Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

17.10.2013 22:43:49
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
By Ocissordei
Version 2.0

Version History
1.0: All missions done missing just one subquest
1.1: fixed a big error
1.2: huge update, everything basically finished. Just going to update if
anything big happens i.e. patches and when orc campaign releases.

I. Intro
II. Unit Guide (Hero's and then Units by race)
III. Armor and Attack/Armor Info
IV. Shop Info
V. Walkthrough
VI. Minor Online Guide
VIII. Credits/Legal/Thanks/contact

I. Intro
Welcome to my Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne FAQ/Walkthrough The Frozen Throne is
the expansion to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. This guide is designed to walk you
through the campaign and get you ready for online play. It consists of a unit
guide, that gives all of the essentially information on all of the buildable units
available for online play, information on the new armor system, a walkthrough for
the campaign, and soon to have a Minor Online Guide.

This is a long FAQ so you might have some trouble navigating through it, here are
some tips.
Lets say you are looking for the first Night elf mission. You'd go into the find
function of your browser and type "Rise of the Naga" this will bring your right
to that mission. If you don't know what you are looking for just type in "human
missions", or "undead missions". For information on the orc campaign type in "orc
campaign" or the founding of durotar. If you're having a lot of trouble
navigating this FAQ tell me and I'll set up a better system in the next version.

This guide will probably be updated every few patches to keep up to date with the
units changes and to add some more strategy to the online guide. I haven't gotten
to play much online yet and only really know of Beta cheese strategies. If you
have any basic online strategies or would like to add something to the faq send an
email over to me (address is in the Credits section). I'll look it over. In
the first version I have every quest completed with the exception of the shadow
orb quest. If you have an organized list of locations, be sure to send it to me,
I'll credit you in the FAQ.

Well that should do it for the intro. Enjoy.
II. Unit Guide

!note! all of the info from this section is taken from Mojo Stormstout and the
manual. It explains basic info about almost every unit in the game, which allows
for easy unit comparison and strategizing.


Human Heroes

Unit: Paladin
Cost: 425 gold, 100 Lumber, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: None
Avg Level 1 Damage: 29
Base Health: 650
Cool Down: 2.2
Range: Melee
Primary Attribute: Strength
Strength Bonus Per Level:2.7
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 1.8
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average, 270
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: L
Names: Granis Darkhammer, Jorn the Redeemer, Sage Truthbearer, Malak the Avenger,
Gavinrad the Dire, Morlune the Mighty, Agamand the True, Ballador the Bright,
Manadar the Healer, Zann the Defender, Arius the Seeker, Aurrius the Pure,
Karnwield the Seeker, Buzan the Fearless
Holy Light
Hot key: T
Level 1 Heals 200 HP/Damages Undead 100 HP
Level 2 Heals 400 HP/Damages undead 200 HP
Level 3 Heals 600HP/Damages undead 300 HP

Divine Shield
Hot key: D
Level 1 Gives Paladin invulnerability for 15 seconds
Level 2 Gives paladin invulnerability for 30 seconds
Level 3 Gives Paladin invulnerability for 45 seconds

Devotion Aura
Level 1: Adds 1.5 armor to all allied units in the area of effect (90)
Level 2: adds 3 armor to all allied units in the area of effect (90)
Level 3: Adds 4.5 armor to all allied units in the area of effect (90)

Ultimate: Resurrection
Hot key: R
Resurrects 6 fallen allied units

Unit: Archmage
Cost: 425 Gold, 100 wood, 5 Food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: (same amount of damage as normal damage)
AVG Level 1 Damage: 24
Base Health:450
Cool Down: 2.13
Range: 60
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Strength Bonus Per Level: 1.8
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 3.2
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight:180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: A
Names: Tenn Flamecaster, Nilas Arcanister, Andromath, Shal Lightbinder, Aran
Spellweaver, Manath Magesinger, Landazar, Doril Magefont, Peril Spellbinder,
Conjurus Rex, Fordred Aran, Dalar Dawnweaver, Kelen the Seeker

Hot key: B
Level 1 6 waves of ice, doing 30 damage each
Level 2 8 waves of ice doing 40 damage each
Level 3 10 waves of ice doing 50 damage each

Summon Water Elemental:
Hot key: W
Level 1 Summons a water elemental with 450 HP
Level 2 Summons a water elemental with 675 HP
Level 3 Summons a water elemental with 900 HP

Brilliance Aura
Level 1 Adds .75 mana per second to all allied units in the area of effect (90)
Level 2 adds 1.5 man per second to all allied units in the area of effect
Level 3 adds 2.25 mana per second to all allied units in the area of effect (90)

Ultimate: Mass Teleport
Hot key: T
Teleports up to 24 units (your own) to an allied unit or structure

Unit: Mountain King
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: None
AVG Level 1 Damage: 31
Base Health: 700
Cool Down: 2.22
Range: Melee
Primary Attribute: Strength
Strength Bonus Per Level: 3
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: M
Names: Bor Stonebreaker, Munin Ironcliff, Thorgas Broadaxe, Kelv Sternhammer, Grim
Thunderbrew, Buri Frostbeard, Huginn Ironcliff, Thordin Rockbeard, Bandis
Forgefire, Gar Doomforge, Beazel Bludstone, Modi Stonesmith, Aggronor the Mighty

Storm Bolt
Hot key: T
Level 1 Does 100 damage to one unit and stuns for 5 seconds (3 for heroes)
Level 2 Does 200 damage to one unit and stuns for 7 seconds (4 for heroes)
Level 3 Does 300 damage to one unit and stuns for 9 seconds (5 for heroes)

Level 1 15% chance that you will do 25 more damage and stun a unit
Level 2 25% chance
Level 3 35% chance

Thunder Clap
Hot Key: C
Level 1 Does 60 damage and slows attack and movement rate by 50%
Level 2 does 100 damage, and slows attack and movement rate by 50%
Level 3 Does 140 damage and slows attack and movement rate by 50%

Ultimate: Avatar
Hot Key: V
Gives the Mountain King 500 more hit points, 5 more armor, and the ability to be
spell immune and do 20 more damage.

Unit: Blood Mage
Cost: 420 gold, 100 Wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: (does same as normal damage)
AVG Level 1 Damage: 24
Base Health: 500
Cool Down: 2.13
Range: 60
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Strength Bonus Per Level: 2
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 3
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight:180
Night Sight:80
Speed: fast (300)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: B
Names: Eldin Sunstrider, Tanin Hawkwing, Lorn Bloodseeker, Aldos Firestar, Gilaras
Drakeson, Hale Magefire, Kath'ranis Remar, Tyoril Sunchaser, Sylvos Windrunner,
Tenris Mirkblood, Marakanis Starfury, Geldor Earthfire, Halendor Burnkin, Kelen
the Destroyer

Flame Strike
Hot Key: F
Level 1 Does 45 damage a second for 3 seconds and a small amount damage for 6
Level 2 Does 80 damage a second for 3 seconds and more damage for 6
Level 3 Does 110 damage a second for 3 seconds and a medium amount of damage for 6

Hot key: B
Level 1 One unit turns ethereal for 12 seconds (5 for heroes)
Level 2 One unit turns ethereal for 24 seconds (7 for heroes)
Level 3 One unit turns ethereal for 36 seconds (9 for heroes)

Siphon Mana
Hot key: N
Level 1 18 mana drained from an enemy unit for 6 seconds
Level 2 35 mana drained from an enemy unit for 6 seconds
Level 3 55 mana drained from an enemy unit for 6 seconds

Ultimate: Phoenix
Summons a Phoenix that burns itself until it dies or kills itself and resurrects.

Orc Heroes

Unit: Blademaster
Cost: 420 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: none
AVG Level 1 Damage: 36
Base Health: 550
Cool Down: 1.77
Range: Melee
Primary Attribute: Agility
Strength Bonus Per Level: 2
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.75
Intelligence Bonus Per Level:2.25
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (300)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: B
Names: Tojara, Nikoro, Kajind, Mikasa, Samuro, Akinos, Mazuru, Yozshura, Daisho,
Kigami, Arashicage, Moogul the Sly, Jubei

Mirror Image
Hot key: R
Level 1 Creates an illusion of the blademaster that lasts for 60 seconds or until
it dies
Level 2 Creates two illusions of the blademaster that last for 60 seconds or until
they die
Level 3 creates 3 illusions of the blademaster that last for 60 seconds or until
they die.

Wind Walk
Hot key: W
Level 1 turns the blademaster invisible, giving him +10% movement speed and 50-
bonus damage
Level 2 turns the blademaster invisible, giving him +40% movement speed and 75-
bonus damage
Level 3 turns the blademaster invisible giving him maximum movement speed and a
100-damage bonus

Critical strike
Hot key:
Level 1 15% chance that blade master will do 2 times normal damage
Level 2 15% that the blademaster will do 3 times normal damage
Level 3 15% chance that the blademaster will do 4 times normal damage

Ultimate: Bladestorm
Hot key: B
Causes the blademaster to spin around dealing 110 damage for 7 seconds
Unit: Farseer
Cost: 420 gold. 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: (same amount of damage as normal)
AVG Level 1 Damage: 24
Base Health: 475
Cool Down:2.28
Range: 60
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Strength Bonus Per Level: 2
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 3
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: F
Names: Gar'dal Grimsight, Negal Fireye, Kazil Darkeye, Magis Coldeye, Bale
Bleakstare, Gorr Grimwolf, Kag'ar Winterfang, Nazgrel, Morg Wolfsong, Kazragore,
Fenris'ar Gul

Feral Spirit
Hot key: T
Level 1 Summons Two Spirit Wolves
Level 2 Summons 2 Dire Wolves (stronger version of spirit wolves)
Level 3 Summons Two Shadow wolves (stronger version of dire wolves)

Hot key:
Level 1 Reveals a small portion of the map for 8 seconds
Level 2 reveals a medium sized portion of the map for 8 seconds
Level 3 Reveals a large portion of the map for 8 seconds
Hot key:

Chain Lightning
Hot key: C
Level 1 Deals 85 damage to 4 different unit (doing 15% less damage to each unit it
jumps to)
Level 2 Deals 125 damage to 6
Level 3 Deals 180 damage to 8

Ultimate: Earthquake
Hot key: E
Does 50 damage a second to buildings, and slows units 75%

Unit: Tauren Chieftain
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: none
Level 1 Damage: 32
Base Health: 725
Cool Down: 2.05
Range: melee
Primary Attribute: strength
Strength Bonus Per Level: 3.2
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 1.3
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: T
Names: Marn Thunderhorn, Tygore Dusthoof, Tam Windtotem, Durn Harpyslayer, Kam
Ghoststeer, Kel Stonebull, Mull Stormhoof, Grok Bloodhorn, Malar Plainstrider,
Taur Runetotem

Hot key: W
Level 1 does 75 damage to every unit the shock hits
Level 2 does 130 damage to every unit the shock hits
Level 3 does 200 damage to every unit the shock hits

War Stomp
Hot key: T
Level 1 Does 25 damage and stuns all units in the area of effect for 3 seconds (2
for heroes)
Level 2 does 50 damage ands stuns all units in the area of effect for 4 seconds
(3 seconds for heroes)
Level 3 does 75 damage and stuns all units in the area of effect for 5 seconds (4
for heroes)

Endurance Aura
Level 1 Gives all allied units within the area affect +10% movement speed and +5%
attack rate
Level 2 gives all allied units within the area of effect +20% movement speed and
+10% attack rate
Level 3 gives all allied units within the area of effect +30% movement speed and
+15% attack rate.

Ultimate: Resurrection:
Hot key: R
Brings the Tauren Chieftain back to life after he is killed (cooldown 240 seconds)

Unit: Shadow Hunter
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: same as normal damage
AVG Level 1 Damage: 25
Base Health: 475
Cool Down:2.28
Range: 60
Primary Attribute: Agility
Strength Bonus Per Level: 2
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 2.5
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight:180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: S
Names: Hero Names: Zul'kis, Zul'abar, Zul'rajas, Zul'maran, Kil'adabos, Jo Jo
Headshrinker, Shaka-zahn, Shakti-lar, Mezil-kree

Healing Wave
Hot key: W
Level 1 Heals 130 damage to 3 allied units
Level 2 Heals 215 damage to 4 allied units
Level 3 Heals 300 damage to 5 allied units

Hot key: X
Level 1 Transforms a unit into a "critter" for 15 seconds (4 for heroes)
Level 2 Transforms a unit into a "critter" for 30 seconds (5 seconds for heroes)
Level 3 Transforms a unit into a "critter" for 45 seconds (6 seconds for heroes)

Serpent Ward
Hot key: e
Level 1 Create a serpent ward that does 11-13 damage
Level 2 creates a serpent ward that does 23-26 damage
Level 3 creates a serpent ward that does 41-45 damage

Big Bad Voodoo
Hot key: V
Turns all friendly units within the area of effect (80) invincible for 30

Undead Heroes

Unit: Death knight
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: none
Level 1 Damage: 30
Base Health: 675
Cool Down: 2.33
Range: Melee
Primary Attribute: Strength
Strength Bonus Per Level: 2.7
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 1.8
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: D
Names: Lord Nightsorrow, Lord Soulrender, Lord Dethstorm, Lord Maldazzar, Lord
Darkhallow, Lord Lightstalker, Baron Bloodbane, Baron Felblade, Duke Dreadmoore,
Duke Ragereaver, Baron Frostfel, Lord Darkscythe, Duke Wintermaul, Baron
Perenolde, Baron Morte

Death Coil
Hot key: C
Level 1 does 100 damage to one unit or heals an undead unit 200
Level 2 does 200 damage to one unit or heals an undead unit 400
Level 3 does 300 damage to one unit or heals an undead unit 600

Death Pact
Hot key: E
Level 1 Sacrifices one unit to give the deathknight 100% of its current HP
Level 2 Sacrifices one unit to give the deathknight 200% of its current HP
Level 3 Sacrifices one unit to give the deathknight 300% of its current HP.

Unholy Aura
Hot key: U
Level 1 Gives all units within the area of effect +50% hp regen, and 10% faster
Level 2 Gives all units within the area of effect +100% hp regen and 20% faster
Level 3 Gives all units within the area of effect +150% hp regen and 30% faster

Ultimate: Animate Dead
Hot key: D
Raises 6 dead units and makes them invincible for 40 seconds.

Unit: Dread Lord
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: None
AVG Level 1 Damage: 27
Base Health: 600
Cool Down: 1.8
Range: melee
Primary Attribute: Strength
Strength Bonus Per Level: 2.5
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 2.5
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight:180
Night Sight:80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: E
Names: Terrordar, Nerothos, Bleakill, Necros, Fearoth, Dethecus, Maldibion,
Nochthitus, Balnazzar, Rashgarroth, Aramachus, Zilfallon, Lorthiras, Zenedar,
Mullioch, Algammon, Banehallow, Ven'Gyr

Hot key: E
Level 1 A unit is put to sleep for 20 seconds (5 for heroes)
Level 2 A unit is put to sleep for 40 seconds (10 for heroes)
Level 3 A unit is put to sleep for a minute (15 seconds for heroes)

Vampiric Aura
Level 1 All friendly units within the area of effect (90) gain 15% of their attack
damage back as life
Level 2 All friendly units within the area of effect (90) gain 30% of their attack
damage back as life
Level 3 All friendly units with the area of effect (90) gain 45% of their attack
damage back as life

Carrion Swarm
Hot key: C
Level 1 Does 75 to all units that the swarm hits, up to 300 damage
Level 2 Does 125 to all units that the swarm hits up to 600 damage
Level 3 does 200 damage to all units that the swarm hits up to 1000 damage

Hot key: N
Summons an infernal that crashes down dealing 50 damage and stunning units for 4

Unit: Lich
Cost: 425 gold. 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: (same as base damage)
AVG Level 1 Damage: 25
Base Health: 475
Cool Down: 1.9
Range: 60
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Strength Bonus Per Level:2
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 3.4
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight:180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time:55
Hot Key: L
Names: Ordin Frostbane, Ras Splinterspine, Morbent Fell, Rage Winterchill, Araj
the Summoner, Kali'naj Dethknell, Rak Coldskull, Din Frostfire, Calis Wraithson,
Venim Iceblade, Naze the Eternal, Ras Frostwhisper, Coldreaver, Cho'Nammoth,
Kryptikk Soulslayer, Alandil Lieng

Frost Nova
Hot key: n
Level 1 does 100 damage to one unit and does 50 damage and slows all enemy units
within the area of effect (20)
Level 2 does 100 damage to one unit and does 100 damage to all enemy units within
the area of effect (20)
Level 3 does 100 damage to one unit and does 150 damage to all enemy units within
the area of effect (20)

Dark Ritual:
Hot key: R
Level 1 Sacrifices a target unit giving 33% of it's current hp to the mana of the
Level 2 sacrifices a target unit giving 66% of it's current Hp to the mana of the
Level 3 Sacrifices a target unit giving 100% of it's current HP to the mana of the

Frost Armor
Hot key: F
Level 1 Gives a unit an extra 3 armor and causes any melee units that hit it to be
slowed for 5 seconds
Level 2 Gives a unit an extra 5 armor and causes any melee units that hit it to be
slowed for 5 seconds
Level 3 Gives a unit an extra 7 armor and causes any melee units that hit it to be
slowed for 5 seconds

Ultimate: Death and Decay
Hot key: D
Damages everything within the area of effect (30) by taking away 4% of its health
per second for 35 seconds

Unit: Crypt Lord
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: none
AVG Level 1 Damage: 31
Base Health: 675
Cool Down: 1.9
Range: melee
Primary Attribute: Strength
Strength Bonus Per Level:3.2
Agility Bonus Per Level:. 1.2
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 1.6
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight:180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: C
Names: Thebis-Ra, Typhis-Ahn, Anubiros, Memphis-Ahn, Horus'aman, Nephri'thos,
Arak-arahm, Tuten'arak, Pharoh-moth

Hot key: E
Level 1 Does 50 damage to every enemy unit that it hits, and stuns for 2 seconds
(1 for heroes)
Level 2 does 80 damage to every enemy unit that it hits and stuns for 3 seconds (2
for heroes)
Level 3 Does 110 damage to every enemy unit that it hits and stuns for 4 seconds
(3 for heroes)

Spiked Carapace
Level 1 Gives the crypt lord 3 extra armor and returns 15% of the damage done to
him by melee attackers to them.
Level 2 Gives the crypt lord 5 extra armor and returns 25% of the damage done to
him by melee attackers to them.
Level 3 Gives the crypt lord 7 extra armor and returns 35% of the damage done to
him by melee attackers to them.

Carrion beetles
Hot key: C
Level 1 Creates a carrion beetle that has 140 hit points and does 8-9 damage from
a corpse (up to 5 beetles at a time)
Level 2 Creates a carrion beetle that has 275 hit points and does 15-18 damage
from a corpse (up to 5 beetles at a time)
Level 3 Creates a carrion beetle that has a 410 hit point and does 22-27 damage
from a corpse (up to 5 beetles at a time)

Ultimate: Locust Swarm
Hot key: L
The crypt lord launches 20 locusts that collect 20 hit points each from an enemy
unit (up to 7 for each enemy unit) and return to the crypt lord giving him 75% of
the damage back as health.

