Guild Wars

Guild Wars

17.10.2013 08:09:19
Warrior FAQ

Guild Wars- Warrior FAQ

by thadarkman78

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Updates
3. Explanation on the Warrior
4. Attributes
5. Weapon Types
6. Choosing your Secondary Profession
7. Possible uses for Warrior as a Secondary Profession
8. Possible builds
9. Final Thoughts
10. Credits
11. Copyright/Legal Information


1. Introduction


Hello, this is thadarkman78, and well, this happens to be my first FAQ for
GameFAQs, quite an exciting time. I hope you, the reader, will find this FAQ
very enjoyable and useful in helping to decide whether the Warrior is the
right choice for a profession. If you have any questions, comments, issues,
or possible ideas for new sections of the FAQ, please, let me know at one of
the following ways:

e-mail: (1st priority for checking)
AIM: knickfan345 (Not on as much, but I'll be on sometimes)
MSN: (On more often than AIM, you can message me there)


2. Updates


Version 0.6 - Didn't get to do as much as I would like due to time
constraints, however, I updated the profession explaining for secondary
professions, along with a couple of new builds submitted from readers. I hope
to get more done in the coming version update, which should be in a couple of
weeks maybe. I also updated a list of sites that can host my guide.

Version 0.5 - The very first release of this FAQ. Included are the basic
explanations of the Warrior class, attributes, weapon types, some builds,
and some skills. Look for more builds, comments, critiques, analysis, and more
in the next version.


3. Explanation on the Warrior


Ahh yes, the fabled class we like to call the Warrior. The Warrior at times
can be a very useful asset in any online RPG, yet sometimes is overlooked.
With Guild Wars however, the Warrior will never get overlooked. A viable
necessity in all aspects of this game, from PvE to PvP, the Warrior will
be needed and depended on. As some of you might come from an MMORPG
background, you might see the Warrior as one who is just responsible for
being the "meat shield" of the group, that is, the one who sits there taking
all the damage while the other professions have all the fun doing damage. With
Guild Wars' style of action-packed combat, this is far from the case. The
Warrior can deal a great deal of damage, and combined with the right set of
skills and knowledge, the Warrior's presence will be felt throughout the
battlefield. There are of course, many ways to go about doing this, but like
any other profession, we have to start out with the basics.


4. Attributes


As you know already, there are a set of attributes for each different
Profession in Guild Wars. The Warrior, as a primary profession, has access to
5 different attributes. They are:

1. Strength - This attribute affects the amount of armor penetration for a
Warrior. This is the Warrior's primary profession only Attribute, and the
formula for calculating the amount of armor penetration is x%, where x is the
amount of attribute points you have invested in Strength. For all Warrior
primary professions, this is really a huge want for your build, as armor
penetration will be important in dishing out more damage for your build.

2. Axe Mastery - This attribute reflects your proficiency in axes. The more
you have invested to Axe Mastery, the better the axes you will be able to
equip. Not to mention that skills based on Axe Mastery will increase in
damage output.

3. Hammer Mastery - This attribute reflects your proficiency in Hammers. The
more you have invested to Hammer Mastery, the better the hammers you will be
able to equip. As well as increasing the power of your Hammer Mastery skills.

4. Swordsmanship - This attribute reflects your proficiency in Swords. The
more you have invested to Swordsmanship, the better the swords you will be
able to equip. Also, it increases the power of your Swordsmanship skills.

5. Tactics - This attribute will raise the stats of some key defensive skills.
There are no outside benefits to tactics other than raising the level of
skills requiring Tactics investment.


5. Weapon Types


As you can see above, based on your possible attributes, you will have a
choice between 3 weapons, a choice that only the Warrior class has a privilege
to make. Those 3 weapons are of course the Axe, the Sword, and the Hammer. Now
I'm sure you are asking yourselves this question, "Which one should I pick?"
Well, here is a breakdown on the different weapon types so you can make that
choice easily:

Axe - This weapon is a 1 handed weapon, which will enable you to equip a
shield as well. The maximum damage on the Axe is higher than the Sword, which
is also a 1 handed weapon. However, the minimum damage is lower than the Sword
(the minimum damage for an Axe is 6 at the high end Axes, while I believe the
minimum damage for a sword at the high end Swords is 15, comparatively the
maximum damage for a sword is 22 at the high end while 28 for an Axe at the
high end.) Some of the skills are pretty effective in PvE, a very useful
choice for PvE. Even in PvP, some of the skill combos generated by the Axe can
be quite useful, like Axe Rake and Eviscerate can be a deadly combo.
Definitely a great combo all around.

