Final Fantasy 11

Final Fantasy 11

18.10.2013 00:50:57

Final Fantasy XI
Auction House Guide v 1.2
Last Updated: 08/08/04
Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Andrew Bertino (neonoven)

Name: Kenutoto Server: Valefor City: Windurst Level: 6

Table of Contents |

I. Copyright Information
II. Version History
III. Introduction
IV. Understanding the Auction House
V. Auction House Item List
VI. Acknowledgements and Credits

I. Copyright Information |

I know most people don't read these, but it needs to be done. I hate having
to write this just as much as you do having to read this. I wish this wasn't
needed, but we have people out there (thanks to omlette for finding a typo)
today who would just steal anything just to call it their own. Anyway,
enough said about that, on with the legal stuff.

This document is under copyright (c) 2003-2004 Andrew Bertino. This FAQ is for
private and personal use only and in no way should be reproduced. All trademarks
are the properties of their respective owners. Final Fantasy and Vana'diel are
registered trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd.

This FAQ is only to be posted on the following sites:

If you wish to post this FAQ on your website please contact me via e-mail at

Ok, it was short and I'm sure I missed something there and I'll probably be
sued, but hey who isn't getting sued these days? Now on to the FAQ!

II. Version History |

Version 0.1

I began starting the FAQ and I setup the table of contents. I also finished the
copyright information, introduction and I began this version history section.

Version 0.5

I finished the Understanding the Auction House section and I shall soon
being on the main portion of the FAQ.

Version 0.7

Began the Auction House Item list and I fix some typos and errors. I also added
a new tip in the Understanding the Auction House section. I'm thinking about
expanding the list to more then just Bastok. If I decided to do that, I will
notify you in the next version.

Version 0.8

Progress has been pretty good and the list should be complete soon. I went to
Jeuno to get my Chocobo License and to kill some time I decided to get the list
for Jeuno as well. So, I added some more items to the list. I added the ones
that the Bastok Auction House didn't have, so I'm on my way to a more complete
list. Anyway, thanks for your patience on this matter. It should be done soon.

Version 0.9

A setback has come forth. An update was released on 12/15/03 for FFXI and within
the update they reorganized the categories on the Auction House. They gave
Crystals and Food their own category. The Food and Other categories are now
broken down into sub-categories. They also added sub-categories to other areas
as well. So, now I have to go back and readjust the Item list to appropriately
accord to the now new order of the categories. After I reorganize this situation
I can continue on to finishing the remainder of the list. Also, I will be
leaving December 19th for Florida to spend my Christmas Holiday with my family.
So, that will also set me back a week. I will adjust list to the fit the new
update before I go, but I won't be able to make any additions to the list till I
return. I apologize for the setbacks.

Version 1.0

I'm back from my vacation in Florida and I return bearing gifts! I have finished
the list and that brings this FAQ to its full version. I have also added some
new final concepts. I will of course update from time to time as I know new
items appear on the Auction House frequently. Well, hopefully everyone enjoys
the full list!

Version 1.1

I've added a few little things here and there, plus I also fixed some typos. I
have now traveled to each city that has an Auction House. I have gotten the
lists from Bastok, Windurst, Jeuno, and San d'Oria and have combined them all
into one big final list. I will periodically add new items to the list when

Version 1.2

After eight months of no Final Fantasy XI, I can finally say I'm back. I had to
quit due to financial situations. I had lost my job and I simply didn't want to
have any excess bills adding up. So, I lost my previous level 28 Warrior, but
now I am back with a Black Mage. I'm sure there has been a bunch load of new
items added to the Auction House since my absence, but due to my low level I
can't travel to Jeuno quite yet to obtain a better list. I may look at my
Auction House in Windurst and add a few items here or there. So, look forward to
more updates in the future.

III. Introduction |

I was at the Auction House in Bastok and I was browsing through the item lists
looking for a specific item. I didn't know what category my item was under
and I looked for what seemed like forever. I eventually found it, but it took
way too long to find my item. I assumed many others were also having the same
problem, especially those new to the game. I was curious if anyone had a
list of what item goes where. After searching for a while, I found nothing
and this is how this FAQ began. I thought it would interesting to write a
FAQ that labeled what items go with what category. Hopefully this FAQ can
help you determine what items are where, so you can quickly buy that item
before someone else does. Also, I hope this FAQ can help you better understand
how the Auction House works, so you can use this great feature in the game
to its fullest capacity. So, that's the history of how this FAQ came about.
Without further delay, it's time to advance to the useful part of the FAQ!

IV. Understanding the Auction House |

If you would like to join a party or just meet people and can't find a place to
do so, this is a great place to start. The Auction House, no matter what city,
always contains a large mass of people all bundled into one small place.
Auction Houses are usually placed somewhere on each map of a major city. Most
commonly they are placed in the middle of a Market. You will know you are at an
Auction House when you see wooden counters and all the people standing around
these counters. You can also find Auction Houses without counters. In some
cities, Jeuno for example, there are NPCs who you can talk to that will initiate
an Auction House. A good way to tell if a NPC is being used as an Auction House
is by checking the number of people around it. Usually large crowds don't all
talk to NPCs unless it's an Auction House or an important mission or quest.

I'm sure you’re sitting there asking what makes the Auction House so special?
It's special for many reasons. It's most special quality is the ability to make
some decent gil. You can sell your goods here and make good money. The downfall
with selling goods though is that it takes time for people to purchase your
goods. You sell your goods based on the price history of that item and if you
stay within the price stated in the history it should sell quickly. The price
history of item can be found by trying to purchase the same item you are
trying to sell. When you go to purchase or bid you would select that item and
then select its price history and then jot it down. Then you would go back and
sell your item for the price that you wrote down and it will eventually sell. Of
course, another quality is the ability to buy various equipment, usually not
sold in most stores. If you need a certain sword or armor, your best bet is to
search the Auction House.

I'm sure you're wondering what happens to your money when it sells. It's quite
simple actually. When your item sells the money it sold for will be
immediately sent to your delivery box at your Mog House. If you begin to sell
an item and it's not selling fast enough or you put in on sale by accident you
can easily take it of by selecting the sales status from the Auction House
initial menu. If one of your items happens to sell you also need to go to sales
status and take the sold item off the list so you can fit more on the sales
list. All sold items are a sand color and all non-sold are green. Be sure to
keep up with that, because you are limited to only 7 items on your sales list.
From the sales list you can also check price history to see if the price of the
item you were trying to sell has changed. If your item is not selling go back
and check the sales status and make sure the value of the item hasn't dropped.

Now to sell goods there has to be people out there who actually bid on them. If
you can't find a particular item I'm sure you can find it at the Auction House.
To search for items select bid and categories of items will pop up. I will have
a list of what item is where later on in this FAQ. After you have found what
you would like to purchase select the item and once again you will be able
to check the price history of that item so you know how much to bid. Once
you have check the price select bid and then enter the price you found out
from the price history. Once you have entered you price, at the top of the
screen it will say placing bid. A few seconds later in the log window it will
say if you were able to purchase the item or if you were unable to. If you
were, congratulations on your purchase. All purchased items go straight to your
inventory and not to your delivery box. Money from sold items and unsold goods
go to the delivery box. If you were unable to buy your item, play with numbers a
little and you will eventually be able to buy it. I've never had to buy and item
for much more then what the highest price on the history list.

I'm sure for some items you have seen mixed prices on the price history. This
happens often and it's an important thing to take note of. For instance, if an
item had sold 5 times for 50 gil, 5 times for 100 gil, and 1 time for 150 gil
you might have to set your price for bid/sell to somewhere in the middle. If
you’re selling your item and there is fluctuation in the price history I would
try selling it for the price of the most common price on the list. So, if there
are 7 for 50 gil and 3 for 100 gil, I would sell it for 50 Gil as you will have
a better chance of getting it sold. When bidding for items I usually start with
the lowest price on the price history and then work my way up. Sometimes you can
actually get the item for the cheapest price on the list and you save yourself
some decent money.

Also, another important thing to know about the Auction House is how they work
from city to city and world to world. For example, I play in world/server of
Carbuncle and I live in Bastok. My items on my world in Bastok are different
from the items in Bastok on a different world. This also applies for cities
in the same world. If I were to go to Windurst the prices at Windurst would
differ from the prices at Bastok. This is good to know if you have friends on
the same server at a different city. You might be able to ask your friend to
buy the item your looking for at his Auction House for cheaper. He then could
send it to you and you could send the money to him in return and you can save
money. For example if you want a fire crystal and it's priced at 250 gil at
you’re Auction House and you only have 200 gil you might want to ask your
friend if it's cheaper at their Auction House. At their Auction House it may
only be 200 gil, so you could give them the money and they could send you the
item or vice versa. (Thanks to bpfinsa for this information.)


Ok, you might be sitting there going what the hell did all that mean in
English. So I'm going to show you how to buy and sell in more depth using
actual terms.

The Auction House Initial Menu -

First when you come to the Auction House target the wooden window looking thing
and the main menu will pop up. You will have three options to choose from:

Sales Status

Bidding -

If you would like to bid for items select bid and categories will appear and
they should be as follows: (Changed as of 12/15/03)


Each category when selected brings up sub-categories except for Furnishings,
Crystals and Medicines. I have a full detailed list of what item is what and
where it is and it is further down in the FAQ. For this example we will try to
buy a weapon. Select Weapons and a whole bunch of weapon types will appear.
We'll purchase a sword. So, select Swords from the list. A list of available
swords will appear. For the example will try to buy an Onion sword. If for some
reason the Onion sword is not at your Auction House just choose a sword you'd
like. Select the Onion sword, or which ever sword you chose, and three more
options will come about:

Price History

Select Price History and a window will pop up and it will have different prices
that the weapon has sold at. On my world, in Bastok, the Onion Sword is sold
for from 50 gil to 200 gil. The prices for the Onion sword may vary from world
to world and city-to-city. Take the lowest price for the Onion sword or the
sword you chose and write it down. Also take the highest price from the list
and copy it down. No back up and select the Onion sword or your sword again
and this time select bid. A price range bar will pop up and you can adjust
the price. I recommend starting from the lowest price on the history list
and working your way up. So for the Onion sword on my world I would start
with 50 gil. For you, use the lowest price of the Onion sword in your world
and in your city and start with that. If you chose a different sword, also
start with the lowest price and go from there. I would move left once on the
range bar to get two digits. Every time you move left on the bar it adds a
digit. So I would move left once and up 5 times to get to a price of 50 gil.
I would then select bid and hit enter. A message will appear at the top saying
Placing Bid. After a few moments a message will appear in the log window saying
either you were able to buy the Onion sword for 50 gil or you were unable to buy
the Onion sword for 50 gil. The text would of course change to fit your
parameters. If you were able to get the sword for the cheap price, pat yourself
on the back, because you have good luck and you usually can't get it for the
cheapest price. If you were unable to buy the sword continue adding some to the
price of your bid until you are able to purchase it. Sometimes you might have to
go over the highest price on the history list, but that is rare.

Swords and weapons that you can equip will be highlighted in a sand color. Just
because you can't equip a weapon doesn't mean you can't bid for it. There are
occasions when you can't bid on items that are on the list. If an item you are
looking for has something like this next to it [1], then you can bid
on that item. If there is no number next to it then you cannot bid,
because that item is not being sold by anybody. If you want to see the list in
a certain order, select the item you want and select sort. With sort you can
sort the categories by damage, delay, level, job, and race. To return to the
list without sorting just click escape or select To List. Sorting is a good way
to find out what items you can buy and equip. When you sort by level it sorts
by the highest level. So if your level 10, you will want to scroll all the way
down to the bottom. All the items you can equip will be arranged in a neat
order at the bottom of the list. This makes it easier for you to determine the
best possible equipment that your character can equip.

That's about it for bidding.

Selling -

If you would like to sell some of your items select sell and your inventory
list will appear. Browse through your item list and select the items you wish
to sell. Remember though that you can't sell items that are stacked that
haven't reached the quantity of 12 or 99. So if you have 5 Flint Stones you
can't sell them until you gather 12 of them. You can sell only items that have
the quantity of 1, 12, or 99. Most items are stacked by twelve, but if you
are in need of arrows, shurikens, or other ammo they are usually stacked by 99.
Not all items can sell as stacks of 12 or 99. Some items can sell at 99 and not
at 12, and some items can sell for 12 and not 99. If you need to know what can
sell for 99 or 12, check The Auction House Item List, which follows this

Before you sell your items go back to bid and follow the same process as above
to find out the price history of the item you are about to sell. Take note that
if you are selling a stack of 12 or 99 select the item that has a pink 12 or 99
next to it to find out the history of the stack. If you are selling just 1
of the item just select the one without the pink number. Like with bidding
write down the highest and lowest prices. Now go back to sell and select the
item. Once you have chosen your item or stack of items a message will appear in
your log windows saying how much the transaction fee is. When selling items the
Auction House charges a fee for the transaction. It is usually a small fee of a
couple of gil. If you travel to foreign Auction Houses though, they will jack
you for the cost of the fee and usually charge you 100 gil. Also, if you are
selling a stacked item the fee will be 5 times the regular fee. So, if your fee
is 10 gil for one item you will be charged 50 gil for a stack of 12. So, take
those into consideration when deciding where you want to sell your items and if
you want to sell a stack or as individuals.

Anyway, after the fee message appears select the item again and another range
bar will appear. Now for the price I would enter the median of the highest and
lowest price from the history list. For example, if you’re selling copper ore
and the highest price is 100 gil and the lowest is 50 gil, I recommend selling
it for 75 gil. You can sell it for higher if you like, but I wouldn't sell it
for any higher then highest price on the history list. Take note though that
even if you sell it for 75 gil you might be able to make more money on it. It
depends on how much the bidder bids when it comes up to your item. So, if you
sold the copper ore for 75 gil and it's next on the sales list and someone bids
100 gil on the copper ore you might make the 100 gil instead of just the 75 gil.
See Selling Tip # 2 below for more information.

Once you select your price a message will come up in your log window and it will
say that if your item does not sell within 9 weeks of Vana'diel time it will be
returned to your delivery box at your Mog House. 9 weeks in Vana'diel time is
approximately 3 days real world time. That is the only downfall of selling items
on the Auction House, it takes time. If you have priced the item right it
shouldn't take to long to sell. Take note that you can only be selling 7 items
at a time. If you want to take off items and to see if your items have sold
continue on below to Sales Status.

Also, if you are to travel to foreign cities the price history for items will
differ, sometimes greatly. The same goes for buying. Items in Jeuno may sell for
more money then at your home city, but take in account that if you go to that
foreign city you will get charged a higher fee, so it may not be worth your
while. If you don't like traveling to other cities you can use the method
stated above. You can get your friend to buy something for you or in this case
you can send them your item and ask them to sell it at their city. So, if you
live in Bastok and your friend is in Jeuno you can deliver a Leather Vest to
your friend and ask them to put it on Auction for you at their Auction House.
Your friend would then send you the money when the item sold. Of course though
this requires a trusting friend. By using this method you can get the most for
your items without traveling and you bypass the higher fees.

Selling Tip # 1 -

(Thanks to Johny Lau for bringing this tip to my attention.)

Let's say you were selling an Onion Sword for example. If you were to go to bid
and find the Onion Sword you would see how many of them are already on sale. For
this example, let's say that there were already 6 on sale. Before selling select
the sales history of the Onion Sword and you will see the most recent sales.
of this item. You will also notice the date of the transaction and the amount it
sold for. The date would be written like 03/12/07, where 03 is the year, 12
being the month and 7 being the day. Now write those down and sell your item
using the steps above. Let's say you were away for two days and you came back
and your item was still on the sales status. You would then check the sales
status on the item you are selling to see if the price has changed at all. You
might notice though that for the Onion Sword there have been transactions
after you posted your item. So you are sitting there wondering why some one
else’s Onion Sword sold before yours did even though they sold theirs later then
you did. Johny Lau had this questioned answered by a Game Master. Apparently
the items for sale in the sales status are arranged by the prices they were sold
at and not by the date of the transaction.