Night Elf Heroes

Unit: Demon Hunter
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: none
AVG Level 1 Damage: 35
Base Health: 575
Cool Down:1.7
Range: melee
Primary Attribute: Agility
Strength Bonus Per Level: 2.4
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 2.1
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: D
Shadowsong, Shadowfury, Shadowstalker, Flameseeker, Darkweaver, Darkterror,
Darksorrow, Sindweller, Painkiller, Hellbourne, Wrathbringer, Ragerunner,
Firebrand, Bloodwrath, Terrorblade

Hot key: I
Level 1 does 10 damage per second to enemies in the area of effect (16) until it
is deactivated or is deacitvated
Level 2 does 15 damage per second
Level 3 Does 20 damage per second

Hot key: E
Level 1 10% chance that the enemy will miss hitting the demon hunter
Level 2 20% chance that the enemy will miss hitting the demon hunter
Level 3 30% chance that the enemy will miss hitting the demon hunter

Mana Burn
Hot key: B
Level 1 Burns 50 mana and does as much damage as mana burned
Level 2 Burns 100 mana and does as much damage as mana burned
Level 3 burns 150 mana and does as much damage as mana burnt
Hot key: T
Transforms the Demon Hunter into a demon giving him different stats and 500 more
hit points and 3 hp regeneration per second.
New stats:
Attack Type: Chaos
Cooldown: 1.6
Full Damage Area: 5
1/2 damage area: 15
1/4 damage area: 25
Range: 60
Weapon Type: Missile Splash

Unit: Priestess of the Moon
Cost: 425 gold, 100 Wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: same as normal damage
Avg Level 1 Damage: 26
Base Health: 550
Cool Down: 2.46
Range: 60
Primary Attribute: Agility
Strength Bonus Per Level: 1.9
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 2.6
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: P
Names: Kathris Starsong, Adora Nightshade, Mora Moonsinger, Felore Moonray, Anara
Chillwind, Kera Stardragon, Mave Whisperwind, Delas Moonfang, Mira Whitemane,
Theta Saberfang, Tygra Snowscar, Ariel Darkmoon, Diana Windwood
Searing Arrows:
Hot key: R
Level 1 Gives the priestess 10 more range and 10 more damage
Level 2 Gives the priestess 10 more range and 20 more damage
Level 3 Gives the priestess 10 more range and 30 more damage

Owl Scout:
Hot key: C
Level 1 Summons an owl that can detect invisible units and lasts for 60 seconds.
Level 2 Summons an owl that can detect invisible units and lasts for 90 seconds.
Level 3 Summons an owl that can detect invisible units and lasts for 120 seconds.

Trueshot Aura
Level 1 Gives ranged units within the area of effect (90) 10% more base damage
Level 2 Gives ranged units within the area of effect (90) 20% more base damage
Level 3 Gives ranged units within the area of effect (90) 30% more base damage

Hot key: F
Causes waves of stars doing 50 damage to every enemy unit or building (does less
damage on buildings) in the area of effect (100) to come ever 1.5 seconds for 45
seconds or until the spell is interrupted or cancelled

Unit: Keeper of the Grove
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: same as normal damage
Level 1 Damage: 23
Base Health: 500
Cool Down: 2.18
Range: 60
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Strength Bonus Per Level: 1.8
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 2.7
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: K
Names: Larodar, Anubris, Nandieb, Califax, Bandalar, Malorne, Gholbine, Dagda,
Nuada, Oghma, Centrius, Ceredwyn

Entangling Roots
Hot key: E
Level 1 deals 15 damage per second to a unit for 12 seconds (3 for heroes) while
immobilizing the unit
Level 2 Deals 15 damage per second to a unit for 24 seconds (4 for heroes) while
Level 3 deals 15 damage per second to a unit for 36 seconds (5 for heroes) while
immobilizing the unit

Force of Nature:
Hot key: F
Level 1 Creates 2 Treants that last for 60 seconds out of a group of trees
Level 2 Creates 3 treants that last for 60 seconds out of a group of trees
Level 3 Creates 4 treants that last for 60 seconds out of a group of trees

Thorns aura
Level 1 Allows allied units within the area of effect (90) to return 10% of the
damage done by melee attackers back to them.
Level 2 Allows allied units within the area of effect (90) to return 20% of the
damage done by melee attackers back to them.
Level 3 Allows allied units within the area of effect (90) to return 30% of the
damage done by melee attackers back to them.

Hot key: T
Causes a healing rain to come down on allied units within the area of effect,
healing them 20 hp per second for 30 seconds or until the spell is interrupted

Unit: Warden
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: none
AVG Level 1 Damage: 32
Base Health: 550
Cool Down: 2.05
Range: melee
Primary Attribute: Agility
Strength Bonus Per Level: 2.4
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.6
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 2
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight:180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: W
Alsa Iron-cell, The Iron Raven, Marin Bladewing, Shalis Darkhunter, Sira
Moonwarden, Saithis, Malace Shade, Kiri Starstalker, Anaya Felgrove, Mirana
Starlight, Felhala Starmoon, Drelanim Whisperwind, Cordana Felsong, Nalmeena

Fan of Knives
Hot key: F
Level 1 Does 70 damage to enemies within the area of effect (40) up to 350 damage
Level 2 Does 115 damaage to enemies within the area of effect (50) up to 575
Level 3 does 150 damage to enmemies within the area of effect (60) up to 950

Hot key: B
Level 1 Teleports the warden to a location within the blinking range (9999.9) with
a cooldown of 10 seconds, costing 50 mana.
Level 2 Teleports the warden to a location within blinking range (9999.9) with a
cooldown of 10 seconds costing 10 mana.
Level 3 Teleports the warden to a location within blinking range (9999.9) with a
cooldown of 1 second costing 10 mana

Shadow strike
Hot key: D
Level 1 Does 75 damage to one unit and then deals a small amount of damage for 15
seconds and slows the unit's movement by 50%
Level 2 Does 150 damage to one unit and then deals a small amount of damage for
30 seconds and slows the unit's movement by 50%
Level 3 Does 225 damage to one unit and then deals a small amount of damage for
45 seconds

Hot key: V
Summons an avatar of vengeance that resurrects invulnerable units from friendly

Unit: Panderan Brewmaster
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: none
AVG Level 1 Damage: 29
Base Health: 675
Cool Down: 2.22
Range: melee
Primary Attribute: strength
Strength Bonus Per Level:3
Agility Bonus Per Level:1.5
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight:180
Night Sight:80
Speed: Average 270
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: N
Mojo Dark-Ale, Sinjo Honeybrew, Kesha Wildbarley, Tatsa Sweetbarrow, Mushi Ale-
Hearth, Jinto Reedwine, Masha Storm-Stout, Polo Barrel-keg

Breath of fire
Hot key: F
Level 1 Does 50 damage to enemies within the area of effect (15) and does 10
damage per second for 5 seconds.
Level 2 Does 100 damage to enemies within the area of effect and does 20 damage
per second for 5 seconds.
Level 3 Does 150 damage to enemies within the area of effect and does 30 damage
per second for 5 seconds.

Drunken Haze
Hot key: D

Level 1 All enemies within the area of effect's (20) movement speed and chance of
hitting, are reduced by 50% for 12 seconds (5 for heroes)
Level 2 All enemies within the area of effect's (20) movement speed and chance of
hitting, are reduced by 50% and 65% for 12 seconds (5 for heroes)
Level 3 All enemies within the area of effect's (20) movement speed and chance of
hitting, are reduced by 50% and 80% for 12 seconds (5 for heroes)

Drunken Brawler
Level 1 Gives the Panderan Brewmaster a 7% chance that an attack will be dodged
and that the brew master will do 2 times the damage when attacking
Level 2 Gives the Panderan Brewmaster a 14% chance that an attack will be dodged
and that the brew master will do 3 times the damage when attacking
Level 3 Gives the Panderan Brewmaster a 21% chance that an attack will be dodged
and that the brew master will do 4 times the damage when attacking

Ultimate: Storm, Earth, and Fire
Hot key : E
Allows the Brewmaster to split into 3 different elements, Storm Earth and fire.
Each has their own spells and special skills. If at the end of their summoned
timer, one is alive, the brew master is brought back to life.

Unit: Beastmaster
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: none
AVG Level 1 Damage: 32
Base Health: 725
Cool Down: 2.2
Range: melee
Primary Attribute: Strength
Strength Bonus Per Level:2.9
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.3
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 1.8
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key : S
Mag Bearmaul, Tagar Bearclaw, Gorsh Talonfang, Maxx Rocmane, Gaz Boartusk, Mok
Rocksnout, Gish Eagle Eye

Summon Bear
Hot key: ?
Level 1 Summons a bear
Level 2 Summons a raging bear (learns bash)
Level 3 Summons a spirit bear (learns bash and teleport)

Summon quillbeast
Hot key: Q
Level 1 Summons quillbeast
Level 2 Summons dire quillbesat (learns frenzy)
Level 3 Summons Raging Quillbeast (learns frenzy and has AOE damage)

Summon Hawk
Level 1 Summons a hawk
Level 2 summons a thunder hawk (can attack)
Level 3 summons a spirit hawk (is invisible and can attack)

Ultimate: Stampede
Hot key: T
Calls thunder lizards to stampede and explode (each does 80 damage)

Unit: Pit Lord
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: normal
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: none
Level 1 Damage: 31
Base Health: 700
Cool Down:2.05
Range: melee
Primary Attribute: Strength
Strength Bonus Per Level: 3.2
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.3
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight:80
Speed: Fast (300)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: I
Azgalor, Brutillus, Mongrethod, Destromath, Gogonnash

*note, this neutral hero counts as undead, and can be damaged by Holy light as
well as healed by death coil

Rain of Fire
Hot key: F
Level 1 does 25 damage per wave for 6 waves and then 5 damage per second for 3
seconds to all units within the area of effect (20)
Level 2 does 30 damage per wave for 8 waves and then 10 damage per second for 3
seconds to all units within the area of effect (20)
Level 3 does 35 damage per wave for 10 waves and then 1

5 damage per second for 3 seconds to all units within the area of effect (20)

Cleaving Attack
Level 1 makes 25% of the pit lord's damage do damage to those in the area of
effect (15)
Level 2 makes 45% of the pit lord's damage do damage to those in the area of
effect (15
Level 3 makes 65% of the pit lord's damage do damage to those in the area of
effect (15

Howl of Terror
Level 1 Causes all enemy units within an area of effect (50) to do 30% less damage
Level 2 Causes all enemy units within an area of effect (50) to do 40% less damage
Level 3 Causes all enemy units within an area of effect (50) to do 50% less damage

Ultimate: Doom
Marks an enemy unit to take 40 damage per second until it dies and is resurrected
as a Doom Guard.

Unit: Dark Ranger
Cost: 425 gold 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: same as normal damage
AVG Level 1 Damage: 26
Base Health: 550
Cool Down: 2.46
Range: 60
Primary Attribute: agility
Strength Bonus Per Level:1.9
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1.5
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 2.6
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: R
Names: Nara Pathstrider, Anya Eversong, Anthis Sunbow, Clea Deathstrider, Cyndia
Hawkspear, Mira Shadewither, Amora Eagleye, Siren Ghostsong, Somand Wayfinder

Black Arrow
Hot key: B
Level 1 Adds 2 damage to the dark Rangers attack and if the unit is killed while
under the affect of the black arrow, it creates a lesser dark minion (a skeleton)
Level 2 Adds 10 damage to the dark Rangers attack and if the unit is killed while
under the affect of the black arrow, it creates a dark minion (a skeleton)
Level 3 Adds 20 damage to the dark Rangers attack and if the unit is killed while
under the affect of the black arrow, it creates a greater dark minion (a skeleton)

Hot key: E
Level 1 Prevents units in an area of effect (20) from casting spells for 16
seconds (8 for heroes)
Level 2 Prevents units in an area of effect (27.5) from casting spells for 20
seconds (10 for heroes)
Level 3 Prevents units in an area of effect (35) from casting spells for 24
seconds (12 for heroes)

Life drain
Hot key: D
Level 1 Absorbs 20 hp per second of a target enemy unit giving it to the dark
ranger for 8 seconds
Level 2 Absorbs 35 hp per second of a target enemy unit giving it to the dark
ranger for 8 seconds
Level 3 Absorbs 50 hp per second of a target enemy unit giving it to the dark
ranger for 8 seconds

Hot key: C
Takes over an enemy unit or creep (below level 6), similar to possession without
sacrificing a unit.

Unit: Naga Seawitch
Cost: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 food
Attack Type: Hero
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Hero
Air Attack: same as normal damage
AVG Level 1 Damage: 29
Base Health: 475
Cool Down: 1.9
Range: 60
Primary Attribute: intelligence
Strength Bonus Per Level: 2
Agility Bonus Per Level: 1
Intelligence Bonus Per Level: 3.2
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana Regeneration: .01
Day Sight:180
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 55
Hot Key: G
Anna Kondra, Scilla Murkshadow, Ursula Snakemane, Lady Venomtongue, Lady
Serpentra, Lady Darkscale, Serena Scarscale, Asprah Serpus, Venna Seastorm,

Frost arrow
Hot key: R
Level 1 Slows down a targeted unit's attack rate by 30% and movement by 30%, and
lasts for 5 seconds (1.5 for heroes)
Level 2 Slows down a targeted unit's attack rate by 50% and movement by 50%, and
lasts for 5 seconds (1.5 for heroes)
Level 3 Slows down a targeted unit's attack rate by 70% and movement by 70%, and
lasts for 5 seconds (1.5 for heroes)

Mana Shield
Hot key: N
Level 1 Makes a shield that takes 1 damage per point of mana
Level 2 Makes a shield that takes 1.5 damage per point of mana
Level 3 Makes a shield that takes 2 damage per point of mana

Forked Lightning
Hot key: F
Level 1 Hits 3 units dealing 85 damage per unit
Level 2 Hits 3 units dealing 160 damage per unit
Level 3 Hits 3 units dealing 250 damage per unit

Hot key: T
Summons a tornado, which randomly tosses non-flying enemies in the air and does 50
damage per second to buildings directly on it and 7 to those surrounding it.


Human Units

Unit: Peasant
Level: 1
Cost: 75 gold 1food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: normal
Weapon Type: normal
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: )
Ground Attack: (average base) 5.5
Air attack: none
Heal Regen.: Always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: melee
Day Sight: 80
Night Sight: 60
Speed: slow (190)
Build Time: 15
Built at: Town Hall
Requirements: none
Hotkey: P
Call To Arms-Turns the peasant into a militia

Unit: Footman
Level: 2
Cost: 135 gold 2 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Normal
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Heavy
Armor: 2 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base)
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.35
HP: 420
Health Regen.: always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: melee
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 20
Built at: Barracks
Requirements: none
Hotkey: F
Defend-reduces piercing damage to the footman by 70% but slows them by 30%

Unit: Rifleman
Level: 3
Cost: 205 gold 30 wood 3 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Pierce
Weapon Type: Instant
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 21
Air attack: 21 ( avg base)
Cooldown: 1.5
HP: 520
Health Regen.: always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range:40 (60 with upgrade)
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 26
Built at: Barracks
Requirements: Blacksmith
Hotkey: R
Skills: none (can learn long rifles)

Unit: Priest
Level: 2
Cost: 13 gold 10 lumber 2 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Magic
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 0
Ground Attack: (average base) 8.5
Air attack: 8.5 (avg)
Cooldown: 2
HP: 290 (base)
Health Regen.: Always
Mana: 200 (base)
Mana Regen: .667 (base)
Range: 60
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 28
Built at: Arcane Sanctum
Requirements: Keep
Hotkey: P
Heal (initiate): heals a target unit (allied and organic) for 20 hp
Dispel (adept): Removes all buffs/magic within an area of effect (20)
Inner fire (master): Increases a units damage by 10% and armor by 5

Unit: Sorceress
Level: 2
Cost: 155 gold 20 lumber 2 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Magic
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 0
Ground Attack: (average base) 9
Air attack: (base avg) 9
Cooldown: 1.75
HP: 325 (base)
Health Regen.: Always
Mana:200 (base)
Mana Regen: .667 (base)
Range: 60
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 30
Built at: Arcane Sanctum
Requirements: Keep
Hotkey: S
Slow (initiate): slows an enemy unit's attack rate 25% and movement 60% for 60
Invisibility (adept): makes an organic unit invisible for 120 seconds
Polymorph (master): Turns a unit into a sheep for 60 seconds changing it's armor
type to medium. Can't be cast on heroes or summoned units.

Unit: Spell breaker
Level: 2
Cost: 215 gold 30 wood 3 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: Normal
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 3 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 14
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.9
HP: 600
Health Regen.: Always
Mana: 250
Mana Regen: .8
Range: 25
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (300)
Build Time: 28
Built at: Arcane sanctum
Requirements: Arcane Vault
Hotkey: B
Spell Steal: Steals a buff from an enemy and gives it to a friendly unit, also
takes a harmful buff from a friendly unit and places it on an enemy unit.
Control Magic (researched): Gives the spell breakers the ability to control an
enemy summoned unit (cost for control is relative to hit points of controlled
Spell immunity: Cannot be hit by spells or magic damage
Feed back: Causes the spell breaker to destroy 20 (5) mana from a unit per and 1
damage for every mana point destroyed per attack.

Unit: Flying Machine
Level: 1
Cost: 90 gold 30 wood 1 food
Unit Type: Mechanical
Attack Type: Pierce (siege if upgraded)
Weapon Type: Instant (missile if upgraded)
Armor Type: heavy
Armor: 2 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) none (7.5 if upgraded)
Air attack: 12.5 (average base)
Cooldown: 2.5 (ground if upgraded) 2 (air)
HP: 175
Health Regen.: no
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: melee (ground if upgraded) 50 (air)
Day Sight: 180
Night Sight: 110
Speed: Very Fast (400)
Build Time: 25
Built at: Workshop
Requirements: none
Hotkey: G
Gyrocopter Bombs-allows Fling Machine to do siege damage to land units
Flak Cannons: Gives Flying Machine area of effect damage to air units

Unit: Mortar team
Level: 3
Cost: 180 gold, 70 wood, 3 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: Siege
Weapon Type: Artillery
Armor Type: heavy
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 58
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 3.5
HP: 360
Health Regen. Always:
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: Minimum:25 maximum: 115
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 120
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 40
Built at: Workshop
Requirements: none
Hot key: M
Flare-shoots a flare that reveals a target area (180) for 15 seconds)
Fragmentation shards: increases area of effect damage of mortars

Unit: Dragon Hawk Rider
Level: 3
Cost: 235 gold 40 wood 3 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Pierce
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 1 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 20
Air attack: 20 (average base)
Cooldown: 1.7
HP: 700 (base)
Health Regen.: Always
Mana: 300
Mana Regen: .75
Range: 300
Day Sight:140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (350)
Build Time: 45
Built at: Gryphon Aviary
Requirements: Arcane Vault
Hotkey: H
Cloud-makes a cloud that stops buildings with ranged attacks in the area of effect
(30) from attacking for 30 seconds or until the spell is interrupted.
Aerial Shackles-traps an enemy in shackles doing 20 damage for 40 seconds or until
the spell is interrupted
(can also learn animal war training)

Unit: Steam Tank/War Engine
Cost: 195 gold 60 wood 3 food
Unit Type: Mechanical
Attack Type: Siege
Weapon Type: Instant
Armor Type: Fortified
Armor: 2 ( base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 50
Air attack: none (25 if war engine is researched)
Cooldown: 2.1
HP: 700
Health Regen.: No
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: 19
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Slow (220)
Build Time: 55
Built at: Workshop
Requirements: Castle
Hotkey: T
Barrage: fires 10 rockets doing 25 damage to 10 flying units within range (50)

Unit: Knight
Level: 4
Cost: 245 gold 60 wood 4 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Normal
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Heavy
Armor: 5 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 31
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.5
HP: 800 (base)
Health Regen.: Always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: Melee
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: fast (350)
Build Time: 45
Built at: Barracks
Requirements: Castle
(can learn Animal War Training)

Unit: Gryphon Rider
Level: 5
Cost: 280 gold, 70 wood 4 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Magic
Weapon Type: Line
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base)
Air attack: 50 avg
Cooldown: 2.2 (ground ) 2.4 (air)
HP: 825 (base)
Health Regen.: Always
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: 45
Day Sight: 160
Night Sight: 90
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 45
Built at: Gryphon Aviary
Requirements: Castle
Hotkey: G
Storm Hammers-causes the hammers thrown by the gryphon riders to go through the
initial target and on to the next unit, doing damage to both. This only works for
ground units.

