Maple Story

Maple Story

17.10.2013 15:28:39
Warrior Guide
MapleStory Warrior Guide by Grawl
05/20/07 - Version 0.3


It seems thousands of players enjoy my guide, seeing the countless mails I
receive. This makes me very happy, since it means my guide actually has some
use ;p So I'm asking you, if you're enjoying this guide, could you perhaps
donate some money? Heck, I'll be happy with your 2 bucks you were going to
spent on a cheeseburger later ;p Thank you!


Every question, feedback, comment etc. can be mailed. Put "MapleStory Guide"
in the Subject, so I can pick out the mails easily. Thanks! Also add where
you found the guide, if possible, so I know what places attract the

Don't mail me with:

* Stuff that is covered in this FAQ
* Complaining how bad the game is according to you
* If your PC will run MapleStory

If I get any of these mails, I'll ignore them, no matter how harsh it sounds.

Do mail me with:

* Stuff that is not covered in this FAQ
* Comment, questions, feedback and fan mail
* Asking if you can put this guide on your site

I'm not related to Wizet. This FAQ has been made for fun, not to make any
money out of it. Don't use this FAQ on your site/magazine etc. without my
permission. Copyright (c) 2004 by Grawl. I keep my own list of sites that are
allowed to publish this guide. If the site isn't in the list, I'll go after it
and get it removed one way or another.

To make searching easier, I added search-codes in the TOC. Just press CTRL + F
and enter the code to jump to that part immediately.

Table of Contents [MS.00.00]

* Table of Contents.................................................[MS.00.00]
* History & Next Version............................................[MS.01.01]
* Introduction & Getting Started....................................[MS.02.01]
* Warrior Overview..................................................[MS.03.01]
* Becoming a Warrior................................................[MS.04.01]
* Skills & Advancing................................................[MS.05.01]
* Warrior.........................................................[MS.05.02]
* Fighter, Crusader, Hero.........................................[MS.05.03]
* Page, Knight, Paladin...........................................[MS.05.04]
* Spearman, Dragon Knight, Dark Knight............................[MS.05.05]
* Equipment.........................................................[MS.06.01]
* Weapons.........................................................[MS.06.02]
* Armor...........................................................[MS.06.03]
* Training..........................................................[MS.07.01]
* Conclusion........................................................[MS.08.01]

History & Next Version [MS.01.01]

Version 0.1 (10/28/04) - First version, everything is new ;p (17,3KB)
Version 0.2 (10/29/04) - Fixed date of previous version ;p, added armor in the
equipment list, added training spots. (27,1KB)
Version 0.3 (05/20/07) - Fixed a small mistake. Also, I removed the e-mail
address from this guide. I no longer play MapleStory and can not provide
anyone with help for this game any longer. (27,1KB)

Introduction & Getting Started [MS.02.01]

MapleStory is a new beta on-line RPG, that's a bit different from all the
other MMORPGs out there. This one is side-scrolling. It's like Wonderboy in
Monsterland IV (on the old Genesis) on-line. For now, it's free, because they
are beta-checking it, so what are you waiting for? Go to:

Register there, download the game, install it, and boot it up. Now, log in
with your account. Select a server, select a channel and you're almost there.
Just create a new character (the Weapon and outfit have the same stats) and
you can start playing the game. The best is to get points as high as possible
in Strength.

If you want to contact me, I'm mostly on Channel 7 and 15, and go by the name

Warrior Overview [MS.03.01]

There are guides for thieves, archors and magicians, but not a single one for
the warrior yet. That's what I'm here for, saving the day with my Warrior
guide ;p

So why become a Warrior? Well, why not? They are stronger, and can use a huge
variety of weapons and armor. Plus, you can go three different paths. I also
prefer the passive skills of the Warrior above the other skills of other
classes. I'm talking about "Improving HP Recovery", which improves the amount
of HP you get back when standing still for a while, and "Endure", which makes
it able to get HP back when hanging in a rope, or climbing a ladder. For more
information about the skills, you'll have to check the Skills-section though.

