Guild Wars

Guild Wars

16.10.2013 00:00:30
Skill Guide
= Guild Wars Skill Guide =
= Version 0.10 9/29/2005 =
= by Hahnsoo =

Send all constructive comments, corrections, and questions to
with "Guild Wars - Skill Guide" in your subject. All other e-mail will be
marked as spam or ignored.

I don't update this guide very regularly, but the most recent version of this
guide will always be at GameFAQs.

To easily search this document, use the (gwsgXX) search terms listed in the
table of contents (with the parentheses). When I refer to another section
using the (gwsgXX) in the document, it will be in Brackets [] instead.

= Table of Contents =

1. Introduction...........................(gwsg1)
2. Skill Template.........................(gwsg2)
3. Skill List.............................(gwsg3)
- 3a. Elementalist.......................(gwsg3a)
- 3b. Mesmer.............................(gwsg3b)
- 3c. Monk...............................(gwsg3c)
- 3d. Necromancer........................(gwsg3d)
- 3e. Ranger.............................(gwsg3e)
- 3f. Warrior............................(gwsg3f)
4. Trainers/Priests.......................(gwsg4)
- 4a. Ascalon City.......................(gwsg4a)
- 4b. Grendich Courthouse................(gwsg4b)
- 4c. Yak's Bend.........................(gwsg4c)
- 4d. Ice Tooth Cave.....................(gwsg4d)
- 4e. Lion's Arch........................(gwsg4e)
- 4f. Ascalon Settlement.................(gwsg4f)
- 4g. Beetletun..........................(gwsg4g)
- 4h. Quarrel Falls/Henge of Denravi.....(gwsg4h)
- 4i. Maguuma Stade......................(gwsg4i)
- 4j. Fisherman's Haven..................(gwsg4j)
- 4k. Amnoon Oasis.......................(gwsg4k)
- 4l. Droknar's Forge....................(gwsg4l)
- 4m. Port Sledge........................(gwsg4m)
- 4n. Camp Rankor........................(gwsg4n)
- 4o. Copperhammer Mines.................(gwsg4o)
- 4p. Marhan's Grotto....................(gwsg4p)
- 4q. Ember Light Camp...................(gwsg4q)
5. Elite Capture Bosses...................(gwsg5)
- 5a. Elementalist.......................(gwsg5a)
- 5b. Mesmer.............................(gwsg5b)
- 5c. Monk...............................(gwsg5c)
- 5d. Necromancer........................(gwsg5d)
- 5e. Ranger.............................(gwsg5e)
- 5f. Warrior............................(gwsg5f)
6. Quests.................................(gwsg6)
- 6a. Pre-Searing Ascalon................(gwsg6a)
- 6b. Post-Searing Ascalon...............(gwsg6b)
- 6c. Northern Shiverpeaks...............(gwsg6c)
- 6d. Kryta..............................(gwsg6d)
- 6e. Maguuma Jungle.....................(gwsg6e)
- 6f. Crystal Desert.....................(gwsg6f)
7. Checklist..............................(gwsg7)
- 7a. Elementalist.......................(gwsg7a)
- 7b. Mesmer.............................(gwsg7b)
- 7c. Monk...............................(gwsg7c)
- 7d. Necromancer........................(gwsg7d)
- 7e. Ranger.............................(gwsg7e)
- 7f. Warrior............................(gwsg7f)
8. FAQ....................................(gwsg8)
9. End Notes..............................(gwsg9)

= Introduction (gwsg1) =

This document is simply a list of all the skills in Guild Wars, divided by class
and attribute. It also lists all of the Skill Trainers in the game, all of the
quests that give you skills divided by region, and all of the bosses that have
Elite skills. At the end, there is an alphabetical checklist of skills divided
by class so that you can keep track of all of the skills you have earned.

= Skill Template (gwsg2) =

To save space, this guide uses a special format to list the skills.

Sample Skill Listing

Name of the skill
| (Type of Skill)
| | Energy Cost/Adrenaline cost (designated with an A)
| | | Casting Time in seconds
| | | | Cooldown Time in seconds
| | | | | Quest code
| | | | | |
v v v v v V
Guilt (Hex Spell) 10/2/30 [Q?]
For 4-9 seconds, if target foe casts an offensive spell, the spell fails, you
steal 5-12 energy from that foe, and Guilt ends. (MeDo10)
^ ^
| |
| Reference Code
Description of the skill

* Name of the Skill - The name of the skill (pretty obvious, huh?)
* (Type of Skill) - Skills fall into several general categories, as follows:
* Attack - A skill that augments your next attack.
* Axe Attack - A skill that augments your next axe attack.
* Bow Attack - A skill that augments your next bow attack.
* Hammer Attack - A skill that augments your next hammer attack.
* Melee Attack - A skill that augments your next melee attack.
* Sword Attack - A skill that augments you next sword attack.
* Elite - Some skills are designated as "Elite". These skills can only be
captured from specific bosses, and only one Elite is allowed in your skill
bar at a time.
* Glyph - An Elementalist skill that augments the next spell that is cast.
Only one glyph can be active at a time.
* Nature Ritual - A Ranger skill that creates a spirit. Spirits affect ALL
creatures within a large radius (approximately 2.5 times the aggro circle).
* Pet Attack - Attacks that are executed by Pets. They are NOT in the subset
of Attack skills, and thus are deactivated by Tiger's Fury. The 9/29/05
update changed Pet Attacks to work like shouts.
* Preparation - A Ranger skill that augments attacks. Only one preparation can
be active at a time.
* Skill - Some skills belong to no particular type.
* Shout - A Warrior skill that affects the area near the warrior OR a Ranger
skill that augments your Pet.
* Signet - These are special skills that do not cost Energy.
* Spell - A special class of skill that is used by spellcasters
* Enchantment Spell - A spell that is sustained over a duration on an ally.
* Hex Spell - A spell that is sustained over a duration on an enemy.
* Maintained Enchantment Spell - A spell that is sustained as long as the
caster maintains it. It costs one "pip" or "arrow" of Energy regeneration
to maintain a spell.
* Stance - An instant cast skill that is sustained over a duration. Only one
stance can be active at a time.
* Trap - A skill that is delayed until triggered in a specific area. All traps
are easily interrupted while casting, and all damaging traps are set off
automatically after 90 seconds.
* Energy Cost/Adrenaline Cost - This lists the Energy cost of a particular
skill. However, some skills do not cost Energy, and instead cost Adrenaline.
These skills will be marked with an "A" next to the number. For example, a
skill that costs 4 Adrenaline will be marked as "4A".
* Casting Time in seconds - This is the time between activating the skill and
when the skill takes effect. Stances do not have a Casting Time.
* Cooldown Time in seconds - This is the time between executing a skill (the end
of the Casting Time) and when the skill is available again for use. All
Adrenaline-based skills do not have a cooldown time.
* Description of the skill - This lists the in-game description of the skill.
Note that it also lists the effect range of 0 to 12 attribute points. Some
updated skills have their effect range listed from 0 to 12 to 15 attribute.
* Reference Code - I use a special six-character reference code in this guide to
keep track of all the skills. You can use these reference codes to quickly
search this document for a particular skill. They are divided as follows:

Aa - Class Code (Elementalist - El, Mesmer - Me, Monk - Mo, Necromancer - Ne,
Ranger - Ra, Warrior - Wa)
Bb - Attribute Code
* Elementalist (Air Magic - Ai, Earth Magic - Ea, Energy Storage - En, Fire
Magic - Fi, Water Magic - Wa, Unaligned - Un)
* Mesmer (Domination Magic - Do, Fast Casting - Fa, Illusion Magic - Il,
Inspiration Magic - In, Unaligned - Un)
* Monk (Divine Favor - Di, Healing Prayers - He, Protection Prayers - Pr,
Smiting Prayers - Sm, Unaligned - Un)
* Necromancer (Blood Magic - Bl, Curses - Cu, Death Magic - De,
Soul Reaping {HAH!} - So, Unaligned - Un)
* Ranger (Beast Mastery - Be, Expertise - Ex, Marksmanship - Ma, Wilderness
Survival - Wi, Unaligned - Un)
* Warrior (Axe Mastery - Ax, Hammer Mastery, Ha, Strength - St, Sword
Mastery - Sw, Tactics - Ta, Unaligned - Un)
CC - ID number

= Skill List (gwsg3) =

There are two skills that are not associated with any class:

Resurrection Signet (Signet) 0/3/0 [Q1]
Resurrect target party member. You may use Signet only once per mission.

Signet of Capture (Signet) 0/2/2 [Q8]
Choose one skill from a nearby dead Boss. Signet of Capture is permanently
replaced by that skill. (You can only learn skills of your profession.)

- Elementalist (gwsg3a) -

Air Magic

Air Attunement (Enchantment Spell) 10/2/60 [Q17]
For 36-55 seconds, you are attuned to air. You gain 30% of the energy cost of
the spell whenever you use Air Magic. (ElAi01)

Blinding Flash (Spell) 15/0.75/4 [QE3]
Target enemy is blinded for 3-9 seconds. (ElAi02)

Chain Lightning (Spell) 10/3/10
Target foe and up to two other foes near your target are struck for 10-70-85
lightning damage. This spell has 25% armor penetration. This spell causes
exhaustion. (ElAi03)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05

Conjure Lightning (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/60
Lose all enchantments. For 60 seconds, if you're wielding a lightning weapon,
your attacks strike for an additional 1-13 lightning damage. (ElAi04)

Enervating Charge (Spell) 10/1/8
Target foe is struck for 5-41 lightning damage and suffers from weakness for
5-17 seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration. (ElAi05)

Gale (Spell) 5/1/5 [Q5] [Q11]
Knock down target foe for 3 seconds. This spell causes exhaustion. (50% failure
chance with Air Magic 4 or less.) (ElAi06)

Glimmering Mark (Elite Hex Spell) 10/2/15
For 1-13 seconds, whenever target foe suffers lightning damage, that foe and
all adjacent foes suffer from blindness for 3 seconds. This is an elite skill.

Lightning Javelin (Spell) 10/1/5 [QE3]
Send out a Lightning Javelin that strikes for 15-43 lightning damage if it
hits. If Lightning Javelin strikes an attacking foe, that foe is interrupted.
This spell has 25% armor penetration. (ElAi08)

Lightning Orb (Spell) 15/2/5 [Q10]
Lightning Orb flies towards target foe and strikes for 10-82 lightning damage
if it hits. This spell has 25% armor penetration. (ElAi09)

Lightning Strike (Spell) 5/1/5 [Q6]
Strike target foe for 5-41 lightning damage. This spell has 25% armor
penetration. (ElAi10)

Lightning Surge (Elite Hex Spell) 10/2/10
After 3 seconds, target foe is knocked down and struck for 14-83 lightning
damage. This spell causes exhaustion. This is an elite skill. (ElAi11)

Lightning Touch (Skill) 15/0.75/10
Target touched foe and all adjacent foes are struck for 10-?-60 lightning
damage. Foes suffering from a Water Magic hex are struck for an additional
10-34 lightning damage. This spell has 25% armor penetration. (ElAi12)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased damage (from 10-34)

Mind Shock (Elite Spell) 10/1/20
Target foe suffers 10-42 lightning damage. If you have more energy than target
foe, that foe suffers 10-42 additional lightning damage and is knocked down.
This spell has 25% armor penetration. This spell causes exhaustion. This is an
elite skill. (ElAi13)

Shock (Skill) 5/0.75/10
Target touched foe is struck for 10-50 lightning damage and is knocked down.
This spell has 25% armor penetration. This spell causes exhaustion. (ElAi14)

Thunderclap (Elite Hex Spell) 10/2/15
For 8-18 seconds, the next time target foe is struck for lightning damage, that
foe and adjacent foes are knocked down, and you lose 15-9 energy or Thunderclap
ends. This is an elite skill. (ElAi15)

Whirlwind (Spell) 10/0.75/20 [QE8]
All adjacent foes take 15-51 cold damage. Attacking foes struck by Whirlwind
are knocked down. (ElAi16)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with cooldown of 10 (decreased from 20)

Windborne Speed (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/5 [Q26]
For 5-?-11 seconds, target ally moves 33% faster. (ElAi17)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased duration (from 5-8)

Earth Magic

Aftershock (Spell) 10/0.75/10
Nearby foes are struck for 26-85 damage. Knocked down characters are struck for
10-56 additional damage. (ElEa01)

Armor of Earth (Enchantment Spell) 10/0.75/15 [QE4]
For 30 seconds, you gain 24-53 armor, but move 50%-21% slower than normal.

Crystal Wave (Spell) 15/0.75/20
Foes near you are struck for 10-82 damage, but are cured of any negative
conditions. This spell ignores armor and magic resistance. (ElEa03)

Earth Attunement (Enchantment Spell) 10/2/60 [QE7]
For 36-55 seconds, you are attuned to Earth. You gain 30% of the energy cost of
the spell each time you use Earth Magic. (ElEa04)

Earthquake (Spell) 25/3/15 [Q16]
You invoke an earthquake at target foe's location. All foes near this location
are knocked down and are struck for 26-85 earth damage. This spell causes
exhaustion. (ElEa05)

Eruption (Spell) 25/3/30 [QE6]
Cause an eruption at target foe's location. For 5 seconds, foes near this
location are struck for 5-28 earth damage each second. When Eruption ends, foes
in the area of effect are blinded for 10 seconds. (ElEa06)

Grasping Earth (Hex Spell) 5/0.75/30 [Q12]
For 8-18 seconds, all adjacent foes move 50% slower but have +24 armor against
physical damage. (ElEa07)

Iron Mist (Hex Spell) 10/2/30 [Q20]
For 5-15 seconds, target foe moves 90% slower than normal. That foe gains
immunity to damage from all sources except lightning. (ElEa08)

Kinetic Armor (Enchantment Spell) 15/3/60
For 8 seconds, you gain +20-68-80 armor. Whenever you cast a spell, Kinetic
Armor is renewed for 8 seconds. (ElEa09)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased armor gain

Magnetic Aura (Enchantment Spell) 5/0.25/60 [QE7]
For 5-20 seconds, Magnetic Aura has a 75% chance to block melee attacks.(ElEa10)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with many changes

Obsidian Flame (Spell) 5/2/5 [Q23]
Deal 22-94 damage to target foe. This spell ignores armor. This spell causes
exhaustion. (ElEa11)

Obsidian Flesh (Elite Enchantment Spell) 10/1/30
For 8-18 seconds, you gain +20 armor and cannot be the target of enemy spells,
but move 50% slower. This is an elite skill. (ElEa12)

Stone Daggers (Spell) 5/1/0 [Q18]
You send out two stone daggers. If it hits, each stone dagger strikes for 3-20
earth damage. (ElEa13)

Stoning (Spell) 15/1/5
Stoning strikes for 20-76 earth damage if it hits. If Stoning hits a foe
suffering from weakness, that foe is knocked down. (ElEa14)

Ward Against Elements (Spell) 15/1/20 [QE5]
For 8-18 seconds, nearby allies gain +24 armor against elemental damage.(ElEa15)

Ward Against Foes (Spell) 15/1/20 [QE8]
You create a ward against foes at your current location. For 8-18 seconds, foes
in this area move 50% slower. (ElEa16)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 15 (increased from 10)

Ward Against Melee (Spell) 10/1/20
You create a ward against melee at your current location. For 8-18 seconds,
allies in this area have a 50% chance to evade melee attacks. (ElEa17)

Energy Storage

Aura of Restoration (Enchantment Spell) 10/0.25/20 [QE1] [QE2]
For 60 seconds, you are healed for 152%-350% of the energy cost each time you
cast a spell. (ElEn01)

Ether Prodigy (Elite Enchantment Spell) 5/1/5
Lose all enchantments. For 5-17-20 seconds, you gain energy regeneration of 6.
When Ether Prodigy ends, you take 2 damage for each point of energy you have.
This spell causes exhaustion. This is an elite skill. (ElEn02)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with decreased duration 5-20 (from 10-22), increased
Energy regen of 6 (from 4)

Ether Renewal (Elite Enchantment Spell) 10/1/30
For 7 seconds, each time you cast a spell, you gain 1-?-3 energy and 5-17 health
for each enchantment on you. This is an elite skill. (ElEn03)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with decreased duration of 7 (from 10) and decreased
Energy gain

Fire Magic

Conjure Flame (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/60
Lose all enchantments. For 60 seconds, if you're wielding a fire weapon, your
attacks strike for an additional 1-13 fire damage. (ElFi01)

Fire Attunement (Enchantment Spell) 10/2/60 [Q15]
For 36-55 seconds, you are attuned to fire. You gain 30% of the energy cost of
the spell each time you use Fire Magic. (ElFi02)

Fire Storm (Spell) 15/4/30 [QE2]
For 10 seconds, the area around target foe is bombarded with a rain of fire
that strikes for 5-24 fire damage each second. (ElFi03)

Fireball (Spell) 10/2/7 [Q4]
Fireball flies toward target foe and explodes on impact, striking for 7-91 fire
damage in an area. (ElFi04)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with a 10 Energy and 7 Recharge (down from 15/2/10)

Flame Burst (Spell) 15/0.75/5 [Q25]
All nearby foes are struck by jets of flame for 7-91 fire damage. (ElFi05)

Flare (Spell) 5/1/0 [QE1]
Flare flies towards target foe, striking for 16-40 fire damage if it hits.

Immolate (Spell) 10/1/5
Target foe is struck for 5-41 fire damage and is set on fire for 1-3 seconds.

Incendiary Bonds (Hex Spell) 15/2/15 [Q24]
After 3 seconds, target foe and nearby foes are struck for 20-68-80 fire damage
and are set on fire for 1-3 seconds. (ElFi08)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased damage

Inferno (Spell) 10/0.75/20 [Q9]
All adjacent foes are struck for 15-99 fire damage. (ElFi09)

Lava Font (Spell) 10/2/4 [Q2]
For 5 seconds, foes adjacent to the location where this spell was cast are
struck for 5-24 fire damage. (ElFi10)

Mark of Rodgort (Hex Spell) 25/1/20
For 8-18 seconds, whenever target foe is struck for fire damage, that foe is
set on fire for 1-3-4 seconds. (ElFi11)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with longer burning duration above 12 Fire Magic

Meteor (Spell) 5/3/30 [Q21]
Call down a fiery meteor on your target foe. The meteor explodes, striking for
7-91 damage and knocking down anyone it hits. This spell causes exhaustion.
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with a 5 Energy cost (down from 10 Energy)

Meteor Shower (Spell) 25/5/60
Exploding meteors strike the area near your target. Each strikes for 7-91
damage and knocks down anyone it hits. This spell causes exhaustion. (ElFi13)

Mind Burn (Elite Spell) 15/1/20
Target foe takes 15-51 fire damage. If you have more energy than target foe,
that foe takes an additional 15-51 fire damage and is set on fire for 1-6
seconds. This spell causes exhaustion. This is an elite skill. (ElFi14)

Phoenix (Spell) 15/3/25
A fiery phoenix rises at your location, striking nearby foes for 7-91 fire
damage, and flies out to your target, exploding on impact. This explosion
strikes for an additional 15-75 fire damage. (ElFi15)

Rodgort's Invocation (Spell) 25/5/15
You invoke the power of Rodgort at target foe's location. All enemies near this
location are struck for 7-91 fire damage and are set on fire for 1-3 seconds.

Searing Heat (Spell) 25/3/30
Cause searing heat at target foe's location. For 5 seconds, foes near this
location are struck for 5-24 fire damage each second. When Searing Heat ends,
enemies in the area of effect are set on fire for 3 seconds. (ElFi17)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05, removed Exhaustion

Water Magic

Armor of Frost (Enchantment Spell) 5/1/45
For 10-29 seconds, you gain +40 armor against physical damage, but -24 armor
against fire damage. Armor of Frost ends if you use any Fire Magic. (ElWa01)

Armor of Mist (Enchantment Spell) 10/2/30
For 8-18 seconds, you gain +10-34 armor and move 33% faster. (ElWa02)

Blurred Vision (Hex Spell) 15/1/20
For 8-18 seconds, target foe and nearby foes are hexed with Blurred Vision.
While hexed, those foes have a 50% chance to miss with attacks. (ElWa03)

Conjure Frost (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/60 [Q19]
Lose all enchantments. For 60 seconds, if you're wielding a cold weapon, your
attacks strike for an additional 1-13 cold damage. (ElWa04)

Deep Freeze (Hex Spell) 25/3/15 [Q14]
You cause a deep freeze at target foe's location. All foes in this location
are struck for 10-70 cold damage. For 10 seconds, all foes move 66% slower than
normal. (ElWa05)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased slowdown and larger radius

Frozen Burst (Hex Spell) 15/0.75/30 [QE4]
Foes adjacent to you are struck for 20-92-110 cold damage and move 66% slower
for 5-10 seconds. (ElWa06)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased damage (from 20-68)

Ice Prison (Hex Spell) 10/2/30 [QE8]
For 8-18 seconds, target foe's legs are encased in ice, causing that foe to
move 66% slower than normal. This effect ends if target takes fire damage.

Ice Spear (Spell) 5/1/0 [Q7]
Ice Spear flies toward target foe, striking for 5-53-65 cold damage if it hits.
Ice Spear has half the normal spell range. (ElWa08)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased damage (from 10-46)

Ice Spikes (Hex Spell) 15/2/15 [Q3]
Target and nearby foes are struck for 20-68 cold damage and move 66% slower for
2-5 seconds. (ElWa09)

Maelstrom (Spell) 25/4/30
Create a maelstrom at target foe's location. For 10 seconds, foes in that area
are struck for 10-22 cold damage each second. Maelstrom interrupts
spellcasting when it hits. This spell causes exhaustion. (ElWa10)

Mind Freeze (Elite Hex Spell) 10/1/20
Target foe suffers 10-34 cold damage. If you have more energy than target foe,
that foe suffers an additional 10-34 cold damage and moves 90% slower for 2-5
seconds. This spell causes exhaustion. This is an elite skill. (ElWa11)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with slowdown of 90% (down from 66%)

Mist Form (Elite Enchantment Spell) 10/2/30
For 8-18 seconds, you cannot take or deal damage from attacks. This is an elite
skill. (ElWa12)

Rust (Hex Spell) 5/2/30
For 6-35 seconds, target foe and all adjacent foes take 3 times as long to
activate signet rings. (ElWa13)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with cooldown of 30 (from 45)

Shard Storm (Hex Spell) 10/1/10 [QE6]
This projectile strikes for 10-54 damage and causes the target to move 66%
slower for 2-5 seconds. (ElWa14)

Swirling Aura (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/60 [Q22]
For 8-18 seconds, Swirling Aura has a 75% chance to block arrows and magical
projectiles. (ElWa15)

Ward Against Harm (Elite Spell) 15/1/20
Create a ward against harm here. For 8-18 seconds, nearby allies have 12-50
armor against fire damage and 12-22 armor against other damage. This is an
elite skill. (ElWa16)

Water Attunement (Enchantment Spell) 10/2/60 [Q13]
For 36-55 seconds, you are attuned to water. You gain 30% of the energy cost of
the spell each time you use Water Magic. (ElWa17)

Water Trident (Elite Spell) 5/1/3
Send out a water trident at target foe. Water Trident strikes for 5-53 cold
damage if it hits. If it hits a moving foe, that foe is knocked down. This is
an elite skill. (ElWa18)


Elemental Attunement (Elite Enchantment Spell) 10/2/60
For 45 seconds, you are attuned to air, fire, water, and earth. You gain 50% of
the energy cost of the spell each time you use magic associated with any of
these elements. This is an elite skill. (ElUn01)

Glyph of Concentration (Glyph) 5/1/2
Your next spell cannot be interrupted and ignores the effects of being dazed.

