Maple Story

Maple Story

09.10.2013 07:27:40
Archer/Hunter/Ranger FAQ

*Sorry, no cool picture yet*

Written By: Wind_8500 (Steven Toth)
Contact Me: (with a subject of MS guide)
This document is Copyrighted (c) 2005-06 by Steven Toth and can't be used
without my permission.

//Table of Contents\

1) Version History*
2) Legend*
3) Archers vs. other classes*
4) Archers in general*
5) Maple island and beginners*
6) Becoming an Archer*
7) Becoming a Hunter*
8) Becoming a Ranger*
9) Stat. point accolation*
10) Archer Skills and point accolations*
11) Hunter Skills and point accolations*
12) Ranger Skills and point accolations*
13) Arrow Blow vs. Double Shot*
14) Jump Shooting*
15) Mushmom*
16) Credits*


// Version History \

1) Version History*

v1.0-- Not much, more to come later
v1.1-- Added alternate skill builds for archer, hunter and ranger
v1.2-- can now legally use my guide

2) Legend*

CS- critical strike (see archer skills)
DS- double shot (see archer skills)
AB- arrow blow (see archer skills)
dmg- damage
//Archers vs others\

3) Archers vs. other classes*

lets examine archers vs all the other classes

a) Archers vs Warriors
Archers are longer ranged
Archers have more avoidability
Archer are much more accurate
Archer armor is really cheap

Warriors have much more health
Warriors recover health faster
Archers need arrows (until soul arrow in 2nd job)
Warriors do more dmg

*On a side note, both of them have rediculously unstable dmg until
they get weapon mastery in the 2nd job*

b) Archers vs Magicians
Archers are longer ranged
Mages are WAY overplayed
Archer spells cost less MP
Archers are much more accurate
Archer armor is really cheap
Archers have more avoidability

Mages have more MP
Mages have more MP recovery
Mages do much more dmg in the beginning of the game
If Mages were to KS any class in the beginning, it would be
an archer, because of the dmg instability
Archers need arrows (until soul arrow in 2nd job)

c) Archers vs Assassins
Archers are much more accurate
Stars cost a lot of money, arrows are cheap
Archer armor is really cheap

Assassins can jump shoot much easier than archers
Archers still need arrows (until soul arrow in 2nd job)
Assassins have more avoidability

d) Archers vs Bandits
Archers are longer ranged
Archers have amazingly high accuracy

Archers require arrows (until soul arrow in 2nd job)

e) Bowmen vs. X-Bowmen
Bowmen Pros
Bowmen are faster
Arrow bomb explodes, instead of going through targets

Bowmen Cons
X-Bowmen do more dmg
X-Bowmen can freeze targets


//Archers in general\

4) Archers in general*

Why be an archer?

Archers are an underused class, but once they make it to the 3rd job, they
have amazing potential. They are possibly the most KSed class in the beginning
of the game, due to their lack of dmg stability, but the dmg range is greatly
improved once you get the bow mastery in the 2nd job.

unlike mages, who start out strong, to see a truly lethal archer, you must
make it to level 35 or so, which many people do not have the patience for

If this class does not sound appealing to you, you should not be an archer,
early leveling is a pain, but your hard work pays off in the 2nd job, and
archers become possibly the most deadly class in the game

Even if this does not sound appealing to you, give it a try, i didnt think
i'd like archers either, but here i am writing an FAQ on them

If you like to be up in the enemy's face, and smash things
up close, try being a warrior

If you like to have a lot of mp, and kill things from a medium
distance, try being a mage


//Maple Island\

5) Maple island and beginners*

a) creating your character

So, when you first run your MS client, you may have to download
a patch
After it is done, unless you have an account already, you will
need to make one, now you need to choose a server to play on

*once your server is chosen, you can not move your character between

I believe the servers are currently ordered from most recent (and
usually least populated) to oldest
*my thoughts*{
I like to play on the less populated servers, its
your choice, but keep this in mind, there is less
lag on the less populated servers, and less people
to take kills from you

Once you have chosen your server, the game will prompt you
for a channel, from 1-20, your character can change between
channels at any time

Now that you have chosen a channel, click create new character,
and design your character to your liking

Once your character is designed, you will notice the box on the right,
it has a field for name, enter your desired name, and click -check-
to see if your character name is available

if so, proceed to the next box with -generate- written in it

notice the 4 stat points, STR

these are the 4 stat points of MS, for an archer, you want
something with a 4 or 5 in INT, and a 4 or 5 in LUK, keep
clicking the die until you get one like that

Once you have good stats, click -ok- to proceed

b) Maple island and training

Now that you have a character, you are ready to start your training,
but you are not yet a bowman, you are a beginner, as all are in
the beginning of MS

The place you are on is called Maple Island, and for archers, it is
rediculously easy

just kill snails and mushrooms until you reach level 9

every level, put your stat points into STR, until it is 30,
so you can level up even faster, once it is 30, put your
points into dex, it has to be 25 by level 10.

with your high STR, you will be able to destroy Maple Island
almost as well as a warrior

Once you are level 9, head to Southperry, and talk to Shanks,
he will take you to the main continent, Victoria Island for a
price of 150 meso, this should not be a problem for you


// The way of the archer \

6) Becoming an archer*

Once you are off Maple Island, talk to the long haired, shirtless
viking with a skirt on, and when he asks you what job you wish to
take, choose bowman of course

Now backtrack a bit, and find the ticketing office, talk to the man
inside, and travel to the town called -Henesys-

it costs 80 meso i believe, which should not be a problem

Head off to the left or right of henesys, and level up once more

Once level 10, go into the area -Mushroom Park- in Henesys

go all the way to the right, and enter the building there, then
talk to Athena Pierce, and ask her to make you a bowman

If you have 25 DEX, and are level 10, you will become a bowman

Now that you are a bowman, Athena gives you one SP

*(Note) you should not buy the level 10 bow, you dont do enough
damage at level 10, just use your fruit knife until level 15*

// \
||Training Spots||
\ //

level 10-18
Train at -the hill east of henesys- for a while, you level pretty quickly
until the 20's

level 18-26
I would recommend training on green/horned mushrooms near Ellinia

*You can also PQ(party quest) in kerning city at level 21, i would recommend
this until level 31*


// The way of the hunter \

7) Becoming a hunter*

Once level 30, go back to athena pierce, and talk to her, she
will tell you that you are much stronger, and you must now seek
out the 2nd job advancement guide, but where to look?

