Maple Story

Maple Story

16.10.2013 19:46:08
Warrior FAQ
Warrior FAQ
Version 0.8
Dark Praetor/Adzial, aka Martin
Contact me at whitefox[at]

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Copyright 2005 Martin W

Version Information
0.1 Started out, made basic layout, started the easier parts
submitted >_<
0.2 Added in leveling guide, can't believe I forgot it ;_;
0.3 Rejected >_> added in Section 4 aka the Second Job stuff.
0.4 And because I was scared to submit again, I did the
third job stuff before I pressed that little button.
0.5 Few small fixes
0.6 More fixes
0.7 Revamped leveling guide
0.8 Added Quest Guide
Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Maple Story
1i) Installing the game, starting your character
1ii) Why you want to be a warrior

2. Becoming a Warrior

3. First job Warrior Skills
3i) Different Buils
3ii) Warrior Stats
3iii) Leveling guide

4. They way of the Fighter/Spearman/Page
4i) The advancement
4ii) Spearman skills and builds
4iii) Fighter skills and builds
4iv) Page skills and builds

5) Third job information
5i) Dragon Knight aka Spearman
5ii) Crusader aka Fighter
5iii) Knight aka Page

6. Quest Guide

7. Thanks and ending
1. Introduction to Maple Story
Maple Story is a 2D MMORPG, or Multiplayer Massive Online
Role Playing Game. It's very simple to get into, but you'll
find that knowing prices off the top of your head, knowing
where to train for each level and things like trading may
be beyond you. Most people starting out will feel overwhealmed,
so don't worry. It's nothing unusual :P The game Maple Story
has a simple enough task, simply: level up. If grinding
for days on end to achieve a few levels doesn't appeal to you,
then I advise a different style of game such as Guild Wars or
Diablo II. Having said that though, the grind is nothing
compared to say... FFXI, but MUCH harder than a game like Diablo.

The community, as of right now, is a low point in Maple
Story, with little XXSSJAZNVI3TPRYDEXXs running around
all over the place, KSing (kill stealing) and looting, but
you'll find that if you play, you'll meet some amazingly
friendly people.

1i) Installing the game, starting your character
The game is F2P (free to play) and can be downloaded from Don't go to however,
as that's an entirely DIFFERENT version of Maple Story.
You will need to register to play.

Once you have downloaded and installed the game, boot up
and log-in. You'll be led to the character selection screen,
a kind of bridge/platform for your 3 potential characters
to stand on. You don't have one? Never fear. Click on the
'Creat Character' tab and go ahead, Selecting your name
can be a bit annoying, as chances are your first choice name
will be taken. Try to avoid the 'azn' tag, or 'vi3t', 'boi',
'naruto' and the like. They are very common, and are typically
associated with 10 year olds.

Once you've chosen your hair, eyes and clothing, checked your name
then it's time to roll your stats. You'll be wanting the following:

STR: X this doesn't matter, which sounds stupid, considering you're
a warrior, but it'll work out as long as you get 4-5 int and 4-5 luk
DEX: X again, this doesn't matter as much as your LUK and INT stats
INT: 4-5 to be a nice cookie-cutter warrior, you're gonna want 4-5. You
won't suffer too much by having more, but I'd advise you just use a few
minutes and roll a 4
Also... people have been known to put points in this to prepare
for tyjr hird job page, Knight, as they will have magic attacks. All I can
say is that this will NOT do anything but harm as they magic attacks
are NOT based on INT
LUK: 4-5 same goes as above

1ii) Why you want to be a warrior
Early on, a warrior might turn you off. Chunky helmets, god awful armour,
easily KSed by mages... grr. It'll pay off though. Once you get to about
level 50, you'll simply be awesome. You'll outdamage mages, tank
almost ANY monster, and do purdy numbers.

But there's the problem of the early levels. There's no cure.
Early on, a warrior's pretty boring. But think about the awesome gear
later on, drool, and keep going.

Okay, so I just turned you off warriors, meep. A warrior has the
following attributes:

-High HP and armour, the highest in the game actually.
-Awesome damage.
-Can tank most things in the game with ease.

Although, the following may make you want to choose something else:

-No +speed skill that all other classes get eventually, IE Haste
for Assassins/Bandits, teleport for Mages and Thrust for Rangers/Snipers.
-Ugly low level stuff.
-Fugly damage range until mastery is at a decent level.

Becoming a Warrior

It's simple enough.. 35 strength at level 10 will do it.
Once you meet those requirements, go to Perion, either
via Taxi(there's no taxi in Lith Harbout, instead you talk to the
guy in the stall next to Jane) or by walking. Walking to Perion from
Lith Harbour is kind of tedious and not really worth the effort,
not to mention dangerous.

Once you're at Perion, go to the top of the map, where you'll find
a building with no signs. Walk in, and you'll see 'Dances with Balrog'
Talk to him and as long as you have 35 STR and are level 10,
you can become a Warrior! You should gain about ~100 HP, depending
on the generator.

3. First job Warrior Skills

Improving MAX HP
Max level: 10
Requirements: 5 in Improving HP recovery

The description in-game will most likely confuse the hell out of
you. Bascially, the more AP you have into this skills, the
more HP you gain per level up. For example, Say you have
0 points in this skill and you level up. Throwing an
arbitary number from my head, you will gain about 30HP.
Maxing this skill will give you closer to 70HP per level up.

Max this out ASAP (as pointed out, this means after putting 5 into
HP Recovery)

Level1: Leveling up gives you base +4 HP, putting AP into HP gives
you base +3 HP.
Level10: Leveling up gives you base +40 HP, putting AP into HP gives
you base +30 HP.

Improving HP Recovery
Max level: 16
Requirements: none

This skill will improve the amount of HP you get when you
idle for 10 seconds. It's not really necessary, the best method
IMO is leave it at 5, then max out your vital skills, and if
you decide not to put points in Iron Body or Endure, then
put the remainder into this.
Level 1: +3 HP per 10 seconds (13 total)
Level 16: +30 HP per 10 seconds (40 total)

Max level: 8
Requirements: 3 Improving Max HP

This skill allows you to idly on ladders. Generally, I wouldn't
put more than 1 point into it unless you want to use Iron
Level 1: Regenerate HP every 33 second while on a ladder
Level 8: Regenerate HP every 10 seconds while on a ladder

Iron Body
Max level: 20
Requirements: 3 Endure

The skill isn't necessary as it gives you 40 more defense at max
level, which results in approximately 13 less damage.
When you'll usually be training on things that do low damage on
you until about level 40, this skill is mostly useless.
You're also forced to put 3 into endure to put points in.
It is nice to randomly spam in crowds, though ^_^
Level 1: Use 5 MP, +2 wdef for 15 seconds.
Level 11: Use 10 MP, +22 wdef for 165 seconds.
Level 20: Use 10 MP, +40 wdef for 300 seconds.

Power Strike
Max level: 20
Requirements: none

This is your main skills for a looooong time. At max level, it does
260% damage of your normal attack, which, simply put, is awesome.
You'll want to max this out. POSTHASTE
Level1: Use 6 MP, attack with 108% your normal damage.
Level 11: Use 12 MP, attack with 188% your normal damage.
Level 20: Use 12 MP, attack with 260% your normal damage.

