Final Fantasy 11

Final Fantasy 11

16.10.2013 06:29:34
Final Fantasy XI Beastmaster Job guide. v 1.7

created by Justin Biller a.k.a. Lord Alchemy
AIM: Armchairathelete

No ASCII Art for my title, since I dont have the will power or time to create
one, so if anyone is interested, they can make one and email it to me. Credit
will be given with whatever name you wish, just include it in the email.
1.2-Author information and version update information
1.4-FFXI term list
1.6-Basic Beastmaster info
1.7-Beastmasters in Parties
1.8-Role of the Beastmaster
1.9-Why the Beastmaster is the best solo job
2.0-Beastmaster in-depth guide
2.2-How to unlock the Beastmaster job
2.4-Starting Stats for Races
2.6-Beastmaster skills
2.8-Beastmaster Macro assistance
2.9-Leveling Assistance
3.0-Job, Sub job, race, equipment and AF armor information
3.2-Race information
3.4-Sub job decision
3.5-Equipment Assistance
3.6-Stat Calculator
3.8-Artifact Armor
4.0-Copy right information
1.0 Introduction and version update information
1.2) Author Information
Ello there and welcome to my Beastmaster guide for Final Fantasy XI! My name
is Lord Alchemy, and I have contributed a few game reviews (including one for
FFXI). I can be found on the Fenrir server, character name Moriros. I have
played a few jobs, and I started as a Monk, subbed Thief, and played a little
bit of the mage classes. I ended up leaning towards the Beastmaster job since
it was rather unique. I never saw too many Beastmasters in the game, so I
thought I would check it out.

\-version 1.6 to 1.7-/
*Added section 1.7-Beastmasters in Parties
*Added to the list of websites that can use my faq
\-version 1.5 to 1.6-/
*Added section 1.9-Why the Beastmaster is the best solo job
*Fixed a few errors
*Added to list of websites that can use my faq
*Added to list of websites that can use my faq
\-version 1.4 to 1.5-/
*Added more info to the leveling assistance
*Added to list of websites allowed to use this guide
*Fixxed more Errors found in the faq
*Altered opinion on BST in a party slightly (located in section 1.6)
*Altered info in section 1.8
\-version 1.3 to 1.4-/
*Added Info regarding combat skills in section 2.6
*Added Info to clarify exp with a pet in group. Found in section 1.8
*Added section 3.5, Equipment Assistance
*Added a small bit of info to 2.4-Starting Stats for Races
*Changed some more subjob info
\-version 1.2 to 1.3-/
*Ironed out some errors in the faq
*Added Leveling Assistance to the faq
*Added to list of websites that can use my FAQ
*Added a little to the sub job area
\-version 1.1 to 1.2-/
*Added more in-depth subjob information (ALOT more in-depth)
*Added Plee for ASCII Title
\-version 1 to 1.1-/
*Added to websites that can use this guide
*Added to subjob Information
*Added to Artifact Armor info
*Added contribution info for anyone interested
1.4) FFXI term list
DRK-Dark Knight
RDM-Red Mage
WHM-White Mage
BLM-Black Mage
BST-Beast Tamer
AH-Auction House
AF armor-Artifact armor
RSE-Race Specific Equipment
JSE-Job Specific Equipment
HP-Home Point
WS-Weapon skills
Renkei- Weapon skill chains
DPS-Damage Per Second

(If anyone has any other terms that would help people, you can email them
to me)
1.6) Basic Beastmaster info
Beastmasters are the experts of solo playing. You can group, but I will get to
that later. You can solo though, at pretty much any level. The main ability
that allows BSTs to do this is the charm ability. This puts a monster under
the BSTs control, and will fight for the BST aslong as it remains charmed.
Charmed pets will eventually turn on their master, but the more charisma you
have, the longer the monster stays your pet, and the easier it is to charm
monsters. At higher levels it is wise to not try to charm anything past
"Even match" (found out by checking) because tough mobs, if charmed at all,
tend to turn on their master rather quickly. Also its important to know that
pets that become uncharmed, do not give EXP when killed.

