Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

18.10.2013 05:11:24
LAST UPDATED: 22.09.2004

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| ASCII Script By: |
| Warcraft III Logo by Dandude776* |
| HUMAN Logo by MasterOfPuppets |

Human FAQ

Master Of Puppets
[a.k.a. Mas73rOfPuppe7s]




*NOTE: Read the END CREDITS For More

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NOTE: I just added this quick-select system which i saw in other
FAQs and I consider it to be very handy ^_^. Just hold down CTRL
and and then press F. Then you write the section code. For example:
CTRL + F = #about ^_^


| 1. INTRODUCTION.....................|..............|
| 1a. About Me | #about |
| 1b. Contact Me | #cont |
| 1c. Legal Stuff | #law |
| 1d. Version History | #verhs |
| 1e. Contributors | #contr |
| 1f. Notes | #notes |
| 2. THE HUMAN RACE...................|..............|
| 2a. The Human Race | #human |
| 2b. Advantages | #advan |
| 2c. Armor Types | #armor |
| 3. HEROES...........................|..............|
| 3a. Archmage | #archm |
| 3b. Paladin | #palad |
| 3c. Mountain King | #mking |
| 3d. Blood Mage | #blood |
| 4. UNITS............................|..............|
| 4a. Peasant | #peast |
| 4b. Militia | #milit |
| 4c. Footman | #footie |
| 4d. Rifleman | #rifle |
| 4e. Priest | #priest |
| 4f. Sorceress | #sorc |
| 4g. Spell Breaker | #breaker |
| 4h. Knight | #nite |
| 4i. Dragonhawk Rider | #wserp |
| 4j. Gryphon Rider | #grider |
| 4k. Siege Engine | #engine |
| 4l. Mortar Team | #mteam |
| 4m. Flying Machine | #heli |
| 4n. Phoenix | #phx |
| 4o. Water Elemental | #firef |
| 5. BUILDINGS........................|..............|
| 5a. Town Hall/Keep/Castle | #main |
| 5b. Farm | #farm |
| 5c. Barracks | #boot |
| 5d. Altar of Kings | #AOK |
| 5e. Blacksmith | #smith |
| 6f. Lumber Mill | #lmill |
| 5g. Arcane Vault | #vault |
| 5h. Arcane Sanctum | #sanct |
| 5i. Gryphon Aviary | #aviary |
| 5j. Scout/Guard/Arcane/Cannon Tower | #sgact |
| 5k. Workshop | #works |
| 5l. Upgrade Index | #upgrd |
| 6. STRATEGIES.......................|..............|
| 6a. Creep Counter | #creep |
| 6b. Invasion | #invade |
| 6c. Harass | #harass |
| 6d. Building Order | #bo |
| 6e. Combinations | #combs |
| 6f. Noob Mistakes | #noobie |
| 6g. Contributor Strategies & My Own | #own |
| 6h. Hero Killers | #damnu |
| 6i. Unit Control | #contr |
| 6j. Team Strategies | #team |
| 6k. Combat | #combat |
| 6l. Other Stuff | #other |
| 6m. Towers | #towers |
| 7. HUMANS VS THE WORLD..............|..............|
| 7a. Versus Undead | #vsud |
| 7b. Versus Orc | #vsorc |
| 7c. Versus Night Elf | #vself |
| 7d. Versus Human | #vshum |
| 8. HUMANS AND NEUTRAL HEROES........|..............|
| 8a. Humans and Neutral Heroes | #humneu |
| 8b. Humans and Pandaren Brewmaster | #humpan |
| 8c. Humans and Beastmaster | #humbea |
| 8d. Humans and Naga Sea Witch | #humsea |
| 8e. Humans and Dark Ranger | #humran |
| 8f. Humans and Pit Lord | #humpit |
| 8g. Humans and Goblin Tinker | #humtin |
| 9. CREDITS AND THANKS...............|..............|
| 9a. Credits and Thanks | #thx |

*NOTE: #sgact= scout guard arcare cannon tower ^_^

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=============1a============== #about
Hey its me again! After 2 FAQs Im still
wondering what I should put here:

Name: Constantine Genchev
Country: Bulgaria
Occupation: Student/Gamer
Age: 15
Platforms: PC, PS2
Other FAQs by me: Ratchet and Clank 2, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
E-Mail: **read the rules**

=============1b============== #cont


Ur gonna get my e-mail but u can send mail under these conditions:
1. I like Fan mail but I can do without hate mail.
2. If u send something not connected to the FAQ, theres an 99% chance that u
wont recieve an answer (unless im intrigued ^_^)
3. Contributions, corrections are always welcome.
4. If u have criticism - dont mail me anything.
5. If u have constructive criticism - mail me please.
==My E-Mail Adress is mas73rofpuppe7s[gnat]yahoo[snot]com
***NOTE: the [gnat] replaces the "@" symbol in this guide. It is to
thwart spambots looking for email addresses to send spam to. Simply replace
[gnat] with "@" when responding. I chose [gnat] because it rhymes with "at" and
is easy to remember. Same goes for [snot].

=============1c============== #law

Im not a fan of lawyers. This FAQ belongs to and was written by Constantine
Genchev and It may be published only in the following site/s:
Constantine Genchev 2004. All rights reserved. This may be not be reproduced
under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be
placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance
written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of
any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All
trademarks and copyrights contained in this document
are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

=============1d============== #verhs


02.09.2004 >>>1.00<<<
>>>>> Started FAQ, Added some
Basic info. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

02.09.2004 >>>1.15<<<
>>>>> Added Archmage Info and
Human Race Info <<<<<<<<<<<<<

02.09.2004 >>>1.25<<<
>>>>> Corrected Spelling Mistakes
and Added WordWrap (72 c per line)
also included more info for Arch-

02.09.2004 >>>1.35<<<
>>>>>Added Basic Info about the

03.09.2004 >>>1.50<<<
>>>>>Added Devotion Aura, Holy
Light Paladin Skills<<<<<<<<<<

03.09.2004 >>>2.00<<<
>>>>>Added Divine Shield Info

03.09.2004 >>>2.40<<<
>>>>>Finished on Paladin.
Edited the spell tables.
Started on Mountain King

03.09.2004 >>>2.60<<<
>>>>>Added Contributor

03.09.2004 >>>3.00<<<
>>>>>Fixed more of the

03.09.2004 >>>3.40<<<
>>>>>Finished Mountain

03.09.2004 >>>3.60<<<
>>>>>Made More Correct-

03.09.2004 >>>3.75<<<
>>>>> Added ASCII(lol)

03.09.2004 >>>3.88<<<
>>>>>>Made More Correct-

03.09.2004 >>>3.95<<<
>>>>> Added HP/MP

03.09.2004 >>>4.25<<<
>>>>> Completed all
Blood Mage spells except

03.09.2004 >>>4.27<<<
>>>>> Going Skating<<

03.09.2004 >>>4.28<<<
>>>>> Back From Skating

03.09.2004 >>>4.30<<<
>>>>> Resumed Work on
the FAQ <<<<<<<<<<<<<

03.09.2004 >>>4.50<<<
>>>>> Added NOTES

03.09.2004 >>>4.51<<<
>>>>> Made Minor Correct-

03.09.2004 >>>4.95<<<
>>>>> New MnC Script:
Yeah Baby Yeah!<<<<<<

03.09.2004 >>>5.15<<<
>>>>> Added Humans VS
The World Section<<<<

03.09.2004 >>>5.25<<<
>>>>> FAQ got posted
on www.gamefaqs.com<<

03.09.2004 >>>6.00<<<
>>>>> Finished with
Heroes. Added peasant,
militia info<<<<<<<<<

03.09.2004 >>>6.25<<<
>>>>> Made lotsa correct-
ions. Added Priest and
Rifleman info, added also
the abreviations<<<<<

04.09.2004 >>>6.66<<<
>>>>> Added quick-select

04.09.2004 >>>6.77<<<
>>>>> Finished with Priest,
added sorceress<<<<<<

04.09.2004 >>>6.88<<<
>>>>> Finished with
Spell Breaker. Made
Some minor corrections

04.09.2004 >>>6.99<<<
>>>>> Added Knight,
Dragonhawk Rider, Gryphon
Rider Info. <<<<<<<<<

04.09.2004 >>>7.11<<<
>>>>> Added Mortar Team,
Siege Engine, Flying

04.09.2004 >>>7.13<<<
>>>>> Added new ASCII
Script ^_^<<<<<<<<<<<

04.09.2004 >>>7.14<<<
>>>>> Made more correct-
ions, Waiting for cont-

04.09.2004 >>>7.77<<<
>>>>> Done with Units

07.09.2004 >>>7.99<<<
>>>>> Added Armor Types

07.09.2004 >>>8.11<<<
>>>>> Started Upgrades

07.09.2004 >>>8.22<<<
>>>>> Finished with

07.09.2004 >>>9.44<<<
>>>>> Added some <<<<

08.09.2004 >>>9.66<<<
>>>>> Added more <<<<

08.09.2004 >>>9.99<<<
>>>>> Read Entire FAQ
and Corrected more
mistakes <<<<<<<<<<<<

08.09.2004 >>>10.00<<
>>>>> Happy Version 10
^_^. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

08.09.2004 >>>10.66<<
>>>>> Added tons of
stuff to the strats<<

08.09.2004 >>>10.99<<
>>>>> Finished with

08.09.2004 >>>11.22<<
>>>>> Finished FAQ,
FAQ got posted on

08.09.2004 >>>11.24<<
>>>>> Made Some Minor
Corrections and

08.09.2004 >>>11.25<<
>>>>> FAQ DONE <<<<<<

08.09.2004 >>>11.26<<
>>>>> Made some correct-
ions. FAQ Got posted
on www.neoseeker.com<

10.09.2004 >>>11.27<<
>>>>> Updated ASCII
Information, I'm a
friggin'thief ^_^<<<<

10.09.2004 >>>11.28<<
>>>>> FAQ got posted
on DLH.Net<<<<<<<<<<<

12.09.2004 >>>11.58<<
>>>>> Added New section.
Re-designed tables.
Added more strategies.

15.09.2004 >>>11.68<<
>>>>> Minor Corrections

16.09.2004 >>>11.78<<
>>>>> FAQ got posted
on www.warcraft-guide.de

22.09.2004 >>>12.00<<
>>>>> First Contribution
lol! W8ing 4 more<<<<

=============1e============== #cont


1>>>>>Mojo Storm-Stout's Warcraft III Strategy Guide
Link: www.battle.net/war3/human/
2>>>>>Dale Robertson
Link: dale_r_44[gnat]hotmail[snot]com
Link: grimmdagger[gnat]hotmail[snot]com


=============1f============== #notes


If a previous of later patch is used, some of the strategies may appear useless!

******Remember the previous not ^^^ :D

******Download the MnC Script! Its real good. Heres the Link:
This script was created by me (^_^) and a friend of mine.

******Heres some of the abreviations used in this FAQ:
= AOE = Area Of Effect (Used on Spells)
= HP = Hit points/Health
= MP = Mana points/Mana
= FOOTIES = Footmen
= RIFLES = Riflemen
= BREAKERS = Spell Breakers
= SORC = Sorceress
= W = Wood
= G = Gold
= F = Food
= CC = Creep Counter
= STR = Strenght
= INT = Intelligence
= AG = Agility
= HAU = Heavy Air Unit
= U = You (^)_(^)
= MK = Mountain King

******For now, only me and Mojo Storm-Stout are writing this thing.
PLS! SEND ME UR OWN STRATEGIES!!!! *Read Above for E-Mail*

******PATCH 1.17 is OUT!!! On the Next update I will post some stuff about the
new neutral heroes (Firelord and Alchemist) and the changes of the patch.

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=============2a============== #human


The noble warriors of humanity employ both a strong military and powerful
magics in the defense of their shining kingdoms. Both knights and wizards fight
side by side on the field of battle against those
who would threaten the sanctity and peace of the Alliance. Although the
Alliance has all but fallen apart, the valiant citizens of Azeroth and
Lordaeron have once again taken up arms against the enemies of humanity.
The Human Alliance is a conglomeration of Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. They are
the most versatile army in Warcraft III, with good ground and air troops,
excellent siege capability, and powerful spellcasters.
One of the most commonly played races. Thousands of tactics exist for
development and attacking. In this FAQ im going to pass on to the next
generation what I know, hoping that there are gonna be lotsa contributors for
this thingy. ^_^

=============2b============== #advan


====1.Peasant Militia.1====
The workers of the Human Alliance can be converted into Militia when the need
arises. You can transform Peasants individually by clicking
on the Call to Arms icon on each Peasant's command card or convert them en
masse by ringing the Call to Arms bell at your Town Hall. Peasants will then
rally to the Town Hall, where they don armor and wield axes to fight invaders.
After a set amount of time, Militia will revert back to Peasants, or you can
prematurely end their military tenure at the Town Hall with the Back to Work

====2.Cooperative Building.2====
Humans can speed up the construction of a building by tasking extra Peasants to
repair the structure. While the building is under construction, each additional
Peasant assigned to repair the structure will ensure that the task is finished
much faster.

====3.Sturdy Construction.3====
Humans can improve the armor and durability of their structures at the Lumber
Mill with the Improved Masonry technologies. Each upgrade provides increasing
armor and hit points to the Alliance buildings.

====4.Improved Lumber Harvesting.3====
Two upgrades can be researched at the Lumber Mill to improve the wood gathering
of the Human Alliance. Each successive upgrade increases the carrying capacity
for those Peasants harvesting lumber.

Humans are the masters of invisibility
Humans can ressurect their troops
Humans' Defend Ability is very effective against ranged units
Humans have the best towers
Humans can teleport around with lvl 6 archmage and invisibility.

=============2c============== #armor


Attack Types

Normal (most melee units)
Normal attacks do extra damage against Medium armor, and reduced damage to
Fortified armor.

Piercing (most ranged attackers)
Piercing attacks do extra damage to Unarmored units and Light armor, and
reduced damage to Fortified, Medium armor, and Heroes.

Siege (artillery)
Siege attacks do extra damage to Fortified armor and Unarmored units, and
reduced damage to Medium armor and Heroes.

Chaos (A few Creeps, Powerful Summoned Units)
Chaos attacks do full damage to all armor types.

Magic Damage (most spellcasters, air units)
Magic attacks do extra damage against Light and Heavy armor, and reduced damage
to Medium, Fortified armor, and Heroes. Magic attacks do 66% extra damage to
ethereal units, and zero damage to magic-immune units.
Hero attacks do reduced damage to Fortified armor.

Weapon Types

Armor Types

Unarmored (most spellcasters)
Unarmored takes extra damage from Piercing, and Siege attacks. Some unarmored
units such as Huntress, Gargoyle, Hippogryph, and Druid of the Talon in Storm
Crow form have armor for balance reasons. Most unarmored units do not have
Light (most flying units)
Light armor takes extra damage from Piercing and Magic attacks.

Medium (most ranged attackers and workers)
Medium armor takes extra damage from Normal attacks, reduces damage from
Piercing, Magic, and Siege attacks.

Heavy (most low and high tech melee units)
Heavy armor takes extra damage from Magic attacks.

Heroes take reduced damage from Piercing, Magic, Spell, and Siege attacks.

Fortified (buildings)
Fortified armor greatly reduces Piercing, Magic, Hero, and Normal attacks, but
takes extra damage from Siege attacks.

Ethereal units can only be damaged by units that have the attack type "Magic"
such as spellcasters. Magic-immune units can only be damaged by units that have
physical attack types.
Damage and Armor Class System
Every unit in the game has an armor type and attack type (like StarCraft).

Each attack type is better or worse versus other armor types. For example, a
Grunt has a Normal attack, which does 150% damage versus "Medium" armor units
like the Archer, Rifleman, Troll Headhunter, and Crypt Fiend. The Archer has a
Pierce attack, which does 100% extra damage versus "Light" armor units like the
Gryphon Rider.

This system is in place to encourage unit counters and unit mixing in combat.
If the opposing player builds ranged attackers, then the natural counter would
be to build melee units, which have an attack bonus versus them. However, since
ranged attackers have a high damage, you would benefit by building a mixed
group of melee and ranged attackers since your ranged attackers will out-damage
the opposing melee units if they are protected from direct melee damage

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne: Attack Type vs. Armor Type Chart

| Light Medium Heavy Fort Hero Unarmored |
|Normal 100% 150% 100% 70% 100% 100% |
|Pierce 200% 75% 100% 35% 50% 150% |
|Siege 100% 50% 100% 150% 50% 150% |
|Magic 125% 75% 200% 35% 50% 100% |
|Chaos 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% |
|Spells 100% 100% 100% 100% 70% 100% |
|Hero 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% |

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos v1.06: Attack Type vs. Armor Type Chart
| Light Medium Heavy Fort Hero Unarmored |
|Normal 150% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% |
|Pierce 75% 100% 150% 35% 50% 150% |
|Siege 50% 100% 100% 150% 50% 150% |
|Magic 100% 200% 100% 50% 50% 75% |
|Chaos 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% |
|Spells 100% 100% 100% 100% 70% 100% |
|Hero 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% |

Damage Reduction or Increases for Armor
For positive Armor, damage reduction =((armor)*0.06)/(1+0.06*(armor))
For negative Armor, it is damage increase = 2-0.94^(-armor) since you take more
damage for negative armor scores.

Consult this chart* for more information. A Positive Armor of 1 reduces damage
by about 5.7%. A negative armor of 10 increases damage by 46.1%. Although the
formula for armor may look intimidating, it actually works out to mean that one
point of armor means +6% HP. So a unit with 20 armor basically has 120% extra
hitpoints -- 100 would become effectively 220.

*Need a PDF viewer?
Get Adobe Reader™


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Classification: Race, Sex (^)_(^)
Table of Stats: Dmg, HP, MP, Ag, Str, Int per lvl, lvl 1-10
Info: Hero basic information
Spells: Spell information
Spell tacs: Spell tactics
Hero tacs: Hero tactics

=============3a============== #archm


Hailing from the magical kingdom of Dalaran, the Archmagi represen
t the pinnacle of magical power. Weaving their intricate enchantments, these
crotchety old wizards are called upon to defend humanity with
all the magical powers at their disposal. Mounted atop their trusty steeds,
the Archmagi brandish ancient staves that serve to channel their fierce
energies in battle. Though gruff and slightly aloof,
these experienced wizards are a heartening sight upon any battlefield
where the fate of humanity lies in peril.

Classification: Human Male
| | | | | | |
| 1 | 21-27[24 avg]| 3 | 14 | 17 | 19 |
| 2 | 24-30[27 avg]| 3 | 15 | 18 | 22 |
| 3 | 27-33[30 avg]| 4 | 17 | 19 | 25 |
| 4 | 30-36[33 avg]| 4 | 19 | 20 | 28 |
| 5 | 33-39[36 avg]| 4 | 21 | 21 | 31 |
| 6 | 37-43[40 avg]| 5 | 23 | 22 | 35 |
| 7 | 40-46[43 avg]| 5 | 24 | 23 | 38 |
| 8 | 43-49[46 avg]| 5 | 26 | 24 | 41 |
| 9 | 46-52[49 avg]| 6 | 28 | 25 | 44 |
| 10 | 49-55[52 avg]| 6 | 30 | 26 | 47 |
| COST |425g,100l,5f |
| ATTACK TYPE |Hero/Ranged |
| COOLDOWN |2.13 |
| ARMOR TYPE |Hero |
| DAY SIGHT |180 |
| SPEED |Fast(320) |
| BUILD TIME |55 |
| RANGE |60 |
|LEVEL|Hit Points|Mana Points|
| 1 | 450 | 285 |
| 2 | 475 | 330 |
| 3 | 525 | 375 |
| 4 | 575 | 420 |
| 5 | 625 | 465 |
| 6 | 675 | 525 |
| 7 | 700 | 570 |
| 8 | 750 | 615 |
| 9 | 800 | 660 |
| 10 | 850 | 705 |

The Archmage is one of the most popular Human Heroes. Most Human players choose
the Archmage as their first Hero. Human players love theArchmage's Water
Elementals because they can really help assist Footmen in the early portion of
the game where the Humans can be kind of weak. Water Elementals are great for
soloing Creeps at the start of the game.Water Elementals are great for rushing
the enemy and can be used to attack air units. With the Brilliance Aura,
Archmages can keep several Water Elementals active at once and can regenerate
theMana of Heroes, Sorceresses, and Priests. The Archmage's Blizzard spell is
alsovery powerful, especially in large team games. The Archmage's Ultimate Mass
Teleport ability can allow the Humans to teleport around the map wherever they
want and can allow them to instantly defend expansions without the use of Town
Portal Scrolls.
The Archmage is Very Fragile
The Archmage is very easy to kill. Like the Undead Lich, the Archmage can be
killed in 1-2 seconds when surrounded, sometimes before he can even think about
Teleporting away. Whenever possible give the Archmage items that increase his
Health, which will allow him to last long enough to get away. Always keep the
Archmage away from the enemy and run whenever melee units attack or attempt to
surround him. Players with poor control will find they lose the Archmage a lot
when facing good players.
Skill Spending
There are typically two options: Water Elemental and then Brilliance Aura
followed by Mass Teleport or Blizzard and then Brilliance Aura followed by Mass
Teleport. The only question is which do you want: Blizzard or Water Elementals?
Water Elementals vs. Blizzard
Water Elementals are great but they can be dispelled. Some races can easily
dispel Water Elementals such as Night Elf Dryads using Abolish Magic. Water
Elementals also give the enemy Heroes good experience. When you suicide Water
Elementals into an army or use them to scout they just hand over big chunks of
experience to the enemy Heroes.
Water Elementals can be very good warriors however if the enemy is
not dispelling them.

Blizzard is useful against large packs of enemies, especially in team games.
Blizzard is very useful against low hit point units such as ranged units
including spells casters. A Blizzard can easily kill a large group of Archers,
Footmen, or Ghouls. With the Brilliance Aura Archmages can almost always cast
Blizzard. Blizzard also scares the enemy into running. It wouldn't be smart for
them to stand in the Blizzard but when they run you can often take free shots
on the enemy as they run away. Blizzard can also force the enemy to separate as
they are trying to run away which will allow you to swarm pockets of the enemy
army with superior numbers. On some maps and in some player's towns you can set
up a situation where the enemy cannot retreat. In that case you can Blizzard
them and they just have to take it since they can't run. In those situations
Blizzard is much more useful than Water Elementals. Blizzard can be a game

Typically players use Water Elementals in 1 vs. 1 and 2 vs. 2 and use Blizzard
in 3 vs. 3 and 4 vs. 4. Some players use Blizzard AND Water Elemental if there
is another player to give the Brilliance Aura or give Mana to the Archmage.

Archmage Counters
It usually isn't hard to kill an Archmage unless it is a large team game or the
player is VERY good at controlling him. Simply surround
and kill with melee units or ranged units. Use Mana Burn with a Demon Hunter,
Entangling Roots with a Keeper of the Grove, Focused Fire with Priestess of the
Moon and Searing Arrow, Sleep with a Dread Lord, Stun with Tauren Chieftain or
Mountain King.
HERO SPELLS:===========================================================
Calls down waves of freezing ice shards that damage units in a target area.
| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |6sec |8sec |10sec |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |6sec |6sec |6sec |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |75 |75 |75 |
|RANGE| | | |
| |80 |80 |80 |
|_____|_________________|_______________|_________________ _|
|AOE | | | |
| |20 |20 |20 |
|EF- |6 waves |8 waves |10 waves |
|FECT |30 damage each |40 damage each |50 damage each |
|_____|max 150 damage |max 200 damage |max 250 damage |
|LVL |-----------------|---------------|-------------------|
| |1 |3 |5 |
| | |

Blizzard has a damage cap that is invoked when Blizzard hits more than 5
targets per wave.
Blizzard is an area effect spell. This spell will damage all units including
friendly units.

Blizzard will hurt your own troops so don't Blizzard your own units or allied
units. Be sure to prevent your units from running into a Blizzard after your
enemy steps out of it. Whenever possible aim Blizzard on low hit point units
such as ranged units and spellcasters. Try to move the enemy into areas where
their retreat is cut off so you can Blizzard them. Cast Blizzard on any enemy
units that can't run away. If you see that you are casting Blizzard on friendly
troops immediately cancel it.

Blizzard does 50% damage to buildings. Blizzard is not that effective against
buildings but it can work.

Blizzard will not hurt enemy units with Spell Immunity such as Night Elf
Dryads, Undead units with Anti-Magic Shell, Undead Infernals, or Creeps with
Spell Immunity

This spell must be maintained to get the full effect. If the Archmage moves,
the spell will not do its full damage. The ice shards will
stack their effects on the area of effect. Force the Archmage to move from his
location. This will stop the Blizzard.

2. Water Elemental
Summons a Water Elemental to attack the Archmage's enemies
| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |60sec |60sec |60sec |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |20sec |20sec |20sec |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |125 |125 |125 |
|RANGE| | | |
| |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|_____|_________________|_______________|_________________ _|
|AOE | | | |
| |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|EF- |450 hit points. |675 hit points |900 hit points |
|FECT |Light damage |Moderate Damage|Heavy Damage |
|LVL | | | |
| |1 |3 |5 |
| | |

Water Elementals look different depending on the spell level.
For solo game play or 2 vs. 2s, a common strategy is Archmage and
Water Elementals to start out with. This works very well with Brilliance. Try
to get the enemy Creeps and units to focus their
attention on the Water Elemental since it will disappear after a period of
time anyway

***NOTE: About Water Elemental - See UNITS: Water Elemental
CODE: #firef
3.Brilliance Aura
Gives additional mana regeneration to nearby friendly units
| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |Unlimited |Unlimited |Unlimited |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |None |None |None |
|RANGE| | | |
| |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|_____|_________________|_______________|_________________ _|
|AOE | | | |
| |90 |90 |90 |
|EF- |Adds 0.75 mana |Adds 1.5 mana |Adds 2.25 mana |
|FECT |per sec. |per sec |per sec |
|LVL | | | |
| |1 |3 |5 |
| | |

This aura does increase the Mana Regeneration of the Archmage,
so it is useful even when the Archmage doesn't have a lot of
other spell casters under his command. This aura is especially
useful in allied games because the Archmage can help regenerate
mana of other heroes and spell casters.
Almost all Archmagi use Brilliance Aura.

