Maple Story

Maple Story

18.10.2013 03:32:19
Maple Story Magician Guide

MM MrW2;r;aM8, :;;rZa7;i7WX i00Z7.i;r@;.7BM08MWM2;::,.7 8W2a222aX2M,
M MMM ,:;ri, 2MMi.:i::rri.iM8 a000:,,;Ma 0W MMMMZM87W0X22a2,Mr ,MMZM ir.
M :r;;;;;i ZMWi.i;;rr: iM@r 2ZZB;.:,0MM2 .XBM ZMa2SrW07SXiXMSMMa.MS ir.
M ir:;;X:Siir; ;MWZ:,;rri: r@Wa 7MS0a,:,.rBMM@MMM;S 7MS2S7M2SWWW0XrX;SM ,ir.
M iW::i27XZ,;7;.;i: 7M08:08X0Z.i;: 80. SBM7S MBSaSX@X7r7XX2XiM. iir.
M ,WW,,,W;0X.;Xr, r@80a,iri:, X@ZaSMrS00,iri,W@r a8MaW M22aX2aXa2227iM8 i;;7.
M .0WZ iWZWX ;77, ;Wa8M ;;ii. X@aXaMra20;;r:;WW; 8aM0r 2MS2S8Marrr:,Ma .:.
M 02M7 aWSM7,,;X: XBXM; i;i:. 2@Z7MWXZ,2r;;.SWB:,02@8 Ma2SXX0MW02Mr ,XM2
M; ZZ2M. B8aMXZ.i87 X0SMS :ii,. rMa7M2aZ ri:, BB0 X8Z@8 0@X8aXSXXSSZ@MMMMMM@:
MB SBXBM :@208i@ BZ 7S@BM:.:::. ;M2SMXZ2,;:, .M0a 0SBM MXSM0rSa22SX7777XX8,
2M :@2XBW r@7MBrM 8M.r82 MM,.,:. .MaaM787:;i. SW8;rZSM; M2SX0Mr7X2SSS2SSS7S
i M, @aXSWM7 Wa@B,B@2 M0ZM 2M@. . 8ZMM78:.:: 2WaXaaSM 2@XaaS7aMWiirXr:XMW
; MM 88XZB7M; WXM7SM M. B8W@ XMMi ;0MMrMr : MZ2SMiM ,MS22aaSX2MMZ:;MW
; ;M ;W700rSM. iBM;XB@ 8M 70M; WMZ XMMXM. , aWS7M0@ M2222S2aS778@MM27i
;; Mi @70ar7M@: 70M ;MZ MS ZM,i8W0aX;0MMa M@0M . Ma;B8MMrBBMMa7S2SSX7i,:2MMZ
;r 0M 8XB@:7M:Mr 2@W rMa iMaXM ,. XMMa@MMM . 80;MM @8 M:r77XXX7ri: .
;r: M :2BM;iM M2 SMB Ma WMMMMBX . .: M7. :M7@: ;MM iZW@2rr;7SaBMMMM8
rrr 0M S0@MiaMZ7WS 7M, Mr XMWXrM ;8MMi aZXM . M7MMi M MMM2MMS882i
rrri M.,@ZXM MZ SMM SM 0M, :MB0MMMMBiZ.M@. 0SMr SB7rr:MB ::i;X.
r777.aM BM Ma;@r WM ZMaa M: . ,MMMMZMMMM ZMMS @; a2M; W0 rM70W;iiMM ir;;X.
7rr7r MX:MiMM0@ .,.MS0M 2M; ,i7 XM@MMMZ iM raM XM8 WMZ2XM@M7 MW ;rrX,
77XXXiiM.M X@ZM Wa2 ZM8 8M0a .:, Mr.aMMZS0W2.:XrB@ WM,M..;;X.
7777X7:2MM, 7MM .MMMa ZM, 8M .,,:ii,iM aM;ZMi MMB: SM @MM irX.
77XXXXX:XM8:r.MMMMMMMM MM iMMMZ77ZMMM .,,,ii;r;. B 7M: MaM8XM0BMWMM7 .M8,rX,
XXXXXXXX,2MrSr;M. ,82XWMSi . ;8B0a: ,:ii;;i, rMM2,MMrM iZMMM: ,;Xi .ri;X,
XXXXXXSSXrr7SSriMMi ai ZZ .,:iii:, X@MWX;@7aBMM, S7,ii;;r;;;;X.
XXXXSXSSXXSSSS7aM 0 r M,.::::,,. r8MMB2Xra XM.@ M@WMMMMMM: rrr7;r;;X.
XXXSSSX7rr7r;r;M . M ; S0. .iXaSZMM@2i :;ri M0 M @M8S7iB0 MM :rrrrr;rX.
XSXXXrMM i M@8@ i M W2,ZBSMB M MMMMB22.,, MM222;aM. 0M, .;r;r;7.
XXSS;Ma r, aMM.Ma W .M0WMMX :S@@2X80@MMWr Mr MM MMM;i;r;;7.
SSSS:M iii;ZMMMa8r MXrM2 ,M ,2 M0MM MM ZMWW@08WaMZ MM 7MMMBMM .rrr;7.
SSXSiM: .;;i 7 XMM780MMMBZM,:7XXX7 BM MMa M@2M028BB@aM0 2MX@MMX rM2 ;;;;7.
SX2SrXMB ,rM, ; i M00M2 .M, . iM XMi2MM. MWSS2ZW00M :BMB @aM MM. ;;;7.
SSSSS7;MM; S7 .:SiMMr ;,.WWZXiiMM M:@MM: i ;MM@82807ZWMZMM 82@M MM ,;;7.
SXSSSSX:ZMi ,;W MZ aMiWM; 22X78Z80BMB rM..M7M8 ,MZ :;7.