Orc Units

Unit: Peon
Level: 1
Cost: 75 gold 1 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Normal
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 0
Ground Attack: (average base) 7.5
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 3
HP: 250
Health Regen.: always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: melee
Day Sight: 80
Night Sight: 60
Speed: slow (190)
Build Time: 15
Built at: Great Hall
Requirements: none
Hotkey: P
Pillage- allows the unit to gain resources as it damages buildings. A fully
destroyed building, yields 50% of its original cost.

Unit: Grunt
Level: 3
Cost: 200 gold 3 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Normal
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Heavy
Armor: 1 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base)
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.6
HP: 700 (base)
Health Regen.: always
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: melee
Day Sight:140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: average (270)
Build Time: 30
Built at: Barracks
Requirements: none
Hotkey: G
Pillage- allows the unit to gain resources as it damages buildings. A fully
destroyed building, yields 50% of its original cost.
(can also learn Berserker Strength)

Unit: Troll Head Hunter
Cost: 135 gold 20 wood 2 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Piercing
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 25
Air attack: (average base) 34
Cooldown: 2.34
HP: 350
Health Regen.: Always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 22
Built at: Barracks
Requirements: War mill
Hotkey: T
Berserker Upgrade -transforms all headhunters into berserkers
(can also learn Troll regeneration)

Unit: Troll Berserker
Cost: 135 gold 20 wood 2 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Piercing
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 25
Air attack: (average base) 34
Cooldown: 2.34
HP: 450
Health Regen.: Always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 22
Built at: Barracks
Requirements: War mill
Hotkey: T
Berserk-causes the Troll Berserker, but take 50% more damage
(can learn troll regeneration)

Unit: Demolisher
Level: 4
Cost: 220 gold 50 wood 4 food
Unit Type: Mechanical
Attack Type: Siege
Weapon Type: Artillery
Armor Type: heavy
Armor: 2 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base)
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 4.5
HP: 425
Health Regen.: No
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: Minimum:25 Maximum :115
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 120
Speed: slow (220)
Build Time: 45
Built at: Barracks
Requirements: Stronghold, war mill
Hotkey: C
Burning oil- Allows the demolisher's attack to start a flame strike that lasts for
2.5 seconds

Unit: Shaman
Level: 2
Cost: 130 gold 20 wood, 2 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: Magic
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 0
Ground Attack: (average base) 8.5
Air attack: (average base) 8.5
Cooldown: 2.1
HP: 335 (base)
Health Regen.: Always
Mana: 200 (base)
Mana Regen:.667 (base)
Range: 60
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 30
Built at: Spirit Lodge
Hotkey: S
Purge (initiate): removes all buffs from a target and slows it by 5 for 15 seconds
(5 for heroes). The slow is only effective on enemy units.
Lightning shield (adept): Causes a shield to form around a target unit doing 20
damage per second to units around it for 20 seconds.
Bloodlust (master): increases an allied unit's movement by 25% and attack rate by

Unit: Witch Doctor
Level: 2
Cost: 145 gold 25 wood 2 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: magic
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 0
Ground Attack: (average base) 12
Air attack: (avg base) 12
Cooldown: 1.875
HP: 315 (base)
Health Regen.: always
Mana: 200
Mana Regen: .667 (base)
Range: 60
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 30
Built at: Spirit Lodge
Hotkey: W
Sentry ward (initiate): summons a stationary ward for scouting that is invisible
and lasts for 600 seconds or until destroyed.
Stasis Trap ward (adept): summons a stationary and invisible ward that stuns all
enemies within the area of effect (50) when activated when an enemy is near.
Healing ward (master): summons a stationary ward that heals 2% of a unit's health
per second. These do not stack, at last 30 seconds or until they are destroyed

Unit: Spirit Walker
Level: 2
Cost: 195 gold 35 wood 3 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: magic
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 19.5
Air attack: 19.5 (average base)
Cooldown: 1.75
HP: 500 (base)
Health Regen.: always
Mana:300 (base)
Mana Regen: 1 (base)
Range: 40
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time:42
Built at: Spirit Lodge
Requirements: Keep, Voodoo Lounge
Hotkey: T
Corporeal/ethereal form
Spirit Link (initiate)- Links 4 units together distributing 50% of the damage that
one takes across the spirit link with the other 3 units (prevents effects of focus
Disenchant (adept): removes all positive and negative buffs within an area ( 25)
and deals 250 damage to summoned units.
Ancestral Sprit (master): Raises a dead tauren from the dead with full health
(does not work with Tauren chieftain or hero taurens).

Unit: Raider
Level: 3
Cost: 180 gold 40 wood 3 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Siege
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 1 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 25
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.85
HP: 610
Health Regen.: Always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: Melee
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (350)
Build Time: 28
Built at: Bestiary
Requirements: none
Hotkey: R
Ensnare-causes an enemy to be immobile for 15 (2.5 for heroes) seconds (air units
are brought to the ground)
Pillage- allows the unit to gain resources as it damages buildings. A fully
destroyed building, yields 50% of its original cost.

Unit: Kodo Beast
Level: 4
Cost: 255 gold
Unit Type:
Attack Type:
Weapon Type:
Armor Type: ?
Armor: 1
Ground Attack: (average base) 18
Air attack: 1
Cooldown: 18
HP: 1.44
Health Regen.: always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Slow (220)
Build Time: 30
Built at: Bestiary
Hotkey: K
War Drums

Unit: Troll Bat Rider
Level: 4
Cost: 160 gold 40 wood 2 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: siege
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 11.5
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.8
HP: 500
Health Regen.: Always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: 30
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time:25
Built at: Bestiary
Requirements: voodoo lounge
Hotkey: B
Unstable Concoction-the bat rider explodes and deals 900 damage to all air units
within the area of effect (20)
Liquid Fire-allows the bat rider to throw liquid on buildings that take damage
over time and attack 80% slower.
(also benefit from troll regeneration)

Unit: Wind Rider
Level: 4
Cost: 265 gold 40 lumber 4 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Pierce
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 40
Air attack: (average base) 40
Cooldown: 2
HP: 600
Health Regen.: always
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: 45
Day Sight: 160
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast 320
Build Time: 35
Built at: Bestiary
Requirements: stronghold
Hotkey: W
Envenomed Spears-gives a poison effect to the wind rider's attack. A unit hit by
an envenomed spear takes an additional 4 damage per second for 10 seconds.

Unit: Tauren
Level: 5
Cost: 280 gold 80 wood 5 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: normal
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Heavy
Armor: 3 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 33
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.9
HP: 1300
Health Regen.: Always
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: melee
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 50
Built at: Tauren Totem
Requirements: Hotkey: T
Gives the tauren a 25% chance of dealing an area of effect attack (25/35 dealing
60/30 damage)

Undead Units:

Unit: Acolyte
Level: 1
Cost: 75 gold 1 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Normal
Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 0
Ground Attack: (average base) 9.5
Air attack: None
Cooldown: 2.5
HP: 220
Health Regen.: Blight
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: melee
Day Sight: 80
Night Sight: 60
Speed: Slow (220)
Build Time: 15
Built at: Necropolis
Requirements: none
Hotkey: C
Unsummon-allows the acolyte to unsummon a building and gain 50% of the spent
Sacrifice-allows the acolyte to sacrifice itself at a sacrificial pit and turn
into a shade.

Unit: Ghoul
Level: 2
Cost: 120 gold 2 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: normal
Weapon Type: normal
Armor Type: Heavy
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 13
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.3 (1.05 fully upgraded)
HP: 340
Health Regen.: Blight
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: melee
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: average (270) (fast 350 fully upgraded)
Build Time: 18
Built at: Crypt
Hotkey: G
Cannibalize: the unit consumes a corpse to gain 10 hp per second for 33 seconds or
until at full health
Ghoul Frenzy- increases attack rate of ghouls by .25 and increases their speed by

Unit: Crypt Fiend
Level: 3
Cost: 215 gold, ? wood, 3 food)
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: pierce
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 28.5
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 2
HP: 550
Health Regen.: blight
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: 55
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight:80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 30
Built at: Crypt
Requirements: Graveyard
Hotkey: F
Web: bring an enemy air unit to the ground for 12 seconds
Burrow: allows the crypt fiend to burrow into the ground and heal 5 hp per second
until they are killed or come out of the burrow.

Unit: Gargoyle
Level: 2
Cost: 185
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Pierce/normal (ground/air)
Weapon Type: Missile/normal (ground/air)
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 3 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 19.5
Air attack: (average base) 65.5
Cooldown: 2.2/1.4 (ground/air)
HP: 410
Health Regen.: Blight
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range:30/melee (ground/air)
Day Sight: 160
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 35
Built at: Crypt
Requirements: Graveyard, Halls of the Dead
Hotkey: A
Stone form: Makes the gargoyle land on the ground, gain 12 armor and spell
immunity, in addition to giving it a regeneration rate of 8 hp per second.

Unit: Necromancer
Level: 2
Cost: 145 gold 20 wood 2 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: magic
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 0
Ground Attack: (average base) 8.5
Air attack: (average base) 8.5
Cooldown: 1.8
HP: 305 (base)
Health Regen.: blight
Mana:200 (base)
Mana Regen: .667 (base)
Day Sight:140
Night Sight: 90
Speed: average (270)
Build Time: 30
Built at: Temple of the Damned
Hotkey: N
Raise Dead (initiate): raises two skeleton warriors (if upgraded raises 1 warrior
and 1 skeletal mage) from a corpse.
Unholy frenzy (adept): increases the attack rate of a unit by 75% but also drains
4 hp per seconds. The effect lasts for 45 seconds.
Cripple (master): Reduces a unit's movement speed by 75%, attack rate by 50% and
damage by 50% for 60 seconds (10 for heroes).

Unit: Banshee
Level: 3
Cost: cost 155 gold 30 wood 2 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: magic
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 0
Ground Attack: (average base) 11
Air attack: (average base) 11
Cooldown: 1.5
HP:285 (base)
Health Regen.: blight
Mana: 200 (base)
Mana Regen: .667 (base)
Range: 50
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 35
Built at: Temple of the Damned
Hotkey: B
Curse (initiate):causes a target enemy unit to have a 33% chance of missing for
120 seconds.
Anti-magic Shell (adept): Creates a shell around a unit, which gives it spell
Posess (master): Takes Control of an enemy unit, but sacrifices the banshee. This
only works on organic ground units under level 6, and does not work on heroes.

Unit: Meat Wagon
Cost: 230 gold 50 wood 4 food
Unit Type: Mechanical
Attack Type: siege
Weapon Type: artillery
Armor Type: heavy
Armor: 2
Ground Attack: (average base) 79.5
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 4
HP: 380
Health Regen.: none
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: minimum:25 maximum:115
Day Sight:140
Night Sight: 120
Speed: Slow (220)
Build Time:
Built at: Slaughterhouse
Hotkey: M
Skills: 45
Disease cloud: Whenever a meat wagon attacks a disease cloud will occur and do 1
damage per second for 120 seconds to enemies within the area of effect (undead are
Exhume corpses: allows the meat wagon to generate corpses (for cannibalize or
raise dead)
Get/drop corpse: allows the meat wagon to store a corpse and drop it for use.

Unit: Obsidian Statue
Level: 2
Cost: 200 gold 35 wood 3 food
Unit Type: mechanical
Attack Type: magic
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: heavy
Armor: 1
Ground Attack: (average base) 7.5
Air attack: 7.5 (average)
Cooldown: 2.1
HP: 700
Health Regen.: none
Mana: 600
Mana Regen: 1.5
Range: 57.5
Day Sight: 120
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 45
Built at: Slaughterhouse
Requirements: Tomb of Relics
Hotkey: O
Essence of blight: heals 10 heal to up to 5 units within the area of effect of
the spell (60)
Spirit touch: restores 5 mana to up to 5 units within the area of effect of the
spell (60)
Destroyer Form: Turns the statue into a flying anti-caster (irreversible)

Unit: Shade
Level: 1
Cost: 1 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: n/a
Weapon Type: n/a
Armor Type: medium
Armor: 0
Ground Attack: (average base) none
Air attack: none
Cooldown: n/a
HP: 125
Health Regen.: blight
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: n/a
Day Sight: 190
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (350)
Build Time: 15
Built at: Sacrificial Pit
Hotkey: n/a
True sight: allows the shade to see invisible units.

Unit: Destroyer
Cost: 5 food (however, it costs 75 gold and 150 wood to morph)
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: magic
Weapon Type: splash
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 4 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base)
Air attack: 22.5 ( average base)
Cooldown: 1.35
HP: 900
Health Regen.: blight
Mana: 400
Mana Regen: -3
Range: 45
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 100
Speed: fast 320
Build Time: n/a
Built at: Obsidian Statue
Requirements: Destroyer upgrade, black citadel, tomb of relics
Hotkey: T
Absorb mana: takes mana from a friendly unit and gives it to the destoryer
Devour: consumes all positive and negative buffs from units in the area of effect
(20. Each unit that is devoured from gives the destroyer 25 hp and 50 mana.
Deals 180 damage to units that are summoned.
Orb of Annhilation: gives 20 damage to the destroyer's attack and gives him the
ability to do area of effect damage.
Spell Immunity: Gives the unit immunity from spells and magic damage.

Unit: Frost Wyrm
Level: 6
Cost: 385 gold 120 wood 7 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Magic
Weapon Type:Msplash
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 1 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 95
Air attack: 95 (base)
Cooldown: 3
HP: 1350
Health Regen.: blight
Mana Regen: n/a
Day Sight: 160
Night Sight: 80
Speed: slow (220)
Build Time: 60
Built at: Boneyard
Hotkey: F
Freezing breath: When the frost wyrm attacks a building it stops all functions of
the building for 5 seconds.

Unit: Abomination
Level: 4
Cost: 240 gold 70 wood 4 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: normal
Weapon Type: normal
Armor Type: Heavy
Armor: 2 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 36
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.9
HP: 1080
Health Regen.: blight
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: melee
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 45
Built at: Slaughterhouse
Requirements: Black Citadel
Hotkey: A
Disease cloud: Gives abominations an aura that deals 1 damage for 120 seconds to
enemy units near it (undead are immune).
Cannibalize: the unit consumes a corpse to gain 15 hp per second for 33 seconds or
until at full health

Night Elf Units
*note all night elf units benefit from a researchable upgrade that allows them to
see as well at night as they do during the day. All night sight is before the
Unit: Wisp
Level: 1
Cost: 60
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: none
Weapon Type: none
Armor Type: Medium
Ground Attack: (average base)
Air attack: none
Cooldown: n/a
HP: 120
Health Regen.: Night
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: n/a
Day Sight: 100
Night Sight: 75
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 14
Built at: Tree of Life
Requirements: none
Hotkey: W
Detonate-the wisp explodes dispelling all buffs in the area of effect (35) and
dealing 225 damage to summoned units.

Unit: Archer
Level: 2
Cost: 130 gold 10 wood 2 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: pierce
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 17
Air attack: (average base) 17
Cooldown: 1.5
HP: 240
Health Regen.: Night
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: 50 (can be upgraded to 70)
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 20
Built at: Ancient of War
Hotkey: A
Elune's Grace: archers take 35% less damage from piercing and lowers damage taken
from spells and magic attacks by 20%
Shadow meld-allows an archer to turn invisible at night while stationary.
Mount hippogryph: allows an archer to ride a hippogryph and fire from the air
(can also learn marksmanship and improved bows)

Unit: Huntress
Level: 3
Cost: 195 gold 20 wood 3 food
Unit Type normal:
Attack Type: normal
Weapon Type: mbounce
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 2 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 17
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.8
HP: 600
Health Regen.: night
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: 22
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: fast (350)
Build Time: 30
Built at: Ancient of War
Requirements: Hunter's Hall
Hotkey: H
Sentinel-Puts an owl sentry on a nearby tree for scouting purposes. These lasts
for the entire game or until the tree is destroyed
Shadow meld-allows an archer to turn invisible at night while stationary

Unit: Glaive Thrower (formerly known as the Ballista)
Level: 4
Cost: 210 gold 65 wood 3 food
Unit Type: Mechanical
Attack Type: Siege
Weapon Type: aline
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 2
Ground Attack: (average base)
Air attack: none
HP: 300
Health Regen.: no
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: Minimum 25 Maximum 115
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 120
Speed: Slow (22)
Build Time: 48
Built at: Ancient of War
Requirements: Hunter's Hall
Hotkey: B
Impaling bolt: allows the glaive to strike through the initial target ground
damage those behind. IT also allows the glaive thrower to damage trees.

Unit: Dryad
Level: 2
Cost: 145 gold 60 wood 3 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: pierce
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 17
Air attack: (average base) 17
Cooldown: 2
HP: 435
Health Regen.: Night
Mana Regen: .75
Range: 50
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (350)
Build Time:
Built at: Ancient of Lore
Requirements: none
Hotkey: D
Abolish magic-dispels positive buffs from enemy units and negative buffs from
friendly units. This also does 300 damage to units that are summoned.
Slow poison- gives the dryad's attack the ability to last for 5 (1 for heroes)
seconds dealing 8 damage per second and slows movement by 50% and attack speed by
Spell immunity-makes this unit immune to spells and magic damage

Unit: Druid of the Claw
Level: 4
Cost: 255 gold 80 lumber 4 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: normal
Weapon Type: normal
Armor Type: heavy
Armor: 1 (base) 3 (bear form base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 20.5 (36.5 average base for bear form)
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 1.5
HP: 430 (base) 960 (base bear form)
Health Regen: night
Mana: 200 (base)
Mana Regen: .667 (base) .75 (bear form)
Range: melee
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time: 30
Built at: Ancient of lore
Requirements: Tree of ages (master druid of the claw training for bear form)
Hotkey: C
Night elf form: Transforms the unit into a night elf allowing him to cast spells
such as rejuvenate and regenerate mana faster.
Roar (initiate): Roar increases all units within the area of effect's (50) damage
by 25%
Rejuvenate (adept): heals a unit 400 hp over 12 seconds.
Bear form (master): Transforms the druid into the bear allowing him to do more
(can learn enchanted bears to allow roar in bear form)

Unit: Mountain Giant
Level: 6
Cost: 425 gold 100 lumber 7 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Siege/siege
Armor Type: Medium
Armor:4 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base)
Air attack: none
HP: 2.5
Health Regen.: night
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: melee
Day Sight: 120
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270)
Build Time:
Built at: Ancient of Lore
Requirements: Tree of Ages Ancient of Wonders
Hotkey: M
Taunt-gives the command for all units to target this unit in the area of effect
War Club- allows the mountain giant to pick up a tree and gain a siege attack that
lasts for 15 hits.
(can learn hardened skin and resistant skin)

Unit: Hippogrpyh
Level: 2
Cost: 160
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Normal

Weapon Type: Normal
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base): none
Air attack: 53
Cooldown: 1.05
Health Regen.: Night
Mana: none
Mana Regen: n/a
Range: Melee
Day Sight: 160
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast 350
Build Time: 40
Built at: Ancient of the Wind
Hotkey: H
Pick up archer: Picks up an archer to make a hippogryph rider.

