Front Mission 3

Front Mission 3

15.10.2013 16:49:27
Front Mission 3
Battle Skills List

by Anthony Nguyen, aka Luxion
last updated: May 11th, 2000

Where I am in the game (Emma's Storyline):
Mission 64 (now I'm counting my medals to determine that).

This is one of five Front Mission 3 informative collections by me. I have a habit
of collecting technical information from strategy/tactical console games. I do
it for myself, but all that work deserves some attention, so whether you appreciate
it or not, here it is.

This FAQ near complete, but with recent knowledge of an official
strategy guide being released for the game, I would like to make my work known
before I become accused of "stealing" information from other sources.

This FAQ is meant for those who have played the game. It is organized
in a fashion where anyone can look at it and understand what is going on, but that is
just my opinion and optimism.

Credit goes to Square for releasing yet another great game, and finally bringing
over to the US a piece of the Front Mission universe. Most all numbers, stats,
technical descriptions, and names belong to Front Mission 3.

Disclaimer :
This FAQ Copyright 2000 Anthony Nguyen. I went through a lot of trouble to collect
this information myself. If any information is used from this guide for
reproduction or mass distribution, please mention my name as well as e-mail me at:

ICQ# 4462286

If there any comments, corrections, and/or suggestions, please send them to me!

Thank you for your support.


Due to popular demand, I have organized two lists for Battle Skills.
The first is organized by Wanzer models, for easier reference when
unlocking skills.

The second list is simply an alphabetical sort, for reference.

Finally I moved this list from my Wanzer parts and weapons FAQ into its
own FAQ file.

Those without description of abilities are skills I have not run across
yet in my game. AutoI and AutoII are really annoying to unlock, so if
anyone has the exact wording of the skill's ability and would like to
tell me, I would greatly appreciate it. Can no enemy stun my anymore?

Alphabetized by Wanzer Part (then organized by Body, Arm, Leg)

