Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

15.10.2013 23:55:52
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
By Lord Zero
Version 1.1



1.- File History
2.- Intro
3.- About this guide.
4.- History.
5.- Basics of the game.
6.- The Four Races:
6.1.- Humans.
6.1.1.- New buildings, Units and Upgrades.
6.1.2.- Heroes.
6.1.3.- General Strategies.
6.2.- Orcs.
6.2.1.- New buildings, Units and Upgrades.
6.2.2.- Heroes.
6.2.3.- General Strategies.
6.3.- Night Elves.
6.3.1.- New buildings, Units and Upgrades.
6.3.2.- Heroes.
6.3.3.- General Strategies.
6.4.- Undead.
6.4.1.- New buildings, Units and Upgrades.
6.4.2.- Heroes.
6.4.3.- General Strategies.
6.5.- Naga.
6.5.1.- Units.
6.5.2.- Heroes.
6.5.3.- Buildings.
6.5.4.- General Strategies.
6.6.- Blood Elves.
6.6.1.- Exclusive Units.
6.7.- Draenei.
6.7.1.- Units.
6.7.2.- Heroes.
6.7.3.- Buildings.
6.7.4.- General Strategies.
6.8.- Neutral heroes.
6.9.- Misceleanous units.
6.9.1.- Storm, Earth and Fire.
6.9.2.- Neutral Heroes Summons.
7.- Spells and abilities notes.*
8.- Neutral units and buildings.
8.1.- Creeps and mercenaries.*
8.2.- Neutral Buildings.
9.- Items.*
10.- Cheats.
11.- Walkthrough.*
11.1.- Terror of the Tides.
11.1.1.- Rise of the Naga.
11.1.2.- The Broken Isles.
11.1.3.- The Tomb of Sargeras.
11.1.4.- Wrath of the Betrayer.
11.1.5.- Balancing the Scales.
11.1.6.- Shards of the Alliance.
11.1.7.- The Ruins of Dalaran.
11.1.8.- The Brothers Stormrage.
11.2.- Curse of the Blood Elves.
11.2.1.- Misconceptions.
11.2.2.- A Dark Covenant.
11.2.3.- The Dungons of Dalaran.
11.2.4.- The Crossing. **
11.2.5.- The Search for Illidan.
11.2.6.- Gates of the Abyss.
11.2.7.- Lord of Outland.
11.3.- Legacy of the Damned.
11.3.1.- King Arthas.
11.3.2.- The Flight from Lordaeron.
11.3.3.- The Dark Lady.
11.3.4.- The Return to Northrend.
11.3.5.- Dreadlord's Fall.
11.3.6.- A New Power in Lordaeron.
11.3.7.- Chapter Seven: Into the Shadow Web Caverns. The Forgotten Ones. Ascent to the Upper Kingdom.
11.3.8.- A Symphony of Frost and Flame.*
11.4.- The Fouding of Durotar.*
11.4.1.- Act One : To Tame a Land.*
11.4.2.- Act Two : Old Hatreds.*
11.4.3.- Act Three : A Blaze of Glory.*
12.- Easter Eggs.*
13.- Version History.
14.- Frequently Asked Questions.
15.- Hotkeys.*
16.- Credits.
17.- Legal Stuff.

*Incomplete sections. Dude, the thing is darned long to write.
** Secret Mission.


1.- File History.

-0.1 Started the guide. (08/11/03, 15:22)

-0.2 Several sections added (mostly ported over from my ROC guide). (07/27/05,

-0.3 Working on the Human campaign as of now. Holy crap it's been two years :S.
Also working on the creeps section, new items, added version history for the
game, got scared by all the things I gotta change, finished the Night Elves
Campaign, added a few notes and bits...(20/12/05, 13:47)

-0.4 Finished, at goddamn last, the Human Campaign. Started working on the
Neutral Heroes, and gathering info about the Naga and Draenei. Some 1337
World Editor skillz? Oh yeah. (01/03/06, 00:14) Happy new year. Oh yeah,
todays's my birthday. Didn't knew? Bite me then.

-0.5 Started the Undead Campaign (Two missions added), added a few info here
and there. My computer died for two weeks. Yay. (03/07/06, 14:00)

-0.6 Up to mission 6 of the Undead Campaign. I stopped for a moment and
finished the Undead section BTW. (05/27/06, 11:14)

-0.7 Wow! Lots done! Wrote the Naga and Draenei section, as well as the
neutral heroes section, summons and, well, the whole campaign save the orc
one. Time to release the guide. (06/04/06, 14:28)



The expansion for the ultra-successful stand alone game "Warcraft III: The
Reign of Chaos", The Frozen Throne provides a whole new slew of new units,
new heroes, items and buildings, as well as a new campaign for the Undead,
Humans and Night Elves, and a bonus campaign for the Orcs, which is more or
less an RPG campaign, which is expected to receive periodics updates from
Blizzard during this year.

The game even adds a rough new two races: The Naga and the Draenei, though
the first is only playable in the campaign and the second isn't even for
the player to control.

The Frozen Throne is a worthy addition to the already wonderful WC III, and
it's heavily recommended to inject new life into the game. I've decided
to write this guide in order to shed some light about info on this game,
as for some reason it has been lacking.


3.- About this Guide.

You know: 800x600. Stuff. You better watch the guide under that resolution
or better or... er... demons will come out of your screen. Yeah.

(Or... Yana's, If you will. Haha.)

(Who might Yana be? [1])


This guide is designed to be kinda like a "expansion guide" to my WC III
guide already published in gamefaqs.com. Think of it as the same guide. Only
the most basic sections are reproduced (unlike a certain guide i can think
of right now), and the rest is only focused in the new units, buildings and

As with my Warcraft III guide, I've done EVERYTHING I know for this guide.
I can't really say anything else unless i work out some brand new and
monstruous strategy or something, so don't bother emailing me if something
doesn't works for you.


4.- History.

Months after the battle in Mount Hyjal, Illidian Stormrage, the cursed Demon
Hunter, now no longer a Night elf yet not a total demon, is out for revenge.
Being shunned and misunderstood by everyone, including his brother and his
long-time love, he strikes a death pact with a demon to seize control of
more power, and destroy the one who threatens his plans: The Lich King.

In some other place, the Prince of Blood Elves feels that what is left of
his race is being mistreated. He wants to get recgonicion for his work.

And finally, there is someone who's looking to get the Demon Hunter. The
Warden Maeiv Shadowsong will not let her prey escape once again, or will die

(SHAMELESS PLUG: For a very comprehensive plot detailing, check out my Plot
Guide for the Warcraft series, available at gamefaqs.com)


5.- The Basics of the Game.

While learning to play Warcraft isn't actually that hard, mastering it is the
challenge. Here's a quick and dirty guide to get you started.


Warcraft III, as well as an other "craft" game ever made, is first and
foremost a game of production. The game requires, to a certain point, to be
proficient on your economic roots before being an adept general.

WCIII manages three kinds of resources: gold, lumber and food.

Gold is mined from gold mines. Well, duh. While the orcs Peons and human
Peasants simply enter the mine and get out with bags of gold, the Undead
Acoltes instead need to summon a Haunted Gold Mine before entering, and,
furthermore, the just stand there praing and the money goes to your account,
you don't need to move. This is, in a sense, a big advantage since you don't
need a Necropolis near to maximize the production.
The Night Elves' Wisps need a Tree of Ages nearby in order to entangle a
gold mine. When entangled, Wisps can enter the mine and get money from there
just like a Haunted Mine.

Gold is your primary resource in the sense that you need money for anything.
Is important that you keep tab of the Gold Mines' reserves of gold, and is
always better to have more than one working to get more money.

Also is worth noting that killing creeps will yield some money in small

Lumber is obviously gotten from trees. Again, Peons and Peasants go there,
chop the tree, and bring it back. About Undead, you need to train Ghouls to
get lumber, they will chop down the tree. Wisps are different, they stand
there around the tree getting lumber, but without damaging the tree.
There is another unit which can get lumber and is the Goblin Shredder. The
difference is that this one gets lumber in ammounts of 200 instead of 10,
and in the same or slightly less time than a Ghoul, a Peon or a Peasant.
They are, however, expensive and take 4 food to train, but two of them can
give you an edge if you can afford them for a while.

Food is provided by Farms, Burrows, Ziggurats and Moon Wells, as well as
the primary building for each race. It's used to regulate the ammount of
units you are using. More powerful units ussually need more food. A good
way of knowing this is playing with the Undead, and seeing how a Ghoul takes
two food and a Frost Wyrm needs seven.

In The Frozen Throne, the supply limit is 100, unlike The Reign of Chaos,
where the cap is 90.


Buildings are your bases on the battlegrounds. With buildings, you train
units, upgrade them, provide food and the such. Each race has a few generic
buildings, a main hall, a food provider, a primary unit training place,
a magic unit training place, and a defensive structure. The specifics
functions of each varies with each race, for example, the Undead
Ziggurats, which provides food, can be upgrade to a Spirit Tower and
doubles as a defensive structure.

Since the days of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, is fairly difficult to
explain every building without making it on their own sections, so specifics
details will be explained on the races sections (See section 6).

c)Controling the game:

Warcraft III follows the same intuitive interface from Warcraft II, with
some tweaks for the better.

You play with a mouse. You choose a unit, left click on the thing you want
it to do on the command box (On the down-right corner of the screen),left
click on a target if needed, and it will do it. As simple as that. Of
course, there is much more to it.

First, there is a more simple way to do it: Right click. Right click
anywhere on the screen and it will do the most common thing to do
on the target. If you right click on an all building with a peon or
the equivalent, it will repair it. Well, unless is a burrow, in
which case, the peon will enter it. Right click on an enemy, and
it will attack it. Right click somewhere else, and it will move to
the location.

Even more, a new feature for Warcraft III is the autocasting. If you
right click on an spell which has yellow corners, you will activate
autocasting it. Then, the unit by itself will make use of the ability
whenever it sees fit. This very useful as the ammount of micromanagement
needed sometimes is huge.

You can chose up to twelve units at a time, either by keeping Shift down
and selecting each unit you wish, by holding down the left mouse button
and getting all units into the rectangle, or by double clicking on a certain
unit, which will choose all similar units, just like Starcraft.

Now, your left hand can be holding the berverage, the bag of chips or the
hand of your boy/girlfriend while he/she looks at you thinking of breaking
with you, but is actually much better to use the keyboard shortcuts to play.
For instance, using the arrow keys to move the scroll is simply much better
than using the mouse.

Some commands are (Ripped from the manual):

F1-F3: Selects the corresponding hero. The hero will take one of these
slots in order of summoning. Two rapid presses centers view on the hero.
(That said, there is a mission on the campaign where you have to control
four heroes.)
F8: Select idle workers. You know you have workers without nothing to do
when you see their portrait on the down-left corner of the screen.
F9: See the Quest Log. This is partly useless in multiplayer, obviously.
F10: Opens the game menu.
F11: Opens the allies menu.
F12: Opens the chat menu.
Spacebar: Centers in the last notification. VERY useful.
Ctrl + any number: Assign the selected group to the pressed number group.
You can now choose that group or building just by pressing the number.
VERY useful as well. Two rapid presses will center the view on the
Enter: Opens message box.

There are others which will be added in time, but is simple to know them:
position your mouse over the command, and there will be a leter with a
different color. That is the shortcut.


Upkeep is more or less the money you require to afford your troops. All
of them, well, eat, and do stuff like that, and you're paying it :).

Upkeep is negligible (read: is doesn't applies) when you have few
troops, but as your army grows, you will need to pay an upkeep to your
gold income to support them.

When you hit 60 supplies, you will be in Low Upkeep, where your workers
will only bring 70% of the gold they mine out of the gold mine.

When you hit 80 supplies, you will be in High Upkeep, where your workers
will only bring 40% of the gold they mine out of the gold mine.

Is important to check this at all times. While Low upkeep is certainly
manageable, high upkeep is ridiculously difficult to keep up with. Just
try to use some Ghouls or Necromancers with that legion of Abominations to
keep a regular population level.


Creeps are neutral but hostile units which are around the map guarding
resources and the such. Their true purpose is to add good experience to
a hero.

A level 10 creep is worth 80 experience points more than a level 10
hero. Here is a table to calculate your battles:

Level 1: 20
Level 2: 30
Level 3: 40
Level 4: 60
Level 5: 80
Level 6: 120
Level 7: 160
Level 8: 240
Level 9: 320
Level 10: 480

The experience gained is the same no matter the kind of creep you kill.
All Level 7 or higher creeps sport chaos damage. Check the appropiate
section for info on all creeps and the approach recommended.

Some Creeps are very dangerous, so scouting is always recommended. In
the Frozen Throne, after level 5, heroes will stop gaining experience
from Creeps.


Heroes are a vital part of the game. Technically, a hero is an extra powerful
unit which by itself can decimate half your army.

Each race counts with three very different heroes. Is your job to choose
which ones you like to use. As a general rule, is always better to use one
or two heroes instead of all three. The reason is that heroes need to raise
levels, and ussually a third one will end up being very weak. On smaller maps,
when quick action is needed, ussually a single hero will make the grade.

Regardless of the race and type, heroes raise in level. With each level,
they gain more strenght, agility and intelligence. Varying with each hero,
one of these stats is predominant, and is the more important stat.

STRENGHT HEROES : Death Knight, Dreadlord, Tauren Chieftain,
Mountain King, Paladin, Crypt Lord, Pandaren
Brewmaster, Beastmaster, Pit Lord, Goblin
INTELLIGENCE HEROES : Lich, Far Seer, Keeper of the Groove, Arch Mage,
Blood Mage, Naga Sea Witch, Elder Sage, Goblin
AGILITY HEROES : Blade Master, Demon Hunter, Priestess of the Moon,
Warden, Shadowhunter, Dark Ranger (Ranger too),

To start with, the primary stats of the Hero will add up to his or her attack
rating. Each point will be a point of extra damage. Intelligence adds to his
max mana, and mana regeneration. Agility adds to his movement speed, armor and
attack speed. Strenght adds to his armor and max HP.

All heroes have hero armor (Which reduces piercing damage and takes regular
damage from all kind of attacks) and hero attack type, which deals regular
damage to all kinds of armor except Divine and Fortified. The lone
exception is the Demon Hunter in demon form, which has chaos damage.

Experience required to level up, regardless of race and type:

Level 1: 0-199
Level 2: 200-499
Level 3: 500-899
Level 4: 900-1399
Level 5: 1400-1999
Level 6: 2000-2699
Level 7: 2700-3499
Level 8: 3500-4399
Level 9: 4400-5399
Level 10: 5400

Heroes are worth in experience, regardless of race and type:

Level 1: 80
Level 2: 100
Level 3: 120
Level 4: 140
Level 5: 160
Level 6: 200
Level 7: 240
Level 8: 280
Level 9: 320
Level 10: 400

Heroes strategies are bassically broken down in two pieces:

* Leading Armies: The hero leading an army is ussually best equiped with a
beneficial aura for your units, as well as being rather good at defending

Leading an army with a hero is something that you need to learn quickly.
Heroes can powerfully affect the outcome of a battle. One quick idea to
keep the army together is to inmediatly set the rally points of the unit
producer building of choice to make unit follow him wherever he may go.
Ranged units works best with this since they have a bigger reaction radius,
meaning they can pick up targets at longer distances. Melee units sometimes
stand there behind the hero waiting for orders.

Despite what you might think, most heroes are pretty easy to kill. As a
rule of thumb, if a hero isn't designed to get down and dirty in the
middle of the battle, don't send it. While a Tauren chieftain can Warstomp
and the Shockwave his way out of the death to avoid it via his powerful
attacks, a Lich can barely cast Freeze Armor to defend himself and wait
for help.

* Killing other heroes: Each race has at least one hero that can effectively
dominate or at least give a good fight to other hero. Namely the Demon Hunter,
the Mountain King, the Death Knight and the Blade Master are, technically,
hero killers.

In hero fighting, powerful attacks and tricks are the norm. The Blade Master
using his Critical Strike and then hunting down fleeing heroes with Wind
Slash is the living example of what I say. Mirror Image confuses enemies
and buys valuable free hits.

The Demon Hunter can disable enemies with Mana Burn, evades strikes and
can become a powerful fighter via Metamorph.

The Mountain King is easily the most effective out of the bunch. All of
his basic techs can disable enemies while dealing extra damage and
his ultimate makes all enemy tricks useless.

The Death Knight's Death Coil has ridiculous range and using hit and run
tactics and powerful slashes (couple with his aura's high speed and
regeneration), he can dominate other heroes.

Other heroes like the Dreadlord and the Priestess of the Moon can be
effective but are much more weaker in direct combat making them less
dangerous to face. On the Frozen Throne, the Warden and the Pitlord are
also likely hero-killers, thanks to their disabling spells and particulary
damaging techniques.

Particulary, the Warden is without a doubt the choice to kill an opposing
hero, as Shadow Strike + Blinks is absurdly difficult to escape from.

In direct combat, ussually the first one to hit the opponent is the winner,
which is the reason why the DK has been regarded as a wonderful hero now
while being shunned at first. Is important to get this first hit, so make
sure you are the one to get it.

g) Expand your empire:

If anything, one of the big troubles that new players face is that they
find it difficult to extend their own bases. While some games can be won
easily by attacking in lightning speed strikes, others require some
longer campaings, and gold is gonna be the main concern in order to
keep your army growing.

The time to expand is up to you to decide, but it must be before you
see that you can't keep up with your own production. Technically,
as a rule of thumb, you must expand when you can actually defend all of
your bases, and resources don't keep up with your production.


6.- The Four Races:


COST: what the unit costs, in gold, lumber and supplies.
ABILITIES: What abilities the unit can use and upgrades it might earn.
STATS: HP : Hit points for the unit.
Attack rating : max - minimun damage level one /two / three / four
of upgrades. (Actually zero / one / two / three)
Attack Type : Check the table below to know what it means.
Armor : Ammount of armor level one /two / three / four
of upgrades. (Actually zero / one / two / three)
Armor Type : Check the table below to know what it means.
Speed : Movement speed of the units.
Attack Speed : Attack cooldown for the unit.
Clasification : Undead, mechanical, or none. If none, the thing
is biological and thus regular resistance to
magic and no special rules apply for spells.

GOLD : Gold invested for the building.
LUMBER : Lumber invested for the building.
HP : Hit points for the building.
ARMOR : Ammount of armor. All buildings except Burrows have fortified
armor. Only the human buildings will apply for level one /two / three
of upgrades. (Actually zero / one / two)
For ancients, the above table will apply as well.


(As of v1.10)
| |
|NORMAL 100% 150% 100% 100% 50% 100% |
|PIERCING 150% 75% 100% 150% 35% 50% |
|SIEGE 150% 50% 100% 100% 150% 50% |
|MAGIC 75% 100% 200% 100% 50% 50% |
|HERO 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% |

FINAL NOTE: Prices of units have been dropped for the Frozen Throne.
All units and buildings cost at least 15% less than what they did during
Reign of Chaos.

6.1.- Human Alliance.

The Human Alliance is a conglomeration of Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. They
are the most versatile army in Warcraft III, with good ground and air troops,
excellent siege capability, and powerful spellcasters. (From the Manual)

The Human Alliance is, in virtue, unchanged from Warcraft II. The have kept
their most powerful units with the notable exception of the Dwarven Demolition
Team, and every other critter has gotten new and better abilities.

High points include wonderful spellcasters, the best scouting available and
the best Hero-Killer around, while having the most resistant structures.
Cheap units, and two siege monsters. High armor.

Low points include low speed, overall vulnerable units, not a single dominant
non-hero creature, needs lots of buildings and space to work. Their Farms don't
have any secondary use.

6.1.1.- New buildings, Units and Upgrades.

| |

COST: 215 gold, 30 lumber, 3 food.
ABILITIES: Control Magic (researched at the Arcane Sanctum).
STATS: HP : 600
Attack rating : 13-15 / 15-17 / 17-19 / 19-20
Attack Type : Ranged Normal
Armor : 3 / 5 / 7 / 9
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

The SpellBreakers are magic-immune anti-casters units which are
particulary annoying to fight against. They have good fighting stats
by themselves, and their ability to run through Flame Strikes
undamaged is priceless on the tactic department. The Spellbreakers
eat spell casters alive, but are less than great against regular units.
Best when paired with the Blood Mage. Their two spells are Control
Magic, which can steal opposing summoned units, and Spell Steal,
which moves buffs and debuffs to your units and to the enemies
| |

COST: 235 gold, 40 lumber, 3 food.
ABILITIES: Animal War Training (Researched at the Barracks).
STATS: HP : 700
Attack rating : 18-20 / 20-22 / 22-24 / 24-26
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 1 / 3 / 5 / 7
Armor Type : Light
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

Unvaluable in base strikes, the Dragon Hawks are supporting
units which can disable enemy base defenses with ease as well as
disabling air units with their Air Shackles, making this a very
dominant air unit despite their apparent frailty. However (yep...)
their are nearly defenseless against ground units, and there are a
few air units (namely the Destroyer) which are the bane of this unit.
Powerful anyway.
| |

STATS: HP : 1250
Attack rating : 61 - 75
Attack Type : Ranged Magic
Armor : 3
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned

Mighty indeed, the Phoenix is a very powerful and difficult to destroy
flying unit which can easily make fun of a whole army and come back
for more. Summoned by the Blood Mage, the Phoenix should be taken
special care leaving it behind when it dies, as it will turn into an
egg to come back for more in a few seconds. The Phoenix itself will
take constant damage until it dies to the Egg form.

b) Buildings.

| |

GOLD : 130
HP : 485
ARMOR : 5 / 7 / 9

The Arcane Vault is the human shop. You can buy the following items
for your heroes here:

- Scroll of Regeneration.
- Mechanical Critter.
- Lesser Clarity Potion.
- Potion of Healing.
- Potion of Mana.
- Scroll of Town Portal.
- Ivory Tower.
- Orb of Fire.
- Staff of Sanctuary.

| |

GOLD : 80
HP : 550
ARMOR : 5 / 7 / 8

The Arcane Tower is your advanced defense. It has a long sight range,
and is a good defense for difficult times as it doesn't requires
any food and can fend off units until help arrives. It's effective
against magic units and heroes. Has the same Feedback ability from
the Spell Breakers.

c) Upgrades:

CHANGE: The Gyrocopters are now renamed Flying Machines.
CHANGE: The Siege Tanks are now renamed Siege Engines and their
appearance has vastly changed.
CHANGE: The Wind Serpents (previously a High Elf unit) are now
renamed Dragon Hawk Riders.
CHANGE: Defend now has an extra 30% chance
to deflect piercing attacks back at the source.

BARRAGE: 50 gold, 150 lumber. Gives the Siege Engines the passive
ability to damage nearby enemy air units. Researched at the Workshop.
FLAK CANNONS: 100 gold, 150 lumber. Gives the Flying Machines splash
air-to-air damage. Researched at the Workshop.
FRAGMENTATION SHARDS: 50 gold, 100 lumber. Increses the damage inflicted
by Mortar Teams to Medium and unarmored armor types. Researched at the
CONTROL MAGIC: 75 gold, 75 lumber. Allows the Spell Breakers to use
the Control magic ability. Researched at the Arcane Sanctum.
CLOUD: 50 gold, 100 lumber. Allows the Dragon Hawk Riders to use the
Cloud ability. Researched at the Gryphon Aviary.
BACKPACK: 25 gold, 50 lumber. Allows certain ground units (namely the
Footmen, Riflemen and Spell Breakers) to carry (but not use) items.
Researched at the Town Hall.

6.1.2.- Heroes.


NOTES: The Blood Mage is a powerful offensive hero who can lead armies of
Spellbreakers into battle and combines power with disruption. The Blood Mage
can dominate an unsuspecting opponent with its spells, and is very likely the
best human hero. It requires a bit of practice though, since he's a micro
spell casting hero. Wonderful with Spellbreakers.

HERO TYPE: Support caster.

PROS: Massive spells, wonderful summon, two powerful disruption spells which
can spell doom on opposing heroes or enemies. Okay stats, pairs with any hero
(human or neutral) extremely well. Good ammount of HP for a Intelligence
CONS: Okay stats- Often difficult to use. Restricted choice when electing
armies. Very mana-intensive. Takes a lot of time to get used to. Banish is
a very difficult to use spell. Weak attack power.
BEST PAIRED WITH: Archmage or Pandaren Brewmaster.
BEST ARMY: Spellbreakers.

| |
| Level 1 |

Hit points : 500
Damage : 21-27
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 18
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 19

| |
| Level 2 |

Hit points : 550
Damage : 24-30
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 20
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 22

| |
| Level 3 |

Hit points : 600
Damage : 27-33
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 22
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 25

| |
| Level 4 |

Hit points : 650
Damage : 30-36
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 24
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 28

| |
| Level 5 |

Hit points : 700
Damage : 33-39
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 26
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 31

| |
| Level 6 |

Hit points : 750
Damage : 36-42
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 28
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 34

| |
| Level 7 |

Hit points : 800
Damage : 39-45
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 30
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 37

| |
| Level 8 |

Hit points : 850
Damage : 42-48
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 32
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 40

| |
| Level 9 |

Hit points : 900
Damage : 45-51
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 34
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 43

| |
| Level 10 |

Hit points : 975
Damage : 48-54
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 36
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 46


The Flame Strike is a definitely strong spell which can deal a lot of
damage to a group of enemies, buildings or whatever you might want to
aim it at. There are two very important cons to this powerful ability:
One, is that there are way too many magic immune units by now and
the fact that it take two seconds or so to actually start dealing damage,
during the time there is a very noticeable and cool sound which will
make everyone notice that the area shinning is about to blow up.

LEVEL 1: 45 damage/second, lasts 3 seconds.
LEVEL 2: 80 damage/second, lasts 3 seconds.
LEVEL 3: 110 damage/second, lasts 3 seconds.

Turning a unit ethereal has three points: They take no damage from
regular attacks, they cannot attack, and they take bonus damage from
spells (66% more). This can be used with various ends, but in the end
this ability isn't very good.

LEVEL 1: 75 mana cost, lasts 12 second.
LEVEL 2: 50 mana cost, lasts 24 seconds.
LEVEL 3: 25 mana cost, lasts 36 seconds.

The Mana version of the siphons spells, this spell sucks the mana out
of the target to give it to your Blood Mage. To be fair and honest,
this ability worked intesely great in single-player, but in multiplayer
is less than great as it's difficult to manage. Will keep sucking
until the target escapes its range.

LEVEL 1: 18 mana/second.
LEVEL 2: 35 mana/second.
LEVEL 3: 55 mana/second.

The Phoenix summons a powerful fighting unit which can last forever if
used correctly, while it isn't as mounstruous as the Infernal, the
Phoenix can deal a lot of damage to other units before it is taken down
and even then the thing will come back to life. If the egg is destroyed,
the phoenix dies. The Phoenix itself will burn itself to death while it's
alive to fall back into the egg state.

LEVEL 1: Summons a flying, 1250 HP unit, which has no timer, but will
take 25 points of damage per second. When it dies, it will go
to the Egg form, which has 200 HP, and has a timer upon which
the unit will be reborn.

6.1.4.- General Strategies.

Humans haven't changed much from their original strategies (unlike
all other races) except for the now lack of effectivity by their
magic units thanks to the massive anti-caster overhaul on the

Against most opponents, massing an specific unit continues to be
effective: Spellbreakers and a Bloodmage is simply TEH TECH. Or something
similar. Problem is that the humans are still lacking that all-around unit
to deal the finishing blow. I personally still find the Riflemen to be
vital, though now I prefer to use the Blood Mage instead of the Archmage
because, well, it's a lot more fun to use.

The best two neutral heroes for the humans are the Pandaren Brewmaster or
the Beast Master. Of course, the former is the all around dude and the
second is the cheapest thing in the game (especially along NE), but
since the only heavy hitter for the humans is the Mountain King, both
heroes are definitely better choices.

6.2.- The Orcish Horde.

The Horde possesses the game's most powerful ground units, including the
savage Grunt and gargantuan Tauren. The Orcish Horde has modest air and ranged
capabilities, but their true strength lies in their brute strength and raw
melee power. Even the magic of their spellcasters is designed to enhance
their frontline troops. (From the Manual)

The Horde is, as it name implies, pure power. The orc units are serious
beat down machines, starting from the Grunt, and ending with the Shamans.
Another unit which is the only one which can stand up against an abomination
is the Tauren, is property of the Orcs.

High points are durable units, wonderful attack power, the Wyverns, modest
siege ability, best support spell in the game. Powerful heroes. Cheapest
rush ever thought in any strategy game available, the Tower Rush.

Low points include expensive units, weak ranged units, only one air unit,
some units and heroes (namely the Tauren and the Tauren Chieftain) are
simply too big to gang up on an enemy. Complicated defense.

6.2.1.- New Units, Buildings and Upgrades.

a) Units
| |

COST: 160 gold, 40 lumber, 2 food.
ABILITIES: Liquid Fire (researched on the Beastiary).
STATS: HP : 500
Attack rating : 11-12 / 12-14 / 13-16 / 14-16
Attack Type : Siege
Armor : 0 / 2 / 4 / 6
Armor Type : Light
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

The Troll Batrider is an annoying flying siege unit which can
totally obliterate building and bases within seconds thanks to
their special ability, Liquid Fire, which prevents buildings
from being even repaired. They are also very effective (though
costly) anti-air units, with their other ability, Unstable
Concoction, which sends them on kamikaze strikes against air
units. Good unit.
| |

COST: 195 gold, 35 lumber, 2 food.
ABILITIES: Spirit Walker Adept Training (Researched at the
Spirit Lodge), Spirit Walker Master Training (Researched
at the Spirit Lodge).
STATS: HP : 500
Attack rating : 17-22
Attack Type : Magic
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Unarmored
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

The Tauren Spirit Walker is an interesting caster which
comes out of the Spirit Lodge in ethereal form, and he can
change form (ethereal or physical) at will. The Spirit Walker
has Soul Link, which distributes the damage received by
the affected units between them. It also has Disenchant,
which is a dispel effect, and finally has Ancenstral Spirit,
which can raise a friendly dead Tauren (Spirit Walker or
regular Taurens, but not Chieftains) from the dead. It also deals
an abnormally high ammount of damage for a spell caster.

NOTE: The Spirit Walker has been given Resistant Skin as well.
| |

STATS: HP : 75 / 135 / 135
Attack rating : 11-13 / 23-26 / 41-45
Attack Type : Piercing
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Static
Clasification : Mechanical

The Serpent Ward is summoned by the Shadow Hunter. It's
an inmobile unit which will attack nearby enemy units.

b) Buildings.
| |

GOLD : 130
HP : 485

The Voodoo Lounge is the orcish shop. You can buy the following
items for your heroes here:

- Scroll of Speed.
- Healing Salve.
- Dust of Appearance.
- Potion of Healing.
- Potion of Mana.
- Scroll of Town Portal.
- Tiny Great Hall.
- Orb of Lightning.

c) Upgrades.

CHANGE: The Catapults are now renamed Demolishers, and their
appearance has been vastly changed.

BURNING OIL: 50 gold, 150 lumber. Upgrades the Demolisher's
attacks to set buildings on fire. Researched at the Barracks.
BERSERKER UPGRADE: 75 gold, 175 lumber. Upgrades the
Trolls Headhunters to Berserkers, upgrading their hit points
and allowing them to use the Berserker ability, which adds to
their firepower but lowers their defense. Researched at the
REINFORCED DEFENSES: 50 gold, 200 lumber. Changes the armor
for towers and Burrows to fortified. Researched at the War Mill.
SPIRIT WALKER ADEPT TRAINING: 100 gold, 50 lumber. Upgrades the
hit points, mana capacity and mana regeneration for the Spirit
Walkers, and give them the ability to cast Disenchant.
SPIRIT WALKER MASTER TRAINING: 150 gold, 100 lumber. Further
upgrades the hit points, mana capacity and mana regeneration for
the Spirit Walkers, and give them the ability to cast Ancestral
BACKPACK: 25 gold, 50 lumber. Allows certain ground units (namely the
Grunts, Trolls and Berserkers) to carry (but not use) items.
Researched at the Main Hall.

6.2.2.- Heroes.


NOTES: A much needed supporting hero, the Shadowhunter is an useful
backyard caster which can heal and send help from behind the lines
in order to save your units. Unlike the rest of the horde heroes, the
Shadowhunter is actually a very defensive hero, which should be choosen
first as a healer, and later in the game his other abilities will
be sure to dominate the battleground.

HERO TYPE: Supporting caster.

PROS: It's a frigging Healer for the game's biggest units. Enough said.
CONS: Fairly fragile. No direct damage spell. Seems to die first in
combat since it has a huge bulleye in his chest as he is the healer.
Often difficult to use.
BEST PAIRED WITH: Tauren Chieftain.
BEST ARMY: Grunts.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| Level 1 |

Hit points : 475
Damage : 22-28
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 15
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 17
| |
| Level 2 |

Hit points : 525
Damage : 23-29
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 17
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 19
| |
| Level 3 |

Hit points : 575
Damage : 25-31
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 19
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 22
| |
| Level 4 |

Hit points : 625
Damage : 26-32
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 21
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 24
| |
| Level 5 |

Hit points : 675
Damage : 28-34
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 23
Agility : 26
Intelligence : 27
| |
| Level 6 |

Hit points : 725
Damage : 29-35
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 25
Agility : 27
Intelligence : 29
| |
| Level 7 |

Hit points : 775
Damage : 31-37
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 27
Agility : 29
Intelligence : 32
| |
| Level 8 |

Hit points : 825
Damage : 32-38
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 29
Agility : 30
Intelligence : 34
| |
| Level 9 |

Hit points : 875
Damage : 34-40
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 31
Agility : 32
Intelligence : 37
| |
| Level 10 |

Hit points : 925
Damage : 35-41
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 33
Agility : 33
Intelligence : 39



Exactly the same thing as the Chain lightning, except that it
heals. Lazy Blizzard. Lack of work behind, Healing Wave is a
very powerful spell which can turn around battles combined with
the naturally resistant Orc units. It can't damage undead, but,
heh, you asked for a healer, you got it. Beggars can't be choosers.

LEVEL 1: Heals 130 HP, jumps 3 times.
LEVEL 2: Heals 215 HP, jumps 4 times.
LEVEL 3: Heals 300 HP, jumps 5 times.


Exactly the same thing as the Polymorph, except that this one is
actually useful. Lazy Blizzard. Eh.

Hex turns an opposing unit to a random critter for a set ammount of
time. The best thing about this spell is that it works on any
kind of enemy unit, including HEROES, but excluding summoned units.
It's a difficult spell to get used to, but it can be really useful.

LEVEL 1: Lasts 15 seconds.
LEVEL 2: Lasts 30 seconds.
LEVEL 3: Lasts 45 seconds.


Interesting spell to get additional firepower, the Serpent Ward
is a powerful enough static ranged unit which can deal a lot of
damage if left unattended, and, furthermore, it's immune to magic.
Unfortunately, the thing only has up to 135 HPs and the range
is rather limited. Lasts 40 seconds.

LEVEL 1: 11-13 damage, 75 HP.
LEVEL 2: 23-26 damage, 135 HP.
LEVEL 3: 41-45 damage, 135 HP.


Insanely abusable spell, Big Bad Voodoo turns all of your
nearby friendly units invulnerable for 30 seconds, provided that
you can protect the Shadow Hunter during that time, as the
hero does not turn invulnerable himself, and the spell is
channeled. Great in base strikes.

LEVEL 1: Turns all of the nearby friendly units invulnerable
for thirty seconds.

6.2.3.- General Strategies.

Orcs are now fairly proficient in base strikes, with three very
annoying siege units. I've won several games by using a small force
as a diversion in order to smash on the back of their base with
12 Batriders.

The Blademaster's improved Windwalk has earned him a place on
most player's strategy. Using him and a bunch of Raiders,to ensnare
enemies, a group of Spirti Walkers to Spirit link everyone and
a few Kodos is a powerful strategy backed up by a Shadow Hunter
that's being adopted as the definitive tactic by orcish fans.

6.3.- The Night Elves Sentinel:

The Night Elves of Kalimdor are a mighty race that emphasizes
mobility, ranged firepower and spellcraft. They do not have the
brute strenght of other races, but their skill with the bow
and magic more than compensate for this deficiency.(From the

The Night Elves are a race of ranged units. They aren't very
resistant, but their hit and run tactics are difficult to overcome
and their units are quick and small and thus difficult to
keep up with. With many ranged units and powerful spellcasters,
they are an interesting and powerful race to play.

The Wisps actually morph into ancients, but not regular buildings.
They also need to entangle mines with a nearby Tree of Life or
similar in order to get money. Ancients can be uprooted in order
to function like regular unit, but losing their fortified armor
and getting a heavy armor. They will also attack nearby enemy

Night Elves only regenerate during night, but their regeneration
rates are twice as fast as humans or orcs.

High points include cheapass spells, powerful spellcasters units,
impregnable air defense, good heroes and lots of abilities to play
with, all of them very useful.

Low points include very low HP and defense, weak melee unit, lack
of powerful air units. Expensive and difficult to use.

6.3.1.- New buildings, Units and Upgrades.

a) Units:
| |

COST: 425 gold, 100 lumber, 7 food.
ABILITIES: Resistant Skin (researched at the Ancient of Lore),
Hardened Skin (researched at the Ancient of Lore)
STATS: HP : 1400
Attack rating : / / /
Attack Type : Normal
Armor : 4
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Slow
Attack Speed : Slow
Clasification : Biological

The Mountain Giant is a ridiculously resistant unit which is
mainly engineered in order to absorb damage. He's both resistant
to damage and to spells, and can take a tree in order to gain
a bit more range and siege damage and can also use Taunt which
will cause all enemy units around it to attack the Giant.
It is, however, extremely expensive and very slow.
| |

COST: 125 gold, 25 lumber, 2 food.
STATS: HP : 450
Attack rating : 13-14
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Light
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

Another anti-caster unit, the Faerie Dragon also serves as a
very cheap air unit which can wreck havoc against the unsuspecting
enemy. It's also rather difficult to kill if used correctly since
their both abilities serve to evade damage somehow: Phase Shift allows
it to be "un-targeted" by enemy units and to evade attacks and
dispell de-buffs cast on it, and Mana Flare causes it to gain 12
additional armor and to deal 70 damage per second to nearby
enemy units. It's also the cutest thing ever seen on a game since
Kara's berserker suit on Final Fantasy V.
| |

STATS: HP : 1200
Attack rating : 25-36
Attack Type : Normal
Armor : 2
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

With Hardened skin and Magic immunity, the Avatar of Vengeance is
a heavy unit which true strenght lies on its ability to raise
Spirits of Vengeace from dead bodies. This ability is greatly
improved in massive battles, and the Avatar itself isn't exactly

NOTE: This unit is particulary abusable on team games. Keep that
in mind.
| |

STATS: HP : 500
Attack rating : 14-18
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : Invulnerable
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

Very powerful in packs, the Spirits are raised by the Avatar
of Vengeance from dead bodies. It's extremely difficult to get
rid of these units, and they are quickly raised as the ability
cooldowns very fast, so wait until there are many dead bodies
in order to get the most of these units.

b) Buildings:
| |

GOLD : 130
HP : 485

The Ancient of Wonder is the night elven shop. You can buy the
following items for your heroes here:

- Moonstone
- Lesser Clarity Potion
- Dust of Appearence
- Potion of Healing
- Potion of Mana
- Scroll f Town Portal
- Staff of Preservation
- Orb of Venom
- Anti-Magic Potion

c) Upgrades:

CHANGE: The Chimera's ground attack against units is now considered
magical (and as thus it will not damage magic immune units)
CHANGE: The Druid of the Talon attack while in Crow mode is now
considered magical (and as thus it will not damage magic immune
CHANGE: The Ballistae are renamed Glaive Thrower and their appearance
has slightly changed. Their upgrade is now renamed Vorpal Blade, though
the ability is exactly the same.
CHANGE: Archers have a new Passive ability,
Elune Graces, which gives them a 30% damage reduction against
piercing attacks and 20% spell resistance.

MARK OF THE TALON: 25 gold, 100 Lumber. Allows the Druids of the
Talon to cast Faerie Fire in Crow form. Researched at the Ancient of
MARK OF THE CLAW: 25 gold, 100 lumber. Allows the Druids of the
Claw to cast Roar in Bear form. Researched at the Ancient of Lore.
HARDENED SKIN: 100 gold, 250 lumber. Increases the Mountain Giant's
resistance to physical damage. Researched at the Ancient of Lore.
RESISTANT SKIN: 50 gold, 100 lumber. Increases the Mountain Giant's
resistance to magical damage. Researched at the Ancient of Lore.
WELL SPRING: 75 gold, 150 lumber. Increases the Moon Wells' mana
pool by 200 and almost doubles its mana regeneration speed. Researched
at the Hunter's Hall.
BACKPACK: 25 gold, 50 lumber. Allows certain ground units (namely the
Grunts, Trolls and Berserkers) to carry (but not use) items.
Researched at the Main Hall.

6.3.2.- Heroes:


NOTES: The Warden is a powerful manouverable hero which pairs very well
with the Demon Hunter thanks to her great spells. Best used as a first
hero in order to get the most out of her Blink, which is easily her
most important spell. However, her stats are barely okay and she's
extremely vulnerable and easy to kill if not used correctly. That said,
the Warden is quite likely the best hero killer in the game, which goes
pretty well with the theme.

HERO TYPE: Specialist.

PROS: Incredible powerful manouvering and positioning. Small and quick.
Powerful and damaging spells. Interesting ultimate. Can often win
in heavy hero Vs hero battles.
CONS: Rather fragile. Easy to get killed if not looked for carefully.
Very low HP and damage. Often overwhelmed by more powerful heroes.
BEST PAIRED WITH: Demon Hunter, Dark Ranger, Naga Sea Witch.
BEST ARMY: Archers.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 550
Damage : 22-42
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 18
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 15
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 600
Damage : 23-43
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 20
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 17
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 650
Damage : 25-45
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 22
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 19
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 725
Damage : 26-46
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 25
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 21
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 775
Damage : 28-48
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 27
Agility : 26
Intelligence : 23
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 850
Damage : 30-50
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 30
Agility : 28
Intelligence : 25
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 900
Damage : 31-51
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 32
Agility : 29
Intelligence : 27
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 950
Damage : 33-53
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 34
Agility : 31
Intelligence : 29
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 1025
Damage : 34-54
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 37
Agility : 32
Intelligence : 31
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 1075
Damage : 37-59
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 39
Agility : 34
Intelligence : 33



Arguably the best non-damaging spell in the game, Blink is a
ridiculous spell in the hands of a competent player. This spell
allows the Warden to bassically control the flow of the battle
as the Warden herself is a important target, and also allows
her to catch upon fleeing enemies or to escape from a certain
death. Powerful stuff.

Not to mention that is terrifyingly funny to teleport around.

LEVEL 1: 50 mana cost, 10 seconds cooldown.
LEVEL 2: 10 mana cost, 10 seconds cooldown.
LEVEL 3: 10 mana cost, 1 second cooldown.


Interesting spell and definitely useful in certain situations,
Fan of Knives suffers from the fact that it really doesn't
does a lot of damage, and unlike other similar spells (such as
Warstomp and Thunderclap) it doesn't leaves any stat effect
and it can only hit up to five units.

Powerful harrassing spell, though.

LEVEL 1: 70 damage per target, 350 max.
LEVEL 2: 115 damage per target, 575 max.
LEVEL 3: 180 damage per target, 980 max.


Very damaging ability which not only damages, but it also
slows down the affected unit and causes damage over time. Great
hero-killer spell and perhaps the best choice over Fan of
Knives. The poison effect it's, however, dispellable. Is
that even a word?

