Front Mission 3

Front Mission 3

15.10.2013 20:43:02
Alisa's Storyline

By Nathan Stout
From: FrontMission.Org:

updated: 12-26-99

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The game begins at an USN Alaska radiation laboratory base. A panzer and a freight hauler
blast their way out of the base with a large container. The USN base forces spring into action,
but a quickly cut down by bomber. A carrier arrives and picks up the container and takes off.
This FMV is the coolest Front Mission FMV I have ever seen!
The game starts at Kirishima Heavy Industries testing facility where Kazuki Takemura is
testing a panzer.


The first menu that will pop up will be a name menu(?). There are 5 selections. They are all
different types of Japanese writing (Kanji, etc..). Choose the last one to just enter the game
with the default name (Kazuki).


Mission 1

Your Units : 1
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers


1.) This mission is just a tutorial mission split up into 2 sections. The first is part is
attacking a single panzer. The panzer does not fight back, so its quick and easy.
2.) The second half is attacking another panzer that fights back. It is pretty easy as
well. It all just gets you familiar with the weapon systems which are almost exactly like
previous Front Mission games.

You will next be talking to another pilot, Ryogo and the testing engineer in the office after
the mission when 2 options will appear. Here you choose which storyline to play. You have an
option to play 2 different ones. Choose the first one and you will play the story line with
Ema. Choose the second one to play the story line with Kazuki's sister Alisa. Once you have
chosen it is easy to tell which one you picked. If Ryogo looks amused, you picked Ema's. If he
looks mad, you picked Alisa's storyline.

This is Alisa's Storyline......
Mission 2

The group travels to Japan to deliver the new panzers to Japanese Self Defense Force in
Yokosuka. As the panzers are debarking a huge explosion rock the place. Kazuki and Ryogo set
off to investigate but are quickly brought to a stop when 2 enemy panzers block their way. The
enemy units are ordered to attack!

Your Units : 2
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers


1.) Gang up and attack one of these units at a time. It will be quicker and easier to
destroy them.

Mission 3

After Ryogo and Kazuki are released after questioning they leave the building to see a convoy
of trucks moving some strange items. Kazuki is suspicious so he gets in a truck and he and
Ryogo follow the convoy. Kazuki spots his sister Alisa. Just as the two had met some USN
panzers emerge and attempt to take Alisa hostage. Ryogo and Kazuki get in their panzes to gstop

Your Units : 2
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 2 Fighters


1.) This level ends early when sirens go off and the USN group splits as panzers show up.
They new panzers think your group is part of the enemy and start to attack you, but at the
last moment a semi pulls up and you escape in the nick of time!

Mission 4

After rescuing the group the man get them to a waiting ship but enemy troops show up to stop

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 2 Fighters
1 Helicopter


1.) Be sure to use your repairs when necessary.

Mission 5

Now the group escapes and makes it to a base. When they arrive they see the total desctuction
located underground in the base. The center of the base is gone! Something blew it up in the
perfect shape of a sphere. That is what the group heard when they got off the helicopter in
Mission 2. The man reveals that it was caused by the MIDAS project. Before this mission you can
now access the network.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 3 Helicopters

1.) Go for the helicopters right away and finish them off before you start on the other

Mission 6

More enemy units show up to stop the group.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 2 Trucks
1 Missiler

1.) This mission ends a little early when the tanks all around start getting bombed. Your
escape ships show up and you take off.

Mission 7

The group land gets back on land and gets into a JDF base and gets into its computer.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
1 Attackers 1 Tank
2 Missilers

Mission 8

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Tanks 1 Fighter
1 Truck

Mission 9

The group is stopped by a police Panzer when helicopters show up and start attacking!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
5 Helicopters


1.) The poilce woman plays as an NPC with you in this level.

Mission 10

The police woman joins the group and they all set out and finally get to the dock where a ship
awaits. Some enemy units show up and destroy the ship and attack the group.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
1 Truck 3 Helicopters
2 Missilers


1.) This is the first level where you can choose who goes out onto the field.