4.Mass Teleport (Ultimate)
Teleports 24 of the player's nearby units, including the Archmage, to a
friendly ground unit or structure.

_____ ________ ________ _________ _____ _____________________________
| 1 | N/A | 20sec | 100 |Unltd|70 |Teleports up to 24 units |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | |

This spell is useful because, unlike Town Portal Scrolls, you can teleport to
any location where there is a friendly ground unit. Town Portal Scrolls can
only teleport you to a friendly town hall. The cooldown is fairly short, so the
Archmage can teleport to a location, engage in battle, then quickly teleport to
the next location.
Mass Teleport is very powerful. It can allow you to teleport all
around the map responding to enemy attacks and offensively attacking the
enemy. It is especially useful in FFA games and large team games. If one enemy
is attacking an ally in a Team Game the Archmage can teleport back to save it,
then can Mass Teleport right back to where their ally is attacking once the
enemy attack has been repelled.

You can use Mass Teleport to go anywhere. Simply send a unit to where you want
to teleport. You can even make units Invisible then send them into enemy towns
then Mass Teleport to that unit.

A very effective strategy is to build up a group of Siege Engines then use the
Archmage to Mass Teleport them into enemy towns or expansions.

Mass Teleport can also be very powerful with a group of Sorceresses
and Priests with the Brilliance Aura.

Send a Mechanized Critter into the enemy Town. Then use it to Mass Teleport
there. =)

The Archmage is not invulnerable while he casts Mass Teleport as
Heroes normally are when using Teleport Scrolls.

=============3b============== #palad


Although the Paladins were once loved and revered throughout the lands of
Lordaeron, they have since fallen on hard times. The entire Order
of the Silver Hand was disbanded for refusing to kill innocent townsfolk who
were believed to be contaminated by the dreaded Undead plague. Disenfranchised
and driven from their former homes, the Paladins still work selflessly to
protect humanity from the gnawing jaws of evil. Empowered by the Light, these
mighty warriors brandish both warhammer and holy fire in battle against all who
would trample the meek and innocent.

Classification: Human Male.

| | | | | | |
| 1 | 24-34[29 avg]| 4 | 22 | 13 | 17 |
| 2 | 26-36[31 avg]| 4 | 24 | 14 | 18 |
| 3 | 29-39[34 avg]| 5 | 27 | 16 | 20 |
| 4 | 32-42[37 avg]| 5 | 30 | 17 | 22 |
| 5 | 34-44[39 avg]| 6 | 32 | 19 | 24 |
| 6 | 37-47[42 avg]| 6 | 35 | 20 | 26 |
| 7 | 40-50[45 avg]| 7 | 38 | 22 | 27 |
| 8 | 42-52[47 avg]| 7 | 40 | 23 | 29 |
| 9 | 45-55[50 avg]| 8 | 43 | 25 | 31 |
| 10 | 48-58[53 avg]| 8 | 46 | 26 | 33 |
| COST |425g,100l,5f |
| ATTACK TYPE |Hero/Melee |
| COOLDOWN |2.2 |
| ARMOR TYPE |Hero |
| DAY SIGHT |180 |
| SPEED |Average (270) |
| BUILD TIME |55 |
|LEVEL|Hit Points|Mana Points|
| 1 | 650 | 255 |
| 2 | 700 | 270 |
| 3 | 775 | 300 |
| 4 | 850 | 330 |
| 5 | 900 | 360 |
| 6 | 975 | 390 |
| 7 | 1050 | 405 |
| 8 | 1100 | 435 |
| 9 | 1175 | 465 |
| 10 | 1250 | 495 |

The Paladin is a melee hero but isn't quite as powerful as the Demon Hunter,
Blademaster, or Mountain King. The Paladin is more of a background support Hero
with a melee attack. The Paladin's spells are all useful. Holy Light is very
useful for healing units during combat, especially at the start of the game
against Creeps. Holy Light also rules for healing allied Heroes or your own
Heroes. It's much cheaper to heal a unit and have it continue than replace it.
The Paladin's Divine Shield can save him if he is about to die or can allow him
to do hit-and-run attacks. The Devotion Aura is useful when combined with
Knights and Footmen and especially useful in allied games with lots of allied
units. Resurrection is also really good because it can bring 6 units back to
life. At it's best you can return say 6 Knights, or a mix of powerful allied
units back to life.

Spending Points
There are several point spending strategies. Some players go Holy
Light then Devotion Aura followed by Resurrection. Others players go Holy Light
and Divine Shield with a point or two in Devotion at higher levels. While you
could go a mix of Divine Shield and Devotion Aura it's better to use Holy Light.

Paladin Counters
The Paladin is fairly easy to kill using focused fire or surround and kill with
melee units. Paladins should teleport away or make sure they don't get
surrounded. Learn to run away

HERO SPELLS:===========================================================

Holy Light
A holy light that can heal a friendly living unit or damage an enemy undead

| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |5sec |5sec |5sec |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |65 |65 |65 |
|RANGE| | | |
| |80 |80 |80 |
|_____|_________________|_______________|_________________ _|
|AOE | | | |
| |Targeted Unit |Targeted Unit |Targeted Unit |
|EF- |Heals 200HP/Dam- |Heals 400HP/ |Heals 600HP |
|FECT |ages 100HP |Damages 200HP |Damages 300HP |
|LVL | | | |
| |1 |3 |5 |
| |Air, Ground, Organic, Not Self |

The Paladin cannot cast Holy Light on himself.
Holy Light is much easier to use with Sub Groups. Simply group select units and
hit tab until the Paladin's Holy Light button shows up. Left-click on the Holy
Light button to target the spell, then left click on a damaged unit's portrait
in the Sub Group. This will cause the
Paladin to heal the unit without having to click on the unit itself. With
practice you can quickly heal damaged units in battle, making
this a very effective spell. The Paladin can keep important units
such as Knights, Priests, and Sorceresses alive. If the enemy continues to
attack them, the Paladin can continue to cast Holy Light to heal the damaged
units. At the same time you can use other units to hit the attacking enemy
units from the rear and make them pay the
price for focusing on that specific unit.

Holy Light is very useful early on when trying to level up. You can attack
Creeps with a small force and quickly recover from damage using Holy Light.

Use Holy Light on allied Heroes in team games. Just request allies to ask for
Holy Light to let you know they need it. They can say "HL or Heal"

Holy Light is also great against Heroes such as the Death Knight,
Dread Lord, Lich, Pit Lord, and Dark Ranger


Devotion Aura
Gives additional armor to nearby friendly units.

| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |Unlimited |Unlimited |Unlimited |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |None |None |None |
|RANGE| | | |
| |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|_____|_________________|_______________|_________________ _|
|AOE | | | |
| |90 |90 |90 |
|EF- | +1.5 to armor | +3 to armor | +4.5 to armor |
|FECT | | | |
|LVL | | | |
| |1 |3 |5 |
| |Air, Ground, Friend, Self |

Devotion helps units take less damage. It is very useful for groups of Footmen
and Knights and even more useful for large team games where
the Aura helps lots of units in battle on the team. Typically players focus on
Devotion early on along with either Holy Light or Divine Shield.


Divine Shield
An impenetrable shield surrounds the Paladin, protecting him from all damage
and spells for a set amount of time.
| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |15sec |30sec |45sec |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |35sec |50sec |65sec |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |25 |25 |25 |
|RANGE| | | |
| |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|_____|_________________|_______________|_________________ _|
|AOE | | | |
| |Personal |Personal |Persona; |
|EF- |Invulnerability |Invulnerability|Invulnerability |
|FECT | | | |
|LVL | | | |
| |1 |3 |5 |
| |Self |

Divine Shield is an invincibility spell. You can cast this and the enemy cannot
harm your Paladin until the spell wears off. Divine
Shield allows you to use a Hero without having to worry about the enemy
killing it. Divine Shield is also handy for running away when your Hero is
about to die. You can run in and attack the enemy,
waiting until they attack before using Divine Shield. You can then attack all
you want while they can't respond. When it wears off you
can use an Invisibility Potion to get away.
Divine Shield Counters
Just run away until the spell wears off. Paladins hate that =)

Brings back to life the corpses of 6 friendly nearby units. The spell will
choose the most powerful corpses to resurrect if there are more than 6

_____ ________ ________ _________ _____ _____________________________
| 1 | N/A | 240sec | 200 | 40 |90 |Ressurects up to 6 units |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| |Ground, Friend, Dead |

Resurrection Information
Resurrection is an incredibly powerful spell because it can allow up
to 6 units to come back to life which is essentially giving you up to 6 free
units without cost. The spell is best used when there are at least 6 units to
If you Resurrect allied units, those units will go back to the
original owner's control (your Ally)

Going Over the Food Cap
It is possible, using Resurrection, to go over the food cap. Say for example,
you have reached your food cap of 100, and six Knights die near your Paladin.
Immediately train additional units to get back to the maximum food limit, and
then cast Resurrection to resurrect your six Knights that died. This will then
allow you to have 124/100 food used, giving you an advantage during battle.

Resurrection Counters
Undead players can use Meat Wagons to remove the corpses or cast Raise or
Animate Dead to prevent the enemy from Resurrecting


=============3c============== #mking


The Mountain Kings, or 'Thanes' as they are known in Khaz Modan, are the
mightiest Dwarven warriors under the mountain. Wielding both enchanted
warhammers and hand axes, these fierce fighters live to test themselves against
worthy opponents. Unconcerned with their race's preoccupation with mechanical
devices and mining precious minerals, Mountain Kings live only for battle.
Dedicated to safeguarding the Alliance which saved their kingdom during the
Second War, the Mountain Kings can be counted upon to rally behind any banner
that stands between freedom and the ever looming shadow of evil.

Classification: Dwarf Male
| | | | | | |
| 1 | 26-36[31 avg]| 2 | 22 | 13 | 17 |
| 2 | 29-39[34 avg]| 3 | 24 | 14 | 18 |
| 3 | 32-42[37 avg]| 3 | 27 | 16 | 20 |
| 4 | 35-45[40 avg]| 4 | 30 | 17 | 22 |
| 5 | 38-48[43 avg]| 6 | 32 | 19 | 24 |
| 6 | 41-51[46 avg]| 6 | 35 | 20 | 26 |
| 7 | 44-54[49 avg]| 7 | 38 | 22 | 27 |
| 8 | 47-57[52 avg]| 7 | 40 | 23 | 29 |
| 9 | 50-60[55 avg]| 8 | 43 | 25 | 31 |
| 10 | 53-63[58 avg]| 8 | 46 | 26 | 33 |
| COST |425g,100l,5f |
| ATTACK TYPE |Hero/Melee |
| COOLDOWN |2.22 |
| ARMOR TYPE |Hero |
| DAY SIGHT |180 |
| SPEED |Average (270) |
| BUILD TIME |55 |
| RANGE |Melee |
|LEVEL|Hit Points|Mana Points|
| 1 | 700 | 225 |
| 2 | 775 | 240 |
| 3 | 850 | 270 |
| 4 | 925 | 285 |
| 5 | 1000 | 315 |
| 6 | 1075 | 330 |
| 7 | 1150 | 360 |
| 8 | 1225 | 375 |
| 9 | 1300 | 405 |
| 10 | 1375 | 420 |

The Mountain King is one of the top melee Heroes along with the Night Elf Demon
Hunter and the Orc Blademaster. In one on one Hero Matches the Mountain King
can be one of the best Hero killers with his Storm Bolt ability. Heroes that
attempt to run away or try to use spells
that require spell channeling can be stopped quickly with Storm Bolt. Storm
Bolt is also useful for putting powerful enemy units out of action quickly. But
some top Human players such as TillerMaN and Maynard prefer to use Thunder
Clap. "Thunder Clap is the best" - Maynard. At higher levels Thunderclap can
destroy low hit point units such as Ghouls, and Archers. For other units it can
slow them and
bring their hit points down. The Mountain King can also stun units with Bash
and eventually use Avatar to be even more powerful.

If you are using a Mountain King with an Archmage using Brilliance you can skip
Bash and focus on Storm Bolt and Thunder Clap. With the Archmage generating
Mana he can have enough to use Storm Bolt instead of Bash. Storm Bolt is also
more controllable than the randomness of Bash.

Mountain King Counters
Use focus fire ranged units to pick him off from far away.

Stay out of range of the Thunder Clap whenever possible. Try to run away so he
will Thunder Clap an empty space.

HERO SPELLS:===========================================================

Storm Bolt
A magical hammer that is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning
the target.

| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |9sec |9sec |9sec |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |75 |75 |75 |
|RANGE| | | |
| |60 |60 |60 |
|_____|_________________|_______________|_________________ _|
|AOE | | | |
|EF- |100 dmg and 5 sec|225 dmg and 5s |350 dmg and 5sec |
|FECT |(Hero - 3) Stun |(Hero -3) Stun |(Hero - 3) Stun |
|LVL | | | |
| |1 |3 |5 |
| | Air,Ground,Enemy,Neutral |

Storm Bolt Information
Use Storm Bolt to interrupt spells that require spell channeling.
Use Storm Bolt on powerful and dangerous units that you want dead now such as
Kodo Beasts, Tauren, Knights, Frost Wyrms, Chimaera.

Use Storm Bolt on enemy Heroes, especially those that are trying
to run away and are almost dead.

Don't forget you can use Storm Bolt on flying units if you have to


Thunder Clap
Slams the ground, damaging nearby enemy units. Units are also slowed for the
duration listed below.

| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |5(Hero - 3) |5(Hero - 3) |5(Hero - 3) |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |6sec |6sec |6sec |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |90 |90 |90 |
|RANGE| | | |
| |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|AOE | | | |
| |25 |30 |35 |
|EF- |60 dmg, movement |100 dmg, movement|140 dmg, movement |
|FECT |and attack rate |and attack rate |and attack rate |
|_____|slowed by 50 % |slowed by 50% |slowed by 50 |
|LVL |-----------------|-----------------|-------------------|
| |1 |3 |5 |
| | Ground,Enemy |

Thunder Clap Information
This spell will not work on air units. To take full advantage of the spell, use
Thunder Clap when the Mountain King is surrounded by enemy units. Move the
Mountain King into the middle of a pack of units then use Thunder Clap. Be
ready to run or to use another Thunder Clap after the enemy has been slowed.


Bash (Passive)
Gives a chance that the Mountain King's attack will do 25 bonus damage and stun
his opponent for 2 seconds (1 second for Heroes).

| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|MANA | | | |
|RANGE| | | |
| |N/A |N/A |N/A |
|AOE | | | |
|EF- |20% chance, dmg |30% chance, dmg |40% chance, dmg |
|FECT |+25, 2(Hero 1) |+25, 2(Hero 1) |+25, 2(Hero 1) |
|_____|second stun. |second stun. |second stun. |
|LVL |-----------------|-----------------|-------------------|
| |1 |3 |5 |
| | Ground |

Bash Information
Bash is free stun and damage while the Mountain King attacks
normally. It can be very useful since it gives extra damage and
puts the enemy out of action for a bit. Bash can also be used
at the same time as Thunder Clap and Storm Bolt so you can stun something with
Bash then Thunder Clap or Storm Bolt something
else at the same time.


Avatar (Ultimate)
Activate Avatar to temporarily give the Mountain King 5 bonus armor, 500 bonus
hit points, 20 bonus damage and spell immunity.

_____ ________ ________ _________ _____ _____________________________
| 1 | 60sec | 180sec | 150 | N/A |SELF|+ 5 armor, + 20 armor, +|
| | | | | | |20 damage, Spell immun -|
| | | | | | |ity. |
| | |

Avatar Information
Avatar is very useful. Be sure to use it whenever possible but don't waste it.
This ability is great when sieging an enemy base with large amounts of towers,
as the bonus hitpoints and armor make the Mountain King an excellent meat
shield. Remember, you can still cast Holy Light on an Avatared Mountain King.

Avatar Counters
Run away until the Avatar wears off and then engage in battle


=============3d============== #blood


Many of the stoic high elves, reeling from the loss of their ancient homeland,
Quel'Thalas, have given in to their hatred and despair and embraced the dark
side of their magical natures. Calling themselves 'Blood Elves' - these cold
hearted refugees seek to expand their remaining magical powers at any cost -
even if it means courting the infernal powers of the Burning Legion! Though
still loyal to the Alliance, the Blood Elves' passions will lead them not only
to the highest pinnacles of power, but to the darkest depths of madness.

Classification: High Elf Male

| | | | | | |
| 1 | 21-27[24 avg]| 2 | 18 | 14 | 19 |
| 2 | 24-30[27 avg]| 3 | 20 | 15 | 22 |
| 3 | 27-33[30 avg]| 3 | 22 | 16 | 25 |
| 4 | 30-36[33 avg]| 3 | 24 | 17 | 28 |
| 5 | 33-39[36 avg]| 3 | 26 | 18 | 31 |
| 6 | 36-42[39 avg]| 4 | 28 | 19 | 34 |
| 7 | 39-45[42 avg]| 4 | 30 | 20 | 37 |
| 8 | 42-48[45 avg]| 4 | 32 | 21 | 40 |
| 9 | 45-51[48 avg]| 5 | 34 | 22 | 43 |
| 10 | 48-54[51 avg]| 5 | 36 | 23 | 46 |
| COST |425g,100l,5f |
| ATTACK TYPE |Hero/Ranged |
| COOLDOWN |2.13 |
| ARMOR TYPE |Hero |
| DAY SIGHT |180 |
| SPEED |Fast(300) |
| BUILD TIME |55 |
| RANGE |60 |
|LEVEL|Hit Points|Mana Points|
| 1 | 550 | 285 |
| 2 | 600 | 330 |
| 3 | 650 | 375 |
| 4 | 700 | 420 |
| 5 | 750 | 465 |
| 6 | 800 | 510 |
| 7 | 850 | 555 |
| 8 | 900 | 600 |
| 9 | 950 | 645 |
| 10 | 1000 | 690 |

A mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults.
Though still members of the Alliance, the Blood Elves have begun to turn to
the darkest parts of magic, abandoning the water and frost spells of the Kirin
Tor for the fire and heat of what some people fear to be Demonic magic. Attacks
land and air units.

HERO SPELLS:===========================================================

Flame Strike
Conjures a pillar of fire which damages ground units in a target area over time.

| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |6sec |6sec |6sec |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |10sec |10sec |10sec |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |135 |135 |135 |
|RANGE| | | |
| |80 |80 |80 |
|AOE | | | |
| |20 |20 |20 |
|EF- |45 dmg/sec for 3 |80 dmg/sec for 3 |110 dmg/sec for 3 |
|FECT |seconds, minor |seconds, light |seconds, moderate |
|_____|dmg for 6 sec. |dmg for 6 sec. |dmg for 6 sec |
|LVL |-----------------|-----------------|-------------------|
| |1 |3 |5 |
| |Ground, Enemy, Neutral, Ally, Self, |
| ALLOWED TARGETS |Building, Tree. |

Flamestrike damage is capped to 5 targets. If more than 5 targets are hit, the
damage done to 5 targets normally is split evenly across all available targets.
The area listed is the full damage area, not the total area.

Flame Strike can be used to clear trees.


Turns a unit ethereal and slows its movement speed by 50% for 18 seconds (at
level 3). Ethereal units cannot attack, but they can cast spells and will take
66% more damage from Magic attacks and spells.

| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |12 (Hero - 4) sec|15 (Hero - 5) sec|18 (Hero - 6) sec |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |5sec |3sec |1sec |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |10 |10 |10 |
|RANGE| | | |
| |80 |80 |80 |
|AOE | | | |
|EF- |Unit turned |Unit Turned |Unit Turned |
|FECT |Ethereal |Ethereal |Ethereal |
|_____| | | |
|LVL |-----------------|-----------------|-------------------|
| |1 |3 |5 |
| |Air, Ground, Enemy, Organic, Self |

Turns a unit ethereal and slows its movement speed by 50% for 18 seconds (at
level 3). Ethereal units cannot attack, but they can cast spells and will take
66% more damage from Magic attacks and spells.


Siphon Mana
Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking mana from every
second and giving it to the Blood Mage

| | | | |
|LEVEL|1 |2 |3 |
|DURA-| | | |
|TION |6sec |6sec |6sec |
|COOL-| | | |
|DOWN |6sec |6sec |6sec |
|MANA | | | |
|COST |10 |10 |10 |
|RANGE| | | |
| |60-80 |60-80 |60-80 |
|AOE | | | |
|EF- |18 MP drained |35 MP drained |55 MP drained |
|FECT |per second. |per second. |per second. |
|_____| | | |
|LVL |-----------------|-----------------|-------------------|
| |1 |3 |5 |
| |Air, Ground, Enemy, Organic, Neutral |

Siphon Mana Information
Use this ability to get back mana when you are out or to remove mana from enemy
units. The ability will keep draining mana until the target is at a distance of
Use this spell against Heroes that require heavy Mana usage such as
the Archmage, Far Seer, Keeper of the Grove and Lich to prevent heavy damage
from their spells. It is also a good idea to use it on Heroe
s to prevent them from using their Ultimates.

Siphon Mana Counters
Run out of range of the spell to cancel it.


Phoenix (Ultimate)
Summons a powerful Phoenix. The Phoenix burns with such intensity that it
damages itself and nearby enemy units. Has Spell Immunity, and Resistant Skin.
When a Phoenix dies, it creates an egg that will hatch into a Phoenix

_____ ________ ________ _________ _____ _____________________________
| 1 | N/A |180+ sec| 170 | N/A | N/A|Summons a Phoenix |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | |

This is useful for creating a powerful unit. Casting Phoenix when you already
control a Phoenix results in the original Phoenix being destroyed, in much the
same manner as Feral Spirit.
The Phoenix is very similar to the other Ultimate Summonables such as the Dread
Lord's Infernal or Night Elf Warden's Avatar of Vengeance. The Phoenix is not
considered a summoned unit. It burns with such intensity that it damages itself
over time. The Phoenix damages itself at 25 hit points per second. The Phoenix
can fly unlike those other examples.

Phoenixes shed feathers, which cause both initial damage as well as a certain
amount of damage over time to nearby hostile units.

When a Phoenix dies, it becomes a Phoenix Egg. If the Phoenix Egg is not
destroyed within 10 seconds, the Phoenix will be reborn.

You can heal the Phoenix to keep it alive.

CODE: #phx

_ _ _ _ ___ _____ ___
| | | | \| |_ _|_ _/ __|
| |_| | .` || | | | \__ \
\___/|_|\_|___| |_| |___/

=============3a============== #peast


Peasants are trained from the hard-working and stout-hearted citizens that live
in the numerous kingdoms of Lordaeron. By mining Gold and harvesting Lumber to
meet the ever-increasing needs of the fighting force which must push back the
unrelenting Horde, they are the
backbone of the Alliance. Trained not only in the construction and maintenance
of the myriad buildings found in every community, but also those necessary to
wage war, they take great pride in the invaluable service they provide. Roused
by the tales of the Orcish atrocities in Azeroth, these Peasants have learned
to use both pick and axe for
their own defenses if threatened

| | |
| LEVEL |1 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |75g,1f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |0 |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |5.5 average |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |220 |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |80 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |SLOW (190) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |15 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Town Hall/Keep/Castle |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPACE |1 |
| | |
| | |

Peasants cannot be upgraded but they can be converted to Militia

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================
Repair (Autocast)
Peasants can repair Buildings and Mechanical Units Automatically when
Autocast is enabled. Repairing costs Gold and Lumber. If you do not
have enough gold or lumber you will not be able to repair.

Mines Gold from gold mines and harvests Lumber from Trees.

Return Resources
Return the carried resources to the nearest town hall

Build Structure
Brings up a list of available buildings that you may choose to
Peasants build on the outside of buildings. This means that the enemy can kill
them while a building is being constructed to halt its construction. Command
multiple Peasants to build a building if there
is a risk they may be destroyed while a building is being created.

Peasants can create buildings much faster by commanding multiple Peasants to
create a building. Simply select Peasants and right click on a building that is
being constructed. The Peasants will move in and will speed up the construction
of a building. It will cost additional resources to build a building faster and
Peasants working on a
building will not be gathering resources so it is not always a good idea to
speed build. Only Peasants can speed build; the other races cannot speed build.

Call To Arms
Runs to the nearest town hall to arm the peasant, converting him to
MILITIA (See Below).



=============4b============== #milit


The workers of the Human Alliance can be converted into Militia when the need
arises. You can transform Peasants individually by clicking on the Call to Arms
icon on each Peasant's command card or convert them en masse by ringing the
Call to Arms bell at your Town Hall. Peasants will then rally to the Town Hall,
where they don armor and wield axes to fight invaders. After a set amount of
time, Militia will revert back to Peasants, or you can prematurely end their
military tenure at the Town Hall with the Back to Work bell

| | |
| LEVEL |1 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |1f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |4(10 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |12.5 average(17 when fully upgraded |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |1.2 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |220 |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |140 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |Average (270) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Town Hall/Keep/Castle |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPACE |1 |
| | |
| | |

Militia are created by Peasants arming themselves at their Town Hall, Keep, or
Castle. Militia are on a timer of 45 seconds and will convert back to Peasants
when their timer runs out. You can always convert Peasants to Militia via the
Town Hall and convert them back to
Peasants at any time.

Militia can only be created from a player's starting Town Hall, but they can be
created from any of the player's Keeps or Castles. If you want to use Militia
to defend an expansion you will have to upgrade it to Keep.

Militia are used to defend your town when it is under attack. After Militia are
done fighting they should be returned to work.

Some people choose to repair towers rather than using Peasants as Militia but
you may find that using them as Militia is much more effective. Even better,
use a mix of Militia and Peasants repairing towers.

