Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

17.10.2013 07:49:48
==================Warcraft 3:The Frozen Throne FAQ/Guide=================
For PC
Written by acidslayer57(AcidSlayer1@hotmail.com) and Emuking15
Version 0.5

*What does this mean? It means if you haven't previously played TFT and *
*want to find out about the story of TFT for yourself, don't read this *
*guide, because I assure you, parts of the plot will be spoiled for you.*
*Same goes with the new heroes/units/whatever else you may want to find *
*about on your own. If you become stuck in this game, and want the least*
*amount of spoilers, I suggest you just go to the section you want to *
*check out, very quickly. *

============================Table of Contents============================

Section 1: Introduction/Legal Stuff/Updates
Section 2: New to The Frozen Throne
Section 3: The Warcraft 3 Basics
Section 4: Unit/Hero Overview *
4.1: Human
4.2: Orc
4.3: Night Elf
4.4: Undead
4.5: Naga
Section 5: Building/Tech Tree Overview *
5.1: Human
5.2: Orc
5.3: Night Elf
5.4: Undead
5.5: Naga
Section 6: Items *coming soon*
Section 7: Walkthrough
7.1: Night Elf Campaign - Terror of the Tides
7.1.1: Chapter 1 - The Rise of the Naga
7.1.2: Chapter 2 - Broken Isles
7.1.3: Chapter 3 - Tomb of Sargeras
7.1.4: Chapter 4 - Wrath of the Betrayer
7.1.5: Chapter 5 - Balancing the Scales
7.1.6: Chapter 6 - Shards of the Alliance
7.1.7: Chapter 7 - Ruins of Dalaran
7.1.8: Chapter 8 - The Brothers Stormrage
7.2: Human Campaign - Curse of the Blood Elves
7.2.1: Chapter 1 - Misconceptions
7.2.2: Chapter 2 - A Dark Covenant
7.2.3: Chapter 3 -
7.2.4: Chapter 4 -
7.2.5: Chapter 5 -
7.2.6: Chapter 6 -
7.2.7: Chapter 7 -
7.3: Undead Campaign -
7.3.1: Chapter 1 -
7.3.2: Chapter 2 -
7.3.3: Chapter 3 -
7.3.4: Chapter 4 -
7.3.5: Chapter 5 -
7.3.6: Chapter 6 -
7.3.7: Chapter 7 -
7.3.8: Chapter 8 -
7.4: Orc Campaign - Bonus Campaign
7.4.1: Chapter 1 -
7.4.2: Chapter 2 -
7.4.3: Chapter 3 -
7.4.4: Chapter 4 -
7.4.5: Chapter 5 -
7.4.6: Chapter 6 -
7.4.7: Chapter 7 -
Section 8: FAQ
Section 9: Credits/Outro

More information on TFT units, campaigns, and more are coming ASAP!

Having trouble navigating? Press Ctrl + F and type in the Section and #
you wish to view.

* Some statistics may be inaccurate due to new patches, ect.
=====================Section 1: Introduction/Legal Stuff=================

Oh man. Waiting for The Frozen Throne has been tedious but it has finally
arrived, and me and Emuking have decided to do a joined effort FAQ for
TFT. Sadly, the people I ordered it from were very very slow and I
didn't get TFT until about July 12th. Emuking also took his time in
buying it. So othis FAQ will not be the first or even second FAQ in the
list, but I hope you WC3 fanatics will take ther time to read it anyway.

If you have any questions or comments send them to AcidSlayer1@hotmail.com.

Legal Notice

This FAQ is Copyright 2003 acidslayer57/Emuking. This means that this
guide must not be distrubuted in any way without our permission. This
guide is purely non-profit and therefore cannot be sold for your benefit.
This also means you cannot take credit for any work that was put into
this FAQ. If we give you the right to put this on your site, give us
credit, and we will be happy, and so will you. Lastly, you may print this
guide out for personal use, becausee we wouldn't want you to have to
minimize TFT everytime you must resort to this now would we?


July 28, 2003
Version 0.5

This Version has finished the Night Elf Campaign and officially finished
the units for Orc, Night Elf, anf The Naga. That is really not too much
progress. Soon I will add the rest of the races.

July 18, 2003
Version 0.3

The only thing this update does is add one new Night Elf mission. Really,
I only updated because I got a new email adsress that I am going to use
just for FAQs. I didn't want the old one being sent to.

July 17, 2003
Version 0.2

The Night Elf campaign was updated in this version and I added the Naga
buildings and units into the guide. We're soon to add a massive update
that will include the Undead and Human Units and structures as well. It
is gonna feel very nice to be completely finished with that part and then
focus on the actual walktrough part.

July 14th, 2003
Version 0.1

This is the base version for the entire FAQ. It includes all of the basic
stuff, intro, obviously the updates, the New to TFT section, the unit and
building descriptions for Orc and Night Elf, and the first three levels
of the Human campaign. The rest of the unit comparisions and some of thier
stats will be coming soon in a future update. More levels will also be
added ASAP. Who knows? Later we might add some multiplayer strategies
for specific races and maybe a big and happy starting build section.


Warcraft 3 Terminology

This section wil guide you thorugh a list of abbreiviations that I may
use throughout this guide in order to make it easier to follow (and easier
to type as well) These abbreiviations will mosst likely be seen on Battle.
net commonly, so you waon't have to worry if you are there often.

TFT - The Frozen Throne

RoC - Reign of Chaos

GL - This means "Good Luck" ussually seen before the match starts.

HF - Similarly seen before the match starts. It means "Have fun."

GG - Means "Good Game" It is sain if in fact the match was a good game.
More often then not you will see this. In fact, it is often used
pre-maturely when the game may not be a clear win.

PoTM - Preistess of the Moon

KotG - Keeper of the Grove

DotC - Druid of the Claw

DotT - Druid of the Talon.

AOW - Ancient of War.

Any other Night elf thing that has a long annoying name will most likely
be abbreiviated.

Pally - Paladin

There are many Hero abbreiviations as well such as:

MK - Mountain King
AM - Archmage
TC - Tauren Chieftan

This is ongoing. I will say the hero names without abbreiviations though
because it can get confusing.

I will add more as we need them.

====================Section 2: New to The Frozen Throne==================

In The Frozen Throne, Blizzard is going all out on new units, heros,
items, and everything. In fact they have constructed an entirely knew
game with TFT. Here I will list some different things that are different
from ROC to TFT. I will try to dispel some common rumors too.

-Every race has new units and buildings.
-Every race has a buildable shop where they can buy useful items.
-Every race has one new hero.
-There are now neutral heros that can be bought at different nuetral
-Reduced gold cost and raised lumber cost for almost everything.
-NO UPKEEP:0-50.
-LOW UPKEPP:51-80.
-HIGH UPKEEP: 81-100.
-New campaigns for every race.
-Naga Units.
-Many units have new armor types.
-Much More!

====================Section 3: The Warcraft 3 Basics=====================

To play Warcraft 3, it does take some degree of knowledge for what you
are doing. You will learn what I am going to be telling you in this
sectoin from the tutorial campaign in the original WC3. I know you all
have it because it is required to install TFT. Lets go over some basics
shall we?

Unit Control

To use a unit you will need to left click on it. By doing
so you will see the unit's HP,MP, a little graphic of what it looks like,
and the spells/abilities the unit has. To move the unit right click where
you want the unit to move. You must select it before you can move it.
To attack with a unit, it is as simple as right clicking on the enemy
units. In order to use special skills and abilities click on the icon of
the spell you want to use and left click in the place you want it used.

Hero Control

Heros move and attack in the same fashion as units do, but with one
difference, they can level up and you can choose the Hero's skills. When
your hero level's up they flash very brightly for a second. and you will
see a little 1 near the picture of your hero. This means they have one
skill you can assign. TO assigan a skill, click on a hero and look to the
lower right corner on the screen. There is a box that is a red cross like
a medical sign. Click on that and then you can choose which spell to spend
points in. Easy. Heros also have additional stats such as Strength, Agility,
and Intelligence.

Building a Base

To build a base, click on your basic worker unit. (Peasents/Peons/Wisps/
Acolytes.) and look to the lower right box. in the ower left in that lower
right box you will see an icon that, if you hover your mouse over for a
scond or two says: construct building, or something to that effect.
Click on that then choose the building you want to construct. A translucent
image of the build will be where your mouse is, and you can place it on the
map wherever you want. Again, easy.


