Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun

Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun

17.10.2013 20:43:39

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Name: Cyril Lucas
Last Updated:12th September, 2003


Version 0.1: 1st September, 2003
-Started on the walkthrough

Version 0.2: 4th September, 2003
-Continue on GDI campaign (Capture Hammerfest Base)
-Had trouble spelling 'Ghoststalker'

Version 0.3: 5th September, 2003
-Continue on the walkthrough.
-Nothing new.

Version 0.7: 7th September, 2003
-Finished the GDI campaign.
-Continuing to the NOD campaign.
-Done on the NOD campaign until the l0th mission

Version 1.0: 9th September, 2003
-Finished the walkthrough!!!

Version 1.6: 9th September, 2003
-Doin' some corrections. Adding the credits for this walkthrough.
-Create a little logo of the name of the game.
-Added a tips sections.

Version 2.0: 10th September, 2003
-Added the part for the Structures descriptions
-Finished my guide for version 2.

Version 2.1: 11th September, 2003
-Added a few information about the GDI missions.
-Continue on adding information.
-Check the walkthrough again for spelling errors.

Version 2.2: 12th September, 2003
-Found nothing to be added to the NOD mission.
-Checking the walkthrough again for spelling errors.

Version 2.3: 28th April, 2004
-Added a new e-mail address

Version 2.4: 29th June, 2004
-Added a new e-mail address

Version 2.43: 7th September, 2004
-Updated the tips section


This walkthrough will show you the ways that I fought in the
Tiberian Sun. If there is any other strategies, feel free to send it
to me. I play this game on Normal mode.


1.Reinforce Pheonix Base

Objectives: Build a Tiberium refinery
: Build a Barracks
: Destroy all NOD Forces
Difficulty : Easy

Watch the scene. That poor civilian. He died just like that. Then,
you will see a GDI infantry running away from a Cyborg. Some of the
shots by the Cyborg missed. The GDI infantry then duck under a tree.
He then said, "Where the H*ll are those reinforcements?!"

Then, jets started to arrive. The Cyborg was killed. Then, the jumpjet
troops assaulted the other Nod forces. Three of them run towards
the Pheonix base gate. Then, a scene will accure. After that, you can
control the game.

Gather your infantries and put them as team number 1. (CTRL+1) Bring
them south. Meanwhile, you should start building a Tiberium Refinery.
Bring your infantries south and you will encounter a few Nod soldiers
here. After you assaulted them, head west and you will encounter a
few more Nod soldiers. Kill them. A Nod Buggy will appear. Destroy it
with your infantries.

Return to base. Put the Tiberium Refinery wherever you want it to be.
Build a Barracks. Now, go and bring your Wolverines and infantries to
the east of the map. If anyone disturbs your Harvester, squash them
with it or lure the soldier to the Vulcan cannons. Just bring the
Harvester into the base to accomplish this.

Secret: Put your game speed to fastest and run across the bridge with
a huge amount of infantries. Some of them might survive the strike
and arrive on the other side.

After the meteor strike, head east and use the other bridge to the
north east. Cross this and destroy the Nod Buggy. Then, go straight.
You will arrive at a Nod base. Destroy everything! If you shoot down
the cliff, it will create a ramp. Head down to find an Old Refinery
and an Old Advanced Power Plant. Destroy all Nod forces. There's no
need to destroy the Old Refinery and Old Advanced Power Plant.

Reminder: Tiberium can hurt infantries.

2. Secure the Region

Objectives: Destroy SAM sites to make way for evacuation.
Destroy all NOD forces.

Difficulty: Easy

Two transport ships will be shot down. A MCV, two Wolverines and some
infantries will arrive from the far west of the map. Deploy your MCV
where it stops. Then, build two Power Plants and a Refinery. Build
a Barracks then train three light infantries. Put them beside the
infantries that you received just now. For the moment, these
infantries will be your defense before you build Vulcan Cannons.

Oh yeah, build your buildings as far as possible from the others. For

**** $ #

* = Construction Yard
# = Power Plant
$ = Barracks
% = Tiberium Refinery

If you build them separately, your building area would be larger and
wider. Then, you will enlarge your base for building. Just make sure
that you have some infantries or any other armed unit to guard your
base. Don't forget to build tiberium silos if your base needs it.

Bring your two Wolverines southest of your base. Do not press your
cursor on the unrevealed terrain. Press your cursor at the revealed
terrain. Slowly, move your wolverines. Assault the Nod infantries one
at a time. Then, build Vulcan Cannons to the south and north. Three
to the north and three to the south would be enough. Move your
Wolverines back and let them join the defense force.

Build a force of 5 light infantries and destroy the SAMs to the east.
(The one that shot down the two transport ships earlier) Then, move
them north. If you took a long time to establish your base, the
infantries that guard the northern SAM site will attack your base.
Destroy the SAM with your light infantries.

Now, build a force of 6 Wolverines. Then, move them southwards. Build
another force consists of 4 Wolverines, 6 infantries and 5-8 Disc
Throwers. Bring them to the broken bridge to the east. Here, you will
lead two different groups.

Group 1 (4 Wolverines, 6 infantries and 5-8 Disc Throwers)
Train an Engineer and make him repair the broken bridge. Bring your
force forward. Use your infantries only to destroy the SAMs on the
cliff. Wait until the Harvester comes towards you and surround like
a pack of lioness and destroy it. Bring your forces back to the

Group 2 (6 Wolverines)
Bring them accross the narrow road and kill any infantries you
encounter. After you demolished the enemy, destroy the two SAMs. The
transport ship will arrive to bring the civilian to safety.

Combine your two groups and destroy the NOD base with NO MERCY.

3.Capture Train Station

Objectives: Capture the Train Station.
Destroy all NOD buildings.

Difficulty: Medium
Location: To the most northern choice of the two choices

Group your infantries and engineer in separate groups. Then, head
north. Attack the incoming NOD forces. Then, capture the civilian
array when you get to an opening. Reinforcement will arrive. Head

Going under the bridge will get you to a plateau. There is a lot of
Cyborgs but there is a civilian array for reinforcements. Don't waste
your time there. For know, head north and you will find a Cyborg
guarding a bridge. Kill him. Head east and you will get

Use the Titans to destroy the nearby Power Plants to the north. The
NOD base will be out of power. Head across the previous bridge that
the dead cyborg guarded and cross it. Destroy the watch tower then
kill all NOD forces. Destroy each building then send in an engineer
into the train station.

4. Secure Crash Site

Objective: Secure the crash site.
Capture the technology center.