So, to explain it a bit easier, let's have one more example. You sold your sword
for 150 gil, because most were sold at that price. Now let's say you have a
friend who sold the same sword at a later time, but for lesser gil. We'll say
you sold your sword on 12/06/03 for 150 gil and your friend sold his sword on
12/07/03 for 125 gil. You log in again on 12/08/03 and you go to see if your
sword hold sold. You find out that it has not sold yet and you decided to wait
a little longer. A little while later you check again, and still no. You are
about to change the price, when your friend messages you. He tells you that
he just sold his Onion sword that he put on sale the day before. You get angry
with him and ask him why his sword sold before yours did even though you placed
yours on sale before he did. Well, the question to that answer is a small
fraction of 25 gil. Because your friend sold his sword for 25 gil cheaper,
he sold his faster then you did, even though he put it on sale later.

So, in reality it's not when you sell it sometimes, it's how much you sell it
for. I told you above to sell it for the most common price, which you can still
do and most likely get it sold. But, if you'd rather loose a few gil to get your
item sold quicker then I would recommend selling the item for a small fraction
cheaper then the lowest price on the history.

I hope you were able to understand this as it was difficult for me to figure
out for a little while. If you have any questions on this please feel free to
e-mail me at

Once again thanks to Johny Lau for this information.

Selling Tip # 2 -

(Thanks to Thespian102 for bringing this tip to my attention.)

This tip is similar to the first tip. I'll use an example to explain this in
greater detail. Let's say you wanted to sell one fire crystal. You would go
through the usual steps on selling (above if needed) and you would determine the
price of the fire crystal using the sales history. Let's say the last fire
crystal was sold for 200 gil. Normally you would go to sell and select that fire
crystal and sell it for 200 gil. In Tip # 1 you would sell it for a bit less and
probably get it sold a little quicker. In this case for this fire crystal, sell
it for 1 gil, yes one gil you heard me right. This will insure your item will be
first on the sales list as not many will put their crystal up for sale of 1 gil.
But why 1 gil? At the Auction House when someone bids on something they usually
bid around the average price from the sales history. In this case a person
seeking a fire crystal would probably bid around 200 gil. Now, if you sold your
fire crystal for 1 gil and a person comes around to buy a fire crystal they
would probably enter 200 gil. Since you sold yours at a low price of 1 gil it
probably will be the first on the sales list. So, when that person bids the 200
gil for that crystal even though you sold yours for 1 gil you will sell that
crystal for 200 gil. Just because you put an asking price of 1 gil doesn't mean
you will get just one gil. All that matters when selling is what the bidder
bids. So if you sell something for 1 gil and the person behind you bids for that
same item and bids 4000 gil, you will probably make the 4000 gil. The same
applies for higher prices as well. If you sell that crystal for the original
200 gil and when its turn on the sales list comes up and someone bids 300 gil
you will get 300 gil. There is a down side to this though. If you sell your item
for 1 gil and someone comes up and bids 1 gil for your item you will only make a
whopping one gil. Let's go back to the fire crystal. You sold the crystal for 1
gil. Another player wants a fire crystal and goes through the buying process but
instead of entering 100 gil they accidentally enter 10 gil. Since you sold your
crystal at 1 gil to make it first on the list yours will be the first selling.
Since it’s on the sales list as 1 gil and the first bid on your item was 10 gil
you will only receive 10 gil. That is the only downside to this tip. This
probably won't happen too often. Most of the time you would probably make good
money this way and really quick as well. So, there is a risk to take when
selling it for a price of 1 gil.

Also, this could be used to your advantage when buying. Don't always try buying
for just the average price. Start out really low and work your way up. That way
you might be able to buy and expensive item for cheap, because someone tried
using the same ideas from tip # 1 and 2. Hopefully this tip wasn't too hard to
understand. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me using the address

Thanks again to Thespian102 for this insightful tip.

Sales Status -

Check here to see what items you are selling and to see if your items have
sold. If your item has sold it will be highlighted in a sand color, if not it,
should be green. If your item hasn't sold in 9 weeks of Vana'diel time or 3
days real time, it will appear in red and your item will be returned to your
Mog House (Thanks to The FFXI FAQ Writer, who brought this to my attention via
e-mail). If you select a sold item, a message will appear in your log window
saying that your item was sold. If your item was sold. go immediately to you’re
Mog House, because you have money waiting for you. If your item is green you
can select it to bring up Price History and Stop Sale. If your item is not
selling fast enough for you, check the price history and make sure the prices
haven't adjusted since you first sold your item. This may account for you item
not selling. If you’re tired of an item not selling or you put the item up for
sale by accident, select the item and choose Stop Sale and the item will return
to your inventory. Remember that you can only have 7 items on your sales status
list, so make sure you remove all sold items so you can make room for more.

If you are curious, I found something interesting when I talked to an NPC next
to an Auction House. That NPC told me that the IAHC or the International Auction
House Commitee determines how many items you can sell at a time, 7. I'm sure
it's just some thing they put in there to make the game seem more real to life,
but you never know, it might mean at one point they could raise the number to
something higher. So, I'l keep my eyes open for that just in case they decide
to allow more sellings on any of the future updates.

Advice -

If you need advice right away and don't want to read this (even though
you are right now) you can ask any NPC near the Auction House. Each Auction
House with counters should have an NPC around to assist you. I'm not sure how
worthy there answers will be, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Also if you ever needed to send something to someone, an item or gil, you can
talk to the NPCs around the Auction House and one of them should be able to
assist you in sending that person the item or the gil. To do this make sure your
know the persons in game name as that is the only way to get that item to that


That's pretty much it for how to use and understand the Auction House. If you
still have any questions feel free to e-mail me at

V. Auction House Item List |

Before looking at the Item list below take note of the following:

The item list below is for the Auction Houses on my server/world of Carbuncle. I
have finished the whole list which now consists of all 4 major cities, but the
list will still be differenrt from city to city as some items are in one city
and not in others. If you live in another world the entire list below may vary
as well, as your cities are entirely different. If you want the most complete
list I would recommend heading over to Jeuno as its Auction House is quite far
the biggest of any of the cities. If you have any questions you can email me by
using the address above.

After saying that here is the list. The list is in order by how the Auction
House has it organized, Weapons, Armors, Scrolls, and etc. Under each
individual category the items will be placed in the order that they are given
to me. The items might be in a different order for you, but the item should
still be in the right category.

To avoid any confusion, the Item Quantity means how many of that item there is,
but not for sale. To tell how many of the item there is look right next to the
item. If there is a pink 12 then it is a quantity of 12. If there is no pink 12
then it can only be a quantity of 1 or 99. There should only be three Item
quantities, 1, 12 or 99, because the Auction House doesn't allow you to sell
any items that aren't individual or stacked into 12 and 99. So, if you have 6
Flint Stones, you cannot sell those 6 Flint Stones on the Auction House. You
would have to collect 6 more and sell them as a stack of 12 or split them into
individual stones. Some items cannot be sold in a stack of 99. Arrows, shurikens
and bullets are usually the only items that can sell as a stack of 99.

----- Changed as of 12/15/03 -----

An update was launched for Final Fantasy XI PC on 12/15/03 and within the
update they reorganized the Auction House category list. They added a Food and
a Crystal Category, which previously were apart of the Other category. The
Food category consists of now three new sub-categories of Meals, Ingredients,
and Fish. Meals are broken down to even more sub-categories, which you can see
below. The Crystal category has no sub-category and just has crystals. The
Other category has dropped Food from it's sub-category list and added
Beast-Made, Cards, Ninja Tools and Cursed Items to the already Miscellaneous
sub-category. Hopefully I haven't confused you to death, as I know this took a
while for me to grasp.

Also, there might be items in the wrong sections because Square-Enix did
everything they could to screw me up, as they moved items all over the place for
this new update. I tried the best I could to adjust to the changes, so hopefully
I did. If you have any questions or want to notify me that an item is in a wrong
section feel free to email me at


If you are in quick need of finding an item, hit control + F on your keyboard
and type in the item you are looking for and select Find Next. This should make
it easier and quicker for you to determine where the item is on the list below.

On a side note this game has the largest database of Items I have ever seen in
my 13 years of gaming. It took me a while to finish the list below, so I hope
you enjoy it!

The Auction House Item List |

Weapons |

Hand to Hand |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Cesti 1
Lizard Cesti 1
Poison Cesti 1
Himantes 1
Coeurl Cesti 1
Bronze Knuckles 1
Brass Knuckles 1
Metal Knuckles 1
Mythril Knuckles 1
Darksteel Knuckles 1
Diamond Knuckles 1
Keonigs Knuckles 1
Burning Cesti 1
Katars 1
Darksteel Katars 1
Jamadhars 1
Poison Katars 1
Venom Katars 1
Cat Baghnakhs 1
Baghnakhs 1
Brass Baghnakhs 1
Lynx Baghnakhs 1
Poison Baghnakhs 1
Claws 1
Mythril Claws 1
Darksteel Claws 1
Cermet Claws 1
Dragon Claws 1
Poison Claws 1
Venom Claws 1
Patas 1
Bone Patas 1
Gold Patas 1
Tigerfangs 1
Venom Claws + 1 1
Silence Baghnakhs 1
Acid Claws 1
Stun Claws 1
Stun Jamadhar 1
Legionnaire's Knuckles 1
Sonic Knuckles 1
Metal Knuckles + 1 1
Silence Knuckles + 1 1
Silence Baghnakhs + 1 1
Poison Claws + 1 1
Bronze Knuckles + 1 1
Brass Knuckles + 1 1
Brass Baghnakhs + 1 1
Freesword's Baghnakhs 1
Fruit Punches 1
Baghnakhs + 1 1
Claws + 1 1
Mythril Knuckles + 1 1
Mythril Claws + 1 1
Brass Knuckles + 1 1
Cesti + 1 1
Royal Archer's Cesti 1
Poison Baghnakhs + 1 1
Poison Katars + 1 1
Tactician Magician's Hooks 1
Katars + 1 1
Patas + 1 1
Darksteel Claws + 1 1
Darksteel Knuckles + 1 1
Himantes + 1 1
Poison Cesti + 1 1
Strike Baghnakhs 1
Cougar Baghnakhs 1
Impact Knuckles 1
Cross-Counters 1
Torama Cesti 1
Cat Baghnakhs + 1 1
Bone Patas + 1 1
Jamadhars + 1 1
Stun Jamadhars + 1 1
Stun Claws + 1 1
Corrosive ClaWs 1
Cermet Claws + 1 1
Feral Fangs 1
Spartan Cesti 1
Tropical Punches 1
Tropical Punches + 1 1
San d'Orian Cesti 1
Kingdom Cesti 1
Windurstian Baghnakhs 1
Federation Baghnakhs 1
Bastokan Knuckles 1
Republic Knuckles 1
Narasimha's Cesti 1
Vishnu's Cesti 1
Master Caster's Baghnakhs 1

Daggers |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Rusty Dagger 1
Bronze Dagger 1
Brass Dagger 1
Dagger 1
Mythril Dagger 1
Misericode 1
Blind Dagger 1
Baselard 1
Mythril Baselard 1
Darksteel Baselard 1
Poison Baselard 1
Acid Baselard 1
Kris 1
Combat Caster's Dagger 1
Bronze Knife 1
Knife 1
Mythril Knife 1
Darksteel Knife 1
Cermet Knife 1
Gully 1
Blind Knife 1
Poison Knife 1
Kukri 1
Mythril Kukri 1
Darksteel Kukri 1
Cermet Kukri 1
Poison Kukri 1
Acid Kukri 1
Thief's Knife 1
Onion Dagger 1
Onion Knife 1
Beestinger 1
Bronze Knife + 1 1
Bronze Dagger + 1 1
Blind Dagger + 1 1
Corrosive Kukri 1
Silence Dagger 1
Poison Dagger 1
Sleep Dagger 1
Acid Knife 1
Venom Knife 1
Stun Knife 1
Venom Kukri 1
Stun Kukri 1
Venom Baselard 1
Silence Dagger + 1 1
Venom Baselard + 1 1
Knife + 1 1
Dagger + 1 1
Baselard + 1 1
Mythril Dagger + 1 1
Mythril Knife + 1 1
Brass Dagger + 1 1
Poison Dagger + 1 1
Poison Knife + 1 1
Python Baselard 1
Royal Squire's Dagger 1
Decurion's Dagger 1
Mercenaries Knife 1
Mercernary Captain's Kukri 1
Mythril KUkri + 1 1
Darksteel Knife + 1 1
Fine Baselard 1
Ceremonial Dagger 1
Parrying Knife 1
Archer's Knife 1
Corsair's Knife 1
Darksteel Baselard + 1 1
Darksteel Kris 1
Venom Knife + 1 1
Darksteel Kukri + 1 1
Lust Dagger 1
Triple Dagger 1
Stun Knife + 1 1
Demon's Knife 1
Demon's Knife + 1 1
Cermet Kukri + 1 1
Acid Dagger 1
Corrosive Dagger 1
Corrosive Baselard 1
Corrosive Knife 1
Cermet Knife + 1 1
Bone Knife 1
Bone Knife + 1 1
Beetle Knife 1
Beetle Knife + 1 1
Chicken Knife 1
Kidney Dagger 1
Gully + 1 1
Behemoth Knife 1
Hawker's Knife 1
San d'Orian Dagger 1
Bastokan Dagger 1
Republic Dagger 1
Windurstian Knife 1
Federation Knife 1
Windurstian Kukri 1
Federation Kukri 1
Spark Dagger 1
Spark Dagger + 1 1
Spark Baselard 1
Spark Kris 1

Swords |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Bilbo 1
Tuck 1
Mail Breaker 1
Colichemarde 1
Junior Musketeer's Tuck 1
Degen 1
Mythril Degen 1
Schlaeger 1
Rapier 1
Flame Degen 1
Holy Degen 1
Fleuret 1
Hornet Fleuret 1
Schwert 1
Epee 1
Bloody Rapier 1
Musketeer's Sword 1
Xiphos 1
Brass Xiphos 1
Gladius 1
Onion Sword 1
Bronze Sword 1
Iron Sword 1
Mythril Sword 1
Darksteel Sword 1
Cermet Sword 1
Jagdplaute 1
Wing Sword 1
Fire Sword 1
Royal Archer's Sword 1
Broadsword 1
Katzbalger 1
Anelace 1
Coral Sword 1
Divine Sword 1
Sapara 1
Scimitar 1
Tulwar 1
Hanger 1
Bloody Blade 1
Musketeer's Commander Falchion 1
Falchion 1
Darksteel Falchion 1
Cutlass 1
Platinum Cutlass 1
Flame Blade 1
Spatha 1
Longsword 1
Knight's Sword 1
Saber 1
Gold Sword 1
Temple Knight Army Sword 1
Bee Spatha 1
Hunting Sword 1
Bastard Sword 1
Espadon 1
Bloodsword 1
Holy Sword 1
Wax Sword 1
Save the Queen 1
Enhancing Sword 1
Gladiator 1
Bloody Sword 1
Wax Sword + 1 1
Bee Spatha + 1 1
Saber + 1 1
Falchion + 1 1
Tuck + 1 1
Mailbreaker + 1 1
Flame Sword 1
Bronze Sword + 1 1
Xiphos + 1 1
Scimitar + 1 1
Iron Sword + 1 1
Spatha + 1 1
Longsword + 1 1
Small Sword 1
Kaiser Sword 1
Bilbo + 1 1
Degen + 1 1
Broadsword + 1 1
Mythril Sword + 1 1
TUlwar + 1 1
Knight's Sword + 1 1
Sapara + 1 1
Brass Xiphos + 1 1
Fleuret + 1 1
Flame Blade + 1 1
Royal Guard's Fleuret 1
Centurion's Sword 1
Combat Caster's Scimitar 1
Wise Wizard's Bilbo 1
Wise Wizard's Anelace 1
Tactician Magician Espadon 1
Darksteel Sword + 1 1
War Sword 1
Crescent Sword 1
Mythril Degen + 1 1
Holy Sword + 1 1
Holy Degen + 1 1
Mithran Scimitar 1
Strider Sword 1
Duel Rapier 1
Crimson Blade 1
Flame Degen + 1 1
Cermet Sword + 1 1
Divine Sword + 1 1
Bastard Sword + 1 1
Gluttany Sword 1
Greed Scimitar 1
Gold Sword + 1 1
Espadon + 1 1
Carnage Sword 1
Aramis's Rapier 1
Dragvandil 1
Company Sword 1
Bastokan Sword 1
Republic Sword 1
San d'Orian Sword 1
Spark Bilbo 1
Spark Degen 1
Spark Degen + 1 1
Spark Rapier 1
Spark Rapier + 1 1