Now, to get to the party info. BSTs do great damage per second (DPS) with a
pet, but there is a big problem (mainly for the BST), you get a 30% exp cut
from having a pet! This generally means that you will prefer going solo unless
you choose not to charm a pet, thus killing your DPS and making you somewhat
useless in the party, depending on your sub job.
1.7.)Beastmasters in Parties
With a pet, Beastmasters do amazing Damage Per Second. But the problem is they
take a hit in the exp department no matter what. But even if the Beastmaster
doesn't want to charm a pet, they still make decent tanks. Not the best, but
not horrible by any means.

They can wear great armor, so their defense should be high enough so they
dont take major damage. With a WAR sub, they will have even better defense,
but WAR is pretty much needed to tank. The only real trouble is keeping hate.
BSTs dont create that much hate with their damage, since they only use 1
handed axes, but provoke can keep the mobs on them.

A real bonus from a BST tank though are the "-- Killer" job traits. Assuming
your party is going after anything that is effected by any of the BSTs traits,
there is a chance that the mob will not be able to attack the BST. It'll
look something like this....
"So and so was intimidated by Whats his face".
This pretty much acts like a shield block and negates all the damage since the
mob can't attack.
1.8) Role of the Beastmaster
The role of a BST, is to kill stuff. This can either be done alone or in a
group. Alone, the main role of a BST is to tame monsters, and have them fight
for him/her. Other then that, what else they do is determined by their sub job.
Most of the BST skills are related to melee and charming monsters.

Now, to clarify how the BST effects exp in a group. If the BST charms anything
below Tough, the only exp affected is the BSTs, and its still the basic 30% cut
that BSTs should be used to. But if a BST charms a Tough or higher, the pet
acts as a member of the party, and since its at a higher lvl, it cuts the
whole parties exp.
1.9.) Why the Beastmaster is the best solo job
Charm has been somewhat proven to be based on CHR. So why wouldnt a BRD/BST or
WHM/BST be just as good at soloing as a BST since they have CHR on par with a
BST? Well try assisting your pet in melee combat with a BRD or WHM. You can't
buff your pet with songs or spells, so really the only thing you can do is
melee attack, debuff the enemy, and use your pet skills. Not only do you get
your pet skills alot later with BST as a sub, but your melee damage is going to
suck. Not to mention, if you get the hate, you wont be able to take many hits,
since BRDs and WHMs don't have armor on par with a BST.

Anyother job doesnt seem to have the CHR to charm effectively even with a BST
sub, so no one can really argue that the BST is the best solo job out there.
2.0) Beastmaster in-depth guide
2.2) How to unlock the Beastmaster job
Quest Giver: Dietmund
Location: Lower Jeuno (G-11)
Dietmund is located at top door near the entrance of Lower Jeuno. He comes out
of the door when it is opened. To do the quest, wait till it is night. (18:00 -
4:00). Go to the edge of the cliff at Qufim at F-8. There is a path leading
down to the item. Once at bottom, a Kraken can be seen, but sometimes it isn't
even there! If it is, either try to get a group to take it down or sneak past
it using various WHM spells, such as Sneak, Invisibility and Deoderize. Go
back and talk to Dietmund and then talk to Brutus near the chocobo stables in
Upper Jueno. After all that, the job of the Beastmaster is given.
2.4) Starting Stats for Races
Hume Elvaan Tarutaru Galka Mithra
HP 30 32 26 35 30
MP 0 0 0 0 0
STR 6 7 5 7 6
DEX 7 7 7 7 9
VIT 6 7 6 8 6
AGI 5 4 6 5 6
INT 6 5 8 6 6
MND 6 7 6 6 6
CHR 8 8 8 7 7

The starting stat bonus that you get is actually
HP: +2
MP: +0
STR: +0
DEX: +1
VIT: +0
AGI: -1
INT: +0
MND: +0
CHR: +2

Determining the starting stats for a BST is just adding that to the starting
stats of any race.

2.6) Beastmaster skills
Job Abilities:

Level: 1
Recycle Period: 2 hours
Description: Increases tame duration, and makes the pet stronger.

Level: 1
Recycle Period: 15 Seconds
Description: Tame an enemy to do your bidding.