Glyph of Elemental Power (Glyph) 5/1/5
Your elemental attributes are boosted by 2 for your next spell. (ElUn03)

Glyph of Energy (Elite Glyph) 5/1/15
Your next spell costs 20 less energy to cast and does not cause exhaustion.
This is an elite skill. (ElUn04)

Glyph of Lesser Energy (Glyph) 5/1/30 [QE2]
Your next spell cost 15 less energy to cast. (ElUn05)

Glyph of Renewal (Elite Glyph) 5/1/15
Your next spell instantly recharges after it is cast. This is an elite skill.
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 to instantly recharge next spell.

Glyph of Sacrifice (Glyph) 5/1/15
Your next spell may be cast instantly, but takes an additional 90 seconds to
recharge. (ElUn07)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 to add 90 seconds (down from 120 seconds)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with an increased Glyph duration of 15.

- Mesmer (gwsg3b) -

Domination Magic

Arcane Thievery (Spell) 10/1/10 [Q19]
For 5-29 seconds, one random spell is disabled for target foe, and Arcane
Thievery is replaced by that spell. (MeDo01)

Backfire (Hex Spell) 15/3/20 [QMe3]
For 10 seconds, whenever target foe casts a spell, that foe takes 35-119 damage.

Blackout (Skill) 10/1/10 [Q16]
For 2-6 seconds, all of touched target foe's skills are disabled, and all of
your skills are disabled for 5 seconds. (MeDo03)

Chaos Storm (Spell) 15/2/30 [QMe5]
Create a chaos storm at target foe's location. For 10 seconds, enemies near
this location suffer 5-12 damage each second. Chaos Storm drains 1-6 energy
whenever it strikes a foe casting a spell. (MeDo04)

Cry of Frustration (Spell) 15/0.25/20
If target foe is using a skill, that foe and nearby foes are interrupted and
suffer 10-37 damage. (MeDo05)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with a casting time of 0.25 (down from 0.75)

Diversion (Hex Spell) 10/3/10 [QMe7]
For 6 seconds, the next time target foe uses a skill, that skill takes an
additional 10-47 seconds to recharge. (MeDo06)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with a casting time of 3 (increased from 2) and a
cooldown time of 10 (increased from 5)

Empathy (Hex Spell) 10/2/20 [QMe1]
For 8-18 seconds, whenever target foe attacks, that foe takes 3-25 damage.

Energy Burn (Spell) 10/2/20 [QMe6]
Target foe loses 4-9 energy and takes 8 damage for each point of energy lost.

Energy Surge (Elite Spell) 10/2/20
Target foe loses 4-9 energy. For each point of energy lost, that foe and all
foes in the area take 8 damage. This is an elite skill. (MeDo09)

Guilt (Hex Spell) 5/2/30 [Q25]
For 4-9 seconds, if target foe casts an offensive spell, the spell fails, you
steal 5-12 energy from that foe, and Guilt ends. (MeDo10)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with an Energy cost of 5 (reduced from 10)

Hex Breaker (Stance) 5/0/15 [Q17]
For 15-75-90 seconds, the next time you are the target of a hex, that hex fails,
the caster takes 10-39 damage, and Hex Breaker ends. (MeDo11)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with a shorter duration
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with a cooldown time of 15 (increased from 5)

Ignorance (Hex Spell) 15/2/10
For 8-18 seconds, target foe cannot use signet rings. (MeDo12)

Mind Wrack (Hex Spell) 5/1/5 [Q14]
For 20 seconds, if target foe's energy is zero, that foe takes 15-75 damage and
Mind Wrack ends. (MeDo13)

Panic (Elite Hex Spell) 25/2/10
Target foe and all nearby foes are hexed with Panic for 10-22-25 seconds. While
hexed, they suffer energy degeneration of 2 and take 10-68 damage whenever they
use a signet ring. This is an elite skill. (MeDo14)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with increased AoE and duration

Power Block (Elite Spell) 15/0.25/30
If target foe is casting a spell, that spell is interrupted. The interrupted
spell and all spells of the same attribute are disabled for 3-13 seconds for
that foe. This is an elite skill. (MeDo15)

Power Leak (Spell) 10/0.25/20 [QMe4]
If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and target foe loses
10-22 energy. (MeDo16)

Power Spike (Spell) 10/0.25/15 [QMe9]
If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and target foe takes
20-86 damage. (MeDo17)

Shame (Hex Spell) 10/2/30
For 4-9 seconds, the next time target foe casts a spell on an ally, the spell
fails, you steal 5-12 energy from that foe, and Shame ends. (MeDo18)

Shatter Delusions (Spell) 5/0.25/10 [QMe3]
Remove one Mesmer hex from target foe, that foe takes 15-63 damage. (MeDo19)

Shatter Enchantment (Spell) 15/1/25 [Q6]
Remove an enchantment from target foe. If an enchantment is removed, that foe
takes 14-83 damage. (MeDo20)

Shatter Hex (Spell) 15/1/10 [QMe8]
Remove a hex from target ally. If a hex is removed, foes near that ally take
30-102-120 damage. (MeDo21)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with reduction in AoE and reduced damage

Signet of Weariness (Signet) 0/2/30
Target foe and all nearby foes lose 3-9 energy. (MeDo22)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with a casting time of 2 (increased from 1)

Wastrel's Worry (Hex Spell) 5/0.25/1 [Q10]
After 3 seconds, target foe takes 8-53 damage. Wastrel's Worry ends prematurely
if that foe uses a skill. (MeDo23)

Fast Casting

Mantra of Recovery (Elite Stance) 15/0/30
For 5-17 seconds, spells you cast recharge 50% faster. This is an elite skill.

Illusion Magic

Arcane Conundrum (Hex Spell) 10/2/20 [Q22]
For 5-13 seconds, spells cast by target foe take twice as long to cast.(MeIl01)

Clumsiness (Hex Spell) 10/1/10
For 4-7 seconds, if target foe attempts to attack, the attack is interrupted,
target foe suffers 10-76 damage, and Clumsiness ends. (MeIl02)

Conjure Phantasm (Hex Spell) 10/1/5 [QMe2] [QMe4]
For 2-12 seconds, target foe experiences health degeneration of 5. (MeIl03)

Crippling Anguish (Elite Hex Spell) 15/1/20
For 8-18 seconds, target moves 50% slower and suffers health degeneration of
1-3. This is an elite skill. (MeIl04)

Distortion (Stance) 5/0/5 [Q3]
For 5 seconds, you have a 75% chance to evade attacks. Whenever you evade an
attack this way, you lose 3-1 energy or Distortion ends. (MeIl05)

Ethereal Burden (Hex Spell) 15/3/45 [Q18]
For 10 seconds, target foe moves 50% slower than normal. When Ethereal Burden
ends, you gain 10-20 energy. (MeIl06)

Fevered Dreams (Elite Hex Spell) 10/2/10
For 4-14 seconds, whenever target foe suffers from a new condition, all nearby
foes suffer from that condition as well. This is an elite skill. (MeIl07)

Fragility (Hex Spell) 10/1/5 [QMe9]
For 8-18 seconds, target foe takes 5-17-20 damage each time that foe suffers or
recovers from a new condition. (MeIl08)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with many changes

Illusion of Haste (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/5 [QMe6]
For 5-10 seconds, you move 33% faster than normal and the effects of the
crippled condition are removed. When Illusion of Haste ends, you become
crippled. (MeIl09)

Illusion of Weakness (Enchantment Spell) 10/2/30 [Q12]
You lose 50-202 health. Illusion of Weakness ends if damage drops your health
below 25% of your maximum. When Illusion of Weakness ends, you gain 50-202
health. (MeIl10)

Illusionary Weaponry (Elite Enchantment Spell) 15/1/40
For 30 seconds, you deal no damage in melee, but whenever you attack in melee,
target foe takes 8-34 damage. This is an elite skill. (MeIl11)

Imagined Burden (Hex Spell) 15/1/30 [QMe2] [QMe4]
For 8-18 seconds, target foe moves 50% slower than normal. (MeIl12)

Ineptitude (Elite Hex Spell) 10/1/20
For 4-9 seconds, if target foe attacks, that foe takes 10-68 damage and becomes
blinded, and Ineptitude ends. This is an elite skill. (MeIl13)

Migraine (Elite Hex Spell) 10/2/15
For 5-17 seconds, target foe suffers health degeneration of 1-3 and takes 100%
longer to cast spells. This is an elite skill. (MeIl14)

Phantom Pain (Hex Spell) 10/2/15 [Q4]
For 10 seconds, target foe suffers health degeneration of 1-3. When Phantom
Pain ends, that foe suffers a deep wound, lowering that foe's maximum health by
20% for 5-17 seconds. (MeIl15)

Soothing Images (Hex Spell) 15/2/5
For 8-18 seconds, target foe and all adjacent foes cannot gain adrenaline.
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 15 (increased from 10).

Sympathetic Visage (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/30
For 8-18 seconds, whenever target ally is hit by a melee attack, all nearby
enemies lose all adrenaline and 3 energy. (MeIl17)

Inspiration Magic

Channeling (Enchantment Spell) 5/1/15 [QMe9]
For 8-46 seconds, whenever you cast a spell, you steal 1 energy from each
nearby foe. (MeIn01)

Drain Enchantment (Spell) 10/1/25
Remove an enchantment from target foe. If an enchantment is removed, you gain
10-20 energy. (MeIn02)

Elemental Resistance (Stance) 10/0/20 [Q24]
For 30-78 seconds, you gain +40 AL against elemental damage, but you lose 24-14
AL against physical damage. (MeIn03)

Energy Drain (Elite Spell) 5/1/30
Target foe loses 4-10 Energy. You then gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy
target foe lost. This is an elite skill. (MeIn04)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with many changes.

Energy Tap (Spell) 5/3/30 [Q2]
Target foe loses 4-7 Energy. You then gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy
target foe lost. (MeIn05)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with many changes.

Ether Feast (Spell) 5/2/8 [QMe1] [QMe2] [QMe4]
Target foe loses 3 energy. You are healed 17-41-47 for each point of energy
lost. (MeIn06)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased healing, decreased Energy drain.

Ether Lord (Hex Spell) 5/2/20 [Q26]
You lose all energy. For 5-9 seconds, target foe suffers energy degeneration of
1-3, and you experience energy regeneration of 1-3. (MeIn07)

Inspired Enchantment (Spell) 10/1/0 [Q13]
Remove an enchantment from target foe and gain 3-13 energy. For 20 seconds,
Inspired Enchantment is replaced with the enchantment removed from target foe.

Inspired Hex (Spell) 5/1/0 [Q7]
Remove a hex from target ally and gain 3-13 energy. For 20 seconds, Inspired
Hex is replaced with the hex that was removed. (MeIn09)

Keystone Signet (Elite Signet) 0/2/30
All of your other signet rings are recharged. All of your non-signet skills are
disabled for 17-7 seconds. This is an elite skill. (MeIn10)

Leech Signet (Signet) 0/0.25/45 [Q11]
Interrupt target foe's action. If that action was a spell, you gain 3-13 energy.

Mantra of Concentration (Stance) 5/0/20
For 60-156 seconds, the next time you would be interrupted while performing a
skill, you are not interrupted, and Mantra of Concentration ends. (MeIn12)

Mantra of Earth (Stance) 10/0/20 [Q15]
For 30-78 seconds, whenever you take earth damage, the damage is reduced by
26%-45% and you gain 1 energy. (MeIn13)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with Energy Cost 10.

Mantra of Flame (Stance) 10/0/20 [QMe5]
For 30-78 seconds, whenever you take fire damage, the damage is reduced by
26%-45% and you gain 1 energy. (MeIn14)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with Energy Cost 10.

Mantra of Frost (Stance) 10/0/20 [Q5]
For 30-78 seconds, whenever you take cold damage, the damage is reduced by
26%-45% and you gain 1 energy. (MeIn15)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with Energy Cost 10.

Mantra of Inscriptions (Stance) 10/0/20
For 30-78 seconds, your signet rings recharge 25%-45% faster. (MeIn16)

Mantra of Lightning (Stance) 10/0/20 [Q9]
For 30-78 seconds, whenever you take lightning damage, the damage is reduced by
26%-45% and you gain 1 energy. (MeIn17)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with Energy Cost 10.

Mantra of Persistence (Stance) 15/0/20 [Q23]
For 30 seconds, any illusion magic hex you cast lasts 20%-84% longer.(MeIn18)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with a cooldown time of 15 (reduced from 20) and flat
duration of 30 (previously 30-78).

Mantra of Recall (Elite Enchantment Spell) 10/1/20
For 20 seconds, you gain no benefit from it. You gain 3-?-28 energy when Mantra
of Recall ends. This is an elite skill. (MeIn19)
Note: This is the only Mantra that is NOT a stance.
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with Energy Cost 10 and reduced Energy gain.

Mantra of Resolve (Stance) 10/0/20
For 30-78 seconds, you cannot be interrupted, but each time you would have been
interrupted, you lose 7-3 energy or Mantra of Resolve ends. (MeIn20)

Mantra of Signets (stance) 15/0/30
For 10-22 seconds, the next time you use a signet ring, it recharges
immediately, and Mantra of Signets ends. (MeIn21)

Physical Resistance (Stance) 10/0/20
For 30-78 seconds, you gain +40 AL against physical damage, but you lose 24-14
AL against elemental damage. (MeIn22)

Power Drain (Spell) 5/0.25/25
If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and you gain 1-25
energy. (MeIn23)

Signet of Humility (Signet) 0/2/20
Target foe's elite skill is disabled for 1-13-16 seconds. (MeUn05)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 to be linked to Inspiration Magic

Spirit of Failure (Hex Spell) 10/3/10 [Q20]
For 30 seconds, target foe has a 25% chance to miss with attacks. You gain 1-4
energy whenever that foe misses in combat. (MeIn25)

Spirit Shackles (Hex Spell) 10/3/5 [Q21]
For 8-24 seconds, target foe loses 5 energy whenever that foe attacks. (MeIn24)


Arcane Echo (Enchantment Spell) 15/2/30
If you cast a spell in the next 20 seconds, Arcane Echo is replaced with that
spell for 20 seconds. Arcane Echo ends prematurely if you use a non-spell skill.

Arcane Mimicry (Spell) 15/2/60
For 20 seconds, Arcane Mimicry becomes the elite spell from target other ally.
NOTE: Arcane Mimicry actually can copy any Elite SKILL from your ally.

Echo (Elite Enchantment Spell) 5/1/30
For 20 seconds, Echo is replaced with the next skill you use. Echo acts as this
skill for 20 seconds. This is an elite skill. (MeUn03)

Epidemic (Spell) 15/0.25/15
Transfer all negative conditions and their remaining durations from target foe
to all foes adjacent to your target. (MeUn04)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with a casting time of 0.25 (reduced from 2)

Signet of Midnight (Elite Signet) 0/0.75/15
You and target touched foe become blinded. This is an elite skill. (MeUn06)

- Monk (gwsg3c) -

Divine Favor

Aura of Faith (Elite Enchantment Spell) 10/1/20
For 60 seconds, target ally gains 24%-45% more health when healed. This is an
elite skill. (MoDi01)

Blessed Aura (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/2/2 [Q23]
While you maintain this enchantment, Monk enchantments you cast last 10%-30%
longer than normal. (MoDi02)

Blessed Signet (Signet) 0/2/10 [Q14]
For each enchantment you are maintaining, you gain 3 energy, maximum 3-20.

Contemplation of Purity (Skill) 5/0.25/5 [Q19]
Lose all enchantments. For each one lost, you gain 6-65 health, lose one hex,
and lose one condition. (MoDi04)

Divine Boon (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 5/0.25/1 [QMo9]
While you maintain this enchantment, whenever you cast a Monk spell on an ally,
that ally is healed for 25-61 health, and you lose 2 energy. (MoDi05)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased Cooldown to 1 second (from 0).

Divine Healing (Spell) 10/2/30
Heal yourself and nearby party members for 10-210 health. (MoDi06)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with cooldown of 30 (from 60)

Divine Intervention (Enchantment Spell) 5/0.25/30
For 10 seconds, the next time target ally receives damage that would be fatal,
the damage is negated and that ally is healed for 26-197 health. (MoDi07)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 5 (decreased from 10)

Divine Spirit (Enchantment Spell) 10/0.25/60 [Q6]
For 1-?-14 seconds, Monk spells cost you 5 less energy to cast (minimum cost: 1
energy). (MoDi08)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased duration (from 1-9)

Peace and Harmony (Elite Enchantment Spell) 5/1/45
For 30-78 seconds, target ally gains +1 energy regeneration. Peace and Harmony
ends if that ally attacks or casts a spell that does not target an ally. This
is an elite skill. (MoDi09)

Signet of Devotion (Signet) 0/2/5
Heal target ally for 14-83 health. (MoDi10)

Spell Breaker (Elite Enchantment Spell) 15/1/45
For 5-15 seconds, enemy spells targeted against target ally fail. This is an
elite skill. (MoDi11)

Unyielding Aura (Elite Maintained Enchantment Spell) 5/3/45
Bring target dead ally back to life at full health and full energy. If you stop
maintaining this enchantment, or if this enchantment is removed, that ally
dies. Deaths while enchanted with Unyielding Aura do not incur a death penalty.
This is an elite skill. (50% failure chance with Divine Favor attribute 4 or
less) (MoDi12)

Watchful Spirit (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 15/2/10
While you maintain this enchantment, target ally gains health regeneration of
2. That ally is healed for 30-150 health when Watchful Spirit ends. (MoDi13)

Healing Prayers

Dwayna's Kiss (Spell) 5/1/3 [Q9]
Heal target other ally for 15-51 health and an additional 5-17 health for each
enchantment or hex on that ally. (MoHe01)

Heal Area (Spell) 10/1/5 [QMo6]
Heal yourself and all nearby creatures for 30-150 health. (MoHe02)

Heal Other (Spell) 10/0.75/3 [Q10]
Heal target other ally for 35-151 health. (MoHe03)

Heal Party (Spell) 15/2/0 [QMo5]
Heal entire party for 16-67 health. (MoHe04)

Healing Breeze (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/2 [QMo1]
For 10 seconds, target ally gains health regeneration of 3-8. (MoHe05)

Healing Hands (Elite Enchantment Spell) 5/0.25/25
For 10 seconds, whenever target ally is struck by an attack, that ally is
healed for 5-?-30 health. This is an elite skill. (MoHe06)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased Healing.

Healing Seed (Enchantment Spell) 10/2/25 [Q18]
For 10 seconds, whenever target other ally takes damage, that ally and all
adjacent allies gain 3-25 health. (MoHe07)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05 with Energy Cost 10 (down from 15), decreased duration

Healing Touch (Spell) 5/0.75/5 [Q25]
Heal target touched ally for 16-51 health. Health gain from Divine Favor is
doubled for this spell. (MoHe08)

Infuse Health (Spell) 10/0.25/0 [QMo8]
Lose half your current health. Target other ally is healed for 100%-129% of the
amount you lost. (MoHe09)

Live Vicariously (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 5/2/0 [QMo7]
While you maintain this enchantment, whenever target ally hits a foe, you gain
1-11 health. (MoHe10)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 5 (from 10)

Mending (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/2/0 [Q2]
While you maintain this enchantment, target ally gains health regeneration of
+1-3. (MoHe11)

Orison of Healing (Spell) 5/1/2 [QMo3] [QMo5]
Heal target ally for 20-60 health. (MoHe12)

Restore Life (Spell) 10/8/0
Touch the body of a fallen party member. Target party member is returned to
life with 26%-45% health and 42%-80% energy. (MoHe13)

Vigorous Spirit (Enchantment Spell) 5/1/4 [QMo9]
For 30 seconds, each time target ally attacks or casts a spell, that ally is
healed for 1-11 health. (MoHe14)

Word of Healing (Elite Spell) 5/0.75/4
Heal target other ally for 16-67 points. Heal for an additional 15-83 points
if that ally is below 50% health. This is an elite skill. (MoHe15)
Note: Word of Healing only heals additional health if the Health is below 50%
AFTER the initial healing amount, including Divine Favor bonuses.

Protection Prayers

Aegis (Enchantment Spell) 15/2/30
For 5-10 seconds, all party members have a 50% chance to block attacks. (MoPr01)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Now only affects party members.
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with casting time 2 (from 1)

Amity (Elite Hex Spell) 5/0.25/45
For 8-18 seconds, adjacent foes cannot attack. For each foe, Amity ends if that
foe takes damage. This is an elite skill. (MoPr02)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with recharge time of 45 (from 60)

Convert Hexes (Spell) 15/2/20
Remove all hexes from target other ally. For 8-18 seconds, that ally gains +10
armor for each Necromancer hex that was removed. (MoPr03)

Draw Conditions (Spell) 5/0.25/2
All negative conditions are transferred from target other ally to yourself. For
each condition acquired, you gain 6-22 health. (MoPr04)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased cooldown to 1 second (from 0).
Note: Updated on 9/29/05. Increased cooldown to 2 seconds (from 1).

Guardian (Spell) 5/1/2
For 5 seconds, target ally has a 20-44% chance to block attacks. (MoPr05)

Life Attunement (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/2/0 [Q11]
While you maintain this enchantment, target ally deals 30% less damage in
combat, but gains 14%-43% more health when healed. (MoPr06)

Life Barrier (Elite Maintained Enchantment Spell) 15/2/5
While you maintain this enchantment, damage dealt to target other ally is
reduced by 20-44%. If your health is below 50% when that ally takes damage,
Life Barrier ends. This is an elite skill. (MoPr07)

Life Bond (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/2/0
While you maintain this enchantment, whenever target other ally takes damage
from an attack, half the damage is redirected to you. The damage you receive
this way is reduced by 3-25 points. (MoPr08)

Mark of Protection (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/45
For 10 seconds, whenever target ally would take damage, that ally is healed for
that amount instead, maximum 6-49. All your Protection Prayers are disabled for
10 seconds. This is an elite skill. (MoPr09)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 10 (from 15)

Mend Ailment (Spell) 5/0.75/2 [Q12]
Remove one condition from target ally. That ally is healed for 5-57 health for
each remaining condition. (MoPr10)

Mend Condition (Spell) 5/0.75/2 [Q26]
Remove one condition from target other ally. If a condition is removed, that
ally is healed for 5-57 health. (MoPr11)

Pacifism (Hex Spell) 10/2/30 [QMo9]
For 8-18 seconds, target foe cannot attack. This effect ends if the target
takes damage. (MoPr12)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Casting time of 2 (from 3)

Protective Bond (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/2/0
While you maintain this enchantment, target ally cannot take more than 5%
damage at one time. When Protective Bond prevents damage, you lose 6-4-3 energy
or the spell ends. (MoPr13)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased Energy Lost.

