Final Fantasy 11

Final Fantasy 11

16.10.2013 14:30:07
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Quest Guide

1)Table of Contents
1)Table of Contents
4)Basic Information
5)San d'Oria Quests (INCOMPLETE)
6)Windurst Quests (INCOMPLETE)
7)Bastok Quests (INCOMPLETE)
8)Jeuno Quests (INCOMPLETE)
9)Outlands Quests (INCOMPLETE)
10)Other Areas Quests (INCOMPLETE)
11)Accepted Sites
12)Contact Information/Legal Stuff

01/04/04 - Started teh "Windurst Quests" section, added to the
"San d'Oria Quests" section.

12/15/03 - Started the "Jeuno Quests" section, added to the "San d'Oria
Quests" section and the "Other Area Quests" section.

12/03/03 - Started the "Bastok Quests" section.

11/23/03 - Started the "Other Areas Quests" section, created the
"Accepted Sites" section, finished up "The Competition/The Rivalry".

11/19/03 - Finished More San d'Oria quests, divided the
"San d'Oria Quests" section into "Incomplete Quests" and
"Complete Quests" subsections. Reformatted to comply with the ASCII

11/18/03 - More San d'Oria quests, made the basic information section,
rewrote the Introduction, changed the order the quests are in.

11/14/03 - Added even more San d'Oria quests, added some better
explanation of stuff to the Introduction.

11/10/03 - Added more San d'Oria quests, Ran the whole thing through
a Spell Checker.

11/07/03 - Started the guide.

Okay so this is my first FAQ/Guide that I've written, I plan on it
becoming a full fledged Quest Guide but for now it is a Work In
Progress. Let me clarify one thing before we start, This is NOT and
probably never will be a mission guide. I will not cover the missions,
and if you email me with questions about them I most likely will not
respond. Just in case you don't know the difference between quests
and missions I will explain. A mission is usually much longer than a
quest and it is usually soley for the purpose of advancing the main
story of your character in Vana'diel, a quest is usually a small side
job that you do not have to do, quests are just for fun, and you will
usually get an item or some gil for completing them. That being said,
I hope you enjoy my guide, if you have any questions, comments, or
corrections email me at

4)Basic Information
In this section I will detail all of the basic information on how to use
my guide.

Throughout the guide I will use the term Grid followed by 2 coordinates
like I-11, this refers to the Map Grid. In order to bring up the map
simply type /map . The Map Grid is very basic, on top of the map you
will see letter, and on the side you will see numbers. The map is also
dissected into small squares by lines to help you determine which grid
you are on. If you need to know which grid you are on you can either
check your map, or if you haven't changed any of your macros press
Ctrl+2 and it will display your current position in the log window.

Throughout the guide I will use the term Trade followed by the name of
an item and a person, for example "Trade the bata greens to Abeaule".
This refers to the trade function in the menu, in order to use this
function you must target the person you wish to trade with and then
open the menu with the minus key on the keypad section of your keyboard,
then select the trade function. The trading window is fairly simple,
select a slot, select the item you wish to fill the slot with,
select OK.

Throughout the guide I will also say "Accept the quest" this simply
means that there will be a choice box where you will have to accept
or deny the quest.

If at any time you need to see what quests you are on and/or what
quests you have completed, simply type /quest to bring up the
Quests menu.

Okay now to explain the basic layout of each quest.

"Name of Quest" - this is the name of the quest as it appears in the
/quest menu.

Recommended Level - this is the level that I recommend being before
doing the quest, many quests can be done at any level which is denoted
by N/A.

Client - The person that you get the actual quest from, not always the
person who initiates the cut scene involved with the quest.

Location - The general location of the person followed by the district
of the city that they are in.

Grid - The Map Grid that the client is located on.

Reward - This is what you will get for completing the quest.

"Insert a bunch of text here" - This is where I explain the quest and
how to complete it.

Okay so that is the basic layout. The names of all locations in my
guide are taken directly from the map.

All of the quests will appear in the order in which they appear in
the "completed" section of the Quest menu, except for the ones under
the Incomplete section of the different areas, those are just in random
order until they are completed.

Repeatable quests are marked with a "**" after the name of the quest.

5)San d'Oria Quests (INCOMPLETE)
In this section you will find all of the Quests that you will receive in
the country of San d'Oria.

5a)Incomplete Quests
These are the San d'Oria quests which I have not completed yet, I have
started most of these but either cannot complete them due to level
restriction or the fact that I'm busy doing other things.


"Thick Shells"
Recommended Level: TBD
Client: Vounebariont
Location: North Auction House, Port San d'Oria
Grid: H-10
Reward: TBD

Speak with Vounebariont and he will tell you that he is a potion maker
and that he has been waiting for a shipment to come in. He will tell you
that the shipment is taking to long and request that you bring him
5 beetle shells from Jugner Forest. He will tell you that the beetle
shells are popularly known as 'Cleopatra Shells' and that they are a
very important ingredient in potion making. You can get the shells from
Stag Beetles in Jugner Forest. Once you have 5 shells bring them back
to Vounebariont, he will pay you 750gil for them. This is a repeatable
quest. Quest Completed.


5b)Complete Quests
These are the San d'Oria quests which I have completed. They are in the
order in which they appear in the "Completed" section of the Quest menu
in game.


"A Sentry's Peril"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Glenne
Location: Near Raimbroy's Grocery, Southern San d'Oria
Grid: F-8
Reward: Bronze Subligar

Speak with Glenne and she will ask you to take her husband Aaveleon his
ointment. Accept the quest. Her husband is in West Ronfaure so head
through Westgate into West Ronfaure. You will find Aaveleon near the
Sign Post in grid G-6. Trade the ointment to him and he will ask you to
take his ointment case to his wife. So head back through Westgate into
Southern San d'Oria and towards Raimbroy's Grocery. Trade the Ointment
Case to Glenne. She will give you a Bronze Subligar for your trouble.
Quest Completed.


