Guild Wars

Guild Wars

17.10.2013 02:12:12
Mesmer Guide
= Guild Wars Mesmer Guide =
= Version 0.11 9/29/2005 =
= by Hahnsoo =

Send all constructive comments, corrections, and questions to
with "Guild Wars - Mesmer Guide" in your subject. All other e-mail will be
marked as spam or ignored. Do NOT send me sample builds... such things can more
easily be discussed and critiqued in the Mesmer Strategy forum at

I tend to keep this guide up-to-date weekly, coinciding with the weekly updates
to the game. You can expect a new version with more information in this Guide
on a weekly basis. The most recent version of this guide will always be at

To easily search this document, use the (gwmegXX) search terms listed in the
table of contents (with the parentheses). When I refer to another section
using the (gwmegXX) in the document, it will be in Brackets [] instead.

= Table of Contents =

1. Introduction.....................(gwmeg1)
2. Overview.........................(gwmeg2)
3. Attributes and Skills............(gwmeg3)
- 3a. Domination Magic.............(gwmeg3a)
- 3b. Fast Casting.................(gwmeg3b)
- 3c. Illusion Magic...............(gwmeg3c)
- 3d. Inspiration Magic............(gwmeg3d)
- 3e. Non-Attribute Skills.........(gwmeg3e)
4. Equipment........................(gwmeg4)
- 4a. Armor........................(gwmeg4a)
- 4b. Weapons......................(gwmeg4b)
- 4c. Foci.........................(gwmeg4c)
5. Builds...........................(gwmeg5)
- 5a. Mesmer-only Themes...........(gwmeg5a)
- 5b. Mesmer/Elementalist..........(gwmeg5b)
- 5c. Mesmer/Monk..................(gwmeg5c)
- 5d. Mesmer/Necromancer...........(gwmeg5d)
- 5e. Mesmer/Ranger................(gwmeg5e)
- 5f. Mesmer/Warrior...............(gwmeg5f)
- 5g. Mesmer as a secondary........(gwmeg5g)
- 5h. Things to Avoid..............(gwmeg5h)
6. PvE..............................(gwmeg6)
- 6a. General Mesmer Tactics.......(gwmeg6a)
- 6b. Questing.....................(gwmeg6b)
- 6c. Farming......................(gwmeg6c)
7. PvP..............................(gwmeg7)
- 7a. General Mesmer Tactics.......(gwmeg7a)
- 7b. Dealing with opponents.......(gwmeg7b)
- 7c. The Metagame.................(gwmeg7c)
8. FAQ..............................(gwmeg8)
9. Appendices.......................(gwmeg9)
- 9a. Skill List...................(gwmeg9a)
- 9b. Armor List...................(gwmeg9b)
- 9c. Collectors List..............(gwmeg9c)
- 9d. Fast Casting Chart...........(gwmeg9d)
- 9e. Mesmer PvE Checklist.........(gwmeg9e)
10. End Notes.......................(gwmeg10)

= Introduction (gwmeg1) =

The Mesmer is a class that is unique to the world of Guild Wars. Although it
borrows from classic elements of Illusion and Manipulation Magic in other
fantasy genres, the Mesmer class as a whole is a subtle combination of magic as
an artform, a force to be controlled and composed. Mesmers resemble thespians
of the classical kind, harkening back to stage actors, gypsies, and jesters.
But their magic is far from only performance art. The heart of Mesmer magic is
the control of Energy and the ability to turn an enemy's magic against itself.

The name Mesmer probably comes from the word "mesmerize", which in turn comes
from the name of German physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 – 1815), who
discovered what he called "animal magnetism" and others often called mesmerism,
the precursor to hypnosis. Indeed, the Mesmer seems to be able to manipulate
its opponents in subtle and unusual ways, similar to hypnosis.

The Mesmer is probably the most challenging class to play in Guild Wars. Many
of their strengths require much skill and quick timing on the part of the
player. If you enjoy shutting down other spellcasters, countering their every
move with subtlety and finesse, you will enjoy playing a Mesmer.

I am writing this guide as a personal challenge to create the best Mesmer guide
that I possibly can. By no means will this guide be a definitive final word,
especially for a class as complex and subtle as the Mesmer. I will do my best
to keep this guide up-to-date, but there are hundreds of ways to play a Mesmer
and thus one should read this guide with an critical, but open, mind.

Why Should I Play a Mesmer?
* Not only do Mesmers have great Energy Regeneration (just like the other
spellcasting classes), they also have many skills for Energy management,
giving them the ability to replenish their Energy almost at will.
* Mesmers have the largest number of interrupts, allowing them to disrupt other
people's skills with ease.
* Mesmers have a large number of Damage Over Time (DOT) spells, including the
iconic DOT spell, Conjure Phantasm. DOT spells ignore armor, making them very
useful for weakening heavily armored opponents.
* Mesmers have the unique primary attribute of Fast Casting, which allows them
to cut down on the long casting times of many spells.
* Mesmers have excellent Hex and Enchantment removal, giving them a leg up on
enemies that rely too heavily on spells.
* The long-lasting Mantras are some of the best stances in the game.
* Mesmers make an excellent secondary profession, as many of their spells have
great utility for any build.

Why Shouldn't I Play a Mesmer?
* Mesmers have the worst armor in the game, tied with Monks. They are quite
vulnerable to both physical and elemental attacks, although damage can be
reduced by the various protective Mantras that they have.
* While Mesmers do have a few high-damage spells, overall they will inflict
less damage per second than other classes. Their main utility is preventing
damage or healing by stopping enemy spellcasters, rather than dealing out
large amounts of damage.
* While Fast Casting is sometimes useful, it is not as beneficial as other
primary attributes. You have to sink many points into Fast Casting to notice
a substantial improvement, and there is only one skill linked to it.
* Mesmers lack a good self-heal compared to most other classes. Only the
Elementalist has worse self-healing capability.
* Several Mesmer skills do not appear to be useful without a lot of thought and
experience in playing a Mesmer. It is the least straight-forward of all the
classes in Guild Wars.
* Using interrupts requires split-second timing and a careful eye, which gives
the Mesmer a steep learning curve compared to other classes.
* In the holy trinity of "Fighter/Healer/Mage", Mesmers are often ignored, as
most people are looking for either a Monk or an Elementalist. This is less
true in PvP (where Mesmers really shine in shutting down PC spellcasters),
but it can be difficult to find a group to do missions and quests in PvE.
* The Mesmer /dance emote leaves something to be desired, unless you are a big
fan of Riverdance. *grin*

= Overview (gwmeg2) =

Mesmers have the following characteristics and attributes:
* Energy Regen +4 (+2 default, +2 from armor)
* Domination Magic - linked to skills that interrupt or cause damage
* Fast Casting - only one skill, decreases Casting Time for all spells
* Illusion Magic - linked to DOT hexes, enchantments
* Inspiration Magic - linked to Energy-related skills, Mantras

Fast Casting is the primary attribute of a Mesmer, and is exclusive to the
Mesmer as a primary class. All of the rest are given to secondary class

The majority of Mesmers use canes/staves as a main weapon, possibly with an
off-hand focus for Energy. Illusion Magic is used to apply Damage Over Time
(and other) hexes, while Domination Magic is used to interrupt or punish the
opponent for using particular skills. Inspiration Magic is used either for
recovering Energy or for Mantras, which can protect or enhance the Mesmer's
abilities. Fast Casting is used to improve all of the Mesmer's magic.

= Attributes and Skills (gwmeg3) =

In this section, I will discuss each attribute, and highlight a few useful
skills linked to that attribute.

- Domination Magic (gwmeg3a) -

Domination Magic spells are the staple spells used by most Mesmers to interrupt
and directly damage opponents. With a few exceptions, the spells in the
Domination line fall into two categories, Interrupts and Punishment. While
most of the Domination spells focus on shutting down spellcasters, there are a
few spells that work well against warriors as well.

The great thing about interrupts is that they work perfectly as intended without
any points invested in Domination Magic. When you use them, they still stop a
spell or skill cold. However, interrupts take an attentive mind and good
reflexes to use regularly. A good overall knowledge of the game, specifically
the spells that are commonly cast by each spellcaster class and the casting
times associated with each spell, helps immensely.

The two main interrupts in the Domination line are Power Leak and Power Spike.
Power Spike has a slightly faster cooldown time, but Power Leak may be useful in
preventing the opponent from casting subsequent spells. Both only cost 10
Energy, and have an extremely quick casting time. You can't go wrong with
either or both of these.

Cry of Frustration interrupts any skill (not just spells) and does its magic
in a small area of effect. It's rather expensive for an interrupt, weighing in
at 15 Energy. The damage is small, but it's there, and the cooldown is a bit
on the long side. Still, it's one of the few ways you can stop a Troll Unguent
or Res Signet from going off. As of the 8/25/05 Update, Cry of Frustration has
the same Casting Time as any other interrupt.

Power Block (Elite) is probably the "ultimate" interrupt, as it not only
interrupts a spell, but it blocks the caster from casting a spell linked to the
same attribute for several seconds. It has a long cooldown and large Energy
cost of 15. It should probably be used to shutdown Aeromancers and Healing
Monks in PvP (who tend to bring several "clumps" of skills linked to the same

There are two interrupts that are NOT in the Domination line, mostly because
they drain Energy. Leech Signet and Power Drain are two Inspiration Magic
spells that do just as an effective job at interrupting as its Domination Magic
cousins. Leech Signet has a very long cooldown, but it interrupts any skill,
much like Cry of Frustration. Best of all, it costs no Energy. Power Drain
costs an efficient 5 Energy. It also has a long cooldown time of 25 seconds,
though, but it gives you some Energy back when the spell is interrupted.

Punishment spells are the main damaging spells of the Mesmer class. They do
Chaos damage and also ignore armor, making them quite effective against any
opponent. Most of the Punishment spells follow the motif of "if you do this
action, then you take damage". Alternatively, some of them fall into the
category of "if you fulfill a certain condition, then you take damage." Most
Punishment spells suffer from long casting times and cooldowns, although there
are a few exceptions.

Punishment spells in PvE work more as damaging spells than as spell prevention,
as monsters are rarely "smart" enough to stop using skills or doing actions that
trigger the punishment damage. Empathy and Backfire in particular are great for
applying damage to Warriors/Rangers and Spellcasters, respectively, because they
do large amounts of damage over a decent duration.

PvP is a different story. Some opponents in PvP either will try to remove the
hex or they will wait out the hex's duration so that they will not trigger the
condition. Thus, you either have to interrupt their hex removal in the former
case or force them to trigger the condition in the latter case.

This Punishment spell probably deserves its own entry, as it is one of the
iconic spells of the Mesmer. Backfire has a long cooldown of 20 seconds, long
casting time of 3 seconds, and a large Energy cost of 15 seconds. However, it
does an incredible amount of Chaos damage every time an opponent casts a spell.
In PvE, Backfire can typically kill off most spellcaster monsters fairly quickly
all by itself. It is especially used to kill off the Enemy Priests in the
Thirsty River mission. Backfire may actually be TOO good, as it is well-known
to most Guild Wars players, and in PvP, people will be expecting this above all
other Hexes. Most players are smart enough to either wait out the duration or
get an ally to remove Backfire.

Wastrel's Worry
Wastrel's Worry is an interesting Punishment spell. It has a fast casting time,
low Energy cost of 5, and a very fast cooldown of 1 second. The effect is such
that if the opponent doesn't remove the Hex or use a skill within 3 seconds,
they take damage. Since most characters are constantly using skills, Wastrel's
Worry by itself sounds like a lost cause. However, it makes a great "pressure"
attack in a PvP situation when combined with Backfire or similar Punishment
skills, as either the opponent uses the skill and takes the Punishment damage
or doesn't use a skill and take Wastrel's Worry damage (which is easily cast
again). It also is a good spell to use on opponents that you've drained of all
Energy, as they typically won't be able to use skills at all.

Shatter spells
Shatter Enchantment and Shatter Hex are both Punishment spells that remove an
Enchantment and a Hex respectively, and deal damage to a target. Shatter
Enchantment is probably the more useful of the two, since nearly all things
will be Enchanted at some point or another, while Shatter Hex does significantly
more damage to an area-effect. Shatter Hex also has a much faster cooldown...
bring Shatter Hex along if you know you are going to be facing Mesmers,
Necromancers, and the occasional Hydromancer (Ice Golems/Imps in particular like
to toss out Rust and Deep Freeze).

Shatter Delusions is an interesting variant on this theme. It removes a Hex on
an enemy, and deals damage to that enemy. You can use this to deal an
additional "kicker" of chaos damage at the end duration of one of your Hexes. It
will always hit the last Hex that you cast on the enemy, so be sure to time it
carefully to get the most damage out of both the Hex that you cast and Shatter
Delusions. One common use of Shatter Delusions is to end Phantom Pain earlier,
to take advantage of its "Deep Wound" effect.

Other Utility Skills

Arcane Thievery
Arcane Thievery is a spell in the Domination Magic line that steals a random
spell from your targeted oppoenent, disabling that spell for them and granting
it to you. It has a modest Energy cost of 10, and a quick casting time, along
with a fairly quick cooldown (which is usually exceeded by the effect of this
spell). Note that you can ONLY steal spells (which makes this mostly useless
against Rangers and Warriors) and the spells that are stolen are not based off
of your enemy's attributes, but your own. Thus, if you steal a Meteor spell
from an enemy Elementalist, it will do a small amount of damage unless you also
have a high level Fire Magic attribute. This makes Arcane Thievery mostly
useless in PvE. It has limited utility in PvP as well, but sometimes you can
really wreck an opposing spellcaster by removing one of his/her more valuable
spells in the skillbar. I usually consider this a "lesser" version of the next
skill in this discussion, Blackout...

Blackout shuts down ALL of your opponent's skills, but at a cost of your own
skills being shut down for 5 seconds. The key to using Blackout (other than a
high Domination Magic attribute to maximize the duration) is to minimize the
penalty against yourself while applying Blackout to the opponent that will be
hurt the most by losing all skills.

Blackout costs a reasonable 10 Energy, has a 1 second casting time, and a 10
second cooldown. This means that without some sort of adjustments, you won't
be able to continually Blackout an opponent. Also, Blackout is a generic skill
and NOT a spell, so it can't be copied by Arcane Echo. It can be copied by
Echo (Elite), however, and it is affected by the Ranger's Expertise attribute.
Being a skill, it can't be countered like a normal spell, and it cannot be
removed like a Hex or Enchantment.

Chaos Storm
Chaos Storm is the Mesmer's answer to the Elementalist Area of Effect (AoE)
spells like Maelstrom and Firestorm. For 15 Energy, it affects a small area of
enemies with Chaos damage over a period of 10 seconds. While the damage done
by Chaos Storm is less than the damage done by most other AoE spells, it is
Chaos damage (which ignores armor) and one of the few ways to affect a group
offensively with Mesmer magic. It's also a great way to shutdown enemy casters
in PvE, along with Backfire. The Priests in the Thirsty River mission in
particular fall quickly to a combination of Backfire and Chaos Storm.

This skill is the bane of the so-called "Spammable" skills out there. It adds
a considerable amount of seconds to the cooldown of the next skill used by your
opponent. It has an average Energy cost of 10, and a rapid cooldown of 10
seconds. However, the 3 second casting time hurts this particular spell, so be
sure to have points in Fast Casting. It is worth noting that Diversion does not
stop a skill from being used, but only stops the skill from being used again in
a short span of time.

It is fairly easy to wait out in PvP, due to the fact that it only lasts 6
seconds. Thus, it is best used when your opponent is already in the middle of
spamming a skill, like Barrage (Elite) or Water Trident (Elite). Diversion can
stop a Quick Shot (Elite) build cold, or Divine Boon/Draw Condition spamming.

The 9/29/05 update increased the casting time to 3 second and the cooldown to
10 seconds.

Energy Burn/Energy Surge (Elite)
Both Energy Burn and Energy Surge (Elite) are nearly identical, save for the
fact that Energy Surge (Elite) is an area-effect spell. They both take away
Energy from the target and do 8 points of damage per point of Energy lost. This
not only removes a lot of the enemy's Energy pool, but it also deals quite a lot
of damage. The 2 second casting time is a bit of a pain, along with the 20
second cooldown. Theoretically, you could have three of them in your skillbar,
using Arcane Echo to copy one of them, and burn all of your opponent's Energy
away while nailing him with about 300 damage... sounds great to me. Both of
these spells are decent direct damage spells for the Domination line.

Hex Breaker
Hex Breaker is an excellent skill in many respects. It is a stance (so it has
an "instant" casting time), costs only 5 Energy, and has a cooldown of 15
seconds. It has a comparable cooldown to the rest of the anti-Hex skills, but
it can't be interrupted or "distracted". Because of the instant casting time,
you can often prevent two Hexes in rapid succession by activating the
second Hex Breaker shortly after the first one is triggered and cancelled.

This skill is best used in classes that don't already have effective anti-Hex
skills (which is pretty much everything but a Monk or Mesmer). While Monks and
Mesmers probably should devote their anti-Hex slot to something that affects
all allies, Warriors and Rangers (who both lack effective anti-Hex measures)
will find this to be their best anti-Hex skill. While Hex Breaker won't stop a
determined Mesmer, it often mitigates the initial brunt of a Hex combination.

The main problem with this skill is the fact that it is a stance, and thus
carries an opportunity cost. You can only use one stance at a time, and using
Hex Breaker means that you won't have Physical Resistance or Distortion up and
running. Still, this also means that it receives Ranger Expertise reductions,
and it is an excellent way to maintain the "while in a stance" modifiers on
magical items, due to its inherently long duration.

The 8/25/05 Update lowered the duration on Hex Breaker to 15-75-90 seconds, but
this is still pretty lengthy.

The 9/29/05 update increased the cooldown time to 15 seconds, reducing its
utility for preventing several Hexes in a row.

- Fast Casting (gwmeg3b) -

Fast Casting is mostly a passive attribute, reducing the time that it takes to
cast your spells. A full table is found in the Appendices, [gwmeg9d]. It takes
quite a bit of points in Fast Casting to utilize it to its full potential. If
you find yourself using spells with long casting times, it may be worthwhile to
make that point investment.