Protective Spirit (Enchantment Spell) 10/0.25/5 [Q21]
For 5-19 seconds, target ally cannot lose more than 10% health due to damage
from a single attack or spell. (MoPr14)

Rebirth (Spell) 10/6/0 [Q20]
Resurrect target party member, teleporting him to your current location. All of
target's skills are disabled for 10-4 seconds. This spell consumes all your
remaining energy. (MoPr15)

Restore Condition (Elite Spell) 10/0.75/0
Remove all conditions from target other ally. That ally is healed 10-58-70
health for each condition removed. This is an elite skill. (MoPr16)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Energy Cost 5 (down from 10), reduced Healing.

Reversal of Fortune (Enchantment Spell) 5/0.25/2 [QMo4]
For 8 seconds, the next time target ally would take damage, that ally gains
that amount of health instead, maximum 15-67. (MoPr17)

Shield of Deflection (Elite Enchantment Spell) 10/1/5
For 6 seconds, target ally has a 50%-70% chance to evade attacks and gains
12-22 armor. This is an elite skill. (MoPr18)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 10 (from 15), Casting time of 1
(from 2) and duration of 6 (from 5-10 seconds)

Shield of Regeneration (Elite Enchantment Spell) 15/1/20
For 5-10 seconds, target ally gains 3-9 health regeneration and 40 armor. This
is an elite skill. (MoPr19)

Shielding Hands (Enchantment Spell) 5/0.75/25 [QMo4]
For 10 seconds, damage received by target ally is reduced by 3-15. (MoPr20)

Vital Blessing (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/0.75/2 [QMo6]
While you maintain this enchantment, target ally has +40-168 maximum health.
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with casting time of 0.75 (from 2), cooldown time of
2 (from 0)

Smiting Prayers

Balthazar's Aura (Enchantment Spell) 25/2/25 [Q16]
For 10 seconds, foes adjacent to target ally take 10-22 holy damage each
second. (MoSm01)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with casting time of 2 (from 1), and cooldown of 25
(from 15)

Balthazar's Spirit (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/2/0 [Q7]
While you maintain this enchantment, target ally gains adrenaline and energy
after taking damage. (The amount of adrenaline gained increases depending on
your rank in Smiting Prayers.) (MoSm02)

Bane Signet (Signet) 0/2/25 [QMo3] [QMo5]
Target foe takes 26-50 holy damage. If that foe was attacking, he is knocked
down. (MoSm03)

Banish (Spell) 5/1/10 [QMo1]
Target foe takes 20-49 holy damage. (MoSm04)

Holy Strike (Skill) 5/0.75/8
Target touched foe takes 10-46 holy damage. If knocked down, your target takes
an additional 10-46-55 holy damage. (MoSm05)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased conditional damage (from 10-34)

Holy Wrath (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/2/0
While you maintain this enchantment, whenever target ally takes attack damage,
this spell deals 66% of the damage back to the source (maximum of 5-41 damage),
and you lose 10 energy. (MoSm06)

Judge's Insight (Enchantment Spell) 10/2/10
For 8-18 seconds, target ally's attacks deal holy damage and have +20% armor
penetration. (MoSm07)

Retribution (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/2/0 [QMo2]
While you maintain this enchantment, whenever target ally takes attack damage,
this spell deals 33% of the damage back to the source (maximum of 5-17 damage).

Scourge Healing (Hex Spell) 10/2/5 [Q15]
For 30 seconds, every time target foe is healed, the healer takes 15-67 holy
damage. (MoSm09)

Scourge Sacrifice (Hex Spell) 10/2/5
For 8-18 seconds, every time target foe sacrifices life, he sacrifices twice
the normal amount. (MoSm10)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Now affects all adjacent targets.

Shield of Judgment (Elite Enchantment Spell) 15/1/45
For 8-18 seconds, anyone striking target ally with an attack is knocked down
and suffers 5-41 damage. This is an elite skill. (MoSm11)

Signet of Judgment (Elite Signet) 0/2/30
Target foe is knocked down. That foe and all adjacent foes take 15-63 holy
damage. This is an elite skill. (MoSm12)

Smite (Attack) 10/1/10 [Q4]
This attack deals 10-46 holy damage. If attacking, your target takes an
additional 5-29-35 holy damage. (MoSm13)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased conditional damage

Smite Hex (Spell) 5/1/15 [Q17]
Remove a hex from target ally. If a hex is removed, foes near that ally suffer
10-70 damage. (MoSm14)

Strength of Honor (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/2/0 [QMo8]
While you maintain this enchantment, target ally deals 1-8 more damage in
melee. (MoSm15)

Symbol of Wrath (Spell) 5/2/30 [QMo2]
For 5 seconds, adjacent foes take 8-27 holy damage each second. (MoSm16)

Zealot's Fire (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/30 [Q22]
For 60 seconds, whenever you use a skill on an ally, all foes adjacent to your
target are struck for 5-29-35 fire damage. (MoSm17)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with decreased damage (from 5-34)


Essence Bond (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/2/0
While you maintain this enchantment, whenever target ally takes physical
damage, you gain 1 energy. (MoUn01)

Holy Veil (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 5/1/10 [Q13]
While you maintain this enchantment, any hexes cast on target creature take
twice as long to cast. This spell removes a hex when it expires. (MoUn02)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 5 (from 10), casting time of 1
(from 2), cooldown of 10 (from 0), and removes a hex when it ends.

Light of Dwayna (Spell) 25/4/30
Resurrect all nearby dead allies. (MoUn03)

Martyr (Elite Spell) 5/0.25/10
All conditions and their remaining durations from your party members to you.
This is an elite skill. (MoUn04)

Purge Conditions (Spell) 5/0.25/30 [Q3]
Remove all conditions from target ally. (MoUn05)

Purge Signet (Signet) 0/3/30
Remove all hexes and conditions from target ally. You lose 10 energy for each
hex and each condition removed. (MoUn06)

Remove Hex (Spell) 5/2/7 [Q5]
Remove a hex from target ally. (MoUn07)

Resurrect (Spell) 10/8/0 [QMo7]
Resurrect target party member. (MoUn08)

Succor (Maintained Enchantment Spell) 10/1/10
While you maintain this enchantment, target other ally gains health and energy
regeneration of 1, but you lose 1 energy each time that ally casts a spell.

Vengeance (Enchantment Spell) 10/4/60 [Q24]
Bring target dead ally back to life at full health and full energy. After 30
seconds, or if this enchantment is removed, the enchanted ally dies. Deaths
while enchanted with Vengeance do not incur a death penalty. (MoUn10)

- Necromancer (gwsg3d) -

Blood Magic

Awaken the Blood (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/45
For 20-39 seconds, you gain +2 Blood Magic and +2 Curses, but whenever you
sacrifice health, you sacrifice 50% more than the normal amount. (NeBl01)

Barbed Signet (Signet) 0/2/20 [Q21]
Sacrifice 8% max health. You steal 18-52 health from target foe. (NeBl02)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Reduced Cooldown to 20 seconds (from 30 seconds)

Blood Renewal (Enchantment Spell) 5/1/10 [QN4]
Sacrifice 25% max health. For 10 seconds, you gain health regeneration of 3-?-6.
When Blood Renewal ends, you gain 40-160 health. (NeBl03)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased Regen to 3-?-6 (from 3).
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with health sacrifice of 25% (reduced from 33%)

Blood Ritual (Enchantment Spell) 10/2/2 [Q11]
Sacrifice 17% max health. For 8-13 seconds, target other ally gains energy
regeneration of 3. Blood Ritual cannot be used on the caster. (NeBl04)

Blood is Power (Elite Enchantment Spell) 5/0.25/0
Sacrifice 33% max health. For 10 seconds, target other ally gains +3-5 energy
regeneration. This is an elite skill. (NeBl05)

Dark Bond (Enchantment Spell) 5/2/20 [Q17]
For the next 30-54 seconds, whenever you receive damage, your closest minion
suffers 75% of that damage for you. (NeBl06)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Now works on any damage.
Note: Updated on 9/29/05. Decreased Energy cost to 5, Recharge to 20

Dark Fury (Enchantment Spell) 10/0.75/5
Sacrifice up to 17% max health. For 5 seconds, the next time any nearby party
member hits with an attack, that party member gains one hit of adrenaline.
Note: Affects party members in radar.

Dark Pact (Spell) 5/1/2 [QN6]
Sacrifice up to 10% health and deal 10-40 shadow damage to target foe. (NeBl08)

Demonic Flesh (Enchantment Spell) 5/1/60 [Q14]
Sacrifice 20% max health. For 30-54 seconds, your maximum health is increased
by 80-176. (NeBl09)

Life Siphon (Hex Spell) 10/2/2 [QN2] [QN5]
For 12-22 seconds, target suffers health degeneration of 1-3, and you gain
health regeneration of 1-3. (NeBl10)

Life Transfer (Elite Hex Spell) 10/2/30
For 6-11 seconds, target foe suffers health degeneration of 3-7, which you gain
as health regeneration. This is an elite skill. (NeBl11)

Mark of Subversion (Hex Spell) 10/2/30
For 4-9 seconds, the next time target foe casts a spell on an ally, the spell
fails and you steal 10-76 health from that foe. (NeBl12)

Offering of Blood (Elite Spell) 5/0.25/15
Sacrifice 10% maximum health. You gain 8-18 energy. This is an elite skill.

Order of Pain (Enchantment Spell) 10/2/0
Sacrifice 17% health. For 5 seconds, whenever a party member hits a foe with
physical damage, that party member does an additional 3-13 damage. (NeBl14)
Note: Affects party members in radar.

Order of the Vampire (Elite Enchantment Spell) 10/2/5
Sacrifice 17% max health. For 5 seconds, whenever a party member hits a foe
with physical damage, that party member steals 3-13 health. This is an elite
skill. (NeBl15)
Note: Affects party members in radar.

Shadow Strike (Spell) 10/2/8 [QN9]
Target foe takes 12-41 shadow damage. If that foe's health is above 50%, you
steal 12-41 health. (NeBl16)

Signet of Agony (Signet) 0/0.75/15 [Q26]
Sacrifice 10% max health and suffer from bleeding for 25 seconds. All nearby
foes take 10-37 damage. (NeBl17)

Soul Leech (Elite Hex Spell) 10/2/15
For 10 seconds, whenever target foe casts a spell you steal 16-67 health from
that foe. This is an elite skill. (NeBl18)

Strip Enchantment (Spell) 10/1/20 [Q7]
Remove one enchantment from target foe. If an enchantment is removed, you gain
30-102 health. (NeBl19)

Touch of Agony (Skill) 5/0.75/3
Sacrifice 10% max health. Target touched foe takes 20-50 shadow damage.(NeBl20)

Unholy Feast (Spell) 15/1/30
Steal 5-41-50 health from up to 1-?-5 foes. (NeBl21)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05

Vampiric Gaze (Spell) 10/1/5 [QN1]
Steal 18-52 health from target foe. (NeBl22)

Vampiric Touch (Skill) 15/0.75/2 [QN4]
Touch target foe to steal up to 29-65 health. (NeBl23)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with cooldown of 2 (reduced from 5)

Well of Blood (Spell) 15/2/2 [QN10]
Exploit nearest corpse to create a well of blood at its location. For 8-18
seconds, allies in that area receive health regeneration of 1-5. (NeBl24)

Well of Power (Elite Spell) 15/3/15
Exploit nearest corpse to create a well of power at that location. For 8-18
seconds, allies within 39' of the Well of Power gain health regeneration of 1-5
and energy regeneration of 2. This is an elite skill. (NeBl25)


Barbs (Hex Spell) 10/2/30
For 30 seconds, target foe takes 1-8 more damage when hit by physical damage.

Chilblains (Spell) 25/0.75/15 [Q22]
You become poisoned for 3-13 seconds. Nearby foes are struck for 10-37 cold
damage and lose one enchantment. (NeCu02)

Defile Flesh (Hex Spell) 10/1/10 [QN10]
Sacrifice 20% max health. For 8-18 seconds, target foe receives only two-thirds
health from healing. (NeCu03)

Desecrate Enchantments (Spell) 10/2/15
Target foe and all nearby foes take 6-49 shadow damage and 4-17 shadow damage
for each enchantment on them. (NeCu04)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 10 (reduced from 15)

Enfeeble (Spell) 5/1/5 [Q10]
Target suffers from weakness for 5-17 seconds. (NeCu05)

Enfeebling Blood (Spell) 10/2/10
Sacrifice 17% max health. Target foe and all nearby foes suffer from weakness
for 5-17 seconds. (NeCu06)

Faintheartedness (Hex Spell) 10/1/8 [QN3]
For the next 5-29 seconds, target foe attacks 50% slower, and that foe suffers
health degeneration of 1-3. (NeCu07)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with cooldown of 8 (increased from 5)

Feast of Corruption (Spell) 10/2/20
Target foe and all adjacent foes are struck for 16-67 shadow damage. You steal
8-34 health from each foe struck who is suffering from a hex. This is an elite
skill. (NeCu08)

Insidious Parasite (Hex Spell) 15/1/20 [QN5]
For 8-18 seconds, whenever target foe hits with an attack, you steal 5-17
health from that foe. (NeCu09)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with casting time of 1 (decreased from 2)

Lingering Curse (Hex Spell) 25/3/10
Sacrifice 10% max health. Target foe loses all enchantments. For 8-18 seconds,
target foe gains only half health from healing spells. This is an elite skill.

Malaise (Hex Spell) 5/2/2 [Q23]
For 5-29 seconds, target foe suffers energy degeneration of 2 and you suffer
health degeneration of 2. Malaise ends if target foe's energy reaches 0.(NeCu11)

Mark of Pain (Hex Spell) 10/2/30 [QN6]
For 30 seconds, whenever target foe takes physical damage, Mark of Pain deals
10-34 shadow damage to adjacent foes. (NeCu12)

Parasitic Bond (Hex Spell) 5/1/2 [QN7]
For 20 seconds, target foe suffers health degeneration of 1. The caster is
healed for 30-102 health when Parasitic Bond ends. (NeCu13)

Plague Sending (Hex Spell) 10/2/0
Sacrifice 10% max health. Transfer one negative condition and its remaining
duration from yourself to target foe and all adjacent foes. (NeCu14)

Plague Signet (Elite Signet) 0/1/10
Transfer all negative conditions and their remaining durations from yourself to
target foe. This is an elite skill. (50% failure chance with Curses 4 or less.)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Decreased Cooldown to 10 seconds (from 20).
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with casting time of 1 (reduced from 2)

Price of Failure (Hex Spell) 10/3/10 [Q16]
For 30 seconds, target foe has a 25% chance to miss with attacks and takes 6-25
damage whenever that foe fails to hit in combat. (NeCu16)

Rend Enchantments (Spell) 10/3/30 [Q19]
Remove 5-9 enchantments from target foe. For each enchantment removed, you lose
55-22 health. (NeCu17)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with many changes

Rigor Mortis (Hex Spell) 10/2/30
For 8-18 seconds, target foe cannot block or evade. (NeCu18)

Shadow of Fear (Hex Spell) 10/2/10 [Q4]
Target foe and all adjacent foes attack 50% slower for the next 20-39 seconds.

Soul Barbs (Hex Spell) 10/2/20 [QN3]
For 30 seconds, target foe takes 15-27 damage when an enchantment or hex is
cast on that target. (NeCu20)

Spinal Shivers (Hex Spell) 10/2/15
For 10-34-40 seconds, whenever target foe takes cold damage, that foe is
interrupted and you lose 10-6 energy or Spinal Shivers ends. (NeCu21)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased Duration 10-40 seconds.

Spiteful Spirit (Elite Hex Spell) 15/2/10
For 8-18 seconds, whenever target foe attacks or uses a skill, Spiteful Spirit
deals 5-29 shadow damage to that foe and all adjacent foes. This is an elite
skill. (NeCu22)

Suffering (Hex Spell) 15/2/20 [Q5]
For 6-25 seconds, target foe and all nearby foes suffer health degeneration of
2. (NeCu23)

Weaken Armor (Hex Spell) 10/3/30 [Q3]
For 10-34 seconds, target foe has an armor penalty of -20 against physical
damage. (NeCu24)

Wither (Elite Hex Spell) 10/2/10
For 5-29 seconds, target foe suffers health degeneration of 2 and energy
degeneration of 2. Wither ends if target foe's energy reaches 0. This is an
elite skill. (NeCu25)

Death Magic

Animate Bone Fiend (Spell) 25/3/5 [Q24]
Exploit nearest corpse to animate a level 1-14 Bone Fiend. Bone Fiends can
attack at range. (NeDe01)

Animate Bone Horror (Spell) 15/3/5 [QN2] [QN5]
Exploit nearest corpse to animate a level 1-14 Bone Horror. (NeDe02)

Animate Bone Minions (Spell) 25/3/5 [Q15]
Exploit nearest corpse to animate two level 0-10 Bone Minions. (NeDe03)

Aura of the Lich (Elite Enchantment Spell) 10/2/20
For 24-53 seconds, your maximum health is halved, but you take half damage and
from all sources. When Aura of the Lich ends you're healed for 50-202 health.
This is an elite skill. (NeDe04)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 10 (from 15), Casting time of 2
(from 3), cooldown of 20 (from 30).

Blood of the Master (Spell) 10/1/5 [Q12]
Sacrifice 10% max health. All adjacent undead allies are healed for 30-99.

Consume Corpse (Spell) 10/1/0
Exploit a random target. You teleport to that corpse's location and gain 25-85
health and 5-17-20 energy. (NeDe06)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Decreased Casting time to 1 (from 2),increased Energy
gain 5-17-20(from 3-7).

Dark Aura (Enchantment Spell) 10/1/10 [Q9]
For 30 seconds, whenever target ally sacrifices health, Dark Aura deals 5-41
shadow damage to adjacent foes, and you lose 5-17 health. (NeDe07)

Death Nova (Enchantment Spell) 5/2/0 [Q20]
For 30 seconds, if target ally dies, Death Nova deals 26-85 damage and suffer
from Poison for 15 seconds. (NeDe08)

Deathly Chill (Spell) 10/1/5
Target foe is struck for 5-28 cold damage. If that foe's health is above 50%,
you deal an additional 5-41-50 shadow damage. (NeDe09)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased secondary damage to 5-41-50.

Deathly Swarm (Spell) 10/3/3 [QN1] [QN2] [QN5]
Deathly Swarm flies out slowly and strikes for 15-67 cold damage on up to three
targets. (NeDe10)

Infuse Condition (Enchantment Spell) 5/1/20
For the next 15-51 seconds, whenever you receive a condition, that condition is
transferred to your closest minion instead. (NeDe11)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 5, recharge of 20

Malign Intervention (Hex Spell) 10/1/20
For 5-17 seconds, target foe receives 20% less benefit from healing. If target
foe dies while hexed with Malign Intervention a level 1-14 masterless Bone
Horror is summoned. (NeDe12)

Necrotic Traversal (Spell) 5/0.75/0 [QN10]
Exploit a random corpse. You teleport to that corpse's location and all nearby
foes become poisoned for 5-17 seconds. (NeDe13)

Putrid Explosion (Spell) 10/1/5 [QN7]
The corpse nearest your target explodes, sending out a shockwave that deals
24-101 damage to nearby foes. (NeDe14)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased Cooldown to 5 seconds.

Rotting Flesh (Hex Spell) 15/3/3 [Q6]
Target fleshy creature becomes diseased for 10-22 seconds and slowly loses
health. (NeDe15)

Soul Feast (Spell) 10/1/0 [QN8]
Exploit nearest corpse to steal 50-234 health. (NeDe16)

Tainted Flesh (Elite Enchantment Spell) 5/1/0
For 20-39 seconds, target ally is immune to disease, and anyone striking that
ally in melee becomes diseased for 3-13 seconds. This is an elite skill.(NeDe17)

Taste of Death (Spell) 5/0.25/0
Steal 100-340 health from target animated undead ally. (NeDe18)

Verata's Aura (Enchantment Spell) 15/0.75/30
Sacrifice 33% max health. All hostile animated undead in the area become bound
to you. Verata's Aura ends after 120-264 seconds. When Verata's Aura ends, you
lose your bond with any undead bound to you. (50% failure chance with Death
Magic attribute of 4 or less) (NeDe19)

Verata's Gaze (Spell) 5/1/5
If target hostile animated undead has a master, its bond to its master is
broken, making it hostile to all other creatures. If it had no master, you
become its master. (50% failure chance with Death Magic attribute of 4 or
less) (NeDe20)

Verata's Sacrifice (Spell) 10/2/30
Sacrifice 15% max health. For 8-18 seconds, all undead allies gain 10 health
regeneration. All conditions are removed from those allies and transferred to
you. (NeDe21)

Vile Touch (Skill) 10/0.75/4 [Q2]
Touch target foe to deal 20-56-65 damage. (NeDe22)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased damage

Virulence (Elite Spell) 5/1/10
If target foe was already suffering from a condition, that foe suffers from
disease and weakness for 3-13 seconds. This is an elite skill. (NeDe23)
NOTE: Virulence also causes Poison in addition to Disease and Weakness

Well of Suffering (Spell) 15/2/10 [Q18]
Exploit nearest corpse to create a well of suffering at its location. For 10-30
seconds, foes in that area suffer health degeneration of -1-4-6. (NeDe24)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased duration 10-30 (from 8-18) and degen to
-1-4-6 (from -1-4).

Well of the Profane (Spell) 25/3/10 [Q25]
Exploit nearest corpse to create a well of the profane at its location. For
8-18 seconds, foes in that area are stripped of all enchantments and cannot be
the target of further enchantments. (50% failure chance with Death Magic 4 or
less.) (NeDe25)

Soul Reaping

There are no skills linked to Soul Reaping at this time.