Becoming a Warrior [MS.04.01]

To become a Warrior, you'll need to be at at least level 10, and have a
Strength of at least 35. Once you got this, go to Perion (on Victoria Isle),
climb all the way up, and talk with Sitting Bull in the shrine. He'll accept
you as Warrior, and voila, you are a Warrior. You can now use your
skill points, buy new armor/weapons etc.

Skills & Advancing [MS.05.01]

Talk to Sitting Bull in the Shrine, and he'll give you a letter, which you
have to give to a person near Perion. Find the person, and he'll tell you to
get 30 Dark Crystals. Once you got these, go back to the person, then talk to
Sitting Bull and you'll become a Fighter, Page or Spearman.

If you don't know what you want to become, check the various skills, and test
what weapons suit you best. Do you want a fast attack, but a bit less
powerful? Become a fighter. Do you want to do a lot of damage, and be able to
reach monsters even if they are a bit further away, and don't care about the
speed? Become a Page or Spearman.

When you gain a level, you'll get 3 Skill Points. You can use these to gain...
Skills! Wow! What skills, you ask? Here they are (note, ML stands for Master
Level. Also, passive means you'll use them automatically):

Warrior [MS.05.02]

Improving HP Recovery (ML. 16): Recover more HP when standing still (passive)
Improving Max HP Increase (ML. 10): When you level up, and decide to give some
points to your HP, you'll get a bonus (passive)
Endure (ML. 8): When you are hanging in a rope, of climbing a ladder, but not
moving, you'll get some HP back (passive)
Iron Body (ML. 20): Increase your Weapon Defence for a short while
Power Strike (ML. 20): Use MP to give a final blow to enemies with a Sword
Slash Blast (ML. 20): Use HP and MP to hit all the enemies around you

Fighter, Crusader, Hero [MS.05.03]

Sword Mastery (ML. 20): Increase your Sword Mastery and Accuracy. This only
works with one- and two-handed Swords (passive)
Axe Mastery (ML. 20): See above, but with one- and two-handed Axes (passive)
Final Attack: Sword (ML. 30): Another attack might follow after an attack.
This only works with one- and two-handed Swords (passive)
Final Attack: Axe (ML. 30): See above, but with one- and two-handed Axes
Sword Booster (ML. 20): Use HP and MP to boost the attack speed of the
equipped Sword for a short period of time. Only works with one- and
two-handed Swords
Axe Booster (ML. 20): See above, but with one- and two-handed Axes
Fury (ML. 20): Boost the Weapon attack level of everyone in your party, but
also drain the Weapon defence level for a short period of time
Power Guard (ML. 20): Return maximum 10% of the enemies HP as damage when you
get attacked (passive)

Page, Knight, Paladin [MS.05.04]

Sword Mastery (ML. 20): Increase your Sword Mastery and Accuracy. This only
works with one- and two-handed Swords (passive)
Mace Mastery (ML. 20): See above, but with one- and two-handed Blunt weapons
Final Attack: Sword (ML. 30): Another attack might follow after an attack.
This only works with one- and two-handed Swords (passive)
Final Attack: Mace (ML. 30): See above, but with one- and two-handed Blunt
weapons (passive)
Sword Booster (ML. 20): Use HP and MP to boost the attack speed of the
equipped Sword for a short period of time. Only works with one- and
two-handed Swords
Mace Booster (ML. 20): See above, but with one- and two-handed Blunt weapons
Threaten (ML. 20): Frighten your enemy for a short period of time. Every
enemy in the area will get a lower Weapon attack and Weapon defence
Power Guard (ML. 30): Return maximum 10% of the enemies HP as damage when you
get attacked (passive)

Spearman, Dragon Knight, Dark Knight [MS.05.05]

