Maple Story

Maple Story

18.10.2013 02:43:38
Warrior/Spearman/Dragon Knight FAQ

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Created by: HelzLance(Dom Turchi)
Email: (in regard to this MS guide)
This document is Copyright(c)2005-2006 under Dom Turchi and may not be used
unless given proper consent by e-mail.

Current Histroy:

v1.0-- Hoping to get feedback since this is just the beginning :)
v1.1-- Added builds from Richard Dong [] and
tried to fix as many bugs and grammatical errors as possible.
Also added added the section: 13) The Hp Problem with the Dragon Knight
and now my guide can be found at
v1.2-- Fixed problem in Warrior build
v1.3-- Super Cheats now has permission to use my guide and can be found at
v1.4-- Beginner Build added. Leveling Tips and The Hp Problem with the
Dragon Knight updated.

**E-mail me questions so that I may add a "Frequently Asked Question"
section. Also, if you find any bugs, e-mail them to me as well**

// Index \

1) Introduction*
2) Warriors as a Class*
3) Warriors vs. Other Classes*
4) Spearman vs. Other 2nd Job Advancements*
5) Dragon Knight vs. Other 3rd Job Advancements*
6) Maple Island as a Beginner*
7) Becoming a Warrior and AP Distribution*
8) Becoming a Spearman and AP Distribution*
9) Becoming a Dragon Knight*
10) Beginner Skills and Builds*
11) Warrior Skills and Builds*
12) Spearman Skills and Builds*
13) Dragon Knight Skills and Builds*
14) The Hp Problem with the Dragon Knight*
15) Tips, Strategies and Locations when Leveling*
16) Credits*

***Highlight, copy and Find (ctrl-f)the entire line (number and astrophix) to
skip from section to section***

1) Introduction*

Obviously since this is a guide completely homing in on a Dragon Knight
(spear using Dragon Knight specifically), I at times may appear bias towards
the Dragon Knight and my personal builds. Because of this, I wish to show
more than one possibility, and even allow yourself to merely "guide" you
through your leveling up as a Warrior and on. I also ask for you to e-mail me
comments/suggestions so that I may improve this guide.

2) Warriors as a Class*

Warriors as a class are extremely powerful. They eventually will hit higher
(while doing this more consistently) than any other class. The also have mass
quantities of Hp. The difficulty is that it requires patience and a lot of

As a Warrior, you will oviously be in close combat referred to as melee. Any
of you who love this over range, I highly recommend this class for you. The
flaw in this is that you will take massive damage at higher levels. Other
flaws with the Warrior include:

1) incredibly innacurate
2) high damage range (in beginning)
3) low mp
4) kill-stolen (ksed) a lot
5) laughed upon by many until higher levels

These flaws are repaired as you level. Innaccuracy is repaired when you
level up a skill called "Mastery." Spearman get Spear Mastery and Polearm
mastery. This skill allows you to fix the high damage range, and raises your
accuracy as well. Low mp is increased as a Spearman. In other classes, you
can even increase regeneration amount. As you level up, warriors will be
dominating in areas Magicians, Archers, and Theives may not be able to level.
You in otherwords, will not be bothered by other classes. Finally, as you
level, you get cooler armor, hit higher and your existence is finally
acknowledged. Warriors become quite useful in parties as well (this including
party quests).

3) Warriors vs. Other Classes*

If you are 100% sure that you want to train a Warrior at this point, skip to

6) Maple Island as a Beginner

otherwise, I suggest you continue reading on for other possibilities in your
Maple Story journey.

First I wish to discuss Warriors vs Archers. In the beginning, an Archer is
like a long range warrior except more accurate and they have more
avoidability. Each of them have unstable damage, and Archers get double shot
which puts them near the same damage of a warrior. Archers however, take even
more patience compared to a Warrior, due to their even more drastic unstable
damage. Later, Archers become crazy. They use multiple "stunning" abilities
while attacking several enemies at once. Both of 3rd jobs of an Archer reach
extremely high damage levels due to the fact they can fire 4 arrows. This
damage is incredibly close to that of a really good Warrior, except they
attack from a distance...stunning enemies...not taking damage...if you catch
my drift.

If you are interested in becoming a Ranger, I highly suggest you look at
the guide Wind_8500 made. He's a good friend of mine and as some great

Now there's Warriors vs Magicians. Magicians in the beginning are by far
the best class. They have no extreme damage range, and they attack from a
distance like archers. Your hittings 1's until you can finally attack with
magic, but that doesnt last too long. After that, they are quite powerful.
Every 3rd job magician can attack multiple enemies for some good damage. They
hit pretty high, but Warriors definitley over power the Magician later. One
problem with Magicians is the lack of HP, but they have an ability which
allows to take physical damage, and drain it from their mp. Their armor aint
the cheapest either.

Finally there's Warrior vs. Theives. Theives attack pretty high in the
beginning with stars and their knives because they attack twice. They are
more nimble and accurate then warriors. Warriors surpass the Assasin/Bandit
in the second job advancement in damage though, however, the cheif bandits in
the 3rd job have some ridiculously poweful attacks which do a lot of damage
(more than Warriors). Theives are really expensive too. Some people fail with
theives just because they don't have the money.

4) Spearman vs. Other 2nd Job Advancements*

The Warriors second job isnt really that different. The only difference is
what weapons they master, and a couple abilities.

Fighter: Axe/Sword user
Can boost weapon attack of party
Can "return" damage from enemy

Page: Sword/Blunt weapon user
Can lower enemy wep def
Also returns damage from enemies

Spearman: Spear/Polearm user (unable to use shields because of this)
Raises party's wep def and mag def
Raises party's max hp and mp by 60%

All these members get final attack, weapon booster, and mastery.
The reason why you choose a class is for what they become in the future...

5) Dragon Knight vs. Other 3rd Job Advancements*

Here's where a Warrior starts to show its true colors. The Fighter becomes
a Crusader they can tremenously raise their weapon attack as well as wep def.
They also regenerate more mp, stun enemies or put them into darkness, and
destroy the spell of an enemy that rose its defense. The White Knight is
similiar, except it can add elemental attributes to its attacks and crushes
magic guard. Finally, the Dragon Knight. It is capable of attacking several
enemies for thousands of damage. Unlike otherclasses, it consumes hp in order
to attack and does not increase reneration of mp. I'll go into the HP use
problem in the section

13) The Hp Problem with the Dragon Knight

6) Maple Island as a Beginner*

After you download the client and register your ID, you must plug in your
password and create a pin. After doing so, you must choose a world. The
worlds to the left are the most recent, the ones to the right the oldest.
After that, choose a channel. When you have finally reached this point you
need to create a characeter. When you create your character, try to have the
majority of your points into STR and DEX. Try not to get a 6 into INT or LUK
for the maximum outcome. When the character appears and has the stats you
like, begin the game.

You first appear on Maple Island. Try talking to every person you see with a
lightbulb above their head. These people assign quests and make leveling
really easy.

When you level, your capable of puting in ability points in your character.
As a warrior, you need strength. The first thing you must do, is get your
strength (STR) to 35. I'll explain why later. After that, raise your dexterity
(DEX) to 20. If you're unable to do this before level 11, that's ok. If you
got a 5 or 4 in both luck (LUK) or intelligence (INT), you should be able to
do this though. After that, put all AP into strength up until level 10.

I suggest you get off the island at lvl 9. The reason being in my next
section. To leave the island head to Southperry and get on the big boat.

7) Becoming a Warrior and AP Distribution*

***For some quick exp, I suggest that you talk Olaf (the Viking in Lith
Harbor). When you talk to him, choose the path of the warrior, so that once
you become a Warrior, you get some exp.***

When you get off Maple Island, you should head to Perion. The trip can
actually level you. If it doesnt, level yourself to lvl 10, but

Perion is pretty far away. The safest path in my opinion is to travel past
Henesys and Ellinia and head north. You can always take the top left portal
at the 3 way split, heading to Kerning, and continue to head north also.
Either way, you will arrive at the most north city, Perion. When you are
there, go to the highest portal and enter. Talk to Dances with Balrog and if
you followed my instructions as a begginer, you should be able to accept the
job of being Warrior. Conrgrats, you're now a Warrior.

AP Distribution:

At this point, AP should be distributed differently. Your DEX should be
exactly twice your level. If you followed my instructions, it should already
be twice your level. If not, then make it so. From this point on, add 3
into STR and 2 into DEX, that way your DEX 2x your level at all times.
You may try other ways, but this way you have the most possible accuracy and
do the most posiblle damage at your level.

