Guild Wars

Guild Wars

18.10.2013 00:18:14
Bonus Walkthrough
Guild Wars: Bonus Walkthrough



1. Version History
2. Intro
3. Walkthrough
A. Ascalon
A.1 The Great Northern Wall
A.2 Fort Ranik
A.3 Ruins of Surmia
A.4 Nolani Academy

B. Northern Shiverpeaks
B.1 Borlis Pass
B.2 The Frost Gate

C. Kryta
C.1 Gates Of Kryta
C.2 D’Alessio Seaboard
C.3 Divinity Coast

D. Maguuma Jungle
D.1 The Wilds
D.2 Bloodstone Fen
D.3 Aurora Glade

E. Southern Kryta
E.1 Riverside Province
E.2 Sanctum Cay

F. Desert
F.1 Dunes of Despair
F.2 Elona Reach
F.3 Thirsty River
F.4 The Dragon Lair

G. Southern Shiverpeaks
G.1 Ice Caves of Sorrow
G.2 Iron Mines of Moladune
G.3 Thunderhead Keep

H. Ring of Fire
H.1 Ring of Fire
H.2 Abaddon's Mouth
H.3 Hell's Precipice

4. Author's Note
5. Credits
6. Legal Information


<1. Version History>
Version 0.8
May 21st, 2005 - Creation of the Guide.

Version 0.9
May 25th, 2005 - Added info for Sanctum Cay, Ice
Caves of Sorrow, Thunder Keep,
Ring of Fire, Abaddon's Mouth
Hell's Precipice.

Version 1.0
May 31st, 2005 - Added detailed information for
D’Alessio Seaboard. Fixed "="

Version 1.1
June 3rd, 2005 - Fixed information about Gates of
Kryta, The Dragon's Lair, Ring of
Fire, Abaddon's Mouth, and Hell's

Version 1.2
June 4th, 2005 - Added more names of sites that are
allowed to put this FAQ on. Added
detailed description and map for
Iron Mines of Moladune thanks to
Mars Alien

Version 1.3
June 5th, 2005 - Added detailes and map for Iron
Mines of Moladune thanks to Wind
from TGH.
Plus added detailes and map for
The Wilds.

Version 1.4
June 11th, 2005- Added info about Abbadon's Mouth
Mission Bonus.

Version 1.5
June 14th, 2005- Added and correct info.

Version 1.6
June 26th, 2005- Added and corrected info for
Thunderhead Keep, Thirsty River,
Dunes of Despair, Abaddon's Mouth,
Hell's Precipice and Sanctum Cay

<2. Intro>

I am CLDragon, my in game names are Dragor Fireshroub and Dragor
Divinity, basically anything with "Dragor" in front of it. Add me to friends
and ill team with you sometimes.

This guide is about the Bonus Missions of the game. Completing a bonus
mission will give you 1000 exp. It will help you dramatically when you are
in need of exp. there are 24 missions in total which will give you 24,000 exp!

Most Bonus missions do not require a large amount of effort, most of them
you can complete while doing the main mission. However a few of them
can be tricky and could be impossible for a first-timer if you don’t know
what to do. I hope this guide will help everyone.

<3. Walkthrough>


A.1 The Great Northern Wall

Objective: Recover the four pieces of Kilnn Testbrie's Armour
and return
them to his tomb.

Items Needed:
Kilnn Testbrie's Cuisse
Kilnn Testbrie's Crest
Kilnn Testbrie’s Pauldron
Kilnn Testbrie’s Greaves

Just before you reach a tar pool where the Grawl and Gargoyles
are fighting, there is a curve in the road which has 2 wreckages,
open both of them and one of them will have a piece of his
Armour. Continue down to the tar pool and kill those Grawl and
Gargoyales, turn right and press Alt to show another wreckage
(you might have to walk to the right a bit to see it) that’s the 2nd
piece of Armour. Then go back to the tar pool and face the
direction you were facing when you first got there, then you will
see 2 paths, one leading up the cliff and one under it. Go up the
cliff and you will face 3 Gargoyales. After that you have 2
choices, you can go back down and get the quest first or continue
the path and gather all the Armour pieces before going on. It
doesn't matter much since all the Armour can be found in this
region. The 3rd one can be found by going left direction when
you get to the Gargoyals on the bridge, and the 4th one is going
to the right. The NPC that gives you the quest can be found in the
lower path (the lower path later connects to the upper path, so it
really doesn't matter which way you go).