Slash Blast
Max level: 20
Requirements: 1 Power Strike

Your main mob skill. You lose HP and MP when using this skill:
14MP/16HP at max level.
It attacks all monsters within your weapon
range at 130% of your damage at level 20. Some people leave it at
level 10, where it does 94% damage, while not having to deal with
the double MP/HP cost.
Level 1: Use 7 MP + 8 HP, attack with 56% your normal damage.
Level 11: Use 14 MP + 16 HP, attack with 94% your normal damage.
Level 20: Use 14 MP + 16 HP, attack with 130% your normal damage.

Different Builds

Okay, so that info was nice to know, but all you came into this
FAQ for was for the builds, right? =P

All warrior builds start off like this:

Level 10: 1 into Improving HP Recovery
Level 11: 3 into Improving HP Recovery(4)
Level 12: 1 into Improving HP Recovery(5),
2 into Max HP
Level 13: 3 into Max HP (5)
Level 14: 3 into Max HP (8)
Level 15: 2 into Max HP (10)
1 into Power Strike

Then the builds start to differ.

A typical warrior build will continue as:

Level 16: 3 into Power Strike (4)
Level 17: 3 into Power Strike (7)
Level 18: 3 into Power Strike (10)
Level 19: 3 into Slash Blast
Level 20: 3 into Slash Blast (6)
Level 21: 3 into Slash Blast (9)
Level 22: 1 into Slash Blast, SAVE the rest
Level 23: Save all 3 points
Level 24: Save all 3 points
Level 25: 10 into Power Strike (20)
10 into Slash Blast (20)
Level 26: Save all 3 points
Level 27: Save all 3 points
Level 28: 10 into attack skill you didn't max
Level 29: 3 into optional skills (Usually Improving HP Recovery)
Level 30: 3 into optional skills

You can switch Power Strike and Slash Blast if you want for
easier leveling, it will however cost more in potions. I don't
recommend leveling two skills at once though, it'll end up
make you weaker for the period you max them out. BUT, and I'm
gonna contradict myself here, you can put 1-2 in Slash Blast
for early leveling >_>

If you're planning on becoming a Fighter, you could look into
putting a point in Iron Body as it negates the minus defense
bonus from Rage. Yes, Rage gives you =10 wdef. However, Maple
only keeps track on one buff on a stat at once. So you cast Rage
first, then Iron Body. It's a difference of 3 damage, so it's your

Although, if you want Iron Body, you might want to look into this:

Level 16: 3 into Power Strike (4)
Level 17: 3 into Power Strike (7)
Level 18: 3 into Power Strike (10)
Level 19: 3 into Slash Blast
Level 20: 3 into Slash Blast (6)
Level 21: 3 into Slash Blast (9)
Level 22: 1 into Slash Blast, SAVE the rest*
Level 23: Save all 3 points
Level 24: Save all 3 points
Level 25: 10 into Power Strike (20)
10 into Slash Blast (20)
Level 26: 3 into Endure
Level 27: 3 into Iron Body
Level 28: 3 into Iron Body
Level 29: 3 into Iron Body
Level 30: 1 into Iron Body, 2 into HP Recovery

This isn't recommended, as a level 10 Iron Body reduces damage by
roughly 3 and if you're planning to be a Fighter, I would NOT
follow this build as Slash Blast will always be your main mob skill.

3ii) Warrior Stats

Generally, the saying is:

"DEX = 2(level)"

I advise you stick to this formula, until level 30. Once you get there,
you can experiment and see if you prefer more power or the ability to
hunt high level monsters. I'd recommend 1/2 dex per 5 levels.

However, there are different builds you can use:

DEX = level build
You'll be doing some nice damage with this build, however, you might
have trouble passing the second job advancement unless you have
scrolled equipment to add dex.

Assuming 4/4 in INT/LUK

Level 10: DEX = 10
STR = 52

Level 20: DEX = 20
STR = 92

Level 30: DEX = 30
STR = 132

DEX = Capped at 50/60 build
This is a nice build, but it can get a bit hard to hit monsters,
so you MIGHT want to go the route of scrolling an overall
(sauna gown, Black Dragon Robe, Crusader Mail) to get a nice
DEX bonus and use that until 50/60.

Level 10: DEX = 20
STR = 42

Level 20: DEX = 40
STR = 72

Level 30: DEX = 50/60
STR = 112/102

The fabled NO DEX build
This has been done before, by a guy at
It cost him MILLIONS in potions and tens of millions more scrolling
his equipment and he leveled ridiculously slowly at 20-30ish, but once
he got to 50 he was outdamaging warriors the same level by several

Assuming you roll 12STR/5DEX/4LUK/4INT which is perfect

Level 10: DEX = 5
STR = 57

Level 20: DEX = 5
STR = 107

Level 30: DEX = 5
STR = 157

3iii) Leveling Guide

Please inform me if I have any incorrect place names, I never actually
look at those so they may be a bit inaccurate.


Maple Island for now. It's been long enough since I've been there, so
if anyone could tell me if 'A Split Path' and 'Dangerous Forest' are
right or not it'd be great.

-Snail Hunting Ground 1 [Blue and Green Snails] [1-10]
-A Split Path [Green, Red and Blue snails, Small Mushrooms] [6-10]
-Dangerous Forest [Green Snails and Orange Mushrooms] [8-10]


Slimes work very well. A point or two in Slash Blast will make
it nice and easy. Orange Mushrooms also work at about 15.

-The Tree that Grew 1 [Slimes and Green Snails] [10-18]
-Henesys Hunting Ground 1 [Red, Green and Blue Snails, Orange Mushrooms,
Slimes, Small Mushrooms, Green Mushrooms, Tree Stumps] [10-18]
-Orange Mushroom Garden [Orange Mushrooms, Red Snails, Small Mushrooms]


Pig Beach is awesome for warriors. Refer to the Hidden Street FAQ
if you're having trouble getting there. You could carry on at
Orange Mushrooms until 20 if you can't afford the pots or... stay
at Slimes. Low pot cost is about the only benefit from that, though.
Octi also work, they do have a low amount of drops though.

-Beach Hunting Ground [Blue and Red Snails, Pigs, Ribbon Pigs, Small
Mushrooms] [18-25]
-Orange Mushroom Garden [Orange Mushrooms, Red Snails, Small Mushrooms]
-The Tree that Grew 1 [Slimes and Green Snails] [18-20]
-Kerning Construction Site [Octi, Blue and Red Snails, Tree Stumps,
Orange Mushrooms and Green Mushrooms.] [20-25]


For a decent leveling speed and mesos, Jr Sentinals work well, Green
Mushrooms work well as a diversion and Bubblings will get your EXP
Bar flowing quickly but it'll hurt your wallet.

-B1 Basement [Blue Slimes] [25-30]
-Tree North of Ellinia II [Green and Horny Mushrooms] [25-30]
-Orbis Tower, 18th Floor [Jr Sentinals] [25-30]


The prime leveling spots in your 30s are Evil Eyes, [Dark] Leatties
and Wild Boars. Evil Eyes can level you VERY quickly but also drain
your meso supply quickly. Leatties and the dark variation are
the 'balanced' monster to level on, with decent meso, equipment
(Dark Leatties drop level 40 warrior gear and Blue Moons) and
experience. Wild Boars is decent leveling, but some people find it
too overcrowded. If you're really struggling for money, you can
just continue at Jr Sentinals.

-Evil Eye Cave 1-4 [Evil Eyes, Jr Boogy] [30-40]
-The Land of Wild Boar I/II [Wild Boars, Dark Axe Stumps, Jr Boogy]
-Orbis Tower 8-5th* Floor [Leatties] [30-35]
-Orbis Tower 4-3th* Floor [Dark Leatties] [35-40]
-Orbis Tower 18th Floor [Jr Sentinals] [30-35]
*Not sure, please correct if wrong.