Fast Casting is the raison d'etre of the Mesmer primary class. While folks who
dabble in a Mesmer secondary or have no points in Fast Casting may be able to
trigger the same effects as a Fast Casting Mesmer, a Fast Casting Mesmer does
it better, and will be more useful for his/her comrades. Fast Casting means
faster Hexing, faster interrupts, and faster Energy draining, and when the
spells start flying, you'll want to be the one who can do the job quicker and
more efficiently.

Mantra of Recovery (Elite)
There is only one skill linked to Fast Casting, and that is Mantra of Recovery
(Elite). It is a stance, as almost all Mantras are, and it costs quite a bit
of Energy to use. Unlike most of the Mantras, this stance has a relatively
short duration, and it only serves one purpose: it halves the cooldown time of
your spells. This makes it similar to the Ranger skill, Quickening Zephyr, but
without the associated 30% increase in Energy costs. The short duration pretty
much kills this particular stance, and thus it is probably not a good Elite to
pick for your toolbar, especially with so many other useful stances like
Distortion and Physical Resistance.

- Illusion Magic (gwmeg3c) -

Illusion Magic is a different avenue of damage available to a Mesmer. Most
Illusion hexes are Damage over Time spells, applying pips of Health Degen
rather than straight damage numbers.

Illusion Magic also has several utility spells that are unique to the grouping,
including some of the best Snares in the game.

Damage over Time (DoT) spells
Mesmers are well-known for their ability to quickly apply Health Degen through
DoT spells. Conjure Phantasm is one of the first spells you get in the game as
a Mesmer (primary or secondary), and just a few points of Illusion Magic makes
this particular hex a very powerful killing tool in the early PvE game. While
the increased Health of later enemies in PvE reduce the utility of Conjure
Phantasm and other DoT spells, they still penetrate armor which can make it
useful in both the late-game PvE and PvP.

Remember that DoT maxes out at -10 Degen, and also that the final Degen is the
sum total of all Health Degen and Regen (making Degen above -10 useful at times
against Troll Unguent and Healing Breeze).

Conjure Phantasm is one of the iconic skills of the Mesmer, and it does the most
Health Degen out of the Illusion Magic DoT spells. It doesn't take many points
to be effective at using this spell, and it has a quick casting time and fast

Phantom Pain has a longer cooldown and casting time, and does less DoT damage.
However, it has the interesting and unusual effect of applying a Deep Wound
when it ends. One combo to end it prematurely is to apply a Shatter Delusions,
causing more "kicker" damage and quickly applying that Deep Wound effect.

Migraine (Elite) takes up your Elite slot, but combines both DoT and the effect
of Arcane Conundrum, all for the same cost as Phantom Pain. It is quite
efficient, and it increases your ability to interrupt other people's spells.

Crippling Anguish (Elite) also does some damage over time, and is quite an
effective snare to boot. It does take up your Elite slot, however, and the
cooldown and 15 Energy cost may be a bit high for its effect.

Illusion Magic has three useful snares, Imagined Burden, Ethereal Burden, and
Crippling Anguish (Elite). Crippling Anguish (Elite) applies Damage over Time,
as stated above, and is a great way to combine DoT with snaring. Ethereal
Burden is expensive, like Crippling Anguish, and has an unbearably high casting
time and cooldown, but it gives back the Energy at the end of the fixed 10
second duration, which may make it a more Energy-efficient snaring skill.
Imagined Burden is the typical snaring skill, with a reasonable Energy cost,
Casting time, and duration for its effect, and is probably the snare of choice.

Other Utility skills

This stance is very similar to the Ranger and Warrior defensive stances, as it
gives you a 75% chance to dodge an attack. Each time this happens, though, you
lose some Energy, making it impractical to use against multiple opponents.
However, you can use it to dodge the attacks of a single Warrior attacking you.
It has a very short duration and an equally short cooldown. Most Mesmers spam
this skill while trying to get away from their opponent as the 5 Energy cost,
while cheap, is not sustainable over an extended duration of time.

Illusion of Haste
The only sprint skill for the Mesmer, Illusion of Haste provides a substantial
boost to speed, and removes the Crippled condition as well. It applies the
Crippled condition at the end of its duration of 5-10 seconds, but with the low
cooldown, you can keep using it to remove the Crippled condition that you gain
from the end of it, as long as you can keep up your Energy cost. It's a good
way to either retreat from combat or rush to an objective or through an area.

Illusion of Weakness
One of the few self heals available to a Mesmer, Illusion of Weakness is an
enchantment that initially does damage to you, but if you are reduced to below
25% Health, it gives back the same amount in healing. It works great as an
"emergency heal" of sorts, although it is a temporary solution at best, like
the Warrior's Endure/Defy Pain skills. If Illusion of Weakness is dispelled,
you still get healed as it heals you when it ends, regardless of whether it
ended from dropping below 25% Health or being stripped away. It isn't a good
spell to use in the middle of battle, but given enough preparation time, it can
give you an edge in Health. A side benefit is the fact that it's an enchantment
and thus it can potentially last several minutes (as there is no set duration
for this enchantment), giving you the benefit of the "while enchanted" mod for
a very long time.

Illusionary Weaponry (Elite)
This is probably one of the most controversial skills among Mesmers, as it is a
sort of one-trick pony that is both effective and easily countered. There are
many long arguments as to how useful this skill really is, but most of it just
boils down to personal preference.

Illusionary Weaponry (Elite) does Chaos damage instead of your regular damage on
every swing of a melee attack. It instantly turns your character into a melee
specialist, as Illusionary Weaponry always hits for a set amount of damage (34
points of damage at Illusion Magic of 12), regardless if you are blinded or
your target is evading/blocking. Every time you swing, whether or not you hit
or miss, it does 34 points damage. You'll never do a critical hit, but you'll
never have that damage reduced by armor, either. Because it is an enchantment,
and the duration is slightly less than the cooldown time, you might either want
to bring skills to reduce the cooldown time or have an "of Enchantment"
suffixed weapon to increase the duration of the spell. Another option is to use
Arcane Echo to copy it, thus giving you a second version to use to buffer the

Also, you will want to use the fastest weapon you can get your hands on, which
is either a sword or an axe. Damage range doesn't matter, as Illusionary
Weaponry substitutes its damage for your weapon's damage. Since the weapon
doesn't actually deal any damage, you won't gain any Adrenaline, which is a
disadvantage for Warrior secondaries. Despite this, most IW specialists are
Warrior secondaries, to take advantage of Flurry and Cyclone Axe.

As with other Elites, this skill precludes your use of any other Elite skill in
your skillbar. However, you should keep it in mind if find yourself in melee
combat often.

Soothing Images/Sympathetic Visage
There are two spells in the Illusion line that are specifically designed to
shutdown Warriors. Soothing Images is an Area-Effect Hex that prevents the
targets from gaining Adrenaline. Sympathetic Visage is an enchantment that
causes opponents trying to hit the target in melee to lose Adrenaline and some
Energy. Sympathetic Visage is best used on the focused target of a group attack,
which is often the team's Monk in PvP. It can be used defensively on yourself
when you find yourself focused by Enemy warriors. Soothing Images best used on
Warriors as they are charging in, before they start gaining Adrenaline by
attacking, but it probably has less utility than Distortion (which prevents the
attacks altogether) or Signet of Midnight (Elite)/Ineptitude (Elite) (the two
Blind condition skills available to a Mesmer).

The 9/29/05 update increased the Energy cost of Soothing Images to 15.

- Inspiration Magic (gwmeg3d) -

Inspiration Magic is mostly used for helping the Mesmer rather than harming the
Mesmer's foes. In this line, you will find various spells for Energy
reclamation, stances (called Mantras) which aid in defense or spellcasting in
some way, and spells which remove Enchantments and Hexes. There are even two
interrupts, Leech Signet and Power Drain.

In general, you don't need to put many points into Inspiration Magic to get a
beneficial effect out of it. This makes the Inspiration Magic line an ideal
place to "dip" into for non-Mesmer primaries with a Mesmer secondary.

Energy Reclamation
There are many skills in the Inspiration Magic line that allow you to regain
Energy in some way, usually as a side effect tacked onto a different action of
the spell. For example, Drain Enchantment allows you to remove an Enchantment
from a target while gaining Energy at the same time.

Leech Signet and Power Drain are discussed in the Domination Magic section along
with the rest of the Interrupts, but they both are great ways to give you back
some Energy.

Some highlights among the Energy Reclamation skills in Inspiration Magic:

This is a cheap Energy management skill that draws Energy from nearby enemies.
Since the radius of this effect is very close (no more than the radius of a
typical AoE spell), it isn't very useful for most primary Mesmers, as a typical
primary Mesmer is not supposed to be so close to the enemies. However, this
spell excels with just a few points of Inspiration magic when combined with
other classes. Point-blank Area of Effect spells are great combined with
Channeling, as you are likely to be near many enemies when activating these
spells like Symbol of Wrath or Aftershock. You also can get up-close and
personal with many of the Touch range spells like Vampiric Touch, making
Channeling more useful.

Energy Tap/Energy Drain (Elite)
Energy Tap is the earliest Energy management skill that a Mesmer learns in the
PvE game. It has a cheap Energy cost, as one would expect from an Energy-gain
spell, and gives a net Energy gain even at 0 Inspiration Magic. The main
problem with Energy Tap is the long casting time, a lengthy 3 seconds. It is
obviously best used with several ranks of Fast Casting. While this skill is the
first spell that I would recommend for Energy management in any build, I would
also warn that if you find yourself relying on Energy Tap too often, you might
want to consider the possibility that you are burning through your Energy too
quickly with your current playing style and skill selection.

Energy Drain is the Elite cousin of Energy Tap, and does not have the lengthy
casting time which is the disadvantage of Energy Tap. It is Elite, so it can't
be used with other Elites. The Energy gain is slightly higher as well.

The 9/29/05 update changed these spells by reducing the amount of Energy lost
by the target while increasing the amount of Energy gained by the caster.

Ether Lord
Ether Lord is an interesting spell. It only has a stated cost of 5 Energy,
which is misleading as part of the effect of the spell is to drain your Energy
entirely. It is one of the few spells that cause Energy degen. In effect, it
is like Life Siphon for Energy instead of Life, drawing Energy away from your
opponent and giving it to you. Because most folks have up to 4 pips of Energy
regeneration, at the top end, Ether Lord puts a world of hurt on your enemy for
a short duration, while granting you faster Energy regen at the same time.

The ideal time to cast this spell is when your Energy reserves have bottomed out
and thus the "Lose all Energy" effect doesn't hurt you much. Several builds
rely on maintained Enchantments (such as Protection Monks), and using Ether Lord
on them could put their precious maintained Enchantments in jeopardy as they
fail to maintain the upkeep.

Inspired Enchantment/Inspired Hex
Both of these spells remove a spell and give you Energy. The interesting side
effect of these spells is that they also give you the Enchantment or Hex that
was removed, so you can temporarily use those skills as if they were your own,
for 20 seconds. Sadly, the stolen Enchantment or Hex is based on your own
attributes rather than the attributes of the caster, so unless you are facing
another Mesmer, the "stolen" spell probably will be very weak.

Still, they both have cheap Energy costs, and give you some Energy back, with
more Energy given at higher ranks of Inspiration Magic. With an effective
"cooldown" of 20 seconds, they cycle quickly enough for use as a main Hex or
Enchantment stripper.

Other Skills

Ether Feast
At a casting cost of 5 Energy, Ether Feast is a cheap and fast self-heal skill.
This is a good thing, because Ether Feast is practically a Mesmer's ONLY self-
heal skill (Illusion of Weakness is the other alternative). While it requires
a target and thus can only be used in combat, Ether Feast heals a decent amount
and draws 3 Energy from your opponent, making it a mediocre Energy sapping spell
as well. Because it is the primary Mesmer's only self-heal, I'd recommend using
this spell in most Mesmer builds, but only if you do not have a better self-heal
available from your secondary class.

The 9/29/05 update decreased the energy drain to 3 (from 5).

The Mantras of Resistance
There are two Mantra stances that add armor, Physical Resistance and Elemental
Resistance. They both add +40 Armor, which reduces their respective damage
types by half. However, Physical Resistance lowers your Elemental Armor, while
Elemental Resistance lowers your Physical Armor. In general, these stances
probably have more utility than the Mantras of the Elements. They have very
long durations, even with no points in Inspiration Magic, and they cost a paltry
10 Energy. You can use Physical Resistance to make a W/Me even more of a tank
than it already is, or use Elemental Resistance to help buffer the damage from
Hydras, Drakes, and Aeromancers. Because of the extremely long duration of
these stances, the "while in a stance" modifiers benefit greatly.

The Mantras of the Elements
There is one Mantra for each kind of Elemental Damage. They provide a percent
reduction (rather than increased armor level) in damage from one specific type
of Element. The main question to ask when deciding on a Mantra of an Element
is "Will this help me more than Elemental Resistance?". In most cases,
Elemental Resistance will be the more versatile and superior option, but you
may be in an area where the Energy gain from taking the elemental damage will
be much more noticable (Ice Imps/Fire Imps and Hydras come to mind).

The 8/25/05 Update lowered the cost of the Mantras of the Elements to 10 Energy
instead of 15 Energy.

Signet of Humility
This signet has only one purpose, and that is to shut down an Elite skill for
1-12-16 seconds. It has a long 2 second casting time not reduced by Fast
Casting and a 20 second cooldown time. The list of must-stop Elite skills is
surprisingly small, especially in PvE. To get the most benefit out of this
signet, you need to be able to support it with some other skill, namely Echo
(Elite) or Keystone Signet (Elite) or perhaps Mantra of Inscriptions. Still,
even in PvP, this signet has very limited utility due to its long casting time
and limited use. I'd leave this one at town.

The 8/25/05 Update linked this Signet to Inspiration Magic.

- Non-Attribute Skills (gwmeg3e) -

There are also a few oddball skills that aren't linked to any Attributes. These
include some interesting Signets and the two "Copycat" skills that are used to
duplicate spells or skills.

Arcane Echo/Echo (Elite)
Mesmers have two "copy" spells which allow you to duplicate a spell or skill
that you have in your skillbar. Arcane Echo only works for spells, has a fairly
high Energy cost, and a long casting time, and it fails prematurely if you use a
non-spell skill. Despite the drawbacks, the possibilities linked to Arcane Echo
make it an effective tool. Imagine double Meteor Showers or double Chaos
Storms. Also, you can use it to "reduce" the cooldown of a long cooldown spell
by having another copy of the spell to use.

Echo (Elite) is the Elite version of Arcane Echo, and it works for any skill.
It is far more Energy-efficient and quicker to cast. The only problem is that
it's an Elite, and thus takes up your Elite slot. Still, with Echo, you can
copy all sorts of fancy skills like Debilitating Shot or Blackout.

Arcane Mimicry
This unusual skill allows you to "borrow" a friend's Elite skill for several
seconds. This makes Mesmers the only class to consistently utilize multiple
Elites, and thus they are able to make combinations of several Elite skills.
For example, you can borrow Illusionary Weaponry (Elite) from a Mesmer friend
and use it with Hundred Blades (Elite) to deal lots of damage. Note that the
skill that is borrowed uses your own attributes rather than your ally's, so
if you borrow a skill that is highly dependent on an attribute that you don't
have (say, a Water Trident (Elite) when you aren't a secondary Elementalist),
you will get a weak copy of that ability. While the description of Arcane
Mimicry states that it only copies Elite SPELLS, it actually can copy any Elite
skill, including non-spell skills.

Signet of Midnight (Elite)
At first glance, this Signet doesn't seem to provide a whole lot of benefit. At
zero Energy, it can blind an opponent for 15 seconds, but you are also blinded,
and it's an Elite as well, taking up your Elite slot. However, it is a great
way to quickly shut down an incoming warrior. Since the duration and the
cooldown are identical, the Signet can be used practically indefinitely on a
single opponent. You can also combine this with certain skills to either
transfer the Blind condition to someone else, or spread the Blind condition to
others, giving a "group" Blind. For example, you can use this Signet along
with Plague Touch (a Necromancer skill) to shut down two separate Warriors.

However, since Blind is a condition, it can easily be removed by Mend Ailment
or Antidote Signet, so keep that in mind. Also, Signet of Midnight is Touch
range, making it less useful against Rangers. Ineptitude (Elite) might be a
better choice for ranged opponents.

= Equipment (gwmeg4) =

- Armor (gwmeg4a) -

In general, Mesmer armor appears stylish, and in some cases risque and alluring
on the female side. However, Mesmer "armor" is not very protective, similar to
the sets worn by Monks and Elementalists. You aren't going to be a frontline
tank with just your armor (although skills such as Physical Resistance can give
you a surprising edge in this regard).

Body Armor Sets

Stylish Set
The Stylish armor set has no bonuses or penalties. It is generally cheaper in
materials than the other armor sets, but there's no reason to get this armor
unless you receive it from a collector (practically free!) or you can't afford
the other sets.

Enchanter's Set
The Enchanter's Set gives bonus energy, which is always a great benefit, making
the Enchanter's Set often the set of choice for many Mesmers.

Rogue's Set
The Rogue's Armor set provides an additional +10 AL vs. Physical damage, at the
cost of some Energy. It is probably the best set for a Me/W who is intending
to do a lot of melee fighting, but not a great choice for other Mesmers because
of the Energy hit.

Noble/Performer's/Virtuoso's Set
All of these armors give a bonus +15 Armor Level when casting spells. While the
extra armor level is appreciated, the condition for gaining it is not as
frequent as needed during most combats. Still, it's better than no bonuses.

Oddly enough, the bonus Armor Level for casting is a global protection as long
as you have at least one piece of this set. Thus, for optimal protection, you
could wear one piece of this set and combine it with other sets, and still have
the maximum +15 AL against all attacks and Elemental spells.

Each Mesmer mask offers a bonus to a different Mesmer attribute. The Sleek
Mask, for example, adds +1 to Fast Casting. In general, it is wise to choose
a mask that gives a bonus to your highest attribute, or the attribute that is
used most frequently in your character.

List of Masks:
Animal Mask +1 bonus to Inspiration Magic
Costume Mask +1 bonus to Illusion Magic
Discreet Mask No bonus
Imposing Mask +1 bonus to Domination Magic
Sleek Mask +1 bonus to Fast Casting

Mesmer Runes can be socketed in Mesmer Armor (and as a side note, you can ONLY
use runes of your primary class/armor). A Minor Rune increases a skill by one,
a Major Rune increases a skill by two and subtracts -50 from maximum health,
and a Superior Rune increases a skill by three and subtracts -75 from maximum
health. In general, it's NOT a good idea to stack multiple Major/Superior
runes, as it will make your character too fragile for combat. Stick with a
single Major/Superior rune for your character, if at all.

