Maple Story

Maple Story

11.10.2013 06:36:10
A Guide to ice/lighting magicians
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A Guide to ice/lighting magicians
Naixin Zhang
version: 0.90


*ANOUNCEMENTS-Sorry i havent updated in a comp went down.
Also, please help my faq by sending me the weapon info for the new wands and
staves; it would really help me out. If you do decide to help, please send
then in the format i have in my guide. I will give you full credit for
helping. Thanks, if you do decide to help, i'd greatly appreiciate it.


A) Intro
1.0 legal stuff
1.1 contacts
1.2 About me >_<
B) General tips and guidelines
C) Making a magician
1.3 stats
1.4 luck less build
1.5 training from levels 1-8
1.6 going to victoria
1.7 Ellinia job advancement
D) 1st job skills
1.8 energy bolt
1.9 magic claw
2.0 magic guard
2.1 magic armor
2.2 mp recovery
2.3 mp increase
E) 1st job builds
2.4 standard build
2.5 kill build
2.6 magic bolt build
F) Training levels 8-30
2.7 8-10
2.8 11-15
2.9 16-20
3.0 21-25
3.1 26-30
G) 2nd job test
3.2 going to Ellinia
3.3 The tree
3.4 The marbles
H) 2nd job skills
3.5 cold beam
3.6 thunder bolt
3.7 teleport
3.8 mp eater
3.9 meditate
4.0 Slow
I) Skill builds
4.1 ice
4.2 Light
4.3 hybrid
4.4 alternative build
J) Training levels 30-70
4.5 30-35
4.6 36-40
4.7 41-45
4.8 46-50
4.9 51-55
5.0 56-60
5.1 61-65
5.2 66-70
K) 3rd job advancement
5.3 Str
5.4 wisdom
L) 3rd job skills
5.5 ice strike
5.6 thunder spear
5.7 magic composition
5.8 seal
5.9 element amplification
6.0 partial resistance
6.1 magic booster
M) 3rd job training <_<
6.2 training
N) Items
6.3 staves
6.4 wands
6.5 overalls
6.6 tops
6.7 bottoms
6.8 earrings
6.9 shields
7.0 gloves
7.1 helmets
7.2 shoes
O) Thanks



A) Intro
1.0 Legal stuff

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, use.
It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without
advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a
part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of
copyright. If violated, i will not hesitate to take legal action. If you see
any violations of copyright, contact me immediatly.

So far, only these websites may host this guide

1.1 contacts

Please do not contact me with a question already answered in this guide. Please
email me with suggestions, information, and grammatical errors. I will also try
to get back to you as soon as possible with your questions. If you do email me
with information and help, i will happily put your name into the thanks
section. I would also appreciate your comments and criticism. These are my
following contacts (no stalking please >_>):

Ign (Broa): AznSeal
AIM: AznSeal8008
Gamefaqs: AznSeal2
facebook: Naixin Zhang

1.2 About me

My name is Naixin Zhang, and i live in the USA. I have been playing Maple
Story for a while now. Maple Story is getting boring, so i decided to write a
FAQ. I have been a ice/lightning wizard for about 6 months now. I have quit
leveling now. This is my first FAQ. Also, English is my second language, so
please forgive me if it isn’t as good as one may expect.

B) General Tips

Here are some general tips and guidelines i learned while playing MapleStory

1) Don’t beg people, they will get mad, and probably would defame you
2) Never defame people for no reason; they will get you back....
3) Don’t ks people, they will get mad at you, and maybe defame you
4) When people ks you, tell them to stop politely, defaming them
will just piss them off more
5) When people come to your channel, and you want them to leave, don’t say
CC PLZ! Ask them nicely to leave, like say may you kindly change to
another channel please?
6) Dunt Tyep liek dis'
7) Never drop your items, people will pick them up, then you'll be pissed
8) Always buy low and sell high, even if you dont need it, like if this
thief is selling steelys for 10 mil, and you're a warrior, buy them
anyways and sell them for 15 mil later.
9) Train on stuff you can kill in 1-3 hits CONSISTANTLY.
10) Do not hunt for an item from a monster you can't kill in 1-3 hits unless
you're willing to stand a great loss of money. On example would be
a Lvl 40 ice wizard hunting for steely from red drakes.

C) Making a Magician

1.3 Stats

When you first roll the dice, make sure your strength and dexterity are both 4.
Your intelligence and luck doesn’t matter. From now on for every level put all
points into Intelligence until it is at least 20 and your luck is 3 more than
your level. On every level from then on, put 4 points into intelligence, and 1
into luck. The formula for your stats are the following: luck=level+3, the rest
into Intelligence.

1.4 Luckless Build

What you do is keep rolling the dice until strength, luck, and dexterity are 4.
For this build, every level, you put all the points into intelligence. For your
weapons, you use the umbrellas, maple staff, and maple lama since you dont have
Luk to equip the standard weapons. People do this to do more damage, but
luckless mages lose more experience when they die.

1.5 Training From Levels 1-8

On levels 1-8, train on Maple Island. You are weak with 4 strength, and if you
go to victoria island, the future warriors will ks you. You might feel like you
need to put points into strength. Don’t do it. If you do, you'll be weaker than
other mages your level. I had a friend who had 20 strength. I out damaged him
when I was like 5 levels lower than him. You should train on green snails, blue
snails and tiny mushrooms. They are easy. Stay away from red snails and orange
mushrooms. They'll take too long for a mage without magic to kill.

1.6 Going to Victoria Island

When you have reached Level 8 go to South Perry. Pay the captain there 150
mesos to go to Victoria Island. From there, either buy a return scroll to
Ellinia for 500-1000 mesos, take the taxi to Ellinia, or walk there. DONT

1.7 Ellinia Job Advancement

Go to the highest point in Ellinia. This is where Grendel the Really
Old lives. He will make you a magician if you have at least 20 intelligence and
is level 8. After that, go buy a wand at the Ellinia weapon shop. Also, buy the
level 10 clothes if you're rich enough. You also get the magician skill book.
Put your first point into the kill energy bolt, and assign it to a key.
Congratulations, you are now a magician.

D) 1st job skills

1.8 Energy Bolt (max Lvl: 20, req: none)

Description: This is your basic attack skill. Most people leave this at 1 since
this is a prerequisite for magic claw, and magic claw is a much better skill.
You use mp to shoot a bolt of energy at one enemy. This DOES NOT go through
obstacles and walls. The max base damage is 55.

Level 1: MP -6; Basic attack 20, mastery 15%
Level 2: MP -6; Basic attack 21, mastery 15%
Level 3: MP -6; Basic attack 22, mastery 20%
Level 4: MP -6; Basic attack 23, mastery 20%
Level 5: MP -7; Basic attack 26, mastery 25%
Level 6: MP -7; Basic attack 27, mastery 25%
Level 7: MP -7; Basic attack 28, mastery 30%
Level 8: MP -8; Basic attack 31, mastery 30%
Level 9: MP -8; Basic attack 32, mastery 35%
Level 10: MP -9; Basic attack 35, mastery 35%
Level 11: MP -9; Basic attack 36, mastery 40%
Level 12: MP -10; Basic attack 39, mastery 40%
Level 13: MP -10; Basic attack 40, mastery 45%
Level 14: MP -11; Basic attack 43, mastery 45%
Level 15: MP -11; Basic attack 44, mastery 50%
Level 16: MP -12; Basic attack 47, mastery 50%
Level 17: MP -12; Basic attack 48, mastery 55%
Level 18: MP -13; Basic attack 51, mastery 55%
Level 19: MP -13; Basic attack 52, mastery 60%
Level 20: MP -14; Basic attack 55, mastery 60%

1.9 Magic Claw (max lvl: 20, req: 1 energy bolt)

Description: This is going to be your main attack skill unless you're a bolt
mage. This attack is a lot stronger than energy bolt. You use mp to attack the
enemy twice. The max base damage is 40. This skill should be maxed after mp
recovery. This skill does go through walls and obstacles. I do believe this
attack has to go through the enemy's defenses twice but im not sure. Can anyone
confirm this?

Level 1: MP -10; Basic attack 11 x 2 Hit, mastery 15%
Level 2: MP -10; Basic attack 12 x 2 Hit, mastery 15%
Level 3: MP -10; Basic attack 13 x 2 Hit, mastery 20%
Level 4: MP -10; Basic attack 14 x 2 Hit, mastery 20%
Level 5: MP -11; Basic attack 16 x 2 Hit, mastery 25%
Level 6: MP -11; Basic attack 17 x 2 Hit, mastery 25%
Level 7: MP -11; Basic attack 18 x 2 Hit, mastery 30%
Level 8: MP -12; Basic attack 20 x 2 Hit, mastery 30%
Level 9: MP -12; Basic attack 21 x 2 Hit, mastery 35%
Level 10: MP -13; Basic attack 23 x 2 Hit, mastery 35%
Level 11: MP -13; Basic attack 24 x 2 Hit, mastery 40%
Level 12: MP -14; Basic attack 26 x 2 Hit, mastery 40%
Level 13: MP -14; Basic attack 27 x 2 Hit, mastery 45%
Level 14: MP -15; Basic attack 29 x 2 Hit, mastery 45%
Level 15: MP -15; Basic attack 30 x 2 Hit, mastery 50%
Level 16: MP -16; Basic attack 32 x 2 Hit, mastery 50%
Level 17: MP -17; Basic attack 34 x 2 Hit, mastery 55%
Level 18: MP -18; Basic attack 36 x 2 Hit, mastery 55%
Level 19: MP -19; Basic attack 38 x 2 Hit, mastery 60%
Level 20: MP -20; Basic attack 40 x 2 Hit, mastery 60%

2.0 Magic Guard (max lvl: 20, req: none)

Description: This skill is a life saver. This temporarily replaces hp damage
with mp damage. Being a mage with extremely low hp but high mp, this can be a
big help. With magic guard, your hp is basically the equivalent of your mp.
So in theory, you'll have thousands on hp if you think about it. The con?
This drains your mp like crazy. Only use this when the monsters you’re training
on kills you in 1-5 hits. At max level, 80% of hp damage goes to mp, which
means if you take 100 damage, your hp takes 20, and mp takes 80 and it lasts
for 10 minutes.