Only the Humans have the ability to convert their workers into an
army. This gives them the ability to have a regular army and make it much
larger with Miltia creating a super army. While Miltia are very weak fighters,
they can turn an invasion into a slaughter. The enemy thinks they can take your
army but instead the Miltia turn the battle into your favor. It's sometimes a
difficult decision to use Miltia.
You should definitely use Lumber Peasants for Militia but beware of taking
Peasants off Gold to create Militia when you don't have to.

Militia Scout
Players typically scout with their Peasants which have a speed of 190. But
instead convert one to a Militia to scout which has a speed of
270! The Miltia can scout several locations and can take some hits from the
Creeps before he converts back to a Peasant again. Although some argue it's a
waste of resources to use a Militia instead of a Footmen.

Iron Forged Swords
Steel Forged Swords
Mithrill Forged Swords

Iron Plating
Steel Plating
Mithrill Plating



=============4c============== #footie


The vast ranks of the Alliance armies have diminished over the years due to the
incessant infighting amongst the former Alliance nations. However, many of the
strong-hearted citizens of Azeroth have volunteered to defend their lands as
Footmen. Though these fierce warriors lack the shining plate mail and
specialized training of their noble predecessors, they still fight with bravery
and honor on the field of battle.

| | |
| LEVEL |2 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |135g,2f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |2( 8 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |12.5 average(17 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |1.35 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |420 |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |140 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |Average (270) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |20 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Barracks |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPACE |1 |
| | |
| | |

Footmen are especially useful against ranged units using their Defend ability.
Generally Knights will replace Footmen once they are
available but you may still find Footmen are very useful for dealing with lots
of ranged attackers.

Footmen can be weak against early units such as Huntresses and Grunts so many
Human players deal with this by building a LOT of Footmen
since they are cheap. Some Human players build three Barracks so that they can
create Footmen fast.

Be sure to use Defend whenever possible, especially against Creeps and Towers.
Do not use Defend against Night Elf Huntresses as it has no effect on them. Be
sure to turn off Defend when it is not in use.

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================

Activate to take only 30% of the damage from Piercing attacks, but have 30%
reduced movement speed.
COST: 150 g, 100 w
EFFECT: Piercing damage reduced 70 %, movement speed reduced 30 %.

Defend Information
Defend reduces 70% of all piercing damage. Defend only reduces Pierce damage,
not all ranged attacks. The Footman can stay in defend mode as long as he wants
and can cancel back to normal mode at any time.
Defend has no effect on Night Elf Huntresses.

Make sure you turn off Defend when you're done. Don't be walking around like an
idiot in Defend mode as you walk across the map. Instead move in and out of
Defend as appropriate.

Use Defend to assault enemy bases with towers! It works against towers and
defensive structures like Orc Burrows. Research Defend when you're facing
ranged units or when you might be assaulting a base.

Iron Forged Swords
Steel Forged Swords
Mithrill Forged Swords

Iron Plating
Steel Plating
Mithrill Plating



=============4d============== #rifle


The brave Dwarven Riflemen have faithfully protected their mountain kingdom of
Khaz Modan for hundreds of years. Yet they have once again offered their
weapons and skills to the Alliance of Lordaeron. Using the legendary
Single-shot Blunderbuss Longrifles, Riflemen are excellent marksmen and can
shoot both land based and airborne opponents

| | |
| LEVEL |3 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |205g,30w,3f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |0( 6 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |21.0 average(28.5 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| AIR ATTACK |21.0 average(28.5 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |1.50 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |505 |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| RANGE |40 (60 with Long Rifles [see Upgrades]) |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |140 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |Average (270) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |20 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Barracks |
| | |
| | |
| REQUIREMENTS |Blacksmith |
| | |
| SPACE |1 |
| | |
| | |

Learn how to use ranged units with unit control.

It's very important to research upgrades. If you're mostly doing
damage to the enemy research the damage upgrades first, then follow
up with the armor upgrades. If you're both taking damage and dishing it out
alternate between armor and damage upgrades. You should always get the Long
Rifles upgrade when using Riflemen. Rush to it as soon as possible.

You can build some Riflemen to add to your army or focus entirely on them with
a Hero. This can be risky in 1 vs. 1s but very easy in 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3, and 4
vs. 4. The Paladin is a good choice with the
Riflemen because he can heal them with Holy Light. His Devotion Aura can also
give them armor making it more difficult for the enemy to
kill them.

Riflemen are very weak against Melee Units that are attacking them so keep
Melee units away. If a Rifleman is attacked by a Melee unit, instruct that
Rifleman to run away and keep running until they give up chase.

Riflemen are great against light armor units since they do 200% damage to them.
This can make Riflemen useful against such units as Gryphons, Wind Riders,
Frost Wyrms, and Chimaera.



Long Rifles

Black Gunpowder
Refined Gunpowder
Imbued Gunpowder

Studded Leather Armor
Reinforced Leather Armor
Dragonhide Armor



=============4e============== #priest


A holy field medic, these padres roam the battlefield curing the wounds of
fallen comrades.

| | |
| LEVEL |2 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |135g,10w,2f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |0 |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |8.5 average |
| | |
| | |
| AIR ATTACK |8.5 average |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |2.00 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |290 (370 with Priest Master Training) |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA |200 (400 with Priest Master Training) |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| RANGE |60 |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |40 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |Average (270) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |28 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Arcane Sanctum |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPACE |1 |
| | |
| | |

Priests can be a very important part of a Human army. While Healing
and Dispel can be very useful many prefer Priests for their Inner
Fire ability. Inner Fire can be an alternative to Orc Shaman
Bloodlust and especially useful in team games. Healing can help
return units to full health saving you the cost of replacing them. Dispel
Magic is useful for countering powerful spells such as
Bloodlust and Slow. Dispel Magic is also useful against Skeleton
and other summoned units.

Remember to research Adept and Master Training. Besides just giving extra
spells these upgrades also increase mana capacity and mana regeneration which
is exactly what you want on spell casting units.

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================

Heal (Autocast)
Heals a target friendly non-mechanical wounded unit for 25 hit points.

ALLOWED TARGETS: Air,Ground,Friend,Self,Organic,Not Ancient
EFFECT: Heals 25 HP

Heal Information
Any friendly unit within acquisition range of the Priest will be automatically
healed. The auto-healing function does not work when the Priest is in Hold


Dispel Magic
Removes all buffs from units in a target area. Deals 200 damage to summoned

COST: 100g 50w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum
REQUIREMENTS: Priest Adept Training
AOE: 20
ALLOWED TARGETS: Air, Ground, Ward
EFFECT: Removes all spells, 200 dmg to summoned units.

Dispel Magic Information
Dispel Magic has many different uses such as removing buffs and de-buffs.
Dispel Magic is also useful for damaging summoned units


Inner Fire (Autocast)
Increases a target friendly unit's damage by 10% and armor by 5.

COST: 100g 150w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum
REQUIREMENTS: Priest Master Training
ALLOWED TARGETS: Air, Ground, Friend
EFFECT: Dmg + 10%, armor + 5.

Inner Fire Information
Inner Fire is a very powerful spell since it both increases damage and armor.
On Knights it can make them very difficult to kill. Inner Fire is especially
useful in team games where many allied units can be buffed with Inner Fire.
Inner Fire can be a good alternative to Bloodlust.



Priest Adept Training
Priest Master Training



=============4d============= #sorc

These female Magi, sent by the Magocrats of Dalaran to watch over the volatile
Battle Magi, use their arcane powers to aid the Alliance forces whenever
Humanity is imperiled. Although their powers are not often used directly in
combat, the Sorceresses are able to aid the Alliance warriors with a wide array
of specialized conjurings and magical effects.
| | |
| LEVEL |2 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |155g,20w,2f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |0 |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |11 average |
| | |
| | |
| AIR ATTACK |11 average |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |1.75 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |325 (405 with Sorc Master Training) |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA |200 (400 with Sorc Master Training) |
| | |
| MANA | |
| REGENERATION |0.667 (1.167 with Sorc Master Training) |
| | |
| | |
| RANGE |60 |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |40 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |Average (270) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |30 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Arcane Sanctum |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPACE |1 |
| | |
| | |

The Sorceress is one of the most powerful spellcasters besides the Orc Shaman.
The Sorceress's Slow spell can render a unit almost useless. With 400 Mana the
Sorceress can slow 10 units. A few Sorceresses can slow an entire army. The
Polymorph ability is also very powerful because it can take a unit instantly
out of action, possibly never to return. Polymorph is excellent on expensive
units such as Tauren, Abominations, Bears, and Knights. Invisibility also has
its uses.

Remember to research Adept and Master Training. Besides just giving extra
spells these upgrades also increase mana capacity and mana regeneration, which
is exactly what you want on spell casting units.

Build at least two Arcane Sanctums. This will allow you to research upgrades in
one building and train units in another at the same time. Some build as many as
three Arcane Sanctums.

Sorceresses are very weak so you need to run whenever they are attacked. Use
Slow to get away from the enemy.

If you plan on using Polymorph, turn off the autocast of Slow. If you leave
Slow on you will dip below the 220 Mana needed for Polymorph.

The Sorceress works very well with the Archmage's Brilliance Aura.

Sorceress Counters
Sorceresses are very weak. Rush them with Melee units or used focused fire with
ranged units. It should be easy to kill them if you can get them before they
Slow you.

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================

Slow (Autocast)
Slows a target enemy unit's attack rate by 25% and movement speed by 60%.

RESEARCHED AT: Always Available
DURATION: 60sec (Hero - 10)
ALLOWED TARGETS: Air, Ground, Enemy
EFFECT: Attack Rate Reduced 25% Movement Speed Reduced 60%

Slow Information
Slow is a very powerful spell. You can always benefit from several Sorceresses
Slowing the enemy. Slow is also the perfect spell to use when the enemy is
trying to run away. Often the enemy will leave behind several Slowed units that
you can easily take care of for experience.


Makes a target unit invisible. If the unit attacks, uses an ability or casts a
spell, it will become visible.

COST: 100g, 50w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum
REQUIREMENTS: Sorceress Adept Training
ALLOWED TARGETS: Air, Ground, Organic, Friend, Non Sapper
EFFECT: Makes Target Invisible

Invisibility Information
Invisibility is useful for scouting. Cast it on a ground or air unit, and then
use it to scout the map. The unit can scout without having to worry about
attacks from towers or Creeps.
Another use for Invisibility is for saving units before they are about to die.
Using Sub Groups, watch the unit's hit points and cast Invisibility on the unit
before it is about to die. Then run the unit away to someone that can heal it,
or back to base, or send it to a Fountain of Health.

Use Invisibility on a unit and use it to spy on enemy towns. This Invisible
unit can also spot for Mortar Teams.

Cast Invisibility on a unit then send it to an enemy town. Then use Mass
Teleport to Teleport to that unit.

You can use Invisibility to buy items at shops that are defended by Creeps.


Turns a target enemy unit into a sheep or flying sheep. The targeted unit
retains its hit points, but cannot attack and its armor type is changed to
"Medium". Cannot be cast on Heroes or Summoned units.

COST: 100g, 150w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum
REQUIREMENTS: Sorceress Master Training
ALLOWED TARGETS: Air, Ground, Non-Hero, Enemy, Organic
EFFECT: Turns the target into a sheep or Flying Sheep.

Polymorph Information
Polymorph can be a total game winner, especially if the enemy has nothing to
Dispel it. Polymorph can quickly turn an army into nothing. In team games a
Human player can take out as many as 3-4 players using Polymorph and a lot of
Sorceresses. Polymorph is the perfect counter to Knights, Abominations, Druids
of the Claw, and Tauren.
If you cast Polymorph on a unit that is already a sheep it resets the timer and
uses additional mana.

You can only use Polymorph on Creeps level 5 and below.

Polymorph can be dispelled!

Polymorph changes a unit's normal armor type to "Medium" armor type while they
are in the form of a sheep.

Polymorph will not work on Summoned units.



Sorceress Adept Training
Sorceress Master Training

(See Upgrades Section)




Elven warrior trained to disrupt and contort magical energies. These Blood
Elven warriors, fresh from the destruction of their homeland, have turned a new
eye towards the dying land of Lordaeron. Can it possibly remain their home? Has
Spell Immunity. Attacks land units.

| | |
| LEVEL |2 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |215g,30w,3f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |3 (9 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |14 average (20 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |1.90 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |600 |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA |250 |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| RANGE |25 |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |140 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |FAST (300) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |28 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Arcane Sanctum |
| | |
| | |
| REQUIREMENTS |Arcane Vault, Keep |
| | |
| SPACE |1 |
| | |
| | |

Elven warrior trained to disrupt and contort magical energies. This is an
anti-spellcaster unit.

Since Spell Breakers are immune to magic, you can safely cast Blizzard and
Flamestrike on them. If you put them in the front lines, you can easily cast
Blizzard or Flamestrike without worrying about hurting your own units

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================

Spell Steal (Autocast)
Steals a positive buff from an enemy unit and applies it to a nearby friendly
unit, or takes a negative buff from a friendly unit and applies it to a nearby
enemy unit.

RESEARCHED AT: Always Available
ALLOWED TARGETS: Air, Ground, Friend, Neutral, Self
EFFECT: Steals a positive buff from the enemy and applies it to
your units, or steals a negative buff from your units or applies it
to the enemy.

Spell Steal Information
Some spells such as Anti-magic Shell, Unholy Frenzy, and Cyclone, are only
affected if Spell Steal is cast on them manually. Spell Steal only affects
unit-cast spells, and doesn't work on Hero spells.


Control Magic
Give Spell Breakers the ability to take control of enemy summoned units. The
spell's cost is relative to the current hit points of the target.

COST: 75g, 75w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum
REQUIREMENTS: Arcane Vault, Castle
ALLOWED TARGETS: Air, Ground, Friend, Enemy, Neutral, Summoned, Ward
EFFECT: Takes Control of Summoned Units

Control Magic Information
You can control enemy Orc wards!
Mana cost is .45 mana per hit point.


Spell Immunity (Passive)
Renders this unit immune to negative spells.


Feedback (Passive)
Spell Breaker attacks destroy 20 (4 to Heroes) Mana per hit. The Mana combusts,
dealing damage to the attacked unit. Each point so removed causes 1 point of
damage to the target. Feedback does not affect spell-immune units.



Iron Forged Swords
Steel Forged Swords
Mithrill Forged Swords

Iron Plating
Steel Plating
Mithrill Plating



=============4f============= #nite


Though the hearty Knights of Azeroth were destroyed during the First War, the
shining Knights of Lordaeron still continue to serve amongst the warriors of
the Alliance. These heavily armored warriors use mighty swords in combat which
can damage enemy warriors up to several feet away. The Knights' speed and
mobility mark them as the most versatile warriors of the Alliance.

| | |
| LEVEL |3 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |245g,60w,4f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |5 (11 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |31 average (40 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |1.50 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |800 (950 with Animal War Training) |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |140 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |FAST (350) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |45 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Barracks |
| | |
| | |
| REQUIREMENTS |Lumber Mill, Castle, Blacksmith |
| | |
| SPACE |1 |
| | |
| | |

Knights are very powerful and fast troops. Be sure to research Animal War
Training to increase their hit points. The Paladin's Devotion Aura is also good
to use with Knights.

Many Human players try to rush up to Knights as soon as they can to replace
their Footmen. It is best to research the armor upgrades to give them even more
armor. Knight usage is pretty straight forward.

Knight Counters


Knights have heavy armor which means it's best to use magic attacks against
Knights - Have more of them and have more upgrades, and control them better
Sorceress - Polymorph and Slow
Gryphon Rider
Tauren - with Pulverize
Farseer - Chain Lightning
Raiders - Ensnare
Shaman - Purge

Night Elves
Keeper of the Grove - Entangling Roots
Dryads - Slow Poison
Druid of the Talon - Faerie Fire
Druids of the Claw in Bear Form

Lich - Frost Nova
Dread Lord - Sleep
Necromancer - Cripple
Frost Wyrms



Animal War Training

Iron Forged Swords
Steel Forged Swords
Mithrill Forged Swords

Iron Plating
Steel Plating
Mithrill Plating



=============4g============= #wserp


Swift flying unit mounted by an Elven warrior. The fierce warriors of the
Dragonhawk battalions are often the first into combat, picking apart the enemy
ranks and surrounding enemy towers with dense fog so that reinforcements can
strike unhindered by enemy defenses. Attacks land and air units.

| | |
| LEVEL |3 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |200g,30w,3f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |1 ( 7 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |19 average (25 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| AIR ATTACK |19 average (25 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |1.75 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |575 (725 with Animal War Training) |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA |300 |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| RANGE |30 |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |140 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |FAST (350) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |28 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Gryphon Aviary |
| | |
| | |
| REQUIREMENTS |Arcane Vault |
| | |
| SPACE |N/A |
| | |
| | |

This flying unit is useful against towers using the Cloud ability.

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================

Creates a small cloud that stops buildings with ranged attacks that are within
it from attacking.

COST: 50g, 100w
RESEARCHED AT: Gryphon Aviary
REQUIREMENTS: Arcane Vault, Castle
COOLDOWN: 20 sec
RANGE: 100
AOE: 30
EFFECT: Stops buildings from firing.

Cloud Information
Do not move the Dragonhawk Rider while it is casting Cloud or it will stop
casting Cloud.
Cloud Counters
This spell must be maintained by having the Dragonhawk Rider stay
still while the spell is cast to get the full effect. Force the Dragonhawk
Rider to run which will cancel Cloud.

You can interrupt this spell with spells such as:

Humans: Sorceress - Polymorph (uncastable on heroes)
Humans: Dragonhawk Rider - Aerial Shackles (uncastable on ground units)
Humans: Mountain King - Storm Bolt
Humans: Mountain King - Bash (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Raider - Ensnare
Orcs: Tauren Chieftain - War Stomp (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Witch Doctor - Stasis Trap (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Shadow Hunter - Hex
Night Elves: Druid of the Talon - Cyclone (uncastable on air units)
Night Elves: Keeper of the Grove - Entangling Roots (uncastable on air units)
Undead: Crypt Fiend - Web (uncastable on ground units)
Undead: Dread Lord - Sleep
Undead: Dread Lord - Inferno (uncastable on air units)
Undead: Crypt Lord - Impale (uncastable on air units)
Neutral: Dark Ranger - Silence
Neutral: Dark Ranger - Charm (uncastable on heroes)
Neutral: Goblin Tinker - Cluster Rockets
Neutral: Pit Lord - Doom (uncastable on heroes)


Aerial Shackles
Magically binds a target enemy air unit, so that it cannot move or attack and
takes 30 damage per second.

RESEARCHED AT: Always Available
COOLDOWN: 30 sec
EFFECT: 30 dmg/sec., unit is disabled.

Aerial Shackles Information
Do not move the Dragonhawk Rider while it is casting Aerial Shackles or
it will stop casting Aerial Shackles.
Aerial Shackles Counters
This spell must be maintained by having the Dragonhawk Rider stay still
while the spell is cast to get the full effect. Force the Dragonhawk Rider to
run which will cancel Aerial Shackles.

You can interrupt this spell with spells such as:

Humans: Sorceress - Polymorph (uncastable on heroes)
Humans: Dragonhawk Rider - Aerial Shackles (uncastable on ground units)
Humans: Mountain King - Storm Bolt
Humans: Mountain King - Bash (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Raider - Ensnare
Orcs: Tauren Chieftain - War Stomp (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Witch Doctor - Stasis Trap (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Shadow Hunter - Hex
Night Elves: Druid of the Talon - Cyclone (uncastable on air units)
Night Elves: Keeper of the Grove - Entangling Roots (uncastable on air units)
Undead: Crypt Fiend - Web (uncastable on ground units)
Undead: Dread Lord - Sleep
Undead: Dread Lord - Inferno (uncastable on air units)
Undead: Crypt Lord - Impale (uncastable on air units)
Neutral: Dark Ranger - Silence
Neutral: Dark Ranger - Charm (uncastable on heroes)
Neutral: Goblin Tinker - Cluster Rockets
Neutral: Pit Lord - Doom (uncastable on heroes)



Animal War Training

Iron Forged Swords
Steel Forged Swords
Mithrill Forged Swords

Studded Leather Armor
Reinforced Leather Armor
Dragonhide Armor



=============4j============= #grider


The wild dwarves of the Aerie Peaks have once again responded to the call and
brought their mighty gryphons to aid the besieged Alliance in its time of need.
Armed with their trusty, lightning-powered Stormhammers, the hearty dwarves
seek to keep the skies of Lordaeron free from enemy forces. The proud gryphons
share their riders’ implacable resolve and stand as noble symbols of the
Alliance’s fortitude.

| | |
| LEVEL |5 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |280g,70w,4f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| WEAPON TYPE |Mline |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |0 ( 6 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |50 average (68 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| AIR ATTACK |50 average (68 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |2.20/2.40 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |825 (975 with Animal War Training) |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| RANGE |45 |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |160 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |FAST (320) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |45 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Gryphon Aviary |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPACE |N/A |
| | |
| | |

Gryphon Riders are typically used as supporting units with an army or players
create a bunch of them to surprise the enemy as they did in Warcraft II. If the
enemy for example has a bunch of Huntresses and no Archers they are in a
position to be weak to air units. If you create
2-3 Gryphon Aviaries and create a group of Gryphons you can catch the player
without any defenses. The key is to not let the enemy know what you are up to.
To do this you can hide the Gryphon Avaries or at least try to hide the
Gryphons until you have a bunch of them.

Gryphons can be useful for hit-and-run attacks on enemy expansions. Take
advantage of trees and water to hover over where ground units cannot reach
them. If you have to run, run to areas that ground units cannot reach or to the
safety of towers.

Don't build a bunch of Gryphons if the enemy has a lot of ranged units waiting
for them. If the enemy has a lot of Crypt Fiends it's not wise to use Gryphons
against them except in a hit-and-run manner. Gryphon Riders do splash damage.

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================

Storm Hammers (Passive)
Causes Gryphon Riders' hammers to strike through their target at the next
opponent, dealing damage to both. Storm Hammers do not work on air units.

COST: 125g, 225w
RESEARCHED AT: Gryphon Aviary



Animal War Training

Iron Forged Swords
Steel Forged Swords
Mithrill Forged Swords

Studded Leather Armor
Reinforced Leather Armor
Dragonhide Armor



=============4k============= #engine


The sturdy Dwarven Siege Engines are a new addition to the Alliance forces. The
stalwart Dwarven pilots have even been known to ram enemy structures at high
speeds and reduce whole fortifications to dust
under the Siege Engines' steel treads

| | |
| LEVEL |2 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |195g,60w,3f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |2 ( 8 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |50 average (68 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| AIR ATTACK |13.5 average (18 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |2.10 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |700 |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| RANGE |19 (50 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |140 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |SLOW (220) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |55 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Workshop |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPACE |4 |
| | |
| | |

The Siege Engine has a ranged attack and is used solely to kill buildings. The
Siege Engine has very thick building armor which makes them very difficult to

Usually players send a few Siege Engines with their attacking force to help
finish an enemy town. Another strategy is to secretly mass a
group of Siege Engines. Players either head up the tech-tree directly to Siege
Engines or switch over to them later in the game. To do this you need around
3-4 Workshops training Siege Engines. Keep them hidden so the enemy doesn't
know what you're up to. Once you've created a group of 6-12 Siege Engines send
them in. The key is to surprise the enemy so they are not prepared. You want
them to discover the Siege Engines as they are losing their town and can't do
anything about it.

Research the damage upgrades for the Siege Engines! They can make a huge

Bring Peasants with your Siege Engines to repair them during battle.
If that is not possible, send them home to be repaired if they are severely

Siege Engine Counters

Siege Engines are large and have difficulty pathing around. Take advantage of
this by placing plenty of units in their way blocking their path which will
make it difficult for them to move. If possible surround them with units so
they can't get to the buildings they are after.
Siege Engines have building armor so use Siege Units against them.

Sorceress - Slow - Slow them so that they are much less effective

Raiders - Ensnare - stop them in their tracks. Raiders also do siege damage
making them good against Siege Engines
Ghouls - Surround with Ghouls to limit pathing
Frost Wyrms - Slow them with their freezing attack

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================

Barrage (Passive)
Fires powerful Dwarven rockets at nearby enemy air units, dealing 25 damage per
hit for a range of 50. 9 rockets can be fired at once. 2 second cooldown.

COST: 50g, 150w



Black Gunpowder
Refined Gunpowder
Imbued Gunpowder

Iron Plating
Steel Plating
Mithrill Plating



=============4l============= #mteam


Armed with their innovative exploding shells, the stalwart Mortar Teams of
Ironforge are capable of blasting apart enemy ranks from long range. These
fearless dwarves are masters of explosive devices and relish in pounding
fortified enemy emplacements to dust.

| | |
| LEVEL |2 |
| | |
| | |
| COST |180g,70w,3f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| WEAPON TYPE |Artillery |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |0 ( 6 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |58 average (79 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |3.50 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |360 |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |140 |
| | |
| | |
| NIGHT SIGHT |120 |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |AVERAGE (270) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |40 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Workshop |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPACE |2 |
| | |
| | |
| AREA |2.5 |
| | |
| 2/5 DAMAGE | |
| AREA |15 |
| | |
| 1/10 DAMAGE | |
| AREA |25 |
| | |
| |25 |
| | |
| |115 |
| | |

Learn how to use ranged units with unit control.

Mortar Teams have the largest area of effect damage of all the siege units.
Mortar Teams are good at killing buildings. Bring them along when you are
assaulting an enemy town. Mortar Teams cannot attack air units.

If you use a lot of Mortar Teams be sure to at least research the damage
upgrades to make them more effective.

Mortar Teams will damage your own units so be careful to prevent them from
killing your own army.

Mortar Teams can be used to clear away trees.