Your leveling spots will involve Jr Pepes, Fire Boars, Copper
Drakes, the Jr Cats and Evil Eyes. You probably won't want
to be spending the amount of potions you'll need to level
on Jr Pepes at level 40, but it's pretty fast leveling if
you shell out the meso. Fire Boars and the Jr Cats are similar in
experience, but you'll find that the Jr Cats will be more plentiful
in most cases. Copper Drakes and Stone Golems are great in your late
40s. Lunar Pixies are popular as well, with great drops and experience.

-Orbis Tower 1st* Floor [Jr Pepe] [40-50]
-Burnt Land [Fire Boars] [40-45]
-Dangerous Valley I [Fire Boars and Copper Drakes] [45-50]
-Evil Eye Cave 1-4 [Evil Eyes, Jr Boogy] [40-45]
-Garden of [colour] [various forms of Jr Cats] [40-45]
-Cloud Park 1-2* [Star Pixies, Lunar Pixies*] [45-50]
*Not sure, please correct if wrong.


Zombies aren't for warriors, so if you were excited about
mass Seraphis' drops, you're out of luck. You do however,
get to have Hectors drop Green Napoleans like nobody's
buisness. You'll also find Drake's Meal Table, Cargoes,
Hot Sands and perhaps Sleepywood Dungeons work well for this period.
Crokos are like mini Stone Golems if that makes any sense at all.
Fire Drake hunting could result in some nice items, but the training
at Dangerous Valley II is usually slower than other places.

-Watch out for Icy Path I [Jr Yetis] [50-55]
-Almost every map past El Nath [Hectors] [55-70]
-Drake's Meal Table [Drakes, Cold Eyes, Cargoes, Green Snail] [50-60]
-Hot Sands [Clangs, Lorangs, Umtis] [50-60]
-Sleepywood Dungeon 3/4 [Dark Stone Golem, Curse Eyes] [50-60]
-Wild Cargoes Area [Cargoes, Cold Eyes] [50-60]
-Dangerous Croko II [Crokos, Jr Neckis] [50-60]
-Dangerous Valley II [Red Drakes, Copper Drakes]

Please email me if you spot any errors or have suggestions.
4. They way of the Fighter/Spearman/Page
So you've made it to 30. You've filled miles worth of buddy chat
whining about KSing from "TEH MAGE". But this is the start of something
better: you won't notice much difference until about 35, which is when
you'll usually do your first 1000 damage, earlier if you're
rich and had scrolled Gloves/Weapons.

But, you've got a dilemma.You don't know what class to be, right?
The second job skills don't vary much, but you might want a description
of the jobs:

Big and stoopid, they use either swords or axes. Swords have
more stable damage (higher minimum and lower maximum), while axes
have nice damage but also a lower minimum. The price difference
between the two is kind of ridiculous, an axe will be much cheaper
than a sword almost all of the time.
Fighters' unique skill is 'Rage', which adds 10 weapon
attack at the cost of 10 weapon defense at max level for a period
of time. Fighters and Pages also have the awesome skills
'Power Guard' which at max level, reflects 40% of damage taken,
while you only take 60% of damage.
Fighters gain only HP once they obtain their second job, but
they gain the most out of any Warrior advancement.

A Page's main weapon is either a sword or a blunt weapon (hammers,
maces and so on). As with a Fighter, the sword has a more stable
damage while a blunt weapon has a lower maximum and higher maximum.
And, YET AGAIN, the Blunt Weapons are much cheaper than a sword.
They're just that sexy I guess.
A Page's unique skill is 'Threaten', which at max level, makes
monsters lose 20 weapon defence and 20 weapon attack. Considering
they don't actually HAVE weapons, they wordings a bit meh >_>
Fighters and Pages also have the awesome skills
'Power Guard' which at max level, reflects 40% of damage taken,
while you only take 60% of damage.
Pages gain HP and MP at medium levels when they obtain their
second job.

Spearmen either use Polearms, Spears, or in the hybrid build,
both. A Polearm will do more damage in the slash animation,
while a Spear will do more damage in the stab animation.
Spears are usually cheaper than Polearms.
Spearmen have the unique SKILLS 'Iron Will' and 'Hyper Body'
Iron Will gives +20 to Weapon and Magic defence at max level,
and Hyper Body increases your HP and MP by 60%!
Spearmen gain the most MP and very little HP at the second
job advancement.

4i) The advancement
You've reached level 30, heh. Now, you'll want to get to
Dances With Balrog ASAP to get your job advancement. Once
you've talked to him, head out to West Rocky Mountain, and
continue until you reach the last map. You'll see a buff
warrior neat the top right. Make sure you have enough pots,
about 40 of white and 40 of blue is recommended.

Once you get inside the job advancement test, your task is
to collect 30 Dark Marbles. They drop from the Fire Boars
and Lupins, at about a 1:3 ratio of marble/per kill.

The Lupins are a pain to deal with, I myself would avoid them and go
for the Fire Boars.

Once you're done, talk to Instructor. He'll give you
'The Proof of a Hero', which you have to return to Dances With Balrog.
Now is when you choose your second class advancement.

4ii) Spearman skills and builds
Spearmen are probably the class with the most builds. Their skills
are listed below:

Spear Mastery
Max level: 20
Requirements: none

Awesome skill. This is essential due to it improving your minimum
damage by ridiculous amounts, and the +accuracy it gives.
However, it's recommended to leave mastery at 19 due to level
20 only giving +1accuracy and no mastery bonus. Make sure
you only max out one mastery only unless you are going for the
Hybrid Spearman route.
Level 1: 15% mastery, +1 accuracy.
Level 20: 60% mastery, +20 accuracy.

Polearm Mastery
Max level: 20
Requirements: none

Same as Spear mastery. Get to 19 ASAP.
Level 1: 15% mastery, +1 accuracy.
Level 20: 60% mastery, +20 accuracy.

Final Attack: Spear
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Spear Mastery

This gives you a chance for a bonus attack when you perform
an attacking skill, IE Power Strike or Slash Blast. Either
max this out or leave it at 0.
Level 1: 2% chance of activating, 105% base attack.
Level 30: 60% chance of activating, 260% base attack.

Final Attack: Polearm
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Polearm Mastery

This gives you a chance for a bonus attack when you perform
an attacking skill, IE Power Strike or Slash Blast. Either
max this out or leave it at 0.
Level 1: 2% chance of activating, 105% base attack.
Level 30: 60% chance of activating, 260% base attack.

Spear Booster
Max level: 20
Requirements: 5 in Spear Mastery

Booster upgrades your weapon speed by one class,
for example, a weapon with a speed of Normal will go to Fast.
Essential to have some investment in this skill, usually
left at 15/16 so it can be re-cast at the same time as
Hyper Body.
Level 1: Use 29 HP and 29 MP, duration of 10 seconds.
Level 20: Use 10 HP and 10 MP, duration of 200 seconds.

Polearm Booster
Max level: 20
Requirements: 5 in Polearm Mastery

Booster upgrades your weapon speed by one class,
for example, a weapon with a speed of Normal will go to Fast.
Essential to have some investment in this skill, usually
left at 15/16 so it can be re-cast at the same time as
Hyper Body.
Level 1: Use 29 HP and 29 MP, duration of 10 seconds.
Level 20: Use 10 HP and 10 MP, duration of 200 seconds.

