

14.10.2013 17:53:42
Item FAQ
Xenogears Item FAQ v0.35
by Lightopia (lightopia@hotmail.com)
Sony Playstation - English Version
Copyright 2000 Lightopia

i. Legal Information
I. Revision History
II. Introduction
III. Key
IV. Item List
IV.a Battle Items
IV.b Non-Battle Items
IV.c Event Items
V. Equipment List
V.a Head Equipment - Unisex
V.b Head Equipment - Female
V.c Head Equipment - Male
V.d Body Equipment - Unisex
V.e Body Equipment - Female
V.f Body Equipment - Male
V.g Accessories
VI. Weapon List
VI.a Character Weapons
VI.b Gear Weapons
VII. Gear Parts List
VIII. Gear Upgrades List
VIII.a Gear Engines
VIII.b Gear Frames
VIII.c Gear Armor
IX. Shopping List
X. Frequently Asked Questions
XI. Contact Information
XII. Special Thanks

i. Legal Information

This FAQ is property of Nick Best, and shall not be modified in any way, shape
or form unless consent by the author or for personal private use. This FAQ
shall not be used in profitable purposes by anyone or anything. This includes
magazines, websites, strategy guide, etc. If you wish for this FAQ to be
placed on your website, please contact me, the author, Nick Best. I can be
reached at "lightopia@hotmail.com". If, by any chance, you DO find a website
that has put this FAQ on it, and has modified it in any way, please notify me
as soon as possible. Thank you, and enjoy the FAQ.

I. Revision History

Version 0.35 - June 30, 2001

Yes, I know you hate me. I am unbelievably late with version 0.4, and it still
isn't even done yet (this is only 0.35)! Yes, you can throw rotten tomatoes at
me if you wish. ANYWAY, I have found out some super muchacho information about
the Slayer Robe, thanks to JHeld78845@aol.com. Check it out on the FAQs
section. Really, that is the only thing I updated. I would have finished the
Shopping List, but school has really been keeping me occupied. However, now
school is out for the summer, so I can start pumping on the Shopping List, Gear
Parts List, and Accessories, and finish up all of the things that are
incomplete. In version 0.4, expect the Shopping List 100% complete. Oh, and I
am also going to add a little summary of the things completed in a certain
update from now on.

- Information on how to obtain the Slayer Robe (check the FAQs)
- Ran a spellcheck on the guide

Version 0.3 - April 21, 2001

Heh, okay, so maybe I'm, what, five months late on what was scheduled to be
version 0.3? Okay, so maybe I'm a procrastinator. But, I did get a good bit
done. I remodeled the Revision History so it looks nicer. I added Legal
Information. I added more to the Shopping List, although it isn't fully
complete yet. I'm also thinking of remodeling the lists, because it seems sort
of cramped, in my opinion. But I honestly don't know how else it could be
done. Ah, well. Expect (but don't take MY word for it) version 0.4 around
May, and the Shopping List should be 100% complete, and if I have the time I'll
try to start on the Accessories List and Gear Parts List.

Version 0.2 - December 3, 2000

Added and fixed lots of stuff. Most the spelling and grammatical errors are
fixed, and most of the lists had information added to them. The Shopping List
_should_ be totally complete by version 0.3. You can expect version 0.3 around

Version 0.1 - November 25, 2000

The first version of this FAQ! Yay! Yes, I know that it's only like 50% done,
but don't worry, I'm working hard to finish it. It should probably be
completed by somewhere around January. ^_^

II. Introduction

Oh wow! This is my first FAQ and I'm very excited. Well, anyway, let's get
down to business. First of all, I just want to say that this FAQ should have
probably been made _much_ earlier than this, mainly because the game came out
almost two years ago. I played it for about a month or two, and completed it.
Then I stopped playing it for, I don't know, half a year or something like
that. I then started replaying the game, and then compared the first time I
played to the second time. I noticed that I had a lot more items in the
second rather than the first. So, I decided to make an item FAQ. I played
the game numerous times, figuring out most of the item locations, shopping
lists, gear stuff, etc. Well, I've gotten about 75%-80% of the stuff, so here
it is!

III. Key

Hm, I bet you're asking yourself "Huh? Key? What's this guy talking about?"
I'm talking about the key to my read my list (sort of like a legend, I guess).
This is an example of what most of it will look like:

Item Name Cost(G) Effect Location
Aquasol 20 Restores 50 HP See section IX

Note that for most of the other lists in this FAQ, "Effect" will most likely be
replaced with something else ("Attack", "Defense", etc.). Now you're probably
jumping for joy because I actually put every item's location. You better be
happy, because it took me endless hours of playing to find most of the items,
and some I still haven't found yet. Bah, I thought I could find everything...
Oh! Wait! Okay, this is the last thing you need to know. Under the location
of the item, if it says "See FAQs", check section X - Frequently Asked
Questions to see the how to get that item, because if it says "See FAQs", the
specified item most likely has a purpose or is hard to get. Uh, yeah.

IV. Item List

Alrighty, here's the list of items. The items are in alphabetical order. Note
that _most_ (not all) of the healing items that can be used in battle, can also
be used outside of battle. I didn't put the selling price on the items because
a good bit of them sell for about half of their buying price, with the
exception of a few like ivory, gold nuggets, scales, gold bullions, etc. I
have listed these items on another list in this section. Finally, most of the
battle items and non-battle items can be bought in stores. To find exactly what
stores the item is in, just check section IX - The Shopping List.

