Front Mission 3

Front Mission 3

14.10.2013 07:57:26
===== F R O N T M I S S I O N 3 =====
Version 1.2

This walkthrough is made and owned by Markweb at . Anybody can used
this for private purposes, this walkthrough is available only this site. Still anybody
can used this for their web sites as long as they had my permission.

This is my compilation of the game itself this contain a walkthrough and a guide
for each wanzers on each Stage. And some useful information about the game.

I know that some of this containing few errors but, I'll fix it.

Walkthrough Progress:
Version 1.0 - Walkthrough - 5/05/2000
Version 1.1 - Major Update - 5/11/2000
I decided stop updating Emma story temporarily.
Version 1.2 - Massive Update - 5/25/2000
Finish adding Alisa section
Continue adding on Emma in Stage 51 up
Version 1.3 - Revise Update - 6/??/2000

| |
| I. Game Control: |
| II. The Cast of Front Mission 3: |
| [Main Cast] |
| [Supporting Cast] |
| III. Emma Story Guide - 75% complete |
| IV. Alisa Story Guide - 90% complete |
| [Battle Simulator] |
| [Desktop Data Menu] |
| [NETWORK Forum] |
| VI. Wanzer Weapons Types |
| [Wanzer Damage Class] |
| [Weapon Analysis] |
| [Weapons & Item Types List] |
| [Other Weapon Types] |
| VII. Wanzer Types |
| [Wanzer Battle Skills] |
| VIII. Wanzer Upgrade |
| [Wanzer Upgrade Stats] |
| [Other Wanzer Types Alpha] |
| [Other Wanzer Types Beta] |
| IX. Miscellaneous Section |
| A. Pilot and Wanzer's |
| [Battle Report] |
| [Pilot Assigned AP] |
| [Pilot Weapon Skill] |
| [Pilot Random Effect] |
| [Simulators] |
| [Obtaining Medals] |
| B. Pilot's Morale |
| [Capturing Wanzers Tips & Tricks] |
| C. Customizing Wanzer |
| [Safe Battle Skills] |
| [Battle Skill Combo Conditions] |
| [Secret Wanzers] |

Game Info:
Well, is just another series of Front Mission 1 & 2, this one has new
game mechanics. I not very good at this part but you can bet it's a
Thumbs up game for RPG gamers.

I. Game Controls:
Few details on game controls, the game will brief you on beginning of the game and later
in the game but here some of the controls:

Basic Controls:
Battle Control:
Cursor : default arrow settings move up, down, left or right
Triangle : Counter Indicator
Square : Choose Weapon
X : Confirm, Select Unit, Attack target to Ok, Cancel Battle Sequence
Circle : Cancel move, cancels fast dialogue, move back on prev. link on Network
Start : System Menu, cancel movie & skip dialogue like "Circle button".
L1/R1 : Rotate to left/right view to change view
L2/R2 : Change Target or Pilots

Attack Menu:
Attack: confirm attack then pick a target
Eject : move out of your wanzer, or move out & transfer to another wanzer
Item : used item carried, available only if you equip backpack along with items
Status: see pilot stats and wanzer stats, weapons and pilot battle skill and etc.
End : end attack menu, skip your attack without picking any command.

System Menu Options:
End turn [End your current turn]
Victory [see Victory Conditions]
Medals [see Medals you own]
Config [See Config]
Save battle [Save current Stage 4 blocks]
Back to title [exit current battle back to title menu]

Victory conditions: | Losing conditions:
All enemies destroyed | Player pilot is destroyed
or made to surrender [default] | [default]
Other Victory Conditions: | Other Losing Conditions:
Reach target location | Players turn reach to ## turn
Destroy all cannons | Death of Lukav or Alisa
Destroy all enemies | Destroy NPC
Defends for ## of turn | Enemies reach target location
Player pilots escape from the base |
Players turn reach before ## of turn |

System Config: configure sound and etc.
Sound Mono [Stereo] - self-explanatory
Vibration [Off] On - for analog controller feel the game.
Obstacles Off [On] - enables terrain effect you're battle
Skip Battle Off [On] - skip battle by press X again to End current battle
Move Normal [Fast] - self-explanatory, fast game

Medals are base on rating how you clear each stage.
Try counting how medals you own, that's your current stage progress counter.
Medal Types Base Score: Author's quick reasoning.
Platinum - Excellent - Attack hard and fast no used of Repair or Missile item
and comply needed categories condition.
Gold - Great - Attack hard and fast but used of Repair or Missile item
and comply needed categories condition.
Silver - Best - not to comply some needed categories condition
used Repair or Missile item.
Bronze - Satisfied - not to comply most needed categories condition
used a lot of Repair or Missile item.

Base on criteria below after stage clear:
Enemies Eliminated - minus the number of surrendered wanzer.
Total No. of Battles - number of your wanzer engage in battle the lower the better.
Average Damage - damage infect to your wanzer
Average Weapon Level - level of your weapon, the lower the better
Number of Turns - number of your turns to clear/finished stage,
the lower the better
NPC Remaining - allied wanzer that you don't control some are helping
others needed backup assistance to reach the target location.
NPC are available only in some stage if you encounter one
make sure to help it, a high deduction in your score
if you lost one specially those needed most assistance.

Note: Its best to lower all the criteria score percentage on getting
most Platinum some stage are difficult try to figure it out.
It's a strategy and tactics game its your choice.
see more in Miscellaneous Section below.

Setup/Purchase Default Key Settings:
Cursor : choose a Wanzer, Parts, Weapons and Items
Triangle : more info on wanzer parts, weapons
X : Confirm buy, Equip or Exchange or buy/sell parts/weapon/item
Circle : Cancel everything before buying it, speeding up dialogue
L2/R2 : Change current wanzer and pilot
L1/R1 : Toggle see below

Setup a wanzer:
Setup - equip/change part, weapon, item current wanzer.
Exchange machines - exchange pilots of wanzer to another wanzer.
Sell machines - sell unused current wanzer without pilot (for profit ^_^!).
Divide into parts - divide wanzer into parts to stocks w/o pilot (max stock 24 parts).

Setup/Buying Options:
L1/R1 : to change list Equip, Stock & Product list.
Cursor : Up or Down to see and choose/exchange parts/weapons/items available.

Equip list - list of Wanzer Part/Weapons/Items available.
Stock list - current stock list of Wanzer Part/Weapons/Items available.
Products list - available only when purchasing parts/weapons/items.

Upgrade Option: Wanzer Parts/Wanzer Stocks Parts
L1/R1 : Upgrade HP, Defense, Acc. Evade and Boost
Cursor : Up or Down to upgrade parts desire to desired level.

[Upgrade Machines] - upgrade complete wanzer including no pilot
[Upgrade stocks parts] - upgrade wanzer parts available in your stocks.

HP Upgrade : Body/Arms/Legs including stocks
Defense Upgrade : Body only including stocks
Accuracy Upgrade: Arms only including stocks
Evade Upgrade : Legs only including stocks
Boost Upgrade : Legs only including stocks

Note 1: I forgot to added that pressing and hold L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start will reset
your game automatically. It also can be apply in other Squaresoft game its
the universal shortcut of warm reset. Unlike pressing reset on Playstation.

Note 2: I only list here the control you mostly used the rest is up to you, I can't put
all here the rest of control option is self explanatory and its your choice.

The Cast of Front Mission 3:
I only list those important in the game also included enemies in name and few
profiles and the rest are in the game. Mostly you can get more info on them at
NETWORK/Select Forum/see Network link for details.

Main Cast:
In Main Cast list character that you can used during battle scene.
Also include the list of the Wanzer they used when they sense he or she joined your team.

Kazuki Takemura -(Zenislev/Shunyo Mk111) wanzer expert test pilot of Kirishima Industry
stubborn but concern step brother of Alisa.
Ryogo Kusama -(Kyojun Mk107/Shunyo Mk111) Kazuki buddy who keep on following him
always making joke of everybody but skillful in using wanzer like Kazuki.
He has his way of making people feel better. ^_^
Emir Klamsky -(Drake M2F/Rekson M4F)USN scientist that created MIDAS
responsible kind of gal specially of what she accidentally created.
Alisa Takemura -(Meledyne M1/Iguchi Lylas) lost sister of Emma, scientist working
at Yokosuka Base Facility. Also know a lot of data about MIDAS.
Emma Playable Cast:
Yun Fai Lan -(Prov PAW2) Moneymaker, a spender introduced by Hatta,
joined after rescuing her. A talented girl specially of her age.
Dennis Vicarth -(Rekson M4F) FAI agent of USN, he'll join before the Stage 11
Idiotic man combine with his skill as an FAI agent.
Marcus Armstrong -(Grapple M1/Mk20 AFV)USN commander, he'll join after Stage 24 at Taiwan.
Jose Astrada -(Pare PAW1/Jinyo Mk110) Philippine Taal Base,
choose Alpine Gate Detour, but you can't get Li
Xian Mei Li -(Getty) former member of RRF, joined after helping him on Stage 32
but you can't get Jose, choose the easy way in Taal Base.
Linny Barilar -(Foura M12A) save him at Stage 37 he'll join you after the battle
Cousin of Pham Luis

Note: Dennis, Marcus and Jose - in Alisa story you'll fight against theme.

Alisa Playable Cast:
Hei Fong Liu -(Jinyo Mk110/Shangdi 1) DHZ Intelligence agent, the first Real Number
protector of Bal, take his revenge against Lukav.
In Emma story you'll fight against him. And die in Yancheng base.
Miho Shinjo -(Kyokei Mk108) JDF Police Force, been hunted by JDF government of knowing
information about the JDF Facility incident, joining you before stage 8.
JDF Intelligence agent to look out for Kazuki, Alisa and the rest.
Pham Luis -(Zeros) daughter of the Luis Family, joining you at before attack
Dagat Ahas along with her protector Pierre. Cousin of Linny Barilar.
Full of critics and critics mostly irritate by Ryogo and vice versa.
Pierre Wells -(Yongsai 3)servants of the Luis family that protecting Pham,
but you can't control him, he upgrade his own wanzer every stage.
Available only if you select Pham before you battle start
inside Dagat Ahas stage 15 & 17 up to Taal Base stage 21
Xiao Hua Lan -(Shangdi_1/Teiqi_4)Leader of RRF, she became former RRF leader and
betrayed DHZ army. Change her way thanks to Kwang it reminds her
of her late family. She female version of Li or Jose, Flamer Skill: D.
Mayer Edward -(Enyo Mk109) CIU Intelligence agent of OCU, well help you go back to Japan.
she like Kazuki's father? no it's Liu! She was born in Japan raise
in Australia by his father after her mother died.
She back to Japan protecting her homeland also her memories in Japan.

Supporting Cast:
Col.Isao Takemura-(Enyo Mk109/Yongsai 3) working in JDF father of Kazuki
always thinking of who's right or wrong stubborn like his son.
JDF Gen. Chief of Staff Masao Sasaki - (Rekson M4F) head of the conspiracy
of along with the USN on mass production of MIDAS
Maj./Lt. Yuji Kuroi -(Shunyo Mk111/Enyo Mk109) JDF Special Defense Force commando leader
In Alisa story he was promoted to Major still the leader of SDF.
Bal Gorbovsky - the creator of Imaginary Number Project and Real Numbers
Chairman Jie Bo Liao -Chairman, former scientist in Ravnui Laboratory at Shanghai
Hatta Mirza -(Rekson M4F) Anti-OCU, a looter in Sumatra stage in Emma story
In Alisa story he was also looter only working with Hua Lian Rebels
Semaun Forsyth -(Monster) OCU assigned base commander at Philippine Taal Base
Hidekazu Koike - Kirishima Industry technical engineer
Shizuka Jingoji - Kirishima Industry engineer at simulation room
Yuichi Kiryu - JBNN reporter, interested about the Yokosuka bombing cover up.
Wei Ching Yee - famous journalist hunted by DHZ agent and RRF of his research on
Ravnui Orsha Laboratory, best friend of Dennis in Emma story
He was killed by the RRF in Wan'an somewhere Alisa story
Hodaka Mikifune - pageant contestant along with Alisa at Ms. Teihoku contest
Lixian - raise Kwang as her brother even do they're not related
Ming Kwang - the son of the late Ming Huang Jiu that been assassinated
by Li/Jose squad during their military service.
Song Guan Lei - an auto mobile repairman also friend of Li/Jose working in DHZ,
FAI agent a spy for USN in DHZ.
Ran Fong - daughter of late Song Gaun Lei
Zhun Xian Lian - TIANLIE engineer who survived the massacre after its completion
Mie Ling - daughter of the chief engineer that save Zhun
Yang - (Yongsai 3) an old soldier at DHZ, Lianyungang port
Woo or Wu - who tricks Yun for a false information, he was
also arrange a marriage to Pham ^_^, see his photo
Wen - spenders but not as clever like Yun, he actually pay Yun
to decode the Twin Tiger Hint. He also best friend of
Rudolf Kaiser of Centipede or Wulong in DHZ used to call them.
Bamarm - leader of rebel forces in Davao Anti-OCU
Cmdr. Monaro Felipe -(Genie) PHF assigned commander in Negros Defense Fortress.

Japan Defense Force Military
Commander Kawada - commander in Sasebo base in Emma and in Alisa assign at Okinawa
Commander Taniyama - commander in Kumamoto
Commander Isogai - Commander in Nagoya, wish remain neutral in ongoing coup
Commander Kitajima - commander in Kaita Base who refuse to take any action even the base
Norihiko Tanaka - (Jinyo Mk110)JDF base commander of Fukuoka
Maj. Hiromichi Kanai- (Mk12 AFV/Mk9 AFV) JDF coup base commander in Koriyama
Lt. Takiguchi - JDF soldier a calm man subordinate of Col. Takemura.
Lt. Tadayuki Mori - (Prov PAW2) JDF soldier of Kaita Base, ex-boyfriend of Miho
Lt. Toshiaki Goto - (Mk8 Support) JDF soldier loyal to Sasaki side
Sgt. Osamu Itsuko - (Jinyo Mk110/Prov PAW2)JDF soldier from Kaita Base

Purple Hase: USN Special Force
Lukav Minaev -(Kehei_0 /Rekson M4F/Shunwang 1/Lenghe) real name: Pielvy Z. Viecy
the first and leader of Imaginary Number, an FAI agent of USN and
last he also the leader of Purple Hase. The mad man of the game.
Betray his creator then create his new ideal plan of world domination.
Cindy Peasants -(Rekson M4F) FAI agent of USN, overconfident
Joe Paker -(Grapple M1) FAI agent of USN, aggressive type of guy
Gastor Marza -(Grapple M1) FAI agent of USN

Da Han Zhong Army:
Wei Wen - commander of Changli Army in Shanghai Naval Base
Ambassador Clay - USN ambassador by day DHZ agent by night.
Wan Dao Han -(Yongsai 3/Tiandong 3/Taita 4k) assigned DHZ commander in Taipei
obsessed kind of guy always thinking of his career first.
Lie Yin Jiu -(Wude 3)assigned commander of TIANLIE Fortress
Lin Tsao -(Nilong 1) DHZ army assigned leader in Wuhan
Xuan Shui -(Taita 4k) Wuhan assigned base leader
Wei Chong San -(Mk20 AFV) reinforcement group leader in Huangshan
Sgt. Zhuwen Xia -(Yongsai 3)assigned ambush leader in Huangshan
Commander Liang - DHZ commander in Fuzhou
Commander Kou - DHZ commander in Wan'an Supply Base

The Imaginary Number: Genetic Engineered Soldier
Rosavia Gray -(Qibing_0/Shunwang_1/Wude_3)assigned to kill Li at Longsheng
Jared Bogdanof -(Kexi_1/Wude 3/Shunwang_1) who killed Serov at Fuzhou in Emma story
Serov Warren -(Genie Arm) OCU scientist from Australia, failed Imaginary Number
Ivan Larzalev -(Rekson M4F/Lenghe 1) failed experiment of Imaginary Number
Griffith -(Qibing 0)Imaginary Number Special Force

Centipede (a.k.a The Wulong at DHZ): Mercenaries for Hire
Rudolf Kaiser -(Grezex) Leader of Wulong. He is also skillful in all forms of combat.
Rebecca Sydney -(Whisk) Wulong strategies.
Hatari Khartoum -(Vinedrai/Taita 4k)Retired EC intelligence officer.
Gregory Harigle -(Lanze/Taita 4k)former USN Sergeant.
Emilio Gusly -(Whisk) Retired EC corporal.

Hua Lian Rebel of Guangzhou: Anti DHZ rebel
Huang Mo Shun - Leader of Hua Lian Rebel
Luo Chen - assistant, second in command of Huang
Yong Nian Chang -(Rekson M4F) Hua Lian base commander in Guangzhou
Ling Chao Hoa -(Rekson M4F) Save her against the two drunk in Guangzhou Downtown
sister of Wuo Ben Tang, member of the rebel also
Wuo Ben Tang -(Rekson M4F) die on helping other Hua Lian member on a convoy train
So Young Zhuwen -(Rekson M4F) member of Hua Lian Rebel
Yu Jiang Yue -(Grapple M1) base Commander of Guilin in Emma story, legendary chi fighter.
In Alisa story in Suichuan he die in protecting the villagers against RRF.
Chong - assigned base commander in DHZ, Xiamen
Liang Hua Zhou -(Shangfeng 5) former DHZ soldier depict after to shown their
loyalty to deceased Ming Huang Jiu
Shui Zhen Xu -(Shangfeng 5) same also like Liang


Game start on FMV.... press Start to cancel the movie if you wan to and continue...
After the logo of Kirishima Industry appears now here your chance on naming your player name
default first and last name was Kazuki Takemura choose confirm to continue (the funny thing
that if you change you last name to Wilson then, Isao Takemura the default last name then he
will be Isao Wilson, also effect Alisa Takemura to Alisa Wilson ^_^)

Game start in tutorial first objective must arrive at target location. Do all the fighting
fast its only a tutorial. Well help on how the game control see Basic Control for details.

Note: The wanzer you're about to test is Shunyo Mk111 assault type of wanzer, see wanzer MD.

Stage 0: Tutorial Location: Okinawa, JDF Test Facility
WC: 1 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110, auto Pilot only
After the tutorial here you have to Talk to several person first to Ryogo, Koike next
You have to deliver two new wanzer with Ryogo at JDF Yokosuka Base then back to Ryogo
the you have to reply and choose.... here you choose which side of story you would like
to play...

Go with him - Emma Klamsky Story > I choose these first
Don't go with him - Alisa Takemura Story < see below after Emma.... second


Choose move then to Construction Zone the talk to Ryogo and move to the deliver the
new wanzer, after the explosion the gun turrets are out of control. You decided to take
the turret before it can do damage to you..

Stage 1: The Delivery Location: Yokosuka Base
WC: 2 EW: 4 12mm_MG

After these event JDF special force arrive and you are force to leave that area back to
you're place you receive e-mail from Alisa, then Ryogo came asked you again to go with him
on the delivery of 2 wanzers at Yokosuka Base (this time Kazuki can't deny).

In completion of the delivery you have to leave, you receive a tip that a lot of JDF
Officers used to drink there after working hours at the Downtown Bar, you can talk to
anybody there if you want to. When you try to leave you meet Emma that overheard your
saying that she will hire you to help her sneak inside the Yokosuka Base Facility.

Well thanks to Ryogo you manage to enter in one piece inside, you unload your wanzer trying
to go inside. After what you have discovered

Stage 2: Sneakers Location: Yokosuka Base Facility (inside)
WC: 3 EW: 2 JinyoMk110 2 Kasel M2

Emma suggested another way out on Main Gate expect unwelcome visitors on your way out.
Mean while below as they speak here they come!

Stage 3: Move it! Location: Yokosuka Base (exit)
WC: 3 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 1 Kasel M2
ER: 1 Jinyo Mk110 1 Kasel_M2

During you escape the battle if you manage keep all your unit in elevator mission
accomplished or you can destroy all the wanzer or manage to surrender the pilots

Stage 4: Location: Yokosuka Base (outside)
WC: 3 EW: 1 Jinyo Mk110 2 Mk9 AFV
ER: 2 Jinyo Mk110

After the fight Emma will explain to you how used Setup on your wanzers.
Note: A Shop and Simulator are online on the NETWORK.

Stage 5: Justice Location: Yokosuka Kamariya JC, (Highway)
WC: 3 EW: 2 Kyokei Mk108 3 Hanniger

Try to get rid of the Hanniger first, then Kyokei Mk108 make sure you are in counter range.

Stage 6: Hunters Order Location: Yokosuka, Kamariya JC (Express way)
WC: 3 EW: 1 Kyokei Mk108 2 Enyo Mk109 1 Mk9 AFV
Stage 7: The Borrowers Location: Yokosuka, Kamariya JC
WC: 3 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 1 Enyo Mk109 1 Mk9 AFV

After the fight, the shop owner know both Kazuki and Ryogo they been convicted of what
happen on the facility. He will also gave you the E-mail address of a police station.
The shop owner will explain on buying Item, Weapons, Equipment and how to Upgrade parts

Stage 8: Decision Made Location: Yokosuka, Yokohama
WC: 3 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 2 Enyo Mk109 2 Sekida

If you destroy the 2 trucks and manage to surrender 2 enemy pilot you'll
receive Platinum medal. And try to surf on the net and download battle simulation
you'll be needing this one on gaining levels and experience and abilities.

Stage 9: Location: Yokosuka, Honmofukuto (on the way)
WC: 3 EW: 1 Jinyo Mk110 1 Kasel M2 2 Enyo MK109

Try to Enyo Mk109 used melee weapon best on it.

After the battle they plan to escape out of Japan by the used of the plane without
a runway but Dennis had a plan then...

Stage 10: Location: Yokosuka, Honmofukuto
WC: 3 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 1 Tiandong_3 1 Laiying_1

As you leave Japan towards USN 3rd Fleet. Inside the USN try to check your e-mail on
NETWORK by Koike explain. You informed that the MIDAS is in OCU base on Australia.
You'll assign to check it out

Stage 11: Location: Australia, Wilson Cliffs
WC: 4 EW: 4 Jinyo Mk110 1 Cadenza

After the battle you've discover that inside the transport truck are people.
You try to interrogate but they refused to gave information. Except Serov give
information about the air accident in Sumatra. you head back to Will Cliffs
then transport to Submarine towards Sumatra... next

Stage 12: Location: Sumatra
WC: 4 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 2 Kasel M2 2 Genie

(Try saving Hatta and other red wanzers plus at least surrender 2 or
3 wanzer pilots earn Platinum medal.)

Arriving at the battle between the Red wanzers who's trying to protect as our hero known.
You decided to help the Red wanzers as your mission finding the plane.

After the end of battle you meet Hatta a rebel anti OCU who decided to shot down the OCU
plane for profit. And for saving his life he decided to help Kazuki on information.

Next destination Singapore Hatta hideout at Jurong telling you about a friend he knows.
At the City Streets meet Moneymaker after few talk.. and she reply you get it tomorrow.
You decided to visit a Shop here the shop owner tells you more info on upgrading wanzer
parts better read it, its useful as the game progress later.

The group splits-up to have some fun, Kazuki and Emma went
Moneymaker doing her job and been caught by the OCU. Emma had a dream Kazuki wake her up
then Hatta came and tell that Moneymaker is being arrested. Then they decided to recue
her. Before you choose you destination:

City Streets -
Shops Parts/Weapon/Item/Upgrade 2/1
Wanzer sale
??? ???
??? ???
Jurong - Hatta hideout
Prison - Rescue Moneymaker
Check your e-mail on NETWORK.
If you went back to Jurong Hatta will gave you a ______ then continue to Prison and rescue the Rescue.

Stage 13: Location:
WC: 4 EW: 2 Infantry 1 Jinyo Mk110 4 MBT2 Kuarve

Best to stay out of the Spotlight increased enemies Hit rate +100%

After the battle Kazuki rescue Moneymaker then enemy reinforcements arrive thanks
to Purple Hase arrive at the neck of time, they cover you as you escape.

At the USN 3rd Fleet after the rescue Yun (Moneymaker) give the information and decided
to join your group. They decided to infiltrate Philippine Taal Base that's were MIDAS
were taken... you choose which two route: the Alpine Gate [14b] or Lower Gate [14a]
Hint: Take the suggestion of Yun easy as she says.


-Hard Way-
Stage 14a: Location: Philippine, Taal Base Alpine Gate
WC: 4 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 1 Kasel M2 3 40mm Gun

Better have one unit have a Grenade to bombard enemy units..

Stage 15a: Location: Philippine, Taal Base
WC: 4 EW: no information yet I never try to continue

If you choose the hard way never mind below see and continue on Stage 16:

-Easy Way-
Stage 14b: Location: Philippine, Taal Base Lower Gate
WC: 4 EW: 3 Jinyo Mk110 4 Tanks 1 Monster

At the end of your each turn you receive fire support from the USN submarine.

Here see the conversation of Semaun and Jose a very skillful pilot.
Inside the Base more you arrive at enemy ammunition depot room.

Stage 15b: Location: Philippine, Taal Base
WC:4 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 4 Kasel M2

Used the large container near the enemy wanzer to damage them.

If you choose the hard way never mind above see and continue on Stage 16:

Either way you choose you'll continue here after 15a or b

Stage 16: The Truth Location: Philippine, Taal Base
WC: 4 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 1 Kasel M2 1 Kodomari 2 Brenos

Meet Kodomari OCU prototype wanzer, after defeating it receive Jade Metal Layman

After the battle meet Alisa along with the scientist upon knowing Emma the creator
of MIDAS later Lukav arrive with his dying wanzer they decided to leave the place.

Stage 17: The Escape Location: Philippine, Taal Base
WC: 8 EW: 1 Jinyo MK110 2 Kasel M2 3 40mm Gun 1 MBT2 Kuarve

The other 4 units are Alisa, Lukav and 2 other Scientist. Carrying Pistol only
You needed to reach the Hoover Craft near the MBT2 Kuarve Tank
or destroyed all enemy wanzer not including the 40mm Gun.

Stage 18: The Last of Purple Haze Location: Philippine, Taal Naval Base
WC:4 EW: 4 Jinyo MK110 1 Hanniger 2 Monster

You came to assist the Purple haze but.... Jose last battle along with Semaun.
Before the battle received fire support from USN Submarine at the end of each turn.

At the end of battle see how powerful MIDAS bomb can do... After the mission you
receive information on Lukav and the scientist a negative one... Next Taipei

Your inside Taiwan territory your encounter Changli army for now..

Stage 19: The Diversion Location: Taiwan, Ba Kui Dam
WC:4 EW: 5 Yongsai 3 1 Laiying_1

Just get rid of the Yongsai_3 in the lower dam first before the top.

After the battle receive radio communication on the other team your team is Cool Face
other Bravo headed by Marcus Armstrong and Charlie with still no comm.

Choose Path:
A - Xinzhu: Check team Charlie (hard way)
B - Yinko: Continue on plan of entering Taipei (easy way)
(I choose route B the easy way)
Path A - Xinzhu (Hardway) | Path B - Yinko (Easy way)
You discovered that team Charlie is not in | Enemies patrol wanzers have spotted you.
assigned location but enemies showed up. |
Stage 20a: Location: Taipei, Xinzhu | Stage 20b: Location: Taiwan, Yinko
WC: 4 EW: 2 Tiandong_3 2 Chixuan_6 | WC: 4 EW: 4 Tiandong_3 3 Yongsai_3
ER: 2 Tiandong_3 | Meet Wan Dao Han piloting Yongsai_3
Meet Wan Dao Han piloting Tiandong_3 |
Team Charlie radio that they been chase out | Team Bravo radio-in enjoying their situation
then Cool Face ordered to continue operation| thanks to you. The enemy knew that you were
| the real assault team. Next you cross again
On the next town you meet Han anticipated | to enemy defense but its easy. Team Bravo
your plan he had the ambush party | also assist you 3 fire support.
ready to attack. |
Stage 21a: Location: Taipei, Town | Stage 21b: Location: Taiwan, Rural Village
WC: 4 EW: 2 Tiandong_3 1 Chixuan_6 | WC: 4 EW: 1 Tiandong_3 3 Mk54 MBT
2 Shangfeng_5 2 Laiying_1 | Meet Wan Dao Han piloting Tiandong 3
Meet Wan Dao Han piloting Tiandong_3 | Receive 3 fire support from Team Bravo

At last you arrive at the target location.

-Taipei City-

Taipei City

Empty House - Your temporary base hide out for awhile
Taipei Shop - Buy New Wanzer, Weapons and Upgrade HP Lvl.3/Lvl 2
Taipei Bar - Were you meet Ambassador Clay
USN Embassy - Meet Marcus here

Better Check mail, search the net for new NetLink, download picture or useful data
Setup your Wanzers and Lock & Load when your ready ...

Ambassador Clay informed you that Lukav is hiding inside Hunguang Factory and
he suggest to attack at night. At night your team was ambush by....

Stage 22: War Factory Location: Taipei, Hunguang Factory
WC:4 EW: 4 Mk54 MBT 2 Yongsai_3 1 Laiying 2 Infantry

The group had suspicions on Ambassador Clay information still they move-on inside
As the group expected that Lukav is still their but Meet Han with his best
and new toy Taita 4 they been trick again....

Stage 23: Han Hand down Location: Taipei, Hunguang Factory
WC:4 EW: 3 Tiandong 3 3 Yongsai 3 1 Taita 4

Han will launched a grenade on a target including with his allies still their.

At the end of the battle they planning a new plan 'cause someone is leaking information
suddenly radio com. from Team Bravo. Marcus informed that they all been slaughtered
on his team and planning to meet him in the USN Embassy.

Before you leave Emma will asked you if you are not ready or ready choose ready
to visit the Ambassador himself in the USN embassy

Marcus Arrive with Mk20 APV tank he came bubbling decided to talk more later...

Stage 24: Ambassador no more Location: Taipei, USN Embassy
WC:4 EW: 2 Tiandong 3 3 Chixuan 6 1 Mk5a APC 3 Infantry

After Marcus join you group with his wanzer Grapple M1 then the group decided to continue
in pursuit of Lukav heading towards the tunnel.