"Cheval River's Water"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Miageau
Location: Cathedral, Northern San d'Oria
Grid: L-7
Reward: Wing Pendant

Speak with Miageau and he will give you his long winded speech about the
gates of paradise and the vicasque's sermon. He tells you that if you
wish to attend the sermon that you must bring a skin of cheval river
water as proof of your faith. In order to collect the water you will
need a blessed water skin, in order to get one you must trade 10gil to
Nouveil who is next to the stairs about 5 steps away from you. Now that
you have the blessed water skin head to Southern San d'Oria and through
Eastgate into Eastern Ronfaure. Head to grid H-5 which is just northeast
of the gate. When you get there you need to target the river and trade
the blessed water skin to it. The place to target the river is just
north of the bridge. Make your way back through town to the cathedral
and trade the Cheval River Water to Miageau. He will give you a Wing
Pendant for your trouble. This will also unlock the "Vicasque's Sermon"
quest. Quest Completed.


"Rosel The Armorer"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Rosel
Location: Rosel's Armour Shop, South San d'Oria
Grid: K-7
Reward: 200gil

Speak with Rosel, the owner of the armour shop. A cut scene will ensue,
A knight will come to pay Rosel for the cloak that one of the princes
received two days ago. Be sure to remember the name of the prince, you
will need to know later on. Rosel accepts the payment but forgets to
send the receipt back with the knight. After the cut scene ends Rosel
will ask you to take the Receipt to the prince at Chateau d'Oraguille
in North Sand d'Oria. Accept the quest and you will receive the key
item 'Receipt for the prince'. Head to North San d'Oria and to the gate
of the Chateau. Speak with the guard on the left named Guilerme and he
will ask you the name of the prince to take the receipt to. Tell him
the name and he will run into the Chateau, a few seconds later he will
run back out and if you gave him the correct name he will tell you that
he delivered the receipt and that you are dismissed. Head back to South
San d'Oria and to Rosel's Armour Shop. Speak with Rosel and he will tell
you to go to the Tanners Guild in the western part of South San d'Oria
and speak with Hanaa Punaa, Rosel will also give you 200gil for your
trouble. Quest Completed.


"The Pickpocket"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Altiret
Location: Near the water, Port San d'Oria
Grid: I-8
Reward: Light Axe

In order to start this quest you must first speak with Miene in grid
I-9, doing so will initiate a cut scene. After the cut scene talk to
Altiret in grid I-8. Altiret will explain that the pickpocket you saw in
the cut scene stole his gold rimmed glasses. Go back to I-9 and talk
with Miene again, she will give you the Eagle Button which is necessary
to complete the quest. Head to Northern San d'Oria and make your way
through Labourman's Way to Ranperre Gate, which leads to West Ronfaure.
You are heading to a small tower in grid F-6, it's almost directly west
of the gate. Once you get to the Tower you'll see Esca, the pickpocket
from the cut scene. Trade her the Eagle Button and she will accidentally
admit to bumping into you at the port, which in turn proves that she
stole the glasses. She will give you the glasses to take back to
Altiret. Head back to Ranperre Gate and make your way back through
Labourman's Way to Port San d'Oria. Go back to I-8 and trade the gilt
glasses to Altiret. He will give you a Light Axe for your trouble.
Quest Completed.


"Father And Son"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Ailbeche
Location: Parade Ground, Northern San d'Oria
Grid: J-9
Reward: Willow Fishing Rod

Speak with Ailbeche and you will soon notice that he is very distressed
because he cannot find his father. He tells you that his father is a
very proud knight, and that even though he is on holiday today he is
still wearing his armour, but not his helmet. He explains that they came
through Victory Arch together but now he cannot find him. Head through
Victory Arch into Southern San d'Oria and make your way to Helbort's
Blades on grid K-7. Inside you will find Exoroche, Ailbeche's father.
Speak with him and he will ask you to tell Ailbeche that he will come to
the Parade Ground when he is done shopping. Head back through Victory
Arch to Northern San d'Oria and speak with Ailbeche again. When you do
this Exoroche will come and yell at his son, after he is done verbally
abusing his son he will give you a Willow Fishing Rod for your trouble,
which you then find out is Ailbeche's only fishing rod. I've been told
that if you plan on becoming a Paladin later on that you should trade
the rod back to Ailbeche. The choice is yours, keep it or give it back,
whichever makes you feel better. Quest Completed.


"The Seamstress" **
Recommended Level: 7+
Client: Hanaa Punaa
Location: Tanners Guild Balcony, South San d'Oria
Grid: D-8/E-8
Reward: Leather Gloves

Talk to Hanaa Punaa and she will tell you that she is an apprentice at
the Tanners Guild and it is her dream to become a Tanner but it is also
very hard to find work experience. She will then tell you that if you
get her 3 Sheepskins from West Ronfaure she will make something for
you. I would suggest being at least level 7 before you attempt to
kill any of the Wild Sheep (which can be found in both West Ronfaure
and East Ronfaure). If you want to do it the easy way just go to the
Auction House and buy 3 Sheepskins, although if you do it this way you
will have to spend around 300gil per Sheepskin which is less than what
you can make by selling what she makes for you. After you have
collected the 3 Sheepskins, whichever way you decide to do it, take them
to Hanaa Punaa and trade them with her, she will make you a pair of
Leather Gloves. This is a repeatable quest. Quest Completed.


