Final Fantasy 11

Final Fantasy 11

17.10.2013 19:13:54
=====================// Ranger Guide - By Tim Kinzie \=======================

Ranger Guide - Final
Author - Tim Kinzie
FFXI Info - Character Name: Sans // Server: Ragnarok
Email -

Next version update will include the following:

AF Armor Quest Guide/Details
Updated Combinations Section
Weapon Skill Information
Other stuff! =)

Anyways, these updates will be made soon. I will be quite busy for the next
couple of days, but i'll try to get these Updates posted ASAP =)

Happy New Year Everyone!

//// Table of Contents ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
01- Introduction
02- Version History
03- How to become a Ranger
04- Job Abilities
05- Ranger Equipment
06- Job Combinations
07- Playing as a Ranger
08- Frequently Asked Questions
09- Legal Biz
10- Credits
11- Special Thanks

//// 01- Introduction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
So, you wanna be a Ranger do ya!? Okay, sounds good to me. Rangers are the
most brutal attackers in the game. Yes you little whiny Taru BLM! Stronger
than you! If you combined a Mike Tyson punch, and a Karate Chop from Jet Li,
a Ranger's arrow would still be stonger!

What else can a Ranger do, you ask? Rangers can also use an ability called
'Wide-Scan'. This ability allows a Ranger to go see monsters on the map, like
radar. Can you do that Taru!!?? NO!

Ahhhh, tis' good to be a Ranger...

But it's not all Cakes and Pies! It's expensive, VERY expensive. Throughout
the course of the game, Rangers can be found purchasing arrows at your local
Weapons Shop, or Auction House. This never stops either. Okay, they might
start buying bullets, but you get the picture.

Although the job does get spendy, you need to think about what you get for
your gil. Whatcha get? A fun job that is always entertaining, a party asking
for your skills, and a happy time on the battlefield =)

So, without further delay, my Guide all about the Ranger...Enjoy!

//// 02- Version History /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Version 1.0 - December 28, 2003 - Created FAQ
Version 1.1 - December 28, 2003 - Updated Special Thanks Section
Version 1.2 - December 29, 2003 - Updated FAQ section, and added the Equipment
Version 1.3 - December 30, 2003 - Fixed spacing issue in Ranger Equipment
Version 1.4 - December 30, 2003 - Updated Armor in the Ranger Equipment
Version 1.5 - December 30, 2003 - Updated Ammuntion, and Accessories in the
Ranger Equipment section. Also reformated
pretty much everything in the Guide that was
bugging me =)
Version 1.6 - December 30, 2003 - Fixed spacing issues in various areas of the
Guide. Finished Ammunition in the Ranger
Equipment section. Updated Accessories.
Version 1.7 - December 31, 2003 - Reformated the Job Combinations section of
the Guide.

//// 03- How to become a Ranger //////////////////////////////////////////////
As with any Elite Job, there are a few things you must do in order to make the
Ranger Job Class available to you...

Obviously, the first thing you need to do is attain Lv30 with any of the six
base classes. These classes include: Warrior, Monk, Black Mage, White Mage,
Red Mage, and Thief.

Once you have accomplished the above, you must do the following:

Head to area (K-7) in Windurst Woods and speak to Perih Vashai. After the
cut scene, you will need to head out to Sauromogue Champaign. It is possible
to do this solo at Lv30, but I strongly encourage you to find help from a
stronger player. Sauromogue Champaign is located right outside Port Jeuno,
so ask a few people to assist you.

Once you are in Sauromogue Champaign, head to area (L-10). Here, you will
find a cave home to Sabertooth Tigers. One tiger, known as the "Old Tiger",
is what you are here for. Instead of killing it with force, you NEED to wait
for it to die naturally in it's cave. Then, examine it's bones to recieve the
'Old Tiger's Fang'.

With the 'Old Tiger's Fang' in hand, head back to Windurst Woods and speak
with Perih Vashai once more. You will recieve a small reward, the Ranger's
Necklace and the ability to become the sexiest job there is...Ranger!

//// 04- Job Abilities ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
In my opinion, Rangers have some of the coolest abilities you can possibly
have in the whole game. From their devastating 2hr ability Eagle Eye Shot, to
their inherent ability to track monsters in any map, Rangers have more than a
few things going for them...

