Final Fantasy 11

Final Fantasy 11

16.10.2013 22:37:10
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An FAQ about FFXI's translation features |___/ VER. 1.2

Written by: Nalyr
FAQ Copyright 2003 Amanda Dean

__Version History______________________________________________________________
01/08/04 - Added Text Commands, Place Names, Spells, General Terms,
Weapon Skills, Ninjutsu, Avatars, and Pet Commands.
Updated existing sections to reflect 12/15/03 Patch.
02/27/04 - Updated existing sections to reflect 02/25/03 Patch.
New phrases in Place Names, Languages, Spells,
and Songs.

__Table of Contents____________________________________________________________
1] Introduction 21] Organize
2] General Information 22] Place Names
3] Greetings 23] Reasons
4] Questions 24] Languages
5] Answer 25] Online Status
6] Check 26] Skills
7] Tactics 27] Shops
8] Controller 28] Fiends
9] Keyboard 29] Spells
10] Game Terms 30] Songs
11] Modes of Transport 31] Equipment
12] Races 32] General Terms
13] Settings & Setup 33] Job Abilities
14] Titles 34] Job Traits
15] Text Commands 35] Weapon Skills
16] Location 36] Ninjutsu
17] Groups 37] Avatars
18] Jobs 38] Pet Command
19] Time 39] Item
20] Trade 40] Legal Information

1] Introduction ____________________________________________________________

With the most recent updates (October 2003) in Final Fantasy XI came a new
feature to help welcome the North American players...a translation feature. The
idea behind this is to help bridge the communication gaps between the Japanese
and American players by offering pre-set commonly used phrases and words that
would automatically be translated in either language when used. A great idea,
but when you look at how expanse the world of Final Fantasy XI is, it quickly
becomes apparent that there are a lot of terms to deal with.

This FAQ is here to help you wade through it all to find those specific phrases
and words that you'll be wanting when you join a party with Japanese members or
try to set up bi-lingual macros.

2] General Information _____________________________________________________

To bring up the translation menu, press the Tab key when you have the chat
input box up. This will bring up a small menu on the left side of the chat
window with a listing of categories to choose from. From these categories you
can then scroll through and select the term you'd like translated and have it
placed in the chat input box.

Another way of searching the translated phrases is to partially type what you'd
like translated and then hit the Tab key. A menu will appear on the left
offering the closest phrases available based on what you have input so far.
Once you have selected a phrase, it will replace what you have partially typed
for that word with the translated version of it.

Translated phrases are indicated as such in a light blue hue. Editing a
translated phrase will remove the blue coloring and it will not be translated
when it is entered. After entering a translated phrase or word, it will be
marked to yourself and others who see it with a green marker at the phrase's
start and a red marker at the phrase's end.

Besides just using the translation menu for general conversation in or out of
parties, translated phrases can also be added to bazaar and search comments as
well as macros.

3] Greetings ___________________________________________(17 Phrases)________

All right! I'm back!
Congratulations! I'm sorry.
Excuse me... Nice to meet you.
Good bye. Please forgive me.
Good Evening! See you again!
Good Job! Take care.
Good Morning! Thank you.
Good Night! That's too bad.

4] Questions ___________________________________________(12 Phrases)________

Can I add you to my friend list? What's the battle plan?
Do you have it? What?
Do you need any help? When?
How? Where?
In what order shall we do our weapon skills? Which?
What weapons can you use? Who?

5] Answers _____________________________________________(14 Phrases)________

Hmmm. No thanks.
Huh!? Really?
I don't know how to answer that question. Thanks for the offer, but
I'll have to pass.
I don't understand. That's interesting.
I see. Um...
I'm playing solo right now. Understood.
I'm sorry. I'm busy now. Yes, please.

6] Check _______________________________________________(7 Phrases)_________

Decent challenge Too weak
Easy prey Tough
Even match Very Tough
Incredibly tough

7] Tactics _____________________________________________(18 Phrases)________

Defeat this one first! No more MP!
Found it! Please check it.
Full attack! Pull back.
Heal! Ready to start Skillchain!
Healing! Ready!
Help me out! Run away!
I'll follow you. Setting Home Point.
Jumping to new area. Standing by.
Let's rest for a while. Stop!