Begin on the path to the sleepywood dungeon, and in the second screen
you will see an NPC called 2nd job advancement guide, or something, talk
to her, and you will be teleported to a screen that looks like the dungeon

Your job is to collect 30 dark marbles, which are occasionally dropped by
the monsters in this screen

Once you have 30, return to the guide, and you will recieve a -proof of hero-,
which you must take back to athena. She will prompt you for which
job to advance to, and of course you will pick
hunter...why someone would choose x-bowman is beyond me

Congrats, you are now a hunter, your HP and MP have also increased, and you
have recieved 1 SP

// \
||Training Spots||
\ //

level 30
Definetly kerning PQ

level 31-35
Zombie/Horned Mushrooms in the dungeon

level 36-40
Land of the wild boar (now that your mastery has started to improve
your damage, you should see immediate improvement)

level 38-51
Ludibrium PQ

*(note) you can do the ludibrium PQ at lvl 35, but you will probably not
get accepted until level 37 or so, it is highly recommended that you do it*

level 40-44
You cant go wrong with jr. kitties in orbis

level 46-50
jr.kitties are still great, and you can try stone golems now

level 50-55
Stone golems, Jr. Yeti, Hectors
are all good things to train on, good exp, and not THAT challenging

level 55-60
Dark stone golems, Zombies

level 60-70
Dark stone golem, Luster pixies, Zombies
Luster pixies are in cloud park VI, and have plenty of safe areas to kill from,
also it is very un-populated, so, more exp for you

// The way of the Ranger \

8) Becoming a Ranger*
Go to El Nath - Chief Residence and speak to Rene. After talking to Rene,
head back to Victoria Island and talk to Athena Pierce. Now,
find the Door of Dimension in Sleepywood Dungeon V and it'll bring you to
-The Path of the Glittering Crystal-. Walk until the end of the path
and enter the portal to defeat then enemy within to obtain a Black Charm

Return to Athena Pierce and exchange the Black Charm for a Necklace of Strength.
Return to Rene after that. Head on to the Holy Ground at the
Snowfield -Sharp Cliff II-. 1 Dark Crystal is requirred
to answer 5 questions to obtain the Necklace of Wisdom. Now head back
to Rene in El Nath and give her the Necklace of Wisdom.

level 70+
not really 1 specific good place to train, you can try
El Nath, and flame up ice monsters with Fire Shot, but
it is totally up to you, whatever gets you good exp, have
fun with it, this is where archers shine
9) Stat. point accolation*

On maple island, if you remember back, i told you to put 30 into STR, and
then max your DEX, this only works until level 25

After level 25, put your points in like this:

STR should be 5 more than your level at all times

Thats all there is to it

10) Archer Skills and point accolations*

// \
||Archer's Skills ||
\ //

Blessing of Amazon
Effect: Passively increases your accuracy

My thoughts: useful, definetly a must

Critical Shot
Effect: Passively gives you a chance to score a 'critical' hit
on your enemy, inflicting more damage

My thoughts: You are not a true archer without it,
you wont survive without it

Effect: Once activated, increases you accuracy and avoidability
for a short while

My thoughts: ehh...not that great, if you have spare points, sure,
but its not really necessary, i dont really like focus because
you have to activate it to get bonuses

Arrow Blow
Effect: Fires 1 powerful arrow

My thoughts: nah, u need 1 point into it to get double shot, but
thats all that should be in there, its not a good skill really

Double Shot
Effect: Fires 2 arrows that each have half power of an arrow blow arrow

My thoughts: YES! max it without a doubt, i will mathematically explain
why double shot is better later, but it is without a doubt far superior

The eye of amazon
Effect: Passively increases your firing range

My thoughts: Without a doubt, great skill, your arrows have a really short
range to start, but that is taken care of with this skill

All righty, thats all the archer skills

Now how about some archer skill tables?

// \
||Archer skill tables||
\ //
Cited from**

The Blessing of Amazon Master Level: 16

Level 1: Accuracy +1
Level 2: Accuracy +2
Level 3: Accuracy +3
Level 4: Accuracy +4
Level 5: Accuracy +5
Level 6: Accuracy +6
Level 7: Accuracy +7
Level 8: Accuracy +8
Level 9: Accuracy +9
Level 10: Accuracy +10
Level 11: Accuracy +11
Level 12: Accuracy +12
Level 13: Accuracy +13
Level 14: Accuracy +14
Level 15: Accuracy +15
Level 16: Accuracy +16

The Eye of Amazon Master Level: 8
Pre-requisite: The Blessing of Amazon Lv. 3

Level 1: Range of attack for bows and crossbows +15
Level 2: Range of attack for bows and crossbows +30
Level 3: Range of attack for bows and crossbows +45
Level 4: Range of attack for bows and crossbows +60
Level 5: Range of attack for bows and crossbows +75
Level 6: Range of attack for bows and crossbows +90
Level 7: Range of attack for bows and crossbows +105
Level 8: Range of attack for bows and crossbows +120

Critical Shot Master Level: 20

Level 1: 2% success rate, critical damage 105%
Level 2: 4% success rate, critical damage 110%
Level 3: 6% success rate, critical damage 115%
Level 4: 8% success rate, critical damage 120%
Level 5: 10% success rate, critical damage 125%
Level 6: 12% success rate, critical damage 130%
Level 7: 14% success rate, critical damage 135%
Level 8: 16% success rate, critical damage 140%
Level 9: 18% success rate, critical damage 145%
Level 10: 20% success rate, critical damage 150%
Level 11: 22% success rate, critical damage 155%
Level 12: 24% success rate, critical damage 160%
Level 13: 26% success rate, critical damage 165%
Level 14: 28% success rate, critical damage 170%
Level 15: 30% success rate, critical damage 175%
Level 16: 32% success rate, critical damage 180%
Level 17: 34% success rate, critical damage 185%
Level 18: 36% success rate, critical damage 190%
Level 19: 38% success rate, critical damage 195%
Level 20: 40% success rate, critical damage 200%

Focus Master Level: 20
Pre-requisite: The Blessing of Amazon Lv. 3

Level 1: MP -8; accuracy +1 and avoidability +1 for 70 seconds
Level 2: MP -8; accuracy +2 and avoidability +2 for 80 seconds
Level 3: MP -8; accuracy +3 and avoidability +3 for 90 seconds
Level 4: MP -8; accuracy +4 and avoidability +4 for 100 seconds
Level 5: MP -8; accuracy +5 and avoidability +5 for 110 seconds
Level 6: MP -8; accuracy +6 and avoidability +6 for 130 seconds
Level 7: MP -8; accuracy +7 and avoidability +7 for 140 seconds
Level 8: MP -8; accuracy +8 and avoidability +8 for 150 seconds
Level 9: MP -8; accuracy +9 and avoidability +9 for 160 seconds
Level 10: MP -8; accuracy +10 and avoidability +10 for 170 seconds
Level 11: MP -16; accuracy +11 and avoidability +11 for 195 seconds
Level 12: MP -16; accuracy +12 and avoidability +12 for 205 seconds
Level 13: MP -16; accuracy +13 and avoidability +13 for 215 seconds
Level 14: MP -16; accuracy +14 and avoidability +14 for 225 seconds
Level 15: MP -16; accuracy +15 and avoidability +15 for 235 seconds
Level 16: MP -16; accuracy +16 and avoidability +16 for 260 seconds
Level 17: MP -16; accuracy +17 and avoidability +17 for 270 seconds
Level 18: MP -16; accuracy +18 and avoidability +18 for 280 seconds
Level 19: MP -16; accuracy +19 and avoidability +19 for 290 seconds
Level 20: MP -16; accuracy +20 and avoidability +20 for 300 seconds