As in every RTS, you must collect resources to keep your base running
and for you to build units. Gold is found in goldmines and wood is taken
from trees. Always assign 5 of your workers to gold and lumber. Anymore
won't make a difference. For lumber I suggest ou put at least five workers
more will get you additional lumber though.


Supply is a buildable resource meaning that you have direct control over
how much supply you have. Eash unit has a supply cost. and your main
building gives you 10 supply to work with. to get more supply you need
to build your supply building (farms/ziggurats/burrows/moon wells)
The supplys for your units can never go over your total supplys unless
some supply buildings were damaged. YOu can get a maximum at 100 supply.


Left = Number of supply you are using.
Right = Total Supply.


Upkeep is a tax on gold for how many unit you have based upon your supply.

Here is how it works:

No Upkeep (10 Gold per return) - 0-50 used supply
Low Upkeep (7 Gold per return) - 51-80 used supply
High Upkeep (4 Gold per return) - 81-100 used supply

These basic ideas about Warcraft 3 should give you a firm grasp of what to
expect when you play it. It is helpful to know this stuff before you play.

=======================Section 4: Unit/Hero Overview=====================

Before we begin, please note that all HEROS will be presented in this easy

Name of Hero
Attack Damage: (Type of Attack)
Armor:(Type of Armor)

Paragraphs with additional notes/tips and spells.
UNITS will be presented like this:

Name of Unit
Attack Damage: (Type of Attack)
Armor:(Type of Armor)

Paragraph with additional notes/tips and spells.

-----------------------------= 4.1 Human=--------------------------------

***This Section is soon to be completed***

------------------------------= 4.2 Orc=---------------------------------

|Orc Heros|

Cost: Gold-425 Wood-200 Supply-5
Strength: 18
Agility: 24
Intelligence: 16
Attack Damage: 26-48(Hero)
Armor:5 (Hero)

The Blasemaster relies on agility and strength for his power, which
is good because he is one of the most powerful heros when leveled up

Wind Walk
This spell allows the Blademaster to go invisible and have an increased
movement speed. This spell has very limited uses because, as you can
imagine, it is only good for getting away. This is however quite helpful
in the limited ways you can use it. It is great to harrass the enemy and
then wind walk to get out of their base. Also, because of the increase
in speed, it is useful for catching up to any units that you think you
can take down.

Mirror Image
This spell has the Blademaster split up into 2/3/4(depending on the level)
images of himself that do no damage, but look exactly the same as
the original thing. This increases the longevity that the BM will be
living because chances are that the enemy will go for one of the
mirrored images. These can also be used as an effective scout.

Critical Hit
Critical hit gives the Bladmaster a chance that he will do a massive
attack that does lots of damage with every swing. You shouldn't
rely on this due to it's random nature, but it does give you the edge
in battles. Especcially when fully leveled up.

Blade Storm
The Blademaster will swing in circles with his sword out doing
damage to everybody in his wake. Get this skill ASAP because it is very
useful in tough battles and will absolutely go through casters and tier
1 melee units.

Tauren Cheiftan
Cost: Gold-425 Wood-200 Supply-5
Strength: 25
Agility: 10
Intelligence: 14
Attack Damage: 27-37 (Hero)
Armor: 2 (Hero)

The Tauren Cheiftan has the highest HP in the game, and is immense and

Shockwave is a powerful projectile spell that unleashes a large
shockwave over the target. It is powerful and hurts any units in the way
whether they are behind or in front of the target.

War Stomp
Warstop is a similar spell to the Mountain King's counter-part. It releases
a wave of energy around the Tauren Chieftain in a circular pattern. Any
enemy unit caught in the wave will be hurt. This is very effective on groups
of units surrounding the Tauren Chieftan.

Endurance Aura
Endurance Aura makes anything around the Tauren Chieftan get a small speed
boost depending on the level of the spell, the higher the bosst will be.

This simple ultimate is passive and allows the Chieftan to be revived upon
being killed by the enemy.

Far Seer
Cost: Gold-425 Wood-200 Supply-5
Strength: 15
Agility: 18
Intelligence: 19
Attack Damage: 21-27 (Hero)
Armor: 3 (Hero)

The Far Seer has a range of very very useful attacks and relies on intelligence
to fuel it's power.

Chain Lightening
This spell has the Far Seer shoot lightening that rebounds off to other enemies
in a
chain-like fashion. It's damage increases and it bounces additional times when
spell levels. The spell is very powerful and should be used whenever the enemym
many weak units in a row and to finish off weakened heros.

Far Sight
This Scouting ability reveals a portion of the map and cn be used as a valuable
scouting tool, but with Feral Spirit and Chain lighteneing on your side, it is
hard to
find a good time to put a skill point into this.

Feral Spirit
This summons two wolves to help attack the enemy/scout for you. These are
summons and
will fall to most dispel type attacks so be careful. Also you can ONLY summon
two of
these at a time.

As the Far Seer's ultimate spell, this thing can do massive damage to
buildings, but
only slows down units to a crawl, which can still be useful in certain
situations. I
advise that you use this on enemy towers/expansions.

Shadow Hunter
Cost: Gold-425 Wood-200 Supply-5
Strength: 15
Agility: 20
Intelligence: 17
Attack Damage: 22-28 (Hero)
Armor: 3 (Hero)

Healing Wave
This spell is chain lightening that go to friendly units and heals them up
depending on the level of the spell. This is very very useful because Orcs
don't ussually have
great healing early in the game.

Hex is a hero version of polymorph. It turns any traget into a random critter.

Serpant Ward
This creates a ward that looks like a snake. It stays in place and attacks

Big Bad Voodoo
This makes every unit surrounding the Shadow Hunter turn Invincible.
the Shadow Hunter is not invincible during this time, so he will be the enemy's
target for awhile.

|Orc Units|

HP: 250
Cost:Gold-75; Supply-1
Attack Damage: 7-8 (Normal)
Armor: 0 (Medium)
Prerequisites: Great Hall

You know exactly what the peon does. He builds every building you will ever
have with
Orcs. He also has the ability to repair buildings and go into burrows if your
base is
under attack.

HP: 700
Cost:Gold-200; Supply-3
Attack Damage: 18-21 (Normal)
Armor: 1 (Heavy)
Prerequisites:Great Hall; Barracks

Grunts are the Orc's basic units and they have a ton of HP and a powerful
These two factors make sure that the grunt is still useful in the mid and late
of the game. If you are not using Taurens for melee, use these because raiders
tend to
be bad against units, plus the have less HP.

Troll Headhunter
HP: 350
Cost:Gold-135 Wood-20; Supply-2
Attack Damage: 23-27 (Piercing)
Armor: 0 (Medium)
Prerequisites: Great Hall; Barracks

Troll headhunters are overlooked, but very useful in the early game. They have
but low HP, and since they are ranged should be put behind your melee units so
are safe. The extra damage can undoubtably work to your advantage.

Troll Beserker
HP: 450
Cost: Gold-135 Wood-20; Supply-2
Attack Damage:23-27 (Piercing)
Armor: 0 (Medium)

The Troll Beserker takes more damage, but deals out more damage as well.

HP: 610
Cost:Gold-180 Wood-40 Supply-3
Attack Damage: 23-27 (Siege)
Armor: 1 (Medium)
Prerequisites: Stronghold; Beastiary

Radiers, I'm afraid are sup par units. They are made to be base seige units,
but don't
have the required HP to take the damage. Also, they are ONLY good for base
because they do next to nothing to normal units.

This is very similar to the Spider's Web ability. It takes down an air unit and
it on the ground so your normal units can take swings at it.

Kodo Beast
HP: 1000
Cost:Gold-125 Wood-60; Supply-4
Attack Damage: 16-20 (Piercing)
Armor: 1 (Unarmored)
Prerequisites: Stronghold; Beastiary

Kodo Beasts are useless with the exception of building one or two per match.
This is
because of their very useful aura, War Drums.

War Drums
War Drums increases every unit's attack around the Kodo Beast by 10%, upgraded
This works very well if Endurance aura and Bloodlust are also used.

