Maple Story

Maple Story

15.10.2013 12:16:41
Quest Guide
----------------------------==[Maplestory Quest Guide]==------------------------

-------------------------------==[Table of Contents]==--------------------------

Title Key Section Status

Introduction IND 1 Complete

No level restrictions NLR 2 Complete

Quests level 15-19 Q15 3 Complete

Quests level 20-24 Q20 4 Complete

Quests level 25-29 Q25 5 Complete

Quests level 30-34 Q30 6 Complete

Quests level 35-39 Q35 7 Complete

Quests level 40-44 Q40 8 Complete

Quests level 45-49 Q45 9 Incomplete

Quests level 50+ Q50 10 Incomplete

Legal Stuff LGS 11 Complete

Contact me CTM 12 Complete

-------------------------------==[Introduction IND]==---------------------------

This guide is basically here to show you the quests available to you when you
reach certain levels, as well as what you attain from the quests, and where
you can get the items needed for it. For ease of searching, I have assigned
each section a code to search for.

----------------------------==[No level restrictions NLR]==---------------------

()Fixing "Blackbull's" house()

Guide : First, go to Perion and speak to Blackbull, he will tell you the items
that he needs from you. After collecting the items, go back to Perion and
speak with him.

Items needed : 30 branches, 50 firewood

Prize gained : 50 experience, a 10% chance of getting a red triangular shield,
a 90% chance of getting a steel shield.

Branches - Found all over perion, kill the regular stumps for these.

Firewood - Also found all over perion, kill the regular stumps with axes
sticking out of them for these.

--------------------------------==[Levels 15-19 Q15]==--------------------------

()Maya and the weird medicine()

Guide : First speak to Maya in Henesys, then go over to Lith Harbor and speak
to Teo,after that, go to Perion and speak to the girl inside the item shop, she
will tell you that she needs a few items and to speak to Manji, go up to the
top left corner of town and you should see Manji, speak to him to recieve
his task. After collecting all the items, go back to Perion and speak to Manji,
then go speak to the girl inside the item shop. After recieving the glittering
stone, go back to Lith Harbor and speak to Teo.Finally, go back to Henesys and
speak to Maya to complete the quest.

Items needed : 50 squishy liquids, 40 charms of the undead, 50 leaves, 20
octopus legs

Prize gained : a bamboo hat, 200 experience, 5000 mesos

Squishy Liquid - Found all over the place, kill green slimes to get it.

Charms of the undead - Venture into the ant tunnel below sleepywood to find
undead mushrooms, kill them to get these.

Leaves - In the areas around perion, kill dark stumps to get these.

Octopus legs - Try one south of kerning, kill octopi to get these.

()Luke the security guy()

Guide : Go to see Luke outside the entrance to the dungeon via the Henesys
route, he will give you the list of items that he needs, after getting the
items, return to him to collect your prize.

Items needed : 10 strige wings, 100 jr. necki skins, 1 salad

Prize gained : One refined gem other than black crystal

Stirge wings - These are found deep within the ant tunnel, stirges drop
these often.

Jr. Necki skins - These can be found inside the kerning sewers, Jr. Neckis
drop these usually.

Salad - If you go far enough into the ant tunnel, you should come upon a
van, you can purchase one of these from that van.

()John's pink flower basket()

Guide : Go to see John at Lith Harbor, he will tell you that he needs some
flowers, go to Sleepywood and click on the statue in the middle of town.
Complete the jumping quest and go back to John. If you did not get 10
flowers from your first time, you must keep doing the jumping quest
until you do.