Level 1: MP -6; Replace 11% of HP damage as MP for 111 seconds
Level 2: MP -6; Replace 14% of HP damage as MP for 132 seconds
Level 3: MP -6; Replace 17% of HP damage as MP for 153 seconds
Level 4: MP -6; Replace 20% of HP damage as MP for 174 seconds
Level 5: MP -6; Replace 23% of HP damage as MP for 195 seconds
Level 6: MP -8; Replace 30% of HP damage as MP for 246 seconds
Level 7: MP -8; Replace 33% of HP damage as MP for 267 seconds
Level 8: MP -8; Replace 36% of HP damage as MP for 288 seconds
Level 9: MP -8; Replace 39% of HP damage as MP for 309 seconds
Level 10: MP -8; Replace 42% of HP damage as MP for 330 seconds
Level 11: MP -10; Replace 49% of HP damage as MP for 381 seconds
Level 12: MP -10; Replace 52% of HP damage as MP for 402 seconds
Level 13: MP -10; Replace 55% of HP damage as MP for 423 seconds
Level 14: MP -10; Replace 58% of HP damage as MP for 444 seconds
Level 15: MP -10; Replace 61% of HP damage as MP for 465 seconds
Level 16: MP -12; Replace 68% of HP damage as MP for 516 seconds
Level 17: MP -12; Replace 71% of HP damage as MP for 537 seconds
Level 18: MP -12; Replace 74% of HP damage as MP for 558 seconds
Level 19: MP -12; Replace 77% of HP damage as MP for 579 seconds
Level 20: MP -12; Replace 80% of HP damage as MP for 600 seconds

2.1 Magic Armor (max lvl: 20, req: magic guard lvl 3

Description: This skill temporarily boosts weapon defense. At max level, it
boosts weapon defense by 40, and lasts 400 seconds. This skill might seem good
at low levels but at high levels, this does next to nothing. If you’re taking
like 700 damage from a Tauromancis, what’s 40 defense going to do? Magic guard
will save you there, but magic armor will do nothing. I recommend leaving this
at zero.

Level 1: MP -8; Weapon Def. +2 for 54 seconds
Level 2: MP -8; Weapon Def. +4 for 68 seconds
Level 3: MP -8; Weapon Def. +6 for 82 seconds
Level 4: MP -8; Weapon Def. +8 for 96 seconds
Level 5: MP -8; Weapon Def. +10 for 110 seconds
Level 6: MP -10; Weapon Def. +12 for 144 seconds
Level 7: MP -10; Weapon Def. +14 for 158 seconds
Level 8: MP -10; Weapon Def. +16 for 172 seconds
Level 9: MP -10; Weapon Def. +18 for 186 seconds
Level 10: MP -10; Weapon Def. +20 for 200 seconds
Level 11: MP -13; Weapon Def. +20 for 244 seconds
Level 12: MP -13; Weapon Def. +24 for 258 seconds
Level 13: MP -13; Weapon Def. +26 for 272 seconds
Level 14: MP -13; Weapon Def. +28 for 286 seconds
Level 15: MP -13; Weapon Def. +30 for 300 seconds
Level 16: MP -16; Weapon Def. +32 for 344 seconds
Level 17: MP -16; Weapon Def. +34 for 358 seconds
Level 18: MP -16; Weapon Def. +36 for 372 seconds
Level 19: MP -16; Weapon Def. +38 for 386 seconds
Level 20: MP -16; Weapon Def. +40 for 400 seconds

2.2 Improving Mp Recovery (max lvl: 16, req: none)

Description: This skill is VERY important. Put 5 points into it after energy
bolt is at one, then max it after mp increase. This skill makes you recover
more mp every 10 seconds. For every point here, your mp recovery rate would
increase. Mp rate is also determined by int. So with plenty of intelligence,
and maxed mp recovery, you'll recover a lot of mp. The formula is the
following: Improving Mp Recovery lvl x (Characters lvl/10)+3

2.3 Improving Mp Max Increase (max lvl: 10, req: improved mp recover lvl 5)

Description: You get more mp when you level up or when you put Ap into mp.
For every point in here, you will receive an additional 2 mp when you level and
an additional 1 mp when you put an Ap in mp. You should max this skill first
if you want a lot of mp ;)

Level 1: When lvl up, 2 more mp, if AP is applied, add 1 more
Level 2: When lvl up, 4 more mp, if AP is applied, add 2 more
Level 3: when lvl up, 6 more mp, if AP is applied, add 3 more
Level 4: When lvl up, 8 more mp, if AP is applied, add 4 more
Level 5: When lvl up, 10 more mp, if AP is applied, add 5 more
Level 6: When lvl up, 12 more mp, if AP is applied, add 6 more
Level 7: When lvl up, 14 more mp, if AP is applied, add 7 more
Level 8: When lvl up, 16 more mp, if AP is applied, add 8 more
Level 9: When lvl up, 18 more mp, if AP is applied, add 9 more
Level 10: When lvl up, 20 more mp, if AP is applied, add 10 more

Well, that about wraps it up for 1st job magician skills.

E) 1st job skill Builds.

2.4 Standard Build (unfunded)

Description: Well, this is the standard build for the unfunded mage. You will
have high mp, and you can train on stuff fairly well.

Level 8: Energy Bolt: 1
Level 9: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 10: Improving MP Recovery: 2, Improving Max MP Increase: 1
Level 11: Improving Max MP Increase: 3
Level 12: Improving Max MP Increase: 3
Level 13: Improving Max MP Increase: 3
Level 14: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 15: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 16: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 17: Improving MP Recovery: 2, Magic Claw: 1
Level 18: Magic Claw: 3
Level 19: Magic Claw: 3
Level 20: Magic Claw: 3
Level 21: Magic Claw: 3
Level 22: Magic Claw: 3
Level 23: Magic Claw: 3
Level 24: Magic Claw: 1, Magic Guard: 2
Level 25: Magic Guard: 3
Level 26: Magic Guard: 3
Level 27: Magic Guard: 3
Level 28: Magic Guard: 3
Level 29: Magic Guard: 3
Level 30: Magic Guard: 3

Yup, that’s pretty much it, now for the funded mage build.

Level 8: Energy Bolt: 1
Level 9: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 10: Improving MP Recovery: 2, Improving Max MP Increase: 1
Level 11: Improving Max MP Increase: 3
Level 12: Improving Max MP Increase: 3
Level 13: Improving Max MP Increase: 3
Level 14: Magic Claw: 3
Level 15: Magic Claw: 3
Level 16: Magic Claw: 3
Level 17: Magic Claw: 3
Level 18: Magic Claw: 3
Level 19: Magic Claw: 3
Level 20: Magic Claw: 2, Magic Guard: 1
Level 21: Magic Guard: 3
Level 22: Magic Guard: 3
Level 23: Magic Guard: 3
Level 24: Magic Guard: 3
Level 25: Magic Guard: 3
Level 26: Magic Guard: 3
Level 27: Magic Guard: 1, Improving MP Recovery: 2
Level 28: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 29: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 30: Improving MP Recovery: 3

2.5 "Kill" Build

Description: This a build that gets attacking spells first. This will allow
you to kill things faster and earlier. This skill build really makes you lose
a lot of max mp. I wouldn't recommend this build. Do this only do this if
you’re funded and want faster leveling.

Level 8: Energy Bolt: 1
Level 9: Magic Claw: 3
Level 10: Magic Claw: 3
Level 11: Magic Claw: 3
Level 12: Magic Claw: 3
Level 13: Magic Claw: 3
Level 14: Magic Claw: 3
Level 15: Magic Claw: 2, Improving MP Recovery: 1
Level 16: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 17: Improving MP Recovery: 1, Improving Max MP Increase: 2
Level 18: Improving Max MP Increase: 3
Level 19: Improving Max MP Increase: 3
Level 20: Improving Max MP Increase: 2, Improving MP Recovery: 1
Level 21: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 22: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 23: Improving MP Recovery: 3
Level 24: Improving MP Recovery: 1, Magic Guard: 2
Level 25: Magic Guard: 3
Level 26: Magic Guard: 3
Level 27: Magic Guard: 3
Level 28: Magic Guard: 3
Level 29: Magic Guard: 3
Level 30: Magic Guard: 3

2.6 Energy bolt build

Description: This build sucks. Dont use it. Magic claw is a lot better. This
build is the same as the standard, except where it says magic claw, you replace
it with energy bolt. You put the 1 left over point into magic armor. Again,
dont do this build. It sucks >_<

F) Training levels 8-30

2.7 Levels 8-10

With low damage, snails are your best bet. If you have no mp, you can try
hitting, or standing idle until your mp recovers.

Recommended places: Henesys hunting ground, A Hill East of Henesys.

2.8 Levels 11-15

Now i suggest staying on snails. Slime are too strong for you on level 10.
Stay on snails until about level 14, then start training on slimes. Slimes
are 10 xp per kill, so you should level decently off of them for a while.