Battle Items

Item Name Cost(G) Effect Location
Aquasol 20 Recover 50 HP See section IX
Aquasol S 100 Recover 150 HP See section IX
Aquasol DX 300 Recover 300 HP See section IX
Alphasol 1000 Recover all HP See section IX
Panalphasol 10000 Recover all HP (whole party) See section IX
Rosesol 100 Recover 10 EP See section IX
Rosesol S 300 Recover 20 EP See section IX
Rosesol DX 800 Recover 30 EP See section IX
Sigmasol 1500 Recover all EP See section IX
Zetasol 100 Revive from KO'd status See section IX
Zetasol DX 1000 Revive from KO'd status (with
full HP) See section IX
Physisol 10 Remove body status effects See section IX
Mentsol 20 Remove mind status effects See section IX
Physimentsol 50 Remove all status effects See section IX
White Star 500 Earth Def UP / Wind Def DOWN See section IX
Brown Star 500 Wind Def UP / Earth Def DOWN See section IX
Red Star 500 Water Def UP / Fire Def DOWN See section IX
Blue Star 500 Fire Def UP / Water Def DOWN See section IX
Hard Star 800 Defense up until end of battle See section IX
Speed Star 1000 Speed up until end of battle See section IX
Tragedienne 10 Cause "Play Dead" status See section IX
Comedienne 10 Remove "Play Dead" status See section IX
Igissol 2000 Prevent body status effects See section IX
Aegissol 2000 Prevent mind status effects See section IX
Blue Rose 1500 Remove physical Ether support See section IX
Red Rose 1500 Remove mental Ether support See section IX
Black Rose 1500 Remove equipment Ether support See section IX
ElementAero 1200 Makes attack wind-elemental See section IX
ElementTerra 1200 Makes attack earth-elemental See section IX
ElementPyro 1200 Makes attack fire-elemental See section IX
ElementHydro 1200 Makes attack water-elemental See section IX
Samson'sHair 1000 Weapon attack up until end of
battle See section IX

Non-Battle Items

Item Name Cost(G) Effect Location
Omegasol 50 Recover all HP/EP (one person) See section IX
Survival Tent 150 Recover all HP/EP (whole party,
can only use at Memory Cube) See section IX
STR Drive 10000 Attack +1 See section IX
VIT Drive 10000 Defense +1 See section IX
ETH Drive 10000 Ether +1 See section IX
ETHDEF Drive 10000 Ether Defense +1 See section IX
HP Drive 20000 Maximum HP +20 See section IX
EP Drive 20000 Maximum EP +5 See section IX
Hob-Jerky N/A Recover 50 HP (or sell at
Battling Arena) Defeat Hob-Gob
around Lahan
Hob-Meat N/A Recover 150 HP (or sell at
Battling Arena) Defeat Hob-Gob
in Nortune
Hob-Steak N/A Recover 500 HP (or sell at
Battling Arena) Defeat Hob-Gob
around Lahan
with a fire-
Fang N/A Sell at Bledavik Market or
Battling Arena Defeat Bat Rat
Eyeball N/A Sell at Bledavik Market or
Battling Arena Lahan well
Scales N/A Sell at Bledavik Market or
Battling Arena Defeat Croaker
Ivory N/A Sell at Bledavik Market or
Battling Arena Defeat Tusk
Gold Nugget N/A Sell (or give to tunnel digger
in crashed Shevat) Defeat
Gold Bullion N/A Sell (or give to tunnel digger
in crashed Shevat) Defeat
Bizfruit 10 Recover 10 EP See section IX
Elfanana 10 Recover 50 HP See section IX
Ariberry 10 Recover 50 HP See section IX
Radish 10 Background item See section IX
Durian Juice 10 Background item See section IX
Nisan Water 10 Background item See section IX
Aveh Water 10 Background item See section IX
Toy Gun 80 Background item See section IX
Minigear 120 Background item (or give to
kid in Shakhan Square for hint) See section IX
Anoret Seed N/A Lose 2 KG 250 BP at
Battling Arena
Anoret Fruit N/A Lose 4 KG 750 BP at
Battling Arena
Bulimy Seed N/A Gain 2 KG 250 BP at
Battling Arena
Bulimy Fruit N/A Gain 4 KG 750 BP at
Battling Arena