Skill Slots Wanzer Part Type/Hint Ability
--------- ----- ----------- ---- -------------- ------------
Chaff 1 Drake M2C Body All weapons (def) Diverts attacking missiles
Pilot DMGI 1 Drake M2C Arm No grenades High dmg to enemy pilot
EXPx2 1 Drake M2C Leg No grenades Doubles battle skill EXP
AutoI Enyo Mk109 Body No shoulder wpn
Leg Smash 4 Enyo Mk109 Arm 1 Shot, Mel, Msl Destroys enemy's legs
Prvnt Loss 1 Enyo Mk109 Leg All weapons (def) Saves lost part, but reduces HP to 1
Pilot Eject Foura M12A Body No shoulder wpn
Arm Smash 4 Foura M12A Arm 1 Shot, Mel, Msl Destroys enemy's arm
Escape 1 Foura M12A Leg All weapons (def) Escapes before a part is destroyed
Def-C1[Up] 1 Genie Body No shoulder wpn Def-C upgrade up 1 LV
Pilot DMGIII 3 Genie Arm No grenades Major dmg to enemy pilot
AutoCountr 1 Genie Leg All Weapons Counters even when part destroyed
RevengeIII 3 Getty Body No shoulder wpn Returns twice the received dmg
FiringSquad 3 Getty Arm Range Calls 2 allies for backup fire
E-Skill2[Down] 2 Getty Leg No shoulder wpn Enemy's weapons skill down 2 LVs
MeleeIII 3 Grapple M1 Body Melee Doubles the melee skill for a turn
Dbl PunchI 2 Grapple M1 Arm RL Same Melee Wpns R-L combo with one melee type
Skill+2[Up] 2 Grapple M1 Leg No grenades Weapon skill up 2 LVs for a turn
ZoomIII 3 Grezex Body No grenades Doubles Acc
Aim 3 Grezex Arm Burst Concentrates all attacks on 1 part
Hrd Knocks 1 Grezex Leg No grenades Weapon skill LVs up when machine weakened
Rvnge-Body Hoshun Mk112 Body No shoulder wpn
Body Smash 5 Hoshun Mk112 Arm 1 Shot, Mel, Msl Destroys enemy's body
AP-0 3 Hoshun Mk112 Leg No grenades Reduces AP cost to 0
RevengeI Jinyo Mk110 Body No shoulder wpn
ROFUPII 2 Jinyo Mk110 Arm Burst Fires 1.5 times normal ammo
Fast Attack 2 Jinyo Mk110 Leg No shoulder wpn Attacks, then escapes counterattack
MeleeII 2 Kasel M2 Body Melee Melee skill up 1.5 LVs for a turn
Stun Punch 1 Kasel M2 Arm Melee Stuns enemy pilot
AP-30% 1 Kasel M2 Leg No grenades Reduces AP cost by 30%
ZoomI 1 Kyojun Mk107 Body No grenades Raises Acc 1.2 times
ROFUPI 1 Kyojin Mk107 Arm Burst Fires 1.2 times normal ammo
BraceI 1 Kyojun Mk107 Leg No shoulder wpn Enemy attacks first, but damage cut by 50%
MeleeI 1 Kyokei Mk108 Body Melee Melee skill up 1.2 LVs for a turn
Hit or Miss 1 Kyokei Mk108 Arm Burst All shots either hit or miss the enemy
DMGFix100 1 Kyokei Mk108 Leg All weapons (def) Reduces dmg between 101-200 to 100
Def-C2[Up] 2 Laiying 1 Body No shoulder wpn Def-C upgrade up 2 LVs
Pilot DMGII 2 Laiying 1 Arm No grenades Very high dmg to enemy pilot
Skill+3[Up] 3 Laiying 1 Leg No grenades Weapon skill up 3 LVs for a turn
TackleIII 3 Lanze Body Melee Tackles with all body weight; major dmg
ShieldAtkII 2 Lanze Arm Melee Attacks with shield; very high dmg
Avoid40 2 Lanze Leg All weapons (def) Reduces dmg under 40 to 0
InitiativeIII 3 Lenghe 1 Body No shoulder wpn Player attacks first without handicap
ShieldAtkIII 3 Lenghe 1 Arm Melee Attacks with shield; major dmg
Gangbeating 3 Lenghe 1 Leg Melee Calls 2 allies for melee backup
Def-CMAX 3 Mingtian 1 Body No shoulder wpn Def-C upgrade maxed
RndmSmash 4 Mingtian 1 Arm 1 Shot, Mel, Msl Destroys a random part