Difficulty: Medium

Deploy your MCV some opening at that 'carpark' where there is some
space. There is a NOD light infantry to the north. Do what ever you
want with him. Build a Power Plant and a Tiberium Refinery. Build a
Barracks. Build a War factory then build a few Wolverines. Secure the
ramp to the east and to the northeast from the enemy attacks towards
your Harvester with your Wolverines. 3 at each ramp will do.

Once you got enough credit, create another Harvester. Then, build
Componet Towers around your base with Vulcans. Create 2 titans and 2
wolverines and bring them up the ramp to the east.

Then, create a force with 4 titans, 7 wolverines, 10 light infantries
and 7 disc throwers. Send in a ready to die unit towards the
northeast. He will be killed by two lasers. Now you know where is the
base is. Send your force towards the NOD mini-base. Use the Titans to
destroy the lasers then destroy any resistance inside the base.
Capture the Power Plants and the Hand of NOD. The Crash Site is just
south of the base. Send your force and secure the crash site.

There is a few tick tanks here. Destroy them with titans or disc
throwers. If you seen Ancient Chinese movies, you would like to put
extra defense here. Put titans, wolverines, disc throwers and light
infantries here. Put them in any order you like. This is optional.
This site will not get attacked anyway.

Head up then head across the bridge. Destroy the lasers. Capture all
the buildings here. (optional) There is a tunnel to the north leading
to six lasers. I don't know what is the point to destroy the lasers.
Capture the Technology Center to win the mission.

5. Defend Crash Site

Objective: Defend the UFO.

Difficulty: Hard

This is a very stunning and fast mission. You have to act very fast
and think fast. NOD will not give you any mercy.

Your base will be attacked. Repair your Componet Towers. Sell the
Radar and the most east Power Plant. Create a few light infantries
and disc throwers to the west of the UFO. Send extra forces near the
Power Plant. Train a few light infantries and disc throwers to help
out the Vulcan Cannon.

NOD will send a Subteranean APC to the west of the UFO. Your
infantries can defeat them. Then, NOD will send in another
Subteranean APC to the west of the the power plant. You infantries
there can defeat them.

I would like to say something. Do not bring your forces inside the
base outside. If you want to explore, create new infantries and use
them to explore the map.

You can explore if you want. (OPTIONAL) Create additional forces and
send them north and south. They can slow down the attack forces of
NOD. They will fall eventually. This is optional.

When the timer only is down to only a few minutes, NOD will send in a
full attack force. Use the new created forces against them. They will
also send in two Devil Tougues near the power plants. When the timer
stops, a force of Titans and Wolverines will arrive as

Destroy the Devil Tougues and the incoming Tick Tanks to the south
with these. Repair the UFO with the enginner if the UFO is under
critical shape.

6. Destroy Radar Array

Objectives: Destoy the Radar Arrays

Difficulty: Medium

Location: To the most western choice of the two choices.

This mission needs your Titans to be alive till the end of the
mission. This will increase your chance of winning this mission.
Good Luck to you. Remember this, "KEEP THE TITANS ALIVE". You can
still win tis mission without it though.

Watch your troops kill them. Head north then you will be ambushed by
a NOD forces. Quite many of them too. Reinforcements will arrive.
Regroup then head north to the first relay station. If you encounter
Tiberium Fiends, don't attack them if you don't want to get injured.
I never tried this before but try helping them out when they are
attacked by NOD.

Head up the ramp to the north to the first Radar Array while
destroying each NOD defenders. Use your infantries because they can
be healed. When you started to get near the radar, you will get
ambushed again. Destroy them with your infantries and the machines as
support. Heal your infantries. Destroy the station and you will get
reinforcements. NOD will also send forces from the ramp you have
just used.

The next array is near a Tiberium Vein. So, Titans can't go
through. Use your Infantries and Wolverines to destroy the array.
There's no need to destroy the laser walls. Head back. Don't dare to
attack the Vein's core or you will regret it if you fought it with
infantries of cource. Wolverines are not very good units to use
against the core.

Head down the ramp nearest to you to enter the Nod Power Plants.
Destroy them. Head through the Tunnel then you will find the Radar
Array. It is heavily guarded so be careful. Sneak from behind and
take care of the cyborgs. There is a few Tick Tanks here too. Use
your Titans to destroy the lasers from far range.

Head down the ramp after you destroyed the lasers. Head east to find
an Array. Destroy the base's defence with the Titans then destroy
the last Radar Array.

7. Rescue Tratos

Objectives: Rescue Tratos
Destroy any NOD presence

Difficulty: Medium

Bring Ghoststalker forward, Umagon second and Hijacker the third.
Destroy the Tick Tank then kill the running infantry. Hijack the
Buggy. Head east to find a Tiberium patch. Help out the Tiberium
Fiend. Head here if you get hurt. Then, head north. You see a NOD
mini-base. Don't get in from the front, but go around the base and
destroy the crate. This will destroy the Power Plant. You can
approach the base with relief. Heal at the Tiberium patch if you are

Go across the bridge and destroy the laser wall with Ghoststalker.
Then, bring Umagon near the entrance of the prison then Tratos will
escape. Bring him to the transport. Before you do that, I think you
should bring Ghoststalker to destroy a little bit of the NOD base to
the north to help you out. Bring Tratos near the transport ship and
reinforcement with an MCV will arrive. Build your base. Don't care
about the Wolverines to the south. Once you have built you base and
very sure that your base can stand an attack by NOD, create an
enourmous attack force with different kind of forces. Bring them to
the NOD base and destroy it. Use your airforce to provide support.

8. Destroy Vega's Dam.

Objectives: Destroy Vega's Dam

Difficulty: Medium

Location: To the most western choice of the two choices

Bring your forces to assault the enemy near the bridge. NOD will then
blow up the bridge. Bring your attack force down the ramp to the west
to go to the other side. Destroy the NOD mini-base. You will receive
reinforcements after that. The Truck contains a Health Crate.

Head south then you will receive yet another reinforcement. Go east
and you will find a truck. It has a Health Crate. Go up the ramp and
be ready for ambushes. Destroy all SAMs to get a reinforcement but
had been shot down. Use the survived engineer to repair the bridge to
the north. Bring your force across that very bridge after you battled
a few NOD defenders on the bridge. Head north then enter the tunnel.
You will be behind a NOD base. Destroy everything you see except for
the lasers. Go north to find a row of laser walls. Destroy this and
destroy the dam.

9. Destroy Vega's Base

Objectives: Capture Vega's Pyramid
Destroy all NOD presences.
Difficulty: Medium

Kill the two light infantries. Then, destroy the SAMs around the
plateau to get reinforcements, a MCV and two titans. Deploy your MCV
then build your base. Make sure that your base defence is pump up.