Great Swords |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Claymore 1
Mythril Claymore 1
Darksteel Claymore 1
Flame Claymore 1
Two-Handed Sword 1
Greatsword 1
Zweihander 1
Inferno Sword 1
Ram-Dao 1
Flamberge 1
Nagan 1
Royal Guard's Sword 1
Royal Swordsmen's Blade 1
Rusty Greatsword 1
Zweihander + 1 1
Deathbringer 1
Claymore + 1 1
Fine Claymore 1
Hellfire Sword 1
Burning Claymore 1
Mercenary's Greatsword 1
Two-Handed Sword + 1 1
Greatsword + 1 1
Darksteel Claymore + 1 1
Braveheart 1
Barbarian's Sword 1
Demonic Sword 1
Ice Brand 1
Glorious Sword 1
Ram-Dao + 1 1
Lockheart 1
Windurstian Sword 1
Federation Sword 1
Mythril Heart 1
Reserve Captain's Greatsword 1

Axes |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Bronze Axe 1
Brass Axe 1
Bone Axe 1
Battleaxe 1
Mythril Axe 1
Darksteel Axe 1
Bronze Axe + 1 1
Legionnaire's Axe 1
Bone Pick 1
War Pick 1
Mythril Pick 1
Darksteel Pick 1
Nadziak 1
Rusty Pick 1
Tabar 1
Darksteel Tabar 1
Tabarzin 1
Brass Axe + 1 1
Battleaxe + 1 1
War Pick + 1 1
Mythril Axe + 1 1
Bone Axe + 1 1
Light Axe 1
Bone Pick + 1 1
Combat Caster's Axe 1
Mythril Pick + 1 1
Tigerhunter 1
Warrior's Axe 1
Emeth Pick 1
Storm Axe 1
Viking Axe 1
Darksteel Axe 1
Wrath Tabar 1
Darksteel Pick + 1 1
Kabrakan's Axe 1
Arcanabane 1
Juggernaut 1
Bastokan Axe 1
Reserve Captain's Mace 1

Great Axes |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Butterfly Axe 1
Greataxe 1
Heavy Axe 1
Bhuj 1
Inferno Axe 1
Gigant Axe 1
Demon's Axe 1
Centurion's Axe 1
Hellfire Axe 1
Neckchopper 1
Butterfly Axe + 1 1
Greataxe + 1 1
Heavy Axe + 1 1
Moth Axe 1
Plantbane 1
Huge Moth Axe 1
Executioner 1
Heavy Darksteel Axe 1
Massive Darksteel Axe 1
Forseti's Axe 1
Colossal Axe 1
Colossal Axe + 1 1
Bastokan Greataxe 1
Republic Greataxe 1
Senior Gold Musketeer's Axe 1

Scythes |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Bronze Zaghnal 1
Brass Zaghnal 1
Zaghnal 1
Falcastra 1
Brass Zaghnal + 1 1
Cruel Scythe 1
Scythe 1
Mythril Scythe 1
Mercenary Captain's Scythe 1
Death Scythe 1
Bronze Zaghnal + 1 1
Zaghnal + 1 1
Legionnaire's Scythe 1
Scythe + 1 1
Mythril Scythe + 1 1
Plantreaper 1
Frostreaper 1
Harvester 1
Barbarian's Scythe 1
Demonslicer 1
Vassago's Scythe 1
Darksteel Scythe 1
Darksteel Scythe + 1 1
Goshisho's Scythe 1
Bone Scythe 1
Bone Scythe + 1 1
Mythril Zaghnal 1
Senior Gold Musketeer's Scythe 1
Windurstian Scythe 1
Bastokan Scythe 1
Republic Scythe 1

Polearms |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Harpoon 1
Bronze Spear 1
Brass Spear 1
Spear 1
Halberd 1
Trident 1
Partisan 1
Ox Tongue 1
Wyvern Spear 1
Golden Spear 1
Royal Squire's Halberd 1
Lance 1
Bloody Lance 1
Mythril Lance 1
Darksteel Lance 1
Cermet Lance 1
Royal Knight Army Lance 1
Royal Spearmen's Spear 1
Lizard Piercer 1
Colossal Lance 1
Obelisk 1
Wind Spear 1
Bronze Spear + 1 1
Holy Lance 1
Ice Lance 1
Harpoon + 1 1
Cruel Spear 1
Brass Spear + 1 1
Spear + 1 1
Halberd + 1 1
Orc Piercer 1
Heavy Halberd 1
Thundercloud 1
Envy Spear 1
Kamayari 1
Kamayari + 1 1
Partisan + 1 1
Lance + 1 1
Mythril Lance + 1 1
Cermet Lance + 1 1
Monsoon Spear 1
Grand Knight's Lance 1
Battle Fork 1
Battle Fork + 1 1
Obelisk Lance 1
Obelisk Lance + 1 1
Reserve Captain's Lance 1
Ice Lance + 1 1
San d'Orian Spear 1
Kingdom Spear 1
San d'Orian Halberd 1
Kingdom Halberd 1
Spark Spear 1
Spark Spear + 1 1
Spark Lance 1
Spark Lance + 1 1
Spark Fork 1

Katana |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Kunai 1
Kageboshi 1
Wakizashi 1
Kodachi 1
Sakurafubuki 1
Kabutowari 1
Fudo 1
Bokuto 1
Mokuto 1
Busuto 1
Yoto 1
Kororito 1
Kunai + 1 1
Hien 1
Suzume 1
Wakizashi + 1 1
Shinobi-Getana 1
Shinobi-Getana + 1 1
Kodachi + 1 1
Kabutowori + 1 1
Hocho 1
Mokuto + 1 1
Bokuto + 1 1
Busuto + 1 1
Yoto + 1 1
Korrito + 1 1

Great Katana |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Uchigatana 1
Ashura 1
Zanboto 1
Tachi 1
Mikazuki 1
Onikiri 1
Hosodachi 1
Kazaridachi 1
Homura 1
Dotanuki 1
Kanesada 1
Tachi + 1 1
Nodachi 1
Nodachi + 1 1
Jindachi 1
Jindachi + 1 1
Homura + 1 1
Okanehira 1
Kotetsu 1
Mikazuki + 1 1
Daihannya 1
Odenta 1
Kiku-Ichimanji 1
Gold Musketeer's Uchigatana 1

Clubs |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Ash Club 1
Chestnut Club 1
Bone Cudgel 1
Oak Cudgel 1
Freesword's Club 1
Bouncer Club 1
Great Club 1
Bone Cudgel + 1 1
Bronze Mace 1
Mace 1
Mythril Mace 1
Darksteel Mace 1
Platinum Mace 1
Holy Mace 1
Bronze Hammer 1
Brass Hammer 1
Warhammer 1
Maul 1
Darksteel Maul 1
Decurion's Hammer 1
Maple Wand 1
Willow Wand 1
Yew Wand 1
Chestnut Wand 1
Rose Wand 1
Ebony Wand 1
Mythic Wand 1
Bronze Rod 1
Rod 1
Mythril Rod 1
Bone Rod 1
Darksteel Rod 1
Scepter 1
Royal Guard's Rod 1
Onion Rod 1
Heat Rod 1
Lilith's Rod 1
Mistilteinn 1
Earth Wand 1
Holy Maul 1
Brass Rod 1
Tactician Magician's Wand 1
Time Hammer 1
Holy Wand 1
Bronze Mace + 1 1
Maple Wand + 1 1
Bronze Rod + 1 1
Holy Maul + 1 1
Warhammer + 1 1
Sloth Wand 1
Ash Club + 1 1
Willow Wand + 1 1
Solid Club 1
Yew Wand + 1 1
Solid Wand 1
Oak Cudgel + 1 1
Rose Wand + 1 1
Bronze Hammer + 1 1
Mace + 1 1
Rod + 1 1
Mythril Mace + 1 1
Brass Hammer + 1 1
Royal Squire's Mace 1
Musketeer Commander's Rod 1
Great Club + 1 1
Bone Rod + 1 1
Wind Cudgel 1
Hermit's Wand 1
Pixie Mace 1
Shellbuster 1
Arcana Breaker 1
Rabbit Stick 1
Moonlight Wand 1
Artemis' Wand 1
Selene's Wand 1
Moonwatch Wand 1
Replica Maul 1
Ebony Wand + 1 1
Darksteel Mace + 1 1
Dominion Mace 1
Fey Wand 1
Darksteel Maul + 1 1
Mythic Wand + 1 1
Kraken Club 1
Eremite's Wand 1
Eremite's Wand + 1 1
Thoth's Wand 1
Windurstian Club 1
Federation Club 1
San d'Orian Mace 1
Bastok Hammer 1
Senior Gold Musketeer's Wand 1
Reserve Captain's Mace 1

Staves |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Ash Staff 1
Holly Staff 1
Elm Staff 1
Oak Staff 1
Mahogany Staff 1
Wise Wizard's Staff 1
Ash Pole 1
Holly Pole 1
Elm Pole 1
Oak Pole 1
Mahogany Pole 1
Ebony Pole 1
Mythic Pole 1
Eight-Sided Pole 1
Mercenary's Pole 1
Onion Staff 1
Healing Staff 1
Misery Staff 1
Hypno Staff 1
Elm Pole + 1 1
Oak Pole + 1 1
Ash Pole + 1 1
Ash Staff + 1 1
Holly Pole + 1 1
Holly Staff + 1 1
Elm Staff + 1 1
Oak Staff + 1 1
Legionnaire's Staff 1
Musketeer's Pole 1
Freesword's Staff 1
Monster Signa 1
Dolphin Staff 1
Walrus Staff 1
Spiked Club 1
Spiked Club + 1 1
Heavy Staff 1
Mahogany Pole + 1 1
Pride Staff 1
Quarterstaff 1
Footman's Staff 1
Astral Signa 1
Sunlight Pole 1
Master Caster's Pole 1
Whale Staff 1
Whale Staff + 1 1
Windurstian Pole 1
Federation Pole 1
Windurstian Staff 1
Federation Staff 1
Republic Staff 1
Bastokan Staff 1
Battle Staff 1
Battle Staff + 1 1
Fire Staff 1
Ice Staff 1
Aquilo's Staff 1
Wind Staff 1
Earth Staff 1
Thunder Staff 1
Water Staff 1
Neptune's Staff 1
Light Staff 1
Apollo's Staff 1
Dark Staff 1
Pluto's Staff 1

Ranged |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Shortbow 1
Self Bow 1
Wrapped Bow 1
Composite Bow 1
Kaman 1
Rapid Bow 1
Freesword's Bow 1
Longbow 1
Power Bow 1
Great Bow 1
Battle Bow 1
War Bow 1
Royal Archer's Longbow 1
Speed Bow 1
Wrapped Bow + 1 1
War Bow + 1 1
Shortbow + 1 1
Self Bow + 1 1
Longbow + 1 1
Power Bow + 1 1
Composite Bow + 1 1
Great Bow + 1 1
Battle Bow + 1 1
Kaman + 1 1
Hunter's Longbow 1
Assassin's Bow 1
Eurytos' Bow 1
Rapid Bow + 1 1
Sarnga 1
Shadow Bow 1
Windurstian Bow 1
Federation Bow 1
San d'Orian Bow 1
Kingdom Bow 1
Light Crossbow 1
Crossbow 1
Zamburak 1
Arbalest 1
Heavy Crossbow 1
Repeating Crossbow 1
Legionnaire's Crossbow 1
Crossbow + 1 1
Arbalest + 1 1
Heavy Crossbow + 1 1
Light Crossbow + 1 1
Zamburak + 1 1
Power Crossbow 1
Lion Crossbow 1
Flaggelant's Crossbow 1
Leo Crossbow 1
Leo Crossbow + 1 1
Bastokan Crossbow 1
Republic Crossbow 1
Lightning Bow 1
Lightning Bow + 1 1
Velocity Bow 1
Arquebus 1
Matchlock Gun 1
Hellfire 1
Culverin 1
Musketeer Gun 1
Hakenbuechse 1
Serpentine Gun 1
Bandit's Gun 1
Baddit's GUn + 1 1
Pirate's Gun 1
Matchlock Gun + 1 1
Corsair's Gun 1
Tanegashima 1
Negoroshiki 1
Boomerang 1
Wingedge 1
Combat Caster's Boomerang 1
Junior Musketeer Chakram 1
Chakram 1
Moonring Blade 1
Rising Sun 1
Boomerang + 1 1
Wingedge + 1 1
Coarse Boomerang 1
Flame Boomerang 1
Long Boomerang 1
Yagudo Freezer 1
Comet Tail 1
Shigeto Bow 1
Master Caster's Bow 1

Instruments |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Cornette 1
Flute 1
Siren Flute 1
Piccolo 1
Traversiere 1
Faerie Piccolo 1
Angel's Flute 1
Gemshorn 1
Horn 1
Maple Harp 1
Harp 1
Rose Harp 1
Lamia Harp 1
Ebony Harp 1
Mythic Harp 1
Crumhorn 1
Cythara Anglica 1
Mary's Horn 1
Royal Spearmen's Horn 1
Piccolo + 1 1
Cornette + 1 1
Gemshorn + 1 1
Horn + 1 1
Flute + 1 1
Maple Harp + 1 1
Harp + 1 1
Traversiere + 1 1
Rose Harp + 1 1
Crumhorn + 1 1
Angel Flute + 1 1
Hamelin Flute 1
Ebony Harp + 1 1
San d'Orian Horn 1
Kingdom Horn 1