"The Dismayed Customer"
Recommended Level: 7+
Client: Gulemont
Location: Rusty Anchor Pub, Port San d'Oria
Grid: G-7
Reward: 560gil

Speak with Gulemont and he will talk about meeting a trader and taking
him places, he will tell you that he dropped the very important bond
that the trader gave him. He will then ask you if you will go find it
for him. Accept the quest. Head all the way through town town to
Southern San d'Oria and through Westgate into West Ronfaure. Head to the
outpost on grid G-9, on the southern side of the building you will be
able to target a "???" check it out to get Gulemont's Document. I would
recommend being at least level 7 before going this far into West
Ronfaure, there are stronger orcs and goblins here, and they will attack
you. Once you have Gulemont's Document head back through Westgate and
make your way through town to the Rusty Anchor Pub in Port San d'Oria.
Speak with Gulemont and he will thank you for finding his missing bond.
He will give you 560gil for your trouble.


"The Trader in the Forest"
Recommended Level: 7+
Client: Abeaule
Location: Phoenix Perch Inn, Northern San d'Oria
Grid: F-8
Reward: Robe

Speak with Abeaule to initiate a cut scene. During the cut scene you
will see Montaube come from the kitchen and complain about not having
any Bata greens to cook soup for the guests. After more talking Abeaule
will ask you to get a clump of bata greens from their trader, Phairet,
who works from a tower on the southern edge of West Ronfaure. Accept the
quest. Abeaule will give you a supplies order. So head out Ranperre Gate
into West Ronfaure. I would suggest being at least level 7 before doing
this quest as there are some pretty tough goblins where we are going,
and they will attack you. you will find the tower on grid I-11. Trade
the Supplies Order to Phairet and he will give you a clump of bata
greens. Head back through Ranperre Gate into Northern San d'Oria. Go
back to the Phoenix Perch Inn and trade the bata greens to Abeaule. He
will give you a Robe for your trouble. Quest Completed.


"The Sweetest Things" **
Recommended Level: 10+
Client: Raimbroy
Location: Raimbroy's Grocery, Southern San d'Oria
Grid: E-8
Reward: 400gil

Speak with Raimbroy to initiate a cut scene. During the cut scene you
will Katharina from the Lion Springs Tavern tell Raimbroy that they
tavern is out of mulsum. Raimbroy will check for some only to find that
the grocery is out of mulsum as well. After the cut scene ends speak
with Raimbroy again, he will ask you to bring him 5 Pots of Honey.
Accept the quest. You can find the honey from Giant Wasp fiends on the
La Theine Plateau, which is south of West Ronfaure. I would recommend
being at least level 10 before going to the plateau alone. once you have
the 5 pots of honey head back through West Ronfaure to Southern
San d'Oria and back to Raimbroy's Grocery. Trade the 5 pots of honey to
Raimbroy. He will give you 400gil for your trouble. This is a repeatable
quest. Quest Completed.


"The Vicasque's Sermon"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Abioleget
Location: Cathedral, Northern San d'Oria
Grid: M-7

Speak with Abioleget to initiate the quest. Vicasque Arnau will give a
long sermon about paradise and eventually will tell of a friar on
retreat in Eastern Ronfaure who spends his days praying and fasting,
only eating blue peas. Arnau will then ask the congregation to deliver
the peas to the friar in reverence for his devotion. Once Arnau is done
talking trade 70gil to Abioleget to get the blue peas. Now head to
Southern San d'Oria and through Eastgate into Eastern Ronfaure. Go to
the small tower in grid J-11, which is in the far southeastern corner.
Inside the tower you will find Andelain, trade the blue peas to him.
Now head back to the cathedral in Northern San d'Oria and speak with
Abioleget again. He will give you Brass Ring for your trouble.
Quest Completed.


"A Squires Test"
Recommended Level: 10+
Client: Balasiel
Location: Watchdog Alley, Southern San d'Oria
Grid: F-7
Reward: Spatha

Balasiel is up on one of the bridge things that connect across the upper
walls in Watchdog Alley, to get to him you'll have to go through one of
the tunnel entrances on the street level.

Speak with Balasiel and he will talk about magics and swords not truly
protecting the city. Once he is done accept the quest. He will tell you
to go to King Ranperre's Tomb and bring him back a Revival Tree Root.
You can find the Root on any of the undead creatures in the tomb, it is
a fairly rare drop so just keep at it and you'll get it eventually. The
tomb is on the southern edge of East Ronfaure and is NOT marked on the
map. Once you have the root return to Balasiel and trade it to him. He
will give you a Spatha for you trouble and will tell you to return when
you have more experience. Quest completed.


"Grave Concerns"
Recommended Level: 9+
Client: Andecia
Location: Middle House in Squire's Alley, South San d'Oria
Grid: M-7/M-8
Reward: 560gil

