Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun

Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun

18.10.2013 04:23:17
Command & Conquer:
Tiberian Sun
Side Selection/Unit Comparison FAQ
Written By: Michael Detwiler (Psxmasta)
Last Update- 6/9/02
Version: Final

Version 1.5

Table of Contents

i. Table of Contents
ii. Copyright Information
iii. Version History

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Choosing Your Side---
2.1 Infantry
2.1.1 Light Infantry vs. Light Infantry
2.1.2 Disk Throwers vs. Rocket Infantry
2.1.3 Jump Jet Infantry vs. Cyborgs
2.1.4 Engineers vs. Engineers
2.1.5 Medic vs. No Medic
2.1.6 Ghost Stalker vs. Cyborg Commando
2.1.7 No Mutant Hijacker vs. Mutant Hijacker

2.2 Ground Units
2.2.1 Wolverines vs. Attack Buggies/Attack Cycles
2.2.2 Titans vs. Tick Tanks
2.2.3 Hover MLRS vs. Stealth Tanks
2.2.4 Amphibious APCs vs. Subterranean APCs
2.2.5 Disrupters vs. Devil's Tongue Flame Tanks
2.2.6 No Artillery vs. Artillery
2.2.7 Mammoth Mk. II vs. No Mammoth Mk. II

2.3 Air Units
2.3.1 Orca Fighter vs. Harpy
2.3.2 Orca Bomber vs. Banshee
2.3.3 Orca Carryall vs. No Orca Carryall

2.4 Special Ground Units
2.4.1 No Weed Eater vs. Weed Eater
2.4.2 Service Depot vs. Mobile Repair Vehicle

2.5 Base Defenses
2.5.1 Vulcan Cannon Upgrade vs. Laser
2.5.2 RPG Launcher Upgrade vs. Obelisk of Light
2.5.3 SAM Upgrade vs. SAM
2.5.4 E.M.P. Cannon vs. E.M.P. Cannon
2.5.5 Concrete Walls vs. NOD Walls
2.5.6 Firestorm Walls vs. Laser Fences
2.5.7 No Cloaking Device vs. Stealth Generator

2.6 Special Offensive Units
2.6.1 Ion Cannon vs. Multi Missile
2.6.2 No Chemical Missle vs. Chemical Missle
2.6.3 Hunter-Seeker Droid vs. Hunter Seeker Droid

3.0 Totals

4.0 Tech Trees
4.1 GDI Tech Trees
4.1.1 Structures
4.1.2 Units
4.2 NOD Tech Trees
4.2.1 Structures
4.2.2 Units

5.0 Credits
5.1 My Suggested Strategy Games

Copyright Information

I'll make this short. You may not post this FAQ on your site
without permission from me, you may not use it for anything but
your personal use, and you may not alter or sell duplications
of this FAQ.

Version History

Version 1.0- The first post. I coverd anything in
3/28/01 the FAQ that I do not list below.

Version 1.5- Added Section 4.0- Tech Trees.

Final - It's been a while, hasn't it? This is the last
6/9/02 update of the FAQ, and the only thing I changed is
my email address and added a "My suggested stratedy
games" section. Sorry if I caused any trouble
with regards to sending emails to my old address.

1.0 Introducton

Tiberian Sun is a great game. A pre warning to any who has not
yet bought this game: IT IS VERY ADDICTING. When I bought it I
was hooked right away. In addition, it is also one of the first
real time strategy games I have ever played and now I am hooked
on the genre. Anyway, In this FAQ my goal is to help you see
the strengths and weaknesses of both armies: Global Defense
Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of NOD (just NOD). My
suggestion to you is to play both armies equally because they
are both fun. Afterall, why did you pay the full price of the
game if you are just going to play one side?