8) Becoming a Spearman and AP Distribution*

When you finally reached level 30, you are now qualified to become a Spearman.
Return to Perion and go talk to Dances with Balrog, the Cheifman whom you
talked to in order to become a Warrior. If for some reason you do not
remember where he is located, read the above section

7) Becoming a Warrior and AP Distribution

When you talk to him, he gives you a letter which you have to give to a man
in the 4th section of the West Rocky Mountains. At this point, stock up on
potions (I suggest 40 or 50 of white and blue) and exit perion from the left.
Keep going left until you reach West Rocky Mountain I. You have to choose from
2 portals. You know you chose the correct one when you reach West Rocky
Mountain II. Keep using portals until the 4th section where you will see a
ridiculously muscular instructor. He's hard to miss. Talk to him and you will
have to accomplish a task. He will teleport you to another perion looking
location, and you have to kill Lupins and Fire Boars in order to find 30
Dark Marbles. Try to avoid the Lupins because of their attack style, and kill
the Fire Boars. When you are finished, you are given Proof of a Hero which
you must give to Dances with Balrog. Choose to become a Spearman, and accept.
Congrats, you're now a Spearman.

AP Distribution:

From this point on, AP distribution should be 4 into STR and 1 into DEX until
level 50. You should have 80 DEX then, which is all you really need.
If thats too low, then buy dex raised armor or scroll it. The reason why its
low is in section:

14) The Hp Problem with the Dragon Knight

9) Becoming a Dragon Knight*

*Before any of this aquire a Dark Crystal*

Once you reach level 70, your finally qualified to become a Dragon Knight.
First, you have to go to Orbis, head down Orbis tower and arrive in El Nath.
At El Nath, find the highest portal and enter it. There should be 3 people, 1
who is named Tylus. After doing so you must once again return to Dances of
Balrog in Perion. If you do not remember where he is located by now...I pity
you and will not give you his location. Anyway, talk to him and he makes you
go into the dungeon. Keep going in until you reach the 24 hour store, whose
map name is Ant Tunnel Park. Look around for the Door of Dimension, which
should bring you to "The Path of the Gliterring Crystal." You must walk to
the end until you see the dark warrior, and when you defeat him you aquire a
Black Charm.

Return to Dances with Balrog and give him the Black Charm. He will take it,
and in return give you a Necklace of Strength which you have to give to Tylus
back in El Nath. When you are finished with that, leave El Nath from the
right. Keep going through portals until you reach, El Nath: Ice Valley II.
Head to the top of this screen, and their will be a path into Sharp Cliff 1.
Head up, and go through the portal which brings you Sharp Cliff 2. In Sharp
Cliff 2, you have to go through a secret portal found at the top right.
Just keep pressing up until you teleport. You are now in the "Holy Ground at
the Snowfield." Look for the green dot on the screen, double click it and
you must answer 5 questions.

You have unlimited time to answer these questions. I suggest you use this
time because if you get any of the 5 wrong, you need to start over and
get another Dark Crystal. When you answer all 5 questions correctly in a row,
you recieve a Necklace of Wisdom. Once again, bring this to Tylus and you
finally get to choose and accept the job of Dragon Knight. CONRGRATS!

AP Distribution:

All into STR

10) Beginner Skills and Builds*

This section will be short and sweet:)

Three Snails Master Level: 3
Hurls snail shells to attack monsters from a long distance.
Level 1: Snail Shell -1, MP -10, Damage 10
Level 2: Blue Snail Shell -1, MP -15, Damage 25
Level 3: Red Snail Shell -1, MP -20, Damage 40

Recovery Master Level: 3
Enables the user to recover hp constantly for 30 seconds
(Terms between skills: 10 minutes)
Level 1: MP -10, Recover Hp 24 in 30 seconds
Level 2: MP -20, Recover Hp 48 in 30 seconds
Level 3: MP -30, Recover Hp 72 in 30 seconds

Nimble Feet Master Level: 3
Enables the character to move around quickly for a short amount of time
(Terms between skills: 15)
Level 1: MP -10, Speed +10 for 4 seconds
Level 2: MP -15, Speed +15 for 8 seconds
Level 3: MP -20, Speed +20 for 12 seconds

As a warrior, Three Snails is useless, and you only get 6 skills points. This
makes my build the following:

1- Recovery 1
2- Recovery 1
3- Recovery 1
4- Nimble Feet 1
5- Nimble Feet 1
6- Nimble Feet 1

End of story, no complaints. You will be doing a bit of damage with the
amount of STR you have, and Three Snails requires Mp as well, which you dont
have a lot. HP comes before 12 seconds of speed in my opinion. As long as you
max Recovery and Nimble Feet, I don't care what you do.

11) Warrior Skills and Builds*

Here are the skills of a Warrior and what they do at certain levels during
**All skill tables were cited from**

Improving HP Recovery Master Level: 16
With this, you'll recover even more HP every 10 seconds while standing still.
Level 1: Recover additional +3 HP
Level 2: Recover additional +6 HP
Level 3: Recover additional +9 HP
Level 4: Recover additional +12 HP
Level 5: Recover additional +15 HP
Level 6: Recover additional +18 HP
Level 7: Recover additional +21 HP
Level 8: Recover additional +24 HP
Level 9: Recover additional +27 HP
Level 10: Recover additional +30 HP
Level 11: Recover additional +33 HP
Level 12: Recover additional +36 HP
Level 13: Recover additional +39 HP
Level 14: Recover additional +42 HP
Level 15: Recover additional +45 HP
Level 16: Recover additional +50 HP

Improving Max HP Increase Master Level: 10
When having a Level Up, if AP is used on Max HP, it raises the level of
increase for Max HP
Level 1: After every level up, 4 Max HP will be added; if AP is used,
3 additional HP will be added.
Level 2: After every level up, 8 Max HP will be added; if AP is used,
6 additional HP will be added.
Level 3: After every level up, 12 Max HP will be added; if AP is used,
9 additional HP will be added.
Level 4: After every level up, 16 Max HP will be added; if AP is used,
12 additional HP will be added.
Level 5: After every level up, 20 Max HP will be added; if AP is used,
15 additional HP will be added.
Level 6: After every level up, 24 Max HP will be added; if AP is used,
18 additional HP will be added.
Level 7: After every level up, 28 Max HP will be added; if AP is used,
21 additional HP will be added.
Level 8: After every level up, 32 Max HP will be added; if AP is used,
24 additional HP will be added.
Level 9: After every level up, 36 Max HP will be added; if AP is used,
27 additional HP will be added.
Level 10: After every level up, 40 Max HP will be added; if AP is used,
30 additional HP will be added.

Endure Master Level: 8
Even when hanging on the rope or ladder, you'll be able to recover some HP
after a certain amount of time.
Level 1: Recover HP every 31 seconds
Level 2: Recover HP every 28 seconds
Level 3: Recover HP every 25 seconds
Level 4: Recover HP every 22 seconds
Level 5: Recover HP every 19 seconds
Level 6: Recover HP every 16 seconds
Level 7: Recover HP every 13 seconds
Level 8: Recover HP every 10 seconds

Iron Body Master Level: 20
Temporarily increases your weapon defense.
Level 1: MP -8; Weapon def. +2 for 75 seconds.
Level 2: MP -8; Weapon def. +4 for 85 seconds.
Level 3: MP -8; Weapon def. +6 for 95 seconds.
Level 4: MP -8; Weapon def. +8 for 105 seconds.
Level 5: MP -9; Weapon def. +10 for 120 seconds.
Level 6: MP -9; Weapon def. +12 for 130 seconds.
Level 7: MP -9; Weapon def. +14 for 140 seconds.
Level 8: MP -10; Weapon def. +16 for 155 seconds.
Level 9: MP -10; Weapon def. +18 for 165 seconds.
Level 10: MP -10; Weapon def. +20 for 175 seconds.
Level 11: MP -11; Weapon def. +22 for 190 seconds.
Level 12: MP -11; Weapon def. +24 for 200 seconds.
Level 13: MP -12; Weapon def. +26 for 215 seconds.
Level 14: MP -12; Weapon def. +28 for 225 seconds.
Level 15: MP -13; Weapon def. +30 for 240 seconds.
Level 16: MP -13; Weapon def. +32 for 250 seconds.
Level 17: MP -14; Weapon def. +34 for 265 seconds.
Level 18: MP -14; Weapon def. +36 for 275 seconds.
Level 19: MP -15; Weapon def. +38 for 290 seconds.
Level 20: MP -15; Weapon def. +40 for 300 seconds.