Speak to Andecia and he will ask you if you have heard of
King Ranperre's Tomb. Tell him that you have heard of the tomb, He will
go on to tell you that he is entrusted with the care of the tomb and
that it is his job to go every day and wash the headstone of the late
king. He will then tell you that he cannot go anymore because the tomb
is infested with fiends now. He will then tell you that the great Dragon
King himself visited him in his dreams and said to him "I am thirsty,
bring me water..." this will end the conversation. Talk to Andecia again
and he will request that you exchange the offering at the tomb with
fresh water. Accept the quest and you will receive a water skin filled
with fresh well water. Head to East Ronfaure, you do not see the name
of the tomb on the map but it is in the far southwestern corner of the
map. The entrance to the tomb is on the line between Grids G-11 and
H-11. I would suggest being at least level 9 before you go inside as
there are some very difficult enemies. Try to avoid the Goblins at all
costs, unless you are at a high enough level to beat them. Inside the
tomb you will not have a map so you'll just have to follow my directions
as best as you can. When you first enter the tomb there will be a path
almost directly in front of you, head down that path and when you get
the the intersection go either way and follow it around until you get to
a large area with a set of steps heading down in the middle. Head down
into the caves and at the first intersection go right. Follow the path
around and you'll come to another intersection, go right again. You will
now go through a long series of large caverns that are usually full of
Mouse Bats, Goblin Weavers, and Goblin Thugs. Try to avoid the goblins
while you run through, just keep going straight until you see a stairway
leading up on the right wall of the cave. Head up the stairs and back
into the outside world. Go straight out of the cave and keep going
straight until you get to the second left turn, turn left into it and
then go immediately to your left again. follow the path around until you
get to the grave site of King Ranperre which can be recognized by the
huge headstone that sits in the middle. Target the tombstone and trade
the well water with it and you will receive a tomb guard's water skin.
Now make your way back through the maze and out of the caves to
East Ronfaure. Go back to South San d'Oria and to Squire's Alley, head
into the middle house and trade the tomb guard's water skin with
Andecia. He will give you 560gil for your trouble. Quest Completed.


"The Brugaire Consortium"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Fontoumant
Location: Cargo Room B, Port San d'Oria
Grid: H-10
Reward: Lauan Shield

Speak to Fontoumant and he will explain exactly what it is that
The Brugraire Consortium does. He will ask you if you would like to work
for him delivering some parcels. Accept the Quest, and you will receive
the first of 3 parcels. This one is to be delivered to Regine's
Magicmart on grid J-8. Use your map to find the Magicmart, it shouldn't
be too difficult. Once at the Magicmart trade the parcel to Regine, she
will talk to you a bit and tell you to give her regards to Fontoumant.
Head back to the Cargo Room. Speak with Fontoumant again to get the
second parcel. This one goes to the Auction House which is right outside
the Cargo Room. Exit the Cargo Room and head up the stairs to the upper
level of the Auction House and trade the package to Apstaule. He will
bug you about being an adventurer and delivering packages. Head back to
the Cargo Room and talk to Fontoumant to get the third and final parcel.
This one goes to the Rusty Anchor Pub in grid ???. Use your map to find
the Pub, once there trade the parcel to Thierride behind the counter.
He too will bug you about being an adventurer and how you have better
things to be doing. Head back to the cargo room and talk to Fontoumant.
He will give you a Lauan Shield for your trouble. Quest Completed.


"Lizard Skins" **
Recommended Level: 20+
Client: Hanaa Punaa
Location: Tanners Guild Balcony, Southern San d'Oria
Grid: E-8
Reward: TBD

Speak with Hanaa Punaa and she will tell you that she has been getting
too many sheep skins lately. She will tell you that she can make you a
fine piece of leather if you bring her 3 lizard skins from the Valkrum
Dunes. Accept the quest. You can get the lizard skins from the Hill
Lizards in the Valkrum Dunes. Once you have them bring them back to
Hanaa Punaa, she will make you a pair of Lizard gloves as your reward.
This is a repeatable quest. Quest Completed.

NOTE: Thanks to those of you who helped me out with this one.


"Fliers For Regine"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Regine
Location: Regine's Magicmart
Grid: J-8
Reward: 440gil

Speak with Regine and tell her that you are "looking for work". She and
Rugiette will talk a bit about the store being in a bad location,
eventually Regine will ask you to hand out flyers to the citizens of
San d'Oria. Accept the Quest and you will receive Magicmart Flyers.
There are 15 people in all that you have to give flyers to, 5 in each
area. In order to give the NPC a flyer you must trade it to them. Below
is a list of the people who will accept your flyers. The list is divided
into area's and lists the names, and locations of the NPCs.

Port San d'Oria
H-9: Portaure, Inside Cargo Room B

H-9: Prietta, On balcony overlooking the port.
(use the stare case near the entrance to Cargo Room A)

I-9: Miene, Standing right in the middle of the port area.

J-10: Answald, Right outside the gate leading to the Residential Area.

H-5: Auvare, In a corner behind the Airship Dock Building.

North San d'Oria
F-3: Guilberdrier, near the lower entrance to the Carpenters' Guild.

F-3: Villion, Top Level of Labourman's Way near the upper entrance to
the Carpenters' Guild.

F-6: Capiria, Top Level of Labourman's way near the Water gates.

F-8: Boncourt, 2nd floor of Phoenix Peach Inn.

M-6: Coullene, Inside the main room of the Chapel.

South San d'Oria
J-9: Blendare, Under a tree near the Auction House

L-9: Maugie, Under a tree near Eastgate

K-9: Adaunel, On top of the wall near Eastgate.
(Use the stairs near Squire Alley)

K-7: Rosel, Rosel's Armour Shop

F-8: Leuveret, Raimbroy's Grocery Balcony

When you're done handing out all of the fliers head back to Regine's
Magicmart in Port San d'Oria. Talk to Regine. She will give you 440gil
for your trouble. Quest Completed.