8] Controller __________________________________________(14 Phrases)________

Analog Stick R3 button
Directional button SELECT button
L1 button START button
L2 button X button
L3 button O button
R1 button [] button (Square shape)
R2 button /\ button (Triangle shape)

9] Keyboard ____________________________________________(20 Phrases)________

Alt Key Hankaku/Zenkaku Key
Arrow Keys Home Key
Backspace Key Insert Key
Caps Lock Key Numeric Keypad
Ctrl Key NumLock Key
Delete Key Page Down Key
End Page Up Key
Enter Shift
Esc Spacebar
Function Keys Tab Key

10] Game Terms __________________________________________(103 Phrases)_______

Ability Layout
Ammunition Lock On
Area Log
Asleep Looking for Party
Attack Magic
Auction Meals
Auto-attack Meat Dishes
Battle Miscellaneous
Bazaar Mission
Beastmen's Seal Mog House
Beastmen-made Mog Safe
Blinded Moogle
Breads & Rice Ninja Tools
Call for Help Outpost
Camp Paralyzed
Cards Pass
Cast lots Pet commands
Charmed Pet Items
Chat Petrified
Check Pirates
Command Poisoned
Conquest Production
Conquest Points Quest
Consulate Ranged attack
Crystal Rare
Cursed Region
Cursed Items Rent-a-Room
Delivery box Resist
Dig Seafood
Disband Seafood Dishes
Diseased Signet
Disengage Silenced
Drinks Skill
Dungeon Skillchain
Egg Dishes Song
Element Soup
Equip Storage
Experience points Sweets
Fishing Gear Switch target
Furnishings Synthesis
Gardening Synthesis Materials
Healing Target
Help desk Title
Home point Trade
Icon Treasure
Ingredients User glossary
Invite to Join Party Vegetable Dishes
Item Weakened
Job Weapon skill
Job ability Weighted down
Job change World
Kindred's Seal

11] Modes of Transport __________________________________(3 Phrases)_________


12] Races _______________________________________________(6 Phrases)_________

Elvaan Mithra
Galka Tarutaru
Hume Zilart

13] Settings & Setup ____________________________________(25 Phrases)________

Backup Log On
Black List Macro
Client Modem
Config Monitor
Connection Patch
Connection Lost Phone Line
Connection Speed Power
Filter Save
Friend List Screenshot
Hard Disk Server
Ignore List TV
Lag Version
Log Off

14] Titles _______________________________________________(36 Phrases)_______

Adept Last Boss
Amateur Leader
Apprentice Mega Boss
Archduke Member
Artisan Minister
Boss Monster
Chief Musketeer
Chieftainness Notorious Monster
Clerk Novice
Craftsman Pet
Enemy President
General Prince
Guildmaster Princess
High Guard Recruit
Initiate Shopkeep
Journeyman Star Sybil
King Sub Boss
Knight Veteran

15] Text Commands ________________________________________(124 Phrases)______

/? /magic
/alliancecmd /mailbox
/amazed /makelinkshell
/angry /map
/anon /mission
/assist /muted
/attack /names
/attackoff /ninjutsu
/autogroup /no
/automove /nod
/autotarget /nominate
/away /online
/bank /panic
/befriend /party
/blacklist /partycmd
/blush /pet
/bow /playlog
/breaklinkshell /playtime
/busy /point
/chatmode /poke
/check /pol
/cheer /praise
/clap /propose
/clock /psych
/comfort /quest
/cry /random
/dance /range
/decline /regionmap
/deliverybox /salute
/dig /say
/disgusted /search
/dismount /servmes
/doubt /shocked
/doze /shoot
/echo /shout
/emote /sigh
/equip /sit
/farewell /slap
/fish /smile
/follow /song
/friendlist /stagger
/fume /stare
/garden /storage
/goodbye /sulk
/grin /supportdesk
/heal /surprised
/help /target
/helpdesk /targetnpc
/hide /targetpc
/huh /tell
/invite /think
/item /throw
/jobability /tribune
/join /upset
/joy /ver
/keyitem /volunteer
/kneel /vote
/laugh /wait
/layout /wave
/linkshell /weaponskill
/lockon /welcome
/logout /yes

