Maple Story

Maple Story

13.10.2013 18:04:07
MP Eater Grid FAQ

MP Eater Grid v. 2.00

Turantula (Eric Turan), email trntla 'at' mybluelight 'dot' com
IGN: omgwtfbbqlol, Turantula, MaxDex, Tenrai


This In-Depth FAQ has been created for use by (and also Gamespot
by association). It has also been given permission to to use
this in-depth FAQ. If you see that this FAQ has been posted on another
website, please contact Eric Turan at (trntla 'at' mybluelight 'dot' com) with
"MP EATER FAQ PERMISSION" in the subject.
Note, however, that in section 1.15 there is a table that is NOT MY WORK.
This table was created by Pan2005 and I am using it with his permission. If
you get my permission to use the FAQ, it does not automatically come with his
permission to use the table. You must edit out his table until you get his
permission by contacting him at:
pan2006 'at' gmail 'dot' com
Thank you.

Copyright 2005 Eric Turan
Multiple Target Data table Copyright 2005 Pan2005

5 Apr 2005 -- v. 2.00 -- Fifth Update
* Pan2005's table gets a major upgrade
* Changed copyright permission to reflect Pan2005's independent permission
* Changed permission to allow to post this guide

25 Mar 2005 -- v. 1.70 -- Fourth Update
* Contribution to 1.15 by Pan2005, including table
* Changed 'Fairy' to 'Fierry' in the notes about the Fierry
* Removed Wanted notice (section 6.00)

24 Mar 2005 -- v. 1.60 -- Third Update
* Fixed Fairy's name (changed to Fierry)
* Fixed Fierry's Max MP (according to...)
* Contribution to Fierry information by Pan2005
* Changed note about Fierry to reflect current source
* Changed Wanted notice (section 6.00)

23 Mar 2005 -- v. 1.52 -- Second Update
* Added Fairy to list, with note
* Placed a copy of the notes at the end of each list of monsters
* Changed Wanted section text
* Added the Wanted section to the Table of Contents

22 Mar 2005 -- v. 1.50 -- First Update
* Fixed author's username
* Moved some information into a more appropriate heading
* Contributions to 1.14 and 1.15 by Suk Jack
* Fixed Red Drake's 21% of Max MP
* Changed FAQ message to reflect that this is no longer initial version
* Added contributer
* Added a section for wanted information
* changed format of email address display

18 Mar 2005 -- v. 1.00 -- Initial Version


1.00 -- Introduction
1.10 -- MP Eater, the skill
1.11 -- How Does MP Eater Work?
1.12 -- How Do I Know If MP Eater Has Worked?
1.13 -- How Much MP Do I Drain With MP Eater?
1.14 -- What If the Enemy Runs Out of MP?
1.15 -- What About Attacks That Hit Multiple Enemies?
1.16 -- When Should I Put Points Into MP Eater?
2.00 -- Alphabetical Order
3.00 -- By Order of Max MP
4.00 -- FAQ
5.00 -- Contributers


Hi there, and welcome to my in-depth FAQ for Maple Story. Really, this is
more of a grid than anything else. I found myself wanting to know just how
much MP I was getting back with the Wizard/Cleric skill MP Eater. So I went
to, got the Max MP of each of the monsters there, did
some basic math, and organized the information so my fellow gamers could have
a fast easy chart with the information on it. Nothing too special.

The monsters are organized in two different ways, so readers can have some
variety with how they view the information. For the first grid, the monsters
are listed in alphabetical order. Monsters with adjectives in their names
often have the order of their name reversed and separated by a comma in a
LastName, FirstName format. This style allowed me to keep many of the same
general types of monster together (such as all the different mushrooms).

After the alphabetical listing, the monsters are listed again in order of
increasing Maximum MP. This may make finding specific monsters slightly more
difficult, but it gives you a better picture of where they are in the magical
food chain, so to speak. Or, if you want to hunt monsters with high MP counts
to better make use of MP Eater, you might look to that list to see what's near
the high end.

Anyway, I hope you find this guide useful. I had fun making it.

