Maple Story

Maple Story

15.10.2013 06:46:38
Thief/Rogue/Assassin/Hermit Guide
Maple Story - "The adventure awaits you..after all, it's your story."

Thief/Rogue/Assassin/Hermit Guide v1.5.

Made by: Reyes



September 30, 2.0: Added Hermits to the guide.

August 26, 1.5: Added a lot of important details, 3rd job info, fixed
a few errors.

June 2, 1.2: Added new build, new training spots. More 3rd job info.
simplified the AP distribution.

March 19, 1.1: Fixed DEX req. error, (sorry to those of you who
messed up because of it.) fixed version error, fixed class info.


I. Introduction

A. Introduction to MapleStory
B. Where to Download MapleStory
C. Requirements to Download MapleStory
D. Introducing Myself

II. How to Play

A. Initial (starting) Controls
B. About Customizing your Controls

III. About Thieves

A. Pros and Cons
B. Why choose an Assassin?
C. Assassin/Bandit comparison
D. Hermit/Chief Bandit comparison
E. Night Road/Shadower comparison
F. Banditsins

IV. Getting Started

A. Roll the Dice!
B. Welcome to Maple Island.
C. Ability Point distribution
D. Life in Maple Island

V. Victoria Island: The Adventure Begins

A. Becoming a Rogue
B. Skills / SP Distribution
C. Stars, Claws and Armor
D. What to train on?
E. Financial Descisions

VI. An Assassin's life

A. Becoming an Assassin
B. Skills / SP Distribution
C. Training training...

VII. The Long Run: Becoming one of the pros

A. The Advantages of being a long-term Assassin
B. Becoming a Hermit
C. Hermit Skills
D. What to do now?
E. What to Expect

VIII. End Credits

A. A Special thanks to..
B. Contacting me
C. Disclaimer

I. Introduction

A. Introduction to MapleStory

MapleStory is the world's FIRST 2-D MMORPG (massively
multiplayer online role playing game). It's created by Wizet and
published by Nexon (or the other way around, not sure >_>;;).
Anyways, there are lots of choices that you can make in the game,
as with many other MMORPGs. There are four classes, each with their
own unique arsenal, skills, and power. Warriors, Bowmen, Mages,
and Thieves are the four general classes in MapleStory, but
there are 34 classes available. 10 for the Warrior and mages, 7 for
the Bowmen and Thieves. We will be covering Thieves in this guide.
Also, there are 7 versions of MapleStory, South Korean being the
first. Japanese and Chinese followed, and soon Taiwan, Thailand,
Global (the version I'm covering), and now MapleSEA (South-East Asia

B. Where to Download MapleStory

To get MapleStory Global version (gMS for short), go to, or Click on "Downloads"
once on, and you will find the .EXE download file.
Click on it, and click RUN to download it, or SAVE to save the file
to your desktop to download later. Or, you can download it in .RAR
format, in different parts, if you have an older computer or a 56K
internet connection. Make sure your computer is compatible with
the requirements to download MapleStory.

C. Requirements to Download Maplestory

Here, I'll list the minimum requirements to download MapleStory.

CPU: Celeron 500 megahertz
RAM: 64 megabytes
HDD: 300 megabytes space needed
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
VGA: 3D acceleration card
Sound: N/A
Network: 56k modem

With these settings, you can download MapleStory and play it,
but you'll experience some lag and opening it might take a while.

D. Introducing myself

I was being rude wasn't I? DON'T SLAP ME! *hides*

Ehh, I'm Reuben Reyes, Ben for short. This is my Assassin guide.
*environment spins* Right now, I'm a level 7x Hermit (and loving it!)
and I thought writing a guide might be fun. >_>;;. My IGN
(in-game name) is ChaosXLegion. You can contact me in-game or e-mail
me, or IM me on MSN, with my same e-mail. I also have a level 36 (not
active right now) fire mage, FiraInferno. You can contact me via him
too. Enough about me, you beast. *hopes that you're not a stalker*


II. How to Play

A. Initial (starting) Controls

Your starting controls..are..