"Gates To Paradise"
Recommended Level: 14+
Client: Olbergieut
Location: Cathedral Manuscript Room, Northern San d'Oria
Grid: L-7
Reward: Cotton Cape

Speak with Olbergeiut and he will ask you if you would do him a favor.
Accept the quest. He will tell you that one of the order is on a retreat
at the Crag Of Holla on the La Theine Plateau, he will then give you the
scripture of wind and ask you to take it to the Friar Faurbellant. Head
to Southern San d'Oria and through Westgate into West Ronfaure, the
plateau entrance is at the far southern end of West Ronfaure and is
marked on your map. I would recommend being at least level 14 before
going this far in to the plateau, there are stronger enemies here that
will attack you on sight. The Crag Of Holla pretty much takes up all of
grids J-8, J-9, K-8, and K-9. Head to the Eastern side of the Crag on
grid K-8, here you will find Faurbellant in a small alcove, he's easy to
miss to keep your eye on the side of the Crag as you are looking for
him. Speak with him and he will thank you for your long journey to
deliver the scripture of wind, he will then give you the scripture of
water to take back to the cathedral. Head back to West Ronfaure and into
the city. Go to the Cathedral Manuscript Rooms and speak with Olbergiut,
he will take the scripture of water off your hands and thank you for
your hard work. He will give you a Cotton Cape for your trouble.
Quest Completed.


"Tiger's Teeth" **
Recommended Level: 25+
Client: Taumila
Location: Taumila's Sundries, Southern San d'Oria
Grid: F-9
Reward: 2100gil

Speak with Taumila and she will tell you that she doesn't have what she
needs to make amulets for the cathedral. She will then ask you to bring
her 3 Black Tiger Fangs from Forest Tigers in Jugner Forest. Accept the
quest. Go to Jugner Forest and fight Forest Tigers to get the fangs.
Once you have 3 fangs bring them back to Taumila. She will give you
2100gil as payment for the fangs. This is a repeatable quest.
Quest Completed.


"Undying Flames"
Recommended Level: 10+
Client: Pagisalis
Location: Cathedral Reliquary, Northern San d'Oria
Grid: M-6
Reward: Friars Rope

Speak with Pagisalis and he will tell you about the candles in the
reliquary. He will eventually ask you to bring him 2 lumps of beeswax as
an offering of your faith. Accept the quest. In order to get the wax
you will need to make it (or so I'm told). To make the wax you will need
a fire crystal, distilled water, and 3 beehive chips. That combination
will make 1 lump of beeswax. You can buy distilled water from Raimbroy's
Grocery, and you can get the beehive chips from Giant Wasp fiends on the
La Theine Plateau, I would recommend being at least level 10 before
going to the plateau alone. Making the beeswax will be much easier if
you have your Alchemy Guild level built up, but it can be done at
level 0. Once you have the 2 lumps of beeswax bring them back to the
Cathedral Reliquary in Northern San d'Oria and trade them to Pagisalis.
He will give you a Friars Rope for your trouble. Quest Completed.


"A Purchase Of Arms"
Recommended Level: 20+
Client: Helbort
Location: Helbort's Blades, Southern San d'Oria
Grid: K-7
Reward: Elm Staff

Speak with Helbort and he will tell you that they are having trouble
filling an order. He will tell you that someone has requested a large
amount of weaponry but they do not have the stock to fill the order.
Accept the quest. Helbort will tell you that their usual free trader,
Alexius often passes through Jugner forest. Helbort will then give you a
weapons order to trade to Alexius. Go to Jugner Forest and head for grid
I-6, here you will find Alexius standing near the lake. Speak with him
and he will give you a Weapons Receipt to give back to Helbort. Go back
to Helbort and speak with him, he will give you an Elm Staff as your
reward. Quest Completed.


"The Medicine Woman"
Recommended: 27+
Client: Abeaule
Location: Phoenix Perch Inn, Northern San d'Oria
Grid: F-8
Reward: 2100gil

Speak with Abeaule and he will ask you your help again. He will ask you
to get a potion from Amaura in Watchdog Alley. Accept the quest. Amaura
lives in the house grid G-6 of Southern San d'Oria. Go talk to her and
she will ask you to bring her the ingredients for the potion. Tell her
that you will get the items for her and she will give you the Key Item
"Aumara's Formula". If you examine the item you will see that you need
the following items; 1 Zinc Ore, 1 Insect Wing, and 1 Malboro Vine. You
can get Zinc Ore from the various worm fiends around the world, Insect
Wings are found on Beetles and Wasp/Bee fiends, and you can get the
Malboro Vine from a Malboro in Pashow Marshlands. Once you have the
required items bring them back to Amaura. She will then give you the Key
Item "Cold Medicine". Now go back to the Inn and speak with Abeaule. He
will give you 2100gil as your reward. Quest Completed.


"Black Tiger Skins" **
Recommended Level: 27+
Client: Hanaa Punaa
Location: Tanners' Guild Balcony, Southern San d'Oria
Grid: E-8
Reward: Tiger Stole

Speak with Hanaa Punaa and she will ask you to bring her 3 Black Tiger
Hides. Accept the quest. You can get the hides from Forest Tigers in
Jugner Forest. Once you have 3 hides bring them back to Hanaa Punaa. She
will make you a Tiger Stole as a reward. This is a repeatable quest.
Quest Completed.


"Growing Flowers"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Kuu Mohzolhi
Location: Outside Phoenix Perch Inn, Northern San d'Oria
Grid: F-8
Reward: Ability to exit Mog House into any of the 3 areas of San d'Oria

All you have to do for this quest is get a Margurite flower and trade it
to Kuu Mohzolhi. I simply bought the flower from the Auction House, I'm
sure there's a way to grow one but don't ask me how. She is in grid F-8
just outside the Phoenix Perch Inn. For your trouble she will teach you
the priceless ability to exit your Mog House into any of the 3 areas of
San d'Oria. Quest Completed.