Ability:Attack Target
Level: 1
Recycle Period: 10 Seconds
Description: Commands the pet to attack your target.

Ability:Pet Scan
Level: 10
Recycle Period: 30 Seconds
Description: Checks to see if the target is tamable.

Level: 10
Recycle Period: 10 Seconds
Description: Commands the pet to stop attacking and return to you.

Level: 12
Recycle Period: 3 Minutes
Description: Recovers your pet's HP, but requires an item.

Level: 15
Recycle Period: 10 Seconds
Description: Commands the pet to stay.

Ability:Special Attack
Level: 25
Recycle Period: 2 Minutes
Description: Commands the pet to use it's special attack.

Level: 30
Recycle Period: 10 Minutes
Description: Makes the target easier to tame.

Level: 35
Recycle Period: 10 Seconds
Description: Sets your pet free.

Job Traits:

Trait:Insect Killer
Description:Increases damage to insects.

Trait:Resist Charm
Description: Increased resistance to charming.

Trait:Bird Killer
Description: Increases damage to birds.

Trait:Amorph Killer
Description: Increased damage versus morphing type monsters.

Trait:Resist Charm
Description: Increases resistance to charm.

Trait:Lizard Killer
Description: Increases damage to reptiles.

Trait:Aquan Killer
Description: Increases damage to aqueous monsters

Trait:Plant Killer
Description: Increases damage to plants.

Another skill that Beastmasters have, that isn't really a trait or ability,
is the Wide Scan option in the map area. It allows you to see mobs that are
within your scan range.

Now, lets look at how some of the BSTs combat skills rank up against other jobs
Evade is above average but not by much
Shield is below average but not by much
Parry is above average but not by much
At lower lvls, your combat skills wont be drastically different then say for
example, a WAR, but at later lvls, you will notice a larger difference.
2.8) Beastmaster Macro assistance
Creating macros for a Beastmaster are VERY helpful, since it will become tire-
some constantly selecting Pet abilities from the menu. Lets get started.

For a pet ability, use
/pet "Ability Name"

for job abilities, use
/ja "Job Ability Name" or
the or depends on what the skill is used, for example,
for heal, use but for calm, use

for weapons skills, use
/ws "Name of the Weapon Skill"

for good renkei ws macros, do something like
/wait 3
/ws "Name of the Weapon Skill"

Now, if you end up subbing a job with magic, you can use magic macros
/ma "Name of Magic" or
again, the or depends on the type of magic, curative or destructive.

for other macro assistance, see the macro faq.
2.9) Leveling Assistance
For a Beastmaster, you probably will do alot of solo playing, so it can be kind
of hard to make a cookie cutter leveling guide. The main thing that changes
how you will be leveling is what sub job your sporting, because it will have
different effects on your skills and how you can solo. There are basically
two ways of leveling your Beastmaster while soloing

1.) Charm a mob, and attack other pets at the same as your mob.
This allows for less downtime, since you and your pet will be doing damage.
But you will have to put up with an annoying exp decrease, but it isn't that
bad. This is generally the easiest and safest way to level, aslong as your pet
stays charmed. Thats not a big problem if you have high charisma though.
A good way to do this is to charm a Decent Challenge, and then you can exp
chain up to 3 evens, as long as they don't link and you can find them fast

2.) Charming a mob, and having your pet solo a mob thats slightly stronger, and
debuffing the strong mob with magic so that your pet can get in alot of damage
before it dies.
This way of leveling is alot riskier. Not only do you have to make sure your
pet dies, but you have to make sure your pet atleast did enough damage to allow
you to finish off the mob. The easiest and safest way of doing this is to
charm an Even Match and have it attack a Tough. Then use spells or skills to
give your pet any kind of advantage. Hopefully your pet will get the mob down
to HP low enough for you to finish off the mob with few problems. This gener-
ally means more down time, but you get higher exp from the kills.