Event Items

Item Name Cost(G) Effect Location
RPS Badge N/A / Exchange for items in crashed Shevat
H&S Badge N/A / Shevat (Chu-Chu room) in disc Shevat
Tag Badge N/A / two Shevat
Mermaid Tear N/A Give to woman in crashed Shevat
for Mermaid Ring (disc 2) Lahan Bar
UFO Photo N/A Background item/useless Big Joe's Shop
Master Key N/A Key for door in Nortune Gear
Dock Nortune Gear
Sewer Keys N/A Key for door in Nortune Sewers Nortune Sewers
Bell Amulet N/A Use to lure out Redrum Nortune Sewers
Book 1 N/A / Use at Orphanage to go into Orphanage
Book 2 N/A / secret door to obtain a gun Orphanage
Book 3 N/A / for Billy Orphanage
(give Bell
Amulet to kid)
Spider N/A Give to Chu-Chu for Ether
Veiler Mountain Path
Bird Egg N/A Give to Yui to cook to gain
some weight Mountain Path
Dog Food N/A Give to dog in Kislev (useless) Kislev D Block
Spider Web N/A Use to fish for Dawn Rock Mountain Path
M Disk N/A Listen to Jukebox in Kislev Give 5000G to
Big Joe, then
check ally in
A Block later
Chu-Chu Doll N/A This is Chu-Chu before she
joins your party In inventory
when you rescue
Tickets N/A Use to see ceremony in Solaris Solaris
Cabin Key N/A Use to open door in Transport
ship Transport ship
Kislev Map N/A Map of Nortune sewers Nortune sewers
Merkava Map N/A Map of Merkava (Deus) In inventory
when you enter
Shevat Map N/A Map of Shevat shafts Shevat shafts
Rock ??? ??? ???
Dawn Rock N/A / Go to Shevat (NOT when it's Shevat
Dusk Rock N/A / crashed) and go to broken Shevat
Dark Rock N/A / stepping stone to get a Shevat
bunch of items
Army Keycard N/A Use to get into Solaris Dust
Chute in Solaris Get from Elly
in Solaris
Work Permit N/A Use to walk around Solaris
freely Get from Samson
in Solaris
Dirty Badge ??? ??? ???

V. Equipment List

Okay, here is the list of equipment. If under location it says a city, that
_usually_ means that item can be bought there. For some of these items, I
could not find out if they can be bought or not (Golden Hood, for example), nor
could I find any location _at all_ few a select few of them. If you know an
item's location that I might have missed, I'd love to hear from you. ^_^

Head Equipment - Unisex

Equipment Name Cost(G) Defense Location
Martial Cap 30 +1 Initially equipped
on Fei, Dazil
Fencing Cap 40 +2 Dazil
Leather Hat 80 +6 Dropped by Aveh
Corporal (Desert
Attack!), Bledavik
Metal Helmet 200 +10 Buy from Hammer in
War Helm 600 +20 Shevat, Nisan
FeatheredCap 1200 +28 Solaris (Etrenank)
Black Helmet 2000 +35 Anima Dungeon #1
and #2
Golden Hood N/A +45 Dropped by Neo
Tears (outside
crashed Shevat)

Head Equipment - Female

Equipment Name Cost(G) Defense Location
White Beret N/A +8 Initially equipped
on Chu-Chu
Silver Beret N/A +24 Transport ship,
initially equipped
on Maria
Ruby Helmet N/A +32 Shevat Emergency
Starlight N/A +38 Anima Dungeon #1
Vivid Turban N/A +50 Crashed Shevat
Blessed Helm N/A +55 See FAQs

Head Equipment - Male

Equipment Name Cost(G) Defense Location
Iron Helmet N/A +10 Bledavik (get 1000
points on 'Merry Go
Pop' in Shakhan
Knight Helm N/A +18 Kislev Sewers
Dark Helm N/A +35 (Ether Defense +5) Solaris (Krelian's
King's Helm N/A +40 Anima Dungeon #2
Kaiser Helm N/A +54 See FAQs

Body Equipment - Unisex

Equipment Name Cost(G) Defense Location
Martial Wear 50 +2 Initially equipped
on Fei, Dazil
Fencing Wear 80 +4 Initially equipped
on Citan, Dazil
Leather Vest 150 +10 Transport (Desert
Attack!), Bledavik
WeddingDress N/A +14 (Ether Defense +5) Don't attack Dan at
the tournament
Metal Vest N/A +18 Defeat Big Joe at
the tournament,
initially equipped
on Rico
Metal Jacket 550 +28 Buy from Hammer in
Penguin Coat 1000 +40 Thames, Transport
Holy Habit N/A +42 Initially equipped
on Billy
War Mail 1800 +52 Shevat, Nisan
Crimson Vest 2800 +64 Solaris (Etrenank)
BlackLeather 4200 +76 Anima Dungeon #1
and #2
Golden Vest N/A +90 Dropped by Ramsus
(Merkava Calls),
dropped by Neo
Gimmicks (crashed
Shevat area)

Body Equipment - Female

Equipment Name Cost(G) Defense Location
Pilot Uniform N/A +6 Initially equipped
on Elly
Uniform ??? ?? ???
BellonaTunic ??? ?? ???
DervishDress 1400 +44 Thames
Fuzzy Frock N/A +50 Initially equipped
on Chu-Chu
Battle Dress N/A +56 Initially equipped
on Maria
Mermaid Mail N/A +58 Sargasso (Gate 3
- The Deep)
Devil Dress N/A +62 Initially equipped
on Emeralda
Beastly Robe N/A +82 Anima Dungeon #2
Angelic Robe N/A +60 (Evade +10, Ether
Defense +10) Solaris (Krelian's
Lab - Jail Cells)
Goddess Robe N/A +80 (Evade +10, Ether
Attack +10) Taura's house
ExecutorGown N/A +100 See FAQs
Blessed Habit N/A +100 See FAQs