Iron Wall
Max level: 30
Requirements: none

Iron Wall increases your weapon defense and magic defense
by 20 when maxed. It's better to use these skillpoints
somewhere else, as the defense bonus doesn't do much
when you are taking hundreds of damage.

Hyper Body
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Iron Wall

This is the skill that makes Spearmen invaluable when it come to
parties. At level 30, it increases anyone in the partys' health
by 60%, including you. Take note that you WILL have to heal to
full health after using this skill.
Level 1: Use 25 MP, increase Max HP and Max MP by 2% for a duration of
10 seconds.
Level 30: Use 50 MP, increase Max HP and Max MP by 60% for a duration of
155 seconds.

You'll want to start off with Mastery, then Final Attack, Hyper Body/Booster
as a basic build.

Level 30: 1 into [weapon] mastery
Level 31: 3 into [weapon] mastery (4)
Level 33: 3 into [weapon] mastery (7)
Level 33: 3 into [weapon] mastery (10)
Level 34: 3 into [weapon] mastery (13)
Level 35: 3 into [weapon] mastery (16)
Level 36: 3 into [weapon] mastery (19)

After this, which is what people generally begin with, you'll go for
one of a few builds:

Build A
Level 37: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack
Level 38; 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (6)
Level 39: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (9)
Level 40: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (12)
Level 41: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (15)
Level 42: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (18)
Level 43: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (21)
Level 44: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (24)
Level 45: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (27)
Level 46: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (30)
Level 47: 3 into Iron Wall
Level 48: 3 into Hyper Body
Level 49: 3 into Hyper Body (6)
Level 50: 3 into Hyper Body (9)
Level 51: 3 into Hyper Body (12)
Level 52: 3 into Hyper Body (15)
Level 53: 3 into Hyper Body (18)
Level 54: 3 into Hyper Body (21)
Level 55: 3 into Hyper Body (24)
Level 56: 3 into Hyper Body (27)
Level 57: 3 into Hyper Body (30)
Level 58: 3 into [weapon] Booster
Level 59: 3 into [weapon] Booster (6)
Level 60: 3 into [weapon] Booster (9)
Level 61: 3 into [weapon] Booster (12)
Level 62: 3 into [weapon] Booster (15)
Level 63: 3 into [weapon] Booster (18)
Level 64: 2 into [weapon] Booster (20), 1 into Iron Wall (4)
Level 65: 3 into Iron Wall (7)
Level 66: 3 into Iron Wall (10)
Level 67: 3 into Iron Wall (13)
Level 68: 3 into Iron Wall (16)
Level 69: 3 into Iron Wall (19)
Level 70: 1 into Iron Wall (20), 1 into [weapon] mastery (20), Optional

Build B
Level 37: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack
Level 38; 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (6)
Level 39: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (9)
Level 40: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (12)
Level 41: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (15)
Level 42: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (18)
Level 43: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (21)
Level 44: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (24)
Level 45: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (27)
Level 46: 3 into [weapon] Final Attack (30)
Level 47: 3 into [weapon] Booster
Level 48: 3 into [weapon] Booster (6)
Level 49: 3 into [weapon] Booster (9)
Level 50: 3 into [weapon] Booster (12)
Level 51: 3 into [weapon] Booster (15)
Level 52: 3 into [weapon] Booster (18)
Level 53: 2 into [weapon] Booster (20), 1 into Iron Wall
Level 54: 2 into Iron Wall (3), 1 into Hyper Body
Level 55: 3 into Hyper Body (4)
Level 56: 3 into Hyper Body (7)
Level 57: 3 into Hyper Body (10)
Level 58: 3 into Hyper Body (13)
Level 59: 3 into Hyper Body (16)
Level 60: 3 into Hyper Body (19)
Level 61: 3 into Hyper Body (22)
Level 62: 3 into Hyper Body (25)
Level 63: 3 into Hyper Body (28)
Level 64: 2 into Hyper Body (30), 1 into Iron Wall (4)
Level 65: 3 into Iron Wall (7)
Level 66: 3 into Iron Wall (10)
Level 67: 3 into Iron Wall (13)
Level 68: 3 into Iron Wall (16)
Level 69: 3 into Iron Wall (19)
Level 70: 1 into Iron Wall (20), 1 into [weapon] mastery (20), Optional

Hybrid Spearman Route A
A spearman that uses BOTH Polearm and Spear in order to maximize their
third job potential.

Start off using the typical build until level 36; maxing out mastery
for one weapon of choice for now. Just remember, you don't have
to stick to this like glue, you can switch Booster for an earlier
Hyper Body or have more Booster at the start or so on.
I'll label the boosters as [a] and [b]

Level 37: 3 into [a] Booster
Level 38: 3 into [a] Booster (6)
Level 39: 3 into [a] Booster (9)
Level 40: 3 into Iron Wall
Level 41: 3 into Hyper Body
Level 42: 3 into Hyper Body (6)
Level 43: 3 into Hyper Body (9)
Level 44: 3 into Hyper Body (12)
Level 45: 3 into Hyper Body (15)
Level 46: 3 into Hyper Body (18)
Level 47: 3 into Hyper Body (21)
Level 48: 3 into Hyper Body (24)
Level 49: 3 into Hyper Body (27)
Level 50: 3 into Hyper Body (30)
Level 51: 3 into [b] mastery
Level 52: 3 into [b] mastery (6)
Level 53: 3 into [b] mastery (9)
Level 54: 3 into [b] mastery (12)
Level 55: 3 into [b] mastery (15)
Level 56: 3 into [b] mastery (18)
Level 57: 1 into [b] mastery (19), 2 into [b] booster
Level 58: 3 into [b] booster (5)
Level 59: 3 into [b] booster (8)
Level 60: 3 into [b] booster (11)
Level 61: 2 into [a] booster (11), 1 into [b] booster (12)
Level 62: 2 into [a] booster (13), 1 into [b] booster (13)
Level 63: 3 into Iron Wall (6)
Level 64: 3 into Iron Wall (9)
Level 65: 3 into Iron Wall (12)
Level 66: 3 into Iron Wall (15)
Level 67: 3 into Iron Wall (18)
Level 68: 2 into Iron Wall (20), 1 into [a] booster
Level 69: 1 into [a] booster (15), 2 into [b] booster (15)
Level 70: 2 into [a] booster (17), 1 into [b] booster (16)

Hybrid Spearman Route B
This Hybrid Spearman will max out both masteries and Final
Attack for ONE weapon. This will still leave you with both
weapons for third jobs.

Level 37: 3 into [a] booster
Level 38: 3 into [a] booster (6)
Level 39: 3 into Final Attack [weapon which you want it for]
Level 40: 3 into Final Attack (6)
Level 41: 3 into Final Attack (9)
Level 42: 3 into Final Attack (12)
Level 43: 3 into Final Attack (15)
Level 44: 3 into Final Attack (18)
Level 45: 3 into Final Attack (21)
Level 46: 3 into Final Attack (24)
Level 47: 3 into Final Attack (27)
Level 48: 3 into Final Attack (30)
Level 49: 3 into Iron Wall
Level 50: 3 into Hyper Body
Level 51: 3 into Hyper Body (6)
Level 52: 3 into Hyper Body (9)
Level 53: 3 into Hyper Body (12)
Level 54: 3 into Hyper Body (15)
Level 55: 3 into Hyper Body (18)
Level 56: 3 into Hyper Body (21)
Level 57: 3 into Hyper Body (24)
Level 58: 3 into Hyper Body (27)
Level 59: 3 into Hyper Body (30)
Level 60: 3 into [b] Mastery
Level 61: 3 into [b] Mastery (6)
Level 62: 3 into [b] Mastery (9)
Level 63: 3 into [b] Mastery (12)
Level 64: 3 into [b] Mastery (15)
Level 65: 3 into [b] Mastery (18)
Level 66: 1 into [b] Mastery (19), 2 into [b] booster
Level 67: 3 into [b] booster (5)
Level 68: 2 into [b] booster (7), 1 into [a] booster (7)
Level 69: 3 into [a] booster (10)
Level 70: 3 into [b] booster (10)

4ii) Fighters skills and builds

Sword Mastery
Max level: 20
Requirements: none

Awesome skill. This is essential due to it improving your minimum
damage by ridiculous amounts, and the +accuracy it gives.
However, it's recommended to leave mastery at 19 due to level
20 only giving +1accuracy and no mastery bonus. Make sure
you only max out one mastery only.
Level 1: 15% mastery, +1 accuracy.
Level 20: 60% mastery, +20 accuracy.