LEVEL 1: 75 initial damage, 15/damage each 3 seconds, movement speed
slowed by 50% .
LEVEL 2: 150 initial damage, 30/damage each 3 seconds, movement speed
slowed by 50% .
LEVEL 3: 225 initial damage, 45/damage each 3 seconds, movement speed
slowed by 50% .


Vengeance's true power is really shown only in team games as the
summoned unit isn't really powerful, but the power of summoning
invulnerable fighting units with such speed out of dead bodies is
definitely overwhelming on the right situations. Concentrate on other
abilities if you're not playing with many players, but make sure to
play with it if the situation offers enough dead bodies to abuse it.

LEVEL 1: Summons a 1200 HP magic immune unit which can raise
invulnerable spirits of vengeance from dead bodies.
When the avatar dies, so will the spirits.

6.3.3.- General Strategies.

The night elves new units (and the changes to the Chimerae) are
mainly concentrated on fighting off enemy casters and heroes
(main problem they had before). Concentrating on a couple of
units still works, though the Night Elves naturally wonderful
versatility is a big asset in order to win.

Archers, Demon Hunter or Warden and Druids of the Talon are
still a powerful strategy. I would advice avoiding Dryads if
the opponent is playing humans since they are ridiculously
easily countered by masses of Spellbreakers or Footmen. Similary,
against Orcs the Druids of the Talon, I would advice a defensive
strategy to see what they are up to, since the Faerie Dragons works
wonders against a massive Shaman-Grunts rush, and Huntress are a
better way to counter Trolls.

Against Undead or Night Elves themselves, Dryads and Archers,
with later support from Druids of the Claw or Mountain Giants
(If you CAN afford them :S) are more effective.

6.4.- Undead.

The Undead Scourge is a well-balanced faction that can field
enduring ground forces and powerful air units. Their spellcasters
possess a variety of powerful magics, including the dreaded
ability to raise fallen allies and foes alike into an army of
Walking dead. In this way, the Undead can field armies more
numerous than any other race in Warcraft III. (From the

The Undead are without a single doubt the weirdest race of
the bunch. With their roots in Starcraft's Protoss and Zerg, the
Undead bases must be build within the corrupt borders of the Blight,
while their buildings are merely summoned in place by Acolytes,
letting the dark powers do the job while the Acolyte cares other
matters. The Undead units are certainly the most powerful of the game
but are also much more difficult and less efective than others.
Abominations, Necromancers and Banshess, ridiculously powerful
units, are hellish difficult to manage and keep in check.

Furthermore, they can only regenerate on blight, but their
regeneration rates are twice as fast as humans or orcs.

High points include powerful units, most powerful flying unit,
relative good cost, and great heroes. Quick and steady in
open combat, and monstruous spells.

Low point include low HP overall, unbalanced flying units,
difficult to use, lots of micromanagement, and definitely hard
to master heroes.

6.4.1.- New buildings, Units and Upgrades.

a) Units:

| |

COST: 200 gold, 35 lumber, 2 food.
ABILITIES: Destroyer Form (researched at the Slaughterhouse).
STATS: HP : 550
Attack rating : 7-8
Attack Type : Magic Ranged
Armor : 4
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Slow
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Mechanical (¿?)

A very good support unit, the Obsidian Statue is a very resistant
unit which can heal HP or restore MP to allied units. A good addition
for any army, though their best thing is being able to morph into
the Destroyers.

| |

COST: 100 gold, 50 lumber, 2 food. Morphed from Obsidian Statues.
STATS: HP : 900
Attack rating : 19-21 / 20-24 / 21-27 / 22-30
Attack Type : Ranged Magic
Armor : 3 / 5 / 7 / 9
Armor Type : Light
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

A really heavy anti-magic air unit, the Destroyer is a powerful
unit adept at wrecking havoc from above. It's immune to spells,
can devour magic buffs to regain mana and HP, Orb of Annihillation,
which adds 20 extra damage to their attacks, and area damage. Finally,
they can destroy their allies mana to regain their own. Their weakness
is that they don't regenerate mana, they degenerate it, and, being
their attack magical in nature, it can't hit several dangerous units
| |

ABILITIES: Skeletal Longevity (researched at the Temple of the Damned).
STATS: HP : 230
Attack rating : 11-12 / 12-14 / 13-16 / 14-18
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned

When Skeletal Mastery is researched, one of the skeletons raised will be
a Mage. Slightly less damaging that the regular ones, but noticeably
more dangerous due to their ranged attack.

b) Buildings:
| |

GOLD : 130
HP : 485

The Tombs of Relics is the Undead shop. You can buy the
following items for your heroes here:

- Rod of Necromancy
- Sacrificial Skull
- Dust of Appearence
- Potion of Healing
- Potion of Mana
- Scroll f Town Portal
- Orb of Corruption
- Scroll of Healing

| |

GOLD : 100
HP : 550
ATTACK TYPE : Magic Ranged

The Watch Tower is your new basic defense. It has a long sight
range, and is a good defense for difficult times as it doesn't
requires any food and can fend off units until help arrives.
It's effective against heavy units. It slows down the targets,
but it's pretty weak.

c) Upgrades and Changes:

CHANGE: The Cannibalize upgrade also affects Abominations.
CHANGE: The Halls of the Dead and Black Citadel's attack is
now freezing in nature.

BACKPACK: 25 gold, 50 lumber. Allows certain ground units (namely the
Ghouls and Crypt Fiends) to carry (but not use) items.
Researched at the Main Hall.
SKELETAL MASTERY: 125 gold, 150 Lumber. Allows the Necromancers
to raise a Skeletal Mage from corpses. Researched at the Temple
of the Damned.
EXHUME CORPSES: 125 gold, 100 lumber. Allows the Meat Wagons to
generate dead bodies (ghouls) to use. Researched at the Slaughterhouse.
DESTROYER FORM: 175 gold, 150 lumber. Allows the Obsidian Statues
to morph into Destroyers. Researched at the Slaughterhouse.
BURROW: 75 gold, 75 lumber. Allows Crypt Fiends to burrow, which
hides them and increases HP regeneration. Researched at the Crypt.
NERUBIAN TOWER: 100 gold, 20 Lumber. Turns Ziggurats into Nerubian

6.4.2.- Heroes.


NOTES: The only hero which can actually match the Tauren Chieftain
in raw power, the Crypt Lord is a migthy tank hero which can sustain
a ridiculous ammount of damage and dish it out too. Full of defensive
abilities and a versatile summon, the Crypt Lord is easily one of
the best heroes in the game.

HERO TYPE: Tank Hero.

PROS: Versatile abilities. Incredibly powerful ultimate. Can take a
lot of punishment and withstand enemy spells. Attracts fire like
there is no tommorrow. Difficult to kill on direct combat.
CONS: Very big and bulky: Has a lot of trouble moving around the
battlefield. While his regular strikes are very damaging, his spells
are not definitely damaging.
BEST PAIRED WITH: Death knight or Lich.
BEST ARMY: Crypt Fiends (Or Destroyers).

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)

| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 675
Damage : 29-35
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 2
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 26
Agility : 14
Intelligence : 14
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 750
Damage : 31-37
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 29
Agility : 15
Intelligence : 15
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 825
Damage : 34-40
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 32
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 17
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 900
Damage : 37-43
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 35
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 18
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 975
Damage : 40-46
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 38
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 20
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 1075
Damage : 44-50
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 42
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 22
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 1150
Damage : 47-53
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 45
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 23
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 1225
Damage : 50-56
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 48
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 25
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 1300
Damage : 53-59
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 51
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 26
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 1375
Damage : 56-62
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 54
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 28



A powerful ranged attack, it will damage and stun all enemies on
its way. The width of the attack is a lot bigger than it seems,
making it possible to stun a whole tightly-packed army. The damage
done is negligible (the Crypt Lord Himself will probably deal more
damage with his regular attack), but it's the best ability this
hero has, because, as the Mountain King showed us, Strenght Hero
plus stunning long range attack equals beatz. :P

LEVEL 1: 50 damage, 2 second stun.
LEVEL 2: 80 damage, 2 second stun.
LEVEL 3: 110 damage, 4 second stun.


The Crypt Lord's passive ability it's quite powerful, though it's
a signal that the Crypt Lord isn't an army-oriented character. The
extra armor added is absurd, plus the damage returned really hurts
melee heroes facing off the beetle one-on-one. Only affects melee

LEVEL 1: 15% damage returned, 3 bonus armor.
LEVEL 2: 25% damage returned, 5 bonus armor.
LEVEL 3: 35% damage returned, 7 bonus armor.


Only permanent summon in the game, the Crypt Lord can summon these
from dead bodies. The real downside to this spell is the fact that
you can only have 5 Carrion Beetles at once, and they aren't very
powerful either, though many have found that they are best used as
scouts once level 2 is attained, as they can burrow. That said, I
particulary like the flavor of the spell, and the Crypt Lord surrounded
by its Carrion Beetles looks pretty cool.

As a footnote, once I faced a guy who managed to guess my next expo
spot, and burrowed five level three beetles in there. I was playing NE,
and he managed to destroy my Tree of Life, effectively piercing a huge
hole in my economy, and later, this set back cost me the game. I was
careless to send the Wisps alone, but, regardless, it was an interesting

LEVEL 1: 140 HP, 8-9 damage.
LEVEL 1: 275 HP, 15-18 damage, Burrow.
LEVEL 1: 410 HP, 22-27 damage, Burrow.


A powerful ultimate, particulary due to its ease of use, which takes
advantage of the bulk of the Crypt Lord. It releases a bunch of insects
which will damage every enemy nearby the Crypt Lord, sucking health
for it. The Insects will home on the enemies, and will chase them even
out of the range of the spell.

ULTIMATE: Releases a swarm of insects, damaging enemies and healing the
Crypt Lord. Last 30 seconds.

6.4.4.- General Strategies.

The Undead are possibly the only race which hasn't really taken
a hit to their strategy, but gained a whole lot of abilities,
particulary with their new unit, the Destroyer.

This unit has become the core of the Undead strategy due to their
really high damage output compared with their relative low
cost. Having two dominant flying units (Gargoyles and Destroyers,
alongside the ocassional Frost wyrms), it can, easily, lead to a
victory on the shoulders of four nuking heroes.

Micro-management of your heroes is still crucial, as correct nuking
of core enemy units (Bears, heroes, Priests and even spirit walkers,
though it's important to note their spell resistance). Crypt Fiends
are nice complementary units (though perhaps no longer a good main
army) to go.

6.5.- Naga.

Ah, yes, the Naga. The so-called new race of the game, the Naga are
a really powerful and straightforward race with few units and spells,
only one hero (which it's hard to call a Naga hero or Neutral hero),
few buildings, and particular stats. Like the Undead, they have a unit
which is, technically, part of the race, but it's unnatainable.

The Naga are only controlled by the player during the final NE mission,
and a few other human (or rather blood elf) mission. During the times
you control them, or face them, it's clear that the Naga, just like the
Burning Legion, is extremely over-powered: their units are incredibly
effective, and they have a huge advantage, which is being able to build
on water. Plus, they regenerate everywhere, everytime,
and finally, they are ALL amphibious units. Tipically led by Illidan,
who can also walk on water, makes clear that this race could not be
playable without a severe weakening.

6.5.1.- Units.

NOTE: All naga units are amphibious.
| |

COST: 75 Gold, 1 Food.
STATS: HP : 250
Attack rating : 7-8
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Unarmored
Speed : Slow
Attack Speed : Very slow
Clasification : Biological

The worker of the Naga, the Slave is a normal one. They don't
have any particular ability. They harvest resources just like
Orcish Peons, and, funcionally, they are identical to the
green workers.
| |

COST: 120 Gold, 2 Food.
STATS: HP : 400
Attack rating : 18-21 / 19-22 / 20-23 / 21-24
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 0 / 2 / 4 / 6
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

A regular melee unit, not very interesting, but it gets the job
done. That said, there is not reason (save a really tough economic
situation) to use these when the Myrmidon is just there.
| |

COST: 225 Gold, 55 Lumber, 4 Food.
ABILITIES: Ensnare (Researched at the SPawning Grounds), Submerge
(Researched at the Temple of the Tides).
STATS: HP : 1080
Attack rating : 33-39 / 34-41 / 35-43 / 36-45
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

Ah, yes, the meat of the Naga Army, the Myrmidons are extremely
effective cost wise, dealing lots of damage and being really hard
to destroy. Furthermore, their ability to deal with flying units
bringing them down with Ensnare it's incredible. Best Melee unit
in the game.
| |

COST: 200 Gold, 25 Lumber, 3 Food.
ABILITIES: Submerge (Researched at the Temple of the Tides).
STATS: HP : 500
Attack rating : 25-29 / 26-30 / 27-31 / 28-32
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 0 / 2 / 4 / 6
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Fast
Clasification : Biological

Fast and annoying, the Dragons are good anti-air and support
units due to their slow poison. They are sort of fragile, though,
so masses of Snap Dragons isn't really recommended (There is no
Death Knight with the Naga).
| |

COST: 130 Gold, 20 Lumber, 2 Food.
ABILITIES: Siren Adept training (Researched at the Temple of
Azshara) Siren Master Training (Researched at the
Temple of Aszhara).
STATS: HP : 400
Attack rating : 9-12
Attack Type : Ranged Magic
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Unarmored
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

The caster for the Naga, the Sirens are extremely effective
support units for your Myrmidons. Via Frost Armor and Cyclone,
you can select your targets, and they have an exclusive spell,
Parasite, which plants a parasite (duh) on enemy units which
releases a unit when they die. Powerful stuff.
| |

COST: 320 Gold, 65 Lumber, 5 Food.
STATS: HP : 750
Attack rating : 26-38, 66-134 / 27-40, 68-136 /
28-42, 70-138 / 29-44, 72-140
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing, Ranged Siege
Armor : 1 / 3 / 5 / 7
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Slow
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : For some reason, Mechanical.

The Siege unit for the Naga, the Dragon Turtles are another
overpowered unit, due to their ability to not only eat buildings,
but their resistant skin, Spiked Shell (Which deals damage back
to melee attacks), and Devour. A group of four deals lots of
damage to bases, and can be a decisive factor in base strikes.

| |

COST: 235 Gold, 30 Lumber, 2 Food.
STATS: HP : 525
Attack rating : 42-50 / 44-52 / 46-54 / 48-56
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 3 / 5 / 7 / 9
Armor Type : Light
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological.

A Fast light air unit, they have a huge ability in Abolish Magic.
Otherwise, not very remarkable since they are really weak in
open combat. Use as support.
| |

STATS: HP : 1350
Attack rating : 47-61 / 49-65 / 51-67 / 53-69
Attack Type : Chaos Melee
Armor : 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 (!)
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological.

Tied with the Doom Guard for the most powerful non-hero unit in
the game, the Royal (ass-kickin') Guard is a ridiculously powerful
unit with a very high damage output, plenty of HP, obscene armor,
and even CHAOS attack type. Furthermore, they have Resistant Skin,
and three unique and really powerful spells: Crushing Wave, which
is sorta like the Dread Lord's Carrion Swarm, Frost Bolt, which
is kinda like the Mountain King's Storm Bolt, and Summon Sea Elemental,
which is more or less like the Archmage's Summon Water Elemental.

Well, maybe they are not that unique.

Either way, they are arguably the best unit in the game. Cannot
be built by the player, though, and are only awarded at the
single player missions either at the start, or as reinforcements.

| |

STATS: HP : 550
Attack rating : 28-37
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 2
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned.

Regular ranged unit summoned by the Royal Guards. Has Bash.

| |

STATS: HP : 240
Attack rating : 10-11
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 2
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned.

Weak melee unit brought to life when a unit affected by Parasite

6.5.2.- Heroes.

NOTE: The only Naga Hero is the Naga Sea Witch, Lady Vashj herself.
For the sake of continuity, I'll add the info of the Sea Witch
here as well as on the Neutral Heroes section [6.7].


A mystical Hero, adept at ranged combat. These scaly denizens of the ocean
have often been associated with the coming of prodigious storms, but few
have actually seen them rise from the sea and lived to tell the tale.

The Naga is a wonderful if not impressive hero (kinda like the Far Seer),
which can spell a lot of problems with her Frost Arrows and Forked
Lightning, or play a bit more defensive with her Mana Shield. Either
way, she's quite powerful as a hero killer or as a support, depending
on how you build her. A good choice for first or second hero.

HERO TYPE: Ranged Support / Hero Killer.

PROS: Frost arrows could be enough of a reason to get her. Powerful
attack power, lots of good abilites, powerful ultimate, she's the
most disrupting hero in the game.
CONS: Low HP, needs a lot of mana to function correctly.
BEST PAIRED WITH: Beastmaster, Mountain King, Warden, Tauren Chieftain,
Crypt Lord.
BEST ARMY: Myrmidons.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 475
Damage : 24-34
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 15
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 22
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 525
Damage : 27-37
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 17
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 25
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 575
Damage : 30-40
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 19
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 28
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 625
Damage : 33-43
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 21
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 31
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 675
Damage : 36-46
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 23
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 24
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 725
Damage : 40-50
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 25
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 38
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 775
Damage : 43-53
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 27
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 41
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 825
Damage : 46-56
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 29
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 44
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 875
Damage : 49-59
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 31
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 47
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 925
Damage : 52-62
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 33
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 50



A good attack, it will home on three units, dealing damage to
them on a range. Pretty basic, but extremely disrupting as it
deals regular damage to different units, making healing more
difficult. Really good to get rid of units in the middle of
the battle, when units are damaged.

LEVEL 1: 85 damage per unit.
LEVEL 2: 160 damage per unit.
LEVEL 3: 250 damage per unit.


The most powerful weapon on the Sea Witch Arsenal, it will
slow down the target unit's attack and movement, making
them either useless on combat, or unable to escape properly.
It even gives extra damage. Most powerful attack-affecting

LEVEL 1: +5 damage, 30% reduction on attack rate and movement
LEVEL 2: +10 damage, 50% reduction on attack rate and movement
LEVEL 3: +15 damage, 70% reduction on attack rate and movement


Really abusable spell with the right items (namely lots of
MP recovering items or items that increase MP regeneration),
but only powerful on level 3. It will absorb damage, taking
away a proportional ammount of MP.

LEVEL 1: 1 damage per point of mana.
LEVEL 1: 1.5 damage per point of mana.
LEVEL 3: 2 damage per point of mana.


Another one of those "if it wasn't channeling" spells, the Tornado
sends out massive damage to building, slows down units, and even
sends some of them flying around at random.

One thing people tend to miss is the fact that you can control
the Tornados. They aren't really all that responsive, but it can
spell the difference between taking out that tower, or losing the

ULTIMATE: Creates Tornados.

NOTE: This ability is particulary weird. Stay tuned for more info.

6.5.3.- Buildings.

| |

GOLD : 385
LUMBER : 150
HP : 1500

The Great Hall is where Slaves and Reavers are trained and resources are
dropped. Pretty much, the center of any expansion. Notably, it cannot be
upgraded, and weapon and armor upgrades are researched here. The Following
can be researched at this building:

CORAL BLADES: 150 Gold, 75 Lumber. Increases the attack damage of Reavers,
Snap Dragons, Coualts, Myrmidons, Dragon Turtles and Royal Guards.
CHITINOUS BLADES: 225 Gold, 225 Lumber. Futher increases the
attack damage of Reavers, Snap Dragons, Coualts, Myrmidons, Dragon Turtles
and Royal Guards.
RAZORSPINE BLADES: 300 Gold, 475 Lumber. Further increases the
attack damage of Reavers, Snap Dragons, Coualts, Myrmidons, Dragon Turtles
and Royal Guards.
CORAL SCALES: 125 Gold, 75 Lumber. Increases the Armor of Reavers,
Snap Dragons, Coualts, Myrmidons, Dragon Turtles and Royal Guards.
CHITINOUS SCALES: 225 Gold, 225 Lumber. Futher increases the
Armor of Reavers, Snap Dragons, Coualts, Myrmidons, Dragon Turtles
and Royal Guards.
RAZORSPINE SCALES: 325 Gold, 475 Lumber. Further increases the
Armor of Reavers, Snap Dragons, Coualts, Myrmidons, Dragon Turtles
and Royal Guards.
SUBMERGE: 25 Gold, 25 Lumber. Allows Myrmidons and Snap Dragons to hide

| |

GOLD : 205
HP : 1500

At the Spawning Grounds, you can train Myrmidons, Snap Dragons and Dragon
Turtles, as well as researching their respective abilities. It's recommended
to build at least two of them if you plan on using any of its units,
as it effectively doubles your capacity to build units. The following can
be upgraded on this building:

ENSNARE: 50 Gold, 75 Lumber. Allows Myrmidons to use the Ensnare Ability.

| |

GOLD : 115
HP : 500

Coral Beds add food and... nothing else. Okay... Adds 15 food, which is quite a
lot for its price, though they don't have any secondary use.

| |

GOLD : 180
HP : 1050

The Shrine of Aszhara allows you to build and upgrade your magic units,
namely the Sirens and Coualts, both of them capable magic units.
The Following can be upgraded on this building:

SIREN ADEPT TRAINING: 100 gold, 50 Lumber. Increases the HP, MP, MP regeneration
of Sirens, and allows them to cast Frost Armor.
SIREN MASTER TRAINING: 100 gold, 150 lumber. Further increases the
HP, MP, MP regeneration of Sorceress, and allows them to cast Cyclone.

| |

GOLD : 255
LUMBER : 100
HP : 900

The Altar of The Depths allows you to call forth the mighty heroes to aid
you in battle, as well as reviving them. The first hero only
requires five food, but subsequent heroes will require 450 gold and
100 lumber as well as the food to come. A curious thing will be noted,
though, since the Naga don't have "tiers" per se, you can actually summon
every hero available right away.

| |

GOLD : 130
HP : 500
ATTACK TYPE : Ranged Piercing

The Tidal Guardian is your basic defense. It has a long sight range,
and is a good defense for difficult times as it doesn't requires
any food and can fend off units until help arrives. It's effective
against flying units.

6.5.4.- General Strategies.

I know you're itching for strategies about the Naga, but, seriously,
what mod are you playing? I'd love to find one which enables the
naga as a playable race. :P

6.6.- Blood Elves.

The Blood Elves are controlled by the player during a few missions
of the first campaign. They are bassically the same as the High
Elves on ROC, though they are a lot more similar to humans. A list
of the Alliance units available to the Blood Elves:

- Priests.
- Sorcerer.
- Dragon Hawk.

6.6.1.- Exclusive Units.

Blood Elves units are exactly the same as alliance units (save the
Archers, which emulate the Night Elves Archers, minus the Infravision
upgrade), so I will just list them here without much fuzz.

NOTE: The Workers and the Engineers are actually the same thing.

| |

COST: 150 gold, 2 food.
ABILITIES: Defend (researched at the High Elf Barracks).
STATS: HP : 400
Attack rating : 12- 17
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 3
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

| |

COST: 165 gold, 2 food.
STATS: HP : 280
Attack rating : 9-20
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Light
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

| |

COST: 90 gold, 1 food.
STATS: HP : 220
Attack rating :
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Slow
Clasification : Biological

6.7.- Draenei.

The mysterious Draenei, only a memory before this game, are back
with a vengeance. Lost and thought to be extinct before the first
game, and with all probabilities of survival decimated by the
apocalypse in Draenor during the WC II expansion, you get the
chance to use them during the Alliance Campaign. Designed mostly
for stealth, the Draenei, while not so overpowered like the
Naga, are a powerful and effective race.

Note that all of this info was painfully collected via the World
Editor, as you never get the actual chance to build a base
and units with them during the regular game. Furthermore, there
are more Draenei Units, though they are used only as creeps, and
are not part of the Draenei playable race.

6.7.1.- Units.
| |

COST: 75 Gold, 1 Food.
STATS: HP : 280
Attack rating : 6-7
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Unarmored
Speed : Slow
Attack Speed : Very slow
Clasification : Biological

The worker of the Draenei, the Laborer is a normal one. They don't
have any particular ability. They harvest resources just like
Orcish Peons, and, funcionally, they are identical to the
green workers.
| |

COST: 270 Gold, 30 Lumber, 4 Food.
STATS: HP : 465
Attack rating : 32-42
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 1
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

Permanently cloaked, the Stalker is a light but annoying attack unit.
Dead meat if found, but extremely good for badly defended bases. Aim
at the workers. Has Ensnare and Evasion.
| |

COST: 225 Gold, 15 Lumber, 4 Food.
STATS: HP : 900
Attack rating : 28-32
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 4
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

Regular (but tough) melee units. Not much to say there.
| |

COST: 260 gold, 70 lumber, 4 food.
STATS: HP : 425
Attack rating : 82-102
Attack Type : Ranged Siege
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Slow
Attack Speed : Slow
Clasification : Mechanical

The Demolisher, on the other hand, is exactly what you need if you want
to submit an enemy to siege. They are the most powerful siege weapons
in the game, and with their long range, you can count of them. Take
into account their minimum range. Funcionally identical to the Orcish

(NOTE: The stats might be wrong. This are the stats of the Orcish
Demolisher, and I suspect it might be the same, unfortunately, gathering
data for the Draenei Units is notably difficult as you don't get the
chance to manage a Draenei base)
| |
| SEER |

COST: 210 gold, 30 lumber, 3 food.
STATS: HP : 775
Attack rating : 36-42
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

Armed with Slow, Healing Wave, and a strong ranged attack, plus level
one Brilliance Aura, the Seer is a powerful support unit, and, IMHO,
the best caster in the game. Unfortunately, it's unavailable for the
player. :(
| |

COST: 165 gold, 20 lumber, 2 food.
STATS: HP : 450
Attack rating : 29-34
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

Another powerful caster, this time with Bloodlust and Ray of Disruption.
Notably less powerful than Seers, but still a good support unit.
| |

STATS: HP : 525
Attack rating : 41-50
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

Tough unit with Critical Strike and Level one Howl of Terror. Only
available during the LORD OF THE OUTLAND mission, the last mission
of the Alliance Campaign. Permanently invisible.
| |

STATS: HP : 600
Attack rating : 81-90
Attack Type : Ranged Siege
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

Powerful ranged unit with Burning Oil and Healing Wave. Only
available during the LORD OF THE OUTLAND mission, the last mission
of the Alliance Campaign. Permanently invisible.

6.7.2.- Heroes.

The only Draenei Hero is the Elder Sage, Akama himself.


Permanently cloaked, with Shadow Strike AND Chain Lightning, plus Feral
Spirit, you can tell easily that the Elder Sage is an all out assassin.
With all those stealthy and disabling spells, taking out enemy heroes is
a breeze, and it's also a good front-attacker, only if he wasn't that
freaking vulnerable.

In my opinion, he could have been an interesting Neutral Hero.

HERO TYPE: Specialist Hero.

PROS: Powerful spells, difficult to kill if used correctly. Reincarnation.
Shadows Strike is a bad joke combined with cloaking (That much has DOTA
taught me). Really high damage output.
CONS: Hmmm... REALLY low HP for a hero with _melee_ damage.
BEST ARMY: He melds perfectly with his own units.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)

NOTE: Akama's Strenght is actually modified in the campaign. His strenght
is notably lower actually.
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 475
Damage : 19-33
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 15
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 19
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 500
Damage : 22-36
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 16
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 21
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 525
Damage : 25-39
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 17
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 24
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 550
Damage : 28-42
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 18
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 27
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 575
Damage : 31-45
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 19
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 30
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 600
Damage : 34-48
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 20
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 32
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 625
Damage : 37-51
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 21
Agility : 27
Intelligence : 35
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 650
Damage : 40-54
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 22
Agility : 28
Intelligence : 38
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 675
Damage : 43-57
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 23
Agility : 29
Intelligence : 41
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 700
Damage : 46-60
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 24
Agility : 30
Intelligence : 43



Chain Lightning is pretty useful for creeping at first, but at its
final level it gives the shock to as many as EIGHT enemies, not doing
that much damage, but against Night Elves and Undead units is very
useful. It also gives a lot of psychological advantage due to the enormous
noise it does.

LEVEL 1: 85 damage, jumps 4 times.
LEVEL 2: 125 damage, jumps 6 times.
LEVEL 3: 180 damage, jumps 8 times.


Feral Spirit is one of the most powerful summons in the game. Their
final level is incredible effective at combat and annoying enemies
without detection. Problem is, their 400 hit points are meager in
open combat.

LEVEL 1: 2 wolves with 200 hit points, 11-12 damage, 0 armor.
LEVEL 2: 2 wolves with 300 hit points, 16-17 damage, 0 armor.
LEVEL 3: 2 wolves with 400 hit points, 21-22 damage, 0 armor
+ Critical Strike + Invisibility.


Very damaging ability which not only damages, but it also
slows down the affected unit and causes damage over time. Great
hero-killer spell and perhaps the best choice over Fan of
Knives. The poison effect it's, however, dispellable. Is
that even a word?

LEVEL 1: 75 initial damage, 15/damage each 3 seconds, movement speed
slowed by 50% .
LEVEL 2: 150 initial damage, 30/damage each 3 seconds, movement speed
slowed by 50% .
LEVEL 3: 225 initial damage, 45/damage each 3 seconds, movement speed
slowed by 50% .


What else is there to be said about the Reincarnation? This is simply the
best passive ability in the game. Revive the elder? Good, but he will
come back with FULL MANA AND HEALTH. That's much better. Is like a life
insurance. Get this thing as soon as possible. A point to be noted is
that this ability might backfire as free exp and money to the enemy, so
be really careful when you let the unit revive, as the ability
takes four minutes to cooldown.

ULTIMATE: When killed, the Elder Sage will be revived automatically.

6.7.3.- Buildings.

Well, while writing this section I realized that Draenei buildings have
an abnormally high ammount of HP.

NOTE: I couldn't find any hard info about the Hut (the farm equivalent).
All of the huts I could find on the World Editor is the neutral
non-functional building. Any help will be appreciated.
| |

GOLD : 170
HP : 1250

At the Barracks, you can train Vindicators, Stalkers and Demolishers.
It's recommended to build at least two of them if you plan on using
any of its units, as it effectively doubles your capacity to build units.

| |

GOLD : 100
LUMBER : 140
HP : 1150

The Seer's Den allows you to build your magic units, namely the Harbringers
and Seers, both of them capable magic units.

| |

GOLD : 400
LUMBER : 195
HP : 1500

The Great Hall is where peons are trained and resources are dropped.
Pretty much, the center of any expansion. It also serves as a Hero building,
allowing to train and revive heroes.

6.7.4.- General Strategies.

See 6.5.4.

6.8.- Neutral Heroes.


A cunning Hero, adept at manipulating opponents. Forcibly raised from
the dead, the former Rangers of Quel'Thalas enjoy nothing more than
sowing dissension and hatred within the enemy ranks.

I've really had very good experiences with the Dark Ranger as a purely
offensive hero armed with lots of damage items. Even by herself, she can
put up a mighty fight by picking off weaker units and assembling an army,
or simply charming them. Unfortunately, in lower levels and if not really
taken care of, she will be weak. A Natural fit for Undead players as she
is undead herself.

HERO TYPE: Offensive support.

PROS: Great damage output, wonderful spells, can build up an army by herself,
rarely killed, easy to escape. Can disable enemy casters so easily it isn't
even funny. Counters basically all the most powerful heroes.
CONS: Weak as hell in the first levels. Level one Dark Arrow is lame. Very
easy to kill if not used as a main hero. While it is a very offensive hero,
she is not suited to take on bases alone. She can counter all she wants,
but she's perhaps the worst Hero killer in the game.
BEST PAIRED WITH: Pandaren Brewmaster, Mountain King, Death Knight,
Blademaster or Demon Hunter / Wander.
BEST ARMY: Abominations, Taurens... heavy melee units.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 550
Damage : 23-33
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 18
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 15
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 575
Damage : 24-34
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 19
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 17
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 625
Damage : 26-36
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 21
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 20
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 675
Damage : 27-37
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 23
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 22
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 725
Damage : 29-39
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 25
Agility : 27
Intelligence : 25
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 775
Damage : 30-40
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 27
Agility : 28
Intelligence : 28
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 825
Damage : 32-42
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 29
Agility : 30
Intelligence : 30
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 875
Damage : 33-43
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 31
Agility : 31
Intelligence : 33
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 925
Damage : 35-45
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 33
Agility : 33
Intelligence : 35
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 975
Damage : 36-46
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 35
Agility : 34
Intelligence : 38



Silence is a powerful spell in order to counter Humans and Orcs and
their ability driven heroes and units, as it renders the affected
units unable to cast spells. While 12 seconds seems like a ridiculous
low time (that's the time working on a hero), it's more than enough
to disable them. On a side note, I've been successfully made Night Elf
players use the Priestess of the Moon on any maps with a tavern, as
this ability completely shuts down both the Warden and the Demon Hunter.

LEVEL 1: 15 second silence, short radius.
LEVEL 2: 20 second silence, medium radius.
LEVEL 3: 24 second silence, large radius.


An interesting ability that mirrors the Priestess of the Moon's Searing
Arrows and the Naga (or the Ranger) Ice Arrows, while a lot more
underpowered early on. It will add damage to the attacks, as well as put
hit enemies into a special stat that lasts a few seconds, under which,
should they die, a Dark Minion will emerge under the Dark Ranger's

LEVEL 1: 2 extra damage, 215 Lesser Dark minion.
LEVEL 2: 10 extra damage, 290 Dark Minion.
LEVEL 3: 20 extra damage, 405 Greater Dark Minion.


This spell will drain life of the affected unit until it escapes its
range (which is rather short, 80). That said, it's difficult to use, and
often not quick enough to save you from death, prompting its use at
difficult to time moments (at around 40% of the DR life it's optimal).
Lasts eight seconds. That said, the ammount of damage done is ridiculous,
200 HP at first level, 320 at level 2 and 500 at level 3.

LEVEL 1: 25 HP per second drained.
LEVEL 2: 40 HP per second drained.
Level 3: 55 HP per second drained.


Ah, the premier ability of the Dark Ranger is one of the most powerful
spells of the game. Often difficult to use, but always worth it. Always
aim it at either the bigger units or the Spellcasters.

ULTIMATE: Takes control of target enemy unit permanently.


Hailing from the secretive Pandaren Empire, the mighty brewmasters travel
the world in search of exotic ales and the finest brewed spirits. These
affable warriors rarely seek out danger or trouble, preferring instead to
spend their time concocting new and tasty beverages for any brave enough
to imbibe them. However, if attacked, the laughing brewmasters bring all
of their pandaren agility and ferocity to bear! They are peerless warriors
and world class drinkers all in one!

The Pandaren Brewmaster is a very easy to use hero which can be a worthy
addition to any army due to his naturaly high strenght and useful spells.
He, however, suffers from the same problem as the Tauren Chieftain: Is
hellish big and slow, but, unlike the cow, the Brewmaster can definitely
deal with it since his spells are much more powerful. And, for the hell
of it: The dude is a friggin' panda.

HERO TYPE: Leading offensive hero.

PROS: Lots of defense, HP and attack power. A couple wonderful spells.
It's a jack for all trades and is very easy to use.
CONS: Slow, difficult to manouver, one infinitely useless spell. It's
a definitely all-round hero, which doesn't gives it the upper edge anywhere.
BEST PAIRED WITH: Dark Ranger, Warden.
BEST ARMY: Ranged units.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 650
Damage : 24-34
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 22
Agility : 14
Intelligence : 15
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 725
Damage : 27-37
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 25
Agility : 15
Intelligence : 16
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 800
Damage : 30-40
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 28
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 18
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 875
Damage : 33-43
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 31
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 19
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 950
Damage : 36-46
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 34
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 21
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 1025
Damage : 39-49
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 37
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 22
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 1100
Damage : 42-52
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 40
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 24
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 1175
Damage : 45-55
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 43
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 25
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 1250
Damage : 48-58
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 46
Agility : 26
Intelligence : 27
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 1325
Damage : 51-61
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 49
Agility : 27
Intelligence : 28



Breath of fire deals damage to a cone of enemies in front of the Brewmaster.
The damage isn't really surprising (actually very low), but when first hit
with Drunken Haze, the enemies will catch on fire, dealing double the damage
over a few seconds. Difficult to maintain given the mana cost, but powerful.

NOTE: The special after the slash is only after Drunken Haze.

LEVEL 1: 65 damage / 7 damage per second burning
LEVEL 2: 125 damage / 14 damage per second burning
LEVEL 3: 170 damage / 21 damage per second burning


Slows down units, and causes them to miss. This is a thematically funny spell,
but alone it doesn't seems to work at all. Only combined with Breath of
Fire or other debuff spells (such as Slow, or Cripple)(Not Purgue) is worth
it. Lasts 12 seconds.

LEVEL 1: 15% movement speed decrease, 45% chance to miss
LEVEL 2: 30% movement speed decrease, 65% chance to miss
LEVEL 3: 50% movement speed decrease, 80% chance to miss


One of the best passive abilities in the game, Drunken Brawler gives you a
10% chance to deal critical damage *and* evasion! A must have!

LEVEL 1: 7% evasion, two times damage.
LEVEL 1: 14% evasion, three times damage.
LEVEL 3: 21% evasion, four times damage.



One of the coolest attacks, The Brewmaster's ultimate is probably one of
the strongest ultimates in the game. The real deal lies in the fact that
only one of the pandas needs to survive in order to have the hero back.

Check out the miscelleneous unit section for more info about Storm, Earth
and Fire, the units. Up front, Storm is a caster, Earth is a Tank, and Fire
is a killer.

ULTIMATE: Split into three specialized units for a full minute, upon
which, if any of the three units is alive, the Hero will be reborn.


Goblins are known for their mechanical expertise and clever, though
sometimes peculiar, inventions, and the Tinker is certainly no exception.
With his Claw-Pack/Hammer-Tank combo, the Tinker's ingenuity is undeniable.
Though his parts may sometimes fail and the occasional explosion does
occur, the spirit and enthusiasm of this Hero are never diminished.
There truly is more to the Goblin Tinker than meets the eye!

I love the Tinker. While it isn't the best hero in the world, he's a
mighty powerful base destroyer, and it's easy and fun to use. His
abilities take awhile to get used to (I, for example, still can't
get the Pocket Factory to work), but it's a fresh adition and works
for any race.

A thing to note, though: He's a mystic hero... but he has a melee
attack. Be careful with him. He has very high stats, though.

HERO TYPE: Specialist and demolisher hero.

PROS: Starts with high armor, Cluster Rockets is a versatile spell.
One of the best ultimates in the game, sinergistic abilities. Lots
of HP for an intelligence based hero. Buildings aren't safe with
him around. VERY high stats.
CONS: Difficult to use and get used to. Pocket Factory isn't as
cheap. While you can use Cluster Rockets to chase down enemies,
sometimes you want a little more bang for your buck.
BEST PAIRED WITH: Firelord, or other heavy ranged heros.
BEST ARMY: Ranged units.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 600
Damage : 22-28
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 20
Agility : 15
Intelligence : 20
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 650
Damage : 24-30
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 22
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 22
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 700
Damage : 30-40
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 24
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 25
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 775
Damage : 27-33
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 27
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 27
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 825
Damage : 29-35
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 29
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 30
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 900
Damage : 32-38
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 32
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 33
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 975
Damage : 35-41
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 34
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 35
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 1000
Damage : 37-43
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 36
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 38
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 1075
Damage : 40-46
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 39
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 40
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 1125
Damage : 45-51
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 41
Agility : 44
Intelligence : 43



Sets up a pocket factory, which will automatically create Clockwerk Goblins,
small and weak units that will explode upon death. I haven't been able to
make it work alright, but I've seen some people causing havock with it.
Clockwerk Goblins' explosion damage raises with each level.

LEVEL 1: 30 damage
LEVEL 2: 60 damage
LEVEL 3: 80 damage


Deals damage and stuns enemies for a single second. Useful to interrupt
spells, and to chase down enemies. While the damage is very low, its
cooldown time (6 seconds!) allows for a barrage of rockets to be
shoot very quickly. Powerful stuff.

LEVEL 1: 30 damage, stun.
LEVEL 2: 65 damage, stun.
LEVEL 3: 100 damage, stun.


Another powerful passive unit, it not only adds damage and movement speed
to the Tinker, it also improves his other abilities! This and your ability
of choice. You won't regret it.

As for the changes, it enhaces the Cluster Rocket's area of effect, the
Pocket Factory building speed and the Demolish ability and the armor of
the Robo Goblin.

LEVEL 1: 10% Movement speed, +2 damage.
LEVEL 1: 20% Movement speed, +4 damage.
LEVEL 3: 30% Movement speed, +6 damage.


It turns the Tinker into a huge tank, turning Mechanical in nature, and
earning bonus strenght and armor (with Engineering Upgrade level 3,
that's 11 extra strenght and four extra armor!), and the Demolish ability,
which will make your attacks deal 3.5 times the normal damage against

You can also repair him while on that state.

The Tinker can turns for 25 mana into Robo and regular form. Take
advantage of that to heal him or to avoid spells.

ULTIMATE: Turn into the Robo-Goblin aquiring 8 extra strenght, extra armor
and the Demolish ability (twice times the damage against buildings).


In this unconventional pairing, a fanatical Goblin master rides on the
back of his Ogre slave. Despite undergoing a series of chemical "treatments"
to enforce compliance, the Ogre sometimes shows signs of independence and
even outright defiance. However, these outbursts are swiftly quelled by
the Goblin master, who can be like his concoctions -- harsh and volatile.
Though personal differences may at times distract this duo, when it comes
to biological warfare and raw, brute strength, the Goblin Alchemist and
his Ogre slave are truly at the top of their game!

While the Alchemist moveset isn't very interesting or attractive, what
abilities don't tell you (Unlike EVERY SINGLE OTHER HERO), is that
the Alchemist has the HIGHEST attack damage and the HIGHEST HP in the
game for all the heroes, surpasing even the Tauren Chieftain in that
regard. That, coupled with his Chemical Rage and his Acid Bomb ability,
turns him into a one-man army, capable of tear through enemies like
a hot knife through butter. A powerful first pick, and, if you didn't
had to wait a few minutes before picking him, he would be the best
hero in the game, for he's mighty at harrassing.

HERO TYPE: Leading attack hero.

PROS: Ridiculous attack power and HP. Extremely damaging and
difficult as hell to stop. Good (If not spectacular) support
abilities, and a funny ultimate.
CONS: Doesn't really helps your army too much (well, you
can use him as a healer, but...). His ultimate isn't really
that good or useful. Might not look too attractive to be a neutral
hero. Very low armor.
BEST ARMY: Any, though air units might benefit from the meat tank.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 725
Damage : 28-55
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 1
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 25
Agility : 10
Intelligence : 18
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 800
Damage : 31-58
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 1
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 28
Agility : 11
Intelligence : 20
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 875
Damage : 34-61
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 1
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 31
Agility : 12
Intelligence : 22
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 950
Damage : 37-64
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 34
Agility : 13
Intelligence : 24
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 1050
Damage : 41-68
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 2
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 38
Agility : 14
Intelligence : 26
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 1125
Damage : 44-71
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 41
Agility : 15
Intelligence : 28
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 1200
Damage : 47-74
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 44
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 30
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 1300
Damage : 51-78
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 48
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 32
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 1375
Damage : 54-81
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 51
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 34
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 1450 (!)
Damage : 57-84 (!!)
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 54 (HOLY &%$#!!!!)
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 36



Shoots up 3, 4 o 5 spray waves that heal units caught in the area of
effect. All units, not only allies ¬_¬. Not very useful, since
healing is best used in the heat of battle.

LEVEL 1: 3 waves, heals 40 HP each
LEVEL 2: 4 waves, heals 55 HP each
LEVEL 3: 5 waves, heals 70 HP each


Very powerful ability, it increases your movement speed by 50% and your
attack speed by 25%, 75% or 125% depending of your level. That, coupled
with the Alchemist naturally absurd attack power, turns the Alchemist
into a monster. Last 15 seconds, but the cooldown is only 30 seconds.

