Guild Wars

Guild Wars

08.10.2013 22:15:16
Title Guide
Guild Wars - Title Guide

by Marty Runyon
(IGN: Kira Lanfier)

anjinmarty (at) hotmail (dot) com

version 1.02


* Introduction

* Roleplaying Titles
1. Mission Completion
2. Exploration
3. Skill Hunter
4. Wisdom
5. Treasure Hunter
6. Survivor
7. Drunkard
8. Sunspear
9. Kind Of A Big Deal

* Competitive Titles
1. Hero
2. Gladiator
3. Champion
4. Alliance
5. Lucky
6. Unlucky

* Random, Unrelated FAQs

* Version History

* Minutia


With the release of Guild Wars: Factions, added a system through
which players can receive recognition for their acheivement in the game. This
is the title system. There are quite a few titles available, but no way to
know what they are is to stumble blindly upon them. Or your could just read
this guide. You're welcome.

Roleplaying Titles

Roleplaying titles are earned by playing through the various campaign missions
and quests. Any titles earned are tied to that specific character. They will
not appear on any other character unless that character earns the title on
their own.


1. Mission Completion

The Mission Completion titles are earned for finishing the story missions.
There is a seperate title for each campaign named for the land where the
campaign takes place, i.e. Protector of Tyria. There is a single title to earn
per campaign and it is only earned once all missions have been completed in
full. When Factions was first released, the low-level missions of each
campaign were locked to players of other campaigns. This made it impossible to
earn this title for multiple campaigns with the same character. However, listened to your complains and have unlocked all missions for all

1a) Prophecies

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Protector of Tyria Complete all 25 missions and all bonus

Note: When a mission and bonus has been completed, two swords will appear on
the mission icon.

1b) Factions

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Protector of Cantha Complete all 13 missions at Master level.

Note: When a mission has been completed at Master level, three swords will
appear on the mission icon.


2. Exploration

The Explorations titles are earned for traveling over a certain percentage of
the campaign map. The character must physical traverse the explorable maps.
There is a seperate title for each campaign. Because one is bound to cover a
good portion of the map just by playing the game, the early Exploration levels
are not difficult to achieve. Therefore, they will be the once most commonly
viewed. In other words, don't think you're all that special until you reach
Cartographer level.

You can view what areas have not been explored by viewing the map (M) or
mini-map (U).

2a) Prophecies

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Tyrian Explorer Uncover 60% of Tyria's map.
2 Tyrian Pathfinder Uncover 70% of Tyria's map.
3 Tyrian Trailblazer Uncover 80% of Tyria's map.
4 Tyrian Cartographer Uncover 90% of Tyria's map.
5 Tyrian Master Cartographer Uncover 95% of Tyria's map.
6 Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer Uncover 100% of Tyria's map.

2b) Factions

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Canthan Explorer Uncover 60% of Cantha's map.
2 Canthan Pathfinder Uncover 70% of Cantha's map.
3 Canthan Trailblazer Uncover 80% of Cantha's map.
4 Canthan Cartographer Uncover 90% of Cantha's map.
5 Canthan Master Cartographer Uncover 95% of Cantha's map.
6 Canthan Grandmaster Cartographer Uncover 100% of Cantha's map.


3. Skill Hunter

The Skill Hunter titles are earned by capturing elite skills. The vast number
of skills required means that you cannot expect to stay within your primary
profession and expect to complete this any time soon. Also, Signets of Capture
cost money and skill points. Anyone wearing this title had plenty of both, at
one time. You'll see them begging for gold next to the skill trader in major
towns. Be generous to our fallen brethren.

For those of you who might consider undertaking this insanity, here are a few
statistics to keep in mind:
* There are 30 core, 60 Prophecies, and 90 Factions elite skills.
* That means in Prophecies alone, there are only 90 elite skills available.
* For Factions alone, there are 120 elite skills.
* With both together there are 180 elite skills, enough for level three only.
* That means Expert Skill Hunter is a potential title that can only be
reached once a third campaign is released. It is listed here for reference,
but you will not see if for months, unless someone's cheating.

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Skill Hunter Capture 90 Elite Skills.
2 Adept Skill Hunter Capture 135 Elite Skills.
3 Advanced Skill Hunter Capture 180 Elite Skills.
4 Expert Skill Hunter Capture 225 Elite Skills.