Items needed : 10 pink flowers

Prize gained : 300 experience, 30 screws

--------------------------------==[Levels 20-24 Q20]==--------------------------

()Party Quest()

Guide : Assemble a party of 4 characters (including you) whose levels are
between 21 and 30. Once you have that accomplished, go and have the leader of
your group speak with Lakelis in Kerning City. If she says that there is
something wrong, that means that somebody else is inside. Keep clicking on
Lakelis until you get in. Once inside, go speak to the npc on the right
hand side of the area. She will give you a question, the answer to the
question is the number of coupons you must collect from the ligators in the
area. After you get the number of coupons required of you, go back and speak
with the npc to recieve your pass, give the pass to your party leader. After
all of your members (except the leader, they do not have to collect coupons)
have recieved their passes and given them to the leader, the leader must then
speak with the npc to advance to the next area. In this area there are 4
ropes. Every member except the leader must be on a different rope, once they
are, have the leader talk to the npc. If a message pops up with the word
"wrong" on it, have one of your party members switch ropes. Keep repeating
this process until the message says "correct," then move onto the next area.
This area is much like the last one, all the members except the leader must
be on a platform, if you have it wrong, have one member move, if it is wrong
again, have the same member move again. Keep rotating around until you get
it correct, then move onto the next area. In this area there are 6 barrels.
People like to do this different ways but I will explain the way that I found
it easiest to do. Have each of your members except the leader on one of the
barrels. Then just move them according to the small chart outlined below.
This way there are no missed combinations.

123 124 125 126
134 135 136
145 146
234 235 236
245 246
345 346

After getting past that area you are nearly finished. Be careful not to kill
anything when it is against a wall, otherwise, it won't drop it's pass. Also,
be wary of dropping down into the area below, there may be some curse eyes
below. They aren't regular curse eyes either, they have much more hp than they
usually do. After defeating the curse eyes, go to the next area to fight jr.
neckis, these also aren't regular jr. neckis, their avoidability has been
dropped so warriors will be able to hit them. After defeating the neckis,
go to the next area to fight the king slime, he has 8000 hp, but with a mage
or two, he should be fairly easy to conquer. If you have 10 passes, go up
and talk to the npc on the top right of the screen, if not, you will have to
smuggle your passes out and try to get back in. To smuggle the passes out,
have any member other than your leader collect all of the party's extra passes
and coupons, then propose a trade to anyone but the leader, the person that is
being traded then goes back into Kerning City, once they are in Kerning, then
they accept the trade request, the member then trades them the passes and
coupons. If you just try to come out with the passes and coupons, they will
dissapear. If you did succeed in getting the 10 passes, you will recieve a
reward (which can range from armor scrolls to black crystal ores) and go to
a private area with green mushrooms and horny mushrooms until either your
time runs out or you choose to leave.

()Pia and the blue mushroom()

Guide : Go to Henesys, then go into the mushroom market, then once you see a
girl in a bear suit, speak to her. She will give you the list of things that
she needs. Once you have acquired the items, go back to see her and finish
the quest.

Items needed : 60 blue mushroom tops, 60 green mushroom tops

Prize gained : 100 experience, a helmet scroll

Blue mushroom tops - Go 3 east of Henesys, in that area you will find a signpost
press up once you are underneath it to warp to the hidden blue mushroom forest,
blue mushrooms drop these often.

Green mushroom tops - Go 3 south of Ellinia, there are a multitude of trees in
this area, check inside the trees until you get one with many green mushrooms
and slimes inside of it, green mushrooms drop these often.

()Alex the run away kid()

Guide : Go to the entrance to mushroom park in Henesys, you should see an old
man walking around, speak to him. After talking to the old man go to Kerning
and climb to the top of the pharmacy to find Alex, speak to him. After
speaking to Alex, go back to Henesys and talk to the old man again. Answer
his questions correctly and he will give you a list of items he needs.
After acquiring the needed items, go back and speak to the old man, he will
give you the watch. After that, go back to Kerning and speak with Alex.

Items needed : 50 evil eye tails, 100 pig ribbons

Prize gained : 550 experience, a red cross earring, a sapphire earring, a
gold earring, or a lightning earring

Evil eye tails - Evil eyes can be found deep inside the ant tunnel, evil eyes
drop these often.