Arrow keys - Move
ALT - Jump
CTRL - Attack
1 - Chat to All (talk to the public)
2 - Chat to Party (talk to your party/group)
3 - Chat to Buddy (talk to your friends)
Z - Pick up (Items, mesos (gMS currency), etc.)
x - Sit down (on bench or chair, if available)
M - Minimap (your current map)
W - World Map (of Victoria Island only)
E - Equipment (what you're wearing)
I - Inventory (what you have in your inventory)
S - Ability (your stats - STR, INT, DEX, and LUK)
H - Whisper (directly and privately to ONE player) (copies the
player's name to clipboard)
K - Skill (your skills - unique to your job class)
R - Buddy/Party member list
F1-7: Facial Expressions

Those are all the ones I can memorize, and the mandatory ones for
a good experience in MapleStory (MS for short).

B. About Customizing your Controls

You can also customize your controls for a comfortable playing
experience. You can customize your controls through KEY SETTINGS
(on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen, the keyboard keys).

My controls:

ALT - Drain (skill)
Shift - Lucky Seven (skill)
CTRL - Claw Booster (skill)
Delete - Dark Sight (skill)
1 - Chat to All
2 - Party Chat
3 - Buddy Chat
4 - Guild Chat (appears in Key Settings after you've joined a guild)
R - Buddy/party member list
T - Guild member list
B - Ability
N - Pick up

And everything else is the starting controls.

As you can see above, you can assign your skills to specific
keys on your keyboard.

You can also assign POTIONS (recover your health, mana points, and
can increase your stats for a temporary period of time) and return
scrolls (bring you back to a certain town),for quick access to them.


III. About Thieves

A. Pros and Cons (of assassins)


+ is one of the most popular classes in the game
+ makes quite a lot of money at level 40+
+ has both ranged and physical attacks
+ skills are fun to use
+ has the H4W7357 gear IMO.
+ has a wide variety of throwing stars
+ becomes very fast and strong at third job


- is one of the most popular classes in the game
- is poor until level 40
- can get confusing (EX: If you're gonna be an Assassin, many put
points into double stab, a bandit skill, since Assassins commonly
use daggers IRL.)
- are known as "KS*-ers" (kill stealers**)
- stars are expensive (from +23 atk and up)
- buying scrolled claws is expensive and can take a while


*KS stands for Kill-steal, killing a monster that another person has
already attacked, purposely or accidentally. Some people, however,
do not know the actual definition of KS.

**a kill stealer is a person who KSes, purposely or accidentally.

B. Assassin/Bandit Comparison

The main difference between Assassins and Bandits: Assassins are
ranged fighters, and bandits are close ranged fighters.

But people often argue about which is better.

Most people choose bandit because:

-They are somewhat cheaper
-Their skills involve multiple hits, and people like to see a lot of
damage numbers pop up on the screen.
-A third job skill, Meso Explosion, is extremely powerful.
-Their daggers look cooler

I disprove these statements.

-They are somewhat cheaper

No, their daggers are more expensive than claws+, and you want a LUK
shield which can go for 1mil+, at level 22. EXPENSIVE! Plus dagger
and armor scrolls.

-Their skills involve multiple hits

Well, I can't disprove this, but this fact doesn't make bandits
better. The damage of the numbers is often low, and is the main
reason why there are multiple hits. If it was just 2 hits, the skill
would be extremely weak. But the skills are more flashy.

-Meso Explosion is extremely powerful

Yes,but it involves Mesos (the currency of MS). Mesos dropped by
monsters can add up to a lot of money, and if you don't loot it,
and instead use it for meso explosion, it will waste a lot of money.
Also, dropping money for meso explosion is also a waste.

But the skill is flashy.

-Their daggers look cooler


I'm not saying Assassins are better, I'm just disproving that
Bandits AREN'T. Its all in your opinion about which class is better.

E. Hermit/Chief Bandit comparison

Before, there was a huge debate between which was better; Hermit or
Chief Bandit. I'll bring up current opinions of my friends and
guildies, and counter them with facts.

-Avenger SUCKS.

Avenger is just a mob attack, like Iron Arrow. It's pretty useful.