Information regarding the following table was borrowed from:
The Official Final Fantasy XI: Online Strategy Guide from BRADYGAMES

Job Abilities

Ability Name Level Interval Duration Information
Eagle Eye Shot 1 2:00:00 N/A Delivers an accurate and
powerful ranged attack.
Sharpshot 1 0:05:00 0:01:00 Enhances accuracy of ranged
Scavenge 10 0:05:00 N/A Searches the local area for
Camouflage 20 0:05:00 Random Makes you harder to detect.
Barrage 30 0:05:00 N/A Allows you to fire multiple
Shadowbind 40 0:05:00 Random Binds target.
Information regarding the following table was borrowed from:
The Official Final Fantasy XI: Online Strategy Guide from BRADYGAMES.

Job Traits

Trait Name Level Information
Alertness 5 Lowers chance of being detected by enemies.
Accuracy Bonus 10 Improves accuracy of physical attacks.
Rapid Shot 15 Sometimes decreases the attack interval for
ranged attacks.
Resist Poison 20 Gives you a slight resistence against poison.
Accuracy Bonus 30 Improves accuracy of physical attacks.
Resist Poison 40 Gives you a slight resistence against poison.
Accuracy Bonus 50 Improves accuracy of physical attacks.

//// 05- Ranger Equipment ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
The following section will cover every piece of equipment a Ranger can use.
This will include Weapons, Ammunition, Armor, and Accessories.

The equipment a Ranger chooses is vital to success. It is important to keep
this in mind, because a Ranger without good equipent is NOT at their full
potential. A Ranger outfitted with the best equipment is a very deadly

Some Information regarding the following tables was borrowed from:
The Official Final Fantasy XI: Online Strategy Guide from BRADYGAMES.
This includes some abreviations, as well as some items I missed while surfing
through the Auction Houses in game.

Weapons // Up to Lv30
The following tables will list all weapons a Ranger can use. This not only
includes Bows and Guns, but Daggers, Swords, Axes and Clubs as well. Please
note that a Ranger's strength lies in Ranged Weapons. The main priority of
a main weapon is stats. Any weapon that can lend AGI stats, or Ranged Attack
or Accuracy stats is what you are after.

In my opinion, Daggers are the best suited 'Main Weapon' for a Ranger. Dagger
weapon skills are quite useful in some situations, especially 'Shadowstitch',
which can bind a target. Perhaps the best weapon a Ranger could have is the
Archer's Knife. This weapon isn't available until Lv28, but once you have the
ability to use it, you should make it your 'Main Weapon' of choice.

Name Level Damage Delay Attributes
Onion Knife 1 4 205
Bronze Knife 1 4 195
Onion Dagger 1 3 193
Bronze Dagger 1 3 183
Ceremonial Dagger 1 1 183 MP +10
Rusty Dagger 1 3 183
Blind Knife 7 4 201 Add: Blindness
Blind Dagger 7 4 188 Add: Blindness
Beestinger 7 4 150 DEX +1, AGI +1
Brass Dagger 9 5 183
Aspir Knife 12 5 201 Add: MP Drain
Silence Dagger 12 6 188 Add: Silence
Dagger 12 7 183
Knife 13 8 195
Kukri 20 10 200
Mercenary's Knife 20 11 190 Accuracy +2
Poison Dagger 20 8 183 Add: Posion
Decurion's Dagger 20 10 178 Accuracy +2
Poison Knife 21 9 201 Add: Posion
Acid Dagger 23 10 183 Add: Weaken Defense
Mythril Dagger 23 10 183
Corrosive Dagger 23 11 178 Add: Weaken Defense
Poison Kukri 24 10 206 Add: Posion
Poison Kukri +1 24 11 200 Add: Posion
Parrying Knife 25 11 195 Parrying +10
Archer's Knife 28 11 195 AGI +1, R. Accuracy +10
Mrc. Cpt. Knife 30 13 194 Accuracy +3
Ryl. Sqr. Dagger 30 12 181 Accuracy +3

Swords are useful at early levels. From levels 1-10, soloing levels, Rangers
don't rely very heavily on Bows. This is due to the fact that Bows at this
level are pretty weak. On the other hand, Daggers are still very good in
early levels as well, it basically just comes down to preference.