This has the Kodo Beast eat a unit and slowly digest it is his body. If the
beast is
killed before the unit is fully gone, then they will come back. It can
effectivly take
out some of the ememies more effective units. It doesn't work on heros.

HP: 355
MP: 200
Cost:Gold-130 Wood-20; Supply-2
Attack Damage: 8-9 (Magic)
Armor: 0 (Unarmored)
Prerequisites: Stronghold; Spirit Lodge

Shamens are great Orc casters that give buffs to your units.

Lightening Shield
After using this spell on a target, any units near the target will be hurt
slowly, so
I suggest you use this on enemy casters and ranged units. It can also be used
on your own units. You can cast it on a hero and harass if you wanted.

Simply, this takes away any buff/debuffs to the enemy and friendlys and makes
effected units considerably slower then they were. A downside is that they are
autcasted and your units also become slower.

This is the main spell you are going to want to use with shamans. It increases
units affected attack speed by 50% and makes them quicker in general. This is a
have for any Orc players.

Troll Witchdoctor
HP: 315
MP: 160
Cost:Gold-145 Wood-25; Supply-2
Attack Damage: 10-14 (Magic)
Armor: 0 (Unarmored)
Prerequisites: Stronghold; Spirit Lodge

Troll Witchdoctors are very very useful units that are mainly defensive.

Sentry Ward
Lay this ward down aywhere on the map and for 600 seconds you will see that
area in
which you casted. This spell is useful at the beginning because of scouting,
but soon
is rendered useless due to Stasis Traps.

Stasis Traps
This makes any units that stumble upon it stunned for a short amount of time.
It is
extremely useful in a myriad of situations. It can be used in place of sentry
for a stunning sentry and you should always place these around the enemy when
fight a major battle.

Healing Wards
Healing wards regenerate HP of all units in an area of effect. This is useful
in and
out of battle for obvious reasons. I suggest you use these like the stasis
Often in battle.

Wyvern Rider
HP: 600
Cost:Gold-265 Wood-40; Supply-4
Attack Damage: 36-44 (Piercing)
Armor: 0 (Light)
Prerequisites: Stronghold; Beastiary

Wyverns are an Orc air unit that is sub-par compared to all of the others. If
you are
going to build them build a lot of them. They can be usefull if built in small
for support as well, but if you are plainning Orc air, make sure your opponent
know. If he does he will most likely decimate you.

HP: 500
Cost: Gold-160 Wood-40; Supply-2
Attack Damage:11-12 (Seige)
Armor: 0 (Light)
Prerequisites: Beastiary; Voodoo Lounge

Unstable Concoction
This spell makes the batrider sacrifice itself by flying into the target and
up. It does 900 splash damage.

Liquid Fire
Throws a bottle of fire that only effects buildings and slowly destroys them.

Tauren Spirit Walker
Cost: Gold- 185 Wood-35; Supply-3
Attack Damage: N/A
Armor: 0 (Unarmored)
Prerequisites: Spirit Lodge

Spirit Link
When units are linked with this spell they distribute the damage given to them
equally. This allows them to last longer.

Removes all buffs form target units

Ancestral Spirit
Reincarnates a Tauren warrior who has fallen.

Corperal/Etheral Form

Etheral allows you to not take physical damage, but you cannot attack. Corperal
is normal form.

HP: 1300
Cost:Gold-280 Wood-80; Supply-5
Attack Damage: 30-36 (Normal)
Armor: 3 (Heavy)
Prerequisites: Fortress; Tauren Totem

The Orc's strongest normal unit, as well as the strongest in the game. It has a
lot of
Hp especially with healing wards. An effedctive strategy is to use these in
conjunction with shaman, kodo beast, and tauren chieftain. This makes many
spells and
Auras stack to give you a powerful and fast offensive advantage.

HP: 425
Cost:Gold-220 Wood-50; Supply-4
Attack Damage: 76-94 (Siege)
Armor: 2 (Heavy)
Prerequisites: Fortress; Barracks

Catapults are Orc's seige weapon and can be upgraded to have flaming
which gives them a little boost, but I would in general steer clear.

-----------------------------= 4.3 Night Elf=-----------------------------

|Night Elf Heros|

Demon Hunter
Cost: Gold-425 Wood-100 Supply-5
Strength: 19
Agility: 22
Attack: 24-46 (Hero)
Armor: 5 (Hero)

The Demon Hunter is a very good choice for a starting Night Elf Hero.
Although the Demon Hunter is weak at the begginning of the game, if you
raise his level a few times you will find the Demon Hunter to be a
powerful force, and a great asset to your army. He is an agility based
hero whose spells are useful for solo creeping.

Mana Burn
This spell takes away 100/200/300 MP away from the enemy and
cuts that in half as the total damage you do to your opponent. This
is useful in a very significant way. To stop your opponent from casting
spells and to harm them a little bit. nstead of going for evade and
immolation first, why not try this? It can stop harassment with no

This spell is either turned on or off and does 10/15/20 damage to enemies
around the Demon Hunter. Obviously this is very good for solo creeping.
It also makes the Demon Hunter a valuable melee fighter. If you are going
to mana burn, do that first before you use immolation as not to waste you mana.

This spell gives a chance (10%/20%/30%) that the Demon Hunter will evade
the attack that is brought onto it. This can be useful, but not
recommended as a first skill.

This ultimate spell is one of the best ultimates you can have. It makes
the Demon Hunter go into Demon form and makes the Demon have chaos
damage and a ranged attack. You also get a HP and armor boost as well.
This spell can waste tons of guys before it rus out.

Priestess of The Moon
Cost: Gold-425 Wood-100 Supply-5

Instead of the Demon Hunter, you might want to give the Preistess of the
Moon a try for the first hero. She has very sueful early spells and stays
quite useful because of Starfall and her very goood aura.

This spell allows the Priestess to summon an invinciple owl with no
attack that is a very good scout. Obviusly you should use this for
scouting only. It is realy only useful early game because it doesn't have
it's same usefulness later in the game.

Searing Arrow
This spell offers a powerful ranged attack for the Priestess. It adds
fire damage that goes up in tens per level. This boost in attack is
essential and makes the Preistess a very powerful unit.

Trueshot Sura
This is another reason that the Priestess of the Moon is such a
worthwhile hero. She has this aura that increases the power of all ranged
attackers around her. This is very, very useful and will make the PoTM
a great team hero.

The PoTM's ultimate is without a doubt a powerful spell that has a good
time to be used and a bad time. When this powerful spell is active, it
has many stars fall from the sky on all surrounding units. However people
will try to interrupt this spell however they can when it is on. So if
you mana burn anything with stunning spells and use this then it is great
because they will have no way to stop it except for actually killing
the PoTM. If this spell is interrupted it is wasteful.

Keeper of The Grove
Cost: Gold-425 Wood-100 Supply-5
Strength: 16
Agility: 15
Intelligence: 18

The Keeper of the Grove is a great harrassment hero, but loses his
effectiveness somewhat, later in the game. His skills sound solid, but
are really not as great as you expect them to be.

Entangling Roots
This causes vines rise from the ground and keep the target unit in it's
place while causeing a moderate amount of damage. This skill is very
useful for hero kiling, but can only target one unit and therfore is very
limited in use. Another fact is that it is dispellable and doesn't work
as well in later game.

Force of Nature
Target a group of nearby trees to cause a group of 2/3/4 Treants to rise
from them. The Treants are melee units and are in general weak. luckily
the 4 of them you get at later levels will be worht it. Sadly, like all
summonable units, these can be dispelled.

Thorns Aura
Thorns if an aura, which means it affects unit's surrounding your hero.
The aura makes any melee attackers get damage back from their attack's
The amount of damage is insignificant and ony useful if leveled all the

The Keeper of the Grove's ultimate spell is very powerful. It makes the
Keeper of the Grove worth it in the long run. Upon use of this spell,
the Keeper of the Grove will Heal 20 HP per second to all surrounding
units for quite awhile. This makes it very very hard to hurt any of the
NE's force aorund the Keeper. The only downside to this spell is that it
is easily interrupted with stun, sleep ect.

The Priestess of the Moon has Shadowmeld

Cost: Gold-425 Wood-100 Supply-5
Strength: 18
Agility: 20
Intelligence: 15
Attack: 22-42

Fan of Knives
This allows the Warden to throw knives in a circular pattern around her.