"The General's Secret"
Recommended Level: 25+
Client: Curilla
Location: Temple Knights' Quarters, Chateau d'Oraguille
Reward: Lynx Baghnakhs

Speak with Curilla to initiate a cut scene. She will ask you if you have
time to help her. Listen to her Request. She will tell you about a
spring atop Horlais Peak where the sweetest water flows, she wants you
to bring her some. Accept the quest. She will give you the Key Item
Curilla's Bottle. To get to Horlais Peak you will have to go all the way
through Ft. Ghelsba to the very top. Go through the hut and into the
cave and you will find yourself in Yughott Grotto, take the southern
entrance to get to the spring. Target the water and press enter, you
will fill the bottle. Now go back and speak with Curilla. She will tell
you a story and give you Lynx Baghnakhs for your reward.
Quest Completed.


"The Rumor"
Recommended Level: 30+
Client: Novalmauge
Location: Bostauniex Oubliette, Chateau d'Oraguille
Grid: G-8/H-8 (He patrols the hallway)
Reward: Scroll of Drain

Speak with Novalmauge and he will ask you to listen to his request.
Listen to him. He will ask you to bring him a Vial of Beastmen's Blood
and request that you not ask him why. Accept the quest. You can get the
blood from the leeches in Pashow Marshlands (around the various marshes
in the area, shown as green areas on the map). Once you have the blood
bring it back to Novalmauge. When he asks you if you believe the rumors
about him tell him that you do not. He will the sad story of how he was
poisoned many years ago and eventually give you a Scroll of Drain as
payment for the Beastmen's Blood. Quest Completed.


"Grimy Signposts"
Recommended Level: 20+
Client: Maugie
Location: Eastgate, Southern San d'Oria
Grid: L-9
Reward: 1500gil

Speak with Maugie and she will tell you that an adventurer told her that
her signposts were spoiled by foul weather. She will then ask you if you
would clean the four signposts in Jugner Forest for her. Accept the
quest. Go to Jugner Forest and follow the path, avoiding aggros. The
first signpost is at grid E-11, the second is at grid G-8, the third is
at grid H-7, and the fourth is at grid J-5. Check the signposts and you
will be give the choice to wipe them clean. Once you have cleaned all
four signposts go back and speak with Maugie. She will give you 1500gil
as your reward. Quest Completed.


"The Merchant's Bidding" **
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Parvipon
Location: Near Tanners Guild, Southern San d'Oria
Grid: E-8
Reward: 120gil

Speak with Parvipon and he will quickly ask you to bring him 3 rabbit
hides. Accept the quest. You can find the rabbit hides on any of the
Rabbit Or Hare fiends in any of the areas outside of the city. Once you
have the rabbit hides bring them back to Parvipon and trade them to him.
He will give you 120gil for your trouble. This is a repeatable quest.
Quest Completed.


"Starting A Flame" **
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Legata
Location: Lion Springs Tavern, Southern San d'Oria
Grid: K-6
Reward: 100gil

Speak with Legata, he will quickly ask you if you will get him 4 flint
stones. Accept the quest. You can find flint stones on any of the worm
fiends outside of the town, it shouldn't be too tough to get them. Once
you have the 4 flint stones bring them back to the tavern in
Southern San d'Oria and trade them to Legata. He will give you 100gil
for your trouble. This is a repeatable quest. Quest Completed.


"Fear Of The Dark" **
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Secodiand
Location: Top Level of Labourman's Way, North San d'Oria
Reward: 200gil

Speak to Secodiand and he will tell you that there "is something foul in
the air of late" he will then request that you bring him 2 bat wings so
that he can make charms to "ward away this wickedness". There are a few
different ways to get bat wings, first off I'll tell you right now,
don't even think about buying them because it would be a waste of money.
Ok valid options, King Ranperre's tomb has plenty of bats, and you can
always find some Ding Bats in either West or East Ronfaure. Once you
have the 2 bat wings bring them back to Labourman's Way in Northern
San d'Oria and trade them to Secodiand, he will give you 200gil for your
trouble. This is a repeatable quest. Quest Completed.


"Lufet's Lake Salt"
Recommended Level: 7+
Client: Nogelle
Location: Rusty Anchor Pub, Port San d'Oria
Grid: G-7
Reward: 440gil

speak with Nogelle and she will tell you that the secret to the pub's
bean stew is chunks of Lufet's Lake Salt. The problem is that they are
running out of it. She will request that you bring her 3 chunks of lufet
salt. Accept the Quest and she will tell you that you can find the salt
on river crabs, what she doesn't tell you is that you can find river
crabs at the Knightwell in West Ronfaure. The Knightwell is on the
intersection between grids G-10, G-11, H-10, and H-11 so head there. Now
that you're at the Knight well, fight as many river crabs as it takes to
get the 3 chunks of lufet salt. Be careful that you don't confuse Lufet
Salt with Rock Salt as you will be finding both varieties. Be careful of
the Goblin Fishers in this area if you are lower than level 9 you should
probably just avoid them. Once you have the salt head back to town and
make your way back to the Rusty Anchor Pub. Once inside the pub trade
the 3 chunks of Lufet Salt to Nogelle. She will give you 440gil for your
trouble. Quest Completed.


"A Taste For Meat"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Theirride
Location: Rusty Anchor Pub, Port San d'Oria
Grid: G-7
Reward: 150gil

To begin this quest you must first speak to Antrenau, the red haired
Elvaan sitting in the corner. He will request meat from the pub
waitress, but she will inform him that they've run out of meat. The
waitress will tell him that they have the usual and he will complain
about having only beans. Thierride will chime in saying that if he had
five slices of hare meat he could make something for Antrenau. You can
get hare meat from any rabbit or hare fiend in any area outside of the
city. Once you have the 5 slices of hare meat bring them back to the pub
in Port San d'Oria and trade them to Thierride. He will give you 150gil
for your trouble. Quest Completed.