You should at least put two titans to help out the Vulcan you have to
destroy the out ranged artilleries or tick tanks. You should put some
Vulcans inside of your base because NOD will send APCs with an
engineer companied by a few NOD infantries. They usually target your
War Factory, Barracks, Construction Yard, Refineries and silos.

Train a few Jump Jet Infantries to explore the map. You will find
that there are two bridges. The south bridge connects to the NOD main
base meanwhile the south base is connected to a mini-NOD base. I
prefer to assault the south base first. Create 2-4 amphibious APCs.
Train Light Infantries and Disc Throwers. Train Engineers if you like
to capture the buildings there but I don't agree with it. Your
only wasting credits because NOD is weak without their Technology
Centers. That base has no Technology Centers.

Create a small force of Titans and Wolverines. Bring the APC towards
the south base via water. You should find a ramp towards the enemy

Deploy your APC and send your group of infantries to attack the base.
Once you destroyed the artillery, you can send in your Titans and
Wolverines. This base is out.

Now, regroup and create another group of forces. If there is any
artillery, destroy it with the Jump Jet infantries. Now, send your
new attack force to go the north bridge. You can use the Jump Jet
infantries to destroy the eastern laser guarding the bridge but they
must scacrifice themself if they want to destroy the western laser.

Send your attack force in and destroy everything in your site. Before
I forget to say this, make sure that you get 2 refinery and 4
harvesters are going. Your Jump Jet infantries must be ready. Sence
an artilery, send them to destroy it or use your Orca fighters. Once
you are sure that each artillery is down, head on and destroying

The Vega's Temple is simply easy to capture now. Send in and APC with
an engineer to capture Vega's Pyramid then destroy every NOD presence.

10. Recapture Hammerfest Base

Objectives: Capture Hammerfest base
Destroy all NOD forces.

Difficulty: Medium

After the scene, bring your Hovercrafts north. Destroy the Attack
cycles. What I do is I get my Hovercraft near them then move them
back to the river. Destroy the cycles by this strategy. They will be
going around the site to hit you but you are too far for them. Once
you destroyed the cycles, head up then you will encounter a NOD
buggy. Use the same strategy.

Now head up and destroy the laser. Destroy the radar. Destroy the
infantries from far range. Now, head up and attack the Power Plants.
When you see a Rocket infantry coming, run away because the rocket
can damage your Hovers very much. Once you destroy them, backtrack.
Bring your engineers and put them inside the APC then stay near the
crate. But don't touch the crate, yet. Bring your MLRS(Hovercrafts)
to continue on their way. You will find an Obelisk. But it is
powerless now. So take your sweet time and attack the Obelisk if you
want to.

Now head, destroy the bridge north of you. This will slow down the
NOD reinforcements from the NOD mini-base to the northwest. Head up
and you will encounter a few infantries and a few buggies if you are
too late to destroy the bridge. Use the same strategy as I fight
against the cycles. Once you destroyed the defences near the ramp,
bring your engineer and your APC there. Go north but do not attack
the NOD minibase but go east and you will find a ramp that leads to
Hammerfest. Follow the trail north then you will find Hammerfest
base. Capture the base by capturing two power plants, a barracks and
the Hammerfest Construction Yard. Start pumping out defences. Make
sure that at least 2 harvesters are running.

Create an attack force consist of Titans, Wolverines, Hovercrafts,
Light Infantries, Disc Throwers and 2-4 medics. Now, send them east.
Don't forget to clear the enemies near the firestorm walls. Head west
of the Tiberium Patch then you will see a bridge leading behind of
the enemy's base. Destroy the defences and use you airforce to
destroy the artillery set on the plateaus. Thus, NOD is defeated yet

11. Retrieve Discruptor crystals.

Objectives: Destroy the NOD train and retrieve discruptor crytals.
Destroy the NOD base and retrieve the Discruptor crystals.
(This will only happen if you fail the first objective.)

Difficulty: 1st objective=Easy
2nd objective=Medium

You don't need the engineers right now. Bring your attack force west
and up the ramp. Stay near the edge of the cliff. You will encounter
a Hand of NOD down the cliff but don't you care about it. Shoot the
ramp leading down then you will encounter a cyborg and two stealth
tanks. Waste them. Now, attack the lasers and destroy the locomotive.
Get a unit to go to pick the crate up. It's done.

I will try to get ready a part to retrieve the Discruptor Crystals
from the NOD base. I win this mission without going for the base.
I will try too check this in as fast as possible. Send in your own
strategies to me if you want to.

12. Rescue the Prisoners

Objectives: Rescue the Prisoners

Difficulty: Hard

Location: To the most eastern choice of the three choices.

Bring the force towards north. Buggies will try to stop you. You will
eventually found a house. Ghoststalker and Hijacker will come out.
Bring Hijacker, Umagon and the attack force to the starting place of
the mision.

Put Medic No.2 while Ghoststalker No. 1. Bring them north while the
medic is behind Ghoststalker every time. Cyborgs will attack you.
Destroy them and heal with a medic. Go east until you found a
watchtower. Two cyborgs and a rocket infantry will emerged.
Kill them before they reach your attack force to the west. Destroy
the watch tower and head south. DON'T GET THE MEDIC KILLED.

Once you head south, you will arrive in a civilian town. There is
a few NOD forces here and if you wait to long, this place will be
roaming with cyborgs.

Circle around the civilian city destroying NOD. But, their is an
artillery here, to the southwest. Find a hotel. Just find a building
that Ghoststalker can destroy. Destroy it with the Ghoststalker. No
more cyborgs gon'na hunt you anymore.

You can destroy the artillery now or not. Your choice. You can't
destroy the artillery with Ghoststalker because two hits and
Ghoststalker is down. Use the attack force except Umagon and Hijacker
to the west. There is a NOD mini base here. Attack it before
destroying the artillery.

Bring Ghoststalker to the north and destroy the laser. Heal him
after that. head inside and destroy everything you see with only
Ghoststalker and a medic healing him. Then, bring in your attack
force and destroy the SAMs. Free the prisoners then they will run
into a transport ship.

13.Destroy Chemical Missile Supply

Objectives: Destroy all NOD forces
Send Ghostalker into the train. He must NOT DIE.

Location: To the most northern choice of the two last choices

Head east while being very caution about the Tiberium Vein. When you
see a NOD mini-base, destroy it for your own safety afterwards. Once
your done, head east then south to go up the ramp. Now, deploy your
MCV and put the Discruptors as your land defence and the MLRSs to be
your air defence.