-Chief Bandit is better because of Meso Explosion

Well, MExplosion is a very powerful skill, but it uses way too much
meso. Imagine if MExplosion was a CB's only skill. They'd be burning
so much money.

-Hermits own bandits all their skills rock.

Hermits are better than bandits damagewise, but in Fourth job,
(currently Beta testing in kMS) Bandits own Assassins with the skills
they have so far. So it pretty much balances out.

-Assaulter SUCKS.

Assaulter stuns, and can be used for various other purposes, like
rebounding after being knocked off a cliff, or just traveling. Its
damage isn't too shabby either. It does the same (and eventually
more) than Savage Blow, but its damage range is more unstable. Its
only disadvantage is that it can only be used when a monster is

-Hermits are overpowered!

Why do you think Hermits make up 70% of MapleStorys population?
L7 is superior to double stab, Hermit skills are more useful,
Lucky Seven can be used throughout a Hermit's life.

E. Night Road/Shadower comparison

Night road and Shadower are Assassin and bandit 4th jobs. They're
currently beta testing in Korean Maplestory.

-NRs suck, Assassination is a melee skill and Hermits have to use
a claw to do it.

Remember, kMS is only Beta testing this, and ranged hermit 4th job
skills are bound to come out. But Assassination IS very powerful.
Even a Night Road (NR) can do up to 60k with it.

-Shadowers own night roads! Assassination + Pickpocket = perfect
finishing attack - Meso explosion!

Assassination is only 4 hits. 4~6 coins come out of each hit with
pickpocket. That's only about 16~24 coins. That damage compared to
Assassination's damage is nothing. Plus, I doubt Assassination needs
a finishing attack.

F. Banditsins

Banditsins are, well, half bandit half assassins. You have to be
rich to be one type of banditsin, and these are mainly made for fun.

Types of banditsins:


These Banditsins level up as Assassins in the first job, and choose
BANDIT as their second job. THey use Stars and Claws until they
can use Savage Blow (a bandit's main attacking skill) as their main
attack. But they update and scroll both daggers and claws according
to their level, which can add up. The advantage of being this bandit
sin is that you level up faster up until level 45-50, and you can
have fun using both Lucky Seven and Savage Blow to fght efficiently.


These banditins basically level up like assassins and choose bandit.
They continue to level up like assassins until they are able to use
Savage Blow efficiently. Unlike hybrid Banditsins, they
discontinue updating their claws, and focus mainly on daggers. This
type of Banditsin is to level up faster during first job.


IV. Getting Started

A. Roll the Dice!

Yes, I mean that literally. >_O.

Ok, at character creation, you customize your character with the
available clothes, weapons, armors, hairstyles and faces.

After you've done that, you choose your name, and confirm to see
if it's not being used already. Now, you determine your starting
Ability Points.

Click on the red dice to randomly generate your stats. Once you get
your desired stats, click "create character" to create your
character. Then select your character to begin playing.

But, you're gonna want the right stats.

A thief's main stats are LUK and DEX, and STR for STR bandits.
THere are four stats, STR, DEX, INT, and LUK.

Your stats should be like this:

STR: 4-5
DEX: ??
INT: 4-5
LUK: ??

As long as you have your STR and INT at 4 or 5 (4 in both being a
"perfect roll"), you're fine. Your LUK and DEX don't matter at the
start, as they'll end up the same as all other correct Assassins in
the long run.

B. Welcome to Maple Island.

Yes, the Tutorial Island of MS. Here, you learn the basics of the
game, how to communicate with NPCs, attacking monsters, etc. etc.

I recommend you skip the quests, except the one where you kill the
tutorial Jr. Sentinels, as they are good experience for level 1.

Now, get yourself to level 10 and head on over to Victoria Island,
you thief you!

C. Ability Point Distribution

For Assassins, this is how your AP should be distributed.

Levels 1-10: points into DEX until 25, (not 20 as I said before,
sorry again if I messed you up) rest in LUK.

Levels 10-40: LUK LUK LUK DEX DEX every 5 levels.