Ammo & Misc. |

Ammunition |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Rotten Quiver 1
Rotten Quiver 12
Rusty Bolt Case 1
Rusty Bolt Case 12
Beetle Quiver 1
Horn Quiver 12
Iron Quiver 12
Silver Quiver 1
Pebble 1
Pebble 12
Tathlum 1
Tathlum 12
Astragolos 1
Astragolos 12
Shuriken 1
Shuriken 99
Juji Shuriken 1
Juji Shuriken 99
Monji Shuriken 1
Monji Shuriken 99
Fuma Shuriken 1
Dart 1
Dart 12
Hawkeye 1
Hawkeye 12
Pinwheel 1
Pinwheel 12
Hyo 1
Dart + 1 99
Grenade 1
Grenade 12
Quake Grenade 1
Quake Grenade 12
Riot Grenade 1
Bomb Arm 1
Bomb Arm 12
Wooden Arrow 1
Wooden Arrow 99
Bone Arrow 1
Bone Arrow 99
Iron Arrow 1
Iron Arrow 99
Silver Arrow 1
Silver Arrow 99
Fire Arrow 1
Fire Arrow 99
Ice Arrow 1
Ice Arrow 99
Lightning Arrow 1
Lightning Arrow 99
Stone Arrow 99
Old Arrow 1
Old Arrow 99
Rusty Bolt 1
Rusty Bolt 99
Crossbow Bolt 1
Crossbow Bolt 99
Mythril Bolt 1
Mythril Bolt 99
Darksteel Bolt 1
Darksteel Bolt 99
Bronze Bolt 1
Bronze Bolt 99
Bullet 1
Bullet 99
Silver Bullet 1
Silver Bullet 99
Cannon Shell 12
Bronze Bullet 1
Bronze Bullet 99
Morion Tathlum 1
Holy Ampulla 1
Bailathorn 1
Bomb Core 1
Phantom Tathlum 1
Acid Bolt 1
Acid Bolt 99
Sleep Bolt 1
Sleep Bolt 99
Blind Bolt 99
Bloody Bolt 1
Bloody Bolt 99
Venom Bolt 1
Venom Bolt 99
Holy Bolt 99
Beetle Arrow 1
Beetle Arrow 99
Scorpion Arrow 1
Scorpion Arrow 99
Horn Arrow 1
Horn Arrow 99
Poison Arrow 99
Sleep Arrow 1
Sleep Arrow 99
Demon Arrow 99
Spartan Bullet 99
Mega Batter 99

Fishing Gear |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Broken Single-hook Fishing Rod 1
Broken Composite Fishing Rod 1
Broken Clothespole 1
Broken Mithran Fishing Rod 1
Broken Tarutaru Fishing Rod 1
Broken Willow Fishing Rod 1
Broken Yew Fishing Rod 1
Broken Bamboo Fishing Rod 1
Broken Fastwater Fishing Rod 1
Broken Lu Shang's Fishing Rod 1
Broken Carbon Fishing Rod 1
Broken Glass Fiber Fishing Rod 1
Slice of Bluetail 1
Slice of Bluetail 12
Peeled Cray Fish 1
Peeled Cray Fish 12
Slice of Carp 1
Slice of Carp 12
Rotten Meat 1
Rotten Meat 12
Sardine Ball 1
Sardine Ball 12
Crayfish Ball 1
Crayfish Ball 12
Insect Ball 1
Insect Ball 12
Trout Ball 1
Trout Ball 12
Meatball 1
Meatball 12
Giant Shell Bug 1
Giant Shell Bug 12
Mithran Fishing Rod 1
Composite Fishing Rod 1
Single-hook Fishing Rod 1
Clothespole 1
Carbon Fishing Rod 1
Glass Fiber Fishing Rod 1
Lu Shang's Fishing Rod 1
Tarutaru Fishing Rod 1
Fastwater Fishing Rod 1
Bamboo Fishing Rod 1
Yew Fishing Rod 1
Willow Fishing Rod 1
Sliced Sardine 1
Sliced Sardine 12
Sliced Cod 1
Sliced Cod 12
Peeled Lobster 1
Peeled Lobster 12
Lugworm 1
Lugworm 12
Littleworm 1
Littleworm 12
Shell Bug 1
Shell Bug 12
Rogue Rig 1
Sabiki Rig 1
Sinking Minnow 1
Lizard Lure 1
Shrimp Lure 1
Frog Lure 1
Worm Lure 1
Fly Lure 1
Minnow 1

Pet Items |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Pet Food Alpha 1
Pet Food Alpha 12
Pet Food Beta 1
Pet Food Beta 12
Pet Food Gamma 1
Pet Food Gamma 12
Pet Food Delta 1
Pet Food Delta 12
Pet Food Epsilon 1
Pet Food Epsilon 12
Carrot Broth 1
Carrot Broth 12
Famous Carrot Broth 1
Famous Carrot Broth 12
Bug Broth 1
Bug Broth 12
Quadav Broth 1
Quadav Broth 12
Herbal Broth 1
Herbal Broth 12
Singing Herbal Broth 1
Singing Herbal Broth 12
Carrion Broth 1
Carrion Broth 12
Cold Carrion Broth 1
Cold Carrion Broth 12
Humus 1
Humus 12
Rich Humus 1
Rich Humus 12
Meat Broth 1
Meat Broth 12
Warm Meat Broth 1
Warm Meat Broth 12
Tree Sap 1
Tree Sap 12
Scarlet Sap 1
Scarlet Sap 12
Fish Broth 1
Fish Broth 12
Fish Oil Broth 1
Seedbed Soil 1
Seedbed Soil 12
Alchemist Water 1
Alchemist Water 12

Armor |

Shields |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Lauan Shield 1
Maple Shield 1
Elm Shield 1
Mahogany Shield 1
Oak Shield 1
Leather Shield 1
Round Shield 1
Aspis 1
Targe 1
Buckler 1
Darksteel Buckler 1
Gold Buckler 1
Musketeer COmmander's Shield 1
Kite Shield 1
Heater Shield 1
Darksteel Shield 1
Ritter Shield 1
Diamond Shield 1
Royal Knight Army Shield 1
Temple Knight Army Shield 1
Fish Scale Shield 1
Elm Shield + 1 1
Royal Guard's Shield 1
Scutum 1
Tower Shield 1
Aspis + 1 1
Kite Shield + 1 1
Buckler + 1 1
Heater Shield + 1 1
Leather Shield + 1 1
Maple Shield + 1 1
Oak Shield + 1 1
Lauan Shield + 1 1
Strong Shield 1
Targe + 1 1
Royal Squire's Shield 1
Decurion's Shield 1
Frost Shield 1
Scutum + 1 1
Marine Shield 1
Tropical Shield 1
Lantern Shield 1
Faerie Shield 1
Master Shield 1
Darksteel Shield + 1 1
Spiked Butler 1
Serket Shield 1
Balance Buckler 1
Strike Shield 1
Astral Shield 1
Gilt Buckler 1
Tower Shield + 1 1
Viking Shield 1
Patriarch Protector's Shield 1
Nymph Shield 1
Nymph Shield + 1 1
Bastokan Targe 1
Republic Targe 1
Hard Shield 1
Holy Shield 1
Divine Shield 1
General's Shield 1
Admiral's Shield 1
Turtle Shield 1
Turtle Shield + 1 1
Shell Shield 1

Head |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Sallet 1
Mythril Sallet 1
Gold Armet 1
Darksteel Armet 1
Iron Musketeer's Armet 1
Iron Mask 1
Silver Mask 1
Banded Helm 1
Bascinet 1
Celata 1
Royal Knight's Bascinet 1
Royal Squire's Helm 1
Faceguard 1
Brass Mask 1
Coral Visor 1
Dragon Mask 1
Centurion's Visor 1
Bascinet + 1 1
Leather Bandana 1
Lizard Helm 1
Studded Helm 1
Cuir Bandana 1
Raptor Helm 1
Tiger Helm 1
Coeurl Mask 1
Bronze Cap 1
Padded Cap 1
Scorpion Mask 1
Darksteel Cap 1
Coral Cap 1
Bone Mask 1
Beetle Mask 1
Hachimaki 1
Cotton Hachimaki 1
Soil Hachimaki 1
Zunari Kabuto 1
Shinobi Hachigane 1
Bronze Cap + 1 1
Headgear 1
Cotton Headgear 1
Red Cap 1
Wool Cap 1
Green Beret 1
Mercenary Captain's Headgear 1
Headgear + 1 1
Circlet + 1 1
Poet's Circlet 1
Wool Hat 1
Velvet Hat 1
Silk Hat 1
Noble's Crown 1
Tacticians Magician's Hat 1
Wool Hat + 1 1
Lizard Helm + 1 1
Cuir Bandana + 1 1
Scorpion Mask + 1 1
Mercenary's Hachimaki 1
Fungus Hat 1
Emperor Hairpin 1
Faceguard + 1 1
Gold Hairpin 1
Silver Hairpin 1
Copper Hairpin 1
Brass Hairpin 1
Cotton Headband 1
Flax Headband 1
Traveler's Hat 1
Monk's Headgear 1
Compound Eye Circlet 1
Silk Headband 1
Rainbow Headband 1
Bone Hairpin 1
Shell Hairpin 1
Horn Hairpin 1
Coral Hairpin 1
Legionnaire's Cap 1
Royal Footman's Bandana 1
Rusty Cap 1
Iron Mask + 1 1
Strong Cap 1
Copper Hairpin + 1 1
Circlet + 1 1
Brass Cap + 1 1
Brass Hairpin + 1 1
Sage's Circlet 1
Silver Hairpin + 1 1
Brass Mask + 1 1
Silver Mask + 1 1
Hachimaki + 1 1
Great Headgear 1
Erudite's Headband 1
Cotton Hachimaki + 1 1
Red Cap + 1 1
Soil Hachimaki + 1 1
Alluring Headband 1
Wool Cap + 1 1
Leather Bandana + 1 1
Scarlet Ribbon 1
Green Ribbon 1
Beak Helm 1
Ogre Mask 1
Carapace Mask 1
Strong Bandana 1
Bone Hairpin + 1 1
Bone Mask + 1 1
Beetle Mask + 1 1
Horn Hairpin + 1 1
Carapace Mask + 1 1
Legionnaire's Circlet 1
Sallet + 1 1
Noble's Ribbon 1
Shell Hairpin + 1 1
Bonze's Circlet 1
Dodge Headband 1
Marine Hat 1
Electrum Hairpin 1
Valkyrie's Mask 1
Shinobi Hachigane + 1 1
Celata + 1 1
Mythril Sallet + 1 1
Gold Hairpin + 1 1
Silk Headband + 1 1
Green Ribbon + 1 1
Prism Headband 1
Dragon Mask + 1 1
Torama Mask 1
Zunari Kabuto + 1 1
Green Beret + 1 1
Iron Visor 1
Iron Visor + 1 1
Steel Visor 1
Steel Visor + 1 1
Monsoon Jinpachi 1
Arhat's Jinpachi 1
Corsair's Hat 1
Corsair's Hat + 1 1
Jester's Headband 1
Juggler's Headband 1
Arhat's Jinpachi + 1 1
Bastokan Cap 1
Republic Cap 1
San d'Orian Helm 1
San d'Orian Bandana 1
Kingdom Bandana 1
Bastokan Visor 1
Republic Visor 1
Bastokan Circlet 1
Windurstian Hachimaki 1
Federation Hachimaki 1
Windurstian Headgear 1
Federation Headgear 1
Tiger Mask 1
Demon Helm 1
Rasetsu Hachimaki 1
Errant Hat 1

Neck |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Peacock Charm 1
Buburimu Gorget 1
Bloodbead Amulet 1
Fine Gorget 1
Feather Collar + 1 1
Spike Necklace 1
Green Gorget 1
Blue Gorget 1
Iron Musketeer's Gorget 1
Gorget + 1 1
Hemp Gorget + 1 1
Leather Gorget + 1 1
Wolf Gorget + 1 1
Scale Gorget 1
Bird Whistle 1
Holy Phial 1
Feather Collar 1
Fang Necklace 1
Darksteel Gorget 1
Gorget 1
Leather Gorget 1
Chain Gorget 1
Chain Choker 1
Mythril Gorget 1
Hemp Gorget 1
Cerulean Pendant 1
Jeweled Collar 1
Darksteel Nodowa 1
Wolf Gorget 1
Beetle Gorget 1
Carapace Gorget 1
Coeurl Gorget 1
Justice Badge 1
Flower Necklace 1
Dog Collar 1
Republican Bronze Medal 1
Republican Iron Medal 1
Republican Mythril Medal 1
Green Scarf 1
Paisley Scarf 1
Checkered Scarf 1
Royal Squire's Collar 1
Temple Knight Army Collar 1
Royal Guard's Collar 1
Royal Knight Army Collar 1
Coral Gorget 1
Beast Whistle 1
Nodowa 1
Rabbit Charm 1
Black Neckerchief 1
Moon Amulet 1
Elemental Charm 1
Silver Name Tag 1
Ranger's Necklace 1
Shield Pendant 1
Tiger Stole 1
Clay Amulet 1
Merman's Gorget 1
Nodowa + 1 1
Torque 1
Guarding Gorget 1
Spectacles 1
Spirit Torque 1
Darksteel Nodowa + 1 1
Ashura Necklace 1
Promise Badge 1
Spider Torque 1
Opo-opo Necklace 1
Evasion Torque 1
Parrying Torque 1
Shield Torque 1
Guarding Torque 1
Divine Torque 1
Dark Torque 1
Enhancing Torque 1
Enfeebling Torque 1
Elemental Torque 1
Healing Torque 1
Summoning Torque 1
Ninjutsu Torque 1
String Torque 1
Wind Torque 1

Body |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Breastplate 1
Mythril Breastplate 1
Gold Cuirass 1
Darksteel Cuirass 1
Iron Musketeer's Cuirass 1
Chainmail 1
Silver Mail 1
Banded Mail 1
Haubergeon 1
Hauberk 1
Royal Knight's Chainmail 1
Royal Squire's Chainmail 1
Scale Mail 1
Brass Mail 1
Coral Mail 1
Dragon Mail 1
Centurion's Scale Mail 1
Steam Scale Mail 1
Leather Vest 1
Lizard Skin 1
Studded Vest 1
Cuir Bouilli 1
Raptor Jerkin 1
Tiger Jerkin 1
Coeurl Jerkin 1
Bronze Harness 1
Brass Harness 1
Padded Armor 1
Scorpion Harness 1
Darksteel Harness 1
Coral Harness 1
Bone Harness 1
Beetle Harness 1
Kenpogi 1
Cotton Dogi 1
Soil Gi 1
Hora-Ate 1
Shinobi Gi 1
Power Gi 1
Doublet + 1 1
Doublet 1
Cotton Doublet 1
Gambison 1
Wool Gambison 1
Battle Jupon 1
War Aketon 1
Mercenary Captain's Doublet 1
Leather Vest + 1 1
Robe 1
Linen Robe 1
Wool Robe 1
Velvet Robe 1
Silk Coat 1
Tactician Magician's Coat 1
Bronze Harness + 1 1
Tunic 1
Black Tunic 1
Cloak 1
White Cloak 1
Silk Cloak 1
Combat Caster's Cloak 1
Robe + 1 1
Tunic + 1 1
War Shinobi Gi 1
Cotton Dogi + 1 1
Gambison + 1 1
Linen Robe + 1 1
Wool Robe + 1 1
Battle Jupon + 1 1
Legionnaire's Harness 1
Royal Footman's Vest 1
Silk Coat + 1 1
Mercenary's Gi 1
Custom Tunic 1
Custom Vest 1
Magna Jerkin 1
Magna Bodice 1
Wonder Kaftan 1
Savage Separates 1
Elder's Surcoat 1
Solid Mail 1
Chain Mail + 1 1
Strong Harness 1
Brass Harness + 1 1
Brass Scale Mail + 1 1
Silver Mail + 1 1
Banded Mail + 1 1
Kenpogi + 1 1
Great Doublet 1
Cloak + 1 1
Soil Gi + 1 1
Wool Gambison + 1 1
Fine Jerkin 1
Beak Jerkin 1
Brigandine 1
Ogre Jerkin 1
Strong Vest 1
Cuir Bouilli + 1 1
Brigandine + 1 1
Corapace Harness 1
Corapace Harness + 1 1
Bone Harness + 1 1
Beetle Harness + 1 1
Royal Footman's Tunic 1
Royal Squire's Robe 1
Royal Knight's Cloak 1
Iron Musketeer'S Gambison 1
Royal Knight's Aketon 1
Pyro Robe 1
Breastplate + 1 1
Mage's Tunic 1
Mage's Robe 1
Dino Jerkin 1
Jujitsu Gi 1
Priest's Robe 1
Frost Robe 1
Faerie Tunic 1
Earth Doublet 1
Shinobi Gi + 1 1
Scorpion Harness + 1 1
Haubergeon + 1 1
Mythril Breastplate + 1 1
Beak Jerkin + 1 1
Byrnie 1
Byrnie + 1 1
Aketon 1
Aketon + 1 1
Justaucorps 1
Justaucorps + 1 1
Vermillon Cloak 1
Royal Cloak 1
Linen Doublet 1
Linen Doublet + 1 1
Wool Doublet 1
Black Cotehardie 1
Flora Cotehardie 1
Lord's Cuirass 1
Coral Scale Mail 1
Feral Jerkin 1
Torama Jerkin 1
Merman's Harness 1
Hora-Ate + 1 1
War Aketon + 1 1
Blood Aketon 1
Blue Cotehardie 1
Blue Cotehardie + 1 1
Silk Coat + 1 1
Black Coat 1
Iron Scale Mail 1
Iron Scale Mail + 1 1
Steel Scale Mail 1
Steel Scale Mail + 1 1
Carapace Breastplate 1
Heavy Cuirass 1
Arhat's Gi 1
Bishop's Robe 1
Gaia Doublet 1
Master's Gi 1
Vagabond's Tunica 1
Nomad's Tunica 1
Fisherman's Tunica 1
Angler's Tunica 1
Chocobo Jack Coat 1
Rider's Jack Coat 1
Holy Breastplate 1
Divine Breastplate 1
Northern Jerkin 1
Bastokan Harness 1
Republic Harness 1
San d'Orian Vest 1
Kingdom Vest 1
Bastokan Scale Mail 1
Republic Scale Mail 1
San d'Orian Tunic 1
Kingdom Tunic 1
Windurstian Gi 1
Federation Gi 1
Windurstian Doublet 1
Federation Doublet 1
Cardinal Vest 1
Field Tunica 1
Worker Tunica 1
Rasetsu Samue 1
Errant Houppelande 1
Mahatma Houppelande 1