This spell is a small telepoertaion device that allows the Warden to get over
Ledges/Rivers and you can use it to escape battle.

Shadow Strike
Throws a poinoned dagger at the enemy and makes them get posioned.

Summons an avatar of Vengence when the Warden dies to hunt down and kill the
unit that
killed the Warden.

The Warden has the ability to Shadowmeld.
|Night Elf Units|

Cost:Gold-60; Supply-1
Attack Damage: N/A
Armor: 0 (Medium)
Prerequisites: Tree of Life

The wisp is the builidng unit of the Night Elf's. It can then build all
of the structures you will need as Night Elfs. On top of being able to
build structures it can also detonate. Detonate allows the Wisp to take
away mana from the Hero/Units it has detonated upon. This is a great
counter againt hero rushes and casters. Wisps can be only be put into
an entangled gold mine and can ony harvest wood by going onto the tree
without knocking it down. One last thing to note about Wisps is that they
can restore buildings which is essentially the same thing as replaring a

Cost: Gold-130 Wood-10; Supply-2
Attack Damage: 16-18 (Piercing)
Armor:0 (Medium)
Prerequisites: Ancient of War

Archers are the first unit you have access to building and they are very
good units if used correctly. Archers have a ranged piercing attack so use
these if you think that the opponent are going to get a lot of tier three
melee units. Keep in mind that these units are also good anti air units
that can remain useful pretty much throughout the whole game.

Archers have Shadowmeld

Cost:Gold-195 Wood-20; Supply-3
Attack Damage:16-18 (Normal)
Armor:2 (Unarmored)
Prerequisites: Barracks; Hunter's Hall

Huntresses are powerful units with a significant amount of HP. Use these
as meatshield for other units. Some people find it useful to mass these
things. These units are ranged attackers that do normal damage. Also
they have owl sentrys that are very useful for scouting out the map.
Their upgrades are essential if you are going to have them.

Huntresses have Shadowmeld

Cost:Gold-145 Wood-60; Supply-3
Attack Damage:16-18 (Piercing)
Armor: 0 (Unarmored)
Prerequisites: Ancient of Lore

Dryads are a very useful unit. They are ranged attackers that do not do very
much damage, but make up for it with their skills: Dryads are hard to
counter due to their immunity to magic, air units will be destroyed when
faced against an army of dryads and slow poison serves as a valuable hero
killer. Mix this in with Abolish magic and you have one great unit.

Abolish Magic
This is similar to the Priest's Dispel. It takes away any buffs/ statis of
the unit it is casted on. The difference between dipel and abolish is that
abolish only focused on one unit, but is autocasted, while dispel is AOE,
but not autocasted.

Magic Immunity
This is a passive spell that is both bad and good for the Dryads. An example
of bad is that you cannot cast buffs on the dryads. Good would be that dyrads
cannot be Blizzarded. Any spell we do nothing to Dryads.

Slow Poison
This passive skill slows any enemies that are hit with the Dryad's weapon
as well as adding small poison damage to them for a little while.

Druid of the Claw
Cost:Gold-255 Wood-80; Supply-4
Attack Damage: 19-22(Normal)
Armor: 1 (Heavy)
Prerequisites:Ancient of Lore

Druid of the Claw(DoTC) are yet another very valuable unit to the Night
Elfs. This is mainly due to the fact that they are one of NE's only
Melee units (with the Matser training upgrade) There skills are:

Roar makes every unit around the DoTC who casted it to gain an increase
in power for a limited time. This skill is great when using any type
of unit. so you should utilize it whenever possible.

This spell heals a single unit very quickly. The spell is great and
should be used whenever someone is in need of HP.

Bear Form
Bear Form transforms the DoTC into a bear and gives him increased armor and HP

Bear Form
HP: 960
MP: 400
Cost: Gold-225 Wood-80 (Pluse Upgrade Costs); Supply - 4
Attack Damage: 29-44 (Normal)
Armor: 3 (Heavy)
Prerequisites: Ancient of Lore

Roar makes every unit around the DoTC who casted it to gain an increase
in power for a limited time. This skill is great when using any type
of unit. so you should utilize it whenever possible. This can only
be used by the Bear when the upgrade Mark of the Claw is upgraded.

Mountian Giant
Cost: Gold-425 Wod-100; Supply-7
Attack Damage
Armor: 4
Prerequisites: Ancient of Lore

This makes every unit near the Mountain Giant focus fire onto him. this is
because his high HP and armor could make the enemy take awhile to kill him and
other units can be doing damage to others.

Grab Tree
The Mountain Giant grabs a tree and uses it battering ram staly on buildings.
becomes a seige unit.

Hardened Skin
Reduces Physical Damage done to the Mountain Gint.

Resistant Skin
Reduces Magical damage done to the Mountain Giant and make shim immune to

Druid of the Talon
HP: 300
MP: 200
Cost: Gold-135 Wood-20; Supply-2
Attack Damage: 11-13 (Magic)
Armor: 0 (Unarmored)
Prerequisites: Ancient of Wind

Druid of the Talon, The offensive spellcasters, offer two brutal spells
and another trandofrmation.

Fairie Fire
This spell subtracts 5 armor from the unit it is casted upon. This means
that the enemies armor will read 2-5. In this case the enemy will take
extra damage(an extra 3 because of 2-5). This spell also reveals the
shroud around the effected enemies, making this a valuable scouting tool.

This is a bit like stasis field from Starcraft, it takes one unit/hero
and puts them atop of a cyclone and that renders them useless for about
thirty seconds. After that time the unit will fll down from the cyclone
and you will easily be able to kill a few units, right? On heros this
spell only lasts ten seconds.

Storm Crow Form
This allows the DoTT to transform into a storm crow, which is a valuable
anti-air unit. IT can also be used as a good scout.

Storm Crow
HP: 380
MP: 400
Cost: Gold-135 Wood-20 (Plus the Upgrade costs); Supply-2
Attack Damage: 35-41 (Magic)
Armor: 0 (unarmored)
Prerequisites: Ancient of Wind

Fairie Fire
This spell subtracts 5 armor from the unit it is casted upon. This means
that the enemies armor will read 2-5. In this case the enemy will take
extra damage(an extra 3 because of 2-5). This spell also reveals the
shroud around the effected enemies, making this a valuable scouting tool.
This can also only be used by the Storm Crow when the upgrade
Mark of the Talon is researched.

HP: 525
Cost:Gold-160 Wood-20; Supply-2
Attack Damage: 50-75 (Normal)
Armor: 0 (Unarmored)
Prerequisites: Ancient of Wind

Hippogryphs are not too useful of a unit. They can only attack air, but
do lots of damage too. Although they may be a great anti-air unit, I
don't use them nuch at all.

Faerie Dragon
HP: 450
MP: 200
Cost: Gold-155 Wood-25; Supply-2
Attack Damage: 13-14 (Piercing)
Armor: 0 (Light)

Phase Shift
This Makes the Faerie Dragon shift out of existance whenever it takes
damage. This is only for a few seconds.

Mana Flare
This Spell makes the Faerie Dragon curl into a ball and release coem sort
of spell that makes any magic casters harmed whenever they cast a spell.

Spell Immunity
Makes the Faerie Dragon immune to magical attacks and spells.

Hippogryph Rider
Cost:Gold-340 Wood-20; Supply-4 (The cost of an archer and Hippogryph)
Attack Damage:19-22 (Piercing)
Prerequisites: Ancient of Wind; Barracks

Hippogryph Riders are expensive air units that can attack both, air and
ground units. They are weaker then most other air units and are not very
efficent, therfore I wouldn't recommending building these en masse.