A.2 Fort Ranik

Objective: Rescue Deeter Saberlin from his Charr imprisonment.

Items Needed:

At the beginning of the mission, there will be some Ascalon
Guards helping you to kill the charrs. When you kill the first Boss
and the enemies around him at these slanted ruins of a castle,
one of the guards will have a questmark on his head. He will
state that his son Deeter Saberlin was captured by Charrs and
wants you to rescue him. After continuing down the pathfor a
while, you will see some green dots on the map, the first time you
see it on your map you wont be able to go there, you will have to
run around the cliff and kill the charrs guarding the gate.

A.3 Ruins Of Surmia

Objective: Extinguish the Flame Temple by defeating the Flame

Items Needed:

After you free the prisoners and reach a bridge, the Prince will tell
you to go across the tar pool and lower the bridge. Use the nearby
slope to get down to the tar pool under the bridge to the diction right
of where the Prince is standing. There will be a female NPC
imprisonedin a house, saying that she’s been watching the
Flame Keepers go by for 10 years. Soon a group of Charrs will
pass in front of you, DO NOT KILL THEM. Follow them until they
lead to these locked gates and open them. Get inside and kill
everything, when you kill all 4 Flame Keepers the mission will be

A.4 Nolani Academy

Objectives: Return the Tome of the Fallen.

Items Needed:
Tome of the Fallen

Do the mission as you usually would, go through the back door and
follow the path. (Do not open the front door; you can't complete the
bonus this way!) When you get to this curved part of the map which is
narrow and will take you to the wall, back track a bit and go left of
where the path is, while holding Alt key, you should see another
NPC standing in another path similar to the first one. Talk to him
and take the Tomb of the Fallen. Go down to the mission path now
and when you get off the Great Wall, there will be 2 paths, one to
the charrs attacking, and another to the Ghosts. When you get to the
Ghosts part, they will be fighting a large group of Scorpions, kill
them both. But the ghosts are level 10, which is probably pretty
strong to your group, so be careful. Note that they will always
attack the person carrying the Tomb of the Fallen. After you
killed the large group of Ghosts, keep going forward (doesn’t
matter which way you take, I took the higher group way but I
think the lower one is shorter, someone confirmed this) and you
will find a Ghost NPC, give him the Tomb of the Fallen and
you will complete the Bonus.

Northern Shiverpeaks

B.1 Borlis Pass

Objectives: Kill the Ice Drake.

Items Needed:
Powder Kegs

At the left of the second Metal door you are supose to break,
there will be 2 gates left of it. Blow one of them open and talk
to the dwarf behind it. He will give you the bonus mission. Take
another Powder Keg and place it behind the dwarf near the
chained polls and it will open a way for you to the Ice Drake.
Continue down the cave and you will find him. Kill him to finish
the Bonus.

B.2 The Frost Gate

Objectives: Steal the Stone Summit's secret plans for
a powerful siege weapon.

Items Needed:

This Bonus is fairly easy to do, when you get into the ice
caves, talk to the dwarf to get the Bonus (green dot on map).
When you get out of the cave, there will be a ballista bashing
the ground, to the right of that place, is a slope going down.
Follow that road to get to a ballista. The dwarf will get on and
break the iron door holding the plans. Go back and through
the door that was just broken and retrieve the plans.


C.1 Gates Of Kryta

Objectives: Find and return the Tome to the Historian.

Items Needed:
Tome (no really?)

When you encounter your first group of mobs, you will see a
path to the left, there will be a pig named Oink. Keep him
alive with you until you get to the first city. Walk to the son of
the Historian who says he lost his pig and you will receive the
bonus mission. (You can click on Oink during combat and he
will talk :D) go out the gates like you would in a normal mission,
to your left there should be a slope that leads up. Go up and
look for another slope down to the water. When you get to the
water head North until you see a wrecked ship. Near it is the
wreckage that contains the Tome. Follow the same way back
to the Historian and you will complete the Bonus, but note that
3 groups of Phantoms will come out of nowhere and attack
you on your way back.

BUG: According to sekkendou, if you have someone in your team
that has already done the quest, the kid you are supose to give
the pig to might not accept it. my best guess for a solusion is
to make the person who havn't done the quest, talk to the pig.

according to Wind from TGH, if the person in your party leaves,
the kid will take the pig. Tell him to leave after you get the
Tomb thou, because those phantoms are hard to fight...