(That means only 15 seconds between rages ^_^)

LEVEL 1: 25% attack rate increase
LEVEL 2: 75% attack rate increase
LEVEL 3: 125% attack rate increase


Damages all enemies caught in the splash area over time, and reduces
their armor. The damage is lessened on the edges of the area of effect.
It's pretty good for softening up your next target. Lasts 15 seconds.

LEVEL 1: 5 max damage per second, -3 armor
LEVEL 1: 10 max damage per second, -4 armor
LEVEL 3: 15 max damage per second, -5 armor


Instantly kills target non-hero, and non-creep-above-level-5, and turns
it into gold for you. It is quite good, but not very useful (not something
you'd expect from a level 6 killing machine). As you could guess, you get
more money from killing more expensive units (I.E: A lot more money if
you kill a Tauren - around 300 - than if you kill a Ghouls - around 20 -).

ULTIMATE: Kill target unit, turn into gold added to your reserves.


Long ago, when the world was in a state of constant turmoil, the Elementals
(Earth, Wind, Fire and Water) faithfully served their Old-God masters. When
the Old Gods were defeated by the coming of the Titans, the Elementals were
banished to an alternate plane of existence. Over time the world became Azeroth,
where Human wizards learned how to call back the Elementals through the art
of summoning. The Firelord is one of these liberated Elementals. Consumed by
hatred for all organic life, he roams the world he once called home, sewing
chaos, wreaking vengeance, and inflicting pain with extreme prejudice.

The Firelord is a difficult to use hero, and he doesn't really pays back
too much once you get around his limited mana pool at lower levels and
overcosted spells. He looks very powerful on paper, but unless you devote all
of your time to him, he won't even stand up to regular units. That said,
his Ultimate is quite powerful, but he's an easy target for more damaging
heroes, such as the Mountain King or the Demon Hunter.

His spells are, that said, incredibly powerful, amongst the best in the
game. If only he had more mana, he would be the best hero in the game.

(I have a funny history of a Goblin Alchemist chasing a Firelord across
the map as well)

HERO TYPE: Support hero.

PROS: Damaging spells, great summon, powerful ultimate. Looks really cool :P
CONS: Overcosted spells, difficult to use, easy to kill due to his low HP.
Abysmal stats.
BEST PAIRED WITH: ... Difficult to say. I'd say the Archmage.
BEST ARMY: Heavy units, preferably Taurens or Abominations.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 475
Damage : 22-28
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 15
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 18
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 525
Damage : 23-29
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 17
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 18
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 575
Damage : 25-31
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 19
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 23
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 625
Damage : 26-32
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 21
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 25
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 675
Damage : 28-34
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 23
Agility : 26
Intelligence : 28
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 725
Damage : 30-36
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 25
Agility : 28
Intelligence : 30
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 775
Damage : 31-37
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 27
Agility : 29
Intelligence : 33
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 825
Damage : 33-39
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 29
Agility : 31
Intelligence : 35
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 875
Damage : 34-40
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 31
Agility : 32
Intelligence : 38
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 925
Damage : 36-42
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 33
Agility : 34
Intelligence : 40



Damages a unit over time, while preventing casting of spells, and
halving attack damage. Powerful, but really out of character. Okay,
I can't hide my dislike of this hero. :(

LEVEL 1: 100 damage over 14 seconds.
LEVEL 2: 225 damage over 16 seconds.
LEVEL 3: 375 damage over 18 seconds.


Summons a Lava Spawn (duh), which is a pretty good unit, which
has a special trait, that they split after 15 attacks, creating
two different Lava Spawns. Interesting ability.

LEVEL 1: 425 Hit Points, 13-37 damage.
LEVEL 1: 575 Hit Points, 21-45 damage.
LEVEL 1: 700 Hit Points, 32-56 damage.


Kinda like Searing Arrows, but much more powerful, this adds a
little bonus to damage, but units affected will receive extra
damage, which is cumulative, and can really add up. When
the affected unit dies, it will cause an explosive which will hurt
ONLY enemy units. The downside is the high MP cost, and the naturally
low MP pool of the Firelord.

LEVEL 1: 1 bonus damage, 30 incineration damage.
LEVEL 2: 2 bonus damage, 45 incineration damage.
LEVEL 3: 3 bonus damage, 60 incineration damage.


Massively powerful channeling attack, which every five seconds
will cause molten rocks to erupt from the volcano, damaging for
100 damage and stunning for two seconds nearby unit, while dealing
twice the damage to buidings. Last 35 seconds.

ULTIMATE: Causes a volcano to erupt from the location. Last 35


A mystical Hero, adept at ranged combat. These scaly denizens of the ocean
have often been associated with the coming of prodigious storms, but few
have actually seen them rise from the sea and lived to tell the tale.

The Naga is a wonderful if not impressive hero (kinda like the Far Seer),
which can spell a lot of problems with her Frost Arrows and Forked
Lightning, or play a bit more defensive with her Mana Shield. Either
way, she's quite powerful as a hero killer or as a support, depending
on how you build her. A good choice for first or second hero.

HERO TYPE: Ranged Support / Hero Killer.

PROS: Frost arrows could be enough of a reason to get her. Powerful
attack power, lots of good abilites, powerful ultimate, she's the
most disrupting hero in the game.
CONS: Low HP, needs a lot of mana to function correctly.
BEST PAIRED WITH: Beastmaster, Mountain King, Warden, Tauren Chieftain,
Crypt Lord.
BEST ARMY: Knights or Mountain Giants.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 475
Damage : 24-34
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 15
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 22
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 525
Damage : 27-37
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 17
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 25
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 575
Damage : 30-40
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 19
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 28
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 625
Damage : 33-43
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 21
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 31
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 675
Damage : 36-46
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 23
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 24
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 725
Damage : 40-50
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 25
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 38
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 775
Damage : 43-53
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 27
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 41
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 825
Damage : 46-56
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 29
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 44
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 875
Damage : 49-59
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 31
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 47
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 925
Damage : 52-62
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Ranged
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 33
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 50



A good attack, it will home on three units, dealing damage to
them on a range. Pretty basic, but extremely disrupting as it
deals regular damage to different units, making healing more
difficult. Really good to get rid of units in the middle of
the battle, when units are damaged.

LEVEL 1: 85 damage per unit.
LEVEL 2: 160 damage per unit.
LEVEL 3: 250 damage per unit.


The most powerful weapon on the Sea Witch Arsenal, it will
slow down the target unit's attack and movement, making
them either useless on combat, or unable to escape properly.
It even gives extra damage. Most powerful attack-affecting

LEVEL 1: +5 damage, 30% reduction on attack rate and movement
LEVEL 2: +10 damage, 50% reduction on attack rate and movement
LEVEL 3: +15 damage, 70% reduction on attack rate and movement


Really abusable spell with the right items (namely lots of
MP recovering items or items that increase MP regeneration),
but only powerful on level 3. It will absorb damage, taking
away a proportional ammount of MP.

LEVEL 1: 1 damage per point of mana.
LEVEL 1: 1.5 damage per point of mana.
LEVEL 3: 2 damage per point of mana.


Another one of those "if it wasn't channeling" spells, the Tornado
sends out massive damage to building, slows down units, and even
sends some of them flying around at random.

One thing people tend to miss is the fact that you can control
the Tornados. They aren't really all that responsive, but it can
spell the difference between taking out that tower, or losing the

ULTIMATE: Creates Tornados.

NOTE: This ability is particulary weird. Stay tuned for more info.


A warrior hero, exceptional at weakening enemies and melee combat. These
massive Demons take sadistic pleasure from instilling crazed terror, and
then slaughtering their enemies.

It's difficult to say if I like or not the Pit Lord. While on ROC he
was a ridiculously overpowered and dominant hero, he has been logically
weakened and even given a new model. He is really damaging and has
interesting abilities, but his mana pool is really limited and he's
quite difficult to control in the heat of battle, and tends to die
despite his massive HP level. A natural fit for undead like the
Dark Ranger (also makes a pretty good companion to that one, which
is something difficult to manage as well).

Something to note is that the Pit Lord has two builds depending on
how much "protagonism" you want to give him. Either choosing Rain of
Fire OR Howl gives him two very different roles on the battlefield,
making him the most versatile hero in the game, for whatever's
worth. This is probably why he isn't really used a lot: for a melee
strenght hero, he requires a lot of foresight to use him effectively.

HERO TYPE: Tank Hero.

PROS: Powerful attack, interesting abilities. Attracts fire like it's
going out of style. Extremely powerful ultimate. Very versatile.
CONS: Bulky. Limited MP. Difficult to play. His ultimate can't be used
on heroes or level 6+ creeps. Overly reliant on his spells to be
BEST PAIRED WITH: The Tauren Chieftain makes a great partner due to
his aura, but he works great with ranged heroes (*coughLichcough*)
BEST ARMY: Ranged units.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 700
Damage : 26-36
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 2
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 26
Agility : 14
Intelligence : 14
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 775
Damage : 29-39
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 29
Agility : 15
Intelligence : 15
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 850
Damage : 32-42
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 32
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 17
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 925
Damage : 35-45
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 35
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 18
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 1000
Damage : 38-48
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 38
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 20
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 1100
Damage : 42-52
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 42
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 21
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 1175
Damage : 45-55
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 45
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 23
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 1250
Damage : 48-58
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 48
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 24
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 1325
Damage : 51-61
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 51
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 26
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 1400
Damage : 54-64
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 54
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 27



Similar to Blizzard, Rain of Fire also ignites the affected
creatures (your own units as well) for a few seconds. This is one of
the Pit Lord builds (Rain/Cleave/Rain/Cleave/Rain/Doom) and forces
him to become a secondary support hero. It's an interesting strategy
(keeping him back with your weaker units to protect them), but it's
notably more difficult to control. Better suited against low HP
based races, the Undead and most notably the Night Elves. It has a
damage cap when it hits more than five units. Channeling spell.

LEVEL 1: 25 per wave, 6 waves, 5 damage/second, 125 max damage cap.
LEVEL 2: 30 per wave, 8 waves, 10 damage/second, 150 max damage cap.
LEVEL 3: 35 per wave, 10 waves, 15 damage/second, 175 max damage cap.


Similar to Roar, but a reverse one. It's devastating against high
damaging units such as Knights or Abominations. This is the other
build, which is suited to turn him into your main hero, throwing him
in the heat of battle, better suited against Humans and Orcs due
to their reliance on heavy hitters to deal the main damage. Easier
to play with, but perhaps less effective, though is necesary against
those races.

Howl of Terror must be maintained for its full effect, don't forget
to keep it active during the whole battle, as both races it's effective
against excel on unit preservation.

LEVEL 1: 30% damage reduction.
LEVEL 2: 40% damage reduction.
LEVEL 3: 50% damage reduction.


Finally an ability I don't have to write a lot about. This passive
ability is the icing on the cake, as it gives splash damage to the Pit
Lord's already massive damage output.

LEVEL 1: 30% splash damage.
LEVEL 1: 55% splash damage.
LEVEL 3: 80% splash damage.


Where is my BFG9000?

Okay, a bad joke.

Doom deals 40 damage per second to the target, and will spawn a Doom
Guard when it dies (if it does). It last 180 seconds. It can target
both enemy or allied units (important to remember that one, as it
can turn your near-dead unit into the monstruous Doom Guard), and
it cannot be dispelled. Doom it's a very powerful spell, but suffers
greatly from not being able to be cast on heroes or creeps above
level 5. Remember the Doom Guard is arguably the most powerful unit
in the game!

ULTIMATE: Puts target unit into Doom status.


A warrior Hero, able to call forth the creatures of the forest to
serve him. These lone wandering forest dwellers come from all backgrounds
and cultures, seeking the essence of combat through the mimicry of wild

In the weird (but ultimately right) form of a Strenght hero, comes
a much asked for summoner hero. A great choice for NE due to the
sinergy between his summons, limited mana pool and Moon Wells, the
Beastmaster was once considered the strongest (cheese) hero due
to that interaction until his summons were a bit weakened, as well
as his ultimate. He remains a predictable choice for NE players,
and some HU due to his ability to remain as a tank while playing

Look for the stats for the summons on the construction> misceleneaous units section.

HERO TYPE: Support Tank Hero.

PROS: Great summons. Quillbeast summons deals a hellish lot of
damage. Powerful attacks, interesting (if unwielding) ultimate.
Versatile choice. Lots of HP and good stats.
CONS: Limited MP. Has the natural weakness of being a neutral
hero, and as such, difficult to make a main hero, and difficult
to keep up with your other heroes about level.
BEST PAIRED WITH: Archmage or Demon Hunter. (The Keeper of the
Grove also makes an interesting pair)
BEST ARMY: Ranged units, or spellcasters.

STATS (for each level gained. No items or tomes used)
| |
| LEVEL 1 |

Hit points : 650
Damage : 24-34
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 2
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 22
Agility : 14
Intelligence : 15
| |
| LEVEL 2 |

Hit points : 700
Damage : 26-36
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 24
Agility : 15
Intelligence : 16
| |
| LEVEL 3 |

Hit points : 775
Damage : 29-39
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 27
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 18
| |
| LEVEL 4 |

Hit points : 850
Damage : 32-42
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 30
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 20
| |
| LEVEL 5 |

Hit points : 925
Damage : 35-45
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 33
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 22
| |
| LEVEL 6 |

Hit points : 1000
Damage : 38-48
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 36
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 24
| |
| LEVEL 7 |

Hit points : 1075
Damage : 41-51
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 39
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 25
| |
| LEVEL 8 |

Hit points : 1150
Damage : 44-54
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 42
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 27
| |
| LEVEL 9 |

Hit points : 1225
Damage : 47-57
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 45
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 29
| |
| LEVEL 10 |

Hit points : 1300
Damage : 50-60
Type of Attack : Hero
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 48
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 31



The tank summon, the bear is more effective at lower levels due to his
high HP and his ability to deal more damage. However, the cooldown and
mana cost makes him a lot less useful in the late game, loosing to the
more versatile and damaging Quillbeast.

Of course, you can't beat a teleporting bear. :\

LEVEL 1: Summons a bear.
LEVEL 2: Summons a bear with Bash.
LEVEL 3: Summons a bear with Base and Blink.

Seriously, BLINK? Whatever gave them that idea?


The most offensive summon, the Quillbeast starts out rather weak, but
on level three the damage done is tremendous and the cooldown and mana
cost is a lot better costed for the long run. Furthermore, players
tend to ignore Quillbeasts for some reason (That reason being probably that
the Quillbeast doesn't do much sound), ignoring as well the damage dealt.

LEVEL 1: Summons a Quillbeast.
LEVEL 2: Summons a Quillbeast with Frenzy.
LEVEL 3: Summons a Quillbeast with Frenzy and splash damage.


The scout (it doesn't has an attack on the first level), it's a good
chasing unit due to its speed. Otherwise, not very attractive.

LEVEL 1: Summons a hawk.
LEVEL 1: Summons a hawk with an attack.
LEVEL 3: Summons a hawk with an attack and permanent invisibility.


Summons a bunch of thunder lizards, which explode upon hitting something
on a very large area, dealing 60 damage. Very damaging, though being a
channeling spell hurts it dearly.

ULTIMATE: Summons an Stampede.

6.9.- Misceleanous units.

6.9.1.- Storm, Earth and Fire.

Summoned (or rather transformed from) the Pandaren Brewmaster with his
ultimate, these three units last 60 seconds. If all of them are killed, the
Brewmaster himself will die, but if one survives, your Brewmaster will be
back. They share the same soundset of the Brewmaster, but with different
pitches. They are all actually biological units, so they won't be harmed
by the likes of Dispel.
| |

STATS: HP : 1200
Attack rating : 48-58
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 2
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Biological

More or less the spell caster of the group, Storm comes with Dispel, Wind
Walk and Cyclone, plus Resistant Skin. I like to Cyclone away dangerous units,
then have him either run away or keep him on the edge of the battle, to
ensure my Pandaren survives.
| |

STATS: HP : 1700
Attack rating : 48-58
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 5
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Fast
Clasification : Biological

The tank of the group. Has Taunt, Resistant Skin *and* Spell Immunity, as
well as Pulverize, making him the best thing to suck up the damage after
the Mountain Giant. Has more HP than the Brewmaster himself at level 10. :S
| |
| FIRE |

STATS: HP : 1100
Attack rating : 70-82
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 2
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Fast
Clasification : Biological

With Resistant Sking, Permanent level one Immolation, and a massive damage
output, this unit is perfectly suited to go in, and deal damage. Lots of
it. that said, its HP level is the lower out of all of the Storm, Earth
and Fire incarnations, but it's still pretty high.

6.9.2.- Neutral Heroes Summons.

Not much commentaries here, though. ;_;
| |
| BEAR |

STATS: HP : 600
Attack rating : 19-21
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 1
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned
| |

ABILITIES: Bash (Level 1).
STATS: HP : 900
Attack rating : 28-30
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 1
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned
| |

ABILITIES: Bash (level 1), Blink (level 1).
STATS: HP : 1100
Attack rating : 38-40
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 1
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned

WTF Blink FTW!
| |
| HAWK |

STATS: HP : 300
Attack rating : N/A.
Attack Type : N/A
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Light
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : N/A
Clasification : Summoned
| |

STATS: HP : 450
Attack rating : 21-25
Attack Type : Ranged Magic
Armor : 3
Armor Type : Light
Speed : Very Fast
Attack Speed : Fast
Clasification : Summoned
| |

ABILITIES: Permanent Invisibility.
STATS: HP : 650
Attack rating : 48-57 (!)
Attack Type : Ranged Magic
Armor : 5
Armor Type : Light
Speed : Very Fast
Attack Speed : Fast
Clasification : Summoned
| |

STATS: HP : 425
Attack rating : 13-15
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Fast
Clasification : Summoned
| |

STATS: HP : 515
Attack rating : 26-30
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Fast
Clasification : Summoned
| |

ABILITIES: Frenzy, Splash Damage.
STATS: HP : 600
Attack rating : 39-45
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Medium
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Fast
Clasification : Summoned
| |

STATS: HP : 500
Attack rating : N/A
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Heavy / Invulnerable
Speed : Slow
Attack Speed : N/A
Clasification : Summoned

Yep, it counts as a summoned unit.
| |

STATS: HP : 215
Attack rating : 9-12
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned
| |

STATS: HP : 290
Attack rating : 15-17
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned
| |

STATS: HP : 405
Attack rating : 16-19
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 0
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned
| |
| LAVA SPAWN (LEVEL 1 / 2 / 3) |

STATS: HP : 425 / 550 / 700
Attack rating : 11-27 / 21-45 / 32-66
Attack Type : Ranged Piercing
Armor : 0 / 1 / 2
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Fast
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Summoned
| |

ABILITIES: Kaboom! (30 / 60 / 800).
STATS: HP : 80 / 80 / 80
Attack rating : 12-14 / 12-14 / 12-14
Attack Type : Melee Normal
Armor : 1 / 1 / 1
Armor Type : Heavy
Speed : Average
Attack Speed : Average
Clasification : Mechanical
| |
| POCKET FACTORY (LEVEL 1 / 2 / 3) |

STATS: HP : 300 / 450 / 600
Attack rating : N/A
Attack Type : N/A
Armor : 0 / 0 / 0
Armor Type : Normal
Speed : Immobile
Attack Speed : N/A
Clasification : Mechanical

Technically a unit.


7.- Spells and abilities notes.

These are arranged by race and finally the creeps. The Legend, as always:

NAME : (As if it wasn't obvious - just pretend it isn't -, the name of
the spell or ability.)
HOTKEY : (Quick access through keyboard. I've include a list of hotkeys
at the end of this section out of pity for those in the middle of the fray
asking someone reading this guide to find the particular hotkey for *Heal Light*)
COST : (Go ahead and shoot me. Cost of the spell, if any)
EFFECT : (Effect OR effects of the spell or ability)
RESTRICTIONS : (if any kind of unit is immune to it, and the such)
NOTES : (My personal comments on the spell or ability. The only part
which might not mean anything useful.)

As a quick side note, no spell of ability "overrides" another in the
traditional sense of the word. So yes, you can have your 1080 Unholy Frenzied -
Inner Fire'd - Rejuvenating - Bloodlusted - powerhouse of an Abomination turned
into an über sheep with extra armor, movement speed, recovering HPs and
which can stamp with its hoof the fortification of a 21th century tank, if
only the thing could attack.

Life affecting spells (Healing Light, Death Coil, Rejuvenation, Heal) don't
affect mechanical units.

Suicide Units explode when casting almost any spell on them.

I didn't include passive abilities such as the Flying Machine's Bomb. It's fairly
useless as the stats are either already covered or meaningless. Heros abilities
are only added for the missing stats. Its effects and notes are already covered
in their own section.



NAME : Call to Arms / Back to Work.
EFFECT : Turns all of your peasant in militia and turn them aggressive,
if used from your Town Hall. If used from a Peasant, turns it
into a single aggressive Militia. Last for 45 Seconds.
NOTES : Remember Peasants will simply cease to work if you do this until
45 seconds have passed, or until you mannually tell them to do so.
It's a huge hit for your economy. Refer the human unit section
for more info.

NAME : Defend.
COST : N/A (Must be researched)
EFFECT : Gives the Footman additional resistance to Piercing type attacks
(rougly 50%) while slowing him down to half his speed.
NOTES : Useful against NE at the start of the game.

NAME : Dispel Magic.
COST : 75 mana.
EFFECT : Removes all buffs in the area of effect and deals 200 damage to
summoned units.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune Units.
NOTES : Want to develop heavy micro skills? Make a map with 20 maxed
Necromancers in a sea of corpses. Use ten priests to deal with
that, and try to steal alive.

NAME : Flare.
COST : None.
EFFECT : One-shot level one Farsight. Reveals an small area of the map for
a few seconds.
RESTRICTIONS : One shot ability.
NOTES : None.

NAME : Heal.
COST : 4 Mana.
EFFECT : Heal 5 HP to target unit.
NOTES : Contrary to what you might think, it does work on undead allies.

NAME : Inner Fire.
COST : 35 Mana.
EFFECT : Temporary boost of 5 aditional armor and damage.
RESTRICTIONS : Enemies, Magic Immune units.
NOTES : 5 aditional damage added to the damage roll. Autocast.

NAME : Polymorph.
COST : 220 Mana.
EFFECT : Turns the enemies into a sheep. Flying units will be turned
into *flying* sheeps. Sheeps can't attack, but they can be
controlled and they retain HP levels (other values are lost).
The conversion last for a while, after that time, the sheep
will transform into the real unit.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune units, allies, self, heroes.
NOTES : It can be dispelled.

NAME : Invisibility.
COST : 50 Mana.
EFFECT : Turns the target invisible. It cannot be targeted except by
units with Truesight. It gets out of the invisible state when
it performs any unit save moving.
RESTRICTIONS : Enemies, Magic Immune units.
NOTES : As far as I know, this one *cannot* be dispelled.

NAME : Slow.
COST : 40 Mana.
EFFECT : Cuts the target's movement and attack speed by half.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune Units, Allies, self.
NOTES : Most Annoying Spell In The Game, ladies and gentleman.

NAME : Avatar.
COST : 150 Mana.
EFFECT : Turns the Mountain King into the Avatar.
NOTES : Refer to the human heroes section for more info.

NAME : Blizzard.
COST : 75 Mana.
EFFECT : Calls down waves of ice shards.
NOTES : Refer to the human heroes section for more info.

NAME : Divine Shield.
COST : 25 Mana.
EFFECT : Turns the Paladin Invulnerable for a certain ammount
of time.
NOTES : Refer to the human heroes section for more info.

NAME : Holy Light.
COST : 75 Mana.
EFFECT : Heals a certain ammount of HP to living targets.
Deals half that damage to undead targets.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune units, Buildings.
NOTES : Refer to the human heroes section for more info.

NAME : Mass Teleport.
COST : 100 Mana.
EFFECT : Transports 24 ground units, including the caster
to a friendly unit.
NOTES : Refer to the human heroes section for more info.

NAME : Resurrection.
COST : 200 Mana.
EFFECT : Return 6 of your dead units back to life.
RESTRICTIONS : Must be cast amongst friendly corpses.
NOTES : Refer to the human heroes section for more info.

NAME : Storm Bolt.
COST : 75 Mana.
EFFECT : Hits for a certain ammount of damage, stunning the
target for a few seconds.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune units, buildings.
NOTES : Refer to the human heroes section for more info.

NAME : Summon Water Elemental.
COST : 125 Mana.
EFFECT : Summons a Water Elemental (duh).
NOTES : Refer to the human heroes and units sections for more

NAME : Thunderclap.
COST : 90 Mana.
EFFECT : Deals damage around the caster, slowing down units in the
NOTES : Refer to the human heroes section for more info.


NAME : Battle Stations / Stand Down.
COST : None.
EFFECT : Peons will run to the nearest Burrow and take up on
fighting positions until cancelled.
NOTES : As with Call to Arms, this will cease production, but it
will also make your burrows a likely target. Beware.

NAME : Bloodlust
COST : 50 Mana.
EFFECT : Raises attack speed and power by 40%
RESTRICTIONS : Enemies, Magic Immune units.
NOTES : What are you doing here not casting it? Best support
spell in the game. Autocast.

NAME : Devour.
COST : None.
EFFECT : The caster will swallow the victim whole, slowly killing
it while it's still inside, neutralized. The victim will
come out if the caster is killing.
NOTES : Very effective, but very difficult to use.

NAME : Ensnare.
COST : None.
EFFECT : Immobilizes the target. If cast on a flying unit, it will
come down and can be attacked by ground attacks.
NOTES : Remember it can be used on ground target as well.

NAME : Healing Ward.
COST : 200 mana.
EFFECT : Places a 15 HP ward which heals allies around it.
NOTES : The Ward itself is destructible. Feel free to slam them.

NAME : Lightning Shield.
COST : 100 Mana.
EFFECT : Places a shield of electricity around the target, dealing
damage to all units around it, friend or foe.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune units, Flying Units.
NOTES : In WC II, this spell actually existed. It was called
Flame Shield, and was cast by human mages.

NAME : Purgue.
COST : 75
EFFECT : Dispells all buff and debuff in target unit, and slows it
down dramatically for a few seconds.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune Units.
NOTES : The slow part is actually more important than the dispell
one. Remember it.

NAME : Sentry Ward.
COST : 50 Mana.
EFFECT : Places an invisible 15 HP ward with true sight.
NOTES : You can destroy them as well, if you can see them.

NAME : Stasis Trap.
COST : 100 Mana.
EFFECT : Places an invisible trap which paralyzes the victims. No
longer triggered by the own units, but it is triggered by
NOTES : Destructible... but good luck trying.

NAME : Bladestorm.
COST : 250 Mana.
EFFECT : The caster becomes a whirlwing cyclone, dealing damage per
second to nearby units.
NOTES : Refer to the orc heroes for more info.

NAME : Chain Lightning.
COST : 120 Mana.
EFFECT : Deals damage jumping from the target a certain ammount of
times to nearby enemies.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune units, Allies.
NOTES : Refer to the orc heroes for more info.

NAME : Earthquake.
COST : 150 Mana.
EFFECT : Damages buildings and slows down units on the area of
NOTES : Refer to the orc heroes for more info.

NAME : Farsight.
COST : 75 / 60 / 50 (level 1 / 2 / 3)
EFFECT : Reveals a portion of the map.
NOTES : Refer to the orc heroes for more info.

NAME : Feral Spirit.
COST : 100 Mana.
EFFECT : Summons two wolves, depending on the level of the spell.
NOTES : Refer to the orc heroes for more info.

NAME : Mirror Image.
COST : 150 Mana.
EFFECT : Creates one, two or three illusions of the caster,
dispelling spells. The Illusions don't deal damage,
and take full damage for all spells and attacks.
NOTES : Refer to the orc heroes for more info.

NAME : Shockwave.
COST : 100 Mana.
EFFECT : Deals damage in a line.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic immune units, flying units.
NOTES : Refer to the orc heroes for more info. Magic immune
units caught in the damage line won't get any damage.

NAME : War Stomp.
COST : 90 Mana.
EFFECT : Deals damage around the caster, stunning the enemies
caught in the area of effect.
NOTES : Refer to the orc heroes for more info.

NAME : Wind Walk.
COST : 75 Mana.
EFFECT : Turns the caster invisible and faster. If the caster
attacks out of invisibility, it will deal extra damage.
NOTES : Refer to the orc heroes for more info.


NAME : Anti-Magic Shell
COST : 50 Mana.
EFFECT : The target becomes immune to magic attacks or effects.
NOTES : Specially useful to deal with some channeling spells
such as Death and Decay. Very powerful.

NAME : Cannibalize
COST : None. (Must be researched)
EFFECT : Consumes a nearby corpse to recover 10 HP per second.
NOTES : Not at useful as it seems. Only use when creeping.

NAME : Cripple
COST : 175
EFFECT : Reduces Movement speed by 60 %, attack speed by 60%,
and Attack by 30%.
RESTRICTIONS : Mechanical, allies, Magic Immune units.
NOTES : Most powerful non-hero spell in the game, and even
ranks up there with most of them.

NAME : Curse
COST : 40 Mana.
EFFECT : Causes 30% of the target's attack to miss for 45 seconds.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic immune units.
NOTES : Autocast.

NAME : Possession
COST : 250 Mana.
EFFECT : Exchanges the Banshee's life for the control of target unit.
RESTRICTIONS : Level 6 or more creeps, allies, heroes, magic *resistant*
units as of 1.10
NOTES : Magic Resistance qualifies as units such as the Doom Guard
which have "Resistant skill" in the Frozen Throne. Such
units are rare, and the Doom Guard is the *only* non immune
to magic unit in ROC with that particularity.

NAME : Raise Dead
COST : 75 Mana.
EFFECT : Raises two skeletons from a dead body.
NOTES : Only 25 skeletons are allowed on screen. If any more are created,
the older ones will be destroyed.

NAME : Unholy Frenzy
COST : 50 Mana.
EFFECT : Increases the Attack rate of the unit by 40%, but drains HP per
RESTRICTIONS : Enemies. Magic immune units.
NOTES : Powerful stuff. Apply to big units such as Abominations or
Frost Wyrms.

NAME : Web
COST : None. (Must be Researched)
EFFECT : Traps an air unit to the ground.
NOTES : This only immobilizes the unit. It can still fight back.

NAME : Animate Dead
COST : 250 Mana.
EFFECT : Raises six units from the dead among enemies and allies.
Such units are invulnerable. Last for 45 seconds.
RESTRICTIONS : Air Units (duh.)
NOTES : The units are dispellable. And annoying. Check the
undead heroes section for more info.

NAME : Carrion Swarm.
COST : 110 Mana.
EFFECT : Deals damage to units caught in the line of effect.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune units, Wards.
NOTES : The damage cone is slightly bigger than it seems.
Refer to the undead heroes section for more info.

NAME : Dark Ritual
COST : 25 Mana.
EFFECT : Turns a friendly unit into mana.
NOTES : Refer to the undead heroes section for more info.

NAME : Death And Decay
COST : 250 Mana.
EFFECT : Deals 4% per second of max HP of the units caught.
NOTES : Refer to the undead heroes section for more info.

NAME : Death Coil
COST : 75 Mana.
EFFECT : Deals damage to living units, heals undead units.
RESTRICTIONS : Mechanical, Magic immune units.
NOTES : Refer to the undead heroes section for more info.

NAME : Death Pact
COST : 50 Mana
EFFECT : Turns a friendly unit into HP for the caster.
NOTES : Refer to the undead heroes section for more info.

NAME : Frost Nova
COST : 125 Mana.
EFFECT : Deals damage to the target and surrounding units,
slowing them down for 5 seconds.
RESTRICTIONS : Allies, Magic Immune units.
NOTES : Best spell in the game. Refer to the undead section
for more info.

NAME : Frost Armor
COST : 40 Mana.
EFFECT : Gives the target additional armor, and any melee enemies
attacking the target will be slowed down for 5 seconds.
RESTRICTIONS : Enemies, Magic Immune units.
NOTES : Refer to the undead heroes section for more info.

NAME : Inferno
COST : 175 Mana.
EFFECT : Summons an Infernal, damaging and stunning units caught in
the area of effect.
NOTES : Funnily enough, despite the Dreadlord being my least favorite
hero alongside the Keeper of the Groove, this is the spell
that made me bought the game. Refer to the undead heroes
section for more info.

NAME : Sleep
COST : 100 / 75 / 50 Mana.
EFFECT : Puts target unit to sleep. Only time or a hit will wake it up.
RESTRICTIONS : Allies, Magic immune units.
NOTES : The target it's invulnerable for a second after the spell hits.
Refer to the undead heroes section for more info.


NOTE: Both Druids turn back to their original forms with the same
key as they turned into animals.

NAME : Abolish Magic
COST : 50 Mana.
EFFECT : Dispells buffs from enemies, debuffs from allies and
deals 180 damage to summoned units.
NOTES : Autocast. For some reason, though it does affect infernals,
it's not cast automatically on them.

NAME : Bear Form
COST : 25 Mana.
EFFECT : Turns the caster into a bear, gaining HP, attack power,
and quicker HP regeneration, but losing MP regeneration
speed. It's also a bit slower.
NOTES : The Druid of the Claw can't cast spells while on Bear Form.

NAME : Cyclone
COST : 150 Mana
EFFECT : Removes target enemy from battle.
RESTRICTIONS : Mechanical, allies, magic immune.
NOTES : None.

NAME : Detonate
COST : None.
EFFECT : Sacrifices the Wisp, dispelling all magic effects and draining
all MP from units in the area.
NOTES : Powerful defensive tactic against harrasing Archmages.

NAME : Eat Tree
COST : None.
EFFECT : Eat target tree to recover 150 HP.
NOTES : As of 1.10, the recovery is gradual.

NAME : Entangle Gold Mine.
COST : None.
EFFECT : Entangles gold mine, to allow Wisp to mine gold.
RESTRICTIONS : The Ancient must be nearby the Mine.
NOTES : The entangled Gold Mine is a new building. Destroying
it will destroy the link, and you will have to entangle
it again to mine gold out of it.

NAME : Faerie Fire
COST : 35 Mana.
EFFECT : Downgrades the target's armor by 5, and gives vision of
the unit for 45 seconds.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune units, allies.
NOTES : Use on big, bulky units or heroes.

NAME : Mount Hypogriph / Pick up Archer.
COST : None.
EFFECT : Mounts an Archer in the Hypgryph.
NOTES : This link cannot be undone.

NAME : Rejuvenation
COST : 125 Mana.
EFFECT : Heals 500 HP over 30 seconds.
RESTRICTIONS : Mechanical units. enemies.
NOTES : None.

NAME : Replenish Mana and Health
COST : 1 Mana
EFFECT : Heals 2 HP and .5 Mana per MP spent.
NOTES : None.

NAME : Roar
COST : 100
EFFECT : Adds a 30 % damage bonus for 45 seconds.
NOTES : Much better on TFT, where the DotC can use it while
on bear form.

NAME : Uproot / Root
COST : None.
EFFECT : Turns the Ancient into a unit / into a building.
NOTES : When uprooted, Ancients barely have Medium Armor.
Be Careful.

NAME : Sentinel
COST : None. (must be researched)
EFFECT : Sends an owl with true sight to watch over an
area on an tree.
RESTRICTIONS : Only on Tree.
NOTES : The Sentinel can be dispelled attacking the Tree
it is on. One shot ability.

NAME : Shadow Meld
COST : None.
EFFECT : Turns the Sentinel invisible at night, as long
as it remains immobile.
RESTRICTIONS : Only at night.
NOTES : All female Night Elves have this ability. Curiously.
in TFT, the Dark Ranger doesn't.

NAME : Storm Crow Form.
COST : 50 Mana.
EFFECT : Turns the unit into a Storm Crow, gaining a better
air attack, and making it a flying unit.
NOTES : Very powerful anti-air unit. The Druid can't cast
spells while on this form.

NAME : Entangling Roots
COST : 75 Mana.
EFFECT : Immobilizes and deals damage to target unit.
RESTRICTIONS : Allies, Magic Immune.
NOTES : As of 1.10, it also disrupts channeling spells.
Refer to the Night Elves heroes section for more info.

NAME : Force of Nature
COST : 125 Mana.
EFFECT : Turns target cluster of trees into Treants.
RESTRICTIONS : Must be cast on Trees.
NOTES : Refer to the Night Elves heroes section for more info.

NAME : Immolation
COST : 25 to turn on, and drains mana per second.
EFFECT : Any enemy unit touching the caster will be burnt
per second.
NOTES : Refer to the Night Elves heroes section for more info.

NAME : Mana Burn
COST : 50 Mana.
EFFECT : Burns away the target's Mana pool, dealing equal
damage to the target.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic Immune units, Mana Burn wielders.
NOTES : Refer to the Night Elves heroes section for more info.

NAME : Metamorphosis
COST : 150 Mana.
EFFECT : Turns the caster into a demon, gaining ranged chaos
damage, and bonus damages, armor and HP.
NOTES : Refer to the Night Elves heroes section for more info.

NAME : Scout
COST : 100 / 75 / 50
EFFECT : Summons an invincible, true sighted, flying scout.
NOTES : Refer to the Night Elves heroes section for more info.

NAME : Searing Arrows
COST : 8 Mana.
EFFECT : Deals extra damage per shot.
RESTRICTIONS : Magic immune units.
NOTES : Autocast. Refer to the Night Elves heroes section for more

NAME : Starfall
COST : 200 Mana.
EFFECT : Deals damage to all enemy units around the PotM. Last for
45 seconds.
NOTES : Refer to the Night Elves heroes section for more info.

NAME : Tranquility
COST : 125 Mana.
EFFECT : Heals surrounding allies units around the KotG. Lasts for
45 seconds.
NOTES : Refer to the Night Elves heroes Section for more Info.


8.- Neutral units and buildings.

8.1.- Creeps and Mercenaries.

8.1.- Creeps and Mercenaries.

It would be a lesson of pain to include the stats of each and every single
creep in the game, so I will add the groups of each creep, the tileset
they are on and a general description. Stats might be added in time, but
don't count on it: There are 159 different creeps in the game.

| |
| CLASIFICATION OF THE CREEP (name of the creep(level) |

DESCRIPTION: Description of the creep. Despite being classified as
something, some creeps might have a vastly different look from the
rest of its peers.
TILESET: Where are they found commonly through the game.
NOTES: Any differences or notes regarding the creeps, abilities they might
have. All abilities are level 1 unless noted.

| |
| ROGUES (Bandit (1), Brigand (2), Rogue (3), Assassin (4), Enforcer (5), |
| Bandit Lord (7)) |

DESCRIPTION: Humans using leather armor. The Bandit Lord is a Knight
with a different skin.
NOTES: Shadowmeld. The Brigand is a ranged unit. The Assassin has
evenomed spears. The Enforcer has Evasion (level 1). The Bandit Lord
has Devotion Aura (level 1) and can cast Divine Shield (level 1).

| |
| CENTAURS (Archer (2), Drudge (2), Impaler (4), Outrunner (4), Sorcerer |
| (5), Khan (8)) |

DESCRIPTION: Men with a horse body, armed with spears or axes.
TILESET: Kalimdor.
NOTES: The Archer, the Impaler and the Sorcerer are ranged units. The Impaler
has searing arrows. The Sorcerer has Abolish Magic and Bloodlust (!). The
Khan has Warstomp, Endurance Aura and Reincarnation.

| ** |
| TROLLS ((1), Priest (2), Trapper (3), Berserker (4), Hight Priest (4) |
| Warlord (6)) |

* Trolls come in three varieties, DARK TROLLS, FOREST TROLLS and ICE TROLLS.
They are all identical in stats. There is a fourth kind of troll, the JUNGLE
TROLL, but they are the one allied with the horde and it's only applicable
to the storyline.
** Dark Trolls, Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls are level 1.

DESCRIPTION: Colored humanoid with big teeth, wielding axes and thongs.
TILESET: Any (Ice Trolls in cold places only)
NOTES: Both Priests can cast heal. Trapper has Ensnare. High Priest can cast
Sleep. Warlord has Trueshot Aura (level 1).

| |
| DRAGONS (Whelp (3), Drake (6), Dragon(10) |

* Dragons come in five varieties, BLACK, RED, BLUE, GREEN and BRONZE. They
are all identical in stats.