Double Shot Master Level: 20

Level 1: MP -8; Damage 76% x 2 Hits
Level 2: MP -8; Damage 78% x 2 Hits
Level 3: MP -8; Damage 80% x 2 Hits
Level 4: MP -8; Damage 82% x 2 Hits
Level 5: MP -9; Damage 86% x 2 Hits
Level 6: MP -9; Damage 88% x 2 Hits
Level 7: MP -9; Damage 90% x 2 Hits
Level 8: MP -10; Damage 94% x 2 Hits
Level 9: MP -10; Damage 96% x 2 Hits
Level 10: MP -11; Damage 100% x 2 Hits
Level 11: MP -11; Damage 102% x 2 Hits
Level 12: MP -12; Damage 106% x 2 Hits
Level 13: MP -12; Damage 108% x 2 Hits
Level 14: MP -13; Damage 112% x 2 Hits
Level 15: MP -13; Damage 114% x 2 Hits
Level 16: MP -14; Damage 118% x 2 Hits
Level 17: MP -14; Damage 120% x 2 Hits
Level 18: MP -15; Damage 124% x 2 Hits
Level 19: MP -15; Damage 126% x 2 Hits
Level 20: MP -16; Damage 130% x 2 Hits

Arrow Blow Master Level: 20

Level 1: MP -6; Damage 141%
Level 2: MP -6; Damage 146%
Level 3: MP -6; Damage 151%
Level 4: MP -6; Damage 156%
Level 5: MP -7; Damage 164%
Level 6: MP -7; Damage 169%
Level 7: MP -7; Damage 174%
Level 8: MP -8; Damage 182%
Level 9: MP -8; Damage 187%
Level 10: MP -9; Damage 195%
Level 11: MP -9; Damage 200%
Level 12: MP -10; Damage 208%
Level 13: MP -10; Damage 213%
Level 14: MP -11; Damage 221%
Level 15: MP -11; Damage 226%
Level 16: MP -12; Damage 234%
Level 17: MP -12; Damage 239%
Level 18: MP -13; Damage 247%
Level 19: MP -13; Damage 252%
Level 20: MP -14; Damage 260%

That's it for the tables, now a good build

The build i used, i would definetly recommend it, though you
are free to use any one you want

10 - arrow blow x1
11 - Bless x 3
12 - Eye x 3
13 - Eye x 3
14 - Eye x 2 (maxed), crit. x 1
15 - crit. x 3
16 - crit. x 3
17 - crit. x 3
18 - crit. x 3
19 - crit. x 3
20 - crit. x 3
21 - crit. x 2 (maxed), DS x 1
22 - DS x 3
23 - DS x 3
24 - DS x 3
25 - DS x 3
26 - DS x 3
27 - DS x 3 (maxed)
28 - Bless x 3
29 - Bless x 3
30 - Bless x 3


Some prefer focus to blessing, because extra accuracy isnt much,
but extra accuracy and extra avoidability can be useful,

if this sounds like you, heres a focus build

be aware that focus must be activated, and thats one reason i dont use it

10 - arrow blow x1
11 - Bless x 3
12 - Eye x 3
13 - Eye x 3
14 - Eye x 2 (maxed), crit. x 1
15 - crit. x 3
16 - crit. x 3
17 - crit. x 3
18 - crit. x 3
19 - crit. x 3
20 - crit. x 3
21 - crit. x 2 (maxed), DS x 1
22 - DS x 3
23 - DS x 3
24 - DS x 3
25 - DS x 3
26 - DS x 3
27 - DS x 3 (maxed)
28 - Focus x 3
29 - Focus x 3
30 - Focus x 3

// \
||Final Tally||
\ //
Blessing of Amazon: either 3 or 12 (depending on whether u did focus)
The eye of Amazon: 8 (maxed)
Critical Shot: 20 (maxed)
Double Shot: 20 (maxed)
Arrow Blow: 1
Focus: 0


// \
||Hunter's Skills ||
\ //
Cited from**

11) Hunter Skills and point accolations*

Bow mastery
Effect: Passively increases minimum dmg with a bow

My Thoughts: necessary unless you want to be doing 20 dmg
for the rest of your life, max it out first

Final attack
Effect: Occassionally fires an extra shot after using a skill

My thoughts: its...all right... it only works with 2nd job
skills, so after level 70 it is completely worthless, i wouldnt
waste my time with it

Bow Booster
Effect: When used, boosts your fire speed with a bow, at the cost
of some HP and MP

My thoughts: its kinda useful, making bows even faster than they
all ready are, you would want to put points into it (necessary for soul
arrow), and i personally maxed it

Power Knockback
Effect: When used, improves the success rate of knocking back the enemies
far when swinging the bow

My thoughts: useful, knocking back numerous enemies, instead of hoping you
knock one back

Soul Arrow
Effect: When used, you dont need to use arrows for a short time

My thoughts: finally! no more arrows! max this without a doubt

Arrow Bomb
Effect: Fires an arrow that explodes, damaging up to 6 enemies
nearby, and stunning them with a certain success rate

My thoughts: useful to max, but not right away, stunning enemies can be very
fun and useful

Those are all of the hunter skills, and next come the tables

// \
||Hunter skill tables||
\ //

Bow Mastery Master Level: 20

Level 1: +15% bow mastery, +1 accuracy
Level 2: +15% bow mastery, +2 accuracy
Level 3: +20% bow mastery, +3 accuracy
Level 4: +20% bow mastery, +4 accuracy
Level 5: +25% bow mastery, +5 accuracy
Level 6: +25% bow mastery, +6 accuracy
Level 7: +30% bow mastery, +7 accuracy
Level 8: +30% bow mastery, +8 accuracy
Level 9: +35% bow mastery, +9 accuracy
Level 10: +35% bow mastery, +10 accuracy
Level 11: +40% bow mastery, +11 accuracy
Level 12: +40% bow mastery, +12 accuracy
Level 13: +45% bow mastery, +13 accuracy
Level 14: +45% bow mastery, +14 accuracy
Level 15: +50% bow mastery, +15 accuracy
Level 16: +50% bow mastery, +16 accuracy
Level 17: +55% bow mastery, +17 accuracy
Level 18: +55% bow mastery, +18 accuracy
Level 19: +60% bow mastery, +19 accuracy
Level 20: +60% bow mastery, +20 accuracy