Spear Mastery (ML. 20): Increase your Spear Mastery and Accuracy (passive)
Pole Arm Mastery (ML. 20): Increase your Pole Arm Mastery and Accuracy
Final Attack: Spear (ML. 30): Another attack might follow after an attack
Final Attack: Pole Arm (ML. 30): Another attack might follow after an attack
Spear Booster (ML. 20): Use HP and MP to boost the attack speed of the
equipped Spear for a short period of time
Pole Arm Booster (ML. 20): Use HP and MP to boost the attack speed of the
equipped Spear for a short period of time
Iron Wall (ML. 20): Increase the level of Weapon- and magic defence for
everyone in the party for a short period of time
Hyper Body (ML. 30): Increase the max XP and max MP of everyone in the party
for a short period of time

Equipment [MS.06.01]

The Warrior comes with exclusive equipment. I listed the equipment here that
only a Warrior is able to wear. They are sorted like this:

Level - Type - Name - Effect (is there is any)

If you have more information (like Weapon attack, speed, costs etc.), please
mail me.

Weapons [MS.06.02]

10 - Two-handed Sword - Wooden Sword
10 - Two-handed Axe - Metal Axe
10 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - Wooden Hammer
10 - Spear - Spear
10 - Pole Arm - Pole Arm
15 - Pole Arm - Iron Ball
15 - Spear - Fork Spear
15 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - Steel Hammer
15 - One-handed Sword - Sabre
15 - Dagger, Cutter - Field Dagger
15 - One-handed Axe - Battle Axe
15 - One-handed Blunt Weapon - Mace
20 - One-handed Blunt Weapon - Steel Mace
20 - Dagger, Cutter - Flat Dagger
20 - One-handed Sword - Viking Sword
20 - One-handed Sword - Cookrie
20 - Two-handed Sword - Two-handed Sword
20 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - Square Hammer
20 - Two-handed Axe - Steel Axe
20 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - PickAxe
20 - Pole Arm - Phantom
25 - Pole Arm - Nasty Mop
25 - Two-handed Sword - Clutty
25 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - Monkey Spanner
25 - Dagger, Cutter - Iron Dagger
25 - One-handed Sword - Illoon
25 - One-handed Blunt Weapon - Fusion Mace
25 - One-handed Axe - Mithril Axe
25 - Two-handed Axe - Two-Handed Axe
30 - One-handed Axe - Fire Jack
30 - One-handed Blunt Weapon - War Hammer
30 - Dagger, Cutter - Cass
30 - One-handed Sword - Gladius
30 - Two-handed Sword - The Beheader
30 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - Mithril Maul
30 - Two-handed Axe - Buck
30 - Pole Arm - Mithril Pole Arm
30 - Spear - Triple Tips
35 - Spear - Nakamaki
35 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - Big Hammer
35 - Pole Arm - Axe Pole Arm
35 - Two-handed Sword - Highlander
35 - Two-handed Axe - Niam
35 - One-handed Sword - Cutlus
35 - One-handed Blunt Weapon - Horseman's
35 - One-handed Axe - Dankke
40 - One-handed Axe - Blue Counter
40 - One-handed Blunt Weapon - Jacker
40 - One-handed Sword - Traus
40 - Dagger, Cutter - Bazlud
40 - Two-handed Axe - Birdville
40 - Two-handed Sword - Zard
40 - Spear - Zeco
40 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - Titan
40 - Pole Arm - Crescent
45 - One-handed Sword - Hero's Gladius - STR +1
50 - Two-handed Sword - Curvy Sword
50 - Dagger, Cutter - Cha - Weapon Attack +65
50 - One-handed Sword - Jewel Kuadara
50 - One-handed Blunt Weapon - Knuckle Mace
50 - One-handed Axe - Buck
50 - Spear - Red Curve
50 - Pole Arm - The Nine Dragons
50 - Two-handed Axe - The Rising
50 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - Golden Maul
60 - Two-handed Axe - Shining
60 - Two-handed Sword - Grease
60 - Spear - Cross Spear
60 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - Plutium
60 - One-handed Axe - Hawkhead
60 - One-handed Blunt Weapon - Tamus
60 - One-handed Sword - Neocora
60 - Dagger, Cutter - Snake - Weapon Attack +75
60 - Pole Arm - Skylar
70 - One-handed Sword - Red Katana
70 - One-handed Blunt Weapon - Stoom
70 - One-handed Axe - Mihail
70 - Two-handed Blunt Weapon - Hofman
70 - Pole Arm - The Gold Dragon
70 - Two-handed Sword - Groonhill
70 - Two-handed Axe - Chrono