Power Strike Master Level: 20
Use MP to deliver a killer blow to the monsters with a sword.
Level 1: MP -4; Sword damage 114%
Level 2: MP -4; Sword damage 120%
Level 3: MP -4; Sword damage 126%
Level 4: MP -4; Sword damage 132%
Level 5: MP -5; Sword damage 142%
Level 6: MP -5; Sword damage 148%
Level 7: MP -5; Sword damage 154%
Level 8: MP -6; Sword damage 164%
Level 9: MP -6; Sword damage 170%
Level 10: MP -7; Sword damage 180%
Level 11: MP -7; Sword damage 186%
Level 12: MP -8; Sword damage 196%
Level 13: MP -8; Sword damage 202%
Level 14: MP -9; Sword damage 212%
Level 15: MP -9; Sword damage 218%
Level 16: MP -10; Sword damage 228%
Level 17: MP -10; Sword damage 234%
Level 18: MP -11; Sword damage 244%
Level 19: MP -11; Sword damage 250%
Level 20: MP -12; Sword damage 260%

Slash Blast Master Level: 20
Use HP and MP to attack every enemy around you with a sword.
Level 1: MP -6; HP -8, damage 57%
Level 2: MP -6; HP -8, damage 60%
Level 3: MP -6; HP -8, damage 63%
Level 4: MP -6; HP -8, damage 66%
Level 5: MP -7; HP -9, damage 71%
Level 6: MP -7; HP -9, damage 74%
Level 7: MP -7; HP -9, damage 77%
Level 8: MP -8; HP -10, damage 82%
Level 9: MP -8; HP -10, damage 85%
Level 10: MP -9; HP -11, damage 90%
Level 11: MP -9; HP -11, damage 93%
Level 12: MP -10; HP -12, damage 98%
Level 13: MP -10; HP -12, damage 101%
Level 14: MP -11; HP -13, damage 106%
Level 15: MP -11; HP -13, damage 109%
Level 16: MP -12; HP -14, damage 114%
Level 17: MP -12; HP -14, damage 117%
Level 18: MP -13; HP -15, damage 122%
Level 19: MP -13; HP -15, damage 125%
Level 20: MP -14; HP -16, damage 130%

Here's my suggested build.

10- HP Recover 1
11- HP Recover 3
12- HP Recover 1; Improving Max HP Increase 2
13- Improving Max HP Increase 3
14- Improving Max HP Increase 3
15- Improving Max HP Increase 2; Power Strike 1
16- Power Strike 3
17- Power Strike 3
18- Power Strike 3
19- Slash Blast 3
20- Slash Blast 3
21- Slash Blast 3
22- Slash Blast 3;
23- Slash Blast 1; Power Strike 2
24- Power Strike 3
25- Power Strike 3
26- Power Strike 2; HP Recover 1
27- HP Recover 3
28- HP Recover 3
29- HP Recover 3
30- HP Recover 1; Endure 2

In total:
HP Recover: 16
Max HP: 10
Power Strike: 20
Slash Blast: 13
Endure: 2

My reasons behind this madness are as followed:
- Need 5 HP Recover in order to put anything into Improving Max Hp Increase
- The sooner you max Improving Max HP Increase, the more Hp you have
- Powerstrike is next so you have a poweful attack, but should only be
leveled to 10 because its still 180% damage and you don't want to waste too
much mp
- Slash Blast kills multiple enemies, and enemies in this level come in
numbers. Stop at lvl 13 because you hit 100% now
- Finish Powerstrike for max possible damage
- Max HP Recover to recover hp faster
- Had nothing better to put it in. Also, Endure allows me to heal in safety.
Usually when im away for extended times, I need safe place to heal, so by
the time im back, Endure fully healed me.

Other Reasons:
-Raising wep def with Iron Body is useless if you 1 hit kill enemies
-Slash Blast is good, but as a Dragon Knight, you will be using better
abilities that have the same purpose.

Another Build:

Here's a guide from Richard Dong [] whom I would like
to thank for contributing it.

10- HP Recover 1
11- HP Recover 2
12- HP Recover 1; Improving Max HP Increase 2
13- Improving Max HP Increase 3
14- Improving Max HP Increase 3
15- Improving Max HP Increase 2; 1 Power Strike
16- Slash Blast 3
17- Slash Blast 3
18- Slash Blast 3
19- Slash Blast 1; Power Strike 2
20- Power Strike 3
21- Power Strike 3
22- Power Strike 3
23- Power Strike 3
24- Power Strike 3
25- Power Strike 2; Slash Blast 1
26- Slash Blast 3
27- Slash Blast 3
28- Slash Blast 3
29- Endure 3
30- 3 into whatever

His reasons:
-Maxing out Slash Blast leads to faster leveling and it's a long way until
you are a Dragon Knight
- Maxing HP recovering isn't that good since you will be dedicated to
training and not standing around

My thoughts:
This build is 100% perfectly fine to me. For one, Slash Blast kills multiple
enemies. From level 15-20 I suggest that you train in the slime tree in the
14) Tips, Strategies and Locations when Leveling

In the slime tree, there are way too many slimes, so leveling up Slash Blast
isn't that bad. Also, I noticed that when I was training my Warrior, potions
seemed to be better than sitting around and waiting. In otherwords, not
maxing HP Recovery is a completely valid choice to me. One thing though is
that instead of putting your 6 skill points from levels 29 and 30, he puts
things into Endure. This is ok, but your also able to put it into HP recovery
and incerease the amount you recover, since Endure envolves you hanging from
a ladder taking even more time to heal.

Final Thoughts with a Warrior Build:
I truly don't care what you do with your Warrior as long as you

1) Max out Improving Max HP Increase first
2) Max out Power strike
3) Don't put anything into Iron Body (because you get Hyper Body as a
Spearman which raises HP by 60%)

If you want to max Slash Blast and level it a little earlier, and don't want
to max HP Recovery like Richard Dong [] said, that is
fine as well. Since your really only toying around with 4 skills, there
isn't much more to do with the Warrior.

***I do not want any more e-mails on Warrior builds since
Richard Dong []and I covered most, if not, all the
other possible ways of leveling up a good Warrior.***

12) Spearman Skills and Builds*

Here are the skills of a Spearman and what they do at certain levels during
**All skill tables were cited from**

Spear Mastery Master Level: 20
Increases the spear mastery and accuracy. It only applies when a spear is
in hand.
Level 1: Spear Mastery 15%, accuracy +1
Level 2: Spear Mastery 15%, accuracy +2
Level 3: Spear Mastery 20%, accuracy +3
Level 4: Spear Mastery 20%, accuracy +4
Level 5: Spear Mastery 25%, accuracy +5
Level 6: Spear Mastery 25%, accuracy +6
Level 7: Spear Mastery 30%, accuracy +7
Level 8: Spear Mastery 30%, accuracy +8
Level 9: Spear Mastery 35%, accuracy +9
Level 10: Spear Mastery 35%, accuracy +10
Level 11: Spear Mastery 40%, accuracy +11
Level 12: Spear Mastery 40%, accuracy +12
Level 13: Spear Mastery 45%, accuracy +13
Level 14: Spear Mastery 45%, accuracy +14
Level 15: Spear Mastery 50%, accuracy +15
Level 16: Spear Mastery 50%, accuracy +16
Level 17: Spear Mastery 55%, accuracy +17
Level 18: Spear Mastery 55%, accuracy +18
Level 19: Spear Mastery 60%, accuracy +19
Level 20: Spear Mastery 60%, accuracy +20

Pole Arm Mastery Master Level: 20
Increases the pole arm mastery and accuracy. It only applies when a pole
arm is in hand.
Level 1: Pole Arm Mastery 15%, accuracy +1
Level 2: Pole Arm Mastery 15%, accuracy +2
Level 3: Pole Arm Mastery 20%, accuracy +3
Level 4: Pole Arm Mastery 20%, accuracy +4
Level 5: Pole Arm Mastery 25%, accuracy +5
Level 6: Pole Arm Mastery 25%, accuracy +6
Level 7: Pole Arm Mastery 30%, accuracy +7
Level 8: Pole Arm Mastery 30%, accuracy +8
Level 9: Pole Arm Mastery 35%, accuracy +9
Level 10: Pole Arm Mastery 35%, accuracy +10
Level 11: Pole Arm Mastery 40%, accuracy +11
Level 12: Pole Arm Mastery 40%, accuracy +12
Level 13: Pole Arm Mastery 45%, accuracy +13
Level 14: Pole Arm Mastery 45%, accuracy +14
Level 15: Pole Arm Mastery 50%, accuracy +15
Level 16: Pole Arm Mastery 50%, accuracy +16
Level 17: Pole Arm Mastery 55%, accuracy +17
Level 18: Pole Arm Mastery 55%, accuracy +18
Level 19: Pole Arm Mastery 60%, accuracy +19
Level 20: Pole Arm Mastery 60%, accuracy +20