Unit: Hypogriph rider
Level: 4
Cost: 4 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: pierce
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 17
Air attack: (average base) 17
Cooldown: 1.25
HP: 765
Health Regen.: night
Mana: none
Mana Regen:
Range: 40 (base)
Day Sight: 160
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: n/a
Built at: n/a
Requirements: Mount Hippogryph upgrade
Hotkey: n/a
Decouple Archer and hippogryph: Dismounts the Archer from the hippogryph putting
it back on the ground.
(can also learn marksmanship and improved bows)

Unit: Druid of the talon
Level: 2
Cost: 135 gold 20 wood 2 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Magic
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Unarmored
Armor: 0 (base in both forms)
Ground Attack: (average base) 12 (druid form) none (stone crow form)
Air attack: (average base) 12 (druid form) 38 (stone crow form)
Cooldown: 1.6 (druid form) 1.75 (stone crow form)
HP: 200 (base druid form) 300 (base stone crow form)
Health Regen: Night
Mana:200 (base druid form) 300 (base stone crow form)
Mana Regen: .667 (base druid form) .75 (base stone crow form)
Range: 60
Day Sight: 160
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Average (270, druid form) Fast (320 stone form)
Build Time: 22
Built at: Ancient of Wind
Requirements: druid of the talon adept for stone crow form, none for druid form
Hotkey: T
Night elf form: Allows the unit to cast spells such as cyclone
Faerie Fire (initiate): reduces an enemy's armor by 5 and gives vision of that
unit for 120 seconds
Stone Crow Form (adept): allows the druid to turn into stone crow form allowing
better damage against air units.
Cyclone (master): throws a unit up into the air taking it out of the field for 20
seconds (6 for heroes) or until it is dispelled.
(can also learn enchanted crows)

Unit: Faerie Dragon
Cost: 155 gold 25 wood 2 food
Unit Type: normal
Attack Type: pierce
Weapon Type: missile
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 0 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base) 13.5
Air attack: (average base) 13.5
Cooldown: 1.75
HP: 450
Health Regen.: Night
Mana: 200
Mana Regen: .75
Range: 30
Day Sight: 160
Night Sight:100
Speed: Fast (350)
Build Time: 25
Built at: Ancient of Wind
Requirements: ancient of wonders
Hotkey: F
Phase Shift: Causes the Faerie dragon to disappear out of play disallowing it to
move attack cast spells be attacked or have spells cast on it. It has the taunt-
like affect that causes those attacking it to switch targets.
Mana Flare: Turns faerie dragon into a ball gaining 12 armor and causing damage
to any enemies within the area of effect (75) for 30 seconds or until

Unit: Chimera
Level: 5
Cost: 330 gold 70 wood 5 food
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Magic (corrosive breath does Siege_
Weapon Type: Mslpash/ (corrosive breath is Missile)
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 2 (base)
Ground Attack: (average base): 75 (normal attack) 50 (corrosive breath on
Air attack: none
Cooldown: 2.5
Health Regen.: night
Mana Regen:
Range: 45 (70 for corrosive breath)
Day Sight: 160
Night Sight: 80
Speed: Slow (220)
Build Time: 65
Built at: Chimera Roost
Requirements: none
Hotkey: C
Corrosive Breath: Allows the chimera to do siege damage against buildings.

III. Armor and Attack/Armor Info
Wacraft III is set up on a system of counters that effect how much damage a unit
does. This is based on the type of attack the damage doer has, and the type of
armor the unit/building taking damage has. You can tell what type of armor and
attack a unit has by looking at the info next to its portrait or looking through
the unit guide in this FAQ. Here is a graph showing the % of damage done for
each attack type on each damage type.
Light Medium Heavy Fortified Hero Unarmored
Normal 100 150 100 70 100 100
Pierce 200 75 100 35 50 150
Siege 100 50 100 150 50 150
Magic 125 75 200 35 50 100
Chaos 100 100 100 100 100 100
Spells 100 100 100 100 75 100
Hero 100 100 100 50 100 100

The amount of armor also determines the amount of damage reduction or increase .
To figure out the amount of damage reduced if you have positive armor use the
((armor)*.06/(1+.06 (armor).
For damage increase with negative armor use the equation
if you don't have the math skills for this, you can just look at the chart on
battle.net at the website: www.battle.net/war3/pdf/armorattackdefense.pdf

IV. Shop Info
One of the most important parts of TFT is the introduction of player built shops,
each race has their own, and here is a guide for each one.
Tier 1:
Scroll of Regeneration: 100 gold, Regenerates the hit points of all friendly non-
mechanical units in an area around your hero by 225 over 45 seconds when used.
Lesser Clarity Potion: 70 gold, Regenerates the hero's mana by 100 over 30 seconds
when used.
Mechanical Critter: 50 gold, creates a player-controlled critter that can be used
to scout enemies.
Tier 2:
Potion of healing: 150 gold, heals 250 hit points when used
Potion of mana: 200 gold, restores 150 mana when used
Scroll of town portal: 350 gold, Teleports the hero and any of it's nearby troops
to a target friendly town hall.
Ivory Tower: 30 gold, 20 lumber, Creates a scout tower at a target location.
Tier 3:
Orb of fire: 375 gold, Adds 5 bonus fire damage to the attack of a hero when
carried. The hero's attack also become ranged when attacking air and do splash
damage to nearby enemy units.
Staff of Sanctuary: 250 gold, teleport s a target unit to your highest level town
hall, stunning the unit and regenerating 10 hit points per seconds. Lasts until
the unit is fully healed.
Night Elf
Tier 1:
Moonstone: 50 gold, Causes an eclipse that blocks out the sun and creates an
artificial night. Lasts 30 seconds
Lesser Clarity Potion:70 gold, Regenerates the hero's mana by 100 over 30 seconds
when used
Dust of Appearance: 75 gold, Reveals enemy units in an area around the hero.
Contains 2 charges, lasts 20 seconds.

Tier 2:
Potion of healing: 150 gold, heals 250 hit points when used
Potion of mana: 200 gold, restores 150 mana when used
Scroll of town portal: 350 gold, Teleports the hero and any of its nearby troops
to a target friendly town hall.
Staff of Preservation: 200 gold, teleports a target friendly unit to its highest-
level town hall
Tier 3:
Orb of venom: 375 gold, adds 5-bonus damage to the attack of a hero when carried.
The hero's attack also becomes ranged when attacking air and poison enemy units
for 10 seconds.
Anti-magic potion: 100 gold, gives the hero immunity to magical spells for 10

Tier 1:
Rod of necromancy: 150 gold. Creates two skeleton warriors from a corpse.
Contains 4 charges.
Sacrificial skull: 50 gold, Creates an area of blight at a target location
Moonstone: 50 gold, Causes an eclipse that blocks out the sun and creates an
artificial night. Lasts 30 seconds
Tier 2:
Potion of healing: 150 gold, heals 250 hit points when used
Potion of mana: 200 gold, restores 150 mana when used
Scroll of town portal: 350 gold, Teleports the hero and any of its nearby troops
to a target friendly town hall.
Tier 3:
Orb of corruption: 375 gold, adds 5-bonus damage to the attack of a hero when
carried. The hero's attacks also become ranged when attacking air and reduce the
armor of enemy units for 5 seconds.

Tier 1: Healing Salve: 100 gold, Regenerates a target unit's hit points by 400
over 45 seconds when used. Contains 3 charges
Lesser Clarity Potion: 70 gold, Regenerates the hero's mana by 100 over 30 seconds
when used
Scroll of Speed: 50 gold, increases the movement speed of the hero and nearby
allied units to the maximum movement speed. Lasts 10 seconds
Tier 2:
Potion of healing: 150 gold, heals 250 hit points when used
Potion of mana: 200 gold, restores 150 mana when used
Scroll of town portal: 350 gold, Teleports the hero and any of its nearby troops
to a target friendly town hall.
Tier 3:
Orb of lightning: 375 gold, adds 5-bonus damage to the attack of a hero hen
carried. The hero's attack also become ranged when attacking air, and has a
chance to dispel magic and slow the movement speed of the enemy for 3 seconds.
Deals 150-bonus damage to summoned units.
Tiny great hall: 600 gold, 185 wood, Creates a great hall at a target location.
Human, night elf, and Undead players, will get their racial equivalent to town


V. Walkthrough
Night Elf Missions

Point Distribution for Maiev:
(Your first two are already picked (blink/fan of knives)
You should go
Fan/blink/blink/vengeance/Fan/shadow strike/shadow strike/shadow strike
You will see why getting level 3 blink at level 5 is the best choice.
Mission 1: Rise of The Naga
Though the demolord archimonde and the burning legion were finally defeated at the
battle of mount Hyjal much of Ashen evale forest remains tainted by foul, demonic
energies. The combined efforts of both the druids and the sentinels have brought
a tenuous peace to the northlands, but dark creatures still lurk within the
shadowed woods. In this perilous time, Maiev Shadowsong, the warden who once
guarded Illidan's barrow prison, has come forth to hunter her dangerous prey-and
chain him once again beneath the cold earth

Start off the mission by taking your group of units and attacking the gate so it
crashes open. Maiev wonders what sacked the village, continue north and kill the
Mur'guls. Go to the left and take the Rune of lesser healing and continue west.
As you past through the gate there will be a cutscene about the furlbogs, kill
them, and they should go down pretty quickly with fank of knives and focus firing
with your archers.
Continue east and slay the Satyrs, and follow the path north to meet up with some
more units, and learn about your first optional quest

Optional Quest: enraged beast
-Slay the Wildkin
Take your new units and head east. After you pass a village that has been sacked
by illidan you'll see the wildkin. If you want to complete the mission have
defeat the large wilkding and he drops a tome of agility (use fan of knives and
your huntresses to tank). You can also destroy the nest to the east for a rune of
mana. Take the tome and continue north. (Break open the crates here for a rune).

Take the rune of healing next to the path leading north/northeast and simply
follow the path and you'll end up fighting the naga for thje first time. Use fan
of knives and your hunts to tank the damage and you'll easily defeat them. After
you defeat them continue north and go along the path again. AS you continue west,
you will find a rune of mana and a fountain of healing, use it as you need and
continue north, and fight some more murguls.
Even farther north are a huntress and an archer that you can control. Use them to
defeat the satyrs, and learn about the other optional quest for this level.

Optional Quest: Search and Rescue
-Rescue the Imprisoned Night Elves
Continue north and follow the satyr through the gates and kill them. Break open
the dungeon gate to find some more elves. Then head slightly to the west kill
some more satyrs and open the other dungeon gate to complete the optional quest.
Now bring your entire party to the east and break open the demonic gate.
After the cut scene kill all the naga in sight, the ones closest to the sea having
the most priority. Two ships must survive, make sure Maiev survives (always
glance at her health every few seconds). If she comes under fire, blinker her
away from the action. There really is no reason to rush on normal difficulty, as
the ships don't die to fast. Just fan of knives the snap dragons and the sirens
and focus fire the myrmidon and the flying naga and you'll complete the pretty
simple first mission.

Mission 2: Broken Isles
The next day, on the shores of a mysterious island chain, Maiev and her watchers
inspect some ancient, yet strangely familiar ruins.

Start off by putting your idle wisps on the trees to mine lumber and then make
them ancient protectors at the front of your base. You're also going to want to
build a bunch more moonwells (at least 3-4). Start making some huntresses and
archers. Using two ancients of war or even more is a very good idea for this
mission. You'll want to have some units to do stuff with Maiev, and possibly to
defend your base (a bunch of ancient protectors will do the trick, but I think
that leaving a few units behind is more cost effective). Don't forget to upgrade
your units! Kill the creeps around the fountain and head north and talk to and
old orc warlock.

After the cutscene you'll learn of the first optional quest
Optional Quest: Silence the Ghosts
-Destroy all three summoning pits
-Return the skeletal artifact to Drak'Thul

Take the transport ships with around a few huntresses and around two archers for
every huntress (not really that necessary). Head up to the island to the north of
your base with your ship. There is nothing that can hit you so just click and let
your ship go while building more units at your base. Land at the north part of
the island, and once your units are out of the transport ships don't bother
fighting just go destroy the summoning pits. Just go from pit to pit. Once that
is done pick up the skeletal artifact and finish off the skeletal orcs.

Head back in the transport ships back and when you land on your island go to
Drak'Thul (you can get back right next to drak thul on the shore just south of the
island with the summoning pit. It's right next to drak thu'ls huts. After the
cutscene you'll get the reward of a robe of the magi (adds 6 to intelligence).

Now you have an option of what to do next, you can either go slaughter the red
naga base to the west, or go straight to Illidan's. I suggest killing the red
naga base to the west first, for experience points and so that your base doesn't
get harassed while fighting illidan. You can go creep around until you have a
solid force of archers and huntresses and protect your base if need be. I had
7x Huntress
and 12x archers
and the red base went down with relative ease. You can add more or less, if you
want but this makes it a lot easier to just hop to Illidan's base. Don't forget to
bring a few glaive throwers for the Tidal Guardians that are at both bases.

When you want to go to Illidan's base you should at least have
8 huntresses
12 archers
4 glaive thrower.

If you want to, and have some cash to spare buy some frigates.

Illidan's base is at the north of the map. It has some couatls in it so focus
your archer fire on that. Make sure your glaive throwers are hitting the tidal
guardians, and his base should fall pretty fast. You don't have to kill all of
it just enough to get to the ruined gate at the north of his base.

When you are ready, break open the gate. You'll see three myrmidons, have one
archer hit one of them, and this fight goes very easily. Kill the siren and
repeat what you just did with the next 3 myrmidons and sirens. Once these are all
dead your mission will be complete.

Mission 3: The tomb of Sargeras
Moments later, just inside the entrance of the shadowed tomb, Miaev and her
watchers brace themselves for an ambush.

Okay, start off by breaking the gate to the north Kill the skeletons. Break open
the crates here and take the rune. Then head left killing the skeletal orcs and
heading north, killing the skeletons and the necrolyte. Take the rune and the
mana potion and then head back to where you started.

Back at the starting point, head east. Blink across to use the rune and get the
tome. Continue south and kill the overlords. Be careful they are pretty powerful.

Break open the gate next to the overlord that was too the left, and head through
it. Head back to the gate with the overlord. Break it open go south, killing the
skeletal orcs. Kill the pitlord to gain some major experience. You can also
blink to that platform in the middle to get another shadow orb fragment and a rune
of mana. This is one of the 10 shadow orbs. You have to scour the map to get all
10 of these, blinking everywhere is a necessity. Here’s a complete list of all of their locations.
Thanks to “Yngwie Malmsteen” for these.

1) Bottom left of map, to the left of the level 7 pitlord. you get there by
blinking to the ledge directlyto the left of the Rolling Stone. Walk left,
thenblink up to the other ledge (to the left of pit lord)

2) Southwest of rolling stone... no brainer

3) Exactly in the south center of the map. Use blinkon the small section left
of the rock barrier where the druid of the claws are.

4) Four or five screens north of where the above rock barrier is. In the area
before the 2nd guldan cutscene. Little hallway with waterfalls to the left
and right. There's a Necrolye and 2 skeletal orcs. blink to the ledge on the
left (directly above the waterfalls on your left).

5) On a rocky ledge about 1.5 screens left of Naga Statue (Elf with tail
statue). Very close to the level 7 Elder Hydra. Or half screen right of Rock
Barrier where you get dryads.

6) In the absolute top left corner of map. About a half screen south from
there. You blink to the ledge from the northeast ledge (which can be accessed
by foot). It's in one of the crates or barrels

7) about one screen to the left of the broken bridge (that's repaired by
stepping on the floor switch). There's a palm tree by the northern wall. Use
Sentinel on palm tree. Blink into revealed area. It's under the
8) Northeast little pool. Pretty obvious, directly north of rock barrier in
the east.

9) the Massive Gate that leads to the final Massive gate. Break it open.
Enter room. Blink south past obstacles to rune of mana... the orb is to the
east of the rune.

10) back to the same massive gate... enter room, blink to the ledge that's
outside of the room, just directly north of the massive gate from the outside.
walk north.. blink north to the ledge on the other side.

Now head back to the gate and south killing the fel stalkers as you continue east.
To the south of the steps at the east of this room there is a rune of mana, blink
to it to use it and then blink back. Keep continuing east killing Fel Stalkers
and going up the steps. Here you'll find the first part of the first optional
quest to destroy the rock barriers. There is one right here, and if you destroy
it you'll get two druids of the claw. Head north and kill the necrolyte and the
skeletons and then step on the glowing platform. This opens a stone door.

Go to where the ping was and head through the stone door. Blink to kill the creep
and go west to get a piece of the shadow orb. Go back to where you killed the
necrolyte and head north. After the cut scene, Head north and kill the mur'guls,
and find another set to the northwest of them. Keep going west and kill the
hydra follow the path and break this set of rock chunks, and you'll find a couple
dryads. Now head slightly north and then east. Fight some more hydras and heal
with rejuvenation if you need to. After one of the firs groups of hydras you can
fight a Gargantuan Sea turtle that doles out a lot of experience and a healing

If you happen to hit level 5 make sure you put it into blink. You'll thank me

Back to the mission...continue east...fight some more hydras and bear-form if you
need to. Head north at the break in the path and kill some turtles to get a rune
of healing. Then head east to find out that you can't cross the river. Blink
Maiev across and find a patch of glowing ground to the south east to make a bridge

On the other side there are some turtles, get rid of them and continue on your way
east. As you head east you'll talk to Lady Vashj in a cutscene. You'll then
fight a bunch of naga. Fan of knives and rejuvenate if you need. Head right and
break open some more rock chunks to complete that optional quest, and get some
druids of the talon. Blink to the north and then to the left and take the rune
and break open one of the crates to get another shadow fragment. Blink back.

Head south and break open the ruined gate. Inside this room are a bunch of naga
sirens. Watch out for their use of cyclone. Take the rune and head west. Now
kill the snap dragons and continue along the green path, using the rune of greater
mana if you need it. Eventually you'll meet up with three myrmidons your bears
should be able to go toe to toe with them, cyclone them if you need to with your
druids of the talon.

Eventually you'll find some more info of gul'dan 's journey. After the cut-scene
break open the gate to the east.

If you continue east a fight will occur with some naga, cyclone what you don't
want to fight, then kill everything else and wait for them to come down. If you
go up the top row you can open some crates to get a rune of the wild for a
furlbog. Once you are done here head east through the gate.
Your first main quest will be completed, and you'll see a cutscene with illidan.

Now the exciting part of the mission occurs: escaping from the tomb. You have to
get to the entrance within 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Blinking is very important
in this as it get you out of some very sticky situations. If you got level 3
blink as I said to before, this will be a lot easier, as it costs only 10 mana and
has minimal cooldown (1 seconds)

Head left, and blink past the battle going on between the revenants and other
creeps. Blinking will dodge the blizzard that is currently going on near that
battle. Head north, blinking away if anyone has targeted you. Head, right and
take the rune of speed and blink past yet another battle going on. Keep heading
right, and then go north again. Blink past the revenants coming right at you, and
head left. Keep heading left and blink past some of Illidan's naga. Head
northwest, and take the rune of healing and blink away again to the northwest.
Now avoid the turtles and blink by if you need them, and continue heading west.
Blink across the river where the bridge was and keep going to the west. You'll
eventually run into some hydra, either blink away or straight up avoid them, and
head south and then east. Take yet another rune and head east, blink across yet
another battle, take a rune of greater healing and blink away if they are
targeting you. All the way to the east you'll hit a dead end, go south. There
is a bunch of hydra here. If you go left, you can go into a pool with another
hydra, get a gauntlet of ogre strength and then blink back and go back into the
room and head south. I don't think it's worth it, but go for it if you want to.
Take the rune of mana and then blink across the rocks and to the west.

Head down the stairs to the east take the rune of shielding and blink to the west
away from the battle. Then head north a bit and hang a right. Take the rune of
restoration and blink away from the fel stalkers that come near you. Head north
and then west and you will complete the mission.

Mission 4: Wrath of the Betrayer
Hours Later, suffering from grievous wound and exhaustion, Maiev stumbles back to
the relative safety of her base camp.