HP: 1000
Cost: Gold-330 Wood-70; Supply-5
Attack Damage:67-83 (Magic)
Armor: 2 (Heavy)
Prerequisites: Chimaera Roost

Chimaeras are excellent units that are probably the most feared in the
game. It is understandable why they are feared. Although they can only
attack ground units, they do so much damage that they can destroy tier
melee and casters. The only hope you have of kiling these off is if you
go with ranged units. The amount of HP they have is also respectable, and
therfore they are very good in base assualts, and just to have in

Glaive Thrower
HP: 300
Cost: Gold-210 Wood-65; Supply-4
Attack Damage: 39-50 (Seige)
Armor: 2 (Heavy)
Prerequisites: Barracks; Tree of Eternity

Glaive Throwers are the siege unit, and a very good one at that. With the
they can do do damage to buildings and units directly behind the one
being shot. I would, ony use these on a base assualt or if your opponent is

-----------------------------= 4.4 Undead=-------------------------------

------------------------------= 4.5 Naga=--------------------------------

Mer'gul Slave
HP: 250
Cost: Gold- 75; Supply-1
Attack Damage 7-8 (Normal)
Armor: 0 (unarmored)
Perequisites: Temple of Tides

This is the building units of Naga units. It is essential for your survival
and as usual, is the weakest unit in your Naga arsenal. They can mine both,
gold and lumber and are pretty cool looking too. Poor slaves. They have the
ability to repair damaged buildings and thats pretty much it.

Mer'gul Reaver
HP: 400
Cost: Gold-120; Supply-2
Attack: 21-33
Armor: 6 (Heavy)
Perequisites: Temple of Tides

Reavers are the weak basic units of the Naga. They only take 2 supply, but
the small amount of life is just not worth the build except to scout or
soething. Your better off with Myrmadons anyways. They are melee units,
By the way.

Naga Mrymidon
HP: 1080
Cost: Gold-225 Wood-55; Supply-4
Attack: 36-60 (Normal)
Armor: 8 (Heavy)
Perequisites: Spawning Grounds

These are gigantic tanks of the Naga's army. They have a load of HP and
armor. and with ensnare they can become partially effectve against air
units as well. Really though, there is not much to say about them.

Use this against air units to take them to the ground. It is non dispellable,
so you shouls find a lot of use to it. Also, it comes in handy against magic
immune air because Sirens are magic only.

Dragon Turtle
HP: 750
Cost: Gold-320 Wood-65; Supply-5
Attack: 26-38 (Piercing); 66-134 (Seige)
Perequisites: Spawning Grounds

Dragon turtles should be build sparingly. They take up five supply
and that is not too good. Being capable seige units, they can be great,
but it is ussually not worth the expense. Use their abilities wisely.

Eats a land unit and digests it overtime in his stomache. Do not have
the Dragon Turtle killed during this or the digesting unit will return.
Use this on the tier three melee to soften them up.

Spiked Shell
Although I'm not exactly sure what this does, I believe it is like thorns
and makes some damage go to the enemy.

Hardened Skin
Makes the Dragon Turtle more resistant to physical attacks.

Snap Dragon
HP: 500
Cost: Gold-200 Wood-25; Supply-3
Attack: 28-44 (Piercing)
Armor: 6 (Medium)
Perequisites: Spawning Grounds

The Snap Drgon is effective anti-air for the Naga Forces. It doesn't have
much HP, so keep it in the back. It's poisonous attack helps as well.

Naga Siren
HP: 400
MP: 430
Cost: Gold-130 Wood-20; Supply-2
Attack: 9-12 (Magic)
Armor: 0 (Unarmored)
Perequisites: Temple of Azshara

Naga Sirens are units you will want to build because of their great spells
They also have a magical attack that does almost nothing, so keep them at
the rear.

This is casted on enemy units and makes it so when they die, Naga
Parasites explose out of the unit and continue to attack the enemy. This
is a cool ability and should generally be use as much as possible.

Frost Armor
This spell is highly useful not only for the +3 armor boost, but also
because anyone who attacks any of your units with this spell on them
will become slower due to the cold. Autcast this after a few parasites.

This is the spell for taking out those large heavy units to kill for later.
Use this when the battle starts to important units then after most of the
fighting dies down, kick the crap out of these cycloned units. Works to catch
upoo to heros and surround them too.

==================Section 5: Building/Tech Tree Overview================

-----------------------------= 5.1 Human=--------------------------------

------------------------------= 5.2 Orc=---------------------------------

The Orcish Tech Tree:

Orc Burrow Great Hall Barracks
Alter of Storms Voodoo Lounge |
| |
| |
| _____|____ War Mill------|
| |Upgrade to| | |
| -----|---- V |
| | Watch Tower |
| V |
| Stronghold |
| / | \ |
| / | \ |
| / | \ |
| Arcane Santum _____|____ \ |
| |Upgrade to| \ |
| -----|---- Beastiary |
| | |
| V |
|----------------------->Fortress |
\ |
\ |
Tauren Totem<-----------|
Orcish Buildings:

Great Hall
HP: 1500
Cost: Gold-385 Wood-185
Attack: N/A
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

This is the main Orc building where you build workers to fund all of your
units. This is an essential building to have at any stage of the game.




Pillage - Allows it so whenever peons, grunts, and raiders strike an
enemy building you steal a litle gold from their total.

Backpack - Allows certain Orc units to carry items

Upgrade to Stronghold - Makes the Great Hall Transform into a

Strong Hold
HP: 2000
Cost: Gold-315 Wood-190
Attack: N/A
Armor: 12 (Fortified)

This is the main Orc building where you build workers to fund all of your
units. This is an essential building to have at any stage of the game.




Pillage - Allows it so whenever peons, grunts, and raiders strike an
enemy building you steal a litle gold from their total.

Backpack - Allows certain Orc units to carry items

Upgrade to Fortress - Makes the Stronghold transform into a

HP: 2500
Cost: Gold-325 Wood-190
Attack: N/A
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

This is the main Orc building where you build workers to fund all of your
units. This is an essential building to have at any stage of the game.




Pillage - Allows it so whenever peons, grunts, and raiders strike an
enemy building you steal a litle gold from their total.

Backpack - Allows certain Orc units to carry items

Orc Burrow
HP: 600
Cost: Gold-160 Wood-40
Attack: N/A; With Battle Stations: 34-41 (Piercing)
Armor: 2 (Normal; With Reinforced defense it is Fortified)

The Orc Burrow is the basic food building for the Horde. It provide 10
supply upon being built. If your base is under attack and you need more
attack power, then click on Battle Stations to make peons go into the
building and start attacking.

Produces: N/A

Upgrades: N/A

Orc Barracks
HP: 1200
Cost: Gold-180 Wood-50
Attack: N/A
Armor: 2 (Fortified)

This is the first Orc building you will be able to produce units with.
It can make Grunts, Troll Head Hunters and Catapults.


Troll Headhunters
Troll Beserkers


Berserker Strength - Increases the HP of grunts.

Troll Regeneration - Allows any troll units to regenerate life
over time.

Berserker Upgrade - Turns all Troll Headhunters into Troll
Berserkers giving them an HP boost.

Burning Oil - Gives the demolisher a buring attack that damages
over time.

Alter of Storms
HP: 900
Cost: Gold-180 Wood-50
Attack: N/A
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

The Alter of Storms builds any heros you may want to have as Orc.


Tauren Chieftain
Far Seer
Shadow Hunter

Upgrades: N/A

HP: 1000
Cost: Gold-205
Attack: N/A
Armor: None

The Warmill is essentially the Orc's upgrade building. Upgrade early and

Produces: N/A


Steel Melee Weapons - Upgrades the attack power of Melee units.

Steel Ranged Weapons - Upgrades the attack power of Ranged units.

Steel Unit Armor - Upgrades the armor of all units except for casters.

Thorium Melee Weapons - Upgrades the attack power of Melee units.

Thorium Ranged Weapons - Upgrades the attack power of Ranged units.

Thorium Unit Armor - Upgrades the armor of all units except for casters.

Arcanite Melee Weapons - Upgrades the attack power of Melee units.

Arcanite Ranged Weapons - Upgrades the attack power of Ranged units.

Arcanite Unit Armor - Upgrades the armor of all units except for casters.

Spiked Barricade - Creates a barricade around all buildings dealing a
small amount of damage to melee units who attack it.

Improved Spiked Barricade - Creates a barricade around all buildings dealing a
small amount of damage to melee units who attack it.

Advanced Spiked Barricade - Creates a barricade around all buildings dealing a
small amount of damage to melee units who attack it.

Reinforced Defense - Gives Orc Burrows and Towers fortified armor.

Voodoo Lounge
HP: 500
Cost: Gold-130 Wood-30
Attack: N/A
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

This is the Orc's item shop. Use it wisely.