Recommended places: The Tree that Grew 1, Henesys hunting ground

2.9 Levels 16-20

From levels 16-20, train on slimes. Mages are weak at this point until they
get magic claw to a decent level. Remember; pick up everything a monster
drops. 15 mesos from a slime might not seem like a lot but picking it up
10 times is 150 mesos. And if you pick up 15 mesos 100 times, you would
already have 1.5k. Towards the end of these levels, you can try pigs.
Training on pigs makes you spend more on pots.

Recommended places: The Tree that Grew 1, Henesys hunting ground. The
Rainforest east of Henesys, Perion-to dungeon.

3.0 Levels 21-25

From here you should have an ok magic claw to start hunting pigs and orange
mushrooms. They both give you 15 xp, and are fairy easy to kill. Be careful,
pigs are commonly found with ribbon pigs, and ribbon pigs hurt. But as you near
25, ribbon pigs should be no problem. Stumps are also good.You can also try to
party quest.

Recommended places: Pig beach, The Rain forest East of Henesys, Henesys
Hunting Ground, Kerning city construction site

3.1 Levels 26-30

With magic claw maxed, you can train fairly easily. Try hunting horny mushrooms
, green mushrooms, bubblings, zombie mushrooms and wild boars. These monsters
spawn fast, and are easy to train on. They also drop some good equipment a mage
needs. Green mushrooms drop pan lids. Horny mushrooms drop brown jesters. Wild
boars drop blue jesters. Octopuses and dark axe stumps are also good.

Recommended places: Ant tunnel 1-4, Land of Wild Boars 1, Land of Wild Boars 2
Hidden Street-Over the Wall, and the Kerning City Subways.

G) 2nd Job Advancement

3.2 Going to Ellinia

After you hit level 30 and have spent all of your skill points, go to Grendel
the Really Old in the magic library in Ellinia. Talk to him and he will tell
you how you have become a lot stronger. He will ask you if you want to take
the test. Say yes, and go to the forest north of Ellinia. Go into the center
portal and go all the way up. Ignore all of the other portals. After you get to
the top, you will see 2 ropes. Take the left one and go up. There you will see
the next job instructor.

3.3 The Tree

After you talk to the job instructor, you will be transported to a tree.
This is sort of like a tree dungeon, except it is full of stronger curse
eyes and horny mushrooms.

3.4 The Marbles

In the tree dungeon, you have to kill the modified curse eyes and horny
mushrooms. They do about 85 damage to you. They also drop dark marbles in
a 1/3 chance. Your job is to gather 30 of them, and talk to the guy. After you
talk to him, he'll give you the proof of heroes. Return back to Grendel, and
give it to him. Congratulations, you may now choose your next Job. Since
you're reading this guide, i assume your going to pick the ice/lightning

H) 2nd job skills

3.5 Cold Beam (max lvl: 30, req: none)

Description: This skill freezes enemies, and deals pretty good damage. You use
mp to make a shark piece of ice fall on the enemies. This skill has a base
damage of 100 at max level, and freezes for 2 seconds. The freezing time starts
at 1 second, and doubles at level 15. This is your main 1 vs 1 skill from the
2nd job. This should replace magic claw when maxed. You should max this first
if you’re going to be an ice wizard. Fire based monsters also take 1.5 of the
normal damage.

Level 1: MP -12; Basic attack 13, mastery 15%, freeze for 1 second
Level 2: MP -12; Basic attack 16, mastery 15%, freeze for 1 second
Level 3: MP -12; Basic attack 19, mastery 15%, freeze for 1 second
Level 4: MP -12; Basic attack 22, mastery 20%, freeze for 1 second
Level 5: MP -12; Basic attack 25, mastery 20%, freeze for 1 second
Level 6: MP -12; Basic attack 28, mastery 20%, freeze for 1 second
Level 7: MP -12; Basic attack 31, mastery 25%, freeze for 1 second
Level 8: MP -12; Basic attack 34, mastery 25%, freeze for 1 second
Level 9: MP -12; Basic attack 37, mastery 25%, freeze for 1 second
Level 10: MP -12; Basic attack 40, mastery 30%, freeze for 1 second
Level 11: MP -12; Basic attack 43, mastery 30%, freeze for 1 second
Level 12: MP -12; Basic attack 46, mastery 30%, freeze for 1 second
Level 13: MP -12; Basic attack 49, mastery 35%, freeze for 1 second
Level 14: MP -12; Basic attack 52, mastery 35%, freeze for 1 second
Level 15: MP -12; Basic attack 55, mastery 35%, freeze for 1 second
Level 16: MP -24; Basic attack 58, mastery 40%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 17: MP -24; Basic attack 61, mastery 40%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 18: MP -24; Basic attack 64, mastery 40%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 19: MP -24; Basic attack 67, mastery 45%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 20: MP -24; Basic attack 70, mastery 45%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 21: MP -24; Basic attack 73, mastery 45%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 22: MP -24; Basic attack 76, mastery 50%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 23: MP -24; Basic attack 79, mastery 50%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 24: MP -24; Basic attack 82, mastery 50%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 25: MP -24; Basic attack 85, mastery 55%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 26: MP -24; Basic attack 88, mastery 55%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 27: MP -24; Basic attack 91, mastery 55%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 28: MP -24; Basic attack 94, mastery 60%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 29: MP -24; Basic attack 97, mastery 60%, freeze for 2 seconds
Level 30: MP -24; Basic attack 100, mastery 60%, freeze for 2 seconds

3.5 Lightning Bolt (max lvl: 30, req: none)

Description: This skill is your mob skill. and its pretty good at it 2
xD. This skill when maxed, does an ok amount of damage, and it hits up to six
enemies, when maxed, then base damage is 60. You use Mp to summon lightning,
cool, huh? Lightning wizards max this skill first, and hybrids max this skill
second right after cold beam. Water based enemies take 1.5 times the regular

Level 1: MP -20; Basic attack 2, mastery 15%
Level 2: MP -20; Basic attack 4, mastery 15%
Level 3: MP -20; Basic attack 6, mastery 15%
Level 4: MP -20; Basic attack 8, mastery 20%
Level 5: MP -20; Basic attack 10, mastery 20%
Level 6: MP -20; Basic attack 12, mastery 20%
Level 7: MP -20; Basic attack 14, mastery 25%
Level 8: MP -20; Basic attack 16, mastery 25%
Level 9: MP -20; Basic attack 18, mastery 25%
Level 10: MP -20; Basic attack 20, mastery 30%
Level 11: MP -20; Basic attack 22, mastery 30%
Level 12: MP -20; Basic attack 24, mastery 30%
Level 13: MP -20; Basic attack 26, mastery 35%
Level 14: MP -20; Basic attack 28, mastery 35%
Level 15: MP -20; Basic attack 30, mastery 35%
Level 16: MP -40; Basic attack 32, mastery 40%
Level 17: MP -40; Basic attack 34, mastery 40%
Level 18: MP -40; Basic attack 36, mastery 40%
Level 19: MP -40; Basic attack 38, mastery 45%
Level 20: MP -40; Basic attack 40, mastery 45%
Level 21: MP -40; Basic attack 42, mastery 45%
Level 22: MP -40; Basic attack 44, mastery 50%
Level 23: MP -40; Basic attack 46, mastery 50%
Level 24: MP -40; Basic attack 48, mastery 50%
Level 25: MP -40; Basic attack 50, mastery 55%
Level 26: MP -40; Basic attack 52, mastery 55%
Level 27: MP -40; Basic attack 54, mastery 55%
Level 28: MP -40; Basic attack 56, mastery 60%
Level 29: MP -40; Basic attack 58, mastery 60%
Level 30: MP -40; Basic attack 60, mastery 60%

3.7 Teleport (max lvl: 20, req: none)

Description: An instant movement spell that helps you escape enemies and travel
around faster. This skill is very useful, since it lets you telecast.
Telecasting is when you shorten the lag of 2 spells when you attack then

Level 1: MP -60; Teleport, with 130 in distance
Level 2: MP -57; Teleport, with 130 in distance
Level 3: MP -54; Teleport, with 130 in distance
Level 4: MP -51; Teleport, with 130 in distance
Level 5: MP -48; Teleport, with 130 in distance
Level 6: MP -45; Teleport, with 130 in distance
Level 7: MP -42; Teleport, with 130 in distance
Level 8: MP -39; Teleport, with 130 in distance
Level 9: MP -36; Teleport, with 130 in distance
Level 10: MP -33; Teleport, with 130 in distance
Level 11: MP -31; Teleport, with 132 in distance
Level 12: MP -29; Teleport, with 134 in distance
Level 13: MP -27; Teleport, with 136 in distance
Level 14: MP -25; Teleport, with 138 in distance
Level 15: MP -23; Teleport, with 140 in distance
Level 16: MP -21; Teleport, with 142 in distance
Level 17: MP -19; Teleport, with 144 in distance
Level 18: MP -17; Teleport, with 146 in distance
Level 19: MP -15; Teleport, with 148 in distance
Level 20: MP -13; Teleport, with 150 in distance

3.8 Mp Eater (max lvl: 20, req: none)

This skill is pretty useful. It lets you suck your enemies mp, and at max
level, you suck 40% of the enemies max mp. That’s pretty good, especially if
you’re a lightning wizard. If you cast lightning, you have 6 chances of
sucking 40% each. Max this skill after your attacking skills and meditate.