1.10 -- MP Eater, the skill

This is just a short explanation of just what MP Eater is. This is a skill
for the jobs of Wizard (either Fire/Poison or Ice/Lightning) or Cleric. So,
any mage can have this skill after the first job advancement. Essentially,
the function of MP Eater is to help keep your magic points higher so you can
cast more spells before you need to drink potions or rest (however you like to
get your MP back). It is a passive skill, so once you've put points into it,
you do not need to activate it or set it to a hotkey.

1.11 -- How does MP Eater work?
Each time you attack, there is a chance that you
drain some MP from the enemy. The amount you drain is dependent upon a
combination of the Maximum MP of the enemy and the number of skill points you
have allocated to it. The formula for its chance of activations is:
10% + 1% per skill point
So, if you have 7 skill points in MP Eater, there is a (10% + 7% = ) 17%
chance that MP Eater activates whenever you make a magic attack on something.
Since the master level of MP Eater is 20 points, there is a cap of a (10% +
20% = ) 30% chance that MP Eater activates for each attack.

1.12 -- How do I know if MP Eater has worked?
When MP Eater activates, blue stars will briefly encircle your character.
There is no auditory effect, so if you want to keep track of it you have to
watch for the blue stars. You can see it working for other wizards and
clerics too, if you watch for it! The graphic does not change with more
points into MP Eater, so once you have seen it you always know what to look

1.13 -- How much MP do I drain with MP Eater?
That's what this in-depth FAQ is for! When MP Eater activates, it takes from
the enemy a percentage of their maximum MP. This percentage is based on the
number of points you have in MP Eater, and the formula is:
20% + 1% per skill point
So, at the first point of MP Eater, you have an 11% chance per attack to drain
MP from the enemy, and you will drain (20% + 1% = ) 21% when it happens. This
is why the charts in the next sections start at 21% instead of 20%. Since
master level of MP Eater is 20 points, there is a cap of (20% + 20% = ) 40% of
the enemy's maximum MP per attack. The charts below show just how much this
percentage comes to for all the enemies as you increase your skill points in
MP Eater.

1.14 -- What if the enemy runs out of MP?
This is a question I'm not sure of the answer to. In fact, I'm not sure if
taking away all the enemy's MP can prevent it from casting spells or not.
If you have any insight on this, please let me know (see the Contributers
section -- 5.00 -- for details).

{Jak Suck writes:}
[O]nce the enemy runs out of mp, u will not be able to absorb anymore
mp from them from my experience of dealing with wraiths. because i need 4-8
hits to kill them and im not recovering mp fast enough for my usage. ill
comfirm it again once i reach higher lvls but that mightl take 2-3 weeks.
however, im not sure whether that will prevent them from casting spells.

So, it seems that the Max MP is a limit on the total amount of MP you can
drain from the enemy (which makes perfect sense). With more information I
will update this.

1.15 -- What about attacks that hit multiple enemies?
I have theories about this, but since I am a cleric the only multi-hit skill
I have is healing, and I don't hunt much undead at the moment. So I will
refrain from baseless guessing here. As with the enemy running out of MP
above, if you know something please share this information (see the section
for Contributers -- 5.00 -- for details).

{Suk Jack writes:}
[The] 2nd theory [that MP Eater is calculated separately for each enemy when
making multiple-target magical attacks] is true. yes. while training on zombie
lupins with near max mp eater, u dont need mp potions. sometimes, u gain mp
instead of losing mp while healing zombies lupins. lightning mages may need mp
potions since most enemies currently have low max mp. however if u notice,
undead monsters generally have high max mp, thats y clerics usually dont need
mp potions while using heal to mass damage undeads [...] at max lv mp eater,
theres 30% chance of absorbing 40% of the max mp of the enemy i hit
.30 x .40= .12 so im expected to abosorb 12% of the max mp of every enemy i
hit. this effect is cumulative. so if im training on wraiths which have 80
mp, ill abosrb 9.6mp for every wraith i hit. if i hit 2 wraiths, ill recover
19.2mp per hit on average. so if i can kill zombie lupins(100max mp) in 2
hits (80% of max mp absorbed maximum) and i hit 2 of them everytime, my mana
will always remain near to full,(.12 x 100 x 2 = 24) without considering ill
recover mp every 10 seconds.

This is encouranging news for those who like MP Eater. However, I got some
conflicting information from another contributer, and he has some numbers to
back up his position, so...