Axe Mastery
Max level: 20
Requirements: none

Same as Sword mastery. Get to 19 ASAP.
Level 1: 15% mastery, +1 accuracy.
Level 20: 60% mastery, +20 accuracy.

Final Attack: Sword
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Sword Mastery

This gives you a chance for a bonus attack when you perform
an attacking skill, IE Power Strike or Slash Blast. Either
max this out or leave it at 0.
Level 1: 2% chance of activating, 105% base attack.
Level 30: 60% chance of activating, 260% base attack.

Final Attack: Axe
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Axe Mastery

This gives you a chance for a bonus attack when you perform
an attacking skill, IE Power Strike or Slash Blast. Either
max this out or leave it at 0.
Level 1: 2% chance of activating, 105% base attack.
Level 30: 60% chance of activating, 260% base attack.

Sword Booster
Max level: 20
Requirements: 5 in Spear Mastery

Booster upgrades your weapon speed by one class,
for example, a weapon with a speed of Normal will go to Fast.
Essential to have some investment in this skill.
Level 1: Use 29 HP and 29 MP, duration of 10 seconds.
Level 20: Use 10 HP and 10 MP, duration of 200 seconds.

Axe Booster
Max level: 20
Requirements: 5 in Polearm Mastery

Booster upgrades your weapon speed by one class,
for example, a weapon with a speed of Normal will go to Fast.
Essential to have some investment in this skill.
Level 1: Use 29 HP and 29 MP, duration of 10 seconds.
Level 20: Use 10 HP and 10 MP, duration of 200 seconds.

Max level: 20
Requirements: none

This skill is simply amazing. At max level, it adds
10 weapon attack. It does deduct 10 weapon defence,
but that's like 3 more damage taken compared to the
hhundreds more you'll be doing.

lv1 - Use 12 MP, increase weapon attack by +1, decrease
weapon defense by -1, duration of 8 seconds.
lv11 - Use 24 MP, increase weapon attack by +6, decrease
weapon defense by -6, duration of 88 seconds.
lv20 - Use 24 MP, increase weapon attack by +10, decrease
weapon defense by -10,duration of 160 seconds.

Power Guard
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Rage

This is the best defensive skill in the second job
advancement for warriors. At max level, it reflects
up to 40% of the damage done to you. This means that if you
take 100 damage from a Copper Drake, you will take 60% damage
and the Copper Drake will take the rest of the damage, which is 40%
So in this example, the Copper Drake takes 40 damage and you take 60.
Power Guard does NOT work on magic attacks, ie the Tauromacis' lightning
attack. It also seems to have the affect of reducing your knockback
Level 1: Use 15 MP, reflect 11% of damage for 3 seconds.
Level 30: Use 15 MP, reflect 40% of damage for 90 seconds.


There aren't a huge amount of builds for Fighters, it's just
the order that you want to put your skills in that matter since
you will max most of the skills you need.

Level 30: 1 into [weapon] Mastery
Level 31: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (4)
Level 32: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (7)
Level 33: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (10)
Level 34: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (13)
Level 35: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (16)
Level 36: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (19)

After that, there are in my opinion 3 options:

BUILD A aka your standard Fighter build
Level 37: 3 into Final Attack
Level 38: 3 into Final Attack (6)
Level 39: 3 into Final Attack (9)
Level 40: 3 into Final Attack (12)
Level 41: 3 into Final Attack (15)
Level 42: 3 into Final Attack (18)
Level 43: 3 into Final Attack (21)
Level 44: 3 into Final Attack (24)
Level 45: 3 into Final Attack (27)
Level 46: 3 into Final Attack (30)
Level 47: 3 into Rage
Level 48: 3 into Power Guard
Level 49: 3 into Power Guard (6)
Level 50: 3 into Power Guard (9)
Level 51: 3 into Power Guard (12)
Level 52: 3 into Power Guard (15)
Level 53: 3 into Power Guard (18)
Level 54: 3 into Power Guard (21)
Level 55: 3 into Power Guard (24)
Level 56: 3 into Power Guard (27)
Level 57: 3 into Power Guard (30)
Level 58: 3 into [weapon] booster
Level 59: 3 into [weapon] booster (6)
Level 60: 3 into Rage (6)
Level 61: 3 into Rage (9)
Level 62: 3 into Rage (12)
Level 63: 3 into Rage (15)
Level 64: 3 into Rage (18)
Level 65: 2 into Rage (20), 1 into [weapon] booster (7)
Level 66: 3 into [weapon] booster (10)
Level 67: 3 into [weapon] booster (13)
Level 68: 3 into [weapon] booster (16)
Level 69: 3 into [weapon] booster (19)
Level 70: 1 into [weapon] booster (20), 1 into [weapon] Mastery, optional

BUILD B substitutes Final Attack for Power Guard in the beginning
Level 37: 3 into Rage
Level 38: 3 into Power Guard
Level 39: 3 into Power Guard (6)
Level 40: 3 into Power Guard (9)
Level 41: 3 into Power Guard (12)
Level 42: 3 into Power Guard (15)
Level 43: 3 into Power Guard (18)
Level 44: 3 into Power Guard (21)
Level 45: 3 into Power Guard (24)
Level 46: 3 into Power Guard (27)
Level 47: 3 into Power Guard (30)
Level 48: 3 into Final Attack
Level 49: 3 into Final Attack (6)
Level 50: 3 into Final Attack (9)
Level 51: 3 into Final Attack (12)
Level 52: 3 into Final Attack (15)
Level 53: 3 into Final Attack (18)
Level 54: 3 into Final Attack (21)
Level 55: 3 into Final Attack (24)
Level 56: 3 into Final Attack (27)
Level 57: 3 into Final Attack (30)
Level 58: 3 into [weapon] booster
Level 59: 3 into [weapon] booster (6)
Level 60: 3 into Rage (6)
Level 61: 3 into Rage (9)
Level 62: 3 into Rage (12)
Level 63: 3 into Rage (15)
Level 64: 3 into Rage (18)
Level 65: 2 into Rage (20), 1 into [weapon] booster (7)
Level 66: 3 into [weapon] booster (10)
Level 67: 3 into [weapon] booster (13)
Level 68: 3 into [weapon] booster (16)
Level 69: 3 into [weapon] booster (19)
Level 70: 1 into [weapon] booster (20), 1 into [weapon] Mastery, optional

You add Final Attack in LAST for this build, as
some people find FA rather useless.