Runes that modify the same attribute do NOT stack. Only the highest bonus
applies. Thus, you won't gain more than a +1 bonus from having two identical
Minor runes, nor will you get a +3 to an attribute from having a Major and a
Minor rune for that attribute.

Runes can be used (similar to Masks) to increase your attributes above the
in-game limit of 12, and can also be used to offset points from an attribute
at the high end. Due to diminishing returns and the exorbitant cost of an
attribute above 8, the points saved by using runes can easily shore up the
points in other attributes, especially secondary class attributes.

There is no reason NOT to use Minor runes for all of the Mesmer attributes that
you are using, so be sure to seek out and collect the Minor runes that you
need. I find that most Minor runes go for 100-300 gold in-game from sellers.

Also, be sure to invest in a Vigor rune of some sort (which can be used by all
classes). A Minor Rune of vigor gives +30 to maximum health, a Major Rune of
Vigor gives +41 to maximum health, and a Superior Rune of Vigor gives +50 to
maximum health. Not only can these runes offset your health loss from Major/
Superior runes, but they provide more survivability and staying power for your

- Weapons (gwmeg4b) -

Cane/Staff Damage Equations
This is based on the excellent work done by SonOfRah, but it is subject to
change. This information is accurate and tested as of June 2005. For a more
detailed look at damage, check out SonOfRah's guide at:

The basic equation for Cane/Staff Damage is as follows:
Actual Damage = (Base Damage) x (Bonuses) x (Character Level vs. Armor Level)

The Base Damage is picked from the effective damage range of the cane/staff.
For a max damage cane/staff, this range is between 11-22. Actual damage for the
attack is based on a complex equation, but a couple of general rules apply:
* Each character level offsets 3 points of Armor Level. You have a "baseline"
value of 3 times your Character Level. If this value is equal to the AL of
your target, then you do 100% damage, the full damage of your weapon.
* Every 40 points of Baseline value above the Armor Level of the target doubles
your damage. Every 40 points of Baseline value below the Armor Level of the
target halves the damage. For example, Healing Signet causes one to take
double damage because it reduces armor level by 40.
* Damage from Canes and Staves are NOT linked to any attribute. They are based
solely on character level.

The behavior of Armor Level versus Character Level can be modeled with this
Damage = Base Dmg x 2^{([Level * 3] - Armor Level)/40} x Bonuses

Customization bonuses are multiplied with this along with the Armor Level
calculation. All damage is rounded to the nearest integer. Mesmer Canes and
Staves all do Chaos damage, and as far as I know, they are not reduced by
Elemental Resistances nor are there vulnerable targets against Chaos damage.

Hit Locations
Guild Wars uses a Hit Location system. This means that each piece of armor has
a chance of being struck individually, rather than an abstract armor level from
the pieces summed as a whole. In general, these are the percentages:
* Chest is hit 37.5% of the time.
* Leggings is hit 25% of the time.
* Feet, Gloves, and Head are hit 12.5% of the time.

These percentages are augmented by positioning. I.E. Being above a target will
be more likely to hit the head. It is said that hitting the head provides an
increased or automatic chance for critical hits, but this has not been

Critical Hits
Critical Hits always do maximum base damage of the weapon. They also give the
equivalent of -20 Armor Level reduction, increasing your damage by 41.42%.
While the exact percentage of critical hits from a wand/staff aren't known (as
they are not based on a weapon attribute), it is known that every 5 levels you
are above the target doubles your critical hit chance, and every 5 levels below
a target halves your critical hit chance.

Situational Damage
Attacking from the flanks of a target gives a 5% damage bonus, while attacking
directly behind a target gives a 10% damage bonus. Also, the opponent will not
get the benefit of a shield when attacked from behind or the flanks.

Attacking from higher ground grants a 15% damage bonus, and increases your
range somewhat.

Attacking from a lower position has a greater likelihood of hitting the legs
and feet. No damage bonuses are known for this position. Being lower than
your target reduces your range somewhat.

If an attack is a critical hit, then extra damage from positioning is ignored.

Bonus Damage from Skills
The bonus damage from skills is generally applied AFTER all armor and damage
percentage bonuses from the weapon are calculated into the equation. However,
there are really no skills which do additional cane/staff damage for a Mesmer.

Damage Absorb
Absorption provided from Runes of Absorption, certain item properties (Received
damage -2, for example), and Ascalon/Knight's armor is directly subtracted from
the damage after all armor and damage percentage bonuses are applied, similar
to the bonus damage done by skills. When up against non-Warriors, very few
things give a Damage Absorption bonus. Damage Absorption is mostly in the
realm of primary Warriors, who have Knight's/Ascalon Armor which gives a -2
Damage Absorb, Absorption runes (from -1 to -3 Damage Absorb), and magical
Damage Absorb mods on shields. You will usually face between -3 to -8 Damage
Absorb on any particular warrior. Damage Absorb from a shield applies to all
damage done to the target, even cutting back on damage that ignores armor and
Elemental attacks.

Damage over Time
The Damage over Time done by Hexes such as Conjure Phantasm are at a rate of -2
Health per second per "pip" of degeneration, up to a maximum of 10 "pips", or
-20 Health per second. This is not reduced by armor nor are there any
bonuses/penalties that augment this rate. Conditions and Hexes stack with each
other but not themselves. The final Health Degeneration is determined by the
sum of all the Health Regeneration bonuses and the sum of all the Health
Degeneration penalties, so while you cannot go below 10 pips of Health Degen,
you can apply more health degen to offset gains from Healing Breeze, Mending,

List of Mesmer Hexes that have Health Degeneration
* Conjure Phantasm -5 pips or -10 Health per second
* Crippling Anguish (Elite) -1 to -3 pips or -2 to -6 Health per second
* Migraine (Elite) -1 to -3 pips or -2 to -6 Health per second
* Phantom Pain -1 to -3 pips or -2 to -6 Health per second

List of Health Degeneration Conditions
* Bleeding -3 pips or -6 Health per second
* Poison/Disease -4 pips or -8 Health per second
* Burning -7 pips or -14 Health per second

Getting a good Staff/Wand
The best staves and wands can be found off of the Crystal Desert and Southern
Shiverpeaks collectors. A table of many of these can be found in the Collectors
List Appendix [gwmeg9c]. There are no canes or staves that are linked to
Inspiration Magic.

There used to be a +5 Energy sword available at the Henge of Denravi, but this
was removed in the 9/7/05 update.

- Foci (gwmeg4c) -

For those folks who don't use a Staff, there are many good foci available to
increase your Energy stores. Most of the Mesmer foci fall into the category of
Inscribed Chalices/Chakrams and Jeweled Chalices/Chakrams. If you don't meet
the requirements of the Focus, then it behaves as a "starter" item (+3 to
Energy) of the same type.

Getting a good Focus
The best foci can be found off of the Crystal Desert and Southern Shiverpeaks
collectors. A table of many of these can be found in the Collectors List
Appendix [gwmeg9c].

There are Energy +10 Foci that can be crafted and bought at the Henge of Denravi
that also give Armor +5. This is a good additional bonus for Mesmers who find
themselves in melee combat or simply targeted all the time. An Me/W with this
Focus, Rogue's Set, and Physical Resistance can take several hits easily in
melee combat.

= Builds (gwmeg5) =

- Mesmer-only Themes (gwmeg5a) -

Rather than defining builds by certain skillsets, I will attempt to explain the
combinations of skills that are effective "Themes" when designing a mesmer
build. While there will be examples of full skillset builds, these are only
used for illustration purposes and should not be considered a definitive build.
The Mesmer is a complicated and versatile class on its own, and hopefully, the
sample builds and the themes will give you inspiration to create your own
effective Mesmer build.

Anti-Caster Shutdown
Mesmers shine the most when put into an anti-Caster role, as they can punish
and shutdown spellcasters with just a few hexes.

Sample Build: The highest attribute should be in Domination Magic, as that
provides the most bang for your buck against casters. Some points in
Inspiration Magic may be helpful as well.
1) Backfire - Punishment
2) Chaos Storm - PvE AoE damage
3) Power Block (Elite) - Shutdown
4) Power Leak - Interrupt
5) Guilt - Interrupt/Punish
6) Shame - Interrupt/Punish
7) Ether Feast - Self heal
8) Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Arcane Conundrum, Arcane Thievery, Migraine (Elite)

Anti-Warrior Shutdown
This theme is designed to minimize the impact of Warriors and to a lesser
degree, Rangers. By reducing the Warrior's effectiveness through anti-Adrenaline
spells and removing the Warrior's ability to hit a target, Anti-Warrior Mesmers
can easily take the Warrior out of the game until his/her teammates can deal
with them.

Sample Build:
1) Soothing Images
2) Sympathetic Visage
3) Distortion
4) Signet of Midnight (Elite)
5) Spirit of Failure
6) Spirit Shackles
7) Empathy
8) Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Clumsiness, Ineptitude (Elite)

Damage Over Time
This theme utilizes Illusion Magic to max out the Damage over Time on an
opponent. Illusion Magic excels in the early PvE game, due to the low health of
Monsters and the prevalence of good Illusion spells given to a starting Mesmer.

Sample Build: This build focuses mostly on Illusion Magic, as high as you can
afford to go.
1) Conjure Phantasm - Main skill
2) Phantom Pain - More DoT
3) Crippling Anguish (Elite) - Snare and DoT
4) Shatter Delusions - Ending Phantom Pain
5) Imagined Burden - Snare
6) Distortion - Defensive skill
7) Illusion of Weakness - Self-heal
8) Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Migraine (Elite)

Energy Thief
This theme uses skills that drain an opponent of Energy, either giving the
Energy to you or damaging the enemy in the process.

Some of these builds use Arcane Echo to copy Energy Burn or Energy Surge. Most
builds also invest a few points into Fast Casting to improve the spellcasting
speed of the Energy Burn/Surge attacks. Mind Wrack is often cast first as a
"prep", anticipating the removal of all of the opponent's Energy.

Sample Build:
1) Signet of Weariness - drain energy
2) Energy Burn - Damage, drain energy
3) Energy Surge (Elite) - Damage, drain energy
4) Mind Wrack - Damage
5) Energy Tap - drain energy
6) Power Leak - Interrupt, drain energy
7) Ether Feast - Self-heal, drain energy
8) Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Wastrel's Worry (damage them if they can't do anything),
Guilt, Shame, Energy Drain (Elite), Ether Lord

The ultimate anti-spell Mesmer, the Interrupter focuses on countering spells
and the occasional non-spell utility skill (with Cry of Frustration or Leech

Sample Build:
1) Leech Signet
2) Power Block (Elite)
3) Power Drain
4) Power Leak
5) Power Spike
6) Cry of Frustration
7) Diversion
8) Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Hex Breaker, Guilt, Shame, Migraine (Elite), Arcane

- Mesmer/Elementalist (gwmeg5b) -

The ability to combine the Mesmer's Fast Casting ability with Elementalist
spells is quite tempting. While the Elementalist primaries generally have an
Edge as far as Energy, much of this can be alleviated by Inspiration magic and
wearing the Enchanter's set of Armor (since Elementalist armor does not have an
inherent Energy bonus beyond the usual caster Energy +10). However, where the
primary Elementalist really has an edge is the fact that they can use Runes and
Headgear that augment their attributes. Getting the most out of any of the
Elementalist attributes means sinking many valuable points into maxing out a
single attribute, and even then, you will never be as effective as a primary
Elementalist at Elemental spells. You will be able to cast them faster, and
augment your Energy and Mesmer skills much more effectively.

I am a Rock
This theme focuses on the excellent Stances provided by the Mesmer line and the
defensive spells offered by the Elementalist line. In short, you can become
the "ultimate" tank.

Sample Build:
1) Spirit of Failure
2) Ward Against Melee
3) Ward Against Elements
4) Kinetic Armor
5) Armor of Earth
6) Physical Resistance
7) Elemental Resistance
8) Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

- Mesmer/Monk (gwmeg5c) -

It is said that there is no such thing as a bad Monk secondary, and it is true
with the Mesmer primary class as well. The extra Resurrect spell and healing
is very appreciated in many teams, and the Monk secondary also provides decent
self-heals, of which the Mesmer is lacking.

The Ringbearer
This unusual theme focuses on using Mantra of Inscriptions and Signets to great
effect. Since Monks and Mesmers have a large amount of Signets, you can
effectively construct a build around the use of Signet rings. It's a fun build
to play with, as you'll never really need Energy (unless there is a rare chance
of running across Primal Echoes).

Sample Build: This build mainly does damage using Smiting Prayers.
1) Leech Signet
2) Signet of Judgment (Elite)
3) Bane Signet
4) Signet of Weariness
5) Purge Signet
6) Signet of Humility
7) Mantra of Inscriptions
8) Ressurect (or Res Signet, if you really want to go with the theme)

- Mesmer/Necromancer (gwmeg5d) -

Necromancers also have good Damage over Time spells, and have several useful
hexes. A Mesmer-Necromancer combination has probably the largest arsenal of
hexes available to any single character. This also means that the Mesmer and
Necromancer combination can seem mostly redundant, but there are several unique
skills in the Necromancer line that prove to be useful.

Plague Touch/Plague Sending
Mesmers have two skills that cause conditions to themselves, Illusion of Haste
and Signet of Midnight (Elite). Plague Touch and Plague Sending allows the
Mesmer/Necromancer to take these self-applied conditions and spread them to an
opponent. This is a good combo for Signet of Midnight (Elite), especially,
since you can blind two Warriors instead of just one.

Virulence (Elite)
This skill has a cheap Energy cost, and applies both Disease and Weakness on an
enemy who already has a condition applied. There are many ways for a Mesmer and
Necromancer to apply a condition, but a good tactic is Phantom Pain followed by
Shatter Delusions, which will apply a Deep Wound. The only real problem with the
skill is the fact that it's an Elite.

Virulence apparently does three "attacks" when combined with Fragility, making
it a very powerful skill in a Fragility build. Not only would you apply the
effects of Weakness and Disease, but you'll also do a lot of damage through

Sample Build: Death Magic is kept intentionally low to have a low Virulence
1) Fragility
2) Phantom Pain
3) Shatter Delusions
4) Virulence (Elite)
5) Conjure Phantasm
6) Energy Burn
7) Arcane Echo
8) Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

The casting order is pretty much as listed in the Sample Build. Arcane Echo
can be used to copy Energy Burn, if you have the Energy. This build deals an
extreme amount of damage to the hapless target.

- Mesmer/Ranger (gwmeg5e) -

There is considerable overlap in the role of the Anti-caster Ranger and the
Anti-caster Mesmer. However, with the Ranger class, a Mesmer also gains Troll
Unguent (a great self-heal skill), along with many ways to apply conditions
through either traps or bow attacks. You can also drag a pet along to help you.

Unfortunately, a Mesmer-Ranger combination does not get access to Expertise,
which locks out many useful Ranger skills like Throw Dirt and Whirling Defense.
All in all, it is a good mix, although there are many skills that you may find
to be redundant between the two classes.

Damage over Time, Redux
While Mesmers are pretty good at dealing DoT alone, a Mesmer-Ranger has both
conditions and spells to easily apply a massive amount of DoT very quickly.
Typically, the core of this theme centers around Conjure Phantasm and Apply
Poison/Poison Arrow (Elite).

Sample Build:
1) Conjure Phantasm - Main DoT skill
2) Apply Poison - Poison preparation
3) Hunter's Shot - Bleeding
4) Epidemic - Spreading conditions
5) Distortion - Defensive skill
6) Troll Unguent - Self Heal
7) Illusion of Weakness - Self-heal
8) Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Fragility is an Illusion Magic spell that does damage whenever the hexed foe
has a condition applied or removed. Since Rangers have the greatest variety of
ways to apply conditions, Fragility can be used quite effectively with this
class combination.

Sample Build: This particular variant uses Incindiary Arrows (Elite).
Ironically, you may want to have low points in Wilderness Survival for this
build so that you maintain a 1 second burning time and thus maximize the
effectiveness of Fragility.
1) Fragility - The basis of this build
2) Pin Down - Cripple
3) Hunter's Shot - Bleeding
4) Incindiary Arrows (Elite) - Burning!
5) Barbed Trap - Cripple/Bleed
6) Dust Trap - Blind
7) Troll Unguent - Self-Heal
8) Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills - Signet of Midnight (Elite), Throw Dirt, Phantom Pain,
Concussion Shot, Crippling Shot (Elite), Spike Trap (Elite), Apply Poison,
Poison Arrow (Elite)

Mantra of Concentration/Resolve
Both of these stances are very useful to a Trapper character, since Traps are
so easily interrupted. They both also have decent duration. Use these stances
to lay down traps without fear of interruption. They are probably less useful
than a defensive stance or the Blind condition, but Trappers tend to be highly
specialized characters anyway.

Dryder's Defenses
An alternative to Distortion, Dryder's Defenses is certainly more efficient in
terms of both duration and Energy consumption. It also applies bonus Elemental
armor, useful for weathering Elementalist spells. It is linked to Wilderness
Survival (unlike most defensive stances in the Ranger line), and thus is
accessible to the canny Mesmer player.

Greater Conflagration (Elite)/Winter
Greater Conflagration (Elite) is a Ranger Nature Ritual that turns all physical
damage to Fire damage. Winter is a Nature Ritual that turns all elemental
damage to Cold. while most primary Rangers utilize specialized armor to take
advantage of these damage types, Mesmers can also take advantage of these
spirits by bringing along the appropriate Mantra or Elemental Resistance.

- Mesmer/Warrior (gwmeg5f) -

The warrior skills have very little to offer to a Mesmer. While the added
protection of the Tactics line is nice, Mesmers generally don't do well as
front-line combatants, lacking the armor and the tanking abilities of a warrior.
Still, Mesmers are always full of surprises, and there are several ways that
one can integrate Mesmer abilities with Warrior skills and melee combat.

The Illusionary Weaponry build
This is the iconic Me/W build... when you have a Me/W, this is the build that
people will expect you to use, simply because IW meshes so well with the various
Warrior skills.