Note that this table is a part of my guide as a result of the work of Pan2005,
and does NOT fall under my solitary permission. If you would like to use my
guide, you are free to contact me about it, but even if I give permission, this
table is not yet covered. In order to use this table, you must contact Pan2005
pan2006 'at' gmail 'dot' com
If you have permission to use this guide, but not this table, then you must
edit out the table before posting the guide on your site (or whatever other
medium you have permission for).

{Pan2005 writes:}
Revised MP Eater Table by Pan2005 (April 2nd, 2005):
Test by Level 50 Cleric Character.
(Of course that is my character)
* The amount of MP are based on TOTAL OF 82 SCREENSHOTS!

# Monster| MP | MPEater Success? | -/+ MP | Final MP
5 |2589| YES (2x) | -8 MP | 2581
5 |2581| YES (2x) | -8 MP | 2573
5 |2573| YES (2x - 1) @1 | -9 MP | 2564
5 |2612| YES (2x) | -8 MP | 2604
5 |2604| YES (3x) | 0 MP | 2604
4 |2681| YES (1x) | -14 MP | 2667
3 |2667| YES (2x + 2) @2 | +4 MP | 2671
3 |2633| YES (2x - 2) @3 | 0 MP | 2633
1 |2633| YES (1x) | +16 MP | 2649
3 |2771| NO | -24 MP | 2747
3 |2747| NO | -24 MP | 2723
3 |2723| NO | -24 MP | 2699
3 |2699| YES (3x - 1) @4 | +14 MP | 2713
3 |2713| YES (1x + 1) @5 | -10 MP | 2703
2 |2719| YES (1x) | -4 MP | 2715
2 |2715| YES (2x) | +16 MP | 2731
2 |2731| YES (1x) | -4 MP | 2727
2 |2727| YES (1x) | -4 MP | 2723
2 |2703| YES (2x) | +16 MP | 2719
- |2719| RECOVER 10 SEC | +52 MP | 2771
2 |2771| NO | -24 MP | 2747
3 |2747| YES (1x + 1) @5 | -10 MP | 2737
2 |2693| NO | -24 MP | 2669
3 |2669| YES (3x) | +16 MP | 2685
3 |2741| YES (1x + 1) @5 | -10 MP | 2731
3 |2731| NO | -24 MP | 2707
2 |2707| YES (1x) | -4 MP | 2703
3 |2586| NO | -24 MP | 2562
5 |2562| YES (2x) | -8 MP | 2554
5 |2554| YES (1x) | -16 MP | 2538
5 |2538| YES (2x) | -8 MP | 2530
- |2530| RECOVER 10 SEC | +83 MP | 2613
5 |2613| YES (1x) | -16 MP | 2597
5 |2597| YES (1x) | -16 MP | 2581
4 (1 MISS)|2581| YES (1x) | -14 MP | 2567
3 |2567| YES (1x + 1) @5 | -10 MP | 2557
3 |2557| YES (1x + 1) @5 | -10 MP | 2547
2 |2588| YES (1x) | -4 MP | 2584
2 |2584| NO | -24 MP | 2560

1. My MAX MP = 2771 MP
2. My MP Recover/10 Seconds = 16*(50/10)+3 = 83 MP
3. Zombie Lupin's MAX MP = 100 MP
4. Heal MP Use (Mastered @ Lvl 30) = -24 MP
5. The attack before the last set is really lucky :)
[YES to Drain MP 8 times in a row]

Note # 1:
This table, the amount of MP is based on my screenshots that successful on MP
Eater ONLY, so I cut down the MOST of unsuccessful MP Eater from this table.
(Some of Miss MP Eater still on this table). Also, this table break into
section, so you can see more easily how MP Eater work.

Note # 2:
1x for each MP Eater multi-attack to Zombie Lupin are:
1x of 1 Zombie Lupin = 40 / 1 = 40 MP (41 - 39 MP)
1x of 2 Zombie Lupins = 40 / 2 = 20 MP (21 - 19 MP)
1x of 3 Zombie Lupins = 40 / 3 = 13 MP (14 - 12 MP)
1x of 4 Zombie Lupins = 40 / 4 = 10 MP (11 - 9 MP)
1x of 5 Zombie Lupins = 40 / 5 = 8 MP ( 9 - 7 MP)

Alert!: Sometime, the number of MP Eater for each monsters may be +/- by 1 MP
*Even MISS attacks COUNT as monsters got attacked.