In the Taipei City group encounter Changli Army on their way out of the city

Stage 25: Sky Scrapers Location: Taipei, City Streets
WC:4 EW: 3 Haolong_4 4 Mk54 MBT

Try to take out Haolong unit first before it can damage with Missile plus its height
extra addition to its range and shot gun also. Towards the Fu Tai tunnel

Stage 26: Location: Taiwan, Futai Tunnel (outside)
WC:4 EW: 4 Yongsai_3 2 Tiandong_3

If you already triggered Double Shot I of Prov PAW2 from Yun wanzers its useful
against Yongsai 3. When Ryogo keep on talking of enemies here they come...

Stage 27: Location: Taiwan, Futai Tunnel(inside)
WC:4 EW: 3 Yongsai 3 2 Mk54 MBT 1 Armored Car

If you destroyed the Armored Car it gave 220-300+ exp. better let the low level character
it will boost it level pilot 1 star to 3-4 star as for the weapon level add 3 star+

After the battle Ryogo commenting negative about things happening and Emma tells
not to hear like it will effect the mission.... Next meet new special assault wanzers..

A missile pod came through the glass wall of the tunnel, similar missile pod that you
ride when you assault the Phil. Taal Base remember?

Stage 28: New foe Location: Fu Tai Tunnel (inside 2)
WC:4 EW: 4 Qibing 0

Don't fight in close range the mostly counter Double Assault I and mostly don't engage
on fighting them if three of them are in range may cause to trigger Backup Fire skill.

As Dennis suggestions you arrive at Da Han Zhong, Guangzhou.

Guangzhou City

Hua Lian Rebellion Headquarters - you temporary base of operation
Guangzhou Shop - Buy New Wanzer, item and upgrade 4/2
Downtown of Guangzhou - some refreshment

You meet Chang, then Huang leader of Hua Lian Rebellion tells to go to your Dormitory
inside asked Dennis everything you want to know about Huang then leave.
Went to see Huang they still needed to trust your team worthy so they send you
to Sanya Base to intercepted DHZ inspector..

Stage 29: The Inspector Location: Da Han Zhong, Oil Field
WC:4 EW: 5 Yongsai 3 2 Dual Cannon
Allied: 2 Rekson M4F on Hua Lian Rebellion army

Due to your success of mission they trust you after you visit Downtown of Guangzhou
save ling against the two drunkmen then leave you can visit the shop for the upgrade.
When your done go back to Hua Lian HQ Huang is waiting along with Chang and Luo.
Ling's brother is on a mission but its been intercepted along the way at Yizhang
Then you decided to help Ling's find her brother. They were late but enemies are waiting..

Stage 30: Meet RRF Location: Da Han Zhong, Yizhang
WC:4 EW: 2 Mk54_MBT 2 Mk59_APC 4 Infantry
EWR: 1 Wude_3 1 Shangdi_1

Destroying Mk59 APC will result for reinforcements to arrive better kill them
after destroying the tank stay close to enemy unit.
Later after destroying Wude_3 you'll receive DHZ Military Intelligence.

When you return Yun is doing her hacking job again then Ryogo came looking for her.
Return to Hua Lian HQ then Yun bubbling about the e-mail she receive informing
on the location of Alisa its a fake

Stage 31: The Payment Location: Da Han Zhong, Wuzhou
WC:4 EW: 4 Shangdi_1 2 Wude_3

Stage 32: Location: Da Han Zhong, Longsheng
WC: 4 EW: 2 Shunwang_1 3 Lenghe_1 2 Mingtian_1
Allied: Getty

You meet Li with his new addition wanzer to your group. After few convincing thought
group decided to move forward to for investigation
We see again Alisa's at Ravnui at Shanghai talking again to Lukav...

Check your e-mail and send back mail necessary

Group arrive at Fuzhou looks like abandon suddenly Red Wanzers shots by Genie Arm
who's being piloted bye Serov Warren the OCU scientist then....

Stage 33: Location: Da Han Zhong, Fuzhou
WC: 4 EW: 5 Yongsai_3 1 Genie Arm

Notice at this point you are already at the middle of the game so expect a lot
of talking later in the game.


Upon arrival Huang had a information on a escapee from Ravnui laboratory his name was
Ivan Larzalev. He explain why he was here who he was and others. Then the Imaginary Number
arrive looking for Ivan to eliminate him.

Ivan won't be take down so easy so he fight, Jared was aiming on Emma but Ivan cover her.
Now it time for pay back but it's not easy...
Stage 34: Location: Da Han Zhong, Xiamen
WC: 4 EW: 3 Shunwang_1 3 Mingtian_1 2 Mk73 MBT

Try to destroy Jared and Rosavia's wanzers first then the Mingtian

After the bring Kwang ling volunteered to take care of Ran Fong, Li

Emma was so desperate of what happen to Ivan, then the decided to go back at Guangzhou
and take all the stuff that Ivan bright when he escape.

Group finding a way to locate the Base Operation of RRF and Kazuki volunteer as
decoy while the other party search for its point of origin,
but its an successful one ...
Stage 35: Rudolf of Wulong Location: Yoping
WC: 4 EW: 1 Grezex 1 Whisk
EWR: 3 Tiandong_3 1 Shangdi_1

Guan Lei daughter Ran Fong

Stage 36: Ran Location: Foshan
WC: 3 Li EW: 4 Agent 1 Grezex 1 Whisk
ER: 1 Vinedrai 1 Lanze 1 Whisk
Meet the Wulong Rudolf piloting Grezex and Rebecca piloting Whisk
Reinforcement Hatari piloting Vinderai, Greg on Lanze and Emilio on Whisk

After defeating Rudolf three more enemy reinforcements arrive.
On defeating Rudolf receive SCHNECKER and SENDER on defeating Rebecca 2 web site added

Group discover that RRF base was mobile fortress and planning to destroy it, while Yun
trying to download it blueprint but not a successful. Then she downloaded the list of
engineer only discover their all deceased but there's another one

At Yongzhong you went into a bar talk to the bartender named Randy. Until he said
the name Dennis not his real name. Zhun, decided to help Kazuki

Stage 37: Location: Huanggoushu
WC: 4 EW: 3 Infantry 1 Whisk 2 MBT2_AFV 2 Taita_4k


They reach the destination in Kunming and meet Mei Ling Shun tells the story...

Dennis Team A - Annihilation Team (Dennis team) choose other 3
Kazuki Team B - Infiltration Team (Kazuki team) add remaining

If you already choose in which your team you member
Better save then continue... At Hengshan, Hua Lian rebel planning to trap the Tianlie
and succeeded now time for the Annihilation Team you had to destroy all enemy offensive
weapons and wanzers time to get busy.

Stage 38: Location: TIANLEI (outside)
WC: 4 (A) EW: 2 Shangdi_1 4 Wude_3
2 105mm Gun 2 Yunsheng 42
Meet also Jared and Rosavia both piloting Wude_3 wanzer.
After you destroyed the flight deck defense here comes the real Infiltration Team.

You arrive at the first level inside the TIANLEI and meet enemy wanzer get ready.

Stage 39: The Real Team Location: Inside Mobile Fortress, TIANLEI
WC: 4 (B) EW: 4 Shangdi_1

The group continue to move down to the mid level of TIANLEI and meet the foe at Wuzhou.

Stage 40: Last of RRF Location: Inside Mobile Fortress, TIANLEI
WC: 4 (B) EW: 3 Shangdi_1 1 Teiqi_1
Meet Lan piloting Teiqi 1 for the last time
Kazuki group reach the bottom of TIANLEI at the power generator, then Kazuki set the
generator to max it should explode the TIANLEI. But Zhun dispatch theirs an error the time
is set to half then you have to get out of TIANLEI before it explode.

Better get fast after reaching the first level the TIANLEI Commander are their to stop
you from escaping. You better attack fast or you'll run out of time and blow up with
TIANLEI fight fast time or turn is against you in this mission.

Stage 41: Better Rush-up Location: Inside Mobile Fortress, TIANLEI b1
WC: 4 (B) EW: 4 Wude_3
Meet Lie Yin Jiu piloting Wude 3
Winning condition: All enemies destroyed or surrender in 11 turns.
Losing condition: 12 turns pass or your pilots destroyed

Stage 42: Soldiers Morale Location: DHZ, Wuhan (highway)
WC: 4 EW: 4 Tank 3 Laiying_1 2 Tiandong_3 1 Nilong_1
Meet Lin Tsao piloting Nilong 1

Stage 43: Location: DHZ, Wuhan Bridge
WC: 4 EW: 3 Mk42 Quad 5 Laiying_1 1 Taita 4k
NPC: 2 Rekson M4F
Meet Xuan Shui piloting Taita 4k and So Young Zhuwen piloting Rekson M4F
Losing condition: Hua Lian destroyed by turn 4
Now you take control of enemy supply base.

Stage 44: Location: Lake Poyang
WC: 4 EW: 5 Pilots (AWACS Pilot)
Stage 45: Location: Huangshan
WC: 4A EW: 2 Yongsai_3 2 Laiying_1 3 Chixuan_6 2 Infantry
Stage 46: Location: Nanjing Bridge
WC: 4B EW: 1 Lanze 1 Vinedrai 1 Whisk 4 Mk20 AFV
Meet Greg piloting Lanze, Hatari piloting Vinedrai
and Emilio piloting Whisk for the last time
Stage 47: Location: Huangshan
WC: 4A EW: 3 Laiying_1 2 Mk20 AFV 2 Infantry
1 Chixuan_6 1 Mk59 APC
Meet Wei Chong San piloting Mk20 AFV
Stage 48: Location: Nanjing City
WC: 4A EW: 2 Yongsai 2 Haolong_4 2 Mk54 MBT 2 Infantry
Allied: 2 Shang Feng_5
Losing Condition: Hua Lian helicopters get destroyed
Stage 49: Location: Huangshan
WC: 4B EW: 3 Mk54 MBT 2 Infantry 1 Mk59 APC
2 Laiying_1 1 Chixuan_6

Moveable area: [1] Nanjing Shop [2] Nanjing Bar [3] Nanjing Government
Nanjing Bar
Patriot Man

Nanjing Shop
Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 6 and other Parts Level 5

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Shangdi 1 Mk12 Fist Laohu 3 Mk7 E-Pack
Teiqi 4 Mk13 Baton Huosai 3 Placid
Wude 3 Mk22 Spike Hvy Shield COMB603
Huida 3 Type 14 GR COMC654
Chongta 3 Zhiniao 50 COM6

Back Nanjing Government choose either "Ready or Not ready", when ready Emma came up with
a plan on its way towards Ravnui Embassy were Alisa is being held. They try to avoid
meeting opposition of Hua Lian and Shanghai defenders they suggest to take the railway
towards Shanghai Airport near the Ravnui Embassy.

-Shanghai Airport-
Everything is work as plan when Rudolf and Rebecca of the remaining of Wulong and guess
your next move now they're on revenge of what happen to their members (Greg, Hatari and
Emilio) they had few back now you take them down as well like the others.

Stage 50: Location: Shanghai Airport
WC: 4 EW: 1 Grezex 1 Whisk 3 Mk20 AFV 2 Armored Car
Meet Rudolf Kaiser piloting Grezex and Rebecca Sydney piloting Whisk
fight them for the last time
After the battle Dennis came up of alternative plan he borrowed their enemy Armored Car.
Everybody on board towards the embassy.

-Ravnui Embassy-
The group arrive with a BIG BRAKE! enemy Real Numbers are getting ready after they arrive
now first taste of the good Real Numbers are in combat.

Stage 51: Location: Shanghai Embassy (outside)
WC: 4 EW: 3 Shangdi_1 2 Wude_3 2 Bihu_1
Empty vehicle: Armored Car
after the fight the group enter the embassy Kazuki unstoppable.
At Intermission check mail to Linny from Barilar (3)

-Inside the Embassy-
Ryogo suggest that Kazuki and Emma go get Alisa they will take care of what happening
their. Inside the office Bal, Lukav and Alisa were there. Bal look happy after seeing
Emma that its been 10 years Emma remember him. Talk to Bal then to Lukav and to Alisa
Emma parents were accused of stealing during their escape at the lab. See Emma flashback
in FMV... after that Emma realize what Bal was talking she explain it to Alisa. They are
the one being steal 'cause Emma and Alisa are both Imaginary Numbers. Talk to Emma then to
Alisa and to Bal, after talking to them Lukav has its own plan. He took Alisa and Emma
along him with the help of Lenghe_1 wanzer who punch-in to break the discussion.

Kazuki trying to help them but its no used Bal escape in suggestion of Liu. At that moment
Ryogo went in along with his wanzer. Now Ryogo also suggest to escape the embassy first
then rescue them. Meet the Real Numbers soldiers for the last time.

Stage 52: Location: Ravnui Embassy (inside)
WC: 4 EW: 3 Shangdi_1 2 Real (soldier) 3 Wude_3
ER: 1 Shangdi_1 Lui piloting Shangdi 1
after the fight add website address EMBASSY/Government/DHZ.
Dennis informed Kazuki that the Hua Lian Rebel had been defeated at Shanghai.

-Outskirts of Shanghai-
Dennis informed Kazuki again about the Hua Lian rebel at Shanghai that they retreat
to Wuhan. Li suggested to went in Buxi at automobile shop of the late Guan Lei.
Talk to Li, everybody take their chances on Li sugestion and went their.
Dennis also try to contact FAI Headquarters when he get there.

At Guan Lei's House the place was messed up the military already search the area.
Yun start doing what she does best, while Ryogo and Li will be lookout outside.
Talk to Yun, already connected to DHZ Military Movement site and about the Yancheng base,
an old nuclear missile silo. That police report a truck carrying wanzers are headed at
that location.

Then the came up in mind that may be Lukav location Kazuki ordered to go in that base.
Dennis will stay for a while and try to catch up after check the USNavy update.
He didn't like what he just received?

Meanwhile at Yancheng base
At inside DHZ Missile Base Ruin Lukav was talking to Alisa and Emma. Then Rosavia came
inform him that he had a dispatch from Mr. Sasaki. He call for requesting help on Lukav,
also making deal about the MIDAS mass production both side agree of their condition.

-Yancheng Base-
Outside Kazuki arrive at the base seeing Lukav wanzer meeting Bal along wit Liu, Chairman
Jie was also in their on Lukav side now they killing each other. Lukav notice Kazuki group
he tell the that Emma and Alisa are inside, he will wait inside for a good fight.
Then Lukav leave with a lot of his Imaginary Numbers getting ready to stop Kazukis group.

Stage 53: Location: Yancheng base (outside)
WC: 4 EW: 2 Shunwang_1 2 Lenghe_1 4 Mk54 MBT
After the fight the group went inside.
At intermission check mail to Kazuki from Wei Ching Yee and to Emma from Ken M. (2)

Inside Lukav planning to lure Kazuki into a trap while Emma And Alisa are the bait.
Kazuki arrived, Lukav tell the location Emma and Alisa. Time to rescue Emma and Alisa

Stage 54: Location: Yancheng base (inside)
WC: 4 EW: 3 Lenghe_1 3 Shunwang_1
ER: 1 Shangdi_1
Meet Lukav piloting Shunwang_1 and Liu on Shangdi_1
Losing condition: Liu arrive at flashing point.

End of Lukav Treachery his wanzer was destroyed then Liu arrive to revenge the death of
Bal and finished Lukav himself with Double Assault attack. After taking off Lukav he look
an eye on Emma and Alisa you had to stop him.
After killing Liu Kazuki rescue Emma and Alisa and leave the base and went back to Buxi.

At Buxi Kazuki and other will go out to the bar but Dennis will stay and catch up.
After he finished reading the FAI Headquarters new orders.

Moveable area: [1] Buxi Bar [2] Guan Lei's house

Send mail to Luo and Ran Fong from Li/Jose.

-Buxi Bar-
Talk to Bartender, Despair man, Resigned Man and Tenacious Woman

After talking to them back to Dennis FAI new orders, the assassination of MIDAS creator
at fist he confuse and follow it after seeing it to Marcus. He will hide it to Kazuki
and not to betray them.

Back to the bar Emma informed Kazuki about the coup in Japan who's the ringleader of it.
Its Isao Takemura Kazuki's father after knowing this and their situation in DHZ they had
no choice DHZ military are pursuing them. Li/Jose suggested to went in Lianyungang.
And look for a ship that may be useful to get into Japan.

The place looks like a ghost town when a Yongsai wanzer showed up an old soldier piloting
it stubborn like Kazuki, the USN Special Force Commando arrive and show the old soldier
they had order to kill the creator of MIDAS. Dennis was surprise about the USN action
that it was too fast for USN to take action. Time to stop their insanity first before
they succeeded of their plan.

Stage 55: Location: Lianyungang
WC: 4 EW: 4 Grapple M1 4 Rekson M4F
The old soldier take you to his place after the fight.

The old man name is Yang as favor of helping him he will take you to his old LST ship
and decided to take you their himself.

Check mail to Kazuki from Zhun & Mei Ling and to Yun from Woo.
Talk to Yang check out his hangar for wanzers equipment. Go to Hangar shop

-Hangar Shop-
Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 7 and other Parts Level 4

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Vinedrai Mk12 Fist Laohu 3 Mk7 E-Pack
Lanze Mk13 Baton Huoyao 3 Placid
Whisk Mk22 Spike Hvy Shield COMB652
Grezex Huida 3 Type 14 GR COMC554
Chongta 3 Zhiniao 50 COMG10

Back to Dock now Go to LST choose ready if you finished upgrading.
Now leaving DHZ back to Japan.

-Offshore Japan-
At the LST Bridge Yang a little concerned of situation when a JDF soldier attacking
their ship you had to sunk them before they sunk your ship first.

Stage 56: Location: Offshore Japan
WC: 4 EW: 3 Mmg3 Ship
ER1: 2 Oceanhahn
ER2: 2 Mmg3 Ship
ER3: 2 Oceanhahn
Winning condition: Defend for 9 turns
After the fight the JDF attackers retreat after 9 turns.

Another JDF destroyer ship arrive, Lt. Takiguchi of 2nd unit asked for the origin of the
ship and the group asked for officer Isao Takemura. Then he asked if is there board named
Kazuki Takemura and reply that he will escort their ship to Sasebo harbor.

At Sasebo office they meet Isao, before go any further check mail to Kazuki from Kiryu (4)
to Emma from Lixian (2), then to Dennis from Sybil, then to Jose/Li from Ran Fong and last
to Marcus from Chang. Send mail to Susan and reply to Lixian.

They had a lot to talk about this point you are about to asked Isao.
"Ask about the coup" he explain, then "Ask about Lukav" Isao tell you that Lukav is alive
and now in Japan after the incident at DHZ joining forces with Sasaki. Sasaki is master
mind of the coup and MIDAS project then blaming Isao of what's happening.
Cause Isao was following movements of Sasaki. "Ask about MIDAS" he will tell you about
the MIDAS 2 copy of the original and the original that he hide on it's way in completion.
But Emma afraid that sooner later Lukav will figure out to make MIDAS for himself.
Then again "Ask about Lukav" then "Ask about Imaginary Numbers" now you'll know the truth
why Emma and Alisa parents escape the Orsha lab and leave Alisa to him and why Emma end
up in USN custody. Talk to Alisa, Emma and to Isao, he will ordered Takiguchi to take
Kazuki to Taradake Observatory.

Back at Sasebo Isao ordered his allies to disperse. Then he was arrested by Comdr. Kawada
of Sasebo accused of coup ringleader and also search for Isao son.

-Taradake Observatory-
Takiguchi taken you to a safe place for now. Check mail to Marcus from Susan (4).
Talk to Takiguchi, he informed you that other allies are Kumamoto, Miyazaki and Kugoshima
are now in disperse and Isao is being arrested now at Sasebo. The base commander of Sasebo
turn against them.

Meanwhile outside JDF Special Force Commando found you location their leader ordered to
surround the weather observation then wait for his signal.
Back inside the planning about the situation, talk to Emma she planned on taking down
Sasaki at Kyusho then rescue Isao before Lukav make his move.
Suddenly JDF soldier reported that enemy wanzers are surrounding the area.
Kazuki getting ready for the attack. Outside Kuroi gave signal to commence attack.

Stage 57: Location: Taradake, Weather Observatory
WC: 4 EW: 5 Shunyo Mk111 3 Kasel M2
Meet Lt. Yuji Kuroi piloting Shunyo Mk111
After the fight the group plan to rejoin the allied force that been disperse. The it up to
Yun skill on finding their location, the Kumamoto 8th Division is hiding on Mt. Shutendoji.
You had to get their before Sasaki finds out their location.
Check mail to Linny from Barilar (4)

Back at Sasebo Sasaki gave order to Fukuoka division to destroy the 8th Division at
Mt. Shutendoji.

At this point the secret wanzer are obtainable at the net.

-Mt. Shutendoji-
The group arrive at the location a Construction Site meet Taniyama of the 8th Division.

Inside you discuss about what happen to Isao and Kazuki group plan of gathering allied
forces the discussion was interrupt when JDF Soldier report that enemy wanzer spotted
outside Commander Tanaka 4th Division of Fukuoka by. Talk to Taniyama, Kazuki ordered
Taniyama to retreat back in Kumamoto, while his group stop the incoming visitors.
Go out and meet them.

Stage 58: Location: Mt. Shutendoji
WC: 4 EW: 3 Enyo Mk109 3 Jinyo Mk110
Meet Norihiko Tanaka piloting Jinyo Mk110
After the fight is the 4th Division arrive at Kumamoto and you go there to joined forces
before enemy forces arrive.

At Sasebo Sasaki receive the result to Fukuoka squad that they failed. The look for Kuroi
and gave him order to destroy the Kumamoto base. Lukav warn him about underestimating
Kazuki but he will help with DHZ army.

-Kumamoto Base-
Takiguchi informed you that others are following and moving towards Kumamoto, but no enemy
movement were spotted, Talk to Alisa thanks to her quick thinking suggest to take a look
at the map Emma then request Taniyama to send recon squad at south of highway 209.
It takes time for recon squad for report you'll have to wait.
Talk to Taniyama and to Takiguchi he will tell you about Kirishima secret website along
with the password SHUNYO. Check mail to Kazuki from Liang Hua then leave.

Moveable Area: [1]Kumamoto Bar [2]Kumamoto Shop [3]Kumamoto JDF Base

-Kumamoto bar-
You can talk to Bartender, Former Soldier, Coward and Thrill Seeker
Talk to Former Soldier for password: SINTJ Koriyama link in NTJ

-Kumamoto Shop-

Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 7 and other Parts Level 4

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Jinyo Mk110 Fatal Buster Mk11 Sniper BX090
Kyokei 108 Venus Hot Gazel BPT9Max
Kasel M2 Mk22 Spike SN-107G COMB652
Enyo Mk109 Arc Barrel 4 Faust GGR COMC554
Desoto M300 Bjariger COMG10

Back to base for the report on recon squad. A large civilian ship reported had arrive
the group suspected that a LST ship. Now Kazuki are headed to that location while Taniyama
take a small group towards highway 208 as if they taking the trap.

At Nagahama a wanzer transport arrive but they were surprise that their plan had been
anticipated by Kazuki group. There leader Kuroi ordered to alert the others and abort the
landing mission and cancel the Assault while his group try to hold back Kazuki team first.

Stage 59 Location: Nagahama
WC: 4 EW: 2 Kasel M2 2 Enyo Mk109 3 Shunyo Mk111

After there fight the group back to the base.

The allied are successfully joined with the 8th Division, time to counter attack but theirs
no indication of enemy movement so far you have to wait.

Talk to Taniyama and to Takiguchi gave you simulator data on Nanjing area.
Leave go to bar talk to Former Soldier gave you password on NTJ/Koriyama password: SINTJ.
Visit upgrade and re-supply if done back to Kumamoto JDF Base.

Inside the base large group of enemy are moving from 3 directions from Fukuoka, Kurume
and Sasebo. Again a brilliant strategy of Alisa to counter the same tactics of enemy
on the last mission. But you have to divide you group into to while the allied will defend
the base. Ryogo asked Kazuki to be the leader on next the mission.

This mission you had to divide your group:
Team A: Ryogo and Yun (choose other) - at Mt. Aso foothills
Team B: Kazuki (add remaining others)- Omuta Harbor

After you divided they went two location Mt. Aso foothills and Omuta

First Ryogo team enemy convoy are passing thru its up to Ryogo team to stopped them.
Stage 60 Location: Mt. Aso Foothills
WC: 4A EW: 4 MBT2 Kuarve 3 Mk9 AFV 1 Sekida
After the fight Ryogo team supply themselves of the enemy Sekida truck then move on to
join Kazuki group.

At Omuta, Lt. Yuji Kuroi team Special Defense Force Commando are waiting for Kazuki team
to arrive. He asked for it Kazuki team arrive he then ordered his men to get ready
time to settle this.

Stage 61 Location: Omuta
WC: 4B EW: 3 Oceanhahn 3 Shunyo Mk111 3 Mk9 AFV
Meet Lt. Yuji Kuroi piloting Shunyo Mk111 for the last time.
Enemy attackers are now retreating its time to counter attack before they attack again.

Back to Kumamoto Base Briefing Room, Taniyama getting ready to counter attack and take
Sasebo base first then a sudden turn of event Sasebo base negotiate a cease fire with
the messenger from Sasebo it was Commander Kawada. Both Kawada and Sasaki agreed on cease
fire explaining their side they been tricked by Lukav himself at first they think they can
handle them, but Lukav outsmarted them and now moving on his own.

Now DHZ Lukav conspirators are invading Japan to help Lukav take MIDAS.
Talk to Isao, then to Kawada and to Taniyama. Kawada tells you that Lukav is now to
Okinawa to take MIDAS. You also knew the location of MIDAS at Okinawa, Kawada and Taniyama
are assigned fight the DHZ Fleet. Talk to Kawada, then to Taniyama and to Isao appoint
Kazuki to fight Lukav. Next how to go in to Okinawa, you needed the new LST hovercraft
at Misumi Harbor. The group moves fast to before Lukav new about it.

Now at this point the Final battle begins.

-Misumi Harbor-
Kazuki group arrive to the harbor and search for the new Hover Craft. But Rosavia of
Imaginary Numbers are moving in that location. Watch the mobile sub came from the shore
line to join the fight.

Stage 62 Location: Misumi Harbor
WC: 4 EW: 2 Qinghuayu_1 2 Qibing_0 2 Tiandong_3
Meet Rosavia Gray and Griffith both piloting Qibing 0
After the fight Isao already found the new LST hover craft and ordered Kazuki's group to
board the LST. Everybody onboard ready to go. Next Okinawa.

You arrive at Rukeran or Zukeran base. DHZ are now moving in Ocean City.
Isao told you the location of MIDAS it hidden at the lower level of Ocean City.
Talk to JDF soldier before go any further go to hangar see Koike for the last time.

-Rukeran Hangar Shop-
Talk to Koike gave you Blue print of Ocean City password: EHOBA

Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 7 and other Parts Level 4

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Jinyo Mk110 Fatal Buster Mk11 Sniper BX090
Kyokei 108 Venus Hot Gazel BPT9Max
Kasel M2 Lasr Strike SN-107G COMB652
Enyo Mk109 Arc Barrel 4 Faust GGR COMC554
Desoto M300 Bjariger COMG10

When you are ready go to briefing room choose "Ready" or "Not ready". Final battle began.

-Okinawa Bridge-
At Okinawa the bridge was heavily guarded by DHZ army, Isao got an idea he ram into
the defense of the DHZ, enough for Kazuki to get mad for his action but thanks to him
enemy defense are lower due to his surprise attack. Time to help Isao before enemy get him.

Stage 63: Location: Okinawa Bridge
WC:4 EW: 2 Laiying_1 2 Yongsai_3 2 Mk20 AFV

Well Isao is okay, Kazuki and Alisa are concerned of what he done, Yun notice the
resemblance of Kazuki and Isao they're both stubborn.

Check mail to Linny from Barilar (5) last time and send mail to Kiryu for the last time.

Next you enter to Ocean City and went into residential zone as plan.
Jared saw Kazuki group that were looking for the entrance to MIDAS below.
Well take a look at Lukav and Jared new wanzer twice as big a normal wanzers but same
powerful as normal wanzer. But it has very high HP and stay close to it.
Jared report to Lukav that Kazuki group will come as he expected
Time to meet them.
Stage 64: Location: Ocean City (residential area)
WC: 4 EW: 3 Yongsai_3 2 Kexei_1 1 Kehei_0
Meet Jared and his new wanzer Kexi_1 and a big one
Lukav new wanzer Kehei_0 at the end of turn 1 enemy phase he will leave.
Kazuki found the entrance and Kazuki lead the assault of going in towards MIDAS.

Below enemy already knew that you come enemy Brenos turrets spotted you and attacks
and some DHZ reinforcement arrive to join the fight of slowing you down on getting MIDAS.

Stage 65: Location: Ocean City (maintenance section)
WC:4 EW: 3 Tiandong_3 3 Yongsai_3 3 Brenos
Upon meeting MIDAS the group plan to disassembled MIDAS but it won't be easy but first
the group had to evacuate civilian out of Ocean City before they continue. They're second
plan is to separate Ocean City block by block to minimal the damage and sunk MIDAS to
bottom of the Ocean. There's no other plan then it settled.