Levels 50+: The same as 10-40, only you go 8 LUK 2 DEX in a 10 level
range. Got it? Good. Oh, and if you have a DEX cape or something
similar at level 50, don't distribute your AP so that your DEX is at
a number that when added to your cape's DEX, equals 90.

D. Life in Maple Island

Maple Island is only a Tutorial Island, don't expect anything TOO
exciting here. (unless you find killing snails exciting. Whee.)

There are a few quests in store, and a few shops where you can buy
levels 1-10 weapons, and level 1 armor.

Otherwise, this place is boring. GET TO VICTORIA! (talk to Shanks
the ship captain in Southperry and pay him 150 mesos to go to


V. Victoria Island: The Adventure Begins

A. Becoming a Rogue

Ok, you're level 10 and have 25 DEX right? Get your BUTT to Kerning
City and become a rogue NOW!

To get to Kerning, pay 150 mesos to the guy in the ticket booth in
Lith Harbor (the place where you arrive after leaving Maple Island),
and click on Kerning City as your destination.

Now, find the "Fusion Bar", go down the ladder in the bathroom,
and talk to Dark Lord, your job instructor. He'll say some stuff
about your potential to be a thief, yadayada. He'll make you a thief
, increasing your MAX HP (and MP I think), and giving you 1 SP upon
leveling. I suggest you spend this point on NIMBLE BODY.

Now get yourself a garnier and a few subis, and go west, young
grasshopper! (go train yourself you lazy dog.)

B. Skills / SP Distribution

You guessed it, SP is short for skill point. Good job!

These are the skills available for the Rogue, and their general
descriptions. Skill increase info not available, too lazy. >_>;;

Oh yeah, there are 2 skill types, passive and active. Passive means
that it works automatically, and active means that you have to
activate it yourself.

NIMBLE BODY - Master Level 20

Increases accuracy and avoidability.

Type: Passive

KEEN EYES - Master Level 8

Increases attacking range of throwing star

Type: Passive

DISORDER - Master level 20

Decreses the Weapon defense and attack of the opposing monster, and
stuns it temporarily. Melee attack.

Type: Active

DARK SIGHT - Master level 20

Become invisible to enemies, but not to yourself or other players.
Enemies won't attack you, but you can't attack them either. Your
speed also decreases while Dark Sight is being used.

Type: Active

DOUBLE STAB - Master level 20

Quickly attack an enemy twice at once with a dagger, doing more
damage as LUK and skill level increase. Melee attack.

Type: Active

LUCKY SEVEN - Master level 20

Throw 2 throwing stars at once, doing more damage as LUK and skill
level increase. Ranged attack.

Type: Active


"Build A"

Lv. 10: Nimble body (1)
Lv. 11: Nimble Body (2), Keen Eyes (1)
Lv. 12: Keen Eyes (3)
Lv. 13: Keen Eyes (3)
Lv. 14: Keen Eyes (1) (Keen Eyes is now maxed), Disorder (2)
Lv. 15: Disorder (1), Dark sight (2)
Lv. 16: Dark sight (3)
Lv. 17: Dark sight (3)
Lv. 18: Dark sight (2), Lucky Seven (1)
Lv. 19: Nimble Body (3)
Lv. 20: Nimble Body (3)
Lv. 21: Nimble Body (3)
Lv. 22: Nimble Body (3)
Lv. 23: Nimble Body (3)
Lv. 24: Nimble Body (2) (Nimble Body is now maxed), Lucky Seven (1)
Lv. 25: Lucky Seven (3)
Lv. 26: Lucky Seven (3)
Lv. 27: Lucky Seven (3)
Lv. 28: Lucky Seven (3)
Lv. 29: Lucky Seven (3)
Lv. 30: Lucky Seven (3) (Lucky Seven is now maxed)

This build is mainly to save money, as Lucky Seven isnt needed until
around level 27, where you start training at the Ant Tunnel, on
Horned Mushrooms. This build also slightly improves your avoid
and accuracy.