Pump up your base. Once you got enough credits, build 4 titans and 6
wolverines. Send them east form your base then north. You will see a
Tiberium Vein core on your left. Send in 3 jump Jet infantries to
despose them. Find the other Veins by circling them by flying. Then,
kill them. This will slow down the enemies Chemicle attacks to your
base. You can stop the launchers by establishing Firestorm Generator
and a row of Firestorm Wall Section to the northwest of your base.
When EVA detects them, activate your Firestorm defense

With your attack force, go north then you will encounter a few NOD
defenders. Despose them easily. Then, head west to find a NOD gate.
Destroy the gate and lasers. The approching gate has an artillery
guarding it. So send in Jump Jet Infantries to destroy them. The
site doesn't have any air defence. Use the way that your attack force
use so that your Jump Jet infantries will not encounter any enemy.

Once the artillery is destroyed, attack the gate then everything you
see. To the entrance of the base is a Tiberium Vein. Attack the core
so that your Titans can get through. Now, the base is vulnerable.
Create more Titans and Wolverines to destroy the base.

To the north, there is a train station. Ghoststalker will arrive.
Just bring him into the train station. You must not destroy the base
before you can get this new objective.

14. Mine Power Grid

Objective: Destroy all Power Plants

Difficulty: Easy

Location: Only if you bring Ghoststalker into the train in the
previous mission.

Wait until the train arrives. Then, use Umagon to destroy the
infantries while Ghoststalker destroy both vehicles and infantries.
Then, bring them up to the ramp at the north direction. Don't bother
about the gate to the east.

Bring all of the surviving units to regroup up the ramp, locate
Ghoststalker and a Medic to go east then south. Destroy all of the
Power plants. The laser walls might stop you. Ghoststalker can blow
them up. Heal up with Medic. Just don't get near
the laser wall to the northeast.

15. Destroy Chemicle Missile Plant

Objective: Destroy all NOD forces

Difficulty: Medium

Bring your MCV towards the Tiberium patch. Deploy it. Pump up your
defences. Especially ground defence and a sensor array deployed in
the center of your base. You can also build a Firestorm generator to
protect your main base from NOD chemicle missile attacks.

Once the timer is up, bring your attack force containing Titans and
Wolverines. Wolverines can kill infantries easily and titans can
destroy buildings and enemy vehicles or machine easily. Titans can
also stomp on infantries. This gives them instant death. But, Rocket
Infantries are harmful to Titans.

You will encounter a few obelisks. Thankfully that the mutants has
shut them down. Destroy them. To the east, there is a plateau. A few
artilleries are set on the plateau. Send the Jump Jet infantries or
orca fighters to destroy them. I'm not very sure if there is an
option for Orca bombers. Could you tell me? I finished the game with
Jump Jet infantries help.

Capture the stealth generator inside the base. Build a Barracks and
a War factory near it. You can receive additional reinforcements from
here. For know, make good defences for your new base. Train some Jump
Jet Infantries to destroy the Tiberium Vein. This will slow down
their chemicle supply to attack with Chemicle Missiles.

For the entire time I play this mission, I never been attacked by
Chemicle Missiles at my assault base. So, there is no need to put
Firestorm generators here. Put them if you want.

Now, make an attack force consists of 4 titans, 4 MLRSs and a random
amount of Wolverines to attack the NOD base to the east of your new
base. Try too capture the refineries while the harvesters are
loading. Capture the War Factory too. If you can capture the NOD
Radar and the NOD technology center, you can use the artilleries.
Refer too the "Tips from the Author" for my version off artilleries.

Once you destroy or capture the base, head up the ramp south. You
should see Banshees and Helipads. Your MLRS can shoot them down and
your artilleries or titans to destroy the helipads. Your wolverines
can kill incoming infantries.

16. Destroy Prototype Facility.

Objective: Destroy all NOD forces.

Difficulty: Medium

Location: To the most northern choice.

Just leave the mutants behind. Bring Ghoststalker, Umagon, and
Hijacker to the northeast. You will encounter a NOD mini-base here.
Leave it behind for now. Then, go up the ramp and cross the bridge.
Go north then east. You will encounter a group of Banshees flying in
circles. Leave them behind.

Go east then you will encounter a Tiberium Vein. Destroy it's core
with Ghoststalker. Two shoots and it's down. Then continue east then
down the most western ramp. Go north then southeast. You will
encounter a cyborg with his escort. Don't kill them but hide
from them. Try running back and backtracking.

They will not cloak the base this way. Now, go up the ramp
and go south until you reach a cliff. You will see the base. Then,
reinforcement will arrive.

Spread out your forces and give the MCV some space to deploy.
Bring your Titans and destroy the bridge to the west of you. You can
destroy the NOD mini-base here with them if you want. Deploying your
MCV will get you a Mammoth Tank Mk. II. Bring it to the place where
the mutants (not Ghoststalker's group) is deserted to the southeast
corner of the map. Bring the mutants to your base and start building
your base.

Start by building a power plant and a refinery. Put it near the ramp
to the north. Build a Barracks and a War factory. Wait until you
have enough credits then buy another Harvester. Harvest the Tiberium
to the north. Build up a few componet towers and equipped them with
attachments. Create a Mobile Sensor Array and put it in the center
of your base. Don't forget to attach land defence to the component
towers inside the base. NOD might will send in a few Devil Tougues
and Subteranean APC with enginneers and infantries towards you.

Now, we are back with Umagon's group. Backtrack and avoid any NOD
units. If they detected you, prepare to defend yourself and heal at
the nearest Tiberium patch. Send them back to your base. Do not
destroy cliffs when you were on your way back to the base. There is
a cliff that can be destroyed to be made as a ramp. Don't destroy it.
Use the old way. When you reach the Mammoth, stand guard with it and
heal at the tiberium if you need too.

Create the same attack force as the previous mission and lead with a
Sensor Array. There is a Stealth mini-base to the west of your base.
Sense the area for cloaked units or buildings and steal the the
Stealth Generator. Kill all other units. Capture the Power Plants
here too. Now, head west of that place and go up the ramp. Wait at
this Tiberium patch and destroy the harvester. You might encounter
artilleries. Titans can hold a few artillery fire so destroy them
with them. Use your MLRSs to destroy the Banshees attacking you from
the air.

Capture or destroy the entire base. They'll go down soon enough.

17. Weather the Storm

Objectives: Protect the Kodiak at all cost.
Destroy all NOD presence

Difficulty: Hard

Gather your infantries and go to south. Destroy the tick tanks with
them. Then, bring them north then destroy the tick tanks. Then, bring
your machines up the west ramp and head east. Two artillery units
will soon appear. Destroy them. Then, build your base.

Build another titan. Bring your attack force towards the south
Tiberium patch. Kill all of the defenders there. Your harvester can
harvest the Tiberium safetly now. Create another titan and bring your
titans and only titans to the plateau to the east.