Final Attack : Spear Master Level: 30
With a certain success rate, another attack follows after performing an
attacking skill. Only works with a spear in hand.
Level 1: 2% success rate, final attack with spear damage 105%
Level 2: 4% success rate, final attack with spear damage 110%
Level 3: 6% success rate, final attack with spear damage 115%
Level 4: 8% success rate, final attack with spear damage 120%
Level 5: 10% success rate, final attack with spear damage 125%
Level 6: 12% success rate, final attack with spear damage 130%
Level 7: 14% success rate, final attack with spear damage 135%
Level 8: 16% success rate, final attack with spear damage 140%
Level 9: 18% success rate, final attack with spear damage 145%
Level 10: 20% success rate, final attack with spear damage 150%
Level 11: 22% success rate, final attack with spear damage 155%
Level 12: 24% success rate, final attack with spear damage 160%
Level 13: 26% success rate, final attack with spear damage 165%
Level 14: 28% success rate, final attack with spear damage 170%
Level 15: 30% success rate, final attack with spear damage 175%
Level 16: 32% success rate, final attack with spear damage 180%
Level 17: 34% success rate, final attack with spear damage 185%
Level 18: 36% success rate, final attack with spear damage 190%
Level 19: 38% success rate, final attack with spear damage 195%
Level 20: 40% success rate, final attack with spear damage 200%
Level 21: 42% success rate, final attack with spear damage 205%
Level 22: 44% success rate, final attack with spear damage 210%
Level 23: 46% success rate, final attack with spear damage 215%
Level 24: 48% success rate, final attack with spear damage 220%
Level 25: 50% success rate, final attack with spear damage 225%
Level 26: 52% success rate, final attack with spear damage 230%
Level 27: 54% success rate, final attack with spear damage 235%
Level 28: 56% success rate, final attack with spear damage 240%
Level 29: 58% success rate, final attack with spear damage 245%
Level 30: 60% success rate, final attack with spear damage 250%

Final Attack : Pole Arm Master Level: 30
With a certain success rate, another attack follows after
performing an attacking skill. Only works with a pole arm in hand.
Level 1: 2% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 105%
Level 2: 4% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 110%
Level 3: 6% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 115%
Level 4: 8% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 120%
Level 5: 10% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 125%
Level 6: 12% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 130%
Level 7: 14% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 135%
Level 8: 16% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 140%
Level 9: 18% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 145%
Level 10: 20% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 150%
Level 11: 22% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 155%
Level 12: 24% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 160%
Level 13: 26% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 165%
Level 14: 28% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 170%
Level 15: 30% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 175%
Level 16: 32% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 180%
Level 17: 34% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 185%
Level 18: 36% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 190%
Level 19: 38% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 195%
Level 20: 40% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 200%
Level 21: 42% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 205%
Level 22: 44% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 210%
Level 23: 46% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 215%
Level 24: 48% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 220%
Level 25: 50% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 225%
Level 26: 52% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 230%
Level 27: 54% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 235%
Level 28: 56% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 240%
Level 29: 58% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 245%
Level 30: 60% success rate, final attack with pole arm damage 250%

Spear Booster Master Level: 20
Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the equipped
spear. It only applies when a spear is in hand.
Level 1: HP -29, MP -29; Increase in spear speed for 10 seconds
Level 2: HP -28, MP -28; Increase in spear speed for 20 seconds
Level 3: HP -27, MP -27; Increase in spear speed for 30 seconds
Level 4: HP -26, MP -26; Increase in spear speed for 40 seconds
Level 5: HP -25, MP -25; Increase in spear speed for 50 seconds
Level 6: HP -24, MP -24; Increase in spear speed for 60 seconds
Level 7: HP -23, MP -23; Increase in spear speed for 70 seconds
Level 8: HP -22, MP -22; Increase in spear speed for 80 seconds
Level 9: HP -21, MP -21; Increase in spear speed for 90 seconds
Level 10: HP -20, MP -20; Increase in spear speed for 100 seconds
Level 11: HP -19, MP -19; Increase in spear speed for 110 seconds
Level 12: HP -18, MP -18; Increase in spear speed for 120 seconds
Level 13: HP -17, MP -17; Increase in spear speed for 130 seconds
Level 14: HP -16, MP -16; Increase in spear speed for 140 seconds
Level 15: HP -15, MP -15; Increase in spear speed for 150 seconds
Level 16: HP -14, MP -14; Increase in spear speed for 160 seconds
Level 17: HP -13, MP -13; Increase in spear speed for 170 seconds
Level 18: HP -12, MP -12; Increase in spear speed for 180 seconds
Level 19: HP -11, MP -11; Increase in spear speed for 190 seconds
Level 20: HP -10, MP -10; Increase in spear speed for 200 seconds

Pole Arm Booster Master Level: 20
Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the equipped
pole arm. It only applies when a pole arm is in hand.
Level 1: HP -29, MP -29; Increase in pole arm speed for 10 seconds
Level 2: HP -28, MP -28; Increase in pole arm speed for 20 seconds
Level 3: HP -27, MP -27; Increase in pole arm speed for 30 seconds
Level 4: HP -26, MP -26; Increase in pole arm speed for 40 seconds
Level 5: HP -25, MP -25; Increase in pole arm speed for 50 seconds
Level 6: HP -24, MP -24; Increase in pole arm speed for 60 seconds
Level 7: HP -23, MP -23; Increase in pole arm speed for 70 seconds
Level 8: HP -22, MP -22; Increase in pole arm speed for 80 seconds
Level 9: HP -21, MP -21; Increase in pole arm speed for 90 seconds
Level 10: HP -20, MP -20; Increase in pole arm speed for 100 seconds
Level 11: HP -19, MP -19; Increase in pole arm speed for 110 seconds
Level 12: HP -18, MP -18; Increase in pole arm speed for 120 seconds
Level 13: HP -17, MP -17; Increase in pole arm speed for 130 seconds
Level 14: HP -16, MP -16; Increase in pole arm speed for 140 seconds
Level 15: HP -15, MP -15; Increase in pole arm speed for 150 seconds
Level 16: HP -14, MP -14; Increase in pole arm speed for 160 seconds
Level 17: HP -13, MP -13; Increase in pole arm speed for 170 seconds
Level 18: HP -12, MP -12; Increase in pole arm speed for 180 seconds
Level 19: HP -11, MP -11; Increase in pole arm speed for 190 seconds
Level 20: HP -10, MP -10; Increase in pole arm speed for 200 seconds

Iron Will Master Level: 20
Temporarily increases the level of weapon and magic defense on every member
of the party around the area.
Level 1: MP -12; Weapon def. +1, magic def. +1 for 15 seconds
Level 2: MP -12; Weapon def. +2, magic def. +2 for 30 seconds
Level 3: MP -12; Weapon def. +3, magic def. +3 for 45 seconds
Level 4: MP -12; Weapon def. +4, magic def. +4 for 60 seconds
Level 5: MP -12; Weapon def. +5, magic def. +5 for 75 seconds
Level 6: MP -12; Weapon def. +6, magic def. +6 for 90seconds
Level 7: MP -12; Weapon def. +7, magic def. +7 for 105 seconds
Level 8: MP -12; Weapon def. +8, magic def. +8 for 120 seconds
Level 9: MP -12; Weapon def. +9, magic def. +9 for 135 seconds
Level 10: MP -12; Weapon def. +10, magic def. +10 for 150 seconds
Level 11: MP -24; Weapon def. +11, magic def. +11 for 165 seconds
Level 12: MP -24; Weapon def. +12, magic def. +12 for 180 seconds
Level 13: MP -24; Weapon def. +13, magic def. +13 for 195 seconds
Level 14: MP -24; Weapon def. +14, magic def. +14 for 210 seconds
Level 15: MP -24; Weapon def. +15, magic def. +15 for 225 seconds
Level 16: MP -24; Weapon def. +16, magic def. +16 for 240 seconds
Level 17: MP -24; Weapon def. +17, magic def. +17 for 255 seconds
Level 18: MP -24; Weapon def. +18, magic def. +18 for 270 seconds
Level 19: MP -24; Weapon def. +19, magic def. +19 for 285 seconds
Level 20: MP -24; Weapon def. +20, magic def. +20 for 300 seconds

