Front Mission 3

Front Mission 3

15.10.2013 16:48:33
Emir's Storyline

By Nathan Stout
From: FrontMission.Org:

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The game begins at an USN Alaska radiation laboratory base. A panzer and a freight hauler
blast their way out of the base with a large container. The USN base forces spring into action,
but a quickly cut down by bomber. A carrier arrives and picks up the container and takes off.
This FMV is the coolest Front Mission FMV I have ever seen!
The game starts at Kirishima Heavy Industries testing facility where Kazuki Takemura is
testing a panzer.


At the beginning of the game you have an option to play 2 different story lines. You can select
one of the stories after the training mission (mission 1). If you choose to help Ryogo you will
play the story line with Emir, if you choose the other option you will play the story line with
Kazuki's sister Alisa.

Mission 1

Your Units : 1
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers


1.) This mission is just a tutorial mission split up into 2 sections. The first is part is
attacking a single panzer. The panzer does not fight back, so its quick and easy.
2.) The second half is attacking another panzer that fights back. It is pretty easy as
well. It all just gets you familiar with the weapon systems which are almost exactly like
previous Front Mission games.

1.) After the mission, you are are in the testing facility talking with the lead
scientist. Here you also meet Ryogo Kusama. After you talk you move on to the city.
To the city

1.) After you travel to the city you now have the option to use the Network. To learn more
about the Network see the Network section. After your stay in the city, group now travels
to Japan to deliver the new panzers to Japanese Self Defense Force in Yokosuka.

Mission 2

Once you land and you (Kazuki), Ryogo and the scientist debark the helicopter a huge explosion
happens! All the sudden shots are fired. It appears that the defense system thinks you are the
cause of the explosion! The helicopter pilot takes off attempting to flee, leaving your group
stranded. The helicopter doesn't get far and is shot down.

Your Units : 2
Enemy Units:
4 Gun turrets

1.) Move quickly to the gun turrets and take them out. It isn't difficult.
2.) Just as you finish defending yourself, panzers show up! The scientist shows up and
explains that you are not the cause of the explosions and stops the fight before it gets

1.) Now you access the first Inter Mission of the game. This a place where you can save
the game and then continue on.
1.) After the unpleasant welcome you race to where Kazuki's sister, Arisa Takemure works
in the Japanese Self Defense Force base. You arrive to find no one. After you check her
computer and her email you set out across the city to where she might be. he guard at the
gate tells you she's not there and suggests a bar that Japanese Self Defense Force
employees use often. Kazuki and Ryogo head out to the bar and cannot find her. They
instead find Emir Kramskoi a lovely scientist how can get them into the base to see if
they can locate her. Something suspicious has happened at the base and Emir wants to know
what has happened so she agrees to take the two along.

Mission 3

The three manage to sneak onto the base (in their panzers) and head down an elevator platform
to one of the lower levels. They open a bay door only to see a huge hole where the base used to
be! The middle of the base is completely gone! All that is left is a gaping hole deep in the
earth. The trio is caught off guard when alarms go off and enemy panzers show up.

Your Units : 3
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 2 Fighters

1.) Stay together and finish off each panzer one at a time.

Mission 4

Now its a race to get out of the base before getting captured or killed. The group must race to
the elevator platform so they can get back up out of the base.

Your Units : 3
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers 1 Fighters
1.) Stay together since Emir cannot move fast. In order to open the bay doors, you have
one of your panzers finish their turn on the square infront of the door activation panel.
Watch the beginning of the level to see where it is.
2.) Once you are fairly close to the elevator platform another bay door opens and more
panzers pour out after you. This mission is over once you get all you panzers on the
platform or you destroy all the enemy panzers.

Mission 5

Once the group gets back outside the base their way is blocked by a literal road block. The
street elevates up to block their escape. Some panzers and gunner trucks block their way.

Your Units : 3
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 2 Trucks

1.) After several turns you get some assistance from a bomber. The road block is wiped out
and after that at the end of each turn you get to command a 2x3 area bomb drop. Don't have
the bombs drop on any of your group. Once all the enemy units are destroyed the mission is
over and you have escaped.