Name Level Damage Delay Attributes
Bronze Sword 1 6 231
Onion Sword 1 5 228
Wax Sword 1 6 225
Xiphos 7 8 228
Ryl Archers Sword 10 10 228
Brass Xiphos 13 12 228
Bilbo 13 11 226
Iron Sword 18 14 231
Fires Sword 18 12 225 Add: Fire Damage
Flame Sword 18 16 218 Add: Fire Damage
Small Sword 19 13 226
Kaiser Sword 22 15 228
Tuck 23 15 226
Gladius 27 17 228
Centurian's Sword 30 19 225 Accuracy +3, Attack +4

Although the damage an Axe delivers is greater than Daggers, Swords and Clubs,
I would not suggest using them. This is mainly because the wait time
between strikes is far too long for this class. Rangers do not have high
hit points, so missing targets with this weapon can prove to be fatal.

Name Level Damage Delay Attributes
Bronze Axe 1 8 276
Brass Axe 8 12 276
Legionnaire's Axe 10 13 276
Light Axe 11 14 260
Bone Axe 13 16 276
Battle Axe 20 20 276
Tigerhunter 26 22 276 Add: Paralysis vs.

Clubs are a Mage class weapon. In my opinion, Rangers should keep it that
way. With no enhancing stats, and low damage ratings, Clubs should not
be used by Rangers.

Name Level Damage Delay Attributes
Ash Club 1 4 264
Freesword's Club 10 7 264
Wild Cudgel 11 7 264 HP +20, MP -20
Chestnut Club 16 9 264
Solid Club 16 10 257
Bouncer Club 20 10 264
Bone Cudgel 27 12 264

Ahhh, the trademark weapon of a Ranger. Bows in the hands of a Ranger are
very excellent weapons. Most low to mid level Rangers will be seen using Bows
due to their low ammunition costs. However, later in the game, Guns become
the weapon of choice by many Rangers because of their awesome power.

Name Level Damage Delay Attributes
Shortbow 1 5 360
Shortbow +1 1 6 351 R. Accuracy +3
Longbow 5 17 540
Longbow +1 5 18 524 R. Accuracy +2,
R. Attack +3
Self Bow 7 14 450
Self Bow +1 7 15 441 R. Accuracy +3
Ryl. Archers Longbow 10 24 540
Freesword's Bow 10 12 360
Hunter's Longbow 12 27 490 STR +1, AGI +1,
R. Accuracy +2
R. Attack +5
Power Bow 16 30 540
Power Bow +1 16 31 524 R. Accuracy +2
R. Attack +9
Hunting Bow 17 15 360
Wrapped Bow 24 19 360
Wrapped Bow +1 24 20 351 R. Accuracy +3
Assassin's Bow 29 21 330 AGI +2, R. Accuracy +3
Great Bow 30 43 540
Great Bow +1 30 44 524 R. Accuracy +2
R. Attack +12

The weapon of choice for the 'wealthy' Ranger. We are talking RICH. The
price for Gun ammo is incredibly high, and only high level Rangers will be
seen using them, generally speaking. For example, on my server, Wooden Arrows
cost around 400 Gil for 99, while Bronze Bullets cost around 5,000 Gil for 99!
Now, 99 rounds may seem like a lot, but trust me, it is nothing. Thankfully,
There are two 'types' of Guns. Oddly enough, Crossbows are considered Guns,
and fall under the same weapon skill. Therefore, it is a good idea to use
Crossbows early on to build up your 'Marksmenship' skills.

Name Level Damage Delay Attributes
Light Crossbow 1 6 288
Light Crossbow +1 1 7 280 R. Attack +3
Lgn. Crossbow 10 10 288
Crossbow 12 12 288
Crossbow +1 12 13 280 R. Attack +6
Bandit's Gun 15 14 600
Bandit's Gun +1 15 15 582
Tanegashima (Gun) 19 15 600
Tanegashima +1 (Gun) 19 16 582
Arquebus (Gun) 22 18 600
Arquebus +1 (Gun) 22 19 582
Power Crossbow 25 17 288 AGI +1
Pirate's Gun 27 20 600 Earth -3, Water +6
Pirate's Gun +1 27 21 582 Earth -3, Water +9,
Lightning +3
Zamburak 30 19 288
Zamburak +1 30 20 280 R. Attack +9

Wanna know why Ranger costs so damn much? This is why...Ammo. The single
greatest cost a Ranger has is keeping stocked on the best Ammunition possible.
Does it make a difference? Absolutely. Some arrows, for instance, not only
have greater damage, but Ranged Accuracy enhancing stats as well.

Don't be cheap! If you can afford the best Arrows, but them. Trust me, it
makes a considerable difference. Hey, who knows, might even make the
difference from that Orc kickin your butt or not...