Mortar Teams are the only ranged seige units in the game that aren't
mechanical, so you can cast invisiblility on them, run them into the back of an
enemy base with a couple sorcresses, and when the enemy comes back to kill the
Mortar teams, cast invisiblility and run away! Also you can cast spells like
Innerfire on them too, which can help a lot in team games. Beware though, this
can be used against you, with spells like Storm Bolt and Polymorph which affect
non-mechanical units too.

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================

Launches a Dwarven flare above a target point, which reveals that area for 15
seconds. Reveals invisible units.

COST: 50g, 50w
DURATION: 15 sec
COOLDOWN: 120 sec
AOE: 180
EFFECT: Reveals map and invisible units.

Flare Information
You can cast an unlimited amount of Flares but there is a 120 sec. cooldown
before you can cast another Flare.


Fragmentation Shards (Passive)
Uses fragmentation mortars to increase damage dealt to Unarmored and Medium
armor units

COST: 50g, 100w
AOE: 10
ALLOWED TARGETS: Ground, Enemy, Neutral
EFFECT: Increased AOE damage.

Fragmentation Shards Information
Full Damage Radius: 10 Half Damage Radius: 27.5, Quarter Damage
Radius: 25
Full Damage Amount: 25 , Half Damage Amount: 18, Quarter Damage
Amount: 12


Black Gunpowder
Refined Gunpowder
Imbued Gunpowder

Studded Leather Armor
Reinforced Leather Armor
Dragonhide Armor



=============4m============= #heli


Mechanical flying machine flown by a Dwarven pilot.

| | |
| LEVEL |1 |
| | |
| | |
| COST | 90g,30w,1f |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ATTACK TYPE |Siege/Pierce (with bombs) |
| | |
| | |
| WEAPON TYPE |Missile/Instant (with bombs) |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR TYPE |Heavy |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |2 ( 8 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |7.5 average (12 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| AIR ATTACK |14.5 average (19 when fully upgraded) |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |2.50/2.00 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |200 |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| RANGE |Melee/50 |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |180 |
| | |
| | |
| NIGHT SIGHT |110 |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |Very Fast (400) |
| | |
| | |
| BUILD TIME |13 |
| | |
| | |
| TRAINED AT |Workshop |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |

Flying Machines have two main purposes: to scout, and to attack air units. If
someone is making a lot of air units, use Flying Machines to attack them.
Upgrade the Flying Machine to enhance it with more

Flying Machines also act as detectors for invisible units.

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================

True Sight (Passive)
Reveals nearby invisible units.

RESEARCHED AT: Always Available

Flying Machine Bombs (Passive)
Allows Flying Machines to attack land units.

COST: 150g, 100w


Flak Cannons (Passive)
Upgrades the weapons on Flying Machines to give them an area effect damage
attack against air units.

COST: 100g, 150w

Flak Cannon Information
Full Damage Splash Radius: 7.5 Half Damage Radius: 15 Quarter Damage Radius:
Full Damage Amount: 7 Half Damage Amount: 6 Quarter Damage Amount: 5



Black Gunpowder
Refined Gunpowder
Imbued Gunpowder

Iron Plating
Steel Plating
Mithrill Plating

(See Upgrades Section)


=============4n============= #phx


The Phoenix is created by the Blood Mage when he casts the Phoenix spell.

| | |
| LEVEL |6 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |1 |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |68 average |
| | |
| | |
| AIR ATTACK |68 average |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |1.40 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |1250 |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| REGENERATION |-25HP per sec |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |160 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |FAST (320) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| CREATED BY |Blood Mage |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| AREA |2.5 |
| | |
| 1/2 DAMAGE | |
| AREA |6.6 |
| | |
| 1/4 DAMAGE | |
| AREA |12.5 |
| | |
| | |
| RANGE |60 |
| | |

The Phoenix is very similar to the other Ultimate Summonables such as the Dread
Lord's Infernal or Night Elf Warden's Avatar of Vengeance. The Phoenix is not
considered a summoned unit. It burns with such intensity that it damages itself
over time. The Phoenix damages itself at 25 hit points per second. The Phoenix
can fly unlike those other examples.

Phoenixes shed feathers, which cause both initial damage as well as a certain
amount of damage over time to nearby hostile units.

When a Phoenix dies, it becomes a Phoenix Egg. If the Phoenix Egg is not
destroyed within 10 seconds, the Phoenix will be reborn.

You can heal the Phoenix to keep it alive.

Phoenix Egg stats:

Hit Points 200
Armor: 0

UNIT ABILITIES=========================================================

Spell Immunity (Passive)
Renders this unit immune to negative spells.


Resistant Skin (Passive)
Reduces the duration of negative spells and renders the unit immune to certain


=============4o============= #firef


One of the greatest powers of the Archmage is their ability to summon mighty
Water Elementals to aid the Alliance warriors in combat. These mindless,
hulking forms of water can take massive punishment from
enemy units while delivering fierce blows to their enemies. Water Elementals
were a favorite tool of the Human Conjurors of the First War, and now they
serve in the defense of Humanity once again.

| | |
| LEVEL |5/6/7 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ARMOR |0/1/2 |
| | |
| | |
| GROUND ATTACK |20/35/45 |
| | |
| | |
| AIR ATTACK |20/35/45 |
| | |
| | |
| COOLDOWN |1.50 |
| | |
| | |
| HIT POINTS |525/675/900 |
| | |
| HEALTH | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| MANA | |
| | |
| | |
| RANGE |30 |
| | |
| | |
| DAY SIGHT |120 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| SPEED |Slow (220) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| CREATED BY |Archmage |
| | |
| | |
| REQUIREMENTS |Summon Water Elemental |
| | |
| SPACE |1 |
| | |
| | |

There are 3 Levels of Water Elementals. Water Elementals are summoned, so they
will disappear after 60 seconds. Each level of Water Elemental has a different
appearance and size. The Level 3 Water Elemental is
the largest and is a dark blue color.

Water Elementals cannot be upgraded.

Water Elementals are Summonable units so players can run away from
them until the timer runs out. Another option is to use spells or abilities
that damage Summonables such as Abolish Magic, Dispel Magic, Purge, and Wisp's


___ _ _ ___ _ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___
| _ ) | | |_ _| | | \_ _| \| |/ __/ __|
| _ \ |_| || || |__| |) | || .` | (_ \__ \

=============5a============= #main


The Town Hall is the center of any Human settlement. It is where Peasants are
recruited, and where Peasants drop off their gold and lumber loads. The Town
Hall buildings house the Call to Arms bell that will turn your Peasants into

COST: 385g, 205w
HP: 1500/1800/2100/2400
ARMOR: 5/6/7/8
BUILD TIME: 180 sec

Units Produced:
Peasant (see above)

Upgrades Available:
Back Pack (see upgrades section)


You can upgrade your Town Hall to a Keep, which enables further upgrades and is
harder to destroy

COST: 320g 210w
HP: 2000/2400/2800/3200
ARMOR: 5/6/7/8
BUILD TIME: 140 sec

(* upgrading to Keep does not provide additional 12 food)


You can upgrade your Keep to a Castle. The Castle is the toughest Human Town
Hall and enables the highest-level of units and upgrades

COST:360g 210w
HP: 2500/3000/3500/4000
ARMOR: 5/6/7/8


=============5b============= #farm


Farms provide a modest amount of food, but are quick and cheap
to build.

COST: 80g, 20w
ARMOR: 5/6/7/8

Farm Tactics: You can use the farm to block paths. For example, u can
use a line of farms to block the entrance to your base and placing
towers behind. It will be difficult to breach the compound, but easy
if ur enemy posesses siege units (Demolishers, Glaive Throwers, Meat
Wagons, Mortar Teams...)


=============5c============= #boot


The Barracks is where you train Footmen, Riflemen, and Knights. Here is where
you also research the Defend, Long Rifles, and Animal War Training upgrades.

COST: 160g, 60w
HP: 1500/1800/2100/2400
ARMOR: 5/6/7/8
BUILD TIME: 60 sec

Upgrades Available:
Long Rifles
Animal War Training

=============5d============= #aok

This building is where the Alliance recruits and revives its Heroes.

COST: 180g 50w
HP: 900/1080/1260/1440
ARMOR: 5/6/7/8
BUILD TIME: 60 sec


=============5e============= #smith

Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry, and gunpowder

COST: 140g 60w
HP: 1200/1440/1680/1920
ARMOR: 5/6/7/8
BUILD TIME: 70 sec

Upgrades Available
Iron Forged Swords
Steel Forged Swords
Mithrill Forged Swords
Iron Plating
Steel Plating
Mithrill Plating
Black Gunpowder
Refined Gunpowder
Imbued Gunpowder
Studded Leather Armor
Reinforced Leather Armor
Dragonhide Armor

(See Upgrades Section)

=============5f============= #lmill


The Lumber Mill is an alternative drop site for wood. It is also where
technologies can be researched to improve Human lumber harvesting and the
sturdiness of Human buildings.

HP: 900/1080/1260/1440
ARMOR 5/6/7/8

Upgrades available:
Improved Lumber Harvesting
Advanced Lumber Harvesting
Improved Masonry
Advanced Masonry
Imbued Masonry

(See Upgrades Section)


=============5g============= #vault


A shop from which any allied unit that has an inventory can purchase items. The
items available are dependant upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has
(Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and what buildings you have. Heroes can also sell
unwanted items to any item shop.
Each Item lists the name of the item with a link to more information. The time
it takes for an item to regenerate after it has been purchased is listed next.
Following that is a list of when an item is first available after the start of
the game. The maximum number of items sold is listed in


1.Scroll Or Regeneration
Regenerates the hit points of all friendly non-mechanical units in an area
around your Hero by 225 over 45 seconds when used. This ability will be
canceled if the units using the scroll are attacked or are hit by a spell which
does damage. So use it when the unit is away from battle.

2.Mechanical Critter
Creates a player-controlled critter that can be used to scout enemies.

3.Lesser Clarity Potion
Regenerates the Hero's mana by 100 over 30 seconds when used. This ability will
be canceled if the units using the potion are attacked or are hit by a spell
which does damage. So use it when the unit is away from battle.

4.Potion of Healing
Heals 250 hit points when used.

5.Potion of Mana
Restores 150 mana when used.

6.Scroll of Town Portal
Teleports the Hero and any of its nearby troops to a target friendly town hall.

7.Ivory Tower
Creates a Scout Tower at a target location.

8.Orb of Fire
Adds 5 bonus fire damage to the attack of a Hero when carried. The Hero's
attacks also become ranged when attacking air and do splash damage (14 radius)
to nearby enemy units.

9.Staff of Sanctuary
Teleports a target unit to your highest level town hall, stunning the unit and
regenerating 15 hit points per second. Lasts until the unit
is fully healed.


=============5h============= #sanct


Spellcaster production building

COST:150g 140 w
ARMOR 5/6/7/8

Upgrades available:
Priest Adept Training
Priest Master Training
Sorceress Adept Training
Sorceress Master Training
Control Magic
Magic Sentry

=============5i============= #aviary


Trains Gryphon Riders, and Dragonhawk Riders. Also contains the Storm Hammers
and Cloud upgrades.

COST:140 g 150 w
HP: 1200/1440/1680/1920
ARMOR: 5/6/7/8

Storm Hammers



=============5j============= #sgact


Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower,
an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
COST:30g 20w


Capable of attacking land and air units, the Guard Tower is an able defense for
Human settlements.
COST:70g 50w
HP: 500/600/700/800
ARMOR: 5/7/9/11
BUILD TIME: 50 sec


Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and
spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks
to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Can learn
the Magic Sentry ability.

COST:70g 50w
HP: 500/600/700/800
ARMOR: 5/7/9/11


The Cannon Tower is an alternative to the Guard Tower. While it can only attack
ground targets and has a slower attack, it is more

COST:70g 50w
HP: 600/720/840/960
ARMOR: 5/7/9/11


=============5k============= #works


The Workshop is where Flying Machines, Mortar Teams, and Siege Engines are
COST:140g 140w
HP: 1200/1440/1680/1920
ARMOR: 5/6/7/8
BUILD TIME: 60 sec

Flak Cannons
Flying Machine Bombs
Fragmentation Shards



=============5l============= #upgrd


This is the moment uve all been waiting for! Below I have listed all
available upgrades and info about them ^_^

1. Iron Forged Swords:
Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers,
Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights
COST: 100 g 50 w

2. Steel Forged Swords:
Further Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spell
Breakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights
COST: 175 g 175 w

3. Mithrill Forged Swords
Further Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spell
Breakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights
COST: 250 g 300 w

4. Iron Plating:
Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers, Knights,
Siege Engines and Flying Machines.
COST: 125 g 75 w

5. Steel Plating:
Further Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers, Knights, Siege
Engines and Flying Machines.
COST: 150 g 175 w

6. Steel Plating:
Further Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers, Knights, Siege
Engines and Flying Machines.
COST: 150 g 175 w

7. Mithrill Plating:
Further Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers, Knights, Siege
Engines and Flying Machines.
COST: 175 g 275 w

8. Black Gunpowder:
Increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams,
Siege Engines and Flying Machines.
COST: 100 g 50 w

9. Refined Gunpowder:
Furher Increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams,
Siege Engines and Flying Machines.
COST: 175 g 175 w

10. Imbued Gunpowder:
Furher Increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams,
Siege Engines and Flying Machines.
COST: 250 g 300 w

11. Studded Leather Armor
Increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders and
Gryphon Riders.
COST: 100 g 100 w

12. Reinforcred Leather Armor
Further increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders
and Gryphon Riders
COST: 150 g 175 w

13. Dragonhide Armor
Further increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams,Dragonhawk
Riders and Gryphon Riders.
COST: 200 g 250 w

14. Backpack
Gives specific human ground units the ability to carry items.
COST: 50 w 25 g
RESEARCHED AT: Town Hall/Keep/Castle

15. Defend
Allows footmen to use their Defend capability which increases
defense against ranged attacks but reduces moving speed.
COST:150g 100w

16. Long Rifles
Increases range of Rifleman attacks.
COST: 75g 125w

17. Animal War Training
Increases the maximum Hit Points of Knights, Gryphon Riders and
Dragonhawk Riders by 150
COST: 125g 175w
REQUIREMENTS: Lumber Mill, Castle, Blacksmith

18. Improved Lumber Harvesting
Increases the amount of lumber that peasants can carry by 10
COST: 100g

19. Advanced Lumber Harvesting
Further Increases the amount of lumber that peasants can carry by 10
COST: 200g

20. Improved Masonry
Increases the armor and hit points of human buildings
COST: 100g 25w

21. Advanced Masonry
Further increases the armor and hit points of human buildings
COST: 125g 50w

22. Imbued Masonry
Further increases the armor and hit points of human buildings
COST: 150g 75w

23. Priest Adept Training
Increases the priest mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points
and gives the ability to cast Dispel Magic
COST: 100g 50w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum

24. Priest Master Training
Increases the priest mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points
and gives the ability to cast Inner Fire
COST: 100g 150w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum

25. Sorceress Adept Training
Increases sorceresses` mana capacity, mana regeration rate, hit points
and gives them the ability to cast Invisibility
COST: 100g 50w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum

26. Sorceress Master Training
Increases sorceresses` mana capacity, mana regeration rate, hit points
and gives them the ability to cast Polymorph
COST: 100g 150w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum

27. Control Magic
Gives Spell Breakers the ability to take control over summoned units.
The spell's mana cost is relative to the target's hit points.
COST: 75g 75w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum
REQUIREMENTS: Arcane Vault, Castle

28. Magical Sentry
Provides human towers the ability to detect nearby invisible units.
COST: 50g 50w
RESEARCHED AT: Arcane Sanctum

29. Flak Cannons
Upgrades the weapons on the Flying Machines to give them an AOE
damage attack on air units
COST: 100g 150w

30. Flying Machine Bombs
Allows flying machines to attack land units.
COST: 150g 100w

31. Flare
Provides Mortar Teams with the Flare ability. This gives Mortar
Teams flares which they can use any area of the map. Can see
invisible units.
COST: 50g 50w

32. Fragmentation Shards
Upgrades the mortar shells on Mortar Teams to increase their
AOE damage.
COST: 50g 100w

33. Barrage
Gives Siege Engines powerful dwarven rockets which can attack air
COST: 50g 150 w

34. Storm Hammers
Causes Gryphon Rider's hammers to strike through an enemy land unit
and hit the next land opponent, dealing damage to both.
COST: 125g 225w
RESEARCHED AT: Gryphon Aviary

35. Cloud
Provides Dragonhawk Riders with the Cloud Ability, which stops ranged
buildings from attacking.
COST: 50g 100w
RESEARCHED AT: Gryphon Aviary
REQUIREMENTS: Arcane Vault, Castle

LOL that was hard. All 35 upgrades listed above ^^^.


___ _____ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ __|_ _| _ \ /_\_ _| __/ __|_ _| __/ __|
\__ \ | | | / / _ \| | | _| (_ || || _|\__ \
|___/ |_| |_|_\/_/ \_\_| |___\___|___|___|___/

Now its time for some productive work. All of the above was copied
from Mojo Storm-Stout's official WC3 Strategy Guide, now come my
own strategies ^_^.

=============6a============= #creep


The Creep Counter strategy is most commonly played by all WC3 gamers.
Its when u don't rush, but tech on, getting higher units while creeping
If u get attacked during the process, u MUST COUNTER with ur teammates,
if ur playing a Team Game. In solo games u MUST RUSH!!! (see below for
more). Creep Jacking is another type of development. U wait enough to
be sure that the enemy does not rush and starts creeping. Then you
attack while his base is undefended. When he wastes his Scroll of TP,
U runaway. Then come back when he goes creeping again. Its a matter
of Hit-and-run. He'll get very annoyed^_^. Assuming that uve continued
teching while attacking, by now u should have casters, or HAU(see
abreviations). In creep counter, if u play tier 1 units(for NE - Huntresses,
for UD - Spiders, For Orc - Grunts and Trolls and for human - Footies and
Rifles), you have get casters for support. When attacking with an army of
footies with defend, u must get sorceresses to slow the enemy, equaling
movement speed :) or priests for heal. If the enemy has towers, the footie
makes short work of any tower with his defend (piercing damage reduced by 70%),
knowing that all towers have piercing attack. If choosing to attack while
Creep-Countering, u must have a high hero (lvl 3-5). WC3 is all about heroes u
know. The Hero is essential to everyone, its up to him if a battle will be lost
or won.
Now pay attention: U MUST CONSIDER ARMOR TYPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is not wise to get units with Heavy Armor to counter Casters or HAU.
Creep Counter is the key to victory in my opinion but its always nice to rush
SCOUT AND COUNTER! Got IT? Good. When Playing Creep Counter with humans its
best to go Mass Rifles, later Priests and Knights for Support.


=============6b============= #invade


At some point in the game the time will come to invade an enemy town. Sometimes
players will quit when they know they can't win or when they lose their army.
Other players will only quit when their town is severely damaged or destroyed.
In larger team games it becomes even more important to attack towns and often
you will need to clear up to 6 towns (6 vs. 6) before winning or even more if
it's an FFA game (11 enemy towns!).

Town Defender Advantages
Be aware of what may happen when you invade an enemy town. Once you know about
the possible problems and issues you can better protect your army from complete
defeat at the enemy's hands.

The defender of a town has an advantage if they have a comparable army and can
also use their town defenses. Often what happens is a player goes into a town
thinking that their army is as good or better but then don't count on the town
defenses such as (Militia) and/or superior control.
Defenders Can Repair Their Town While It's Under Attack
If you try to destroy buildings the enemy sometimes just repair them as they
are being attacked until you are kicked out of their town. Many games are lost
because players go into a town thinking they are going to win and then lose.
They then no longer have an army to defend their town and can't handle a
counter attack. This can't always be avoided (unless you're an elite player)
but you can work to reduce the number of failed attacks through experience.

New Units Continue To Join The Defense
The town defender can train new units and have them join the battle throughout
the battle. The attacking player on the other hand has to stream them from
their base which is further away.

Defenders Can Build Additional Tower Defenses
The Defender can begin building Towers even before you show up to attack their
town because they see you coming. This can allow them to have enough defenses
in place to take you on before you get there. Also sometimes defenders are able
to build towers in their town during the battle. If they can protect them, or
the attacker doesn't destroy them, the towers can sometimes shift the course of
the battle in the defender's favor.

Allied Players Can Teleport In To Save the Town
You may go into an enemy town with a clear advantage but not count on enemy
players teleporting in to save it. You should always figure that up to all of
the enemy teammates might show up to defend the town. Do as much damage as you
can and be ready to run the second you see the incoming Town Portal graphic.

Player-built Shops
These can provide Healing Potions, Mana Potions, and more during battle.

Don't Fight Uphill onto Higher Terrain
Don't fight at the bottom of the hill with ranged units. They will miss the
units on higher ground. Either push up the hill, or leave, whichever is smarter.

Retreat Into Your Town
If you are near your town and/or are unsure if your army can beat their army,
retreat back into your town. That allows you to have benefit of your town's
defenses to help out in the battle. Try to bait the enemy into fighting in your
town. When attacking the enemy, try not to fight in their town whenever
possible as well unless you know your army can take it. Try to fight them in
open areas or bait them out of their town. Sometimes you can draw them out of
their town using Siege Weapons.

Repair Buildings While You're Under Attack
Try to repair buildings while they are being attacked so that you can survive
longer and possibly save the buildings.

Cancel Doomed Buildings Under Attack
If you can't prevent a building under construction from being destroyed, cancel
the building. Otherwise you will lose resources when the enemy destroys the

More Tips for Town Defenders

-Build a few Towers. The enemy almost always spends time focusing on them
first. This can buy you some time to defend your base. (Learn more about Towers
- #towers)
-Use Militia. But don't get drawn out away from your Town. Go back to work if
the enemy runs away.
-Have at least 1 Arcane Tower. This usually causes an enemy to run when their
Hero is hit.
-If you know you're going to be attacked, get the building defense upgrades at
the Lumber Mill. Build more towers too.
-Try to Wall in some towers with buildings.
-Use rows of farms as a wall to make it harder to get in your town.
-If anyone tries to attack your Peasants on gold, run them away or in circles
around your Town Hall until you can protect them or force the enemy to leave.
-Repair things that are under attack! Run the Peasants away if the enemy
targets them.

-Hop in the Burrows! If the enemy is doing a hit-and-run attack, go Back to
Work immediately.
-If the Burrows are attacked, repair them! Pop Peons in and out of the Burrows
as they are attacked to save them and to repair the Burrows
-Build the Burrows in such a way that they can cover your base. They also need
to be next to the Gold Mine so the Peons can quickly get inside and near the
Lumber Peons also.
-You might want to build at least One Watch Tower. The enemy will typically
attack it first giving you time to get back to your base or whatever.
-Research Reinforced Defense and Spiked Barricades if you know the enemy is
coming to your town.

Night Elves
-Use Wisps to Detonate on any enemy unit with Mana. You should try for their
Heroes but also use them if there is a pack of enemy Spellcasters within reach.
Do not send the Wisps unless you can get to the enemy without losing them.
-Wisps can harvest Lumber anywhere on the map. It's great to hide them around
and use them as scouts. That way you don't have to worry about the enemy
killing all your Lumber Wisps. Also if your Town is destroyed, you'll still
have Wisps around to rebuild (useful in team games).
-Use Wisps to repair buildings under attack.
-In Most Situations, do not uproot Ancients. Their armor will become heavy
armor which makes them easier to kill.
-If the enemy is building towers or something near your base you can uproot
some of your buildings while at the same time commanding several Wisps to
repair the Ancient. Then root the Ancient once it's in range of the enemy
building or units.
-Make sure your Moon Well's are turned on to auto cast. It makes a Night Elf
player look very stupid if their Moon Wells are full at the end of the battle
because no one turned them on (and no one right-clicked on them to use them
-If you know the enemy is coming, research Nature's Blessing for the increased
Ancient armor.
-If the enemy attacks the Tree of Life or the Entangled Gold Mine, pop the
Wisps out of the Entangled Gold Mine and use them to repair. If you want to
repair the Entangled Gold Mine you will need to hit R for repair rather than
right-clicking or it will just put them back in the mine (rookie mistake).

-If you know the enemy is coming upgrade Ziggurats to towers.
-If the enemy is leaving, cancel the upgrading Ziggurats.
-Build buildings around the Haunted Gold Mine so that enemies can't easily
reach them.
-Build at least one Nerubian Tower right next to the Haunted Gold Mine. Some
players build more Ziggurats to build a wall around their Acolytes on Gold.
This can sometimes cause the enemy to say it's not worth it and they will leave.
-Use the Death Knight to heal damaged units with Death Coil.
-If the enemy is able to reach the Acolytes on Gold, have them run in circles
around the town until the enemy leaves.
-Take Acolytes off Gold and use them to repair. Build additional Acolytes to
-Take any Ghouls that are harvesting Lumber and have them help out.

Invading Enemy Towns
Invading enemy towns can be challenging. But with some tips and experience you
can become better and better at it.

Attack Expansions First
Usually you want to attack an expansion town first. These often have no
defenses or very little defenses and can be killed very quickly. Also the
expansion towns typically have a first level Town Hall while the main base
might have a tier 3 Town Hall (Castle). Learn more about Expansion Towns.

Learn To Run!
Knowing when to run is a very important skill in Warcraft III. You should
always be prepared to run when attacking an enemy Town. Sometimes you run
because the enemy is Teleporting back to their Town to defend it. Sometimes you
run because an ally is coming to save the town you are attacking. Sometimes you
run because the attack isn't going as planned. Whatever the case, don't fight
until the last unit. Leave and come back later with a better force. Whenever
things aren't going your way, run away! =)

Size Up the Defenses
Scout the enemy Town and figure out what defenses they have. Compare your
invading force to the defenses and determine whether you can defeat them. You
should always invade with an overwhelming force if possible. Think D-Day.