Grenth's Balance (Elite Spell) 10/0.25/10
If target foe has more health than you, you gain half the difference (up to
your maximum health), and that foe loses an equal amount. This is an elite
skill. (NeUn01)
Note: You will not do more damage than the health gained by this spell.
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Decreased Cooldown to 15 (from 45).
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with cooldown of 10 (from 15)

Plague Touch (Skill) 5/0.75/0 [Q13]
Transfer a negative condition and its remaining duration from yourself to
target touched foe. (NeUn02)

- Ranger (gwsg3e) -

Beast Mastery

Bestial Pounce (Pet Attack) 5/0/15 [Q12]
Your animal companion attempts a bestial pounce that deals +5-17 damage. If the
attack strikes a foe who is casting a spell, that foe is knocked down.(RaBe01)

Brutal Strike (Pet Attack) 10/0/5
Your animal companion attempts a brutal strike that deals +5-17 damage. If that
attack strikes a foe whose health is below 50%, that foe takes an additional
+5-17 damage. (RaBe02)

Call of Haste (Shout) 10/0/25 [QR8]
For 30 seconds, your animal companions have 25% faster attack speed and move
33% faster than normal. (RaBe03)

Call of Protection (Shout) 5/0/115 [QR9]
For 120 seconds, your animal companions have a 1-11 base damage reduction.

Charm Animal (Skill) 10/10/0 [QR2] [QR5]
Charm target animal. Once charmed, your animal companion will travel with you
whenever you have Charm Animal equipped. (RaBe05)

Comfort Animal (Skill) 10/1/1 [QR2] [QR5]
You heal your animal companion for 20-87 health. If your companion is dead, it
is resurrected with 10%-48% health and all your skills are disabled for 8
seconds. (RaBe06)

Disrupting Lunge (Pet Attack) 5/0/5
Your animal companion attempts a disrupting lunge that deals +1-10 damage. If
that attack strikes a foe using a skill that skill is interrupted and is
disabled for an additional 20 seconds. (RaBe07)

Edge of Extinction (Nature Ritual) 5/5/60 [Q16]
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, whenever any
creature dies, Edge of Extinction deals 14-43 damage to all nearby creatures of
the same type. This Spirit dies after 30-126 seconds. (RaBe08)

Energizing Wind (Nature Ritual) 5/5/60
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, all skills cost 15
less energy (minimum cost 10 energy), and skills recharge 25% slower than
normal. This Spirit dies after 30-126 seconds. (RaBe09)

Feral Lunge (Pet Attack) 5/0/10 [QR6]
Your animal companion attempts a feral lunge that deals +5-17 damage. If the
attack strikes a foe who is attacking, that foe suffers from bleeding for 3-21
seconds. (RaBe10)

Ferocious Strike (Elite Pet Attack) 5/0/8
Your animal companion attempts a ferocious strike that deals +13-25 damage. If
that attack hits, you gain adrenaline and 3-9 energy. This is an Elite skill.

Fertile Season (Nature Ritual) 5/5/60
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, every creature's
maximum health is increased by 50-290 and they gain +15 armor. This Spirit dies
after 15-39-45 seconds. (RaBe12)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Decreased Duration.

Maiming Strike (Pet Attack) 10/0/10
Your animal companion attempts a maiming strike that deals +5-17 damage. If
that attack hits a moving foe that foe becomes crippled for 3-13 seconds.

Melandru's Assault (Pet Attack) 10/0/10
Your animal companion attempts a Melandru's Assault that deals +5-17 damage.
If that attack strikes a foe with an enchantment, that foe and all adjacent
foes take +5-17 additional damage. (RaBe14)

Otyugh's Cry (Shout) 5/0/30 [Q11]
All animals in the area become hostile to your target and gain +20 armor for
30 seconds. Otyugh's Cry cannot turn charmed animals against their masters or
their master's allies. (50% failure chance with Beast Mastery attribute of 4 or
less.) (RaBe15)

Predator's Pounce (Pet Attack) 5/0/5
Your animal companion attempts a Predator's Pounce that deals +5-17 damage.
If that attack hits your animal companion gains 5-41 health. (RaBe16)

Predatory Season (Nature Ritual) 5/5/60 [Q20]
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, all healing is
reduced by 20%. If any of your attacks hit, you gain 5 health. This Spirit
dies after 30-126 seconds. (RaBe17)

Primal Echoes (Nature Ritual) 5/5/60
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, signet rings cost 10
energy to use. This Spirit dies after 30-126 seconds. (RaBe18)

Revive Animal (Skill) 5/6/20
Resurrect all nearby allied animal companions. They come back to life with
50-410 health. (RaBe19)

Scavenger Strike (Pet Attack) 10/0/5
Your animal companion attempts a scavenger strike that deals +5-17 damage. If
the attack strikes a foe who is suffering a condition, that foe takes an
additional +1-12 damage. (RaBe20)

Symbiosis (Nature Ritual) 5/5/60 [Q13]
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, for each enchantment
on a creature, that creature's maximum health is increased by 27-125. This
Spirit dies after 30-126 seconds. (RaBe21)

Symbiotic Bond (Shout) 10/0/55
For 120-264 seconds, your animal companion gains +1 health regeneration, and
half of any physical damage dealt to your animal companion is redirected to
you. (RaBe22)
NOTE: This skill was fixed on 9/7/05

Tiger's Fury (Stance) 10/0/10 [Q26]
All your non-attack skills are disabled for 5 seconds. For 5-10 seconds, you
attack 33% faster than normal. (RaBe23)
NOTE: This skill also disables Pet Attacks


Distracting Shot (Bow Attack) 5/0.5/10 [QR8]
If Distracting Shot hits, it interrupts target foe's action but deals only 1-13
damage. If the interrupted action was a skill, that skill is disabled for an
additional 20 seconds. (RaEx01)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Decreased Casting Time to 0.5 (from 0.75).
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with a delay after skill is used.

Dodge (Stance) 5/0/30 [QR7]
For 5-?-11 seconds, you move 33% faster than normal and have a 27-65% chance to
evade incoming arrows. Dodge ends if you attack. (RaEx02)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased duration (from 5 seconds)

Escape (Elite Stance) 5/0/30
For 5-15 seconds, you move 25% faster than normal and have a 75% chance to
evade attacks. This is an elite skill. (RaEx03)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with decreased cooldown of 30 (from 60)

Lightning Reflexes (Stance) 10/0/45 [Q4]
For 5-10 seconds, you have a 75% chance to evade melee and arrow attacks, and
you attack 33% faster. (RaEx04)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with decreased cooldown of 45 (from 60)

Marksman's Wager (Elite Preparation) 5/2/24
For 12 seconds, you gain 5-9 energy whenever your arrows hit, but lose 10
energy whenever your arrows fail to strike. This is an elite skill.(RaEx05)

Oath Shot (Elite Bow Attack) 10/0/20
If Oath Shot hits, all your other skills are recharged. If it misses, all your
skills are disabled for 10 seconds. This is an elite skill. (50% miss chance
with Expertise attribute of 7 or less) (RaEx06)

Point Blank Shot (Bow Attack) 10/0/3 [QR3]
Shoot an arrow that has half the normal range, but strikes for +10-22-25
damage. (RaEx07)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased damage (from 10-18)

Practiced Stance (Elite Stance) 5/0/15
For 20-32 seconds, your preparations are ready 50% faster and last 24%-45%
longer. This is an elite skill. (RaEx08)

Throw Dirt (Skill) 5/1/45 [Q10]
Target touched foe and foes adjacent to your target become blinded for 3-13
seconds. (RaEx09)

Whirling Defense (Stance) 10/0/60 [QR9]
For 8-18 seconds, you have 75% chance to block attacks. Whenever you block an
arrow this way, adjacent foes take 5-10 piercing damage. (RaEx10)

Marksmanship Skills

Barrage (Elite Bow Attack) 5/0/1
All your preparations are removed. Shoot arrows at up to 5 enemies near your
target. These arrows strike for +1-13 damage if they hit. This is an elite
skill. (RaMa01)

Concussion Shot (Bow Attack) 25/0.5/10 [Q15]
If Concussion Shot hits while target foe is casting a spell, the spell is
interrupted and your target is dazed for 5-17 seconds. This attack deals only
1-13 damage.(RaMa02)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Decreased Casting Time to 0.5 (from 0.75).
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with a delay after skill is used.

Crippling Shot (Elite Bow Attack) 10/0/1
If Crippling Shot hits, your target becomes Crippled for 8 seconds. This
attack cannot be blocked or evaded. This is an elite skill. (RaMa03)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Decreased Recharge Time to 1 (from 10). Decreased
Cripple duration to 8 seconds (from 15).

Determined Shot (Bow Attack) 5/0/10 [Q9]
If Determined Shot hits, you strike for +3-15 damage. If Determined Shot fails
to hit, all of your attack skills are recharged. (RaMa04)

Favorable Winds (Nature Ritual) 5/5/60 [QR6]
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, arrows move twice as
fast as normal and strike for +6 damage. This Spirit dies after 30-126 seconds.

Hunter's Shot (Bow Attack) 5/0/5 [QR5]
If Hunter's Shot hits, you strike for +3-13 damage. If this attack hits a foe
that is moving or knocked down, that foe begins bleeding for 3-21 seconds.

Penetrating Attack (Bow Attack) 10/0/3 [Q2]
If Penetrating Attack hits, you strike for +3-15 damage and this attack has 20%
armor penetration. (RaMa07)

Pin Down (Bow Attack) 15/0/15 [Q6]
If Pin Down hits, your target is crippled for 3-13 seconds. (RaMa08)

Power Shot (Bow Attack) 10/0/6 [QR1]
If Power Shot hits, you strike for +10-18 damage. (RaMa09)

Precision Shot (Bow Attack) 10/0/6 [Q24]
If Precision Shot hits, you strike for +10-18 damage. Precision Shot cannot be
blocked or evaded. This action is easily interrupted. (RaMa10)

Punishing Shot (Elite Bow Attack) 10/0.5/8
If Punishing Shot hits, you strike for +10-18 damage and your target is
interrupted. This is an elite skill. (RaMa11)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Decreased Casting Time to 0.5 (from 0.75). Increased
Cooldown to 8 seconds (from 6)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with a delay after skill is used.

Read the Wind (Preparation) 5/2/12 [QR3]
For 24 seconds, your arrows move twice as fast as normal and deal 3-9 extra
damage. (RaMa12)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased duration (from 12 seconds)

Savage Shot (Bow Attack) 10/0.5/5 [Q21]
If Savage Shot hits, your target's action is interrupted. If that action was a
spell, you strike for 13-25 damage. (RaMa13)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with a delay after skill is used.

Wilderness Survival

Apply Poison (Preparation) 15/2/12
For 24 seconds, enemies struck by your physical attacks become poisoned for
3-13 seconds. (RaWi01)

Barbed Trap (Trap) 15/2/20 [Q19]
When Barbed Trap is triggered, all foes in the area take 20-56 piercing damage,
become crippled, and begin bleeding for 3-21 seconds. Barbed Trap ends after 90
seconds. While activating this skill, you are easily interrupted. (RaWi02)

Choking Gas (Preparation) 15/2/24 [Q14]
For 1-10 seconds, your arrows deal 1-7 more damage and spread Choking Gas on
impact. Choking Gas interrupts foes attempting to cast spells. (RaWi03)

Dryder's Defenses (Stance) 5/0/60
For 5-10 seconds, you gain 75% chance to evade attacks and 34-55 armor against
elemental damage. (RaWi04)

Dust Trap (Trap) 25/2/30 [Q23]
When Dust Trap is triggered, all foes in the area are Blinded for 3-9 seconds
and take 10-22-25 earth damage. While activating this skill you are easily
interrupted. Dust Trap ends after 90 seconds. (RaWi05)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with decreased damage (from 10-56), and it pulses 5
times (like Flame Trap).

Flame Trap (Trap) 10/2/20 [Q25]
When Flame Trap is triggered, for 3 seconds all foes in the area are struck for
15-27 fire damage and set on fire for 1-3 seconds. Flame Trap automatically
triggers after 90 seconds. While activating this skill, you are easily
interrupted. (RaWi06)

Frozen Soil (Nature Ritual) 5/5/30
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, dead creatures
cannot be resurrected. This Spirit dies after 30-78 seconds. (RaWi07)

Greater Conflagration (Elite Nature Ritual) 5/5/60
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, all physical damage
is fire damage instead. This Spirit dies after 30-126 seconds. This is an
elite skill. (RaWi08)

Healing Spring (Trap) 10/2/20
For 10 seconds, all allies in the area are healed for 15-51 health every 2
seconds. While activating this skill, you are easily interrupted. (RaWi09)

Ignite Arrows (Preparation) 10/2/12 [QR4]
For 24 seconds, your arrows explode on contact, dealing 3-15 fire damage.

Incendiary Arrows (Elite Preparation) 5/2/24
For 8 seconds, targets struck by your arrows are interrupted and set on fire
for 1-3 seconds. This is an elite skill. (RaWi11)

Kindle Arrows (Preparation) 5/2/24
For 24 seconds, your arrows deal an additional 3-20 fire damage. (RaWi12)

Melandru's Arrows (Elite Preparation) 5/2/12
For 18 seconds, whenever your arrows hit, they cause bleeding for 3-21 seconds
and do +8-24 damage if they hit a target who is under an enchantment. This is
an elite skill. (RaWi13)

Melandru's Resilience (Elite Stance) 5/0/25
For 8-18 seconds, you gain health regeneration of 2 and energy regeneration of
1 for each condition and hex you are suffering. This is an elite skill.(RaWi14)

Muddy Terrain (Nature Ritual) 5/5/30
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, all creatures move
10% slower than normal and speed boosts have no effect. This Spirit dies after
30-78 seconds. (RaWi15)

Nature's Renewal (Nature Ritual) 5/5/60
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For 30-126 seconds, enchantments and hexes take twice
as long to cast and it costs twice as much Energy to maintain Enchantments. This
Spirit dies after 30-126 seconds. (RaWi16)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. No longer removes all Hexes/Enchantments. Now adds a
double Energy cost on maintained Enchantments.

Poison Arrow (Elite Bow Attack) 5/0/1
If Poison Arrow hits, your target becomes poisoned for 5-17 seconds. This is an
elite skill. (RaWi17)

Quickening Zephyr (Nature Ritual) 25/5/60 [QR7]
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, all skills recharge
twice as fast as normal and cost 30% more energy to cast. This Spirit dies
after 15-39-45 seconds. (RaWi18)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased Energy Cost to 25 (from 5). Reduced
Duration to 15-39-45 (from 30-126)

Serpent's Quickness (Stance) 5/0/45 [Q7]
For 15-27 seconds, recharge times for your skills are reduced by 33%. Serpent's
Quickness ends if your health drops below 50%. (RaWi19)

Spike Trap (Elite Trap) 10/2/20
When Spike Trap is triggered, all foes in the area take 10-56 piercing damage,
become crippled for 3-13 seconds and are knocked down. Spike Trap ends after 90
seconds. While activating this skill, you are easily interrupted. This is an
elite skill. (RaWi20)

Storm Chaser (Stance) 10/0/30 [Q18]
For 8-18 seconds, you move 25% faster, and you gain 1-4 energy whenever you
take elemental damage. (RaWi21)

Troll Unguent (Skill) 5/3/10 [QR1] [QR2] [QR5]
For 10 seconds, you gain health regeneration +3-9.(RaWi22)

Winnowing (Nature Ritual) 5/5/60 [Q22]
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, creatures take 4
additional damage whenever they take physical damage. This Spirit dies after
30-126 seconds. (RaWi23)

Winter (Nature Ritual) 5/5/60 [QR9]
Create a level 1-8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, all elemental damage
is cold damage instead. This Spirit dies after 30-126 seconds. (RaWi24)


Antidote Signet (Signet) 0/2/8 [Q17]
Cleanse yourself of poison, disease and blindness. (RaUn01)

Called Shot (Bow Attack) 5/0/3 [Q3]
Shoot an arrow that moves 3 times faster than normal and cannot be blocked or
evaded. (RaUn02)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with Energy cost of 5 (from 10) and cooldown of 3
(from 4).

Debilitating Shot (Bow Attack) 10/0/10 [Q5]
If Debilitating Shot hits, your target loses 10 energy. (RaUn03)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased cooldown of 8 (from 5)

Dual Shot (Bow Attack) 10/0/5 [QR4]
Shoot two arrows simultaneously at target foe. These arrows deal 25% less
damage than normal. (RaUn04)

Quick Shot (Elite Bow Attack) 5/1/1
Shoot an arrow 2 times faster than normal. (RaUn05)

- Warrior (gwsg3f) -

Axe Mastery

Axe Rake (Axe Attack) 7A/0/0 [Q17]
If this attack hits a foe suffering from a deep wound, you strike for +1-8
damage, and that foe becomes crippled for 15 seconds. (WaAx01)

Axe Twist (Axe Attack) 8A/0/0 [Q9]
If this attack hits a foe suffering from a deep wound, you strike for 1-16 more
damage and that foe suffers from weakness for 20 seconds. (WaAx02)

Cleave (Elite Axe Attack) 4A/0/0
If this attack hits, you strike for +10-?-30 damage. This is an elite skill.
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased damage (from 10-22).

Cyclone Axe (Axe Attack) 5/0/4 [QW4]
Perform a spinning axe attack striking for +4-10 damage to all adjacent
opponents. (WaAx04)

Dismember (Axe Attack) 7A/0/0 [QW8]
If it hits, this axe blow will inflict a deep wound on the target foe, lowering
that foe's maximum health by 20% for 5-17 seconds. (WaAx05)

Disrupting Chop (Axe Attack) 6A/0/0
If it hits, this attack interrupts the target's current action. If that action
was a skill, that skill is disabled for an additional 20 seconds. (WaAx06)

Eviscerate (Elite Axe Attack) 7A/0/0
If Eviscerate hits, you strike for +10-34 damage and inflict a deep wound,
lowering your target's maximum health by 20% for 5-17 seconds. This is an elite
skill. (WaAx07)

Executioner's Strike (Axe Attack) 8A/0/0 [QW4]
If this attack hits, you strike for +10-34 damage. (WaAx08)

Penetrating Blow (Axe Attack) 5A/0/0 [QW7]
If this attack hits, you strike for +5-17 damage. This axe attack has 20% armor
penetration. (WaAx09)

Swift Chop (Axe Attack) 5/0/4 [QW9]
If this attack hits you strike for +1-16 damage. If Swift Chop is blocked, your
target suffers a deep wound for 20 seconds and takes an additional 1-16 damage.
Swift Chop cannot be evaded. (WaAx10)

Hammer Mastery

Backbreaker (Elite Hammer Attack) 10A/0/0
If Backbreaker hits, you strike for +1-16 damage and your target is knocked
down for 4 seconds. This is an elite skill. (WaHa01)

Belly Smash (Hammer Attack) 5/1/30
If this attack strikes a foe who is on the ground, the resulting dust cloud
will blind nearby foes for 3-9 seconds. (WaHa02)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with swing time of 1 second.

Counter Blow (Hammer Attack) 4A/0/0 [Q12]
If this attack hits an attacking foe, that foe is knocked down. (WaHa03)

Crude Swing (Hammer Attack) 5/0/5
Attack all adjacent foes. Each foe you hit is struck for +1-8 damage. This
action is easily interrupted. (WaHa04)

Crushing Blow (Hammer Attack) 5/0/10 [Q19]
If this attack hits, you strike for +1-16 damage. If you hit a knocked-down
foe, you inflict a deep wound, lowering your target's maximum health by 20% for
5-17 seconds. (WaHa05)

Devastating Hammer (Elite Hammer Attack) 7A/0/0
If Devastating Hammer hits, your target is knocked down and suffers from
weakness for 5-17 seconds. This is an elite skill. (WaHa06)

Earth Shaker (Elite Hammer Attack) 8A/0/0
All adjacent foes are knocked down. This is an elite skill. (50% failure chance
with Hammer Mastery attribute of 4 or less.) (WaHa07)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with decreased Adrenaline cost (from 10A).

Hammer Bash (Hammer Attack) 6A/0/0 [QW3]
Lose all adrenaline. If Hammer Bash hits, your target is knocked down. (WaHa08)

Heavy Blow (Hammer Attack) 6A/0/0
Lose all adrenaline. If this attack hits a foe suffering from weakness, that
foe is knocked down and you strike for +1-24 damage. (WaHa09)

Irresistible Blow (Hammer Attack) 5/0/4 [QW9]
If this attack hits, you strike for +1-24 damage. If Irresistible Blow is
blocked, your target is knocked down and takes 1-24 damage. Irresistible Blow
cannot be evaded. (WaHa10)

Mighty Blow (Hammer Attack) 7A/0/0 [QW8]
If this attack hits, you strike for +1-24 damage. (WaHa11)

Staggering Blow (Hammer Attack) 6A/0/0 [Q11]
If this hammer blow hits, your target will suffer from weakness for 5-13
seconds. (WaHa12)


"I Will Survive!" (Shout) 5/0/30 [Q21]
You gain health regeneration of 3 for each condition you are suffering. This
regeneration expires after 5-10 seconds. (WaSt01)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Decreased Cooldown to 30 seconds.

"I Will Avenge You!" (Shout) 5/0/45
For each dead ally in the area you gain 10 seconds of health regeneration +3-6
and your attack speed increases by 33%. (WaSt02)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased AoE to anywhere on the radar.

Battle Rage (Elite Stance) 4A/0/0
For 5-17 seconds, you move 25% faster and gain double adrenaline from attacks.
Battle Rage ends if you use any non-attack skills. When Battle Rage ends, you
lose all adrenaline. This is an elite skill. (WaSt03)

Berserker Stance (Stance) 5/0/30
For 5-10 seconds, you attack 33% faster than normal and gain 20% more
adrenaline each time you hit in melee. Berserker Stance ends if you use a
skill. (WaSt04)

Bull's Charge (Elite Stance) 5/0/20
For 5-10 seconds, you move 25% faster than normal and if you strike a fleeing
foe in melee, that foe is knocked down. Bull's Charge ends if you use a skill.
This is an elite skill. (WaSt05)

Bull's Strike (Melee Attack) 5/0/8 [Q26]
If this attack hits a fleeing foe, you strike for +5-25 damage, and your target
is knocked down. (WaSt06)

Defy Pain (Elite Skill) 7A/0/0
For 12 seconds, you have an additional 90-258 health and an additional 20
armor. This is an elite skill. (WaSt07)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased duration (from 8).

Dolyak Signet (Signet) 0/0/20
For 8-18 seconds, you have +10-34-40 armor and cannot be knocked down, but your
movement is slowed by 75%. (WaSt08)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased armor (from 10-18).

Dwarven Battle Stance (Elite Stance) 10/0/30
For 5-?-11 seconds, if they hit, your hammer attacks interrupt your target.
Dwarven Battle Stance ends if you use a skill. This is an elite skill. (WaSt09)
Note: Updated on 8/25/05. Increased Duration to 5-11 seconds (from 3-8).

Endure Pain (Skill) 5/0/30 [QW7]
For 7-?-18 seconds you have an additional 90-258 health. (WaSt10)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased duration (from 7-12).