You will encounter two artilleries. Destroy them without going up the
ramp but shoot it out near the cliff of the plateau using the titans.
Once that done, your base is save, for now. Build your base spread
out. Then, once the supply of tiberium to the south is almost done
for, there is another to the northwest. Blue Tiberiums.

Build an attack force of a sensor array, titans and wolverines. These
are the best troops to be used against the NOD on this situation.
Send in infantries too if you want. Attack the base while scanning
the perimeter for cloaked NOD forces.

Once the base is done, you haven't completed the mission yet. Go up
the ramp near the enemy contruction yard. You will find a group of
power plants. Destroy them or capture them. Trace enemy forces and
kill them to win the mission.

18. Final Conflict (Last mission)

Objectives: Destroy the ICBM launchers.
Destroy Kane's pyramid
Destroy all N0D forces.
Difficulty: Hard

When reinforcement arrives, destroy the NOD mini-base with your
reinforcements. Then, you will get an MCV. Get the MCV inside the ex-
NOD base and build up your base.

Kane will use Cluster (Multi) missiles against you. When you build a
GDI technology center, you can build a Firestorm generator. Build it
then deploy the Firestorm wall section to the southeast of the
eastern Tiberium patch. Activate it when EVA detects it. She will say
"Missile launch detected." Activate your firestorm with it.

Create a Mammoth Mk. II to guard the site near the bridge (not on the
bridge) to the enemies base. Deploy a Sensor Array near the Mammoth.
Nobody can enter your base unless that unit moves underground. Don't
forget to destroy the Tiberium Vein to the south of you base. Build a
Comm Center and the Ion Cannon uplink conected with it.

Now, you should concentrate with your defences. With all of this
raked, I presume that you could not build your base well enough.
Your Mammoth Mk. II will handle NOD. But don't relax just yet. You
might see the timer to the top screen of screen of your monitor.
You must destroy the ICBM launchers before the timer stops or you
will fail.

Bring your 5-9 jump jet infantries to go north. Circle around the
base to find the ICBM launcher. If you found a place circled with
concrete walls, the launcher is there. Attack it with the Ion Cannon.
The NOD will get so angry and send attacks to your base. But, your
Mammoth kills them all. Stealth and not stealth will be destroyed.

Create a few jump jet infantries to explore the NOD base to the west.
It is a plateau. Explore around until you found the ICBM launcher.
Destroy using the Ion Cannon. Do the same with the southern base.

Then, head into Kane's island and destroy everything you see. Use the
same force as the mission 15 used. I heard that if you destroy
everything and leave the NOD temple, something will happen. You must
destroy it using your Ion cannon to see a cutscene. I have not
confirmed this.

Remember to destroy everything including the SAMs and harvester.
Destroy any NOD presence to win the mision.

CONGRATULATIONS. You have won the GDI Campaign.


1. The Mesiah Returns

Objectives: Destroy all of Hassan's elite guard

Difficulty: Easy

Watch the scene. Then, create 10 light infantries to defend the
Tiberium patch to the north. Then, build a Tiberium Refinery. Create
5 light infantries to defend your base to the north.

Hassan will sent in Subteranean APCs towards you. Each has only 3
light infantries in them. Create a large force and head out of the
base through the gate and kill everyone to win the mission.

2. Retaliation

Objectives: Capture the TV station
Destroy all Hassan's forces.

Difficulty: Easy

Deploy your MCV and build a Tiberium Refinery near the Tiberium Patch
to the east. When you build a power plant, you will see that your
power grid increases more than the GDI. This is because the lasers,
SAMs and obelisks needs a lot of power.

Build lasers around your base. Build a war factory if you want to.
Train light infantries, rocket infantries and 2 engineers. Bring them
north. Go down the bridge. Hassan's units will blow the bridge
up. I think the purpose is to teach you how to repair bridges.

Head north then south. When you see the sandbag area, bring your
engineers and send them up the ramp towards the TV station. Make sure
that they are near the cliff. Once they enter the TV station, the
Hassan's reinforcements will turn their back and help you. This is
the time you sent in for infantries ot help them out. Once the base
is destroyed, head south and destroy the bridge.

You can also leave the bridge and cross it. You will eventually
arrive at Hassan's base. With the force you have now, you can easily
destroy the base.

3. Free Rebel Commander

Objectives: Evacuate the Rebel Commander

Difficulty: Easy

Location: To the most western choice of the two choices.

Group your forces and head south. You will encounter a GDI is
fighting against 3 light infantries. Kill the infantries but leave
the GDI. He will destroy a Tick Tank. Head down the tunnel. Go up
then destroy any defenders. Then, shoot the truck. A group of
engineers be released. Capture the Refinery when the Harvester is
still unloading. Then, capture the rest of base. Regroup your forces
and repair the bridge. Bring your forces across the bridge and
destroy the tick tanks. Destroy the laser guarding the prison.
The Commander will be freed. Take his forces and combine with yours
to destroy the lasers guarding the entrance. Bring the Commander into
the Harpy.

You can save lives by backtracking your steps to the Harpy. Your

4. Destroy Hassan's Temple.

Objectives: Capture or destroy Hassan's temple. (cough... pyramid)

Difficulty: Easy

Kill the infantries then head across the bridge. Capture a power
plant and the Hand of NOD. Once you clear the area, send your MCV
near the Tiberium Patch and deploy there. Build a refinery and a
War factory. Capture the other power plant. Bring your starting
force and attack Hassan's Mini-base to the east. Capture it if you
want. Then, regroup and send your force up the ramp.

You will eventually find Hassan's base here. Just beware of the
lasers. Destroy the base and you will Hassan's temple (cough...
pyramid) then destroy it. You will see the capture of Hassan and his

5. Blackout

Objectives: Destroy GDI's Radar before the Ion Storm subsides.

Difficulty: Medium

Location: To the most northern choice of the two choices

Bring your MCV near the tiberium patch to the west. Try to find a
place where Tiberium is to your east and south. You will also find a
plant that produces Tiberium. When you build a base, make sure that
the refinery is near to the plant. Then, build your base with lasers
outside and inside of the base. GDI will send APCs towards you so be
prepared. Once you have the attack force, head to the northeast part
and you will encounter a GDI base.

Destroy the Vulcans and the Titans if you disturbed the base before.
Then, head inside the base, destroy every componet tower and units but
capture all structures. Repair your attack force with the service
depot. Then, train in GDI troops and attack the northeastern base.
This base is guarded by two Vulcans and 1 RPG launcher.

Destroy them. You might suffer a heavy lost against them. Send your
attack force north to find a radar near the cliff. Destroy it to
complete this mission.