Armor [MS.06.03]

10 - Metal Koif - Hat - Weapon Def. +12
10 - Bronze Koif - Hat - Weapon Def. +10
10 - Mithril Koif - Hat - Weapon Def. +15
10 - Blue Lolica Armor - Top - Weapon Def. +15
10 - Brown Lolica Armor - Top - Weapon Def. +15
10 - Orange Squeamer - Top - Weapon Def. +15
10 - Blueberry Squeamer - Top - Weapon Def. +15
10 - Blue Lolica Pants - Bottom
10 - Brown Lolica Pants - Bottom
10 - Legend Pants - Bottom
10 - Sophia Pants - Bottom
10 - Juno - Glove
10 - Wood Buckler - Shield - Weapon Def. +10
12 - Steel Helmet - Hat - Weapon Def. +15
12 - Bronze Headpiece - Hat - Weapon Def. +12
12 - Mithril Headpiece - Hat - Weapon Def. +18
15 - Bronze Full Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +15
15 - Mithril Full Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +20
15 - Steel Full Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +18
15 - Steel Corporal - Top - Weapon Def. +20, HP +10
15 - Steel Grieve - Shoes
15 - Bronze Corporal Pants - Bottom - MP +5
15 - Steel Corporal Pants - Bottom - HP +5
15 - Brown Corporal - Top - Weapon Def. +20, MP +10
15 - Steel Mail - Overall - Weapon Def. +25, Accuracy +1, HP +5
15 - Steel Shield - Shield - Weapon Def. +15
15 - Steel Halfglove - Glove
15 - Bronze Grieve - Shoes
20 - Orange ML's - Shoes
20 - Blue ML's - Shoes
20 - Venon - Glove
20 - Mithril Buckler - Shield - Weapon Def. +20
20 - Blue Japanese Fenching Uniform - Overall - Weapon Def. +36, STR +1, HP +5
20 - Red Japanese Fenching Uniform - Overall - Weapon Def. +36, HP +15
20 - White Japanese Fenching Uniform - Overall - Weapon Def. +36, DEX +1,
MP +5
20 - Red Surgent Skirt - Bottom - MP +5
20 - Steel Corporal Skirt - Bottom - HP +5
20 - Red Lamella Skirt - Bottom - HP +5
20 - Green Lamella Skirt - Bottom - MP +5
20 - Brown Lamelle Skirt - Bottom - HP +3/MP +2
20 - Brown Middle Ladder - Shoes
20 - Blue Surgent - Top - Weapon Def. +25, STR +1
20 - Red Lamelle - Top - Weapon Def. +25, HP +10
20 - Green Lamelle - Top - Weapon Def. +25, DEX +1
20 - Brown Lamelle - Top - Weapon Def. +25, STR +1
20 - Red Surgent - Top - Weapon Def. +25, DEX +1
20 - Steel Defender Helmet - Hat - Weapon Def. +22
20 - Iron Viking Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +22
20 - Bronze Defender Helmet - Hat - Weapon Def. +20
20 - Mithril Defender Helmet - Hat - Weapon Def. +25
20 - Mithril Viking Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +25
20 - Bronze Viking Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +20
22 - Mithril Sharp Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +25
22 - Gold Sharp Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +28, STR +1
22 - Steel Sharp Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +22
25 - Iron Burgernet Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +25
25 - Gold Burgetnet Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +27
25 - Orihalcon Burgernet Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +25
25 - Silver Master Surfent - Top - Weapon Def. +30, MP +20
25 - Dark Master Surgent - Top - Weapon Def. +30, STR +2
25 - Blue Shark - Top - Weapon Def. +30, STR +2
25 - Sku Shark - Top - Weapon Def. +30, Speed +7
25 - Red Shark - Top - Weapon Def. +30, HP +20
25 - Orihalcon Master Surgent - Top - Weapon Def. +30, HP +20
25 - Mithril War Boots - Shoes
25 - Sky Shark Skirt - Bottom - Speed +5
25 - Red Shark Skirt - Bottom - HP +10
25 - Blue Shark Skirt - Bottom - STR +1
25 - Orihalcon Master Surgent Skirt - Bottom - STR +1
25 - Dark Master Surgent Skirt - Bottom - STR +1
25 - Silver Master Surgent Skirt - Bottom - DEX +1
25 - Red Triagular Shield - Shield - Weapon Def. +25
25 - White Halfglove - Glove
25 - Silver War Boots - Shoes - DEX +1