After the cutscene explaining to the huntress what just happened. You'll learn
that you have to send a runner for reinforcements.

Start off by taking some of your wisps and making them ancient protectors at the
entrances to your base (south, south west, west). Also pay attention to your base
when you are being attacked. Always replace those that die with fresh units.
Your base shouldn't be that much of a problem just watch out sometimes.

Now it's time to protect the runner. Start off by obviously going south, kill the
myrmidon and the mur'gul slave and you'll receive the optional quest for this

Naga Excavators
-Kill the Naga Excavators
(I'll tell you where they are as you come upon them)
Take the item if you want and continue west. Kill the mur'guls with fan of
knives and focus fire. If you want to get another excavator for the quest go
south and kill some sirens and then west to kill a myrmidon and some snap dragons
and two mur'guls Then kill the mur'gul slave and take the item if you want. Take
the gold coins and head back.

Keep going west and you'll find two more huntresses for your group. Now head
north. To the east there will be another myrmidon and a mur'gul slave, for the
excavators optional quest. Kill them to get an item. Now head northwest and kill
the murgul's here. Keep west and then head south and kill the large group of
mur'guls. Eventually head south and you'll find some boats and some hippogryphs
in addition to two glaive throwers.

Now you must escape to sea. Pack up everything in the transports and bring the
hippogryphs with you (focus them on coautls) Head south. Focus your hippogryphs
on the couatls and then continue south. When you get to solid ground take out
your units and then head up the hill kill the myrmidon and the Mur'gul slave to
get another item and complete the optional quest. Pick up the gold and head out
and slaughter the naga sirens dragon and dragon turtles. You can go left and
kill some mur'guls to get some gold if you want. Don't forget to destroy the gate
to the east of those mur'guls, if you don't you wont be able to escape. Now it's
time to pick off some tidal guardians. Knock off the one right next to the bottom
gate with your glaive thrower and then head slightly to the west of where you
picked up the last excavator and up to the north. Destroyer the one on op of a
wall as you head up north. Keep going north and take care of the two tidal
guardians near another gate. While you're waiting for those to be destroyed you
can go destroy the gate near it along with the couatl. Take out the myrmidon and
then the tidal guardian next to it.
Then head back making sure all of the gates are destroyed. Put the runner and
other units if you want into the transport and click to your destination at the
northwest end of the map. You should have a smooth ride through.

Interlude: Unfinished business
Late that evening in the secluded Moonglade, malfurion stormrage, and tyrande
whisspewhind discus the aftermath of the Legion's Invasion

Mission 5: Balancing the Scales
The next day, on the shores of the Broken Isles, Maiev and her Watchers attempt to
hold the line against Illidan's final assault.

This is a fun one..oooh yes. I highly suggest doing the optional quest, as you'll
get to use mountain giants. Alright
Start off the mission by heading north with Furion and Tyrande's forces, and then
going east after killing some naga. If you ever have any trouble in this mission
use tranquility or starfall. Tranquility has a low cooldown and the mana cost is
never a problem for Furion Fight off some myrmidons and take the gold coin. Head
up the stairs and then east and take 3 more gold coins and pick up some a scroll
of mana and healing. Now head west and take yet another gold coin. Head north
kill a myrmidon and a siren. You'll then hear about your optional quest.
Optional Quest: Night Elf fleet
-reach the first ship
-reach the second ship
-reach the third ship
You know the locations of all three of the ships so I really have no work to do,
but tell you what is at each ship treasure wise and enemy wise.
The first ship has a few skeletal orcs guarding it and gives you two huntresses
and an archer.
The second ship has mountain giants and is guarded by three sea elementals.
The third ship is guarded by a bunch of mur'guls and you'll get two bears and a
Now keep heading north and you'll fight some sea behemoths. Starfall or
tranquility will make them a very easy fight. Then head south kill the myrmidon
and take a gold coin to the east. Now head south some more and take care of two
war golems and then right when you step in to the purple base starfall and
tranquility and they should all go down without much of a fight. You can bring
Maiev with you if you want her to gain some experience. You can go back to
Maiev's base if you want or go pick up the rest of the ships (even though you can
get them after the first main quest is completed.
Once you get tyrande and furion back to the base a cut scene will occur.

After the cut scene uproot your tree of ages and drop it near the gold mine you
just cleared when you destroyed the naga base near Maiev's.

You can go with any strategy that you want for the rest of this mission. I
suggest either huntresses and archers or druids of the claw and dryads. A mix of
the two might work, but they have mixed upgrades, so I usually don't go for it.

You can also attack right away if you want, starfall and tranquility work wonders
and you won't lose very much with those. If you do lose some vengeance will come
in handy. Jut go into the naga base from the south east side hop in a bit and
then starfall and tranquility, fan of knives and vengeance and you should be fine
as lone as you keep your eyes on everything. If you took the optional quest you
should be fine as mountain giants+taunt+tranquility=very hard to kill. Don't be
afraid to even taunt the towers, they are affected by it to. Make your mountain
giants grab tree and you'll finish off the base even faster. Then head north and
repeat the same starfall+tranquility combo and this will end really fast Make
sure to entangle or focus fire on illidan immediately because he will do the most
damage out of anything in this mission. Kill all unit producing buildings and
you will accomplish your mission and be rewarded with a cutscene.

Mission 6: Shards of the Alliance
Three days later, on the western coast of Lordaeron, the night elves venture
cautiously into the shifting shadows of Silverpine Forest.

After the cutscene you'll meet up with Kael and his caravan.
There are two important things to remember for this mission, first of all, neither
Kael, Maiev nor Tyrande can die in this mission if you wish to complete it. In
addition to that, two supply wagons must survive.

Start off by heading south and the caravan will follow you. You'll approach some
ghouls. Watch out for Kael's flamestrike. It hurts you as well. Ghouls do
minimal damage to mountain giants because of hardened skin, so have them taunt.

Continue south and take out the group of necromancers here. As you continue
along the path you will approach a couple meat wagons, an abomination, a couple
necromancers and a few ghouls. You should be able to take them out very easily.
Watch out for the caravan as it may get attacked from behind. Eventually you'll
come across a mercenary camp and learn about an optional quest.
Optional Quest: Retrieve Supplies
-Recover the gold caches
(I'll tell you where they are as you come upon them)
If you continue west you'll find the first gold stash inn an undead base. Simply
walk in, kill the dreadlord (if you want to) starfall and fight your way through.
Have your druids of the claw rejuvenate and bear form as needed. Make sure to
roar before you get into battle. Hop in the red circle and you'll get the first
gold stash and a rune of greater healing. Hire some mercenaries if you wish, at
the first mercenary camp you can get a berserker, ogre mauler and a troll high
priest. I suggest getting two troll high priests, as they can abolish magic,
making skeletons summoned by necromancers useless.

Continue with your group along the path to the south. Eventually you'll meet up
with some necromancers and ghouls with a meat wagon. Make sure you taunt and you
should be fine. Now continue along the path to the east. You'll stop in the
middle of a village to repair the caravan. When the caravan is repaired head
east. If you get off the path and just continue east, you will be inside yet
another undead base across a path from a mercenary camp (you can hire assassins,
kobold geomancers and kobold taskmasters).

If you want to do the optional quest head into the undead base to the east and
starfall while having your mountain giants taunt and it will go down quickly.
Have your mountain giants grab a tree to take out the spirit tower fairly quickly.
You probably don't even have to starfall. Then head into the red circle of power
to get a rune of lesser healing and another gold cache.

Continue north and fight off some crypt fiends. Follow the path up north even
more and then go around the curve and you'll fight a dreadlord some ghouls and
crypt fiends. Your force should wipe them out very quickly. Continue down the
path to the southwest and follow it until you reach a cross road. You'll see a
cutscene and be approached with a choice of either the longer path (left) or
through the undead bastion (right). The right path is the only path that you can
go to complete the optional quest.
You'll rest for a little bit and repair the caravan.

If you chose right:
Head right and then south along the path.

If you want to complete the optional quest go directly south and go off the path
you'll fight some banshees and necromancers. Kill them and then go around the
house. Then get into the red circle and take the rune and the last gold cache to
complete the optional quest

Continue to the east following the path and find a mercenary camp(you can hire
troll trappers, renegade wizards and elder sasquatchs). If you continue along the
path you'll head right into an undead base. Kill the dreadlord and starfall.
Then use your mountain giants and grab trees and focus your attacks on the black
citadel and spirit towers.

Once you're done with the base head north along the path. There isn't much more
other than a couple of ghouls and a banshee along the path, so just keep going up
it to the bridge and you'll get a cut scene. You'll have to fight off one more
wave of undead (just take out the ones near tyrande then head over to the caravan
and starfall if necessary.

Once they are all dead you will get a cutscene and complete the mission.

If you chose the left path:
Sorry, you can't finish the optional quest unless you go to the right and quickly
take the gold cache while they are repairing the caravan.

Head north along the path to the left.
Take out the ghouls, abomination and necromancer along the path and then just keep
following the path to a gold mine guarded by a spirit tower, ghouls and a crypt
fiend. Just grab tree to do away with the tower and the outpost should go down
very quickly.

Now head south east along the path. You can head north at one point towards a
goblin merchant that is just guarded by rogues and brigands. Then get back on the
path and just keep going south east until the path joins up with the one from the
undead bastion and then head north towards the river

After a cutscene you'll have to fight off one more wave of undead (just take out
the ones near tyrande then head over to the caravan and starfall if necessary.
They should drop pretty easily. Once they are dead you will get a cutscene and
complete the mission.


Interlude: malfurion's vision
At that moment, deep within Silverpine Forest, Malfurion attempts to commune with
the spirits of the wild.

Mission 7: The Ruins of Dalaran
Later that evening, at the night elves' base camp, Malfurion returns to warn Maiev
and Tyrande of his brother's dangerous sorcery.

This mission is timed, so you have to watch what you are doing. I'd try to get
chimeras fast. Upgrade your druids of the claw to adept and build some dryads if
you feel so inclined. Immediately tech your tree of ages to tree of eternity.
While it is upgrading build up some hyppogryphs and druids of the talon for anti
air and protection for your chimeras.

As to not waste time, take the units at your base near the purple base where
illidan is stationed. Kael will inform you of your optional quest. I highly
suggest completing this quest, as it makes this mission a lot more easier and is
not that difficult

Optional Quest: Save the Paladin
-Free the Paladin

Bring your units to the northeast part of the map. You will fight a few naga
(snap dragons and sirens to be exact). Break open the dungeon gate to the north
of these naga and fight
Some kobolds if you want some experience and a nice item. Then head slightly to
the west and then to the north. You can kill the kobolds to the west or ignore
them and continue even farther north and kill some sirens snap dragons and
myrmidons. After these naga are dead break open the dungeon gate and free the

Now head back to your base and heal if you need to. Build up your force, and make
sure to get all the upgrades you can (druid of the claw and talon master training
will help A LOT in the mission, as will the mountain giant upgrades). You can
basically do anything that you want for this, but I highly suggest getting
chimeras as they will not only do tons of MAGIC damage to the summoners, but they
can do tons of damage to ground units and buildings with the corrosive breath
upgrade (MAKE SURE TO GET IT!!). With the paladin there, he can heal any focus
fire on the chimeras with holy light.

Now I suggest hot keying all of your production buildings while you head to
Illidan's base. While you are fighting make sure to be building units and
rallying them to your heroes so you can have reinforcements.

When you are ready (I had around 63 food when I first started going over there,
you can probably have less, but you have tons of money in this mission so keep
building as you go, and don't forget more moonwells) head north. You'll fight
omen naga next to a fountain of restoration. Use that if you need it and then
head north and fight off a small naga out post outside of their base. Now head
west into the first part of their base. Tranquility as soon as you get in and
try to lure units to you near Furion so you stay within the area of effect of
tranquility. A force of chimeras, the druids, and the other units that were at
your base should SLAUGHTER their base with relative ease. Corrosive breath will
own buildings (tidal guardians should be your prime targets). Make sure the
chimeras are in a control group with the paladin so you can holy light them more
Use resurrection if needed, and make sure to bring reinforcements. Destroy their
base, if you feel so inclined and then take out the summoners using chimeras,
shadow strike, fan of knives, entangled roots, druid of the talon or any other
thing that does magic damage. They should die pretty easily if you've gotten rid
of the tidal guardians. You will want to have a fairly large force inside of
their base, especially if your micromanagement is not that good. You'll probably
want to be in high upkeep with pretty well upgraded units and this mission should
be pretty simple.

Once all four of the summoners are dead, you will complete the mission.

Mission 8: The Brothers Stormrage
Hours later, along the banks of the River Arevass, Malfurion and Illidan work
together to pick up Tyrande's trail,. Moving quickly through the woods, their
skills and senses start working in unison-their twin wills bent on finding their
beloved priestess before it's too late.

This is your first mission controlling the naga. So get to know their units.
Myrmidons are heavy melee units that have a lot of health and do a significant
amount of damage. Snap dragons are ranged units that do piercing damage, and
dragon turtles are the naga's siege weapons.

You'll have to take care of two bases in this mission, which requires a lot of
micro management. Make sure to build a bunch of ancient protectors at Furion's
base, along with some archers and huntresses. You should probably make a control
group for the group of units at furion's base.

At the naga base, you'll most likely want to build another spawning grounds.
While it's building build a few myrmidons and then take your group of naga south
east. Fight the large group of gnolls here and then head back on the river west
than south. You'll learn about an optional quest.

Optional Quest: Dam trolls
-slay the trolls and their chieftain.
Head south and then to the east. You'll fight two shadowglen berserkers. Then
continue east. You'll meet up with some more trolls and a turtle. Slay them
all. Continue east some more and fight with some more trolls and two more
turtles. Head south and slay the chieftain and three dark healers.

This will break the rock barriers blocking you from getting to the red undead
Take the mask of death (a very nice item for illidan)
There are a bunch of green undead bases (3 to be exact). I ignore the very top
and very bottom ones, as they really have no use although the bottom green base is
an entrance to the red undead base that you have to destroy for this mission.
The top green base is easier to kill in my opinion (I don't like having to fight
the casters, as the naga have no way to dispel because there are no Coautls yet).

Keep building up your force, you'll probably want around 8-10 myrmidons, 10 snap
dragons, and 3-4 dragon turtles. Take out the top green base first. Go south a
bit from your base and then go east. Make sure you do not go north or you'll go
into the wrong undead base. You can go into it and fight, but there really isn't
any reason to. Don't forget about Furion's base!! (definitely build dryads and
research abolish magic). Make sure you are paying attention or it will get wiped
out. Also be careful, as some gargoyles may come from the northwestern side of
your base and start attacking. Build some tidal guardians there. You might want
to bring some healing scrolls with you just in case things get rough.

Once you enter the green base just north of the red undead base, be sure to
cyclone the abominations with your sirens (you should have at least two from the
beginning of the mission). Focus your snap dragons on the black sphinxes errr
destroyers and gargoyles (ensnare them with myrmidons if necessary), while
focusing your turtle dragons on the spirit towers. Head up the hill, further into
the green base and take out all of the buildings. You shouldn't lose too much.
Healing with scrolls if you need to then send on of your turtle dragons to hit one
building and then scurry right out. Let them come to you focus your snap dragons
on the frost wyrms and gargoyles and ensnare them if you need to. Focus fire on
the dreadlord and cyclone the abominations. Once you've destroyed all the red
buildings you'll complete the mission.
Finale: A parting of Ways
Moments late, at the night elve's base camp, Illidan prepares for his departure.
Congrats you've completed the Night Elf Campaign.

Human Missions
Point distribution for Kael:
You can really do whatever you want as long as you can flamestrike to level 3
right away. I like siphon more than banish so I go (flamestrike and banish are
already at level 1, because you start at level 2)
You can substitute siphon for banish if you want but siphon seems to have a better
effect in the campaign.
Point distribution for Lady Vashj:
(cold arrows and forked are already picked)
Forked Lightning/cold arrows/forked lightning/tornado/cold arrows/mana shield/mana
shield/mana shield.
Mission 1: Misconceptions
At Grand Marshal Garithos' base camp, near the outskirts of Dalaran, Kael'thas and
his warriors arrive bearing ill news.

Okay, this mission isn't the most exciting one, but here we go. Start off by
heading to the left going towards the observatory. Head south and take out the
Dalaran mutants. Then head to the right and take out the Fel Guards. Continue
south and fight the group of fel stalkers and fel beasts. Go west and you'll
learn about the optional quest
Hidden Caches:
-Find the 4 Hidden Caches
You can find the first two pretty easily as they are on the first island that you
start off on and they show you the location of all 4 of them. I'll note how to
get to the other two, when you come near them.
keep going west, and kill the group of wizards. Head north and kill the wizards
and break open the gate to get the first cache (if you are doing the optional
quest). This holds a tiny castle, some gold, a rune and a bundle of lumber.

When the first observatory is done the middle island will be revealed. Bring your
peasant from that observatory with you.

Head south from your current position stopping to kill the bandits if you wish.
Eventually you'll meet up with a bunch of fel guards, an overlord, and a blood
fiend. They will be hard to fight but just aim flamestrike correctly and they
should drop pretty fast. Take care of them and take the rune of lesser
resurrection. You can go north from here to take out a couple more fel guards.
Head south and kill some wizards, go even further south and fight some brigands
and an enforcer. Then head west (and then south and kill some apprentice wizards,
and flamestirike the trees to get a supply cache of a tiny altar, tiny barracks,
and gold coins). Then go west even more so until you enter a cutscene with some

Hop into the boats, and then go to the island in the middle. Drop your tiny castle
next to the goldmine and then all of your other "tiny" items near it. Have your
peasant build a farm and queue up some more peasants. You should have 5 on gold
and around 4-6 on lumber. Build some more farms and a lumber mill and blacksmith
while you upgrade your town hall (try to get it to castle). Also put some
peasants on the 2nd observatory to repair it. Make sure to build some towers, use
your farms to protect them
T=Guard Tower
Arrange your towers like this
Make some footmen, and some riflemen, and clear the area around the observatory of

Build up your forces, and if you want to do the optional quest you can get the
supply cache in the bottom left corner. Hop into the boats with your units (make
sure you are towered at your base so you don't have to rush back. Head to the
southwest, and drop off on the island in that direction. Kill the ogre warriors
and keep heading west. And kill the ogre warriors and magi. Continue west and take
out two more ogre warriors. Then head south. Fight the ogres and you'll get a
rune of rebirth (ogre warchief! Nice!.!) and get the 3rd supply cache.

While you were doing this you probably should be able to tech to knights and
riflemen and the 2nd observatory should finish. . Knights will be nice because
of their high health, and riflemen are good because of their damage type. You'll
have to fight a tough enemy at the third observatory so you'll want to be armed
well, but if you have the ogre warchief, it shouldn't be bad at all. Head to the
northern island. Take out the gnolls and take the rune. Head west for even more
gnolls. Take them out and head northwest. Yep a level 11 gnoll. He has a lot
of health but aim your flame strike and mana siphon if you put a point into it and
focus your attacks on him and he should drop (it will be difficult). You probably
picked up a scroll of healing so use that as well. Take some peasants and repair

If you are going for the optional quest head south and kill two more gnoll camps.
Flame strike the trees to the west. They lead up to some golems. Kill them and go
in the circle to complete the optional quest (you get healing wards, a scroll of
healing and ring of protecition+1)

Once the three observatories have been repaired your mission will be complete.

Mission 2: A Dark Covenant
The next day, at the alliance base camp, Prince kael'thas and his men ready
themselves to move out.

This mission is not as hard as it may seem. You only have to destroy the green
undead base. You will definitely want dragon hawks, lots and lots of dragon
hawks. Also make some archers.