Mission 11

Here we see Alisa having a restless night and we see a dream or prehaps a past she remembers.
Before this mission you are taught how to equip parts and upgrades. You can now go and buy
upgrades. I suggest equiping shields on everyone. They sure are handy!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 2 Fighters
2 Missilers

Mission 12

The groups attacks a base that is being protected by several enemy units.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 1 Turrets
2 Missilers

Mission 13

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 3 Gunners
3 Tanks

Mission 14

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
5 Attackers 3 Gunners

Mission 15

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 2 Fighters
2 Missilers 2 Railguns

1.) After this mission empty out (sell, or disassemble) all your captured panzers. You
will need the extra space for all the panzers you will capture inthe next mission!!!!

Mission 16

The group is taken by submarine to an enemy floating base. They are launched by torpedo and
crash through the wall of the base and attack some ill prepared panzer pilots!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
6 Attackers (w/o Panzers) 6 Empty Panzers

1.) They pilots haven't reached their panzers so this is you chance to make this level
REAL easy and make some big money!
2.) Move your panzers foward and start taking out the enemy before they get to their
panzers. You get to keep any panzers that pilots were not able to reach!

Mission 17

The woman in the pink panzer has joined the group. While the other group is attacking this
small group works their way to the bases' engine room.

Your Units : 3 (1 NPC)
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 1 Fighter
1 Attacker (w/o panzer)

Mission 18

The other group makes their way to the upper deck of the base only to find more enemy units
waiting for them.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 1 Fighter
2 Helicopters

Mission 19

The group sets the charges one the upper deck. The other group almost reachs the engine room
when some more units show up to stop them.

Your Units : 3 (1 NPC)
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 2 Attackers (w/o Panzes)

Mission 20

Your Units : 3 (1 NPC)
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 3 Missiler
2 Tanks

Mission 21

Your Units : 5 (1 NPC)
Enemy Units:
2 Fighters 2 Attackers

Mission 22

Before the group breaks into a base, the enemy attacks and Alisa gets seperated from the group.

Your Units : 5 (1 NPC)
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 3 Helicopters
3 Gunners

Mission 23

The group finds Alisa missing when the battle is over. Alisa finds her way to the bottom of the
base and she finds the MIDAS components. But enemy forces show up and start to do herr in.
Before she is destroyed some USN panzers show up and take the heat! It appears that everyone is
looking for the MIDAS technology. The enemy escapes with the component.

Your Units : 4 (1 NPC)
Enemy Units:
2 Tanks 3 Attackers
1 Helicopter

Mission 24

Now we see what MIDAS can do! We also get to see into Ema's and Alisa's past. The group is
attacked by a crazy panze pilot!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Fighters 2 Attackers
1 Missiler (boss)


1.) Stay back and try to take out as many enemy units as possible before the boss shows
2.) After you defeat him, he goes nuts and he gets 500 HP to his body!
3.) Look at the Front Mission 2 sign on the side of the building!

Mission 25

The group takes off in a plane again and gets shot down again! They jet pack to saftey and
right into a pack of nasty enemy units.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Fighters 4 Attackers

Mission 26

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Fighters 2 Attackers

Mission 27

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
7 Attackers


1.) Gang up on each attacker with all you units.

Mission 28

The group heads through an underground tunnel and are stopped by a group of tough panzers.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
6 Attackers


1.) Watch out! These guy will gang up on your units!
2.) Right away have one of your people exit their Panzer and get into the train! You can
either shoot 2 different types of cannons or use the missile launcher!

