot of the secrets
about Xenogears. He actually finished the game almost a
week before me, and I started playing a week before he
did. Anyways, Evilman, I hope you finish your lousy
really long FF8 soon, too bad you have to start from Disk
one all over cause you got stuck.

Than I got to thank my friend Ta11AzN05@aol.com for
selling me Xenogears.

I got to thank my friend "The One", I played in the game
in his house before I went out and got it. By the way,
"The One", finish your stupid FF8, god, Evilman is already
on the fourth disk and you still haven't beaten the first
disk. Yeah, I'm talking to you, lol.

Also I got to thank my friend "SH" for telling me the Card
game on Thames, which you get a GR20, which still haven't
been confirmed.

Another thanks goes out to "Alex Belosic"
for sending in the Solaris factory
code for the disarming of the detector.

Last but not least, I thank myself for writing this 100
plus page walkthrough. Took me a really long time, but
still check it out. Also if you got time to burn, check
out my StarCraft Strategy Guide too, also posted at

Copyright May 5, 2000 by Scott Lee

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Perfect Works FAQ and Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Item FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Strategie FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Letzter Boss.

16.Oktober 2013
The Complete Script Part 2

17.Oktober 2013
Bosses FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Boss Strategy FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Deathblow FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

18.Oktober 2013
Debug Guide FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Caminata FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ 2
04.Mai 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +9 Trainer für die US Version

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008
FAQ und Lösung
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020