6. Eviction Notice

Objectives: Locate the temple
Destroy all NOD forces

Difficulty: Medium

Most of the ground inside this base is rough. So deploy your MCV and
build a refinery after you build a power plant. Build another power
plant near the first one and build a Barracks. Proceed on for
building a War Factory. You must have at least 2-3 harvester going.
Pump up your defences. Then, make an attack force consists of rocket
infantries, light infantries, and tick tanks. Send them up west up
the ramp. You will eventually encounter a train blocked by a car.
Destroy the car then the train will destroy the Vulcan.

Train 5 engineers and let them follow the attack force. Bring your
attack force to the edge of the river to the west accompanied by the
engineers. You will find an old NOD temple here.

There is a gap between the sandbags. Bring your engineer in and
capture 2 power plants, refinery, (while the Harvester is unloading),
War factory, and a barracks. Repair the buildings if they get
attacked. Create a few Titans and destroy the Vulcans. Then, send in
your attack force and despose of all the GDI forces in that base. You
might had missed some enemy units. Kill them to win the mission.

7. Salvage Operations

Objectives: Locate the UFO
Retrieve the Tacitus

Difficulty: Easy-Medium

Gather your vehicles and attack the train. They will follow the
train. Ignore the GDI defenders. If you can't destroy the train
before it finishes its loading, destroy the truck instead. Command a
unit to pick it to win the mission.

If you don't want to use this way, then you have to use the slow
but 'die with honour' way.

Let the train pass. Kill all of the GDI infantries. To the east off
you, there is a componet tower upgraded with a Vulcan Cannon. Head
west then north to get across the bridge. Then, kill the GDI
infantries with your Buggies or infantries. Then, head across
another bridge by using the west bridge. You will encounter GDI
infantries again. Kill them.

To the west of the infantries is a few of Titans. So head east and
continue on with the path. Destroy every GDI defenders you see.
Eventually, you will encounter 2 wolverines. Use your Buggies and
Cycles to defeat them. You can capture the base to the north if you
to. Head down the ramp and head east. Eventually, you will get
additional forces form Vega.

Head south and head on with your way. Destroy any GDI forces. You
will encounter the UFO somehow. Send in an engineer into it to win
this mission.

8. Capture Umagon

Objectives: Destroy the Sensor Array.
Avoid detection.
Capture Umagon.

Difficulty: Medium
Location: To the most northern choice of the two choices.

Deploy your artillery to destroy the incoming Wolverines. Build your
base now. Send in a light infantry to the north of the tiberium
patch. Once they are detected, the artilleries will destroy them.

Don't waste your time on defense. Train a group of light and rocket
infantries. Bring your artilleries towards the ramp to the west
section of the map. Make sure that the group of infantries are right
behind them. When you go across the bridge, deploy your artilleries.
They will destroy the defence here. Use the artillery to destroy the
Mobile Sensor Array. Head east then south.

Deploy your artilleries to destroy the Wolverines. Then, bring them
west to assault the small base. You will be detected. Umagon will
arrive and enter the train. Before she leaves the transport ship,
destroy the train piece by piece. Just make sure that the locomotive
is destroyed. Your infantries can destroy the raged GDI forces that
will come to stop the artilleries.

Once the locomotive is destroyed, there is no way to run for the
train. Destroy it with your artillery and Umagon is down.

You can also destroy the other Sensor Arrays.

After the 2nd paragraph, head south. There is some GDI units here on
the hill south of you. Just bring in a light infantry and lure them
towards your artilleries. This will destroy them. There is another
Wolverine to the west. Go and deploy your artilleries on the hill.

They will destroy the southern Sensor Array. Then, move your
artilleries east a little bit. Deploy them there, they will destroy
the harvester but takes a lot of time. They will also attack the
eastern Sensor Array.

Then, continue on the third paragraph. You can also attack the
southern base. This will a alert them of your presence. Bombard
Umagon when she is running to get into her next train. You can
either use one of the ways that I mentioned.

There is another option to the south if you fail. I don't really
now about the southern choice.

9. Sheep's Clothing

Objectives: Capture the GDI base.
Capture Tratos

Difficulty: Medium

Capture all of the GDI building. Train the engineers to do this. Sell
off the wall covering the Tiberium. The Tiberium will expand. Build
your base.

Will Staruk ( writes:

In Mission 9, you advised to sell the walls covering the tiberium
field. I found it if you don't do this, it generates in a fixed area
faster, giving you an unlimited supply of money. I had over 6
harvester and 3 refineries and it never did ran out. Plus, this gives
you more room to build and place infantry since the tiberium won't
cover the floor of your base.

Cyril Lucas (author) comments:

Thank you for your strategy. Really useful. Use this idea for the
other stages too. Put walls and the tiberium grows faster. Great


Beware of the cars and school buses. They might look cute and weak,
but they know how to attack "VERY WELL" . Place Vulcans near the
entrances to your base. Create an attack force consists of titans and
wolverines. Use your Orca fighters to destroy the turrets that looks
like that little grey box. Then, send in your attack force and
despose of them. The Mutants will might send 3 tiberium fiend against
you. They're easy. Head across the bridge. This is the part I hate.

The Harpies will attack you. Destroy the obelisk.( Tut.. Tut...
Enough already.)

Destroy the Helipads before they can attack again. Go inside the base
and attack everything. Find the Mutant HQ and destroy it to win the

10. Escort Bio-Toxin trucks.

Objectives: Locate the trucks
Escort them to the evacuation zone.

Difficulty: Medium

See the patrol die. Then, bring Cyborg Commando north up the ramp.
The others should follow too. You will encounter a few GDI patrols
here but Cyborg Commando can destroy them with one shot. When you go
up the ramp, there is a plateau to the east. There is a few disk
throwers. Kill them. Then, head back down the ramp and go around the
plateau. You will find a few disk throwers near the edge of the
cliff. Kill them. Head east across the bridge. You will encounter a
damaged NOD base. Head inside and take control of the truck.

For know, make sure that Cyborg Commando destroy every enemies so
that the truck can safely return to the evacuation zone.

11. Destroy GDI Research Facility

Objectives: Group all of the mutants
Destroy the Research Facility

Difficulty: Medium

Send your spy north. You will encounter an almost-dead GDI infantry.
Kill him. Then, a group of mutants will come and surround you. You
cannot control them but they will follow the spy. So, head west.
Destroy the defenders. Just put the spy near them and run away. The
mutants will handle them. Then, head north into the tunnel. A titan
is waiting there. Kill it. Then, the mutants will make their own
decisions. You will receive and MCV along with a few units. Bring
them up the ramp after they cross the tunnel. Build your base there.