Blackout 1 Mingtian 1 Leg No grenades Disables enemy's Battle Skills
E-Acc1[Down] 1 Pare PAW1 Body No shoulder wpn Enemy's Acc upgrade down 1 LV
ToppleShot 1 Pare PAW1 Arm Range Knocks enemy down & reduces AP by half
EvadeI[Up] 1 Pare PAW1 Leg No shoulder wpn Evade upgrade up 1 LV during an attack
AutoII Prov PAW2 Body No shoulder wpn
Dbl ShotI 2 Prov PAW2 Arm RL Same Rng Wpns R-L combo with one ranged type
Guard-B 1 Prov PAW2 Leg All weapons (def) Defends attacks to the body with an arm
RevengeII 2 Qibing 0 Body No shoulder wpn Returns 1.5X received dmg
TopplePnch 2 Qibing 0 Arm Melee Knocks enemy down & reduces AP to 0
DmgFix200 1 Qibing 0 Leg All weapons (def) Reduces dmg between 201-400 to 200
ZoomII 2 Rekson M4F Body No grenades Raises Acc 1.5 times
BkupFire 3 Rekson M4F Arm Melee Requests fire support from an ally
E-Skill1[Down] 1 Rekson M4F Leg No shoulder wpn Enemy's weapons skill down 1 LV
E-AccNul 3 Shangdi 1 Body No shoulder wpn Enemy's Acc upgrade disabled
Dbl ShotII 2 Shangdi 1 Arm RL Dif Rng Wpns R-L combo with dif. ranged types
EXPx3 2 Shangdi 1 Leg No grenades Triples battle skill EXP
E-EvadeNul 3 Shunwang 1 Body No grenades Enemy's Evade upgrade disabled
Aim-Body 3 Shunwang 1 Arm Burst Concentrates all attacks on enemy's body
Evade-Max 3 Shunwang 1 Leg No shoulder wpn Evade upgrade maxed during an attack
DmgFix400 1 Shunyo Mk111 Body All weapons (def) Reduces dmg between 401-800 to 400
Rvnge-Same Shunyo Mk111 Arm No shoulder wpn
AP-60% 2 Shunyo Mk111 Leg No grenades Reduces AP cost by 60%
TackleII 2 Tiandong 3 Body Melee Tackles with all body weight; very high dmg
EjectPunch 1 Tiandong 3 Arm Melee Ejects enemy pilot
Avoid20 1 Tiandong 3 Leg All weapons (def) Reduces dmg under 20 to 0
E-Dec-C2[Down] Tieqi 4 Body No grenades
Aim-Leg 3 Tieqi 4 Arm Burst Concentrates all attacks on enemy's legs
BraceII 2 Tieqi 4 Leg No shoulder wpn Enemy attacks first, but dmg cut by 80%
E-Evade2[Down] 2 Vinedrai Body No grenades Enemy's evade upgrade down 2 LVs
Aim-Arm 3 Vinedrai Arm Burst Concentrates all attacks on enemy's arm
EXPx4 3 Vinedrai Leg No grenades Quadruples battle skill EXP
E-Def-CNul 3 Whisk Body No grenades Enemy's Def-C upgrade disabled
Salvo 1 Whisk Arm Missile Fires all remaining missiles
Evade2[Up] 2 Whisk Leg No shoulder wpn Evade upgrade up 2 LVs during an attack
E-Acc2[Down] 2 Wude 3 Body No shoulder wpn Enemy's Acc upgrade down 2 LVs
Dbl PunchII 2 Wude 3 Arm RL Dif Mel Wpns R-L combo with dif. melee types
E-Skill3[Down] 3 Wude 3 Leg No shoulder wpn Enemy's weapon skill down 3 LVs
BkupMelee 3 Yongsai 3 Body Range Requests melee support from an ally
ROFUPIII 3 Yongsai 3 Arm Burst Fires 2X normal ammo
Avoid80 3 Yongsai 3 Leg All weapons (def) Reduces dmg under 80 to 0
Dbl Assault 2 Zanislev Arm Melee & Range R-L combo with melee and range weapon
Tackle 1 Zenislev Body Melee Tackles with all body weight; high dmg
InitiativeI 1 Zenislev Leg No shoulder wpn Player attacks first, but receives 1.4Xdmg
E-Evade1[Down] 1 Zeros Body No grenades Enemy's evade upgrade down 1 LV
ShieldAtkI 1 Zeros Arm Melee Attacks with shield; high dmg
InitiativeII 2 Zeros Leg No shoulder wpn Player attacks first, but receives 1.2Xdmg