Final Attack : Bow Master Level: 30
Pre-requisite: Bow Mastery Lv. 3

Level 1: 2% success rate, final attack with bow damage 105%
Level 2: 4% success rate, final attack with bow damage 110%
Level 3: 6% success rate, final attack with bow damage 115%
Level 4: 8% success rate, final attack with bow damage 120%
Level 5: 10% success rate, final attack with bow damage 125%
Level 6: 12% success rate, final attack with bow damage 130%
Level 7: 14% success rate, final attack with bow damage 135%
Level 8: 16% success rate, final attack with bow damage 140%
Level 9: 18% success rate, final attack with bow damage 145%
Level 10: 20% success rate, final attack with bow damage 150%
Level 11: 22% success rate, final attack with bow damage 155%
Level 12: 24% success rate, final attack with bow damage 160%
Level 13: 26% success rate, final attack with bow damage 165%
Level 14: 28% success rate, final attack with bow damage 170%
Level 15: 30% success rate, final attack with bow damage 175%
Level 16: 32% success rate, final attack with bow damage 180%
Level 17: 34% success rate, final attack with bow damage 185%
Level 18: 36% success rate, final attack with bow damage 190%
Level 19: 38% success rate, final attack with bow damage 195%
Level 20: 40% success rate, final attack with bow damage 200%
Level 21: 42% success rate, final attack with bow damage 205%
Level 22: 44% success rate, final attack with bow damage 210%
Level 23: 46% success rate, final attack with bow damage 215%
Level 24: 48% success rate, final attack with bow damage 220%
Level 25: 50% success rate, final attack with bow damage 225%
Level 26: 52% success rate, final attack with bow damage 230%
Level 27: 54% success rate, final attack with bow damage 235%
Level 28: 56% success rate, final attack with bow damage 240%
Level 29: 58% success rate, final attack with bow damage 245%
Level 30: 60% success rate, final attack with bow damage 250%

Bow Booster Master Level: 20
Pre-requisite: Bow Mastery Lv. 5

Level 1: HP -29, MP -29; Increase in bow attacking speed for 10 seconds
Level 2: HP -28, MP -28; Increase in bow attacking speed for 20 seconds
Level 3: HP -27, MP -27; Increase in bow attacking speed for 30 seconds
Level 4: HP -26, MP -26; Increase in bow attacking speed for 40 seconds
Level 5: HP -25, MP -25; Increase in bow attacking speed for 50 seconds
Level 6: HP -24, MP -24; Increase in bow attacking speed for 60 seconds
Level 7: HP -23, MP -23; Increase in bow attacking speed for 70 seconds
Level 8: HP -22, MP -22; Increase in bow attacking speed for 80 seconds
Level 9: HP -21, MP -21; Increase in bow attacking speed for 90 seconds
Level 10: HP -20, MP -20; Increase in bow attacking speed for 100 seconds
Level 11: HP -19, MP -19; Increase in bow attacking speed for 110 seconds
Level 12: HP -18, MP -18; Increase in bow attacking speed for 120 seconds
Level 13: HP -17, MP -17; Increase in bow attacking speed for 130 seconds
Level 14: HP -16, MP -16; Increase in bow attacking speed for 140 seconds
Level 15: HP -15, MP -15; Increase in bow attacking speed for 150 seconds
Level 16: HP -14, MP -14; Increase in bow attacking speed for 160 seconds
Level 17: HP -13, MP -13; Increase in bow attacking speed for 170 seconds
Level 18: HP -12, MP -12; Increase in bow attacking speed for 180 seconds
Level 19: HP -11, MP -11; Increase in bow attacking speed for 190 seconds
Level 20: HP -10, MP-10; Increase in bow attacking speed for 200 seconds

Power Knock-Back Master Level: 20

Level 1: MP -8; Knock-back +2%, damage 105%, knock-back 2 enemies
Level 2: MP -8; Knock-back +4%, damage 110%, knock-back 2 enemies
Level 3: MP -8; Knock-back +6%, damage 115%, knock-back 2 enemies
Level 4: MP -8; Knock-back +8%, damage 120%, knock-back 2 enemies
Level 5: MP -8; Knock-back +10%, damage 125%, knock-back 2 enemies
Level 6: MP -8; Knock-back +12%, damage 130%, knock-back 3 enemies
Level 7: MP -8; Knock-back +14%, damage 135%, knock-back 3 enemies
Level 8: MP -8; Knock-back +16%, damage 140%, knock-back 3 enemies
Level 9: MP -8; Knock-back +18%, damage 145%, knock-back 3 enemies
Level 10: MP -8; Knock-back +20%, damage 150%, knock-back 3 enemies
Level 11: MP -15; Knock-back +22%, damage 155%, knock-back 4 enemies
Level 12: MP -15; Knock-back +24%, damage 160%, knock-back 4 enemies
Level 13: MP -15; Knock-back +26%, damage 165%, knock-back 4 enemies
Level 14: MP -15; Knock-back +28%, damage 170%, knock-back 4 enemies
Level 15: MP -15; Knock-back +30%, damage 175%, knock-back 4 enemies
Level 16: MP -15; Knock-back +32%, damage 180%, knock-back 5 enemies
Level 17: MP -15; Knock-back +34%, damage 185%, knock-back 5 enemies
Level 18: MP -15; Knock-back +36%, damage 190%, knock-back 5 enemies
Level 19: MP -15; Knock-back +38%, damage 195%, knock-back 5 enemies
Level 20: MP -15; Knock-back +40%, damage 200%, knock-back 6 enemies

Soul Arrow : Bow Master Level: 20
Pre-requisite: Bow Booster Lv. 5

Level 1: MP -15; Attack for 30 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 2: MP -15; Attack for 60 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 3: MP -15; Attack for 90 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 4: MP -15; Attack for 120 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 5: MP -15; Attack for 150 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 6: MP -15; Attack for 180 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 7: MP -15; Attack for 210 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 8: MP -15; Attack for 240 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 9: MP -15; Attack for 270 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 10: MP -15; Attack for 300 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 11: MP -20; Attack for 330 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 12: MP -20; Attack for 360 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 13: MP -20; Attack for 390 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 14: MP -20; Attack for 420 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 15: MP -20; Attack for 450 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 16: MP -20; Attack for 480 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 17: MP -20; Attack for 510 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 18: MP -20; Attack for 540 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 19: MP -20; Attack for 570 seconds without using up an arrow
Level 20: MP -20; Attack for 600 seconds without using up an arrow