This Guide was written by GoodHeartGB (christopher gurczynski)
ASCII art done by GoodHeartGB as well (if you cant see the picture just cross
your eyes a bit)

Version 4.0

Note: this guide is subject to change at random points due to the fact that new
knowledge of certain aspects of the mage and its abilitys will cross my path.
Also since in some MMORPG's there are often skills that are "dumbed" down a
bit in later patches. If this were to happen the guide would most likely be
changed. I apoligize for any inconvenience(if i spelt that wrong then sorry)
this may have already or will cause.

Table Of Contents

Sub 1. Up dates
Sub 2. Coming Soon!
1. Introduction
2. The mage/How to become one
3. Stats
4. Magician Skills
5. Lvl 1-30 Leveling tips
6. 2nd Job Advancment
7. Fire/Poison Wizard
8. Lightning/Ice Wizard
9. Cleric Skills
10. Fire/Poison Mage
11. Ice/Lightning Mage
12. Weapons
13. Armor
14. Credits
15. Contact information

Sub 1. Up dates

December 18th 4:55AM- first version of the guide is complete and ready to be
shipped to GameFAQ's

December 19th 11:25AM- Made a few minor tweaks to the guide. mostly grammar
correction. But i did revise a mistake in the skills section.

December 21st 11:08PM- Revised skill section, Revised Leveling Tips section.
revised stat section.

December 22nd 1:26PM- Edited Skill section,

December 22nd 11:14PM- The Cleric section is finally up. The guide has reached
Version 2. Soon to come Fire/Poison Wizard and Lightning/Ice Wizard skills and
Item creation section.

December 23rd 7:52AM- Edited grammar mistakes, added Cleric skill path.

December 25th 6:51AM- Merry christmas and updated the Cleric Skill path.

January 13th 8:03PM- Been a while since any major updates I was E-Mailed a
copy of the Fire/Poison Wizard skill list and its now
on the guide along witha suggested skill path.

February 5th: 1:35AM- Some one pointed out another MAJOR mistake to me that I
have no idea how that happened. The Fire/Poison Wizard
skill path will be gone till I get it reorganised.

February 8th: 4:22PM- Made a change on the Mage skill section. Since I had
changed the training areas I changed the way you
Level your skills.

February 10th: 6:05PM- Sad to say but after a bit of experimentation I've
come to realize that Magic Guard is BETTER! I am
deeply sorry for any mages I might have screwed up.
It wont have completly screwed you over but it will
make you slightly less powerful compared to other
mages. Again I apologize.

February-12th: 9:49AM- Edited cleric skill path.

February-13th: 8:22PM- Fixed up mistakes in the skill path for mages.
some one alerted me to a problem. Credits to the
realisation of the mistake go to Jeffrey Lam.

February-14th: 6:31AM- Not much changed just added in about how much MP
you get for getting the 2nd job advancment.

February-20th; 9:33AM- Previously I added the skill descriptions for the Mages
(not magician). Today I also fixed a few typos and

Sub 2. Coming Soon!

Sooner rather than later- More minor tweaks to the guide

Some time before I die- Fire Wizard skill path

When hell freezes over- the equipment creation section.

1. Introduction

Welcome to maple story. This game is a vast world with many monsters and items
and quest to do and paths to take. One of which you have come to this guide to
check out.