Hands |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Gauntlets 1
Mythril Gauntlets 1
Gold Gauntlets 1
Darksteel Gauntlets 1
Iron Musketeer's Gauntlets 1
Chain Mittens 1
Silver Mittens 1
Mufflers 1
Darksteel Mufflers 1
Thick Mufflers 1
Royal Knight's Mufflers 1
Royal Squire's Mufflers 1
Scale Finger Gaunlets 1
Brass Gauntlets 1
Coral Gauntlets 1
Dragon Gauntlets 1
Centurion's Gauntlets 1
Bronze Mittens + 1 1
Leather Gloves 1
Lizard Gloves 1
Studded Gloves 1
Cuir Gloves 1
Raptor Gloves 1
Tiger Gloves 1
Coeurl Gloves 1
Bronze Mittens 1
Brass Mittens 1
Iron Mittens 1
Scorpion Mittens 1
Darksteel Mittens 1
Coral Mittens 1
Bone Mittens 1
Beetle Mittens 1
Tekko 1
Cotton Tekko 1
Soil Tekko 1
Kote 1
Shinobi Tekko 1
Iron Mittens + 1 1
Mercenary's Tekko 1
Gloves 1
Cotton Gloves 1
Braces 1
Wool Braces 1
Battle Braces 1
War Gloves 1
Mercenary's Captain's Gloves 1
Cuffs 1
Linen Cuffs 1
Wool Cuffs 1
Velvet Cuffs 1
Silk Cuffs 1
Noble's Mittens 1
Tactician Magician's Cuffs 1
Mittens 1
White Mittens 1
Linen Mittens 1
Black Mittens 1
Silk Mittens 1
Combat Caster's Mitts 1
Thief's Kote 1
Scentless Armlets 1
New Moon Armlets 1
Legionnaire's Mittens 1
Royal Footman's Gloves 1
Custom Male Gloves 1
Custom Female Gloves 1
Magna Gauntlets 1
Wonder Mittens 1
Savage Gauntlets 1
Elder's Braces 1
Soldier's Finger Gauntlets 1
Chain Mittens + 1 1
Brass Mittens + 1 1
Brass Finger Gauntlets + 1 1
Gloves + 1 1
Tekko + 1 1
Mittens + 1 1
Great Gloves 1
Cotton Tekko 1
Linen Cuffs + 1 1
Bracers + 1 1
Linen Mittens + 1 1
Wool Cuffs + 1 1
Wool Bracers + 1 1
Leather Gloves + 1 1
Fine Gloves 1
Strong Gloves 1
Cuir Gloves + 1 1
Bone Mittens + 1 1
Beetle Mittens + 1 1
Carapace Mittens + 1 1
Gauntlets + 1 1
Mage's Cuffs 1
Mage's Mittens 1
Dino Gloves 1
Asbestos Mittens 1
Coarse Gauntlet's 1
Zealot's Mittens 1
Battle Gloves 1
Beak Gloves 1
Ogre Gloves 1
Carapace Mittens 1
Ochiudo's Kote 1
Scorpion Mittens + 1 1
Mythril Gauntlets + 1 1
Darksteel Mufflers + 1 1
Light Gauntlets 1
Aiming Bracelets 1
Silver Bangles 1
Silver Bangles + 1 1
Turtle Bangles 1
Turtle Bangles + 1 1
Gold Bangles 1
Coral Bangles 1
Feral Gloves 1
Torama Gloves 1
Merman's Mittens 1
Kote + 1 1
Battle Bracers + 1 1
War Gloves + 1 1
Aristocrat's Mittens 1
Iron Finger Gauntlets 1
Iron Finger Gauntlets + 1 1
Steel Finger Gauntlets 1
Steel Finger Gauntlets + 1 1
Monsoon Tekko 1
Carapace Gauntlets 1
Thick Mufflers + 1 1
Gigas Bracelets 1
Ogygos's Bracelets 1
Enkelados's Bracelets 1
Palla's Bracelets 1
Alkyoneus's Bracelets 1
Arhat's Tekko 1
Devotee's Mitts 1
Devotee's Mitts + 1 1
Hailstorm Tekko 1
Bastokan Mittens 1
Republic Mitens 1
San d'Orian Mufflers 1
San d'Orian Gloves 1
Bastokan Finger Gloves 1
Windurstian Tekko 1
Federation Tekko 1
Windurstian Gloves 1
Federation Gloves 1
Vagabond's Gloves 1
Nomad's Gloves 1
Fisherman's Gloves 1
Angler's Gloves 1
Chocobo Gloves 1
Rider's Gloves 1
Tarasque Mitts + 1 1
Errant Cuffs 1
Field Gloves 1
Worker Gloves 1
Rasetsu Tekko 1

Waist |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

White Belt 1
Muscle Belt 1
Speed Belt 1
Heko Obi + 1 1
Lizard Belt + 1 1
Leather Belt 1
Lizard Belt 1
Warrior's Belt 1
Magic Belt 1
Silver Belt 1
Koenigs Belt 1
Swordbelt 1
Blood Stone 1
Waistbelt 1
Purple Belt 1
Brown Belt 1
Barbarian's Belt 1
Heko Obi 1
Silver Obi 1
Gold Obi 1
Brocade Obi 1
Rainbow Obi 1
Chain Belt 1
Leather Belt + 1 1
Friar's Rope 1
Chain Belt + 1 1
Waistbelt + 1 1
Magic Belt + 1 1
Royal Knight's Belt 1
Mercenary Captain's Belt 1
Force Belt 1
Silver Obi + 1 1
Brave Belt 1
Blood Stone 1
Plate Belt 1
Shaman's Belt 1
Oracle's Belt 1
Adept's Robe 1
Life Belt 1
Swordbelt + 1 1
Master Belt 1
Survival Belt 1
Druid's Rope 1
Warrior's Belt + 1 1
Mithran Stone 1
Flagellant's Rope 1
Sonic Belt 1
Ocean Belt 1
Forest Belt 1
Steppe Belt 1
Jungle Belt 1
Desert Belt 1
Ocean Stone 1
Forest Stone 1
Steppe Stone 1
Jungle Stone 1
Desert Stone 1
Ocean Sash 1
Forest Sash 1
Desert Sash 1
Ocean Rope 1
Forest Rope 1
Steppe Rope 1
Jungle Rope 1
Desert Rope 1
Corsette 1
Corsette + 1 1
Twinthread Obi 1
Arachne Obi 1

Legs |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Cuisses 1
Mythril Cuisses 1
Gold Cuisses 1
Darksteel Cuisses 1
Iron Musketeer's Cuisses 1
Chain Hose 1
Silver Hose 1
Breeches 1
Darksteel Breeches 1
Thick Breeches 1
Royal Knight's Breeches 1
Royal Savior's Breeches 1
Scale Cuisses 1
Brass Cuisses 1
Coral Cuisses 1
Dragon Cuisses 1
Centurion's Cuisses 1
Bronze Subligar + 1 1
Leather Trousers 1
Lizard Trousers 1
Studded Trousers 1
Cuir Trousers 1
Raptor Trousers 1
Beak Trousers 1
Tiger Trousers 1
Coeurl Trousers 1
Bronze Subligar 1
Brass Subligar 1
Bone Subligar 1
Beetle Subligar 1
Iron Subligar 1
Carapace Subligar 1
Scorpion Subligar 1
Darksteel Subligar 1
Sitabaki 1
Cotton Sitabaki 1
Soil Sitabaki 1
Haidate 1
Shinobi Hakama 1
Brais 1
Cotton Brais 1
Hose 1
Wool Hose 1
Battle Hose 1
War Brais 1
Mercenary Captain's Hose 1
Mercenary's Sitabaki 1
Slops 1
Linen Slops 1
Wool Slops 1
Velvet Slops 1
Silk Slops 1
Noble's Slacks 1
Tactician Magician's Slops 1
Solid Cuisses 1
Slacks 1
Black Slacks 1
Linen Slacks 1
White Slacks 1
Silk Slacks 1
Combat Caster's Slacks 1
Custom Slacks 1
Custom Pants 1
Magna Male Chausses 1
Magna Female Chausses 1
Wonder Braccae 1
Savage Loincloth 1
Elder's Braguette 1
Coral Subligar 1
Dusk Trousers 1
Ogre Trousers 1
Legionnaire's Subligar 1
Royal Footman's Trousers 1
Chain Hose + 1 1
Iron Subligar + 1 1
Brass Subligar + 1 1
Silver Hose + 1 1
Brass Hose + 1 1
Slops + 1 1
Slacks + 1 1
Sitabaki + 1 1
Great Brais 1
Linen Slops + 1 1
Cotton Sitabaki + 1 1
Hose + 1 1
Linen Slacks + 1 1
Wool Hose + 1 1
Leather Trousers + 1 1
Fine Trousers 1
Strong Trousers 1
Cuir Trousers + 1 1
Bone Subligar + 1 1
Beetle Subligar + 1 1
Carapace Subligar + 1 1
Freesword's Slops 1
Cuisses + 1 1
Mage's Slacks 1
Dino Trousers 1
Martial Slacks 1
Jujitsu Sitabaki 1
Magic Cuisses 1
Shinobi Hakama + 1 1
White Slacks + 1 1
Scorpion Subligar + 1 1
Darksteel Breeches + 1 1
Beak Trousers + 1 1
Feral Trousers 1
Torama Trousers 1
Darksteel Subligar + 1 1
Battle Hose + 1 1
Aristocrat's Slacks 1
Silk Slacks + 1 1
Rusty Subligar 1
Iron Cuisses 1
Iron Cuisses + 1 1
Steel Cuisses 1
Steel Cuisses + 1 1
Thick Breeches + 1 1
Arhat's Hakama 1
Master's Sitabaki 1
Master's Sitabaki + 1 1
Arhat's Hakama + 1 1
Bastokan Subligar 1
Repbulic Subligar 1
San d'Orian Trousers 1
Kingdom Trousers 1
Bastokan Cuisses 1
Republic Cuisses 1
Windurstian Sitabaki 1
Federation Sitabaki 1
Windurstian Brais 1
Federation Brais 1
Windurstian Slops 1
Federation Slops 1
Ogre Trousers + 1 1
Clown's Subligar 1
Vagabond's Hose 1
Nomad's Hose 1
Fisherman's Hose 1
Angler's Hose 1
Chocobo Hose 1
Rider's Hose 1
Field Hose 1
Rasetsu Hakama 1
Errant Slops 1
Mahatma Slops 1

Feet |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Plate Leggings 1
Mythril Leggings 1
Gold Sabatons 1
Darksteel Sabatons 1
Iron Musketeer's Sabatons 1
Greaves 1
Silver Greaves 1
Sollerets 1
Darksteel Sollerets 1
Thick Sollerets 1
Royal Knight's Sollerets 1
Royal Squire's Sollerets 1
Scale Greaves 1
Brass Greaves 1
Coral Greaves 1
Dragon Greaves 1
Centurion's Greaves 1
Bronze Leggings + 1 1
Leather Highboots 1
Lizard Ledelsons 1
Studded Boots 1
Cuir Highboots 1
Raptor Ledelsons 1
Tiger Ledelsons 1
Coeurl Ledelsons 1
Bronze Leggings 1
Brass Leggings 1
Legging 1
Scorpion Leggings 1
Darksteel Leggings 1
Coral Leggings 1
Bone Leggings 1
Beetle Leggings 1
Kyahan 1
Cotton Kyahan 1
Soil Kyahan 1
Leather Highboots + 1 1
Shinobi Kyahan 1
Sune-Ate 1
Mercenary's Kyahan 1
Gaiters 1
Cotton Gaiters 1
Socks 1
Wool Socks 1
Battle Boots 1
War Boots 1
Mercenary Captain's Gaiters 1
Ash Clogs + 1 1
Ash Clogs 1
Holly Clogs 1
Chestnut Sabots 1
Ebony Sabots 1
Pigaches 1
Noble's Pigaches 1
Holly Clogs + 1 1
Solea 1
Sandals 1
Shoes 1
Moccasins 1
Silk Pumps 1
Combat Caster's Shoes 1
Legionnaire's Leggings 1
Royal Footman's Boots 1
Stumbling Sandals 1
Leaping Boots 1
Custom Male Boots 1
Custom Female Boots 1
Magna Male Ledelsons 1
Magna Female Ledelsons 1
Wonder Clomps 1
Savage Gaiters 1
Elder's Sandals 1
Chestnut Sabots + 1 1
Ebony Sabots + 1 1
Solid Greaves 1
Greaves + 1 1
Brass Leggings + 1 1
Brass Greaves + 1 1
Silver Greaves + 1 1
Gaiters + 1 1
Kyahan + 1 1
Great Gaiters 1
Cotton Kyahan + 1 1
Socks + 1 1
Solea + 1 1
Fine Ledelsons 1
Shoes + 1 1
Cuir Highboots + 1 1
Bone Leggings + 1 1
Beetle Leggings + 1 1
Carapace Leggings + 1 1
Royal Footman's Clogs 1
Sollerets + 1 1
Mage's Sandals 1
Moccasins + 1 1
Coarse Leggings 1
Light Soleas 1
Fuma Kyahan 1
Beak Ledelsons 1
Ogre Ledelsons 1
Carapace Leggings 1
Strider Boots 1
Pigaches + 1 1
Shinobi Kyahan + 1 1
Scorpion Leggings + 1 1
Darksteel Sollerets + 1 1
Beal Ledelsons + 1 1
Battle Boots + 1 1
Feral Ledelsons 1
Torama Ledelsons 1
Merman's Leggings 1
Rusty Leggings 1
Iron Greaves 1
Iron Greaves + 1 1
Steel Greaves 1
Steel Greaves + 1 1
Monsoon Kyahan 1
Kung Fu Shoes 1
Arhat's Sune-Ate 1
Wulong Shoes 1
Winged Boots 1
Winged Boots + 1 1
Air Solea 1
Arhat's Sune-Ate + 1 1
Bastokan Leggings 1
Republic Leggings 1
San d'Orian Sollerets 1
San d'Orian Boots 1
Kingdom Boots 1
Bastokan Greaves 1
Republic Greaves 1
San d'Orian Clogs 1
Kingdom Clogs 1
Windurstian Kyahan 1
Federation Kyahan 1
Windurstian Gaiters 1
Federation Gaiters 1
Ogre Ledelsons + 1 1
Inferno Sabots 1
Desert Boots 1
Desert Boots + 1 1
Vagabond's Boots 1
Nomad's Boots 1
Fisherman's Boots 1
Angler's Boots 1
Chocobo Boots 1
Rider's Boots 1
Field Boots 1
Worker Boots 1
Rasetsu Sune-Ate 1
Errant Pigaches 1