Let all of your bases not on the main island bases get mutilated. You have no
choice, you can't defeat them. Once they are all destroyed a cut scene with
lady Vashj will occur.

Now with the control of the naga forces you are given the option of getting an

Optional Quest:
Acquire a gold mine
-secure a gold mine and build a town hall

This shouldn't be an optional quest. Bring your naga and all the units you've
built, and a few workers to the base to the south. Have your dragon hawks cloud
the towers and your naga and other units take care of the rest. Then have your
workers build another town hall and put some workers on gold and tower up there as
You can go creep around the main island for money if you so desire. But defeating
the undead base isn't that hard, especially if you have been massing dragon hawks.
I had only 50 food worth of dragon hawks, workers, naga, and 4 archers, and this
mission was very easy. Just put your units in ships and then unload then at the
entrance to the undead base at to the west of your base. I suggest putting your
dragon hawks in a control group and your other units in a different one (or
multiple ones). Whenever you see a flying unit, use aerial shackles, and use cloud
on towers. The naga should mop up the rest. Make sure to focus fire on the
omni-annoying dreadlord (nuke him with flamestrike and forked lightning). Cloud
the black citadel and then mop up the rest of the unit producing buildings first
and then destroy the other buildings and you will complete your mission.

Mission 3: The Dungeons of Dalaran
Two days later, within the magically shielded dungeons of Dalaran, Kael'thas and
his blood elf brethren languish in their cells, awaiting their inevitable

Take Vashj and Kael to the cell to the left and get your first lieutenant by
breaking open the magic pen wall. Break the gate to the south of that to get two
spell breakers and a priest. If you head west you can take out a bunch of spiders
to get a Medallion of Courage. Break open the dungeon gates and free two more
blood elves for a spell breaker and priest. Head back to the starting point and
then go south, banish the footman trying to break the lever and kill him and the
other footman. Then break open the gate and go through it.

After a cut scene you'll learn about your optional quest

Optional Quest: Ghosts of Dalaran
-Slay the 4 ghostly archmagi
(I'll tell you when you can get them)
Take the tome of power, and if you're going for the optional quest have on unit
stand on one green rune and another on the other (they are within sight.) you'll
hear a sound when you are standing on it. Go through the gate that opens and kill
the Archmagi (siphon him if you want) He should die really fast. Take the gem

Keep going south and witness a battle between the undead and a garithos' forces.
Flamestrike and fork them all. They should die pretty quickly. Release your
lieutenant nearby as well as the blood elf sitting on top of the pink rune.

If you are going for the optional quest, step on the pick rune where that female
blood elf was and have a unit head to the east to find another pink rune (its
south of the bridge and you have to destroy a crate). The ghost archmage will
appear right next to the first pink rune. Kill him. Take the fragment.

Proceed across the bridge to the east. Snipe the lever with an archer if you have
one . The monsters and the footman will fight. Wait a little while and then
break the gate and crash the fight flamestrike and forked lightning everything.

In the middle of the room and then to the north under a war golem is the other one
(they are immune to magic so don't waste mana. Take the tome and head north.
Do another banish on the footman and kill the rifleman and the footman. You can
get another tome by putting someone on the yellow rune south of the gate, and
then having vashj swim to the west and then south and stand on the other yellow
rune. Take it and then crash through the gate to the north. Head north, and kill
the footmen, knights and mortar team.
If you are going for the optional quest there is a purple rune here, (also a red
rune but that comes in place later. Head west and banish another footman, kill
him and go south with Vashj into the water, and have her stand on the other purple
rune. You'll be zoomed in on yet another archmage. Kill him and take the

Break through the gate to the east. Keep going east and kill the footmen. Head
south and break open another gate. Flamestrike and fork the footmen and knights.
Free the third lieutenant to the left. Free the blood elves next to his cell to
get another archer and priest. Continue south and flamestrike another human vs.
undead fight.

If you are going for the optional quest Go to the right and into the hole in the
side of the wall. It leads up to where the other red rune was. Have one of your
units step on it and the other step on the red rune to the right of it. The iron
gate will open. Slay the final archmage to complete the optional quest.

Keep going south

Head south and break open the gate heading west.
There are three sheep
The top is BA
Middle EWE
Bottom RAM

If you played Warcraft 2 you'll know how to solve this. Step on BAA then RAM then
EWE. The iron gate will open!. Head north. Click the secret level power up! You
have received the secret level!

Back to the level.
Head east and break the wall there. There will be a big fight with some knights,
footmen and riflemen. Use your AOE spells ( fork and flamestrike). Take the rune
of restoration (hidden behind those mushroom trees). Continue west and fight with
some flesh golems (ahh!), Just focus fire and use your spells and they should go
down quickly. The bigger one drops a rune of healing so it's a nice reward.
Head north and kill the footmen. Then head west and then south and kill the
humans. Finally let loose the final lieutenant. The last main quest will be
revealed (kill kassan and his guards). Head trough the arch to the northwest.
Head north.

After the cutscene with kassan continue north and deal with the knights and
riflemen. Break open the dungeon gate once you are done with the first group and
get two spellbreakers. Then head east and kill the footmen knights and mortar
teams. Break open two more dungeon gates for more spell breakers and a priest
and a sorceress. Head east and fight Kassan and his final guards. Make sure you
flamestrike and fork and this should be fine. Kassan is immune to magic so the
only way to kill him is with focus fire and micro management. (Shouldn't be to
hard, just take him out last) Once they are all dead your mission will be

Secret Level: The Crossing
Moments later, as the allied blood elves and naga spill into the back alleys of

Ha I found this mission wicked funny. But whatever. BLIZZARD TOWER DEFENSE (and
the next level is like Aeon of Strife so blizzard really has been look at custom
Alright I am not very good at tower defenses but I can do this mission so let's
If you win this mission you'll get to play with the Panderan brewmaster in the
next level!

First off you can only build on grass so there is no trapping or anything. Try to
build in places that can hit from multiple rows. I built mostly energy towers.
More workers=GOOD. Don't be afraid to use your heroes!! COLD ARROWS ARE A MUST!!

This really isn't that hard, just start building more near the middle of the map
instead of the end. When you get cold towers put them in front of your towers,
and put death towers right behind them. Right when you get death towers, make
nothing but them.

I usually start off with just energy, then go to flame, then cold and death. This
is not a hard tower defense. If you are losing fast, try building more workers
and upgrading all of your towers (basically, build and then upgrade right away)

Eventually your heroes will become obsolete and just there to pick up gold coins
that drop. Perhaps in a later patch of this FAQ I will add in detail to all 30 of
these stages. Maybe not.

If you get through all 30 waves your mission will be completed and you'll get the
panda, and a nice picture and a "I BRING PANDAMONIUM". Wow blizzard. WOW.

Alright on with the mission!

Interlude: The Dusts of Outland
After hours of marching, kael'thas and Lady Vashj Stand on a high plateau
overlooking the red, barren landscape of Outland.
Mission 4: The Search for Illidan
After three days of fruitless searching, Prince Kael'thas and Lady Vashj realize
they are lost in the barren wilderness of hellfire Peninsula.

First we have tower defense. Now we have Aeon of Strife. How nice.
If you finished the tower defense you'll get to use the PANDERAN BREWMASTER in

Okay, this is going to be very short and concise, because I can't really give you
the play by play. But if you have ever played an aeon of strife, or defense of
the ancients, the way the game works is that there are regulated computer units
from both sides that come and attack and you can't control them. You try to
either destroy the other teams base or in this case capture something.

In this mission you need to either kill or lure Maiev (the warden) away from
Illidan's cage. Of course, this is easier with a third hero (panda) as you have a
tri-hero nuke with flamestrike, forked lightning, and now breath of fire. Use
these all at once and the warden is gone. Especially so if you have banish. Be
careful though. It seems as if when you control Illidan's cage you don't produce
any units. Try to take over the cage at the beginning, kill Maiev and then bring
it back, then let Maiev take it back when she resurrects. Then when your forces
bolster again take it back from her and you should be closer to your base and
there is no way Maiev could ever resurrect nor could the night elves bolster your
forces again, before illidan makes it to the circle of power.

You can also just use your spells to easily kill the enemy units and then
overwhelm Maiev.

Make sure to buy mana potions if you die. Give them to your heroes. Infinite
amounts of flamestrike will win this mission very quickly. I like this mission,
especially with three heroes, mostly because you are basically just walloping them
the entire time. With three heroes this mission is infinitely easier (I've done it
in 7 minutes, and I bet some people have done it even quicker), so I suggest doing
that extra mission. However, if you didn't do it this still isn't that hard.
Just use mana potions and use your spells. End rant.

When you've brought Illidan back to your base and into the circle of power you'll
complete the mission. That was fun.

Interlude: Illidan's Task
Hours later, at Illidan's base camp, Prince Kael'thas finally approaches the
former demon hunter and asks for his aid.

Mission 5: Gates of the Abyss
Two days later upon the desolate plains of outland, Illidan and Prince Kael'thas
prepare to assault Magtheridon's dimensional gateways.
Start off the mission by simply defending the attack of demons that come through
the dimensional gate for three minutes. You'll have to fight off some diabolists
a and fel stalker/beasts/guards.
In this mission you can build both blood elf and naga units. I would focus on
building ranged unties with human, and building myrmidons with the naga. You
will definitely want dragon hawks in this mission, especially if you intend on
sacking all of the fel orc bases with the Draenei (not necessary).
If you need more farms, or food, I'd build coral beds. They give you 15 food as
opposed to 5.

Make sure to upgrade your naga units if you choose to use them at the temple of
the tides.

I would also suggest making either sorceress' or sirens.

Make sure your base is well defended, because you will be going all around the map
to seal the portals. You can also choose to just move your base elsewhere. Once
you destroy the orange orc base you can set up your base there and never be
attacked. Although money is never really an issue in this mission, you can set
up an expansion at the gold mine to the northeast of the first gate. After you
close each gate the location of the next one is revealed to you.

Tech to castle right away, as you should have a lot of money. Get lots of dragon
hawks, while making myrmidons and archers if you want. Upgrade your units. Make
sure to get cloud for dragon hawks.

Head south from your base and you'll see a cut scene about the draenei (buy a town
portal from your arcane vault, just in case you get ambushed.

Optional Quest: Draenei village
-destroy the Orange Fel Orc Base
I'd do this mission just because I think it's easier to maneuver to the different
gateways if the Draenei are distracting. Head to the east from the Draenei
village. Go into the base, cloud the first group of towers and burrows/farms and
have illidan metamorphosis. Tornado if you need to. Flamestrike everything and
you should be fine. Once all of the unit producing buildings are destroyed
you'll talk to Akama, a Draenei, and complete the optional quest.
Head east from here, and you'll find the second gateway. Here there are some
nether drakes and other demons. Use your dragon hawks to shackle them and
myrmidons to mop up the ground forces. Then have illidan step on the circle of
power to seal the third gateway . yet another onslaught of demons will come. I
tend to stay further back, near the circle so I have time to shackle before the
air units get there. The demon force consists of nether drakes, fel beasts, fel
stalkers, voidwalkers, an occasional fel ravager and eredar diabolist, and
infernals. Once you've survived that for 3 minutes, that gate will be sealed.

If your gold mine ever runs low, be sure to expand in the gold mine that you
cleared when you did the optional quest (if you did it), in addition to the one
that was cleared after the first dimensional gate was cleared.

You can head over to the third dimensional gate if you wish. You can also take
out the dark green fel orc base with the draenie to clear yet another gold mine,
it shouldn't be that hard, but you will probably lose some forces, and you can
ignore it totally if you wish ( just go the from the south west path to the third
gateway, to get there band not go through that base.

At the third dimensional gate, there are some bloodfiends and overlords. They
can't hit air so harass them with your dragon hawks if you do not want to fight
them. There are also some vile temptresses that have some nasty spells, so take
care of them with your forces. When you are ready put illidan on the Dimensional
Nexus. This gate consists of vile tormentors, bloodfiends, vile temptresses and
the occasional blood fiend queen of suffering and eredar diabolist. After 3
minutes of this the gate will close.

Head over to the final Dimensional gate. Slightly southwest of the purple base
there is a fountain of health. Kill the creeps there and then crack open the
cage to get some draenei to add to your group of units.
I highly do not suggest going into the purple base to the north. It has a bunch
of red dragons that are spell immune, and therefore can not be aerial shackled.
Just go to the fourth dimensional gate (upper left corner if you didn't realize it
just popping up on your minimap), and defeat the doom guards and diabolists
guarding it, along with the nether drakes. It will probably be a hard battle but
meta and flamestrike make it pretty easy.

When you are ready put illidan on the final dimensional nexus. Most of the units
that come out of this dimensional nexus cannot hit air, and there are a few air
units as well that can be shackled so dragon hawks will be a good choice. You'll
also want a LOT of myrmidons because you'll need to tank a lot of damage. Don't
be afraid to use the mercenary camp right near here if you have money.
Doomguards, infernals, fel beasts, fel stalkers, fel ravagers and maidens of pain
will come out of this one. This is very difficult and I suggest having almost
full upkeep if you want this to be even remotely easy, although it is not
necessary. Keep building reinforcements , and getting more mercenaries if
possible. Once this is sealed off the mission will be completed.

Mission 6: Lord of Outland
Later that day at the base of Magtheridon's Black Citadel, Illidan Marshals his
forces for their final strike.
Yea, and you thought three heroes were enough *rolls eyes*
Okay The most important part of this mission in my opinion are the draenei. KEEP
THEM ALIVE!! You can do a lot with them to facilitate your mission.
Optional Quest : Disable defenses
-Destroy the Power generators
this optional quest should be required, but it isn't. Do it anyway. (You'll lose
a LOT of forces if you don't do it and its very easy because you know where they
all are and because the draenei are invisible. I'll tell you when you come upon
Start off by putting your Draenei in their own control group. The first part of
the mission you will be using them exclusively. Start off by killing the fel
beasts and fel guard with your draenie. Take what they drop and then head right
to pick up yet another gold coin, and then to the left for another. Head up the
left side to the north. Break open the first gate. Kill all the fel guards in
the area, and if I were you, avoid the large abomination (butcher). You can take
it out later if you want. Break open all the cages for some more Draenei.
Don't forget to take the gold coins at the bottom of the room. Head back into the
hallway outside. Head north with your draenei, past the infernal juggernauts.
Passed the first orc (green) base, and attack the first pink power generator.
Optional Quest: Siege bastion:
-Slay the demolisher guards.
This is a very good quest to complete. Siege will help a TON in this mission.
Head back into the green orc base and go the west and break open the gate Kill
all of the guards in here (summon spirit wolves if need be). Take the two gold
Once you have the demolishers bring up your forces from your base. You should
have around 99/100 food because of the Draenei you picked up and the catapults.
Attack the green orc base. This should be very easy, just bring in your Draenei
and cast their spells. Use Flamestrike and metamorphosis . Use the demolishers
to take out the towers and then make quick work of their base. Make sure to use
the Draenie saboteur's healing wave.

If you lose anything you can rebuild it while you take your draenie on another
little journey (polymorph is very useful in this mission, so sorceresses are nice.
. Have them go to the north again. Go to the dark green base, but before you
enter go west and take the two gold coins. Then enter the green base and head
east to the second power generator. Summon spirit wolves with Akama to tank the
damage and then take care of the rest of the guards with focused fire and your
other spells. Then destroy that generator.

Bring your draenie back to your units, and if you haven't already kill the Fel
guard and fel beasts to the north of the orc base you just sacked. You can go the
east and kill the doom guards and infernals if you wish you're going to have to
eventually. Then head north, and head for the dark green fel orc base. Focus
fire on the blademaster, and watch out for blade storm. Aim your flamestrike so
you don't end up killing your own units. Metamorphosis and then use your
catapults to take out the towers. Once you've done that break open the gate to
the north and kills the MASTER OF PAIN. If you did what I told you to, you can
polymorph half of the people guarding the master of pain. Watch out because he
will resurrect himself. Siphon him to prevent his magic attacks somewhat. When
he is gone break open the cage of agony and add two bloodfiends to your group.
Send your units over to the healing well where you might have fought the
infernals already and have someone step on the glowing ground to the east and take
the gold coin.
Now it's time to focus on the naga and Lady Vashj. Start building some more naga
(you might want to build some sirens for cyclone and turtle dragons to take care
of towers. I built a few sirens, myrmidons, and snap dragons and I was fine. You
should have plenty of money because of all of those gold coins you picked up, and
you shouldn't have lost that many units.

Go forward with your naga and take out the frigates and juggernaut. You can go
west of the naga base and kill some hydra/doombeasts and get some gold coins.
Head north and then west and kill some more juggernauts to get some more gold
coins an a robe of the magi+6. When you are ready to fight the fel orc base with
the naga, head to the north east.

There is a single tower near the shore, guarding a fountain of health take it out
with your turtle dragons and kill the fel orcs. Heal if you need to. Shoot one
of the barrels and to get a rune of mana
Now if you head into the base a little the blademaster may come out and chase
you, and there is a chance you can get him trapped in his own mirror images if
you run back in the water and try sniping him. If this doesn't appeal to you just
use your naga royal guards' frost bolt and crushing wave and you should make short
work of most of the units in the base. Don't forget to cyclone some units to make
the fight easier. Make sure to summon water elementals. Make sure to focus your
turtles on the towers. This should be fairly easy.

After the base is done you can go to the left and fight some juggernauts and then
go up a hill and fight some bloodfiends to get to a fountain of mana. Then you
can swim up and get a tome for your naga sea witch. Or you can just blow up the
barrel of explosives at the north of the base you just sacked and then head north.
Take the gold coins and then head north and kill an infernal. Then head further
north, take two more gold coins and then head to the east and take another and
head into the water for yet another gold coin. Step on the glowing ground to the
west and then bring your forces over and kill the void walkers.

It's time to switch back to the draenei. If you followed my advice and made sure
to keep them alive you should be fine. Have them go into the purple orc base to
the north and then head east. Have them kill the fel guards, vile temptress, and
maiden of pain and then break the generator.

Have your forces meet up outside of the purple orc base. Then take care of the
two warlocks guarding the base. Then head in. Metamorphosis and make sure to
FROST BOLT the blademaster, doing it twice will stun him for a few seconds
allowing you to focus fire on him. Focus your siege weapons (turtle dragons and
demolishers) on buildings (towers especially). This should be pretty easy. When
this base is done, head north. Make sure to frost bolt EVERYTHING and summon sea
elementals. Fork, meta and banish should work very well. They should rope very
easily if you have followed what I said to do. Break open the cage of
disciplines and get two warlocks, who have three very useful spells (unholy
frenzy, cripple, and firebolt) , and don't forget to pick up the gold coins.
Head back to the healing well in the center of the map. and heal up.

If you need to rebuild, rebuild now, while you are healing. I like to bring some
extra priests and myrmidons as heal and innerfire will aid in the last battle
against magtheridon. Have your remaining Draenei go north towards the final
power generator. Kill it to complete the optional quest.

Build up your forces well, and head north and take the rune of shielding.
Inside of the first room will be a bunch off doom guards, fel guards and great
voidwalkers. They shouldn't be too hard if you've finished the optional quest,
because you wont have to fight off any infernals. On the right and left side of
the room there are gold coins to collect. Build up more forces if you feel you
need them. In the next section there is an overlord, a blademaster (level 4 (no
bladestorm!woohoo!) a blood fiend, a few lesser voidwalkers and an eredar
diabolist . meta, fork, firebolt, and frost bolt, and this should be extremely
easy. They drop a rune of resurrection that helps a lot if you've left anything
in that last battle.

