Maple Story

Maple Story

17.10.2013 00:39:15
Spearman/Polearm Spearman Guide
11/03/05 Version 1.00T2 - by. Dninex
P. Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. What is Maple Story
3. What is a Warrior?
4. What is a Spearman?
5. Combined Guide
6. Pileup- Stats & Builds
7. Pileup- Skills & Builds
8. Pileup- Hunting grounds
9. Pileup- Weapons, Armors & Accessories
10. Pileup- Quests
11. Info on Continents & Other Versions
12. Legal Info
13. Version History
14. Credits

1. Introduction

Hello fellow maplers! This guide is intended to help you raise
your spearman to be a character that will rock Maple Story and
make the maple experience enjoyable! I've raised a spearman in
the Korean version, and am currently working on one in the
global version. I also have a few friends that raise Dragon
Knights, and their info helped me a lot on writing this guide.
I hope this guide will help you raise your spearman to be a
full-fledged Warrior of the Dragon. Well, that's it for me,
lets get on to the guide.

2. What is Maple Story?

Well, Maple Story is called many things, but it's a 2D MMORPG
(Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) with a slight
hint of a platformer aspect in it. Some of my friends call it a
hack n' slash version of Mario, others call it a kid's game, but
I call it addictive, fun (at higher levels), and cute. It's free
and probably always will be free, since most of the players
probably will quit if it turns payment based. The Korean version
is currently more up-to-date, and is still free. Well, lets get
onto the other sections.

2a. Where do I get Maple Story?

If you have a Korean version of Windows and speak Korean, go get
the Korean version. (why not?) There are much more stuff and
items are much, much cheaper. But if you dont fit the
requirements, get the global version. Type in and click on the desired version. Then, go
to the Guide tab, and click Download. After you do that, install
the game, and register at the home page.

3. What is a Warrior?

Warriors... are boring at first. And there's really no way to
get around it. Warriors are short range attackers, so You'll get
KSed easily by Mages, Claw Thieves, Archers... and such. But at
higher levels, especially as a Dragon Knight, You'll outdamage
other jobs by hundereds, if not thousands, and be able to hunt
any monster with ease.

The advantages of a warrior are:

- Lots, Lots and lots of HP for close range fights
- Outdamage any other job at higher levels
- Best armor in game (for physical defense)
- Not quite a usage character unlike other jobs
(Archer- arrows, Mage- MP potions, Claw Thieves- Star Recharges,
Dagger Thieves- HP potions for close range combat, they dont
have as much HP & def as warriors and are strictly short range)

But there's quite a few disadvantages

- Bad damage till mastery is at a good enough point
- Close range attacks
- No speed increase skill that other jobs have
(Archer- Thrust, Mage- Teleport, Thieves- Haste)

4. What is a Spearman/Dragon Knight?

Spearmen use spears or polearms, two different weapons. Spears
do more damage at stabs, and Polearms do more damage at slashes.
In some MapleStory info section, there was a note that Dark
Knights will be able to use magic. I hope that doesn't mean that
we have to raise INT, so we'll have to see.

Here are the advantages of a spearman in general:

- Most MP out of all the other warriors
- Hyper body raises your & your party members HP & MP by 60%,
making you invaluable in parties
- Highest max attack of all jobs
- Longest range of attack of all warriors
- Dragon Roar pertty much covers the entire screen attacking
up to 15 monsters at 240% damage, one of the widest range
attacks in Maple
- When partying with a Priest/Cleric, can easily do 3 warriors
worth of jobs with Dragon Roar
- Most magical defense of all warriors when Iron Wall and Magic
Resist is combined
- Cheap weapons and scrolls, easy to find most of the time
- Dragon Blood gives +12 attack points

And these are the disadvantages

- Slowest attack speed of all jobs
- Biggest gap of all jobs in the minimum and the maximum damage
- Cant equip shields

So the spearman is a decent job. but there is a big difference
between polearms and spears.

Polearm's advantages:

- 2/3 of the attacks are slashes
- Generally more base damage than spears
- Thresher has less delay than Buster
- Thresher ia a much better skill at attacking mobs than Buster

Spear's advantages:

- Usually cheaper than Polearms
- When maxed Blood and Buster is combined, you can do 510% damage
at +12 attack points
- Buster's max level is 510% damage. Thresher's max is 250%, not
even half of Buster - There arent too many mob situations in
high-level hunting grounds, making Buster far more effective
- Thresher uses HP & MP, but Buster only uses MP

As you see, the only non-Buster advantage the spear has is that
it's cheap. Not good. That means you'll have a hard time as a
Spearman, but a very fun time as a Dragon Knight.
So basically, Buster > Thresher.

5. Combined Guide

Well... when you start off, pick an axe or a club. The basic
sword isn't as good as those, so why use it? Try to get 4 luk
and 4 int, it might take a few seconds to three hours, so you'll
have to be patient. Anyways you start off with a pop-up telling
you the controls. Go to the key setting tab to put them in your
desired setting.


Stick around Maple Island for now. Hunt Snails and Spores, and
a few Orange Mushrooms for their caps. After you collect 30
blue snail shells and 10 Mush Caps, go to Biggs at the top of
Southperry and get an item. You will either get a Razor Blade
or a Fruit Knife. If you got a fruits, you're in luck. If you
got the razor... you'll need to switch weapons quicker. Then,
enconter Maria in the split road and talk to her. Go to Amherst
and send the chief the letter, and give the reply to maria to
recieve a hat. If you got a Red Bandanna, you're Lucky with a
capital L. But any other item is ok too, since they can be
equipped at level 5 and all have the same defense, with red
bandanna having +1 accuracy. Heep on hunting and go to Victoria
Island by paying Shanks 150 mesos. Now onward to the warrior's

The general formula for the stats is Dex = level X 2, so it

Level 10 = 20dex
Level 11 = 22 dex
Level 12 = 24 dex... and so on. the rest of the stats should
go to STR


You can either hunt Slimes or Orange Mushrooms at this level,
Slimes at Ellinia and Mushes at Kerning. But right at level 10,
go to Perion by talking to the guy in the counter in Lith
Harbor, and go to Perion by paying... i think 120 mesos. If you
have more than 5000 mesos, go to Ellinia or Kerning first and
buy the return scroll at the local potion shop, and if not, go
straight to Perion. Go to the top, into the temple, and talk
to Dances. If you stuck with the formula, you should have much
more than 35 strength, just enough to step into the path of the
warrior. Try to do blackbull's quest as soon as possible, either
try to buy the firewoods or hunt axestumps at around level 15.
If you're one of the lucky 10%, you'll get the Red Triangular
Shield. Buy a Metal axe at Perion if you have more than 4000
Mesos, if not, stick with Bigg's item. You don't need the 10
set, so don't buy it.