Sample Build: Max out your Illusion Magic for the most damage per strike.
1) Illusionary Weaponry (Elite) - The basis of this build
2) Arcane Echo - Copy Illusionary Weaponry to buffer/extend the duration
3) Distortion - Defensive stance
4) Physical Resistance - Tanking stance
5) Flurry - Speed-up stance
6) Sympathetic Visage - Anti-Warrior Adrenaline drainer
7) Illusion of Weakness - Self-heal enchantment
8) Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills - Frenzy, Soothing Images, Cyclone Axe

Any axe or sword with an "of Enchantment" upgrade is helpful due to extending
the duration of IW.

- Mesmer as a secondary (gwmeg5g) -

Because very few people rely on Fast Casting as a primary attribute, Mesmers
make an excellent secondary class, especially for primary spellcaster classes.
The utility spells in the Mesmer line add versatility to pretty much any
spellcaster build, and there are quite a few skills that do not require much of
a point investment to be effective (like the Interrupts, for example). Another
benefit from the Mesmer skills that help nearly any primary class is the wide
selection of Energy management skills, particularly from the Inspiration line.
The long-lasting Mesmer stances often do not require much of a point investment
in Mesmer attributes, and can be used with "while in a stance" modifiers on
magical items. Finally, the Mesmer secondary class gives many anti-Hex and
anti-Enchantment skills, including the useful Hex Breaker stance.

- Things to Avoid (gwmeg5h) -

Mesmers can be a difficult class to play, at times, because to utilize them
effectively, the player needs a good grasp of all spells available to all
classes (mostly to counter them). Mesmers also have a wide variety of spells
that are attuned to different tactical situations, making them somewhat of a
Swiss Army Knife of utility spells. Here's some advice on some things to avoid
when you first start playing a Mesmer.

You can't counter everything
Because Mesmers have a versatile and wide array of skills designed to shut down
all classes, some players are tempted to try to counter everything. However,
with only 8 skill slots, this simply isn't possible. You're either going to do
a half-hearted job at shutting down a variety of people (which is easily
countered by Hex removal) or a good job at shutting down a specific group (for
example, Anti-caster or Anti-Warrior). A Mesmer who tries to counter everything
will quickly find him/herself being able to counter nothing. Focus your build
at shutting down casters, or preventing hexes, or interruption, or any of a
variety of niches that can be filled by a Mesmer.

Static Skillbar
Another common problem is trying to come up with a perfect build that you never
have to change. While it may be convenient and lazy to do so, most Mesmers
should probably take stock of their situation in either PvP or PvE and determine
the most effective skills for any given location. In other words, change up
your skills depending on the situation. If you know that there are going to be
lots of Hexes due to a high amount of Necromancers and Mesmers, then bring
along Shatter Hex and Inspired Hex. If you know that the current metagame
favors Earth magic, bring along Mantra of Earth. An adaptable Mesmer is a good
Mesmer, and Guild Wars is designed such that one can always adjust their build
to any given situation.

Don't be afraid to be a Pure Mesmer
Mesmers have a wide variety of skills and are quite versatile. While all
characters are required to carry a secondary class, you are not required to
utilize it. Some situations may call for a selection of skills from both your
Mesmer and secondary classes, but you can always go along with a Pure Mesmer
build, choosing the right skill combinations for the situation. Half of the
fun in making builds is figuring out how well a primary and secondary class can
mesh together, but concentrate on being a good Mesmer first, and worry about
your secondary when all of the basics are covered. Mixing a secondary is more
of a problem with the Ranger and Warrior subclasses than the other spellcasting

= PvE (gwmeg6) =

For a checklist guide to going through the PvE campaign, look in Appendix:
Mesmer PvE Checklist [gwmeg9e]. It lists the most efficient way to unlock all
of the Mesmer skills in the game in order.

- General Mesmer Tactics (gwmeg6a) -

Note that many of these techniques are useful in PvP as well, and are not
limited to a PvE setting (unless specified otherwise).

Focus Fire
The most efficient and effective way to deal damage to enemies is to have all
of the party members attacking a single target, typically in the order of
Healer, then Spellcasters/Archers, then Warriors. The easiest way to have
everyone attack the same target is to "Call" a target by holding down CTRL and
double-clicking on an enemy. Everyone can target the most recently called
target by pressing T, then spacebar or a hotkey to attack. Rangers are in a
good position to call targets, as they often don't have to move to attack a
target, and they generally don't have to watch health bars or the skill bar. It
is important that there is only ONE target caller... having multiple targets is
confusing and not a good idea in general.

Mesmers, however, often can benefit the team better by not focusing on the
target that everyone else is attacking, as a Mesmer can often shut down an
opponent one-on-one while the rest of the team kills a different opponent. A
good Mesmer shutdown build can stop 2-3 spellcasters or 2-3 warriors (but
probably not both). In any case, to get the maximum benefit out of hexes, it
is often best to "soften" other targets up, while the team deals with the target
that is being focused. Mesmers can also identify the most dangerous target and
solely act as a guardian, preventing the dangerous foe from using its skills.
This is often called "Babysitting".

Skill Buffering
Sometimes you want to chain several spells or skills in rapid succession. There
is a technique called "buffering" that allows you to use a skill almost
immediately after another skill. Basically, while your first skill is being
cast and "flashing", hit a second skill. The second skill won't cancel out the
first skill, and will fire off immediately after the first skill finishes. Note
that you need to have enough Energy in reserve to use the second skill to
buffer it, but the Energy isn't taken away until the skill is actually cast.

Status Reports
If you hold down CTRL and click on various places, you can relay important
information to your team. For example, holding down CTRL and clicking your
Energy bar will announce your current and maximum Energy to the team. While
doing this many times in a row can be annoying and detrimental to teamwork, it
is a quick and efficient way of telling your teammates that you have low Energy
or you are Crippled or you are using a Resurrect on a fallen teammate. Often,
you can agree ahead of time that when someone uses CTRL-click to show that he
or she has low Energy, the team will then take a breather and let the Energy
regenerate. It also avoids the confusion of multiple people Resurrecting a
fallen teammate.

- Questing (gwmeg6b) -

Pre-Searing Ascalon
The beginning of the PvE game starts you off in an easier version of the game
often called Pre-Searing Ascalon. Before you leave Pre-Searing and go into
Post-Searing, be sure you've gained your secondary class, done the Resurrect
Signet quest, and found all of the quests that give Mesmer skills:
* Mesmer Test (from Sebedoh the Mesmer outside Ascalon City gates)
* A Mesmer's Burden (from Lady Althea in Lakeside County)
* Domination Magic (from Vassar in Foible's Fair)
I would also do as many quests as you can handle, but this is purely for
experience points. One of the quests in Pre-Searing Ascalon also gives a skill
point, so you should probably complete that one as well. I typically don't
leave Pre-Searing Ascalon until I've hit at least level 7, as it will make the
going easier on the initial missions.

Gaining Skills
Remember that gaining skills as a quest reward does not cost skill points.
There are many skills that are offered by both a Trainer and a quest. It is
almost always better to get it as a quest reward than using up skill points
to buy them from a trainer. Be sure to look at your whole quest list before
you buy a skill and make sure that skill isn't on any of your rewards. Trainers
tend to only offer skills that are rewarded before you meet the trainer (i.e.
skills that you "missed"). When in doubt, delay buying the skill until you
reach the next big town. The Mesmer PvE Checklist [gwmeg9e] that I've written
in the Appendices can be helpful in this regard.

Any time you get a new skill, re-evaluate your build... is your build better
with this skill? Can you start a new build entirely? How can you best integrate
the skill into your style of play?

Capturing Elites
Starting in the Crystal Desert (the pre-Ascension missions), Mesmers can start
to capture Elite skills from the Bosses. They have a purple glowing aura around
them, and are found throughout the missions and areas after the Amnoon Oasis.
All you have to do is kill a boss, then use a Signet of Capture while you are
near its dead body. A menu will show up, and you can select a skill from the
boss's list. Elite skills are bordered in gold.

The Doppelganger battle
The Mesmer battle against the Doppelganger can be difficult without some
knowledge and preparation. Distortion will allow you to dodge the Doppelganger
bow attacks. Empathy and Backfire can be used to give the Doppelganger some
damage, while you take along worthless enchantments (like Soothing Images) to
cast on himself to trigger Backfire.

One trick to handle the Doppelganger is the fact that you can use skills on
yourself just before you enter the Doppelganger's chamber by stepping on the
third rune. Thus, you can prepare yourself with Stances and Enchantments, then
wait for your Energy to recharge before taking on the Doppelganger. A good way
to exploit this is to use Illusion of Weakness, Distortion, or Physical
Resistance just before you enter.

Illusion of Weakness can also be used to kill the Doppelganger, as it is not
triggered by DoT. Just bring Conjure Phantasm, Phantom Pain, and Illusion of
Weakness. You can use Illusion of Weakness before you enter, and regain your
Health and Energy before starting combat. Then simply lay on Conjure Phantasm
and Phantom Pain on the Doppelganger. You can use Distortion to dodge the
arrows, and if the Doppelganger uses Illusion of Weakness, it will take a lot
of damage, probably killing it in the process.

- Farming (gwmeg6c) -

= PvP (gwmeg7) =

- General Mesmer Tactics (gwmeg7a) -

PvP is where a Mesmer really shines. All of your abilities are geared toward
shutting down player-controlled opponents. You have a wide variety of tools at
your disposal to shut down casters, or weapon-users, or perhaps a little bit of
both. You have spells that ignore armor, a wide variety of interrupts, and
significant ways to manipulate Energy, both yours and your opponents.

Hex Bluffing
This "trick" relies on the fact that people generally don't pay attention to the
exact amount of damage that a Hex is doing during the heat of battle. If you
have few/no points in Domination Magic, sometimes you can bluff an opponent into
thinking that your hexes are more powerful than they really are. You cast a
common hex like Empathy or Backfire. The opponent, glancing up at the condition
monitor, sees the icon and makes a snap judgment, thinking either "I need to
get this removed" or "I'd better stop attacking/casting until this wears off".
Note that this bluff fails to work on experienced players (who often glance at
the damage of the hex while they are CTRL-clicking) or players who often use
Mesmers (oldest trick in the book), but sometimes it can just as effectively
shut someone down as if you had a high Domination Magic rating.

Bait and Switch
Another technique is to cast a moderately powerful Hex on an opponent who you
know has some Hex Removal. They use their Hex removal to remove that Hex, and
you follow up with a different Hex, effectively using the first Hex to soak
their Hex removal. Or alternatively, you can cast two Hexes in a row, your
desired Hex followed by the "buffer" Hex, as Hex removal always removes the
last Hex applied.

- Dealing with opponents (gwmeg7b) -

The first thing to do when dealing with other Mesmers is to identify what kind
of Mesmer your opponent is playing. With your own experience at playing a
Mesmer, you should quickly try to identify what sort of tactics the opponent
will be using. Remember that as a Mesmer, part of your strength is the ability
to keep your opponent guessing, and that strength will be an obstacle in facing
other Mesmers.

Once you have identified the opponent's build, you can set about countering it.
Interrupts are always an option to counter Hexes and other spells, and even with
Fast Casting, there's a window for you to interrupt a Mesmer. Hex Breaker is
the ideal counter-stance against most Hexes that are tossed at you, while Guilt
and Shame combined with Energy denial can keep your opponent bogged down.
Shatter Enchantment and similar anti-enchantment spells are needed to take out
IW specialists.

Remember, though, the same defenses you can use against other Mesmers are going
to be used against you. Expect Hex Breakers and Shatter/Inspired Hexes when
facing other Mesmers (especially Mesmer secondaries). The pure spell duels
between two Mesmers are a sight to behold, as they are difficult tests of
subterfuge and skill.

Rangers are a tricky opponent to face in PvP, as they are quite versatile and
good at mitigating or avoiding damage. They also have interruption abilities,
and thus can be a threat to prevent you from casting your spells.

However, Mesmer DoT spells and Chaos damage ignores armor, which allows a
Mesmer to deal effective damage against a Ranger (as opposed to Elementalists,
as Rangers have increased Armor against Elemental damage). Conjure Phantasm,
Phantom Pain, and Crippling Anguish (Elite) can deal effective DoT while
Empathy and Energy Burn can deal direct damage.

As far as defense against Rangers, Ineptitude (Elite) can blind them. Signet
of Midnight (Elite) can also be used, but it has a touch range, which makes it
difficult to use against the bow-wielding Ranger. Clumsiness stops one attack
and deals a lot of armor-ignoring damage. Distortion can help you avoid a
Ranger's arrows (although some Preparations will still get through). Spirit of
Failure is another option to reduce the effectiveness of a Ranger.

Rangers, while having the primary attribute of Expertise to reduce Energy costs,
are still just as dependent as a primary spellcaster on Energy, but they also
have to rely on their bow for damage (most of the time). Thus, Spirit Shackles
can drain their Energy if they attack, while Energy Tap and Ether Feast can
drain them of their meager Energy supply. Note that Rangers only have one skill
to remove Hexes, making them particularly vulnerable to Hexes. Often, a Ranger
will have to rely on the secondary class for Hex removal, so remember to watch
for Remove Hex/Smite Hex from R/Mo and Hex Breaker/Shatter Hex from R/Me.

Another threat from the Ranger PvP bag of tricks is something making the waves
in the Metagame, Nature's Renewal. Not only does it strip all enchantments and
hexes, but it doubles the casting time of said spells, to boot. You might want
to babysit a Ranger that is spamming this ritual, and use Leech Signet or Cry
of Frustration to prevent it from being used.

There are a few ways to deal with Warriors. Since Warriors are often the last
targets in PvP due to the "standard" attack progression (Monks are targeted
first, followed by Spellcasters, followed by Rangers/Warriors), they often stick
around for a while. Thus, most of your efforts against Warriors are probably
going to be focused on attenuating the threat rather than eliminating it. In
other words, you are probably going to nullify the Warrior's effectiveness until
your team can focus on the Warrior and kill him/her.

If you are being directly attacked by a Warrior, Signet of Midnight (Elite) and
Ineptitude (Elite) can Blind while Distortion can keep you safe. A warrior's
effectiveness is directly tied to how quickly the warrior can gain adrenaline,
and Mesmers have two spells that can prevent adrenaline gain, Soothing Images
and Sympathetic Visage. You can use Empathy or Clumsiness to damage a warrior,
punishing him for attacking. Spirit Shackles removes 5 Energy per attack, and
Spirit of Failure gives you Energy while adding a miss chance to the enemy.
Finally, if all else fails, you can use Physical Resistance to halve the damage
being done to you.

- The Metagame (gwmeg7c) -

The Metagame is a difficult abstract concept to explain, but it is an easy
concept to grasp, and it is of utmost importance in a competitive game with
such tactical and strategic variety and balance as Guild Wars. Basically,
while many combinations of skills can be powerful, all combinations of skills
can be countered in some way by some class combination. By following trends in
which combinations are popular in PvP, one can figure out which combinations of
"counters" to bring to a match.

For example, currently in late May of 2005, Aeromancer Elementalists were
popular in PvP matches because of their ability to quickly "spike" damage. If
an Aeromancer or a group of Aeromancers all focus on one opponent (usually the
Monk), then they can quickly take that player out of the action at the
beginning of the match, forcing an early game resurrect (which makes the team
lose tempo) or even unraveling an entire game plan. Folks are starting to
either "Fight fire with fire" by bringing their own or finding ways to counter
the Aeromancer horde (a Mesmer solution would be to bring Mantra of Lightning
to defend against Lightning damage while bringing along Power Block (Elite) to
shut down the Aeromancer completely).

I don't play enough PvP to follow the Metagame, nor is it useful to write down
the current state of the Metagame in a Mesmer guide, as it relies on both
up-to-date information and discussion of techniques to counter as of now
unknown strategies. But if you play a lot of PvP, you need to be aware of the
changes in the metagame, so you can more effectively counter your opponents
even before they enter the arena.

= FAQ (gwmeg8) =

This section covers any and all questions not covered by the above guide,
including a lot of general questions not necessarily pertaining to Mesmers.

General Questions

Q. How can I get Fur Squares?
A. There is a collector that trades 4 Charr Hides for a Fur Square in Ascalon
City. Also, one can salvage Fur Squares from armor pieces and hides using an
Expert Salvage Kit with limited success depending on the value of the armor.
More expensive armors are more likely to give Fur Squares.

Q. What is the 15k Armor?
A. Armor that is bought at Marhan's Grotto and Granite Citadel costs 15,000
gold per piece, along with a huge amount of crafting materials. Generally,
they have the same armor level as the 1,500 gold armor bought at Draknor's
Forge, but are cosmetically different in some way. There is also a forge in
the Fissure of Woe that crafts even MORE expensive armor.

Q. I'm at Level 20. Why do I only have 170 attribute points?
A. The last 30 attribute points are gained from two different quests that give
15 attribute points each: Forgotten Wisdom (in the Crystal Desert after you
complete the Forgotten Ones), and Hero's Challenge (in the Southern Shiverpeaks
after you complete the Hero's Journey).

Q. Why am I not getting +60 health from my two Minor Vigor Runes?
A. Runes do not stack with the same type. You can get multiple bonuses from
runes of different types, but you can't stack, say, two Minor Vigor Runes or
a Minor Vigor Rune plus a Major Vigor Rune. A Mesmer typically will have one of
each rune pertaining to his/her class and one Vigor Rune. With the exception of
Vigor Runes and Absorption Runes, all Major and Superior Runes subtract health.
It's generally a bad idea to use more than one Major/Superior RUne as it brings
your health down by a significant amount.

Q. What is WPE? What is BWE?
A. They stand for World Premiere Event and Beta Weekend Event respectively.
Guild Wars was extensively tested during its Beta period by casual gamers to
balance and hone the various skills in the game. Much of the information out
there right now is based on the BWEs, and thus, may be out of date.

Q. What is "infusing"? How do I infuse my armor?
A. After Ascension, you will face a brand new enemy called the Mursaat. They
and their Jade Armor and Jade Bow warriors have an attack called Spectral Agony
which does an extreme amount of damage to you very quickly. Infusing your
armor protects you against the Spectral Agony attack. To infuse your armor,
you need to find a Seer, who will take the Spectral Essence of an Eidolan and
infuse it into your armor. The first place that most people find the Seer is
the Iron Mines of Moladune mission near the end of the mission. Note that now
your armor is infused all at once instead of piecemeal as it was in May 2005.
Fully infused armor cuts the damage of Spectral Agony by about 1/10th. Whenever
you pick up new pieces of armor, those pieces need to be infused again.