Name Level Damage Delay Attributes
Old Arrow 1 4 126 R. Accuracy -3
Wooden Arrow 1 5 120
Stone Arrow 1 5 120
Bone Arrow 7 9 120
Iron Arrow 14 14 120
Beetle Arrow 17 12 90 R. Accuracy +5
Poison Arrow 19 16 120 Add: Poison
Silver Arrow 24 19 120
Horn Arrow 29 17 90 R. Accuracy +5
Sleep Arrow 35 1 90 Add: Sleep
Fire Arrow 45 29 120 Add: Fire Damage
Ice Arrow 45 29 120 Add: Ice Damage
Lightning Arrow 45 29 120 Add: Lightning Damage
Demon Arrow 60 34 90 Add: Weakens Attack
Kabura Arrow 70 38 90 Add: Silence

If you want to improve your Gun skills, but don't have the cash err Gil, look
no further than the cheaper alternative - the Crossbow! Perhaps the best
reason to use a Crossbow, aside from price, is the various status effects its
rounds can inflict.

Name Level Damage Delay Attributes
Rusty Bolt 1 9 200 R. Accuracy -3
Bronze Bolt 1 10 192
Crossbow Bolt 1 10 192
Acid Bolt 15 21 192 Add: Weakens Defense
Sleep Bolt 20 1 288 Add: Sleep
Blind Bolt 25 18 192 Add: Blind
Blood Bolt 25 1 240 Add: HP Drain
Venom Bolt 30 29 192 Add: Poison
Holy Bolt 30 32 192 Add: Light El. Damage
Mythril Bolt 40 40 192
Darksteel Bolt 52 50 192

Those who can use Guns are very fortunate. Reason being, Bullets are very
expensive...VERY. Bullets aren't just for looks though my friend, they pack
a serious punch. Don't believe me? Look at the list buddy, look at the

Name Level Damage Delay Attributes
Bronze Bullet 1 3 240
Bullet 22 46 240
Spartan Bullet 30 1 240 Add: Stun
Silver Bullet 50 81 210
Cannon Shell 73 90 300

Armor // Up to Lv30
One of the coolest things about a Ranger is the variety of armor you can use.
Classes such as Warriors have access to things like Mails, Jerkins and Vests.
Classes such as Monks have access to Tunics, and Doublets. Rangers, however,
have access to a little bit of both worlds. From Martial Slacks, to Centurian
Scale Mail, Rangers have it all.

Head Gear
Just like any other item you buy for your Ranger, anything that promotes AGI
is your main target.

Name Level Defense Attributes
Circlet 1 1
Windshear Hat 4 2
Traveler's Hat 6 3 Wind +1
Leather Bandana 7 3
Cmp. Eye Circlet 9 4 Evasion +5
Facegaurd 10 5
Ryl. Ftm. Bandana 10 5 AGI +1
Poet's Circlet 12 5
Sage's Circlet 12 6 INT +1
Lizard Helm 17 7
Bonze's Circlet 18 7 MP +2
Brass Mask 27 11
Wool Hat 28 9
Centurian's Visor 30 12 DEX +1
Lgn. Circlet 30 10 Wind +4, Earth +4
Strong Bandana 30 12
Studded Bandana 30 11

Body Armor
This section of the guide will not cover 'RSE' or 'Race Specific Equipment'.
Just like any other item you buy for your Ranger, anything that promotes AGI
is your main target.

Name Level Defense Attributes
Robe 1 3
Leather Vest 7 7
Tunic 8 9 Cannot Equip Headgear
Ryl. Ftm. Tunic 10 12 AGI +1, INT +1,
Cannot Equip Headgear
Royal Footman's Vest 10 10 Ice +5
Scale Mail 10 11
Solid Mail 10 12
Linen Robe 12 10
Fine Jerkin 17 16
Lizard Jerkin 17 15
Priest's Robe 19 14 MND +1, Darkness +2
Black Tunic 20 18 INT +1, Darkness +2,
Cannot Equip Headgear
Mage's Tunic 20 19 INT +2, Darkness +3,
Cannot Equip Headgear
Brass Scale Mail 27 21
Faerie Tunic 27 22 HP +6, All Elements +2,
Cannot Equip Headgear
Steam Scale Mail 27 23 Fire +3, Wind +3, Water +3
Wool Robe 28 18
Ctr. Scale Mail 30 23 VIT +1
Strong Vest 30 23
Studded Vest 30 22

Hand Armor
Just like any other item you buy for your Ranger, anything that promotes AGI
is your main target.