At the end you should have:

Nimble Body 20
Keen Eyes 8
Disorder 3
Dark sight 10
Double Stab 0
Lucky Seven 20

(Thanks to Random69 for the new build)

"Build B (recommended)"

Lv. 10: Nimble Body (1)
Lv. 11: Nimble Body (2), Keen Eyes (1)
Lv. 12: Keen Eyes (3)
Lv. 13: Keen Eyes (3)
Lv. 14: Keen Eyes (1) (Keen Eyes is now maxed), Disorder (2)
Lv. 15: Disorder (1), Dark Sight (2)
Lv. 16: Dark Sight (3)
Lv. 17: Dark Sight (3)
Lv. 18: Dark Sight (3)
Lv. 19: Dark Sight (3)
Lv. 20: Dark Sight (3)
Lv. 21: Dark Sight (3)(Dark Sight is now Maxed)
Lv. 22: Lucky Seven (1), Nimble Body (2)
Lv. 23: Nimble Body (3)
Lv. 24: Nimble Body (2), Lucky Seven (1)
Lv. 25: Lucky Seven (3)
Lv. 26: Lucky Seven (3)
Lv. 27: Lucky Seven (3)
Lv. 28: Lucky Seven (3)
Lv. 29: Lucky Seven (3)
Lv. 30: Lucky Seven (3) (Lucky Seven is now maxed)

This build is similar, only maxing dark sight so when you get Haste
later, there is no speed decrease.

At the end you should have:

Nimble Body 10
Keen Eyes 8
Disorder 3
Dark sight 20
Double Stab 0
Lucky Seven 20

C. Stars, Claws, and Armor

This is how you should buy your equipment to save a little money. If
you're funded, ignore this.

Lv. 10-35: Level 1 gear, Subi, Garnier until 25 (at which point, you
can equip a Meba. Try to scroll the Meba +7 with 100% scrolls.)

Lv. 35-40: Level 35 top and bottom, Pilfer (red or black). You should
have enough money for a few kumbis by now, if you've been saving your
money. Keep your Meba until 40. Try to get a 4 attack work glove at
this point.

Lv. 40-50: Keep your 35 top and bottom until 50, at which point you
try to get a PERFECT China set (4 LUK top, 2 LUK bottom). At level
40, you should have a +7 Adamantium or Dark Avarice at your disposal.
By the mid forties, you should have a decent amount of Kumbis, and
maybe a few tobis if you've been saving your money. Also, at this
point you should have an Icarus cape.

Level 50-60: If you have a 3 LUK pilfer, keep it. Get a Napoleon of
your choice if you want, or keep your Icarus. By now, you should have
at least two or three tobis, and icicles to replace your Kumbis. A
33 (at least) attack slain will do, for now. If you have enough money
try to get a higher attack slain. If you think you can, try and get a
6 attack glove.

Level 60-70: Stay with your slain, granted it's at least 36 attack.
Keep your level 50 China as well, and get a Silver ID, 4 LUK. A Dark
ID is a waste of money at this point, it being at least 1m higher
than a Silver. Also, try to get a LUK cape or DEX snowshoes at this
point, for a few extra points in LUK.

Level 70-80: Get a 42 (at least) attack Scarab, any kind. Have a LUK
robe/cape at hand. You should have several tobis, maybe two or three
Steelies. Keep your Identity, should be Dark, 4-5 LUK by now.

Level 80+: Get a Black Mamba. From here on out, it's your call. One
word of advice though, do NOT get a Casters. I repeat, do NOT get
a Casters. A Casters is a level 90 claw. A perfect Black Mamba is
45 ATT, while a perfect Casters is 46. You need 10 additional DEX to
wield a Casters, so that takes away the advantage. Get a 42 at LEAST
attack Mamba.

D. What to train on? (unfunded)

This is what I trained on through lvls 10-30. It saves a bit more

10-21: Slime Tree (slimes)

21-26: Pig Beach, the Rainforst East of Henesys (pigs and ribbon

27-30: Ant Tunnel 1 (horned mushrooms), Mushroom tree (green and
horned mushrooms)

DI: What to train on? (funded)

If you're funded and want to level fast and have money to spend,
train on these.