Pig ribbons - Ribbon pigs can be found all over the areas next to Henesys,
ribbon pigs drop these often.

()Shumi's lost coin()

Guide : Go to Kerning, outside the subway there should be a girl, speak with
her. She'll tell you that you need to find her coin for her. Go inside the
subway and speak with the guy at the bottom of the steps, buy a ticket, then
double click on the turnstiles. Once you get to the room with the subway
car and all the bubblings, go to the left side of the room and press up,
then double click on the chest. Then go talk to Shumi to collect your reward.

Items needed : Shumi's coin

Prize gained : 200 experience, 1 fame, 30 return scrolls to a random town

--------------------------------==[Levels 25-29 Q25]==-------------------------

()Jane and the wild boar()

Guide : Go to Lith Harbor and talk to the girl dressed like a bunny. Acquire
the items that she needs, after getting the items, go back and speak with her
to recieve your reward.

Items needed : 100 boar teeth, 120 horny mushroom tops

Prize gained : 500 experience, a random 60% weapon scroll

Boar teeth - Go one east of Perion, then jump down to the ground, you should
see a wooden door, press up while you are in front of it, wild boars drop
these often.

Horny mushroom tops - Go 3 south of Ellinia and go into the trees until you
find one with many green mushrooms and horny mushrooms, horny mushrooms drop
these often.

()Arwen and the glass shoes()

Guide : Go to Ellinia and find Arwen, speak with her. After you find the
glass shoes go back and talk to her to recieve your reward.

Items needed : glass shoes

Prize gained : 800 experience, a piece of ice/fairy wing

Glass shoes - Go to the path to the dungeon from Perion to find fire
boars, they drop these, but very rarely.

()Sabitrama and the diet medicine()

Guide : Go to Sleepywood and talk to Sabitrama, after talking to him
go to Ellinia and talk to Shane, do the jumping quest then when you
are at the end, get the flowers that Sabitrama asked you for. After
getting the flowers go back to Sleepywood and talk to Sabitrama to
recieve your reward.

Items needed : the flower that Sabitrama asks you for

Prize gained : 1000 experience, an armor scroll

--------------------------------==[Levels 30-34 Q30]==-------------------------

()Jack Scwetty's secret book()

Guide : Go to the Vip sauna in Sleepywood to find Jack, after speaking to him,
go to 3 north of Ellinia into the middle tree, keep climbing upwards until you
see Ronnie, talk to him. After talking to Ronnie, go talk to Rowen in Ellinia
she will get you the fresh milk in exchange for a refined diamond. Then go
talk to Rina (I think) in Henesys, she will give you the unagi special in
return for 50 curse eye tails and 5 pig heads. After getting the fresh milk
and unagi special, go back and talk to Ronnie to get Jack's book back. After
that, go talk to Jack to recieve your prize.

Items needed : 1 refined diamond, 50 lupin bananas, 50 curse eye tails, 5
pig heads

Prize gained : 500 experience, 10000 mesos, a bath robe

Lupin bananas - You can go from Lith Harbor to Florina Beach to fight
lupins, lupins drop these often.

Curse eye tails - Go to the dungeon hunting grounds, you will find curse
eyes there, curse eyes drop these often.

Pig heads - Pigs can be found all around Henesys, they drop these, but
it is a somewhat rare drop.

()Building a new house for "Blackbull"()

Guide : Go talk to Blackbull in Perion, you must have 10 fame though,
then go get the items he requests from you. After getting the items,
go back and talk to him to recieve your prize.

Items needed : 1 deed, 100 pieces of rock from stone gollem, 30
screws, 30 refined wood

Prize gained : 1000 experience, 15500 mesos, a 10% weapon scroll

Deed - Go to the Dungeon hunting grounds to fight curse eyes,
curse eyes drop these rarely.

Pieces of rock from stone gollem - Go to the 2nd area on the path
to the dungeon from henesys, stone gollems drop these.