Body Equipment - Male

Equipment Name Cost(G) Defense Location
Battle Vest ??? ?? ??? (I really hate
these items...)
Red Mail N/A +14 Initially equipped
on Bart
Iron Mail N/A +20 Fatima Castle
Knight Mail N/A +34 Kaiser's room
(Nortune Central
Dark Armor N/A +60 (Ether Defense +10) Solaris (Krelian's
Rose Tabard N/A +85 Anima Dungeon #2
Slayer Robe N/A +108 See FAQs
Manly Mantle N/A +105 (Defense up when
ally's HP is 0) Taura's house
Hero Costume N/A +112 (Defense down when
ally's HP is 0) Crashed Shevat
Kingly Armor N/A +120 (Defense up when
ally's HP is 0) Duneman's Isle


Equipment Name Cost(G) Description Location
Power Ring
Power Ring S
Stamina Ring
Step Shoes
Ether Stone
Speed Ring
Speed Ring S
Gallant Belt
Yamato Belt
Trader Card
Holy Pendant
Life Stone
Power Crisis
Evasion Ring
Battle Apron
Body Guard
Mind Guard
Poison Guard
Sleep Guard
Cool Shades
Brain Guard
Speed Shoes
Muscle Belt
Ether Guard
Wind Ring
Earth Ring
Fire Ring
Water Ring
Ether Veiler
Ether Maxer
Fei Jr.Doll
Bart Jr.Doll
Elly Jr.Doll
Emer Jr.Doll
Combo Star
Mermaid Ring
Chu-Chu Idol

VI. Weapon List

Here's the list of all of the weapons in the game. I have listed the weapon
types in this order: Rods (Elly), Whips (Bart), Guns (Billy), and Swords
(Citan). Note that for Billy, the guns will have their rank instead of Attack.

Character Weapons

Equipment Name Cost(G) Attack Location


Magical Rod 50 +2 Initially equipped
on Elly, Dazil
Arcane Rod 100 +4 Blackmoon Forest,
Hot Rod ??? ??? ???
Lunar Rod N/A +8 Thames Supply
Marshal Rod 1000 +12 Thames (when you
first arrive)
Thunder Rod 2200 +14 Shevat
Stone Rod 2200 +14 Shevat
Flare Rod 2600 +16 Shevat
Ice Rod 2200 +14 Shevat
Queen Rod N/A +18 Shevat Emergency
Dynamite Rod 4500 +20 Shevat
Dark Rod N/A +22 Sargasso (Gate 3 -
The Deep)
Chaos Rod ??? ??? ???
Psycho Rod N/A +28 Solaris (Elly's
Skull Rod ??? ??? ???


Leather Whip 60 Initially equipped
on Bart, Dazil
Iron Whip 120 +4 Bart's Hideout,
WhippaSnappa 280 +6 Bledavik
Cobra Cracka N/A +5 (may cause "Poison") Fatima Castle
Serpent Sting 1200 +7 Thames
Black Snake N/A +7 (Ether capacity down) Zeboim
Silver Blood 2800 +8 Shevat
Whip-Lasher N/A +10 Shevat Emergency
Desert Worm N/A +12 Nisan Mausoleum
Sonic Wave 5600 +14 Krelian's Lab,
crashed Shevat
Wonder Whip 6200 +16 Anima Dungeon #1
and #2
Thor's Thunda 7500 +20 Crashed Shevat
Death Adder N/A +24 See FAQs


- Hand guns

B&J M10 Gun N/A A Initially equipped
on Billy
B&J M686 Gun N/A AA Get all 3 books,
then go to Orphanage
and open secret book
Matchlock 12000 AA Solaris (Etrenank)
Godfather N/A AAA Duneman's Isle

- Hand gun Ammo

B&JM10A Ammo 20 +18 (B&J M10) See section IX
B&JM10S Ammo 40 +21 (B&J M10) See section IX
B&JM10X Ammo 60 +24 (B&J M10) See section IX
B&JM686AAmmo 40 +30 (B&J M686) See section IX
B&JM686SAmmo 60 +36 (B&J M686) See section IX
B&JM686XAmmo 80 +42 (B&J M686) See section IX
MatAero Ammo 150 +48 (Matchlock, Wind
Elemental) See section IX
MatTerraAmmo 150 +48 (Matchlock, Earth
Elemental) See section IX
MatPyro Ammo 150 +48 (Matchlock, Fire
Elemental) See section IX
MatHydroAmmo 150 +48 (Matchlock, Water
Elemental) See section IX
MatLightAmmo ??? ??? ???
MatUmbraAmmo ??? ??? ???
Godson Ammo 200 +60 (Godfather) See section IX

- Ether Gun Ammo

EthWind Ammo 1000 - (Wind Elemental) See section IX
EthEarthAmmo 1000 - (Earth Elemental) See section IX
EthFire Ammo 1000 - (Fire Elemental) See section IX
EthWaterAmmo 1000 - (Water Elemental) See section IX
EthLightAmmo ??? ??? ???