10-15: Slime Tree (slimes)

16-21: Pig beach, Rainforest East of Henesys (pigs and ribbon pigs)

22-25: Horned mushrooms (Tree Dungeon IV, Ant Tunnel I)

26-30: Horned mushrooms, Wild boar, Zombie mushrooms (Ant tunnel,
Land of Wild Boar I and II)

DII: What to train on? (Highly funded)

If you're funded, and have loads of money to spend, or have godly
equipment, train here.

10-13: Slime tree (slimes)

14-17: Pig beach, Tree Dungeon IV (Green mushrooms, pigs ribbon pigs)

18-22: Blue mushroom forest, Ant Tunnel I (Blue and horned mushroom)

22-30: Ant Tunnel II, III, IV (Horned mushrooms)

E. Financial Descisions

If you're unfunded, try not to get your level's equipment until level
35. Don't get the level 40 gear, unless you want a pilfer, since they
look cool. Always, ALWAYS train on something you can 1-2HKO. Anything
else will waste your pots and time. Do NOT get a claw higher than a
Meba (100% scrolled) until level 40, where you get an Adamantium or
Dark Avarice. Also, do NOT get the level 60 set, or level 60 claw.
Get a fairly scrolled level 50 claw (Slain). Also, don't bother
trying to get a Dark Identity (4 LUK) at level 60. They're 1m more
expensive than a Silver ID of the same stats. Instead, get a 4 LUK
Silver ID (1-2m) or Bronze ID (x00k-1m). And at higher levels, when
you have enough money, try to market as much as you can, to get rich
and make profit.

VI. An Assassin's Life

So you're level 30, and are ready to move on? Say no more, for you're
an Assassin from here..

A. Becoming an Assassin

Obviously, you don't become an Assassin right away. You have to pass
a test. However, before you take this test, I recommend you stock up
with a few HP and MP pots, as much as a regular repot to you, or
more, because this test may take a while.

Now that you've stocked up on potions and allocated your SP and AP,
go talk to Dark Lord again and he'll blab about how much stronger
you've become and give you the chance to become stronger. Say yes,
and he'll give you a note to give to his apprentice in the
Construction Site North of Kerning City. This is how to get there if
you don't know:

Kerning City -> EAST EXIT -> Sunset Sky -> EAST EXIT -> The
Construction Site North of Kerning City

The 2nd job guide is on top of a transformer on an electric pole.
Talk to him, and give him the letter, and you'll take the test.
He'll give you details on the test, which I'll give you now.

In the test, you must find 30 DARK MARBLES killing Cold Eyes and
Blue Mushrooms. These are modified so that you can kill them in 3-4
hits. The monsters give no experience, but you lose experience if
you die, and they do the same damage as a regular monster of their
kind. And the marbles only drop in a 1 to 3 ratio. That means that
only 1 out of 3 monsters will drop a marble. Once you have collected
30 marbles, talk to the 2nd Job Instructor to get a PROOF OF HERO,
and give it back to Dark Lord at the Fusion Bar. He will then give
you a choice of Bandit or Assassin, and, you obviously choose
Assassin. He will give you a bit of HP and MP, and 1 SP for your
second job skill. Congratulations, you're an Assassin!

B. Skills / SP Distribution

The skills of an Assassin are as follows:

CLAW MASTERY - Master level 20

Increases the mastery of the throwing stars and accuracy, also gives
more stars to recharge. Only applies when the character is equipped
with a claw.

Type: Passive

CRITICAL THROW - Master level 30

Allows the character to hit a critical shot at an enemy with a
certain success rate.

Type: Passive

ENDURE - Master level 20

Allows the character to recover more HP and MP, even while hanging on
a rope or ladder. HP and MP recovery increases as skill levels up.

Type: Passive

CLAW BOOSTER - Master level 20

Increases the attacking speed of the claw. Only applies when the
character is equipped with a claw.

Type: Active

HASTE - Master level 20

Temporarily increases the speed and jumping ability of everyone in
the party, or just you if you are not in a party.

Type: Active

DRAIN - Master level 30

Absorbs some of the damage dealt to the enemy as HP. Can only
absorb 1/2 of the enemy's HP at max.