Next is Magtheridon, warlocks and a level 10 blade master. This is pretty hard
so be on your toes. I had around 83 food of myrmidons, my heroes, Dranei, 3 of
each caster (including sirens), and I was fine. Just use your spells! Focus on
everything but magtheridon. He eventually it will be him versus ALL of your
forces. If you've kept your naga royal guards alive this is very easy as frost
bolt, sea elemental and crushing wave do wonders of damage in this mission. I
would not use flamestrike if I were you. It is far too risky. Level 3 shadow
strike is also very good on him. He has a ton of heath but he should go down
pretty easily if you keep him stunned or slowed. When he is dead, the mission is
Finale: Kil'Jaeden's command
Moments later, as Illidan stands triumphant, a massive storm of fire and fury
envelops the Black Citadel.

Undead Missions
Point Distribution
Arthas (starts at level 10 but eventually drops to level 2, coil and aura are
already picked)
Coil/Unholy/Coil/Animate Dead/Unholy/Pact/pact/pact/
Sylvanas: (starts with points in black arrow and life drain: Arrow(feel free to
put silence in earlier if you
Vamathras (starts with two points in sleep, two points in vamp aura, and a point
in rain of fire): Doom/sleep (can switch with vamp aura if you are using a lot of
melee)/vamp aura/rain/rain.
Anub'arak (starts with one point in all): Impale/impale (you can go impale/spiked
if you want) Locust/spiked/spiked/beetles/beetles.
Mission 1: King Arthas
At the capital city of Lordaeron, near the ruined Palace Gardens, Archimonde's pet
dreadlords discuss their current plans for the scourge.

In this mission you'll have control over three undead forces . Start off by
building around 7 ghouls at all three of the bases, and some of the other units
(abominations, necromancers, and banshees). Leave these slightly ahead of your
base to fight off the fleeing humans.
I take each force individually to destroy their three towns and then switch to the
next, and do those three, only switching to a different force other than that when
they are being attacked (using nova or coil to pick off fleeing humans). So pick
a force and start., but remember to build units at the other bases.
Arthas's forces:
Build some more abominations and rally them to Arthas. Head to the east, and kill
the militia and the captain and the paladin. This should be too hard if you have
a lot of abominations. Then destroy all the farms to obliterate the town. Then
head north along the path and kill some footmen and a priest. Continue north and
kill the sorceress, keep north and then head west into the second human town.
Kill the Militia commander and the militia/spear throwers. Kill the tower and
then kill the paladin and knights that teleport in. When they are dead kill the
farms and then head north again, if you continue along the path you'll head
straight into another human base with cannon towers. Focus your attack on those
towers and then kill the archmage and the casters . then kill the paladin and his
knights that teleport in and Then kill the farms and the town will be obliterated.

Sylvanas' forces:
The basic strategy for this revolves around banshees, build a ton of them and
make sure you possess a ton. I highly suggest mastering the O+click technique
with your banshees, which will allow you to take units very quickly. If you can
bring 11 banshees and sylvanas you should be FINE if they have mana. Buy some
scrolls of healing for your possessed units because you cant heal them any other
Bring your banshees and sylvanas to the west, and possess the two knights here
(they are to the south. and eventually you'll find a human town. Possess all of
the mortars quickly and then possess the paladin's knights and kill him. Then
kill all the farms and head to the base to the north. You can possess some
priests along the way if you like. Head north, and have your knights (you should
have at least four by now), kill the forces that try to Then kill the tower and
then all of the farms and that town will be obliterated.

Now head to the east to the last of Sylvanas' towns. Kill the two guard towers.
If knights come to fight you, possess them, and don't forget to also possess the
paladin's knights. Then kill the paladin and the cannon tower and destroy the

Once 6 towns are obliterated Arthas will lose a level.
Kel'Thuzad's forces:
Obviously the strategy for this is ghouls and necromancers. You'll want at
least 5 necromancers and the rest should be ghouls. Skeletons are the true force
of this mission. Make sure to leave a few behind to prevent the humans from
Head northwest and cripple the militia commander if you need to, and raise dead
repeatedly. This base should fall pretty quickly. If a paladin teleports in make
sure to cripple and kill him.
Cannibalize if you need to and then head southwest across the water and into a
human town. Autocast raise dead if you are having trouble, and unholy frenzy
your ghouls if you think that they can survive with it. Make sure to cripple any
units you have difficulty with. Kill the farms and then head up the path to the
northwest(make sure to rebuild units if you lost them). Kill some militia and
water elementals and head into the 9th human town. Kill everything here,
towers, human units and make sure to manually cast raise dead as constant mashing
of the R k will result in getting skelletons faster (autocasting is slower),
Frost nova everything and you should be fine. After you destroy all of the farms,
the first Main Quest will be complete.
Now take all of your units from all three forces, autocast raise dead and head
into the main human base. This should be destroyed very easily but if you want
to just focus on the altars. It should be absolute mayhem in the middle of their
base, but it shouldn't be even remotely difficult.

Once all three altars are destroyed, the mission is complete.
Interlude: A Kingdom Divided
The next evening, somewhere in the Tirisfal Glades, the banshee Sylvanas arrives
at a secret meeting.
Mission 2: The Flight from Lordaeron.
The next morning, on the palace grounds, King Arthas and his majordomo,
Kel'Thuzad, discuss the Lich King's dire warning.

Start off by killing the ghouls around you. Then break open the elven gate to the
north. You'll meet up with some necromancers that have the new skeletal mage
upgrade. Take the items that Kel'Thuzad had, and then head to the east. Take
the potion of healing and you will fight some abominations. Cripple them, and
they will be very easy to kill. One of them drops a staff of reanimation. Take
it and head west and kill some zombies and you'll get an abomination. Go south
to take a gold coin and kill some crypt fiends. If you keep going to the west you
can kill an abomination and then go south and kill some zombies to get a gold
coins. Go back to where you got the abomination and head north and fight a
dreadlord and some fel beasts. Break open the gate to the east of him and get a
couple crypt fiends. If you go north and then west you can kill a couple fiends
and a necromancer and get a shade. Head south of the shade towards a fountain of
mana with a gold coin take it and then head north and break open the gate. Step
on the glowing ground and go to where it raised the ground (it pings on your mini
map), and get a boots of quel'thalas.

Now head directly north. There are a whole bunch of necromancers and skeletons
here. Kill the necromancers and then kill the skeletons, and take the claw of
attack+3. Head back to where the fountain of mana was, and continue west break
the crates and kill the fiends. Head north and you can do the optional quest.

Optional Quest: Meat wagon Surprise
-Kill the Armory guards
-rescue the meat wagons.
Head north and kill the dreadlord and the golems. Then head west (you'll get
another abomination) and then south and break open the gate. You'll get two meat
wagons. You can head north and kill the skeletal mages and towers if you want to
get another gold coin.
Head east, and kill the skeletons. Break open the gate and se your meat wagons
(if you have one) to destroy the spirit towers. Once they are gone let your
units come in and kill the burrowed crypt fiends. Step on the glowing ground at
the south east part of the room. This lowers the wall to the north of the room,
head north. Kill the fiends, and continue north take the orb of venom if you
want to.

Head either to the east or to the west (you have to eventually go west). If you
go east you have to fight some necromancer's zombies and skeletons, but there is
a large pile of corpses, and then you'll have to go back to the west anyway.

On the west path kill the abomination and skeletons. Along the path you'll have
to fight some flesh golems. Then head west and north. Kill the nerubian towers,
and go to the east if you want to use a pile of corpses (you have to fight an
abomination and a couple necromancers). Break open the gate to the north. A
bunch of undead will be fighting, some allied with you. Coil the injured and
fight alongside them. Once they are dead, add units to your group and break the
city gate. Head north and kill the abomination and necromancers near the pile of

From here you can go to either the east or west, or both if you want. They are
identical paths. So choose one, and fight a doomguard and some fel beasts. Then
head north and kill some ghouls and a meatwagon and break open the gate to the
east/west(depends what side you're on). There will be a difficult battle with a
dreadlord and some abominations but cripple helps. Focus fire on abominations
and when enough die, animate dead. Bloodfeast may have 3000 health but you'll
have invincible abominations. Break open the city gate to the north and step on
the circle.


Interlude: Slyvanas's Farewell
Moments later, in the Tirisfal Glades, King Arthas and his banshee escorts stop to
regain their strength.

Mission 3: The Dark Lady
Two Days later, at her base camp in the newly formed Plaguelands, Sylvanas ponders
her newfound freedom and her future as one of the cursed undead.

You can't build much in this mission, just banshees, obsidian statues, meat
wagons, and ghouls. Build banshees, banshees and more banshees. A few obsidian
statues will do you well. Some abominations will come and attack your base.
Possess them. This is how this mission goes. Deactivate curse, and have your
obsidian statue build up mana for your banshees. If you don't do any optional
quests for this mission all you'll have is undead units,. Head to the north
across the bridge.

You'll fight some ogres, possess them if you want., and you'll get the first
optional quest (well I do it first, even though it is the second)

Optional Quest: Ogre warlord
-posses the warlord ogre Mug'thol
The trick to getting a ton and I mean a ton of units is to ignore everyone but
the ogre warlord. Just let yourself get attacked and have your banshees possess
the ogre warlord. They show you where he is on the minimap so just make your way
through the ogres, do not kill them, break the rock chunks and then O+click on
him with your group of banshees if all goes well you should have a TON of ogres at
your disposable. Oh and to make it EVEN BETTER, they don't count for the food
You get
5 ogre magi
4 ogre brutes
4 ogre wound masters
and Mugthol (he does a ton of chaos damage and has a ton of health)

You can do the same win the second optional quest.

Head across the bridge towards the middle of the map. Kill the red undead
forces or possess them.
Optional Quest: Bandit lord
-possess blackthorn the bandit Lord
Break open the gate to the north and then do the mad rush to blackthorn like you
did with the ogre warlord. Possess blackthorn. You will get
3 renegade wizard
4 brigands
8 enforcers
8 assassins
and Blackthorn.
When you are ready (which you should be because you have so many units All you
have to do is head into the red undead base. With almost no micromanagement you
will run straight through them. If you didn't do the optional quests than you
will just have to possess the abominations and make your way through. When the
base is destroyed your mission will be complete.

Mission 4: The Return to Northrend
Three weeks later, King Arthas' Ragged Fleet drops anchor off the icy southern
coasts of northrend.
Arthas starts off this mission at level 7. Start off the mission by moving all of
your forces into transports and then moving them to the north, destroying the
human ship, dropping your forces off and destroying the human encampment here.
Use meat wagons on the towers and raise dead if you need to. Make sure you kill
all of the buildings. After a cut scene you'll get a new main quest, and an
optional one

Start off by building a crypt (at least one), a graveyard, and an altar. Along
with a few more ziggurats. You can tech to the halls of the dead now if you wish.
While you are waiting for things to build, you can go around and break the barrels
to get more gold and lumber.
When your crypt finishes build some ghouls and put them on wood. When you are set
with ghouls, start building fiends. I suggest going fiends and banshees or
necromancers or possibly some obsidian in this mission.
When your halls of the dead finishes build a temple of the damned for casters and
a slaughterhouse if you are getting obsidian statues (don't forget to build a tomb
of relics).

When you have around 60 food worth of units I would do the optional quest.
Optional Quest: Dragon Hoard
-Slay the dragon Sapphiron
Head north with your fiends (you should have a lot of them). You'll know you're
going in the right direction if some drakes and whelps attack you. Kill the first
group and then head north, for another group (it's more powerful, but it doesn't
really matter as fiends will own them). Head southwest along the path and fight
some more blue drakes and a blue dragon. Head north from here and fight
sapphiron. Not only is he difficult two blue dragons guard him as well. It will
be very difficult but use animate dead you should be fine. When he dies you'll
get a GIANT frost wyrm (that does piercing as opposed to magic), with frost nova.
Take the horn of the clouds it is very useful. Head to the west and take all of
the items.
IF you have sapphiron you should be fine, but build up your forces some more and
go to the shipyard to the north. The invulnerable ice bridge will shatter. Bring
up your forces and take out the ships to the west with sapphiron or battleships.
Then head north and drop of your forces at the naga base. The base should fall
very fast with your units (especially if u have sapphiron). When the base is
sacked start heading to the west . Kill the shorecrawlers. Then kill the kin g
arcachnadtid. Then kill the nerubians to the north, then go through the multiple
nerubian bases and then kill the guardians next to the green circle. With
sapphiron this should be very easy, but if you've been upgrading your crypt fiends
and necromancers it should be even easier. Using animate dead at the When they
are dead the mission is complete.

Mission 5: Dreadlord's Fall
At that same moment, back in the Plaguelands, Sylvanas and her loyal minion plan
their next surgical strike against the dreadlord's power.

There are two ways to do this mission. You can either pick one of the bases to
start off with or you can try to hit both of them. I am torn between the two
options but I slightly favor going to one base, possessing and charming the good
units there and killing detheroc or garithos and then going to the other base and
going the same thing
I usually start off going to the undead base and getting the frost wyrm and
abominations and then killing Detheroc and then speeding to the other base to get
the knights and the gryphons and then kill garithos. This means no heroes coming
to your base. Which means you probably don't even need to Town Portal to your
base if you have towered well enough.

Then just keep sending banshees to your people inside of the bases and you should
be fine. Just keep some ghouls at your base just in case a meat wagon comes
along. Just go and destroy both of the bases. There should be very little
resistance. Just keep sending units from your base, you wont be fighting
anything really that difficult and if it is you just need to possess more.

Once both bases are destroyed the mission is complete.

Mission 6: A New Power in Lordaeron
The next day on the outskirts of loraderon's capital city, Slyvanas and her allies
prepare to lay siege to Balnazzar's formidable defenses.

This one shouldn't take you that long. You really only need to know what to
build and how to execute this. With the undead base, build crypt fiends and
destroyers. If you haven't made a destroyer yet, you need to get obsidian statues
and a black citadel and research the destroyer upgrade. These are powerful anti-
casters. If destroyers aren't your forte, you can get frost wyrms, although they
are much more expensive and don't serve the same purpose. Don't forget to
upgrade the knights and the creature tech tree for undead.

With the human base you should get knights, knights and more knights. However,
you need to do the optional quest to make this mission very easy. You'll get
siege engines and mortars which make this mission pretty simple, as they destroy
all air units with ease (making the work of the crypt fiends basically overkill),
and can take out buildings very quickly.

I would spend the first part of the mission etching up. When you have enough
resources upgrade to black citadel and castle. Make sure you build a few ziggurats
at the undead base. Eventually you'll learn about the optional quest.

Optional Quest: Ironforge Dwarves
-Locate the missing dwarves
Really not all that difficult, and very much worth it. You can either go right
away with your forces from Garithos' army or you can wait and get air (I got
destroyers) and have them fly over to the east. They can kill all of the kobolds
without even getting hit, with the exception of the geomancer. Then they can head
south and take out the other group of kobolds in addition to breaking open the
cages to get even more riflemen. The only thing that garithos has to do is kill
the golems to the north of those caged riflemen and break open the rock wall to
the east of the dwarves (the destroyers can do this too). Simple eh? You get a
lot of food from those dwarves, so you can have a distinct advantage over the
undead if you have a lot of food before you take the dwarves (you can exceed the
food limit this way). I had around 80 food with the undead, and around 100 with
the human and the purple base was pretty easy. So when you have enough units head
into the purple base (it's in then middle). Make sure you pay attention and
charm powerful units like frost wyrms before the siege engines kill them. Use
doom early on so you can have an early advantage.

If they attack your base you should probably just ignore it if you are winning as
you can mop up the base fairly quickly. When the purple base is destroyed
entirely, the mission will be complete.

Mision 7
There are three parts to this mission all can be played individually after
completing them.

Part 1: Into the Shadow web Caverns
At that same moment in Northrend King Arthas and Anub'arak march into the dark,
forgotten halls of Azjol-Nerub.

When you start off head to the right, and the ground will be lowered. Use your
meat wagon to hit the barrel of explosive to hit the lever on the other side.
Kill the riflemen and then cross the platform and step on the glowing platform.
The gate will open, head to the east. In a cut scene the bridge will blow up.

Head right and destroy the siege engine and the riflemen.
Head north near the bridge, and break open a barrel for the first gold stash

In the southeast part of this room there are barrels of explosives. Destroy these
and proceed through this path. Head to the right and kill the nerubians. Head
to the bottom right part of this room for the second gold coin. In the upper
right part off this room there is a lever. Hit it and a rolling stone wall will
open. Head north and then break the crates for a tome. Then break the rocks at
the northern part of this room. Head inside of this room and break the lever at
the north east part of this room to deactivate the spike trap. Break a barrel
above it for the third gold coin. You can step on the glowing ground now to get
the spiked collar.

Now break the lever in the northwest part of the room. Fight off some nerubians
and go up the ramp for an orb of frost inside of that box. Some dwarves will run
through a rolling stone door. Kill them (they line up for impale). Inside of
here destroy the barrels of explosives and kill off the rest of the riflemen.
Head to the south west and kill the siege engine and the riflemen. Hit the lever
and head east. Hit the barrel of explosives to the south with a crypt fiend or
meatwagon to kill the riflemen.

Then hit the lever and head across the platform and kill the riflemen and
nerubians fighting in the next room. Break open a barrel in the bottom left
corner for the fourth gold coin. Hit the lever next to where they were fighting to
open the gate.

The last gold coin is located in the waterfall to the north here. South of where
the gold coin was is a gate. Destroy it and go east and be prepared to fight
Baelgun. I'd kill all of the riflemen first, to see if Anub'arak can get to level
6 if he isn't already. Locust swarm, impale, and coil, and it should be pretty
easy. Take the blood key he drops and step on the gray circle. The gates will
open and the first part of mission 7 will be completed
Part 2: The Forgotten Ones
Moments later, within the Inner Kingdom

Start off by taking your forces north and you'll see the first nerubian trap.
Destroy the Rock Chunks to the left. Hit the first lever. Head to the right and
take the first gold coin.
Optional Quest: Find the gold stashes
-find the five gold stashes
(I'll tell you when they come up)
Head north and kill the nerubians and then hit the lever to sink the nerubian
trap. Go across the middle of the room and break open the gate. Head north and
kill all of the nerubians here. Head north and you'll run into a crypt fiend.
Slightly south of the crypt fiend is a crate which when you break open will reveal
the second gold stash
Optional Quest: Rescue the Crypt Friends
-find and release the crypt fiends
(there are two groups to find, I'll tell you where both of them are when you get
near them)
Head north across the platforms. They'll sink and you'll have to fight the
shorecrawlers. Then head east You can take the belt of giant strength if you
want but a bunch of nerubians to come out of the walls.

If you want to do the optional quest, break the rolling stone wall and save the
ones ensnared to the south. Kill the other nerubians and then heal the fiends.
Break open the rolling stone door on the other side and go to a fountain of
health. There is a gold coin in one of the eggs in this room.

Now head into the room to the east. Don't even wait for them to start talking, go
from lever to lever as fast as possible. Then kill the nerubian queen and the
hatchlings that have already come out. There is a gold coin in one of the eggs
in the north east part of this room. Break the iron gate and head south.
You'll eventually ruin into some large nerubians. Try to impale them and then
focus fire to make it easier. On the eastern wall of this room is a crate, break
it open for the last gold coin.

Break open the gate to the east and in the next room you'll meet up with the
faceless. The tentacles die quickly, and so do the tricksters. They shouldn't
hurt you too badly. Head south and kill the faceless guarding the group of crypt
fiends to complete that optional quest.

Now head east and break open the gate. Go through it and there will be a cutscenee
about the forgotten one. The real strategy for this is get really close to him.
He'll end up flamestriiking himself. Put on locust swarm as soon as possible and
coil everything. He has a lot of health, but he'll die eventually.