If anyone else has some good tips they would like to share, feel free to drop
me a line, and I will put it into this faq.
3.0) Job, Sub job, and race information
3.2) Race information
For a Beastmaster, charisma is the most important stat, since it governs how
easily you charm mobs, and how long they stayed charmed for. Because of this,
Galkas and Mithras make the worst solo playing Beastmaster. They are
playable, just not the best since they have poor charisma. Humes, Elvaans, and
Taru Tarus make the best since they have the highest charisma. So, Im going to
focus on those three classes.

They make very well rounded BSTs, because if you end up subbing WHM, they make
good use of the mage skills, but also make decent warriors. Very well rounded
and they make a nice choice for BST.

They make better melee BSTs, but if they sub WHM, they have poor MP. They have
higher HP, and STR then humes, making them better for melee damage and tanking.
They have lower MP though, so they can really make much use of WHM spells.

Taru Taru:
They make for some decent BSTs, since they have alot more MP the either of the
other two races, but they make poor warriors. Because of this, they will
spend more time in the back casting suppost magic, assuming their sub is WHM.

Now, the other two races do not make poor Beastmasters, but they have to equip
more items that add to charisma, since they don't have much of their own.
Galkas have the most HP, so they can tank nicely, and Mithra have more dex
and agility, so they hit and dodge a good amount. But I would prefer one of
the other races since they have higher charisma.
3.4) Sub job decision
Since you need to be level 30 to even acquire the BST job, you should make
good use of your sub job. So, I will take the time to go down the list.
Also, since version update 1.1 to 1.2, I have added a list of all the spells/
abilities you can have as that sub job. For now, the cap for your sub is lvl
37, since the max for main is lvl 75. Also, the lvls shown are what lvl as a
BST (main job) you will get the abilities/traits/magic.

Sub jobs:

Warrior makes a good sub job if you plan to party as a BST, since BST have a
good amount of defense, and you can pull. Playing solo though, it doesn't add
much. You can provoke mobs off of your pets, you will be stronger and do
better damage then usual, and you will also get Double Attack, which is rather
nice to have.
Job abilities:
Provoke: lvl 10
Berserk: lvl 30
Defender:lvl 50
War Cry: lvl 70

Job Traits:
Defense Up: lvl 20
Resist Virus: lvl 30
Double Attack: lvl 50
Attack Up: lvl 60
Resist Virus: lvl 70

This Combo isn't that bad. Since you can send a pet in first then follow up
with a sneak attack. This combo will tend to be on the rich side, since they
get all the treasure since they solo, and the treasure they get is amplified
by the thief skills. This also is a decent choice if you plan to party as a
BST, since you can use sneak and trick attack.
Job abilities:
Steal: lvl 10
Sneak Attack: lvl 30
Flee: lvl 50
Trick Attack: lvl 50
Pick Pocket: lvl 70

Job Traits:
Gil Steal: lvl 10
Evasion Up: lvl 20
Treasure Hunter: lvl 30
Resist Gravity: lvl 40
Evasion Up: lvl 60

Monk makes an ok sub, but not very benefical. It adds a good amount of HP,
which is helpful for solo, but the hand-to-hand skills are completely useless.
Counter is nice, but everything else is wasted. The only pluss is the nice
HP boost.
Job abilities:
Boost: lvl 10
Dodge: lvl 30
Focus: lvl 50
Chakra: lvl 70

Job Traits:
Martial Arts: lvl 1
Counter: lvl 20
Hp Boost: lvl 30
Martial Arts: lvl 50
Hp Boost: lvl 70

Poor sub job. Low MP, very few nuking magic, and no skills or stat boosts that
really help you as a BST. The various "- Spike" spells are kinda nice to have
since most of the time, if you engage an enemy at the same time as your pet,
your the one who is going to be tanking since pets don't hold hate to well.
This might not be too bad for early levels, but it isn't the best for early
levels either. Best pick something else.
Job Abilities:
Sign of Spirit: lvl 30

Job Traits:
Magic Attack Up: lvl 20
Clear Mind: lvl 30
Conserve MP: lvl 40
Magic Attack Up: lvl 60