Alphabetized by Skill Name

Skill Slots Wanzer Part Type/Hint Ability
--------- ----- ----------- ---- -------------- ------------
Aim 3 Grezex Arm Burst Concentrates all attacks on 1 part
Aim-Arm 3 Vinedrai Arm Burst Concentrates all attacks on enemy's arm
Aim-Body 3 Shunwang 1 Arm Burst Concentrates all attacks on enemy's body
Aim-Leg 3 Tieqi 4 Arm Burst Concentrates all attacks on enemy's legs
AP-0 3 Hoshun Mk112 Leg No grenades Reduces AP cost to 0
AP-60% 2 Shunyo Mk111 Leg No grenades Reduces AP cost by 60%
AP-30% 1 Kasel M2 Leg No grenades Reduces AP cost by 30%
Arm Smash 4 Foura M12A Arm 1 Shot, Mel, Msl Destroys enemy's arm
AutoI Enyo Mk109 Body No shoulder wpn
AutoII Prov PAW2 Body No shoulder wpn
AutoCountr 1 Genie Leg All Weapons Counters even when part destroyed
Avoid20 1 Tiandong 3 Leg All weapons (def) Reduces dmg under 20 to 0
Avoid40 2 Lanze Leg All weapons (def) Reduces dmg under 40 to 0
Avoid80 3 Yongsai 3 Leg All weapons (def) Reduces dmg under 80 to 0
BkupFire 3 Rekson M4F Arm Melee Requests fire support from an ally
BkupMelee 3 Yongsai 3 Body Range Requests melee support from an ally
Blackout 1 Mingtian 1 Leg No grenades Disables enemy's Battle Skills
Body Smash 5 Hoshun Mk112 Arm 1 Shot, Mel, Msl Destroys enemy's body
BraceI 1 Kyojun Mk107 Leg No shoulder wpn Enemy attacks first, but damage cut by 50%
BraceII 2 Tieqi 4 Leg No shoulder wpn Enemy attacks first, but dmg cut by 80%
Chaff 1 Drake M2C Body All weapons (def) Diverts attacking missiles
Dbl Assault 2 Zanislev Arm Melee & Range R-L combo with melee and range weapon
Dbl PunchI 2 Grapple M1 Arm RL Same Melee Wpns R-L combo with one melee type
Dbl PunchII 2 Wude 3 Arm RL Dif Mel Wpns R-L combo with dif. melee types
Dbl ShotI 2 Prov PAW2 Arm RL Same Rng Wpns R-L combo with one ranged type
Dbl ShotII 2 Shangdi 1 Arm RL Dif Rng Wpns R-L combo with dif. ranged types
Def-C1[Up] 1 Genie Body No shoulder wpn Def-C upgrade up 1 LV
Def-C2[Up] 2 Laiying 1 Body No shoulder wpn Def-C upgrade up 2 LVs
Def-CMAX 3 Mingtian 1 Body No shoulder wpn Def-C upgrade maxed
DMGFix100 1 Kyokei Mk108 Leg All weapons (def) Reduces dmg between 101-200 to 100
DmgFix200 1 Qibing 0 Leg All weapons (def) Reduces dmg between 201-400 to 200
DmgFix400 1 Shunyo Mk111 Body All weapons (def) Reduces dmg between 401-800 to 400
E-Acc1[Down] 1 Pare PAW1 Body No shoulder wpn Enemy's Acc upgrade down 1 LV
E-Acc2[Down] 2 Wude 3 Body No shoulder wpn Enemy's Acc upgrade down 2 LVs
E-AccNul 3 Shangdi 1 Body No shoulder wpn Enemy's Acc upgrade disabled
E-Dec-C2[Down] Tieqi 4 Body No grenades
E-Def-CNul 3 Whisk Body No grenades Enemy's Def-C upgrade disabled
E-Evade1[Down] 1 Zeros Body No grenades Enemy's evade upgrade down 1 LV
E-Evade2[Down] 2 Vinedrai Body No grenades Enemy's evade upgrade down 2 LVs
E-EvadeNul 3 Shunwang 1 Body No grenades Enemy's Evade upgrade disabled
E-Skill1[Down] 1 Rekson M4F Leg No shoulder wpn Enemy's weapons skill down 1 LV
E-Skill2[Down] 2 Getty Leg No shoulder wpn Enemy's weapons skill down 2 LVs
E-Skill3[Down] 3 Wude 3 Leg No shoulder wpn Enemy's weapon skill down 3 LVs
EjectPunch 1 Tiandong 3 Arm Melee Ejects enemy pilot
Escape 1 Foura M12A Leg All weapons (def) Escapes before a part is destroyed
Evade1[Up] 1 Pare PAW1 Leg No shoulder wpn Evade upgrade up 1 LV during an attack