C.2 D’Alessio Seaboard

Objectives: Place Offering to Melandru on the Shrine

Items Needed:
Offering to Melandru

When you get to the Village that’s under attack, go down
the slope and save as many villagers as you can, but make
sure you save the one at the top of the hill who is being
attacked by a boss. You don’t have to go there first since
NPC health will remain full until they get on your map.
Save him, and follow the little path way to a shortcut of
the mission, you can get through the gate because the person
you saved was the guard's brother. Follow the road and you
will come to this wooden door that opens. it leads to a White
Mantle Guard getting attacked by a group of undead mobs.
Don't exit from the door and continue while holding down Alt
to find the Offering to Melandru. Since if you drop the
Offering, it will break and you have to go back,
go help Confessor Dorian first, then come back and grab
the Offering and go to the shrine. then go to the shrine
from there. Put the Offering on the Shrine to complete
the Bonus.

C.3 Divinity Coast

Objectives: Find and escort (and save) all the chosen to

Items Needed:

On the way for the mission, you will cross a big bridge.
At the other end there will be Ettins attacking a village.
Save the NPC and you will receive the Bonus. Look south and
save a viliger there. then continue until you see a bunch of
Merchants under attack, to ur left you will find a road
leading to another villiager. Save him and escort them to
the end of the mission will complete the Bonus. When you get
to the end where you are supose to go on the platform with
the Eye, wait until the villiagers get into the villiage to
get the Bonus Exp.

Maguuma Jungle

D.1 The Wilds

Objectives: Defeat the two centaur Chieftains.

Items Needed:
Vine Seed

You will come to a 4-way road near the beginning, the forward
ward one continues the main mission, and the left and right
one is the same road and forms a circle. Take either one and
go forward until you see 2 Centaurs talking, don’t kill them until
you see the Bonus appear in your log. Pick up the Vine seed
they dropped and continue the mission. After the cut scene
showing how Vine Seeds work, a large group of Centaurs will
come and attack you. go to the direction that they came from,
stick to the east, and you will find a place to make a Vine
bridge. You will get to a place with lots of Centaurs; kill
the ones with unique name (bosses/leader) to finish the bonus.

Or if you are bad at following instructions, use the following

Red dot is where you begin

Teal dot is the cross road stated above.

Yellow dot is the place where you are supose to listen to the
2 centaurs and recieve the Bonus.

Then go back to the Teal dot and follow the yellow line.

The 2 blue dots are where the 2 pairs of tribe leaders are

D.2 Bloodstone Fen

Objectives: Awaken the druids while preserving their guardians.

Items Needed:
Vine Seeds

When you find the first bunch of Vine Seeds, take one and go back
the way you came, there will be a path to the left and in that path will
be a large, marked stone. Drop the seed on it and a Druid will
appear with the Objectives. Follow him and don’t attack any Jungle
Guardians you see (need a good party for this :P) you will soon be
at a place with more seeds and marked stones, drop the seeds on
to the 3 smalls stones, and the druids will go to the large stone and
summon a large Druid, talk to him to complete the Bonus.

D.3 Aurora Glade

Objectives: Assassinate The Demagogue.

Items Needed:

Before the final arena where you are suppose to capture all 3 crystal
stands, there is a small road to the left, go in there and save the NPC
being attacked and he will give you the Bonus. When you get into the
arena, Demagogue is in the White Mantle starting place, which is hard
to get to since the White Mantles will send troops out to capture 3
crystal stands, if they get all 3, you loose. So make sure you have at
least 2 of them under your control AT ALL TIMES! After killing off their
offensive forces, rush into their starting place and kill the Demagogue.
Be careful that if you don’t win for a long time, the game will
automatically let you win and move you on to the next part of the mission.

Southern Kryta

E.1 Riverside Province

Objectives: Take out the Watchman at each tower, so Saidra can
get the weapons through.

Items Needed:

At the beginning, head west and you will find Saidra, talk to her to
get the bonus. Go into the gates behind her and take out the enemies
on the towers there, then continue on with the mission. To finish the
bonus, you have to take out every Watchman on the towers, I still need
the specific locations of these towers… :(

E.2 Sanctum Cay

Objectives: Move Ghost to the Totem

Items Needed:

Bring the spirit to Vizir and get it to follow you. When you get to the harbor
to defend it, stick to the cliff so that Vizir wont appear. Then climb a hill
and trun right. you will see some totems and when you go behind it with
the spirit following you, you will then get the experience.