Stone I: lvl 1
Posion: lvl 6
Water I: lvl 8
Blind: lvl 8
Bind: lvl 14
Aero: lvl 18
Fire Spikes: lvl 20
Bio I: lvl 20
Drain I: lvl 24
Fire I: lvl 26
Stonega I: lvl 30
Shock: lvl 32
Blizzard I: lvl 34
Warp: lvl 34
Rasp: lvl 36
Wateraga I: lvl 38
Ice Spike: lvl 40
Sleep: lvl 40
Choke: lvl 40
Thunder I: lvl 42
Frost: lvl 44
Areoga I: lvl 46
Posionaga I: lvl 48
Osmoses I: 50
Burn: lvl 50
Tractor: lvl 50
Stone II: lvl 52
Drown: lvl 54
Firaga I: lvl 56
Water II: lvl 60
Thunder Spike: lvl 60
Blizzardaga: lvl 64
Aero II: lvl 68
Bio II: lvl 70
Thunderaga I: lvl 72

Most BSTs will agree, this is the best sub job you can have as a BST.
Being able to use curative magic is the main thing for this sub.
Youll have less down time per kill meaning faster exp.
Job Abilities:
Divine Seal: lvl 30

Job Traits:
Magic defense Up: lvl 20
Clear Mind: lvl 40
Auto Regen: lvl 50
Magic Defense Up: lvl 60

Cure: lvl 1
Dia: lvl 6
Paralyze: lvl 8
Banish: lvl 10
Poisona: lvl 12
Protect: lvl 14
Protectra: lvl 14
Barsleepra: lvl 14
Parana: lvl 18
Barwatera: lvl 18
Aqua veil: lvl 20
Barpoisona: lvl 20
Cure II: lvl 22
Barparalyze: lvl 24
Slow: lvl 26
Barwind: lvl 26
Blina: lvl 28
Banishga: lvl 30
Silence: lvl 30
Deodorize: lvl 30
Curaga: lvl 32
Shell I: lvl 34
Shellra: lvl 34
Barfira: lvl 34
Silena: lvl 38
Sneak: lvl 40
Cure III: lvl 21
Barice: lvl 42
Barberserka: lvl 46
Raise: lvl 50
Invisible: lvl 50
Barthunder: lvl 50
Protect II: lvl 54
Protectra II: lvl 54
Stone Skine: lvl 56
Cursena: lvl 58
Banish II: lvl 60
Curaga II: lvl 62
Life I: lvl 66
Viruna: lvl 68
Dia II: lvl 72
Teleport to Hora: lvl 72
Teleport to Demu: lvl 72
Teleport to Mea: lvl 72
Shell II: lvl 74
Shellga II: lvl 74

Not too bad a sub, but not the best either. You get the En-spells, which add
elemental damage to your weapons, you get fewer curative spells, and you get
some more buff/debuffing spells. The stat boosts aren't anything special.
Job Abilities:
Convert: lvl 1

Job Traits:
Resist Petrify: lvl 10
Fast Cast: lvl 30
Magic Attack Up: lvl 40
Magic Defense Up: lvl 50
Resist Petrify: lvl 60

Dia: lvl 1
Cure: lvl 6
Stone I: lvl 8
Posion I: lvl 10
Earth Defense: lvl 10
Paralyze: lvl 12
Protect: lvl 14
Barsleep: lvl 14
Blind: lvl 16
Water I: lvl 18
Barwater: lvl 18
Bio I: lvl 20
Barpoison: lvl 20
Bind: lvl 22
Aquaveil: lvl 24
Barparalysis: lvl 24
Slow : lvl 26
Barwind: lvl 26
Cure II: lvl 28
Aero I: lvl 28
Diaga I: lvl 30
Deodorize: lvl 30
Enthunder: lvl 32
Shell I: lvl 34
Barfire: lvl 34
Enstone: lvl 36
Darkness Defense: lvl 36
Fire I: lvl 38
Sneak: lvl 40
Wind Weapon: lvl 40
Barice: lvl 42
Regen: lvl 42
Enice: lvl 44
Barbersek: lvl 46
Blizzard I: lvl 48
Enfire: lvl 48
Sleep: lvl 50
Barthunder: lvl 50
Invisible: lvl 50
Cure III: lvl 52
Protect II: lvl 54
Enwater: lvl 54
Thunder I: lvl 58
Dia II: lvl 62
Dispel: lvl 64
Phalanx: lvl 66
Stone Skin: lvl 68
Stone II: lvl 70
Bio II: lvl 72
Shell II: lvl 74