16] Location _____________________________________________(19 Phrases)_______

Back Over there
Down Right
East Side
Flank South
Front Surface
Inside That way
Left This way
Middle Up
North West

17] Groups ________________________________________________(4 Phrases)_______


18] Jobs __________________________________________________(15 Phrases)______

Bard Ranger
Beastmaster Red Mage
Black Mage Samurai
Dark Knight Summoner
Dragoon Thief
Monk Warrior
Ninja White Mage

19] Time __________________________________________________(36 Phrases)______

A.M. May
Afternoon Monday
April Morning
August Next Week
Break Night
Day after tomorrow November
Day before yesterday October
Day of the week P.M.
December Saturday
February September
Friday Short time
Holiday Sunday
January Thursday
July Today
June Tomorrow
Last Week Tuesday
Long time Wednesday
March (Month) Yesterday

20] Trade _________________________________________________(9 Phrases)_______

Buy? No money!
Can I have it? Sell?
Do you need it? Trade?
I don't have anything to give you. You can have this.
Lower the price?

21] Organize ______________________________________________(15 Phrases)______

Any vacancies? Our party's full.
Are you alone? Please invite me.
Create an alliance? Please let me join.
Disbanding party. Taking a break.
Gather together. Team up?
Just for a short time is fine. Turn your party flag on.
Let's try to keep the levels of our party members. Who is the leader?
Looking for members.

22] Place Names ___________________________________________(125 Phrases)_____

Altar Room Meriphataud Mountains
Balga's Dais Metalworks
Bastok Mhaura
Bastok Markets Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Bastok Mines Monastic Cavern
Bastok Residential Area Norg
Batallia Downs North Gustaberg
Beadeaux Northern San d'Oria
Beauceddine Glacier Ordelle's Caves
Behemoth's Dominion Outer Horutoto Ruins
Bostaunieux Oubliette Palborough Mines
Buburimu Peninsula Pashhow Marshlands
Cape Teriggan Port Bastok
Castle Oztroja Port Jeuno
Castle Zvahl Baileys Port San d'Oria
Castle Zvahl Keep Port Windurst
Chamber of Oracles Qu'Bia Arena
Chateau d'Oraguille Quifm Island
Cloister of Flames Quicksand Caves
Cloister of Frost Qulun Dome
Cloister of Gales Rabao
Cloister of Storms Ranguemont Pass
Cloister of Tides Ro'Maeve
Cloister of Tremors Rolanberry Fields
Crawler's Nest Ru'Aun Gardens
Dangruf Wadi Ru'Lude Gardens
Davoi Sacrificial Chamber
Den of Rancor San d'Oria
Dragon's Aery San d'Oria Residential Area
Dynamis - Bastok Sauromugue Champaign
Dynamis - Jeuno Sea Serpent Grotto
Dynamis - San d'Oria Selbina
Dynamis - Windurst South Gustaberg
East Ronfaure Southern San d'Oria
East Sarutabaruta Tahrongi Canyon
Eastern Altepa Desert Temple of Uggalepih
Fei'Yin The Boyahda Tree
Fort Ghelsba The Celestial Nexus
Full Moon Mountain The Eldieme Necropolis
Garliage Citadel The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
Ghelsba Outpost The Shrine of Ru'Avitau
Giddeus Throne Room
Gusgen Mines Toraimarai Canal
Gustav Tunnel Upper Delkfutt's Tower
Hall of the Gods Upper Jeuno
Heaven's Tower Valkurm Dunes
Holaris Peak Valley of Sorrows
Ifirt's Cauldron Ve'Lugannon Palace
Inner Horutoto Ruins Waughroon Shrine
Jeuno West Ronfaure
Jeuno Residential Area West Sarutabaruta
Jugner Forest Western Altepa Desert
Kazham Windurst
King Ranperre's Tomb Windurst Residential Area
Konschtat Highlands Windurst Walls
Korroloka Tunnel Windurst Waters
Kuftal Tunnel Windurst Woods
La Theine Plateau Xarcabard
La'Loff Ampitheater Yhoator Jungle
Labyrinth of Onzozo Yughott Grotto
Lower Delkfutt's Tower Yuhtunga Jungle
Lower Jeuno Zeruhn Mines
Maze of Shakhrami

23] Reasons _______________________________________________(15 Phrases)______

Casting spell. I want to make money.
Fighting right now! I'm interested.
Have stuff to do, gotta go! I'm not up for it.
I don't feel well. I'm sleepy.
I don't know. I'm tired.
I don't remember. Just used it.
I have plans. Time for work!
I want experience points.