25 - Dark War Boots - Shoes - STR +2
25 - Gold War Boots - Shoes - DEX +1
30 - Steel Missel - Glove - STR +1
30 - Orihalcon Missel - Glove - STR +2
30 - Bronze Missel - Glove
30 - Red Cross Shield - Shield - Weapon Def. +30
30 - Red Snowshoes - Shoes
30 - Black Dragon Robe - Overall - Weapon Def. +52, DEX +3
30 - Dark Engrit - Overall - Weapon Def. +52, STR +2
30 - Red Engrit - Overall - Weapon Def. +52, HP +30
30 - Blue Engrit - Overall - Weapon Def. +52, MP +30
30 - Yellow Engrit - Overall - Weapon Def. +52, DEX +3
30 - Black Martial Art Pants - Bottom - STR +1
30 - White Martial Art Pants - Bottom - DEX +1
30 - Red Martial Art Pants - Bottom - HP +10
30 - Brown Martial Art Pants - Bottom - MP +10
30 - Mithril Battle Grieve - Shoes - DEX +1
30 - Silver Battle Grieve - Shoes - STR +1
30 - Bloody Battle Grieve - Shoes - DEX +1
30 - Emerald Battle Grieve - Shoes - STR +1
30 - Korean Instrumental Shirt - Top - Weapon Def. +35, HP +20
30 - Joosting - Hat - Weapon Def. +30
35 - Great Brown Helmet - Hat - Weapon Def. +35, STR +1
35 - Great Red Helmet - Hat - Weapon Def. +37, HP +10
35 - Great Blue Helmet - Hat - Weapon Def. +40, DEX +1
35 - Steel Tigger - Shoes - STR +2
35 - White Martial Art Shorts - Bottom - DEX +1/HP +5
35 - White Cross Chainmail - Overall - Weapon Def. +60, Magic Def. +20,
STR +4, HP +5
35 - Sapphire Mail - Overall - Weapon Def. +60, Magic Def. +20, STR +4, HP +5
35 - Blood Mail - Overall - Weapon Def. +60, Magic Def. +20, STR +4, HP +5
35 - Silver Mail - Overall - Weapon Def. +60, Magic Def. +20, DEX +4, HP +5
35 - Blue Cross Chainmail - Overall - Weapon Def. +60, Magic Def. +20, DEX +4,
HP +5
35 - Dark Cross Chainmail - Overall - Weapon Def. +60, Magic Def. +20, STR +4,
HP +5
35 - Emerald Mail - Overall - Weapon Def. +60, Magic Def. +20, STR +4, HP +5
35 - Battle Shield - Shield - Weapon Def. +35
35 - Steel Briggon - Glove
35 - Yellow Briggon - Glove - STR +1
35 - Dark Briggon - Glove - STR +2
35 - Mithril Tigger - Shoes - DEX +2
35 - Dark Tigger - Shoes - STR +1/DEX +1
40 - Maroon OS Boots - Shoes - DEX +1/STR +1/MP +20
40 - Blue OS Boots - Shoes - STR +2/MP +20
40 - Steel Tower Shield - Shield - Weapon Def. +40
40 - Mithril Tower Shield - Shield - Weapon Def. +40, STR +2
40 - Ademantium Tower Shield - Shield - Weapon Def. +40, DEX +2
40 - Iron Knuckle - Glove - STR +1
40 - Adamantium Knuckle - Glove - STR +2
40 - Dark Knuckle - Glove - STR +3
40 - Asian General's Armor - Top - Weapon Def. +45, DEX +3, MP +10
40 - Black Flaming Pants - Bottom - STR +1/MP +10
40 - White Korean General's Armor Pants - Bottom - STR +1/MP +10
40 - Brown Korean General's Armor Pants - Bottom - DEX +1/MP +10
40 - Brown OS Boots - Shoes - MP +20/DEX +2
40 - Red Korean General's Armor Skirt - Bottom - DEX +1/MP +10
40 - Brown Korean General's Armor Skirt - Bottom - STR +1/MP +10
40 - Black Korean General's Armor Skirt - Bottom - STR +1/MP +10
40 - Steel Norman Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +40
40 - Gold Norman Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +44, STR +2
40 - Mithril Norman Helm - Hat - Weapon Def. +42, STR +1
40 - Red Asian General's Armor - Top - Weapon Def. +45, DEX +3, MP +10
40 - Brown Asian General's Armor - Top - Weapon Def. +45, STR +3, MP +10
40 - Black Asian General's Armor - Top - Weapon Def. +45, STR +3, MP +10
40 - Maroon Asian General's Armor - Top - Weapon Def. +45, STR +3, MP +10
40 - Blue Asian General's Armor - Top - Weapon Def. +45, STR +3, MP +10
50 - Blue Shouldermail - Top - Weapon Def. +55, STR +3, DEX +1
50 - Oaker Shouldermail - Top - Weapon Def. +55, DEX +3, STR +1
50 - Umber Shouldermail - Top - Weapon Def. +55, STR +3, DEX +1