Sword - Another 1 handed weapon, and quite the weapon it is. The skill range
for the sword is quite impressive, with awesome skills like Riposte, and
destructive skills like final thrust, you can unleash some massive damage. The
use of bleeding can also be very nifty in situations. Great weapon for PvP, I
would still recommend an Axe for PvE over a sword, but that's just preference.
Overall a great weapon to use as well.

Hammer - This is the 2 handed weapon, and your starting weapon when you first
start off as a Warrior. The damage range can be from 17-35 at the highest
level of hammers, so the extra damage can be appealing for some. Also, if you
are able to pull some strings and find the right skills, a Hammer build can
easily trounce a Sword build any day, however, it is finding those skills that
might be a problem for you. Still, the extra damage is always a plus, useful
in PvE because of this.


6. Choosing your Secondary Profession


Now that we have the basics, we move on to one of the harder decisions
you will have to make as a Warrior, what will your secondary profession be?
Now before someone asks this, no, there really is not a best choice over all
the other professions, in reality, all of the professions can be a good choice
for a secondary profession, that's the way Guild Wars was designed to be. It's
how you make your character is what makes you come on top. So instead of
telling you to choose this profession, I'll just list some information on how
you can use any class to your advantage as a Warrior:

Ranger - A nice combination, by being able to use wilderness survival skills,
you can be quite an effective tank. Skills like Fertile Season and Troll
Unguent will help you out in the long way, allowing you to have an insane
amount of health and keep it in your favor. Combine with with your defensive
warrior skills like Gladiator's Defense and you will be really tough to take

Mesmer - I can tell you lots about the Warrior/Mesmer, practically because
this was my first attempt at a Warrior. The Mesmer can be a dangerous combo
to a Warrior. Combined with some adrenaline skills, you can use the Mesmer's
Damage over Time (DoT) skills to weaken your enemies, or in PvP, you can use
many of their wide range of hexes to devastate those casters out there, a very
key part of being Mesmer. Definitely a combo that might get overlooked, but
worth looking at in the end.

Necromancer - Pretty much the same thing as the Mesmer. There are some
effective Necromancer skills that when you read the description you look at it
like the skill was born to be used as a Warrior. Some skills that provide
negative health regeneration to you can be very valuable as a Warrior, because
you will have enough health to be able to withstand a negative condition on
you, so you can use those types of skills to your advantage. Then you just mow
over what's left of your opponent with your adrenaline skills. Also of note is
the amount of curses that you can inflict upon your opponent, making you a
very effective anti-warrior, while being a warrior. A great build to look at
as well.

Elementalist - Some might consider this to be one of the worst combinations
ever, a Warrior/Elementalist, how could that possibly work? Oh, it can
alright, and in fact, I consider a Warrior/Elementalist to be one of the
nastiest combinations in the game. Imagine a Warrior slowing down his
opponents using ice spells, then rushing in with Sprint to deliver the final
blow with his adrenaline skills? That's exactly the power of this build. Or
even better, you can use their powerful Earth Magic to slow down your enemies
and even buff your allies. Of course, energy might pose a problem with this
build, but I've seen it in action, and it can be very effective if you have
a player who knows what they are doing.

Monk - Of course, one of the most popular builds played now a days, a
Warrior/Monk build, also known as the Paladin build. This build basically
focuses on you being a huge tank, you cast spells like healing hands or
mending to keep yourself alive, then you just hack at your opponents, waiting
for your teammates to dish out the major damage. Some find this build boring,
others find it necessary, me, I find it useful, annoying, and powerful all in
one. However, this build can be easily countered when you are facing a pure
debuffer, but hey, all builds can be countered, that's the way Guild Wars
was designed to work. A good choice for a Secondary, but if you are looking
for uniqueness, this certainly is not the choice for you.


7. Possible uses for Warrior as a Secondary Profession


A Warrior as a secondary profession, some may say that it is a complete waste
as a secondary profession, but it can be used very nicely in conjunction with
other professions. I'll give you a brief synopsis of the uses of a Warrior as
a secondary profession, and even some build ideas:

Ranger - You can nail the enemies from long distance in PvE and the players in
PvP very nicely, and if they happen to rush at you, you can switch to your
melee weapon and go at it. You can invest in a skill perhaps like fertile
season, which will create a spirit that gives you a lot of extra health,
allowing you to survive in melee if you must go at it. While you don't have to
melee, you can then just use your standard ranger skills to get a huge damage

*info by Outlaw Gunslinger*

My first and most used character is a ranger/warrior, and it has some definite
advantages. Sprint is a must have to get to the best possible locations in
your environment, and Frenzy definitely works well with a ranger (it allows
your attacks to be 33% faster at the expense of double damage), seeing as they
aren't a usual target. The skill Endure Pain is an advantage to have in any
class. It increases your health and armor enough that it can make a huge
difference in any battle.