Buy the 15 set at Perion. I suggest buying Steel corporal since
it adds HP instead of MP. Start hunting Green Mushrooms and
advance to hunting Spiky Mushrooms. If it's too much, hunt
Pigs instead at two maps east of Henesys If you got the Steel
Shield instead of Red Triangular from Balckbull, use that and a
one-handed mace. If not, get a lv 15 spear, polearm or two
handed sword. Do John's and Nella's quest, and especially
Nella's to get the level 20 glove.


I'd hunt Blue Mushrooms around this point, there is a hidden
map in the last Henesys area leading to Ellinia. A pole will
be at the highest platrorm, and if you press up, you'll warp
into an area infested with Blue Mushes. Buy the lv. 20 set,
and use the lv 20 polearm to hunt these mushes. Do Pia,
Shumi and Alex's quest when you turn 20.

Try to do the Party Quest if you want to, but warriors tend
to be left out in PQ's, so go ahead.


Buy the 25 set except for the hat. Do the party quest till
you get a Blue Bamboo Hat. It only has 15 def, but gives
you +3 str, so it's quite useful. Try hunting Wild boars,
not at the Land of Wild Boars where the generation rate is
too fast and overpopulated, but at here. go 2 maps west of
Perion. Here, go to the upper portal, and keep on advancing
till you go the 4th area. This area is quiet, and Wild
Boar-rich, so it's the perfect training spot, but beware,
Lupins are also in this area as well.

Do Jane's and Sabitrama's quest.


Go to Ossyria and buy your needed items. Do this by going to
the harbor on the upper part of Ellinia, and buy a ticket.
Watch out for Crimson Balrogs, they probably will kill you in
one or two shots. After that, go back to Perion and get the
remainder of items. Hunt Evil Eyes, and obviously, go to the
hunting spot to turn into a spearman at lv 30.

Do John's, the Sauna's, Blackbull's and Shumi's quest.


I'd hunt Jr. Sentinels or Sentinel Variants at orbis tower.
They're pretty easy to hunt, so try Green Evil Eyes if it
gets boring. From now, try to scroll your items, since you'll
be with them for a long time.

Do Heinz's quest. (by talking to the green elf)


Well, at this point, try hunting Jr.Pepes, Copper Drakes, Fire
Boars or the small cats at Orbis. You can also return to Green
Evileyes too. Try to get Arwen's shoe by hunting boars. I'd
recommend trying to hunt Golems at this point

Do Jane's, Manji's, Shumi's and the Soldier's in Orbis's quest.


Stick with Dark Golems, Flame Drakes or Normal Drakes, Wild
Cargoes or Florina Beach. You're close to being a Dragon
Knight, go all the way soldier!

Do Sabitrama, Alkester, Luke's, and John's quest


Go and hunt Zombies. Or you can try to get a nice party and
hunt Werewolves. You might get a few decent items here, but
not many people hunt werewolves, so you might have a tough
time recruiting.

You're now a Dragon Knight! Congrats!


It really depends on if your items are scrolled good or not.
If they're over average, go hunt Firedogs with a party. If
they're less than average, stick with Zombies, or attempt


You'll probably have decent enough items by now, so go hunt
Fire Dogs. If you want to hunt Zakum, you'll need to be
patient and strong. Also, you'll end up spending a lot of
money, so stick with firedogs.


Firedogs... stick with them. You'll earn more money fighting
dogs than hunting Zakum, plus you'll get decent Items off
them, so stick with them. If you want to hunt Zakums you'll
need these.

- Good team arsenal
If you have a combnination of many strong jobs and a Priest,
attempt it. But you'll have to be quick. Try and get one or
two priests (for bless, invincible and heal), a crusader
(for panic), a spearman (hyper bod), a thief (haste), maybe
an archer (thrust) and anything else.

- Good computer specs
You'll need a gaming-quality PC, buy Windows XP 64-bit edition
or Windows 2003, and get 2.5GB and 512 RAM on the 2003 or just
dont install too many things if you decide on the 64 bit.

-Ability to withstand great loss of money
Yah... it really depends on the characters, but most likely,
you'll lose money, especially fighting the self-healing arm. A
single priest will gobble up 100~150 elixirs, and that costs
roughly 500K. 500K usage on 2 hours... you're sure to use up
money there.

Whoa! that was great! well, keep hunting Firedogs, unless
stronger monsters turn up elsewhere! Well, that's the end of
that. I'll just organize the data for easy reference here.

Pileup- Stats & Builds

There are a few builds you can go. I recommend this build, it
is standard, and you can follow the guide up there if you use
this, so stick with this if you can.

Also, when you roll the dice for the first time, try to get a
4,4 on Luk and Int. it may take anywhere from a few seconds to
around three hours. Be patient, since it'll pay off.

Standard Build- DEX = 2 times of Level, rest into STR

Yah. That's the standard build. Stick to it if you can, and why
not? But stop raisind DEX at level 50 if you want to play risky
or lv 60 if you want it to be safe. Firedogs can be hunt down
with 100 Dex or so, if you have 120 accuracy but there are bound
to be stronger monsters added later, so don't struggle to up your
dex, and put dex up till lv.60. Then invest it all in STR.

Minimum STR build until 120 DEX = just enough STR for next level
armor, Rest into DEX

You'll be able to hurt higher level monsters faster this way, by
JUST matching the required STR for the next armor. once you
reach 120 DEX, you'll raise extra points in STR, so you'll be
able to hunt better. But you'll do ugly, ugly damage, but dex
tends to raise your min dmg quite a bit and a little of the max
dmg, so your attacks will do slightly more level damage.

No Dex Build = All points into STR

You can't start off with this guy. You'll need another character
to support this guy with money and if you can, experience. You'll
level extremely slow, and spend millions in potions, and almost
billions in scrolling, but it'll pay off by you doing hundreds, if
not thousands more damage than other warriors at your level.

Balance Build = Start off with standard build, as soon as MAX HP
skill is mastered, do 1 HP, 2 STR and 2 DEX per level

You'll have loads of HP, but do less damage. Heck, it's gunna save
you in potions, but why not do more damage instead? Do this build
if you want to raise warriors to earn money.

Pileup - Skills & Builds

Okay, i'll split up the Skills into tiers and give the builds
and descriptions for each of them.


Improving HP Recovery (HR)

Not really necessary, good to have, but after maxing out the
vital skills. Keep it at 5, and then raise it later, probably
after you MAX out Power Strike, Slash Blast and MAX HP. What it
does is it increases how much HP you recover when you stay idle
for 10 seconds.

Improving MAX HP (MH)

Your MOST IMPORTANT SKILL in all the tiers (possibly) MAX it out
ASAP, and then go on to the attacking skills. It increases how
much HP you gain per level up.

An experiment has been done by me, and I saw how much HP my
warrior had when it maxed MAX HP and when it didn't The
non-MAX had roughly 1000 HP when he turned 30. The MAXed out
character had around 1000 at level 20. That's a lot of
difference, meaning that you'll have roughly 1500 at level 30.
150% for the non- MAXer.