Type: Active


I'll make this shorter for you. I won't list it level-by-level,
I'll just show you the order of which to max and level up.

"Build A"

Claw Mastery (3)
Critical Throw (30) (MAX)
Claw Mastery (2)
Claw Booster (6)
Haste (20) (MAX)
Endure (3)
Drain (30) (MAX)
Claw Mastery (17) (MAX)
Endure (2)
The last few points can be spent on whatever.

"Build B"

Claw mastery (3)
Critical THrow (30) (MAX)
Claw Mastery (2)
Claw Booster (5)
Haste (20) (MAX)
Endure (3)
Drain (3)
Claw Mastery (12)
Drain (27) (MAX)
Claw Mastery (5) (MAX)
Endure (2)
The last few points can be spent on whatever also.

C. Training training..

Training guide time!

Lv. 30-36: Zombie Mushies, Wild Boars, Trixters
Lv. 37-49: Leatties or Teddies, Pandas, Robos, Master Robos
Lv. 50-55: Lunar Pixies
Lv. 55-59: Lunar Pixies or Jr. Yetis or Luster Pixies
Lv. 60-66: Coolie Zombies, Dark Stone Gollems, Hectors, Lusters
Lv. 67-70: Coolie Zombies, DSG, White Pangs, Yetis, Pepe/Dark Pepe,
Mix Stone Gollem.

VII: The Long Run: Becoming one of the pros

Now, I don't use the term "pro" a lot, because there is no actual
"pro" in MS. Being high leveled doesn't make you a pro, you're just
a high level. I just use the term "pro" so that other people who DO
use it often will understand what this section is about. I dont want
people at a high level thinking that they're above all others in all

...besides, we're all pros on the inside...>_>;;

A. The Advantages of Being a Long-term Assassin

Now that you're an Assassin in your 50's-60's,people will look up to
you. They'll think you're strong, even if you're not. Some people
will even pay you for making it that far. I know, it's happened to
me. Now that you're a high leveled Assassin, people will want you
for Yepe (Yeti & Pepe) parties. They'll want you for other quests
that require parties. You might even make money from people asking
for Haste. Now, this probably encourages you to continue on with
your Assassin, but trust me, you'll get bored.

Now, read on.

B. Becoming a Hermit

Level 70, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. All your time and effort doesn't
all go to waste here; at this point we basically dominate every class
except Rangers and Snipers.

Here, how to become a Hermit.

Go to El Nath, Chief Residence (the big wooden house on the bigass
ledge). Talk to AREC (The mystic with the scar on his face) and click
on the "I'd like to take the 3rd job Advancement" option. Given
you're level 70, he will allow you to do so and instruct you to go
speak to Dark Lord back in Kerning. Talk to him, and he will tell you
to go fight his anti, located in MONKEY SWAMP II, in the Kerning
Sewers. Once there, click on the DOOR OF DIMENSION and walk through
the tunnel. Go down to the bottom-left-hand side of the map, where
Dark Lord will be hiding behind a few crystals. Defeat him (he's
quite easy,) and pick up the BLACK CHARM. Return it to Dark Lord back
at the Fusion Bar and he'll award you with the NECKLACE OF STRENGTH.
Now, go back to Arec and give the Necklace of Strength to him. He
will instruct you to go to the HOLY GROUND AT THE SNOWFIELD and speak
to the HOLY STONE. Bring one refined DARK (not black) CRYSTAL, and
go to the HOLY GROUND*. Speak to the Holy Stone, and he'll ask you
five questions. Answer these correctly, and bring the awarded
NECKLACE OF WISDOM to Arec. After this, Arec will explain the skills
of the Hermit and give you the Skill book, thus granting you the job
advancement. Congratulations, you're now a Hermit!

*The Holy Ground at the Snowfield is located inside an obvious wooden
door at Sharp Cliff II. If you don't know how to get there, I'll
tell you:

From El Nath, keep going east until you reach Cold Field II. Then,
take the upper portal and keep climbing up until you reach Ice Valley
II. Take the tunnel to the level 50 area and proceed up to Sharp
Cliff II, and proceed up until you see the door. Enter the door, and
drop down to where the Holy Stone is located.