50 - Red Shouldermail - Top - Weapon Def. +55, STR +3, DEX+1
50 - Ivory Shouldermail - Top - Weapon Def. +55, DEX +3, STR+1
50 - Dark Shouldermail - Top - Weapon Def. +55, STR +2, DEX +1
50 - Mithril Crusader Helm - Hat - STR +1
50 - Bronze Crusader Helm - Hat
50 - Silver Crusader Helm - Hat, Weapon Def. +48, Magic Def. +20, STR +2
50 - Red Shouldermail Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +1/STR +2
50 - Ivory Shouldermail Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +1/DEX +1
50 - Dark Shouldermail Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +1/STR +1
50 - Blue Shouldermail Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +1/STR +1
50 - Oaker Shouldermail Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +1/DEX +1
50 - Umber Shouldermail Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +1/STR +1
50 - Skull Shield - Shield - Weapon Def. +50
50 - Emerald Hildon Boots - Shoes - DEX +3
50 - Mithril Hildon Boots - Shoes - DEX +2/STR +1
50 - Orihalcon Hildon Boots - Shoes - DEX +1/STR +2
50 - Gold Hildon Boots - Shoes - STR +3
50 - Steel Brist - Glove - STR +1
50 - Mithril Brist - Glove - STR +2/DEX +1
50 - Gold Brist - Glove - Accuracy +1/STR +3
55 - Old Steel Normal Helm - Hat - DEX +1, MP +30
55 - Old Gold Norman Helm - Hat
60 - Blue Oriental Helmet - Hat - DEX +1
60 - Blue Oriental Helm - Hat - DEX +1
60 - Green Trandot - Top - DEX +4, STR +1
60 - Red Trandot - Top - STR +4, DEX +1
60 - Blue Trandot - Top - STR +4, DEX +1
60 - Green Orientican - Top - DEX +4, STR +1
60 - Red Orientican - Top - STR +4, DEX +1
60 - Blue Orientican - Top - DEX +4, STR +1
60 - Dark Orientican - Top - STR +4, DEX +1
60 - Green Orientican Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +1/DEX +2
60 - Red Orientican Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +1/STR +2
60 - Blue Orientican Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +1/DEX +2
60 - Dark Orientican Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +1/STR +2
60 - Green Trandot Skirt - Bottom - Accuracy +1/DEX +2
60 - Red Trandot Skirt - Bottom - Accuracy +1/STR +2
60 - Blue Trandot Skirt - Bottom - Accuracy +1/STR +2
60 - Sapphire Clench - Glove - Accuracy +1/STR +2
60 - Dark Clench - Glove - Accuracy +2/STR +2
60 - Sapphire Camel Boots - Shoes - STR +1/DEX +3
60 - Orihalcon Canmel Boots - Shoes - STR +2/DEX +2
60 - Blood Camel Boots - Shoes - STR +3/DEX +1
70 - Blue Carzen Boots - Shoes - Accuracy +1/STR +1/DEX +3
70 - Purple Carzen Boots - Shoes - Accuracy +1/STR +2/DEX +2
70 - Dark Carzen Boots - Shoes - STR +3/DEX +1/Accuracy +1
70 - Bronze Husk - Glove - STR +2
70 - Mithril Husk - Glove - STR +3/Accuracy +1
70 - Dark Husk - Glove - STR +4/Accuracy +1
70 - Steel Ancient Shield - Shield
70 - Silver Ancient Shield - Shield - DEX +2
70 - Gold Ancient Shield - Shield - STR +2
70 - Squa Plantina Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +2/DEX +2
70 - Violet Platina Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +2/STR +2
70 - Blood Platina Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +2/DEX +2
70 - Bronze Platine Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +2/DEX +2
70 - Mithril Platine Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +2/STR +2
70 - Orihalcon Platine Pants - Bottom - Accuracy +2/STR +2
70 - Bronze Platine - Top - DEX +4, STR +2, MP +10
70 - Mithril Platine - Top - STR +4, DEX +2, MP +10
70 - Orihalcon Platine - Top - STR +4, DEX +2, MP +10
70 - Aqua Platina - Top - DEX +4, STR +2, MP +10
70 - Violet Platina - Top - STR +10, DEX +2, MP +10
70 - Bloody Platina - Top - STR +4, DEX +2, MP +10
70 - Silver Planet - Hat - STR +1
70 - Bronze Planet - Hat
70 - Mithril Planet - Hat - DEX +1