2.0 Choosing Your Side- GDI vs. NOD

Like I said before, you should really try both sides. GDI, in case
you haven't figured it out, are the good guys. They try to stop
NOD, who are the bad guys. Caught in between the war are the
Forgotten. They are the mutant race. They side mostly with the
GDI, but mutants have been known in the NOD side, too. GDI is
the more traditional side who fights the good war. NOD will stop
at nothing from stopping the GDI who are trying to stop them so
they can.... well, I'll leave that as a surprise. Anyway, in the
next section I will compare units in the two armies based on
what I think. There is no proof of this in the game or the manual
or anything. It is based solely on my opinions, nothing else.

Because something tells me that when this FAQ does get posted I
will get tons of e-mails telling me that I am an idiot because
of my judgement calls. So, if you disagree send me an e-mail
of why I am wrong and you are right. If it is an intelligent
message I will post it so please leave me your name.

2.1 Infantry

GDI's vs. NOD's
Light Infantry | Light Infantry
GDI's Light Infantry carry | NOD's Light Infantry are
an M-16 shock rifle and are | exactly the same as GDI's in
only effective in groups or | every way.
sometimes as scouts. They |
are no different than NOD's |
Light Infantry. |

0 Points Tie 0 Points

Disk Throwers vs. Rocket Infantry
Disk Throwers are grenade | Rocket Infantry are a step
throwing infantry. They are | above Light Infantry. Instead
called Disk Throwers because | of a gun they carry a rocket
their grenades are shaped | launcher that is efficive
like disks. I prefer these | against buildings, vehicles,
over NOD's Rocket Infantry | and also airplanes, but not
because they are effective | other infantry. They are more
against infantry, ground | expensive then Disk Throwers,
units, and buildings | and can easily be taken out
especially in groups of 15-20.| by a smaller group of Light
They are also $50 cheaper than| Infantry.
Rocket Infantry. |

1 Point GDI 0 Points

Jump Jet Infantry vs. Cyborgs
These are GDI's top of the | Cyborgs are NOD's shock
line infantry. They are | troops. They have much more
infantry with jet packs on | armor than Jump Jet Infantry
their backs. Never ever send | and carry a high-powered
them into an enemy base; they | shock rifle. The nice thing
will be taken out in seconds | about Cyborgs is that they
by SAMs. However, they can be | heal in Tiberium because they
useful against lone infantry | are made with Tiberium. A
or vehicles without any air | group of about 5 of these can
defense. Also, for having just | take out a group of light
about no armor they are very | infantry of about 10-15.
expensive at $600 a pop. |

0 Points NOD 1 Point

Engineers vs. Engineers
It took me quite some time to | NOD's engineers are exactly
figure out that an entire base | the same as GDI's. NOD,
with weak defenses in one area | however, has the
could be taken over by | Subterranean APC, which I
a group of engineers. They | like to load up with
carry no weapons but they can | engineers and surface in the
repair or capture buildings, | middle (or any unpaved area)
and they can repair bridges. | in the fort and take over
An attack of engineers will be | every building I can.
costly because they cost $500 a|
piece, but it will be much |
quicker than an attack of |
infantry. |

0 Points TIE 0 Points

Medic vs. [No Medic]
Medics are guys that run around| NOD considers infantry
and heal infantry. They are | expendable so they have no
very useful especially if you | medic.
are having an attack on a base.|
Go in, blow up a few buildings,|
and come out and have the |
Medics cure your infantry. |

1 Point GDI 0 Points

Ghost Stalker vs. Cyborg Commando
GDI's Ghost Stalker is really a | The Cyborg Commando is a
part of the Forgotten, or mutant| much more powerful form of
race. He carries a rail gun | of a regular Cyborg. He
which cuts through any infantry | carries a gun that shoots
in his way. Beware, for his gun | bullets similar to those of
will also cut through any | the Banshee aircraft; only
friendly units in his way. He | a lot more powerful. He is
also carries C4 explosives to | more efficient at destroying
blow up buildings, and he can | buildings because the Ghost
heal in Tiberium. You can only | Stalker must get right up
have one in the game at a time. | to them. He is also
| effective agaist everything
| else except aircraft. His
| gun shoots much faster than
| the Ghost Stalker. He also
| heals in Tiberium. You can
| only have one in the game
| at a time.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