-Scroll of Town Portal
-Potion of healing
-Lesser Clarity Potion
-Clarity Potion
-Healing Salve
-Scroll of Speed
-Orb of Lightening
-Tiny Great Hall

HP: 500
Cost: Gold-145 Wood-140
Attack: N/A
Armor: 3 (Fortified)

The Beatiary produces Raiders, Kodo Beasts, and Wyverns for the Orcish
Horde. It also has some very useful upgrades.


Kodo Beasts
Bat Riders


Ensnare - Makes Raiders have the spell ensnare.

War Drums - Makes the Kodo Beasts have the very useful aura, War Drums.

Poison Spears - Makes Wyverns have passive skill poison spears.

Liquid Fire - Allows Bat Rider's to get the Liquid Fire ablility.

Spirit Lodge
HP: 800
Cost: Gold-150 Wood-150
Attack: N/A
Armor: 2 (Fortified)

The spirit lodge makes all Orc spell casters and has upgrades that
correspond to those casters.


Witch Doctors
Tauren Spirit Walkers


Shaman Adept Training - Gives the Shaman a new spell as well as HP and MP

Witch Doctor Adept Training - Gives the Witch Doctor a new spell as well
as additional HP and MP.

Spirit Walker Adept Training - Gives the Witch Doctor a new spell as well
as additional HP and MP.

Shaman Master Training - Gives the Shaman another spell, and MORE HP and

Witch Doctor Master Training - Gives the Witchdoctor another spell as
well as MORE HP and MP.

Spirit Walker Master Training - Gives the Witchdoctor another spell as
well as MORE HP and MP.

Tauren Totem
HP: 1200
Cost: Gold-135 Wood-155
Attack: N/A
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

This is the building where Taurens are made. They also come with one




Pulverize - Gives the Tauren the passive skill pulverize.

Watch Tower
Cost: Gold-110 Wood-80
Attack: 16- 18 (Piercing)
Armor: 3 (Normal; With Reinforced Defense this building gets Fortified Armor)

This is the air and ground attacking defensive structure for the Orcs.

----------------------------= 5.3 Night Elf=-----------------------------

The Night Elvish Tech Tree:

Entagled Goldmine Tree of Life Moon Well
| \
| \
| \
Ancient of War | Hunter's Hall-----|
____|_____ | |
|Upgrade to| | |
----|----- | |
Ancient of Wonders | V |
| Ancient Protector |
| |
V |
Alter of Elders Tree of Ages<--------Ancient of Lore
| / |
| Ancient of Wind |
| | |
| | ____|_____
| | |Upgrade to|
| | ----------
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | V
|----------------->Tree of Eternity---------|
| V
|------------------------- Chimaera Roost
Night Elvish Buildings:

Tree of Life
HP: 1300
Cost: Gold-340 Wood-185
Attack: 41`-50 (Normal) ; Uprooted: 41-50 (Normal)
Armor: 2 (Fortified); Uprooted: 2 (Heavy)

This is the building where the Night Elf's basic worker, wisps, are made.
This building can uproot and entangle gold mines.




Nature's Blessing - I have no idea, but I will figure it out soon.

Backpack - Allows certain units to pick up items.

Upgrade to Tree of Ages - Upgrades to Tree of Ages.

Tree of Ages
Cost: Gold-320 Wood-180
Attack: N/A; Uprooted: 49-60 (Normal)
Armor: 2 (Fortified); Uprooted: 2 (Heavy)

This is the building where the Night Elf's basic worker, wisps, are made.
This building can uproot and entangle gold mines.




Nature's Blessing - I have no idea, but I will figure it out soon.

Backpack - Allows certain units to pick up items.

Upgrade to Tree of Eternity - Upgrades to Tree of Eternity.

Tree of Eternity
HP: 2000
Cost: Gold-330 Wood-200
Attack: N/A; Uprooted: 60-74 (Normal)
Armor: 2 (Fortified); Uprooted: 2 (Heavy)

This is the building where the Night Elf's basic worker, wisps, are made.
This building can uproot and entangle gold mines.




Nature's Blessing - I have no idea, but I will figure it out soon.

Backpack - Allows certain units to pick up items.

Moon Well
HP: 600
Cost: Gold-180 Wood-50
Attack: N/A
Armor: 2 (Fortified)

This building provides 10 food for the Night Elf's. Also, thery can heal
any units the come near them.

Ancient of War
HP: 800
Cost: Gold-150 Wood-60
Attack: N/A; Uprooted: 45-55 (Normal)
Armor: 2 (Fortified); Uprooted: 2 (Heavy)

This building makes Archers, Huntresses and Balistas. It also have a
myriad of useful upgreades.




Sentinel: Allows hunts to have an owl scout.
Improved Bows: Allows archer to have more range on attacks.
Marksmanship: Further range.
Moon Glaive: Allows Hunt's weapon to bounce off of various enemies.
Impaling Bolt: Allows Balistas arrows to go through hitting more then
one eneny.

Alter of Elders
Cost Gold-180 Wood-50
Attack: N/A
Armor: 2 (Fortified)

This is where Night Elf Heros are Created/Revived.


Demon Hunter
Keeper of The Grove
Preistess of The Moon

Hunters Hall
Cost Gold-210 Wood-100
Attack: N/A
Armor: 2 (Fortified)

This building is the upgrade building for the Night Elves.



Strength of the Moon - Increases the attack of melee units.

Strength of the Wild - Increases the armor of ranged units.

Moon Armor - Increases the armor of the melee units.

Reinforced Hides - Increses the armor of ranged units.

Improved Strength of the Moon - Increases the attack of melee units.

Improved Strength of the Wild - Increases the armor of ranged units.

Improved Moon Armor - Increases the armor of the melee units.

Improved Reinforced Hides - Increses the armor of ranged units.

Advanced Strength of the Moon - Increases the attack of melee units.

Advanced Strength of the Wild - Increases the armor of ranged units.

Advanced Moon Armor - Increases the armor of the melee units.

Advanced Reinforced Hides - Increses the armor of ranged units.

Ultravision - Allows the Night Elf warriors to see further in the dark.

Well Spring - Increses the Moon Well's Mana.

Ancient of Wonders
HP: 450
Cost: Gold-90 Wood-30
Attack: 21-25 (Normal)
Armor: 2 (Fortifed; Heavy Armor)

- Moonstone
- Lesser Clarity Potion
- Dust of Appearence
- Potion of Healing
- Potion of Mana
- Scroll f Town Portal
- Staff of Preservation
- Orb of Venom
- Anti-Magic Potion

Ancient of Lore
HP: 750
Cost: Gold-155 Wood-145
Attack: N/A; Uprooted: 41-50 (Normal)
Armor: 2 (Fortified); Uprooted: 2 (Heavy)

This is the building where Dryads and Druid of the claw are created.


Druid of The Claw


Abolish Magic - Makes Dryads get the spell Abolish Magic.

DotC Adept Training - Gives the Dotc an additional spell and raises his
HP and MP.

DotC Master Training - Gives the Dotc an additional spell and raises his
HP and MP.

Mark of the Bear - Allows DotC to cast roar in bear form.

Hardened Skin - Makes the Mountain Giant resistant to physical attacks.

Resistent Skin - Maked the MOuntain Giant more resistant to magic, and
immune to some spells.

Ancient of the Wind
HP: 750
Cost: Gold-150 Wood-140
Attack: N/A; Uprooted: 38-46 (Normal)
Armor: 2 (Fortified); Uprooted: 2 (Heavy)

The Ancient of the Wind makes hippogryphs and Druid of the Talon.


Druid of the Talon


DotT Adept Training - Gives the DotT another spell and raises his HP and MP.

DotT Master Training - Gives the DotC an additional spell and raises his
HP and MP.

Mark of the Talon - Allows DotT to cats fairie fire in storm crow form.

Hippogryph Taming - allows you to put archers on top of Hippogryphs

Chimera Roost
HP: 1200
Cost: Gold-100 Wood-230
Attack: N/A
Armor: 2 (Fortified)

This building make Chimeras the evil seige air unit.




Corrosive Breath - Allows Chimera's to do extra damage to ground
units and buildings.

Ancient Protector
HP: 550
Cost: Gold-135 Wood-80
Attack: 45-54 (Piercing); Uprooted: 26-33 (Normal)
Armor: 2 Fortified); Uprooted: 2 (Heavy)

This is the defensive Night Elf Tower that can attack land and air units.