"Exit The Gambler"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Aurege & Guilberdrier
Location: Bottom Entrance of Carpenters' Guild, Northern San d'Oria
Grid: F-3
Reward: Key Item - Map of King Ranperre's Tomb

Go to Lion Square in Southern San d'Oria and speak with Varchet. He will
ask if those blokes at the Carpenters' Guild are looking for him. He
will then tell you that if you beat him in a game of chance he will go
back to work. Trade him 5gil to initiate the game, play until you win.
Go to the Carpenters Guild in Pikeman's Way of Northern San d'Oria.
Speak with either Aurege or Guilberdrier and they will give you a map
of King Ranperre's Tomb for your trouble. Quest Completed.


"Thick Shells"
Recommended Level: 25+
Client: Vounebariont
Location: North Auction House, Port San d'Oria
Grid: H-10
Reward: TBD

Speak with Vounebariont and he will tell you that he is a potion maker
and that he has been waiting for a shipment to come in. He will tell you
that the shipment is taking to long and request that you bring him
5 beetle shells from Jugner Forest. He will tell you that the beetle
shells are popularly known as 'Cleopatra Shells' and that they are a
very important ingredient in potion making. You can get the shells from
Stag Beetles in Jugner Forest. Once you have 5 shells bring them back
to Vounebariont, he will pay you 750gil for them. This is a repeatable
quest. Quest Completed.


"The Competition/The Rivalry"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Joulet/Gallijaux
Location: Fishing Wharf, Port San d'Oria
Grid: H-8
Reward: 100gil (per moat carp), Lu Shang's Fishing Rod, Testimonial

Speak with either of the brothers fishing at the end of the small pier
and he will tell you of the competition they are having to determine
which one is a better fisherman. He will then ask you if you would help
him out. Accept the quest. He will ask you to bring him a moat carp. As
the name implies moat carp can be caught in any of the moats around the
city, the major one being just outside of Chateau d'Oraguille. All you
need to catch moat is any kind of fishing rod and some little worms as
bait, both of which can be found at the Auction House for a fairly cheap
price. Once you have the moat carp bring it to the brother that you got
the quest from. Trade it to him and he will thank you for your help.
After you have given him 10,000 moat carp he will give you a Lu Shang's
Fishing Rod, and a Testimonial for your trouble. Quest Completed

NOTE: Thanks to all of you who sent me information about this quest. I'm
not quite sure where this belongs in the order as I have not actually
completed it, if anyone could let me know that would be great.


6)Windurst Quests (INCOMPLETE)
This section will cover all of the Windurst Quests.

6a)Incomplete Quests
This subsection will cover all of the Windurst quests that I have
started but have yet to finish.


"The Postman Always K.O.'s Twice"
Recommended: TBD
Client: Ambrosius
Location: North Auction House, Windurst Walls
Grid: J-12
Reward: TBD

Speak with Ambrosius and he will tell you that one of his delivery boys
was attacked Tahrongi Canyon. He will ask you if you can find the all
of the letters that the delivery boy was carrying. Accept the quest.

NOTE: I haven't had the time to find any of the mail yet. I have been
told that it is dropped from monsters. If you know which monsters drop
which pieces of mail please contact me.

6b)Complete Quest
This subsection will cover all of the Windurst quests that I have

7)Bastok Quests (INCOMPLETE)
This section will cover all of the Bastok Quests.

7a)Incomplete Quests
This subsection will cover all of the Bastok quests that I have started
but have yet to finish.

7b)Complete Quests
This subsection will cover all of the Bastok quests that I have

"The Bare Bones"
Recommended Level: 8
Client: Degenhard
Location: Near Galkan Bridge, Bastok Markets
Grid: I-10
Reward: Map of Dangruf Wadi

An elderly Hume named Degenhard seems to be known for good health at his
age. He says he will give you the secret to his vitality if you get him
the item that supposedly makes him so healthy. The item you need to
bring him is a "Bone Chip", you can easily get them from any skeleton
type monster but the easiest are found in North Gustaberg. When you
return with the Bone Chip he reveals his secret and gives you a map to
Dangruf Wadi for your trouble. Quest Completed.

NOTE: Thanks to Ranzera for this quest.

"The Gustaberg Tour"
Recommended Level: 5 and under
Client: Degenhard
Location: Near Cid's Lab, Metalworks
Grid: G-8
Reward: 500 Gil

Izabele is looking for volunteers for a tour. The requirements are a
full party of people(6) that are level 5 and under. All you have to do
is go to North Gustaburg and meet with Hunting Bear in grid F-8. When
you get there he'll ask you a question regarding the tour. It doesn't
matter how you answer. You are rewarded 500 gil. Quest Complete.

NOTE: Thanks to Ranzera for this quest.


8)Jeuno Quests (INCOMPLETE)
This section will cover all of the Jeuno Quests.

8a)Incomplete Quests
This subsection will cover all of the Jeuno quests that I have started
but have yet to finish

8b)Complete Quests
This subsection will cover all of the Jeuno quests that I have


"Chocobo's Wounds"
Recommended Level: Lvl 20 is required.
Client: Brutus
Location: Chocobo Stables, Upper Jeuno
Grid: G-7
Reward: Chocobo License

In order to complete this quest you need 4 Gausbit Grass. You can get
the grass from Wadi Hares in Dangruff Wadi but it is a rare drop. The
easiest way is to buy them from your local Auction House. Once you have
the grass go to the stables and talk to Brutus. He will ask you if you
came to ride a chocobo, answer yes. He will then ask you if you have
ever abandoned a chocobo, answer "Nope, Never". He will then tell you
that if you can get the chocobo in the corner to let you ride it, he
will give you a chocobo license. Speak with Osker who is in the corner
with the chocobo. He will tell you that the chocobo is sick and needs
the Gausbit Grass. Try to trade 1 Gausbit Grass to the chocobo and it
will refuse to eat, Osker will tell you to keep at it and eventually the
chocobo will trust you. Now you have to wait until a different In-Game
Day, try to trade 1 grass to the chocobo again and again it will refuse.
On the third In-Game Day the chocobo will eat the grass and a cut scene
will ensue. Give it 3 more Grass on 3 separate In-Game Days and you will
get your Chocobo License. Quest Completed.