Well Ryogo taken in charge of evacuating civilians, while Kazuki and Emma are on control
room to separate block after the civilian are being evacuate.
First Team A: Kazuki and Emma - add to other members - to control room & separating block
Team B: Ryogo group - add remaining members - evacuating team

Then the group separate in 2 direction.
At Kazuki group when they arrive at underground passage at the bottom of control block
It's an ambush they meet Jared who already activated the separating of block early as
they planned. Ryogo dispatch don't like it and so Kazuki group they had to take out
Jareds group first before getting to the control room.
Stage 66A: Location: Ocean City (underground passage)
WC:4 EW: 2 Laiying_1 3 Yongsai_3
3 Tiandong_3 1 Shunwang_1
Meet Jared the last time piloting Shunwang_1
Kazuki waste more time and rush towards the control room.
They can't stop the separating it's been reprogrammed to continue it operations.
Ryogo dispatch again of where to take the remaining civilian out of Ocean City
Emma ordered Kazuki to check surveillance monitor and check for any DHZ LST ship docking
some where in Ocean City. Kazuki tells the location at Ocean City Coastal Facility
Ryogo here's its and headed in that directions.
Kazuki group help the evacuation too while Alisa and Isao stay try to buy some time
to delay the block from separating.

-Coastal Facility-
While outside at Ryogo team arrive exactly as DHZ soldier are planning to escape in Ocean
City, but Ryogo teams going to stop them before they continue their escape with the LST
ship. This stage is not easy for wanzers with weak defense.

Stage 67B: Location: Ocean City, (coastal facility)
WC: 4 EW: 2 Mk54 MBT 2 Yongsai_3
1 Qinghuayu_1 2 Kexei_1
After the fight civilian truck arrive and loaded to LST away to Ocean city towards Okinawa
and being piloted by Auto pilot to drive them out of Ocean city.
Now that all civilian are gone, time to leave also.

At this point I leave it all the story you I'm not going to spoil the story in this part.
Stage 68: Location: Ocean City (power core)
WC:4 EW: 4 Kexei_1 1 Kehei_0
Meet Lukav piloting Kehei_0 for the last time
Stage 69: The Truth Location: USN, Convention Center
WC: 4 EW: 4 Rekson M4F

Well the last story is yours ........ make sure to finished all credits to save
to the Last Save Point. In order to continue
your game.

Rank Medals Collected:
Platinum 19
Gold 29
Silver 19
Bronze 03

Total 70 Stage finished

Note: the Guide on Alisa may be different in your game depending on what you choose
in Emma story first I choose 2 easy route (area were you choose in two ways).
Don't trouble yourself, this effect vice versa on the game if you choose Alisa
first then in Emma story well move as what you choose in Alisa story if he choose
easy in your next game the game automatically choose the easy route.


After choosing Not To Go With Ryogo above, you can talk to Koike for Wanzer Test Available
useful for learning wanzer battle skill later. Check it then move Dormitory Kazuki receive
mail from Alisa, move to Shopping Mall meet Ryogo then back to JDF Facility.
Koike asked Kazuki to help him deliver 2 new wanzer to Yokosuka Base talk to Koike again
well gave the address to Kirishima website (KIRISPV/Corporation/Japan)you can check it
after delivery. If you check first see Info then Information 1 to add website
KIRISMAID/Corp./Japan then if you their at KIRISMAID check KIRISBUSINESS check
info Marine Shipping & etc. to add OKINAWAZCD links (OKINAWACD/Gov./Japan).

Also available on Network are:
Japan Government
MFA - Download UMA wild animal picture for desktop wall paper
NTJ - simulation data and more if you already new the password you can now download
OKINAWACD - only available if you already check above.
Japan Corporation
JBNN - available you can access if you knew the password
check 1st File 1 to reveal DPS/Gov./Japan
KIRISMAID - available if you check at KIRISPV Information 1
Japan Other
Teihoku - Available also

When you are done, now move to Heliport, at Yokosuka base suddenly an explosion
then Kazuki is anxious to check Alisa safety knowing that she had transfer their already.
Ryogo join also when to JDF wanzer ordering you to stop then...

Stage 1: Stubborn Location: Yokosuka Base, JDF Facility
WC: 2 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110
Just damage the enemy wanzer then the pilot well eject and wait for reinforcement.

Reinforcement have arrive 2 Jinyo Mk110 and 3 Enyo Mk109 meet Lt. Yuji Kuroi ordering you
to move out your wanzers and they arrest both Kazuki and Ryogo. Check mail Share/NCS.

You been detained at Yokosuka Base Brig. Talk to Ryogo then to Guard he will try to check
for confirmation of Takemura, Guard call Col. Isao Takemura. Isao came talk Ryogo then
to Isao told you to leave. Outside the base Kazuki waiting well 2 Flatbed truck
transporting unknown wanzers then Kazuki follow the Flatbed truck along with Ryogo.

They discover that the Flatbed Truck was empty and decided again to wait. Inside Yokosuka
Laboratory Isao order Alisa to leave the base and telling her that Kazuki was outside the
base before she leave he gave her a disk the evidence of what happen inside the base.

Outside the base Ryogo making joke on Kazuki, Alisa was riding the construction wanzer
same also when the USN FAI agent trying to move out of the base when they notice you.
Knowing that you were civilian but Joe insist on attacking Alisa wanzer, Kazuki and Ryogo
piloted the old abandon wanzer time to defend Alisa. Notice that one USN agent know Alisa.

Stage 2: Escape Location: Yokosuka base, JDF Facility
WC: 2 EW: 2 Grapple M1 2 Rekson M4F
NPC: Iguichi Lylas: Alisa
Defend on 3 turns just cover Alisa wanzer
Meet Joe and Gastor piloting Grapple M1,
Cindy and Emir Klamsky piloting Rekson M4F agents of FAI

Battle stop when alarmed then JDF Special Defense Force arrive shooting the USN FAI agent
including you too when a Sekida truck arrive with a wanzer start shooting and ordering
you to get in the truck along with him to escape the base.

At the Yokosuka, JDF Base Hangar inside the man explain and introduce himself Hei Fong Liu
DHZ agent. Talk to Alisa then Ryogo then to Liu planning to escape the base to the sea by
the Hovering across to the sea.. Talk to Ryogo then Alisa and Liu to leave the hangar, JDF
spotted your location.

Note: that after Liu explain to you the basic control Shop is available on Network.
Stage 3: Out of the Base Location: Yokosuka, JDF Base Hangar
WC: 4 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 2 Kasel M2
ER: 1 Oceanhahn (ANGELSTAR)
Destroying the Jinyo Mk110 receive JDF website forum address

After they escape they hid towards Miharu area.
At Miharu-cho, Yokosuka Garage Liu will brief you on using Setup Basic Control, Purchase
and Exchange . You see the evidence that cause the explosion MIDAS inside the base.
Shop is available on Network you can check simulator tutorial. Talk to Ryogo then Alisa
and Liu then back to Liu will continue planning on leaving Yokosuka territory.
When ready move go out, here we see a sequence that Isao was contacted by Emir but not for
long his been called by Sasaki.

Note: Shop is available on Network you can but Items only.

-Power Plant-
You headed towards Yokosuka, Power Plant when the choppers detected you and call for backup.

Stage 4: Beware of Hunters Location: Yokosuka, Power Plant 1
WC: 4 EW: 3 Hanniger (Hunters 5)
ER: 3 Jinyo Mk110 (Omega team)

Check mail to Alisa from Ms. Teihoku (1) and gave you the website (see Teihoku/Other/Japan).

The chase continue when the group trying to escape when Lt. Kuroi team appear along with
the rest of reinforcement

Stage 5: LST arrive Location: Yokosuka, Power Plant 2
WC:4 EW: 3 Jinyo Mk110 2 Mk9 AFV 1 Enyo Mk109
Meet Lt. Kuroi in one of Jinyo Mk110 receive Da Han Zhong website after defeating him.
A short cut to victory try to destroy Lt. Kuroi then WATER DRAGON call, then destroy
the 2 Mk9 AFV then stage clear.

LST recovery vehicle have arrive and do a fire support while your team escape.

-DHZ Submarine-
Arrive at DHZ submarine inside Ryogo enjoyed himself inside the sub the Liu take you to
the Crew Room talk to everybody then move to Bridge, Liu receive a call from Lukav, talk
to Operator, then to Liu tells you that his informant (Lukav)Astugi then to Alisa
suggested to go to JDF Digi-Com Base at Hatano to gather information from their.

-Hatano JDF Digi-Com Base-
JDF Digi-Com Base, Alisa and Liu infiltrate the base with both trying to get the flight
data from Atsugi. Lucky for Alisa that the backup files weren't deleted.
Time to escape when the JDF know the location and escape, Kazuki and Ryogo arrive along
with their wanzer and decided to engage in a battle.

Stage 6:Information Location: Yokosuka, Hatano JDF Digi-Com Base
WC:4 EW: 1 Kasel M2 1 Mk9 AFV 3 MBT2 Kuarve
Destroying Mk9 AFV receive OCU Army Intelligence website
address OCUI/Government/Australia

-Ashigara Highway-
The group got away safely Liu decided to hid towards Omaezaki fast. In the Highway at
Ashigara, a Female Officer at the check point tells you to get take service elevator.
She came down also before she talk any further enemy JDF choppers detected your location
but this time they after her the you came to help.

Stage 7: Knowing too much Location: Yokosuka, Ashigara Rest Area
WC: 4 EW: 5 Hanniger
NPC: 1 Kyokei Mk108: Miho Shinjo

-Numazu Harbor-
After saving her she introduce herself Miho Shinjo talk to everybody the last to Liu
decided to take another route toward Numazu Harbor, when you arrive JDF shot down the LST
Miho join you with her Kyokei Mk108 losses the Riot Shield and Nissai 30 now had War Hammer
and Odin M98. Before the fight also you chooses who's you gonna fight in a battle.
You can also change the wanzer they used.

Stage 8: Out of Yokosuka Location: Yokosuka, Numazu Harbor
WC: 4 EW: 2 Enyo Mk109 3 Hanniger 1 Mk9 AFV

-DHZ Submarine-
Now the submarine appear to take you out of Yokosuka for now, check mail of Kazuki from
Kinkakuji (website address ARMOREDKIN/OTHER/JAPAN added) and Ryogo from Jinguji

Talk to Sub-Operator for Operation DHZ government website.
Back at the Crew room talk to Alisa, Ryogo, and Miho then they decided to sleep.

Here we see Alisa dream about Emma in FMV, Miho wake Alisa, check mail again to Kazuki from
Koike and Ryogo from Miss Hasegawa(1) reply Koike and Hase then move to bridge. Kazuki
getting excited of the Atsugi flight data they see the list of scientist transported to
OCU Philippine, Taal Base the group headed towards Philippines.

To Davao Rebel Headquarters, talk to Operator twice to Rebel add website address PLPARTY
PLPARTY/Others/Philippine. Talk to Liu and then to Bamarm Anti-OCU Rebel leader.
Move to Crew room talk to everybody.

Move Go Out go area available Davao HQ, Davao Bar and Davao Shop. Go to Bar talk to everybody
notice that Pierre is in their too. Then move leave go to Davao Shop when you arrive a
Snotty customer arguing against the Shopkeeper then Pierre to Snotty Girl. She then live
after a few talk, now talk to Shopkeeper he explain to you about Upgrading other wanzer parts.

Note: If you are planning to get the PAPEL website forum in the Shopkeeper, first you
Must already download simulator training data at Iguchi/Corporation/Japan.
Then you can talk to the shopkeeper then he will gave you the website address.
This is how I get it in my game.

Moveable Area: [1]Davao Bar [2]Davao Shop [3]Davao Headquarters

Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 1 and other Parts Level 1

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Zenislev Bone Buster Franbar FF Quill
Meledyne M1 Fear Fist Mk9 Sniper Wagtail 2
Kyojun Mk107 Cleave Axe Odin M98 BX002
Jinyo Mk110 Sharp Spike SPPG 14 BPT3A
Kasel M2 Kodo SN990 Mk6 Shield COM4
Enyo Mk109 DGS-25 SN-100G

After you done upgrading and buy new weapon and accessories back to Davao HQ, remember
the Snotty Girl she's here, talk to Operator gave you password for PLPARTY password
BEFREE talk Bamarm he introduce to you Pham Lius, then to Liu.
Bamarm will brief you of plan, then its time to move Pham taken you at Mindanao Airport.
Commence operation Negros fortress, the airplane crush and the military send search team
to salvage the remain of the crush airplane.

Note: The PLPARTY/Others/Philippine website address accessible before MIDAS was dropped
in Batangas, try to check the site now if you are interested.

Kazuki were surprise about the military that was fast. Get ready.
Stage 9: Cover-up Location: Philippine, Panay Jungle Crush Site
WC: 4 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 2 Kasel M2 2 Genie

Check Mail of Miho from Sakura. Time to infiltrate SAM Base enemies few guards are been
assigned take advantage of it. They not aware of incoming attack just take it down.

Stage 10: Cheeze!! Location: Philippine, Panay SAM Base
WC: 4 EW: 2 Kasel M2 2 Genie 3 Dual Cannon

After the battle Kazuki and Ryogo plant the explosive and blown the base sky high too bad
(JDF hide the MIDAS somewhere in Taal Base, nice cover up they let the Philippine protect
them now you destroying everything. Back to the story..)

After the battle Liu radio Bamarm Radio forces. If they started the assault yet.
Check mail of Kazuki from Kiryu (JBNN website password "YAMS" JBNN/Corporation/Japan)
and to Ryogo from Jinguji (DPS/Government/Japan access password: 992, and OCUI
password C4I5U6 (OCUI/Government/Australia), reply mail to Kiryu.

-Negros Coast-

After the soldier complaining here comes what he asked for and LST arrive then Kazuki
team have a welcoming party waiting for them.

Stage 11: Location: Philippine, Negros Coast E23
WC: 4 EW: 3 Jinyo Mk110 3 MBT2 Kuarve 3 40mm Gun
Destroying 1 MBT2 Kuarve will gave you Velda
website address Velda/Corporation/Australia

Stage clear Liu radio Bamarm Radio forces. Another Military talk this time there ready
just waiting for your success in taking out the fortress.

-Negros Fortress-
The group arrive at the mountain side planning a way to get inside the fortress,
they see a sewer entrance a vote a decision of getting in that way first they have to
take out the guard first.

Stage 12: Location: Philippine, Negros Fortress C11 (Outside)
WC: 4 EW: 5 Jinyo Mk110 3 40mm Gun

-Into the Sewer-
Ryogo taunting Kazuki and the group on its way inside the fortress sewer.

Commander Monaro Felipe decided to joined the next battle after the lost communication
of the rest part of the area.

They arrive at the center of the base Ryogo was surprise of Brenos then the rest of
defense force inside the base are waiting.

Stage 13: Location: Philippine, Negros Fortress Command Center
WC: 4 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 2 Kasel M2 2 Genie 2 Brenos
Meet Cmdr. Monaro Felipe in one of the Genie

-Negros Command Room-
After the battle Liu radio Bamarm forces that the mission is go ordered to attack
Mindoro Fortress that it all clear ordering to start the assault.

-Back to DHZ Submarine-
Inside Pham and Pierre are on board. Talk to Pham, Bamarm and Liu, back to Bamarm and Liu.
Next infiltrate Dagat Ahas by using empty torpedo's Pham decided to join the infiltration
along with Pierre. Liu suggested that your team take the Hangar area, while his team take
the engine room.

Team A: Kazuki, Alisa, Ryogo and Miho - you can't choose which team go Liu decided it.
Team B: Liu, Pham and Pierre - you can't control Pierre Yongsai 3 wanzer.

-Dagat Ahas-
Dagat Ahas arrive as they expected when DHZ submarine start shooting torpedo's before
they been detected, Dagat Ahas detected it incoming but its too late. They prepare for
impact but it's a fake to explosion the Captain ordered to check the Hangar area with
caution. Kazuki team arrive at the Hangar were the 6 Jinyo Mk110 wanzer storage
when 6 wanzer pilots arrive and detect them.

Stage 14A: Location: Philippine, Inside Dagat Ahas Hangar
WC: 4 EW: 6 Wanzer Pilot 6 Jinyo Mk110 without pilot
Receive Leonora Enterprise website after the battle, LEONET/Corporation/Australia

After they all clear Kazuki decided to go on the next plan, before trying to contact
Liu on their situation.

Check mail Miho from Mori, check Pham wanzer first make sure you upgrade her wanzer
equip best weapon. You can change wanzer only during Intermission, from Kazuki team
not before the battle Okay.

-Engine Room-
Inside Liu was looking for the engine room when enemy started shooting Pham rush forward
to attack along with Pierre.
Stage 15B: Location: Philippine, Inside Dagat Ahas Engine Room
WC: 3 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 1 Kasel M2 1 Infantry
AW: Yongsai 3: Pierre Wells is not considered an NPC just a good backup wanzer.

Liu and Pham argue the she decided to follow order from Liu. Then Liu receive a call from
Kazuki that they moving to take the Flight Deck while you continue look for engine room.

The Captain order to close all the block inside the ship to isolate the enemy they
succeeded the trap Liu team but unable to contained Kazuki team are now headed to Flight Deck.

-Flight Deck-
Kazuki moving out from elevator below enemy started to show up..
Stage 16A: Location: Philippine, Inside Dagat Ahas Flight Deck
WC: 4 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 1 Kasel M2 2 Hanniger 1 Infantry

After the you clear the area they planted explosive outside the base and live the
blown the Flight Deck. Liu located the engine but few enemies are guarding it.

Stage 17B: Location: Philippine, Inside Dagat Ahas Engine Room2
WC: 4 EW: 3 Jinyo Mk110 2 Infantry
AW: Yongsai 3: Pierre Wells

Now you are done on Dagat Ahas out, then Captain order to abandon ship a regroup to
assigned area. The group headed to Mindoro.

The group is now in Mindoro after the success of the mission the group of their real plan
DHZ will fleet along with local rebel attack Batangas. And take the advantage of sneaking
Towards the Taal Base passing Batangas area. After done with discussion move to the
Hangar and check what's new. Check mail to Liu from Mike Davis.

-Mindoro Hangar-
Move to Hangar, Equip best, Upgrade wanzers, supply Item and Upgrade Pilot Computer.

Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 2 and other Parts Level 1

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Zenislev Bone Buster Odin M98 Quill
Meledyne M1 Fear Fist SPPG 14 Wagtail 2
Kyojun Mk107 Cleave Axe Chongdu 2 Yunsheng 34
Jinyo Mk110 Sharp Spike Franbar FF Type 10 GR
Kasel M2 Mk10 Fist Mk9 Sniper BX002
Enyo Mk109 Mk9 Baton Laoxing 6 BPT3A
Zeros Kodo SN990 Mk6 Shield COM4
Genie DGS-25 SN-100G COM5
Mingda 2 Buckler

They study the structure and planned to steal the MIDAS inside the base.
When your ready to go talk to Liu and choose Ready. Now the other rebel forces headed
toward Batangas while your team headed to Taal Base.

-Taal Base-
As usual Pham always getting argue with Kazuki when enemy detected them you were surprise
when you enter the base somebody already been their and destroy most of the structure.
Liu ordered not to think of it for now and face the remaining enemies of the base.

Stage 18: Location: Philippine, Taal Base Main Gate
WC: 4 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 3 Genie 2 MBT2 Kuarve
AW: Yongsai 3 available only if you join Pham then Pierre will be there.

Remember the USN team at Yokosuka base are here also meet them again.

Stage 19: Purple Hase Location: Philippine, Taal Base Main Gate 2
WC: 4 EW: 2 Grapple M1 2 Rekson M4F
AW: Yongsai 3 available only if you join Pham then Pierre will be there.
Make your defense class on P for their rifle Barcam RR
Meet Joe Paker and Gastor Marza piloting Grapple M1
Cindy Peasant and Dennis Vicarth piloting Rekson M4F FAI agents

At last you knew that USN also had operation in this area and they try to retrieve MIDAS
back. Time to continue moving the group change route due to what they know they try
to avoid them. But it's a trap and you are surrounded prepare.

Stage 20: Location: Philippine, Taal Base Main Gate 2
WC: 4 EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110 3 40mm Gun 3 Hanniger
AW: Yongsai 3 available only if you join Pham then Pierre will be there.

After settle with the enemy Liu open the gate then the group move in to follow where Alisa

Meanwhile inside Negros Command Control Room the Commander Semaun order to take off the
safety and load it into an attack plane. He will take responsibility of his action and
call Jose to assigned to guard MIDAS while its been transported to the plane.

Alisa arrive at the basement and attack by OCU wanzer luckily USN wanzer and save her
then left after Kazuki arrive. Then at the naval yard MIDAS escape at the attack plane.

But Jose forcing them to surrendered both side don't like it either.
Stage 21: Location: Philippine, Taal Naval Base
WC: 4 EW: 3 Jinyo Mk110 2 MBT2 Kuarve 1 Hanniger
AW: Yongsai 3 available only if you join Pham then Pierre will be there.
Meet Jose Astrada piloting one of the Jinyo Mk110,
destroying his wanzer will add OCU Military Intelligence website.
address OCUI/Government/Australia

You're mission if failed and find a way the went to DHZ.

Here we see how powerful MIDAS would be in FMV and attack plane prepare to dropped MIDAS
on the attacking fleet of Rebels and DHZ towards Batangas and annihilate all of them.

See on FMV... attack plane dropped MIDAS on incoming fleet of rebels and DHZ army.

The group surprise by the explosion and knew that it was MIDAS know they head towards

You meet again the USN, Emma and Lukav compromise about the situation the MIDAS is lost
Talk to everybody to learn more about Alisa sister Emma both are separated when they
were a child, Emma try to let Alisa remember her and FMV.. how did Alisa get into Japan
and adopted at last she remember her sister Emma, Emma reason put that she only continue
their parents research. Then few talks they leave.

The group hide at Batangas Bar. Talk to everybody last at Pham she had a plan on how
to leave Philippine with one condition she join you and instruct Pierre to stay,
then Pham instruct him to call for transport. While you are waiting.

Check mail of Ryogo from Ms. Hasegawa (2) and Miho from Kinkakuji, reply mail Hasegawa
Choose either Wait or Goodbye topics. Now talk to First to the Calm man twice he
will gave you DCN website address and talk to everybody.(DCN/Corporation/Australia)

Meanwhile outside OCU soldier are looking for the rebel and start shooting anything
Kazuki feeling guilty of the situation decided the confront them.
Liu warns Kazuki that his not a normal human as a precaution.

Stage 22: Skirmisher's Location: Philippine, Batangas
WC: 4 EW: 1 Genie Arm 2 Kasel M2 2 Jinyo Mk110
Meet Serov Warren piloting the Genie Arm

Serov was not for long Liu finished his off, then a lot of OCU wanzer arrive for
reinforcement at the neck of time Pham transport request have arrive and everybody rush
onboard the plane.

-Inside the Transport-
Everybody on board then Pham look for Pierre, Pierre was outside to with his wanzer
trying to buy sometime for his mistress to escape.

Inside transport plane Pham not feeling good but Ryogo does his job ^_^.
The plane was shot down the attackers are preparing for your attack.
Liu tells you that they are the Hua Lian he explain later but get ready for them.

Stage 23: Air-Dropped Location: Taiwan, Xueshan
WC: 4 EW: 2 Grapple M1 3 Rekson M4F 1 Taita 4k
Take out Taita 4k a fast as possible.
Destroy any unit will reveal Diablo Avionics website address
or reveal Jade Metal Layman Co. if you already reveal INSTU/Other/USN

Liu brief everybody now that MIDAS is gone the USN will eliminate everybody who knows
about MIDAS and they are now targeting Alisa first they have to more on a near by base.

-Taipei Jilong-
At Jilong Base you meet Wan Dao Han conversation with him is terrible talk to Han
The group leave to meet Liu somebody.

Moveable Area: [1]Taipei Bar [2]Taipei Shop [3]Leave the area

-Taipei Bar-
Then Liu you went into a bar to meet a friend, Man in brown suit, talk to Nice guy
for information about spenders and hackers also the popularity of Moneymaker.

Talk to everybody and last to Man in brown suit.
The Man in brown-suit was USN Ambassador Clay, Liu explain everything.
Upon knowing you're situation he advise to live Taipei while he spread false information
about you're where about. To buy you sometime to delay any opposition.

At the bar again
Talk to Ambassador Clay again to get "Taal Base simulator data".
Talk to Crazy Man twice to get spender website address (MONEYMAKER/Other/Singapore).
Time to check the shop.

-Taipei Shop-
Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 3 and other Parts Level 2

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Pare PAW1 Mk10 Fist Laoxing 6 Mk6 Pack
Foura M12A Mk9 Baton Huoliu 1 Mk5 E-Pack
Rekson M4F Heavy Spike Buckler COMB554
Grapple M1 Mingda 2 Type 13 GR COMC754
Yongsai 3 Chongdu 2 Yunsheng 34 COM6

When your all set and ready Leave the area and choose:

Don't return yet < back to the city
Return to Base < when you are ready back to the base

Liu asking Liu to borrow transport to Han bat a bad timing a spender is hacking the
base computer Airport and etc. After knowing that an retreating after destroying
the hangar, Kazuki rush in to follow them not to escape.(Notice how Moneymaker can do
with her signature butterfly.

Meanwhile the USN FAI Purple Hase are discussing about Moneymaker then Joe detected
Kazuki coming, Joe ordered to spread out then Cindy enjoying it "Lets Rock"

Stage 24: Last Hase Location: Taiwan, Taipei Suburb
WC: 4 EW: 2 Grapple M1 2 Rekson M4F
Meet Joe Paker and Gastor Marza piloting Grapple M1
Cindy Peasant and Dennis Vicarth piloting Rekson M4F
After defeating the Dennis he will hand USN over the command to Team Bravo

After the fight the group then discussed and back to the base.
Check mail to Ryogo from Jinguji (3)

-Jilong Base-
Back to Jilong base, Liu suggested another way to go towards Da Han Zhong.
Before that you can still go back to Taipei bar and Shop if you forget to talk other persons.

-Futai Tunnel-
Outside the Futai Tunnel, the group was waiting for Liu to arrive, when he arrive alright
along with the Armored Train. He take it from Han's soldier he already suspected that he
will never help you. Meanwhile USN Bravo team located your location and they're getting
ready to attack.

Note: That you can used the Armored Car by ejecting the pilot and board it.
Stage 25: Team Bravo Location: Taiwan, Futai Tunnel (entrance)
WC: 4 EW: 3 Grapple M1 4 Rekson M4F
Empty Vehicle: Armored Car
Meet Marcus Armstrong piloting Grapple M1
Note: That Grapple M1 are using a M.Gun weapon hard thing high HP.

After defeating Marcus wanzer he will radio Team Charlie leader informing that they will
head the command of the operation.

Inside the Futai Tunnel near the exit, the Armored train was attack again by
USN Team Charlie this time they have order to kill of you.

Stage 26: Team Charlie Location: Taiwan, Futai Tunnel (Exit)
WC: 4 EW: 2 Grapple M1 4 Rekson M4F
Empty Vehicle: Armored Car

Now you are at Da Han Zhong territory Liu suggested to move in a near by base at Fuzhou.

-Fuzhou Naval Base-
At Fuzhou Naval base you meet commander Liang, before you continue talking to him better
check mail to Kazuki from Kiryu and to Pham from Pierre (1) and reply mail to Kiryu
and Pierre. (Pierre mail added website LUISCC/Corporation/Philippine).

Talk to Commander Liang to Liu, Liang will update you of what happening in Da Han Zhong
informing you that USN and Hua Lian Rebel are joining operation in Da Han Zhong.
Talk to Liu and to Liang, Liu will inform you also about Ming Juan Jiu and etc.
Upon knowing how the rebel became so active Liang suggested you joined with the Tianlei.
You leave the base headed to Chengsha, halfway along the way.

At Linchuan railway you meet between the fight of RRF against the Hua Lian convoy.
You meet Lan leader of RRF sooner she order to retreat somehow they looking for somebody.
After they left Hua Lian reinforcement arrive and mistaken you who dump their convoy.

Stage 27: Meet RRF Location: DHZ, Linchuan
WC: 4 EW: 2 Grapple M1 3 Rekson M4F 1 Shangfeng_5
Meet Wuo Ben Tang piloting Rekson M4F
After your encounter Liu again suggested to move to a nearby supply base.

-Wan'an Base-
At the base meet Kou and Lan discussing. Talk to Kou and Lan. Better check mail for Liu
from Moneymaker, talk to Kou for Taipei simulator data. Talk to everybody then leave.

When you check Network and select forum sometimes the data is damage then you are know
at Moneymaker website and offer you her ANGEL VACCINE anti-virus for the cost of 300.
You can also now check Serov document for its access password: TCX021.

Moveable area: [1]Wan'an Bar [2] Wan'an Shop [3] Supply Base

-Wan'an Bar-
Talk to Concerned Citizen for DHZ website about concerned citizen address.
Select Forum address (DHD/Corporation/Da Han Zhong)

-Wan'an Shop-
Talk to Shopkeeper twice for Tiewudi website address (TWH/Corporation/DaHanZhong)

Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 3 and other Parts Level 3

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Yongsai 3 Mk12 Fist Laohu 3 Mk6 Pack
Tiandong 3 Mk13 Baton Huosai 3 Mk5 E-Pack
Laiying 1 Mk22 Spike Hvy Shield COMB603
Huida 3 Type 13 GR COMC654
Chongta 3 Zhiniao 50 COM6

When your ready go back to Supply Base, now your back at Wan'an base Liu tells you about
the rebel base near by you go check it out.

At Suichuan an old town rebel forces gathering to defend their base they're from Guilin
rushing to save the village against the RRF. It's time to fight!

Stage 28: Yue Location: DHZ, Suichuan
WC: 4 EW: 2 Grapple M1 1 Rekson M4F 5 Mk20 AFV
Meet Yu Jiang Yue piloting Grapple M1
Victory condition: Yue destroyed

After destroying Yue wanzer, the fight stop the a little talk, then Lan and the rest
of RRF arrive, Lan looking for a man named of Wei, and finished Yue then destroy
the village. In search for that man Lan ordered to retreat.

-Wan'an Base-
Back at the base you informed Commander Kou about what happen their. Talk to Soldier
Informing you about the military movement at (DHZM/Government/DaHanZhong)and last
talk to Lan then leave.
Check mail of Alisa from Ling (Ling mail Hua Lian website HLR/Other/DaHanZhong).