Ew, nothing special here. You already have wide scan, the bow skills are
useless, but scavenger is rather nice. The stat boosts aren't very helpful
Sharpshooter: lvl 1
Scanvenger: lvl 20
Camouflage: lvl 40
Continuous Shot: lvl 60

Job Traits:
Precaution: lvl 10
Accuracy Boost: lvl 20
Rapid Shot: lvl 30
Resist Poison: lvl 40
Accuracy Boost: lvl 60

This actually isn't too bad a choice for a sub job. It adds ALOT of
charisma, but the songs are kind of gimped, since you can't equip an
instrument. Not to bad of a choice though.
Job Ability:
NONE! yeah... no job abilties earned with this combo >.<

Job Traits:
Resist Silence: lvl 10
Resist Silence: lvl 50

Minne: lvl 1
Minuet: lvl 6
Pian: lvl 10
Requiem: lvl 14
Pastoral of Herb: lvl 18
Madrigal: lvl 22
The Mamba: lvl 26
Pian II: lvl 30
Requiem II: lvl 34
Operetta: lvl 38
Minne II: lvl 42
Mental Etude: lvl 48
Lullaby: lvl 54
Quick Etude: lvl 56
Matchless: lvl 58
Fine Etude: lvl 60
Prelude: lvl 62
Dexterous Etude: lvl 64
Obado: lvl 66
Strength Etude: lvl 68
Pian III: lvl 70
Light Carol: lvl 72
Requiem III: lvl 74

Dark Knight:
Nothing special here, good melee stat boosts, but nothing else. The traits and
abilities don't add anything very benefical, and neither is the BLM, since not
only do you have to deal with lower MP from sub, but DRKs dont have very much
to begin with.
Job Abilities:
Arcane Circle: lvl 10
Last Resort: lvl 30
Weapon Bash: lvl 40
Darkness: lvl 60

Job Traits:
Attack Up: lvl 20
Resist Paralysis: lvl 40
Arcana Killer: lvl 50
Attack Up: lvl 60

Stone I: lvl 10
Posion I: lvl 12
Drain I: lvl 20
Water I: lvl 22
Bio: lvl 30
Aero I: lvl 34
Bind: lvl 40
Osmoses I: lvl 40
Fire I: lvl 43
Poisonga: lvl 52
Blizzard I: lvl 58
Sleep: lvl 60
Abosorb MND: lvl 62
Tractor: lvl 64
Absorb CHR: lvl 66
Thunder I: lvl 70
Absorb VIT: lvl 70
Absorb AGI: lvl 74

Defense up traits, and other melee job abilties and traits just make you a
gimp tank, and the half level white magic isnt that helpful since you will
have poor MP with PLD as a sub. Nothing that boosts your main abilities.
Job Abilities:
Holy Circle: lvl 10
Shield Bash: lvl 30
Sentinel: lvl 60
Protect: lvl 70

Job Traits:
Undead Killer: lvl 10
Defense Up: lvl 20
Resist sleep: lvl 40
Defense Up: lvl 60

Cure I: lvl 10
Banish I: lvl 14
Protect I: lvl 20
Cure II: lvl 34
Shell I: lvl 40
Cure III: lvl 60
Protect II: lvl 60
Banish: lvl 68

Ninjitsu is always helpful, but very expensive. Dual Wield doesn't help too
much since you wouldn't be able to equip a shield if you had two weapons.
Again, not to great of a choice.
Job Abilities:
Again... no job abilties gained from this subjob. >.<

Job Traits:
Stealth: lvl 10
Resist Bind: lvl 10
Dual Wield: lvl 10


Nice boost to TP gain, but if you play solo, you wont be doing many renkeis
anyways. Otherwise, nothing special.
Job Abilities:
Demon Circle: lvl 10
Heart Eye: lvl 30
Silent Concentration: lvl 60