Level 37: 3 into Rage
Level 38: 3 into Power Guard
Level 39: 3 into Power Guard (6)
Level 40: 3 into Power Guard (9)
Level 41: 3 into Power Guard (12)
Level 42: 3 into Power Guard (15)
Level 43: 3 into Power Guard (18)
Level 44: 3 into Power Guard (21)
Level 45: 3 into Power Guard (24)
Level 46: 3 into Power Guard (27)
Level 47: 3 into Power Guard (30)
Level 48: 3 into [weapon] booster
Level 49: 3 into [weapon] booster (6)
Level 50: 3 into Rage (6)
Level 51: 3 into Rage (9)
Level 52: 3 into Rage (12)
Level 53: 3 into Rage (15)
Level 54: 3 into Rage (18)
Level 55: 2 into Rage (20), 1 into [weapon] booster (7)
Level 56: 3 into [weapon] booster (10)
Level 57: 3 into [weapon] booster (13)
Level 58: 3 into [weapon] booster (16)
Level 59: 3 into [weapon] booster (19)
Level 60: 3 into Final Attack
Level 61: 3 into Final Attack (6)
Level 62: 3 into Final Attack (9)
Level 63: 3 into Final Attack (12)
Level 64: 3 into Final Attack (15)
Level 65: 3 into Final Attack (18)
Level 66: 3 into Final Attack (21)
Level 67: 3 into Final Attack (24)
Level 68: 3 into Final Attack (27)
Level 69: 3 into Final Attack (30)
Level 70: 1 into [weapon] booster (20), 1 into [weapon] Mastery, optional

4iii) Page Skills and Builds

Sword Mastery
Max level: 20
Requirements: none

Awesome skill. This is essential due to it improving your minimum
damage by ridiculous amounts, and the +accuracy it gives.
However, it's recommended to leave mastery at 19 due to level
20 only giving +1accuracy and no mastery bonus. Make sure
you only max out one mastery only.
Level 1: 15% mastery, +1 accuracy.
Level 20: 60% mastery, +20 accuracy.

Blunt Weapon Mastery
Max level: 20
Requirements: none

Same as Sword mastery. Get to 19 ASAP.
Level 1: 15% mastery, +1 accuracy.
Level 20: 60% mastery, +20 accuracy.

Final Attack: Sword
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Sword Mastery

This gives you a chance for a bonus attack when you perform
an attacking skill, IE Power Strike or Slash Blast. Either
max this out or leave it at 0.
Level 1: 2% chance of activating, 105% base attack.
Level 30: 60% chance of activating, 260% base attack.

Final Attack: Blunt Weapon
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Blunt Weapon Mastery

This gives you a chance for a bonus attack when you perform
an attacking skill, IE Power Strike or Slash Blast. Either
max this out or leave it at 0.
Level 1: 2% chance of activating, 105% base attack.
Level 30: 60% chance of activating, 260% base attack.

Sword Booster
Max level: 20
Requirements: 5 in Spear Mastery

Booster upgrades your weapon speed by one class,
for example, a weapon with a speed of Normal will go to Fast.
Essential to have some investment in this skill.
Level 1: Use 29 HP and 29 MP, duration of 10 seconds.
Level 20: Use 10 HP and 10 MP, duration of 200 seconds.

Blunt Weapon Booster
Max level: 20
Requirements: 5 in Polearm Mastery

Booster upgrades your weapon speed by one class,
for example, a weapon with a speed of Normal will go to Fast.
Essential to have some investment in this skill.
Level 1: Use 29 HP and 29 MP, duration of 10 seconds.
Level 20: Use 10 HP and 10 MP, duration of 200 seconds.

Max level: 20
Requirements: none

Threaten decreases enemy weapon attack and weapon
defense by 20 at max level. It sounds nice, but casting
Threaten for every mob you'll face when you decimate them
in seconds is annoying, especially when the effect isn't
that great.

lv1 - Use 12 MP, surrounding enemies' weapon attack -1,
weapon defense -1.
lv11 - Use 24 MP, surrounding enemies' weapon attack -11,
weapon defense -11.
lv20 - Use 24 MP, surrounding enemies' weapon attack -20,
weapon defense -20.

Power Guard
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Threaten

This is the best defensive skill in the second job
advancement for warriors. At max level, it reflects
up to 40% of the damage done to you. This means that if you
take 100 damage from a Copper Drake, you will take 60% damage
and the Copper Drake will take the rest of the damage, which is 40%
So in this example, the Copper Drake takes 40 damage and you take 60.
Power Guard does NOT work on magic attacks, ie the Tauromacis' lightning
attack. It also seems to have the affect of reducing your knockback
Level 1: Use 15 MP, reflect 11% of damage for 3 seconds.
Level 30: Use 15 MP, reflect 40% of damage for 90 seconds.


Pages have, IMO, have the easiest builds to choose - Threaten, is
nothing compared to Rage and as such, makes it easier to determine
your build.

As with every other class, begin with:

Level 30: 1 into [weapon] Mastery
Level 31: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (4)
Level 32: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (7)
Level 33: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (10)
Level 34: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (13)
Level 35: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (16)
Level 36: 3 into [weapon] Mastery (19)

If you've wasted your time and read my whole guide, you'll know
you might get a few points in Booster early after Mastery, leave
Final Attack for later and have Power Guard or someother
whimsical thought.

BUILD A Yer' standard Page
Level 37: 3 into Final Attack
Level 38: 3 into Final Attack (6)
Level 39: 3 into Final Attack (9)
Level 40: 3 into Final Attack (12)
Level 41: 3 into Final Attack (15)
Level 42: 3 into Final Attack (18)
Level 43: 3 into Final Attack (21)
Level 44: 3 into Final Attack (24)
Level 45: 3 into Final Attack (27)
Level 46: 3 into Final Attack (30)
Level 47: 3 into Threaten
Level 48: 3 into [weapon] booster
Level 49: 3 into [weapon] booster (6)
Level 50: 3 into Power Guard
Level 51: 3 into Power Guard (6)
Level 52: 3 into Power Guard (9)
Level 53: 3 into Power Guard (12)
Level 54: 3 into Power Guard (15)
Level 55: 3 into Power Guard (18)
Level 56: 3 into Power Guard (21)
Level 57: 3 into Power Guard (24)
Level 58: 3 into Power Guard (27)
Level 59: 3 into Power Guard (30)
Level 60: 3 into [weapon] booster (9)
Level 61: 3 into [weapon] booster (12)
Level 62: 3 into [weapon] booster (15)
Level 63: 3 into [weapon] booster (18)
Level 64: 2 into [weapon] booster (20), 1 into Threaten (4)
Level 65: 3 into Threaten (7)
Level 66: 3 into Threaten (10)
Level 67: 3 into Threaten (13)
Level 68: 3 into Threaten (16)
Level 69: 3 into Threaten (19)
Level 70: 1 into Threaten (20), 1 into [weapon] mastery, optional

BUILD B yhelothar late FA
Level 37: 3 into Threaten
Level 38: 3 into [weapon] booster
Level 39: 3 into [weapon] booster (6)
Level 40: 3 into Power Guard
Level 41: 3 into Power Guard (6)
Level 42: 3 into Power Guard (9)
Level 43: 3 into Power Guard (12)
Level 44: 3 into Power Guard (15)
Level 45: 3 into Power Guard (18)
Level 46: 3 into Power Guard (21)
Level 47: 3 into Power Guard (24)
Level 48: 3 into Power Guard (27)
Level 49: 3 into Power Guard (30)
Level 50: 3 into Final Attack
Level 51: 3 into Final Attack (6)
Level 52: 3 into Final Attack (9)
Level 53: 3 into Final Attack (12)
Level 54: 3 into Final Attack (15)
Level 55: 3 into Final Attack (18)
Level 56: 3 into Final Attack (21)
Level 57: 3 into Final Attack (24)
Level 58: 3 into Final Attack (27)
Level 59: 3 into Final Attack (30)
Level 60: 3 into [weapon] booster (9)
Level 61: 3 into [weapon] booster (12)
Level 62: 3 into [weapon] booster (15)
Level 63: 3 into [weapon] booster (18)
Level 64: 2 into [weapon] booster (20), 1 into Threaten (4)
Level 65: 3 into Threaten (7)
Level 66: 3 into Threaten (10)
Level 67: 3 into Threaten (13)
Level 68: 3 into Threaten (16)
Level 69: 3 into Threaten (19)
Level 70: 1 into Threaten (20), 1 into [weapon] mastery, optional

5) Third job information

So. You're a better man than me. You've managed to reach level 70.
You get my major h8. You also get some funky third job skills, which
I'll describe right... here.