9)Outlands Quests (INCOMPLETE)
Haven't started this section yet.

10)Other Areas Quests (INCOMPLETE)
This section will cover all of the Other Areas Quests.

10a)Incomplete Quests
These are the quests that I have started but have not yet finished.


"An Explorer's Footsteps"
Recommended Level: TBD
Client: Abelard
Location: Mayor's Residence, Selbina
Grid: G-9
Reward: 800gil, 1000gil, TBD

Speak with Abelard and he will explain that his job as mayor of Selbina
doesn't keep him very busy. He will tell you about his research of the
life of Gwynham, the adventurer who drew the maps that we use. He will
eventually ask you if you will help him gather all of Gwynham's Words.
Accept the quest. He will give you a lump of Selbina Clay and tell you
that the 1st stone monument is in West Ronfaure. Go to I-10 in West
Ronfaure and find the monument. It is inside a square of brick walls.
Once you find it trade the clay to it and you will get a Clay Tablet.
Take the tablet back to Abelard and trade it to him. He will give you
800gil for your reward and ask you if you would like to help him more.
Accept again. He will give you more clay and tell you that he doesn't
know where the rest of the monuments are. One of them is in the Valkrum
Dunes, it is in a cave near the Whitebone Sands beach. Trade the clay to
the monument and again you will get a clay tablet. Take the tablet back
to Abelard and this time he will give you 1000gil for your reward. He
will ask if you want to help more. Accept again. Another monument is in
East Ronfaure at grid G-11, it's right next to the mountain side.

NOTE: If you know where more of the stone monuments are please email me
their Grid Location as well as the map they are on.

10b)Complete Quests
This subsection will cover all of the Other Areas Quests that I have


"Only The Best" **
Recommended Level: 18+
Client: Melyon
Location: Outside Weavers Guild, Selbina

Speak with Melyon and he will talk some gibberish about sheep. It's
somewhat difficult to understand what he's saying but it's not all that
important anyway. He will tell you that he needs feed for his sheep.
Accept the quest. After accepting the quest he will list the different
things he needs you to get for him, they are as follows. 5 La Theine
Cabbages, 3 Ears of Millioncorn, and 1 Clump of Boyahda Moss. You don't
have to get him all of the items just one of the 3 sets that he needs.
You can find La Theine Cabbage on Sand Hares in the Valkrum Dunes and
most of the fiends in La Theine Plateau. I don't know of any fiends that
drop millioncorn but I do know that you can grow it or buy it at your
local Auction House. You can get the Boyahda Moss on any of the Gobbue
fiends in Pashlow Marshlands and Rolanberry. Trade him any of the Items
for your reward, they are as follows.
5 La Theine Cabbage = 100gil Reward
3 Millioncorn = 120gil Reward
1 Boyahda Moss = 600gil Reward

Quest Completed. This is a repeatable Quest.


"Donate To Recycling"
Recommended Level: N/A
Client: Romeo
Location: Fisherman's Guild Roof, Selbina
Grid: H-9
Reward: Wastebasket

Speak with Romeo and he will complain about most adventurers throwing
away their old gear. He will tell you about his idea to recycle old
onion gear and will ask you to bring him 5 pieces of it. The easiest
place to get the onion gear is from your local Auction House. The gear
has to be 5 pieces of the same thing. Once you have the gear bring it
to him and he will give you a wastebasket for your reward.

NOTE: Thanks to NercesK from GameFAQs for the help on this one.


"Elder Memories"
Recommended: Lvl 18 is Required
Client: Isacio
Location: Waterfront, Selbina
Grid: G-10
Reward: Ability to equip a Support Job

Speak with Isacio and he will tell you his sad story of war, he will
eventually ask you if you would like to prove yourself. Accept the
quest. He will tell you to bring him a Damselfly Worm. You can find the
Damselflies in the Valkrum Dunes, I would suggest being at least lvl 24
before soloing these. Next Isacio asks you to bring him a Magicked
Skull. You can get the skull from Ghouls which appear at night in the
Valkrum Dunes, or all day in the Gusgen Mines. Lastlly Isacio asks you
to bring him a Crab Apron. You can get the apron from Snippers in the
Valkrum Dunes. After giving Isacio all 3 items he will teach to to equip
a Support Job.

NOTE: You should start collecting the items as soon as possible as they
are all pretty rare drops. Thanks to my LS IttoRyu for helping me out
with this one.


11)Accepted Sites
This is a list of the places that you can find this guide, if you find
it anywhere else let me know. If you would like to host this guide email
me the URL of your site and I will let you know if you may host it.


12)Contact Information/Legal Stuff
If you have any questions/comments/suggestions or if you find any
errors. Email them to me at, put FFXI in the
subject line. Final Fantasy XI is a registered Trademark of the
SquareEnix company. This guide is in no way affiliated with SquareEnix
Inc. Everything that you read in this guide was written by me, I did all
of the work to figure out all of these quests, so please do not steal my
work. And I would like to thank anyone that helped me in any way with
this guide.
Copyright (2003) (AlanRay Lloyd)

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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