[No Mutant Hijacker] vs. Mutant Hijacker
GDI has no Mutant Hijacker, or | The Mutant Hijacker simply
any person that has the ability | just steals vehicles,
to steal vehicles. | either the enemy's or
| civilian's. This can be a
| great advantage: say GDI is
| marching a Mammoth Mk. II
| toward your base. Simply
| distract it with a few Light
| Infantry and steal it. Also,
| Civilian vehicles are good
| for transpot. You can only
| have one in the game at a
| time.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

2.2 Ground Units


Wolverines vs. Attack Buggys/
| Attack Cycles
Wolverines make great scouts. | Attack Buggies
They are fast and lightly |
armored, but aren't very | These are the same as
effective for attacks although | Wolverines but instead of
they can withstand some damage | being a walking machine they
before being destroyed. They | are small buggies. They are
are immune to Tiberium Veins | also immune to Tiberium Veins.
and cost $500 each. |
| Attack Cycles
| Attack Cycles are the best
| scouts in the game, in
| being that they are the
| fastest unit in the game.
| They have virtually no armor
| and shoot rockets similar to
| those of the Rocket
| Infantry. They are not very
| effective at all in attack
| because of their light armor.
| They cost $600 each.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

Titans vs. Tick Tanks
Titans are huge walking | Tick Tanks are regular tanks
machines that are complete | other than the fact that
rip-offs of the ones in Star | they can burrow in the
Wars. A group of five can do | ground and become cannons.
quite a bit of damage to | They can also squash
vehicles and buildings with | infantry but I usually use
their guns and can squash | them for base defenses
infantry. Unlike Tick Tanks | instead because it takes
they are better for offense | a while to deploy a whole
than defense. They cost $800 a | grop of them while attacking.
piece, and even though they are| These also cost $800.
a rip-off, they are a pretty |
darn good one :) |

1 Point GDI 0 Points

Hover MLRS vs. Stealth Tanks
The Hover Multi-Launch Rocket | Stealth Tanks are exactly
System is a hover tank with | the same as Attack Cycles
duel rocket launcers, so it can| other than that they are
shoot two rockets at a time. | slower, more expensive,
It has barely any armor but | have duel rocket launchers,
other than the Mammoth Mk. II | and...they are invisable.
the Hover MLRS is the only | They are great scouts but
mobile unit that is capable of | by the time you get them in
hitting air units, although it | the game the enemy has the
can be taken out with a few | Mobile Sensor Array so you
shots. One of its positive | will be detected.
features is that is can |
accompany Amphibous APCs in the|
waterways. |

1 Point GDI 0 Points

Amphibious APCs vs. Subterranean APCs
Amphibious APCs are used to | Subterranean APCs are used
transport infantry units, up to| for the same reason as
five at a time. They are simply| Amphibious APCs with one
transport tanks that can float | main difference: they carry
across water. They have light | infantry underground to a
armor and cost $800 each. | target. These are great
| when you have them but they
| can be a pain if your
| opponent has them. To
| prevent engineer attacks
| as soon as you get some
| basic defenses pave your
| base. These also cost $800.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

Disrupters vs. Devil's Tongue
| Flame Tanks
Disrupters focus very powerful |
light beams on enemies. They | These might as well be called
are also very expensive and | "Flame throwers on wheels"
have great armor. The only | because that's all they are.
problem with these is that | Other than that they can
whatever caught in the light | burrow underground and cost
beam, friend or foe, will take | only $750 these suck against
damage, and that is why it is | everything except infantry
not a good idea to use these as| because of their light armor.
defenses in the middle of your | They weren't ment to be
base. You can do a lot of | used in attacks.
damage to buildings in your |
base. |