You leave the base.
At the Wan'an Bar, a Bartender enjoy talking to Wei then he move out after the RRF soldier
Arrive. You follow him at his House (Wei Empty House)then talk to Wei, then again choose
"About the Experiment" then "Military Involvement", after asking Military Inv... Wei will
gave you a website address (DAILY/Others/DaHanZhong)
Wei was hunted by RRF cause of his investigation on Ravnui Orsha Engineering Lab experiment.
The Kazuki tell Wei to go even do the RRF was looking for him.

-Wan'an Base-
Back to Wan'an base Kazuki keep silence of what he knew, the RRF leave the base also
knowing that their objectives are done.

Liu again borrowed two armored train for transport. When Kazuki train about to across
the bridge Hua Lian sabotaged the bridge lucky Liu, Kazuki and Miho escape. Then the rest
of the Hua Lian Rebel are showing up.

Stage 29: Meet RRF Location: DHZ, Zhonggang
WC: 4 EW: 2 Grapple M1 3 Rekson M4F 3 Shangfeng_5k
Empty Vehicle: Armored Car
Meet So Young Zhuwen piloting Rekson M4F.

After the fight Hua Lian reinforcement arrive by Chang, good thing the Wulong (Centipede)
mercenaries arrive scared them. A minor discussion then they decided to take you to Tianlie
in a prize.

Receive Wulong website address (CENTIPEDE/Corporation/EC).

You arrive at the mobile fortress Tianlei, you meet Commander Jiu and Lan inside at
the Hallway. Talk to Jiu and Lan they share one topic in common the if they thrown you out
if you get in their way. Move to Hall way and meet Jared an Imaginary Number, then move
to Crew room. At the crew room. You asked Liu about Imaginary Numbers and Real Number
then he explain.

Check mail to Alisa from Hodaka (remember the letter of from Ms. Teihiko about the pageant
will update you of the situation) check mail of Liu from DHZ Military (DHZ Military
Intelligence new password: ADIMS) reply mail to Moneymaker attached 500, for the payment.

Next Tianlei was trap by Hua Lian rebel by destroying mountain cliffs to trap Tianlie
then RRF are dispatched to take out those retreating rebel. The another group of rebel
arrive Tianlei was short of manpower so your team decided to help while the RRF are away.

Stage 30: Location: DHZ, Tianlei
WC: 4 EW: 3 Grapple M1 3 Rekson M4F
Allied Turret : 2 Yunsheng 42
Empty Gun Turret: 4 100mm Gun
Meet Yong Nian Chang piloting Rekson M4F
Note: That Grapple M1 are using a Flamer (Flame Thrower) weapon, a type B wanzer.

Jared of Imaginary Numbers join the fight with his wanzer Shunwang 1 and informing you that
they pinpointed the rebel base then he added that RRF need reinforcement that's why you
have to go. Check mail in Share from Moneymaker

You arrive at the beautiful waterfalls along with the Hua Lian Rebels who protecting the
place. Upon knowing that you're they're the radio for reinforcement.

Stage 31: Location: DHZ, Hengshan
WC: 4 EW: 3 Grapple M1 3 Rekson M4F

At Chongyang, Liu tells that how Imaginary Number in action. But Lan see the Kid shouting
for help great timing for her she manage to save the kids life.

First Kwang wake up at the infirmary talk to Kwang after few talk, Commander Jiu arrive
knowing that he was Ming Kwang he ordered Alisa to go out.

In your crew room you had a plan that let Kwang (the kid) escape with Lan.
Back at Tianlei brig were held Lan had been detained later Kwang join her inside also,
then talk to Kwang. A soldier well tell you that Kwang will be killed soon.

Check mail to Liu from Pak Qui Don (Ivan larzalev),
to Pham from Barilar (add BarilarFarm/Corporation/Singapore).

Then Miho began their plan Kazuki, Ryogo, and Pham are on their way to flight deck when
the enemy wanzer detected their was unidentified wanzer. But enemy wanzer activate without
a pilot. Default defense mechanism install to enemy wanzer. To attack unknown wanzer.

Stage 32: Location: DHZ, Tianlei
WC: 3 EW: 2 Wude_3 3 Shangdi_1 (Auto Pilots)
Things are screw here Wude 3 suppose to be using melee weapon instead it using a
sniper rifle.

Planting explosive a flight deck is not going to be easy. Thanks to Miho and Alisa they
fools the operator of Tianlie and immediately deploy RRF easily.
Liu and Miho went back to command room to avoid any suspicions. Back at brig talk to
Kwang then to Lan talk to Kazuki, Ryogo, Alisa and Pham, to continue your escape plan for
Lan, she's getting with ready her wanzer along with Kwang inside then again it happen
empty enemy wanzer activate automatically.

Stage 33: Farewell Location: DHZ, Tianlei (Hangar) (Auto Pilots)
WC: 4 EW: 4 Shangdi_1 2 Wude_3
AW: Teiqi 4
Meet Xiao Hua Lan piloting Teiqi 4
Things are screw here Wude 3 suppose to be using melee weapon instead it using a
sniper rifle.

After the attack you arrive at the engine room were Lan will escape on the hatched to
be least expected then damage Ryogo wanzer for evidence for the sign of struggle.
Then Kazuki radio commander Jiu about what happen below, well the escape cover up works
Commander Jiu will drop you in near at the supply base to continue pursuit for the
Hua Lian rebel attacker (only it's a false one).

Lan and Kwang went to a town in Zhenyuan.
Then Commander Jiu dropped you at Wuhan base.

-Wuhan Supply Base-
You arrive at the base with the commander complaining know talk to everybody
then move and go out:

Moveable area: [1]Wuhan Bar [2] Wuhan Shop [3] Wuhan Supply Base

-Wuhan Bar-
Farmer - Angry man - Goldigger

-Wuhan Shop-
Talk to Shopkeeper twice for Shanghai steel website address (SSCO/Corporation/DaHanZhong)

Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 4 and other Parts Level 3

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Laiying_1 Mk12 Fist Laohu 3 Mk6 Pack
Shangdi_1 Mk13 Baton Huosai 2 Mk5 E-Pack
Wude_3 Mk22 Spike Hvy Shield COMB603
Getty Huida 3 Type 13 GR COMC654
Chongta 3 Zhiniao 50 COM6

When you are ready back to Wuhan Supply base then reply to Liu that "Not ready" or
"You are ready" to continue. Liu will asked you to head to Hankou Airport, everybody
enjoying the trip when Alisa bump into a man Liu warned her that he was an Imaginary
Number then the man name Ivan went to the chopper and get his wanzer ready alerting also
his colleges. Liu suggested to get into your wanzer and be ready for him.

Stage 34: Location: DHZ, Wuhan Hankou Airport
WC: 4 EW: 1 Lenghe_1
2nd turn ER: 2 Laiying_1 2 Tiandong_3 3 Shangfeng 5
Meet Ivan Larzalev piloting Lenghe 1,
Liang Hua Zhou & Shui Zhen Xu both piloting Shangfeng 5
Victory condition: Ivan destroyed
Note: That Tiandong_3 are using a Flamer (Flame Thrower)weapon, a type B wanzer.

After a few talks on Ivan he called Alisa one of them, then he was shot by Liu he ordered
next that you headed now in Shanghai Ravnui Embassy.

-Ravnui Embassy-
At the lobby Kazuki had some suspicions already, then talk to Liu and to man then move
to Guest Room, first better check mail to Ryogo from Ms. Hasegawa (3) and to Alisa from
Ms. Teihoku reminding her the result of the Pageant she won now she had already a Fan Club.
(check Teihoku/Others/Japan) available only if you send a mail to Moneymaker and attach 500.

Both Ryogo and Kazuki had their suspicions, but Ryogo wanted to sneaky outside then Miho
join him too. Back inside the Guest Kazuki had discussion to Alisa then to Miho.
At the Lobby Liu was informed by Real Number that Bal was looking for him.

As Bal orders Liu went to Guest room to bring Kazuki and Alisa to Bal, talk to Liu then to
Alisa then move to Lobby, at the lobby you meet Jared again along with Lukav with Emma.

They move to Bal office Chairman Jie arrive, Bal was planning to create another MIDAS,
Emma know who Bal then FMV scene after that she just discovered she and Alisa were
Imaginary Number. Talk to everybody then to Alisa. The discussion was interrupt by a noise
of struggle at the Lobby the Jared along with 2 Imaginary soldier came in. Lukav betrayed
Bal and shot him. Thanks to Ryogo and Liu they knock out Jared & 2 Imaginary and Lukav.
Kazuki, Alisa and Emma move out of the office at the lobby Imaginary soldier and wanzer
are waiting time to move them out of the way as you escape.

At this battle Kazuki & Alisa are playable you have to choose the other to player.
Liu is not playable temporarily.
Stage 35: Location: Shanghai, Ravnui Embassy Lobby
WC: 4 EW: 2 Shunwang_1 1 Lenghe_1 3 Imaginary
AW: Emir Klamsky
Meet Rosavia Gray piloting Shunwang_1 destroying her wanzer will reveal
Ravnui-DHZ Embassy website address(REMBASSY/Government/DaHanZhong)
Victory condition: Emir arrive at the designated point
Losing condition : Emir dies

After you escape inside the embassy outside you Chairman Jie trying to convince Lukav
you knew reply the horrible death to Chairman Jie after a Shangfeng dropped Lukav wanzers
and reinforcement. The rest of his reinforcement arrive and Lukav position himself at the
top of building.

At this fight Liu is temporarily not playable his with Bal after the incident.
Meet Lukav Imaginary Numbers team ready to attack.

Stage 36: Location: Shanghai, Ravnui Embassy
WC: 4 EW: 3 Lenghe_1 4 Mingtian_1
Meet Lukav Minaev piloting Lenghe_1
Victory condition: Lukav destroyed
Note: That Lenghe_1 are using a Rifle not a Melee weapon check also Mingtian_1
using M.Gun and Quill.

After you damage Lukav wanzer by destroying 2 or 3 parts battle stop, he then talk to
Kazuki then Rudolf of Wulong arrive Lukav order his remaining troop to retreat leaving
the area remembering Kazuki's name.

Rudolf arrive also Ryogo who request the assist of Wulong, then Rudolf suggested to take
you to his place.

-Shanghai, Naval Base-
At Naval base Commander Wei Wen was waiting you and Rudolf what happen to Ravnui Embassy.
Then Rudolf introduce you to his member Rebecca, Emilio, Greg and Hatari.
Talk to Rudolf, Rebecca, Hatari, Greg and Emilio, notice their behavior they don't like,
then Rudolf ordered Rebecca to take you to your room.

Before go any further Check mail to Pham from Pierre (2).
At the dormitory talk to Ryogo, Alisa, Miho, Pham and Emir, they feared what Lukav meant
of ace upon his sleeve. Talk to all of them again, they suggest to go out get relax

Moveable area: [1]Shanghai Bar [2] Shanghai Shop [3] Naval Base

- Shanghai Bar-
Talk to Bartender, Gossip, Peace Lover and Wanzer Fan
Talk again to Wanzer Fan for Sender website (SENDER/Corporation/EC)

-Shanghai Shop-
Talk to Shopkeeper twice for Shnecker website address (SHNECKER/Corporation/EC)

Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 4 and other Parts Level 3

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Vinedrai Mk12 Fist Huoyao 3 Mk6 Pack
Lanze Mk13 Baton Huosai 2 Mk5 E-Pack
Whisk Mk22 Spike Hvy Shield COMB652
Grezex Huida 3 Type 14 GR COMC554
Teiqi 4 Chongta 3 Zhiniao 50 COM6
Laohu 3

Then the group decided to rest, at night Emma receive an e-mail then Alisa came and asked.
Alisa had suspicion on Emma she follow her unto ZOO she meet Lukav along with Griffith
in Shunwang 1. Lukav ordered to eliminate Alisa good thing Greg and Hatari followed
her they informed Rudolf of the situation.

Back at the Naval Base Rudolf informed Kazuki about what happening then he take you to
the Zoo, Meanwhile Greg and Hatari help Alisa then Kazuki and the rest shows up.

Note: Liu is not playable temporarily. And you can only choose 3 members cause Alisa
is already in their you are her reinforcement.
Stage 37: Location: Shanghai ZOO
WC: 1 EW: 3 Shunwang_1 3 Taita 4k
R : 3
NPC: 1 Lanze 1 Vinedrai
Meet Greg Harigle piloting Lanze and Hatari Khartoum in Vinedrai
Meet Griffith piloting Shunwang_1

Back to the Naval Base everybody talk about Emma depiction to Lukav. Rudolf suggested
about his friend that can help you look for Lukav. Talk to Rudolf about his idea he then
suggest to go to Shanghai Shop, their he asked the shopkeeper for Wen a spender but not
as clever as Moneymaker (Yun). You went into Wen's roon. talk to Rudolf then to Wen after
a few talk and bargaining he suggested Moneymaker to do it thanks to Rudolf again he tried.

At FAI Federal Agency Intelligence he enter the password: IAF002 (useful remember)
Then he type the name: Song, data of Song Guan Lie and FAI agent for USN appear.
Wen warns you that any people who want to know anything about Lukav is being killed.

You got the address know you get to his location at Buxi.

Rudolf escort you Guan Lie's Office at Buxi, the place was mess up then you found a man.
Talk to the man it was Guan Lie saying Imaginary Number... Lukav ... USN Fleet stop him.
His last word was Ran Fong his daughter, after knowing Lukav whereabouts you leave and
went back to Shanghai.

-USN 3rd Fleet-
Meanwhile at USN Aircraft Carrier the Captain overconfident of the situation that Lukav
was their along also with Emma the Midas creator.

-Shanghai Naval Base-
Back at Shanghai Commander Wei Wen trying to contact Tianlie. You were informed that the
Hua Lian rebel are attacking Nanjing with the help of the Imaginary Numbers.
Talk to Hatari informing that Tianlie and Wuhan falls against Hua Lian and Imaginary
Numbers, talk to Rudolf then to Rebecca informed you of the situation that the rebels
are targeting Alisa. Rudolf ordered his members to leave the base. Then Kazuki suggested
to go to Nanjing to stop the rebels.

At Nanjing explosion everywhere the group sneak into the city and notice that their was
still civilian at the city, Jared troops spotted you and they're attacking you.
Lan arrive and volunteer to evacuate the civilian while Kazuki draw the enemy attention.

Liu is still not playable temporarily.
Stage 38: Alliance Location: Nanjing City
WC: 4 EW: 2 Lenghe_1 4 Shunwang_1 1 Heidong_3
NPC: 1 Shangfeng 5
Meet Xiao Hua Lan piloting Shangfeng 5, until 7 turns
Losing condition: Lan dies

After the battle Lan joined your group the group also welcome her. Then back Naval Base.

-Shanghai Naval Base-
Back to Naval Base, at the Command Briefing Room Commander Wei Wen talking to Liu,
Liu won't take any orders from Wei Wen them he says his reason. Talk to operator gave you
simulator data Oil Field, Talk to Liu then to Wen. Liu was planning a personal revenge
against Lukav.

Meanwhile at USN 3rd Fleet Lukav and Emma was talking suddenly an explosion.
See FMV how the USN Aircraft Carrier name Thomas Jefferson sunk.

Check e-mail to Lan from Kwang. Talk to everybody then talk again to Liu the conversation
was cut when Rudolf had a dispatch call about the incident. Talk to Rudolf then to Rebecca
informing you to check it yourself at USN website (USNAVY/Government/USN).

Talk to Ryogo, Alisa, Miho and to Pham. Ryogo suggested to Kazuki to go out with Alisa
to make her feel better about what happen to USN Fleet and Emma. Leave the base.

Moveable area: [1]Shanghai Bar [2] Shanghai Shop [3] Lighthouse [4] Naval Base

-Shanghai Bar-
Talk to Bartender, Gossip, Peace Lover and Wanzer Fan
Talk again to Gossip for DHZ Spender website (AMICA/Other/Da Han Zhong)

-Shanghai Shop-
Still the same the last time you came.

-Light house-
Kazuki and Alisa talking about Emma, then a woman appear. Talk to Alisa then to the Woman
she knew Kazuki also Alisa then she introduce herself Mayer Edward CIU Agent an OCU spy.

She suggested to go in other place at the Bar she informed you about the situation
in Japan about the coup. Talk to Alisa then to Mayer, Mayer informed you that the MIDAS
in the Philippines was just a copy theirs another and hidden by the JDF. She also informed
you that the head of the coup was headed by a foreign commander and a scientist.

Upon this Kazuki knew it was Lukav and Emma he then agree to go back in Japan and
suggested to informed the others about it.

At the Naval Base Kazuki informed everybody then Miho came in Mayer identified quick that
Miho was and JDF Intelligence Agent. Talk to Mayer then to Miho, Miho explain everything
that during the chase out of MIDAS she realize how serious the situation was that she
will help Kazuki. Last Kazuki informed Liu that Lukav is alive are know in Japan he join
back to your group.

Check and setup Lan and Mayer wanzer. When ready talk to every body (Liu, Alisa, Pham,
Ryogo, Miho, Lan and Mayer. Move then leave the base Rudolf came in that he will escort
you back to Japan, and you heard his reason too. At LST Bridge, Alisa question Mayer of
Isao Takemura whereabouts that he was in Kure Naval Base and safe. Then Miho gave the
route to get their.

-National Park-
After you landed from Hamada halfway towards Kure Naval Base location. You are receive
a radio signal requesting help at near National Park, Rudolf continue to move to
Kure Naval Base while you help the de'tat coup transmission.

You arrive at the location a JDF Special Forces Commando squad attacking JDF soldier
wanzers, then you decided to help him out. The special forces surprises when you came in.

Stage 39: Alliance Location: Yokosuka, Hiroshima Park (National Park)
WC: 4 EW: 3 Jinyo Mk110 2 Enyo Mk109
NPC: 1 Jinyo Mk110
Meet Sgt. Osamu Itsuko piloting Jinyo Mk110
Losing condition: JDF soldier dies (Sgt. Osamu Itsuko)

After the fight he notice that you are not JDF soldier, his from Kaita Base moving out
by himself without orders to get help to other bases but the special forces get him first.
Then he take you to Kaita Base then you go with him.

-Kaita Base-
You meet base Commander Kitajima and Mori (Miho friend) Meet Comdr. Kitajima and Lt. Mori,
Mori punished Itsuki for not following orders.

Check e-mail to Kazuki from Koike PW: SHUNYO (KIRISVP/Corporation/Japan)PW: JDFSMAP, to Ryogo
from Ms. Hasegawa (4), to Liu from Mike Davis (2), to Miho from Kinkakuji, to Pham
from Pierre (3) and last to Mayer from N.D. Cook add website AUSPEND/Others/Australia.

Outside JDF Special force and Imaginary Numbers are attacking the base. Lt. Mori and
Sgt. Itsuko were surprise about the attackers then he request permission to Comdr. Kitajima
to attack. Talk to Kitajima the Kazuki force to help Lt. Mori defend the base.

Itsuko made a suicide attack to take out with him the other Shunwang_1.
Kazuki arrive in time to help Lt. Mori and 2 of his remaining soldier.

Stage 40: Orders? Location: Kaita Base
WC: 4 EW: 3 Shunwang_1 2 Enyo Mk109 2 Mk39 PT Boat
NPC: 3 Prov PAW2
Meet Lt. Tadayuki Mori piloting Prov PAW2
The base is bombard with missile then the group went to Kure after the incident.

-Kure Naval Base-
At infirmary Mori was their also Miho, they move to meet Isao. Kazuki cannot convinced
him to start the coup against Sasaki. Rudolf went in also to convince Isao then you leave.

Moveable area: [1]Kure Bar [2] Kure Shop [3] Kure Naval Base

-Kure Bar-
Talk to Bartender, Remembered Girl, Quiet Man and Couch Potato

Leave then Rudolf came with a good news. That he convince Isao to raise a coup then
hired he and the rest of Wulong will help you. You are allies now some of his members
don't like it.
Talk to Rudolf, Rebecca, Hatari, Greg and Emilio then leave back to Kure Naval Base.
If you already visit the shop to upgrade wanzer parts and buy new weapons or supply.

-Kure Shop-
Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 5 and other Parts Level 3

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Kyokei Mk108 Big Buster Nightingale COMB652
Pare PAW2 Nissai 90MF BX090 COMC554
Kasel M2 Scarab F2 BPT9Max COMG10
Enyo Mk109 Mk10 Shield COM6

Back to Command Center group discuss about base operation, next they plan to rescue
Commander Isogai of Nagoya. Before you go talk to Takiguchi first to receive simulator
data (Nanjing, Fukushima & Shin-Ohgishima Bridge) check mail to Miho from Mori (Nagoya
sewer download password: WNTJ) when you are ready move to DOCK.
Takiguchi will brief about the Nagoya Chemical Factory.

-Chemical Factory Sewer-
Pham don't like getting in sewer ^_^. Enemy have spotted your wanzer they're getting ready.

Stage 41: Location: Nagoya Sewer 1
WC: 4 EW: 2 Shunyo Mk111 2 Enyo Mk109 2 Mk5 AFV

Inside the Chemical Factory Lt. Goto trying to persuade Commander Isogai to joined Chief
of Staff Sasaki or not. He reminds him also of what happen to Kure base. Then a soldier
informed Lt. Goto that the sewer defense squad was not responding.

Meanwhile at Makuryo H.Q. briefing room, Okana the base operator informed Maj. Kuroi about
Lukav movement Kuroi had suspicion on Lukav. Then he radio-dispatch from Goto informed
about the situation in Nagoya base. Kuroi ordered to protect the base a long as he can
he also ordered not trust Lukav Imaginary Number's.

Back at Chemical Factory, Rosavia arrive their to help with Goto but he ignore her and
ordered his troops to get ready for the attack.

Back at the sewer Miho located the elevator to go up but its not working only the small
service elevator fit only for Human size. Everybody was looking at Ryogo to force him
to volunteer on this one. Above enemy spotted Ryogo and radio-dispatch to request
permission to pursuit and attack.
Stage 42: Location: Nagoya Sewer 2
WC: 3 EW: 3 Shunyo Mk111 2 Enyo Mk109 1 Kasel M2 2 Wanzer Pilot
Pilot: 1 Ryogo
Victory condition: Ryogo arrive at designated location
Losing condition: Ryogo dies

Lt. Goto didn't like the situation he ordered the soldier to lock-up Commander Isogai
but Isogai reply that he will not escape. Rosavia argue with Goto then Goto getting ready
to joined the next fight.

Out side the chemical factory Kazuki team trying to move in quietly but enemy are waiting
for them time for battle.

Stage 43: Location: Nagoya Factory
WC: 4 EW: 2 Shunyo Mk111 2 Mk5 AFV 1 Mk8 Support
Reinforcement: 2 Shunwang 1
Meet Goto piloting Mk8 Support

After the battle of the first defense Rosavia was talking to Goto and finished him of
while she escape she ordered 2 remaining Imaginary Numbers to cover her retreat.

After taken out the 2 Shunwang_1 you continue you're rescue mission. Inside the Chemical
Factory you meet Isogai but he decline you offer. His not joining Isao or Sasaki side
he remains to be neutral. Then you went back JDF Sub-Bridge you talk to Nishiyama Captain
of the Sub of what the result of the mission.

Meanwhile at Sendai Rudolf and Greg are guiding Isao troops towards the gathering area
when he Imaginary Numbers arrive. Isao ordered Rudolf to protect the convoy, then Isao
well act as bait so that the rest of the troop are intact. Two JDF soldier stay also
to help Isao.

Back at the Sub- Nishiyama operator receive a dispatch call from Rudolf. Talk to Rudolf
He informed you to go to Sendai harbor that his father act as decoy. You can check mail
to Lan from Kwang.

Back to Sendai, watch a cool spin move of Lenghe_1 dodge and attack the JDF soldier
protecting Isao, thanks in the neck of time Kazuki team arrive. Isao ordered the 2 soldier
to retreat while he stay to joined Kazuki team. He stay so that how Kazuki he mature for
for that time his away. You also notice how stubborn both Isao and Kazuki.

Stage 44: Location: Sendai Interstate
WC: 4 EW: 2 Shunwang_1 2 Lenghe_1 2 Oceanhahan
NPC: 1 Enyo Mk109
Meet Isao Takemura piloting Enyo Mk109
Losing condition: Isao dies
After the battle they leave the area before enemy reinforcement arrive.

They went into to their base of operation at Fukushima. Inside the base Front Line HQ.
Command Room. The group discuss above enemy movement then they plan to take the base
operation of the enemy first but Kazuki's team will handle that then the Wulong will hold
the Korimaya enemies. Then Isao suggest you to get ready move leave.
Check mail to Alisa from Dr.k reply topic I'm sorry or Thank you.

Moveable area: [1]Fukushima Bar [2] Fukushima Shop [3] Command Room

-Fukushima Bar-
You can talk to Bartender, Local, Curious Man and Angry Girl

-Fukushima Shop-
Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 6 and other Parts Level 3

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Kyokei Mk108 Fatal Buster Mk11 Sniper BPT9Max
Pare PAW2 Venus Hot Gazel COMB652
Jinyo Mk110 Mk22 Spike SN-107G COMC554
Enyo Mk109 Arc Barrel Bjariger COMG10
Desoto M300 BX090 COM6

When you are ready back Command Room then Isao asked you if "You are ready'" or "Not ready"
Choose ready to continue.

At Nihonmatsu, enemy recon squad check the area, you'll have to take them out fast so that
they don't contact any reinforcement.

Enemy had fire support attack 1 or 2 before your turn.
Stage 45: Location: Nihonmatsu, Abukuma River
WC: 4 EW: 2 Mk8 Support 2 Kasel_2
2 Mk9 AFV 1 Infantry
Victory condition: 6 enemy pilots destroyed or made to surrender.
after the mission Kazuki informed that the operation is success. Takiguchi warn Isao that
enemy has CWDS?. Isao ordered Rudolf to move to Koriyama and avoid fullscale battle.

To enemy coup base enemy commander radio-dispatch to Chief of Staff Sasaki for

Kazuki team are planning to infiltrate enemy base but Miho warn Kazuki that enemy might
used CWDS an anti wanzer thing, for now they're problem how to get in the base.

Stage 46: Location: Koriyama (outside)
WC: 4 EW: 3 Mk5 AFV 3 Enyo Mk109 2 MBT2 Kuarve
Victory condition: Surviving players reach designated area.
Kanai don't the situation happening he joins the fight next battle.
Inside enemy had spotted the group moving the command room were enemy forces gathering

Miho spotted the CWDS then that's your target to take out as fast a you or suffer later.
Ryogo getting tired but time for attack to take over the base.

Note: notice the effect of CWDS weapon Accuracy Down 40% effect on your team wanzers.
Stage 47: Location: Koriyama (inside)
WC: 4 EW: 2 Enyo Mk109 2 Jinyo Mk110 1 Mk25 AFV
Meet Maj. Hiromichi Kanai piloting Mk25 AFV.

After the battle Kazuki insist to chase the base commander escape but Ryogo complaining
Again. Kazuki radio-dispatch to base that he was in pursuit of the base commander.

If you check the Network already time to download the Secret Wanzer see Miscellaneous section.

At Front Line Command Center
Isao receive Kazuki dispatch then reply ordering to stop the pursuit of the base commander.

Meanwhile Maj. Kanai ordering the stationed soldier cover his retreat, just after he
ordered the soldier spotted Kazuki team then he continue his escape while the remaining
soldier fight when he escape.

Stage 48: Location: Koriyama IC (highway)
WC: 4 EW: 3 MBT2 Kuarve 2 Hanniger 1 Mk8 Support
Victory Condition: 6 enemy pilots destroyed or made to surrender
After the fight 2 Enyo Mk109 appear it Commander Nonaka the 12 Division of Soumagahara
surrendered he reason himself the Kazuki accept his reason.

Back to base at Fukushima Isao looking for the surrendered general it's Major Nonaka of
12 Division Soumagahara, Isao offer him to join him then he accepted. Now Soumagahara base
are you allies.

Talk to Isao, Nonaka then to Takiguchi, they discuss on taking control of the capitol
but first they find were the Prime Minister is being held to open parliament.
Talk to Isao, Takiuchi, Mayer and back to Isao, after planning Liu suddenly angry of their
current situation then he leave. Mayer will look for him leave then go to bar.

Check mail to Mayer from E. Edward.
At Fukushima bar talk to Liu 4 times, Mayer act as a psychiatrist for Liu made him realize
about his life, she also join to protect her homeland her mother was Japanese she was born
in Japan and raise in Australia. As for Liu he only avenge the death Bal to pay back
for raising him finally she convince Liu to go back with him at the Base.
Everybody surprise of Liu when he get back. When you are ready back to Command Room.

Next the group was informed by Takiguchi that someone they know also looking for the Prime

Meanwhile at Makuryo HQ Conference Room, Okana informed Maj. Kuroi about Lukav movements
at Kyushu to get MIDAS.

-Soumagahara base-
The group headed to Soumagahara Base, inside the base at briefing room Lt. Tadayuki Mori
was waiting he also had information of were the Prime Minister being held.
At Tomiyama-Cho, Chiba the base was heavy secured he also informed in this mission you
have to sneak inside the base without wanzers. If you encounter any opposition you
can steal enemy wanzers in that area also, Kazuki ordered that the mission still go.

At Tomiyama, Chiba the group arrive at the location then they was in the hangar area that
their some wanzers and vehicles are being parked the group now decided to take control
of the empty wanzers and vehicles.

Note: that the backpack contains 1 Repair Mx. and Restore Lo.
Stage 49: Prime Rescue Location: Tomiyama-Cho, Chiba
WC: 4 (wzr pilots) EW: 1 Kasel M2 2 Jinyo Mk110
1 Hanniger 1 Mk9 AFV
Steal vehicles:
1 Kasel_M2 2 Jinyo Mk110 1 Mk9 AFV 1 Hanniger
Victory condition: Surviving players reach the Sanatorium area.
After the battle Kazuki enter the Sanatorium and rescue the Prime Minister, then the
Helicopter arrive piloted by Mori, Liu cover their escape and joined them after
the Prime Minister is in safety.