Evade2[Up] 2 Whisk Leg No shoulder wpn Evade upgrade up 2 LVs during an attack
Evade-Max 3 Shunwang 1 Leg No shoulder wpn Evade upgrade maxed during an attack
EXPx2 1 Drake M2C Leg No grenades Doubles battle skill EXP
EXPx3 2 Shangdi 1 Leg No grenades Triples battle skill EXP
EXPx4 3 Vinedrai Leg No grenades Quadruples battle skill EXP
Fast Attack 2 Jinyo Mk110 Leg No shoulder wpn Attacks, then escapes counterattack
FiringSquad 3 Getty Arm Range Calls 2 allies for backup fire
Gangbeating 3 Lenghe 1 Leg Melee Calls 2 allies for melee backup
Guard-B 1 Prov PAW2 Leg All weapons (def) Defends attacks to the body with an arm
Hit or Miss 1 Kyokei Mk108 Arm Burst All shots either hit or miss the enemy
Hrd Knocks 1 Grezex Leg No grenades Weapon skill LVs up when machine weakened
InitiativeI 1 Zenislev Leg No shoulder wpn Player attacks first, but receives 1.4Xdmg
InitiativeII 2 Zeros Leg No shoulder wpn Player attacks first, but receives 1.2Xdmg
InitiativeIII 3 Lenghe 1 Body No shoulder wpn Player attacks first without handicap
Leg Smash 4 Enyo Mk109 Arm 1 Shot, Mel, Msl Destroys enemy's legs
MeleeI 1 Kyokei Mk108 Body Melee Melee skill up 1.2 LVs for a turn
MeleeII 2 Kasel M2 Body Melee Melee skill up 1.5 LVs for a turn
MeleeIII 3 Grapple M1 Body Melee Doubles the melee skill for a turn
Pilot DMGI 1 Drake M2C Arm No grenades High dmg to enemy pilot
Pilot DMGII 2 Laiying 1 Arm No grenades Very high dmg to enemy pilot
Pilot DMGIII 3 Genie Arm No grenades Major dmg to enemy pilot
Pilot Eject Foura M12A Body No shoulder wpn
Prvnt Loss 1 Enyo Mk109 Leg All weapons (def) Saves lost part, but reduces HP to 1
RevengeI Jinyo Mk110 Body No shoulder wpn
RevengeII 2 Qibing 0 Body No shoulder wpn Returns 1.5X received dmg
RevengeIII 3 Getty Body No shoulder wpn Returns twice the received dmg
RndmSmash 4 Mingtian 1 Arm 1 Shot, Mel, Msl Destroys a random part
ROFUPI 1 Kyojin Mk107 Arm Burst Fires 1.2 times normal ammo
ROFUPII 2 Jinyo Mk110 Arm Burst Fires 1.5 times normal ammo
ROFUPIII 3 Yongsai 3 Arm Burst Fires 2X normal ammo
Rvnge-Body Hoshun Mk112 Body No shoulder wpn
Rvnge-Same Shunyo Mk111 Arm No shoulder wpn
Salvo 1 Whisk Arm Missile Fires all remaining missiles
ShieldAtkI 1 Zeros Arm Melee Attacks with shield; high dmg
ShieldAtkII 2 Lanze Arm Melee Attacks with shield; very high dmg
ShieldAtkIII 3 Lenghe 1 Arm Melee Attacks with shield; major dmg
Skill+2[Up] 2 Grapple M1 Leg No grenades Weapon skill up 2 LVs for a turn
Skill+3[Up] 3 Laiying 1 Leg No grenades Weapon skill up 3 LVs for a turn
Stun Punch 1 Kasel M2 Arm Melee Stuns enemy pilot
TopplePnch 2 Qibing 0 Arm Melee Knocks enemy down & reduces AP to 0
ToppleShot 1 Pare PAW1 Arm Range Knocks enemy down & reduces AP by half
Tackle 1 Zenislev Body Melee Tackles with all body weight; high dmg
TackleII 2 Tiandong 3 Body Melee Tackles with all body weight; very high dmg
TackleIII 3 Lanze Body Melee Tackles with all body weight; major dmg
ZoomI 1 Kyojun Mk107 Body No grenades Raises Acc 1.2 times
ZoomII 2 Rekson M4F Body No grenades Raises Acc 1.5 times
ZoomIII 3 Grezex Body No grenades Doubles Acc

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Network & Wanzers FAQ

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