1 Point GDI 0 Points


[No Artillery] vs. Artilllery
For one of the world's best | NOD's artillery is the best
armies GDI kinda' forgot a long | ground unit in the game.
range delivery system like | While being great for
artillery. Well, that's their | offense they are even better
loss. | for defense. Who needs
| walls when you can have
| 50+ artillery units around
| the perimeter of your base?
| You heard me right. As soon
| as I build a war factory I
| start pumping out artillery.
| You know you have enough
| when one shot from all your
| artillery can wipe out any
| unit in the game. The only
| drawbacks of artillery
| is they can only shoot
| when deployed and can only
| move while not deployed.
| Also, they cannot shoot at
| close range.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

Mammoth Mk. II vs. [No Mammoth Mk. II]
In case you havn't already | NOD has no Mammoth Mk. II
figured it out the Mammoth Mk. | but you can get one much
II is the largest tank in the | cheaper as NOD. How you
game. Unfortunatly biggest | ask? Remember the Mutant
dosen't necessarily mean best. | Hijacker? He costs $1800
First off, it is expensive | some, much less than the
($3000). Also, it is slow making| tank itself. Simply buy a
it an easy target for artillery.| Mutant Hijacker and steal
When you first get to use a | one.
Mammoth Mk. II it seems great |
but the novelty quickly wears |
off when it gets destroyed and |
you have to dish out another |
$3000 to buy another one. On the|
positive side it is very |
efficient against lone ground |
units as well as air units. |

1 Point GDI 0 Points

2.3 Air Units

Orca Fighter vs. Harpy
The Orca Fighter is your average| The Harpy is a load of crap.
helicopter. It is lightweight | It swirls around its target
and fast and carries 5 rounds, | much like the Orca Fighter
each round containing two shots.| but is much slower at
They can be very effective in | delivering its payload all
groups and are the cheapest air | the time being shot at by
unit of the game (well, accualy | SAMs. They are even slower
the same price of a Harpy) at | than Orca Fighters. The
$1000. They are most effective | only thing the Harpy has
against buildings and ground | going for it is that it
units, but not infantry. | is effective against
| infantry. Stay away from
| Harpys at all costs.

1 Point GDI 0 Points

Orca Bomber vs. Banshee
The Orca Bomber is the best air | The Banshee is very weak
unit in the game and beats the | for being the better of
crap out of the Banshee. They are| the two aircraft of NOD.
slow but their awesome firepower | Even though it has weak
makes up for that. They are | firepower the speed makes
effective against every unit in | up for that. The problem
the game and are also great for | here is the cost. Even
defense. A group of about 4-6 | though they cost $100 less
(depending on how many SAMs are | than Orca Bombers you must
in the base) can take out any | buy more than double of
building/unit in the game. | these than the bombers.
| Also, their armor is weaker
| than that of the bombers
| and they are not effecive
| against infantry.

1 Point GDI 0 Points

Orca Carryall vs. [No Orca Carryall]
The Orca Carryall is a fun little| It's too bad NOD has no
toy to use. Costing only $750 | transport plane/helicopter.
trasnsport planes pick up any | However, Helipads and
of yours on the battle field and | Service Depots are usually
take it somewhere else. They are | not very heavily guarded,
great for engineer attacks via an| so if you are able to
Amphibious APC. Also, they are | capture one of each the
great for dropping a Mammoth Mk. | Carryall will become
II or multiple Disrupters right | avilable to you.
in the middle of your opponents |
base. Beware, they have very |
light armor and take only a few |
hits by SAMs to destroy. If they |
are destroyed while carrying |
something what they are carrying |
will also get destroyed. |

1 Point GDI 0 Points

2.4 Special Ground Units

[No Weed Eater] vs. Weed Eater
Because GDI has no Weed Eater | Weed Eaters make Chemical
they have no Chemical Missles. | Missles possible. They go
| around and collect Tiberium
| Veins and drop them off
| into a Tiberium Waste
| Facility.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