-----------------------------= 5.4 Undead=-------------------------------

------------------------------= 5.5 Naga=--------------------------------

Naga Tech Tree

Pretty much everything is one the same tier so a tech tree is not needed
but I will see what I can do in a later version.

Naga Buildings

Temple of Tides
HP: 1500
Cost: Gold-385 Wood-150
Attack: N/A
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

This is the main Naga Building that builds your workers as well as your
basic units.


Mer'gul Slave
Mer'gul Reaper

Spawning Grounds
HP: 1500
Cost: Gold- 205 Wood- 60
Attack: N/A
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

This is the "Barracks" type place of the Naga.


Snap Dragon
Dragon Turtle

Coral Bed
HP: 500
Cost: Gold-115 Wood-40
Attack: N/A
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

Coral Beds provide food for Naga units. They provide a whole load of it
too. 15 food per Coral Bed.

Shrine of Azshara
HP: 1050
Cost: Gold-180 Wood-70
Attack: N/A
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

This buidling is a more advanced Naga building that can only build


Naga Sirens

Alter of the Depths
HP: 900
Cost: Gold-255 Wood-100
Attack: N/A
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

The Naga Alter. Revive fallen heros here.

Tidal Guardian
HP: 500
Cost: Gold-130 Wood-80
Attack: 33-45 (Piercing)
Armor: 5 (Fortified)

Tidal Guardians are the defensive tower of the Naga. They attack land
and air, and I find them to be very very good towers.

===============================Section 6: Items==========================

============================Section 7: Walkthrough======================

Keep in mind that these walkthroughs will be based on the Normal Mode of
play. Also, I will tell you the bare minimum of what is required of you
to complete the level. This means I won't be telling you any easter eggs
or secrets in the levels. Also, Some side quests will not be talked about
because they will not be required to finish the mission. With that in mind
enjoy the Walktrough.

7.1 - NIGHT ELF CAMPAIGN: Terror of the Tides

7.1.1: Chapter 1: Rise of the Naga



- The Demon's Trail
- Burning Ships


- Search and Rescue
- Enraged Beast

After watching the cinematic sequence you will be put in an in game movie.
You will soon grow quite accustommed to these movies because there are a
lot of them. Anyways, in this campaign you have access to the Warden, the
new Night Elf Hero and she proves to be a useful hero that will help you
in many situations. You start with a few Huntresses and Archers as well.
Bring them all up the path to follow Illidan's trail. Your job is to
catch him because he razed a large Night Elf settlement and for other
reasons not yet know. In his demonform he has appeared to go crazy.

Go through the damaged gate to the north and you will hear Maiev, the
Warden, talk to her right hand women, Naisha about the deaths. Naisha
is not a hero but a Huntress with raised stats. She has more armor and
deals more damage. Continue North and you will be atacked by a few level
one merlocks. This is the time to check out the Warden's spells, mainly
fan of knives. You will easily dispatch of them.

Now follow the footprints to the left gate and another cinematic scene
will pop up showing that the Ferbolgs have gaon absolutely mad. Dispose
of all of the Furbolgs. After you do so, arrange your units in a team that
consists of THe Warden and the huntresses in team one, and the archers in
team two. Always move team one before team two so the archers can
effectively shoot the enemy while the melee crowd does some damage as well.

When you continue down the path, you will be ambushed by a few Satyrs and
wil have to dispose of them as they are in league with Illidan. Again, this
is an easy battle if you use the Warden's spells at your disposal.
Continue to find more Night Elf fighters: A dryad, huntress, and a few
archers. The cinema scen will play and will show their party being attacked.
A new optional quest will be to hunt these wildkin attackers down and kill

Right when you go East down the path you will coincedentally run into the
Wildkin and two of it's followers. They serve to be quite a fight, but you
should come through in the end. (Enraged Beast Complete) Now you go back
to the place where you met your additional Night Elf fighters and head
upwards to yet another cinema scene. Here you will find out the The Naga
did the destruction to the Night Elf city. You will end up fighting them.

After a small brawl with the Naga, head slightly up the beack to the west
following the footprints. You will fight several smaller enemies and then
find yourself at a fountain of health. You better rest here because you will
have to fight a small party of Naga above you and then more creeps above them.

After you fight a few battles you will find yourself going back to the west
again. Here you will find a bunch of imprisoned Night Elves that are in
need of saving. Kill all of the Satyrs and Destroy the gates to do so.
(Search and Rescue Complete)

Now head to the right and destory the demonic gate. Upon doing so you
will see Illidan escape into a ship and The Naga try to destory the
ships you must follow him in. This is a problem. You will end up having to
kill The Naga and save two ships.

To do so, kill the Naga right near you and then focus on the ones
trying to beat down on the closest ship. After that destroy the two
flying Naga units. After you do that, you have probably already won.
Just go down the beach and finish off the rest of the Naga race.
( The Demon's Trail and Burning Ships Complete)


7.1.2: Chapter 2: the Broken Isles



- Locate Illidan
- Destroy Illidan's Guard


- Rid Gul'Dan of the Graves

This is the first mission you will be getting to build a base in.
Luckily, you start with a load of resources and enough workers
getting gold and lumber so you have no base building to do. At the
Ancient of Wonders you should purchase two healing potions to ensure
that Maiev stays in good health.

You have access to the ancient of Lore as well so suggest you build
one ASAP in order to crank out Dryads and Druid of the Claw. (DotC)

The only thing you have to do in this mission is get to 100 supply
and then crank out two DotC and get the rest of the supply in
Huntresses and Dryads. Put the Warden and the Huntresses on team one
and the DotC and the Dryads on group two. Whenever you get in a
battle cast Roar from the DotCs and then fight.

I suggest y ou also build about six Ancient Protectors to the left
side of your base for protectoin against the random Naga squads that
will come in your base to harass you every once in a while. Also build
a few above your base as well.

When you bring your units exploring you will find Gul'Dan, the ancient
Orcish shaman, at a camp. Talk to him and you will get a quest that
requires you to rid the land of the tombs slightly above you base, Take
all your units there via ships. This is very very easy to achieve,
just attack the crypts then go for the undead and you will take
care of them. Replace any units you may have lost.(Rid Gul'Dan of the
Graves Complete) You get a nifty new item here too.

After you get a whole army up consisting of those units you will need
about three ships to transport you across
to the other islands. Buy them and then bring them to the island at the
top This will get you into the Naga base. You wil have to finish off
the base by the Roar and fight method I described earlier. Als, be sure
to get their defensive towers as well because they are deadly. Bringing
along a seige weapon here is not a bad idea. (Locate Illidan Complete)

Upon destorying their base up top, you will be challanged by Illidan to
fight off his gaurd. If you have a good amount of units left go for it
because it is not too too hard, but you may want to replace them anyways.
After you dispatch of the Naga near the temple, you win the mission.
(Destroy Illidan's Guard Complete)


7.1.3: Chapter 3: The Tomb of Sergaras



- The Search for Illidan


- Find the Shadow Orb
- Barriers

Well here we ares starting another indoors level with no base and only a
handful of units. At the start you can either go up or right. I suggest
you go up for expirience and a few knew items, but if you don't want to
you really dont have to.

When you go right, se Blink to get to the items just above you. Heh
that is a very useful ability as you will see. Head downwards and take
out the two overlords then go through the door.

From the Demonic gate, go left to get a manual of health and then
continue downwards further into the tomb.

In the room below there is a large statue and some fel-stalkers you must
take down. These should serve as easy enemies and you can continue
quickly. Keep on the path and you will come across a square shaped
switch that is glowing blue. Step on it to open a door to the south.

Go through the door and kill the slug-type enemies and you can blink
across the two pits to fins a piece of a shadow orb. If you get all of
the pieces you will be able to get a whole shadow orb. This is optional.

Go back to the switch and then up. Kill the enemies on the bridge and
prepare for a cinema reinacting Gul'Dan's tromp through the temple. Now
go further up and kill the pitiful merlocks.

Go up and fight tons of Hydras and then turn right. You will need to
blink across the gapo and hit the switch to let your team across. After
that take a route down and go right. You will come across a cinematic of
lady Naga who will taunt you. She reveals that the Naga were once Night

By now your current team will probably fall against the Naga threat so
run to the right with everyone and through the gate in order to
get reinforcments.