-Soumagahara Base-
Isao requesting a help to the Prime Minister in opening the parliament back and made a
press conference about the coup to let the citizen know.

Meanwhile at Makuryo base, 2 politician and Sasaki are discussing the press conference
of Prime Minister now Chief of Staff Sasaki is falling apart now Sasaki is being arrest
by the Vice Prime Minister as the ringleader of the coup. And informed Col. Isao Takemura
base about the situation.

-Atsugi Base-
Somewhere in Atsugi Base Runway, a JDF SP Force soldier and Okana knew about what happen
Maj. Kuroi act now on his own. Okana informed him about Lukav movements, Kuroi has
plan on his own.

-Soumagahara Base-
Isao receive dispatch from Makuryo base that the ringleader of the coup is being arrested
and he was request to went to Makuryo base.

-Roppongi, Tokyo-
Now the politician is blaming each other, also the Chief of Police is in their along with
Vice Prime Minister then Isao and Sasaki meet. Then the discussion was cut when JDF soldier
Informed Isao to go to briefing room.

At Makuryo HQ Briefing Room, Mori informed that Lukav and Maj. Kuroi is not in listed
on those who surrendered not knowing any information where their current location.

Maj. Kuroi whereabouts had been located at Mt. Aso. Isao ordered Kazuki to go to
Kumamoto base Isao well dispatch of your arrival their.

-Kumamoto Base-
At Kumamoto base meet Kamiyama the base commander then Kazuki figure out why Maj. Kuroi
went into Mt. Aso his headed at Kirishima Industries weapon test site knowing that
Kirishima in testing new mobile weapon.

First you must get ready:
Moveable area: [1]Kumamoto Bar [2] Kumamoto Shop [3] Kumamoto Base

-Kumamoto Bar-
You can talk to Bartender, Former Soldier, Coward and Thrill Seeker

-Kumamoto Shop-
Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 7 and other Parts Level 4

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Kyokei Mk108 Fatal Buster Hot Gazel COMB652
Pare PAW2 Venus SN-107G COMC554
Jinyo Mk110 Arc Barrel 4 Bjariger COMG10
Enyo Mk109 Desoto M300 BX090 COM6
Mk11 Sniper BPT9Max

When ready Back to Kumamoto Base, Kaniyama ordered to continue on pursuit of Maj. Kuroi.

-Wanzer Test Center-
At the test center we see Kirishima prototype version of Mk5 AFV the miniaturized CWDS
Okana informed of Lukav movement towards Misumi Harbor in new LST hover craft
towards Okinawa. Kuroi ordered Okana to slow down Lukav while his headed in that direction.

Ryogo and Kazuki spotted Kuroi in the new prototype vehicle they try to stop him but his
already on his way out. Kuroi new spotted you also informing them that they were too late

Then his troops cover him take them out fast.
Stage 50: Location: Mt. Aso, Wanzer Test Center
WC: 4 EW: 2 Enyo Mk109 2 Shunyo Mk111
3 Jinyo Mk110 1 Kasel M2
After the battle Mayer had taken control of Kirishima Helicopter to catch Kuroi from going
any further.

Not far Maj. Kuroi meet his remaining followers Kuroi ordered to shotdown the helicopter
but the group manage to jump before it explode.

Note: notice the effect of CWDS weapon Accuracy Down 40% effect on your team wanzers.
Stage 51: Location: Mt. Aso Foothills
WC: 4 EW: 1 P-Gun J10 2 Enyo Mk109
2 Shunyo Mk111 2 Jinyo Mk110
Meet Maj. Kuroi piloting P-Gun J10 (for the last time)
After the fight Kuroi was still alive a few discussion to Kazuki group then he tell the
location of Lukav, after telling Kazuki he shots himself.

-Misumi Harbor-
Okana trying to slow Lukav team waiting for Kuroi to arrived but Lukav finished him off.
The group heard gunfire Lukav spotted them then tease Liu to loose his temper.

Stage 52: Location: Misumi Harbor
WC: 4 EW: 1 Kehei_0 3 Shunwang_1
2 Lenghe_1 2 Mingtian_1
Victory condition: Lukav destroyed
After Lukav defeated Kazuki was talking to him meanwhile USN Aircraft carrier fire cruised
missile targeting Kazuki team in the area. Lukav escape his super wanzer to the new Hover
Craft prototype and leave Kazuki team, they also move out of the area.

-Kumamoto Base-
Taniyama informed you about the Imaginary Numbers disguise as DHZ and sneak inside
Ocean City. JDF soldier were busy controlling coup de'tat. He also informed you that Lukav
after MIDAS also tell that Sasaki hide it in Ocean City. Next destination Okinawa City.
Check mail to Ryogo from Ms. Hasegawa (5).

First you can still check the area.
Moveable area: [1]Kumamoto Bar [2] Kumamoto Shop [3] Kumamoto Base

When you are ready back to Kumamoto base choose ready, he will notify commander Kawada
of your arrival.

-Rukeran Base- or -Zukeran Base-
The base commander busy on the briefing room, you arrive and tell that you were the backup.
He also told you that MIDAS was located at the bottom of the City at the power source.
Any improper moving of MIDAS will result to city to collapse.

First move to Hangar and meet Koike.
Talk to Koike then he gave you the password of Ocean City Blueprint at OCCINF.

-Zukeran Hangar- (last shop to visit)
Wanzer Upgrade: HP Parts Level 7 and other Parts Level 4

Wanzer parts on sale: Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
Kyokei Mk108 Fatal Buster Mk11 Sniper BPT9Max COM6
Pare PAW2 Venus Hot Gazel BX090
Jinyo Mk110 Last Strike SN-107G COMB652
Enyo Mk109 Arc Barrel 4 Faust GGR COMC554
Desoto M300 Bjariger COMG10

Move back to Briefing Room and talk to Kawada when you are ready to leave.

-Ocean City Residential Area-
mean while at Ocean City JDF soldier are no much against the Imaginary Numbers, Jared had
discussion on Lukav. Jared will intercept Kazuki team while he Emir go down to lower level.

-Okinawa Bridge-
JDF soldier still waiting for backup to arrive an Imaginary Numbers nearly finished him
great timing they arrive in time. Kazuki ordered him to retreat along with the wounded

Stage 53: Location: Okinawa Bridge
WC: 4 EW: 2 Shunwang_1 2 Lenghe_1 2 Mingtian_1

The group had a chat a little then receive a dispatch from Kawada he informed that Ocean
City Com. is down. He ordered to move to Ocean city.

At intermission, check mail to Miho from Rudolf and to Mayer from N.D. Cook.

-Ocean City Residential Area-
The group are find the way to go were MIDAS location, below Lukav and Imaginary Numbers
are waiting. Liu rush forward after seeing Lukav, Lukav informed that Emir went down to
bottom floor to get MIDAS.

Note: Lenghe_1 are using Shunda_4 and Mingtian_1 are using Type 15 GR.
Stage 54: Location: Ocean City (maintenance section)
WC: 4 EW: 1 Shunwang_1 4 Lenghe_1 3 Mingtian_1
Meet Lukav piloting Shunwang_1
Victory condition: Lukav destroyed
After defeating Lukav he escape with his remaining Imaginary Numbers in the elevator also
destroying the passage.

Alisa figure out there's another way towards underground passage. She knew that Ocean City
is made of primary blocks can be controlled in the Ocean City Control Room. So that damage
to the city will be minimal. But first they had to evacuate the civilian.

At Residential area Kazuki team evacuating the civilian when Jared team arrive but
first you must protect the civilian trailer first.

Stage 55: Location: Ocean City (residential area)
WC: 4 EW: 1 Kexei_1 5 Shunwang_1
NPC: 1 Sekida
Meet Jared Bogdanof piloting Kexei_1 (for the last time)
Loosing condition: civilian trailer destroyed

After the civilian are evacuated the group went into Ocean City control room Alisa then
do the sequence and request help on Miho. While they waiting they also discuss on getting
rid of Lukav and escaping. Watch a FMV of Ocean City separate to Okinawa.

-Meanwhile below-
Below Lukav knew that they were moving, Emir was in their to along with Griffith & Rosavia.
He already learned how to create MIDAS he doesn't need Emir anymore, so he left her their.
Rosavia informed Lukav that the USN Fleet is moving toward Ocean City they realized that
Lukav had trick them. He ordered to activate MIDAS and also ordered Rosavia not to
let them escape.

-Control Room-
The sequence is complete! Kazuki receive dispatch from Isao informed them that USN Fleet
is moving towards Ocean City. He will slow them down while Kazuki team get rid of Lukav
misery before the USN Fleet arrive.

-Underground Passage-
At the passage the path was guarded by Imaginary Numbers you have to take them out fast.

Stage 56: Location: Ocean City (underground passage)
WC: 4 EW: 3 Lenghe_1 3 Shunwang_1 2 Mingtian_1
Now that you get rid of the enemy they continue to move inside.

The group arrive at the Ocean City power core were MIDAS is hidden. The place was
deserted Alisa saw a person not far from the core. It was Emma, Lukav already extracted
the information on creating MIDAS on her. Miho surprise that MIDAS is being transport
only to discovered that MIDAS is activated. Then Rosavia Gray arrive to slow down your
escape you try to make her realized but she just follows Lukav orders.

Stage 57: Location: Ocean City (power core)
WC: 4 EW: 3 Lenghe_1 5 Shunwang_1
Meet Rosavia Gray piloting Shunwang_1(for the last time)
Note: that Lenghe_1 are equipped with Chongta 3 and Mk20 Fist

After the fight Kazuki surprised that Lukav sacrificing his men in order for him to
escape. Liu calm down Alisa and figure out their escape. But the had to separate and sank
the bottom section of Ocean City in order for the damage to Okinawa will be minimal damage.

At under ground passage the group felt that MIDAS is building energy and it starting
its chain reactions. The group went to Control room to divert maximum power in closing
the bock also the find the LST docking somewhere. The Alisa activated the sequence to
separate and sank the lower section of the city and leave.

Everybody on board the LST then the explosion on separating sequence begun first Middle
then Top level then total eliminating of all on top level.

The LST is stock then Lukav arrive came back to take you out himself because of Rosavia
failure to slow you down. Time for the real final battle against Lukav.

Note: that all the enemy pilot are type S weapon skill.
Stage 58: Location: Ocean City, (coastal facility)
WC: 4 EW: 1 Xiangyo_2 3 Lenghe_1 3 Shunwang_1
Meet Lukav piloting Xiangyo_2(for the last time)

Until this point I stop its up to you the last story is yours.

True Ending? Again at the last part save the game the Last Save Point.
Your character still have all their learn battle skill available on the next game.

My Rank Medals Collected:
Platinum 30
Gold 15
Silver 13
Bronze 01

Total 59 Stage finished

V. N E T W O R K - L I N K S:

-Network Command-
Select Forum - go online to Internet and check other websites or download
documents, pictures and other useful data.
Check mail - Mail directory, open Mail Menu
Mailbox - self explanatory, check newly arrive mail & previous mail
Send Mail - reply a mail, depending on received mail.
Shop - Purchase parts/weapon/item and Upgrade Wanzers thru Internet.
Parts/Weapons/Item - buy an wanzer parts, weapons & items thru NET
Upgrade Machine - upgrade wanzer parts thru NET
Desktop - Open Data List Menu & Configuration Menu
Data List - View or analyze text & graphic data from Network
check downloaded files and mail attachments files.
Configuration - change background wall paper, brightness & etc.
Simulator - Open Tutorial & Battle Simulator menu
Tutorial - game tutorial from wanzers setups, weapons, item & etc.
Battle Simulator - test you wanzer gaining battle skill exp. & gaining money
Exit - Exit Network back to Main Menu

Simulator for training and gaining level & battle skill and specially gaining money to
buy or upgrading wanzer parts, weapon & items in Shop.
You can get this in talking to people in other places to obtain it.

Simulator Menu: Practice Level Menu: Simulator Site/Location:
__________________ _____________ _______________________
| Tutorial | | Test | => | JDF Test Facility |
| Battle Simulator | => | Training | | Shin-Ohgishima Bridge |
|__________________| | Real Battle | | Taal Base |
|_____________| | Taipei |
| Oil Field |
| Nanjing |
| Fukushima |

Simulator difficulty level available in both Alisa and Emma Story.
Simulator Data: Practice Mode, [Training] - 500, IGUCHI/Corporation/Japan
Simulator Data: Battle Mode, [Real Battle] - 600, PAPEL/Corporation/Singapore

Simulator Data List : summarized from Alisa & Emma story
JDF Test Facility - both: Kirishima wanzer test site default
Shin-Ohgishima Bridge - both: download at Tokyo/NTJ later in stage 25+
Taal Base - Alisa: talk to Ambassador Clay before leaving Taipei Bar.
- Emma: at USN Submarine operator gave this to you
Taipei - Alisa: talk to Kuo at Wan'an Base
Emma: talk to Huang when arrive at Guangzhou
Oil Field - Alisa: talk to operator at Shanghai base after Nanjing stage
Emma: talk to Chang after the Oilfield stage
Nanjing - Alisa: talk to Takiguchi at Kure base
Emma: talk to Takiguchi at Kumamoto after Nagahama stage
Fukushima - both: downloaded in NTJ download Koriyama link

Note: "both" means obtainable in Alisa and Emma in same way and location.
"Alisa:" obtainable only on Alisa version of story.
"Emma:" obtainable only on Emma version of story.

Desktop Tools: activate by pressing "Square" above the chosen text or graphics
Code Security 21 - free, data encrypting software file protected
Kaleidoscope - 200, invert/back to normal graphics to reveal hidden codes,
available in both story at NETCOMSYS
No Wait Lifting - 500, password decoder
Picaresque - 200, Zoom in/out graphic or pictures.
in Alisa: NEWS (AMICA) and in Emma: PSYNAMIC
RESTREX - 400, repair corrupt text file
available in both story at PAPEL
Under Cover - free, data decrypt software remove "? text file status"
in Alisa: ARMOREDKIN and in Emma: NEWS (AMICA)
Yahan Q - 500, compress & decompression graphic tool,
available in both story at TTSOFT

Alisa Text Data list:
CIU Log File - mail of Ryogo from Jinguji (3), used No Wait Lifting, then RESTREX
CIU Mission File - download at AUSPEND/Others/Australia, used Under Cover
Report: SEROV - check mail to Liu from Mike Davis (1), used Under Cover
Report: IVAN - check mail to Liu from Pak Qui Don attachment, used Under Cover
Report: ANTHONY - check mail to Liu from Mike Davis (2), used Under Cover
Trial Report - download at ARMOREDKIN/Other/Japan
Spender's Diary - download at NEWS/Other/DHZ, Under Cover

Alisa Graphics Data list:
DNA Analysis - used Picaresque, reveal Ravnui Lab password: RAT2C & OVERRN
JDF Tree - used Picaresque, reveal JDFINT/Government/Japan
NCS Document - blue writings TA3BW, clue? NETCOMSYS access
Miho's Photo - mail attachment to Miho from Sakura Elem., used Kaleidoscope
reveal password: JA9AN
Moneymaker hint - remove capital letters after Virus Bomb a picture name not a clue.
| Virus Bomb |
| Dead Fool Hell | D - ead F - ool H - ell + IS + Z
| IS | DFHISZ get it?
| Z |
NAGOYA Sewer - used Picaresque, reveal battle simulator password: SINTJ
Okinawa Ocean City - used unknown
Simulator - used Yahan Q and Picaresque, reveal battle simulator password: SINTJ
Woo's Photo - mail to Pham from Pierre (3), used Picaresque to obtain Wu@3499.

Emma Text Data list:
Twin Tiger Hint - mail attachment from Wen to Yun, the answer is "CLOT" after you went
in Twin Tiger Site (TTSOFT) enter the password then go back to mail
Send and automatically received payment after sending mail to Wen.
CIU Log File - Under cover RESTREX, DJV, FTBTJB, PDV
PSIA Report - No Wait Lifting reveal a hint P=9 H=8 O=0 S=2
Spender's Diary - download at NEWS/Other/DHZ, used Under Cover
received password 08DHMD, ADIMS, FIINNO, Bal, RAT2C
Midas Controller - used Yahan Q reveal D07, MM, SA2KI

Emma Graphics Data list:
DNA Analysis - used Picaresque, reveal SURSLN/Government/USN
attached from Sybil (6) to Dennis
ESASIA: GNP Map - used Yahan Q, Kaleidoscope become Three River used Code Security 21
send to Hatta automatically check mail to Yun from Hatta.
Heroic Photo - Yue pic 2nd mail destroying a wanzer by chi force,
check at desktop wallpaper also
Ivan's Photo - a picture of DHZ Embassy, used Kaleidoscope reveal password: ALONE
JDF Tree - used Picaresque, reveal JDFINT/Government/Japan
NCS Document - blue writings TA3BW, clue? NETCOMSYS access
Ninja Photo - used Picaresque, see flying saucer UFO taken in Photo
mail to Marcus from Susan (3)
NAGOYA Sewer - used Picaresque, reveal battle simulator password: SINTJ
Okinawa Ocean City - used unknown
Woo's Photo - use Picaresque, reveal Wu@3499 mail address - mail to Yun from Woo

Desktop wallpaper list: pictures you downloaded in Forum some are attachment from mails
Alisa - Alisa won the pageant at TEIHOKU/What's New/2nd pic before leaving DHZ.
Or obtainable only after casting a vote each time you visit the site.
Hodaka - Alisa lose the pageant at TEIHOKU/What's New/1st pic before leaving DHZ.
Game - PSYNAMIC Topics
Zenislev - AUSPEND Garbage Pit
Drake M2C - INTSTU download
Meledyne M1 - INTSTU download available when you came back to Japan
UMA - Wild Animal from MFA/Diplomatic Column available before leaving Japan
Poster - singer JPO/Scheduled Activities available before leaving Japan

Available in Alisa only:
Virusbomb - Moneymaker hint
Police Dog - mail attachment to Miho from Sakura Elem.

Available in Emma only:
Legend - Yue's Photo check mail to Kazuki from Yue (2)
Marcus - mail attachment to Marcus from Susan.

Network Forum Links/Website address: How to Obtain it/Use for/Add link

Network Legend below:
B: both Alisa and Emma - You can get it in Emma or Alisa story same way or location.
A: in Alisa story - available/get in Alisa story only.
E: in Emma story - available/get in Emma story only.

- J A P A N -
Government/Japan Links:
DPS (Dept. Pub. Safety) - B: check Information 2 of JBNNINT/Government/Japan
Access : 992 - B: check mail to Ryogo from Jinguji (1)
Domestic Information
Japan Files : JA9AN - A: check mail to Miho from Kinkakuji (1)
or check Miho's Photo used Kaleidoscope
E: check desktop PSIA Report clue
OCU Files : 0CU - A: check mail to Miho from Kinkakuji (1)
E: check desktop PSIA Report clue
International Information
DHZ Files : D8Z - A: check mail to Ryogo from Jinguji (2)
E: check mail to Ryogo from Jinguji (3)
or check desktop PSIA Report clue
USN Files : U2N - A: check mail to Miho from Kinkakuji (1)
E: check desktop PSIA Report clue
JDFORCE - ????
JDF Org. Tree: JDSMAP - A: check mail to Kazuki from Koike(2)
E: ?????
JDFINT - B: check desktop graphics data JDF Tree
Access : D07 - A: check desktop text data CIU Command File
E: check desktop data MIDAS controller
Project MIDAS
Access : MM - A: check desktop text data CIU Command File
E: check desktop data MIDAS controller
Ground Force Staff
Access : SA2KI - E: check desktop data MIDAS controller
Mobile Assault Force
Access : BLACKI - E: check mail to Kazuki from Kiryu (4)
JDP (Japan Police Dept.)-
Schedule of Activities
Download - available early in the game until before leaving Japan
Singer - poster of famous singer
MFA (Min. of Foreign Affair)- default available at the start of the game
Diplomatic Column
Download - available early in the game until before leaving Japan
UMA - B: extinct wild animal picture, check at desktop wallpaper
Server access - ????
NTJ (Nat. L&T Agency of Japan) - B: default available at the start of the game
Tokyo - B: simulator of Shin-Ohgishima bridge later stage 27+
Koriyama : SINTJ - A: check desktop graphics data Simulator from AUSPEND
E: talk to Former soldier in Kumamoto Bar after Nagahama stage
Nagoya Sewer: WNTJ - A: check mail to Miho from Mori (2)
E: ????
Okinawa - B: add website OCC/Corporation/Japan
OKINAWCD - B: check KIRISBUSINESS/Info. on Marine & Shipping

Corporation/Japan Links:
IGUCHI - B: check Our Mission of JPD/Government/Japan
Practice mode - B: 500, simulator level data
JBNN - B: default available at the start of the game
JBNN Editing : YAMS - B: receive mail to Kazuki from Kiryu (1)
Information 2: - B: add Dept. Of Public Safety DPS/Government/Japan
1. File8341G 1: - B: password: JID2F3 on OCUI/JDF
2. File8341G 2: - B: add Dept. Of Public Safety DPS/Government/Japan

KIRISPV - B: talk to Koike at beginning the before you
leave Kirishima in second delivery
KIRISPVS - A: check mail to Kazuki from Koike (2)
E: talk to Takiguchi in Kumamoto base 1st arrive
Info. Access: SHUNYO - A: check mail to Kazuki from Koike (2) a hint
E: talk to Takiguchi in Kumamoto base 1st arrive
KIRISMAID - B: check Information 1 of KIRISPV/Corp./Japan
Business Information
Marine & Shipping - B: add website OKINAWCD/Gov./Japan

NETCOMSYS - B: check BBS 1 of ARMOREDKIN/Other/Japan
Kaleidoscope - B: 200, Graphic Decoder check desktop graphic data tools
S.I. Access : TA3BW - B: blue writing in NCS document
OCC - B: available after visiting NTJ/Okinawa Links
Ocean City Blueprint
Download : EHOBA - B: Talk to Koike at Zukeran base Hangar

Others/Japan Links:
TEIHOKU - B: default available at the start of the game
Access: ALISA - B: check mail to Alisa from Ms. Teihoku (1)
What's News - A: see result of the pageant
Miss Teihoku
Vote - vote for once for any five contestant per visit
Download - available later in the game before leaving DHZ and back to Japan
after the winner result of the contest.

Download: - depending if you vote each time you're in Forum at Teihoku
Alisa [2nd pic] - A: if Help from Moneymaker with advance payment
Or E: Alisa win the contest vote each time you go Forum
Hodaka [1st pic] - A: if never attached advance payment to Moneymaker
E: Hodaka win the contest not voting for Alisa

ARMOREDKIN - B: check mail to Kazuki from Kinkakuji (1)
BBS 1 - B: add Network Computing Soft. Corp. (NETCOMSYS)
BBS 2 - B: reveal a DCN website password: DCN09
BBS 3 - A: 555(XKR)224 available after taking Koriyama base Stage 47+
E: after Taradake Observatory Stage 57+
NCS Document - B: check desktop graphic data
- on Alisa only
Under Cover - A: free, decrypt tools for desktop text data
Trial Reports - A: check desktop text data

- on Emma only
Code Security 21 - E: free, encrypt tools for desktop text data
DPS Reports - E: check desktop text data

- A U S T R A L I A -
Government/Australia Links:
CIU - B: check File 1 of OCUI/Government/Australia
OCU Regional Gate
Access : DJV - B: check desktop text data CIU Log File
S.E. Asia : FTBTJB - B: check at CIU >OCU Regional Gate >MIDAS Files
(info) - B: reveal PW: KBQBO to CIU >OCU Regional Gate >Japan
Japan : KBQBO - A: check Congress of OCU Regional Gate
Congress : PDV - B: check desktop text data CIU Log File
Secret Gate
Access : UFSDFT - B: check BBS 3 AUSPEND/Others/Australia
MIDAS Files: TBEJN - B: check at
(info) - B: reveal PW: FTBTJB to OCU >OCU Regional Gate >S.E. Asia
USN Files : OTV - B: check DCNSIT first option
1. USN and DHZ - B: reveal PW: AIE to OCUI >Secret Gate >DHZ File
2. USN and HLR - B: add HLR/Other/DHZ
DHZ Files : AIE - B: check OCUI >Secret Gate >USN Files > USN & DHZ
1. New Political Power in DHZ - B: reveal PW: DTHTZT

OCUI - A: receive at stage 6 after destroying Mk9 AFV
E: ?????
File System
Access : G3F8A - A: check desktop data Trial Report
MIDAS Info: M8D0S - A: ?????
JDF File : J1D2F3 - A: check desktop data Trial Report
B: in JBNNEDIT/Corporation/Japan check 1. File 8341G 1
DHZ File : DTHTZT - B: check at OCU >Secret Gate >USN Files >1.USN & DHZ
CIU File : C4I5U6 - B: receive mail to Ryogo from Jinguji (1)
Personnel File Name:
Name: SEROV - A: check mail to Liu from Mike Davis (1) attached document
E: meet Serov in Wilson Cliffs after destroying Cadenza
remember that you are at OCU territory it's a clue.
OCUM - A: receive at Taal Base stage 21 after
destroying Jose Astrada wanzer.

Corporation/Australia Links:
DCNSIT - A: at Batangas Bar talk to Calm man twice to received.
E: ?????
Access : DCN09 - B: check BBS 2 of ARMOREDKIN/Others/Japan
LEONET (Leonora Ent.) - A: receive after battle in Stage 14a inside the DAGAT AHAS
E: talk to scientist in Wilson Cliff's Cadenza destroyed
VELDA - A: receive at Negros stage 11 after destroying MBT2 Kuarve

Others/Australia Links:
AUSPEND (Lawspite) - A: check mail to Mayer from N.D. Cook
E: check mail to Emma from Lawspite
BBS 3 - B: check for CIU Secret Gate password: UFSDFT
BBS 4 - B: 1-TAX-HELL ?????
Garbage Pit Download
- both
Zenislev 3D CG - B: free, for desktop wall paper
Inferno Dialer - A: Net Phone Dialer, Input telephone number
available after taking Koriyama base Stage 47+
E: after Taradake Observatory Stage 57+

- on Alisa
Code Security 21 - A: free, Decoding check on Desktop text data tools
Simulator - A: check desktop graphic data
CIU Mission File - A: $????, check mail to Mayer from N.D. Cook

- on Emma only
No Wait Lifting - E: free, Decoding check on Desktop text data tools
ESASIA: GNP Map - E: check desktop graphic data
CIU Log File - E: $????, check mail to Mayer from N.D. Cook

- U S N -
Government/USN Links:
FAI - A: after Wen access the site after stage 37 at Shanghai Shop
Access: IAF001 - B: check Capt. of Jefferson Thomas of USNAVY/Gov./USN
Internal E-mail Database
3. The Origin of MIDAS - B: reveal website SRLUSN/Government/USN
4. Imaginary Numbers - B: reveal website RNL/Government/RAVNUI

Access: IAF002 - A: Wen type the password for you after stage 37 at Shanghai Shop
also available at BBS 5 of MONEYMAKER/Other/Singapore
E: check mail to Dennis from Sybil (1)
Personnel Data Base- A: input DENNIS, LUKAV, JOE, CINDY, GASTOR, & MARCUS
The name of the FAI USN agent you just meet/encountered.