However, I am missing the requirements right now, so anyone who helps me
out will get some <3 in the Thanks section.

5i) Dragon Knight aka Spearman

Elemental Resist
Max Level: 20
Requirements: ?

Your Magic Resist is increased. Seems rather self-explanatory, doesn't it?
Very useful later on with the new monsters released, which do large
amounts of elemental damage.
Level 1: 12% Increased resistance on every element type
Level 11: 31% Increased resistance on every element type
Level 20: 40% Increased resistance on every element type

Spear Buster
Max Level: 30
Requirements: ?

The main attack for Spearmen who chose Spears as their main weapon.
Hybrid Spearmen also use this instead of Polearm Buster as Buster
always forces a stab animation, which spears do more damage with.
Level 1: Use 10 MP, Damage 55%, Attack 1 Enemy 2 Times
Level 20: Use 19 MP, Damage 140%, Attack 1 Enemy 3 Times
Level 30: Use 24 MP, Damage 170%, Attack 3 Enemies 3 Times

Polearm Buster
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

The Polearm version of Buster. Less effective than the Spear version,
as Buster always forces a stab animation when a Polearm's optimum
damage comes from the Slash animation.
Level 1: Use 10 MP, Damage 55%, Attack 1 Enemy 2 Times
Level 20: Use 19 MP, Damage 140%, Attack 1 Enemy 3 Times
Level 30: Use 24 MP, Damage 170%, Attack 3 Enemies 3 Times

Dragon Fury/Thresher: Spear
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

A Spearman's mob skill. It attacks up to 6 enemies with a slash
animation, which makes it do less damage with a spear than a polearm.
Level 1: Use 20 HP, 10 MP, Damage 80%
Level 20: Use 25 HP, 15 MP, Damage 220%
Level 30: Use 30 HP, 20 MP, Damage 250%

Dragon Fury/Thresher: Polearm
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

A Spearman's mob skill. It attacks up to 6 enemies with a slash
animation, which makes it do less damage with a spear than a polearm.
Level 1: Use 20 HP, 10 MP, Damage 80%
Level 20: Use 25 HP, 15 MP, Damage 220%
Level 30: Use 30 HP, 20 MP, Damage 250%

Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

Sacrifice, according to high level Spearmen from other versions, is
hopeless. You won't do a lot more damage than you would with Buster,
but you'll be taking damage as well as Sacrifice 'attacks one
enemy regardless of weapon defense by sacrficing character's HP'.
This skill is designed for Polearm users, as it has a 3:1 slash:stab
Level 01: Use 12 MP, Damage 205%, Sacrifice HP by 20% of Damage
Level 20: Use 15 MP, Damage 300%, Sacrifice HP by 10% of Damage
Level 30: Use 18 MP, Damage 350%, Sacrifice HP by 5% of Damage

Dragon Roar
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

Dragon Roar is a niice lookin' skill. Again, according to high level
Dragon Knights, Dragon Roar is basically a show-off skill, which
makes sense considering the cost of using it (30% of your health,
AND you get stunned for 2 seconds at max level). Effectively,
Dragon Roar hits up to 15 enemies in a certain Radius (400% at max
level) at 240% damage.
Level 1: Use 16 MP, 59% HP, Damage 96%, Attack Range 110%, Stun for 4 Seconds
Level 20: Use 24 MP, 40% HP, Damage 200%, Attack Range 300%,
Stun for 3 seconds
Level 30: Use 30 MP, 30% HP, Damage 240%, Attack Range 400%,
Stun for 2 Second

Power Crash
Max level: 20
Requirements: ?

Power Crash cancels any +offensive ability an enemy like an Iron
Hog or Stone Golem may have cast. From what I know, mainly invested
in to stiffle Jakum with, as you can just KILL most enemies with

Level 01: Use 35 MP, Cancels out Power-Up Skill in a chance of 24%
Level 10: Use 17 MP, Cancels out Power-Up Skill in a chance of 60%
Level 20: Use 7 MP, Cancels out Power-Up Skill in a chance of 100%

Dragon Blood
Max level: 20
Requirements: ?

A superior version of the Fighters' Rage. At max level, it gives
+12 to weapon attack.
Level 01: Use 12 MP, 48 HP in every 4 seconds, Attack + 1 in 8 Seconds
Level 11: Use 24 MP, 29 HP in every 4 seconds, Attack + 7 in 88 Seconds
Level 20: Use 24 MP, 20 HP in every 4 seconds, Attack + 12 in 160 Seconds

Tentative build:

Max out either Buster or Thresher depending on what weapon you chose
in the second job. If you were hybrid, go for Buster first.
After that, you'll want Dragon Blood for the +weapon attack
Max out the attacking skill you didn't max out before.
Maybe a point in Dragon Roar to show off
Max out Elemental Resist
Then max out Power Crash/Sacrifice/Dragon Roar in whatever order.


70-80 Buster/Thresher [Buster first if you're hybrid]
80-87 Dragon Blood and one point in Elemental resist.
87-97 Thresher for the hybrids; otherwise a point in Dragon Roar and
max out Sacrifice.
97/8-104/5- Max out elemental resist.
Then you can do whatever you want.

5ii) Crusader aka Fighter

Improving MP Recovery
Max level: 20
Requirements: ?

This isn't really useful. At max level, you'll get an extra 30 MP
per 10 seconds, which will save a few pots in the long run.

Level 01: Constant additional recovery of MP +2
Level 11: Constant additional recovery of MP +21
Level 20: Constant additional recovery of MP +30

Shield Mastery
Max level: 20
Requirements: ?

More defense.. hah. Considering most Warriors end up using
2-handed weapons, this certainly isn't a skill to max out. Even
if you're a one-hand sword user, you'll find most skills far more
Level 01: 5% Increased Shield Defense
Level 20: 100% Increased Shield Defense

Combo Attack
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

This is what makes the Crusader. This is what makes those
purdy 30,000 damage numbers. Combo Attack lets you charge
up to 5 orbs that surrond you and last for up to 200 seconds
until you use a finishing attack, which unleashes the 'charge'.
You get an orb by attacking an enemy with Power Strike or
Slash Blast while this skill is active.