Back |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Ram Mantle 1
Wolf Mantle 1
Ran Mantle 1
Night Cape 1
Black Cape 1
Blue Cape 1
Jester's Cape 1
Cape 1
Cotton Cape 1
White Cape 1
Red Cape 1
Rainbow Cape 1
Dhalmel Mantle 1
Tiger Mantle 1
Behemoth Mantle 1
Lizard Mantle 1
Raptor Mantle 1
Rabbit Mantle 1
Coeurl Mantle 1
Green Cape 1
Beak Mantle 1
Bat Cape 1
Rabbit Mantle + 1 1
Dhalmel Mantle + 1 1
Cotton Cape + 1 1
Feral Mantle 1
Torama Mantle 1
Behemoth Mantle + 1 1
Cape + 1 1
Mist Silk Cape 1
Lizard Mantle + 1 1
Wolf Mantle + 1 1
Black Cape + 1 1
Red Cape + 1 1
Dino Mantle 1
Traveler's Mantle 1
Sentinel's Mantle 1
Dodge Cape 1
Lightning Mantle 1
White Cape + 1 1
Jester's Cape + 1 1
Beak Mantle + 1 1
Amity Cape 1
Earth Mantle 1
Enhancing Mantle 1
Tundra Mantle 1
Blue Cape + 1 1
Peach Cape 1
Nomad's Mantle 1
Nomad's Mantle + 1 1
Empowering Mantle 1
Empowering Mantle + 1 1
Cavalier's Mantle 1
Cavalier's Mantle + 1 1
Gaia Mantle 1
Gaia Mantle + 1 1
Aurora Mantle 1
Aurora Mantle + 1 1
Black Mantle 1
Black Mantle + 1 1
Sarcenet Cape 1
Amemit Mantle 1
Amemit Mantle + 1 1

Earrings |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Coral Earring 1
Shell Earring + 1 1
Gold Earring 1
Platinum Earring 1
Pearl Earring 1
Peridot Earring 1
Black Earring 1
Bone Earring 1
Wing Earring 1
Beetle Earring 1
Tortoise Earring 1
Fang Earring 1
Beetle Earring + 1 1
Silver Earring 1
Mythril Earring 1
Tourmaline Earring 1
Sardonyx Earring 1
Clear Earring 1
Amethyst Earring 1
Lapis Lazuli Earring 1
Amber Earring 1
Onyx Earring 1
Opal Earring 1
Blood Earring 1
Goshenite Earring 1
Ametrine Earring 1
Turquoise Earring 1
Sphere Earring 1
Green Earring 1
Sun Earring 1
Zircon Earring 1
Purple Earring 1
Aqua Earring 1
Yellow Earring 1
Night Earring 1
Moon Earring 1
Death Earring 1
Bloodbed Earring 1
Twinstone Earring 1
Drone Earring 1
Bone Earring + 1 1
Valor Earring 1
Shield Earring 1
Dodge Earring 1
Bull Earring 1
Avenger's Earring 1
Spike Earring 1
Silver Earring + 1 1
Mythril Earring + 1 1
Gold Earring + 1 1
Reflex Earring 1
Courage Earring 1
Knowledge Earring 1
Balance Earring 1
Tranquility Earring 1
Stamina Earring 1
Energy Earring 1
Hope Earring 1
Genius Earring 1
Mana Earring 1
Physical Earring 1
Cassie Earring 1
Assualt Earring 1
Nemesis Earring 1
Enhancing Earring 1
Merman's Earring 1
Bat Earring 1
Eris' Earring 1
Soldier's Earring 1
Kampfer Earring 1
Medicine Earring 1
Sorcerer's Earring 1
Fencer's Earring 1
Rogue's Earring 1
Guardian Earring 1
Slayer's Earring 1
Tamer's Earring 1
Ministrel's Earring 1
Tracker's Earring 1
Ronin Earring 1
Shinobi Earring 1
Drake Earring 1
Conjurer's Earring 1
Stamina Earring + 1 1
Aura Earring + 1 1
Mana Earring + 1 1
Morion Earring 1
Morion Earring + 1 1
Pigeon Earring 1
Melody Earring 1
Phantom Earring 1

Rings |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Snipers Ring 1
Snipers Ring + 1 1
Saintly Ring 1
Saintly Ring + 1 1
Eremite's Ring 1
Eremite's Ring + 1 1
Soldier's Ring 1
Kampfer Ring 1
Medicine Ring 1
Sorcerer's Ring 1
Fencer's Ring 1
Rogue's Ring 1
Guardian's Ring 1
Slayer's Ring 1
Tamer's Ring 1
Ministrel's Ring 1
Tracker's Ring 1
Ronin Ring 1
Shinobi Ring 1
Drake Ring 1
Conjurer's Ring 1
Adroit Ring 1
Ascetic's Ring 1
Bone Ring 1
Shell Ring 1
Opal Ring 1
Sardonyx Ring 1
Gold Ring 1
Mythril Ring 1
Platinum Ring 1
Emerald Ring 1
Diamond Ring 1
Spinel Ring 1
Sapphire Ring 1
Topaz Ring 1
Copper Ring 1
Coral Ring 1
Silver Ring 1
Beetle Ring 1
Scorpion Ring 1
Horn Ring 1
Carapace Ring 1
Angel's Ring 1
Demon's Ring 1
Brass Ring 1
Tourmaline Ring 1
Leather Ring 1
Clear Ring 1
Amethyst Ring 1
Lapis Lazuli Ring 1
Amber Ring 1
Onyx Ring 1
Hermit's Ring 1
Peridot Ring 1
Garnet Ring 1
Goshenite Ring 1
Ametrine Ring 1
Turquoise Ring 1
Sphere Ring 1
Black Ring 1
Pearl Ring 1
Jadeite Ring 1
Sun Ring 1
Zircon Ring 1
Fluorite Ring 1
Aquamarine Ring 1
Chrysoberyl Ring 1
Painite Ring 1
Moon Ring 1
Copper Ring + 1 1
Brass Ring + 1 1
Shell Ring + 1 1
Leather Ring + 1 1
Beetle Ring + 1 1
Horn Ring + 1 1
Carapace Ring + 1 1
Merman's Ring 1
Bomb Ring 1
Malflood Ring 1
Maldust Ring 1
Malfrost Ring 1
Malflame Ring 1
Malflash Ring 1
Malgust Ring 1
Scorpion Ring + 1 1
Archer's Ring + 1 1
Electrum Ring 1
Phalanx Ring 1
Silver Ring + 1 1
Mythril Ring + 1 1
Gold Ring + 1 1
Reflex Ring 1
Courage Ring 1
Knowledge Ring 1
Balance Ring 1
Tranquility Ring 1
Stamina Ring 1
Energy Ring 1
Hope Ring 1
Puissance Ring 1
Wisdom Ring 1
Deft Ring 1
Solace Ring 1
Verve Ring 1
Loyalty Ring 1
Victory Ring 1
Genius Ring 1
Grace Ring 1
Serenity Ring 1
Vigor Ring 1
Allure Ring 1
Demon's Ring + 1 1
Hard Leather Ring 1
Tiger Ring 1
Astral Ring 1
Serket Ring 1
Blitz Ring 1
Aegis Ring 1
Peace Ring 1
Courage Ring + 1 1
Balance Ring + 1 1
Stamina Ring + 1 1
Verve Ring + 1 1
Vigor Ring + 1 1

Scrolls |

White |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Cure 1
Cure II 1
Cure III 1
Cure IV 1
Cure V 1
Curaga 1
Curaga II 1
Raise 1
Raise II 1
Posiona 1
Paralyna 1
Blindna 1
Silena 1
Stona 1
Viruna 1
Cursna 1
Holy 1
Dia 1
Dia II 1
Banish 1
Banish II 1
Diaga 1
Banishga 1
Banishga II 1
Protect 1
Protect II 1
Protect III 1
Protect IV 1
Shell 1
Shell II 1
Shell III 1
Shell IV 1
Blink 1
Stoneskin 1
Aquaveil 1
Slow 1
Haste 1
Paralyze 1
Silence 1
Barfire 1
Barblizzard 1
Baraero 1
Barstone 1
Barthunder 1
Barwater 1
Barfira 1
Barblizzara 1
Baraera 1
Barstonra 1
Barthundra 1
Barwatera 1
Barsleep 1
Barpoison 1
Barparalyze 1
Barblind 1
Barsilence 1
Barpetrify 1
Barvirus 1
Barsleepra 1
Barpoisonra 1
Barparalyzra 1
Barblindra 1
Barsilencera 1
Barpetra 1
Barvira 1
Enfire 1
Enblizzard 1
Enaero 1
Enstone 1
Enthunder 1
Enwater 1
Phalanx 1
Regen 1
Refresh 1
Regen II 1
Regen III 1
Teleport-Yhoat 1
Teleport-Altep 1
Teleport-Holla 1
Teleport-Dem 1
Teleport-Mea 1
Protectra 1
Protectra II 1
Protectra III 1
Protectra IV 1
Shellra 1
Shellra II 1
Shellra III 1
Shellra IV 1
Reraise 1
Invisible 1
Sneak 1
Deoderize 1
Teleport-Vahzl 1
Raise III 1
Reraise II 1
Erase 1

Black |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Fire 1
Fire II 1
Fire III 1
Blizzard 1
Blizzard II 1
Blizzard III 1
Aero 1
Aero II 1
Aero III 1
Stone 1
Stone II 1
Stone III 1
Stone IV 1
Thunder 1
Thunder II 1
Thunder III 1
Water 1
Water II 1
Water III 1
Water IV 1
Firaga 1
Firaga II 1
Firaga III 1
Blizzaga 1
Blizzaga II 1
Aeroga 1
Aeroga II 1
Aeroga III 1
Stonega 1
Stonega II 1
Stonega III 1
Thundaga 1
Thundaga II 1
Waterga 1
Waterga II 1
Waterga III 1
Flare 1
Freeze 1
Tornado 1
Quake 1
Burst 1
Flood 1
Gravity 1
Poison 1
Poison 2 1
Poisonga 1
Bio 1
Bio II 1
Burn 1
Frost 1
Choke 1
Rasp 1
Shock 1
Drown 1
Drain 1
Aspir 1
Blaze Spikes 1
Ice Spikes 1
Shock Spikes 1
Sleep 1
Blind 1
Bind 1
Sleep II 1
Dispel 1
Warp 1
Warp II 1
Escape 1
Tractor 1
Absorb-STR 1
Absorb-DEX 1
Absorb-VIT 1
Absorb-AGI 1
Absorb-INT 1
Absorb-MND 1
Absorb-CHR 1
Sleepga 1
Sleepga II 1

Songs |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Foe Requiem 1
Foe Requiem II 1
Foe Requiem III 1
Foe Requiem IV 1
Foe Requiem V 1
Foe Requiem VI 1
Horde Lullaby 1
Army's Paeon 1
Army's Paeon II 1
Army's Paeon III 1
Army's Paeon IV 1
Mage's Ballard 1
Mage's Ballard II 1
Knight's Minne 1
Knight's Minne II 1
Knight's Minne III 1
Knight's Minne IV 1
Valor Minuet 1
Valor Minuet II 1
Valor Minuet III 1
Valor Minuet IV 1
Sword Madrigal 1
Blade Madrigal 1
Hunter's Prelude 1
Sheepsoe Mambo 1
Dragonfoe Mambo 1
Fowl Aubade 1
Herb Pastoral 1
Shining Fantasia 1
Scop's Operetta 1
Puppet's Operetta 1
Gold Capriccio 1
Golbin Gavotte 1
Advancing March 1
Victory March 1
Battlefield Elegy 1
Carnage Elegy 1
Sinewy Etude 1
Dextrous Etude 1
Vivacious Etude 1
Quick Etude 1
Learned Etude 1
Spirited Etude 1
Enchanting Etude 1
Vital Etude 1
Swift Etude 1
Sage Etude 1
Logical Etude 1
Bewitching Etude 1
Fire Carol 1
Ice Carol 1
Wind Carol 1
Earth Carol 1
Lightning Carol 1
Water Carol 1
Light Carol 1
Dark Carol 1
Fire Threnody 1
Ice Threnody 1
Wind Threnody 1
Earth Threnody 1
Lightning Threnody 1
Water Threnody 1
Light Threnody 1
Dark Threnody 1
Magic Finale 1
Foe Lullaby 1

Ninjutsu |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Katon: Ichi 1
Katon: Ni 1
Hyoton: Ichi 1
Hyoton: Ni 1
Huton: Ichi 1
Huton: Ni 1
Doton: Ichi 1
Doton: Ni 1
Raiton: Ichi 1
Raiton: Ni 1
Suiton: Ichi 1
Suiton: Ni 1
Utsusemi: Ichi 1
Utsusemi: Ni 1
Jubako: Ichi 1
Hojo: Ichi 1
Hojo: Ni 1
Kurayami: Ichi 1
Kurayami: Ni 1
Dokumari: Ichi 1
Tonko: Ichi 1
Tonko: Ni 1

Summoning |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Fire Spirit 1
Ice Spirit 1
Air Spirit 1
Earth Spirit 1
Water Spirit 1
Light Spirit 1
Dark Spirit 1

Medicines |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Potion 1
Potion + 1 1
Potion + 2 1
Potion + 3 1
Hi-Potion 1
Hi-Potion + 1 1
Hi-Potion + 2 1
Hi-Potion + 3 1
X-Potion 1
X-Potion + 1 1
Ether 1
Ether + 1 1
Ether + 2 1
Ether + 3 1
Hi-Ether 1
Hi-Ether + 1 1
Hi-Ether + 2 1
Super Ether 1
Super Ether + 1 1
Pro Ether 1
Antidote 1
Antidote 12
Panacaea 1
Eye Drops 1
Eye Drops 12
Echo Drops 1
Echo Drops 12
Holy Water 1
Holy Water 12
Remedy 1
Remedy 12
Muslum 1
Muslum 12
Poison Potion 1
Poison Potion 12
Venom Potion 1
Venom Potion 12
Paralyze Potion 1
Paralyze Potion 12
Sleeping Potion 1
Sleeping Potion 12
Silencing Potion 1
Silencing Potion 12
Blinding Potion 1
Blinding Potion 12
Prism Powder 1
Prism Powder 12
Silent Oil 1
Silent Oil 12
Deoderizer 1
Deoderizer 12
Vitriol 1
Vitriol 12
Reraiser 1
Hi-Reraiser 1
Vile Elixer 1
Vile Elixer + 1 1
Icarus Wing 1
Icarus Wing 12

Furnishings |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Simple Bed 1
Oak Bed 1
Mahogany Bed 1
Bronze Bed 1
Noble's Bed 1
Royal Bed 1
Desk 1
Workbench 1
Maple Table 1
Oak Table 1
Tarutaru Desk 1
Secretaire 1
Bureau 1
Tarutaru Table 1
Dresser 1
Armor Box 1
Coffer 1
Chest 1
Cabinet 1
Commode 1
Chiffonier 1
Armoire 1
Rusty Bucket 1
Tarutaru Stool 1
Water Cask 1
Water Barrel 1
Book Holder 1
Flower Stand 1
Tarutaru Folding Screen 1
Water Jug 1
White Jar 1
Yellow Jar 1
Tableware Set 1
Tea Set 1
Acolyte's Grief 1
Autumn's End 1
Ancient Blood 1
Porcelain Flowerpot 1
Brass Flowerpot 1
Earthen Flowerpot 1
Ceramic Flowerpot 1