Always Try to Fight Battles Away From Enemy Towns If Possible
Try to draw the enemy away from their town or trap them so that they can't just
run back to their Town. That way you don't have to worry about town defenses.
Then once you've won on the out side you can counter attack and invade when
they have little defenses.

Don't be caught in Limbo where you're outside the enemy town but you're not
going into the enemy town. Sometimes you run into a situation where the enemy
is outside their town behind you and you're at the tip of their town. You then
hang in the middle as the enemy is doing hit-and-run attacks at your rear. This
can whittle you down. Either go in the town and attack or go somewhere else to
attack. The enemy can pick away at your army if you remain indecisive and just
stand around.

Sometimes you just can't attack an enemy town because of the superior or equal
enemy army. So what you do is buy a Town Portal Scroll. Run into an enemy town.
Do some damage, and then teleport away once the enemy shows up to defend their
base. Now buy another Town Portal Scroll. This strategy is almost required in
FFA games.

Attacking Towers
If the enemy has a LOT of towers it's best to use Siege Units. If the enemy
only has a few towers then regular units against Towers can work fine (less so
against Spirit Towers with Fortified Armor) because the towers have Heavy armor.

Bring Siege Weapons
Whenever possible, bring Siege Weapons. This isn't usually possible early in
the game. Siege Weapons do increased damage to buildings which will allow you
to more quickly defeat an enemy town. Learn more about Siege Units.

Destroy a Town from Long Range
If you have long range Siege Weapons you can destroy an enemy Town while not
taking damage from their defensive towers. But the problem is protecting those
Siege Units. Repair them if they are mechanical and place your army around them
on Hold Position. The enemy will typically send a unit out and attack to try to
make your army run into their defenses. That's why you use Hold Position so the
units won't fall for this trick.

Quick and Dirty Attacks
If you only have a very short time to attack an enemy town before running

Orcs: Kill their Burrows
Humans: Kill their Peasants
Night Elves: Kill their Entangled Gold Mine (not Tree of Life). The Tree of
Life will then have to re-entangle the Gold Mine which will take a long time.
Or kill some Wisps on Lumber.
Undead: Kill their Haunted Gold Mine or Acolytes

Ultimate Sneaky Attacks
Bring Goblin Zeppelin(s) with Siege Weapons. Unload, kill their Town Hall, and
then run. You can also use Goblin Sappers instead to sneak up on an enemy Town
Hall via land.

Use An Archmage with Mass Teleport to Teleport in some Siege Engines or Mortar
Teams, then leave after the Town Hall is destroyed.

Building Destruction Order
Usually it depends on how much time you have or the number of enemy players. If
you only have a little time, destroy the Town Hall. If you have a little more
time, destroy the Town Hall, Altar, then go on to the next town. Rather than
sitting there and eliminating every building, just kill the important ones then
go on to the next town. If the enemy team focuses on complete destruction you
can kill several Town Halls and Altars (which is almost killing the town),
while they are on a single target.

Buildings that are good to focus on are Player-built Shops, Farms, Altars, and
Town Halls. If you destroy Farms they might not be able to produce additional
troops. If you destroy their Altar they cannot resurrect their Hero. If you
destroy their Town Hall they can no longer return Gold (Humans, Orcs, Night
Elves). When attacking Undead players focus on their Haunted Gold Mines and

If you see someone trying to revive their Hero at their altar (look for
animation on the altar), then destroy it first to prevent their Hero from
coming back. Now you might think because you're winning that you might want
their Hero to come back so you can kill it for experience or laughs. But
against good players, they might be able to escape or use a Town Portal to get
away and then you have to deal with their annoying Hero again later in the
game. In team games it is sometimes possible for an enemy Hero to survive and
combine and help with their surviving teammates to affect the outcome of the
game. When a person only has one unit to control rather than multiple units and
a town, they do much better. So the enemy Hero can become even more deadly than
it was before with such intense micro (control) by the enemy player.

Target Player-built Shops
Player-built shops have low hit points and are easy to destroy. They also are
dangerous as they can allow enemy Heroes to buy healing potions or other useful
things to use against you.

Because an enemy often attacks a Player-Built shop first, build one! This can
buy you some time to get to your town to defend it or whatever.

Destroy the Town Hall
Destroying all of the workers mining Gold and harvesting Lumber is a severe
blow, but the opponent can just train more. However, when you get rid of the
Town Hall, they can no longer build any more workers in that location until
they have rebuilt their Town Hall. It's especially damaging if you destroy a
high level town hall which will prevent them from building high level buildings
and troops. Often in team games players destroy the Town Hall, Altar, and move
on to the next town. The Town Hall Kill is often the "killing blow" to the
enemy. Some players will just leave if you kill their Town Hall. Also if they
had a Tier 3 Town Hall such as a Castle they will have to upgrade two times to
be able to build the Tier 3 units again.

Also if you destroy all of their Town Halls their buildings will be revealed
after a period of time.

Attack Buildings Under Construction!
Buildings under construction take extra damage. So always aim for them first
when you invade a town.

Use Area of Effect Spells Against Tightly Packed Buildings
For example, if you see a tightly packed group of farms, cast an "AOE" spell
such as Blizzard, Flame Strike, or Rain of Fire.

Use Ultimate Abilities
Some Ultimate Hero abilities are very good at destroying towns such as
Earthquake, Death & Decay, and Tornado. You can even use these abilities in
hit-and-run attacks if you can't fight your way into the base with your army.

Rush Siege Units
Many Siege Units have a minimum fire range. If you get up close to them they
won't be able to hit you. They will fire over your head and past you.

Target the Workers
When you invade, kill the workers. When you attack enemy offensive units,
you're not really slowing the enemy down. They have created those units for the
purpose of fighting and dying, but when you attack workers that can be used to
mine Gold, harvest Lumber and build buildings, you are slowing down their
economy. Whenever possible, run past the enemy defenses straight to the Peons
mining and harvesting. Split your forces sending half to engage the enemy
offensive units using the other half of them to sneak in and kill the workers.
Although you will not win the battle against the enemy defending units, if you
kill the enemy's workers it will be worth it. The enemy will either be forced
to train more Peons, which will eat up their resources, or will forget to train
more Peons to replace them which will put them further behind you.

Usually it's easiest to first attack the workers that are harvesting lumber.
These are much easier to kill than the workers that are popping in and out of
the Gold Mine as they mine Gold.

Don't Let Enemy Workers Get Away!
Typically players will try to run their workers away if they know their town is
going down in flames. They will then try to rebuild elsewhere or possibly hide.
Whenever the workers start running, disengage your current target and prevent
them from escaping. This is especially important in Tournament and FFA games.

Invading Orc Towns
-Go for the Burrows First. They are the easiest to kill and the most damaging
for the enemy player. If you attack the buildings but ignore the Burrows, the
Burrows can really damage your army.
-Kill as many Peons as you can
-Another choice target is the Voodoo Lounge since it will die very quickly and
the enemy uses it a lot. Players often place these right outside their Town so
you can sometimes kill it first really quickly.

Invading Human Towns
-Always count on Militia. Don't be surprised by them.
-If you have a limited amount of time, Focus on killing the Peasants first.
-If you have more time Kill the Arcane Towers first and then the Peasants. In
team games different team members can be doing both at once.
-Kill any Peasants that are trying to build a building

Invading Undead Towns
-Undead Towns often have HEAVY defenses. You better go in there packing and
with Siege Weapons if they have a lot of towers.
-Kill their Acolytes on their Gold Mine. They will then have to train 5 new

Invading Night Elf Towns
-Kill the Wisps
-Kill the Moon Wells so they can't use them for healing
-Stay out of range of the Ancients. Use ranged units to kill them from safety.

Finishing off an enemy Town
For games where you're clearly winning, make sure you destroy everything in the
enemy's first town. While you are destroying the first town, start looking for
their next one. If they are good, they will have one or more. Be sure to
destroy every building in their main town, especially food buildings. Some
people leave the food buildings that allow the enemy to continue to make units
at their new Expansion Towns. If you destroy all of the food buildings, they
will be forced to build more food buildings rather than advanced buildings,
which will hinder them from getting back on their feet. In team games it's more
important to kill a few important buildings such as the Town Hall, Altar,
Burrows and then move on to the next enemy town. You can finish off the rest

=============6c============= #harass


Hero Rushing is a standard part of Warcraft III. To Hero Rush means to attack
the enemy town, especially workers, as early as possible. Players head to the
enemy town as soon as the Hero has been trained. Players are typically either
Hero Rushing the enemy or defending against a Hero Rush. Sometimes players may
not Hero rush or may decide to Creep instead but Hero Rushing is found in most
ladder games.

Reasons for Hero Rushing include

Distraction: People who advance quickly up the tech-tree don't have a strong
army. They need to distract and "harass" you until they are able to build their
high end units. This involves doing regular hit-and-run attacks on your town.
Usually if people are Hero Rushing you and they don't bring units with them,
they are teching. You know it's time to go hit their base before they get
whatever they are trying to build.
Fun: Hero rushing is fun! It's fun to attack players who don't know how to
handle a Hero Rush. If the enemy is really bad at the game you can totally hose
them and win the whole game. In Warcraft II and StarCraft there was a "build
up" time where there wasn't a lot going on. Many players found this phase of
the game boring. The answer was Heroes very early so that players have
something fun to do at the beginning of the game.

Good Hero Rushers
Demon Hunter (Mana Burn/Immolation), Blademaster (Wind Walk), Warden (Shadow
Strike/Fan of Knives), Keeper of the Grove (Entangling Roots), Far Seer (dogs),
Shadow Hunter (Serpent Wards), Archmage (Blizzard the workers/Water
Elementals), Mountain King (Storm Bolt - good in 2 vs. 2 games), Naga Sea Witch
(Forked Lightning/Frost Arrow), Crypt Lord (Beetles/Impale with Ghouls)
OK Hero Rushers
Some of these might be more effective in Team Games with help.

Blood Mage (Flame Strike), Death Knight (Death Coil to Heal + Ghouls), Tauren
Chieftain (Stomp/Shockwave), Beastmaster, Pandaren Brewmaster (Drunken Haze),
Dread Lord (Sleep/Carrion Swarm with Ghouls), Lich (Frost Nova), Dark Ranger
(possible if you go Life Drain first).

Semi-Bad Hero Rushers
Priestess of the Moon (at least go Searing Arrow first and come with an ally)
and Pit Lord (gets stuck). They are ok if they are supporting another Hero and
are not being hit.

Extremely Bad Hero Rushers
Paladin (laugh whenever you see this)

Anti Hero Rushers
The same Heroes that are good for Hero Rushing are also good at defending
against Hero rushes typically. Some of the best anti Hero Rushers are: Demon
Hunter (Mana Burn), Mountain King (Storm Bolt), Warden (Shadow Strike), Far
Seer (dogs/Chain Lightning).

Defense against Hero Rushes

All: Lead the enemy away until you can build up enough forces to take them on.
Hit, then run away from your town. Use your Town's defenses!
Humans: Get an Arcane Tower! Use Militia if they get close but go back to work
if they run away.
Orcs: Hop in those Burrows. Build 1-2 Watch Towers
Undead: Run the Acolytes away. Build 1 Nerubian Tower. Use a Death Knight to
heal the Acolytes
Night Elves: Use Detonate. Fight by the Moon Wells. Build your town in such a
way that the Ancients of War can defend you.

=============6d============= #bo


In the beggining the humans have enough resources to make a peasant, bulid a
barracks,a farm and an Altar Of Kings. This makes this section useless because
players can decide how to form their BOs by themselves.
Mine is simple:
1. Make a peasant
2. Build Altar of Kings
3. Build a Barracks
4. Build a Farm
5. Make another peasant
6. Build Another Farm
7. Build another Barracks
8. Build a Blacksmith
9. Make more peasants
10. Build Lumber Mill
This is my beggining BO
Contribute yours pls!!!!

=============6e============= #combs


Replace Footmen with Knights
Footmen are useful for ranged attackers when using Defend but typically you
will want to replace your Footmen with Knights. Make sure you research all of
the armor upgrades to raise the Knights' armor to 11. Use Knights in
Combination with Sorceress Slow, and Priest Heal and/or Inner Fire.

Use your spellcasters!
Both the Priest and the Sorceress are an important part of the Human army. You
should build up to them and use them along with your army. Healing and Slow are
the most popular uses for those casters.

Hero Combos
A very popular combo in team games is the Archmage and Blood Mage for Flame
Strike, Blizzard, and Brilliance. The Brilliance Aura helps both Heroes. Flame
Strike and Blizzard doesn't stack entirely so it's best to stagger the casting
of the two. Another popular possibility is an Archmage and Paladin with the
Paladin to heal the Archmage. In smaller games the Mountain King is seen a lot,
sometimes with a Paladin to heal him. It's up to you to find out what works
best for you.

In 1 vs. 1 and 2 vs. 2 you often see Archmage with Water Elementals followed by
the Mountain King.

Balanced Human Army
In Solo and 2 vs. 2, it's good to build up a small balanced army. Two Heroes,
Sorceresses, Priests, Footmen (then Knights), and some Riflemen are a good
group seen often in the hands of top players.

3 Heroes
Using three Human Heroes can be a very powerful strategy in the hands of a good
player. Some say that three Human Heroes compliment each other the best of the
four races Heroes. The Paladin can use Holy Light to heal the other Human
Heroes. The Archmage's Brilliance Aura can regenerate their mana. The
Archmage's Teleport ultimate can Teleport all three around. The Paladin's Aura
increases their Armor. The Mountain King's Thunder Clap ability stuns anyone
who gets close. The Paladin can use Divine Shield if they start targeting him.
The Archmage's Water Elementals can tank and hit air units. Some players are so
good that they can win only using three Humans Heroes and no regular units. The
Blood Elf Mage or Neutral Heroes can also be worked in instead.

Archmage Rush
Construct a Farm. Next build an Altar of Kings. Use other Peasants to speed
build (repair) the Altar. Send out one Militia to scout the map and find a
Human player preferably, or an Orc or Undead player. As soon as the Archmage is
finished, instantly hit F1 to select him, and right-click on the enemy town.
You should have scouted before the Archmage was finished training. As your
Archmage is on the run, spend your one skill point in Blizzard. This attack is
all about time and you cannot afford any delay. Move the Archmage into the
enemy town and begin Blizzarding the Peasants, Acolytes, or Peons that are
mining Gold. If they move them away, or chase you with enemy Heroes or units
run. Come back in a few seconds when they have placed their workers back on
Gold and do it again. If you run into trouble use a Town Portal Scroll to
teleport back home. You can also do this with Water Elementals instead.

You can use other teammates doing the same thing to further make this more
effective. Using this method you can really put the enemy behind. The success
of this attack depends on your ability to build at home while controlling the
Hero and on how good the enemy player is. This will work a lot better against
inexperienced players than it will against good players. This attack is easily
countered by Dread Lord using Sleep, Keeper of the Grove using Entangle, or
Mountain King using Storm Bolt. Orc players can use their Burrows. When the
enemy clearly has a defense, it is best to run away and continue with the game.

The Humans can be very good in FFA games with their Siege Engines, Mass
Teleport, TOUGH Towers, and Invisibility.

=============6f============= #noobie


Not having a Hero
Warcraft III is all about Heroes. Heroes have many abilities that are only
available on Heroes and, typically, are responsible for winning or losing

Not Leveling up a Hero
Typically Heroes should be level 3-5 before combating enemy players unless you
are Hero rushing. This is done by aggressively seeking out all surrounding
Creeps and killing them. This allows your Hero to become better and for you to
gain additional spells, which can determine which group wins or loses a battle.
You should never have a Level 1 Hero engaged in combat against an enemy player
unless it's a second or third Hero being built after your first Hero or someone
pulled some super rush.

Not Spending Hero Skill Points
A Hero's Skill point should be spent as soon as you get it. Watch the portrait
in the top left corner for the number that indicates that a Hero has a skill
point. Don't let them add up. Don't leave them unspent for very long. While in
rare situations you might wish to save up skill points, usually you want to
spend them as soon as you get them.

Level 1 Hero Soloing vs. Powerful Creeps
Heroes are great at higher levels but they are very weak early on. They need
the help of 3-5+ units for leveling up. Do not attempt to take on multiple high
level Creeps with a level 1 Hero. Usually there are some easy "gimmie" Creeps
such as 3 level 2 Creeps which your level 1 Hero can solo. But, do not try to
take on say a group of 5 Creeps which are level 5.

Attacking Creeps that are too powerful
Sometimes a Creep camp will be much too powerful for your current army. You'll
discover that your Hero and army are slaughtered against powerful Creeps. Part
of learning the game is knowing how powerful the Creeps are and if your army
can take them. This comes through experience. There are some basic common sense
things you can do to compare. Count the number of your units vs. the number of
the Creeps. Look at the level of the Creeps. If they are 5+ you may have
trouble with them. Very high level Creeps such as 9 will be a lot of trouble so
have a large army. Be sure to run if the battle doesn't look to be going in
your favor. You can come back later with more troops. As you learn maps, the
race you play, and the Creeps, you will soon be able to know if you should
attack a Creep camp or not.

Fatal mistakes in the beginning can cost you the entire game. One of those
mistakes is losing your whole army to the Creeps when the enemy is about to
attack your town.

The Creep Camp indicator on the minimap (Alt-C) will help you find out where
the low level creeps camps are located (green) on every map.

Losing your Hero to the Creeps
This is very shameful. If the Creeps are attacking your Hero, back off. Watch
the battle and control the Hero. Heroes should not die to Creeps. =)

Losing your Hero to the Creeps in the first 1-3 minutes of the game
See above.

Not controlling a Hero during Battle
A Hero should always be controlled during battle. If it is attacked,
immediately use the F1-F3 Key to jump to the Hero and control them. Back
damaged Heroes away from combat.

Not picking up Hero Items, or leaving them for the enemy
You should always pick up Hero Items unless you have no room. If you cannot
take an item and don't want someone else to use it, attack the item to destroy

Placing more than 5 Human Peasants or Orc Peons on a Gold Mine
Five is the maximum number of units that can mine depending on what direction
the town hall is placed. If you place more than 5, they will stack up and won't
be actually doing anything. Using these extra workers to mine ties up supply
and can push a player to higher Upkeep levels for no reason. However, on some
maps and positions the Town Hall may be placed too far from the Gold Mine which
could require as many as 6 or 7 Peons to mine the Gold Mine. Make sure you have
enough workers to mine a Gold Mine effectively.

Attacking Superior Forces
You should have an idea by looking at the enemy whether you're going to win or
not. While you can't always know for sure, you should not attack OBVIOUSLY more
powerful armies. The problem is knowing what is an obviously too powerful army.
You will learn this by playing the game. Single-player and playing custom games
against Computer players can teach you this before you're ready for games
against other players.

Don't forget, if the battle is not going your way, use a Scroll of Town Portal
to escape, or run away.

Attacking the enemy in a position to enemy's advantage
Don't attack the enemy if they have towers to support them, or are using a
Fountain of Life, or are on high ground while you are on low ground. Avoid
fighting the enemy if you don't have enough room to get all your forces
attacking the enemy (such as fighting in narrow areas)

Not using Neutral Buildings
Neutral Buildings are very powerful and should be used throughout the course of
the game. As you learn more about their purpose, you can learn more about how
to integrate them into your gameplay.

Not using Teleport Scrolls or running to save an ally or your town when you can
just Teleport there
Use Teleport Scrolls to save your or your allies' Town.

Not getting an Expansion Town before your Gold Mine runs out
It's very important to use additional Gold Mines. Clear the Creeps away from a
Gold Mine and be ready to expand.

Forgetting to mine an Expansion
A common mistake is to build at a new Gold Mine, the building finishes but you
forget to build workers to harvest Gold. Make sure you don't let this happen.
Keep checking on the progress of your expansion and build workers or send
workers from your original town as soon as it is ready.

Letting Allies Die for no good reason
You have to save your allies.

Abandoning your Partner too early
Just because a Partner has left the game doesn't mean that it's impossible to
win the game. Continue to play until there is no chance to win. If they haven't
even attacked your town yet, it's too early to leave.

Quitting the game too early
Just because your town is gone doesn't mean the game is over. In previous games
a player was eliminated when all of their buildings were destroyed, but in
Warcraft III, a team will live until ALL buildings from all of the team members
are destroyed. This means all players should stay in the game until everyone is
eliminated. Share unit control and fight until the end.

You can continue to control your allies' troops if you can get them to share
unit control. Also you can still get a win if you and your ally are still able
to beat the enemy. Don't give up. You can help your ally by helping them better
control their troops. If you manage to win, you both get a win even if all of
your (but not your allies') buildings and units were destroyed.

Building too many Barracks
You only need one or two in most cases. You should only build more if you are
using them all and have several expansions.

Not Expanding Fast Enough
In smaller 1 vs. 1 and 2 vs. 2 games you often have to get an expansion very
early. Clear out a Gold Mine so you will be ready. You do not want to have to
start an expansion as your Gold Mine is running out.

Not Giving Resources to allies before leaving the game
If you have to leave a game and your allies continue playing, open up the
allies menu and give all your resources to your ally. This may help them win
the game. Allies will still be able to control your buildings and units after
you leave the game. It's just better for them to spend the resources on their
troops rather than on yours.

Not Taking Control over dropped players towns or towns of players who have left
the game
Once a player drops from the game or leaves the game, allies can take control
over that person's town. Take advantage of this.

Building Massive Tower Defenses
Siege Weapons and other abilities can easily kill tower defenses. You only need
enough Towers for a defense -- don't build too many.

Building Tower in the middle of nowhere for no reason
For towers to be effective you need them in your town, or to prevent the enemy
from walking around them. A common mistake is to place towers outside your base
that the enemy can just walk past or around and reach your town. When you build
towers place them IN your town, or at least prevent the enemy from walking
around them using your army or by walling yourself off.

Not running past Towers
Similar to the above, if you can walk past towers and reach an enemy town out
of range of the towers, do so.

Standing in Towers
Don't stand in the middle of towers. Bring Siege Weapons and kill them from
range. You should only attack towers if you have superior numbers and are sure
to win the battle.

Constructing buildings next to the Creeps
Creeps will attack new buildings. Cancel the building if the Creeps attack it.
Kill the Creeps or build away from them.

Not Upgrading Units
Research upgrades. Your units will benefit greatly from being upgraded. Armor
and Weapon upgrades are especially important.

Ignoring attack limitations such as units that can be used against air units or
air units that cannot attack other air units
Learn the units and their capabilities.

Not Knowing the Map
As you play a map more you learn how to get around. You should try to learn
every map that you might have to play. You can do so in custom games with or
against the Computer if you have to.

Ignoring Upkeep
You should avoid High Upkeep unless you are very rich.

Getting Heroes or Workers Stuck Between Buildings
Always make sure when you build a building that the worker or Hero has a way of
getting out when they are done. If you're not careful, you can end up walling
in your worker or Hero with buildings or trees. If this happens, you either
have to destroy a building, kill the worker, or purchase a Goblin Zeppelin to
get them out. You can also kill the unit to free up food.


=============6g============= #own


My Human Strategy.
Typically I play Creep-Counter. I make 2-3 Heroes, Rifles, Knights and Casters
- Quite Simple Actually ^_^. I Rush with Either Mountain King
or Archmage (READ ABOVE WHY ^^^) And when Getting Rushed, dont use your scroll
of town portal unless its too urgent. Make the workers into militia and they
should propably hold it off until the hero arrives.


BY: Dale Robertson
LINK: dale_r_44[gnat]hotmail[snot]com

Hey Constantine really good in depth Human FAQ i'll be making many
return trips to this page helped me out a lot, and also just for the fun of it
i thought i'd might tell you of a good army i made up don't worry im not
a noob i just thought that you seem to know a LOT about WC3 and i want to
know if it is Battle Net worthy i haven't played Battle Net but it seems to
be quite effective against computer players (on easy setting) :( man i
suck, anyway it consists of a Paladin an Archmage and either a Blood Mage or
Mountain King, i haven't decided which is more useful with a large army
the Blood Mage or Mountain King?hmm well anyway the 3 Heros can be grouped
as 1 and for group 2 i have 6 Knights 4 Gryphon Riders and 2 Dragonhawk
Riders that group acts as the bulk of the army and for group 3 i have 4 or 5
Priests and 2 Spell breakers and i'll stop there because i could spend
all day working out the population amount but with that army you should
probaly still have a low upkeep depending on how many peasants you have but i
may throw in some gyrocopters for air defense anyway i the whole point of
this army is endurance when you throw a Paladin into the mix with level 3
Devotion Aura the defense is awesome and with at least 4 priests all
auto casting Inner Fire there defense becomes incredible for example a fully
upgraded Knight will end up having 20.5 armor and the priests
themselves will end up having 9.5 armor and with an Archmage with level 3
Brilliance Aura when the priests heal their Mana actually continues to rise and
dosen't decrease which means infinite healing and that also means you dont have
to focus on a high level holy light and leaves plenty of room for a good
Divine Shield. Well thats about it so tell me what you think sorry if i seem
to be bragging as i said im not a noob i just thought it would be cool to see
what someone who really knows the game (you) thinks about it and if its
decent all i have work on is how to progress quickly.