Job Traits:
Resist Blind: lvl 10
Store TP: lvl 20

Ewwwwwwwww. Bad choice. This job generally makes a bad subjob, because its
main strength is summoning the Wyrven, but if its your sub, you won't be able
too. No reason at all to sub Dragoon.
Job Abilities:
Enchant Circle: lvl 10
Jump: lvl 20
High Jump: lvl 70

Job Traits:
Attack Up: lvl 20
Dragon Killer: lvl 50
Hirate Up: lvl 60

Uh, you won't be getting anything good from this. You will have a good amount
of MP, but it won't do you any good with half level summons and no spells to
cast. Not only will the half level summons suck, but they make it so you cant
charm, since you can only have one pet >.<
Job Abilities:
Attack: lvl 1
Call: lvl 1
Release: lvl 1
Those are all pet abilties I might add that correspond to your summon.

Job Traits:
MP Max Up: lvl 20
Resist Slow: lvl 40
Auto Refresh: lvl 50

All summons are gained via quests (the summons that have been seen in past FF
games) or via scrolls (elementals) and are all lvl 1. So Im just going to
go down the list.


The elemental summons are just based on magic elements, i.e. Water Element.
3.5) Equipment Assistance
Beastmasters, seeing as they solo alot, can wear heavy armor. This allows them
to have a decent amount of defense so they can tank for their pets if they are
solo playing, and they can take some decent hits as a tank if they are in a
party. There are some types of armor they can't wear, like some mage specific
or MNK/NIN/SAM (stuff like martial slacks that only those three can wear) that
a BST can't wear, and at higher levels the armor starts to be more Job specific
so they can't wear that kind. But you won't be short of any defense.

Here I'll just list the weapons a BST can equip and how they rank.
(ranking system is 1=Great 2=Decent 3=Basic 4=Below Average)

Looking at the Weapon stats of a BST, Axe is the best kind of weapon for a BST,
but in a party, you might want to use Scythe if you don't plan to tank incase
the party needs a higher damager dealer. Generally is best to stick with Axe
though since Axe does decent damage, has decent delay, and allows you to equip
a shield.

3.6) Stat Calculator
This URL leads to a decent stat calculator that will give you stats based on
race, job, and sub job. Just keep in mind that it doesnt take into consider-
ation any job traits that boost HP or MP.
3.8) Artifact Armor
Artifact Armor, commonly referred to as AF armor, is job specific armor with
really nice boosts to skills and stats for that job. To see what AF armor
looks like, take this URL.
Now, time for some stats and how to unlock it.

Condition to Undertake: Beastmaster of at least Lv 40
Location/Map: Upper Jeuno / Chocobo Stable
AF Name and Type:Barbaroy Axe / 1H Axe
Equipment Characteristics: Lv 40, Damage 32, Delay 288, STR+2, CHR+2
Contents of the Quest: *
Tips: Get a bell from the Treasure Chest in the middle floors of Delkfutt's
The key is dropped by Giants.
Get the key, and report Brutus and complete the quest.
If you are LV40, you can go alone.

Condition to Undertake: To have completed the quest of (BST/AF1).
Beastmaster of LV50 at least.
Location/Map: Upper Jeuno / Chocobo Stable
AF Name and Type:Beast Gaiter / Feet
Equipment Characteristics: Lv 52, Def 10, HP +11, AGI +3, "take care of
pet" effect up, tame +2
Contents of the Quest: *
Tips: Inverstigate around Underground Pool of the underground of Fei'yin.
Investigate the pond of F-5 in the underground and an NM Dabotz' s Ghost
appears. Kill it and investigate the pond again. An event takes place.
Go back to the Chocobo Stable of Upper Jeuno.
Go to the Castle Oztroja and open the Treasure Chest.
Trade the torque of beasts ("collar of animal") that you get from the Chest
to the monkey Tebhi and in front of Mashoseki of the Castle Oztroja.
Report it to Brutus and complete the quest.