Materials |

Smithing |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Copper Ore 1
Tin Ore 1
Iron Ore 1
Darksteel Ore 1
Adaman Ore 1
Copper Ingot 1
Copper Ingot 12
Bronze Ingot 1
Bronze Ingot 12
Iron Ingot 1
Iron Ingot 12
Steel Ingot 1
Steel Ingot 12
Darksteel Ingot 1
Darksteel Ingot 12
Adaman Ingot 1
Tama-Hagane 1
Tama-Hagane 1
Damascus Ingot 1
Tin Ingot 1
Bronze Sheet 1
Bronze Sheet 12
Iron Sheet 1
Iron Sheet 12
Darksteel Sheet 1
Darksteel Sheet 12
Steel Sheet 1
Steel Sheet 12
Bronze Scales 1
Bronze Scales 12
Iron Scales 1
Iron Scales 12
Steel Scales 1
Steel Scales 12
Iron Chain 1
Iron Chain 12
Darksteel Chain 1
Iron Sand 1
Darksteel Nugget 1
Darksteel Nugget 12
Copper Nugget 1
Bronze Nugget 12
Iron Nugget 1
Steel Nugget 1

Goldsmithing |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Zinc Ore 1
Mythril Ore 1
Brass Ingot 1
Brass Ingot 12
Mythril Ingot 1
Mythril Ingot 12
Brass Sheet 1
Brass Sheet 12
Mythril Sheet 1
Mythril Sheet 12
Blessed Mythril Sheet 1
Blessed Mythril Sheet 12
Brass Scales 1
Brass Scales 12
Mythril Chain 1
Mythril Chain 12
Silver Ore 1
Gold Ore 1
Platinum Ore 1
Orichalcum Ore 1
Silver Ingot 1
Silver Ingot 12
Gold Ingot 1
Gold Ingot 12
Platinum Ingot 1
Platinum Ingot 12
Orichalcum Ingot 1
Gold Sheet 1
Gold Sheet 12
Platinum Sheet 1
Silver Chain 1
Silver Chain 12
Gold Chain 1
Flint Stone 1
Flint Stone 12
Red Rock 1
Blue Rock 1
Yellow Rock 1
Green Rock 1
Translucent Rock 1
Purple Rock 1
Black Rock 1
White Rock 1
Jadeite 1
Jadeite 12
Emerald 1
Ruby 1
Diamond 1
Diamond 12
Peridot 1
Peridot 12
Topaz 1
Garnet 1
Garnet 12
Aquamarine 1
Aquamarine 12
Pearl 1
Pearl 12
Black Pearl 1
Black Pearl 12
Sapphire 1
Sapphire 12
Lapis Lazuli 1
Lapis Lazuli 12
Light Opal 1
Light Opal 12
Painite 1
Painite 12
Torquoise 1
Torquoise 12
Onyx 1
Onyx 12
Amethyst 1
Amethyst 12
Chrysoberyl 1
Chrysoberyl 12
Moon Stone 1
Moon Stone 12
Sun Stone 1
Sun Stone 12
Spinel 1
Spinel 12
Zircon 1
Zircon 12
Tourmaline 1
Tourmaline 12
Sardonyx 1
Sardonyx 12
Goshenite 1
Goshenite 12
Clear Topaz 1
Clear Topaz 12
Fluorite 1
Fluorite 12
Ametrine 1
Ametrine 12
Deathstone 1
Deathstone 12
Angelstone 1
Amber 1
Amber 12
Sphere 1
Sphere 12
Gold Nugget 1
Gold Nugget 12
Mythril Nugget 1
Mythril Nugget 12
Platinum Nugget 1
Platinum Nugget 12
Brass Nugget 1
Silver Nugget 1
Fire Ore 1
Ice Ore 1
Wind Ore 1
Earth Ore 1
Lightning Ore 1
Light Ore 1
Dark Ore 1
Pigeon's Blood 1
Southern Pearl 1
Lightning Bead 1

Clothcraft |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Luminicloth 1
Luminicloth 12
Silk Thread 1
Silk Thread 12
Grass Thread 1
Grass Thread 12
Cotton Thread 1
Cotton Thread 12
Linen Thread 1
Linen Thread 12
Wool Thread 1
Wool Thread 12
Rainbow Thread 1
Rainbow Thread 12
Silver Thread 1
Silver Thread 12
Gold Thread 1
Gold Thread 12
Grass Cloth 1
Grass Cloth 12
Cotton Cloth 1
Cotton Cloth 12
Linen Cloth 1
Linen Cloth 12
Wool Cloth 1
Wool Cloth 12
Velvet Cloth 1
Velvet Cloth 12
Silk Cloth 1
Silk Cloth 12
Rainbow Cloth 1
Rainbow Cloth 12
Sheep Wool 1
Sheep Wool 12
Moko Grass 1
Moko Grass 12
Saruta Cotton 1
Saruta Cotton 12
Flax Flower 1
Flax Flower 12
Damascene Cloth 1
Malboro Fiber 1
Spider Web 1
Crawler Cocoon 1
Chocobo Feather 1
Chocobo Feather 12
Yagudo Feather 1
Yagudo Feather 12
Giant Bird Feather 1
Giant Bird Feather 12
Giant Bird Plume 1
Phoenix Feather 1
Phoenix Feather 12
Black Chocobo Feather 1
Black Chocobo Feather 12
Insect Wing 1
Insect Wing 12
Bird Feather 1
Bird Feather 12
Rata 1
Manticore Hair 1
Arachne Web 1
Twinthread 1
Sarcenet Cloth 1
Arachne Thread 1
Twincoon 1
Siren's Hair 1

Leather Craft |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Sheepskin 1
Coeurl Leather 1
Coeurl Leather 12
Dhalmel Leather 1
Dhalmel Leather 12
Undead Skin 1
Sheep Leather 1
Sheep Leather 12
Ram Leather 1
Ram Leather 12
Lizard Skin 1
Lizard Skin 12
Raptor Skin 1
Raptor Skin 12
Cockatrice Skin 1
Tiger Leather 1
Tiger Leather 12
Rabbit Hide 1
Rabbit Hide 12
Dhalmel Hide 1
Wolf Hide 1
Ram Skin 1
Behemoth Hide 1
Tiger Hide 1
Behemoth Leather 1
Coeurl Hide 1
Lizard Molt 1
Lizard Molt 12
Parchment 1
Parchment 12
Manticore Hide 1
Manticore Leather 1
Manticore Leather 12
Wyvern Skin 1
Wyvern Wing 1
Amemet Skin 1
Tarasque Skin 1
Lindwurm Skin 1
Narasimha Hide 1
Yowie Skin 1

Bone Craft |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Fish Scales 1
Fish Scales 12
Wyvern Scales 1
Wyvern Scales 12
Dragon Scales 1
Pugil Scales 1
Pugil Scales 12
Bone Chip 1
Bone Chip 12
Crab Shell 1
Crab Shell 12
Sheep Tooth 1
Sheep Tooth 12
Behemoth Horn 1
Black Tiger Fang 1
Black Tiger Fang 12
Turtle Shell 1
Demon Skull 1
Coral Fragment 1
Coral Fragment 1
Seashell 1
Seashell 12
Beetle Shell 1
Bat Fang 1
Bat Fang 12
Giant Femur 1
Beetle Jaw 1
Beetle Jaw 12
Ram Horn 1
Scorpion Shell 1
Scorpion Claw 1
Chicken Bone 1
Chicken Bone 12
Fish Bones 1
Venomous Claw 1
Demon Horn 1
Demon Horn 12
Dragon Talon 1
Cold Bone 1
Sand Bat Fang 1
Sand Bat Fang 12
Remi Shell 1
Remi Shell 12
Manticore Fang 1
High Quality Crab Shell 1
Namtar Bone 1

Woodworking |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Arrowwood Log 1
Lauan Log 1
Elm Log 1
Maple Log 1
Walnut Log 1
Chestnut Log 1
Willow Log 1
Yew Log 1
Holly Log 1
Ash Log 1
Oak Log 1
Mahogany Log 1
Rosewood Log 1
Ebony Log 1
Petrified Log 1
Bamboo Stick 1
Bamboo Stick 12
Arrowwood Lumber 1
Arrowwood Lumber 12
Lauan Lumber 1
Lauan Lumber 12
Elm Lumber 1
Elm Lumber 12
Maple Lumber 1
Maple Lumber 12
Chestnut Lumber 1
Chestnut Lumber 12
Walnut Lumber 1
Walnut Lumber 12
Willow Lumber 1
Willow Lumber 12
Yew Lumber 1
Yew Lumber 12
Holly Lumber 1
Holly Lumber 12
Ash Lumber 1
Ash Lumber 12
Oak Lumber 1
Oak Lumber 12
Mahogany Lumber 1
Mahogany Lumber 12
Rosewood Lumber 1
Rosewood Lumber 12
Ebony Lumber 1
Ebony Lumber 12
Ancient Lumber 1
Ancient Lumber 12
Rattan Lumber 1
Rattan Lumber 12
Bast Parchment 1
Bast Parchment 12
Bronze Bolt Heads 1
Bronze Bolt Heads 12
Mythril Bolt Heads 12
Darksteel Bolt Heads 1
Darksteel Bolt Heads 12
Stone Arrowheads 1
Stone Arrowheads 12
Bone Arrowheads 12
Iron Arrowheads 12
Silver Arrowheads 1
Silver Arrowheads 12
Fire Arrowheads 12
Ice Arrowheads 1
Ice Arrowheads 12
Lightning Arrowheads 12
Chocobo Fletchings 1
Chocobo Fletchings 12
Yagudo Fletchings 12
Bird Fletchings 12
Insect Fletchings 12
Koma 1
Blind Bolt Heads 12
Acid Bolt Heads 12
Holy Bolt Heads 12
Venom Bolt Heads 12
Bloody Bolt Heads 12
Sleep Bolt Heads 12
Beetle Arrowheads 12
Horn Arrowheads 12
Scorpion Arrowheads 1
Scorpion Arrowheads 12
Demon Arrowheads 1
Demon Arrowheads 12
Sleep Arrowheads 12
Black Chocobo Fletchings 1
Black Chocobo Fletchings 12
Wisteria Lumber 1
Wisteria Lumber 12
Urushi 1
Karimata Arrowheads 12
Giant Bird Fletchings 1
Giant Bird Fletchings 12
Lacquer Tree Log 1
Lacquer Tree Lumber 1
Lacquer Tree Sap 1
Lacquer Tree Sap 12

Alchemy |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Slime Oil 1
Slime Oil 12
Beehive Chip 1
Beehive Chip 12
Beeswax 1
Beeswax 12
Mercury 1
Mercury 12
Toad Oil 1
Toad Oil 12
Cactuar Needle 1
Cactuar Needle 12
Mistletoe 1
Mistletoe 12
Boyahda Moss 1
Boyahda Moss 12
Malboro Vine 1
Ahriman Tears 1
Ahriman Tears 12
Bat Wing 1
Bat Wing 12
Dryad Root 1
Dryad Root 12
Fiend Blood 1
Fiend Blood 12
Giant Stinger 1
Giant Stinger 12
Lizard Tail 1
Lizard Tail 12
Coeurl Whisker 1
Coeurl Whisker 12
Bomb Ash 1
Bomb Ash 12
Black Ink 1
Black Ink 12
Cermet Chunk 1
Cermet Chunk 12
Carbon Fiber 1
Carbon Fiber 12
Glass Fiber 1
Glass Fiber 12
Ahriman Wing 1
Rock Salt 1
Rock Salt 12
Animal Glue 1
Animal Glue 12
Papaka Grass 1
Papaka Grass 12
Hecteyes Eye 1
Hecteyes Eye 12
Revival Root 1
Revival Root 12
Red Rose 1
Red Rose 12
Philosopher's Stone 1
Philosopher's Stone 12
Poison Dust 1
Poison Dust 12
Venom Dust 1
Venom Dust 12
Paralysis Dust 1
Paralysis Dust 12
Firesand 1
Firesand 12
Carnation 1
Carnation 12
Rain Lilly 1
Rain Lilly 12
Wijnruit 1
Wijnruit 12
Poison Flour 1
Treant Bulb 1
Treant Bulb 12
Magic Pot Shard 1
Magic Pot Shard 12
Golem Shard 1
Golem Shard 12
Lilac 1
Lilac 12
Amaryllis 1
Amaryllis 12
Marguerite 1
Marguerite 12
Dahlia 1
Sulfur 1
Sulfur 12
Artificial Lens 1
Beetle Blood 1
Dragon Blood 1
Doll Shard 1
Doll Shard 12
Twinkle Powder 1
Twinkle Powder 12
Great Boyahda Moss 1
Four-leaf Korringan Bud 1
Flauros Whisker 1
Ose Whiskers 1
Sweet William 1
Phalaenopsis 1
Cracker 1
Cracker 12
Twinkle Shower 1
Twinkle Shower 12
Comet 1
Comet 12
Konron Hassen 1
Konron Hassen 12
Kongou Ianaho 1
Kongou Ianaho 12
Meifu Goma 1
Meifu Goma 12
Airborne 1
Airborne 12
Popstar 1
Brilliant Snow 1
Sparkling Hand 1
Air Rider 1

Foods |

Meals |

Meat & Eggs |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Frog Flambe 1
Newt Flambre 1
Juicy Mutton 1
Grilled Hare 1
Meat Jerky 1
Meat Jerky 12
Meat Mithkabob 1
Meat Mithkabob 12
Galkan Sausage 1
Galkan Sausage 12
Hard-Boiled Egg 1
Hard-Boiled Egg 12
Dhalmel Pie 1
Dhalmel Pie 12
Roast Mutton 1
Dhalmel Steak 1
Navarin 1
Colored Egg 1
Colored Egg 12
Rarab Meatball 1
Grilled Black Hare 1
Sheep Jerky 1
Wild Steak 1
Soft-Boiled Egg 1
Soft-Boiled Egg 12
Blackened Frog 1
Blackened Frog 12
Boiled Cockatrice 1
Coeurl Sautee 1
Herb Crawler Eggs 1
Royal Omelette 1
Meat Chiefkabob 1
Meat Chiefkabob 12
Sausage 1
Sausage 12
Blackened Newt 1
Party Egg 1
Blackened Toad 1

Seafood |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Emperor Roe 1
Flint Caviar 1
Steamed Crayfish 1
Steamed Crayfish 12
Steamed Crab 1
Steamed Crab 12
Smoked Salmon 1
Smoked Salmon 12
Fish Mithkabob 1
Fish Mithkabob 12
Roast Trout 1
Roast Trout 12
Boiled Crab 1
Boiled Crab 12
Eel Kabob 1
Eel Kabob 12
Nebimonte Bake 1
Pickled Herring 1
Pickled Herring 12
Boiled Cray Fish 1
Boiled Cray Fish 12
Roast Carp 1
Roast Carp 12
Roast Pipira 1
Roast Pipira 12
Goblin Pie 1
Goblin Pie 12
Salmon Croute 1
Shallops Tropicale 1
Steamed Catfish 1
Herb Quus 1
Fish Chiefkabob 1
Fish Chiefkabob 12
Bass Meuniere 1
Salmon Meuniere 1
Flounder Meuniere 1
Broiled Pipira 1
Broiled Carp 1
Broiled Trout 1
Broiled Eel 1