Level 01: Use 25 MP, For 100 Seconds, Damage 104%, The Max Combo Counter 3
Level 20: Use 30 MP, For 160 Seconds, Damage 180%, The Max Combo Counter 4
Level 30: Use 35 MP, For 200 Seconds, Damage 220%, The Max Combo Counter 5

Panic: Sword/Axe
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

You've got your Combo Attack, but you can't actually use it until you
have one of your finishing moves. Panic hits one enemy, and uses
all the power stored up in your combo attack.
Level 01: Use 10 MP, Damage 150%, Attack with Dark Power 32%
Level 20: Use 17 MP, Damage 301%, Attack with Dark Power 70%
Level 30: Use 24 MP, Damage 350%, Attack with Dark Power 90%

Coma: Sword/Axe
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

This uses your Combo Attack's orbs and stuns the enemy at a certain
sucess rate. You won't be doing the big 30k damage numbers with
Coma, though.
Level 01: Use 15 HP, 12 MP, Damage 84%, Stun Attack 32%
Level 20: Use 20 HP, 19 MP, Damage 160%, Stun Attack 70%
Level 30: Use 25 HP, 26 MP, Damage 200%, Stun Attack 90%

Armor Crash
Max level: 20
Requirements: ?

Neutrelises a +armour skill that may be casted by an enemy
like a Stone Golem or Iron Hog.
Level 01: Use 35 MP, 24 % Cancel out Enemy's Physical Defense-Up
Level 11: Use 16 MP, 64 % Cancel out Enemy's Physical Defense-Up
Level 20: Use 7 MP, 100 % Cancel out Enemy's Physical Defense-Up

Max level: 30

Your mobbing skill. It does 200% damage at max level, and
has a chance of stunning your enemy. Too bad it has a chance of
stunning you, too. It's... not the most realiable of skills.

Level 01: Use 8 MP, Damage 11%, Attack Range 110%, 52% Stun for 5 Sec
Level 20: Use 12 MP, Damage 25%, Attack Range 170%, 85% Stun for 8 Sec
Level 30: Use 16 MP, Damage 30%, Attack Range 200%, 95% Stun for 10 Sec

Tentative Build:

Coming soon

5iii) Knight aka Page
Improving MP Recovery
Max level: 20
Requirements: ?

This isn't really useful. At max level, you'll get an extra 30 MP
per 10 seconds, which will save a few pots in the long run.

Level 01: Constant additional recovery of MP +2
Level 11: Constant additional recovery of MP +21
Level 20: Constant additional recovery of MP +30

Shield Mastery
Max level: 20
Requirements: ?

More defense.. hah. Considering most Warriors end up using
2-handed weapons, this certainly isn't a skill to max out. Even
if you're a one-hand sword user, you'll find most skills far more
Level 01: 5% Increased Shield Defense
Level 20: 100% Increased Shield Defense

Charge Blow
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

Yummy. This skill uses the current charge of your sword, and if you
like, 'throws' it into the face of the enemy. You lose the charge
that you had on your sword after using this ability.

Level 01: Use 15 HP, 12 MP, Damage 162%, Stun 32%
Level 20: Use 20 HP, 19 MP, Damage 210%, Stun 70%
Level 30: Use 25 HP, 26 MP, Damage 250%, Stun 90%

Fire Charge: Sword/Blunt Weapon
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

This charges your weapon with the fire element. At max level,
you will deal 1.2x your normal damage + 1.5x to monsters weak
to fire, resulting in niiiice damage. This skill gets canceled
out if you use Charge Blow.

Level 01: Use 25 MP, Damage 102%, For 12 Seconds
Level 20: Use 35 MP, Damage 115%, For 140 Seconds
Level 30: Use 35 MP, Damage 120%, For 200 Seconds

Ice Charge: Sword/Blunt Weapon
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

This charges your weapon with the ice element. At max level, you
will deal 1.05x your normal damage + 1.5x to monsters weak to ice,
AND you freeze enemies! This skill gets canceled
out if you use Charge Blow.

Level 01: Use MP 25, Damage 95%, For 12 Seconds
Level 20: Use MP 35, Damage 102%, For 140 Seconds
Level 30: Use MP 35, Damage 105%, For 200 Seconds

Thunder Charge: Sword/Blunt Weapon
Max level: 30
Requirements: ?

This charges your weapon with the Lightning element. At max level, you
deal 1.25x your normal damage + 1.5x to monsters weak to lightning,
resulting in the highest possible Knight damage. This skill gets canceled
out if you use Charge Blow.

Level 01: Use 25 MP, Damage 102%, For 12 Seconds
Level 20: Use 35 MP, Damage 120%, For 140 Seconds
Level 30: Use 35 MP, Damage 125%, For 200 Seconds

Magic Crash
Max level: 20
Requirements: ?

Magic Crash negates a monsters +magic defense skill.

Level 01: Use 35 MP, 24 % Cancel out Enemy's Magical Defense-Up
Level 11: Use 16 MP, 64 % Cancel out Enemy's Magical Defense-Up
Level 20: Use 7 MP, 100 % Cancel out Enemy's Magical Defense-Up

Tentative build:

Coming soon

6) Quest Guide

I'll be using this format:

Quest name:
Level requirement:
Item(s) Required:

Now... starting from Victoria Island, since I find the Maple Island
quests completely pointless.. not that most of the Victoria ones aren't.


Quest name: Fixing Blackbull's House
Level requirement: none
Item(s) Required: 50 firewood, 30 branches
Prize: Steel Shield (90% chance) or Red Triangular Shield (10% chance)
Notes: this quest is really worth doing until you're about level 20-ish.
Even then, killing Axe Stumps is a little difficult. Good places to find
Axe Stumps are: Over the Wall, Rocky Road III and Perion Street Corner.
Once you have all the items required, talk to Blackbull in Perion for
your reward.

Quest name: Maya and the Weird Medicine
Level requirement: 15
Item(s) Required: 20 Octi Legs, 40 Charms of the Undead,
50 Squishy Liquids.
Prize: Brown Bamboo Hat
Notes: difficult until level 25 or so to do. Really, it's only worth
doing it at level 45 as a pre-requisite for Manji's quest. If you're
interested though, talk to Maya in Henesys to trigger the quest. She'll
ask you talk to Teo in Lith Harbour to get some medicine. It turns out
he needs something from Sophia in the Perion Potion Shop to complete
it. And, to complete this fun, Sophia needs a Blood of Arcon from Manji
to help Teo help Maya. Fun, isn't it? Firstly, get 40 Charms of the Undead
from Undead Mushrooms, which can be found in the Ant Tunnel. Once you have
them, talk to Manji, and he'll give you a Blood of Arcon. Once you give
that to Sophia along with 20 Octi Legs (Kerning Construction Site) and
50 Squishy Liquids (Tree that Grew 1) you can complete the quest by talking
to Teo then Maya. A lot of trouble for a Brown Bamboo Hat, isn't it?

7. Thanks and ending

*runs from people with guns*

Just because I can, I'd like to thank
the following people >_>

Jankanpo <3 you dog you
Blibmup/Spazbutt32 ^_^ was invaluable in my noob days... now it's a little
over-populated for my liking.
Ithranor ^_^ for all the rog runs
And if Redsox/Idiotsavant or ttphoenix ever read this guide, messege
Bluey on Bera! I missed you two. This is Bluefox BTW.
Diss/SoBleh Come back and PQ >_>
A Killer Ewok from for having invaluable information
Daniel for translating skills over and over again while I was like.. what?
chrome_armour for pointing out an error with the Warrior skills
Scary Raebbit copywrite... WTF was I thinking?!
BlueFireDragon fixed B2 error
"z" for catching an error

Copyright 2005 Martin W.
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Warrior Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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