Endure (ED)

You shouldn't need to put more than 1 point into this skill,
and all it does is that is allows you to heal when hanging
from ropes or ladders. I mean, why not use potions instead?

Iron Body (IB)

In lower levels, the difference between having IB and not
having it is big... but after the 2nd advancement, you'll
find yourself rarely using it, not to mention that it forces
you to put 3 points into endure. Just don't raise this skill
in the first place, because all is does is add more defense,
and it barely helps after level 30. Roughly a damage
difference of 10 or so.

Power Strike (PS)

Your main skill for a loooooooong time. Max this or SB out
after MAX HP. At max level, it does 260% damage, so why not
take up on the offer?

Slash Blast (SB)

Your main Mob skill. At max, it attacks multiple monsters,
(I believe no limit on attacked monsters) at 130% damage.
raise this or PS after MAX HP is mastered.

Ok, all the builds will start off like this.

() - skills raised at that status, (5) means 5 points have
been put in total into that skill, (M) means Maxed.

HR (5) - MH (M)

Then the forks on the road.

Standard Build - Attack Type

PS (10) - SB (10) - PS (M) - SB (M) - Rest into HP recovery,
or one into Endure

Why 10, 10 then M, M on PS and SB? well, at level 10, you only
spend 6 MP for PS, and 8 MP and 7 HP for SB. But at level 11,
PS uses 12 MP and SB uses 16 MP and 14 HP for only a few % of
damage increase. So save potion costs, and save SP's, then MAX
out the attack skills

Iron Body Build

ED (3) - IB (M) - Max out PS or SB, put remaining SP's into
other attack skill

Not recommended. You wont even use IB later on, so why max it?

Moneymaker build

HR (M), ED (M), IB (M) rest of points into SB or PS

Excellent for making money by not using any potions. Just use
this build if you wanna support Mages, Archers or Thieves
with money.


Mastery (MT)

It makes the min dmg of the weapon rise by great amounts,
making your damage more level and increasing your accuracy.
Very vital skill since the polearm's stabs and the spears's
slash can hinder your average damage by quite a bit.

Booster (BO)

It increases your attack speed for a certain amount of time, so
very slow will be slow attack speed and slow will be normal
attack speed. Max this out too, probably right after Mastery.

Final Attack (FA)

Just gives you a chance to attack again using an attack skill
(PS, SB... and such) Max it or leave it at 0.

Hyper Body (HB)

Great, Great skill. At max, it gives 60% extra HP and MP to
you and your party members for a limited time. This skill makes
you invaluable in parties. Max it out in your later days, or

Iron Wall (IW)

Not too useful, the + def's barely help, and they won't be used
often, so just raise it with the remaining SP's.

Well, there are different builds. here goes

Standard Build A (attack type) -

MT (19) - FA (M) - IW (3) - HB (M) - BO (M) - IW (M) - MT (M)
rest into whatever 1st tier skills.

Stick with this, probably the easiest hunting will result with
this build, so why not?

Booster Build -

MT (5) - BO (M) - MT (19) - FA (M) - IW (3) - HB (M) - IW (M)
- MT (M) Rest into 1st tier skills

IF you want to attack faster with lower damage, go ahead, it'll
just rob your wallet more than the standard build, so do this if
you want.

Standard Build B (booster type) -
MT (19) - FA (M) - BO (M) - IW (3) - HB (M) - IW (M) - MT (M)
Rest into 1st tier skills

You might want to do this build too, probably going to cost
you more in potions but faster level ups though.

I won't include the Hybrid build sorry, but you can refer to
other guides for that. Hybrids arent too great at damaging so
why do them?

Dragon Knight

OK! Here it is! MY friend helped me out here, so i'll give him
much thanks! Thanks RED!

Element Resistance (ER)

This increases your magic defense, which might save you
in potions, so max this out after the vital skills.

Spear Buster (SB)

Whoa... 510% damage... now you just can't beat that can you?
It's one of the most agressive skills in the game, with the
highest damage. the dealy time isn't that great though.
Vital skill for a spearman.

Polearm Buster (PB)

Since buster only stabs, Polearms aren't going to be too
great. I mean on a 1:1 situation, Polearm Buster does more
damage than Polearm Thresher, so it might be tempting, but
don't raise it if you're using polearms. you'll be better
off with thresher, since the delay for buster is long and
the range isn't as great as thresher.

Spear Dragon Thresher (ST)

You'll be better off with Buster. Nuff said.

Polearm Dragon Thresher (PT)

It's time you got tired of PS and SB right? Well here are
your new attack skills. But at max, it does 250% damage
PS's max is 260%, why is it weaker? Well, PS does slashes
and stabs, but thresher does only slashes. A big plus for a
polearm, since slashes are better for pole arms, so that's
why it's better than PS. Plus it attacks up to 6 monsters at
once too.

Sacrifice (SA)

Useless... It's a skill that does 350% damage ignoring the
defense of the enemy. Now how is that useless? Well, you
recieve 5% of the damage given at MAX, and that's bad... 5%
doesn't sound like much huh? Well, if you do around 10000
damage, that means you recieve roughly 500 damage. that's
500 mesos. You're spending 1000 mesos using it twice. that's
a lot of money to spend, and since there aren't too many
patterns where priests and Dragon Knights hunt together, so
you'll have to spend a lot of money, much too expensive to
use. Raise it later, possibly for Zakum.

Dragon Roar (DR)

At max level, it attacks 15 monsters on pretty much the ENTIRE
SCREEN at 240% damage. Widest range attack in Maple, unless
I'm mistaken. Well, the drawback? At MAX, you spend 30% of
your HP using it, AND you are stunned for 2 seconds. You can
be attacked at that time. If you have many priest friends, use
this skill, but if you dont, let's say you have 10000 HP when
you use HB. That means you get 3000 damage, and you use 3000
mesos. 3000 mesos every time you use a skill is much too
expensive to use often, so raise it later.

Power Crash (PC)

This skill is hopeless. Firedogs are the strongest monster
as of now, but it doesn't use a power up skill. This skill
negates the effect of a power up skill, and the next strongest
monster is a Lycanthrope. I don't know if it uses a power up
skill, but assuming it does, let's go on. My friend can kill
it in 6-7 hits. Then why use a skill, that doesn't even have
a 100% activation rate at max, and risk getting hit 1~2 times,
when you can kill it in 6~7 hits? Pointless.

Dragon Blood (DB)

+12 attack. Drooling yet? This skill is very, very useful as
it adds 12 weapon attack, like a souped up version of a
fighter's rage. It also drains HP every few seconds, but that
doesn't mean anything when you're a high leveler. +12 attack
is enough to say dragon blood is important

I only have one build, probably the best, so go on with this

Pole Arms

PT (M) - DB (M) - ER (M) - SA (M) - DR (M) - PC (M) - PB
(M) then save up


SB (M) - DB (M) - ER (M) - SA (M) - DR(M) - PC (M) - ST
(M) then save up

Well... that's about it for that, Whoa! well, that's a lot of
skills! Go on dude!