Part 3: Ascent to the Upper Kingdom
Moments later, at the entrance to the Upper Kingdom. Okay this entire mission is
about timing. Break open one of the crates for a healing potion and head south
Time your running so you start going across right after the first row of flames
start to go away. Then step on the glowing platform.
Head east if you want to do the optional quest
Optional quest: Find the gold stashes
-find the three gold stashes
(I'll tell you when you come upon them)
To the east there is a gold stash. and then hit the lever to open the gate. Go
through the gate. You should see the wave-like motion of the first row of fire.
You'll want to cross right at the glowing platform. You can then go up a little
bit slightly to the right and then sneak down the side on to the next glowing
platform. Then go up to the next platform and across to the next glowing
platform. The puzzle will stop. If you want to do the optional quest go tot he
north of this room and break the rolling stone door to get the second coin. Then
head to the east, to the fountain of health. You should be able to heal completely
in less than 30 seconds so use it. Go north and hit the lever and go through the

Now go quickly to the first power generator to the east break it open and then
head north just keep clicking ignore everything. As soon as you see the next one
(far to the north and slightly to the east) right click it and destroy it. Then
you should be able to see the last power generator. Right click it and destroy it
and then go right across the bridge that forms.

You will get ensnared, and as far as I know there is no way to avoid it. Try not
to get surrounded. You can get the item if you want by stepping on the glowing
platforms and then taking it. Continue east and hop on a platform. Make your
wayacross to the right by just timing it right. When you get to the last column
on the right wait for a platform to go down to the level where it is on top but
not under the water and then head east. Head south and then west and fight some
faceless. Head east and kill more faceless. Head south and kill a deathbringer
and then head farther south and break the crates for a rune of dispel and a rune
of healing and the final gold coin.
Go to the right, and you will find a bunch of faceless. Focus fire and locust
swarm and they will all die very easily. There are some runes if you need them in
the crates around here. Once they are dead, simply head through the gate to the

Interlude: Boiling Point
Hours later, near the base of the Icecrown Glaicer, King Arthas and Anub'arak
finally reach the main stronghold of the Scourge.
Mission 8: A Symphony of Frost and Flame
Moments later, at the Scourge stronghold, King Arthas and Anub'arak make their
final plans to defend the Lich King's Throne Chamber.

At the beginning of the mission while setting up your base take the obelisk to the
west. Focus on only this location at first, let Illidan take the other 3 while
building up towers and an expo at the gold mine. Once you get aboms and fiends
with web take out the blood elf base by doing tons of coiling and spamming locust
SLAUGHTERED IF YOU DO IT RIGHT, correct tower building includes building a
necropolis with your towers and upgrading it to atleast the halls of the dead),
then take out the naga base. Your only threat now is illidan and his naga.

Take the south obelisk and build some towers and necropolis, continue on to the
west, and don't even bother building towers if you don't want to, because you
should have tons of money, just keep on building abominations and fiends, make
your crypt and slaughterhouse a control group just spamming A and F like mad.
You should have tons of money because of your expos. Just make sure to tower your
base well. Using town portal is essential, as are meat wagons when taking out the
two bases (if you are being attacked while cleaning up a base finish a unit
producing building and then TP). Money should not be a problem for you in this
mission, because the natural expo to the north of your original base, is open
right away and can easily be taken at any time, and is safe as soon as the blood
elf base is destroyed. MAKE SURE TO UPGRADE YOUR UNITS! Just go around after
you have crypt fiends and abominations and take each obelisk. When you've got
all four of them you'll complete the undead campaign.


Bonus Orc Campaign: The Founding of Durotar
Before you start this, I would just like to point out that in ladder games or
custom game in single player the beastmaster and the Shadow Hunter do not have
these spells, and you can not exceed level 10, and your skills can't go past level
3, nor do your ultimates have two levels.

This campaign consists of I believe three chapters that will be released over time
by blizzard and are downloadable. The first one was packaged with the game

Act one: To Tame a Land
In the months following the Battle of Mount Hyjal, warchief Thrall led the horde
back into the central Barrens of Kalimdor. Freed at last from generations of
demonic corruption, the orcs looked forward to building a new homeland for
themselves in malodor. They settled in a harsh rugged land near the Barrens'
eastern shore. Thrall named the new nation Durotar-in honor of his heroic father.

After the cut scene head down the hill, and notice that you have two skill points
and you are only at level 1.... Head north towards the red outpost that has been
revealed to you. Fight some Razormanes along the way and find your first
resurrection stone. Eventually you'll meet up with some grunts and they'll move
to the side and let you see thrall.

This will complete the very short first main quest. After a cut scene with
thrall you'll receive three options, and another hero for you to control. Rokhan.
Bring Rexxar and Rokhan to any of the three people that Thrall told you to see
(they ping sometimes). I suggest doing Naz'Grel's last.

Drek Thar (the farseer)'s task
-Main Quest: Thunder Herb Collect six shimmerweed herbs
-return to Drek'Thar.

Head out of the encampment and head northwest. You might have to fight some
centaurs along the way. There should be an easy path to follow and if you just
keep going northwest you should hit the exact place where you need to go. There
are just some centaurs at the beginning of the path that die very easily. If you
head along the right path you can kill some centaur archers and an impale and
break open a cage to get a shaman. You'll know you're going to the right
direction to Thunder Ridge because you'll meet up with some lightning lizards.

Eventually you'll enter a shimmering zone, which will bring you to Thunder Ridge.
After the new map loads you'll enter on the south west corner. If you head along
the initial path east you'll fight a thunder lizard. To the north of him is a
shimmerweed. If you head east even more you'll fight some thunder lizards
lizards, and a giant storm wyrm. This will give you a ton of experience and
there are two shimmerweeds right in that area.

In the middle of the map there is a fountain of mana. To the east there are some
thunder lizards. To the east of that there is another shimmerweed. To the west
of the fountain there are a few thunder lizards as well as another shimerweed.

If you continue west and go south there is yet another shimmerweed guarded by some
lizards. If you've been following what I've been writing this should complete the
quest. There are many other shimmerweeds scattered around thunder ridge. They
aren't very hard to find.

When you have 6 had back to the shimmering ground and that will bring you back to
the main map. Go back to Drek'Thar and he'll give you 5 enchanted vials that
regenerate 200 hp and 75 mana over 30 seconds.

Gazlowe's (looks like a sapper) problem
Main Quest: Seal the Tunnel
-Enter the Goblin tunnels beneath ogrimmar,
-destroy the support Columns
-Report your success to Gazlowe.

Head east out of the encampment. Where you need to go is pinging so don't need to
give you very complex directions. All that is really there on the way is
centaurs. Don't forget to take the gold coins near the entrance to the
underground part of ogrimmar. Step on the shimmering ground and you'll be
brought to the Ogrimmar Tunnels.

Head east and you'll have a cut scene with the goblin sappers. Your job is
essentially to just slaughter all of the kobolds. Head south and kill all the
kobolds here. Then head east, and kill some more kobolds, repeat again and kill
another large group of kobolds in the water . If you continue heading southeast
you'll find the first support beam. You'll have to fight a ton of kobolds, but
healing wave should keep you alive well. When the path is clear send a sapper to
the support column. It will drop in one blast.

Now head north west. You'll fight some more kobolds. You'll end up right to the
north of your starting point. Go get the rusty mine pick laying near the north
entrance into the cavern. From the northwest of this point is the support mine.
There is one group before this that consists of a geomancer and a few kobolds and
then the group near the support beam consists of a task master and a geomancer, in
addition to low level kobolds. When this is clear bring yet another sapper and
have him kaboom this support beam.

Head far to the east and fight some wildkins. Then head southeast for some more
kobolds. Head east here too and you'll have the option of fighting a tunneler
and some kobolds to get a gold coin. Head north east from here and you'll have to
fight a huge group of kobolds a couple geomancers a task master and a BUNCH of
kobolds) guarding the last support beam(. When that is clear, you can kaboom this
support beam. Head back to the shimmering ground at the beginning of the map and
then back to the main map. Then head back to the orc town and talk to Gazlowe.
He'll give you a runed gauntlet and an arcane scroll.

Naz'Grel's Assignment:
Main Quest: Harpy Threat
-Kill Bloodfeather
-return to nazgrel

You know where bloodfeather is so head in that direction (north/northwest).
You'll find the entrance to bloodfeather up a hill with teeth going up the sides
of it. As you head north you'll find the remnants of a caravan gold and all.
Fight the Harpies guarding it and take the gold coins. Keep heading north and
killing harpies as you go along. Eventually the path will spin and start going
south east. This leads up to some harpy rogues and windwitches and eventually
Bloodfeather. She is not that hard. Just use quillbeast and stormbolt while using
Rokhan to heal.

Bloodfeather drops a nice item, Bloodfeathers heart which increases agility by 10
(give it to Rokhan). Take all of The gold coins and then head back to Naz'Grel
for even better items.

When you meet up with Naz'Grel he'll tell you that you can go tot eh armory and
get some special items at the armory. Go to the armory (it's at the south of the
camp). You can get firehand gauntlets, which increase armor by 5 and attack rate
by 20% when worn, or an arcanite shield which reduces damage from ranged attacks
by 30% and increases armor by 5, and also Bladebane armor which gives the hero 7
armor and nearby units 1 extra defense. Pick an item
Once you have done these three quests head back to thrall.
He'll give you a new main quest
Main Quest; Survey The Border
-Speak with Gar'thok at the observatory
-Follow the tunnel through the beast den.
-Reach the observatory
--Return to thrall
Head to the observatory to the north east. Thrall reveals it on the minimap so
there are really no directions to give. Along the way you'll fight some centaurs
and harpies. Make sure you hit the resurrection stone on your way there (its
southwest of the watch post.
Once you reach the outpost you'll talk with Gar'thok who'll give you the optional

Optional Quest: Slay the Quillboars (look at this anyway if you are just trying to
complete the main quest. All you have to do to complete this part of the main
quest is go from one shimmering ground to the other)
-locate the beast den
-slay all of the quillboars

Head to the south east. Kill the quillboars guarding the area and then step on
the shimmering ground. This will bring you to the beast den. There are 50
quillboars. There are a few at the beginning near the resurrection stone. Then a
few more to the north west of here. Head south of that to kill about 5 more. The
south east part of the map is mostly satyrs who give experience and some nice
items. To the northwest of the satyr is a quilboar and some spirit pigs.
Northwest of him are a bunch more quilillboars. After these are dead there are
only 32 left. Head to the north east to kill a group of 5 more. Keep going in
that direction and kill another 4. There will be another quillboar with some
wolves who drops a rune of rebirth. Then head south east of him for another few
and then to the west of that for another one with some wolves. Go north east of
those two groups for three more. Even further in are a bunch more. After these
only 10 remain. Head south east for another one and then even further for a few
more. There should only be 6 more left . Head west of these and you'll find the
final six. You'll get an extra point to spend on your skills. Go to the north
west of these six through shimmering ground and you'll be sent back to the main
Now head to the observatory to the north east. After looking through the
observatory head back to thrall inside of the encampment.
After the cut scene you can head back to the watchpost or do an optional quest
(you don't have to do it now...or ever, but you can do it now if you like.
Head to the thunder ridge shimmering ground in the north western part of the map
if you want to do the optional quest. Watch out for omni-annoying thunder lizards
that come in large packs. Head into the shimmering ground and you'll go to
Thunder Ridge. Meet up with Drek'Thar and there will be cut scene with him.
Optional Quest: Thunder Lizards
-discover the cause of the lizard Migration
Optional Quest: Collect Lizard Eggs
-Collect three lizard eggs

Start off by heading to the middle of the map and fight your way through some
lizards. Then head east. Fight some thunder lizards and then a story wyrm.
North of him inside of a bush is a thunder lizard egg. Head south east, and kill
the thunder lizards and storm wyrm. West from here is yet another group of
lizards. Kill them and then take the egg in a bush near them. Head back into the
middle of the map to the fountain. Head north west and kill all of the lizards
here and make sure to go all the way and kill a storm wyrm and get the final egg.
Head back to the fountain of mana and Head north east under the arc.

You'll meet up with some humans and they'll run away.
After the cut scene you'll discover why they are going crazy. Now you have to
kill thunder lizards. I won't go play by play, but just scour the map for thunder
lizards. It shouldn't be too hard because you've probably already killed a lot
of them. Oh and its not only thunder lizards its all lizards.

Once you kill all of the lizards you get the Thunder lizard diamond, and if you
get all of the eggs you'll get Drek'thar's spellbook!! Head back to the shimmering
ground and back to thrall. He'll be confused. And you'll complete the optional

Now if you haven't already head back to the outpost. You'll realize the camp has
already been razed, and Now you have to destroy their base. Head across the
bridge to the northeast part of the map. You'll fight some wildkins. Keep along
the path and you'll find the remnants of a battle. Fight the knights, casters and
riflemen and then take the path to the south west. Take out the tower (naz'grel
is awesome for this) and head into the base. Kill the other tower and focus on
the small units next to the boats. Kill the knight and then head north. Inside
of here is a tiny human encampment. Take out the cannon towers and then focus on
the units. Make sure to use storm bolt and healing wav as well as your summons.
Once they are dead go to town on the base. Make sure to take the Shield of Honor.
Then head back to thrall.
Thrall will give you another main quest, to warn the trolls. Head to the zeppelin
to the east (it's location is revealed on the mini map). You'll have to fight
some centaurs along the way, they shouldn't be too hard. You'll also have to
fight some quillboars, but you should slaughter them pretty easily. Even further
to the east are some spider crabs. They should die very easily as well. Just
keep going east from there and you'll eventually reach the zeppelin. Head into
the shimmering ground and you'll be taken to the echo isles.

Once at the echo isles, head to the north and go the to the resurrection stone.
Head east, and fight some limb rippers. Then head north and fight the murlocs and
the revenants. Then head through the arch to the northeast. You'll have to fight
some skeletal orc grunts. Head north to fight some more skeletal orcs, incuding a
champion. Head east and kill a few more revenants. Head to the east and fight a
few greater dark minions and then a death revenant and a deathlord. Make sure you
pick up the crown of the deathlord.. from here head south east. Kill the
revenants and then head south east across the water to fight some enraged jungle
stalkers. Head further east on this island and fight two more enraged jungle
stalkers and then head north to Vol'Jin's island (you can head to the east to kill
some hydra if you want experience). When you get to Vol'Jin there will be a cut

You'll get turned into dragon. Rexxar has roar and bloodlust, while Rokhan has
healing wave (USE IT) You have to kill 5 human ships. Head north and you'll
fight some riflemen and gryphons. Then take out the ships You'll want to kill
the frigates and the gryphons first because they can kill you. Make sure to pick
up replacement bat riders. There is a battleship directly north of Vul'jin's
island. Then to the west there is another one (but it is guarded), and then
there is yet another one firing at the shore to the west that is guarded by a
gryphon and a bunch of frigates. Battleships can not hit air so take them out
after you take out the stuff guarding them. At the final island in the north west
there are two, one on the north east side, one on the south west side. This will
do it for the battleships. Head back to Vol'jin.

Now you have to light 5 signal barriers. Head east and take your two berserkers
and the ancestral staff. Head east and then north. Fight the sea giants who are
guarding the first pyre. Simply step on the pyre. Then head southeast (if you
head west here you can fight some behemoths for a boots of quel'thelas). You'll
run into some turtles. Kill then and continue east and take out the sea giants
here. Head even further east and you'll fight some more Sea Giants and find the
second signal pyre. Step on it and take the gold coin that the sea giants drop.
Head north and kill the large group of turtles. Watch out as the dragon turtles
can devour your berserkers. Head east and kill some more sea giants for the
third signal pyre. They will drop a rune of rebirth, which lets you have control
of a sea giant hunter. Step on the pyre and head south east. Three more
berserks will join you. Continue east and fight some more sea giants near a
fountain of mana. Take the gold coin they drop and use the fountain of you need
it. Head north and fight guardian of the deep and a sea giant. Head further
north to fight another group of sea giants including a behemoth that are guarding
the fourth pyre. Step on the pyre. Head east and you can fight a large group of
powerful sea giants, (two guardians of the deep, A sea king, and two sea giants)
You'll get a lot of gold from this battle (the sea king alone drops around 350
gold), make sure to pick up the kill maim that he drops (ADDS 20 DAMAGE AND
VAMPIRIC ATTACK!!!) Head south for another big group of sea giants guarding the
last pyre. Kill them and step on the last pyre. Head back to the shimmering
ground at the far west of this island where you started the signal pyre main
quest. You'll be back at Vol'jin, head back to where you started the original
quest (way at the west again. GO back to the shimmering ground at the very
beginning and you'll be taken back to the main map.

Back on the main map head to thrall.
Head to razor hill in the southeast corner of the map. You'll have to fight some
higher-level centaurs along the way but they should die pretty easily. As you get
closer you'll have to fight a large group of Razormanes. You know where to go
and when you get there you'll see a cut scene. You'll have to fight a bunch of
humans. Use stampede if you have it or voodoo spirits. You should be at least
level 6 so this should be easy especially if you have nice items, like the Kill
After they are dead you'll see another cut scene. After that, head back to
thrall. You'll see the last cut scene for act one. Congratulations, you've
completed the first act of the Orc Campaign. Blizzard will release the other acts
later, to be continued.
The names for those acts are
Act II: old hatred
Act III: A blaze of glory

VI. Small Online Guide
On battle.net there are a ton of custom games and sponsored battle.net
gametypes to play. It would take a lifetime to go
over every single custom game, and although a ton of people play them, most
of the focus in Wc3 is ladder, where it
should be.
Here are the ladder gametypes and a bit of run through for each of them.

Solo (1 versus 1)
This is just you versus someone else. Pretty bland, but this is where most
of the skill is. Solo is pretty intense at higher
levels. Right now in patch 1.12 solo essentially consists of each person
doing the “cheesiest” strategy possible. This
consists of fiends+statues for undead, Rifle+sorc or AIR with HU etc.

Random Team
Random Team pits you and between 1-3 random partners (depending on what RT
type you choose. There is 2v2,
3v3,and 4v4), against an = number of hopefully equally skilled opponents. A
lot of people play RT, which also means
there are a lot of people that are new to the game. The risk of getting bad
partners is one you have to take when playing

FFA (free for all)
Essentially a small number of individuals fight against each other, without
any teams. Even blizzard representative say
that FFA is not fair because of teaming and other stuff that goes on before
and during games. Not a very commonly
played gametype.

I won’t go into strategies for all of these, but I’ll give some helpful hints
on how to get better.
1. Scout and creep often, don’t always be sitting in your base. The more
you do, the more experience you have, the
higher level heroes.
2. hotkeys. Hotkey whatever you can, and use the hotkeys blizzard gives you
if you don’t feel like making custom
ones (custom hotkeys are VERY HELPFUL, as blizzard hotkeys are all over the
keyboard). HotkeyBuildings, units
etc. I tend to put people that do a certain type of damage in each control
group. Also make good use of tab, this is
especially important when using hero nukes such as, coil and nova. Having
your death knight and lich, in a control
group and simply hitting C+click then tab and then N+click shoots of
coil+nova very fast. Learn your hotkeys.
3. Learn damage types and counters.
4. WATCH REPLAYS. Watch your own and watch replays of very good people.
There are websites everywhere with
“gosu” replays. These help.
5. micro wars helps. Micro management is very important and determines the
outcome of a battle.


VII. Credits/legal/contact

Thanks for reading my FAQ/Walkthrough, I hoped it helped. All rights are
reserved by their respective owners (mostly blizzard entertainment). However,
this FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright Ocissordei 2003. Don't plagiarize please. If
you want to put this on your site, email me telling me you did it, and make sure
you copy the guide in its entirety, and stay up to date. If I have a problem
with it I'll tell you.

If you have suggestions, want to AT or contribute something to the FAQ, drop me a
line at ocissordei@yahoo.com

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