Note # 3:
On "MPEater Success" column, the YES (#x)
#x is the amount of monsters that success MP Eater.

Formula for amount of MP Eater from monsters:
xx% of Monster's Max MP / # of Monster(s) Got Attacked * # of Monster(s)
Success MP Eater.
*Depending on your MP Eater Skill Level, xx% indicate the percent of Monster's
Max MP that you can drain from monster (Lvl 1 = 21%, Lvl 10 = 30%, Lvl 20 =

Example: YES (2x) (# Monster = 5) --> 40/5*2 = 16 MP
That means you lost only 24-16 = 8 MP for that attack.

Sometime, the number of MP that drain from monsters may be estimated and
sometime you may get a bit less or get a bit more than this original number.
(+/- [1-2] of these original number)
Example: You attack 2 monsters and you get +41 MP instead of +40 MP.
Bolow note are directly from table that have get a bit less/more MP than usual.

@1 -> (2x - 1) on # monster is 5 = Get 16 MP - 1 MP = 15 MP.
@2 -> (2x + 2) on # monster is 3 = Get 26 MP + 2 MP = 28 MP.
@3 -> (2x - 2) on # monster is 3 = Get 26 MP - 2 MP = 24 MP.
@4 -> (3x - 1) on # monster is 3 = Get 39 MP - 1 MP = 38 MP.
@5 -> (1x + 1) on # monster is 3 = Get 13 MP + 1 MP = 14 MP.

However, Multi-monsters attack still get less amount of MP than the
single-monsters attack because you usually don't get full MP Eater drain from
monster during multi-monsters attack. Unless, you have a lot of luck.

Note # 4:
Since Global MapleStory is in BETA Test, so that means, sometimes there is lag
going on the server. Sometimes, the number may be delay.
For example, MP Eater activated on 2 Monsters, got 1 monster drain +20 MP
first. It added +20 MP Then, 2nd time, MP Eater not activate, but it just
show the -48 MP at this point (Using 2 Heals combination attacks before the MP
Eater activated).

This is part of MP Eater Guide by Turantula (Eric Turan).
(c)Copyright MMV(2005) by Pan2005 - Done by April 3nd, 2005 @ 3:01 AM

As you look at this table, I should make it clear that the data was gathered
using the cleric skill Heal on Zombie Lupins, with maximum MP Eater. So,
as Zombie Lupins have 100 Max MP, each attack should ostensibly give back
40 MP. The +/= MP Column depicts his total change in MP per attack, so you
should remember that the attack itself is sucking up 24 MP for maxxed out

Note that this table is a part of my guide as a result of the work of Pan2005,
and does NOT fall under my solitary permission. If you would like to use my
guide, you are free to contact me about it, but even if I give permission, this
table is not yet covered. In order to use this table, you must contact Pan2005
pan2006 'at' gmail 'dot' com
If you have permission to use this guide, but not this table, then you must
edit out the table before posting the guide on your site (or whatever other
medium you have permission for).

1.16 -- When should I put points into MP Eater?
That is completely up to you. I am maxing it out first (yes, even before the
Cleric skill heal). Most people would not think that to be a good idea, but
it fits my style of play. I like to be able to keep going for a long time,
then go afk as I regen. So it works for me. It's up to you to decide how to
build your character. That is not what this in-depth FAQ is for. You should,
however, be aware that since it is a first-job-ADVANCEMENT skill, it is not
possible to put any points into MP Eater before level 30 (after you have taken
and passed the test to advance to your next job).