4. Wisdom

The Wisdom Seeker titles are earned for identifying rare (gold) items.
Everyone loves gold items, so you might as well get a title for doing what you
love. Thank goodness that the little Identification Kits work just as well as
the Superior versions.

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Seeker of Wisdom Identify 100 rare items.
2 Collector of Wisdom Identify 250 rare items.
3 Devotee of Wisdom Identify 550 rare items.
4 Devourer of Wisdom Identify 1,200 rare items.
5 Font of Wisdom Identify 2,500 rare items.
6 Oracle of Wisdom Identify 5,000 rare items.
7 Source of Wisdom Identify 10,000 rare items.


5. Treasure Hunter

The Treasure Hunter titles are earned for opening high-level chests. A chest
can be considered high-level if the key required to open it costs more than
600 gold. Since keys are required to open these chests and such keys can be
expensive, you will need an exorbanent amount of money or an overabundance of

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Treasure Hunter Open 100 high-level chests.
2 Adept Treasure Hunter Open 250 high-level chests.
3 Advanced Treasure Hunter Open 550 high-level chests.
4 Expert Treasure Hunter Open 1,200 high-level chests.
5 Elite Treasure Hunter Open 2,500 high-level chests.
6 Master Treasure Hunter Open 5,000 high-level chests.
7 Grandmaster Treasure Hunter Open 10,000 high-level chests.


6. Survivor

The Survivor titles are earned by earning experience points without dying.
Wondering if your character has ever died? Use the "/deaths" emotes. As long
as it says "You have died 0 times," you are on the right track. So, good luck
with that. Seriously.

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Survivor Earn 140,600 experience points without dying.
2 Indomitible Survivor Earn 587,500 experience points without dying.
3 Legendary Survivor Earn 1,337,500 experience points without


7. Drunkard

The Drunken titles are earned by using intoxication items. The game does not
that into consideration the amount of time the player is intoxicated, only the

Hint: For those of you seriously working to earn this title, an interesting
glitch was discovered. If you change zones after consuming three drinks, you
will instantly be awarded 3 minutes of drunkeness. It's either that or stare
at the wavy screen for over 166 hours. Your call.

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Drunkard Spend 1,000 minutes drunk.
2 Incorrigible Ale-Hound Spend 10,000 minutes drunk.


8. Sunspear

The Sunspear titles are earned by earning Sunspear promotion points, either
through quests or through commissions. Quests reward an average of 5-15
promotion points, but you'll run out of quests eventually. To reach the
highest levels of this title, you will need to accept commissions from the
Sunspear scouts found near resurrection shrines. Commissions reward you 1
promotion point every time you kill a creature of the specified type.

For those of you out there who don't care much for titles (and if so, email me
and let me know why you are reading this), you must earn specific titles in
order to complete the 15 attribute point quests in Nightfall. These quests are
given by Runduk [Sunspear Rank Officer] in the Sunspear Great Hall. As such,
Personally, I think it's about time that titles were used for something more
than vanity.

Disclaimer: all of this information is based on the Nightfall Preview Event.
By the time Nightfall officially launches, it might all be different. Such is
the life of the FAQer.

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Sunspear Sergeant Earn 50 Sunspear promotion points. You cannot
display this title.
2 Sunspear Master Sergeant Earn 100 Sunspear promotion points. You
cannot display this title. You are required
to earn this title to complete the quest
"Rising in the Ranks: Sunspear Master
3 Sunspear Lieutenant Earn 175 Sunspear promotion points.
4 Sunspear Captain Earn 300 Sunspear promotion points. You are
required to earn this title to complete the
quest "Rising in the Ranks: Sunspear
5 Sunspear Lt. Commander Earn 500 Sunspear promotion points.
6 Sunspear Commander Earn 1,000 Sunspear promotion points.
7 Sunspear Marshal Earn 5,000 Sunspear promotion points.
8 Sunspear Legend Earn 10,000 Sunspear promotion points.


9. Kind Of A Big Deal

Kind Of A Big Deal is meta-title that indicated that a character has reached
the highest rank on multiple title tracks. Only the most dedicated players
will earn this title. It may also be a sign of Guild Wars addication. Please
seek help.

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Kind Of A Big Deal Achieve the maximum rank on 5 title tracks.
2 People Know Me Achieve the maximum rank on 10 title tracks.

Competitive Titles

Competitive titles are earned through player vs. player competitions. These
titles are awarded on an account-wide basis. Once the title is earned, any
character associated with the account can display this title.