DESCRIPTION: Flying Lizards.
NOTES: Flies. Dragons have devour. In previous versions, Dragons were
immune to magic- changed with the release of TFT due to spellcasters getting
magic damage type.

| |
| ELEMENTALS (Enraged (4), Berserker (8)) |

DESCRIPTION: Exactly like Water Elementals.
TILESET: Dalaran.
NOTES: Immune to spells. The Berserker can cast Frost Nova. Ranged unit.

| |
| TREANTS (Corrupted (1), Poison (3), Plague (5)) |

DESCRIPTION: Dark colored Treants.
NOTES: Poison has envenomed attacks. Plague has Disease Aura. Poison and
Plague have Entangling Roots.

| |
| FURBOLG ((4), Tracker (6), Shaman (4), Champion (7), Elder Shaman (7) |
| Ursa Warrior (8)) |

DESCRIPTION: Funny looking bipedal bears.
TILESET: Forest.
NOTES: Shaman and Elder Shaman are ranged units with Rejuvenation. Elder
Shaman can cast Lightning Shield. Ursa Warrior has Command Aura and Warstomp.

| |
| GHOST ((3), Wraith (6)) |

DESCRIPTION: Color swapped Banshees.
NOTES: Undead. Ranged units. Can cast Possession, the Wraith can cast curse
as well.

| |
| SPIDER ((1), Black (1), Forest (1), Spitting (3), Giant (4), Brood |
| Mother (6)) |

DESCRIPTION: Uhh... Spiders?
NOTES: Spitting spider and Brood Mother have evenomed attacks. Giant Spider
and Brood Mother can cast Ensnare. When the Brood Mother Dies, two Spiders
will be spawned. In the Campaign Mode, you can often find spider eggs nearby
these creeps. Destroying them will net you either Items, Spiders, or nothing.

| |
| GNOLL ((1), Poacher (1), Assassin (3), Brute (3), Warden (3), Overseer |
| (5)) |

DESCRIPTION: Weredogs armed with morning stars.
TILESET: Lordaeron.
NOTES: The Poacher, the Warden and the Assassin are ranged units. The Assasin
has evenomed bolts. The Warden can cast Purge. The overseer has Command Aura.

| |
| GOLEM (Mud (2), Rock (6), Granite (9), Battle (3), War (6), Siege (9)) |

DESCRIPTION: Rock humanoids (rock, granite, mud), walking armors (battle,
war, siege).
NOTES: Immune to Spells. The Mud Golem can cast slow. Rock, Granite, Battle,
War and Siege can hurl boulders at enemies (slowing them). Grainite Golem
can cast Slam.

| |
| HARPY (Scout (1), Rogue (3), Windwitch (3), Stormhag (5), Queen (7)) |

DESCRIPTION: Flying female humanoids.
TILESET: Kalimdor.
NOTES: Flying units. Windwitch can cast Faerie Fire and Abolish Magic.
The Stormhag can cast curse and Slow. The Queen can cast Rejuvenation and

| |
| ACOLYTES (Fallen Priest (1), Deceiver (3), Heretic (5)) |

DESCRIPTION: Slightly bigger acolytes.
NOTES: Ranged Unit. The Deceiver can cast Curse. The Heretic can cast Raise
Dead and Carrion Swarm.

| |
| KOBOLD ((1), Geomancer (3), Tunneler (3), Taskmaster (5)) |

DESCRIPTION: Bipedal rats.
NOTES: The Geomancer is a ranged unit. Can cast Slow and Abolish Magic. The
Tunneler and Taskmaster have Bash. The Taskmaster has Command Aura.

| |
| LIZARDS (Lightning (2), Thunder (6), Storm Wyrm (level 9)) |

DESCRIPTION: Big Dinasaurs.
NOTES: The Lightning Lizard can cast Purgue. The Thunder Lizard can cast
Slam. The Storm Wyrm can cast Lightning Shield and Chain Lightning and
has Devour. Ranged Units.

| |
| WIZARD (Apprentice (1), Rogue (3), Renegade (5), Dark (8)) |

DESCRIPTION: Priests or Archmage skin swamps.
NOTES: Ranged Units. The Rogue can cast Frost Armor. The Renegade can cast
Purgue and Lightning Shield. Dark has Brilliance aura, Raise Dead and

| |
| MURLOC (Tiderruner (1), Huntsman (2), Plaguebearer (2), Flesheater (3), |
| Nightcrawler (3), Mutant (6)) |

DESCRIPTION: Walking fishes.
NOTES: Huntsman can cast Ensnare. Plaguebearer has Disease Aura. Fleseater
has Canibalize. Nightcrawler has Evenomed Spears and Shadowmeld. Mutant
can cast Cripple.

| |
| NERUBIAN (Spiderling (1), Warrior (3), Webspinner (3), Seer (5), |

DESCRIPTION: Priests or Archmage skin swamps.
TILESET: Northtrend.
NOTES: Ranged Units. The Rogue can cast Frost Armor. The Renegade can cast
Purgue and Lightning Shield. Dark has Brilliance aura, Raise Dead and

| |
| OGRE (Warrior (3), Magi (5), Mauler (5), Lord (7)) |

DESCRIPTION: Big two headed fat guys.
NOTES: Magi can cast Bloodlust. Lord has Defensive Aura and Shockwave.

| |
| WILDKIN ((4), Enraged (6), Berserk (8)) |

DESCRIPTION: Feathered bears with bird heads.
NOTES: The Berserk has Warstomp and Bash.

| |
| QUILLBOAR ((1), Razormane Scout (1), Hunter (3), Brute (3), Medicine |
| Man (5), Chieftain (7)) |

TILESET: Kalimdor.
NOTES: The Quillboar and the Hunter are ranged units. The Hunter has Evasion.
The Medicine Man can cast Healing Ward and Feral Spirit. The Chieftain has
Thorns Aura and Boulders.

| |
| REVENANT (Fire (3), Frost (4), Lightning (6), Ice (8), Death (9)) |

DESCRIPTION: Floating armors.
NOTES: Fire has Immolation. Frost can cast Blizzard. Lightning can cast Chain
Lightning and Purgue. Ice has Vampiric Aura and Frost nova. Death can cast
Raise dead, Animate Dead and Death Coil.

| |
| SALAMANDER (Hatchling (3), (5), Vizier (7), Lord (10)) |

DESCRIPTION: Red Dinosaurs.
NOTES: Ranged units. The Level 5 Salamander has Immolation and Firebolt.
The Vizier has Abolish Magic, Manaburn and Bloodlust. The Lord has Immolation,
Rain of Fire and can Devour.

| |
| SASQUATCH ((5), Elder (6), Oracle (7), Ancient (9)) |

DESCRIPTION: Huge brown humanoid monsters.
NOTES: Elder has Bash and Force of Nature. Oracle has Roar and Rejuvenation.
Ancient has Slam, Force of Nature and Reincarnation.

| |
| SATYR ((1), Trickster (1), Shadowdancer (3), Soulstealer (5), |
| Hellcaller (8)) |

DESCRIPTION: Brown humanoids with horns.
NOTES: Trickster and Shadowdancer are ranged units. Shadowdancer has Shadow
Meld and Curse. Trickster has Purgue. Soulstealer has Manaburn and Raise
Dead. Hellcaller has Unholy Aura and Animate Dead.

| |
| SLUDGE (Minion (1), Flinger (3), Monstrosity (5)) |

DESCRIPTION: Black uh... Sludges?
NOTES: Flinger is a Ranged unit. All of them can cast slow.

| |
| WENDIGO ((4), Elder (6), Shaman (7), Ancient Wendigo (9)) |

DESCRIPTION: Huge White humanoid monsters.
TILESET: Northtrend.
NOTES: Elder has Bash. Shaman has Roar and Rejuvenation. Ancient has Bash,
Warstomp and Reincarnation.

| |
| WOLF (Frost (2), Timber (2), Giant (4), Giant Frost (4), Dire Frost (6),|
| Dire (6) )) |

TILESET: Timber Wolves class in Azeroth. Frost in Northtrend. As if it
wasn't painfully obvious.
NOTES: Giant and Giant Frost have Critical Strike. Dire have Critical strike
and Roar.

| |
| SKELETON (Archer (1), Burning (3), Marksman (3), Giant(3)) |

NOTES: Burning has Searing Arrows. Marksman has Cold Arrows. All except the
Giant are ranged units.


8.2.- Neutral Buildings.

All neutral buildings are invulnerable and have around 10,000 HP which
means that you can't actually see their hit points in their stat portrait.

MERCENARY CAMP: As the name suggest, you hire mercenaries here. Some of
them are quite powerful, like the Ogre Mauler, but it really depends on
what's there to hire. One of my favorite mercenaries, for example, is
the Dark Troll Warlord, which is a huge and powerful ranged unit with
Trueshot aura. The Ogre-Magi are also very powerful. One advantage is
that they are there always available while supplies lasts, and they
appear at the second you pay. Watch your food limit when hiring.
Check the Creeps and Mercenaries section for some info about them.

Here is a quick table. Feel free to print it out and stick it to
your mother's refrigerator for reference.
| | | | |
| MERCENARY | Gold | Lumber | Food |
| Assassin | 240 | 30 | 3 |
| Centaur Outrunner | 240 | 30 | 3 |
| Forest Troll Berserker | 240 | 30 | 3 |
| Forest Troll Priest | 180 | 10 | 2 |
| Frost Revenant | 240 | 30 | 3 |
| Furbolg Shaman | 240 | 30 | 3 |
| Gnoll Brute | 200 | - | 2 |
| Gnoll Warden | 200 | 20 | 2 |
| Harpy Rogue | 200 | 20 | 2 |
| Ice Troll Berserker | 240 | 30 | 3 |
| Ice Troll Trapper | 200 | 20 | 2 |
| Kobold | 100 | - | 1 |
| Kobold Geomancer | 200 | 20 | 2 |
| Murloc Flesheater | 200 | 20 | 2 |
| Murloc Huntsman | 140 | 10 | 2 |
| Nerubian Warrior | 200 | 20 | 2 |
| Ogre Magi | 300 | 50 | 4 |
| Ogre Mauler | 300 | 50 | 4 |
| Ogre Warrior | 200 | 20 | 2 |
| Razormane Medicine Man | 300 | 50 | 4 |
| Rogue | 200 | 20 | 2 |
| Satyr Shadowdancer | 200 | 20 | 2 |
| Satyr Soulstealer | 300 | 50 | 4 |
| Sludge Flinger | 200 | 20 | 2 |
| Thunder Lizard | 340 | 50 | 4 |

GOBLIN MERCHANT: Here you can buy some items for your heroes, like potions
and the such. Great part of the strategy can be formed here, via potions
and scrolls of town portal.
| | |
| ITEM | Gold |
| Potion of Invisibility | 100 |
| Potion of Healing | 150 |
| Potion of Mana | 200 |
| Scroll of Healing | 250 |
| Scroll of Protection | 200 |
| Scroll of Town Portal | 350 |
| Gem of True Seeing | 200 |
| Wand of Negation | 200 |

GOBLIN LABORATORY: Another goblin place, where you can hire Goblin
Sappers, Goblin Shredders, Goblin Zeppelins and reveal small portions
of the map for some money.
| | | | |
| ARTICLE | Gold | Lumber | Food |
| Goblin Sapper | 250 | 100 | 2 |
| Goblin Zeppelin | 280 | 60 | - |
| Goblin Shredder | 440 | 100 | 4 |
| Reveal | 50 | - | - |

DRAGON ROOST: You can hire Dragon Whelps, Dragons and Drakes here. Of course,
good luck finding one of these ^_^.
| | | | |
| UNIT | Gold | Lumber | Food |
| Dragon Whelp | 200 | 60 | 2 |
| Drake | 340 | 80 | 5 |
| Dragon | 700 | 200 | 8 |


9.- Items.

IMPORTANT: This section is HUGE. Use ctrl+f to search for the item you need info
about. I used the map editor to compile this section. That's the hardest copy
you can find about them because, well, that's hardcoded. Inconsistencies have
been reported. Feel free to ask about them.

Item's level range from 1 to 8. No longer do level 10 item exist.

CHARGED: Item which comes with several useage. When it runs out, it dissapears.
That number of useages are denoted by a little number on the icon.
ARTIFACT: Level 7 or higher items. Difficult to find.
MISCELLANOUS ITEM: Dropped at random by critters.
POWER UP ITEM: Permanent power up. As of 1.10, (1.7 with TFT)they act immediatly
when picking them up. Previously, they went into the inventory, and they had
to be used manually to provide the Power up.

NOTE: All items have 75 HP, light armor type. You can destroy them, which in
fact is a good idea if you're not gonna use the item and don't want the enemy
casting multiple instant lightning shields on your units (For some reason
that particular item - not the spell - seems to work wonderfully for everyone
and their moms but me (and probably my mom)).
NOTE: Items which provide an aura do not stack (do not add) to an aura or
passive ability already had by the hero. They all work at level 1. In clear
english for the not hardcore-ier than thou heroes, that means that a Tauren
Chieftain with Endurance aura will not get any benefit from a Jangoo of
Endurance, for example.
NOTE II: I still cannot understand the difference between the
regular level of the item and the 'unclassified' level. As always, feel free
to help.
NOTE ABOUT THE ORBS: These items are erratic on their info. Any comments will
be very appreciated, especially about their level and price. All the orbs
were changed when The Frozen Throne was released (added ranged attack against
air, as well as adding an Orb of corruption, Slow and Venom), and I guess some
changes were made for The Reign of Chaos as well. This affected the Map Editor.
NOTE III: I couldn't find any hard info about the potion of speed or the potion
of greater invisibility. Another cry for help.
NOTE IV: I did not included the flags for each race, as they are just used for
special scenarios and don't have any particular use or history behind them.
NOTE V: Some items were changed for the Frozen Throne. For instance, the Orbs
add anti-air attack to the hero holding them. I might have missed some, though
it is unlikely.
*IMPORTANT* NOTE VI: Items work differently in the Frozen Throne. They have
a cooldown time after they were used, and you won't be able to use the same
item for that brief time.


NAME OF THE ITEM : Brief Description of the item.
TYPE : Type of the item, mostly for map builders.
LEVEL : level of the item.
COST : Cost of the item. Mostly based on the level itself.
NOTES : Any special notes, particular classification.

CLAWS OF ATTACK : Adds the specified number to the attack of
+(3-6-9-12-15) the hero.
TYPE : Item Damage Bonus
LEVEL : 0 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 7
COST : 50 gold - 100 gold - 400 gold - 600 gold - 800 gold
NOTES : The +15 item is considered an artifact. The +3 item is
a miscellaneous item.

RING OF PROTECTION : Adds the specified ammount of armor to the hero.
TYPE : Item Armor Bonus
LEVEL : 0 -2 - 3 - 6 - 8
COST : 50 gold - 150 gold - 400 gold - 500 gold - 1000 gold
NOTES : The +1 item is a miscellaneous item. The +5 is
considered an artifact.

ALLERIA'S FLUTE OF : Gives the hero a Trueshot Aura.
TYPE : Trueshot Aura
COST : 400 gold
NOTES : Alleria was a elvish Ranger who played a big part in the
Warcraft II Expansion: Beyond the Dark Portal.

ANCIENT JANGOO OF : Gives the hero an Endurance Aura.
TYPE : Endurance Aura
COST : 500 gold

BELT OF GIANT : Adds +6 to the hero's strenght.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus
COST : 500 gold

BOOTS OF QUEL'TALAS: Adds +6 to the hero's agility.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus
COST : 500 gold

BOOTS OF SPEED : Increases the movement speed of the hero.
TYPE : Item move speed bonus
COST : 150 gold
NOTES : +33% movement speed.

CIRCLET OF : Adds +2 to all stats.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus
COST : 175 gold

CLOAK OF FLAMES : Gives the hero permanent level 1 immolation.
TYPE : Item immolation.
COST : 600 gold

CLOAK OF SHADOWS : Gives the hero the ability to shadowmeld.
TYPE : Shadowmeld
COST : 100 gold
NOTES : Obviously, that only works at night. As if it wasn't
painfully obvious.

CRYSTAL BALL : Free Farsight, level 1.
TYPE : Item Area Detection
COST : 500 gold
NOTES : Charged. Comes with three charges.

GAUNTLETS OF OGRE : Adds +3 to the hero's strenght.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus
COST : 100 gold

GLOVES OF HASTE : Adds +33% to the hero's attack speed.
TYPE : Item attack speed bonus
COST : 100 gold

HELM OF VALOR : Adds +4 to strenght and agility of the hero.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus
COST : 500 gold

HOOD OF CUNNING : Adds +4 to the hero's agility and itelligence.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus
COST : 500 gold

KHADGAR'S PIPE OF : Gives the hero a Brilliance Aura.
TYPE : Brilliance Aura
COST : 500 gold
NOTES : Khadgar was a mage, pupil to Medivh, who was the one
responsible to destroy the first Dark Portal.

LEGION DOOM HORN : Gives the hero an Unholy Aura
TYPE : Unholy Aura
COST : 400 gold

MANTLE OF :Adds +3 to the hero's intelligence.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus
COST : 100 gold

MEDALLION OF : Adds +4 to the hero's strenght and intelligence.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus
COST : 500 gold

PENDANT OF ENERGY : Adds +150 to the hero's Mana pool.
TYPE : Item mana bonus
COST : 400 gold

PENDANT OF MANA : Adds +300 to the hero's Mana pool.
TYPE : Item mana bonus
COST : 500 gold

PERIAPT OF VITALITY: Adds +300 to the hero's Max HP.
TYPE : Item life bonus
COST : 350 gold

RING OF : Makes the hero regenerate 2 extra HP/second.
TYPE : Item life regeneration
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Calculated after regular regeneration.

ROBE OF THE MAGI +6: Adds +6 to the hero's itelligence.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus
COST : 500 gold

RUNE BRACERS : Adds +33% to the hero's magic resistance.
TYPE : Spell damage reduction
COST : 400 gold

SCOURGE BONE CHIMES: Gives the hero a Vampiric Aura.
TYPE : Vampiric Aura
COST : 450 gold

SLIPPERS OF AGILITY: Adds +3 to the hero's agility.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus
COST : 100 gold
NOTES : Anybody remembers the spiderman's cartoon theme
song? Hell was is difficult to sing.

SOBI MASK : Makes the hero regenerate 2 extra MP/second.
TYPE : Item mana regeneration
COST : 400 gold
NOTES : Calculated after regular regeneration.

TALISMAN OF EVASION: Gives the hero Evasion.
TYPE : Evasion
COST : 500 gold

THE LION HORN OF : Gives the hero a Devotion Aura.
TYPE : Devotion Aura
COST : 400 gold

AMULET OF THE WILD : Summons a Furbolg Warrior.
TYPE : Summon item
COST : 750 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Summons a Ursa Warrior.

ANKH OF : One-shot resurrection on the hero carrying it.
TYPE : Item Reincarnation
COST : 800 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Summons a Ursa Warrior.

BOOK OF THE DEAD : Summons four skeletons warrior and four archers.
TYPE : Summon item
COST : 450 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Curiously, the "Book of the Dead" is
one of many translations of the fabled black magic
book, the Necronomicon.

DEMONIC FIGURINE : Summons a Doom Guard.
TYPE : Summon item
COST : 750 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

HEALING WARD : Summons a Healing Ward.
TYPE : Summon item
COST : 600 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Same as the Witch Doctor's.

HEALTH STONE : Increases life regeneration by 2 HP/second. Can be
consumed for 300 HP.
TYPE : Item healing
COST : 450 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

INFERNO STONE : Summons an infernal.
TYPE : Summon item
COST : 750 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Emulates the effect of the Dreadlord's
spell, INFERNO.

MANA STONE : Increases life regeneration by 1 MP/second. Can be
consumed for 150 MP.
TYPE : Item mana regain
COST : 450 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

POTION OF : Makes the hero invulnerable for 15 seconds.
TYPE : Divine Shield
COST : 600 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Identical to the Paladin's Spell.

TYPE : Item healing
COST : 400 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

POTION OF GREATER : Recovers 300 MP.
TYPE : Item mana regain
COST : 400 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

RED DRAKE EGG : Summon a Red Drake.
TYPE : Summon item
COST : 450 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

SCROLL OF ANIMATE : Resurrects dead bodies to fight for you.
TYPE : Item Animate Dead
COST : 750 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Emulates the effects of the spell
ANIMATE DEAD, for the Death Knight.

SCROLL OF : Raises 6 of your dead units to fight again.
TYPE : Item Resurrection
COST : 750 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Emulates de effects of the Paladin's

POTION OF : Heals all MP and HP.
TYPE : Item healing
COST : 750 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

TYPE : Item healing
COST : 150 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

POTION OF MANA : Recovers 150 MP.
TYPE : Item mana regain
COST : 150 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

POTION OF : Makes the hero invisible for 120 seconds or until it
INVISIBILITY engages a physical action such as attacking or casting.
TYPE : Item temporary invisibility
COST : 100 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

POTION OF : Makes the hero invisible for 180 seconds or until it
GREATER engages a physical action such as attacking or casting.
TYPE : Item temporary invisibility
LEVEL : 0 / 2 (I think it's a level 2 item, but the map editor
says level 0. Go figure.)
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

POTION OF SPEED : Increses your speed for 30 seconds.
TYPE : Item temporary speed
COST : ¿?
NOTES : Charged item.

SCROLL OF : Heals 300 HP and 150 MP to all non-mecha units around
TYPE : Item healing
COST : 750 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

SCROLL OF THE BEAST: Raises the attack power of your units temporarily.
TYPE : Roar
COST : 400 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Emulates the effect of the Druids of the
Claw spell ROAR.

SENTRY WARDS : Drops a sentry ward in the location.
TYPE : "Unknown(Ayey)"
COST : 150 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Identical to the Witch Doctor's ability.
And yes, that's the cooldown group in the editor.

SPIKED COLLAR : Summons a Fel Hound.
TYPE : Summon item
COST : 450 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

STONE TOKEN : Summons a Stone Golem.
TYPE : Summon item
COST : 450 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

TALISMAN OF THE : Summons Furlbogs.
TYPE : Summon item.
COST : 450 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Comes with three charges.

WAND OF ILLUSION : Creates illusions of the hero.
TYPE : Item illusions.
COST : 150 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

WAND OF LIGHTNING : Casts Lightning Shield on the target.
TYPE : Lightning Shield
COST : 150 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Emulates the Lightning Shield Spell.
*MASTER OF THE OBVIOUS* attacks again.

WAND OF THE WIND : Casts Cyclone on the target.
TYPE : Cyclone item.
COST : 450 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Ahem.

MANUAL OF HEALTH : +50 HP to the hero.
TYPE : Item Permanent life gain.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Power up item.

TOME OF AGILITY : Adds +1 to the agility of the hero.
TYPE : Item Agility gain.
COST : 150 gold
NOTES : Power up item.

TOME OF AGILITY +2 : Adds +2 to the agility of the hero.
TYPE : Item Agility gain.
COST : 300 gold
NOTES : Power up item.

TOME OF STRENGHT : Adds +1 to the Strenght of the hero.
TYPE : Item Strenght gain.
COST : 150 gold
NOTES : Power up item.

TOME OF STRENGHT +2: Adds +2 to the Strenght of the hero.
TYPE : Item Strenght gain.
COST : 300 gold
NOTES : Power up item.

TOME OF ITELLIGENCE: Adds +1 to the intelligence of the hero.
TYPE : Item intelligence gain.
COST : 150 gold
NOTES : Power up item.

TOME OF ITELLIGENCE: Adds +2 to the intelligence of the hero.
TYPE : Item intelligence gain.
COST : 300 gold
NOTES : Power up item.

TOME OF KNOWLEDGE : Adds +1 to the intelligence, strenght and agility of
the hero.
TYPE : Item int/str/agi gain.
COST : 500 gold
NOTES : Power up item.

TOME OF EXPERIENCE : Adds 200 experience to the hero.
TYPE : Item experience gain.
COST : 500 gold
NOTES : Power up item.

TOME OF GREATER : Adds 500 experience to the hero.
TYPE : Item experience gain.
COST : 1000 gold?
NOTES : Power up item. Doesn't drops in multiplayer games.

CROWN OF KINGS +5 : Adds +5 to the intelligence, agility and Strenght of the
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus.
COST : 1000 gold
NOTES : Artifact.

MASK OF DEATH : Allows the hero to steal 50% of the damage inflicted in
HP to add to his or her own reserves.
TYPE : Item life steal.
COST : 1000 gold
NOTES : Artifact. Ridiculous with a Blade Master.

ORB OF FROST : Adds +6 cold damage to the hero's attacks, as well as
slowing down the target. Also adds anti-air attack.
TYPE : Item attack frost bonus.
COST : 800 gold
NOTES : Artifact.

ORB OF FIRE : Adds +6 fire damage to the hero's attacks, as well as
causing splash damage. Also adds anti-air attack.
TYPE : Item attack fire bonus.
LEVEL : 3 / 5 (not sure, most items downgraded when ported to
the frozen throne, and thus with the 1.10 update. The
map editor considers it a level 3 item, but its power
is far too much for that and I remember it being a level
5 item before.)
COST : 400 gold
NOTES : Only orb not considered an artifact. Surprising,
considering the ridiculous effect combined with a
Mountain King using Bash.

ORB OF LIGHTNING : Adds +6 lightning damage to the hero's attacks, as well
dispelling spells on the target and dealing 75 bonus
damage to summoned units (!). Also adds anti-air attack.
TYPE : Item attack lightning bonus.
LEVEL : 8 / 10 (not sure - changed with the frozen throne)
COST : 450 / 1000 gold (again, not sure)
NOTES : Artifact.

TOME OF POWER : Adds 1 level of experience to the hero.
TYPE : Item level gain.
COST : 1250 gold
NOTES : Power up item. It only gives the experience you need for
the next level of the hero, so it pays to wait for a
regular level up if you need very little experience
to use, to maximize its effect.

SCROLL OF TOWN : Teleports the hero and units around him / her to a
PORTAL town hall of your choice. Takes a few seconds to work,
during that time the hero is invulnerable.
TYPE : Item town portal
COST : 350 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Your first hero always starts with one.

WAND OF NEGATION : Dispells magic effects and deals 200 damage to
summoned units on the target area.
TYPE : Item dispel
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Charged item.

AMULET OF RECALL : Transports units to your hero.
TYPE : Item recall
COST : 250 gold
NOTES : The map editor considers it a level 0 item. This is,
however, because it doesn't appears on multiplayer games.
(I can imagine the chaos)

ANCIENT FIGURINE : Adds +1 intelligence to the hero.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus.
COST : 150 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item. That's the venus of milo!

ANTI-MAGIC POTION : Gives the hero magic invulnearbility for 90 seconds.
TYPE : Item anti-magic shell.
COST : 750 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item. Identical to the Banshee's spell.

GEM OF TRUE SEEING : Gives the hero True Sight.
TYPE : Detector (?)
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item.

GOBLIN LAND MINES : Gives the hero the ability to drop three land mines,
which deal 500 damage when a unit steps on them.
TYPE : Item place goblin land mine.
COST : 225 gold
NOTES : Charged item. Miscellaneous item. Doesn't appear on
multiplayer games due to a well-known cheese used to
lock production and destroy buildings with them.

GOBLIN NIGHT SCOPE : Increases the hero's night vision radious.
TYPE : Ultravision.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item. Useless for the Night Elves.

IRONWOOD BRANCH : Adds +1 to the hero's strenght.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus.
COST : 50 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item.

JADE RING : Adds +1 to the hero's agility.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus.
COST : 50 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item.

LION'S RING : Adds +1 to the hero's agility.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus.
COST : 50 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item.

MAUL OF STRENGHT : Adds +1 to the hero's strenght.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus.
COST : 50 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item.

NECKLACE OF SPELL : Makes the hero immune to spells (duh).
TYPE : Spell immunity.
LEVEL : 0 / 8 / 10 (Map editor considers it a level
0 and as such a miscellaneous item. It's actually
a level 8 item, though most people say it's a
level 10 item. I'm guiding myself through the regular
level listed by the map editor, but these inconsistences,
though not important - the level only means how difficult
it's to find - are to be noted and common.)
COST : 1000 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item.

RING OF SUPERIORITY: Adds +1 to strenght, agility and intelligence.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus.
COST : 100 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item.

(OH EM GEE!!11!! It's t3h 0n3 r1N6!!!!11one!!shift+1!!)

SPIDER RING : Adds +1 to the agility of the hero.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus.
COST : 50 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item.

TOTEM OF MIGHT : Adds +1 to the strenght of the hero.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus.
COST : 50 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item.

VOODOO DOLL : Adds +1 to the intelligence of the hero.
TYPE : Item hero stat bonus.
COST : 50 gold
NOTES : Miscellaneous item.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!THEY ARE ONLY ADDED FOR COMPLETITION REASONS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BLOOD KEY : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Also used in the Warchasers Scenario.

CHEESE : It's a goddamn cheese, for crying out loud.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 250 gold
NOTES : It's the Cheese! Cheese cheese cheese cheese! Actually,
it's useless. It's only there for custom maps and to make
fun of Perfect Dark's hidden cheeses (which, for some,
could be considered the Farsight).

EMPTY VIAL : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold

TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold

FULL VIAL : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold

GEM FRAGMENT : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold

GHOST KEY : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Also used in the Warchasers scenario.

GLYPH OF : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold

HEART OF ASZUNE : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold

HORN OF CENARIOUS : Gives 200 bonus hit points and 2 HP/second added
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Malfurion comes equipped with it.

KEY OF THE THREE : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Must be assembled with the Moon Keys.

MOON KEY : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Part of the Key of the Three Moons. Also
used in the Warchasers scenario.

PARTIAL KEY OF THE : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Two moon keys together. Part of the Key of the
three moons.

PHAT LEWT : The Phattest Lewt, definitely.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Useless. "Phat Lewt" is 1337 language for Fat Loot.
1337 is "leet", which is how you say "Elite". And,
finally, that's the way 90% of the internet like to
refer themselves, particulary "Hackers". Particulary,
I think that's pretty stupid, but, hey, I'm just a
dude. Bah. Anyway, yes, it's useless.

(you could sell it, though)

SKULL OF GUL'DAN : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Illidan has this in The Frozen Throne, though the name
name is different, and it grants him a few powers. Here,
however, it's useless.

SUN KEY : Warchasers item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Wee!. Go an play the goddamn scenario now!

THE HEART OF : Campaign Item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold

URN OF KING : Campaign item.
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold

WIRT'S LEG :Could it be that a portal opened up and expelled the
remains of our dearest pal from the world of Diablo to
here? If so, was it a player, or a Demon? Just how many
worlds have the Burning Legion conquered? Could the Demons
of the Burning Legion and those of Sanctuary be one and the
TYPE : Campaign.
COST : 200 gold
NOTES : Wirt's was a character from Diablo II, who complained
that he had lost his leg. Guess it's here where it ended.
Useless. Worth noting is the flavor text for Wirt's Other
Leg, from the Frozen Throne (and a lot easier to find that
this one).
"Perhaps the overzealous adventurer pried this off before
his Journey here thinking it might give him one last
opportunity at bovine slaughter. Little did he know where it
would lead him."
Which reffers to the secret cow level in Diablo II, a really
demented place with armed cows attacking the player.
(If anyone knows where can you find Wirt's Leg, please email


10.- Cheats.

As ussual, Cheats are enter by pressing enter, type the code, and press
enter again.

LEVEL SELECT : motherland RACE LEVEL - Type the race and the level you
want to face. motherland orc 2 will take you to the
second orcish mission.

INVULNERABILITY : whosyourdaddy

INSTANT WIN : allyourbasearebelongtous

INSTANT LOSS : somebodysetusthebomb

EXTRA MONEY : greeisgood # - type the ammount of gold and lumber you

REVEAL THE MAP : iseedeadpeople

UNLIMITED MANA : thereisnospoon

NO WIN : itvexesme

NO LOSE : strenghtandhonor

EXTRA GOLD : keysersoze # type the ammount of gold you want.

EXTRA LUMBER : leafiitome # type the ammount of lumber you want.

INSTANT DAWN : riseandshine

INSTANT DUSK : lightsout

CHOOSE TIME : daylightsavings # type the hour you want. No hour will
effectively stop time.


NO FOOD LIMIT : pointbreak

UPGRADE 1 LEVEL : sharpandshiny


Plays "Power of :TenthLevelTaurenchieftain
the Horde", the
hidden track.
Caps sensitive.


11.- Walkthrough.

The Walkthrough has been written on Normal difficult though I expect to have
a hard more walkthrough rather quickly after the regular walkthrough, secrets
and anything else are done. I've purposely left the cinematics and the such
out of the guide for the sake of shortening up the count of spoilers.

(It isn't like I've not already spoiled the whole series on my Plot Guide)

The Items section of each mission is probably imcomplete, and for some
missions, empty. Any help or contributions will be REALLY appreciated.

The Heroes levels are just recommendations. They will start in the level
you left them in the previous mission, though each mission has its
individual level caps. These are (mostly) accurate.

I've purposely left most of the items out of the walkthrough, though
I've added them to the list. This is for you, dear reader, to get
off your lazy ass and try to find them all on your own.

| |

The Night Elf Campaign revolves mostly on Maeiv's Quest hunting Illidan,
and her righteous attitidue will provide an interesting plot twist at the
end. Starts up easy and ends up rather difficult.

| |

Though the Demonlord, Archimonde, and the Burning Legion were finally
defeated at the battle of Mount Hyj'al, much of the forests remain
tainted by the foul, demonic energies. The combined effort of the druids
and the Sentinel have brought a tenous peace to the northlands, but
dark creatures still lurk in the shadowy woods. In this perillious
time, Maeiv Shadowsong, the Warden who once guarded Illidan's barrow
prison, has come forth to hunt her dangerous prey-- and chain him once
again beneath the cold earth.

QUESTS - Follow Illidan's trail
- Maeiv must survive

- Save at least two ships
- Maeiv must survive

- Slay the Wildkin

- Search and rescue

ITEMS FOUND: Rune of Mana x10
Rune of Lesser Healing x3
Jade Ring
Tome of Agility
Rune of Greater Healing
Tome of Intelligence +2
Tome of Strenght
Tome of Intelligence
Ring of Protection
Claws of Attack +3
Spider Ring

STARTING : Maeiv (Level 2 Warden hero)
FORCES Archer x3

*Naisha is a slightly buffed up Huntress slightly bigger and with a
different palet. If she dies, she can't be resurrected as she's not a hero.
Her fate doesn't makes any difference to the game.

HINT: Blink, blink, blink everywhere. There are *lots* of secrets to be
found using Maeiv's Blink.

This stage sets you with Maeiv on the trail of Illidan. Go north, and
you will be faced by a few Mur'gul Cliffrunners(level 1). Go through the
door and you will see a cutscene. After that, take on the Furbolgs (level 4),
and go west, (watch out for the two Furbolgs). You will be ambushed by three
level 1 Satyrs, and one level 3 Satyr Trickster. Deal with them the way you
see fit. Go north and you will receive reinforcements and the ENRAGED BEAST
OPTIONAL QUEST. We will complete this in a second.

Push north and deal with the Mur'gul there. They are around the waterfalls.
Now go east and you will see the enraged Wildkin. Chase it. You will face
two Wilkin level 4 and the one Berserker Wildkin, level 8, which is a pain
in the ass, and you can expect to lose a unit here. It leaves a
Tome of Agility.

Further in the road, you will meet up with a group of Naga. Prior to that,
is a Rune of Greater Healing. Try to leave it for after the battle, as
the Naga are really tough.

NOTE: There is a Mur'gul Clam Seashucker or something similar. This is
the only time in the game you ever see one of these.

Go west now to find some more Mur'guls and some more Satyrs. You will receive
the SEARCH AND RESCUE OPTIONAL QUEST. Go north, and free the Night Elves.
There are several Satyrs, and a level 3 Satyr Shadowdancer.

Now go right, and destroy the gate. You will see Illidan escaping, and you
will receive the BURNING SHIPS MAIN QUEST. You must save at least two ships.
Quickly use Maeiv's Blink to reach the parties attacking the ships and kill
all the Naga. Use Maeiv to attract enemy fire, and kill the Couatls at once.
They are the most dangerous foe.Once all the Naga are dead, the mission is over.

| |

The next day, on the shores of a mysterious island chain, Maeiv and her
Watchers inspect some ancient, yet strangely familiar ruins...

- Locate Illidan

- Kill the Naga guarding the Tomb of Sargeras

QUESTS - Destroy all three summoning pits
- Bring the Skull Artifacts to Drak'Thar

ITEMS FOUND: Rune of Mana x3
Pendant of Energy
Scroll of Healing
Periapt of Vitality
Scroll of Protection
Tome of Intelligence x3
Claws of Attack +6
Maul of Strenght

Archer x3
Wisp x12

NOTE: you can build ships on this mission. Abuse them.

Start by building a couple Ancient Protectors to the west of your base. It
will do you good. The Naga will send in small punishment groups to scourge
in your base every once in awhile. Also, build four or five Archers
and keep it to the north.

Once your defense is secure get a ship and start to explore. There are
several creeps and items around. To the north is an Orcish Warlock who'll
ask you for help. Talk to him and you will receive the SILENCE THE GHOST
OPTIONAL QUEST, which asks you to destroy the summoning pits located
directly north of your base.

There are skeletal orcs battling. Ignore them and destroy the summoning pits,
which will otherwise keep reinforcing the fallen orcs.

To the northeast of the map lies a library you might find interesting. Blink
around the walls for more items. In the center of the map is a Mercenary
Camp. South of your base, a Goblin Hut.

Now, there are two Naga Bases around. The west one, which is small and easy
to take on, and the north one, which is pretty difficult to deal with. Start
with the red one, attacking with lots of Huntress.

Now, mass Archers and strike the purple one. this is noticeably more
difficult, since the have Coautls in there. Make sure to have lot of Archers,
and use the ships you may have to attack, since the whole base is built in
shallow water. Once you destroy it, you will receive the NAGA GUARDIANS MAIN

Destroy the gate and face the six Myrmidons and two Sirens to finish the

| |

Moments later, while on the entrance of the shadowed tomb, Maeiv and her
Watchers brace themselves for an ambush...

- Find Illidan
- Maeiv must survive

- Bring Maeiv to the Tomb Entrance
- Maeiv must survive

QUESTS - Find the missing pieces of the Shadow Orb

- Destroy the Barriers

ITEMS FOUND: Rune of Lesser Healing x2
Rune of Shielding
Potion of Greater Mana.
Rune of Mana x9
Tome of Itelligence +2
Manual of Health
Shadow Orb Fragment x10
Ring of Protection +2
Tome of Agility
Healing Salve
Rune of Healing
Rune of Greater Mana
Rune of Greater Healing
Rune of the Wild
Stone Token x2

STARTING : Maeiv (Level 4 Warden hero)
Archer x3

NOTE: Don't let Naisha die on this mission.

Start by going north and deal with the skeletal orcs and the Necrolyte
(level 6) there. Recover the items and then go east from the starting
postion. From there, use blink to get the items, and continue the road.

From that position, head west, and pass the two gates. Obliterate everything
there (there is a level 7 Pit Lord), and take note of the ledge there. Now,
head back to the two (now non-existent) doors, and head south. Eliminate the
two Fel Stalkers (level 3), and use Maeiv to blink where you WILL see a Rune.
There you will find a few Skeletons, and follow the corridor, where a
Skeletal champion will attack you (Level 3). From there you will see
two items in the ledge I told you to take note of. One of those is
a piece of the Shadow Orb, which will start the SHADOW ORB OPTIONAL
QUEST. This quest will be completed during the whole mission, but it's
very rewarding if very time consuming.

Continue through the corridor where we fought the Fel Stalkers, and
follow the stairs. You will notice a few rocks. Maeiv will then start the
BARRIERS OPTIONAL QUEST. Attack the chunks to receive two Druids of the
Claw. Step on the switch.

Now, follow the cave where the Druids came from and use blink to teleport
to where the bats are. There is another shadow orb piece.

Backtrack to the switch and head north. Blink to the left ledge, and
attack the creeps. Third orb piece is there. From there, blink to the
left edge, and then blink to the plataform where the Slime Hurler (level 5)
is. From there you can blink to the leftmost ledge, and you will
find the fourth orb piece. Head north from there, and kill them Mur'guls
there. Go west and you will find a few hydras, turtles and the such.
Only the Elder Hydra (level 7) shall pose any trouble. From the elder
Hydra, blink to the right ledge for the fifth orb piece. Northwest are
three smaller hydras, to the left is another ledge with a rune of mana,
and the sixth Shadow Orb fragment.

You might have noticed the rocks. Two dryads will come.

Head east and you will find a few more hydras. Blink to the north to
kill a lone Turtle, which will leave another Shadow Orb.

Keep going east. You will find a cutscene then you will have to deal with
a few Naga. Target the Myrmidon First and that will be easy.

East again. Another chunks of rock will give you two Druids of the Talon
and complete the BARRIERS OPTIONAL QUEST. North is a single hydra which you
have to reach by blinking with Maeiv. Destroy the crates to find the eighth
shadow orb fragment. Now, head south where a few Naga sirens will attack.
East will show you even more naga. Head through the gate after the cutscene.
Now, south of here, besides some rocks, is the final Shadow Orb fragment,
but it's difficult to get. Run around until you can see a bit of ground,
and blink there.

NOTE: With the complete Orb, Maeiv becomes a walking monster. Use and abuse
her immense strenght, and she's not as fragile as before. The thing gives
+10 attack power, +3 armor and +2 or so HP regeneration per second.

Head east, and face the group of Naga. Use the Druids of the Talon Cyclone
on the Myrmidon for an easy kill.

Attack the door and a cutscene will ensue. After that, you have
three minutes to escape. Use Maeiv's ability to blink to escape quickly.
There will be many more monsters and many more items, but you can ignore
most of them if not all, and finish the mission sending her back to the

| |

Hours later, suffering from grievous wounds and exhaustation, Maeiv
stumbles back in the relative safety of her base camp.

- Rescue the Night Elf Transports
- The Runner must survive
- Your base must survive

- Send the runner to open sea
- The Runner must survive
- Your base must survive

QUESTS - Kill the Naga Excavators

ITEMS FOUND: Staff of Teleportation
Orb of Slow
Glyph of Fortification
Staff of Negation
Mana Stone
Slippers of Agility +3
Talisman of Evasion

STARTING : Maeiv (Level 5 Warden hero)
FORCES Druid of the Claw x4
Archer x6
Dryad x2
Huntress x5
Wisp x8

You must escort the runner to open sea. To do this, treat this as a regular
stage, and leave the Runner behind.

You cannot reinforce Maeiv's group, but she shouldn't need it (particulary
if you have the full Shadow Orb). Keep your base well-defended, as Naga will
eventually start attacking your base with rough groups and perhaps a level
4 Seawitch, which is a pain in the ass.

Start heading south with Maeiv. Kill the first Naga group you find, and you
will receive the useful Staff of Teleportation to send Maeiv around and
the NAGA EXCAVATORS OPTIONAL QUEST. This is the first excavation zone.

Keep following the track, and you will eventually receive a couple Huntress,
and then you will have to deal with the second excavation site.

Now keep heading north (Don't forget the defense at your base). You can blink
to get the great Glyph of Fortification. Now, head south and you will reach
the transports, as well as receiving a few units you will need.

Directly south are the two other excavation sites. Use Maeiv to deal with
them as soon as possible, as the Naga will be pounding in your base in
the meantime.

Grab the transports and load up. Use your Glaive Throwers to destroy the
towers and advance to the exit.

NOTE: Next stage will be a pain for Maeiv. Try to buy the Poison orb and
find the Stun Orb, which will make things a lot easier (not to mention
sky rocket her attack power)

| |

The next day, at the shores of the Broken Isles, Maeiv and her Watchers
attempt to hold the line against Illidan's final strike...

- Reach Maeiv's Base
- Tyrande and Malfurion must survive

- Destroy Illidan's Base

QUESTS - Reach the first ship
- Reach the second ship
- Reach the third ship

ITEMS FOUND: Tome of Strenght +2
Tome of Agility +2 x2 (And the second one's a toughie)
Tome of Intelligence +2
Rune of Mana
Bracer of Agility
Lesser Clarity Potion x2
Scroll of Mana
Scroll of Regeneration
Minor Replenishment potion
Circlet of Nobility
Scroll of Healing
Ring of Protection +3

STARTING : Maeiv (Level 6 Warden hero)------------------
FORCES Huntress x6---------------------------------- AT MAEIV'S BASE
Archer x3------------------------------------
Wisp x5--------------------------------------
Tyrande (Level 10 Priestess of the Moon)--
Malfurion (Level 10 Keeper of the Grove)--
Archer x3--------------------------------- RESCUE GROUP
Huntress x2-------------------------------
Druid of The Claw x2----------------------

NOTE: The Staff of Teleportation is, sadly, lost at this stage.

Maeiv's base will be constantly under attack. You need to get Malfurion and
Tyrande quickly, or her demise will be undeniable. Fortunately, Tyrande and
Malfurion, both level 10, are quite strong and competent (Is funny how the
two weakest NE heroes are, storyline wise, the strongests out there).

The basic directives for this stage are to guard Maeiv's base (which, if you
completed the Shadow Orb quest two stages ago, shall not be that difficult),
and to guide Tyrande and Malfurion.

Start by exploring around, and tackling the weaker creeps you'll find. To
the north, you will find some ruins where the Naga will be introduced yet
again, and you will find some items. This will not pose major problems if
you keep your units alive by using both Regeneration and Tranquility.

Make sure to pick up all the gold coins you see. It's the only gold income
you will find for awhile, save for the creeps you kill.

After the ruins, keep going north, where you will be given the NIGHT ELF
FLEET OPTIONAL QUEST. Follow the road (And watch out for the Sea Giant
Behemot, level 8, which can stun your characters), until you find the
two War Golems. Ignore them for now and go down the road, and find the
circle of power, which will complete the first ship of the NIGHT ELF
FLEET OPTIONAL QUEST. Now, go back, and lay the smack down on the
Golems, which will only activate after you get near them.

Up ahead is the Naga base. Destroy it (and, for crying out loud, you have
two level 10 heroes). It could pay to use Maeiv's as a crutch if you
have any trouble. Once you destroy it, you will receive the ILLIDAN'S MINIONS
MAIN QUEST. For now, let's go get the reinforcements.

The Second Ship is north of your new base (Mountaing Giants!), and the third
one is south. Easy enough. Leave the MG at the base with Tyrande and
Malfurion, and they will easily ward off enemies. Not even Illidan should
be able to push through if you keep Entangling him.

Grab whatever forces you've got left, and group them with Maeiv, and
start exploring. There is another gold mine to the northeast, but you need
Malfurion's Force of Nature to get to it. Otherwise, the rest of the mission
is simply mop up. Gather a unit of Archers, an unit of Huntress, a few Dryads,
and your heroes, and it should be done rather quickly.