1.) Emir takes you to a safe spot after you escape. She takes some time out to explain a
few things about equipping weapons and parts in the Panzer Setup Menu. See GamePlay
section for more detail.
2.) Now you can access the battle simulator and tutorial from the Network as well as shop

Mission 6

Kazuki, Ryogo, and Emir make a break for it, hiding the panzers in a heavy hauler. But soon
they encounter trouble. A roadblock has been set up by the police (Police Panzers! Cool!). Emir
gets nervous but soon some military helicopters show up and detect the group. The scramble out
of the hauler just before it is blown sky high.

Your Units : 3
Enemy Units:
1 Attackers 1 Fighter
3 Helicopters

1.) Try to take care of the helicopters first, they do the most damage.
2.) You will need to get through the partition in the road. Just attack it like you would
any other enemy unit.

Mission 7

You group has to face more enemy units on the freeway.
Your Units : 3
Enemy Units:
1 Attackers 1 Tank
2 Missilers

1.) Take the missilers out first. Then wok on the other units.

Mission 8

Traveling down the highway a bit more, the group comes across a tollbooth. Parked at the
tollbooth is a heavy hauler just big enough to carry the Panzers undetected. But before you can
commandeer it, you will have to fight off enemy units in the area.

Your Units : 3
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 1 Missiler
1 Truck

1.) You will have to destroy a section of the tollbooth to get to the other side to get to
the enemy units over there.

To the city
1.) Before you go on, you are taught how to buy equipment. Pay attention to the lesson.
Mission 9

The enemy detect your hiding Panzers and you are forced to get out and fight!

Your Units : 3
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 2 Fighter

To the airport
Mission 10

The group arrives at the airport where a USN pilot is standing by to get you all out of there.
Before you can get away, OCU Panzers get in the way.

Your Units : 3
Enemy Units:
1 Attackers 1 Fighter
2 Missilers

Mission 11

Before the pilot can get you out of there some more Panzers show up. You have to keep them
occupied while the pilot gets the plane ready to go.

Your Units : 3
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 1 Fighter
1 Missiler

Mission 12

You escape OCU territory. Now after traveling quite a bit, you encounter enemy forces again.
This is the first level where you select who goes onto the battlefield. All your units (at this
time) can go. The pilot from the plane now joins you group.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers 1 Super Tank


1.) The super tank has 2 body listing, so you will have to know out both of those to
completely destroy it. Concentrate on it first.

Mission 13

You come across a battlefield and need to assist some NPC Panzers (red colored).

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 2 Fighter
2 Missilers

1.) Attempt to keep the NPC Panzers from getting blown up. It doesn't matter if they do

Mission 14

Before this mission you are taught how to buy upgrades for your Panzers. Now you can get the
ability to have the Panzer "slide" further distances than it can normally walk. If you cannot
tell what the items are because of the Japanese, just remember, the more expensive, the better.
You also meet a hacker girl that attempts to find out where Kazuki's sister went. it appears
she was on a plane somewhere and the hacker attempts to find out where. Before you leave you
now have the chance to choose which location to visit, below I went to the mission where where
you charge into an enemy base and you must stay out of the spotlights.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers (w/o Panzers) 1 Attacker
1 Tank

1.) Stay out of the spotlights!

Mission 15

The hacker girl now joins the group. In this next mission you also get to choose which
direction to get into a base. I went through the low route, not the high road.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers (w/o Panzers) 4 Tanks
1 Huge Panzer

1.) Destroy the huge Panzer as quick as you can. He delivers a nasty sting when he

Mission 16

Now in the base the group goes deeper in.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 4 Fighters

Mission 17

As you enter a large section of the base, a strange looking Panzer attacks!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 1 Fighter
1 Huge Panzer 2 Rail Mounted Cannons

1.) This is the first mission where I had a hard time. Don't rush into this one. Stay at
the back and let the enemy come to you. Keep your units closely together.
2.) Take plenty of repairs!
3.) Take out the mounted rail cannons soon, because they do some big damage!