1. Hero

The Hero titles are earned by winning matches in the Heroes Ascent global

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Hero Earn 25 fame. You cannot display this title.
2 Fierce Hero Earn 75 fame. You cannot display this title.
3 Mighty Hero Earn 180 fame.
4 Deadly Hero Earn 360 fame.
5 Terrifying Hero Earn 600 fame.
6 Conquering Hero Earn 1,000 fame.
7 Subjugating Hero Earn 1,680 fame.
8 Vanquishing Hero Earn 2,800 fame.
9 Renowned Hero Earn 4,665 fame.
10 Illustrious Hero Earn 7,750 fame.
11 Eminent Hero Earn 12,960 fame.
12 King's Hero Earn 21,600 fame.
13 Emperor's Hero Earn 36,000 fame.
13 Balthazar's Hero Earn 60,000 fame.


2. Gladiator

The Gladiator title is earned by winning consecutive matches in the Random
Arena. Because winning in Random Arena is dependant on the idiots you are
thrown together with, perserverance is watch word in earning this title.

Note: there was an error that allowed this title to be earned in the Zaishen
arenas, but this was corrected in the May 19, 2006, update.

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Gladiator Complete ten match winning streaks in the
Random or Team Arenas a total of 25 times.
2 Fierce Gladiator Complete ten match winning streaks in the
Random or Team Arenas a total of 50 times.
3 Mighty Gladiator Complete ten match winning streaks in the
Random or Team Arenas a total of 100 times.
4 Deadly Gladiator Complete ten match winning streaks in the
Random or Team Arenas a total of 168 times.
5 Terrifying Gladiator Complete ten match winning streaks in the
Random or Team Arenas a total of 280 times.
6 Conquering Gladiator Complete ten match winning streaks in the
Random or Team Arenas a total of 466 times.
7 Subjugating Gladiator Complete ten match winning streaks in the
Random or Team Arenas a total of 755 times.


3. Champion

The Champion title is earned by winning high-rated Guild Battles. Both guilds
must have a rank of 1200 or greater to be considered high-rated for this
title. And ratings do not change while the ladder in locked, points toward
this can only be earn during seasonal play.

Note: prior to the July 7, 2006, update, both guilds needed ratings of 1500 to
earn points. Why the change? Well as of today (July 29, 2006), only one guild
has a rating over 1500, but sixty guilds have ratings of 1200 or better.

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Champion Win 25 high-rated Guild vs. Guild battles.
2 Fierce Champion Win 50 high-rated Guild vs. Guild battles.
3 Mighty Champion Win 100 high-rated Guild vs. Guild battles.
4 Deadly Champion Win 168 high-rated Guild vs. Guild battles.
5 Terrifying Champion Win 280 high-rated Guild vs. Guild battles.
6 Conquering Champion Win 466 high-rated Guild vs. Guild battles.


4. Alliance

The alliance titles are earned by using the Faction points earn by your
character to increase your alliance's standing with that faction. If only it
were that easy to make friends in real life.

4a) Kurzicks

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Friend of the Kurzicks Transfer 250,000 Kurzick Faction to your
2 Ally of the Kurzicks Transfer 550,000 Kurzick Faction to your
3 Steward of the Kurzicks Transfer 1,200,000 Kurzick Faction to your
4 Defender of the Kurzicks Transfer 2,500,000 Kurzick Faction to your
5 Gladiator of the Kurzicks Transfer 5,000,000 Kurzick Faction to your
6 Savior of the Kurzicks Transfer 10,000,000 Kurzick Faction to your

4b) Luxons

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Friend of the Luxons Transfer 250,000 Luxon Faction to your
2 Ally of the Luxons Transfer 550,000 Luxon Faction to your
3 Steward of the Luxons Transfer 1,200,000 Luxon Faction to your
4 Defender of the Luxons Transfer 2,500,000 Luxon Faction to your
5 Gladiator of the Luxons Transfer 5,000,000 Luxon Faction to your
6 Savior of the Luxons Transfer 10,000,000 Luxon Faction to your


5. Lucky

The Lucky title is earned by winning Festival Tickets at the Nine Rings or
Rings of Fortune games at the Dragon Festival in Shing Jea Monastery. This
title tracks the tickets awarded, not just the net tickets earned. Festival
Tickets cost 15 gold and the odds in these games are weighted toward the
house, so like many other titles, this can be an expensive title to earn.