Name Level Defense Attributes
Cuffs 1 1
Leather Gloves 7 2
Mitts 8 2
Ryl. Footman's Gloves 10 3 Attack +3
Scale Finger Gnt. 10 3
Solid Finger Gnt. 10 4
Zealot's Mitts 11 3 MP +5, INT -2, MND +3
Linen Cuffs 12 3
Fine Gloves 17 6
Lizard Gloves 17 5
White Mitts 20 4
Brass Finger Gnt. 27 7
Wool Cuffs 28 6
Ctr. Finger Gnt. 30 8 DEX +1
Strong Gloves 30 8
Studded Gloves 30 7

Leg Armor
Just like any other item you buy for your Ranger, anything that promotes AGI
is your main target. Martial Slacks are especially nice, but they aren't
available till Lv24...

Name Level Defense Attributes
Slops 1 2
Slacks 8 5
Freesword's Slops 10 3
Scale Cuisses 10 7
Solid Cuisses 10 8
Fine Trousers 17 11
Lizard Trousers 17 10
Great Cuisses 19 12 HP +4, MP +4
Black Slacks 20 10
Mage's Slacks 20 11 INT +1
Martial Slacks 24 12 AGI +2, Evasion +3
Brass Cuisses 27 15
Wool Slops 28 13
Ctr. Cuisses 30 16 AGI +2
Strong Trousers 30 17
Studded Trousers 30 16

Foot Armor
Just like any other item you buy for your Ranger, anything that promotes AGI
is your main target. Leaping Boots, Strider Boots and Winged Boots are
especially nice, but they are extremely Rare, and hard to find. Oh! And at
ALL costs, do not buy, look at, or even THINK about getting Stumbling Sandles.
Why? Well, because Stumbling Boots may very well be the worst item in the
entire game!

Name Level Defense Attributes
Ash Clogs 1 1
Leaping Boots 7 3 DEX +3, AGI +3
Leather Highboots 7 2
Solea 8 2
Ryl. Footman's Boots 10 3 Fire +3, Ice +3
Scale Greaves 10 3
Solid Greaves 10 4
Holly Clogs 12 3
Light Soleas 13 4 Evasion +3
Fine Ledelsens 17 5
Lizard Ledelsens 17 4
Power Sandles 18 3 VIT +3, Fire +7
Mage's Sandles 20 5 MP +3, AGI +1
Ryl. Footman's Clogs 20 5 AGI +1
Sandles 20 4
Strider Boots 20 4 AGI +2, Movement Speed +12%
Stumbling Sandles 22 4 DEX -10, AGI -10
Winged Boots 24 5 DEX +3, AGI +3
Winged Boots +1 24 6 DEX +3, AGI +3
Brass Greaves 27 6
Chestnut Sabots 28 5
Centurian Greaves 30 7 AGI +1
Strong Boots 30 7
Studded Boots 30 6

Accessories // Up to Lv30
This section of the Guide will cover Accessories that are benefitial to a
Ranger. There are many accessories in the game, and nearly all of them can
be used by all Races, and all Job Classes. Therefore, this list will be
primarily made up of Accessories that are most suited for Rangers-items that
have Agility, Strength, or Evasion for example.