Level 1: For every attack, 11% success rate, absorb 21% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 2: For every attack, 12% success rate, absorb 22% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 3: For every attack, 13% success rate, absorb 23% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 4: For every attack, 14% success rate, absorb 24% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 5: For every attack, 15% success rate, absorb 25% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 6: For every attack, 16% success rate, absorb 26% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 7: For every attack, 17% success rate, absorb 27% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 8: For every attack, 18% success rate, absorb 28% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 9: For every attack, 19% success rate, absorb 29% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 10: For every attack, 20% success rate, absorb 30% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 11: For every attack, 21% success rate, absorb 31% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 12: For every attack, 22% success rate, absorb 32% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 13: For every attack, 23% success rate, absorb 33% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 14: For every attack, 24% success rate, absorb 34% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 15: For every attack, 25% success rate, absorb 35% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 16: For every attack, 26% success rate, absorb 36% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 17: For every attack, 27% success rate, absorb 37% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 18: For every attack, 28% success rate, absorb 38% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 19: For every attack, 29% success rate, absorb 39% of the enemy's MaxMP
Level 20: For every attack, 30% success rate, absorb 40% of the enemy's MaxMP

3.9 Meditation (max lvl: 20, req: Mp Eater lvl 3

Description: This skill is awesome. At max level, it increases your magic
attack by 20 and lasts for 200 seconds. You should max this right after your
attacking skills.

Level 1: MP -10; Magic Attack +1 for 10 seconds
Level 2: MP -10; Magic Attack +2 for 20 seconds
Level 3: MP -10; Magic Attack +3 for 30 seconds
Level 4: MP -10; Magic Attack +4 for 40 seconds
Level 5: MP -10; Magic Attack +5 for 50 seconds
Level 6: MP -10; Magic Attack +6 for 60 seconds
Level 7: MP -10; Magic Attack +7 for 70 seconds
Level 8: MP -10; Magic Attack +8 for 80 seconds
Level 9: MP -10; Magic Attack +9 for 90 seconds
Level 10: MP -10; Magic Attack +10 for 100 seconds
Level 11: MP -20; Magic Attack +11 for 110 seconds
Level 12: MP -20; Magic Attack +12 for 120 seconds
Level 13: MP -20; Magic Attack +13 for 130 seconds
Level 14: MP -20; Magic Attack +14 for 140 seconds
Level 15: MP -20; Magic Attack +15 for 150 seconds
Level 16: MP -20; Magic Attack +16 for 160 seconds
Level 17: MP -20; Magic Attack +17 for 170 seconds
Level 18: MP -20; Magic Attack +18 for 180 seconds
Level 19: MP -20; Magic Attack +19 for 190 seconds
Level 20: MP -20; Magic Attack +20 for 200 seconds

4.0 Slow (max lvl: 20, req: Teleport lvl 5)

Description: This skill slows down the enemies, and at max level, the
enemies get -40 speed, and last for 40 seconds. Since you are an ice
wizard, this skill is next to useless because you can freeze them anyway.
I wouldn’t recommend touching this skill.

Level 1: MP -8; Speed -2 for 2 seconds
Level 2: MP -8; Speed -4 for 4 seconds
Level 3: MP -8; Speed -6 for 6 seconds
Level 4: MP -8; Speed -8 for 8 seconds
Level 5: MP -8; Speed -10 for 10 seconds
Level 6: MP -8; Speed -12 for 12 seconds
Level 7: MP -8; Speed -14 for 14 seconds
Level 8: MP -8; Speed -16 for 16 seconds
Level 9: MP -8; Speed -18 for 18 seconds
Level 10: MP -8; Speed -20 for 20 seconds
Level 11: MP -16; Speed -22 for 22 seconds
Level 12: MP -16; Speed -24 for 24 seconds
Level 13: MP -16; Speed -26 for 26 seconds
Level 14: MP -16; Speed -28 for 28 seconds
Level 15: MP -16; Speed -30 for 30 seconds
Level 16: MP -16; Speed -32 for 32 seconds
Level 17: MP -16; Speed -34 for 34 seconds
Level 18: MP -16; Speed -36 for 36 seconds
Level 19: MP -16; Speed -38 for 38 seconds
Level 20: MP -16; Speed -40 for 40 seconds

I) 2nd Job Skill Builds

4.1 ice build

Description: This build is for people that want pure ice. I really dont like
this build since you get lightning very late, but hey, some people like it.

Level 30: Teleport: 1
Level 31: Cold Beam: 3
Level 32: Cold Beam: 3
Level 33: Cold Beam: 3
Level 34: Cold Beam: 3
Level 35: Cold Beam: 3
Level 36: Cold Beam: 3
Level 37: Cold Beam: 3
Level 38: Cold Beam: 3
Level 39: Cold Beam: 3
Level 40: Cold Beam: 3
Level 41: Mp Eater: 3
Level 42: Meditation: 3
Level 43: Meditation: 3
Level 44: Meditation: 3
Level 45: Meditation: 3
Level 46: Meditation: 3
Level 47: Meditation: 3
Level 48: Meditation: 2, Teleport: 1
Level 49: Teleport: 3
Level 50: Teleport: 3
Level 51: Teleport: 3
Level 52: Teleport: 3
Level 53: Teleport: 3
Level 54: Teleport: 3
Level 55: Mp Eater: 3
Level 56: Mp Eater: 3
Level 57: Mp Eater: 3
Level 58: Mp Eater: 3
Level 59: Mp Eater: 3
Level 60: Mp Eater: 2, Thunder Bolt: 1
Level 61: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 62: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 63: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 64: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 65: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 66: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 67: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 68: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 69: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 70: Thunder Bolt: 2, Slow: 1

4.2 light build

This build is for people who want pure light. . I really dont like this build
because you max ice very late.

Level 30: Cold Beam: 1
Level 31: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 32: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 33: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 34: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 35: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 36: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 37: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 38: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 39: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 40: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 41: Mp Eater: 3
Level 42: Meditation: 3
Level 43: Meditation: 3
Level 44: Meditation: 3
Level 45: Meditation: 3
Level 46: Meditation: 3
Level 47: Meditation: 3
Level 48: Meditation: 2, Teleport: 1
Level 49: Teleport: 3
Level 50: Teleport: 3
Level 51: Teleport: 3
Level 52: Teleport: 3
Level 53: Teleport: 3
Level 54: Teleport: 3
Level 55: Mp Eater: 3
Level 56: Mp Eater: 3
Level 57: Mp Eater: 3
Level 58: Mp Eater: 3
Level 59: Mp Eater: 3
Level 60: Mp Eater: 2, Cold Beam: 1
Level 61: Cold Beam: 3
Level 62: Cold Beam: 3
Level 63: Cold Beam: 3
Level 64: Cold Beam: 3
Level 65: Cold Beam: 3
Level 66: Cold Beam: 3
Level 67: Cold Beam: 3
Level 68: Cold Beam: 3
Level 69: Cold Beam: 3
Level 70: Cold Beam: 2, Slow: 1

4.3 hybrid build

Description: This is the build i like. It’s the easiest, and gets you 2
attack spells ASAP.

Level 30: Teleport: 1
Level 31: Cold Beam: 3
Level 32: Cold Beam: 3
Level 33: Cold Beam: 3
Level 34: Cold Beam: 3
Level 35: Cold Beam: 3
Level 36: Cold Beam: 3
Level 37: Cold Beam: 3
Level 38: Cold Beam: 3
Level 39: Cold Beam: 3
Level 40: Cold Beam: 3
Level 41: Mp Eater: 3
Level 42: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 43: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 44: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 45: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 46: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 47: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 48: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 49: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 50: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 51: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 52: Meditation: 3
Level 53: Meditation: 3
Level 54: Meditation: 3
Level 55: Meditation: 3
Level 56: Meditation: 3
Level 57: Meditation: 3
Level 58: Meditation: 2, Teleport: 1
Level 59: Teleport: 3
Level 60: Teleport: 3
Level 61: Teleport: 3
Level 62: Teleport: 3
Level 63: Teleport: 3
Level 64: Teleport: 3
Level 65: Mp Eater: 3
Level 66: Mp Eater: 3
Level 67: Mp Eater: 3
Level 68: Mp Eater: 3
Level 69: Mp Eater: 3
Level 70: Mp Eater: 2, Slow: 1

4.4 Alternative build

Description: This build is for those that want both attacking spells early
with meditation.

Level 30: Teleport: 1
Level 31: Cold Beam: 3
Level 32: Cold Beam: 3
Level 33: Cold Beam: 3
Level 34: Cold Beam: 3
Level 35: Cold Beam: 3
Level 36: Cold Beam: 3
Level 37: Cold Beam: 3
Level 38: Cold Beam: 3
Level 39: Cold Beam: 3
Level 40: Cold Beam: 3
Level 41: Mp Eater: 3
Level 42: Meditation: 3
Level 43: Meditation: 3
Level 44: Meditation: 3
Level 45: Meditation: 3
Level 46: Meditation: 3
Level 47: Meditation: 3
Level 48: Meditation: 2, Thunder Bolt: 1
Level 49: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 50: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 51: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 52: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 53: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 54: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 55: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 56: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 57: Thunder Bolt: 3
Level 58: Thunder Bolt: 2, Teleport: 1
Level 59: Teleport: 3
Level 60: Teleport: 3
Level 61: Teleport: 3
Level 62: Teleport: 3
Level 63: Teleport: 3
Level 64: Teleport: 3
Level 65: Mp Eater: 3
Level 66: Mp Eater: 3
Level 67: Mp Eater: 3
Level 68: Mp Eater: 3
Level 69: Mp Eater: 3
Level 70: Mp Eater: 2, Slow: 1

J) Training levels 30-70

4.5 levels 30-35

Here, train on stuff u did before u hit level 30. Your new skills are weak,
so you can’t Take advantage of them yet x]

Recommended places: same as levels 26-30

4.6 levels 36-40

Wild boars and fire boars, they have a great spawn, and have good drops too.
You can also try evil eyes if you think you're ready. Evil eyes are fast
xp, but bad money. Octopuses, bubblings, and horny mushrooms are also good
if you can mass kill them efficiently with lightning. You can also try PQs.