SRLUSN (Spec.Rad.Lab.) - B: check The Origin of MIDAS of FAI password: IAF001
E: check desktop DNA Analysis used picaresque
Access : SURSLN - A: check desktop data Spenders Diary
E: check mail to Emma from Ken (2)

E-mail Database to Emir from
1. Will ... - B: add website PSYNAMIC/Corporation/USN
3. Wil & Ken ..- B: add website INTSTU/Other/USN
Personnel - B: Enter Wil, Ken & Emir USN scientist involved in MIDAS

- E:
Access : MARINE - A: check Secret 2 of TTSOFT/Corporation/Da Han Zhong
E: check mail to Ryogo from Jinguji (3)
1. Capt. of Thomas Jefferson - B: reveal FAI password: IAF001

Corporation/USN Links:
DATOP (Diable Avionics) - B: check the New Drivers in PSYNAMIC/Corp./USN
A: receive on battle at stage 23 at Xueshan
E: check mail to Dennis Sybil (5)

JML (Jade Metal Lay.) - A: ????
E: reveal after destroying Kodomari in Taipei factory
PSYNAMIC - B: check SURSLN/Gov./USN access :IAF001 Internal E-mail Database
choose 1. William Bergholts to Emir Klamsky
New Game Software - B: free, for desktop wall paper "New 3D Game"
New Software Package - A: 500, No Wait Lifting, decrypt password on desktop tools
E: 500, Picaresque, decrypt password on desktop tools
New Drivers - B: add website Diable Avionics Site DATOP/CORPORATION/USN

Others/USN Links:
INTSTU - B: reveal at SRLUSN/ E-mail Database- 3. Wil & Ken
Download Junkyard
MIDAS Controller
Access: ALICIANA - B: ?????
Drake M2C - A: free, for desktop wall paper "Drake M2C"
Meledyne M1 - A: free, for desktop wall paper "Meledyne M1" later stage 47+
E: available after you arrive at Japan

Government/Da Han Zhong Links:
DHZG - A: receive after Stage 8 talk to Sub-Operator at DHZ-sub
E: ????
DHZMI - A: Liu well gave this to you at DHZ area
E: ????
Access : DFHISZ - A: check mail to Liu from Moneymaker attachment,
at Desktop check Moneymaker hint get it.
E: check Secret 2 of TTSOFT/Corporation/DHZ
MIDAS Information
Access : ADIMS - A: check mail to Liu from DHZ Military
E: check desktop text data Spender's Diary
Imaginary Number
Access : FIINNO - A: check desktop text data on Report: Anthony
mail attachment of Liu from Mike Davis (2)
E: check desktop text data Spender's Diary
REMBASSY - A: receive in Ranvui Embassy on stage 35 after
destroying Rosavia Gray wanzer.
E: receive after you clear stage Ravnui Embassy (inside)
Access : REBSY - A: check desktop data Spenders Diary
Acr. MIDAS: PLANM - A: check desktop data Spenders Diary
E: check mail to Emma from Ken (1)
Personnel : ALONE - A: check mail to Liu from Mike Davis (2)
E: check in desktop Ivan's Photo
In both story input LUKAV, LIU & BAL see their profiles

Corporation/Da Han Zhong Links:
DHD - A: receive at Wan'an bar talk to Concerned Citizen.
DHDEO Access: 08DHMD - A: check Secret 1 of TTOSFT/Corporation/Da Han Zhong
E: check in desktop text data Spender's Diary
SSCO - A: talk to Wuhan Shopkeeper
TWH - A: talk to Wan'an Shopkeeper
TTSOFT - B: check BBS 3 of NEWS/Others/DHZ
A: talk to Gossip at Shanghai Bar first arrive
Yahan Q - B: 500, decompression tool check desktop graphic data tools
Server access : CLOT - A: check mail to Miho from Kinkakuji (2)
E: solve Twin Tiger Hint from Wen (1) to Yun
Secret 1 - A: reveal password to DHD/Corp./DHZ
Secret 2 - A: reveal USNAVY password: MARINE
E: reveal DHZ Intelligence password DFHISZ

Others/Da Han Zhong Links:
NEWS (AMICA/Other/DHZ) - A: talk to Gossip in Shanghai Bar after you went from Nanjing
BBS 3 - B: add website TTSOFT/Others/Da Han Zhong
On Alisa
Picaresque - A: 200, Zoom in/out graphic check desktop graphic data tools.
Spender's Diary - B: 200, check at desktop text data

On Emma
Under Cover - E: 200, Zoom in/out graphic check desktop graphic data tools.
Ivan's Photo - E: check at desktop graphic data

DAILY - B: available after meeting Wei Ching Yee
HLR - A: check mail to Alisa from Ling
Access : INKAREN - A: check desktop data Report: Ivan
E: check mail to Kazuki from Ling or talk to
Members: - B: remember the name of the Hua Lian Rebel
enter names: Huang, Luo, Chang, Yue, Zhuwen
Troop Deploy: SMAP - A: check desktop data Report: Ivan
Sponsors : PATRON - A: ????
E: check mail to Emma from Luo (1)

- R A V N U I - Ravnui National Laboratory
RNL/Government/Ravnui - B: check FAI enter IAF001, check Origin of MIDAS
E: or check mail to Dennis from Sybil (6)
Access: RAT2C - A: check desktop graphic DNA Analysis
E: check desktop Spender's Diary
4. Imaginary Numbers
Access : OVERRN - A: check desktop graphic DNA Analysis
E: check mail to Kazuki from Wei Ching Yee
4. The Klamsky Family

- S I N G A P O R E -
Corporation/Singapore Links:
PAPEL - A: at Davao, first must visit Iguchi/Corporation/Japan
and download simulator data then talk to Davao Shopkeeper.
E: destroy Jose wanzer at Taal front gate detour or
talk to Jose after he joined you at Taal Alpine detour
RESTREX - B: 400, Repair Software Fixed Corrupt File, check desktop tools
??????? - A:?????
EASIA: GNP Map - E: available in Emma only check desktop graphic data
Battle Simulator - B: 600, check simulator level: Real Battle

Others/Singapore Links:
MONEYMAKER - A: at Taipei Bar, talk to Crazy Man twice
E: ????
BBS - A: reveal FAI internal password: IAF002
E: none

- P H I L I P P I N E S -
PHFORCE/Government/Phil. - A: available during you arrive to Philippines at rebel base
LUISCC/Corporation/Phil. - A: receive mail to Pham from Pierre (1) at Fuzhou Naval Base
E: check mail to Linny from Barilar(?)
PLPARTY/Others/Phil. - A: talk to Operator in Davao. The site is accessible
only during you are at the Philippines.
Access password: BEFREE - A: receive talk to Operator in Davao after visiting
Davao Shop. After the Snotty girl event shop...

-EC- (European Countries)
SCHNECKER/Others/EC - A: talk to Shanghai Shopkeeper
E: destroy Rudolf at Foshan 2nd time to meet him
SENDER/Others/EC - A: at Shanghai Bar, talk to Wanzer Fan
E: destroy Rebecca at Foshan 2nd time to meet her
CENTIPEDE/Others/EC - A: receive after stage 29 Rudolf take you to TIANLIE
E: check mail to Kazuki from Rudolf
BARILAR/Corp./Indonesia - A: receive mail to Pham from Barilar (1)
E: receive mail to Linny from Barilar (1)

Still Unknown:
1-TAX-HELL - ROUSSEAU - 22:00 - 02:00 Rage used for what?
The Klamsky Family: password: ****
JDFORCE - password access: ****

First we start with the fire power to be aware of enemy damage class attack.
What weapon type they used so that you can defense yourself against their attack.
This part contain most about weapon stats, type & etc. I hope this may be helpful.

All the weapons are powerful with proper used combine with battle skill and pilot
high weapon skill level D up. And last with the proper type of wanzer using it.

You can asked me to setup your wanzer just gave me the detail which weapon you used
what type of wanzer you are building and which part you like to stay or used.
Or you can do it yourself with my guide below at Miscellaneous if you like.

Wanzer Damage Class
Well these work like elemental defense on a certain element, if you had defense like
Anti-P attack from Mingda_2 gun which is a Class-P attack damage will decreased as
to the effect of the Anti-P defense.

Class I - Weapon Specification: Impact base attack weapon
Hardblow, Shotguns, Melee weapon like Gauntlet & Baton are Class-I damage
Be aware Anti-I defense is very weak against Class-P attack.

Class P - Weapon Specification: Pierce base attack weapon
M. Gun, Rifle, Melee weapon like Spike & Cannon
Tanks, Choppers and Gun Turrets are also Class-P damage.
Be aware Anti-P defense is very weak against Class-F (Flame) attack.

Class F - Weapon Specification: Flame base attack weapon, Grenade & Missile Launcher
also Flamer (Flame Thrower) are example of Class-F damage.
Be aware Anti-F defense is very weak against Class-I attack.

Weapon Analysis:
Backpack - enables you're wanzer to carry an repair item for damage part & broken parts
or ammo for Missile/Grenade. Backpack is not considered as weapon but you
equip it in battle a life saver or power add-ons.

Normal backpack - (BCs= Backpack capacity) carrying repair item or ammo.
Enables you to repair you wanzer parts but cancel you attack temporarily.
Specially if you sustained heavy damage from a certain attack and
you think that your wanzer won't survived the next attack.

Power Add-ons backpack - this is for those skillful with better upgrade wanzer
parts, with luck also its very dangerous if you know what I mean.
Best for those high combo battle skill.
Like Robocop says "even if you dead or alive you're coming with me".
With proper combinations of wanzer parts and weapons this type
never goes down alone.

Shields - are great defensive weapon saves you're wanzer life it blocks most of the attack
specially M.Gun and Shotgun all damage is taken directly to the shield not
in any other parts. For offensive useful only if you had a shield attack ability.
The down side once it exceed its durability it becoming fragile to any attack.
The good side is increased you defense stats it against enemy attack and
their is 75-98% chances of possibility to miss its attack.

Melee Weapons - (Punch - Melee: Attack without a weapon) default
(Gauntlet - Melee: Attack Up, Accuracy Down)
(Spike - Melee: Attack/Accuracy average)
(Baton - Melee: Attack Down, Accuracy Up)
Single part damage, the deadly melee it focus most of the attack in a single
parts buts the chances of getting critical damage almost 80%. Down side is
you needed to get close to the enemy in order to damage it. You're counter
capability is 0% low specially against M.Gun and etc. attack weapon with
distance range. Its much like Rifle only in close range.

Shotguns - (Ranged: Damage All Part) my mostly used weapon in one shot it can damage almost
all the part of the enemy. Its like the old shotgun description mostly
everybody knows this thing.

Machine Guns- (Ranged: Multiple Random Shots) Self-explanatory,
its only a lot more better range than shotgun it can out range shotgun range.
The bad thing about this once it's miss the first it can only damage about
2-4 hits specially against wanzer with high evade capabilities plus Anti-defense.

Rifles- (Ranged: Single Shot Long Range) another self-explanatory, rifles are very dangerous
in the high ground like above the building it increases it's accuracy
capabilities of hitting it a target, like a melee weapon with distance range.
But 60% of chances of getting miss make sure also that the wanzer you used
have high arm accuracy hit rate. Remember keep you distance on using this one.
With proper wanzer setup this weapon is one very powerful weapon.

Flame Thrower - (Ranged: AP varies Attack weapon) when using this type of weapon the
pilot must set first 4/7/11 damage equal to number of AP, the pilot
must have enough AP to use this type of weapon. This can destroy an enemy
wanzer in one attack with proper wanzer setup and battle skill.

Missile Launcher - (Shoulder: Indirect attack, no counter) a very long distance
attack and a very smart missile too, specially for those with high accuracy
watch the missile trying to trick a target before it reach the target.
Beware specially for enemy had Salvo ability, the down side that it don't
have enough ammo max of 6, you have to carry Missile ammo at backpack.
Good thing is that no counter after you attack.

Grenade Launcher - (Shoulder: Area Attack, no counter) the great mobile fire support.
Down side its weight & max ammo 4. If you are choose this weapon make sure
you earn enough pilot weapon skill on Grenade {D}***+ or more in order for
this to be effective massive damage against multiple enemies in group.
Avoid using wanzer defense max is 20%

Cannon - (Ranged: Min Range, Attack/Accuracy Up) similar to Rifle only its worse
in close range no counter capabilities. You can't buy this type of weapon
only available in tanks, Armored Car or Gun Turrets and etc.
But Rifle still best against this one, but as what I know Cannon in the
game the further you are away the target more damage done unlike Rifle.
You needed to go in close range still more

Beam - (Ranged: Single Shot Long Range) neutron weapons best thing about this no
Anti-N defense long range further than Rifle as long range like missile range,
down side consume 15 AP per used plus its weight. Make sure your weapon skill
is on level D or B*** major damage on enemies more deadly if you combine
it with battle skill.

Note: check Miscellaneous section for more weapons capabilities and compatible skill.

Further details of items & weapons see walkthrough of Emma and Alisa story guide
for the correct shop were to buy it first as the game progress.

Weapons & Item Types List

* - enemy items or weapons not purchasable or other words no Shop selling it.
@ - enemy items or weapons obtainable but not purchasable same also as above.
in others ways steal the enemy wanzer who has it.
! - items or weapons that you can steal from enemy and can be stored in stock
both obtainable and purchasable.
a! - items from enemy and purchasable only in Alisa story version.
Wgt.- Weight, each wanzer body has its own capacity see its Power Max (PowMax)
every time you add weapon or backpack it turns RED means MINUS
to current weight GREEN means add or save few to current weight.
Watch the weight first before equipping weapons.
MC - Melee Consume similar to the weight but this effect your wanzer capabilities.

See backpack below for more details how to bring these items.
Item Names Item Size: Cost: Used/Effect:
Grenade 2 100 Reloads grenade
Missile 2 100 Reloads missile
Repair 1 100 Restores 50% of Max HP to a part
Repair Mx 2 200 Restores all HP to a part
Restore Lo 2 150 Repairs broken part, restores 25% HP
Restore Hi 3 300 Repairs broken part, restores 50% HP
Restore Mx 4 400 Repairs broken part and restores all HP
Recover 1 80 Restores 50% of HP to pilot
Recover Mx 2 140 Restores all HP to pilot
Shield Rpr 2 120 Restores 50% of shield durability
Shield Mx 3 200 Restores all shield durability

Backpack Names: Weight: BCs: Power++ Cost: MC:
BX002 10 (4) __ 140 -0 default backpack
! Mk3 Pack 10 (4) __ 140 -0
Mk6 Pack 30 (6) __ 300 -2 available in Alisa story only
Rucksack-L 30 (6) __ 300 -2 available in Emma story only
@ BX056 30 (6) __ 300 -2 steal enemy wanzers
BX090 50 (8) __ 400 -3
BPT3A 10 __ +30 200 -1
! Mk5 E-Pack 10 __ +30 200 +1 DHZ, Guangzhou Base
! Mk7 E-Pack 20 __ +60 400 +1 Wuhan base
! Placid 20 __ +60 400 +1 Wuhan base
BPT9Max 30 __ +90 800 +1
* BPT12B 20 __ +60 ___ +1 steal enemy wanzers
* Mk8 E-Pack 30 __ +90 ___ +1 steal enemy wanzers in stage 55+

Shields Types: Weight: AP: Dura: DmgDwn: Cost: MC: Available at:
Mk6 Shield 18 2 4 -50% 100 -1
SN-100G 24 2 6 -50% 160 -1
Buckler 22 2 4 -70% 200 -1 Guangzhou Base
Hvy Shield 28 2 6 -70% 300 -2 Wuhan Base
a! Mk10 Shield 28 2 6 -70% 300 -2
SN-107G 36 2 4 -90% 400 -2
* Riot Shield __ 2 4 -50% ___ -?
* Def Shield __ 2 4 -90% ___ -?
* Last Defense __ 2 4 -90% ___ -?

Melee W. Types: Weight: DC: WA: Atk.Dmg: Cost: MC: Melee Weapons common info:
Bone Buster 22 I 100% 76x1 100 -1 Damage Class: I/P
Fear Fist 26 I 100% 91x1 200 -1 Weapon Acc. : Vary
Mk10 Fist 30 I 100% 109x1 300 -2 Weapon Range: 1
Mk12 Fist 35 I 100% 130x1 400 -2 AP to used : 1
a! Big Buster 35 I 100% 130x1 400 -2 Max Ammo : none
Fatal Buster 34 I 100% 156x1 500 -2
Cleave Axe 21 I 120% 67x1 200 -1 Weapon specification:
Venus 30 I 120% 100x1 500 -2 100% accuracy - Gauntlet
Mk9 Baton 25 I 120% 80x1 300 -1 110% accuracy - Spikes
Mk13 Baton 29 I 120% 96x1 400 -2 120% accuracy - Batons
Sharp Spike 20 P 110% 63x1 140 -1
Heavy Spike 23 P 110% 75x1 260 -1
Mk18 Spike 28 P 110% 90x1 400 -2
Mk22 Spike 32 P 110% 108x1 500 -2
Last Strike 37 P 110% 129x1 700 -2
* Heavy Weight __ I 100% 70x1 ___ -?
* Attack Fist __ I 100% 130x1 ___ -?
* Max Weight __ I 100% 130x1 ___ -?
* Mk20 Fist __ I 100% 156x1 ___ -?
* Riot Baton __ I 120% 50x1 ___ -?
@ War Hammer __ I 120% 56x1 -1

Shotgun Types: Weight: Atk.Dmg: Cost: MC: Shotgun common info:
Odin M98 42 12x12 140 -3 Damage Class: I
SPPG 14 50 14x12 260 -3 Weapon Acc. : 75%
Chongdu 2 59 16x12 500 -4 Weapon Range: 1~3
Chongta 3 69 19x12 660 -5 AP to used : 3
Desoto M300 80 22x12 780 -9 Max Ammo : Infinite
Acc. Down : -2%

M.Gun Types: Weight: Atk.Dmg: Cost: MC: M.Gun common info:
Kodo SN990 48 11x10 160 -3 Damage Class: P
DGS-25 56 13x10 240 -4 Weapon Acc. : 80%
Mingda 2 65 15x10 460 -5 Weapon Range: 1~4
Huida 3 78 18x10 620 -6 AP to used : 5
a! Nissai 90MF 78 18x10 620 -6 Max Ammo : Infinite
Arc Barrel 4 91 21x10 800 -8 Acc. Down : -10%
* Nissai 30 __ 8x10 ___ -?
* Achin 51 __ 11x10 ___ -?
* Shunda 4 __ 15x10 in Stage 45 below
* Shunda 4 __ 21x10 in Stage 50+
* Beckwood M9 __ 21x10 in Emma last stage

Rifle Types: Weight: Atk.Dmg: Cost: MC: Rifle common info:
Franbar FF 45 58x1 120 -3 Damage Class: P
Mk9 Sniper 53 69x1 200 -3 Weapon Acc. : 75%
Laoxing 6 62 82x1 460 -5 Weapon Range: 1~6
Laohu 3 73 98x1 600 -6 AP to used : 4
a! Scarab F2 73 98x1 600 -6 Max Ammo : Infinite
Mk11 Sniper 84 117x1 780 -7 Acc. Down : -2%
* Barcam RR ____ 82x1 ____ -?
* Einband ____ 98x1 ____ -?

Flame Thrower Types: Wgt: Atk.Dmg: Cost: MC: Flame Thrower common info:
Heat Stream 51 17x4/x7/x11 100 -3 Damage Class: F
Huoliu 1 60 20x4/x7/x11 200 -4 Weapon Acc. : 60%
Huosai 2 70 24x4/x7/x11 460 -5 Weapon Range: 1~2
Huoyao 3 81 28x4/x7/x11 660 -7 AP to used : 4/7/11 to # hits
Hot Gazel 93 33x4/x7/x11 780 -9 Max Ammo : Infinite
Acc. Down : -2%

Missile Launcher Type: Wgt: Atk.Dmg: Cost: MC: Missile common info:
Quill 81 73x1 200 -7 Damage Class: F
Wagtail 2 96 87x1 380 -9 Weapon Acc. : 80%
Yunsheng 34 109 104x1 460 -11 Weapon Range: 3~9
Zhiniao 50 124 124x1 660 -14 AP to used : 10
a! Nightingale 123 124x1 660 -14 Max Ammo : 6
Bjariger 137 145x1 900 -18 Acc. Down : -0%
* Canary 2 ___ 60x1 ___ -?
* Houoj 22 ___ ???? ___ -?
* Miner AT ___ 107x1 ___ -?
* Drozel ___ 124x1 ___ -?

Grenade Launcher Types: Wgt: Atk.Dmg: Cost: MC: Grenade common info:
Wanzerfaust 92 62x1 260 -8 Damage Class: F
Type 10 GR 109 74x1 400 -11 Weapon Acc. : 60%
Type 13 GR 124 88x1 600 -14 Weapon Range: 3~6
Type 14 GR 140 105x1 800 -19 AP to used : 12
Faust GGR 156 126x1 1000 -27 Max Ammo : 4
Acc. Down : -0%
Damage Area : 5x5 range


Other Weapon Types
These are the list of weapons from enemy vehicles, turrets and some enemy wanzers.

Weapon Names: W-Type: DC: AP: AtkDmg: Acc: Range: Max Ammo: Common Info:
17.5mm MG M.Gun P 5 11x10 80% 1~4 Infinite Damage Class : Random
12mm MG M.Gun P 5 13x10 80% 1~4 Infinite Weapon Acc. : Random
20mm MG M.Gun P 5 13x10 80% 1~4 Infinite Weapon Range : Random
17mm MG M.Gun P 5 15x10 80% 1~4 Infinite Max Ammo : Random
25mm MG M.Gun P 5 15x10 80% 1~4 Infinite Weight : unknown
27mm MG M.Gun P 5 15x10 80% 1~4 Infinite Cost : unknown
30.2mm MG M.Gun P 5 18x10 80% 1~4 Infinite Melee Consume: unknown
32mm M3 M.Gun P 5 21x10 80% 1~4 Infinite Weap.Acc.Down: unknown
80mm Gun(a) Rifle P 6 69x1 75% 1~6 Infinite
40mm Gun Cannon P 6 72x1 75% 2~6 Infinite
80mm Gun(b) Cannon P 6 86x1 75% 2~6 Infinite
92mm Gun Cannon P 6 103x2 75% 2~6 Infinite
100mm Gun(a) Cannon P 6 103x1 75 2-6 Infinite
100mm Gun(b) Cannon P 6 86x1 75 2-6 Infinite
120mm Gun Cannon P 6 72x1 75% 2~6 Infinite
130mm Gun(a) Cannon P 6 72x1 75% 2~6 Infinite
130mm Gun(b) Cannon P 6 86x1 75% 2~6 Infinite
160mm Gun Cannon P 6 103x1 75% 2~6 Infinite
Starling Missile F 10 73x1 80% 3~9 3/3
Wagtail 1 Missile F 10 73x1 80% 3~9 6/6
Yunsheng 38 a Missile F 10 104x1 80% 3~9 6/6
Yunsheng 38 b Missile F 10 104x1 80% 3~9 4/4
Yunsheng 39 Missile F 10 104x1 80% 3~9 4/4
Yunsheng 42 Missile F 10 104x1 80% 3~9 8/8 (also a turret name)
Yunsheng 44 a Missile F 10 104x1 80% 3~9 4/4
Yunsheng 44 b Missile F 10 104x1 80% 3~9 8/8
Bantam Missile F 10 124x1 80% 3~9 6/6
Zhiniao 61 Missile F 10 124X1 80% 3~9 6/6
Zhiniao 62 Missile F 10 124X1 80% 3~9 8/8
Huoje 34 Missile F 10 148x1 80% 3~9 6/6
Kongsheng 2 Missile F 10 148x1 80% 3~9 6/6
GGR 52 Grenade F 12 88x1 60% 3~6 4/4
Type 15 GR Grenade F 12 126x1 60% 3~6 4/4
Exp Beam Beam N 15 84x1 90% 1~9 Infinite
P-Rifle Beam N 15 100x1 90% 1~9 Infinite
Basic P-Gun Beam N 15 144x1 90% 1~9 Infinite
Hvy P-Gun Beam N 15 250x1 90% 1~9 Infinite with the secret wanzer.

Their are many types of wanzers so I break it down to Types so that be aware of what
opposing wanzers you intercept or attacks.

Type A - ASSAULT Type of Wanzer can stand alone against 2-3 wanzers.
Some wanzers in Class A suite of their skill and good in combo attacks
Class A are great on close and distance range combat attack specialty.

Attack Damage : medium to high Class I/P Wanzer HP : medium
Wanzer Defense: medium Mobility Range: medium
Hit Rate Acc. : medium ++ Attack Eva. Up: medium +++

Type B - BACKUP Type of Wanzer same as assault but not very good in close combat.
Best to against Type C/H wanzers and vice versa make sure to equip Shield.

Attack Damage : medium Class I/P/F Wanzer HP : medium to low
Wanzer Defense: medium Mobility Range: medium to low
Hit Rate Acc. : medium +++ Attack Eva. Up: medium

Type C - Close Combat Type of Wanzer specialty on close range combat attack.
Best to against any wanzers in the game. But poor on countering distance range.

Attack Damage : High +++ Class I/P Wanzer HP : High
Wanzer Defense: High Mobility Range: High
Hit Rate Acc. : low to medium Attack Eva. Up: medium

Type H - HEAVY SUPPORT Type of Wanzer long range fire support attack using Missile
and Grenade. But poor in close combat attack.

Attack Damage : High ++ Class F Wanzer HP : medium to low
Wanzer Defense: medium to low Mobility Range: low
Hit Rate Acc. : High ++ Attack Eva. Up: medium to low

Type L - LIGHT SUPPORT Type of Wanzer snipers attacks. Same as Heavy support
best part of this it concentrate on one part all the damage in single
attack but poor in close combat attack.

Smash Ability or Pilot Damage attack best on this wanzers Class
Attack Damage : medium to high Class P/F Wanzer HP : low to medium
Wanzer Defense: medium to low Mobility Range: medium
Hit Rate Acc. : High +++ Attack Eva. Up: medium

Below are list of Wanzer base on Type and Skill currently been discovered:

Wanzer Name: Type: Body Skill: Arms Skill: Leg Skill:
Drake M2C H Chaff Pilot DMGI Exp x2
Enyo Mk109 H ????? Leg Smash Prvntloss
Foura M12A H ????? Arm Smash Escape
Genie H Def-C1 Pilot DMGIII ????
Getty B Revenge III FiringSquad E-Skill2
Grapple M1 C/B Melee III Dbl Punch I Skill+2
Grezex L Zoom III Aim Hard Knocks
Hoshun Mk112 ??? ??????? Body Smash AP-0%
Jinyo Mk110 B/L Revenge I ROFUP II ?????
Kasel M2 C Melee II Stun Punch AP-30%
Kyojun Mk107 B Zoom I ROFUP I Brace I
Kyokei Mk108 B Melee I Hit or Miss DMGFix100
Lanze C Tackle III Shield Atk II Avoid 40
Laiying I H Def-C2 Pilot DMGII Skill+3
Lenghe 1 C InitiativeIII Shield Atk III ?????
Meledyne M1 H E-Def-C1 Panic Shot Skill+1
Mingtian 1 H Def-CMax Rndm Smash Blackout
Pare PAW1 L E-Acc1 Topple Shot Evade I
Prov PAW2 A ??????? Dbl Shot I ??????
Qibing 0 A Revenge II Topple Pnch DMGFix200
Rekson M4F L/B Zoom II Bkup Fire E-Skill1
Shangdi 1 L/A E-AccNul Dbl Shot II Exp x3
Shunwang 1 B E-EvadeNul Aim Body Evade Max
Shunyo Mk111 A/L DMGFix400 ??????? AP-60%
Tiandong 3 C/A Tackle II Eject Punch Avoid 20
Teiqi 4 L E-Def-C2 Aim Leg Brace II
Vinedrai B E-Evade2 Aim Arm Exp x4
Whisk H E-Def-CNul Salvo Evade 2
Wude 3 C E-Acc2 Dbl Punch II E-Skill3
Yongsai 3 A ??????? ROFUP III Avoid 80
Zenislev A Tackle I Dbl Assault Initiative I
Zeros C E-Evade1 Shield Atk I Initiative II

Note: You still needed to set upgrade Pilot Computer in order to add more skill.


These computer enables your pilot to activate the ability of any parts of your wanzer.
The higher type upgrade of computer the higher of chances of activating the ability.

Pilots Computer Types:
Types: Capacity: Price: Effect:
COM 4 4 400 none
Com 5 5 500 none
COM 6 6 600 none
COMB554 6 1000 Activate% [Up] low, Combo% [Down] low
COMC754 6 1000 Activate% [Down] high, Combo% [Up] high
COMB603 6 1000 Activate% [Up] med, Combo% [Down] med
COMC654 6 1000 Activate% [Down] med, Combo% [Up] med
COMC652 6 1000 Activate% [Up] high, Combo% [Down] high
COMC554 6 1000 Activate% [Down] low, Combo% [Up] low
COMG10 6 1300 Acquired% Up

Wanzer Battle Skills

Too many kinds of battle skill I'll break it down again according mostly when the skill
effect first. You can't find this it in the game so don't look for it I made this up to
define or explain it easily why other skill mostly not effect even you meet the conditions.
Specially during battle skill combo attack.

Initial Skill - are the most effective first strike skill before each wanzer
exchange attack, more likely becoming a battle skill combo starters.
Defensive Skill - activated during defense status "No Counter" before enemy attacks.
Apprentice Skill- are great on gaining level of pilot experience also in gaining level
for any pilot weapon skill, mostly effect after you done your attack
with or without any battle skill combo.

One thing in mind that Initial, Defensive and Apprentice Skill can be activated only
once every battle or fight against any wanzer. That's one thing they mostly in common.
There is event that sometimes twice only the second one is the newly learn skill
or just activated after the first one.

Note: That Grenade Launcher weapons can't used any battle skill try.

General Skill - skills applicable in any type of weapons as long as you meet its
conditions. More likely an all around battle skill.
Shooters Skill - skills that needed gun/range weapons in order to effect or activate.
Except for the ROF skill activate only in gun weapons not on missile.
Combat Skill - skill that needed melee weapon to activated also in close range.
Dual Skill - skill that attack twice or 2 hits combo skill see more below Dual Skill.

General, Shooters, Combat and Dual Skill can be activated many times not like the
first 3 Skill type, these type of skill can be combo many times.

Condition Types:
1 shot, mel, msl - equip and used Rifle or Missile Launcher or any melee weapon.
Just make sure it a one hit attack.
All weapons defense- "No Counter" during enemy attack
Burst weapon - equip and used M.Gun, Shotgun or Flamer (Flamethrower)
Melee - equip and used any types of melee weapon
Missile - equip shoulder weapon: Missile Launcher and shots
No Grenades - equip no shoulder weapon: Grenade Launcher weapon
No shoulder weapon - equip no any kind of shoulder weapon mention above
Range - equip and used any Gun or with Range weapon not any melee weapon.