Jason Bohannon warns that in order to do the bonus, a dozen Wite Mantles
will be there when Viziar spawns, so be careful.


F.1 Dunes of Despair

Objectives: Kill the 3 Generals to gain Fame

Items Needed:
A Working Brain (:P)

At the end of the mission where you will help the King get the favour of the
gods. You have to survive for 10 minutes, but after about 5-6 minutes, the
enemies will stop attacking and then you go to all 3 directions to kill the
generals and their guards to finish the bonus.try to ignore the Worm Sieges
since they take about 2 minutes for a normal group to kill.

Dunes of Despair - Once you enter the fort, and kill the enemy ghost,
tell your ghost to hold still rather than putting him on the platform.
Run to a hill near the south wall, from there, a ranger with a
longbow [or any other max range bow] can drag the three nearby
enemies. It is important the boss be killed as close to you as
possible. Now, someone with necrotic traversal teleports to that body
[the enchanted swords do not leave bodies]. Now, that person agros'
some burrowed spiders, and runs them near the hill. Others teleport
out. Once you have a few people out, you can kill the other bosses
and swords. It is HIGHLY recommened you do not kill the final boss,
just leave him totally alone. Now, put the ghost on the platform,
this will start the 10 minute counter. Kill the final boss [bonus is
now complete]. You can easily fight your way back to the ghost before
any of the arcanists reach him.

Note: If doing the main mission as well, It is recommended the person
who runs the ghost to the platform is a protection monk, in the event
the rest of the party arrives a bit late

F.2 Elona Reach

Objectives: Revive all 3 Priests

Items Needed:

At the beginning of the mission where you get the crystal, go to the
path with the 2 Worms and bring the crystal to the blue rocks. a Priest
will appear and will follow you. Later when you are needed to get 2
crystals, get the first one which is left of the door you exit out of, take
it through a path behind this huge mountain and you will see more blue
rocks, that’s one more priest. After you get the second crystal, head
towards the Western exit of where the Ghost is and along the walls
you should see another bunch of blue rocks, that’s the 3rd Priest.

F.3 Thirsty River

Objectives: Cleans the King's Area

Items Needed:

In the last arena, the King in the middle will say how he wants
his land cleansed before he is driven away from it. Kill all 3 groups
in the arena before he is driven away and you will win the mission.
Go kill the group on the left first, then middle, then right.


They've changed the bonus, so the king is now under attack.
My group didn't save the king and completed clearing in just under
11 minutes; we still got bonus. I'm not sure if mission is bugged
while they change it, but it's over 10 minutes now.

Confirmation on the new time would be helpful. ^_^

F.4 The Dragon Lair

Objectives: Kill Glint

Items Needed:
Dragon Eggs

My favorite Bonus :D. at the end where the portal opens and
you wait to get into it to finish the mission, press Alt to see and
pick up a Dragon Egg, then Glint will attack you. If you kill her,
you complete the game and the bonus, if you die, you still complete
the misison ^_^.

Southern Shiverpeaks

G.1 Ice Caves of Sorrow

Objectives: Save the captured Dwarf.

Items Needed:

Instead of exiting the ice cave in the mission, take a path to the
right and blow up the door freeing a Dwarf. It will follow you. After
exiting the cave, you will see a group of Musraats walking in 1 direction.
Wait for them to pass and go the direction where they came from. Talk
to the dwarf and you will complete the Bonus.

G.2 Iron Mines of Moladune

Objectives: Save the inprisioned NPC

Items Needed:

-Quoting Mars Alien-

Red Dot = Start
Purple Dot = Seer (to get the cutscene and infusion bonus)
Blue Dot = Markis (main mission objective)
Green Dot = Shining Blade Ryder (person that gives the bonus)
Orange Dot = Bonus Objective

You start at the red dot and run to the Seer like a normal
infusion run, follow the red path. When you're at the Seer, follow
the yellow path past Markis (blue dot). Kill everything of the way.
When you reach the green dot, make sure every foe is dead. Accept the
bonus. Then you have to kill a Mursaat boss surrounded by 3 Mursaat
Mesmers (orange dot). When you've killed them you've completed the bonus.

You can follow the yellow path back to Markis to finish the main mission.

-End Quote-

Note: in the future i plan to have a map for every mission, ill do that
when i get that time :D

G.3 Thunderhead Keep

Objectives:Distract the Mursaats with the fire.