2.00 -- Alphabetical Order

Monster Max MP 21% 25% 30% 35% 40%
------- -----------------------------------------

Balrog, Crimson 500 105 125 150 175 200
Balrog, Jr. 500 105 125 150 175 200
Boogie, Jr. 300 63 75 90 105 120
Boar, Fire 60 12 15 18 21 24
Boar, Wild 50 10 12 15 17 20

Bubbling 10 2 2 3 3 4
Cargo, Wild 100 21 25 30 35 40
Clang 50 10 12 15 17 20
Croco 75 15 18 22 26 30
Drake 100 21 25 30 35 40

Drake, Copper 150 31 37 45 52 60
Drake, Red 120 25 30 36 42 48
Eye, Cold 50 10 12 15 17 20
Eye, Curse 65 13 16 19 22 26
Eye, Evil 40 8 10 12 14 16

Fierry** 175 36 43 52 61 70
Gollem, Dark Stone 150 31 37 45 52 60
Gollem, Stone 120 25 30 36 42 48
Hector 50 10 12 15 17 20
Hog, Iron 60 12 15 18 21 24

Ligator 40 8 10 12 14 16
Lorang 10 2 2 3 3 4
Lupin 100 21 25 30 35 40
Lupin, Zombie 100 21 25 30 35 40
Lycanthrope 300 63 75 90 105 120

Malady 90 18 22 27 31 36
Mushmom 200 42 50 60 70 80
Mushroom, Blue 30 6 7 9 10 12
Mushroom, Green 25 5 6 7 8 10
Mushroom, Horned 35 7 8 10 12 14

Mushroom, Orange 45 9 11 13 15 18
Mushroom, Zombie 55 11 13 16 19 22
Necki, Jr. 20 4 5 6 7 8
Nependeath 120 25 30 36 42 48
Nependeath, Dark 135 28 33 40 47 54

Octopus 50 10 12 15 17 20
Pang, White 100 21 25 30 35 40
Pepe 100 21 25 30 35 40
Pepe, Dark 80 16 20 24 28 32
Pig 40 8 10 12 14 16

Pig, Ribbon 45 9 11 13 15 18
Pixie, Lunar 115 24 28 34 40 46
Pixie, Luster 200 42 50 60 70 80
Pixie, Star 100 21 25 30 35 40
Shroom 15 3 3 4 5 6

Slime 35 7 8 10 12 14
Slime, King* 100 21 25 30 35 40
Snail 0 -- -- -- -- --
Snail, Blue 15 3 3 4 5 6
Snail, Red 30 6 7 9 10 12

Stirge 0 -- -- -- -- --
Stoneball 50 10 12 15 17 20
Stump 30 6 7 9 10 12
Stump, Axe 30 6 7 9 10 12
Stump, Dark 10 2 2 3 3 4

Stump, Dark Axe 40 8 10 12 14 16
Tauromacis 200 42 50 60 70 80
Taurospear 220 46 55 66 77 88
Umti 100 21 25 30 35 40
Werewolf 150 31 37 45 52 60

Wraith 80 16 20 24 28 32
Wraith, Jr. 80 16 20 24 28 32
Yeti 80 16 20 24 28 32
Yeti, Dark 100 21 25 30 35 40
Yeti, Dark Jr. 40 8 10 12 14 16

Yeti, Jr. 20 4 5 6 7 8
Yeti & Pepe 100 21 25 30 35 40
Yeti & Pepe, Dark 150 31 37 45 52 60

* While figures are given for the various levels of MP Eater, it is
only actuall possible to affect Slime King with level 1 MP Eater, and even
then only if you take that as your first skill point into a 2nd-job
skill right at level 30. Personally, I think this is a silly thing to do,
but it's your character.

** The Fierry is not covered on, Maple Story's official
website. The data here is based on experimentation by myself, as well
as a contribution from Pan2005 by way of the website Hidden Street

3.00 -- By Order of Max MP

Monster Max MP 21% 25% 30% 35% 40%
------- -----------------------------------------
Snail 0 -- -- -- -- --
Stirge 0 -- -- -- -- --
Bubbling 10 2 2 3 3 4
Lorang 10 2 2 3 3 4
Stump, Dark 10 2 2 3 3 4

Shroom 15 3 3 4 5 6
Snail, Blue 15 3 3 4 5 6
Necki, Jr. 20 4 5 6 7 8
Yeti, Jr. 20 4 5 6 7 8
Mushroom, Green 25 5 6 7 8 10

Mushroom, Blue 30 6 7 9 10 12
Snail, Red 30 6 7 9 10 12
Stump 30 6 7 9 10 12
Stump, Axe 30 6 7 9 10 12
Mushroom, Horned 35 7 8 10 12 14