Flourish (Elite Skill) 5/1/10
All of your attack skills become recharged. You gain 1-6 energy for each skill
recharged by Flourish. This is an elite skill. (WaSt11)

Griffon's Sweep (Melee Attack) 5/0/5 [Q13]
If this attack hits, you strike for +1-8 damage. If this attack is evaded, your
target is knocked down and suffers 10-29 damage. (WaSt12)

Power Attack (Melee Attack) 5/0/4 [QW6]
If this attack hits, you strike for +10-26 damage. (WaSt13)

Protector's Strike (Melee Attack) 5/0/2 [Q5]
If this attack strikes a moving foe, you strike for 10-34 more damage. (WaSt14)

Rush (Stance) 4A/0/0
For 8-18 seconds, you move 25% faster. (WaSt15)

Shield Bash (Skill) 5/0/20 [Q23]
For 5-10 seconds, while wielding a shield, the next melee attack against you is
blocked. If the attack was a skill, your attacker is knocked down and that
skill is disabled for an additional 15 seconds.(WaSt16)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with a decreased cooldown (from 30).

Sprint (Stance) 5/0/20 [QW6]
For 8-13 seconds, you move 25% faster. (WaSt17)

Warrior's Cunning (Skill) 10/0/60
For 5-10 seconds, your melee attacks cannot be blocked or evaded. (WaSt18)

Warrior's Endurance (Elite Stance) 5/0/30
For 5-19 seconds, you gain 3 energy each time you hit with a melee attack.
Warrior's Endurance cannot raise your energy above 5-?-25. This is an elite
skill. (WaSt19)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased Energy (from 5-15).


Final Thrust (Sword Attack) 10A/0/0 [Q10]
Lose all adrenaline. If Final Thrust hits, you deal 1-32 more damage. This
damage is doubled if your target was below 50% health. (WaSw01)

Galrath Slash (Sword Attack) 8A/0/0
This attack strikes for +1-32 damage if it hits. (WaSw02)

Gash (Sword Attack) 7A/0/0 [QW2]
If this attack hits a bleeding foe, you strike for 5-9 more damage and that foe
suffers a deep wound, lowering that foe's maximum health by 20% for 5-17
seconds. (WaSw03)

Hamstring (Sword Attack) 10/0/15 [Q4]
If this attack hits, your target is crippled for 3-13 seconds, slowing his
movement. (WaSw04)

Hundred Blades (Elite Sword Attack) 5/0/8
Swing twice at target foe and foes adjacent to your target. This is an elite
skill. (WaSw05)

Pure Strike (Sword Attack) 5/0/8 [Q18]
If Pure Strike hits, you strike for +1-24 damage. If you are not using a
stance, Pure Strike cannot be blocked or evaded. (WaSw06)

Savage Slash (Sword Attack) 5/0/10 [Q15]
If this attack hits, it interrupts the target foe's action. If that action was
a spell, you deal 1-32 extra damage. (WaSw07)

Seeking Blade (Sword Attack) 5/0/4 [QW9]
If this attack hits you strike for +1-16 damage. If Seeking Blade is evaded
your target begins bleeding and takes 1-16 damage. Seeking Blade cannot be
blocked. (WaSw08)

Sever Artery (Sword Attack) 4A/0/0 [QW2] [QW5]
If this attack hits, the opponent begins bleeding for 5-21 seconds, losing
health over time. (WaSw09)

"Charge!" (Elite Shout) 5/0/20
For 5-10 seconds, all allies in the area move 25% faster. This is an elite
skill. (WaTa01)

"Fear Me!" (Shout) 4A/0/0 [Q22]
All nearby foes lose 1-3 energy. (WaTa02)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with decreased area of effect.

"Shields Up!" (Shout) 10/0/30 [Q25]
For 8-18 seconds, you and nearby allies gain 50 armor against piercing damage
and 10-34% chance to block incoming projectile attacks. (WaTa03)

"To The Limit!" (Shout) 5/0/20 [Q14]
For each adjacent foe (maximum 1-5), you gain one strike of adrenaline.(WaTa04)

"Victory Is Mine!" (Elite Shout) 5/0/15
You gain 10-56 health and 5 energy for each condition suffered by adjacent
foes. This is an elite skill. (WaTa05)

"Watch Yourself!" (Shout) 4A/0/0 [Q3]
Party members near you gain +20 armor for 5-10 seconds. (WaTa06)

Balanced Stance (Stance) 5/0/30 [Q16]
For 8-18 seconds, you cannot be knocked down and you do not suffer extra damage
from a critical attack. (WaTa07)

Bonetti's Defense (Stance) 8A/0/0 [Q7]
For 5-10 seconds, you have a 75% chance to block incoming melee attacks and
arrows. You gain 5 energy for each successful melee attack blocked. Bonetti's
Defense ends if you use a skill. (WaTa08)

Deadly Riposte (Skill) 5/0/10
For 8 seconds, while you have a sword equipped, you block the next attack
against you, and your attacker takes 5-41-50 damage and begins bleeding for
3-21 seconds. (WaTa09)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased damage (from 1-24).

Defensive Stance (Stance) 5/0/45 [Q24]
For 5-10 seconds, you have +24 armor and you have a 75% chance to evade melee
attacks. Defensive Stance ends if you use a skill. (WaTa10)

Deflect Arrows (Stance) 5/0/30
For 8-18 seconds, you have a 75% chance to block arrows. This effect ends if
you attack. (WaTa11)

Desperation Blow (Melee Attack) 5/0/7
If this attack hits, you strike for +10-34 damage, and your target suffers from
one of the following conditions: deep wound (for 20 seconds), Weakness (for 20
seconds), Bleeding (for 25 seconds), or Crippled (for 15 seconds). After making
a desperation blow, you fall down. (WaTa12)

Disciplined Stance (Stance) 10/0/60
For 5-10 seconds, you gain +24 armor and have a 75% chance to block attacks.
Disciplined Stance ends if you use an adrenaline skill. (WaTa13)

Gladiator's Defense (Elite Stance) 5/0/30
For 5-10 seconds, you have a 75% chance to block incoming attacks. Whenever you
block a melee attack this way, the attacker suffers 5-29 damage. This is an
elite skill. (WaTa14)

Healing Signet (Signet) 0/2/4 [QW1] [QW2] [QW5]
You gain 40-130 health. You have -40 armor while using this skill. (WaTa15)

Riposte (Skill) 4A/0/0
For 8 seconds, while you have a sword equipped, you block the next attack
against you, and your attacker takes 15-51-60 damage. (WaTa16)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with increased damage (from 1-32).

Shield Stance (Stance) 5/0/60 [Q20]
For 8-18 seconds, while wielding a shield, you have a 75% chance to block
incoming attacks, but you move 33% slower. (WaTa17)

Thrill of Victory (Melee Attack) 5/0/10
If this blow hits, and you have more health than target foe you strike for
+10-34 damage. (WaTa18)

Wary Stance (Stance) 10/0/60
For 5-10 seconds, you block any attack skills used against you. For each
successful block, you gain adrenaline and 5 energy. Wary Stance ends if you use
a skill. (WaTa19)


"For Great Justice!" (Shout) 10/0/45 [Q2]
For 15 seconds, your adrenal skills charge twice as fast. (WaUn01)

Distracting Blow (Melee Attack) 5/0.5/10
Swipe your weapon at the target, dealing no damage but disrupting the target's
current action (and the actions of foes adjacent to your target). (WaUn02)

Flurry (Stance) 5/0/5 [Q6]
For 5 seconds, your attack rate is increased by 33%, but you deal 25% less
damage. (WaUn03)

Frenzy (Stance) 5/0/4 [QW1] [QW3]
For 8 seconds, you attack 33% faster but take double damage. (WaUn04)

Skull Crack (Elite Melee Attack) 9A/0/0
If this attack hits while target foe is casting a spell, that foe is dazed for
15 seconds. This is an elite skill. (WaUn05)
Note: Updated on 9/29/05 with decreased Adrenaline cost (from 10A).

Wild Blow (Melee Attack) 5/0/5 [QW5]
Lose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will be a critical hit and any
stance being used by your target ends. This attack cannot be blocked or evaded.

= Trainers/Priests (gwsg4) =

Last Updated: September 7, 2005

Purchasing a skill from a trainer (Signet of Capture or otherwise) increases in
gold cost with each skill bought, up to a maximum of 1 platinum.

Purchasing a skill from a Priest of Balthazar costs 1000 Faction points, or
3000 Faction points for an Elite skill. You earn Faction points from fighting
in any PvP combat. Note that skills unlocked from a Priest of Balthazar are
NOT given to your PvE Roleplaying character. They are unlocked for the purpose
of creating a PvP-only character, just like unlocking skills and upgrades in
regular PvE play.

- Ascalon City (gwsg4a) -

Trainer - Sir Bertran
Resurrection Signet [AlCl01]

Aura of Restoration [ElEn01]
Blinding Flash [ElAi02]
Fire Storm [ElFi03]
Glyph of Lesser Energy [ElUn05]
Lightning Javelin [ElAi08]

Backfire [MeDo02]
Conjure Phantasm [MeIl03]
Empathy [MeDo07]
Ether Feast [MeIn06]
Imagined Burden [MeIl12]
Shatter Delusions [MeDo19]

Bane Signet [MoSm03]
Banish [MoSm04]
Guardian [MoPr05]
Healing Breeze [MoHe05]
Orison of Healing [MoHe12]
Retribution [MoSm08]
Reversal of Fortune [MoPr17]
Shielding Hands [MoPr20]
Symbol of Wrath [MoSm16]

Animate Bone Horror [NeDe02]
Blood Renewal [NeBl03]
Deathly Swarm [NeDe10]
Faintheartedness [NeCu07]
Life Siphon [NeBl10]
Soul Barbs [NeCu20]
Vampiric Gaze [NeBl22]
Vampiric Touch [NeBl23]

Charm Animal [RaBe05]
Comfort Animal [RaBe06]
Dual Shot [RaUn04]
Ignite Arrows [RaWi10]
Point Blank Shot [RaEx07]
Power Shot [RaMa09]
Read the Wind [RaMa12]
Troll Unguent [RaWi22]

Cyclone Axe [WaAx04]
Executioner's Strike [WaAx08]
Frenzy [WaUn04]
Gash [WaSw03]
Hammer Bash [WaHa08]
Healing Signet [WaTa15]
Sever Artery [WaSw09]

Priest of Balthazar - Garemm
Offers all of the skills from the Trainer Sir Bertran in Ascalon City

- Grendich Courthouse (gwsg4b) -

Trainer - Taltosh
Enervating Charge [ElAi05]
Immolate [ElFi07]
Phoenix [ElFi15]

Epidemic [MeUn04]
Physical Resistance [MeIn22]

Judge's Insight [MoSm07]
Restore Life [MoHe13]

Enfeebling Blood [NeCu06]

Kindle Arrows [RaWi12]
Predator's Pounce [RaBe16]

Disrupting Chop [WaAx06]
Wary Stance [WaTa19]

- Yak's Bend (gwsg4c) -

Note: As of the 9/7/05 Update, Captain Osric also has all of the skills from
Grendich Courthouse for sale as well.

Trainer - Captain Osric
Armor of Earth [ElEa02]
Earth Attunement [ElEa04]
Eruption [ElEa06]
Fireball [ElFi04]
Frozen Burst [ElWa06]
Ice Spikes [ElWa09]
Lava Font [ElFi10]
Magnetic Aura [ElEa10]
Shard Storm [ElWa14]
Ward Against Elements [ElEa15]

Chaos Storm [MeDo04]
Distortion [MeIl05]
Diversion [MeDo06]
Energy Burn [MeDo08]
Energy Tap [MeIn05]
Illusion of Haste [MeIl09]
Mantra of Flame [MeIn14]
Phantom Pain [MeIl15]
Power Leak [MeDo16]
Shatter Hex [MeDo21]

Heal Area [MoHe02]
Heal Party [MoHe04]
Infuse Health [MoHe09]
Live Vicariously [MoHe10]
Mending [MoHe11]
Purge Conditions [MoUn05]
Resurrect [MoUn08]
Smite [MoSm13]
Strength of Honor [MoSm15]
Vital Blessing [MoPr21]

Dark Pact [NeBl08]
Insidious Parasite [NeCu09]
Mark of Pain [NeCu12]
Parasitic Bond [NeCu13]
Putrid Explosion [NeDe14]
Shadow of Fear [NeCu19]
Shadow Strike [NeBl16]
Soul Feast [NeDe16]
Vile Touch [NeDe22]
Weaken Armor [NeCu24]

Call of Haste [RaBe03]
Called Shot [RaUn02]
Distracting Shot [RaEx01]
Dodge [RaEx02]
Favorable Winds [RaMa05]
Feral Lunge [RaBe10]
Hunter's Shot [RaMa06]
Lightning Reflexes [RaEx04]
Penetrating Attack [RaMa07]
Quickening Zephyr [RaWi18]

"For Great Justice!" [WaUn01]
"Watch Yourself!" [WaTa06]
Dismember [WaAx05]
Endure Pain [WaSt10]
Hamstring [WaSw04]
Mighty Blow [WaHa11]
Penetrating Blow [WaAx09]
Power Attack [WaSt13]
Sprint [WaSt17]
Wild Blow [WaUn06]

Priest of Balthazar - Willem
Offers all of the skills from Trainer Taltosh in Grendich Courthouse and the
Trainer Captain Osric in Yak's Bend.

- Ice Tooth Cave (gwsg4d) -

Trainer - Marna
Blurred Vision [ElWa03]
Stoning [ElEa14]

Drain Enchantment [MeIn02]

Holy Strike [MoSm05]
Succor [MoUn09]

Mark of Subversion [NeBl12]

Melandru's Assault [RaBe14]
Revive Animal [RaBe19]

Distracting Blow [WaUn02]
Dolyak Signet [WaSt08]

- Lion's Arch (gwsg4e) -

Note: As of the 9/7/05 Update, Firstwatch Sergio also has all of the skills from
the Ice Tooth Cave for sale as well.

Trainer - Firstwatch Sergio
Conjure Flame [ElFi01]
Ice Prison [ElWa07]
Ice Spear [ElWa08]
Lightning Strike [ElAi10]
Ward Against Foes [ElEa16]
Whirlwind [ElAi16]

Channeling [MeIn01]
Fragility [MeIl08]
Inspired Hex [MeIn09]
Mantra of Frost [MeIn15]
Power Spike [MeDo17]
Shatter Enchantment [MeDo20]

Balthazar's Spirit [MoSm02]
Divine Boon [MoDi05]
Divine Spirit [MoDi08]
Pacifism [MoPr12]
Remove Hex [MoUn07]
Vigorous Spirit [MoHe14]

Defile Flesh [NeCu03]
Necrotic Traversal [NeDe13]
Rotting Flesh [NeDe15]
Strip Enchantment [NeBl19]
Suffering [NeCu23]
Well of Blood [NeBl24]

Call of Protection [RaBe04]
Debilitating Shot [RaUn03]
Pin Down [RaMa08]
Serpent's Quickness [RaWi19]
Whirling Defense [RaEx10]
Winter [RaWi24]

Bonetti's Defense [WaTa08]
Flurry [WaUn03]
Irresistible Blow [WaHa10]
Protector's Strike [WaSt14]
Seeking Blade [WaSw08]
Swift Chop [WaAx10]

Trainer - Magi Malaquire
(Note: Only after you complete the Signet of Capture quest from him)
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Priest of Balthazar - Jhoneil
Offers all of the skills from the Trainer Marna in the Ice Tooth Cave and the
Trainer Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch.

- Ascalon Settlement (gwsg4f) -

Trainer - Captain Greywind
Armor of Mist [ElWa02]
Meteor Shower [ElFi13]
Ward Against Melee [ElEa17]

Mantra of Concentration [MeIn12]
Shame [MeDo18]

Holy Wrath [MoSm06]
Signet of Devotion [MoDi10]

Plague Sending [NeCu14]
Taste of Death [NeDe18]

Apply Poison [RaWi01]
Healing Spring [RaWi09]

"I Will Avenge You!" [WaSt02]
Desperation Blow [WaTa12]

- Beetletun (gwsg4g) -

Trainer - Ephaz
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Armor of Frost [ElWa01]
Lightning Touch [ElAi12]

Arcane Echo [MeUn01]
Cry of Frustration [MeDo05]

Essence Bond [MoUn01]
Life Bond [MoPr08]

Malign Intervention [NeDe12]
Rigor Mortis [NeCu18]
Touch of Agony [NeBl20]


Belly Smash [WaHa02]
Galrath Slash [WaSw02]

- Quarrel Falls/Henge of Denravi (gwsg4h) -

Note: The trainers in these locations provide the same skills.

Note: As of the 9/7/05 Update, Master Scout Kiera also has all of the skills
Beetletun and Ascalon Settlement for sale as well.

Trainer - Sorim/Master Scout Kiera
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Gale [ElAi06]
Grasping Earth [ElEa07]
Inferno [ElFi09]
Lightning Orb [ElAi09]
Water Attunement [ElWa17]

Illusion of Weakness [MeIl10]
Inspired Enchantment [MeIn08]
Leech Signet [MeIn11]
Wastrel's Worry [MeDo23]

Dwayna's Kiss [MoHe01]
Heal Other [MoHe03]
Holy Veil [MoUn02]
Life Attunement [MoPr06]
Mend Ailment [MoPr10]

Blood Ritual [NeBl04]
Blood of the Master [NeDe05]
Dark Aura [NeDe07]
Enfeeble [NeCu05]
Plague Touch [NeUn02]

Bestial Pounce [RaBe01]
Determined Shot [RaMa04]
Otyugh's Cry [RaBe15]
Throw Dirt [RaEx09]

Axe Twist [WaAx02]
Counter Blow [WaHa03]
Final Thrust [WaSw01]
Griffon's Sweep [WaSt12]
Staggering Blow [WaHa12]

Priest of Balthazar - Narius
(Only in Henge of Denravi)
Offers all of the skills from the Trainer Captain Greywind in the Ascalon
Settlement, Trainer Ephaz in Beetletun, and Trainer Sorrim/Master Scout Kiera
in Quarrel Falls/Henge of Denravi.

- Maguuma Stade (gwsg4i) -

Trainer - Avena
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Chain Lightning [ElAi03]
Crystal Wave [ElEa03]
Maelstrom [ElWa10]

Arcane Mimicry [MeUn02]
Power Drain [MeIn23]

Protective Bond [MoPr13]
Watchful Spirit [MoDi13]

Deathly Chill [NeDe09]
Unholy Feast [NeBl21]

Maiming Strike [RaBe13]
Scavenger Strike [RaBe20]

Disciplined Stance [WaTa13]
Heavy Blow [WaHa09]

- Fisherman's Haven (gwsg4j) -

Trainer - Mazzim
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Kinetic Armor [ElEa09]
Shock [ElAi14]

Signet of Humility [MeUn05]
Sympathetic Visage [MeIl17]

Aegis [MoPr01]
Purge Signet [MoUn06]

Awaken the Blood [NeBl01]
Spinal Shivers [NeCu21]

Brutal Strike [RaBe02]
Fertile Season [RaBe12]

Deadly Riposte [WaTa09]
Thrill of Victory [WaTa18]

- Amnoon Oasis (gwsg4k) -

Note: As of the 9/7/05 Update, Tengsao also has all of the skills from Maguuma
Stade and Fisherman's Haven for sale as well.

Trainer - Tengsao
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Air Attunement [ElAi01]
Conjure Frost [ElWa04]
Iron Mist [ElEa08]
Meteor [ElFi12]
Stone Daggers [ElEa13]

Arcane Thievery [MeDo01]
Ethereal Burden [MeIl06]
Hex Breaker [MeDo11]
Spirit of Failure [MeIn25]
Spirit Shackles [MeIn24]

Contemplation of Purity [MoDi04]
Healing Seed [MoHe07]
Protective Spirit [MoPr14]
Rebirth [MoPr15]
Smite Hex [MoSm14]

Barbed Signet [NeBl02]
Dark Bond [NeBl06]
Death Nova [NeDe08]
Rend Enchantments [NeCu17]
Well of Suffering [NeDe24]

Antidote Signet [RaUn01]
Barbed Trap [RaWi02]
Predatory Season [RaBe17]
Savage Shot [RaMa13]
Storm Chaser [RaWi21]

"I Will Survive!" [WaSt01]
Axe Rake [WaAx01]
Crushing Blow [WaHa05]
Pure Strike [WaSw06]
Shield Stance [WaTa17]

Priest of Balthazar - Rocius
Offers all of the skills from the Trainer Avena in Maguuma Stade, Trainer Mazzim
in Fisherman's Haven, and Trainer Tengsao in Amnoon Oasis.

- Droknar's Forge (gwsg4l) -

Trainer - Bartoch
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Deep Freeze [ElWa05]
Earthquake [ElEa05]
Fire Attunement [ElFi02]
Flame Burst [ElFi05]
Incendiary Bonds [ElFi08]
Obsidian Flame [ElEa11]
Swirling Aura [ElWa15]
Windborne Speed [ElAi17]

Arcane Conundrum [MeIl01]
Blackout [MeDo03]
Elemental Resistance [MeIn03]
Ether Lord [MeIn07]
Guilt [MeDo10]
Mantra of Earth [MeIn13]
Mantra of Persistence [MeIn18]
Mind Wrack [MeDo13]

Balthazar's Aura [MoSm01]
Blessed Aura [MoDi02]
Blessed Signet [MoDi03]
Healing Touch [MoHe08]
Mend Condition [MoPr11]
Scourge Healing [MoSm09]
Vengeance [MoUn10]
Zealot's Fire [MoSm17]

Animate Bone Fiend [NeDe01]
Animate Bone Minions [NeDe03]
Chilblains [NeCu02]
Demonic Flesh [NeBl09]
Malaise [NeCu11]
Price of Failure [NeCu16]
Signet of Agony [NeBl17]
Well of the Profane [NeDe25]

Choking Gas [RaWi03]
Concussion Shot [RaMa02]
Dust Trap [RaWi05]
Edge of Extinction [RaBe08]
Flame Trap [RaWi06]
Precision Shot [RaMa10]
Tiger's Fury [RaBe23]
Winnowing [RaWi23]

"Fear Me!" [WaTa02]
"Shields Up!" [WaTa03]
"To The Limit!" [WaTa04]
Balanced Stance [WaTa07]
Bull's Strike [WaSt06]
Defensive Stance [WaTa10]
Savage Slash [WaSw07]
Shield Bash [WaSt16]

Priest of Balthazar - Tyren
Offers all of the skills from the Trainer Bartoch in Droknar's Forge, Trainer
Thengen in Port Sledge, Trainer Steig in Camp Rankor, Trainer Gammel in
Copperhammer Mines, and Trainer Harnil in Marhan's Grotto.

Priest of Balthazar - Dakk
Offers all of the Elite skills for 3000 Faction a piece.