Condition to Undertake: To have completed the quest of (BST/AF2).
Beastmaster of LV50 at least.
Location/Map: Lower Jeuno
AF Name and Type:Beast Trouser / Legs
Equipment Characteristics: Lv 60, Def 30, HP +15, CHR +4, "killer" stat up,
tame +6
Contents of the Quest: *
Tips: You're told to bring a whistle and so trade a mahogany lumber to a
child in the Chocobo House in Upper Jeuno and get a whistle.
Go to the Eldieme Mound. Investigate the coffin. NM monsters of a dog and
two tigers appear.
Recommended PT configutration: 12 members of LV58 at least.

Condition to Undertake: To have cleared the AF1 quest. Beastmaster of LV50 at
Location/Map: Upper Jeuno / Protective Equipment Shop
AF Name and Type:Beast Gloves / Hands
Equipment Characteristics: Lv 54, Def 12, HP +11, DEX +3, evade +5,
tame +3
Contents of the Quest: Somewhere in the world, there told to be The Arm Guard
which was specially manufactured by Bolghertz and a craftsman whose maitrise
was one in a hundred years...
Tips: Search for Treasure Coffer at the Crawler's Nest.
The key is dropped by 'Rumble Crawler' and 'Wespe'.
Rumble Crawler is found at G-9, the place with the shape of donut. (There are
some in other places.)
The location of Treasure Coffer which has been found currently:
- The small ROOM of G-9 in the place with the shape of donut.
- The turning point at F-9.
- The corner in the small ROOM of G-8.
Talk to Guslam at the Protective Equipment Shop in Upper Jeuno and talk to the
mithra (Yin Pocanakhu) at Tenshodo. Investigate? ? ? In front of the tax-free
shop and an event takes place. And make a contract with Bolghertz.
Then you are told to bring 'Flame of Darkness' ("flame of darkness") from the
Castle Zvahl.
Go straight the crossroad of the Castle Zvahl Baileys, and at the furthest
place where demons flock together and there is the Torch.
Investigate it and an NM 'Dark Spark' appears. Kill it and get the flame of
darkness ("flame of darkness").
Bring it to Port Jeuno and investigate? ? ? In front of the tax-free shop and
get the Arm Guard.
Recommended PT configutration: 2 members of LV55 at least. (for the key). 6
members at least for the latter part.

Condition to Undertake: To have received the offer of 'The Lost Manitou Arm
Guard of Bolghertz' or completed it.
Location/Map: *
AF Name and Type:Beast Helmet / Head
Equipment Characteristics: Lv 56, Def 22, HP +15, INT +5, "calm pet" effect
up, tame +4
Contents of the Quest: *
Tips: The key is dropped by 'Fallen Officer' & 'Bhuta'.
The location of Treasure Coffer which has been confirmed so far:
- Slightly after going through the 2nd Anti-Manitou Gate and the broken stairs
to go back rightward.
- After going trough the 2nd Anti-Manirou Gate, turn left and go strait and
the hollow ON the leftward in the beetle area.
- The frog area (H-8) ON the rightward.
- In front of the incinerator
- After going trough the 3nd Anti-Manirou Gate and turn left and go straight
to the end.
Recommended PT configutration: 4 members of LV55 at least. (Indispensable for
both of the key and the coffer)

Condition to Undertake: Treasure Coffer of ??? the ?.
AF Name and Type:Beast Jack / Body
Equipment Characteristics: Lv 58, Def 44, HP +20, VIT +3, "take care of pet"
stat up - poison recovery improves etc, tame +5
Contents of the Quest: *
Tips: The keys are dropped by 'Darksteel Quadav', 'Ancient Quadav' and
'Sapphire Quadav'.Coffer is found at each small ROOM of M-6 to N-7,
K-7, K-8, and L-6.
Recommended PT configutration: 6 members of LV58 at least. (for the key)

4.0) Copyright Information
Copyrighted to Justin Biller, if you wish to use this faq on any other website,
please give me an email at and DO NOT change any-
thing in the faq. Websites that are allowed to use this faq at the moment are

If you wish to help contribute to this faq, just give me an email, and what
name you would like to use for contribution recognition.

*=Unknown, un-needed. If it is unknown, it should be somewhat obvious, but if
it is, drop me a line if you do know it and help me out with this faq ^.^

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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