Q. What are Faction points?
A. In the June 29th update, a brand new method of unlocking PvP options called
"Faction" was introduced. It works similar to Frequent Flyer Miles, except
that Faction points are earned through any PvP combat in which the player
participates. Full details are available at the official Guild Wars website,
but basically the more you play PvP, the more Faction that you earn, with more
points being earned for Guild vs. Guild combat and higher level arenas. You
can exchange Faction points at Priests of Balthazar scattered in all of the
"main" cities in Tyria. Faction points are best used to gain a specific
upgrade that is difficult to find randomly in-game (like Fortitude bowgrips or
Superior Vigor Runes, for example). Items/Skills/Runes unlocked through the
use of Faction are NOT given to your PvE character...instead, they are unlocked
for your PvP-only characters to choose from at the inventory/skill screens
during character creation.

Q. How do I change my Secondary class?
A. In the Crystal Desert, there are a series of quests in the outpost
non-mission towns, one for every class. To access these quests, you must first
complete The Hero's Journey quest from Vanyi in Droknar's Forge.

If you complete the requirements of the quest, then you can freely change to
that secondary class at any time. You do not lose any skills for changing your
class, you simply switch over to the new secondary class. Note that if you
want to change back to your original Secondary, you'll have to complete that
Secondary's quest as well. Also, you won't ever get the quest that corresponds
to your Primary class, obviously.

The quests are:
* The Elementalist's Path - Cembrien in Heroes' Audience
* The Mesmer's Path - Eulenias in Destiny's Gorge
* The Monk's Path - Nausuan in Seeker's Passage
* The Necromancer's Path - Kratha Kor in Heroes' Audience
* The Ranger's Path - Telius in Seeker's Passage
* The Warrior's Path - Agastos the Brave in Destiny's Gorge

Q. Why can't I enter the Underworld/Fissure of Woe?
A. The Underworld and Fissure of Woe are special locations that until July 13th
could be accessed by anyone who went to the Temple of the Ages while their
country has the favor of the gods. Now they can only be accessed by ascended
characters (those who have completed the Crystal Desert Ascension missions),
in a party without henchmen. If you can't enter, either your country does not
have the favor of the gods, or you aren't ascended.

Elite Skills and Bosses

Q. What is an Elite skill?
A. Guild Wars characters can only have ONE Elite skill in their skillbars,
making the selection of such skills a careful decision in most builds. In
general, Elite skills are Elite because they are either more powerful than
other similar skills or they can be combined with other Elite skills in
devastating ways. You can only capture Elite skills from Boss monsters using
the Signet of Capture.

Q. Where can I find a Signet of Capture?
A. Signets of Capture are first found in Lion's Arch, as the quest reward for
the second quest given by Magi Malaquire (the first quest is called Orrian
Excavation). After you complete that quest (which is simply to capture a
skill), he gives you another one (and some XP). After that, you can purchase
Signets of Capture for one skill point and a handful of gold from him. You can
also purchase a Signet of Capture at any skill trainer AFTER Lion's Arch. You
can purchase as many Signets as you have skill points to spend, so be sure to
purchase at least 4 or 5 to capture all of the Elites that you want.

Q. Why can't I get (insert Elite skill here) from (insert Boss)?
A. There are no Elite skills before the Crystal Desert in the game. All of the
Elites that used to be on earlier creatures were removed. Most of the fansites
out there have outdated information from the last Beta and the first month of
release, back when pre-Crystal Desert bosses had Elite skills.

Q. Where is (insert Boss here)? I can't find him!
A. Many of the bosses actually have random spawn locations, and thus do not
consistently spawn in the same area every time, and sometimes do not spawn at
all. However, there are a few key spots where a Boss of some kind will always
spawn, and you can often find your Boss by visiting all of these spots. It's a
bit tedious at times, but you'll find the Boss eventually.

Mesmer-specific Questions

Q. What does DOT mean?
A. Damage Over Time. These are spells/conditions that cause Health degen,
removing 2 Health per second per "pip". The maximum Damage over Time through
Health Degen is -10 pips or -20 Health per second, but this is determined after
the sum of all Health Degen and Health Regen.

Q. What is "aftercast"?
A. Aftercast is the period of time after you cast a spell in which you are
finishing off the casting animation. Thus, if you chain several spells
together, the time it takes to cast all of those spells is longer than the
combined casting time. The aftercast for most spells is 0.75 seconds, with a
few exceptions (like Aftershock), and it is not modified by Fast Casting or
anything else.

Q. When "borrowing" a skill through Arcane Thievery, Inspired Hex, Inspired
Enchantment, and Arcane Mimicry, what attributes are used?
A. The borrowed skill uses your own attributes. Thus, borrowed skills often
will have the equivalent attribute rating of 0, unless you happen to have
points in that attribute.

Q. What happens when someone uses a Hex removal skill while under the effect of
a Hex and Wastrel's Worry?
A. Wastrel's Worry is removed first, and then the Hex removal skill removes the
other Hex.

Q. What happens when someone uses a Hex removal skill while under the effect of
a Hex and Diversion?
A. Diversion triggers first (increasing the cooldown of the Hex removal skill),
and then the Hex removal skill removes the other Hex.

Q. Does Illusionary Weaponry (Elite) trigger Empathy? How about Price of Failure
or Spirit of Failure?
A. Illusionary Weaponry does trigger Empathy and any other spells that trigger
while attacking, as long as the attack does not have to hit. Illusionary
Weaponry does not trigger Price of Failure or Spirit of Failure.

Q. Where is Confusion/Unnatural Signet/? They aren't on your list.
A. There were many skills from the Beta Weekend Events that were tweaked or cut
from the final release of Guild Wars. Here is a partial list of Mesmer skills
that were removed before the final release:
* Confusion
* Disappear
* Mantra of Distortion - Changed to "Distortion"
* Mantra of Hex Reflection
* Mantra of Hex Shattering - Changed to "Hex Breaker"
* Mirror of Delusions
* Mimic - Changed to "Echo"?
* Signet of Illusions
* Unnatural Signet

Technical Questions

Q. How do I display the FPS on my screen?
A. You can see the Frames Per Second of your game by adding the parameter -perf
to the end of the command line shortcut. In other words, right-click your
Guild Wars shortcut icon and choose Properties. Under "Target", add -perf to
the end of the line, like so:
Target: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\gw.exe" -perf

Q. Is there a way to automatically enter my password into the Guild Wars client?
A. Yes, there is. The parameter -password "YourPasswordHere" at the end of the
command line shortcut will automatically enter your password when you boot up
your Guild Wars client. In other words, right-click your Guild Wars shortcut
icon and choose Properties. Under "Target", add -password "YourPasswordHere" to
the end of the line, like so:
Target: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\gw.exe" -password "YourPasswordHere"

Q. I see folks with unusual symbols in their chat text, like stars and hearts.
How can I do this?
A. The characters that you see are found in the Unicode character set, which is
supported internationally by most fonts, including the font used by Guild Wars.
You can put these in your chatbar by copying and pasting them from an outside
source, like the Character Map program available under Start > Programs >
Accessories > System Tools directory on Windows computers. You can also go to
these websites for a whole list of them:

Simply select the character that you want, CTRL+C to copy them to your clipboard
and go into your Guild Wars game, click on your chatbar, and CTRL+V to paste the
character into your chatbar.

= Appendices (gwmeg9) =

- Skill List (gwmeg9a) -

Domination Magic

Arcane Thievery
Energy Cost: 10
Activation Time: 1 Second
Recharge Time: 10 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Tengsao in Amnoon Oasis
Quest Reward: The Price of Steel (Alari Doubleblade, Silverwood)
For 5-29 seconds, one random spell is disabled for target foe, and Arcane
Thievery is replaced by that spell.

Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Sir Bertran in Ascalon City
Quest Reward: Domination Magic (Vassar, Foible's Fair)
For 10 seconds, whenever target foe casts a spell, that foe takes 35-119 damage.

Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Skill
Trainer Location: Bartoch in Droknar's Forge
Quest Reward: The Lost Princess (Watchman Arad, Fisherman's Haven)
For 2-6 seconds, all of touched target foe's skills are disabled, and all of
your skills are disabled for 5 seconds.

Chaos Storm
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Captain Osric in Yak's Bend
Quest Reward: Trying Times (Vassar, Sardelac Sanitarium)
Create a chaos storm at target foe's location. For 10 seconds, enemies near
this location suffer 5-12 damage each second. Chaos Storm drains 1-6 energy
whenever it strikes a foe casting a spell.

Cry of Frustration
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 1/4ths of a Second
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Ephaz in Beetletun
If target foe is using a skill, that foe and nearby foes are interrupted and
suffer 10-37 damage.

Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Captain Osric in Yak's Bend
Quest Reward: Unnatural Creatures (Erudine, Serenity Temple)
For 6 seconds, the next time target foe uses a skill, that skill takes an
additional 10-47 seconds to recharge.

Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Sir Bertran in Ascalon City
Quest Reward: Mesmer Test (Sebedoh the Mesmer, Lakeside County)
For 8-18 seconds, whenever target foe attacks, that foe takes 3-25 damage.

Energy Burn
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Captain Osric in Yak's Bend
Quest Reward: A Cure for Ralena (Vassar, Sardelac Sanitarium)
Target foe loses 4-9 energy and takes 8 damage for each point of energy lost.

Energy Surge (Elite)
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Melek The Virtuous (Ring of Fire), Balasi the Arcane (Iron Mines
of Moladune), Mercia the Sing (Abaddon's Mouth)
Target foe loses 4-9 energy. For each point of energy lost, that foe and all
foes in the area take 8 damage. This is an elite skill.

Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Bartoch in Droknar's Forge
Quest Reward: The Misplaced Sword (Yort the Bronze, Heroes' Audience)
For 4-9 seconds, if target foe casts an offensive spell, the spell fails, you
steal 5-12 energy from that foe, and Guilt ends.

Hex Breaker
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Tengsao in Amnoon Oasis
Quest Reward: Eye for Profit (Trader Versai, Druid's Overlook)
For 15-75-90 seconds, the next time you are the target of a hex, that hex fails,
the caster takes 10-39 damage, and Hex Breaker ends.

Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Thengen in Port Sledge
For 8-18 seconds, target foe cannot use signet rings.

Mind Wrack
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 1 seconds
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Bartoch in Droknar's Forge
Quest Reward: The False Gods (Brother Mizar, Temple of the Ages)
For 20 seconds, if target foe's energy is zero, that foe takes 15-75 damage and
Mind Wrack ends.

Panic (Elite)
Energy Cost: 25
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Moles Quibus (Hell's Precipice)
Target foe and all nearby foes are hexed with Panic for 10-22-25 seconds. while
hexed, they suffer energy degeneration of 2 and take 10-68 damage whenever they
use a signet ring. This is an elite skill.

Power Block (Elite)
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 1/4th of a Second
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Lyssa's Cursed (Perdition Rock)
If target foe is casting a spell, that spell is interrupted. The interrupted
spell and all spells of the same attribute are disabled for 3-13 seconds for
that foe. This is an elite skill.

Power Leak
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1/4th of a Second
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Captain Osric in Yak's Bend
Quest Reward: Mesmerizing the Enemy (Vassar, Sardelac Sanitarium)
If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and target foe loses
10-22 energy.

Power Spike
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1/4th of a Second
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch
Quest Reward:Stone Summit Champion (Sebedoh the Mesmer, Yak's Bend)
If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and target foe takes
20-86 damage.

Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Captain Greywind in Ascalon Settlement, North Kryta Province
For 4-9 seconds, the next time target foe casts a spell on an ally, the spell
fails, you steal 5-12 energy from that foe, and Shame ends.

Shatter Delusions
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 1/4th of a Second
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Sir Bertran in Ascalon City
Quest Reward:Domination Magic (Vassar, Foible's Fair)
Remove one Mesmer hex from target foe, that foe takes 15-63 damage.

Shatter Enchantment
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 25 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch
Quest Reward:Hungry Devourer (Master Saberlin, Beacon's Perch)
Remove an enchantment from target foe. If an enchantment is removed, that foe
takes 14-83 damage.

Shatter Hex
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Captain Osric in Yak's Bend
Quest Reward: Experimental Elixer (Erudine, Serenity Temple)
Remove a hex from target ally. If a hex is removed, foes near that ally take
30-102-120 damage.

Signet of Weariness
Energy Cost: None
Casting Time: 2 Second
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Signet
Trainer Location: Steig in Camp Rankor
Target foe and all nearby foes lose 3-9 energy.

Wastrel's Worry
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 1/4th of a Second
Cooldown Time: 1 Second
Linked Attribute: Domination Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Sorim (Quarrel Falls), Master Scout Kiera (Henge of Denravi)
Quest Reward: The Ascalon Settlement (Damaris, North Kryta Province)
After 3 seconds, target foe takes 8-53 damage. Wastrel's Worry ends prematurely
if that foe uses a skill.

Fast Casting

Mantra of Recovery (Elite)
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Fast Casting
Skill Type: Stance
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Goss Aleessh (Thirsty River), Tiss Danssir (Elona Reach), Ayassah
Hess (Dunes of Dispair)
For 5-17 seconds, spells you cast recharge 50% faster. This is an elite skill.

Illusion Magic

Arcane Conundrum
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Bartoch in Droknar's Forge
Quest Reward: Into the Unknown (Jorn Kudebeh, Augury Rock)
For 5-13 seconds, spells cast by target foe take twice as long to cast.

Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 seconds
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Gammel in Copperhammer Mines
For 4-7 seconds, if target foe attempts to attack, the attack is interrupted,
target foe suffers 10-76 damage, and Clumsiness ends.

Conjure Phantasm
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Sir Bertran in Ascalon City
Quest Reward:A Mesmer's Burden (Lady Althea, Lakeside County), Mesmerizing the
Enemy (Vassar, Sardelac Sanitarium)
For 2-12 seconds, target foe experiences health degeneration of 5.

Crippling Anguish (Elite)
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Fuury Stonewrath (Thunderhead Keep), Yxthoshth (Salt Flats), Barl
Stormsiege - (Frozen Forest)
For 8-18 seconds, target moves 50% slower and suffers health degeneration of
1-3. This is an elite skill.

Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds.
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Captain Osric in Yak's Bend
Quest Reward: Supplies for the Duke (Gate Guard Hollis, Old Ascalon)
For 5 seconds, you have a 75% chance to evade attacks. Whenever you evade an
attack this way, you lose 3-1 energy or Distortion ends.

Ethereal Burden
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Cooldown Time: 45 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Tengsao in Amnoon Oasis
Quest Reward: Mysterious Message (Envoy Ero, Druid's Overlook)
For 10 seconds, target foe moves 50% slower than normal. When Ethereal Burden
ends, you gain 10-20 energy.

Fevered Dreams (Elite)
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Plexus Shadowhook (Abaddon's Mouth)
For 4-14 seconds, whenever target foe suffers from a new condition, all nearby
foes suffer from that condition as well. This is an elite skill.

Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch
Quest Reward:Stone Summit Champion (Sebedoh the Mesmer, Yak's Bend)
For 8-18 seconds, target foe takes 5-17 damage each time that foe suffers or
recovers from a new condition.

Illusion of Haste
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell
Trainer Location: Captain Osric in Yak's Bend
Quest Reward: A Cure for Ralena (Vassar, Sardelac Sanitarium)
For 5-10 seconds, you move 33% faster than normal and the effects of the
crippled condition are removed. When Illusion of Haste ends, you become

Illusion of Weakness
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell
Trainer Location: Sorim (Quarrel Falls), Master Scout Kiera (Henge of Denravi)
Quest Reward: The Hot Springs Murders (Inspector Caleb, Nebo Terrace)
You lose 50-202 health. Illusion of Weakness ends if damage drops your health
below 25% of your maximum. When Illusion of Weakness ends, you gain 50-202

Illusionary Weaponry (Elite)
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 40 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Seer Windlash (Talus Chute), Didn Hopestealer (Snake Dance),
Digo Murkstalker (Iron Mines of Moladune)
For 30 seconds, you deal no damage in melee, but whenever you attack in melee,
target foe takes 8-34 damage. This is an elite skill.

Imagined Burden
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Sir Bertran in Ascalon City
Quest Reward:A Mesmer's Burden (Lady Althea, Lakeside County), Mesmerizing the
Enemy (Vassar, Sardelac Sanitarium)
For 8-18 seconds, target foe moves 50% slower than normal.

Ineptitude (Elite)
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Wyt Sharpfeather (Mineral Springs)
For 4-9 seconds, if target foe attacks, that foe takes 10-68 damage and becomes
blinded, and Ineptitude ends. This is an elite skill.

Migraine (Elite)
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Pytt Spitespew (Ring of Fire)
For 5-17 seconds, target foe suffers health degeneration of 1-3 and takes 100%
longer to cast spells. This is an elite skill.

Phantom Pain
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Captain Osric in Yak's Bend
Quest Reward: Caravan in Trouble (Cynn, Eastern Frontier)
For 10 seconds, target foe suffers health degeneration of 1-3. When Phantom
Pain ends, that foe suffers a deep wound, lowering that foe's maximum health by
20% for 5-17 seconds.

Soothing Images
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Harnil in Marhan's Grotto
For 8-18 seconds, target foe and all adjacent foes cannot gain adrenaline.

Sympathetic Visage
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Illusion Magic
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell
Trainer Location: Mazzim in Fisherman's Haven
For 8-18 seconds, whenever target ally is hit by a melee attack, all nearby
enemies lose all adrenaline and 3 energy.

Inspiration Magic

Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell
Trainer Location: Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch
Quest Reward:Stone Summit Champion (Sebedoh the Mesmer, Yak's Bend)
For 8-46 seconds, whenever you cast a spell, you steal 1 energy from each
nearby foe.

Drain Enchantment
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 25 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Marna in Ice Tooth Cave
Remove an enchantment from target foe. If an enchantment is removed, you gain
10-20 energy.

Elemental Resistance
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Bartoch in Droknar's Forge
Quest Reward: The Forgotten Ones (Annelle Fipps, Destiny's Gorge)
For 30-78 seconds, you gain +40 AL against elemental damage, but you lose 24-14
AL against physical damage.