Note: this title was added with the June 29, 2006, update in conjunction with
the Factions Dragon Festival.

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Charmed Win 50,000 tickets in games of chance.
2 Lucky Win 100,000 tickets in games of chance.
3 Favored Win 250,000 tickets in games of chance.
4 Prosperous Win 500,000 tickets in games of chance.
5 Golden Win 1,000,000 tickets in games of chance.


6. Unlucky

The Unlucky title is earned by losing at the Nine Rings and Rings of Fortune
games at the Dragon Festival in Shing Jea Monastery. You'll know you lost
because black smoke will fill the ring you are standing on and you will be
knocked down. Because it is cheaper to lose at Rings of Fortune (2 tickets vs.
10), that is your best bet for earning this title. See also the previous title
for addition ticket price whining.

Note: this title was added with the June 29, 2006, update in conjunction with
the Factions Dragon Festival.

Level Title Description
----- ----- -----------
1 Hapless Lose 5,000 games of chance.
2 Unlucky Lose 10,000 games of chance.
3 Unfavored Lose 25,000 games of chance.
4 Tragic Lose 50,000 games of chance.
5 Hated Lose 500,000 games of chance.

Random, Unrelated FAQs

Because there are a lot of questions about Factions floating around, I'm going
to dedicate this space to bringing illumination to you, the unwashed masses.
And I needed to fill some dead space anyway. No need for that much white space
in an online guide.


Q1. How do I change my secondary profession?

A1. Speak to Senji [Profession Changer] (that's his name!) of Senji's corner,
where you will arrive after completing the Nahpui Quarter mission. It costs
500 gold to change to a new secondary for the first time, but will be free
each time after.


Q2. How do I access the Fissure of Woe or the Underworld in Cantha?

A2. The Canthan analogue to Tyria's Temple of the Ages is called Zin Ku
Corridor. You will arrive here after completing the Tahnnakai Temple mission.
Go to the west end of the outpost, past the entrance to the Tahnnakai Temple
explorable area, and up the stairs. The statues of the gods are all around the
room. Yes, your regions still must have favor to access the god's realms. No,
there were no new realms added.


Q3. Is there such thing as the Dragon Slayer title?

A3. Do you see it on the list? Well, then.

Version History

0.1 - 2006.05.01 - Initial structure in place
0.8 - 2006.05.10 - First public offering
0.81 - 2006.05.24 - Added Expert Skill Hunter, Devourer of Wisdom, Font of
Wisdom, Elite Treasure Hunter, Master Treasure Hunter,
Steward of the Kurzicks, Steward of the Luxons, Mighty
Gladiator, and Deadly Gladiator
0.99 - 2006.06.02 - Updated Survivor and Skill Hunter entries. Prettified the
Version History a little.
1.00 - 2006.06.30 - Updated the Alliance, Gladiator, Wisdom, Treasure Hunter,
and Mission Completion entries, added Lucky and Unlucky
titles and corrected minor grammatical errors.
1.01 - 2006.07.29 - Updated Hero, Treasure Hunter, Lucky, and Unlucky entries.
1.02 - 2006.09.26 - Added Sunspear titles from Nightfall Preview Weekend,
updated Kind Of A Big Deal, Hero, Gladiator, Champion,
Lucky, and Unlucky entries.


The form and analysis of this guide are copyrighted, though this should not be
seen as a challenge to any copyrights owned by or NCSoft.

You are free to distribute and post this guide anywhere you please as long as
it is posted in its entirety and without change. Please let me know where it
goes, though. Its mother gets worried if she doesn't get a call occasionally.

Thanks to and NCSoft for this great game.
Thanks to GameFAQs for hosting this guide.
Thanks to the denizens of,, and, from whom I so viciously swiped this information.
Thanks to Crazed_Clown for numerous corrections, best of all explaining how
the Treasure Hunter title is earned, and for the drinking hint.
Thanks to Derek Bamboo for the heads up on the Hero change.
Thanks to MadGrape, dloboi, and Erik Benefield for the probing questions.
Thanks to Jared Fry for editorial advice.
Thanks to (your name here) for your futute contributions.
And thanks to you for reading.

Please send your contributions to the guide to anjinmarty (at) hotmail (dot)
com. I welcome any info that would make this guide better.

Read my game blog at:

This has been Marty Runyon, signing off.
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