Guild Wars

Guild Wars

16.10.2013 14:23:41
Elite Skills Location Guide
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Elite Skills Locations Guide v1.1
PC - Guild Wars
Elite Skill Locations Guide
Written by Inclined

= Table of Contents =

1. Introduction.....................(gwes1)
2. Overview.........................(gwes2)
3. Elite Skills.....................(gwes3)
- 3a. Warrior......................(gwes3a)
- 3b. Elementalist.................(gwes3b)
- 3c. Mesmer.......................(gwes3c)
- 3d. Monk.........................(gwes3d)
- 3e. Necromancer..................(gwes3e)
- 3f. Ranger.......................(gwes3f)
4. Version Histroy..................(gwes4)
- 4a. v1.0.........................(gwes4a)
- 4b. v1.1.........................(gwes4b)
5. End Notes........................(gwes5)
- 5a. Copyright Notice.............(gwes5a)
- 5b. Credits......................(gwes5b)

= Introduction (gwes1) =

This is the unoffical elite skill guide. This guide has the purpose of telling
player where they can find an elite skill. I've noticed many elite skill guides
on the internet that were incomplete or fractured. I'm sure if you searched
the internet hard enough, you could find a better guide then this.

= Overview (gwes2) =

This is general information about elite skills and how to capture them.

Elite skills are found in various locations from Boss monsters all throughout
the Guild War's world. Boss monsters are defined with a unique name and a
special coloured aura around there body. These are the monsters that you can
use a Signet of Capture (first aquired in Lion's Arch from a quest) on their
dead bodies (after the new build upgrade) and select the skill you wish to

= Elite Skills (gwes3) =

Each class in Guild War's has many unique elite skills you can capture. The
limitation to these is you can only capture ones that are specific to your
profession (or secondary profession). To get any other profession's Elite
skill, you must switch your secondary class or simply try it with another

- Warrior (gwes3a) -

Warrior Elite Skills can be captured from Boss enemies with a yellow aura
around them.

Shout skills have ""'s around there name.

Unconfirmed skill sighting will have a *(astrict) by there name.

- Skill Name Boss Name - Boss Location - Boss Type -

Backbreaker Ferk Mallet - Ring of Fire - Ettin

Battle Rage Smukk Foombool - Snake Dance - Troll

Bull's Charge Skintekaru Manshredder - Predition Rock - Drake

"Charge!" Balthazar's Cursed - Predition Rock - Flesh Golem

Cleave Marka Granitehand - Iron Mines of Moladune - Stome Summit
Gornar Bellybreaker - Thunderhead Keep - Stone Summit
Linka Goldensteel - Frozen Forest - Stone Summit

Defy Pain Obrhit Barkwood - Frozen Forest - Pinesoul

Devastating Martigris the Stalwars - Iron Mines of Moladune - Jade
Hammer Perfected Armor - Thunderhead Keep - Jade*

Dwarven Battle Slonak Copperbark - Iron Mines of Moladune - Stone Summit

Earth Shaker Kor Stonewrath - Snake Dance - Giant

Eviscerate Toritudo Probo - Hell's Precipice - Titan

Flourish Sry Honorcrest - Mineral Springs - Avicara

Gladiators Facet of Strength - Dragon's Lair - Dragon

Hundred Blades Cairn The Destroyer - Abaddon's Mouth - Jade*
Undead Prince Rurik - Hell's Precipice - Undead

Skull Crack Thorgrim Beastslasher - Iron Mines of Moladune - Beastmaster
Hail Blackice - Spearhead Peak - Ice Golem

"Victory is Sakalo Yawpyawl - Witman's Folly - Grawl
Mine!" Jono Yawpyawl - Spearhead Peak - Grawl*

Warrior's Warrior Custodian - Elona's Reach - Forgotten
Endurance Custodian Hulgar - Thirsty River - Forgotten

- Elementalist (gwes3b -

Elementalist Elite skills can be acquired from Boss enemies with a red aura
around them.

For unnamed enemies, you must simply look for the aura around them.

- Skill Name Boss Name - Boss Location - Boss Type -

Elemental Gecokaru Earthwind - Perdition Rock - Drake

Ether Prodigy Jyth Sprayburst - Ring of Fire - Breeze Keeper

Ether Renewal Vassa Ssiss - Elona's Reach - Forgotten
Issah Sshay - Thirsty River - Forgotten

Glimmering Mark Alana PekPek - Witman's Folly - Grawl
Edibbo PekPek - Talus Chute - Grawl
Edibbo PekPek - Spearhead Peak - Grawl

Glyph of Energy Hyl Thunderwing - Mineral Springs - Avicara

Glyph of Renewal Nayl Klaw Tuthan - Predition Rock - Hydra

Lightning Surge Facet of Elements - Dragon's Lair - Dragon

Mind Burn Mursaat Elementalist - Ring of Fire - Mursaat*
Mursaat Elementalist - Abaddon's Mouth - Mursaat*
Scelus Prosum - Hell's Precipice - Hand/Fist