Mission 29

The group exits the tunnel and winds up right in the middle of a battle!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 2 Fighters
1 Helicopters

Mission 30

The group makes an assult on a village. This doesn't seem right.....
Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
1 Attacker 5 Trucks
2 Fighters

1.) This is a fairly easy level so use those lower level (AP) guys to help boost their

Mission 31

The group starts traveling on a train when the enmey blows the bridge up ahead. Before the
train falls through the gaping hole in the bridge they manage to jump out! The enemy advances
and a battle ensues.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 1 Fighter
1 Helicopter

1.) Right away have one of your people exit their Panzer and get into the train! You can
either shoot 2 different types of cannons or use the missile launcher!

Mission 32

The group joins the army in their moving fortress. Some enemy troops blast the canyon that the
base is passing through and they ambush the base.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
6 Attackers

1.) Have 2 of your people exit their Panzers and get into the guns that are on the far
side of the fortress!

Mission 33

The group moves on and are attacked at a waterfall.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 3 Fighters

Mission 34

Only 3 of your people can go on this next mission.

Your Units : 3
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 3 Fighters

Mission 35

The group helps the woman and the child escape.

Your Units : 5 (1 NPC)
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 4 Fighters

Mission 36

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers 1 Missiler

1.) Move you units all the way back (to the right) of the map. Let the enmey come to you.
2.) Place your missiler(s) on the roof of the hangar for easy shots.
3.) The mission will automatically be over if you destroy the boss guy.

Mission 37

The group attempts to escape from the building.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 3 Attackers w/o Panzers
1 Fighter

Mission 38

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 4 Missilers


1.) Once you defeat the boss then the level is automatically over.

Mission 39

Your Units : 6 (2 NPCs)
Enemy Units:
6 Attackers


1.) You have to watch out because 3 of the attackers have cannons!

Mission 40

Your Units : 5 (1 NPC)
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers 2 Fighters
1 Attacker (Boss)

1.) This Panzer is huge! Its not that difficult to do away with if you gang up on it
pretty quick. Make sure your lowest EXP character makes the final blow on it. It will give
them somewhere in the range of 1300 EXP!

Mission 41

Before this mission you get 2 more people to join the group.

Your Units : 5 (1 NPC)
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 2 Missilers

1.) You cannot loose the NPC in this mission. This is a tough one so you will have to use
your best people.
2.) I suggest saving this "in battle" right when the level starts incase you loose.

Mission 42

Your Units : 7 (3 NPCs)
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 1 Fighter
1 Helicopter

1.) Have one of your guys go for the boats (along with an NPC) and have the rest go for a
foward attack. Be sure to gang up on the enemy.
2.) Take out the missiler as soon as you can.
3.) I suggest taking you best people into battle here.

Mission 43

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
4 Attackers 2 Missilers

1.) This is a tough mission as well. Take you best people. Go for the big Panzers fast.

Mission 44

This mission finds the group making their way through an underground passage. Ryogo is on foot
and he needs to activate the elevator platform in order to get the rest of the group up a steep

Your Units : 4 (1 on foot)
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 2 Attackers (w/o Panzes)
1 Fighter 2 Missilers

1.) First off, you cannot loose Ryogo in this battle.
2.) Have him move and end his turn standing next to the big gray platform/box/computer. He
has to be inbetween the box and the wall. At the end of his turn he can activate the
elevator. The bottom selection is the "activate elevator" action.
3.) Don't have him attack (or counter attack) the attackers that are on foot near the box.
This will increase his chances of surviving.
4.) Once the others are on the same level as Ryogo, have one of your team go help him and
keep him alive. Move Ryogo back out of the way and leave him there for the rest of the

Mission 45

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
6 Attackers 1 Missiler


1.) Two extra attackers will show up after you defeat the others.

Mission 46

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 2 Fighters
2 Helicopters

Mission 47

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 2 Missilers
2 Fighters 1 Attacker (w/o Panzers)

Mission 48

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 3 Missilers
2 Tanks

Mission 49

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
5 Attackers 2 Missilers

1.) When you reach the top of the platforms you must use the platform elevator in order to
go higher. Have one of your people exit their Panzer and stand on the little gray area on
the platform elevator. The bottom choice is to active the elevator. I suggest taking care
of all the other units before you move up.