=============6h============= #damnu



Paladin - Holy Light - Great on Undead Heroes, Dark Ranger, and Pit Lord
Mountain King - Storm Bolt - Storm Bolt throws a hammer across long distances
allowing you to severely damage the enemy Hero without actually being next to
him. The Mountain King also has a Stun ability which will allow other units to
surround and beat on the Hero while the Hero is stunned.
Blood Mage - Banish - It not only slows them so you can catch up, but it will
also make your other hero killer spells do more damage.
Sorceress - Slow - Slowed Heroes are much easier to catch. Make sure you
deactivate autocasting of slow so that you may save mana to cast slow on heroes.
Raider - Ensnare - With several Raiders you can keep the ability going for
quite a while by recasting it.
Far Seer - Chain Lightning - Rips Heroes up!
Tauren Chieftain - Shockwave - This is also helpful when other units are lined
up in the path of the Shockwave.
Shaman - Purge - Purge slows the target and strips beneficial buffs. Since
Heroes are very fast, slowing them can allow you to catch up and kill them
before they can get away. Be sure to deactivate Autocast spells so a Shaman has
enough Mana to continually Purge the Hero until they are dead.
Shadow Hunter - Hex - prevents them from casting spells

Night Elves
Dryad - Slow Poison - Since it only lasts 1 second on Heroes you will need
multiple Dryads firing at the enemy Hero to keep them continually slowed.
Keeper of the Grove - Entangling Roots - Stops a Hero from attacking, moving,
and does damage to them while they are stuck.
Demon Hunter - Mana Burn - Mana Burn drains Mana and Health from the enemy Hero.
Demon Hunter - Immolation - If you can trap an enemy Hero next to the Demon
Hunter using Immolation, you can make quick work of them.
Priestess of the Moon - Searing Arrows - Higher levels of Searing Arrows
combined with Items and her Aura can make quick work of Heroes.
Warden - Blink - Blink ahead of the Hero that is running away and kill it
Warden - Shadow Strike - Slows the enemy Hero and damages it
Warden - Fan of Knives - Good finishing spell to use on enemy Heroes as they
are running away
Mountain Giant - Taunt - Causes the enemy Hero to return from running away and
fight. Sometimes the enemy doesn't notice and you can use this to kill their
Hero while they are not paying attention.
Druid of the Talon - Cyclone - It will let your army surround where the enemy
Hero will drop.
Dread Lord - Sleep - Sleep is a very annoying spell for enemy players. Simply
put their Hero to sleep. The enemy can wake their Hero up by attacking it but
many people don't think about doing that, or it takes them a while. While the
Hero is asleep, surround it with units so it can't get away then focus fire on
the Hero. If you surrounded them properly there will be no escape.
Dread Lord - Carrion Swarm - This can be very effective against enemy Heroes if
surrounding support units don't soak up the damage. Try to get the Hero off on
its own, and then use this spell.
Death Knight - Death Coil - This can be used to suck life away from enemy
Heroes. This can be cast on Heroes from some distance away.
Lich - Frost Nova - Cast this on an enemy Hero to damage and slow it.
Necromancer - Cripple - This spell severely disables Heroes. Use it!
Crypt Lord - Impale - Stops the Hero and throws it up into the air!

Neutral Heroes
Naga Sea Witch - Frost Arrow - Slows the enemy so they can't get away as easily.
Dark Ranger - Life Drain


=============6i============= #contr


Now that you have the knowledge of unit commands, you will need to use them in
order to control your units. Unit control is what will separate the skilled
players from the newbies. If you want to win, you need to use proper control to
gain an advantage in every battle. Listed below are some basic tips to always

Hit-and-Run Attacks
Hit-and-run attacks are a key part of Warcraft III combat. Learning how to
hit-and-run properly as well as dealing with other players that hit-and-run can
increase your playing ability significantly.

When the battle is not going your way, run away! You can run back to towers,
allied armies, or your reinforcements. You should always run away rather than
continuing to fight a battle that you are not going to win.

Use hit-and-run attacks to bait the enemy into a planned trap such as towers.
If the enemy is outside your town, which is defended by towers you can send out
one ranged unit, attack them, then run back to the towers. This will cause the
enemy to charge into the defenses unless the enemy has them on Hold Position.

In team games hit-and-run attacks can be very effective. Sneak into an enemy
town, attack, do some damage, then run away. You can even use a Town Portal
Scroll to teleport away. This can often bait the entire enemy army into
defending a position allowing your other allies to attack somewhere else while
they are away.

Night Elf players should learn how to attack then retreat to their Moon Wells
to heal.

Dealing with Hit-and-Run Attacks
Towers and Hold Position are great for dealing with hit-and-run attacks. Place
some siege units such as Demolishers on Hold Position by some towers. If the
enemy uses hit-and-run attacks, your units will not chase them.

While you are away from static defenses you should use slowing spells such as:

Humans: Slow, Storm Bolt, Thunder Clap
Orcs: Purge, Ensnare, Stasis Trap
Undead: Cripple, Sleep, Frost Nova
Night Elves: Cyclone, Entangle
Neutral: Drunken Haze, Frost Arrows
Ranged units are also useful against hit-and-run attacks, especially on Hold
You can also use long range spells against hit-and-run attacks such as Chain
Lightning, Blizzard, and so on.

You should never endlessly chase enemy units. They can pick units off or lead
you into traps. If someone is doing nothing but hit-and-run attacks, it is best
to take the fight to them by attacking either their main town or their
expansions. This will force the enemy to stick around and fight.

The Run Around
When you tell a group of units to attack a single enemy, they will attempt to
reach that enemy walking around until they can get a clear shot. When mixing up
both enemy and friendly units, sometimes, the path becomes blocked and not
every friendly unit can reach its target. At this point, the lost units begin
to wander looking for openings, which means they are not adding their power to
the attack. Try to limit the time a unit is not engaged in combat to a minimum.

The Run Around has a potential to lose entire battles, even when you outnumber
and possibly out-upgrade the enemy when you have units that are not
contributing in any way to combat. Those units may end up running around until
they get killed before having the chance to respond.

Have As Many Units As Possible Attacking The Same Enemy (Focused Fire)
The more guys you have attacking the same enemy, the quicker that enemy is
killed allowing you to move on to the next enemy. Using this method, you can
more quickly kill enemy units.

When attacking the enemy, command all your units to attack the same enemy unit.
If a unit cannot easily reach the preferred target, instruct it to attack the
nearest enemy. Avoid setting up situations where units will do a Run Around.

Watch out for the enemy taking a unit under attack and retreating it while at
the same time commanding the rest of their units to attack. Your units may
chase the retreating unit which causes them to start walking around rather than
fighting. If you use Attack-Move, your units should start attacking the next
nearest unit rather than trying to chase the retreating unit. However,
depending on the situation, it sometimes can be good to chase a retreating
unit. You can also use many Hero spells to finish off the retreating unit.

Make Sure You Get All Your Units Engaged In Combat
If you find any units not engaged in combat, quickly, instruct them to attack
the next nearest or preferred enemy to reduce downtime. The more units that are
making a positive contribution to the battle, the quicker it will be over.

Keep All Units Together When Attacking
It's quite common to send a force out and have them become separated due to
enemy contact or terrain. Sometimes, some units may be faster than others, and
the group becomes separated. Before attacking, group everyone together somewhat
outside the enemy town or location. Wait for everyone, as each unit may be the
difference between winning and losing. You may find yourself losing a superior
force to a small number of grouped enemy units if you are not careful.

Using Ranged Units
Ranged Units include such units as Archers, Troll Headhunters, Riflemen, Crypt
Fiends, and so on. These units typically have medium armor which means they die
very easily to melee units. This means you should always keep melee units away
from them. In addition, ranged units often die very easily to spells such as
Blizzard, Starfall, and Chain Lightning due to their low hit points. Kill or
drive away Heroes so that they cannot use these spells.

There are several tricks to learn when using ranged units that will increase
their effectiveness:

Use Focused Fire
It's especially important to use focused fire to finish off enemy units. While
melee units have to walk around to reach a single target ranged units can pick
and choose which units they want to hit and kill. You should pick enemy targets
that are the easiest to kill, the most dangerous, and/or that are nearly dead.
Finish them off by selecting all of the ranged units and clicking on the unit
you want to kill. Make sure your ranged units don't run into the middle of some
melee units to try to reach their target. Once an enemy unit is dead select and
move on to the next enemy target. Once you become skilled at this method you
can become much more effective with your army.

Get rid of dangerous targets
Archmages can Blizzard Archers and can easily kill them. Prevent this by
selecting all the Archers and using focused fire to attack the Archmage. You
will either quickly kill it or will force it to run or Teleport away. If you
can kill off dangerous Heroes quickly you can prevent them from using their
abilities against you. Ranged units have an easy time killing off Heroes in the
hands of a good player using focused fire.

Get rid of other easy to kill targets such as spellcasters or dangerous targets
that are helping the enemy group such as Orc Kodo Beasts. Also kill Siege
Weapons such as Demolishers or Mortar Teams as soon as you can.

Your ability to pick good targets to kill in the right order and using focused
fire can greatly determine the outcome of a battle.

Learn to run
To use ranged units effectively you need to hit and run. If the enemy moves in
with melee units, run away, stop turn and fire, then run again and then turn
and fire again. Repeat this until the enemy is dead. Often the enemy will stop
chasing and you can just sit there firing from range without taking any damage.
It's very important to learn how to run effectively.

You can also just command any ranged unit in contact with the enemy melee units
to run away but still leave the other ranged units standing around. For example
if you have 3 Archers and a melee unit attacks one, select that Archer and
command it to run in circles around the other Archers. If the melee unit
doesn't give up chase they will be finished off with no damage to the Archers.
Usually the melee unit will give up on chasing that Archer and will select the
next closest Archer. But you then can simply instruct that Archer to run
instead. This is an ancient trick used in Warcraft I that continues on over 8
years later to Warcraft III.

Use Heroes that complement your ranged units
The Priestess of the Moon is great for Archers or Huntresses for example with
her Trueshot Aura. The Human Paladin can use Holy Light to heal any of the
Dwarven Riflemen under his command as can the Death Knight with Crypt Fiends
using Death Coil.

Get upgrades
If you're mostly doing damage and not taking damage, research the damage
upgrades first. If it's a mix rotate between the damage and armor upgrades. Get
increased range upgrades whenever possible.

In Large Team Games Build Mass Ranged Units
Ranged units are more effective in large groups. While in 1 vs. 1 and possibly
2 vs. 2 games it's best to have mixed forces in 3 vs. 3 and 4 vs. 4 games you
can get away with just building a lot of one unit type at a time. You can use
your allies melee units to keep the enemy away from your ranged units.

Queuing Enemy Targets
It can be very useful to queue up a list of targets for ranged attackers. This
can allow you to move your focus elsewhere letting the ranged units fight on
their own. Simply select the group of ranged units, hold down Shift and hit A
for attack (or right-click) and select all the enemy units you want to attack.
Now release Shift and let them go. Make sure that your ranged units don't chase
an enemy if the enemy commander tries to lead your army away. You may also find
this useful for Creeping.


=============6j============= #team


Pick Your Teammates
Your first decision in playing a team game is how you will pick your teammate
or teammates. There are two ways to do this: pick up games and playing with a
set teammate such as a friend. The biggest advantage of playing with friends or
people you know is you can count on a certain standard of ability and support.
When you play with whichever person joins the game you really have no idea what
you will get. Some people find this exciting, however, other players are
frustrated to find their teammate is not up to their level of skill.
Battle.net's Play Game, Team feature will set you up with a random teammate
around your level. You might find this works out a lot better than playing
Custom Games with random teammates since ideally it picks someone around the
same skill as you. Generally, people have more fun playing with regular
partners against strangers, because they are able to develop and master their
teamwork over a span of games. But it's really up to you how you want to find
or pick your teammates. The Battle.net friends list can allow you to better
keep track of your friends so you can find and team up with them.

Teams Together
Teammates are automatically placed near each other on the map.

Shared Unit Control
You can share unit control in the allies menu. Hold Control and drag select to
use allies' units once they have allowed sharing. You cannot build using their
workers (except in custom games with Full Unit Sharing). One teammate can
control the combat while another is working on building their town. Make sure
you share units at the start of each game. Sharing units also gives valuable
information about who your ally is controlling during a battle. This can allow
you to help them out on units they are not watching or controlling.

- If you share units with your ally, you can also see his selection circle to
help aid you in deciding what units to control.
- Group selection over mixed units (yours and ally) will only select your units.
- Group selection while holding down the ALT key will group both player and
ally units.
- You may not spend your ally's money with Shared Unit Control (no building of
units or structures)

Experienced teams should always share units at the start of the game. There are
many times throughout a game where allies may have to use your units while your
attention is elsewhere. Examples might be in helping aim towers, trying to
prevent an enemy unit or hero from running away, preventing an allied unit from
running into Creeps, using workers to scout, using workers to repair an allied
building or mechanical unit, and so on. It is up to team members to use shared
unit control responsibly. Do not share units with players that abuse shared
control or convince them to not abuse it.

Advanced Shared Unit Control
Allied Hero Portraits will also appear on your screen if you have Advanced
Shared Unit Control activated. This happens in custom games with full unit
control or when a player drops.

Take note of your position in relation to your partners. Depending on how far
you are apart you may have difficulty in supporting each other in the case of a
double attack. When you are quite far apart defensive Towers and walling in
becomes very important. Predict which of the teammates may be attacked first
based on their location or race. Be ready to defend the players that may be
attacked first.

Next you plan your attack. Take note of your positions and the starting
positions and plan out who is going to explore which starting positions to
check for the enemy. Discuss what your overall plan is going to be: Hero rush,
early attack with Heroes and Units, or Creep until attacked and build up the
tech tree, then alter your strategy as the game goes on depending on what the
enemy is doing.

Team Goals
As a team, there are various goals you should focus on:

Find the enemy towns. Find out what races the players have chosen and where
each player is located. Watch for expansions and kill them when they come up.
Predict where the enemy will expand and keep watching those areas for enemy
Town Halls.
Stick together!
In team games, it's important to stick together and fight together with your
allies. Often this simple strategy can win the game against players that do not
work well with each other. For example, in a 3 vs. 3 game, 3 team members stick
together and launch an attack. On the opposing side, their team only has 2 of
the players present to face the first 3 players. The 3 players easily kill the
2 players' armies then only have one player's army left to face. The rest of
the game involves the 3 players mopping up the enemy players since there is
only one army to defend. The whole game could be determined by that one battle
where one of the teams didn't have all of their members present.

If not all of the team is there, run until you can group up together. Do not
engage if you are clearly outnumbered.

Plan and announce your attacks. Defend your allies' towns and expansions if
they are attacked. Ask for help if you need help.

Try not to be a "soloer". A soloer is off doing their own thing and is not
helping the group. Such a person can often cause a loss for the team because
they are not around to help during battles.

Level Up Your Heroes
Higher Level Heroes are harder to kill, have more health, Mana, and have more
spells and abilities to them. Gaining additional Hero Items can help you win
battles. Heroes have the ability to determine who wins or loses battles, so
it's up to you to stay ahead of the enemy. Seek out and destroy nearby Creeps
and continue to attack Creeps throughout the game. Your army should always be
attacking either Creeps or enemy units. Be careful to not attack the enemy and
Creeps at the same time causing both to be after you at once. If this does
happen, run away. Always attack the Creeps with a superior army. They are not
going anywhere so you usually have time to build up superior numbers before
attacking. Creeps also drop Hero Items and give Gold, which can provide you
with a jump.

"Creeping" means to actively go out and kill Creeps for experience and items.
Your ability to Creep can often determine who wins a game. If you are lazy
about Creeping the enemy can have much higher level Heroes which can help win
battles. Creeps generate items which can help win battles. Creeps also generate
a small amount money which can help you upgrade and build more troops. Creeps
are a resource, eat them up.

Clear out the Creeps between you and your allies so that you can travel freely
to each other. If units rally pointed to your Heroes are going to travel
through Creep areas, clear out those Creeps so your units will not be ambushed.
If you do not, you might be forced to fight your way to defend your ally which
is both embarrassing and a bad thing to happen.

Team up to kill Creeps. If you work together to kill Creeps they will cause a
lot less damage and you can work through the Creeps much faster.

Denying enemy expansions
If the enemy expands to additional Gold Mines, they will have more money
available to upgrade and build troops. Always assume the enemy is going to try
to expand. Watch Gold Mines near the enemy base especially as well as scouting
all of the other mines from time to time. When you see an expansion, attack it.
Expansions are typically easier to kill than main towns unless the enemy has
defended it with towers. Stopping the enemy from expanding should be just as
important as expanding yourself.

Use Crystal Balls, Sentinels, Scout, Far Sight, Shades, or Sentry Wards to
watch expansions. If those are not available send a worker or Summoned Creature
(Wolf, Treant, Owl, Hawk, Skeleton, Carrion Beetle, Mechanical Creep) to scout
the mine. Learn more.

You should work on getting expansions for each Team member. Work together to
clear extra Gold Mines of Creeps. If the Gold Mine is surrounded by wood, use
wood clearing options to help clear room for an expansion for your teammate if
they need help. Keep in mind that their efficient economy also helps you, so
help them out if they need it. Expansions can often determine who wins the
game. If you don't have enough money to upgrade and build additional units it's
usually the end for you. However, you do not need expansions if you can prevent
the enemy from expanding and can beat the enemy with just one Gold Mine. On
some maps the Gold Mines are smaller so you will have to expand earlier.

Defend your expansion when attacked. You can help delay the enemy by building
towers around your expansion. Don't build too many however because they can be
killed with Siege Units.

Kill enemy Heroes
Focus on killing enemy Heroes during battles. Don't overly focus on killing the
Hero if the enemy is good at running away or is healing itself. Some top
players say you should never target enemy Heroes unless you know you can kill

Gain control of Neutral Buildings
Neutral Buildings can be very helpful. Goblin Merchants can provide many good
Items. Mercenary Camps can provide useful neutral units, such as Troll Shadow
Priests which can heal your army early on. The Fountain of Life can be very
useful for healing troops after battle. Take advantage of Neutral Buildings to
their full extent.

Sharing Items
Don't be greedy when it comes to items. Sharing Items can be very effective in
team games. Divide items among who can use them best. While some argue it
doesn't matter for normal Tomes, you can take better advantage of Tomes by
allowing Heroes that match up with the Tome to get them. A Far Seer or Archmage
should receive a Tome of Intelligence. Give melee items to melee heroes, and
give caster items to caster Heroes.

When passing items out it's best to give them to someone's first Hero rather
than giving them to your second Hero. For example if an ally has a level 5
melee Hero don't give it to your level 1 second Hero which is also Melee,
instead, give it to the Level 5 Hero.

Sharing Resources
Keep in mind that you can share resources with your allies. If you need money
for a Town Hall and don't have it, ask for money from your allies. If you find
you have way more Gold or Lumber than you possibly need, ask your allies who
needs some extra Gold or Lumber. If one player is advancing quickly up the tech
tree to higher units, you may find it useful for everyone on the team to donate
money so that player can reach the higher units more quickly.

When you send resources to another player, those resources are decremented by
the upkeep of the receiving player. This is done to prevent 'farmers', players
that exist purely to generate resources for others at a higher rate than they
could themselves.

Dropped Allies
If your Ally drops, you can now control their units and buildings including
using their resources and buildings to create new units. The remaining team
members should all help control that dropped player's town. Hold down alt to
select the dropped players units among your own or double click on them. Select
their unit producing buildings and right-click on your Hero. This will instruct
their units to travel to your Hero after they are created. Assign unit
producing buildings to hot keys and press them every so often to train new
troops just in case there is money built up. Using those methods you can come
close to making up for that player's loss to the game, especially vs lesser

Very often opposing forces will try to destroy your dropped ally main town and
expansions right after your Ally drops, be prepared for such attack, or even
better, anticipate, attack them before they are ready, in any case do not leave
them the time to organize for such an easy task. More than ever it's wise to
keep a Town Portal Scroll in both your ally's and your own Heroes' inventories.

A team is only defeated when all of the buildings of all team members are
destroyed. A team can also be defeated when all of the teammates have left the
game except one and that one remaining player no longer has any of their
buildings (only has their allies buildings to control). You cannot eliminate a
single team member by killing all of their buildings. Since this is the case
it's best to destroy an opposing team member's ability to produce units and
gather resources, then move on to hit another town. You can then come back and
clean up the town after you have won elsewhere. Don't spend too much time
focusing on killing all of the buildings of an opposing team member, because
they can simply just share unit control and start controlling the units of
another person on their team.

Stay With Your Teammate Until You Are Eliminated
Do not just leave the game when you start to lose. By doing, this you are
stabbing your teammate in the back and turning your back on your teammate. Help
your teammate until you are eliminated.

If you lose your town, you can ask to share your allies' units. Help them
better control what they have and continue with the game.

If you still have a worker left, ask your teammate for money so you can rebuild
your town.

Have a Clue
The worst teammates are those that do not have a clue what is going on in the
game. They just sit in their village building and resource gathering ignorant
about what is going on in the game around them. It is your responsibility to
either ask what the enemy and your teammates are doing, or go see for yourself
with scouting units. Don't be one of those players that are living in the dark.
They are the worst teammates you can have. A good teammate knows what is going
on and what to do about it. If you are clearly not ready to be a good teammate
perhaps you should practice in single player or with computer players as allies
in custom games.

Town Portal Scrolls
Use your Town Portal Scroll to save your ally's town. Use your Town Portal
Scroll to teleport to a friendly ally to meet up with them to go attack an
enemy. Learn more.

Try to buy another Town Portal Scroll after using up your free one.

Remember you can now AIM where your Town Portal Scroll sends you so aim at the
ideal location to fight the enemy. Melee teleporters should position themselves
at the front of the action.

Coordinate Attacks
Team games are about teaming up, letting your teammates fight the rest of the
enemy team. Make plans to gather your forces together and attack certain
targets. Often troop coordination and attack is a decisive factor in team
games. If you're not going to be using all of your collective units to attack
the same enemy, coordinate your separate attacks on the separate enemies so
they are unable to provide reinforcements to each other. Do not let your troops
get separated. Share Unit control and make sure that the large army is kept
together. If you separate your forces, the enemy players may use their combined
forces to pick you both off one at a time. Separating your forces can cause you
to lose the game.

Communication is Key
Communication is very important in team games. We are not all mind readers.
When you're under attack by the enemy, let your teammate know about it. Let
your teammate know when the enemy is doing something, because there is the
possibility they did not see it. When you see the enemy has buildings that
allow for certain units, has taken a new expansion mine, looks weak, or has
built up specific units, let your teammate know about it just in case they
didn't notice.

Let your teammate know when you need help. It's very unfortunate to see a
teammate die when all they had to do was ask for help. Make sure you are clear
about which expansion mines and islands you are taking, so you and your partner
do not try to build at the same one.

Announce Attacks
If you are being attacked, inform your teammates immediately. This allows
teammates to do two things: come save you or go attack that enemy's village
since the enemy's units are in your town. Use the Allied Map Signal button on
the minimap to show your allies where to go.

Give your team info. Give the team all the info you know within reason. Such
as, Blue is building another expansion, top left. Things like that must be told.

Minimap Signal
The easiest way to communicate with your teammates without typing is using the
Minimap Signal. Use the Minimap Signal button on the minimap where you want
your allies to look. There are a couple of easy ways to use Minimap Signal. Hit
Alt-G and click on the main window if this is where your army is and that is
where you want your allies to look. Press Alt and left-click on the minimap if
the location is away from where your main screen is focused. Once you become
experienced at both methods you can quickly inform your allies where to go.

Designate someone to call the movements/attacks using the minimap signal. That
player will then tell everyone on the team where to go.

Don't use Minimap Signals unless you have a purpose. You want to train your
allies to trust the minimap signal. If you joke around with it too much allies
won't pay attention to it when you want to use it for real.

You can use one ping if it is not an emergency and you want your allies to go
to this location. Use multiple pings very quickly if it is an emergency such as
where an enemy army is located or if one of your allies' towns is under attack.
If the enemy attacks a town, use the minimap signal and ping several times on
that town to let your allies know. If you want them to teleport to this
location rather than walking you can say something like "PORT!" or "Teleport

You can use pings to outline a path of an enemy army as well after you train
your allies to recognize this pattern on the map.

Don't Rely On Your Teammates For All Information
Teammates will not always let you know what they or the enemy is up to. If you
see your teammate is lacking in recon, step in and do the recon yourself.

Your Teammates are you
Help your teammate as if they are yourself. Do not be cheap when sending
reinforcements to your ally by holding back because you want to save them for
yourself. Typically good teams will send all their units to save a town if the
entire enemy team is attacking it. If only a few enemy players are attacking a
town you can send less allied players to save the town.

Don't be afraid to use Town Portal Scrolls
Don't ignore attacks just because you don't want to use your Town Portal
Scroll. You can always buy another one.

Defend towns
Don't ignore attacks on your towns and expansions. Whenever possible try to
defend your town. You'll find it's often easier to defend your town than try to
take an enemy town while it is away. This is because you can be training new
units at your base, and allied bases, which can eventually overcome the enemy
attack force which is further away from their base.

Use Follow
Use the Follow feature to keep up with your teammate when doing a joint attack.
Select all your units then right-click on a teammate's unit. It is important to
tell your teammate that you are following so they will make sure no one falls
off the train.

You can build some towers as defense in your town but don't focus too much on
building towers. As the number of players in the game increases the less
effective towers can be as large armies can easily overcome large numbers of
towers. Don't go tower crazy. You can build a large amount of towers and the
enemy can easily destroy them with a few Siege Units (Demolishers, Glaive
Throwers), or spells such as Earthquake. If you are losing don't attempt to
build a lot of towers to save yourself as this rarely results in reversal of
power against good players. Instead focus on building more units, concentrate
your forces, and attempt to overcome the enemy army. Use hit and run attacks
until you can whittle the enemy down.

Large Scale Battles
Large scale battles can be very confusing and messy. In those situations it is
best to control your Hero. Command your normal units to attack and take control
of the Hero. Cast the Hero's spells and make sure it stays alive. When Heroes
are using Auras, they can be very effective in helping the normal troops fight.
So, it is important to keep them alive.

Use Focused Fire
Command all of your units (especially if they are ranged units) to attack one
enemy, finish it off, then move on to the next unit. This can win you many
battles against players that don't use focused fire. If the enemy notices you
are targeting specific units and attempts to run them away, don't chase, pick a
different unit to attack.

Town Destroyed?
Ask to borrow some resources to rebuild it. If you can't rebuild, ask for your
allies to share unit control, so you can help them better control their units.
Stay in the game and help! Try to get a worker out of your town before it is
destroyed just in case your allies can give you enough money to rebuild later
in the game.