Items Needed:

When you reach the castle, you will be told to defend it and these torches
will appear on the ground. use them to ignite the 2 towers on the castle.
When the battle ends you will complete the bonus. No messege will be
displayed indicating that you have completed the bonus, but on the map
you will have 2 swords on the mission.

According to Jason bohannon, the beacons has to be lit fast because if not,
the Mursaats will walk to the Dwarfs outside the fort and kill them.

Ring of Fire

H.1 Ring of Fire

Objectives: Bring the Eidolon to the prophet.

Items Needed:

After you fight some Ettin, go left and cross the lava pool. In the upper
right/North direction you will find a way to the Prophet who will ask you
to kill all the tower/seal to reveal a Eidolon, kill the seal and bring
back the item it dropped and you will complete the bonus and the sear will
offer you a armour infusion.

H.2 Abaddon's Mouth

Objectives: Unknown

Items Needed:

There is a seal by a seaport where all the ships are. Once destroyed,
a ghost will be released and asks you to take her to her resting ground
which is located on a small island to the east. If you follow her and clear
the path for her so she can reach her resting ground safely (she dies easily
since her level is only 15). Then you get a message saying bonus complete.

According to Jason Bohannon, the NPC walks West when she said she wanted to go
east 0_0. He also recommanded to clear her way before actualy escorting her
because there are 2 wurms and alot of burrowers. And that if you fail to kill
the seal, she will simply thank you and disapear.

H.3 Hell's Precipice

Objectives: Kill 3 Armageddon Lords

Items Needed:

On your way to the mission, you will see the seer; he will tell
you to kill the 3 armageddon lords. Just go down the path and you will
find the 3 armageddon lords you are suppose to kill.

Jason Bohannon sent me some reasons for the "bug"

the Armageddon Lords dont spawn unless you talk to the seer, and the seer
is usualy killed by other monsters if you dont get to her fast enough, if
she dies, you dont get the bonus.

<4. Author's Note>

Hopefully you enjoyed by guide, but it is still incomplete, if you have
ANY information regarding the Bonus missions or more detailed
descriptions, suggestions, or even Constructive criticisms, feel
free to give send me an email.

Right now I am trying to make a map for Each mission. If you have a
detailed and blank (meaning no red dots) map for a mission, along
with a map WITH red dots (just take a screenshot after you are done
a mission and bonus), send them to me and I'll make a map from it.

<5. Credits>

First off, I'd like to thank ANet for making such an amazing game.
keep up the good work!

+ My friend (in game name Marthis Lithes) for helping me run
some of the bonus missions.

+ Rei Onryou from GWOnline who started the first Bonus Mission
guide i know, thanks!

+ Borisbelvaersi (who wrote the Walkthrough for GuildWars
at Gamefaq) for letting me use the Legal Statements from him (lol...)

+ Melkor from TGH forums for helping me with the Desert missions.

+ My guildies who helped me a lot :D (the Frozen Flames )

+ Cryo Akira from TGH for information on the Sanctum Cay,
Thunderhead Ring of Fire, Abaddon's Mouth bonus missions

+ Thanks to sekkendou, I was able to fix information about Gates of
Kryta, The Dragon's Lair, Ring of Fire, Abaddon's Mouth, and Hell's

+ Mars Alien gave me the map for Iron Mines of Moladun, alone with a
VERY detailed description. Thanks! Plus the correction for Gates of

+ Wind from TGH gave me additional information on the bug for Gates
of Kryta

+ Chieh-Li Lee sent me the tip about Abbadon's Mouth Mission Bonus.

+ Bethany Glaseser for correcting The Wilds

+ Jason Bohannon for correcting Ring of Fire and Abbadon's Mouth

+ Pyrosmurf26 for correcting Abbadon's Mouth as well. plus the new
info on Thirsty River.

+ Jason Bohannon for sending in ALOT of information and detailes about
the Bonus missions. :D

At last, thanks for reading this part, since these people deserve to
be known.

6. Legal Information

This Document is copyright 2005 of Chang Lu. All Guild wars content
contained is property of Arenanet and NCSOFT. Right now only
the websites listed below have the right to host this FAQ, if you
have a website and want this FAQ on it, send me an email at

Also, Marcio Severo has my permission to translate my guide into Brizilian

Please also send me an email if you found my FAQ on a site other than
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