Mission 50

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Tanks 3 Trucks
1 Missiler 2 Helicopters

Mission 51

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
1 Fighter 2 Attackers
1 Truck 1 Missiler
1 Helicopter

1.) In this mission you start out on foot and need to get in the enemy units that are
standing on the field.
2.) Wait until all the characters can get into their machines all at the same time. Then
go for it! This is a tough level.

Mission 52

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
1 Fighter 5 Attacker
2 Missilers

Mission 53

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Missilers 3 Attackers
1 Boss

Mission 54

Look at that HUGE Panzer!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Fighters 2 Missilers
3 Attackers 1 Boss


1.) Once you defeat the boss the level will be over.

Mission 55

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Fighters 2 Missilers
2 Attackers

Mission 56

The goup heads down into the base where the MIDAS bomb is.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
8 Attackers

1.) 2 of the attackers have cannons so be careful and don't bunch up.
2.) Once you defeat the boss, she escapes and bombs the place!

Mission 57

The group starts their escape from the base. The enemy stops their egress.

Your Units : 5 (1 Truck NPC)
Enemy Units:
5 Attackers 1 Missiler

Mission 58

The island is not what it seems! The group continues the into the base.

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
2 Helicopters 3 Missilers


1.) This was (to me) the most difficult level of the game simply because of the time it
2.) The pistons change position every turn and this makes it impossible for some panzers
to move much. Take only 2 legged panzers on this mission.
3.) I suggest also saving the level (in the "in game' save slot) right after you start
this level. I had to restart this level more than 4 times and and I could have saved a lot
of time if I had saved at the very beginning of the level instead of having to go through
all the dialogue before the mission.

Mission 59

The group reaches the core of the base and the MIDAS bomb is gone! Alisa sees her sister Ema
sitting down near the core. Something has happened to her. Ema is devoid of emoition, she has
been tortured by the enemy. They have gotten the secret of the MIDAS bomb out of her and all is
left is an empty shell. This is sooooo sad!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
7 Attackers

Mission 60

The MIDAS bomb has been activated! The group tries to get over Ema's horrible condition while
they attempt to find a way off the island. Alisa spots a ship and they all set out to get in it
and get out of there before the bomb explodes. Before they can escape the ship gets stuck and
enemy units show up. Localf is there with his nasty looking Panzer for this final battle!

Your Units : 4
Enemy Units:
3 Fighters 3 Attackers
1 Missile (Localf)

1.) Move you units back. You start out too close to all the enemy units. Back off to the
othe side of the ship. It will make taking out the enemy a little easier. Good luck!
2.) Ut oh, it looks like Localf is not quite finished...

The group escapes the island and head pell mell out to sea to try to avoid the explosion. But
all the sudden the wounded Localf shows up and starts to take his rage out on the ship! kazuki
comes up on desk to try to finish him off but is cought in Localf's fury! Kazuki's last attempt
to stop Localf works just as the MIDAS explosion takes place!!!!! What happens????!!! Well you
will just have to see..............
Please check www.FrontMission.Org for updates!
If you have any comments, suggestions, or corrections mail them to:

Check the website for a complete list of skills and much more!

Visit the Front Mission Series Webpage at:

Walkthroughs of all Front Mission Games, Gameplay Information, Technical
Data, Pictures, character descriptions, cheat codes, and much more!!!!

Nathan Stout

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Network & Wanzers FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Starte beim Wahrenhaus in Alisa's Shop vor Mission 4. Alle Kampffähigkeiten und maximalen Waffenfähigkeiten.

12.Октябрь 2013
Battle Skills Guide

12.Октябрь 2013
US Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Network Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Beginners Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Battle Skills Guide

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Advanced Strategy Guide

16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European PAL English Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European PAL Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the US NTSC Version.

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the Japanese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018