So you've decided you want to be a magician eh. But theres one problem. You
have no idea how to raise it do you. Thats where this guide comes in to play.
In this guide I'll explain every aspect of the Mage possible. This guide will
cover how to raise the magician, what to buy for it, etc.

2. The Mage/how to become one
Ok the mage is obviously a magic user. The mage has many positives over the 3
other classes. But it also has its cons as well.

- High MP, Highest out of all the classes
- High Magic attack power
- Higher luck than the bowman and warrior
- Learns a diversity of abilitys compared to most of the other jobs
- Levels faster due to the fact it can hit targets with out taking more than a

- Takes hits like your grandmother
- Though the MP is high it runs out often requiring either the usage of potio-
ns or finding a healings spot (this disadvantage is quickly overshadowed at
a slightly higher level
- Hated by warriors. The mage community is known for KSing (kill stealing)
and since warriors have trouble getting a kill in with a mage around they
have begun to hate us

Now if your still interested you probably want to know how I can become a mage.
The answer is simple really.

-INT at 20
-Level 8 at least (dont wait till higher)

After reaching those requirments you will need to get to Hines in Ellinia. At
this point your mage is to weak to even beat red snails so your gonna have to
scrounge up a few mesos (the currency on maple story) about 2K will do and use
the taxi in the nearest town to you. After Reaching Ellinia you'll need to go
up to the very top of the tree town. Inside the large building will be a creepy
old man floating named Hines. Talk to him to become a mage. You will be given
more MP, and one SP. Spend this SP in Energy Bolt so you can actually start
killing things.

3. Stats
The Mage's main stat is INT. This stat increases magic damage and defense. It
also increases the amount of MP you get per level up. Youll be spending most
of your stat points in here. LUK is the secondary stat. It raises avoidability
and decreases the amount of EXP you lose when you die.

STR 4/5
DEX 4/5

It doesnt matter what your INT and LUK are as long as you rolled at least STR
and DEX as fives or lower. If you didn't get the stats you want click the
little red dice next to your character at character creation.

Now how to spend your stat points during levels is easy enough to understand.
First you need to see that your LUK is 13 at level 10. Dont make it 13 any
time before Level 10 or after make it 13 on level 10. Now every 5 levels after
that youll spend all your stat points in LUK but other wise they all go into
INT. This will allow you to wear most equipment (maybe not all on the level
requirements) but also since INT gives more MP the higher it is your MP levels
will be quite high after a few levels. If you are feeling you are taking to
much damage or just dont like your armor go ahead and spend some stat points
into LUK on levles other than 15,20,etc (not recommened).
4. Skills

Each Class is given a skill book once they make the job advancment(getting the
job). The mage's consists of 2 passive skills, 2 defensive spells, and two
offensive spells.

Passive Skills(skills that automatically take effect):

Improving MP recovery:
- Prerequisites: none
- Master level: 16
- description: With this skill you'll be able to recover even more MP every 10
seconds. MP recovery is also dependant on the level of the mage.

Improving Max MP Increase:
- Prerequisites: Improving MP recovery 5
- Master level: 10
- description: This skill will increase the amount of MP you get per level up.
The more points in the skill the more MP. Also if this skill has points in
it if you should decide to put a stat point into MP then the increase would
be more than normal.

Defensive Skills (skills that improve your defenses, must be cast):

Magic Guard:
- Prerequisites: none
- Master level: 20
- description: Temporarily replaces damage to HP with MP. If there is no MP
the hp takes a full beating.

Magic Armor:
- Prerequisites: Magic Guard 3
- Master level: 20
- description: Temporarily boosts weapon defense of the mage

Offensive Spells(the ones that let you mow down the hordes of badys):

Energy bolt:
- Prerequisites: none
- Master level: 20
- description: Uses MP to shoot a bolt of magic at an enemy. MP cost doubles
at level 11

Magic Claw:
- Prerequisites: Energy Bolt 1
- Master level: 20
- description: Uses MP to attack the enemy two times with a magic claw. The MP
cost doubles at level 11

Now that you have them all out in front of you what do you pick to put your SP
in to. Fortunatly for you I have made a chart for you to follow

Lvl 8: Energy Bolt-1
Lvl 9: Improving MP Recovery-3
Lvl 10: Improving MP Recovery-2, Improving Max MP Increase-1
Lvl 11: Improving Max MP Increase-3
Lvl 12: Improving Max MP Increase-3
Lvl 13: Improving Max MP increase-3
Lvl 14: Improving MP Recovery-3
Lvl 15: Improving MP Recovery-3
Lvl 16: Improving MP Recovery-3
Lvl 17: Improving MP Recovery-2, Magic Claw-1
Lvl 18: Magic Claw-3
Lvl 19: Magic Claw-3
Lvl 20: Magic Claw-3
Lvl 21: Save-3
Lvl 22: Magic Claw-6
Lvl 23: Magic Claw-3
Lvl 24: Magic Claw-1, Magic Guard-2
Lvl 25: Magic Guard-3
Lvl 26: Magic Guard-3
Lvl 27: Magic Guard-3
Lvl 28: Magic Guard-3
Lvl 29: Magic Guard-3
Lvl 30: Magic Guard-3

In the end you should look like....