Initial Skills:
Name of Skill: CS: Condition: Effect/Function:
AP-30% [1] No Grenades - Reduces AP cost 30% less
AP-60% [2] No Grenades - Reduces AP cost 60% less
AP-0% [3] No Grenades - Reduces AP cost to zero
Blackout [1] No Grenades - Enemy battle skills disabled
Brace I [1] No Grenades - Enemy attacks first, but damage is cut by 50%
Brace II [2] No Grenades - Enemy attacks first, but damage is cut by 80%
Initiative I [1] No shoulder weapon - You attack first, receive 1.4x damage
Initiative II [2] No shoulder weapon - You attack first, receive 1.2x damage
Initiative III [3] No shoulder weapon - Player attacks first without any handicap
Def-C1 [1] No shoulder weapon - Raise defensive class upgrade by one level
Def-C2 [2] No shoulder weapon - Defense class upgraded two levels
Def-CMax [3] No shoulder weapon - Defense class upgraded max
Evade 1 [1] No shoulder weapon - Evade upgrade up one level during an attack
Evade 2 [2] No shoulder weapon - Evade upgrade goes up two levels
Evade Max [3] No shoulder weapon - Evade upgrade max during attacks
E-Def-C1 [1] No grenades - Enemy defense class down 1 level
E-Def-C2 [2] No grenades - Enemy defense class down 2 levels
E-Def-CNul [3] No grenades - Enemy defense class disabled
E-Skill1 [1] No shoulder weapon - Enemy weapon skill down one level
E-Skill2 [2] No shoulder weapon - Enemy weapon skill down two levels
E-Skill3 [3] No shoulder weapon - Enemy weapon skill down three levels
E-Acc1 [1] No shoulder weapon - Enemy accuracy upgrade down one level
E-Acc2 [2] No shoulder weapon - Enemy accuracy upgrade down two levels
E-AccNul [3] No shoulder weapon - Enemy accuracy upgrade disabled
E-Evade1 [1] No grenades - Enemy evade upgrade down one level
E-Evade2 [?] No grenades - Enemy evade upgrade down two level
E-EvadeNul [3] No grenades - Enemy evade upgrade disabled

Defensive Skills:
Name of Skill: CS: Condition: Effect/Function:
Avoid 20 [1] All weapons defense - Reduces damage under 20 to 0
Avoid 40 [2] All weapons defense - Reduces damage under 40 to 0
Avoid 80 [3] All weapons defense - Reduces damage under 80 to 0
Chaff [1] All weapons defense - Diverts attacking missile
DMGFix100 [1] All weapons defense - Reduces damage between 101-200 to 100 damage
DMGFix200 [1] All weapons defense - Reduces damage between 201-400 to 200 damage
DMGFix400 [1] All weapons defense - Reduces damage between 401-800 to 400 damage
Escape [1] All weapons defense - Escape before part is destroyed
PrvntLoss [1] All weapons defense - Save lost part, but HP is down to 1

Apprentice Skills:
Name of Skill: CS: Condition: Effect/Function:
Exp x2 [1] No grenades - Double battle skill experience
Exp x3 [2] No Grenades - Triple battle skill experience
Exp x4 [3] No Grenades - Quadruple battle skill experience

General Skills:
Name of Skill: CS: Condition: Effect/Function:
Hard Knocks [1] No grenades - Weapon skill level up when machine is weakened
Pilot DMG I [1] No grenades - hit damage to enemy pilot
Pilot DMG II [2] No grenades - Very high damage to enemy pilot
Pilot DMG III [3] No grenades - Major damage against enemy pilot
Zoom I [1] No Grenades - Raise accuracy 1.2 times
Zoom II [2] No Grenades - Raises accuracy 1.5 times
Zoom III [3] No Grenades - Doubles accuracy
Skill+1 [1] No grenades - Weapon skill up one levels for one turn
Skill+2 [2] No grenades - Weapon skill up two levels for one turn
Skill+3 [3] No grenades - Weapon skill up three levels for one turn
Body Smash [5] 1 shot, mel, msl - Destroys enemy's body
Arm Smash [4] 1 shot, mel, msl - Destroys enemy's arm
Leg Smash [4] 1 shot, mel, msl - Destroys enemy's leg
Rndm Smash [4] 1 shot, mel, msl - Destroys one parts at random
Revenge I [1] No shoulder weapon - Return 1.2x damage received
Revenge II [2] No shoulder weapon - Return 1.5x damage received
Revenge III [3] No shoulder weapon - Double damage received

Shooters Skills:
Name of Skill: CS: Condition: Effect/Function:
Hit or Miss [1] Burst Weapon - All shots either hit or miss the enemy
Aim [3] Burst Weapon - All attacks hit one part
Aim Body [3] Burst Weapon - All attacks hit enemy's body
Aim Arm [3] Burst Weapon - All attacks hit enemy's legs
Aim Leg [3] Burst Weapon - All attacks hit enemy's arm
ROFUP I [1] Burst Weapon - Fires 1.2x normal ammo
ROFUP II [2] Burst weapon - Fires 1.5x normal ammo
ROFUP III [3] Burst weapon - Double amount of ammo fires
Topple Shot [1] Range - Knock enemy down & reduce AP to half
Salvo [1] Missile - Fire all remaining missiles
Panic Shot [1] Range, missile - Confuse enemy pilot

Combat Skills:
Name of Skill: CS: Condition: Effect/Function:
Eject Punch [1] Melee - Eject enemy pilot
Melee I [1] Melee - Melee skill up 1.2 levels for a turn
Melee II [2] Melee - Melee skill up 1.5 levels for a turn
Melee III [3] Melee - Double melee skill for a turn
Stun Punch [1] Melee - Stun enemy pilot
Shield Atk I [1] Melee - attack with shield, high damage
Shield Atk II [2] Melee - attack with shield, very high damage
Shield Atk III [3] Melee - attack with shield, major damage
Tackle I [1] Melee - body weight attack, high damage
Tackle II [2] Melee - body weight attack, very high damage
Tackle III [3] Melee - body weight attack, major damage
Topple Pnch [2] Melee - Knock enemy down & Reduces AP to 0

Dual Skills:
Name of Skill: CS: Condition: Effect/Function:
Dbl Assault [2] Melee & Range weapon - L-R combo melee and range weapon
Dbl Punch I [2] Same Melee weapon - L-R combo one melee weapon type
Dbl Punch II [2] Dif. Melee weapon - L-R combo with different melee weapon type
Dbl Shot I [2] Same range weapon - R-L combo same rang weapon type
Dbl Shot II [2] Dif. Range weapon - R-L combo with dif. range weapon
Bkup Fire [3] Melee - Request fire support from an ally
dialogue if activated "Attack when the enemy stopped moving"
FiringSquad [3] Range - Call two allies for backup fire

When the game progress you have to upgrade your wanzer as enemy wanzer do. Just like
other Squaresoft RPG games. But they all share in one common to resist and to survive
the game against formidable foe in the specially the Big Boss and other terms.
The good thing about this one is you upgrade the 4 parts (Body, 2 Arms, and Legs).
And additional 4 upgrade (Defense Class, Arm Accuracy, Evade % and Dash & Boost).
At first its hard to understand as game progress you'll learn more about it.

Prices Per Upgrade
Body: Arm: Legs: Upgrade Information
Level 0: 240 100 320 example: 210/720
Level 1: 120/120 50/50 80/80 $$$$/$$##
Level 2: 170/290 70/120 120/200
Level 3: 220/510 90/210 150/340 $$$$ - Typical Upgrade price
Level 4: 260/770 110/320 180/520 $$## - Max Upgrade price
Level 5: 370/1080 130/450 210/720
Level 6: 360/1440 150/600 240/960 Typical Upgrade Price - parts are already
Level 7: 410/1850 170/770 280/1340 upgraded to a certain level.

Def-C: Acc: Eva/Dsh&Bst: Max Upgrade Price - directly upgrade
Level 1: 240/240 100/100 160/160 from level 0 to desired level upgrade.
Level 2: 360/600 150/250 240/400
Level 3: 480/1080 200/450 320/720
Level 4: 600/1680 250/700 400/1120

LV 1-7 : Upgrade parts improvement per level
LV 1-4 : Other parts upgrade improvement per level
Wgt : Weight consume effect on power max according to parts.
MC : Melee Consume +/- for each part default melee max 240.
PowMax : Max power minus on weight for each parts including weapons & etc.
Move : Number of moving space range by wanzers legs can move.
L-Type : Leg type, 2=normal type, 4=spider type & Hover type
Hover type of legs don't needed to upgrade Boost and Dash.
Hover legs can move over the water, it Hover alright right.

Other Wanzer Parts Upgrade
These upgrade needed Pilot AP to be activated before the fight further
explanation in Miscellaneous section below.

Def-CUp: Defense Class Upgrade - increases defense percentage of the wanzer parts
defense according to level, in other words the higher the defense
the lower the damage you get from an attack. Also before you deploy
your wanzer you can set its Anti-Damage Class,
see weapon Wanzers Weapons/Item for weapon class damage for more info.

Acc. Up: Accuracy Upgrade - increases accuracy hit rate percentage in using
any weapon. It also increases your chances to hit major damage
at random parts. Specially for those with high evade stats type of wanzer.

Eva. Up: Evade Upgrade - increases evade percentage from enemy attack.
More likely resulting to enemy to miss it's attack.

Boost : Boost - increases you wanzer to jump up in down into buildings
and cliffs to get better position or following enemies.

Dash : Dash - increases move range only in dark blue vertical or horizontal
direction. Best on attacking and retreating either way. Also the best
part as long you move in dash area, by dashing you conserve 1 AP than
walking normal in light blue moving range area.

Wanzer Upgrade Stats

Wanzer parts HP |LV 1|LV 2|LV 3|LV 4|LV 5|LV 6| LV 7

Drake M2C:
Body HP: 292| 332| 382| 438| 502| 578| 662| 762 Wgt/MC: 60/-3
Arms HP: 184| 209| 241| 276| 316| 364| 417| 480 Wgt/MC: 45/-2
Legs HP: 240| 273| 314| 360| 412| 475| 544| 626 Wgt/MC: 18/-1
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60% PowMax: 344
Acc. Up: x12%|+21%|+38%|+69%| +126% Move : 2
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : O | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Enyo Mk109:
Body HP: 292| 332| 382| 438| 502| 578| 662| 762 Wgt/MC: 60/-3
Arms HP: 184| 209| 241| 276| 316| 364| 417| 480 Wgt/MC: 45/-2
Legs HP: 240| 283| 333| 393| 463| 544| 640| 756 Wgt/MC: 18/-1
Def-CUp: 0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20% PowMax: 344
Acc. Up: 2%|+21%|+38%|+69%|+126% Move : 2
Eva. Up: +0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +0 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 = 5

Foura M12A:
Body HP: 292| 322| 382| 438| 502| 578| 662| 762 Wgt/MC: 60/-3
Arms HP: 184| 220| 276| 331| 386| 471| 533| 653 Wgt/MC: 45/-2
Legs HP: 240| 288| 360| 432| 504| 614| 696| 852 Wgt/MC: 19/-1
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 344
Acc. Up: x12%|+18%|+27%|+40%| +60% Move : 2
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Body HP: 292| 344| 405| 478| 563| 662| 779| 919 Wgt/MC: 60/-3
Arms HP: 184| 217| 255| 301| 355| 417| 491| 579 Wgt/MC: 45/-2
Legs HP: 240| 288| 360| 430| 504| 614| 696| 852 Wgt/MC: 18/-1
Def-CUp: 0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20% PowMax: 344
Acc. Up: x12%|+18%|+27%|+40%| +60% Move : 2
Eva. Up: 0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Body HP: 340| 387| 445| 510| 588| 673| 771| 887 Wgt/MC: 42/-3
Arms HP: 212| 250| 294| 347| 409| 481| 566| 667 Wgt/MC: 36/-1
Legs HP: 280| 330| 389| 459| 540| 635| 747| 882 Wgt/MC: 43/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 254
Acc. Up: x10%|+18%|+32%|+58%| 105% Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 4
Boost : 2 | +0 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4
Dash : 0 | +3 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 5

Grapple M1:
Body HP: 464| 528| 607| 696| 798| 918| 1053| 1211 Wgt/MC: 39/-3
Arms HP: 292| 344| 405| 478| 563| 662| 779| 919 Wgt/MC: 18/-1
Legs HP: 384| 437| 503| 576| 660| 760| 871| 1002 Wgt/MC: 59/-2
Def-CUp: 0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20% PowMax: 206
Acc. Up: x5%| +8%|+13%|+22%| +36% Move : 6
Eva. Up: 0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1 = 6
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 = 5

Body HP: 276| 331| 414| 496| 579| 706| 800| 979 Wgt/MC: 38/-3
Arms HP: 172| 196| 225| 258| 295| 340| 390| 448 Wgt/MC: 51/-2
Legs HP: 228| 259| 298| 342| 392| 451| 517| 595 Wgt/MC: 38/-1
Def-CUp: +0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 269
Acc. Up: x14%|+23%|+38%|+62%| +103 Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +0 = 7
Dash : 0 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 = 4

Hoshun Mk112:
Body HP: 408| 501| 720| 842| 982| 1198| 1357| 1661 Wgt/MC: 37/-3
Arms HP: 300| 360| 450| 540| 630| 768| 870| 1065 Wgt/MC: 25/-1
Legs HP: 400| 480| 600| 720| 840| 1024| 1160| 1420 Wgt/MC: 35/-1
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60% PowMax: 350
Acc. Up: x12%|+21%|+38%|+69%| +126% Move : 5
Eva. Up: 0%|+10%|+24%|+40%| +59% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +0 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 = 5

Jinyo Mk110:
Body HP: 340| 387| 445| 510| 584| 673| 771| 887 Wgt/MC: 42/-3
Arms HP: 212| 241| 277| 318| 364| 419| 484| 553 Wgt/MC: 36/-1
Legs HP: 280| 319| 366| 420| 481| 554| 635| 730 Wgt/MC: 43/-2
Def-CUp: 0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20% PowMax: 254
Acc. Up: x10%|+18%|+32%|+58%| +105% Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 = 3

Kasel M2:
Body HP: 464| 547| 644| 760| 895| 1053| 1238| 1461 Wgt/MC: 39/-3
Arms HP: 292| 332| 382| 438| 502| 578| 662| 762 Wgt/MC: 15/-1
Legs HP: 384| 437| 503| 576| 660| 760| 871| 1002 Wgt/MC: 59/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 206
Acc. Up: x5%| +9%|+16%|+29%| +52% Move : 6
Eva. Up: 0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Kyojun Mk107:
Body HP: 340| 401| 472| 557| 656| 771| 907| 1071 Wgt/MC: 60/-3
Arms HP: 212| 250| 294| 347| 409| 481| 566| 667 Wgt/MC: 36/-1
Legs HP: 280| 319| 366| 420| 481| 554| 635| 730 Wgt/MC: 43/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 254
Acc. Up: x10%|+18%|+32%|+58%| +105% Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +1 | +1 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Kyokei Mk108:
Body HP: 340| 387| 445| 510| 584| 673| 771| 887 Wgt/MC: 40/-3
Arms HP: 212| 250| 294| 347| 409| 481| 566| 667 Wgt/MC: 25/-1
Legs HP: 280| 319| 366| 420| 481| 554| 635| 730 Wgt/MC: 45/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 220
Acc. Up: x7%|+12%|+22%|+40%| +73% Move : 4
Eva. Up: 0%| +6%|+14%|+24%| +35% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 = 3

Laiying 1:
Body HP: 292| 344| 405| 478| 563| 662| 779| 919 Wgt/MC: 60/-3
Arms HP: 184| 220| 276| 331| 386| 471| 533| 653 Wgt/MC: 45/-2
Legs HP: 240| 288| 360| 432| 504| 614| 696| 852 Wgt/MC: 18/-1
Def-CUp: 0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20% PowMax: 344
Acc. Up: x12%|+18%|+27%|+40%| +60% Move : 2
Eva. Up: 0%| +6%|+14%|+24%| +35% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1 = 6
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 = 5

Body HP: 464| 556| 698| 835| 974| 1187| 1345| 1647 Wgt/MC: 38/-3
Arms HP: 292| 332| 382| 438| 502| 578| 662| 762 Wgt/MC: 15/-1
Legs HP: 304| 460| 576| 691| 806| 983| 1113| 1363 Wgt/MC: 59/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%|+40%| +60% PowMax: 206
Acc. Up: x0%| +7%|+11%|+16%| +25% Move : 6
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0%| +2 | +1 | +1 = 6
Dash : 0 | +2%| +1 | +1 | +1 = 5

Lenghe 1:
Body HP: 464| 556| 698| 835| 974| 1187| 1345| 1647 Wgt/MC: 39/-3
Arms HP: 292| 350| 438| 525| 613| 744| 846| 1036 Wgt/MC: 15/-1
Legs HP: 304| 460| 576| 691| 806| 983| 1113| 1363 Wgt/MC: 59/-1
Def-CUp: 0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20% PowMax: 206
Acc. Up: x5%| +7%|+11%|+16%| +25% Move : 6
Eva. Up: 0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +0 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Meledyne M1:
Body HP: 292| 332| 382| 438| 502| 578| 662| 762 Wgt/MC: 60/-3
Arms HP: 184| 209| 241| 276| 316| 364| 417| 480 Wgt/MC: 45/-2
Legs HP: 240| 273| 314| 360| 412| 475| 544| 626 Wgt/MC: 18/-1
Def-CUp: 0 |+15%|+30%|+45%| +60% PowMax: 344
Acc. Up: x12%|+21%|+38%|+69%| +126% Move : 2
Eva. Up: 0 | +6%|+14%|+24%| +35% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1 = 6
Dash : 0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 = 3

Mingtian 1:
Body HP: 292| 350| 438| 525| 613| 747| 846| 1036 Wgt/MC: 60/-3
Arms HP: 184| 220| 276| 331| 386| 471| 533| 653 Wgt/MC: 45/-2
Legs HP: 240| 288| 360| 432| 504| 614| 696| 852 Wgt/MC: 18/-1
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 344
Acc. Up: x12%|+19%|+32%|+53%| +88% Move : 2
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1 = 6
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 = 5

Pare PAW1:
Body HP: 276| 314| 361| 414| 474| 546| 626| 720 Wgt/MC: 38/-3
Arms HP: 172| 196| 255| 258| 295| 340| 390| 448 Wgt/MC: 51/-2
Legs HP: 228| 269| 316| 373| 440| 517| 608| 718 Wgt/MC: 38/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 269
Acc. Up: x14%|+23%|+38%|+62%| +103% Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0%| +6%|+14%|+24%| +35% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 = 3

Prov PAW2:
Body HP: 364| 414| 476| 546| 626| 720| 826| 950 Wgt/MC: 44/-3
Arms HP: 228| 269| 316| 373| 440| 517| 608| 718 Wgt/MC: 33/-1
Legs HP: 300| 342| 393| 450| 516| 594| 681| 783 Wgt/MC: 48/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60% PowMax: 253
Acc. Up: x9%|+16%|+29%|+52%| +94% Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: Hover
Boost : none
Dash : none

Qibing 0:
Body HP: 453| 533| 629| 741| 872| 1026| 1206| 1423 Wgt/MC: 42/-3
Arms HP: 284| 335| 394| 465| 548| 694| 758| 894 Wgt/MC: 20/-1
Legs HP: 372| 438| 517| 610| 717| 844| 993| 1171 Wgt/MC: 26/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60% PowMax: 231
Acc. Up: x5%| +8%|+13%|+22%| +37% Move : 5
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1 = 6
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 = 5

Rekson M4F:
Body HP: 276| 314| 361| 414| 474| 546| 626| 720 Wgt/MC: 38/-3
Arms HP: 172| 196| 225| 258| 295| 340| 390| 448 Wgt/MC: 51/-2
Legs HP: 228| 259| 298| 342| 392| 451| 517| 595 Wgt/MC: 38/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60% PowMax: 269
Acc. Up: x14%|+25%|+45%|+81%| +147% Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0%| +6%|+14%|+24%| +35% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +0 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Shangdi 1: there are 3 type of Shangdi other with a cool looking face
Body HP: 276| 331| 414| 496| 579| 706| 800| 979 Wgt/MC: 38/-3
Arms HP: 172| 206| 258| 309| 361| 440| 498| 610 Wgt/MC: 51/-2
Legs HP: 228| 259| 298| 342| 392| 451| 517| 595 Wgt/MC: 38/-1
Def-CUp: 0%| +4%|+10%|+15%| +20% PowMax: 269
Acc. Up: x14%|+25%|+45%|+81%| +147% Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0%| +6%|+14%|+24%| +35% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Shunyo Mk111:
Body HP: 276| 331| 414| 496| 579| 706| 800| 979 Wgt/MC: 38/-3
Arms HP: 172| 196| 225| 258| 295| 340| 390| 448 Wgt/MC: 51/-2
Legs HP: 228| 269| 316| 373| 440| 517| 608| 718 Wgt/MC: 38/-2
Def-CUp: 0 | +5%|+10%|+15%| +20% PowMax: 269
Acc. Up: x14%|+25%|+45%|+81%| +147% Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0 | +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Shunwang 1:
Body HP: 340| 408| 510| 612| 714| 870| 986| 1207 Wgt/MC: 42/-3
Arms HP: 254| 318| 381| 381| 445| 542| 614| 752 Wgt/MC: 36/-1
Legs HP: 280| 319| 366| 420| 481| 554| 635| 730 Wgt/MC: 43/-2
Def-CUp: 0 | +5%|+10%|+15%| +20% PowMax: 254
Acc. Up: x10%|+18%|+32%|+58%| +105% Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0 | +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4
Dash : 0 | +3 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 5

Tiandong 3:
Body HP: 464| 528| 607| 696| 798| 918| 1053| 1211 Wgt/MC: 39/-3
Arms HP: 292| 350| 438| 525| 613| 747| 846| 1036 Wgt/MC: 15/-1
Legs HP: 384| 453| 533| 629| 741| 871| 1025| 1209 Wgt/MC: 59/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 206
Acc. Up: x5%| +8%|+13%|+22%| +37% Move : 6
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0 | +2 | +1 |+1 = 6
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +1 |+1 = 5

Teiqi 4:
Body HP: 312| 374| 468| 561| 655| 798| 904| 1107 Wgt/MC: 43/-3
Arms HP: 196| 231| 277| 321| 378| 444| 523| 617 Wgt/MC: 44/-2
Legs HP: 256| 302| 355| 419| 494| 581| 683| 806 Wgt/MC: 44/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+24%|+45%| +60% PowMax: 287
Acc. Up: x12%|+19%|+32%|+53%| +88% Move : 5
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Body HP: 340| 408| 510| 612| 714| 870| 986| 1207 Wgt/MC: 42/-3
Arms HP: 254| 318| 381| 381| 445| 542| 614| 752 Wgt/MC: 36/-1
Legs HP: 289| 336| 420| 504| 588| 716| 812| 994 Wgt/MC: 43/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 254
Acc. Up: 10%|+16%|+27%|+44%| +74% Move : 3
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1 = 6
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 = 5

Body HP: 292| 350| 430| 525| 613| 747| 846| 1036 Wgt/MC: 60/-3
Arms HP: 184| 220| 276| 331| 356| 471| 533| 653 Wgt/MC: 45/-2
Legs HP: 280| 336| 420| 504| 588| 716| 812| 994 Wgt/MC: 18/-1
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 344
Acc. Up: x12%|+19%|+32%|+53%| +88% Move : 2
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1 = 6
Dash : 0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 = 3

Wude 3 :
Body HP: 464| 547| 644| 760| 895| 1053| 1238| 1461 Wgt/MC: 39/-3
Arms HP: 292| 350| 438| 525| 613| 747| 846| 1036 Wgt/MC: 15/-1
Legs HP: 384| 437| 503| 576| 660| 760| 871| 1002 Wgt/MC: 59/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60% PowMax: 206
Acc. Up: x5%| +9%|+16%|+29%| +52% Move : 6
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: Hover
Boost : none
Dash : none

Yongsai 3:
Body HP: 364| 436| 546| 655| 764| 931| 1055| 1292 Wgt/MC: 44/-3
Arms HP: 228| 273| 342| 410| 478| 583| 661| 809 Wgt/MC: 33/-1
Legs HP: 300| 360| 450| 540| 630| 768| 870| 1065 Wgt/MC: 48/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 253
Acc. Up: x9%|+14%|+24%|+40%| +66% Move : 4
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1 = 6
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 = 5

Body HP: 452| 542| 678| 813| 949| 1157| 1310| 1604 Wgt/MC: 42/-3
Arms HP: 284| 335| 394| 465| 548| 694| 758| 894 Wgt/MC: 20/-1
Legs HP: 372| 438| 517| 610| 717| 844| 993| 1171 Wgt/MC: 55/-2
Def-CUp: 0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20% PowMax: 231
Acc. Up: x5%| +7%|+11%|+16%| +25% Move : 5
Eva. Up: 0 | +8%|+19%|+32%| +47% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2%| +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1 = 4

Body HP: 464| 528| 607| 696| 798| 918| 1053| 1211 Wgt/MC: 39/-3
Arms HP: 292| 344| 405| 478| 563| 662| 779| 919 Wgt/MC: 15/-1
Legs HP: 384| 453| 533| 629| 741| 871| 1025| 1209 Wgt/MC: 59/-2
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40% PowMax: 206
Acc. Up: x5%| +7%|+11%|+16%| +25% Move : 6
Eva. Up: 0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24% L-Type: 2
Boost : 2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1 = 7
Dash : 0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 = 3


This are the stats of unobtainable wanzers, but formidable in the game except for the
Iguchi Lylas construction wanzer. Data below still incomplete their may be errors
I suggest not to rely on it just concentrate on your strategy.

Kehei 0 : Lukav wanzers | Kexei 1 : Jared wanzers
Body HP: 1750| 2500 | Body HP: 1450| 1775
Arms HP: 1550| 1550 | Arms HP: 1065| 1065
Legs HP: 1400| 1500 | Legs HP: 1160| 1420
Def-CUp: ???? | Def-CUp: +15%| +30%| +45%| +60%
Acc. Up: ???? | Acc. Up: +5%| +13%| +26%| +39%
Eva. Up: ???? | Eva. Up: +10%| +24%| +40%| +64%
Move : 4 | Move : 4
L-Type : 2 | L-Type : 2
Weapons: | Weapons:
Body : Basic P-Gun | L. Arm : none
L. Arm: none | L. Shoulder: Yunsheng 44 (b)
R. Arm: 90mm Gun (Cannon) | R. Arm : 32mm Gun
| R. Shoulder: Yunsheng 44 (b)
Heidong 3 : Imaginary Numbers | Kodomari : (prot. Ver. of Streich)
Body HP: 1050 | Body HP: 472
Arms HP: 768 | Arms HP: 330
Legs HP: 840 | Legs HP: 354
Def-CUp: ??? | Def-CUp: ???
Acc. Up: ??? | Acc. Up: ???
Eva. Up: ??? | Eva. Up: ???
Move : 4 | Move : 4
L-Type : ??? | L-Type : Hover
Weapons: 6 in all | Weapons:
L-R Shoulder : P-Rifle | L. Arm : ______
L-R Arm : 130mm Gun | L. Shoulder: ______
L-R Arm : Heavy Weight(130)| R. Arm : Exp Beam
| R. Shoulder: ______
Genie Arm : Prof. Serov wanzers | Mk5 AFV : A.K.A. Streich
Body HP: 695 Small Version | Body HP: 965| 1135
Arms HP: 417 of Heidong 3 | Arms HP: 579| 681
Legs HP: 556 | Legs HP: 772| 908
Def-CUp: ??? | Def-CUp: +15%| +30%| +45%
Acc. Up: ??? | Acc. Up: +5% | +13%| +25%
Eva. Up: ??? | Eva. Up: none
Move : 4 Boost: 2 | Move : 4
L-Type : 2 | L-Type : 4
Weapons: | Weapons:
Body : 17.5mm MG | L. Arm : Mk8 Rifle
L. Arm : 130mm Gun | L. Shoulder: none
L. Shoulder: Miner AT | R. Arm : Mk8 Rifle
R. Arm : GGR 50 | R. Shoulder: none
R. Shoulder: Miner AT |
Nilong 1 (I lost may data on this) | Iguchi Lylas: Construction wanzer
Body HP: ______ | Body HP: 350
Arms HP: ______ | Arms HP: 184
Legs HP: ______ | Legs HP: 240
Def-CUp: ______ | Def-CUp: ????
Acc. Up: ______ | Acc. Up: ????
Eva. Up: none | Eva. Up: none
Move : ?? | Move : 5
L-Type : Hover | L-Type : 2
Weapons: none | Weapons: none

Two Part wanzers: wanzers with very high HP not to mention with their heavy
assortment of weapon. The weak side is that it only two parts.
P-Gun J10 : pilot Maj. Yuji Kuroi | Xiangyo 2: pilot Lukav
Body HP: 2500 P-Gun Car | Body HP: 2500
CaterHP: 2000 P-Gun Cater | Legs HP: 2000
Def-CUp: ______ | Def-CUp: ____
Acc. Up: ______ | Acc. Up: ____
Eva. Up: none | Eva. Up: none
Move : 4 | Move : 4
L-Type : 2 | L-Type : 6
Weapons: | Weapons:
1st : Basic P-Gun | 1st : Type 15 GR
2nd : CWDS(not listed) | 2nd : Type 15 GR
3rd : none | 3rd : Kongsheng 2
| 4th : Kongsheng 2
Mk8 Support | Qinghuayu 1
Body HP: 900| 1280 | Body HP: 1775
Legs HP: 720| 1024 | Legs HP: 1420
Def-CUp: ______ | Def-CUp: ____
Acc. Up: ______ | Acc. Up: ____
Eva. Up: none | Eva. Up: none
Move : 4 | Move : 4
L-Type : 4 (wheels) | L-Type : 4
Weapons: | Weapons:
1st : Zhiniao 62 | 1st : Huoje 34
2nd : 27mm Gun | 2nd : 32mm M3
3rd : none | 3rd : none
Bihu 1 | Haolong 4
Body HP: 695| 820| 965| 1135 | Body HP: 695| 820| 965| 1135
Legs HP: 556| 656| 772| 908 | Legs HP: 556| 656| 772| 908
Def-CUp: +0%|+15%|+30%| +45%|+60%| Def-CUp: +0%|+15%|+30%| +45%|+60%
Acc. Up: ______ | Acc. Up: ______
Eva. Up: none | Eva. Up: none
Move : 4 | Move : 4
L-Type : 4 | L-Type : 4
Weapons: | Weapons:
1st : Attack Fist | 1st : 20mm MG
2nd : Yunsheng 39 | 2nd : Yunsheng 42
3rd : none | 3rd : Yunsheng 42
4th : none | 4th : none
Monster | Taita 4k
Body HP: 500| 590 | Body HP: 695| 820| 965| 1135
Legs HP: 400| 472 | Legs HP: 556| 656| 772| 908
Def-CUp: ______ | Def-CUp: +0%|+15%|+30%| +45%|+60%
Acc. Up: ______ | Acc. Up: ____
Eva. Up: none | Eva. Up: none
Move : 4 | Move : 4
L-Type : 2 | L-Type : 4
Weapons: | Weapons:
1st : 160mm Gun | 1st : Type 13 GR
2nd : 17.5mm MG | 2nd : 130mm Gun
3rd : none | 3rd : none
Armored Car (A.K.A. Armored Train) | Cadenza
Body HP: 599| 833| ___| 1153 | 1&2 Body HP: 5???
CaterHP: 472| 655| ___| 908 | 1&2 WheelHP: ______
Def-CUp: +0%|+15%|+30%| +45%| +60%| Def-CUp: ______
Acc. Up: +0%| +5% | Acc. Up: ______
Eva. Up: none | Eva. Up: none
Move : ______ | Move : 4
L-Type : none | L-Type : ______
Weapons: | Weapons:
1st : Yunsheng 44 (b) | 1st : Wagtail 1
2nd : Type 13 GR | 2nd : Wagtail 1
3rd : 130mm Gun | 3rd : 17mm MG
4th : none | 4th : 17mm MG
____________ | ______
Body HP: ______ | Body HP: ______
Legs HP: ______ | Legs HP: ______
Def-CUp: ______ | Def-CUp: ______
Acc. Up: ______ | Acc. Up: ______
Eva. Up: ______ | Eva. Up: ______
Move : ______ | Move : ______
L-Type : ______ | L-Type : ______
Weapons: | Weapons:
1st : ______ | 1st : ______
2nd : ______ | 2nd : ______
3rd : ______ | 3rd : ______
4th : ______ | 4th : ______