24] Languages _____________________________________________(14 Phrases)______

Can you hear me? I don't speak any Japanese.
Can you speak English? I need some time to put together my answer.
Can you speak Japanese? Japanese
English Please do not abbreviate your words.
I can speak a little. Please listen.
I can understand a little. Please use simple words.
I don't speak any English. Please use the auto-translate function.

25] Online Status _________________________________________(5 Phrases)_______

Away Invisible (Online status)
Away Message Online

26] Skills ________________________________________________(39 Phrases)______

Alchemy Hand-to-hand
Archery Healing Magic
Axe Katana
Bonecraft Leathercraft
Clothcraft Marksmanship
Club Ninjutsu
Cooking Parrying
Dagger Polearm
Dark Magic Scythe
Divine Magic Shield
Elemental Magic Singing
Enfeebling Magic Smithing
Enhancing Magic Staff
Fisherman Stringed Instrument
Fishing Summoning Magic
Goldsmithing Sword
Great Axe Throwing
Great Katana Wind Instrument
Great Sword Woodworking

27] Shops ________________________________________________(20 Phrases)_______

Air Travel Agency Magic Shop
Armor Shop Map Vendor
Auction House Music Shop
Chocobo Stables Restaurant
Delivery Sea Travel Agency
Goods Store Specialty Vendor
Guild Sales Room Tackle Shop
Hat Shop Tavern
Jewelry Store Vendor
Linkshell Vendor Weapon Shop

28] Fiends _______________________________________________(25 Phrases)_______

Antica Malboro
Bat Orc
Beastman Quadav
Bee Rabbit
Bird Raptor
Crab Sahagin
Damselfly Sheep
Dhalmel Skeleton
Fish Tiger
Funguar Tonberry
Goblin Worm
Leech Yagudo

29] Spells ________________________________________________(122 Phrases)_____

Absorb-AGI Enblizzard
Absorb-CHR Enfire
Absorb-DEX Enstone
Absorb-INT Enthunder
Absorb-MND Enwater
Absorb-STR Erase
Absorb-VIT Escape
Aero Firaga
Aeroga Fire
Aquaveil Flare
Aspir Flash
Banish Flood
Banishga Freeze
Baraera Frost
Baraero Gravity
Barblind Haste
Barblindra Holy
Barblizzara Ice Spikes
Barblizzard Invisible (Spell)
Barfira Paralyna
Barfire Paralyze
Barparalyze Phalanx
Barparalyzra Poison
Barpetra Poisona
Barpetrify Poisonga
Barpoison Protect
Barpoisonra Protectra
Barsilence Quake
Barsilencera Raise
Barsleep Rasp
Barsleepra Refresh
Barstone Regen
Barstonra Reraise
Barthunder Shell
Barthundra Shellra
Barvira Shock
Barvirus Shock Spikes
Barwater Silena
Barwatera Silence
Bind Sleep
Bio Slow
Blaze Spikes Sneak
Blind Stona
Blindna Stone
Blink Stonega
Blizzaga Stoneskin
Blizzard Stun
Burn Teleport-Altep
Burst Teleport-Dem
Choke Teleport-Holla
Curaga Teleport-Mea
Cure Teleport-Vahzl
Curse Teleport-Yhoat
Cursena Thundaga
Deodorize Thunder
Dia Tornado
Diaga Tractor
Dispel Viruna
Drain Warp
Drown Water
Enaero Waterga

30] Songs _________________________________________________(26 Phrases)______

Aubade Mambo
Ballad March (Song)
Capriccio Mazurka
Carol Minne
Elegy Minuet
Etude Operettaa
Fantasia Paeon
Finale Pastoral
Gavotte Prelude
Hum Requiem
Hymnus Round
Lullaby Therenody
Madrigal Virelai