:Energy Bolt-1
:Improving MP Recovery-16
:Improving Max MP Increase-10
:Magic Guard-20
:Magic Claw-20
:Total SP spent-67

5. Leveling Tips

LVL 1-8: here you should still be on maple island the first island. Stay in the
first few areas of the island and fight green and blue snails. Once you're at
lvl 8 move on to victoria island by taking the victoria form south perry.

LVL 8-13: start fighting in the training area one screen west of Henesys the
bowman town. You want to stay on the bottom floor of the area and fight the
snails you see. Use your Energy Bolt as often as possible and when MP runs
out stand on the hey on either side of the screen and recover.

LVL 13-18: Time to move up a floor in the training area. This floor is covered
with Green Slimes. These will do about 6 damage to you if you havent boughten
all the armor. These give 10 EXP a pop so things go buy pretty quickly.

LVL 18-20: either stay on the slime Floor for a level or two more or move up
to the Orange shroom floor. The orange shrooms will give 15 EXP per kill but
you will have to take about 3 shots to kill them which by now isnt a whole lot
of MP but takes a while

LVL 21-30: To the Horny Mushroom tree. These guys will give you over .10% for
the next few levels. Fight these guys all the way up to level 30

Lvl 25-31: Do the PQ if you want too. Mages are the most useful character in
the PQ and will be accepted into partys easier. If you don't feel like waiting
for the PQ then just go level on Horny Mushrooms.

Lvl 31-40: Either level on boars or fire boars. There are a bunch of spots
near Perion like the burning zone or the land of wild boars.

6. 2nd Job advancment

Now that your level 30 you have a choice to make. This choice is to choose how
you will fight and level up and virtually how you play Maple Story from here
on out. At this level you can choose 1 of the three available paths for the
Mage. These are the Fire/Poison Wizard, Lightning/Ice Wizard, and the Cleric.

What you need to do is go visit the creepy old guy in Ellinia, Hines. Once
your there speak to him and he wil tell you to take this letter to a man 3
places north of Ellinia, called "The Forest North of Ellinia." After getting
the note from Hines take the upper left portal in Ellinia and go 2 more
screens to the left. Once on the that screen go up untill the very very top
you'll see an old Wizard there. Talk to him and he'll let you in to do the
test for the next job. Once inside what you need to do is fight the Horny
Mushrooms and Curse Eyes for Black Marbles. You need 30 of these but if
you've followed the Level up plan you will kill Hornys in two hits and Curse
eyes in 3. Make sure you bring some potions with you for healing beacause
once inside the monsters dont give exp or items other than Black Marbles.

After attaining the Black Marbles talk to the old man inside he will give you
the "Proof of a Hero." Take this back to Hines and he will let you pick what
Job you become. After picking your job you will get the skill book to go
along with it, an extra row in your "etc" tab of your inventory, and 1 SP.
And 500 MP. This i am not totally sure about, for other classes beacause i my
self have only done Cleric and rely on third party sources for my info on the

7.Fire/Poison Wizard

Passive Skills:

MP Eater:
- Prerequisites: None
- Master Level: 20
- Description: With a certain chance of success the MP Eater skill Allows the
mage to drain an enemys MP after using a magic attack. Every level adds to
the chance and amount stolen. Will not work if the enemys MP is 0.

Defensive skills:

- Prerequisites: None
- Master Level: 20
- Description: Allows you to teleport using the arrow keys. Every level adds
to the distance and decreases MP cost

-Prerequisites: MP Eater 3
-Master level: 20
-Description: Meditate for a bit to temporarily boost
up the magic attack of party members around the area.

-Prerequisites: Teleport 5
-Master Level: 20
-Description: Temporarily slows down opponents around
you. Can't use it on them twice at once, and it
affects only 6 enemies at a time.