Elementalist - The ability to use fire skills that burn your opponent, such as
Mark of Rodgort can work very effectively with the Warrior. Combine it with
skills like flurry and some high damaging sword skills, you will be able to
dish out some major damage. And what better than to use Elementalist skills
when you have the benefit of being able to use Energy Storage as your primary
attribute, which increases your energy each time you raise it.

*sample Ele/War build courtesy of ellis123*

Attributes: Energy Storage - 10, Fire Magic - 10, Swordsmanship - 11

Conjure Flame - Enchantment: lose all enchantments. For 60 seconds, your
attacks strike for an additional 11 fire damage.

Phoenix - A fiery phoenix rises at your location, striking nearby foes for 77
fire damage, and flies out to your target, exploding on impact. This explosion
strikes for an additional 65 fire damage.

Mark of Rodgort - Hex: For 16 seconds, whenever target foe is struck for fire
damage, that foe is set on fire for 3 seconds.

Inferno - All adjacent foes are struck for 85 fire damage.

Final Thrust - Sword Attack: Lose all adrenaline. If Final Thrust hits, you
deal 29 more damage. This damage is doubled if your target was below 50%

Galrath Slash - Sword Attack: This attack strikes for +29 damage if it hits.

Pure Strike - Sword Attack: If Pure Strike hits, you strike for +22 damage. If
you are not using a stance, Pure Strike cannot be blocked or evaded.

Savage Slash - Sword Attack: If this attack hits, it interrupts target foe's
action. If that action was a spell, you deal 29 extra damage.

The goal in this build is to use the amount of energy you have due to the
energy storage, and put out as much damage as possible. It works very well
against spellcasters (due to savage slash), and will do MASSIVE amounts of
damage to anyone regardless of defense.

Mesmer -


8. Possible Builds


Yes, something everyone wants to have, a build for their Warrior! So I thought
it would be nice to make some sample builds for you all to see, so you can
formulate your own thoughts and ideas to what you think might be the "perfect
build". You should note however, that my builds, just like anyone else's, are
not perfect, we can get beat any day. It's really up to how well you can
function in a team, not just your own build. Remember, Guild Wars is a team
oriented game, so team play is what determines the outcome of the game, not
just yourself.

Also, just a heads up, the descriptions will be in there, but if they change
over time, there's a good chance I might forget to change their effects. If
that is the case, do not hesitate to e-mail me and let me know there has been
a change.

PvE/PvP Warrior/Monk tactical tank

Power Attack - If this attack hits, you strike for +10-26 damage.
Sever Artery - If this attack hits, the opponent begins bleeding for 5-21
seconds, losing health over time.
Galrath Slash - This attack strikes for +1-32 damage if it hits.
Riposte - For 8 seconds, while you have a sword equipped, you block the next
attack against you, and your attacker takes 1-32 damage.
Deadly Riposte- For 8 seconds, while you have a sword equipped, you block the
next attack against you, and your attacker takes 1-24 damage and begins
bleeding for 3-21 seconds.
Gladiator's Defense (elite) - For 5-10 seconds, you have a 75% chance to block
incoming attacks. Whenever you block a melee attack this way, the attacker
suffers 5-29 damage.
Vital Blessing - While you maintain this enchantment, target ally has +40-168
maximum health.
Resurrect - Resurrect target party member.
Shielding Hands - For 10 seconds, damage received by target ally is reduced by

Attributes: Swordsmanship - 9, Tactics - 10, Strength - 9,
Protection Prayers - 8

The idea of this build is basically to take the damage, and work it around so
that your opponent, whether it be a monster or a player, takes that damage in
return. With the use of Gladiator's, Riposte and Deadly Riposte, you can take
all the damage and send it back to the opposing foe. Of course, in PvP this
might not be as effective, because most likely the opposing team will
immediately go for the casters first, making your build practically useless
until they target you. However, in PvE this can work very effectively, rush
into the battle and start bye casting Gladiator's Defense, making the enemies
attack you instead of others, and sending damage back to them. Then you can
alternate between Riposte and Deadly Riposte, while making sure to keep vital
blessing on you, as the extra HP boost can be a nifty bonus for you. Also,
you can choose to take Resurrect or Shielding Hands depending on the situation
and whether it calls for a resurrect spell or not.