31] Equipment _____________________________________________(76 Phrases)______

Amulet Jerkin
Armor Kimono
Arrow Knife
Artifact Knuckles
Bait Lance
Baselard Leather
Bastard Sword Ledelsen
Belt Leggings
Boots Longsword
Bow Mail
Buckler Mantle
Bullet Mask
Cape Mittens
Cesti Obi
Chain Patas
Circlet Pendant
Claymore Plate
Cloak Racial Gear
Clogs Rapier
Collar Ribbon
Crossbow Ring
Cuisses Robe
Doublet Sallet
Earring Scale
Finger Gauntlets Scarf
Fishing Rod Scimitar
Gaiters Shinobi-gatana
Gloves Short Sword
Gorget Sitabaki
Greaves Slacks
Gun Slops
Hachimaki Spear
Hairpin Starting Gear
Harness Subligar
Head Gear Tachi
Headband Trousers
Helm Tunic
Instruments Uchigatana

32] General Terms ________________________________________(203 Phrases)______

accident letter
adventure liberty
advice license
alphabet lie
announcement Light
answer limit
anyone Liquefaction
anything list
bag luck
ball machine
birthday mail
blood man
book map
box market
breath master
bridge meat
building medicine
cabin memory
camera menu
cap message
captain mind
card mine
carpenter mistake
cat money
chance moon
character mountain
child music
clock nature
cloth news
cloud notice
color onion
communication opinion
company order
Compression owner
computer paper
contest part
country peace
courage person
course phone
dance photo
danger picture
Darkness place
date plan
death play
Detonation pond
diary population
dictionary position
difference present
direction price
Distortion problem
doll program
dream promise
each purpose
earth quality
earthquake question
egg Quiver
entrance rain
event reason
everyone report
examination Reverberation
example river
excitement rock
exit rod
fact rose
Fantasy sale
fear schedule
Final Scission
flower sea
food secret
Fragmentation senior
friend sentence
fun series
Fusion shoes
gentleman shop
government sightseeing
Gravitation size
guest sky
guide smile
habit sound
hair stage
half statue
hand storm
hat story
hill success
hobby symbol
hole tax
husband teacher
ice test
idea text
Impaction thing
Induration ticket
interest tool
island train
journey Transfixion
joy tree
key voice
kindness wife
lake wind
language woman
last word
leaf work

33] Job Abilities ________________________________________(62 Phrases)_______

Aggressor Hundred Fists
Ancient Circle Invincible
Arcane Circle Jump
Astral Flow Last Resort
Barrage Manafont
Benediction Meditate
Berserk Meikyo Shisui
blood Weapon Mighty Strikes
Boost Mijin Gakure
Call Beast Mug
Call Wyvern Perfect Dodge
Camouflage Provoke
Chainspell Rampart
Chakra Reward
Charm Scavenge
Chi Blast Sentinel
Convert Shadowbind
Counterstance Sharpshot
Cover Shield Bash
Defender Sneak Attack
Divine Seal Soul Voice
Dodge Soul Eater
Eagle Eye Shot Steal
Elemental Seal Super Jump
Familiar Tame
Flee Third Eye
Focus Trick Attack
Gauge Unlimited Shot
Hide Warcry
High Jump Warding Circle
Holy Circle Weapon Bash

34] Job Traits ____________________________________________(49 Phrases)______

Accuracy Bonus Martial Arts
Alertness Max HP Boost
Amorph Killer Max MP Boost
Aquan Killer Plantoid Killer
Arcana Killer Rapid Shot
Attack Bonus Resist Bind
Auto Refresh Resist Blind
Auto Regen Resist Charm
Beast Killer Resist Curse
Bird Killer Resist Gravity
Clear Mind Resist Paralyze
Conserve MP Resist Petrify
Counter Resist Poison
Defense Bonus Resist Silence
Demon Killer Resist Sleep
Double Attack Resist Slow
Dragon Killer Resist Stun
Dual Wield Resist Virus
Evasion Bonus Stealth
Fast Cast Store TP
Gilfinder Treasure Hunter
Kick Attacks Triple Attack
Lizard Killer Undead Killer
Magic Atk. Bonus Vermin Killer
Magic Def. Bonus