Service Depot vs. Mobile Repair Vehicle
The Service Depot is where | Mobile Repair Vehicles are
vehicles get repaired. Simply | way better than Service
select the unit or units that you| Depots for these reasons:
want to be repaired and lead them| (1) It is free to repair
to the Service Depot. It costs | vehicles, (2) it costs
money for vehicles to be | $200 less, (3) and they
repaired, however. Also it is | move. Have at least three
interesting to note that when you| of these guys. You can
are playing a multiplayer game | also share these with your
you can share Service Depots with| allies.
you allies. |

0 Points 1 Point

2.5 Base Defenses

Vulcan Cannon Upgrade vs. Laser
The Vulcan Cannon Upgrade is | "All I asked for were
simply a gun turret on a Componet | sharks with friggin' laser
Tower. All upgrades are placed on | beams on their head!"
a Component Tower which costs | Well, sorry Dr. Evil but
$200. The Vulcan Cannon itself | you'll have to settle for
costs $150. So do the math: $200 | plain old lasers. Lasers
for a tower plus $150 for the | shoot pulses of laser
cannon equals $350. One problem | beams. They fry infantry
when building multiple towers | and are also effective
versus lasers is that they take | against other units. They
longer to build since you have to | cost less than Vulcan
build two buildings. | Cannons at $300.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

RPG Launcher Upgrade vs. Obelisk of Light
The Rocket Propelled Grenade | This is a giant laser. It
Launcher is most effective | is like the laser in most
against vehicles. The problem | ways except that is slower
these is that if a few Rocket | to reload, costs much more
Infantry get too close to | ($1500), shoots a MUCH more
RPG launcer it won't be able to| powerful laser, takes up
shoot at them and will get | more power,...okay, so it
destroyed, so that is why it is| isn't like the regular laser
a good idea to pair these with | at all. The main reason I
Vulcan Cannons. They cost a lot| like this better than the
less than the Obelisk of Light | RPG Launcher is it is much
but are weaker. | more powerful. It can kill
| infantry and lightly armored
| vehicles in one shot.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

SAM Upgrade vs. SAM
Surface to Air Upgrades are | These SAMs are exactly the
GDI's only defense against | same as GDI's only they are
air units besides the Mammoth | quicker to build because
Mk. II and the Hover MLRS. They| NOD has no Componet Tower.
cost $300 plus the Component | This is a slight advantage
Tower. Don't let your power | but when you find your
fall into the red or else your | opponent is planning a
SAMs will not work. | huge air attack it can
| make all the difference.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

E.M.P. Cannon vs. E.M.P. Cannon
The computer never sends attacks| NOD's E.M.P. Cannon is the
big enough to use the E.M.P. | same as GDI's.
Cannon, or Electromagnetic Pulse|
Cannon. What these do are shoot |
a pulse that makes any vehicle |
helpless for a short time. They |
have saved me many times in |
multiplayer games over the |
internet. Just imagine your |
opponet tryes to rush your fort |
with 30-40 Titans. Fire an E.M. |
Pulse and destroy the vehicles |
before they recover. |

0 Points Tie 0 Points

Concrete Walls vs. NOD Walls
Concrete Walls are designed to | After much testing (well,
keep the opponent out. Not to | maybe not that much) I have
many opponets online build | concluded that while the
walls, but I do. Even if you do | two types of walls look
have your fort paved engineers | different, they are the
still may be able to get in. | same strength.
They make good defensive |
perimeters if a Component Tower |
is placed every five squares. |

0 Points Tie 0 Points

Firestorm Walls vs. Laser Fences
To build Firstorm Walls you must | Laser Fences are the same
first build a Firestom Generator | as NOD walls (even in
which drains $$$ and power. Then | price) but suck power and
you must build the walls | just plain old suck. By
themselves which is a pain. From | taking out one post you
what I've told you probably think| will take down a huge
I like Laser Fences better. | part of the grid making
Wrong. This is the only structure| it easy for you to invade
in the game that defends against | the enemies fort or vice
missles. Enough said. | versa.