You can build artilleries here. So, create artilleries and send them
west and east of your base. 3 to the west and 4 to the east is enough
for me. Make sure that you put Rocket infantries with them so that
the artilleries will not be destroyed by Jump Jet Infantries. Putting
SAMs are the best but they can't be brought along to the enemy's

There is no need to establish obelisks. Just put lasers around and a
lot of Advanced Power Plant. Build a few artilleries and make sure
that you have at least 10-15 Rocket infantries in your disposal.
Bring them east but don't do down the ramp. Go near the edge of the
cliff to the northeast of your base and start bombarding the base.
When all of the defence of the base is weak, bring along your
Subteranean APC with enginners and start capturing the base. Put
artilleries with Rocket Infantries to guard your new base. Once you
are ready, head down the ramp east of your new base and deploy your
artilleries and start weakening the base. Then, head down the ramp
and deploy your artilleries. Weaken the defence. Head in the base and
deploy your base. Build a few Attack cycles and go around for a tour
of the base. Don't you worry about them.

Once you explored a large portion of the base, destroy the building
that looks like a civilian office building. Destroy it to win the

12. Rescue the Villainess

Objectives: Rescue and evacuate Oxanna and Slavick.

Difficulty: Easy

This is easy. After the scene, destroy all of the GDI defence. Then,
capture a power plant and a radar. Bring your cyborg commando and
Slavick to the base at the northeast in a Subteranean APC. Destroy
the GDI defenders. Then, bring Oxanna into the APC and head south.
Use Cyborg Commando to destroy the wall into the tarnsport ship.
Bring Oxanna and Slavick into the ship.

13. Protect Waste Convoys.

Objectives: Build a Tiberium Waste facility
Destroy all of the GDI forces

Difficulty: Medium

Location: To the most northern of the two choices.

Deploy your base and start on building artilleries. Put three to the
north and two to the west of your base. Up the ramp to the west is a
line of GDI forces. Destroy them with the artilleries. Build a few
lasers and obelisks around your base for protection. Don't relie to
much hope to the artilleries because they can damage the land like a

Build 3 attack cycles and circle around the GDI base to the west.
There is no componet towers but a few of GDI units. Capture this
base. Put artilleries around the base. Bring an artillery escorted
by a few Rocket infantries to the most northern cliff of the southern
site of the map. Destroy the MRLS and the artillery will destroy the
enemies hiding behind the plants to the north. There is a GDI mini-
base here. It is guarded by a few Vulcans and titans. Don't forget
about infantries. Kill them with the artillery. Once the road is
clear, you can build a missile silo and a Tiberium Waste facility.

Destroy the GDI base the same way you destroyed the base on mission
No. 11. You can try using the chemicle sio if you want. Around the
base, there is a few enemy barracks. Destroy every GDI forces to win
this mission.

14. Destroy the Mammoth Mark. II prototype

Objectives: Destroy the Mammoth Mark II prototype.

Difficulty: Medium

Bring your spy and make him scout the sector. Once you have explored
about 80% of the map, head into one of the Comm Center. You will see
the power of Mammoth Mark. II.

Reinforcement should arrive with an MCV. Head across the bridge. Your
units should defeat them. Stomp the infantries and shoot the machines.
Build your base. Set up a few artilleries accompanied with a few
rocket infantries in each group far from your base. Then, build a few
helipads and Banshees. 6 is enough.

Build an attack force of 4 artilleries with 10-15 rocket infantries.
Bring them across the bridge to the south or north. Destroy the GDI
patrols with your artileries. When you found the base. Destroy it.
Destroy the RPG launcher on the plateau too. Destroy everything in the
base. If the enemy forces are too close with the artilleries, use
your rocket infantries. Then, send your Banshees and destroy the
Mammoth Mark. II with the banshees so that it fits the movie after
you win this mission.

15. Capture Jack McNeil

Objectives: Persuade Jack McNeil to join the Brotherhood

Difficulty: Easy

Put the toxin soldiers into the APC and head west. Stay near the
south. Go down the ramp to the west then you will encounter a GDI
watch tower. Stay near to the south. Head west then head southwest of
the "WS Logging Company". Destroy the cliff with a rocket infantry.
Bring the toxin soldiers to kill all of the GDI infantries. Then,
capture the base. The Componet Towers will stop functioning when the
Construction Yard is captured. When Jake McNeil is coming to your
base, bring the Toxin Soldiers out from the base from the most south
gate. When the Wolverines leave Jack's side, shoot it. Bring an empty
APC to Jack and put Jack inside it. He can't run now.

Backtrack your trail and stay south. Put Jack inside the Subteranean
APC. Don't you worry about your base.

16. Illegal Data Transfer.

Objectives: Steal all of the Ion Cannon codes.

Difficulty: Medium

Location: To the most southern choice of the two choices

Bring your forces north up the ramp. Don't go southeast from your
starting point. You will only be killed. Once you get up the ramp, go
north. Destroy the Sensor Array. Destroy the cliff to the north.
Leave your infantries near the ramp and bring your spy north up the
ramp. Get into the Comm Center. Head back down and regroup with your

Destroy the cliff to the south of you. Head down and steal the 2nd
Ion Cannon code. Kill the infantry blocking your way. Head north.
Leave your infantries here and send only your spy. Don't block the
Wolverine's way. Head north then east.

Infiltrate the Comm Center then head to the Subteranean APC to the

17. A New Beginning (Last mission)

Objectives: Deploy the three ICBM launchers.

Difficulty: Hard

Watch how Jake stops the Firestorm. Then, capture the Firestorm
generator and sell it. Then, capture the power plants. Find the
Tiberium patch to the west and deploy your MCV. Put your missiles and
send it up into the plateau to the south. Crack in some artilleries
to guard your base.

Build a NOD temple then a Cyborg Commando and send it to the north
which is the closest launch site. Deploy your one of your missiles
there. Deploy a few artilleries around your missile. Don't forget
about the Rocket infantries.

Bring your Cyborg Commando to the eastern launch site. Destroy every
GDI defenders. Send your missile, artilleries, and rocket infantries
there. Deploy your missiles and artileries and let the rocket
infantries take care of air assaults. Bring your Cyborg Commando to
the north of the eastern launch site. You will encounter a GDI base.
Destroy the base and heal in the Tiberium Patches when he is badly

Once you destroyed the base, send in a missile using the route the
commando took and deploy the missiles. Don't use the bridge to the
northwest because it looks like tough but easily destroyed.
Deploy your missiles to win this mission.