Hyper Body Master Level: 30
Temporarily increases the Max HP and Max MP of all members of the party
around the area.
Level 1: MP -25; MaxHP +2%, MaxMP +2% for 10 seconds
Level 2: MP -25; MaxHP +4%, MaxMP +4% for 15 seconds
Level 3: MP -25; MaxHP +6%, MaxMP +6% for 20 seconds
Level 4: MP -25; MaxHP +8%, MaxMP +8% for 25 seconds
Level 5: MP -25; MaxHP +10%, MaxMP +10% for 30 seconds
Level 6: MP -25; MaxHP +12%, MaxMP +12% for 35 seconds
Level 7: MP -25; MaxHP +14%, MaxMP +14% for 40 seconds
Level 8: MP -25; MaxHP +16%, MaxMP +16% for 45 seconds
Level 9: MP -25; MaxHP +18%, MaxMP +18% for 50 seconds
Level 10: MP -25; MaxHP +20%, MaxMP +20% for 55 seconds
Level 11: MP -25; MaxHP +22%, MaxMP +22% for 60 seconds
Level 12: MP -25; MaxHP +24%, MaxMP +24% for 65 seconds
Level 13: MP -25; MaxHP +26%, MaxMP +26% for 70 seconds
Level 14: MP -25; MaxHP +28%, MaxMP +28% for 75seconds
Level 15: MP -25; MaxHP +30%, MaxMP +30% for 80 seconds
Level 16: MP -50; MaxHP +32%, MaxMP +32% for 85 seconds
Level 17: MP -50; MaxHP +34%, MaxMP +34% for 90 seconds
Level 18: MP -50; MaxHP +36%, MaxMP +36% for 95 seconds
Level 19: MP -50; MaxHP +38%, MaxMP +38% for 100 seconds
Level 20: MP -50; MaxHP +40%, MaxMP +40% for 105 seconds
Level 21: MP -50; MaxHP +42%, MaxMP +42% for 110 seconds
Level 22: MP -50; MaxHP +44%, MaxMP +44% for 115 seconds
Level 23: MP -50; MaxHP +46%, MaxMP +46% for 120 seconds
Level 24: MP -50; MaxHP +48%, MaxMP +48% for 125 seconds
Level 25: MP -50; MaxHP +50%, MaxMP +50% for 130 seconds
Level 26: MP -50; MaxHP +52%, MaxMP +52% for 135 seconds
Level 27: MP -50; MaxHP +54%, MaxMP +54% for 140 seconds
Level 28: MP -50; MaxHP +56%, MaxMP +56% for 145 seconds
Level 29: MP -50; MaxHP +58%, MaxMP +58% for 150 seconds
Level 30: MP -50; MaxHP +60%, MaxMP +60% for 155 seconds

There are 3 types of builds for a Spearman.
-If you want to be pure in the way of the Spear, check out the section below
-If you want to be pure in the way of the Pole Arm, go to:

Pole Arm*

-If you want to be both, go to:


-If you wish to see builds from another person, go to:

Other Possible Builds*

// Spear* \

30- Spear Mastery 1
31- Spear Mastery 3
32- Spear Mastery 3
33- Spear Mastery 3
34- Spear Mastery 3
35- Spear Mastery 3
36- Spear Mastery 3
37- Spear Mastery 1; Final Attack : Spear 2
38- Final Attack : Spear 3
39- Final Attack : Spear 3
40- Final Attack : Spear 3
41- Final Attack : Spear 3
42- Final Attack : Spear 3
43- Final Attack : Spear 3
44- Final Attack : Spear 3
45- Final Attack : Spear 3
46- Final Attack : Spear 3
47- Final Attack : Spear 1; Iron Will 2
48- Iron Will 1; Hyper Body 2
49- Hyper Body 3
50- Hyper Body 3
51- Hyper Body 3
52- Hyper Body 3
53- Hyper Body 3
54- Hyper Body 3
55- Hyper Body 3
56- Hyper Body 3
57- Hyper Body 3
58- Hyper Body 1; Spear Booster 2
59- Spear Booster 3
60- Spear Booster 3
61- Spear Booster 3
62- Spear Booster 3
63- Spear Booster 3
64- Spear Booster 3
65- Iron Will 3
66- Iron Will 3
67- Iron Will 3
68- Iron Will 3
69- Iron Will 3
70- Iron Will 2; Endure 1 (warrior ability)

In total:
Spear Mastery: 20
Final Attack(Spear): 30
Hyper Body: 30
Spear Booster: 20
Iron Will: 20
Endure: 1

The reason behind this build is:
-Mastery fixes unstable damage adding accuracy
-Final Attack allows for you to hit again without MP use
-Need 3 iron will in order to level Hyper Body
-Hyper body at max raises hp and mp up 60%
-Raises Spears speed, which is always good, and I find it more important
than raising wep def
- This raises mag def too, and it is the only other Spearman skill that
doesnt have "pole arm" in it
-Endure is just to waste a SP

Other Reasons:
-You have everything with a spear mastered and Iron Will and Hyper Body is
mastered as well.

***I do not want any complaints or suggestions with this build because
everything is mastered that doesnt have polearm in it, and it makes a perfect
pure spear Spearman. If you have any arguments, I suggest you go Hybrid
which is explained later***

// Pole Arm* \

30- Pole Arm Mastery 1
31- Pole Arm Mastery 3
32- Pole Arm Mastery 3
33- Pole Arm Mastery 3
34- Pole Arm Mastery 3
35- Pole Arm Mastery 3
36- Pole Arm Mastery 3
37- Pole Arm Mastery 1; Final Attack : Pole Arm 2
38- Final Attack : Pole Arm 3
39- Final Attack : Pole Arm 3
40- Final Attack : Pole Arm 3
41- Final Attack : Pole Arm 3
42- Final Attack : Pole Arm 3
43- Final Attack : Pole Arm 3
44- Final Attack : Pole Arm 3
45- Final Attack : Pole Arm 3
46- Final Attack : Pole Arm 3
47- Final Attack : Pole Arm 1; Iron Will 2
48- Iron Will 1; Hyper Body 2
49- Hyper Body 3
50- Hyper Body 3
51- Hyper Body 3
52- Hyper Body 3
53- Hyper Body 3
54- Hyper Body 3
55- Hyper Body 3
56- Hyper Body 3
57- Hyper Body 3
58- Hyper Body 1; Pole Arm Booster 2
59- Pole Arm Booster 3
60- Pole Arm Booster 3
61- Pole Arm Booster 3
62- Pole Arm Booster 3
63- Pole Arm Booster 3
64- Pole Arm Booster 3
65- Iron Will 3
66- Iron Will 3
67- Iron Will 3
68- Iron Will 3
69- Iron Will 3
70- Iron Will 2; Endure 1

In total:
Pole Arm Mastery: 20
Final Attack(Pole Arm): 30
Hyper Body: 30
Pole Arm Booster: 20
Iron Will: 20
Endure: 1

The reason behind this build is:
-Mastery fixes unstable damage adding accuracy
-Final Attack allows for you to hit again without MP use
-Need 3 iron will in order to level Hyper Body
-Hyper body at max raises hp and mp up 60%
-Raises pole arms speed, which is always good, and I find it more important
than raising wep def
- This raises mag def too, and it is the only other Spearman skill that
doesnt have "spear" in it
-Endure is just to waste a SP

Other Reasons:
-You have everything with a pole arm mastered and Iron Will and Hyper Body is
mastered as well.

***I do not want any complaints or suggestions with this build because
everything is mastered that doesnt have polearm in it, and it makes a perfect
pure pole arm Spearman. If you have any arguments I suggest you go Hybrid,
which is explained later***

// Hybrid* \

This is a build if you want to be good in both spear and pole arm. I do not
suggest this build because that means that you wont get the max potental for
either spear or polearm. Also, this build doesn't make sense to me because
you physically need to be using a pole arm in order to use pole arm abilities,
and a spear in order to use spear abilities. This basically means you need
to buy both spears and pole arms. If you still want to go hyrbid though,
here's the best build I could come up with.