8. Hunting Grounds

Well, here we go, this is what you'll hunt in your career

1-9: Snails, Mushrooms

10-14: Slimes, Orange Mushrooms

15-19: Spikey Mushrooms, Green Mushrooms, Pigs

20-24: Blue Mushrooms, Dark Axe Stumps

25-29: Wild Boars

30-34: Evil Eyes

35-39: Jr. Sentinels, Sentinel variants

40-49: Jr.Pepes, Copper Drakes, Fire Boars, Mini Cats, Green Evil
Eyes, Golems

50-69: Dark Golems, Drakes, Flame Drakes, Wild Cargoes, Florina
Beach Monsters

70-89: Zombies, Werewolves, Mushmoms, Jr.Balrogs

90-95: Zombies, Lycanthropes, Fire Dogs

95-100: Fire Dogs

100~: Fire Dogs, Zakum, Crimson Balrogs

Well, that's it for hunting grounds! Hope you score a few items!

9. Pileup- Weapons, Armors & Accessories

Well, I'll post the Recommended Armor for these levels. (polearm,
spears'll have to look it up, sorry)


Hat: Maria's Hat
Upper: Basic Shirt
Lower: Basic Pants
Shoes: Basic Shoes
Weapons: Bigg's Item
Earrings: -
Shield: Stolen Fence
Gloves: -
Cape: -
Overall: -

I recommend Sticking to your basic clothes and Maria's hat with
Bigg's item for now. You won't do heavy hunting, so don't buy
the fence if you don't want to.


Hat: Maria's Hat
Upper: Basic Shirt
Lower: Basic Pants
Shoes: Basic Shoes
Weapons: Spear or Pole Arm
Earrings: -
Shield: -
Gloves: -
Cape: -
Overall: -

You should just stick with your original clothes for now, since the
10 set won't be worth the price that you'll pay for it. Buy a Spear
or a Polearm though.


Hat: Mithril Full Helm
Upper: Steel Corporal
Lower: Steel Corporal Pants
Shoes: Steel Grieve
Weapons: Fork Spear or Iron Ball
Earrings: -
Shield: -
Gloves: -
Cape: -
Overall: -

Purchase the 15 set at Perion. Making the Bronze Full Helm a Mithril
Full Helm is optional. Don't do it if you don't have much money.


Hat: Mithril Viking Helm
Upper: Blue Sergeant
Lower: Steel Sergeant Skirt
Shoes: Blue Middle Ladder
Weapons: Phantom, Fish Spear if your'e rich, buy it from someont at
something like 70K
Earrings: -
Shield: -
Gloves: Venon
Cape: -
Overall: -

No need to make your gloves, Nella's third quest will give you the lv.20
glove for free. Get the Blue Sergeant set at Perion. The fish spear
isn't sold in stores, so you'll have to dish out 70K or so to buy it
from a person. Get the Phantom for much less instead. (12K) Again, the
Bronze ~ Mithril conversion of the helmet is optional.


Hat: Blue Bamboo Hat or Orihalchon Burgernet Helm
Upper: Dark Master Sergeant
Lower: Dark Master Sergeant Skirt
Shoes: Silver War Boots, Dark War Boots if you're Rich.
Weapons: Nasty Mop
Earrings: Red Cross or Gold Earrings
Shield: -
Gloves: Stick with the lv. 20 Gloves
Cape: -
Overall: -

Buy the Dark Master Sergeant Set at Perion, and make the Battle Grieves
at Sleepywood. If you have tons of money, get the Dark version, if
you're average, get the Silver variant. Also, if you value Defense
more than Damage, get the Orihalchon Burgernet Helm. If you don't PQ
and get the Blue Bamboo hat. This time's going to take looooong to
level up, so keep it up!


Hat: Jousting Helmet
Upper: Korean Instrumental Shirt (orange or green, your pick)
Lower: Black Martial Art Pants
Shoes: Silver or Emerald War Boots
Weapons: Mithril Pole Arm or Triple Tips
Earrings: Emerald, Star or Lightning Earrings
Shield: -
Gloves: lv. 20 Gloves
Cape: -
Overall: -

Here's your list. You've finally turned into a Spearman! Congrats!
well, the Green shirt gives you 2 DEX and the Orange one gives you 20
HP. i'm leaning on the Green a bit, but it's your choice. Silver and
Emerald each do the same thing, so make whichever one that looks cooler.
Same goes for the earrings. From now, you'll need to go to Ossyria to
buy items.


Hat: Great Brown Helmet
Upper: -
Lower: -
Shoes: Steel Tigger
Weapons: Nakamaki or Axe Pole Arm
Earrings: Cat's Eye or Sapphire Earrings
Shield: -
Gloves: Dark Briggon
Cape: -
Overall: White or Dark Chain Mail

Again, if you do John's Quest, you'll get this decent glove. Earrings
& overalls do the same, so get what's cheaper or cooler.


Hat: -Gold Norman Helm, Mithril if you're poor (a Red Duke helmet
has been added recently. i do not know its stats, so wear it if
its good.)
Upper: Maroon or Blue Asian General's Armor
Lower: White or Black Flaming Pants
Shoes: Blue OS Boots
Weapons: Crescent or Zeco
Earrings: Blue Moon at 40~44, Pansy Earrings at 45~49
Shield: -
Gloves: Stick with lv. 35 or Dark Knuckle ir you're rich.
Cape: -
Overall: -

You may now officially scroll your items. You'll stick with them for
10 levels instead of 5 from now, so go ahead. You'll have plenty
of money anyways. Heinz's quest will provide you with the helmet.


Hat: Silver Crusader Helm/ Old Mthril Norman Helm at lv 55
Upper: Blue or Umber Shoulder Mail
Lower: Blue or Umber Shoulder Mail Pants
Shoes: Gold Hildon Boots
Weapons: The Nine Dragons or Red Curve
Earrings: Skull Earrings for 50~54/ Holy Crossring or Crystal
Flowerrings at 55~59
Shield: -
Gloves: Gold Brist
Cape: Napoleon's Cape 50~54/ Justice cape from 55~59
Overall: -

Manji's quest will give the earrings, and everything else, you'll buy.
The Umber mails look kinda ugly in my opinion, so you might want to
scroll them to show off at least. The weapons look cool though.
Alkester will give the justice cape for level 55. You finally get to
wear capes! Also, luke will give the Norman Helm.


Hat: Red Oriental Helmet
Upper: Red or Dark Orientican
Lower: Red or Dark Orientican Pants
Shoes: Blood Camel Boots
Weapons: Skylar or Cross Spear
Earrings: Pink Flowered Earrings from 60~64/ Gold drop Earrings from
Shield: -
Gloves: Dark Clench
Cape: Magic Cape
Overall: -

Orient Style! The Pink Flower Earrings can be gained from John, but
everything else needs to be bought. You're almost a dragon Knight!
Keep it up!