Now head down and right and keep following the extremely-one-way path to
the cinema scene.

The last step of this level is to escape before time runs out. To do so
it is simple. Run as fast as you can and check the mini-map for the
entrance every once in awhile. Blink past enemies when you cross them.
This should give you a sigificant amount of time to win.


7.1.4: Chapter 4: Wrath of the Betrayer



- The Runner's Transport
- Escape to Sea


- Naga Excavators

This level's main goal is to get the runner to the upper left corner of
the map and oing so can be quite challanging.

You have two things going on for you right at the start: A small band of
Night Elf warriors and a Night Elf base to the right of them. This is all
that you get thorughout this mission which you will find to be quite

Keep the archers in the back of your party and turn the DotCs into bears
and keep them, along with the Warden in front. Place the runner in the
center and continue.

Go south and curve to the left killing any Naga on the way. You will find
plenty of Naga to keep you busy. When you find yourself at an intersection
that you can go up or down on, continue upwards and turn left then down

At the end of this path you will find a few hippogryph riders and
transport ships. These ships are essential to get the runner across the
water, while the air units are bonus.

On the way to these ships you will find yourself killing a few Naga units
but nothing to worry yourself about. Once you get these ships, you will
complete a quest. (The Runner's Transport completed)

Go back to the intersection and go down. Bring your ships down as well.
Now we are just trying to get the runner in the clear. Now all you must
do is work your way around, transporting when nesacarry and walking when
you need to. Be sure to keep tose hippos rejuvinated because they will be
a valuable asset.

You might need to utilize both ships in the rare event that one dies.
If you find yourself stuck, remember the Warden's Blink ability. Be sure
to destroy the gates in the way of the ship's disembark.

I suggest that you ficus on the gate and ignore everything else with your
units then run your ship up. It should make it.

As for your base, just build enough to defend yourself. It is only needed
for flying units.


7.1.5: Chapter 5: Balancing the Scales



- Maiev's Distress
- Destory Bases


- Reinforcments

At the start, you Maeiv and her base and you have Malfurion and Tyrande
as well. Malfurion and Tyrande are separeted frm your main base and you
need to help them get to Maiev's base in order to help her.

With Malfurions' force, go left and then up, killing the Naga to the
north. After that you will view a short cinematic sequence and continue.

You get a new optional quest as well.

Go right and destory the giant behemoths by using a starfall/tranquility
combination. After that go down and destroy some slightly fewer giants
and kill the two armored knight things as well.

You will want to get the reinforcments in the boats because they will
help you out in this mission. The first ones are below the giant stone
knights, but beware of the skelatal orcs that will be gaurding them.
After that ignore the Naga base and head upward to get the second ship
full of reinforcements. Now the last reinforcements are farther east and
father south.

With these reinforcments, and a few more archers and druids form Maeiv's
base should be enough to destory the threats.


7.1.6: Chapter 6: Shards of the Alliance



- Escort Kael'thas and his caravan.


- Hidden Stashes

I find this mission to be one of the more enjoyable ones in the Night Elf
campaign. I have no idea why because ussually I think defensive missions
are a pain, maybe it is because it is not really defensive, yet not
really offensive. I digress.

You start the game Meeting Prince Kael'Thas and he is in need of help
to get his supplies across the river to the east.

You will obviously jelp him and his little party get there through means
of escorting the Supply wagons to the river's edge.

The ony threat to this wagon are the Undead attacks. That will constantly
batter the supplies. First go south and destroy the 8-10 ghouls that will
attempt to do you in. They will fall fast because of your mountain giants
and nice and strong forces.

Now go farther south and you will find a largeer group of ghouls, necro-
mancers, a few abominations, and two-three meat wagons as well. This
seems like nothing to laugh about, but it will be manageable because
they don't come all at once.

This is also a great time to point out that every once in a while
a small undead strike force will try to maim your supplies from the rear
you are just going to have to learn to deal with that.

Now continue down and right. Dealing with the undead forces on the way.
This is basically how the mission plays out. Nothing too special until
you get to a intersection that you will eventually get to if you follow
the path correctly.

You have a choice of whether to go northward...the longer route, but the
safer one. Or to the east...the shorter yet more dangerous way.

Taking the longer route was the way I went and it got me there fine with
little action on the way.

If you choose to go thorough the undead "bastion" you could kill a few
units while making your way to the end. You have to decide what the right
ratio of killing/running is. It's your choice.

You also have an optional quest where you can get money to get
mercinaries. I daresay that this is not required, but if you choose
to do it, just follow the points on the map to where they are.


7.1.7: Chapter 7: The Ruins of Dalaran



-Spell of Destruction



Although this mission is timed, and seems intimidating, I think it is a
very easy mission with a very clear goal and a simple way to win.

When you start out the level you have a very large army consisting of
Your Heros, Mountain Giants, Bears, Archers and Hunts. This army is large
enough for you to build a few more units and attack the enmy base to the

If you go slow in attack ing the base and put the melee up in the front
and the ranged in back, you should be able to take out most of the base
without a probelm. Seriously it's as simple as that.

Taking out the spell is another matter.

Since, with your starting units, you took out large portion of the base,
it sould be easy to get into where the spell is being made to attempt
to take it out.

What I did was I built as many fairie dragons as I could, and at least
12 bears and your heros into that too.

Now bring all of those units up into there base where you destroyed
and then rush everyone in and right when the dragons get above the spell
use the skill mana flare and you will take out the casters very easily
because they will be damaged whenever they use a magical skill.

The bears are there just to get fire away from the dragons. Right when
you get to the spot where the wizards are casting the spell use the
Mana flare and you will beat the mission very effectively.

As for the Paladin side-quest, it is not nessacary.


7.1.8: Chapter 8: The Brothers Stormrage



-Tyrande's Rescue


-Dam Trolls

This level is very fun, yet seems very hard at the beginning. I assure
you that the lavel is easy. At first, you should use the small party
Illidan has and take them down and kill the Trolls. After that, ignore
all of the sleeping creeps above you when you take the path to the right.

Goi down and kill every creep within that area. With Illidan's
metamorphisis, it should be no problem.

Now you have to kill the undead base closest to Tyrande. Before you do so
you should realize that all of the Night Elf forces are on the other side
of the river and you will be unable to get to them with the Night Elves.
This means that it is the Naga forces alone that you must commandeer to
destory the undead bases.

In the Night Elf base build a large amount of archers and bears. This
will allow you to defend the base rather easily because this base will
have to survive as well as the Naga one.

NOw that the NE base is defended, you should focus on destroying the
upper Undead base, as well as the one next to Tyrande. To do so
build a ton of Sirens for support and magical spells and build lots of
Mermidons to be your main attackers.

The first undead base you attack, being the one above the one you must
destroy, is the easiest one.

With the Naga forces I just told you to build, you should not have a
problem with the first base.

The base closest to Tyrande actually might need some strategy to destroy.
I suggest you aut-cast frost shield and then after all of your wariors
are shieled, to auto-cast parasite and cyclone larger units such as
abominations. While doing that use ensnare on the UD air units and attack
them. If you do that the UD base still might not be destoryed.

If that is the case build more units consisting of the same thing you
just built. You should have no problem with your second run.


===============================Section 8: FAQ===========================

Q: Are there new Heros and units in The Frozen Throne?
A: Of course, do you think Blizzard would release an expansion without
any new aspects of the game? There is also a new campaign mode as well.

Q: Can you build transport ships in The Frozen Throne?
A: In single player campaigns, you do get access to transport ships, but
you cannot buy them in custom games/skirmishes.

Q: What other things are there in TFT that were not in ROC?
A: There are neutral heros, more items, item shop for every race, and
more multiplayer maps.

Q: I heard that a new race, The Naga will be playable in TFT. Is that

A: Yep. You can only play as them in camapaign mode however.

==========================Section 9: Credits/Outro======================

Remember that this FAQ is copyrighted and you may not distrubute this
guide without acidslayer57's or Emuking's permission.

Thanks to:

Emuking/acidslayer57 - This is just us thanking each other...yeah...lame.

Blizzard - For making Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Throne.

CJayC - For hosting this FAQ.

The End

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