Recommended places: Land of Wild Boar 1 and 2, the Burnt Land 1 and 2, Cave
of Evil Eyes 1, Ant Tunnel 1-4, Kerning City Subways, End of b-1 jump quest,
Damp forest, and Tree dudgeons.

4.7 levels 41-45

This is where it gets fun. For you lightning wizards, lightning will work
well against hoards of horny mushrooms, wild boars, octopuses, and
bubblings. Ice wizards should go kill fire boars and Jr. kitties. They
should go after the red ones, since they are weak to ice.

Recommended places: Land of wild boar 1 and 2, the Burnt land 1 and 2, Cave of
Evil Eyes1, B-1 Jump Quest, Ant Tunnel, Party Quests, and Garden of Red 1

4.8 levels 46-50

Now you can train very well. If you started with ice, or hybrid, train
on copper drakes and fire boars. If you started with lightning, go to
Florina beach, and rape Lorangs or Helios Tower and mass kill Retz. xD

Recommended places: Florina beach: Lorangs Lorangs. Florina beach Lorangs
Lorangs Lorangs, Burnt Land 1 and 2, Garden of Red 1, Dangerous Valley 1,
and at 50, you can try Garden of Red 2, Helios Tower.

4.9 levels 51-55

Big cats, red drakes and Lorangs.....>_>

Recommended places: Florina beach: Lorangs Lorangs, Florina beach: Lorangs
Lorangs Lorangs, Dangerous Valley 2, Garden of Red 2

5.0 levels 56-60

Yet again, Lorangs, big cats, and red drakes.

Recommended places: Florina beach: Lorangs Lorangs, Florina beach: Lorangs
Lorangs Lorangs, Dangerous Valley 2, Garden of Red 2

5.1 levels 61-65

Train on lorangs, more red drakes, and clangs.

Recommended places: Florina beach: Lorangs Lorangs, Florina beach: Lorangs
Lorangs Lorangs, Dangerous Valley 2, Florina beach: Lorangs and Clangs,
Garden of Red 2

5.2 levels 66-70

Clangs and umitis...easy xp, good drops, and good money.
Also you can go to the Zombie Maps. I reconmend z3 or z4

Recommended places: Florina beach: Hot Sands, Forest of dead trees 1-4

K) Third Job Advancement

5.3 The Necklace of Str

Go to El Nath in Ossyria. After you reach El Nath, talk to Robeira. Right after
you have talked to Robeira, go back to Victoria Island and talk to Grendel.
After you have talked to Grendel, go to the door of dimensions. I think it’s
located in the Forest of Evil 2. This will take you to the path of
the glittering crystal. Walk to the end of the path to meet Grendel’s clone.
Defeat him to get the black charm. After you receive the charm, go back to
Grendel and give him the charm. He will give you the necklace of strength.

5.4 The Necklace of Wisdom

After you get the necklace of Str, return to el Nath, and give Robeira the
item. After that, head out to the holy grounds. I think it’s located in the
sharp cliff 2. Again, im not 100% sure, so if anyone can confirm this,
thanks. Anywho, after you get there, you have to speak to this thing, and
answer 5 questions. You will need 1 dark crystal and 100k to answer the
questions, and if you get one wrong, you'll have to pay another black
crystal and 100k. You have an unlimited time to answer them, so take your
time. After you answer all 5 questions, you will receive the necklace of
wisdom. Return to Nath, and give Robeira the necklace of wisdom. Grats,
your now a mage.

L) 3rd job skills

5.5 Ice Strike (max lvl: 30, req: none)

Description: This skill is like an upgraded version of thunder bolt. This
spell uses mp to strike up to six targets around you, dealing 90 base
damage, and freezing them. This skill can save your life in a mob. I
suggest you to max this first. At max level, this spell costs 50 mp, and
has a base damage of 90. This spells attack range is also twice your normal

Level 1: MP -21; Basic attack 32, mastery 15%, attack range 110%
Level 2: MP -22; Basic attack 34, mastery 15%, attack range 110%
Level 3: MP -23; Basic attack 36, mastery 15%, attack range 110%
Level 4: MP -24; Basic attack 38, mastery 20%, attack range 120%
Level 5: MP -25; Basic attack 40, mastery 20%, attack range 120%
Level 6: MP -26; Basic attack 42, mastery 20%, attack range 120%
Level 7: MP -27; Basic attack 44, mastery 25%, attack range 130%
Level 8: MP -28; Basic attack 46, mastery 25%, attack range 130%
Level 9: MP -29; Basic attack 48, mastery 25%, attack range 130%
Level 10: MP -30; Basic attack 50, mastery 30%, attack range 140%
Level 11: MP -31; Basic attack 52, mastery 30%, attack range 140%
Level 12: MP -32; Basic attack 54, mastery 30%, attack range 140%
Level 13: MP -33; Basic attack 56, mastery 35%, attack range 150%
Level 14: MP -34; Basic attack 58, mastery 35%, attack range 150%
Level 15: MP -35; Basic attack 60, mastery 35%, attack range 150%
Level 16: MP -36; Basic attack 62, mastery 40%, attack range 160%
Level 17: MP -37; Basic attack 64, mastery 40%, attack range 160%
Level 18: MP -38; Basic attack 66, mastery 40%, attack range 160%
Level 19: MP -39; Basic attack 68, mastery 45%, attack range 170%
Level 20: MP -40; Basic attack 70, mastery 45%, attack range 170%
Level 21: MP -41; Basic attack 72, mastery 45%, attack range 170%
Level 22: MP -42; Basic attack 74, mastery 50%, attack range 180%
Level 23: MP -43; Basic attack 76, mastery 50%, attack range 180%
Level 24: MP -44; Basic attack 78, mastery 50%, attack range 180%
Level 25: MP -45; Basic attack 80, mastery 55%, attack range 190%
Level 26: MP -46; Basic attack 82, mastery 55%, attack range 190%
Level 27: MP -47; Basic attack 84, mastery 55%, attack range 190%
Level 28: MP -48; Basic attack 86, mastery 60%, attack range 200%
Level 29: MP -49; Basic attack 88, mastery 60%, attack range 200%
Level 30: MP -50; Basic attack 90, mastery 60%, attack range 200%

5.6 Thunder Spear (max lvl: 30, req: none)

Description: All i can say is...WOW. 170 base damage at max. That’s frickn
awesome!! The catch? Its slow as hell >_<.Its still a good idea to max this.
You basically use mp to make a big spear, and then hit the enemies with it.

Level 1: MP -10; Basic attack 80, mastery 15%
Level 2: MP -10; Basic attack 90, mastery 15%
Level 3: MP -11; Basic attack 95, mastery 15%
Level 4: MP -11; Basic attack 100, mastery 20%
Level 5: MP -12; Basic attack 104, mastery 20%
Level 6: MP -12; Basic attack 108, mastery 20%
Level 7: MP -13; Basic attack 111, mastery 25%
Level 8: MP -13; Basic attack 115, mastery 25%
Level 9: MP -14; Basic attack 118, mastery 25%
Level 10: MP -14; Basic attack 121, mastery 30%
Level 11: MP -15; Basic attack 124, mastery 30%
Level 12: MP -15; Basic attack 127, mastery 30%
Level 13: MP -16; Basic attack 130, mastery 35%
Level 14: MP -16; Basic attack 133, mastery 35%
Level 15: MP -17; Basic attack 135, mastery 35%
Level 16: MP -17; Basic attack 138, mastery 40%
Level 17: MP -18; Basic attack 141, mastery 40%
Level 18: MP -18; Basic attack 143, mastery 40%
Level 19: MP -19; Basic attack 145, mastery 45%
Level 20: MP -19; Basic attack 148, mastery 45%
Level 21: MP -20; Basic attack 150, mastery 45%
Level 22: MP -20; Basic attack 153, mastery 50%
Level 23: MP -21; Basic attack 155, mastery 50%
Level 24: MP -21; Basic attack 157, mastery 50%
Level 25: MP -22; Basic attack 159, mastery 55%
Level 26: MP -22; Basic attack 162, mastery 55%
Level 27: MP -23; Basic attack 164, mastery 55%
Level 28: MP -23; Basic attack 166, mastery 60%
Level 29: MP -24; Basic attack 168, mastery 60%
Level 30: MP -24; Basic attack 170, mastery 60%

5.7 Magic Composition (max lvl: 30, req: none)

Description: This skill is interesting. It uses Mp to fire an arrow that is
half ice and half lightning. At max level 70 base damage is from ice and
70 from lightning. The only down side is that monsters weak to ice only gives
you a 1.25 element advantage and the same goes for lightning. Still a good
idea to max this. This will soon replace cold beam, just like how cold beam
replaced magic claw. This skill also freezes.