Hat: Silver Planet
Upper: Mithril or Orihalchon Platine
Lower: Mithril or Orihalchon Platine Pants
Shoes: Dark Cazen Boots
Weapons: The Gold Dragon or Spephan
Earrings: Metal Silver Earrings 70~74/ Half Earrings 75~79
Shield: -
Gloves: Dark Husk
Cape: Gaia Cape
Overall: -

Dragon Kinght! Congrats. You'll either Need to scroll these Items, or
Get the 80 Set for expensive from people so it's your choice.


Hat: Blue or Black Dragon Babuta
Upper: Dark General or Battle Road
Lower: Dark General Pants or Battle Road
Shoes: Dark Reverse Boots
Weapons: Wol-A-San or Ho-Jin-Gong-Chang (korean names)
Earrings: Metal Heart Earrings 80~84/ Strawberry Errings 85~89/
Red Rose Earrings 90~
Shield: -
Gloves: Dark Emperor
Cape: Seraph's Cape
Overall: Battle Road

That's the latest set. Well, Hope that cleared everything up!

10. Pileup- Quests

Quests... Most you'll need to do for items or money, some you'll
ignore. Here goes...

Sera's Mirror

When you first start, Sera will be right above you. She'll ask
you to get her mirror from Maria, her sister, and she'll be doing
laundry at the eastern hill. Talk to her, get the mirror, and give
it to Sera to get a few EXP and go to the next section.

Items Needed: Sera's Mirror

Rewards: EXP

My View: Pointless. Just go on ahead. I never did this quest
because im too lazy =) so just go on ahead.

Roger's Apple

On the second area, a boy will be there. His name is Roger, and
he'll damage you by 25 HP and give you an apple to heal yourself.
After you do, he gives you a few EXP and a few potions and a
transportation to the next area.

Rewards: EXP, 3 Red Potions

My View: The potions may help, but not by much. Do it if you want
to, i did it 60% of the time with my characters.

Nina and her Dinner.

On the third area, a girl called Nina will be there. She'll ask
you to ask her brother what he wants for dinner. Go in the House
next to her and click on the small dude there. He'll say he wants
mushroom soup for dinner and go tell Nina. She'll give you EXP
and transport you to the next area.

Rewards: EXP

My View: Again, pointless. Be lazy and just pass her.

Onward to the Next area

At the top of the fourth level, a guy will be there. Click on him
to get some EXP and go to the next area.

Rewards: EXP

My View: Free EXP without extra work? Count me in! Even if it's
only 2 or 3 EXP. Do it, I mean why not? It's not like you do
extra work or anything.

Send the Reply letter

On the later areas, you'll see a girl called Maria. She wants you
to go to Amherst, and sent the chief a letter. Go to Amherst and
get the reply, and Maria will give a lv.5 hat.

Items Needed: Reply Letter

Rewards: a level 5 hat

My Opinion: Hmm... just do it for the free hat, although there
really isn't any reason to go to Amherst... just do it for the

Bigg's Request

At tho top of Southperry, a boy called Biggs wants you to get
30 blue snail shells and 10 orange mushroom caps. If you gather
these, he'll give you a weapon

Items Needed: 30 Blue Snail Shells & 10 Orange Mushroom Caps

Rewards: Razor or Fruit Knife

My Opinion: Hmm... A weapon for a few common items, do it.

Blackbull's House Repair

At Perion, a guy called Blackbull wants you to get 30 Branches
and 50 Firewoods to repair his house. Gather these items to get
a shield.

Items Needed: 30 Branches, 50 Firewoods

Rewards: Steel Shield or Red Triangular Shield

My Opinion: The items are easy to get and the reward is great,
even if it's the steel shield. Go do it.

Deal with Charlie

At orbis, a guy called charlie will want you to get 100 of a
few items. If you get them, he'll give you items.

Items Needed: 100 of Starpixie's Star, Nependus's Seed,
Lunapixie's Star, Jr.Yeti's Fur, Hector's Tail, Dark Jr.Yeti's
Fur, White Fang's Tail, Pepe's Beak, Dark Pepe's Beak, Yeti's
Horn, Dark Yeti's Horn or Werewolf's Claws


Starpixie- 30 orange potions, 20 blue potions, 40 meats, 20
processed woods, 10% helmet def scroll

Nependus- 15 white potions, 25 blue potions, 15 lemons, 30
processed woods, 10% earring mdef scroll

Lunapixie- 20 white potions, 10 mana elixirs, 5 clear waters,
15 dragon skins, 5 nails, 10% shield def scroll

Jr.Yeti- 30 white potions, 15 mana elixirs, 20 salads, 30
prcessed woods, 5 nails, 10% shirt def scroll

Hector- 10 magic potion (green), 15 strength potion, 15 sniper
potion, ancient scroll, 10% overall def scroll

Dark Jr. Yeti- 30 long hot dogs, 15 fat hot dogs, 30 bean soups,
1 fairy wing, 10% overall def scroll

White Fang- 20 mana elixirs, icicle, 7 silver ores, 7 adamantium
ores, 7 orihalchon ores, 1 piece of ice

Pepe- 20 mana elixirs, 2 gold ores, 7 steel ores, 7 bronze ores,
7 mithril ores, 10% shoe scroll speed

Dark Pepe- 20 mana elixirs, 7 silver ores, 7 orihalchon ores, 2
gold ores, 2 black crystal ores, 2 diamond ores, 10% shoe scroll

Yeti- 25 mana elixirs, 7 garnet ores, 3 aquamarine ores, 2
diamond ores, 7 amethyst ores, 10% shoe scroll speed

Dark Yeti- 25 mana elixirs, 7 sapphire ores, 7 emerald ores,
7 opal ores, 2 black crystal ores, 10% glove scroll strength

Werewolf- 30 mana elixirs, icicle, 7 topaz ores, 2 black crystal
ores, 2 diamond ores, 10% glove scroll strength

You also gain 500 EXP every time you do the quest.

My Opinion: a chance to earn decent items while getting rid of
the "leftovers"? Count me in! Not to mention you can repeat
the quest many, many times. As much as you want.

Maya's Sickness

You'll meet a girl in henesys called Maya. She's coughing badly,
and she wants you to get the weird medicine from Teo in lith.
Once you get there, He'll want a sparkling rock for the medicine.
Greedy huh? Ayways, Sophia in Perion will know about it, and
she'll need 50 squishy liquids, 50 leafs, 20 octo legs, and one
Arcon's Blood. Squishes can be gained from slimes, leafs from
dark stumps, octo legs from octopuses, but Arcon's blood...
Manji has those. He'll want 40 charms of the undead, gained from
zombie mushes. Not good. You won't be able to properly hunt those
till level 20 or so, so when you get em, go to Manji, get the
blood, go to Sophia, make the rock, go to Teo, get the medicine,
and finally go to Maya. Fun huh? Well, she'll give you some EXP,
5K mesos and a Brown Bamboo Hat. You won't use this hat, so NPC
(sell it to the store) it or sell it to a person or do whatever
you want with it.