Name Level Defense Type Attributes
Cotton Headband 14 3 Headgear Evasion +3
Emperor Hairpin 24 NA Headgear HP -15, Dex +3, AGI +3,
Evasion +10
Scentless Armlets 16 4 Armlet Evasion +5
Gigas Bracelets 30 9 Armlet HP +15, STR +3 Dex -2,
AGI -2
Silver Earring 14 NA Earring Attack -1, Evasion +1
Silver Earring +1 14 NA Earring Attack -2, Evasion +2
Bone Earring 16 NA Earring Attack +1, Evasion -1
Bone Earring +1 16 NA Earring Attack +2, Evasion -1
Beetle Earring 21 NA Earring Attack +2, Evasion -2
Beetle Earring +1 21 NA Earring Attack +3, Evasion -2
Mythril Earring 24 NA Earring Attack -2, Evasion +2
Mythril Earring +1 24 NA Earring Attack -3, Evasion +3
Dodge Earring 29 NA Earring Evasion +3
Rabbit Charm 7 NA Neckware Steal +1, Dex +1, AGI +1
Wing Pendant 7 NA Neckware AGI +1, Wind +1,
Earth +1
Ranger's Necklace 14 NA Neckware Accuracy +5, R. Attack +5
Fang Necklace 21 NA Neckware STR +2, DEX +2, MND -4
Green Gorget 21 3 Neckware Ice - 3, Evasion +1
Spike Necklace 21 NA Neckware STR +3, DEX +3, MND -6
Tiger Stole 24 2 Neckware Attack +5
Ryl. Sqr. Collar 30 3 Neckware Evasion +1
Sardonyx Ring 14 NA Ring STR +1, Fire +3
Courage Ring 14 NA Ring STR +2, Fire +4
Tourmaline Ring 14 NA Ring AGI +1, Wind +3
Reflex Ring 14 NA Ring AGI +2, Wind +4
Bone Ring 16 NA Ring Accuracy -2,
Ranged Accuracy +2
Beetle Ring 21 NA Ring Accuracy -3,
Ranged Accuracy +3
Archer's Ring 30 NA Ring Accuracy +2,
Ranged Accuracy +2
Barbarian's Belt 18 2 Belt STR +1, VIT +1, DEX -1,
AGI -1
Brave Belt 18 3 Belt STR +2, VIT +2, DEX -1,
AGI +1
Mrc. Cpt. Belt 30 3 Belt DEX +1, VIT +1, AGI +1,
INT +1, MND +1, CHR +1
Traveler's Mantle 12 1 Mantle Evasion +3

//// 06- Job Combinations ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
This section of the Guide will focus on Job Combinations. Although certain
Job Combinations are more suited for one another, there are a few exceptions,
and if you wanna stand out a little, go for it.
The standard choice. This combination offers the maximum strength a Ranger
can have. At early levels, most Rangers you see will take advantage of this
combo. At higher levels however, the Ranger/Samurai combo is seen more often
due to the higher gained TP rates, and the constant use of the Ranger's weapon
skills. However, up until about Lv60, this combo remains top dog. With a
higher strength, and the ability to use 'Berserk', the damage dealt can be
quite impressive.
Range/Monks are few in the world of Vana'diel. This does not imply that it is
a terrible choice, just not the 'best'. There are a few things you could
consider this job for, however. Ranger Defense is terrible to say the least.
We basically rely on Evasion as our best defense. A Monk could help in this
regard, because of its 'Dodge' ability. The 'Boost' ability offers another
incentive, but is ultimatly over-shadowed by the 'Berserk' ability the
Ranger/Warrior combo gives.
Ranger/White Mage
The Ranger/White Mage combination is useful in a couple different regards. As
a party combination it doesn't have too many major uses or benefits, but in a
solo situation, this combo has a few helpful things going for it. For one,
Rangers solo worms very effectively. The ability to hit and run so to speak,
is a good way to get easy exp. However, sometimes you get beat up, and it's
nice to be able to heal yourself during the fight. As with any class at low
levels, a White Mage sub is very important to success. It not only helps
during the fight, but between as well. Keeping down time to a minimum is
always nice, and this job combo helps in that regard.
Ranger/Black Mage
*Tries hard to find a reason to do this* Nope, nothing. This combo does not
offer one positive thing that I can think of. No healing, no strength, no
agility, nothing. OH! Once you hit Lv34 you could use warp! Oh yeah, that
isn't very cool either. If you wanna do this combo, more power to ya, but
I didn't say so...
Ranger/Red Mage
Again, there is no real reason I could give to be a Ranger/Red Mage. Sure,
at Lv20 you would aquire a better resistence against petrification, but
seriously, how many monsters can petrify in the entire game? Like five? On top
of that, its not even gaurunteed to work...but we are getting off the point.
Once again, not advised.
Okay! Here is a good combo. Ranger/Thiefs are somewhat commonplace in the
game. This combo offers a higher Agility, a Ranger's best friend, and a few
extra ways to get some Gil. Sneak Attack is VERY good in able hands, and
really punishes enemies. Times can get hard as a Ranger, gil is always too
little, so this combo is helpful in more ways than one.
Ranger/Paladins do not have very much going for them. With no strength,
agility, or accuracy bonuses, this combo is not suggested. If you think that
the extra White Magic might be useful, forget about it. Paladins learn magic
spells later than White Mages do, and the Magic Points you will have will be
Ranger/Dark Knight
I have yet to see a Ranger/Dark Knight. As with the Ranger/Paladin combo, do
not consider this sub for the magic. However, there are more things going for
this than the Paladin sub...There are a few strength bonuses to be had here,
and the 'Last Resort' ability may find it's use sometime, but it will never
match the bonuses made from the Ranger/Warrior combo.
Beastmasters do not make a good sub for any job. Without the use of the Charm
ability, this combo is nothing more than a waste of time. Once again, I have
never seen this combo, and I think I never will...
Much like the Beastmaster, Bards are not meant to be a sub class. As a sub, a
Bard cannot have 2 songs going on at the same time. Furthermore, the best
songs come later in the game, and a Ranger/Bard would never have access to
them. Not to mention, that the manly side of the Ranger would be completely
stripped away by having a flippin Bard as a sub class...
What do summoners do again? Oh yeah, Summon stuff. Why would you want to be
a Summoner again? Oh yeah, to Summon stuff. Summoners lose this luxery when
made as a sub class. The main reason to sub a Summoner would be for massive
loads of MP. Unfortunatly, Rangers don't use magic, so this might be the
worst sub a Ranger could possibly have. BUT, if you wanna do it...ugh...
A very good choice at later levels. Ranger weapon skills are devastatinglater
in the game. High level players are mostly seen with this combo. The TP
bonuses gained from the Samurai are quite emmense. A Ranger that can use its
weapon skills often is perhaps the most deadly attacker possible. The road to
a Ranger/Samurai is a long one, but those who tough it out will find
themselves stronger than they thought possible.
My personal choice. Ranger/Ninjas gain a higher Agility over time, which is
crucial to this job. The duel wield ability is especially nice at Lv28 when
Archer's Knives become available for use. Aside from that, it is also fun to
use various Ninjutsu spells to further expose enemy weaknesses, and to add a
little variety in combat. This job is somewhat rare due to its tremendous
cost, however. This combo is the game's most expensive job class. This combo
is not for those who do not have a lot of gil, or time for that matter. If
you do happen to choose this job though, you will not be disappointed.
The best thing about the Dragoon is the ability to summon a Wyvern to fight at
your side...this, unfortunatly, is the Dragoon's 2hr ability, and cannot be
used when Dragoon is a sub class. Therefore, I do not encourage anyone to use
this combo, because like so many others, it has no real benefit.