Offensive skills:

Fire Arrow:
-Prerequisites: none
-Master Level: 30
-Description: Create a firearrow with the power of
magic, and fire it at an enemy. Applies 1.5 times the
damage to ice-based enemies, while fire-based enemies
recieve half damage, if that.

-Poison Breath:
-Prerequisites: none
-Master Level: 30
-Description: Creates a poisonous water bubble, and
shoots it at an enemy. The enemy gets temporarly
poisoned with a set success rate.

(Skills provided by Patrick Holden)

Suggested Path:

in a bit....

8.Lightning/Ice Wizard

Coming sooner rather than later.


Passive Skills:

MP Eater:
- Prerequisites: None
- Master Level: 20
- Description: With a certain chance of success the MP Eater skill Allows the
mage to drain an enemys MP after using a magic attack. Every level adds to
the chance and amount stolen. Will not work if the enemys MP is 0.

Defensive Skills:

- Prerequisites: None
- Master Level: 20
- Description: Allows you to teleport using the arrow keys. Every level adds
to the distance and decreases MP cost

- Prerequisites: None
- Master Level: 30
- Description: Heals all party members in the vacinity. Also damages undead.
The higher the level the more healed

- Prerequisites: Heal 5
- Master Level: 20
- Description: Temporarily decreases the amount of Weapon damage taken by a

- Prerequisites: Invincible 5
- Master Level: 20
- Description: Increases Weapon Defense, Magic Defense, Avoidability, and the
Accuracy for Weapon Attacks.

Offensive Skills:

Holy Arrow:
- Prerequisites: None
- Master Level: 30
- Description: Fires a Holy Arrow that deals major damage to undead and evil

Suggested Path:

Though in the end it doesnt really matter beacause you will gain enough SP to
learn every single skill and master it you do need to at least know the best
way to level them up. This does not include Teleport as it is a useless skill.

Lvl 30: Heal-1
Lvl 31: Heal-3
Lvl 32: Heal-3
Lvl 33: Heal-3
Lvl 34: Heal-3
Lvl 35: Heal-3
Lvl 36: Heal-3
Lvl 37: Heal-3
Lvl 38: Heal-3
Lvl 39: Heal-3
Lvl 40: Heal-2, Holy Arrow-1
Lvl 41: Holy Arrow-3
Lvl 42: Holy Arrow-3
Lvl 43: Holy Arrow-3
Lvl 44: Holy Arrow-3
Lvl 45: Holy Arrow-3
Lvl 46: Holy Arrow-3
Lvl 47: Holy Arrow-3
Lvl 48: Holy Arrow-3
Lvl 49: Holy Arrow-3
Lvl 50: Holy Arrow-2, Invincible-1
Lvl 51: Invincible-3
Lvl 52: Invincible-3
Lvl 53: Invincible-3
Lvl 54: Invincible-3
Lvl 55: Invincible-3
Lvl 56: Invincible-3
Lvl 57: Invincible-1, Bless-2
Lvl 58: Bless-3
Lvl 59: Bless-3
Lvl 60: Bless-3
Lvl 61: Bless-3
Lvl 62: Bless-3
Lvl 63: Bless-3
Lvl 64: MP Eater-3
Lvl 65: MP Eater-3
Lvl 66: MP Eater-3
Lvl 67: MP Eater-3
Lvl 68: MP Eater-3
Lvl 69: MP Eater-3
Lvl 70: MP Eater-2, Teleport-1*

I bet your wondering why you dont max MP eater for a long time. Well its
beacause MP eater only gets up to 30% chance of working so its not that useful.
Besides you wont even need it much any way. Your natural MP regeneration and
potions should suffice.

*Teleport is whenever you want it really. It can allow for quick escapes from
enemys but don't use it without thinking first.

10. Fire/ Poison Mage

I dont have exactly what these skills do right now but a list supplyed by
chris shcultz is what lets me know what i know. here it is exactly as he
sent it.

1) Partial resistance. This give a resistance to the element the mage likes.
Thunder/cold for that kind of or holy. This is a passive
skill and masters after 20 sp (skill points)...don't touch this (untill the end
when you've mastered everything else). It sucks. There are much better things
to use sp on. 20 sp to master this.

2) Elemental amplification. PAssive skill This increases the damage done by
spells. The only proble is it increases damage by 1 or 2 % per sp....but mana
cost goes up about 5% per sp. I wouldn't touch this until the end. right
before partial resistance. 30 sp to master this.

3) Seal. you cast this on a monster and it can't use it's specail abilities.
If a monster has a ranged attack...such as a red drake or a can
use it. Beat the crap out of it and keep teleporting away. laugh at will.
Not that useful for a cold mage. You're gonna freeze everything anyways. 20 to
master this Actually I take back what I said before. This is even more
useless than 1 and 2 above.