Level Requirement: 15

Items Needed: 50 Squishy Liquids, 50 Leaves, 40 Charms of the
Undead and 20 Octopus legs.

Rewards: EXP, 5000 mesos, brown bamboo Hat

My Opinion: A lot of trouble to go for a useless Bamboo hat huh?
Well just do it as a prerequisite for Manji's quest.

Nella's quests

At Kerning, a girl called Nella will make you pay 1K to help
people (Why do I have to pay to help! D:<) Anyways you'll need
50 Green Mush Caps and 50 Bubbling Bubbles. Green Mush can be
hunted near kerning at the western and on the top of the eastern
map, and bubblings at the Subway. After that, She'll give you
some EXP and 50 lemons.

After you keep harrassing Nella by repeatedly clicking on her
and pressing enter, another quest will come up. 5 Processed
woods and 5 nails. You can get nails at John's quest. On the
top of the eastern map, kill axestumps and get 25 firewoods,
go to perion's smith, make the woods, and go to nella and get
100 cakes and EXP.

On the third quest, you'll need 100 Octo Legs and 1 Clear
Water. Octo legs can be gained by hunting octopuses around
Kerning, and the water can be bought in the regular sauna at
sleepywood. Get it and give it to Nella to get the level 20
Glove for your job (Venon).

Level Requirement: 15

Items Needed: 50 Green Mush Caps, 50 Bubbling Bubbles, 5
Processed woods, 5 Nails, 100 Octo Legs, 1 Clear Water

Rewards: 50 lemons, 100 cakes, lv 20 glove (Venon for
warrior), EXP

My Opinion: Do it for the Glove. It's worth it.

John's Quest

John in Lith wants you to get 10 Pink Violas at Sleepywood.
Go there, and click the statue. Feels like a platformer huh?
Well, after two levels of jumping and dodging, at the top,
there will be a bunch of pink violas. click on them to get
anywhere from 1~10 flowers. you can't re-enter the zone as
long as you have violas, so go to John, give him the violas,
and repeat. after you get 10, he'll give you 30 screws.

Level Requirement: 15

Items Needed: 10 pink violas

Rewards: 30 screws

My Opinion: Why not do it? You'll need screws for the future.

Luke's quest

In the Henesys entrance of the dungeon, Luke will be standing
there. Talk to him, and he'll want 100 Necki skins, 10 stiege
wings and 1 salad. You won't be hunting Neckis for a
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time, but when you get to, (you'll need
roughly 70 or 80 accuracy) and give them to Luke, then he'll
give you a refined jewel. Stiege wings by hunting stieges and
salad in the Ant Tunnel Plaza.

Level Requirement: 15

Items Needed: 100 Jr.Necki Skins, 10 Stiege Wings, 1 Salad.

Rewards: 1 refined jewel.

My Opinion: Do it in your later days. you can fetch 10K for the
items, 100K for the diamond or black crystal but mainly, just
do it as a prerequisite for his next quest, since 10K or 100K
isn't a lot of money in later days.

Pia & the mushrooms

In henesys, a guy called Pia wants you to get 60 Blue Mush caps
and 60 Green Mush Caps because they bully him. After you get
that, he'll give you a helmet scroll.

Level Requirement: 20

Items Needed: 60 Green Mushroom Caps, 60 Blue Mushroom Caps

Rewards: Helmet Defense Scroll (10%, 60% or 100%)

My Opinion: Scrolls are good. Scrolls are great. Do it for the

Alex and his dad

In Kerning, a kid called Alex wants to see his mom's watch, and
his dad has it. He's the chief of Henesys, and he wants 50
Evileye tails and 100 Pig Ribbons. After that, you'll need to
talk to him and pick the right answers. After you do that, give
the watch to Alex to get an earring from him.

Level Requirement: 20

Items Needed: 100 pig ribbons, 50 evileye tails

Rewards: Yellow Square, Gold Ring, Red Cross Ring, Emerald Ring,
Star Ring or Thunder Ring

My Opinion: Earrings help warriors. You won't hunt evileyes till
lv 30, so you'll need to wait. Yellow Squares do nothing, so hope
you get something else than that. Earrings are GOOD for warriors,
since warriors don't have much magic defense.

Shumi's coin

In Kerning, Shumi loses a coin, and she wants you to find it. Go
to the subway, buy a ticket, and go through the "platformer"
scenario again. On the last area, there will be a chest and you'll
get the coin. When you return she'll give you 1 fame, and 30
random return scrolls.

Level Requirement: 20

Items Needed: Shumi's coin, 500 mesos for Ticket

Rewards: 1 fame, 30 return scrolls to a random town

My Opinion: Why not? A free fame and 30 return scrolls, but you'll
need to be patient and have good timing.

Party Quest

This quest is fun, and can be repeated. well, you'll need a party
of level 21~29 ers, so go ahead. On the first area, you'll need to
get the required tickets. Then, you need to hang on the correct
combo of ropes to advance. Then you'll need to stand on the correct
combo of logs, then barrels, then, you need to hunt Green Evil Eyes
for passes, then some neckis, and then the King Slime. Then, you
get enough passes to advance, and then, advance to the next level,
where you get to fight mushes, then talk to the girl and get your

Level Requirement: 21~29

Items Needed: Party

Rewards: EXP, Niam, Bamboo hats, Earrings, Healing Items, scrolls

My Opinion: You'll need to do this more than once, since it's fun
and gives decent items

Jane's wish

In Lith, a girl clled Jane needs 120 Spiky Mush caps and 100
wildboar teeth. After you get them, she'll give you a random
weapon scroll.

Level Requirement: 25

Items Needed: 120 Spike Mushroom Hats, 100 Wildboar teeth

Rewards: Random Weapon Scroll

My Opinion: Scrolls are good... just go ahead and finish the

Sabitrama's plant

When you go to sleepy, talk to Sabitrama, and he needs a random
plant. When you go to Ellinia, a guy called roger wants some
money for you to enter the quest area. After another platformer
scenario, get the plant and he'll give you an overall defense
scroll (10, 60 or 100%).

Level Requirement: 25

Items Needed: Sabitrama's plant

Rewards: Scroll for overall armor defense (10, 60% or 100%)

My Opinion: Must... have... scrolls... do... the ... quest...

Arwen's Shoes

In Ellinia, Arwen wants you to find her shoes. Fireboars drop
shoes, so when you get it, she'll give you a Piece of Ice or a
Fairy Wing. the difference? Wings sell for about 100 times more
than the ice. (In Korean version)

Level Requirement: 25

Items Needed: Glass Shoe

Rewards: Piece of Ice or Fairy Wing

My Opinion: POINTLESS. Just do it ONCE as a prerequisite for
Luke's quest.