Mind Freeze Maak Frostfiend - Witman's Folly - Azure Shadow
Maak Frostfiend - Spearhead Peak - Azure Shadow
Skitt Skizzle - Ice Fole - Ice Imp

Mind Shock Old Red Claw - Snake Dance - Griffon

Mist Form Eidolen - Iron Mines of Moladune - Phantom
Eidolen - Ring of Fire - Phantom
Brrrr Windburn - Talus Chute - Azure Shadow
Sala Chillbringer - Snake Dance - Azure Shadow

Obsidian Flesh Harn Coldstone - Perdition Rock - Human

Thunderclap Chrysos The Magnetic - Thunderhead Keep - Mursaat*
Maida The Ill Tempered - Ring of Fire - Mursaat
Optimus Caliph - Abaddon's Mouth - Mursaat
Kratos the Foul - Iron Mines of Moladune - Mursaat

Ward Against Arkhel Havenwood - Frozen Forest - Pinesoul

Water Trident Berg Frozenfist - Ice Caves of Sorrow - Siege Ice Golem
The Judge - Thunderhead Keep - Siege Ice Golem
Boreal Kubeclaw - Frozen Forest - Stone Summit

- Mesmer (gwes3c -

Mesmer Elite skills are acquired off Boss enemies that have a purple aura
around them.

- Skill Name Boss Name - Boss Location - Boss Type -

Crippling Barl Stormsiege - Frozen Forest - Stone Summit
Anguish Unknown - Thundearhead Keep - Stone Summit*
Fuury Stonewrath - Thunderhead Keep - Stone Summit*

Echo Rwek Khawl Mawl - Perdition Rock - Hydra

Energy Drain Snik Hungrymind - Spearhead Peak - Ice Imp
Snik Hungrymind - Witman's Folly - Ice Imp
Gambol Headrainer - Ice Floe - Ice Imp

Energy Surge Melek The Virtuous - Ring Of Fire - Mursaat
Mercia The Smug - Abaddon's Mouth - Mursaat
Balasi the Arcane - Iron Mines of Moladune - Mursaat

Fevered Dreams Plexus Shadowhook - Abaddon's Mouth - Spider

Illusionary Seear - Talus Chute - Azure Shadow
Weaponry Digo Murkstalker - Iron Mines of Moladune - Azure Shadow
Didn Hopestealer - Snake Dance - Azure Shadow

Ineptitude Wyt Sharpfeather - Mineral Springs - Avicara

Keystone Rune Ethercrash - Spearhead Peak - Ice Golem

Mantra of Facet of Chaos - Dragons Lair - Dragon
Recall Featherclaw - Snake Dance - Griffon

Mantra of Goss Aleesh - Thirsty River - Forgotten
Recovery Tiss Danssir - Elona Reach - Forgotten
Ayassah Hess - Dunes of Dispair - Forgotten

Migraine Pytt Spitespew - Ring Of Fire - Breeze Keeper

Panic Moles Quibus - Hell's Precipice - Hand/Fist

Power Block Lyssa's Cursed - Perdition Rock - Flesh Golem

Signet of Malus Phasmatis - Perdition Rock - Phantom

- Monk (gwes3d -

Monk Elite skills are acquired from Boss monsters with a blue aura
around them.

For Boss enemies without a name, check for the aura surrounding them.

- Skill Name Boss Name - Boss Location - Boss Type -

Amity Pravus Obsideo - Perdition Rock - Phantom

Aura of Faith Coventina The Matron - Ring Of Fire - Mursaat
Willa The Unpleasant - Abaddon's Mouth - Mursaat
Mursaat Monk - Ice Floe - Mursaat

Healing Hands Rull Browbeater - Perdition Rock - Ettin

Life Barrier Eshnal Hardwood - Frozen Forest - Pinesoul

Mark of Lokar Icemender - Iron Mines of Moladune - Dolyak Master
Protection Mesqul Ironhealer - Frozen Forest - Stone Summit
Bolis Hillshaker - Thunderhead Keep - Stone Summit*

Martyr Dwayna's Cursed - Perdition Rock - Flesh Golem

Peace and Doomspeaker - Snake Dance - Human

Restore Spindle Agonyvein - Abaddon's Mouth - Spider

Shield of Grun Galesurge - Ring Of Fire - Breeze Keeper

Shield of Facet Of Light - Dragon's Lair - Dragon

Shield of Myd Springclaw - Mineral Springs - Avicara

Signet of Frostbite - Talus Chute - Azure Shadow
Judgment Frostbite - Ice Floe - Azure Shadow
Balt Duskstrider - Iron Mines of Moladune - Azure Shadow
Fawl Driftstalker - Snake Dance - Azure Shadow

Spell Breaker Raptorhawk - Snake Dance - Griffon

Unyielding Aura Ipillo Wupwup - Witman's Folly - Grawl
Kaia Wupwup - Spearhead Peak - Grawl

Word of Healing Wissper Inssani - Elona Reach - Forgotten
Josso Essher - Thirsty River - Forgotten

- Necromancer (gwes3e) -

Necromancer Elite skills are acquired from Boss enemies with a Dark Green aura
around them.