Congratulations. You have won the NOD campaign
Tiberian Sun tips from the author, "Cyril Lucas"
GDI tips:

> Always count on your defences. Build up those componet towers.
Equiped them with Vulcans, RPGs, and SAMs.
> Always use fast units. The NOD artillery is waiting to destroy
slow ones.
> Use your Firestorm technology to stop the Chemicle and Multi
launchers from entering your base. Put them as far from your
building as you can.
> Put Mobile array in the middle of your base to find the cloaked
Stealth tanks and Subteranean units.
> Wolverines can kill infantries easily and titans can
destroy buildings and enemy vehicles or machine easily. Titans can
also stomp on infantries. This gives them instant death. But,
Rocket Infantries are harmful to Titans.

NOD tips

> Build many power plants from the start because you will need them
with defencive process.
> Don't overdo with your defencive process. The NOD defencive
buildings are very grouchy about power.
> Your artillery is a good defensive and aggresive unit. But they
are very useless against air units. Bring a 'flock' of rocket
infantries to help it out.
> Make sure that the artilleries are outside of your base. They can
destroy the ground very much. We don't want that to happen while
you are building buildings.

Tips for both sides

> Find a tiberium patch that is in big numbers. Deploy your base

> Make sure that at least 2 harvesters are going. Each refinery can
assist two harvesters. They can assist more but they will work
more slower.

> Destroy the enemies weak point first then attack the rest.
Examples: Tiberium patches where the opponets harvesters are
harvesting tiberium. A site where no air defense, strike them.

> In missions, do not always destroy cliffs that can be turned into
ramps. They might make the opponents attacks faster and destroys
your weak points.

This are tips from me. Please send in your's to my e-mail adress.
I will try to update it regulary. So, keep my inbox full!! :)
(Just kidding about the keep my inbox full)

Tip from Will Staruk (

> Tiberium will generate faster when it is located in a fixed area.
Such as:


+ = Wall section/Stones/Gates/Lasers/Component towers/Anything
# = Tiberium

Tip from Cephiroth McCloud (

> Pavements are not just things you build to make the area look
good. In fact, it can be used as a protection against Subteranean
Units such as Devil Tongues and Nod APCs. Artilleries won't dig a
hole on it. Other than that, it also can be build almost anywhere.
It can be build at a spot with has red-coloured area and white. It
cannot be build on the ocean or water. Here's an example:


You still can deploy it there!

r = Red-coloured Area
w = White-coloured Area

Frequently Asked Questions. (FAQ)

Is their anyway to slow down the timer in Final Conflict?
I think that there is none. (Answer given by Steven W. Carter)

Please send in your questions to my email.

Tiberian Sun structure description

Both sides structures

Contruction Yard
Description: This building lets you build structures.

Tiberium Refinery
Description: This building is equipped with an Harvester. This
building could keep a very large amount of Tiberium

Tiberium Silo
Description: This building keeps Tiberium when a Refinery is out of
space for Tiberium.

Concrete Walls
Description: Just a concrete wall. That's all.

Description: This building is used to create airships.

Description: This building lets you use the map option.

War Factory
Description: This building is used to create vehicles or machines

Technology Center
Description: This building is the place where all of the technologies
are search.

EMP cannon:
Description:This structure will shoots a wave and disables any

GDI structures

GDI power plant
Description: This building is the main power plant for GDI. You can
attach a Power Turbine to it. It will only hold three
Power Turbines

Power Turbines
Description: This attachment can be attach to a GDI power plant to
increase power.

Description: This building trains GDI infantries.

Firestorm Generator
Description: This generates the power to activate the Firestorm

Firestorm Wall Section
Description: This structure will unleash the firestorm power to stop
incoming enemy units and attacks. This structure will
not be damaged when it is in the firestorm mode.

Componet Towers
Description: This is a building that must be attached to something to

Vulcan Cannon upgrade
Description: This is as an attachment for the componet tower. Very
useful against infantries. Note: If the enemy is too
far, this attachment will not damage it.

SAM upgrade
Description: This is as an attachment for the componet tower. This
attachment shoots down air units.

RPG launcher upgrade
Description: This is as an attachment for the componet tower. Very
useful against cyborgs and vehicles. Note: If the enemy
is too close, this attachment can't damage it.

Comm Center
Description: This building is where you can use your Super Weapons.

Ion cannon uplink
Description: This attachment will let you use the Ion Cannon.

NOD structures

NOD power plant
Description: Just a power plant. Provides more power.

NOD Advanced Power Plant
Description: An improve version of the NOD power plant. Provides huge

Hand of NOD
Description: This building trains NOD infantries.

Missile Silo
Description: This building gives you the option to use the Multi
Missiles and Chemicle Missiles.

Tiberium Waste Facility
Description: This building is equipped with a weed eater. Lets you
use the Chemicle Missiles.

Description: Very useful against infantries. Note: If the enemy is
too far, this structure will not damage it.

Description: Shoots down air units

Description: Very slow in attack. Very useful against vehicles and
infantries. Note: if the enemy is too near, the
structure will not damage them.


I might have forgoten something. Please tell me and give me your
own version of description.


1.Thank you Westwood for making this great game.

2.My brother that helps me win this game without being a loser.

3.Thank you GameFAQS for putting this guide online.

4.Myself for writing this guide

5.Thank you to Steven W. Carter for answering my question is FAQ.

6.Will Staruk ( for correcting NOD Mission 9
and gave a brilliant idea featuring the growth of tiberium
patches. (Check tips section or NOd Mission 9)

7.Cephiroth McCloud ( for informing us about
the use of pavements. (Check tips section)

Copyright 2003 Cyril Lucas
Maybe you have forgotten. My
e-mail is

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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17.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.0.0.1)

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Spielstände für NOD und GDI zu Beginn es letzten Levels (Achtung: 1,7 MB)

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Side Selection/Unit Comparison FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Internet Play FAQ by Icy Guy
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Karte aufdecken (für v1.08)

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geld- und Energietrainer

15.Oktober 2013
Umfangreiche Information im Excel-Format

17.Oktober 2013
GDI-Komplettlösung im Word-Format

17.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
Geld beschaffen und Karte offenlegen (v.1.08)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.Oktober 2013
Geld-Beschaffer für die Demoversion

15.Oktober 2013
Geld-Beschaffer (v1.17)

17.Oktober 2013
Deutscher Rules.ini Editor

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Tiberian Sun Gold 3.21

16.Oktober 2013
Ein mächtiger Editor für die Rules.ini

15.Oktober 2013
Der berühmte Rules.ini Cheat auch für Tiberian Sun (deutscher Text)

16.Oktober 2013
Editor für die rules.ini

15.Oktober 2013
Zwei optimierte Rules.ini für GDI und NOD

16.Oktober 2013
Die Daten der Einheiten in HTML

16.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
07.Maart 2014
19.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
28.Februari 2016
11.Juni 2014
25.September 2015