()Shumi's lost bundle of money()

Guide : Go talk to Shumi in Kerning, then go into the subway into the
second construction area, do the jumping quest then go back and talk
to her to get your reward.

Items needed : bundle of money

Prize gained : 500 experience, 1 fame, 100 mana elixers

()John's present()

Guide : Go talk to John in Lith Harbor, after speaking with him, go to
Sleepywood and click on the statue. After doing the jumping quest, go
back to Lith Harbor and give the flowers to John, if you don't have 20
yet, go back and do the jumping quest again until you do have enough.
After giving 20 of the flowers to John, he will give you your reward.

Items needed : 20 blue violas

Prize gained : 2000 experience and your class's highest upgraded level
35 glove

--------------------------------==[Level 35-39 Q35]==---------------------------

()Rowen the fairy and the cursed doll()

Guide : Speak with Rowen in Ellinia, then return the items she wants to her.

Items needed : to finish completely, 2300 curse dolls

Prize gained : First level (100 dolls) - 300 exp, 1 fame, 7 ores
Second level(200 dolls) - 600 exp, 1 fame, 10 ores
Third level (400 dolls) - 900 exp, 2 fame, 5 ores of gold, black
crystal, or diamond.
Fourth level(600 dolls) - 1200 exp, 2 fame, a glove scroll
Fifth level (1000 dolls) - 1800 exp, 3 fame, your class' level 40
headwear. Warrior gets steel norman helmet, wizard gets dark guiltian, bowman
gets dark crappe, and thief gets dark pilfer.

Curse dolls - There is an area that you can get to from 2 south of Ellinia that
has many zombie lupins, zombie lupins drop these.

--------------------------------==[Level 40-44 Q40]==---------------------------

()Jane the alchemist()

Guide : Go speak to Jane in Lith Harbor, after getting the items that she asks
for, go back to her to recieve your prize, she will then ask you for some more
items. After getting those, come back to recieve another prize. Once again, she
will ask you for more items, get them then come speak to her to finish the

Items needed : 130 medicines with weird vibes, 50 malady's experimental frogs,
1 pure water, 3 drake blood, 1 spore of mushmom, 20 dragon skins, 10 saps of
ancient tree, and a moon rock.

Prize gained : First time - 300 experience, 10 of...something, not sure, can
someone of a higher level fill me in?
Second time - 500 experience, 15 of...something, again, fill me
in if you can
Third time - 1000 experience, a glove scroll and the ability to
buy stuff from her that you cannot find in normal shops.

Medicine with weird vibe - Wraiths inside of the 3rd subway

Malady's experimental frog - These can be found past the second part of monkey
forest. (thanks to megaking for this info)

Pure water - these can be obtained from the same vendor that sold you the salad.

Drake blood - These can be found from drakes deep inside the dungeon
(thanks to zephy84)

Spore of mushmom - In Henesys, go to the top left of the tree-house you see
beside the cab, then press up, you will be transported upwards, press up again
and you will be in a completely new area, follow the path along until you get
to someone else's house.

Dragon Skins - These can be gotten from drakes, drakes can be found by going
2 east of perion, then taking the top exit, then following the exits until
you get to the seventh area.

Sap of ancient tree - these can be obtained from axe stumps, these can be
found all over Perion.

Moon rock - Arwen can make these for you once you reach level 40 (thanks to

()Shumi's lost sack of money()

Guide : Talk to Shumi in Kerning, then go do the jumping quest in the subway
to get the item she requires of you. Once you get the item, go back to her
and talk to her to recieve your prize.

Items needed : sack of money

Prize gained : 800 experience, 1 fame, a shoe scroll

--------------------------------==[Legal Stuff LGS]==---------------------------

You may not use this guide without my permission. If you get my permission
to use this guide you may not sell it or change it in any way.

--------------------------------==[Contact Me CTM]==---------------------------

If you find any spelling errors or you know the correct names for the quests
that I do not know yet, drop me an e-mail at
Do not send hate mail or any mail that doesn't resemble the english language.
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