Level 1: MP -14; Basic attack 80, mastery 15%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 2: MP -14; Basic attack 84, mastery 15%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 3: MP -14; Basic attack 87, mastery 15%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 4: MP -14; Basic attack 90, mastery 20%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 5: MP -14; Basic attack 93, mastery 20%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 6: MP -14; Basic attack 96, mastery 20%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 7: MP -14; Basic attack 98, mastery 25%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 8: MP -14; Basic attack 100, mastery 25%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 9: MP -14; Basic attack 102, mastery 25%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 10: MP -14; Basic attack 104, mastery 30%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 11: MP -18; Basic attack 106, mastery 30%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 12: MP -18; Basic attack 108, mastery 30%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 13: MP -18; Basic attack 110, mastery 35%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 14: MP -18; Basic attack 112, mastery 35%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 15: MP -18; Basic attack 114, mastery 35%, freezes enemy for 1 second
Level 16: MP -18; Basic attack 116, mastery 40%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 17: MP -18; Basic attack 118, mastery 40%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 18: MP -18; Basic attack 120, mastery 40%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 19: MP -18; Basic attack 122, mastery 45%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 20: MP -18; Basic attack 124, mastery 45%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 21: MP -22; Basic attack 126, mastery 45%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 22: MP -22; Basic attack 128, mastery 50%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 23: MP -22; Basic attack 130, mastery 50%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 24: MP -22; Basic attack 132, mastery 50%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 25: MP -22; Basic attack 134, mastery 55%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 26: MP -22; Basic attack 136, mastery 55%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 27: MP -22; Basic attack 137, mastery 55%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 28: MP -22; Basic attack 138, mastery 60%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 29: MP -22; Basic attack 139, mastery 60%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds
Level 30: MP -22; Basic attack 140, mastery 60%, freezes enemy for 2 seconds

5.8 Seal (max lvl: 20, req: Element Amplification lvl 3)

Description: This spell seals a monster, which means it can not use
attack skills. This spell is useless for an ice mage, because we can
freeze it anyways. I wouldn’t recommend touching this skill. This skill
also does not work on bosses.

Level 1: MP -12; 38% success rate for 10 seconds
Level 2: MP -12; 41% success rate for 11 seconds
Level 3: MP -12; 44% success rate for 11 seconds
Level 4: MP -12; 47% success rate for 12 seconds
Level 5: MP -12; 50% success rate for 12 seconds
Level 6: MP -18; 53% success rate for 13 seconds
Level 7: MP -18; 56% success rate for 13 seconds
Level 8: MP -18; 59% success rate for 14 seconds
Level 9: MP -18; 62% success rate for 14 seconds
Level 10: MP -18; 65% success rate for 15 seconds
Level 11: MP -24; 68% success rate for 15 seconds
Level 12: MP -24; 71% success rate for 16 seconds
Level 13: MP -24; 74% success rate for 16 seconds
Level 14: MP -24; 77% success rate for 17 seconds
Level 15: MP -24; 80% success rate for 17 seconds
Level 16: MP -30; 83% success rate for 18 seconds
Level 17: MP -30; 86% success rate for 18 seconds
Level 18: MP -30; 89% success rate for 19 seconds
Level 19: MP -30; 92% success rate for 19 seconds
Level 20: MP -30; 95% success rate for 20 seconds

5.9 Element Amplification (max lvl: 30, req: none)

Description: This skill is passive, and it also makes your spells do 1.35x
the normal damage. The con is that this spell also doubles your spells
costs. If you want to match up to other jobs, you should max this.

Level 1: MP -105%; Magic attack +102%
Level 2: MP -110%; Magic attack +104%
Level 3: MP -115%; Magic attack +106%
Level 4: MP -120%; Magic attack +108%
Level 5: MP -125%; Magic attack +109%
Level 6: MP -130%; Magic attack +110%
Level 7: MP -135%; Magic attack +111%
Level 8: MP -140%; Magic attack +112%
Level 9: MP -145%; Magic attack +113%
Level 10: MP -150%; Magic attack +114%
Level 11: MP -160%; Magic attack +116%
Level 12: MP -155%; Magic attack +116%
Level 13: MP -165%; Magic attack +118%
Level 14: MP -160%; Magic attack +118%
Level 15: MP -170%; Magic attack +120%
Level 16: MP -165%; Magic attack +120%
Level 17: MP -175%; Magic attack +122%
Level 18: MP -170%; Magic attack +122%
Level 19: MP -180%; Magic attack +124%
Level 20: MP -175%; Magic attack +124%
Level 21: MP -180%; Magic attack +126%
Level 22: MP -180%; Magic attack +126%
Level 23: MP -190%; Magic attack +128%
Level 24: MP -185%; Magic attack +128%
Level 25: MP -195%; Magic attack +130%
Level 26: MP -190%; Magic attack +130%
Level 27: MP -205%; Magic attack +132%
Level 28: MP -200%; Magic attack +132%
Level 29: MP -195%; Magic attack +132%
Level 30: MP -200%; Magic attack +135%

6.0 Partial Resistance (max lvl: 20, req: none)

Description: This skill increase your resistance to ice and lightning
attacks. This skill is a must if you wanna go hunt tauros eventually.

Level 1: 23% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 2: 26% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 3: 29% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 4: 32% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 5: 35% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 6: 38% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 7: 41% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 8: 44% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 9: 47% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 10: 50% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 11: 52% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 12: 54% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 13: 56% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 14: 58% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 15: 60% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 16: 62% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 17: 64% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 18: 66% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 19: 68% resistance against ice/lightning attacks
Level 20: 70% resistance against ice/lightning attacks

6.1 Magic Booster (max lvl: 20, req: Element Amplification lvl 3)

Description: This skill is awesome, but its usefulness at lvl 11 is the
same as its usefulness at lvl 20. I suggest getting this to 11, work on
another skill, then max it later.

Level 1: HP -58, MP -53; Casting speed +1 for 10 seconds
Level 2: HP -56, MP -51; Casting speed +1 for 20 seconds
Level 3: HP -54, MP -49; Casting speed +1 for 30 seconds
Level 4: HP -52, MP -47; Casting speed +1 for 40 seconds
Level 5: HP -50, MP -45; Casting speed +1 for 50 seconds
Level 6: HP -48, MP -43; Casting speed +1 for 60 seconds
Level 7: HP -46, MP -41; Casting speed +1 for 70 seconds
Level 8: HP -44, MP -39; Casting speed +1 for 80 seconds
Level 9: HP -42, MP -37; Casting speed +1 for 90 seconds
Level 10: HP -40, MP -35; Casting speed +1 for 100 seconds
Level 11: HP -39, MP -34; Casting speed +2 for 110 seconds
Level 12: HP -38, MP -33; Casting speed +2 for 120 seconds
Level 13: HP -37, MP -32; Casting speed +2 for 130 seconds
Level 14: HP -36, MP -31; Casting speed +2 for 140 seconds
Level 15: HP -35, MP -30; Casting speed +2 for 150 seconds
Level 16: HP -34, MP -29; Casting speed +2 for 160 seconds
Level 17: HP -33, MP -28; Casting speed +2 for 170 seconds
Level 18: HP -32, MP -27; Casting speed +2 for 180 seconds
Level 19: HP -31, MP -26; Casting speed +2 for 190 seconds
Level 20: HP -30, MP -25; Casting speed +2 for 200 seconds

*SURPRISE* Third job skill build!! OmG >_>

I thought about it, and heres the most useful skill build i've seen.

Level 70: Ice Strike: 1
Level 71: Ice Strike: 3
Level 72: Ice Strike: 3
Level 73: Ice Strike: 3
Level 74: Ice Strike: 3
Level 75: Ice Strike: 3
Level 76: Ice Strike: 3
Level 77: Ice Strike: 3
Level 78: Ice Strike: 3
Level 79: Ice Strike: 3
Level 80: Ice Strike: 2, Element Amp: 1
Level 81: Element Amp: 2, Magic Booster: 1
Level 81: Magic Booster: 3
Level 82: Magic Booster: 3
Level 83: Magic Booster: 3
Level 83: Magic Booster: 1, Thunder Spear: 2 or Magic Composition: 2
Level 84: Thunder Spear: 3 or Magic Composition: 3
Level 85: Thunder Spear: 3 or Magic Composition: 3
Level 86: Thunder Spear: 3 or Magic Composition: 3
Level 87: Thunder Spear: 3 or Magic Composition: 3
Level 88: Thunder Spear: 3 or Magic Composition: 3
Level 89: Thunder Spear: 3 or Magic Composition: 3
Level 90: Thunder Spear: 3 or Magic Composition: 3
Level 91: Thunder Spear: 3 or Magic Composition: 3
Level 92: Thunder Spear: 3 or Magic Composition: 3
Level 93: Thunder Spear: 1 or Magic Composition: 3, Element Amp: 2
Level 94: Element Amp: 3
Level 95: Element Amp: 3
Level 96: Element Amp: 3
Level 97: Element Amp: 3
Level 98: Element Amp: 3
Level 99: Element Amp: 3
Level 100: Element Amp: 3
Level 101: Element Amp: 3
Level 102: Element Amp: 1, Magic Composition: 2 or Thunder Spear: 2
Level 103: Magic Composition: 3 or Thunder Spear: 3
Level 104: Magic Composition: 3 or Thunder Spear: 3
Level 105: Magic Composition: 3 or Thunder Spear: 3
Level 106: Magic Composition: 3 or Thunder Spear: 3
Level 107: Magic Composition: 3 or Thunder Spear: 3
Level 108: Magic Composition: 3 or Thunder Spear: 3
Level 109: Magic Composition: 3 or Thunder Spear: 3
Level 110: Magic Composition: 3 or Thunder Spear: 3
Level 111: Magic Composition: 3 or Thunder Spear: 3
Level 112: Magic Composition: 1 or Thunder Spear: 1, Partial Resistance: 1,
Seal 1
Level 113: Seal: 3
Level 114: Seal: 3
Level 115: Seal: 3
Level 116: Seal: 3
Level 117: Seal: 3
Level 118: Seal: 3
Level 119: Seal: 3
Level 120: Partial Resistance: 3

My build:

Max Composition
3 Element Amp
11 Booster
Max Ice Strike
Max Element Amp
same as before build

M) Third Job Training

6.2 training


Stay at the same place as previous levels. Your new spells arent good yet.