1 Point GDI 0 Points

[No Cloaking Device] vs. Stealth Generator
GDI has no cloaking device, or | The Stealth Generator
anything that makes your fort | makes your fort invisable.
invisable. | If a scout has already
| seen your base don't
| bother to buy one. If you
| do but one make sure you
| have extra power plants
| because if one gets
| destroyed and you have
| little power then your
| base will decloak.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

2.6 Special Offensive Units

Ion Cannon vs. Multi Missle
The Ion Cannon shoots an Ion Beam| I like the Multi Missle
of moderate power wherever you | better than the Ion
wish. It can destroy most smaller| Cannon becaue it spreads
buildings but won't be able to | instead of hitting one
destroy things like the the | target, so one of these
Construction Yard. To shoot an | with one airplane or
Ion Beam you must have a Upgrade | Chemical Missle can
Center and and Ion Cannon Uplink.| destroy a large building
| like a Construction Yard.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

From Zeratul at -

Hey there!
I've just read your FAQ and there was something that came
to my attention: you consider NOD's Multi Missle better than
GDI's Ion Cannon. I understand, your reasons are quite logic,
but you forgot one thing: GDI can stop a Multi Missle via
Firestorm Wall, while an Ion Cannon round cannot be stopped by
Anyway, I'm a big GDI fan (I think you figured that already)
and I think it's not right not to take this fact into
consideration when giving that point to NOD.

Hey people, see this (^)? It's from a reader, like you. If you
catch any info I missed or if you think I'm crazy for saying
Cyborgs are better than Jump Jet Infantry send me an e-mail!
See section 2.0 for more.

[No Chemical Missle] vs. Chemical Missle
As you can tell GDI isn't in to | Firing the Chemical Missle
missle technology, for they have| requires that you have
no Chemical Missle. | a Tiberium Waste Facility,
| at least one Weed Eater,
| and a Missle Silo. The
| Missles are not very strong
| against buildings but
| are great for killing
| infantry. A bonus is that
| when the infantry die
| they turn into Visceroids,
| which can do a good amount
| of damage to a base.

0 Points NOD 1 Point

From Zeratul at -

A way to f**k up really bad a base by launching three missiles
in a row: wait until the Weed Eaters gather enough waste to
build the Chem Missile, then wait until the waste reserves are
full again. Then, launch the Chem Missile, wait a few seconds,
and launch the Multi Missile. By the time you do that, the
second Chem Missile is ready, and you can launch it too.
Target them in different points of the base for more
devastating effects.

Hunter-Seeker Droid vs. Hunter-Seeker Droid
The Hunter-Seeker Droid comes | The NOD Hunter-Seeker
from the Upgrade Center and | Droid is the same as GDI's
cannot be controled. What they | only it comes from a
kill ranges from one infantry | Temple of NOD.
man to a Construction Yard, so |
you never know what they will |
strike. |

0 Points Tie 0 Points

3.0 Totals

Here are the totals of who won and who won what. The results
will surprise you because they even surprised me.

Infantry Points
Light Infantry vs. Light Infantry 0 0
Disk Thrower vs. Rocket Infantry 1 0
Jump Jet Infantry vs. Cyborgs 0 1
Engineers vs. Engineers 0 0
Medic vs. No Medic 1 0
Ghost Stalker vs. Cyborg Commando 0 1
No Mutant Hijacker vs. Mutant Hijacker 0 1

Total: 2 3
Winner: NOD


It could have gone either way with the infantry because after
playing around with the Jump Jet Infantry more it was a really
close call. They are really great for defense. Other than that
it was almost evenly split.