Energy Drain (Elite)
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Gambol Headrainer (Ice Floe), Snik Hungrymind (Perdition Rock and
Witman's Folly)
Target foe loses 4-10 Energy. You then gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy
target foe lost. This is an elite skill.

Energy Tap
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Captain Osric in Yak's Bend
Quest Reward: Helping the People of Ascalon (Ambassador Zain, Old Ascalon)
Target foe loses 4-7 Energy. You then gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy
target foe lost.

Ether Feast
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 8 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Sir Bertran in Ascalon City
Quest Reward: Mesmer Test (Sebedoh the Mesmer, Lakeside County), A Mesmer's
Burden (Lady Althea, Lakeside County), Mesmerizing the Enemy (Vassar, Sardelac
Target foe loses 3 energy. You are healed 17-41 for each point of energy lost.

Ether Lord
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Bartoch in Droknar's Forge
Quest Reward: A Belated Betrothal (Tirzah, Seeker's Passage)
You lose all energy. For 5-9 seconds, target foe suffers energy degeneration of
1-3, and you experience energy regeneration of 1-3.

Inspired Enchantment
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: None
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Sorim (Quarrel Falls), Master Scout Kiera (Henge of Denravi)
Quest Reward: The Undead Hordes (Elder Hezron, Beetletun)
Remove an enchantment from target foe and gain 3-13 energy. For 20 seconds,
Inspired Enchantment is replaced with the enchantment removed from target foe.

Inspired Hex
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: None
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch
Quest Reward: The Deserters (Master Saberlin, Beacon's Perch)
Remove a hex from target ally and gain 3-13 energy. For 20 seconds, Inspired
Hex is replaced with the hex that was removed.

Keystone Signet (Elite)
Energy Cost: None
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Signet
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Rune Ethercrash (Spearhead Peak)
All of your other signet rings are recharged. All of your non-signet skills are
disabled for 17-7 seconds. This is an elite skill.

Leech Signet
Energy Cost: None
Casting Time: 1/4th of a Second
Cooldown Time: 45 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Signet
Trainer Location: Sorim (Quarrel Falls), Master Scout Kiera (Henge of Denravi)
Quest Reward:The Last Hog (Farmer Dirk, North Kryta Province)
Interrupt target foe's action. If that action was a spell, you gain 3-13 energy.

Mantra of Concentration
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Captain Greywind in Ascalon Settlement, North Kryta Province
For 60-156 seconds, the next time you would be interrupted while performing a
skill, you are not interrupted, and Mantra of Concentration ends.

Mantra of Earth
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Bartoch in Droknar's Forge
Quest Reward: The Royal Papers (Watchman Arad, Fisherman's Haven)
For 30-78 seconds, whenever you take earth damage, the damage is reduced by
26%-45% and you gain 1 energy.

Mantra of Flame
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Captain Osric in Yak's Bend
Quest Reward: Trying Times (Vassar, Sardelac Sanitarium)
For 30-78 seconds, whenever you take fire damage, the damage is reduced by
26%-45% and you gain 1 energy.

Mantra of Frost
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch
Quest Reward: Helping the Dwarves (Grand Mason Stonecleaver, Yak's Bend)
For 30-78 seconds, whenever you take cold damage, the damage is reduced by
26%-45% and you gain 1 energy.

Mantra of Inscriptions
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Steig in Camp Rankor
For 30-78 seconds, your signet rings recharge 25%-45% faster.

Mantra of Lightning
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Thengen in Port Sledge
Quest Reward: Graven Images (Archivist Ithimar, North Kryta Province)
For 30-78 seconds, whenever you take lightning damage, the damage is reduced by
26%-45% and you gain 1 energy.

Mantra of Persistence
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Bartoch in Droknar's Forge
Quest Reward: Ghostly Vengeance (Marchena, Augury Rock)
For 30 seconds, any illusion magic hex you cast lasts 20%-84% longer.

Mantra of Recall (Elite)
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Featherclaw (Snake Dance), Facet of Chaos (Dragon's Lair)
For 20 seconds, you gain no benefit from it. You gain 3-?-28 energy when Mantra
of Recall ends. This is an elite skill.

Mantra of Resolve
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Harnil in Marhan's Grotto
For 30-78 seconds, you cannot be interrupted, but each time you would have been
interrupted, you lose 7-3 energy or Mantra of Resolve ends.

Mantra of Signets
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Gammel in Copperhammer Mines
For 10-22 seconds, the next time you use a signet ring, it recharges
immediately, and Mantra of Signets ends.

Physical Resistance
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: None
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Stance
Trainer Location: Taltosh in Grendich Courthouse
For 30-78 seconds, you gain +40 AL against physical damage, but you lose 24-14
AL against elemental damage.

Power Drain
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 1/4th of a Second
Cooldown Time: 25 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Avena in Maguuma Stade
If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and you gain 1-25

Spirit Shackles
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Cooldown Time: 5 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Tengsao in Amnoon Oasis
Quest Reward: Blood and Smoke (Deep Root, Ettin's Back)
For 8-24 seconds, target foe loses 5 energy whenever that foe attacks.

Spirit of Failure
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
Linked Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Skill Type: Hex Spell
Trainer Location: Tengsao in Amnoon Oasis
Quest Reward: Dropping Eaves (Deep Root, Ettin's Back)
For 30 seconds, target foe has a 25% chance to miss with attacks. You gain 1-4
energy whenever that foe misses in combat.

Other Skills

Arcane Echo
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: None
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell
Trainer Location: Ephaz in Beetletun
If you cast a spell in the next 20 seconds, Arcane Echo is replaced with that
spell for 20 seconds. Arcane Echo ends prematurely if you use a non-spell skill.

Arcane Mimicry
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 60 seconds
Linked Attribute: None
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Avena in Maguuma Stade
For 20 seconds, Arcane Mimicry becomes the elite spell from target other ally.

Echo (Elite)
Energy Cost: 5
Casting Time: 1 Second
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
Linked Attribute: None
Skill Type: Enchantment Spell
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Rwek Khawl Mawl (Perdition Rock)
For 20 seconds, Echo is replaced with the next skill you use. Echo acts as this
skill for 20 seconds. This is an elite skill.

Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 0.25 seconds
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Linked Attribute: None
Skill Type: Spell
Trainer Location: Taltosh in Grendich Courthouse
Transfer all negative conditions and their remaining durations from target foe
to all foes adjacent to your target.

Signet of Humility
Energy Cost: None
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 20 seconds
Linked Attribute: None
Skill Type: Signet
Trainer Location: Mazzim in Fisherman's Haven
Target foe's elite skill is disabled for 15 seconds.

Signet of Midnight (Elite)
Energy Cost: None
Casting Time: 3/4ths of a Second
Cooldown Time: 15 seconds
Linked Attribute: None
Skill Type: Signet
PvP Unlock Priest Location: Dakk in Droknar's Forge
Capture Boss: Malus Phasmatus (Perdition Rock)
You and target touched foe become blinded. This is an elite skill.

- Armor List (gwmeg9b) -

Starting Armor (Base AL 5)
Dilettante's Vest Starting Armor
Dilettante's Gloves Starting Armor
Dilettante's Hose Starting Armor
Dilettante's Footwear Starting Armor

Ascalon City
Banoit (Base AL 15) Each piece costs 50 gold
Discreet Mask 1 Pile of Glittering Dust
Rogue's Gloves 2 Bolts of Cloth
Rogue's Attire 6 Bolts of Cloth
Rogue's Hose 4 Bolts of Cloth
Rogue's Footwear 2 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Gloves 1 Bolt of Cloth
Stylish Attire 3 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 2 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 1 Bolt of Cloth

Corwen (Base AL 30) Each piece costs 150 gold
Animal Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Tanned Hide Square
Costume Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Feather
Discreet Mask 2 Piles of Glittering Dust
Imposing Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Steel Ingot
Sleek Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Rogue's Gloves 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Leather Square
Rogue's Attire 12 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Leather Squares
Rogue's Hose 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Leather Squares
Rogue's Footwear 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Leather Square
Stylish Gloves 2 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Attire 6 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 4 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 2 Bolts of Cloth

Piken Square
Harlan (Base AL 15) Each piece costs 50 gold
Discreet Mask 1 Pile of Glittering Dust
Rogue's Gloves 2 Bolts of Cloth
Rogue's Attire 6 Bolts of Cloth
Rogue's Hose 4 Bolts of Cloth
Rogue's Footwear 2 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Gloves 1 Bolt of Cloth
Stylish Attire 3 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 2 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 1 Bolt of Cloth

Yak's Bend
Breyshaw (Base AL 30) Each piece costs 150 gold
Animal Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Tanned Hide Square
Costume Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Feather
Discreet Mask 2 Piles of Glittering Dust
Imposing Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Steel Ingot
Sleek Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Courtly Gloves 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Courtly Attire 12 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Hose 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Footwear 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Rogue's Gloves 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Leather Square
Rogue's Attire 12 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Leather Squares
Rogue's Hose 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Leather Squares
Rogue's Footwear 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Leather Square
Stylish Gloves 2 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Attire 6 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 4 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 2 Bolts of Cloth

Lion's Arch
Samuka (Base AL 30) Each piece costs 150 gold
Animal Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Tanned Hide Square
Costume Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Feather
Discreet Mask 2 Piles of Glittering Dust
Imposing Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Steel Ingot
Sleek Mask 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Courtly Gloves 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Courtly Attire 12 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Hose 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Footwear 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Rogue's Gloves 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Leather Square
Rogue's Attire 12 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Leather Squares
Rogue's Hose 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Leather Squares
Rogue's Footwear 4 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Leather Square
Stylish Gloves 2 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Attire 6 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 4 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 2 Bolts of Cloth

Bergen Hot Springs
Kailan (Base AL 39) Each piece costs 250 gold
Animal Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Tanned Hide Square
Costume Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Feather
Discreet Mask 3 Piles of Glittering Dust
Imposing Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Steel Ingot
Sleek Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Courtly Gloves 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Courtly Attire 18 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Hose 12 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Footwear 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Performer's Gloves 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Silk
Performer's Attire 18 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Hose 12 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Footwear 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Silk
Stylish Gloves 3 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Attire 9 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 6 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 3 Bolts of Cloth

Shanda (Base AL 39) Each piece costs 250 gold
Animal Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Tanned Hide Square
Costume Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Feather
Discreet Mask 3 Piles of Glittering Dust
Imposing Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Steel Ingot
Sleek Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Rogue's Gloves 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Leather Square
Rogue's Attire 18 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Leather Squares
Rogue's Hose 12 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Leather Squares
Rogue's Footwear 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Leather Square
Stylish Gloves 3 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Attire 9 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 6 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 3 Bolts of Cloth

Quarrel Falls
Saphir (Base AL 39) Each piece costs 250 gold
Animal Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Tanned Hide Square
Costume Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Feather
Discreet Mask 3 Piles of Glittering Dust
Imposing Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Steel Ingot
Sleek Mask 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Bolt of Linen
Enchanter's Gloves 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Pile of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Attire 18 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Hose 12 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Footwear 6 Bolts of Cloth, 1 Pile of Glittering Dust
Stylish Gloves 3 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Attire 9 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 6 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 3 Bolts of Cloth

Ventari's Refuge
Hanita (Base AL 45) Each piece costs 400 gold
Animal Mask 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Tanned Hide Squares
Costume Mask 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Feathers
Discreet Mask 4 Piles of Glittering Dust
Imposing Mask 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Steel Ingots
Sleek Mask 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Gloves 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Attire 24 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Hose 16 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Footwear 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Linen
Enchanter's Gloves 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Attire 24 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Hose 16 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Footwear 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Piles of Glittering Dust
Performer's Gloves 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Attire 24 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Hose 16 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Footwear 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Silk
Rogue's Gloves 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Leather Squares
Rogue's Attire 24 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Leather Squares
Rogue's Hose 16 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Leather Squares
Rogue's Footwear 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Leather Squares
Stylish Gloves 4 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Attire 12 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 8 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 4 Bolts of Cloth

Henge of Denravi
Alemeth (Base AL 45) Each piece costs 400 gold
Animal Mask 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Tanned Hide Squares
Costume Mask 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Feathers
Discreet Mask 4 Piles of Glittering Dust
Imposing Mask 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Steel Ingots
Sleek Mask 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Gloves 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Attire 24 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Hose 16 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Footwear 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Linen
Enchanter's Gloves 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Attire 24 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Hose 16 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Footwear 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Piles of Glittering Dust
Performer's Gloves 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Attire 24 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Hose 16 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Footwear 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Bolts of Silk
Rogue's Gloves 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Leather Squares
Rogue's Attire 24 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Leather Squares
Rogue's Hose 16 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Leather Squares
Rogue's Footwear 8 Bolts of Cloth, 2 Leather Squares
Stylish Gloves 4 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Attire 12 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 8 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 4 Bolts of Cloth

Stingray Strand
Crafter (Base AL 57) Each piece costs 1000 gold
Courtly Gloves 11 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Attire 33 Bolts of Cloth, 9 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Hose 22 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Footwear 11 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Linen

Amnoon Oasis
Kathir (Base AL 51) Each piece costs 700 gold
Animal Mask 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Tanned Hide Squares
Costume Mask 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Feathers
Discreet Mask 8 Piles of Glittering Dust
Imposing Mask 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Steel Ingots
Sleek Mask 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Gloves 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Attire 27 Bolts of Cloth, 9 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Hose 18 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Footwear 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Linen
Enchanter's Gloves 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Attire 27 Bolts of Cloth, 9 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Hose 18 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Footwear 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Piles of Glittering Dust
Performer's Gloves 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Attire 27 Bolts of Cloth, 9 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Hose 18 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Footwear 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Bolts of Silk
Rogue's Gloves 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Leather Squares
Rogue's Attire 27 Bolts of Cloth, 9 Leather Squares
Rogue's Hose 18 Bolts of Cloth, 6 Leather Squares
Rogue's Footwear 9 Bolts of Cloth, 3 Leather Squares
Stylish Gloves 8 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Attire 24 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 16 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 8 Bolts of Cloth

Droknar's Forge
Seifred/Mogren (Base AL 60) Each piece costs 1,500 gold
Animal Mask 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Tanned Hide Squares
Costume Mask 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Feathers
Discreet Mask 11 Piles of Glittering Dust
Imposing Mask 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Steel Ingots
Sleek Mask 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Gloves 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Attire 75 Bolts of Cloth, 12 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Hose 50 Bolts of Cloth, 8 Bolts of Linen
Courtly Footwear 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Bolts of Linen
Enchanter's Gloves 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Attire 75 Bolts of Cloth, 12 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Hose 50 Bolts of Cloth, 8 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Footwear 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Piles of Glittering Dust
Performer's Gloves 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Attire 75 Bolts of Cloth, 12 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Hose 50 Bolts of Cloth, 8 Bolts of Silk
Performer's Footwear 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Bolts of Silk
Rogue's Gloves 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Leather Squares
Rogue's Attire 75 Bolts of Cloth, 12 Leather Squares
Rogue's Hose 50 Bolts of Cloth, 8 Leather Squares
Rogue's Footwear 25 Bolts of Cloth, 4 Leather Squares
Stylish Gloves 11 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Attire 33 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Hose 22 Bolts of Cloth
Stylish Footwear 11 Bolts of Cloth

Marhan's Grotto
Karl (Base AL 60) Each piece costs 15,000 gold
Enchanter's Gloves 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Attire 150 Bolts of Cloth, 15 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Hose 100 Bolts of Cloth, 10 Piles of Glittering Dust
Enchanter's Footwear 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Piles of Glittering Dust
Rogue's Gloves 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Elonian Leather Squares
Rogue's Attire 150 Bolts of Cloth, 15 Elonian Leather Squares
Rogue's Hose 100 Bolts of Cloth, 10 Elonian Leather Squares
Rogue's Footwear 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Elonian Leather Squares

Granite Citadel
Hagen (Base AL 60) Each piece costs 15,000 gold
Noble Gloves 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Bolts of Damask
Noble Attire 150 Bolts of Cloth, 15 Bolts of Damask
Noble Hose 100 Bolts of Cloth, 10 Bolts of Damask
Noble Footwear 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Bolts of Damask
Virtuoso's Gloves 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Bolts of Silk
Virtuoso's Attire 150 Bolts of Cloth, 15 Bolts of Silk
Virtuoso's Hose 100 Bolts of Cloth, 10 Bolts of Silk
Virtuoso's Footwear 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Bolts of Silk

Fissure of Woe
Eternal Forgemaster (Base AL 60) Each piece costs 15,000 gold
Enchanter's Gloves 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Piles of Glittering Dust, 15
Obsidian Shards, 15 Ectoplasms
Enchanter's Attire 150 Bolts of Cloth, 15 Piles of Glittering Dust, 45
Obsidian Shards, 45 Ectoplasms
Enchanter's Hose 100 Bolts of Cloth, 10 Piles of Glittering Dust, 30
Obsidian Shards, 30 Ectoplasms
Enchanter's Footwear 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Piles of Glittering Dust, 15
Obsidian Shards, 15 Ectoplasms
Rogue's Gloves 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Elonian Leather Squares, 15
Obsidian Shards, 15 Ectoplasms
Rogue's Attire 150 Bolts of Cloth, 15 Elonian Leather Squares, 45
Obsidian Shards, 45 Ectoplasms
Rogue's Hose 100 Bolts of Cloth, 10 Elonian Leather Squares, 30
Obsidian Shards, 30 Ectoplasms
Rogue's Footwear 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Elonian Leather Squares, 15
Obsidian Shards, 15 Ectoplasms
Noble Gloves 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Bolts of Damask, 15 Obsidian
Shards, 15 Ectoplasms
Noble Attire 150 Bolts of Cloth, 15 Bolts of Damask, 45 Obsidian
Shards, 45 Ectoplasms
Noble Hose 100 Bolts of Cloth, 10 Bolts of Damask, 30 Obsidian
Shards, 30 Ectoplasms
Noble Footwear 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Bolts of Damask, 15 Obsidian
Shards, 15 Ectoplasms
Virtuoso's Gloves 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Bolts of Silk, 15 Obsidian
Shards, 15 Ectoplasms
Virtuoso's Attire 150 Bolts of Cloth, 15 Bolts of Silk, 45 Obsidian
Shards, 45 Ectoplasms
Virtuoso's Hose 100 Bolts of Cloth, 10 Bolts of Silk, 30 Obsidian
Shards, 30 Ectoplasms
Virtuoso's Footwear 50 Bolts of Cloth, 5 Bolts of Silk, 15 Obsidian
Shards, 15 Ectoplasms