In large team games Auras can be very effective since they cover many allied
units. Add in extra Auras whenever possible.

When coming up with strategies for team games you can get away with crazier
stuff as the number of the players on the teams increase. In large team games
one player can focus entirely on spellcasters or Siege Engines or units with
Siege Damage while the other teammates can handle the melee and ranged units.
Play around with this until you find a combination that works.

If you lose, save and watch the replay. Analyze why you have lost. Look for
ways to improve your game.

Build Player-built Shops
Make sure you build a player-built shop even if you might not use it. Your
allies may come to your town to buy something and you need to have a shop
available for them. Maybe they might need a Town Portal Scroll or a Healing
Potion or whatever.

Hero Rushes
Always expect a Hero Rush. People typically Hero rush because they are teching
(heading up the tech-tree quickly) and want to distract you because they
currently have no army. Human players are typically rushed first or players
that are closest to the enemy. In team games make sure that you head over to
your ally on the battle front (nearest enemy) since they are most likely to be
attacked. Sometimes the enemy may, however, pick someone in the middle since
they expect the front lines to be defended. Learn more about Hero Rushes.

Prepare for Counter Attacks
When you invade an enemy town and you know they are not going to Teleport in,
be prepared for the enemy to attack from the rear. Don't go too deep into the
enemy town. If you do you may have trouble responding to the counter attack
(especially with melee units). Be ready to turn immediately and attack the
enemy as they come into defend their town. If you don't then the enemy army
will kill you from behind. Then they only need to counter attack your base to
finish you off. This can often result in a loss of the entire game. Yell at
your allies to prepare for the counter attack and ping the map when it's near
or has arrived.

Time To Heal!
After a battle go to a Human Allies' (or Orc for Healing Salves) Arcane Vault
and buy a Scroll of Regeneration. Have the team group their army close together
and then use the scroll.


=============6k============= #combat


While unit match ups and having more units than the enemy can allow you to win
battles, casting spells and unit control also has a major impact on battles.
It's possible to have more units, more upgrades and still lose battles because
the enemy has better unit control and is better at casting spells. Focus on
using spells, properly leading units into combat, and picking good targets to

Group Control/Healing During Battle
During a battle, group select your units that are engaged in combat. Look at
the information window and watch the unit's health. When you see a unit is
about to die, double-click on that unit's portrait. That will select him out of
the group. Now, command him to run away. This can allow him to survive, and
hopefully, get healing and return to fight another day.

You can also use this method to heal units during battle. When you are using
the Paladin, you can select Holy Light and left-click on the portrait of a
damaged unit to have the Paladin cast Holy Light healing on that unit. This
method is much easier than finding the unit in a battle among troops. You can
also use this method with Human Priests or a Troll Shadow Priest to heal a unit
in a group.

This method can also be used with other spells and abilities such as the Druid
of the Claw's Rejuvenation.

Don't Be Afraid to Lose Units
While it's good to save any units you can for a later battle, do not become so
protective of them that you are afraid to use them.

Run Away!
If you see yourself in a battle that you just can't win, run away. This can
give you time to reach reinforcements or at least annoy the enemy commander. If
possible run back to towers or an ally's army.

Seek out and destroy enemy expansions
The enemy may/will be seeking out additional resources. You should be scouting
the Gold Mines on the map to make sure the enemy is not building at them. If
you find an enemy expansion that is not defended, immediately attack. Sometimes
the enemy defends their expansion very well and has no defenses for their main
town. If this is the case, attack their main town instead.

If You Win a Battle, Attack Their Town
If you significantly win a battle, immediately attack the enemy town or
expansion. Often they do not have a back up force or defenses to protect
themselves now that you have taken out their main force. When you win a battle,
push your advantage further rather than sitting back and building up.

Combat Takes Precedence Over Everything
Battles in Warcraft III require a lot of micro management. You often cannot
just tell your units to attack and move on to other things. You must control
your units throughout the entire fight. Do not move the screen back to your
town and start working on building. Watch the battle! Make sure there won't be
any opposition before taking your eyes off of the battle. The only reason you
should leave a battle is to quickly train more units or instruct recently
completed units to the battle. In these cases, pick a good time to move from
the battle and quickly return to the battle once you've finished giving new

Splash damage units that get a "Miss!" from Curse, Evasion, Drunken Brawling,
or Drunken Haze deal 1/2 damage to targets.

Mixed Forces
Generally, it is best to have mixed forces capable of attacking both air and
ground units. That way if enemy air units attack you can respond. It is also a
good idea to bring siege units if you plan on assaulting a town so you can
finish it off quicker.

High Ground
Ranged units (Missile) will miss a lot (25% chance to miss) when trying to
shoot up to higher ground. Whenever you see the red "Miss" notification,
instruct your units to charge up the hill to the same level as the enemy. On
some maps such as The Crucible or Lost Temple, enemy players might build towers
at the top of their ramps. You should use Siege Weapons and something to "spot"
for the Siege Weapons and clear out the towers before heading up the ramp.
Don't be placed in a situation where you're fighting from lower ground.

Alt Key
You should use the Alt key during battles to show which enemy units are nearly
dead. You can then focus your attention on them and finish them off. It's
better to be attacking a nearly dead unit rather than one that is at full

Beating Ranged Units
The best solutions are usually Siege Weapons, Area of Effect spells, or at
least melee units rushing the ranged units.

Standing Around
Try not to stand around. You should either be attacking the enemy or killing
Creeps. You can get scared and want to stand around and defend your base, but
that's what the enemy wants you to do. They want you standing around doing
nothing while they are out there gaining experience, expansions, or items.

Someone who "techs" attempts to quickly advance up the tech-tree to high-end
units such as Knights or Sorceresses or Chimaera. This can be very damaging if
you have lower tier units facing more powerful units. You need to scout the
enemy and make sure they are not upgrading too fast. You can tell they are
upgrading if their Town Hall is upgrading or they are building other buildings
necessary for high end buildings. At this point you need to rush them to stop
it. Techers are typically weak to early rushes. They often try to "harass" you
with their Heroes to distract you from attacking their town until they are
upgraded. They are not using their money for tier 1 (Grunts, Footmen, etc)

Delaying Tactics
When people have a small army, have recently lost their army, are losing, or
are quickly trying to upgrade to more powerful units, they may try to delay you
from attacking. Typically they do this with hit-and-run tactics, either with a
Hero or an entire army. What they will do is attack, then run, attack, then
run, again and again. This can become very annoying, of course. Rather than
falling for this you either need to attack their town or use Hero and Unit
killing abilities to make them pay when they run. Don't fall for their tricks.
Players also try this hoping to disorient you so you'll crack under the


=============6l============= #other



Recon is one of the most important elements in strategy games. You must first
locate the enemy, and then keep track of what they are doing. If you can
immediately locate and destroy enemy Expansion Towns and consistently meet your
opponent's forces with counter-forces, victory will be assured. Your first
recon task is to find the enemy. This is important so you will know from what
direction attacks will be coming, and where you need to send attacks of your
own. It's also good to know what direction your opponent is going. It is also
important to find out what races players are so that you can plan your
strategies. Some strategies work better on specific races. Some races' towns
are more vulnerable to attack.

Many Creeps will not attack at night so that is the ideal scouting time. Some
Creeps will, however, attack you if they do not sleep. Look for the ZZZs above
them to tell if they are sleeping or not.

Standard Recon
Most advanced players send out a worker to scout the map very early in the
game. In Allied games, sometimes a team member might send out a worker early to
scout the map, using shared vision to pass that information to the other team
members. After finding the enemy you can make team decisions about whom to
attack, what person will attack which enemy or, most likely, who you will all
concentrate your forces on.

Watching the Enemy
It is important to make periodic checks on the enemy town to see what units are
available to them, and possibly what strategy they might be trying for. It's
important to become familiar with the tech tree for all four species, even if
you specialize in playing only one of them so that you will know what they are
doing and how to counter it.

Stopping various strategies is often as simple as catching the enemy while they
are attempting them.

Starving the Enemy, Deny Expansions
Often winning the game is as simple finding an enemy expansion. It is important
to grab multiple resource spots in order to build more units, or to afford the
more expensive units and upgrades. If you can deny the enemy these additional
spots, they will not be able to fund further troops and you will eventually be
able to overpower them if you use your troops effectively.

Many inexperienced players don't realize this, and when they lose the game,
they wonder why they lost. Often the reason is that their enemy mined more
resources than they did. Take a look at the stats and the replay to see why you
have lost.

Goblin Zeppelins
Goblin Zeppelins can be purchased at the Goblin Laboratory early in the game.
These are perfect scouts and can be used to carry your troops around.

Human Scouting
Use Flying Machines or Gryphon Riders to scout the enemy. Use Mechanical
Critters available at the Arcane Vault. Use Mortar Team Flare or Arcane Tower's

Orc Scouting
Orcs can use the Blademaster's Mirror Images to scout the map.

The Far Seer's Far Sight is a good way to scout the enemy because there is
nothing they can do to prevent it beyond killing the Far Seer. The Witch Doctor
can also use Sentry Ward to watch an area after you have left. Place Sentry
Wards at expansions.

The Far Seer's Feral Spirits are also good for scouting. They can also be used
to harass workers.

Night Elf Scouting
The Night Elves have several flying units that can be used for scouting.
Huntress Sentinels work very well for scouting. Place them around the map. The
enemy rarely tries to remove them. The Priestess of the Moon's Owl is also very
good for scouting since it cannot be destroyed.

Undead Scouting
The Undead have several flying units that can be used for scouting.

The best scout for the Undead is the Shade because he is invisible and can see
invisible units.

Finding an enemy that is hiding

Toggle Minimap allied colors
First click on the crossed battle-axes button to the right of the minimap. This
will turn the enemy red on the map. This will allow you to easily see enemy
buildings and units on the map when they travel through areas you can see.
Reveal the Map
Use everything at your disposal to reveal every bit of the map. Once the map
has been revealed, the enemy won't have anywhere to hide. This is not hard to
do using flying units, ground units, and spells.

Orcs and Humans can build towers around the map. If the enemy tries to travel
near them with their worker, they will be killed.

Use a Goblin Zeppelin to scout or use the Goblin Laboratory's Reveal option to
reveal the map.

Orcs: Use Wind Riders, Witch Doctors to put Sentry Wards all over, and Far
Seer's Far Sight.
Humans: Use Flying Machines, Gryphon Riders, Arcane Tower's Reveal, or Mortar
Team's flare to scout the enemy.
Night Elves: Use Priestess of Moon's Scout, Huntress Sentinels, or Hippogryph
Riders to scout.
Undead: Use Gargoyles or Shades to scout the map.

Build flying units
Build flying units so that you can easily and quickly scout the map. Use
waypoints to set up patterns around the map.

Use Invisibility Detection
If the enemy keeps doing hit-and-run attacks with their Hero use invisibility
detection to find them.

Defend the Neutral Buildings
Build Towers at the Neutral Buildings and cover them with invisibility
detection. This will keep the enemy from using them.

Catch that Goblin Zeppelin
If an enemy is using a Goblin Zeppelin to scout, chase it down using flying
units. It is also helpful to use spells such as Ensnare and Web to cripple the


Warcraft III features quite a few air units. Air units are easier to get and
play a bigger role than in Warcraft II, but in Warcraft III there are many more
options for countering large collections of air units. Large collections of air
units are not as overpowering as they were in StarCraft.

Air units advantages

Air units can do hit-and-run attacks. Air units can bypass ground obstacles,
get in and attack, and then quickly retreat.
If the enemy doesn't counter the air units using spells or units designed to
counter air units, air units can sometimes be invincible.
Air units can hide in areas of the map where ground units cannot attack them.
Air units can reach islands that are not accessible by land travel.
Air units can kill Creeps or enemy units to gain experience in hit-and-run
attacks away from your Heroes.
Hero Items
There are many Hero items that are good against air units that you can find or
sometimes buy.
Air Unit Counter Buildings

Guard Towers

Orc Burrows
Watch Towers

Spirit Towers
Nerubian Towers
Halls of the Dead
Black Citadel
Night Elves

Ancient Protector
Air Unit Counter Units
Many can hit air units
Dwarven Riflemen
Flying Machines - Flying Machines can deal decent damage against groups of air
units with the Flak Cannons upgrade.
Siege Engine
Dragonhawk Riders
Water Elementals
Troll Headhunters
Troll Berserkers
Wind Riders

Frost Wyrms
Destroyer - Destroyers are immune to the magic damage that many air units have
Night Elves
Archers (especially when upgraded with range and damage)
Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form
Priestess of Moon
Hippogryph Riders

Air Unit Counter Spells
Healing is great against air units because it allows the ground units or other
air units to stay alive until the enemy is dead.

Archmage - Blizzard
Blood Mage - Banish
Mountain King - Storm Bolt
Sorceress - Polymorph (combine with Archmage's Brilliance Aura)
Paladin - Holy Light (vs. Undead)

Raiders - Ensnare (most common defense)
Far Seer - Chain Lightning
Shaman - Purge (slows unit)
Troll Batrider - Unstable Concoction
Shadow Hunter - Hex

Crypt Fiend - Web (most common defense)
Necromancer - Cripple
Death Knight - Death Coil
Lich - Frost Nova
Dread Lord - Sleep
Dread Lord - Carrion Swarm
Night Elves
Priestess of Moon - Starfall
Warden - Fan of Knives
Warden - Shadow Strike


Hero Control is very important and can often determine who wins battles and
ultimately the game.

Spend your Hero Skill Points
Each newly created Hero comes with a skill point. The first thing you should do
after you have created your Hero is spend that skill point, and you should
never have more than 1 unspent Hero skill point and you should never have
unspent skill points for very long. Good players generally spend their skill
points instantly and have their path all figured out before the skill point

Keep your Hero alive!
It's very important to keep your Hero alive at all costs. While you can revive
your Hero at an Altar, this costs a lot of Gold and precious time. While your
Hero is dead, you are not gaining experience and friendly troops aren't
provided with beneficial Auras or other special abilities of your Hero. A force
without a Hero is also almost always a lot less effective.

It's also important to understand that Heroes are very weak at low levels and
very powerful at high levels. It's smart to level Heroes up and give them items
to make them last longer.

Learn to Run Away
The most effective way of keeping your Hero alive is running them away when
they are being attacked. Heroes are very fast and can almost always get away
unless stopped by a Hero killing spell.

Run circles around your troops while your other troops work to take care of the
units chasing your Hero. If the enemy continues to chase you, you can even
start running all the way across the map, maybe back to your town. Generally,
the enemy will stop chasing, so you simply go right back to the battle again.

A control trick that you might find useful is to hold down Shift followed by
right-click to the location you want your Hero to run to. Then hit H and
release Shift. This will cause your Hero to run away, then Hold Position so the
Hero won't run back into battle.

Shift focus from your Hero to other units
Since you want to keep your Hero alive, you always want the enemy to be
attacking other units instead of your Hero. There are a few exceptions,
however, such as your Hero being invincible. If the enemy is attacking your
Hero, back the Hero off and try to insert one of your other units in the way so
that the enemy will attack it instead. Often the enemy units will stop
attacking your Hero and will shift to your other troops. If the enemy does go
after your Hero, you can start running away.

When using melee Heroes, it's still important to shift damage away from them.

Hero Survival Tricks
Use your Town Portal Scroll to run away.

Player-built shops sell Healing Potions. When your Hero is damaged, run to a
Player-built shop and buy some Healing Potions to heal your Hero. You can even
fight next to the Merchant buying Healing Potions while your Hero is engaged in
combat. There is a limited supply of Healing Potions, however.

The Mercenary Camp sells Troll Shadow Priests with healing. Buy one of these
and use it to Heal your Hero.

Use Unit sharing and use allied healing spells or your own healing spells to
heal your Hero.

The Fountain of Health can restore health. Take control of a Fountain of Health
and return back to it to heal when you are damaged.

There are many other Hero Items that can allow you to survive longer:

*Purchase an Invisibility Potion and use it right before your Hero is about to
die, then run away.
*Use Invincibility Potions right before your Hero is about to die to escape and
run away.
*The Cloak of Shadows can allow you to Hide at night.
*The Scroll of Healing can be used to Heal your Hero, which is sold at a
Player-built shop
*Collect Healing or Restoration Potions and save them until your Hero is about
to die.
Always control your Hero during Battle
You should always control your Hero during all battles. There are some
exceptions such as toward the end of the game or facing a few Creeps with a
significantly large force, but it is generally a good rule to follow.
Learn to use Function Keys
F1 jumps the screen to your first Hero, F2 second, and F3 to your third Hero.
When you need to quickly reach your Hero (which is often in a game), hit that
key to jump to your Hero. You can also use Control Groups, but the Function
keys directly select your Hero.

Watch the Hero Portrait!
The Hero Portrait in the top left of the screen flashes red when your Hero is
taking damage. The Hero Portrait also shows when there are points to spend.
Whenever the Hero Icon starts flashing, immediately go to your Hero and get the
Hero out of combat or better yet, direct your Hero in battle. Your scanning of
the Hero Portrait for damage and skill points should be a part of your game

Pay attention to Experience
If your Hero is about to level up, find a way to level them up. You can attack
Creeps or even enemy workers to gain additional experience. Be sure to
immediately use any Experience Tomes you find.

While Heroes are great at killing buildings, it's best to have them working on
killing enemy units to gain experience or to head elsewhere to gain experience
from killing Creeps rather than using them to finish off an enemy town.

When All Your Heroes Die, Run Away
Once all your Heroes have died, run your army away. If you continue to fight
you will no longer gain experience for your Hero (since you don't have any).
There are rare situations where you might want to continue to fight without a
Hero (in team games or close games) but generally the best rule to follow is to
run. This can also be a good way to force an enemy to leave you alone. Kill
their Hero and it will cause them to retreat.

Town Portal Scrolls
It is very important to know all about Town Portal Scrolls.

Defense can be very important. Build Tower Buildings (Orc Burrows, Guard/Cannon
Towers, Spirit Towers, Ancient Protectors, etc.) near your Gold Mine and at
Expansion Towns. Sometimes if you lose a battle, your town can be lost too
because you do not have enough units to defend your town and enough time to
train more. Towers can give you added time to rebuild your army and sometimes
drive off a significant enemy attack. Often Towers are enough to make players
retreat from attacking your town or Expansion Towns. Be careful not to focus
too much on defense, because it often comes at the cost of offensive units.
Generally to make progress, you must be continually attacking the enemy.
Surround your Towers with buildings to block melee characters from reaching

To create a new unit, you must have enough food grown. Be sure to build enough
Farms, Orc Burrows, Ziggurats, or Moon Wells so that you will be able to create
units when you need them. At the top right portion of the screen, to right of
the resource counters, is a listing of Food Used/Food Grown. Keep a watch on
that indicator and get more food as necessary so that you have enough. There is
no penalty for using more food than you have grown, but you will not be able to
create any more units until more food is grown or less food is used which
usually means some units die.

Food Cap
The total food cap is 100 regardless of the race you play. You begin the game
with a ready supply of food courtesy of your Town Hall building. Each race has
a special building that can be built to increase the food cap in regular
increments. The Human Alliance builds Farms; the Orcish Horde builds Burrows,
the Undead build Ziggurats, and the Night Elves build Moon Wells. However, no
matter how many such buildings you create, you cannot exceed 100 food.

Freeing Up Food Space
Sometimes, you run into a situation where you need to quickly build specific
combat units but you do not have food. In desperate situations, kill some
workers or the most useless unit you can find to free up food for units that
would better address the situation at hand. While this may seem an extreme
solution to lack of food, it can help out in dire situations.

When most units are killed they leave a corpse. Various spells and units can
interact with corpses. Flying units and Heroes do not leave corpses. Corpses
left on the ground last for 88 seconds before they disappear.

Know How to Counter Each of Your Opponent's Moves
No matter what your enemy does, you should know what to do. That's not easy to
do but with research and experience it can be accomplished.

Recon Is Key: Know What Your Enemy Is Doing At All Times

Watch Game Play Replays: Know Why You Lost
Warcraft III is a game of learning. When you lose you should know why. By
knowing why you lost, you can find areas to improve upon on in future games.
Watch game replays to figure out where you went wrong and look at areas in
which you can improve. If you are stumped, give Replays to your friends and
they can give you advice.

Offense vs. Defense
The best defense is a good offense. Don't spend too much time building defenses
for your town. A huge defense may protect you from attacks but to advance in
the game you need to attack the enemy town and prevent them from expanding and
producing. Instead of building too many defenses, you will have much more
success building more offensive units, expand to more resource spots, upgrade,
and attack.

Clearing Trees
On certain maps you may need to clear trees away to reach Gold Mines. There are
also situations where an enemy has heavily defended the front part of a Gold
Mine while the backside only has trees for defense. In situations such as those
you need to clear trees away.

The obvious way to clear trees are:

Humans: Mortar Teams
Orcs: Demolishers
Night Elves: Glaive Throwers or Ancients' Eat Tree
Undead: Meat Wagons

You can queue unit commands to make those siege units automatically clear out a
path through the trees. To do this select the unit, hold down the shift button,
click A for attack and select a line of trees (click on trees one by one in a
line) to your destination. When you are done release the shift button. If you
properly selected the right trees the siege unit will clear the way. You can
also do this with attack ground instead of attack if you find that easier.
There are also other options for clearing trees:

Humans: Flame Strike
Orcs: Earthquake
Night Elves: Force of Nature. This is an ability that is available right at the
start of the game. Use it as a Night Elf advantage to clear your way to safe
expansions or to clear a path to an undefended part of an enemy town.

Mountain Giants! - First have a Mountain Giant grab a tree (which clears away a
tree) and THEN attack trees with the tree you just grabbed. This will clear out
the trees! Once your tree weapon has been used up, grab another one!
Undead: Death and Decay, Infernal - Target the Infernal on a group of trees you
wish to clear. Ghoul - Select Attack and select the tree, do not right-click on
the tree.
Neutral: Buy a Goblin Shredder!

Special Anti-delay Tactic Rules
If you (or your entire team in a team game) lack a Town Hall building or
equivalent for 2 minutes, you are revealed to your opponents as if you had
share visioned them. Partially completed Town Hall buildings count as Town

Unit Speeds
Units can never move at a speed slower than 150 (roughly 60% the speed of a
Footman). This means that stacking slow effects such as Slow Poison, Shadow
Strike, Slow, etc. will not virtually stop units.

Random Race Selection
Selecting Random Race allows you to have a slight advantage over other players.
When you have selected random they don't know exactly how to plan their Heroes
or strategies around your race. Some races are easier to attack early in the
game than others too and the enemy won't know this information (unless they
scout). Enemy players are forced to come scout you to see what race you are so
they can modify their strategies. It can be a challenge to play Random because
it requires you to be able to play all four of the races effectively. You
shouldn't know only two or three races then lose games with the remaining
races. You may also get the same race (the one you're weakest at) several times
in a row. While some players think this is a bug this is actually what random
means. Each game you have a 25% chance (confirmed through stats) of getting
each race. But there is no history of what races you just played so your chance
to get the same race again is again 25%. Once you've played Orc you do not
receive a smaller chance to play Orc the next game. So sometimes you get the
same race again and again. This is how random works! Because Random is the most
challenging besides Tournament Random, typically better Icons are given to
random players. Of course Blizzard's idea of better might differ from yours.

Scout for Enemy Expansion
You should always be scouting to make sure that the enemy isn't building
elsewhere on the map. Typically, workers are first used to scout. Goblin
Zeppelins make very good scouts as well as other air units. You should always
check the Gold Mines every so often unless you're totally sure you have won the
game or that the enemy isn't good enough to be expanding. It's better to be
safe than sorry.

Expand Early or Deny Expansions
To Expand means to take control and to mine additional Gold Mines. You have two
choices: prevent the enemy from expanding or expand early. If you prevent the
enemy from expanding to additional Gold Mines the pressure is off you to expand
yourself. It is even better if you can both prevent the enemy from expanding
while expanding to additional Gold Mines yourself.

If you decide to expand early, create an army to clear the way to an additional
Gold Mine. This can also allow your Heroes to level up as they kill Creeps,
find items and collect Gold.

If there are fewer players on the map than the map supports such as 4 players
on an 8-player map, then there are empty spots available. Find them. If you do
not expand, you will find you don't have enough resources to do what you want,
especially as you get to higher Upkeep. You need at least one expansion, and
the more you get the better.

Where should you expand?
Sometimes setting up a new town goes deep into the realms of psychology. There
are so many options:

Always assume the enemy will check the nearest expansion next to you. You may
find that expanding at some out of the way Gold Mine or even a mine next to the
enemy is a lot safer and less likely to be found. If the enemy is good at
scouting they will find your town no matter where you put it.
After you destroy an enemy expansion sometimes your best bet is to take their
expansion for yourself. If your units are already there assaulting their base
they will be around to defend the Gold Mine as you secure it. The enemy might
not even think to check there.

Sometimes, the last place the enemy checks is the resource spots right next to
them. Often, they assume you would never be so bold as to build in "their"
territory. Sometimes, the safest place to build is right next to the enemy but
you run the risk of the enemy finding it when they try to expand.

Once your town or Expansion Town is destroyed, go back and rebuild it in the
same place. Usually, people expect you to go find another mine, because that is
what most people do. They won't expect you to go back to the same place because
they know you know they know about it. But, since you know that they know that
you know that they know...... they possibly won't go back to check in a town
they have already attacked and cleared.

Build in a dropped/eliminated player's town. Sometimes people forget about the
mine and town after a player drops or is eliminated. They often check out all
the mines except the mine of a player who has dropped. So, when a player drops
or is eliminated, go set up in their town. Often, your buildings blend in with
the other buildings that were already there, especially if they are the same
race of buildings. So the enemy may fly over and think all the buildings belong
to the player that left. This quite often works.