Ground Units
Wolverines vs. Attack Buggys/Attack Cycles 0 1
Titans vs. Tick Tanks 1 0
Hover MLRS vs. Stealth Tanks 1 0
Amphibious APCs vs. Subterranean APCs 0 1
Disrupters vs. Devil's Tongue Flame Tanks 1 0
No Artillery vs. Artillery 0 1
Mammoth Mk. II vs. No Mammoth Mk. II 1 0

Total: 4 3
Winner: GDI


This is the part that I am surprised about. I thought NOD would
win for sure but when I layed it all out GDI had better troops.
I think by now you should be able to guess who my favorite is.

Air Units
Orca Fighter vs. Harpy 1 0
Orca Bomber vs. Banshee 1 0
Orca Carryall vs. No Orca Carryall 1 0

Total: 3 0
Winner: GDI


...and this is the part I'm not so surprised about. NOD has a
sorry excuse for air units, so if you like planes side with GDI.

Special Ground Units
No Weed Eater vs. Weed Eater 0 1
Service Depot vs. Mobile Repair Vehicle 0 1

Total: 0 2
Winner: NOD


This is a very important catagory; probably the most important
in the game because without this catagory there would be no
MCV. I left out a lot of things because both sides have them
and they are both the same (like the Mobile Sensor Array).

Base Defenses
Vulcan Cannon Upgrade vs. Laser 0 1
RPG Launcher Upgrade vs. Obelisk of Light 0 1
SAM Upgrade vs. SAM 0 1
E.M.P. Cannon vs. E.M.P. Cannon 0 0
Concrete Walls vs. NOD Walls 0 0
Firestorm Walls vs. Laser Fenses 1 0
No Cloaking Device vs. Stealth Generator 0 1

Total: 1 4
Winner: NOD


Heh, NOD just has better defence, not counting Artillery. A
hint to GDI though: set up a waypoint around your base and have
a lot of Jump Jet Infantry (20-25) follow it and shoot at
anything they see.

Special Offensive Units
Ion Cannon vs. Multi Missle 0 1
No Chemical Missle vs. Chemical Missle 0 1
Hunter-Seeker Droid vs. Hunter Seeker Droid 0 0

Total: 0 2
Winner: NOD


Here is where NOD makes up for their huge losses in air and
ground units. Their is one nice thing about the Ion Cannon
though: there is no defense against it.


My Personal Favorite is:

NOD. Even though they got outvoted in infantry and ground and
air I look at it this way; what is easier to destroy? One
heavily armed tank like the Mammoth Mk. II and 5 Disrupters or
30 Attack Buggys? And Besides, I like stealth better than brute

4.0 Tech Trees

The folling tells you what tech level things become available
and what buildings you must have to build them.

4.1 GDI Tech Trees

4.1.1 Structures
CY=Construction| CY(1)
Yard | |
PP=Power Plant | PP(1)
TR=Tiberium | ____|____ |-PV(6)
Refinery | | | | |
B=Barracks | TR(1) PT(7) B(1)----------CW(6)
TS=Tiberium | _____|___ __|__ |
Silo | | | | | |-AG(6)
WF=War Factory | | TS(1) CT(2) WF(2)
CT=Component | | ___|___ |
Tower | R(3)----| | | | |
VC=Vulcan | ___|___ SU(5) VC(2) RU(9) |_____
Cannon | | | | |
SU=SAM Upgrade | EP(6) HP(5) TC(6) SD(7)
RU=Rocket | ___|___
Propelled | | |
Grenade | FG(9) UC(10)
Launcher | | ___|___
R=Radar | FW(9) | |
HP=Helipad | IC(10) HS(10)
EP=E.M.P. |
Cannon |
CW=Concrete |
Wall |
AG=Automatic |
Gate |
PV=Pavement |
TC=Tech Center |
PT=Power |
Turbine |
SD=Service |
Depot |
FG=Firestorm |
Generator |
FW=Firestorm |
Walls |
UC=Upgrade |
Center |
IC=Ion Cannon |
Upgrade |
HS=Hunter- |
Seeker |
Control |