//// 07- Playing as a Ranger /////////////////////////////////////////////////
The role of a Ranger is simple enough...Deal out damage. You do not need to
heal, you do not need to tank, you need to hit, and you need to hit hard.
As with any job, it is important to know your role. It is unfair to the party
to be a mediocre Ranger. Would you want a second rate White Mage healing you?
I don't think so. But how does a Ranger 'Not' perform? Well, a good Ranger
takes it upon himself to have the best equipment at all times. Inferior
equipment makes an inferior Ranger. Times may get tough, but you need to
take it upon yourself to find a way to make it.

Take pride in what you do, be the best you can, your skills and hard work will
make you a very respected player. There aren't many of us, so it's easy to
gain a reputation. You want make sure you get a good one.

So, what is expected from us aside from dealing damage? Well, you aren't any
good to a party dead. Evaluate your tanks, are they good? If you aren't
confident with your tanks, try not to continually pummel enemies with arrows.
Rangers build a lot of Hate. Yes, we can dish the pain, but we certainly
can't take it. Don't be stingy though, just be cautious.

What about pulling? Are we going to always have to pull? Although Rangers
are effective pullers, you will not always be given that task. Stronger
enemies can really hurt you on the trip back, so don't be surprised if a smart
PT leader assigns others to do the pulling. However, if the people pulling
don't know what they are doing, it is your job to take over.

What do I do once combat starts? Smart Rangers know where their team mates
are at all times. Why is this important? Well, when you are fighting Goblins
for instance, all that Hate you build is more than likely gonna get you a bomb
served in your dish. It's important to stay away from Mages, you don't want
any healing taken away from your dmg dealers. Depending on your subclass, a
Ranger basically stays away from enemies and snipes them from afar. An
exception to this rule is the Ranger/Ninja. Melee combat is thrown into the
mix with this combo...2 hits with the daggers, 1 shot with the bow... Other
than that, Ranger is basically in the outskirts of the battlefield.

//// 08- Frequently Asked Questions //////////////////////////////////////////
And now for all of the questions people have asked me through the course of
my career as a Ranger...

Question: Is Ranger expensive?