Mission 18

You finally meet up with Alisa. Now the group is also joined by a USN commander, 2 scientist
and Alisa. The group needs to escape the base.

Your Units : 8
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 1 Fighter
3 Cannons

1.) The other 4 units in this mission are Alisa, 2 scientist, and the USN commander. They
will moev out into the open like idiots and they will get killed. There is not a lot you
can do, but stay close to them and hope the enemy attacks you instead of them.
2.) Take out the closest cannon on the mountain side. It does some nasty damage.

Mission 19

The Group attempts to make their way to the docks where a plane is ready to take them back to
USN territory.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers 1 Helicopter
2 Huge Panzers

1.) Load up with plenty of repairs. These OCU Marine Panzers pack a heavy duty punch!
2.) Don't rush into this level, stay back in a small huddle and let the enemy come to you.

Mission 20

Now we finally get to see what the MIDAS technology is used for! It causes massive destruction!
Wow! We also see a flashback of what happened to Emirs parents and how a Panzer pilot saved her

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
5 Attackers 1 Missiler


1.) Remember to fill up on repairs.

Mission 21

You can make a decision on which path to take here. I choose the one to the right. The level
has a evergreen trees and a cablecar.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Fighters 2 Helicopters


1.) Only 2 fighters start out in the level. After several turns 2 more show up.

Mission 22

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Fighters 3 Helicopters
2 Missilers

To the city
1.) Before you go on, You have the chance to visit a shop! I suggest selling all the
Panzers you have captured so far (see gameplay section) and upgrade as much as you can
here. In order to leave the city, you will need to talk to everyone you can.

Mission 23

The group is caught trying to sneak onto a base. Several tanks show up for the unexpected

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Tanks 2 Attackers
1 Missiler 2 Attackers (w/o Panzers)

1.) Stay back and let the enemy come to you. Once they stop coming, start moving your
group slowly towards them.

Mission 24

As the group heads into the base a commander with a huge Panzers shows up and attacks.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Fighters 3 Attackers
1 Huge Panzer


1.) The huge Panzer has a nasty surprise. When it attacks, it bombs whole areas. So keep
your units spread out a bit so they all wont get damaged when it attacks.
2.) Load up on plenty of repairs.

Mission 25

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Fighters 3 Helicopters
1 Tank 3 Attackers (w/o Panzers)

Mission 26

Before you start this mission the Panzer pilot you meet joins the team.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Tall Panzer 4 Tanks


1.) These are REALLY tall Panzers! But they are not too difficult to beat.

Mission 27

The group needs to cross a bridge being patrolled by enemy units.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Fighters 2 Attackers


1.) This is a tough level! Stay back and let them come to you. Gang up on one Panzer at a
2.) Try not to engage in hand to hand combat with them.

Mission 28

Now the group travels through an underground tunnel. Just as everything seems to be quite a
train shows up and unloads enemy units.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 2 Tanks
1 Train


1.) Watch out for the train. It attacks with missiles. Stay back and the let the enemy
come to you. Load up on repairs, etc..

Mission 29

The tunnel ahead is clear so everyone sighs with relief. There are a couple of glass portals in
the tunnel that let you see the floor of the ocean. All the sudden large missiles come though
the glass and Panzers come out of the missiles!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers


1.) These Panzers have a lot of HP so be careful.

Mission 30

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
5 Attackers 2 Gunners


1.) There are 2 NPC Panzers on your side. They will come in handy.

Mission 31

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 3 Tanks
4 Attackers (w/o Panzers)

1.) Two more enemy units will show up after several turns in the battle.

Mission 32

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Fighters 4 Gunners

Mission 33

The group comes across someone in a Panzer getting attacked. The group decides to step in and
help out.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 3 Fighters
2 Missilers

Mission 34

The man you helped in the last mission joins your group. We now see Alisa again after a long

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers 1 Missiler

1.) The missiler is kinda wacko. After you knock down his HP a bit he starts going mad and
attacking no one in particular on his turns. Some of his forces back off and will stay
away until you destroy him. I suggest going for him first. He also has a ton of HP.