BTW, the second Tome of Agility (which is quite nasty to find) it's in the
lower section of the Naga base, blink to the ledge with the barrels.

| |

- Lead the caravan across the river
- At least two supply wagons must survive
- Maeiv, Tyrande and Kael must survive

QUESTS - Find the Hidden Caches

ITEMS FOUND: Scroll of Mana
Wand of Mana Stealing
Rune of greater Healing
Potion of Mana
Scroll of Animate Dead
Rune of Lesser Healing
Potion of Replenishment
Boots of Quel'Talas +6

STARTING : Maeiv (Level 7 Warden hero)
FORCES Tyrande (Level 10 Priestess of the Moon hero)
Druid of the claw x2
Mountain Giant x2

This is an interesting mission. You need to protect the supply wagons at all
costs. While Kael (Level 2 Blood Mage hero) will assist you, he's at a far
too low level to be of any real use, and is sure to piss you off with his
Firestorm spell. Try to keep your distance, but don't stray too far. Use
Maeiv to explore around.

Start by going south. Make sure to move swiftly, as more undead will appear
at periodic times. Not much the undead will do, though, as many of the units
you will face at the start have magic damage- you Spirit of Vengeance will
be quite powerful against them.

Proceed further and you will meet a Mercenary camp and will be given the
RETRIEVE SUPPLIES OPTIONAL QUEST. Just ahead is a small undead post with a
level 1 Dreadlord. Destroy it and approach the Circle of power to find the
first of three hidden caches. Use the money to buy, preferably, Troll
High Priests, which will prove invaluable.

As you advance, you will reach a town where the caravan will be repaired
and a bit of chit chatting will occur. Further down the road, you will
reach another (slightly more difficult) Undead outpost. Just use Tyrande's
Starfall to deal with it easily, and reach the second cache.

Buy whatever mercenaries you see fit (I like the Kobold Task Master for its
aura), and continue north. You will have to deal with another level one
Dreadlord. As you go forward and reach another rest post, you will be
given the choice to go left or right. Either way, first go with Maeiv right,
and down then to get the final cache of resources.

- LEFT WAY: Which is easier but longer. There is, indeed, an undead base,
but it's nearly actionless. Only a few enemies, and that is. There are
a Boots of Quel'talas +6 near the Goblin store, but I'll leave you
up to the task to find out how to get them.

- RIGHT WAY: Has you going down with a full-fledged Undead Base with
yet another level one Dreadkid, *and* a level 3 Lich. Oh joy.

Either way is actually the same. As you reach the ruined town, you will
be attacked by many undead. Just stand next to the caravan, and use Tyrande's
starfall. As they are all killed (again), the mission is completed.

| |

Later that evening, at the Night Elves base camp, Malfurion returns to
warn Maeiv and Tyrande of his brother's dangerous sorcery...

- Destroy the summoners before the timer runs out
- Magic attacks and spells can damage the summoners

QUESTS - Save the Paladin

ITEMS FOUND: Rune of Lesser Healing
Tome of Intelligence +2
Helm of Valor
(There are others, but they are very hard to get. On the
next version)

STARTING : Malfurion (Level 10 Keeper of the Grove hero)
FORCES Maeiv (level 8 Warden hero)
Druid of the Claw x2
Druid of the Talon x2
Archer x1
Huntress x2
Wisp x8
Chimera x1
Faerie Dragon x2
Mountain Giant x1

You've got thirty minutes to kill the four summoners. This a lot harder
that it seems, but you should take five minutes to complete the optional
quest (which is given automatically after a few minutes).

There is an easier way, which is using a Faerie Dragon to scout the area
where the Paladin (level 8) is being kept, and using Maeiv to blink there
and use her Spirit of Vengeance to free the hero. Otherwise you will
have to deal with all the enemies around, and, while you still have to
go back and deal with most of them, with the Paladin is a lot easier.

Now, this mission is, and I stress, *chaotic*. You need to move fast to
reach the summoners in time, though the tip the game gives you is the key:
MANA FLARE. This cheap ability will take out the summoners in about fifteen
seconds, but the problem is to keep the Faerie Dragons alive until you
reach them.

Ignore the undead. A few Huntress will deal with the attacks, and you
do not need to destroy their bases (on hard, though, you will require to
help Kael repel off the attacks. Use a full unit of Huntress as a strike
team and keep them grouped). Futhermore, you do not really want to deal
with two level 6 liches (your units have the LEAST HP of the game. Frost
Nova is really the best spell in the game, and you already know that.
You don't really want a proof.).

Take at least ten archers, a couple Druids of the Claw, and your three
heroes to the southern entrance to the Naga Base. Train at least eight
Faerie Dragons, and you might want to neglect the Chimeras. You will
need some time to get them, and time is not an abundant resource.

Build a second Ancient of War, and keep a constant influx of Archers
in order to keep the reinforcements coming.

With Malfurion's tranquility and the Paladin's Heal Light, keep your
units alive, and abuse Maeiv's Spirit of Vengeance. Once you reach the
summoners, sneak the Faerie Dragons, and use Mana Flare. Mission Accomplished.

| |

Hours later, along the banks of River Arevass, Malfurion and Illidan work
together to pick up Tyrande's trail. Moving quickly through the woods,
their skills and senses start working in unison-- their twin wills bent on
finding their beloved priestess before it's too late.

- Use Malfurion's Forces to defend the Night Elf Base
- Use Illidan's Forces to destroy the red Undead Base

QUESTS - Destroy the Trolls guarding the dam

ITEMS FOUND: Mask of Death
Crown of Kings +5
Rune of Restoration
Pendant of Mana
Healing Wards

STARTING : Malfurion (Level 10 Keeper of the Grove hero)
FORCES Illidan (level 10 Warden hero)
Druid of the Claw x2
Archer x2
Huntress x2
Wisp x8
Myrmidon x2
Siren x2
Dragon Turtle
Mur'Gul slave x8

NOTE: Keep in mind that this mission is about ten times more difficult in
hard mode. Malfurion will be constantly attacked, which will leave you with
little time to direct Illidan's strike force.

This is your first chance to use the Naga Units, which you will learn to use
as much as hate to face them. The Naga Myrmidon and the Dragon Turtles are
amongst the best units in the game, as for sheer damage and resistance they
are nearly unmatched. Also, note that, except the Sirens and the Qualtz, all
Naga units have Heavy Armor. Even Slaves.

They are also all amphibous, so they can swim. Illidan too, but he, uh, walks
on water. Holy crap. >_<

You must reinforce your Night Elf Base, and build a sizeable Naga Force to
destroy the undead. That said, this mission is not very hard, though you
do have a limited timeframe to finish it (while unlikely, the Undead can
eventually kill Tyrande... which, ironically, doesn't seems to be a mission
requeriment). You do not need to destroy any undead base save the red one, which
rocks because they all have level 6 heroes or more, and they are VERY hard to

When you go south from Illidan's base, you will receive the DAM TROLLS
OPTIONAL QUEST, which requires you to go south and wipe the Trolls in there.
Eight or so Myrmidons will do the job, alongside Illidan. Just make sure to
Mana Burn or preferably kill the healers that guard the leader, who's a level
11 (!) berserker.

When you destroy the trolls, all it's left is to raze the red base. Going from
the south entrance will prove a lot easier. Move twelve Myrmidons, six Dragon
Turtles, and Illidan himself to destroy the south orange outpost.

Watch out for the level 8 Dreadlord and the level 5 Lich, and that's about it.
Takes about 20 minutes if you don't slack off.

| |

While technically the Human campaign, you will mostly control Blood Elves
units (which are about the same) following Kael's tale. Very cool and fun,
and it even sports a secret mission for you to unlock.

| |

At Grand Marshall Garithos' base camp in the outskirts of Dalaran, Prince
Kael and his troops arrive bearing ill news...

- Find and Repair the observatories

QUESTS - Find the Hidden Caches

ITEMS FOUND: Rune of Mana x6
Scroll of the Beast
Maul of Strenght
Rune of Greater Healing
Tiny Castle
Tiny Barracks
Tiny Altar of Heroes
Manual Of Health
Tome of Intelligence +2
Rune of lesser resurrection x2
Rune of lesser healing
Claws of Attack +3
Periapt of Vitality
Scroll of Healing x2
Rune of Rebirth
(perhaps something else I've missed. There are many items
on this mission)

STARTING : Kael (Level 2 Blood Mage hero)
FORCES Footman x3
Spellbreaker x2
Priest x2
Peasant x1

This mission is quite easy. Learn to manouver and use Kael, he'll be your
main hero during the campaign, and he's a Blood Mage, and those heroes are
very difficult to use.

You'll also introduced to the Spellbreakers, which are cool anti-caster units,
which are excelent to actually forget about Footmen.

At the start you will face a few creeps (Dalaran mutants (level 3), Blood
Wizards (level 3), Fel units (range from 1-5), and lower level apprentices
(level 1)), none shall pose too much trouble. Directly north of your starting
position is a group of trees which can be taken down with Kael's Firestorm,
which will lead you to a hidden group of four Murloc Nightcrawlers (level three)
and a single tiderrunner (level 1), which yields a Maul of Strenght. Obviously,
it's goddamn useless with Kael, but, eh...

As you advance, Kael will give you the HIDDEN CACHES OPTIONAL QUEST, which
we will complete as we go. The first one is north of the first groups of
wizards, includes some gold and a Tiny Castle.

By now, the first observatory will be completed, and you are given the location
to build a new base. That Tiny Castle is your start.

Further below it's a group of potentially dangerous Felguards (level 2), A
Bloodfiend (level 4) and a single Overlord (level 6). Banish the Overlord as
soon as possible, and deal with the rest.

The rest of the island only contains many items and more creeps. Nothing too
exciting, save the Hidden Cache (defended by level 2-5 rogues), which contains,
among other items, a few tiny buildings (such as a barracks and an Altar).

At the south of the island, as you reach the second ruined shipyard, you'll
see a cutscene and the Naga will gift you with two transports. Jump to the main
island, establish yourself and train new footmen. There are Trolls everywhere
on the island, ranging from level 1 to level 11, and including priests.
A full unit of Footmen should allow you to kill all the Trolls and seize
control of the island, allowing you to repair the second observatory.

You don't really need to take down the Undead Base to finish the mission, but
it's satistying ;). Still, a full unit of Spellbreakers or Footmen and a
few siege weapons (such as Mortars), plus Kael will bring swift death to
those who refuse to goddamn die.

The two resting caches are pretty far from the main road, but are easy to
catch. Once the undead base is down, you have all the time of the world to
decimate the annoying gnoll army near the third observatory.

| |

The next day, at the Alliance base camp, Kael and his men ready themselves
to move out.

- Destroy the green undead base

QUESTS - Secure a Gold Mine and Build a Town Hall

ITEMS FOUND: Tiny Castle

STARTING : Kael (Level 3 Blood Mage hero)
FORCES Peasant x10
Archer x3
Priest x5
Sorceress x2
Thunderhawk Rider x2

At the start, all of your perimetral bases will be razed. Not much you can do,
except trying to save the units up there by running away. As a side note, even
if you kill the Acolytes, after the cutscene, the bases will be there anyway.

Despite the overwhelming oppossition, our first target is to get a mine. After
the cutscene, Lady Vashj will join you alongside four Myrmidons, a couple
Sirens and a Royal Guard, which is a extremely powerful unit which can cast
a few spells. And you will get, for some funny reason, a Spellbreaker.

Establish a defensive force of at least eight Archers near the top entrance
of your base. Gargoyles and ocassionally Destroyers will attack you. Take
all of your Naga, the two Riders and your two heroes and attack the north
undead base. With the Thunderhawk Rider's Cloud ability, you should have no
trouble attacking and overtaking it. The crates around have gold and a Tiny
Castle, simplifying the mission.

Now, build up an attack force composed mostly of spellbreakers, though
priests are invaluable. Also add a few Thunderhawks. Use these to cast Cloud
on the towers and Halls, use the Spellbreakers to get rid of oppossing Unholy
Frenzy, and cripple, while using the Naga and breakers to attack the base.

It shouldn't be too difficult by now.

| |

Two days later, within the magically shielded dungeons of Dalaran, Kael
and his Blood Elves brethen languish in their cells, awaiting their
inevitable execution.

- Free the Blood Elves Litenauts
- Kael and Vashj must survive

- Slay Kassan and his Guards
- Kael and Vashj must survive

QUESTS - Slay the spirits of the Archmagi

ITEMS FOUND: Ring of Protection +1
Stone Token
Medallion of Courage
Tome of Knowledge
Ring of the Archmagi
Tome of Strenght
Rune of Mana
Rune of Healing x2
Claws of Attack +3
Scroll of Mana
Scroll of Regeneration
Tome of Agility
Heart of Aszune*
Shamanic Totem*
Frost Wyrm Skull Shield*

* These three items are VERY WELL hidden. Check the Easter Eggs section for
info about them.

STARTING : Kael (Level 4 Blood Mage hero)
FORCES Vashj (Level 3 Sea Witch hero)

Ahh, some dungeon crawl. This level is unique since it contains the entryway
to the secret level, THE CROSSING, its solution is posted as the last Human
mission for the sake of order, and instructions to find it are on the way,
as they are easier to explain.

Start by choosing your two heroes, and you will receive the MAIN QUEST,
and the first of four litenauts is just a few steps. They are tough as
hell and even magic immune, so be sure to abuse them. A few more troops
are to the south of the Liteunaut's cell.

Go forth and you will face a group of spiders led by a level 8 Monstruous
Spider which is, well, big. Kill them and go back to the start and go south.
As the game notes, banish the guard or face problems. Your priests can
kill him once banished.

(NOTE: just so you don't forget, there is a stone token on the green river
next to the start. You can only get it with Vashj, and it's significantly
useful. Use firestorm on the mushrooms to open the way.)

Advance and you will be treated to a cutscene and be given the GHOSTS OF
DALARAN OPTIONAL QUEST. We will complete it as we go. Now, place one
unit on the green rune and another one on the one next to the door to
reveal the first Archmage. Kill him and pick up the item. He will be level 1.

Follow the way and engage the undead and the human fighting. There is a
nearby red rune, the second one is below the girl trapped (turns into an
archer) Stepping on both will result on the conflict with the second ghost,
a level 3 Archmage.

Go back and cross the bridge. You can either break in and kill the humans or
release the critters using a ranged unit and the lever. Either way, you're
in for a long fight (I'd rather free the critters and kill them. I'm against
that stuff of taking freedom away from something. Eh ^_^). Getting the
Scroll of Mana will activate the two Siege Golems (Level 6), but you either
way want the right one to move and reveal the second red rune, in order to get
the Tome of Agility. And it's experience.

Go forward, and you will find a rune with no pair: It is on the green river.
Use Vashj to get it. It will release the third Ghost, a level 6 Archmage.
Ignore the other for now, and follow the road to free the third Litenaut.

The next room has a massive ammount of people fighting. Let them settle
their differences and wipe the rest. As you go, you will find a door to the
right. This is the entrance to the Secret Level.

There are three sheeps and three switches. The top sheep is the "Cold Sheep",
the middle is the "Inner Sheep", and the bottom is the "Fire Sheep". Press
the switches in order:




You should hear something to the extent of "BAA RAM YOU". This will open the
door to the Secret Level Powerup, ringed by Flying Sheeps on Fire. Silly.

Follow, and you will be faced against two Lesser Flesh Golems (level 11),
and a Flesh Golem (level 11 too, though a lot more powerful), which are
noted as the only golems which can be affected by magic. As you continue,
you will be treated to cutscene where Kassan the turquish (i suppose) jailor
taunts you. Stop for a second and go back to the red rune we ignored.
And make someone step to the gold room, and watch for the cave with blue
things flying from it. Have that someone enter the cave to appear next
to the other red rune. Face the final level 9 Archmage and claim your prize.

Now, go for Kassan. He's Magic immune, but he shall prove no problem.

11.2.4.- ***************************SECRET LEVEL***************************
| |

Moments later, as the Naga and the Blood Elves spill out on the back alleys
of Dalaran

- Build towers to stop Garithos' men
- The portal must survive


Gloves of Haste
Orb of Slow
Claws of Attack +15
(Some other items ;)

STARTING : Kael (Level 5 Blood Mage hero)
FORCES Vashj (Level 4 Sea Witch hero)

NOTE 1: Heroes can't gain experience on this level.
NOTE 2: On ocassions (Particulary on HARD MODE) a Periapt of Vitality's been
sighted. On WIREWYRM's Hard Mode walkthrough it is mentioned, I've seen it
(but ignored it) and a friend told me about it... but I have no idea where
is it actually found. Wirewyrm says it's dropped by the Pandaren Brewmaster,
but after several tries, I haven't been able to find it.
NOTE 3: While its on your best interest to win this mission, it isn't really
needed. The game will progress as ussual if the portal is destroyed.
NOTE 4: There are many items hidden in crates and magical cubes.

THE CROSSING is a Tower Defense level, like many built for this game. The
deal is: the enemy sends lots of enemies running at the portal at the south,
and you need to stop them. The only thing you can build are defensive towers,
of several kinds. You will also control Vashj and Kael, though you will
agree with me that after a few waves they are kinda... useless.

There are five towers you will be eventually able to build. You will
be told when a new tower is available:

BOULDER TOWER: Splash damage, only attacks land units.
MAGIC TOWER: Quick firing.
FIRE TOWER: Rapid fire!
ICE TOWER: Slows enemies, does not hit magic immune units.
DEATH TOWER: Well, the name says it all.

You have to deal with 30 waves:

WAVE 3: FOOTMEN (Plus a captain)
WAVE 5: MORTAR TEAMS (Plus a level 1 Mountain King)
WAVE 7: KNIGHTS (Plus a level 2 Paladin)
WAVE 10: APPRENTICE WIZARDS (Plus a level 3 Archmage)
WAVE 11: ENFORCERS (Plus a level 6 Bandit Lord)
WAVE 12: FOREST TROLLS (Plus a level 6 Forest Troll Warlord)
WAVE 13: GOBLIN ZEPPELINS (Each one has four Sappers)
WAVE 14: OGRE WARRIORS (Plus a level 4 Mountain King)
WAVE 15: ROYAL GUARD (Plus a level 5 Paladin which starts with Divine Shield)
WAVE 17: SIEGE ENGINES (Plus a level 6 Mountain King which starts with Avatar)
WAVE 18: WARRIOR ARACHNATHIDS (Plus a level 7 Overlord)
WAVE 19: THUNDER LIZARDS (Plus a level 8 Storm Wyrm)
WAVE 20: WATER ELEMENTALS (Plus a level 7 Archmage)
WAVE 21: GOBLIN ZEPPELINS (Each one has four Shredders)
WAVE 22: ROCK GOLEMS (This one's a bitch)
WAVE 23: ELDER SASQUATCHES (Plus a level 9 Ancient Sasquatch)
WAVE 28: PANDERANS (Plus a level 15 (!) Panderan Brewmaster)

Not much I can tell you about this mission. Just build lot of towers. Unlike
most of those TD maps on battle.net, you can't actually make a "maze" with
Towers, so you will have to rely on firepower to win. Quite a fun mission.

| |

After three days of fruitless searching, Prince Kael and Lady Vashj realize
they are lost in the barren wilderness of the Hellfire Peninsula.

- Use your heroes to capture Illidan's cage
- The cage must not reach the Night Elves base.

- Bring Illidan's Cage to the Blood Elves base.



STARTING : Kael (Level 5 Blood Mage hero)
FORCES Vashj (Level 5 Sea Witch hero)
Mushi Ale-Hearth (Level 5 Pandaren Brewmaster hero)*

*Only if you beat the secret level.

NOTE: The Pandaren Brewmaster can't carry items on this mission for
some reason. Furthermore, he won't be on the next mission with you.
And his name is random.

A NOTE ABOUT LEVEL CAPS: As far as I have been able to find, the level
caps are set at seven for all three heroes. That said, it's very unlikely
all three heroes will be at level 7 when you finish the mission unless
you spend an eternity killing Maiev. I'll leave it at 7 for Kael, and
6 for Vashj.

Like last level, this one is actually inspired by the DOTA (Defense of
the Ancients)-like maps made for the game. The deal is, you only
control your heroes, while the AI works with the units. It will
be constantly sending squads at the enemy, and your job is to lead them.

You will control Kael and Vashj (And the Brewmaster if you finish THE
CROSSING), and your job is, eh, kill Maeiv and then approach the Cage.
It will automatically move towards your base. You have to keep Maeiv
from killing all of your heroes and approaching the cage then.

The problem is that Maeiv is a WARDEN, which is the best hero killer
in the game, and she's level 10. With the combined power of your
three heroes (And the Brewmaster it's invaluable here), you need
to take her out of the picture FAST. Later you can think about the
horde of NE coming at you. Make good use of your abilities, and
if any of your heroes die (and they will) they will respawn after a few
seconds at your base.

There is a Mercenary camp which sells Warlocks, which are quite the
deal as they can cast Fireball, stunning units (I.E.: MAIEV!), and two Goblin
Labs, plus your Arcane Vault, for items.

Once the cage reaches the Circle of Power at the entrance of your base,
you've won the mission.

| |

Two days later, upon the desolate plains of Outlands, illidan and Prince
Kael'thas prepare to assault Magtheridon's dimensional Gateways.

- Close each Dimensional Gate.
- Bring Illidan to each Dimensional Nexus.
- Illidan must survive for three minutes per gate.

QUESTS - Destroy the Orange Fel Orc base

ITEMS FOUND: Scroll of Resurrection
Potion of Greater Healing
Rune of Lesser Resurrection
Manual of Health
Ring of Protection +4
Goblin Land Mines x2
Rune of Dispell Magic
Khadgar's Gem of Health
Rune of Shielding

STARTING : Kael (Level 7 Blood Mage hero)
FORCES Vashj (Level 6 Sea Witch hero)
Illidan (Level 10 Demon Hunter hero)
Worker x9
Archer x3
Swordsman x6
Priests x3
Reaver x2
Siren x1 (¿?)

NOTE: The starting forces were very difficult to get. I don't quite think
they are right.

This mission doesn't requires much strategy so long you build up enough
forces for each Dimensional Gate. The only point you can get stuck (and I
did), is when you hit upon the northern Orc base, which can build dragons
seemingly from any building.

Build up an strong defense, as soon as you manage to close the first Gate.
Illidan can take quite a beating, and the enemies will die as soon as
the Gate closes, but don't take risks. Also, there are many items on crates
around, plus there are a few Draenei you can rescue on cages.

To the South of your base is the Draenei base. You will receive the
DRAENEI VILLAGE OPTIONAL QUEST, which requires you to destroy the orange
orc base, east of the Draenei base. Take upon a sizeable force (four
Myrmidon, a few archers and priests) and your three heroes, and wait for
the Draenei to launch an attack, preferably with Akama, their leader,
present. It should be enough to take out the base, since Illidan's
Metamorph and Kael's Phoenix will be very valuable. On the back
lines, use Vashj's ultimate to deal with buildings.

The other Orc bases aren't really all that difficult to deal with, EXCEPT,
the last northern base, which can build dragons and has a level 6
Blademaster. Furthermore, after your first attack, if you fail, it will
build as much as eight Red Dragons, which you can say are pretty annoying.

The only way I found of it this one was to build many, but MANY Coualts.
About 12-18 are barely sufficient, probably 24 would be okay. Have them and
your heroes (and a PHOENIX, summoned from Kael) concentrate on the Dragons,
while your ground force (which should consist of ten or so Myrmidons, a
few Priests, and as many Archer as you think you can) strikes the base.

If you, once again, coordinate with the Draenei and their siege engines,
it will be even easier. Otherwise, be sure to have a few Dragon Turtles,
which will help a lot taking out towers.

| |

Later that day, at the base of Magtheridon's Black Citadel, Illidan
marshalls his forces for their final strike.

- Slay the Master of Pain
- Slay the Mistress of Torment

- Slay the Mighty Pit Lord Magtheridon

QUESTS - Destroy the Power generators

- Slay the Siege Demolishers


STARTING : Kael (Level 8 Blood Mage hero)
FORCES Vashj (Level 8 Sea Witch hero)
Illidan (Level 10 Demon Hunter hero)
Akama (Level 7 Elder Sage Hero)
Spellbreaker x6*
Priest x3*
Sorcerer x2*
Elite Assassin x3**
Saboteur x2**
Royal Guard x2***
Snap Dragon x3***
Dragon Turtle x2***

* With Kael and Illidan.
** Draenei units. With Akama, just north of Kael and Illidan.
*** With Vashj.

NOTE: This walkthrough is kinda weird. I admit, this mission doesn't
require much strategy, it's all pretty straightforward. These
are just some hints.

The Draenei units will be yours to command at last. Check out the
units section for a little bit of more info about them. Also, you
can controls two Naga Royal Guards. Try to keep them alive, they
are a very important asset.

It's really up to you how do you start, but keep this one in mind:
while the left side, all the way up to the Master of Pain, is
noticeably harder, the Mistress of Torment herself is a lot more
difficult that the Master. Also, all of your heroes can potentially
reach level 10 on this mission.

I personally like to eliminate the Mistress first because she's
pretty much twice as powerful as the Master (And the Pop Culture
Dominatrixes attack once again)(Not that I'm complaining)(Hell is this
game sexist!), but the Walkthrough will concentrate on the Master of
Pain first, so we can lead all four heroes against the Dominatrix.

Well, this stage is really all about using your Draenei to destroy the
generators (I haven't been able to beat the stage without destroying them,
though i reckon it shouldn't really be all that difficult),
and using your main forces in order to annihilate the orcs around. Remember
that, while the Draenei are the one who are permanently invisible, you can
turn Kael and Illidan invisible too (And Laugh about how Illidan ends up
stealthy as a bombing raid).

NOTE: Nothing to do with the stage or campaign, this reminds me of a DOTA
Allstars game I had recently, where someone of my team had chosen the
TFT Illidan. We were ganging up on on the other's team Sniper (Dunno if you've
played the map, but the Dwarven Rifleman - Named "Sniper"- is terribly
unbalanced), but another enemy came up and we had to run. Not only did we
had to face a character whose last ability's range is around 2000
(Regular Riflemen have 400 range), but the other enemy was chasing us
due to my partner's flaming footsteps. Needless is to say, nobody really
picks TFT Illidan's anymore.

Go north from Illidan's starting place, and trash the orcish base. To the
west, you will receive the SIEGE BASTION OPTIONAL QUEST, which you can
complete right now. Just go inside the room, kill the guards, and you will
earn four Demolishers to speed up the trashing. Make sure to save the Draenei
units, as for they are essential to deal with the Generators.

Finally, the Orcs will track you down and send units every once in awhile.
Bring up Illidan's forces north, and eliminate all resistance. The Master
of Pain lies at the end of the north. Unlike the Mistress, it's noticeably
weaker, though his girls can charm your units. Just bring swift death, and
break the boxes for a couple Fel units.

Reaching the Mistress of Torment also requires destroying an orc base, but
you will need to control Lady Vashj alone for awhile. Build many Dragon
Turtles to deal with the boats, as you need to keep the Royal Guard alive.

After dealing with the orc base, find the explosives to the north and blow
them up to reach some items. Now, after dealing with the first orc base,
on Illidan's side, you should have seen a floorplate. Pressing it will
raise one part of the bridge. After you deal with Lady Vashj's side, you
should be able to press the other Floorplate. This will allow you to join
both forces, and now gang up on the Mistress of Torture, who's a lot

Once both are dead, head for the center. I recommend to advance slowly and
take out the enemies one by one, though it's possible to send up just a
single character (Akama should be the one), and lure Magtheridon out, as
he's very aggressive. Magtheridon isn't really all that tough save his
absurd HP level and his ridiculous damage output. Just keep him stunned
with the Royal Guards, Shadow Strike him, and slow him down. He will
be quickly killed. Watch out, though, for the Eredars, and the Doom Guards
around. They are lot more dangerous than the Pit Lord.

Once killed, the Human (or Blood Elves) Campaign is finished.

| |

The Undead campaign, at last, the last piece of known storyline, revolves
around Arthas' comeback to Lordaeron, to reclaim his place as King, with
Kel'Thuzad and Silvanas Windrunner, now a Dark Ranger. Lots of fun, and
lots of dramatic moments, but very, VERY difficult.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Arthas won't be able to win experience or levels, as a
matter of facts, he will LOSE levels as the campaign progresses. This
is an storyline artifact.

| |

At the capital city of Lordaeron, near the ruined Palace Gardens,
Archimonde's pet Dreadlords discuss their current plans for the Scourge.

- Destroy the refugee towns
- No more than 20 villagers may escape

- Destroy the Three Altars


ITEMS FOUND: Tome of Strenght
Tome of Agility
Tome of Intelligence
Wyrm Shield
Slippers of Agility
Mantle of Intelligence
Gauntlets of Strenght
Wand of Neutralization
Rune of Healing
Rune of Mana

STARTING : Arthas (Level 10 Death Knight hero)
FORCES Kel'thuzad (Level 10 Lich Hero)
Silvanas (Level 2 Dark Ranger hero)
Banshee x4*
Abomination x2**
Necromancer x2***
Ghoul x6****
Shade x6****

* With Silvanas
** With Arthas
*** With Kel'Thuzad
**** Two with each hero

NOTE: Heroes and Shades take up zero food on this stage.

This is one of the toughest stages due to the fact that you're
controlling three bases at once, and because of that, speed is the
most necesary thing.

I recommend using and clearing Silvanas Windrunner side first, since
she's the weakest hero, and requires the most micromanagement.
Start scouting and looking for the strongest units around (Knights are
particulary great). Deactivate curse on the Banshees to save mana, and
there is a Mana Fountain nearby her base. Don't leave the base alone,
I suggest you to train two more ghouls and leave them at home.

Build up max Necromancers and Abominations and rally them to their
respective heroes, and group them in order to react quickly.

Possess whatever strong units you find around. There is a base
which has four Dwarven Mortar Teams. These are great for possessing.
With the Knights and the Dwarves, assault the bases, but watch out,
each time you attack them, a level 5 Paladin and two Knights (which are
little more than possessing material) will teleport in.

Once Silvanas side is cleared (and make sure to kill the Level 5 Ranger
directly west of Silvanas base), make sure your defenses are still
up (Particulary on Kel'Thuzad's base, which is prone to be attacked by
Militia Commanders, which are very annoying), and concentrate on Arthas.
Build max abominations and start razing the bases around.

If you have trouble, just wait for a caravan, kill it, reanimate it,
and take them and a couple Abominations to draw fire away from Arthas.

Now, you can try and clear Kel'thuzad's side, but his side is by far
the most problematic because Necromancers are far too weak and Priests
abound. I personally think that using Arthas massive Abominations is
a lot better. Build up max Abominations, and send a suicide attack
against the temples. They not only spawn Heroes, they also train
Knights! Either way, concentrate on taking out at least one temple.

A clever strategy is to send Silvanas' Banshees first and Possess
whatever Knights you see. This way, their defensive power will be
severely crippled.

Once the Altars are destroyed, send up Arthas and Silvanas to destroy
the rest of the human camps while Kel'Thuzad defends his point.

NOTE: The +3 items are given by killing a Mountain King, an Archmage
and the aforementioned Ranger. They are all level 5, which shouldn't
really pose a deal to your level 10 behemoths.

| |

The Next morning, on the Palace grounds, King Arthas and his majordomo
Kel'thuzad, discuss the Lich King's dire warnings.

- Bring Arthas to the City's exit
- Arthas must survive (well, duh)

QUESTS - Kill the armory guards
- Rescue the Meat Wagons

ITEMS FOUND: Tome of Intelligence
Tome of Strenght
Tome of Agility
Boots of Quel'Talas
Orb of Venom
Claws of Attack +3
Staff of Reanimation
Rune of Healing x4
Rune of Mana
Rune of Greater Resurrection
Circlet of Nobility
Ring of Protection +2
Staff of Reanimation

STARTING : Arthas (Level 8 Death Knight hero)

While this is a relatively straightforward stage, and you can finish it
rather quickly, it has plenty of good items for you to collect. However,
if you're concerned for your life, you shouldn't really linger around for
too long, as enemies will spawn every three or so enemies and hunt you down.
Given that your units on this mission will be actually pretty limited,
perhaps it's better just to dart to the end.

I'll leave you then to explore and collect the items. As a general pointer,
if you see an item on open ground, you're in for a trap. Use cripple generously,
this is your best spell.

Go north, always. A few surprises await, but you should be able to get through.
At the start, cross right and head then north in order to receive a few
reinforcements. After you kill the abominations, be sure to pick up the
staff of reanimation, which is a very powerful item.

Once you reach the healing fountain, north is a switch, which will open up
a path to the east to a Boots of Quel'talas. Further north, you will
receive the OPTIONAL QUEST MEAT WAGONS SURPRISE, which is simply completed:
Keep pushing north and deal with the Dreadlord forces. The Dreadlord is very
weak, so don't really be scared by his sleep. To the left and down is a
room with two meat wagons, which you can use to easily dispose of the towers
to the north, and keep going right then north.

There is an orb of venom somewhere in the way, be sure to pick it up as Arthas
will have to probably deal with the Gargoyles if you mess with them. I'd
rather just go left and kill the Golems, the circle all the way around.

Keep going until you reach the part where you find your units duking it out
with lots of enemies. As you break the cages after the fight, choosing either
way will net you a Doomguard to the face. Make sure to reanimate it, as it is
extremely strong. Afterwards, be prepared: the next fight is the most difficult
for the stage, as you will face a Level 3 Dreadlord and an absolutely massive,
3000 HP buffed up abomination named "Bloodfeast". Just keep it crippled, and
kill the Dreadlord first, and the stage is over by getting Arthas to the
circle of power.

| |

Two days later, at her base camp in the newly formed Plaguelands,
Silvanas ponders her newfound freedom and her future as one of the
cursed undead.

- Destroy the Red Undead Base

QUESTS - Possess the Warlord Mug'Thol

- Possess Blackthorn the Bandit Lord

ITEMS FOUND: Scroll of minor replenishment
Scroll of the Beast
Healing Salve x2
Manual of Health
Staff of Negation*
Spider Ring
Skull Shield
Ring of Protection +3
Claws of Attack +6

STARTING : Silvanas (Level 4 Dark Ranger hero)
FORCES Banshee x4
Ghoul x2
Obsidian Statue
Acolyte x5

Interesting and fun packed stage which revolves around, bassically, stealing
everything that's not nailed down in order to make up a powerful army then
dealing with the enemy forces. While it's somewhat annoying having to play
without your trusty Crypt Fiends or Abominations, this stage isn't that

Two abominations will attack you at the start from the north. Possess them
and heal them, and use them as a strike team to keep the enemies which will
start attacxking you in regular intervals from now on. Every three or so
waves, Varimathras himself will attack you as well to keep you on your toes.

Go north where you will find a few Ogres. Either kill them or possess them,
it will activate the OGRE WARLORD OPTIONAL QUEST. Furthermore, to the
northeast are a few bandits past the bridge, likewise, possessing them or
killing them will activate the BANDIT LORD OPTIONAL QUEST. We'll complete
them along the way.

Both quest are notably similar. The best way to deal with them is to build
a bunch of Banshees, and go along the way possessing what units you can't
avoid. Blackthorn's bit more difficult to possess, as he has ranged units
on his side. You might want to possess those ones. Either quest will net you
a powerful unit (Blackthorn and Mug'thol), and a bunch of regular units,
which is a very welcome addition to your limited forces. Also, not noted but
similary flavored, there are a Murloc emcampment to the north of the map,
and a Troll emcampment, both having a few units but more important an
abnormally powerful racial unit (a Troll Warlord and a Murloc which has
Death Coil, Blizzard *and* Purge). Not absolutely necesary but I've got
this fascination for Murlocs.

Either way, I recommend leaving those units home, and using a force of
8 Abominations, and Silvanas herself (who should become at some point
of the stage level 6, allowing you to use Charm)(actually, if you
want to make the stage a lot easier, just keep defending until she
becomes level 6). Attack the lower purple base: use a few Meat Wagons
to deal with defensive structures, while you steal/kill what few
units will arise, particulary if you counter-attack one of their many

Once the purple base is down, the rest of the stage is to take down
the red base. Same strategy, though Varimathras is around and he's
level 5. Either way, stun him and keep punding away, and the
base is over.

*This item is particulary important as Varimathras uses plenty of
Necromancers. It's located on the town, on one of the boxes nearby
the southern entrance.

| |

Three weeks later, King Arthas' ragged fleet drops anchor off the icy
southern coasts of Northrend.

- Destroy the Blood Elves' Island Stronghold

- Slay the Guardians

QUESTS - Slay the Dragon Sephiron

ITEMS FOUND: Bundle of Lumber
Scroll of Mana
Tome of Intelligence +2
Golden Coins
Sobi Mask
Horn of the Clouds
Pendant of Energy
Tome of Intelligence
Tome of Strenght
Tome of Agility

STARTING : Arthas (Level 7 Death Knight hero)
FORCES Anub'Arak (level 4 Crypt Lord hero)
Ghoul x3
Crypt Fiend x4
Necromancer x3
Meat Wagon x2
Transport x2
Frigate x2

Back with Arthas. While it's your choice how you try to "debuild" Arthas,
I'd recommend choosing Death Coil whenever possible. This stage is easy but
it's huge: You will require a strong defense in order to use your heroes to

You will also receive Anub'Arak on this stage: He's a Crypt Lord, a might
one-man-army which will prove useful all around until the end of the game.
Let him take the hits, let him lead: He will survive.

Upon starting, you will receive the THE LANDING MAIN QUEST; which barely
requires you to go north and demolish the Blood Elf base in there. Pretty
easy to accomplish, with your combined ground and sea forces, the base
won't pose but a speed bump. Manage your Meat Wagons and leave Arthas and
Anub'Arak on their own: they can take a beating. Shortly thereafter, you
will receive the DRAGON HOARD OPTIONAL QUEST, and your other MAIN QUEST.

THis optional quest leads to an interesting challenge that I've exploited
to further explore this stage: You can, with really good micro-management
skills, to beat the stage using only Anub'Arak, Arthas, and Saphiron, plus
a couple Crypt Fiends. Read more on the Easter Eggs Section.

To complete it, go north and face off against the many dragons in there. For
safety, four or five Crypt Fiends will work. Once you reach Saphiron,
however, send many reinforcements: Saphiron has chaos damage ranging around
100 and has splash damage which slows down your units.

Beating Saphiron completes the quests, and gives you a few items, but
most importantly, grants you Sephiron, a ridiculously powerful Frost
Wyrm with Frost Nova. Unfortunately, while his damage output will go
even higher, he will lose the Chaos damage type.

With Sephiron, your still Mighty Arthas, and Anub'Arak, you can easily
lead the assault to the Blood Elves base to the northwest.

As for the Naga, a good, slow siege will work much better. Naga Units,
particulary Myrmidons, are really tough due to their armor, which is heavy
in most cases (only Sirens and Qualtz have unarmed and light armor,
respectively), but Saphiron is too much to handle. Be sure to keep it healed,
though, using Death Coil.

The final assault against the guardians should be slow work as well. The
Arachnids will prove difficult, but you have the upper hand, while the first
batch of Nerubians is easier, due to the Fountain of Health nearby. Nerubians
aren't that damaging, but their numbers are annoying. Watch out for the
level 9 Nerubian Queen, though.

Once you reach the Dragonspawn, just line up your attacks at the Sorcerors.
Once their are down, you can reanimate them to heal arthas up, and the leader
won't pose trouble to your units. Mission Accomplished.

| |

At the same time, back in the Plaguelands, Silvanas and her loyal minions
plan their next surgical strike against the Dreadlords' power.

- Destroy the Sleeping Enemy Forces

- Destroy Detheroc's Base
- Destroy Garithos' Base


ITEMS FOUND: Potion of Greater Healing
(Probably some missing. As a note, there is a Goblin Merchant
North of Detheroc's base which sells some pretty nifty stuff)

STARTING : Silvanas (Level 6 Dark Ranger Hero)
FORCES Varimathras (Level 5 modified Dreadlord Hero)
Ghoul x3
Crypt Fiend x2
Footman x2
Banshee x4
Acolyte x5

While this is quite an interesting mission, it's still a fairly easy one.
You've got a few minutes to accomplish the first objective (which, curiously,
you can't even fail this mission unless you get your base destroyed, which
is, as a matter of facts, impossible save of you killing all of your units
and razing it). You can destroy one base, and I suggest the human one. Rally
all of your units there, and start by possessing the Mortar Teams around,
which will speed up the razing proccess tremendously.

Either base is fine to destroy on the free proccess, but keep this in mind:
Humans are consideably more annoying, but noticeably weaker. Furthermore,
long strikes on human bases aren't in your best interest, as your units
do not regenerate on regular grounds.

The Undead, on the other hand, are much more potent and dangerous. If the
strike gets too long, you might be surprised by Detheroc, a very potent level
8 modified Dreadlord with _Shadow Strike_, which might make your escape a
difficult one.

Either way, it's possible to raze a base (or at least most of it, since the
small southern part of the bases aren't apparently counted, since they
don't contain unit-producing buildings), and go back safely. Varimathras
comes with a Scroll of Town Portal to make your travel back easier.

As soon as the timer is up, Detheroc will attack your base with some
Abominations and Necromancers. Make sure to go back accordingly or
they will decimate your base. As a good measure, be sure to leave some
spirit towers back home.

Once you destroy a base, don't get greedy and go back. Silvanas will
note that the base is no longer operational.

Prepare your offensive on the next base. For an easy victory, a sample
force would work: Three Frost Wyrms, twelve Crypt Lords and a few
Necromancers. Cripple dangerous units, charm Abominations, and spread your
Wyrms in order to freeze defensive structures. If things get annoying,
use Doom with Varimathras, as the Doom Guard has Dispel. Easy mission.

| |

The Next day, on the outskirts of Lordaeron's capital city, Silvanas and
her allies prepare to lay siege on Balnazzar's formidable defenses.

- Destroy Balnazzar's purple base

QUESTS - Look for the missing dwarves

ITEMS FOUND: Amulet of Recall
Runed Bracers
Talisman of Evasion
Scroll of the Beast
Scroll of Restoration
Hood of Cunning
Kellen's Dagger of Escape (!)
Ring of Superiority
Diamond of Summoning
Mask of Death
Crown of Kings
Ring of the Archmagi

FORCES Silvanas (Level 8 Dark Ranger Hero)
Varimathras (Level 8 modified Dreadlord Hero)
Ghoul x2
Crypt Fiend x2
Abomination x2
Banshee x3
Shade x2
Acolyte x5

Garithos (Level 8 Dark Knight Hero)
Footman x4
Knight x4
Peasant x7

Controlling two bases at once, just like the last NE mission. Your other
base is a small human base, led by Garithos, a Dark Knight, which
apparently is just a Paladin with Shockwave instead of Divine Shield and
Avatar instead of Resurrection. Very uninspired, but, that said, it's
actually pretty cool.

Four or five minutes into the mission, you will receive the OPTIONAL
QUEST IRONFORGE DWARVES. This quest isn't too difficult but the reward is
very important, so we'll finish it first. Take Garithos, two knight and two
footmen, and go north, taking the left path. You will face a group of
Kobolds, led by two overseers (level 5) and two geomancers (level 3). While
Kobolds are weak, they are numerous, so be sure to keep your units healed.
Destroy the cages to free a couple Rifleman.

I'd recommend you send them both back to the base, as around this time a
few gargoyles might attack your human base, and they can take out a tower,
which is something you can't afford. Keep pushing north, and eventually
you will reach a rock barrier, where a bunch of Dwarven riflemen, Mortar
Teams, and two Siege Engines.

Now, it's time to arm the offensive, but, however, defense is very important.
The undead are around in three bases: Orange, which will aim its units at
Silvanas' base, and Green, which will attack Garithos. Furthermore,
Balnazzar's massive base is purple, which will attack either way.

Balnazzar himself it's a very powerful level 9... Dreadlord? From what
I've seen, it's a Dreadlord with Finger of Death instead of... Inferno?
and the power to call down two Infernals at once, like Archimonde.