- Collectors List (gwmeg9c) -

Pre-Searing Ascalon

The Catacombs
* Karleen trades 5 Gargoyle Skulls for Stylish Footwear (AL 7)
* Gwynn trades 3 Skeletal Limbs for Cane, Chaos Dmg 2-4

Lakeside County
* Jacobs trades 3 Baked Husks for Stylish Footwear (AL 7)
* Kaylee trades 3 Grawl Necklaces for Stylish Attire (AL 7)
* Humphreys trades 5 Worn Belts for Inscribed Staff
Energy +3, Chaos Dmg: 2-4

Fort Ranik
* Hatcher trades 3 Unnatural Seeds for Stylish Attire (AL 7)
* Varis trades 3 Spider Legs for Stylish Leggings (AL 7)

Regent Valley
* Varis trades 3 Spider Legs for Stylish Leggings (AL 7)

Wizard's Folly
* Mindle trades 3 Enchanted Lodestones for Stylish Gloves (AL 7)

Post-Searing Ascalon

The Breach
* Sally Kaugie trades 3 Scorched Seeds for Jeweled Chalice
Energy +6 (req. 5 Illusion Magic)
Armor +5 (vs. physical attacks)

Diessa Lowlands
* Gil Morridan trades 4 Leathery Claws for Stylish Attire (AL 21)
* Wain Hughes trades 3 Charr Carvings for a Jeweled Chakram
Energy +6 (req. 5 Inspiration Magic),
Armor +10 (vs. Charr),
Health +5

Dragon's Gullet
* Ashram Fenn trades 3 Scar Behemoth Jaws for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +6 (req. 5 Fast Casting),
Improves skill recharge (Chance: 10%)

Eastern Frontier
* Fytch trades 3 Fetid Carapaces for a Jeweled Chakram
Energy +6 (req. 5 Inspiration Magic),
Armor +5 (while enchanted),
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Guardsman Noell trades 3 Ornate Grawl Necklaces for an Inscribed Staff
Energy +4 Chaos Dmg 4-7 (req. 3 Domination Magic)
* Paige Osbourne trades 3 Charr Carvings for an Inscribed Staff
Energy +4 Chaos Dmg 4-7 (req. 3 Domination Magic),
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)
* Raymon Elsworth trades 3 Stormy Eyes for a Jeweled Staff
Energy +4 Chaos Dmg 4-7 (req. 3 Illusion Magic),
Damage +10% (vs. hexed foes),
Armor +5 (while hexed)

Grendich Courthouse
* Graine Hathorn trades 4 Fetid Carapaces for Stylish Footwear (AL 21)

Old Ascalon
* Draez Bowen trades 3 Fetid Carpaces for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +6 (req. 5 Domination Magic),
Domination Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills), Health +30
* Palben Tunne trades 4 Ornate Grawl Necklaces for Stylish Hose (AL 21)
* Penelope Hoode trades 3 Scorched Seeds for Inscribed Chakram
Energy +6 (req. 5 Fast Casting),
Improves Casting speed using Fast Casting skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Fast Casting skills (Chance: 20%)
* Saba Blackstone trades 3 Scorched Lodestones for a Jeweled Staff
Energy +4 Chaos Dmg 4-7 (req. 3 Illusion Magic)

Piken Square
* Louise Haup trades 3 Charr Carvings for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 4-7 (req. 5 Illusion Magic),
Armor +7 (while attacking),
Damage +25% (vs. Charr)

Pockmark Flats
* Ouran Odwin trades 3 Stormy Eyes for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 4-7 (req. 5 Domination Magic),
Damage +33%, Attack Speed -67%, Health +20
* Nicanor Gannel trades 3 Scorched Lodestones for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +6 (req. 5 Domination Magic),
Energy +5 (while Health is above 75%)

Regent Valley
* Corwin Luceinne trades 3 Ornate Grawl Necklaces for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 4-7 (req. 5 Domination Magic),
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Valeria Benes trades 3 Singed Gargoyle Skulls for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 4-7 (req. 5 Illusion Magic)

Northern Shiverpeaks

Anvil Rock
* Maccus Ironjaw trades 5 Curved Minotaur Horns for Stylish Attire (AL 27)
* Sander the Gray trades 5 Frostfire Fangs for Stylish Leggings (AL 27)

Deldrimor Bowl
* Lenn Giantsbane trades 5 Icy Humps for ?
* Rothgar Hoffsplitter trades 5 Shiverpeak Manes for ?

Iron Horse Mines
* Norin Stonegrimm trades 5 Frostfire Fangs for Imposing Mask (AL 27)

Traveler's Vale
* Asgrim Brightaxe trades 5 Stone Summit Badges for Stylish Gloves (AL 27)
* Pyrs Haven trades 5 Shiverpeak Manes for Costume Mask (AL 27)

Yak's Bend
* Sadira Powell trades 5 Alpine Seeds for Stylish Footwear (AL 27)


Bergen Hot Springs
* Milny Samhammil trades 4 Mergoyle Skulls for a Jeweled Chalice
Energy +8 (req. 6 Illusion Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)

The Black Curtain
* Lyris the Sage trades 4 Bog Skale Fins for a Jeweled Chakram
Energy +8 (req. 6 Inspiration Magic),
Energy +15 Energy regeneration -1,
Health +30
* Sir Robert trades 4 Abnormal Seeds for a Jeweled Staff
Energy +6 Chaos Dmg 7-13 (req. 6 Illusion Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)

Fisherman's Haven
* Delves the Dodgy trades 5 Gargantuan Jawbones for Animal Mask (AL 39)

Kessex Peak
* Bryndon Cromwell trades 5 Gargantuan Jawbones for an Inscribed Staff
Energy +6 Chaos Dmg 7-13 (req. 6 Domination Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Bryon Elston trades 5 Forest Minotaur Horns for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 7-13 (req. 6 Domination Magic),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* William Pennington trades 5 Ivory Troll Tusks for a Jeweled chakram
Energy +8 (req. 6 Inspiration Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Inspiration Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Inspiration Magic skills (Chance: 20%)

Lion's Arch
* Alton Thorne trades 4 Leather Belts for a Jeweled Chalice
Energy +8 (req. 6 Illusion Magic),
Energy +15, Energy Regeneration -1, Health +30

Majesty's Rest
* Isabeaux Navarre trades 5 Thorny Carapaces for a Jeweled Chalice
Energy +10 (req. 8 Illusion Magic),
Armor +5 (while enchanted),
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Robin Neils trades 5 Shadowy Remnants for Costume Mask (AL 39)

Nebo Terrace
* Beldon the Blade trades 4 Mergoyle Skulls for an Inscribed Staff
Energy +6 Chaos Dmg 7-13 (req. 6 Domination Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Domination Magic skills (chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Kira Thorne trades 4 Glowing Hearts for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +8 (req. 6 Fast Casting),
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1, Health +30

North Kryta Province
* Helton Wills trades 4 Hardened Humps for a Jeweled Staff
Energy +6 Chaos Dmg 7-13 (req. 6 Illusion Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Leighton Cranford trades 4 Bog Scale Fins for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 7-13 (req. 6 Illusion Magic),
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
* Wintun the Black trades 4 Feathered Caromi Scalps for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +8 (req. 6 Domination Magic),
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1, Health +30

Scoundrel's Rise
* Camryn Jamison trades 4 Decayed Orr Emblems for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 7-13 (req. 6 Domination Magic),
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1

Stingray Strand
* Jamora the Wise trades 5 Glowing Hearts for Stylish Hose (AL 39)
* Vardis trades 5 Spiked Crests for Costume Maks (AL 39)

Talmark Wilderness
* Julianna Furst trades 5 Glowing Hearts for Stylish Footwear (AL 39)

Twin Serpent Lakes
* Falhurst trades 5 Mergoyle Skulls for Stylish Gloves (AL 39)
* Gruhn the Fisher trades 5 Bog Skale Fins for Stylish Gloves (AL 39)

Watchtower Coast
* Ian Sturmme trades 5 Feathered Caromi Scalps for Sleek Mask (AL 39)
* Tenlach Silverhand trades 5 Abnormal Seeds for Imposing Mask (AL 39)

Maguuma Jungle

Druid's Overlook
* Mosreh the Exile trades 5 Ebon Spider Legs for Stylish Gloves (AL 51)

Ettin's Back
* Hember trades 5 Thorny Carapaces for Stylish Attire (AL 51)
* Horton Longsnout trades 5 White Mantle Emblems for Stylish Attire (AL 51)
* Lord Engleram trades 5 Maguuma Manes for Stylish Footwear (AL 51)

The Falls
* Agrippa Stonehands trades 5 Behemoth Jaws for ?
* Llourdes the Arcane trades 5 Jungle Skale Fins for Stylish Hose (AL 51)
* Meghan the Bright trades 5 Jungle Troll Tusks for Stylish Hose (AL 51)
* Slayton Redblade trades 5 Tangled Seeds for Animal Mask (AL 51)

Henge of Denravi
* Adam Solstrum trades 5 White Mantle Emblems for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 9-16 (req. 8 Illusion Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Illusion Magic skills (chance: 20%)
* Loreen Cranford trades 5 Jungle Troll Tusks for a Jeweled Chalice
Energy +10 (req. 8 Illusion Magic),
Illusion Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills),
Health +30
* Thyfir Greenleaf trades 5 White Mantle Emblems for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +10 (req. 8 Domination Magic),
Armor +5 (while enchanted),
Health +45 (while enchanted)

Maguuma Stade
* Ingrid Larson trades 5 Mossy Mandibles for an Inscribed Staff
Energy +8 Chaos Dmg 9-16 (req. 8 Domination Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Domination Magic skills (chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (chance: 20%)

Mamnoon Lagoon
* Vargil the White trades 5 Ancient Eyes for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 9-16 (req. 8 Domination Magic),
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1

Reed Bog
* Elene the Vigilant trades 5 Ebon Spider Legs for Stylish Gloves (AL 51)

Sage Lands
* Aaron Fletcher trades 5 Ancient Eyes for Imposing Mask (AL 51)
* Elwynn Kirby trades 5 Tangled Seeds for Sleek Mask (AL 51)

* Crispin Bryllis trades 5 Jungle Troll Tusks for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +10 (req. 8 Domination Magic),
Domination Magic +1 (chance: 20%),
Health +30
* Farmor Conklin trades 5 Mossy Mandibles for a Jeweled Chakram
Energy +10 (req. 8 Inspiration Magic),
Armor +5 (while enchanted),
Health +45 (while enchanted)
* Lady Engelram trades 5 Maguuma Manes for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 9-16 (req. 8 Illusion Magic),
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1

Tangle Root
* Orson Cooper trades 5 Ancient Eyes for a Jeweled Chakram
Energy +10 (req. 8 Inspiration Magic),
Inspiration Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills),
Health +30
* Serah Shaes trades 5 Jungle Skale Fins for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +10 (req. 8 Fast Casting),
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1, Health +30
* Tully Blackvine trades 5 Tangled Seeds for a Jeweled Staff
Energy +8, Chaos Dmg: 9-16 (req. 8 Illusion Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Illusion Magic skills (chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Illusion Magic skills (chance: 20%)

Ventari's Refuge
* Jaden Fletcher trades 5 Ancient Eyes for Stylish Footwear (AL 51)

Crystal Desert

Amnoon Oasis
* Ardenoth Oakenshield trades 5 Bleached Shells for Costume Mask (AL 60)
* Ekimeel Trueshot trades 5 Forgotten Seals for Sleek Mask (AL 60)

Arid Sea
* Sir Kaufman trades 5 Massive Jawbones for Stylish Footwear (AL 60)
* Sir Pohl Sandbert trades 5 Dune Burrower Jaws for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic),
Improves skill recharge using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)

Destiny's Gorge
* Barton Smallwood trades 5 Shriveled Eyes for Animal Mask (AL 60)

Diviner's Ascent
* Cinder Linnwood trades 5 Bleached Carapaces for a Jeweled Staff
Energy +10 Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Luven Underwood trades 5 Minotaur Horns for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)

Prophet's Path
* Fenster the Golden trades 5 Minotaur Horns for Stylish Gloves (60 AL)
* Gustov the Silent trades 5 Dune Burrower Jaws for Stylish Footwear (60 AL)
* Kyle the Rich trades 5 Losaru Manes for Stylish Attire (60 AL)
* Winfield Michelson trades 5 Bleached Carapaces for Stylish Attire (60 AL)

Salt Flats
* Kelsay Pradist trades 5 Jade Mandibles for Imposing Mask (AL 60)
* Sir Norrington trades 5 Shriveled Eyes for Stylish Gloves (AL 60)

The Scar
* Cedrick Rogers trades 5 Losaru Manes for Stylish Hose (AL 60) (just outside
of Thirsty River)
* Jamie the Wanderer trades 5 Dune Burrower Jaws for Stylish Hose (AL 60)
* Lord Dorn Lendrigen trades 5 Bleached Shells for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%).

Skyward Reach
* Arliss Vaughn trades 5 Iridescent Griffon Wings for a Jeweled Chalice
Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* John Verado trades 5 Topaz Crests for an Inscribed Staff
Energy +10 Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Mourn Drakespur trades 5 Dessicated Hydra Claws for a Jeweled Chakram
Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Inspiration Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Inspiration Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Rylan Paval trades 5 Spiny Seeds for an Inscribed Chakram
+12 Energy (req. 9 Domination Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)

Vulture Drifts
* Brandon Harlan trades 5 Enchanted Lodestones for a Jeweled Chalice
Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic),
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1, Health +30
* Karl Jacobs trades 5 Massive Jawbones for an Inscribed Staff
Energy +10 Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Kraviec the Cursed trades 5 Iridescent Griffon Wings for a Jeweled Chakram
Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic),
Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1, Health +30
* Uderit Ignis trades 5 Jade Mandibles for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +12 (req. 9 Fast Casting),
Improves Casting speed using Fast Casting skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Fast Casting skills (Chance: 20%)

Southern Shiverpeaks

Frozen Forest
* Kagan Treesplitter trades 7 Alpine Seeds for Stylish Gloves (AL 60)

Ice Floe
* Turlo Oakenspear trades 7 Frigid Hearts for Stylish Hose (AL 60)
(Just outside Marhan's Grotto)

Mineral Springs
* Bariel Darkroot trades 5 Alpine Seeds for a Jeweled Chalice
Energy +12 (req. 9 Illusion Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
OR for a Jeweled Chakram
Energy +12 (req. 9 Inspiration Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Inspiration Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Inspiration Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Goran Grimyak trades 5 Feathered Avicara Scalps for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +12 (req. 9 Domination Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Trego Stonebreaker trades 5 Mountain Troll Tusks for an Inscribed Chakram
Energy +12 (req. 9 Fast Casting),
Improves Casting speed using Fast Casting skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Fast Casting skills (Chance: 20%)

Snake Dance
* Hoknil the Lesser trades 5 Azure Remains for an Inscribed Staff
Energy +10 Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Hagnon Warblade trades 5 Frosted Griffon Wings for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic),
Improves skill recharge using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Merin Trollsbane trades 5 Mountain Troll Tusks for a Jeweled Staff
Energy +10 Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Illusion Magic),
Improves Casting speed using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%),
Improves skill recharge using Illusion Magic skills (Chance: 20%)
* Radamon trades 5 Huge Jawbones for a Cane
Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Domination Magic),
Improves skill recharge using Domination Magic skills (Chance: 20%)

Talus Chute
* Hoknil the Greater trades 7 Huge Jawbones for Stylish Attire (AL 60)
(Northwest of Droknar's Forge near Artisan)

Witman's Folly
* Vania Sewell trades 7 Azure Remains for Stylish Footwear (AL 60)

- Fast Casting Chart (gwmeg9d) -
This chart shows the adjusted casting time of various common casting times in
seconds when modified by the Fast Casting attribute. It is based off of the
Casting Time = Base Time * 2^(-Fast Casting Attribute Rank/15)

Because I'm not aware if Guild Wars rounds to a certain decimal place for the
purposes of casting time, I listed the casting time up to the nearest
thousandth place.

Base Time 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 8.000
0 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 8.000
1 0.239 0.477 0.716 0.955 1.910 2.865 3.819 4.774 5.729 7.639
2 0.228 0.456 0.684 0.912 1.823 2.735 3.647 4.559 5.470 7.294
3 0.218 0.435 0.653 0.871 1.741 2.612 3.482 4.353 5.223 6.964
4 0.208 0.416 0.623 0.831 1.662 2.494 3.325 4.156 4.987 6.650
5 0.198 0.397 0.595 0.794 1.587 2.381 3.175 3.969 4.762 6.350
6 0.189 0.379 0.568 0.758 1.516 2.274 3.031 3.789 4.547 6.063
7 0.181 0.362 0.543 0.724 1.447 2.171 2.895 3.618 4.342 5.789
8 0.173 0.345 0.518 0.691 1.382 2.073 2.764 3.455 4.146 5.528
9 0.165 0.330 0.495 0.660 1.320 1.979 2.639 3.299 3.959 5.278
10 0.157 0.315 0.472 0.630 1.260 1.890 2.520 3.150 3.780 5.040
11 0.150 0.301 0.451 0.602 1.203 1.805 2.406 3.008 3.609 4.812
12 0.144 0.287 0.431 0.574 1.149 1.723 2.297 2.872 3.446 4.595
13 0.137 0.274 0.411 0.548 1.097 1.645 2.194 2.742 3.290 4.387
14 0.131 0.262 0.393 0.524 1.047 1.571 2.095 2.618 3.142 4.189
15 0.125 0.250 0.375 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 4.000
16 0.119 0.239 0.358 0.477 0.955 1.432 1.910 2.387 2.865 3.819

- Mesmer PvE Checklist (gwmeg9e) -

This checklist assumes that you will reach level 20 and complete all of the
missions, thus gaining enough skill points. It also assumes that you complete
the missions in order without skipping ahead. The checklist is in approximate
chronological order through the storyline of the game.

If you complete this checklist, not only do you beat the game, but you also
will unlock ALL of the Mesmer skills. The trainers listed in the checklist
obviously have more skills available than the few that are cited. However,
those skills are the only ones that you should purchase, as the rest of the
skills offered by that trainer can be gained from a quest without using up a
skill point.