The list and data on these section is not complete, one thing they are in common that
even do their HP is low but their still formidable in large number specially in group
consist of 4 or 5 each has its own weapon different damage class.
It's your game now here's the list:

Gun Turret Types: (One Part)
12mm MG, 40mm Gun, 100mm Gun, Brenos, Dual Cannon & Yunsheng 42
Body HP: 300| 319| 354| 492| 529| 579| 730
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60%
Acc. Up: 0%| +4%|+11%|+21%| +32%
Eva. Up: none
12mm MG : 12mm MG Note: That only Brenos is the
40mm Gun : 40mm Gun moveable turret attached
100mm Gun : 100mm Gun to ceiling.
Dual Cannon: 17mm MG
Mk42 Quad : 80mm Gun (a)
Brenos : 80mm Gun (b)
Yunsheng 42: Zhiniao 61

Aerial Units Types: (One Part)
Hanniger, Chixuan 6 & Oceanhahn
Body HP: 276| 314| 361| 414 | 474| 546| 626| 720
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%| +45%| +60%
Acc. Up: 0%| +5%|+11%| +26%| +37%
Eva. Up: none
Move : 4
Primary weapons
Chixuan 6 : 27mm MG
Hanniger & Oceanhahn : 20mm MG
Secondary L & R weapons
Chixuan 6 : Yunsheng 38
Hanniger & Oceanhahn : Starlings

Shangfeng 5/ Shangfeng 5k
Body HP: 340| 387| 445| 510| 588| 673| 771| 887
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60%
Acc. Up: 0%| ___| ___| ___| ____
Eva. Up: none
Move : 4
Weapon : 20mm MG

Mobile Ground Units Types: (Two Parts)

Methane Wanzer
Body HP: 100
Leg HP : 100
Def-CUp: 0%
Acc. Up: 0%
Eva. Up: 0%
Move : 4
L-Type : 2
Weapons: 7.7mm MG

Mk9 AFV, Mk12 AFV & Mk20 AFV
Body HP: 200| 276| 328| 340| 386| 454| 579| 630| 681
WheelHP: 168| 275| 324| | 381| | | 529| 590
Def-CUp: 0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60%
Acc. Up: 0%| +4%| +9%|+18%| +30%
Eva. Up: none
Move : 3
Mk9 AFV: 17.5mm MG
Mk12 AFV: 30.2mm MG (plus additional CWDS)
Mk20 AFV: 25mm MG

MBT2 Kuarve, Mk59 APC, Mk73 MBT, Mk54 MBT & Mk49 AFV
Body HP: 340| 401| 472| 557| 656| 771| 907| 1071
CaterHP: 280| 330| 389| 459| 540| 635| 747| 882
Def-CUp: 0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%
Acc. Up: 0%| +4%| +9%|+17%| +30%
Eva. Up: none
Move : 3
MBT2 Kuarve: 120mm Gun (Tank)
Mk54 MBT : 130mm Gun (Tank)
Mk73 MBT : 100mm Gun (Tank)
Mk59 APC : Type 10 GR
Mk49 AFV : Type 13 GR

Body HP: 148| ___| 466| ____
WheelHP: 100| ___| 315| ____
Def-CUp: +0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60%
Acc. Up: none
Eva. Up: none
Move : 3
Weapons: none

Sea Unit Types: (One Part)
MMG3 Ship & Mk39 PT Boat
Body HP: 340| 401| 472| 557| 656| 771| 907| 1071
Def-CUp: +0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60%
Acc. Up: +0%| ___| ___| ____
Eva. Up: none
Move : 3
MMG3 Ship : 30mm MG
MMG3 Ship : Bantam
Mk39 PT Boat: 80mm Gun (b)

Before I continue in this section it's part of the game mechanics that you should now more
about the game. Also in this section I'm may be right or may be wrong any decision you
made in the game is yours not mine. I just add this section to make it easier for you to
organize things in the game to better or to worst its your game.

A. Pilot's and Wanzers

Pilots the one that control the wanzer HP:20, things to have in mind to make a better
pilot with wanzer first read below.

How to gain battle experience?
By fighting and destroying enemy wanzers and vehicles. And specially if they are higher
level than you are expect to gained more experience than normal experience you gained.

Battle Report
Battle report - receive after each battle and destroying any parts of enemy
wanzers or vehicles. The more parts the more experience you gained after each
battle depending on what you how many parts you destroyed. Also depending on the
enemy pilot experience the more skillful enemy wanzer the more experience you gained.

1. Prt-Des - !!!!!!!!
2. Bdy-Des - !!! 3. !x##

1. Prt-Des - number of "Parts Destroyed" receive "!!" for each part destroy of
enemy wanzer which include Body, L. Arm, R. Arm and Legs for 4-part.
Other had 2 parts Body & Cater or Wheel or Legs and some are
1 part just a body like any type of helicopter or boat or turrets.
2. Bdy-Des - "Body Destroyed" every time you destroyed any type from 4, 2 & 1 parts
receive additional bonus of "!!!"
3. !x## - "!" - purple medal, "x##" - total number of medal your pilot own

The Purple Medals you own if you gained enough of it turn into Silver stars.
One Silver stars equal to 2 AP add to you Pilot.
I'll explain more on my next update.

Pilot Assigned AP
Like other RPG games your character gained experience per level, in this game the
experience per level represent Silver Star also the pilot gained AP which is needed
to operate wanzers. Max level is 8 Silver Star pilot also gained 30 AP max.

First what AP mean Active Points not really just my of understanding.
What's the purpose of AP?
Enables your wanzers to move and attacks only for the number of AP available.
Gaining 12 AP per turns to refill the lost AP.
Its like a battery once you used enough stored energy you have to wait for it to gain
new stored energy to used it again.

Ace Rank Exp. AP gained | Pilots Assign AP Menu
8 Stars = 30 max level | Body upgrade [1][2][3][4]
7 Stars = 28 | L1<[Anti-I]>R1
6 Stars = 26 | Arms Accuracy Upgrade
5 Stars = 24 | L. Arms [1][2][3][4] 1st weapon icon
4 Stars = 22 | R. Arms [1][2][3][4] 2nd weapon icon
3 Stars = 20 |
2 Stars = 18 | Evade Upgrade
1 Stars = 16 default | [1][2][3][4]
[#] - allotted 1 pilot AP per upgrade
You can assign AP before the mission starts or assign at Setup menu.
Body allocate 4 AP in both arm 4 AP not 8, and in legs 4 AP total allotted 12 AP.

Pilot Weapon Skill
In this section your pilot earn Weapon Skill experience according to the weapon
he or she used. For example if you used shotgun you only earn experience in using
shotgun you'll not earn any experience from other weapon you don't used or equipped.
You only gained better weapon skill experience if you keep using that type of weapon.
But it's all depending in your decision who or what to used in your pilot wanzer.

Pilot Weapon Skill - these indicate how the pilot is skillful in using on that type
of a weapon it increases both damage and accuracy.
Weapon skill level - rank by level A low to highest level F max level S.

ASCII example legends:
{A-F} - pilot full weapon skill level indicator
Weapon Type - weapon that pilot used these are Melee, Shotgun, M.Gun & etc.
next ##### - number of total experience gained after each battle
. (no star) - still unattained weapon level of pilot
* (white star) - each level represent, one stars = 1/3 pilot weapon skill level.
*** - gaining 3 stars *** after on next weapon skill level raise one
full weapon skill level Up from A-F max S.

ASCII example pilot weapon skill:

Melee {D} Shotgun {E} Grenade {A}
next 0700 *** next 1020 *** next 0087 ***

M.Gun {B} Flamer {A} Cannon {A}
next 0150 *** next #### .** next #### .*.

Rifle {A} Missile {A} Beam {B}
next 0050 .*. next #### *** next #### ***

In my opinion if your pilot is best on that type of weapon make sure he uses that weapon
to gain enough level for weapon skill not each fight you keep on changing weapons.

Stick to the same type of weapon for each pilot Ryogo & Li to M.Gun, Kazuki & Miho
Melee weapons & Shotgun, Alisa, Emma, Linny & Mayer Missile, Jose, Liu & Dennis Rifle,
Yun Shotgun and Marcus & Pham Melee weapons. I mean everybody if possible stick to
their weapon specialty. There is only one point to level up all your pilot weapon skill
to make it all around pilot but you can only choose one type of weapon. If you are using
using Dual Skill you choose 2 or 1 type of different weapon your learn 2 weapon skill at
a time good choice for offensive type but all in all if you are planning to {S} weapon
level a waste of time at that time you feel the game is getting boring. I hate things
like that when it happens.

Pilot Random Effect
Now things you should know that even the pilot is inside the wanzer still not safe inside
during each of enemy attack in some instance during attack the hit goes critical damage
but some had other effects and here are the list that effect the pilot inside their wanzers.

Status name: | Symbol look like: | Effect:
Stun - yellow lightning bolt- unable to attack for 1 t 2 turn
Confuse - red question mark - unable to use missile, decrease battle skill
capabilities during attack
Eject Pilot - none - directly eject after damage effect
like Eject Punch skill
Pilot Damage - none - pilot receive 25-30% damage same on
Pilot Damage skill
Critical Dmg - none - massive damage to your or enemy wanzers.
Remember that the status effect the pilot inside not the wanzer it self.

Simulator in Front Mission 3 is the new other than other RPG game.
If you are want to gained more level try simulator level : Battle or Real Battle
Then choose Fukushima then encounter 7 silver star and E weapon skill level.
Try to make simulator more useful what the purpose of simulator anyway it's in the
game you never used, it's a game aid unlike Final Fantasy Tactics you needed to
back in fort to other area to encounter enemies on gaining experience.
Well in this game is easy go Network then go Simulator you can go back anytime
you like. Also after the battle in simulator you'll rewarded prize money.
I used simulator to gained weapon skill level never mind pilot battle experience
once your weapon skill level are high you can infect more damage to enemy wanzers.

If you are not using the simulator its fine, you can rush and finish the game.
But for those who like to finish the game in all Platinum rank I recommended
to used simulator, if not you may be wasting a lot of time loading and playing
the same stage 2-4 times may be more changing weapons also waste of time too.
In my opinion getting all Platinum rank is waste of time? Don't you think?
It's cool to see all Platinum what's the point of getting it, I'm not perfect so
I never mind these medals just play the game with your best that's all have peace
in your mind it's just a game.

Obtaining Medals
Each time clear each stage you'll rewarded by Medals. But before you get it the
game evaluate your game each time you finished it by 5 or 6 categories each has
its own conditions. In these section is for those who seek Platinum this may be useful.
Medal are also your stage achievements, means how many stage you already finished.

See example of cleared stage evaluation:
Categories Result Max-C Penalties
0. Prize Money: 900
1. Enemies Eliminated 7 [ 5] +02% Yellow colored numbers
2. Total Number of Battles 35 [ 28] -03% means increased to your
3. Average Damage 150 [120] -25% score percentage.
4. Average Weapon Level 8 [ 8]
5. Number of Turns 7 [ 5] -01% Red colored numbers
6. NPCs Remaining 3 [ 4] x2 +06% means deduction to your
score percentage.
Your score: 79%
Your rank : Silver

The default is already 100% it only minus due to penalties from each categories.
That most like it depends on the stage each has its own Max Conditions (Max-C)
Max conditions - means when you get over that limit you get the result of
deduction or penalize to that category.
This option is not show in the game it goes directly to Penalty its result.

How to get it? Example Average Damage Result 150 remove it's -25% from penalty
then you'll get the result of 120 Average Damage Max get it.

Result - means your evaluation result how you done so far in the game.

0. Prize Money - these also depending of numbers of enemy wanzer you destroyed.
And if its upgrade in a certain level receive high prize money.

Enemy pilot surrendered - receive low prize money but the wanzer itself is worth
more than if you sell it yourself. If it's wanzer
destroy it cause it can't be captured and kept anyway.
Enemy Wanzer destroyed - receive very high prize money if you manage to destroy
all its 4-parts. Other one or two parts vehicle if
destroyed receive low prize money.

1. Enemies Eliminated - these are the result of number of enemy pilot you killed,
destroyed or surrendered.
Destroy all enemy pilots - no penalty, no bonus
Enemy pilots surrendered - no penalty, no bonus
Enemy Escape - penalty of 1 or 2 points
-1 pts. - for each enemy escape with severe damage
-2 pts. - for each enemy escape with minor/no damage

How to get bonuses - available only if enemy reinforcement arrived.
At that point it's a bonus if you manage to surrendered its pilot or destroy
their wanzers you can get bonus after clear stage.

Like for example in Alisa story in stage 34 at Wuhan Hankou Airport
In first turn you meet 1 Lenghe_1 then on second turn enemy reinforcement
arrive 2 Laiying_1, 2 Tiandong_3 and 3 Shangfeng 5 it's a lot of bonus
if you destroyed the reinforcement at the end of the stage receive bonus.

2. Total Number of Battles - this count the number of battles your pilot encountered
these include when you attack and when you counter or no counter (defend)
But this category depends on the number of max condition of each stage.
Some stage require only 50 some are 30 or less.

Example: Total Number of battles
Limit : 40 depending on each stage
Exceed: 43 -5% or -6% will be the deduction to score

Tips: At this categories best you had AP 30%, 60% or 0% battle skill.
Why so that you had enough AP to counter enemy attacks if they aren't
using Missile or Grenade, missile is okay if your wanzer equipped
with shield you can block its attack.

By exceeding its limit you'll get penalized by the number of battle exceeded.
It's best to lower your battle encounter.

3. Average Damage - well this one concerned the health of your wanzer and pilot
Penalties per damage Percent Deductions Wanzer condition
Your 2 wanzer explode - 25-32%% deduct - weak
WZR 80%+ damage pilot 50% - 25% deduction - weak 1 or 2 wanzers
WZR 50%+ damage pilot 25% - 15% deduction - weak 1 or 2 wanzers
WZR 25% damage pilot 25% - 9-5% deduction - fine
WZR 10% damage pilot 00% - 3-0% deduction - fine
No damage none - no deduction - fine

Weak - a lot of sparking or short circuits or electricity flowing out from your wanzer.
Fine - no sparking or short circuits

This may help you to lower the deduction on this categories:

1. Used wanzer body with 60% defense upgrade.
2. Used wanzer legs with 47% defense upgrade.
3. Destroy enemy wanzer that against your assigned Anti-Damage class first.
(check enemy weapons type to determine you Anti-Damage class defense)
4. Used battle skill "Avoid ##" or "DMGFix###" or "Brace I or II"
5. Destroy or stay away from enemy that have Smash battle skill ability.

4. Average Weapon Level - this one is easy this one depending on your pilot weapon
skill you'll get penalized only if you are using battle skill like:
Skill+2 and +3 and Melee II and III 'cause these skill's increases you're
pilot weapon skill abilities to its' current weapon levels not included if your
pilot weapon skill level-up after the attack. Again if you exceed you get
penalized. You can used Skill+1 and Melee I as far as I know no penalty.
And one thing this one is unavoidable sometimes when you attack it gets
critical hit also receive penalty -1% deduction.

Get bonus try using those pilot with lower battle skill and weapon skill level
against one high level enemy wanzer pilot. If he manage to destroy the enemy
wanzers receive bonus after clear stage.

5. Number of Turns - this one is really easy except this one the lower the better
to gained no penalties. This also depending on the stage.

Avoiding penalties:
1. First plan and organized who & when to attack (attack fast and hard).
2. If you plan capturing wanzer attackers with "Eject Punch" ability attack first.
(check capturing wanzer below)
3. In waiting enemies make sure you wanzer weapon is in range
with enemy wanzer weapon range in order for you to counter if necessary needed.
4. Don't skip your turn in waiting enemies to come.
5. Used it repair item or reloaded missile/grenade only if necessary.
6. Avoid shooting trees or wall if not necessarily.

6. NPCs Remaining - this on is easy just protect or help the NPC like Rekson M4F at Sumatra
or 2 Shangfeng in Nanjing. This option is rarely available depending on the stage:
Good thing of this 1 NPC equal 1 points multiply by 2 good bonus up%.

3 types of NPC:
1. Helper - joining/requesting help in the stage -2% per 1 wanzer loss
+2 if manage to save one
2. Settled - this one is either in Victory/Losing conditions may result
to loss the game if you loss this one (restart stage its penalty)
3. Fleeting - you had to defend this NPC for few turns then it leaves
like in Nanjing stage were in you had to protect 2 Shangfeng 5
in evacuating civilians for few turns.

Avoiding penalties try to cover them with your wanzer to attract enemy wanzers
to attack yours not them so that you may save them and avoid deductions.

After the six categories result you'll earn medals for each stage.

Medals Ranking:
These are the result of the 5 or 6 categories above.

1st Platinum - Excellent - Attack hard and fast no used of Repair or Missile item
and comply needed categories condition.
2nd Gold - Great - Attack hard and fast but used of Repair or Missile item
and comply needed categories condition.
3rd Silver - Best - not to comply some needed categories condition
used Repair or Missile item.
4th Bronze - Satisfied - not to comply most needed categories condition
used a lot of Repair or Missile item.

Your Rank: Your Score:
Platinum/Excellent - 100% to 91%
Gold/Great - 90% to 81%
Silver/Best - 80% to 71%
Bronze/Satisfied - 70% to below

I may be right or may be wrong in this section it just my observation in the game.
So far my observation stopped on this I will revised it again if I found errors.
In my game I always penalized in Average Damage always that's keeping my score down.
No broken parts only severe damage ^_^ but still in on piece.
I change my wanzers to my best setup only the on thing that pulling my score down
now is number of battle and number turns in the last part of the game specially on Lukav.

B. Pilot's Morale

Pilots Morale - waving a white flag status of surrender for 3-5 turn, after that enemy
well regain again its morale and continue to fight. During its checking
morale status enemy wanzer skip it turn to attack.

Then again also your pilot is also affected by this if you are observant enough in the
Game, the computer always trying to lower you morale if you had enough of it.

If you don't believe me remember your mission at Oilfield were you have to defend it
against DHZ inspecting wanzers. After that mission if you go back to Guangzhou Bar
if you talk to Bartender for example some of them says negative things about what you
have done. Then in the next stage during your battle you pilot doesn't do any good
during the battle doesn't combo any skill and mostly take most damage from enemy.
Also during Kazuki attack at Nanjing were Liang and Xu piloting Shangfeng 5 to get
the civilian notice that in that stage that your wanzers are getting almost all
of the attack.

It's best to save the game before talking to a bar any negative comments to the people
you just talk if they do load the save file in your memory card not to talk to that
person if necessarily. It depends if there is no choice talk to him or her, will it
effects you pilots in next stage or mission. If you're still not convince try it
yourself may be you'll know what I mean, try keep on talking and then see the result.

If you don't talk to people with negative comments notice your pilot 8/10 can combo
mostly every attack don't know if this happen to your game but it happens in mine.

Only few like me for example will notice this I only finish the game once but observant
enough of the game play. I'm not forcing you to believe me its just reminder or a warning.
And last this is the reason I write about Pilot Morale not only effect in enemy wanzers
also your wanzers too. That should balance both sides pilot morale issue,
the effects on pilot not the wanzer itself.

The good side you also gain morale when talking to a people that appreciate what you
done like after rescuing the Prime Minister. And some other nice words not offended you.
Can increased you morale status theirs no indication bar on this but it's nice to
the other people saying good thins that you done right.!

Here's my idea of getting or capturing enemy wanzers:
Capturing Wanzers Tips & Tricks:

1. Enemies like Tanks, Choppers & some special wanzers are not obtainable after
the fight check other wanzer on my list. Some of them had heavy fire powers
make sure to force eject its pilot then gain control of it like Haolong 4,
Bihu 1 or Kexei 1 (big wanzer with Lukav at the last stage).
Then you can still destroy these wanzers after you used it for extra
experience gaining.

2. If there is a leader like Jared, Rosavia or etc. are joining the battle try
to take them out first. Enemy pilots increased their morale if you defeat
the leader's this will lower they're morale some of them are force to
surrender even if you don't attack and damage them.

3. Make sure to first it's arms so that it can't hurt you wanzers then surround
that wanzers. In order for his morale to go down.

4. Try learning Pilot Damage Skill of Drake M2C,Laiying_1 & Genie try to hit
enemy wanzer also the pilot inside after the damage. Sometimes enemy pilot
who's HP is 2 are force to surrender.

5. Try to learn Eject Punch skill of Tiandong_3 Arms or used the arms. After the
enemy pilot ejected 2 things you can do kill it's pilot before it gets back
or one of your members move next to enemy wanzer then eject to enemy wanzers.
After your pilot is in enemy wanzer you can go back to your wanzer the enemy
pilot will not return to his wanzer anymore their you can kill the enemy pilot.
You needed 2 wanzer who's move is 6 or 5 in order to do this or 2 of your
members must be close enough to do this.

Things in mind about the rare type wanzer are not purchasable.
All wanzers below can be sell up 4000-6000+ worth except for Emma and Alisa wanzers.
I recommended to stock 1 or 2 each wanzer type the rest of wanzer are purchasable.

Lenghe 1 Shunwang 1
Mingtian 1 Drake M2C - available in Emma story only
Qibing 0 Meledyne M1- available in Alisa story only
Shunyo Mk111

C. Customizing Wanzer
Here things in mind in creating or customizing you wanzers.

Make a Wanzer Machine Tips:
1. Choose Wanzer type.
2. Check body Max Power and Defense upgrade
3. Check arms Accuracy upgrade percentage
4. Check legs Move and Evade upgrade percentage
5. What weapon type to used.
6. Check parts battle skill suitable for wanzer type you decided to make.
7. Check pilot battle skill suitable for wanzer type you decided to make.

Wanzer type are you creating Assault, Close Combat, Backup, Light Support & Heavy support.

If you are using two weapon different range/gun weapon, different melee weapon or
melee and range/gun weapon. Make sure to equip different damage class I-Impact
other P-Pierce or F-Flame. Different enemy had its own defense class if its defense
is P then you can used other type of weapon who's damage class is I or F in other
to do more damage. Not just stay on the same damage class weapons.

If you are a defensive type used shield suitable for wanzer type and weapon other
wise that wanzer become over weight and unable equip some parts.

My advice:
If you equip shield change the arms with greater HP you only used that hand on
defense right, no big deal on thinking accuracy upgrade on that arms with shield
the higher HP the longer it broke but it will prolong the arms not to be broken
easily, except by Arm Smash battle skill.

My Best Wanzer setup example:
The looks is not good but surely a offense and defense are great but not as great
as the secret wanzer.

My Best wanzer setup: Assault Type, no special wanzer parts
Max Power: 231 : Melee remaining: 224-225
Wgt. MC: Wanzer Parts Skill
Body : Qibing 0 -42 -3 - Revenge II
L. Arms : Tiandong 3 -15 -1 - Eject Punch
or or
L. Arms : Zenislev -20 -1 - Dbl Assault
R. Arms : Shunwang 1 -36 -1 - Aim Body
Legs : Lanze -59 -2 - Avoid 40
Backpack: BPT9Max -30 +1 - Additional Power: +90
Weapons : Weapon Damage Class
L.Hand : Fatal Buster -34 -2 Class-I
R.Hand : Huida 3 -78 -6 Class-P
-204/209 -16
L.Hand : Last Strike -37 -2 Class-P
R.Hand : Chongta 3 -69 -5 Class-I
-258/263 -15

My Pilots Battle Skill: COM6 computer
COM6 effect no special feature right but if just meet the conditions it also activate
like COMG10 only that G10 has higher possibility of activating the wanzer part skill.

Example of setting pilot Battle Skill
Assault Sz.| Backup Sz.| Heavy/Light Support
Initiative I 1 | Zoom I 1 | E-Eva 2 2
Hard Knocks 1 | Zoom I 1 | Zoom I 1 or Pilot DMG I/Panic Shot
Dbl Assault 2 | Pilot DMG I 1 | Zoom I 1 or Pilot DMG I/Panic Shot
Tackle I 1 | Pilot DMG I 1 | Skill+1 1
Skill+1 1 | Skill+1 1 | Skill+1 1
or Eject Punch 1 | Topple Shot 1 |
or Stun Punch 1 |

Things you should know that your wanzer may receive severe damage some of its
parts are broken may result that your wanzer unable to attack like:

Wanzer Parts - Broken Parts Result
Body - wanzer explode
Left Arms - unable to used weapon or used shield
Right Arms - unable to used weapon or used shield
Legs - no evade, no dash, no jump or boost
and wanzer move reduce to 1.

Broken parts of the wanzer can be revive by using items Restore Lo (25%)
and Hi (50%) repair only one single parts, while Restore Mx repair all
broken parts and all broken part HP restore 10%.

As for the wanzer damage used Repair or Repair Mx to restore loss wanzer HP.

Safe Battle Skills

Here also the list of safe battle skill no counter if it hits:

Topple Punch - enemy wanzer knock down on his back
after receiving melee attack.
Topple Shot - enemy wanzer knock down on his back
after receiving range weapon attack.
Stun Punch - enemy pilot unable to move like paralyze status
after receiving melee attack.
Eject Punch - enemy pilot eject after receiving damage from melee attack.
Body Smash - so obvious its body is destroyed enemy can't counter.

With the exception of Topple Punch and Shot any attack after these two will miss
after 'cause enemy wanzers are on its back after the attack.
Its good for battle skill combo finishing not as combo starters.
I recommended Topple Shot best for it has range unlike Topple Punch.

Defensive skill list against weapon types:

Escape and PrvntLoss - defense against any weapon types
Avoid 20, 40 & 80 - defense against shotgun, M.Gun (Machine Gun)
and Flamer (Flame Thrower), also wanzer Pilot Pistol
DMGFix 100, 200 & 400 - defense against Rifle, Cannon, Missile
and Beam, also Infantry, Real and Imaginary Rifle

Wanzer defense upgrade % against Grenade weapon damage, I can only gave this:

Defense upgrade max 20% - receive 80-90% damage with or without Anti-F
Defense upgrade max 40% - receive 50-60% damage with or without Anti-F
Defense upgrade max 60% - receive 10-20% damage with or without Anti-F

Battle Skill Combo Conditions

1. Check Defense class you already from wanzer type above right that;
Defense Class I is weak against attacking Damage Class-P weapon
Defense Class P is weak against attacking Damage Class-F weapon
Defense Class F is weak against attacking Damage Class-I weapon

If you are Def-Class P you must take out first enemy attacking with Damage Class-F
or avoid range of its weapon. Same as other defense class.

2. Make sure during in your setup you had enough Melee (MC) remaining this will
increases effect your wanzer to activate the skill in you pilot battle skill.

3. Make sure that you pilot morale is normal see Pilot's Morale.

4. Set battle skill suitable for the weapon of the wanzers and the wanzer type
your pilot piloting. Don't put any skill that are needed.

5. Used COMG10 computers for increase rate of learning new battle skill.

Meeting the five of this will increases your wanzer to combo 8/10 every battle attack.
And last you needed luck to do this chain combo to 8+ more hits.

Secret Wanzer
How to get it?

1. Available during in Emma story after the observatory is being attack in
stage 57 up. In Alisa story after stage 47 up were you enter the Koriyama
base on the way before pursuit Kanai at Koriyama IC (highway).

2. Check BBS 3 at ARMOREDKIN/Others/Japan until you reveal the:
the truth behind the coup to contact him - 555(XKR)224 -

3. Then go to AUSPEND/Others/Australia choose Garbagepit then choose
Inferno Dialer - enter the number from ARMOREDKIN BBS 3

4. A man name Itsuki reply then he want you to used it.
Check you wanzer stock inventory, check body, arms, legs and
last the weapon it came with.
You can Make a Machine or change parts of your current wanzer.

Well it's the best wanzer so far in the game you better have it.

-Thanks for Alan "The Cat" Catozella of Acatozella@Worldnet.Att.Net
for reminding me of PAPEL and Ravnui RNL labs website forum on Alisa Story.
-And thanks to all who read my Front Mission 3 Faqs, thank you for reading.

Also a very big thanks to them.
Thanks GameFaqs for posting my FAQs.
Thanks to Al Amaloo of for posting my FAQs.
Thanks to Jamie Long of for posting my FAQs
And last to FrankG of for post my FAQs.

Thanks Squaresoft for the game, makers also of Final Fantasy Series and etc.
This FAQs is property of Markweb any comments or questions send to

Front Mission 3 is Copyright of Squaresoft Corp. 1999-2000 series.
Copyright 2000 by Markweb Jimenez.

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Network & Wanzers FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Starte beim Wahrenhaus in Alisa's Shop vor Mission 4. Alle Kampffähigkeiten und maximalen Waffenfähigkeiten.

12.Октябрь 2013
Battle Skills Guide

12.Октябрь 2013
US Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Network Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Beginners Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Battle Skills Guide

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Advanced Strategy Guide

16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European PAL English Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European PAL Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the US NTSC Version.

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the Japanese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018