Rony and the Mysterious Book

Go to Sleepy's second sauna and talk to the guy. he wants his
book that his son took. His son is at the last Ellinia map
leading to Perion in the tunnel. He wants 50 monkey's banannas,
one fresh milk, and a special eel roast. Banannas can be gained
from monkeys, the fresh milk can be gained by giving an elf 1
refined diamond, and the eel roast can be earned by giving the
girl in Henesys 50 Green Evil Eye tails and 5 pig heads. Then,
get the book, then get the clothes from the sauna guy.

Level Requirement: 30

Items Needed: 50 green evil eye tails, 5 pig heads, 1 refined
diamond, & 50 banannas.

Rewards: 10K mesos, sauna gown.

My Opinion: Why not? Well, it costs way too much and the reward
isn't that great, do it eventually.

Blackbull's new quest

Blackbull needs to make a new home for his cousins. He needs
100 Stone Golem's Rocks, 30 Processed Woods, 30 nails and his
Land Claim Document. The form can be gained by hunting Green
Evil Eyes.When you get these, he'll give you a 10% weapon attack
scroll, 15K and 2 fames. You need 10 fames to do this quest.

Level Requirement: 30

Items Needed: land ownership form, 100 stone golem blocks,
30 processed woods, 30 nails, 10 fame

Rewards: 10% weapon attack scroll, 15K and 2 fames

My Opinion: the required items are extremely hard to get, so
try to do it if you're patient.

John's 2nd quest

He needs 20 blue violas, and another platforming scenario.
After that, he'll give you a lv 35 glove. Be careful as some
platforms will be an illusion, and wolbis will try to hurt you.

Level Requirement: 30

Items Needed: 20 Blue Violas

Rewards: level 35 glove (dark briggon for warrior)

My Opinion: Do it, even if it's annoying. the glove gives +2 STR
nuff said.

Shumi's Second Quest.

Areas filled with a whole bunch of Lazers appear. After you get
the moneybunch, Shumi will give you some items.

Level Requirement: 30

Items Needed: Shumi's Moneybunch

Rewards: 1 fame, 100 mana elixirs or elixirs.

My Opinion: Do it for the elixirs. Even if you get mana elixirs,
it's good nuff.

Heinz's quest

Talk to the fairy that gave you the milk for the sauna quest. she
needs a total of 2300 cursed dolls to complete something. You can
get them by killing zombie monkies. You'll get rewards for the
items you give.

Level Requirement: 35

Items Needed: 2300 cursed dolls

100 dolls- 1 fame, ores
200 dolls- 1 fame, ores
400 dolls- 2 fame, ores
600 dolls- 2 fame, DEX glove scrolls (60% or 10%)
1000 dolls- 3 fame, lv 40 hat (Steel Norman Helm for warrior)

My Opinion: Hard, but do it for the helmet.

Jane's second quest

Jane needs 130 Strange Medicines, 50 Experimental Frogs, 1 Clear
Water, 1 Moon Stone, 20 Dragon Skins, 10 Tree Saps, 1 Mushmom's
Spore and 3 Drake's Blood to be an alchemist. The monsters you
can gain them from will be listed in order. Wraith, Melody,
sleepywood or ant tunnel plaza, by fusing all refines together
(i forget, minerals or jewels, all of them) drakes, axe stumps,
mushmoms, and drakes, in order of the items.

Level Requirement: 40

Items Needed:
1st tier- 1 clear water, 30 strange medicines & 20 experimental
2nd tier- 1 mushmoms's spore, 3 drake's blood, 100 strange
medicines and 30 experimental frogs
3rd tier- moon stone (give arwen all refined metals to make it),
20 dragon skins and 10 tree saps.

1st tier- 10 elixirs or 10 red potions
2nd tier- 15 power elixirs or 15 mana elixirs
3rd tier- 100%, 60% or 10% glove attack scroll

My Opinion: Even if you need a LOT of items, do it for the

Shumi's 3rd quest

Shumi lost her moneysack again. She wants you to go get it. Again,
a platformer with lots of lazers, tricks and hoaxes. You need to
be patient and smart.

Level Requirement: 40

Items Needed: Shumi's Moneysack

Rewards: 100%, 60% or 10% shoe speed scroll, 30 elixirs, 1 fame.

My Opinion: do it for the scroll, even if it's very annoying.

Manji and the Hero's Gladius

Manji's gladius has been cursed by balrog so it became rusty, and
he wants you to fix it. Go to Crishrama in Sleepy. He says he made
it, and he says you need 1 Star Stone, a Piece of Ice, one Ancient
Scroll and 1 Flame Feather. Mike who guards the Perion entrance to
the dungeon knows how to make them, and he tells you that you need
every refined jewel for the star stone, give Arwen her shoe and
with an 80% chance, she gives a piece of ice, ancient scrolls are
dropped by dark stone golems, and the flame feather is given by red
drakes. Then, Arwen can make the items, and you give then to
Crishrama, then he refines the galdius, and Manji will give you
skull earrings in return.

Level Requirement: 45

Items Needed: Hero's Gladius (star stone, piece of ice, ancient
scroll, flame feather)

Rewards: Skull Earrings

My Opinion: Do it for the earrings.

Alpaso's communication center

Fox of El Nath wants you to meet his men in order, and they are
Charlie, Bravo and Easy. if you meet them, you need different
items for them charlie - 2 refined orihalchons, bravo - 2 refined
adamantiums, easy - 2 refined sapphires. if you give the items,
they give 3 ancient scroll pieces. then, give them to charlie to
get the reward.

Fox (El Nath)
Charlie (Orbis)
Bravo (Cold Ice)
Easy (Cloud Park 6)

Level Requirement: 40

Items Needed: refined 2 orihachons, 2 adamantiums and 2

met in order and have 3 pieces of scrolls-
shoe jump scroll (10% or 60%) or shoe speed scroll (10% or 60%)

met in order and don't have 3 pieces of scrolls-
20 elixirs

didn't meet in order and have 3 pieces of scrolls-
overall defnese scroll (10% or 60%), shirt defense scroll (10%
or 60%) or pants defense scroll (10% or 60%)

didn't meet in order and don't have 3 pieces of scrolls-
50 mana elixirs

My Opinion: Try to meet in order and have 3 scrolls or not meet
in order and have 3 scrolls. Not anything else, since only
these two variants give something useful.

Sabitrama's second quest & Shane's hidden quest

Platformer with many tricks & hoaxes. you'll need to analyze the
map clearly to pass it.

After you beat it, Shane tells you that if you beat it again,
you might get the Red Heart Earrings.

Level Requirement: 50

Items Needed: Ginseng or Red Ginseng.

Rewards: Star Stone or Moon Stone, Red Heart Earrings (Shane)

My Opinion: Why not? It's annoying, but worth it. Especially

Luke's gloves

He needs 10 Refined Orihalchons, 50 Drake Skins, 40 Screws,
3 Taurospear's Horns and 1 Black Feather. The Black Feather
can be made by combining 1 Flame Feather, 1 Moon Rock and 1
Refined Black Crystal. Arwen will make them for you, and Luke
will give you an old Bronze Norman Helm.