Note that there are many skills that can be earned much earlier than stated in
this checklist by capturing from various bosses. These are listed as (Optional)
CAPTURE items on the checklist. The skills listed after the CAPTURE entry are
those that cannot be earned as a quest reward. I strongly advise that you only
capture them if you desperately need that skill or the skill is NOT given as a
quest reward, as it will use up a Signet of Capture and a Skill Point.

Throughout the checklist, a tally of Skill points earned and Skill points used
is kept, for your reference, in case you want to plan ahead when buying skills
from your secondary class.

EXPLORE: Find the location listed
QUEST: Complete the Quest listed
MISSION: Complete the Mission listed
(Optional): Not necessary to complete the Mesmer skillset

Lakeside County
___ EXPLORE:Find Ashford Abbey
___ QUEST:Adventure with an Ally, Lina the Healer - Resurrection Signet
___ QUEST:Mesmer Test, Sebedoh the Mesmer - Empathy, Ether Feast
___ QUEST:A Mesmer's Burden, Lady Althea - Conjure Phantasm, Imagined Burden
___ QUEST:Tithe for Ashford Abbey, Devona - 1 Skill Point
(Level + 0 Skill points earned)

Green Hills Country
___ (Optional) EXPLORE:Find The Barradin Estate

Regent Valley
___ (Optional) EXPLORE:Find Fort Ranik

Wizard's Folly
___ EXPLORE:Find Foible's Fair

Foible's Fair
___ QUEST:Domination Magic, Vassar - Backfire, Shatter Delusions

___ MISSION:Complete the Academy mission and proceed to Post-Searing Ascalon
(No Skill points earned)

Old Ascalon
___ EXPLORE:From Ascalon City, find the Great Northern Wall
___ EXPLORE:Find The Breach and Piken Square
___ EXPLORE:Find Sardelac Sanitarium
___ QUEST:Helping the People of Ascalon, Ambassador Zain - Energy Tap
___ QUEST:Supplies for the Duke, Gate Guard Hollis - Distortion
___ TRAINER:Sir Bertran - None (All can be gained from a quest)

Sardelac Sanitarium
___ QUEST:Mesmerizing the Enemy, Vassar - Power Leak
___ QUEST:Trying Times, Vassar - Chaos Storm, Mantra of Flame
___ QUEST:A Cure for Ralena, Vassar - Energy Burn, Illusion of Haste

The Great Northern Wall
___ MISSION:Complete the Great Northern Wall mission and arrive at Fort Ranik
(Level + 1 Skill points earned)

Fort Ranik
___ MISSION:Complete the Fort Ranik mission and arrive at Frontier Gate
(Level + 2 Skill points earned)

Frontier Gate/Eastern Frontier
___ EXPLORE:Find the Ruins of Surmia
___ EXPLORE:Find Pockmark Flats and Serenity Temple
___ QUEST:Caravan in Trouble, Cynn (near Pockmark Flats entrance of the Eastern
Frontier) - Phantom Pain

Serenity Temple
___ QUEST:Unnatural Creatures, Erudine - Diversion
___ QUEST:Experimental Elixer, Erudine - Shatter Hex

Ruins of Surmia
___ MISSION:Complete the Ruins of Surmia mission and arrive at Nolani Academy
(Level + 3 Skill points earned)

Nolani Academy
___ EXPLORE:Find Grendich Courthouse
___ MISSION:Complete the Nolani Academy mission and arrive at Yak's Bend
(Level + 4 Skill points earned)

Grendich Courthouse
___ TRAINER:Taltosh - Epidemic, Physical Resistance
(2 Skill points used)

Yak's Bend
___ EXPLORE:Find Borlis Pass
___ QUEST:Helping the Dwarves, Grand Mason Stonecleaver - Mantra of Frost
___ QUEST:The Stone Summit Champion, Sebedoh the Mesmer - Channeling, Fragility,
Power Spike
___ TRAINER:Captain Osric - None (All can be gained from a quest)
___ (Optional) EXPLORE:Find Iron Horse Mines

Borlis Pass
___ MISSION:Complete the Borlis Pass mission and arrive at the Frost Gate
(Level + 5 Skill points earned)

The Frost Gate
___ EXPLORE:Find the Ice Tooth Cave
___ MISSION:Complete the Frost Gate mission and arrive at Beacon's Perch
(Level + 6 Skill points earned)

Ice Tooth Cave
___ TRAINER:Marna - Drain Enchantment
(3 Skill points used)

Beacon's Perch
___ EXPLORE:Find the Gates of Kryta
___ QUEST:Hungry Devourer, Master Saberlin - Shatter Enchantment
___ QUEST:The Deserters, Master Saberlin - Inspired Hex

The Gates of Kryta
___ MISSION:Complete the Gates of Kryta mission and arrive at Lion's Arch
(Level + 7 Skill points earned)

Lion's Arch
___ EXPLORE:Find the Ascalon Settlement in North Kryta Province
___ QUEST:Orrian Excavation, Magi Malaquire
___ QUEST:Signet of Capture, Magi Malaquire - Signet of Capture
___ TRAINER:Firstwatch Sergio - None (All can be gained from a quest)

North Kryta Province
___ EXPLORE:Find Nebo Terrace
___ EXPLORE:Find D'Alessio Seaboard
___ QUEST:Graven Images, Archivist Ithimar - Mantra of Lightning
___ QUEST:The Ascalon Settlement, Damaris - Wastrel's Worry
___ QUEST:The Last Hog, Farmer Dirk - Leech Signet
___ TRAINER:Captain Greywind - Mantra of Concentration, Shame
(5 Skill points used)

Nebo Terrace
___ EXPLORE:Find Nebo Village
___ EXPLORE:Find Bergen Hot Springs
___ EXPLORE:Find Beetletun
___ QUEST:The Hot Springs Murders, Inspector Caleb - Illusion of Weakness

Bergen Hot Springs
___ EXPLORE:Find the Cursed Lands, then the Black Curtain, then the Temple of
the Ages

Temple of the Ages
___ QUEST:The False Gods, Brother Mizar - Mind Wrack
___ (Optional) EXPLORE:Find the Talmark Wilderness

___ QUEST:The Undead Hordes, Elder Hezron - Inspired Enchantment
___ TRAINER:Ephaz - Arcane Echo, Cry of Frustration
(7 Skill points used)

D'Alessio Seaboard
___ MISSION:Complete the D'Alessio Seaboard mission and arrive at Divinity Coast
(Level + 8 Skill points earned)

Divinity Coast
___ MISSION:Complete the Divinity Coast mission and arrive at Druid's Overlook
(Level + 9 Skill points earned)

Druid's Overlook
___ EXPLORE:Find the Wilds
___ QUEST:Mysterious Message, Envoy Enro - Ethereal Burden
___ QUEST:Eye for Profit, Trader Versai - Hex Breaker

The Wilds
___ MISSION:Complete the Wilds mission and arrive at Bloodstone Fen
(Level + 10 Skill points earned)

Bloodstone Fen
___ EXPLORE:Find Quarrel Falls
___ MISSION:Complete the Bloodstone Fen mission and arrive at Ventari's Refuge
(Level + 11 Skill points earned)

___ QUEST:The Price of Steel, Alari Doubleblade - Arcane Thievery

Quarrel Falls
___ TRAINER:Sorim - None (All can be gained from a quest)

Ettin's Back
___ EXPLORE:Find Aurora Glade
___ QUEST:Dropping Eaves, Deep Root - Spirit of Failure
___ QUEST:Blood and Smoke, Deep Root - Spirit Shackles

Aurora Glade
___ MISSION:Complete the Aurora Glade mission and arrive at Henge of Denravi
(Level + 12 Skill points earned)

Henge of Denravi
___ EXPLORE:Find Maguuma Stade
___ EXPLORE:Find Riverside Province
___ TRAINER:Master Scout Kiera - None (All can be gained from a quest)

Maguuma Stade
___ TRAINER:Avena - Arcane Mimicry, Power Drain
(9 Skill points used)

Riverside Province
___ MISSION:Complete the Riverside mission and arrive at Sanctum Cay
(Level + 13 Skill points earned)

Sanctum Cay
___ EXPLORE:Find Fisherman's Haven
___ MISSION:Complete the Sanctum Cay mission and arrive at Amnoon Oasis
(Level + 14 Skill points earned)

Fisherman's Haven
___ QUEST:The Royal Papers, Watchman Arad - Mantra of Earth
___ QUEST:The Lost Princess, Watchman Arad - Blackout
___ TRAINER:Mazzim - Signet of Humility, Sympathetic Visage
(11 Skill points used)

Amnoon Oasis
___ EXPLORE:Find Augury Rock
___ TRAINER:Tengsao - None (All can be gained from a quest)

Augury Rock
___ EXPLORE:Find Destiny's Gorge
___ EXPLORE:Find Heroes' Audience
___ QUEST:Into the Unknown, Jorn Kudebeh - Arcane Conundrum
___ QUEST:Ghostly Vengeance, Marchena - Mantra of Persistence
___ MISSION:Defeat your Mirror and Ascend

Destiny's Gorge
___ EXPLORE:Find Diviner's Ascent and Elona Reach
___ EXPLORE:Find The Scar and Thirsty River
___ QUEST:The Forgotten Ones, Annelle Fips - Elemental Resistance

Skyward Reach
___ EXPLORE:Complete the Forgotten Ones quest
___ EXPLORE:Find the Arid Sea
___ QUEST:Receive the Forgotten Wisdom quest after Forgotten ones

Arid Sea
___ QUEST:Forgotten Wisdom - 15 attribute points

Elona Reach
___ CAPTURE:Tiss Danssir - Mantra of Recovery (Elite)
(12 Skill points used)
___ EXPLORE:Find Salt Flats and Seeker's Passage
___ MISSION:Complete the Elona Reach mission
(Level + 15 Skill points earned)

Salt Flats
___ CAPTURE:Yxthoshth - Crippling Anguish (Elite)
(13 Skill points used)

Seeker's Passage
___ QUEST:A Belated Betrothal, Tirzah - Ether Lord

Heroes' Audience
___ EXPLORE:Find the Vulture Drifts and the Dunes of Despair
___ QUEST:The Misplaced Sword, Yort the Bronze - Guilt

Dunes of Despair
___ MISSION:Complete the Dunes of Despair mission
(Level + 16 Skill points earned)
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Ayassah Hess - Mantra of Recovery (Elite)

Thirsty River
___ MISSION:Complete the Thirsty River mission
(Level + 17 Skill points earned)
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Goss Aleesh - Mantra of Recovery (Elite)

The Dragon's Lair
___ CAPTURE:Facet of Chaos - Mantra of Recall (Elite)
(14 Skill points used)
___ MISSION:Complete the Dragon's Lair mission and arrive at Droknar's Forge
(Level + 18 Skill points earned)

Droknar's Forge
___ EXPLORE:Find Witman's Folly and Port Sledge
___ EXPLORE:Find Talus Chute and Camp Rankor
___ EXPLORE:Find the Ice Caves of Sorrow
___ QUEST:Hero's Journey, Vanyi - Unlocks Hero's Challenge
___ QUEST:Hero's Challenge, Vanyi - 15 Attribute points
___ TRAINER:Bartoch - None (All can be gained from a quest)

Witman's Folly
___ CAPTURE:Snik Hungrymind - Energy Drain (Elite)
(15 Skill points used)

Port Sledge
___ TRAINER:Thengen - Ignorance
(16 Skill points used)

Talus Chute
___ CAPTURE:Seer Windlash - Illusionary Weaponry (Elite)
(17 Skill points used)

Camp Rankor
___ EXPLORE:Find Snake Dance
___ TRAINER:Steig - Mantra of Inscriptions, Signet of Weariness
(19 Skill points used)

Snake Dance
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Featherclaw - Mantra of Recall (Elite)
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Didn Hopestealer - Illusionary Weaponry (Elite)

Ice Caves of Sorrow
___ MISSION:Complete the Ice Caves of Sorry and arrive at the Iron Mines of
(Level + 19 Skill points earned)

Iron Mines of Moladune
___ CAPTURE:Balasi the Arcane - Energy Surge (Elite)
(20 Skill points used)
___ EXPLORE:Find Frozen Forest and Copperhammer Mines
___ MISSION:Complete the Iron Mines of Moladune mission and arrive at
Thunderhead Keep
(Level + 20 Skill points earned)
___ BONUS:Infuse all of your armor
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Digo Murkstalker - Illusionary Weaponry (Elite)

Frozen Forest
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Barl Stormsiege - Crippling Anguish (Elite)

Copperhammer Mines
___ EXPLORE:Find Spearhead Peak and the Granite Citadel
___ TRAINER:Gammel - Clumsiness, Mantra of Signets
(22 Skill points used)

Spearhead Peak
___ CAPTURE:Rune Ethercrash - Keystone Signet (Elite)
(23 Skill points used)

Granite Citadel
___ EXPLORE:Find the Mineral Springs

Mineral Springs
___ CAPTURE:Wyt Sharpfeather - Ineptitude (Elite)
(24 Skill points used)

Thunderhead Keep
___ EXPLORE:Find Ice Floe and Marhan's Grotto
___ MISSION:Complete the Thunderhead Keep mission and arrive at Ember Light Camp
(Level + 21 Skill points earned)
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Fuury Stonewrath - Crippling Anguish (Elite)

Ice Floe
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Gambol Headrainer - Energy Drain (Elite)

Marhan's Grotto
___ TRAINER:Harnil - Mantra of Resolve, Soothing Images
(26 Skill points used)

Ember Light Camp
___ QUEST:Final Blow received from Shadow

Perdition Rock
___ CAPTURE:Lyssa's Cursed - Power Block (Elite)
(27 Skill points used)
___ CAPTURE:Malus Phasmatus - Signet of Midnight (Elite)
(28 Skill points used)
___ CAPTURE:Rwek Khawl Mawl - Echo (Elite)
(29 Skill points used)
___ QUEST:Complete Final Blow and arrive at the Ring of Fire
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Snik Hungrymind - Energy Drain (Elite)

Ring of Fire
___ CAPTURE:Pytt Spitespew - Migraine (Elite)
(30 Skill points used)
___ MISSION:Complete the Ring of Fire Mission and arrive at Abaddon's Mouth
(Level + 22 Skill points earned)
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Melek the Virtuous - Energy Surge (Elite)

Abaddon's Mouth
___ CAPTURE:Plexus Shadowhook - Fevered Dreams (Elite)
(31 Skill points used)
___ MISSION:Complete the Abaddon's Mouth mission and arrive at Hell's Precipice
(Level + 23 Skill points earned)
___ (Optional) CAPTURE:Mercia the Sing - Energy Surge (Elite)

Hell's Precipice
___ CAPTURE:Moles Quibus - Panic (Elite)
(32 Skill points used)
___ MISSION:Complete the mission and beat the PvE game
(Level + 24 Skill points earned)

Note: You will only have used 30 skill points total by the end, because you get
two free Signets of Capture from Magi Malaquire in Lion's Arch)

This is a short checklist of things to unlock for your PvP character.

___ UNLOCK:Minor Rune of Domination Magic
___ UNLOCK:Minor Rune of Fast Casting
___ UNLOCK:Minor Rune of Illusion Magic
___ UNLOCK:Minor Rune of Inspiration Magic
___ UNLOCK:Minor Rune of Vigor
___ UNLOCK:Major Rune of Domination Magic
___ UNLOCK:Major Rune of Fast Casting
___ UNLOCK:Major Rune of Illusion Magic
___ UNLOCK:Major Rune of Inspiration Magic
___ UNLOCK:Major Rune of Vigor
___ UNLOCK:Superior Rune of Domination Magic
___ UNLOCK:Superior Rune of Fast Casting
___ UNLOCK:Superior Rune of Illusion Magic
___ UNLOCK:Superior Rune of Inspiration Magic
___ UNLOCK:Superior Rune of Vigor
___ UNLOCK:Defensive Staff Head
___ UNLOCK:Hale Staff Head
___ UNLOCK:Insightful Staff Head
___ UNLOCK:Staff Wrapping of Defense
___ UNLOCK:Staff Wrapping of Shelter
___ UNLOCK:Staff Wrapping of Warding
___ UNLOCK:Staff Wrapping of Enchanting
___ UNLOCK:Staff Wrapping of Fortitude
___ UNLOCK:Staff Wrapping of Domination Magic
___ UNLOCK:Staff Wrapping of Illusion Magic
___ UNLOCK:Staff Wrapping of Inspiration Magic

= End Notes (gwmeg10) =

- Version History -
0.01 First version of this Mesmer guide is released.
0.02 Expanded info on Virulence, updated FAQ, added Armor List, added more
0.03 Expanded Cane/Staff and Foci section
0.04 Corrected entry in Arcane Mimicry
0.05 Updated the Fast Casting Tables/Entry
0.06 Minor skill additions and small edits all around
0.07 Added information about Performer's Set (credit to Nobleman Azure at GWO)
0.08 Added many more collectors
0.09 Added information from 8/25/05, which changed MANY skills.
0.10 Removed information about the +5 Energy sword, no longer available after
the 9/7/05 update. Updated Collectors.
0.11 Added information from 9/29/05, which changed some skills.

- Credits -

Most of the Skill List information was gleaned from the following fansites:

Most of the Armor information was taken from discussions on the
forums, as well as personal investigation.

Credit goes to Maximus Bellator who has effectively mapped all of the collectors
in the Southern Shiverpeaks and the Crystal Desert, found at this link here:

Credit goes to Nobleman Azure and his Friday night testing group for determining
that the +15 AL from Performer's armor applies globally.

I'd like to thank my guildmates in the East Bay Alliance of Yeomen [eBay].

I'd also like to thank NCSoft for finally making a 3D Diablo clone that fits my
liking and an online RPG that doesn't have a monthly fee, all in the same game.

- Copyright Notice -
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

The following sites have permission to use this FAQ as long as it is credited:

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

In particular, Guild Wars is a trademark of NCsoft Corporation.
Guild Wars is copyrighted by NCsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2005 Hahns Shin

- End Quote -

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
Mark Twain
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Beginners Guide

17.October 2013
Ranger Guide

16.October 2013
Title Guide

08.October 2013
Collectors Guide

17.October 2013
Quest Guide

16.October 2013
Terminology Guide

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Monk FAQ

17.October 2013
Mesmer Guide

17.October 2013
Skill Guide

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17.October 2013
Mesmer FAQ

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