30- Spear/Pole Arm Mastery 1
31- Spear/Pole Arm Mastery 3
32- Spear/Pole Arm Mastery 3
33- Spear/Pole Arm Mastery 3
34- Spear/Pole Arm Mastery 3
35- Spear/Pole Arm Mastery 3
36- Spear/Pole Arm Mastery 3
37- Spear/Pole Arm Mastery 1; Other "Mastery" Skill 2
38- Other "Mastery" Skill 3
39- Other "Mastery" Skill 3
40- Other "Mastery" Skill 3
41- Other "Mastery" Skill 3
42- Other "Mastery" Skill 3
43- Other "Mastery" Skill 3
44- Final Attack: Spear/ Polearm 3
45- Final Attack: Spear/ Polearm 3
46- Final Attack: Spear/ Polearm 3
47- Final Attack: Spear/ Polearm 3
48- Final Attack: Spear/ Polearm 3
49- Final Attack: Spear/ Polearm 3
50- Other Final Attack Skill 3
51- Other Final Attack Skill 3
52- Other Final Attack Skill 3
53- Other Final Attack Skill 3
54- Other Final Attack Skill 3
55- Spear/Pole Arm Booster 3
56- Spear/Pole Arm Booster 3
57- Spear/Pole Arm Booster 3
58- Spear/Pole Arm Booster 1; Other Booster Skill 2
59- Other Booster Skill 3
60- Other Booster Skill 3
61- Other Booster Skill 1; Iron Will 2
62- Iron Will 1; Hyper Body 2
63- Hyper Body 3
64- Hyper Body 3
65- Hyper Body 3
66- Hyper Body 3
67- Hyper Body 3
68- Hyper Body 3
69- Hyper Body 3
70- Hyper Body 3

In total:
Spear Master: 20
Pole Arm Master: 20
Final Attack(Spear): 15
Final Attack(Pole Arm): 15
Spear Booster: 10
Pole Arm Booster: 10
Hyper Body: 26
Iron Will: 3

The reason behind this build:
-You master both weapons
-You get a 30% chance of Final Attack in both weapons
-Both weapons can be increased in speed for almost 2 minutes
-You nearly master Hyper Body

Negatives with this build:
-Build is good, but you don't max "booster" and "final attack" in both
-You don't master Iron Will (not much of a loss to me)

Other Possible Builds*:

Here are guides from Richard Dong [] whom I would
like to thank for contributing them.

He created 2 other builds for me, 1 which is his "pure" hyrbid, and the other
focusing a little more on polearm. He called this his "1.5" build which if
you want to check out go to:

Hyrbid 1.5*

//Richard Dong [] Hybrid\

30- Pole Arm Master 1
31- Pole Arm Master 3
32- Pole Arm Master 3
33- Pole Arm Master 3
34- Pole Arm Master 3
35- Pole Arm Master 3
36- Pole Arm Master 3
37- Pole Arm Booster 3
38- Pole Arm Booster 3
39- Iron Will 3
40- Hyper Body 3
41- Hyper Body 3
42- Hyper Body 3
43- Hyper Body 3
44- Hyper Body 3
45- Hyper Body 3
46- Hyper Body 3
47- Hyper Body 3
48- Hyper Body 3
49- Hyper Body 3
50- Pole Arm Booster 3
51- Pole Arm Booster 3
52- Pole Arm Booster 3
53- Pole Arm Booster 3
54- Pole Arm Booster 2; Pole Arm Mastery 1
55- Spear Mastery 3
56- Spear Mastery 3
57- Spear Mastery 3
58- Spear Mastery 3
59- Spear Mastery 3
60- Spear Mastery 3
61- Spear Mastery 2; Spear Booster 1
62- Spear Booster 3
63- Spear Booster 3
64- Spear Booster 3
65- Spear Booster 3
66- Spear Booster 3
67- Spear Booster 3
68- Spear Booster 1; 2 into whatever
69- 3 into whatever
70- 3 into whatever

His reasons:
-You max hyper body
-You max boosters
-You get pole arm in the 2nd job, and spear in the 3rd job.
(This is because polearm is for stable damage in the 2nd job and you still
mastered spear, which is important in the 3rd job with the ability Buster)

My thoughts:
It's acceptable in my book. You master out both masteries and boosteries.
You don't however master final attack. This is where I must make an important
point. Final Attack is HORRIBLE if you don't knock back the enemy. Your just
asking to get hit...many times. My guild leader mentioned that he hated it
because he would keep running into Alishar (Ludibruim Party Quest boss), and
it does about 500-600 damage. My Archer friend, Wind_8500, also does not
like the ability because it does NOT activate with 3rd job skills. If you
were to train on golems or yetis or whatever, Final Attack is fine because
you level faster and you would most likely knock them back.

// Richard Dong [] Hyrbid 1.5*\

30- Pole Arm Mastery 1
31- Pole Arm Mastery 3
32- Pole Arm Mastery 3
33- Pole Arm Mastery 3
34- Pole Arm Mastery 3
35- Pole Arm Mastery 3
36- Pole Arm Mastery 3
37- Pole Arm Booster 3
38- Pole Arm Booster 3
39- Final Attack: Pole Arm 3
40- Final Attack: Pole Arm 3
41- Final Attack: Pole Arm 3
42- Final Attack: Pole Arm 3
43- Final Attack: Pole Arm 3
44- Final Attack: Pole Arm 3
45- Final Attack: Pole Arm 3
46- Final Attack: Pole Arm 3
47- Final Attack: Pole Arm 3
48- Final Attack: Pole Arm 3
49- Iron Will 3
50- Hyper Body 3
51- Hyper Body 3
52- Hyper Body 3
53- Hyper Body 3
54- Hyper Body 3
55- Hyper Body 3
56- Hyper Body 3
57- Hyper Body 3
58- Hyper Body 3
59- Hyper Body 3
60- Spear Mastery 3
61- Spear Mastery 3
62- Spear Mastery 3
63- Spear Mastery 3
64- Spear Mastery 3
65- Spear Mastery 3
66- Spear Mastery 1; Spear Booster 2
67- Spear Booster 3
68- Spear Booster 3
69- Spear Booster 3
70- Spear Booster 3

His reason:
-Mainly to level a final attack, but you don't max booster which he stated.

My thoughts:
It's good. You max out Hyper Body which is important. Spear Mastery at 19
is ok because it only gives you +1 in accuracy which isn't gonna kill you.
The only thing that bothers me is leaving Pole Arm Mastery with 6. Its ok
since you will be using your spear in the 3rd job, but 6 seems a little low.
I don't have any more problems with this interesting "1.5" build though.

My Final Thoughts with the Spearman Build:
Once again, I truly do not care how you level your Spearman. I merely wrote
this to guide you. I still highly recommend you go pure(spear), but if you go
hyrbid you must at least do the follow:
1)Max out some kind of mastery first (Preverably pole arm for more stable
damage as a Spearman) and the other later
2) Come really close to maxing out Hyper Body
3) Have SOME sort of Booster in AT LEAST spear for help as a Dragon Knight

I do not care if you choose the hyrbid 1.5, the pure or my half and half,
but either way you still accomplish those 3 things.

***I do not want any more e-mails on spearman builds since
Richard Dong []and I covered most, if not, all the
other possible ways of leveling up a good spearman.***

13) Dragon Knight Skills and Builds*

Here are the skills of a Dragon Knight and what they do at certain levels
during growth.
**All skill tables were cited from**

Element Resistance Master Level: 20
You get additional resistance from Fire, Cold, Lightning & Poison.
Level 1: 12% resistance against magic attacks
Level 2: 14% resistance against magic attacks
Level 3: 16% resistance against magic attacks
Level 4: 18% resistance against magic attacks
Level 5: 20% resistance against magic attacks
Level 6: 22% resistance against magic attacks
Level 7: 24% resistance against magic attacks
Level 8: 26% resistance against magic attacks
Level 9: 28% resistance against magic attacks
Level 10: 30% resistance against magic attacks
Level 11: 31% resistance against magic attacks
Level 12: 32% resistance against magic attacks
Level 13: 33% resistance against magic attacks
Level 14: 34% resistance against magic attacks
Level 15: 35% resistance against magic attacks
Level 16: 36% resistance against magic attacks
Level 17: 37% resistance against magic attacks
Level 18: 38% resistance against magic attacks
Level 19: 39% resistance against magic attacks
Level 20: 40% resistance against magic attacks

Attack the enemy several times with the spear.
Level 1: MP -10; Basic attack 55%, attack 1 enemy 2 times
Level 2: MP -10; Basic attack 60%, attack 1 enemy 2 times
Level 3: MP -10; Basic attack 65%, attack 1 enemy 2 times
Level 4: MP -10; Basic attack 70%, attack 1 enemy 2 times
Level 5: MP -10; Basic attack 75%, attack 1 enemy 2 times
Level 6: MP -13; Basic attack 80%, attack 2 enemy 2 times
Level 7: MP -13; Basic attack 85%, attack 2 enemy 2 times
Level 8: MP -13; Basic attack 90%, attack 2 enemy 2 times
Level 9: MP -13; Basic attack 95%, attack 2 enemy 2 times
Level 10: MP -13; Basic attack 100%, attack 2 enemy 2 times
Level 11: MP -16; Basic attack 104%, attack 3 enemy 2 times
Level 12: MP -16; Basic attack 108%, attack 3 enemy 2 times
Level 13: MP -16; Basic attack 112%, attack 3 enemy 2 times
Level 14: MP -16; Basic attack 116%, attack 3 enemy 2 times
Level 15: MP -16; Basic attack 120%, attack 3 enemy 2 times
Level 16: MP -19; Basic attack 124%, attack 1 enemy 3 times
Level 17: MP -19; Basic attack 128%, attack 1 enemy 3 times
Level 18: MP -19; Basic attack 132%, attack 1 enemy 3 times
Level 19: MP -19; Basic attack 136%, attack 1 enemy 3 times
Level 20: MP -19; Basic attack 140%, attack 1 enemy 3 times
Level 21: MP -21; Basic attack 143%, attack 2 enemy 3 times
Level 22: MP -21; Basic attack 146%, attack 2 enemy 3 times
Level 23: MP -21; Basic attack 149%, attack 2 enemy 3 times
Level 24: MP -21; Basic attack 152%, attack 2 enemy 3 times
Level 25: MP -21; Basic attack 155%, attack 2 enemy 3 times
Level 26: MP -24; Basic attack 158%, attack 3 enemy 3 times
Level 27: MP -24; Basic attack 161%, attack 3 enemy 3 times
Level 28: MP -24; Basic attack 164%, attack 3 enemy 3 times
Level 29: MP -24; Basic attack 167%, attack 3 enemy 3 times
Level 30: MP -24; Basic attack 170%, attack 3 enemy 3 times