4) magic booster. Now we're talking. This is similar to the theif skill
javalin booster. It increases the speed you can cast magic. At around 14 sp
you can cast spells at almost double the speed. I would first choose a new
mode of attack.either "Magic composition' or "Ice strike" preferably the later.
and after mastering that master this.

5) explosion ( that's what the Korean translation says on the webpage) but I
think it was changed to Me To....which is supposed to be meteor in Korean game
talk. Meteor is the same as a cold mage's ice strike except it's more damaging,
and it's fire.

6) poision mist. Never saw it. Nobody uses it. So what does that say it
sucks. It will be exactly the same as thunder spear but it's poision damage and
can poision creatures.

7)Magic composition is very ammusing. it is a combo fire/poision attack. So
when you've masterd it 30 sp you can hit a creature once and it will do about
an extra 800 damage per sec.

11. Ice/Lightning Mage

1) Partial resistance. This give a resistance to the element the mage likes.
Thunder/cold for that kind of or holy. This is a passive
skill and masters after 20 sp (skill points)...don't touch this (untill the end
when you've mastered everything else). It sucks. There are much better things
to use sp on. 20 sp to master this.

2) Elemental amplification. PAssive skill This increases the damage done by
spells. The only proble is it increases damage by 1 or 2 % per sp....but mana
cost goes up about 5% per sp. I wouldn't touch this until the end. right
before partial resistance. 30 sp to master this.

3) Seal. you cast this on a monster and it can't use it's specail abilities.
If a monster has a ranged attack...such as a red drake or a can
use it. Beat the crap out of it and keep teleporting away. laugh at will. Not
that useful for a cold mage. You're gonna freeze everything anyways. 20 to
master this Actually I take back what I said before. This is even more useless
than 1 and 2 above.

4) magic booster. Now we're talking. This is similar to the theif skill
javalin booster. It increases the speed you can cast magic. At around 14 sp
you can cast spells at almost double the speed. I would first choose a new
mode of attack. either "Magic composition' or "Ice strike" preferably the later
and after mastering that master this.

5) Ice strike. Probably the best skill for a cold/thunder mage. this is
similar to the 2nd skill level thunder. It is a multi area cold attack. It
can hit up to 8 targets and freezes them. I can't tell you how awesome this
skill is. This skill eats fire monsters for lunch. 30 to master.

6) Thunder spear. Two words. Powerful...slow. This is the most damaging
spell you can get with one hit single attack.. The only proble is that you can
have twice as fast a rate of fire with elemental composition. I would avoid
this. Unless you like killing cold monsters( in which case I'd have to slap
you in the head and say "go kill some fire beasties" Masters at 30.

7) Magic composition is a single attack spell that combines cold and thunder.
It freezes enemies but about half as long as the cold beam you were using
before this. All in all this is a good skill if you prefer to kill individual
big monsters (ice strike is better)

12. Weapons
The Magician uses Two types of weapons mainly, Wands and staves.
The wands are virtually obsolite up until a certain level then they become
more useful. All items listed here are sold in the shop in Ellinia.


- Wooden Wand:
- Required Level: 8
- Required Stats: none
- Weapon attack speed: normal
- Weapon attack: 15
- Magic Attack: 23

- Hard Wood Wand
- Required level: 13
- Required Stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Attack Speed: normal
- Weapon Attack: 18
- Magic Attack: 28

- Metal Wand
- Required Level: 18
- Required Stats: INT 55, LUK 20
- Weapon Attack Speed: normal
- Weapon Attack: 21
- Magic Attack: 31

- Ice Wand
- Required Level: 23
- Required stats: INT 70, LUK 25
- Weapon Attack Speed: normal
- Weapon Attack: 24
- Magic Attack: 38

- Mithril Wand
- Required Level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Attack Speed: normal
- Weapon Attack: 28
- Magic Attack: 43


- Wooden Staff
- Required Level: 10
- Required stats: INT 32, LUK 13
- Weapon Attack Speed: slow
- Weapon Attack: 20
- Magic Attack: 25

- Sapphire Staff
- Required Level: 15
- Required stats: INT 48, LUK 18
- Weapon Attack Speed: slow
- Weapon Attack: 23
- Magic Attack: 30

- Emerald Staff
- Required Level: 15
- Required stats: INT 48, LUK 18
- Weapon Attack Speed: slow
- Weapon Attack: 23
- Magic Attack: 30

- Old Wooden Staff
- Required Level: 20
- Required stats: INT 63, LUK 23
- Weapon Attack Speed: slow
- Weapon Attack: 26
- Magic Attack: 35

- Wizard's Staff
- Required Level: 25
- Required stats: INT 78, LUK 28
- Weapon Attack Speed: slow
- Weapon Attack: 29
- Magic Attack: 40


- Iron Mace
- Required Level: 20
- Required stats: STR 25
- Weapon Attack Speed: fast
- Weapon attack 39

13. Armor

The mage's wardrobe consists of robes and the like. Not exactly the best looking
armor in the game but it gets the job done. All Armors here are bought in the
shop in Ellinia.