35] Weapon Skills _________________________________________(126 Phrases)_____

Arching Arrow Penta Thrust
Armor Break Piercing Arrow
Asuran Fists Power Slash
Avalanche Axe Raging Axe
Backhand Blow Raging Fists
Black Halo Raging Rush
Blade: Chi Raiden Thrust
Blade: Ei Rampage
Blade: Jin Red Lotus Blade
Blade: Ku Retribution
Blade: Retsu Rock Crusher
Blade: Rin Savage Blade
Blade: Teki Seraph Blade
Blade: Ten Seraph Strike
Blade: To Shadow of Death
Blast Arrow Shadowstitch
Blast Shot Shark Bite
Brainshaker Shell Crusher
Burning Blade Shield Break
Calamity Shining Blade
Circle Blade Shining Strike
Combo Shockwave
Crescent Moon Shoulder Tackle
Cross Reaper Sickle Moon
Cyclone Sidewinder
Dancing Edge Skewer
Dark Harvest Skullbreaker
Decimation Slice
Detonator Slug Shot
Double Thrust Smash Axe
Dragon Kick Sniper Shot
Dulling Arrow Spinning Attack
Earth Crusher Spinning Axe
Empyrial Arrow Spinning Scythe
Energy Drain Spinning Slash
Energy Steal Spiral Hell
Evisceration Spirit Taker
Fast Blade Spirits Within
Flaming Arrow Split Shot
Flat Blade Starburst
Freezebite Starlight
Frostbite Steel Cyclone
Full Break Sturmwind
Full Swing Sunburst
Gale Axe Swift Blade
Groundstrike Tachi: Enpi
Guillotine Tachi: Gekko
Gust Slash Tachi: Goten
Hard Slash Tachi: Hobaku
Heavy Shot Tachi: Jinpu
Heavy Swing Tachi: Kagero
Hexa Strike Tachi: Kasha
Hot Shot Tachi: Koki
Howling Fist Tachi: Yukakze
Impulse Drive Thunder Thrust
Iron Tempest True Strike
Judgement Viper Bite
Keen Edge Vorpal Blade
Leg Sweep Vorpal Scythe
Mistral Axe Vorpal Thrust
Moonlight Wasp Sting
Nightmare Scythe Weapon Break
One Inch Punch Wheeling Thrust

36] Ninjutsu ______________________________________________(12 Phrases)______

Dokumori Katon
Doton Kurayami
Hojo Raiton
Huton Suiton
Hyoton Tonko
Jubaku Utsusemi

37] Avatars _______________________________________________(7 Phrases)_______

Carbuncle Ramuh
Garuda Shiva
Ifrit Titan

38] Pet Command ___________________________________________(52 Phrases)______

Aerial Armor Lightning Armor
Aerial Blast Megalith Throw
Assault Meteorite
Axe Kick Mountain Buster
Barracuda Dive Poison Nails
Blood Pact Predator Claws
Burning Strike Punch
Chaotic Strike Release
Claw Retreat
Crimson Howl Rock Buster
Diamond Dust Rock Throw
Dismiss Rolling Thunder
Double Punch Rush
Double Slap Searing Light
Earthen Fury Shining Ruby
Earthen Ward Shock Strike
Fight Sic
Flaming Crush Sleepga
Frost Armor Slowga
Glittering Ruby Spinning Dive
Hastega Spring Water
Healing Ruby Stay
Hell Tail Whip
Inferno Thunderspark
Judgement Bolt Tidal Wave
Leave Whispering Wind

39] Item ____________________________________________________________________

The Item section would honestly be insanely long if Square-Enix put every
possible item into this part of the translated phrases. Instead, the item
section contains only items you have in your current inventory and mog house,
items you have seen recently in your party, and things you have recently looked
at in the auction house. Also you can choose from translated items that other
people have recently said.

40] Legal Information _______________________________________________________

This FAQ may only be placed on the following websites with my permission:

- GameFAQs (

If you have found this FAQ or direct information from this FAQ on another site
or wish to place this FAQ on your own site, please contact me for permission at:
icxfall20@xarthlink.nxt (Replace the 'x's with 'e's.)

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. This guide may not be sold or
altered in any shape or form. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a
part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

ASCII Art from:
FAQ Copyright 2003 Amanda Dean.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Engl. Hinweise

16.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
25.September 2015
07.Maart 2014
11.Juni 2014
19.Februari 2014
28.Februari 2016
04.Maart 2019