- Port Sledge (gwsg4m) -

Trainer - Thengen
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Glyph of Elemental Power [ElUn03]
Rust [ElWa13]

Ignorance [MeDo12]
Mantra of Lightning [MeIn17]

Divine Healing [MoDi06]

Infuse Condition [NeDe11]
Order of Pain [NeBl14]

Disrupting Lunge [RaBe07]
Energizing Wind [RaBe09]

Berserker Stance [WaSt04]
Deflect Arrows [WaTa11]

- Camp Rankor (gwsg4n) -

Trainer - Steig
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Conjure Lightning [ElAi04]
Glyph of Concentration [ElUn02]
Glyph of Sacrifice [ElUn07]

Mantra of Inscriptions [MeIn16]
Signet of Weariness [MeDo22]

Convert Hexes [MoPr03]

Barbs [NeCu01]
Consume Corpse [NeDe06]

Nature's Renewal [RaWi16]
Symbiotic Bond [RaBe22]


- Copperhammer Mines (gwsg4o) -

Trainer - Gammel
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Mark of Rodgort [ElFi11]
Searing Heat [ElFi17]

Clumsiness [MeIl02]
Mantra of Signets [MeIn21]

Divine Intervention [MoDi07]
Draw Conditions [MoPr04]
Scourge Sacrifice [MoSm10]

Verata's Aura [NeDe19]
Verata's Gaze [NeDe20]
Verata's Sacrifice [NeDe21]

Muddy Terrain [RaWi15]
Primal Echoes [RaBe18]

Riposte [WaTa16]
Rush [WaSt15]

- Marhan's Grotto (gwsg4p) -

Trainer - Harnil
Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

Aftershock [ElEa01]
Rodgort's Invocation [ElFi16]

Mantra of Resolve [MeIn20]
Soothing Images [MeIl16]

Light of Dwayna [MoUn03]

Dark Fury [NeBl07]
Desecrate Enchantments [NeCu04]

Dryder's Defenses [RaWi04]
Frozen Soil [RaWi07]
Symbiosis [RaBe21]

Crude Swing [WaHa04]
Warrior's Cunning [WaSt18]

- Ember Light Camp (gwsg4q) -

Trainer - Dakk
This skill trainer was added in the 9/7/05 Update, and has every single
non-Elite skill in the game.

= Elite Capture Bosses (gwsg5) =

Last updated July 25, 2005

Elite skills are special skills that you can ONLY capture from certain late
game bosses using a Signet of Capture. You can only have one Elite in your
skillbar at a time. Some of the bosses listed here spawn every time in their
particular zone, while others spawn randomly, so you may have to make several
"runs" to capture a particular Elite skill.

- Elementalist (gwsg5a) -
Elemental Attunement [ElUn01] - Geckokaru Earthwind (Drake) in Perdition Rock
Ether Prodigy [ElEn02] - Jyth Sprayburst (Breeze Keeper) in Ring of Fire
Ether Renewal [ElEn03] - Vassa Ssiss (Forgotten) in Elona Reach mission
Issah Sshay (Forgotten) in Thirsty River mission
Glimmering Mark [ElAi07] - Alana PekPek (Grawl) in Witman's Folly
Edibbo Pek Pek (Grawl) in Talus Chute
Edibbo Pek Pek (Grawl) in Spearhead Peak
Glyph of Energy [ElUn04] - Hyl Thunderwing (Avicara) in Mineral Springs
Glyph of Renewal [ElUn06] - Nayl Klaw Tuthan (Hydra) in Perdition Rock
Lightning Surge [ElAi11] - Facet of Elements (Dragon) in Dragon's Lair
Mind Burn [ElFi14] - Scelus Prosum (Titan) in Hell's Precipice
Mursaat Elementalist boss in Ring of Fire/Abaddon's Mouth
Mind Freeze [ElWa11] - Maak Frostfiend (Azure Shadow) in Witman's Folly
Maak Frostfiend (Azure Shadow) in Spearhead Peak
Skitt Skizzle (Ice Imp) in Ice Floe
Mind Shock [ElAi13] - Old Red Claw (Griffon) in Snake Dance
Mist Form [ElWa12] - Eidolan (Phantom) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Eidolan (Phantom) in Ring Of Fire
Brrrr Windburn (Azure Shadow) in Talus Chute
Sala Chillbringer (Azure Shadow) in Snake Dance
Obsidian Flesh [ElEa12] - Harn Coldstone (Human) in Perdition Rock
NOTE: There's a 50/50 chance that Maxine Coldstone will spawn instead of Harn
Thunderclap [ElAi15] - Chrysos The Magnetic (Mursaat) in Thunderhead Keep
Maida The Ill Tempered (Mursaat) in Ring of Fire
Optimus Caliph (Mursaat) in Abaddon's Mouth
Kratos the Foul (Mursaat) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Ward Against Harm [ElWa16] - Arkhel Havenwood (Pinesoul) in Frozen Forest
Water Trident [ElWa18] - Berg Frozenfist (Ice Golem) in Ice Caves of Sorrow
The Judge (Ice Golem) in Thunderhead Keep
Boreal Kubeclaw (Stone Summit) in Frozen Forest

- Mesmer (gwsg5b) -
Crippling Anguish [MeIl04] - Yxthoshth (Storm Rider) in Salt Flats
Barl Stormsiege (Stone Summit) in Frozen Forest
Fuury Stonewrath(Stone Summit) in Thunderhead Keep
NOTE: Yxthoshth is the boss for the Ranger secondary class-changing quest
Echo [MeUn03] - Rwek Khawl Mawl (Hydra) in Perdition Rock
Energy Drain [MeIn04] - Snik Hungrymind (Ice Imp) in Spearhead Peak
Snik Hungrymind (Ice Imp) in Witman's Folly
Gambol Headrainer (Ice Imp) in Ice Floe
Energy Surge [MeDo09] - Melek The Virtuous (Mursaat) in Ring of Fire
Mercia The Smug (Mursaat) in Abaddon's Mouth
Balasi the Arcane (Mursaat) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Fevered Dreams [MeIl07] - Plexus Shadowhook (Spider) in Abaddon's Mouth
Illusionary Weaponry [MeIl11] - Seear Windlash (Azure Shadow) in Talus Chute
Digo Murkstalker (Azure Shadow) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Didn Hopestealer (Azure Shadow) in Snake Dance
Ineptitude [MeIl13] - Wyt Sharpfeather (Avicara) in Mineral Springs
Keystone Signet [MeIn10] - Rune Ethercrash (Ice Golem) in Spearhead Peak
Mantra of Recall [MeIn19] - Facet of Chaos (Dragon) in Dragon's Lair
Featherclaw (Griffon) in Snake Dance
Mantra of Recovery [MeFa01] - Goss Aleesh (Forgotten) in Thirsty River
Tiss Danssir (Forgotten) in Elona Reach
Ayassah Hess (Forgotten) in Dunes of Dispair
Migraine [MeIl14] - Pytt Spitespew (Breeze Keeper) in Ring of Fire
Panic [MeDo14] - Moles Quibus (Titan) in Hell's Precipice
Power Block [MeDo15] - Lyssa's Cursed (Flesh Golem) in Perdition Rock
Signet of Midnight [MeUn06] - Malus Phasmatis (Phantom) in Perdition Rock

- Monk (gwsg5c) -
Amity [MoPr02] - Pravus Obsideo (Phantom) in Perdition Rock
Aura of Faith [MoDi01] - Coventina The Matron (Mursaat) in Ring of Fire
Willa The Unpleasant (Mursaat) in Abaddon's Mouth
Mursaat Monk (Mursaat) in Ice Floe
Healing Hands [MoHe06] - Rull Browbeater (Ettin) in Perdition Rock
Life Barrier [MoPr07] - Eshnal Hardwood (Pinesoul) in Frozen Forest
Mark of Protection - Lokar Icemender (Dolyak) in Iron Mines of Moladune
[MoPr09] Mesqul Ironhealer (Stone Summit) in Frozen Forest
Bolis Hillshaker (Stone Summit) in Thunderhead Keep
Martyr [MoUn04] - Dwayna's Cursed (Flesh Golem) in Perdition Rock
Peace and Harmony [MoDi09] - Marta Doomspeaker (Human) in Snake Dance
Restore Condition [MoPr16] - Spindle Agonyvein (Spider) in Abaddon's Mouth
Shield of Deflection [MoPr18] - Grun Galesurge (Breeze) in Ring of Fire
Shield of Judgment [MoSm11] - Myd Springclaw (Avicara) in Mineral Springs
Shield of Regeneration [MoPr19] - Facet Of Light (Dragon) in Dragon's Lair
Signet of Judgment [MoSm12] - Frostbite (Azure Shadow) in Talus Chute
Frostbite (Azure Shadow) in Ice Floe
Balt Duskstrider (Azure Shadow) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Fawl Driftstalker (Azure Shadow) in Snake Dance
Spell Breaker [MoDi11] - Raptorhawk (Griffon) in Snake Dance
Unyielding Aura [MoDi12] - Ipillo Wupwup (Grawl) in Witman's Folly
Kaia Wupwup (Grawl) in Spearhead Peak
Word of Healing [MoHe15] - Wissper Inssani (Forgotten) in Elona Reach
Josso Essher (Forgotten) in Thirsty River
Dassk Arossyss (Forgotten) in Dunes of Dispair

- Necromancer (gwsg5d) -
Aura of the Lich [NeDe04] - Maligo Libons (Titan) in Hell's Precipice
Blood is Power [NeBl05] - Cry Darkday (Azure Shadow) in Snake Dance
Feast of Corruption [NeCu08] - Maw The Mountain Heart (Wurm) in Dreadnought's
Grenth's Balance [NeUn01] - Facet of Darkness (Dragon) in Dragon's Lair
Mraggah (Phantom) in Frozen Forest
NOTE: Mraggah is the boss of the Hero's Challenge quest
Life Transfer [NeBl11] - Agyrus The Scoundrel (Mursaat) in Thunderhead Keep
Odelyn The Displeased (Mursaat) in Ring of Fire
Sarlic The Judge in (Mursaat) Abaddon's Mouth
Feodor The Baneful (Mursaat) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Lingering Curse [NeCu10] - Grenth's Cursed (Flesh Golem) in Perdition Rock
Offering of Blood [NeBl13] - Riine Windrot (Stone Summit) in Thunderhead Keep
Jollen Steelblight (Stone Summit) in Frozen Forest
Order of the Vampire [NeBl15] - Uussh Visshta (Forgotten) in Elona Reach
Rysaa Hisst (Forgotten) in Dunes of Dispair
Hessper Sasso (Forgotten) in Thirsty River
Plague Signet [NeCu15] - Karobo Dimdim (Grawl) in Witman's Folly
Allobo Dimdim (Grawl) in Spearhead Peak
Soul Leech [NeBl18] - Goss Darkweb (Spider) in Abaddon's Mouth
Spiteful Spirit [NeCu22] - Niggh Spinechill (Azure Shadow) in Talus Chute
Sapph Blacktracker (Azure Shadow) in Snake Dance
Ceru Gloomrunner (Azure Shadow) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Tainted Flesh [NeDe17] - Dosakaru Fevertouch (Drake) in Perdition Rock
Virulence [NeDe23] - Unthet Rotwood (Pinesoul) in Frozen Forest
Well of Power [NeBl25] - Nhy Darkclaw (Avicara) in Mineral Springs
Wither [NeCu25] - Ignis Effigia (Phantom) in Perdition Rock

- Ranger (gwsg5e) -
Barrage [RaMa01] - Markis (Human) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Snyk The Hundred Tongue (Wurm) in Abaddon's Mouth
Crippling Shot [RaMa03] - Melandru's Cursed (Flesh Golem) in Perdition Rock
Escape [RaEx03] - Whuup Buumbuul (Troll) in Talus Chute
Whuup Buumbuul (Troll) in Snake Dance
Ferocious Strike [RaBe11] - Thul The Bull (Stone Summit) in Spearhead Peak
Greater Conflagration [RaWi08] - Valetudo Rubor (Titan) in Hell's Precipice
Incendiary Arrows [RaWi11] - Casses Flameweb (Spider) in Ring of Fire
Marksman's Wager [RaEx05] - Custodian Jenus (Enchanted Bow) in Elona Reach
Custodian Phedous (Enchanted Bow) in Thirsty River
Melandru's Arrows [RaWi13] - Ulhar Stonehound(Stone Summit) in Thunderhead Keep
Resnar Mountaininsight (Stone Summit) in Frozen Forest
Melandru's Resilience [RaWi14] - Facet of Nature (Dragon) in Dragon's Lair
Oath Shot [RaEx06] - Perfected Cloak (Jade Bow) in Thunderhead Keep
Cairn The Troubling (Jade Bow) in Ring Of Fire
Cairn The Relentless (Jade Bow) in Abaddon's Mouth
Hilios The Dutiful (Jade Bow) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Poison Arrow [RaWi17] - Salani Pippip (Grawl) in Witman's Folly
Kekona Pippip (Grawl) in Spearhead Peak
Practiced Stance [RaEx08] - Ryk Arrowwing (Avicara) in Mineral Springs
Punishing Shot [RaMa11] - Thul Boulderrain (Giant) in Snake Dance
Quick Shot [RaUn05] - Maxine Coldstone (Human) in Perdition Rock
NOTE: There's a 50/50 chance that Harn Coldstone will spawn instead of Maxine
Spike Trap [RaWi20] - Vulg Painbrain (Ettin) in Ring of Fire

- Warrior (gwsg5f) -
"Charge!" [WaTa01] - Balthazar's Cursed (Flesh Golem) in Perdition Rock
"Victory Is Mine!" [WaTa05] - Sakalo Yawpyawl (Grawl) in Witman's Folly
Jono Yawpyawl (Grawl) in Spearhead Peak
Jono Yawpyawl (Grawl) in Talus Chute
Backbreaker [WaHa01] - Ferk Mallet (Ettin) in Ring Of Fire
Battle Rage [WaSt03] - Smukk Foombool (Troll) in Snake Dance
Krogg Shmush (Troll) in Talus Chute
Bull's Charge [WaSt05] - Skintekaru Manshredder (Drake) in Perdition Rock
Cleave [WaAx03] - Marka Granitehand (Stone Summit) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Gornar Bellybreaker (Stone Summit) in Thunderhead Keep
Linka Goldensteel (Stone Summit) in Frozen Forest
Defy Pain [WaSt07]- Obrhit Barkwood (Pinesoul) in Frozen Forest
Devastating Hammer [WaHa06] - Cairn The Smug (Jade Armor) in Ring of Fire
Perfected Armor (Jade Armor) in Thunderhead Keep
Cairn The Destroyer (Jade Armor) in Abaddon's Mouth
Martigris the Stalwart (Jade Armor) in Iron Mines of Moladune
Dwarven Battle Stance [WaSt09] - Slonak Copperbark (Stone Summit) in Iron Mines
of Moladune
Earth Shaker [WaHa07] - Kor Stonewrath (Giant) in Snake Dance
Eviscerate [WaAx07] - Toritudo Probo (Titan) in Hell's Precipice
Flourish [WaSt11] - Syr Honorcrest (Avicara) in Mineral Springs
Gladiator's Defense [WaTa14] - Facet of Strength (Dragon) in Dragon's Lair
Hundred Blades [WaSw05] - Undead Prince Rurik (Undead) in Hell's Precipice
Skull Crack [WaUn05] - Hail Blackice (Ice Golem) in Spearhead Peak
Warrior's Endurance [WaSt19] - Custodian Dellus (Enchanted) in Elona Reach
Custodian Hulgar (Enchanted) in Thirsty River
Custodian Fidius (Enchanted) in Dunes of Dispair

= Quests (gwsg6) =

NOTE: This section is a work-in-progress, and is mostly incomplete.

Many skills can be earned as a quest reward. In general, it's better to get a
skill from a quest than it is to get it from a trainer or capturing it, because
skills from a quest reward do not cost a skill point.

This section is divided by region, and quests are divided in alphabetical order
by area.

Example listing:

Quest Code
| Name of the Quest
| | Quest Giver's Name
| | |
v v v
(Q4) Caravan in Trouble (Cynn)
* Elementalist - Fireball [ElFi04]
* Mesmer - Phantom Pain [MeIl15]
* Monk - Smite [MoSm13]
* Necromancer - Shadow of Fear [NeCu19]
* Ranger - Lightning Reflexes [RaEx04]
* Warrior - Hamstring [WaSw04]
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | Skill Reference Code
| Skill Name
Class Name

- Pre-Searing Ascalon (gwsg6a) -

Ashford Abbey
(QMo3) The Blessings of Balthazar (Brother Mhenlo)
* Monk - Bane Signet [MoSm03], Orison of Healing [MoHe12]

(QMo2) A Monk's Mission (Brother Mhenlo)
* Monk - Retribution [MoSm08], Symbol of Wrath [MoSm16]

Barradin Estate
(QW4) The Vineyard Problem (Little Thom)
* Warrior - Cyclone Axe [WaAx04], Executioner's Strike [WaAx08]

(QW3) Warrior's Challenge (Duke Barradin)
* Warrior - Frenzy [WaUn04], Hammer Bash [WaHa08]

The Catacombs
(QN3) The Accursed Path (Oberan the Reviled)
* Necromancer - Faintheartedness [NeCu07], Soul Barbs [NeCu20]

(QN2) The Necromancer's Novice (Necromancer Munne)
* Necromancer - Animate Bone Horror [NeDe02], Deathly Swarm [NeDe10], Life
Siphon [NeBl10]

Foible's Fair
(QMe3) Domination Magic (Vassar)
* Mesmer - Backfire [MeDo02], Shatter Delusions [MeDo19]

(QE3) The Supremacy of Air (Ralena Stormbringer)
* Elementalist - Blinding Flash [ElAi02], Lightning Javelin [ElAi08]

Green Hills County
(QW2) Grawl Invasion (Warmaster Grast)
* Warrior - Gash [WaSw03], Healing Signet [WaTa15], Sever Artery [WaSw09]

(QN4) The Power of Blood (Kasha Blackblood)
* Necromancer - Blood Renewal [NeBl03], Vampiric Touch [NeBl23]

(QMo4) Protection Prayers (Grazden the Protector)
* Monk - Reversal of Fortune [MoPr17], Shielding Hands [MoPr20]

Lakeside County
(Q1) Adventure with an Ally (Lina the Healer)
* All Classes - Resurrection Signet [AlCl01]

(QE1) Elementalist Test (Howland the Elementalist)
* Elementalist - Aura of Restoration [ElEn01], Flare [ElFi06]

(QMe1) Mesmer Test (Sebedoh the Mesmer)
* Mesmer - Empathy [MeDo07], Ether Feast [MeIn06]

(QMe2) A Mesmer's Burden (Lady Althea)
* Mesmer - Conjure Phantasm [MeIl03], Ether Feast [MeIn06], Imagined Burden

(QMo1) Monk Test (Ciglo the Monk)
* Monk - Banish [MoSm04], Healing Breeze [MoHe05]

(QN1) Necromancer Test (Verata the Necromancer)
* Necromancer - Deathly Swarm [NeDe10], Vampiric Gaze [NeBl22]

(QR1) Ranger Test (Artemis the Ranger)
* Ranger - Power Shot [RaMa09], Troll Unguent [RaWi22]

(QW1) Warrior Test (Van the Warrior)
* Warrior - Frenzy [WaUn04], Healing Signet [WaTa15]

Regent Valley
(QR2) The Ranger's Companion (Master Ranger Nente)
* Ranger - Charm Animal [RaBe05], Comfort Animal [RaBe06], Troll Unguent

(QR3) A Test of Marksmanship (Ivor Trueshot)
* Ranger - Point Blank Shot [RaEx07], Read the Wind [RaMa12]

Wizard's Folly
(QE2) The Elementalist Experiment (Elementalist Aziure)
* Elementalist - Aura of Restoration [ElEn01], Fire Storm [ElFi03], Glyph of
Lesser Energy [ElUn05]

(QR4) Unnatural Growths (Aidan)
* Ranger - Dual Shot [RaUn04], Ignite Arrows [RaWi10]

- Post-Searing Ascalon (gwsg6b) -

Eastern Frontier
(Q4) Caravan in Trouble (Cynn)
* Elementalist - Fireball [ElFi04]
* Mesmer - Phantom Pain [MeIl15]
* Monk - Smite [MoSm13]
* Necromancer - Shadow of Fear [NeCu19]
* Ranger - Lightning Reflexes [RaEx04]
* Warrior - Hamstring [WaSw04]

Old Ascalon
(QR6) The Charr Patrol (Master Ranger Nente)
* Ranger - Favorable Winds [RaMa05], Feral Lunge [RaBe10]

(QR7) The Charr Staging Area (Master Ranger Nente)
* Ranger - Dodge [RaEx02], Quickening Zephyr [RaWi18]

(QE4) Elemental Knowledge (Elementalist Aziure)
* Elementalist - Armor of Earth [ElEa02], Frozen Burst [ElWa06]

(QR5) Endangered Species (Master Ranger Nente)
* Ranger - Charm Animal [RaBe05], Comfort Animal [RaBe06], Hunter's Shot
[RaMa06], Troll Unguent [RaWi22]

(QW5) Gargoyle Trouble (Warmaster Grast)
* Warrior - Healing Signet [WaTa15], Sever Artery [WaSw09], Wild Blow [WaUn06]

(Q2) Helping the People of Ascalon (Ambassador Zain)
* Elementalist - Lava Font [ElFi10]
* Mesmer - Energy Tap [MeIn05]
* Monk - Mending [MoHe11]
* Necromancer - Vile Touch [NeDe22]
* Ranger - Penetrating Attack [RaMa07]
* Warrior - "For Great Justice!" [WaUn01]

(QMo7) In Memory of Paulus (Grazden the Protector)
* Monk - Live Vicariously [MoHe10], Resurrect [MoUn08]

(QW7) Into the Breach (Warmaster Grast)
* Warrior - Endure Pain [WaSt10], Penetrating Blow [WaAx09]

(QW6) Military Matters (Warmaster Grast)
* Warrior - Power Attack [WaSt13], Sprint [WaSt17]

(QMo6) Protecting Ascalon (Grazden the Protector)
* Monk - Heal Area [MoHe02], Vital Blessing [MoPr21]

(QE5) Scorched Earth (Elementalist Aziure)
* Elementalist - Ward Against Elements [ElEa15]

(QE6) Shalev's Task (Shalev the Hermit)
* Elementalist - Eruption [ElEa06], Shard Storm [ElWa14]

(QMo5) Sowing Seeds (Grazden the Protector)
* Monk - Bane Signet [MoSm03], Heal Party [MoHe04], Orison of Healing [MoHe12]

(Q3) Supplies for the Duke (Gate Guard Hollis)
* Elementalist - Ice Spikes [ElWa09]
* Mesmer - Distortion [MeIl05]
* Monk - Purge Conditions [MoUn05]
* Necromancer - Weaken Armor [NeCu24]
* Ranger - Called Shot [RaUn02]
* Warrior - "Watch Yourself!" [WaTa06]

Piken Square
(QW8) Army Life (Armsman Pitney)
* Warrior - Dismember [WaAx05], Mighty Blow [WaHa11]

(QN9) Casualty Report (Undertaker Cortis)
* Necromancer - Shadow Strike [NeBl16]