- Old Raggedy Brown Cone Hat
- Required Level: 10
- Required Stats: INT 32, LUK 13
- Weapon Defense: 5
- Magic Defense: 15

- Blue Moon Cone Hat
- Required Level: 15
- Required Stats: INT 48, LUK 18
- Weapon Defense: 8
- Magic Defense: 20

- Pink Moon Cone Hat
- Required Level: 15
- Required Stats: INT 48, LUK 18
- Weapon Defense: 8
- Magic Defense: 20

- Green Moon Cone Hat
- Required Level: 15
- Required Stats: INT 48, LUK 18
- Weapon Defense: 8
- Magic Defense: 20

- Dark Moon Cone Hat
- Required Level: 15
- Required Stats: INT 48, LUK 18
- Weapon Defense: 8
- Magic Defense: 20

- Orange Moon Cone Hat
- Required Level: 15
- Required Stats: INT 48, LUK 18
- Weapon Defense: 8
- Magic Defense: 20

- Green Wizardy Hat
- Required Level: 20
- Required Stats: INT 62, LUK 23
- Weapon Defense: 5
- Magic Defense: 25

:Tops (male)

- Blue Training Shirt
- Required Level: 8
- Required Stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 7
- Magic Defense: 5

- Brown Training Shirt
- Required Level: 8
- Required Stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 7
- Magic Defense: 5

- Black Split Piece
- Required Level: 18
- Required stats: INT 55, LUK 20
- Weapon Defense: 15
- Magic Defense: 10
*- INT +1

- Orange Split Piece
- Required Level: 18
- Required stats: INT 55, LUK 20
- Weapon Defense: 15
- Magic Defense: 10
*- HP +10

- Blue Split Piece
- Required Level: 18
- Required stats: INT 55, LUK 20
- Weapon Defense: 15
- Magic Defense: 10
*- MP +10

:Tops (female)

- Black Armine
- Required Level: 8
- Required Stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 7
- Magic Defense: 5

- Green Armine
- Required Level: 8
- Required Stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 7
- Magic Defense: 5

- Purple Arrianne
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 12
- Magic Defense: 8
*- INT +1

- Green Arrianne
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 12
- Magic Defense: 8
*- HP +10

- Pink Arrianne
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 12
- Magic Defense: 10
*- HP +10

- Yellow Arrianne
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 12
- Magic Defense: 10
*- Speed +3

- Black Split
- Required Level: 18
- Required stats: INT 55, 20 LUK
- Weapon Defense: 15
- Magic Defense: 10
*- INT +1

- Red Split
- Required Level: 18
- Required stats: INT 55, 20 LUK
- Weapon Defense: 15
- Magic Defense: 10
*- HP +10

- Purple Split
- Required Level: 18
- Required stats: INT 55, 20 LUK
- Weapon Defense: 15
- Magic Defense: 10
*- MP +10

- Purple Fairy Robe
- Required Level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Defense: 21
- Magic Defense: 15
*- INT +2

- Green Fairy Robe
- Required Level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Defense: 21
- Magic Defense: 15
*- INT +1, MP +10

- Blue Fairy Robe
- Required Level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Defense: 21
- Magic Defense: 15
*- MP +20

: Overall (male)

- Biege Plerobe
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 16
- Magic Defense: 8
*- INT +1, MP +5

- Blue Plerobe
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 16
- Magic Defense: 8
*- MP +15

- Green Plerobe
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 16
- Magic Defense: 8
*- HP +15

- Brown Doros Robe
- Required Level: 23
- Required stats: INT 70, LUK 25
- Weapon Defense: 24
- Magic Defense: 12
*- INT +3

- Blue Doros Robe
- Required Level: 23
- Required stats: INT 70, LUK 25
- Weapon Defense: 24
- Magic Defense: 12
*- STR +3

- Yellow Doros Robe
- Required Level: 23
- Required stats: INT 70, LUK 25
- Weapon Defense: 24
- Magic Defense: 12
*- MP +30