What? Have you been living under a rock for the past, I dunno - however long
this game has been out? Yes ladies and gentlemen, Ranger is expensive. No,
it's not just arrows, but everything else as well. Your main priority, as far
as equipment goes, is to achieve the highest AGI possible. Aside from the
obvious AGI boosting Rings and such, most +1 Bows have AGI or Ranged Accuracy/
Attack boosting stats. This can also be said about many different pieces of
armor as well. All told, the price for maintaining a solid Ranger can be
quite steep indeed.

Question: When does gil start to become an issue for a Ranger?

Rangers is a very cheap class at first. This is due to the low cost in both
weapons, and ammunition such as arrows, etc. At around Lv15, things start to
become a little more spendy. This is because better equipment will be at your
disposal. This is actually a very good thing, howover. It is a good idea to
keep your AGI high. Rangers who miss aren't good Rangers. At Lv14 you will
be able to use the Ranger's Necklace given at the quest, but this is not
enough. It is a good idea to but some AGI raising accessories. Rings, such
as the Reflex Ring, will help out a ton.

Question: When do I get the 'Wide Scan' Ability?

'Wide Scan' is inhereted at Lv1. It can also be used when Ranger is used as
a sub class.

Question: How do I use 'Wide Scan'?

Using 'Wide Scan' is easy, just go to the main menu, and click on map...
You will notice that under the 'Markers' button, you can choose 'Wide Scan'.
Monsters will show on the map as red dots, the list on the left shows all
of the monsters within a certain radius. Click on a monster in the list,
and u will have the option to Track it.

Question: What class should you sub Ranger for?

The class that is most suited to have Ranger as a sub is Thief. You will see
many THF/RNG in Vana'diel, and for good reason. The ability to track monsters
goes further than your average Wild Hare. Notorius Monsters or NM's can be
seen too. This is a very nice addition to the Thief, as NM's are a good way
to make Gil.

Question: What kind of accessories should I buy?

Anything that adds AGI is a priority. The only exception to the rule lies in
what Race you are. Tarutaru and Mithra have a naturally high AGI. Therefore,
buying STR enhancing stuff is okay.

//// 09- Legal Biz ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
This Guide is Copywrite by Tim Kinzie. It may not be reproduced, edited, or
otherwise distributed through any other website other than without
previous written consent by myself, beforehand. This guide may be reproduced
for personal, private use only.

If you see this Guide posted on any other website, please notify me. I can
be reached at

//// 10- Credits /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
============================================================================== for hosting this guide. Been coming here for years, thanks for
running such a helpful site! // - for General Info.

BRADYGAMES, for the in depth Ability charts that I used in the 'Abilities'
section of this Guide. Also, for parts of the 'Equipment' section of this
Guide, such as some abbreviations, and items I did not catch when I manually
surfed the Auction Houses. Thanks a lot!

//// 11- Special Thanks //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Special Thanks to...

Alex and Duncan, my two best friends, thanks for always being there for me.
May the 'Trio O' Fantastico Dudes Wit' Fantastico Attitudes' live on forever.

The numerous people that have sent me thanks, comments, and suggestions about
this guide. The reason why us 'Contributers' submit guides is to help people,
thanks for letting me know this one has, and for offering suggestions to make
it better!

All of the people I have met in FFXI, you are what make MMO's worth playing,
you can't beat some of the friendships I have made with a stick, and if you
ever need anything, just give me a ring-a-ding!

A Very big thanks to the kind people I have met overseas in FFXI. I couldn't
ask for better people to play with, namly Sephirothid, Hols and Goodspeed, you
guys rock. Arigatou!

Hiroo!!! Thanks for helping me with the Ranger Quest my man! If it wasn't
for you, I might have gotten eaten by one of those flippin tigers! Arigatou!

All of the White Mages who come strolling along after I get my butt whooped
by something, throw up a =), and raise me! You rock!

BRADYGAMES, for releasing your Strategy Guide, I would have been lost without
it...seriously, when I was doing the key quest solo, your maps were solid
gold baby! Also want to thank you for making the ability charts clear, they
are to date the best I have seen, that's why I used them for reference =)

And to Square-Enix, for releasing one of the best games I have gotten to play,
as well as countless others that have made an impact on me in one way or
another. Keep em' coming!

--This is your buddy Tim Kinzie - Logging Off - Take it easy everyone =)--

=====================// Estuans Interius Ira Vehementi \=====================

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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