Arrow Bomb Master Level: 30
Level 1: MP -14; Stunner 31%, damage 72%
Level 2: MP -14; Stunner 32%, damage 74%
Level 3: MP -14; Stunner 33%, damage 76%
Level 4: MP -14; Stunner 34%, damage 78%
Level 5: MP -14; Stunner 35%, damage 80%
Level 6: MP -14; Stunner 36%, damage 82%
Level 7: MP -14; Stunner 37%, damage 84%
Level 8: MP -14; Stunner 38%, damage 86%
Level 9: MP -14; Stunner 39%, damage 88%
Level 10: MP -14; Stunner 40%, damage 90%
Level 11: MP -14; Stunner 41%, damage 92%
Level 12: MP -14; Stunner 42%, damage 94%
Level 13: MP -14; Stunner 43%, damage 96%
Level 14: MP -14; Stunner 44%, damage 98%
Level 15: MP -14; Stunner 45%, damage 100%
Level 16: MP -28; Stunner 46%, damage 102%
Level 17: MP -28; Stunner 47%, damage 104%
Level 18: MP -28; Stunner 48%, damage 106%
Level 19: MP -28; Stunner 49%, damage 108%
Level 20: MP -28; Stunner 50%, damage 110%
Level 21: MP -28; Stunner 51%, damage 112%
Level 22: MP -28; Stunner 52%, damage 114%
Level 23: MP -28; Stunner 53%, damage 116%
Level 24: MP -28; Stunner 54%, damage 118%
Level 25: MP -28; Stunner 55%, damage 120%
Level 26: MP -28; Stunner 56%, damage 122%
Level 27: MP -28; Stunner 57%, damage 124%
Level 28: MP -28; Stunner 58%, damage 126%
Level 29: MP -28; Stunner 59%, damage 128%
Level 30: MP -28; Stunner 60%, damage 130%

Finally done with the tables, now how's a build sound?

// \
||Hunter skill build||
\ //

This is the build i used, and can get kinda confusing...try to stay with me

30 - Arrow Bomb x1
31 - mastery x3
32 - mastery x3
32 - mastery x3
33 - mastery x3
34 - mastery x3
35 - mastery x3
36 - mastery x1 (don't max it, lvl 20 only gives +1 accuracy), 2 booster
37 - booster x3
38 - booster x1, soul arrow x2(YAY! no more arrows)
39 - Arrow Bomb x3
40 - Arrow Bomb x3
41 - Arrow Bomb x3
42 - Arrow Bomb x3
43 - Arrow Bomb x2, now save skill points because at 16 mp cost doubles
44 -
45 -
46 -
47 -
48 -Arrow Bomb x15, Knockback x1
49 - Knockback x3
50 - Knockback x3
51 - Knockback x3
52 - (Save because of mp cost doubling)
53 -
54 -Knockback x9
55 - Knockback x1, Booster x2
56 - Booster x1, soul x1, save 1
57 - Booster x3, soul x1
58 - Booster x3
59 - Soul Arrow x2 (save 1)
60 - Booster x3, Soul x1
** after lvl 60, you can really do whatever,
i chose to max soul, focus and booster **
61 - Soul Arrow x3
62 - Soul Arrow x3
63 - Soul Arrow x3
64 - Soul Arrow x3
65 - Soul Arrow x1, Booster x2
66 - Focus x3 (from 1st job)
67 - Focus x3
68 - Focus x3
69 - Focus x3
70 - Focus x3


some would for some reason put points into final attack

i didnt, because final attack doesnt work with 3rd job skills
like strafe and arrow rain, and once level 70, you wont ever get
a final attack, unless you use double shot, arrow bomb, arrow blow,
or a regular attack, and after level 70, why use any of those
(except maybe an arrow bomb)

30 - Arrow Bomb x1
31 - mastery x3
32 - mastery x3
32 - mastery x3
33 - mastery x3
34 - mastery x3
35 - mastery x3
36 - mastery x3
37 - mastery x1 (don't max it, lvl 20 only gives +1 accuracy), 2 booster
38 - booster x3
39 - booster x1, soul arrow x2(YAY! no more arrows)
40 - Arrow Bomb x3
41 - Arrow Bomb x3
42 - Arrow Bomb x3
43 - Arrow Bomb x3
44 - Arrow Bomb x2, now save skill points because at 16 mp cost doubles
45 -
46 -
47 -
48 -
49 - Arrow Bomb x15, Final Attack x1
50 - Final Attack x3
51 - Final Attack x3
52 - Final Attack x3
53 - Final Attack x3
54 - Final Attack x3
55 - Knockback x3
56 - Knockback x1, Booster x2
57 - Booster x1, soul x1, save 1
58 - Booster x3, soul x1
59 - Booster x3
60 - Soul Arrow x2 (save 1)
61 - Booster x3, Soul x1
** after lvl 61, you can really do whatever,
i chose to max soul and booster**
62 - Soul Arrow x3
63 - Soul Arrow x3
64 - Soul Arrow x3
65 - Soul Arrow x3
66 - Soul Arrow x1, Booster x2
67 - Focus x3 (from 1st job)
68 - Focus x3
69 - Focus x3
70 - Focus x3


// \
||Final Tally||
\ //
Bow Mastery: 19 (not maxed because maxing it isnt worth it)
Arrow Bomb: 30 (maxed)
KnockBack/Final Attack: 20
Booster: 20 (maxed)
Soul Arrow: 20 (maxed)
Focus: 12


// \
||Ranger's Skills ||
\ //

Cited from**

12) Ranger Skills and point accolations*

Effect:Passively increases your speed

My Thoughts: Very useful, but not something to max right away

Mortal Blow
Effect: Passively allows you to sometimes fire arrows even at a very close range
and also kill a monster with one shot every once in a while

My Thoughts: Great skill, but it doesnt always work when you want it to

Effect: Summons a puppet that enemies attack instead of you

My Thoughts: Good for later levels, but you dont need a damage tanker in the
beginning of the 3rd job, nothing is really THAT much of a threat

Fire Shot
Effect: Fires a flaming arrow that deals fire damage to up to 6 enemies

My Thoughts: ah yes...elemental damage, El Nath beware! a good skill

Arrow Rain
Effect: Fires a bunch of arrows into the sky, attacking up to 6 monsters at once

My Thoughts: good for enemies not weak to fire

Silver Hawk *requires a summoning rock*
Effect: Summons a silver hawk that attacks nearby enemies, sometimes stuns

My Thoughts: uhh...its damage isnt very impressive, but when
maxed, has a 99% chance to stun, you want to use this
mainly for stun purposes

Effect: Fires 4 arrows

My Thoughts: FINALLY! STRAFE! because of critical shot, level 1 strafe
is better than level 20 Double shot, this will become your main attacking
skill now, and it seems to fire faster than double
shot, just an observation...