- White Doros Robe
- Required Level: 23
- Required stats: INT 70, LUK 25
- Weapon Defense: 24
- Magic Defense: 12
*- INT +3

- Blue Wizard Robe
- Required Level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Defense: 28
- Magic Defense: 14
*- MP +30

- White Wizard Robe
- Required Level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Defense: 28
- Magic Defense: 14
*- INT +3

- Black Wizard Robe
- Required Level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Defense: 28
- Magic Defense: 14
*- INT +3

- Green Wizard Robe (there is a typo in game and the item is called blue)
- Required Level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Defense: 28
- Magic Defense: 14
*- MP +30

: Overall (female)

- Purple Doroness Robe
- Required Level: 23
- Required stats: INT 70, LUK 25
- Weapon Defense: 24
- Magic Defense: 12
*- MP +30

- Red Doroness Robe
- Required Level: 23
- Required stats: INT 70, LUK 25
- Weapon Defense: 24
- Magic Defense: 12
*- HP +30

- Brown Doroness Robe
- Required Level: 23
- Required stats: INT 70, LUK 25
- Weapon Defense: 24
- Magic Defense: 12
*- INT +3

: Bottoms (male)

- Blue Training Pants
- Required Level: 8
- Required stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 6
- Magic Defense: 4

- Brown Training Pants
- Required Level: 8
- Required stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 6
- Magic Defense: 4

- Black Split Pants
- Required Level: 18
- Required stats: INT 55, LUK 20
- Weapon Defense: 12
- Maginc Defense: 8
*- HP +5

- White Split Pants
- Required Level: 18
- Required stats: INT 55, LUK 20
- Weapon Defense: 12
- Maginc Defense: 8
*- MP +5

: Bottoms (female)

- Black Armine Skirt
- Required Level: 8
- Required stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 6
- Magic Defense: 4

- Green Armine Skirt
- Required Level: 8
- Required stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 6
- Magic Defense: 4

- Purple Arriane Skirt
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 10
- Magic Defense: 6
*- HP +5

- Green Arriane Skirt
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 10
- Magic Defense: 6
*- MP +5

- Pink Arriane Skirt
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 10
- Magic Defense: 6
*- HP +5

- Yellow Arriane Skirt
- Required Level: 13
- Required stats: INT 40, LUK 15
- Weapon Defense: 10
- Magic Defense: 6
*- MP +5

- Black Split Skirt
- Required Level: 18
- Required stats: INT 55, LUK 20
- Weapon Defense: 12
- Magic Defense: 8
*- HP +5

- White Split Skirt
- Required Level: 18
- Required stats: INT 55, LUK 20
- Weapon Defense: 12
- Magic Defense: 8
*- MP +5

- Purple Fairy Robe Skirt
- Required Level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Defense: 16
- Magick Defense: 12
*- INT +1

- Green Fairy Robe Skirt
- Required level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Defense: 16
- Magick Defense: 12
*- HP +5 MP +5

- Blue Fairy Robe Skirt
- Required Level: 28
- Required stats: INT 85, LUK 30
- Weapon Defense: 16
- Magick Defense: 12
*- MP +10

: Boots

- Brown Coach
- Required Level: 10
- Required stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 3
- Magic Defense: 1

- Yellow Coach
- Required Level: 10
- Required stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 3
- Magic Defense: 1

- Blue Coach
- Required Level: 10
- Required stats: none
- Weapon Defense: 3
- Magic Defense: 1

- Biege Neatty
- Required Level: 15
- Required stats: INT 48, LUK 18
- Weapon Defense: 5
- Magic Defense: 2

- Black Neatty
- Required Level: 15
- Required stats: INT 48, LUK 18
- Weapon Defense: 5
- Magic Defense: 2

14. Credits

Wizet- for making the game
RahzZalinto- For keeping me up all night so I could start this
Patrick Holden- A list of the Fire/Poison Wizard skills
Jeffrey Lam- Told me about a mistake in the skill path for
the mage.
Chris Schultz- Information on the Mage skills.

15. Contact Info

You can reach me at the following places

Email: -
AIM: - JaronZalinto
MSN: -

Please E-mail/Message me with:

- Information
- Mistakes in the guide such as typos
- If you see this guide on any other sites then

Please DONT!!! E-Mail/Message me with:

- Asking for Hacks for the game
- About something covered on the guide (e.g. The Improving MP Increase
- Idle chat

16. Disclaimer
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission.
Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display
is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

copy right date (C) 2004-2005

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