Warrior/Necro PvP Anti-Warrior (oh the irony)

Power Attack - If this attack hits, you strike for +10-26 damage.
Eviscerate (elite) - If Eviscerate hits, you strike for +1-24 damage and
inflict a deep wound, lowering your target's maximum health by 20% for 5-17
Axe Rake - If this attack hits a foe suffering from a deep wound, you strike
for +1-8 damage, and that foe becomes crippled.
Executioner's Strike - If this attack hits, you strike for +10-34 damage
Sprint - For 8-13 seconds, you move 25% faster.
Barbs - For 30 seconds, target foe takes 1-8 more damage when hit by physical
Enfeeble - Target suffers weakness for 5-17 seconds.
Weaken Armor - For 10-34 seconds, target foe has an armor penalty of -20
against physical damage.

Attributes: Strength- 10, Axe Mastery - 11, Curses - 10

The idea behind this build is simply to make a Warrior's life a living
nightmare. Barbs will allow you to do more damage against it, while afflicting
it with weakness from enfeeble, then lowering his armor, not to mention you'll
be giving him a deep wound and cripple while you are at it. So basically, by
the time you are finished with him, he'll be in so much trouble with no where
to go. Very PvP oriented, not really best for a PvE sort of environment.

Warrior/Elementalist PvP Operation: Slow down opponent

Power Attack - If this attack hits, you strike for +10-26 damage.
Mighty Blow - If this attack hits, you strike for +1-24 damage.
Staggering Blow - If this hammer blow hits, your target will suffer from
weakness for 5-13 seconds.
Heavy Blow - Lose all adrenaline. If this attack hits a foe suffering from
weakness, that foe is knocked down and you strike for +1-24 damage.
Sprint - For 8-13 seconds, you move 25% faster.
Flourish (elite) - All of your attack skills become recharged. You gain 1-6
energy for each skill recharged by Flourish.
Ice Prison - For 8-18 seconds, target's foes legs are encased in ice, causing
that foe to move 66% slower than normal. This effect ends if target takes fire
Shard Storm - This Projectile strikes for 10-54 damage, and slows down the
target's movement for 2-5 seconds.

Attributes: Hammer Mastery - 11, Strength - 10, Water Magic - 10

The idea behind this is to basically create a no-exit opportunity for your
opponent. When you knock him down and inflict weakness on your opponent, you
then cast Ice Prison or Shard Storm (or both if you please), enabling your
teammates to more effectively kill the target. Then afterwards, you gain your
energy back with flourish, because these ice spells will sap out most of your
energy, so you need it all back from your warrior skills. This build could be
used in PvE as well, with the deadly Ice spells at your disposal.

Again, these are merely some sample builds, the idea is to get you thinking,
so you can effectively make a build, or even a team build that will help you
succeed in Guild Wars. If you would like to send a build to me, please feel
free to e-mail me, and credit will be given to you of course.


9. Final Thoughts


The Warrior profession is very necessary, yet it does not have to be boring.
With the wide array of skills at your disposal, you can make one interesting
build. It's all up to your imagination and capability. One can be sure though,
you will be needed on the battlefield, so if you are one of those people who
believe in team play a lot, the Warrior would be a good choice to be.


10. Credits


Thanks to the following for helping me in this guide: - For their excellent skill descriptions and information, I
highly recommend this site for your Guild Wars' needs - For their excellent ASCII generator. It generated that
awesome looking ASCII art you see at the top!
CjayC and - For hosting this guide of course! Thanks a lot.
Lord Zero from the GameFAQs message boards - he proofread my guide to check
for formatting issues and the likes of that, thanks a lot!
Finally, the corny, but necessary thanks to the reader! This FAQ would have
been useless without you!


10. Copyright/Legal Information


This FAQ is copyright (c) 2005 to thadarkman78, the sole author of this FAQ.
All Rights Reserved.

This file may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any web site
other than those listed below, or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

So far there is only one site allowed to use this FAQ:

I have no problems with other sites using my FAQ, however, if you wish to use
my FAQ, please let me know at my e-mail address. I will be more than willing
to let you use it, as long as it is not pasted in a website that is attempting
to make profit off of this guide. That I will most certainly not allow. Also,
if you do find a site not listed in this FAQ hosting my FAQ, please let me
know so I can take care of that issue.

E-mail address:
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