(QR8) Charr Reinforcements (Ivor Trueshot)
* Ranger - Call of Haste [RaBe03], Distracting Shot [RaEx01]

(QN8) Fallen Soldiers (Undertaker Cortis)
* Necromancer - Soul Feast [NeDe16]

Sardelac Sanitarium
(QMe6) A Cure for Ralena (Vassar)
* Mesmer - Energy Burn [MeDo08], Illusion of Haste [MeIl09]

(QN6) Death in the Ruins (Kasha Blackblood)
* Necromancer - Dark Pact [NeBl08], Mark of Pain [NeCu12]

(QMe4) Mesmerizing the Enemy (Vassar)
* Mesmer - Conjure Phantasm [MeIl03], Ether Feast [MeIn06], Imagined Burden
[MeIl12], Power Leak [MeDo16]

(QN7) Oberan's Rage (Kasha Blackblood)
* Necromancer - Parasitic Bond [NeCu13], Putrid Explosion [NeDe14]

(QN5) The Stolen Artifact (Necromancer Munne)
* Necromancer - Animate Bone Horror [NeDe02], Deathly Swarm [NeDe10], Insidious
Parasite [NeCu09], Life Siphon [NeBl10]

(QMe5) Trying Times (Vassar)
* Mesmer - Chaos Storm [MeDo04], Mantra of Flame [MeIn14]

Serenity Temple
(QMe8) Experimental Elixer (Erudine)
* Mesmer - Shatter Hex [MeDo21]

(QE7) Geomancer's Test (Kendrick Redstaff)
* Elementalist - Earth Attunement [ElEa04], Magnetic Aura [ElEa10]

(QMo8) Replacement Healers (Priestess Rashenna)
* Monk - Infuse Health [MoHe09], Strength of Honor [MoSm15]

(QMe7) Unnatural Creatures (Erudine)
* Mesmer - Diversion [MeDo06]

- Northern Shiverpeaks (gwsg6c) -

Beacon's Perch
(Q7) The Deserters (Master Saberlin)
* Elementalist - Ice Spear [ElWa08]
* Mesmer - Inspired Hex [MeIn09]
* Monk - Balthazar's Spirit [MoSm02]
* Necromancer - Strip Enchantment [NeBl19]
* Ranger - Serpent's Quickness [RaWi19]
* Warrior - Bonetti's Defense [WaTa08]

(Q6) The Hungry Devourer (Master Saberlin)
* Elementalist - Lightning Strike [ElAi10]
* Mesmer - Shatter Enchantment [MeDo20]
* Monk - Divine Spirit [MoDi08]
* Necromancer - Rotting Flesh [NeDe15]
* Ranger - Pin Down [RaMa08]
* Warrior - Flurry [WaUn03]

Traveler's Vale
(QR9) Stone Summit Beastmasters (Artemis the Ranger)
* Ranger - Call of Protection [RaBe04], Whirling Defense [RaEx10], Winter

Yak's Bend
(QE8) A Heart of Ice (Howland the Elementalist)
* Elementalist - Ice Prison [ElWa07], Ward Against Foes [ElEa16], Whirlwind

(Q5) Helping the Dwarves (Grand Mason Stonecleaver)
* Elementalist - Gale [ElAi06]
* Mesmer - Mantra of Frost [MeIn15]
* Monk - Remove Hex [MoUn07]
* Necromancer - Suffering [NeCu23]
* Ranger - Debilitating Shot [RaUn03]
* Warrior - Protector's Strike [WaSt14]

(QN10) The Renegade Necromancer (Morgan)
* Necromancer - Defile Flesh [NeCu03], Necrotic Traversal [NeDe13], Well of
Blood [NeBl24]

(QW9) Securing the Vale (Van the Warrior)
* Warrior - Irresistible Blow [WaHa10], Seeking Blade [WaSw08], Swift Chop

(QMe9) The Stone Summit Champion (Sebedoh the Mesmer)
* Mesmer - Channeling [MeIn01], Fragility [MeIl08], Power Spike [MeDo17]

(QMo9) The Wayward Monk (Van the Warrior)
* Monk - Divine Boon [MoDi05], Pacifism [MoPr12], Vigorous Spirit [MoHe14]

- Kryta (gwsg6d) -

Lion's Arch
(Q8) Malaquire's Test (Magi Malaquire)
* All - Signet of Capture [AlCl02]

North Kryta Province
(Q9) Graven Images (Archivist Ithimar)
* Elementalist - Inferno [ElFi09]
* Mesmer - Mantra of Lightning [MeIn17]
* Monk - Dwayna's Kiss [MoHe01]
* Necromancer - Dark Aura [NeDe07]
* Ranger - Determined Shot [RaMa04]
* Warrior - Axe Twist [WaAx02]

(Q10) The Ascalon Settlement (Damaris)
* Elementalist - Lightning Orb [ElAi09]
* Mesmer - Wastrel's Worry [MeDo23]
* Monk - Heal Other [MoHe03]
* Necromancer - Enfeeble [NeCu05]
* Ranger - Throw Dirt [RaEx09]
* Warrior - Final Thrust [WaSw01]

(Q11) The Last Hog (Farmer Dirk)
* Elementalist - Gale [ElAi06]
* Mesmer - Leech Signet [MeIn11]
* Monk - Life Attunement [MoPr06]
* Necromancer - Blood Ritual [NeBl04]
* Ranger - Otyugh's Cry [RaBe15]
* Warrior - Staggering Blow [WaHa12]

Nebo Terrace
(Q12) The Hot Springs Murders (Inspector Caleb)
* Elementalist - Grasping Earth [ElEa07]
* Mesmer - Illusion of Weakness [MeIl10]
* Monk - Mend Ailment [MoPr10]
* Necromancer - Blood of the Master [NeDe05]
* Ranger - Bestial Pounce [RaBe01]
* Warrior - Counter Blow [WaHa03]

(Q13) Undead Hordes (Elder Hezron)
* Elementalist - Water Attunement [ElWa17]
* Mesmer - Inspired Enchantment [MeIn08]
* Monk - Holy Veil [MoUn02]
* Necromancer - Plague Touch [NeUn02]
* Ranger - Symbiosis [RaBe21]
* Warrior - Griffon's Sweep [WaSt12]

Temple of the Ages
(Q14) The False Gods (Brother Mizar)
* Elementalist - Deep Freeze [ElWa05]
* Mesmer - Mind Wrack [MeDo13]
* Monk - Blessed Signet [MoDi03]
* Necromancer - Demonic Flesh [NeBl09]
* Ranger - Choking Gas [RaWi03]
* Warrior - "To The Limit!" [WaTa04]

Fisherman's Haven
(Q15) The Royal Papers (Watchman Arad)
* Elementalist - Fire Attunement [ElFi02]
* Mesmer - Mantra of Earth [MeIn13]
* Monk - Scourge Healing [MoSm09]
* Necromancer - Animate Bone Minions [NeDe03]
* Ranger - Concussion Shot [RaMa02]
* Warrior - Savage Slash [WaSw07]

(Q16) The Lost Princess (Watchman Arad)
* Elementalist - Earthquake [ElEa05]
* Mesmer - Blackout [MeDo03]
* Monk - Balthazar's Aura [MoSm01]
* Necromancer - Price of Failure [NeCu16]
* Ranger - Edge of Extinction [RaBe08]
* Warrior - Balanced Stance [WaTa07]

- Maguuma Jungle (gwsg6e) -

Druid's Overlook
(Q17) Eye for Profit (Trader Versai)
* Elementalist - Air Attunement [ElAi01]
* Mesmer - Hex Breaker [MeDo11]
* Monk - Smite Hex [MoSm14]
* Necromancer - Dark Bond [NeBl06]
* Ranger - Antidote Signet [RaUn01]
* Warrior - Axe Rake [WaAx01]

(Q18) Mysterious Message (Envoy Ero)
* Elementalist - Stone Daggers [ElEa13]
* Mesmer - Ethereal Burden [MeIl06]
* Monk - Healing Seed [MoHe07]
* Necromancer - Well of Suffering [NeDe24]
* Ranger - Storm Chaser [RaWi21]
* Warrior - Pure Strike [WaSw06]

Ettin's Back
(Q21) Blood and Smoke (Deep Root)
* Elementalist - Meteor [ElFi12]
* Mesmer - Spirit Shackles [MeIn24]
* Monk - Protective Spirit [MoPr14]
* Necromancer - Barbed Signet [NeBl02]
* Ranger - Savage Shot [RaMa13]
* Warrior - "I Will Survive!" [WaSt01]

(Q20) Dropping Eaves (Deep Root)
* Elementalist - Iron Mist [ElEa08]
* Mesmer - Spirit of Failure [MeIn25]
* Monk - Rebirth [MoPr15]
* Necromancer - Death Nova [NeDe08]
* Ranger - Predatory Season [RaBe17]
* Warrior - Shield Stance [WaTa17]

(Q19) The Price of Steel (Alari Doubleblade)
* Elementalist - Conjure Frost [ElWa04]
* Mesmer - Arcane Thievery [MeDo01]
* Monk - Contemplation of Purity [MoDi04]
* Necromancer - Rend Enchantments [NeCu17]
* Ranger - Barbed Trap [RaWi02]
* Warrior - Crushing Blow [WaHa05]

- Crystal Desert (gwsg6f) -

Augury Rock
(Q23) Ghostly Vengeance (Marchena)
* Elementalist - Obsidian Flame [ElEa11]
* Mesmer - Mantra of Persistence [MeIn18]
* Monk - Blessed Aura [MoDi02]
* Necromancer - Malaise [NeCu11]
* Ranger - Dust Trap [RaWi05]
* Warrior - Shield Bash [WaSt16]

(Q22) Into the Unknown (Jorn Kudebeh)
* Elementalist - Swirling Aura [ElWa15]
* Mesmer - Arcane Conundrum [MeIl01]
* Monk - Zealot's Fire [MoSm17]
* Necromancer - Chilblains [NeCu02]
* Ranger - Winnowing [RaWi23]
* Warrior - "Fear Me!" [WaTa02]

Destiny's Gorge
(Q24) The Forgotten Ones (Annelle Fipps)
* Elementalist - Incendiary Bonds [ElFi08]
* Mesmer - Elemental Resistance [MeIn03]
* Monk - Vengeance [MoUn10]
* Necromancer - Animate Bone Fiend [NeDe01]
* Ranger - Precision Shot [RaMa10]
* Warrior - Defensive Stance [WaTa10]

Heroes' Audience
(Q25) The Misplaced Sword (Yort the Bronze)
* Elementalist - Flame Burst [ElFi05]
* Mesmer - Guilt [MeDo10]
* Monk - Healing Touch [MoHe08]
* Necromancer - Well of the Profane [NeDe25]
* Ranger - Flame Trap [RaWi06]
* Warrior - "Shields Up!" [WaTa03]

Seeker's Passage
(Q26) A Belated Betrothal (Tirzah)
* Elementalist - Windborne Speed [ElAi17]
* Mesmer - Ether Lord [MeIn07]
* Monk - Mend Condition [MoPr11]
* Necromancer - Signet of Agony [NeBl17]
* Ranger - Tiger's Fury [RaBe23]
* Warrior - Bull's Strike [WaSt06]

= Checklist (gwsg7) =

This section is a comprehensive checklist of all of the skills in Guild Wars.
You can copy/paste this section to a different document for easier printing.

- Elementalist [gwsg7a] -
___ Aftershock [ElEa01]
___ Air Attunement [ElAi01] [Q17]
___ Armor of Earth [ElEa02] [QE4]
___ Armor of Frost [ElWa01]
___ Armor of Mist [ElWa02]
___ Aura of Restoration [ElEn01] [QE1] [QE2]
___ Blinding Flash [ElAi02] [QE3]
___ Blurred Vision [ElWa03]
___ Chain Lightning [ElAi03]
___ Conjure Flame [ElFi01]
___ Conjure Frost [ElWa04] [Q19]
___ Conjure Lightning [ElAi04]
___ Crystal Wave [ElEa03]
___ Deep Freeze [ElWa05] [Q14]
___ Earth Attunement [ElEa04] [QE7]
___ Earthquake [ElEa05] [Q16]
___ Elemental Attunement [ElUn01]
___ Enervating Charge [ElAi05]
___ Eruption [ElEa06] [QE6]
___ Ether Prodigy [ElEn02]
___ Ether Renewal [ElEn03]
___ Fire Attunement [ElFi02] [Q15]
___ Fire Storm [ElFi03] [QE2]
___ Fireball [ElFi04] [Q4]
___ Flame Burst [ElFi05] [Q25]
___ Flare [ElFi06] [QE1]
___ Frozen Burst [ElWa06] [QE4]
___ Gale [ElAi06] [Q5] [Q11]
___ Glimmering Mark [ElAi07]
___ Glyph of Concentration [ElUn02]
___ Glyph of Elemental Power [ElUn03]
___ Glyph of Energy [ElUn04]
___ Glyph of Lesser Energy [ElUn05] [QE2]
___ Glyph of Renewal [ElUn06]
___ Glyph of Sacrifice [ElUn07]
___ Grasping Earth [ElEa07] [Q12]
___ Ice Prison [ElWa07] [QE8]
___ Ice Spear [ElWa08] [Q7]
___ Ice Spikes [ElWa09] [Q3]
___ Immolate [ElFi07]
___ Incendiary Bonds [ElFi08] [Q24]
___ Inferno [ElFi09] [Q9]
___ Iron Mist [ElEa08] [Q20]
___ Kinetic Armor [ElEa09]
___ Lava Font [ElFi10] [Q2]
___ Lightning Javelin [ElAi08] [QE3]
___ Lightning Orb [ElAi09] [Q10]
___ Lightning Strike [ElAi10] [Q6]
___ Lightning Surge [ElAi11]
___ Lightning Touch [ElAi12]
___ Maelstrom [ElWa10]
___ Magnetic Aura [ElEa10] [QE7]
___ Mark of Rodgort [ElFi11]
___ Meteor [ElFi12] [Q21]
___ Meteor Shower [ElFi13]
___ Mind Burn [ElFi14]
___ Mind Freeze [ElWa11]
___ Mind Shock [ElAi13]
___ Mist Form [ElWa12]
___ Obsidian Flame [ElEa11] [Q23]
___ Obsidian Flesh [ElEa12]
___ Phoenix [ElFi15]
___ Rodgort's Invocation [ElFi16]
___ Rust [ElWa13]
___ Searing Heat [ElFi17]
___ Shard Storm [ElWa14] [QE6]
___ Shock [ElAi14]
___ Stone Daggers [ElEa13] [Q18]
___ Stoning [ElEa14]
___ Swirling Aura [ElWa15] [Q22]
___ Thunderclap [ElAi15]
___ Ward Against Elements [ElEa15] [QE5]
___ Ward Against Foes [ElEa16] [QE8]
___ Ward Against Harm [ElWa16]
___ Ward Against Melee [ElEa17]
___ Water Attunement [ElWa17] [Q13]
___ Water Trident [ElWa18]
___ Whirlwind [ElAi16] [QE8]
___ Windborne Speed [ElAi17] [Q26]

- Mesmer [gwsg7b] -
___ Arcane Conundrum [MeIl01] [Q22]
___ Arcane Echo [MeUn01]
___ Arcane Mimicry [MeUn02]
___ Arcane Thievery [MeDo01] [Q19]
___ Backfire [MeDo02] [QMe3]
___ Blackout [MeDo03] [Q16]
___ Channeling [MeIn01] [QMe9]
___ Chaos Storm [MeDo04] [QMe5]
___ Clumsiness [MeIl02]
___ Conjure Phantasm [MeIl03] [QMe2] [QMe4]
___ Crippling Anguish [MeIl04]
___ Cry of Frustration [MeDo05]
___ Distortion [MeIl05] [Q3]
___ Diversion [MeDo06] [QMe7]
___ Drain Enchantment [MeIn02]
___ Echo [MeUn03]
___ Elemental Resistance [MeIn03] [Q24]
___ Empathy [MeDo07] [QMe1]
___ Energy Burn [MeDo08] [QMe6]
___ Energy Drain [MeIn04]
___ Energy Surge [MeDo09]
___ Energy Tap [MeIn05] [Q2]
___ Epidemic [MeUn04]
___ Ether Feast [MeIn06] [QMe1] [QMe2] [QMe4]
___ Ether Lord [MeIn07] [Q26]
___ Ethereal Burden [MeIl06] [Q18]
___ Fevered Dreams [MeIl07]
___ Fragility [MeIl08] [QMe9]
___ Guilt [MeDo10] [Q25]
___ Hex Breaker [MeDo11] [Q17]
___ Ignorance [MeDo12]
___ Illusion of Haste [MeIl09] [QMe6]
___ Illusion of Weakness [MeIl10] [Q12]
___ Illusionary Weaponry [MeIl11]
___ Imagined Burden [MeIl12] [QMe2] [QMe4]
___ Ineptitude [MeIl13]
___ Inspired Enchantment [MeIn08] [Q13]
___ Inspired Hex [MeIn09] [Q7]
___ Keystone Signet [MeIn10]
___ Leech Signet [MeIn11] [Q11]
___ Mantra of Concentration [MeIn12]
___ Mantra of Earth [MeIn13] [Q15]
___ Mantra of Flame [MeIn14] [QMe5]
___ Mantra of Frost [MeIn15] [Q5]
___ Mantra of Inscriptions [MeIn16]
___ Mantra of Lightning [MeIn17] [Q9]
___ Mantra of Persistence [MeIn18] [Q23]
___ Mantra of Recall [MeIn19]
___ Mantra of Recovery [MeFa01]
___ Mantra of Resolve [MeIn20]
___ Mantra of Signets [MeIn21]
___ Migraine [MeIl14]
___ Mind Wrack [MeDo13] [Q14]
___ Panic [MeDo14]
___ Phantom Pain [MeIl15] [Q4]
___ Physical Resistance [MeIn22]
___ Power Block [MeDo15]
___ Power Drain [MeIn23]
___ Power Leak [MeDo16] [QMe4]
___ Power Spike [MeDo17] [QMe9]
___ Shame [MeDo18]
___ Shatter Delusions [MeDo19] [QMe3]
___ Shatter Enchantment [MeDo20] [Q6]
___ Shatter Hex [MeDo21] [QMe8]
___ Signet of Humility [MeUn05]
___ Signet of Midnight [MeUn06]
___ Signet of Weariness [MeDo22]
___ Soothing Images [MeIl16]
___ Spirit of Failure [MeIn25] [Q20]
___ Spirit Shackles [MeIn24] [Q21]
___ Sympathetic Visage [MeIl17]
___ Wastrel's Worry [MeDo23] [Q10]

- Monk [gwsg7c] -
___ Aegis [MoPr01]
___ Amity [MoPr02]
___ Aura of Faith [MoDi01]
___ Balthazar's Aura [MoSm01] [Q16]
___ Balthazar's Spirit [MoSm02] [Q7]
___ Bane Signet [MoSm03] [QMo3] [QMo5]
___ Banish [MoSm04] [QMo1]
___ Blessed Aura [MoDi02] [Q23]
___ Blessed Signet [MoDi03] [Q14]
___ Contemplation of Purity [MoDi04] [Q19]
___ Convert Hexes [MoPr03]
___ Divine Boon [MoDi05] [QMo9]
___ Divine Healing [MoDi06]
___ Divine Intervention [MoDi07]
___ Divine Spirit [MoDi08] [Q6]
___ Draw Conditions [MoPr04]
___ Dwayna's Kiss [MoHe01] [Q9]
___ Essence Bond [MoUn01]
___ Guardian [MoPr05]
___ Heal Area [MoHe02] [QMo6]
___ Heal Other [MoHe03] [Q10]
___ Heal Party [MoHe04] [QMo5]
___ Healing Breeze [MoHe05] [QMo1]
___ Healing Hands [MoHe06]
___ Healing Seed [MoHe07] [Q18]
___ Healing Touch [MoHe08] [Q25]
___ Holy Strike [MoSm05]
___ Holy Veil [MoUn02] [Q13]
___ Holy Wrath [MoSm06]
___ Infuse Health [MoHe09] [QMo8]
___ Judge's Insight [MoSm07]
___ Life Attunement [MoPr06] [Q11]
___ Life Barrier [MoPr07]
___ Life Bond [MoPr08]
___ Light of Dwayna [MoUn03]
___ Live Vicariously [MoHe10] [QMo7]
___ Mark of Protection [MoPr09]
___ Martyr [MoUn04]
___ Mend Ailment [MoPr10] [Q12]
___ Mend Condition [MoPr11] [Q26]
___ Mending [MoHe11] [Q2]
___ Orison of Healing [MoHe12] [QMo3] [QMo5]
___ Pacifism [MoPr12] [QMo9]
___ Peace and Harmony [MoDi09]
___ Protective Bond [MoPr13]
___ Protective Spirit [MoPr14] [Q21]
___ Purge Conditions [MoUn05] [Q3]
___ Purge Signet [MoUn06]
___ Rebirth [MoPr15] [Q20]
___ Remove Hex [MoUn07] [Q5]
___ Restore Condition [MoPr16]
___ Restore Life [MoHe13]
___ Resurrect [MoUn08] [QMo7]
___ Retribution [MoSm08] [QMo2]
___ Reversal of Fortune [MoPr17] [QMo4]
___ Scourge Healing [MoSm09] [Q15]
___ Scourge Sacrifice [MoSm10]
___ Shield of Deflection [MoPr18]
___ Shield of Judgment [MoSm11]
___ Shield of Regeneration [MoPr19]
___ Shielding Hands [MoPr20] [QMo4]
___ Signet of Devotion [MoDi10]
___ Signet of Judgment [MoSm12]
___ Smite [MoSm13] [Q4]
___ Smite Hex [MoSm14] [Q17]
___ Spell Breaker [MoDi11]
___ Strength of Honor [MoSm15] [QMo8]
___ Succor [MoUn09]
___ Symbol of Wrath [MoSm16] [QMo2]
___ Unyielding Aura [MoDi12]
___ Vengeance [MoUn10] [Q24]
___ Vigorous Spirit [MoHe14] [QMo9]
___ Vital Blessing [MoPr21] [QMo6]
___ Watchful Spirit [MoDi13]
___ Word of Healing [MoHe15]
___ Zealot's Fire [MoSm17] [Q22]