There we go....all the skills you can learn until level 120

// \
||Ranger skill tables||
\ //

Strafe Master Level: 30

Level 1: MP -26; Basic attack 52%, attack 4 times
Level 2: MP -26; Basic attack 54%, attack 4 times
Level 3: MP -26; Basic attack 56%, attack 4 times
Level 4: MP -26; Basic attack 58%, attack 4 times
Level 5: MP -26; Basic attack 60%, attack 4 times
Level 6: MP -26; Basic attack 62%, attack 4 times
Level 7: MP -26; Basic attack 64%, attack 4 times
Level 8: MP -26; Basic attack 66%, attack 4 times
Level 9: MP -26; Basic attack 68%, attack 4 times
Level 10: MP -26; Basic attack 70%, attack 4 times
Level 11: MP -26; Basic attack 72%, attack 4 times
Level 12: MP -26; Basic attack 74%, attack 4 times
Level 13: MP -26; Basic attack 76%, attack 4 times
Level 14: MP -26; Basic attack 78%, attack 4 times
Level 15: MP -26; Basic attack 80%, attack 4 times
Level 16: MP -32; Basic attack 82%, attack 4 times
Level 17: MP -32; Basic attack 84%, attack 4 times
Level 18: MP -32; Basic attack 86%, attack 4 times
Level 19: MP -32; Basic attack 88%, attack 4 times
Level 20: MP -32; Basic attack 90%, attack 4 times
Level 21: MP -32; Basic attack 91%, attack 4 times
Level 22: MP -32; Basic attack 92%, attack 4 times
Level 23: MP -32; Basic attack 93%, attack 4 times
Level 24: MP -32; Basic attack 94%, attack 4 times
Level 25: MP -32; Basic attack 95%, attack 4 times
Level 26: MP -32; Basic attack 96%, attack 4 times
Level 27: MP -32; Basic attack 97%, attack 4 times
Level 28: MP -32; Basic attack 98%, attack 4 times
Level 29: MP -32; Basic attack 99%, attack 4 times
Level 30: MP -32; Basic attack 100%, attack 4 times

Silver Hawk Master Level: 30
Pre-requisite: Puppet Lv 5 and consume 1 Summoning Rock

Level 1: MP -32; attacks 13 times in 103 secs; 50% chance of stunning
Level 2: MP -34; attacks 16 times in 106 secs; 53% chance of stunning
Level 3: MP -36; attacks 19 times in 109 secs; 56% chance of stunning
Level 4: MP -38; attacks 22 times in 112 secs; 59% chance of stunning
Level 5: MP -40; attacks 25 times in 115 secs; 62% chance of stunning
Level 6: MP -42; attacks 28 times in 118 secs; 65% chance of stunning
Level 7: MP -44; attacks 31 times in 121 secs; 68% chance of stunning
Level 8: MP -46; attacks 34 times in 124 secs; 71% chance of stunning
Level 9: MP -48; attacks 37 times in 127 secs; 74% chance of stunning
Level 10: MP -50; attacks 40 times in 130 secs; 77% chance of stunning
Level 11: MP -52; attacks 42 times in 133 secs; 80% chance of stunning
Level 12: MP -54; attacks 44 times in 136 secs; 82% chance of stunning
Level 13: MP -56; attacks 46 times in 139 secs; 84% chance of stunning
Level 14: MP -58; attacks 48 times in 142 secs; 86% chance of stunning
Level 15: MP -60; attacks 50 times in 145 secs; 88% chance of stunning
Level 16: MP -62; attacks 52 times in 148 secs; 90% chance of stunning
Level 17: MP -64; attacks 54 times in 151 secs; 91% chance of stunning
Level 18: MP -66; attacks 56 times in 154 secs; 92% chance of stunning
Level 19: MP -68; attacks 58 times in 157 secs; 93% chance of stunning
Level 20: MP -70; attacks 60 times in 160 secs; 94% chance of stunning
Level 21: MP -71; attacks 61 times in 162 secs; 95% chance of stunning
Level 22: MP -72; attacks 62 times in 164 secs; 95% chance of stunning
Level 23: MP -73; attacks 63 times in 166 secs; 96% chance of stunning
Level 24: MP -74; attacks 64 times in 168 secs; 96% chance of stunning
Level 25: MP -75; attacks 65 times in 170 secs; 97% chance of stunning
Level 26: MP -76; attacks 66 times in 172 secs; 97% chance of stunning
Level 27: MP -77; attacks 67 times in 174 secs; 98% chance of stunning
Level 28: MP -78; attacks 68 times in 176 secs; 98% chance of stunning
Level 29: MP -79; attacks 69 times in 178 secs; 99% chance of stunning
Level 30: MP -80; attacks 70 times in 180 secs; 99% chance of stunning

Arrow Rain Master Level: 30
Pre-requisite: Mortal Blow Lv 5

Level 1: MP -18; Basic attack 60%
Level 2: MP -18; Basic attack 65%
Level 3: MP -18; Basic attack 70%
Level 4: MP -18; Basic attack 75%
Level 5: MP -18; Basic attack 80%
Level 6: MP -18; Basic attack 85%
Level 7: MP -18; Basic attack 90%
Level 8: MP -18; Basic attack 95%
Level 9: MP -18; Basic attack 100%
Level 10: MP -18; Basic attack 105%
Level 11: MP -23; Basic attack 110%
Level 12: MP -23; Basic attack 113%
Level 13: MP -23; Basic attack 116%
Level 14: MP -23; Basic attack 119%
Level 15: MP -23; Basic attack 122%
Level 16: MP -23; Basic attack 125%
Level 17: MP -23; Basic attack 128%
Level 18: MP -23; Basic attack 131%
Level 19: MP -23; Basic attack 134%
Level 20: MP -23; Basic attack 137%
Level 21: MP -28; Basic attack 140%
Level 22: MP -28; Basic attack 143%
Level 23: MP -28; Basic attack 146%
Level 24: MP -28; Basic attack 149%
Level 25: MP -28; Basic attack 152%
Level 26: MP -28; Basic attack 154%
Level 27: MP -28; Basic attack 156%
Level 28: MP -28; Basic attack 158%
Level 29: MP -28; Basic attack 159%
Level 30: MP -28; Basic attack 160%