Using Silvanas' side first (The humans have a much better defensive point),
clear up quickly the first orange base, which should prove no problem.
Build a few defensive structures there, and begin mining. For the next base,
however, they have a LOT of units, so it will be a prolonged strike. Train
a few Frost Wyrms, and a bunch of abominations for this strike. You might
want to leave Varimathras at home with a few Crypt Fiends, as Balnazzar's a

While you do not need to destroy the other bases, The strike against
Balnazzar will be pretty tough, and you do not want to get attacked while
you're out.

The attack against the green base shall prove a lot easier. Use a full group
of Siege Engines backed up with a full group of Riflemen, and, of course,
Garithos. This will be a suicide strike, but the Siege Engines will make
a powerful dent on their production, that if they don't destroy the base,
a second attack will not fail.

Now, start amassing units for the final strike. It's easier said than done,
though, as Balnazzar's base is ridiculously tough, and there is a damn
demonic portal in there which will summon Infernals and Doom Guards... I
don't know why, but apparently, whenever the hell it wishes. A combined
massive attack from both sides will prove effective, using plenty of siege
units. Aim at the unit producing buildings and don't let Balnazzar get
funny. If possible, attack while he's dead, and it will be a lot easier.

| |

The seventh mission of the Undead Campaign, which documents the journey
of Arthas and Anub'Arak through the dead kingdom of Azjl'Nerub, is
separated into three parts. This part of the game is a tough dungeon
crawling adventure with plenty of backstory about the fate of the
Nerubians. For the sake of order, I've divided them as the game has.
| |

- Locate the Entrance to the Old Kingdom.
- Kill Baelgun.
- Bring the Blood Key to the Old Kingdom lock.
- Arthas and Anub'Arak must survive.

QUESTS - Find the Gold Stashes (duh)

ITEMS FOUND: Ring of Regeneration
Rune of Healing
Tome of Inteligence
Rune of Mana
Orb of Frost
Spiked Collar
Healing Salve
Healing Salve
Rune of Lesser Healing
Rune of Mana
Rune of Shielding
Blood Key

STARTING : Arthas (Level 5 Death Knight Hero)
FORCES Anub'Arak (level 5 Crypt Lord Hero)
Crypt Fiend x2
Ghoul x2
Meat Wagon

At the start, use your meat wagon, and aim at the explosive barrels
near the dwarves. It will let you continue. Deal with the Dwarves, and
step on the floorplate to open the door (which, incidentally, you can
just kinda destroy with your units).

NOTE: The explosive barrels are very likely to kill enemy units, but it's
harmless to YOUR units.

Continue to the next room, and be careful with the Siege Engine, which is
very damaging. Destroy all the barrels in the room to find a gold coin,
which will trigger the FIND THE GOLD STASHES OPTIONAL QUEST. We will complete
it as we go.

Enter the next room, and deal with the Nerubians. There is a gold coin to the
southeast of the room (2/5). GO north to continue.

The next room holds a dead end that Arthas will make sure you know about it.
Destroy the rock chunks in order to reveal a lever which opens the door. Go
forth, and destroy again all the barrels, to the northeast of the room
is another gold coin (3/5). Hit the right lever and destroy the ancient gate,
then step on the floorplate to collect a very valuable spiked collar, then
hit the other level, which will release a couple of really big Nerubians.
Kill them and destroy the Nerubian Vault, which will release a really cool
Orb of Frost (!). A band of dwarves will storm the room. Deal with them
as you like.

The next passage is easy: Just shoot the explosive barrels to deal with the
dwarves, and you only mop what's left. Continue along the way with that in
mind, though watch out for another Siege Engine. As you find levers hit
them. If you can't reach an enemy, shoot at the explosive barrels.

When you hit a room where dwarves are duking it out with nerubians, destroy
the sourthern barrels to reveal another golden coin (4/5). Destroy
whoever survives, and go forth north. There is a fountain of restoration
(though I should note I didn't need it), and the final coin is behind the
waterfall. Quest complete. Prepare yourself, and go forward to meet

Baelgun is a level 10 Mountain King, but, fortunately, he has nearly no
backup, and he won't activate Avatar right away... furthermore, you can
even stop him from using it altogheter if you keep him stunned and
have your Felhound (summoned via the Spiker collar) mana burn him as
fast as possible and as many times as possible. Watch your puppy, as
the Riflemen will aim at him.

Once Bael'gun is dead, pick up the Blood Key he drops, and bring it to
the beacon. Part one finished.
| |

Moments later, within the Old Kingdom...

- Locate the exit of the Old Kingdom.
- Arthas and Anub'Arak must survive.

- Destroy the Forgotten Ones
- Arthas and Anub'Arak must survive.

QUESTS - Find the Gold Stashes (duh)

- Find and Release the Crypt Fiends

ITEMS FOUND: Belt of Giant Strenght +6
Runed Bracers
RIng of Protection +3
Medallion of Courage

STARTING : Arthas (Level 4 Death Knight Hero)
FORCES Anub'Arak (level 6 Crypt Lord Hero)
Crypt Fiend x2
Ghoul x2

NOTE: Curiously, Arthas didn't lose a level last mission, so Blizzard
just kinda did away with one off-camera. Go figure.

NOTE STRIKES BACK: Arthas is noticeably weak compared to Anub'Arak during
this mission. Keep him behind.

THE RETURN OF NOTE: For some reason, most nerubian creeps on this mission
are two levels lower than ussual.

The start will be elegantly pointed out by Anub'Arak. Destroy the rock chunks
to the left to reveal a lever, hit it and go right and get rid of the
Nerubians to hit the other lever in order to disable the trap. Go north
destroying the gate, and kill every nerubian there. Find the barrel, and destroy
it, which will trigger the OPTIONAL QUEST FIND THE GOLD STASHES, which we will
complete along the way. There is a Crypt Fiend trapped, approach it and it will

The next room will be a trap which will throw you do against a lot of giant
crabs ;). The next one is also a trap, which tempts you to get an item in the
middle of the room. As you grab it (It's a Belt of Giant Strenght), a bunch of
Arachnids will atack you. Time your Impale in order to stun as many as
possible, and activate Locust Swarm for extra support.

Destroy the gate to continue south. There you will find a few Crypt Fiends
(remember to heal them!), and go forth, where you will find a Fountain of
Health, plus a few eggs. Destroy them to reveal the second gold coin (2/5).

The Next room holds a Nerubian Queen (level 7, oddly), and lots of eggs.
Kill her, and destroy the eggs to find another gold coin (3/5). You can
hit the levers to trap the spiderlings which will continually spawn.

Continue and deal with the Lord (level 5) and a few level 3 warriors,
the locate and destroy the crates to find yet another gold coin (4/5).

Go forth in order to find a room with, uh, tentacles sticking out. You
will find out about it later. Suffice is to say that, while having only
200 HP and an inability to move, they are pretty damaging. There will
also be Faceless Tricksters (level 6) and a single Deathbringer (Level 10).
You will be able to rescue the remaining Crypt Fiends and finish the

The next room poses a huge problem: The Forgotten One. Attack with all you
can spare, and use Death Pact to keep Arthas Alive. It will summon Tentacles
and use Flame Strike, but if you attack swiftly and heal as much as possible,
you will be able to survive, and finish the mission.
| |

Moments Later, at the entrance of the Upper Kingdom...

- Escape before timer expires
- Arthas must survive.
- (Anub'Arak Must Survive)

QUESTS - Find the Gold Stashes (duh)

ITEMS FOUND: Potion of Greater Healing
Claws of attack +15
Ring of Protection +5
Rune of Healing x?
Rune of Mana x?
Rune of Lesser Healing x?
Hood of Cunning
Tome of Strenght +2
Orb of Darkness
Crown of Kings

STARTING : Arthas (Level 3 Death Knight Hero)

Timed escape, so don't slack off. Don't touch the Lasers, or there'll be
hell to pay. Each laser takes off 150 HP (200 in Hard mode), so time it.
There is a gold coin to the south then to the left, which triggers the
final OPTIONAL QUEST FIND THE GOLD STASHES, which only requires 3 coins
this time. I'll point them along the way again, but it might be a bit
dangerous to try.

The next room has you to time down the lasers again to step on all plates.
Once you hit them all, hit the lever to release a enemy (which drops the
claws of attack +15, and the second gold coin (2/5). Go forth,
and use the Health Fountain if you need it, then go north.

Plenty of Faceless one around. You might want to avoid them. Destroy the
pillars to advance, and try your best to avoid the Blizzard. Finally,
as you hit the final one, a bridge will be extended for you to advance

The next room has a tricky puzzle, but it's optional. You need to step
on both plates, but since you have Arthas only, you should either animate
something with the Rod of Animate Dead you probably still have, or some
other means to summon a unit.

The next room is a pain in the ass. Just try to make your way to the
right side. OTherwise, you can spend a few minutes to get some items,
but it's probably not worth it. Once you reach the right side, Anub'Arak
and other Crypt Fiends will arrive, updating your MAIN QUEST, with the
aditional requeriment that Anub'Arak must survive.

The next passageway has the final Gold coin down to the south on the
last crate.

Further west is the final confrontation. There is a Faceless One
Annihilator who's pretty tough, so use your best weapons on him. Once
killed, run for the exit, and the chapter is over.

| |

Moments later, at the Undead Stronghold, King Arthas and Anub'arak make
their final plans to defend the Lich King's Throne Chamber.

- Capture the four obelisks
- Stop Illidan from capturing the four obelisks


ITEMS FOUND: Sacrificial Skull x2
Khagdar's Gem of Health
Helm of Valor
Sobi Mask
Amulet of Spell Shield

STARTING : Arthas (Level 2 Death Knight Hero)
FORCES Anub'arak (Level 8 Crypt Lord Hero)
Crypt Fiend x5
Ghoul x4
Meat Wagon x2
Acolyte x3

NOTE: Arthas can, finally win experience and levels on this stage. In fact,
he can, and probably will, go up all the way to level 10.

At last, the final chapter for The Frozen Throne.

This stage pits you against *two* Naga Base and a Blood Elf Base, the first
two led by Illidan himself and Lady Vashj, while the elves are led by Kael,
all of them level 10, and potentially annoying as hell. As you start, there
will be a small settlement to the south: Attack it, and use the Sacrificial
Skulls nearby to build a quick defense on both sides of your base, and
we'll give out a small overview of the stage:

Northwest is Kael's Base. While his units are notably weak, and it's technically
weak to a massive air strike, Wind Riders are on masse all over his base, and
it can mean a massive loss of money invested on Frost Wyrms. It's a lot more
effective to attack with a group of Crypt Fiends, a few Abominations and
Meat Wagons, and Arthas himself, while leaving Anub'Arak for defense, as I
will detail later.

As for Kael himself, he's a Blood Mage, and that means he's not a lot of
use in defense. Keep an eye on him when he attacks, though, as he's fit to take
out lines of towers and workers easily.

Southeast is Lady Vashj's Base. Her units are a lot tougher, but his base is
not as suited to defense against air strikes. You might want to consider the
same strategy, reinforced with a few Frost Wyrms. Target the Myrmidons with
your ground troops, and the Wyrms and Meat Wagons will deal with the towers.

Lady Vashj is a pain in the ass, but the reliance of the AI to use Tornado
will make it rather easy to stun her via Impale.

Northeast is Illidan's base, and it's inaccessible via land. It's also
ridiculously fortified with dozens of units, and, since an air strike is
the only alternative, it's almost impossible to destroy it save a cheat code.
Destroying it, though, doesn't do you any good: The mission will proceed until
you decide to finish it.

Also scattered around the stage are a few small bases property of Illidan's

In the middle of the Map is the Frozen Throne. To reach it, you need to activate
and keep under your control the four obelisks around it. The deal is that Illidan
will also try to control them, so you need to repel him. Once you reach an
obelisks and deal with whatever resistance's there, you will spend half a minute
activating it with Arthas: Just move him to the Circle of Power.

Just as the mission starts, Illidan will only take a few minutes to control
the first obelisk. Don't despair! Build up a few Crypt Fiends, and attack the
southern obelisk with Arthas and Anub'Arak. Now, send a few Acolytes and haunt
the Gold Mine in there. Following that, build up lots of towers *and* a
Necropolis, and upgrade them accordingly. When money abounds, be sure to
make that Halls of the Dead into a Citadel of the Dead.

Now, the defensive assignment it's pretty easy to make: Make sure that your
towers expand to the lower path. It will make it that Lady Vashj's forces
will target that instead of your main base. Whenever she attacks, simply send
Arthas and Anub'Arak. Anub'Arak is, BTW, a great tanking hero: You can
actually repel most attacks using him alone, except for Illidan's Mana Burn.
In any case, if you don't want to take any risks, both heroes and a few
Crypt Fiends are okay.

Now, move your main forces to the left obelisks. Maybe Illidan's already taken
it, if that's the case, just wait for his attack and kill him. Then strike
swiftly and repeat the same strategy: line up your towers so that they take
the left path, to lure Kael over there. This way you will protect, more or
less your main base.

Now, it's time to move into an attack. Kael's base's possibly a lot easier than
Vashj's, so move over there. Directly north of your base, BTW, is a gold
mine which is fairly unprotected. Now, your forces, as I told you before,
could be around 12 Crypt Fiends, four or so Abominations to tank around,
and four or five Meat Wagons. Tag Arthas around to get more levels and to
heal your units. Just watch out for Kael's Phoenix, and if you see the egg,
destroy it at once.

Once Kael's base is down, we move south to take out Vashj's base, which is more
or less the same attack force, but add a few Frost Wyrms. Same startegy, but
Vashj's ultimate isn't nearly as annoying. Watch out, though, for masses
of Myrmidons, which should be countered by Arthas and your Abominations.

All the meanwhile, Illidan will be clashing mercilessly against your
obelisks. Anub'Arak should be able to hold on via his ultimate and Impale
until help (IF needed) arrives. I kept a group of six Crypt Fiends
with me at all times, though I realized later that I was using them
more as Cyclone fodder than anything else, by keeping them a bit advanced.

Illidan's base is untouchable save a massive Frost Wyrm attack (please.don't),
so we'll leave the base destruction at that. Leisurely, build up the same
attack force: And storm quickly to the closest Obelisk. It shouldn't pose a
trouble, save for Illidan. I like to attack when he's dead, for obvious
reasons. Build up a hasty defense of a few Spirit Towers, use Sacrificial
skulls bought at your Tomb of Relics, possess the obelisk and, QUICKLY, run up
to the final obelisk. If done right, Illidan won't even be there to defend it.

If you miss the mark and he's around, still, you can simply send everything
you've got. A nifty trick (though probably quite difficult to pull off), is
to keep a small aerial force (Gargoyles work best) to hit and run his base.
You don't need to destroy it, but he might think his base is in danger, and
run back. Once the fourth obelisk is owned (^_^), the mission, and the main
storyline for the third Warcraft game, it's over.


12.- Easter Eggs.

Well, The Frozen Throne definitely has the most easter eggs (and the funniest
ones) I've ever seen on a game - and that includes Duke Nukem 3D -.


Like in ROC, a few funny tooltips are around the editor. This time, the
tooltips of racoons, bunnies, frogs and chickens (Though not penguins),
is written "Call up the fearsome spirit of *animal* to save you".

There is, also, an amphibious sheep to be used. oO


After the second group of Satyrs, hug the trees to the right and try to
blink to the right. There lies a "Furbolg Hermit" and three deers. Kill it
to net Healing Wards.


The skeletal orcs battling during the SILENCE THE GHOSTS OPTIONAL QUEST
are part of the Blackrock Clan, the Stormreaver Clan and the Twilight Clan.
The Blackrock clan destroyed the other two during WC II.

Also, Drak'thar's hut has a very weird flag in from which looks like an
orc with its face painted and black straight hair. No clue about it but i'm
sure it's an easter egg.

Furthemore, make sure to use blink to get the tomes on the wall. It will say
"SECRET FOUND: Hidden tomes of the Ancients"


After you find the first gate, look southwest with your Hyppogryphs. You
should see a level 1 Pandaren Brewmaster. Blink to it, and it will leave
behind a Slippers of Agility +3 and exclaim SECRET FOUND: Pandaren Brewmaster.

In the purple naga base, to the east, is a lone Royal Guard. Assault the base
and attack it, SECRET FOUND: Keeper of the Storm Shrine. Inside, you will
find some gold.

Finally, in the north part, past the last two witches, is a secret garden,
where GRANK THE RAT, a far relative for FLINT THE RAT in WC III is waiting for
you. As Flint, it's immune to anything but massive clicking. Explode it,
and it will leave you a Talisman of Evasion. Nifty.


After being re-introduced to the Naga, look for the trees that are in the
middle of two colums. Use Malfurion's Force of Nature, and inside you will
find a few items, including three tomes +2. Watch out for the Reef Elementals.


Right to the south of the very middle of the map, behind some trees
(accessables from the area with all the bandits), it's a MOSS COVERED
GRANITE GOLEM. You can reach it by using Firestorm on the trees. He's mighty
tough, but leaves nice (though they could have been better :S, given
all the goddamn units I lost) items: A Rune of lesser healing, a Rune of
Resurrection and a Claws of Attack +3


Right at the start, to the right, is a Rock Golem guarding a Magical Vault.
Open it to reveal a Tome of Knowledge.

Also, you can enter the Secret Level from here. It's easier to explain if
you follow the walkthrough, but let me elaborate here. After you get the
third captain, Eventually you will come to a door to the left. Open it
and watch the scene.

There are three sheeps and three switches. The top sheep is the "Cold Sheep",
the middle is the "Inner Sheep", and the bottom is the "Fire Sheep". Press
the switches in order:




You should hear something to the extent of "BAA RAM YOU". This will open the
door to the Secret Level Powerup, ringed by Flying Sheeps on Fire. Silly.
This is a reference to BABE, the movie about the, eh, talking pig who wanted
to be a, uh, sheperd. And it even had a sequel. Geez.

The four spirits of Archmage are a nod to the four Archmagi channeling the
barrier during the Undead mission on the ROC campaign THE SIEGE, though,
notably, one of these was Antonidas, but he's not found as a spirit to
be quelled. Curious mistake.

(On behalf of myself, as a plot guide writer, it's an INCREDIBLE HANDLE in
order to evade any future controversy regarding Antonidas' death)

Finally, the three special items (The Frost Wyrm Skull Shield, the Shamanic
Totem and the Heart of Aszune) are located just before freeing the third
Litenaunt. There is a white rune in front of a demonic door. The second
white rune is after the sheep room, where a few mushrooms are. A rune of
Healing and the other rune is there. Activate both runes, and the
door will open, revealing an strange and somewhat eerie room with diverse
parafernalia from the game, apparently a souvenir room. In there, hidden
in crates, are the three powerful items. Furthermore, the Heart of Aszune
was used as a key item on a Orcish mission on the ROC campaign.

All of them are guarded by a single but absolutely massive creep: a
5000 HP level 11 Arcanite Golem, which hits in the 80-90 range with Chaos
Damage and is Magic Immune. But the rewards are well worth it.


This level is a big easter egg, as it is a nod to all the Tower Defense
custom maps that are still popular on battle.net. Not to mention all the
crazy stuff going on in there, of course.

For example, the workers falling asleep.


Right after you start with your Draenei troops, head west. You will eventually
hit upon a fiery hall, where a buffed up abomination named "BUTCHER" lies.
He's mighty tough, so attack, preferrably, with your expendable troops (just
leave the Draenei away). He drops a Rune of Resurrection, and, among his
treasures, is WYRT'S OTHER LEG, the follow up from WYRT'S LEG on ROC.
This is a reference to Diablo, Blizzard's hugely successful RPG, where a
character named Wyrt lost his leg due to the Butcher, an enemy. Apparently,
someone expected two to be better than one.

The Bovine Slaughtering stuff refers to Diablo II's secret stage, a place
with, uh, armed cows attacking the player. Demented, yes, but true. I do not
know if Wyrt's leg had any holding about finding the stage, but that's because
i didn't really played Diablo or Diablo II for long. I dislike MMORPGs.

(That said, the Dark Elves from Lineage II are the sexiest things I've
seen on a PC screen that's not actual flesh.)

On the first orc base north of Illidan's location, on the southwest part of
the base, it's a clump of mushrooms. Take it out with catapults or Kael's
Flamestorm, and go in to find... a trio of Snowmen. Eh.

Two of the Blademasters you will find on this mission are named REND and MAIM.
They are supposed to be Blackhand's sons, the original warchief of the horde.


To the northwest of the map, there is a bunch of trees nearby an Arcane
Sanctuary: Look carefully, and you should note a few that are darker. Go
in there and you will find what's become of Timmy: Now he's a mechanical
unit that sells Ice Shards. Poor Timmy, though at least, now he's
indestructible. Better than being a ghoul.


Perhaps the biggest mystery in the game (and perhaps the most obscure
easter egg as well), is this one: After you decimate the Naga Base and
the High Elves one, you can go west and then south. As you approach the
end, an earthquake will open the way to a funny looking forest. There is
a Scroll of Mana over there, but also is a door that opens to a cutscene
with the Penguin King: a 1300 HP massive invulnerable critter that will
dance and leave you a Ring of Protection +4.

However, memories of the World's Largest Panda linger on...

Now, this doesn't ends. There is also a Large Penguin critter that leaves
a Ring of Superiority on the island that you start, and there is a penguin
on the north creep base that has a funny name: Little Timmy. There are all
sorts of rumors regarding this egg, and I can't certify any of them, though
there are some things I can guarantee don't change the outcome of your
encounter with the Penguin King:

- Possessing penguins and going in there with them (This is one of the
strongest rumors and it seems pertinent, since Penguins when idle will
dance, and it seems as if they react to the King's pressence, however,
you can only possess two penguins (including the Large Penguin) and move
them at the King's nest, and Little Timmy (who would make a lot of sense
to change the outcome) can be possessed, but he cannot be transported towards
the King)

NOTE: Well, I've did it. It doesn't work. Took me a good two hours for
nothing. Lesson is: Don't believe rumors.

- Reaching with other character than Arthas (Tried with everyone).

- Playing on Hard Mode.

I can, almost 100% sure, certify this Egg doesn't changes, though any info
will be appreciated. Also, save the strange fetish Blizzard has with
funny animals (it's a wonder they haven't done anything with Iguanas),
this has no particular reference.


South of Balnazzar's base, there is a creep outpost with a Flesh Golem
(level 11), a couple Zombie Mutants (Level 6?), and a few level two
"Jacobs reject". This is a particulary weird name: I personally like to
think it's a reference to the monsters on the Tim Robbins movie "Jacob's
Ladder", though that is probably wrong.


13.- Version History.

This is an almost exact copy and paste version of the patch.txt file found
in your Warcraft III directory, which I am putting here for reference sakes.
Whatever editting I made will be marked with "NOTE FROM LORD ZERO:", which
will be more likely undocumented features. Most of the "WE" in there
are referred to Blizzard staff themselves, I had nothing to do with them :).


Patch 1.20


- Fixed a Bug that disabled Spirit Walkers from resurrecting other Spirit


- (6)WizardsRetreat
- separated two creep camps near both corner starting locations to
prevent them from calling each other for help when one is attacked.

- (6)Gnollwood
- separated two creep camps near merchant buildings to prevent them from
calling each other for help when one is attacked.

- (6)BlizzardTD
- Fixed phase-shifting units to behave normally when attacked.

- (12)WormWar
- Fixed a bug that causes player worms to become immobile after using
powerups while respawning.

Patch 1.19b


- Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games.

Patch 1.19


- (2)Echo Isles
- Added ranged creep to expansion goldmines.
- Replaced both Fountains of Health with Mercenary camps and changed
the creep composition so that they're not all piercing attack.
- Replaced the mana fountain with a Market Place and changed the level
3 perm item drops to level 3 charged items.
- Replaced one Troll Trapper with an equal level Ogre to the all troll
trapper green camp next to each start location.

- (2)Tirisfal Glade
- Added a tavern to each side of the map, reduced the level of the creep
that guard the Mercenary buildings as well as the level of the items
they drop, and reduced two Orange creep camps and level of the item

- (4)Turtle Rock
- Opened areas of the map to help alleviate strong choke points that
favor ranged unit combat.

- (4)Broken Shard
- Replaced the 4 center orange camps with 4 green camps.
- Replaced two ranged units with two melee units to the creep camps
guarding the Goblin Merchants.
- Increased the Orange camp levels near each start location and added
an additional item to each of those camps.

- (4)Hellfire
- Reduced the creep level on the two middle Red creep camps.
- Reduced the creep level on the East and West Goblin Laboratory creep

- (4)Stonecold Mountain
- All creep with the ability to possess units have been removed from
this map.

- (4)Lost Temple
- Added a few trees to all the start locations to ensure better
balance of lumber harvesting for all races.

- (4)Twisted Meadows
- Changed the level 4 charged item drops at the Goblin Merchant to
level 4 permanent drops.

- (6)Sunrock Cove
- Added pathing room around Goblin Laboratory and removed the clump of
trees in front of the Goblin Laboratory to enhance game play.
- Lowered the goldmine creep camp from Red to Green
- Pushed Blue's West ramp further from its start location.

- (6)GnollWood
- Removed all Gnoll Assassins from the Goblin Merchant creep camps,
replaced with Gnoll Brutes.

- (6)Typhoon
- Fixed Red and Teal start locations to be closer to the goldmines
like the other start locations.

- (6)Silverpine Forest
- Removed the Tavern from all start locations
- Can now path across the center of the map, added a Tavern to the
center of the map.
- Reduced the Item and creep levels of the 4 Red camps in the center
of the map.
- The 6 center goldmines have been reduced in difficulty of creep

- (6)Dragonblight
- The two center creep camps have been pushed away from pathable area
to prevent accidental attacks.
- The players alliance settings have been changed to favor 2v2.

- (6)Moonglade New Map File
- Two center creep camps and buildings have been removed.
- Added two taverns to the center of the map.
- Opened up all chokepoints
- Added some trees to all start locations to help harvesting.

- (6)Everfrost
- Added a few trees to Yellow and Teal start locations to ensure
lumber harvesting balance.
- Added ground Anti-Air units to the East and West Red creep camps.

- Bonus Maps Added to Battle.net
- (2)Shrine of the Ancients
- (2)Terenas Stand
- (4)Phantom Grove
- (4)Deathrose
- (6)Everfrost
- (6)Sunrock Cove
- (6)Emerald Shores
- (6)Duststorm
- (8)Full Scale Assault
- (8)Hurricane Isle
- (8)Cherryville
- (10)Skibis Castle TD
- (12)Worm War


- Creep-dropped item sell prices have been standardized. Items of the
same level will now generally sell for the same amount.

- Skeletal Mastery research time reduced to 30 seconds from 45 seconds.
- Skeletal Longevity research time reduced to 15 seconds from 30 seconds.
- Exhume Corpses research now costs 75 gold / 50 lumber down from 125
gold/ 100 lumber.
- Destroyer armor reduced to 3 from 4.

- Spiritwalkers now have the passive Resistant Skin ability. This
causes some spells such as Cyclone and Slow to have a much shorter
duration when used on a Spiritwalker. Resistant skin also grants
immunity to certain other spells such as Polymorph and Possession.
- Ensnare duration reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.
- Batrider hit points reduced to 325 from 400.

Night Elf
- Tree of Life build time increased to 120 seconds from 110 seconds.

- Human Towers (Guard, Cannon, Arcane and Scout) now gain 1 armor per
masonry upgrade, down from 2.


Trigger Editor
- The "Image" category and actions now appear after the "Item" category.
- The "Ubersplat" category and actions now appear after the "Unit Group"
- Fixed script generation errors when using the "Terrain Pathing Is Off"
function. This is now a Boolean function.
- Fixed script generation errors when using variables of the following
- Attack Type
- Combat Sound
- Damage Type
- Effect Type
- Pathing Type
- Sound Type
- Sorted lightning type presets.
- Appended "Cliff" to cliff terrain types, to distinguish them from
non-cliff terrain types.
- Renamed "Life Drain" and "Mana Drain" to "Drain Life" and "Drain Mana",
- Cleaned up the name, grammar text, hints and/or sorting order for the
following trigger functions/calls:
- (Boolean) Environment - Terrain Pathing Is Off (was Terrain
- (Unit) Event Response - Damage Source
- (String) Game - Ability Name
- (String) Game - Ability Effect Art Path (was Ability Effect Art)
- (String) Game - Ability Effect Sound Name (was Ability Sound)
- (String) Hero - Hero Proper Name
- (String) Trigger - Trigger Name
- (Real) Lightning - Red Color of Lightning
- (Real) Lightning - Green Color of Lightning
- (Real) Lightning - Blue Color of Lightning
- (Real) Lightning - Alpha Value of Lightning (was Alpha Color of
- Cleaned up the name, grammar text, hints and/or sorting order for the
following trigger actions:
- Environment - Change Terrain Type
- Environment - Turn Terrain Pathing On/Off (was Turn Pathing
- Floating Text - Suspend/Resume
- Floating Text - Permanent/Expires
- Floating Text - Change Color
- Floating Text - Change Lifespan
- Floating Text - Change Fading Age (was Change Fadepoint)
- Floating Text - Change Age
- Game - Enable/Disable Selection (was Enable/Disable Select)
- Game - Enable/Disable Drag-Selection (was Enable/Disable Drag
- Game - Enable/Disable Pre-Selection (was Enable/Disable Pre
- Image - Create
- Image - Change Color
- Image - Change Render State
- Image - Change Render Always State
- Image - Change Above Water State
- Lightning - Create Lightning Effect (was Create Lightning Effect
At Points)
- Lightning - Move Lightning Effect (was Move Lightning Effect To
- Lightning - Set Lightning Effect Color
- Unit - Add Classification
- Unit - Remove Classification
- Unit - Issue Drop Item Order (was Drop Item On A Point)
- Unit - Issue Move Item In Inventory Order (was Drop Item In Slot)
- Unit - Issue Give Item Order (was Drop Item On A Unit)
- Unit - Damage Area
- Unit - Damage Target
- Unit - Decrease Level Of Ability For Unit
- Unit - Increase Level Of Ability For Unit
- Unit - Set Level Of Ability For Unit
- Ubersplat - Create
- Ubersplat - Change Render State
- Ubersplat - Change Render Always State
- Added an event and three new trigger functions for future tournament
- (Trigger Event) Tournament Event
- (Real) Tournament Time Remaining
- (Integer) Tournament Melee Score
- (Integer) Tournament Finish Rule

- PATCH 1.18


- 6 maps from our Bonus Map program including (4)Excavation Site, (2)Echo
Isle, (6)Hinterland Raid, (6)Ruins of Stratholme, (8)Azeroth Grand Prix,
(8)Extreme Candy Wars 2004.


- Fixed a problem that prevented selection sounds from playing when
units were drag-selected.
- Fixed a problem that caused Gargoyles to become stuck in Stone Form.
- Fixed a problem with Dark Ritual or Death Pact leaving an unusable
- Fixed a problem that caused a player's units to continue to harvest
resources after they were dropped and no one has control of them.
- Fixed a problem that allowed Ethereal units to take Physical damage from
missiles that were in flight as they became Ethereal.
- Fixed a problem that allowed Magic Immune units to take Magical damage
from missiles that were in flight as they became Magic Immune.
- Fixed a problem that allowed Unstable Concoction to kill the casting
Batrider even after its target became Ethereal.
- Fixed the visibility of the Flamestrike de-buff icon.
- Fixed a problem with Defend not absorbing Piercing splash damage.
- Fixed a problem with melee units with Incinerate not damaging any units
that they would Incinerate.
- Fixed a problem that caused Heroes holding items that increase their
primary attribute to display an increase in their base damage on the
info panel. Their actual damage was not affected.
- Fixed a problem that allowed morphing units in their alternate form to
retain their alternate form bonuses when killed by a Mana Flare when
activating their alternate form.
- Fixed a problem that allowed Destroyers to use Devour Magic on Watcher
- Fixed a problem that prevented Watcher Wards from being revealed by the
Dust of Appearance.
- Fixed a problem that removed the Summoned state from Carrion Beetles
when they burrow.
- Fixed a problem with Metamorphosis and Chemical Rage that allowed the
timer to remain active after the Hero had died.
- Fixed a problem with Goblin Zeppelins being considered Undead instead of
Mechanical in custom Reign of Chaos maps.


- (8)Crossroads - Fixed a grammatical error.


- Banshee build time has been reduced to 28 seconds from 35 seconds.

- Drunken Haze movement reduction has been changed to increase by level.
The new ranks are: 15% / 30% / 50% from the previous 50% / 50% / 50%.
- Breath of Fire initial damage reduced to 65/125/170 from 65/130/175.
- Tornado mana cost has been reduced to 200 mana from 250 mana.
- Incinerate can now be turned on or off. When turned on, it
consumes 6 mana per attack. It is otherwise unchanged.
- Lava Spawns now require 15 attacks to replicate, up from 14.
- Summon Quilbeast cooldown increased to 25 seconds from 20 seconds.
- Summon Hawk mana cost increased to 50 mana from 35 mana.
- Pocket factory hit points increased to 300/450/600 by level from
- Healing Spray effect per wave increased to 40/55/70 from 35/50/65

- Staff of Teleportation gold cost has been increased to 150 gold from 100


Trigger Editor
- Added new functions:
- Environment: Terrain Pathability
- Environment: Terrain Tile Type
- Environment: Terrain Tile Variance
- Floating Text: Permanent/Expires
- Floating Text: Suspend/Resume
- Floating Text: Change Position to Point
- Floating Text: Change Position to Unit
- Floating Text: Change Age
- Floating Text: Change Lifespan
- Floating Text: Change Fadepoint
- Floating Text: Change Text
- Game: Enable/Disable Selection (Functionality and/or UI)
- Game: Enable/Disable Pre-Selection (Functionality and/or UI)
- Game: Enable/Disable Drag-Selection (Functionality and/or UI)
- Trigger: Get Trigger Name
- Added new unit states:
- Plagued
- Snared
- Stunned
- Poisoned
- Polymorphed
- Sleeping
- Resistant
- Ethereal
- Magic Immune
- Lightning triggers now have their own category.
- Lightning triggers now use the Z coordinate of the specified Location.
- Custom Lightning triggers can now use an explicit Z coordinate.


- Fixed custom buff support for Black Arrow, Cloud of Fog, Inferno, Aerial
Shackles, and Tornado.
- Fixed multiple-level support for Shadowmeld.
- Fixed Rain of Chaos' order id.

- PATCH 1.17


- Two new Neutral Heroes, the Firelord and the Goblin Alchemist, have been
added to the game. For further information on these exciting new Heroes
and a listing of their abilities, visit http://www.battle.net/war3 .
- A "Profile" button has been added to the Battle.net toolbar. You can now
look at your profile from the Battle.net news page without ever entering
- Replays now display their version number in the Replay selection screen.
- Designating a new clan chieftain now includes a confirmation dialogue.
- 9 maps from our Bonus Map program including (8)Funny Bunny's Egg Hunt,
(8)Shamrock Reef, (8)Dragon Falls, (8)Deadlock, (8)Gold Rush, (8)Slalom,
(6)Copper Canyon, (6)Rolling Hills, and (4)Predators.


- Fixed a problem with Burning Oil that caused the effect to not be created
when buildings were attacked directly.
- Fixed a problem that caused some instant spells cast after a targeted
spell to execute before the targeted spell.
- Fixed problems with the Melee AI when it attempted to use certain
instant spells.
- Fixed a problem with Morphing units re-executing commands that were
interrupted by the morph timer expiring.
- Fixed an exploit that would allow players to track enemy units under
the fog of war with queued move commands.
- Fixed a problem with units following enemy units and never proceeding
to the next order when they moved underneath the fog.
- Fixed a problem with Envenomed Spears wearing off too early if the
affected unit was also affected by Slow Poison or the Orb of Venom.
- Fixed the invisibility transition time for levels 2 and 3 of Wind Walk.
- Fixed the orb air attack speeds for the Blood Mage, Pit Lord, and Fire
- Fixed the armor upgrade values for Human, Orc, and Undead shops.
- Fixed a problem preventing Phased Faerie Dragons from teleporting.
- Fixed an issue with Faerie Dragons that could cause them to become
unresponsive to most commands if you Phase Shifted just as the unit was
attacking something.
- Fixed Doom so that the spell now has a maximum creep level.
- Fixed an issue that caused Crypt Fiends to deactivate Web when they
- Fixed a problem with Cleaving Attack that would prevent it from working
when Orbs were equipped.
- Fixed an issue with Cleaving Attack that would cause Thorns Aura to
reflect damage on targets that took splash damage.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Orb of Annihilation's splash damage
to ignore armor.
- Fixed a problem that could cause Metamorphosis to cancel the effects of
a Staff of Teleportation.
- Fixed Devour such that devoured units now give experience to the owner of
the Kodo Beast if it gets polymorphed/hexed and instantly digests the unit.
- Fixed rally points such that friendly units will no longer cancel rally
orders to Heroes that teleport, Blink, or Mirror Image.
- Fixed illusions so they now get correct damage, armor, life, and mana
bonuses consistent with the original units.
- Fixed an issue with morphed units that could cause them to cost food when
revived by Animated Dead if they had died in their morphed form.
- Fixed the Storm Pandaren (from the Pandaren Brewmaster's ultimate) so it
now correctly displays Wind Walk's backstab damage.
- Fixed a problem with Flame Strike that wouldn't allow Blood Mages to
become invisible after they finished channeling the spell. Prior to this
fix, the Blood Mage would become visible for as long as damage was taking
place, despite the fact that he was no longer casting the spell.
- Fixed upgrading buildings such that they now receive the correct hit point
bonus from the Masonry upgrade.
- Fixed a problem that could cause manually cast arrow abilities to
occasionally fail.
- Fixed racial shops so they no longer block line of sight.
- Fixed multiple units' casting the same spell so they now distribute the
load more efficiently.
- Fixed creeps so that missile spells no longer wake them when launched.
Instead, the creeps now wake when a spell hits.
- Fixed channeling units so they will auto-queue orders issued to the entire
selection except for Stop and Hide. Orders issued to the selected subgroup
will break channeling (so you can teleport out of the area while
- Fixed units in the middle of a non-channeling spell such that they will now
auto-queue all orders until the spell is complete.
- Fixed Hero icons so their order is now consistent throughout the game.
- Fixed replay speeds so they can once again be changed while the replay
is paused.


Expansion - Frozen Throne
- (4)Turtle Rock - Top right and bottom left creep camps now drop equivalent
- (4)Twisted Meadows - Added some trees near the south Mercenary Camp
to prevent mercenary purchase without engaging the creeps. Also added
some trees to prevent item purchase from Goblin Merchant without
engaging creep camp.
- (6)Demon's Crossing - Removed the two Dragon Roosts and their accompanying
creep camps from both sides of the map, then altered the creep camp
guarding the remaining Dragon Roost. Rebalanced most of the creep camps to
be more player friendly.
- (6)Monsoon - Added some trees near the water line to prevent units from
moving behind them.
- (6)Typhoon - Added some trees near the expansion gold mines to prevent the
creeps from harassing players when they pass by. Added some trees to start
locations and moved bottom middle start location closer to trees to help
with initial harvesting.
- (6)Upper Kingdom - The two center creep camps that are guarding gold mines
have been pushed back from common pathing areas.
- (8)Mur'gul Oasis - Center creeps pushed further back away from common
pathing areas through the middle.
- (8)Gold Rush - Fixed missing Tavern from the bottom left corner.

Classic - Reign of Chaos
- (6)Dark Forest - Cleaned up some trees to provide wider areas for larger
groups to path through. The creep camp guarding the top middle expansion
gold mine no longer attacks units that path nearby.


- Haunted and Entangled Gold Mines are now indicated on the minimap.
- The experience bonus for having a single Hero and owning a tier-2 or
tier-3 town hall has been increased to +15%/+30% from +10%/+20%.
- Line damage spells such as Shockwave, Carrion Swarm, Breath of Fire, and
Breath of Frost no longer damage a targeted friendly unit.
- Default autocast spells (like Abolish Magic or Bloodlust) that require
research will now have autocast enabled when the research completes.
- Arrow abilities set to autocast now override Orb effects.
- Repairing an upgrading building now uses the repair time and cost of the
original building.
- Harvesting, building, and repairing workers are the only units left
behind by a teleport.
- Hexed and polymorphed units now have the same statistics as the normal
units except for movement speed and the model. Previously, these abilities
were changing the armor type and hit point regeneration type.
- Constructing Peasants are now included in group selections. A
constructing Peasant will automatically queue all orders unless it is
the only unit selected, or until it receives a Stop order.
- Channeling ultimates now cancel invulnerability. If an invulnerability
spell is used while channeling, channeling will end.
- Damage-capped AOE spells now have a seperate cap for friendly, enemy,
and neutral units.
- Enemy units now take damage from Lightning Shielded illusions.
- If a unit is rallied to a unit/Hero that dies, the rallied unit will
now continue to move towards the last spot the rally target occupied.

- Defend has been reworked. Piercing damage is still reduced by 50%, and
there is now an additional 30% chance that a defending Footman will
reflect unit attacks back on the source for full damage. Piercing damage
building attacks have a 30% chance to do no damage.
- Banish now costs mana 75/60/50 by level, and has a 0-second cooldown at all
levels, down from 5/3/1 seconds.
- Siphon Mana drain per second has been reduced to 15/30/45 from 18/35/55.
- Siphon Mana has been reworked. It now transfers mana from an enemy to the
Blood Mage, or from the Blood Mage to an ally. Additionally, Siphon Mana
can push the Blood Mage's mana up to as much as twice its normal maximum
value, though mana gained in this way drains off rapidly if not used.
- Blood Mage attack speed increased by 30%.
- Flame Strike damage cap set to the equivalent of 6 targets, up from 5.
- Knight hit points increased to 835 from 800.
- Arcane Towers now deal 20 bonus damage per attack to summoned units.
- Divine Shield can no longer be deactivated.
- Phoenixes no longer regenerate life from a Fountain of Health.

- Death Knight base armor reduced to 3 from 4.
- Banshee attack range increased to 600 from 500.
- Units raised by Animate Dead are now invulnerable to dispels as well as
- Destroyers no longer regenerate mana from a Fountain of Mana.
- Unsummoning an upgraded building now provides resources for the original
building in addition to the cost of the upgrade (before it was just the
cost of the upgrade).
- The Nerubian Towers' frost attacks now properly affect magic-immune units.
- Devour Magic now dispels the owl summoned by Sentinel, but does not give
mana to the Destroyer.
- Since we have corrected the splash damage bug with Destroyers, we have
reverted Destroyers to their old 1.14 statistics. Destroyers now have
mana regeneration of -3/sec (down from -6/sec), Orb of Annihilation
now costs 25 mana down from 50 mana, and Devour Magic restores 75 mana
per unit dispelled, down from 150. Note that Devour Magic no longer
gives health or mana when a player devours friendly buffs.

- Wind Walk now allows the Blademaster to walk through units.
- Wind Walk's backstab damage reduced to 40/70/100 from 50/85/120.
- Unstable Concoction primary target damage increased to 600 from 550.
- Chain Lightning will now jump to sleeping targets if the primary target
is also asleep.
- Tauren Chieftain base Intelligence increased to 15 from 14.
- Troll Batrider build time increased from 25 to 28.
- Experience granted for killing the Spirit Wolves summoned by the spell
Feral Spirit increased by approximately 40%.
- Spirit Link can now be used to affect illusions.
- Spirit Walkers now appear before Raiders and Kodo Beasts in the group
- Troll Batriders can no longer use Unstable Concoction while Banished.