Dragon Fury Master Level: 30 (USE FOR POLE ARM ONLY, IT ONLY SLASHES)
Attack multiple enemies by swinging the spear.
Level 1: HP -20, MP -10; Basic attack 80%
Level 2: HP -20, MP -10; Basic attack 90%
Level 3: HP -20, MP -10; Basic attack 100%
Level 4: HP -20, MP -10; Basic attack 110%
Level 5: HP -20, MP -10; Basic attack 120%
Level 6: HP -20, MP -10; Basic attack 130%
Level 7: HP -20, MP -10; Basic attack 140%
Level 8: HP -20, MP -10; Basic attack 150%
Level 9: HP -20, MP -10; Basic attack 160%
Level 10: HP -20, MP -10; Basic attack 170%
Level 11: HP -25, MP -15; Basic attack 175%
Level 12: HP -25, MP -15; Basic attack 180%
Level 13: HP -25, MP -15; Basic attack 185%
Level 14: HP -25, MP -15; Basic attack 190%
Level 15: HP -25, MP -15; Basic attack 195%
Level 16: HP -25, MP -15; Basic attack 200%
Level 17: HP -25, MP -15; Basic attack 205%
Level 18: HP -25, MP -15; Basic attack 210%
Level 19: HP -25, MP -15; Basic attack 215%
Level 20: HP -25, MP -15; Basic attack 220%
Level 21: HP -30, MP -20; Basic attack 223%
Level 22: HP -30, MP -20; Basic attack 226%
Level 23: HP -30, MP -20; Basic attack 229%
Level 24: HP -30, MP -20; Basic attack 232%
Level 25: HP -30, MP -20; Basic attack 235%
Level 26: HP -30, MP -20; Basic attack 238%
Level 27: HP -30, MP -20; Basic attack 241%
Level 28: HP -30, MP -20; Basic attack 244%
Level 29: HP -30, MP -20; Basic attack 247%
Level 30: HP -30, MP -20; Basic attack 250%

Sacrifice Master Level: 30
Attack one enemy regardless their weapon defense by sacrificing character's \
Level 1: MP -12; Basic attack 205%, sacrifice 20% HP from damage
Level 2: MP -12; Basic attack 210%, sacrifice 19% HP from damage
Level 3: MP -12; Basic attack 215%, sacrifice 19% HP from damage
Level 4: MP -12; Basic attack 220%, sacrifice 18% HP from damage
Level 5: MP -12; Basic attack 225%, sacrifice 18% HP from damage
Level 6: MP -12; Basic attack 230%, sacrifice 17% HP from damage
Level 7: MP -12; Basic attack 235%, sacrifice 17% HP from damage
Level 8: MP -12; Basic attack 240%, sacrifice 16% HP from damage
Level 9: MP -12; Basic attack 245%, sacrifice 16% HP from damage
Level 10: MP -12; Basic attack 250%, sacrifice 15% HP from damage
Level 11: MP -15; Basic attack 255%, sacrifice 15% HP from damage
Level 12: MP -15; Basic attack 260%, sacrifice 14% HP from damage
Level 13: MP -15; Basic attack 265%, sacrifice 14% HP from damage
Level 14: MP -15; Basic attack 270%, sacrifice 13% HP from damage
Level 15: MP -15; Basic attack 275%, sacrifice 13% HP from damage
Level 16: MP -15; Basic attack 280%, sacrifice 12% HP from damage
Level 17: MP -15; Basic attack 285%, sacrifice 12% HP from damage
Level 18: MP -15; Basic attack 290%, sacrifice 11% HP from damage
Level 19: MP -15; Basic attack 295%, sacrifice 11% HP from damage
Level 20: MP -15; Basic attack 300%, sacrifice 10% HP from damage
Level 21: MP -18; Basic attack 305%, sacrifice 10% HP from damage
Level 22: MP -18; Basic attack 310%, sacrifice 9% HP from damage
Level 23: MP -18; Basic attack 315%, sacrifice 9% HP from damage
Level 24: MP -18; Basic attack 320%, sacrifice 8% HP from damage
Level 25: MP -18; Basic attack 325%, sacrifice 8% HP from damage
Level 26: MP -18; Basic attack 330%, sacrifice 7% HP from damage
Level 27: MP -18; Basic attack 335%, sacrifice 7% HP from damage
Level 28: MP -18; Basic attack 340%, sacrifice 6% HP from damage
Level 29: MP -18; Basic attack 345%, sacrifice 6% HP from damage
Level 30: MP -18; Basic attack 350%, sacrifice 5% HP from damage

Dragon Roar Master Level: 30
Dragons attack with their roar. You can only use this skill when you have
more than half of HP.
Level 1: HP -59%, MP -16; Basic attack 96%, range 110%, stunned for 4 sec.
Level 15: HP -45%, MP -24; Basic attack 175%, range 250%, stunned for 3 sec.
Level 30: HP -30%, MP -30; Basic attack 240%, range 400%, stunned for 2 sec.

Power Crash Master Level: 20
Cancels out enemy's power up skill.
Level 1: MP -35; 24% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 2: MP -33; 28% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 3: MP -31; 32% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 4: MP -29; 36% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 5: MP -27; 40% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 6: MP -25; 44% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 7: MP -23; 48% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 8: MP -21; 52% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 9: MP -19; 56% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 10: MP -17; 60% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 11: MP -16; 64% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 12: MP -15; 68% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 13: MP -14; 72% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 14: MP -13; 76% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 15: MP -12; 80% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 16: MP -11; 84% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 17: MP -10; 88% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 18: MP -9; 92% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 19: MP -8; 96% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is
Level 20: MP -7; 100% success rate power up improvement skill of the enemy is

Dragon Blood Master Level: 20
Attack with Increased Damage, but HP slowly decreased
Level 1: MP -12 HP -48 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +1 for 8 seconds
Level 2: MP -12 HP -46 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +2 for 16 seconds
Level 3: MP -12 HP -44 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +3 for 24 seconds
Level 4: MP -12 HP -42 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +4 for 32 seconds
Level 5: MP -12 HP -40 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +4 for 40 seconds
Level 6: MP -12 HP -38 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +5 for 48 seconds
Level 7: MP -12 HP -36 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +5 for 56 seconds
Level 8: MP -12 HP -34 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +6 for 64 seconds
Level 9: MP -12 HP -32 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +6 for 72 seconds
Level 10: MP -12 HP -30 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +7 for 80 seconds
Level 11: MP -24 HP -29 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +7 for 88 seconds
Level 12: MP -24 HP -28 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +8 for 96 seconds
Level 13: MP -24 HP -27 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +8 for 104 seconds
Level 14: MP -24 HP -26 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +9 for 112 seconds
Level 15: MP -24 HP -25 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +9 for 120 seconds
Level 16: MP -24 HP -24 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +10 for 128 seconds
Level 17: MP -24 HP -23 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +10 for 136 seconds
Level 18: MP -24 HP -22 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +11 for 144 seconds
Level 19: MP -24 HP -21 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +11 for 152 seconds
Level 20: MP -24 HP -20 every 4 seconds; Wep Attack +12 for 160 seconds

Here's my suggested build:

70- Buster 1
71- Buster 3
72- Buster 3
73- Buster 3
74- Buster 3
75- Buster 3
76- Buster 3
77- Buster 3
78- Buster 3
79- Buster 3
80- Buster 2; Dragon Blood 1
81- Dragon Blood 3
82- Dragon Blood 3
83- Dragon Blood 3
84- Dragon Blood 3
85- Dragon Blood 3
86- Dragon Blood 3
87- Dragon Blood 1; Dragon Fury 2
88- Dragon Fury 3
89- Dragon Fury 3
90- Dragon Fury 3
91- Dragon Fury 3
92- Dragon Fury 3
93- Dragon Fury 3
94- Dragon Fury 3
95- Dragon Fury 3
96- Dragon Fury 3
97- Dragon Fury 1; Elemental Resistance 2
98- Elemental Resistance 3
99- Elemental Resistance 3
100- Elemental Resistance 3
101- Elemental Resistance 3
102- Elemental Resistance 3
103- Elemental Resistance 3
104- Sacrifice 3
105- Dragon Roar 1; Power Crash 2
106- Power Crash 3
107- Power Crash 3
108- Power Crash 3
109- Power Crash 3
110- Power Crash 3
111- Power Crash 1; Dragon Roar 2
112- Dragon Roar 3
113- Dragon Roar 3
114- Dragon Roar 3
115- Dragon Roar 3
116- Dragon Roar 3
117- Dragon Roar 3
118- Dragon Roar 3
119- Dragon Roar 3
120- Dragon Roar 3

In total:
Buster: 30
Dragon Fury: 30
Dragon Blood: 20
Elemental Resistance: 20
Power Crash: 18
Dragon Roar: 30
Sacrifice: 3

The reasons behind this build:
-Buster is your most poweful move, so maxing it first is a must
-Dragon Blood increases power more
-Dragon Fury should come before the last 2 because it's more useful
than the other 2
-Elemental Resistance allows you to have some magic defence which is nice
-Power crash isn't that great since not a lot of high level enemies increase
power, but the last 2 abilities drain A LOT OF HEALTH
-Dragon roar is for show, and is more benificial than Sacrifice since you
deal 4000 to 15 enemies instead of 10 or 11000 to 1 enemy. Either way, it
pretty much kills you unless maxed, which still takes away 30% of your

Another Build:

Here's a guide from Richard Dong [] whom I would like
to thank for contributing it.

70- Elemental Resistance 1
71- Buster 3
72- Buster 3
73- Buster 3
74- Buster 3
75- Buster 3
76- Buster 3
77- Buster 3
78- Buster 3
79- Buster 3
80- Buster 3
81- Dragon Blood 3
82- Dragon Blood 3
83- Dragon Blood 3
84- Dragon Blood 3
85- Dragon Blood 3
86- Dragon Blood 3
87- Dragon Blood 2; Dragon Fury 1
88- Dragon Fury 3
89- Dragon Fury 3
90- Dragon Fury 3
91- Dragon Fury 3
92- Dragon Fury 3
93- Dragon Fury 3
94- Dragon Fury 3
95- Dragon Fury 3
96- Dragon Fury 3
97- Dragon Fury 2; Sacrifice 1
98- Sacrifice 2; Dragon Roar 1
99- Dragon Roar 3
100- Dragon Roar 3
101- Dragon Roar 3
102- Dragon Roar 3
103- Dragon Roar 3
104- Dragon Roar 3
105- Dragon Roar 3
106- Dragon Roar 3
107- Dragon Roar 3
108- Dragon Roar 2; Elemental Resistance 1
109- Elemental Resistance 3
110- Elemental Resistance 3
111- Elemental Resistance 3
112- Elemental Resistance 3
113- Elemental Resistance 3
114- Elemental Resistance 3
115- Power Crash 3
116- Power Crash 3
117- Power Crash 3
118- Power Crash 3
119- Power Crash 3
120- Power Crash 3

His Reasons:
-He believes that 1 hit killing is a must in order to save MP.
-Dragon Roar is more useful than power crush and Elemental Resistance right
-Elemental Resistance is better than power crush since not many monsters have
attk+ skills

My Thoughts:
-Accomplishes the same things the last 3 are in a different order.

My Final Thoughts with the Dragon Knight Build:
For the final time, I truly do not care how you level up your Dragon Knight.
As long as you:
1) Max out Buster fast
2) Max out Dragon Blood right after and then max Dragon Fury
3) Max out Dragon Roar, Elemental Resistance and almost max Power Crash

your Dragon Knight will be fine. You may max out Dragon Roar, Elemental
Resistance and Power Crash in whatever order you feel is best. It's your

***I do not want any more e-mails on Dragon Knight builds since
Richard Dong []and I covered most, if not, all the
other possible ways of leveling up a good Dragon Knight.***

14) The Hp Problem with the Dragon Knight*

**Thank you Blason for providing much information**

A Dragon Knights main attack is Buster. It attacks 3 times, hitting 3 enemies
for 170% at max. This can easily cause you to rack up 13k-16k of damage.
This is more than the Crusader can hit without its combo, and the White
Knights damage of 8-13k. So why is there a problem. Simple. It attacks 3
times to the other warriors 1. The knock back of enemies dramatically
increases at higher levels, and one place Dragon Knights love is at the
Grim Phantom Watche's liar. Their knock back is 5.5k of damage, which if you
do the math, isnt 100% common. There are really only 2 things to do then.

1)Bring a cleric(which you should do anyway)
2)Scroll weapon for attack, gloves for attack and cape for strength while
usign pots or dragon blood while having a dex a little on the low side for
maximum strength

If your lucky, you might hit 5.5k more frequently. Brign a cleric anyway...
just incase.

15) Tips, Strategies and Locations when Leveling*

Here's the locations that I would go to in order to level

1-10: Maple Island
10-15: The Hill East of Henesys
15-20: Slime Tree to the left of Ellinia
Head 2 screens left from Ellinia and go in far left tree portal
20-25: Pig Beach
Head to the 3 way split. If you come from the right, keep heading left
until you see a ladder. Clime the ladder and to the right should be
a patch of yellow flowers. Keep pressing up around it and you should
teleport to a Hidden Street: Pig Beach.
25-30: The Horned Mushroom/Green Mushroom Tree
Head 2 screens left from Ellinia and go in the closest tree portal
from where the portal is
30: PQ

31-35: Keep training as you did at lvl 25-30. If you want a challenge, try
the first area of the Ant Hill in the dungeon.

35-40: Train in the first area of the Ant Hill. If you want a challenge, try
killing Golems. If you take the dungeon path from Henesys there should
be a pit with golems on the way there. There, there's a sign with an
exclamation point. Press up. Exploring this region, you will find a
lot of golems.
40-50: Kill Golems or do Ludibruim Party Quest
50-55: I suggest you PQ while you can, otherwise you can try Drakes around
Perion. I know some are in East Rocky 4 or 5. Some are also really
deep in the dungeon.
55-70: Train in El Nath. There are lots of good things there. Stuff like
Zombies and Jr. Yetis are some examples.

After level 70 your free to do as you wish. Your possiblities are vast and I
cannot give you one place to train.

-As a Spearman or Dragon Knight, your spear/polearm has some range. Use this
to your advantage to prevent getting hit.
-Try to kill things in 1 hit. I've noticed that if you kill things in one hit,
you can just move on the next and kill it in one hit also. This racks up
small amounts of exp from enemies quickly, which is better than taking
forever on one enemy that gives slightly more exp. It also saves your money
on pots.
-Buy the best weapon you can at any time. A good offense, is a good defense.
-Try doing quests. They give you exp and money for pots. If you can't do a
quest, then get some help. Some people are nice and will help you free of
-Blason suggests you dont train on vikings

Tip from Shnibles:

Try the Zarkum Party Quest. Every time you finish the minimum requirements
you get 12,000 experience. If you can get a good group of about 3-5 people in
a party, the quest can take less than 10 minutes. Not only is it easy once
you get the hang of it, but also if you're careful you will use less than 50
white potions per party quest, which is a lot easier and faster that killing
about 90 Jr. Yetis (12,000 experience) for around level 50.

One party quest in about 10 minutes is 12,000 experience, if you keep going
for one hour thats 72,000 exp per hour. That's almost 10% for level 51
(748,608 experience needed total) in just one hour. Also, if you only use
around 50 white potions for every party quest thats only 300 white potions to
get 10%, which for me is much better than using not only tons of HP potions
but also MP potions, so it saves more money, its fast and easy compared to
killing 540 Jr Yetis.

If you like this tip, go for it. It sounds 100% logical to me and I probably
will try it.

***This section is under construction due to my current level in the game. If
you have other things to train or more tips, feel free to e-mail them to

16) Credits*

This guide is Copyright (c) 2006 by Dom Turchi (HelzLance). All Maple story
names are licensed trademarks of Wizet. This guide may NOT be used without my
If this guide is used without my permission, I WILL take legal action

Thank you Richard Dong [] for supplying me with
alternative builds.

**All skill tables were cited from**

This guide can only be legally found on:, and
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