Fire Shot Master Level: 30

Level 1: MP -20; Attack power 50% with fire attribute
Level 2: MP -20; Attack power 55% with fire attribute
Level 3: MP -20; Attack power 60% with fire attribute
Level 4: MP -20; Attack power 65% with fire attribute
Level 5: MP -20; Attack power 70% with fire attribute
Level 6: MP -20; Attack power 75% with fire attribute
Level 7: MP -20; Attack power 80% with fire attribute
Level 8: MP -20; Attack power 85% with fire attribute
Level 9: MP -20; Attack power 90% with fire attribute
Level 10: MP -20; Attack power 95% with fire attribute
Level 11: MP -25; Attack power 100% with fire attribute
Level 12: MP -25; Attack power 103% with fire attribute
Level 13: MP -25; Attack power 106% with fire attribute
Level 14: MP -25; Attack power 109% with fire attribute
Level 15: MP -25; Attack power 112% with fire attribute
Level 16: MP -25; Attack power 115% with fire attribute
Level 17: MP -25; Attack power 118% with fire attribute
Level 18: MP -25; Attack power 121% with fire attribute
Level 19: MP -25; Attack power 124% with fire attribute
Level 20: MP -25; Attack power 127% with fire attribute
Level 21: MP -30; Attack power 130% with fire attribute
Level 22: MP -30; Attack power 133% with fire attribute
Level 23: MP -30; Attack power 136% with fire attribute
Level 24: MP -30; Attack power 139% with fire attribute
Level 25: MP -30; Attack power 142% with fire attribute
Level 26: MP -30; Attack power 144% with fire attribute
Level 27: MP -30; Attack power 146% with fire attribute
Level 28: MP -30; Attack power 148% with fire attribute
Level 29: MP -30; Attack power 149% with fire attribute
Level 30: MP -30; Attack power 150% with fire attribute

Puppet Master Level: 20

Level 1: MP -23; Summon doll of 500 HP for 5 seconds
Level 2: MP -23; Summon doll of 600 HP for 5 seconds
Level 3: MP -23; Summon doll of 700 HP for 10 seconds
Level 4: MP -23; Summon doll of 800 HP for 10 seconds
Level 5: MP -23; Summon doll of 900 HP for 10 seconds
Level 6: MP -26; Summon doll of 1000 HP for 20 seconds
Level 7: MP -26; Summon doll of 1200 HP for 20 seconds
Level 8: MP -26; Summon doll of 1400 HP for 20 seconds
Level 9: MP -26; Summon doll of 1600 HP for 30 seconds
Level 10: MP -26; Summon doll of 1800 HP for 30 seconds
Level 11: MP -29; Summon doll of 2000 HP for 30 seconds
Level 12: MP -29; Summon doll of 2400 HP for 40 seconds
Level 13: MP -29; Summon doll of 2800 HP for 40 seconds
Level 14: MP -29; Summon doll of 3200 HP for 40 seconds
Level 15: MP -29; Summon doll of 3600 HP for 50 seconds
Level 16: MP -32; Summon doll of 4000 HP for 50 seconds
Level 17: MP -32; Summon doll of 4500 HP for 50 seconds
Level 18: MP -32; Summon doll of 5000 HP for 60 seconds
Level 19: MP -32; Summon doll of 5500 HP for 60 seconds
Level 20: MP -32; Summon doll of 6000 HP for 60 seconds

Mortal Blow Master Level: 20

Level 1: 32% chance, attack 110% kills the monster with HP at 20%, 1% chance
Level 2: 34% chance, attack 120% kills the monster with HP at 23%, 1% chance
Level 3: 36% chance, attack 130% kills the monster with HP at 23%, 2% chance
Level 4: 38% chance, attack 140% kills the monster with HP at 26%, 2% chance
Level 5: 40% chance, attack 150% kills the monster with HP at 26%, 3% chance
Level 6: 42% chance, attack 160% kills the monster with HP at 29%, 3% chance
Level 7: 44% chance, attack 170% kills the monster with HP at 29%, 4% chance
Level 8: 46% chance, attack 180% kills the monster with HP at 32%, 4% chance
Level 9: 48% chance, attack 190% kills the monster with HP at 32%, 5% chance
Level 10: 50% chance, attack 200% kills the monster with HP at 35%, 5% chance
Level 11: 52% chance, attack 205% kills the monster with HP at 35%, 6% chance
Level 12: 54% chance, attack 210% kills the monster with HP at 38%, 6% chance
Level 13: 56% chance, attack 215% kills the monster with HP at 38%, 7% chance
Level 14: 58% chance, attack 220% kills the monster with HP at 41%, 7% chance
Level 15: 60% chance, attack 225% kills the monster with HP at 41%, 8% chance
Level 16: 62% chance, attack 230% kills the monster with HP at 44%, 8% chance
Level 17: 64% chance, attack 235% kills the monster with HP at 44%, 9% chance
Level 18: 66% chance, attack 240% kills the monster with HP at 47%, 9% chance
Level 19: 68% chance, attack 245% kills the monster with HP at 47%, 10% chance
Level 20: 70% chance, attack 250% kills the monster with HP at 50%, 10% chance

Thrust Master Level: 20

Level 1: Speed +2
Level 2: Speed +4
Level 3: Speed +6
Level 4: Speed +8
Level 5: Speed +10
Level 6: Speed +12
Level 7: Speed +14
Level 8: Speed +16
Level 9: Speed +18
Level 10: Speed +20
Level 11: Speed +21
Level 12: Speed +22
Level 13: Speed +23
Level 14: Speed +24
Level 15: Speed +25
Level 16: Speed +26
Level 17: Speed +27
Level 18: Speed +28
Level 19: Speed +29
Level 20: Speed +30

Yay! they are finally over! now lets look at a Ranger Build
This is the build i will be using during the 70-120 period, this
is a guideline, feel free to change it if you do not like any part

// \
||Ranger skill build||
\ //

this is a good build for pure power, something
an archer hasnt really had until this point

70 - strafe x1
71 - strafe x3
72 - strafe x3
73 - strafe x3
74 - strafe x3
75 - strafe x3
76 - strafe x3
77 - strafe x3
78 - strafe x3
79 - strafe x3
80 - strafe x2 mortal blow x1
81 - mortal blow x3
82 - mortal blow x2 (needed for AR) arrow rain x1
83 - arrow rain x3
84 - arrow rain x3
85 - arrow rain x3
86 - arrow rain x3
87 - arrow rain x3
88 - arrow rain x3
89 - arrow rain x3
90 - arrow rain x3
91 - arrow rain x3
92 - arrow rain x2 fire shot x1
93 - fire shot x3
94 - fire shot x3
95 - fire shot x3
96 - fire shot x3
97 - fire shot x3
98 - fire shot x3
99 - fire shot x3
100 - fire shot x3
101 - fire shot x3
102 - fire shot x2 thrust x1
103 - Thrust x3
104 - Thrust x3
105 - Thrust x3
106 - Puppet x3
107 - Puppet x3
108 - Hawk x3
109 - Hawk x3
110 - Hawk x3
111 - Hawk x3
112 - Hawk x3
113 - Hawk x3
114 - Hawk x3
115 - mortal blow x3
116 - mortal blow x3
117 - mortal blow x3
118 - mortal blow x3
119 - mortal blow x2, puppet x1
120 - puppet x3