Night Elf
- Abolish Magic no longer auto-dispels hero spells.
- Abolish Magic no longer removes positive buffs on friendlies or negative
buffs on enemies when manually cast (it already did this for autocast).
- Rejuvination can now target magic immune units.
- Faerie Fire armor debuff reduced to 4 from 5.
- Archer hit points increased to 245 from 240.
- Faerie Dragon damage increased to 14-16 from 13-14.
- Level-1 Entangling Roots base duration reduced to 9 seconds from 12, but
level-3 Entangling Roots damage increased to 25 per second from 15 per
- Ancient Protector's attack now uses a homing missile.
- The Huntress' bouncing attacks will no longer bounce back to the initial
- Shadow Strike is no longer removed by Banish.
- Taunt now affects only the 10 closest units. It is also now disabled by

- Naga Sea Witch speed reduced to 270 from 300.
- Cluster Rockets mana cost reduced to 70 from 75.
- Voidwalker mercenaries now cost 2 food, up from 1.
- Hydras spawned from a splitting parent are no longer considered summoned

- Targeting an unwalkable location with a Scroll of Town Portal will now
try to place units as close to that location as possible. If no valid
location can be found, the units will be teleported to an area around
the town hall.
- All Orbs now affect magic-immune units.
- Orb of Corruption debuff can no longer be dispelled.
- Orb of Fire now deals Spell damage instead of Magic damage.
- Mechanical Critters are no longer displayed on the minimap.
- Mechanical Critters no longer teleport with you.
- Amulet of Spell Shield no longer blocks physical skills (e.g., Ensnare).

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.16
replays cannot be viewed with the 1.17 version of Warcraft III).
Custom save games will not load from version 1.16.

- PATCH 1.16


- Rifleman hit points reduced to 505 from 520.

- Destroyer negative mana regeneration increased to -6/sec from -3/sec.
- Mana gain of Devour Magic increased to 150 per dispelled unit from 75 per
dispelled unit.
- Orb of Annihilation mana cost increased to 50 from 25.
- Orb of Annihilation had a splash damage that was dealing full damage to
all targets instead of full damage to the primary target, and reduced
damage to nearby targets. This discrepancy has been fixed and the orb
now deals damage identical to the functionality in patch 1.14.

- Bladestorm mana cost reduced to 200 from 250.
- Troll Batrider hit points reduced to 400 from 500.
- Demolisher build time increased to 40 seconds from 36 seconds.

Neutral Heroes
- Cluster Rockets cooldown reduced to 6 seconds from 7 seconds.
- Pocket Factory cooldown reduced to 35 seconds from 40 seconds.
- Pit Lord base Strength increased to 26 from 24.
- Dark Minion hit points increased from 200/260/320 to 215/290/405 and armor
reduced to 0/0/0 from 1/2/3.
- Breath of Fire has been damage capped to 8 targets. Note that this does
not affect the amount of damage dealt by burning damage from the Breath
of Fire / Drunken Haze combination.
- Storm, Earth and Fire Pandaren hit points increased by 200, and attack
damage increased by 33%.

- Shared cooldown of 20 seconds added on all summoning items.
- Wand of Lightning Shield given 10-second cooldown.
- Staff of Preservation max stock set to 1, down from 2.
- Sentry Ward item duration reduced to 5 minutes from 10 minutes.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.15 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.16 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games
will not load from version 1.15.

- PATCH 1.15


- A new Neutral Hero, the Goblin Tinker, has been added to the game. For
further information on this strange new Hero and a listing of his abilities,
visit http://www.battle.net/war3 .
- The matchmaking system has been significantly updated. New accounts should
more quickly begin playing against opponents of equivalent skill level.
- Clan ladders are now functional. Games against ranked players will now
contribute to your clan's ranking on the ladder.
- Clan information is now displayed in your player profile, including your
clan name, tag, ladder ranking, and more.
- Display of channel moderators has changed.
- Ladder information is now more clearly separated in your user profile.
- Free For All (FFA) games are now anonymous. Account names and player levels
will no longer be displayed to other participants. Other players will be
displayed as "Player X", where X is the number of the player in the game.
- Added an on/off button for the "Alt" formation toggle functionality to the
Options --> Gameplay menu. The option is "On" by default.
- Added a "Worker Selection" button that appears beneath the construction
progress indicator for Night Elf and Orc buildings. This allows Orc and
Night Elf players to re-select workers that are currently constructing a
building and give them additional way-pointed orders.
- Added the ability for users to double-click replay files (*.w3g files) from
system directories. Doing so will automatically launch the game and load the
appropriate replay.
- Buff and debuff icons (not including auras) now flash when their duration
has 10 or fewer seconds remaining.
- Buff icons will display in the tooltip when a group-selected unit is
highlighted in the info panel.


- Fixed an issue with cargo based structures/units (Entangled Gold Mines, Orc
Burrows, Goblin Zeppelins, etc.) which could cause units to get stuck
inside permanently.
- Fixed a problem where water elementals that died during Mass Teleport were
not being properly removed from the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused hit point bars not to show up properly for some
teams when viewing replays.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Anti-magic Shell art to display incorrectly
on Crypt Fiends after they unburrow.
- Fixed a problem where a Scroll of Town Portal could be wasted if the
targeted town hall was destroyed before the spell completed. The Hero now
retains the Scroll if the spell doesn't complete.
- Fixed an issue with the Mountain Giant's Taunt that could cause Invisible
and Shadowmelded units to improperly attack and reveal themselves when the
ability was activated.
- Fixed an issue with the "Observers on Defeat" functionality that caused
units not to be displayed on the minimap.
- Fixed a problem with the Pandaren Brewmaster that caused incorrect
regeneration of health and mana while his ultimate was active.
- Fixed a problem with Spell Steal and Polymorph that could turn a ground unit
into a Flying Sheep.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Web and Ensnare graphics to display
- Fixed a problem that caused the Inferno stun damage to not be applied to
magic-immune units in The Frozen Throne. All ultimates should ignore magic
- Fixed some spell targeting issues with Resistant Skin. Doom (and possibly
other spells) should work the same way as Charm.
- Fixed an issue with Metamorphosis which prevented some Orb effects
from working while the Demon Hunter was in his altered form.
- Fixed a problem with the Scroll of Town Portal which did not allow Heroes
to regenerate the appropriate hit points and mana while the spell was being
- Fixed the accidentally inflated hit point regeneration rate on the Naga
Sea Witch, Beastmaster, Pandaren Brewmaster, and Spell Breaker back to
the standard .25 hit points per second.
- Fixed Shockwave's damage radius to 125.
- Fixed Orb items to now cause the proper damage versus air for melee Heroes.
- Fixed an issue with Militia in which units ordered "Back to Work" could
change back into Militia when arriving back at the town hall.
- Fixed Breath of Fire's damage area to more accurately represent a cone area
of effect, rather than a line.
- Acolytes harvesting from a Haunted Gold Mine with the Entangling Roots buff
now register as idle like other peons.
- Fixed the Blight generated by the Sacrificial Skull such that a
non-Undead building placed on top of the Blight will not remove the
Blight when it finishes construction.
Detonate, Dispel Magic, and Disenchant correctly dispel this Blight.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Banished worker units to build, Repair,
and harvest. Note that Detonate and Unsummon will remain unaffected by
Banish since they're considered "magical".
- Fixed Lightning Shield so that if two units with Lightning Shields overlap
each other, they both correctly take damage.
- Fixed an issue that allowed an ally that did not have Shared Control to
Uproot and command your Ancient of Wonders. Allied players without Shared
Control should only be able to purchase items from the building.
- Fixed a problem with item-summoned units which would cause them to leave
corpses and spawn units from Black Arrow.
- Fixed an issue with Animate Dead which in some cases caused the spell to
transfer the unit upgrades to the new owner.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from way-pointing the Faerie
Dragon's Mana Flare ability.


Expansion - Frozen Throne
- (2)Tirisfal Glades - Added more trees to bottom start location. Mercenary
creep camps are better suited to drop a level-4 charged item.
- (2)TheTwoRivers - Removed the Rune of Rebirth from Ogre Mage; added Rune of
Mana to Ogre Mage. Lowered Ogre Lord drop from permanent level-6 item to
level-5 item. Increased level of power up.
- (2)GlacialThaw - The drop tables have been re-adjusted for better one-on-one
- (4)TwistedMeadows - Corner creep camps harder to Gargoyle rush. Replaced
Tavern with Goblin Merchant; replaced Marketplace with Tavern. Lowered creep
strength for Goblin Merchant. Goblin Laboratories are harder to purchase
from without engaging creeps.
- (4)TurtleRock - Added some trees to the south Goblin Merchant area to
prevent the player from making purchases from the building without engaging
the creeps that guard the building. Changed several creep drops to help with
game flow.
- (6)DemonsCrossing - Fixed alliance settings.
- (6)RiverOfSouls - Removed the creeps from the taverns and fixed a cave
- (8)AzureTowerDefense - Fixed the hotkey for the Azure Wisp 'A'. Fixed a
spelling error with 'Upgrade Arrow Damage' tooltip. Azure Witch had a
conflicting ability hotkey that has been fixed. Brilliance Aura and Frost
Arrow both used 'R'; Brilliance Aura now uses 'A'. The +3 Tome's description
now correctly states that it adds +3 to all Hero attributes.

Classic - Reign of Chaos
- (2)Plunder Isle - Added some trees to the north and south location near the
Goblin Merchant to prevent the player from making purchases without engaging
the creep guarding the building. Cleared some room around the Goblin
Merchant to prevent Archer cheese.


- Flamestrike damage capped to 5 targets. If more than 5 targets are hit, the
damage done to 5 targets normally is split evenly across all available
- Mass Teleport cooldown increased to 20 seconds from 15 seconds.
- Level 1 water elemental damage reduced to 1d5 + 17 from 2d5 + 19, but hit
points increased to 525 from 450.
- Bash % chance to hit increased by 5% across all levels.
- Slow mana cost increased to 50 from 40.
- Control Magic mana cost is now calculated based on the target unit's
current hit points instead of its maximum hit points. The dynamic mana
cost of Control Magic has also been increased to .45 mana per hit point
from .3 mana per hit point.
- Spell Breaker feedback damage vs. Heroes reduced to 4 per hit from 5 per
- Dragonhawk Rider damage reduced to 1d3 + 17 from 1d3 + 18.
- Flying Machine damage vs. air increased to 1d2 + 13 from 1d2 + 11.
- Militia are now level-1 units, instead of level-2 units. This causes them
to give less experience when killed.
- Scout Towers can be repaired twice as fast as before.

- Frost Nova cold effect now lasts 2/3/4 seconds against Heroes. It previously
lasted 4/6/8 seconds against Heroes.
- Animate Dead mana cost reduced to 175 from 250.
- Death Coil cooldown increased to 6 seconds from 5 seconds.
- The damage a Banshee takes while possessing a unit has been reduced to
225% from 300%.
- Anti-magic Shell mana cost reduced to 75 from 100.
- Anti-magic Shell correctly allows self-targeting now.
- Devour Magic cooldown reduced to 7 seconds from 8 seconds.
- Ziggurat armor reduced to 1 from 5.
- Abomination hit points increased to 1175 from 1080.
- Obsidian Statue hit points reduced to 550 from 700.
- Frost Wyrm build time reduced to 65 seconds from 80 seconds.
- Boneyard build time reduced to 70 seconds from 80 seconds.
- Necromancer build time reduced to 24 seconds from 30 seconds.
- Skeletal Longevity now costs 50/75, down from 100/75, and can be researched
in 30 seconds, down from 60 seconds.
- Necromancer Adept and Master training now take 30 and 45 seconds to
research, down from 60 and 75 seconds.
- Exhume Corpses now requires Halls of the Dead instead of Black Citadel.
- Level-2 Carrion Beetles are now the same size as Ghouls, instead of the
same size as Crypt Fiends. Level-3 Carrion Beetles are now the same size
as Crypt Fiends, instead of the same size as Abominations.
- Possession damage multiplier reduced to 166% from 225%.

- Disenchant range increased to 650 from 500, and mana cost reduced to 100
from 125.
- Feral Spirit cooldown increased from 25 to 30.
- Troll Batrider's Unstable Concoction has changed such that the Batrider
increases speed dramatically when it gets within a short range of its
- Liquid Fire damage reduced to 8 per second down from 15 per second.
- Demolisher damage reduced to 1d18 + 71 from 1d19 + 75.
- Troll Headhunter build time reduced to 20 seconds from 22 seconds.
- Spirit Walker build time reduced to 38 from 42.
- Blademaster speed increased to 320 from 300.
- Wind Walk bonus damage increased to 50/85/120 from 50/75/100
- Watch Tower build time increased to 60 seconds from 55 seconds.

Night Elf
- Chimaera movement speed reduced to 250 from 270.
- Fan of Knives level-2 base damage increased to 125 from 120, and
level-3 base damage increased from 180 to 190. Although this appears
to be an upgrade, it actually is a reduction in overall power. The
previous patch had a bug at levels 2 and 3 in which, if 6 or more
targets were available, the ability did more than the expected
amount of maximum damage. This change remedies that error.
- Mana Flare splash damage no longer harms units that lack a mana pool.
- Wellspring now upgrades Moonwells to 425 mana, down from 500 mana, and
Moonwell mana regeneration scaled proportionally.
- Force of Nature casting range increased to 800 from 700.
- Faerie Fire mana cost increased to 45 from 35.

Neutral Units and Heroes
- Dark Ranger starting Agility increased to 21 from 19.
- Breath of Fire now correctly has a cone shape at all levels. Previously,
the level-2 and level-3 versions were shaped exactly like Shockwave,
while the level-1 area was occupying a much larger area than intended.
The spell now hits far fewer targets, which roughly matches the graphic.
The damage of Breath of Fire has been increased to 65/120/175 from
50/100/150 to compensate for this change.
- Level-3 Quilbeasts' splash radii have been reduced from 75/100/150 to
- Drain Life damage increased to 25/40/55 per second from 20/35/50.
- Cleaving Attack damage increased to 30%/55%/80% from 25%/45%/65%.
- Tornado can now cyclone a particular unit more often once every 22
seconds, down from once every 30 seconds.
- Tornado speed increased to 75 from 60.
- Zeppelins are now available at the start of the 2nd day, rather than at
the first nightfall.
- Neutral Hero lumber cost increased to 135 from 100.
- To purchase from a neutral shop or Mercenary Camp, a valid unit or Hero
must now be within 450 distance units, down from 600 distance units.
Note that this change does not affect racial shops.

- Boots of Speed now cost 250 gold, up from 150 gold. They are not
available until the first nightfall, and are now considered a level-3
permanent item, up from level 2.
- Talisman of the Wild is now a level-5 charged item, up from 4.
- Legion Doom-Horn is now a level-5 permanent item, up from being a
level-4 permanent item.
- Wand of Lightning Shield reduced to 2 charges from 3.
- Orb of Venom poison damage increased to 9 per second from 7 per second.
- Orb of Fire cost reduced to 275 gold from 300 gold.
- Staff of Preservation cooldown increased to 30 seconds from 15 seconds.

- All autocast buffs and debuffs cast by racial units now have a cooldown
of 1 second. Before, some had cooldowns of 0 seconds, while others had
cooldowns of 1 second. This change does not include Priest Heal.
- Hero spell resistance increased to 30% reduction from 25% reduction.


- Added Game Interface fields for "Text - Unit Classification".
- Reduced minimum map size to 32 (was 64).

Trigger Editor
- Added new functions:
- Hero - Hero Proper Name (string call)
- Player - Divert Player Income (Tax) (action)
- Player - Player Tax Rate (integer call)
- Unit - Add Classification (action)
- Unit - Remove Classification (action)
- Unit - Issue Order Targeting An Item (action)
- Unit Group - Issue Order Targeting An Item (action)

Object Editor
- Enabled additional abilities for modification: Poison Arrows and Blighted
Gold Mine ability.
- Added checkbox UI for Channel ability "Data - Options" field.
- Added new fields:
- Stats - Hero - Hide Hero Death Message (Hero units)
- Stats - Hide Minimap Display (units)


- Custom abilities are now disabled properly via the Ability Properties
- Object Properties dialogs now properly load facing angles between 270-360
- Fixed a crash that could occur when modifying very long Game Interface text

Trigger Editor
- Abilities added via "Unit - Add Ability" action now properly apply currently
researched "Ability Level Bonus" upgrade effects.
- Dialogs now respond to clicking the 12th button.
- Compile errors in the custom script section no longer disable all triggers
or lead to an infinite loop of error messages.

Object Editor
- Import/Export menu items now properly update text for Buffs/Effects tab.
- Warnings about resetting objects now appropriately refer to the current tab.
- Maximum value of "Data - Maximum Creep Level" has been increased in order
to work with some abilities (Devour, Possession, Item Command).
- Ability "Item Attack Corruption Bonus" now has the correct data fields.
- Ability "Thorns Aura (Neutral Hostile)" now has the correct data fields.
- Fixed some abilities that did not recognize non-default buffs and/or
- (Mac only) Mousing over the "New Custom Buff" toolbar button will no longer
crash the editor.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.14 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.15 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games
will not load from version 1.14.

- PATCH 1.14b


- Fixed an issue with recalling control groups and quickly pressing 'TAB'
to change your selected subgroup.

- PATCH 1.14


- Fixed an issue with custom save games from version 1.12 (including those
from Orc Act I) so Hero Agility is recognized properly. Attack speeds
will now be correct when loading from a previous save game.
- Fixed an issue that caused Scroll of Town Portal to always place your
units to the lower right side of your town hall instead of the location
you clicked.
- Fixed an issue with the Skeletal Mage upgrade that prevented the Raise
Dead skill from working on the corpses inside Meat Wagons.
- Fixed an issue that caused a unit to permanently lose 75% of its attack
speed if it was Polymorphed or Hexed while under the effects of Unholy
- Fixed an issue with Spirit Link in which, if one of the linked units was
a Troll Berserker with the Berserk ability active, all units linked with
that Troll would take the increased damage penalty associated with the
Berserk ability.
- Fixed an issue in which, if a unit casting a channeling spell died from
Mana Flare, the channeled spell would linger in the area permanently.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Call to Arms command not to work if you
clicked the button an EVEN number of times.
- Fixed an issue with Hero and unit ability orders in which, under certain
conditions, ability orders would not be dispatched properly, causing
"lag" or unresponsiveness.
- Fixed an issue that caused Glaive Throwers to lose damage when the
Vorpal Blades upgrade was researched.


- Anti-magic Shell cost reduced to 100 from 150, and hit points absorbed
reduced to 300 from 350.

Night Elf
- Mana Flare area-of-effect damage radius reduced to 200 from 250.

Neutral Units and Heroes
- Nerubian Webspinners now cost 200/35/3, up from 175/25/2.
- Stampede damage reduced from 80 per beast to 60 per beast.
- The Beastmaster bear's Bash ability now stuns Heroes for 1 second instead
of 2 seconds.
- Summoned Treants no longer give large gold bounties.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.13 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.14 version of Warcraft III).

- PATCH 1.13b


- Fixed an issue related to copy protection.


We are aware of some new issues that came up with the release of the 1.13
patch. We will be releasing a 1.14 patch in the near future that addresses
some of these issues, including:

- Custom save games from version 1.12 (including those from Orc Act I)
incorrectly recognize Hero Agility, causing slow attack speeds after the
1.13 patch is applied. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
- Town Portal always places your units to the lower right side of your town
hall instead of the location you clicked, as it previously did. This will
be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
- If you research the Skeletal Mage upgrade, then you will no longer be able
to use the Raise Dead skill on the corpses inside a Meat Wagon. This will
be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
- When a unit with Unholy Frenzy is Polymorphed or Hexed, the unit
permanently loses 75% of its attack speed. This will be fixed in the 1.14
- If an Orc player uses the spell Spirit Link, and one of the linked units is
a Troll Berserker with the Berserk ability active, then all units linked
with that Troll will take the increased damage penalty associated with the
Berserk ability. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
- If a unit casting a channeling spell dies from Mana Flare, the channeled
spell lingers in the area permanently. This will be fixed in the 1.14
- The Call to Arms command does not work if you click the button an EVEN
number of times. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
* Any other confirmed issues that we can fix in time for the release of the
1.14 patch.

Regarding balance, we are currently assessing the state of balance of 1.13
based on user feedback, online testing, and the review of replays. Although
we will make some number of balance changes in 1.14, these have yet to be

We appreciate the community's patience and support in our endeavor to further
tune the play balance, enhance the feature set, and increase the stability
of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

- Blizzard Entertainment

- PATCH 1.13


- Acts II & III, the conclusion acts to the bonus Orc campaign contained in
The Frozen Throne, are included in this patch. To play these levels, you
can simply click the "Chapter Two - Old Hatreds" link from the Bonus Campaign
screen. If you have completed Act I, your Heroes will carry over to Act II.
Otherwise, your Heroes will be default-level Heroes with basic starting items.
- Warcraft III now supports binding an email address to your Battle.net account,
so that you can recover your password at a later stage, similar to the
functionality that was added to D2.
- Race selection on the scheduled game dialog (tournament finals) is now saved
for future scheduled games.


Expansion - Frozen Throne
- (2)Tirisfal Glades - Red creep camp a bit easier; lowered the level of item
drop from 7 to 5.
- (2)Glacial Thaw - Switched the start locations to face the center of the
map. Lowered the level of a few creep camps; lowered the level of a few
item drops.
- (4)Paradise Island - Creeps are less likely to aggro passing units.
- (4)Twisted Meadows - Added ground-based anti-air creep to the island. Added
some trees behind the 3 o'clock start location to prevent building NE town
hall behind the gold mine. Changed a level-4 drop from charged item to
permanent item.
- (4)Bridge Too Near - Switched start locs with the expansion gold mines.
- (4)Devil's Cauldron - Lowered the total level of 4 creep camps.
- (4)Turtle Rock - The two large turtles that are placed between player bases
each drop a better item. Removed Rune of Lesser Healing from the expansion
- (4)Floodplains 1v1 - Removed the easy creep camp outside of player's base
and moved it to the other easy creep camps further from the player's base.
- (4)Lost Temple - Adjusted creep camps and item drops.
- (4)Avalanche - Weakened the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock expansion creeps. Added
a green-sized camp in place of the orange camp.
- (6)Bloodstone Mesa - Moved expansion creep back. Removed Marketplace and
added Tavern.
- (6)Rice Fields - Changed all the randomly generated creep camps; they are a
bit easier for the user now.
- (6)Wellspring - Added more trees to the starting location and moved the
lumber a bit closer to the town hall. Removed the east and west gate from
the center and created a bit more room around the Taverns.
- (6)Stranglethorn Vale - Expansion creeps are a bit easier now.
- (6)Timbermaw Hold - Moved the bottom Dragon Roost creep closer together to
eliminate two creep icons. Moved bottom middle start location deeper into
forest to prevent the easy (green) creep camp from being nuked from start
location placement. Same change to the bottom left position. Added a tree to
the hole in the forest at the top left position to prevent units from
getting stuck when portaling home.
- (8)Friends - Changed drop item classification from 'any' level-6 items to
'charged' level-6 items.
- (8)Feralas - Removed some creep camps to help the flow of the game.
- (8)Rock Quarry - Added some trees to several start locs that needed more
lumber. Added ground-based anti-air to the center of the map.
- (8)Mur'gul Oasis - Added another 1500 gold to the starting locations.
- (8)Deathknell - Removed the center creep camp and neutral building.
- (8)Plains of Snow - Moved Teal's easy creep camp farther away to prevent
them from being nuked at the start of the game.
- (8)Garden of War - Moved Yellow's easy creep camp to prevent them from being
nuked at the start of the game.
- (8)Battleground - Moved 12 o'clock easy creep camp further away from start
location to prevent them from being nuked at the start of the game.

Classic - Reign of Chaos
- (2)Plunder Isle - Added some ground-based anti-air units to the Dragon camps;
also added some trees to the top start location.
- (4)Lost Temple - Adjusted item drop in center area. Expansion gold mines
should be a bit tougher. Each player's expansion gold mine now has one melee
creep. The Goblin Merchant camp is now tougher and has anti-air.


- Storm Bolt stun is now 5 seconds vs. units and 3 seconds vs. Heroes at all
levels. Previously, it had this level of stun at level 1, but went up 2
seconds vs. units and one second vs. Heroes each level. Additionally,
level-2 and level-3 damage are now 225 and 350, respectively.
- Militia can now only be created from a player's starting Town Hall, but they
can still be created from any of the player's Keeps or Castles.
- Blizzard is now damage capped. This damage cap is invoked when Blizzard hits
more than 5 targets per wave.
- Scout Tower hp reduced to 300 from 500, and armor reduced to 0 from 5.
- Human towers now gain 2 armor per masonry upgrade, up from 1.
- Banish has been reworked. Previously durations were 12(5) / 24(7) / 36(9)
by level, and mana costs were 75/50/25 by level. Instead, its mana cost is
now constant at 75 mana; its cooldown decreases with level (5 / 3 / 1); and
its durations only slightly improve with level (12(4) / 15(5) / 18(6)).
- Siphon Mana maximum range reduced to 800 from 850.
- Flying Machine hit points increased to 200 from 175.
- Holy Light mana cost reduced to 65 from 75.

- Web upgrade cost increased to 150/150 from 75/75.
- Spirit Touch now restores 3 mana per casting, down from 4.
- Possession has been reworked. It is now a channelled spell with a 4 1/2
second casting duration. During this time, the target is disabled and
frozen into place, but is also invulnerable; and the Banshee takes triple
damage from all attacks. Stunning or killing the Banshee that is casting
Possession will cause the spell to abort. Additionally, the range of
Possession has been increased to 350 from 200.
- Anti-magic Shell has been redesigned. The spell now absorbs the first 350
points of spell or magic damage dealt to the target, but does not grant
magic immunity. Note that spells absorbed by AMS can still deal secondary
effects, such as stun, paralysis, or mana drain. Also the mana cost of
AMS has been re-balanced to 150.

- Troll Batrider Unstable Concoction damage reduced to 550 from 900, and
splash damage increased to 140 from 100.
- Troll Batrider damage increased to 13-15 from 11-12.
- Level-1 Spirit Wolves now move at speed 320, down from speed 350.
- Level-3 Spirit Wolves now have 500 hit points, up from 400 hit points.
- Damage sustained over Spirit Link is now never fatal. Fatal damage sustained
via Spirit Link instead reduces a unit to 1 hit point, and dispels Spirit
- Stasis Trap area of effect reduced to 400 from 500.
- Shockwave now has a damage cap of roughly 12 units affected. Note that this
limit will not typically be reached except in team games.

Night Elf
- Shadow Strike level-1 DoT damage reduced to 10 per period, down from 15.
- Detonate mana drain reduced to 50 from 100.
- Druid of the Claw caster upgrade times reduced to 25 seconds and 35 seconds
respectively, down from 45 seconds and 1 minute.
- Dryad damage increased to 17-19 from 16-18.
- Glaive Thrower damage changed from 39-50 to 36-53.
- Eating trees now heals 500 hit points over 30 seconds, up from 200
hit points over 10 seconds.

Neutral Buildings, Units and Heroes
- Beastmaster Strength reduced to 22 from 25, and base armor reduced to 2 from
- Level-2 hawk hit points reduced to 450 from 625, and level-3 hawk hit points
reduced to 650 from 875.
- Breath of Fire and Drunken Haze mana costs reduced to 70 from 75.
- Naga Sea Witch speed reduced to 300 from 320.
- Frost Arrows mana cost is now 10 per shot, up from 7 per shot.
- Pit Lord footprint, or collision size, has been reduced to 32 from 48. This
means that he takes up less space on the battlefield.
- Rain of Fire is now damage capped. This damage cap is invoked when Rain of
Fire hits more than 5 targets per wave.
- Level-1 Black Arrow no longer has a cooldown, but level-1 Minion damage
reduced to 9-10 from 14-15.
- Cleave attack splash radius increased to 200 from 150.
- Dragonspawn Meddlers have been rebalanced to correctly reflect their food,
level and gold cost. They now have 370 hit points, down from 500 hit points,
and deal 12-13 damage, down from 21-25 damage.
- Mercenary Barbed Arachnathids are now available at the start of the second
day, instead of very early in the game.
- Creep Bloodlust mana cost increased to 75 from 50.
- Creeps with Faerie Fire always use the creep version of Faerie Fire now.
Additionally, creep Faerie Fire cooldown increased to 8 from 5.
- Creep Curse cooldown increased to 8 from 5.
- Thunder Lizard cost increased to 6 food from 5, and 150 lumber from
80 lumber.

- Replenishment Potion can now be sold to a shop for 75 gold, down from 200
- Sentry Wards now have 2 charges, down from 3.
- Anti-magic Potion duration increased to 15 from 10.
- Orb of Fire cost reduced to 300 from 375.
- Orb of Venom cost reduced to 325 from 375.
- Healing Wards and Ankh of Reincarnation are now level-4 items (down from 5).
- Red Drake Egg, Stone Token and Spiked Collar are now level-5 items, up from
level 4.
- Staff of Preservation cost reduced to 150 from 200.
- Staff of Preservation no longer affects allied units--it now can only
affect its owner's units.
- Staff of Sanctuary now heals 15 hp/sec, up from 10 hp/sec.

- We have made modifications to how gold is mined. Although these changes are
somewhat difficult to describe, the effect is that in almost all cases, 5
peons are required for an Orc or Human to mine a gold mine at maximum
efficiency (assuming the town hall equivalent is as close as possible).


- Map-specific option for game data set to be used (custom vs. melee).
- Model selection dialog now includes all doodad/destructible variations.
- Added "standard/custom" filter menu to ability selection UI.
- Added "Hero Attributes - Attack Speed Bonus per Agility Point" field to
Gameplay Constants.
- Added preference for "Automatically zoom Previewer to fit new models"
(Visual tab).
- New Gameplay Constants for global "Tech Tree - Dependency Equivalents".
- New Gameplay Constants for tier-based Hero experience bonus factors.
- New Game Interface fields for many of the game UI strings
(Text - General fields).
- Maximum unit movement speed increased from 400 to 522.
- Minimum unit movement speed decreased from 25 to 1.
- Added "Advanced->Reset Fixed Object Heights" option.
(Turn off to preserve any fixed object heights [set via ctrl-page up/down]
while moving them.)
- Object Manager Items tab now includes global item tables.
- Increased maximum texture space for tilesets (was 12, now 13).

Trigger Editor
- "Hero skill" trigger parameter UI now allows selection of all Hero abilities,
including custom.
- Increased maximum length of trigger comments (was 640, now 2048).
- "Event Response - Triggering Player" is now valid during "Dialog - Dialog
Button Click" events.
- Added special doodad animation tags "show" and "hide".
- "Conversion - Convert Externalized String" will now work properly with
string concatenation and substrings.
- Enabled all save/load game trigger actions for general use (i.e., no longer
Blizzard-signed maps only).
- Added 'Pawns An Item' unit event (for units selling items back to shops).
- Added new functions for working with "multiboards" (new Multiboard function
- Added various new functions:
- Ability Name (string call)
- Buff Comparison (condition)
- Conversion - Convert String Case (string call)
- Destructible - Destructible Name (string call)
- Environment - Turn Water Deformation On/Off (action)
- Environment - Point Is Blighted (boolean call)
- Event Response - Target Point Of Ability Being Cast (point call)
- Event Response - Target Unit Of Ability Being Cast (unit call)
- Event Response - Target Destructible Of Ability Being Cast (destructible
- Event Response - Target Item Of Ability Being Cast (item call)
- Game - Show/Hide Creep Camps On Minimap (action)
- Game - Creep Camp Display Is On (boolean call)
- Game - Enable/Disable Minimap Buttons (action)
- Item - Set Charges Remaining (action)
- Item - Item Charges Remaining (integer call)
- Item - Set Custom Value (action)
- Item - Custom Value Of Item (integer call)
- Item - Item Name (string call)
- Player - Leaves Game (event)
- Player - Player Score (integer call)
- String Length (integer call)
- Unit - Set Rally-Point To Point (action)
- Unit - Set Rally-Point To Unit (action)
- Unit - Set Rally-Point To Destructible (action)
- Unit - Rally-Point As Point (point call)
- Unit - Rally-Point As Unit (unit call)
- Unit - Rally-Point As Destructible (destructible call)
- Unit - Remove Specific Buff (action)
- Unit - Unit Has Specific Buff (boolean call)
- Unit - Level Of Unit (integer call)
- Unit - Level Of Ability For Unit (integer call)
- Unit - Count Items Carried (integer call)
- Unit - Current Order Of Unit (order call)
- Added "Height Offset" Camera Field value
- Added Map Flag values
- Observers on defeat
- Use random Heroes
- Use random races
- Visibility - Hide Terrain
- Visibility - Map Explored
- Visibility - Always Visible

Sound Editor
- Added Edit->Find command (works on sound/music list and variable list).

Object Editor
- Custom Buffs/Effects data (new tab).
- Option to sort objects by name only (View->Sort Objects By Name).
- Holding down Shift while modifying a numerical value will disable all
min/max limits for that field (use with caution; this can potentially crash
the game!).
- Tech Item dialog allows selection of special multi-unit "Equivalents" (any
Altar, etc.).
- Ability dialog allows selection of "None" for "Abilities - Default Active
Ability" unit field.
- New unit fields for tier-based tech tree requirements.
- Enabled additional abilities for modification:
Devour Cargo, Entangled Gold Mine Ability, Load (Entangled Gold Mine),
Poison Sting, Way Gate Ability.
- Increased maximum number of workers per gold mine to 32 (was 4).
- Morphing abilities now support different unit types per ability level in the
- Doodad "tinting color" fields now dynamically displayed based on number of
variations (and they support Auto Fill Levels command).
- Added various new fields:
- Art - Selection Size - Editor (items)
- Art - Animation Names (abilities)
- Art - Lightning Effects (abilities)
- Data - Uprooted Defense Type ("root" abilities)
- Stats - Hero - Hide Hero Interface Icon (Hero units)
- Stats - Hero - Hide Hero Minimap Display (Hero units)

Import Manager
- New command for importing all files within a directory (File->Import Files).
- New command for exporting all files at once (File->Export All Files).


- Item Tables dialog is accessible from Unit Properties dialog (ROC only).
- Pre-placed summoned units count towards creep camp minimap icons.
- "Extra->Cinematic Arthas" model file reference is invalid.
- Game lock-up when decreasing level of "Attribute Bonus" ability.
- Crash when resizing column in Gameplay Constants/Game Interface dialogs too
far to the right.
- Excessive performance loss when units and start locations overlap.
- Doodad "fixed height" status is not preserved across undo operations.
- Setting "Berserker Upgrade" or "Barrage" to researched in Upgrade Properties
disables the corresponding units.
- Pre-placed random units may have their team color set to red in game,
regardless of owner.
- Unit Properties dialog does not display mana value for buildings with mana.
- Moving a start location which is on top of another start location can cause
duplicate start locations.
- Random Group references used for dropped items are not displayed properly in
the Object Manager.
- View menu does not always refresh properly after changing layers.
- Advanced->Adjust Cliff Levels does not adjust water height along with
- Added names for all "unknown" abilities.
- Using lumber upkeep (via Gameplay Constants) can cause the game to crash on
the scorescreen.

Trigger Editor
- Unit event "Uses an item" does not fire for items with unlimited charges.
- Action "Player Group - Set Alliance" ignores the player groups and sets the
alliance for all players.
- Attempting to enable a trigger does not properly validate that the trigger
script compiles.
- Action "Game - Show/Hide Custom Campaign Button" fails if game has been
loaded from a saved game.
- Action "Skip Remaining Actions" can cause compile errors if used as a
parameter to another function.
- "Event Response - Casting Unit" and "Target Point Of Issued Order" become
reset after a "Wait" action.
- Invalid sub-functions are not disabled when pasting triggers.
- Function menu appears in the dialog for setting variable initial values.
- "Automatically create unknown variables when pasting" option does not work
for "Set Variable" actions.
- "Edit->Category Is Comment" toggle is not undoable.
- "Game Cache - Cache Value Exists" fails on Integer value types.
- Deleting functions may corrupt the strings within other "cut" functions
(manifest after pasting).
- "Event Response - Learned Skill Level" result is off by one for all levels
greater than one.
- Variables dialog sorting by Initial Value does not sort properly.
- Unit-Targeted Order for Drunken Haze uses invalid order string "st.rongdrink"
(should be "drunkenhaze").
- Map Flag value "Observer chat" is obsolete and causes compile errors.

Sound Editor
- There is no way to remove imported sounds (TFT can use Import Manager).

Object Editor
- Default values for ability levels beyond four are not loaded properly in
- Custom "Required Animation Names" values do not display properly in the
editor (works in game).
- Character limit on extended tooltip fields too small (was 300, now 1024).
- Custom values of "Techtree - Requirements - Levels" field are not loaded
properly in game.
- Maximum value for some ability duration fields is too small (was 300, now
- Ability "data" fields do not show up for custom versions of some abilities.
- Black Arrow data fields list "Damage Bonus" twice. One should be "Summoned
Unit Duration."
- Unit/item tooltips referencing custom abilities will display as zero in game.
- Hotkey field not allowed to be empty.
- Changing an object "category" does not automatically refresh the field list,
if necessary.
- Maximum value for ability "Stats - Required Level" and "Stats - Level Skip
Requirement" is too small (10).
- Upgrade "Techtree - Requirements" fields are not loaded properly beyond
level 1 in game.
- Upgrade effect "Ability Level Bonus" does not recognize custom abilities
in game.
- Upgrade effect "Ability Level Bonus" does not apply multiple levels to units
created after researching.
- "Stats - Build Time" values less than 8 cause Heroes to be unable to revive.
- Extra "data" fields appear for certain Orb abilities.
- "Stats - Levels" field does not appear for non-Hero abilities (where it can
be valid in some cases).
- "Stats - Casting Time" and "Stats - Mana Cost" fields do not appear for item
abilities (can be valid).
- Three upgrade effects are missing appropriate data and UI: 'rtma', 'rart',
- Setting Ability or Upgrade race to "Critter" or "Commoner" can crash the
- Excessive load times for abilities or upgrades with many levels
(noticeably improved).
- Improper truncation of ability name displayed with commas.
- Using 10 Mirror Images will crash the game (max should be 9).
- Values cannot be set to original default values if the campaign value is
- Custom doodads/destructibles can be chosen as the base object for a new
custom object (leads to crash).
- Object tabs do not always refresh properly after importing "all" object data
- Minimum value for Brilliance Aura "Data - Mana Regeneration Increase" is too
small (was 1, now 0).
- Maximum value is too small for various ability data fields that can
optionally be used as percentages.
- Buildings with no pathing map crash the game.
- Custom abilities based on Locust Swarm do not recognize the "Sound - Effect
Sound (Looping)" field.
- Unit field "Abilities - Default Active Ability" does not work with custom
- Abilities "Essence of Blight" and "Spirit Touch" should not have mana and hp
related "Data" fields, respectively.
- "Replenish" and related abilities have a "Stats - Casting Time" field that
should read "Data - Maximum Units Affected".
- "Parasite" and related abilities have a "Stats - Casting Time" field that
should read "Data - Summoned Unit Duration".
- Abilities "Defend" and "Magic Defense" do not apply modifiers properly if
additional levels are learned while they are active.
- Abilities may display the "editor suffix" corresponding to a different ability.
- Auto Fill dialog allows any character for hotkey fields.
- "Art - Scaling Value" is not applied to building placement cursor in game.
- Pasting "True" values over "False" values does not work.

Campaign Editor
- Custom campaign objects are not listed in dialogs in the rest of the
Campaign Editor.
- Custom campaign abilities display every possible "Data" field.
- User-selected variable difficulty level does not take effect in the game.

AI Editor
- Food limit displays as 90, even though 100 (or more) is possible.
- Reloading an already open AI data file does not revert the current data.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.12 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.13 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games
will not load from version 1.12.

- PATCH 1.12


- Cinematic sequences that were not playing within certain foreign language
versions have been fixed.
- Fixed problem that enabled you to save games that could not be loaded.
- Fixed problem that enabled you to create a replay that could not be properly
played back.


- Rune of Rebirth has been removed from maps (6)GnollWood and (4)Floodplains1v1.
- Gold mine positioning has been rebalanced and the starting location tree
placement has been improved for the map (2)TwoRivers.
- A Golem has been added to each of the Mercenary Camps within the map
(4)Twisted Meadows.
- Destructible rocks have been added to the upper and lower gold mine areas
in (4)Avalanche.


- The creep version of Inner Fire has had its mana cost increased from 35 to 75.
- The creep version of Raise Dead has had its cooldown increased from 5 to 12
- The creep version of Purge no longer stuns units.
- The creep version of Abolish Magic has had its mana cost increased from 50
to 75.


- Within the Tomb of Relics maximum stock for the Rod of Necromancy has been
reduced from 2 to 1.


- Aerial Shackles damage has been increased from 20 points per second to
30 per second.
- The gold cost for a Dragonhawk Rider has been reduced from 235/40 to 200/30.
- Arcane Towers now deal Piercing damage, and have had their range increased
from 700 to 800.
- Animal War Training upgrade cost has been reduced from 150/250 to 125/175.
- Long Rifles Upgrade now requires a Keep instead of a Workshop.


- Spirits of Vengeance (which are summoned by the Avatar of Vengeance) have
had their damage increased from 14-18 to 17-21.


- You no longer need a Fortress as a prerequisite to build Batriders.
- Wind Rider hit points have been reduced from 600 to 570.
- Burrow armor has been increased from 2 to 5 and damage has been reduced
from 1d8+33 to 1d5+22


- Anti-air creeps have been added to each Mercenary Camp in the map
(4)Tranquil Paths (Reign of Chaos).
- Wyvern hit points have been reduced from 600 to 570.
- Halls of the Dead and Black Citadel attack cooldown have been reduced
from 2.0 to 1.5.
- The multiplayer custom map desync that occurs between Reign of Chaos
and Frozen Throne players has been fixed.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.11 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.12 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games will
not load from version 1.11.

- PATCH 1.11


- Classic Campaign unit damage has been adjusted to match 1.01 values.
- Some custom maps would crash because they had pre-1.10 data embedded in them.
- Czech-only: fixed a crash with the display news items.
- Fixed a number of text strings within our localized versions.
- Fixed a number of hotkeys within our localized versions.

- PATCH 1.10



- Further information regarding modifying hotkeys can be found in your
Warcraft III installation directory.


- Numerous maps have had minor improvements made to them.


- Lumber Mill cost reduced to 120 from 145.
- Lumber upgrade now gives +10 lumber capacity per level of the upgrade, up
from +5 lumber capacity per level of the upgrade.
- Human masonry upgrade cost reduced to 100/25, 125/50 and 150/75 from 100/100,
125/175, 175/250.
- Guard Towers and Arcane Towers now cost 70/50 to upgrade, down from 80/60.
- Mortar Teams now have a limitless supply of flares. However, a particular
Mortar Team can only use a flare once per 2 minutes.
- Flying Machine damage versus air increased to 12-13 from 7-8.
- Gryphon Aviary cost changed to 140/150 from 120/240.
- Gryphon Aviaries now require a Keep instead of a Castle. However, both the
Cloud upgrade and Gryphon Riders require a Castle to access.
- Dragonhawk Riders are now correctly a level 3 unit instead of a level 5 unit.
This only impacts the experience gained when they are killed.
- Dragonhawk Rider build time reduced to 30 from 45.
- Spell Breaker hit points reduced to 600 from 650.
- Spell Breaker armor type changed to Medium.
- Mana cost of Spell Steal increased to 75.
- Scroll of Regeneration now heals 225 hit points over its 45 second duration,
up from 150 hit points.
- Thunder Clap damage reduced to 60/100/140 from 70/110/150.
- Orb of Fire cost reduced to 375 from 400 and splash radius increased to 140
from 125.
- Priest heal effect increased to 25 hit points per cast, up from 20; Priest
heal mana cost increased to 5 from 4.
- Sorceress damage increased to 10-12 from 8-10.
- Powerbuild has been improved. Each additional Peasant contributes 60% of
the speed of the first, up from 50%.