Buffoons and Death Teddies


Buffoons and Death Teddies


Spirit Vikings


Spirit Vikings


Spirit Vikings

N) Items

6.3 Staves

Wooden Staff
LVL 10
INT 32
LUK 13
Attack Speed Slower
Weapon Attack 20
Magic Attack 25
Slots 7
Found: Ellinia Weapons Store, Francois

Emerald Staff
LVL 15
INT 48
LUK 18
Attack Speed:Slow
Weapon Attack 23
Magic Attack 30
Slots 7
Found: Ellinia Weapons Store, Francois

Sapphire Staff
LVL 15
INT 48
LUK 18
Attack Speed Slow
Weapon Attack 23
Magic Attack 30
Slots 7
Found: Ellinia Weapons Store, Francois

Old Wooden Staff
LVL 20
INT 62
LUK 23
Attack Speed Slow
Weapon Attack 26
Magic Attack 35
Slots 7
Found: Ellinia Weapons Store, Francois

Wizard Staff
LVL 25
INT 78
LUK 28
Attack Speed Slow
Weapon Attack 26 ~ 32
Magic Attack 35 ~ 45
Slots 7
Found: Stone Golem, Grupin, Ellinia Weapons Store, Francois

Maple Staff
LVL 35
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 35
Magic Attack 48
HP +100
Slots 7
Found: Not available anymore

Maple Lama Staff
LVL 43
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 35 ~ 45
Magic Attack 45 ~ 63
HP +96 ~ 105
MP +46 ~ 55
Slots 7
Found: Not available anymore

Arc Staff
LVL 45
INT 138
LUK 48
Attack Speed Slow
Weapon Attack 36 ~ 46
Magic Attack 55 ~ 65
Slot 7
Found: King Block Golem, Tauromancis, Francois, Rydole

LVL 55
INT 168
LUK 58
Attack Speed Slow
Weapon Attack 42 ~ 52
Magic Attack 65 ~ 75
Slots 7
Found: Mecateon, Chief Gray, MT-09, Taurospear, Yeti and Pepe, Jr. Balrog,

Evil Wings
LVL 65
INT 198
LUK 68
Attack Speed Slow
Weapon Attack 49 ~ 57
Magic Attack 76 ~ 86
Slots 7
Found: Werewolf, Jr. Balrog

Dark Ritual
LVL 75
INT 228
LUK 78
Attack Speed Slow
Weapon Attack 55 ~ 62
Magic Attack 86 ~ 95
Slots 7
Found: Cerebres, Zakum3

LVL 85
INT 258
LUK 88
Attack Speed Slow
Weapon Attack 62 ~ 69
Magic Attack 95 ~ 105
Slots 7
Found: Grim Phantom Watch, Zakum3

6.4 Wands

Wooden Wand
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 15
Magic attack 23
Slots 7
Found: Ellinia Weapon Shop, Francois

Hardwood Wand
LVL 13
INT 40
LUK 15
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 18
Magic Attck 28
Slots 7
Found: Ellinia Weapon Store, Francois

Metal Wand
LVL 18
INT 55
LUK 20
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 18 ~ 24
Magic Attack 29 ~ 37
Slots 7
Found; Red Snail, Orange Mushroom, Ellinia Weapon Store, Francois

Ice Wand
LVL 23
INT 70
LUK 25
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 24
Magic Attack 38
Slots 7
Found: Ellinia Weapon Store, Francois

Mithril Wand
LVL 28
INT 85
LUK 30
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 24 ~ 30
Magic Attack 38 ~ 48
Slots 7
Found: Dark Axe Stump, Ellinia Weapon Store, Orbis Weapon Store,
Ludibrium Weapon Store, Francois, Rydole

Wizard Wand
LVL 33
INT 100
LUK 35
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 26 ~ 34
Magic Attack 43 ~ 53
Slots 7
Found: Axe Stump, Ratz, El Nath Weapon Store, Ludibrium Weapon Store, Omeaga
Sector Weapon Store, Francois, Rydole

Fairy Wand
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 30 ~ 35
Magic Attack 50 ~ 58
Slots 7
Found: Blocktopus, Mushmom, Minor Zombie, El Nath Weapon Store, Ludibrium
Weapon Store, Omega Sector Weapon Store, Francois, Rydole

LVL 48
INT 127
LUK 50
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 35 ~ 44
Magic Attack 58 ~ 69
Slots 7
Found: Master Chronos, Pepe, Coolie Zombie, Francois, Rydole

LVL 88
INT 265
LUK 90
Attack Speed Normal
Weapon Attack 63
Magic Attack 103 ~ 105
Slots 7
Found: Gate Keeper, Papulatus, Zakum3

6.5 Overalls

Beige Plain Robe (M)
LVL 13
INT 40
LUK 15
Weapon Def. 16
Magic Def. 8
MP +5
Int +1
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

Blue Plain Robe (M)
LVL 13
INT 40
LUK 15
Type: Overall
Weapon Def. 16
Magic Def. 8
MP +15
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

Green Plain Robe (M)
LVL 13
INT 40
LUK 15
Weapon Def. 16
Magic Def. 8
HP +15
Slots 7
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

Blue Doros Robe (M)
LVL 23
INT 70
LUK 25
Weapon Def. 24
Magic Def. 12
Str +3
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

Yellow Doros Robe (M)
LVL 23
INT 70
LUK 25
Weapon Def. 24
Magic Def. 12
MP +30
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

White Doros Robe (M)
LVL 23
INT 70
LUK 25
Weapon Def. 21 ~ 17
Magic Def. 10 ~ 13
Int +2 ~ 4
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store, Jr. Wraiths

Brown Doros Robe (M)
LVL 23
INT 70
LUK 25
Weapon Def. 24
Magic Def. 12
Int +3
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

Brown Doroness Robe (F)
LVL 23
INT 70
LUK 25
Weapon Def. 21 ~ 27
Magic Def. 10 ~ 14
Int +2 ~ 4
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store, Jr. Wraiths

Purple Doroness Robe (F)
LVL 23
INT 70
LUK 25
Weapon Def. 24
Magic Def. 12
MP +30
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

Red Doroness Robe (F)
LVL 23
INT 70
LUK 25
Weapon Def. 24
Magic Def. 12
HP +30
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

Blue Wizard Robe (M)
LVL 28
INT 85
LUK 30
Weapon Def. 28
Magic Def. 14
MP + 30
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

White Wizard Robe (M)
LVL 28
INT 85
LUK 30
Weapon Def. 28
Magic Def. 14
Int +3
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

Black Wizard Robe (M)
LVL 28
INT 85
LUK 30
Weapon Def. 28
Magic Def. 14
Int +3
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

Green Wizard Robe (M)
LVL 28
INT 85
LUK 30
Weapon Def. 28
Magic Def. 14
Int +3
Slots 10
Found: Ellinia Armor Store

Dark Chaos Robe (M)
LVL 33
INT 100
LUK 35
Weapon Def. 28 ~ 36
Magic Def. 14 ~ 18
MP +4 ~ 6
Int +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: Ticks, Stone Golem, Pepe

Blue Chaos Robe (M)
LVL 33
INT 100
LUK 35
Weapon Def. 28 ~ 36
Magic Def. 14 ~ 18
MP +4 ~ 6
Luk +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: Zombie Mushroom

Blue Chaos Robe (M)
LVL 33
INT 100
LUK 35
Weapon Def. 28 ~ 36
Magic Def. 14 ~ 18
MP +4 ~ 6
Luk +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: El Nath Armor Store, Ludibrium Armor Store, Omega Sector Armor Store,
Zombie Mushroom

Blood Chaos Robe (M)
LVL 33
INT 100
LUK 35
Weapon Def. 28 ~ 36
Magic Def. 14 ~ 18
MP +4 ~ 6
Int +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: El Nath Armor Store, Ludibrium Armor Store, Omega Sector Armor Store,
Drum Bunny, Stone Golem, Pepe

Brown Starlight (M)
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Weapon Def. 32 ~ 40
Magic Def. 16 ~ 20
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: El Nath Armor Store, Ludibrium Armor Store, Omega Sector Armor Store,
Cold Eye

Red Starlight (M)
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Weapon Def. 32 ~ 40
Magic Def. 16 ~ 20
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: Chronos, Dark Stone Golem

Green Starlight (M)
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Weapon Def. 32 ~ 40
Magic Def. 16 ~ 20
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: El Nath Armor Store, Ludibrium Armor Store, Omega Sector Armor Store,
Dark Stone Golem

Blue Starlight (M)
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Weapon Def. 32 ~ 40
Magic Def. 16 ~ 20
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: El Nath Armor Store, Ludibrium Armor Store, Omega Sector Armor Store,
Cold Eye, Tick Tock

Dark Starlight (M)
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Weapon Def. 32 ~ 40
Magic Def. 16 ~ 20
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: Dark Stone Golem

Purple Moonlight (F)
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Weapon Def. 32 ~ 40
Magic Def. 16 ~ 20
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: El Nath Armor Store, Ludibrium Armor Store, Omega Sector Armor Store,
Zombie Lupin, King Blocktopus, Dark Nependeath

Red Moonlight (F)
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Weapon Def. 32 ~ 40
Magic Def. 16 ~ 20
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: El Nath Armor Store, Ludibrium Armor Store, Omega Sector Armor Store,
Platoon Chronos, Croco

Blue Moonlight (F)
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Weapon Def. 32 ~ 40
Magic Def. 16 ~ 20
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: El Nath Armor Store, Ludibrium Armor Store, Omega Sector Armor Store,
Zombie Lupin, Toy Trojan, Dark Nependeath

Red Moonlight (F)
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Weapon Def. 32 ~ 40
Magic Def. 16 ~ 20
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: Block Golem, Croco

Brown Moonlight (F)
LVL 38
INT 115
LUK 40
Weapon Def. 32 ~ 40
Magic Def. 16 ~ 20
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: El Nath Armor Store, Ludibrium Armor Store, Omega Sector Armor Store,