C. Hermit Skills

If you've read this before, you might have seen that I was NOT
covering Hermits. Now that I am one, I can help you out more.


Copycat (Shadow Partner)- Creates a copy of yourself to fight with

Avenger - Throws a large shuriken-like star that hits up to 6
enemies at once.

Flash Jump - Jump once in the air, and jump again. It's quite fun,
even at level one.

Meso Up - Increases the amount of mesos you pick up. It's a party
skill, so it really helps. See, if you pick up 1000 mesos, instead
of picking up 1000, you'll pick up 1500. Not sure if this is a
fact, I'm just using it as an example.

Shadow Meso - Throws a hardened Meso coin or note at the enemy for
damage. I don't recommend getting this skill, since it wastes your
mesos, and it's about the same damage as L7. THe only advantage is
that it doesn't use any stars, but you should have plenty, right?

Alchemist - Increases the effect of potions and stat increasing
items of sorts. By 50%, I believe.

Yaya, Hermit build!

Build A

Avenger (5)
Flash Jump (1)
Shadow Partner (30 MAX)
Avenger (25 MAX)
Flash Jump (19 MAX)

It's your call from then.

D. What to do now?

Well, um, train yourself with your new flashy Hermit skills j00 lazy

Go show off to your friends, or just random people. Go hunt some
strong monster. Hunt your level 80 gear. I dunno, it's just that
most people get bored at this level. I'll add more from other
Hermits next update.

E. What to Expect

What to expect out of yourself? SPEED, POWER, AND EVASIVENESS THAT'S

Um, you can wait for 4th job..which will be released..a few months
after the kMS release. >_>;; be envied by several
people at a lower level than you. Expect to be looked up to highly.
Expect to look flashy throwing your cash shop fireballs and water
balloons, once they come out.

This is pretty much the end of my guide, so good luck with your

VIII. End Credits

Well, this is it. We part here. I'll never forget you, old friend,
with your practical jokes..and beating me to a pulp, burning my
house to a pile of ashes..

No wait, that was my 5th birthday party. Whoops!

A. A Special thanks to..

I'd like to thank..

CJayC, for creating GameFAQS, and for hosting my guide.

DRCsyntax, the founder of TWM, the guild I'm in, for giving me some
or most of the information of how to be a good Assassin.

ExAtlas, another TWM member, helped me get to 50, and motivated me
to get as far as I am now. Being a 5x Assassin made me want to write
a guide about Assassins, as I'm pretty experienced..had one in BETA

Myself, for powerleveling me (Being a Hermit is oh-so sweet.)

The community of onRPG's former Forum 57, the Maple Story forum, for
helping me, giving me tips on how to be an Assassin, leading to this

And you, the readers, especially, for taking the time to read this
guide. I hope all this information doesn't go to waste. >_O

B. Contacting me

You can reach me in the following ways:

E-mail:, make sure that you put "MSGUIDE" as
the subject, because for some reason, some of my mail from other
people is randomly filtered to my Junk Folder, which I am always
checking now. So just put MSGUIDE on the subject line to make
sure I'll read it, if it's related to this guide.

Note: I will not reply to any obscene insults. I will only reply to
insults if they are accompanied with suggestions or contributions
to the guide. Thanks if you're e-mailing me about something wrong in
the guide, if I know it or not. You're trying to help. Again, I will
only reply to insults with no obscene language if it's accompanied
with suggestions or contributions.


In-game: ChaosXLegion or FiraInferno, on Scania.

C. Disclaimer

This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except
for personal, private use. It may NOT be hosted on ANY website other
than the ones listed below without my consent. If you print out a
copy for your friend,
that's fine, but I don't want you telling random people about
this guide, or even advertising it. Also, I don't want you using this
guide for any profit whatsoever, in real life or in-game. All of the
above are a violation of copyright.

But. I authorize this guide to be hosted only by the following sites:

GameFAQs []
NeoSeeker []
CheatCodes []
And any other sites that request my permission.

Thanks again for reading my guide.

Copyright (C), 2006 ChaosXLegion/Fira Inferno/Reuben Reyes
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