- Big gun Ammo

ShotG50 Ammo 30 +30 See section IX
ShotG60 Ammo 60 +36 See section IX
ShotG70 Ammo 90 +42 See section IX
ShotG80 Ammo 120 +48 See section IX


SengokuSword N/A +30 Initially equipped
on Citan (when he
gets his swords)
Yamame Sword 12000 +32 Anima Dungeon #1
and #2
Yamoto Sword N/A +35 Duneman's Isle
Mumyo Sword N/A +40 See FAQs

Gear Weapons

Equipment Name Cost(G) Attack Location

Vierge and Regurus

Magic RodG +2
Arcane RodG +4
IronFistRodG +8
SparetheRodG +12
Hot RodG +24
ThunderRodG +60
Stone RodG +60
Flare RodG +65
Ice Rod G +60
Chrono RodG +75
Smoke RodG +78
Chaos RodG +80

Brigandier and Andvari

LeatherGWhip +10
Iron GWhip +16
SnapperGWhip +18
SerpentGWhip +35
BSnake GWhip +50
SBlood GWhip +56
Thor GWhip +100
Sonic GWhip +120

Renmazuo and El Renmazuo

- Hand guns

G-M10 Gun A
G-M686 Gun AA
G-Matchlock AA
G-Godfather AAA

- Hand gun Ammo

G-M10A Ammo +18
G-M10S Ammo +30
G-M10S Ammo +42
G-M686A Ammo +24
G-M686S Ammo +36
G-M686X Ammo +48
G-MAero Ammo +60
G-MTerraAmmo +60
G-MPyro Ammo +60
G-MHydroAmmo +60
G-MLuminAmmo +54
G-MUmbraAmmo +54
G-GodsonAmmo +72

- Big gun Ammo

G-GG040 Ammo +24
G-GG060 Ammo +36
G-GG080 Ammo +48
G-GG100 Ammo +60

Heimdal and Fenrir

SengokuSword +90
Yamame Sword +110
Kishin Sword +120
Yamato Sword +160
Kijin Sword +200

VII. Gear Parts List

Here's the Gear Parts List. This part, along with accessories, will probably
take the longest to complete, as finding the items and their location is like
going through hell.

Gear Parts

Part Name Cost(G) Description Location
Extra Ar
Extra Ar +1
Extra Ar +2
Extra Ar +3
Extra Ar +4
Extra Ar +5
Extra Ar +6
Extra Ar +7
Extra Ar DX
Lite Ar+1
Lite Ar+2
Lite Ar+3
Silver Ar
Silver Ar+1
Lite Alloy
Heavy Alloy
Beam Coat
Mirror Ar
Mirror Ar+1
Insulated Ar
Molecular Ar
Stress Ar
Stress Ar+1
Seal Ar
Seal Ar+1
Angel Ar
Angel Ar+1
Angel Ar S
Ether Ar
Ether Ar+1
Ether Ar+2
Ether Ar+3
Wind VeilAr
Fire VeilAr
Cast Ar
Old Circuit
Simp Circuit
Resp Circuit
Def Circuit
A Circuit
B Circuit
C Circuit
D Circuit
E Circuit
C Circuit+1
Beam Jammer
Stress Mat
Noise Filter
O2 Cylinder
Magnetic Coat
Gold Plate
Seal Barrier
Energy Saver
Power Magic
Veil Doubler
Sword Veil
Lens Cover
Magic Guard
Engine Guard
Pilot Shield
Tank Guard
Ar Repairer
Motion Guard
Frame HP10
Frame HP30
Frame HP50
Frame HP70
Frame HP90
FX Cleaner
A Charger
S Charger
X Charger
Z Charger

VIII. Gear Upgrades List

Here's the list of all of the gear upgrades in the game. And example of
"Output/Fuel" could be 100/1000 (100 output or power, I guess you could say,
and 1000 units of fuel). "Hit Points" is, obviously, the number of HP the that
the gear frame has, and "Gear" is which gear the frame is available to.
"Def/EthDef" is for armor, while "Def" meaning the gears normal defense with
the particular piece of armor, and "EthDef" meaning the Ether Defense. Pretty

Gear Engines

Engine Name Cost(G) Output/Fuel Location
G4-1200 N/A 4/1200 Initially on Weltall
and Brigandier
G6-1200 1200 6/1200 Ol' Man Bal
(Stalactite Cave)
Z9-1500 1800 9/1500 Yggdrasil (early in
the game)
V10-2000 2000 10/2000 Kislev C Block
Battling Arena
V12-2000 2600 12/2000 Kislev C Block
Battling Arena
W13-1700 N/A 13/1700 Initially on Stier
V15-2000 3000 15/2000 Thames (after
Goliath Shot Down)
V18-2000 4000 18/2000 Thames (after
Goliath Shot Down)
E20-2700 4000 20/2700 Yggdrasil (before
Babel Tower)
R23-3000 6000 23/3000 Yggdrasil (before
Babel Tower)
V28-2200 6000 28/2200 Yggdrasil (before
Babel Tower)
B30-4200 10000 30/4200 Shevat
K35-3500 12000 35/3500 Shevat
F40-5400 13000 40/5400 Thames (before
Gate 3 - The Deep)
G45-4600 18000 45/4600 Anima Dungeon #1
and #2
S50-6600 24000 50/6600 Anima Dungeon #1
and #2
N55-5800 24000 55/5800 Anima Dungeon #1
and #2
Y60-7000 32000 60/7000 Crashed Shevat
X70-8000 50000 70/8000 Crashed Shevat
V80-2000 65000 80/2000 Lighthouse (Big
Joe's shop)
Z90-1500 65000 90/1500 Lighthouse (Big
Joe's shop)
OMEGA 100 65000 100/1000 Lighthouse (Big
Joe's shop)