4.1.2 Units

Unit Tech Level
Light Infantry | 1
Disk Thrower | 2
Engineer | 2
Harvester* | 2
Wolverine | 2
Titan | 3
Medic | 4
Orca Fighter | 5
Jump Jet Infantry | 6
Amphibious APC | 6
Mobile Sensor Array | 6
Hover MLRS | 7
Orca Bomber | 8
Carryall | 9
Disrupter | 9
Ghost Stalker | 10
MCV | 10
Mammoth Mk. II | 10
Hunter-Seeker Droid | 10
Ion Cannon | 10

*You get a harvester whenever you build a Tiberium Refinery
no matter what the Tech Level is.

4.2 NOD Tech Trees

4.2.1 Structures
CY=Construction| CY(1)
Yard | |
PP=Power Plant | PP(1)
TR=Tiberium | ___|___ |-AG(6)
Refinery | | | |
HN=Hand of NOD | TR(1) HN(1)--------------NW(6)
TS=Tiberium | ___|___ |_________ |
Silo | | | | | |-PV(6)
L=Laser | TS(1) R(3) L(2) WF(2)
WF=War Factory | ___|___ ___|___
R=Radar | | | | | |
HP=Helipad | HP(5) | SM(5) AP(7) TC(6)
SM=SAM Site | | | |
AG=Automatic | EP(6) LF(8) |
Gate | _____________|______
NW=NOD Walls | | | | |
PV=Pavement | SG(9) OL(9) MS(10) TN(10)
TC=Tech Center | |
EP=E.M.P. | TW(10)
Cannon |
AP=Advanced |
Power Plant |
LF=Laser Fence |
Post |
SG=Stealth |
Generator |
OL=Obelisk of |
Light |
TN=Temple of |
MS=Missile Silo|
TW=Tiberium |
Waste |
Facility |

4.4.2 Units

Unit Tech Level
Light Infantry | 1
Rocket Infantry | 2
Engineer | 2
Harvester* | 2
Attack Buggy | 2
Tick Tank | 3
Cyborg | 4
Attack Cycle | 5
Harpy | 5
Artillery | 6
Mobile Sensor Array | 6
Subterranean APC | 6
Mobile Repair Vehicle | 7
Devil's Tongue Flame Tank | 7
Stealth Tank | 8
Banshee | 9
MCV | 10
Cyborg Commando | 10
Mutant Hijacker | 10
Hunter-Seeker Droid | 10
Multi Missile | 10
Weed Eater | 10
Chemical Missile | 10

5.0 Credits

-To CjayC, the original poster of this FAQ.

-To Westwood, for creating this game.

-To the game manual, for where I got info on the different kinds
of guns units carry. (ex. A Light Infantry carrys a M-16 shock

-To the following people who sent me tips/corrections:
-Zeratul (Section 2.6.1, 2.6.2)

-And to all my readers.

5.1 My Suggested Strategy Games

-Other Command & Conquer games: Very good strategy games, if you
haven't played them already (The Original, Red Alert 1 and 2).
I must warn you though, Tiberian Sun is the black cat of the
bunch. It does share some similarities to the other games in the
series, but Tiberian Sun is much more a defensive game.

-Starcraft: If you loved the setting in Tiberian Sun you _must_
try Starcraft. It does take a little getting used to if you're
fresh out of the C&C series, but I highly suggest it.

-Sudden Strike: This is not like C&C or Starcraft, but rather a
realistic RTS set in WWII. If you're tired of the simplicity of
C&C you might want to check this one out.

Copyright 2002 Michael Detwiler

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17.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.0.0.1)

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Engl. FAQ

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Spielstände für NOD und GDI zu Beginn es letzten Levels (Achtung: 1,7 MB)

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