- Crypt Fiend damage reduced from 28-33 to 26-31.
- Burrowed Crypt Fiends now heal 5 hp/sec down from 10 hp/sec.
- Ghoul hit points upgraded to 340 from 330.
- Orb of Corruption cost was reduced to 375 from 400, and its armor decrease
has gone to 5 from 4.
- Rod of Necromancy cooldown increased from 15 to 22.
- Carrion Swarm max damage reduced to 300/600/1000 from 375/700/1000 and
damage per target reduced to 75/125/200 from 100/150/200.
- Impale area of effect width reduced to 250 from 300.
- Gargoyles now require Halls of the Dead instead of Black Citadel.
- Obsidian Statue Spirit Touch now replenishes 4 mana per casting, down from 5.
- Obsidian Statue Aura of Blight effect reduced to 10 hp/sec from 12 hp/sec.
- Boneyard cost changed to 175/200 from 125/250.
- Halls of the Dead and Black Citadel deal one quarter as much damage as
previously, but now possess a frost attack similar to that of Nerubian Towers.
- Nerubian Tower damage reduced to 1d2 + 8 from 1d2 + 10.
- The Tomb of Relics now sells Dust of Appearance, but no longer sells
Lesser Clarity Potions.
- Devour Magic now heals 50 hit points per spell devoured, up from 25, and
restores 75 mana, up from 50.
- Destroyer damage reduced to 19-21 from 21-24.
- Frost Wyrm damage increased to 93-115 from 85-105.

- Demolisher damage reduced from 82-102 to 76-94.
- Kodo Beasts are now Unarmored.
- Raiders now have a base armor of 1, up from 0.
- Ensnare duration increased to 15 from 12, and range increased to 500 from 400.
- Shockwave area of effect width reduced to 250 from 300.
- Chain Lightning base damage reduced to 85/125/180 from 100/140/180.
- Feral Spirit mana cost reduced to 75 from 100 and cooldown increased to 25
from 15.
- Tauren Chieftain speed increased to 270 from 250.
- The Tauren Chieftain now has a smaller collision size: 32 down from 48.
This means that he takes up less space on the ground.
- Purge has been improved. It no longer slows friendly units when used on
them, and it causes enemies to stop for a brief moment when first cast (in
addition to slowing them later).
- Wind Riders no longer require a Fortress to be built.
- Wind Rider damage reduced to 36-44 from 39-47.
- Wind Rider poison now deals 4 damage a second, up from 3.3 damage a second.
- Wind Rider speed reduced to 320 from 350.
- Tauren Totem cost changed to 135/155 from 90/200.
- Orb of Lightning cost reduced to 375 from 400.
- The Voodoo Lounge now sells Lesser Clarity Potions, but no longer sells Dust
of Appearance.
- Spirit Link mana cost reduced to 75 from 100.
- Mirror Image cost reduced to 125 from 150.
- Blademaster's base Agility increased to 24 from 23.

Night Elf
- Entangle duration versus Heroes reduced to 3/4/5 from 3/5/7.
- Fan of Knives maximum damage reduced to 300/625/950 from 350/675/950, and
damage per target reduced to 75/120/180 from 90/135/180.
- Chimaera splash increments reduced by 50 for quarter, 25 for half. This
effectively means that Chimaeras will do less splash damage than previously.
- Mana Flare has had a bug fixed that was preventing multiple Mana Flares from
attacking multiple targets at the same time. As a result, Mana Flare has
been rebalanced, and deals up to 90 damage to targets in a 250 area when a
unit casts a spell, down from 125 damage.
- Archer hit points reduced to 240 from 310.
- Archers now have a new passive ability, Elune's Grace. This ability grants
them 35% damage reduction against Piercing attacks, and 20% damage reduction
against spells.
- Hippogryph Rider hit points decreased to 765 from 835 and armor increased to
1 from 0.
- Dryad damage increased from 15-17 to 16-18.
- Mountain Giant base armor increased to 4 from 0 and hit points increased to
1600 from 1400.
- Hardened Skin upgrade cost reduced to 100/175 from 100/250, and damage
reduction reduced to 12 from 15.
- Chimaera Roost cost changed to 140/190 from 100/230.
- Orb of Venom cost reduced to 375 from 400 and poison damage/sec increased
to 7 from 6.

Neutral Buildings, Units, and Heroes
- Forked Lightning damage reduced to 85/160/250 from 100/175/250.
- Tornado now deals 7 damage a second to buildings in its general vicinity
(down from 10) and 50 damage to buildings it is over (down from 80), and
it now costs 250 mana to cast, up from 150.
- Silence area of effect increased from 150/250/350 to 200/275/350.
- Mercenaries cost 25% more gold than previously.
- Mud Golem availability delayed to second day.
- Summoned Doom Guard hit points increased to 1600 from 1350.
- Howl of Terror % damage reduction increased by 5% at all levels.
- Zeppelin hit points increased to 575 from 500.
- Forest Troll Shadow Priests have had their starting availability delayed
by 60 seconds to 120 seconds.
- The Beastmaster now has a smaller collision size: 32 down from 48.
This means that he takes up less space on the ground.

- Scroll of Restoration is now a level 5 item instead of a level 6 item.

- Town Portal now takes 5 seconds to activate, up from 3.
- Units killed in a transport will "spill out" over a wider area. This means
that surrounding a webbed transport and killing it will generally not kill
the passengers.
- Tavern instant revive costs three times more lumber than previously.
- Heroes revived at the Tavern now are brought back to life with 0 mana and
50% health.
- Tier 3 town halls all cost 20 lumber and 20 gold less.
- At tiers 2 and 3, a player who owns only one Hero (dead Heroes count) will
gain bonus experience. This bonus is 10% at tier 2, and 20% at tier 3.
This affects all experience gain--both from killing creeps and enemy units.



- All multiplayer maps that were shipped with the original product have
been patched to have improved item drop tables.
- Some maps have been additionally improved with other minor enhancements.
- Tranquil Paths now has random creeps.


- Devotion Aura now gives 1.5/3/4.5 armor per level.
- Powerbuild effectiveness has been reduced to 60% of its previous strength
in terms of how much speed additional Peasants add when supporting the
construction of a building. Note that the cost increase per additional
Peasant is unchanged.
- Thunder Clap damage reduced to 60/100/140 from 70/110/150.
- Gyrocopter damage increased to 27-32 from 25-30.

- Shade speed increased to 350 from 270, but hit points reduced to 125
from 250.
- Animate Dead's duration reduced to 40 from 120, cooldown reduced from
180 to 240. Additionally, animated units are invulnerable, but can
still be dispelled.
- Death Pact and Dark Ritual can now be used on invulnerable units.
- Carrion Swarm max damage reduced to 300/600/1000 from 375/700/1000 and
damage per target reduced to 75/125/200 from 100/150/200.
- Halls of the Dead and Black Citadel attack cooldown is now 2 seconds
up from 1 second, and their damage has been reduced by 33% as well
- Gargoyle attack versus air decreased to 1d11 + 43 from 1d13 + 50 to
reflect new air pathing changes.

- Wind Walk now has a cooldown of 5 seconds, costs 75 mana at all levels
(changed from 100/75/25), and deals "backstab" damage. When a Blademaster
attacks while using Wind Walk, he deals bonus damage to his victim.
- Lightning Shield range increased to 600 from 500.
- Ensnare duration increased to 15 from 12, and range increased to 500
from 400.
- Feral Spirit mana cost reduced to 75 from 100 and cooldown increased to
25 from 15.
- Shockwave area of effect width reduced to 250 from 300.
- Chain Lightning base damage reduced to 85/125/180 from 100/140/180.
- Tauren Chieftain speed increased to 270 from 250.
- The Tauren Chieftain now has a smaller collision size: 32 down from 48.
This means that he takes up less space on the ground.
- Wyvern hit points increased to 600 from 500.
- Wyvern poison now lasts 25 seconds and deals 4 damage a second.
- Headhunter cooldown reduced to 2.26 from 2.34.
- Berserker Strength now requires a Stronghold instead of a Fortress.
- Mirror Image cost reduced to 125 from 150.

Night Elves
- Dryad damage increased from 15-17 to 16-18.
- Entangle now prevents an affected unit from attacking, and interrupts
channeling spells such as Blizzard and Starfall. However, its duration
has been reduced to 12(3)/24(4)/36(5) (unit(Hero)).
- Treants created by Force of Nature now benefit from the Nature's Blessing
- Mana Burn cooldown is now 7/6/5 seconds by level, down from 7/7/7 seconds
by level.
- Tranquility cooldown reduced to 60 from 120.
- Tranquility mana cost reduced to 125 from 200.
- Cyclone no longer affects mechanical units.
- Rejuvenation can now be cast on units at full health.
- Ancients now attack while rooted.
- Hippogryph attack decreased from 1d9 + 37 to 1d7 + 31 to reflect new
air pathing changes.
- Chimaera splash increments reduced by 50 for quarter, 25 for half. This
effectively means that Chimaeras will do less splash damage than previously.

- Items have been revamped with new level tables. Items now have a level
from 1 to 8, along with one of several categories. Items of levels 1 to 6
can be charged items, permanent items, or powerups. Items of level 7 or
higher are artifacts.
Examples: Wand of Lightning Shield (charged), Stone Token (charged), Ring
of Protection +2 (permanent), Tome of Strength +2 (powerup), Mask of Death
- You can now sell items at the Goblin Merchant by right-clicking on an item,
and then "dropping" it onto a Goblin Merchant.
- Scroll of Town Portal now takes 5 seconds to use. During this time it is
being "channeled", and the Hero using it cannot be attacked or stunned.
Under no circumstances can the town portal be aborted once started.
- Wand of Illusion can no longer be cast on hostile units. This change was
made to prevent players from cheesing high level creep camps by using Wand
of Illusion on high level creeps, and then using this illusionary creep to
tank the damage.
- Boots of Speed no longer stack: two Boots of Speed will make a Hero just
as fast as one.

- When "attack-moving", air units now prefer to attack other air units more
often than previously.
- Creeps that are not in combat now ignore flying units. This means that if
you move flying units around using "move" instead of "attack move", creeps
will generally not attack them.
- Creeps can no longer be dragged via constant attacks--they eventually give
up and return to their start location.
- Goblin Sappers now deal 750 damage to buildings, 250 damage to all units,
and 185 damage to Heroes. These values are reduced by armor values such as
'5 armor', but do not interact with armor types (e.g. 'Medium armor').
- Units in a transport over ground will "spill out" over a wider area. This
means that surrounding a webbed transport and killing it will generally
not kill the passengers.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.07 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.10 version of Warcraft III.) Custom save games will
not load from version 1.07.

- PATCH 1.06


Improved Counterability
Unarmored Light Medium Heavy Fortified Hero
Normal 100% 150% 100% 100% 50% 100%
Piercing 150% 75% 100% 150% 35% 50%
Siege 150% 50% 100% 100% 150% 50%
Magic 75% 100% 200% 100% 50% 50%
Hero 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100%

You can find further information related to armor and damage types on our
web site at http://www.battle.net/war3/basics/armorandweapontypes.shtml

Spellcaster Rebalance
- Most spellcasters (Sorceress, Priest, Shaman, Witch Doctor, Necromancer,
Banshee, Druid of the Talon) have been re-balanced. In general, units
with piercing damage rip up spellcasters, while basic melee units, such
as Ghouls or Footmen, are weak against spellcasters. The specific
changes to the units in question are:
* They have a new armor type, unarmored, which takes bonus damage from
siege and piercing attacks.
* They also have a new damage type, magic, which does reduced damage to
fortified and hero armor, but does bonus damage against medium armor.
* They had their damage adjusted, typically downwards.
* They no longer gain damage as they go up in level, and gain less
hitpoints as they go up in level (but start with more hitpoints when
initially built)
* Many autocast buffs and debuff costs reduced.
* Casters, including Dryads, have had their mana regeneration rates
boosted by 30%.

Hero Damage
- Heroes now have an aptly named hero damage type. It deals 100% damage
to everything except fortified armor, to which it deals 50% damage. Hero
damage was added so that heroes no longer strongly counter ranged units
such as Archers and Crypt Fiends.

Advanced Structures
- Most advanced technology structures had their build times reduced. This
reduction ranged from 20 seconds for especially underused structures, to
10 seconds for less underused structures. For instance, the Slaughterhouse
builds 20 seconds faster now, while the Arcane Sanctum build time was only
reduced 10 seconds.

- Flares now cost 75/25 to research, down from 100/50.
- Inner Fire cost increased to 35, from 25.
- Slow cost reduced to 40 from 50.
- Slow duration vs heroes reduced to 10 seconds from 20 seconds.
- Thunderclap debuff is 50% at all levels, and lasts 5/3 at all levels.

- Curse now causes a 33% chance to miss, up from 25%.
- Curse now lasts 2 minutes, up from 1 minute.
- Curse cost reduced to 40 mana from 50.
- Web lasts 12 seconds, down from 20 seconds, and has a cooldown of 12
seconds, down from 20 seconds.
- Carrion Swarm max damage increased to 375/700/1000 from 300/550/800.
- Carrion Swarm no longer hits wards.
- Boneyard cost reduced to 250/100 from 350/125.
- Acolytes now have 220 health, up from 180.
- Necropolis cost reduced to 300 gold, down from 350 gold.
- Black Citadel now has 2000 hitpoints, down from 2300.
- Halls of the Dead now has 1750 hitpoints, down from 2000.

- Bloodlust cost reduced from 50 mana to 40 mana.
- Raiders now have light armor instead of heavy armor.
- Raider Ensnare lasts 12 seconds, down from 20 seconds, and has a cooldown
of 12 seconds, down from 20 seconds.
- Bladestorm cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 4 minutes.

Night Elves
- Cyclone duration on units increased to 15 from 10.
- Faerie Fire cost reduced to 35 from 75.
- Chimaera Roost cost reduced to 230/70 from 280/100
- Ancients temporarily lose their fortified armor when they uproot,
becoming medium armor units.
- Dryads now have the unarmored armor type. This change was made to
further specialize Dryads as melee killers, but allow piercing damage
units, such as Crypt Fiends and Archers, to counter them more
- Dryad hitpoints increased to 435 from 380.

- All basic siege units (Mortar Teams, Catapults, etc.) have had their night
sight increased to 1100 from 1000.

- Creep-cast Polymorph duration reduced to 25.
- Creep autocast Heal heals 12 hp a cast not 15.
- Lightning Lizards, Thunder Lizards and Storm Wyrms no longer friendly
fire - their attacks only hit hostile targets.
- Lightning Lizard damage reduced from 1d8 + 16 to 1d8 + 14
- Thunder Lizard damage reduced from 1d11+30 to 1d8+26.
- Centaur Impaler hitpoints reduced to 350 from 450.

- Anhk of Reincarnation is now a level 7 item.
- Potion of Restoration now heals 500 health and 200 mana, rather than fully
replenishing a hero's health and mana.
- Scroll of Restoration now heals 300 health and 150 mana, rather than fully
replenishing all targets health and mana.
- Tome of Experience is now a level 5 item
- Scroll of Protection cost reduced to 150

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.05 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.06 version of Warcraft III).

- PATCH 1.05


- Fixed a problem with viewing certain replays.

- PATCH 1.04c


- Dates now use the system date format.
- Fixed some issues related to IME text input.
- Fixed some minor text wrapping issues that were occurring with Asian languages.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to keep Castles and Keeps alive for
abnormal lengths of time while those buildings were under attack.

- PATCH 1.04


- Fixed an issue related to full shared unit control and allied play that could
cause one or more players to lose the ability to train or upgrade their own
- Fixed an issue that caused the experience point bars in Battle.net profiles
to improperly reflect recently gained or lost points.
- Fixed a graphic issue related to the ladder profile and the scroll bar.


- Divine Shield duration increased to 15/30/45 from 10/20/30.
- Divine Shield cooldown changed to 35/50/65 from 60/60/60.
- Avatar cooldown increased to 180 from 120.
- Resurrection mana cost reduced to 200 from 250.
- Sorceress acquisition range increased to 700 from 600, improving the
frequency with which Slow is auto-cast.

- Banshee acquisition range increased to 700 from 500, improving the frequency
with which Curse is auto-cast.
- Anti-magic Shell is once again dispellable. A summoned unit under a shell
does not take damage from the dispel, but will lose the shell.
- Anti-magic Shell mana cost reduced to 50 from 75.
- Sleep duration decreased on Hero units to 5/10/15 from 10/20/30.
- Web duration decreased on Hero units to 7 from 20.
- Animate Dead mana cost reduced to 250 from 300.
- Player-controlled Ghouls no longer turn off pathing against units when they
are instructed to harvest lumber.
- Possession now takes 1 second to cast, up from 0.

- Wards are no longer hit by Huntress Moon Glaive bounce.
- Critical Strike no longer receives damage from Thorns Aura. However, the
Blademaster's base attack associated with a Critical Strike still interacts
with Thorns appropriately.

Night Elves
- Thorns no longer interacts with Critical Strike.
- Mana Burn mana cost reduced to 50 from 75.
- Mana Burn drain amount reduced to 50/100/150 from 100/200/300.
- Mana Burn cooldown reduced to 7 from 9.
- Huntress damage reduced to 1d3+14 from 1d3+15.
- Metamorphosis cooldown increased to 180 from 120.
- Cyclone duration reduced to 10/5.5 from 30/6 (normal unit/Hero units).
- Starfall cooldown increased to 180 from 120.
- Druid of the Talon (in Night Elf form) acquisition range increased to 700
from 600, improving the frequency with which Faerie Fire is auto-cast.
- Ballista Impaling Bolt no longer functions with "Attack Ground."
- Ancient Protector cost reduced to 160/80 from 240/100.
- Ancient Protector hit points increased to 600 from 550.
- Ancient Protector armor decreased to 1 from 2.
- Ancient Protector minimum range reduced to 0 from 200.
- Ancient Protector ranged attack damage reduced to 1d10+44 from 1d13+51.
- Ancient Protector damage type changed to pierce from siege.
- Ancient Protector splash damage reduced.

- Murloc Mutant damage increased to 1d5+24 from 1d2+12.


- Many minor changes were made to many maps due to the balance changes made in
patch 1.03 and patch 1.04. Some examples include:
(4) Lost Temple - Added more shallow water to the islands. Center creep camp
is a bit harder. Added Ogre Magi to the corner Ogre creep camps.
(6) Moonglade - Reduced all creep camps approximately 2 levels.
(8) The Crucible - All start locations should now be very similar, close to
trees with enough room to build. All Goblin Merchant creep camps are
now farther off the main path.
(10) Dustwallow Keys - Fixed the choke point in the bottom left. Moved
Razormane creeps off the main paths.
(12) Ice Crown - Fixed the creep levels so that all camps are equal.

NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.03 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.04 version of Warcraft III.) Custom save games will
not load from versions 1.03 and below.

- PATCH 1.03


- Each AI player can now be set to one of three different settings:
Easy, Normal, and Insane.
- Allied AI will teleport to human allies' towns when the towns are under
- Allied AI will ping the minimap to indicate where they are going to attack
- Messages can now be sent when the "Waiting for Players" dialog is up.
- Added PowerPC optimizations and MacOS X 10.2 specific acceleration to the
graphics engine.


- Fixed an issue with building reimbursement that could credit a player twice
for canceling a building.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the system date was set to > 2038.
- Fixed map loading crash that could result from custom units that sell too
many items.
- Fixed crash with Avance Sound cards. The fix requires a minor change to your
registry. If you are experiencing this problem, please contact our technical
support staff.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading a corrupted save file.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on custom maps during some unit creation
- Fixed an issue causing localized versions of maps to be passed unnecessar-
- Fixed Mass Teleport crash that could result from a target unit's dying
before spell completes.
- Fixed save/load map interaction that could result in an unresponsive game.
- Fixed an issue related to unit selection and upgrading Human towers.
- Fixed an issue with Dreadlord that could cause him to not take damage
from Unholy Frenzy if he had the Sleep skill.
- Fixed some AI mining issues that could occur when their original town
hall was destroyed.
- Fixed an AMM chat message bug that could disconnect you if an AMM team
game message was sent just before game launch.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to save after choosing "Continue" in a
single-player mission.
- Fixed a supply issue related to the Demon Hunter and his Metamorphosis
- Fixed Zeppelin drop exploit as a method of building locating through fog
of war.
- Fixed an issue with saving while "Waiting for Players" dialog was up that
could result in a soft lock.
- Fixed an issue that could create an invincible Mountain King.
- Fixed an issue related to graphical display of auras from aura-generating
- Fixed an issue with Anti-magic Shell so it now properly interacts with
magic-immune and non-magic-immune summoned units.
- Fixed disappearance of Sentinel owl in conjunction w/ AOE-targeting
- Fixed an issue with Huntress' bouncing missile that would allow it to hit
a secondary target even if it missed the primary target.
- Fixed an issue with rooted Ancients that would cause them to trigger
Goblin Land Mines.
- Fixed an issue related to Hero illusions' carrying a Ring of Protection.
- Fixed an issue with Town Portal spell art.
- Fixed an issue with hit point/mana upgrades and Polymorph.
- Fixed an issue with the Abolish Magic ability and allies.
- Fixed an issue with poison that could kill a unit. Poison, by itself,
should only take a unit to the brink of death.
- Fixed an issue related to the interaction of Shift-adding units to a group
and unit deaths.
- Fixed an issue related to replays, selection circles, and changing player
- Fixed an issue with Cyclone and moving units creating aerial footprints.
- Fixed keyboard screen scroll and "Waiting for Players" interaction.
- Fixed several minor text and tooltip issues.
- Fixed a few improper combat sound assignments on creeps and NPCs.
- Frost Wyrm attack now also slows air units.
- AI Keepers of the Grove no longer cast Force of Nature on different cliff
- Night Elf AI now uses the Wisp's Renew ability effectively.
- Disease (Plague) and poison no longer wake sleeping units.
- Moon Glaive bounce no longer hits invisible units.
- Demon Hunter's attack while in Demon Form no longer damages self or allies.
- Upgraded building shadows no longer update through the fog of war.
- Necklace of Spell Immunity no longer drops a Blademaster's Wind Walk.
- Observers no longer gain full player UI when entering a loaded game.
- Observers no longer get gold/lumber/supply UI when selecting neutral
- Fog of war updates properly now if you are alt-tabbed out of game.
- War3 now warns you when you save game or screenshot or profile if there's
not enough available disk space.
- Improved "We're Under Attack" messages so they trigger at more appropriate


- Fixed Macintosh World Editor crash.
- Added Unit Editor field for building upgrades.
- Increased number of possible dialog buttons from 5 to 12.
- Added blank entries for all units that don't normally have abilities or
attacks, allowing a user to potentially add these through the Unit Editor.
- Added Unit Editor field to set unit sounds to that of another unit type.
- Reorganized limits on pre-placed neutral units. Neutral hostile
buildings now count towards the "unit" limit of 512, and only passive
buildings count towards the "building" limit of 96.
- Fixed bug where map auto-save could bypass object limit checks.
- Fixed Sound Editor bug that would sometimes delete an imported sound file
from the map if it was imported from outside the War3 directory and the
Test Map feature was used before the map was saved.
- Fixed force issue that would cause Force 11 when you selected Force 10
for a trigger in the editor.


- Brilliance Aura has been reworked, and is no longer % based. It now adds
a fixed amount of mana per second to units under its power -- .75, 1.5,
and 2.25 respectively by level. While it's just as effective with mass spell-
casters, players will find it is less powerful (though still exceedingly
useful) with Heroes.
- Divine Shield now costs 25 mana, down from 75.
- Blizzard no longer goes up in radius as the level of the ability increases.
- Water elementals now last 60 seconds, down from 75.

- Gargoyles' ground attack was substantially upgraded. They now do 21-24
damage, up from 16-18 damage. They also have less armor (3, down from 5),
but also hit harder against air units, doing 51-63 damage, up from 46-57
damage. Note that they are still just as effective against air units as
they were before, but their ground attack has been much improved.
- Death Pact now costs 50 mana (down from 75), and can be cast twice as
frequently as before (15 seconds cooldown from 30).
- Lich Heroes now have far more hit points, as they now have 15 str + 2/level,
up from 13 + 1.6/level.
- Frost Armor is now an auto-cast spell which will target units under attack
if auto-casting is enabled. Frost Armor also costs less mana -- 40 down
from 50.
- The Spirit Tower Upgrade now costs 160/40, up from 120/40.
- Crypt Fiends' attack was slightly improved.

- Headhunters have more hit points (350, up from 280), but also strike more
- Stasis Trap no longer stuns friendly units, but has a shorter duration
(6 seconds, down from 12 seconds). Stasis Traps, when they are set off,
also destroy other Stasis Traps within their area of effect.
- Kodo Beasts now have 1000 hit points, up from 790 hit points. They also
attack more slowly than before.
- Orc Barracks cost less lumber: 50, down from 70.
- Watch Towers now do 16-18 damage, down from 19-22 damage.
- Grunts now have 700 hit points, up 20 from 680.
- Shaman's attack is far less powerful. They attack somewhat more slowly,
and also do 11-12 damage, down from 14-16 damage.
- Stasis Ward and Sentry Ward no longer inhibit movement or building

Night Elves
- Sentinel can now be removed from a tree with various dispels (Wand of
Negation, Dryads, etc.), as well by attacking the tree with a peon or siege
unit (previously, the tree had to be destroyed -- now it merely has to be
- Mana Burn no longer affects units with Mana Burn (Demon Hunters, Satyr
Soulstealers, Felhounds, etc.).
- Thorns is now a %-based ability that reflects 10%, 20% or 30% of melee
damage dealt by level.
- Wisp's sight radius increased by 25%.
- Detonate now does 225 damage against summoned creatures, up from 150.
- Non-tree buildings now have 5 armor, up from 2.
- Ballistae now have an "Attack Ground" command.
- Force of Nature cooldown reduced to 20 seconds, down from 30 seconds.
- Treants now last 60 seconds, down from 75 seconds.
- Eating trees now gives a constant, non-stacking healing effect for 10
- Moon Wells now spend mana on health and mana replenishment separately. For
instance, if you sent a 0-mana, nearly dead Demon Hunter to a Moon Well,
and the Moon Well had 100 mana, your DH would gain 25 mana, and 100 health.
Before, the Hero would gain 200 health and 50 mana. This change does not
affect the benefits of healing a unit without mana.

- All melee creeps in between levels 1 and 5 are slightly more powerful.
- All creeps of level 6 or higher now have Hero magic resistance.
- Creeps of level 7 or higher will behave more intelligently in general.
- All creeps of level 7 or higher now deal Chaos damage.
- Level 10 Dragons no longer have spell immunity.
- Many minor creep balance tweaks to damage and abilities.
- Mercenaries are now more accurately priced in general, which in most
cases amounts to price decreases.

- Scepter of Mastery no longer will drop randomly in multiplayer maps.
- Tome of Power, Mask of Death both increased in level (8 to 9 and 8 to 10
- Wand of Lightning Shield is now a level-3 item, down from level 6.
- Sentry Ward item now comes with 3 charges, down from 5.
- Periapt of Vitality now gives 150 hps, up from 100.
- Pendant of Mana now gives 250 mana, down from 300.
- Tome of Experience now gives Heroes 150 experience points, down from 200.

NOTE: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.02 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.03 version of Warcraft III.)

- PATCH 1.02a

- Added localized Battle.net messages.

- PATCH 1.02


- Fixed an issue that allowed players to abuse dragons with Devour.
- Fixed an issue with dragons that could cause them to divert attacks.


- Necklace of Immunity, Tome of Greater Experience, and Goblin Land Mines
no longer randomly drop in multiplayer games.
- Scroll of Resurrection & Scroll of Animate Dead item level increased.
- Bridges are no longer destroyable on the (6)Stromguarde.w3m map.

NOTE: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.01 replays
cannot be viewed with the 1.02 version of Warcraft III.)

- PATCH 1.01c

- Fixed an issue with copy protection for certain DVD drives.

- PATCH 1.01b
- Fixed a problem where players were disconnected from a game as it was
starting and thus getting a loss.

- PATCH 1.01

** Welcome to Warcraft III and improved Battle.net! **

This patch contains various data and code updates necessary for play on
Battle.net as well as some minor balance changes.


14.- Frequently Asked Questions.

14.1.- Which is the best race/unit/hero?

That is larguely based on anyone's oppinion or the version number (Some
versions have balance problems that made a race particulary dominant, the
Night Elf was originally terribly unbalanced and the humans sucked badly),
but any race can do, save for someone using some feature (read: cheap tactic
that shouldn't be there ).

If I had to take a guess, I suppose the Orcs have been on the losing end
since the Tower Rush was fixed, but it could be a bit biased as I rarely
use them. I'm a huge Undead fan and I'm also skilled in TFT with the
Night Elves, though my friends would say it's because of an unhealthy
obsession with the Warden.

That said, there are a number of units that can be considered "The best",
though it's argueable anyway. It's generally agreed that the Huntress and
the Crypt Fiends are the best units for their race, power and cost
considered, given the Huntress frightenly effectivity at large numbers
and the Crypt Fiends large ammount of HP and great damage output. And
that it's probably because of the powerful sinergy with the Priestess of
the moon and the Death Knight. For Humans and Orcs, it gets a lot more
difficult, as their *best* units aren't even *fighting* units. The Sorceress
and the Shaman rank amongst their best critters, even if they aren't as
widely used as the Huntress and Crypt Fiends: Those are simply way too

Between them, that's just a matter of personal taste. I'd go with the Crypt
Fiends because paired with the Death Knight they are simply superior (at
least in my opinion), though in paper the Huntress seem more effective.

Of course, no cost involved (or, actually, no *means to get the unit*
involved) both the Doom Guard and the Naga Royal Guard are fighting for
that title. Both units are ridiculously overpowered, are as strong as
heroes, have the same ammount of abilities and *chaos* damage. But of
course they aren't in, because they can't be actually built. (You *can*
get Doom Guards with a Pit Lord, but, as a matter of facts, I haven't
used the Pit Lord in at least a year). Between them, I think the Royal
Guard wins, but it's a close match.

As for heroes, it's a lot more difficult because only a few heroes can
be considered underpowered, while no longer any hero seems to be
overpowered anymore. For each race, I'll be listing my current guesses:

HUMAN: Archmage (which has been the elite hero since the game *came out*,
though some might argue that the Hero Killing Machine Mountain King it's
a lot more difficult to counter.)

ORCS: Far Seer (Ditto with above, though most people have switched to
the Shadow Hunter and use a similar strategy to the Crypt Fiend +
Death Knight Combo.)

UNDEAD: Death Knight (This one took a little time to actually be hit
upon, as most people favored the Dreadlord due to Sleep and Inferno. It's
curious, however, that the weakening of the Demon Hunter - since the
Dreadlord hasn't been touched ever - was the rise of the DK as a favorite,
which would lead to believe that the DH was actually keeping the DK
in check. Given that Mana Burn level three did 300 HP damage with burning
300 MP, no matter how short the range was, the DK low mana pool was always
in danger, though I don't know exactly if the imbalance was in fact due
to the heroes or because of the armies in general.)

NIGHT ELVES: Theoretically, the Demon Hunter. (That said, I'd put my
money in the Warden and the Keeper of the Grove before. The Demon Hunter's
weakening with TFT hasn't been enough to keep him in check - Metamorph it's
still an absurdly powerful spell. I'll stand with the Warden. But that
might be because I'm obssessed.)

NEUTRAL: The Goblin Tinker and the Firelord have been chosen due to their
powerful base razing abilities.

14.2.- Are there any new Cheat Codes?

Damn right. Check the appropiate section. Hmph.

14.3.- Okay, how about MULTIPLAYER CHEAT CODES?

Feel free to scan the net for a hack and get your CD KEY banned.

Really, refrain from using them. They might get your ranking throughout the
roof, but, frankly, Battle.net is a community. Don't abuse others.

14.4.- Don't tell me there isn't a new hidden track like in Beyond the Dark
Portal and Broodwars...

Yep there is. Check the damn appropiate section. :P

14.5.- The Orcs campaign is broken! Where is the rest?

Download Blizzard's latest patch. It will install the rest of
the campaign for you.

14.6.- My game doesn't has those cool neutral heroes!

Download Blizzard's latest patch. It will install the rest of
the heroes for you. Do you even know what the Internet is?

14.7.- Wasn't there a Panda race?

No. It was an April's Fool joke by Blizzard. The Pandaren Brewmaster
is a playable hero though, but unfortunatey, the rest aren't.

14.8.- How many Warcraft games are out there?


Warcraft: Orcs and Humans
Warcraft II: The Tides of Darkness.
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (WC II Expansion pack)
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (WC III Expansion pack)
World of Warcraft (Massive Multiplayer Online RPG)

Another game, Warcraft Adventures, was originally planned. It was
a graphic adventure game. It was cancelled due to poor quality
mostly (And I'm being biased because I hate graphic adventures,
but the graphics were terrible).

Furthermore, there is an RPG module for all of you Role Players, which
I haven't been able to try, and a board game, which is very similar to
the classic board game RISK, except this one is unbalanced as hell
(The Orcs and the Night Elves are ridiculous, particulary the Orcs).

14.9.- Can you control the Burning Legion / Terrans / Zerg?


14.10.- What maps do you recommend?

Well, Defense of the Ancients is always a good start. The latest version
(At the time of writing) is Allstars 6.27b, which still has a lot of
balance problems (on my playgroup, we've solved it through banning the
Bone Fletcher and the Sniper, and a couple others, but those two are
the more unbalancing) but at least God is removed (well, in the game).
Lucifer's still in (in the game too).

Skibi Castle TD is, very likely, the best TD map ever made. With lots of
minigames, and lots of variety, it's, in my opinion, an essential map.

Footmen Frenzy it's another great map, though some think a lot more of
it than myself (Then again, it might be because I always lose, and I
hate to have to save a lot of money to actually make my Lich worthy
of anything).

Finally, Eye of the Apocalypse it's another wonderful map, though it's
very heavy on the CPU, and it's very difficult to learn to play. I love
it, but it's left a bittersweet taste in my mouth, perhaps with more
people it's much better. (Playing against the AI it's beyond frustrating)

14.11.- How do I get better?

Well, you could start by watching some replays (replayers.com has a lot of
them and pretty good ones though!), and playing a lot. Seriously, Warcraft III
is by far one of the most complicated RTS games out there.

Or you could go cheap and follow one of the trends of the moment.

14.12.- Trends? What are the current trends?

Common strategies nowadays:

Orcs: Go Blademaster first, Shadowhunter, then Raiders, Spirit Walkers and

Humans: Archmage, Mountain King, Sorceress, Priests, Mortar Teams, then
a Paladin and a couple Knights. Works wonders as any of your units will
only rarely die.

Undead: Uh... Gargoyles. And Destroyers. The undead are currently the most
dominating race, and, while I love it, I can't really understand why,
except that having four nuking heroes might have something to do with

Night Elves: Night elves are the most varied out there. Save for the
Druids of the talon and the Demon Hunter, you can go all the way for
dryads, Druids of the Claw, Archers, Huntress, Faerie Dragons, and
even mounted Hyppogryphs. Really, I saw a replay where a guy
dominated the whole game with *Mounted Hyppogryphs*. Incredible, but
true. And to add to the zaniness, he used a Warden first and the
Demon Hunter second. Go figure.

Important to note, save the always praised power of the Demon Hunter
and the fun packed Warden, the NE lack a secondary hero, which most
players have solved via the Pandaren Brewmaster.

That said, unlike, say, STARCRAFT, Warcraft III's strategy has shifted from
the mass-the-hell-up-and-rush to a more complicated style of keeping
units alive and using fewer but more effective units. The most elegant is
without a doubt the humans' play style, but the Orcish Horde well played is
extremely impressive. As for the Undead, well, I still don't understand,
but Gargoyles and Destroyers are incredibly dominating.

Of course, the gargoyles are the best anti-air unit, and the Destroyer's
damage output is ridiculous. And the four heroes are nukers :S. Another
replay I saw, a guy managed to time a Crypt Lord's Spike to stun the
opponent's whole army, and then proceded to kill the Demon Hunter, leaving
the army hopeless against continuous Frost Novas and a horde of Gargoyles.

As for the Night Elves, I recommend just adapting to the circunstances.
I ussually go for the Huntress-Archers duo until I can shift to DotT and
Dryads, using the Warden, but I'm weird: I use the Mountain King for the
Humans... though that's a frustration against Demon Hunter Harrassing.
Don't mind me.


15.- Hotkeys.

NOTE: Any mistake is my fault, as I did this bassically from memory. Any upgrade
such as the Orcs Steel / Thorioum / Arcanite Armor is only noted as the first

Attack: A
Move: M
Stop: S
Hold Ground: H
Patrol: P
Attack Ground: G
Build (or equivalent): B


Wisp: W
Archer: A
Huntress: H
Ballista: B
Demon Hunter: D
Priestess of the Moon: P
Keeper of the Grove: K
Druid of the Claw: C
Dryad: D
Druid of the Talon: T
Hyppogryph: H
Chimera: C

Moonwell: M
Altar of Elders: A
Ancient of War: R
Tree of Life: T
Ancient of Lore: L
Ancient of Wind: W
Hunter's Hall: H
Ancient Protector: P
Chimerae Roost: C

Upgrade to Tree of Ages / Eternity: U
Abolish Magic: S
Corrosive Breath: B
Druid of the Claw Adept / Master Training: L
Druid of the Talon Adept / Master Training: A
Hypogriph Taming: I
Improved Bow: I
Marksmanship: M
Moon Armor: A
Nature's Blessing: N
Reinforced Hides: R
Sentinel: S
Strenght of the Moon: M
Strenght of the Wild: W
Ultravision: U
Upgrade Moon Glaive: G
Vorpal Blades: P

Searing Arrows: R
Starfall: F
Metamorphosis: T
Scout: C
Immolation: L
Mana Burn: B
Entangling Roots: E
Force of Nature: F
Sentinel: E
Shadowmeld: L
Storm Crow Form: F
Druid Form: F
Rejuvenation: E
Replenish Mana and Health: R
Roar: R
Uproot: R
Root: R
Sentinel: E
Faerie Fire: R
Mount Hypogryph: U
Eat Tree: E
Entangle Gold Mine: G
Faerie Fire: R
Abolish Magic: B
Bear Form: F
Cyclone: C
Detonate: D


Acolyte: C
Shade: S
Ghoul: G
Abomination: A
Meat Wagon: M
Crypt Fiend: F
Gargoyle: A
Banshee: B
Necromancer: N
Frost Wyrm: F
Death Knight: D
Lich: L
Dreadlord: E

Necropolis: N
Ziggurat: Z
Altar of Darkness: A
Crypt: C
Sacrificial Pit: S
Graveyard: V
Slaughterhouse: H
Temple of the Damned: T
Boneyard: B
Haunted Gold Mine: G

Upgrade to Halls of the Death / Black Citadel: U
Upgrade to Spirit Tower: T
Banshee Adept / Master Training: A
Cannibalize: C
Creature Attack: A
Creature Carpace: C
Disease Cloud: D
Freezing Breath: B
Ghoul Frenzy: Z
Necromancer Adept / Master Training: E
Skeletal Longevity: S
Stone Form: S
Unholy Armor: U
Unholy Strenght: S
Web: W

Frost Armor: F
Frost Nova: N
Inferno: N
Sleep: E
Death Coil: C
Web: W
Animate Dead: D
Carrion Swarm: C
Dark Ritual: R
Death and Decay: D
Raise Dead: R
Unholy Frenzy: U
Cripple: C
Curse: C
Possession: O
Cannibalize: C
Anti-Magic Shell: N


Peon: P
Grunt: G
Orc Rider: R
Tauren: T
Troll Headhunter: T
Catapult: C
Kodo Beast: K
Wyvern Rider: W
Troll Witch Doctor: W
Shaman: S
Blademaster: B
Farseer: F
Tauren Chieftain: T

Great Hall: H
Altar of Storms: A
Barracks: B
War Mill: M
Tauren Totem: T
Spirit Lodge: S
Bestiary: E
Orc burrow: O
Watch Tower: W

Upgrade to Stronghold / Fortress: U
Berseker Strenght: B
Ensnare: N
Envenomed Spears: E
Pillage: G
Pulverize: P
Shaman Adept / Master Training: M
Spiked Barricades and Upgrade: S
Steel Armor: A
Steel Melee Weapons: M
Steel Ranged Weapons: R
Troll Regeneration: R
War Drums Damage Increase: D
Witch Doctor Adept / Master Training: D

Wind Walk: W
War Stomp: T
Mirror Image: R
Shockwave: W
Earthquake: E
Farsight: F
Feral Spirit: T
Chain Lightning: C
Bladestorm: B
Stasis Trap: T
Sentry Ward: W
Lightning Shield: L
Battle Stations: O
Stand down: D
Devour: D
Ensnare: E


Peasant: P
Footman: F
Knight: K
Rifleman: R
Mortar Team: M
Gyrocopter: G
Gryphon Rider: G
Priest: P
Sorceress: S
Siege Tank: E
Paladin: L
Archmage: A
Mountain King: M

Town Hall: H
Farm: F
Altar of Kings: A
Barracks: B
Lumber Mill: L
Blacksmith: S
Workshop: W
Arcane Sanctum: R
Gryphon Aviary: G
Scout Tower: T

Upgrade to Keep / Castle: U
Upgrade to Guard Tower: G
Upgrade to Cannon Tower: C
Animal War Training: A
Black Gunpower: G
Defend: D
Flare: R
Gyrocopter Bombs: B
Improved Lumber Harvest: L
Improved Masionry: M
Iron Forged Swords: S
Iron Plating: P
Long Rilfles: L
Magic Sentry: M
Priest Adept / Master Training: T
Sorceress Adept /Master Training: O
Storm Hammers: H
Studded Leather Armor: A

Call to arms : C
Back to Work : W
Defend: D
Dispel: D
Flare: F
Heal: E
Inner Fire: F
Polymorph: O
Invisibility: I
Slow: W
Avatar: V
Blizzard: B
Divine Shield: D
Mass Teleport: T
Heal Light: T
Resurrection: R
Storm Bolt: T
Summon Water Elemental: W
Thunderclap: C


16.- Credits.

- To Blizzard for this awesome game. This company rules.
- To Me, for taking parts of my very limited and valuable time to write this.
Actually, I enjoy it, but if I seem pissed off it makes me look cooler :P.
- To the people I've fought and seen for the ideas and strategies they have
left me with.
- To all the Warcraft Comunnity for making this game such a blockbuster hit
after six years of waiting for it. Now, of course, we need to complain until
they give us Starcraft II ^_^.
- To the people reading this. For the hell of it.
- To CjayC on gamefaqs.com for giving me and a lot of people the chance to
publish their work.
- Disturbed. Their new album is the r0xx0r5. And Queens of Stone Age.
- To my dear girlfriend Maga... for giving me all a man can need (love
and coffee!) Too bad you don't buy me cigarretes, though that is arguably
a good thing. I can always ask your for your parent's.

And that's it!!!

[1] Yana was a rather notorious user on the old Use Your Fist Not Your Mouth
Marilyn Manson BBS. You don't really need to know who she is, just that she
was a very nice though slightly psychotical girl whom I appreciated a lot.
That comment is just an old inside joke.


17.- Legal Stuff.

This file is owned by Lord Zero (dskzero@yahoo.com)

You MAY distribute, print, read, show to your friends or enemies this
guide freely, AS LONG as you credit Lord Zero as the author, keep
the copyright on it, and is used for non-profit purposes. You MAY NOT
change ANYTHING on this guide, adding or taking anything out of it,
including banners, links, or anything else. You MAY NOT distribute this
guide on any non-electronic media. All I ask from you if you wish to
publish this guide on your site, is to keep it updated, and to notificate
me of your URL.

All Rights Reserved. Anything not mentioned on this text can be discussed
via email to the address below.

Copyright 2006 By Lord Zero (dskzero@yahoo.com).

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