- Skill Name Boss Name - Boss Location - Boss Type -

Aura of the Maligo Libens - Hell's Precipice - Titan

Blood is Power Cry Darkday - Snake Dance - Azure Shadow

Feast of Maw The Mountain Heart - Dreadnought's Drift - Wurm

Grenth's Balance Facet of Darkness - Dragons Lair - Dragon
Mraggah - Frozen Forest - Phantom (Heroes Path Quest Only)

Life Transfer Feodor The Baneful - Iron Mines of Moladune - Mursaat
Agyrus The Scoundrel - Thunderhead Keep - Mursaat
Odelyn The Displeased - Ring Of Fire - Mursaat
Sarlic The Judge - Abaddon's Mouth - Mursaat

Lingering Curse Grenth's Cursed - Perdition Rock - Flesh Golem

Offering of Riine Windrot - Thunderhead Keep - Stone Summit*
Blood Jollen Steelblight - Frozen Forest - Stone Summit

Order of the Uussh Visshta - Elona Reach - Forgotten
Vampire Rysaa Hisst - Dunes of Dispair - Forgotten*
Hessper Sasso - Thirsty River - Forgotten

Plague Signet Karobo Dimdim - Witman's Folly - Grawl
Allobo Dimdim - Spearhead Peak - Grawl

Soul Leech Goss Darkweb - Abaddon's Mouth - Spider

Spiteful Spirit Nighh SpineChill - Talus Chute - Azure Shadow
Ceru Gloomrunner - Iron Mines of Moladune - Azure Shadow
Sapph Blacktracker - Snake Dance - Azure Shadow

Tainted Flesh Dosakaru Fevertouch - Perdition Rock - Drake

Virulence Unthet Rotwood - Frozen Forest - Pinesoul

Well of Power Nhy Darkclaw - Mineral Springs - Avicara

Wither Ignis Effigia - Perdition Rock - Phantom

- Ranger (gwes3f) -

Ranger Elite skills are acquired from Boss enemies with a Light Green aura
around them.

- Skill Name Boss Name - Boss Location - Boss Type -

Barrage Markis - Iron Mines of Moladune - Human
Snyk The Hundred Tongue - Abaddon's Mouth - Wurm

Crippling Shot Melandru's Cursed - Perdition Rock - Flesh Golem

Escape Whuup Buumbuul - Talus Chute - Troll
Whuup Buumbuul - Snake Dance - Troll

Ferocious Strike Thul The Bull - Spearhead Peak - Grawl

Greater Valetudo Rubor - Hell's Precipice - Hand/Fist

Incendiary Casses Flameweb - Ring of Fire - Lava Spitter

Marksman's Wager Custodian Jenus - Elona Reach - Forgotten
Custodian Phedous - Thirsty River - Forgotten

Melandru's Ulhar Stonehound - Thunderhead Keep - Stone Summit
Arrows Resnar Mountaininsight - Frozen Forest - Stone Summit

Melandru's Facet of Nature - Dragon's Lair - Dragon

Oath Shot Perfected Cloak - Thunderhead Keep - Jade
Cairn The Troubling - Ring Of Fire - Jade
Cairn The Relentless - Abaddon's Mouth - Jade
Hilios The Dutiful - Iron Mines of Moladune - Jade

Practiced Stance Ryk Arrowwing - Mineral Springs - Avicara

Poison Arrow Salani Pippip - Witman's Folly - Grawl
Kekona Pippip - Spearhead Peak - Grawl

Punishing Shot Thul Boulderrain - Snake Dance - Giant

Quick Shot Maxine Coldstone - Perdition Rock - Human

Spike Trap Vulg Painbrain - Ring Of Fire - Ettin

= Version Histroy (gwes4) =

6/9/2005 - v1.0 (gwes4a)
- Started FAQ. Added Introduction, Overview and Elite Skills.

6/10/2005 - v1.1 (gwes4b)
- Added Warrior, Elementalist, Mesmer, Monk, Necromancer and Ranger sections.
Added Elite skills. Added Version History and End Notes. v1.1 submitted to

= End Notes (gwes5) =

- Copyright Notice (gwes5a) -

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

If you wish to host this FAQ on your website, please e-mail me at:

The following sites have permission to use this FAQ as long as it is credited:

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Guild Wars is a trademark, copyrighted and a property of NCsoft Corporation.
All Right Reserved.

- Credits (gwes5b) -

Copyright 2005 Inclined
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