Vegetables |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Tavnazian Salad 1
Timbre Timbers Salad 1
Grilled Corn 1
Witch Kabob 1
Witch Kabob 12
Roast Mushroom 1
Roast Mushroom 12
Roasted Corn 1
Roasted Corn 12
Baked Popoto 1
Baked Popoto 12
Jack-o'-Lantern 1
Goblin Mushpot 1
Batagreen Sautee 1
Windurst Salad 1
Beaugreen Sautee 1

Soups |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Vegetable Broth 1
Emerald Soup 1
Witch Soup 1
Optical Soup 1
Sunset Soup 1
Pea Soup 1
Egg Soup 1
Turtle Soup 1
Mushroom Soup 1
Tomato Soup 1
Pumpkin Soup 1
Dhalmel Stew 1
Whitefish Stew 1
Shark Fin Soup 1
Eyeball Soup 1
Pebble Soup 1
Puls 1
Humpty Soup 1
Jack-o'-Soup 1
Delicious Puls 1
Brain Stew 1
Mushroom Stew 1
Vegetable Soup 1
Seafood Stew 1
Wisdom Soup 1
Sopa Pez Blanco 1

Bread & Rice |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Salmon Sub 1
Salmon Sub 12
White Bread 1
White Bread 12
Black Bread 1
Black Bread 12
Bretzel 1
Bretzel 12
Sausage Roll 1
Sausage Roll 12
Rice Ball 1
Rice Ball 12
Carp Sushi 1
Carp Sushi 12
Tortilla 1
Tortilla 12
Mushroom Risotto 1
Goblin Bread 1
Goblin Bread 12
Spicy Cracker 1
Spicy Cracker 12
Garlic Cracker 1
Garlic Cracker 12
Vegetable Gruel 1
Iron Bread 1
Iron Bread 12
Mutton Tortilla 1
Mutton Tortilla 12
Medicinal Gruel 1
Raisin Bread 1
Raisin Bread 12
Moon Ball 1
Moon Ball 12
Steel Bread 1
Salmon Rice Ball 1
Pumpernickel 1
Rogue Rice Ball 1
Rogue Rice Ball 12
Naval Rice Ball 1

Sweets |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Apple Pie + 1 1
Apple Pie + 1 12
Hobgoblin Chocolate 1
Hobgoblin Chocolate 12
Orange Kuchen + 1 1
Sweet Baked Apple 1
Sweet Baked Apple 12
Rolanberry Pie + 1 1
Orange Kuchen 1
Ginger Cookie 1
Ginger Cookie 12
Cinna-Cookie 1
Cinna-Cookie 12
Baked Apple 1
Baked Apple 12
Apple Pie 1
Apple Pie 12
Rolanberry Pie 1
Melon Pie 1
Melon Pie 12
Pumpkin Pie 1
Pumpkin Pie 12
Goblin Chocolate 1
Goblin Chocolate 12
Bubble Chocolate 1
Bubble Chocolate 12
Heart Chocolate 1
Heart Chocolate 12
Marron Glace 1
Acorn Cookie 1
Acorn Cookie 12
Coin Cookie 1
Melon Pie + 1 1
Melon Pie + 1 12
Pumpkin Pie + 1 1
Pumpkin Pie + 1 12
Icecap Rolanberry 1
Pamama Tart 1
Wizard Cookie 1
Snowy Rolanberry 1

Drinks |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Orange Juice 1
Apple Juice 1
Melon Juice 1
Tomato Juice 1
Grape Juice 1
Pineapple Juice 1
Windurstian Tea 1
San d'Orian Tea 1
Chocomilk 1
Vampire Juice 1
Royal Tea 1
Yagudo Drink 1
Chamomile Tea 1

Ingredients |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

San d'Orian Flour 1
Rye Flour 1
Kazham Peppers 1
Kazham Peppers 12
Mhaura Garlic 1
Mhaura Garlic 12
Selbina Butter 1
Selbina Butter 12
Pie Dough 1
Pie Dough 12
Ginger 1
Ginger 12
Blue Peas 1
Blue Peas 12
Popoto 1
Popoto 12
Tarutaru Rice 1
Tarutaru Rice 12
Crying Mustard 1
Crying Mustard 12
Dried Mushroom 1
Dried Mushroom 12
Bay Leaves 1
Bay Leaves 12
Apple Vinegar 1
Apple Vinegar 12
Black Pepper 1
Black Pepper 12
Maple Sugar 1
Maple Sugar 12
Cinnamon 1
Cinnamon 12
Millioncorn 1
Millioncorn 12
Ogre Pumpkin 1
Ogre Pumpkin 12
Horo Flour 1
Kukuru Bean 1
Kukuru Bean 12
Olive Oil 1
Olive Oil 12
Windurstian Tea Leaves 1
Windurstian Tea Leaves 12
Chamomile 1
Chamomile 12
Sage 1
Sage 12
Chestnut 1
Chestnut 12
Blazing Peppers 1
Gelatin 1
Gelatin 12
Derfland Pear 1
Derfland Pear 12
Crawler Egg 1
Crawler Egg 12
Hare Meat 1
Hare Meat 12
Dhalmel Meat 1
Dhalmel Meat 12
Lizard Egg 1
Lizard Egg 12
Faerie Apple 1
Faerie Apple 12
Rolanberry 1
Rolanberry 12
La Theine Cabbage 1
La Theine Cabbage 12
Honey 1
Honey 12
Giant Sheep Meat 1
Giant Sheep Meat 12
Woozyshroom 1
Woozyshroom 12
Sleepshroom 1
Sleepshroom 12
Danceshroom 1
Danceshroom 12
Coeurl Meat 1
Coeurl Meat 12
Selbina Milk 1
Selbina Milk 12
Frost Turnip 1
Frost Turnip 12
King Truffle 1
King Truffle 12
Wild Onion 1
Wild Onion 12
Eggplant 1
Eggplant 12
San d'Orian Carrot 1
San d'Orian Carrot 12
Mithran Tomato 1
Mithran Tomato 12
Saruta Orange 1
Saruta Orange 12
Land Crab Meat 1
Land Crab Meat 12
Thunder Melon 1
Thunder Melon 12
San d'Orian Grape 1
San d'Orian Grape 12
Kazham Pineapple 1
Kazham Pineapple 12
Cockatrice Meat 1
Cockatrice Meat 12
Rarab Tail 1
Rarab Tail 12
Yagudo Cherry 1
Yagudo Cherry 12
Scream Fungus 1
Scream Fungus 12
Puffball 1
Puffball 12
Reishi Mushroom 1
Reishi Mushroom 12
Coral Fungus 1
Coral Fungus 12
Stone Chese 1
Stone Chese 12
Pamama 1
Pamama 12
Dragon Heart 1
Watermelon 1
Watermelon 12
Buburimu Grape 1
Buburimu Grape 12
Acorn 1
Acorn 12
Sunflower Seeds 1
Sunflower Seeds 12
Distilled Water 1
Distilled Water 12
Mary's Milk 1
Rolanberry 881 1
Rolanberry 881 12
Rolanberry 874 1
Rolanberry 874 12
Rolanberry 864 1
Rolanberry 864 12
Gysahl Greens 1
Gysahl Greens 12
Sobbing Fungus 1
Sobbing Fungus 12
Deathball 1
Deathball 12
Moon Carrot 1
Bird Egg 1
Bird Egg 12
Beaugreens 1
Beaugreens 12
Rock Cheese 1
Rock Cheese 12
Wild Pamama 1
Wild Melon 1
Wild Pineapple 1
Warm Egg 1

Fish |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Pomtam Kelp 1
Pomtam Kelp 12
Forest Carp 1
Elshimo Frog 1
Elshimo Frog 12
Sandfish 1
Sandfish 12
Grimmonite 1
Giant Donko 1
Jungle Catfish 1
Giant Chirai 1
Shining Trout 1
Shining Trout 12
Bastore Sardine 1
Bastore Sardine 12
Nebimonite 1
Nebimonite 12
Cheval Salmon 1
Cheval Salmon 12
Gold Lobster 1
Gold Lobster 12
Black Sole 1
Black Sole 12
Zafmlug Bass 1
Zafmlug Bass 12
Bluetail 1
Bluetail 12
Moat Carp 1
Moat Carp 12
Red Terrapin 1
Red Terrapin 12
Yellow Globe 1
Yellow Globe 12
Tricolored Carp 1
Tricolored Carp 12
Gold Carp 1
Gold Carp 12
Dark Bass 1
Dark Bass 12
Black Eel 1
Black Eel 12
Cobalt Jellyfish 1
Cobalt Jellyfish 12
Silver Shark 1
Silver Shark 12
Emperor Fish 1
Bastok Bream 1
Bastok Bream 12
Monke-Onke 1
Takitaro 1
Pipira 1
Pipira 12
Giant Catfish 1
Ice Fish 1
Ice Fish 12
Blade Fish 1
Cray Fish 1
Cray Fish 12
Crescent Fish 1
Crescent Fish 12
Gigant Squid 1
Sea Zombie 1
Titanictus 1
Gavial Fish 1
Three-Eyed Fish 1
Bhafel Marlin 1
Gugru Tuna 1
Ogre Eel 1
Ogre Eel 12
Nosteau Herring 1
Nosteau Herring 12
Tiger Cod 1
Tiger Cod 12
Shall Shell 1
Shall Shell 12
Noble Lady 1
Greedie 1
Greedie 12
Quus 1
Quus 12
Copper Frog 1
Copper Frog 12
Crystal Bass 1
Crystal Bass 12
Elshimo Newt 1
Coral Butterfly 1

Crystals |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Fire Crystal 1
Fire Crystal 12
Ice Crystal 1
Ice Crystal 12
Wind Crystal 1
Wind Crystal 12
Earth Crystal 1
Earth Crystal 12
Lightning Crystal 1
Lightning Crystal 12
Water Crystal 1
Water Crystal 12
Light Crystal 1
Light Crystal 12
Dark Crystal 1
Dark Crystal 12
Fire Cluster 1
Ice Cluster 1
Wind Cluster 1
Earth Cluster 1
Lightning Cluster 1
Water Cluster 1
Light Cluster 1
Dark Cluster 1

Others |

Miscellaneous |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Drachenfall Water 1
Brass Canteen 1
Sunsand 1
Sunsand 12
Magicmart Flyer 1
Magicmart Flyer 12
Derfland Humus 1
Gausebit Grass 1
Adventurer Coupon 1
Test Answers 1
Starfall Tear 1
Tenshado Invite 1
Steam Clock 1
Bruised Starfruit 1
Zeruhn Soot 1
Zeruhn Soot 12
Herb Seeds 1
Herb Seeds 12
Vegetable Seeds 1
Vegetable Seeds 12
Fruit Seeds 1
Fruit Seeds 12
Grain Seeds 1
Grain Seeds 12
Mine Gravel 1
Pickaxe 1
Pickaxe 12
Sickle 1
Sickle 12
Hatchet 1
Hatchet 12
Thief's Tools 1
Thief's Tools 12
Living Key 1
Living Key 12
Skeleton Key 1
Skeleton Key 12
Norg Shell 1
Crawler Calculus 1
Sands of Silence 1
Wandering Bulb 1
Northern Fur 1
Eastern Pottery 1
Southern Mummy 1
Desert Venom 1
Damp Scroll 1
Cactus Stems 1
Cactus Stems 12
Tree Cuttings 1
Tree Cuttings 12
Doll Gizmo 1
Mana Barrel 1

Beast-Made |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Gigas Socks 1
Yagudo Necklace 1
Gigas Necklace 1
Quadav Helm 1
Goblin Mail 1
Goblin Helm 1
Goblin Armor 1
Goblin Mask 1
Fingernail Sack 1
Teeth Sack 1
Goblin Cup 1
Goblin Die 1
Quadav Backplate 1
Fetich Head 1
Fetich Torso 1
Fetich Arms 1
Fetich Legs 1
Beastcoin 1
Beastcoin 12
Gold Beastcoin 1
Gold Beastcoin 12
Mythril Beastcoin 1
Mythril Beastcoin 12
Silver Beastcoin 1
Silver Beastcoin 12
Platinum Beastcoin 1
Beastman Blood 1
Beastman Blood 12
Antican Pauldron 1
Tonberry Coat 1
Antican Robe 1
Tonberry Lantern 1
Goblin Doll 1

Cards |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Ace of Cups 1
Two of Cups 1
Three of Cups 1
Four of Cups 1
Five of Cups 1
Six of Cups 1
Seven of Cups 1
Eight of Cups 1
Nine of Cups 1
Ten of Cups 1
Jack of Cups 1
Ace of Batons 1
Two of Batons 1
Three of Batons 1
Four of Batons 1
Five of Batons 1
Six of Batons 1
Seven of Batons 1
Eight of Batons 1
Nine of Batons 1
Ten of Batons 1
Jack of Batons 1
Ace of Swords 1
Two of Swords 1
Three of Swords 1
Four of Swords 1
Five of Swords 1
Six of Swords 1
Seven of Swords 1
Eight of Swords 1
Nine of Swords 1
Ten of Swords 1
Jack of Swords 1
Queen of Swords 1
Ace of Coins 1
Two of Coins 1
Three of Coins 1
Four of Coins 1
Five of Coins 1
Six of Coins 1
Seven of Coins 1
Eight of Coins 1
Nine of Coins 1
Ten of Coins 1
Jack of Coins 1
Queens of Coins 1

Ninja Tools |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Uchitake 1
Uchitake 99
Tsurara 1
Tsurara 99
Kawahori-Ogi 1
Kawahori-Ogi 99
Makibishi 1
Makibishi 99
Hiraishin 1
Hiraishin 99
Mizu-Deppo 1
Mizu-Deppo 99
Shihei 1
Shihei 99
Jusatsu 1
Jusatsu 99
Kaginawa 1
Kaginawa 99
Sairui-Ran 1
Sairui-Ran 99
Koduku 1
Koduku 99
Shinobi-Tabi 1
Shinobi-Tabi 99

Cursed Items |

Item Name | Item Quantity |

Cursed Schaller 1
Cursed Cuirass 1
Cursed Handschuhs 1
Cursed Diechlings 1
Cursed Schuhs 1
Cursed Schuhs - 1 1

VI. Acknowledgements and Credits |

I would first like to thank Square-Enix for creating such a wonderful game to
keep me endlessly busy. I would also like to thank them for making the PC
instruction manual as I found many useful tips in that manual.

I would of course like to thank GameFAQs, IGN, Neoseeker, DLH, Vanadielonline,
and for allowing me to post my FAQ on their sites. They are all
great websites that deserve a lot of credit for their hard work.

I would like to thank bpfinsa for giving me information on how the Auction
Houses work between cities. I would also like to thank The FFXI FAQ Writer for
e-mailing me reminding me to add a part to the Sales Status section of the FAQ.
More thanks to omlette for telling me about a typo in the Copyright Information

I would like to thank Johny Lau for sending me an e-mail telling me about an
interesting tip on selling. You can view this tip at the Understanding the
Auction House section, under the Selling portion.

Some more thanks to Thespian102 for also sending me an e-mail with a new tip.
You can also view this tip at the Understanding the Auction House section, under
the Selling portion.

I can't forget to thank the several people from the boards. I wish I can
remember your names to give you credit, but I couldn't find the posts. I thank
you for you information.

Of course, I can't forget to thank my agent, family, the little people, my
stunt double, my hairdresser, my producer, director, co-stars, and all those
other people. Just kidding, I guess I would like to thank my parents though for
making me.

I'm forgetting someone I know it. Oh who is it? Come on think. Think. Oh! Of
course! I forgot to thank you all for readinh this FAQ.

I hope this FAQ was helpful in some way shape or form. If you have any comments,
complaints, or concerns feel free to email me at

Once again, thanks to everyone mentioned above!

Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Andrew Bertino
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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