Gear Frames

Frame Name Cost(G) Hit Points/Gear Location
WELT-01800 N/A 1800/Weltall
WELT-02100 400 2100/Weltall
WELT-02500 800 2500/Weltall
WELT-03000 1400 3000/Weltall
WELT-03600 2200 3600/Weltall
WELT-04300 3200 4300/Weltall
WELT-05100 4400 5100/Weltall
WELT-06100 4700 6100/Weltall
WELT-07300 6100 7300/Weltall
WELT-08700 8000 8700/Weltall
WELT-10400 8900 10400/Weltall
WELT-12400 11300 12400/Weltall
WELT-14800 11900 14800/Weltall
WELT-17700 12400 17700/Weltall
WELT-21200 15100 21200/Weltall
WELT-25400 15500 25400/Weltall

XENO-30400 N/A 30400/Xenogears

VIER-01500 N/A 1500/Vierge
VIER-04000 2900 4000/Vierge
VIER-04800 3900 4800/Vierge
VIER-05800 4100 5800/Vierge
VIER-07000 5200 7000/Vierge
VIER-08400 7200 8400/Vierge
VIER-09800 8100 9800/Vierge
VIER-12000 10600 12000/Vierge
VIER-14300 13600 14300/Vierge
VIER-17000 15600 17000/Vierge

HEIM-02500 N/A 2500/Heimdal
HEIM-03200 1800 3200/Heimdal
HEIM-05400 4600 5400/Heimdal
HEIM-06400 4900 6400/Heimdal
HEIM-07800 6700 7800/Heimdal
HEIM-09200 7700 9200/Heimdal
HEIM-11000 9700 11000/Heimdal
HEIM-13000 11200 13000/Heimdal
HEIM-15800 ??? ???/???
HEIM-19000 13300 19000/Heimdal
HEIM-23000 ??? ???/???
HEIM-27000 15500 27000/Heimdal

BRIG-01900 N/A 1900/Brigandier
BRIG-02200 500 2200/Brigandier
BRIG-02700 900 2700/Brigandier
BRIG-05400 4600 5400/Brigandier
BRIG-06400 4800 6400/Brigandier
BRIG-07700 6300 7700/Brigandier
BRIG-09100 7100 9100/Brigandier
BRIG-11000 9900 11000/Brigandier
BRIG-13000 11200 13000/Brigandier
BRIG-15800 12400 15800/Brigandier
BRIG-18500 ??? ???/???
BRIG-22200 15000 22200/Brigandier
BRIG-26000 16200 26000/Brgandier

STIE-05800 N/A 5800/Stier
STIE-06900 5600 6900/Stier
STIE-08200 7200 8200/Stier
STIE-09800 8300 9800/Stier
STIE-11700 10000 11700/Stier
STIE-13800 12000 13800/Stier
STIE-16500 13000 16500/Stier
STIE-20000 14200 20000/Stier
STIE-25000 ??? ???/???
STIE-30000 17400 30000/Stier
STIE-36000 30000 36000/Stier

RENM-06000 N/A 6000/Renmazuo
RENM-07200 6000 7200/Renmazuo
RENM-08600 7600 8600/Renmazuo
RENM-10200 8600 10200/Renmazuo
RENM-12000 10700 12000/Renmazuo
RENM-14200 12800 14200/Renmazuo
RENM-17000 ??? ???/???
RENM-20800 14900 20800/Renmazuo
RENM-24800 16200 24800/Renmazuo

#17-18000 N/A 18000/Seibzehn
#17-22000 15000 22000/Seibzehn
#17-30000 16200 30000/Seibzehn
#17-38000 40000 38000/Seibzehn

CRES-14000 N/A 14000/Crescens
CRES-17200 12500 17200/Crescens
CRES-20800 14500 20800/Crescens

Gear Armor

Armor Name Cost(G) Def/EthDef Location
MS 3 N/A 30/0 Initially on Weltall
and Brigandier
MS 6 500 60/0 Ol' Man Bal
(Stalactite Cave)
MS 7.5 1000 75/0 Bledavik
MS 9 1500 90/0 Yggdrasil (early in
the game)
MS 12 2500 120/0 Hammer in the
Battling Arena
MS 15 3500 150/0 Hammer in the
Battling Arena
Z Alloy20/5 5000 200/50 Thames
XMS 25 6500 250/0 Thames
XMS 30 8000 300/0 Yggdrasil (right
before Babel Tower)
Z Alloy30/10 10000 300/100 Yggdrasil (right
before Babel Tower)
XMS 40 10000 400/0 Shevat
Z Alloy40/15 12500 400/150 Thames (right before
Gate 3 - The Deep
RX Metal 50 12500 500/0 Shevat
Z Alloy50/20 15000 500/200 Merkava (Repair Bot)
RX Metal 60 15000 600/0 Merkava (Repair Bot)
Z Alloy60/25 20000 600/250 Merkava (Repair Bot)
RX Metal 70 20000 700/0 Merkava (Repair Bot)
RX Metal 80 25000 800/0 Lighthouse (Big
Joe's shop)
Z Alloy80/30 29000 800/300 Lighthouse (Big
Joe's shop)
RX Metal 90 31000 900/0 Lighthouse (Big
Joe's shop)
Z Gold 100 32500 1000/0 Lighthouse (Big
Joe's shop)

IX. Shopping List

This is the shopping list. Most of it is still under construction, but I've
got as much in as I possibly can for v0.1, and it should be completed or almost
completed by v0.3.