Slime 35 7 8 10 12 14
Eye, Evil 40 8 10 12 14 16
Ligator 40 8 10 12 14 16
Pig 40 8 10 12 14 16
Stump, Dark Axe 40 8 10 12 14 16

Yeti, Dark Jr. 40 8 10 12 14 16
Mushroom, Orange 45 9 11 13 15 18
Pig, Ribbon 45 9 11 13 15 18
Boar, Wild 50 10 12 15 17 20
Clang 50 10 12 15 17 20

Eye, Cold 50 10 12 15 17 20
Hector 50 10 12 15 17 20
Octopus 50 10 12 15 17 20
Stoneball 50 10 12 15 17 20
Mushroom, Zombie 55 11 13 16 19 22

Boar, Fire 60 12 15 18 21 24
Hog, Iron 60 12 15 18 21 24
Eye, Curse 65 13 16 19 22 26
Croco 75 15 18 22 26 30
Pepe, Dark 80 16 20 24 28 32

Wraith 80 16 20 24 28 32
Wraith, Jr. 80 16 20 24 28 32
Yeti 80 16 20 24 28 32
Malady 90 18 22 27 31 36
Cargo, Wild 100 21 25 30 35 40

Drake 100 21 25 30 35 40
Lupin 100 21 25 30 35 40
Lupin, Zombie 100 21 25 30 35 40
Pang, White 100 21 25 30 35 40
Pepe 100 21 25 30 35 40

Pixie, Star 100 21 25 30 35 40
Slime, King* 100 21 25 30 35 40
Umti 100 21 25 30 35 40
Yeti, Dark 100 21 25 30 35 40
Yeti & Pepe 100 21 25 30 35 40

Pixie, Lunar 115 24 28 34 40 46
Drake, Red 120 35 30 36 42 48
Gollem, Stone 120 25 30 36 42 48
Nependeath 120 25 30 36 42 48
Nependeath, Dark 135 28 33 40 47 54

Drake, Copper 150 31 37 45 52 60
Gollem, Dark Stone 150 31 37 45 52 60
Werewolf 150 31 37 45 52 60
Yeti & Pepe, Dark 150 31 37 45 52 60
Fierry** 175 36 43 52 61 70

Mushmom 200 42 50 60 70 80
Pixie, Luster 200 42 50 60 70 80
Tauromacis 200 42 50 60 70 80
Taurospear 220 46 55 66 77 88
Boogie, Jr. 300 63 75 90 105 120

Lycanthrope 300 63 75 90 105 120
Balrog, Crimson 500 105 125 150 175 200
Balrog, Jr. 500 105 125 150 175 200

* While figures are given for the various levels of MP Eater, it is
only actuall possible to affect Slime King with level 1 MP Eater, and even
then only if you take that as your first skill point into a 2nd-job
skill right at level 30. Personally, I think this is a silly thing to do,
but it's your character.

** The Fierry is not covered on, Maple Story's official
website. The data here is based on experimentation by myself, as well
as a contribution from Pan2005 by way of the website Hidden Street

4.00 -- FAQ

Though I have a question-and-answer style in one of the other sections, that
was not properly a FAQ. As of this incarnation of my in-depth FAQ (v.1.70),
no users have yet submitted any questions to me. If you have a question about
my in-depth FAQ, please do not hesitate to send an email to:

trntla 'at' mybluelight 'dot' com

with "MP EATER FAQ" in the subject of the email. Thank You.

5.00 -- Contributers

March 2005 -- Suk Jack: information for sections 1.14 and 1.15 (about what
happens when your enemies' Max MP runs out and about using multiple-
target magic attacks with MP Eater)

March 2005 -- Pan2005: information for the Fierry Max MP, and the Hidden
Street Website (

The Max MP of the monsters was taken from, the official
website for Maple Story, and also partially from Hidden Street
( The simple math was done and the
information was organized by Eric Turan.

If you have anything you would like to see added to this in-depth FAQ, please
send an email to:

trntla 'at' mybluelight 'dot' com

with "MP EATER CONTRIBUTION" in the subject of the email. Thank you.

|| MP Eater In-Depth FAQ End ||
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