Level Requirement: 55

Items Needed: 10 Refined Orihalchons, 1 Refined Black Crystal,
50 Drake Skins, 40 Screws, 3 Taurospear's Horns, 1 Flame Feather,
1 Moon Stone

Rewards: Old Bronze Norman Helm

My Opinion: Do it for the helmet. It's not quite worth it, but
anyways, do it.

Alkester's Magic Book

Story's too long, Ill just write the procedures.

Alkester (El Nath Market) -> Lisa (Orbis) -> Elma (Orbis Park)
-> Jade (El Nath) -> Elma -> Jade -> Spiruna (cloudpark 4) ->
Snow Covered Stone (Ice Cliff 1, get broken black crystal) ->
Spiruna (give BBC) -> ??? (cloudpark 4) -> Criel (Orbis Potion
Shop, starpixiestar 100, lunapixiemoon 50, lusterpixiesun 30,
get elf powder) -> Spiruna (give elfpowder get cape scroll)
-> ???? (get pendant) -> small grave (wolf's territory, get
old ring) -> Alkester -> Skadur (El Nath, give old ring,
whitefangtail 100, hectortail 100, get 30 elixir, old ring)
-> Alkester -> Dances with Balrog (Perion, give 2 STR crystals,
get old map piece) -> Heinz (Ellinia, Give 2 INT crystals, get
OMP) -> Helena (Henesys, 2 DEX crystals, get OMP) -> Dark Lord
(Kerning City, Give 2 LUK crystals, get OMP) -> Alkester (give 4
OMP) -> Easy (orbis tower entrance, give 3 werewolf claws, get
memory powder) -> Alkester (give memory powder) -> Statue (orbis
tower 9, give old ring, get ancient book) -> Alkester (give
Ancient Book, get cape)

Fun huh? Anyways, that's it.

Level Requirement: 55

Items Needed: 100 Starpixie Stars, 50 Lunapixie Moons, 30
Lusterpixie Suns, 100 Hector Tails, 100 Whitefang Tails, 3
Werewolf Claws, 2 each of refined STR, DEX, INT and LUK

Rewards: 30 Elixirs, Cape Defense Scroll or Cape Magic Def Scroll
(10 or 60%), Shoe Speed or Dex Scroll (10 or 60%), Justice Cape

My Opinion: Lot of travelng. Not too great rewards, do it
eventually for the cape.

John's 3rd quest

Platformer, tricky, be smart, nuff said.

Level Requirement: 60

Items Needed: 30 White Violas

Rewards: Pink Flower Earrings

My Opinion: Hard, but worth it, be smart and analyze the
stage well.

Sigh... that's it guys!

11. Info on Continents & Other Versions

Maple Island

An island floating near Victoria Island. This Island is Small,
and it is where Maplers first appear.

You'll be here for your beginner time, and hunt low level

Strongest Monster- Orange Mushroom (during an event, a mushmom
appeared once, but event generations aren't normal generations,
so this doesn't count)

Mushroom Town

Where you start off. This town is small, and divided into
setions. You will never enter here after you leave.


A port city. Shanks here will take you to Victoria Island for
150 mesos.


Another City. The weapons shot of Maple Island is located here,
and some entertainment is also loacted here. (putting faces on
pictures on east side of city)

Victoria Island

The main island where you will be. Has the most cities and is
the Biggest out of the Maple World.

Strongest Monster- Jr.Balrog

Lith Harbor

A port city where you land when you first arrive at Victoria
Island. Many beginners start off their Victorian hunting
around here. Many events are held here as well.

Kerning City

A civilization from the future built thid city and left. The
citizens use sophisticated technology and have very different
clothing. Many mutations due to pollution occur here though.


An archer town that has a nice balance of monsters around it.
Much training is done here, and Minigames can be played at
its game zone.


A forest city that is close to nature. MAny magical creatures
such as fairies and elves live here. A port is also located
here that leads to another continent.


An Aztec-like city that is filled with strong warriors. The
technology here is not advanced at all, and people depend on
sole strength to survive. It also has a deadly Entrance to
the Dungeon, and has the strongest Monsters out of the four
Major cities. (Henesys, Kerning, Ellinia, Perion) Much
commerce goes around here at all times.


A city deep into the forest fo the dungeon. This city has a
sauna where you can relax and get out of fatigue. Many
strong people gather around here and hunt monsters in the

Ant Tunnel Park

Not a town, but a 24-hour Store is run here. You can buy
items in need in this store without going back to Sleepywood.

Florina Beach

A beach where many sea creatures roam around. You can rest
here at an Island rest spot, or hunt strong monsters.


This continent is newly found, and has two major parts to it.
Orbis and El Nath.

Strongest Monster- Fire Dog

Orbis- A city that floats above the clouds. You can buy good
items at the store here. Many angels live here as well.

El Nath- A snowy city that has a unique attribute where you
slide on the ground. You can purchase Eisen boots to top the

Aquaroad- An underwater area in ossyria. It is filled with
marine monsters.

??? (name unknown)
A world with unearthly creatures made up of toys, aliens or
other stuff

Strongest Monster- Tanathos

Ludibrium- This town's NPC's are made up of legos, as are
their buildings. The monsters in the surrounding area include
toy rats, lego-block golems and toy aircraft.

Earth Defence HQ- Who knew aliens protected earth when
octopuses tried to take over earth? The monsters around here
include Grey Variants (Aliens, such as Ultra Grey) and
Octopuses riding UFO's. There is also a 100-story tower
connecting here and Ludibrium.

The Lost Time- A mysterious area where time-related monsters
and ancient monsters appear.

12. Legal Info

This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances, sold
or publicly distributed without advance written permission. This
guide may only be used for private, personal use, and placing
this guide on another web site except, and its partners is strictly prohibited, and
is an act of violating copyright.

All trademarks and cpoyrights belong to their respective owners.

Cpoyright 2005 Dninex (Steven Penczner)

13. Version History

1.0- Initial release, looking to change Korean transliteration
into proper English names, got all the basics down, looking to
fix typos through Word.

1.00T2- Fixed the numerous typos found on guide, still have to
change from Korean transliteration into proper English names.

14. Credits

Friends of Dninex, Evergelion, Nemitrachion and Rickah- Thanks
guys! You guys helped me a lot!

[Yellronde]RED- For giving useful info on 3rd job skills, two great english
sites packed with info, helped me a lot in my noob days, probably the two best
maple sites out there (korean). Lot of population to get help
from. Their help was and is invaluable to me.

(It seems that mapleworld [ is temporairily
closed. They say they'll open soon. I've had bad experiences
with sites that claim to be resting for a short period... I
hope they come back online quick! It's suck a great site!])

Demethus and Bera- for being my home servers

GameFAQs- For being the best game-related site out there

CJayC- For the best Game-Related site out there

My Computer- for being tweaked and tweaked for maximum
performance through maple.
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Engl. Leitfaden

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