Done! now lets see how the final tally plays out
// \
||Final Tally||
\ //
Strafe: 30 (maxed of course)
Mortal Blow: 20 (maxed)
Arrow Rain: 30 (maxed)
Fire Shot: 30 (maxed)
Puppet: 10
Silver Hawk: 21 (after level 15, it only goes up 1% chance
to stun, and a 95% chance is good enough for me)
Thrust: 10 (after level 10, you only get +1 speed per level)

some people dont like thrust, and believe the points will be used better
somewhere else, i cant say i disagree, so heres an alternate build

I would like to thank Richard Dong (SuperMarth64) for contributing this build

70 - strafe x1
71 - strafe x3
72 - strafe x3
73 - strafe x3
74 - strafe x3
75 - strafe x3
76 - strafe x3
77 - strafe x3
78 - strafe x3
79 - strafe x3
80 - strafe x2 mortal blow x1
81 - mortal blow x3
82 - mortal blow x1 (needed for AR) arrow rain x2
83 - arrow rain x3
84 - arrow rain x1 puppet x2
85 - puppet x3
86 - puppet x1 arrow rain x2
87 - arrow rain x3
88 - arrow rain x3
89 - arrow rain x3
90 - arrow rain x3
91 - arrow rain x1 hawk x2
92 - hawk x3
93 - hawk x3
94 - hawk x3
95 - hawk x3
96 - hawk x1 mortal blow x2
97 - mortal blow x3
98 - mortal blow x3
99 - mortal blow x3
100 - mortal blow x3
101 - mortal blow x1 puppet x2
102 - puppet x3
103 - puppet x3
104 - puppet x3
105 - puppet x1 arrow rain x2
106 - arrow rain x3
107 - arrow rain x2 hawk x1
108 - hawk x3
109 - hawk x3
110 - hawk x3
111 - hawk x3
112 - hawk x1 fire shot x2
113 - fire shot x3
114 - fire shot x3
115 - fire shot x3
116 - fire shot x3
117 - fire shot x3
118 - fire shot x3
119 - fire shot x3
120 - fire shot x3

Done! now lets see how the final tally plays out
// \
||Final Tally||
\ //
Strafe: 30 (maxed of course)
Mortal Blow: 20 (maxed)
Arrow Rain: 28 (maxed)
Fire Shot: 26 (maxed)
Puppet: 18
Silver Hawk: 29
Thrust: 0

13) Arrow Blow vs. Double Shot*

A long debated topic, AB vs. DS has a history of heated debates

Which one is better??

They each have their own pros and cons

*(Note) It has been proven that critical shot
does not double your dmg, just
adds 100% to it, if you fire AB, it does
260% + 100% = 360%, not 260% x 2 = 520%*

Lets see which does more dmg

260% dmg without CS
360% dmg with CS
Since CS activates 40% of the time...260%*.6 + 360%*.4 = 300%

Thus, AB's damage range is 260%-360% and the average is 300%.

130% + 130% = 260% dmg without CS
(130% + 100%) + (130% + 100%) = 460% dmg with both CS
(130% + 100%) + 130% = 360% dmg if 1 CS activates
60%*60% = 36% chance of no criticals
40%*40% = 16% chance of 2 criticals
40%*60%*2 (since this can happen with either arrow) = 48% chance of 1 CS
260%*.36 + 360%*.48 + 460%*.16 = 340%

Thus, DS has a damage range of 260%-460% and the average is 340%.

This has just proved that DS is stronger because of CS, and that
is why strafe is stronger
than DS

AB Pros
More dmg means you can knockback stronger enemies
Costs 4 less MP
Only Requires 1 arrow

AB Cons
Statistically does less damage because of Critical Shot
Arrows are useless after soul arrow
4 MP isnt really that big of a differance at all

In conclusion, DS does more dmg, and i hate AB, if
you dont want to use DS, then dont
14) Jump Shooting*

As many people know, assassins can Jump shoot, meaning jump, then throw stars

many people believe archers can, well they CAN, its just really hard

To jump shoot, you must press the jump key and the fire \
key at the EXACT same time. to make this easier, try setting the keys
right next to each other, and pushing them with one finger at the same time
(i.e. jump is 'space', and fire is 'n')

So, why jump shoot?

as you may have noticed, when you shoot, you stop moving
jump shooting allows you to not slow down, you can just keep on
walking, then jump, shoot, and not slow down at all
15) Mushmom*

Mushmom, bowmen have the easiest time killing mushmom because
of their rediculously high accuracy

Try killing mushmom around level 40, this is really early
for any other class because they really can't hit mushmom yet

If you have ever done the Kerning PQ, mushmom is just like the king slime,
but an orange mushroom

Mushmom's only attack is earthquake, which damages everyone
nearby, it will do around 700 dmg
at level 40, so how do you avoid it? You jump!

Mushmom's Stats:

HP: 20,000
MP: 200
Level: 60
EXP: 1200

Meso Drops: 800-1196
Item Drops: Ilbi's
Scroll for Gloves for Attack (60%)
Scroll for Helmet for Def. (60%)
Scroll for Helmet for HP (60%)
Scroll for Overall Armor Def. (60%)
Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX (60%)
Scroll for Top-wear def. (60%)
Scroll for Bottomwear Def. (60%)
Scroll for Shield for Def. (60%)
Scroll for Gloves for DEX (60%)
Scroll for Shoes for Speed (60%)
Scroll for Shoes for Jump (60%)
Scroll for Shoes for DEX (60%)
Scroll for Earring for INT (60%)
Scroll for Cape for Magic Def. (60%)
Scroll for Cape for Weapon Def. (60%)
Mushmom's Spore(needed for quests)
Mushroom omok piece (i think thats kinda funny)
Fairy Wand (38 mage weapon)
Steel Tower Shield (40 warrior shield)
Red Hearted Earrings (50 earrings)

To get to Mushmom, go to Henesys, and near the taxi, you will see
a tree with stairs nex to it, ascend the stairs, and
press up, then up again
You will now be in a map with orange mushrooms, go to the left,
and press up on the pig gate

Now you are in Pig Park I, nothing but iron hogs here, just fight
through them, or avoid them, and reach the other side, press up on the
next pit gate, and here is Pig Park II, now climb up a bit, and go through
the last pig gate, and arrive at -Someone Else's House-,or better known as
Mushmom's map

Mushmom Spawns every 40 mins. or so, and there are plenty
of pigs to kill while you wait, along with some fierrys
every now and then
16) Credits*

Richard Dong (SuperMarth64) for contributing an alternate ranger build

The skill tables were coutesy of

This guide is Copyright (c) 2006 by Steven Toth (Wind_8500). All Maple story
names are licensed trademarks of Wizet. This guide may NOT be used without my
If this guide is used without my permission, i WILL take legal action

If you would like permission to use this guide on another site, please contact
e-mail me at with a topic of maplestory guide

This guide can currently only legally found on:
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Warrior Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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Item List
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Usable Items Reference
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Hidden Warp Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Magician/Cleric FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Quest Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018