Training [MS.07.01]

Training is important. You need to train to wear new equipment, to grow
stronger, and to advance a class.

When you level up, I recommend putting points in Strength. Try to get at least
65 strength at level 20. However, dexterity is also very important. Without
that, you won't hit a single monster.

As for skills, do what you want. Go wild ;p

Some nice spots to level up;

Lvl. 10-13: Go to the Slime Tree. You can reach it by going west two screens
of Ellinia.
Lvl. 13-16: Go two screens east from Henesys. Kill the pigs here.
Lvl. 16-20: Focus on Green Mushrooms. You can find them near Sleepywood, or
one screen west of Henesys.
Lvl. 20+: Try to see what monsters are easy to kill for you. Focus on them.
Eventually you can go in the dungeon and go killing there.

Conclusion [MS.08.01]

I hope you enjoyed my guide, since I put a lot of work in it.

Thanks-list: Daniel Petersen

And especially you, for reading this.

For other guides, you can check this link:
Copyright (c) 2004-2007 by Grawl. All rights reserved.
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Fire Wizard and Magician Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Thief/Rogue/Assassin/Hermit Guide
Engl Leitfaden

15.Oktober 2013
Warrior/Spearman/Dragon Knight FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

09.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Oktober 2013
Beginner/Warrior FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ to The Wizard of Fire and Poison
Engl. FAQ

08.Oktober 2013
Bowman/Crossbowman FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Spearman/Polearm Spearman Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Warrior FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Beginners Tips
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Item List
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Magician Walkthrough
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Usable Items Reference
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Magician Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Quests Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
MP Eater Grid FAQ
Engl. FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Hidden Warp Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Magician/Cleric FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Quest Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
22.Oktober 2014
24.Juli 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020