Item Shop:
Survival Tent......150G


Item Shop: Equipment Shop:
Aquasol............20G Magical Rod........50G
Rosesol............100G Arcane Rod.........100G
Physisol...........10G Leather Whip.......60G
Mentsol............20 Martial Wear.......50G
Survival Tent......150G Fencing Wear.......80G
Martial Cap........30G
Fencing Cap........40G
Power Ring.........200G
Stamina Ring.......150G

Ol' Man Bal (Stalactite Cave)

Gear Shop: Item Shop:
Engine(s)- Aquasol............20G
G6-1200.........1200G Rosesol............100G
Frame(s)- Omegasol...........50G
WELT-02100......400G Survival Tent......150G
MS 6............500G
Extra Ar +1.....50G

Yggdrasil: Chap. 9 (Pirates Lair) through Chap. 15 (Recapture Aveh)

Gear Shop: Item Shop (Maison):
Engine(s)- Aquasol............20G
Z9-1500.........1800G Aquasol S..........100G
Frame(s)- Rosesol............100G
WELT-03000......1400G Rosesol S..........300G
Armor- Zetasol............100G
MS 9............1500G Physisol...........10G
Weapon(s)- Mentsol............20G
Iron GWhip......1600G White Star.........500G
Snapper GWhip...2000G Brown Star.........500G
Part(s)- Red Star...........500G
Resp Circuit....2500G Blue Star..........500G
Def Circuit.....2500G Hard Star..........800G
C Circuit.......250G Speed Star.........1000G
Magnetic Coat...4000G Omegasol...........50G
Lens Cover......2500G Survival Tent......150G
Engine Guard....5000G
Tank Guard......3000G Equipment Shop (Maison):
Ar Repairer.....4000G Power Ring.........200G
Motion Guard....4000G Stamina Ring.......150G
Speed Ring.........1200G
Guardian Ring......2000G

Bart's Lair/Hideout

Gear Shop: Item Shop:
Engine(s)- Aquasol............20G
G6-1200.........1200G Aquasol S..........100G
Frame(s)- Rosesol............100G
WELT-02500......800G Rosesol S..........300G
HEIM-03200......1800G Zetasol............100G
BRIG-02700......900G Physisol...........10G
Armor- Mentsol............20G
MS 7.5..........1000G White Star.........500G
Weapon(s)- Brown Star.........500G
Iron GWhip......1600G Red Star...........500G
Part(s)- Blue Star..........500G
Resp Circuit....2500G Hard Star..........800G
Def Circuit.....2500G Speed Star.........1000G
C Circuit.......250G Omegasol...........50G
Magnetic Coat...4000G Survival Tent......150G
Lens Cover......2500G
Engine Guard....5000G Equipment Shop:
Tank Guard......3000G Power Ring.........200G
Ar Repairer.....4000G Stamina Ring.......150G
Motion Guard....4000G Speed Ring.........1200G
Guardian Ring......2000G


Gear Shop: Item Shop:
Engine(s)- Aquasol............20G
G6-1200.........1200G Rosesol............100G
Frame(s)- Zetasol............100G
WELT-02500......800G Physisol...........10G
HEIM-03200......1800G Mentsol............20G
BRIG-02700......900G Omegasol...........50G
Armor- Survival Tent......150G
MS 7.5..........1000G
Weapon(s)- Equipment Shop #1:
Iron GWhip......1600G Magical Rod........50G
Part(s)- Arcane Rod.........100G
Resp Circuit....2500G Iron Whip..........120G
Def Circuit.....2500G Whippa Snappa......280G
C Circuit.......250G
Magnetic Coat...4000G Equipment Shop #2:
Lens Cover......2500G Leather Vest.......150G
Engine Guard....5000G Leather Hat........80G
Tank Guard......3000G Power Ring.........200G
Ar Repairer.....4000G Speed Ring.........1200G
Motion Guard....4000G

Sell Only Shop:

Street Merchants:
Radish.............10G-8G (wait for lower price)
Ariberry...........10G-8G (wait for lower price)
Elfanana...........10G-8G (wait for lower price)

Delicious..........300G (raises weight a bit)
Cheap..............90G (raises weight a lot)
Fast...............210G (raises weight a bit)

Shakhan Square Stuff:
Durian Juice.......10G
Nisan Water........10G
Aveh Water.........10G
Bartweiser Lite....50G (raises weight a bit)
Spiced Cake........20G
Iced Cake..........30G
Toy Gun............80G
Balloon Games......10G
Fortune Teller.....50G

Nisan: Chap. 14 (City of Peace) through Chap. 35 (Babel Tower)