There are trade-offs for building close to or away from your main town. If you
build at the closest resource spot near your main town, you can more quickly
send reinforcements from your main base to protect it. On the other hand,
people often expect you to build at the closest expansion so they will most
likely be checking and ready to attack it. Building further away sometimes
gives you a better chance of hiding until your new expansion is defended and
under full production, but you run the risk of the enemy finding it early on by
mistake or design.
Hide the Workers before building
If you've reached the Gold Mine at which you want to build your next Expansion
Town but are not quite ready to build yet (normally due to lack of resources),
hide the workers behind the Gold Mine. When enemy players check mines, they
often don't check all the way around them and will often not see units hiding
behind mines.

Defend your new Town
Typically most people build additional Expansions but do not defend them. This
makes them easy marks for the enemy. While you can trust in Town Portal Scrolls
to provide a way for you to defend your town it is much better to defend with
towers. Good strategy is to either build several towers before building your
Town Hall or to build the Town Hall while at the same time building towers with
other Peasants or workers. Towers can delay the enemy until you have a chance
to save your town. Towers can turn the tide of battle when combined with other
troops. Make sure you repair the towers while they are being attacked. Orc and
Human players should also research building upgrades to make them stronger.

If the enemy attacks your Expansion while it is being constructed cancel the
building before the enemy can destroy it.

Town Hall Fake
Most people build just one Expansion Town at a time; instead, try building two
or more at a time. If the enemy finds one, put up a big fight for it acting
like it is the only thing between surviving or dying. Meanwhile, use your other
Expansion Towns to build up and mine Gold and harvest Lumber. If the enemy
destroys this bait Town Hall, you will still have one or more expansions where
resources are being gathered. The enemy may focus on your main town thinking
that it is all that is you have left and should be defended in the early part
of the game.

Don't Give Your New Town or Towns Away
Delay the enemy's discovery of your new town for as long as possible. Do not
give your opponent any reason to think you have another town. Try not to lead
enemy units from your main town to your Expansion Town if possible. If you see
the enemy has Flyers or ground units following, turn to another direction to
lead the enemy away from your Expansion Town. Also, when a Town Hall is
destroyed the Peons harvesting Gold and Lumber will then head to the next
nearest Town Hall or Lumber Mill (for Lumber). The enemy will most likely know
where your main Town is and if they see these Peons heading to another
direction (your other expansion or new expansion), they will know what
direction to head to find your hidden bases. When your Town Hall is about to be
destroyed, select the Peons and stop them or head them in some direction other
than where your new hidden bases are located.

Game Over Feint
You can type as your enemy is destroying your old town something like "Ok, you
won, I'll just let you destroy my town." This trick often works but not against
experienced players unless you catch them on a bad game. Often once someone
thinks they have won, they stop building units and begin messing around. If you
are building up a force of units in secret while they have pretty much stopped
production and are using what they have already to hunt you down, you can build
up a large enough force to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. In some
games, such a force has turned the tide of the game and allowed the defeated
player to win.

Typing "has left the game" puts a message such as "Yourname: has left the
game." Most people don't notice the ":" or the color of the message which gives
it away and actually believe you have left the game. It works on experienced
players or whoever has not heard about this ancient trick. The official
response to someone who has tried this on you is "nice try."

What You Can Learn
Always assume that someone has another town when you are destroying their first
town. If the town you are destroying is not their only one, and you stop
building, upgrading, and expanding your town, you could lose. Don't stop
mining, building, and training units. Continue on as if they were still in the
game. Never assume a player is dead until they actually drop or surrender.
Don't listen to or believe anything that your enemy says about being dead until
they actually quit. Good players will do anything to make you think they are
dead so they can recover. Build plenty of Flying scouts and check in and around
all of the Gold Mines to make sure the enemy is not rebuilding.


=============6m============= #towers

Towers are an important tool in a good player's repertoire. Players should
learn what Towers can do for them and how they can use them effectively.

Tower Concepts

Towers Reign Supreme Only Early On
Towers become increasingly easy to kill as the game progresses. Early in the
game Demolishers, Glaive Throwers, Mortar Teams, and Meat Wagons are the big
enemy. Later on Goblin Sappers, Blizzard, Earthquake, Death and Decay, Flame
Strike, Stampede, Tornado, and Starfall can quickly clear towers. Towers are
best used early on in the game, for offensive towering, or to help support
troops when you have a lot of money and a large army.
Towers Are Best Used a Secondary Defense System Not a Primary Defense System
While Towers can prevent early rushes, they cannot become the primary defense
of the town. One Demolisher can kill a town full of Towers if there are no
units such as Footmen, Grunts, Ghouls, Archers or Huntresses to defend the
Town. Towers need to be your backup system for when your forces are defeated or
when your forces can use some help.

What Towers Can Do For You!
Towers can provide auxiliary damage
Towers can help provide additional damage to enemy units to help you and your
allies' troops. This additional damage can often turn the tide of battle in
your favor and force the enemy to run away.
Towers scare people away
Towers often scare away even experienced players. Many players doubt their
ability to take on towers without siege weapons and retreat even though they
could easily defeat the towers if they just attacked. Towers can also sometimes
prevent enemy players from scouting your town because the enemy does not wish
to risk being hit by towers.

Towers provide additional sight or Invisibility Detection
Towers can sometimes extend your sight radius. Human Towers can also be
upgraded so that they can detect invisible units, especially when facing Undead
who might use Shades.

Towers take the focus off of valuable buildings or workers
Enemy players typically focus all of their attention first on destroying your
towers rather than on attacking your army, Town Hall, or workers. Since your
towers are designed for combat, this is exactly what you want. Without towers
the enemy would be immediately attacking your workers, Town Hall, or other
valuable buildings.

Towers provide extra time and defense while you're away
You cannot defend your town with your army all of the time. Warcraft III
requires a lot of offense so your troops are typically not defending your base.
If you are attacked you need something to delay the enemy until you can get
back to defend your base. That's where towers come in.

The enemy will typically attack your towers first. While they are spending
their time attacking your towers you can teleport back to your Town Hall or
walk there from your current location. This additional time can often be all
you need to return to your town and defend it while not taking any serious
damage. When facing both an army and towers the enemy might run away or be
destroyed by both your army and towers. Having towers around also might also
give you additional time to request help from your allies as well. Without
towers your town will be taking serious damage right from the start of the

Towers can hit air units and sometimes save armies
Towers can often save your town against air units. Sometimes players are
attacked by air units when they only have melee units which cannot touch air
units. They can run back to towers and use those towers to save themselves from
those air units.

Without towers you will find your towns and expansion towns are easily taken
before you can defend them. You might also find it difficult to defend your
bases even if you're able to respond quickly. Build towers to try to prevent
that from happening.

How to use Towers

Control them during Battle
When a battle starts, double click on a tower, or group select them and
instruct them all to fire on the same target. Pick units that are already
almost dead. You might consider attacking a Hero if it is already damaged but
you might have more success picking regular units since they have less hit
points and the enemy is less likely to be controlling them. You can use command
queuing to set up an order of targets the towers should attack.
Back each other up
Place towers near each other so that they can protect each other. If you build
them close enough, all your towers can fire at any melee or short ranged units
which are attacking one of the towers. You should probably put some space
in-between the towers because otherwise they might be easily killed by
Blizzard, Earthquake, Death and Decay, Goblin Sappers, and Starfall.

Surround Towers with buildings
"Wall-in" your towers by surrounding them with buildings whenever possible.
This will make it more difficult for enemy melee units to reach the towers.

Don't Go Tower Crazy
Newbie players often build way too many towers. Keep in mind that towers are
easily killed by Demolishers, Glaive Throwers, Mortar Teams, Siege Engines, and
Meat Wagons. You should only consider building a lot of towers when you have a
huge army, are at the 80 unit high upkeep number, and have a lot of money. The
exception can be in team games where other allies can back your towers up.
Don't build so many towers that your army is neglected.

Fight By the Towers Whenever Possible
Try to do all the fighting by your Towers. If you are about to be attacked,
rather than going out to meet the incoming enemy try to bait them back to
within range of your Towers so that they can provide extra hits on the enemy.

Also, if the enemy tries to bait you into their Towers, make hit and run
attacks with several units to bait the enemy away from their Towers. If they
are not on hold position they will be forced to follow out of the protection of
their Towers.

Repair Towers While They Are Being Attacked
Towers survive much longer when they are repaired during an attack. If the
enemy attacks the workers repairing, run the workers away then return after
they are no longer being targeted.

Offensive Towers

Towers work great for defense, but why not use them offensively? Early on in
Warcraft II players discovered that Towers can actually be used as siege
weapons, and with much more effectiveness than Demolishers. While Demolishers
have long range and deal more damage, Towers can more easily be kept alive for
much longer. When training Demolishers, Barracks are unable to train Footmen
and other troops. But, when using Towers, the player can continue to build
combat units at the Barracks while building and using Towers at the same time.
Offensive Towering was very common early on but less so in Warcraft III: The
Frozen Throne because of changes to Towers.

In order to tower offensively, you must first find the enemy. Early in the
game, players should send workers to locate the enemy. In some games, you might
be able to figure out where the enemy is by comparing how many players the map
supports to how many are playing the game. After you have spotted the enemy
town, be sure to not give away your plan. Sneak outside the town, build several
towers, and then tower your way in. Support your towers with workers to repair
and combat units. In team games, use your allies to help defend the towers.

Human players should use Guard Towers for Offensive Towering
Guard Towers are less expensive and do not miss.

Orc players can use either Orc Burrows or Watch Tower
Usually it's better to use Watch Towers since they have armor but Orc Burrows
can be useful because the Peons can retreat into the Burrow when hurt then pop
out again when it's safe to repair.

Tower Your Way In
A strategy that works on many players is the "Tower your way in" strategy.
Place a Tower a little distance outside of the enemy town. Upgrade it to a
Guard Tower, then build another Tower closer to the enemy. The first Tower will
cover and fire on anyone trying to attack the new Tower while it is building
and upgrading, unless the enemy is using Demolishers or other long-range siege
weapons. Once that Tower is complete keep building Towers closer and closer to
the enemy town until you can start hitting buildings and eventually get a Tower
firing on the enemy Peons mining Gold. When the enemy attacks the Towers repair
them. If the enemy tries to attack the Peons repairing them, run with the Peons
in circles around the Tower. The Tower will fire on the units pursuing the
Peon. If the enemy goes back to attacking the Tower again, move the Peon back
into position and repair the Tower while it is being attacked. Repeat the cycle
if the enemy attempts to attack the Peon again. The enemy may be frustrated by
this strategy but it does work and work well.
Early Unit Support
While building Towers send Footmen, Ghouls, Grunts, or Archers/Huntresses to
protect the Towers. If you get in trouble, take the combat units and run
circles around the Towers letting the Towers fire on the pursuing enemy units.

Teammate Support
This strategy works even better with support from a teammate. The teammate can
send a group of Footmen for support or build Towers of their own to help you
pull this strategy off.

Early Game Strategy
This strategy is really more of an opening game strategy than something you
will use later on in the game. While it might work at poorly defended enemy
expansion towns you will find most players are able to easily stop this in the
later part of the game. The reason this strategy is so effective early on is
due to the enemy's lack of options and counters to stop it. Although they can
use Demolishers, often the enemy does not build Demolishers which you can use
to your advantage. After the enemy has Demolishers it's time to give up this
strategy if you cannot kill them.

Offensive Tower defense
The enemy can do quite a few things to defeat offensive Towers.

Stop Offensive Towering Before It Starts
Players should be making regular patrols around their town to ensure that no
such strategies are being attempted. Often when attempting Offensive Towering
against very skilled players they will find the Tower before it is able to
upgrade to a Guard Tower stopping the strategy before it starts.
Use your Hero, early Barracks units, and your workers to attack the towers. Try
to kill the workers so they cannot repair the towers.

Build a Tower in your town so the enemy can't build towers any closer to your
town. While Orc Towers have more range, this can still help you.

Siege Weapons
Build up to Demolishers, Glaive Throwers, Mortar Teams, or Meat Wagons to fire
at the towers from range. This can be difficult to do since it takes a while to
upgrade and train those units. In team games your best option is to have your
ally help save you.
Attack their Town
People who offensive tower usually have nothing defending their town. Send your
Hero and combat units over there and take over their town.

Usually it's Humans and Orcs that offensive tower. Orcs offensive tower more
than other races so expect it when playing Orcs. It's very unlikely to happen
from Night Elves, and least likely to be done by Undead.

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=============7a============== #vsud


So you are enemies with the Undead? You should enjoy this section ^_^

Undead players are very weak early on if they don't have a Nerubian tower. Many
Undead players like to upgrade very early. They assume no one will attack them
because of their towers or tough defenses. That is their own undoing. It is
especially useful in team games to rush one of the Undead players. Your goal
will be to kill their Acolytes. They may try to run them away (if they are
decent) but you can still kill them pretty easily with certain Heroes and

Kill Their Haunted Gold Mine
If you can get in early at the start of the game, or do some hit-and-run
attack, you can severely damage the Undead player. They will have to resummon
their Haunted Gold Mine which will take a while. The counter to this is repair
the Haunted Gold Mine and to have some towers around it.

Hide Fun!
Night Elf players (or someone with a Cloak) can use Hide to harass Undead
Acolytes on the Haunted Gold Mine. Simply attack, then hide. Wait a while, then
do it again! This makes Undead players very angry TT! Undead players can
counter this by using Dust at their shop (oops shouldn't have told) or by
building a Nerubian Tower close to their Haunted Gold Mine.

When VS Undead its most fruitful to pick the paladin as a hero because he can
heal ur own units and damage the undead.

=============7b============== #vsorc


Kill The Burrows!
Burrows are the big weakness of the Orcs. If you can get in and kill their
Burrows they will no longer have food to build their army. This will also
reduce the town defenses of the town. Ranged units work the best such as
Archers with Improved Bows. Any unit can work but it can be more difficult with
melee units if the town is built correctly.

When VS orc, u should use the more enduring heroes like Mountain King
or Paladin. If u let an orc tech out, u could have very serious problems. The
Orc is almost sure to go Shamans + Tauren. To counter that, u must have Priests
and Sorceresses. CAST POLYMORPH ON THE TAUREN!!! Use the Priests` Dispel Magic
to Relieve the Tauren of Bloodlust, or Use Spell Breakers to Put it on ur own
units. Knights + Priests + Sorceresses and a mountain King and a paladin will
crush allmost any orc player.

=============7c============== #vsne


All you Night Elf haters, this is the section for you! Night Elf players might
also find it helpful when fighting other Night Elf players.

The Night Elves are somewhat weak to rushes, especially in team games. If the
Night Elf player is jumping to Huntresses, then they typcially have NOTHING
early on. They can use their Moon Wells and their ancients so a good player CAN
defend. Not so good players might not be able to defend. If you see a Hero
attacking you very early, the Night Elf player likely has no defenses at their
base and can be severely damaged.

Kill Their Entangled Gold Mine
If you kill the Entangled Gold Mine it will take them a while to entangle it
again. You can also maybe kill the Wisps as they come out. If you don't have
enough time for the Tree of Life, kill the Entangled Gold Mine. Some players
hop in Goblin Zeppelins, kill the Entangled Gold Mine, then run!

Night Elf Towns are weak to ranged and Siege Attacks
Use Ranged units and Siege Units to attack Ancients, as they won't be hurt by
their powerful melee attacks. The Ancients can't defend against those so unless
their army can fight the attack off, there is nothing they can do. They may
repair their buildings but that will only last for a period of time.

Kill the Wisps
Lumber is very important to Night Elves. Kill their Wisps harvesting Lumber.
They also require Wisps to create Ancients. If the Night Elf player is
upgrading to Tree of Ages, they can't build any new Wisps until that upgrade is
completed. So they will be short on Lumber and it will take them a while to
rebuild their Wisps.

Depending on your Hero and the enemy's control, you can sometimes go in at the
start of the game and kill some Lumber Wisps.

Night Elf Players Need Their Moon Wells
Night Elf players rely heavily on their Moon Wells for healing, mana, and food.
If you can go in and kill a few of them then run, this really hurts them.

Avoid Air
Night Elf players have several options for attacking air units including
Archers and Hippogryphs. You shouldn't try to use air unless you do hit and run
attacks on their town or unless the enemy has nothing but Huntresses.

Use Area of Effect Spells (AOE)
Night Elf Archers and Huntresses die to AOE spells.

Head up the Tech Tree
Many Night Elf players do not properly upgrade and stick with Archers or
Huntresses. If you continue up the Tech Tree to better units while they do not,
you can often defeat the Archers and Huntresses.

-Always target a Demon Hunter last if possible, they are amazing meat shields,
and have a lot of armor and a good amount of hit points. Most Night Elf players
expect you to target their Demon Hunter, which will work to their advantage
with Moon Wells and items.
-You can kill a Tree of Life with Goblin Sappers

Note: Not all Night Elf Units are listed
Wisp (Medium Armor)

Wisps are deadly with Detonate. It's best to kill them quickly before the Night
Elf player can Detonate. So Area of Effect abilities work the best (Blizzard,
Chain Lightning, Forked Lightning). If they start to come toward your Heroes,
run. They will usually Detonate and miss on an empty area unless the person
controlling them is good. It's 60 Gold whenever a Night Elf player uses
Detontate plus the loss of Wood so forcing them to Detonate is doing something
in your favor. AOE spells work very well against clumps of Wisps.
Night Elves

-Keeper of the Grove - Entangling Roots
-Warden - Shadow Strike

-Archmage - Blizzard
-Bloodmage - Flame Strike
-Water Elementals

-Far Seer with wolves and Chain Lightning
-The Blademaster is good at rushing Night Elves with Wind Walk and Critical
Strike. But once the Night Elves get a shop and Dust they can counter this
(unless you're very annoying with hit-and-run attacks)
-Naga Sea Witch - Frost Arrow/Forked Lightning
Archer (Medium Armor)
Archers are weakest against Melee units and Area of Effect spells. They take
the most damage from units that do normal damage.
Night Elves

-Use Archers of your own + Beastmaster or Demon Hunter to rush the Archers.
There are other Heroes you could use instead including Neutral Heroes.
-Huntresses take increased damage vs. Archers however Huntresses can easily
beat Archers early on in the game. After the Archers have the Improved Bows
upgrade and damage upgrade it becomes harder. Untill then Huntresses can work.
-Use Demon Hunter with Immolation
-Use Fan of Knives
-Use a Neutral Hero that is good at killing Archers such as the Naga Sea Witch
with Forked Lightning or Pit Lord with Rain of Fire.
-Use Footmen with Defend
-Use Blizzard or Flame Strike
-Use the Mountain King's Thunder Clap
-Use Mortar Teams
-Use Knights and rush the Archers

-Use Grunts. If you can reach the Archers you can slaughter them
-Use Tauren Chieftain War Stomp. Walk into a bunch of Archers then use War Stomp
-Use Tauren Chieftain Shockwave
-Use the Far Seer's Wolves and Chain Lightning
-Use Tauren with Pulverize
-Use Demolishers with Burning Oil Upgrade

-Use Crypt Lord Impale
-Use Lich Frost Nova
-Use Dread Lord with Vampiric Aura + Ghouls with Ghoul Frenzy.
-Use Necromancers with Raise Dead.
Huntress (Unarmored)
Huntresses are unarmored which means they take the most damage from Pierce
(ranged) and Siege Weapons. Huntresses are pretty big so smaller units can
often surround and trap them. Also remember that the Huntresses can't hit air
units so use them without fear of being hit. Of course the Night Elf player can
start building archers.
Night Elves

-Most Night Elf players match Huntresses with Huntresses. But there are other
-Use Archers of your own + Beastmaster or Demon Hunter. There are other Heroes
you could use instead including Neutral Heroes
-Huntresses take increased damage vs. Archers however Huntresses can easily
beat Archers early on in the game. After the Archers have the Improved Bows
upgrade and damage upgrade it becomes harder. Archers can work if you have
something to put in the way of the Huntresses like a Mountain Giant, Druid of
the Claw in Bear Form, your Hero or something else.
-One of the most common defenses is to upgrade to Improved Bows and combine
Archers with Druids of the Talon. The Faerie Fire makes Huntresses easy to kill
with the Archers and range.
-Use Fan of Knives
-Use Entangling Roots from the Keeper of the Grove. That works pretty well.
-Use a Neutral Hero that is good at killing Huntresses
-Use Mountain Giants + Archers
-Most Human players switch to Riflemen and use their Heroes, especially with
AOE attacks.
-Use Footmen + Area of Effect Damage Spells and some Riflemen
-Use Sorceress Slow
-Use Mortar Teams
-Use Knights + Spellcasters
-Use Gryphons if all they have is Huntresses

=============7d============== #vshum


Humans are weak to early rushes, especially if they don't have an Arcane Tower.
Focus all your attention on killing their Peasants or Militia. Ignore the
Footmen and Heroes because your goal is to kill their Peasants to get them
behind. Good human players can defeat this attack but even if they lose some
(maybe 4-5) Peasants your attack can be successful if you don't lose a lot or
any units. You can then come back later with a larger army to finish them off.

Go Anti-Magic
The Humans often focus on using Priests and Sorceresses. Go Anti-spellcasters
to defeat them.

Kill the Archmage
Humans often rely on the Archmage for either Blizzard or Water Elementals. The
Water Elementals are summonables so deal with them or kill the Archmage using
Hero killers.

Scout for and stop early expansions
The sneaky Humans sometimes try to get an expansion at the start of the game.
Patrol for this and hit it as soon as possible.


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=============8a============== #humneu


First of all, thanks to Ace for reminding me about this. Its actually important
to know about these heroes, and how they work with human heroes.

**NOTE: Haven't written about Firelord and Goblin Alchemist because I haven't
yet played with em.

=============8b=============== #humpan


Pandaren Brewmaster is a warrior hero, has lotsa damage and lotsa health and
armor, thus making him an excellent meat shield. Pandaren Brewmaster and a
Paladin would make a great combination. The Panda can charge into battle, while
using the Paladin's Devotion Aura and Being healed by the Holy Light. This
combination is perfect for doing Hit-And-Run attacks. If an Archmage can be
included into this, with Brilliance Aura, it's almost unstoppable. With an
extra 2.25 mana regeneration per second...Crap I'm Good!!! (^_^)

=============8c=============== #humbea


The Beastmaster is somewhere between warrior and caster hero. Being the
ultimate summoner, it would be nice to have some extra mana regeneration. The
Archmage and the Beastmaster would make a nice combo, because they both have
summoning spells and they both suck up tons of mana with their spells. A Bear
at lvl 3 and a Fire Fighter (Water Elemental =) at lvl 3 could damage one city
a lot + teleporting bears is funny :)

=============8d=============== #humsea


The Naga Sea Witch is a caster hero which means that you should use an archmage
if gonna get the sea witch. Forked Lightning is good in combo with blizzard
against packs of enemy units. Its good to cast it in a hurry, before the enemy
redirects. It does tons of damage in combo.

============8e================ #humran


The Dark Ranger has Very Little Damage. If you get harassed with a DR, laugh
out loud (lol) but at higher lvl its a hero not to be underestimated. The Life
Sucking Thing (cant remember the name right now) works great with the Blood
Mage's Siphon Mana. A hero's HP and MP will deplete in a matter of seconds. If
you have a MK to stun the hero, he's dead. 101 % unless he uses a TP. Silence
is also very good against shamans or priests. To relieve them of their casting
abilities can turn the tide on an entire battle.

============8e================ #humpit


Well the Pit Lord is kinda good, but not very preferable for human. Rain of
Fire and Blizzard does good damage, but thats the only thing u can use. Doom
can kill any unit, thats also good. A Pit Lord is a very good choice for UD
cause the DK can heal him, although the other UD Heroes are better than hit,
depending on your strategy. Pit Lord has Lotsa HP and is good at
Meat-Shielding. Good Human-UD is Pit Lord + Lich + Death Knight + Paladin +
Archmage. The Pit Lord must be at least lvl 5. Now the DK can keep healing him
constantly. He will recieve Armor bonus from the paladin, mana regeneration
from the archmage and frost armor from the lich. If u can get an Ankh Of
Reincarnation, a potion of divity and a few "Khadgar's Gem of Health (+300
HP)", "Ring of Protection + 5", that hero cannot be killed.

*NOTE: Crypt Lord is better for that. The Bonus Armor from "Spiked Carapace
(+7) is a lot better, including frost armor, dev aura and ROP +5

ROP = Ring Of Protection

============8e================ #humtin


Tinker and Archmage are great. The Tinker keeps deploying factories while the
archmage restores his mana. Paladin is always good in the army. Can Heal
anything and damage undead. The Clockwerk goblins are good at damaging


Well, the guide is finished, now we need to wait for contributor strategies and

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=============9a============== #thx


>>>>> First of all, i'd like to thank Blizzard for creating this extremely
awesome game!

>>>>> Thanks to Mojo Storm-Stout's WC3 Official Strategy Guide, which really
helped me to write this.

>>>>> Thanks to IGN.Com for asking me to publish my FAQ and making me
feel so special =)

>>>>> Thanks to GameFaqs.Com for Publishing my FAQ

>>>>> Thanks to anyone actually reading this.

>>>>> Thanks to anyone who will contribute to this FAQ

>>>>> Special Thanks to ME for actually writing this ^_^

>>>>> Thanks to www.rootsecure.net's ASCII Generator for providing me with
ASCII pictures.

>>>>> Thanks to Ace for reminding me for the Humans and the Neutral Heroes.

>>>>> Thanks to Dandude776 for creating and letting me use his WARCRAFT III:

>>>>> Thanks to Dale Robertson for the first contribution AND thanks for the
fact that his strategy worked out!


Writer: MasterOfPuppets
Editor: MasterOfPuppets
Publisher: www.gamefaqs.com

ASCII: Dandude776

Contributors: MasterOfPuppets
Mojo Storm-Stout
Dale Robertson


No Sheep were harmed during the making of this FAQ. For the Most part.
The One That Was Had It Coming.
(Ratchet And Clank™ 2: Locked and Loaded™)

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Constantine Genchev 2004
All Rights Reserved.


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