- Necromancer [gwsg7d] -
___ Animate Bone Fiend [NeDe01] [Q24]
___ Animate Bone Horror [NeDe02] [QN2] [QN5]
___ Animate Bone Minions [NeDe03] [Q15]
___ Aura of the Lich [NeDe04]
___ Awaken the Blood [NeBl01]
___ Barbed Signet [NeBl02] [Q21]
___ Barbs [NeCu01]
___ Blood Renewal [NeBl03] [QN4]
___ Blood Ritual [NeBl04] [Q11]
___ Blood is Power [NeBl05]
___ Blood of the Master [NeDe05] [Q12]
___ Chilblains [NeCu02] [Q22]
___ Consume Corpse [NeDe06]
___ Dark Aura [NeDe07] [Q9]
___ Dark Bond [NeBl06] [Q17]
___ Dark Fury [NeBl07]
___ Dark Pact [NeBl08] [QN6]
___ Death Nova [NeDe08] [Q20]
___ Deathly Chill [NeDe09]
___ Deathly Swarm [NeDe10] [QN1] [QN2] [QN5]
___ Defile Flesh [NeCu03] [QN10]
___ Demonic Flesh [NeBl09] [Q14]
___ Desecrate Enchantments [NeCu04]
___ Enfeeble [NeCu05] [Q10]
___ Enfeebling Blood [NeCu06]
___ Faintheartedness [NeCu07] [QN3]
___ Feast of Corruption [NeCu08]
___ Grenth's Balance [NeUn01]
___ Infuse Condition [NeDe11]
___ Insidious Parasite [NeCu09] [QN5]
___ Life Siphon [NeBl10] [QN2] [QN5]
___ Life Transfer [NeBl11]
___ Lingering Curse [NeCu10]
___ Malaise [NeCu11] [Q23]
___ Malign Intervention [NeDe12]
___ Mark of Pain [NeCu12] [QN6]
___ Mark of Subversion [NeBl12]
___ Necrotic Traversal [NeDe13] [QN10]
___ Offering of Blood [NeBl13]
___ Order of Pain [NeBl14]
___ Order of the Vampire [NeBl15]
___ Parasitic Bond [NeCu13] [QN7]
___ Plague Sending [NeCu14]
___ Plague Signet [NeCu15]
___ Plague Touch [NeUn02] [Q13]
___ Price of Failure [NeCu16] [Q16]
___ Putrid Explosion [NeDe14] [QN7]
___ Rend Enchantments [NeCu17] [Q19]
___ Rigor Mortis [NeCu18]
___ Rotting Flesh [NeDe15] [Q6]
___ Shadow of Fear [NeCu19] [Q4]
___ Shadow Strike [NeBl16] [QN9]
___ Signet of Agony [NeBl17] [Q26]
___ Soul Barbs [NeCu20] [QN3]
___ Soul Feast [NeDe16] [QN8]
___ Soul Leech [NeBl18]
___ Spinal Shivers [NeCu21]
___ Spiteful Spirit [NeCu22]
___ Strip Enchantment [NeBl19] [Q7]
___ Suffering [NeCu23] [Q5]
___ Tainted Flesh [NeDe17]
___ Taste of Death [NeDe18]
___ Touch of Agony [NeBl20]
___ Unholy Feast [NeBl21]
___ Vampiric Gaze [NeBl22] [QN1]
___ Vampiric Touch [NeBl23] [QN4]
___ Verata's Aura [NeDe19]
___ Verata's Gaze [NeDe20]
___ Verata's Sacrifice [NeDe21]
___ Vile Touch [NeDe22] [Q2]
___ Virulence [NeDe23]
___ Weaken Armor [NeCu24] [Q3]
___ Well of Blood [NeBl24] [QN10]
___ Well of Power [NeBl25]
___ Well of Suffering [NeDe24] [Q18]
___ Well of the Profane [NeDe25] [Q25]
___ Wither [NeCu25]

- Ranger [gwsg7e] -
___ Antidote Signet [RaUn01] [Q17]
___ Apply Poison [RaWi01]
___ Barbed Trap [RaWi02] [Q19]
___ Barrage [RaMa01]
___ Bestial Pounce [RaBe01] [Q12]
___ Brutal Strike [RaBe02]
___ Call of Haste [RaBe03] [QR8]
___ Call of Protection [RaBe04] [QR9]
___ Called Shot [RaUn02] [Q3]
___ Charm Animal [RaBe05] [QR2] [QR5]
___ Choking Gas [RaWi03] [Q14]
___ Comfort Animal [RaBe06] [QR2] [QR5]
___ Concussion Shot [RaMa02] [Q15]
___ Crippling Shot [RaMa03]
___ Debilitating Shot [RaUn03] [Q5]
___ Determined Shot [RaMa04] [Q9]
___ Disrupting Lunge [RaBe07]
___ Distracting Shot [RaEx01] [QR8]
___ Dodge [RaEx02] [QR7]
___ Dryder's Defenses [RaWi04]
___ Dual Shot [RaUn04] [QR4]
___ Dust Trap [RaWi05] [Q23]
___ Edge of Extinction [RaBe08] [Q16]
___ Energizing Wind [RaBe09]
___ Escape [RaEx03]
___ Favorable Winds [RaMa05] [QR6]
___ Feral Lunge [RaBe10] [QR6]
___ Ferocious Strike [RaBe11]
___ Fertile Season [RaBe12]
___ Flame Trap [RaWi06] [Q25]
___ Frozen Soil [RaWi07]
___ Greater Conflagration [RaWi08]
___ Healing Spring [RaWi09]
___ Hunter's Shot [RaMa06] [QR5]
___ Ignite Arrows [RaWi10] [QR4]
___ Incendiary Arrows [RaWi11]
___ Kindle Arrows [RaWi12]
___ Lightning Reflexes [RaEx04] [Q4]
___ Maiming Strike [RaBe13]
___ Marksman's Wager [RaEx05]
___ Melandru's Arrows [RaWi13]
___ Melandru's Assault [RaBe14]
___ Melandru's Resilience [RaWi14]
___ Muddy Terrain [RaWi15]
___ Nature's Renewal [RaWi16]
___ Oath Shot [RaEx06]
___ Otyugh's Cry [RaBe15] [Q11]
___ Penetrating Attack [RaMa07] [Q2]
___ Pin Down [RaMa08] [Q6]
___ Point Blank Shot [RaEx07] [QR3]
___ Poison Arrow [RaWi17]
___ Power Shot [RaMa09] [QR1]
___ Practiced Stance [RaEx08]
___ Precision Shot [RaMa10] [Q24]
___ Predator's Pounce [RaBe16]
___ Predatory Season [RaBe17] [Q20]
___ Primal Echoes [RaBe18]
___ Punishing Shot [RaMa11]
___ Quick Shot [RaUn05]
___ Quickening Zephyr [RaWi18] [QR7]
___ Read the Wind [RaMa12] [QR3]
___ Revive Animal [RaBe19]
___ Savage Shot [RaMa13] [Q21]
___ Scavenger Strike [RaBe20]
___ Serpent's Quickness [RaWi19] [Q7]
___ Spike Trap [RaWi20]
___ Storm Chaser [RaWi21] [Q18]
___ Symbiosis [RaBe21] [Q13]
___ Symbiotic Bond [RaBe22]
___ Throw Dirt [RaEx09] [Q10]
___ Tiger's Fury [RaBe23] [Q26]
___ Troll Unguent [RaWi22] [QR1] [QR2] [QR5]
___ Whirling Defense [RaEx10] [QR9]
___ Winnowing [RaWi23] [Q22]
___ Winter [RaWi24] [QR9]

- Warrior [gwsg7f] -

___ "Charge!" [WaTa01]
___ "Fear Me!" [WaTa02] [Q22]
___ "For Great Justice!" [WaUn01] [Q2]
___ "I Will Survive!" [WaSt01] [Q21]
___ "I Will Avenge You!" [WaSt02]
___ "Shields Up!" [WaTa03] [Q25]
___ "To The Limit!" [WaTa04] [Q14]
___ "Victory Is Mine!" [WaTa05]
___ "Watch Yourself!" [WaTa06] [Q3]
___ Axe Rake [WaAx01] [Q17]
___ Axe Twist [WaAx02] [Q9]
___ Backbreaker [WaHa01]
___ Balanced Stance [WaTa07] [Q16]
___ Battle Rage [WaSt03]
___ Belly Smash [WaHa02]
___ Berserker Stance [WaSt04]
___ Bonetti's Defense [WaTa08] [Q7]
___ Bull's Charge [WaSt05]
___ Bull's Strike [WaSt06] [Q26]
___ Cleave [WaAx03]
___ Counter Blow [WaHa03] [Q12]
___ Crude Swing [WaHa04]
___ Crushing Blow [WaHa05] [Q19]
___ Cyclone Axe [WaAx04] [QW4]
___ Deadly Riposte [WaTa09]
___ Defensive Stance [WaTa10] [Q24]
___ Deflect Arrows [WaTa11]
___ Defy Pain [WaSt07]
___ Desperation Blow [WaTa12]
___ Devastating Hammer [WaHa06]
___ Disciplined Stance [WaTa13]
___ Dismember [WaAx05] [QW8]
___ Disrupting Chop [WaAx06]
___ Distracting Blow [WaUn02]
___ Dolyak Signet [WaSt08]
___ Dwarven Battle Stance [WaSt09]
___ Earth Shaker [WaHa07]
___ Endure Pain [WaSt10] [QW7]
___ Eviscerate [WaAx07]
___ Executioner's Strike [WaAx08] [QW4]
___ Final Thrust [WaSw01] [Q10]
___ Flourish [WaSt11]
___ Flurry [WaUn03] [Q6]
___ Frenzy [WaUn04] [QW1] [QW3]
___ Galrath Slash [WaSw02]
___ Gash [WaSw03] [QW2]
___ Gladiator's Defense [WaTa14]
___ Griffon's Sweep [WaSt12] [Q13]
___ Hammer Bash [WaHa08] [QW3]
___ Hamstring [WaSw04] [Q4]
___ Healing Signet [WaTa15] [QW1] [QW2] [QW5]
___ Heavy Blow [WaHa09]
___ Hundred Blades [WaSw05]
___ Irresistible Blow [WaHa10] [QW9]
___ Mighty Blow [WaHa11] [QW8]
___ Penetrating Blow [WaAx09] [QW7]
___ Power Attack [WaSt13] [QW6]
___ Protector's Strike [WaSt14] [Q5]
___ Pure Strike [WaSw06] [Q18]
___ Riposte [WaTa16]
___ Rush [WaSt15]
___ Savage Slash [WaSw07] [Q15]
___ Seeking Blade [WaSw08] [QW9]
___ Sever Artery [WaSw09] [QW2] [QW5]
___ Shield Bash [WaSt16] [Q23]
___ Shield Stance [WaTa17] [Q20]
___ Skull Crack [WaUn05]
___ Sprint [WaSt17] [QW6]
___ Staggering Blow [WaHa12] [Q11]
___ Swift Chop [WaAx10] [QW9]
___ Thrill of Victory [WaTa18]
___ Warrior's Cunning [WaSt18]
___ Warrior's Endurance [WaSt19]
___ Wary Stance [WaTa19]
___ Wild Blow [WaUn06] [QW5]

= FAQ (gwsg8) =
This section covers any and all questions not covered by the above guide.

General Questions
Q. What is the best (class combination/build)?
A. There is no such thing as a "best build". Guild Wars is balanced as such
that any class combination can be successful in general circumstances. While
specific situations may call for specific character types (for example, Healing
is usually left to the Monk class, with Necromancers in 2nd place because of
Well of Blood), for general situations like questing, farming, PvP battles, and
others, each class has ways to be successful or contribute to the group as a

Q. How do I change my Secondary class?
A. In the Crystal Desert, there are a series of quests in the outpost
non-mission towns, one for every class. To access these quests, you must first
receive The Hero's Journey quest from Vanyi in Droknar's Forge.

If you complete the requirements of the quest, then you can freely change to
that secondary class at any time. You do not lose any skills for changing your
class, you simply switch over to the new secondary class. Note that if you
want to change back to your original Secondary, you'll have to complete that
Secondary's quest as well. Also, you won't ever get the quest that corresponds
to your Primary class, obviously.

The quests are:
* The Elementalist's Path - Cembrien in Heroes' Audience
* The Mesmer's Path - Eulenias in Destiny's Gorge
* The Monk's Path - Nausuan in Seeker's Passage
* The Necromancer's Path - Kratha Kor in Heroes' Audience
* The Ranger's Path - Telius in Seeker's Passage
* The Warrior's Path - Agastos the Brave in Destiny's Gorge

Elite Skills and Bosses
Q. What is an Elite skill?
A. Guild Wars characters can only have ONE Elite skill in their skillbars,
making the selection of such skills a careful decision in most builds. In
general, Elite skills are Elite because they are either more powerful than
other similar skills or they can be combined with other Elite skills in
devastating ways (thus Elite skills are balanced, because they can't be used in
combos on any single character). You can only capture Elite skills from Boss
monsters using the Signet of Capture.

Q. Where can I find a Signet of Capture?
A. Signets of Capture are first found in Lion's Arch, as the quest reward for
the second quest given by Magi Malaquire (the first quest is called Orrian
Excavation). After you complete that quest (which is simply to capture a
skill), he gives you another one (and some XP). After that, you can purchase
Signets of Capture for one skill point and a handful of gold from him. You can
also purchase a Signet of Capture at any skill trainer AFTER Lion's Arch. You
can purchase as many Signets as you have skill points to spend, so be sure to
purchase at least 4 or 5 to capture all of the Elites that you want.

Q. Why can't I get (insert Elite skill here) from (insert Boss)?
A. There are no Elite skills before the Crystal Desert in the game. All of the
Elites that used to be on earlier creatures were removed. Most of the fansites
out there have outdated information from the last Beta and the first month of
release, back when pre-Crystal Desert bosses had Elite skills.

Q. Where is (insert Boss here)? I can't find him!
A. Many of the bosses actually have random spawn locations, and thus do not
consistently spawn in the same area every time, and sometimes do not spawn at
all. However, there are a few key spots where a Boss of some kind will always
spawn, and you can often find your Boss by visiting all of these spots. It's a
bit tedious at times, but you'll find the Boss eventually.

Elementalist Questions
Q. Where is Harn Coldstone? I found Maxine Coldstone, but she's a Ranger!
A. Maxine and Harn Coldstone (siblings? marriage?) wander around Perdition Rock
in a wide circle that covers almost the entire island. However, typically you
will only meet either one or the other, but not both. If you see Harn, you'll
probably not run into Maxine on Perdition Rock, and vice versa.

Q. Why can't I use Arcane Echo with Shock?
A. Shock is a generic skill, not a spell. Arcane Echo can only copy spells. In
general, all "touch-based" attacks are skills rather than spells.

Mesmer Questions
Q. When you "borrow" a skill through Arcane Thievery, Inspired Hex, Inspired
Enchantment, and Arcane Mimicry, what attributes are used for damage, duration,
A. The borrowed skill uses your own attributes. Thus, borrowed skills often
will have the equivalent attribute rating of 0, unless you happen to have
points in that attribute.

Q. Why can't I use Arcane Echo with Blackout?
A. Blackout is a generic skill, not a spell. Arcane Echo can only copy spells.
In general, all "touch-based" attacks are skills rather than spells.

Q. Where is Confusion/Unnatural Signet/? They aren't on your
A. There were many skills from the Beta Weekend Events that were tweaked or cut
from the final release of Guild Wars. Here is a partial list of Mesmer skills
that were removed before the final release:
* Confusion
* Disappear
* Mantra of Distortion - Changed to "Distortion"
* Mantra of Hex Reflection
* Mantra of Hex Shattering - Changed to "Hex Breaker"
* Mirror of Delusions
* Mimic - Changed to "Echo"?
* Signet of Illusions
* Unnatural Signet

Monk Questions

Necromancer Questions
Q. I noticed that after some time, my minions start to lose Health. What is
the rate of Health lost?
A. From what I've tested, your Minions get 1 "pip" of degeneration every 20
seconds. Each pip is -2 Health per second. Thus, at 20 seconds after creation,
the minion loses -2 Health per second. At 40 seconds after creation, the minion
loses -4 Health per second, and so on.

Q. Why can't I use Arcane Echo with Vampiric Touch?
A. Vampiric Touch is a generic skill, not a spell. Arcane Echo can only copy
spells. In general, all "touch-based" attacks are skills rather than spells.

Q. Are there any skills associated with Soul Reaping?
A. There are no skills associated with Soul Reaping at this time.

Ranger Questions
Q. I killed Markis, but the mission ended! How am I supposed to get Barrage?
A. The mission ends when you kill Markis AND his Jade Armor bodyguards. Thus,
you either have to lure him away from the Jade Armor towers that he is near, or
you have to get the rest of your team to kill Markis first, and distract the
Jade Armor guards while you capture the skill, being careful not to kill the
Jade Armors until you are finished.

Q. Where is Maxine Coldstone? I found Harn Coldstone, but he's an Elementalist!
A. Maxine and Harn Coldstone (siblings? marriage?) wander around Perdition Rock
in a wide circle that covers almost the entire island. However, typically you
will only meet either one or the other, but not both. If you see Harn, you'll
probably not run into Maxine on Perdition Rock, and vice versa.

Q. Do the skills Serpent's Quickness and Quickening Zephyr stack? What about
Energizing Wind?
A. I tested this with Troll Unguent, Quickening Zephyr, Energizing Wind, and
Serpent's Quickness, looking at a watch for timing the cooldowns:
* Troll Unguent alone - 10 seconds
* Troll Unguent with Quickening Zephyr - 5 seconds
* Troll Unguent with Serpent's Quickness - 7 seconds
* Troll Unguent with Energizing Wind - 12 seconds
* Troll Unguent with Serpent's Quickness and Quickening Zephyr - 3 seconds.
* Troll Unguent with Quickening Zephyr and Energizing Wind - 6 seconds
* Troll Unguent with Serpent's Quickness and Energizing Wind - 8 seconds
* Troll Unguent with all three - 4 seconds
So yes, they do stack, and it appears that the percentages are multiplied
together. I'd have to time it more precisely at a later date.

UPDATE: Mind Wallaby at has done a video capture test, and the
numbers listed above are accurate.

Note that effects tend to be applied on a "First in/First out" basis. Thus, the
first effect that was applied on you, listed on the leftmost place on the
default condition monitor, gets applied before all the rest. This is important
when using Energizing Wind in concert with Quickening Zephyr, as you will want
to apply the Energizing Wind effect first (to cut down on the Energy cost)
before you apply the Quickening Zephyr.

Q. Where is Bow Parry/Conflagration/?
A. There were many skills during the Beta Weekend Events that were subsequently
tweaked or taken out completely. Here is a partial list of skills that no longer
exist in Guild Wars:
* Blizzard - Replaced by Winter
* Bow Parry - Replaced by Whirling Defense
* Call of Aggression
* Call of Brutality
* Call of Disruption - Replaced by Disrupting Lunge
* Call of Elemental Protection
* Call of Feeding - Replaced by Feral Lunge
* Call of Ferocity - Replaced by Call of Haste
* Call of Healing
* Call of Resilience
* Call of Vitality
* Conflagration
* Strider's Reflexes - Replaced by Escape
* Tongue Biter - Replaced by Concussion Shot

Q. What are some of the known Ranger skill bugs?
A. Here's a short list:
* The radius of the Nature's Renewal hex/enchantment stripping effect appears to
greatly exceed a typical spirit's range.
* With Predatory Season, regular bow attacks appear to do two +4 Healing
instead of a single +4 (+5, modified by 80% for Predatory Season). Rangers
are effectively getting twice the benefit from it.
* Symbiotic Bond appears to just halve the damage done on the pet, as well as
give higher than the stated amount of Health regen. No damage is redirected
toward the Ranger, and it appears to NOT be a stance as listed.
* Revive Animal does not heal the stated amount on the skill.
* When a Distracting Shot hits a target that is already easily interruptible,
from either a skill use like a trap or the Dazed condition, the extra 20
seconds aren't applied to the cooldown.
* Kindle Arrows appears to change your weapon's damage to Fire (from whatever it
was before).

Warrior Questions
Q. Does Dolyak Signet or Balanced Stance cancel the knockdown effect of
Desperation Blow?
A. Yes, although a brief "knockdown" graphic similar to interrupting a spell
may show on the screen.

Technical Questions
Q. How do I display the FPS on my screen?
A. You can see the Frames Per Second of your game by adding the parameter -perf
to the end of the command line shortcut. In other words, right-click your
Guild Wars shortcut icon and choose Properties. Under "Target", add -perf to
the end of the line, like so:
Target: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\gw.exe" -perf

Q. Is there a way to automatically enter my password into the Guild Wars client?
A. Yes, there is. The parameter -password "YourPasswordHere" at the end of the
command line shortcut will automatically enter your password when you boot up
your Guild Wars client. In other words, right-click your Guild Wars shortcut
icon and choose Properties. Under "Target", add -password "YourPasswordHere" to
the end of the line, like so:
Target: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\gw.exe" -password "YourPasswordHere"

Q. I see folks with unusual symbols in their chat text, like stars and hearts.
How can I do this?
A. The characters that you see are found in the Unicode character set, which is
supported internationally by most fonts, including the font used by Guild Wars.
You can put these in your chatbar by copying and pasting them from an outside
source, like the Character Map program available under Start > Programs >
Accessories > System Tools directory on Windows computers. You can also go to
these websites for a whole list of them:

Simply select the character that you want, CTRL+C to copy them to your clipboard
and go into your Guild Wars game, click on your chatbar, and CTRL+V to paste the
character into your chatbar. Note that only a handful of characters actually
work... most of the characters from Korean webpage encoding and Extended ASCII
sets work.

= End Notes (gwsg9) =

- Version History -
0.01 First version of this Skill guide is released, quest section incomplete
0.02 All quests up to Yak's Bend catalogued
0.03 All quests up to Kryta catalogued. Only 10 quests more to go!
0.04 All quests catalogued. Skill guide is basically complete (until the next
major update).
0.05 Updated Ranger portion of FAQ
0.06 Added notes on Priests of Balthazar.
0.07 Various minor fixes
0.08 Added notes from 8/25/05 update, which changed MANY skills.
0.09 Added notes from 9/7/05 update, which updated the skill trainers.
0.10 Added notes from 9/29/05 update, which changed MANY skills.

- Credits -
Most of the Skill Guide information was gleaned from the following fansites:

I'd like to thank my guildmates in the East Bay Alliance of Yeomen [eBay].

I'd also like to thank NCSoft for finally making a 3D Diablo clone that fits my
liking and an online RPG that doesn't have a monthly fee, all in the same game.

- Copyright Notice -
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

The following sites have permission to use this FAQ as long as it is credited:

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

In particular, Guild Wars is a trademark of NCsoft Corporation.
Guild Wars is copyrighted by NCsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2005 Hahns Shin

- End Quote -
"May you live every day of your life."
-Jonathan Swift
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Beginners Guide

17.October 2013
Ranger Guide

16.October 2013
Title Guide

08.October 2013
Collectors Guide

17.October 2013
Quest Guide

16.October 2013
Terminology Guide

17.October 2013
Monk FAQ

17.October 2013
Mesmer Guide

17.October 2013
Skill Guide

16.October 2013
Elite Skills Location Guide

16.October 2013
Bonus Walkthrough

18.October 2013
Elementalist FAQ

17.October 2013
Warrior FAQ

17.October 2013
Mesmer FAQ

18.October 2013
Most Popular
11.February 2016
30. December 2013
13. December 2013
01. December 2014
30.January 2018
24.February 2018
04.March 2019