Gear Shop: Item Shop:
Engine(s)- Aquasol............20G
Z9-1500.........1800G Aquasol S..........100G
Frame(s)- Rosesol............100G
WELT-03000......1400G Rosesol S..........300G
Armor- Zetasol............100G
MS 9............1500G Physisol...........10G
Weapon(s)- Mentsol............20G
Iron GWhip......1600G Omegasol...........50G
Snapper GWhip...2000G Survival Tent......150G
Resp Circuit....2500G Equipment Shop:
Def Circuit.....2500G Power Ring.........200G
C Circuit.......250G Stamina Ring.......150G
Magnetic Coat...4000G Speed Ring.........1200G
Lens Cover......2500G Guardian Ring......2000G
Engine Guard....5000G Holy Pendant.......8000G
Tank Guard......3000G Life Stone.........20000G
Ar Repairer.....4000G Ether Doubler......38000G
Motion Guard....4000G

Kislev Border Mountain/Cave - Repair Bot

Gear Shop:
MS 9............1500G
Iron GWhip......1600G
Snapper GWhip...2000G
Resp Circuit....2500G
Def Circuit.....2500G
C Circuit.......250G
Magnetic Coat...4000G
Lens Cover......2500G
Engine Guard....5000G
Tank Guard......3000G
Ar Repairer.....4000G
Motion Guard....4000G

Kislev D Block - Hammer

Item Shop: Equipment Shop:
Aquasol............50G Metal Jacket.......550G
Rosesol............100G Metal Helmet.......200G
Zetasol............100G Poison Guard.......1500G
Physisol...........10G Sleep Guard........1500G
Mentsol............20G Brain Guard........1500G
Omegasol...........50G Guardian Ring......2000G
Survival Tent......150G

Kislev C Block Battling Arena - Hammer

Gear Shop:
MS 12...........2500G
MS 15...........3500G
Extra Ar +1.....50G
Extra Ar +2.....75G

Kislev A Block

Item Shop: Equipment Shop:
Aquasol............20G Metal Jacket.......550G
Rosesol............100G Metal Helmet.......200G
Zetasol............100G Poison Guard.......1500G
Physisol...........10G Sleep Guard........1500G
Mentsol............20G Brain Guard........1500G
Omegasol...........50G Guardian Ring......2000G
Survival Tent......150G

Kislev Gear Dock Hangar - Automated Gear Shop

Gear Shop:
MS 12...........2500G
MS 15...........3500G
Hot RodG........4200G
Extra Ar +1.....50G
Extra Ar +2.....75G
Extra Ar +3.....100G
Resp Circuit....2500G
Def Circuit.....2500G
Frame HP10......250G

Goliath Factory - Hammer

Gear Shop:
MS 12...........2500G
MS 15...........3500G
Hot RodG........4200G
Extra Ar +1.....50G
Extra Ar +2.....75G
Extra Ar +3.....100G
Resp Circuit....2500G
Def Circuit.....2500G
Frame HP10......250G

Yggdrasil: Chap. 24 (Escape Ignas) through Chap. 34 (Deep Sea Girl)

Gear Shop:
Z Alloy20/5.....5000G
XMS 25..........6500G
G-M10A Ammo.....100G
G-M686A Ammo....200G
G-GG040 Ammo....100G
Extra Ar +4.....150G
Lite Ar +1......150G
Resp Circuit....2500G
Def Circuit.....2500G
Frame HP10......250G

X. Frequently Asked Questions

Here's some of the FAQs, asked from both people and from the lists above. If
you have any questions, feel free to email me.

A: Ah, the Dragon. Near the end of the game, when you're in the Snowfield
Hideout, you can go to this place called Duneman Isle, which is filled with
enemies know as Dragons. I'm not gonna go into details about how you get
there, but here's a list of the items that they drop. Note that you _MUST_
have the Trader Card equipped to get these items.

- Kaiser Helm
- Blessed Helm
- Blessed Habits
- Death Adder
- Mumyo Sword

A: Beat Hammer, without escaping. It's easier said than done. Just save up
for Attack Level Infinity then let him have it. Good luck.

A: Yeah, there are. If you have it equipped when you fight Miang in the
Opiomorph or whatever, when you beat her you should get the ExecutorGown.
Also, if you fight the white slug-type-things in the forest around Taura's
house you can get some Speed Shoes (Wowza!). I'm sure there's more stuff,
just keep looking around!

A: I honestly did not know how to get this. However, I received an email from
JHeld78845@aol.com explaining how to get it. Here is what he said:

"the slayer robe is found IF you win the battle against grahf and his ALPHA
weltall, as far as i know that battle is impossible to win without GAMESHARK
but with it you can win ...... but on the other hand square has made nearly
impossible battles b4 and maybe this is suppose that type of battle in xenogears, maybe????"

If anyone has beating Alpha Weltall WITHOUT GameShark, I would love to hear
from you... of course I have no way of knowing if you did or did not use
GameShark, so I will just have to trust you.

XI. Contact Information

My doors are open for any emails. Whether it be flame, praise, questions,
comments, or anything else. You can email me at:


I usually check my mail about once a day for about 15 minutes, and if I'm
really piled up it might take me awhile. I will eventually respond, however.

XII. Special Thanks

Shout outs go to the following people/places:

- GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ
- loki15@bellsouth.net for telling me how to get the Iron Helmet
- JHeld78845@aol.com for giving information on how to obtain the Slayer Robe
- cloudultima9@hotmail.com for all of his help and hard work
- Everyone over at the www.xenogears.org forums for helping me out
- Squaresoft for making such a kickass game

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