Mission 35

Before this mission you have to go through a lot of dialogue and traveling.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 2 Cannons
3 Missilers

Mission 36

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers 1 Missiler

1.) Stay back, don't move ahead, let them come to you. More units show up after you finish
off the 2 Attackers.

Mission 37

In This mission, you get 3 Panzers and one of your people will not have a Panzer.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 4 Attackers w/o Panzers
1 Missiler 1 Fighter

1.) After you finish off the 2 red Panzers, 3 more units show up.

Mission 38

The Da Han Zhong Panzer pilots from the last mission are back again. They are harassing a guy
in a modified truck / Panzer. The group goes in to help him out.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers w/o Panzers 1 Missiler
2 Tanks 2 Attackers

1.) The 2 tank like Panzers and the trucks have bombs, so watch out!

Mission 39

The man who you helped in the last mission joins your group. don't worry though, he doesn't
have that crappy Panzer he had before. This mission requires you to use ALL your units to form
2 groups. The first group (A) will not have Kazuki. Be sure equip all your units with the best
technology! Split them up equally. But be warned, group (A) fights in only one mission, while
group (B) does the other 3. The mission is to stop and destroy a Da Han Zhong mobile fortress.
The USN forces cripple the base with some explosions while your groups go in for the attack.

Your Units : 4 group (A)
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 2 Missile Racks
2 Cannons 4 Fighters

1.) Once you start the mission, move all your units back down the mountain a bit so the
cannons on the fortress cannot reach you. Let the enemy come to you and stay grouped

Mission 40

The second group goes in for the attack. They head down to the second level where several enemy
units are waiting.

Your Units : 4 group (B)
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers

1.) The attackers are tough so stick together and gang up on each unit one at a time.

Mission 41

The group heads down to the third level.

Your Units : 4 group (B)
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers

Mission 42

The third level is where the power center is After Kazuki sets the detonation sequence everyone
gets a nasty surprise. The timer gets cut in half and you have to rush out of the base!

Your Units : 4 group (B)
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers

Mission 43

The group almost gets out but is stopped once again! The time on the detonation sequence is
getting low!!!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Fighters

1.) You have to hurry up on this level. After your turn you will see a counter. Gang op on
the enemy units to finish it faster!

Mission 44

The group attempts to stop a huge Panzer in a convoy.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Tanks 3 Missilers
3 Fighters

1.) The big Panzer is a Fighter Type so be careful and attack from a distance.

Mission 45

The group attacks a Da Han Zhong HQ. In order to get into the base, some Panzers must come in
and build some bridges.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Gunners 5 Missilers
1 Big Panzer


1.) You have to wait a few turns until the bridges are complete. Don't let both of the NPC
Panzers get destroyed or you won't be able to get across the ravine.

Mission 46

While the USN is getting set up for war, they are setting up fake inflatable Panzer on the
beach. An enemy spy plane comes in for a look. It is shot down and the group goes to

Your Units : 4 w/o Panzers
Enemy Units:
5 Attackers w/o Panzers

1.) You don't have Panzers in this level.

More coming soon!!! Please check www.FrontMission.Org for updates!
If you have any comments, suggestions, or corrections mail them to:

Visit the Front Mission Series Webpage at:
Walkthroughs of all Front Mission Games, Gameplay Information, Technical
Data, Pictures, character descriptions, cheat codes, and much more!!!!

Nathan Stout
updated: 8-4-99

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Network & Wanzers FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Starte beim Wahrenhaus in Alisa's Shop vor Mission 4. Alle Kampffähigkeiten und maximalen Waffenfähigkeiten.

12.Октябрь 2013
Battle Skills Guide

12.Октябрь 2013
US Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Network Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Beginners Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Battle Skills Guide

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Advanced Strategy Guide

16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European PAL English Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European PAL Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the US NTSC Version.

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the Japanese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018