Dark Calaf (F)
LVL 48
INT 145
LUK 50
Weapon Def. 39 ~ 49
Magic Def. 19 ~ 25
MP +17 ~ 23
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: Wild Cargo , Dark Yeti and Pepe

White Calaf (F)
LVL 48
INT 145
LUK 50
Weapon Def. 39 ~ 49
Magic Def. 19 ~ 25
MP +17 ~ 23
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: Plateon, Wild Cargo , Dark Yeti and Pepe

Blue Calaf (F)
LVL 48
INT 145
LUK 50
Weapon Def. 39 ~ 49
Magic Def. 19 ~ 25
MP +17 ~ 24
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: Clang, Ultra Gray

Red Calaf (F)
LVL 48
INT 145
LUK 50
Weapon Def. 39 ~ 49
Magic Def. 19 ~ 25
MP +17 ~ 24
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: Clang

Orange Calaf (F)
LVL 48
INT 145
LUK 50
Weapon Def. 39 ~ 49
Magic Def. 19 ~ 25
MP +17 ~ 23
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: Wild Cargo , Dark Yeti and Pepe

Blue Calas (M)
LVL 48
INT 145
LUK 50
Weapon Def. 39 ~ 49
Magic Def. 19 ~ 25
MP +17 ~ 23
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: Umti , Master Chronos, Dark Jr. Yeti (Transformed)

Red Calas (M)
LVL 48
INT 145
LUK 50
Weapon Def. 39 ~ 49
Magic Def. 19 ~ 25
MP +17 ~ 23
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +3 ~ 5
Slots 10
Found: Umti

Orange Calas (M)
LVL 48
INT 145
LUK 50
Weapon Def. 39 ~ 49
Magic Def. 19 ~ 25
MP +17 ~ 23
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: Croco, Dark Jr. Yeti (Transformed), Dark Yeti and Pepe

White Calas (M)
LVL 48
INT 145
LUK 50
Weapon Def. 39 ~ 49
Magic Def. 19 ~ 25
MP +17 ~ 23
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: Mecateon, Croco, Dark Yeti and Pepe

White Calas (M)
LVL 48
INT 145
LUK 50
Weapon Def. 39 ~ 49
Magic Def. 19 ~ 25
MP +17 ~ 23
Int +3 ~ 5
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10

Blue Anakamoon (M)
LVL 58
INT 175
LUK 60
Weapon Def. 47 ~ 57
Magic Def. 23 ~ 29
MP +22 ~ 28
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +4 ~ 6
Slots 10
Dropped by: Clang, Jr. Yeti

Red Anakamoon (M)
LVL 58
INT 175
LUK 60
Weapon Def. 47 ~ 57
Magic Def. 23 ~ 29
MP +22 ~ 28
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +4 ~ 6
Slots 10
Dropped by: Clang, Jr. Yeti

White Anakamoon (M)
LVL 58
INT 175
LUK 60
Weapon Def. 47 ~ 57
Magic Def. 23 ~ 29
MP +22 ~ 28
Int +4 ~ 6
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Dropped by: White Pang, Red Drake, Buffy

Dark Anakamoon (M)
LVL 58
INT 175
LUK 60
Weapon Def. 47 ~ 57
Magic Def. 23 ~ 29
MP +22 ~ 28
Int +4 ~ 6
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Dropped by: White Pang, Red Drake, Buffy

Blue Anakarune (F)
LVL 58
INT 175
LUK 60
Weapon Def. 47 ~ 57
Magic Def. 23 ~ 29
MP +22 ~ 28
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +4 ~ 6
Slots 10
Found: Jr. Yeti, Drake, Lioner

Red Anakarune (F)
LVL 58
INT 175
LUK 60
Weapon Def. 47 ~ 57
Magic Def. 23 ~ 29
MP +22 ~ 28
Int +0 ~ 2
Luk +4 ~ 6
Slots 10
Found: Jr. Yeti, Drake, Lioner

White Anakarune (F)
LVL 58
INT 175
LUK 60
Weapon Def. 47 ~ 57
Magic Def. 23 ~ 29
MP +22 ~ 28
Int +4 ~ 6
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: Wild Cargo, Dark Yeti and Pepe

Dark Anakarune (F)
LVL 58
INT 175
LUK 60
Weapon Def. 47 ~ 57
Magic Def. 23 ~ 29
MP +22 ~ 28
Int +4 ~ 6
Luk +0 ~ 2
Slots 10
Found: Wild Cargo, Buffoon Dark Yeti and Pepe

Blue Requiem (M)
LVL 68
INT 205
LUK 70
Weapon Def. 57 ~ 65
Magic Def. 27 ~ 33
Int +2 ~ 3
Luk +5 ~ 6
Found: Dark Jr. Yeti (Transformed)

Red Requiem (M)
LVL 68
INT 205
LUK 70
Weapon Def. 57 ~ 65
Magic Def. 27 ~ 33
Int +2 ~ 3
Luk +5 ~ 6
Found: Yeti

Brown Requiem (M)
LVL 68
INT 205
LUK 70
Weapon Def. 57 ~ 65
Magic Def. 27 ~ 33
Int +5 ~ 6
Luk +2 ~ 3
Found: Yeti and Pepe

Dark Requiem (M)
LVL 68
INT 205
LUK 70
Weapon Def. 57 ~ 65
Magic Def. 27 ~ 33
Int +5 ~ 6
Luk +2 ~ 3
Found: Lycanthrope

Blue Requierre (F)
LVL 68
INT 205
LUK 70
Weapon Def. 55 ~ 65
Magic Def. 27 ~ 34
Int +2 ~ 3
Luk +5 ~ 6
Found: Dark Jr. Yeti (Transformed), Klock

Brown Requierre (F)
LVL 68
INT 205
LUK 70
Weapon Def. 55 ~ 65
Magic Def. 27 ~ 34
Int +5 ~ 6
Luk +2 ~ 3
Found: Yeti and Pepe

Dark Requierre (M)
LVL 68
INT 205
LUK 70
Weapon Def. 55 ~ 65
Magic Def. 27 ~ 34
Int +5 ~ 6
Luk +2 ~ 3
Found: Lycanthrope

Red Requierre (F)
LVL 68
INT 205
LUK 70
Weapon Def. 55 ~ 65
Magic Def. 27 ~ 34
Int +2 ~ 3
Luk +5 ~ 6
Found: Yeti

Green Enigmatic (M)
LVL 78
INT 235
LUK 80
Weapon Def. 65 ~ 72
Magic Def. 32 ~ 35
MP +32 ~ 38
Int +2 ~ 3
Luk +5 ~ 7
Slots 10
Found: Werewolf

Blue Enigmatic (M)
LVL 78
INT 235
LUK 80
Weapon Def. 65 ~ 72
Magic Def. 29 ~ 35
MP +32 ~ 38
Int +5 ~ 7
Luk +2 ~ 3
Slots 10
Found: Taurospear

Dark Enigmatic (M)
LVL 78
INT 235
LUK 80
Weapon Def. 65 ~ 72
Magic Def. 28 ~ 35
MP +32 ~ 38
Int +5 ~ 7
Luk +2 ~ 3
Slots 10
Found: Yeti and Pepe

Green Enigma (F)
LVL 78
INT 235
LUK 80
Weapon Def. 65 ~ 72
Magic Def. 31 ~ 36
MP +32 ~ 38
Int +2 ~ 3
Luk +5 ~ 7
Slots 10
Found: Werewolf

Purple Enigma (F)
LVL 78
INT 235
LUK 80
Weapon Def. 65 ~ 72
Magic Def. 31 ~ 37
MP +32 ~ 38
Int +5 ~ 7
Luk +2 ~ 3
Slots 10
Found: Taurospear

Dark Enigma (F)
LVL 78
INT 235
LUK 80
Weapon Def. 65 ~ 72
Magic Def. 31 ~ 37
MP +32 ~ 38
Int +5 ~ 7
Luk +2 ~ 3
Slots 10
Found: Yeti and Pepe, Ghost Pirate


O) Thanks

This is where i thank all the people that have helped me in this guide

AznSeal/Ryusei51/bob/naixin/me-i thank me, since i wrote it xD
LilAznm4ge-thanks melodie, for helping me proofread stuff
Diviniti-thanks a lot, if you see her in scania, fame her for me, you
helped me with proofreading, and training suggestions, and you helped me
with spelling errors.
My old guild- thanks u Coolforyou, you guys made my ms life cool, fame them
for me x]
My new Guild-Epitome, what can i say, nice
Illogikul-what can i say?, your awesome, and a good guild friend, and btw,
congrats roderick, for making it up all the way to a ranger, fame him for
Chloekinzz-helped with training, fame her for me, lol, shes an "emo-prep"
Winzet-for making the game
hiddenstreet-this site was a valuable resource, all the skill charts
credit goes to you
maple tip-this site was a valuable resource
GameFAQs-GODLY SITE this site answered a lot of my questions via the forums
and guides
CjayC-for hosting the guide, and for making GameFAQs
my buddy list-for making my ms life enjoyable
xassasin69-yo u helped me get started, and gave me free stuff i wouldn’t
even play ms without you, fame him if he ever gets on, thanks john.
D4rkth3if-thanks Calvin for all your help, :), without you, i would have a
crap load of mistakes.
Xadrieth/xx_hero_of_time_xx-thanks for fixing the door of dimensions error.
L1ghtjak-for heling with kill build error.
Falkentyne-Retz for training.
Supernova69-grats on becoming a cdit popeye


COPYRIGHT 2006 Naixin Zhang

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Warrior Guide
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Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
22.Oktober 2014
13.Dezember 2013
24.Juli 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020